#its strange that that isnt a tag hm
adharastarlight · 9 months
realising its almost october which is great because spooky season but also im a marauders fan.
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Lesson 1;1: Welcome to Night Raven College!
Basics here!
Also please let me know if you would like to be tagged when more parts come out✨🕺
"Roan... Its time to wake up..."
The brunette haired man woke up in a cold sweat, taking in a sharp inhale as he quickly looked around his surroundings. He tries to move around, however, the space seems rather small and a bit tight... He notices it seems to be a sort of coffin.
"What the-?!... A coffin?! Just where the hell am I?!" Roan struggles to get out for a moment before the coffin door collapses, sending him to the floor.
Roan notices all of the various coffins in the room, several of them having burn marks, including his own.
"What the hell happened here?! And why the hell am I the only person here?!"
Roan's thoughts are interrupted by the smell of something burning.
"AH! Hot! Hot! Hot!" A certain dorm leader cried out amidst the chaos.
Roan reluctantly goes over, seeing as there are no other options and at the very least its a chance to find some answers. Upon arriving, what looks to be a welcoming ceremony had been set ablaze by some strange looking cat, along with several people trying to stop it.
"G-Get back here! You can't just set the whole place on fire!" Someone shouted out.
Some tall man in a strange bird mask sighed, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Oh goodness... First there's not one, but several magicless humans brought by the carriage and now there's a tanuki burning down the school! If you don't put him under control, all of you will be punished accordingly!"
Roan's utterly baffled at the scene...
"... Just what the hell is going on in he-? HEY-!" Roan's question is cut off by the strange monster cat jumping at him to avoid someone else.
Without thinking, he holds the monster still as best as he can, seeing everyone seems to be after it.
"Where the hell am I?! What is this place?!"
"Oh heavens, don't tell me you're another magicless human... Come to think of it, you're very late to the ceremony" cried the strange bird man
"Ceremony???" Roan asks, very confused
"Yes! You're very late to the welcoming ceremony-!"
"I don't even know where I am! And I sure as hell don't have any "magic" or whatever!"
"Calm down, calm down, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for why we were all brought here by some supposed magic carriage" said one of the fellow magicless students.
The bird-man sighed...
"Well, since you're late... I'm the headmaster of Night Raven Collage, Dire Crowley."
"... "Night Raven Collage"?... This is a school?" Roan asked.
"Yes, that is correct... Hm... What to do with you all..." Crowley seems to think to himself "It'd be wrong to just leave all of you out in the streets..."
"Let go of me already! Fnyah!" The little monster struggled himself out of Roan's grasp. "You're letting all of these idiots stay but not me?! They don't even have magic! I do! And I, The Great Grim, would be a much better choice to have in this school than all these low-lives!"
"Hm... Ah! I have an idea!" Crowley cheered, snapping his fingers. "Seeing as you're all... Well... Magicless... You can stay in the Ramshackle dorm! It's... Quite old, but I'll let you all stay for the time being until we can successfully return you all home, for I am so gracious✨ However, if you're going to stay here, you'll have to be using Grim's magic to assist you due to your situation..."
"... Well... I guess some run down house is better than being homeless... How bad can it be?"
It was bad. Very bad.
You can hear the rats scurrying in the walls, the floorboards creaking, some pipes were leaking, is that mold on the ceiling?
Nonetheless, the group of magicless students stand outside the giant, spooky, broken down dorm...
"Don't worry! I'll be sure to pay for your lunches and other necessities!" Crowley chimed in.
"... Can you pay for this dorm to get repaired?" One of the fellow magicless students asked.
Roan sighs, mumbling to himself "... Well... This certainly isnt what I was expecting... But I guess it'll do until I can see her again..."
"I hope you can all make yourselves comfortable and don't into too much trouble" Crowley smiles, his golden eyes closing in a content expression. "If any of you have any problems, please direct them to me."
The group of magicless students thank the headmaster as he departs, some more reluctantly than others. They then turn back to the broken down dorm...
"... M-Maybe its not so bad? I think it just needs a bit of fixing up!" One of the more optimistic students chirped.
"I think it needs lots of "fixing up"..." Another student replied.
But regardless, the magicless students enter the run down building along with Grim, trying to get a feel of the place and get about as comfortable as they can in a place kept in such poor shape. It's been a bit of a rough start, but hopefully their way home will soon be found! Although, who knows what adventures might await them next...
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abiik · 3 years
also some of the issues i have with like. theories for how the game ended is that some people theorize that blake projected jessica into his 'daughter', that she was 'reborn' into his 'daughter' which to me is....uhhhh. considering the fact that jessica, blake, & lynn, when they were children, it was like suggested that they definitely probably all had like a love triangle thing going on, and then for the 'theory' to be that he hallucinated that jessica was his reborn child after trekking through this town overrun with a cult that practiced incest & inbreeding..... i. hm.
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oneflydude · 2 years
this has plagued me ever since we talked about blood during today's biology lesson because. right so the reason that certain people can't only get their certain blood type injected into them is because of these things called antigens on the blood cells. and that's why O is the universal blood type because it doesn't have any.
So like, wouldn't vampires have to drink the blood type they have?? or is it because they're undead it doesn't matter??? like wouldn't they get a blood clot???
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 years
Zelda? I want to know what opinions you have about her since you talk lots in tags LOL
lets see if i can actually answer the questions because i have Opinions but theyre a mess LMAO
favorite thing about them
where do i start !!! hfskjfke
she's just so enthusiastic about finding out information its adorable and also a mood, but also she's DAMN SMART to match !!! she could absolutely run circles around anyone who tried to outwit her without trying i have NO DOUBT, but instead she's just out here being an information sponge, doing hooligan science experiments with frogs and digging up ancient tech to tinker with :')
shes so jfkdjfAAUGH when research happens adorable wow angel
least favorite thing about them
this is so hard lol i dont think uh ... ?? hm
EH its more of a nitpick than anything and ideally this gets fixed in BotW2 but listen, let my girl have a bow. Zeldas are archers so let her do the thing please Nintendo i know you let KT do it in AOC but can we see it in game proper too ;3;
favorite line
this was SO HARD TO PICK ... its a toss up between;
"I am not a child anymore! I may not be much use on the battlefield, but there must... there must be something I can do to help!"
.. because ouch, she tries so hard and im hurt OR
"... but courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten."
... hummm she knows Link would never back down aaannnd hummmmm im Hurt....
honourable mention to the exchange she has with the Great Deku Tree where the Tree tells her to keep the message to tell herself because 👀👀👀
this is hard to pick lmao , i actually think she and Purah as Science Nightmares is truly hilarious and i love it
also let her be friens with Paya please that'd be very sweet
Link !!! Link Link Link !! always and forever but even more so than even Skyward Sword , like , This 👏 Shit 👏 Is 👏 Textual 👏
pttthb again im a boring person so to me there is Zelink and then theres Nope SORRYYYY [flies away]
random headcanon
this is kind of random but i stand by my bizarrely specific idea that she's probably a fair bit more roughed up than the average Zelda lol.
she was probably an utter demon as a small kid and did all kinds of nonsense like bothering people while theyre working and asking too many questions and getting in places she isnt meant to be, at least while she could still get away with it - gotta have resulted in some bumps and scrapes ! after that ? science injuries !! the occasional burn, maybe a wonky finger from crush damage, scalpel accident, that kind of thing mostly on her hands and arms,, and she definitely has tool callouses on at least the sides of her fingers lets be real ...
