#its the cute face of murder plots
mejomonster · 10 months
I haven't seen the new episodes yet. But from what I can gather this show is wish fulfillment and I'm quite excited that from what I've heard so far the plot is going like. The Most ideal way i would have hoped for it to be written
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Glad your back love! I have a request if that’s alright. Remus and reader going on a bookstore date and lunch or something!! That would be so cute. Imagine how excited both of them would be picking out books and being affectionate. Just a lot of fluff and cuteness. Thanks sweetness hope you enjoyed your break!
Thanks for requesting sweetness!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You’re feeling a bit guilty about the teas you’ve snuck in, but if there are two people who can be trusted around books, it’s you and Remus. He takes a careful sip as he leans in to skim the titles, sticking one hand in the pocket of his pants. 
“Island of Love,” he reads, amusement lilting his tone. “Original.” 
“I think I’ve actually read some of that author’s stuff,” you say. 
Remus quirks a brow at you interestedly, hand coming out of his pocket to pull the novel from the shelf. “Let’s see, a summer wedding, the groom’s brother and bride’s maid of honor hate each other, but—oh, he’s frustratingly attractive…and something about passionate summer heat.” The corner of his mouth twitches. “Wonder what that could be alluding to.” 
“Alright.” You steal the book from him, slotting back into its space. “I never said this stuff was, like, literature to be studied at Oxford. If you’re going to disrespect my section, run along to yours.” 
“Fairly sure it’s considered rude to abandon your date,” he muses. “What’s my section, by the way?”
“Depressing stuff.” 
“Mhm.” You take a sip of your own tea, trying not to fluster under his attention. You scan the shelves idly for a distraction. “It’s all rather doom and gloom. Very well-written doom and gloom, to be fair, but I’m not always looking to have my life changed. This stuff is fun, at least.” 
“I see,” he hums. “Oh, this looks familiar.” 
You turn to see him holding up the shiny new version of the worn and waterstained paperback that rests perpetually on your nightstand at home. 
“How do you know about that?” you ask him. 
Remus smiles. Your heart flutters. “It was on the coffee table when I was over last week. Are you rereading it?” 
“Yeah.” You shrug, turning your eyes away from him. “I reread it a lot, it’s my favorite.” 
“Mm, I noticed it looked fairly battered.” 
“Well-loved,” you correct him. 
He chuckles quietly, and you grin because you can’t help it. “Right, so sorry. My mistake.” 
You brush a piece of hair out of your face, slotting it behind your ear. Watch Remus’ eyes track the movement. “So what’s your battered book?” 
“Your favorite,” you clarify. “The book that’s all war torn and full of nonsensical annotations.”
He thinks for a minute. “I’m not sure,” he admits. “I have a few I go back and forth between, but lately it’s been The Secret History.” 
You have to cover your mouth with a hand to hide the full breadth of your smile, and Remus narrows his eyes at you. 
“What?” he asks.
“That book is so depressing.” You shake your head, delighted at being so right. “I mean, it’s beautifully written,” you amend. “Really gorgeous. I’m just not sure I found the plot as compelling as the prose.” 
His mouth actually drops open. You can’t tell how much of the shock is teasing and how much is real. “You thought that book had no plot?” 
“No, I mean, plenty happened.” You turn to face him, forgetting about the books around you for a moment to focus on this one. “But I felt like it happened so slowly, and there was so much in between that was just tons of description. It was like they almost skimmed over the murder part! There were so many plotlines that were brought in and then just disappeared, though I guess I can respect the ways in which it reflected real life.”
You think for a second that Remus might argue with you (he should, really—it’s his favorite book and you’re slandering it), but he keeps his mouth shut, watching you interestedly. 
“And don’t you think Richard was a bit passive? Henry and Bunny had so much going on, but the narrator could have literally been a fly on the wall the whole time. He kind of reminds me of Nick Carroway, you know?” 
“From the Great Gastby?” He tilts his head, eyes squinting a bit (it’s devastatingly cute). “How’s that?” 
“Just, they’re both such flat characters.” You frown. “I don’t really think either of them needed to be in the story at all. I mean, having a narrator that’s a character with no personality is effectively the same as having a non-omniscient third-person narrator, right?” 
Remus is biting the inside corner of his lips like he’s trying not to smile. “Right.” 
“I’m just thinking that I need to get you talking about books more often,” he says. And that’s real affection in his eyes, mixed in with the humor. 
You look down, grinning at the front of your shirt, but his little smile doesn’t waver. 
“Shouldn’t be hard,” you say. An awkward, obvious sidestep of the compliment, but he lets you get away with it. “Your turn. Let’s go to your section.” 
He shrugs. “If you think you can stand it,” he says, but starts moving in that direction. You notice he’s still holding the copy of your favorite book. 
“Aren’t you going to put that back?” 
“No.” He doesn’t need to look down to know what you’re talking about. “You’ve already torn one of my choice novels to shreds, now it’s my turn to read yours.” 
A little bite of nervousness snips behind your belly button even as his sidelong look lets you know he’s only joking. “You could always borrow mine.” 
Remus blinks. “I’m flattered that you’d trust me with it,” he says, and it almost has you blushing again, that he knows the significance of you offering him your copy, “but I think I’ll read the un-annotated version first. But if the offer still stands after I’m finished, I’d love to read your thoughts on it.” 
He says it like it’s nothing. Like taking the time to read your favorite book twice, just so he can get to know you more thoroughly, isn’t the sweetest thing anyone’s ever so much as thought of doing for you. You worry that if you look down, your heart will be glowing right through your shirt.
“Alright.” You muster your courage, taking him by the hand. “But now we also have to find one to read together.” 
Remus has looked down at your joined hands, something like shyness coloring his expression, but he looks up to quirk an eyebrow at you. “Are you so sure we’ll be able to find something we can agree upon?” “So long as it involves a main character that actually does something, I think we can manage.”
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seungrem · 2 months
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Dick Grayson x Male!reader
‘Confidential’ ~*+
Masterlist - Part 1 of ??
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summary: When reader and a friend fall victim to a scheme in Gotham, a cute cop (if that’s what he really is) takes reader in for protection. Waiting for the mystery regarding his friend’s disappearance to be uncovered, reader insists on helping the cop.
( overview: college student!reader, cop?grayson, Alessio Falcone = made up character, kidnapping, hero-canon-typical violence, a murder attempt, protective custody, and police. basically a plot intro, Batfam & Red Hood cameos )
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emoji code:
🌿 ( long story & series - 5.1k words )
🧸 ( light fluff )
🫧 ( light angst )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Sunlight gleamed through the trees above as ☁️ sat alone at a table, his computer buzzing softly. A gentle breeze brushed against his hoodie, cooling the boy in this unusually hot spring air.
The sound of someone clearing their throat caused ☁️ to jump, him then noticing a man standing opposite to where he sat. The man placed his brown satchel onto the seat as ☁️ lowered his computer screen.
“Hello, are you ☁️?”
☁️ lifted his gaze from his computer to the man, looking him up and down. He was tall and handsome with long dark hair and blue eyes. His muscular build was visible through his blue shirt and black jacket. The boy assumed he was simply another student- a hot one at that.
“Oh? Are you not..”
“No, no- sorry. I am, what’s up?”
“I’ve been looking for you. Do you mind if I join you for a sec?” The man’s tone was soft, and his voice not too deep.
“Sure.” ☁️ responded, motioning him to sit. As the stranger sat, the boy stared expectantly at him.
The man reached into his jacket pocket, grabbing a golden badge and briefly holding it in front of ☁️’s face. He quickly placed the badge back into his pocket and then looked around.
“My name is Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick. I’m with the GCPD and I’d like to ask you a few questions.” He paused. “You’re best-friends with Alessio Falcone, right?”
☁️ huffed, annoyed.
“Not really. And you’re the fourth cop who’s come up to me since he went missing. I already told-”
“I only have two interviews on file. Who’s the third one?” Dick said, pulling a tan folder from his bag. He opened it, looking through the pages.
“Tim.. something. I forgot the last name.”
Dick cursed under his breath, placing the file on the table.
“I need you to go over the events of last Friday again. Give me every detail.”
“I have a paper to write.” ☁️ said, getting agitated. He rolled his eyes, turning his attention from Dick to his laptop. Dick swiped the laptop away with quickness, closing it, and then placing it into his bag.
“I need you to take this seriously.”
☁️ exhaled. “Alessio and I were only school friends. He’s impulsive and stubborn, and I would be very surprised if he was still alive after two days.”
“He’s a Falcone, after all. So you two were only school friends? Nothing more?”
“Is that not what I said?”
“Play nice or I’m taking this home.” Dick said, tapping his bag.
☁️ sighed, intertwining his fingers and placing his hand in his lap.
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- 2 days ago -
Roaring past ☁️ and Alessio, two black vans turned the corner in front of them.
“We’re getting farther from campus. Let’s head back.” ☁️ suggested, looking around at the cloudy sky above. Alessio pretended not to hear him, the two continuing down the sidewalk and turning the corner. Upon turning, the sidewalk came to an abrupt end, with a long path of grass in its place. The two vans parked far in the distance, in front of a seemingly abandoned black barn.
“I wanna see what they’re up to.” Alessio pushed his long brown hair from out of his eyes, him then looking over to ☁️. Alessio wore his signature gray polo-shirt with straight black pants and black loafers, his style making his rich lifestyle particularly obvious.
“That’s an easy way to get killed. We’re still in Gotham.” ☁️ responded as he stopped. Alessio noticed, him doing the same.
“We don’t need to get super close, I just wanna see what they bring inside.” Alessio smiled, gesturing ☁️ to continue forward. His watch reflected the little sunlight that came from the sky as he did so.
Only a few blocks away from Gotham City University, Alessio and ☁️ continued through the grass. The two passed the buildings beside them, a small field of trees now standing in between them and the barn. The road turned into a dirt path, with many thick trees shading each side of it.
“Stay behind the trees.” ☁️ instructed as the two creeped through the mini-forest.
Getting close enough to see what the people from the vans were exporting into the building, ☁️ noticed that the barn was much larger than it appeared. Alessio and ☁️ watched as metal suitcases were carefully lifted and brought inside by a few people at a time.
“What do you think are in them?” Alessio asked in a low tone, keeping his gaze on the small group.
“Drugs, probably. We should head back now.”
“We still have 20 minutes until class.”
“That’s not what I mean. We’ve gotten too close, and it looks like they’re leaving soon.”
The small group of people walked outside, talking loudly amongst themselves. ☁️ could only make out a few phrases, like “..that guy’s a total creep..” and “..what do you think he’s doing with..”
Alessio crept toward a tree that was closer to the group, standing behind it as he listened. ☁️ peaked over at him every few seconds, obviously worried.
After a few minutes, the vans roared down the dirt road and back onto the main one. Alessio hurried back to ☁️, squatting down beside him.
“There’s something weird going on in there.”
“We can just call the cops. I’m not going in there.”
“Well, I am. Be my lookout.”
☁️ grabbed Alessio’s arm, holding it stiffly.
“Alessio, I will NOT go in there if anything happens. Please, let’s report it and go back.”
☁️ doesn’t remember what happened after that, but he does remember freaking out after waiting for 25 minutes. He sent the boy 6 messages, and his battery was getting low.
An hour passed, and the clouds were getting darker. ☁️ called the cops, explaining what he had seen and how his friend wasn’t responding. He power-walked his way back to campus as suggested by the dispatcher on the phone, where he met with an officer.
“What do you mean you’re not going in there?! He could be hurt!” ☁️’s eye twitched as another cop pulled to the curb beside the two. The first cop leaned against his car, filling out a packet on a clipboard.
“That property actually belongs to someone, despite it looking abandoned. I’m making your report now, and then we’ll request an emergency warrant.”
“How long will it take?”
“A few hours to a day. This number will give you call with any updates we have of your friend.”
The officer handed ☁️ a small card with a number on it as the second officer approached them.
“It’s being handled.” The first officer stated as he turned to the second, the two then looking at ☁️.
“I’m going to speak to him privately for a moment, we’ll be right back.” The second cop said.
☁️ stood still as the two walked over to the other side of the car. He tried his best to listen in on their conversation, but he once again could only recall certain parts.
“Another missing..” and “could be related to..” with “I know that the warrant … granted, but..”
The boy waited impatiently for them to return, figuring their conversation was referring to the three other students who had also gone missing over the past week. The news spread like wildfire on campus, but the topic quickly faded out of circulation. The paranoia, however, lingered behind.
The officers walked back to where ☁️ stood.
“I’m going to put this in asap, if you have any concerns call the number on the card or the non-emergency number.” The first officer said, him then getting into his car.
“I know this is a tough situation. Do you need a ride home?” The second officer asked, watching as ☁️ looked down and nodded.
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- 2 days later -
“Did they give you an update on the warrant?” Dick continued writing on his small notepad.
“Yes, they said it was approved and that they would send their tactical team in tomorrow morning. I’m just worried that it’s too late.”
“I’m not sure why they waited so long considering there’s been another two students missing since.” Dick placed his head into his fist, clearly thinking out loud. “It’s not a coincidence.”
“Whatever creep is in there probably has my friend..” ☁️ paused, his mouth becoming dry and his head pounding. “Are we done? I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”
“Have you slept since then?”
☁️ was taken aback by the question, but looked up with a monotone gaze, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry.” Dick muttered, him then grabbing the computer from his bag and placing it in front of ☁️.
“No need to be. Is that all?”
☁️ exhaled again, hoping to make the cop go away with a harsh tone. “What more do you want?”
“Can you show me where that barn is?”
☁️ gave him a glare, becoming suspicious.
“Are you sure you’re a cop?”
“I showed you my badge, didn’t I?”
“You seem too young.”
“I’m in my early twenties, same as you. I’m only a year or two older.”
“Right..” ☁️ glanced around him. “I think I’ll pass.”
“Do you wanna find your friend or not?”
“I’m stopping here. You can see it down that path and behind the trees.” ☁️ turned to Dick, who walked into the middle of the empty road.
“Thank you. I’ll try to investigate tonight.”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to come back and see if I can find anything.”
“Probably not.”
“Can I come with?”
Dick turned to the boy.
“Absolutely not.”
“But you’re going.”
“I’m a cop.”
“I still don’t believe you.”
☁️ turned around and walked back around the corner. Dick followed closely behind, choosing to stay silent. As the two walked down the sidewalks in silence, they crossed the street to the GCU. ☁️ stopped as he stepped onto the stone path and turned to Dick.
“So, I’ll see you tonight?”
“Nope. I don’t need another student going missing.” He responded, looking around. “You shouldn’t be alone around campus, anymore. Let me walk you back to your dorm.”
“How’d you know I dormed?”
“I read the report before I came.”
“So you had me re-explain everything even though you knew?” ☁️ scowled at Dick, which seemingly amused him.
“I had to make sure your story matched up with what you told the cops.”
☁️ took a few steps away from Dick.
“I think I’ll be fine walking alone, I’ll see you tonight.”
“☁️, I’m serious. I shouldn’t have told you-”
“I need to find my friend. Please.” ☁️ turned his back to Dick and motioned him to follow, the two continuing down the path.
“It would be easier to scan the area if you had more people helping.”
“I don’t think you understand how dangerous this is. We don’t know what ‘creeps’ are in there, if they’re affiliated with a crime boss or villain, how many there are, and if your friend is even still inside.” Dick hesitated, continuing, “..I’m going to tell you something confidential, can you promise to not tell anyone?”
☁️ turned to him and nodded, Dick beginning upon observing the gesture.
“Carmine Falcone is livid, and he’s been sending his guys to the area to retrieve his son. From what I’ve heard, his guys have been going missing too. It’s not just students getting picked off. Anybody who’s in the area is… and I’m very surprised nobody’s come to get you yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“Considering you pretty much exposed the operation to the police, I expected whoever was behind it to get at you next. To keep you quiet or.. you know.. Which is partially why I’ve come today.”
“You’re confusing me.” ☁️ groaned as the two passed a small group of students. Waiting for the group to gain some distance, ☁️ continued.
“Who are you? Actually.”
“I’m a private investigator. Pretty much a cop.”
“And who hired you?”
“Then I guess our conversation ends here. My dorm is down the block. If you find anything, please fine me again.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask for your number. For professional purposes, of course.”
“Oh, sure.” ☁️ smirked, taking Dick’s phone. After typing his number in, he handed the device back.
☁️ nodded, walking off. He felt Dick continue behind him, causing the boy to turn around.
“I told you I was fine from here.”
“I know, I just need to go back with you.”
“What? Why?”
“Precautionary measures.”
“We’ll see.”
“Dick, I don’t think you need to-”
“I expect someone to be in your dorm. That’s why I insist on going with.”
“You mean my roommate?”
“Don’t you have your own room?”
“How do you know that?”
“Private investigator.”
☁️ huffed and nodded, turning around the corner toward a large beige building of gothic architecture. Dick walked in front of ☁️, opening the glass doors and waiting for him to step through. ☁️ smiled at the gesture, whispering his thanks to the man. Pulling out his student ID from his backpack, ☁️ approached the front desk with Dick not too far behind.
“Hello, this man is another cop. He’s going to inspect my room quickly.”
☁️ watched as Dick took his badge from out of his jacket pocket. He held it over the desk for the front desk lady to see, her then nodding in understanding.
“No problem, I’m just going to need to scan his ID.”
Dick pulled out his ID from his jean pocket, sliding it over to the lady. She took it and placed it over a small black box, it beeping only a second later. She handed the ID to Dick and smiled.
“All good.”
“Thanks.” Dick smiled, following ☁️ across the lobby and to the elevators. Their shoes tapped against the marble floors, ☁️ watching Dick look around from over his shoulder. The two stopped in front of the elevators as ☁️ tapped the button.
“Have you ever been inside this place?” ☁️ asked, Dick continuing to look around.
“Once when I was younger, so it’s been a while. My adopted dad went here and contributes to the school pretty often.”
“Oh, that’s cool.” ☁️ responded. The elevator beeped and opened, the two stepping inside.
