#it's a thing in the fandom to get someone else into it at least in some parts
heavenlyraindrops · 14 hours
♱Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Twenty One♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Twenty One Warnings: profanity, threats, mentions of abuse Visit my pinned post to see all other chapters.
♱ In which the purest soul in Heaven falls from grace… for the Devil. ♱
[Chapter Twenty One]
“Valentino,” you snapped, Angel Dust’s hand still clutched in yours as you stalked over to the hideous moth man. 
“[name], no,” Angel hissed. “He’ll just-“ he glanced around nervously as he tugged you to a stop. “I mean, Charlie tried to stick up for me and it just made things worse so maybe you shouldn’t-“
“Angel, I hold far more authority over him than Charlie did,” you assured him, the princess's name turning sour on your tongue. “He can’t afford to hurt you again if I say no.” You patted his shoulder. “Trust me.”
Angel didn’t look assured, but bit his lip and nodded anyway.
“Yes, ángel?” Valentino drawled from behind you. You tensed up in disgust as the sickly sweet stench of his smoke filled the air. You spun around, forcing a malevolent smile onto your face.
“Listen, you sick bastard,” you chuckled, keeping your voice as calm a possible despite the profanities leaving your mouth. “I should have smited you for touching me just today- stomping on your head clearly wasn’t enough.” Your grin widened as you tapped the side of your own head, mocking the bandage wrapped around his skull. Angel looked at you in awe. “But since I have decided to be so generous and not get rid of you, the least you could do is treat this young man well.” You gestured to Angel Dust.
Valentino’s eyes narrowed in fury, but before he could say anything you grabbed him by the furs around his neck and pulled him down to your height.
“Listen, cunt,” you hissed. “You don’t do what I say- and I will know if you don’t, so don’t even try- then not only will I leave the Vees, I’ll crush you all one by one.” Your lips curled into a satisfied smile at the look of fury mixed with fear on his face. “How would you explain losing someone as valuable as me to Vox and Vel?”
Valentino stared at you for a second, eyes blazing, then straightened up and spat the cigar from between his lips. “Come on, angel baby,” he beckoned at Angel. “Let’s finish the shoot, now, hmm?” He shot another furious glance at you as you left, waving at them from the doorway.
Angel grinned at you, face flushing with ecstasy as the door shut. 
The door to the hotel lobby creaked open, spilling the first of the cold morning rays into the room. Charlie perked up as Angel Dust entered the room.
“Did you see her? What did she say? Oh my god, you missed so much after you left yesterday.” Charlie babbled as she grabbed Angel’s hands, leading him to the couch and sitting him down on it. Lucifer groaned, running his hands through his hair as he took another gulp from his coffee.
“What’d I miss, toots?” Angel Dust asked, and Charlie immediately launched into a retelling of everything Alastor had showed them.
“And where’s Smiles now?” He asked, squinting as he looked around the lobby.
“He’s disappeared,” Vaggie sighed, crossing her arms. “We haven’t seen him since last night.
“Good riddance,” Lucifer muttered.
Angel Dust stayed silent for a few seconds. “Not gonna lie, that doesn’t really sound like her.”
“The recording Alastor showed ya. I don’t think she’d do that.”
“Hah!” Lucifer jabbed a finger at Charlie. “See! I told you that the bastard was lying.”
Charlie stood up, crossing her arms. “That doesn’t prove anything.”
Vaggie sighed. “Yeah, people can be- people turn out to be different from who you thought they were.” She looked away. Lucifer curled his hands into tight fists.
But he knew you. He loved you. And you’d loved him. And the fact that no one else would see, or listen, made fury scratch at the back of his throat, begging to be released. He sucked in a deep breath, whirling around to Angel Dust.
“But you saw her.”
Angel shrugged. “Yeah. She’s-“ he stopped, as he realized the gravity of his words. “I think she’s workin’ with the Vees now.”
“What?” Charlie spluttered. Angel Dust spread his hands helplessly.
“I saw her outside the studio, we smoked a cigarette together, and she told me she worked with Val. I’m assumin’ that means she’s workin’ with the rest of ‘em too.” He sighed. “I said, “but ya ain’t an overlord,” and she said somethin’ like…” he waved his hand around, “‘Not yet,’ or uh…’not for long.’ Said she was plannin’ to show up on the news again, be an overlord by the end of today.”