during the Calamity she probably got a good few bumps too, theres some evidence of that in the memories its just Nintendo doesnt roll Like That lol ,, no where near as bad as Link of course , but it would have been basically impossible to come away without ANY marks at all ..
that is to say that like ... she's definitely not in any way delicate and unblemished , she's out there Doing Junk !!! she's her own person !! with actually a very strong personality !!!!
unpopular opinion
again Im New Here so i dont knowbfkejdje whats unpopular lmao .... erm i dunno ive kind of made peace with the choice of voice casting she wouldnt have been my choice but thats fine
i think what bothers me now is that like ... if you want someone to do an accent then hire someone with that accent lol .. i dunno if its just me but i can tell nearly every time if a canadian or american is cast with a british accent or visa versa looool
song i associate with them
what do i even PICK theres so many fuck uh ... ill go with my initial instinct and say Breath of Life by Florence + the Machine, partially because i discovered said song at the same time i finally got my mitts on BotW lol , but i could say the same thing for the entire Deluxe edition of Ceremonials , particularly right now Strangeness & Charm .... ughnngh just go listen to both of them now
favorite picture of them
Tumblr media
there's a lot of good art out there with her looking epic, but this cap from Champions Ballad is sickly sweet its got a buppy in it and she's adorable and smiling i cannot not love it
.... my Angel Gorl ...........
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 11 : The Other Grom [WARCRAFT M/M]
Kinktober Day 11 Prompts: Hand jobs (receiving) ~ Wrestling ~ Flogging (heavy) Fandom: Warcraft Tags: Exophilia, m/m, hand jobs, wrestling, dom/sub themes, swallowing cum, blowjobs, rough oral sex, cum marking, slight blood Pairing: Grom/Thrall
[Author’s note: This came in as a request after I wrote SubThrall with Anduin and I wasn’t sure what day would fit until I had a second look at the ones that were free and day 11 just worked for me. I had initially tried to cram this somewhere in the Warcraft 3 timeline, but I forgot how much of an idiot sammich Grommash was then and I couldn’t quite find a good place for it so I figured, eh, the Iron Horde version of Grom works too. So that is what I did. Also I couldn’t really figure out how to get flogging in there so I cut it from the list, but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.]
What led Thrall to this decision, to this choice, was a series of events he never could have foreseen. There was also a considerable amount of guilt as well, but he pushed that down, deep down inside of himself. He had to believe that his decision had been right, that it was the only one he could make. He had to believe that Garrosh’s words held no truth at all to them, because if they did then perhaps he made a grave mistake. A mistake that could never be undone, a choice that could never be taken back. 
They had defeated the fel armies, the Iron Horde was no longer a threat or an enemy. This other version of Grommash was actually a somewhat refreshing change from the Grom he knew in the past. Though that didn’t stop Thrall from missing his old friend and seeking something with this alternate version that he had never had. His love for Grom, his own Grom, had run deep and blurred the lines of friendship. This new Grom, well he was just different enough that Thrall felt ok with the familiar feelings bubbling up inside of him. This new Grom was definitely something else.
This was a Grommash that was calm, composed, rational, it was a little strange and Thrall wondered if his own Grom had never been corrupted, would this be how he ended up. Would Garrosh have had a chance at being great like Thrall had hoped he would be. Those thoughts plagued Thrall, along with others he dare not share. It was how he found himself standing in front of the red portal, not long after most had gone home. It wouldn’t hurt to go back and check, just this one, make sure that everything really was ok before leaving that world to its own fate. 
Taking a breath and Thrall stepped forward, the lurching in his body somewhat painful as he landed on the other side. It was strange how different everything looked, but they hadn’t been gone for that long. It made Thrall curious and he moved on seeking the new leader of the Mag’har, or at least Thrall assumed Grom would lead anyway.
It took Thrall a bit to find the new encampment and he was impressed by how much had been accomplished, impressed and a little confused. There were a few moments where Thrall had to question his sanity just a little bit but maybe he would have answers when he found Grom. Which when he finally did he became even more confused. Something about Grom seemed a bit off and Thrall couldn’t place it. Though it felt good when Grommash looked happy to see him and clasped his arm pulling him into a hug. 
“It has been a while. I wasn’t sure if we would ever see any of you or your Horde again, are you here alone?” Grommash tugged Thrall towards a large tent. “Come, you are just in time for food.”
“A while? How long?” This was concerning, if time passed differently between their worlds it might not be safe to go back and forth. He would have to speak to someone in the bronze dragon flight to see if they had answers. 
“A few years, why?” Grom tilted his head looking a little confused but not too put out. 
“It didn’t seem as long from our side.” Thrall didn’t feel comfortable lying, so he told a half truth. Something he did well. 
“Magic, who knows with that shit. Come, eat, drink.” 
Grommash seemed different. Calmer than before, more happy, and it was a little strange to say the least. Thrall wasn’t used to it, but he liked it. Though there was still and edge to Grom, something in his eyes told Thrall that maybe he wasn’t as calm as he appeared. 
The food and the company were both enjoyable. Thrall found himself laughing and feeling lighter as he spoke with the Mag’har, orcs from different clans come together to form one. There was much laughter, boisterous and loud. Singing, even dancing. Thrall wasn’t sure what was being celebrated, if anything. Perhaps it was simply a love of life, or an enjoyment of peace. 
Thrall had been entranced by everything around him, he had missed Grom staring at him, almost suspiciously. When he finally noticed his blue eyes widened a bit. Swallowing down the last of his drink Thrall cleared his throat.
“Is everything alright Hellscream?”
“Come, ride with me.” 
Grommash stood and gestured for Thrall to follow him outside, leading him over to some stables and getting Thrall a fresh wolf to ride. Snowsong was enjoying a meal and taking a much needed rest at the moment. Mounting up Thrall let Hellscream lead, curious as to where they would go. The ride was a little longer than anticipated and Thrall grew worried. Something started to feel a little off. 
 When they finally stopped Thrall waited until Grommash got off his wolf to do the same. Walking over to the brown skinned orc Thrall was careful to keep his expression neutral. Even if he was a little worried.
“I know, you know. I know who you are, sort of. I know you aren’t who you say you are at least.” Grom turned to Thrall, yellow eyes narrowed slightly.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Stop. I know who he was. The stranger. I just don’t know how.”
Thrall sucked in a breath and sighed, rubbing his face. “I don’t think there is an easy explanation, even I do not fully understand it. Do you really need to know?”
Grommash looked away. “Was he really my son?”
Now Thrall was uncomfortable. “Yes, and no. He was the son of another named Grommash, but he was not your son.”
Hellscream turned and looked at Thrall, this time with more curiosity than suspicion. “Did you know this other Grommash?”
Thrall nodded. “I did, quite well actually. We were close, he was one of my dearest friends. I was there when he died. I held him, as he died.” The raw emotion in Thralls voice would be hard to miss. Even after all this time, thinking on that moment, when the life left Groms eyes, it still hurt some part of him. Maybe the pain was new and fresh again because of what happened with Garrosh, or that another version was standing next to him.
“Did he look like me?” 
It was a curious question and Thrall shook his head. “Not really. I mean yes, of course, but also again no. His whole jaw was black, his skin was green, his eyes red. His body was a bit thinner in some ways. I think the fel taint did something to him. It changed his body and sometimes he was bigger, others smaller, it depends on how long it had been since he drank of it. The hair was almost the same. I think yours might be a slight bit fuller, but you both wore it quite long and almost identical.”
