#it’s usually a thing kids do because they want to feel like they belong somewhere
my friend just showed me a tiktok about someone doing something weird and labeling it something autistic people do and then looking at me and being like who knows maybe im autistic
like girl i love you but that’s not how it works oh my god
i hope she wasn’t being fr because it was about someone sleeping with their chin in their hand like oh my god that’s not THE SIGN.
that tiktok wasn’t saying “ALL AUTISTIC PEOPLE DO THIS AND THIS IS THE BE ALL END ALL OF NEURODIVERGECY” that is just,,, something someone with autism could do bc they were autistic.
this is one of the things i have a problem about with mental disorders on social media,, disorders are boiled down into symptoms and sometimes even misinformation and then instead of it being a joke that can be shared with people who are neurodivergent, it is taken as a definite diagnosis.
like she fr saw two tiktoks about someone’s sleeping position and thought she has autism now. i can’t—
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hereisrachel · 7 months
Mw3!Makarov x reader dating headcanons
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Tws : Nsfw version below the sfw one.
Sfw >
He is way gentler than og Makarov.
Makarov's is more likely to taunt and threaten you than get violent.
Since he wouldn't give two shits about you if he has no deeper connection with you, let's say for the sake of the fic that you were his friend from early childhood or sum
He deeply cared for you since you were a part of his life, platonic or not, he was very protective of you.
(Assuming that his lore wasn't changed) He obviously dragged you into the whole terrorist thing. Living in soviet union times when you both were growing up, you just saw it as something good. So you joined him.
You'd also be friend with Yuri since you know Makarov.
He wouldn't get violent towards you, as his friend and ally, you always agreed with him.
You just did everything he told you, it was enough.
Back to protectiveness, it may be probably the only way he shows affection. He'd touch your cheek gently or play with your hair, but it would be at times when he needs to act good so he can manipulate you.
He knew you since you were a kid, he knew your fears, how to make you do something, how to have you in pocket.
You would probably never notice him manipulating you. "It's for your own good" he would always say, and you believed him.
Since you were a soldier, he was really torn between locking you up and sending you to missions.
He just figured that having you on missions and having you in the field of view, he would be with you everywhere. If someone sees you without him, they're probably about to die, since he is hiding somewhere, waiting to strike if you get too close.
It's hard to call your relationship with him somehow, he treats you like a sister, friend, he loves you very much. But you're not his lover. But you two care about each other, that's all that matters.
His feelings will become more romantic as he starts to get attracted not only to your personality but also your body.
You'd catch yourself thinking about him in sexual manner before he did.
Maybe this is why you were following him so much?
He was an attractive man, and most likely the only one you've met closer in your whole life.
You loved how differently he acted with you and other people. It seemed like there was no differences but you could see it.
How is eyes are soft when he is not talking about murder, how he makes sure you're beside him, if you slept well, if you're not injuried.
You honestly couldn't tell how your first kiss looked like. It just kind of happened?
He was talking to you in the evening, alone, looking deeply into your eyes as he usually did.
You were looking into his eyes longer than he spoke, not saying anything this time.
You glanced at his lips and he smiled gently, you leaned in, closing your eyes and softly kissed his lips.
Yeah basically that.
You both didn't talk about it at all (since your communication is on high level ☠️), it just became a daily thing ig.
He loved touching you, he often hugged you because you loved hugs especially from him. He felt proud that you officialy belonged to him now.
(Nsfw version starts here)
Makarov is not the typa of guy to rush anything but he is not holding back either. He wouldn't initiate sex on the beggining, but later on if he has a needs and he has you now, he will try to smash lmfao
He liked being dominant and don't get me wrong, he likes seeing you in the lead and intimidating other people, being the dominant one overall, but not with him. If you have no interests of dominating him, he'll be flattered that he's the only one you submit to.
He doesn't have a high sex drive, it's usually you initiating it, but he's down whenever you want it anyways.
Pretty much Vanilla, gives you oral, you give him oral, he likes to have you on his desk thought but besides it his fav thing is bedroom and missionary position.
Nothing much more to say on that. He is a casual dude, he has not much sex on mind, murder mostly.
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delvalentine · 1 year
Ways they love you besides saying “ILY”
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❥ Headcanons for: H. Chigiri, M. Bachira, R. Itoshi, R. Mikage, S. Nagi, Y. Isagi
❥ Notes/Tags: Implied time skip ages, SFW, love languages, no spoilers, gn!reader, established relationships
❥ WC: drabble (~400w each)
❥ PC: HDR ♡ YI ♡ SN ♡ MB ♡ HC ♡ RI ♡ RM ♡
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♡ Yoichi Isagi
❥ He always wants to match. Matching sweaters, jerseys, jewelry, cups, pens, shoes, underwear—whatever. It doesn’t matter how cheesy it is. The subtle ones, like a small initial stitched into the sleeve, also make him happy. It makes him feel connected to you, a visual reminder that he’s your one person, and reassures him that you feel the same about him. He also feels like he has a boring sense of fashion and wears anything you want him to, and you can tell he’s a lot more confident with your help since people have noticed that he dresses well. 
❥ He wants you to mark yourself onto his things too so that even when you’re apart he has visual cues of you. He daydreams about sportscasters gossiping about whom the signature scrawled onto his dominant foot’s cleat belongs to. 
❥ He loves when he catches hints of your perfume or other fragrances rubbed off onto him. He’s addicted to your smell for sure. He cuddles up to you extra hard and close in the hopes that it’ll stick to his clothes. 
❥ He always gives you his hoodies and would basically rip the clothes off his body if you said you were cold, but it’s extra special to him if he notices you wearing something of his that you took yourself because you wanted to. You look way better with his shirts oversized on you than he does.
❥ He knows your ring size and has it written down on a cloud-saved note so he wont forget. That same note has detailed descriptions of what he’s heard you mention you like over the years. He remembers the day that he decided he wanted to marry you. He plans to surprise you with the perfect ring and holds himself to incredibly high standards. He can hardly wait for the day you’ll have matching rings on the same finger. 
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♡ Seishiro Nagi
❥ Physical touch wasn’t that important to him until he met you. After that, he’s always finding some way to touch you. He likes holding your hand and being taller than you; he finds you cutest when you’re right next to his side, looking up at him with that smile that makes him feel so safe. 
❥ He really likes back massages. It’s a domestic, intimate but non-sexual, and inherently human interaction that he treasures. He gets so childishly excited whenever you offer and basically flops down so you can climb on. He always ends up falling asleep with you kneading his back, and he’s always sore somewhere from all the training he’s putting himself through. When he returns the favour for you, he always does it so lightly as if he’s scared of hurting you, especially over any knots or pressure points. You can almost feel his nervousness. But, after listening to your cues, he works out the perfect pressure with you. 
❥ He demands hugs and kisses. He is not shy about PDA, but he (begrudgingly) listens to you when you remind him that there’s a right place and a right time. On the busy rush hour train, he likes when you hang onto the crook of his elbow, unable to reach a pole or hand-held loop. When you step down from something, he always puts out a hand to steady you. His knee always finds a way to brush yours under a table. Sometimes you’ll feel him poking you even if he’s looking away while you’re busy talking to somebody else, like a bratty kid forcing you to give him attention instead of the other person.
❥ He’s usually low energy and likes long, slow embraces. In the morning, he basically won’t let you get up unless you really try to squeeze out his arms. He likes how you’ll let him touch and hold you however he wants when in private, since he can’t do this in public. When he’s excited and exhausted, though, like after winning a huge match—he loses his inhibition and sprints to you, kissing you so deeply it knocks the two of you into the turf. It’d probably go viral and they’d make a GIPHY out of it, which was embarrassing at first, but it’s an immortalization of how much Nagi, one of the world’s best soccer players in history, loves you.
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♡ Meguru Bachira
❥ He’s obsessed with finding ways to make you laugh. Your laugh is his favourite thing in the entire world, even over soccer or sleep. He knows how to tell the most ridiculously bad jokes or pranks that they’re actually hilarious. He makes weird faces and noises and has no concept of bashfulness. He doesn’t feel like he needs to water himself down around you, or that he has to be scared that you’ll get fed up with him and leave. It took him a long time to trust you to that extent, so he’s willing to protect you with everything he’s got, because he knows you’d do the same for him. 
❥ It took him practice to learn about being tactful, but he’s the only person you turn to after a bad day. He’s so unbreakably upbeat that you snap out of your mood with ease, something that might be challenging to do on your own. He makes you dance with him to move your body. He gets you into the shower and helps you wash your hair, humming your favourite songs and using your favourite soaps. He’ll try to make you a dinner, though it’d probably end up burning. He always has back-up takeout from your favourite place, though, and at least he tried for you. No matter how difficult, tiring, challenging, or grieving the day was… he always manages to make you smile again. He refuses to stop trying until he does.
❥ He can’t stand being away from you, even for a day. He always asks you to come to his games, even if they’re international, so that he can still come home to you. He’s mature enough to understand that you have obligations and can’t pick up and go every time, even if you want to, but it doesn’t stop him from asking with high hopes. Once, you tricked him by pretending you had important work and couldn’t go to Brazil with him. You hugged him at the airport and gave him the “last kiss of good luck for a week” he begged for before he left. You showed up in the stands right in front of his team’s box with a cheesy handmade sign that killed you with mortification when it showed up on the big screen—but the way he almost cried with happiness seeing you is worth it.
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♡ Hyoma Chigiri
❥ He is a big fan of the quiet romance. His off days are his absolute favourite. The two of you will dress up to go to a cute cafe in the morning and enjoy each other’s drinks, sipping the others and discussing the flavours. You enjoy brunch at another place, somewhere elegant with bright decor and tasty food that uplifts your face. You check out a vintage bookstore and the ultra-modern mall. You go home and relax together after that. Some evenings you would both be so enraptured by a new anime you’d both be up in the middle of the night binge watching because neither of you can bear to go to bed with such cliffhangers. Other days you cook in the kitchen together, listening to music and chopping vegetables before enjoying the fruits of your labour. Some days he reads while you play a game, the two of you silent, but incredibly together.