“What else happened?” Lucifer said quickly. Angel Dust looked at him.
“Well, I told her about the whole redemption thing, the hotel I mean, and she totally blew up in my face.” He looked at Charlie. “She said you ‘had some explainin’ to do,’ whatever that means.”
“You didn’t think to ask her?” Vaggie groaned.
“I did!” Angel Dust snapped. “An’ all she said was that Charlie would know what it means.”
Everyone looked at Charlie expectantly.
“D-don’t look at me!” She spluttered. “I’m as confused as the rest of you guys.” 
“Anything else happen?” Lucifer urged. Angel Dust shrugged.
“Nah, not really. She helped me out with Val, though.” He looked at Charlie. “Basically did what you did that day, tried to get him off my back, ya know. Except she did it, uh… how do I put this…” he sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Better?”
“What’d she do?”
“She just threatened him a bit, put him in his place, ya know. Except this time it actually worked, so. Props to her.” 
Charlie chewed her nails as Angel Dust went up to his room. “What do you think she meant by me having a lot of explaining to do?”
“I don’t know, Apple Pie, which is why I need to find her and figure it out, okay?” Lucifer sighed, pulling her in for a hug. “Now, if she doesn’t show up soon, I’ll go looking for her this afternoon.”
“I’ll come with you,” Vaggie said. Lucifer grinned and patted her shoulder. 
“Thanks Maggie.”
Vaggie smiled tiredly. “Of course.”
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shinelikethunder · 2 days
so for the record i fully blame you for the fact that i'm watching supernatural for the first time in 10 years or so, but ALSO one of the things that is fundamentally crunchy and compelling about sam and dean's relationship, imo, is that it's a constant, unceasing power struggle that they are to varying degrees aware of but mostly won't admit to
(sam, particularly, i think most desperately wants to /win/ the power struggle for good while also being the least likely to admit that it's actually happening. dean's investment feels much more situational - he wants sam to go along with his plans in the moment but isn't necessarily that invested in Being The Boss Of Sam Forever, whereas i think one of sam's deepest and most shameful unrealized desires is for dean to submit to him permanently, and the place where i depart from most wincest shippers is that imo what makes that really juicy is that dean doesn't want to do that.)
anyway! some thoughts on a fandom i haven't really interacted with at all since 2011, just for you lmao
yes! tbh it's one of an entire subgenre of ships that hit real good for this exact reason: an equality that comes, not from both of them being wholesomely egalitarian and refusing to ever seek the upper hand on one another, but from them constantly being in a billion little squabbles and wrestling matches both petty and consequential, even as they're earnestly trying to negotiate conflicting needs. and none of it is ever even going to settle into a single fixed pattern, let alone result in a permanent and definitive "winner." they both have their expected roles in this dynamic, and they both constantly shift between chafing against those roles and embracing them and instrumentally leaning into them to get something else they want.
it's so pleasingly crunchy... yet another reason i cannot vibe with whatever's in the water right now that's driving people to stan either the ship or the characters by picking one brother to be The Woobiest Victim Forever. like. that's not just getting carried away with a temptation i otherwise understand, that is actively sucking the fun out! even when it's my favorite little rat in the Blorbo Studies Lab who's the designated woobie, the static designation is less fun than the sharp-elbowed version where they both get to #Transgress against each other.
(i think dean is subby in the sense of getting a HUGE kick out of situations where he can safely hand someone else the reins, and/or stop agonizing and just get an A in being the goodest boy in the world by finding out what will please someone else and doing it. but oh my god, any attempt to extend that dynamic into situations of genuine conflict or threat? yeah no, the exact constellation of responsibility issues (and free will issues, objectification issues, self-worth issues, etc) that make those kinks so potent also mean that if the fun game turns into a real encroachment... best-case scenario, he snaps into Amalgamated Macho Archetype defensive panic and is probably a blustering shithead to reassert control. if he initially goes along with whatever it is, for sam's sake or because lol what are boundaries, that is Much Worse. because it sets up this ticking time bomb, resentment buried underneath compliance, and that is going to very specifically bring his thermonuclear John Winchester Issues into the fray.)