Grommash hummed and was staring at Thrall again, this time with a slight smile. “So which of us is better looking?”
Thrall balked leaning back and looking at Grom with wide blue eyes. He coughed and shook his head. “I, um. What?”
“Don’t be a pussy, who is better looking. Me or the other me?” Grom was smirking now
Thrall had to think, objectively think. “You are both attractive orcs in  your own way.”
“Really? I think you are just not wanting to admit that there is a difference between being attractive, and being attracted, and you are attracted. So, who is better looking. It's me isnt it?”
Thrall laughed loudly and just nodded. “Yes, fine, it is you.” Really to him they were both attractive to him, but this Grom was here, was alive, and it felt good. So maybe stroking that ego would actually get him somewhere this time. 
“I bet I am stronger too.” 
“Stronger than him? Hm, possibly. Stronger than me? No.” Now Thrall was the one smirking and crossed his arms across his chest. 
What Thrall wasn’t expecting was for Grommash to leap towards him and push him back. At first he thought it was an attack, until he saw the smile and the glint in Grom’s eyes. He grappled the brown skinned orc and found that their strength was pretty evenly matched. They were both in their prime, trained fighters, and while Thrall had the elements on his side they were quiet and he wanted to test himself. 
The grappling soon became wrestling as they rolled on the ground trying to get the other to submit. For a while it looked like Thrall just might best Grommash, but slowly, every so slowly, Thrall found himself on his back more and more often and for longer periods. He was struggling to get his feet under him, or to throw Grom off. It had been a while since he had wrestled another orc like this and it was thrilling. 
He got Grom into a hold, his knee in the other orcs back as he tried to get Grom to tap out by choking him. Somehow Grom managed to get a grip and bucked Thrall off, tossing him off to the side. Thrall rolled trying to get to his feet but was knocked back as Grom launched from a crouched position. 
Back on the ground, rolling, grunting, straining. Thrall found that he was becoming aroused and when Grommash had him on his stomach, there was a moment he was tempted to tap out just to preserve his own dignity. At least until he felt something hard pressing into the back of his thigh as Grommash held him down. Thrall wiggled and tried to get free, but could not and now he was distracted.
“Submit Thrall, submit to me.” Grom’s voice was deep, husky, a low growl in the other orcs ear. 
Thrall felt himself throb. There was no way to hide it now. His robes might have hidden it before, but not now. Feeling a bit petulant he huffed. “Make me.”
“You’d like that. Wouldn’t you?” 
There was something in Grom’s tone that made Thrall pause. Panic filled him slightly as he realized that this Grommash could very easily be connecting some dots that Thrall would prefer he did not. 
“Did you submit, for him?” 
“Why not?”
Thrall sighed and growled as he tried to wiggle free but found that Grom really did have him well and truly pinned. “I never got the chance.” It was as close to the truth as Thrall would say.
“Hmm, well I am not him. Which you are lucky since I am clearly the better looking one, but I can give you what he didn’t. Again, proving I am just better.”
Thrall laughed, but it wasn’t a joyful one. “You can’t be serious.”
“Why not?” Grom moved his arm, getting a better grip on Thrall so he could pull the other orc up on his knees. 
This time Grom pressed himself against Thrall’s ass and pushed his hips in a slow and deliberate grind. Not ready to release the other orc in case Thrall tried to escape. 
At a bit of a loss for words, and quite angry at his traitorous dick Thrall found himself relaxing just slightly in Grom’s hold. It did feel good. Arms so different and weirdly familiar, a voice that if he closed his eyes was just close enough to fool his mind. Why not let go, why not see what happened? Why not submit?
“You are too quiet Thrall. If a line has been crossed, Say so.”
“We never, I never, not with him.”
“But you wanted to, didn’t you? I can feel it, I can smell it on you. You wanted this from him, he never gave it to you, I am offering, so why not take it?” Grom questioned his grip loosening enough to slip one hand down and grope the front of Thrall’s robe. 
The hardness he found there made him smile, it made him want this even more. This powerful green orc was something unique, different, and he wanted Thrall, but he wanted Thrall to submit to him. Pushing at the belt holding the robe closed Grom was able to loosen it enough to slip a hand in and fondle Thrall through his loincloth. 
“Awfully quiet there. You want it, so tell me Thrall, what is stopping you.”
Giving in Thrall bucked into Grom’s hand. His reservations and hesitance bleeding away from him as he thrust his hips forward seeking stimulation. Hands reaching back he gripped Grom’s hips, pulling the other orc closer to him, wanting to feel Grom’s arousal. 
“Nothing, nothing is stopping me.” Thrall gave in. Grom could have whatever he wanted, could take whatever he needed to. 
“Good.” Grom scraped his tusks along the side of Thrall's neck and tugged hard on the green orcs' loincloth, tearing it.
Pushing the scraps of fabric aside Grom gripped Thrall’s hard cock stroking it slowly, his thumb brushing over the already wet tip. Lips turned up in a smile as  he could feel Thrall trying to stay still and failing, the smallest movement of his hips was enough. 
“Give into it. Your pleasure is mine to give. You feel good, because I want you to feel good. Remember that.” Grom growled and nipped Thrall’s ear. “Just be glad what I want right now is for you to feel pleasure.”
Thrall moaned, losing the battle with himself and giving in. Arching up he thrust his hips into Grom’s hand, hesitantly at first. His rhythm stuttered and jerky as he hesitated just a bit. Wasn’t this wrong? Wasn’t he using this Grom to make up for what he never had with the one he lost, the one he loved? He was thinking too much and what he wanted more than anything was to let go and just enjoy this. 
“That’s right. Move your hips. Fuck my hand. I want you to bring yourself to orgasm using my hand, and you better do it quick or I might just leave you like this.” 
Gasping Thrall sped up his hips, thrusting faster and harder into Grom’s tight fist. He could feel his balls tingling, pulling up slightly as his cock twitched in the rough calloused hand that felt so much better than his own. His moans were getting louder as he gave into this, gave into the pleasure he was feeling. 
Before long Thrall was cumming with a loud cry, his hips snapping forward hard as his cock swelled and pumped rope after rope of cum into Grom’s fist and onto his robes and the ground. Thrall was panting just slightly when he felt Grom’s hand near his mouth.
“Clean it, and you better be thorough.” Grom snarled. 
Obediently Thrall licked at Grom’s hand, sucking his own seed from the fingers, and lapping it off the palm. Tasting himself wasn’t completely unusual, he had done it before. Never quite like this and the situation had usually been something a little different, but this time he liked it. Not so much the taste as the experience. 
“Stay on  your knees.” Grom stood up and moved in front of Thrall. 
Pants already undone and cock out Grom held it in front of Thrall’s face. “Lick it, kiss it, show me you want it.”
There was no hesitation as Thrall leaned forward and did as commanded. His thick tongue dragging up the shaft and over the head, kissing the tip reverently before moving back down to lap and suck at Grom’s balls. When the other orc grunted Thrall moved in sucking a little harder before sliding his tongue back up to the tip, his hand coming up to cup Grom and squeeze his thick heavy balls. 
“Fuck, and here I thought you wouldn’t know what you were doing.” Grom pushed his cock towards Thrall’s mouth. “You are going to suck it, you are going to suck my dick like you need air to breath Thrall, and you aren’t going to stop until I am satisfied. Understand?”
