#its all just random members saying it so i dont trust them
keebwee · 4 months
public discord servers should be required to have genuine official rules that are available and easy 2 see
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
Im in the mood for a story
Im a little drunk and im in the mood to share a story with yall of when I was out living in Nevada. This was back in 2017 or so.
This story requires some backstory so please indulge me.
I was a crew leader, managing a group of 4-9 people ranging from 18-23 ( I was 24 at the time). Part of that meant helping them integrate into the new location they moved to (Reno, Nevada) despite living out of my car at this time.
One of my crew members, who I will call Shawn, was...... Interesting to say the least. He was a pretty interesting person, but was definitely way too interested in falling in love while on this job.
So while he was out with some other members on their off week, he confessed his feelings for another crew member who turned him down. He proceeded to seriously harm himself. So now, on my crew, I had to manage that shit and make sure he wasn’t a risk to himself. Because of course this motherfucker was on my crew and technically my responsibility.
Everything was basically fine. Shawn and the other member barely interacted and we were learning a lot about how to cut down trees safely.
During one of our hitches (time in the field) where we were building cattle fences on the border of Utah, this bitch decided he wanted to go for a walk. So idk if you know what the middle of no where Utah looks like but its basically the same as this for 100 miles in every directions 
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Barely any geographic features. Insanely easy to get lost. 
We had a rule where if you were gonna split off from the group,  you had to let the crew lead (me) know, and you had to explicitly say where you were gonna go. He decided he wanted cell phone signal one night, and told no one where he was going.
He got lost. In the middle of the desert. I need you to understand how horrifying that is. There’s nothing out there. You can walk for 200+ miles (350km) in any direction and find literally nothing. Especially on the Nevada / Utah border. 
By 8pm we were all wondering where he was till a random person was like “Oh he went that was looking for signal”. Like wtf? Excuse me? We searched in the direction he went for like 4 hours before we called emergency services & our organization that was gonna send out reinforcements to help us look.
We parked our giant truck on the top on the highest hill around us, with our high beems on, and blared on the horn all night, hoping that he was going to find his way back to us. He never did.
We spent 38 hours looking for this person, and since we all knew his history, we legitimately thought he was dead.\
The next day we had the whole BLM (Bureau of Land Management) looking for him. They were about to call in the fucking helicopters.
Now, this next part is gonna sound like some bullshit I just made up but I stg it is true. My dumbass forgot to restock the first aid kit. My co-lead got stung by a bee / wasp while we were doing a grid search, and for the first time in his life, he had a major allergic reaction that none of the leftover meds we had would take down.
So we had to take him into town (an approximately 15 mile drive on back roads) and I did it since I was one of the few that was allowed to drive our trucks.
This motherfucker, Shawn, literally stumbled across the road while I was driving my co-lead into to town. Idk how the fuck he found this road. Idk how the fuck his timing was absolutely perfect. But we found him. After 56 hours when all of us thought he was already dead.
We would have NEVER found him if not for this random happenstance. Some divine power wanted this kid alive I swear. Its some of the most insane shit I have ever experienced.
The moral is never trust Non-profit organizations. They dont give a fuck about you. 
And if yall wanna head this story from Shawn’s perspective just lmk I am happy to share it.
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gunilslaugh · 8 months
Hello!! Hope your night is going well!
So xdh and your blog has been such a comfort place for me. And i want to request something deeply personal actually. I understand if you dont want to write it but im giving it a shot anyways 🥺
Would you write something like ot6 seeing scars from your past abusive relationship? It doesnt have to be too detailed or anything. It’s just that i have some scars from my abusive ex and sometimes its overwhelming for me or I tend to hide them usually so something like that would be comforting to read… Thank youu <3
Hi! I hope that your night is going well too! I can't believe that my blog is a comfort space for you that's so heart touching. I sincerely hope that I wrote this ok and that it can give you some comfort.
All members ,• ~ •,
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to seeing your scars from an abusive relationship
Warning: past abusive relationships.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
You and Gunil were going out on a fancy date,so you wanted to dress up. You recently bought a dress that you were excited to wear and now you had the perfect occasion to wear it. The only problem was that it exposed some of the scars on your legs and it made you feel a bit overwhelmed. You had received the scars from an abusive relationship, so the memories correlated with them weren’t so nice. However you loved the dress and didn’t want your scars to stop you from wearing it, so you decided to try and be strong. 
“Hey, you look amazing!” Gunil complimented you brightly. 
“Thank you,” you say. 
“Are you ready?” he asked you. 
“Yeah,” you answered. The two of your guys’ hands naturally found each other as you went on your way. 
The date was great, you had a lot of fun. You invited Gunil inside after returning home because neither of you were quite ready to say goodbye yet. You both sat on the couch, still clad in your fancy clothes. You noticed that your dress rode up a bit higher revealing some more of your scars, so you quickly pulled it back down. Gunil frowned slightly as he took note of your action. He knows about your scars and how you got them. He carefully places one of his hands over yours. 
“You know that they show how strong you are right?” he says in a compassionate voice. You look down at your scars. You never looked at them as a sign of strength before.
“They do?” you questioned.
“Of course they do. They’re your battle scars,” he states affirmatively. “Is it ok if I touch them?” He asks for your permission. You hesitate for a moment, but you trust Gunil, so you nodded. 
“Yeah it’s ok.” Gunil slowly and delicately traces over the scars on your legs. 
“Every scar is a battle that you won. You should feel proud of yourself y/n,” he tells you. 
“You’re so strong, seriously. I think you’re stronger than me,” he said more lightheartedly to lift the mood a bit. It worked, bringing a smile to your face. Gunil then pulls you into his warm embrace, planting a kiss on your temple. 
Jungsu and you were currently having a cozy movie night. You were preparing the snacks while Jungsu was making you both some tea. You brought the snacks out to the living room, placing the bowls on the small coffee table. You pulled up the movie that the two of you decided you wanted to watch. Then you made yourself comfortable as you waited for Jungsu to come. Not too long after Jungsu comes in carrying the two mugs of tea. He carefully hands you one of the mugs before making himself comfortable beside you. He drapes a soft blanket over both of your laps. You lean in closer to his side and he casually wraps an arm around your shoulders. 
“Ready?” you checked with him. Jungsu nods and you press play for the movie. The two of you watch the movie, occasionally having conversations about the plot, characters, or just random things. You reached over to grab some snacks and didn’t notice that the sleeve of your shirt slipped down, exposing your shoulder and scars. Jungsu does notice and goes to pull it back up for you, but as he does he notices the scars. You felt his finger grab the fabric of your shirt, bringing your attention to your exposed arm. You immediately felt subconscious. Jungsu knew of your past and how you got the scars. You pulled the sleeve back up yourself. 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to,” Jungsu sincerely apologizes.
“It’s ok, Jungsu. It’s just seeing the scars make me feel kinda overwhelmed,” you tell him. Jungsu’s face saddens at your words.
“You know they’re nothing to feel ashamed about right? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know it’s just…I don’t know how to describe it.” you said. 
“That’s ok,  just know that you shouldn’t let them hold power over you. They should give you power. Look what you overcame, type of thing.” His words bring a sense of comfort and provide you with a new perspective on how to view your scars. 
“Thank you.”
“There's no need to thank me. Come on, let's finish the movie.” Once again you leaned into Jungsu’s side, letting him support you and he wraps an around you, keeping you safe.
Jiseok and you were laying side by side on the ground with a coloring book in front of you. Color pencils scattered around you both. It was Jiseok’s day off and you were spending it together. You guys had slept in and had a late breakfast. Then you thought that it would be fun to color together. 
“You know they say coloring is supposed to be relaxing, but this is taking so long to color that it is starting to stress me out,” you stated. Rolling over onto your back, not wanting to look at the page any longer. Jiseok laughs lightly. 
“Let’s do something else then. We can always come back to this another time,” he suggested. 
“That sounds good,” you say. The two of you pick up the colored pencils that littered the floor and put them away back where they belong. 
It was nearing lunch time, so you guys decided to make yourselves some ramen. You opened the cabinet where the ramen was and reached up to grab the packages. As you reached up your shirt rode up exposing your stomach. You quickly realized this and rushed your free hand to hold your shirt down. 
“Showing a bit of stomach is nothing too scandalous you know,” Jiseok played. You chuckled. 
“I know, but I don’t like showing my scars,” you said. 
“There’s nothing wrong with those either,” Jiseok tells you earnestly. He places a hand over where you were still holding your shirt down. He looks you deeply in your eyes then back at where your hands lay and back to your eyes silently asking for permission. You took a deep breath then removed your hand from holding your shirt. Jiseok gives you one last look, giving you a chance to stop him. When you don’t he slowly lifts your shirt to reveal your scars. He delicately traces over them. “See not a thing wrong with them. They’re just another part of you.” You place your hand back over his. He removes his hand from your stomach to hold your hand instead. “Don’t think so badly of them.”
“I’ll try.” 
“Let’s get to cooking. I'm hungry.” He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go.
Seungmin was sleeping over at your place tonight. The two of you were currently having dinner. You both chatted about your days and other things while you ate. After you finished eating you did the dishes and put them away. Once the dishes were put away you went to change into your pajamas. Seungmin was waiting in your room while you changed in the bathroom. Just as you were about to exit you caught the sight of the scars on your leg in the mirror. The sight of them made you feel uneasy. Now you kinda regret picking the shorts to sleep in. You shook your head, trying to not overthink it so much. You exited the bathroom and made your way into your bedroom. Seungmin was sitting on the bed, occupied with his phone. You walked over to your bed getting on it and quickly getting under the covers to hide your scars. 
“Do your scars really bother you?” Seungmin asks, putting his phone away.
“They make me feel overwhelmed. It’s uncomfortable to see them,” you tell him honestly. Seungmin frowns. He tenderly takes your hands in his. 
“They show that you lived. That you’ve been through life. You got hurt, but it made you stronger. You survived it and overcame it. I think your scars are like little victories,” he spoke. You pulled the blanket away to look at the scars. 
“Little victories?”
“Yep, if you let them be.” he begins to trace over your scars. “Every one of them can be a victory.” He tapped over each scar. “ I know you can’t change your mindset about them overnight, but try to slowly think about them more positively. Don’t let them weigh you down.” Seungmin moves to lay down and opens his arms for you to come join him. A smile makes its way across your lips as you lay down. Seungmin snuggly encases his arms around you and places a kiss on top of your head. 
“Goodnight,” you wish him.
“Goodnight,” he wishes you back. Seungmin lightly drums his fingers against your back in a soothing rhythm. You find yourself lolling off to sleep.
You and Hyeongjun decided that you wanted to do some baking together. You went out and bought the ingredients that you needed. After you returned home you laid all of the ingredients out onto the counter. Hyeongjun pulled up the recipe on his phone. The two of you read it over before beginning to start. You began to prep the dough. While you were needing the dough your sleeves kept getting in the way. 
“Hyeongjun can you roll up my sleeves for me please?” you asked. 
“Yeah, sure, here.” Hyeongjun came over and pushed your sleeves up to your elbows one at a time. With your sleeves now pushed up the scars on your arms are now visible. Hyeongjun absentmindedly traced over them with a featherlight touch. However he quickly stops once he feels you tensing. 
