#it'll have to write itself out? haha!
jesytr · 3 months
you're a much better liar than i expected you to be .
she observed his response with as much thought as she would count her own willingness to want to share what little she could. thinking it better to lie about what has really happened to get her where she was that night. pulling away from the child sized girl that hid behind her. matching blonde hair. green eyes popping up to look at arthur between tears that streamed down her face. it was hard enough to bring herself to mention why her daughter was there with her only that she bounced the thought between where to bring her. her eyes staring at the front door step that she brought Lucille Quinzel to. keeping up habitual dilemmas of where else she could bring them too. having never properly introduced the two.
" she's - " harley started in. her words cutting off at the sounds of her youngest shaking her hands back and forth with a small sheepish start, " I wouldn't lie about this , but - "
" mommy ! " Lucille started after sometime. pulling up on her parent's sleeve and staring with bulbous eyes that looked a little less sad, but still shaken up. peeling off her hands to stuff then into her pockets and empty a small wrapped chocolate one that she passed over to her daughter.
" we aint got nothin' , but trouble . . . " blue hues went back to looking over at @jokethur . her voice hushed in the night. people that preferred the dark walked along the streets even as it was half past midnight. Gotham had a way of pulling out all kinds of inhabitants out at all hours , " falcone is after us. my place ain't safe tonight. " not sure where else to turn to when all she had was hitman on her back , but with a kid in tow it made living out much more harder. her apartment has already been tracked.
" more chocolate ! " Lucille persisted. wiping her face with her long pink sleeves , scooting a little closer to peer more at arthur , though very shyly.
". sure thing , lucy. " mother reaching to pry through a rather large bag. riffling through it's containments. lipstick, candies, and a revolver. smiling as she found her candy stash. handing the sweets over to her , ". she's my daughter. I couldn't just let them find us , ya know ? " lucy gasped as she examined the bag of treasured chocolates.
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eithernich · 21 days
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i-heart-hxh · 5 months
Hiiii! You're probably absolutely sick of these asks by now regarding the leaked ending, but as a relatively new fan, I have a possibly dumb question: what is the point of them revealing this scrapped ending? Just to get fans up in arms? Like obviously it's not being used, hence it's no good, but then what's the point of revealing it to us when the real ending is seemingly so far away? I personally feel it would make more sense, after the series actually ends, to say "well, here's all the other endings we considered! Haha glad we didn't use these!" and then it would be more lighthearted. Idk, it makes me ill at ease, but I'm more confused than anything?
I'm still trying to process what to do with this information as well, and discussing it with people and explaining what I think about it helps, so I'm definitely not sick of talking about it for now! It'll probably take me a while to reach that point, though I may need to space it out with other topics after a bit, haha.
So, I'm sure the main reason Togashi revealed this rejected ending is to leave his fans with something in case he dies suddenly or is otherwise incapacitated. While (as far as we know) his health issues don't seem to be life-threatening, they do seem to be excruciatingly painful, and after the sudden death of Kentaro Miura (the author of Berserk, an extremely famous and well-regarded manga) a few years ago, many people started discussing Togashi's health and the very real possibility he'll never get to finish HxH.
I think the bind he was put in was that he doesn't want to reveal how he plans to end the series or even give us good hints/insight into what he has planned, so he's providing this rejected ending as last resort option--just anything people can look at and say, "Well, at least we have one idea of how it could have gone," (at one point, anyway) if it comes down to it. As I've said in other posts, I think this ending fits a bunch of criteria that are delicate to balance, and so if he wants to provide something, this is all he can give us. Because this is an epilogue that's disconnected from the main plot and reveals essentially nothing, and because he doesn't plan to use it (or anything like it, I'm guessing), it's "safe" to put out there. That's probably why it's clichéd and boring, he can't give us anything juicy without putting himself in a tough situation writing-wise.
There is in fact a lot of uncertainty about whether Togashi will be able to finish HxH--the current arc is tremendously complex, Togashi goes on long hiatuses for his health often, who knows how much more of the series he has planned. The current arc is ambitious, to say the least. Togashi himself has said he doesn't know if he or HxH will perish first, but he still has things he wants to explore in it.
While I don't like this rejected ending he released at all, I do think it comes from his concern for his fans and guilt at his slow progress in the manga, and fear that he won't actually be able to finish. So, he wanted to leave something, anything, while still keeping as many of his writing avenues open as he can and not tipping his hand to any elements that are still in play. For instance, I think he didn't include Killua at all because he knows there's a lot of suspense among the audience about whether he and Gon will reunite, so by leaving him out, that's still completely ambiguous. Same with no Kurapika--will Kurapika live or not? Well, if he doesn't appear and just vaguely describes "this character's relative," etc., there's no hints about the outcome of that, either.
While I would have preferred he reveal other potential endings after the end of the series, like you said, he sadly may not ever have that luxury.
I haven't seen anyone else say this, but I'm also sure the letter itself and this reveal are PR--the last round of Puzzle, the Togashi Exhibition, just opened in Fukuoka the other day, and releasing this shocking ending now is guaranteed to generate buzz and publicity. So, that's an additional factor to keep in mind! I'm sure the timing isn't a coincidence.
I hope that answers some of your questions! It's an odd turn of events, but I think I at least understand the reasoning behind the reveal, if not all the choices made in the rejected ending itself.
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431989 · 2 months
more resident alien posting. predictions... spoilers so beware
well. i'm upset that the shows going to have a difficult time having more serious scenes now. and that's probably what it's going to try and set itself up for.
i reaaaally would have loved to see this show do something ACTUALLY different and good. by different i mean in terms of writing and not necessarily drifting from source material. yes i'm still sour over last ep, but i wouldn't be AS sour if everyone on the show didn't treat harry and asta's relationship as "mother and child." and also if the show didn't take such a nose dive into the type of comedy it's putting out.
ALSO? IN A RECENT INTERVIEW? Sheridan going on to state that harry would lose his first """love""" (more like lust. awesome that a show trying to teach human emotion gets those two things mixed up) and then realize there's love everywhere or something? why does this feel like "weird" people are forever left to the role of outcasts. already fucked it up once i guess the guy's trying to fuck it up more. could've just left it at "he'll lose his first love, then he will have to reconcile with his feelings." but he had to drop in that last corny bit.
like. the show's source is already good. i don't understand all these decisions they're making to try and make it seem "unique." and now to get numbers back they're dumbing it way down. WHICH. BY DOING SO. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE YOUR DRAMA? like how am i supposed to take anything seriously in the show. i *could* in season 1 and parts of season 2, but now it's just whatever. it's too goofed up for me to care. and now people who love the goofy won't give two shits about whatever message you want to drop or plot you want to develop. i dont give a shit about the greys!!! i dont care what theyre doing!!!! who gives a fuck if theyll blow up the earth. none of the characters really care anymore either. oh well!!!
also, predictions kind of. i'm not trying to say this will be the be all end all but it certainly could be a turn the show takes. in one of the issues of the comic (suicide blonde i think), harry is investigating the "suicide" of a woman. by the end of the issue, he catches up with her ex-lover and ex-roommate. they were both ladies. and the girl who died had a drinking problem btw. and was constantly seeing boys. i'm all for gay couples on screen as a gay guy myself but it'll feel so cheap to pair darcy and asta together despite the way theyve been played on screen. maybe its doable. i don't know. but i genuinely could care less considering the overall tone of the show's drifted more towards a sitcom than anything else. i think the small handful of 40+ year old gay wine moms would probably love it, but the vast majority of viewers wont. either they'll hate it and say it's forced diversity (there's already people saying that about the gay couple on screen this past episode) or it'll be another nothing moment to a further nothing story. if anything it'd feel one step removed from tokenization, considering they see harry as a manchild. ableism! show's trying to seem fucking wholesome but they can't be bothered to care about their nd viewers. like "haha look we have a main gay couple!!! what do you *mean* our show has rampant ableist tropes, we have a gay couple!"