Thrall nodded as he licked over the shaft and head. He had not actually sucked all that much dick in his life, but this time he was more than eager to try and he wanted to impress Grom. Of course he did, but more than that, he needed this.
Grom grabbed the back of Thrall’s head and pushed his cock forward into Thrall’s open mouth, sliding in until he felt resistance. He would let Thrall have some control, just for a bit, but he fully intended to fuck Thrall’s face and that made Grom eager as his balls twitched in anticipation. He knew if he just started fucking Thrall’s throat he would cum quickly, something he didn’t want to do. He wanted to drag this out, something inside told him this would be his only chance for this. 
Grunting he looked down to see blue eyes looking back up at him as Thrall obediently bobbed his head taking in inch by inch of thick brown cock. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Those thick tusks, surrounding his shaft. Those incredibly, almost haunting, bright blue eyes. Grom wanted to ruin Thrall, to break him down and build him back up again. For now, this would have to do. 
It was hard to resist, thrusting into that tight throat, but somehow Grom did. He let Thrall continue to work his shaft. That tight throat massaging the tip of him, the gentle sucking, the way those thick fingers tugged at his heavy balls. Grom was in fucking heaven, but he still wanted more. 
“You are doing such a good job, but I need more. You are going to want to take a deep breath Thrall. I am going to use your mouth and throat how I want, and you are going to be obedient and let me. Aren’t you?”
Thrall nodded and relaxed his position slightly, angling to give Grom better access. This would make it easier to take that thick cock further down his throat. It was a trick he learned from Vol’jin and honestly thought he would never need to use again. He let out a muffled sound of surprise as Grom thrust into his throat as promised, but it was a little deeper and harder than he had been prepared for. 
Breathing through his nose, Thrall made himself relax more as he closed his eyes, letting Grom use him like this. His own cock was hard again, painfully so, and leaking. He was tempted to touch himself but didn’t he hadn’t been told he could. He wanted to be obedient, to show Grom that he could listen and obey. 
“Fuck you got a tight throat. Open your eyes Thrall. Look at me.” Grom tugged sharply at Thrall’s ear until those blue eyes opened. “I want you to burn this into your mind. NEVER forget that it is me, not him, me, that you are doing this for. I am the one you are on your knees for. I am the one that is fucking your throat like my own personal toy. And I am the one that brought you pleasure. Me. Not. Him.” Grom snarled and snapped his hips forward hard.
He watched as Thrall gagged on the full length of his cock, carefully keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t hurting him too much or suffocating him. He could see Thrall’s eyes rolling back just a bit and eased up, pulling himself out a few inches, but he was ready to cum and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could drag this out. 
“Good, so good Thrall. You took all of it, I am so proud. Can you do it again. I want to be fully buried in your throat when I cum. Just nod if you can.” Grom’s smile was dangerous, but delighted when he saw the determined look in those blue eyes and the firm nod.
Gripping Thrall tight by the back of the head Grom pumped his hips fast a few time and the slammed his full length deep in Thrall’s throat. His cock swelling as he came hard with a roar. Pulling out suddenly he finished himself on Thrall’s face, coating the kneeling orc in his seed as he smiled down at him. 
“You look so pretty covered in my cum like that. It’s how I always want you. You are mine now Thrall, and no matter where you are or who you are with, that will never change.” Grom used a thumb to rub his seed into Thrall’s cheek, marking the green orc with his scent. 
Thrall stayed on his knees looking up at Grom. A part of him never wanted to leave, never wanted to go back home, even though he knew he had to. He wanted to hold onto this for as long as possible. He tugged open the top of his robe, baring his chest, neck, and shoulder. 
“If you mean to mark me, then do it, or quit posturing.” There was something fierce and defiant in Thralls eyes, a challenge. 
Grom did not like to be challenged and while he knew this could go badly, he didn’t care. Leaning down while yanking Thrall up he snarled and dug his long sharp tusks deep into green flesh, tasing blood. He worried at the wound, wanting to make sure there was no mistaking this scar for what it was. Thrall’s moans only drove him on as he stayed latched on long enough that even with healing, it would never fully go away. Pulling back Grom looked into Thrall’s eyes.
“Mine. Not his. MINE.”
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thequeenb · 5 years
Polaroids (part 1)
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Author's note: English isnt my first language so excuse my mistakes.
- falling in love should be like Polaroids, instant-
Amy and Lily were walking down the New York city. It was midnight and their breaths would give in that they had been drinking. Laughing at their own jokes Amy reached into her bag "I need to capture this moment Lil" she pulled out a Polaroid camera and Lily grinned "do you carry your camera with you everywhere?" The girl elbowed her friend "shut up".
After many attempts of trying to get a good picture themselves they gave up. "Ugh my hand is shaking and we cant get it good" she scanned the area to find a decent person to take it for them. Amy's eyes fell upon an elegant woman probably in her early 30, she was wearing a dark red suit and a white blouse a few buttons open showing enough skin to want you wonder what's underneath. "Girl you are staring" Lily teased "Go ahead and ask" Amy's cheeks were red "No she looks to important to care for 2 drunk girls trying to get a picture" "if you dont go then i-" the girl signed "okay fine but if i get embarrassed i will kill you"
Amy approached the elegant woman processing in her mind what to say, she didn't realize she was standing to close "Can i help you?" Amy snapped back to reality her cheeks red. The woman's voice was like angels singing in heaven she then took a deep breath "Well i was wondering if-" "Oh dear you are really sweet but no" Amy felt embarrassed "well that wasn't what-" the woman looked annoyed at this point "i dont have time for this" the young girl held out the camera "well if you weren't rude and interrupt me i would ask you if you take a picture of me and my friend" she pointed to Lily was giving a thumbs up making the situation worse. The elegant woman arched a brow saying under her breath mortals "fine but make it quick" Amy handed her the camera
"How should we pose?" Lily asked Amy was in her world watching the woman who clearly didnt knew what she was holding. The girl approached her placing the camera the right way, their hands touched, hers were cold but she felt an electric feeling. "Well you press this button and its done" Amy chuckled "whats funny?" The woman arched her brow god thats sexy "well you look like a grandma learning about modern technology" she watched as the other woman grinned "lets just get this over with"
Amy was hugging Lily kissing her cheek and then smiled to the camera. The woman behind the camera looked at her like she just noticed her, her smile was shiny, beautiful even breathtaking. As she snapped the picture she felt something unfamiliar inside her like she got lost in her smile. Amy and Lily ran to see the results "wow girl your smile is everything" the woman cleared her throat "well then you are welcome" Suddenly Amy felt a confidence she never had before "wait!!" The woman turned around surprised "i never got your name" "Kamilah" she said before she smiled and disappear into the crowd.
Later that week
"Ughhhh i cant find her on social media" Lily said as she fell back on the couch. Amy chuckled "its okay Lil she only gave us her name anyway" "no its not okay you like her" Amy's cheeks became red "No i dont!" Lily protest "Yes you do! I saw the way you looked at her" defeated she signed "i mean fine she is beautiful but i dont even know her and i never will". As she was about to go to her room she heard a gasp "COME HERE!!"
Lily showed her the profile "Kamilah Sayeed, CEO of Ahmanet Financial" Amy's mouth was open "Well there go all my chances" her friend clicked on her company website "weren't you looking for a job?" "Yea why?". "Its your lucky day girl she needs an assistant" the girl laughed sarcastically "NO!"
