#it's ok guys we like jokes and u can be silly in the asks
cabinofimagines · 1 year
Okay, wow, I was just trying to make a slight joke about being single (I’m the almost 19 Anon) and that turned into a whole lot. Sorry, I didn’t expect it to cause all of that.
It's alright!
Honestly, it's hard for us to read when you guys are being serious or not, I feel it's like my responsability as one of the eldest admins here not to encourage that way of thinking specially when there's like a whole spectrum out there and kids that are trying to figure out themselves can feel bad if they read those asks and assume there's something wrong with them for not wanting/having a partner
But it was honestly not your fault, I could've answered in a more clear way "hey that's a bit graphic but thank u for sending support" and instead I also replied with sarcasm or whatever u wanna call it
But the point is none of us is perfect and we're definitely not meant to be the same as everyone else so really don't feel bad, just now u know that in the future is better to not make jokes that could potentially hurt others :)
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ghulehthezombiequeen · 5 months
stargirl interlude - sodo x reader
a/n: *cracks knuckles* alright first fic of the new year lets go!!! also li hing mui is dried plum and they make a powder which is put on almost every dessert/candy in hawaii! it's delicious and everyone should try it because y'all are missing out (ok maybe i wanted to share a bit of culture with u guys)
warnings/things to note: afab reader but no pronouns used, sodo says the L word (no not leprosy), talk about pregnancy (nothing happens though), he's a big goofball and doesn't understand humans' societal dating rules, slightly suggestive (he's getting baby fever due to his heat cycle approaching)
enjoy <3
word count: 944 ~
Sodo stared at you as you entered his room in the middle of the night, holding a bag. "I come bearing gifts!" you said triumphantly, causing him to crack a small smile. "What's that?" he asked, eyeing the contents of the bag. "Li hing gummy worms! You'll like it, it's tangy." you smile, tossing him the bag.
He caught the bag of gummy worms in one hand, his eyes narrowing to slits as he inspected the packaging before taking a worm out and sniffing it before nibbling on it. His eyes widened and it wasn't long until he shoved the rest of the candy into his mouth. "You're correct."
"You're welcome, ya goofball." you smiled, sitting next to him and holding out your palm. "May I have one?"
He nodded, tail swishing in satisfaction as he dug into the bag, dropping a red and blue worm into your palm.
"Wow, so generous," you joked sarcastically. "But thank you." You popped the sweet candy into your mouth, mouth instantly watering as the li hing powder coated your tongue.
Sodo continued devouring a few more gummies before he turned to you with a crooked smile. "I have a question."
"Yeah? What's up?"
His smile broadened as he watched you finished eating your gummy worm. "Marry me."
You blinked. "I- what?"
He didn't hesitate as he got down onto one knee and took out a black ring box. "Marry me." he repeated.
"Er... no thank you?" you answered hesitantly, looking puzzled. "What are... you doing?"
He didn't seem offended by your answer as he sat back on the couch next to you. "You don't want to marry me?" he asked, tilting his head to the side in curiosity.
"Um, honey, we're not even dating."
His brows furrowed as he thought for a moment, nodding. "So... we're going to date first? When can we start? Now?"
His innocence caused you to laugh, shaking your head. "Oh, no, honey, that's not how this works."
He pouted but couldn't hold back a smile as he saw you laughing. "Then when do we start?"
You stared at him, letting out a chuckle as you shook your head. "Well, normally... someone asks the person they like to go somewhere together. Like dinner at a restaurant, coffee, even the fair."
Sodo's ghoulish tail started to wrap around your leg, pinning it to the seat. "So, you're saying I should ask you out on a date? Okay!" "W-Wha- slow down!" you laughed, nudging his tail off your leg.
He moved his tail out of the way but was soon replaced by his hand as he pulled you close to him. "So. Date, now. We go, yes?"
"No, not now! Sodo, I swear on everything unholy, it's 3am! And get your paw off my leg." you tugged at his loose sleeve, lifting his arm away.
He frowned, slowly letting go of you. "But... but I love you." he whined.
That statement caught you off-guard, feeling your cheeks turn pink. "Er... S-Sodo, you, uh... you don't say that right away."
He shrugged. "I didn't know the exact rules." He went silent for a moment, tapping his foot as he thought. After a moment, he figured it out, eyes lighting up. "So I should ask you out on a date, we go to dinner and then I say 'I love you'?"
You giggled at his silliness. "No, we're supposed to talk about ourselves at dinner, see if we're compatible for each other. That word doesn't come until later."
"Like... after we've kissed a few times and we both know each other's secret weaknesses?" He asked, confused.
"I... sure."
"Okay. So after that, I ask you to marry me again?"
"Sodo, hon. Listen." You grabbed his face gently. "Marriage doesn't happen that quick. It takes at least a year of dating."
His eyes flickered with confusion but nodded. "Okay, well... I'll ask you to marry me after our first date then. Okay?"
"Sodo. You can marry me later. After about, hm, one hundred dates and a few years." You said firmly.
"Ohh, so first date, then we ask to be engaged." His tail wagged slightly, his smile widening. "Is that right?"
"Ah, no." You shook your head. "Sodo, marriage doesn't come that quickly unless you want people to think you got me pregnant."
Sodo tilted his head, one of his eyebrows cocking upwards as a devious smile hint at his lips. "Is that a challenge, then?" Your eyes widened and you gasped, lightly hitting his harm. "Is that a yes, my dear?" his smile widened, moving his tail to snake around your waist. "Sodo, I'm not having kids!" "But I want some," he pleaded, giving you puppy-dog eyes. "Please?"
"I don't think a half-ghoul child is a good thing," you shook your head.
"Why not? Don't you want a little me running around to call your own?" He leaned closer, gently touching your cheek with his finger. "Our baby," he whispered.
What was wrong with him? He was never like this. Your eyes widened as you realized-- he was nearing his heat cycle.
"Does someone have baby fever? Is it because your heat should be coming soon?"
He grunted, leaning in and sniffing your neck. "Soon enough..." You rolled your eyes. Great, now he was being clingy. You put your hands on his shoulders, gently pushing him back. "Alright, that's enough."
"But you look so tasty... please... you smell delicious." he whined.
"I'm gonna lock you in my closet for two weeks again if you don't behave." you warned, which did the trick as he shot back up and cuddled a pillow instead, letting out a small hiss.
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ kim taehyung x reader ]
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TAE ( ´(エ)ˋ )
taehyung: baby was just in the store
and the worker lady came and asked me what the flow was like
at first i was like
but then it clicked
so then i dropped the hardest freestyle known to man
like no joke was wayyy better than anything yoongi joon or hobi would spit
and i KNOW she was fucking with it cuz she was like
y/n: are you actually brain dead be honest
taehyung: don’t be mad cuz you don’t flow like me
y/n: i do flow
taehyung: NO WAY?????
didn’t know u got down like that pretty
should we battle or something
let’s get the worker lady to judge it
y/n: did you get the fucking pads or not?
taehyung: what
y/n: taehyung
taehyung: taehyung
y/n: yes or no
taehyung: oh
y/n: don’t oh me
taehyung: um
y/n: taehyung
taehyung: ok i see where i went wrong lolz
i was standing in front of the little period isle when she asked about flow
in my defence she should of been more specific
like i’m kim taehyung
ofc i’m gonna be thinking about music
like that’s my whole life
y/n: you had a mask on no?
taehyung: yeah
but i have real recognisable eyes she should of known
y/n: or maybe you should of had some fucking common sense?????
taehyung: i did
it’s very common to confuse flows
y/n: you were standing in the pad isle and chose to freestyle
taehyung: did do that
y/n: you amaze me
taehyung: thank u ❤️
y/n: that was not a compliment
taehyung: i’m pretty sure it was
y/n: i’m telling you it’s not
taehyung: someone’s on her period 😭
y/n: I AM
i’m actually going to strangle you
taehyung: almost home
y/n: do not come back
taehyung: let’s get the pads together
and like idk what size pussy you wear so like you can help
y/n: stop talking to me
oh my god
i hate you
i actually hate you
taehyung: is ur pussy big???
be honest
taehyung: small medium or large
just like a coke from mcdonalds
tell me babe
y/n: you did not just compare my pussy to a fucking mcdonalds coke
taehyung: would you of preferred i said sprite??
y/n: go
taehyung: meow
are you mad at me????
what did i do
baby :(((((((((((
y/n: if you do not come home with my fucking pads and flowers i’m not letting u in
taehyung: what about mcdonalds???
y/n: fuck off
taehyung: ur telling me ur not hungry rn…
y/n: are you trying to call me big??
taehyung: the biggest!!!
y/n: blocked.
taehyung: HEART
y/n: don’t care kys
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y/n: what the actual fuck is wrong with you
taehyung: wrong photo
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there you go
why they kinda look like us waitttt
y/n: that is a white man and woman
taehyung: us in an alternate universe
y/n: bye
taehyung: baby talk to me pls
come back
let’s love
not fight
not hate
let’s hold hands
skip in some fields
let’s paint
omg paint me like one of ur french girls
didn’t that girl that like almost drown say that
flipping loser
i could never drown
put me in the middle of the ocean and i wouldn’t drown i’m telling you
i’m a swimmer
not a drowner
put me in a hurricane bro
y/n: hurricane??
taehyung: the big wave of water thing
y/n: a tsunami????
taehyung: is that not a dessert…
y/n: what
taehyung: tsunami
y/n: no
taehyung: babe…
y/n: just piss off actually
taehyung: i told you
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y/n: that literally says tiramisu
taehyung: exactly
y/n: last words
taehyung: chicken nuggets?
you can no longer send messages to this contact!
