#it’s one of the shows where I choose to ignore the final seasons and act like they don’t exist
starrrbakerrr · 3 months
i love when a rina moment randomly pops in my head because i just feel so at peace, happy and content. we really won that against every off. and against the fans of two more popular ships that constantly invalidated rina and us. all we had was s2 delusions and tim’s vague words. trusting a showrunner is terrifying because 90% of the time they managed to mess up something and i can say rina is the first tv ship that didn’t disappoint me at all.
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Am I an asshole because I told someone to shut the hell up about his autism?
Now, please read this before making your vote.
I (21 F) started going back to school recently, I signed up for classes late because it took so long for the paperwork and processes to be finalized. I was taking a speech class in the morning and we had to do a group project in class. Now, I spoke with the professor and told her I did not do well in group projects because I either get treated like literal crap or I do all the work. She said she didn't care, either I join a group or get a 0. Someone (20 M) was watching, we'll call him Ed for clarity. I asked if I could join Ed's group and he said yes. I tried being really nice to Ed and waited for our group members to meet with us after class. He showed me which music he liked and I said it was nice. So, during the entire time period of this project I would meet a lot with my group mates and we'd do the project. It was very difficult because professor wanted over 10 resources and a certain length for the report, then to top it off a PowerPoint we'd be presenting too. Ed did a lot of things to make me feel very uncomfortable, but my group mates ignored it and didn't say anything. He'd talk about how he visited the dark web and looked into hitmen. Then he showed us an intro to a porno. I felt very uncomfortable and mentioned it to the other girl in our group, she said she would talk with the other boys in our group about it (they all had been friends since highschool except Ed) , she said the assignment did require us to find an intro that was terrible, but maybe a porno intro was too much. The assignment in question was basically a research project about why introductions are very important. They ended up choosing some 90's tv show intro, I don't remember which one it was, just that the show got 2 seasons and the intro was too stereotypical for the time. During the time Ed would send me random "hi"s and he added/followed me on all my social media. He would comment on everything and would try to make conversations on them when I wouldn't text back. I kept the texts as bland as possible. Ed just gave me a bad vibe and kept doing shit to make me uncomfortable. Now here's where the autism part comes in. I was talking to a guy I had a crush on instagram and I guess Ed noticed. So Ed basically calls me and asks if I'm not attracted to him because he has autism. I said what the hell and hung up. It made me feel so uncomfortable then he started bringing up his autism on all my photos, posts, tweets, you name it. I didn't know what to do anymore. Ed kept blowing up my phone too. He'd message me every 5 mins and would get mad when I wouldn't answer right away. So back to my crush, Ed messaged him I wasn't interested in dating him! Like dude! So my crush says he doesn't have time for immaturity and blocks me despite me trying to defuse and apologize hundreds of times for that. So I asked for some advice and basically I got that his autism was making him act like that. I don't want to sound ableist, I'm sorry if I give off that impression, but enough was enough. I told him to fuck off or else I'd get the authorities and school involved since what he was doing was harassment. He said he can't harass since he has autism so I told him to shut the hell up about his autism since it wasn't a "get out of jail" card so i finally blocked him everywhere. I don't know if I'm being an asshole or maybe I'm just not patient or equip to handle Ed? Even then, I am in no shape or form attracted to Ed nor was I ever. Now I just never want him bothering me again.
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very-feral-lesbian · 1 year
the season six finale has officially become the lowest rated episode of 911 ever. here's my thoughts as to why season six as a whole is bad. this is long. it is needed.
objectively, the show has become repetitive.
kirsten reidel has no creativity when it comes to the storylines of buck and eddie. i am going to be focusing a lot on buck and eddie during this talk due to the fact that they have been the most neglected characters when it comes to relationships, and because there has been some serious, queerbaiting throughout the season alongside the worst of the show's writing.
this is our third love interest that buck has had that was representing one singular aspect of himself that becomes suddenly prominent due to the plot at the time. ali made buck realize that he needed someone who was going to appreciate his line of work and that it was a non-negotiable part of himself. abby served as a tool for buck to realize he could be in a serious relationship involving something more than sex. and now with natalia, she just represents this part of his life where he gets himself into near death situations and how to deal with them. these are all important aspects to buck’s personality and life; however, they don’t represent him as a whole.
buck deserves someone who knows him for all parts of who he is, and this show refuses to do that, because if we go from a logical standpoint, if eddie was a woman, and they still had the kind of relationship that they have now, they would be together. their personalities match, they are fucking coparent, and their lives are parallel to one another. 75% of their storylines outside of the emergencies at work are intertwined and coexist with one another.
the only other people with such interconnected storylines are the other couples and the families.
yes, hypothetically if they introduced a character who is basically like a woman version of eddie, and genuinely had this chemistry with buck then i wouldn't be mad. yet they actively choose people who do not have chemistry with him. especially with natalia having chosen a woman who failed a chemistry read with him (oliver) for a fucking romance movie. how are we, as an audience, supposed to ignore their lack of chemistry?
and i will say there was also something that happened in an interview with oliver that made me mad. as we have seen throughout the show, chris has become one of, if not the most, important person to buck outside of his sister. he fathers chris like he wished his father did to him. and oliver has even discussed this in interviews before, stating that buck is coparenting with eddie. but in his most recent interview, he made it seem like the idea of parenting is completely new to buck.