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fae-morrigan · 19 hours
Nah because why are you only mentioning Kenan and John Henry when pointing out the racism in the Superfam fandom? I checked their tags on your account. You have next to no posts about just discussing their characters and stories. The only times you mention Nat is to prop up your faves. So don't go acting all mighty and progressive because you also mostly ignore their existence. There is a problem in the Superfam fandom when it comes to poc and how often they get ignored, but bringing those poc only to try and appear better than someone else makes you part of the problem. Unless I'm missing some essays about Kenan's growth from a bully to a hero, what it means for John Henry to be a human hero in a city full of Supers and Nat following her uncle's example on your account, then you are no better than the ones you criticize. You need to get off your high horse and stop mentioning poc only when it's convenient. You are just being performative. It's clear those are characters you don't care about. Such a shame though, all three are really interesting.
Hi Chris Kent fan! I know its you. You've been harassing me and several other of my mutuals for the last week, and considering you are using the same rhetoric here you've used unsuccessfully on my mutuals, it really isn't hard to tell who would feel devoted enough to say this.
There are three things that are hilarious about this ask.
My primary fandom presence isn't on tumblr. I am actually on this website the least: So yes, you HAVE missed on a TON of essays about these two and how I feel about them, because you don't actually know me and you haven't even seen MOST of the things I have to say about DC comics as a whole. My primary fandom presence is on the Supertruth discord server which several of the people I am defending in this weird little flame war of yours are part of (hi @ultfreakme!) and have seen me talk about these characters and their stories at length. You do not know me well enough to assert whether or not I like a character by doing a cursory search of my blog.
Your little 'character blurbs' that are supposed to display your DEEP INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE of these characters, SUPERIOR TO MINE, are really shallow and innaccurate. Like, fanon levels of summarization. John Henry's character has very little to do with being a human in a town of supers nowadays and is largely focused on his complicated relationship with the military Industrial Complex (see Superwoman, Steelworks) as an inventor of supertechnology, Natasha is WAY more than just the nephew of John (SHE WAS PART OF THE AUTHORITY) and in fact a huge part of her presence in 52 was escaping out from under John's shadow, not following in his footsteps. You get the closest with Kenan: Yeah, he was a bully turned Super, that's absolutely the pitch GLY was using to sell Kenan as a character, but is that ALL he is to you? You're not going to mention his whole story also being a double for criticism of the Chinese government? His conflict with his parents and struggling to figure out what 'doing good' even means? What about Baixi, Deilan? (That enough analysis for you to be satisfied with some arbitrary level of 'caring'?)
The 'favorite character' in question you are accusing me of using these poc to prop up is Jay Fucking Nakamura, A MAN OF COLOR, AND ALSO A SUPERFAM CHARACTER YOU FUCKERS EXCLUDE ON THE REGULAR. He is an asian indigenous man IN THE TEXT and he is the DC character I post about THE MOST on this website. It is SUPER funny to accuse me of what, using POC to uplift the... other poc...? Thats based of me, I had no idea I was doing it! Like seriously saying this while Jay is my PFP is CRAZY funny. Do you HEAR yourself? And don't start on the "well jay isn't superfam!' nonsense because PAUL KAMINSKI, GROUP EDITOR FOR THE SUPERFAMILY, HAS SAID HE IS. But when have YOU guys cared about what the media you claim to like actually says, aye?
But lets say none of the above is true. Lets say you were right and I was just PRETENDING to care about some of my favorite characters in the entire DC franchise because... because of woke?
It doesn't change the fact that literally less than 24 hours ago you were in my inbox trying to argue that posting 'kent family' as opposed to 'superfamily' was a great Get Out of Jail Free card for excluding characters of color. It doesn't change the fact that you guys repeatedly include Chris over the canon POC within the superfamily. It doesn't change the fact that calling that behavior out is NECESSARY, regardless on if a person 'posts enough' about the characters they're trying to defend from fandom racism. It doesn't change the fact that, according to you 'agreeing' with me in this ask, you decided that picking a fight with someone who made a point you agreed with was somehow the best course of action.
But you don't agree, do you? And that's kind of what its been about all along. The fandom love of Chris Kent is changing as people notice that he is, a) not a good character b) consistently favored over better non-white characters c) repeatedly used as a tool in arguments to put other characters within the superfam down. And now that people are calling this what it is- white favoritism- you are feeling attacked because you are attached to Chris but NOT to these characters people are now pushing. So you are scrambling for reasons to tell people who express these thoughts that they're actually the bigoted ones in some way. What does that accomplish other than squashing long overdue discussions of fandom racism?