“I’m sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable? I swear I didn’t want to do that,” he profusely apologized. 
“No, Hyeongjun, it's ok. You know I don’t like them. The feelings they invoke are a bit overwhelming,” you disclosed. 
“Your scars deserve love too y/n,” he tells you.
“What?” you questioned. 
“They deserve love too. I know the way you got them was awful and traumatizing, but they show how strong you are. They deserve love too,” he explained. You never thought about it that way. You always get overwhelmed by the reasons why they are there. Hyeongjun carefully lifts one of your arms towards his lip. “Is this ok?” He makes sure.
“Yeah, it’s ok,” you nodded. He then pressed a series of little kisses onto your scars. Once he kissed every single one on that arm he changed and did the same thing to your other arm.
“There, now they all have some love,” he said. His action touched your heart. You definitely never thought about loving your scars, it seemed impossible. However Hyeongjun just showed you that it was possible. “If it’s too hard to love them right now then I’ll love them for you,” he told you wholeheartedly. 
“Thank you Hyeongjun, that really does mean a lot,” you thanked him. 
“Anytime,” he smiled. The two of you carried on happily baking. 
Jooyeon and you were gaming together. Fingers rapidly pressing buttons as you try to beat one another.
“Yes, I win!” you cheered as the round came to an end.
“Not, fair! You probably cheated,” Jooyeon accused you in a sulking manner. You laughed. 
“Jooyeon, just because I won doesn’t mean that I cheated. Just admit that you lost,” you say. 
“No, you cheated,” Jooyeon states, taking a jab at your side. You squirm away from him only for him to follow you and begin his tickle attack on your sides. 
“Stop!” you cried out, trying to swat his hands away. 
“This is what cheaters get,” he laughed menacingly. 
“I’m not a cheater though,” you proclaimed. It didn’t matter though. Jooyeon kept up with his assault on your ribs. Your stomach began to hurt from laughing. “Fine, fine, let’s just have a rematch,” you said. Jooyeon’s fingers finally stopped tickling you.
“Deal, then we can find out who the true winner is,” he voices. The two of you play another round. Each of you hyper focused on beating the other. At the end of the match, you won again. 
“Cheating not once, but twice. Shame on you y/n,” he approaches you again. 
“Jooyeon, no not again,” you pleaded. It didn’t stop him though and this time you fall onto your back as he begins his second round of tickle attacks. Your shirt begins to ride up as he continues to tickle you. This time you harshly slapped his hands away from you in a panic. Jooyeon immediately stops. 
“Are you ok? Did I accidentally hurt you?” Jooyeon asked, very concerned. He scans over your body for any possible injuries.
“No you didn’t hurt me. My shirt rode up a bit and you know how I feel about my scars,” you told him. 
“Scars are cool though, like really cool,” Jooyeon said. “They show that you’re tough,” he added. “Can I see how tough you are?” He asked gently. You were a bit hesitant, you didn’t even like looking at them yourself, so showing Jooyeon would take a lot of courage. You found that courage and nodded. Jooyeon slowly lifted your shirt, just high enough to reveal the scar. 
“I was right. It makes you look very cool.” he traced the scar over. “I have the coolest significant other ever,” he declares. 
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cicadaknight · 1 year
"if you’re gonna call seyka a mary sue, a flawless, overly positively portrayed character, don’t you kind of have to do that to almost all the sympathetic characters?" seyka has no flaws, she is totally right on what she is doing and why even if she is breaking the law and the executive is mean with and wrong on everything he does, thats very mary sue-ish not matter what anyone says, its exactly the same as aloy in the first game
i’m assuming this second anon is you as well so i’ll add it here:
"aloy is never in a true position of authority or power with seyka, and that’s in large part because of seyka’s personality and self-assurance." it wouldn't be as jarring if she wasnt truly the only one in the whole damn game who calls Aloy out for what she does or what she doesn't tell, but instead of doing this with the companions we know from the first game; the players are forced to endure a random character (that we dont have to care about) to have that attitude. or even with new characters, zo, kotallo or alva had a thousand better introductions, better developed friendships with aloy than her supposed first romantic choice
agree to disagree, anon.
i’m not sure who you mean by “mean with and wrong with everything he does.” Rheng or Londra? But regardless, I simply don’t agree that a character needs to be DEEPLY flawed to be compelling. Nor do I think they have to be a foil to the protagonist to be compatible? Which seems like some of the argument here. You’re gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that what makes you love Varl, Zo, Kotallo, Alva, Talanah, Erend, Petra, is that they’re wrong about shit or abrasive? You’re not drawn to their compassion, strength, or persistence in the face of unbeatable odds? Or that over time they question what they believe in and commit to believing in themselves and Aloy?
I DO find Seyka to be flawed. She’s not a self-insert Mary Sue lmao. She’s flawed in much the same way Varl or Kotallo are. She’s a soldier who will prioritize her duty to her tribe over common sense and safety. She believes she’s the only one who has what it takes to get shit done, she’s arrogant and cocky, loses her patience easily. I think she’s battling with insecurities about her sister, who’s an elevated and invaluable member of their expedition, by trying desperately to prove herself by saving her.
I think you are holding Seyka to an impossible standard. I’m not gonna change your mind if you just really don’t vibe with her. But like you said, it was jarring for you to see that chemistry and dynamic between a new character and Aloy. And that seems to be the crux of it. I’d be curious if you play it again with some time to digest everything, if you still feel as strongly?
To the second anon message about Seyka being the only one to push Aloy (in this case about what she does or doesn’t know) and that you have to “endure” that from a new character. Again, agree to disagree. I don’t think the other characters had inherently better relationships with Aloy.
I 100% think all of the companions challenge Aloy and push back on her. Aloy just rolls her eyes and ignores them unless she has no other choice. Zo refuses to let her go to the sacred cave and is resistant to Aloy plowing through their way of life. Kotallo basically calls her a flaming idiot all the way from Stone’s Crest up until they get the canon. Varl CONSTANTLY calls Aloy out for shutting people out of her life. Erend very bluntly tells her she hurt his feelings and disregards people who can help her. It’s just that in this case with Seyka, Aloy’s had all of those experiences with the others which has resulted in her ability to trust and be vulnerable. She’s had an inordinate amount of character growth by the end of Singularity. She knows Seyka is worthy of sharing the burden, or at least she’s willing to take that leap of faith. And personally, I love that Seyka’s in a position where she doesn’t have to just let Aloy do whatever she’s gonna do. Seyka uniquely knows the lay of the land, and she’s confident she can make progress herself. That’s a really refreshing dynamic to explore in these games.
Again, is it really that Seyka is just an annoying, perfect, unreasonably beautiful and talented woman who you can’t stand, or are you mostly pissed Aloy has a first crush on her instead of companions we know and love?
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imunbreakabledude · 9 months
I've been on a Elena/Maeve mood today and while on the bus I started thinking about many things but I wanted to ask you about one in particular, especially because I don't know how these things works in USA.
So, I assume Maeve had money. I don't know how much but if they're meant to be like very popular celebrities I assume she had a considerable amount. What do you think happened to that, if she's "dead"?
Could she have a will? Do you think she left everything to her father? Or maybe even to Elena since she, presumably, didn't have anyone else and still loved her? Or she found a way to get it somehow before going into hiding?
I don't know, just a random thought but I was really curious to hear your take...
oh boy. i HAVE thought about this a bunch, though not for a long time, so let me think back and also do some more quick googling to get together a way too detailed pitch that basically boils down to "celebrities are rich" (i am procrastinating at work lol).
disclaimer that i am not very smart about money shit and just going from casual knowledge and guesses
so, yeah, Maeve certainly has a lot of money. but to try to get a better idea, i'm guessing her net worth in the hundreds of millions range, definitely not billionaire because a billion dollars is a stupid amount and most of the richest entertainers don't even come that close.
I don't think the show gives solid numbers very often but one reference point we have is in the pilot, Madelyn offers the mayor of Baltimore a contract with Nubian Prince for $300 million per year. Even if we assume Vought is taking the majority of that for themselves, that suggests that a Supe like him is getting at least $50-100mil per year as payment. Which makes me think the Seven are probably all getting over $100 mil per year through some combination of salary and other compensation. That's not even getting into how much they might get in terms of merchandising or image rights, etc. And Maeve, I would GUESS is one of the higher paid in the Seven? but then again, maybe not, because of how women are usually paid less in general... but also in episode 1, when Translucent mentions they've all got "four points" (i believe this means 4% stake in merchandising? which tbh would be LARGE for each of them) - then A-Train says "the fuck, you got four points?" (a nice nod to him getting a worse contract as a newer member or bc of racism...) and Maeve adds, "and clearly, better lawyers." which, doing my thing where I take one line of hers and wildly extrapolate from it, says to me she feels good about whatever her contract is so talk about it so glibly, like she knows she has good lawyers & got hers... and she doesn't chime in with what % she gets but seems like its 4 or higher but she's smart enough to keep her mouth shut about it, ANYWAYS none of that matters...
tbh, some of those numbers sound ridiculously high, so idk, but this is a fuckin fictional show about superpowers, so it doesn't matter--
the point is, Maeve probably has a net worth in the nine digits.
I imagine her good lawyers would not allow her to NOT have a proper will laid out for what happens to her money. so there's gotta be some plan in place. I like to believe she explicitly left nothing to her father, just to spite him. idk if he could try legal action to get a piece of it (i dont know much about the law around this stuff) as her next of kin... but I imagine if she had a proper signed will saying he got none, that would stand. I don't know that she would include Elena in her will because that would kinda out her, but maybe if she trusts her lawyer and doesn't care about people knowing after she dies, she would. Or maybe she'd do it secretly, more on that later. given that we don't know anyone else significant in her life, I bet that she specified the majority of her money would go to charity. not out of goodness of her heart, exactly, just that she has nowhere else to give it and that's an easy lazy answer, yknow?
but then idk what happens to the rights to her image, or her profit shares in merchandise/movies after she dies. again, not a lawyer, but when celebs die their rights usually go to their "estate", so maybe her dad would have a say? but also idk if an "estate" is automatically granted to next of kin or if that's something that has to be specified ahead of time in a will (in which case she could deny it to him)... but the most likely outcome in either case seems to be that Vought would own her likeness forever, especially given the comments in the show when A-Train is on the verge of being replaced by Shockwave, that Vought owns his name and will put Shockwave in his costume. (which is a weird thought to me, though, bc A-Train replaced a guy with a different name and costume, why wouldn't they let Shockwave be Shockwave in the Seven? lmfao. maybe that dude was just trying to get A-Train scared.).
All that to say I think the majority of her money would be inaccessible to her after her "death". BUT. I think Maeve being a smart person who clearly wanted out from Vought for a long time probably had an emergency fund set up somehow, whether it was stashing actual physical cash in case she went on the run, or some secret account under a different name she could access in the future (or elena could access). i don't know how people actually do this, but you know who would know? ELENA, who is a banker. and since Maeve and Elena did at some point talk about running away from the Seven together, I bet she told Maeve exactly whatever is the smartest way to hide some of her money so she could take it in an emergency, and Maeve probably implemented that for several years leaving them a sizable amount to live off of post-season-3... even if it's a tiny fraction of Maeve's former wealth.
sorry that was way too many words for vague speculation but as I said I'm procrastinating HAHAHA
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kusanalogy · 2 years
Teyvat idols !