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aw wait wtf :/
silly little silly post
don’t hold me to this btw these are just quick silly little sillies you get me??? probably not but it’s ok cuz i get it and that’s all that matters in life sighs
i could be a poet guys i’m telling you
tags: @piw6n @jvmisvu @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @junghoseokshusband
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cinnbar-bun · 12 days
um um i've never requested stuff b4 so i hope this is ok and also isn't too vague / silly of a prompt ;_;...
may i request hcs for doppio x a reader who's a total dog-dad/pet parent?
like brings their dog everywhere that's not dangerous, treats them better then they treat themselves, genuinely considers murder if someone even makes a tiny negative joke abt their dog etc 😭... (or maybe just hcs abt how doppio would feel arnd a reader who has a big dog in general:3 whatever works better for u !!!) /nf
— @child-ofdust (i hope i didnt type too much help) 🐾
A/n: YEAH OF COURSE DEAR HERE U GO!!! I changed it up a bit so it's kinda a combination of both your ideas so hope that's okay <3
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Doppio w/ an S/O who has a dog
Notes: GN!Reader, Doppio so pssttt there's kinda a spoiler for Part 5 do not read if you haven't seen it, minor swearing, but pretty funny and fluffy
WC: ~.6k
Doppio hasn’t had much experience with dogs. Yes, he’s seen dogs before, occasionally pet one a few times, perhaps got unlucky to be chased by many of them. He was initially worried how your dog would react to him because he’s worried your dog will hate him and run after him. 
Your dog was actually pretty kind to him, which made him so happy and relieved. Doppio is crying tears of joy that your dog does not want to maul him like a chew toy. He shouldn’t have been that surprised, honestly, but it was still a welcome treat for Doppio. 
He sees how much you love your dog and he finds it really sweet! Doppio does like to care for smaller animals and insects, and seeing that you care for your dog makes him feel better. He feels happy knowing you treat your dog with respect and tons of love. 
He would be nervous initially to care for your dog because he doesn’t want to make you or your dog uncomfortable. He’s kind of like… ‘am I allowed to touch your dog? Can I pet them? Can I brush them?’ 
Please help him, he’s never done this before and he’s very anxious. 
Doppio is acting extra gentle with your dog because he hasn’t yet gauged what is an appropriate amount of force needing to brush or clean your dog. After you teach him and get him used to it a few times, Doppio gets the hang of it and can do it on his own. 
He’s not jealous of your dog, he’s not that kind of guy. Again, he really cares for some animals and your dog is a sweetie pie. You love your dog so much, and Doppio loves you very much, so of course he’d love your dog! 
He kinda sees your dog as like… your child? In a weird way? He’s just like yep, this is my beloved and this is our dog <3 I love my family <3 
And unlike a certain other man who shall not be named he does not abandon his family <3
He has so much fun playing with you and your dog. Especially if your dog likes to jump on him and snuggle him he loves it so much!!! Fluffy attack he’s laughing so hard until there are tears pouring down his face. 
Also, he takes his dog duties so seriously. If you ask him to walk the dog or give the dog a bath, Doppio is preparing like he’s going to war. He’s so focused and determined and nothing will stop him from caring for your dog. Absolutely nothing can break his concentration and so help him if anything dares to interrupt or prevent him from-
He’s quickly picking up a dog bone and straight up just YELLS at Diavolo. 
“What the HELL do you want? Huh? I’m walking my dog! Don’t you know how to time shit correctly? I’M BUSY!!!!” 
Doppio is so angry at Diavolo for calling him at these times, he just gets incredibly frustrated at him for interrupting his time with you and your cute dog. 
After he gets off the “phone” he needs lots of snuggles and kisses from you and your dog or else he might pop a blood vessel. 
Hilarious idea but Diavolo telling Doppio what to do with your dog whenever Doppio gets confused or is unsure of what do. 
“Ah, damn, what is the dog food we get again?” He says at the store. “The blue one.” “This one?” “Yeah. That one.” “Thanks, boss.”
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usuibu · 9 months
is it ok for u to do eren or armin with number 34?? i love ur headcannons sm they’re so accurate 💗😭
I love u so much thank youu😭😭😭 and ofc!!! I’ll do both bc I have nothing else to do rn
34. dating them
More headcanons/masterlist
Eren - In the beginning he’s just very charming but the whole thing is like u fell first but he fell harder, he’d slowly get obsessed (but its mutual anyway) he started to fall even harder when he saw u getting along w his family and his mum loving u just made him love u more😭 hes just a silly family guy 🤷‍♀️
He defo asks everyone and their mothers for advice on what gifts to get u and what he should do for anything bc he thinks he’ll fuck things up but he still lowk ignores the advice he asks for and goes w his gut💀 his guts acc never wrong tho he usually makes the right decisions
U guys have a great relationship overall tho he likes couple pics and does post u but u guys arent like LOUD abt ur relationship u both just post a normal amount with each other but not necessarily abt them like u dont make i love my bf posts but u do post like out with the bf etc etc ao people know and ur couples pics are GOOD asl (bc hes a picky shit who wants them to look perfect) and u guys are very quality time people,, hes not that clingy in public but when ur alone its like a flip switches and he becomes a baby with separation anxiety😭 like he’ll follow u around everywhere even if ur just getting a snack or making a drink
Armin - He’s obv shy and he has a hard time saying what he fr wants and eren gives him unsolicited advice😭 armin still follows it tho but its just funny bc erens half pissing around giving him outlandish advice like the ‘girls ALWAYS like this or this and this’ but u can always tell armin has good intentions so its cute
he gets annoyed when u make fun of him when he tries be affectionate he denies it but he goes RED and his gifts are always super thoughtful and sentimental,, he’s a normal amound of affection like he likes holding ur hand in public and arms around ur shoulder is all standard but he only gets more clingy when hes tired☹️☹️☹️
hes defo the type to not want u to get out of bed and trap u inside and hes very acts of service he defo remembers ur drink order from the shop and makes u breakfast etc he can cook very well imo🤷‍♀️ but hes always insecure for some reason like he keeps on feeding u while he cooks asking what U think the dish needs as if he doesnt know any better😭 anyway bc u like his cooking the dinner dates r usually at home which he surprises u with☹️
U guys get very giggly when ur doing smt together like if hes trying to explain smt to u and u dont get it idk how to word it like u guys match each others energy u have a cute banter with mini inside jokes like IDK armins just such a loverboy i love bf!armin😭
Hes super like huffy when u tease him for shit like ‘awwww u wanna watch a movie with me’ he gets pissed and muttery like ‘i just thought it’d be cute if we did but if u dont want to then ig not’ while turning away and u’d both just be giggly bc u both cant keep up a bit
Hes also the type to come home w like a ‘just bc’ gift like ‘I thought this bracelet would look good on u’ or ‘a random guy on the street was selling flowers i felt bad so i bought some😭’
Sorry my armin ones got so long i realised ive never gone into depth abt him but I LOVE IT SM lmk if u guys want some more bf!armin headcanons lolol
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or armin or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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THE TEXT CONVOS !! I hope it looks ok. I left spaces between the texts (ALSO THANK U FOR THE REQUEST 💗 ) 💺 anon
🍊) My little (brat) princess
🍒: Buy pads please!! 🍊: Already did, anything else that may satisfy her majesty? ❤️
🍊: Hi pretty. Can't find my tie, did you took it? It's the navy one 🍒: No, must've been your side chick :( 🍊: Please tell me you're joking 🍒: I'm not 🍊: Woman I practically worship the ground you walk on 🍒: Screenshotting this to Lem. Also your tie is with me :) 🍊: You two got jokes huh
🍒: Pretty women called "sleepless nights worried about my husband" is waiting for me in bed 🍊: Not tonight love. Coming home in 5
🍊: What kind of streets do ghosts hunt? 🍊: Dead ends
🍊: Really want to shoot him in the head 🍒: What are you talking about? 🍊: He's so fucking cocky huh? 🍒: Ladybug? He's not doing anything 🍊: That "we should all order some food" sounded pretty flirty to me 🍒: You deserve the electric chair
