#jealous kakashi hatake x reader
moumouton4 · 1 year
What Is His Name ?!? || Kakashi Hatake x reader
A/n : This was in my head for quite so time now 📕 Also my requests are open as always so let me know if you have any ideas 📊
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : Jiraiya being his perverted self but nothing too much and some jealous Kakashi because this guy is my whole life 🌺
Summary : You tell your boyfriend Kakashi Hatake about the strange encounter you had today
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1423
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Your day ended like any other day. You couldn't wait to get home and lie in your bed in the arms of your boyfriend, the famous copy ninja Kakashi Hatake. Once outside the door of your shared apartment, you took off your shoes and removed your khaki colored jacket before placing it on the chair at the dining table. You were greeted by your boyfriend not even 10 seconds after you took it off
He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist and with a swift motion he lowered his mask to give you a quick peck. But Kakashi being Kakashi couldn't help but slip his tongue over your bottom lip to ask you for entrance. You accepted but after a while of mading out you tapped lightly on his chest, before telling him that you were hungry and would rather have real food. He chuckled at your comment and let you out of his embrace before following you to the table to eat the meal he had prepared as he had arrived earlier than you
Once you had eaten your dinner and cracked many jokes. You let Kakashi take his shower first while you did the dishes, and you joined him a little later in your room once you took yours
When he saw you come in, he opened his arms, shifting the blanket so that you could come and snuggle in his arms. You snuggled into his embrace before kissing him, he held you a little tighter against him, allowing you to feel the warmth that emanated from his body. You then put your head in the crook of his neck and placed a few small kisses there
"How was your day ?" you heard his voice ask this question as he usually did "Anything interesting ?"
So you stayed in that position with your face buried in his neck and started to give him a summary of your day. Suddenly you laughed, your breath tickling his neck, as you recalled a particularly amusing and unexpected event from your day. This got his attention and you began to tell him about your strange encounter
"You remember you asked Ebisu senseï to take care of Naruto's training ?" you felt him nod, his hands tracing shapes on your back "Well, Naruto ran away and Ebisu asked me to help him get his hands on him. Once this done Naruto could finally start his training which consisted in walking on the hot springs. Except that at one point he stopped what he was doing and jumped out of the water. At first I thought he had run away again but I heard him yell 'Hey you what are you doing there ?!? We never taught you that it's rude to look-'. We didn't even hear the end of his sentence as he flew off before landing in the spring-"
You paused for a second as Kakashi kissed your bare shoulder before he motioned you to continue with a "huh-huh"
"At the time I didn't know if it was an enemy so I put myself in a defensive position. And then I saw a man, coming out from behind the bush, it seemed that he was sitting there looking at the girls in the bathhouse. Naruto jumped on him again but he flew away in the other direction just as fast. So when for the nth time Naruto tried to pounce on him I stepped in to find out who this man was. And just think, he lost all the attention he had on Naruto, his eyes were fixed on me as if it was the first time he saw another human being..."
Behind your back you could notice that Kakashi had stopped rubbing his hands on your back, his body had stiffened a little, trapping you a little more in his embrace as if to shelter you "And then he started talking about how he had never seen such a beautiful fruit and then he put his hands on his chest and made a gesture as if he was squeezing something and then Naruto jumped on him and started beating him up-"
Kakashi pulled you from his neck so he could look you in the eye "He didn't touch you ? Did he ?" anger seemed to drip from his words "No of course not but it was awfully funny to see. Especially when Naruto made him fall in the hot spring" you chuckled which brought some comfort to Kakashi but he couldn't help but remain angry at this situation
"What was his name ?" he asked his voice much more hoarse than he wanted it to come out. You kissed his forehead before answering "You know he's famous he said, plus he writes books..." Kakashi frowned "Books ?" "Well yes it's Jiraiya who writes the Icha Ichas you read ?" "What is his name ?!?" he asked almost shouting -  not believing you just mentioned the famous ninja - which made you jerk out of your sleepy state "The Toad Sage, the legendary ninja of Konoha" you repeated as the latter had said earlier in the day
"But this guy is what ! 50 years old ! What is he doing talking to you like that ? Doesn't he know that you're with me !" kakashi was panting at this point, you could almost see smoke coming out of his ears while his sharingan flashes in his eye
"You know I can defend myself to any fool plus there was Naruto and Ebisu, it's not like he could have done anything-" "Still !" you fell back on the bed as he got up from underneath you "Where are you going ?" you asked when you saw him put on his mask
"I have something to do" he said threateningly, but you knew better than to think that it was meant for you "Kakashi Hatake" you stood up and came to stand in front of him, your body flush against his. You put your hands to his mask and calmly pulled it away, he grabbed your wrist and kissed it. You put your hand against his jaw before caressing his face
"I'm sorry I didn't think this would make you upset-" "I'm not-" "I know you Kashi" you sighed "Please let's go to bed and tomorrow if you want we'll go see the Pervy Sage" "That for being perverted" he mumbled under his breath while sighing
You guided him back to the bed "You read those books though" you chuckled. This time he jumped up so fast that you couldn't stop him from getting up and he grabbed his Icha Icha book and threw it out the window. He threw it so hard that you could almost see *YEETTTTT* written in the path of his throw
He closed the window and got back into bed with you "You know tomorrow you will regret it" you laughed "I just hope it doesn't rain..." he confessed
The next day, you both jerk awake from knocks on the door. You get dressed in two seconds. You open the door and find yourself facing the blond guy from the day before "Hey Narut-" "Hi Y/n I found Kakashi senseï's book when I was passing by your house this morning" then he lowered his voice "You should be careful what he reads, there's some really questionalble stuff in that book-" he didn't even have time to finish his sentence as Kakashi jumped out from behind the door where he was adjusting his mask to rip the book out of his hands
You laughed as Naruto continued "I swear even when he's fighting us he's reading it-" he yelled in a high pitched voice as he saw a shuriken sticking right next to his head in the doorway "I-I'm going to l-let you now bye Y/n ! See you later senseï !" and with that he ran off leaving you laughing as you closed the door
"That kid I swear" Kakashi said shaking his head "You're the one reading this in front of your students" "Hey don't senseï me Y/n you do love what's in this book as much as I do" he said with a smug face that you could clearly see even with his mask on "Oooh you !" you smiled before joining him in your dining room. Yet it's true that this book could be useful sometimes... but don't tell him he'll be so cocky... also don't bother he already knows what you think
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🧼🍊 Again my requests are open 🥦⚡
Taglist : @malfoyscamander, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
138 notes · View notes
detectivestucks · 2 months
A Jealous Hokage XV
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summery: Last chapter babes! You start your new role as the intelligence department head and go on your first date only to be interrupted by work. The night's activities resulting in a surprise.
Warnings: NSFW, sexual teasing, toy usage, biting, nipple play, unprotected penetration, mentions of period.
Word Count: 7.3k
Art Credit: @akirasukuna
Part 14 New Here? Check out Part 1
A/N: Lightly edited so be kind.
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There he is, the last person you wanted to see. So why did his mere presence in your doorway steal your breath? Maybe it was how he stood there tall and slender, hair in a pristine swoop, red armband snug around his bicep, and soft brown eyes focused on your starstruck face. 
The two of you stand there, staring at each other, unable to think, speak, or move. 
His apologetic face makes it all feel raw. Once more tearing open your wounds. Seeing his hurt expression did exactly what you feared it would. The love never went away, it pangs your heart to see him. How are you supposed to work together when there is this much tension caught between you? 
“May I…may I come in?”
“I guess”
Kakashi hesitantly strides into your new office, inspecting the floors, walls and oak desk.
“Congratulations by the way.”
“Thank you Lord Sixth”
Kakashi visibly cringes. “Please don’t ever call me by that title again.”
“Kakashi, there’s a time and a place-”
“Not with you there’s not.”
You don’t know what to say in response to the pain coating his face. He regretted it. He has so many regrets in his life but the ones that lead to losing you hurt the most. One expects to lose loved ones during times of war, but he never expected to lose you. He thought you were his just as much as he was yours, but he was wrong.
“How-how are you doing?” you ask
Kakashi looked down. A normal question for most conversations but between the two of you it was loaded like a gun.
“I don’t think I can bring myself to answer that honestly right now.” he says with downcast eyes.
Your gaze drops to the floor. “I’m sorry.” you whisper. You never wanted things to be like this between you.
In a deep low voice you hear Kakashi respond, “That’s what I should be saying to you.”
“You’ve already apologized enough.”
“No, I haven’t. I could never apologize enough.”
“Kakashi, I-” but the words get caught in your choked throat as your eyes turn up to see tears streaming down Kakashi’s cheeks while he continues to stare at the floor. You rush over to hug him, incapable of seeing him so heartbroken. You bury your face in his chest. “It’ll be okay Kashi.”
He silently hugs you and cries as you feel your heart being ripped from your chest. You did this to him. You caused him this pain. This is what regret feels like. You start to bawl into his vest.
“I’m sorry Kakashi. I didn’t mean it. I was just hurt and I felt like I was backed into a corner. I wish I could take it back.”
“Don’t apologize to me.” He squeezes you tight. “Please, I only have myself to blame.”
“No Kakashi, you’re a good man.” You lift your teary face from his chest to stare into his eyes. “Amazing in fact.”
Kakashi’s soft eyes sparkled as they looked down on you. Overcome by a wave of affection, he leans down to press his lips into yours when you pull back. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t. I-” 
That’s when it hit you. It felt wrong. Pulling away from Kakashi felt wrong. Trying to tell him there was someone else felt wrong. Choosing Obito was wrong. 
You look back up at Kakashi’s crushed face. There was someone else, he knows it. And he’s pretty sure who knows who too. “I’m sorry. I overstepped.” Kakashi quickly withdraws from your arms and retreats to his office, trying to collect his emotions. 
“Kakashi, wait!”
You run after him, grabbing him by the arm and pulling so he’d turn around and face you. “Please Kakashi, don’t go.”
“Are you dating him?” He snuffles
“No…it was only one night and we never got the chance to talk about it.”
“What do you mean you never got the chance?”
“He kinda freaked out when I said I was going to take the position with Gaara.”
That piece of news caught Kakashi off guard. “You were gonna leave?”
You bite your lip and l look to the side feeling a little awkward. “...well, yeah… I just didn’t have any reason to stay and it would’ve been a promotion for me so...”
Kakashi’s eyes fall to the floor. “I’m sorry I put you in a position where you wanted to leave. I-I would’ve really missed you but… I would’ve been proud of you too. It was a good offer.”
“Thank you…but please stop apologizing.”
Kakashi’s eyes fluttered up to look at you. “I don’t think I can.”
You feel solemn and need comfort. “May I hug you again?”
“You don’t have to ask”
You dive in to embrace him, squeezing him tight. 
“I still love you.” you whisper
“I love you too.” he whispers back. 
Tears leak out of your eyes as the two of you stand there holding each other. You almost feel yourself center as you soak in his body heat and his scent. You take one last deep breath before he speaks.
“I, um, I need to get back to my office. I have a mission briefing to complete.”
“Okay” you whisper as you withdraw from him.
He kisses the top of your head before he lets you go. His glassy eyes looking down at you with complete adoration. You catch his hand as it drops from your shoulder and hold it in yours.
“I uh-I think I need to have a talk with Obito…”
You can hear the hope in his husky dry voice. 
After giving his hand a quick squeeze you let it go, walking backwards towards your door, maintaining eye contact with him till you reach the threshold. You lean against the doorframe staring at him. A small smile gracing your lips. 
“I’ll see you later Kashi.”
He turns away to walk to his office when he stops and looks over his shoulder.
“See you later, Angel.”
A smile stretching his lips under his noir mask before he walks away. You linger a little while longer, watching him walk away before you turn back inside your office and close the door, finishing what you started. 
Kakashi sits down working on his mission report for Obito. After a half hour he hears a knock on the double doors. 
Obito turns the knob, stepping in a bit nervous. It was the first time he’d seen Kakashi since professing his love to you and he wasn’t sure how to act. Should he tell him? Should he ask permission to date you? Should he wait? He didn’t know what to do.
“Hey Kakashi”
Kakashi clears his throat, “Uh, Hey.”
Kakashi extends the mission briefing that was on his desk towards Obito. “Here’s everything you need to know for your next mission.”
“This is the one that’s gonna be a little over a month?”
“Alright.” Obito grabs the scroll and unfurls it, giving it a once over. He turns to leave but before he walks out he pauses. “I’m sorry Kakashi...”
“I’m sorry too, Obito.”
Kakashi’s response caught Obito off guard. He had no idea why Kakashi would apologize to him. He had done nothing wrong, but instead of questioning him he just nodded his head and strode away heading home to pack. 
At his house Obito put a change of clothes, some food pills, and medical supplies in his pack. Stashing some creature comforts in his void, he stopped a moment in the vast gray space to think. He needed to see you. He didn’t want you to leave him but maybe he could come with you. The Leaf and the Sand were allies. Maybe they would welcome him, allow him to join their shinobi forces. Taking a deep breath he focuses on the image of your home and materializes there.
You leap off the couch out of terror. “Obito!! What the hell?! You scared me!”
Obito only laughs in his rich raspy voice that makes you close your eyes and hum. 
“Sorry Princess”, he says as he approaches and kisses you deeply in a breath stealing kiss.
You melt slightly in his arms, enjoying the feeling of him embracing you.
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
He finally releases your lips and presses his forehead against yours, “Hi Princess.” He pecks your cheek before standing up to his full height.
You take a moment to recover from the searing heat on your lips and cheek as you gather your wits. “Hi Obi”
You look up into his adoring eyes and feel yourself shrink. 
“I leave for a mission tomorrow and I wanted to talk to you.”
“I wanted to talk to you too.”
“I’d like to go first.”
You bite your lip before you agree, offering to sit down while you speak. Obito takes  your hand and begins to play with it, watching how he toys with your fingers as he speaks.
“I know you want to move to the Sand and if that’s what you need to do, I support you and maybe…maybe I’ll go with you.” His eyes snap up to your face, reading your expression. “I love you and, I-I want to make this work.”
You feel your heart twist in your rib cage. Your eyebrows falling to an empathetic gaze.
“Obito…I umm…”
He takes your hand and squeezes it, lifting it to his lips to give it a kiss. 
“Obito, I have news.”
“Lady Tsunade, she came to the flower shop last night.” he looks at you with keen interest. 
“And…she offered me the position of Intelligence Department Head.”
“That’s amazing!” He hugs you tightly and you can tell he’s brimming with pride.
“But-um, Obito, I…” You push him off of you to look him in the eye as you speak the next few words. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. “Obito, I, I don’t think-”
“-don’t say it.”
“Please Princess, don’t.” He looks down in his lap and you can quite visibly see his heart shattering before your eyes. “I already know where you’re going with this.”
“I was in Kakashi’s office earlier and he apologized to me. …now I know why.”
“I’m sorry. I have feelings for you but-”
“I already know.” Tears start to leak out of your eyes as he speaks. “You’ve always been his…I wish I had met you first. If I had just met you first then just maybe…”He drops his head defeated, tears freely falling from his lashline.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Do you love me?”
“But you love him more…”
“I’m sorry. I really am, but Obito, you don’t deserve to be someone’s second choice. You should be her first.”
“Not if she’s you.”
“No Obi.” You begin to cry.
He pulls you into a hug and you can feel tear drops fall into your hair. “It’s okay Princess. I’ll be okay.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
He squeezes you tighter before pulling back to kiss your forehead. Murmuring softly,
“I love you. I probably always will, so just be happy for me. Okay?”
“Okay” you sob.
He pulls you in for one more hug, “I gotta go finish packing for my mission. I’ll see you around, Princess.”
He releases you and stands up. His eyes locked on yours as he swirls away. Leaving you alone on your couch staring blankly at the space he left.
Sunday passed in a blur but now it’s Monday morning and you are a nervous mess. You changed your outfit several times before settling on a simple cream colored knitted body con dress with gold stud earrings, and low heels. You stride into your new office and take a seat behind the big oak desk, taking a moment to savor it. 
You hear a familiar light knock on the doorframe and look up to see Kakashi holding a flower in his hand. 
“May I come in Ms. Department Head?”
A smile splits your face. “Yes, Mr. Hokage.”
Kakashi walks in and extends the flower in his hand. “This is for you.”
“Thank you.”
You grab the flower, resisting the urge to pull down his mask, giving him a peck on the cheek instead.
“I’m sure Lady Tsunade will be in soon looking for you. There’s a translation about the Otsutsuki that she wants your opinion on.”
“Oh, that could be serious.”
“Yes, it could be. Plus she’s your biggest fan. …besides me of course.”
You can’t help the rose color that flushes your cheeks at his words. Looking at the ground unable to handle his flattery. A singular finger lifts your chin, causing your eyes to flutter up to his. 
“You’re going to be brilliant. You’re incapable of anything less.”
Your cheeks tint from pink to red. 
“Don’t go giving me a big head, Kashi.”
He chuckles and kisses your nose. “We have a briefing with the entire Intelligence Department in 30 minutes and then a council meeting right after. Then you and I are grabbing lunch. Okay?”
“Got it.” you smile with a nod.
Kakashi turns to leave just as Lady Tsunade walks in. 
“Lord Sixth”
“Lady Fifth”
The two smile as Kakashi turns down the hall.
“Well Y/N, I see you’re in your new office.”
“Yes. Just as you asked”
“And I see you and Kakashi are doing better.”
“Uh, I uh…” you scratch the base of your ponytail as Tsunade laughs at you. 
“Oh this is gonna be a fun day!”
“Lady Tsunade-”
“Relax! Come on, here”
She pulls out a small vile of sake from her coat pocket and takes a sip, extending it to you.
“Lady Tsunade!” you squeal with wide eyes.
“Come ooon! It’s not big deal. I did it all the time as Hokage.”
You quickly glance over to the door before taking the bottle and having a drink.
“Thata girl!”
“You’re so embarrassing.” you laugh as you hand the sake back
“Come on, let me show you what the current projects are before we get to the department briefing.”
“Sounds good.”
The rest of the morning went well. There was not a single smirk or snicker during your introduction as the new department head. Shiho talked to you afterwards and told you that they had been struggling quite a bit since you left. This gave you some vindication as you enjoyed the thought of them regretting their earlier teasing. 
The meeting with the counsel went well too. They did bring up some rules about interpersonal relationships which left you flustered but all around they seemed pleased to welcome you into their ranks.
After everyone was dismissed, you went to the breakroom to get some hot water for your tea. You stand up in the empty room and put your mug on the counter as you steep the tea bag when strong arms envelop you. 
“Hi” a deep whisper softly speaks in your ear.
“Hi” you hum back as you sink into Kakashi’s arms. 
You spin around to face him and bury your nose in his chest as your arms sling around his waist. He nudges the top of your head with his masked nose and you look up at him.
“There’s those pretty eyes I missed so much.” He smiles
“Yeah? What else did you miss?” you giggle
Kakashi slides your mug to the side and lifts you up onto the countertop, spreading your legs so he can slot himself between them. He lowers his mask before wrapping his arms back around you. 
“I missed these lips.”
“Yeah?” you breathe the sound barely audible as you lean in. 
Your mouths connect in a hot and passionate kiss swirling your minds and leaving everything hazy. You forget for a moment that you’re not on your kitchen counter at home as you moan into him, wrapping your legs around his waist and threading your fingers into his hair. Deep wimpers come from him as he pulls you closer, letting desire get the better of him. His hands fist your clothes and he feels himself about to get carried away when he pulls back. 
The both of you pant heavily as you calm yourselves down. 
“Sorry, I-I missed you.”
You nuzzle your face into his neck. “I missed you too.”
You continue to hold each other as you let your ankles unhook and fall to either side of Kakashi’s hips. 
Kakashi hears footsteps approaching and grabs your hand, to steady you as you hop off of the counter. 
“Lunch sounds good.”
The two of you hold hands as you walk through the halls. It felt right to stand by his side, your fingers interlaced with his. You hold your head high as you walk past the gawking faces. You weren’t going to let other people’s opinions bother you anymore. They can say what they wanna say. You know your worth and you know how you feel. You grip Kakashi’s hand tighter causing him to turn and look at you. He sees your lips pull up at the corners and he can feel his heart soar. 
After a week, everything was going good. Like really good. Not even your period could ruin your mood after the week you’ve had. The transition into your new position went smoothly and on Friday you left the building with a skip in your step. On your way out you stopped by Kakashi’s office but noticed he went home already. You couldn't blame him for slipping away after all the late nights he had this week. So you went on your way home to go relax on your couch. Only when you arrive home you find Kakashi standing outside your door with a bouquet of roses and baby’s breath. 
“What’s this?”
“Y/N, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?”
“Us? Go on a date?” You say with a smile on your face.
“Yes. A date. A real date. Like a real couple.”
“I don’t know, that sounds a little too normal for us.”
“Don’t make me beg.”
You laugh as you throw your arms around him. “Of course I’ll go on a date with you, but can we wait till my period is finished? I don’t wanna be all bloated and gross.”
Now it was Kakashi’s turn to laugh. “You could never be bloated and gross to me.”
You give him a smooch on the cheek. “I know, I know, you love running red lights.”
Kakashi laughs nuzzling into you. “So when can I take you out?”
“Then I’m making a reservation for Monday.”
“A reservation? Where are we going?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just dress to impress and let me handle dinner”
You give him a slightly suspicious look before breaking into a smile. “Fine, I guess.”
“Now about running those red lights…”
“Sorry, Mr. Horn Dog.” you say as you poke him in the forehead with your finger. 
“Fine …” 
He nuzzles into the crook of your neck before you finally move to put your key in the door. 
“Come on, let's go inside.”
All day on Monday Kakashi was an absolute tease. You walked into your office to find a bouquet of flowers already sitting on your desk with a note: Can’t wait for tonight, my Angel
You smile as you set the note down on your desk. 
During your weekly briefing with your team, you catch Kakashi slide into the back of the room. He leans against the wall, folding his arms, and gives you that stare you only see when he wants to take you in the closet. Your throat goes dry mid-sentence causing your voice to crack. You gave Kakashi a quick look before he smiled and walked out of the room.