Characters: Ayaka, Venti, Chongyun and xinyan Band!au, Modern!au. some character x gn!reader, but its mostly focused about them as a band
Author's note: was inspired by this picture below and a result of playing too much bang dream/bandori.. also i rewrote this bc the original one was "being their manager" but i think i'd get more ideas if i changed it to s/o, sooo now we're here :D I might make a pt.2 but im sure it'll be shorter than this
summary: Your s/o whom you knew for the longest time becomes an idol for a band, How would they act?
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She's also known as "The Kamisato Princess" due to her angelic look :0 The young girl needs lots of encouragement before setting on stage, venti usually helps her with boosting up the confidence last-minute. Her big brother, the infamous ayato also watches her perform, Giving her more the reasons to push thru and make beautiful music.
As for you, She'd be so happy if you watch her !! Its all the assurance she needs. If you're the loud type and you always cheer her on, she gets kinda embarrased but in reality she doesnt mind it that much. After all she does have all sorts of fans. Though she'd prefer to hear your praises after a concert in private, she feels much more comfortable that way.
Speaking of fans, at first she had so much trouble communicating with them, Making her occasionally stutter :( Once you see her look uncomfy while talking to fans, you try to push her away steadily, without making a scene and go in a corner, attempting to soothe her
She actually slowly improves communicating at public events, meetings, etc. because of you <3 let the girl take her time with this, And spend time with her equally. Even after all of what the both of you do, she'll thank you for being by her side. As long as it stays like that, rest assured she'll be happy.
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Okay pretend he isnt a god in this au hes just some random guy
He loves posting on social media, Lots of the content on his account are song covers, pictures you took of him or memes (which is what his supporters love about his account). He interacts with his fans in the comments each time, But ofc there are always haters. He seems like the type to fight back but in reality he just deletes the comment and ignores the account, not wanting a bad image.
He also wrote some of the songs that the band created !! the rest are from different multiple sources
Awards the band members with a glass of wine/juice/drink of choice and some snacks the day after going on a concert. Sometimes brings you with him! He believes it'll give them some motivation to move forward, Which does work most of the time, ...unless he gets drunk and starts scaring them with objects they would not appreciate
One time it was raining outside while they were having an after party at the kamisato estate so while drunk, this mf ran outside and got a FROG into the house and claimed it as his pet. Thoma had lots of trouble trying to find it after venti lost the frog a while after.
"And as the *hic* MoNdstadt saying g-goes... wait.. where did the frog go????"
[insert sound of xinyan screaming afterwards]
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She's an amazing role model !!
She makes it a goal to like or reply all the comments, even the ones that are just "Great!!" or "amazing", she'd reply with a "thank you 🤍" or simply liking it
Like venti, she makes stuff for the band that she doesnt really need to do by herself, but she does it anyway because she adores what she does, the girl picks out outfits for the band i just know she has amazing taste in clothing. She also draws lots of ideas for merch, her designs always impress the other band members and you
She usually asks for your opinion before going on with making merch, creating tunes or just anything that she wants to improve later on. Xinyan trusts you so much with it, even if you dont know much about what she does.
Has so many ideas for her job, She can barely keep track of what she should try to push thru first. Its not like she doesnt enjoy it tho, hell, she loves it‼ Promotes the band's music everywhere, she likes to share it so more people can understand the art of music :))) shes really passionate about it
"Y/n!! Have you shared my solo to your other friend groups yet? I promise its good! I put lots of thought into it 😋"
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Like ayaka, hes pretty shy on stage too. He's also kinda a perfectionist? When its time to finish rehearsals he still practices at home, thinking it wasnt good enough. If you catch him getting to focused, pls remind him to take a break! He often forgets to take one
Gets stressed pretty easily, he randomly doodles or eats cold food to relax himself. Loves going outside <3 even better if you accompany him, sometimes just going out for a walk gives him enough inspiration.
Super supportive to the rest of the band members ⊹.(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎). ⊹ He shows it with words tbh, he says its much easier like that. Likes the idea of working together, He believes it'll solve problems much faster and produce more ideas, making the future of the band brighter. He aims for that desire, seeking to make people proud.
He has lots of pets !! He posts lots of pics of them on social media. Speaking of social media, He tries to keep your relationship a secret. Not that he doesnt trust you or anything, he just doesnt like the fact that you might get hated or something. He's aware that he probably wouldnt stand it if his s/o got hate :(
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goingbackt0505 · 2 years
Eddie Munson headcannons <3
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Idk these headcannons are probably very random lmao
•He wouldn't let you do anything he sells and he would definitely try to not smoke infront of you (wouldn't need drugs with you by his side )
•he likes to talk a lot, dont you dare tell him to shut up he would be very sad and would be like "omg I wanna tell them about this ..." but then remember how you told him to shut up
•would teach you how to play the guitar cause he could have you sitting in his lap hello ?
•would brag about your relationship to the hellfire club members (and everyone else) constantly
•the type of guy to make out with you infront of people who look at you the wrong way
•okay we all know this but it needs to be said : this man is a sucker for cuddles
•he would just like to lay on his bed with u in his arms listening to music all day
•gets so worried and stressed if you're injured ,on your period, sick or something that you have to calm him down
•would definitely skip school for you if you're sick or just not feeling well
•would sneak into school for hellfire club meetings later tho
•sometimes he would just be like : aww come on sweetheart lets go somewhere today school is boring anyway
•you often have to remind him that school is kinda important...
•sings with you
•this man can't cook you can't convince me otherwise, he could maybe make pizza but it would be either still frozen in the middle or completely burnt
•he lives off snacks (please someone cook him a decent meal)
•actually gets so annoyed with his hair sometimes that he puts it in a bun and says something like "would you still love me if I had a buzzcut cause I'm so close ..." he would never do that tho cause he's very proud of his hair
•would let you braid his hair (and he would definitely enjoy it)
•this man does not use 7 in 1 bodywash on his hair there's probably at least 3 different hair care products in his shower
•still uses that 7 in 1 wash on his body tho
• I think he cares a lot about hygiene, his smell and definitely his hair
•has some signature cologne that actually smells good
•he cares about your hobbies. You play some instrument he can't play ? He will ask you to teach him how to play. You like to read ? He would get you some books and would act like hes reading them sometimes.
• This man would get bored of reading so easily tho, can't finish one page without getting distracted. But you reading to him? Thats something else, he would actually love it.
•you're the most important person to him
•need something? He'll get it for you
•he'd shoplift if he cant afford it tbh ...
•Can be very wholesome but you cant get rid of the dirty jokes
•would definitely whisper dirty things into your ear in public
•he's a tease
•loves you the way you are AND if you have insecurities that he knows about he would definitely tell you how beautiful they are like ???every minute??? till you stop being insecure lmao
•makes sure to praise you for everything you do .... praising kink... okay but he would loveee to get praised too
•feel like he wouldn't be into degrading at all
•he's a switch
•puts these handcuffs in his room to use sometimes ,what did you think ? they're decoration? ... uhm no
•loves it when you play or try to play on his guitar, he would be so proud AND LIKE come on he would die on the spot (cause its too hot)
•would make you wear his shirts
•would definitely gift you one of his rings and he would expect you to wear it everyday... (he'd be so happy to see it on your hand or on a necklace around your neck fr its like you're married to him )
•if you're dating him for more than a year he would probably already start planning your future out ...
•he's very much into commitment
•doesn't do short term things it's either for ever or nothing
•this man is loyal as heck and expects you to be the same
•he trusts you but he gets jealous veryyyy easily
•I feel like if you actually MANAGED to upset him he would either not talk to you at all or just communicate through songs
•tells you that he needs space if he's sad / upset but actually wants to hold you and cry into your shoulder...
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snekdood · 6 months
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the "leader" is more like "leaders". normally one might think of stalin or something, but hes just a blueprint, the actual leaders are the ones at the top of the social pyramid within these spaces, such as popular tankie blogs
this ones obvious. i dont feel like i need to say anything. we've all seen how ppl act on here when you question any of their beliefs or the effectiveness of them, etc. and if you challenge them at all or say you dont agree, suddenly you're a horrible person or even a bigot of some form
i underlined "denunciation sessions" bc theres a big emphasis on here to denounce the old "unwoke" parts of your life. not so that ppl should change for the better, but because there's a pressure to change immediately and throw all your old beliefs out the window without even really unpacking them. its their way or the highway and you have to choose right now and its not a multiple choice test. i also underlined "debilitating work" bc theres an emphasis on reblogging things to "spread awareness" or whatever as soon as it pops up on your dash, and if you dont, you're a horrible person, etc.
while i dont really think many of the options given necessarily apply, they sort of do. you dont need "permission" to date, but you'll be berated for dating the "wrong type of person". you'll be told to change or quit jobs if the job does something tumblr communities dont agree with, even if you need the job, and usually they'll call it "boycotting" to make it seem more legit. they'll discourage you from moving to any state or country that they deem isnt progressive enough.
this one goes without saying. instead of it being some random air of superiority, it's "we're the most moral, correct and progressive people" superiority
this one also goes w/o saying, people on here think incredibly black and white all the time, its definitely encouraged.
this one ALSO goes without saying
this one is obvious as evidenced the past two months. everyone saying "believe victims" and that "rape is always bad" in the past but then coming in to defend hamas' actions at every turn and deny the rape or even say that "if it did happen it was justified". which is a fucking wild way to think about the world and you should be locked up.
also obvious. tankies love to guilt trip. nevermind if it backfires on them and makes ppl resent them and move to the right after. i mean, after all, all they cared about was the power they had in telling ppl what to do, not actually giving a fuck about anything or having any convictions.
yes bc if you interact with anyone ppl on tumblr generally dont like, you'll also be shunned. if you have family members who aren't "progressive" enough and you still accept them into your life and hang out with them, even if you dont necessarily want to or dont necessarily like them fully, the fact you still interact with them at all is bad, apparently.
obviously, bc who would want to stick around a place like this once they realize whats really going on. its why they demonize ppl like me or anyone who questions them too much and pushes us to side, to use us as examples for the new, younger people coming in that they get to manipulate and tell them to avoid you and avoid being like you, since you ever dared to question them. they'll call you whatever they need to, make bullshit up about you, JUST to lure ppl in and tell them how much better they are than you, or that if you listen to them they can avoid being like you.
i mean. yeah? maybe it doesnt seem that way but. ppl asking for money all the time through paypal or whatever? or the overall goal of "taking the billionaires wealth and redistributing it", while its a statement i generally agree with, i dont trust that the people saying it will be that responsible, and would probably just hoard money for themselves, and deprive it from people they "dont like" on purpose, almost as revenge for a real or perceived slight, or just bc they dont like someones "bad vibes".
yeah you're apparently supposed to take having tumblr mutuals very seriously, treat them like best buds even though you've probably never messaged eachother or messaged eachother twice about inane things you saw on tumblr. its not a total stranger bc its someone on tumblr so its fine actually! see, they say they're queer and a leftist in their bio, totally safe! thats all it takes! also activism is reblogging or something ig
if you go to other sites, you're looked down upon. if you make friends outside of tumblr communities, you're looked down upon.
people feel like w/o the communities they've built on tumblr, they have no safety net elsewhere, probably bc they've cut contact with WAY too many people, probably plenty of people who didnt even deserve to be, and probably bc they disagreed on like 1 or 2 things. regardless, they cling to the tumblr "safety" net for dear life. "if no one else got me, i know tumblr got me, heres my paypal" essentially. you cant trust the world outside of tumblr to take care of you never of course, its all bad and horrible and can never be fixed or useful in any capacity, etc. burn it all down and start it again with tumblr users in charge and then it'll be perfect, or so they think.