🍊: Are you from Mississippi? Cause you're the only miss who's piss I'll sippie [You blocked this contact]
🍊: That nob better stop touching your shoulder before I give him a lobotomy 🍊: Got the "little off the top" looking haircut 🍒: HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER 🍊: He should see an optometrist since he clearly didn't notice the ring on your finger 🍒: I told him I have a husband 5 times already but he said "it doesn't matter", so I gave him your number 🍊: That's my girl
🍒: [1 image attached] 🍊: Oh my fucking god 🍊: God took his time with you
🍒: Would you be mad at me if I punched you in the face? 🍊: What's the context love? Are we making out and you just started beating me up? 🍒: Why would I EVER do that??? 🍊: You tell me, you were the one who asked. 🍊: Wait you might actually be onto someting here love 🍒: THATS IT, SEX BAN 🍊: WHAT
🍒: What is taking you so long? 🍊: Lady at the cashier won't leave me alone 🍒: Please hurry up I want you to eat me out :( [Tan reacted with ❤️] 🍒: Tell her "husband duties are calling"
🍋) Silly goofy guy
🍋: I'm really over here with Aristotle talking about plumbs and farmers and shit
🍒: Did you actually got into a fight with that Kimura guy just because he said he didn't like my tie? 🍋: Cherry defender first, human second
🍋: Bro is not listening to me 🤼‍♂️ 🍒: I'll hear you out on Henrys 🍋: [voice message: 42:33]
🍋: Got bored so I drew you 🍋: [1 image attached] 🍒: Thanks !! 🍒: Why do I have 3 fingers on each hand though? 🍋: I stole the other four
🍒: Are the cookies you left for me a prank? 🍋: Are they that bad? 🍒: What?? No!! Of course not!! 😊 I loved them!! 🫶 🍋: I got a feeling you're being sarcastic
🍋: Tan said nobody likes lemons 🍒: I'll kill him
🍒: The bartender asked for my phone number 🍋: BOOOOOO 📢📢 every time 🍒: I gave him Tan's number. Wanna catfish him? 🍋: LETS GO I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK
🍊🍋🍒) The fruit bowl
🍊: The group name is stupid 🍋: IT'S GENIUS 🍒: It's literally what we are 🍊: I think I should've named the group so it wouldn't be something stupid 🍋: "Tangerines are sophisticated" This you❓ 🍒: Point and laugh 🫵🤣 🍊: Piss off
🍋: I burned the pasta 🍊: You can cook? 🍋: I tried 🍊: Never do it again 🍋: Piss off at least I wasn't the one who dropped the pod on the floor 🍒: This is why you two aren't allowed in my kitchen
🍊: I'm just saying, relationships should be 50/50 🍊: She looks pretty, while I growl at anyone who looks at her 🍋: It's getting harder and harder to defend you 🍒: People are gonna think you're insane 🍋: He is
🍋: [1 image attached, it's a selfie of us three] 🍋: BOY WE SEE THEM BABY BLUES 🍒: I swear people don't even say bless you anymore, they just stare at you like that 🍊: Do you two ever stop to think about what you're saying? 🍋: No 😼 🍒: Nope 🍊: It shows
yeah no kidding you aced the shit out of these!!! and they are so fun to read !! I definitely get what you mean now by them being fun😭
LOVE LOVE LOVED them all but these have gotta be my faves
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THIS ONE??? had my cracking up. was still thinking about it and laughing to myself ages after reading 😭😭
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little off the top and the ring comment 😭
and giving the guy tan number and him saying that’s my girl🫠
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god took his time with you??? melting
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WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE!!! lemon definitely sends really long voice messages and spams with videos. like he’s giving you mini personal vlogs😭😭😭 he just starts talking about the most random shit walking around the house. “… yeah they said his car is fucked— no way. I just found this.” and holds it out to the camera and then he carries on with whatever he was saying before
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I feel like he struggled to draw all 10 fingers and got fed up so gave you simpson hands instead
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vacantfields · 3 months
HIHII! :D its me again the favorite :3 (joke🙏)
HOW ARE YOU BOYS!! :D i got new clothes yesterday dvbsisb🎉
Questions :3
1. How many languages can you speak? I know there's over 600 but are you programmed to know ALL OF THEM?
2. Hi Moon-moon! :D can i call you that? Is that ok?? :O how are youuu, myy question is if you still break the staff bots! On ur lil wiki it says you've broken a LOOTT of them ^^;
3. ECLIPSE!! BEST BOY!! HIHIIHIII HOW ARE YOUU :D because ur my favorite (no offense but also yes💥) i wanna know if you wanna go shopping with me and we can get tons of things >:D i also threaten your boss (and everyone else in the pizzaplex) to let you go with me :3 ALSO HERE HAVE THIS FANMADE CANDY FOR YOU! u have ur own candy now >:3 HUGS
4. HI SUNNY BOY!!! :D HOWW ARE YOUU?? Do you guys still need maintenance? Or do you do it yourselves? asking because i feel like its probably harder with the new functions on and in ur models and stuffs :P
5. Do you guys have a favorite song that isn't uhh-- idk space related or something? Like my favorite is pretty rave girl by SR3L and also Zombie by Johnnie Guilbert!!! :D
6. diddd you guys happen to see a dog run by, i snuck it in and now it's gone :( (note that it was abandoned im sensitive and felt bad)
7. caaann i live in the daycare with u guys :3 (i have nowhere to go and also free food xjsvsisghsk)
8. SORRY ITS A LOT I HAVE LOTS OF QUESTIONS!! Uhhh do you guys have a favorite animal or game? What's a hobby you guys have!!
9. Have you ever gotten fed up with the kids? (Like me sbhsosbh) I'm sure its a lot with, what? 40 hyperactive kids a day?? ^^;
10. I accidentally set fire to Monty Golf.
Sun: I- Starling. Ohhh Beloved little star. [He crouches down to your level] We love your questions! we do! But I've only got so many answers! [he laughs a little as he pats your head]
Moon: I can answer one of these which is No you cannot live with us, little starling. Its against the rules of the plex [he chuckles, amused by all of this]
Eclipse: (: You are very silly! thank you for the questions!
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luvring · 4 months
NIA OMFG SO ABT THE DATING APP POST U MADE (replies could not handle the novel I am about to impose on you)
the way I am so in love with iwa but he’s the epitome of not my irl type 😭 gym bros and their bland responses to hinge prompts scare me and I feel that he would have the exact profile you were talking abt. his redeeming quality would be like. a dog.
Bokuto would be the exception to the gym bro thing bc he is also a himbo and it shows (in the best way possible) and no one can resist that.
half of hq would not be my type irl and the other half that would be?? I’d be too scared to try to match cause they’re. gorgeous??????? Hello???
HOWEVER Akashi’s profile would totally be like cafe date vibes, libraries and very just. CALMING AND NICE AND I’D DO THE SAME AS YOU. The only thing is I think his prompt responses (I’m on hinge so this is the only dating app format ik) wouldn’t really give you tooooo much to work with but it’s ok no one can be perfect.
I think kuroo’s would be like super bf material tho. Like the kind of profile that you’re certain gets a lot of interaction and makes you wonder if he’s even active on the app anymore LOL. also gives good responses, he’s just slightly dorky but it’s so endearing and it adds to the appeal of his profile.
I think suna’s would be super chill with like humorous undertones and I’d probably end up trying to match with him bc of that. he gives gooddddd responses that are genuinely fun and non repetitive. he’s also not dry if you end up matching.
yk what no I’m giving atsumu a chance here. his prompt responses are. interesting to say the least. dry. he comes across a bit cocky. but his pictures don’t if that makes sense??? like he comes off as a genuinely sweet guy in his photos and videos. maybe I’m just too soft for him and I’m projecting, this is embarrassing.
I wanna add something abt oikawa but I genuinely cannot think of anything other than his photos would be insanely aesthetic and pretty. responses need a bit of work and his opening lines come off a bit strong but. it’s okay. he’s perfect and can do no wrong imo 🤷🏻‍♀️
HAIII REV!! EXACTLY. exactly. i'm sorry but not even a dog is enough for me i'm like Omg little dog and then don't match I'm sorry hajime.. Bokuto... my cutie pie naoooo 😭😭 i'd like to hope he'd answer the prompts cutely/in a funny way but i still wouldn't think we'd match well and skip him... BUT!!!! I think if they replied to one of my prompts i'd reply...?! < girl who Never Ever matches first Ever. like there's a photo where their smile looks very cutesie and i'm like Why not!