❥ Ever since he hurt his knee, he’s always been wary to see anybody he loves endure that same traumatic pain. He worries about your health like an anxious mom. When you get a cold, he all but drops everything to make you feel better. He brews you a ginger and lemon tea even though he hates the smell of it; he gets you medicine and makes you drink water in bed, refusing to let you leave. If you have work, he makes you call in sick and promises to take care of whatever responsibilities you might’ve had that day.
❥ As we all know, he is masterful at skin and hair care. He practically pampers you every day and is strict about making you follow his regime. It gives you such baby-soft, clear, and dewy skin that you can’t deny his magic works. Your hair is glossier than ever, too. He likes the time the two of you scan spend together in the bathroom: washing your face together, doing a mask and laughing at each other’s ridiculous look, chatting about the day, massaging your temples, etc. He’s always so busy in the day that he can’t spend as much time as you as he’d like to, so the moment of getting ready for bed becomes almost like a sacred ritual with you. 
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♡ Rin Itoshi
❥ He’s terrible with words, and at texting, and at calling… so he writes them down by hand. He has excellent penmanship that makes you jealous of how pretty it is; he writes in calligraphy, which is definitely extra, but it’s Rin so of course it’ll be dramatic. 
❥ You end up amassing drawers of his letters because you don’t throw any away. Often times he’s away, travelling, so you get postcards from all the different places he visits. He’s made this a tradition—his teammates always make fun of him for making a point to stop by a souvenir shop so he can get you a postcard. Sometimes he includes pressed flowers or a regional specialty snack in the letter.
❥ Some of his messages are short sticky notes on your mirror, like: “remember to eat well” or “home late”. Some are long, sappy love letters with words so raw and passionate you can hardly believe it comes from the hand of a guy who can barely say “I love you” out loud without grimacing or turning away. 
❥ If you speak or are learning another language besides English or Japanese, he researches how to write to you in it without being grammatically incorrect. It’s just as poetic as his writing in the languages he is fluent in. 
❥ Despite investing most of his time and energy into soccer, he’s quite good at art. He writes you poems that make you blush because you can hardly believe somebody loves you like the way he describes it in his abstractive writing. He might also include sketches, his style very neat with almost perfect realism. He draws you most often because you inspire his desire to create something beautiful and soft the most. 
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♡ Reo Mikage
❥ Money is of no concern to him. If he sees you put something back because it was “too expensive”, he’ll get it for you. If you try to refuse, he sneaks it back to you as a surprise gift that he refuses to let you return. He loves seeing your face when you open gifts from him. It’s worth more to him than any price tag, which he reminds you of sternly if you ever feel guilty.
❥ He loves to take you shopping for this reason; seeing you happy, energetic, and finally being able to afford everything you’ve ever wanted when you weren’t born into the same circumstances as he was makes him embarrassingly giddy. He feels important to you. The quality time is precious; he treats shopping dates with you as importantly as a candlelit dinner. 
❥ He loves to sit on the “boyfriend chair” and show off his strength by holding all your bags. He insists you go into every store you want to and never makes you feel bad for taking your time browsing. He’s actually quite helpful in stores with you, even if it’s for stereotypically girly things like makeup. He loves getting to answer you if you ask him which he likes better on you, even if he wants to just say “both”.  
❥ He has an instinct to mark you as his so he can visually cue other men to back off. It’s in the branded jewelry the two of you picked out together, the violet silk scarves, the dresses that he picked for you to wear to your dinner date. You being able to say “oh, my boyfriend got me this” whenever people compliment you or ask really kicks up his ego.
❥ His favourite part of the day is when you put on a mini fashion show for him, trying on outfits he picked out for you. He’s got a surprisingly good eye for fashion and knows your styles and aesthetics well. He’s too selfish to pass up a chance to see you in what he wants to see you wear, though. Sometimes it really pushes you out of your comfort zone, but the pleased expression on his face makes all your insecurities vanish. He makes you feel so incredibly beautiful in his eyes.
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rabbit-or-rib · 20 days
WOOOO LETS GO YAY YAY YAY ^_^ Romantic Alphabet with Tim Wright ? :3
- 🧸
U GOT ITT !!!!!!!
🚬 Romantic alphabet with Tim Wright :)
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A = Attention, how much attention do they want in the relationship?
he's not gonna ask for it, and it'll be a little awkward for him to actually be getting attention for the first bit of the relationship- but he LOVVESSSS IITTTTTT this guy swoons so hard when you're lovin on him however you choose to (he might get a little overwhelmed, though, make sure you listen when he tells you it's not the best time !!)
B = Baby, do they want a family? Why/why not?
in Tim's ideal world, the two of you are far away from wherever you are and you live way out in the countryside, with as many kids and/or pets as you want. but, for right now, he'd much rather keep it just the two of you with a pet or two- he doesn't want to put anyone in any more danger than he already feels like he has.
C = Cuddle, do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
OOOOOO BUDDYYYYY he's a very very shy snuggle bug. most days you'll have to initiate things- lay your head on his shoulder, hold onto his arm, lay down in his lap- and it almost always ends in a nap when you're further along in your relationship. he'll pull you into his lap or grab your thighs to get you straddled over him when the two of you are going to bed, though :))
D = Dates, what are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
he's not the biggest formal date guy, as much as he'd like to be. he does like to take you to a drive in movie every now and then, but most of y'all's dating life is centered around late night drives, quiet walks through the woods together, or really anything to do with enjoying each others presence. if you hint hint wink wink at him about wanting to go somewhere or do something specific, though, he'll do his best.
E = Equal, do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
he's an old fashioned (and paranoid) guy !! he wants to be the one to drive you around, do the heavy lifting, pay for everything- let this man spoil you rotten while you sit pretty
F = Fights, how do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
fights with Tim usually are the result of one or both of you bottling up emotions for too long. when you guys have a serious fight, he knows himself and he knows he needs some time alone for a little while- nothing extreme, just enough time to get himself calm and levelheaded. forgiveness for him comes relatively easy depending on what it was about- you thought he was mad at you because he was a little quieter or cold for a few days? he gets why you'd think that, he'll try and make sure you know what's up with him next time. you were caught going through his personal belongings/phone because you were looking for something you might not like? you're gonna be shit outta luck for a while. his privacy means a lot to him, invading it is never a good idea for either of you
G = Gratitude, how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
VERY !! he may not be bubbling over with words of praise for how amazing and wonderful you treat him, but all throughout the day he'll have his chin resting on your shoulder and whispering small praises your way, little kisses when he sees you doing any chores around the house, and if you play your cards right, little monologues to you late at night when he thinks you're asleep
H = Honesty, are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
he's an honest man about most things to you, the only area i can see this being a problem in is his work. he doesn't wanna talk about what he does, why he does it, where he goes- any of it. he wants to keep you and the things that plague the back of his mind separate.
I = Insight, how easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
he'd definitely know if something was up with you, but that doesn't mean he's gonna push on it. you'll get one or two "y'alright?"'s before he drops it. he knows that not every issue is one that needs to be let out, and he does his best to respect that. one of his favorite things though is when he can tell you're excited but you're trying to keep your cool about it, he can't get over how wide your smile is or how you keep shifting your weight on your feet- adorable to him
J = Jealousy, do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
quietly jealous. when you're talking to someone that clearly has an interest in you, it's a hand on your hip, massaging your shoulder, pulling you closer. it won't end in violence if they back off, but if it does get there he'll make it fast dwdw <3 usually levelheaded about it though!! just might lead to things later
K = Kiss, what are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
YOU KISSED HIM !!! he was so nervous about messing it up or making you uncomfortable he ended up just staring at your lips, it was the first time he took you out on a late night drive around town since you two became official and he had walked you up to your front door. his breath caught in his throat, he fiddled with the belt loop on your pants as he held your hips before you pulled him into a kiss with your hands on his cheeks. it completely melted him; his face heating up as he pushed his lips harder into yours, he craved it even as he was getting what he wanted.
L = Love, who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
you told him you loved him and he was this 🤏 close to crying. it reminded him of how starved of it he'd been for so long, and while he didn't cry, he certainly held you close for a long, long time with his face buried in your hair
M = Marriage, do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like?
he wants to get married so bad. he wants that ring on your finger, to see you all dressed up, to have the world know you're his- just as soon as you get away from all this, he's popping the question. 
N = Nickname, what are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
i feel like he would try not to acknowledge it when you use nicknames/petnames with him, but he thinks it's so cute when you do :) i can see him calling you darlin' a lot
O = Open, how long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
long. long time. there are some things from his past that he just might never talk about, honestly. most of the reason isn't anything to do with you specifically, just that he doesn't wanna relive those moments or uncover something that sparks up new nightmares. the other part is him being scared that despite all of the other things you know about him- his job, what he does, Masky as a whole really- it'll be what's deep down and irreversible inside him that scares you away.
P = PDA, how do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
not the biggest fan of PDA i feel like !! his hand in your back pocket or around your waist isn't uncommon, but i seriously doubt that he'd wanna be swapping spit im front of y'all's friends
Q = Quality Time, what do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
essentially parallel play 😭 you two don't have to be talking or doing the same thing, as long as you're in the same space he's happy :))
R = Reunion, how do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
HE HATES IT AND THEN ACTS ALL TOUGH GUY ABOUT IT 🙄🙄 he'll text you pictures of things he sees on the road or bring you snacks on the way home, tell him you missed him and watch his face get all pink it's adorable
S = Sad, how do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
honestly just tell him what you need. space? he's outta your way, just come find him when you need him. physical comfort? he's holding you the whole rest of the night and rubbing circles on your back when you cry into his chest. wanna talk? he's great at listening, especially on the porch over a cig
T = Thrill, do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
unless you have something in mind, you're one of the only peaceful things Tim has in his life, and he so desperately needs it to stay that way.
U = Understanding, how well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
usually very !! as long as you're treating him with respect, you'll get it right back at you. he knows that just existing is hard enough as is, he's not looking to stress you out any more.
V = Value, how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
you mean the world to him !!! deeply madly truly he would do anything for you. you've brought back the light in his life and he hates thinking of what it'd be like if you left.