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i don’t wanna put the blame on oliver, but the way that he is speaking so differently within such a short amount of time about these relationships, indicates that there was a change at some point. because during the second interview, it was very obvious that they were treating Buck like a second parent to christopher. they said that he was giving him the parental love that he never had. and now they are acting like buck has never experienced what it’s like to be a parental figure, which we have seen (and been told in the past) is the furthest thing from the truth.
before i get into eddie’s relationships, i do want to point out a couple things that also did make me mad this season that are smaller, but still important.
there was a scene between hen, karen and hen's mom when denny was trying to have a relationship with his father. hen's motherly "said that a boy needs his father". this is homophobia. it’s not even subtle. saying to two fantastic mothers of a child that that a child needs a father figure to grow up correctly. this show prides itself on having diversity, although a negligent amount. having a black lesbian family can go so far and be great representation. but now they are just throwing all of their work away by having this character say the most homophobic shit.
in general, the show is very good at not including repercussions of actions or situations. we have not gotten discussion about athena‘s father since the episode about him. they completely abandoned hen's medical storyline, giving an unjust ending that felt incomplete. and bobby’s storyline about that sponsor of his was just dropped like nothing. yes this happens a lot in procedural dramas. however, that doesn’t mean it should happen. this show is nothing without these characters, they make the show. yet, they set up all these gigantic plot lines only to not follow through or provide any insight about how it’s impacting the character going forward, leaving so many things feeling incomplete. and this leads me to eddie.
last time that we saw eddie date, christopher literally ran away from home to bucks because he was upset. and now, with zero resolution about christopher‘s feelings, with little to no talks about it, eddie has allowed chris to have information regarding a woman that he might possibly date before even dating her. this makes no sense for who eddie is as a person. his number one priority is his son, and he has made that clear several times that his son comes before dating. why suddenly is he spreading this information to christopher like it’s nothing? yes, chris has grown up a lot since then, but it was still an unresolved plot line that heavily impacted two of our main characters, but it was dropped like nothing.
i want to talk about the couch theory. oliver had hinted that the couch theory was very important and was going to come to a head at the season finale. i find it extremely difficult to believe that the couch theory that has been set up since the beginning of this season was created to be finalized with a character that we have seen for less than 10 minutes of screen time and has been in less than three episodes. you cannot begin to tell me that all of this work towards this metaphor that has been beautifully written is now just finished with a random character, that we know little to nothing about except her job. hypothetically, if we go with the idea that this was what it was meant to be from the beginning, they did a terrible job doing it. that is really undeniable. but if the originally story involved buddie due to the heavy involvement of eddie and chris in this metaphor, why change it? there have been undeniable parallels throughout the season and an almost frame by frame shot of buck and christopher doing the exact same thing on eddie’s couch, only for the answer to buck's "couch problem" to be natalia? i dont buy it.
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as for this season six finale, it was a fucking disaster. for a drama about fire fighters, for all they have been through, a bridge collapse is nothing. there was no moment where i thought one of our main characters were dead. there was no intensity and very little emotion about the scene, except from maddie.
it was only made worse by the jumpcut at the end where all the characters are just fine. eddie had several broken ribs? nope, he's all healed, let him cheer and jump in the air. chim had a rod through his abdomen (that he proceeded to pull out because despite him being a paramedic, he definitely wouldn't know proper procedure)? he's perfectly fine, no mention of any repercussions of that injury. and cap had no injuries after being crushed by a literal bridge? of course, makes perfect sense!
when comparing this season finale to other plot lines like the tsunami, the earthquakes, the texas fires, the lightning strike, the firetruck on bugs leg, and countless others, this felt so subtle. and it was only exasperated by the last 20 minutes of the episode feeling incredibly out of place, like someone wrote it without seeing the first half of the script.
in general, i think that if 911 continues to have the same show runners and writers from this point forward, it is going to be a repetitive nightmare of a mess of a procedural drama. it is no longer good, there is no creativity in the show anymore, they have created these backstories for all of their characters and refuse to follow through with them.
i have loved this show and the community of 911 since season two when I started watching it, and it is undeniable that there have been some masterpieces of storytelling in the show. nothing will ever beat the tsunami, or any of the "_____ begins" episodes. that is where they peak. they peak when they focus on their main characters and showing their history and how human they are. and yet with every new episode, they undo the work.
i don’t like to throw queerbaiting around for a plethora of reasons, but season six has changed my mind on that. if they truly created the couch theory just to have it end up with natalia, then why include buck being on eddie’s couch then parallels it to their son? why would you cast someone who failed a chemistry test with your main character to be that character's love interest? i legitimately want a reason. because at this point it is just homophobia. they don’t want to do the storyline because it would mean that two more of their characters are queer. and it seems like they want the minimum diversity possible. they already have one gay couple, so why have another? they already hit the gay diversity mark.
there’s a reason that this episode is the lowest rated episode of 911 of all time. If ABC does not listen to 911 fans, season eight will be the last season of the show.
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the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
So I think the worst take of the fandom is that all of the problems of the show would have been fixed had it gotten a full S3. That literally any problem the show had merely came from the shortening. This is... Well, just blatantly shows that the fandom not only doesn't understand how the animation industry works AND doesn't want to actually look at the narrative they did choose to focus on post the shortening call that were just... baffling.
So first let's establish how much of the show was affected by the Shortening. As a fandom, we found out about it during the hiatus between S1 and 2. This was at earliest, August 2020 since the S1 finale came out late August 2020. Dana has claimed two things that are important to this timeline. 1: The shortening was decided on shortly before the finale came out and 2: That the first episode affected by Covid, which would have been back in March/April, was Looking Glass Ruins. So we EXPLICTLY know that the shortening didn't affect the show until after S2 Ep 5.
BUT then we get into production schedules. Before S2 even BEGAN airing, we were told to stop campaigning for a full S3 because they had to get started on storyboards for the season and that was effectively the firm deadline. This means ALL of S2 was effectively done in script and storyboards by the time S2 aired. This makes sense to keep a weekly schedule and the like and most animation professionals will tell you they work MONTHS in advance of release, bare minimum.
This means, AT BEST, S2B was when the shortening really kicked in. And yes, S2B has pacing issues. It has issues in general and is when most people think the quality of the show dropped. The problem is that... The signs were always there. There's a reason why there's been a backlash because as people become disillusioned with the show, you have to ask what was driving so much before.