#cults#ex cult#tankies#yall make progressives look so so bad.#yall actively hurt leftism at every angle.#the way ppl on this website act is no joke part of the reason why conservatives think leftists are in a cult.#its bc the more extreme of leftists kinda fuckin are#sure conservatives make shit up about us too like the whole 'child grooming' shit but they're still not exactly wrong for seeing#some of yall as culty. idk what to tell you. they just take advantage of the perception of the culty part of the left to push a narrative#about leftists in general and sprinkle in conspiracy theories for THEIR own rw cult to keep them in check and to maybe lure in#people who are paranoid- bc ppl have every reason to be paranoid of the culty parts of the left- but conservatives take that and then also#add in a couple lies for their own agenda and benefit. a mom could be concerned about drag queens talking to kids and maybe stumbled#upon kink discourse- maybe even possibly on here- and found minors interacting with the discourse and then goes to the right and they#say that 'yes the left wants to groom your kid into becoming gay and doing 'HEINOUS' 'brutal' kinks! and drag queens are part of it!'#or whatever tf along those lines. and then maybe shes still on the fence about it but some extremist on the left being ironic#embraces all these accusations and shitty perceptions and says they're true to- in their minds- push the right ppl away#even though theyre also pushing ppl on the fence to the right. maybe they do it out of irony or bc theyre just tired of the bs but either#way feeding into it actually doesnt help- not to surprise you! gotta be more careful around paranoid ppl.#your apathy about how you come off isnt always a good thing.#a better example might be when conservatives go 'oh the left is so horrible and violent' and ppl in the middle are like 'really?' and look#over to us for a moment and see the assholes in the back going on about gulags n shit along those lines- only confirming the bias#made against them.
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1111jenx · 3 years
random astro placements &
their culture 🍧🍥🍧
(part 2)
Check out my part 1 here • part 3 here • part 4 here
🍧scorpio moon culture is telling people "nO i dOnT hOlD gRuDgEs wdym"
🍧mars-jupiter culture is full on burning someones house down and they'd still laugh it off cuz no one takes your anger seriously 😐
🍧cancer mars culture is literally having a panic attack because you can't locate your purse just to turn around and see it tucked behind your fatass.
🍧cancer rising culture is keeping up a hard face as you tell people: " i dont care." but you do and you care so fucking much its starting to hurt a lil okay
🍧taurus venus culture is going to the new restaurant downtown with your friends and you already know the menu by heart. also a love for elegant people.
🍧leo sun culture is staring at people as they make jokes about leo being self-centered but you can't give a f because at the end of the day, they are still talking about YOU😘
🍧9H Venus culture is falling for people who's drastically different from you. people who are simply so educated and have a sense of unique childishness got your heart.
🍧gemini mercury culture is laughing out loud when someone told you something traumatic and you just went: "oh no sorry i was just thinking about that one tiktok"
🍧libra rising culture is filtering the entire argument you just had with your partner to PG because you know your friends and any normal person would tell you it's not normal to call your s/o a "lil dumbf*ck" and a "c^nt" and you don't know how to explain to them you guys say shits like that to one another but you still love each other deeply.
🍧moon in taurus culture is browsing engagement ring casually hoping your s/o would notice and cuff you asap.
🍧sagittarius venus culture is laughing it off when people pressure you to talk about your love life. you either have 2 jacks, 1 ethan and 4 evans on the line or you're just working your ass off, no in between.
🍧1H lilith culture is hiding your curves and beauty under layers of clothes or getting extra worried to go out by yourself cause you know the attention is always on you, and it doesn't matter if you like it or not, its there.
🍧4H lilith culture is getting suspicious when a family member become extra affectionate towards you.
🍧taurus venus culture is falling for people who "smell good" or dress well without knowingly and you secretly LOVE it when people compliment your style.
🍧libra mars culture is making a dirty joke to your s/o and getting embarrassed by it yourself💀
🍧jupiter in the 10H culture is reading up on astro blogs and seeing people telling you jupiter grants you great lucks in career but you're pretty sure you deadass got into college purely by accident or something while in reality you always lucked out as small things last minute just happens to work in your benefits ✨ so shuddupppp stop complaining
🍧aries rising culture is getting so drunk and either get hella emotional crying about your daddy issues or being the life of the party on the dance floor. strictly no in between<3
🍧libra rising culture is having the ability to bullshit your way out of stuff anytime you want. but the moment you start caring a lil too much then 💀💀
🍧but libra rising culture is lowkey enjoying it a lil too much when astrology call you "the prettiest rising" or "aesthetically pleasing" but people don't know underneath you have a heart thats not at all trusting and you go through life searching for your perfect half, your flirty and flighty nature is just a front.
🍧sagittarius rising culture is having the nicest shiniest smile in the room and are the true brat tamers underneath, fix your crown baddies.
🍧aqua moon culture is loving aggressive people.
🍧venus in 11H culture is worrying you're giving people the wrong sign because you're too nice and touchy like. keep it up people thats just how you roll👍🏼
🍧pisces placements culture is being able to cry whenever you want. literally cry on cue dawg. one word and these eyes are filled with water.
🍧aquarius mercury culture is staring at your friend as they try to sugarcoat what you just said so it doesn't come out bad and lowkey wanting to say no i meant exactly that💀
🍧aries mars culture is getting a lil too excited to talk about people's love life but get FLUSTERED talking about your own.
🍧gemini moon culture is people not knowing a thing about your life and getting hella intimidated by you until they get to know you better.
🍧mercury-pluto culture is making the NASTIEST DARKEST MOST INAPPROPRIATE joke ever and innocently smile afterwards like nothing happened
🍧venus-ascendant culture is getting a lil salty when people don't put you on a pedestal and admire your beauty like no lets not talk about my resume, just look at me thats enough achievements
🍧mercury sextile venus culture is pleasing the shit out of people and realising hours later it wasn't reciprocated so now you wish you acted meaner like control your golden retriever energy cowboy
🍧taurus moon culture is retail therapy. you seriously feel some sense of sick achievement when you successfully convince your friend to buy that sauna yoga pants.
🍧libra moon culture is forcing yourself to like someone because everyone likes them so much so something must be deep down that empty shell of a person💀💀
🍧cancer moon culture is going through your old convos w people and realize how shitty of a person you are so you did some self-reflection on the spot😃
🍧10H saturn culture is literally greying at 18. breath y'all.
🍧virgo rising culture is holding back the need to slap your dumbass friend who can barely spell retrograde right because they forget to do something and now they want you to do it and you know after hours of complaining you gonna end up doing it anyways💀
🍧7H stellium culture is people owning you ✨FAVOURS✨
🍧10H moon/venus culture is being told your mom is hella attractive and you're just like yeah i know what about it😐
🍧leo moon culture is having negative chequing account but confidently ask your friend if they need an uber ride home because its late and you're worried
🍧virgo mars culture is absolutely loving home interiors and you freaking hate it when people come inside your home and touch things that they shouldn't be touching
🍧gemini venus culture is not even passing the talking stage but astro people keep accusing you of being the whore of the zodiac like bro, your local gemini venus is texting 10 people right now how can they cheat on someone if they can't even get into a relationship 💀
🍧scorpio venus culture is bonding through doing dr@gs with someone. apparently sharing blow is hella intimate guys.. but for real it does mean something for them and can literally be seen as a defining point of your relationship with them 😄👍🏼
🍧venus conjunct saturn culture is falling for the rich jocks. literally just spoil the shit outta you and you're ready to elope
🍧DC in air sign culture is falling for people who are emotionally unavailable. like oh a challenge? i LOVE to be challenged yay bRiNg it oN
🍧venus in fire sign culture is disappearing at 1AM every girls night out and people genuinely thought you're dead in a ditch somewhere but you're actually tiptoeing out of your hookup's place the next morning
🍧air mars culture is blocking someone during an argument and unblocking them a second later just to say "okok im better now that was irrational what were you saying again?"
🍧leo mars culture is winking to your reflection in the mirror opposite as you're getting railed by someone. self love comes first✨
yayyy i made it to the end,, whoever that made it here can i get a OWA OWA in the comment??🥳 i'm in love w this new series y'all
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saint jenx🪐
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simluvbot · 3 years
Enhypen as dates they would take you on <3
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tags: gn!reader, established relationship au, fluff, bf! enha
members: all members !!
wc: 400-800ish for each member ?? this is very long uh I’m sorry I got carried away
a/n: hi, welcome to my first piece of writing on this blog 😁😁 I tried to write so that these matched the members and their personalities the most! Also as this is my first post any interaction is so cherished 🥺 but anyways,, I hope you enjoy :D
open to read
he would take you to so many fun places!!
Your dates would consist of going bowling together, theme parks, a walk in the park — you can count on having a fun time with heeseung!
He would just want to impress you );
He’s be always so attentive to you and remember even the littlest of details about you
You’d be in a shop together looking around and he’ll tap your shoulder, showing you a lace shirt that you instantly fall in love with
It’s just your style!
You’d ask him how he knew you would like it, to which he would simply mumble  with, “you told me a few months ago that you like shirts like this.”
You’d just stand in shock like :ooo
Not even you remember telling him that ):
Please he loves you so much, if it’s something that you tell him you like or don’t like, he’ll immediately store it in his memory! He wants to know so much more about you 🥺
Your dates are definitely what you look forward to whenever you see him!!
As much as you love fun day outs with him, you also love your chiller night dates at him <3
Meeting each other late at night after practice? A must!! No way can you let your hee go home alone when he’s the last leaving the practice room after a long day ):<
You would often surprise him by showing up at belift at ungodly hours, and as much as he would scold you with a light frown for coming to see him when it’s already half past midnight,,
You still always catch that small little smile he has whenever you do surprise him hehe
to be aware of just the fact that youre there? is enough for him. you ground him and its especially those spontaneous dates youll throw upon him and inevitably show him without the words uttered that you care for him and you love him? 
those are secretley his fave (: but he doesnt have to tell you that - youve already guessed :D
But at the same time on those late night after-practice dates he just wants to make sure that you’re not staying up too late all the time just to make sure he’s doing okay after practice, his y/nnie needs their sleep too ):
And what you’ll do together? Eat ramen of course!!