W = Wild Card, a random relationship headcanon
iiii can't think of anything with the reader, but i can tell you for a FACT him and brian used to mess around in college together
X = Explicit, a NSFW headcanon
he's so embarrassed but he so wants you to take control of him. it'll take a lot of trust, but when you get there?? you could have him however you want him
Y = Your Name, if they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
i think he'd prefer to have you two share his last name just because it's something he's always dreamed about- but tbh if your last name is just straight up cooler he's down to go either way
Z = Zz, how do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally?
he's GOTTA be holding you. sometimes he doesn't even fall asleep holding you, but when the two of you wake up he's hot a grip on you. he feels awful if he has to leave in the middle of the night for work or do overnight trips- tries to leave a little note on the nightstand about where he's going and a lil 'Love you'
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prowlerverse · 1 month
N x fem!reader, J x fem!reader
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Serial designation J
☆ while J sometimes is rude to you, and may call you useless, she has a slight soft spot for you. she's willing to do things for you she wouldn't do for others.
☆ if you both were to get together, she wouldn't exactly announce it to everyone. she'd much rather keep it a secret. not that she's embarrassed of you, but embarrassed because of how much she told people how much she hated you. she didn't want to go through the process of explaining her feelings.
☆ usually, when you can't do a mission right, she ends up helping you do it with light scolding on the side, maybe a 'idiot' under her breath or just a simple stare at you.
☆ for actual affection, she somewhat likes physical touch. whenever you hug her, give her kisses on her forehead, or anything else, she melts on the inside. (of course not the outside, she has a reputation after all)
☆ J may be overly rude to everyone around her, but not you. never you. when she met you, she had a soft spot for you, though she never showed it. it was obvious, or atleast for you.
☆ (J loves you, even if she doesn't show it.)
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serial designation N
★ N is really affectionate without exactly trying. waist grabs, small kisses, hair ruffling, anything. even so if you guys are together, he'll still call you 'buddy'. it just stuck with him from somewhere.
★ a habit you've noticed that he has is staying really close to you without knowing, wherever you are he is too. and when I say close, I mean body touching hand holding close. your personal space? nah. you guys share it now. you've become one.
★ aside from that, he doesn't care whether his affection is shown in public or private. he could honestly care less if the whole world knew you two were together. he wanted people to know, actually.
★ when you can't do a mission right.. you both kinda just work it out. he guides you through as gently as possible and congratulates you after. which you respond to by saying "I'm not a kid." yet still, everytime with no fail, he congratulates you.
★ N will never, ever! be mean to you in any way. if he is, then he's quick to apologize and pout if you ignore him or get sad because of him. he hates seeing you sad, and he most definitely hates being the reason of it.
★ (in most books, good boys finish last. not this one, not N.)
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this belongs to @prowlerverse ^^ please do not translate without perms, upload it elsewhere, or steal it please, thank you !!🫶
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lumoverheaven · 7 months
Joel Miller x fem!reader
A/n: Hello all, I’m not doing too good so here’s a little something I wrote to comfort myself I suppose. Also not proofread so any and all mistakes are mine! Btw this story was made with both game and show Joel in mind! As always constructive criticism is welcome! Enjoy! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! 🫶🫶💗💗
Warnings: depressing stuff and a little bit of suicidal/death thoughts (if you’re struggling with these thoughts and think you might be a danger to yourself please reach out and get help. You’re not alone and you are loved 💗)
W/c: 1k+
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
Stillness. Silence. You laid in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You weren’t quite sure what you were feeling. You felt nothing. You couldn’t even find joy in the things you loved to do anymore. You couldn’t find it in you to interact with anyone either. You just disappeared. “I don’t belong here.” You often thought. You were certain no one would care if you just stopped, if you just left, if you just died. You felt your life as you knew it was insignificant and meaningless. Everyone else in the settlement seemed to be having fun, seemed to enjoy their life despite the horrors outside the walls. You should be more grateful that you found a safe place, you found somewhere to live a somewhat normal life in the apocalypse but you weren’t. You wished you weren’t here. The monotony of your life was suffocating your every fiber. When mornings would come you stayed in bed later than usual. You’ve let your responsibilities slip away from you as you simply didn’t care anymore. Maria would come to your house, you looked disheveled in a dirty oversized sweater and some tattered sweatpants. Your hair wild and greasy from lack of care. At first she was gonna scold you for being irresponsible but she took one look at you and just felt bad for you. The scolding words dying on her lips as she noticed the lackluster look in your eyes. You just looked dead.
A few more days pass and there’s a knock on your door. Sighing you willed yourself to get up and open it. Your eyes widen when you see who was standing on the other side. No one other than Joel Miller himself. You haven’t really spoken much to him, you both have been patrol partners once or twice and you volunteered at the school his kid attended often, helping them out in the library. Ellie became a close friend of yours as you had similar interests and hobbies. Joel himself was quite fond of you. You were a quiet girl yet you were such a spitfire. You never let anyone, even himself, boss you around or treat you badly. He liked that about you, you carried yourself well. So seeing you like this, broken and hopeless really surprised him.
“Hey sweetheart..” Joel gave you a small smile, he held a tub of something you couldn’t make out in his hands. “Oh- hey Joel.” You returned the smile and stepped aside. “Come in, what can I do for you?” You said as he made his way inside your house. He took a look around. A little messy, yet cozy. He wasn’t being judgemental because he knew you were going through a rough time. This whole visit came about when Ellie asked if he’s seen you, when he shook his head, the girl expressed her concern about how you essentially went missing for a few days that no one has seen you except Maria but she said you weren’t doing too well. He wasn’t one for caring about other people that weren’t his brother or Ellie but for some reason he felt worried about you, he felt compelled to check up on you.
“Jus’ wanted to see how ya were doin’.. uh I brought some cookies me and the kid made together.. nothin’ too special.” Joel said as walked into your kitchen, setting them down on the counter. You chuckled for the first time since your depressive episode. “You? Baking? Wow, color me impressed. You wanna take a seat and have some milk and cookies with me?” Joel laughed. The request was so innocent and truth be told, just seeing you, Joel would do whatever to spend more time with you. “Sure.” Joel replied as he took a seat.
You prepared the milk and brought it to him, placing it on the table along with your own. You went back to get the cookies from the counter and you set it between the both of you. You picked up a cookie and dunked it in your milk. Taking a bite, your eyes light up. “Woah- Joel these are amazing!!!” Joel smiles as he takes a cookie for himself and eats it. “Thanks, I take full credit- Ellie jus’ preheated the oven and mixed some ingredients. She got tired easily.” You laughed, you were really enjoying his company and his presence. Just this one visit alone made you feel so much better.
“So.. ya haven’t been around lately.. Ellie and I are really worried ‘bout ya darlin’. Everything okay?” Joel asked as he looked at your face, you averted your gaze to your hands. You were tapping your foot on the ground as for some reason you grew nervous. You weren’t used to anyone asking if you were okay, no one really cared about you. Why did he and his daughter care? “Uh yeah. I’m all good, don't worry..” Joel could immediately tell you were lying. “Darlin’.. it’s okay.. y’know you can talk to me right? I may not be good at givin’ advice or be any good at any of this emotional stuff but I’ll listen to whatever you need to get off your chest..”
Joel was honestly surprising you. You never expected him to be here let alone asking you to talk about your emotions. What strange times. You nodded as you both ate your cookies. Perhaps you wouldn’t tell him now what was wrong since it’s a whole lot of trauma you have to unpack and you don’t want to frighten the poor man. But the mere fact that Joel was in your house offering you emotional support and delicious baked goods warmed your heart and made you think that maybe there are people who care about you. People who would be affected if something were to happen to you. If there was anything you learned today was that in your bleak, gray life there were still slivers of rainbows in the form of people like Joel and Ellie who valued you more than anyone else did in your life.
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
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chloeangelic · 10 months
Line cook Joel origin story drabble
Here’s what I think line cook Joel’s origin story is, some info about him and Sarah, his general personality and interests, relationship history etc that might explain what he’s like in my series Belong to me
This is my most self indulgent series and Joel iteration, be warned lmao
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Warnings: SPOILERS for ch 1-3, mentions of child abandonment
Word count: 1.2k
Joel is 40 in this AU, and I feel like it takes place in 2005ish, which doesn’t really come through in the chapters but it’s how I see the whole situation in my head.
Joel had Sarah at 24, with a sort of low commitment on and off girlfriend at the time who was somewhere in the 22-24 range. I’m not sure why she decided to go through with the pregnancy (pressure from her parents, maybe?) but she did, and Joel figured he would be involved as a typical baby daddy, having the kid live with their mom and seeing them as often as possible. However, her mom likely decided she was gonna put Sarah up for adoption, which was obviously an immediate fuck no from Joel, who basically swooped in and got custody of her. The mom moved to another city, and I don’t think Sarah or Joel ever heard from her again. 
Out of all my fics, this is the one in which Sarah’s mom has been involved the least. In my other tales (Joel is always a dad in my works haha), her mom usually is mentioned to have been involved for 1-5 years, but in this one she was not involved at all, and I think Joel’s sole responsibility for her from such a young age has made their bond very strong. I definitely see them being best friends and having a very good line of communication. 
He worked in construction for many years until his early 30s (hence why he still has a truck instead of a regular car), then when he’d gotten to a pretty high level with cooking at home, Sarah pushed him to apply for a cooking job. He was tired of the long hours working in construction and thought it would be a nice change to have some free time. He’s pretty grumpy at work because he prefers working individually and doesn’t care to get involved in anyone’s disputes in a high pressure environment like that, doesn’t like to excessively share about his life etc. He’s very observant and definitely cares about the people around him, but he likes being left alone to do his work efficiently so he doesn't have to get stressed or fall behind.
Speaking of work; Jermaine, who they stole cigs from and is also a cook at the restaurant, is one of his closest friends, and they like to hang out from time to time. If Sarah is out doing things on the weekend or at a sleepover, I can see Joel and Jermaine playing GTA San Andreas and eating at his house, maybe he also plays on his basketball team. Jermaine is like 37 or something and more outgoing than Joel. He's definitely around if Sarah needs something and Joel isn't available, sort of like an uncle next to Tommy. His relationship to Tommy is fine, though he says in an upcoming chapter that he's "done enough for that jackass" in what is, presumably, a loving way but probably has some truth behind it.
This whole basketball thing is very funny to me for some reason, but here’s the story: 
Joel played basketball in middle and high school (purely because he ended up being 6’6” and his parents put him in sports very quickly), and continued to play on different teams in his 20s/30s at a competitive level. At this point, I see him playing on a long term recreational team and DON’T @ me if this sounds insane, cause I know very little about basketball, but I think he’s a power forward on his team. 