Akaashi. 🙂teehee. my favoritism i'm sorry everybody. he doesn't really have photos of himself so he has to ask friends for some and there's like one photo that's dimly lit where he's smiling with fluffy hair that would make my jaw drop and tears form in my eyes i'd want him so bad. one of his prompt answers would be like. a joke about how tired he is with all the work he has. something kind of basic But i love him so it's ok. for me specifically i mention my dislike for HTTYD 3 and i think he'd reply and be like wait you're so right can u explain more or something like that and I would Start Crying tears Of Joy PLEAASELEAASE PLEAPSAPPSLEPLEPA
omg kuroo. i understand. i actually first had the idea he looks kind of dorky (/affectionate) but he has a couple good photos and a meme and it's like Oh he's so real for that. also he's totaallyyy somebody who does an audio prompt 😭 it's something fawking stupid /Affectionate and i'd show my irls and we'd be like wait he's kinda cute while we laugh BJSHFBJSD there's also a group photo somewhere on there ! and maybe a video where you can hear him cackling! silly guy...
suna would have a stupid ass block text meme somewhere on his profile LOLLL there's a photo where he's in his room in the dark but i can also imagine he has one with good lighting outside that's one of the few he has... he Would be funny! he's all lowercase until u say something that gets him to laugh and he goes LMFAOOOOO WAIT and it's like Yes I got a good grade in Hinge. BFJSHBJSB
ATSUMU! totally has a pic where he's showing off his muscles or spiking But also wait he looks kind of cute and dorky in this other photo and also his prompt responses are funny this is crazy? I UNDERSTAND!!! maybe it could be like... he's not someone you'd swipe on initially but he sees Your profile and tries to switch it up to cater to you before replying to one of your prompts LOL. and maybe there's a pic of him helping samu make onigiri or just... something kind of domestic that makes u go oh alright he's nice?!
HMM OIKAWA.... also a volleyball pic somewhere. maybe with a medal or trophy of his LOL. but he can take good selfies Unfortunately smhhh /j so you're like aw fuck... i think i'd be like oh you're out of my league or Not my type but if that kind of guy replies to one of your prompts...Would you not be a little curious to see how that convo goes. he's good looking enough that he could just like people's first pic and move on but You're special and Funny and he's Curious okay!!!
THANK U!!! HTANKYEWWW I LOVE THINKING AND TALKING AND SHARING AND HEARING IDEAS IT'S SO FUNSIES NEVER APOLOGIZE 2 ME! i have So many smau series ideas bouncing around in my head i've never tried but if i ever do this one...U will b the first 2 know.
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columbiastapshoes · 10 months
more general headcanons. take them in addition to my other ones.
my last headcanon post got a decent amount of attention so i thought i’d do it again :3 my brain is like. a factory that is constantly producing headcanons from machines it’s how i function
anyways most of these r about magenta because i’ve just been in a very magenta mood recently she’s so silly (i’m going feral why is she so PRETTY)
- brad played with dolls as a kid but his parents took them away when he got “too old” for it to be some cute quirk because a Man has to play with Trucks like a Man anyways he did play with Trucks like a Man but he never forgot how to do their hair so even now he can french braid the shit out of people’s hair, especially magentas hair because the dolls he had also had big poofy hair like hers so he’s used to that. however columbia is typically magentas french braiding person so when she saw her gf getting her hair braided by another man she was like “HOW DARE YOU WE ARE OVER” (as a joke obviously don’t fret)
- magenta can do the splits. idk. i just get that vibe and i’m right about everything soooooo /j
- columbia cannot maintain eye contact and magenta STARES and forgets to blink or look away so every time they talk it’s just
- this is such a specific scenario but if they are shopping and come across a pillow they want to buy they give it the columbia test. what is the columbia test you might ask? they just get columbia to scream all of her pain and trauma into the pillow, and if the sound is muffled enough it is deemed worthy to purchase
- magenta just. brings random animals into the castle. and i’m not talking about “aww she like adopts cats a lot :3” no this bitch has brought in Raccoons from the Backyard and riff raff who is a paranoid ass mf is like “THAT THING HAS RABIES” and magentas like “LISTEN. HER NAME IS BEELZEBUB AND YOU WILL TREAT HER WITH RESPECT”
- why are all of these about magenta help
- speaking of magenta :3 she is a huge wes anderson fan and she and columbia watched isle of dogs together for a lil movie date and columbia sobbed during most of it 👍 she liked it though
-can we all agree that frank just. knows how to vogue. like bro came out of the womb knowing how to do that shit and it stuck with him for the rest of his life
-so i spent a really long time being stumped on how i think columbia would dress. like i have everyone else’s style figured out but i just couldn’t figure out hers for some reason,,,,, until i went down a rabbit hole and discovered cyndi lauper. i mean obviously i had listened to girls just wanna have fun and time after time but i has never actually seen this absolute icon. anyways i discovered her and her style during theater class one day and from then on i knew that columbia dresses like cyndi lauper, columbia listens to cyndi lauper, COLUMBIA IS CYNDI LAUPER
-ok so canonically i dont think this would happen but in my own version of rocky horror that exists in my brain magenta and brad are bffs. like yk those videos u see of “unlikely animal friendships” that is literally just them. it’s like goth gf x Some Guy™️ (x used platonically)
-brad is a die hard swiftie. i won’t elaborate.
-magenta loves loves LOVES abba
-sometimes i forget columbia isn’t canonically a theater kid. cuz like. she just Is a theater kid yk that’s who she is
- she would love grease
i will probably make another one of these posts when my list becomes longer again ‼️‼️
p.s i have. two rocky horror aus. would anyone like me to post about them. because i can. i am so normal about . aus
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artstimasthetic · 1 year
READER POV: Imagine this was you as you were playing shovelware Studios brain game, and you got a trip prize. Would you go or stay
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I was waiting for the silly banana to ask me a question while the other people was thinking too. IN MY MIND I THOUGHT THAT *THIS IS BORING. When the timer was over,I saw the other people looking nervous as they looked at the banana, and so did I. Then, one person asks, "Excuse me, Mr banana, did we get the answer right?" she asked nervously. The banana looked at her then said, "Sorry you got it wrong he said positively as he picked up his microphone off the floor. He came to me and said, "You were the only person who got it right."Well done,"he said.As I was about to say thank you, someone in the crowd interrupted it was Pear he said, "You know what? I thought this was humorous, he said Crossly. "But it is,"said the banana. "Then, if this is humorous, then where are the jokes?"said Pear, and he added,"If there aren't jokes, how is this quiz game funny? "Well, he does have a little point," said a random person near me. Then he added, "You said no jokes yet." Then the banana stared at him in disapproval and said,"Anyways, YOU JUST POSTED CRINGE."Im leaving,"said Pear. "There's nothing here to entertain me, AND I WANNA REFUND,"he yelled. While this chaos, I thought to myself, "How long am I going to wait for my question and hurry up silly banana? I do NOT have time for this.* "Hummmm" said banana. "I'm sorry if you have to wait a long time for your question he said to me."Well, it's fine, I said, but how long will u be just wondering banana"? "Mabey, two minutes if that's ok, smart contestant." I blushed. And mubled quietly "ok". "Pear," said banana. "Do you umm, "he thought for something Pear might like, "Do u like gift shops?" he finally said. "Giftshops"? Said Pear, his eyes lit up. "Tell me where they are silly banana,"he said happily. "To your right, Pear," he said. "Ok, thanks."
In a couple of minutes, Pear came back wearing lots of merchandise of the banana like this, and we all giggled. "What?"snapped Pear, "what's so funny? " We all stopped. Typical Pear I thought to myself.
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"Anyways," said the banana, "Let's get back to the show." Finally," I said happily as the banana finally let me choose my question option. I looked at the three thinking which one should I choose as I was cautious of the timer because it was nearly gonna run out. So i chose...
Can u guess which options out of these three I chose without cheating
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If u picked puzzling puzzlers-Sorry buy you are wrong
If u picked talking about states- sadly, you are wrong
So if u picked shovelware studios-U ARE CORRECT HERES YOUR REWARD YIPPIE
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As I pressed Shovelware studious, the timer was 1 second, so I pressed it in time
Anyways mr banana what's the"- Before I could ask, what's my question the banana inturupted with a speech "Sorry contestant, can I make a quick speech? " In my mind, i thought *ughh ok, but do hurry up* But instead I said "OK sure"."Contestant said the banana. "If you get this easy question correct, you can win this prize," he said. He told his nephew who was near the curtains to pull the curtains for the prize, and he did, which revealed the prize, The anouser anoussed the prize, which was...
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A trip to Brazil.
🎙You're going to Brazil!
🎙That's right,you and your whole family are going to Brazil!
🎙Explore the sights and sounds of South America on this six month long mandatory excursion to Rio de Janeiro that you can NOT back out of!
🎙I repeat, you will be LOCKED IN to this obligation with absolutely no way out! This can NOT be undone if you win this prize!
"Pretty cool prize, hu," said the banana
"YEAH Pretty cool prize" I said.
