#it’s so hard now that he’s retired i wanna cry
dumbbitchgalore · 15 days
💖 Cockwarming old man!Price 💖
TW: nsfw, mean!Price, kinda abusive??, possible alcohol abuse
Part 2
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Last post I talked about blowjobs with old man!Price with a sprinkle of cockwarming. However this wil be dedicated to cockwarming with Price.
Now this can go one of two ways
Option 1: John is having an extremely shitty day trying to come to terms with his retirement
Option 2: John becomes self-conscious of his mind due to his erectile dysfunction and wholeheartedly believes that his lucky charm will leave him for someone virile.
Let’s go with option 1
He is absolutely gutted about his retirement and the only way he can express it is through anger
John doesn't cry, he never does
This wholre retirement just reinforces how obselete he's become to his squad that he built from nothing
And the beer only helps qualm his thoughts about everything he's done in his life
He goes through every major life event and thinks what he couldn've done differently
He lets his mind wander until it hands upon you
His darling baby
Fuck this is a hoax, some sick twisted game that you're playing on him
You wanna make him think that he's special and he's still needed in this world
He downs another bottle at the thought, gritting his teeth as the thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth worse than the cheap beer that he's drinking
He groans in irritation and does what he does best at his age
His calls you into the living room where he sits on the couch watching the football match holding a freshly opened bottle of beer
You walk up to him, kissing his cheek and caressing his upper arm slightly worried about the frown on his face
Before you can even get a word of comfort out of your mouth, he slaps you hard
You yelp in pain, holding your cheek
What on earth? Did your John just slap you
John looks away, annoyance etched onto his face as a twinkle of guilt in his eyes
You soften slightly
He didn't mean it, must be the alcohol
John turns to face you and opens his mouth to apologise but sees you slowly taking off your panties
John cocks his head to the side in confusion
He just hit you and you're taking your panties off?
You should be mad, furious
You should be leaving him, walking right out of the door
That's what you should be doing
Not taking off your damn panties
Stupid brat. He thinks to himself
"John..." You coo softly, "Are you stressed honey?"
John groans in anger and nods his head
You sigh softly
You won't hold what he did a minute ago, your love was stressed and that can't be good for his heart
You sink onto your knees and paw at his crotch lovingly, enamored by him
You nuzzle against his clothed cock, breathing in his musky scent
He just went out for a run and you could smell it on him
Fuck, was it driving you wild
He smelled so good, so manly, so... heavenly
It made you feel safe, cared for, protected
You sigh softly inhaling as much of his scent as you could
As much as you loved how John smelt after a workout or working in the gardens, you absolutely hated what it did to his body
You hated how his pudgy belly was becoming smaller
You frown, you loved his pudge!
You stand up and take the beer bottle out of his hand, bringing it to his lips
You make him finish the whole bottle in one go
You needed his cute beer belly back!
You smile softly when he finishes the whole bottle and you put in down on the coffee table while you sink back down on your knees
Whining against his crotch, you pull on the waistband of his sweatpants and out comes your prize
His oh so stupid cock just hanging there with no real use
Your eyes glimmer
"Baby, can we try something?" You ask softly
He simply nods, not really saying much. Not that you mind
You retireve a cock ring from the coffee table drawer and put it on him before straddling his waist and sinking down
You sigh softly. God, you loved the feeling of him
The cock ring didn't do much to get him hard but made it a bit easier for you to slide his dick in
But whatever, you like how pliant it felt inside you
You look at him lovingly but it only angers John
You shouldn't love him, he's old and unwanted
You see this thoughts running a mile a minute so you lean in to kiss him
John gets even more angry by your tender nature
So he grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs it so hard that you yelp as your face is pulled away from his
Your back arches slightly, a throaty gasp leaving your lips as your scalp begins to sting
"Sit there like the cock sleeve you are. No talking." He says sternly
And that's what tou did all night long while he watched his inane football match
A slight movement or a soft whine set John off causing him to spank you hard, or pull your hair or slap your right across the face
You like the good darling you are, you listened to him and did what he told you
You sat still, filling full while you were stuffed with his cock inside of you
Once John calms down, a wave of regret washes over him
He takes you to bed and does nothing besides worshipping your body, making you cum more times than you can count on your fingers with his tongue
His silent way of begging for your forgiveness
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eatmyassssssssz · 6 months
Captain John Price
warnings : age gap implied
tags : @lillianastuff @mysticalgalaxysalad @mionacaped @madamemelancholysstuff @mactavishwritings @chaos-reigns-bitches @scribblescubbs @wandasbitch22 @warzxx @wretched-horn-monger @yippeerrrs @applbottmjeens @bowieisbored @blingblong55 @simonrileyscockring
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old man price who struggles to come, he can get it up, but he struggles to come, takes him ages.
hes retired by the military by now, youre his little house husband/wife.
you started to realise you guys have sex a lot less. and when you do, its not really sex. he doesnt get anything out of it. he always makes you come, then goes straight to aftercare.
you worry, maybe he's stopped being attracted to you as he got older. maybe his taste has changed.
you overthink one night, hes fast asleep next to you, snoring. you cant sleep, youre trying not to be too loud with your crying and hyperventilating so you dont awaken your husband (although, nothing could wake up that damn man).
then, you snap. you shake him. until he wakes up. you needed to ask him why he wouldnt have sex with you, when he had a pretty high sex drive a year ago!
was it because you put on a pound or two because of christmas incoming?
either way, hes awake, sat up, half asleep, looking at his partner, having a borderline panic attack next to him.
"whats-, whats wrong?" he says, hurriedly rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out him eyes at least a little.
"why dont you like me anymore!" bit blunt, but you weren't thinking very straight right now, you needed answers, and now.
no matter what the answer was, you needed closure. you needed something to let you decide what you needed to do.
was the "problem" you, or did he just fall out of love?
"what- what do you even mean?" he genuinely did not get what you meant.
"youve not had proper sex with me in ages!" you say, rushed, words not going through your head properly.
his face fades. a soft pink spreads up his neck and ears. "so, its about that.." he mutters.
"am i not attractive enough for you to fuck me anymore? you make me come, then skip the part when you get off, and we go straight to aftercare!" tears were rushing down your face, you hiccuped as you spoke.
"babe- its not you, its me." he says, face in his palm.
"please- nonono, i cant afford for us to split up! i love you- and, and- i dont have any qualifications, i didnt go to college so we could be together forever, john!" your head was rushing to conclusions, your breathing was fast, choked and panicked.
"no! nono, i dont want to split up- i...what i meant was, i literally- it is me thats the problem. i can't- yknow...come." his voice was low, his fingers were massaging his temples, his face was red with embarrassment over this.
"...youre joking? thats why we've not had sex? i thought you were fucking someone else and had nothing left for me or something!" you were relieved, to say the least. "no- babe, i would never."
you nod. "i know- i just..overthink." you admit. he nods. "im aware.." you smile softly. he did know you well. "so..you cant come?" you ask.
he mumbles a response, "i can- just takes...a while...yknow? i can still get hard like i used too- just...not come easily." you smirk hearing that. "so...its possible you can come, just takes a minute?"
"..you wanna try that theory?"
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Or: Cellbit runs an alchemy shop with his family, and he's also the lost prince of the Gato Kingdom, but he isn't, but he really really isn't, you've gotta believe him, he isn't, really, he isn't, you've gotta-
For day seven of @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week - Royalty/Family
The day starts off normally:
Cellbit wakes up to find himself alone in bed, Roier having already gone to work downstairs in the store.
He lazes beneath the covers before hearing his son shouting in the other room. Grudgingly, he gets up, slides on his slippers and his bathrobe, and he goes to get Richarlyson settled with a new coloring book because, according to Richarlyson, Pepito ate the last one.
(Pepito did not eat the last one.)
Cellbit goes back into his bedroom to change, and then he goes to the wash basin in the hallway to brush his teeth and wash his face. He goes to the kitchen, shoves a singe slice of bread in his mouth for breakfast, tells the kids to behave, decides to live in ignorance and believe that they actually listened to him, and then, finally, he goes downstairs to help Roier with the shop.
That's when things get weird because, instead of the normal dozen or so customers they usually get in the mornings before things get busy, there are a handful of people in shiny armor with pointy swords, and there's a woman with cat ears leaning against the counter talking at an indifferent Roier.
Cellbit freezes on the stairs. Absently, his hands raise to his own ears, thankfully pinned down today with his alchemical goggles. He tends to have them out more days than not now, but. Well. Old habits die hard.
"I really don't know what you're talking about," Roier casually say. He isn't even looking at the woman, he's, instead, inspecting his nails- recently painted by Jaiden and absolutely adorable, just like he is. "But we do have a sale on luck potions if you wanna try one of those."
The woman's eyebrow twitches, and, for whatever reason, Cellbit doesn't think that she's here to buy something. Between the fine quality of her clothes and the literal knights with her and her entire aura, she just screams royalty, and that's a bad thing.
That's a really bad thing.
But Roier seems to have it under control, so, silently, Cellbit starts sneaking back up the stairs. If Roier needs him, he'll scream, and then Cellbit will rush down and kill everybody in the room and blame it on a sudden alchemical reaction gone wrong. Easy.
The door to the living quarters slams open and Pepito comes rushing out of it with tears streaming down his face.
"Apa!" he cries, leaping into Cellbit's arms and nearly sending him stumbling back down the stairs. "Richarlyson ate my crayons and now he's dying!"
(Richarlyson is not dying.)
Cellbit can practically smell the irritation coming off of Roier, even if he can't see him with his back turned to both him and the store and the really annoying royalty inside.
And, sure, Cellbit is annoyed, too, but he's also a father. So he just sighs and holds his son and lets him cry into his shoulder.
"Who's there?" one of the knights asks.
There's the sound of a sword being drawn, and then there's the sound of another sword being drawn and, really, is a peaceful retirement too much to ask for? Pac and Mike got one. Bad got one. Even Etoiles has some sort of retirement plan he's supposedly following between father-daughter dungeon-busting field trips.
The way Pepito is being held has him looking down the stairs and at the very rude people about to kill his parents, so Cellbit turns around so that Pepito is facing the door instead. He's always preferred looking danger in the face, anyway; it's much easier to be stabbed in the back than the front, after all.
Cellbit passively looks from one knight to another. He skips his eyes over the woman entirely. He catches Roier's eye, subtly rolls his own eyes, adjusts his hold on Pepito.
"Sorry," Cellbit says, "but my son is dying. I'll be right back."
"He's dead!" Pepito wails, ever-helpful. He's such a good kid.
The woman frowns. Cellbit doesn't think he likes her face. It's too... uncanny, like a doll come to life. Or, rather, like an image escaped from the mirror above the wash basin, and Cellbit does not like the implications of that, thanks.
As the knights start to advance, the woman holds up a hand to stop them.
"Hurry up," she says.