I'm not here for it. You can fuck right off.
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friendlifyre · 3 months
loving jingrenheng is so wild you have to watch the fans of each individual pairing wanting to rip each other apart and being super aggressive over how their pair is better and you cant even disagree with most of their arguments because every relationship within really is that compelling you just dont see why you couldnt enjoy all of those dynamics at the same time
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darkclouds-rainsounds · 10 months
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The above is a screenshot of one of tropes from Shadoo's section in the SPM TV Tropes page that caught my interest.
“Never mentioned to be killed...” Hm. If I go by my headcanon of how Dimentio fits into the story of the Pixl Uprising (i.e he's both the Magician's son and the surviving apprentice who defeated the Pixl Queen), then that would give another parallel of how Dimentio was once a hero who had a Pixl that could see the truth who stopped an antagonist who had the Dark Prognosticus who several thousand years later switched sides. And by another parallel, I mean it works perfectly alongside this.
The reason Shadoo exists (if they are the Pixl Queen) is because he couldn't go through with killing his sister; he cared for her too much and now here she is stuck at the bottom of the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials and wanting to exact revenge on the Ancients for sealing her away. Based on how Shadoo has a robotic text box and says that they were created by the Ancients, it can be presumed she forgot she was ever human. She forgot who she was.
Fast forward to the events of SPM and Dimentio's intended kill-shot for Count Bleck gets intercepted by Nastasia and knocks her unconscious in addition to injuring her. Either he had the power of that shot just enough to kill Bleck and no further and that's why Nastasia survived, because why waste precious energy? All he has to do is finish Count Bleck off who is already at death’s door thanks to the heroes.
Or Nastasia was just very fortunate to survive a full-powered blast. My money's on something like the former because Dimentio has well more than enough power to absolutely guarantee no one would survive an attack like that. (the average person who isn't a hero or built for combat— which Nastasia very much isn't— anyway.)
Then there's him saving O'Chunks and Mimi from what would have been certain death by teleporting them to Dimension D. We know they didn't end up in the same place as Peach and Bowser because neither they nor O'Chunks and Mimi make any mention of such. Pair that with the fact that the Void can't be seen from Dimension D and thus heavily implying that anyone inside it would survive the Void that would destroy everything else, and you're left with the only explanation of Dimentio having saved them. I do believe that Dimentio screwed up by not only "catching feelings" and he genuinely did care for the other minions deep down as much as he tries to deny that; and I have mentioned in a prior post about him putting all of the people who could have possibly done something about the Super Dimentio fusion in the same place.
If he hadn't cared as much as he did for them and just left them to their fates, he would have won. I feel that the reason why the floor came out under Bowser and O'Chunks is because of Dimentio— because why make a trap like that that is intended to kill any who don't make it out in time and then have it to where after a certain amount of time, it would give any of the heroes still inside who may somehow still be alive an escape and make a comeback? It makes no sense. And it's because of that, that Peach was able to survive by landing on top of Bowser.
Had he only teleported Bowser out and left O'Chunks, and teleported Peach while leaving Mimi, the minions wouldn't have been able to band together with Count Bleck and Tippi to recharge the Pure Hearts and destroy his invincibility. It was his inability to go through with killing them or just letting them die because he actually cared about them— cared too much— that caused his own undoing.
History literally repeats itself if one subscribes to believing Dimentio is both the Magician's son and the last surviving apprentice.
First Shadoo who may or may not be the Pixl Queen, was spared by her brother who couldn't bear to go through with killing her therefore causing future consequences for if she ever gets free. Then the minions— including Nastasia and Count Bleck who for the latter, Dimentio in his ever present wisdom decided to spare killing for later— with their love for each other that was allowed to continue existing all because he spared them for the time being, recharged the Pure Hearts and caused immediate consequences for himself and was the catalyst for his defeat.
In the first instance, he was on the “heroic” side. For the last he was on the “villainous” side.