"OMG guys, imagine we're all in Brazil with our parents," said the person who was on the left side of me. "It would be a good trip for us."Everyone agreed apart from me as I was thinking about it."What about you? " said the person on my right. "Yeah, it would be cool but forever, and we can't leave if we win it. "So what it would be fun. Please come,"."Ok, fine," I said, agreeing with them anways."What's my question?" I asked curiously.ok, here it is, my nice sweet contestant." I blushed. "Your question is who's the owner of Shovelware studios I looked at the answers
1,Dancing banana 2,Dancing apple
3,Dancing Pear 4,Dancing orange
I looked at the timer 10 seconds. I had to be quick, so I chose number...
Find out more like what happens next to you on Shovelware Studios' brain game,Will you be a smartypants and beat your friends if you have good knowledge like a guiness, Will you get the answer right and get forced to stay in Brazil with your family FOREVER.It will continue on an app called Wattpad if you have the app your lucky to see it if not download it and you can write your own stories.WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU NEXT.
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Aran Ryan fanbase headcanons -RESULTS-
Finally! These are the results! I hope you had fun doing that! Comment or repost with your opinion, memes, drawings about it! See ya next survey!
Mod LL
What do you think about Aran Ryan?
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35%: The comic relief of Punch Out wii: he can be crazy and stuff but he makes you laugh hard
35%: Even if he can act tough, he is also a funny guy
Can Aran have romantic relationships?
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45%: Yes, and oddly he doesn't "cheat" in this filed!
Are Aran Ryan from the Wii and Aran Ryan from the SNES the same person?
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40%: Yes, Snes! Aran was him before snapping
Does Aran have a sister?
Yep! Baby sister named Daisy who plays Rugby
i'd like to think so! i imagine she's his little sister for some reason
He has multiple younger sisters
Yes, one younger sister
He must have one.
she has one to me, a younger one :3
Yes, and an older sister at it
Yes, and I like to think she's a lot younger than him for full big bro energy. She's just as crazy as him, though.
Yes. She hits harder than you, boy!
yes, and a brother. he’s the eldest of three children
Yes, I’m thinking she’d be about 9 to 12? I like Headcannoning that Arans sister would stay up at night until aran comes home from the pub to see if he’s okay 👍
Ermmm of course?
yes, a younger one
Yes, I think I gave her the name Aisling in my hcs
Why is Aran "obsessed" with cheeseburger? H3talia cannot be a "real" answer!!! (But you can write it if ya want lol)
Just finds it a fun insult for the Americans but also he had one cheeseburger and it was the shittest one so he uses to call someone shit
oh i just assumed it was a dig at little mac being american? because haha america and burgers and all that. is he obsessed with them? interesting...
Not obsessed, but definitely likes them
He came to America and first food was cheeseburgers.
i know what u did here (its me *** LMAO) he just likes to bully mac >:)
Simple, Little Mac is called Little Mac, and McDonald's has the Big Mac. He connected the dots and now it's his most iconic line.
He…likes cheeseburgers? Yum yum!
I wouldn’t say he’s obsessed per say, just ragging on American’s with the stereotype that we all just eat junk food. (I also headcanon that he actually likes cheeseburgers, but tries not to let anyone see him eat them.)
MACdonalds (funny)
that’s what he thinks of the us
I’d think that’s like his #1 insult of all time, either calling them a legitimate cheeseburger, or telling them they hit as hard as a cheeseburger being thrown as someone
Big Mac Little Mac haha get it
no, but why's that an answer???
He gets hungry a lot ):
Wait has someone actually thought Hetalia was a genuine answer or something this is extremely worrying
Teehee funny American joke
About you! What is your main fandom?
it is a mystery...
punch out
Punch out and Super Mario
tekken, sailor moon, tomb raider aside from po
Currently Pokemon, but feel free to ask me about Punch Out!!
Punch out at the present moment.
I have many but it’s def the Beatles. Currently it’s Ted Lasso
I started out in the FNAF fandom as a kid and it’s had a ton to do with me and my art since lol.
currently punch-out lol
Super pumch iut
punch-out!! and k-pop
Team Fortress 2 teehee
currently my main fandom is super mario!!
Either Puyo Puyo or Pokémon
Is Aran your fav one from PO and in general of all the fandoms you are in?
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66,7%: No, only in PO
Silly question: why does Aran draw with a paintbrush???? Why didn't he use a pen or something like a normal person? Or just destroy Little Mac like Don Flamenco did?
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30%: Because he has always weird stuff with him
Did Aran finish school?
No but he went back to school as a Mature Student and is doing some study
hmm... maybe. (cop-out answer lol)
Nope, only finished up to middle school
Pretty sure he did, but it was torture for him:
good question, maybe he did "ok"
Somehow yes
I think so. He used to be sane until he realized the potential for cheating there was in the WVBA
Assuming that him and SNES are the same person, I think he did but it was very rocky due to growing teen angst because of the bullying he faced.
he probably finished high school
He seems like the type of person to draw comically bad stick figure portraits so no
he did because of his mama
He’d probably drop out, or get expelled for beating up too many people, I guess his mum just didn’t look for anymore schools after that
prob not, maybe homeschooled?
Lel yeah
Yes but he didn't care much for it, and he hardly thinks back to it as well.
Yeah, had no interest in college though
Your Aran Ryan OTP is...
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40%: Aran Ryan x canon
Which are Aran's friends inside the WVBA? (OCs are good too)
Disco, Don, Hugger, Tiger, Mac, Bull and Soda
i honestly don't think he'd consider any of them his friends. he's very hard to get close to that way (not IMPOSSIBLE but... hard)
The entire world circuit and masked muscle at least
Soda (I ship him and Aran), Tiger, Bald the Bull and SMM.
SP is his good drinking buddy! But guess that's about it.
narcis is not only his bf in my canon but also his BFF, other than that disco and maybe heike, some fellas he met in ireland-
Mad clown and Masked Musle
Soda Popinski, Some of my OCs (Ikari (I haven't talked about her), Polar (mischief makers, haven't talked about her), Playmaker (would record pranks/prank each other))
Glass Joe, Piston Hondo, maybe Don Flamenco and Carmen, maybe Little Mac
Narcis (even more than), Don, Disco, Heike, Mr. Sandman, I’d even say he’s friendly with Mac too.
My mind flip flops between him either being good friends with some of the boxers or the other boxers warning everyone else that he’s a dangerous nutcase. (He can be, but it’s not his entire personality.)
don flamenco (rivals to lovers hehe), piston hondo, great tiger, soda popinski (drinking buddies lol)
I think aran and heilke could be friends
quite literally everyone in the wvba lmao
Hes definitely got lads outside of the WVBA but if we’re talking just inside the WVBA, I’ve got a feeling that hardly anymore wants to mess or talk with Aran but if I had to choose I’d probably say Don Flamenco, they fought eachother before so I guess they spoke more after that. Don wouldn’t really be the one to start a conversation with him at all but Aran can start up a conversation, by stealing his toupee and making him run room to room to get it making sure to let everyone see as Don chases after him, especially letting Carmen see👍
excluding ships, soda would be the closest, tho he's more of a "when things go wrong, call him" type guy. even if aran doesn't admit it, he's maybe the closest he's got to a friend. see below
Little Mac, Soda Popinski, somehow the ref
Everyone stays at least 5 feet away from him because he has rabies and he nearly bit a guy once. (I feel like he's alone by choice)
I imagine the world circuit is among his closest friends just because they’re around each other a lot, but I’m he has buddies he used to box with back in Ireland (I’d also say his sister but they grew up together so it’s bit of a given)
Can Aran Ryan have friends?
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35%: Yes, but his hot head can be problematic
Does Aran have hobbies outside boxing?
Art, Rugby and Horse Riding!
probably, but good luck getting him to share what they are lol
Yes! He enjoys sculpting and painting as well as dancing and making music among other things
Ice skating and art
Drawing. I'd imagine he adores biking too.
being a bitch, motorbiking and getting caught driving too fast, pub shenanigans, pulling pranks at people he doesnt like or likes
Drawing and playing the eletric guitar
Maybe, one I can think of is tinkering (Think of him making new things to help him win)
Art, harmless pranks, rubik's cube speed solving
I can see him being into art like painting and drawing.
I definitely thinks he likes small things like video games and movies.
yes, i hc that he’s sort of an artist
not sure?
I’d think he definitely does Hurling, and is absolutely amazing at it, he doesn’t usually brag about it but does bring it up whenever he can
bar hopping. & fighting. usually one after the other
Art, gardening, punching and biting random things to see what would happen, drinking
Yes, but I feel like he keeps most of them to himself.
Traditional Irish dancing (he just pulls that shit out during title defense), he also probably draws and maybe plays an instrument
Can being bullied during school (for his name and for his mother), the cause of Aran's angry behaviour?
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50% : yes
50%: sorta
Why did he started to cheat in your opinion?
