#its short but sweet
lexithwrites · 3 months
meeting the parents - wolfstar
Sirius was nervous, and Remus didn't know what to do about it.
Sirius never got nervous from Remus' knowledge of him; albeit this knowledge had only been collected over the past five months since they met, but he knew Sirius. He knew him like the back of his hand and not once had he looked twitchy, jumpy, or bothered.
Right now though, sitting in the passenger seat of Remus' beat up mini cooper, Sirius' leg was bouncing and he was tapping his freshly painted nails on the box of chocolates he insisted on bringing as a gift, and this was very out of character for him. In the backseat sat the other gifts Sirius had brought—Remus thought it was over the top but he wasn't about to tell his boyfriend that after spending money—and Remus glanced at the bottle of prosecco, bouquet of flowers, and vanilla scented candle through the mirror.
"Love, I promise they're nice," Remus said in that comforting tone he knew Sirius loved, and looked at him with a smile. Sirius was still bouncing his leg. "Sirius—"
"I know, I've heard them over FaceTime with you," Sirius mumbled and he brought his thumb up to bite at his nail but Remus promptly pulled it away from him, "I just want to make a good impression,"
"What makes you think you won't?" Sirius scoffed at that and Remus frowned before turning left onto his parent's road. "I'm serious,"
"I mean, I'm not exactly the ideal boyfriend parents want to meet, am I?" Sirius looked out the passenger window, staring at the houses blurring past them, "I look like a hooker,"
"I don't think hookers wear their boyfriends shirts—"
"You know what I mean, it's everything else about me. The tattoos, the piercings the hair, fuck I'm gonna end up swearing too much, aren't I?"
"I'm just scared, okay? They're gonna hate me and give you shit for dating me and I get it, alright, I really do. I've been told my whole life that I'm a punk—"
"—and that I'd never amount to anything and that I'm a disappointment—"
"Sirius!" Remus grabbed his hand and Sirius blinked, coming out of whatever spiral he had been in to see that Remus had stopped the car. In front of a house. They were here. "Baby, stop, you know you're none of those things, right? And that I know you're none of those things,"
Sirius squeezed Remus' hand. "But...your parents—"
"Are going to love you. I wouldn't introduce you if I thought otherwise, alright? I love you, and they will love you," Remus sighed in relief at getting that out whilst Sirius was staring wide eyed at him. "What?"
"You said you love me," Sirius whispered and it was Remus' turn to get wide eyed.
"Ah...that wasn't how I imagined it going...shit," Sirius leapt across the console and kissed Remus so hard he nearly fell back against the door, but he was holding onto Sirius' just as tight after a moment, "you're not mad?"
"Mad?! I could fuck you in this car right now!"
"Please don't, the neighbours gossip," Remus teased and Sirius grinned, cupping his face, "I do, though, love you. I know it's soon—"
"I love you too, Moony," Sirius kissed him again and let out a breath he had clearly been holding in for some time now, and he visibly relaxed. "Think I'm ready,"
"So a love confession will get your confidence back?" Remus smirked.
"Duh, you know me, I love being praised," they shared a smile and with one last kiss, Remus opened his door.
"And I love praising you."
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Sorry if this is super sudden but i love ur writing it honestly just makes my day a lot better!! can i get some soft, adorable romantic moments with Hank 👉👈 maybe like a romantic quiet moment with him and the reader finding peace in all the madness?
Jebus fucking christ you were fast
Thank you sweetie <3 I'm glad to be of service
Hank x Reader - A brief respite of sanity
Nevada was unkind to all, a place of malice, evil, hostility. Granted Hank wasn't innocent of this, he was easily the worst contender for it, a patchwork man rebuilt time and time again, cutting down all in his way to try and bring the world to some semblance of 'normal' again. And while it seemed like he could go on forever, a well oiled machine just tearing all who oppose his goals to shreds, he needed to cool down sometimes.
Luckily they'd found themselves a good, honest partner, someone who seemed to lack the need to tear down everything in their path, someone who preferred building others up. You were perfection in his eyes, all the pain and grief was worth it, just to crawl back into your open arms and be comforted, be cared for, and be honestly and truly loved.
And that was where he'd found himself, your hands tracing his aching muscles, soothing the pain that festered in his soul. He was half asleep in your lap, his arms around your midsection, head resting just above them. They didn't speak much during these private, intimate little moments, pockets of bliss in an otherwise mad world. Who needed words anyway, when their partner could show how much they adored them with actions alone.