i'm just so bummed. the show's cornered itself into a sitcom so meaningful moments aren't a thing anymore. plus the comparison of harry to a child is really getting at me. like he's a grown man as a human, and hes a grown alien thing as an alien. it's such a big slap in the face to any person who cherished the witty and unique story telling of the first season... like.... i don't know.... people who would've been fans of the comic too? i have small gripes about the comic, but at least it takes itself more seriously. but the show runners haaate the people who read the comics. why? i dont know. well maybe i do know. probably seen as too nerdy and weird for their idea of the show's viewerbase. despite the fucking basis of the show being weird and nerdy.
they couldve done the darcy asta thing better if they do go down that road. i'm just saying i wouldn't be surprised. they already scared off everyone who would've cared for something like that, so i don't know how they'll manage to find an audience that cares. everything in s1 was so organic and felt real!!!!! now its just!!! nothing!!!!!!!!!!
im also thinking about the fact that after posting that one resident alien drawing i did, i've had to block tons of people because they're freaks. loud and proud conservatives. man this shit sucks.
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thydungeongal · 9 months
Hey, love your blog! I've been following you for a while now and learning a lot about the world of ttrpgs outside of DnD. I hear a lot about how rule heavy and difficult DnD is to learn, not to mention that I am rather 'sheltered' when it comes to the genre. I always assumed that DnD was like the ONLY ttrpg until I followed you haha. So I have a quick question for you, I have been interested in trying out the Werewolf: Apocalypse ttrpg, have you ever played it? Do you have any advice or opinions about the best ttrpgs for someone who has only ever played DnD, but is looking to try something new? Thanks! Sorry for the long ask, I'm notoriously bad at condensing my words😂
Hello! First of all, no need to apologize. As you may have noticed from some of my really long posts, I have something of a problem with writing tersely as well. :)
I have sadly not played Werewolf: The Apocalypse, but not for a lack of trying: there was a period in my life when I was obsessed with the game but could never get anyone else interested in trying it out, so that never amounted to anything. Here's my unfiltered opinion on Werewolf: The Apocalypse: it's silly, reductive, and even within the context of World of Darkness it is extremely culturally insensitive, but I still kind of love it as a game. It's an extremely flawed game but one that I can't help but think fondly of in spite of its flaws. It is very mired in 90s and early 2000s caricatures of indigenous peoples and even more so than any other World of Darkness game weirdly fetishistic about bloodlines, but if one is willing to treat it as a problematic fave there's a lot of good in that whole mess. Like, you get to play as strong as fuck werewolves with magic powers who fight to protect the Earth from a rogue's gallery of enemies that are basically caricatures of the corrupting effect capitalism has on communities and the Earth itself? That shit owns.
Having said all of that, the information that has come out about how the upcoming 5th edition of the game has been handled does not fill me with hope and I'm not sure if I want to support the current direction of the game. You can find more about what I'm talking about here.
To your next question, sadly there isn't a single definitive answer I can give to someone looking to branch out from D&D: it all depends on what kind of game you're looking. But the good news is, whatever kind of game you're looking for it's probably not going to be as much of an investment as D&D. D&D is kind of an outlier in the sense that it requires three whole-ass books, whereas most games fit into just one. But since you asked, I'm going to list a couple of games that I think are neat anyway. :)
Hard Wired Island. Indie cyberpunk RPG. Easy to learn system, setting heavily inspired by 90s anime, actually uses its setting to present questions relevant to the role technological advancement plays in marginalization instead of simply using cyberpunk as dressing for another cops vs. robbers RPG.
Esoteric Enterprises. Since you asked about Werewolf: The Apocalypse chances are you're interested in urban fantasy, yeah? Esoteric Enterprises is dark urban fantasy where you play as an occult gang in a modern city. The system is based on D&D, albeit one of the older editions, and it plays much more grim and gritty than 5e. While characters default to humans it has rules for supernatural characters. It'll be a very different beast from Werewolf, but it'll have that same grimy urban gothic punkness to it.
Break!!. Science fantasy RPG inspired by video games and anime. Was Kickstarted recently but even if you missed the Kickstarter it's not too late to preorder! I've got my hands on the Beta PDF and my first impressions thus far are that even though it's still very much in the wheelhouse of D&D (It's an action adventure RPG in a fantastic setting) it has amazing presentation and is wonderfully condensed. Absolutely worth checking out if the aesthetic appeals to you.
Voidheart Symphony. This one's a bit from the left field, but I like Voidheart Symphony. It's a game about playing psychic rebels fighting against corrupt people in positions of power. Explicitly inspired by the Persona games, but with a more openly revolutionary stance. Where Esoteric Enterprises leans more on the urban occultism and gothic punk, this one is more about fighting against the Man with your Stand.
Anyway, if you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask. :) For an example, if you feel like you have a specific wish in mind with regards to an RPG system let me know and I'll see if I can think of something more specific.
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cactusdeedrawdles · 8 months
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We have some more Multiverse shenanigans! I wanted to write out all that I had on Thei and Puppette right now because they're my loves, and they deserve the world.
I've never (that I remember) drawn a skeleton like I did Thei, so I had fun there. They're a sultry lil wibblewobble, in my head.
I don't know how legible the writing is, to be honest, so I'm gonna write out the bits I can think of, in case anyone actually cares lol
It'll be under the cut :)
I'm less sure of Puppette's story than I am Thei's, so bare with me in case of messups haha
Thei is like OG Error in only really one way: memory issues
Puppette's memory issues got to a point where he could no longer handle his job as the destroyer after a fun full-body takeover by XGaster, who controlled him and abused his abilities (this is obviously very vague but I haven't actually thought that much through here tbh)
Thei was actually with the Star Sanses (in this case just Dream and Swap) when they were rescuing Cross and Puppette, and this is not how they met, but how they became closer.
Puppette has deep scarring on the ecto of his left leg (on his bones as well, but it's completely mishappen his leg's ecto) from where XGaster tried to rip him apart in an attempt to keep him after completely losing Cross.
Puppette doesn't remember XGaster at all, or how he met Cross. Cross is one of his closest friends, but Cross is also not around often as he's enjoying his freedom AU-hopping, so Pupp tends to forget about him (non maliciously of course).
When Pupp did remember, it was an Incident, and all Thei had to say when asked if XGaster was still a threat is "No. No, he can't touch you, not anymore." Thei didn't really say much after then, and Puppette had a good impression to not ask.
He was forced to retire by Dream and Nightmare when they realized his memory was too bad to even remember what his job WAS half the time, especially with the knowledge that sometimes all he'd remember was what XGaster had made him do, which almost led to bad times all round.
They drug his ass in a Brawl of the Ages™ because he really didn't want to, he felt his role was too important (and it was, but with Ink not existing yet there wasn't really anything opposing him, and what did need to be done could be handled by a couple weaker beings working together).