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42,1%: He started to cheat as everyone was "doing that" in his opinion
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whyse7vn · 8 months
nudes? -
[ ot7 x reader ]
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jin: you’re so special
i wish i was special
y/n: r u flirting with me
jin: yeah
y/n: never do it again
jin: sorry
i’m a creep
i’m a weirdo
y/n: it’s true
jin: yeah :/
y/n: i thought you hated radiohead
jin: not today
they speak for me ❤️
y/n: ok
jin: do you miss me be honest
y/n: you don’t want my honesty right now
jin: ur right you know me so well
i’m in a vulnerable state rn
y/n: yeah
jin: so that’s why i’m gonna humbly ask you to send nudes
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you rn
jin: STOP
y/n: *sighs looks left looks right* idk if i can send you anything jin
jin: stop 😕
y/n: roleplay with me if you want to see some ass pretty boy 🙈🙈🙈🙈
jin: *looks up at you with pleading eyes* p-please
y/n: *pats you on head looks conflicted* i really shouldn’t jinnie
jin: *tears slowly flow out my eyes* PLEASE
*kneels and hugs ur legs now sobbing*
y/n: fucking crybaby bitch *pulls out a gun and empties the whole clip into ur head while reciting jjk chapter 236*
jin: okay wtf
y/n: sorry i was getting into it
jin: that was you into it?
y/n: yeah?
jin: okay
y/n: yeah shut the fuck up you little ant carrying the stupid little bag on a stick
jin: i’m sorry
y/n: know ur place
u little slut
jin: i am NOT roleplaying with you again
y/n: k bye.
jin: ….
y/n: i said BYE
jin: *whimpers*
jin: i can’t believe you made me do that
y/n: didn’t make you do anything
you did that all willingly
u fr wasn’t lying when you said ur a weirdo man
jin: whatever
y/n: miss u xx
6 images sent
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y/n: no joon but i’m saying what the fuck is a naevis
like i thought it was the fandom name but turns out ITS NOT
like wdym they said “naevis we love you” and it’s not the fans
don’t get me wrong i love aespa like down to the ground but tf are you guys talking about who is is the naevis and do we need to fight
namjoon: i get you baby
y/n: i knew you would understand
you’re the only one i have in this world
me and joon against the world
we’re so cute
namjoom: the cutest!
like no joke we are like what people dream about
wow joon ur smart
what did you eat today
namjoon: toast baby
it’s 9 in the morning
y/n: ok what is naevis tho
please stay on track
do u know joon?
namjoon: not sure baby
y/n: ok wtf is wrong with you
it feels like ur here but not here
and where are all ur stupid little dad emojis
where is the namjoon i know
namjoon: sorry baby
y/n: ok and you’ve called me baby like how many times??
you only say that when u wanna fuck lmao
namjoon: baby :(
namjoon: not doing anything i promise
namjoon: i’m not a pervert
and i would never lie to you
you know that
y/n: hehehehehe
don’t you know that to me
what if i don’t know joon
just imagined you saying that
you know that >:-|
with ur silly little srs face
that little face was u by the way
you will NOT seduce me
namjoon: ok
y/n: ok
namjoon: ok
y/n: ok
namjoon: ok
y/n: ok
namjoon: send me nudes pretty
y/n: wow namjoons a whore guys
namjoon: guys?
who are you talking to
y/n: i can’t take this
you’ve changed joon….
namjoon: sorry? idk what to say baby
it feels like i’m taking to like 4 people at once
y/n: UR WHAT????
namjoon: baby stop being silly
y/n: silly?
silly is such a silly word
like ur soooo silly
isn’t that silly joon
namjoon: stop saying silly
y/n: can’t help being the naturally silly girl i am joon like i’m just silly i was born like this
namjoon: i’m wearing my glasses btw
y/n: oh?
namjoon: yeah baby
y/n: what was it that u wanted joon >.<
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jungkook: babe can i try something please
y/n: no
jungkook: good girl
y/n: ???
jungkook: was that nice?
y/n: no
jungkok: ok then
y/n: was that it?
jungkook: should i end my life
y/n: let me think about it
jungkook: ok
y/n: yeah
jungkook: do you you ever feel really exposed to the dinosaurs?
y/n: what?
jungkook: i feel so exposed to them
y/n: what does that mean
jungkook: they know me
but like
it’s too much
they know too much
y/n: they are dead
jungkook: ok
i’m sorry
y/n: are you ok?
jungkook: i wish i was born as a little potato
so i could be put into a soup or something
or maybe i would be made into a little mcdonalds fry
y/n: what are you going on about
jungkook: babe
time is an illusion
you have to get it before it gets you
y/n: jungkook what do you actually want rn
jungkook: i love speaking to you
can i not speak to you
y/n: what do you want from me
jungkook: so like
y/n: so like????
jungkook: canyouplssendmenudes
y/n: is that it?
jungkook: i love you
y/n: 4 images sent
jungkook: i could cry
y/n: please don’t
jungkook: love my life
do you miss me as much as i miss you
home soon babe 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
ur so pretty
i want to peel off ur skin and suck on ur bones
y/n: what the hell
jungkook: can i?
y/n: could u just not say i’m hot and move on please
jungkook: ur HOT
y/n: enough
jungkook: sorry
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y/n: not reading all of that sorry for your loss or congratulations idk
hobi: fair enough
y/n: yeah
hobi: ok send ur nudes rn
i’ll rate them 1-10
y/n: that makes me want to throw up
hobi: don’t even stress it’s gonna be a 10
i just like the edge it gives you when u know ur being judged
makes u panic so you get creative
y/n: that sounds toxic as hell???
hobi: probably is idk
y/n: let’s break up
hobi: nooo my creative girl don’t go 😢
y/n: going
hobi: can you call me daddy like once
y/n: you are out of ur mind
hobi: it’ll probably be really hot
y/n: we have done this once already hoseok
you literally threw up after i said it
hobi: ok i was young then
it wasn’t right calling a young man like me daddy
but i’ve grown now pls
y/n: it was 2 months ago
hobi: my love i’ve grown honestly 🙏🏻
y/n: can you leave me alone
hobi: kk send me pics tho xx
y/n: xx?
hobi: i kissed you
yk to be nice?
don’t tell me you want a hug too
i spoil you too much
y/n: i will kill you
hobi: ok but be honest was this a good attempt
y/n: this was ur worst by far
ur getting desperate babe and it’s showing
pls pls pls pls pls pls PLEASE SEND ME NUDES PLEASE
y/n: yawn the begging is getting boring
hobi: FUCK U
i’ll be back in 5
need thinking time
y/n: did you just send me money?
hobi: no?
y/n: ?
hobi: yeah :/
y/n: this is getting sad
2 images sent
hobi: god is good amen 🙏🏻
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yoongi: can you
y/n: can you
yoongi: i can
y/n: you can
yoongi: yeah
y/n: that’s crazy
yoongi: not really
but pls can you
y/n: it’s really crazy yoongi
yoongi: i’m telling you it’s not
y/n: it is
yoongi: why
y/n: why?
yoongi: yeah that’s what i asked
y/n: the fact that you have to ask why is even crazier
yoongi: it is?
y/n: it is.
yoongi: oh
y/n: i hope ur ashamed of yourself
yoongi: but you normally can
y/n: ok?
yoongi: ok?
y/n: people change
yoongi: clearly
y/n: are you trying to fight me rn
yoongi: kinda
y/n: typical
yoongi: but like
y/n: but like?
yoongi: a fight but kinda different yk?
y/n: ur not right
yoongi: :/
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: yeah
y/n: can i be honest
yoongi: you can
y/n: i have no idea what we are taking about
yoongi: what
y/n: what
yoongi: we are supposed to be on the same page
y/n: i’m like 15 pages ahead rn
yoongi: no
you are 15 pages behind
y/n: pretty sure i’m ahead but whatever
yoongi: i’m telling you you’re not
y/n: it’s okay to be wrong sometimes babe
yoongi: ok
y/n: so proud of you
love when you learn new things
yoongi in his acceptance era ❤️❤️
yoongi: send me nudes
yoongi also in his slut era
yoongi: whatever send pls
y/n: i even got a please i must be dreaming wow
yoongi: it was a pls
so it holds less value than a please
y/n: wow ur not acting like you want these nudes
yoongi: please :3
best day ever
yoongi: fr best day ever!!
y/n: wow that’s scary never speak like me again
yoongi: i won’t
that made me physically ill
y/n: good
anyways beg me one more time please ;)
yoongi: you naked now please
y/n: um
are you telling me or asking me
that one felt very conflicting
yoongi: why are we still talking
y/n: maybe because we are deeply in love idk
yoongi: nude 4 nude
4 images sent
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jimin: send nudes?
y/n: are u fr? not even a hi?
jimin: hi
send nudes?
y/n: no
how about u send me a stack
jimin: i can do that
lowkey prostitution but i can still do that
y/n: that was not in exchange for nudes btw
jimin: LAME
i support sex work
y/n: you just shamed prostitution
jimin: i did not
y/n: leave alone
jimin: can you not be emo rn please omg
i just want nudes
so i can put it on my onlyfans
y/n: ur what?