#super paper mario#spm#spm theory#dimentio#shadoo#pixl queen#this is ofc just a theory since dimentio is an enigma but i see parallels and go 👀#and also ofc things like nastasia surviving dimentio's kill-shot is just my interpretation of how she did so#and then there's the (fairly popular?) fanon that dimentio teleported mimi and o'chunks to dimension d rather than them flip in on their ow#but we know that they couldn't have done so on their own— at least not o'chunks who is consistently shown to be incapable of flipping#and flipping seems to /only/ work on the person themself and can't be used on selected targets (if that makes sense). dimentio is special#bc he's the only character who is shown to always /teleport/‚ not flip. and we are explicitly shown a scene of him clearly using his#teleportation on peach (he uses his teleportation on mr. l and the other heroes when he explodes them but it's disguised by said#explosions due to how distinct it is and considering how for many years a vast majority of the spm fandom believes he /actually/ killed the#when jaydes herself literally says otherwise‚ those examples of him teleporting people other than himself doesn't count) anyway. point is:#even if mimi could flip in on her own‚ o'chunks wouldn't have been able to get in. probably. bc tippi /does/ show the ability to flip#both herself and the heroes to flipside on several occasions‚ but this ability isn't displayed by /anyone else/ throughout the game so#it's not farfetched to believe that /only/ tippi can flip other people in addition to herself#so i still firmly believe dimentio was responsible for mimi and o'chunks getting into dimension d at the end (plus it's /his/ dimension‚ i#think he has full control over whether someone can or can't enter it)#i did not mean to put an entire essay in the tags oh no
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katyspersonal · 4 months
One of the coolest things my friend Kris said, "A good headcanon differs from the canon knowingly, not out of wilfull ignorance".
Like, there is a big difference between being corrected (not always for an indisputable reason, but the intention matters) and being creatively policed! When someone shares a headcanon and you know the canon bit that contradicts it, just say it! Either they could reconsider their idea with the new information or say "yeah cool but I prefer to write my own thing, not to be 100% accurate to the canon" which are both valid. Because, the latter one knowingly differs from the canon!
But like, apparently in the eyes of some people, being informed on what was missed equals baiting hostility, policing creativity or whatnot? Like, yet again, if someone gets straight up angry and vindictive at being reminded that they are in the fandom, for something with pre-existing information, then it loops back to the question of why they are in a fandom and not doing their own original project to begin with! I can't find any other reasoning for admitting you do not want to even know canon and only here to take basic surface bits to make your own thing besides the fact that pre-existing fanbase just will engage more willingly even with canon divergent portrayals, stories and just AUs!
But like... you can't be in a fandom while expecting to never have any discussion with other fans about this story and characters! Being told that you are wrong and being told that you are wrong for BEING wrong are two whole different things, and mentality of fans not being allowed to say anything besides agreement, when it is about pre-existing media, is straight up lame and not what fandoms are about. Not everyone who points what is missing a petty redditor that hates headcanons; most of the "well actualies" come from the place of love for both canon and headcanons! This is the case of "before you break the rules you need to know them", but people that tell what rules are are anything but wrong, hostile or immature. People that say "you come into my house and maliciously ruin my fun" when they hear about those rules, however?
Again: a good headcanon differs from the canon knowingly, not out of wilfull ignorance.
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drewsaturday · 2 months
fun to realize the reason i get so insecure about other people doing ~my ideas~ first for fanworks is that all i am is ideas. yeah two cakes theory but point is if someone else does that particular thing first it will be better than mine, even if mine would have its own uniqueness to it, so all i can really walk away with is "i did it first" in the inevitable case of comparison. without that there's nothing jsl;dfljsdf.
and while you can't prevent that from happening in FANDOM of all places that is why i like to keep my ideas to myself when possible. if someone comes up with that same idea on their own fine, but if they get that idea from me running my mouth about my wips and they do their version first (which is like! still allowed even if there are levels of courtesy for how you go about it) i will be mad at myself for stripping myself of my own ability to then continue my own due to knowing my own issues and obstacles with it, because i still don't know how to play nice and it is on me to deal with that.
i say all this knowing fandom is supposed to be fun btw.