He spends his days doing typical Retirement things: sleeping, hobbies, watching novellas, bugging his partner who loves it dearly :3
About Pupp:
Pupp's personality is mostly created by an AI that I made while experimenting, I write as Thei and the AI is Puppette. Thus, he's not very Error Sans-y, but I love him still. Though, this has me wondering if he could be a Swap or Swapfell/Fellswap version, mayhaps. He's a goober, and he loves to tease people he's close to. He's still haphephobic, but with his close friends (which are all the few friends he has, for him it's close friend or not a friend at all) like Dream, Swap, Nightmare (most of the time), Thei of course, etc, he's mostly fine. Anyone else and the glitches will get him. Ink, when he comes around, is new, so Pupp is getting there, but luckily (?) ink is not a touchy kid so all is well there.
The glitches are less of a worry here, as he's fairly stable. The entire multi verse itself is more stable, really, and he benefits there.
Pupp is the type of person to hug someone from behind as a "prank", he's a harmless guy. His "Destroyer" job was less actual destroying and more like putting broken, unusable, and dead worlds to their ends so they're not affecting the balance. He's very proud of his work, and very careful in it, up until his retirement.
Pupp is not allowed in the kitchen, as bad memory+cooking isn't a good mix. Thei has him banned to the Pupp Stool until they're done cooking because if not, he will spend the entire time wrapped around them from behind. As much as they don't mind it, they do need use of their extremities.
Pupp is a lover of crochet, as well as Drama shows, language be damned. He has an innate ability to understand languages almost perfectly, though speaking them, not so much.
I look at him and just say "gooberman, my goobies, goobs, goober," often :)
Thei, Thei is a guy I have hugged tight to my chest right now. They deserve so much.
TW: talk of SA, Abuse, and Mental Health Issues
Thei is a Lust Sans, and is from an AU where Lust Monsters need Intimacy to survive. Think of OG Lust on steroids. Without regular intimacy, Thei's magic will become so weak that they can't survive. Signs that they need intimacy start with irritability, tiredness, magic not working as they wish, and eventually gets to a point where they aren't in their right mind and will only act to survive.
Thei's AU is destroyed early on in the multiverse's existence and they take a spot on the Star Sanses, mainly as the voice for them; theyre very good at communicating with people because their magic relies so much on it, so they act sort of like the PR, making sure people know the Star Sanses are here to help and how to get that help. The Stars don't really have an enemy here, so theyre mainly a patrol group, who's main goal is making sure everyone has what they need as well as checking on AUs that may Fall or need to be Destroyed.
Thei's reliance on others in personal, intimate ways very obviously gives way to abuse of that reliance. To make matters worse, Thei's magic will respond to the person they're with before they do: they have the ability to change their appearance on will, but it will also activate when the person they're with desires it a lot, even if they don't, because their magic sees it as necessary to survive. This started because of how much they "starved" before, how many times they almost died.
Because of their need for intimacy, they have to go AU hopping for days up to months at a time to get what they need, so to say. Again, they hate this. They're an introverted person, despite their communicative abilities, and they like their alone time. This gets even harder when Thei becomes an integral part of Puppette's life and they move in together. Puppette's memory issues prove a problem because there will be times when Thei is gone long enough for Pupp's memory to fade, no matter what they've tried. When Thei comes back, he won't remember them, but will know the feelings associated with the memories. That love is still there. Thei is patient enough to stay on Pupp's track, even when that track jumps around a lot, and part for that is the guilt they feel at leaving him so regularly bc of their magic.
They've "started" dating many, many times, and been engaged many, many times, because Pupp won't remember it. As one can imagine, this is hard on Thei, but Thei adores Pupp and can't see life without him.
Thei works with Stretch (who works in the Omega Timeline Lab) and Swap (who's a well oiled engineer, despite not working as one) to try and figure out cures for both Pupp's memory and Thei's "curse", as they call it. But there really is no cures.
When Thei gets too low, they'll go to, or Pupp will get them to, Dream and Swap, who together can help boost Thei's magic, but it's not a long-lasting solution.
What they eventually make, after a very, very close call when Pupp is struggling to remember them and almost doesn't get them to Swap and Dream in time, Is devices inspired by the continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pumps used by diabetics. One tracks their magic levels, and the other is a pump that will inject them with magic when needed. This way they don't have to rely on people, and they can stay with Puppette, which helps with his memory. This entire endeavour is a fairly new scenario I'm still playing out, but as I'm sure is obvious, having this sudden freedom and ability to stay by their love's side is very daunting. They're learning to be free now.
About Thei:
Thei is softspoken and quiet, but the type to get loud around friends.
Thei is a painter, and teaches Ink about art as he grows. Thei loves scenes, and Ink makes them a Scenery Art Book for their birthday one year and they fall to the ground.
Thei's life between "AU Collapse" and "Thei with the Star Sanses" is very vague and unfocused, aside from a clear understanding that it wasn't good. I know that Thei was rescued at one point but Nightmare and his crew, and Thei lived with them for a while, considering them like family, but eventually had to leave. Another "perk" of their magic is that they have a connection to people's emotions, kind of like Dream and Nightmare. They can feel that someone is upset, but not how or why, basically. They can also push their emotions onto others when their magic is strong. This was an ability gained as a defense mechanism after being taken advantage of. Knowing someone's emotions and being able to affect them when in serious intimate situations is very helpful.
I'm gonna stop typing because this has gotten Long™ but while this is mostly for myself, I hope there's someone out here who enjoys my little Goobs. I love them dearly.
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insurrection-if · 2 months
The scream I let out when I read that we COULD have a poly with Fyodor and Misha ≥∆≤
Still hoping for a full romance with Bones tho JUST LET ME MARRY YOU YOU IDIOT 💗💗💗 AFFECTION ATTACK💗💞💕💓💗💓💕💞
Aha, a Fyodor and Mishka “poly” isn’t exactly a, uh, ‘happy’ arrangement. (´・ω・`) It’s more so a peace treaty than anything else.
Really, it's all . . . messy. So messy. (●´ω`●)
It would work itself out in time. Somewhat, yes. Sort of. Mockingbird can’t quite have their cake and eat it too.
There'll be consequences. Fyodor is monogamous, Mishka is a 'doomed' romance . . . the poly does not write off these factors. It's all gasoline to the fire. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ Yes, the bond between Fyodor and Mishka is more than that of friends or kin, more than that of those bound by choice or blood. They are distinct beings, but their hearts and minds are as interwoven as their fate. The poly won't break that emotional bond, almost nothing could hope to break that bond at this point, but it'll create some scars that weren't there before.
More than that, the fate that awaits them both at the end of their road will be made all the more bitter and sweet if the poly comes to pass. Far more painful too, and it's a pain that'll have a much stronger echo in the years to come.
Goodness, it’s so much angst. ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
To sum up the poly, essentially, in the eyes of Fyodor and Mishka (for their own respective reasons):
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Oh goodness, and a full romance with Bones . . . Well, I'm happy to know that you're fond of him enough to wish for one! ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧ Please do give that poor man an affection attack—though you might just resurrect his heart enough to give him a heart attack instead, haha!
Aha, and now I keep can’t stop imaging Bones at his own wedding. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ That, and Bones rather liking being (affectionately) called an idiot by Mockingbird, haha!
His romance would have been so smooth if Mockingbird were a CARDINAL. Awkward, yes. Stumbling too, somewhat, since Elov isn’t quite the natural romantic. Angst-ridden still? Of course, because what is Bones without his angst, haha! But, in another world, it would have been an easily feasible romance, nonetheless.