jimin: onlyfans
y/n: since when do you have an onlyfans?
jimin: i’m building a life for us babe ❤️
y/n: you are an idol
jimin: ok?
can i not share my ALL goods with with the world?
y/n: ur goods?
u asked ME for nudes
jimin: are you not mine?
y/n: no?
jimin: ok wrong answer but i get it feminism and stuff
stand ur ground queen 🙏🏻❤️
y/n: do not uplift me rn
jimin: sorry i can’t help it praise shesus!!!!!
y/n: go away
jimin: ok
let’s make some content babydoll
y/n: baby what?
jimin: think my first post should be feet pics
y/n: no
jimin: ur right they probably would want a full body pic first
y/n: can you actually go away
jimin: i can’t
i belong with you
my soul itches when we are apart
y/n: idc!
ur a freak say away
jimin: :p
y/n: 🖕🏽
jimin: ok nudes now
jimin sent 3 pictures
for you queen
y/n: gross
jimin: don’t lie
it’s a good angle no?
y/n: no
2 images sent
now leave me alone
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y/n: bring me back cookies pls
taehyung: babe i’m feeling miscovus idk if i can
y/n: what?
taehyung: miscivous
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y/n: cookies yes or no
taehyung: ok but u pay for them
y/n: this would go crazy in the gc
but ok
check ur bank account
taehyung: ummm wtf
that was not what i meant
y/n: ?
taehyung: i told you i’m feeling miscovus
y/n: mischievous?
taehyung: ok show off
but yeah i’m feeling this micovus vibe rn
y/n: how have you spelt it wrong again?
taehyung: send me ur boobs
y/n: woah
taehyung: that is exactly what i will say when i see ur boobs on my screen
y/n: u make me sick
taehyung: woof woof meow pls send bae
y/n: was that necessary
taehyung: probably not but i’m feeling the vibes rn
y/n: that’s gross
never say that again
taehyung: it’s the truth tho venus in retrograde and ur boobs need to be on my screen
the universes is giving the the vibes
y/n: 1066?
taehyung: the battle of hastings?
y/n: what?
taehyung: no babe why did mother earth literally just call me rn and say ur seeing it boobs rn would balance my infinity stones 😭
y/n: my head hurts
so bad
taehyung: i’m so upset for u fr but
can you balance me
oh pls oh pls
y/n: if i don’t get my fucking cookies after this i’m gonna be so mad
1 image attached
taehyung: hehehehehehhehehehehehehe
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What’s your opinion on Harushin (Haruka and Shintaro)? Can be either platonic or romantic
i love that u had to clarify who they are LMAOOO
hmm well i don't like them romantically. when it comes to the yuukei quartet ships I'd put them at the bottom 💔 mostly cuz i just dont ship haruka with anyone other than takane (but for some reason i pass takane around like a blunt) and also it means a lot to me that the reason haruka recognizes he loves takane is bc he defines shintaro as a friend but feels sad putting takane in the same category bc of the different feelings she entails.
and I HAVE THIS PET PEEVE that is a bit silly and nuanced. and it implies a lil bit of jin bashing so TOTAL AND COMPLETE DISCLAIMER i love jin's work and his characters and i immensely respect everything he's done for this franchise he shares with us and clearly loves. that said fuck his misogynistic fucking writing
i could go on and on and on abt that but to answer this ask specifically, i just HATE that shintaro is so nice to haruka and he's just a total ass to ayano and takane for no goddamn reason. takane was SO nice to him at first, could u imagine the good buddies they would've been if shintaro was fucking normal. and shintaro LITERALLY stands in a 2 hour line at the festival just to insult her😭😭😭 he didn't even KNOW her. he's like "u act like this big shot bc all these ppl fawn over you" as if takane hadn't been literally sobbing miserably the whole afternoon precisely bc people were fawning over her and she found it mortifying. bc ofc he didnt know that!! LIKE WHAT WAS THE DAMN REASON HE DID THIS HES CRAZY i will never know what was going thru jin's mind writing that bit but ig all i can do is imagine shintaro was like GIRLS CANT PLAY GAMES *SHAKING* i know im always talking abt shintaro and takane's friendship and how much i love them but god the writing in the hs days is just inexcusable like shintaro is so damn unlikable. i hate when they put him and takane in the same level of irrational arguers bc truly takane is just fucking defending herself. how would u treat a person who didnt even give u a damn chance and just says all that shit to u first meeting. and she's also speaking for ayano too cuz her ass wont defend herself. and also haruka wont say anything. like takanes fighting for her life in here i 10000% support her actions as ene cuz man fuck that guy i find it insane she still cared for him anyway
and it pisses me off that then we see him in novel 6 being totally capable of being a decent fucking person to haruka. like seriously what's his damage. also idk japanese but i THINK shintaro speaks in a polite manner to haruka and not to ayano and takane. obligatory joke im gay not bc i like men but bc i hate women etc etc etc
i could rly go on abt how much it annoys me haruka and shintaro's friendship is super developed opposed to ayano and takane's pathetic dynamic that doesnt pass the already stupid bechdel test (i actually ranted a lil bit abt it on my side twitter a few days ago if you wanna read it LMAO) (it starts as a thread abt harutaka but then i get sidetracked cuz...yeah) BUT THIS IS ABT HARUKA AND SHINTARO SO. yeah u could excuse it with shintaro being the protag and ofc getting a lot more focus on his relationships but still. i kinda resent this aspect of their dynamic so i don't like the ship teehee i just... i think haruka is way too good for him sorry shintaro my man. i say this while shipping shinaya i know but to be fair i make them go through hell in my mind before they can properly be happy together if at all. bc when i start going off abt all this stuff i also start resenting shinaya LMAOOO sometimes i say i like it out of nostalgia but then their whole story together and how theyre literally always destined to find each other (holds head) ok. thats aside the point. i have a complicated relationship to shinaya. it's all abt drawing the line between author and creation and how much u can say augh author is being annoying and augh character is just an ass on purpose. and compared to the pov of all the other kagepro characters, u can indeed see that sexism shit in all of it (i could whip out examples in a second)but on shintaro it is noticeably worse LOL
and again im not blaming fictional characters for author's misogyny, like someone is writing this duuuh which is why haruka never points it out but FROM MY insane perspective i interpret it as haruka recognizing the pattern but he's so damn spineless he can't bring himself to stand up for ayano and takane. he probably makes some comments that shintaro just dimisses and haruka is too nervous to bring them up again *me going off abt the internalized misogyny of fictional characters headcanoned based on the author being misogynistic*
ERM. ANOTHER REMINDER I LOVE KAGEPRO AND I RESPECT JIN FOREVER BC HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS. but also lol. doesn't mean i cant point out some of this stuff yknooooow
uhhh soooo platonic wise i love them. but its also not my favorite dynamic to explore, id repeat some of the stuff ive already written, it does bother me shintaro is Normal to haruka and not to ayano and takane and haruka acts like nothing. it's just a big thing that annoys me generally abt them lol and i find it tough to separate from author like i normally would with these weird things he includes because this bit is just a whole dynamic you know?? i could.... go on abt this but um. sorry ive been talking for a while. its definitely something im kinda bitter about in the writing.
but still they're definitely sweet, and i understand the appeal completely!!! these are just My thoughts i think its 2023 and i wont get death threats for not liking a ship anymore but also haruka is shintaro's bisexual awakening that is for damn sure. i like entertaining the onesided concept. shintaro being like hahahaha what if we kisssed like ayano and takane apparently did and haruka is like No thanks.
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zeerohpunk · 2 months
im gonna make a nicer intro post one of these days but i feel like i should do a small thing here rq just to get some things out of the way
hi, im zeeroh, pronounced like zero, its an alias B)
im very much an Adult and i dont shy away from posting abt adult content or making adult jokes or posts or anything, and i do ask that if ur a minor to pls not interact w that stuff. i dont mind having minors interact w normal content of mine or following me, but out of respect, i may not follow back/interact much etc. i havent had problems with this in the past but i can/will block minors for engaging w any of my NSFW content. the thought freaks me out & its for everybodies safety, yfm? ok cool moving on
(some of) my faves of the redacted men are lasko, vincent, guy, gav, and david my beloveds (wedding audio when mr. redacted 🤨??)
i have a few stoner hcs for the redactedverse and i cherish them. i love them. maybe one day ill get brave enough to share my stupid lil thoughts on it. possibly,
when it comes to other boyfriend asmr creators, i also enjoy:
your stupid boy audios (highly recommend if u enjoy healthy/goofy/silly relationship audios w not a lot of plot. he improvs his audios which is insane to me
colin's corner (same guy from YSB audios, its just more longform, serialized content there)
hank miller audios
moonlight audio (waiting SO patiently for his return)
im a swiftie and ive spent a ridiculous amount of time assigning a large part of taylors discography to different redacted couples/friendships/dynamics. im really annoying abt it too pls dont get me going (shes my special interest can u tell lol)
i make playlists for every mood imaginable and i have some character ones. this is my Guy playlist which features cbat (unoriginal idea, creds to the person who did it before me) and every* song hes mentioned in any of his audios.