In a council meeting he sits down next to you and keeps his hand on the inside of your thigh, making you clench your legs together. Moreover in the hallways, when no one is around, he presses you up against the wall, his breath tickling your ear as he tells you exactly what he wants to do to you during dinner tonight. The two of you hadn’t been intimate since before your last mission and the sexual tension is causing you to slowly snap. Finally you were nearing the end of the day, however, after a quick meeting in the Hokage’s office he corners you once the room is vacant. Kakashi cages you in with his arms and props his leg between yours. 
“Ms. Yamanaka, where do you think you’re going?”
The position steals your breath away.
“I, umm, I was going to go back to my office, Lord Kakashi.”
“I think instead you better head home and get ready for a very important evening.”
“I should?” you say as a whisper, still feeling breathless from the compromising position. 
“Yes, you have a very hungry man anxious to see you.”
“But I don’t get off for another hour.”
“Maybe the Hoakge is willing to grant you permission to leave early. He also wanted me to tell you to wear this.”
Kakashi slips out the pink vibrating pad from the Gala and pushes it into your hands. Your eyes dart back up to his and you immediately chew on your lip out of nervousness.
“Consider it an apology for sleeping with Obito.”
“Yes, Sir” you whisper in his ear as you tuck the pad away feeling your mouth going dry at the memory of last time he made you wear this.
“Now hurry home, Angel. I don’t want you to be late.”
Kakashi was right to send you home early. You took an extra long time getting ready cause you wanted to look perfect. Just like you did for the Gala, you style your hair into long soft waves, pinned back on one side. You bring out the earrings and bracelet Kakashi got you for the Gala, and slip on your strappy black heels. Standing in front of the mirror you smooth out the wrinkles in the black fabric with your hands as you admire your choice in dress. It was a beautiful all satin strapless corset top with a calf-length flowing chiffon skirt, complete with a little thigh slit just how Kakashi likes. 
You hear a light rap on the door and go to answer it. There stood Kakashi in a white button up with a black tie and gray dress slacks. And of course in the hands of the Copy Ninja is a bouquet of flowers.
“Wow Kashi, you look so handsome.”
“Look who’s talking. You are absolutely breathtaking, my love.”
He steps inside so he can remove his mask to give you a proper kiss. After your lips disconnect he hands you the flowers.
“These are for you, Angel.”
You take them and giggle. “At this rate I’m going to run out of vases Kashi.”
He lets out a light chortle before he grabs your waist and pulls you near.
“You ready for dinner?”
“Of course.”
Arm snug around your waist, the two of you walk to a beautiful and very fancy restaurant. Apparently it was an establishment frequented by the Feudal Lord. They had live music and extravagant decorations. Everything was plated in gold, the walls, the plates, the chopsticks. You felt timid to touch anything so expensive, lest you break it.
“Kashi, this is quite the space”
“I wanted to go big for our first date. Plus there are certain perks to being Hokage.”
“I don’t know if I belong in a place like this.” You say as your eyes dart around the room nervously.
“Angel, you most definitely fit in a place like this. You are finally standing in a room almost as beautiful as you are.”
Kakashi tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear looking down on you with every drop of adoration a human could possibly muster. The two of you are led to a secluded table near the back of the restaurant. You sit down beside each other and not a second too soon your breath hitches as Kakashi turns on the pad. Your hand immediately shoots out to clutch his bicep in an attempt to brace yourself. Kakashi cooly reaches over, resting his hand on your thigh, stroking it with his thumb.
“Something wrong dear?”
You turn your head with wide eyes and Kakashi increases the intensity. Your fingers dig deeper into his arm as you attempt to catch your breath.
A huge smirk is seen under his mask. 
“It’s not funny Kashi!” you say in a panic, feeling yourself pant from the vibrations tickling your clit.
“I’d beg to differ. Now be a good girl and enjoy yourself.”
“Good Evening!” The waiter interjects.
“Good Evening!” Kakashi greets sitting up straight
“Hi” you say looking down. Redness flooding your cheeks in embarrassment.
“Can I start you off with any drinks tonight?”
“Two glasses of awamori, please”
“Great, and have you had a chance to look over the menu?”
“Actually we will get two of what the Feudal Lord normally has.”
The waiter raises a brow at Kakashi, knowing the price tag of the meal but Kakashi simply smiles beneath his mask and nods. Satisfied, the waiter returns the nod and heads to the kitchen. As soon as the waiter is out of earshot Kakashi turns off the pad allowing you to breathe. 
“Well that was fun.” he says as you pant beside him.
“It most certainly is not.”
Kakashi turns the pad back on. “I wholeheartedly disagree.” he muses before leaning in and whispering in his deep voice, “I love watching you squirm in public.”
“S’not fair, Kashi.” you cry as your eyes screw shut in the intense pleasure of the vibrator. 
“Sweet Angel, can we have a nice meal before you get so needy?” he jests 
You open your eyes pleading with him to turn it off. You feel your underwear soak and you’re worried your arousal is seeping onto your dress.
“Tell me, how wet is my Angel?”
“Kashi,” your hand goes back to gripping him “People will think I’ve wet myself.”
You spread your legs and readjusted the position of your hips to let the pad sink between your folds even more.
“Mmmm, seems like you wanna ride.”
Your head nods to the side, your mouth falling open. You feel yourself going dumb to the stimulation and shift slightly back and forth on the pad.
‘What a good girl.”
You turn towards him and bury your face in his shoulder. “This is so embarrassing.” you whisper as you continue to rut on the pad.
“I’m going to need you to cum before our waiter gets back, my love. I’d hate for him to see you like this.”
Your embarrassment dusts a shade of crimson on the tips of your ears as you rub more purposefully against the pad. Kakashi bumps up the vibrations and your knees begin to shake. Your breath catches in your throat before you fully collapse against Kakashi. Finally he turns off the toy right as the waiter arrives with your drinks and food. 
Everything about dinner was nothing short of amazing. The food, the drink, the conversation, you wanted to commit every moment of it to memory. This was turning into one of the best nights of your life until a member of intelligence approaches your table. 
“Lord Hokage, forgive me. A raven came in, they need Ms. Yamanaka’s assistance urgently.”
You and Kakashi look at each other, then back at the messenger. 
“Give us a moment to settle our tab and we will be right there.”
The three of you make your way over to headquarters, speed walking across the village in your high heels. As you walk you are briefed on the situation. The Sand asked for an emergency intelligence consultation. A band of rogue shinobi have been raiding the outskirts of the village but are starting to escalate in violence. Tonight they came across a warning in an unknown language. They don’t know if it’s a cypher or a dead language but since the Leaf is notorious for their intelligence team’s translations, they are asking for your help. The only clue they can make out is the date which shows tomorrow. 
Upon entry, you ask that the memo and the scroll be brought to your office where you have your textbooks. All the usual faces arrive including Shikamaru and Shiho. Much to your dismay it is not in fact a rare language but is rather a cypher. 
“Kakashi, can you get Gaara on the phone? We’re gonna need someone with more knowledge about the Land of Wind to help us crack this one.”
With the help of Gaara, Timarri, the Sand’s Intel team, as well as Kakashi, Shiho, and Shikamaru, you discovered that the note worked two ways. With one letter shift, it warned of a bombing to the village gates, however with a different letter shift it warned of a robbery to the village treasury. Shikamaru was the one who wondered why the bandits would warn of the bombing when they had never left clues for an attack before. Something told you it was an ego feeding itself and there may be more to the message than what they originally thought. It was quite an impressive feat. You felt disappointed in the decisions of the brilliant mind who could pull off such a work of art as this cypher. It was one of the most impressive intel projects you worked on. 
You dismissed everyone around 4am however you and Kakashi stayed behind to finish up the paperwork that went along with the request and put together the invoice for Gaara. You felt so tired you didn’t think you could walk home. Kakashi suggested that the two of you spend the night on the sleeping pad in his office. You happily agreed and thought it was a humorous turn of events to have to have pulled an all nighter on your first date. It definitely fits your love story.
You and Kakashi enter his office, holding hands and lock the door behind you so no one will disturb you as you sleep through the day tomorrow. He pulls out the small mat he keeps on hand for days like this and climbs in with you, both still wearing your dress clothes. 
Though the mat was small you shared it while you cuddle under a wool blanket. You lay facing each other, Kakashi with his mask off, each staring into the other’s eyes. The two of you memorizing your faces in the pale light of night. You couldn’t help but get lost in his mahogany irises, watching how they bore into you.
You gazed at his face, feeling his chest push into yours with each deep breath. Each inhalation coursing oxygen through your vessels, replenishing the weary cells, and centering your mass. You tuck your arms into your chest while he holds you close. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” he suddenly confesses. You realize he’s not talking about your date getting interrupted but about everything since the gala.
“I know,” you whisper. “and I’m sorry too.”
Like magnets, your lips draw together. A long soft kiss, resetting the balance of the world. The usual butterflies returning to your stomach as you lay with him. He is your person. He owns your soul. This is a fact. No matter the difficulties, you will always fall back into his arms.
As you kiss you begin to feel hardness form on your thigh.
“Sorry.” Kakashi says, embarrassed. “We haven’t, you know, in awhile and now that you're here it just um…”
You smile, “I see I was missed.”
“So much” He says as he dives back in to kiss you but this time with more heat. You return his passion as you lift your leg wrapping it over his hip. He rolls on top of you, laying all his weight on your chest before tucking his knees between your legs and pulling you up into his lap. You sit straddling him, rolling your hips and you feel his erection through your pants. It’s enough to make you moan. 
“I missed those sounds. I thought I would never hear them again.” he says as he buries his face in your neck pushing his hips up into yours.
He begins to suck on your neck. “Kashi, please, people will see.”
“Sorry” he whispers as he lowers his head to suck at the top of your breast.
“Just take the damn thing off if you’re gonna do that.” you say.
You don’t have to tell him twice. Your black dress disappears to a dark corner of the office before you could take your next breath. 
He runs his thumbs over your collar bone, tracing your shoulders before he drops his gaze. He stared intensely at your chest. His eyes tore over your smooth skin now adorned with goosebumps. He studied the peaks and valley of your breasts, ingraining them into his memory. The small bumps around your nipple and the color of your areola, memorizing it all. He lowered his head to taste the familiar soft skin, salty from the day's toll. He licked the entire surface, savoring the flavor before making his way to the nubs. He lightly petted them with his tongue. They were delicate but they were too tantalizing and he couldn’t resist the urge to sink his teeth around them when they were so close to his mouth. You let out the most erotic whine he has ever heard and it’s enough to make precum soak through his briefs. 
Pushing you down on the ground he rips off your panties and rids himself of his clothes. He needs you now. He attacked your chest with his mouth unable to restrain himself. Your breathy moans as he assaulted your sensitive skin were euphoric, ringing in his ears. He could’ve cum from your sound alone. You planted the soles of your feet into the floor as your hips bucked up, rutting your fluids all over his chest, one hand in his hair,  while the other searched for fantom bedsheets to hold on to. 
“Kashi, don’t stop.”
“‘Wasn’t planning on it.” he breathed as he broke your skin. Blood pooling in his mouth. He sucked on the copper taste, licking his lips before trailing down your body. 
“So fucking wet for me. Always so wet. I could feed myself for the rest of my life down here.” he says as he dives in on your slippery folds. Bare feet still planted, now both hands search for something to grab onto as his tongue plays with your slit. Diving in and out, nose tickling your bundle of nerves, he was a ravenous wolf and your hips straining to free yourself from his jaws.
“Kashiiiii! Oh gods!” You raised your hand, grabbing a fistfull of his hair, pushing him into your heat as he happily lapped away licking and sucking on your lips and clit.
He kissed a trail of hickies up to your collarbone before licking along your clavicle and the column of you neck. He landed a wet sloppy kiss on your mouth while he aligned his tip with your slit. Prodding your clit as he rubbed your labia with his shaft.
Your mouth dropped into a sinful O as he pulled back and slid inside of you. You exhale with a broken breath, feeling the familiar stretch. You melted into a puddle under his strong figure. He could swear he saw stars in your eyes as you gazed up at him. 
Establishing a slow rhythm, he savored the feeling of his veins catching each ridge in your gummy interior. Nothing felt more like home than being inside of your warm walls, having them hug his manhood tightly as you lost your breath with each stroke. 
He holds his body close to yours, feeling your stiffened peaks rub against his chiseled chest while he glides in and out of you. You feel the tension build in your lower abdomen. Each sweet kiss of your cervix eliciting a soft sound from your lips directly into his ear. You could feel him twitch with each little noise. 
One of your hands grabbed a firm hold of the back of his neck but the other wandered freely. Slowly exploring his arm, then his chest and gliding up to his back, feeling the scars of battles fought long ago. Thrusts continue to slide his girth in and out of you, still you aimlessly glide your hand along each indent of muscle overlapping with another, feeling up his spine and into his hair. He closed his eyes as you toyed with the silver strands. Focused on the feeling over his entire body, not just what your cunt was doing to his length but on every touch of your delicate hands. 
He was brimming with love for you. It was taking over his entire body. Studying each stray strand of hair, each eyelash, each pore on your skin, lowering his gaze to your newly adorned chest, covered in fresh love bites. He started to snap up into you sharply, feeling himself ready to cum. 
“I love you, Y/N” he whispers
“I love you too, Kakashi” you breathe back
And with your confession you feel the familiar wave of orgasmic warmth flood through your body reaching each finger and toe. Kakashi thrusts as he finishes, letting your needy walls milk him for all he’s worth. Once done he falls on top of you, tip still inside, catching his breath as his spend begins to leak out.
Grateful that he locked the door ahead of time, you and he fall asleep just as you are, on his tiny sleeping pad with only a wool blanket covering the Hokage’s bare behind, feeling the kind of peace of mind that had eluded you for months.
Life sped past over the next few weeks. You took really well to your new role and all the teasing you used to receive for dating Kakashi finally slipped down the storm drain. You felt at peace but furthermore you felt a sense of smugness knowing that they now know how much they need what’s between your ears. They no longer care about who’s between your legs and the more you and Kakashi interact publicly, the less stares you receive. Everything is finally going according to plan. 
You sit at your desk and start to think about lunch when you smell something wonderful waft down the hall. It smelled like someone was cooking something over a campfire. Suddenly craving whatever was being had in the break room, you decide to head down the hall so you can ask what it is. When you step into the break room you see none other than Obito standing there holding a bowl of chicken and sticky rice.
“Hi Princess.”
You feel your chest tighten, your eyes closing at the sound of his voice saying your nickname.
“How-um-how…how was your mission?”
“Long, but it gave me plenty of time to think.”
You feel your stomach flip in anxiety. “Obito, I’m so sorry.”
“I know Princess I-”
“Oh my gods!”
You run to the trash can and throw up what was left of your breakfast. 
“Princess, are you okay?”
“Sorry, I just ah-I guess I’m not feeling well.” You didn’t want to admit that the guilt of everything made you empty your stomach of its contents. 
“Hmm, maybe you should go home.”
“I’ll be fine.” you say feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Obito gives you a questioning look. 
“Really, I’ll be fine. Maybe just some rice and water for lunch and I’ll be fine.” you say with a shrug as you speed walk away from the break room. You turn towards Kakashi’s office hoping he had some water for you to rinse out your mouth when you realize the smell of ramen is getting stronger with each step in his direction. Sure enough, when you open the door to his office the smell hits you like a ton of bricks. You try to wave the smell away from your nose with your hand as you speak.
“Geez, Kashi, what’d they put in your ramen?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a bit strong, don’t you think?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your ramen. I can smell it down the hall.”
“Yeah! Do you have water?”
“I think I have some over in that corner.” he says as he points “Why? Forget your tea?”
“No, I just threw up and I need to wash out my mouth.”
“You threw up?”
“Yeah. I smelled some delicious campfire smell and then I ran into Obito and felt sick all of a sudden. It was really embarrassing.”
“You smelled Obito?”
“What?! No! I smelled a campfire and…oh.”
“Angel, when was your last period?”
“Right before our date…”
“Angel, I think we need to get you checked.”
You zone out a bit as you consider what this means. You look over at Kakashi, “But I’m on birth control. You really think that we’re, that I’m...”
Kakashi rounds his desk and kisses your forehead before pulling you into a hug. 
“Kashi…” you whisper, ‘I still haven’t rinsed my mouth out yet.”
He chuckles and lets you go to grab your water. “Here, make it quick cause I want to kiss you.”
You blush and take the water and swish. You chug the remainder of the bottle before Kakashi pulls you into him to kiss you as if it were your wedding day. When your lips disconnect he holds you close, eyes closed, foreheads touching.
“What was that for?”
“Marry me.”
“What?” Kakashi opens his eyes and stares at you through your lashes.
“Marry me.”
“Are you joking??”
“No. I want to marry you. I’ve wanted to marry you from the day you first saw my face.”
“Kakashi, we don’t even know if I’m pregnant.”
“It’s irrelevant. I love you and I want to marry you. What do you say?”
“Kakashi, are you seriously proposing after I just threw up?”
“I’ll give you a real proposal later. Just tell me yes.”
You swallow and nod your head, “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
He squeezes  you tight and spins you around the room.
“Kashiiii I’m gonna throw up again.”
“Right.” he says as he sets you down, “Let's get you to a doctor.”
Leaving his lunch behind, you and Kakashi interlace your fingers as you walk down the hallway and out the building towards the hospital. The medical staff set you up in a room with a paper gown, where the two of you wait for Sakura to join you.
You’re swinging your legs as you sit on the table when finally a head of pink hair comes breezing through the door.
“Kakashi sensei, do you mind explaining why my other appointments got bumped back fifteen minutes?”
“I needed you to check on Y/N.”
You wave your fingers, feeling a pink tint your cheeks. Sakura’s eyes scan you up and down and she understands. She pulls the sonogram cart from the corner and asks when your last period was.
“It was about 7 weeks ago.”
“And you’re just getting checked?”
“I didn’t really think about it. Time kinda slipped by plus I’m on birth control so I didn’t think-”
“Well things can still happen.” Sakura squirts jelly onto a probe and directs Kakashi to sit near your face. “This is gonna feel a little cold.”
“Okay” You nod before looking over at Kakashi and nervously grasping his hand. You feel the probe get inserted and soon after you hear a tiny fluttering pulse. You watch as Kakashi’s eyes widen with joy while looking at the screen. You peel your pupils off of him and turn to look.
“Yup, congratulations you two! You’re having a baby!”
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Alternate Ending coming soon.
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mrs-barnes-library · 1 year
Kakashi yandere or jealous nsfw plss??🥺
Ooh gosh thank you so much for the request 😍 it's as if you knew I wanted to write today 👀 It's my first time writing someone as a yandere though it's gonna be interesting 👀
Let's go 🏃‍♂️⚡
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Yandere Kakashi Hatake :
Yandere Kakashi Hatake would never let you leave the house without visible teeth marks and purple hickeys on your neck. If he sees that you are trying to hide them, don't even bother… you won't go out today, or tomorrow… not until he has immaculately marked your body to show that you belong to him. In addition your wrists are often bruised because of the ropes he uses to tie your wrists
Yandere Kakashi Hatake who when you come home after a long time feels obliged to take you against the nearest surface whether it is the front door, the dining room table - it doesn't matter as long as in the end you are full of his cum
Yandere Kakashi Hatake overstimulating you until you cry, hips banging against yours vigorously, filling your apartment with the very viscous sound of your releases - especially yours - mixing a little more each time he thrusts his cock into you
Yandere Kakashi Hatake who sniffs you when you come back from the village to make sure that no one gets too close to you and if he has the misfortune to smell someone else's scent he will personally make sure that they never gets close to you again
Yandere Kakashi Hatake who considers you at times more like an object that he owns. Tying you up in his worst moments in a corner of the house and only untying you to fuck you - sometimes he leaves you tied up
Yandere Kakashi Hatake who asks you to open up for him before spitting in your mouth because it's one more way to show that you belong to him entirely
Yandere Kakashi Hatake asking you very specific questions about what you did during the day while he is hammering away at you. It's hard for you to speak because of the pressure that is building up in your lower abdomen but you have to speak and be clear otherwise you know he won't stop thrusting into your body... you both know he has the stamina to keep you up until tomorrow morning - he has already proved it once or twice
Jealous Kakashi Hatake :
Jealous Kakashi Hatake who feels jealous every time you talk to Naruto, Lee or Neji, because now they are men and he is afraid that you will leave him
Jealous Kakashi Hatake who then feels obliged to fuck you very hard in his Hokage office knowing that one of the boys has an appointment with him. Knowing very well that they will hear how much you love his cock and that you will never think about theirs
Jealous Kakashi Hatake who grabs your hand as soon as Guy or Iruka says hello to you and he squeezes it very hard… a little too hard even. So much so that your other hand has to force him to let go of his viscious grip
Jealous Kakashi Hatake like Yandere Kakashi Hatake feels obliged to mark you to be sure that nobody will come to take what is not theirs. He does them more on your wrists or on your shoulders as you wear a lot of clothes with naked shoulders
Jealous Kakashi Hatake who edges you a lot. He is so frustrated with all those people who look at you too much that he eats you as if you were his last meal without ever letting you come. He licks you while he fingers you and when he feels you tighten up around his fingers he stops abruptly. Even if you tell him repeatedly that you want his cock, he doesn't give it to you until the pression for him is too much and he starts rutting his bulge in the mattress
Jealous Kakashi Hatake who has a breeding kink and once he decides to fuck you he doesn't stop until streams of his cum flow from your hole
Masterlist ⚜ :
Taglist : @malfoyscamander, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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pupkashi · 11 months
thinking about jealous!kakashi who hates seeing other people flirt with his partner.
jealous!kakashi who is seeing red the moment you give the person even a semblance of a smile, already making his way across the room in large strides, the cup in his hands being placed roughly down on the nearest surface as he makes his way to you.
he makes his presence known quickly, clearing his throat and snaking an arm around your waist, not even bothering to hide the look on his face.
“this is kakashi! my boyfriend” you smile, looking up at the taller man and noticing immediately how pissed off he looked.
“boyfriend?” the other person says, giving him a once over.
only an idiot would try and flirt with you some more after taking a look at kakashi. his eyes were slightly narrowed and brows furrowed a bit, his arm that wasn’t wrapped around you was flexing a bit, due to the fist his hand was forming.
kakashi rolled his eyes as they said something stupid and turned to leave, letting out a huff when you turned to look at him.