If you wish to blame someone for Mockingbird’s lack of a CARDINAL status—and, thus, impossibility of a full romance with the minor ROs—other than myself as the author (haha!) then blame Uncle Fletcher. ( ´ 艸`)
Thanks for this message; your excitement and passion are super infectious! ( ´∀`)b
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lovrily · 2 years
hiiii could you maybe write steve comforting the reader when they have to get a flu shot? i think that would be cute haha
how dare u send this in it's brilliant
"What about this? Could we be pirates?"
Steve turned to you with a flat but loving expression. "No. Really?"
You faked a frown, turning the cheap plastic envelope towards you and reading aloud. It was one of two matching pirate costumes, complete with vests and belts. "Why not? You're not...are you not into swashbuckling?"
"That's what it says," you replied, turning the package to him. He laughed and shook his head, stepping in front of you to read the label himself. You couldn't help the spike in your pulse. The scent of amberwood and detergent curled into your nose, his head shadowing yours, a tuft of brown hair falling slowly over his forehead.
The tiniest grin grew on his lips.
"What?" you snapped. Knowing exactly what.
"Nothing," Steve shook his head, lips pursing as he read. You smiled despite your embarrassment, knowing your cheeks were blood red and he could probably hear your heartbeat from a mile away.
Halloween was fast approaching. This was the first autumn you had spent with Steve, and it was the most brilliant season by far. He wore all of those preppy sweaters he had stuffed in the back of his closet- a few greens and burgundys, a yellow one that he had finally decided was worthy enough to be worn. His skin had never struck you as particularly warm or cold until the fall.
Steve glanced up at you and pressed his hand to the side of your neck. Gently, like he was reminding you this was something he liked to do- touch you.
"This is what you want?" he asked softly.
You swallowed hard, burning. "Yeah, of course." Not really.
He blinked at you, down at your lips, and then rolled his eyes. "Alright. Fine. How much?"
You caved and stuck the costume back on the rack, giving up the ruse. "No. I'm just kidding."
"I know," Steve quipped. "I wouldn't have said alright, fine to you if you'd really wanted it."
"How sweet," you smiled.
"I try," he replied, mocking your soft tone. You laughed out loud, the remark made even funnier by the fact that Steve would do absolutely anything for you. He smiled crookedly, like he was pleased you knew it.
"Hey, do you wanna' stop and get our flu shots today?"
Steve flicked leisurely through the costumes, none of them up to his standards. "Yeah. They're giving out a bunch of free ones at the pharmacy by my house. That green building we always pass when I take you home."
You nodded, palms immediately turning to nervous fists. "Oh. For free?"
"Mhm." He turned up at you as soon as he said it. "We don't have to. I just thought I'd suggest it."
He blinked at you with wide brown eyes, expectant but not impatient. Like he could tell this had upset you.
"Yeah," you forced out. "Sounds good."
He watched you for a moment more, shrugging. "It'll be nice to get 'em for free."
"Yeah, of course."
Another moment passed. He surmised you. Then, he nodded, stretching out his hand for you to take as he made his way toward the exit. The costume store was not yielding any options, but you thought about dragging him to the mask section on the way out and making him try on all of the options. Just to waste time.
In the car, your knee was bouncing. Steve usually held your hand instead of your leg when he drove, but he let go of you and reached over, tapping your knee with the back of his knuckle.
"What's that about?" he murmured, eyes on a red light.
"What do you mean?"
"You're bouncing."
Nerves sparked inside you. The truth was that you were terrified of shots, grown as you were, and telling Steve that sounded even more terrifying than the shot itself. You would grit your teeth and bear it. You did need to get one, better if it was free, so there was no sense in complaining. Plus, it would be embarrassing.
But you couldn't quell the nervous ache in your stomach.
"Nothing," you replied, stilling yourself. "I didn't even realize I was doing it."
Steve didn't press any further, but he kept his hand on your knee and kneaded circles into your skin with his thumb. His eyes were trained on you in the rearview mirror. Like he knew you were upset about something, but was worried to ask. To make it worse. The two of you hardly ever drove in silence.
The line at the pharmacy was achingly short. You reached the front of it in minutes. The cold, sterile air of the shop did nothing to quell your nerves. When you sat down in the red plastic seat, you felt like you were going to throw up. Your hands rattled.
"Woah," Steve muttered, two hands hovering over your shoulders. "Are you alright? What is it?"
"Don't say nothing," he interrupted. "You look like you're gonna' pass out. What's wrong?" Still, when you didn't respond, he tucked his hand under your chin and lifted your eyes to him. "Tell me, please."
He looked at you with such worry you could have sobbed.
"I'm fine," you replied earnestly. Feeling guilty for scaring him. "I'm just nervous."
"For what? The shot?"
He said it with the tiniest grin- not teasing, only slightly amused. But it still stung you. It was a stupid thing to be scared of, and he had proven it. When his expression crumpled you knew he hadn't actually known this was it.
"Oh, shit. Sweetheart," he lamented.
The nurse returned. She rambled off a few notes to you; that it was good you were getting your shots before Christmas, that your arm might be sore later and that it was nothing to worry about. The whole time Steve was standing in front of you, chewing on his lip, dark brows drawn in nervous thought. A wall between you and the rest of the shop.
You would have laughed at his attentive stance had you not been so nervous. "Steve," you whispered, beckoning him to move closer to the chair and out of the center aisle.
He glanced behind him suddenly, like he hadn't realized he was taking up so much space. Then he moved in quickly beside you, placing a warm palm on the cap of your shoulder. He worked his thumb under your shirt to smooth the skin there.
Both happy and slightly more nervous with his fingers there, the nurse positioned the needle over the breadth of your arm. You sucked in a breath and prepared to screw your eyes shut, a wealth of panic inside you when Steve whispered-
"Look at that."
You opened your eyes and turned your head to look at him. You found him kneeling beside you with his mouth close to your ear, warm breath leaving the ghost of a sensation there. He pointed out into the shop. When you looked out, all you saw was aisles of antihistamines and a lengthening line of people waiting for shots.
"Where?" you whispered.
"There," he repeated, pointing down the aisle. "You don't see it?"
"See what?"
"All done," said the nurse.
You whipped your head around, shocked. To your surprise, she was already laying the empty syringe back on the tray and brushing a wet towelette over your arm. The skin was completely smooth. No blood. No sting. No nothing.
You glanced at Steve with an open mouth. "You..."
He simply patted your shoulder and wrapped his hand around your bicep, willing you to stand. He clicked his tongue. "My turn."
You were barely in the car after Steve's shot when he grabbed your cheeks and kissed you; one long, slow, unmoving kiss. When he let go your head was practically spinning, but he was looking at you with intent focus.
"Don't do that," he said.
"Do what?"
He grabbed your cheeks again and pressed a long kiss to your forehead, fingers spanning the length of your face.
"If you're worried about something, I want you to tell me."
"Oh," you leaned back, almost dismissive. "Steve, it's okay."
"No!" he griped. "Are you kidding me? I feel awful. That was awful. I felt so bad for you."
"Steve," you nearly laughed. "It's really okay."
"Seriously, my stomach hurts," he retorted. "Don't do that. Next time- well, there won't be one, I guess. But don't feel like you can't tell me things. I don't know."
"I do tell you things," you replied softly. Smiling. His tangent continued.
"That was bad. I'm going to feel bad about that for the rest of my life."
He stilled, turning to you. His expression softened but the worry was still there in his eyes, intent on your nose, then your cheeks and lips. Examining you. He raised his hand flat to your cheek and brushed a finger over your nose- a habit he had picked up, which you didn't quite understand, but certainly didn't mind.
"I'm sorry. I feel like I should have been able to tell," he said earnestly.