Your hands moved up, caressing their scarred scalp, giving them as much tender love as their heart needed, and they needed a lot. Soon enough he'd be back out there, slaying for a better cause, but right now? Hank was in the place he always dreamed of, safe in his lover's touch, where the pain and trauma were miles away, and his aching bones could find peace.
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popcornaddict500 · 2 years
Food 6 and 7 for Morgan and Volaris? 🥺 Mulled wine is like Morgan's favorite thing
6: Pulling a warm pie out of the oven and sharing it over a hot beverage
7: Sharing a bottle of mulled wine when it's cold outside (bonus if huddling together to stay warm)
sure <3
"Vol, dear, the pie is ready," Morgan says, opening the oven and putting on oven mitts.
Vol's fluffy head peeks into the kitchen. "Oh! Yes, want me to pour the mulled wine?"
She smiles at him. "Yes. It's on the stove."
Vol grabs two glasses and pours them while Morgan removes the pie from the oven. It's steaming. She sets it on the countertop.
"Here, my love..." Vol sidles up beside her and hands her a glass.
Morgan smiles and kisses his cheek. "It smells lovely."
"The wine? Or the pie?" He chuckles.
"Why not both?" She leans against him and takes a sip.
"Is it ready to eat?" Vol looks at the pie eagerly.
"Let's wait for it to cool a little first."
They sit on the sofa together with a slice of pie. Vol sets his glass of wine onto the coffee table and smiles at her. "It's delicious. You've outdone yourself, love."
Morgan gives a warm smile. "You're too sweet."
He leans into her, blushing sweetly. "I'm just honest." He sips the wine. Morgan wraps her arm around him.
It's cold outside, but warm inside. Especially with Vol and Morgan.
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grey-sides · 5 months
On a Monday morning, Steve's dad frowns at his paper and throws Steve a sidelong glance. On the entertainment page is a black and white photo of Bruce Springsteen kissing Clarence Clemons.
Steve swallows his toast and shifts in his seat. But his father doesn't say a thing and Steve doesn't know where to begin. He's not asked to get rid of his Springsteen tapes. But he does find the paper later, tossed on the pile to go in the trash and clips out the picture.
It's not the first time he's seen this exact scenario with Bruce Springsteen. But it is the first time in a long time he's been interested in doing it himself.
He tucks the paper clipping away in a book under his bed. And he thinks about the cash he has saved up and how much longer Robin has to be in school for.
On a Friday evening, he fixes his hair and kisses his mom's cheek on his way out the door. The newspaper clipping under his bed is delicately frayed already, the thin paper worn thinner by his eager fingers.
He picks Robin up, waves to her mom and drives them just outside of town. Eddie's van is already there, quiet and dark because he and his band are already inside.
On a Friday night, Steve tucks into a beer and looks up at the stage. He smiles despite himself and thinks of Bruce and Clarence when Eddie and Jeff lean into the microphone together.
His palms sweat and he presses them to his bottle. The edges of the label are peeling like the newspaper clipping. He taps his toe to the music and smiles wider when a woman takes Robin by the hand to show her how to rock out.
On an early Saturday morning, so early Steve would call it late, he helps Eddie put the instruments away in the back of the van. He watches as Eddie stacks each piece carefully and curses when a cymbal crashes against an amp.
And he thinks about his newspaper and the judgement in his dad's eyes. He twirls his keyring around his finger and thinks of another life where he kept up with his piano lessons instead of baseball.
On an early Saturday morning, Steve closes the van doors just enough to block people from seeing them and he pulls Eddie close. And he wonders what it would be like to do on a stage.
And Eddie is not Clarence Clemons and he is not Bruce Springsteen. But his heart still races and his palms still sweat, and he knows he could bellow out of his lungs with joy if he was standing in front of a crowd.
And later still on that early Saturday morning, Steve feels the calluses of Eddie's guitar worn fingers on his cheek. And he listens to his halfway to hoarse voice tell a story. And he tastes cheap beer and song lyrics on his lips. And he thinks next Saturday, he might join Robin dancing in the dark of the bar.
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pop girls of all time
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lesbiangiratina · 1 month
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HI!!!! Im celebrating testament’s birthday by sharing scans of 3 testament-centric doujinshi anthologies: totentanz (2007), gentle grim reaper (2014), and potatoment (2015), as well as a collection of short stories by 1 of the writers as a bonus. Generally sfw, untranslated. Dizzy sol and johnny are also in there sometimes, some others too.