#txt#i think while i do worry about plagiarism accusations bc fandom is fucking crazy#i tend to also mask these concerns with that lmao#bc it feels less self centered and insecure to say 'i just dont want to be mobbed :(' than#basically sounding like a five year old whining that someone else brought the same toy to the park as them#but because i AM okay with it in the sense of people saying im where they got that idea from or connecting me to it in some way#(or obvs like... someone gifting me a work based on things ive talked about! also rad! or even just asking first etc!)#that's why talking so much about plagiarism also works lol#like just give me Something to have that ties me to it that lets me pretend i have good contributions to a particular space#ultimately it's my own bullshit to get over bc i feel like i need to justify my place in a fandom by filling a niche or contributing#Something unique if it can't be Good etc etc but that's also kind of dumb bc it's not that serious or at least it shouldnt be#i just cant rly contribute much in terms of community events or quality works etc but i do have good ideas!#and i am trying to let go of everything i just said even though i am still clinging to it by my nails#again i know fandom should be fun and i rly need to just do more with original works at this point but likeee....#we r here .#also im not trying 2 fish for complimence just objectively#i value all the skills ive learned due to fandom inspiration#but bc i am split cross quite a few and i have certain health issues that#limit how much i can practice or learn etc#other ppl are inevitably going to be better than me in their area of focus!#and i want to be more okay with that
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aeide-thea · 1 year
dipping my toe into fandom discourse here, which is never a great idea, but—i really am baffled by the contingent of fans who apparently want AO3 to not only denounce but ban AI-generated works, as if there were any reliable way to distinguish between mediocre writing produced by a human and mediocre writing produced by an AI…?
#i saw someone say elsewhere‚ and agree‚ that all a ban would accomplish wld be to discourage fans who make use of AI from indicating as much#i do personally think the best writing won't be by AIs#or at least‚ it'll have been edited with a fine-toothed comb by a human who's got a really good sense of style and story themself#such that they could've produced the writing unaided‚ and the AI armature is just a crutch#but imo the big issues with AI are like. (1) the dataset it gets trained on—#though like. human artists *also* view other people's art and incorporate it into their body of influences‚ tbh?#we just get mad when they copy someone else's work TOO directly. but it's in their heads informing the art they produce!—#and (2) its potential to put humans out of work—which i have *huge* sympathy for‚ but also… that's been true of every machine ever invented#(also like. fandom is a gift economy‚ not paid work‚ so that aspect of things literally doesn't apply in an AO3 context.)#but like people have brought up the luddites in connection with this and. yeah.#ultimately there's always still a place for human operators and human oversight and human curation of the machines' raw output#and so ultimately i think we'll just have to work out what that place will be in this context#and in the meantime—i'd hope people would disclose when work has been created using AI#which they absolutely *won't* do if sites are out there banning it! people who want to use it will still use it‚ and just lie!#like you can say 'but then you don't get the satisfaction of knowing you're being praised for work *you* did‚ bc the AI did it!'#'surely that sense of being an impostor will discourage people!'#but like. hello. i've seen (and reported) multiple *very clear* instances of fic plagiarism.#the fact that those 'authors' were getting praised for‚ not only work they didn't do‚ but *someone else's* work‚ did not deter them!#saw someone going 'AO3 has its particular set of organizing principles & that's valid! we should just make our own sites where we ban AI!'#and like. hello: if your mini-archive gets popular enough that ppl want to be part of it‚ posters who use AI *will* just lie to you???#(i'm curious abt the overlap between that camp and users who think DNIs are effective‚ lol.)#anyway.#Fannish Ethical Concerns
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naggingatlas · 1 year
i looove putting spark over songs about like heroes and saving the world (tom cardy's 'level clear', uncle outrage's 'saved the world' <- nice voice hc for him!. and 'my superhero movie'.) when he like. Did. Not : ) funney.