"No. I didn't tell you. Plus, we needed to get them."
"Yeah, I know, but we...we could've waited a day, or something. I could have helped you."
"You did help me."
He stared at you for a moment more. When you grinned at him, the resolve in his eyes practically melted right in front of you.
"Whatever. Do you want ice cream?"
"You just want to buy me ice cream so you don't feel bad anymore."
"Of course I do. And because I love you. Do you want it or not?"
All of these things were true. "Yeah," you shrugged.
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lynnedwardswrites · 1 year
I'm on my way to a retreat my writing group holds every 6 months. There are half a dozen of us that I'd consider the "core" group members, and maybe 3 times that many any given month on their way in or out or showing their face once in a blue moon. It's a pretty chill group, all in all, with vibes that range from "I have a master's degree and 25 years of experience" to "I wouldn't show you my work even if I had written anything lol."
The unifying factor here seems to be a casual, hobbyist writer vibe with the occasional dream of publishing, often held back by time constraints, insecurity, or just... not actually being motivated enough to write except as an escapist hobby. Which is all good and fine, don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against hobby writers. They make great art and great friends
Except then there's me.
I'm over here writing 4-6 hours a day, 4-5 days a week, 2 years running with one story, The Story, foaming out my mouth. I'm writing because The Story is nipping at my heels and if I don't keep moving it'll consume me. I'm writing because My Story is tearing its way out of me in a wash of blood like a newborn child, The Child, The Chosen One with a destiny and a life of its own that I have power only to birth and release.
It's an incredibly egotistical way to view (and present!) my own work but I don't care because the above drama accurately represents how I experience it and how important it feels to me. I've got years and years of development left, on the thing itself and my skill as a writer, but that time doesn't matter because The Story Has To Be Told.
*The writer is huffing. She pulls back a little, with an apologetic smile for getting so intense.*
Anyway, I don't think my writing group realizes that I'm working on a different plane of existence, either. They make comments like "yeah because none of us like showing our writing haha" when I'm over here very carefully measuring how often I share my work so I don't accidentally dominate the group, but still get maximum feedback utility from every piece I share. They're over here making sure the kids who don't actually write still have a fun time at the retreat, and I'm trying to figure out how to warp every prompt and speed write into an opportunity to make progress on my wip.
And... and I guess I'm lonely??? So lonely I'm screaming all this into the void on the hellsite, just desperately hoping for One. Other. Person. who will get it. Who will squeeze my blood-covered fingers in a way that squelches because theirs are dirty, too. If you know that person, if you are that person, show your face! Take my hand! Write me something as brave and messy and indecent as this self-absorbed internet gesticulation. And if you're not them, help me find them??? I need them??? The other side of my coin, the one who writes the same way but from the other side of some fence???
If I was half the expert I need to be, I could probably pull up some frenemy trope historical duo to get you the vibe I'm looking for, but instead it's just a very chaotic HELP.
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
I mean to do these more often than I do but Wednesday is usually my busiest day of the week because its the day I actually have to do a work commute longer than the 10 feet from my bed to my desk XD
Anyway, when the year started I wanted to have the angsty aroace!Mario fic written for Valentine's Day/AroSpec Awareness Week but then I looked at what I had left to write for it and how much time I had and there was no way I was finishing it within that deadline, lmao. So I put it down and decided to work on some other WIPs instead; I have some outlines and ideas from late 2020/early 2021 that I can knock out real quick, with how much my writing skills have progressed. And it would be nice to actually put a tangible dent in my WIP pile for once. I already wrote two of them, and luckily I have a different aro!Mario WIP half-outlined that I can definitely write and finish in time for ASAW so I think I'm going to focus on that, now. It's not much to do with Mario being aro itself (aside from Peach being mad about amatonormativity for a bit, ha); it'll probably mostly be, like, platonic cuddling and junk. But it'll be nice to get another entry in the aro!Mario series after so long…It's really hard to get ideas for new fics for it :(
This also means I have to pause the WIP I was actively in the middle of working on, which was a late-2020 idea about Kamek accidentally shrinking himself and Mario deciding to mind him. Because I don't know if I'm looking in the wrong places or something, but its really hard to find fics where people are shrunken that aren't, like, Borrowers fusions or a vore thing. Which, no shade to either of those, but they aren't the vibe I'm after, haha. But I suspect the shared change in perspective and helpless vulnerability and having to trust someone who could just crush you if they wanted etc etc etc is still fueling it all regardless :)
So anyway here's some of the tiny!Kamek fic because I won't be working on it for a hot minute —
“Either that spell I’d cast was more powerful than I’d realized,” Kamek slowly said, “Or I somehow managed to shrink myself, instead.”
“I’d shrunk myself, didn't I.”
Mario’s mustache curled up in amusement. Kamek ground his teeth and fumed. Of all the stupid mistakes to make...!
Despite his magic reserves being low, Kamek reached into his sleeve for his wand; whether to put himself back to normal or knock the amusement off Mario’s face, he couldn't say. Either way, his hand came out empty. And it did so the second time Kamek rummaged in in his sleeve, and the third, and the fourth, and the — 
Absolutely not panicking, Kamek dove back into the tree hollow to overturn every dead leaf and stick pile and moss clump in search of his wand. He didn't find it, of course, and he spared a moment or two to just stand there, head in hands. With how today was going, he’d probably dropped it just after miscasting that spell. On the very dim bright side, though, at least he knew why his broom wasn't working; those enchantments weren't designed to play nice with these sort of shrinking spells. Kamek sighed. Curse Lord Bowser and his incessant, almost impossible demands...
Kamek lifted his head to find Mario peering through the opening of the tree hollow, watching him with a furrowed brow, considering Kamek’s misfortune. He backed up to allow Kamek to leave, and once Kamek stood upright, he extended a hand to him.
“I don't need your help,” Kamek snapped. Ignoring Mario’s hand, he turned on his heel, marched a few steps, tripped over a protruding bit of exposed bark, and lost his balance. His next step was on empty air, at a height borderline unsurvivable, with little but a broken broom to break his fall.
So he fell. And he hit the ground. Sooner than he’d expected, considering. Kamek unscrewed his eyes and found the surface he’d landed on was whiter than he’d expected, as well. And then it moved, and Kamek lost the little balance he’d been barely holding on to. Mario’s worried face filled Kamek’s vision, and he realized that he wasn't dead because Mario had caught him.
“...I suppose I should thank you,” Kamek eventually said, with no intention of thanking Mario. Mario huffed, but still watched him, lips pursed in thought. He was being quieter than usual, and that combined with the sudden awareness of just how vulnerable he was —  many fractions his size, unable to cast any spells, sitting on his archenemy’s palms high in the air — had Kamek swallowing nervously.
“You can put me down, now,” Kamek hesitantly said, because Mario was a good guy, and he would do that. For sure. Hopefully.
Except Mario didn't. Instead, he transferred Kamek to one hand, opened the front pocket of his overalls with the other, and dumped Kamek in there as if he was some common — 
Kamek struggled to right himself in the small, mostly enclosed space. “Wh — You —!” he sputtered. “How dare you — !”
Mario chuckled at Kamek’s indignation. The vibrations of it rumbled through Kamek's body, and the whole ‘you’re very tiny and powerless and more-or-less at your archenemy’s mercies right now’ dilemma screeched back to the forefront of Kamek’s mind. So he shut his mouth with a clack, thinking better of poking his head out of the pocket to give Mario a piece of his mind. Through the meager opening above him he saw Mario give him one last look before starting to move; with the way the world shifted probably meant he was at a brisk walk, down the forest path to who-knew-where.