Although these little late night dates with him usually dont last no longer than an hour, he still treasures them so dearly in his heart ):
Hee sometimes needs a lot of love and assurance, even if he doesn’t mention it
And you’re the best at making him feel better instantly 🥺
but we seriously cant forget about your daytime dates too! each date of yours is always filled with so so many jokes and giggles that your hearts burn with longing for the other whenever you part ways ):
i can see that he’ll even store the memory of your dates even weeks after they’ve happened - he’ll store those memories of you; all in his heart (and the polaroid he took of you in the back of his phonecase 😳) and tucked close.
as for dates, to me he seems the type to be into really spontaneous and random things!! He’d love going somewhere fun or just simply randomly travelling with you without a destination!
He especially loves to sneak out of the dorm late at night and meet you at you and his favourite park.
It’s located at the top of a really tall hill, and you’ll both spend hours sitting on the swings, chatting away with little care for the rest of the world or the time as you both simply giggle at each other’s jokes and contentedly talk about anything and everything; watching the city lights glow from hundreds of metres below you
He’d offer you his jacket when the temperature drops by a few degrees suddenly
You’d be like no!! It’s okay you should also stay warm, I’m okay 🥺
But then because he is such a sweetheart he’d huff and sit next to you on the swing, making the single-seater far too cramped as he tries to supply you with his body heat if that’s the only way that you’ll accept not freezing to death 😠
But then you’ll both slip due to there not being enough space for both of you on the wing, and your both fall flat down on your butts lmao
You’d both freeze, staring at each other blankly on the floor
but then you’d both crack up and laugh for the longest time — hushing each other in-between giggles from the fear of maybe you were being a bit too loud and could wake some people up?
But then you’d both fall into giggling messes once again as you blame each other for causing the other to fall down ):
You’d eventually sit together huddled on a bench, sitting in silence and simply staring out at seoul’s twinkling night lights as you share his leather jacket: heavy and warm as it drapes across you and his’ shoulders
But eventually you’d both finally head home! — your eyelids soon growing too heavy and both of you afraid of accidentally falling asleep at a park at 1am lmfao
idk why but i can just see a lot of late-night dates with jake,, such as
baking cookies together at 1am???? probably has happened twice already in your relationship aha 😁
honestly you both spend so much time together casually that you end up arguing on whether that time where he randomly showed up at your house wanting to make relationship bracelets together was really a date or not lmao
he is also so <3 so incredibly sweet too though uGH. he is a sweetheart and like heeseung he will remember every little detail of you which will be useful for when he comes up with more date ideas in the future (
on dates such as eating at a restaurant together he will always bring you flowers like the gentleman he is.
it’s kinda funny because when youre both on a date together alone with no other people around you both become complete crackheads
but when meeting in front of others he acts so mature and serious suddenly lmao ?? 
but honestly he just trusts and loves you so so much that he doesnt even feel like he needs to act a certain way or try to become someone complteley different on a date just to impress you
but its okay because you love the duality of jake sim <3
someone get me him pls. i want one </3
With jay, shopping dates ??? yes of course (;
he’d simply love taking you out either down a road with many well-known clothing brands or maybe even the mall, entering several clothing stores with you
he never mentions it, but its obvious how much he simply adores seeing you wear the clothes he picks out for you :D
oh and matching couple outfits are obviously always chosen whenever you go out on these fashion dates!!
he will pick out a selection of items he thinks will look good on you, and - to admit it to himself: he does a pretty good damn job
tell me why this boy will get so flustered whenever he sees you walk out of the changing room,, looking so pretty in what he chose for you ??
he’d also one day surprise you on a date with matching couple bracelets :D
you’ll get so excited and he’ll get so shy and try to hide his smile as you compliment how good his sense of style is !! and as much as he denies the fact that he’s blushing you luckily do manage to snap some pics as evidence of the rosy colour in his cheeks hehe
and especially earlier on in the relationship, he’ll always try his best and prepare cute little dates for you both )): and the members would tease him to DEATH for how unbelievably soft and considerate he is when doing things for you when he is so cranky towards them lmfao
chill dates (:
walking in the park together, getting ice cream, going for late night drives and listening to music together </3 with jay it never has to be complicated
Just as long as he gets to be with you, talk with you and touch you then that’s more than enough for him (: he just likes to be in your company
and Idk why I can just see this but he wILL have playground dates with you. dont question it
Because like ?? hanging out on the swings or climbing frame of a kids park at 11PM when there’s no one else there but you both?? Talking and swinging quietly next to each other? very romantic to me hmm
Yes <3 
he will stare at you as he silently swings a back and forth a little; brushing the hair out of your face and looking at you with so so much love in his eyes it’s unbelievable
he especially loves just relaxing with you. watching a show on the tv together while cuddling and staying close to each other is something he loves
hearing your giggles and listening to you talk while engaging in teasing banter where he’ll pretend to think the things you say are stupid by scoffing and rolling his eyes when in reality his heart is swelling and he’s trying so hard not to laugh at how cute you are? 
shut UP
those are definitely one of his favourite types of dates with you
he’ll constantly try to impress you and will be willing to try so many different things with you
i can see him as either being openly interested about going on typical couple dates together such as painting or eating at romantic restaurants,, or every time you mention something of the sort he’ll be groaning at yet another mention of the ‘couple bucket list’ you had created lol
but actually he’s secretly really excited for that couple mug-painting session you booked for you both. but he will never tell you that 😳
in conclusion, with jay it really never has to be something complex for you both to enjoy your dates <3 he just loves being in your company, even if its one of those nights where you both share no words between the cuddling and content sighs and various little soft kisses he presses to your forehead.
with sunghoon gOSH
whatever you two get up to, it’d be so so soft and gentle and perfect and just ):
he would always ask the members what to take you out on as a date and you bet his naver search history would consist of questions like ‘what does my s/o like’ and ‘where should i take out my partner on a date’ lmao
he just wants to make you happy and comfy ):
dates with him are usually really cute!! Like going to cafes, going ice skating etc!
But you’d also love those dates at home with him, giggling shyly as you both sit together and watch a film 🥺
he LOVES those dates! he always gets so shy whenever he comes over and it takes him a little while to get comfortable enough with you to even hold your hand pls
So when he one day pulls you in closer from where you’re sitting side by side on the couch,, bringing you closer and tucking you under his arm ??
You’re so so surprised, and you feel your heart clench a little at how gentle he is with you and how he’s finally opening up ):
And from then on,, he only will become more and more comfortable with you!!! To the point where he’ll start pouting a lil when you don’t snuggle up next to him on the sofa like you usually do );
So cuddle dates with hoon? Yes you bet they’re his fave!!
and then when its quickly approaching your 100 days anniversary, he’ll be wracking his brains for so long trying to decide what to do for you
but then it will hit him like a light bulb switching on!
he’ll suddenly remember you mentioning this specific thing that you really liked and would want to do one day, and guess what he would plan for u both!!
he’d prepare 💔💔 a picnic 💔💔 for you 💔💔
ugh youre so lucky
he’d text you the day before your anniversary telling you to expect to go on a date with him the day after and to dress up prettily :D
he’d wake up super early on the day of the date, preparing all of your favourite foods and meals into a cute lil basket ):
and when you finally both meet at a really rEALLY pretty secluded area that you somehow had no idea existed despite you living in the area for so long - you’d maybe start tearing up?? 
because your boyfriend is so so sweet and you never saw this coming from him at all ): 
and he’d just stand there shyly in front of the picnic he set up, hand at the back of his head and looking down; cute lil blush tainting his cheeks from how nervous he is!
but then you’d run over and give him a big, big hug, exxclaiming how much you appreciate what he did for you and how youre so so incredibly sorry for not bringing him something as well to celebrate your anniversary (you were dying inside fo guilt please!! how could u forget to get him something when he went out of his way like this for you )):  )
but he’d simply shake his head, smiling and not minding at all
because if he gets to see you happy, gets to see those twinkling eyes of yours that just stare up at him with so so much love before bringing him in for a sweet kiss - then he simply doesnt mind at all.
r u crying at this like i am lol
sunoo absoloutely adores you.
and he cant stay away from you !! lmao
you’ll leave after a date and ten minutes after youve arrived you’ll get a text from him saying how much he already misses you and wants to see his bun again ):
but its okay!! because y’all would meet up again really soon again :D
sunoo really doesnt mind what you both do together, he just loves being in your company !! if he’s doing something with you, its certain that he will have so much fun and be so so comfy!
you often like to go to cinemas together, watching a film
film/drama marathons are also something that you both do very very often as a date! he loves it when you hug him tight and throw a leg over his as you both lie down in his dorm bed/your bed, watching something on your laptop
he is very very cuddly and whenever you both do have cuddle dates/sessions (which is all the time btw) he’ll like it when you absentmindedly play with his fingers or stroke your hands through his hair soothingly
and then he’ll complain and whine when you stop lmao
seriously though, without a question if either of you meet at either his dorm or your house - its always:  ‘so what are we gonna watch?’
he also likes doing very very cute couple-y activities with you! of course he does,, youre his baby ): 
(he’s more YOUR baby actually - but he doesnt need to know about that shh hehe)
funfair dates where you will go on a ferris wheels and eat cotton candy together? sharing a kiss when you reach the top? yes! and so is going to those sets designed for couples to take cute photos together as a lil photoshoot!
he is so so sweet with you ): 
and has it been mentioned yet that you’ll go on food dates? this is a very obvious date you both do very often !! 
going to food markets and trying out different street foods from different vendors? yes.
having mini dates at the korean convinience store late at night where you’ll both sit by the window and eat tteokbokki & ramen together? yes.
its all honestly really really chill, but he also knows when to be serious when he needs to (:
he’ll take you out to the your favourite restaurants often!
and whenever youre celebrating something he’ll take you to a really good and famous restaurant with mouth-watering food, and you’ll be left wondering for the longest time how on earth he managed to get a seat in since its always so booked
or ordering take-out is good too :D
in conclusion (because i just realised how long this is help 😭): dates with sunoo are always a variety of fun activities which always leave you feeling tired yet so, so happy and content at the end of the day !!
he loves you so much <3
Since you both go to the same school, a lot of your little dates are actually spent there
He’s pretty shy with you at times,, but when you’re both alone it’s then that dates with him are usually so so goofy and silly; days filled with his teasing and your eye rolls and giggles.
Meeting at the rooftop before school to simply talk and giggle and drink chocolate milk? Yes.
Staying after school for small study sessions in the library? Yes.
With jungwon, you’re not able to see him as much between school and him being an idol, so every little moment together means so much to both of you ):
To me jungwon also seems like a cuddler!!! cause like?? Have you seen him ?? Tell me he doesn’t look so soft 
So, dates at home when he’s free where you can both cuddle together in your bed while eating and doing homework? They’re so so cosy,, and definitely your favourite kinda dates!! not to mention that your parents absolutely adore him too
With jungwon, lots of lil spontaneous dates are definitely his and yours trademark (‘:
He’ll turn up at your house randomly with a grin and dimple poking at his cheek, holding a bag of convenience store food and asking you if you want to go on a date with him even if it’s 10pm and dark outside lmfao
And then he’ll take you to an arcade!