If he wants Sarah to do him a favor, he definitely tells her that he “passed up an opportunity to play in the NBA to raise her instead” which is a massive lie. He has dragged Sarah along to many basketball games throughout the years, and she gets kinda bored but knows it means a lot to him that she’s there. She prefers watching pro/college basketball with him, though, and they do that often. 
Other than that, in his free time, he works out at the gym pretty often, and for two reasons. One is to be a better player, the second is that he wants to give Sarah some space and not have her feel like he’s breathing down her neck all the time. So he gives her the house to herself for a few hours to decompress after being around people at school all day, while he goes to work out, then he comes home and makes her dinner. 
Entertainment wise, I see him liking a lot of 90s hip hop (Radio Los Santos anyone?) and he definitely is a Sopranos enjoyer. He probably does a really shitty Tony impression.
At work, he wears black pants, black t-shirts, and black high top converse shoes. At home I see him wearing a pretty typical combo of jeans, basketball shorts (obvi haha), sweatpants, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts, hoodies etc. This is likely my only non-flannel shirt wearing Joel. He of course wears a jersey and shorts while playing ball. 
As I mentioned, he doesn’t talk much about his life at work but he sometimes talks about Sarah, I think. They went on vacation together to Jamaica or something once and, when he came back, the waitress was like oooh, you’re so tan, look at you, and he was kinda flattered by her being touchy so he showed her vacation photos on his phone hahahaha
I obviously have to address his relationship to the waitress girly, so here:
As mentioned in ch 1, he has a very long term “crush” on her that started when she began working at the restaurant. I think they started talking more when she jokingly asked him to make her dinner cause she forgot to eat and then he actually did it, and she kept “forgetting” to eat so he kept cooking for her, and then she started bugging him on his breaks and he secretly liked it so then he started waiting for her to come out and keep him company. Also I say “crush” cause he’s obviously in love with her but hasn’t wanted to admit it to himself or anyone else haha, and she’s the same way back - which is why the narration is the way it is, with her actions showing her feelings but her not really conceptualizing them for herself, if that makes sense  
I think he said yes to her request to get her pregnant because, deep down, he does have a desire to have more kids, to be in a long term relationship etc. And sure, it’s a very unconventional way of going about it, but there’s obviously something in him that knows that he and this girl have a real chance at a relationship, so that confidence made him go okay, fuck it, let’s just do this completely out of order haha 
Prior to this, though, dating wise, I think he was in some relationships here and there, had some hookups but none of them really lasted all too long. Some of that might’ve been because he had full custody of Sarah and was never really by himself, he worked a lot, and always put Sarah first. Essentially he would need someone to fit into that puzzle, he wasn’t gonna try to make someone fit, they had to know and understand his situation and want to be a part of it.  
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions about this Joel of ours hahahah
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> closer genre -> surprise, it's angst! | one sided love pair -> ot8!skz x gn!reader plot -> a paragraph from letters you've never sent to stray kids. lowercase intended | no warnings
❥ ✉
'cause you're the holiday i celebrate too late
you're the eyes i gave up tryin' to captivate
how do you feel when you have a crush on someone? i always wanted to know what you thought about this. for me it's like i either live hooked on a feeling or give up completely when i'm disappointed by the results of it. i had the biggest crush on you since i've met you jisung and i don't think that's ever gonna change. it's easy to put it in a paper and not say it out loud like i prepared so many times. the thing is i don't want to be in a relationship, i completely gave up trying to be somewhere i don't belong in and that's your arms. what's not easy is the burning feeling in my chest every time i see you holding someone else, i just wish it was me one last time.
you're the song that i loved but then overplayed
and i'm the b-side throwaway
what's there to say? you're captivating with everything you do. every single step you take towards me i melt into a puddle trying to compose myself. i don't think i deserve you, you already know this because you heard me talk about it didn't you? as you pretended that you did not. i don't blame you for not having a crush on me, no one does. chris i think your talent is immeasurable but your ability to lie isn't and you know how much i love your music. the fact that i've been the first one to listen to some new releases still shocks me but i would gladly accept any offer to do so again unless you don't want me around you anymore which is understandable.
i hope you never rain on my charade
the lonely one i let myself create
i got my space, but what'd i pay?
i had a mental image of you that the more i look, the more i know, it gets closer to your reality. why do i say this? because i truly think perfection didn't exist until i found you felix. i know i drifted apart from you, i know i said i need space to figure things out with my feelings and our friendship. i don't wanna ruin us but i know i already did, in fact i know that you feel like you can be friends with me after my confession. i don't think i can be friends anymore lixie. crushes don't usually hurt but the one sided love truly does sometimes, and i don't want you to feel pity and say that you will "fall in love" with me when those things don't happen. i can't take any more lies.
i've been fucked so much that i no longer wait
i sabotage and break my own heart
just in case
god did my past experiences fuck me up. you know this more than anyone seungmin and i still let you hold me every night. i knew that things weren't gonna be easy when you said you wanted to be there for me through everything, i knew i was gonna fall for the person that first decided to listen to me and take care of me in such a beautiful and soft way. now here i am sitting, hoping that you read this and don't feel too bad about me leaving that night. i couldn't deal with the feelings again, the powerful love i felt for you was way too much for my heart to take and i needed to back away. i'm sorry, i will always be sorry minnie.
so, yeah, i loved you or i tried to
but i don't know how
i think i gave it my all when it came to you. but then i realized that it wasn't really worth it was it? you're never gonna feel the same way. i tried so hard, thinking that maybe one day you'll look at me and see more than a friend standing beside you. i can't say that i don't love you anymore, i still need time to process everything and to grow out of these feelings for you changbin so i understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore. hoping one day you see me in a new light was the most hopeless thing i've done. i feel so empty right now as i watch you on a screen again, of course i could never have you. i don't know what i was thinking in the first place.
used to need you and feel you
but we ran it all down
so i guess this is it? i don't even know what to say after what happened. i'm so tired of going around you like the only thing that matters in plain sight is you. but that doesn't mean my feelings will change, that doesn't mean that i'm done with you even if you're done with me. it means that i think it's time to step away before i end up more heartbroken than i already am hyunjin. i know you think this is easy but it's really not, i can't stop feeling the way i do in just a couple of days. i truly thought you were the one for the longest time and i still feel like i need you. i still feel like i want to be loved by you even if it's just me being delusional again.
'cause i loved you or i tried to
can it be easy now?
i never had any hope in the first place jeongin. i feel like i decided to give my heart and soul to someone who deserved it and not getting anything back would be just fine. it really wasn't, it's not your fault but it's not mine either right? even if i feel like an idiot thinking i had a chance with you. i truly hope you find happiness in someone like i did for a long time in you, you deserve to experience love in it's purest form. thank you for not giving up on me though, i don't know where i would've ended up if you just plainly rejected me but you didn't. you gave me another chance and even if i'm not gonna take it, i just wanted to say thank you.
or will it kill me on the evenin'
that I let you down?
i'm sorry i disappointed you. you weren't looking for someone and this is how i decide to show up in your life, another love interest opportunity? i'm surprised you don't hate me. minho i know that love is a hard thing to take and i'm not gonna insist or pursue you to change your mind. i'm just gonna let you know that someday, someone's gonna appear and you're not gonna feel this kind of hatred for love anymore. you're gonna feel blessed that person is gonna be by your side forever & ever. i know it's not me even if i wanted it to be, i let you down this time and it hurts but i gave it my all to be there for you and that's all i can say.
- love (y/n).
i need you closer
or i need it over
either need you closer
or i need it over, yeah
"hey (y/n)." my neighbor greeted me and i just waved but then i realized they were holding onto something, looked like letters. "these were piling up so i picked them up and they're all addressed to you so here you go!" she said and gave me a small smile.
"thank you and i'm sorry for the inconvenience." i said as i got them in my hands.
8 sealed letters all sent to me. i read the names: han jisung, bang christopher, lee felix, kim seungmin, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, yang jeongin and finally lee minho. did they truly read my letters?
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pastriibunz · 4 months
ok!! It's kinda like a character study during the moments with Paul in the Starlight Theatre. Here u go!!! (starts after the "~~~")
Welp, Kai thought, there it is.
"The old Starlight Theatre," Paul says. "There it is. The meteor."
It's weird, calling him "Paul". Kai has come to think of him more as "Dad" now.
(For now, she won't call him anything at all).
"So that’s it?" she says. The meteor is nothing pretty to look at. It's boring as a rock (probably because it is a rock) and the theatre, usually so alive, is anything but.
"Mhm." Paul responds.
Kai thinks back to her earlier thoughts, to her relationship with Paul (Dad?)
She always had a habit for finding any adult who she could trust and immediately imagining herself as their kid.
In her defense, her own parents abandoned her and mistreated her for the first 9 years of her life, so–
No, you can't think about that.
She cracks her knuckles. "Someone's gotta save the world," Kai says. Why her? Why does it have to be her every single time?
"I guess so," Dad (no wait, Paul– what?) responds.
If anyone were to look at him, they wouldn't be able to see the determination on his face, the fact that he really wants to blow up this meteor. And he will protect Kai.
He'll protect me? No–
Kai realizes a few things, then. One, Dad is Paul, and Paul is Dad, and nothing will change that. Paul is Dad and Emma is Mom and they will try to keep Kai safe forever.
Two, well– Kai's not stupid. She knows someone has to give up their life to blow up the meteor.
Three, it's not gonna be Dad.
Kai pulls him into a sudden, big, tight hug. She isn't expecting him to reciprocate, but to her surprise, he does.
"…thank you," Kai says. She has to let him know that he and Emma meant everything to her, before–
"Wha- You’re welcome?" Paul half asks, confused.
He's not getting it.
"I’ve honestly never felt accepted anywhere." Kai states, because that's what it is– a statement, a fact.
"Like, even where I was happiest, I’ve always just- been the outcast." She thinks back to Unigton, to her hometown. To the weird looks she always got when she was just being herself.
"But– but you…you made me feel like- for the first time in my life– you made me feel like I belonged somewhere."
She starts stuttering.
She continues.
She continues.