“did you really have to come over here looking like you were gonna bite his head off?” your tone was serious, but there was a smile creeping onto your face.
kakashi couldn’t stop the heat rising in his cheeks, his ears beyond red as he runs his hand through his floppy hair, “you expect me to watch my partner get chatted up and do nothing?” one brow lifting and you smile, leaning into his side and walking out into the fresh air.
“y’know i can handle myself kashi” you state, intertwining your fingers with his as you two head home.
“i know, just don’t want you to worry about that when I’m around” he quips, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
jealous!kakashi who as soon as you step foot in your home has you backed against a wall, making out with you until you’re pulling away, struggling to breathe. he’s smiling down at you, loving the way your nose twitches because of the silver hair tickling it. only giving you a couple seconds to catch your breath before he’s crashing his lips back onto yours, making your legs wrap around his waist and carrying you to bed.
jealous!kakashi who’s sure to leave a just barely visible mark on your neck, so on the off chance you see that person again, they know you’re only his.
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miris-secret-files · 5 months
brother kakashi sounds hot
I'll Always Be There For You || brother!Kakashi Hatake x sister!reader
A/n : Okay I would have preferred a more precise request lol because I struggled to get my mind on only on thing so I tried to get as much stuff as I possibly could
Warnings : Dark content, incest, grooming, morning wood, grinding, exhibitionism if you squint, breeding kink, pregnancy, mention of Uchihas and Hyugas' incest, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 743
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brother!Kakashi who is 10 years your senior and who had to take care of you when you were younger
brother!Kakashi who saw your body in its most humble state before he even had time to develop these kinds of unholy thoughts
brother!Kakashi who has always slept with you in his bed and as you've grown and your body has changed, he's subtly gotten closer to you. Waking up with his erection pressing behind you is a regular occurrence
brother!Kakashi who also managed to make showering together and scrubbing each other’s body a regular occurrence
brother!Kakashi who trains you to be sure you can handle yourself, but it always ends up in naked wrestling and him grinding against you
brother!Kakashi who knows everyone you speak to and make sure everyone boys and girls know you’re both very close
brother!Kakashi who is aware that a lot of elders of the village, and probably Uchihas, Hyugas, and other great clans are aware of the nature of your relationship
brother!Kakashi who kisses you on the lips as he has you on his lap while he is speaking with Itachi because he knows the Uchiha doesn’t care about this and surely does the same
brother!Kakashi who even if he tells you he’d be fine if you found yourself a partner, starts to feel more and more territorial with you
brother!Kakashi who insists on you putting a bit of his Cologne behind your ear and on your wrists, so the people around you will smell a man’s perfume on you and they won't dare approach you to try to make out with you
brother!Kakashi who once was jealous because you told him a boy told you you were pretty and spent the whole night worshiping your body to make sure you only remember his praising
brother!Kakashi who when he leaves for a mission fills you with his seed and asks you to wear cum filled panties for a few hours after he left so that he would still be with you a little bit more “Hey Babygirl wouldn’t you mind keeping my cum with you a little longer ?”
brother!Kakashi who of course had to teach you everything he knows about sex, starting with reading the Icha Icha. He is so proud of the woman who’ve become and how well you take his cock “It’s as if you were made to fit on him” he’d whisper in your ear as he thrusts once again
brother!Kakashi who obviously has you cockwarming him when he is reading, filling papers, writing reports
brother!Kakashi who has his fingers threading in your hair as you suckle on his cock while he’s chilling in a park at midnight during summer. He’s taught you well and now you can take it all without gagging
brother!Kakashi who takes you on vacation in countries so far away from the Land of Fire that he can hold hands with you on a daily basis outside, do as much pda and get an hotel room with only one bed ( hehehe )
brother!Kakashi who as time passes can’t imagine his life without you
brother!Kakashi who now starts to think that to be happy he needs you to wear his name, but not as his sister anymore but as his lover and wife. He has connexion in the village things should go as he planned
brother!Kakashi who smirks when he looks at the family record book and sees “Hatake Kakashi married to Y/n Hatake”
brother!Kakashi who now wants to fill this record book with new names aka some offspring. He wants to breed you but he is scared things might not go as expected
brother!Kakashi who speaks to you about either him impregnating another woman or you getting it from another man he’d choose - surely an Uchiha - but you look at him with teary eyes and grab his hand telling him you want his child not anyone else’s
brother!Kakashi who fucks you for full days and nights to make sure his seed has taken root in you
brother!Kakashi who is even more protective now that you’re pregnant with his child. It’s an Uchiha doctor who follows the pregnancy because well they know everything about incest
brother!Kakashi who decides to leave the Land of Fire for good a little before your stomach starts to swell with your growing baby, because he doesn’t you or them to be bothered by anyone
brother!Kakashi who is so kinky he keeps pumping you full of cum even though this new house is full of life, he just craves the sight of your pregnant body. Divine !
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cottoncandy-cult · 9 months
Event: Twister Wonderland: Babyfication: Intro Heartslabyul Diasomnia Octavinelle Ignihyde Scarabia Savanaclaw Pomefiore
OC Stuff: Twisted Wonderland Crush Crush Crush 1 2 3
Tokyo Revengers Lilly Among Thorns
Introduction Bonding Day Meeting Their Friends Lost Seeking Comfort Gift Giving Meeting The Gang Home Alone Adventure 1 Gang Member Babysits
First Day Of School
Other Oneshots Raiden X Chubby! Fem Reader Shiva X Fem Reader Tattoo Artist Buddha X Fem Reader
Zack Foster x Lil Sis Reader
Zack Foster X Daughter Reader
Zack Foster X Adopted Sister Reader
Fan Levi Ackerman X Celebrity Reader
Kenpachi Zaraki X Chubby! Reader
Jiro Mochizuki X Reader
Hiruma Yoichi X Reader
Zelman Clock X Reader
Inuyasha x Priestess Reader
Sebastian Michaelis X Neko Child Reader
Soma Yukihara x Reader
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Reader
Miia X Reader
Subaru Sakamaki X Drunk Reader
Rikio Kamamoto x Reader
Yuma Mukami X Daughter Reader
Meliodas X Neko Reader
Gajeel Redfox X Reader
Teen! Laxus X Lil Sis! Reader
Vincent Valentine X Reader
Reno Sinclair x Jealous! Reader
Koga X Reader
Mikoto Suoh X Daughter Reader
Sesshomaru X Reader
Chibi Misaki Yata X Reader
Masrur x Slave reader
Aizawa x Daughter reader
Toshinori Yagi x Reader
Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Kisame x Child Reader
Naruto x Super Strength Reader
Beelzebub x Chubby reader
Trafalgar Law x Reader
Smoker x Wife Reader
Kyoya Ootori x Reader
Ban x Reader
Dante x half demon reader
Kakashi Hatake x Chubby Reader
Juubei Jimushi x reader
Ban x chubby reader
Meliodas x chubby reader
Zack Foster x Reader
Zack Foster x Reader
Sanemi x Kyojiro's little sister
Free de la hoya x reader
Hitoshi Shinsou x Cat Quirk! Reader
Saiki Kusuo x wife reader
Obito Uchiha x Reader
Mitsuhide Akechi x reader
IkeSen Caught in the name of love (Ft. Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Motonari, and Kanetsugu)
IkeSen Sengoku Babysitting (Ft. Shingen, Kanetsugu, Motonari, Masamune, and Kenshin.)
Zack Foster BFS
First Meeting Becoming Friends His Feelings Confession First Kiss Cuddling You Get Sick He Gets Sick He Sees You Cry He Walks In On You You Walk In On Him He Hears You Sing You Get Drunk You See Him Cry He Gets Drunk You Get Hurt (Small) He Gets Hurt (Small) Showering Together You Have A Nightmare He Has A Nightmare
Movie Night
My Ao3 Books
Trend Chaser (A Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer Smut Book)
Crystal Waters (A RoR Shiva and wives x OC Book)
Life Within The Soul (Mix bag coming soon)
Shiva X Wife! Reader
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
hi lemony it's been a while 🥰
for the kiss prompt, can i have #15 for kakashi x angry/jealous fem!reader
It had been a long time since you'd felt so annoyed with Kakashi. Sure, he could be brusque at times, especially after a difficult mission, and that could get under your skin. But you knew it was a defense mechanism, a personality trait cultivated from years of harsh reality as a shinobi of the Leaf.
So your annoyance rarely flared so hot, so vivid as it did now, even when he was sullen and petulant as a child.
Because now, you knew Kakashi Hatake was playing dumb deliberately just to get under your skin, and it was really starting to piss you off.
Perhaps Kakashi was just oblivious, but he must have realized the vendor from your brief sojourn to the Festival had been flirting with him, right?
You closed your eyes against the memory of her delicate fingers dancing along the sleeve of his yukata--the yukata you had purchased for him and practically begged him to wear before he agreed not to attend in his jonin uniform.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about," Kakashi said when you pointed it out to him after. But the mischievous glint in his visible eye told you he had known exactly what you were talking about. It also told you you'd made a mistake in drawing attention to it, because it likely had sparked the events of the rest of the evening.
When you made it to the next booth and the same thing happened. And then at the next, too. Eventually, you paid closer attention to Kakashi than the person manning the stall.
He was flirting with them. All of them. Right in front of you.
If it were anyone else, you'd be enraged, but with Kakashi you knew there was no malice in his actions. It was just a game, one you'd set in motion by showing him the first small glimmer of jealousy when you asked about it the first time.
It had never bothered you before. You'd watched Kakashi flirt with targets on missions, and with servers to get a discount on his bill. It was all innocent, you trusted him. Knew you were the one he was going to come home to, no matter what. Sometimes you even found it sort of amusing, how flustered he could make others. You weren't like that. He couldn't fluster you.
Except for tonight, apparently. Because tonight, for whatever reason, your patience was not long enough. You stewed in your irritation, watching Kakashi flirt with an endless stream of admirers until you finally announced that you were leaving early and would meet him at home.
Of course, Kakashi followed close on your heels, needling you all the while, finding your response apparently endlessly entertaining.
What's wrong, I thought you were enjoying the Festival?
Is something bothering you?
Oh there's that nice woman from earlier, I think I'll just go stop and say goodbye...
"Shut up!" you cried, heart hammering as the two of you finally stepped into your apartment and the door clicked closed. You'd ignored his teasing the whole way home, but now you were officially done. "I don't know what your game is, but I don't find it very amusing."
"Are you insinuating that I am being purposely annoying?" Kakashi asked as he pulled his mask down, revealing the teasing smile you knew already lurked beneath.
You stared at Kakashi, nostrils flaring as you dared him to say another word.
"Is there something you'd like to say?" he asked, enjoying himself far too much.
He smirked and your rage welled up inside you, making you fearless. Strong.
Just as he opened his mouth to say something you were absolutely certain would be not only asinine, but infuriatingly at your expense, you reached forward, grasped the front of his yukata and yanked him toward you, smashing your mouth against his so you could swallow whatever he'd been trying to say.
The kiss was vicious; teeth, mostly, with only enough tongue to tip the scales toward kiss from bite.
You felt the vibrato of Kakashi's laugh beneath your clenched fist and growled, shoving him back with another forceful jut of your chin. You clamped down on his lower lip, relishing the dark growl it drew from him when you just barely broke the supple skin.
You let your lips curl in a wicked grin as you released his lips and pulled away, your hand still gripping his outfit, twisting it so the pull would remain in the fabric once you let him go.
A reminder of the only person who was allowed so close to him.
Kakashi stared at you with a feral look in his eyes, the corners of his mouth turning slightly upward. He swiped his thumb over his lip, collecting the few drops of blood there and then licked them away. You released his shirt, but rather than taking a step back, Kakashi stepped forward, leering down at you as you regained your breath.
"Now look what you've done," he said a little too quietly, "I've lost my train of thought."
You smirked up at him. "You should have shut up like I asked," you said, unprepared for one of Kakashi's arms to hook around the small of your back and drag you into him with so much force you needed his body to steady you unless you wanted to go sprawling on the floor.
His breath was hot against your ear when he leaned down and kissed the hinge of your jaw and then whispered, "You're going to have to do much better than that if you want to keep me quiet."
Now that was a challenge you were more than happy to take on.
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Such Effort IV
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi x f!Reader
W/c: 2.9k
Warnings: Sooo much swearing (it's the inclusion of brother!Genma, honest), a bit of drug talk, Kakashi being jealous and lowk following our girl at the end
Summary Post 🔮🔮 Masterlist
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Previous Part
"I love you."
He pressed a kiss to your forehead quickly as he walked by, sweeping through the kitchen. You smiled, turning to pick up the plate of sugar cookies you had made for your brother and his friends. Walking him to the door, you replied, "I love you too, Genma. Have fun."
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"
Narrowing your eyes, you debated the verity of his offer. When he asked you last night, to go out to an izakaya with him and his friends, you thought it was a complete joke. Plus, you were too concerned with Kakashi's torpid state to consider anything else - as far as you knew, last night, you could've still been by Kakashi's bedside tonight.
"I have to go to Ka- a patient's apartment to drop off a tincture," you told him, placing the dish of cookies into his hands. "So, unless you want to wait for me to get ready, then wait for me to make a pitstop-"
"Cripes," Genma interrupted, hanging is head dramatically. "Do you want to come out or not?"
"Give me a couple minutes," you grinned. A flash of brown darted across the corner of your eye and you turned your head to see Gerald, peeking out behind a wall. You smiled back at Genma, "Gerald can keep you company while you wait."
"I'm not playing with some rodent."
"He's just as good to talk to."
"Unfortunately, sweet sister, I'm not fucking insane like you."
You turned to go to your bedroom, calling behind you in a tone to match your brother's sickly sweet one, "It's hereditary, boring brother - the whimsy will infect you eventually."
Sighing, Genma shook his head and leaned against the wall, settling to play with his senbon against his lip. You always worried he would cut himself, or worse, fall onto it one day. But the idiot never listened to you. About anything.
With quite the hurry in your step, you went off to your bedroom and put on a nice black dress. It had long sleeves and a turtleneck, with a slimming cut to the dress itself. Every girl should have a simple black dress, they're quite the staple, you thought while smoothing the fabric over your hips in the mirror.
"Bitch, hurry up! I'm getting old out here!" Genma yelled, voice muffled some by the walls between you.
You gathered up the tincture of silver liquid that you spent the better part of an hour slaving away at, then came out of your bedroom with a huff, "You were already old, and don't call me a bitch."
"Bitch, bitch, bitch," he taunted. Beneath your skin, your blood started to boil as you slid on your sandals and picked up your cloak from the closet. Looking at the skirt of your dress, Genma hummed, "I will say, I like your dress, though."
"Yeah, like a bitch," you quipped, throwing the red satin over your shoulders before securing it closed and sliding the tincture into the pocket of your cloak. Brushing past Genma, you opened the door and said, "Well, c'mon then."
"Such a bitch," he sighed, following after you as you left the house. Giving him nothing more than a dismissive wave, you tried to not let his assholery affect you. Only a few paces away from the house, he asked, "Where's Kapatian's apartment, anyway?"
"What the fuck are you talking about now, you daft prick?" You asked, exasperated with your brother.
Sharply, Genma hissed, "Watch your tone. I'm repeating what you said earlier, about the pitstop you have to make."
"I said a patient's apartment."
"Then where'd the K come from?"
You smiled at your brother beside you, nudging his shoulder with yours. You couldn't help but giggle as you said, "Maybe the Shiranui Insanity caught up to you before you were even made aware."
As you walked down the street with Genma, the two of you squabbled. Bickering back and forth, hurling curse words and rude names. It was quite the distraction, as you tried to find Kakashi's apartment for the very first time.
His file, bullet-proof and under so much yellow tape it made your head spin, included his address. Nothing could have been more relieving after you had to jump through all of those hoops, but that relief quickly faded away as you continued to read his file. It was only fair, Kakashi had read yours, and his was heavily redacted anyway.
But what you could read...
Man, there was some horrifying shit in there.
"Can you just tell me who your fucking patient is, please?" Genma groaned as the two of you approached Kakashi's complex.
"No, and stay out here."
"Get fucked! Stay out here, she says! It's cold!"
Pulling open the door to Kakashi's building, you huffed, "Fine, then stay in the lobby."
"You've got me on the edge of my seat, and you expect me to wait down here? Nuh uh," Genma argued, following behind you as you opened the door to the staircase. Unable to stop talking, Genma added, "I'm dying to see who you worked an impromptu 48-hour shift at the infirmary for."
"God, Almighty, you are so nosey."
"What can I say? I live for the grapevine."
Mercifully, Genma just muttered to himself for the rest of your ascension of the stairs. When the two of you finally hit the fourth floor, your brother was too out of breath to speak. That was the most gracious victory you had been afforded since the morning.
As you lead your brother down the creaky hallway, you scanned the identical green doors for the number 44. It was at the very end of the hallway, facing the Eastern view the building provided.
"Can you please-?" You asked in a hiss, stopping in front of the door. Genma looked at you, realizing how close he was standing and took a step back. "You're pissing me off right now."
"Mind your manners," he whispered. "Stay professional while you're visiting patients."
"Bite me." You turned your attention to the door, raising your hand to knock, but it swung open before you got the chance. Eyes widening, you stuttered, "He-hell-hello!"
Hell, is what you wanted to say. Kakashi clearly had full control over his faculties, and he seemed so different from when you discharged him just this afternoon. This Kakashi didn't seem the type to hold your fruit for you; he didn't look like he would gaze up at you at all, let alone half as kindly as he had only a few short hours ago. Oh, no, this Kakashi looked mean, and suddenly, you understood every story Kasumi had told you.
It panged you. Kakashi had his senses about him now, fully. And he wasn't thinking about the two of you being lovers anymore, or so you thought.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, voice imposing and sharp as a razor's edge. Kakashi's revealed eye was trained on Genma, boring holes through his skull, not paying you a sliver of attention.
"My sister asked me to come with her. My little sister. My kid sister," Genma spat in response, trying to match Kakashi's stare but not holding a candle.
Leave it to Genma to try and challenge someone he knew he would never stand a chance against. For such stupid reasons too, always. Too protective, too hotheaded.
"Alright, this is not what we came here to do," you said with a soft clap, pulling Genma's attention to you. Kakashi maintained his gaze on your brother as you pulled the mixture from the pocket of your cloak. You extended it to Kakashi, but he didn't even look at it. Trying to capture his eye, you said, "It's all good to go. You need to- Kakashi- pay attention to me."
Like a shot, Kakashi's head snapped to you and his eye instantly softened. You could see, just behind his pupil, there was something on the tip of his tongue, but it never came.
"Okay, two drops down your throat, every two or three hours, for the next four days - got that?"
"I- mmph- I understand," Kakashi groaned, holding his hand to the side of him with the stab wound. Instantly, you came forward, batting away his hands. He hummed, letting you apply pressure to different spots. "I think you might have to give me a check-up, before you go. I'm in rough shape."
"Hey, hey, hey, now." Fucking Genma. "Y/n and I are running late as it is. The clinician is just as good for a check-up, if there's actually something wrong."
Feeling a prickle, you just sighed. Before Kakashi said whatever menacing thing he was gearing up to say, you shook your head at Genma, saying, "What happened to keep it professional?"
"Y/n, be serious-"
"Shut up," you simply said.
Genma's mouth stopped moving to create sound, now only twirling the senbon over the corner of his bottom lip. In a quick motion, you grabbed the plate of sugar cookies from him. "Hey-"
"Bitch," you said dismissively, stepping backward, into Kakashi's enveloping warmth. "I'll meet up with you at Kinka's, it's fine."
"Ugh, whatever, slut," Genma scoffed, turning on his heel to walk back down the hallway.
Feeling Kakashi lunge behind you, you blocked his way with your body. Backing you both into his apartment, you let the door fall shut as you turned to him, looking up with a smile.
"I'll kill him," Kakashi seethed, staring straight through the door.
You chuckled, putting the cold tincture against his chest to make him look at you. It did, and the imprint of a smile came through Kakashi's mask. You chided, "Not unless you want me to stop talking to you, forever."
"Why, though?" He asked you seriously.
Kakashi pulled you to his body by your waist and guided you through his barren, dark apartment to sit on the edge of his bed. There was nowhere else to sit in the entire room, except one, singular chair sat by a small table, or the floor.
"'Cause he's my brother, and I love him dearly," you answered honestly, putting the dish down on the bed and unscrewing the dropper cap for the tincture.
Letting your response hang in the air, you squeezed the top of the dropper a few times as Kakashi sat in front of you, mixing the liquid around and collecting a sizeable amount in the dropper, itself. You pulled it out, the narrow tube filled with glistening, silver liquid that caught the shreds of light in Kakashi's apartment nicely. You looked up at him, as he watched you intensely.
"Open up, Kakashi."
"Try again."
"Please, would you open your mouth for me?"
"Slightly better, but massive room for improvement. Try again," he purred lazily, though his eye glittered with amusement.
You sighed, "Open sesame?" Kakashi gave you a flat look. Shaking your head, you held the dropped up higher, finally giving in as you said, "Say 'ah' for me, pretty boy."
"Mm. Pretty boy," he repeated lowly, finally moving to pull down his mask and opened his mouth.
The second his hand came to his face, you looked away, letting him aim the dropper into his mouth, himself. When he tapped his tooth against the glass, you let two drops fall before you returned the dropper to the tincture. Out of the corner of your eye, you could still see his pale face, and so kept your head turned.
Silence clung to every molecule in the air, filling up your chest with a special brand of anxiety. Why Kakashi wasn't putting his mask back on, you had no idea - you already felt poorly enough about having seen his face this morning, while he was too drugged to care.
"Please, look at me."
His whisper was almost too low for you to hear, and too soft for you to believe.
"Look at me like you looked at me this morning."
For safety reasons, Kakashi wasn't allowed to keep his mask on while in the infirmary. After your lead medic was done, you saw to it that the sheet over his body be kept right to the bridge of his nose. He liked that privacy, and you didn't want to infringe upon it.
And then he woke up. It didn't seem like privacy was even a thought in his mind this morning, smiling like a dope, carelessly, soaking up every, last drop from those painkiller-drips. It had warmed you heart, and you worried if that Kakashi only came as a byproduct of the morphine. You supposed you were wrong, as you turned your head slowly.