You’ll be the only ones there and he’s keep flexing about how he’s going to win you this cat plush from the claw machine because he says it looks like him
He’d try several times and end up spending almost 8,000 won on the machine trying to win you this plush and at this point he’s already making up several excuses about how oh, ‘it’s rigged’ or ‘give me one more chance I will get it this time!!’
You’d giggle at how he grows flustered, gently asking him if you could have a go for fun, sighing and with him and agreeing on the fact that the claw machine is definitely rigged
You’d complain together; scolding the machine and asking it to please be nice and stop ruining your date when it’s then that the claw actually picks up a plush and you’re both like ;oo
You’d both stay stood in shock as the cat plush is dropped into the receiving box, before laughing loudly
He’d stand there flustered, blush tainting his cheek before he just walks away 🚶🏻‍♂️
You’d quickly pick up the cat plush and chase after him, giggles tumbling out your lips
and uhm after that you beTTER go check up on your boy and see if his ego wasnt too damaged by that 😤
so of course you’d wrap your arms around him from behind, tucking your face into the back of his neck ): and pressing gentle kisses where you know he’s ticklish until he finally relents, a small grin and dimple lighting up his face
and phEW because you thought he was upset ): but he laughs and says youre better at the claw machine than he is so,, all good dont worry !! 🥺
It’d end up being him taking the cat plush home, which you both name ‘jungwon-two’ because of how much it actually looks like him 😭
Expect many references and inside jokes to that date and jungwon-two in the future
and tbh you love dates with won so so much. theyre so fun plus they’re always secret.
and whenever you’re out doing whatever the hell you both get up to,
It’s like there is no one else in the world. It’s just you, and him, and the blooming you both feel in your chests.
I don’t know but I can just see niki as being so romantic
You’re both young, and although niki is the biggest dork and always likes to play around and make jokes 24/7 - he’s also so mature compared to the other boys your age
So would he take you out to a date where he’d set up classically romantic candles and rose petals for you both to eat at for your 1 month anniversary? Yes ):
And you’d be so speechless and shocked as you blush quietly and thank him before he‘s accidentally knocking over his glass of water all over the table cloth and you’re laughing out loud
But expect every other date with him to be filled with so so much food and comfort!
He’d feel so comfy around you, and really the only word he thinks is perfectly able to describe you is home. He thinks you feel like home to him.
So he’d show you all of this favourite things, the things closest to his heart and you can’t help but feel your own heart clench at how much you adore this boy
He’d take you out to traditional Japanese restaurants and show you his favourite foods from back home and teach you the customs of how to eat sushi
You’d 100% be so so interested and excited whenever he reveals to you a vulnerable part of him, and he’d stare at you so lovingly as he kisses your cheek, blushing and smiling like the 15 year old he is
Ugh ): niki ):
Dance dates!!
You claim you can’t dance to save your life LMFAO (or maybe you can 😳?) but he only grins shyly instead as he takes you to a small dance studio he rented (he didn’t want to take you the belift building where there would be other people - he’d want you to feel completely comfortable).
You’d simply stand there with your mouth dropped open as you watch him freestyle to a random song he put on like it’s nothing
You’d spend the day getting taught some moves by him and although you’re sure you look like a cat getting electrocuted, he still smiles and  nods and even claps, giving you compliments and teasing remarks
Overall, dates with niki are so so fun and goofy and perfect. You feel your heart swell every time he takes you out on another little adventure, feeling so complete and carefree between his warm hugs, jokes and words that he has to say to you
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Ze girls
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Mal is naturally around, lets say 5ft 8 (she kinda tall have you seen her mom?) with the boots its +3 so she would be around...5ft 11, yeah, she tol. Evie issss probably around 5,5? i think thats how tall sofia is soooo plus 3inches shes 5ft 8, yeah that sounds about right idk but lets say it is. XD 
also, you can see Mal is standing pretty...awkwardly, she aint human, she dont know how to do human so she stands weirdly and her eyes arent human (she can do this freaky stare that legit makes people walk away cuz its weird, they also are reflective, imagine going into the kitchen and then suddenly two eyes in the darkness are just staring at you like a cat) she doesn't blink alot...yeah...gurl got fangs too. this Mal has a pretty hard time processing human emotion, she is not human so she doesn't exactly know how to deal with their emotions but shes learning (at first thanks to Evie, Jay, Carlos, and then Ben helps her not be...not-empathetic around human emotion) yeah girly is weird but shes tryin lol
Evie, of course, is that classic pretty girl who is more than meets the eye, she; of course, is a witch and makes many types of potions and has a grimoire along with a mirror that can tell her where anything is at anytime in any place. Evie is a very naturally kind girl, even if her mother tries to teach her otherwise, Carlos (who will be redesigned and posted soon) is her very first friend after years of solitude (which is not at the prompt of mal, who didnt even know what a birthday party was and had no interest in it, EQ was just weird with Evie) and then befriends Jay, and lastly Mal, who tipped Evie off as a bit too weird and stayed away from her until Mal (multiple times) saved her life.(either from random gang members or the fated retrieval of the dragons eye (WHICH; mal did NOT plan to have evie grab, Mal doesnt exactly get why her mom wants to just be the worst but mostly mal kinda just...chills) 
Evie teaches Mal how to human (or at least be an okay person) and Mal helps Evie create spells and potions for her wip grimoire. their friendship is still a work in progress but one day they’ll be very good friends and while they do have some trouble with each other, they dont doubt their loyalty to each other and their boys. (under the cut is more info about them)
their personality's are both drawn from and unlike their canon selves, Evie is strong minded, smart, witty, just the tiniest bit bitchy (but in the best way) and kind. but she is not a push over and refuses to stand down from her opinion unless she sees it is in the wrong. and while she is kind she is not someone that will take on someone elses problems, metal or physical, it must be worth her time and self for her to step in, she is empathetic but she's also aware that no-one is worth destroying herself over. queen of chemistry, has made several poison's on purpose. plans to be head of the fashion world, while also reclaiming her mothers original kingdom (i think eq had her own kingdom??? SHE DID, she was the queen of another kingdom but married snows dad to stay in power! Evie is a full on princess?!?! holy shit!!! ah!? Evie my gurl you have a full on claim to a throne!) needs no prince just a man treating her like the queen she is. can fight very well, skilled in knives and daggers, has used her heels as a weapon before.
Mal, as ive said, is weird. she is slow on uptakes, takes a minute to understand things, just doesn't understand sarcasm, metaphors, things like that. is a very logical person, sensory issues, she is pretty smart , but she is the epitome of “all points in intelligence but none in wisdom” Evie and Carlos have the wisdom points and both have intelligence. Mal and Jay are just kinda vibing, tho Jay is very statically smart (helps with tourney.) she is immensely loyal, once you have her trust you have it forever, but once you break it you will never get it again, protective, accidently snarky/sarcastic (when Evie snickers at Mals deadpan mal is just like “?????”) verrrrry food drivne, always hugry (her metabolism is so fuking high, Evie is like ‘HOW DO YOU EAT A FIVE THOUSAND COURSE MEAL AND STILL BE HUNGRY?!’ meanwhile Mal is eating her fifth set of poptarts) head bonks, Evie and Carlos get gentle ones (Carlos does go for the hard ones tho, he is still an idiot teenage boy *affectionately*) while Mal and Jay just full on slam their heads into each other, Evie calls jay thick skulled becuase he somehow doesnt get a concussion from this, he has broken his nose tho. if mal isnt reading a book shes drawing, or playing with Evie or Jays hair.
uh, this somehow turned into a whole “what they would be like in my rewrite” somehow sooooo yeah, the boiz are next, probably gonna do the s3 too idk okay
oh and evie is inspired by @harriyanna​
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longlivejasongrace · 3 years
about wylan van eck and kaz brekker
ever since i finished the duology i havent been able to stop thinking about the similitudes and differences between wylan and kaz. they certainly look like they should be at the opposite sides of the spectrum and they are but that doesn't mean they dont share some key traits that make them very similar if you care to look more closely.
wylan obviously personifies the role of the naïve member to counterpoint this band of thieves: a boy who grew up in privilege and who has never had to fence for himself until he had to swim for his life a couple of months before the events of six of crows. wylan's firm moral compass doesn't help him integrate to the thug life and only highlights how new he is to this world. in many ways, wylan is just like young kaz: honest and earnest, someone who believes in kindness over greed.
they are both very intelligent characters who are motivated by curiosity. i feel like people forget that kaz rietvield was the one who learned about magic and sleight of hand, not kaz brekker. he didn't try to crack that mystery because he thought it would be necessary or useful, he was just curious. he tries to spin it as a way to show how crooked he is, how he just cant let things go, but it doesnt change the fact that it was a very childish impulse which interested him so much in sleight of hand.
wylan is also very curious, he likes to understand how things work, he needs to understand. while kaz learned just because (at first), wylan uses his curiosity as a way to have more tools against the weakness he sees in not being able to read, a way to balance it out so to speak. since he cant learn via the academic route he throws himself in studying in his own way to try to parse this world which has closed so many doors for him.
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you could say, well they're both curious about the world around them, so what? the thing is, the whole question about where the water comes from is how kaz discovers an escape route from the white island. if wylan had been motivated to keep digging he would have probably found the same answer.
expanding on this, kaz and wylan can see the world from the same perspective
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it's not something that comes naturally to wylan in the sense that he usually doesnt use his knowledge to do criminal activity lol but they both see things as puzzles, objects to be made sense of.
another similarity: wylan can be pretty ruthless. i feel like people forget this too often
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but of course, he wouldn't ever reach the level of cruelty kaz achieves since after everything wylan has a conscience lol (can you imagine wylan throwing someone off a building or taking their eye out with an oyster knife? yeah, i didn't think so. he's not above burning people tho lol)
this is a small detail but i believe it wasn't random, it's another link between kaz and wylan:
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wylan is the only other character besides kaz to have a "scheming face". it's not only kinda funny to picture the 'innocent' wylan as some kind of evil mastermind, it shows how wylan does have the potential to be like the current kaz. he definitely has the brain for it
because by crooked kingdom wylan understands how kaz' mind works
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(notable how wylan is one of the few who lies to kaz and kaz lets him get away with it. wylan knew it was no coincidence kaz gave that information for free but he didn't have enough context clues to imagine what he would find if he went to Saint Hilde)
his background and what he has learned from the crows also helps him see bad decisions where jesper does not
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(what does it matter? because for all intent and purposes both wylan and jesper are outsiders, they didn't grew up in the barrel but wylan understood its laws from being there for like half a year while jesper has been a part of the crew for longer but still keeps a bit of his innocence when it comes to deals)
and wylan is usually the one who gets the most detailed parts of the plans
either from the merch side of the equation:
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or the puzzle side:
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this is a minor detail but another thing that links kaz and wylan together is jesper. not only because jesper expresses romantic interest in both of them, but because of what he sees in the two of them.
jesper about why he likes kaz:
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jesper and how he sees wylan:
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in conclusion (im sorry this is so long):
while i wouldn't say wylan is kaz' literary foil, he definitely embodies the impressionable kaz rietveld, just like jesper can be a projection of what jordie would have become if he hadn't died. wylan is very clever but unlike kaz he hasn't lost the things that connected him to his humanity and kindness: his moral compass and his hope for reuniting with his family. Marya Hendricks becomes a powerful motivator after wylan finds her and wylan goes through all these trials and tribulations for her. kaz lost that kind of connection when he was too young and went through a devastatingly traumatic event on top of that to ever be able to recover from it.