"Not– not many people can do that for me. So, um, thank you for that."
"…You’re very welcome, Kai. I’m glad to make you feel like that." Paul Dad says after a moment.
"Y’know," Kai starts, "the- the apocalypse may have been one of the worst things to ever have happened to me, but- but it’s also one of the best! Because- because if it didn’t happen, I would’ve never met you. And- and I don’t wanna live in a universe where I never meet you."
As soon as the words come out of her mouth, the self doubt creeps in. She's being annoying. Paul's not gonna like her anymore. She's being annoying. She's being annoying. She's being–
"The feeling’s mutual, Kai. I’m really happy I got to meet you."
She's not being annoying.
And the moment comes and goes, and she has to do it. She has to. Dad loves her too much.
"…and that is why I am so sorry it had to happen this way."
She takes the grenade belt off of Dad and puts it on herself, then takes her headphones and put them around Dad's neck.
(Her headphones are one of her most prizes possessions. She won't be needing them anymore.)
"What? Kai, what are you-"
"Do me a favor, and keep on living for me, okay?" Kai pleads. Her voice is shaky.
Paul is so confused. Why can't he understand?
"And tell Em-"
Emma? No, that's not right.
"Tell mom I love her. And that I’m sorry."
That's better.
"...I will," Paul promises, "but why are you telling me this? What are you sorry for?" His hands move wildly. He is scared.
He has to know–
"I love you, dad." Kai says to him, and chuckles sadly. She hadn't even realized she'd stopped referring to him as "Paul" in her head.
"Dad. That’s got a nice ring to it, don’t it?"
Her Unigton accent is coming through, but that's okay.
It has to be okay.
"…Yeah. Yeah it does." Paul says, as if taking a title he knew he'd earn for a while, and yet is still surprised.
"I love you." Kai says. "I love you more than words could ever express. And I’m so, so, sorry that it had to come down to this."
Kai looks up at Paul, memorizing every detail of that face she'd never see again. She wishes Mom was here, but she'll have to make do with what she's got.
"Stay safe for me, okay?"
Before Paul can respond, Kai pushes Dad out of the Starlight Theatre, barricading the door with a nearby chair so he can't get in.
"What?! Wait, no! KAI!!!" Paul yells from outside, but she won't can't hear him.
Her eyes are blurry, and she realizes she is crying. Tsk, tsk, tsk, that won't do.
She wipes the tears away.
"C’mon. Kai," she mumbles to herself. "Save the world. Like you always do."
listen, not many pieces of media make me audibly groan in pain
im gonna be thinking about this for a while
holy shit
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chaoticgoodthief · 6 months
Secret Santa Gift
I believe this story is for you, @raineandsky! Hope it meetss your expectations!
Celestial groaned at the familiar feeling of being watched, turning away from a half-open security vault. “What do you want now, Mr Normal Guy?”
“Dublin,” the man in question corrected in a deadpan voice, his hoisted gun and literal menacing aura in stark contrast to the mundane clothing he wore. 
“Right, now remind me why you chose that name? A throwing dart and a world map, right?” Much to Celestial’s joy, Dublin still scowled at the jab at his hero name.
“Hands in the air, Celestial.” Celestial pouted at his tone, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
“But daaaaad,” she mock-whined, only to freeze at her own words. She did not just say that. Dublin stood equally frozen, gun vanishing from his hand as if it suddenly realised that it didn’t actually exist. 
Sirens blared in the distance, forcefully breaking Celestial out of her shock. She bolted without a second of hesitation, and it was only several hours later that she realised that she had left the money behind in her panic.
But for once, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Why had she done that?! She had promised herself to stop caring a long time ago. Sworn that she would never, ever fall for another Smiling Mask. Only to get emotionally attached to some dumb-as-rocks, grouchy “normal guy” who had somehow managed to sneak right past her high standards.
Dublin was a Class A idiot that had gotten lucky, that was it. No supersuit, no mask, no secret identity. He was just Some Guy that didn’t even realise he had superpowers. Celestial had worked for her powers, had fought against her own destiny to get where she was now. 
Dublin couldn’t possibly understand her. He talked about his normal life like he was living the dream. A beloved car in his garage, a sturdy roof over his head, a well-kept garden in front of his porch. As if no jewels or gold could ever make up for the simple pleasure of being alive.
Celestial ran, just like she had been doing for most of her life. She ran because she knew that this world was somewhere she couldn’t truly belong.
Dublin Ashfield was a normal man. At least, that was the lie he told himself and for some reason the universe believed him. He drove a car to work, took care of his house, ate whatever was in the fridge. The usual things.
Being a superhero was not exactly his dream job, quite the opposite actually. He was quite happy with his mundane life. But someone had to stop the mysterious Ghost Thief. And he, for some inexplicable reason, was the only person who ever got close to catching her.
So he did what any normal man would do in his situation, and gave it his best shot. But nobody told him that the Ghost Thief was a kid. A meer teenager at best, with enough stubbornness to put the most relentless donkey to shame.
But he tried his best to be a good influence, as anyone would do in his place. Called her by her chosen super villain name, listened to her rant about wanting to steal the stars from the sky and hold them like jewels, gently trying to persuade her to do better things with her life. 
He never expected this, for him to grow attached to someone whose life and dreams were so utterly incomprehensible to him. Who could hold the world in her hands and still want for more. Who spat out the word “normal” like it was a curse rather than a comfort. Who would never look at his simple joys and truly understand how they could be enough to make him happy. But here he was.
“Good afternoon, officer,” he greeted as he walked away from the crime scene as if his entire worldview hadn’t crumbled apart.
But if Dublin was good at anything, it was stubborn perseverance. He wouldn’t let go of the one person that never kept him at an arm’s length. Not without letting her realise how much he cared about her. So he did what he did best. He got in his car and drove to find his stubborn daughter.
<NEXT TRAIN TO NOWHERE IS NOW BOARDING> With a small huff of amusement, Celestial stood up from her seat and began pullimg her obxioniously large suitcase onto the empty train. Only to see a familiar face, literally radiating fury, standing in her way.
“Where are you going?” Dublin growled, his hair and suit unusually ruffled and his glare powerful enough to make time slow down enough to make going at a snail’s pace seem like speeding.
“Nowhere,” she said, forcing an apathetic shrug. “Duh.”
“When… If you ever choose to come back, my door… is always open for you.” Celestial gaped at him, completely at a loss for words for what could have been hours.
“You hate visitors,” she said, not as a question but as a stone cold fact. Dublin, as many people (including herself) had quickly found out, had a policy of greeting people that ignored the No Trespassing sign with a loaded gun. 
“You’re not just a visitor anymore.” She couldn’t even fool herself into thinking that he didn’t mean it, not with everything about him practically screaming his honesty.
Celestial stiffed, mouth contorting into a sneer, ready to go for the killing blow. “You realise I’ll never be like you? That each second with me is another second where you are giving up your precious normality?”
Dublin flinched back, but Celestial found no joy from this fact. But then, tilting his chin up in the same stubborn belief he always seemed to hold, he spoke back. “And every second that you spend with me, you give up time for your gold and jewels. We can go on like this forever, Celestial, but my mind is set.”
Celestial smiled, for once accepting defeat. Behind her, the train closed its doors and drove away, and she couldn’t care less about the fact. “Fine, you win this one. But we’re still rivals, whether you like it or not!”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said, as if that wasn’t the cheesiest thing she had ever heard someone say with a straight face.
“Sentimental old man,” she mocked, and he, for the first time in her memory, laughed in return. 
“How did you even find me anyway?” Celestial asked from the backseat of the car, spinning a dagger in one hand.
“Same way I always do.” That answered absolutely nothing, but Dublin was basically allergic to a straight answer most of the time.
“Gee, don’t give me an essay on it,” she said anyway, because Celestial’s native tongue was the lovely language of Sarcasm.
“Drink your milkshake, kid.” Celestial turned. As expected, there was a milkshake now in the cupholder. There hadn’t even been a cupholder before.
“You’re the weirdest normal person I’ve ever met. You know that, right?”
“And you're the most stereotypical rebel that I’ve ever met. So we’re tied,” Dublin parried without even batting an eye. 
Celestial nearly choked on her milkshake. “What did you just s-”
“Oh look at that, we’re here.” It was an annoyingly convenient interruption, but that was just how things went in their stupid rivalry.
“I’m packing my bags and running away,” she threatened, trying to pretend she wasn’t pouting.
“Been there, done that, got the t-shirt,” came the deadpan reply, completely unfazed by her lack of tact for mentioning something like that so soon.
“Why do I even like you?” she asked, already knowing the real answer.
“I ask myself the same question about you every day,” he replied, the truth barely hidden behind his half-hearted deflection.
Because you feel like home.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Now I wanna know Levi's love life in the Underground, how it all started, the women he went out with and his first time-
Hello love! How are you?
Are you coming from Holy ground ch. 18? haha Levi's life in the underground is something that I adore to discuss about but I do understand that my point of view from it isn't particularly popular.
With that being said, I add this warning of "underage sex, underage alcohol or drug use, dubious consent and prostitution" ALSO, this is a hella long reply. Sorry
In Holy Ground, Levi mentions that he had 2 fuck buddies in the laps of more on less 4 years before joining the scouts as exclusive partners to keep the "clap" to a minimum (STIs). And, before that, he used to have more casual sex or random hookups. Apparently, from what is mentioned some of them was an MP girl around his age that offered for patrollings. Levi own words " I’m not apologising for shit that I did when I was eighteen, nineteen probably high, drunk, both or trying to space out from the shitty life I had to carry on."
I based this headcanons on personal experience I've either heard from my time helping adults from marginal environments that couldn't go to school as kids, their parents were either drug addicts, in jail and they were basically raised on the streets. You can be old enough to protect yourself but for the sake of surviving usually belonging to groups is the only way. With that being said and thinking that Kenny probably abandoned Levi at the age of 11-13. Levi probably formed part of other's thug's gangs until he was old enough to fully stand on his own. Those environments are never healthy and usually expose extremely toxic masculinity ideas, plus I do also think that Kenny fit or had those thoughts on his own. Therefore, I think that Levi probably lost his virginity at a really young age to prove he was "a man" and not "a boy". Probably with a prostitute. Somewhere the age of 15. This was an insane practice not until long ago, to take guys to "debut" as if this wasn't an abuse. Because men always want to have sex right? I'm being sarcastic here haha just in case.