"You're very handsome, Kakashi," you mumbled, taking in the sharpness of his jaw like you had only a few hours ago. His perfect, slightly upturned nose, and his sculpted cheekbones. The mole under the left corner of his lip just tied his whole face together, truly establishing him as a work of art. "So, so handsome."
"Do you like me better when you can see my face?" He teased in a low tone.
You grinned, "No, sweetheart, I like you the same amount, all the time." A small smile ghosted over Kakashi's lips as he pulled at the loose fabric around his neck. You clapped, saying, "Okay, where are you hurting?"
"All over."
"Not helpful." And so obviously untrue.
"What can I say, I'm not a medic," he said with a shrug, eye darting to the plate that sat beside the two of you. "What's under the foil?"
"Kinako sugar cookies," you replied. Kakashi hummed hungrily and you took that as your cue to uncover them. Twenty white cookies stared up at you and Kakashi as his jaw dropped. You chuckled, "What? Are these your favourite cookies, or something?"
"I do love kinako powder in desserts," Kakashi acquiesced, picking up a cookie. "But... they're so... perfect. Did you... make these?"
"Yeah, when I got home after your discharge," you beamed, proud of your baking. Kakashi wowed, turning the cookie over in his hands before biting an edge frugally. You laughed, "There are nineteen more cookies on the plate, why are we rationing?"
"Because there are only nineteen left," he hummed deeply, closing his eyes as he took a larger bite. He looked at the top of the cookie again, smiling and asking, "Why the little men?"
"Oh, don't mind them," you sighed, picking up your own cookie. You looked at the imprint on the cookie with a small smile. "They're supposed to be ninjas, with the little headband ribbons behind them, fluttering in the wind, y'know?"
"I see it."
"I've only got the one sugar cookie press," you confessed. The way Kakashi looked at you put you at ease to go on, "It was my mum's. Like a lot of my stuff is." As you played with your cloak in your free hand, Kakashi motioned to it, mouth full of cookie. You chuckled, "No, my dad brought this one, and a matching cloak for Genma too, that he never wore... But this brooch, my bike, my mouse - they're all my mum's."
Kakashi smiled a bit, holding his hand over his mouth. Swallowing thickly, he asked, "Gerald is your mum's?"
"Was, yeah," you affirmed. Kakashi's eyes got a bit sad, but you smiled. Only you were allowed to be sad about what happened to dear old Mum and Dad. "She had a very keen eye for the finer things in life, and she passed that down to me - I hope."
"It's refreshing to hear someone have something nice to say about their parents."
"I'm glad you're refreshed," you teased, standing up from his bed. "Anyway, if you're doing alright, I should head out. Genma will be nicer the sooner I get to the izakaya."
"I should come with you," Kakashi said quickly, standing up even faster. Too fast for his torn up abdomen to handle, as he pressed a hand against his side and gritted his teeth.
Putting a hand on his shoulder, you rubbed a small circle until the pain subsided from his face. You shook your head, telling him, "You should stay here and rest." Kakashi just looked at the plate of cookies, sitting on the bed. "I'll leave them, if you wish. Including the dish."
"I like it when you rhyme for me, angel," Kakashi murmured, still not looking at you. "But you only have the one dish of cookies. I can't do that to you."
"Of course you can, pretty boy," you laughed, making him look at you with a dashing smile. You pursed your lips, biting back your own smile. "I've got a clan of sugar-cookie-men, at home. Please don't worry about me."
With his short nod, you smiled and turned around, going back to Kakashi's door. He followed closely behind you, heat coming off of him in waves. Smiling down at you, Kakashi looked at you as if he were studying every line in your face. It almost made you nervous.
"You have an appointment with Fujita-San at nine, tomorrow morning," you said lowly, trying to cling to this moment for as long as you could. Kakashi nodded. "And, remember to give me back my plate. I don't care if it's tomorrow, or in another seven weeks, just bring me back my plate."
"I was only gone for six weeks, and four days," he corrected you, voice reaching a crevice of your soul that you didn't know existed.
You shook you head, smiling lightly, "Yeah, only. Then you came to me, unconscious and incapacitated, for two, whole days and another night."
"I suppose you're right, my darling, I'm sorry," Kakashi hummed. "Thank you for taking care of me."
"Anytime, pretty boy," you grinned, opening the door. As you stepped you, you added, "I'll see you down the road."
"I know you will."
Later in the evening, as you and Raido danced an impressive duet in the middle of Kinka's Izakaya, you were too focused on the intricacies of the fast footwork to notice Kakashi's gleaming, silver hair in the crowd around you. And there was nothing else for him to notice, but another man twirling his angel.
Next Part
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 5)
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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"Please tell me you're kidding."
Your eyes dropped to his feet at the tone of his voice; he was upset, livid even that you had gone to Orochimaru to ask for help. It didn't make sense to you why Jiraiya acted like you stabbed him in the back. What was going to happen was purely professional. Even if it did mean anything more, Jiraiya was dating Akira, so he didn't have a right to be jealous in that aspect.
"He's the best option. As I said, you're way too busy to help. Plus, I don't need Akira thinking anything else is going on between us-"
Jiraiya scoffed at your statement, annoyed that Akira was once again brought up as an excuse. Your eyebrows furrowed at that and your fingers clenched into fists, "Listen. I appreciate you helping me, I do, but I'm an adult and can make my own decisions-"
"You're making terrible decisions, Y/n. Inviting him back into your life will bring nothing but trouble-"
"And inviting you didn't?" His mouth dropped open at your rebuttal, the words driving a dagger deep into his chest. Silence fell between you, and your eyes drifted toward Kakashi's room, "There's a bigger elephant in the room, Jiraiya. Akira doesn't like this situation. I think it would be best for Kakashi and I to find another place to stay." You didn't want to say it, wanted to ignore the more significant issue, but you were tearing their relationship apart. That tension made him antsy and, in turn, caused more fights to erupt. You and Sakumo rarely had any conflicts, and considering that was all you and your brother do nowadays, you were tired of fighting.
"Is your goal here to kill me with words?" His voice cracked a little in the middle of the sentence, and you could tell from his stance alone that he was trying to build his walls up desperately. "You cannot hide from it forever, Jiraiya. You have a girlfriend; I shouldn't be living here-"
"So you're just going to take the two most important people in my life away without thinking about what I want?"
"I'm not your girlfriend, and he's not your son-"
"Fine, leave then for all I care. But don't even think about coming back when it all falls apart."
Jiraiya's sharp tone sent a wave of confusion through you as you watched him storm toward your shared room. A sinking feeling settled in your stomach, and you took a few seconds to compose yourself. He didn't mean it. You knew he didn't mean it. But you had to respect him and his wishes. Moving towards the room, you quietly began to gather up your things. Most of your stuff was still in your old house that you still owned, so really, you had only a handful of items. In terms of Kakashi, he would be leaving a lot of toys behind. But that was okay; you'd get him more.
Jiraiya sat on the edge of the bed, watching you move through the room. He didn't want you to go but couldn't stand to see you right now. As you packed the last items, you moved into Kakashi's room. He was sleeping peacefully as you moved toward his dresser. Jiraiya had followed, but his eyes were now watching the sleeping boy. He didn't know how it was possible, but in a few short months, that child had become something akin to a son, which is why this was the hardest part. Jiraiya's seen you leave his side many times, but a son was something new.
"Okay," you whispered as you slung your backpack on before moving towards Kakashi. The boy stirred as you began lifting him from the bed, but you were quick to soothe him back to sleep. Turning, you locked eyes with Jiraiya in the doorway. This was the right thing. You couldn't do this anymore to Akira. You couldn't do this anymore to Sakumo.
Jiraiya's face hardened the closer you got to him, but he didn't move out of the way when you tried to get through the doorway. "Jiraiya." You stated sadly, eyes morphing into a look of sorrow and empathy. Tears bubbled along his lash line as he once more fought the urge to confess everything to you. How much he loved Kakashi, how much he loved you. But he couldn't do it. You said it yourself. No one can replace Sakumo.
Not even him.
He nodded before moving out of the way, watching you walk towards the front door with bated breath. Your hand hovered over the door handle, and you glanced back at him, "Thank you for taking care of us. I hope we can see each other again, at least for Kakashi's sake." You were hoping he'd use the opportunity to take back his words from earlier, but he remained silent.
You nodded before exiting the apartment, the sound of the door clicking close behind you sending a shockwave of emotions through your veins. You had no clue if what you just did was right…
Your e/c eyes cast down at Kakashi sleeping peacefully against your shoulder. It didn't matter; Kakashi was your number one priority. You had to keep him safe, and if that somehow included Jiraiya not being in your life.
Then you'd have to bear the pain.
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detectivestucks · 6 months
A Jealous Hokage IV
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summary: Obito regrets his actions as you decide what to do moving forward. Kakashi invites you to an event and things get steamy as you decide what you’re going to wear.
Warnings: NSFW, Slight Degradation, Spanking, Fingering, Unprotected Sex
Word Count: 3.4k
Part 3
New here? Check out Part 1
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You sit there, staring at the gift. Your mind that had gone blank, paralyzed by indecision, was now swirling with inner dialogue. What is wrong with me? Kakashi is amazing. We’ve been dating for the better part of a year. Why would I throw that away? But Obito, how do I describe it? You always know where you stand with him. He doesn’t hide his affection. The way he looks at me. The way he made me feel under his genjutsu…but that’s exactly why I can’t trust him. The entire thing could’ve been lies just to get me in bed. This is all a game to him. It’s not a game to Kakashi. He loves me. He’s the healthy choice, even if it is in secret. I might have feelings for Obito but I love Kakashi and I'm not gonna give that up. 
You make this decision with a firm nod of your head. Now that you are certain of what you’re going to do, you reach out and finally unwrap the small box that had been sitting patiently on your table for the past two hours. 
It is a beautiful necklace and earring set. A long strand of glittery stones with a bright pendant, it was exceedingly fancy and you wonder when you would ever wear such jewelry. Sure you love dressing up for work but within reason. This looked like something you’d wear to dinner with the Feudal Lord. It must’ve been very expensive. Why would Kakashi spend this kind of money on me?
The next morning you head into work trying your hardest to pretend last night never happened. It was genjutsu, it was genjutsu, it was genjutsu. None of it was real. It was genjutsu. No matter how many times you told yourself this, you were still saddled with guilt cause you know that in the heat of the moment you liked it. Curse Obito for doing this to you. You were happy and in love before he came along. Why did he have to come ruin everything?
You drop your stuff off in your office and head to the break room to grab hot water to make some tea. Upon entering the room you see Obito. Your face instantly shades red from both shame and anger and you storm away avoiding him. Obito for once regrets his advances towards you. He knows he crossed a line last night. Desperation got the best of him. He shouldn’t have used his abilities like that. 
Mortified, you decide to hide out in your office. You hear a soft knock on the door. It was Obito holding a cup of tea. “Go away Obito” 
Completely disregarding your wishes he enters anyway and puts the tea down on your desk. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I was out of line last night.” You sheepishly take the tea off the desk. “I think that might be the first time you’ve ever called me by my name.” you give a small smile. “Thank you Obito. For the tea and for the apology.” You blow on the tea before taking a sip. 
“I’ve let my feelings for you consume my actions. I've been focusing on what I want and I took it too far.” He steps forward and grabs your hand, kissing the back of it. “Forgive me Princess.”
“Please stop calling me that.”
“Never” he says with a smile as he walks out of your office.
You would be lying if you said that the small gesture didn’t make you feel warm. You liked how special he made you feel but last night is as far as things will ever go. You stand firm on that decision.
Not even ten minutes go by before Kakashi enters your office without knocking and leans against your desk. You beam up at him. “Good Morning Kashi!”
“Good Morning Angel” He leans down to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Did you like your gift?”
Recalling the jewelry he had delivered to your home, you exclaim, “It was beautiful! However I couldn’t help but wonder, what was the occasion?”
“I’m so glad you phrased it like that.” He smiled, “The Feudal Lord came to my office yesterday afternoon. He wants us to host a Gala to fundraise for the Academy. Since these times of peace have brought in fewer paid missions, we need more money to keep the program going. He also wants to invite representatives from the other great nations to continue to build international relationships. I thought you could wear it when you go.”
“I’m invited?”
“All members of the shinobi forces are invited, including the personnel at headquarters.”
“Wow, sounds fancy. I feel so important.”
“You are important.” He says with a brush of your cheek. 
At that moment you hear your office mate shuffling in through the door. Kakashi immediately stands up. 
“I’ll have the latest update on that translation on your desk by lunch.”
Kakashi nods while playing along. “I appreciate it. I can always count on you.” He begins to leave your office. 
“Good Morning Lord Sixth.”
“Good Morning Shiho. Just a heads up, you should be expecting an invitation from my office later today.” 
“Oh, okay, thank you!” she called to him as he disappeared out your office door. 
“What is the invite about?”
“It’s some fundraiser Gala. We’re all invited.”
“Oh that sounds fun! You gonna bring a date?”
“Psh, yeah right.”
“What about the mystery man?”
“He is a mystery for a reason and he is going to stay a mystery.” You say with a pointed look.
Shiho rolls her eyes and drops it, deciding to get started on the day’s work. 
You come home from work thinking about the Gala. What on earth am I going to wear? I don’t have anything that fancy! You begin to rifle through your closet looking for a dress that matches Kakashi’s earrings. There is a knock on the door. You turn around, leaving your closet and walk towards the kitchen. You open up your door to find Kakashi standing there with flowers for you. Beaming at him, you hurry him inside before anyone could see.
“That was a big risk you took coming here with flowers like this. Someone could've seen you.”
“Don’t worry Angel, I was careful.”
He gives you the bouquet and you smell them. “They’re lovely, thank you.”
“Not as lovely as you.”  he says, eyes sparkling as he looks at you with complete adoration. You feel butterflies rise in your stomach yet again. He always has that effect on you. You turn to put them in water and make two cups of tea. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy.”
“That’s okay, Kash. I have plenty of work to occupy my time.”
“And I’m sorry that you can’t be my official date to the Gala.” The way he says this tells you that he is genuinely bothered by it.
“I don’t need all of that. I’m just happy being with you, even if it’s private.” you say, placing a hand on his forearm.
Kakashi pulls down his mask while he leans in for a kiss. You wrap both of your arms around him pressing your lips into his. When your mouths disconnect, he asks softly, “Have you thought about what you’re going to wear?”
“Actually I was just trying to figure that out. I think I may need to go shopping.”
“Well I’ve been thinking about what you should wear, a lot.” He whispers in your ear. You feel the familiar tingle of excitement trickle along your spine.
“Do tell” you whisper back
“Well I was thinking something red and revealing. Maybe something low cut showing off your lovely tits, teasing the entire room” he says gripping your waist tightly. “The fabric sheer so I can see your thong through it from across the dining hall.” He kisses your cheek. “Perhaps a slit up to your hip so that I have easy access when I corner you in the closet.” He kisses your neck. “Every man in the room will want you but only I will get to fuck you.” he whispers into your neck.
You hum in amusement. “Well if you want me to wear something low cut, you’ll need to stop giving me so many hickies.” 
You hear the hesitation as he debates whether or not to resist the urge to bite down on you. He settled for kissing along the entire curve of your neck and shoulder, willing to allow your pre-existing marks heal before the Gala. He kisses all around your collarbone before licking his tongue up your neck.
You close your eyes and exhale feeling the arousal begin to pool in your underwear. He presses his lips into yours before nibbling on your lower lip, pulling till it slips out from between his teeth. You sharply inhale feeling lust wash over you. Your fingers dig into his back as you pull him towards you. 
He pushes you onto the table pulling off your tank top to kiss all over your chest. Your head drops back as he kisses you, careful not to leave a single mark. It isn’t as fun as his love bites but it still makes you soak the lace between your legs. While he kisses you he undoes the snap of your bra, causing it to fall in your lap. You push his face into your chest letting him lick your cleavage before suckling on your tits, taking care of each one. Since he couldn’t mark up your skin he decided to be extra cruel to your nipples biting down on them with ferocity. “AH!!” you call out. Chills roll over your body covering your skin as his nibbling makes your empty pussy crave something to clamp down around. 
He lets go of your tit with a satisfied smile, devilishly staring up at you. You pull off his shirt and undo his pants, kissing his entire front. Every muscle, every scar, every facet that you could get your greedy mouth on, you wanted to taste it all. He stroked himself as he watched you. Once again thinking about how he could fuck you for the rest of his life. You nibbled on his collarbone before he raised your face up to his. 
You open your mouth. He spits into it. 
You swallow his spit. A wicked smile curls his lips. He loves how you play along with anything he throws at you. “That’s a good Angel”
He spins you around so you’re bent over the table and yanks your pants down past your hips. He spanks you a few times just to watch you squirm before sliding his fingers into your slit. You moan as he works your gummy walls. His other hand reaches to cover your mouth and arch your back up towards him. With his hand jutting in and out of your tightening pussy, he leans down and whispers in your ear, “Do you like that my little slut? You like when I finger your hole?”
“Mhm” you say, muffled by his hand. He adjusts his hand and slips two fingers into your mouth fish hooking you while he quickens the pace in your cunt adding a third finger inside. 
“Aa-aaa-aaa-hhh!” you moan, unable to truly speak with your stretched out lips. You began to kick your legs trapped together by your pants pulled halfway down. He pulls his fingers out of your heat and replaces them with his dick already dipping with precum. You let out a satisfied groan as he stretches you, filling you up completely, pushing inside you all the way to the hilt. 
He shoves his slick covered fingers in your mouth, feeding you your own cum before hooking them in your mouth like his other hand, using your lips to grip you while slamming rhythmically into your plush behind. Your fingers clutch the edge of the table trying to steady yourself as you curse and scream in pleasure. 
Wanting to pick up speed, Kakashi grabs you by the elbows pulling your arms behind your back as he unleashes the pent up sexual desire that had been building in him from imagining you in your sexy red dress.
“Oo-ohh, ye-esss, babb-byyy” you say broken up by each stroke that slams into your cervix. 
Wanting more, he switches his grip to your throat, pushing deeper with each thrust. Your eyes are rolling backwards with pleasure. You start to gasp for air as you feel yourself toppling over the edge leaving cream all over Kakashi’s cock. 
He adjusts his grip again, putting one hand on your neck and a pinky in your rear. Normally he’d save this for a punishment but he couldn’t resist. You were squirming so much already and he wanted to see your squirm more. A guttural groan fell out of your mouth as he slid in, making his stomach coil. 
You start to go limp after your orgasm so Kakashi flips you on your back, lifting your restrained legs over one shoulder, pulling you to the edge of your kitchen table. Your fingers once more curling around the edge for support. You gaze up at him with a look of satisfied exhaustion, smiling as he plows into you. He hugs your knees as he slows down. Stroking slow and even. You whine and wiggle around wanting him to go fast again. He centers your legs, knees stuck together, on his chest, letting your ankles fall open on either side of his head. 
He leans down, pressing your legs into your chest going in deep. He keeps a medium pace as he sticks a finger back in your mouth. You obediently suck on it hoping you’ll be rewarded with more speed. He sticks a second finger in. You accept it gladly. He starts to smile and adds a third finger. You willingly take it into your mouth sucking as drool starts to dribble out the corner of your lips. He adds a fourth finger stroking them in and out of your mouth. 
“You’re a greedy little slut tonight, aren’t you?”
“Mhm” you say with doe eyes. He smiles ready to give you your reward. He takes his hand out of your mouth and grabs your tit as he picks up the pace slamming into you over and over again. Your back arched off the table in ecstasy. His balls tightened as he watched your eyes roll back before squeezing shut. “That’s it Angel, let it out.”
You scream as your legs shake. Your back begins to convulse as he continues to split you in two during your orgasm. 
Kakashi’s toes curl as he’s close to cumming. At the last minute he pulls out and sprays his sticky ropes all over your chest. Still panting and catching your breath, you take a finger and wipe up some of his cum and bring it to your mouth. “Mmmm” you hum. Smiling at him as you lick.
He pulls you up by the back of your head to kiss you, even though he was still catching his own breath, he can’t help himself. He loves you and can’t think of a better way to show you. You know exactly what to do to drive him wild. He can’t get enough of your swollen lips. He inhales deep before releasing your mouth with several small kisses. Smiling at you, heart full. He goes to grab you a damp cloth to clean up your chest when he musters up the courage to ask:
“Would it be all that bad if I were your date to the Gala, officially speaking?”
“If people were to know about us. Would it be so bad?”
“Kashi, we’ve been over this. I don’t want people to think I’m sleeping my way to the top, especially now that you’re Hokage.”
“Everyone knows how bright you are. No one would assume any merits you earn are because of me.”
“That’s all everyone will think. I wouldn’t be able to stand the scrutiny.”
“If anyone causes you trouble then they will have me to deal with.”
“And have you make it worse? I don’t think so.”
At that moment Obito came to your house. He was hoping to steal another moment with you but he heard Kakashi’s voice so he stayed outside, listening in on your conversation.
“So am I just going to be your secret forever?”
“No, just till you step down as Hokage.”
“Till I step down? That will be years. I don’t think I can hide you for that long.”
You cast your eyes down realizing how big a commitment that was to ask of him.
“Are you going to ask me to marry you in secret too? Be your secret husband? Cause I’m not waiting till I’m out of office to ask for your hand.”
Your eyes shot up wide. “You, you’ve thought about marrying me?”
Still outside eavesdropping, Obito felt he had been punched in the gut.
“Is that surprising to you?”
“I guess I hadn’t stopped to think about it.” Your stomach was doing flips realizing how serious Kakashi was about you. 
“You see my face every day. The last person to see my face was my father. What does that tell you?” he says playing with your hair.
“You have my trust completely. I am yours forever.” He says, closing his hands around yours.
“I…I want all that with you. I do, but I’m not ready. I don’t know if I can handle what people will think and say. I’m sorry Kashi.”
Kakashi is having a hard time hearing your words. He starts to wonder if it has to do with Obito. He pulls up his mask and gets dressed. 