(not to say kaz is completely ruthless, he just has reshaped himself so he can supress that natural reflex of helping others. both wylan and kaz are very loyal to the people they trust, even if kaz has to disguise the fact and make it look like every freaking decision is made only to serve himself)
i wish people stopped seeing wylan as this angel who can do no wrong or as a wimpy kid who cant stomach what it needs to be done. it's a disservice to his character because while he is understandably scared through most of the duology, he makes conscious decisions not to lose himself in the violence and the cruelty of the barrel.
honorary mention: all the tricks and ways wylan has picked up to hide how he cant read, like using the fact he's a newcomer to not understand directions, mentioning how he doesn't know enough fjerdan to write the names in the plans he's drawing, claiming he doesn't understand someone's handwriting and many more.
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tastyykpop · 3 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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nho-jungle · 3 years
this is my addition to the hermitcraft propaganda. this is focused at dsmp fans bc i am one. 
hermitcraft is a long running smp that started in 2012. it runs in seasons, with each season lasting around a year, often just over. they are currently on season 8, and started fairly recently. 
the players on hermitcraft tend to change each season, but i have compiled a list of who i think you might enjoy, based off of your favourite dsmp member!
(feel free to add ur own suggestions too!)
MumboJumbo: have you got ADHD? do you love how tommyinnit says Things and other people get confused? well then MumboJumbo is the hermit for you! he's absolutely absurd. a spoon. he's also over 6ft tall and built like a brick shit house. insane. this man is an enigma. he's also a cinematographer. who even is this guy. (he also does cool redstone builds and always sounds surprised when they work even tho he's been doing this since 2012.)
BdoubleO100: a rabid chihuahua in the body of a human. truly follows that feral energy that makes up tommyinnit. mans built an entire mountain last season and he's doing it again! crazy! he's also the king of sleep. night is a rare phenomenon on hermitcraft, since bdubs starts clicking his bed at the barest hint of sunset. gotta shweep!
Grian: the stereotypical pick. he's the prankster man, everyone seems to think he's pretty childish and he often has the younger brother role even though he's not the youngest on the server. has started/been majorly involved in two wars. had an alter ego called poultry man who would fly around dropping eggs and spawning chickens everywhere.
Rendog: lore man lore man!!!! he has a bunch of fun and interesting characters and he puts a lot of thought into his episodes, from his builds to his mc skin, to make sure everything comes together perfectly. I don't watch his hermitcraft stuff but I've seen him via other hermit's povs and he rlly does pick a role and throw himself into it. it's amazing.
EthosLab: do you like anime kinnies? do you like old gods of minecraft? well let me introduce you to ethoslab! i want to study him in a lab. he causes problems on purposes. he builds super random redstone things. he messes with noteblocks. he was head of shennanigans. his minecraft skin is kakashi hatake from naruto. there was a block named after him in the 2013 april fools update (the EthoSlab). who is this man. i think he also has the longest running minecraft lets play. what the heck.
Grian: bird man. good at flying. chaotic bitch. idk some of the vibes are there.
Tangotek: crazy redstone man. builds crazy minigames. idk there aren't actually many similarities here other than they're both often associated with fire in fanworks despite not actually having that much to do with it.
EthosLab: aforementioned anime kinnie. crazy redstone. idk. Zedaph: in season 7 he built a cave of contraptions which contained these amazing redstone machines that found the most complicated and convoluted ways to perform regular tasks, just for the hell of it. what a guy! Iskall85: they're friends :3. that is all. (actually they both just have very similar Vibes. I have no other way to describe it. it's just Vibes).
Cubfan135: (specifically season 6). evil capitalist man (/lh). ran a big corporation with scar. they made profit from a war. idk i dont watch cub, thats all i could think of. GoodTimesWithScar: evil capitalist man with cub in season 6. in season 7 he got voted mayor and then started charging the shops to allow them to be accessed from the road. there was also a big "war" over mycelium. fun times. he's actually a very genuine and sweet guy. also his cat jellie is in the game bc he won a competition or smthin. idk man he loves his cat so much. you know what builds belong to scar bc there's just jelies everywhere.
FalseSymmetry: okay listen the mcc teams are being announced as I'm typing this so my brain started thinkin mcc and basically they're both well known for being good at pvp. i dont watch false but i know she has a tumblr so i'd trust her with a knife.
Grian: thinkin mcc again. they teamed for mcc pride. you can go watch that if u want to get grians Vibes while still having a dsmp member present for some familiarity. idk.
GeminiTay: a lot of ppl say they like niki's streams bc of the comforting vibes and general chill atmosphere, and I think gem matches that pretty well. cy once said she sounds like fluttershy and tbh i sorta agree. shes an awesome builder and insanely smart and even though she's new this season im already incredibly attatched to her.
Zedaph: aforementioned cave of contraptions rlly fits tubbo's vibe. i think he's going the mad scientist route this season too. Docm77: another mad scientist. already early on he made this super weird lighting farm thing? i dont even know but i've seen the clip and its MAD. even if you dont watch hermitcraft you should check out that individual clip.
literally any of them bc i genuinely belive wholeheartedly that foolish would fit perfectly on hermitcraft if he could manage not to swear. (altho maybe cub bc last season he build a giant pyramid.)
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being a younger Avenger and mentoring Kamala
Kamala Khan x reader
warnings: avengers game spoilers, guns
a/n: so excited about this one; i made y/n just a bit older (and gn!) so that they’re in their mid-early teens during a-day! hope thats okie doke! reader has electrokinesis. this accidentally got really detailed
prompt: anonymous: “Hey there! Would you mind writing HCs for the Avengers Game about female reader being a young Avenger (around 17) and mentoring Kamala Khan?”
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you were just a kid yourself when you joined the avengers
and you were an inspiration to kids around the world
“does SHIELD think nothing of child labor laws?” -bruce
the avengers became your family
and seeing what you could do...they knew you could handle yourself
and then a-day happened
the day started off so perfect
and the kids went ballistic over seeing you
“y/h/n! look, it’s y/h/n!”
“can i get a picture?”
“hi, guys! of course you can!”
but there was one kid who stuck out among the rest
kamala khan
“you’re the one who wrote about the sewers, right? i freaking loved it! may i just say your art is amazing?”
“oh, yeah! and the part where you had thor spin mjölnir to push water towards the sewer lizards so i could shock them? genius!”
she could not wait to tell abu about what you had just said
you obviously took a selfie with her and handed her a little pin with your own “icon” on it
but your world got turned upside down that day
the battle was one you’d never forget
and the fighting with your own teammates afterwards would haunt you for years to come
“what do you know, y/n?! you’re just a kid!” -tony
“oh yeah? im one of the only functioning members of this team!”
“everybody calm down. y/n makes a good point, but—” -nat
“thank you”
“...but there’s some stuff you should leave up to us. you really shouldn’t have to take on so much responsibility” -nat
“she’s right, y/n. this was our fault” -bruce
“are you kidding me?! i’m just as guilty as the rest of you, i’m an equal member of this team! for years we’ve dealt with this together, taken the blame together! what’s changed?”
“y/n...you saw what we did out there. that changed everything...” -bruce
you technically were an inhuman, just not terrigen-based
didnt matter to AIM, they took dr. pym for god’s sake
so you had to run, you were on your own for a while
a long while
you laid low for five years, most boring five years of your life
at least you still had your life, though. it just wasn’t what it used to be
but you got a message one day
“‘tiny dancer,’ huh? my moneys on either nat or tony. nah, tony would have chosen ‘rocket man.’”
you couldn’t be sure, maybe it was just a random shield agent...maybe hank pym? god, this was crazy
the message brought you to, uh, cap’s memorial statue
and there was a young girl arguing with a couple of boys...an inhuman!
you hopped in and saved her, she seemed scared
“hey, kid, you alright?”
“y/h/n? is it really you?”
she seemed vaguely familiar
“are you tiny dancer?”
“no, i thought you might be? they sent you here, too?”
there wasn’t much time to chat, AIM was onto you
you two unfortunately got split up for a minute, but you were practically raised by the notorious clint barton and natasha romanoff, and various other spies
yes, you planted a tracker on her
and met her at the bus stop!
“you found me?”
“that i did, kamala. see, i do remember you”
“that is so cool! i mean—not almost getting killed, or the guy with the big head...”
“what guy? you need to tell me everything”
the whole busride was a bit overwhelming. kamala explained the resistance clues, her powers, her undying admiration for the avengers, you name it
but it made you feel good to know that there were people out there that didn’t hate you
“so what was it like? being the teenage avenger?”
“uh, it was...it was really cool. i felt like i was one-of-a-kind. but sometimes people didn’t take me seriously, it was kind of aggravating”
“yeah, no one takes me seriously either...”
“you know, depending on how this all goes, i might be able to give you a few pointers”
“really?! that’d be great!”
once you got to utah...you saw the chimera
it brought back some bad memories, kamala could tell
“you okay?”
“me? yeah, im good. just thinking...okay, well, do you have a plan on how to get yourself across all of this?”
“actually, i do!”
it was kind of creepy in there, but when you laid your eyes on caps shield, you kind of broke
“do you hear something, what it that?”
“...hulk. kamala, you need to get out of here, i’ll catch up to you, i swear”
she didn’t leave in time, so she got to see the greener side of bruce. you chased him back and tried to get bruce back
meanwhile, kamala found AIM troops...oops
bruce cooled off and man was he doing rough
“y/n, is that really you?”
“yeah, its me. surprise. how long have you been the big guy?”
“too long...a few years”
“jesus, im sorry. i’ll be right back, though. some kid brought me here, i gotta go get her. you kinda scared her off”
she was passed out when you got to her
but bruce is a doctor, he’d figure it out
“i could give her a little shock to wake her up, you know?”
“oh, i know. just let her rest for a minute. she needs it”
“right...well im gonna take a look around, maybe go see what i left behind. i could power the place up, but we’re missing some parts to actually get this thing running. best i can do is lights and doors”
you turned the little things on and turns out did leave a decent amount of stuff in here
your first pair of pistols that nat gave you, the gigantic stein that thor gifted you for your 13th birthday, gadgets tony needed an “extra boost” for *bzzt*, a note from cap that just said “good luck, y/n, you’re going to do great!” you cant even remember what it was he was referring to. you just missed him
kamala walked in while you were shuffling around and cleaning the place up
“hey, dr. banner wanted me to come get you. is this your room?”
“that it is, and it’s a huge mess. this is literally all my belongings ever”
bruce had his plan and you just went along, helping kamala out as you go
“baby steps, kam, don’t want you to pass out. but don’t worry, happens to the best of us” -you
“really? you pass out too?” -kamala
“oh yeah, for sure. tell her bruce, remember that time we had thor overcharge me to literally make me an EMP? and tony was busy listening to music so he wouldn’t get out of the blast radius and his armor shut down? so he was out of commission and i had just collapsed from it all? good times”
“y/n, we thought you died” -bruce
this hc is so long omg — anyways you guys ended up finding tony and it was sort of entertaining but he kinda punched bruce and then hugged you
“you got so big”
“shut up, tony”
you kinda harbored some bad feelings since none of the avengers did anything to help you once they started rounding up inhumans (but you still missed them)
getting attacked again
“okay, kamala, remember what i said about baby steps. dont overdo it. i trust you with this!”