And a lot of that was potential. S1 is so good when you first watch it because it keeps teasing the idea that it's going to tackle things in a complex way. That it will explore concepts like Amity's abusive family, magic, fantasy vs reality, etc. like that. It's why the fandom was at its strongest during S1.
Unfortunately, the problem with presenting good ideas and then not executing on them, or completely gutting them is that those old parts are a lot harder to enjoy. As Willow was effectively not a character for half a season and then just suddenly was a jock, people began to realize the fact that she in the show is much more a plot device than anything else. They claimed "We're not doing the one kind act into friendship and forgiveness thing with Amity and Willow" and then literally did NOTHING with it until S2B and eventually DID just do the same trope anyways but now with less resonance than it would have had in Understanding Willow.
Not only that but even S1 didn't give a single shit about its worldbuilding. The First Day has Dana Terrace as a lead writer on it. If anyone knows the worldbuilding best, it should be her... So why is it that no one talks about multi-coven things being illegal? It's literally just used as meta commentary and so they entirely ignore the worldbuilding they have. Reaching Out is exactly the same, with Dana as the SOLE writer of that where Amity and everyone else treats joining a coven like going to college and not literally the word of the law.
But S1 couldn't even keep Wild Witches consistent. Half the time Eda can chill and not worry. She can go to a place funded by the EC like Hexide and not flinch for a second that Bump might call the guards on her despite that being kind of the ONE real rule to their society that makes it not just our world but with teeth. Then again, the show gives NO FUCKS about its own stuff, willing excising portions of itself that it finds cumbersome. Escaping Expulsion is BEFORE Looking Glass Ruins and yet it murders Luz's magical potential in its sleep and also discards Amity's family as easily disposable, despite how much the show claims her mother's influence is the reason why Amity behaved the way she did for all of... Three appearances? Because Amity's arc isn't actually good.
It shouldn't be surprising S2 would do this though when the writers already struggled to do anything with Luz's magic. If she's supposed to be learning and growing... Even S1 is shit at this and is repetitive. Not just with the at least three times we do "King has a minion!" B plot that isn't funny and doesn't do anything but also with its lessons. Luz theoretically learns to listen to Eda in the third episode and arguably the second as well. Then she gets her first glyph with the lesson, in theory. of not trying to take shortcuts to do magic and to not steal. And then in Adventure in the Elements, not even to impress Amity but because of her impatience, she steals something to take a shortcut to stronger magic. That is THREE episodes of the first TWELVE of the series. It usually takes most kids shows at least a LITTLE longer to be that bad at retreading its own lessons.
And the final part of this is that... S2 actually had to be effectively the exact same as it was for s3 to happen. You need the foreshadowing of the Collector for the Day of Unity. You need to FINALLY do something with Belos for the revelations of the Human Realm to happen and to do Luz's angst arc. You need Hunter to be at least 90% redeemed so he's there on their side during The Day of Unity, etc. like that. Then you get half a season in the human realm before coming back to the Isles for half a season, just like Amphibia did because returning home is the best mid-season finale you can have there. So any argument that a full S3 would have actually fixed issues with S2B is just... Wrong. The problems with S2B come with the fact that S2A wastes a FUCKTON of time on elements that don't matter.
Oh, and lest we forget that The Collector could have been cut. He had one appearance in a dream, that also doesn't make sense with his characterization, before S2B. In the fact, the crew has admitted as much. He was added AFTER the news of the Shortening because they always wanted to include a character like him so now that they didn't have the time for him... Cram him in anyways.
Could a show have EVER been saved when that's how they treat one of their two final antagonists? It's the sort of statement that just solidifies the idea that TOH didn't want three seasons. It wanted five... If not just to go on forever. To be the next monolithic show, even as it repeats character arcs, lessons and shrinks characters rather than expands them.
So no, the show isn't bad because of the shortening. The show is bad because the writing is bad.
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snarkfamily · 1 year
Okay I need to get this off my chest even though I think all my followers are bots haha. I will release it to the void so it gets out of my head!
But imagine: in Season 5, they’re battling Vecna and various demo-creatures and Steve is trying to protect his kids, and ends up dying. And a small part of him is relieved, but mostly he’s worried because they need all the manpower they can get, and he knows that Dustin and Robin especially will be devastated.
But then his eyes open, and his body doesn’t hurt, and he can hear birds really clearly, and his eyes focus without squinting, and he thinks “hey, maybe I got into heaven after all?” Except he’s in his bedroom, as it hasn’t been for a long time, and he figures out it’s actually 1981, two months before he starts freshman year. After hours or maybe days of screaming and panic attacks and searing grief, the knowledge that his friends don’t know him and will never know him the way they used to has settled in, and he resolves to make a plan. He still has two years before the shit hits the fan, but El is in the lab and he wants to get her out asap.
The problem is that he’s never been the ideas guy, he’s always been told he’s stupid, and he can’t go to anyone he normally would because they don’t KNOW him anymore, and his kids are only 9! And he briefly wishes that someone else was sent back, someone smarter, but he wouldn’t really wish this anguish on anyone else. And really, if he had parents who were present and cared, like the others, he would probably be committed for the way he was acting, so probably for the better.
He ultimately decides that the best thing to do is deal with the lab right away, so no one gets hurt. He knows Hopper won’t believe him, and what is a small-town cop supposed to do against the lab anyway? But then he remembers Murray Bauman, and thinks “yeah, that guy can take down an evil government organization no problem.” So he’s feeling pretty good about the plan until he realizes that Murray will probably ignore him or shoot him on the off chance he takes him seriously. Then inspiration strikes when he’s doing a grocery run and is gazing longingly across the produce at the Sinclair family. Little Erica appears to be negotiating with her mother about vegetables, and Steve thinks “yes! WWED?!”