The ride was quiet, with ☁️ keeping an eye on Dick. Dick noticed, breaking the silence as they finally had reached the sixth floor.
“Still don’t trust me?”
“That’s right.”
The two strolled down the hall, ☁️ recognizing a classmate he was friends with.
“☁️, hey!” She said, walking up to the two guys.
“Ah, hey. How’re you?”
“Good, how’re you? And who’s this cutie?” She whispered the last question, leaning into ☁️ while looking at Dick. Dick looked away as the two quickly conversed.
“Nobody, he’s just taking a quick look at my room.” He whispered back. The friend gave him a suggestive smirk, which made ☁️ shake his head.
“It’s not like that, he’s a cop.”
“How’d you pull a cop?”
“He’s just so full of charm.” Dick said sarcastically, nudging at ☁️’s arm. Though confused, ☁️ and his friend waved goodbye to each other as they parted ways. Dick and ☁️ continued down the hallway, Dick still gripping the boy’s arm.
“You don’t have to hold my arm anymore.”
“You pulled a cop, remember? Take responsibility.” Dick teased, though the boy smiled and rolled his eyes in response. He pulled away from Dick as he arrived to his door toward the end of the hallway.
“Here we are.” ☁️ said softly, grabbing his keycard from his backpack pocket. As he was about to slide it into the door lock, Dick stopped him.
“Wait, here’re the rules. I walk in first, and you stay three steps behind me. If someone’s in there, just stay back. I’ll take care of them.” Dick whispered, leaning into ☁️.
“You’re awfully confident. And paranoid.” ☁️ whispered back.
“This isn’t my first rodeo.”
☁️ blinked at the comment, ultimately ignoring it. He placed his card into the lock, allowing Dick step in first. ☁️ followed around three feet behind as the two tiptoed into the room. Dick placed his bag down, him then quickly opening the closet in the hallway, with nothing but a few pairs of shoes and jackets inside. He continued slowly, stopping in front of the bathroom door to the right- it slightly ajar. As Dick was about to push it open, a man jumped out and tackled him to the floor. ☁️ fell back in shock, crawling backwards.
Dick used his legs to toss the man off and behind him, quickly standing up. The man did the same, repeatedly lunging at Dick with a shiny object in his hand. Dick smoothly dodged the attacks, grabbing the man’s wrist and pulling it, Dick then kneeing him in the stomach. With a swift punch to the temple, the man fell to the ground, unconscious.
Dick hurried back to ☁️, helping him stand up. He looked back, then holding his hand to his lips to keep him quiet. The two continued down the hallway into the tiny kitchen, there luckily being nobody there. Opening the last door down the hall, Dick walked into ☁️’s bedroom. ☁️ remained outside, staring at the unconscious man on the other side of the hall. He turned his attention back to Dick, who looked through his closet and then under his bed. Upon giving the ‘okay,’ he walked back over to ☁️.
“They only sent one goon. That’s rare.” Dick muttered before walking down the hall. ☁️ followed slowly behind him.
“I’m not gonna say I told you so. But..”
“I know, I know. Thank you.”
Dick nodded, walking into the bathroom and turning the light on. ☁️ waited outside again, Dick carrying a duffle bag out only a few seconds later.
“Assuming this isn’t yours?” Dick asked, ☁️ whispering a ‘no.’ He placed the bag beside the man on the floor, Dick then going through his satchel. The man on the floor now had an extremely apparent bruise on his temple, directly under his receding hairline. He wore a plain white tee with a few dirt marks on it, along with dark green cargo pants and big black boots.
Dick hurried to dig through his bag, him pulling a pair of handcuffs out and pushing the guy onto his stomach, handcuffing him. He then checked the guy’s pockets, finding an old smartphone and a walkie talkie. Dick placed both objects into his bag before turning to ☁️.
“Hurry and pack your stuff. You can’t stay here for a while.”
Dick had called the cops to take the intruder away as ☁️ followed the small group outside. The officers and Dick carried the man into a cop car, while ☁️ waited outside with a suitcase and his backpack.
Dick walked back to him, a pitiful expression across his face.
“I’m sorry that it has to be like this. It’ll only be until I crack this case.”
“I understand, but where am I going to go?”
“Do you have family in Gotham?”
“If I did I wouldn’t be dorming.”
“Oh, right… Wanna stay with me?”
“Not sure that I’d feel much safer with a mysterious private investigator.”
“Lucky for you, I’ve got a family full of them. I also already told the officers that you said you would.”
☁️ pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows.
“Oh don’t give me that look. My family’s very nice.”
“I have no doubt about that. I just don’t wanna be a burden.”
“Oh stop, I’m inviting you.”
☁️ nodded. “Does this mean I can go with you tonight?”
“Still no. I have to make a few calls, just follow behind me.”
The two conversed as they continued through the campus, ☁️ trying to get some information out of Dick.
“So, do you know the cop I spoke to last night? Tim-something?”
“Yes, but it’s complicated.”
“How so?” ☁️ asked, raising an eyebrow.
“That’s not his actual name, and he’s my brother. He uses our other brother’s name when he’s out.”
“That’s.. odd. Is your name actually Richard, then?”
“Yes, I don’t do that. Only they do.”
☁️ nodded in understanding. Dick continued.
“You’re going to love my little brothers. Tim is a genius and the most considerate boy I know. And Damien is very kind-spirited- he’s outspoken and also very observant. You met Jason, already. He’s just a big teddy bear, honestly.”
☁️ raised an eyebrow at the last comment as Dick continued.
“I have other siblings, but they aren’t staying with us at the moment.”
“The Jason I met was big and scary..”
“That’s just ‘cause he’s working. He’s a softie, and he’ll make you laugh a lot when he’s not out.”
☁️ didn’t necessarily believe him, as the Jason he met yesterday was very straightforward with a somewhat aggressive tone.
After that, the conversation ended and the walk was silent once again. The silence didn’t last long, as Dick kept peering over to ☁️.
“So.. since we’re being honest with each other.. Is Alessio really your friend?”
“Yes, we met last semester. I thought that he was an asshole until we worked together on a project. He’s a lot nicer than people say.”
“So you aren’t dating?”
☁️ looked over to Dick, his eye twitching.
“This is the second time you’ve suggested that. What makes you think we’re together?”
“Mm.. just wondering.”
“Did you wanna take me out or something?” ☁️ asked, sarcastically. He smiled and turned to Dick.
“Wait, really?”
“You pulled a cop, remember?”
“How long are you gonna hold that against me?”
“Dunno.” Dick shrugged. Now, he was the one to grin at the man next to him.
A black SUV pulled beside Dick and ☁️ in the campus’s parking lot. Dick leaned against his motorcycle, still on the phone. Though ☁️ tried his best not to eavesdrop, Dick had called a man named Alfred to pick him up. Then, he called someone named Bruce, explaining ☁️’s situation in soft whispers. Now, he was on the phone with Jason, who seemed to be giving Dick a hard time. ☁️ only heard bits of the conversation.
An older man got out of the black SUV and opened the trunk, Dick gesturing for ☁️ to walk over to him.
“Hello, Mr. ☁️, right?”
“Yes, hello.” ☁️ said, watching the man take his suitcase and gently place it into the vehicle.
“What’s your name?”
“Please call me Alfred.”
☁️ nodded, watching as Alfred walked past him and opened the backseat door. He pointed inside, ☁️ saying a ‘thank you’ and stepping inside with his backpack around his shoulder. Alfred closed the door, approaching Dick as he hung up the phone. The two conversed for a few seconds before Alfred walked back alone, stepping into the vehicle.
“Master Dick has some errands to run before he joins you at the manor. He should be back shortly after you arrive.” Alfred explained as he started the car engine.
“Okay.” ☁️ said dully, watching out of the window as Dick sped away on his motorcycle.
Alfred and ☁️ conversed for the entirety of the ride, with the boy explaining his peculiar situation. After a few minutes, the vehicle pulled up to a set off tall, black gate doors. The estate fencing spread far down the road, with a sharp point on each post top- the bottom end going through lined brick along the ground.
Alfred pulled out his phone, the tall gate doors opening moments later. He turned his gaze to ☁️ in the rear-view mirror, ☁️ unintentionally returning the gaze as the man drove into the property. He drove down a stone path lined by large bushes before turning slightly, a mansion of brown and blacks now in view.
“Master Dick volunteered the manor as your safe house as opposed to a protective custody facility. There must be something very special about you, Mr. ☁️.”
☁️ felt as though his tone was rather suggestive, but nodded and smiled as Alfred parked the car.
The two got out, Alfred opening the trunk and grabbing ☁️’s suitcase. They then proceeded up the steps, with the door opening as soon as Alfred placed the suitcase back onto the ground. ☁️ peaked from behind him, seeing a tall man with black hair and a scar on lip in the doorframe. It was Tim- or rather- Jason, the cop who ☁️ spoke to yesterday.
“I’ll take it, Alfred.” Jason said, picking the suitcase up as if it weight nothing.
“Master Jason will take you to your room.”
“Thank you.” ☁️ turned from Alfred to Jason, who began walking into the manor and toward the double staircase. ☁️ followed closely behind, the size of the home making him feel small. The two walked up the left side of the staircase in silence. Upon reaching the top, Jason placed the suitcase down softly and turned to ☁️.
“Hi. I know we met before and it’s weird seeing me again. My name’s actually Jason, my brother is Tim-“
“I know, Dick told me about it.” ☁️ interrupted with a gentle tone, saving Jason the explanation.
“What else did he tell you?” Jason asked as he began down the hallway.
“You’re both private investigators. And that you’re a ‘big teddy bear’ apparently.”
Jason scoffed at the comment, a smirk forming on his face.
“Do you think I’m a ‘big teddy bear?’” Jason turned to him as he stopped at a door to his right. He pushed it open, dragging ☁️’s suitcase inside.
“More of just big.” ☁️ muttered, looking him up and down- Jason wearing a white shirt with wrinkled black jeans, his hair just as messy as it was yesterday. He was taller than Dick, but his muscles could be seen from his clothing just the same. Jason heard ☁️’s response and tried not to look offended.
“I mean in a.. muscular way..” ☁️ said, walking in front of him to look at the room.
“Wow..” Jason responded sarcastically.
The room was large with walls of maroon and gold accents. A wardrobe, dressers, a nightstand, and the bed frame were all a dark brown wood material. The ceiling was white, as were the window frames. Wooden flooring reflected a light brown, though it didn’t creak as ☁️ walked across it.
“This was my room, but I don’t mind you staying in it for a bit. The sheets are clean and the dresser next to the bed is empty, so you can put your clothes in it.”
“Where are you going to sleep, then?” ☁️ asked, turning to face him.
“The couch. I have my own place- I’ve just been staying here for the past few days to deal with.. y’know.. your case.”
“I don’t think I understand, but I don’t want to take your bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.” ☁️ said, grabbing his suitcase handle and dragging it toward the door. Jason stepped in front of him, blocking the doorway.
“I don’t mind. Unless you want to take Dick’s room. He’s got a thing for you, and if you don’t feel the same way, I think that’d be a little awkward.”
☁️ looked away from Jason, and smiled.
“I do, just a bit. He’s cute, but I barely know him.”
“He’s dated, like, three people in his entire life. I don’t think you have much to worry about.”
☁️ nodded as Jason moved out of his way.
“It’s the next door down. I’ll wash his sheets for you.”
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Moonlight emitted through the room windows, illuminating the bed in which ☁️ sat on.
Dick’s room was comfortable and just as large as Jason’s. He visited ☁️ shortly after the boy arrived at the manor, obviously pleased to see the ☁️ in his bed. Not too long after, Alfred gave him a tour of the home, introducing him to the Wayne Manor. Both surprised and intimated to be in the Bruce Wayne’s house, ☁️ remained in the room to avoid meeting more of Dick’s family.
After falling asleep in Dick’s bed, it was now nighttime. ☁️ grabbed his phone from the nightstand, pulling up the man’s ‘Hey, this is Dick.’ message. He noticed that it was around 11pm as he began typing.
‘Hey, are you still going back there tonight?’
He placed the phone in his pocket and walked to the door, peaking out to make sure nobody was around. He silently wandered down the hallway and to the railing between the set of stairs, finding Alfred dusting the shelves below him. He walked down, watching as Alfred turned in his direction. ☁️ approached him.
“Hey Mr. Alfred. Do you know where Dick is?”
“I’m sorry, you missed him. Master Dick left an hour ago.”
“Did he say where he was going?”
“He said it was ‘confidential.’”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows, contemplating on whether or not Dick went back to that barn.
“Actually, Mr. ☁️, Master Dick informed me that you had hoped to join him tonight. He gave me specific orders to keep you inside- it seemed he did not want you leaving due to safety concerns.”
Annoyed, ☁️ pursed his lips. “Oh.. I understand. Thank you.”
Alfred nodded. “While you slept we had dinner, and I packed some food away for you. It’s in the fridge, please help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”
☁️ nodded again, thanking Alfred as he walked down the hallway and toward the kitchen. Jason was in there, running around the island as he rushed passed ☁️. Upon realizing that ☁️ was behind him, he quickly turned back around.
“Hey ☁️, did Dick reach out to you in the past hour?”
☁️ shook his head. “Alfred basically said he left to the barn an hour ago.”
Jason nodded, about to turn around before ☁️ began grilling him.
“Why? Is he there? Is he okay?”
“..Confidential. I might have to head over there as well.” Jason said, not looking ☁️ in the eye.
“Why does everybody keep saying that to me? Take me with.”
“I can’t.”
“Jason, please. I want to help.”
“Help by not getting yourself killed.” Jason said, pulling out his phone as it buzzed. He read the words on the screen before looking up at ☁️.
“Actually, I’ll have a friend pick you up. Be ready in 10 mins. To avoid anybody seeing you, climb out the window and use the gutter to get to the ground. Walk across the garden and use the bird bath next to the gate to jump over it. Walk around and meet him in front of the entrance.”
“Gonna assume you’ve done that before?”
“Many times.” Jason said before smiling and rushing out of sight. A skeptical Alfred peaked from down the hall, forcing ☁️ to return to the kitchen. He grabbed a fruit and quickly ate it before walking back to his room. He threw on a black sweater and zipped it up, him then opening Dick’s window and climbing out. The night’s cool air brushed against ☁️’s face almost immediately, with the sounds of crickets and leaves swishing together filling the air.
‘I’m an idiot for doing this- trusting these people and going back to that place. But I really need to know what’s in there. I need to see it for myself.’ ☁️ thought to himself as he carefully slid down the gutter, trying to make his escape a silent one. He ran across the grass through a garden of large bushes and flowers, finding the bird bath Jason had mentioned. He climbed on top of it, leaning forward and grasping the side of a post’s sharp point. Leaning forward, he hoisted himself over the gate, barely grazing the posts’ sharp tips. ☁️ bracing for impact, he landed on his knees and elbows. He brushed himself off, and then ran along the gate. Cutting around the corner, he found a pair of glowing red eyes piercing through him. The Red Hood was waiting for him.
“Get on.” Red Hood instructed, his voice deep and synthetic.
☁️ hurried over to the motorcycle Red Hood sat on, holding onto his waist as the two sped off into the night.
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likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
a/n: i’ve been itching to do a dc fic :,) ik this isn’t usually what i write, but thx for giving it a chance ! <3
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verysium · 7 months
ACT 1, SCENE 4: blue lock headcanons
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shidou would view traditionally ugly creatures as strangely cute. it's not a disgusting cockroach, it's a silly little bug with eyelashes as long as his. no, he's not going to let go of that scraggly one-eyed cat that likely has rabies. it looks too sweet to be abandoned on the streets. his dream childhood pet was definitely a piranha.
aiku wears band t-shirts without knowing the actual music group. no, he does not listen to sex and the pistols, he just thought the design looked very cool. would also wear lana del rey merchandise just to impress the ladies. the only song he realistically knows is west coast, and even then he's only heard it at a random sushi restaurant.
reo would have stereotypical rich people problems. he can't decide if he should bring his chauffeur and valet or actually drive the car himself for your upcoming date. also spends at least one hour seriously pondering over which gucci silk pattern tie looks better on him. trick question, they're both the exact same shade.
shidou steals your covergirl perfect point eyeliner because he thinks it looks way better on him. also a big fan of body glitter and super vulgar eyeshadow palette names. his favorite hue so far is that one hot pink fuchsia that literally burns your eyes with its brightness. nothing is too neon with this man.
ness is the epitome of the sunshine-turned-unhinged-maniacal-killer trope. he would be the bestest boy, but if someone even lays a single hand on you, he’s already plotting their murder. eerily good at hiding bodies but would never divulge his secrets in fear of scaring you off.
shidou would walk unashamedly to the women’s clothing section of the general department store. would never be embarrassed by the bra sizes. you have a double D? he’s already trying three of the cup sizes on just to see if he can get you a comfortable one. if you’re part of the itty bitty titty committee, he wouldn’t judge either. this man loves femininity in all its full glory.
aryu exclusively uses dior beauty. he would rather die than use a generic drugstore makeup brand. sometimes you wonder if he's secretly a dermatologist because this man knows the exact shade, tint, and quality of product for every possible skin tone and type. also very passionate about the controversies behind animal testing and parabens. would be exceedingly picky when it comes to anything he smears on his face (think jeffree star but without the problematic issues.)
sae has his phone screen set to default wallpaper. he only has the translator app downloaded, and that's about it. his personal trainer takes care of all the rest of his stats. after he started dating you though, he kept pictures of you in his private photo albums.
noa cannot tell a white lie to save his life. if he doesn't know something, he will not know something. he doesn't see the point in hiding that. sometimes has trouble reading the room, so you need to remind him that brutal honesty and pure rationality aren't always the way to go. he does become more conscientious after that.
bachira used to draw crayon portraits of all the imaginary monsters he saw at night. scared the shit out of his parents because they thought he was hallucinating (he actually was.) nowadays, he's a lot tamer because you force him to take his meds.