I do not think Levi thinks deeply of this, he's the consequence of the society he was raised in (period of time etc). Therefore, when he started to slowly build his reputation as someone strong and powerful, he started to receive way more attention if you know what I mean haha. Teens are curious, even Levi and (as he mentioned) he was probably consuming either alcohol or drugs because 1) his environment would tell him it's the cool thing to do and you don't want to look like a "pussy" 2) probably under some circumstances it's cheaper than food 3) life down there must be a hell for a teen and needed to space out. So during this period, that would say between 18-20 years old Levi, I think that if a girl was interested in him and he was interested too, he was like "Why not? I may die tomorrow"
Then I think he had a severe mind change when he found Isabel (in the manga of ACWNR. Isabel is found by Levi as a little kid and practically raised by him). To this rate, Levi wasn't only powerful enough to be completely on his own, not depending on other gangs, but also taking care of a kid made him extremely responsible for the things he did and the people he surrounded himself with. Someone, Isabel, depended on him. He grew extremely picky and probably decided to get clean for real. "be the man he wished he had while growing up,". This is the time of his life that I call "fuck buddies", I think Levi was old enough to understand the consequences of keeping sexual relationships with people that may not be clean and also the willying to do more of his life than plain surviving. So this is when these two women come into the picture. Of one I've not imagined much and the other yes. Both women Levi trusted that wouldn't use him to get info or hurt Isabel and that he probably enjoyed the company enough to be like "We could fuck, no feelings, just two adults enjoying adulting,". The first one, I think her name was Emma and was at least 5 years older than him. She worked at a bar and started to do business with him and they got along really well. Until one day (as it said in Holy Ground) after almost 2 years of being sex partners she said "I'm getting married and moving up, so this is the end,". I think Levi was probably really shocked because he enjoyed her company very much and didn't even know she was getting to know someone "romantically,". Not gonna lie, even if he didn't love her, he felt a bit hurt of "Oh... ok," But we know Levi, he probably just accepted and moved on.
The second girl, I don't have much planned for her. Only that she was probably around Levi's age, maybe one or two years younger and part of his own gang. They lasted for a solid year and half, once again not real romantic feelings but "sexual interest and keeping it exclusive to avoid STIs,". He cut it without much information when he was finally sure they were going to move to the surface with the scouts. She "implied" that she had an idea of what was going on, that she wanted to go with him and that she "really liked him,". Something that not only shocked Levi but also he wasn't really happy with that. He wasn't romantically interested in that way and they did have this sort of "no feelings" thing so her impling that was like "so you had been in this shit all this time WAITING for me to catch feelings??? Oh no... what a fucking mess"
So, that's it! At least in Holy Ground, YN is Levi's first romantic interest... not the first girl tho haha. My only headcanon for the second girl (if you follow holy ground ) is that she ends up hearing about Levi dating OFFICIALLY a Sheena's wall rich girl and she gets offended because well it's like "oh so a posh surface girl is worthy of your love but not me?" haha
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 months
munakata introduced scepter 4 to fushimi as a place "not fit for children to run off to when they get into trouble," implying that fushimi either isnt that childish/he sees him as equally skilled and valued as all of his adult employees. but do you think as time passed, he started seeing those tiny child-like qualities fushimi has and smiling about it despite the fact he does not see childish qualities as something that fits within his ideal scepter 4?
Honestly the man who hired Doumyouji doesn’t get to talk about how S4 isn’t the place for childish people (for that matter, don’t complain about S4 not being a place for children when you’re the one recruiting teenage children, Munakata). I feel like Munakata’s intent there was less looking down on Fushimi for being a child and more that he wanted Fushimi to join S4 for the ‘right’ reason. Like the idea that Fushimi runs to S4 not because he wants to or out of any sense of belonging but simply because he has nowhere else to go, treating S4 like a place of refuge rather than a place where he’s expected to be a clansman working towards a goal. Actually even thinking about it I could see Munakata’s words there being less harsh towards children in general and more a kind of general childishness that Munakata ascribes to Homra in particular — because Homra absolutely is a place a kid in trouble could run to when in trouble, as long as you pass the test anyone can join and Homra will shelter them (this is particularly relevant in regards to the Minato twins being sheltered there right at that time in LSW too, in Munakata’s eyes being ‘children’ who got into trouble and ran away somewhere with no purpose other than to escape a situation). I think Munakata was well aware even at the time he recruited Fushimi that Fushimi had a certain childishness to him and didn’t mind, it’s just this specific thing that Munakata wanted Fushimi to grow away from because he had no use for a Fushimi who just runs from a problem rather than facing it head on — when Fushimi specifically faces off against ‘Niki’ in jcube and takes hold of his own destiny, that’s the point Munakata appears to back him up and invite him to S4 because this is what Munakata was waiting for. 
So that said I feel like Munakata does enjoy the childish part of Fushimi quite a bit. In the Sand Castle short story for example, there’s the moment where Munakata compliments Fushimi’s castle and it’s noted that for a moment Fushimi looked ‘disarmingly innocent’ before settling back into his usual cynical expression. It’s not noted in the text but I imagine this is absolutely something Munakata noticed, and at least he’s very clearly aware of the reasons why Fushimi destroys his castle and then simply chooses to make him a new one that will last. Munakata doesn’t have any issue at all with the fact that Fushimi was building a sand castle — something kids do — when he’s supposed to be digging for shellfish (Captain’s favorite privilege at work), in fact Munakata’s very interested in it. I think Munakata appreciates that Fushimi is talented beyond his years but is also well aware that the Fushimi who initially joins his clan is just a teenager and as Fushimi gets older Munakata is willing to be indulgent of Fushimi’s childish moments even if only as part of helping Fushimi work through that part of his personality. In particular I think Munakata would enjoy seeing Fushimi get to have ‘good’ moments of childhood wonder because it’s so clear even without knowing the details that Fushimi’s actual childhood deeply lacked those. Also it’s mentioned in Case Files that Munakata sees something of himself in Fushimi, that Fushimi is what Munakata could have been if he hadn’t had such supportive parents, so I feel like the part of Munakata that also childishly enjoys new experiences and interesting things allows Munakata to understand Fushimi’s childish side more than Fushimi even realizes.
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semiweirdshipper · 8 months
haha, I know I should be writing this somewhere in like a more personal account or something but I don't have any at the moment but I'm just here to say how much I love your work.
Something about how you write the characters feel realistic in such ways, reader isn't portrayed as anyone strong or badass but usually just a simple person who went through hardships and honestly I don't see that alot! It feels different in a way when I read them (in a good way!!!), and it convinced me to write some ocs of mine like that also. The way you write hurt/comfort is exactly how I wanted it to be and honestly I see myself crying in some chapters then smile at the fluff parts like an idiot. It hits hard honestly! And it makes it better that almost all of them aren't sexual content as a fellow demisexual myself.
You've been a big inspiration to me in terms of writing. And everyday I can't seem to not take atleast a little glance to both your ao3 and tumblr account for updates; every update you make, makes me swing my feet in excitement like a little kid honestly.
I honestly also don't read book repeatedly since it feels weird to read it again when I already know what was happening but your books are always so descriptive that sometimes I still get surprised over little details you put in the story and some days, I see myself coming back to your books again, unfinished or not.
I've been meaningly want to send you an ask just filled with my thoughts and feelings about your work but I could never find the right words for it. But now I have, and I want to say that your works were one of the only things I've read when I was going through a hard time, where I felt like shit overall but your works always give me some sort of warmth in a way and I don't why I could relate with it so much.
tl;dr? Your works are amazing and it will never not stop putting a smile on my face:)
I honestly don't know what I'm saying anymore, pretty sure I just repeated some shit up, I'm just rambling at this point HAHAHA I hope you don't mind!! I just love your work so much, never give up on writing! You do great at what you do!!
Hi @ii4tokyo! Thank you so much for sharing your appreciation and feelings. It makes me so happy to know that my stories bring you joy.
You know this entire journey has been so bizarre to me. As someone who has bad people in their life, I always used to wish that those bad people would magically turn good, do better and just be loving and supportive. So when I saw my first slasher movie a few years ago, I felt hope. Hope because I realized that I could make that wish come true- granted fictional but it was still nice and comforting.
I took the slashers and I turned them into supporters. I never suspected that my work would become this important or meaningful to anyone, but it has. And while I don't feel like I truly belong in the slasher fandom, I do feel less alone knowing that there are people who've gone through similar experiences as me and have felt the same way that I've felt.
And now all I want is for my slasher account to be a safe place where all kinds of viewers can feel a sense of comfort, security and support. I understand pain deeply, and I know how I would want someone to respond to that pain, so I write it out with fictional characters. It's nice to know that the process that comforts me, comforts others.
Again, thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you're doing well ❤️ Hopefully soon I can provide you and many others with more emotional support slashers.
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jemmahazelnut · 1 year
Juvia for the character bingo?
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I adore Juvia, I’m the only one who can speak about her and I know her better than anyone, even Mashima himself.
No, ok, of course I'm kidding, but premise: if you are a Juvia-and-Gruvia stan, this post is not for you, because I don't care about the version of a perfect and adorable Juvia who deserves the world because she's pretty and never done nothing wrong in life etc. Likewise, if you're a Juvia-and-Gruvia hater, this is no place for you, because I literally don't care if you think she's a horrible canon person who deserves to die and disappear off the face of the earth.
If you are Juvia stan and Gruvia hater (I know you exist somewhere), this is the place for you (or if you are indifferent to Gruvia, or if you like it but you are not avid shippers proclaiming Juvia as the ideal girl. Actually, idfc what you think about the ship, I just know that shippers and antis generally think in compartments and don't want to question anything, so if you belong to one or the other category, go on and see other posts).
So, now let's make two things clear before starting the discussion.
Juvia is not a lovely girl, nor is she a good person. Juvia is a fucking messed up person who has good intentions, but having not lived in a good place most of her life she has unhealthy relationships with many people, highly questionable behavior, and a very bad relationship with herself. She is also a strong and cruel woman who can kill, she will and she has already done. And despite all that, she deserves the love, but more importantly, she deserves a fucking painstakingly detailed development arc (and no, if you tell me there's no forgiveness for her, Ill get pissed, everyone have had a development arc, Jellal, Laxus, Gajeel, Cobra, Sting, etc. but Juvia doesn't deserve it? Don't even talk to me).