Interview day
"God i cant believe you make me do this" Amy signed as she was fixing her dress in the mirror" Lily chuckled from behind her "dont act like i force you"
Ahmanet Financial
"Hey there! You must be Amy am i correct?" The girl nodded "well Miss Sayeed will be free in 15 minutes, should i bring you anything?" "A water will do just fine" she felt her throat dry, ugh she will believe i am stalking her or something i should just go befo- "Miss Sayeed is waiting for you if you please follow me" she followed the woman to the elevator. They shared an uncomfortable silence until Amy spoke "is there anything i need to know before i speak with her?" The woman was about to speak but they arrived to the top floor where Kamilah's office was. "Well i am about to find myself" Amy said, her hands were sweaty this is the last time i listen to Lily.
As she walked in she noticed how beautiful it was, she saw many artifacts and Egyptian paintings that were worth more than her life. There was no turning back now. As she walked further she arrived at a big desk filled with documents and a red leather chair that faced the window. It was 10:00 pm she still found it strange to have an interview this time. Her heart dropped when the leather chair turned to face her and she was greeted by the beautiful woman she saw days ago. Kamilah looked surprised she had a serious expression in her face, she would recognize this girl anywhere. She noticed how nervous the girl was but all she said was "Oh?"
Amy swallowed hard " weren't you that girl that asked me to take a picture of her and her friend?" She arched her brow that Amy found unbelievably sexy. "Oh um" she felt her heart beat fast "yes thats correct i am Amy". Kamilah looked amused "well then Amy is it a coincidence that you are here?" She knew this question was coming "i actually need this job so" "Hm i see, well i cant lie your resume is impressive for a girl in your age, i can barely remember me that young" Amy chuckled "Well now i am sure you are a grandma" Kamilah was surprised by the girls confidence "Excuse me?" She crossed her arms. Amy realized what she said "Oh i am so sorry its just that night y-" but Kamilah was quick to change the subject to avoid remember the perfect smile of hers. "Now then if you can fill these documents i have been trying all day the job is yours" Kamilah knew well it was impossible they were a mess.
After about 2 hours the girl returned to the office "well they were a mess but i managed to fix the mistakes, oh and tomorrow at 9:00 pm you have an appointment with Mister Rogers the CEO of-" Kamilah cut her off "I know who he is but how? I tried to convince him but he wasnt interested" Amy smiled "I have my ways" the CEO was sure impressed but she knew hiring her will be the death of her but then Amy smiled and she saw the same beautiful smile she noticed that night and like she wasnt in control of her mouth "You are hired" they both looked surprised to those words. "I wont disappoint you Miss Sayeed" "You can call me Kamilah" and that exact moment Amy knew it was just the beginning of their story.
Tag list: @lightning-fury @scarlet-letter-a0114 @la-guera-69 @idkbutkamilah @ilovetaylor13m @amorettemcsky
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jesscmccrees · 6 years
what’s wrong with tony? Just curious I don’t keep up with the stories so I don’t know but I want the tea
WELL i mean ultimately its down to preference & a lot of ppl hate him as an extension of hating rdj (racist) so. however , here is a list you can peruse that probs goes more in depth than i have. and here are my tags. 
hes in every fucking mcu movie and causes just as many problems as he solves
hes made multiple Questionable jokes in these films which like. you CAN blame on the writers. but that doesnt change the fact that these writers somehow thought tony would be a good mouthpiece for a thinly veiled rape joke (aou) or that reservation joke (cacw? i think?)
manipulated a 15 yr old boy into going to battle in fucken. germany or some shit. overseas anyway. also called said boys sole guardian hot in front of him which isnt inherently Bad but like its definitely in poor taste imo
the first iron man movie is basically the “consequences” of tony bombing foreign countries. you can argue as to whether or not he Learned His Lesson but the point is that he was manufacturing weapons and theres no way to claim he didnt know wht they were being used for it doesnt... make sense?
hes supposedly “the heart” of the avengers when what made him “cool” in the first place is outdated now. people thought he was “cool” primarily because he was a playboy & Did What He Wanted. marvel hasnt given him any growth from this state to prove that hes changed. next to characters like thor and t’challa who are in many ways similar to tony he just doesnt really hold up? thor and t’challa may both be rich princes but they care about other people where tony rarely seems to unless he is personally affected
hes kind of mean spirited generally. most notable example is him fucking with bruce in the avengers. bruce clearly doesnt want the hulk to “get out” and yet tony keeps prodding him its just ugly
all of this stuff you MIGHT be able to wave away as “bad writing” (if it weren’t so strangely, consistently awful in the same way hm) but like whatever ig
also he was apparently made to embody capitalism as said by stan lee. im not sure how true this one is but like it checks out!
his fans are horrible. they cant stay in their own damn lane and honestly if they did i probably wouldnt be as vocal about hating him as i am. its just the typical fandom rollercoaster where people cant get over other ppl hating their faves. block button is free guys!
tldr: hes an asshole who is never held accountable for his questionable actions and his facial hair? it sucks dude
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
do multiculturalism and small religious cult based on the concept of love towards your neighbor run by mentally ill people make it more diverse?
(6-18-20) You both like history.
Stranger: Hey
You: hiya
Stranger: Hello
Stranger: Hi
You: another hi wow ^^
You: very... hello-y
Stranger: Halló
You: why we say hello?
Stranger: to greet each other
You: are greeting important?
Stranger: no it's more important to salute than greet
Stranger: let's perform the Roman salute together
You: ;-; but dunwanna
Stranger: why not?Dont you share my war-like Roman spirit?
You: no, I am primitive
Stranger: filthy barbarian, too uncivilized to salute
You: yup ^^
You: I am one with nature
Stranger: do you put up irminsuls everywhere
You: oh that would be fun
You: that's a good idea
Stranger: it didnt end well for those who thought it'd be a good idea
You: it's okay
You: my faith is more important
Stranger: slaughtered by Charlemagne's frankish knights, forced to convert...
Stranger: do you sleep well
You: sure! ^^
You: do you?
Stranger: Yes of course
You: okay that's good
Stranger: what history do you like?
You: mhm, I kind of just forgot to remove this tag lol
Stranger: why did you tag history??
You: I wanted to learn about the balkans
Stranger: about the powder keg of Europe...okay
Stranger: but what period?
You: 1999 ish
You: yugoslavia basically
Stranger: oh the yugoslav war
Stranger: there was a great deal of ethnic tension between ethnic serbs and albanians they started cleansing each other NATO intervened and bombarded Yugoslav cities with DEPLETED URANIUAM as a result Yugoslavia got dismembered
Stranger: oh right
You: sounds like a good summary
You: also why with depleted uranium?
Stranger: many serbs still have cancer because of depleted uranium
Stranger: the type of bombs they used
You: oh
Stranger: I still cant understand why your dad beats you.
You: that's quite a change of topic lol
Stranger: Why does he beat you?
You: mhm because I'm a pagan
Stranger: no pagan would refer to themselves as pagan
You: it's okay, I have my own idea of paganism
Stranger: it means "a commoner" in latin
You: (don't worry I got this!)
Stranger: I hate you
You: :c
You: I feel sad now
Stranger: you're terrible.
You: D:
You: how can I become un-terrible?
Stranger: bring yourself into a permament state of non existence
You: is that nihilism?
Stranger: No its not nihilism -_-
You: okay sorry ^^
Stranger: oh speaking of words starting with nihil
Stranger: have you heard of ex nihilo
You: nope!
You: my linguistic skills are subpar!
Stranger: do you speak Latin
You: nope!