isagi is, in fact, the number one mind reader and manipulator throughout the entire series. this man is clairvoyant, psychic, and telepathic all packaged into one. sometimes his right ear twitches, and he just knows someone is talking about him behind his back. unfortunately, all of this occurs in his head, so no one on the outside world actually knows about his sixth sense.
rin was absolutely bombarded with valentine's chocolates last year, but when he sorted through the entire pile and realized you hadn't given him one, he returned them all to their respective senders. will refuse any form of sweets unless it came directly from you. you need to be there physically to hand him the box.
kaiser writes, thinks, and speaks entirely in german even if no one else can understand him. he secretly can speak english but chooses not to because he absolutely hates anglicization. refuses to compromise his own language and culture just to fit in with the rest of the world. it's degrading. if he had it his way, german would be the new lingua franca. definitely thinks translation is for dummies. what do you mean you're not already bilingual? you better run, not walk, to that little green owl app. does use his foreign accent to make you feel flustered though. has a voice kink but in a non-traditional sort of way. you have to be the one turned on by his voice. only then will he start feeling it.
yukimiya loves it when you lose your shit. one time a jerk cut you off in traffic, and you started aggressively cursing. he fell in love with you right there on the spot. it was something about the fire in your eyes and the way you refused to take any attitude from the other party. that self-assertiveness you exhibit is so empowering.
aiku takes you out to karaoke bars just to hear you sing. you look so pretty under the purple disco lights, belting your little heart out to the rock lyrics. sometimes he has to take a minute to just appreciate how lucky he is to have you.
nagi didn't know that you have to actively check and update your email inbox. he had no clue school even started until one day the principal called his parents over his thirteen student absences. he thinks it's a headache to even get out of bed and put his fingers on his laptop keyboard. since when was the distance between his arrow cursor and the search bar that wide? it looks too long for him to reach. maybe he should just do this tomorrow.
reo does not know what saving money is. the first time you asked him for a promo code, he looked at you as if you had just spouted a strange language. when you showed him your little wallet full of cut-out coupons, he literally had to hold them up to the light and closely inspect them. it was definitely a moment of enlightenment.
sae likes anklets, especially the super thin gold chain ones. something about the way it brushes against his bare leg when you sleep beside him drives him out of his mind. he's also a sucker for subtle jewelry as evidenced by his necklace and wrist bands.
otoya practically lives for instant gratification. he would be guilty of love bombing. loses interest quickly, but sometimes wishes he could actually commit for once. football is important to him because it is one of the only activities he has consistently practiced for over a decade.
karasu is down bad for anyone who can actually outsmart him. you got a higher mark than him on the recent exam? damn, his heart just beat a little faster. spaces out in a love-filled haze whenever you ramble on about your nerdy little subject interests. he is a sapiophile through and through. intelligence just does it for him.
loki is the type of person who absolutely demolishes your self-esteem, and yet you still cannot bring yourself to hate him. when people say god has his favorites, they mean this man right here. he would be an innately talented genius while simultaneously being the most humble human being in existence. at this point, it's not his problem. it's a you problem. try harder next time.
chris is very similar to a neurosurgery resident. he has the largest self-entitled ego in existence. not a single day goes by when he doesn't remind you that he is, in fact, one of the highest ranking football players in the world. you can't say anything about it though because he has rightfully earned his arrogance. i mean, what are you going to use against him? his grueling hours of blood, sweat, and tears? this man works harder than the devil himself. in fact, he is the devil.
rin is the type to get emotionally attached to the most ordinary objects ever. he collects batteries and keeps a separate drawer as a graveyard for them once they die. the triple A ones get a special funeral since they're so hard to find. he just can't bring himself to let go of objects that no longer serve a purpose (just like his relationship with sae, sorry not sorry.)
hiori cannot go to bed unless it is absolutely dark. the curtains have to be closed. the door has to be locked. everything has to be drowned in pitch black. the reason he does this is because he still has flashbacks from that tiny strip of light underneath his bedroom door. his parents would argue all night when they thought he had gone to sleep. it still haunts him to this very day.
nagi wishes he could be a cat. sleeping all day and sunbathing on the rooftop seem like great ways to spend his life. unfortunately for him, he is not a cat. when he dies though, he wants to be reincarnated as one. either that, or a rock.
rin snores like a whole power drill at night. sae secretly hates his brother for that but can’t bring himself to wake him. whenever the itoshi family goes on vacation, ear plugs are not an option but a necessity.
chigiri knows ventriloquism. he used to play with his sister's dolls and make up character voices for each of them. definitely uses it as a party trick or as a way to make you laugh when you've had a bad day.
sae always keeps his feelings to himself. sometimes he finds it easier to rant to you than others, but then he almost always ends up retracting back into himself after realizing just how much he's revealed. he hates being emotionally slutty.
ness is the big scary dog in his relationship with kaiser, not the other way around. everyone thinks kaiser is the intimidating one, but ness wears a leash for a reason. one of them is the chihuahua, and the other one is a rottweiler. you can already guess who is who.
reo was having a mental breakdown in his limousine one time, but he ran out of his usual luxury aloe vera lotion tissues. instead of buying more, he took out his cheque-book and ripped out the pages to dry his tears. money is just paper to him. it can be recycled (no, it can't.)
loki is the type to show you a sweet and heartwarming smile before pulling out the most atrocious uno card combination in existence. i'm talking reverse, wild card, skip, draw 2. you sat there for twenty-five minutes trying desperately to draw a green. by the time you were done, he only had one card left. (screw you, loki.)
niko draws his own manga whenever he doesn't like how the official plot ends. if the canon ever diverges from the way he imagined it in his own head, he will draft his own fan fiction instead. one time, he rewrote an entire shonen jump series just to bring his favorite character back to life (*cough cough* said character wears a blindfold.)
karasu is definitely the "um, actually..." type of student. he will always have a rebuttal on hand. the truth is never black-and-white with this man, and he will argue both sides if it furthers his own agenda. he reads the encyclopedia front and back every night just so he can pull out a random arbitrary fact to win an argument some time in the near future.
shidou had a bad habit of chewing pens as a child until one day it finally exploded in his mouth. from then on, he vowed only to chew glittery gel pens. that way when it exploded in his mouth, his tongue would be stained a bright, shimmery purple. if you ever got him a scented gel pen pack, his life would finally be complete.
rin cannot differentiate between colors. if you asked him to find the difference between bubblegum pink and cotton candy pink, he would not know. to him, seven colors is already a lot to memorize. when he was a child, he only drew pictures with a single color because it was less of a hassle that way.
otoya used to think lime green was the most aesthetically pleasing color in existence. almost considered dying his hair that shade until karasu told him that girls don't actually like guys who look like neon highlighters. still wishes he did it though. he wants to glow in the dark.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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keyotos · 11 months
book lover
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summary ⎯ you rant about your book to alhaitham. he takes the time to admire you during your tangents.
tags ⎯ fluff. idk its just really cute. soft alhaitham idk what to tell you. you and alhaitham are two little book nerds that read physical books together and rant abt them. u2 are giving old happily married couple tbh.
tana's words ⎯ idk mane im in love. but BLADE trailer came out today so idk..... feeling a little bit i'm abt to commit an infidelity
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you looked very conflicted as your eyes scanned the words of the book you were currently reading. to any other person, you looked rather focused. your face was pensive and your eyes were fixated on the novel you were reading.
but to alhaitham (who thinks and hopes he's the one that knows you the most), he realizes you're disconcerted by the novel you're reading. it's the way you're slightly pouting (almost frowning) your lips as you continue reading, like you're dissatisfied. your eyes aren't focused, but instead they were crinkled with confusion. what you're actually focused on is how much more ludicrous this book could get.
alhaitham picks his book back up again and continues his book, "murder on the orient express," by margaret atwood. something you recommended to him. alhaitham started it right after he finished the book he was reading previously, forgetting about the other books on his shelf.
alhaitham was nearly halfway into the novel when he turned his head to check on you again. this time, there was no doubt you looked pained. your eyes were narrowed with incredulity as you read the rest of the passage. you were biting your lip and your grip on the book was tight. you wanted to say something, alhaitham figured out.
so alhaitham puts down his book on the nightstand and stretches. he wraps his hands around your waist and moves closer to you, his head now resting on your shoulder. he reads a few passages here and there. and the way you slow down as you read does not elude him: he knows you're just waiting for him to finish his passage.
you two stay like this for a while. alhaitham's hands are wrapped around your body as his head lays comfortably on your shoulder. he presses a few kisses to your neck here and there, never failing to make you heat up. he's pulled you closer into him by now; you're on the verge of sitting on his lap in the bed. but even during this relaxing moment, you couldn't help but feel stress. it's probably because of this god-awful book you're reading.
you let out a loud sigh, slamming your book shut and not even bothering to bookmark it (you're a dog-earer; alhaitham thinks you're despicable for it). you lay it down on your nightstand before you take the time to melt into alhaitham's touch. once you've put your book down, you take a deep breath, and alhaitham swears he feels life return back into you.
alhaitham presses a quick kiss to your jaw, "are you okay?"
you faintly smile at him, "fine." and alhaitham knows what will come next. alhaitham studies you; he tries to dissect your every word and expression; and most of all, he always wants to find out more about you, despite having being with you for a long time already.
your smile disperses, now followed by a scowl, "i lied. i'm not fine," you rubbed your eyes with your hands as alhaitham listened to you, "can your brain hurt after reading something so terrible? my brain feels like it aged fifty years and i'm not even finished with this god-awful book. nothing in here makes sense, the plot is rudimentary at most, and the characters are making me want to rip my hair out," you ranted, your hands going to massage your temples because of how angry you were getting.
"and it's not just that too," you continued. alhaitham's eyes were on you; listening to every word, watching your eyes, and your lips. he wanted to kiss you into peace, but he also loved hearing your tirades. the way your voice became so passionate and wild made him feel things that he thought he wouldn't have felt before.
"the plot barely makes any sense. like, you're telling me grown people act like this? these people are two decades older than us, haitham," he feels himself melt at the sound of his name, nodding along to your tangent so you know he's listening, "but they act like teenagers! like... don't you have jobs? lives?" you pick up the covers that enshroud your body and proceed to let out the loudest groan into them.
you pulled down the covers, letting out a deep sigh. "sorry, i had to get that out," you turned to look at alhaitham, only to see him staring right back at you.
"i guess you're not recommending that one," alhaitham joked, removing his hands from your waist and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pressing you against him. he presses a kiss to your temple as he feels you breath slowly.
"definitely not," you shook your head, now leaning onto alhaitham's shoulder, "the thing was, my friend recommended that to me. so, i don't know if they hate me or not, because there's no way they'd genuinely think this book was good."
alhaitham hummed, "maybe they were trying to gauge your reaction," alhaitham's hand slipped under your shirt and started tracing shapes on your bare collarbone, "like you did to me that one time," alhaitham adds, tone lifting with mock-exasperation.
you laugh, and alhaitham thinks the sound is absolutely heavenly. sometimes, especially during long nights in the akademiya, he dreams of your laughter and your smile. the sound is so melodic that any other laugh became incomparable and unrivaled by yours.
"okay, that was pretty funny though," you poked his cheek, grinning, "i almost spit out my drink when you got to that one sex scene. i thought you'd never take any recommendations from me ever again," you joyfully reminisced, letting yourself sink into alhaitham's warmth.
"'how fast you go. you arrive at a conclusion much sooner than i would permit myself to do,'” alhaitham quotes. his hands travel farther down your shirt as he allows himself to kiss your neck.
you ignore his actions, turning to him suddenly, "you're reading murder on orient express?" your eyes widen.
alhaitham's expression remains neutral, still kissing your body, "of course. i read everything you recommend me." he didn't expect you to be so shocked. he regards your opinion with high value.
your eyes still remain wide, not moving away from his face as alhaitham mindlessly rubs his hands up and down your torso, "even the bad ones?"
alhaitham chuckles, "even the bad ones. but, if it makes you feel better, you haven't recommended me any terrible books yet. at least, not as terrible as the one you're reading currently."
you sigh, looking at the disgraced book on the nightstand, "yeah... i don't think books can get worse than that one," you turn back to run your hand through alhaitham's hair, sorting out a few strands here and there. alhaitham quietly hums as you do so, sounding pleasantly satisfied.
"why are you reading murder on the orient express so soon? thought you had that other book to read about," you quietly asked.
"because i love you. and i want to experience what you experienced," alhaitham says it like it's the easiest thing in the world. i love you. i want to experience things with you. it makes your heart flutter infinitely through the stars. you've read countless romance novels through your years, yet no author would be able to word love as well as alhaitham did.
you smile wide, and alhaitham thinks if he was a dying man, seeing your smile would allow him to survive for decades. too flustered to say anything, you tuck yourself into the nape of his neck, hiding from his prying eyes.
you know alhaitham. you are aware that he knows you just as well as you know him. you know that, with one glance, alhaitham is probably able to determine every single thought you're thinking. with one word from your mouth, alhaitham understands you immediately, no need to elaborate. it's long lasting, the mutual understanding the both of you have.
yeah, alhaitham can read you like a book. he takes great satisfaction in doing so, as well.
you grab his chin and tilt his head down to meet yours, giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. you grin once again (a sight alhaitham will never get sick of) and turn off the lamp next to your bed. you whisper, "good night," in his ear and cover yourself with the sheets as you drift off into sleep, content with this night despite the horrible book.
alhaitham softly smiles, even chuckles a little bit about how fast you went to bed. he traces your jawline with his thumb before turning off his light and pulling you closer into him.
alhaitham usually does not reread books. but, if you were a book, he'd think he would reread you over and over again, because every time he finds something new to love about you, there is always more. you reel him in more than any hook. you interest him more than any other topic. you grab his attention more than any other story.
maybe he's over exaggerating. but that's no big deal for now. for now, alhaitham will just enjoy you and your presence. and he will reread you the next time he has a chance.
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umm idk if that ending made sense but it's like 4am rn and idrc. alhaitham is prob ooc in this but whateva bc i like my men to be nice bc I CAN CHANGE THEM!! anyway srry if this don't make sense its 4am rn
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midnightlizard · 3 months
Kara Danvers x gn!spidey! reader
Love square
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Summary: Kara loves the reader, but they're in love with Supergirl. None of them knows who the other secretly is. (it's basically the miraculous plot if you've ever seen it)
Warnings: nothing really. Reader has Spiderman powers but the superhero name (Y/S/N) is not specified
Word count: 5080
It was a quiet night out in the streets, you already swung over the city a couple of times looking for people getting robbed, attacked or even murdered. But to everyone's luck, except maybe yours, National City was very peaceful tonight.
Hanging from a streetlight, you were pondering ending your patrol and just going back to bed, until you noticed something small moving out of the corner of your eye.
It didn't trigger your senses but you still decided to get on the ground to check it out.
What seemed to be now a small animal shierked away from the sudden movement, hiding under a bench.
Looking through the cracks of the wood you saw a pair of yellow eyes looking back at you.
"come here kitty, come come" you knelt on the cement, trying to get it to come to you. Surprisingly enough, it slowly advanced, coming out to sniff your outstretched fingers.
"oh sorry baby I have no food with me" but thankfully the cat didn't seem to mind, as it started headbutting your hand in search of cuddles. Now that it was under the light you could see its black fur and white spots, that made it look like it had socks on and a mustache.
"ahw look at you, you're so cute!" he wasn't wearing a collar, but you could tell he was a boy.
Between finding the best place to pet him and thinking how you could sneak him into your apartment at this hour without anyone noticing, you suddenly felt a shiver run down your spine and heard a gunshot a second later.
"sorry baby, got to go" you hurriedly said, and the cat almost seemed to miss your touch as you sprung into action, shooting a web at the nearest building and launching yourself into the air, swinging towards the sound.
When you arrived, not too long after, all you could see was a big red cape twirling around and three men around it.
There she was, the girl of steel, in all of her glory, fighting bad guys and not breaking a sweat. They didn't seem too dangerous and you both knew she could handle them herself. But that way you wouldn't get a chance to flirt with her.
You silently crawled the walls, as to not alert the men, and with every bad guy she sent flying into the air, you trapped them with your webs.
"what took you so long?" she asked, removing dust from her hands.
"I was with a kitty! I came as soon as I heard" you leaned close to her face "why, you missed me?"
"not a chance spidey" she put a hand on your cheeck and turned your head the other way. "where is the woman?" she took a step back, searching around. When her gaze turned to you, she saw your head tilted to the side in confusion, and decided to explain.
"there was a woman with them, they were trying to rob her, I jumped in but she must have escaped. Did you not see anyone on your way here?"
Even tho she couldn't see it, you smiled and shook your head "sorry beautiful, but you're the only woman I see" that made her groan out loud, though you knew she wasn't seriously bothered by it.
Since the moment you two met, you were instantly drawn to the blonde, to the confidence in her steps and the undeniable sweetness of her heart, and the fact that she was gorgeous was definitely a plus.
And from the first moment you decided to make it clear, you were never one to hide your feelings no matter the nature, hence the constant flirting.
Unfortunately, she never seemed to return the sentiment, turning you down every single time claiming she already had someone in her heart.
"I need to take them to the police station" she replied, ignoring the flattery "wanna help me bug?"
"You know" you started, already attatching two of the men on your back "for someone who insists on refusing me, you sure like using pet names"
You didn't give her time to reply when you gave her a mask covered kiss on the cheeck "race you there sweetheart" and with that, you started swinging, leaving her to scoff and pick up the remaining criminal.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, with only a couple of people speeding at a red light, but you weren't a traffic vigilante, so you didn't intervene.
- - -
It was almost five a.m. when you got back to your apartment. You went to check on your phone, not really expecting anyone to text you during the night. Much to your surprise, someone did.
Two hours ago, almost at the time you met supergirl, Kara texted you. It was nothing really, she just said how excited she was for your lunch plans for tomorrow, but it still made you laugh that she felt the need to say that in the middle of night.