So he takes the money his family leaves him, takes a bus to Illinois, and shows up to Murray’s gate. When Murray laughs him off, Steve tells him that there’s a note on his kitchen table outlining where he’s going, and that if he goes missing, Murray is to blame. There’s a silence that Steve chooses to interpret as encouraging, so he keeps going, telling Murray every fact about him that Steve knows: weapons he uses, aliases he has, conspiracies he believes, languages he speaks. Murray finally responds with a baffled “kid… who are you?” And lets Steve in.
Once in the house, Steve’s opening line is “do you think the government could fuck up enough to accidentally cross dimensions?” And Murray is somehow a mix of amused and horrified and confused, but yes, actually, the government COULD fuck up that much. Steve tells him all about the lab, and when Murray believes him, he adds the time travel and the whole history. Murray lets him spend the night and then they go to Hawkins the next day.
Hopper gets involved, and together they gather enough evidence to shut down the lab for good. The adults don’t let Steve do any fighting, even though he complains that he’s been through it all. They argue that even if his brain remembers, his body is a clean slate, and it should stay that way. They want to protect him the best they can. He’s in charge of getting El out, and he manages to convince Hopper to foster her. Over the planning stages, the adults figure out that Steve’s parents neglect him, so they work out a plan where Murray moves into the Hawkins’ trailer park so that he can foster Steve.
As the Upside Down situation gets resolved and it gets closer to school, Steve feels less and less like a 19 year old and more like a 14 year old. His old life feels more like remembering the plot of a movie, and he chafes less under the rules Murray makes for him. By the time school starts, he gets to make friends with Eddie as equals, not with an age imbalance, he just remembers who is important to him. And if he has his bisexual awakening 5 years earlier than the previous timeline, then it’s a good thing his father figure is much more accepting than the Harringtons would have been. To befriend his kids, he puts up babysitting fliers and actually loves babysitting for any kids, not just the Party. He becomes just as inseparable with Robin when she gets to high school the next year, and Nancy and Jonathan are good friends without the added awkwardness of dating. He even gets to know Barb, who it turns out is the perfect match for Robin.
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robynrocksforbrains · 10 months
I saw this post from @thestrangestthing89 and I was gonna reblog and add my thoughts but then I kinda got carried away and it felt like too much idk so I'm just doing this
A little ramble about when I think byler will get together
Realistically I see them getting together around mid-season. Like Mike and El are essentially done. I think an official breakup scene is very important for both of them, and I think it'll happen pretty early in the season. The love triangle aspect of it all is essentially over. That's what the last shot of the season showed us. El walks past Mike, stepping out of the triangle formation, and she stands alone. Mike chooses to stay with Will. Mike has made his decision. El has made her decision. And we all know where Will's heart is.
It wouldn't make sense to draw the love triangle out any longer than it already has been. El and Mike aren't gonna have time to pretend to love each other. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, El's #1 priority is gonna be Max, and Mike's #1 priority is gonna be Will.
So with the love triangle aspect resolved, there is literally nothing standing between Mike and Will but themselves. And they've been dancing around each other for way too long now. It would not make any sense to keep that going until the end.
They've already agreed to be a team, and they reaffirmed that in the last episode, and "team" is basically stranger things code word for "couple". They crossed the line between friendship and romance a long time ago. I don't think they're gonna ignore it for much longer.
Even though they're not officially together, I can guarantee the boyfriendism is gonna be off the charts from start to finish.
Just like Lucas and Max in s4. They were officially broken up, but I honestly forgot while watching the season because they weren't acting like they were broken up. The love was so present and clear. It didn't matter that they technicaly weren't a couple. That's something I've noticed with ST couples. Relationship status doesn't really mean anything. It's really about the feeling you get from each pairing.
Steve and Nancy were officially a couple, they did not feel like a couple
Mike and El are officially a couple (not for long), they do not feel like a couple (never have felt like one)
Joyce and Bob were officially a couple, but something about it just didn't feel right
Joyce arnd Hopper are only recently an official couple, yet they've felt like a couple since s2, and even at some points in s1.
Jonathan and Nancy weren't a couple until s2e6, but they started to feel like a couple after Nancy went to the UD for like five minutes in s1. (I don't remember what episode that was)
With Lucas and Max, it's what I said earlier. They were officially broken up in s4, yet they still felt like a couple to the audience.
And finally, our beloveds, Mike and Will. Yeah, they aren't officially a couple, but they basically renewed their vows in Dear Billy and they had some of the most beautiful romantic moments in the entire show. So they feel like a couple even though they technicaly aren't one. And that's not gonna change in s5, it's only going to be more obvious until they can't ignore it anymore. And I think they're gonna reach that point pretty quickly, because they're basically already there.
I do think a lot of people choose to believe they won't be official until the end because they don't wanna be disappointed. And that's totally valid. Anyone can temper their expectations however much they deem necessary. But I really do think that everything is pointing to them getting together mid-season but acting like a couple even before that. It's something we've seen before.
This has just been a ramble. I just have a lot of thoughts about it.
In conclusion, I think that the prediction of them getting together at the end is very pessimistic, but I also completely understand that pessimism. I choose to be a bit more optimistic about it, but I also think that the progression of this storyline so far supports my optimism. But who knows? Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment. We'll just have to wait and see.