“Please don’t leave Kashi, please” you say, feeling panicked. Getting up off the table, tugging at his arm. You pull him into you, forcing him to hug you. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Kash. I wish I could change the way I feel, I do, but I’m not ready.” tears are leaking out of the corners of your eyes. 
“I’m sorry too. I need some time to think.” He pushes you away heading towards the door. 
“Kashi, Please!” Desperation thick in your voice. 
He turns around, pain painted all over his features. “Do you know what it’s like for me to watch men look at you thinking you’re single? What it’s like to hear how they talk about you knowing they believe you’re available for the taking? What it’s like to be in the same room as you but pretend you are nothing more than a colleague? It was fun in the beginning but I can’t do this forever.”
“You don’t think I go through the same thing? Every girl wants you. But you have nothing to lose, where I will lose the respect of all my peers. No one will take me seriously. Everything that I’ve worked for will be lost.”
“I will take you seriously. Me, the Hokage. Can’t that be enough?”
You swallow hard as you look down in thought. Kakashi kisses your forehead and whispers, “Come to me when you figure it out.” and with that he left. 
You stood there crying in your living room, staring at the door through which he left. You felt like he was asking you to choose between him and your career. It's not as simple as he makes it seem.
After a few moments you find it in yourself to move from where your feet were planted and begin putting your clothes back on, tears still streaming down your face.
Obito finally decided to make his presence known. He walked through your front door without knocking, “Now’s not the time, Obito.” you sniffle
He comes in and immediately hugs you, holding you in his warm embrace. “It’ll be okay Princess”
“You’re just saying that cause you hope it’s over between us.” you mutter into his chest beginning to cry even harder.
“No, Princess, I wouldn’t hope for anything that hurts you.” he whispers, moving you over to the couch to sit together. You look up at his face and believe him. That look in his eyes where the universe has shifted to revolve around you is front and center. He stays with you, holding you as you lay on his chest. “What can I do to help, Princess?”
“Be the Hokage” you say sarcastically with a hint of seriousness 
He lets out a small chuckle, “That used to be my dream, you know.”
“What changed?” you say with a sniffle
“I did some things that I can’t take back.”
Unsure of what to say, you choose to nestle into Obito in response. He had never been so vulnerable with you before.
Tightening his embrace he says to you,“You wouldn’t have to go through any of this if you were with me. It would be easy, the way it’s supposed to be.”
“Give it a rest Obito.”
He kisses your temple and continues to hold you, deciding to drop the topic. He stays with you till you cry yourself to sleep. He carries you to your bed and kisses your salty tear-stained cheek before leaving. His heart ached from how much he was beginning to love you. He was all but certain you would never leave Kakashi. It pained him to know you wouldn’t have to endure any of your fears if you would just choose him. Why wouldn’t you just choose him? He looked back at you longingly, over his shoulder, before shutting the door behind him.
Part 5 Masterlist
102 notes · View notes
strbymacaroon · 1 year
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Eren Yeager x Reader.
An alternate universe where Attack on Titan and the Marvel Universe collide! Where the Spider-Man universes collide!
Where the new spider is the, one and only nerdy, Eren Yeager. Who happens to have a world stopping crush on you.
Attack on Titan Marvel crossover, Spider-man and Eren Yeager crossover. Multiple parts.
Word count:
43.5k Words.
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I apologize for making you read the rest on Ao3 if you strictly wanted to stay on tumblr. But, tumblr has a strict word block limit, which I have to abide by. I don’t feel like cutting this chapter up into chunks, sorry! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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It was a blur. Just a crazy, horrible, workfilled, blur. 
And you know, that whole identity crisis everyone goes through. As a child you imagined the freedom, and most importantly boyfriends you’d have. What ended up happening was you believed you were going to marry Kakashi Hatake, a fictional anime man. You even wrote fanfiction about him. 
Yeah… it was dark times…
Anyways, your father down your throat, constantly telling you how: You weren’t enough, the work you did wasn’t enough, the knowledge you knew wasn’t enough— you weren’t enough. You relied too much on his money, you relied too much on his power, you were a good for nothing gold digger and slacker. 
Honestly, he couldn’t even look at you. I mean, who would want someone who mooches off their hard earned money? Oh, if only he knew now…
So, you always made sure to excel. Worked your own job, made your own money, and stood your ground. You were smart, quick, and intelligent. Hell, by the time you were done with your high school junior year, you managed to publish a book!
The basics to engineering. 
However, you lacked one key thing you wished you didn’t. Looks. You weren’t the prettiest girl alive, and you didn’t have a clue on how to dress. But, you knew you had a pretty face. Although, that was hard to see with the thick framed glasses your dad bought for you. ..With the wrong prescription.. 
But, that didn’t matter! 
Your father never brought that subject up. In fact, it was always ranting about wanting a ‘natural’ girl. Someone who wore modest clothing, and no makeup whatsoever. Your father always told you, you were too reliant. Men didn’t like that, as your father would say, they liked an independant and powerful woman. Someone intelligent, soft spoken, and self sufficient. 
And, that was you! 
Sure, you didn’t have the looks. You knew you were at least somewhat pretty, just didn’t know what to do with it. But, you had the smarts. You were the ideal woman your father made you to be.
You sacrificed everything for that. You wanted to be ideal, desired, and most importantly wanted. You spent your everything into studying, giving up your youth and social life for a man your father idealized for you. You didn’t even have friends. You wasted everything for a man you didn’t even know, but were going to meet. As your Father would say. 
Sure, it did cause a lot of bullying and harassment by the other girls, but they were jealous of you. Jealous of your smarts. I mean, no one wanted a girl to just sit and be pretty. No one liked a bimbo. Boys wanted a self sufficient girl, one that took care of herself, and didn’t mooch off their money. Again, as your father tells you. 
And, you made it. 
Senior High School Graduation. 
Approx. 4 years ago…
You graduated top of your class, and were now the ideal woman your father shaped you into. Your mother, nothing but his shadow. Your older brothers? Nothing but a replica of your father. Spurring the same exact words he would. 
You were set. Everyone expected you to become a lawyer or doctor, you already completed almost half your college courses for both! How?! As much as your father complains about you mooching off him, he sure does love to use his power to your advantage. 
And, you were kind of a genius… not to brag, or anything.
You were finally here, at your graduation as the perfect woman. Accepted into your dream school of NYU. And about to ask your highschool crush of four years on a date. Considering you were now desirable by your fathers standards. 
So, you marched your way up to your crush. Your short heels clicking against the ground. Using your index finger to fix your glasses, and pausing. Was this a good idea? Of course it was, you were the ideal woman.. as your father tells you. You did everything he told you to. You got this. I got this. 
You sniffed, rolling your shoulder and tapping your crush’s shoulder. Your foot going behind the other as he turned to you. His friend group, which consisted of some football players, and their female friend. Annie was her name, but you weren’t completely sure. 
They were currently catching up with your brothers since they were old acquaintances, and your brothers had already graduated. 
His smile was so sweet. Porco. You got giddy at his name. You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach as you walked in his direction. Standing behind him as you hesitated to tap his shoulder, “Uhm, I—“ Why now of all times were you stumbling over your words? “I just— I really like you, and wanted to ask.. if you were free sometime?..”
There was silence. 
Before, laughter, “Oh my god!” Annie laughed, getting an elbow from your crush. Making Annie catch herself, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she whispered, trying to contain her laughter. With your brothers snickering behind them. 
Your crush forced a smile in your direction, hands going into his pockets. Fidgeting, “Look, I’m sure you're a wonderful person but..” Porco glanced at his friend, his eyes widening for a split second. “You’re just not my type.” He shrugged. 
You could feel your heart shatter. Wait, I thought Dad said–
Annine pressed her fingers to her lips, “Sorry, but his type are girls who actually take care of themselves, rather than their grades.” She laughed again, throwing a blonde chunk of hair behind her shoulder. “Weird to think, right?” She added a mocking smile, “You know, for how smart you are, you really are stupid.” 
You felt your lips part, wanting to say something only for it to get lodged in your throat. For some reason, you looked to your brothers for help. You knew they weren’t going to do anything, but you couldn’t help but hold some hope. That they may, as your older brothers, protect you. 
They didn’t. They never did. 
In fact, you parents weren’t even at your graduation. Your brothers came after the ceremony to drive you home. And, that’s when they started catching up with their old friends. 
Your crush. 
You nodded your head, turning on your heel and walking away. The restroom sounded nice right about now. You kept your eyes to the ground, blinking rapidly as you navigated to the restroom. Accustomed to the school’s layout. When you bumped into someone, making some tears fall from your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re okay.” They replied instantly, “Don’t worry about it, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” They let out a small laugh. However, it sounded stiff– maybe even forced. Like, they were nervous. 
You don’t remember much about what he looked like, just that he was tall, and you called him ‘highschool guy.’ You awkwardly giggled, “Yeah, I guess.” You shakily said, continuing on your walk to the restroom. Pushing your glasses up. 
“You’re really pretty.” He added. 
That made you freeze. 
Your eyes glossy, tears falling down your cheeks. Eyes red and puffy, mascara smudged, and flex flushed. You, by no means, looked pretty. You shakily inhaled, looking up and smiling at him. Pushing your glasses up, and feeling your lips wiggle. “Thanks.” Then, you continued on your way. God, you would give anything to go back in time and get that guy's number. 
You really needed to hear those three words. 
Freshman Year of College.
Approx. 3 years ago…
You left as soon as your dorm was ready for you. You needed to get out of your house, and life as soon as possible. Which you did. 
And, now you had another problem. You didn’t have friends. Nor did you know how to socialize.  
Well, shit.
You first turned to anime, because… actually you don’t know why. It just seemed right at the time. You decided that watching Kiss him, not me, would somehow solve all your problems. And, it did. 
Okay, no, it didn’t.
The worst part was, you didn’t need help with schoolwork. So, that eliminated a big part of socialization in college. The study groups weren’t even worth studying for, it just ended up being a group of people who shared answers. Then, when they found out you already knew how to do the work since highschool… Well, it’s easy to assume what happened next. You didn’t even know how to say no. Let alone make conversation beyond that. 
So, you decided to take a different approach. One that would haunt you the rest of your college education. A blessing, but mostly curse. 
Thus, Bimbo Y/n was created. The version of yourself you wish you were. Witty, cute, fashionable, approachable, conversational, happy, and maybe a little stupid, but hey! It was who you wanted to be. So, that’s who you were. 
“So, you went to our high school, middle school, and elementary school with us?” Connie asked, blinking at you like you were insane. “Dude, what are the odds? Jean and I have literally never noticed you.” 
No, I’m happy you didn’t know me. I looked like Helen Keller trying to figure out what to do with my life. You thought. It was not a good time. 
Jean shrugged, “I’m glad, now we can talk shit about people, and Y/n knows who they are.” He bumped his shoulder against yours, smiling at you playfully. “And, you can agree with us.” 
Sasha brought her head up, sliding her paper towards Connie. “Finished!” She cheerfully said, placing her pencil on the table. 
Connie glared at her, “Sasha, last time I got answers from you, I ended up with a forty percent on the homework.” Connie grumbled at Sasha, tossing a crumpled piece of paper at her. “I think I’d much rather take the answers from Y/n.” 
You looked up, blinking at him. “For the.. uhm–” you pressed your finger to your lips. “Math with like letters right!” Was that too stupid? You pushed your curled hair behind your ear, your finger awkwardly catching inside your hoop earring. If it wasn’t obvious, you weren’t used to wearing them. Wait, did they see that?
Sasha's heart melted, “Bless her soul. She’s so cute, but doesn't have a single thought behind her eyes.” She hugged you, “I love you so much, Y/n. Literally marry me, and have my babies.” She shoved her face in your curly hair, enjoying all the lotions, and perfumes you wore. “I promise to take care of you.” 
Take care of me? Huh, ironic. You wished you could record the amount of times you’ve been told that, and send it to your Father. In all honesty, it really confused you. Maybe, that’s why you weren’t keen on the idea of a full term relationship. 
Jean pushed Sasha away from you, “I’m trying to teach her how to do this, I can’t have you distracting her Sash.” He scooted closer to you, “Okay, back to what I was saying, Babe.” 
You blinked, processing what he called you. Was that normal? Calling your friends nicknames? Mental note, give everyone cute nicknames. You nodded eagerly at Jean, looking back at his paper. “We were like–combing the letters, right?” You leaned on your gloved palm, tilting your head at the paper. 
Jean laughed at you, “Yeah, sure.” He said with a smile, “Uhm, well. Then, you check if the equation is right by solving for it.” 
You nodded your head softly, “Oh, I totally get it now!” Which would be fine if he did the equation correctly in the first place. You learned this stuff back in highschool, in fact–you already learned everything they were studying right now. If anything, you should be tutoring the three of them.
“Oh shit! What time is it?” Connie shouted, pulling out his phone and checking the time. You flinched at his abruptness, taking your eyes off your paper. Connie looked around frantically, “Why didn’t my alarm go off?!” He opened his bag, and slid all his paperwork inside. Which was an impressive skill, since nothing fell out. 
Sasha grabbed her phone, “Why? What time is–” her eyes widened with fear, “Shit! Our job!” She also shoved all her things into her backpack, just without the skill and grace as Connie. “I’ll see you guys when we get off.” 
You smiled at them, waving goodbye. Sasha grabbed Connie’s hand squeezing it. “Ugh! She’s so cute!” Connie tugged Sasha out the room. 
You giggled, grabbing your Starbucks drink and taking a sip. Enjoying the tasty refresher. “I like her,” you looked at Jean, “She’s fun.” Your eyes moved briefly over the door again, smiling to yourself. 
Jean smiled, “She likes you too.” He laughed briefly, “In fact, they both like you.” He leaned on his palm, “I like you, too.” 
You blinked a few times, I know you like me. I just don’t want you to. “Oh.” What do I even say to that? “Uhm, thanks?” You softly replied. 
Jean pushed a strand of hair from your face, “You’re really pretty.” 
You forced a smile, you wouldn’t think that if you first saw me in highschool. Which.. you have. We’ve literally gone to the same school since elementary… “Thanks, I think you're pretty too.” You leaned your face into his hand. I did not just say that. “But, I think I should be getting home. I have one of those video call thingies in an hour.” That was a lie, you just had something else to do. 
“Oh, uh. Okay,” He stood up, closing his laptop. “Do you want me to walk you?” 
You shook your head, “No, s’it okay.” You started putting your things away, “I’m probably going to get some snacks on the way.” You smiled at him, placing your bag over your shoulder. “Bye bye, Jean.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, then left the room. Closing the door behind you, and sighing out. 
You were never going to date, let alone fuck that man. No matter what anybody thought, or said. Even if Jean claimed it himself. But, you were going to be polite. Because, you were classy, and didn’t believe in being rude. Unless deserved. You loved Jean in a platonic way. You really enjoyed hanging out with him, but that's how far things would go. 
Anyways, you had a few things to do before going home. Like changing your goddamn heels into something you could walk in. You praised women who wore heels everywhere, you had only been wearing them for three hours, and wanted to die. Worst of all, you were sitting down for the majority of it. 
Walking outside the building you changed your shoes into some comfy converse, placing your heels in your bag, and continuing on your adventure. Pulling out your sketchbook and pencil, holding onto it as you walked into your favorite sweet spot. 
The door rang as you opened it, you smiled at the cashier. Gwen. 
She screamed when she saw you, “Y/n! Oh my god, you look so sexy right now.” She grabbed your favorite sweets, stuffing them into a small bag. “What’s up with the sudden aesthetic change? Have you been taking my advice?” 
You giggled, running your hand over your beige trenchcoat. Underneath a black turtleneck, decorated with a gold necklace. You pulled out your credit card, handing it to her, “Maybe,” you bashfully said. 
Gwen pushed a strand of hair from your face, “Ah! I can't wait for the day you let me put makeup on your pretty face.” She tilted her head, admiring you for a moment. “Awh, I wish I had a pretty face like you.” 
Which only recently happened, very recently. You giggled, “Gwen, you already do.” 
Gwen squealed, taking your card and ringing you out. “Ah! But, that makes me so happy, Honey.” She leaned forward, handing you your bag and credit card. She stayed there, “Guess who called me last night.” 
Your eyes widened, “No.” 
“Yes.” She smiled, “Harry said he wants to take me out on a date.” She pouted, “Which is weird, because I thought he had a thing for you.”
You cringed, “Ew.” You shook your hands. “I mean, I don’t even know Harry, so I can’t–” you shook your head, “Anyways, I– I’m not looking for a relationship right now.” I have a hell of a lot of online courses to finish. 
Gwen's eyes softened, tilting her head to the side. “Awh, you’re so strong for that.” She placed her hand to her heart, “Couldn’t be me though.” 
You snorted, placing your hand over your lips. Trying to cover your loud laugh, “Gwen I– just shut up.” This is why you love her. 
Gwen laughed with you, pushing your shoulder softly. “Anyways, are you going to the spot?” She leaned on the palm of her hand, adjusting her earring for a second. 
You took your things from her, “You mean my dorm’s roof?” You rolled your eyes playfully, “I wouldn’t call it ‘the spot,’ but yeah. That’s the plan.” You placed your things into your purse, giving her a final wave. “See you tomorrow.”
“Or, in a few hours if you get hungry again.” Gwen stuck her tongue out at you. 
You rolled your eyes as you left the building. Almost bumping into a male as you did so, “Oh, I’m sorry.” You quickly acknowledged, trying not to be rude. 
He smiled at you, before waving his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it.” 
You could feel your heart flutter with his soft tone. “Uh– I– yeah.” You watched him walk inside the sweet shop, making eye contact with Gwen. 
You gave her the look. She returned one. 
He’s so cute.
Right?! Should I talk to him?..
Yes?! He’s so your type Gwen.
Okay, okay, okay, let me get his name.
Gwen looked away from you, turning her attention to the male. She pushed a strand of white hair behind her ear, leaning forward at the male who just walked in. “Hi, can I get the name for the order?” 
He nodded, “Yeah, Peter.” Peter smiled, before quickly adding— “Parker. Peter Parker.” You could tell he was nervous. It was honestly really cute. 
Gwen giggled, “Okay, Peter Parker, what can I get for you today?” She tilted her head, her eyes glancing at you for a moment. You just gave her a thumbs up, then left. 
You didn’t want to be a third wheel. 
Skipping along the streets of New York, you were still getting used to walking everywhere, since you didn’t want to get caught in traffic. It was a weird contrast to constantly being driven everywhere back in California, but you can confidently say you preferred it. Even if your feet burned. Maybe, that’s why you liked staying with your Mother rather than your Father. 
It felt nice to get some fresh air. Even if it was the blistering cold of the merry holidays. Which means you have to visit your family for Christmas in a few days. You could already feel your body regressing. 
Your Mother and Father in the same room. What a nightmare. 
When you arrived at your dorm building, you could feel your shoulders get heavier. You didn’t like that stupid place, it was loud and your roommates weren’t any better. But, you couldn’t afford an apartment, and asking your Father for money didn’t sound too appealing. In fact, you couldn’t recall the last time you spoke to your dad. 
It took some time before you reached the door of your room, pushing it opening and walking inside. Shutting it behind you, and dropping your purse on your bed. Grabbing your things along with your computer, placing it inside your bag and walking to your window. Pushing it open. 
Then, climbing up the latter escape, trying to reach the roof. You sighed, finally reaching the top and sitting on your blanket. Something you set up a few days before. 
“Karen?” You waited for a moment, before your computer lit up. 
“Good evening, Y/n.” A robotic, male voice spoke back. “What seems to be– crack-a-lackin.” 
Your eyebrows met together, “Eugh, ew. Who the hell taught you that, Karen?” You said with a giggle. Grabbing your sketchbook, and flipping to an unfinished sketch. Continuing to finish the drawings design. 
You giggled, shaking your head, Maybe you accidentally programmed him to say that. 
“Gwen.” He quickly said, his voice almost sounded guilty. 
Your jaw dropped, “Gwen?” You accused. Since when did Gwen even talk to Karen? He’s probably lying. “Well– then, don’t be listening to what Gwen says, she’s unfiltered.” You smiled, “She’s not good for your pure, untainted, soul.” 
“Who would be good for me?” Karen asked.
“Me.” You responded coolly, “I’m the goodest person for you.” You tapped the pencil on your paper. “That’s why I’m your mother.”
“Goodest isn’t a word, Y/n.” He lectured, “You’re searching for the word– best.” He laughed, “And, you are not my mother. You are my creator.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I was trying to be funny, Karen.” You turned away, “And, I am your mother.” 
“Well, you’re not funny.” 
Your jaw dropped, before shaking your head. “Karen, just do your goddamn job, and find me some parts for my design?” You tapped your pencil against your lip. “And, make it something accessible. Maybe… from like Home-Depot?” You looked at the screen, “Oh, and if pink is an option, add that.” 
“No. Pink is a horrible choice. But, searching for; suit parts.” 
I can’t take this assault. You glared at your screen, grumbling, “Pink is a good choice.” You finished the eyes of the drawing, and observed the final product. You grabbed a sharpie, and quickly added your signature on the bottom of the leg. “And, when did you get so mean?”
Karen cleared his throat –which you didn’t even know he could do– before speaking. “Here is what I found on; suit parts.” 
You pulled your computer over your lap. Scrolling through the links Karen found for you. You pressed your lips together, I thought I said cheap. You pouted, looking at your design, then the computer screen. You couldn’t afford any of this. “Goddammit.” Why can’t I just make a super high tech supersuit for five bucks? 
“Are you allowed to be up here?” 
You jumped, shutting your computer, and sketchbook. Before snapping your neck back to look at the person behind you. The only way to get on this roof was to climb up the later escape, was this person here this whole time?!
He laughed to himself, “Because, last time I saw an unwanted stranger on a roof, I got thrown off it.” 
You could feel your Jaw drop. “Of course I’m allowed to be up– Wait, thrown?!” You took a deep breath, clasping both your hands together and collecting yourself. “That– what are you?–” Tony Stark, the Tony Stark was standing in front of you. No way. You could feel your mind blanking. 
“I thought you were going to jump, so I decided to stop by. Or, you could be a highly intelligent villain from another planet, with this thing called ‘The Scepter,’ so–” He said, clicking his mask and revealing his face to you. “Kinda traumatized. Or, I could be saving a life.” Tony flashed you a charming smile, clicking his chest and removing himself from his suit.