Throwing your phone back on the nightstand, you took your suit off and got into bed, trying to get as much sleep as possible, to not look like a zombie in front of your friend.
- - -
Turns out, she looked just as sleepy as you. In fact, as soon as you two sat down at noonas, she let out a big yawn, covering her mouth with her hand "sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" she apologized, light blush on her cheeks.
"oh I believe it" you said, picking up the menu "with texting me in the middle of the night and stuff"
Had you not been so focused on what to order, you probably would have noticed the darker shade of red that took over her face. "yea I was uhm, I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about it"
"We could have met another day, I wouldn't want you to fall asleep on me" you stated jokingly but she instantly started shaking her head.
"No! No, I mean, we haven't seen each other in a long time and I wanted to see you. Besides, I'm fine, really"
You almost wanted to laugh at her eagerness, she always managed to look cute without ever trying to. While on the other side of the table, Kara felt so embarrassed she wanted to fly away and never come back.
You resumed talking after the waiter came for your orders "You wanted to see me? You need something?"
yea to be your girlfriend.
"No it's, it's about next week's game night" she seemed to take a breath, pondering her next words "I was wondering if you could come earlier to uh, to help me prepare"
You squinted your eyes at her request, she never wanted any help setting things up, and she always ordered take out so it's not like she needed help in the kitchen.
Taking your silence as an answer, she started fidgeting with her hands. "Yea you're probably busy sorry, don't know why I-"
Kara stopped mid sentence, feeling your hand on hers. "No it's okay hun of course I can, I was just confused." she just nodded, raising her free hand to adjust her glasses.
When your food arrived, you removed your hand and the blonde immediately missed your warmth.
Nothing special happened after that, except for Kara blushing one too many times for her liking.
Once you two finished she had to excuse herself to run back to the office, before Cat would notice she's late. She went to reach for her purse but you stopped her, wrapping your hand gently around her wrist.
"Today it's on me beautiful"
If she hadn't felt her knees buckle at the petname and at your smile, she probably would have been more stubborn; instead Kara just hangs with her mouth open and nods, quickly running away.
- - - -
As soon as she entered the building, she was told by an intern that Cat was looking for her, so with a heavy sigh she ran into her office.
"Is the article I asked you last week-" she asked as soon as Kara got in, sending the blonde a slight glare "finally ready?"
Kara pushed her glasses up "Yes miss Grant, I just need to fix the layout" and she was about to add something, but the breaking news report displayed on the big screens behind Cat caught both of their attention. It was about a bank robbery (Y/S/N) alone just thwaterd.
With an intrigued glint in her eyes, the CEO turned her head to face her employee. "amusing, isn't it? Just a few months ago we all thought they were just Supergirl's side kick, turns out they're equals."
Hearing a scoff coming out from the blonde, she raised an eyebrow "you don't think so, Keera?"
"Of course they're a hero and they're saving people but they're definitely not like Supergirl" taking her boss' silence as a question she continued, and the words left her mouth before she could ponder them.
"Supergirl is serious and wants to get it over as quickly and as efficiently as possible, but they always plays around and get distracted constantly, and they're not serious at all."
"You seem to know a lot about them" she leaned forward, with her arms on her desk, and not caring about the blonde's stuttered excuse, she shrugged her shoulders "well considering you and supergirl are basically best friends"
Kara found a way to get out of this situation "yea she talked to me about them a coup-"
"I want to interview them. Give your current article to Jim or Finn," who was probably Winn "and get me that interview as soon as possible. They've never been in a real interview so it will be a scoop."
Knowing she couldn't even try to argue with the CEO, she nodded her head "you'll have it miss Grant" and got out of her office.
- - -
"what do I do Alex? It's not like I can go as Supergirl and ask them, they'll know something is up and will probably figure out who I am."
Unlike for (Y/S/N), where no one knew who they were, a lot of people knew who Supergirl was, and Kara thought it would be better if no more people knew about her other identity, and that meant hiding from you too, both of you.
"You're giving them a lot credit, I thought you thought they were dumb?" Alex asked with a small smile on her lips.
The kryptonian raised her head from the couch of her apartment, where it was previously buried, and looked at her sister with a frown. "They annoy me because they play around too much and constantly flirt with me but I never said they were dumb, they're actually really smart, and a good hero."
Alex has worked a lot with you so Kara knew she was just joking, but for some reason she still felt the need to defend you. The agent looked at the blonde before suggesting her idea "what if I ask them? They know you're my sister and it wouldn't be weird that I want to help you with your super demanding boss."
"mhh yea, that could work." a soft smile appeared on her lips "Thanks Alex"
Alex just nodded, waving her hand around dismissively. "More importantly," she started again, with a glint in her eyes that made Kara fear of what she was going to say "how did it go with (Y/N)? Are you two a thing yet?"
She started laughing as soon as she heard her sister's loud groan. "ugh I knew you were gonna ask that"
"you didn't tell them, did you?" Alex leaned her arm on the backrest of the couch, leaning her head on her arm.
"I mean I tried to" she glared at her sister's laugh, but she knew she couldn't really blame her "I just, stutter so much around them they must think I'm stupid"
"Ahw I'm sure they don't Kara" she stopped her teasing to reassure the kryptonian "first of all, you two are friends before anything else, second of all they're such a sweet guy they'd never think of you like that"
She stopped for a second, seeing the hopeful gaze in her sister's eyes "and most importantly, I'm sure they like you back, with all the pet names they give you."
"that doesn't mean anything, they call everyone by a nickname"
"you're the only one they call beautiful or pretty or honey or sweetheart or-"
"okay I get I get it" the flustered blonde hid her head between the pillows of the couch, face red from the tip of the nose to the top of the ears, just by thinking of all the times you called her any of these names.
"I mean...(Y/S/N) uses those on me too" the kryptonian resumed, and for some reason the blush didn't leave her cheeks.
- - -
Two days later, you sprinted from your house all the way to the D.E.O. and landed on the balcony, running to find Alex.
You started looking around, the big screens that often showed info about the mission were turned off with no one around, but that's not what caught your attention. Supergirl was nowhere in sight, she must have been called in too right? Unless she couldn't come.
When you noticed dark brown hair sitting at a chair from afar, you got into the director's office, probably breaking the handle with the sheer force you used.
Alex turned her head to look at you.
"What's going on Alex? Where's Supergirl? Is she okay?" The agent got up from her seat to face you.
"Calm down (Y/S/N), she's fine nothing happened" she reassured you "I just need your help with something"
Even though she couldn't see your face, frustration could be heard from your tone. "Nothing happened? You sent me a 911 signal" your shourlders slumped.
"yea because I need your help now"
You loudly groaned, though you were mostly grateful nothing serious happened, especially to Supergirl. "What do you need short Danvers?"
Making fun of her was a privilege you could only have while wearing your suit, given you were normally afraid of her.
Knowing you had the upper hand with your powers, and that it was all just playful teasing, she let it go, voicing her need. "My sister needs to get her boss an interview with you and she knows I work with you and supergirl so she asked for my help"
You opened your mouth to agree but closed it right after, thinking you could get something out of this too. "If I agree to the interview-"
"oh my god" Alex rolled her eyes "I'm not getting Supergirl to go on a date with you"
You loudly laughed at that, everyone knew where your head was at. "that's not what I was going to say!" you took a brief pause "but if that's what your offering..."
She crossed her arms, raising her brow, successfully shutting you up.
"I want to know who she-"
"definitely not" she interrupted you.
"oh come on, why not?" you move your hands in the air "you know who she is, John knows who she is, even Winn knows!"
"It's just safer this way spider, don't argue with me" her excuse didn't really hold up but you let it go for now, it should be Supergirl's call after all.
"fine" you rolled you eyes. And besides, "when's the interview?" you couldn't say no to Kara.
- - -
The next day you were on the roof of CatCo, your legs dangling off the edge.
"oh good you're here" you turned around at the sound of Kara's voice.
"your sister said you needed me" you got closer to her.
"yes hi" she replied quickly "but I will not be the one doing the interview, my boss Cat will" she glanced at the door. "but I need to tell you a few things first"
With a confused look, not that she could see it, you shrugged your shoulders, letting her go on "okay first" she took a big breath, speaking rapidly after that "do not let her drag you into her office, she will have the upper hand and you will not be able to withold information. Second, do not answer any personal life question, no matter how useless you think they are, she could always use them to find out who you really are. Third, don't even think-"
"with all due respect, my lady" you stopped her rant with your hands on her shoulders, and she regained her breath with a slight glare. The reason for it was unkown to you. "I am the superhero between us, so I know what I can and can't say"
And she didin't have time to rebut when she suddenly heard heels clicking their way up the stairs, making her jump away from you.
"Keera, glad to see you were able to do what I asked"
"isn't it Kara?" you spoke loudly, faking innocence, wanting to correct the older woman without being too obvious.
The woman gave you look, but didn't say anything. "can you leave us alone?" she turned to the reporter "I'd like to interview them alone"
- - -
The interview went well, you think, you didn't say anything about yourself and ended up following Kara's instructions. You thought about telling her how it went, but as you got to her desk you noticed her bag and jacket were gone.
"where did Kara go?" you stopped Winn is his steps, knowing he wouldn't be surprised by your presence.
"oh she went home early. She had a thing with (Y/N)- a friend" he corrected himself, thinking you wouldn't know them.
You forrowed your brows, but when your eyes landed on the clock hung on the wall you felt a shiver run down your spine. You were very late. You should have been at Kara's huose over half an hour ago.
You let out an exasperated sigh, "great- uh, I have to- I have to go now. I''l see you at- the DEO...soon?"
Winn only looked at you weirdly but he didin't have time to respond before you patted his shoulder and jumped out of the window, drawing some curious looks.
If Winn didin't know about your crush for supergirl, he'd probably thing you were jelous of yourself.
- - -
After picking up the backpack you left in one of the allies near Catco, you quickly put on some clothes, hiding your suit. You run up the stairs to Kara's apartment, frantically knocking on her door, still breathless and with your hair messy.
She had been pacing around the room for quite a while now so she quickly opened the door to your apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late love, I had a work thing and I thought about getting you something but it would have just been worse so I didn't"
You tried to explain, but to be honest her mind was still on how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed and how you breathlessly called her "love".
"oh it's fine. It doesn't matter now" she said letting you in, closing the door behind you.
"why? I thought you wanted help with something?" you shrugged your coat off, standing in the middle of the room. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around, your eyes meeting Alex's.
"hi, I didn't know you were coming here earlier too" you said, going in for a hug.
"she didn't come here early" Kara answered with a light edge to her tone, going into the kitchen.
"did you forget?" Alex whispered, and her tone wasn't as harsh, but it did sound like she wanted to scold you. It couldn't have been that serious, right?
You shook your head "no I told her I got caugth up in-" James knocking on the door stopped you, and soon after everyone else was there.
- - -
The night was going on smoothly, except for the fact that Kara didn't seat next to you like always, and she was persistent on avoiding your gaze, even tho you could feel her looking at you from time to time. She seemed to fidget more with her hands than usual, so you were sure something was up.
Thinking that asking Alex was not an option, you leaned towards Lena, whispering in her ear when it wasn't her turn to play.
"you know what's wrong with Kara?" she subtly turned to look at you, her lips in a thin line, she didn't need to look at her best friend to know what was going on inside her head.
"she's been like this all night, did she tell you anything?" you pleaded
Said blonde jumped up from the couch, claiming she was going to get another round of snacks and went into the kitchen. The Luthor gave you a nod, silently prompting you to follow the kryptonian, and as you got up to do so, you felt another pair of eyes on you.
You quietly made your way over, Kara's back facing you while she got herself a glass of water.
"uh are you okay?" you uttered, leaning on the counter so you could see her face "I noticed you were acting a bit..strange" you lowered your head, but she was once again avoiding looking at you, using her glass as a distraction.
"did something happen at work?" you met Cat, so you woulnd't be surprised "or-" you gulped, you'd hate to be the reason why she was acting like this "-are you mad I got here late?"
She slammed the glass back on the counter letting a few drops spill out, surprising herself when it didn't break. Kara took a deep breath, before replying "I'm not mad at you, (Y/N)" but it was really hard to believe it.
"okay, then what is it?" you got closer, putting your hand on hers, so she would look at you, and she did. The reporter raised her head, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth agape, as if she was thinking on what to say. But when nothing came up she resumed to looking at your conjoined hands.
Kara could feel her wrist burning from your hold, and all the whispers and heartbeats she could hear from the other room prevented her from thinking.
"come with me"
You followed her closely, making up a stupid excuse on why you're exiting the apartment, even if none of your friends seemed surprised.
Kara brought you all the way to the roof, and still hasn't uttered a word. And you let her, giving her time.
But after a minute of silence and her pacing around you got in front of her, making her almost bump into you.
"Kara" You called "it's just me. What's going on?"
You smiled in reassurance, but she just forrowed her brows, letting out a big sigh. That wasn't much you could do to help her if she didn't talk unfortunately, you could only look at her.
Look at how her hair was slowly coming out of her ponytail due to the wind, how her eyebrows were so close together you were surprised she hasn't got a headache yet, and how her eyes seemed darker under this light.
And this sight was so familiar, but it didn't feel like you were looking at Kara, not really.
"I know what you want to tell me" you breathed out, and the fact she was looking at your lips is probably the only reason why she was able to hear you.
"you do?"
"yea" you smiled, shaking your head in disbelief "I can't believe I was so blind"
She felt her cheeks heat up, but her heart fell right out of her chest with your next words.
"you're Supergirl"
The super profusely tried to deny it, claiming you drank too much or had a wide imagination. Even going as far as commenting "I wish"
"oh" you raised your brows "so you don't have super strength, laser eyes, ice breath, and you can't fly?"
"no oh my god I could never be her" she let out a shaky laugh, adjusting the glasses on her nose, you couldn't believe they deceived you for such a long time.
You started walking around, getting closer to the edge "mhh you're right, I just thought because you're blonde you might be her" you reasoned, pointing to your hair.
"not the only blonde in National City" she replied and shrug her shoulders, hoping you would just drop the subject, the idea of expressing her feelings long gone.
"such a shame" you were able to see Kara turning on her heels in your peripheral vision "I really hope the real Supergirl comes to my rescue then"
She couldn't have spun her head around faster, but you were already out of sight, falling down the building.
The kryptonian shouted your name, jumping off the edge using her powers. When she couldn't see you anywhere she started panicking even more.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?"
"behind you, beautiful" You were smirking with your arms crossed, your feet glued to the wall, steadily keeping you in place.
"what were you thinking about, jumping like that, you could have died, how are you even-" she said it all in one breath, stopping only when a look of realization took over her face.
"I've never seen Kara so pissed at me, it's new"
She let out a big groan, and not sparing you another glance, she got back onto the roof, you following after her.
"were you ever planning on telling me?" she squinted her eyes
"I mean, were you? You and your sister always made sure to tell me how I should keep my identity a secret"
"that's different, I didn't know it was you" she knew she wasn't making any sense, but her brain wasn't working properly at the moment, her heart still hasn't recovered from the scare you gave her, and she had so many things to process.
"come here" you took both of her hands in yours, bringing her closer to you. "I know who you are and you know who I am, doesn't that just mean we can trust each other more?" you offered, running your thumbs along the skin, effectively calming her down.
"I've always trusted you, even when I didn't know who was hiding behind the mask"
"oh, oh I'm sorry" her smile turned into a face of confusion "is it Kara or Supergirl talking? because I know Supergirl would never say something so sweet to me" that earned you a slap to the shoulder.
She rolled her eyes "shut up I take it back, we both think you're annoying"
But you didn't laugh with her, something else occupying your thoughts.
"do you like me, Kara?" you took a step closer, and she didn't have it in herself to take a step back. "you always say it's useless to flirt because there's someone else in your heart and I never asked, but now I'm asking you" you took a brief pause "do you like me?"
She sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to you anymore, so she slightly nodded, curling her eyebrows.
"but you like Supergirl"
"you are Supergirl" you answered matter of factly, but you had a feeling you knew what she was getting at.
"I like her because she has the biggest heart I have ever seen, she' s passionate about her job, both of her jobs, I love how her cape bounces around as she walks and how she can't seem to keep her glasses from falling off"
You brought your hand up her chin, making her look at you, while your other hand adjusted said glasses.
"I've always liked you Kara, all of you, I just thought of this part of you too much of a friend to notice"
Kara was totally hanging from your lips at this point, not only because she was looking at them.
You leaned your head down as she circled the hand that held her face.
"can I kiss you?" you murmured, making her nod vigorously.
It only took you half a second to close the distance, and you instantly felt Kara reciprocating the kiss, moving her lips against yours in an almost desperate demeanor. Her other hand gripped your shirt to pull you closer and when she felt you fingers on her sweater she gasped lightly.
you broke the kiss after a minute with a bite to her bottom lip, making her let out another small sound and left her chasing after you.
She blinked quickly a few times after she recovered, a deep blush still present on her cheeks. "I like you, too" the blonde replied breathlessly and slowly lowered her hands, not sure what to do with them.
"yea i guessed that" you teased, stealing another kiss.
Soon after that you two decided to head back, after Kara told you everyone knew she was planing on telling you today, and thanking you for the interview.
When you got back into the apartment everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at you.
"so, did you two kiss?" it was of course Winn who broke the silence, voicing all of their thoughts. You looked over at Kara, and seeing her flushed face, you decided to answer, nodding.
"and I know she's Supergirl" you added, trying to ease the mild akwardness
"and I know you're (Y/S/N)" she retorted, not realizing what she said until she heard gasps all over the small apartment
"Kara!" you tightened your grip on her hand for a second, but she could see you weren't really annoyed. Various confused questions followed your statement, Alex's voice sounding above them
"so, the person who likes to make fun of me and never does as I say" she crossed her arms, letting her lips curve into a smirk as she watched you get behind the krytponian, now aware of the strenght she possessed.
"you know, you should probably focus on something else" you spoke up from behind Kara's shoulder, while gripping the end of her sweater "why don't we go back to the game, you were winning right? isn't it right Kara?"