#sprksplrs#gaia talked about spark wanting to be desired yesterday and while i think he's too much of a Lone Wolf... for those kinds of wants to#even surface. at least in my interpretation of him. its hilarious to think abt him getting. just a tad insecure abt fark's status as#a real like. superhero basically. just for a second in the far back of his head. oh i want to be as cool as him. im not good enough#tho again in my characterization he only wants to do that to be able to love himself. i first got this thought when ruminating on#oh god. what kinda games he n fark like to play respectively? and said 'if he ever does pick up hardmode or a challenge level#he will only do that to one up himself and himself only.' he only proves stuff to himself. he only cares about himself.#and the things that do the most mental damage to him are all scenarios in which his self is attacked.#in which his agency is taken his independence. losing a job to someone something that copies him and does it better than him#something that even copies a really dear object to him thats been with him throughout the years - his jester hat#an attack on individuality. and then being merged into the sim. idk. the yaoi moments when he does work together w fark become even more#potent. this way? and. it contrasts really well with how selfless (at some point in his life very literally) fark is. and how confident in#his self. he turns out to be in the end. as micah said 'how he moves with so much more fluidity in his organic body#the body he created himself because he's no longer afraid of it being fake'. citing that as the bible but yea kinda.#i think spark grew up quite ostracized maybe even self-ostracized and really needs a distinction between himself and everyone else#to be better than everyone else. there is some personality disorder shit happening under that piss yellow scalp.#and he fucking loses it when the events around him hammer in that the facade he builds for mostly again himself is. yknow. untrue. fake.#idk thoughts. i love exploring the antisocial aspect in fictional personas with how shipshipship focused fandoms and 'analysis'#in them is it's not something i see all that much. seems like only people whove experienced it ever bring up that topic.#is it so uncomfortable for others? who knows. ramble over
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lizstiel · 2 years
#also this isn't meant as shade or a vague in any way but#writing for this fandom#creating any kind of content for this fandom tbh (spn)#is so hard because like#at least for me#i am petrified that i'm going to write something and then be vagued#or talked about for ''not understanding the characters'' or getting their characterization wrong#which like YES it can be annoying to be reading a story and be like huh#that is the complete opposite of what **I** think that character would do#but some of y'all go IN on these people#like truly and wholly go in on them#and as someone watching that from the sidelines it fills me with DREAD to write#I can work on something for literal years#and continue to hide it because I don't want a bunch of spn blogs to talk shit about me#and that's like. a very **me** problem. that's no one else's issue. that's just how it makes me feel#and like yes obviously it's your blog and you can say whatever you want on your blog#i'm not trying to shame anyone I get it trust me#but SEEING it#i'm just saying it gets in your head and it stays there#it's just a rough thing#and this is probably prevalent in most fandoms#i just feel like the spn fandom is very....loud about these characters#because they care about them so much#oh but ___ would never do ____#or you're SO wrong for thinking ___ would ____ like#bestie you didn't create these characters either#i don't know this has been sitting heavy on me for a number of years#i miss writing#i used to love it#but writing for this fandom just fills me with so much anxiety
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valleynix · 2 years
Per your tags on the post you reblogged, you have tea on people in this fandom?? 👀
yes but this is just a silly little blog for my silly little writings. i'm not about to start issues on here because tumblr people are another breed of hostile when someone has a different opinion than their own.
i get enough shit on tiktok for stating any sort of opinion that gains traction and this is my nice little calm place where i can talk about my favorite characters and scream into the void about them <3
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itsrainingfeathers · 2 years
Started my 2nd playthrough of Horizon Forbidden West. I love the game but the writing, the story...it's all so painfully obvious.
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yarrowleef-babbles · 2 years
someone explain to me why i am so defensive over adam parrish, like I have a personal very very long list of complaints about him as a person and character and yet anytime i hear someone else breathe in the direction of calling him awful or annoying, some knee jerk response in my bones starts internally screeching “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU DON’T GET IT NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HAVE AN OPINION ABOUT HIM OTHER THEN ME”
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buttercupshands · 13 hours
I have like 2% of productivity when drawing and 88% of just feeling bad and then 10 are like "ugh let's go try again I want to draw this" and I can't because it's literally minutes to half an hour now I either draw OCs easily or struggle to draw anything MHA related and I WANT TO but I CAN'T yet I did those things couple of days ago because... I have no idea why I tried to draw now and it was like "yesssss this!!!" and then suddenly "nope. you can't draw this now" like... I get it trying to draw during a severe burnout from a fandom is hard and it's even harder when I'm hyperfixated on it at the same time but I'm just sad that I can't draw, and I wish I could draw Undertale instead or something but I need some time to gather thoughts
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
God it's hard to get into some other fandoms. TT0TT
Like Far Cry 5 fandom, it's only been the Youtube people (and maybe some reddit/forum posts too) but some dumbasses side with the cult and orz I just wanna smack them TT0TT Or get them therapy, I'm not sure which.