Holy shi– Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, before you cocked your head to the side. “Really?” Tony thought you were going to jump?
“No.” He replied nonchalantly, then looked at your computer. You followed his eyes and internally cringed. “Karen? That’s his name right?” He took a step in your direction. “Does it stand for anything?” 
You looked to the side, almost embarrassed. “No.” You looked at your computer, placing your hand over it. “He just likes the name Karen.” For some reason, you were embarrassed to say that. 
Tony let out a brief laugh, “He named himself?” He smiled, “And, he likes it?” He reached his hand out, wanting to hold your computer. “Did you program him to have emotions?” 
You grabbed your computer, standing up and handing it to him. “Kinda, I programmed him to have thoughts that could contradict mine, and to build himself off that.” 
“Nice. I created something like that too back in elementary.” Tony cocked his head to his suit, before opening your computer, “Suit parts?” He suppressed a smile, trying not to be rude. “And, from Home Depot?” 
You could feel your face burn with embarrassment, “Well, I just like looking at—“ 
“Suit parts.” Tony finished, his head tilted to the side. He looked amused. 
You cringed, before reaching for your thick sketchbook. “Okay, it sounds weird but–” you opened up the book, handing it to him. “I absolutely adore all the designs of the super suits, and was inspired to make a drawing of them. Then, that's when I realized, wait, if I have the intelligence to design a fully functional suit on paper.” Tony looked up at you, opening the sketchbook. “What’s stopping me from actually making the suit?” You took a deep breath, pointing at your computer. “That’s when I made Karen, he was basically me making the suit digitally. So, I had to make a whole program for that, and that wasn’t even the trial and error for making sure the application worked. Then, once–“
“Jesus kid, what the hell.” Tony continued flipping through the sketchbook. Your computer supporting your thick book underneath. He stopped on the drawing you finished not too long ago. “You made all this?” 
You blinked at him, almost offended he cut you off. “I mean, yeah. My signatures on the leg.” You softly grumbled. 
Tony looked back at his suit, gesturing to his suit to come close. “Garvis.” 
Tony lifted the sketchbook, “Scan this. See if it’s functionable.” Tony’s suit, who was supposedly named Garvis, flew closer. Propping himself right behind Tony and looking at the sketchbook. Taking it from Tony’s hands and flipping through the pages. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Garvis?” You looked around, before your eyes landed on Tony’s suit. Was the suit Garvis?.. Okay, maybe Tony Stark was insane. You took a step back. 
“Sir, all this information adds up to a fully functional suit.” 
I mean, I did make a whole application to see whether or not it would work, so… You thought silently. 
“In-fact, it’s put together so well– it could be something you made, Tony.” 
Wait. He’s british?!
The suit– Garvis, looked at you, “This is incredible, Ma’am.” 
You couldn’t help but smile, nodding your head at the suit. Butterflies erupting in your stomach, “Thank you Garvis.” Wait, did you just get butterflies from a suit A.I? Jesus, Y/n.
Garvis nodded, taking a step in your direction, lifting his hand, but Tony cut him off. He reached for the helmet, and removed it, placing it on his face. “Can you give me a visual display?” He placed his hands on his hips. Tony was so.. “Wow.” He removed his face mask, looking at you. 
“What?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“You made this.” He acknowledged.
You threw your hands in the air, “It’s not like that’s what this whole conversation is about.” You grabbed your sketchbook from the suit and your computer from Tony. “Yes, I made this.” 
Tony looked at his suit, and his suit looked at him. “No need to be a smart-ass about it, but what’s your name?” 
You suppressed a smile. “Y/n L/n.” 
Tony’s eyes widened, “L/n?” He leaned his head back, thinking to himself. “Is your father–” 
“Yes.” You replied, placing your things into your bag. 
“I’ve worked with him.” 
“He wouldn’t stop talking about it.” You looked up at Tony, “He’s a horrible partner. Even though everyone thinks he’s so smart.” 
“But, all he does when speaking to someone is repeat their words with bigger ones.” Tony rolled his eyes, smiling at you. “Sounds about right. It’s why I don’t work with him anymore.” 
You nodded, “Sounds like my Dad.” You rolled your eyes, sighing out dramatically. “It’s nice to hear someone doesn’t like him either.” You always hated hearing praise about that man. He was everything, but praise worthy. 
Tony bit the inside of his cheek, thinking for a moment. “Okay, how about this.” He pulled Jarvis closer, clicking a button on his face. Making a blue holographic display appear to you. It was your suit. “I’ll provide you everything to make your suit, and I’ll even help you with some elements to enhance the product.” 
You raised your eyebrows, placing your hands at your hips. “Really? And, how much is this going to cost me?” 
“Nothing,” Tony shook his head, “Completely free.” He gestured with his hands, “And, how about this. I get you a job right under me at Stark Industries, it pays well, and I’ll get you an apartment somewhere nice.” 
You looked down, “All this for some stupid A.I, and cheap supersuit?” 
“Kid, that ‘stupid A.I’ could have payed off your entire college experience if you sent it to the right people.” He pointed at your computer, “It’s self sufficient, disciplined, compiles information over the web, is intelligent enough to compile its own thoughts, and emotions.” He shook his head, “And, that’s not even half of it.”
“You made one.” 
“Yeah, but I have the money to make them. You made it inside your cheap chrome computer.” 
Okay, ouch. It was the only thing I could afford. You placed your hands behind your back, placing a foot behind the other. “Okay, fine. If I accept your offer, what’s the catch?” There’s always a catch. 
“No catch.” 
“I don’t believe you.” You accused.
“I hate that, but I don’t blame you. In fact, I respect it.” He turned to Garvi– his suit, –this was already getting confusing– and entered it. “Here’s what I need. You, and your suit.” Tony’s voice had an augmented tone to it now. He placed his feet on the floor, no longer flying. “I could use your help with something that’s happening here, in New York.”
“The bombings?” You said, before adding. “The Mandarin.” 
Tony was quiet for a while before responding, “Yeah, that.”
You took in a deep breath, butterflies swarming your stomach. “So, you’re asking for my help with a mission that could potentially kill me?” 
Tony’s head tilted to the side for a moment, “Well, when you put it like that, I guess it does sound a little weird.” 
You looked out to the city, walking to the ledge of the building. “What if I say no?” 
“You won't.” Tony stood next to you, “I’ll even let you wear the suit during the mission, you— you just would..” He sighed, moving his hands in a circular motion. “Need to work out. A lot.” 
You glared at him, a little offended. “I do work out.” Sometimes…
“Good. We just need to get you strong enough to stop a bus.” He lifted his hand, turning it so his palm was facing down. Displaying a miniature version of your suit, “And, you’ll have the help of your own design.” 
You remained quite looking back at the city. “Do you even have a Stark Industries here in New York?” You glanced over the area, enjoying the sparkling lights. 
“You a senior?” 
You shook your head, “Freshman.” 
Jesus you were young. “We’ll have one built your Junior year.” 
You laughed, nodding your head. “That’s great to hear.” You turned to Tony, collecting your hair all together and flipping it over your shoulder. “And, is anyone going to know I’m working with you?” 
“Do you want people to know?” He asked sincerely. 
You shook your head, sighing softly. “Just no one in my school.” You rubbed your shoulder soothingly, “I just made friends with people who like me.” Being this random genius would only repeat what happened in high school.
Tony's eyes softened for a moment, but he didn’t comment on it. “Then, no one will know. No one has to know.” Tony smiled, nodding his head. “So, c’mon.” He sighed, “I have to let Levi know about your involvement.”
You could help but blinked a few times in confusion, “Levi?” Who’s Levi?
Tony tilted his head, before responding. “You don’t?– Oh, uhm, Levi’s my brother, he just likes his privacy.” Which Tony was going to change if Levi took the job as the Iron Patriot. 
You could feel your jaw drop, “You have a brother? Is he as smart as you?” You whispered, like Levi was in the room with you. 
Tony laughed, “Smart? Maybe a little less? Rich? Absolutely.” You placed his hand behind his neck, “And, I would say his way stronger than me.” He shook his head, “Not by choice though.” 
“Was he forced?” You cautiously asked, placing a hand over your chest. 
“No, he just wanted to be the stronger one.” 
You laughed, before flashing him a smile, nodding your head. “Fine, I’ll help.” You took a step backwards, twisting in a circle. Your skirt kicking up in the wind with you. “Where's our first mission?” You asked excitedly, your hands clasped together. 
“I’m flying you to California.” Tony placed his hands on his hips, flying up slightly. Making your hair flutter, “You got a passport?” You nodded excitedly, “Great, let’s go make your suit.” 
You bit your bottom lip, jumping up and down. You smiled, nodding your head. Jumping up and down excitedly, “I get to be a superhero!” 
“Slow down, Y/n. Baby steps.” 
Freshman Year
Beginning of Second Semester. 
Approx. 3 years ago…
You giggled, “Jean, if anything happens I’ll call you.” You pressed your hand against his chest, pushing him away. “Now, go find Sasha and Connie, I promise you they’re probably like—wandering around.” 
Jean gave you a strained smile, “Uh, are you sure?” He looked to the side, “Because, I’m sure we can just look around together–” 
“No!” Your hands came out, expressing your distress. You blinked a few times, before clearing your throat. “I mean, no thank you.” You flashed him a kind smile, “It’ll be better if we split up.” 
Jean nodded his head slowly, alarmed by your distress. But, not questioning it further. “Okay, well, call me if you get lost.” 
You nodded, immediately walking off. Making sure Jean was out of sight before falling to the ground, tears pearling in your eyes. “Holy shit, these heels are killing me.” You groaned, massaging your ankles. Which wasn’t really helping considering how you were wearing boots that reached your knees. 
The worst part was, with the skirt you were wearing, you couldn’t even sit down properly without flashing someone. You blamed Gwen, she was the one who picked out your outfit. In fact, as of now, Gwen was your main source of inspiration for clothing. With all the jewelry, and make-up. The only thing that was original was– your black gloves. 
Your phone rang, and you checked the caller I.D. 
Tony S. 
You rolled your eyes before sliding your finger over the screen, holding up the device to your ear. “Tony.” You greeted, standing up and suppressing a pained groan. Curse these stupid heels, you’d give anything to know how to walk in them. 
“Bambi, how are you doing?” Tony greeted. 
You could feel your eyebrows mush together in distaste, “If you call me that one more time, I swear to god, I’ll find a way to destroy my suit.” You threatened. He was calling you a bimbo, Tony thought the words were similar enough. “But, I’m good. The bruise is healing nicely.” 
Tony huffed, “I can’t believe that was the only thing you got, I thought the guy killed you with that punch.” Tony laughed, “You should’ve seen the look on his face when you got back up.” 
You laughed, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “It was Karen who did that.” You don’t know how, but that’s what happened. “Anyways, I still have some adjustments that would make the suit better. As well as flexible.” 
“We’re starting the construction of a Stark Industries building here.” Tony informed. 
Your eyes widened, “Oh, that’s good. Makes it easier to upgrade suits.” You looked around, a skyscraper in the distance catching your attention. Oscorp. “Aren’t you scared Oscorp is going to start rivaling you, or something? I’ve heard they’ve got some shady stuff going on behind closed doors.” 
“I’m not too worried.” Tony sighed, “I know ways to keep it nice.” 
You laughed, “Alright, Tony.” You walked down the sidewalk, enjoying the college scenery. A field of green grass and a beautiful, large, flower tree. It was pretty enough for a picture. If only you had a camera. “Just, fix up my suit please. I plan on wearing it again.” 
“Oh, not happening.” 
You mushed your eyebrows together, utterly confused. It was your suit? “What?!”
“I thought I told Happy to tell you about it.” 
“Happy’s in the hospital.” You bluntly replied, wanting to kill Tony. There was no way he was revoking your suit privileges. 
“Actually, he just got dispatched. He’s doing well.” 
Your eyebrows raised with delight, “Oh, that’s good– Wait, what do you need to tell me?” You shook your head, trying to stay on topic. “Is it something bad? Did the suit malfunction.” Did I do something bad? 
“No, your suit’s fine. We just–can’t have you running around playing superhero.” You could tell Tony was smiling, “That’s for us adults. The big kids.” 
“I am an adult.” You shot back. Opening your purse and searching for your favorite pink hair tie. Tying your hair up, so it was out of your face. 
“You’re barely an adult, but I still have some plans with you.” Tony sighed, “For the time being, I’m putting a mini mechanic shop in your apartment. So, do what you will with that.” 
You smiled, nodding your head. Tony already managed to get all your things moved into your new apartment. You did a small circle as you continued to walk around. Today was so pretty, you wished you had your camera. “Oh! And, I sent the new bomb designs over to you.” You slowly twisted around, walking backwards. “It follows the target, and once it’s made contact it—“ 
“Blows up.” Tony finished, “It’s perfect. Love the creativity.” 
You didn’t know if he was being sarcastic. “Wonderful.” You brought your body forward again. It was silent for a moment, “So, is this it?” You softly said, almost hurt. 
“Oh, no. I need you around.” Tony let out a small, ‘ah,’ “Actually, I have another assignment coming up, and I could use your help.” 
You eyes landed on a tall male, holding– 
A camera. Perfect! 
You walked up to him, pointing at his camera. Smiling at him sweetly. He just blinked at you confused. You mentally groaned. You cut Tony off, “Let me call you back, Honey.” Before ending the call, placing your phone in your purse. “Your thingy,” you said, pointing at his camera. “Are you one of those people who take the cool snapshots?” 
The man let out a small laugh, “My camera.” He corrected. 
You could feel butterflies erupt in your stomach from his voice alone. Even if you couldn’t see his face, he was weirdly cute. Maybe, that’s why you approached him. Along with the camera. 
You could already tell, you liked this guy. 
Even if you never got his name. 
Senior Year. 
Middle, First Semester
Current time…
“You know, I miss talking to Karen.” You rolled your swivel chair back, “Before, he became the Spider-man suit.” You pouted, “And, before you rest him.” 
“Ah! You mean her.” Tony corrected, hiding the smile on his lips. “And, I didn’t mean to reset her. I just— accidentally reset her programming.” He quickly said. 
“Accident my ass.” You grumbled, rolling back to your desk. Grabbing your keyboard, and opening a small compartment hidden underneath it. Grabbing the small key from inside, and opening your desks drawer. Reaching for the microphone you left inside, and typing something on your computer. “The button clearly said reset.” You grumbled, looking at the text on the screen. He was my best friend. 
You haven’t even gotten to meet the new Karen. It made you sad. You slammed your drawer shut, locking it up again. Placing the key where it belongs. 
“Graduation is in a few months.” Levi voiced, leaning on the wall window. Looking outside, a cup of coffee in his hand. His foot resting behind the other one. “Are you excited about that?” He took a sip of his coffee. 
You sighed, stretching out your neck. “Yeah, it’s exciting and scary.” You peered over your shoulder, “Like, I want it to be over. But, I’m scared of growing up.” 
“Don’t be, Bambi.” Tony added. 
You just glared at him. “Thanks.” You grit. 
Levi shook his head, trying to ignore the laugh bubbling in his throat. “We’ll be there, Y/n.” Levi lifted his glass to you, making you turn your attention away from Tony. “I wouldn’t want to miss you finally becoming an adult.” 
You softly smiled, your eyes softening. “Good.” You turned back to your screen, “I would’ve quit if you didn’t, and we all know you need me to function.” 
Levi felt his eye twitch, “On second thought.” Tony just softly laughed, giving you a discreet thumbs up. 
Levi rolled his eyes at his brother’s encouragement. Before looking at your screen, “And, what are you doing?” Levi doesn't remember assigning any work to you?
You leaned your head back, “I’m working on my personal project.” You responded, “It’s a gift.” To yourself..
“You’re making a gift for someone?” Levi asked, pushing himself off the window. Walking behind your chair, and looking at your screen. “A suit? Y/n, you can’t give a random person a suit.” 
You threw your hands over the screen, trying to hide it from him. “Don’t snoop, Levi.” You scolded, “And, it’s a graduation gift to myself! I’m jealous that Spider-Man gets to use my suit.” 
Levi shook his head, “Well, it is my company. I would like to know what’s being made.” 
“It’s actually mine.” Tony cut in. 
You giggled, “Sure, sure. I forgot.” You clicked a different tab, grabbing the microphone and holding it to your mouth. Glancing at the phrases displayed on the screen. 
“Don’t tell me you’re using your own voice for the suit.” Levi groaned, taking a sip of his drink. 
You blinked a few times, “No..” 
Tony twisted his body around, pointing at you. “That’s genius.” He stood up, dramatically pushing his swivel chair away from him. “Someone get me a microphone. Pepper?” He called, walking out the room. 
You giggled, nodding at Tony. “See, Tony gets it.” 
Levi placed his hand to his face, sighing slowly. “I swear, you two are so full of yourselves.” Levi looked at you through his fingers, suppressing an amused smile. 
You shrugged, clicking the record button. “Good evening, I’m Y/n. And, you are?” You hit the pause recording, waiting for the next phrase to pop up. 
“When do you think you’ll be done with the suit?” Levi looked at the screen. 
You tapped your lips a few times. “Uhm, it should be done by the end of the month. Maybe the beginning of next month, the latest.” Your eyebrows came together, “Wait, why did you give my suit away?” 
“A kid got bit by one of our radioactive spiders.” Levi cringed the moment he said it. You weren’t supposed to know that. 
“Wait, Spider-Man was directly caused by you?” You thought he just happened to be one of those people born with powers. You looked back at your screen, “Why didn’t you tell me about that? I could’ve made a better version of the suit.” You saw Levi cringe again, and you smiled cheekily to yourself. “Unless, you weren’t supposed to tell me.” 
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you.” Levi followed. 
You giggled, “Don’t worry I won’t tell Tony.” Levi let out a breath of relief, while you looked at the text on your computer. Reading it in your head, and readying your microphone. “Just as long as you help me make my suit.” 
Levi hated you.
-ˋˏ★ [ Location: Your comfy, comfy, bed… ]ˎˊ
Dawn was rising, around 6 in the morning, and drawings upon drawings scattered your room. You phone softly playing your favorite song, Amor Eterno. While your hand moved across the paper with an outliner pen. Adding the final details to the improved suit design, before sighing, sitting up from your bed and stretching. 
Harry’s words bouncing in your head like an over inflated ball even if the date was over a week ago. Let me take care of you. You loudly laughed, like you even wanted that. Hell, you found the irony of it. The very thing your father supposedly hated you for, was the very thing men of wealth wanted to do.  
Honestly, whatever. 
It’s not like you wanted them anyways. But, it was always so satisfying knowing that you’d never give them a chance. Were you fake? Maybe? But, that’s what shitty Dads can do to you. 
And, Daddy issues.
You adjusted the strap of your crop top and stood up. Ripping the page out of your thick sketchbook, and adding it to your billboard. You threw the book behind you, hearing as it loudly crashed against your bed. 
That’s what four years of college sketches, and suit designs sound like. 
You grabbed your glasses and took a step back, then placed your hands on your hips. Nodding at the outcome. You liked this upgraded design. Nanotechnology was definitely the way to go. If you go to Stark’s place today, you should be able to have the suit finished by—
‘Knock, knock!’
You looked at your window, eyebrows mushed together. It was silent for a minute, making you think you made up the noise in your head. You know you’re crazy, but not that crazy. “Did I just hear a knock?..” 
“Yes, you did.” 
You shook your head, suppressing a smile. Biting the corner of your lip, and shaking your head, mumbling– “Don’t tell me I need to get the bug spray.” You grabbed your pink curtain, and pulled it back. Tilting your head and smiling at the male on the other side of the clear glass. 
He was crouching on the railings of the fire escape. His head tilted to the side, looking into your room. His eyes widened for a second, “You’d ruin the treats if you did.” Spider-man raised the bag, shaking it lightly. Allowing you to get a better view of what he was holding. 
A bag from your favorite sweet shop. 
You laughed, biting your lip and raising the window. “Okay then, next time.” And, believe me, there will be a next time. 
-ˋˏ★ [ Location: Your Apartment’s Fire Escape… ]ˎˊ
You giggled, taking a bite of your macaroon. 
“You’re kidding?” You questioned, “And, he just walked away?” You scoffed, “I swear, the fucking nerve of some people, right?” You took a bite of your strawberry macaroon. Your favorite upon favorites of flavors. 
Spider-Man nodded his head, his mask above his mouth as he took a bite of his sweet treat. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, getting a loud– ’Ew!’ from you.
You pushed his shoulder playfully, scrunching your nose at him. “You’re disgusting, Spider-Man.” You pushed your glasses to the top of your nose. 
He laughed loudly, “What? You took all the napkins, what am I supposed to do?” Him wiping off the junk off his face with his hand wasn’t even the worst of it. You should’ve seen him last night. Eren was losing his mind over a picture he found of you in his camera. He completely forgot he even took it, on top of that— it was a picture of you smiling. Cutest and purest thing he’s ever seen. 
Soon enough, his mind wasn’t so pure. His back to the bed, eyes screwed shut, while his hand slowly moved up and down his fat dic—
You scoffed, grabbing a few napkins and tossing them at his face. “I don’t know? Ask?! Like a human.” You looked to the side, rolling your eyes. “Idiot.” 
Spider-Man shook his head, cheeks tinted red. Thank god he had a mask on. “Ugh, get over it, Y/n.” He pressed, “Anyways, then the dude walked away like he didn’t slap me.” He shook his head, his eyes squinting. “And, then– And then, He walked to a police officer who watched the interaction and snitched on me.” 
You snorted, tilting your head back and laughing. “Seriously? Jeez.” You looked back at him, tilting your head. “Then, what did you do?” 
Spider-Man laughed. Looking away for a moment before shaking his head, eating the rest of his macaroon. He was embarrassed to tell you what he did next. “I—“ He laughed, shaking his head, bringing the mask over his lips again. “I— I swang away.” 
You coughed, “Pussy.” You taunted, hitting him with your shoulder. A real smile on your lips. Your eyes glancing down to where his lips would be. Only to look back at his eyes. 
Spider-Man visibly tensed, pulling back from you. A shiver shot down his spine, “Well, I– I– can’t get in trouble.” Mr. Stark would kill me if I got in trouble with the police. He almost killed me when I wanted to go save you.