"Yeah," Roier agrees. "Tell Richas to die quicker, we have company."
Pepito screeches right into Cellbit's ear, making him wince very angrily in Roier's direction; all Roier does is wink and motion with his fingers for Cellbit to hurry up.
Cellbit quickly takes Pepito back into their living quarters and puts him down on the sofa.
Richarlyson is on the floor, very calm, very much not dying, and very much using Pepito's crayons in his own coloring book.
Pepito gasps, tears gone and replaced with wide, shocked eyes.
"But you ate them!" he exclaims.
Cellbit sighs, "Your brother is a magician, now can you two please behave for ten minutes while Roier and I deal with those people downstairs?"
Richarlyson's head perks up. "There are people downstairs?"
Cellbit nods. "Bad people, probably. If you hear glass breaking, you know what to do."
It's Richarlyson's turn to nod.
They have a plan. If things go down in the shop, Richarlyson and Pepito stay upstairs and hide until either Cellbit or Roier goes to get them. If the kids hear glass breaking, they are to escape out their bedroom window and climb down the tree outside and run to their Uncle Bad's house until Cellbit and Roier can get rid of the bad guys and save the day.
(Roier's words, not Cellbit's. Apparently, calling unruly customers or the police "the enemy" is bad. Go figure.)
Cellbit makes the kids both pinky promise him to follow the plan before letting out a long, stressed-out breath and starting back downstairs.
First, though, he dips into the kitchen and grabs his favorite butcher knife from off of the counter and tucks it into the custom-made sheath hidden beneath his jacket. Just in case.
Once downstairs, he's immediately manhandled by the knights until he's pushed up against the counter. Unfortunately, he isn't pushed behind the counter. But at least he can act as a shield... just in case.
On instinct, Cellbit reaches behind himself and takes Roier's hand. Roier takes it and squeezes gently, his thumb rubbing little circles into the skin by his thumb.
"Well," Cellbit says, looking from the knights to the woman, "you want something. What is it."
It isn't a question. It's more of a demand, really, and maybe he's stupid for demanding answers of royalty, but, like. Fuck the monarchy. What have they ever done for him?
The woman speaks: "We're looking for whichever one of you is Cellbit."
If they weren't already pinned down, Cellbit's ears would be flattening themselves to the top of his head. He bites back a hiss and instead just squeezes Roier's hand.
The woman continues with, "I'd like to bring him back with us to-"
"Yeah, okay," Roier casually says. "I'm Cellbit, hello."
Out of the corner of his eye, Cellbit can see Roier waving; he stifles a smile. He's so stupid...
Cellbit turns around and gasps dramatically. "Gatinho, no! You can't leave us!"
Roier bites his lip and looks away, turning his head to the side.
"But guapito," he says, dropping his voice an octave just for effect, "if I don't go, then... what about you and the children? They might-" (He moans and bows his head.) "-kill you. And then what would I do with myself?"
"Oh, don't worry!" the woman quickly says. "We won't hurt your family! That's why we're here, actually, to bring you and your family with us."
Cellbit ignores her. He reaches across the counter and cups Roier's cheek with his free hand, gently nudges his face until he raises his head and looks Cellbit in the eye; Roier's eyes are already wet with unshed tears, wow, he's good.
"But what will I do without you?" Cellbit demands, pitching his voice up just slightly. "Don't be stupid! I love you, pendejo!"
(They do this a lot, believe it or not. It drives Richarlyson crazy every time they do it because it somehow always ends up with them kissing until they're out of breath and shaky in the knees.)
"Não!" Roier cries. He squeezes his eyes shut and rips himself away from Cellbit entirely, staggering back and leaning against a display shelf full of anti-gravity potions. "Don't say that!"
"Say what?" Cellbit asks. "I love you!"
Roier screams and flinches against the case. "Não!"
Cellbit leans over the counter. "I love you."
Roier moans his time, his hands flying out wildly and grasping onto seemingly-random bottles on the shelf. "Não!!"
Cellbit extends a hand. "I. Love. You. Te amo, guapito."
One of the knights asks, "What the fuck is going on?"
And then the knights all start shouting as Roier opens his eyes and lunges to shove a potion into Cellbit's hands.
Cellbit grins and yanks the cork out of the bottle and chugs the potion and slams the empty bottle against the floor. It shatters, and he jumps.
"What the fuck?" the woman demands.
Cellbit twists mid-air and lands on the ceiling. He waves down at Roier, blows him a kiss, and takes off running for the back potion room. The door is closed, but the ventilation window above the door is open because he was supposed to be making potions right now. Silver linings.
He dives through the window, just barely managing to squirm through. He grunts, frowns, regrets getting this old, makes it through.
His goggles are nudged off of his head, though, leaving his ears on full display as he escapes into the potion room.
The woman gasps, "Get back here! Cellbit!"
But Roier just cheers, "Corre, gatinho!"
The potion room's door thuds and shakes in its hinges as the knights all slam against it. But, like, fuck those guys.
Cellbit runs down the length of the ceiling until he's reached the wall facing the alley behind the shop. He steps onto the wall, and then he runs down that until he's by the window. Again, ventilation, he should be working right now, but no, he can never know a moment of peace.
The potion starts running out just as Cellbit crawls through the window and lands on the shop's outside wall. He wrinkles his nose at the smell, but it's fine. Just trash, it's fine.
There's shouting from the front of the shop and the sounds of more bottles shattering. Roier sounds fine, though. He's even laughing, of course he is. He's badass, and Cellbit loves him, and Cellbit just wishes he was there to watch Roier swing his sword around like the sexy piece of shit he is.
The potion's effects wear off as Cellbit's feet touch the ground; two minutes, just as he'd made it to be.
He can see Richarlyson and Pepito running for it at the far end of the alley. Good, they actually followed directions for once.
Cellbit turns to run after them and get Bad's help, but he's stopped by a firm hand grabbing his shoulder from behind.
He snarls and pulls his knife out of his coat, spinning and slashing and just narrowly missing the woman's throat.
"Cellbit!" she shouts. "Calm down, it's just me!"
Cellbit responds by lunging at her with his teeth bared. He's been filing his teeth down for years, but he knows that he still cuts an intimidating figure when he's pissed enough.
The woman doesn't seem afraid, though. If anything, she just seems angry. And sad. Mostly angry.
She easily sidesteps his attack and yells, "It's me! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Oh, that's cute. Royalty asking why someone would want to hurt them, that's funny. They have the self-awareness of a walnut, all of them.
"Stop shouting 'it's me'!" Cellbit snaps. "Why should I care who you are?"
The woman's face starts turning red from frustration. "Because I'm your sister!"
Oh, that's rich.
"I don't have a sister," Cellbit sneers.
He swipes at her. Of course he does, he doesn't have a sister. He didn't have a family before he and the others found Richarlyson, and he only has one now that he has his kids and his husband.
"Then why do we have the same ears?" the woman demands.
She ducks under his knife and sweeps his legs out from under him. He falls and hisses and growls and does all sorts of things that princes might do because he isn't royalty. He knows that for certain. His first memory was him eating the corpse of a soldier on an empty battlefield, and it's with that image in mind that he snaps his teeth at the woman's throat.
"Only the royal family of the Gato Kingdom is born with feline features," the woman snaps. "Idiot!"
"Fuck the Gato Kingdom," Cellbit spits. "Your war destroyed everything I had!"
The woman's eyes turn sad. "It destroyed everything I had, too. It took my family from me. My friends. My home. We're just now starting to rebuild, and-"
She shrieks as Cellbit manages to flip their positions so that she's the one being pinned to the ground.
"So you show up and try kidnapping someone to fill in for your lost prince?" he snarls. "You people haven't changed."
The woman's mouth thins into an angry line. "I'm not trying to kidnap you! I just want to bring you home!"
"I don't have a home! This is my home!"
"You really don't remember, do you?" she asks, voice low. She isn't even struggling any more, not really. "It's me, your sister. Bagi."
The name stings Cellbit's brain in a way he doesn't like.
"I don't know you," he firmly says. "You don't know me. Leave my family alone."
He stands, hands shaking, head spinning. He doesn't like this.
Roier calls his name from the front of the building.
Cellbit, sure that this Bagi won't do anything while she's busy crying, turns and starts running towards the store.
He doesn't make it three steps before getting thwacked in the back of the head with something large and heavy and metal.
"Sorry," Bagi flatly says.
As he falls to the ground, his knife falls from his hand and ends up just out of reach.
He lands on his stomach and immediately tries standing again.
But he's stopped by a foot on his back pressing him down.
"I'll be sure to bring your family with us," Bagi tells him. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"Could have fooled me," Cellbit mutters.
Darkness takes him at last as Bagi smacks him again with her weapon, and all Cellbit can think is that he hopes that the kids ended up making it to Bad's after all.
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kelthebarb · 7 months
my favorite thing will always be domestic levi.
- waking up & seeing him buttoning his shirt in the mirror, having already showered before you due to his inability to sleep in.
- dragging him back into bed with you cus it’s barely 7:30 in the morning and you have all day with nothing to do.
- showering together, gently washing his hair and him kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you from behind.
- him not knowing how to cook very well, but he can make good tea. you stick to the cooking, and he makes drinks. always.
- after the war, he’s not used to so much peace and quiet. he’d always been used to tons of work, always running around, and almost no downtime. most of the time, he has no idea what to do with himself. he found that he enjoys reading a LOT.
- he was very iffy on retiring at first, and it did take a lot of convincing before he finally decided it was time to leave the military and what it did to him in the past. he doesn’t cry a lot, but when he does, he cries hard. almost 40 years of pent-up trauma and emotion will do that to a man, even one as tough as him.
- you & him go to visit erwin and hange’s graves at least twice a month, and you find it slightly heartbreaking that he talks to them, the same way he did when they were alive. quiet and short conversations with what he hopes is their ghosts. you find yourself grabbing his hand and squeezing it when he starts getting shaky.
- sometimes when you can tell he’s in a bad mood, you say you need a hug, but it’s really him that needs it. he doesn’t like asking for affection, so it’s a way to help him get over a bump in the road.
- as most people say, he’s not big on pda, and it’s true, but he will hold your pinkies together when it’s crowded. you’ll think it’s because he doesn’t wanna lose you in the crowd, but he’s so short that he’ll be the one getting lost 💀
- with that being said, he hates it when you poke fun at his height. it’s not that he’s insecure about it, he just finds it annoying that that’s one of the first things people notice about him.
- i’m a firm believer in levi with a slight size kink. as isayama said, levi just likes tall people. i think he’d like it if you were able to manhandle him, toss him around, pin him to the bed, shit like that.
- he’s definitely a switch. he’s the softest dom - he’s experienced too much hurt in his life to hurt you in any way - and he’s the most adorable sub.