Said woman smiled at your antics, playfully rolling her eyes "let them go Alex, you can torture them another day"
"no she can't" you tried to argue, but the brunette was already off to get another bear from the fridge.
You suddenly felt the sweater slipping away from your grip, and lowered your head to find Kara now looking at you, with a small smile on her lips.
"come on, let's go play" she pulled on your hand, making you follow her.
She did seat next to you now, still stealing glances when she thought you wouldn't notice, and instantly looking down every time you caught her.
Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist
General Masterlist
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Someone asks Sweetheart if there is anyone waiting for her at home, she responds “just my handsome man!”, none knowing she’s referring to her pet who being taken care of by relatives or friends back home.
Many hearts were broken and murder plots were made until she send them a picture of her “handsome man” while on leave 😂
They hear her say that, their world just s h a t t e r s
Ofc she would have a man waiting for her at home. She's absolutely gorgeous, who wouldn't bag that immediately?
They get so depressed, asking themselves if they still want to go after her still and be homewreckers or just accept the fact that she has a man and be good friends and support her relationship (and torture themselves)
(No shit tho, what if she DID have a boyfriend back at home? And the boyfie knew about her co workers trying to get her and he shows them who she belongs to? And what if the bf was a well known criminal MAYBE???? And they all fight for her in different ways? Sweetheart boyfriend!au? SHOULD I MAKE THAT HAPPEENNNN???? THE ANGST THAT WOULD COME OUT OF THAT WOULD BE PHENOMENAL)
Krueger straight up wants to murder him, but König slapped him silly and said no (Ghost and Roach were about to join, why you do that König?😢)
And then they hear it again when she was taking a break from sparring with her friend-- "I miss my handsome boy... Miss his little kisses so much!"
Are you... fucking serious right now
They do NOT want to see another man kissing her. I feel like Roach would have the biggest imagination out of all of them and just daydreams constantly, and he can just see a man kissing her neck slowly. Going up to the shell of her ear and going back down to her shoulder, feeling her shivers and goosebumps along the way. My god he hates it.
So many fake laughs and smiles when she mentions h i m (it's a very taboo word around the boys) and oh g o d what would they say to Alejandro and Rudy? They would be devastated completely (ITS A HUGE MESS)
And then Sweetheart had the GALL- THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY TO SAY "Wanna see a picture of him?"
Ghost broke his pen and Price almost swallowed his cigar. Soap put on the bravest face he can muster and said "sUrE!" With his teeth almost breaking. She's glowing as she pulls up pictures on her over decorated phone. "See? Look at him~!"
(Now don't they all feel stupid)
"It's a dog?!" Soap yells out. Sweetheart giggles. "Mhm! My big boy (insert silly dog name here), my handsome man! This was when he caught and maimed the skunk in the backyard. Took two weeks to clean the stink off of him!" She laughs like it's such a good memory, even when the picture shows a huge St. Bernard sitting happily with his tongue out covered in blood (with said Skunk laying on the ground in front of him with no head)
Yk they all felt the tension inside of them go away instantly. "It was a dog... a cute one at that." Alex says as he looks at more pictures of her dog. "Yeah! Uh-- what did yall think I was talking about?" Sweetheart asks. The men look everywhere else but at her. Why are they acting weird? Wait... oh my God.
"Did you think I was talking 'bout a boyfriend?" Sweetheart asks, eyebrow cocked with amusement. Stutters, mumbles and incoherent words play out of them
"What!? Nooooo no no of course not!"
"That's-- that's absolute crazy talk."
"No... Maybe... Ugh, Yes."
"I didn't even- I don't even pay attention to you, like what?"
She just laughs at them, her laughter putting them at ease. Now that THAT is taken care of, they ask her questions about her "handsome man".
"She has a whole folder of him... how cute." König coos, looking at the pictures with Alex. He sees one where it's a selfie; Sweetheart smushed up against her dog with big bright smiles. König and Alex look at each other before sending it to the both of them.
But Ghost still can't shake that feeling...
Does she really have a boyfriend and isn't telling us? (SWEETHEART BOYFRIEND!AU WHO??? WHEN??? WHERE LMAO)
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Sword gays showdown preliminaries
For Kazuma Asogi:
ok so he’s not CANONICALLY queer but it’s ace attorney. so… he does, however, canonically have a katana! a sword so integral to the plot it gives me shivers just thinking about it. the sword also has a name, it’s karuma (translates roughly to karma) and it gets passed onto the main character, ryunosuke naruhodo (who he calls partner), after kazuma (spoiler alert) dies in case 1-2. except (SUPER spoiler alert!) he isn’t dead! he comes back in case 2-3 and would you look at that he has ANOTHER SWORD, a more european sword (cause he ended up in england after his amnesia brain said he REALLY had to go to england). once he gets his memories back, ryunosuke gives karuma back to him and proceeds to use it to destroy the wax figure of his dead presumed serial killer dad (long story), and now he has, you guessed it, TWO SWORDS! for the next two cases he wears both swords at his sides, and also he broke the tip off of karuma attempting to murder someone (he didn’t actually murder anyone but still) and then turns out karuma’s hilt has the REAL serial killer’s will in it. very VERY important sword. in the end, kazuma gives karuma back to ryunosuke which is really symbolic but that’s besides the point, and they cross swords and it’s a whole big thing. 10/10 gay sword guy.
For Raiden:
Man catches knives with his heels and uses a sword to cut through robots 20 times his size
He's such a tragic character! Raised to be a super soldier from birth and is constantly being exploited by the government. As for the lgbt part him and his rival in the latest game he's in have so much tension it's unreal (gay). I headcanon him as trans too because he has a feminine figure, his voice gets more masculine as the series goes on (testosterone) and his entire body gets replaced with cybernetics (trans allegory...)
For Claudine Saijou:
Fights with a longsword! Should be number 1 for this line alone: “For heroes, there are trials. For saints, there are temptations. For me, there is you”, said to def not her girl crush but rival btw (stream Revue of Soul) Vote for my disaster theatre kid its what she deserves!
Her gay levels are off the charts. She has a homoerotic rivalry with another classmate (Maya Tendo/Tendou Maya) that is integral to her character, as she was always first until she met Maya. She’s also half-French, but that’ll be important later. When she’s looking at pictures of Maya stretching (to study her form of course) and another character asks her what she’s looking at, she panics, blushes, and says none of your business. Her and Maya have a heartfelt conversation while stretching with Claudine’s face pressed into Maya’s chest (between her stomach and breasts). Some art from a magazine has Maya pushing Claudine into a deep stretch, but it looks like something a lot different (Claudine blushing doesn’t help. Also I realized that there’s a lot of gay stuff related to stretching with these two).
During a two on two duel (I know it’s not a duel), they fight together. Not only that, but at one point they hold hands and take a pose typical of romantic partners in dancing. For no reason. They just pause and do it to show off. They aren’t even fighting. Anyways, when they lose, Claudine starts crying, not because she lost, but because Maya lost. So, of course, Maya starts speaking to her in French, with one of the things she says being “You’re cute even when you cry, my Claudine.” All of this is stuff that’s happened in the series (except the magazine thing).
Now for the gay stuff in the movie. Their duel with each other is so dense with sapphic undertones they can hardly be called undertones. For starters, the song that accompanies this revue is called “A Beautiful Person, or Perhaps it is.” While this title is incomplete, the director states that he wanted the watcher to fill it in and this removed the end of the original title. That title is “A Beautiful Person, or Perhaps it is a Love Song.” The duel is framed as a fight between a hero (Maya) and a devil (Claudine). Maya is in an outfit reminiscent of Renaissance Italy and Claudine is in a suit. Thus, Maya signs a contract giving her soul over to Claudine, as is the case with marriage. With her own blood, in the shape of Position Zero (an important symbol in the show), which happens to look like a T, for Tendou. After a few minutes of fighting, Maya disappears and monologues, appearing in a white dress. This means that Maya has signed her soul over to Claudine, and they are now both wearing a white dress and suit. Not beating the gay marriage allegations. Maya finished her monologue with “For heroes, there are trials. For saints, there are temptations. For me, there is a devil.” They continue to fight, Maya proclaiming herself emotionless and empty. Maya then cuts the medallion from Claudine’s chest (they wear medallions and you lose the duel if it gets cut off).
Claudine falls. Maya attempts to claim victory by stabbing her sword into Position Zero, which is then covered by steel doors. Claudine sits up and reveals she has another medallion in her mouth, which she does by sticking out her tongue in a uhhhh. Anyways, after a bit of back and forth, Claudine tells Maya that she’s full of arrogance and pride and envy and longing. She then says that “No matter how many times I die, I will revive! Tendou Maya! To beat you, my rival, into submission!” She then makes her stage entrance, taking Maya’s usual entrance speech and mocking it. She also says “I fill myself with exploding passion, now, and bash it into your heart!” After some talking, Maya makes her stage entrance, taking Claudine’s usual entrance speech and mocking it. Up until now, they have been playing characters, but still letting their own emotions shine through. Now, they are entirely themselves.
They begin to fight again, running downs white aisle before clashing swords, with Maya saying “Such an ugly, emotion drenched appearance-“ and is cut off by Claudine, who says “Show me more, Tendou Maya! Right now, you’re the cutest you’ve ever been!” To which Maya responds “I’m always cute!”  The song starts up again (duels are accompanied by songs), with Maya singing “With a grin of deception I’ll tear this piece of cloth.” Deception in Japanese is mayakashi, a reference to Maya’s name. Maya then sings “I want to show you my feelings becoming dyed in black.” Black is Kuro in Japanese. Claudine, in Katakana, is Kurodine, with her nickname being Kuro, so that line could also be interpreted “I want to show you my feelings becoming dyed in you.” Claudine then sings “Only me, always, forever,” before they sing in unison “You only need to look at me,” as they lock blades. Some fighting happens and they’re falling through the sky, holding onto each others clothes and Claudine says “Only I can make you lay everything bare!” To which Maya responds “I’ll expose my everything, on the stage!” Claudine shoots back with “There’s a partner you can expose everything to, on the stage!” At this point, there’s a short time with independent vocals for Maya and Claudine in addition to their talking. Maya has been singing “If I’m on the stage, if I’m in front of you,” for the last two lines of dialogue. Claudine sings “Be it ugly or beautiful,” as Maya sings “I will expose, anything and everything, all of me, all of me.” As this happens, Maya is saying “We love the stage,” which is continued by Claudine saying “And we can’t part from the stage!” Maya calls them both “Pathetic clowns!” To which Claudine corrects “No, rivals!” Maya says “If you’re there, I have to strive higher!” Claudine says “You make me even more beautiful! Maya!” Maya then yells “Claudine!” Claudine yells “For heroes, there are trials!” Maya continues “For saints, there are temptations!” Then, as one, their swords crossed, faces inches from each other, yell “For me, there is you!” Over top of this, their voices sing a line in unison: “Forever and ever, I’d like to cross swords with you.”
Claudine’s sword stabs through the contract, through the Position Zero in blood, which may be Maya’s family name, and Maya says as an aside “Saijou Claudine… You are beautiful.” Claudine cuts the medallion from Maya’s chest, finally beating her rival.
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greetingfromthedead · 3 months
Vash's Moving Castle (Vash x Reader)
Plot: A strange building made up of old spaceship parts, moving around on two legs across the wasteland of the desert, it hisses and creaks and fills the heart of many with fear... That castle is home to the magnificent tech wizard Vash, infamous for both his gunmanship and for being a womanizer—or so the rumor goes in your city. You're the eldest child of a gunsmith and as such don't expect much from your future. However, your simple life takes a turn for the exciting when you're ensnared in a disturbing situation, and the mysterious tech wizard appears to rescue you.
Pairing: Vash x mostly GN Reader, occasional she/her pronouns, the use of "girl" etc from quotes directly from the movie. I tried making it completely GN, but my flu ridden brain short circuited on some very specific parts so I gave up.
Raiting: Everyone
Tags: Howl's Moving Castle style AU, no use of "y/n", Vash is a tech wizard, I have both brainrot and the flu, idk what else to put here, Howl is cute, Vash is cute, I tried my best.
Word count: 3.7k
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Author's Note: Got the idea yesterday, yall seemed interested and the flu ridden brainrot I had to endure all day today was simply debilitating so I wrote a little something. I hope you like it, not sure if I will continue or not even though I have quite a few HC-s for this little AU situation.
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The 6th city, May, is decorated more than usual. After all, May Day has arrived. Even though it is still early in the afternoon, the streets are bustling with people. The aroma of baked goods reaches your nose through your open window, and it makes you think about your sister, Meryl, who is working at the very popular doughnut shop on the other side of the city. She must be very busy today with the rush of customers coming in for their celebratory pastries. For you, it's a free day. Today, your little weapon's repair shop, which you inherited from your father, is closed. You decide to take advantage of the downtime and visit your sister, whom you haven't seen in a long time.
You put aside the little handgun you have been tinkering with and stand to close the window. Your little shop is situated quite high, and the workshop has the perfect view to look out over the roofs of all the other houses. Your eyes glance over the familiar sight—the scrappy buildingd made out of old spaceship parts and in the distance, you see the wide open desert. But today it is slightly different. You heard the commotion this morning when the people first noticed the addition to the landscape. With fearful and hushed voices, they talked about the monstrocity looming on the horizon and the kind of calamity it might bring.
"It is Vash's Moving Castle!" The people on the streets whispered and pointed. "Do you think the horrible Typhoon has come to lay waste to our city?"
You knew very well the rumors about the gunslinger and tech wizard named Vash the Stampede. He is said to be a ruthless demon specializing in murder and wide-scale destruction. Apparently, he kills without mercy—men, women, and children alike. He has wiped whole towns from the face of the planet, and his infamous castle is created with the sole purpose of being a weapon of mass destruction.
As you pull the window closed, you look at the mass of metal outside of town. Calling it a castle is a gross overstatement. You can't imagine how such a heap of scrap gets to be called anything so magnificent. It consists of layers upon layers of old spaceship parts, jutting out at odd angles and covered in rust and wires, its massive turrets and spires reaching towards the sky. It has two large legs underneath it, much like a tomas, that the building uses to move across the desert. This is not the first time Vash's fortress has passed by May City, and you think the excitement is unwarranted. Sure, the gunslinger has a reputation, but nothing catastrophic has happened so far. You can't help but wonder why everyone gets so worked up every time the castle passes by; he would surely go to the bank or somewhere else where he can get easy money. You are just a small shop owner; as long as you don't get in his way, it seems unlikely he would take any interest in you. He might be a womanizer, but he only has eyes for pretty girls.
You get quickly ready and close the shop. The streets are decorated with colorful ribbons, and you hear cheers coming from all over town as the annual parade begins. You have chosen a truly awful moment to try and make your way across the city, but you are determined to see Meryl. As you push through the crowded streets, you catch glimpses of the parade. People are showing off their inventions and talents. You see giant hydraulic pants marching down the street. Exo-suits and new kinds of weaponry. On other streets, you see entertainers dancing and singing in colorful costumes. Some are juggling fire, and others are performing daring acrobatics. This world truly is a marvel.
You make it to the gondolas and squeeze into one with some other people. It takes you over the winding roads, and you see the flags and market stalls lining the streets. The smell of freshly cooked food wafts up to you as you take in the sights and sounds of the bustling marketplace. May is filled with all kinds of people; for days, the sandsteamers have brought in travelers from all over, and it shows. The whole city is alive with excitement and energy.
You get off your ride on the slightly calmer side of the town, and you know the familiar route you need to take to get to the doughnut shop. The quiet side streets are nearly empty; just a few people mingle on the sidewalks. You try to avoid them as much as possible and turn to an even smaller ally as a group of drunkards head your way. You hold your breath and hope they don't notice you, looking nervously over your shoulder as you hurry along.
"Hey, it looks like a little mouse lost its way," you suddenly hear, and as you look back ahead, you see you nearly ran into a man who has just come around the corner. He is grinning mischievously, blocking your path. He is a lot taller than you, and you can see his rifle slung across his back. Surely he is a bounty hunter; you see them a lot, and with all the people flowing into town, you would think they have their hands full.
"Oh, no. I'm not lost," you say, shaking your head and recoiling a bit, leaning away from the man.
"This little mouse looks thirsty. We should take her for a cup of tea." The man continues like he didn't hear you at all. You try sidestepping him, but as you do, a second man appears from behind him. He is just as large with a big mustache, and he looks at you curiously as he leans closer, blocking your way further.
"No thanks. My sister's expecting me." You avoid looking directly at them, instead trying to think of a way to escape. They make you very uncomfortable.
"She's pretty cute for a mouse." You try to keep your cool and find a way to politely excuse yourself from the situation, but the mustashed man is leaning even closer, his face level with yours.
"How old are you anyway? You live around here?" The first guy leans toward you too. Neither of them sounds menacing, but they fill you with dread.
"Leave me alone!" you say with as much bravery as you can muster, taking a step backwards.
"You see? Your mustache scares all the girls," the first man nudges his comrade.
"So? I think she's even cuter when she's scared." the other replies, not taking his eyes off you.
"There you are, sweetheart." A different, smooth male voice speaks up behind you, capturing the gaze of the bountyhunters before you. "Sorry, I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you."
He speaks close to your left ear, and a hand gently rests on your right shoulder. It's not a voice you recognize, and his touch makes you stiffen up. Your body had been ready to run for your life, but now you find yourself sandwitched between two unknowns. Yet something about the man behind you is comforting, or maybe it's just that you see the upset glint in the eyes of the men before you.
"Hey! Hey! We're busy here!" The man you had run into first speaks and looks like he is puffing himself up to look more menacing. His companion, too, straightens his back, ready for a violent confrontation.
"Are you really? It looked to me like the two of you were just leaving." The calm voice beside you speaks with a hint of amusement. You feel him shift slightly, but you don't turn your eyes away from the bounty hunters in front of you. You see their gazes move over the man, their eyes widening at something where his left arm would be, and you see them freeze up and then nudge each other. They look very uncomfortable.