Google drive might not be the neatest way to share this, but its the best ive got right now. Hopefully anyone else out there finds these as extremely charming as i do. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TESTAMENT YAY
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tarosei · 6 months
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thinking about husband!bakugo teaching your son how to ride a bike. he's holding onto the back of the seat, walking beside your kid as they peddle down the sidewalk across your house. bakugo's heart swells with pride when he lets go of the seat, and sees his son peddling along all by himself. he jogs beside the child, laughing and grinning and cheering him on. you're watching all of this, a warm smile spreading across your cheeks and hands holding onto your phone to capture this perfect moment. bakugo's been teaching your son for a few days now, determined to make him the best bike rider in the world. thinking about how husband!bakugo buys your son the best bike there is - nothing less for his kid. it's dynamite themed, of course. bakugo refused to get any other kind.
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32bitterra · 1 month
People who celebrate fictional character's birthdays are annoying blah blah blah fuck that and HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUENTINNN. He's turning ten (again) and I am very proud of him.
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What's wrong, Phoebe?
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fandxmslxt69 · 23 days
Alrighty! Lunch break time! Thots incoming!!!
*Ehem* Imagine, if you will, being tangled in the sheets with Loki. You’re both in Asgard, and the stars are just starting to twinkle in the night sky. There’s a soft breeze wafting in through the ornate palace windows, and the two of you are comfortable in each other’s embrace… making love, obviously~
I can’t stop thinking about the way the soft satin sheets would slip around us. So soft and delicate between your fingers amidst your throes of passion. There’s something inherently godly about it, I think. Like, Loki wants to worship you like the goddess he sees you as. The whole lounging while being hand fed grapes kind of vibe, if that makes sense.
Anyways, when you’re done, you’re not really done. You just keep rolling over for the next round until the sun peeks from the horizon…
So, those are my thots for today! 🤭
oh beloved...i am thinking thinking things....
a littleeee different but i loved the hazy 'drunk on love and pleasure' vibes and i just couldnt help it
more under the cut (warnings: silly cute fluffy SMUT.)
You hum sleepily, feeling the press of your lover's soft lips on your shoulder, trailing down your arm. You had settled into bed just a little ago after a few...exciting rounds with Loki in the shower.
The bed dipped as he settled into bed behind you, arms wrapped around your waist. You were immediately hyperaware of the fact that he had decided not to put on any clothing after stepping out of the shower. It didn't help that you wore nothing either.
You wiggle around, turning to face him with a happy smile. "Hi," You whisper, a stupid smile growing on your lips.
He smiled back, and oh it took your breath away. Something about today was very different; you couldn't get enough of each other. Loki ended up cancelling all his plans for the day, and you both stayed inside, tossing and turning and getting drunk on the feeling of one another. And yet after eternity, you remained constantly bewitched by Loki. You could never grow tired of him, of the feeling of him.
His ethereal beauty, especially his smile. The way his eyes twinkled with that telltale mischief, the ease and comfort that oozed off him, the trademark smirk that seemed reserved for you.
You snuggled closer to him and his hold on you tightened as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Hello darling wife,"
You ran a hand over his chest, enjoying the way his muscles contracted under your touch. You felt so safe, so full of joy in the comfort of your bed.
"Hi," You said again. Loki chuckled softly, his hand drawing circles on the dip of your hips. You leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
It was obviously the wrong move, because it wasn't for another thirty seconds before Loki was kissing you senseless; all tongue and lazy, messy kisses. It made you squirm as you rolled over on top of him and he sat up slightly, hands roaming your body slowly. Your hands raked through his messy curls, soft pants and groans escaping the two of you.
You could feel him growing hard, and you knew this was how it would go for the rest of the night. You'd wake up in pain tomorrow, and deliciously sore, but you also knew that meant Loki would stay with you for the day again.
You moan quietly, grinding yourself against Loki's length.
Tomorrow could wait. Outside, the night was still young, stars beginning to twinkle on Asgard's sky.
You could reconsider your choices when the sun returns to the sky. For now, you kissed Loki deeper as his hands planted themselves firmly on your hips, sure to leave marks to be added to ones already covering your body.
For now, you could just get lost in the feeling of your husband as he entered you slowly, a deep moan rumbling through him, and the pure look of pleasure on his face as you lifted yourself and slowly sank back down.
For tonight, you could just stay drunk on each other.
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cosmicjunkyard · 2 months
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Tallulah Sinfonia-Minecraft (old)
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darkestspring · 11 months
Will you please do a part 2 of jace kidnapping reader and making her his wife!
Love your writing! 💕
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PART I || PART II (you are here!)
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Jace was fully aware that was he was doing would start a war, that it was wrong, to anyone who had a single braincell but he didn't care. He didn't care about the arguments his mother made, about the arguments his grandmother made, both in Princess [NAME]'s behalf. He had been in love with her since he could remember.