You: I would prefer to learn birdspeech
Stranger: Mao ordered the killing of all sparrows in China.
You: D: that's so sad!!
You: why?!
Stranger: he thought they were pests.
You: that's terrible
Stranger: Yeah
You: humans are more like pests
You: they've infested the planet
Stranger: thats so
Stranger: misanthropic
You: is that bad?
Stranger: it does reflect the actual state of affairs but its still misanthropic
You: I'm sorry if I offended you
Stranger: I just said its misanthropic
Stranger: I am not offended
You: oh okay, good
Stranger: given I am just a small larva not a human
You: oh you are a small human?
Stranger: are you implying small humans(in other words children) are larvae?
You: hm?
Stranger: Oh nvm my mind twisted this a bit
You: I mean children are neither eggs nor adults
Stranger: right
Stranger: do you like shouty children
You: mhm I think they are fine
You: children are being children
You: it's kind of natural I think
Stranger: so you said humans have infested the planet implying humans are evil. are they naturally evil or are they corrupted by society
You: mhm, I don't think any animals are intrinsically good or evil
You: but if there are a lot of them than it is an infestation
Stranger: so corrupted by society?
You: sure we can go with that
Stranger: Oh are you a Rousseauist
Stranger: you spoke of nature and so on
You: oh, I am not that sophisticated
You: I am a pagan
Stranger: shut up
You: sorry >.<
You: but I'm seriously not that sophisticated
Stranger: I know
Stranger: I know
Stranger: I know
Stranger: I ken that
You: *headtilt*
Stranger: I must kithe you that I am a mammal.
You: okay
You: I like mammals
Stranger: I must kithe you that I partook in the colonial partition of Africa.
You: oh how old are you?
Stranger: Oldish
You: I wonder how old your mitochondria are
Stranger: wait do you use numbers to measure age
You: idk
You: units of measurement are a social construct
Stranger: so...?
You: numbers are fine
Stranger: should we establish institutions that encourage people to use numbers to describe age
You: I don't know, what do you think?
Stranger: I have no opinion on that
Stranger: should we establish institutitoons of royal power
You: it is hard for me to grasp the concept of royal power
You: or royalty
Stranger: divine right
Stranger: the grace of god
You: can you explain god to me?
Stranger: when discussing Kings and how they justify their power the only God is the biblical one
You: I see
You: I feel like it must have sounded very strange to the pagans
Stranger: No it didnt
Stranger: Ceaser claimed to have descended from Jupiter
You: I think it would have gotten weirder if they went to asia
Stranger: they had local rulers that also justified their rule with similar concepts
Stranger: it wanst all too different throughout the world
You: I think many of them had local gods
Stranger: obviously
Stranger: in almost all polytheistic religions there is an archgod though
Stranger: the god of all gods
You: I think I would prefer to reject gods and stay with my trees
Stranger: until the trees get cut down
You: why are you so mean?
Stranger: I am not going to lie about the harsh realities of this world
You: but you can change the world
Stranger: to what extent?
Stranger: and in what direction?
You: idk, that's up to you
Stranger: you can change the world
You: yup ^^
Stranger: you change the world
You: yup ^^
Stranger: does this sound motivating
You: it sounds depressingly motivating by being not actually motivating lol
Stranger: not so good then
You: no it's probably fine
Stranger: you can change the world for the worse
Stranger: does this sound motivating
You: it sounds motivating through its pessimissim
Stranger: I've never found pessimism motivating
You: mhm, really?
Stranger: especially given the etymology of the word
You: hmm
Stranger: are you thinking
You: idk, probably not anything productive
Stranger: do you like reflecting in bed
You: it's not a bad place to reflect
You: sometimes, I think if I had been born 100 years ago, I would have been very religious
You: but wasn't
You: and now I have a lot of misplaced faith
You: that I don' know what to do with
Stranger: well...right the conventions of the Edwardian era were quite rigid so you had to be religious
You: I should just make my own religion I guess
Stranger: oh no
You: is that bad?
Stranger: you intend to become a cult leader
You: a cult is only bad if you manipulate your cult members
You: otherwise it's just called an ordinary religion
Stranger: so?is there any guarantee that you wont use other believers to build up your own power base?
You: I don't think I need any power
You: we should give our love to the world that surrounds us
Stranger: thats what Christianity says
You: yes but I dont believe in any god
You: so I can't be christian unfortunately
Stranger: so you need a religion as a set of practices that promote the love your neighbor thing
You: good things are made by plagiarizing ^^
You: mhm, I don't think it's bad if someone made a church and community for these beliefs?
You: you can help other people in your church and support them
You: and overall just feel nice in a community
Stranger: Sounds so rosy
You: yup{
You: ^^
Stranger: well...not sure this would gain any traction considering people already have similar religions except that they have a God and idolatry is important in our culture you know
You: yes, it is sad... I guess I will jut have to be alone then :c
You: but I have my faith!
You: I guess there just won't be many others...
Stranger: when you say something about faith I always think of crusades really even though that isnt even remotely what you mean
You: hmm?
You: what I mean by faith is believing in something even when there is no evidence to suggest you should believe in it
You: for instance, there is no reason you should believe that your neighbor will not steal from you
You: but faith is trusting that they will not
Stranger: yeah but I mean when you say the first that come to mind "religious fanaticisism, the defender of the faith status, the conquest of "divine" fiefs"
You: lol ^^
Stranger: say that*
You: I guess I just ended up defining faith for myself somehow I guess
Stranger: Its just because the idea of fighting for faith is quite common
Stranger: oh nvm
Stranger: my mind perverts everything
You: huh?
Stranger: Just never mind
You: oh okay
Stranger: Sorry
You: hm? why are you sorry?
You: you have nothing to be sorry about
Stranger: Yeah right
Stranger: so yeah I like the crusades ofc did you know that the first crusade was the only successful crusaaade
You: I didn't know!
Stranger: wait I think I got carried away with all these crusades
You: although I think it depends on your side
Stranger: I mean there never were any "muslim crusades"
Stranger: they use a different term
You: but I mean the all attacke jerusalem?
You: *they all
You: at different points in history
Stranger: Well yes
Stranger: the holy land right
You: yup
Stranger: but actually Judea has always been plagued with bloodshed
Stranger: when Hadrian was Roman emperor Jews rebelled against Roman rule and commited genocide against Romans
Stranger: based on religion
You: killing is mean
Stranger: you can see similar stuff happening nowadays
Stranger: its effectively the most restless spot in the world
You: mhm
You: although sometimes I wonder how it compares to Sudan
Stranger: what about it?
You: idk if the palestinian area is worse, or if it's a matter of we just pay more attention to it
You: or if there are also places elsewhere in the world that are worse/very bad
Stranger: well the conflict there has been around for a long time and its an ethno religious conflict thats why we pay so much attention to it
Stranger: and also Israel may possess nuclear weapons
Stranger: which is also why some people are concerned about the current situation in the middle east
Stranger: oh and also Trump supports Israel which is also why some people are ever more concerned about Israel
You: hmm
Stranger: and also the jews are considered one of the most oppressed people on Earth
Stranger: oh wtf am I saying
You: hm?
Stranger: no nvm
Stranger: Sorry
You: okay
Stranger: But again Hadrian banned the Torah law
Stranger: and
Stranger: many jews were sold into slavery
Stranger: and they were banned from practicing their religion
Stranger: oh I like Hadrian so much
Stranger: He did so much good for Rome
You: I just feel like I only know the wall that's named after him
Stranger: and the city
Stranger: Adrionople
You: hadrian... remove the H?