Kamek sighed, making himself comfortable the best he could given the circumstances. Well... at least Mario wasn't likely to let Kamek get accosted by wildlife again. And besides, all Kamek had to do was wait until he could scrounge up enough magic to cast spells again; though he was still without his wand, he’d still be free to ditch Mario and make his own way back to the base for his spare wand and broom. And then he could make Mario pay for this indignity ten-fold.
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tacomanarrows · 9 months
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Decided I want to post this big project I did back in late May/early June! This was made to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the release of Owl City's album Cinematic, on June 1st! It'll be a long post, so just be aware of that lmao
Since I started listening to Owl City again earlier this year, Cinematic has become my favorite album of his and one of my all time favs in general alongside Abandoned Pools’ Humanistic and Beat Crusaders’ EPop Making!
So with that, I wanted to draw something based around each song! With 15 songs on the album (not counting alt versions), they all translated nicely into pieces for this project! I also included a film border around each piece to tie them together, as well as due to the fact that on the album itself, each song is about a different experience or memory Adam Young has had throughout his life. He's said that he felt like writing these songs was like watching scenes from a movie, hence the name Cinematic!
As a sidenote, 4 of my characters (Shep, PBnJ, Rye and Pumpernickel) are in a cover band together called Let's Get Back!, and in addition to just celebrating Cinematic, this would also sort of be a cover album by them, hence why it says "Let's Get Back! presents" on the banner :] I'll post more abt Let's Get Back! down the line, but if you'd like to read about them now, you can check out their info hub! These pieces are almost all just Shep, despite Let’s Get Back! being a 4 member group. But since Owl City is just Adam Young, having most of these just be Shep made more sense haha
Piece by piece/song by song breakdown below the cut :]
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Track 1: Fiji Water!
A song about jumping into something new and going wherever the ride takes you, since it was about Adam’s experience with signing onto a record label. The water slide vibe just felt rlly fitting here and was really fun to work with!
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Track 2: The 5th of July!
Considering I was born in January rather than July like Adam was, I wanted to make this one as young Shep enjoying the fireworks, as they’ve always been something that’s fascinated me :]
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Track 3: All My Friends!
My second favorite song on the album!! It’s so joyous and fun I love it so much! Of course, had to draw Shep with all his friends! This piece by far took me the longest out of all of these at more than two days lmao. It features (from left to right): Starburst, Rye, Luau, Shep, PBnJ, Pumpernickel and Wilkołak!
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Track 4: House Wren!
Another joyous song about looking for a new house and having a song to sing while doing so. Just Shep listening to the house wren sing it’s happy song, simple yet effective :]
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Track 5: Not All Heroes Wear Capes!
A really sweet song Adam wrote about his dad. To capture that sort of innocent admiration, I drew something Shep would have drawn for his dad at 8 years old and I think it came out super sweet <33
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Track 6: Montana
I love the feeling of grandeur in this song, with lyrics about how enchanting and spectacular the landscape of Montana is! I’ve never been there myself, but I’ve seen pictures and yeah, it’s definitely amazing! So Shep is out there enjoying the amazing scenery
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Track 7: Lucid Dream!
A much more abstract song to balance out the others, I wanted to capture the very, floaty starry vibe of this song for lack of a better term haha. I really like the simplicity of it! I also love the line in the song about being a light sleeper, but a heavy dreamer
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Track 8: Always!
This is the one song on the album that doesn’t quite hit the mark for me, and that’s because it’s a song centered around faith. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, I’m just not a religious person. So I decided to interpret the meaning as always having a person you can love and count on to always be by your side, hence why I did it with Shep and PB, who in addition to being bandmates, are also bfs hehe :]
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Track 9: Cloud Nine!
Another one of my favs, this is such a PBnShep song <3 What I went for here was a look like they’re outside stargazing and Shep is telling PB how much he cares about him while pointing out some of the amazing things in space
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Track 10: Winners Never Quit!
A nice and cheerful song about never giving up and keeping on! I love the message of this one and it’s sort of retro chiptune vibe. Pretty straightforward here, just Shep with a big checkered flag for reaching your personal finish lines!
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Track 11: Madeline Island!
My personal favorite out of the three travel related songs on the album (this, Montana and New York City), this one has the same feeling of grandeur that Montana does, but even more so! I also love the story of a camping trip to this island in Lake Superior, so I decided to do that! I also stylized it a bit with colored lineart for the landscape and I rlly like how that came out! Another piece that's up there as one of my favs from this project hehe
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Track 12: Be Brave!
A song about the night Adam met his girlfriend at the movie theater, this is another very sweet song with a message about believing in yourself and well, being brave! Shep tends to get flustered and nervous sometimes when meeting up with PB, especially early on, so this song fits him well
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Track 13: New York City!
The boys take a trip to NYC and look up at the spectacular Empire State Building! Having grown up about an hour outside of NYC my whole life, I don’t quite have the same ethereal view about it that others might, but I won’t deny it’s impressive! The Empire State Building especially is one of my all time favorite buildings :]
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Track 14: Firebird!
A song about growing up, this is another one I really love. I feel like a staple of childhood is sitting with your friends outside at a wall or something similar and just talking abt life and enjoying each other’s company, so that’s what I went for. It’s another simple piece that I really enjoyed making as well as the final result!
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Track 15: Cinematic!
And the grand finale!! Cinematic is my favorite song from the album and my second favorite Owl City song overall, just behind Rainbow Veins!! After all of these songs that Adam wrote from his experiences, this song feels like a magnificent culmination of that and a passing of the torch to us to go and be the stars of our own movies and lives! It’s such an amazing song with a fantastic message and I can’t get enough of it! I also used some new brushes to make the film strip and I’m actually super happy with it!
So all in all, Cinematic is my favorite Owl City album and one of my all time favorites in general. Every song is unique and brings a great message and story. This project, although very time consuming, was an absolute blast to work on and brainstorm around. This album means so much to me and I really hope I was able to showcase some of that here. Please go give it a listen if you’ve never heard it before, or even if you have and it’s been awhile! I know there’s a lot of people who don’t like Owl City’s newer stuff, but give this one a fair shake! (Coco Moon is a fantastic follow up too btw hehe) So overall, thank you Adam for making such fantastic music for so long now and I can’t wait to see the show in Indianapolis later this year!!
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tempenensis · 2 years
Hi lele just wanna drop a lil vent AND need YOUR opinion on it please if you would be so kind♡ tq
I hate western fandom so much like even god can't help them!
Ok so i shipped satosugu and itafushi (♡♡) but now this western fans are screaming crying blah blah saying its canon when its NOT
Ok i understand about itafushi cus gege has implied it as well but nothing about satosugu has been said has it? It was just a mistranslation for godsake
All these western ppl started screaming satosugu canon after the director said some ship stuff but that SO does NOT make it official now does it?