Eren was grounded from the suit for a week. 
You shook your, “You’re such a goodie-goodie, Spidey.” You said, tilting your head and looking at him through your lashes. “You know that.” 
Spider-Man tapped his fingers against himself, “You always call me Spidey, I feel like I should be giving you a nickname.” 
You shrugged, looking to the side thoughtfully. “I thought my nickname was beautiful?”
Spider-Man shook his head, “Not at all, I call you beautiful, because I’m complimenting you.” 
You wrinkled your nose, “You compliment me too much then.” 
“I don’t think I compliment you enough.”
You could feel your face slowly burn, you turned away in embarrassment. “I– whatever.” You played with the fabric of your top, keeping your eyes diverted from Spider-Man. 
Spider-Man laughed, “I want to give you a nickname exclusive to me. Something only I would know.” He tapped his finger against his lip, “What about princess?” 
You snapped your head in his direction, “Ew. Don’t ever call me that again.” You shook your head, a shiver shooting down your spine. “I hate that.” 
“Okay, so, not princess.” He looked to the sky, blinking a few times. In clear thought, “Do you have something in mind?” 
You hummed thoughtfully, trying to think of a name. “I don’t know.. Nothing’s coming to mind.” Your ears picked up on the sweet melody playing from your room, damn, you forgot to turn off your phone.
Spider-Man looked at your room, his ears picking up on the song. He looked at you again, “What song is that?” He tilted his head, genuinely curious.
You smiled, keeping silent for a moment. “Uhm, it’s my favorite song.” You wrapped your arms around your body, almost in a self soothing act. “Amor Eterno, my mom introduced it to me. And, it’s been my favorite since.”
Spider-Man nodded, listening to the melody for a second. “I’ve never heard of it.” He looked back at the room, “I like it, your mom— you have good taste.” He quickly corrected.
You shrugged, “Maybe, it’s just.. yeah.” You laughed.
Spider-Man tapped your shoulder, “Should I call you that, Amor?”
You giggled, tapping his shoulder in return. “You don’t speak Spanish do you?” You laughed again once he shook his head, “I can tell.”
You pulled your hand away, “Maybe, when you can speak Spanish, that can be my nickname. But until then, pick something else.” Your eyes flickered to the bag that Spider-Man got your sweets from. 
‘Angel Cakes.’ 
Spider-Man followed you line of vision, landing on the bag. He smiled, “Angel?’ He asked, “Is that okay?” 
You laughed, “I mean, it’s not horrible.” You poked his shoulder, “Just, don’t say it in front of people. That way it’s like a secret between the two of us.” You lifted a finger above your lip, smiling cheekily. 
Eren could feel his heart burst out of his chest, “Why did you give me a nickname in the first place?” 
You blinked a few times, your bright eyes innocently looking at him. “Hm?” You laughed, shrugging. “I don’t know, I give nicknames to people I like.” You tilted your head to the side, your glossy lips forming a smile. “I like you Spider-Man.” 
Spider-Man shook his head, looking to the side. He was so lucky there was a face mask covering him. If not, you would’ve seen the massive blush on his face. He just liked the way you looked. Visually pleasing. “Shut up, you’re literally just saying that, so I’ll buy you more sweets from your favorite place.” 
You giggled, leaning to the side. “Maybe.” Your eyes widened in realization.  
Spider-Man had the exact same realization. “Shit! I mean!–“ 
Your eyes were wide, your mouth parted open. “Are you following me?!” You shook your head, “Gross, you’re like my stalker.” You teased. Spider-Man was going to defend himself when you raised a finger, cutting him off. “Ah! No, I don’t want to hear it.” You said, leaning in close. 
“I don’t tell anyone that’s my favorite spot. And, call me selfish, but I don’t tell people because I don’t want anyone else to go there.” That’s why you didn’t tell anyone about it. “I guess, now you know my secret.” You poked his side, watching him flinch. Jeez, was Spider-Man always this ticklish?
He pushed your hand away. Finding the fact that you gate kept a bakery very childish, yet cute. He shook his head, titling his head at you. “Fine,” he said, outstretching his pinkie. “It’s our secret now.”
You giggled, nodding your head. Interlocking your pinkie with his. “Yes, our secret.” 
You and Spider-Man turned to the sky, watching the run rise. A comfortable silence falling over you two. You abruptly laughed, placing your face into your hands. “Oh my god, you’re totally following me.” You mumbled, leaning into him. 
Suddenly, his hands were waving around. Panic shooting through his body. “Y/n, it was only once–I swear.” 
You laughed, shaking your head, leaning it on his shoulder and looking at him. “I don’t believe you, Spidey.” 
“I’m so sorry, if there’s anything I can do to fix it, believe me! I’ll do it.” His eyes were wide, showing his expression. You always loved how expressive his eyes could be, it was an aspect you loved about your suit. 
You let out a brief huff, and outstretched your hand. Waiting for Spider-Man to grab it. He did, his gloved fingers intertwined with yours. You smiled at it, sighing softly. “Just kiss me.” You softly said, keeping your head on his shoulder. “And, maybe I’ll forgive you.” 
You could feel him stiffen. An amused grin shaped on your lips, “You did say anything, Spidey.” 
“I did.” Spider-man confirmed.  
You turned to him, watching as his hand came to the bottom of his mask. But before he could even take it off, your lips were already on his covered ones. You smiled, into the ‘kiss.’ Before, pulling back. “What? Don’t tell me you were expecting more?” You swiped your tongue over your glossy lips, looking at his. “Oh you got a little–“ You pointed at his lips. Trying to help him remove the lip gloss that was smeared over his mask.
“Oh fuck off, Y/n.” He placed a hand on your face, and shoved you playfully. Using the other one to wipe away your gloss. 
You loudly laughed, turning away. “Oh shut up, you love me.” You said, grabbing his hand and holding onto it. 
Spider-Man’s ear perked to the sound of your front door opening. He looked back at you, “Expecting guest?” 
You tilted your head, looking into your room. “No?” Your eyebrows came together, “Why, is someone at my door?” 
Spider-man nodded his head, “Yeah, I heard someone knocking.” 
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. “It’s probably Gwen or something, I gave her a spare key a few months back.” You sighed, your lip jutting out dramatically. “Looks like we have to cut our playdate short.” You let go of his hand, jumping off the railing and going towards your window. 
Spider-Man smiled, his eyes squinting for a second. “I'll see ya’ later then.” 
You looked back at him, grabbing his hand. Stopping him from swinging away. “Oh, and Spidey. It doesn't—it’s fine..” You softly mumbled, “You literally saved my life, I owe you everything.” You bit your lip, “I trust you, you saved me once, I'm sure you can do it again.”
His eyes softened, and you could feel your heart burst. “I’d give you my life, if it came down to it, Y/n.” You could feel your walls fall down for a moment, but you quickly shook it off. 
You walked to your window, propping it open. “I don’t mind someone like that watching me when I’m on the streets.” You snapped your fingers at him, “but, just remember. I’m fully capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need you to completely take care of me.” It's just nice to relax for a while. 
Spider-Man’s eyes squinted, indicating his smile from behind the mask. “Of course, Y/n.” He shot out a web, “I’ll see you later, Love.” He gave you a quick wave, “Oh, and I love your glasses, you should wear them more often.” Then, swang away. 
You felt your cheeks burn from the nickname and compliment. Maybe you should wear your glasses more often. You went into your room, and closing the curtain behind you. Walking towards your room door, flinging it open and walking out. “Gwen!” You shouted, “If you plan on visiting you need to text me!” You pouted. I was busy.
“No, I told him I wasn’t going to do it today. I told him I was drained from the last task, but he insisted..” Someone groaned. 
“Well, he did double the amount he was paying us.” Someone responded, “That’s why I said, yes.” 
“It isn’t about the money, it’s about— Mom.” They sighed, “I still can’t believe you answered for me. We should’ve talked about it more, I can still feel the way she was looking at me with fear from the last time.” 
That doesn’t sound like Gwen?..
You laughed, “Bertolt? Reiner? What are guys doing here?” You rushed over, engulfing them in a hug. “I thought you—” 
“Are you dating someone?” Reiner asked, pushing you away, and crossing his arms over his chest. “Or, was that a friend you were talking to?” 
You blinked a few times, “Were you listening to my conversation?” You assumed, “And, how the hell did you get into my apartment? I didn’t give you the key?” Suddenly, your mood was souring. 
“Dad did.” He responded, lifting his hand and rubbing his chin. “Now, who the hell were you talking to?” He was getting closer to you. 
You scoffed, taking a step back. How did your Dad even get your key? In fact, there was no way for him to get your address. You pushed the thought away, “Of course he did, I forgot how close you two are.” You mumbled, glaring at him. “Don’t do this Reiner, you just got here.” You muttered, “We just got to see each other again.” 
Reiner’s face softened, only for a moment. “That doesn’t matter, I still need to protect you.” He argued. Pushing through you and walking into your apartment. 
Was he going for your room?!
You could feel a panic shoot through your body, looking at Bertolt and silently telling him to stop Reiner. He just gave you an apologetic look. Which made that panic spiral. 
Your room was a mess!
You quickly rushed after Reiner, trying to stop him from reaching your room. “C’mon Reiner. Don’t be like that, I don’t need you babying me anymore.” You pushed your back to the door, a way of blocking your room. “This isn’t highschool.”
Reiner scoffed, “Yeah, that doesn’t matter, in my eyes you're still my baby sister.” He smiled, but it wasn’t comforting. It was mocking, “And, on top of that, what have you been doing since you got here?! Fucking around with shitty men?!” 
You flinched when he raised his voice, opening your mouth to defend yourself but he cut you off. “Partying, drinking, drugs?!” You didn’t do drugs.. “I thought you hated doing shit like that! I thought you hated parties!?” He looked at the way you were blocking your room, “Y/n, I swear to fucking god if they’re is a boy in there, I’m going to kill him.” 
Bertolt placed a hand on Reiners shoulder, suddenly appearing behind him. “I think we should calm down, Y/n is old enough to—“ 
Reiner shoved his hand off his shoulder. “Yeah, but she still is stupid enough to get involved with Har—“ 
“Can you not!?” You sighed loudly, “I moved over here to get away from—“ you gestured your hands to the three of you. “This!” You placed your hands down, pushing your glasses to your face. Feeling them slip, “I’m so fucking tired of you guys. Just get out. Please.” You placed your face into your hands. “I’m not going through this again.” 
Reiner pressed his lips together, his hand instinctively reaching out for you, but he stopped himself. “Y/n, look, that’s not what I meant..” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You know I do everything for you.”
You shook your head, looking up at him. “Really?” You asked, “So working at my rival company is the way to do that?” You pointed at the Oscorp symbol on their shirt, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that little thing.” You watched as the both of them cringed. 
Bertolt sighed, “Y/n, just know we love you.” He added behind your shorter brother. 
Your eyebrows mushed together, anger slowly building in your body. “You love me?” You mocked, “Oh yeah, I forgot. You were the one defending me when Father was absolutely torturing me.” You could feel it boiling up your throat. “You guys were the one who defended me, not the ones who stood by his side instilling what he said.” 
Reiner’s eyebrows came together, expressing his disdain coming over his face. That anger returning, “Y/n, is there a boy in there?” He asked again. 
“No!” You shouted, “There isn’t a fucking boy in my room, and even if there was— it’s none of your business!” You could feel tears pearling in your eyes with anger. You hated that about you, how sensitive you were. 
“I swear if Harry’s in there.” Reiner whispered to Bertolt, “I’m going to kill her.” He wouldn’t doubt it, and with the way Harry had been flaunting over his crush. Reiner’s suspicion had been raised when some factors rang too similarly to you. You shouldn’t be around Harry, he wasn’t a good person. Reiner was going to kill you if you were so much as dating him. 
You felt your jaw go slack, eyes widening ever so slightly. “You’re going to kill me? And, not the boy in my room?!” You rolled your eyes, leaning back. “I don’t even like Harry, he’s a huge dick that I want nothing to do with.” You crossed your arms over your chest. 
Bertolt grabbed Reiner, a way of trying to calm him down. “See, calm down, Y/n doesn't even like him.” Bertolt looked at you, “Look Y/n, we promise to never hurt you.” 
You could feel your lip wiggle, the words bubbling in your throat. You couldn’t stop them from spilling, “You already have.” You muttered, “Even before all this.”
Reiner scowled, his hand reaching for your doorknob. Trying to push it open. 
“If you open this door, there’s going to be no trust left between us.” You whispered, eyes boring into his body. “Just trust me, Reiner.” You were challenging him, something you’ve never done before. 
It made Reiner mad. And, he pushed the door open. Walking past you. You stared blankly at the wall, waiting for him to come back out of your room. 
Reiner glanced around, eyes dancing over your billboard, bill board, open sketchbook, messy clothes, open window, and stuffed animals. Why would you leave your window open? It was freezing. And, with the outfit you were wearing, it didn’t really make sense. 
Reiner sighed in defeat, walking back outside the room. Glancing at you. Seeing as your eyebrows were furrowed, tears slowly falling down your cheeks. Bertolt rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. 
Reiner sighed, “Look, Y/n. You’ll understand when you’re older, we just do this because we’re worried about you.” He softly said, but not looking at you. “Just give it time.”
“When are you going to stop saying that?” You whispered, pushing Bertolt's hand off your shoulder. Glaring at him with red eyes. “When I’m one hundred, when I’m dead?”
Reiner was going to speak, when you cut him off. “Huh?! Answer me!” You shouted, “I’m going to be way more successful, and famous than both of you combined! Am I still going to be your naive little sister you constantly berate then?!” You could feel your throat hurt, squeezing. 
Your brothers were silent. Which made you even madder. “You guys don’t want to protect me, you just see me as less than you! I’m just the stupid little girl who needs a man to take care of her!” You pushed Reiner’s chest, feeling that he didn’t even move. He was just letting you rant. 
Bertolt felt tears pearling in his waterline, looking away and blinking rapidly. While Reiner’s eyes softened, his hand brushing against your shoulder. “That’s not what we’re trying to say, Y/n.” He muttered. 
“You guys just feel guilty over the way you treated me back in highschool, and want to fix your guilty conscience now.” You seethed, “It pisses me off. The guilt is messing with your head, I get it.” 
“We’re sorry, and you don’t have to forgive us.” 
“Enough!” You shouted, trying to push them to your front door. They let you push them, “You guys are so suffocating. I’m so tired of it!” You yelled, “It’s always, ‘I’m so useless, this,’ and ‘I’m so sorry, that,’ when will you give it a break.” You gave them a final shove. 
Bertolt and Reiner looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Apologizing probably wouldn’t be ideal as of now. They’re just treating you the way they learned too. 
Which, you couldn’t even blame them for. You almost hated girls that weren’t like you, because of your Father. 
“Is this how you treat Mom? Or, am I the exception?” 
Reiner and Bertolt tensed, eyes going wide. “Don’t.” Bertolt whispered, “Don’t talk about her.” 
You mushed your eyebrows together, “Why wouldn’t I be able to talk about my Mom, Betolt? Oh, wait.” You glared at him, “She is currently in no form of contact with you, or our Dad.”
“I wonder why.” Because of this exact treatment. 
“Why are you talking about this?” Reiner asked, looking away. 
“Because, you need to stop acting like this.” You gestured between the three of you. “It makes me want to go no contact.” 
“Don’t say that.” Reiner sighed, “What can we do to fix this?” 
You looked to the side, “Just treat me like a normal person.” You told them, “That’s all I want.” And, you shut the front door before they could respond. You pressed your head to the door, sighing out.
They’re trying to be protective now, to make up for your youth with them. Unfortunately, no matter what they did, the long bridge between you three would never be fixed. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, making you reach for it. You could feel your heart flutter at the contact name. 
However, a feeling of dread crawled up your spine. The party flashing through your head, what Jean said, and the last time the two of you texted. You need to clear things up with Eren. 
Wait. What if he was calling you to cut you off?! 
You wouldn’t be able to handle Eren leaving you. You took a deep breath, your hands shaking while you moved your finger over the screen. You picked up, and put the phone on speaker. Then, placed it on the ground, giving yourself some distance. “Hey, Eren!” You tried to greet him excitedly. Disregarding the interaction between your brothers. Or, was trying to.
“Hey, how are you?” His voice was calm, but groggy. It almost sounded like he just finished working out. It weirdly sounded nice. 
Or, maybe not… “Uhm, I’m–” you thought about your brothers, “weird, but…” You leaned your head back on the door, still sitting on the floor. “It’s fine. How about you?” You still sounded sweet, like honey. 
“I’m weird too.” Eren briefly responded, a small laugh building inside his throat. “Uhm, we just got graded on our project. Do you want to come over, and see what we got?” 
You blinked a few times, feeling your brain malfunction. Butterflies erupting in your stomach, “Uhm, you mean like– a party?” You softly smiled to yourself, “Or, a cute hangout.” Some one-on-one time with Eren sounded wonderful. 
Eren didn’t like how you were still being fake with him, but he was determined to change it. He wanted to be with the real you. However, your personality was starting to peek through the cracks. “Yeah. A cute hangout. We can even walk around, and get air if you want?” He responded with a soft laugh. Eren adjusted himself, making sure he wouldn’t fall off your building—which he was currently sticking to. 
Eren couldn’t leave after how abrupt you left him. And, he was worried!
Creepy, abrasive, and corrupt? Absolutely. But, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. So, it was fine when he did it. 
Eren would let you slap him later. 
You smiled to yourself, “Yeah, a walk sounds nice.” You didn’t have the energy to worry about school. “Want to go on one tomorrow, same time as now?” You had work close to an hour, where you had to show Tony some of your designs from your sketchbook. The two of you agreed he would hold onto it for a few days to make them come to life. So, tomorrow would work better. Then, after the walk, you could just go straight to your job. 
Sounds perfect. 
Besides, you needed some time to yourself after the argument with your brothers. You probably were going to take some Nyquil to sleep tonight. You could worry about all your problems tomorrow. 
As your Mother would say— that sounds like a problem for tomorrow. 
“Okay, great.” Eren softly replied, you could hear the smile in his voice. 
You pouted, standing up from the floor and walking into your kitchen. Placing your phone on the counter. You were craving something sweet. Actually, you needed something sweet. Like, strawberry champagne. “Wait, Eren.” You paused, looking at your phone. “You want to hear the stupid thing my brothers just pulled.” 
Eren didn’t need to hear, he practically watched it unfold in front of him. There was no need for you to tell him. However, Eren couldn’t help but smile to himself, and respond, “Of course I do.” 
God, he was so in love with you.
Read the rest here! Link to Ao3: Chapter three, Here.
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moondorian · 1 year
🔥 kakashi hatake x reader 🔥
[I would be very grateful if you would reblog and promote my art. Love to all]
🦋 🦋 🦋
He looks at me with a frown. There's a flame in his eyes, hidden behind the cold indifference. He's tense; he can't take his eyes off me, his body taut as a string, ready to lunge if i takes an extra step. The beast.
"What do you want from me? Hmm?"
I can feel the irritation sparking inside, quickly turning to anger. A storm is brewing and I want to pounce on him, to let it flow. I come home tired, nervous, with my feet humming unpleasantly (I press my lips together from the discomfort). I want to take a shower to wash off all the dirt of the day and go to bed, not have a scandal. Unsubstantiated. Unreasonable. I don't need it. Don't touch me, eh.
"Don't you understand?", Kakashi's voice is tense.
"I was only a little late with my subordinate. I was hungry, and he gave me ramen!"
"...walked you home and carried your bag," he finishes.
"That's right."
His eyebrows raise in feigned amazement.
"And you think that's normal? He's clearly wooing you, and you're letting him do it."
I took a deep breath of air (to fly away), bracing myself for a tirade. Sharp, splinter-like words roll around on my tongue, pricking me. I pull myself away just in time.
"Kakashi," his name comes out as i exhales, "Kakashi, my love, everyone, I repeat, every dog in Konoha, knows that I belong to you," his expression changes, like a snap of his fingers. It becomes more... predatory," No one dares to go against the Hokage. And Ian was beating me out of a vacation; he wants a romantic weekend for his boyfriend. You know what I mean?", I lead a tired hand, covering my eyes. I fall back in my chair, tilting my head back. The tension level in the room drops," And why do I have to make excuses to you now?"
I close my eyes for a few seconds. After a while, I hear:
"Come here, honey."
"I will not. You want, you come," I grumble under my breath, knowing that he will hear me.
I can't hear his footsteps, but I can feel him close by. He gently lifts me up from the chair, and I wrap my legs around his thighs and hold onto his neck. I open my eyes, stumbling into the abyss. Kakashi's breath tickles my face. I melt at how tightly, but gently, he holds me, pressing me against his hot body.
I allow myself a little leeway and fidget slightly, beating an unheld sigh out of him.
"Don't tease, honey. We're having a serious conversation," Kakashi runs the tip of his nose down my neck. I'm out of breath now.
"I can see that."
"Of course, I'm jealous of you. I don't like the way other people shag you with their eyes or touch you. I wish I could hide such a treasure from the world so that it would belong only to me, but I realize I don't have that right. I didn't mean to upset you, my love. "
I nod, trying to hide my embarrassment. I hug my neck tightly.
"It's alright. ", and it's true, "Especially if I saw you with some girl who was showing attention to you, I would have destroyed her." I said overly cheerfully, but it would have been. Sometimes jealousy can eat me from the inside out.