"Why should I restrain myself? He argued in return. "I have adored her since I was a child. She is the only one I want to marry and yet, I have been denied of what I wished the most? Targaryen's take what they want, so I did just that."
Daemon hid his smile behind his hand as he soothed his wife. "The boy is right, Targaryen's take what they want."
Rhaenyra was at a loss of words for what to say to both her son and her husband and she dismissed Jace as she felt her own headache coming on. She needed to settle this situation as soon as possible with Alicent.
When Jace entered the chambers that his beloved princess was temporarily staying in, she didn't turn to even look at him, her gaze firmly on the castle she had always been in that stood in the distance.
Her mind was still struggling to grasp the situation at hand.
'Not a prisoner.' Jace's voice in her mind contained so much adoration that it made her sick. 'My wife.'
That was worse. If she was a prisoner it would have been better but his wife? The wife of the boy who had followed her around incessantly and bullied her beloved brother? she would rather cut out her own heart.
"my love." Jace breathed out, walking closer to her only to stop when she turned to glare at him.
"You may hold me hostage, you may forcefully believe me your wife, but do not call em your love, you know nothing of love." She hissed, raising from her place.
"I do, you have always awoken such feelings in me."
she wanted to laugh until she cried and she felt nothing but numbness as she let him hold her hands, letting his thumb run over her knuckles with such tenderness.
"You- You cannot keep me here. My brothers won't stand for this. Nor will my mother, the queen!" She ripped her hands out of his. She desperately wanted to understand what he was thinking. Why would he do this? Why now? Why....?
No matter how much she thought about it, she still couldn't understand him.
"I know, but none of that will matter anymore when we get married. We will be bound by fate, as we have been since we first met." His voice was so soft, so fond.
"It's not fate, it's your own doing." her voice was weakened, like she was fighting off his words to reassure herself.
"Whether it was fate or my own doing matters not, sweet girl." His thumb ran across her cheek. "I will be your husband and there's nothing your brothers or your mother can do about it. Targaryen's take what they want, regardless of the costs, and I will."
Her fate had been sealed on that sunny day when they had first met and nothing could undo it, after all there's nothing more dangerous than a Targaryen in love.
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buwheal · 2 months
I'm sorry, Spamton. I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry we hurt you.
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amalasdraws · 1 month
Amalassss, i was stalking the author of the formula 1 fic on tumblr and saw your art and was like “?? Woww that is really similar to amalas style” lolll then i saw that it was youuu 💀💀 you have such a distinct style!! The art turned out great! Have you ever drawn Gojo? Welcome to the satosugu side of fandom!! You asked for fic recs for satosugu right? Ill come back later with a list for you
Hahah omg I love that!! Especially since it's not colored and doesn't have one of my signature clutter bgs and you still recognized it as mine! Love it! I started the fic and binged it like crazy and now I'm in so deep! If I had the time I would draw so much fanart!! SO MUCH!!
I have drawn Gojo!! But not for the fic, and also only as some doodles. I did them some time ago to see how and if I could draw Gojo
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I have some full scene fanart ideas in mind and wanted to see if I could draw Gojo and practice him a little. Sadly I didn't had the time yet to draw the full scene illustration. I want to do something with Geto and Gojo in 2006, but all is well and they are just chilling and enjoying a day together. And now I also want to draw many scenes from the Coanda Effect fic. And I don't even know F1!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!
Send me time and energy and I'll draw all the art :D
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carfuckerdean · 6 months
this is like 13 whole minutes into the video....rude 😭😭
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Me, writing the next fic in "Just Kiss Already:" This shouldn't take long. It'll be short and sweet. 3K words tops.
My brain, cracking its knuckles: Yeah, we'll see about that.
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You smirk, sliding up behind Curtis as he leans over the pool table to take his shot.
Your hands run up his broad back till he shivers at the sensation, all his concentration on hitting the sequence of balls he needed too. "Yes Honey?" He rumbled while your hands moved to squeeze his ass. "Gonna take more then that to distract me." Next you moved up next to him, your mouth inches from his ear. "Curtis why are my legs like peanut butter?" He moved to hit the ball right when you gave him your answer. "Because they are smooth and ready to spread."
Curtis ball went wildly off track, making the guys holler at Curtis loosing focus and the women cheer at your skills, putting them ahead in this challenge of trying to distract each other by any means necessary.
Curtis busted into a laugh, letting his arm capture you in against him, circling your waist so you fell against his powerful body. "Don't I know it Pretty Girl. Sorry guys! We lost." He ditched his pool stick, everyone protesting and Paulie shouting above the noise.
"You two take it outside, like every other person does! This is a bar!"
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