I won't explain all my ideas about her in this post, otherwise it would get very long because trust me, I have an Odyssey in mind, but basically:
Juvia is a girl in love with the idea of love. She has lived her whole life alone and desperately wants to make friends and find her life partner, so as soon as she meets someone who is even a little bit nice to her, she becomes morbidly attached, as indeed she did with Gray. But she doesn't just do it with him, she also does it with her friends, so Lucy, Cana, Erza, and other people in the guild. As soon as someone extends a finger of hers, she takes the whole arm and craves that affection that she always sees in others. At the same time, she's not good at showing affection in the normal way, so she does weird things, and usually she's overly pushy and willing to literally go out of her way to get anyone to accept her. She sacrificed herself for Cana, so yeah, she would literally do anything, and she doesn't understand the limits of people, so as long as someone gives her something, she takes, takes and takes. She is also very insecure of herself, so it doesn't take much, a miserable 'no' and she risks going back to being the lonely rain woman and that she annoys everyone with the weather she brings with her. When this happens, she leaves the guild because she is afraid to annoy her guildmates and return alone (Lucy and Natsu always join her and stand by her in those moments).
She has a complex relationship with Gajeel, but he's also probably the only real friend she has, at least in the beginning, because she doesn't feel this need to continually affirm her affection for him. She's not even afraid of him leaving, because Gajeel has already seen the worst of her in Phantom Lord, and he's stayed, and she knows that he will stay by her side because he's one of the few people who understands her. (Then Cana will also become friends with her in a similar way).
She is an unnervingly strong sorceress, let's not forget that she was an S-class level in Phantom Lord. She was cruel too, she killed people with the Water Lock, and she wouldn't hesitate to do it if she saw something that reminded her of her childhood.
Speaking of her childhood, she was awful. From an early age she was considered a cursed child because she brought rain everywhere, for this reason her parents put her in an orphanage. She had no idea, and after spending her early years in an orphanage with everyone staying away from her and bad-mouthing her, she went looking for her parents. She hoped to reunite with them but when she found them, they did not recognize her, and badly kicked her out of the house saying never to be seen again. She moved to a village and tried to live alone, but still everyone annoyed her and told her to leave. One day someone annoyed her so much that she seriously injured him by trapping him in a water bubble and suffocating him. Since then, she has escaped from there.
She tried to remove the magic herself, with dangerous methods that put her life at risk, but it was unsuccessful (I have a whole arc in mind on this omg). She even pushed herself too hard with her magic that she nearly died. Probably in a very dark period of her life she also thought about ending it. This until she entered Phantom Lord. There, for the first time, she found a place that accepted her, and she immediately understood that the stronger she was, the more she was accepted. That's why she trained hard and became ambitious, she wanted to surpass all wizards, she thought that as she got stronger, she would have more friends. And more or less, that's how Phantom Lord worked. She was also able to use her power to its fullest, because nobody cared to use good methods, she could kill and she did it without hesitation, especially when she saw cruel people who reminded her of her parents or the people who they bullied. She felt somehow at home.
She then entered Fairy Tail, and for the first time she saw the sun thanks to Gray, which is why she thought that Gray was her life partner and so she became attached to him.
From here my version completely changes from the canon, or rather, initially it's similar with her becoming obsessed with Gray (but not only with him, also with Lucy and Cana and the other guildmates), then as she goes on making mistakes, understands how to actually build a true and healthy friendship. She learns to love herself and to understand what she really wants other than 'not to be alone', and discovers that she is actually very ambitious, she wants to be strong, she likes to be strong, not just because she likes admiration, but precisely because she likes to be able to protect her loved ones. She's always fucking creepy when someone touches her loved ones, like, you know the scene on Tenrou where she's fucking creepy when Meredy talks about killing Gray? Well, yes, Juvia is like that, only not just with Gray, but with everyone in the guild, touch someone dear to her and she will kill you, absolutely and without remorse.
She also remains a romantic, a person who adores small gestures of affection, a clumsy, she loves children but never knows how to behave with them, she is a very manual girl, she knows how to paint, but above all she knows sewing clothes or building accessories, girls always come to her and she is always happy to give them gifts. She is also a mega emotional and sensitive girl, when she feels an emotion, she feels it to the nth degree. When she's happy she gets loud, and infects everyone with her happiness showing it to the world, when she's sad no one can cheer her up, when she's angry you better run.
She understands that her relationship with Gray is complicated and one-sided, and she tries to act better and walk away from him when he tells her he's not comfortable with her. When she does that, Juvia discovers that in reality she is happy even without him. Like, she's a friend of Gray, a close friend, but she understands that her love was in her head. Then they cultivate a beautiful friendship, which if you want can also become true love (or not, you decide, but there must be that passage of self-understanding first. Actually, I'm a bit indifferent to the ship but whatever).
And then I'll stop here, even if I have things to say about the relationships she could have with other people, primarily with the Thunder Legion (in my opinion she gets along very well with all of them and also with Laxus), with Gajeel (their friendship is complex and that's okay), with Lucy (they are bestie fight me), with Erza (Juvia admires her), with Lisanna (Juvia listens to what the Edo version of Juvia was like and thinks about herself), with Cana (a bestie much more sincere than Lucy, she doesn't mince words when she has to make it clear when Juvia acts like a bitch), with Mira (these two girls are actually more similar than it seems), and that's it, now I stop.
It would have been faster to write a fanfiction.
(However I don't think this version is very far from the canon.)
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sailorblossoms · 1 year
yet another post on simon and labels
For the record, I feel the need to clarify that when I talk about Simon and labels, it’s not because I want him to label himself. He could be a fifty-year-old that’s like “what am I? hell if I know” and that would be fine and gucci (it’s how I personally approach my identity; it’s okay to not have all the answers! it’s okay to have no answers at all!). I think it’s important that both the authorial intent and the main takeaway for the readers is to see how hard it can be to figure yourself out, to still fall in love despite not having the answers. If I never interacted with or even seen this fandom at all, I would’ve walked away with “canonically unlabeled main character” and left it there. 
At the same time, and perhaps in the interest of analysis (to a certain extent, perhaps with the same kind of curiosity one wonders whether Simon will ever know his mom visited) I’ve seen people wonder. Leaving something open usually invites speculation... Because this is a fictional (emphasis on fictional; I’ve been unfortunately cursed with the knowledge that people get on twitter dot com to do this to real people, which is beyond fucked up) character, I don’t think it’s wrong to wonder for character analysis purposes, (or for fanfic purposes, if one wants to understand something because they have a specific story to tell). Or perhaps in attempts to figure oneself through fiction.
When I log on to say “he makes so much more sense as in the ace spectrum” I’m not just analyzing, I’m also working through assumptions about intimacy and the ways in which the books challenge how attraction is perceived and I find that meaningful. There’s a reason why so many people who identify somewhere in the acespec feel drawn to these books. When I say “the kid is likely gay but struggles with not wanting to be perceived as gay/fears experiencing homophobia” I don’t mean to undermine him not wanting to be labeled (which, by the way, is also fitting for someone who has been defined by labels for so long: to just simply go unlabeled as he finds out who he is and what he wants, unburdened by expectations at last) I’m partly responding to the seemingly popular idea (which remains as an impulse, despite him being canonically unlabeled) to paint him as bisexual (which, at worst, results in people writing off the series as bi-erasure, or judging it for things it never attempted to do, so forgive me if I come here to yell about people being loud and wrong in my little blog). I also discuss him likely being gay because I do think the ways in which the books capture how heteronormativity and comphet can fuck us up (for the record, I know bi folks can also experience both!) it’s worth discussing. Our fear of not belonging, or not wanting to be gay because we’re afraid of not being accepted or being in danger because of it (Simon literally has the instincts to look over his shoulder to see if they’re being watched when he first kisses Baz!) being captured in a story where ultimately, the gays are alright and happy and together... for me? it’s worth discussing. (I’m also a serial over-thinker. Shit along the lines of “but tumblr user sailorblossoms, how can you say he is or isn’t interested in [whatever] when Simon thinks [insert quote]?” has sparked many posts haha)
I probably wouldn’t have been on here saying “Simon is likely gay” and “I’m confident this guy isn’t a woman-liker” without My Rosebud Boy, and AU written by the author, attempting to capture the essence of her characters in a different scenario, that has Simon in his early thirties saying “I’m gay. I used to have a problem with being perceived as/being gay, but not anymore.” Because this for me validated the perception I had with certain things that I was seeing in the books. If you asked me to speculate (because I ain’t a mind-reader) based on interviews and things I have seen the author say on social media, I would say that when CO came out, the author did genuinely not what Simon was, because the intent has been that it’s okay not to know from day one. Sexuality can be complicated, and the main intention was to not define him. But by the time MRB comes out, well... Simon says it. But also: this isn’t at odds with the intent in the trilogy. Simon is barely not a teenager there. He’s a thirty something adult in MRB. Different circumstances, different life stages, etc etc (I have lots of thoughts on that AU but I don’t want to lose the thread). The other thing the author has said from day one (before the sequels were even a thought) which remained consistent, is that good ol’ Simon is a “Baz-sexual.” That, for me, is among the big takeaways: Simon has not experienced true attraction before Baz. I’m not here saying this guy is interested in guys in general either – as soon as Baz is in the picture, it’s game over (who notices a match when you’re in the middle of a forest fire?). There are many people (and fictional characters) who experience attraction to a lot of people, all the time, even when they’re in love with one person. But Simon ain't one of them. He doesn’t say he’s “a Baz-romantic.” He says “a Baz-sexual” with his whole chest. 
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Intro to The Supernatural: Emissary Hale
Part 1 of my Sterek fic from AO3. There's a fair bit of canon twisting mostly just making it all add up and make sense and leaning into the "Stiles is scary smart and resourceful and some sort of magic to the point The Wild Hunt and the Nogistune saw him as the one to take out to make their job easier" and some other bits that are just for my amusement. Always open to questions and comments and headcanons.
I'm not sure if I'll be doing a tag list for the crossposted works but I'll keep y'all updated on that.