A light kiss on his neck and he carries me to the shower. Then Kakashi gives me massage.
watch video kakashi x listener (1)
watch video kakashi x listener (2)
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miris-secret-files · 19 days
HI ! Could i request a really dark father kakashi x daughter . Kakashi is mad because his daughter is coming home late ....etc and could there be degradetion ex kakashi thinks his daughter is sleeping around and teach her a lesson
Teaching You A Lesson || Dad!Kakashi Hatake x daughter!fem!reader
A/n : Okay so apparently I'm back ahahha. I almost didn't write it because I had no idea what to do but I think I managed for a come back 😂
Warnings : Dark content, incest, grooming, mention of erection, riding, breeding kink, pregnancy, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 816
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To be honest he wasn't the jealous type in his relationship, but this is you we are talking about here, his sweet little princess, and with you everything was different
From the moment you left the house his nerves were upside down
His leg was bouncing slightly as he sat at the table with a boiling cup of coffee in front of him. He knew you were going to come here late and so he was determined to stay up until then
He usually was a pretty chill man but after an hour his mind started to wander about what you might be up to. His imagination drove his mind restless, he pictured you dancing and rubbing yourself to other boys. One would take your hand and lead you to his room. Then he would ask you to raise your arms and gently lift your shirt, before letting his hands explore your subtle curves-
Fuck, the mere though of it had him already growing hard in his pants. His erection angrily pressing against the rigid fabric of his clothes
At some points he wonder what was preventing him from going to your friend’s house and taking you right then and there in front of all of them, so they could see how much you loved your father, how much your were his
But he knew he was just imagining things, so he waited, his cock growing harder with every extra thought he had for when you came home
Eventually you came back home around 2 am, fortunately you weren’t that tired because as you tiptoed your way to your room-
“Where do you think you’re going, young lady ?” a voice rumbled from the living room
You froze in place, a chill of anticipation running across your spine “Come here” he said on a tone that leaves no room for denial
And so you did
“Sit” he demanded sternly
As you looked at his lap you saw that his cock was rock hard, proudly protruding from his pants, he must have been stroking it a little before you arrived
His thumb spread the glistening precum, that beaded at the tip, along the rest of his shaft to allow a smooth penetration, just the way he knew you liked
You gulped and - eagerly - sunk on his member. A low groan escaped his lips as he felt your tight heat engulfing him inside you
“Such a whore you’re not even wearing panties. I bet you let all the boys get a peak of my tight, sweet pussy”
His hands were already squeezing your hips with an almost painful grip, not to say but he was already close
You couldn't even appreciate the delightful stretch provided by his substantial cock that you felt a sharp pain stinging your ass cheek
You gasped at this but it only spurred him on to add another one on your already red ass *SLAP*
“Have you seen what time it is right now Y/n ?”
You didn’t even have the time to answer him that he gripped your hips tighter, pushing you forcefully until he was completely balls deep inside of you
He gripped your jaw tightly before spitting in your mouth “You’re late you know that ?” he growled against your neck, observing a drop of his saliva that was rolling down your neck
“Swallow” he finally granted you the permission, you did, and you don’t know why but it felt like you were on cloud nine, though this isn’t what he was willing to teach you tonight
Feeling your cunt throb around his cock he snarled “Is my little girl becoming a slut now ?” he thrusted harshly getting impossibly deeper inside you
He intended to only thrust once, but actually he didn’t stop, he couldn't “Such a sweet pussy… ah… tell me you didn’t share it- mmh with a- anyone there”
You almost didn’t hear him, your head was lolling back while the room filled with the wet sounds of skin to skin contact
But he didn’t forget his main mission for tonight. His eyes scanned your neck and collarbone for any evidence of hickeys
After a while he forgot to check if your pussy was red and swollen from sex, just the way it was going to be tonight after what he had prepared for you
I don't need to draw you a picture to tell you that he fucked you like a bitch all night long and that you'd probably be limping the next morning when you woke up
Oh also did he tell you he came inside you last night… of course not, because now that’s you’re going to be pregnant you’re not going to go meet any boys at parties because you won’t go anymore. You’ll stay home like the wife he is desperately trying to groom you into, while he will take care of your burgeoning belly
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sunstaar · 2 years
Hiii, I just read your newest kakashi fic and omg your writing is BEAUTIFUL!!! So, I don't know if you're still ok with requests but could I ask for another kakashi fic? (with a fem or gn reader?) Maybe a friends to lovers one, where they never talked about their feelings but everybody else knows. So they (maybe genma? I could imagine him doing that) try to get them together by making him jealous (and he realizes that he is worthy to be loved). And he confesses in the heat of the moment?
And if you're not into that maybe a one bed scenario where they wake up cuddling together? Because I know that he is touch starved I know my suggestions are cheesy and I'm so sorry
Just some more pure fluff for our traumatized sweetheart Thank you for considering; Please ignore this if I made a mistake Stay hydrated ☼
I'm always up for requests! When I saw this, I promise you, I squealed!! First of all, thank you for the compliments and for reading my works, I am super honored! I love both of your ideas, but I felt more inspired to write the first one. I'll make sure to keep your second idea noted down, though!
Also, make sure to stay hydrated yourself, nonnie! And I gotta add, sorry this took some time, I was caught up in work sadly, so this took a lot more time than anticipated D:
Jealousy, Jealousy
Kakashi Hatake x gn!reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Seeing both Kakashi and you stumble around your mutual feelings for years and with no end in sight, your friends decide to bring the two of you together ... with jealousy, that is.
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In Konohagakure, it was no secret that Copy-Cat-Nin Hatake Kakashi and his best friend (Last Name) (Name) were head over heels for one another. As their closest friends would describe to those new to the overworked gossip mill, the pair were positively infatuated with one another to the point that their mutual adoration was more than just obvious (obvious, that was, if you weren’t either of them). It was just as ridiculous as it sounded when worded aloud, the fact that neither of them knew about the other’s feelings should be an impossibility instead of reality.
As though they were a pair of blind moles, the two of them walked around the truth that hung in the air, seemingly unable to see it for what it was. Their feelings were mutual, undeniably so, but remained unacknowledged by both parties.
Things couldn’t continue on as they were, so everyone knew.
After seeing the couple (of friends, sadly enough) walk on eggshells around the other, their shared friends had decided that enough was enough. Not only was it quite pathetic to see two people, especially their close friends, miss their shot at the love they deserved, but it was also pretty frustrating to have the two of you drunkenly complaining over your supposed unrequited love.
The plan the group consisting of Sarutobi Asuma, Yūhi Kurenai, Maito Gai, and Shiranui Genma created was rather foolproof, that much they could agree upon. Over drunken ramblings of their own they had come up with the idea to somehow force your relationship to progress from friends to lovers, or otherwise, both of you would continue wallowing in self-pity.
“If I hear either of them complain one more time about their feelings being unrequited, I will tell them myself.” Asuma had threatened after dragging a breath of smoke from his cigarette.
Kurenai, who leaned against his arm shook her head with a soft sigh. “I tried. (Name) wouldn’t believe me when I told them. They kept denying it and told me to ‘stop lying to them to make them feel better’.”
“When I told my eternal rival about the love our lovely flower (Name) holds for him, he told me all about how I must have misread their friendly gestures for signs of affection,” Gai added. He took a sip from his almost empty beer and practically slammed the glass back down onto the table. “He does not believe that (Name) could love him.”
“So neither of them will confess on their own because neither believe that the other has feeling for them?” Kurenai summarized.
Without a doubt, they could collectively agree on the fact that their friends were blind idiots.
Asuma took another drag from his cigarette, forming delicate shapes with the smoke. “Force is the only plausible solution.”
“I agree with that,” Genma leaned forward in his seat and placed his chin on his hands in thought. “I have an idea. How about we make either of them jealous? That will surely get them acting on their feelings.”
At that, Gai perked up. “Jealousy?! Oh, how youthful such a proclamation of one’s feelings for the other is!”
“I gotta agree with Gai. That’s genius.” Asuma said.
Against his arm, Kurenai nodded with the slightest furrow of her dark brows. “But how do you plan on doing that?”
With a smug expression, Genma now leaned backward in his seat and chewed on his senbon, making it move upward in his mouth. “We have to get someone to ask (Name) out, preferably when Kakashi is present. That will get him acting for sure.”
“How do you know that it won’t backfire?”
Jealousy was a powerful emotion that could give a mind a complete twist. It was no secret that many who acted upon jealousy fell into a fit of rage, one that made them the servant instead of the master of their own emotions. They were often uncontrollable and also unpredictable, a dangerous combination if underestimated.
Genma let out a short laugh. “It won’t, just relax, Kurenai. And even if he decides to deck me over the head, I will just dodge. Easy as that.”
The others around the table couldn’t help but give the overconfident brunette man looks of doubt, which he merely brushed off. It was decided: Genma would make a faux move on a certain silver-haired’s (Name) to provoke the man into acting so that hopefully, by the end of the day, the two of them were dating. That is, if everything goes according to plan.
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Already minutes ago, Shiranui Genma had set eyes on his target, you. There was no doubt that you were indeed a sight to behold, with a pair of gleaming e/c-color eyes and a smile so bright it was almost blinding. Were it not for the fact that Kakashi was utterly infatuated with you, Genma may have asked you out by now (but again, he couldn’t do such a thing to a friend, that went against all fundamental rules of camaraderie).
His trademark senbon portruded from his lips, as pointed as ever with the dull end held in place by his tongue. While it was primarily a weapon, it was also a nervous habit of his and one that gave him the confidence needed to enact his plan perfectly, that is once he found the right moment to strike.
As of right now, you weren’t alone. In fact, the silver-haired target number two was standing beside you, almost protectively shielding you from the few civilians walking by with their shopping. From what Genma could make out, the two of you were planning to buy something yourself, most likely something simple from the little shop behind the two of you. According to the mission plan, the two of you were set to go on a mission together the following day, so now you were most likely planning out what you would take along the way. All he needed to wait for was for Kakashi to enter the store and leave you alone for a moment or two, so Genma could hurry over and do his thing.
It was easier said than done, however. The silver-haired was practically attached to your side, as though glued to it. While that hindered the brunette’s plan greatly, he would not allow himself to entirely be deterred from it. Not even Hatake ‘too blind to see the person he loves also loves him’ Kakashi could foil his plan, he wouldn’t allow for that to happen.
His time to strike was once Kakashi turned away from you to enter the store. That was the moment he had been waiting for such an excruciatingly long time.
(Ignoring the prospect that maybe both of you decided to go into the store together then Genma would have to improvise, but fortunately for him, that did not happen.)
Once Kakashi was safely out of view, Genma hurried over to you with a sly grin playing on his lips.
You noticed the brunette practically creeping closer to you immediately. It was difficult to miss him, at least that was what you thought. With the way he had his set of gleaming eyes solely focused on you, as though making a beeline in your direction was also hard to not notice (despite him acting rather sly about it).
Quickly, you glanced behind yourself and into the store, hoping to catch a glimpse of a certain silver-haired making his way back to you or at least standing at the tills already. Yet, there was no one but you, the civilians, and Genma with something clearly on his mind. 
Once he was close enough to hear you, you let out a small sigh and peered up at the undeniably handsome man. “What can I do for you, Genma?”
You were well aware of the fact that of you, it was more than just a tad bit unfair of you to react with a small groan to his presence, but you couldn’t keep the annoyance away from your tone. Secretly, you had been hoping to spend your day alone with Kakashi, only you and him with no one else (even though such meet-ups were absolutely deadly to your feelings for him) for yourself to be able to pull yourself together before the mission tomorrow began. While Genma’s new presence certainly was not a bother, since he was the friend of both of you, it was still surprising and again, a bit annoying.
Maybe it was the jealousy bubbling up in your stomach that a person such as Genma was able to express his love for others so easily, that he always blurted out the right words to wrap anyone around his fingers. You, meanwhile, already struggled with confronting your own feelings, nevermind speaking them. How he was able to do everything with such confidence, you wished you knew.
"I really need to talk to you, (Name). It's really important." Genma said seriously, the sly expression almost fully wiped off of his face.
Your brows knitted together in obvious confusion, concern slowly rising to your features. "Are you alright? Did something happen?"
Genma winked at you of all things. "You happened."
Now that confused you even more. Without a doubt, the brunette was a walking enigma.
"I'm sorry- what?"
"You make me go crazy, (Name), make my mind spin and be dizzy, my thoughts spin and my heart beat faster. You do something to me."
Maybe Genma was not as suave as you had always perceived him to be, but that was not the point. More so, you were confused by his words or confession, if you will. It had come out of the blue, utterly unexpected by poor shocked you, who was still trying to comprehend what had just happened. The warmth of emberassment that rose to your cheeks was utterly mortifying and left you speechless with your mouth gaping open.
"Genma, I-"
"And I've got to say, I really like you, (Name), so would you maybe like to go on a date with me?"
Before you could even get one word out of your mouth, a large hand clamped down on your shoulder, startling you. A glance behind yourself revealed the sight of a fuming Kakashi, with his visible eye gleaming with an emotion you found difficult to read and obvious anger. You barely ever saw him in such a state, with his emotions out like that, so that certainly took you by surprise.
"Isn't it obvious that you are confusing them?" Kakashi spoke, his hand on your shoulder tightening the smallest bit.
From the peripheral of your vision, you could see his gaze flit to your features once before resuming to glare at the brunette man again.
Genma crossed his arms over his chest with a teasing smirk. "I think (Name) can speak for themselves. If they don't want to go on a date with me and rather with someone else, then they can tell me themselves."
Your palms felt sweaty once the attention of both men traveled to you. You weren't entirely used to being the center of attention, so it was both unfamiliar and nerve-wracking for you. While both of the men maybe had the best intentions in mind, they still made you nervous.
Before speaking, you took a deep breath to calm your rising heartbeat. "Genma, I'm s-sorry, but I don't think I can reciprocate your feelings-" Now Kakashi's grip on your shoulder loosened. "and I don't want to lead you on. I would rather stay friends."
To your explanation, Genma calmly nodded along without interfering at all. Then, he smiled at you as though unbothered by your rejection. "I understand, (Name). I always knew that against Kakashi I had no chance. With the steam practically coming out of his ears, I think it is better if I don't ask again."
Against … Kakashi?
Genma's word barely made any sense to you. Why would he have to compete against Kakashi when it came to your feelings unless … unless … it couldn't be, could it?
“That’s right. Just as (Name) doesn’t reciprocate my feelings, they don’t yours either.” Kakashi said, his jaw clenching.
Did Kakashi maybe, potentially, share your feelings? The mere concept sounded like a lie to you (even though you heard him just speak it). You know he would never lie to you about such a thing, especially not to hurt you. And yet, it sounded like a fever dream to you.
You just had to know the truth, you were yearning to know, to get a confirmation.
"Kakashi?" Hesitantly, you turned around to face the silver-haired man behind you, making his hand fall off of your shoulder along with your motion. Then you looked up at the silver-man, who appeared to not even have realized that you had spoken his name. As though falling into his own bubble, the man in question froze in an instant, barely blinking as he looked down at your confused figure.
He swallowed harshly and you could see his adam’s apple bop down. “(Name), I-”
With clammy hands, you got yourself to speak the words floating around your mind. “D-do you also have feelings for me, Kakashi?”
In an instant, he froze yet another time before his visible eye widened drastically. “‘Also’?” He whispered almost breathlessly.
Now it was time for you to mirror his position in obvious shock. You hadn’t meant to tell him like that! Rather, you had planned that in a few years, one eventual and lucky day, you would figure out a proper way to do so without stumbling over each word you spoke, to at least have a minuscule chance with him. And now, now you managed to ruin and throw away all of your friends in one go.
The reasons why you hadn’t confessed up until now were glaringly obvious and now, there was no way to backtrack. You had done what you wanted to do for years already, after all.
So, you swallowed your pride and the spit gathering in your mouth and nodded. “I do.” You spoke firmly to keep the nervousness away from your voice.
The many emotions that flashed across Kakashi’s face were too many in mere moments and had you stunned, unable to say anything more but to merely stare at him, awaiting a reply. Whether it would be a rejection or acceptance, or even neither, you just wanted him to somehow react.
With a flush peeking out from underneath his mask, Kakashi looked away from you, fully averting his gaze as he turned his head away. “Why me of all people? I don’t understand, (Name). Couldn’t you have chosen someone else to-”
“No,” You interrupted him immediately with newfound confidence. When it came to erasing his doubts, your passion lit up as a flame would. Gently, you placed your hand onto his masked cheeks to turn him toward you, to be able to face him as you spoke, “I never chose who to fall in love with Kakashi, I just did. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have done and something I didn’t want to fight against.”
Slowly, he allowed your hand to turn his head toward you.
“I love you, not anyone else and there is reasons why that is, Kakashi. I love you, for being you. Nothing could ever change that.”
Externally, you appeared calm and most likely lovestruck, but internally, you were pretty much ready to smash your head into the nearest wall. Most likely the warmth spreading onto your face revealed said fact.
You had always known that Kakashi was not an expert when it came to expressing his feelings, especially when he decided to open up and talk about them. The road he walked on was a difficult one with many obstacles in his way that had him close up time and time again, the words not even pushing past his lips. Words were not always his strong suit, but his actions were clear.
The way Kakashi pressed his lips to your own almost felt magical. To be involved with the stunning silver-haired man was something you thought would remain a dream forever, with no realization in sight. And yet, his lips moved slowly against your own, his tongue even teasing your mouth as though begging for entry. His lips were slightly chapped against your own, but regardless of that, anything other than him that you could possibly recognize was drowned out by the harsh beating of your heart drumming in your ears. For you, there was only him.
If you could, you would stay in the position the two of you were in forever. In his presence, you not only felt safe but also loved and appreciated, based on the way your heart thumped against your chest in an irregular manner. It was only once the two of you separated from one another that you took a deep breath to calm yourself down from the sudden euphoria you were experiencing.
Sheepishly, Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck, his face completely red. “If it wasn’t obvious, I like- no wait, I love you too.”
You were sure that, without a single doubt, you were right now the happiest person there was on the planet. Nothing could compare to how you felt at that moment. “I love you too.” You blurted out shortly afterward, unsure of what to say.
Kakashi chuckled. “You may have already mentioned that.”
Again, your face felt warmer than it did before. “I just wanted to remind you.”
“Something like that, I could never forget.”
It may have been the emotion of jealousy that managed to bring the two of you together (but not without an almighty push stemming from an overeager Genma), and yet it would always be your mutual love for the other that would connect you and hold the two of you together. Through wind and weather, you would stand united and hand in hand, and all of that would not have happened if it weren’t for your thoughtful friends.
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holy-megs · 2 years
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a/n ⋮ I’m in a Kakashi mood rn to be honest 😩
pairings ⋮ professor!hatake kakashi x fem!reader
warnings ⋮ age gap, college au, student and professor secret relationship, slightly nsfw mentions, closet perv kakashi.
Gojo Satoru version!
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➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who’s always reading Icha-Icha Paradise during class instead of teaching and thinks about you.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who wants to form a serious relationship with you—his student regardless of the age difference—gap between you two.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who hates hearing a bunch of rumours about you two and decides to take matters in his own hands just to not loose his job.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who wants to teach you and do with you all the naughty stuff he reads in that filthy book every day.
“{name} I’m going to show you the second position in page 138.” While carrying you to his room, Kakashi smirks as he finally admits!!
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who takes you to his apartment every night to help you study and give you free private lessons on his subject just to get a good grade. Maths is difficult anyway ;)
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who knows you enjoy the coffee he makes for you, so he places it in your desk before class begins every morning.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who may become suspicious and jealous if he notices a guy flirting with you during class but will not bring it up or admit his jealousy.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who’s secretly a tease and can’t stop making fun of that cute face he fell for.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who loves sneaking around with you and reassures you that you shouldn’t be so worried about others seeing you together.
➪ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫!𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 who is a kinky one mf in bed but always gets head because you don’t have time to fuck.
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© 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲-𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐬, 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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lavuchiha · 2 years
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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Ex!Akatsuki Reader
you being on the run since everyone in the akatsuki is gone
getting caught by Kakashi
him making you a deal so you won't be on the run anymore
forced to join forces with the Hidden Leaf
going on a mission with him
not trusting each other
gathering info on the bad guy after a week and thinking you're done dealing with each other so can go back home
there’s complications with the mission so you have to extend it
continuing to spy on the bad guys
traveling together for weeks
learning techniques from each other
telling each other bits and pieces of your lives
telling him about your life as an akatsuki
him telling you his life as an anbu
slowly catching feelings for each other after a couple of weeks
Kakashi getting a little mean cause he still does not trust you
storming out after a fight with him and getting injured after some silly shit so you go back
treating your wounds
bonding and apologizing
Tsundere!Kakashi (he’s trying to keep you at arms length)
more traveling
One bed trope at last but nothing sexual just very soft and intimate
hinting at him about what you feel knowing it won’t change anything
Kakashi denying feelings
finally gathering enough intel to wrap up the mission
him getting kidnapped (yeah let it be the other way around and yeah let's pretend he would be able to get kidnapped somehow lol)
scary you hunting people down to find him
Kakashi shocked that you came to save him
fighting side by side
him seeing the darker side you had while being in the akatsuki, the side you hated showing while trying to save him
him calling out to you
you saving his life and him finally trusting you
him lowering his mask to kiss you
getting back to the village and acting like nothing happened since he's still the Hokage
not gonna lie... you're kind of hurt
doing a couple of missions for the village to distract yourself with what you do best
becoming friends with Team 7
bonding with Sasuke over Itachi
you had a minor crush on Itachi
jealous Kakashi
you not seeing the point of being there after a while since you did your part of the deal
going rogue again
getting sloppy and getting hurt
one of the members from Team 7 finding you and taking you back to the village (Sai or Sasuke)
waking up to Kakashi by your bed side
him lecturing you
you giving him a taste of his own medicine and ignoring him
bantering every time you see each other
you ranting about your situation to Team 7
Kakashi listening in on the conversation
cornering you the next day but you have to go on another mission so the conversation is caught short
him having a couple of epiphanies while you're gone
not being able to be patient so he sends a letter to your location
he talks about his past, about why he has all those walls up and why he has done what he has done and finally about how he really feels for you
finishing your mission and finally racing back to the village
finally getting there at night and finding him still working in his office
he sees you walk in his office and he's so sleep deprived he doesn't try to hide his love sick eyes and sighs
asking him if he meant what he wrote on the letter
he meant every word
getting mad at him for making you wait so long
him kissing you mid rant
snapping at him again for not letting you finish but you still kiss him again
falling asleep together in his office after a long day
getting caught the next day by Team 7
you being reserved/guarded in front of other people so your relationship won't affect his work and reputation
he notices and doesn't want you to feel like you matter last although you understand so he makes it official
going away for a while after he's no longer Hokage and getting secretly married
coming back to the village and continuing to live a happy life together
(I've never written anything/fanfiction before so I'm sorry if the grammar is kinda wack)
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