I mean even the director of bleach has officially admitted that the anime was kinda biased and towards ichiruki than the ichihime that was later CANON by the MANGAKA himself
Im east asian and i speak and write Japanese well (its my first languag) and so i have always been reading manga first and then watching the anime. And i, as a manga reader, noticed the difference and so many things that were indeed ichiruki but thats not what im saying
Cmon are you getting me lele?! Im not trying to spread hate i just want the western fans to know not to cry wolf unless its OFFICIALLY confirmed or such
Just because THEY WANT to make a ship canon thru some half assed opinions does not mean they would pressurized or shame others who do not get on board on their not canon but i say its canon so its canon train
I really liked satosugu because i though it was cute but now i don't cus the western fandom made it so toxic
I told them that the official manga that is in Japanese language says something else (that my one and only thing) they literally all hounded on me, bullied me online for being a 'homophobe'? Like why? I have a girlfriend for around 3yrs now haha 😂 (im a girl)
Thank you very much
Have a wonderful day
Uh, yeah. So it's finally time that I came clear. I once said that I have a ship that I barely tolerate, so.... that NOTP is none other than stsg. I recently block the ship tag here in tumblr, actually. So now that I said this, stsg fans, you're very welcome to block me.
I'll put the rest of my answer under the cut in consideration for the ship fans, since this is definitely not for the fans. Don't say I didn't warn you if you're one of the fans and still continue to read and then get offended
Honestly, this is a thing that has been happening since several months ago. I don't know exactly why, but the western stsg fandom got very loud - to the point that I, who usually can tolerate many things including pairings that I don't ship, became unable to ignore it. Fans today really likes to throw words like "canon" and easily verbally attack people who don't agree.
Anyway, even if Director Park said it, it doesn't really make it actually canon. I still remember Nakata Jouji (I love the man, he's my favorite priest in Fate series), the seiyuu for Naobito, said that Naobito is Maki's father, which later written by Gege to be untrue. Ougi is Maki's actual father. So, unless Gege writes or says it directly, what other people (even staffs) can only be considered as a speculation; since it's their interpretation of the characters, just like we fans do.
It's just when related to a ship, fans always get loud. Remember viz's mistranslation "my one and only" lol? I have long thought since the volume came out that the stsg fans will take it and run with it. And this is just a personal theory, but the loudest one are the one with the smallest crumbs. Itfs is still fed today by gege so we're just content day to day, but stsg currently has nothing in the manga so they get really loud when the smallest crumb drops. It'll pass if you wait, just stay calm lol.
So my intolerance does not come from the ship itself, but from the fans, so yeah. Same, anon, same.
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cookinguptales · 7 months
okay so it's about a week until I leave the country for over a month. I am dutifully filling up my queue so y'all will stay entertained while I am gone, but I should probably state for the record that I may not be easy to get ahold of while I'm gone. if you really want me to see something, send me a tumblr chat/ask so it'll show up in a separate inbox from my notifications.
I'll probably post about some travel stuff here, if I'm not too tired, but I suspect the lion's share will end up on twitter and especially instagram. if you would like to see travel posts, I am @iletaitunefois on twitter and @cookinguptales on IG.
if you do not want to see travel posts, please block '#the travel bug'.
I'm also gonna offer up postcards again. I'm not going to make any promises because I don't know how easy it'll be for me to find time/post offices everywhere I go in Japan -- and also because I may be cursed; I think like only half of my Christmas cards actually made their way to their destinations last year.
But! If you do want a postcard, send me a private message and I'll add you to my list. If you have any special requests (locations, nature, cityscapes, cute characters, whatever) lmk and I can see if I can make that work, but again, no promises. I usually keep track of nearby post offices in Japan because they're good places for foreigners to withdraw money, but like. I'm also not gonna take a ton of time out of my trip to find a post office, y'know? Certain legs of the trip will probably be easier than others for that.
FINALLY, if you want to know more about the trip before you decide to follow my IG or ask for a postcard (or, if like me, you are simply nosy) here's a vague overview of the trip:
The first couple weeks of the trip, I'll actually be on the ocean. There's this thing that cruise lines do called "repositioning cruises" where they literally just sail across the ocean. This is so a cruise company can use a ship in a different location, generally. Like if they usually use a boat in the Caribbean, but during another time of the year want to use it in the Pacific, they still need to get it over there. And why not let people ride it during the journey?
The trip is really more pragmatic than it is designed for tourists, though, so they tend to be very cheap. They're long, there aren't a lot of stops, they tend to be during unpopular travel times... So long story short, we can take a two week cruise to Japan for like... half the cost of a plane ticket to Japan. And my mother and I can work from wherever and my father and my aunt are retired, so. We'll just. be in the Pacific Ocean for two weeks. lmao
(I've moved around my work schedule so I probably won't have to do much work in Japan, but I'll have to work on the boat. ;;)
There will be one stop at the beginning of the trip (Alaska) and one at the end (Hokkaido!!!!!) so that'll be fun! But for the most part, I will mostly be working and writing and vegging out on the boat. I'm downloading a lot of tv now because boats tend to have minimal internet. lmao
(And don't worry, we chose a boat that has vax and testing requirements! Which... will probably make it safer than SEPTA here in Philly...)
Once we're in Japan, though, we're really gonna be putting our JR passes to the test. Here's a not exhaustive list of places we're going and things we're doing, in no particular order. (I... tend not to let people know exactly where I am until I've left that place lmao.)
Tokyo (obviously)
Nara (to see the shosoin)
Two different onsen towns
Takarazuka 😎 iykyk
Tokyo Disneyland/DisneySea
Maybe Hakone depending on weather
various Halloween-themed meals in Tokyo and Halloween itself in Dotonbori
several very sacred mountains to learn about shugendo
castles!! and more shrines and temples than you can shake a stick at
Asahi tour (for dad haha)
sumo stable tour (also for dad)
Pokemon stuff (.... also for dad lmao)
seein some cute animals
a lot of interesting food!!!
tbh we're going to be exhausted, but there's a lot of train travel and easy days in there so we can rest then. (dad and I both love trains lmao) Dad actually hurt himself about a month ago, so I took out some of the stuff I was planning that involved more walking (like the old pilgrimage route in Wakayama, climbing Nokogiriyama, and the monkey park in Jigokudani) so that'll also prevent me from overdoing it too much.
part of me is like "wow this is too much you should scale back and save responsibly" but a lot of my trip is gonna be subsidized by my family in return for translating for them all and arranging everything, and we're gonna save money in lodging and such, so I'm just. gonna tell my brain to shut up and enjoy living before we die lmao.
(when you grew up really poor, it can be kind of hard to let go and allow yourself to enjoy nice things when you're older and more stable financially lmao. but I'm getting better at it!)
also, I'm gonna bring Glen! my little Tabikaeru frog! we'll go to Kusatsu Onsen together lmao.
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minheeskitten · 5 months
"2k is long" is also nonsense i'm so sorry 😭 2k is barely anything if you're trying to introduce an AU and actually flesh in a setting and especially if you're trying to show different personality traits 😭 your fic are mostly AUs with really well thought out lore, and it needs the word count to breathe and establish everything. if someone's attention span is too short to read more than - what - 2 pages? that's their problem, not yours! fwiw, my fic lengths range with the shortest starting at around 5k and the longest getting close to 30k and i have never had anyone leave a complaint about the length! people are more than willing to sit through 10k+ just to get to the smutty stuff, and they usually end up enjoying the rest of the fic as well. do not worry about it! you're doing just fine 🩷
I don't often look at the length of a fic unless im updating someone on how long its getting. My shortest wip is 100 words. And. Ive posted it to here bcs i feel it'll never be finished.
If it does get finished eventually then i will post it as a fic but. Until then it sits in my drafts.
My fics almost always include worldbuilding to at least 3k now. Though not all of them were like that.
Do you want in on a secret? I don't think out the world for my aus. It fleshes itself out. I think on what may happen n go from there. The story writes itself. I am just a vessel for the words and visions.
I am absolutely terrible at worldbuilding if im doing it consciously.