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darkpoisonouslove · 11 months
1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23 for the choose the violence asks 🔪
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Faragonda. People either think that she's secretly a villain or that she's a meek, old grandma. The villain part is really annoying because people act like Faragonda sending the Winx on life-threatening missions is a writing choice made in regards to showing her character when it's a writing choice made for the sake of plot. The writers don't care how Faragonda comes off if they can get their little plot with getting the Winx to save the day work. It's true about everything. How come she spies on the Winx but never does it when they actually need help and she could save them but at the cost of interfering with the plot? Her seemingly keeping the Agador box (4x01) is just the writers being lazy with coming up with a new design for something that will be on screen for 10 seconds. Honestly, name one of her "shady" actions that cannot be explained as a plot convenience. The other side of the spectrum is honestly just... Are you blind? She clearly has a lot more backbone than people realize, yet when that's noticed, it somehow makes her a villain. I am tired.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Somebody implying that Daphne is at fault for getting killed by the Ancestral Witches because she chose to sacrifice herself for Bloom and she could have just let her baby sister get murdered if she'd wanted to save herself. What even???????? *flips table*
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I block over too many wrong opinions or just a few opinions that are Very Wrong TM. So it's usually that. I don't try to remember what exactly made me mad.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Roxy, kind of. I don't hate her but every time I see someone whining about her not being part of the later seasons and bemoaning the fact that she was supposed to be the seventh Winx but then dissapeared, I start to hate her... until I distance myself from that part of fandom. I think Roxy has much potential in her quality of being a foil to Bloom, someone with a very similar backstory but completely different feelings on magic and being a fairy. However, the writers are so hellbent on making her Bloom 2.0 that they completely ignore the differences between the two that they themselves wrote in and the fandom just makes all of that worse when they try to shove Roxy everywhere and force her into the same mold that the Winx fit into. Roxy should have gotten to decide for herself and instead of going to Alfea should have stayed at home with her long-lost mother. Morgana was literally the queen of the Earth fairies. I bet she could have taught Roxy everything she'd learn at Alfea and more, considering that Earth seems to have a different branch of magic altogether that probably differs from the curriculum at Alfea. Plus, that way she could have spent some time with the mother that is a stranger to her and she could have found her own path instead of being forced into something she clearly didn't want just to be like the Winx and, more importantly, Bloom.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
The idea that SotLK is a better movie than Magical Adventure. The way that Bloom makes headway in her search for her parents is so fucking random. We never learn how the Winx found Hagen, the English dub cut the part where Daphne explains why she now thinks that the Roc might have survived when, for 20 years, she believed it to have been destroyed, and the Book of Fate is the literal fucking worst plot device ever. It straight up tells them that Marion and Oritel are in Obsidian. Don't even get me started on the whole mess that happens once they get there or the search for the key to Obsidian. And the theme - if it can even be called that - is a joke.
Magical Adventure suffers from the fact that the scenes have to be in a certain sequence to make sense and keep the suspense but that sequence makes the story feel like two movies mashed into one. However, the two segments are not bad at all. Sure, there are things that don't work (ugh, that montage with the suitors - what were they thinking?!?!?!). But the movie tries to focus on Bloom's relationship with her birth parents, which the first movie completely skipped over. Bloom and Sky are actually somewhat likable. We see the Winx without magic which hasn't happened since when? Season 1? The Ancestral Witches are actually scary when they possess the Trix and the fights are interesting and creative. Plus, there is a coherent theme about how parents' actions affect their children (there was another nuance here that I can't remember now because it's been a while since I watched it).
Anyway, Magical Adventure supremacy.
9. worst part of canon
I already talked about all the bullshit in SotLK and besides I really hate what they did with Zenith. The source of most technological advancements and, of course, they made the whole society be logic-based and emotionless. I. Cannot. Stand. It! They should have made Zenith's technology come from a place of empathy, of wanting to improve life so much for everyone that they become too focused on their work and don't notice how they isolate themselves from everyone else, including each other. It would have been so much more interesting and they could have kept Tecna as a logic-driven person, who's not good with feelings because that's just who she is. She'd fit even better with Winx if she comes from a planet so dedicated to helping everyone else that they neglect themselves and their emotions.
10. worst part of fanon
Blorboifying Valtor. I'm sorry but if you think you want a real-life Valtor, you need to go outside and touch grass. Not to mention that Valtor stans in general seem to have a very distorted view of him. This man has the temper and anger management of a fucking toddler. The only reason why he manages to remain collected and calm a lot of the time is because pretty much no one can stand up to him and pose a threat to his plans and his ego. At the same time somehow people completely miss the fact that he's vain and self-centered and clinging so desperately to his charisma and skills because he knows that deep down he is nothing more than a monster that was created to be a tool for the Ancestral Witches and he hates that. He's practically in constant denial mode about how truly sad his existence is.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Krystal! She's already at a disadvantage because she's introduced in season 5 AND is instantly shoved in the bullshit drama between Helia and Flora. I have seen people hate on her and call her a shady bitch when all she's done is be overexcited about seeing Helia and managing to defeat the Winx at volleyball and then realizing that maybe the situation came off wrong to Flora and trying to talk to her and tell her that Helia only loves her and he and Krystal are just friends. She's just an excitable teen and she's not at fault for Helia acting weird as fuck and introducing Flora to her as his "friend" as if they haven't been dating for 3 years. Smh. #JusticeForKrystal2kforever
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Giving alien features to the girls. Like, I get it but it's always surface level because in the end it's so much easier to work with humanoid characters that you don't have to invent a whole new biology for. It seems completely pointless and usually doesn't come into play a lot. It feels like it's added more for diversity points rather than because it's fun or interesting.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Making Flora a drug dealer. The "Flora does recreational drugs" take honestly feels like people are desperately trying to make her interesting because they don't like her as she's portrayed on the show. And the idea of "Flora is okay with parts of nature that are dangerous and volatile" somehow always seems to lead to "give Flora a gun" when the two have nothing to do with each other. Flora wanting to protect all nature as it is is one of her defining traits. It feels like people are trying to erase her gentleness because they think that a mild-mannered character is worthless. Honestly, the show doesn't help. They make her empathy come down to "don't hurt it" even when the "it" in question is trying to kill her friends. They could have improved on that by letting Flora specialize in restraining spells that don't hurt the creature they're used on so that she can protect her friends and stick to her beliefs.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The Company of Light. Even the writers ignore it because a) they did not think it through when they added that backstory and created several plot holes, b) they never did anything with it (for the last time - where's the fucking spin-off?!?!?!?!) and c) they constantly make all of the Company members appear incompetent and weaker than they are for the sake of the plot and letting the Winx in the spotlight. Give these people screen time! They are interesting and important! *cries*
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I guess Blicy. I just didn't understand why Icy would want to date Bloom but I read a really good fic and I can see it now.