Stiles would be the first to admit that he didn't know much about regular wolf packs (yet) let alone werewolf ones (double yet). But he did know about humans. He knew that humans were complicated beyond their base desires for community and safety and belonging. He knew that humans were resilient and usually only reached their full potential in large groups and communities. And he knew that if humans faced the crazy crap that he and Beacon Hills' resident creatures of the night have there would be friendships forged to last a lifetime and blood oaths to not tell a soul about what they had seen because like hell anyone would ever believe them before they snuck the good liquor out of their parent's cabinets to drown out the shitshow that was their lives now. It's the sort of thing he and Scott would have done before his best friend was bitten and became one of said creatures of the night. He wasn't so sure about part-time wolves. But some of it had to translate over. Because everything (even the supernatural) had rules, had reasoning, had some form of logic behind it. No matter how twisted and arbitrary it may seem to an outsider like himself.
Jackson only became the kanima because the Bite triggered a long-coming identity crisis hopped up on steroids and with deadlier results. Allison was an impressionable, overly sheltered, teenager dealing with her own identity crisis over her sweet doting grandfather being a complete racist psychopath who had raised the aunt she idolized to be an equally racist and psychotic serial killer and sexual predator. Though Stiles wasn't sure how much Gerard had to do with that last one. Erica and Boyd had just wanted to change themselves and their situations and to belong somewhere for once and Derek had offered it to them, he had just left out a few key bits of information that left the two teens feeling lied to and betrayed. And Isaac…
Stiles let out a heavy sigh thinking about the curly-haired pup and the broody alpha he was somehow legally under the care of. Hale couldn't be more than four, maybe five, years older than the rest of them and less than a year before had been on Beacon Hill's Most Wanted list; and he had been entrusted with the care of an underage domestic abuse victim with an attitude problem and abandonment issues? Without even showing proof of a steady income or stable living conditions? Stiles didn't know how he had pulled it off but he figured the kid was probably safer with his Alpha than some family not in-the-know only taking him in for the state paycheck, so he was gonna just let that one be.
That left Lydia. His stunning strawberry-blonde goddess who swept in one day, with Jackson in tow, demanding answers. You couldn't really have Jackson (and apparently Allison) without Lydia Martin. And while before that would have made Stiles ecstatic at the idea of an excuse to spend time with the girl and maybe show her just how integral he, a squishy gangly human, had become in this mismatched group of gorgeous supernatural beings, now it made him sick to his stomach that even with the obvious evidence that she had to be something for the Bite to have not taken or killed her and the fact that she was essentially being courted by a member of the local forming pack, she still seemed to consider herself separate from their supernatural shenanigans. She was so so smart it made Stiles' head spin but gods she was being so infuriatingly dumb.
But that was all okay. Because he got humans for the most part. Humans were laughingly simple if you took the time to observe and break them down. Except humans who moonlighted as broody bossypants alphas with magic eyebrows that disappeared when they went all growly.
"I have no idea what the hell I'm doing."
Stiles scoffed and leaned back in his chair sidled up almost too close to the brooding alpha. Better too close to him than too close to said alpha's leering (undead?) uncle. He wished he knew a way to reverse whatever it was that Lydia had done to bring the creeperwolf back. "You're not a complete failwolf here Hale, just a bit rough around the edges. But we can't smooth them out if you-"
"You don't get it Stiles." Derek grits out and the younger boy's mouth snaps shut. He takes a deep breath and when he opens his eyes they're surrounded by a thin ring of glowing red and his fangs are starting to drop. His shoulders are tense and his hands keep clenching and releasing like he's squeezing a stress ball. "I was never meant to be an Alpha. If I was lucky Laura would have chosen me to be her Second, but even that happening was a long shot. I wasn't raised for leadership. Just wasn't made for it. I just-" He cuts himself off with a frustrated growl and pushes himself back from the table they had all gathered around.
Deaton raises a judgmental eyebrow with a low thoughtful hum and Argent lets out a sigh that speaks to his levels of exasperation and exhaustion as the young alpha broodily storms out of the room. But not Peter. Peter just chuckles and leans back in his seat with a lazy stretch as he looks around at the tired faces of those gathered.
"Well, that took longer than I expected."
"Could you just not right now Peter?" Stiles sighs. He gets up, making his way around the table towards the kitchen. Peter watches the usually spastic Spark as he putters about his nephew's new and surprisingly fully furbished kitchen, pulling out the fixings for coffee and tea and enough mugs for the men he had finally managed to coerce a 'formal' sit down with.
"Come now Spark, you can't tell me that you haven't been expecting something like that since he bit the first of his pups." Deaton and Chris sigh at his cheek but he grins at the low, almost wolf-like, growl he gets from the teenager as he digs through the refrigerator. "Although I suppose it could have been worse. At least my nephew seems to have moved on from his ridiculous 'anger for an anchor' phase and his damned guilt complex to something more stable to go along with his shiny new pack and those fresh bonds to keep him nice and grounded."
"Wait," Stiles tenses as Argent speaks up. The boy's back is not quite to the men seated at the worn table but still turned away enough they can't really see his face. "Are you telling me that Hale bit children while his anchor was fucking anger?" Peter sees the way Stiles took deep measured breaths and rolled his wrists, clenching his fists as the smell of ozone started to fill the room. He licks his lips. "And this is the man- the kid you expect us to be okay with running this territory?"
Deaton hums, turning to face Argent but his eyes resting on Stiles' tense shoulders just a moment too long, one hand trailing down to fiddle with a leather corded bracelet on his wrist. So that was where the smell of herbs and stale magic was coming from. "Though I share many of your reservations about Mr. Hale's driving logic behind his choice in Betas and his, still fairly relevant, issues concerning proper anchors and control. I must confess that he has shown more promise in the last few weeks than I had ever expected from him, especially considering how Talia used to worry over him before the fire."
Argent scoffs and Peter can feel the eye roll from here. "Excuse me if I don't take that as a shining recommendation for his Alpha potential."
"You should." Stiles' voice is low and dark and makes a delightful shiver roll down Peter's spine. He wonders if Argent felt it even as Deaton goes impossibly still and fiddles with that damned charm wrapped about his wrist. Stiles doesn't look at any of them as he picks the tray of refreshments he had put together up off the kitchen counter and turns to make his way back to the table. The druid pointedly does not look at the boy until he's taken a seat. "Druids tend to be cryptic, stubborn, almost possessive and territorial as wolves and overall, kinda petty. They like their 'balance' and their 'traditions' and generally dislike anything that disrupts the status quo too much. They're not likely to help anyone they don't have strong ties or sworn loyalties to or just offend their stuffy sensibilities. So that's the closest you're gonna get to a glowing endorsement from our good Dr. Deaton." His eyes flash almost Beta gold for a second as they rake over the three men. Long fingers wrap about a mug and clutch it close to his chest as he leans back in his chair, the piece of furniture creaking in protest at the teen's abuse of it's function. Peter waits until the boy takes his first sip before grabbing one of the mugs for himself. "Though I have to admit, a druid on a first name basis with the Alpha on who's territory they reside but no one else in the pack seemed to know? Reeks of an Emissary to me." Deaton's eyes are dull and bored but Peter can hear his heartrate spiking as Stiles' hands flex around his mug the smell of ozone spiking for a moment and steam begins to slowly rise from it before he takes a sip. The druid's fingers clench around his bracelet. "So that honestly raises a few questions for me. Questions that I told myself I wasn't going to ask while Derek was here because I'm not sure he's ready for the answers. Questions I probably shouldn't ask with zombiewolf in the room, but we've got Argent here if he decides to go Holy Vengeance mode again."
"I'm not entirely sure I wholly understand what you're implying Mr. Stilinski. Yes, I was Talia's Emissary and I handled most of the family's legal affairs after the fire, but I hardly see what questions that would raise that Derek cannot-"
"Alpha Hale." Stiles' voice is polite and his tone pleasant but his eyes are flashing again, his smile a little too much a baring of teeth to Peter's instincts.
"Excuse me?"
Stiles shrugs, "You're not Emissary anymore. Honestly, your loyalties are still undeclared far as I can tell. And you haven't approached the standing Alpha -Alpha of the pack you swore to serve and protect, mind you- to formally introduce yourself and petition for permission to continue your residence in his territory. At this point you, my dude, are kinda up there with Denethor. Technically someone of note but lookin' kinda power hungry and only out for your own gain overall but still 'civic-minded' and sticking to an advisory role enough to bear the argument that you do what you do for the people. Which I don't really buy, like, at all... So maybe more Wormtongue? Anyway, my point is that while Derek won't force the issue, I have no such qualms." His smile turns sharp and predatory. It makes Argent squirm and his scent go nervous sour and it makes something in Peter rise up in anticipation. "Druid Deaton, while you reside on Hale Land you will show Derek Hale the respect he is due as Alpha of this territory and a son of the Hale line. Your service to the family of Hale under Alpha Talia has been found lacking and -should you choose to remain- you are compelled to defend your actions leading up to and directly following the demise of your Alpha and her pack, whose safety you had been charged with."
Deaton's impassive façade begins to crack and his voice is strained as he almost sneers at the boy. "I don't know what you think you understand about this world you seem so intent on being a part of Mr. Stilinski but there are forces at work that are older than Beacon Hills and more powerful than even blood as old as the Hale's." Stiles' smile hasn't left his face, if anything it's just turned more smug. Argent is writing something in an old worn journal and Peter would laugh and make a joke at the idea of the man taking notes if he wasn't more focused on the (one-sided) power struggle. "This land is powerful and steeped in magic beyond even my comprehension. You are out of your depth boy. This isn't a game. Just who do you think you are to speak for Alpha Hale when he isn't here?"
Stiles chuckles and leans back in his chair, taking another drawn out drag of his still steaming drink. "I am Miecyslaw Casmir Stilinski, Spark and defender of Beacon County and member of the Hale Pack under Alpha Derek Hale." He smiles slow and sharp and the air around him grows heavy with the more and more familiar feeling of the boy's magic. Peter can feel when Deaton's little charm crumbles and gets swept away, leaving the Druid open to outside forces and magics. He can see when Stiles registers what just happened by the predatory glint in his eye. "My friends call me Stiles. But you, Druid Deaton, you may call me Emissary Hale."
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