Its why i have visible headcanons for idols. But i just can't put them into words haha.
The most i think through is 'what sort of details would enhance this and make it better to read'
And then thats where i go from!
Siren!ivan was originally supposed to be more non-con than it is rn. The consent is not proper consent tho but thats bcs. Well. Siren wants what he wants and he will convince dann to give it to him.
Though. Thats a little bit of a spoiler. It is going to be tagged accordingly. Don't worry ill tag fics right.
The fic i thought through the most, probably is one ive not even started wtiting. The dissection fic. I gotta do all sorts of research so i can make sure its accurate and well done.
Which unfortunately means i gotta look at anatomy from a more medical standpoint. Need to go find a book for that..
The first fic i put out actually has a very strong plot hole. That i told myself id patch before posting it but. I didn't.
That plot hole was the reasoning as to why ivan was doing that to hwon. It has a very weak reason and i could absolutely fix it now. But. Not this year.
I write ab 5k minimum most of the time haha. I prefer letting the story fill itself out n then helping fine tune details. Its why i really can't tell you how long a fic may be.
So far my longest fic is 16k words. Published. Theres more unpublished. That's for the abandoned but not orphaned one.
I may return to it eventually. That's why i didn't wanna orphan it.
All of my fics stop at a point they organically would have stopped at. When i feel it can't really take another scene. I end it. That usually leaves spaces for part twos to them as well!
But i like exploring aus as i write them.
Fun fact! I write aus bcs im worried that if i do anything else i may accidentally copy someone else's idea.
I do get inspired by the other kd writers. Oh gods do i get inspired.
Lee, lunar, eve, even erin, who encourages the hwonicide. They all inspire me in their own ways. Does that usually come in the form of a prompt to note down asap? Yeah.
But other ways are helping with details for fics. And they are all very welcome to chat ab fics w me. I don't steal ideas. Not without permission and changing it to be my own.
I have a prompt that is inspired by eve's fic Clear My Mind (eve is karmacumover btw!)
But it is different. I may show her the prompt itself if she wants to see it haha.
But i love working on fics. Even if I can't be proud of them as a 'look i made this!' i can still look at the work and go 'yeah. Thats good.'
Thank you lee for helping me figure out how to do that. It was amazing to be able to step back and go 'thats a good story' if i removed myself from it.
The lee im referring to here is intenselysalmon. So she knows who im referring to.
One day. One day my goal is to be proud of how much I've written. Of what I've written.
Its a goal i think is far away. But the more i talk to other writers. The more i realize.
Im not as bad at writing as i think i am.
Honestly id never even considered myself a good writer, until i asked writers like lee and erin their feedback on my works. And they both said i write well. Maybe a little dialogue heavy but. Thats fine i can work on it.
Im doing my best. And im trying to ensure i continue getting better.
The more i talk to other writers and see how they talk ab my writing. The more i go. 'maybe im too harsh on myself' but. As they say, you are your own worst critic.
Honestly i never even considered my work good enough to do much with. But. Lunar still offered to possibly do a collab or fic trade. And i keep thinking on it. Maybe.
It makes me think they find me a better writer than i find myself to be.
Then i see eve, reacting to some of the xlips of airen!ivan ive put out. And she's reacting as i would for any of lee's clips. I find lee an amazing writer. It seems eve thinks of me that way too.
Im trying to wrap my head around it. But the reason i am so harsh on myself is. Anxiety and self doubt. And i need to work through them.
Thats the first time ive admitted that.
I will work through my weaknesses, and be better than before. Slowly. It takes time. I have to be patient.
One day. One day i will be able to proudly say 'im a good writer'
Its not today. But. It will be an eventuality.
Moots mentioned in this post:
Lee (@intenselysalmon )
Erin (@kurenaiwataru )
Eve (@karmacumover )
Lunar (@kingdoms-babygirl )
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willowthegraycat · 28 days
Finkit and Fern
So, here's some news about Finkit and Fern!
I have completed drawing the clan areas, and those are now available to be seen as illustrations for each place listed under 'tri-clan area' on this page: https://finkitandfern.miraheze.org/wiki/Tri-clan_area
Speaking of that page, this is the first time I'm publicly sharing this wiki that I've been working on. It'll be a lot more impressive once actual episodes come out, because then I can add more information to it, but it has a fair amount of background info on it already, as well as drawings of the clan locations and all the characters. It's not finished, since I have more things to add, but it feels complete enough to share. You can get a good idea of what the finished wiki will look like by checking out the Ducky Momo Show section of the wiki, which acts as a mini wiki in of itself.
Of course, any requests for things to add will be done! I haven't gotten a request yet, maybe I'm not asking enough, but I'd really find it fun to get requests for things to add in particular if you want something added so keep that in mind I guess haha
Next up for me in drawing the backgrounds would be to draw the town, Tigrillo Town. The issue here is that I'm not done building it in minecraft, and building an entire town takes a lot longer than building a forest, even with all the extra areas and such. I have a lot of main buildings done, but there's still a lot of empty space, so I'm going to be working on that more passively when I feel like making more buildings, rather than forcing myself to make like 20 houses in one day. I really don't want to get burnt out with this project, so I want to switch up my focus and work on something else now.
So I'm doing another poll! Tell me what you want to see.
I'm making the poll only go for a day this time, but feel free to request things even if you missed it or your choice didn't get picked. I'll rewrite songs and share/design characters on demand happily, provided they exist inside my plans for this au. (most characters and songs do though, and I might make an exception for those that don't if you really want to see something, I can make like an au-au for stuff I left out of this au lol)
Also! I might not be drawing the buildings from Tigrillo town, but instead making labeled floorplans and light sketches of the outsides of the buildings. Once the town is built entirely, I will be making a Town Map, similar to the Tri-Clan Area Map I made.
If I give each building a page on my wiki, I would want to include who lives/works there as well, so that would mean design humans would be my next priority.
Just some thoughts
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olympip · 1 month
Introducing The Paths to Atonement
My newest fic, The Paths to Atonement, is now being released on AO3! The first TWO chapters are up now. Plan on weekly updates :D Summary: Hermione wakes up to find herself in what she concludes is a magically-enhanced labyrinth, the last thing she remembers being fragments from the Battle of Hogwarts. As she makes her way through the maze, she finds herself facing Death Eaters, dangerous and lethal magical beasts, and even worse, a few choice Slytherins.
Together, the inhabitants of the maze must learn to work together to survive, all while piecing together the final steps to defeating the Dark Lord once and for all. *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ This is a Golden Trio Era fic, where things are mostly canon up until the point to where Harry is revealed to be alive, give or take a few small adjustments that will be revealed in the fic itself. In terms of characters, you'll be pleased to know it's got a big ol' ensemble cast featuring Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and more.
While there is an eventual dramoine endgame (I know it's not everyone's cup of tea... it's not mine either unless it's written well and I think I did a good job at giving it a go), this fic is much more plot-focused than romance-focused. Really it's more enemies to friends heavy with some open ended "ooh" moments... can't say too much but you'll see. Despite this, there are some other minor ships featured throughout, i.e., Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley/Lavender Brown (revive my girl, she deserved better), and some more but I won't spoil too much. There will be no explicit content in this fic. My focus on this fic is to really try to dive into these characters (it'll have multiple POVs), how they interact with each other and the violence around them, and trying to write redemption arcs that The-Author-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was too cowardly to do. There's some action, some humor, some angst, and lots of forced collaboration between the Gryffindors and Slytherins. Anyways, check it out if that sounds interesting to you! If not, no worries haha.
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