"This is not worth it," one of them whispers nervously to the other.
"Yeah, we better get going," the other answers with a whisper, and they start to shuffle away from you, back into the alley they had come from. As they get further away, their step hastens until they take off running. You watch them disappear into the darkness, wondering what caused them to have such a reaction.
"Don't hold it against them," the soft voice next to you says, and you finally turn to look at him. He is a tall young man with a soft smile on his lips. You see his pretty blue eyes behind orange tinted round glasses, and his blonde hair is about shoulder length. A tight golden hoop hangs from his left ear. He is truly very handsome, and his expression is warm and inviting. He wears a pillowy white blouse that flows down to his slender waist. A pendant hangs from his neck, and a red coat covers his shoulders, but his arms are not in the sleeves.
"They aren't actually all that bad," he says, continuing his thought from before, and his eyes capture your gaze again. "Where to? I'll be your escort this evening."
"Oh, I'm, um, just going to the doughnut shop." You pull back a little from his closeness, but feel his hand firmly on your shoulder.
"Don't get alarmed, but I'm being followed," he says, leaning closer to you. His hand moves from your shoulder and instead hooks around your arm. "Act normal."
You avert your eyes, but he ignores your awkwardness completely and starts walking along the street with your arm intertwined with his, like it's totally normal. Your body is still stiff, a slight fear lingering in the back of your mind, yet this is exciliating in a way you never expected. You find yourself surprisingly comfortable in his presence, despite the fact that he is a total stranger. His pace is somewhat brisk, but you can easily keep up. The unknown of who could be following him is a bit frightening, and you find yourself pressing into his upper arm for reassurance.
As you walk past some dark and narrow alleys, you start to suddenly hear commotion.
"There he is! Go! Hurry!" You hear shouting, and it sends a shiver up your spine. Yet the man beside you keeps the same pace and, for the moment, seems unbothered.
"Sorry. It looks like you're involved," he says calmly as you try to glance into the alleys where the commotion stems from. You see a mob of gunslingers squeeze themselves hurriedly into the narrow gap between the buildings and start to rush towards you. It is frightening to you, and you grab a tighter hold of the man's arm. Your right hand grasps his shirt, your heart pounds in fear as your body stiffens. More voices start to echo from up ahead, and a few people stumble onto your street.
"This way!" he whispers insistently, and the man pulls you into a side alley, his pace getting faster as he leads you away from the gathering crowd. You struggle to keep up with him so you have to start running, your mind racing with questions, but you hold onto him tightly, and you feel certain that everything will be alright. He keeps going faster and faster, and you can see the main street ahead, but suddenly your view gets blocked by more armed men appearing to block our path. You feel a surge of panic rising in your chest, and the reassuring hand sliters out from your weakened cluth as you have trouble holding on while you run.
"Come on!" The mystery man's voice is soft and insistent, with a hint of amusement as you feel his arm wrap around your waist, both of you running straight towards the angry looking mob. You see that some of them have drawn their guns and have them pointed straight at you, but the thundering footsteps behind you tell you that they are unlikely to shoot here in this narrow alley to avoid hitting anybody else. Your confidence in getting out of here wavers, but suddenly you are tightly pulled against the man's side, and his other hand takes yours. It feels cold and hard; you catch a glimpse of blue, but you are too distracted by the fact that your feet are no longer on the cobbled street. You rush through the air, seemingly kept up by the mysterious blonde.
Instinctively, you curl up, looking around for an explanation. The coat that covered his shoulders before hangs over his left arm, and from his back protrubes a pair of giant feathery wings. You've never seen anything like this. Is this a new invention? Has he come here to present his masterpiece to the masses during the parade? Who is this man? He has to be a brilliant inventor. Your mind is captivated by him; you want to understand his mysterious contraption, and your gaze moves along him, down his left arm, and you see it's not a real arm at all; it is made out of strange blue metal, the hand holding yours is made out of the same material. The forearm is mostly covered by his coat, but you're sure that everything from at least his elbow down is a prosthesis; the rest is hidden by the flowy sleeve. You feel his fingers move so organically that you're sure this must be lost technology. What a strange man! You've never seen anything like this.
"Now, straighten your legs and hold on tight," you hear the man say gently, and you follow his command. You relax your legs and grab tightly onto him. His strong arm around you presses you into his side, and you wrap your legs with one of his to make sure you cannot slip away from his grasp and plummet to your death.
You are still mesmerized by his wings, how large they are as they stretch out behind him, allowing him to fly effortlessly through the air. You feel a rush of adrenaline as you soar higher. The streets beneath you look so small; people are just specs moving around. You let out a gasp of amazement, and it makes the strange man chuckle. He flies you both over some rooftops, and you see the familiar doughnut shop come into view.
"You're a natural." You hear him praise you, but to you, it makes little sense; all you do is hold onto him for dear life. But you can't deny the exhilarating rush of flying through the sky. You have never felt so free. The wind whips through your hair as you soar above the city. You feel like you could touch the clouds. You relax a little bit in his grasp, hearing his feathers rustle in the wind as they allow you to glide through the air. To your surprise, very few people pay any attention to you. Most of them are too focused on the parade passing by. The ones who did notice you stared in awe, not believing their eyes or perhaps mistaking you for a worm.
You get closer and closer to the familiar shop, and you realize he is aiming for the second floor balcony. He lands gracefully on the bannister and gently guides you onto the floor, like you weigh nothing at all. His hand holds onto yours for a little longer as he bows closer.
"I'll make sure to draw them off, but wait a bit before you head back outside." His voice is low and gentle, with a soft smile dancing on his lips and in the glimmer of his eyes.
"Okay," you say, still stunned by what had just happened. Your fingers gently grip his as he straightens up and pulls his hand from you. His wings fold down behind his back and disappear before he takes his coat and drapes it over his shoulders.
"That's my girl," he says with a low and husky voice, a hint of pride in it. He smiles brightly and takes a step back, making you gasp as he falls into nothingness. You rush to peek over the railing, only to find that he has disappeared into the crowd with no hint of anyone noticing him at all, so he must be alright. You breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that he is safe.
You linger on the balcony for a little while longer. It all seems too incredible to be true—almost magical. Never would you have thought something like this could happen to you; you are so used to your dull life of being the eldest, but then again, that's what it means to be a responsible and reliable older sibling. Or perhaps you have caught some nasty disease and are just imagining all this during a fever dream. Either way, you enjoyed this. The realization prods you in the side as you remember that you didn't even ask the gentleman's name. Perhaps you will get lucky and see him introducing his invention at a parade in the future. Or perhaps this encounter will just remain a peculiar memory in the back of your mind.
You turn to enter the hallway and see a wide-eyed young woman staring back at you. She is frozen, like she has seen a ghost, and she looks at you with a hint of mistrust.
"Hello," you say, trying to strike up a conversation. "I'm here to see Meryl; she's my little sister. I'm sorry to have just barged in to the staff's quarters. Could you tell her I'm here? I'm in no rush; I'll wait till she has time."
She still stares at you and seems too frozen to say anything, only giving you a stiff nod and heading downstairs, where you hear a lot of commotion. You turn back to look out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man again, but he's nowhere to be seen. The sweet smell of doughnuts and jam fills your nose as you patiently wait for your sister.
You fall deep into thought, only to be awoken by some loud running footsteps heading your way and Meryl's voice calling out your name. She rushes to you and grabs your hands, so you turn to face her.
"Meryl!" you say with slight apprehension as you see the surprise in her face.
"What's going on? Someone just told me you flew down into our balcony!" She says it with disbelief. It takes you a moment to process her words before responding.
"So that did happen. That wasn't a dream," you say with a mix of confusion and sadness. You hear a different voice speak to Meryl as you turn your gaze out the window again, not registering what they talk about. You relive everything that has happened to you within the last half hour in your head, trying to commit every detail to memory. Meryl looks at you with concern as you look away so apathetically and then drags you with her to the backrooms of the kitchen to sit down with you on some boxes in the storage room. She presses you until you open up and tell her everything about your track here and the strange man who saved you.
"Wow! He must have been an inventor then!" Meryl exclaims as you finish your story with how he disappeared into the crowd.
"But he was so kind to me. He rescued me, Meryl."
"Of course he did! He was trying to seduce you! You are so lucky! If that inventor was Vash, he would have done much worse right then and there! He is an awful womanizer!"
"No, he wouldn't. Vash only does that to beautiful girls."
"Ah, don't give me that! You need to be more careful! It's dangerous out there! Even the infamous Millions Knives is back on the prowl." She looks at the side of your face and leans closer. "Are you listening?"
But you are so consumed by your thoughts, you barely realize what she is saying. Your gaze had been fixed by a giant tub of custard.
"Huh?" You finally turn to face your sister again.
"Argh!" Meryl lets out a disgruntled sigh. You see it from her face that she's about to start lecturing you, but a young man informing her about a new batch of dougnuts being done saves you from it.
"Okay! I'll be right there!" She turns a touch more cheerfully toward the cook.
"Alright! I better get going then. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay." You stand up, ready to leave, to both avoid getting Meryl into trouble and getting an earful from her about the horrible danger that is lurking outside the city walls.
Meryl sees through you immediately but chooses not to lecture you this time on that topic. She leads you to the backdoor, where a man is carrying bags of flour.
"Now," Meryl comes close to you again. "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in that gunshop?"
"The shop was just so important to father, and I'm the eldest! I don't mind." You try to keep your tone cheerful as you look into her concerned face. But deep down, you know her words stir something up.
"I'm not asking what father would have wanted. I want to know what you want," she continues insistently.
"Well," you start to answer, not sure about what to say, but the man who carried in the flour comes back to say goodbye to Meryl, and your sister turns to him to wave goodbye. You take the opportunity to start to walk away and say, "I better get going."
"It's your life! Do something for yourself for once, will you?" she says, hoping that you will finally prioritize your own happiness.
"Bye, Meryl!" you say over your shoulder with a slight smile as you head home. Your head is still filled with a million thoughts, and Meryl only added to them. Yet you are glad she seems happy with her new life after she left your family's gunshop. You can't help but wonder if you'll ever find the same peace and contentment. But it matters little; you're the eldest, and you have a duty.
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ystrike1 · 8 months
Fell Into the Arms of a Mad Villain - By Ranin (7/10)
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An unhinged villain. Is he even worth saving? Nevermind, you have to. If he dies, you die. How romantic and not forced at all. This one moves lightning fast, and the setting is a little bland. The yandere is front and center, from page one.
Edwin is an extremely powerful Duke. He's a dragon killer. He's handsome. He's strong. He's a megalomaniac that gets away with murder, because he's so special and privileged. One day he gets a wake up call. He will die an early death, unless he marries a woman who falls from the sky.
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He kills a bunch of priests, but you can't hide from the truth. He's not actually perfect, and without his lovely bride he's toast. Coincidentally his bride is a Jeweli. A fairy blood woman with jewel eyes...and her kind is persecuted. They face discrimination because vague prophecies often claim they are the cause of disasters and disease. Edwin has always been weirdly obsessed with capturing, and even killing, beautiful Jeweli people. He's somewhat conflicted about the fact that his savior is a Jeweli.
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He tries to turn on the charm though. He's not the most popular guy. He expects her to fear him, but she's confused. The Jeweli has no idea who he is. Well, she does. She's just lying to him. Edwin is seduced by this lie. He does want an innocent bride by his side. One that doesn't see him as a monster. He does a pretty bad job. He throws money at his bride, and flowery promises, but his obvious anger issues and his lust for blood are clear.
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He kills a bunch of people before he even brings her home. Sure, her innocence is a novelty. He thinks its cute, but he wants her to know there is no escape. He tells her he is a powerful man, and she must marry him.
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She has nowhere to go. This Jeweli woman has no memories. No family. No place to stay. She literally fell from the sky into his arms. She is terrified, but she gets dragged along.
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It's implied that some people fear the Jeweli. Edwin will have to protect his wife from people who hate her kind, but that's no issue for him. She will save his life, and he quickly grows obsessed with her too.
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He makes her drink his blood.
He drinks her blood too.
He cuts into her with an enchanted blade. The engagement ceremony gives him the ability to track her. He will know if she is ill. He will always know where she is.
Classic yandere stuff.
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This is the world of a novel.
Please Bring Me Salvation is a cheesy, happy tale. Edwin dies in it. He torments Lillian, because she has white hair. He tortures her too. The Prince stabs him with a special sword to kill him. Edwin is supernaturally strong, which explains why he gets away with his homicidal behavior. That special sword was a major plot point.
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Edwin names his bride.
He calls her Angelina. He likes her very much, and he thinks she looks angelic. He encourages her to act bratty, and terrible. She is his Duchess-to-be. She cannot be caught fraternizing with the poor, or her maids, or anyone below her status. He tells her the world is hers, even though that attitude is exactly what got him killed in the main story.
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Angelina puts on her lovely Duchess clothes. She learns to respond to her new name, and she thinks. She thinks everything is wrong. Why would she be sent down to save such a madman? She has a few memories of her past life. She was an ordinary woman, and she has no interest in saving Edwin. What happened?
Why are the gods trying to save such a villainous man?
Angelina must protect him. She is his wife. If his hated and violent reign ends she will certainly be beheaded.
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masterdetectivexx · 6 months
Hi Detective, what did you think of Movie 26?
Movie 26 (Black Iron Submarine) Review
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Raw feelings:
I'm completely speechless by this movie. It was way beyond any of my minimal expectations. It was extremely good!
I was baffled out of pure disbelief at how much main plot stuff they were revealing in this movie to the point that my brain fried. You could immediately feel that it was a movie you needed to rewatch multiple times in order to fully digest and appreciate its greatness. It was pure fanservice in the best way possible, not the botched M20 way, where fanservice scenes didn't feel earned, mystery being completely gone and main plot/cast characters getting sidelined. Everyone had their moment to shine.
After 15 years, I get a DC movie that finally topped M13 as my new all-time favorite DC movie. I was so thoroughly satisfied that I couldn't help but clap at the end.
Haibara (Sherry)
Haibara truly shined in this movie. Not only did she have proactive role in rescuing herself, Naomi and later Conan, but her personal romantic feelings, childhood past and current relationships with her dear friends were further fleshed out. I was floored by the degree that she got exposed, to the point of the OG antagonist Vodka standing right in front of her next to Pinga, ready to kidnap her, and then later interrogating her about her identity.
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I truly adore how the movie also revealed what started the bullying she went through in America (protecting her fellow half-japanese) and how Naomi's story complimented Haibara's childhood. It was a beautiful touch having Haibara's childhood classmate Naomi realizing Haibara's true identity by the end of the movie.
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I also love how the movie depicted how highly Haibara viewed Conan/Shinichi and his protective reassuring face. It was cute seeing her face light up with happiness when he showed up. I was shocked, but also very appreciative of how respectful she was trying to be of Shinichi's relationship with Ran (more than the fandom clearly) that she went to the degree of passing on her CPR kiss with Conan to Ran.
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Mizunashi (Kir)
Kir was one of the big standouts in this movie. You could truly feel the shift in spotlight focus between her and Bourbon, seeing as Bourbon was truly put in the backburner for Kir to get more shine, and it was perfectly handled and a true overdue for her (since she has been neglected in the franchise overall). I couldn't stop grinning and appreciate her nonchalant stunts to aid in Haibara's escape by pretending to not know how to open the exit tube in the submarine so Vodka could thoroughly explain it as Haibara overhears everything through the transmitter.
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I especially loved her less indirect and confrontational move towards Gin, when she directly interferred with his murder attempt of Haibara & Naomi, and how she calmly talked back at Gin when he aimed the gun at her. She was a true badass worthy of her NOC title, that I've longed to see in the series, only to get it in this wonderful movie.
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I really enjoyed Pinga's role in the movie as well, and especially appreciated how he wasn't written to be similar to Irish and Curacao (who had a more sympathetic antagonist development) but rather to be a more selfish greedy psychopath with more ambition than Gin, but less talented. It was interesting to learn how he was deep undercover as an engineer for interpol since 5 years back while disguised as a woman.
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I especially enjoyed seeing his fights with Ran, and how she became a troublesome enemy for him (giving Ran good spotlight like in M13), as well as how Conan straight up shit-talked to him while giving Gin praise in comparison, to the point of riling Pinga up.
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Vermouth was the true MVP in this movie. She had such a central role in saving Haibara from the organization's suspicion. It was extremely exciting to see Vermouth immediately sensing the potential of Naomi's All-age Recognition System (ARS) and how it could expose the boss identity and whereabouts, but more importantly to her, expose Shinichi's shrinking, that she'd rather keep hidden like a pandora's box. I was shocked and loved how she manipulated the Boss into giving her the order to destroy the ARS for his own sake, when she in reality wanted to not only conceal the current APTX shrinking effects from him, but also protect Shinichi. The way she used her disguising skills to invalidate the ARS' accuracy was just a genius move by her.
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The biggest surprise to me was how she was revealed to be the old woman from the start in disguise, who was given the sale ticket for a Fusae brand brooch by Haibara out of selfless kindness, and how Vermouth was basically revealed to also be repaying that kindness back to Haibara by protecting her from the BO, further deepening her motivations and multi-faceted nature in such a beautiful way as she gazes at the confused Silver Bullet (Conan) who is questioning them after getting Bourbon's intel.
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Rum & Karasuma Renya
The Biggest shocker in this whole movie was without a doubt the big reveal that Rum, the no.2 of the Black Organization, is unaware of the Boss' whereabouts in recent times and that, apart from having Pinga request Naomi to sell the ARS to them so they can modify it and also use it to erase the BO's activities in security cameras (according the boss' orders), had intended to use the ARS to locate Karasuma Renya (the Boss).