And then there's the Addams' Family fandom, but I like legit about to start a war on Tumblr. Y'all there's like a minimum of MAYBE 10ish continuities/canons and y'all just conflating a bunch of them and acting like you know what you're talking about. TT0TT I can't believe I took some of y'alls word for it for years only to find out "uhhhh no, only in that canon, these other 4 that's not it"
"Oh this isn't what the Addams' Family is about! Because as you can see here nuk nuk nuk nuk nuk" *conks your head together with a coconut sound following* That's like ONE version TT0TT Not ALL versions. I'm gonna go insane is2g. I just another Tumblr post speaking in absolutes on a character iteration and I was like
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Announcer: Aaaaaand we're back. Back to your regularly sched Persona/Atlus/Megaten posts. Haha hopefully that doesn't happen again.
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caramel-ribbons · 1 year
I just watched Avatar for the first time all the way through, and yeah, it’s great, but the one thing that surprised me was how different Katara was compared to the fandom interpretation I’d seen and internalized before watching.
Like, before you watch Avatar, you’ve seen all these memes about Katara and her mom, and based on those memes, you assume it’s one of those lines you have to get used to hearing at least once every episode. But then you watch the show and realize that she only talks about her mom maybe five or six times per season and you also realize she only brings her up when she’s trying to comfort someone or empathize with them because that’s how she processes her grief and that’s one way she connects with people.
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Or you hear the infamous line, “then you didn’t love [our mother] the way I did” and you prepare yourself for one of the worst character assassinations ever only to see the scene after nearly three seasons worth of context and realize she was kinda right. She’s been the mother, the nurturer, the comforter. She’s been patient, gentle, and accommodating where everyone else has gotten to be insensible and reckless and childish, and the one moment where she allows herself to feel her grief, suddenly she’s this evil bitch and not, y’know, a 14 year old girl whose been thrusted into adulthood in a way no other character has. A 14 year old girl who should be allowed immaturity and raw emotion and anger instead of the patience and grace she’s been forced to extend to every character without even the smallest amount of gratitude or even consideration in return.
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Or you see all of the clips where Katara puts Aang in the “friendzone” and you expect to have this wishy washy back and forth where Aang is putting his feelings out there only to have Katara neither commit nor express any clear reciprocation or rejection. Then you watch and realize that, as cute as the ship is initially, that there’s never a point where Aang returns any comfort or grace to Katara despite her always doing this for him to the point of coddling. That for as much as Aang says he loves her, he never seems to outgrow his perception of her so he can recognize her as someone who feels grief, anger, and pain as much as she expresses love, kindness, and maturity. And instead of having moments where he learns to see her beyond her strength or compassion, you’re instead given moments where Aang forces his feelings onto her, both romantic and non-romantic, and Katara is expected to just…shoulder those feelings the way she shoulders everyone else’s.
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Katara is the most misunderstood character in the show. As much as people recognize the complexities of Zuko, Sokka, and Azula, they struggle to do the same for Katara because they see her struggles as somehow lesser, and therefore, less deserving of sympathy. They can handle her so long as she’s being endlessly patient and loving and kind, but the moment her endless love, patience, and kindness runs out, she’s suddenly this annoying bitch who can’t shut up about her mother or reciprocate Aang’s feelings. But Katara’s trauma does matter as much as anyone else’s. No, she wasn’t banished from her kingdom. No, she didn’t lose her entire community, and no, she isn’t the only one who lost her mother. But the difference between her and everyone else whose experienced loss because of the Fire Nation is that she’s never given time to process her trauma. Aang gets to lean on Katara constantly. Toph gets to express her feelings to Katara, and yeah, Sokka also lost their mother, but unlike Katara, he isn’t put in the position of being a substitute for everyone’s parent. He even admits that he sees his sister as a mother. The only characters who ever comfort Katara or allow her to vent is Zuko and her father and that’s, like, three scenes in a show where the other characters are consistently given opportunities to seek out Katara for unconditional support.
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The fandom interpretation of Katara has been so bastardized that even those who haven’t watched the show know her for this fanon version and not for who she is. She’s such an interesting character beyond her fandom limitations, though. She’s brave, hot-headed, and hopeful as well as gentle and caring. She wishes to learn waterbending, not only because she wants to fight in the war, but because she wants to continue her culture’s practices because, and people often forget this, she also lost an entire subculture within her already fractured tribe. And she wants to defeat the Fire Nation both because of her deep love and empathy for other people, but also because she wants to avenge her mother. But because some of the fans have reduced Katara to a bitch who constantly whines about her mother and friendzones Aang, you wouldn’t know any of this, and it sucks because she’s the only character whose been dumbed down to such an extent.
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