“thank you, y/n! uh—oh my god!”
aaaanyways you went to the ant hill to see hank and pick up some supplies, boy was it great to see some familiar faces, then back the the chimera you went to fix it all up
“can you hold that right there for me, kamala? thanks. i think that just about does it. now i have a surprise for you...your own room!”
you helped kamala get it nice and tidy while talking about each other’s lives, she really did remind you of yourself when you became an avenger. excited, scared, underestimated, all of that. and she begged you to share some mission stories, so you obviously did
“you know, if you stick around for a while, you’re gonna have some cool stories, too. maybe even a kickass costume.”
“oh! a costume, ive got that sorta covered. check it out. a burkini, muslim women wear it for swimming and stuff. my mom got it for me”
“love it. soon we’ll find you a fitting name and update the suit, but seriously, this was the perfect way to go. you look great”
“you think so? i don’t know if i feel that cool. maybe i should try something else?”
“if that’s how you feel, you don’t have to stick to it. you can experiment all you want! but i really think you did awesome on this. come on, pose with me! and hey, i like your pins.”
at this point, you’d do anything for kamala, she reminded you so much of yourself. you would have killed for a mentor your age back in the day.
natasha was in fact tiny dancer...called it
“oh, god, y/n. you’re all grown up...im sorry we left you alone. but if it makes you feel better, i always kept an eye on you”
“well, i kind of took on a protégé...she’s like your grand-protégé. kam, c’mere”
after thor finally came back, everyone started fighting again and ditched, it felt so familiar. but you couldn’t leave kamala behind, you swore to yourself that you couldn’t do that.
she was so good for this team
MODOK was defeated (by kamala herself) but there was so much left to do, tons of threats to extinguish, training to accomplish
“y/n, tony won’t turn his dad rock off! he overrode the speakers in my room”
“oh, it’s on. get chastity’s fabric dye and bleach pens. we’re gonna start some trouble”
she gave you a high five one time and nearly broke your arm
sending each other tiny hand memes
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“hey, ms. m, how’re your parents? doing okay without their favorite super-daughter?”
“my abu doesn’t stop texting me actually, says my family is super proud of me. it’s a nice change of pace”
you take her on covert missions for field training, it was Educational(tm)
*elevator music playing* “so...what do you want for dinner? i was thinking we could ask thor to barbecue”
sleepovers in her room that just turn into her showing you her superhero merch, listening to music, prank lists, sneaking off to the HARM room for hand-to-hand combat training and power experiments, thinking up new costume designs
“tip: you always need backup suits, you never know what you’re gonna run into out there. one time tony pushed me into a tower of paint cans and they spilled all over me. steve yelled at him for two hours afterwards. worst mission ever, except steve said ‘motherfucker’ and i have never recovered from the emotions of that day”
“wow, i wish i could have been there for that”
“don’t worry, kami, you’ll see some crazy ‘team bonding’ along the way”
she geeks out about captain marvel sometimes
“hey, i’ve got a book carol gave to me about ‘teens taking responsibility.’ you wanna read it?”
“is it any good?”
“i don’t know, i only read the first two pages”
you ended up having a true heart-to-heart with her after one mission when she made a mistake that nearly cost you guys the mission. you told her that not every mission is going to go perfect, each avenger had slipped up in the field, and she had just started, shes not going to be perfect
“i am literally always here if you need anything. i know what it feels like to be a teenager among legends, but trust me, you’ve made it this far and you’ve proven how much of a badass you are. i know you can take anything that gets thrown at you”
kamala said she makes vegan nachos and yeah she makes vegan nachos
you guys have to hide from the rest of the team when she makes them bc they eat ALL OF THEM
gaff (the SHEILD vendor) has you test his gear, you recommend gear to kamala
you were so excited to guide kamala on her journey of heroism
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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velvetkisscsxx · 3 years
Candy kisses.
{The title is inspired by a fanfiction that I read. It was from thewallandtheflower. But my storyline is nothing near to the other author’s story :)}
Pair: Reader x Ron Weasley
Summary: A pair of best friend finally got what they want.
Warning: smut?? uhm i dont know what else tbh ://
A/N:  not a heavy smut cause im so bad at writing smuts😩 and this is my first writing ever so bear with it😔 and english is not my first language so im so sorry at how bad my grammars are :(
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
The music were firing up the whole Room of Requirement. The smell of alcohol and sweats from the people were lingering in the air. The room was warm and full of sexual tension.
The Gryffindors decided to held a party; celebrating the win that they got at end year quidditch game. It was a pretty fair game. As usual, the seeker and the Chosen One that caught the snitch and made their house won.
You were dancing on a table. Everybody was staring at you, so did your favourite redhead.
Ron Weasley. Your best friend. You guys are always together or in another word, inseparable. You always know where he is and he always knows where you are. You guys have been flirting with each other since the last summer break; absolutely a thing that best friends DON’T do. Hermione and Harry always tease you guys, saying “at this point, get married already” or “you guys totally fancy each other. Deep down, you really fancy him. Who doesn’t? He is a Weasley?! But he keeps eyeing every girl at Hogwarts and say how good they would look with him. And after his relationship with Lavender Brown, you finally know that you actually fancy him.
You didn’t drink that much considering how bad it will be if you are drunk. You will become all stupid and blabbing some stuff that you shouldn’t.
Your hips were swaying to the loud music, your hands were up in the air, totally feeling yourself. The tight black dress that was perfectly hugging your curves made you look sexier and more irresistible than you already have. You were having a lot of joy and fun until you feel like someone was staring at you. You were looking around and despite the almost-dark room that were flashing with some random colour lights, your eyes still found its way to your favourite redhead. He was staring at you, eyes full of lust and love. His gaze were burning on your body. With the confidence that you had; although you didn’t drink, you made your way to him. You took a seat next to the empty space next to him, putting your hand on his lap. While gently caressing his lap up and down, your mouth nearing to his ears.
“Got any problem, love?” you said, smirking while breathing in his cologne. To your surprise, he grabbed your arms and dragged you out from the Room of Requirement to his dorm. The warmth of his hand gave you butterflies.
Once you guys were finally in his room, he cast silencing charm and locking charm. Oh boy... this is ABSOLUTELY going somewhere.
You sat on his soft and fluffy bed. He made his way to his drawer where he put his sweets in. It is his habit now; keeping sweets and food inside his room incase he is hungry at night. You watched him while he took out a caramel from the drawer. He unwrapped it and sat in front of you.
“Open your mouth, love” he whispered, sending shivers down your spine. You obeyed, opening your mouth, still confused at what he was going to do. He chuckled looking at how fast you opened your mouth. He, next, put the caramel in between your teeth and closed your mouth by pushing your chin up so that you are biting the candy.
He leaned in, whispering “i love you” and made his way to your lips. He took the caramel from your lips to his and softly kneading your lips with his mouth while the candy is in his mouth. After a while, he pushed the candy back to your mouth. The warmth of his saliva made your stomach swarmed with butterflies. He deepened the kiss by pulling you closer with his hand. You guys kept exchanging the caramel in between each other lips, while wanting more and more from each other.
He softly push down your body, so now, you were laying on his bed. The smell of apple and cinnamon filled your nose. The smaller the candy got, the more you guys want each other. The candy got smaller and smaller and now, you guys were only savouring each other’s lips. His right hand was still on your cheek while his left hand made its way to your breast, making a circle on your nipple, kneading them softly. You could feel his smirk as you were moaning his name. You pulled away from the kiss and made your way to his neck and chest, leaving wet kisses and hickeys in between, earning few soft breathy moans from him. You both got undressed, only the pants that he got left on him while you were fully naked; since you were wearing a one-piece. He lifted your head up with his pointer finger, making eye contact with you and his hand made its way back to your chest and lower and lower to your inner thighs. Before he continued, he looked up at you.
“Are you okay with this, love?” he asked, worried that you are not comfortable with what he was doing.
“More than okay” you cooed, trying your best to hold in your moan. He nodded and slap your inner thigh lightly, telling you to spread your leg. You did, but your insecurities got the best of you, you slowly closed your inner thighs back, hoping that he won’t notice it. Well, he noticed it. Looking up at you, he smiled.
“Nothing to feel insecure about, darling. You are an absolute goddess. Trust me, okay?” he asked in soft voice. You nodded, in awe at this words.
He went back to your heat, and slowly pulled away your panties. He then teased your folds with his finger, making you whimper at the slight pleasure that he was giving. As you were enjoying it, he made his way to your heat, circling his tongue on your clit.
“Fuck... Ron...” you moaned out his name, loud. Gripping his hair softly, and playing with it as he is giving you nothing but pleasure down at your core. He then pushed his finger, tongue still circling your clit.
“Ron... don’t stop... please...” you cried out, feeling him smirking down there.
“M’ not planning to, my dear” he continued to do the deed. Despite being the innocent Ron he is, he is extremely good at giving you pleasure; maybe because he once had a relationship with Lavender Brown.
You suddenly feel a ball of pleasure started to pile up in your stomach and your heart screaming and wanting more and more from him.
“I’m going to cum. Fuck fuck fuck” you cried it out.
“Cum for me, princess” he said, giving you more pleasure than he already gave. A few more strokes from his finger, you finally came undone. Your chest going up and down, trying to settle down your heavy breathing from the extreme climax that you had.
After you were done and finally relax. You got up and made your way to him, telling him to lay down on the bed so that you can return the pleasure that he gave. He nodded. You looked at him, seeing the outline on his jeans. At that time, you know that he is BIG. He smirked, knowing that you were staring at his bulge. You massaged his bulge with your palm, earning a few soft moans from him.
“Fuck... just like that princess” he threw his head back in pleasure. With the help from him, he is not completely naked, just with his boxer on. You pulled it away, drooling at his length. (10 inches😏). You gave kitty licks on his hard throbbing member, making him bucked his hips, wanting more and more. You waste no time and started to filled your mouth with his member. You can feel it throbbing, screaming and wanting pleasure. You looked up at him, staring at the beautiful redhead’s face that was in pleasure that you were giving. His cock hit the back of your throat, making him let out a loud groan.
“Yes... just like that... fuckkk...” he screamed.
His member twitched, indicating that he finally reaching his climax. You speed out, not wanting to waste any times. After a few strokes, he finally came. Warm liquid went into your mouth and you swallowed it.
He pulled your body, letting you lay beside him, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his head at the crook of your neck.
“I love you so much...” he whispered, making you giggle. You responded with an “i love you too”
“You are mine, and I am yours” he finally marked his territory. You smiled, feeling the win that you have wished for a long time. You hugged him and drift off to sleep.
Finally, the redhead is yours. After those flirtings and saying stuff to each other, it finally came true. You love him, and he loves you. Nothing matters more than the guy beside you.
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