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This was a huge bombshell reveal, yet to be revealed in the manga, that further clarified the current ongoings within the organization. It basically as good as confirmed that the Boss is hiding a de-aged form from his subordinates (including his very close associate, Rum) and that no one other than Vermouth is aware of his hidden whereabouts. This revelation is further supporting my "Child of seven (Nanatsu no ko)" theory (the Boss being a shrunken 7-year-old who is only contacting his subordinates through phone to hide his child appearance and maintain authority). This also further established a distrustful relationship between Karasuma Renya and Rum, seeing as the Boss has kept Rum out of the loop, and how Rum has persisted to locate the Boss against his wishes, creating a very small divide within the organization's power structure. This is extremely exciting for the future of the series and has gotten me very hyped for what's left of Rum's development in the Rum climax.
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This movie was overall a 10/10 product, that gave all the fans outstanding fanservice. Conan's devotion to save Haibara, Ran's supportive contribution to the point of almost getting shot, Agasa's deeply moving heartfelt tears after Haibara's kidnapping, Kuroda's helpful backing of Conan, Bourbon's informational support and Akai's loyal aid in taking down the submarine were all just the tip of the iceberg. All the beautiful callbacks to canon events were also among the best of the fanservice. I especially loved Haibara's callback to how a child (Ayumi) had once changed her life through their actions (File 437), Pisco kidnapping her despite wearing glasses (File 240), Ran reminding Haibara of Akemi (like in File 434), Kir's callback to her father sacrificing himself for her in response to Naomi's cry (File 604) and all the moments Haibara recalled when Conan comforted and moved her (Bus hijack, Haibara intro, Reunion, etc).
Gosho's involvement in the story was clearly noticeable, just by the sheer quality of the movie, and all of his many drawn keyframes were beautiful.
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kyurizeu · 1 year
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Not a math tutor
Summary: You‘ve been scheduled for an after school tutor in a classroom and the person you least expected walks into the classroom. You were definitely falling for him Plotting his murder in your mind. As you tried to commit this romantic ‘murder’ his lips suddenly met yours.
FYI: i usually prefer writing a Shy(ish) Reader but this one is more straightforward, flirty, teasing and extroverted (maybe even bratty)
When i use { it means thinking!!!
Pairing — Jake(dom) X Reader(sub)
Warnings: fingering, making out, kisses, hickeys, enemies/strangers to somewhat lovers, some insults, getting caught (haven’t checked for more)
WC: 1,143 words
“Jake?? Uuh— umh.. so- yeah what are you doing here?” You stuttered while he walked casually into the class laying his books next to yours. “Isn’t it obvious? And didn’t your teacher schedule this for you?” He says making your last braincells die. After he got new friends You started thinking he was an unintelligent idiot who’s just Selfish and too popular. “So… YOU’RE tutoring me?” He stared at you with a smirk while you were side eyeing him.
“Just sit down babe, even if i was dumb i know 50% more than you so ur fine.”
”EXCUSE ME? Also who the fuck do you think ur calling ‘babe‘?! I aint one of those fangirls u makeout with every recess”
“Jeez chill out.. lets just start. sit. down.” Those words out of his mouth made your stomach flip. Why? you don’t have any clue. So you just sit down rolling your eyes with burning red ears.
“alright now, whats the hardest thing you’ve been learning in class? Show me” {Since when did his hair get so soft and fluffy? So cut-} “Y/N? Yo? U good?” You jumped back a bit when you realised his hands were an inch away from your face waving at you “OH YEAH….” It was silent for a good 10 seconds and Jake finally spoke up.
“Am i sensing some type of tension between us?” He smirked so smugly asking you that.As soon as you heard his words slowly processing what he just asked you got flustered QUUUIICCK. “N- Naur nah wdym? Ofc not? It’s just.. it’s Math so. I- yea..” He immediately smirked and said a simple ”oh yeah” in a teasingly tone. You two stared at each other for a second before you realised he was leaning closer to your face. Now inches away from your face he says: “You’re makeup isn’t blended well.” Well that COMPLETELY caught you off guard. “W-what?” You ask annoyedly touching your face all around. “You clearly put too much blush.”
“But, I don’t have any blush on today….” Oh that dumbass. He smirked and turned back to his books. “Well done mr. player you said the worst pick up line ever.”
“Well it seemed to work, plus you couldn’t even do that for any guy” he shrugs and chuckles a bit.
“Oh yeah?” You lean towards him and place both your hands on his lower thighs and lean your face even more forward to face him more. You smirk and look at his lips quickly.
He gulps nervously but keeps his face somewhat chill. All of the sudden his big vainy hands grab you by your waist pinning you against the wall. He tilts his head smirking even more than before.
“Umh” you gulp nervously. He stares at you for a couple seconds and speaks again: “i win” But an idea pops into your mind.
“No, not yet.” You press your lips onto his and you feel his hands move behind your neck deepening the kiss. {is this really happening?}
His hands played with your hair and he pulled out of the kiss staring deep into your eyes. He looked at you, your lipstick smudged, hair cutely messy and you catching your breath. He quickly lifted your chin with his hands “Consider this a win win?” He pulled you into another kiss making both of you breathe heavily. He moved down onto your neck and collarbones making smaller and bigger hickeys while you felt yourself getting wetter and hornier. He looked up after hearing you whimpering and realised the state he put you in. “Did i make you this flustered? Or… horny?” You nodded slowly as he leaned closer to you squishing your cheeks gently with one hand and the other softly going down your stomach lower and lower. You started breathing really heavily as his hand got right on your crotch making your cunt drip like a waterfall. He ran his hand over your cunt a couple times making you whimper in pleasure. He kissed you making your whines quieter. Suddenly he was already rubbing your clit softly as you bit his thumb gently. “Do you want to cum?” He asked quickening his pace. You nodded a lot and kept whining and whimpering as he got closer and closer to your climax. Jake stops and looks at you all flustered about to cum. “Don’t think that I’ll let you cum that easily.” He ripped your pants off and slid his hand in your panties. You moan out of the shock as his big veiny hand starts sliding up against your wet cunt. “Wow, you’re so wet for me.” He smiles and pushes one of his long thick fingers inside of you. “J-Jake!! Nghh…” you keep whimpering and moaning as he adds another finger and curls his fingers upward hitting all those spots that you love. Jake is just admiring at the wet mess he’s pinning against the wall. He starts to rub your clit too and thats when you feel your close. He quickens his pace over and over again until you reach you climax. “Do you wanna cum y/n? Cum for me” You came hard on his fingers moaning and breathing heavy. “Ngh, t-that was. Ahnnggh…” Jake kisses you one more time deeply but then.
“what the fuck is this noise?” It was Heeseung, Jakes best friend who was now walking towards you two. Jake pulled you pants up just in time for Heeseung to see you pinned against the wall. He clearly understood what was going on and smirked quickly before leaving.
————————————————————my first full post!!!
Please tell me thinks to change if you have stuff in mind, I’m currently trying to figure out how to use tumblr and as soon as i get the hang of it i’ll make a masterlist! (I only have two posts so far but i’m writing 4 more currently) also if you have time pls help and tell me how the anon question thing workz alr thanks u!
Thanks for reading my loves<3
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nihilnat · 2 years
Your favorite song
[chapter one] [chapter two] [chapter three] [chapter four]
Summary: When Vecna’s curse affects you, someone who doesn’t consider himself as a hero outside of D&D comes to save you with his amazing guitar skills, playing your favorite song to save you from it.
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Author’s Note: Heavily follows the plot and contains spoilers! If you haven’t watched S4 I wouldn’t recommend reading this fic. Maybe you could save it for later? Also I’m in LOVE with Eddie and wanted to do something angsty and fluffy at the same time. This chapter is a mix of both. The summary is for the entire series. Also the fic is in a normal font if any of you have problems reading smaller fonts.
Word Count: 4049
What to Expect: Reader x Eddie Munson, mutual pining, reader is talking about a past trauma (losing her parents), friendships, heavily contains reader’s flashbacks about Eddie and the others, Steve and Dustin being the comedic relief duo, Steve being jealous of Eddie and calling him a douche, Eddie is kinda traumatized, Reefer Rick's Shack, Eddie being cute, reader is kinda shy BUT things take a turn.
Spoilers below the cut, you have been warned!
Ever since Nancy and Max started to find more information about Vecna’s curse, you felt uneasy. You had this strange gut feeling that something bad was going to happen to you because you were showing the same symptoms as Chrissy and that nerd newspaper guy before they died tragically: Constant ongoing headaches, having experienced some sort of trauma, sometimes seeing weird hallucinations about that tragic event…
You actually didn’t think about it much at first because you were having a hard time connecting to reality. After losing both of your parents during the mall fire, you couldn’t accept the truth, you didn’t want to. It was as if your brain was denying to take that information as a fact. You felt as if the whole world lost its meaning and that living was useless. You were showing clear signs of depression and wanted to be alone most of the time.
Unless you spent that time with Eddie Munson.
Even though you had a lot of friends and an amazing friend group of four which contained Steve, Nancy, Robin and you. After some time, Eddie Munson, the new addition to your friend group, grew on you faster than anyone would’ve expected.
Before he joined your crew, you ofcourse knew the infamous leader of the Hellfire Club but you were too intimidated to talk to him since he was loud and he had a very theatrical personality. Your mind wandered to the time where he insulted the basketball team and the head of the team called him a ‘Freak’.
You loved how he always stood on his ground and didn’t care what anybody else thought of him. He didn’t mind being called a ‘Freak’ just because he liked playing a fantasy game a little too much. He was also a metalhead and you admired his style from afar.
He was aware of your presence too; You always made eye contact whenever you passed by each other in the hallways or when you were both in a crowded room, you would always search for one another and lock eyes, smiling. There was this tension between the two of you and as much as you didn’t want to admit this to yourself, you had a crush on him.
It was actually obvious because of the way you would blush whenever he looked at you and the way you’d break eye contact very fast because you get easily overwhelmed by how he looks at your pretty (e/c) eyes. He had this grin on his face whenever he caught you looking at him and you adored that stupid little grin of his.
He had a huge impact on you and he was aware of it basically because you sucked at hiding it. But he thought it was cute. That you were very cute.
The first semester went on like that and during the spring break, Chrissy’s unexplainable death shocked everybody in town and Eddie went missing. You knew he wasn’t capable of doing such thing and that he probably had nothing to do with this murder. But you understood why he chose to run away, Brent and his team wouldn’t have listened to a single word he said.
Even though you ‘knew’ he wouldn’t have done such a thing, you didn’t know it for sure. Other than staring at each other, you both didn’t do anything. Not even a single ‘Hi’ has been said.
And you were determined to change that. You wanted to speak to him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. You wanted to show that you cared for him. Maybe you were going a little too strong with this ‘little' crush but you didn’t care.
The day after the tragic death of Chrissy, you were hanging out with Robin and Steve at their workplace. There were new customers going in and out. Steve was trying to find a new girl to go on a date with and almost all of his tries were a fail. You and Robin loved to make fun of him about this topic because he was so desperate. It was nothing harmful tho, he was one of your best friends.
He finally thought that he met a pretty girl who is single but she said that she was going to watch the movie Steve recommended with his boyfriend. Oops, no luck again! He was so close tho, you thought. After she left, Robin started to laugh out loud and Steve rolled his eyes telling:
‘Haha Robin! SO funny. Hey (Y/N) why don’t you shut her mouth up and let me focus on my next target please, thank you.’
Robin was still laughing. A few seconds later she finally catched her breath and said,
‘Why don’t you try going out with the first person who walks into the shop? Maybe you’ll find THE one!’ sarcastically.
Steve wanted someone, anyone to date but was he actually down this bad? You didn’t think he would accept Robin’s challenge but after looking at you with desperate eyes, he turned to the glass door of the movie shop and started to wait. You and Robin looked at each other with amusement in your eyes and you locked your gaze to the door too.
After a few seconds, you saw Dustin rushing to the door. You could tell that he was in a hurry and that he was worried because of the way he acted. You always liked that kid, he was such a goofball but a genius at the same time.
Then he opened the door, yelling ‘Steve! Robin! (Y/N)! We need your help.’
Remembering what Robin said to Steve, about the one walking through that door being the one, you and Robin started to laugh hysterically. Steve looked at you guys yelling ‘C’mon give me a break!’ He then turned to the ceiling, opening his arms to the sides saying ‘What have I done to you?’ with a confused expression and furrowed brows.
Dustin said ‘What, not happy to see me? I know you’re lying Harrington.’
He then wasted no time and ran straight to the computer, rolling on top of the cashier counter. In the process, he knocked some of the movies and tapes to the ground. Max followed him shortly after. Robin yelled ‘Hey! We just stacked them. What’s going on with you!?’
‘As much as I’d like to chit chat with you guys Robin, we don’t have any time for this!’ The three of you were looking at him with such confusion, he understood that he forgot to tell you the reason why he was acting in a rush.
‘Look, this is important, okay? Just help us find Eddie.’
After you heard the name Eddie, you instinctively rushed to Dustin’s side, looking at the computer. You thought that the kids in the Hellfire Club already knew where he was but turns out, even Dustin was clueless. You began to worry about him.
‘Dustin, what do you mean you don’t know where he is?’ you asked, looking straight into his eyes. He knew that you had a crush on him, most of your friends knew it.
‘Look (Y/N), I don’t wanna scare you, but we have to find Eddie before Jason and his team if we want him to be safe. So let’s just focus OKAY?’
He was now going back and forth with rapid movements, shaking his head from side to side. His eyes were wide open.
‘WHOA WHOA whoa, Henderson calm down!’ Steve yelled. Dustin was clearly panicking. Steve grabbed him by the shoulders and started to shake him.
‘Earth to Dustin! Dustin? DUSTIN! That douche must be alright.’
‘Who are you calling a douche? It’s because you’re jealous Steve admit it-’
‘Guys, GUYS! Come on, we don't have any time for this right now.’ you exclaimed and you turned to Max.
Max was holding a paper which had a list of names written on it. You asked whose names those were. She said that those were the names of the people who could’ve known where Eddie was. You were a little relieved that they found some important information but you had to start looking for those people immediately.
After hearing Max, Robin wasted no time and directly jumped to the seat behind the counter as she started to look at some of the clients’ rent history to get a better clue. You all started to brainstorm and after a short time, you finally found a lead: Reefer Rick.
After a short ride with Steve, Max, Dustin and Robin, you finally found Reefer Rick’s house. It was out of town, out of prying eyes. Best hiding spot for a drug dealer.
You didn’t listen to any songs while Steve was driving the car. All of you were anxious and worried about what was to come. The tragic death of Chrissy was unnatural. The way they described the state of her body made you think that no human being could’ve done it, let alone it being Eddie. But how did it all happen? You were going to find it out really soon.
When you stepped out of the car, Dustin was already giving you flashes to use while searching up the house for a sign of Eddie. You first went to the house, trying to look inside through the windows. There was no sign of a living being in there.. You were so sure about Eddie being here that you didn’t even consider not being able to find him. You were beginning to lose hope.
That was until one of you found another perfect hiding spot just at the back of the main house. It was like a small but not so tiny shack. You had to look inside the shack. Then Steve and Robin opened the door by force and all of you gathered inside. You guys were looking everywhere for a sign.
After a brief time Steve grabbed an oar and with its back, he started to poke an old little boat which was covered with a boat cover. He was being a bit harsh so Dustin tried to stop Steve from doing it because what if Eddie got hurt? Well, Steve didn’t care about his protests and continued to do what he was doing.
While the others were still searching, you felt hopeless. You thought that you guys had cracked the code and you were one hundred percent sure that you were going to find him in here. But I guess I was wrong, you thought to yourself, deep in thoughts.
Then suddenly the cover of the boat lifted up and you saw Eddie. In just a few seconds, he was pinning Steve to the wall, making him stuck between the wall and himself while holding a sharp broken bottle to Steve’s neck. Dustin started to yell at Eddie, begging him to drop the sharp object.
While all of these were happening, you were in shock. Dustin was the only mutual friend that they had and he was a great negotiator, so all of you decided that it was best if Dustin did the talking.
‘STEVE DROP THE OAR! Look this is Steve and he’s not gonna hurt you. ’
Eddie turned to Dustin and asked ‘What are you doing here?’ His voice was raspy and low, almost like a grunt.
‘We’re here to help, we’re on your side!’ said Robin, hoping that he will loosen his grip.
And after a minute that felt like years, he finally dropped his grip that he had on Steve and let him go. At that time, he started to be aware of his surroundings and finally saw that he had a crowd watching him. And that you were in that crowd.
Dustin started to introduce the group to Eddie. He started with Robin: ‘Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band.’ She made a little trumpet noise while acting like she was playing an imaginary one.
‘This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D.’
‘And lastly, this is (Y/N)...’
He locked his eyes with yours and you did a little wave with an awkward yet genuine smile. At that moment, your heart shattered into pieces at the sight. His eyes were bloodshot, it was obvious that he couldn’t get a good nights’ sleep for quite some time because he was always on alert. He had to be careful, otherwise he could’ve been spotted. His hair was messier than usual and he looked like he was in pain because he was hiding in that boat, folded and crippled up to fit in. He was wearing the same old Hellfire Club t-shirt and the clothes he had from the day he went missing.
And it was clear that he didn’t want anybody to see him like that. He didn’t want you to see him like that. But you didn’t care about his looks at that moment, you were just glad to see him healthy without any injuries.
While you were both looking deeply into each other’s eyes, Dustin had to snap him out of it saying
‘Eddie, tell us what happened.’
Eddie looked at him and the rest of you, trying to calculate whether to say what he truly saw or not. He started to slowly slide down, his back on the wall. He waited for a moment before speaking, his gaze fixated to the floor. His hands were shaking.
‘You won’t believe me’ He said, sniffing.
‘Don’t want you guys tellin’ me that I’m crazy but I know what I saw. I just can’t wrap my head around it.’
He was now sitting on the floor, his head between his legs trying to cover his face. He then lifted his head and started to shake it slowly, his hands were on both sides of his face. You could see it in his eyes and the way he acted that he was suffering while remembering that night. He looked like he was trying to get away from that memory.
None of you made a noise while you were watching him, then Max broke the silence and said ‘Try us.’