- when he’s the dom, he’ll be gentle with you. slowly pushing into you, stopping and giving you little breaks if you need them. never degrading, always the sweetest words coming from him. he groans a lot, frequently but quiet enough to where it’s just you that can hear it.
- when he’s the sub, he loves hates being teased. he’s a little embarrassed to beg, but he will if he needs it bad enough. he almost always cries a little, now matter how nice or mean you’re being. definitely louder as a sub, more whiny.
- it doesn’t matter if he’s the dom or sub, he will hold your hand. never fucks without your fingers laced with his. when he’s on top, he’ll have both hands on the sides of your head, holding yours gingerly. it works vice-versa.
- going back to the hurt thing, he’ll never hurt you. BUT. he does like biting. him biting you, you biting him, doesn’t matter. he does it pretty soft, though, but just hard enough to leave marks (very territorial tbh).
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CW// a bit suggestive, fem! (Implied) reader, (my brain is fucking empty and I have no clue what to write anymore but I wanna write and that’s the only fart I got that made somehow sense)
Sometimes when John comes from deployment or even if he just feels lazy, he lets you take care of his beard, there aren’t many people he trusts with his beard and you are one of them.
He would heave you onto the bathroom counter and wrap your legs around his naked waist, he’s a typical grey sweater wearer at night but no shirt, not that you would ever complain. The Captain looks delicious anyway.
“Take care of me, darlin’?” He asks and hands you the razor, a sly smile on his face, the implication of his words not lost to you in any way. You roll your eyes at him and take the razor from his calloused hands, which immediately drift down to your naked thighs, stroking underneath the hem of the oversized shirt you had stolen a while ago from his side of the closet. You can feel the tips of his fingers reach your woolen panties.
You feel his eyes on you, John never stops looking at you, he makes you feel like the center of the universe without breaking a sweat, and the way he looks at you, it made you fall for him so long ago.
“We’ve got our anniversary coming up soon.” John rumbles, pulling you from your deep concentration state. You blink a few times and put the razor down.
“Don’t talk when I’m so close with a sharp object to your face.” You grumble and wipe away some of the shaving cream on his cheek. “You got anything planned?” You don’t want to admit that you almost forgot it was anniversary time already. It happened once, never again since then.
“I don’t mind getting new scars as long as they come from your hands, luv.” John grins and runs his thumb over your bottom lip. “But don’t worry your pretty head about it, I’ve got stuff planned for us. You’ll love it.”
You don’t say anything, John is crazy when it comes to keeping secrets and you know, you’ve got ten years of experience by now, that no matter how much you pout and complain he won’t give you any hint on what he will give to you. So you pick up the razor again and keep on shaving until his facial hair is back in its familiar appearance. “Done.” You declare and turn to clean the razor.
Before you actually can clean up, John throws you over his shoulder and pats your butt, what did you expect to be honest, and carries you back into the bedroom where he drops you on the big bed and cages you with his strong body.
“Let me show you my appreciation for always taking such good care of me, luv.”
His surprise is his retirement from the active duty at the military after one last mission, you wrap your arms around his neck and cry happy tears into his shirt at the news he’s sharing over pasta at your favorite Italian place. John explains that he loves serving his country and that he thought long and hard about this decision but in the end the love to you was stronger than anything else.
Your surprise isn’t as big but it works just fine with his one. A small cottage in the country side that you got from your grandparents since they would be moving into a retirement home now that they got older. And John loves it, he always wanted to move out of the city and enjoy his semi-civilian life in such a peaceful place.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Timeless Love
You and Zhongli decide to finally settle down and indulge in the feelings you've pushed to the side for years
FTM!Zhongli x Top!Dragon Adeptus!Male Reader
Warnings: Cunnilingus, Two Dicks, Double Penetration in One Hole, Breeding, Belly Bulge, Mating Press, Cervix Hitting, Womb Fucking, Creampie, Overstimulation, Use of the Word 'Mommy' Once, Biting, Blood
Notes: When anon said I could add anything I wanted...I may or may not have gone a little crazy 😳
Words: 749
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You and Zhongli have been good friends for eons, there were clear feelings between the two of you but too much to worry about to indulge in them.
Now that Zhongli retired from being an Archon, you could finally tell him what you've been holding back for a millennium. Zhongli was relieved to find out you felt the same way he did.
You settled down with him and bought a nice house. You lived a nice domestic life with him, making up for lost time. Zhongli wanted a little more, a little something that you could provide easily.
"Sex?" You question, a sharp toothed smirk gracing your features.
Zhongli nods, holding your hands and kissing you gently. You pick him up, deepening the kiss and carrying him to the bedroom.
You pull his shirt off, peppering kisses along his torso and stopping when you reach his lower stomach. You take his pants off, pulling his underwear away with clear excitement.
You take your own clothes off, your hard dicks, plural, popping out. Zhongli blushes. He's taken many forms, he's seen this before but now that he's the recipient of them he's nervous.
"Don't worry, I'll only put one in." You notice his expression and smile.
"N..No...I want both."
"I- Are you sure?"
Zhongli noticed the way your cocks twitched when he said that. "I'm sure."
"Fuck, okay." You kneel in between Zhongli's legs and lift them up. "I'll make sure it won't hurt too much." You lick up his cunt with your long draconic tongue before sticking it inside him, making him squirm and moan in your hold.
Zhongli covers his mouth, embarrassed to be making loud noises.
You move away. "I wanna hear you."
Zhongli hesitantly moves his hands away.
"You taste so good, Morax." You say before diving back in, your thumb rubbing his clit.
Zhongli's face heats up. "Aah~ fuh~!" His back arches. "M- m' gon- gonna cum~"
You keep going, licking up his cum lovingly. You pull away, looking at his twitching body.
"Pu- put them inside me." Zhongli spreads his folds.
You bite your lip, lowering his body and prodding at his cunt. "'S gonna hurt."
"Stretch me out, please." He looks at you seductively.
Your cheeks warm up, flustered by his sudden forwardness. You slowly put your dicks in his hole, doing your best to make it as painless as you possibly can.
Zhongli hisses, his dragon features coming out. "Keep- keep going-" He relaxes his body.
You push further in, finally bottoming out. You stay still, giving Zhongli time to adjust.
His gold-tipped fingers trace the bulge in his stomach, a soft smile on his face as he pushes down on it lightly. "You're all inside me.."
"You're so damn sexy."
"I want you to give me your kids." Zhongli grabs your arms, staring directly into your eyes.
You grab his legs, positioning him into a mating press and pounding into him.
"Yes~! Yes~!" Zhongli moans, losing his mind over how deep you are inside him. He screams your name, crying and drooling from your aggression. "Clo- close~!"
You keep fucking into him, going harder and harder and turning him into a cock slut.
Zhongli rolls his head back, moaning as he comes. "So- so good~!"
You kiss him, pushing further in and hitting his cervix, making Zhongli squirt and well up in tears of pleasure.
You bite his lip, drawing blood and licking it up. You pull away, smirking as your cocks continue hammering away at his poor cervix.
"Noo~! I can't~!" Zhongli whines, out of his mind, conflicting words coming out of his drool ridden mouth. "Don- Don't stuh- stop~!"
"What do you want, Morax?" You grin, your fangs dripping with Zhongli's blood.
"Fuh- fuck me~! Gim- gimme yo- your kids~!"
"Gonna be a mommy for me?" You moan as you enter his womb.
Zhongli gasps. "Yes~! Plea- please~! please~!"
You bite into his neck as you slow down and finally pump your seed into his needy and aching cunt.
Zhongli orgasms for the last time, relaxing his body.
You pull out slowly, watching as Zhongli twitches and winces.
"Do you want me to clean you up?" You ask.
He shakes his head. "Need to keep it inside.." He says hoarsely, shakily reaching for his underwear and putting it on.
You smile, sighing at his cuteness. "Alright, but we have to shower tomorrow, okay?"
"Mmm..." Zhongli pulls you on top of him, wrapping his arms around you. "Okay.."
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thcfountain · 4 months
Dating Noah includes:
mdni. smut & fluff. ftm x Noah.
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Noah always making sure that no one misgenders you or uses your deadname. (He's buff now so if they try, he can take 'em.)
Working out together and having body goals that you're both aiming towards, which means you encourage and support each other even when it feels hard to work out some days.
"You are looking so buff," you coo at him, admiring his shirtless body after a workout. The two of you have retired to the shower together to wash off the sweat and stink.
He grins and tugs you towards him by the waist of your sweats that you had yet to ditch. "You look handsome too," he tells you before a kiss.
Noah helps you record your voice at intervals after you start t. He's just as excited for the change as you are.
Going to Pride together as a couple.
"Will you do my eyeshadow?" he asks, handing you over the colors of his sexuality flag.
"You're gonna be gorgeous when I'm done," you promise. "or hideous," you add teasingly, "who knows."
The whole band is very anti transphobes and they WILL tell people off in your defence.
"Support trans people or die by the," slight pause as Folio stumbles to repeat the meme, "fishing pole..." he waves the pole menacingly and you laugh.
"It's not by the pole, it's by THE BLADE!" Yells Noah, unsheathing one of his swords.
Noah is a MUNCH. We all know it, okay. And this fact doesn't change for you. Yeah he still loves eating you out but he's also big on sucking t-dick.
Being on testosterone, also, makes you wildly horny. A fact that Noah revels in. The second he catches on that you're needy, he's there.
Your back leans against the wall for support, pants and boxers around your ankles as Noah takes your growth into his mouth, earning whimpers and soft, panting moans from you.
A finger works its way into your core as he pulls back, strings of spit bridging between his lips and your dick. "Fuck," he moans, fingers arching up into you, "I love sucking your cock, baby."
He's got you bent over the kitchen table, a fact that everyone else would surely complain about, but you couldn't care less in this moment. Your cheek presses against cold wood and every thrust into you has you crying out his name, desperate for him to let you cum.
You know it's taking everything in him not be loud, to continue whispering commands on how he wants you to touch yourself, how which sucker or dildo to use. You know that he hates not being able to see all of you, but he's on tour and facetime will have to do.
He's uncomfortably hard in his stage outfit, internally torn between seeing if he can jack off quickly before the opener finishes and he has to on stage, and he knows you timed this purposely. "Brat," he teases when you finally cum. "When I get home, this earned you a few spankings."
he wears pins with the trans pride flag, excitedly points out trans characters in media to you, he's an ally, and he's adorable about it.
You steal his hoodies and sweaters constantly. They give you gender euphoria and they smell like him. He jokingly complains about it but you've caught him spraying his cologne on your favorite hoodies before he leaves for tour.
some times the band has boys night, no girlfriends allowed, and they amend it to no partners because you kept tagging along and being disgustingly cute with Noah. They love you though.
baking cookies for Noah when he comes home from tour and helping him do his stinky laundry.
Coming home and finding Matt holding your packer in confusion.
"What is this?" he asks, holding it up as Noah snickers with laughter at Matt's lack of knowledge.