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innocentimouto · 6 months
What if ATLA had 6 seasons, the War trilogy (books 1-3) and the Post-War trilogy (Books 4-6)?
That would be fascinating! Book 3 would still have to be longer though. So maybe one extra season for the war?
I needed more Water Tribe, Gaang finding stray waterbenders, the Northern Water Tribe fighting the Fire Nation in the final battle with Hahn leading after having matured and choosing to remove the ban on waterbending for women like he promised Yue while she was alive.
SWT men returning home. Jet getting his arc of validating his trauma and fighting to help his people and enjoying small things and seeing the war end. The Freedom Fighters' group hug at the end of the war where they all break down.
And Zuko's arc. On one hand, people could go with what the show intended I think? Which was by Book 2, seeing the suffering of the people actually made him question his actions, doubt himself, regret his actions.
We'd of course get people who would act like this really did happen, but really, name one scene where he thinks back to his actions in the war and regrets them (this doesn't include Iroh).
This route would still realistically take a long time. He would no doubt mess up a lot and be confronted with prejudices and ignorance regarding other nations. Heck, regarding his own nation, since he got banished before properly learning how to lead.
Or you could go the longer route and keep the canon moments. And also make other characters fully aware of the racism and entitlement and lack of remorse. Really make it where they only allow him to join because it's for the sake of ending the war, and then have Zuko confronted with everyone in the group not liking his company. He'd have to sit down and understand why.
I think the most powerful way to make him stop and think is to have Aang be the one to react to his prejudices and fn beliefs. Considering Aang gave him so many chances, and also doesn't have a moment in the show where he gets to confront a Fire Nation person directly for the loss of his people and the rewriting of history, I think it would be impactful and even good for the plot.
We are not leaving Ba Sing Se falling in either scenario no no. Whether willingly or unwillingly Zuko will see how the people suffered from it. Iroh does not get to back there so easily.
Post war I'd rather be vague on, considering it won't be entirely pleasant, but have Katara and Aang search for surviving benders, flying bisons, have Katara and Sokka and Hakoda return home and stay for a while, Jet gets a whole long arc of having an adult to care for him and help him through his trauma.
It's not all fun and games unfortunately, especially with what to do with the Firelord, but I'd rather most of the war hardships be in the background and focus on them being kids in a war free world.
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nkatr84 · 8 months
My Adventures with Superman : Season 1 thoughts
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So if you’ve been following me, you’ve might have noticed that I have chimed in now and again with a few jokey observations about the show My Adventures with Superman. But now that the show has wrapped season 1, I wanted to give my overall thoughts on the show.
Now I haven’t watched any DCAU movies or shows since the 90s Batman the Animated Series and Superman the Animated Series. From what I’ve gathered it’s mainly been offshoots of those original shows anyway. This show however has its own take on Superman’s origins. And what I’m about to state may be a controversial stance in the DC fandom.
I think this is probably the best adaptation of Superman since Christopher Reeves and Richard Donner brought the character to life. And the way they have written this Superman is possibly better than the Reeves/Donner version.
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Let me explain. The way they wrote and the way Reeves played Superman is almost flawless. But this show has made me realize that most adaptations of Superman fall into the trap of treating Superman and Clark Kent as two different characters. Usually where Superman is his real personality but Clark is an act. Like Reeves plays Clark so goofy and comical (he was best friends with Robin Williams, no surprise) so that Superman seems like a different person to make it make sense why no one especially Lois would figure out the truth.
What makes this show stand out is that Superman is the hero he is because he’s Clark Kent. This show analyzes Clark as a person who just has to help. He has to be kind. He feels guilty if he doesn’t because he’s been given these powers and clearly the Kents have raised him to be kind and helpful to others because that’s what farming communities do when times are tough. They help each other.
He even exhausts himself when he develops super hearing because he can’t ignore a plea for help. (I had to save the cat!) He’s so honest that he’s actually bad at keeping secrets. Jimmy figured it out when they met but because he got to know who Clark was as a good person he waited until Clark was ready to tell him. (Jimmy rocks BTW. He deserves that $5 million and I hope he invests wisely.) This Lois figured out his secret faster than any of the League of Lois did. But the truth only frees Clark to be even more himself and allow Lois and Jimmy to get close after a childhood where he was afraid of getting close to anyone for fear of hurting them.
Speaking of the way his powers developed over time and how the writers have kept his origin a mystery to Clark himself is perfection. Jor-El’s consciousness in the hologram not speaking the same language only adds to the mystery. Like a DC fan is screaming at Clark in the finale going, “no! He’s your Dad! He sent you to Earth to save you!” (Me. I’m that fan.) But the language barrier has made Clark think he was born to be a weapon. A thought that terrifies him. But like the Kryptonite, Clark is going to take what should weaken him and turn it into a strength by resolving to use his powers to protect the Earth. He’s choosing to be Earth’s champion not because the ghost of his birth Father is telling him he should, but because it’s who he is.
My only criticism of the show is the pace. Like everything is fast forward in the show because I’m sure the creators were like, “okay we know we might get two seasons but we’re only getting ten episodes a season. So if we want to tell the story we need to tell, we have to skip the usual story beats.” Because current studio executives (especially Warner Brothers) hate animated shows for some reason.
But the fact that this show not only understands Superman perfectly but the main trio is adorable and the show is funny and charming and beautifully animated. To a point where my main criticism boils down to I want more means that they are doing something right.