Stranger: In some languages H is silent thats why
You: oh okay
Stranger: its quite weak in English as well
Stranger: in French it doesnt exist at all
Stranger: although its still used in writing because the spelling is a mess
You: language can get weird
Stranger: well yes especially if its Germanized vulgar latin that borrowed lots of frankish vocabularly from an old dutch superstrate
You: I guess a lot of people migrated and moved around ^^
Stranger: Yeah obviously thats how the salic franks came to rule over Gaul
Stranger: OH AND they wrote the salic law
Stranger: they wrote the salic law
Stranger: !!!
Stranger: they wrote the salic law
You: you sound really excited ^^
Stranger: No its actually very important the salic law caused at least 3 wars
You: oh wow
Stranger: why....why history???
You: did you just read something new?
Stranger: no really
Stranger: why did you tag history
You: I forgot to remove the tag since I just wanted to learn about the balkans
Stranger: do you generally talk about history
You: hmm I talk about anything really
Stranger: oh where are you from?
You: us east
Stranger: Pensylvania?
You: nope!
You: that's pretty specific
Stranger: Constantinople?
You: even more specific lol
Stranger: Virginia?
Stranger: see I am good at geography
You: constantinople, idk if there's a us city of that name
Stranger: well I didnt mean it in a serious way
Stranger: are you from Virginia?
You: nope
Stranger: Washington?
You: I feel like I should stop answering because you will guess it eventually lol ^^
Stranger: did I guess it though?
You: I plead the fifth!
Stranger: Oh but you should definitely rename your hometown Constantinople because it sounds more Christian than anything
You: well there are a bunch of places with strange names
Stranger: Trumpoletania?
You: is that an actual place?
Stranger: no just my imagination and alternative present
You: Maybe in 100 years
You: and they continue to name avenues after US presidents
Stranger: i
Stranger: do
Stranger: la
Stranger: try
You: lol
Stranger: even those that owned slaves?
You: are you protestant or is this a modern revulsion of idolatry?
You: they all owned slaves
You: this is america
Stranger: well the presidents that held the position before the civil war did
You: yes and most of the streets named after presidents are usually after the "founding fathers"
Stranger: well thats still idolatry
You: is idolatry bad in your moral-ethical compass of things?
Stranger: and those people didnt embody all the things that the modern day US claims to embody
Stranger: No not necessarily
You: oh okay, I'm just curious
You: because all forms of commemoration can be interpreted as a kind of idolatry
You: well, frankly its in the eyes of the beholder
Stranger: well when you have a large statue of Stalin in front of your house then its obviously idolatry
Stranger: and I do want a statue like that
Stranger: to idolize the greatest leader of the USSR
Stranger: see I dont see idolatry as necessarily bad
You: mhm but it's different depending on if you commissioned the statue or if someone else visits your statue 100 years in the future
You: the meaning can change in the eyes of the beholder
Stranger: well the only difference is how many people are affected by the cult of personality
You: fair enough
Stranger: I think in the US there should be a few statues of Stalin
Stranger: privately owned ones at least
You: lol
You: I'm not always sure why I understand people idolize people
Stranger: why are you so alien
You: because I clearly can't speak english
You: ^^;;;;
You: how is it possible to type something and have the words come out all in the wrong order?
Stranger: just like any other human you should understand why people idolize other people and elevate them above others
Stranger: dyslexia
You: are there more people that you idolize?
Stranger: Lenin,Marx,Ernst Thalmann,Niccolo Machiavelli, Pinochet and Mussolini
You: that's such a nice spread
Stranger: oh wait no
Stranger: I dont like Machiavelli Pinochet or Mussolini
You: oh that's too bad
Stranger: why
You: idk, it's good to like a diversity of things I think
Stranger: it depends actually
Stranger: is the world diverse?
You: diversity is a strange word and I don't know how to process it
Stranger: Mussolini could process it easily
You: ^^
Stranger: shut up
You: :c
Stranger: is the world diverse
Stranger: answer me or face my wrath
You: umm... yes...?
Stranger: do multiculturalism and small religious cult based on the concept of love towards your neighbor run by mentally ill people make it more diverse?
Stranger: cults*
You: hmm maybe?
You: I think it is a bit abstract to quantify diversity
Stranger: I think it's a bit abstract to quantify numbers
You: lol ^^
Stranger: you cant counter my statement
You: of course
Stranger: you lose
You: it's okay, I think it can be fun to lose sometimes
Stranger: thats an overromanticized idea created to make up for the horrors of losing
You: mhm the way I would analyze it is probably as a reactionary sentiment towards the competitiveness of modern culture?
Stranger: competitiveness of modern culture? what do you mean by modern culture?popular culture?
You: mhm gaming pops into my mind immediately
You: or the set of sentiments related to that kind of competitiveness for fun
Stranger: well this is unrelated to what we were discussing a few minutes ago though and is merely part of some cultures
Stranger: not all of them ofc
You: yup, it's unrelated
Stranger: are you irrelevant
You: sorry!
Stranger: thats a genuine question
You: oh I read it backwards lol
You: "you are irrelevant" lol
Stranger: seems like you are used to insults
You: mhm probably~
Stranger: but, are you irrelevant?
You: I think it depends on your frame of reference?
You: I suppose I must be relevant to myself
You: I have no idea if I'm relevant to others though
Stranger: Okay let me put it this way. Why do your parents consider you to be irrelevant?
You: hopefully not!
Stranger: but they do
Stranger: that's a well-known fact
You: okay go on
Stranger: No that's all I've got to say about your irrelevant now tell me, why do your parents deem you irrelevant
Stranger: irrelevance
You: um, apparently this is news to me, so I was hoping you could explain
You: that said, it's really hard for me to know what other people think
You: because um, I'm not them
Stranger: harness the power of lightning and use it to develop an ability to read human minds
You: is that a reference towards electricity and.... idk what technology
Stranger: Perhaps
You: I dunno, I don't know a lot of things
Stranger: that's true
Stranger: you know very few things
You: yup
Stranger: But it's perfectly okay to be ignorant
Stranger: I know a lot of ignorant people
Stranger: who I am very good friends with
You: okay
Stranger: you're ignorant.
You: I don't really mind that much tbh
Stranger: you are ignorant
You: mhm
Stranger: you are ignorant
You: why are you repeating it?
Stranger: you are doomed to be ignorant forever
You: I don't really see ignorance as an absolute though?
Stranger: because I've been told that psychological abuse works like this
Stranger: well I deal in absolutes.
You: oh, were you experimenting with something?
Stranger: Yeah, with neo-absolutism and its psychological basis
You: I'm not totally sure how to reconcile that statement
Stranger: The gracchi brothers tried to reconcile the senate and the roman people after an inflow of unpaid slave labor and cheap grain bankrupted the small farmers
Stranger: But to no avail
Stranger: disgruntled senators assassinated the gracchi brothers and thousands of their allies
You: that's a bit sad
Stranger: yep just like your life
You: I'm quite happy with my life actually
Stranger: you arent
You: hm? how so?
Stranger: You are constantly told that you're a failure
You: I was wondering why you changed the topic to "why your dad beats you" earlier?
Stranger: Oh I was trying to help you with your family problems
You: oh, I don't live with my parents though
Stranger: why not
Stranger: you should leech off your parents
You: idk because I don't need to?
Stranger: why not??