"Unhand my dick, Dierkes!" You laugh and as it dawns on him, he flings it at Noah.
"I don't wanna touch another dude's dick, no matter what it's made of!" He yells, running to wash his hands of your cooties.
Getting top surgery and being able to walk around shirtless with the guys.
"Your cup size is bigger than your boyfriend's," Jolly jokes to Noah and you grin, striking a pose to show off your chest.
"I'm part of the tiny tittie committee, thank you," Noah replies sarcastically.
He uses you as a pillow or human weighted blanket all the time because you're warm and he demands snuggles.
Gay jokes. All the time. You guys are constantly joking with each other.
"Your tie is straighter than I am," he tells you one day with a chuckle.
You turn to look in the mirror and adjust it. "Now it's gayer than you."
Having two secret snack stashes. The one Noah has found and thinks you don't know he's found, and the real one.
sometimes you two wear matching clothes.
Going fishing with Folio, attempting to rollerblade with Ruffilo, Jolly teaching you how to properly shave. You're officially everyone's adopted brother.
Other fans under the trans umbrella start referring to you both as their dads. Noah's a little overwhelmed by suddenly being dad to hundreds. It's okay though, he's also flattered.
"Post something on Twitter for me," he says, a little out of the blue but not so surprising since he refuses to return to social media yet.
You pull your phone out, ready to shoot off a tweet from your profile for him.
He seems to think about it for a moment, wording himself just so. "The only thing anyone expects of you today, is to survive."
"You're such a good father figure," you tease, sending the post. "I just won't tell them about you setting our bathroom on fire with Yankee candles."
BATHS! Noah loves baths and he abs absolutely adores having you sit in his lap and relax with him. He plays lofi music, makes a charcuterie board, he goes all out.
He doesn't go back to VA much anymore - the South has long since quit being his home. But every once in a while trips are made. Everyone packs up to go hang out with Ruffilo down there or everyone shuffles over to Maryland so Folio can host.
An argument is ensuing between Ruffilo, Jolly, and Noah - it takes place in Ruffilo's backyard on a particularly warm, summer day. It's not often that they're off tour and even less often that everyone's gotten together down here, but here you all are.
You and Folio are splashing each other in a kiddy pool, you've caught Noah checking your swim trunks out a few times earlier but for the moment, he's preoccupied.
"I should be the one to grill. I'm TRANS DAD," announced Noah, puffing his chest out in an exaggerated way. You're pretty sure he could take the other two in a fight if he wanted.
"Yeah but it's my grill," says Nicholas, who's usually the least likely to get into an argument. "Plus, you aren't band dad."
Jolly snaps a pair of tongs their way. "I should be grill dad," he tells them.
As the argument continues on, you watch as Matt goes unnoticed, setting the grill up and you and Folio are quick to help.
The burgers are practically done by the time Noah, Jolly, and Ruffilo actually take notice.
Gaming together for fun. Usually its not too competitive, but every once in a while there's a promise that loser gives the winner a bj.
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theferrarieffect · 2 months
soy lago
lando x carlos (carlando)
summary: since carlos left for ferrari, lando has spent the last four seasons trying to move on. but then the world learns that carlos might end up anywhere next year, and lando dares to let himself hope...and puts some of those hopes down on paper.
warnings: plenty of ✨angst✨
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soy lago
Sweaty, exhausted, and covered in stubborn pieces of green and yellow crepe clinging to the sticky champagne on his race suit, Lando does his very best to stand up straight, holding his P3 trophy with stiff arms. He doesn’t smile; it’s hard enough as it is remaining upright. Then he feels an arm around him. He knows its owner is clad in red—although once upon a time, he wore papaya orange. And the feeling of that arm is what lets him scrape together the will to put on some semblance of a smile as the cameras flash, capturing Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, and Lando Norris in their podium photograph of the 2024 Australian Grand Prix.
Dear Carlos,
I’ve always been rubbish with words—hell, I showed a million people on Youtube that it took me three tries to spell “heights”, in English, no less. So it shouldn’t surprise you that, when they told me I needed to go on camera and speak Italian, I downloaded Duolingo and didn’t open another app for a week straight. Never mind that it was one single sentence. I could not mess this up.
Ai nostri amici della Scuderia Ferrari ed ai loro tifosi.
I could say it in my sleep.
And yet, when the camera started staring into my soul, I still managed to fuck it up. On the very first word. They asked me later, you know, if I wanted them to edit it out…but when I watched it again it seemed right somehow. Because the truth is, they could’ve asked me to say “to our friends at Scuderia Ferrari and the famous tifosi” in plain English, and it still would have been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say. So I figured it’d at least be honest.
When I joined F1 my rookie season, you had already raced for four. Two other teams. McLaren was not your whole past. At Melbourne, the season opener, I already knew by the way your eyes sparkled so hungrily talking to the press, that it would not be your future either. But for me, it was all I had, my precarious shot at making it in F1. I had something to prove.
So why was I so nervous when they stuck a camera in front of us to play that stupid game of ‘Would You Rather’? I can’t even rewatch that video now, because I already know I’ll cringe seeing myself slowly dismantling the sole of my shoe with my fingernails, hardly even able to make eye contact with you. You had a reputation of charming every teammate you got with—I won’t pretend like I didn’t scour the internet for every video you filmed with Max with Toro Rosso. You made Max Verstappen giggle like a little girl on video. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—let that happen to me.
But at the Chinese GP, after Kvyat crashed me out, you came up to me in the paddock. “Wanna go on a walk?” you asked. As if you’d seen me crying in the garage. There was a little lake, a pond really, near the track, and I don’t know how many laps we must have taken around it. What I do know is that you pointed to the water, told me that in Spanish, it’s called “el lago”. And that you stopped me from feeling like I didn’t belong, didn’t deserve to be in F1.
I had a lot of retirements that first season. And after each one, I knew I’d hear your voice, or see a text on my phone, or once, a little paper airplane in my driver’s room. Every time, the words were the same. And every time, I wanted it more. I just didn’t want to admit to myself that at some point, it became less about debriefing the race failures and more about the person I had an excuse to see off the track. Away from the cameras. Away from everybody else.
On the flight back to London, Lando scrolls through headline after headline, all pondering the next move for the triumphant Spaniard. Red Bull, Red Bull, Mercedes, Red Bull, Kick Sauber—Lando chuckles at that one—Red Bull, McLaren, Mercedes, Red Bull…
The speculation about McLaren is clearly a joke. And yet, it makes Lando’s breath catch in his throat…fuck, if Max Verstappen can DNF on Lap 2, give Ferrari a 1-2 podium with Lando in 3rd after the team told Oscar to give it up for him…clearly, crazier things have happened in F1.
The pandemic hurt, a lot. It’s all a blur now, logging onto my computer day after day, gaming with George and Alex and Charles to pass the time, refreshing Instagram in case you posted a story from Madrid. Until one day, the first day of May, the phone rang. You told me you were in Woking, that you were going to be at the MTC but you’d explain later. And then, those five magical words.
“Wanna go on a walk?”
Maybe we were all a little crazy during lockdown. Let’s just call it that. How else do you explain the fact that I spent twenty minutes picking a pair of jeans after spending four months in sweatpants, another twenty picking a shirt that wasn’t bright orange? What excuse do I have for dumping every beanie I owned onto my bed, cursing myself for shaving my hair off, even if it was to raise money for COVID? It was a miracle I made it to the MTC at all.
You were already outside by the time I skidded into the parking lot. The sun was low in the sky, not quite setting, turning the lake lavender, cotton candy, papaya. You faced the lake, just a dark silhouette against the colors. Suddenly, it felt hard to breathe. I just knew you were going to say something…big. I wanted to tell you so many things, how I’d been counting down the days until lockdown would be over, how not a day went by that I didn’t wonder what you were doing, how you had become someone that I could never be close enough to. You made me greedy.
I knew something was wrong when you saw me and smiled. It was happy…but not the smile I knew. This smile was tainted, as if someone had poured a single drop of vinegar into a glass of milk, and you could taste it starting to curdle just a bit.
“Lando,” you said. Another red flag. Normally, you drew out the “o” in my name in a tantalizing singsong. “My muppet friend, I have something to tell you. Something exciting.”
I wished time would stop right then. I didn’t want to hear what exciting thing you had to tell me. But no amount of wishing could stop what came next.
“Ferrari. They offered me a contract. Two years in their fastest car…I cannot believe it, my muppet friend. I will race for them in 2021.”
The sun hadn’t set yet, but there were stars in your eyes. Stars that I had seen since your—our—very first race with McLaren. Carlos Sainz, destined for champions, for greatness. There would not be room for slow cars, midfield teams; there would not be room for Lando Norris. And I knew this from day one. So why, looking at the stars that filled your eyes, did mine start to fill with tears?
I smiled in the hopes you’d think I was simply overcome with happiness on your behalf. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” you asked.
I had wanted so badly to find the words that would’ve made your journey all the way from Spain to see me worth it. But even if I had them, all of those words were useless now. And in the moment, I could only think of one thing.
“Soy lago,” I said. You furrowed your brows in confusion. “I am lake?” you laughed. “Your Spanish has always been terrible.”
Then I told you that my tears could fill the very lake we were looking at. Watched the realization dawn on your face. Heard you call after me as I ran back to my car, so you wouldn’t have to see any more of those tears.
In his room in the MTC, Lando sits, clicking his pen compulsively. Balls of crumpled-up paper surround him, ghosts of past attempts at penning a letter worthy of its reader. He curses his messy penmanship, curses his inability to spell anything remotely non-phonetic correctly. He resorts to writing in pencil, then painstakingly tracing each letter over with ink. By the time he’s finished, the sun has begun its descent towards the horizon. Just in time, he thinks.
Later, I texted you my congratulations, assured you how happy I was for you, how much you deserved it. I meant it. But maybe you sensed that something was up, because even when the new season started and we no longer shared a garage, you kept sending me texts after every race. Each one was the same: “Wanna go on a walk?”
I couldn’t tell you if it was an act of self-preservation, because of how badly it hurt to see you with Charles at Ferrari, or if I wanted to feel the twisted, bitter satisfaction from knowing that I got to reject you after you left me. Either way, the excuses were simple enough. Meetings with Mark. Last-minute training sessions at the gym. And my favorite—dinner with Danny Ric, my new Carlos Sainz.
Come to think of it, I never did end up getting dinner with Danny while we were teammates.
When I did show up, I’d make sure to tell you about how charismatic Danny was, how good the banter was, how hard we made each other laugh off-track. Only later did I realize that everything I was saying was what I would see in your C2 videos with Charles, which I followed with a level of manic compulsion that scared even me.
Eventually, the texts stopped coming. I thought I’d feel…relieved, or at least like I was moving on. And maybe I tried to tell myself I felt that way, but in reality, everything was just empty. I couldn’t have all of you, and I was so greedy that I chose rather to have none of you at all.