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Unhinged Anon again, and you bringing up the track from S3E10 (which is probably my favorite from season 3. It’s just so cool and terrifying but also so sad and angry? At one point it's like the song is sobbing and screaming at the same time. The word ‘Lament’ definitely suits it) has me thinking about MK and Mei in S3E10 again, and I’m just… thinking. 
Thinking about MK constantly trying to bring attention back to Mei, ignoring or interrupting anything that doesn’t involve getting answers about/helping her. Thinking about MK dismissing Wukong and Macaque’s attempts to stop him from trying to save Mei. Thinking about MK physically wrenching himself from Wukong’s grasp to get to her. Thinking about how this is one of the few times we see MK choose to directly disobey an order (implied or otherwise) from Wukong without someone else manipulating him. Thinking about how this is the first time (I think) that we see MK actively pull away from Wukong. Thinking about MK choosing to leave Wukong behind as he heads into the fire for Mei. 
Thinking about "it’s scary being alone", and MK not hesitating to rush in knowing no one else could, or at least was willing, to back him up, because he’ll do this alone if it means she doesn’t have to. Thinking about how, once MK enters that fire, there is not a moment where his hands aren’t in front of him. Not a moment where he stops reaching towards her. Thinking about how he had zero assurances that Mei was physically capable of stopping the Samadhi fire, or that she was even listening considering she doesn’t respond to his words, and how that deters him about as much as being slowly burned alive AKA not at all. Thinking about MK being the only person to directly address Mei, and talk to her instead of at or about her. 
Thinking about Mei raging at Wukong for his lies and betraying “all of [them]”, but putting special emphasis on how he’s hurt MK specifically (Side note: I think the delivery of the “Time and time again [..] leaving him to figure out everything on his own!” line is my favorite of the whole episode. Stephanie Sheh did such a fantastic job). Thinking about MK’s name being the only one she uses the entire episode. Thinking about Mei’s lineage, something she had finally come to embrace with pride and confidence after feeling out of place for most of her life, being what condemns her to her status as the fourth ring, but also what saves her from being consumed by the fire. Thinking about "If you’re not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about, you are nothing", and Mei watching her own power lash out and hurt her best friend. Thinking about Mei only being the fourth ring because Ao Lie was prepared to sacrifice himself for his friend, taking the hit for Sanzang. Thinking about Mei having the Samadhi fire because of an act of friendship and loyalty from centuries ago. Thinking about Mei’s love for her friend, and his love for her, being what initially allows her to control the fire. 
Thinking about all of Mei’s “we have to try” moments, and ‘fakin’ it ‘til we makin’ it’, and her completely giving in to rage, hurt, and fear, almost destroying herself and the people she loves as she does so. Thinking about how it’s Mei’s own (partial) words from ROTSQ that MK brings up and throws back at her. Words that she offered him when he was feeling lost, and overwhelmed, and had no idea what to do. Thinking about Mei always happily offering MK all the unyielding patience, encouragement and forgiveness that he rarely grants himself, and desperately needing someone to offer her the same. Thinking about MK not hesitating to provide it. 
Thinking about how MK and Mei are constantly reaching for each other throughout the show, but it’s when they connect that the seemingly impossible is achieved. 
Thinking about MK looking at Mei through a sea of flames and saying ‘I see what you’re going through, and I see that you’re hurting, and I’ve been there, and I know how scary and overwhelming it is, and it is totally okay for you to feel these things, but it is not okay for you to think that you have to endure them alone, and I am going to stick by your side and weather them all with you exactly like you’ve done for me, and you are my best friend, and I love you, and I’m here for you’.  
Thinking about “We will figure this out. Together”. 
…I hate this show *said while cradling it close to my heart*
Also, to completely shift tones and topic: I saw you discussing names for the MK-Mei-SWK-Macaque quartet, and I’m not creative enough to do anything with this information, but I would like to point out that all of their names (or in Monkey King’s case, one name) start with “M”. I don’t know if this could be used to develop a fun group name, but it is something that they all share. Also, yes! I have considered starting tdp! I just need to set aside, like… a weekend or something for me to binge it all. Anyways, hope you have a wonderful day! *waves from the precipice of madness, smiling while tears stream down my face because the monkie show broke me again*
They constantly leave and reach for each other.
I think “Time and time again [..] leaving him to figure out everything on his own! Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?” is one of my favorite deliveries in the whole show, along with the entire "To pain" scene at number one and Macaque yelling at Wukong in 4x11 ("Not the great sage, he has to drag everyone else into his mess!").
Here's a list of names for the MK, Mei, Wukong, and Macaque quartet I've been tempted by:
Dragonmask (like the monkey "masks" MK, SWK and Macaque have. I'm kind of biased for this one)
Hero&Warriors (Leaning away from this one, mainly because I think more than only these 4 goobers could be considered Heroes and Warriors.)
M Krew
MeicaKing (It's ugly, I know)
Iris Quartet (I'm thinking of a purple iris, which is it's namesake in Chinese—"purple butterfly"—mainly because it's made up of the colors purple and yellow for the petals and green for the stem. The Iris in China symbolizes the return of spring, and is viewed as a protector.)
Side note: For a MK, Mei, and Macaque trio I think I'd call them the "Forgotten Trio" (Like "the warrior was forgotten by the hero" lol).
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beauty-and-passion · 6 months
FSS3 Episode 3: Jealousy
Episode 3 and we're getting into it. Thinga happen, tensions rise and someone is closer.
Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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DISCLAIMER: As said in the introductory post, Fanders Sides Season 3 (season 2 finale included) could have triggering themes/scenes. Please keep that in mind before reading.
Thomas visits Nico while he’s working at the bar and tells him about the auditions.
Nico is very happy for him: Thomas is very lucky to have such big job opportunities, that’s good not only for his career but for his finances too! In addition to that, two very different roles will give him the opportunity to improve his skills and diversify.
Thomas admits, with a smile, that he is working on that and he would love to keep doing it.