*every song that i can recognize being mentioned. it took me a WHILE to realize the maple syrup comment from a few months ago was a song. we do our best 'round these parts.
some of my fave hobbies are crocheting, growing plants, and playing video games (minecraft, stardew valley, and palia>>> (someone talk to me about jel pls))
ahem. if uve made it this far... yippee! we're probably pals now and im booping u so hard rn. im hella socially inept and awkward as hell so i promise if dms, asks, replies, or tags go unanswered, i swear it isnt u, im autistic and way too shy to be on the internet 🧍🏻‍♀️[staring at u so awkwardly and intensely]
(like i said ill clean this up later and make pretty later but this should suffice for now)
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melancholiaenthroned · 8 months
BERNARD for the ask game >:)
first impression: ok i got into comics right around the time tim came out so my first impression was very much the general publics of "robin has a boyfriend!" i read the urban legends story about that first and thought it was fine! i liked it well enough. then bc it mentioned that bernard was a friend was high school i went back and read his original appearences and idk i just loved him... he was silly and he was posturing and nobody really liked him except tim LOL. his friendship and crush on darla was also rlly rlly sweet and i got rlly attached to the trio of them. i also rlly liked his og design w the longer hair and sunglasses. i thought the conspiracy theorist thing was rlly fun esp w how close hed get to the truth and tim would have to be like "what ur so crazy hahaha where would batman get MULTIPLE robins".
impression now: im gonna be honest my peak bernard phase was before tim drake robin started when i was really really excited to see more of this character id gotten attached to... erm. in a post tdr world ive kind of distanced myself from him bc he feels like an entirely different guy. which is fine! presumably hes aged and i wouldnt want to live like my high school self forever. that being said, the ways that he is the same feel a bit like a parody now. his conspiracies r way more outlandish and supernaturally based than they used to be, and they way theyve kind of written it so seems like he knew he was gay/bi back in highschool which doesnt rlly read as true to me having read those highschool appearances. hes just tims boyfriend, who knew he was gay before tim did and was just kind of waiting for him, i guess. i do like the chaos cult, i like that in the unspecified time away from tim his life was like. completely fucked. but now that tim is there it feels like hes just been flattened back out. the last few issues of tdr actually started focusing more on his issues specifically w his parents and the cult but. you know. cancelled.
favorite moment: he was so so scared to talk to darla he was like "losers like us cant talk to cool girls like her tim... shes friends with jocks" and then tim goes up to her and the jocks are all nice and polite normal guys and darlas like yeah u guys seem fun. and its just like. he was completely overreacting. like so much for his claims of being a social chameleon 😭 and then next issue darlas just a part of their group and theyre acting like theyve been best friends forever. i think for as much as he pretends to be like. a cool guy who doesnt care that he has no friends. its a rlly nice moment of showing that hes actually really anxious and self conscious and he wishes he could reach out to people but once he has the opportunity he latches on to ppl and doesnt let go. and i also rlly like when darla comes back and he finds out she has powers and his first reaction is like. my life sucks so bad can i come and be ur sidekick. like man:-( he was funny for it though! shoot ur shot
idea for a story: ok this is for a hypothetical "possible in comics" story and not like. a fic. so its not super bernard focused BUT they need to bring darla back now im not joking anymore where is she. idk what the status of shadowpact is post rebirth i dont think it exists anymore? but whatever. tim gets a case that leads him back to louis grieve where we can get a recap for ppl who didnt read or dont remember what happened back then. he can be like heres where i met bernard^_^ also the horrors. anyway the case has smth to do w the mob&darlas family and so he manages to get in contact w her and obviously shes like. i have no connection to that life anymore im not helping and i dont want to remember this. but reluctant team up👍 anyway bernard plays into this bc i think tim keeps it from him whats going on in the case bc he doesnt know that bernard was actually the first to know when darla came back and he doesnt want to upset him by bringing up old memories bc they Never talk about the shooting. and laura obviously isnt telling bernard bc she has no idea he and tim r dating so hes kept completely out of the loop and tim and darla/laura r NOT getting along. he keeps calling her darla and hes whinier than she remembers and theyre getting nowhere in the case bc they dont work very well together. i would also rlly want an issue where it goes over how each of them experienced the day of the shooting and there r small differences in each one to highlight how time has warped their memories and how theyre all a little unreliable. and each of them would be done by different artists 👍 anyway eventually bernard stumbles upon the case and hes pissed off at tim for keeping from him "darla was my friend too" you know. and smth he remembers about that day but the others dont (too caught up in the gang war/being robin) helps solve the case^_^ and hes able to help tim and laura get along again and they part on good terms w bernard and laura staying in touch. and at some point while he and tim r fighting he confronts tim for fucking off after the shooting and not reaching out to bernard until years later, and how bernard was completely left alone after one his best friends died and the other immediately moved away.
unpopular opinion: whyyyy does he want to be a chef its stupid sorry. emt or nurse bernard is the most important thing in the world to me i have no idea why they chose "chef" for his career path but it annoys me to no end. its another thing that just feels flat about his new character. like even if instead of being motivated by his history with unable to save darla from the shooting+the cult he was scared of wounds and violence and avoided it... why chef? idk itd be fun if he wanted to be like a radio host or smth that actually fit his personality. i think money should also be a bigger motivater for him bc he always read as like. upper middle class new money to me whos parents cut him off when he came out. like maybe if they showed him working as a line cook or an actual job i could understand him growing a passion for it but hes just like. a rich foodie. like what.
favorite relationship: he and tim i guess LOL who else does he have. him and darla for friendship and also i think it wouldve been cute if they had dated for a bit in highschool<3
favorite headcanon: i think he should be angrier at tim. for missing dates, for not telling him hes robin, for everything. hes too nice. or if theyre set on the nice thing i think it should be framed as him being a bit of a people pleaser/pushover post cult bc hes scared of tim leaving him and either way tim should have to address being kind of a shitty boyfriend. a nicer one is i think duke would be his favorite of tims siblings:-) hes not weird to bernard like i think the others would kind of be (shovel talk from dick would make me kms) and bernard never had any siblings so he kind of treats duke like a younger brother and tries to like, help duke with his homework, despite the fact that duke is definitely doing better in school than bernard did. i dont know if duke like. likes bernard but hell actually respond to his attempts at bonding unlike damian who has him blocked.
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Ok ok, I have 3 Hetalia kins, so:
First we have the one and only Mr. United States of America. Honestly the main reason I kin him, I think, is because I AM American and I swear everytime he does something so painfully American I'm like "damn, lowkey I would've done that too" (my favorite foods are hamburgers I mean cmon). Now I wouldn't say I'm as boisterous as him but I am overly friendly and I love making new friends so I am pretty extroverted! I think we'd have a lot of fun together in real life, we'd share the same level of enthusiasm about the things we like. We'd ramble on and on about things like science and movies and where the best place to get good artisan burgers is at.
Next, we have Mr. Italy (North Italy to be specific). He is very creative and artsy, and so am I!! I adored that part in season 7 where he tried to explain how to make art to England and failed miserably. That's me. He's very bubbly and happy-go-lucky just like me. I bet my ass he's the art kid who gets asked to "draw me next!" To which he just rolls his eyes in response. I also think he's incredibly unhinged and would say the most fucked up shit at random moments and then finish his sentence as if that's completely normal.
Last but not least, Mr. China!! Yall should know, I am a big sister and also the oldest grandchild in the family. So I very much feel like I share the same "eldest sibling" energy with him. He's the responsible older bro who tries to look out for his younger siblings, but isn't exactly the... best sibling all the time. Not exactly parent material, he's just quite literally older brother material. Also, even though he carries a mature, responsible manner, he's still incredibly unhinged at times. He's one of the few characters with actual braincells but he'd still be totally down to commit arson! Its also said he's a huge fan of cute stuff (such as Hello Kitty) and me too!
And of course there's the things the three of 'em have in common:
I feel like all three of them are just silly goofy guys who laugh and joke about the most fucked up shit ever. They're just ever so slightly unhinged.
I also think they're very booksmart, but can't read the room for shit like me.
They're all quite egotistical, while also extremely insecure.
Not to dump my insecurities on yall but... lowkey I suspect these guys have like, MAJOR abandonment issues. They tend to keep their friends and family in a sort of choke hold. It doesn't look like they particularly enjoy being alone or left out. And REALLY take issue with people leaving them.
Again... not to dump things on yall... but they seem a little... idk, maybe a bit adhd to me? Maybe I'm just projecting onto them since I suspect this of myself. (I'm no expert and have never been diagnosed for any sort of neurodivergency. So this is all a "hmm I wonder?" sort of a speculation).
Anyway, they're just so silly goofy.
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