Lando searches his contacts for a name that doesn’t exist. Carlos Sainz: Not found, his phone tells him infuriatingly. With an exasperated sigh, he starts to swipe. And stops short, realizing that he had saved Carlos under Chili.
His thumb hovers uncertainly over the keyboard. He presses send.
Me Wanna go on a walk?
Time, teammates, and races passed, and as you got used to seeing yourself in red, I got used to being a Formula 1 driver, then a team leader as Oscar came in. I buried us deeper and deeper with each passing season and perfected the art of a casual hug on the podium, a cheerful clap on the back if we happened to pass each other on the paddock. I had only just come to terms with the realization that we would likely never be the same again when I woke up on the first day of February, 2024, to the news that Lewis would be taking your seat at Ferrari next year. Leaving the question of what color you would wear, if not red, open to every shade of the rainbow.
Then the dreams started.
When you came off a surgery hardly two weeks ago and snatched P1 at Melbourne, I dreamt that I walked into the motorhome, saw someone wearing a papaya cap with his back turned to me. And I knew it wasn’t Oscar, because those broad shoulders, the shock of hair that even a cap couldn’t contain, could only belong to a certain Spanish driver I knew so well, once upon a time.
You turned around, just like I knew you would. Smiled in a way I haven’t seen in four years. “Landooo…my muppet friend,” you crooned, drawing out the “o” the way you always used to do. You wrapped your arms around me…you always did have such strong arms.
“Chili. I should have done this long ago,” I told you, before the kiss…
A little gray bubble appears on the screen. Three dots, pulsing to the time of Lando’s pounding heart. Then:
Chili Can’t today 😞 dinner with Charles!! Celebrating that Ferrari podium 🥳🇮🇹
He stares at the messages. A minute passes, then two. He gently folds up the note, tucking it into his pocket as he stands and walks out of the MTC.
Lando looks out over the manmade lake in front of the building. The sunset reflected in it has uniformly turned it the exact shade of his hoodie. There will be no lavender, no cotton candy pink tonight.
He tugs the letter out of his pocket, unfolds it, and reads it one last time. A weary sigh. Carefully refolds it. A little airplane takes shape in Lando’s hands.
Four years of pushing you, thoughts of you, my feelings for you away, all gone with one headline. I hated myself for falling again so easily, but nobody can deny how addictive the feeling of hope is. Carlos, Chili, I had so many regrets, and maybe this is a sign that I should stop living with them from now on.
And if there’s one thing I regretted the most through all this, it’s not that I didn’t ask you to stay that evening at the MTC. It’s that I didn’t give you enough reason not to leave in the first place. Didn’t tell you what you meant to me when I could, didn’t try to make you see that there could be something here…something bigger maybe even than racing itself.
I don’t know if you’ll be wearing papaya, or navy, or (god forbid) highlighter green next year, but it doesn’t matter. I should have done this long ago, but that doesn’t matter either. All that matters is that you know how important you are, and have always been, to me. Know how the best podium celebrations and the fizziest champagne paled in comparison to the little blue bubbles of texts from you on my phone. Know that my trophies sit on a shelf collecting dust, but the paper airplane you made me never leaves my sight.
You are the stars in my eyes. In my wildest dreams, you’ll give me the chance to convince you that I can be that for you too. Teammates or not.
But until then…
In one fluid motion, he sends the plane sailing into the air, watches it catch the breeze until, robbed of its lift, it skims the surface of the lake, sending ripples emanating from where it first made contact with the water.
The plane bobs gently in the lake until it soaks up too much water to stay afloat. Lando watches it list gradually to the side, slowly disappearing from view as the paper disintegrates.
He turns and walks away from the lake.
Soy lago.
part 2 here!
notes: saw carlos explain lando’s comment on carlos’ mclaren → ferrari announcement post back in 2020 and have been unwell since also, yes, the mclaren building (mtc) does have a lake and boy the sunset does do it a lot of favors… easter eggs: lando not being able to spell, the damned ferrari video (where lando actually did have to start over and it RUINED ME), Would You Rather
more fics here! thanks for reading as always :)
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I wanna cry so hard right now cause a lot of people acting like Roman may have retired tonight. Don't even joke about that. I know he will retire sometime. I know his condition keeps him from wrestling a lot. I just hope it isn't now cause if so I'll miss him so much :'(
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fullstcp · 3 months
"Snow Angel" by Reneé Rapp Sentence Starters
"It didn't feel like a dream."
"Don't think I could love you more."
"So what the hell does it all mean?"
"I'm taking everything I see as a sign."
"I know it's crazy but what if it's right?"
"I'm here again, talking myself out of my own happiness."
"I wonder if we should just sit here in silence."
"I think I talk too much."
"That's just the deal that I made."
"Having said all that, do you still wanna be with me?"
"I wanna be with you, like maybe even forever."
"Holy shit, okay, maybe not forever."
"I mean like I'm, I'm not saying not, forever."
"I actually have no idea what I'm saying."
"Are you mad at me?"
"But like, if, if you are then I'm gonna resent you."
"Do I actually hate you?"
"Like, do you still love me?"
"You got to be a big hometown hero."
"Why'd we have to cover so much ground?"
"As far as I'm concerned, they should just burn the whole city down."
"God forbid, you're not the center of attention."
"You must be exhausted."
"Don't you miss me?"
"Casual's the way you chose to leave."
"You're written all over every single street."
"You get on my nerves."
"You're so fucking annoying, you could poison poison."
"You're the worst person on earth."
"Forgiving you is pointless."
"It didn't have to be like this."
"You almost got away with it."
"But unlucky for you, I am that bitch."
"I hate you and your guts."
"Never know who you're gonna get."
"We're in love or we never met."
"Every day I'm different."
"I talk shit then I bite my tongue."
"I exist on a pendulum."
"You're so fucking perfect."
"How come I'm not feeling more?"
"Yesterday was heaven, now I'm bored."
"I bet you're sick of it."
"I should just be better to you."
"What's misery without company?"
"It's hard to laugh when it's hard to breathe."
"I'll make it through the winter if it kills me."
"Smiles hide what secrets keep."
"Can't tell a lie if you never speak."
"I tried so hard, I came so far."
"I met a boy/girl, he/she/they broke my heart."
"I blame him/her/them cause it's easier."
"But I still look for him/her/them in her/him/them."
"I loved back then what I hate today."
"I wish I went a different way."
"But if I went back, I would do the same."
"I found out from a friend of a friend that you're here again."
"What gives you the nerve to come back to the city that I live in?"
"So what now?"
"Should we talk?"
"Do you tell your friends that things ended well?"
"Both of us like to pretend."
"If I miss your call I'm gonna cry."
"It was timeless like you and me."
"You are my one, you set my world on fire."
"I know there's Heaven, but we must be higher."
"I'm gonna love you 'til my heart retires."
"Forever we'll last."
"Why'd you have to mess it all up?"
"Why'd you have to burn it all down?"
"You say that I'm your favorite."
"You think that I'd be flattered."
"It's pathetic cause you're right."
"This conversation's classic."
"I can predict this shit, line by line."
"I like a straight jacket, but it feels like it's a little tight."
"Yeah, your boyfriend's/girlfriend's cute."
"Oh, shit, yeah, he/she/they can come too."
"You'll be his/hers/theirs in the morning anyway."
"I can't believe I let you hit it."
"In hindsight, that might be the worst part."
"Oh, I taught you everything you know."
"Some goodbyes are forever."
"So what's that mean for you and I?"
"I thought we'd always be together."
"I know too much now."
"I'm not ready for you to go."
"It hasn't even happened."
"I've been mourning since I was ten years old."
"Stay a little longer."
"Looks like you're still getting used to being fully grown."
"I know it's hard to slow down."
"There's still more to go."
"Maybe it's just how you're treated."
"Only so much you can explain over the phone."
"So I'm coming to you."
"Don't cry."
"It's my Jordan year."
"I thought this shit would look good on me."
"But I just feel weird."
"I still can't fly."
"Thought I'd be ahead, but I'm down by five."
"Everything looks good on paper."
"I still haven't learned how to calm down."
"It feels like everyone hates me."
"How old do you have to be to live so young and careless."
"My wish is that I cared less."
"So don't pretend now that we're cool."
"I hope I'll understand me more."
"But I'm afraid to care less."
"You think I'm so laid back."
"And you love that I move fast."
"You don't notice one red flag."
"On the surface I'm too perfect."
"I know you just met me."
"Right now you've got nothing against me."
"I know how to make myself crazy."
"Loving me gets messy."
"Half of all my exes regret me."
"I leave a key in my mailbox just for you."
"It's the only time that I'm ever sleeping next to you."
"I thank my lucky stars, but, it's tearing me apart."
"You don't see us like I do."
"You don't see us from my view."
"When we're saying, 'I love you', I mean it different than you do."
"That's the closest to God that I will ever be."
"We don't need to talk, our eyes can speak."
"I only need one sign to match your energy."
"Everyone knows it's us against the world."
"I'll love you 'til there's no blood left in my heart."
"I'm up in the middle of the night again."
"Same beginning, middle, but still no end."
"Back at the beginning with you."
"I'm gonna toss and turn."
"How could waterboarding feel so good at first?"
"Dreams of us, they turn into nightmares."
"If it's love then why do I feel scared?"
"I never stood a chance."
"The original ending of a true romance."
"Guess I'm destined for the role of Juliet."
"Rather be dead than confused."
"How can we get out of this with no bloodshed?"
TUMMY HURTS (remix feat Coco Jones)
"Sin is a cycle."
"Lied to my face, it's your hobby."
"Boy, you're fine as hell for a psycho."
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
question about the mortality exchange au: what would exactly happen if the future trio/kip found twig the way she looked like after she 'disappeared' for 50+ years? i can imagine grovyle, celebi and kip just crying ugly and just holding onto her whereas dusknoir would steel his nerves for a moment to try and hold himself when he sees her after all these years. how do you think that scenario would play out?
I’d adjust the timeline a bit so that it’d be about 30-ish years down the line. I could see Kip accidentally encountering Twig during an archaeological expedition with a junior team he was supervising. It wouldn’t be something he does very often, but he’d help certain teams of archaeologist’s guild apprentices despite being retired due to an injury he received. Twig wouldn’t be able to turn him away no matter how much she wants to, and Kip wouldn’t be leaving those ruins without her. He wouldn’t notice anything suspicious about Twig’s appearance at first, and even once he caught on, he wouldn’t care because oH MY WORD TWIG’S ALIVE. SHE’S OKAY. HE MISSED HER SO MUCH, THANK ARCEUS SHE’S ALRIGHT, GET OVER HERE AND HUG HIM—
Thanks to some finagling with the apprentices, he’d be able to get them to run back to town and send a message to the Future Trio— or at least Celebi and Dusknoir, who’d take a few days to make it there thanks to the distance between the ruins and their home in Fair Fields, and they might have disregarded a few travel regulations to get there sooner. Celebi is zipping circles around Twig's head crying angry tears and chastising her for making them worry so much before she gets too choked up to speak and just hugs her and bawls. Dusknoir, meanwhile, would hang back at the fringes of the room, staring at Twig in shock, and she'd be the one to hug him when she finally became too overwhelmed by how relieved she is to see them despite her guilt and desire to stay hidden. He'd hold her as she ugly cries and he would have a hard time keeping up a strong front for her.