Stranger: you can ask your parents to subsidize Malta
You: I dunno, I don't need to
You: I wonder why I don't do things I don't need to do
Stranger: why dont you want Malta subsidized
You: because I am selfish
Stranger: what's the etymology of the word selfish?
You: self-ish?
You: sell-fish?
Stranger: in the past the self part meant "I" (similar to the greek word ego) so in Old English they said "ic self" in middle english it came to mean "a person who has no identity"
Stranger: and I think when you say selfish
Stranger: you mean that you have no identity
Stranger: that somebody has stripped you of your identity
You: okay, I can live with that I guess
Stranger: and now you're lost,trying to make your life meaningful
Stranger: but decades of degeneratation have affected you
Stranger: what creates degeneracy?
You: I dunno~
Stranger: you're not smart :/
You: I thought we established that earlier?
Stranger: we didnt
Stranger: you're not smart :////
You: lol okay
You: I wonder what creates degeneracy
Stranger: keep wondering
Stranger: perhaps one day you will find your answers
You: mhm okay ^^
Stranger: you aren't smart
You: yup
Stranger: you aren't smart
You: you really like the repeating thing
Stranger: its really interesting that when you had to choose between shame and arguing you chose shame you know I am a psychology graduate(graduated 2 years ago) and this is actually a sign of a weak personality
You: ohh that's really cool!
You: also congrats
You: I don't mind having a weak personality
Stranger: you're a weakling
You: lol
Stranger: look at yourself
You: I think you are probably affirming a component of my identity?
Stranger: you cant even lift a table
You: maybe that is why you are not getting as much of a reaction?
Stranger: of a reaction?
Stranger: this is a bit out of place
You: hm?
Stranger: I am trying to help you with your mental problems
You: oh okay
You: I thought you were repeating because you were expecting me to say something different
Stranger: that too since this would give me some info about your retention character
You: (retention character, meaning...?)
Stranger: google it, I wont tell you since I realize that you must learn to find all sorts of helpful information on your own
You: I feel like I am not heading in the right direction with googling "retention character"
Stranger: wanna know why I chose that term?
You: why?
Stranger: Its probably the least popular term outlined in the book "the interpretation of dreams" by Sigmund Freud and I am well aware that it doesnt have a wikipedia page so you'll have to skim over the book and maybe you'll find it there
You: oh okay
Stranger: you must learn that sometimes its very hard to acquire useful information
You: I guess so
Stranger: I am beginning to think that you have trouble learning
Stranger: not dyslexia but something different
You: mhm can you elaborate more?
Stranger: No. You have to process my ever word and muster all of your brain power to get your answers
You: aww, I would appreciate it if you just said it ^^
Stranger: No. You must learn how hard it is to obtain information
Stranger: I am trying to help you.
Stranger: stop resisting
You: Okay, I'm a bit lazy though
You: or maybe I am lazy today
Stranger: thats the problem
You: I am unclear about how I am resisting
Stranger: you are always lazy
You: okay that is probably true too
Stranger: ignorant, lazy and pitiful
You: I dunno about pitiful
Stranger: I feel sad for you
You: although I guess from an external party I guess that is possible
You: it's okay you don't need to feel sad
You: I'm quite happy
Stranger: you aren't
Stranger: stop lying
You: I try very hard not to lie
Stranger: the biggest lie I've heard from you so far
You: hm?
Stranger: is you say
Stranger: ing
Stranger: that
Stranger: you try very hard not to lie
Stranger: an ignorant
Stranger: lazy
Stranger: liar
You: okay, I'm not totally sure if I am following
Stranger: its okay
You: but if you think that way it's fine too ^^
Stranger: wait I think I know why you disgust some people
Stranger: especially your parents
You: go on
Stranger: you are ignorant and lie too much
You: mhm I'm a little bit unsure how people can tell what are lies though
You: but yes I am ignorant
Stranger: some can some cant
Stranger: I can
You: okay that's pretty nice intuition
Stranger: not intuition you dumb fucker
You: hm? what then?
Stranger: you've got be more careful about what you say
Stranger: because about 70% of what you say is gibberish
You: oh... I'm sorry then
You: I guess I should try to be clearer?
Stranger: you say intuition when its the critical method
You: ah okay
Stranger: No you should stop speaking. At all
You: I didn't know
Stranger: for about a month
Stranger: and then start speaking again
You: I don't really want to do that
Stranger: but in a more reserved manner
You: how do I speak more reserved?
Stranger: First of all throw words that you most commonly use away they are the worst and they make you sound dumb and ignorant so dont say nihilism (this is what you say in almost every situation) dont say unsure because this makes you sound uncertain and thus weak and silly
You: is it bad to sound weak/uncertain?
Stranger: it isnt bad to sound uncertain when its justified
Stranger: but you're literally both dumb and uncertain
You: mhm, but I don't really understand why strength is valued as a virtue
Stranger: It isnt valued as a virtue you moron
Stranger: you seek opposites
You: huh?
Stranger: thats a retarded way of thinking
You: can you explain more?
Stranger: "can you explaim more" is the backbone of your everyday vocabularly
Stranger: throw it away
You: mhm but I don't always understand things, and it would be helpful if people clarified their statement
Stranger: you never seek answers. you want others to find them for you
Stranger: thats why you're so dumb by the way
Stranger: so get rid of it
Stranger: you dont need that phrase
Stranger: imbecile
You: is the a better way to ask for feedback?
Stranger: You dont need feedback at all. Forget about feedback. You should never request feedback
You: mhm why?
Stranger: "why" get rid of this
You: I feel like it is hard to justify doing something unless you know the reason
Stranger: another rule you should apply
Stranger: Dont argue with people who are much better than you
You: I didn't realize I was arguing you though...
You: I thought I was just asking for an explanation
Stranger: I told you to get rid of "why" in your speech and you tried to justify using why
You: ah okay
Stranger: throwing arguments at the interlocutor creates an argument
Stranger: fool
You: I don't really feel like doing the things you are suggesting though
Stranger: buffoon
You: I'm sorry if it seems disrepectful
Stranger: clown
You: I feel like clowns are kind of scary actually
You: I don't really understand why they are invited to birthday parties
Stranger: your behavior is that of a clown
Stranger: but it isnt scary
You: hmm, clowns are for generating entertainment and laughter?
Stranger: yep thats why you usually try to but it doesnt really make you seem funny when you're required to hold a proper conversation
You: sorry
Stranger: try to do
Stranger: idiot
Stranger: shame on you
Stranger: shamee
You: I don't understand shame in all of its aspects actually
Stranger: Shame
Stranger: on you
You: is the meaning of that phrase that I should feel shame, even though I don't?
Stranger: shame on you
You: ^^ okay
Stranger: clown
You: you seem to be very patient
Stranger: you've gone so boring...
You: sorry
You: I think I just have difficulty understanding you
You: I'm not always sure when you are being sincere vs. just having fun
Stranger: are you going to bring something interesting into the convo
You: umm I'm not sure I know what you consider to be interesting
You: I can guess at things
You: also is it late for you?
You: sorry if I've kept you up
You: I know I took a lot of your time
Stranger: lol I wouldnt damage my sleep pattern because of people like you
You: okay that's good ^^
Stranger: the only reason Ive been talking to you is boredom but as I already mentioned you've become very very boring
Stranger: so I have to wish you a happy life and say goodbye
You: sorry
You: okay you too
You: I wish you the best
Stranger: byeeeeeeeeeeee
Stranger has disconnected.
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