Only then Eddie looked at all of you with confusion in his eyes. His brows were furrowed and he squinted his eyes ever so slightly. And after a few seconds of silence, he started to tell you the whole story. How Chrissy was in a complete trance and he tried everything in his power to wake her up from it but he failed. Then, he said that she started to slowly rise to the ceiling and float for a minute or so before her bones cracked with a sick sound and her eyes disappeared as if they were being pulled in.
You were having a hard time understanding everything he had just said. You were trying your best to not make him feel like he was a freak for telling these but how could any of it be possible? You then looked at the others and saw that they weren’t shocked or surprised at all. They had this understanding look in their eyes. You were more confused than ever.
When Eddie finished telling the whole story, he said ‘I left her there, I didn’t know what to do so I… I ran away.’ His gaze was still fixated on the floor, not being able to look at any of you. Then Dustin kneeled in front of him slowly, saying ‘You know how everyone says that Hawkins is cursed? Well, they’re not completely wrong…’
Dustin then turned his gaze towards you and said, ‘(Y/N) you’re also new to this so maybe it’ll be better for you to sit down while I explain what we’ve been going through for quite some time now.’ His eyes motioned you to sit next to Eddie so you did what he wanted you to do. He was trying to get you close to him and if the events that were happening around you recently weren’t this strange or tragic, you would’ve flashed him a grateful smile.
‘But before the story time, let’s get Eddie some snacks from the car. He must be SO hungry. Right, guys?’ Robin said abruptly. She was also trying to get you guys some alone time. You had sweet friends, didn’t you?
As the others left the shack, leaving you alone with Eddie, you slowly went your way next to him. You weren’t quite sure how to behave or what to do. You were shocked after what he told to the group and you were scared about what Dustin was going to tell to the both of you. Was Hawkins really cursed?
As you sat down and got into a comfortable position, you saw that Eddie’s hands were still shaking, it wasn’t as bad as when you first came to the shack but he was still terrified from all the things he had experienced the other day. He felt your eyes on him and tried to stop his hands from shaking but he couldn’t.
Now, he was trying to hide them and while he was doing it, he tried to put on a brave face, just like the way you had seen him all the time. But you could tell that he was hurting.
So in order to reassure him and stop him, you took his hands in yours. He was definitely not expecting that, neither did you. But in that flash of a moment, you did it. You took his hands in yours. He lifted his face and looked into your eyes, he was embarrassed about it. Embarrassed that he was being vulnerable.
‘uh.. Hi.’ You said shyly. It was as if like you were being aware of what you were doing at that time and blood started rushing to your cheeks, making them a brighter pink color that looked way too cute. He said ‘H- hi’ as well, putting on a small and genuine smile that made your heart skip a beat. You have never seen him like this before, he looked so fragile.
You were looking deeply into each others’ eyes when you broke the silence saying ‘Look, I know things have been more difficult than it should’ve been for you and I know that we don’t know each other very well but I wanted you to know that we are here for you.. That I’m here for you.’
‘(Y/N)..’ he said whispering while getting closer to you. He was looking at your lips now. ‘Thank you, means a lot but… Why are you tryna help me?’
You tried to look at his face but you got overwhelmed by how pretty he was looking. His bangs perfectly framing his face, his beautiful brown eyes piercing through yours, the feeling of cold metal on your fingers because of his rings; He was even prettier up close. You got to see a different side of him today and it drove you to him more.
You were looking at the ground, not being able to meet his gaze. ‘Because I.. I like you.’ You said. ‘I like you and it hurts me to see you this way. Like I said I know that we don’t know each other very well but-’
While you were talking, the coldness of metal from his rings on your palm was gone. Turns out he freed his left hand and he was now grabbing your chin to tilt your head. He forced you to look at him with a gentle touch. After a few seconds of staring at each others’ eyes, Eddie suddenly made a quick move and brought your face closer to his. Your eyes shut close, waiting for his next move. Then you felt his lips on yours, kissing you. It was a gentle and sweet one, as if he was afraid of hurting you if he acted too harsh.
You were so surprised you couldn’t do anything but to return the kiss. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss and looked at your face, observing you and your emotions.
‘I thought that butthead Henderson already told you about it.’ He said emphasizing the butthead part, rolling his eyes jokingly. He loved the kid but that didn’t mean that he was a butthead.
You chuckled a little at his expressions, feeling happy that he was acting like his usual self again. Seeing that you don’t have an answer, he continued to talk.
‘I.. I like you for quite some time now and I thought I made it pretty obvious. At least that’s what they told me during our D&D sessions.’
‘They made fun of me for not having the courage to talk to you but, I’m glad you did. I didn’t want you to be labeled as ‘the freak’s girlfriend’ or something.. Not that I care about what they call me but-’
‘I don’t care about it either Eddie, I like you a lot and nothing can change that.’
He had the cutest smile on his face after hearing you say those words. He looked relieved and happier now, despite the things that has been going on lately.
You were smiling too, probably like an idiot.
‘Robin tried to leave us alone, probably gotta thank her when its all done.’
‘Yeah well, don’t worry about it and let’s get back to where we were, shall we?’ He said, looking at your lips and back at your eyes again, looking for a sign of consent.
You shook your head slightly but eagerly, wanting to continue. His left hand found its way back to your chin, pulling you closer.
Your lips were almost touching when the door of the shack openned loudly. Dustin was the first person to walk inside. When he saw you guys in that position, his eyes went wide and he quickly tried to cover his eyes yelling ‘Oh MY GOD, OH MY GOD! CODE RED! …sorry guys.’ but at the same time he was smirking and he winked at you guys once with the biggest smile you have ever seen on his face.
You guys broke apart and Eddie got frustrated at how you guys got interrupted but it was no surprise, he thought to himself. Then, when he saw Dustin winking to the both of you, he turned to you and flashed an amused yet at the same time, confused smile. You told Henderson about it too and he didn’t tell Eddie a single word about it? He had some explaining to do to Eddie for later.
‘A total butthead indeed.’ you said in a whispering tone, sighing. Eddie turned to you and both of you chuckled. After a few seconds, the others rushed inside, Steve grabbed the oar once again and yelled:
‘CODE RED? WHAT HAPPENED HENDERSON, TALK TO ME’ He was looking around, swinging the oar, being the babysitter he was as usual.
When he and the others saw you sitting so close to Eddie, they understood what was going on and they all started to share a knowing smile.
‘So Dustin, Dustin, Dustin… You knew this fine lady had a crush on me too and you hid it from me all. this. time? …Amazing.’ He said with a low voice, eyes wide open. He was smiling but the smile wasn’t reaching his eyes.
‘Look Eddie I can explain, EDDIE-’ Dustin yelled when he saw Eddie starting to get off of the ground. He ran straight to the outside, knowing that Eddie can’t go out and risk getting caught. Eddie yelled ‘YOUUU SON OF A B-’ but everyone was laughing out loud at that point, even Eddie was having fun... You loved his smile. You really did.
Thank you so much for reading chapter one of the series!
If you like this part, let me know by liking, reblogging or even leaving a comment. All of it and feedbacks are appreciated.
Stay in tune for the next chapter <3
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If Retro is liked by the other Overlords and has befriends the likes of Rosie and Alastor.... wouldn't Retro be the perfect option for the Vs to send to Overlord meetings?
Sure Retro isn't an Overlord but Retro is less likely to start conflict for conflicts sake or because they mistakenly said the wrong thing.
Could work with the house wife vibe in the sense its like those 'Wife groups that gather for gossip' if it leads to more deals or smoothing over of things for the Vs isn't that a good thing?
Retro probably keeps a level head, I imagine they’re very calm and collected. Extremely sweet to everyone as long as they don’t make a move on Vox.
Since they’re so attentive, I imagine they’d be great at the Overlords meetings. Like, the Vs would bring them along to take notes or something while the meeting is happening, especially if they’re busy or don’t want to forget something. Retro probably reins them in, too.
Only one V attends a meeting at a time, and it’s usually Velvette. Vox is way too into it, probably shows up with a power point, yapping the entire time, so he doesn’t attend often. He’s also insanely busy. Valentino couldn’t be bothered to attend or take it seriously, he’d probably spend the entire time working out the plots (or lack of plot) in his next movie, playing the scenes in his head. So yeah, as brash as Velvette can be, she’s the best choice and attends the most often.
Retro accompanies each of the Vees to the meetings.
They have to bring some arts and crafts supply or something to keep Val busy- also so that he’s distracted enough to not insult everyone there. They probably bring him his bedazzling kit or a sketchbook so they can knit while he does whatever during the meeting.
I imagine that with Velvette, they have to keep her phone away. Probably distract her with physical (platonic) affection, like hand holding or sitting close to one another. They probably have a game where they glance at another Overlord, make a face and continuing doing so. Just an entire judging conversation in expressions alone.
With Vox? Probably hypes him up. They’ll tell him when he’s going overboard and rein him in, but they’ll also make sure everyone is paying attention. Vox may ramble, but he makes very good points that are actually useful. They probably give each other a small kiss or something during the meetings, very cute.
Vox gets jealous of the amount of times Retro goes to the meetings with Velvette, so he starts attending more often. Val would probably tag along just to piss Vox off.
People are wary of Vox, but not Retro. Vox is charismatic, but with underlying manipulative tones. Retro is genuinely nice so they gain everyone’s trust easily.
They’re in charge of deal making for the Vees, and they’ve taken down many sinners for the Overlords and the Vees. Likely without being told. Usually it’s a competing company.
I imagine they’ve killed sinners who could’ve been on the same level as an Overlord. They’re just so nice that nobody really cares (and murder isn’t a big deal because it’s hell) and it makes the Vees seem much more tolerable in general. Retro is very attentive too, so they can spot conflict from a mile away and stifle it before anything goes down.
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
Some more rambles
explicit rambles, poly! ghostface, Billy Loomis + Stu Macher, female reader, a little bit of self author insert. Mentions of murder.
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( ʘ‿ʘ ) rambles | scream ‘96 | pt. 2
Uh oh brain don’t stop. Closer to fic concepts/plots.
Knowing about your bf’s little hobby; knowing Billy and stu are ghost face and letting them do it. Asking to be at one of the kills- being with “friends” as you watch them get harassed with phone calls and chased. Hiding and the others think you’ve died or been knocked out as you watch your boyfriends work. Them finishing their job and finding you- dry humping against you through their costumes as they stay dressed, only being able to differentiate by heights. Taking you back to your place- you threes alibi- and having their multiple rounded way with you.
I wanna brat tame stu. He’d be so cute getting punished for being a little too terrorizing at school and doing it on purpose so you would bend him over a bed or desk and spank him. If Billy helps it becomes stu being edged for hours and being forced to watch you and Billy. Billy would spank him to and leave more distinct handprints from his force.
Stu would love if you rode him while he sits up a bit, like against his headboard or couch; if he cums and you keep riding him through it, he gets teary eyed and whiny but doesn’t stop. He lets you overstimulate him into practically a puppy. He’s hugging and clutching into you while whimpering into your ear and neck. If Billy finds the two of you like this, its all downhill for stu; his position changed into laying down, his legs up and pressed against his chest by your legs, Billy coming from behind you and fucking stu in time with your movements. Sometimes stu will explicitly ask the two of you to fuck him like this until he passes out if he’s been particularly antsy.
On that note, Billy has a similar antsy scene when he’ll ask you, stu, or both, to rim him and suck him off until he’s whiny and clingy. Massive praise and soft words kink. He’s always a bit shy and aloof when this one begins but when he’s halfway to his first orgasm he’s a sweet boy all over again.
If they somehow get a hold of a wand vibrator, they’re gonna be terrible together and with you. Stu is sadistic enough to grab you, encourage you to fight back, then tie you down to a bed with the vibrator placed right on your clit- and then fucking leave!! It’s the 90’s they’re still corded!! The thing isn’t gonna turn itself off!!! Good luck- they’re gonna go kill someone and be on a killing high when they come back and see you whining, bound, and perfectly messily wet. Hope you can handle it :)
Billy just really likes being fingered, either by you or stu or both sometimes. Sometimes he gets greedy and it’s one step away from being fisting. He likes being submissive sometimes but only to you and Stu.
Stu made a joke about how if there’s an extra partner now that one person could suck his shaft and the other could suck his balls. He was promptly overstimulated in a record 3 minutes.
my 4”11 ass- stu likes mating press for both of you. Size kink. Billy is already a bit smaller than him but stu gets a weird rush from him being pressed under him.
I wanna wear the right clothes to just show enough of me sometimes to bother them; wearing a top that fits fine until I bend over to get something and they can see my tits. Wearing a skirt that’s fine until I sit down/bend over and it rides up. Wearing a long shirt that one of them will be able to kneel in front of me and be covered up by the skirt.
100% self indulgent: sweater-wearing art academic gf who doesn’t look like they belong in woodsboro at all. Sweaters, long skirts, bootie heels, knitted leggings. A little too into academics and reading. Helps with their plan logistics.
that’s all!! feel free to use any as inspiration/writing, if you’d like me to write, or if you’d like to thirst with me!! be good!!
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duckprintspress · 2 months
6 Queer Books for Autism Acceptance Month!
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April is Autism Acceptance Month, so the group of folks at Duck Prints Press who suggest titles for these rec lists dug into personal favorite queer reads to find these six titles that include queer characters who are explicitly or implied to be autistic. Our picks are:
The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes
Ariana Ruiz wants to be noticed. But as an autistic girl who never talks, she goes largely ignored by her peers—despite her bold fashion choices. So when cute, popular Luis starts to pay attention to her, Ari finally feels seen.
Luis’s attention soon turns to something more, and they have sex at a party—while Ari didn’t say no, she definitely didn’t say yes. Before she has a chance to process what happened and decide if she even has the right to be mad at Luis, the rumor mill begins churning—thanks, she’s sure, to Luis’s ex-girlfriend, Shawni. Boys at school now see Ari as an easy target, someone who won’t say no.
Then Ari finds a mysterious note in her locker that eventually leads her to a group of students determined to expose Luis for the predator he is. To her surprise, she finds genuine friendship among the group, including her growing feelings for the very last girl she expected to fall for. But in order to take Luis down, she’ll have to come to terms with the truth of what he did to her that night—and risk everything to see justice done.
May the Best Man Win by Z. R. Ellor
Jeremy Harkiss, cheer captain and student body president, won’t let coming out as a transgender boy ruin his senior year. Instead of bowing to the bigots and outdate school administration, Jeremy decides to make some noise–and how better than by challenging his all-star ex-boyfriend, Lukas for the title of Homecoming King? 
Lukas Rivers, football star and head of the Homecoming Committee, is just trying to find order in his life after his older brother’s funeral and the loss long-term girlfriend–who turned out to be a boy. But when Jeremy threatens to break his heart and steal his crown, Lukas kick starts a plot to sabotage Jeremy’s campaign. 
When both boys take their rivalry too far, the dance is on the verge of being canceled. To save Homecoming, they’ll have to face the hurt they’re both hiding–and the lingering butterflies they can’t deny.
Hell Follows With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Sixteen-year-old trans boy Benji is on the run from the cult that raised him—the fundamentalist sect that unleashed Armageddon and decimated the world’s population. Desperately, he searches for a place where the cult can’t get their hands on him, or more importantly, on the bioweapon they infected him with.
But when cornered by monsters born from the destruction, Benji is rescued by a group of teens from the local Acheson LGBTQ+ Center, affectionately known as the ALC. The ALC’s leader, Nick, is gorgeous, autistic, and a deadly shot, and he knows Benji’s darkest secret: the cult’s bioweapon is mutating him into a monster deadly enough to wipe humanity from the earth once and for all.
Still, Nick offers Benji shelter among his ragtag group of queer teens, as long as Benji can control the monster and use its power to defend the ALC. Eager to belong, Benji accepts Nick’s terms…until he discovers the ALC’s mysterious leader has a hidden agenda, and more than a few secrets of his own.
The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester by Maya MacGregor
Sam Sylvester’s not overly optimistic about their recent move to the small town of Astoria, Oregon after a traumatic experience in their last home in the rural Midwest.
Yet Sam’s life seems to be on the upswing after meeting several new friends and a potential love interest in Shep, the pretty neighbor. However, Sam can’t seem to let go of what might have been, and is drawn to investigate the death of a teenage boy in 1980s Astoria. Sam’s convinced he was murdered–especially since Sam’s investigation seems to resurrect some ghosts in the town.
Threatening notes and figures hidden in shadows begin to disrupt Sam’s life. Yet Sam continues to search for the truth. When Sam discovers that they may be closer to a killer than previously known, Sam has a difficult decision to make. Would they risk their new life for a half-lived one?
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Wei Wuxian was once one of the most outstanding men of his generation, a talented and clever young cultivator who harnessed martial arts, knowledge, and spirituality into powerful abilities. But when the horrors of war led him to seek a new power through demonic cultivation, the world’s respect for his skills turned to fear, and his eventual death was celebrated throughout the land.
Years later, he awakens in the body of an aggrieved young man who sacrifices his soul so that Wei Wuxian can exact revenge on his behalf. Though granted a second life, Wei Wuxian is not free from his first, nor the mysteries that appear before him now. Yet this time, he’ll face it all with the righteous and esteemed Lan Wangji at his side, another powerful cultivator whose unwavering dedication and shared memories of their past will help shine a light on the dark truths that surround them.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
Aster has little to offer folks in the way of rebuttal when they call her ogre and freak. She’s used to the names; she only wishes there was more truth to them. If she were truly a monster, she’d be powerful enough to tear down the walls around her until nothing remains of her world.
Aster lives in the lowdeck slums of the HSS Matilda, a space vessel organised much like the antebellum South. For generations, Matilda has ferried the last of humanity to a mythical Promised Land. On its way, the ship’s leaders have imposed harsh moral restrictions and deep indignities on dark-skinned sharecroppers like Aster. Embroiled in a grudge with a brutal overseer, Aster learns there may be a way to improve her lot – if she’s willing to sow the seeds of civil war.
What are your favorite queer books with Autistic rep? We’d love to hear about them!
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