Once Celebi manages to locate Grovyle (who's on the opposite side of the globe at this point— when everyone else gave up on looking for Twig when their efforts to find her came up empty, Grovyle widened the search radius more and more. He hasn't seen the gang in years because he's been looking for Twig for so long) after teleporting all over the world and back, she'd tell him they found her, and he'd come this (👌) close to busting through the center of the earth in order to get to Twig faster.
Grovyle doesn't cry when they reunite, but he does shout at Twig for thinking he'd ever not want her around. He'd tear her a new one over the fact that he loves her and he doesn't care what she is because— human, charmander, or Legend— she still is and always has been Twig. Twig would murmur something about how she still is and always has been unworthy of anything and Grovyle just goes HUH??? WHAT'D YOU SAY??? YOU WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN??? BOLD WORDS FOR SOMEONE WITHIN HUGGING DISTANCE. IDIOT.
Celebi finds Cresselia, who had not spoken a word of Twig's location to anyone (she didn't know they didn't know where she was), slaps her, rips some lunar feathers off her shoulder, and returns to where everyone is still crying all over each other to dump the handful of feathers on Twig and say "There. You don't have the excuse of giving people nightmares anymore. Now come home."
Twig's going to be welcomed back to Treasure Town even if she has to be hogtied and dragged all the way there.
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quotessharry · 2 years
Vettel Jr, (2/3)
sooo finally chapter 2 is here (chapter 1 here) 
I hope you guys enjoy it!
warning: smut, age gap
word count: 4.1k 
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Sebastian was having a very calm breakfast when Max sat down in front of him, they just stared at each other questionably.
“What are you doing at my table?”
At that moment Charles joined them “good morning guys”
“You too? I just wanna eat my breakfast in peace, piss off you two”
“Seb relax we’re not here for you”
“Yeah Max is right”
Seb sipped his coffee “she isn’t here, her flight was last night”
Two men exchanged a glance.
“Then-“ Max started speaking but didn’t dare to finish the sentence.
“What about Daniel? That’s not up to me she has made her decision, Daniel is fine with it”
“I literally don’t do what to say” the breakfast in front of Charles didn’t seem as delicious as before.
Max still needed more information “Daniel is fine with it? What’s that supposed to mean?”
Seb picked a piece of bacon “he came over to my room last night, asked me to check on her”
“And you didn’t do anything?” Max was to determine to try and make something happen.
“You think it didn’t break my heart to see my daughter like that? To hear her crying over the phone? It’s her decision I’m not gonna intervene.”
Max and Charles couldn’t argue anymore, Sebastian was right.
“Ah this coffee tastes so bad, where is Daniel anyway?” Max exclaimed frustrated, looking around searching for a tall Australian, instead he saw Lando walking to the McLaren table alone and called him.
“Do us a favor Lando and tell us where is Daniel” Lando eyed them suspiciously, Ferrari, Redbull and Aston Martin all in one table was quite a sight. Seb looked relax, Charles and Max were looking at him as if their future in F1 rested on this question. He picked a chair and barely fit himself on the small table. Seb sighed and whispered “awesome now there are 3 of them”
“Is this about yesterday? I stopped by his room, he looked wrecked man”
“I’ve spent two years with Daniel and I’ve never seen him this way”
“She’s been my daughter for 22 years and I’ve never seen her this way, I’m actually gonna check on her later”
Lando was quite intrigued by the conversation, looks like the next profession for the trio after they retired from driving gonna be a match making agency.
“You’re flying to Massachusetts?” Charles asked, eying Max and hoping he’d get the message.
“Yes, tomorrow’s morning”
“That’s great, I’m coming with you”
“You’re not coming anywhere Max”
“Come on man, if you won’t talk to her, let me do it”
Seb considered the suggestion for a second, as much as he loved his daughter, he also couldn’t stop his brain from reminding him of last night. Daniel sitting in front of him like a wounded puppy, while her precious daughter was crying over the phone “well because I wouldn’t intervene, doesn’t mean someone else can’t too right?”
Few moments passed in silence until it was broken by Seb, sighing loud “Daniel is not even a bad person, like this human being doesn’t have a bad bone in his entire body”
Charles smirked “so you encourage it?”
“I encourage my daughter’s happiness and if that’s tied to Daniel then yes I fucking encourage it, should’ve gotten her the date she asked for”
Lando who was quiet until then couldn’t keep it “what?”
Seb laughed and continued “yesterday when she came back to my driver’s room, she asked me to grab a date with Daniel for her”
Max and Charles looked at each other in pure disbelief, if only Seb would have done that, they didn’t need to conspire hard.
Charles exclaimed his disappointment “seb, man why would you do that?”
“Yeah he is right, you know what no more free Redbull for you”
“That’s ok I’ll ask Mercedes for free Monster”
Daniel laid in bed, not feeling like leaving it to have breakfast with the team. The memories of last night still fresh in his mind, he didn’t dare to sleep because what if it was all a dream? No it couldn’t be, he could feel his heart breaking, the pain and heartbreak couldn’t be fake, the fact that he couldn’t sleep yet his eyes were begging him to wasn’t fake. As much as he wanted to, he resisted the urge to take a bottle of alcohol and drain himself in misery and sadness. The knock on the door brought him out of his trance, he decided to ignore it, the knock didn’t stop and someone shouted “it’s Lando, open the door”
He grabbed a shirt and opened the door, putting his hands in his short’s pocket and leaned against the door frame, tiredly looking at Lando. In that moment he felt like all his muscles were aching which had nothing to do with yesterday’s race. It was shocking to himself that he was feeling this way towards a girl he saw for only few hours.
“Hey man, oh my god look at you, you ok there?”
Daniel just shook his head and stared at the ground.
“You coming for breakfast?”
He rubbed his eyes in distress “no I think I’m gonna try and sleep for few hours then get to my flight”
“Sure, if you needed anything let me know ok?”
Lando didn’t need to think twice about his condition, almost everyone saw what happened yesterday.
After the worst flight of her life, she got to the dorm after midnight. The entire building was dark and she was more than happy not to run into someone to explain her situation, she was supposed to be happy, a trip to Austin, got a VIP access and met her favorites but in that moment she was everything but happy. The tiredness and heartbreak was too much to handle that she immediately went to bed.
That afternoon her dad was supposed to come so she jumped to the door as soon as the door rang “HEY DAD…wait you’re not dad” she arched her eyebrows at Max.
“Hi” Max said casually, his effort to blend in was appreciated. He was wearing a khaki short with light blue buttoned up, finally ditching that Redbull cap.
Nina, her roommate appeared, staring at the man in front of the door who for sure wasn’t Sebastian Vettel.
“What does the championship contender doing on our doorstep?” She questioned, still staring.
“Uh actually-“
“How about you come in before anyone spots a goddamn F1 driver in Harvard girl’s dorm?”
He noticed the way she was dressed, very far from the way she was yesterday. A short, one of Daniel’s merches, her hair in a bun and she made no afford to hide the number 3 in her ears.
“Don’t give me that look Max, if I can’t have Daniel I’ll take his shirt”
“Maxine don’t argue with me”
Max’s eyes accidentally landed on her semi open laptop “drive to survive? Daniel’s episode? Really?”
“But you said you were studying?” Nina questioned, staring at the laptop.
“Oh now there are two of them” she tiredly exclaimed, rubbing her eyes.
Max giggled lightly, she was indeed Sebastian Vettel’s daughter “that’s what your dad said”
“How did you get here so soon anyway? How did you find here? I have questions”
Max turned around and saw the posters on the wall, 8 posters, each pointing at the time Daniel won a Grand Prix. There were some posters when Lewis won the world title and even some of his own wins.
“Seb was right when he said you have a poster of Daniel’s win in your dorm, and to answer your questions private jet and Sebastian Vettel”
He turned and pointed at his own poster “you never mentioned you were my fan? To be honest I’m honored”
“Maximilian focus, why are you here?”
“Guys, as much as I would love to stay and listen in, I have a class and I’m sure you both would appreciate a privacy” Nina interrupted while opening the door.
“You’re the dearest Nina, thanks”
Max spoke again “we have time to talk, now I’m sure you can use a hug” and he opened his arms. She gladly accepted and hugged him back as tight as she could, his hand went up and down on her back to calm her, she rests her head on his biceps.
“How’s Daniel?” She finally dared to ask.
“Not better than you i suppose. Seb told me about last night”
“Last night? I didn’t tell him anything how does he know? Oh my god did someone see us?” She asked, slightly stressed. For sure she wasn’t about to tell Seb about the kiss.
“What? He told me Daniel went to his room to ask him to check on you”
That was some new information. The thought of Daniel going to her dad to ask him check on her made her miss him even more and she almost teared up.
“Oh my god he what? He really did that?”
Max almost laughed at her expression “you look like you just fall in love with him all over again”
She spoke dumbfounded “I actually did, now can we talk about why you are here? Is it because of The honey badger situation?”
She finally let him go and they sat behind the small table, she grabbed two bottles of drinks and sat across him.
“Zero alcohol? You don’t drink alcohol?” Max checked the drinks, slightly disappointed that it’s not alcoholic.
“I do but I try not to, I can’t afford getting hangover, we have alcohol if you want?”
“No no forget it sit down, Which situation were you talking about?”
Since he didn’t know about the kiss, she decided to act clueless “what? I don’t know what you’re talking about”
Max narrowed his blue eyes at her and she gave up, desperately needing to share it with someone, and who’s a better person than Max?
“Fine, fine. That night in parking lot we ran into each other, and I kissed him…well it turned out into a make out session”
In that moment Max realized why Seb kept saying he was done with her “you kissed him first, and you still decided to leave it?”
“Well I had to” she sounded desperate
“Daniel loves you, you know that? He doesn’t care if he had spent time with you only for few hours”
“But how do you know that?” She whined, taking a sip of her drink.
“Anyone who saw you yesterday during driver’s parade knows it, it’s literally no secret” Max answered as if the answer is the most obvious thing ever.
“Listen, I love him, I really do, hell I haven’t felt this way for god knows how long, but my situation is different. I just can’t” she let her face to fall on Max’s hand, she found it interesting how fast they clicked it as friends and how comfortable she was with him.
Max let her rest on his hand and ran his hand on her back “tell me about it, that’s why I’m here”
“I’m a med student, I’m either in a class, studying my ass off in library or running a 36 hour shift in hospital. I don’t have time to be in love”
“Fantastic, see how easy it was? Now go and say the exact same thing to Daniel and watch him to offer his infinite support to you”
She hated how right Max sounded “you didn’t even consider talking to him huh?”
“No because you weren’t supposed to be here, how the fuck he let you come?”
“Let me? He is the one who sent me, well I should give credit to Charles too it was his plan”
“Charles too? All of you ganged up for this?” It was unbelievable, she only spent few hours there and now the entire grid was invested in this.
“Now don’t change the subject”
“But Max-“
“No more buts, at least give it a try, for the sake of both of you, even your dad supports it.”
She sighed “What do you want me to do Maxwell? Cook? Clean? Suck his-“ she slammed her hand to her mouth before the word came out.
Max threw his hand back and laughed, the comment taking him off guard “well if you’re into it and I know Daniel won’t say no”
“Ok now what do you say about taking me karting?” She offered, smiling devilishly
“Oh girl you’re in for a big lose, and you gonna tell me how Daniel kiss” he couldn’t help it, he had to tease her
“If You’re so curious try it yourself”
Max stared at the monitor in front of him with open mouth, watching himself losing over and over again because the girl in front of him wanted to see it multiple time, in that moment she was recording it with big smile on her face.
“This is unbelievable, how could you? you’re indeed Vettel’s daughter” he was still in pure disbelief.
“What a sore loser” she teased while sending the video to her dad.
“What are you even going to do with this video?”
She smirked “hmm nothing just sent it to my dad and asked him to show it to Lewis”
“You did not”
“Ah you got me, I did send it to my dad, just not the Lewis part, but I definitely shared it to my Instagram story”
She went behind Max and pushed him to walk “Cmon Maximus let’s go, you owe me a Mojito”
Max would be lying if he says he wasn’t enjoying her company, it was totally worth it making his trip longer. Kelly being the perfect girlfriend, she totally understood and even told Max to give her updates about the whole thing. While both of them were sipping their drinks, his phone rang.
On the other side of the line Charles, Lando, Carlos and Sebastian were all sitting in a hotel room, waiting to know what happened.
“Max, hey mate what’s going on?”
“Hey man, we are drinking, just finished karting”
“Oh so she is with you? How’s she doing?”
“Yes, we’re fine”
With her there, Max felt like he can’t comfortably pour everything out.
“Ok ok just give me yes and no, she accepted what you said?”
It felt like the room exploded, but silently, Carlos and Lando high fived each other, Charles punched the air, happy that his master plan worked, and Seb couldn’t believe her daughter actually listened let alone accepting it.
“Since mission was successful, I won’t tease you about losing in karting.”
Max gave her a “I will show you” look and hanged up.
“Thanks to your dad and you Charles knows about karting”
“I totally did that on purpose, by the way, when are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow’s night”
“Wait that’s too early, you just came here to talk me into giving Daniel a chance?”
“Well basically yeah”
She pouted, she didn’t want her new best friend who happened to be a Formula 1 driver to leave so soon “that’s not fair”
“Now if you wanna see me you will come to Mexico grand Prix” he smiled in victory
“You’re literally intolerable”
Daniel was in Australia, he didn’t want to be in Austin, he didn’t want to be in Monaco, he wanted to be in Australia in his ridiculous farm with his ridiculous animas to maybe forget how ridiculously in love he was. In that moment he was sitting on a wooden swing with Michael standing next to him.
“Daniel at least train” all Daniel did was shaking his head and opening his Instagram to look at hers for 10th time on that day, and he noticed she has posted a story. For a moment he forgot his sadness when he heard her laughing and saw Max’s disappointed face every time he saw himself losing, Daniel laughed loud “she beat Max in karting, I’m so proud that’s my girl” he stared at the screen lovingly.
Michael shook his head, fully convinced that his friend was long gone “you look like a lovesick puppy”
“I am lovesick, and I am a puppy, look I can bark, Michael did I tell you about-“
“Daniel you talked about anything that happened about 10 times, I understand you love her but you have a race and you need to get over her, please, I beg you”
Daniel slowly slid down the swing “it’s not that easy, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, all my brain can comprehend is the kiss”
“I know it’s hard, but training will get your mind off it for few hours, come on do it for her”
The last part of the sentence got him laughing “fine fine, I’m coming”
Few hours later, training hasn’t done shit for him, Daniel could not get her out of his mind, it was physically impossible. He wanted to hug her tight, he wanted to see her face when he would give her the slightest attention and her face would lit up. He needed to pull her close and kiss her and other stuffs.
She was all alone with her thoughts when Max left, she didn’t know what or how it happened but somewhere along the way the switch between “celebrity crush” and “love of my life” changed. Suddenly the posters of Daniel on her wall wasn’t just a poster of her favorite driver, the number 3 as her Lock Screen wasn’t just a number of a car. In that moment she was in class, her hand under her chin as she pretended she is very interested when in fact her brain was reminding her of the kiss and everything that happened. The picture of Daniel looking like that was tattooed inside her brain, but the moment when she knew the answer to a question without listening was the reason she didn’t pursue her heart, she was once again reminded why she was there and what was her purpose. She wasn’t force to forget him, she could always live with him being somewhere close in her memory and mind. She did all she wanted, saw him, hugged him, kissed him, took pictures that one of them was her wallpaper and she kept unlocking her iPhone to check the picture. But yet she couldn’t control her heartbeat anytime she would see it. In that moment all she knew was, she felt absolutely ridiculous and lost.
She was on her bed, her laptop on, watching drive to survive and crying when Nina showed up “how many times have you watched it? And why are you crying?”
She sniffed and picked a tissue “because he is always happy and he smiles so pretty and I love how happy he is when he gets a podium, and above all I can never have him, and to answer your question I don’t know 10?15?” She was back to crying right after.
“If you love him so much, why don’t you go to him?” Nina asked, genuinely confused why she was torturing herself and the poor guy.
“Because it can’t work out, our goals are different, I’m a doctor, he is a driver. I work at a hospital and I can’t even take a time off to shower, how am I supposed to make it work? It will bother us more”
“Ok those are fair points, but you don’t have to answer instead of him, you know?”
Her answer was too logical for her broken heart “I don’t think I’m going to do something about it, I’ll just wait until I forget it you know?”
Nina sat next to her on the bed, touching her hand “you do whatever makes you happier, in that moment I, coincidentally Max too, think that Daniel makes you happy but if you don’t want to go for it, we all understand. It’s your call”
She smiled in appreciation and went back into watching the episode.
She felt Daniel’s warm hand tracing her spine and massaging her sour back, Halloween night been busy with kids in E.R and when it was over she was drained. She moved her face to have a better view of his lips, she has never kissed lips like his, it was so special and soft, locking with her so perfectly, the way he would suck her lips in a kiss was addictive, she couldn’t get enough of the way he pushed himself to her. With him there she was feeling needy, it wasn’t easy to have self control when Daniel Ricciardo was lying next to you, shirtless with only underwear, showing off his glorious abs and his hand slowly making it’s way to your underwear to give you a banging orgasm.
She loved when he took care of her like that, when his long fingers are dedicated into making her his, having her dripping wet all for him. She hissed and arched her back when she felt his finger in her underwear, delicately rubbing her,
“You look pretty like that” he couldn’t help but to mention, her face had the expression of pure delight, eyes closed, her teeth biting down her lips. In his reply she opened her eyes and looked at him lazily, too tired to move or too speak. She just wanted to enjoy this. She brought up her hand and touched his cheek, the gesture made Daniel’s heart leaping in his chest in a way that 300 kph couldn’t. To show his appreciation, he slipped a finger inside, slowly pumping in and out.
“Holy fuck Daniel, oh god, that feels so good”
His free hand grabbed her waist and pulled her close, pressing his lips against her but not kissing it, he just wanted to feel the softness of her lips, to feel her soft moans better. He added a second finger and she whined while their lips were connected, for a moment Daniel couldn’t believe she was there and it was him who were making her feel this way. He separated from her to give her a praise “that’s my pretty girl, you’re doing so well, open your eyes look at me”
When she was met with a pair of honey brown eyes, she swore she could come due to the intensity of the eye contact.
Daniel moved his fingers a bit faster, determined to make her come hard, a moan would leave her throat anytime he would move his fingers, he watched as her hand grabbed his biceps, her eyes shut intensely, she moaned his name and came hard.
Daniel finally kissed her “you’re so wrong if you think that was it-“
She woke up. Sweat dripping off her forehead and completely out of breath. Her mouth was dry, she didn’t need to check her underwear to see how wet she was from the dream. Her eyes went to the posters on the wall and she blushed hard. All the effort she made to forget him turned to ashes with just one dream, a dream she wouldn’t mind becoming reality. She sat on the bed for few seconds, whispering “oh my god” under her breath, her mind still trying to recover from the dream but instead she was having more thoughts.
Daniel felt tipsy, he was in a hotel room during Mexico race weekend with Charles, Max, Lando, Carlos and Michael. He couldn’t even remember whose hotel room it was. He was talking about the day he saw her to Lando and Carlos, even though Max and Charles were there they still liked to hear it from his point of view. He spoke of her with such a passion and love that if Sebastian was there, he would have thrown Daniel down the stairs. The group of friends were more than thankful that tomorrow they didn’t need to drive. As Daniel continued talking about her, Max felt mischievous, he picked the phone up and called her.
She was sipping a very awful coffee in hospital when her phone ranged and Max’s name showed up, they had spoken few times but a call at this time of the night was bizarre. She answered the phone, she heard someone shushing her and next thing she heard was Daniel’s voice. In that moment she truly realized how much she missed him. Even his voice sounded so good and she felt like she could cry when she heard him laughing. She then realized he was talking about the day they met “Man I really wish she could be here for the race you know?” That sentence was the best thing she has ever heard, maybe after all people were right and she needed to speak with him. In that moment she finally realized what would make her happy.
Max left the room to speak with her without anyone noticing “was that enough confirmation for you to decide what you wanna do?”
“Maximillian, fuck you and thank you”
Tag list: @grapejuicegirly @ccloaned @rosee-sensuelle​ @itsjustmyopinionf1 comment if you wanna e tagged for next chapter
Let me know what you think, and tell me your favorite part👀
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persephonememes · 10 months
It didn't feel like a dream
Don't think I could love you more
So what the hell does it all mean
I'm takin' everything I see as a sign
I know it's crazy but what if it's right
I think I talk too much
That's just the deal that I made
Do you still wanna be with me?
I have no idea
I'll forgive you
You got to be a big hometown hero
As far as I'm concerned, they should just burn the whole city down
You don't love me
God forbid, you're not the center of attention
Don't you miss me?
You must be exhausted
You get on my nerves
You're so fucking annoying
You're the worst person on Earth
Forgiving you is pointless
It didn't have to be like this
You almost got away with it
Unlucky for you, I am that bitch
You're so fucking perfect
I bet you're sick of it
I could never pick a side
What's misery without company
It's hard to laugh when it's hard to breathe
But if it kills me I tried
I tried so hard
I came so far
He broke my heart
I found out from a friend of a friend that you're here again
So what now?
I'm gonna love you 'til my heart retires
Why'd you have to mess it all up?
Yeah, it's a blessing and it's a curse
I can predict this shit line by line
I just want some recognition
In hindsight, that might be the worst part
Some goodbyes are forever
I know too much now
I wish I could still see the world through those eyes
Stay a little longer
I'm not ready for you to go
I know it's hard to slow down when there's still more to go
Don't cry
I still can't fly
Thought I'd be ahead but I'm down by five
Everything looks good on paper
I still haven't learned to calm down
My wish should be different by now
My wish is that I cared less
I hope that I can care less
But I'm afraid to care less
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shkika · 1 year
Having trouble with thinking of something to ask hrmm
What part of the rw lore do you find most interesting? Like..what are your thoughts on it? any twists you've thought up or any detail/s you just wanna rant abt?
The rainworld lore is painfully a lot and painfully little at the same time, like why are the pearls focused on garbage worms and what is noise milking oh my goddd
moon isnt lore on her own but her pearl readings are a massive source of it. so if i had to say my favorite thing would be iterators and the relationship they had with their colonies. the fact they can vary and the fact iterators have different opinions of their parents!! (one iterator talked abt havjng to sit through dark political times awkwardly like 🧍🤷 at some points. thats funny)
ahem I looove it a lot!! for example the way moon worded her existence is sad. the way she speaks about them is sad. like in short “ancients must not try very hard so we do that for them. at least i did” <- smth along the lines
she sounds bitter she dislikes them with a hidden passion even when she has 5 braincells left. Not to mention she calls them parasites with bad takes (sheesh). something people dont really ?? recognize enough or at all imo is that moon almost retired (ancients moving away from her city) and she was happy about it. Until it didnt work out and some stayed and she was pissed again.
now pebbles speaks with softness (as much as he has it in him) he liked them! he liked their art! their music! he liked witnessing their stupid arguments even when they were in his name (he found the citadel he shaded funny for being so angry)
he found a lot of things they did stupid but he also was impressed in other aspects! he liked them a lot to the point the last item that he keeps for comfort and keeps him together as a whole is a hymn of theirs. even when abandoned, he finds comfort in the company they used to bring him!!! how sad!!
Another part of the lore. Hm cycles.
I have no idea how they work. Youd believe at first that when you die. You get reborn. Pain!!! never escaping!!
But that cant be the case it has sooo many plotholes if thats the case.
1 artificers kids died! straight up GONE. theyre dead!! thats why shes so insane you cant tell me theyre just lost somewhere and also pups cant ascend (me when i reach spiritual enlightenment at 10). theyre straight up gone.
2. imagine u defeat the scav kind and he comes back an hour later.. nah. thjngs DIE
3 why did the ancients go crazy over killing themselves then idk!
4 suns was basically crying about how they dont know what theyll do if spearmaster dies. yeah no respawning then.
So then the cycle is being reborn into smth new. great. how does karma play in this. how do you raise it. time? do you have your old memories after u go into a new cycle?? i dont know!! no scug has ever been plagued with dreams of being smth else before. !!! how do you confirm its a thing!! idk!! how do you know you are in a samsara! i wish we got ancients talking about it. in pearls or smth.
i havent ascended with saint yet. (reached karma 10 and bonked the siblings) but i doubt they answer all of my questions
random kiki rw lore fact- did you know that the rot area - (riv gameplay) there is a room in it thats just called terror!!! it upsets me greatly. the place is so different because the rot literally eats his walls. it fucks me up sometimes even if it seems obvious
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imperial-topaz2003 · 1 year
World Building Wednesday: Artek Sefyr
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• Full name: Artek Orrin Sefyr
• Gender: Male
• Sexuality: Demisexual Panromantic
• Pronouns: He / Him
O T H E R S 
• Family: 
- Father - Orrin Sefyr, ex-Chandrila Defense Force officer, former Senator of Chandrila, currently living in retirement
- Mother - Darya Kadir, Renegade Zakuulan Knight, 'Foreign Merchant', currently MIA
- Husband - Theron Shan, former SIS Operative, Eternal Alliance Spymaster
• Birthplace: Chandrila, Hanna City
• Job: Jedi Master, Hero of Tython, Battlemaster of the Jedi Order (former), Commander of the Eternal Alliance (current)
• Phobias: None (unless there’s one for the Emperor. Valkorphobia?)
• Guilty pleasures: 
M O R A L S 
• Morality alignment?: Neutral Good
• Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
• Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T 
• Introverted/extrovert. Artek is not exactly a social butterfly, but generally keeps a casual, friendly, and affable exterior. He likes chatting up and getting to know people, maybe kick back a few drinks with them.
• Organized/disorganized. He's not a complete mess, but his organization skills are pretty lackluster. He definitely relied on T7 to help keep him organized, and later Lana when it came to the Eternal Alliance.
• Close-minded/open-minded. There is a few things he's not gonna change his mind about, but generally, he'll maintain a tolerant and accepting stance.
• Calm/anxious. Depends on his mood and/or the scenario he's facing. Sometimes he's collected and focused, other times, he's quick to anger or paranoia.
• Disagreeable/agreeable. Again, a few strong opinions he's stubborn about, but generally, he's gonna remain open-minded and affable.
• Cautious/reckless. Yeah, he's not as much of a short fuse as he used to be during his padawan days, but even as a Jedi Master, he can be fairly bull-headed or shortsighted.
• Patient/impatient. Again, not as bad, but still noticeably can't keep still for more than five seconds
• Outspoken/reserved. If he has a strong opinion about something, you can bet your ass he's gonna make sure the whole room knows.
• Leader/follower. Once again, scenario dependent, but generally, he does tend to be at the front, leading the charge. However, if the situation needs for him to follow, he's more than willing to buckle down and do so.
• Empathetic/unempathetic. He definitely cares for other people and tries his absolute best to comfort them in times of distress. He's a good person to vent to and a shoulder to cry on, should you need either.
• Optimistic/pessimistic. Sure, he's willing to admit shit sucks at times, but he'd rather do something about it than sit around moping.
• Traditional/modern. Yeah, he respects traditions (namely that of the Jedi or Zakuul), but he is not going to let him impede progress.
• Hard-working/lazy. Generally tries to balance himself in this regard. Artek works hard enough to not be lazy, but he knows when he needs to take some time off for himself. He also has to pull Theron away from his work at times.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S 
• otp: Artek/Theron. Yeah, these two dorks are absolutely in love with eachother. Both of them are dedicated and loyal to their causes, yet they're willing to bend the rules every now and then. It's why they got married.
• ot3: Artek/Theron/Kira. No, it's not official, but Artek did briefly romance Kira in the past, who did joke about all three of them getting together. While he did kinda consider the prospect, he decided to leave the three of them being friends.
• brotp: Artek, Kira, Scourge, and T7. Out of all his friends, Artek has the strongest platonic bond with those three, and would trust them with his life.
• notp: Artek/Valkorion and Artek/Doc. Those were the worse ones I could think up. Might indulge in them in a joking way, but otherwise, I don't wanna think about either
Thought this would be a good way to introduce my newly reconstructed legacy. I'll get working on the other characters soon enough.
No pressure tags - @jbnonsensework @swtorpadawan @dream-of-tanalorr (davidoodles), @magicallulu7
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avelera · 1 year
for the fic writer ask thingy, 3 and 18?
also, 19 but only if you really really wanna, no pressure?
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
It's often the one I've just finished but at the moment, I'm quite fond of "Giving Sanctuary" since it's recently complete and the longest thing I've ever written! I also really enjoyed writing "Banana Daiquiris" and have flirted with writing a second chapter, but that one's so dependent on cracking myself up with Dreamling/Retired-Dream humor that I don't really sit down to write I just sort of let it go at its own pace as ideas occur to me.
18 . What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Oftentimes my favorite lines are ones that my readers enjoy. I put a LOT of thought into almost every line but I don't fall in *love* with a line until a reader tells me it was meaningful for them too. I probably have at least one favorite line per chapter in Giving Sanctuary but...
Well, if I'm going to be particularly evil, I mentioned in ch. 6 that Robyn's chapter made me cry while writing it. But this is the line where I had to pause writing because I was crying so hard:
"Robyn leaned down and kissed the top of Hob’s head, the moment overlaid with another memory: Robyn as a toddler kissing a bump on Hob’s head, All better. And it was Robyn as a young man, laughing at how his father was now shorter than him, kissing the top of his head to demonstrate, See? Suppose that makes me the man of the house now."
The "All better." is what killed me. Because toddlers can be so sweet with how they try to kiss a cut or a bruise better, when they try to start taking care of others in return. And I just imagined Hob raising his son and something silly happening, bumping his head somehow, maybe while playing with his son, and baby Robyn trying to kiss his immortal father better, and then what it would be like to watch that baby grow up and then to lose him... I don't have children but the devastation of that thought of raising a child only to lose them as an adult but still far too soon just gutted me. Giving Sanctuary the story is so based in the longterm pain Hob and Dream are suffering from losing their children, even decades or millennia after they died, so it was really important not just to show that pain but show it well enough to experience it for the premise to fully work that for any flaws they might have as parents (on Dream's part) or as people (on Hob's part) and no matter how different Hob and Dream are as people from each other, they are both laid low by this particular pain such that it bridges the gap between them.
Also I'm just a complete sucker for characters needing to kiss a loved one goodbye forever. Guts me every single time. Nevertheless, even I was surprised to start crying while I wrote something. That was new.
19. And here's a cheeky little glimpse of "Keeping Sanctuary" ;3
Hob swore under his breath and wrestled with the button on his shirt cuff. His books and papers lay in neat stacks before him on his desk, the larger folio finely bound (and he would know), the single hand-written page tucked away within the cover. The morning light of late spring streamed through the diamond-patterned windows of the Manor House, promising a warm and relatively cloudless day, for England. 
Speaking of the house…
“Manny, could you be a mate and help me with this, please?” Hob sighed and held out his right hand with the trailing sleeve. “I swear the buttons get smaller every year.” 
It was a testament to the year he’d spent living at the borders of Dream’s kingdom and all its accompanying wonders that Hob no longer jumped out of his skin whenever one of his eldritch servants or, in this case, the spirit of the Manor House himself who was technically Hob’s servant, appeared out of thin air. 
“I’ve no idea why you’ve worked yourself into such a state this morning, Robert. You judge yourself far more harshly than Lord Morpheus ever would,” the Manor House, or Manny as Hob had begun to call the House originally as a joke, which unfortunately had stuck. 
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