(Roman and Remus exchange a gaze: Roman is smiling, Remus is eating a plastic foot. Roman rolls his eyes and diverts his gaze, still with a lingering smile.)
Thomas asks Nico about him: does he have any news too?
Nico replies that he’s not as lucky right now: his usual clients are not contacting him and he got just one request, but it’s a very hard one. He should develop a lot of heavy themes into a 3-minute song and he should do it in a romantic, carefree way. Not so easy to mash these things all together.
Thomas offers his help: they can meet at his place and have a brainstorming session. What about today, after the end of his shift?
Nico thanks him, but he already has a brainstorming session with a friend scheduled for that evening.
(You can choose whatever name you want for Nico’s friend, but for the sake of not calling him “friend” all the time, I will use the name “Hugo”.)
Hugo is Nico’s colleague, the other bartender who works alongside him. Since they have the same working shifts, it’s easy to leave work together after the end of their shift, meet at his place and brainstorm. Also, Hugo plays the guitar, so it’s good for Nico to have a musical base to adapt his lyrics.
Thomas glances at Hugo and his expression turns dark. Hugo acts friendly, but Thomas is wary of him. He barely tells him his name and, when Hugo playfully wraps an arm around Nico’s shoulders, Thomas’ hands close into fists.
After that, Hugo reminds Nico there are other clients too, so they both leave Thomas for a while, to serve other people.
Thomas stirs his glass, sulking. Remus appears next to him and leans closer, until he whispers in Thomas’ ear: Jump the counter. Take a bottle, smash it. Use it as a weapon. Stab him in the neck.
Virgil appears on the other side: he looks horrified and shakes his head. Nope, nope, nope. Thomas should keep his ass on that chair, because if he jumps the counter, he will fall and break a limb. Or he will hit the wall and smash the bottles. And if he succeeds in not getting hurt, he will go to jail for trying to fucking kill someone.
Janus appears on the seat where Remus was: he sits cross-legged, a cocktail in his hand and the most melodramatic pose. Society’s rules truly suck, don’t they? A guy can’t even smash a bottle, use it as a weapon and stab the guy who is trying to steal his boyfriend, without ending up in jail.
Virgil replies that this is not a matter of society’s rules, but of safety. Thomas’ safety. Acting like an idiot, just because a guy is close to Nico is the stupidest thing he could ever do. And he should know that too.
Janus ignores the remark and says that Thomas is just confirming what he wants: Nico. So, why should he sit on the side and watch another guy flirt with him?
Roman appears next to Virgil: he has his head on the counter and pouts. Nico is Thomas’ boyfriend, that guy should stay away from him. Thomas should do something to show that guy who’s the boss.
Virgil shushes Roman: he doesn’t need someone so easily influenced by jealousy.
What’s wrong with being a little jealous?, Janus leans closer to Thomas. Being jealous is healthy, especially if there are some red flags of if a guy is trying to steal your man.
Logan appears behind the counter and confirms that, in that case, there would be nothing wrong with being a little jealous.
But is there a reason, here?, Patton asks. He appears behind the counter too and looks at Hugo. He doesn’t look like a threat.
Thomas looks at Hugo as well: he’s doing his job like any other waiter. He’s not overly friendly with Nico, he doesn’t even look at him.
Maybe he got a bit blinded by jealousy, Thomas admits. Maybe Hugo is just a friend.
Roman crosses his arms. He’s still jealous and he still wants to spend the evening with Nico. But how can they convince Nico that a brainstorming session with Thomas would be more useful than a brainstorming session with Hugo?
Virgil insists that Roman should stop feeding so much into jealousy. He hisses between his clenched teeth that they know it’s not a good thing.
But before he can say anything else, Janus lifts a hand towards Thomas and gets his full attention.
If you cannot break society’s rules, he says, bend them and exploit society.
He reaches into Thomas’ pocket, takes out his phone and puts it on the counter, in front of him.
Thomas looks at his phone, then at Janus, then at his phone again. He turns it on and sees the apps. And he understands.
Nico comes back to tell Thomas his shift is over, but Thomas talks first. He was just thinking about something: he is quite famous on social media, right? He often sings cover songs and even wrote a couple songs himself. So, if he makes a few videos with Nico and sings his songs… and posts them on his socials… and links Nico’s contacts too…
Nico’s face lights up, surprised. Would Thomas really do this for him? Would he give him this much exposure?
Of course he would, Thomas confirms. Then he gets up: Nico’s shift is over, should he wait for him?
Nico nods enthusiastically: he just needs one sec to tell Hugo they won’t meet that evening and they can go.
Thomas smiles, he tells Nico he will wait outside. While he exits, he has Janus’ same satisfied smile.
Through a montage, we see Thomas and Nico work together: Thomas sings his songs, Nico writes new ones and exchanges a few lines. They are both in front of a camera and Thomas makes new posts with Nico’s contacts. They even put on a brief sketch and Roman and Remus work together to accompany Thomas’ performance.
We see Roman’s eyes shine, his movements wide and fluid, a dreamy expression every time he looks at Nico. We see Remus and his chaotic, joyful smiles. We see him throwing away the script Roman was holding: they can do something better than this, they should just try one more time.
And so they thrive and Thomas’ smiles get wider and happier.
We see Thomas sleeping on the floor with Nico after a long day of work and Janus picking up Thomas’ pc, to write a joyful, energetic post.
It’s easy to exploit a system that doesn’t know the real you, he says, while posting it.
Virgil, behind him, crosses his arms. His eyeshadow is darker than usual.
On the other side of the room, away from the other Sides, Logan looks at Thomas and Nico, then at the book he’s holding: it’s covered in dust.
He purses his lips, then closes the book loudly, turns around and sinks without a word.
Virgil, Patton, Janus, Roman and Remus are sitting in the living room: Remus is exposing a plan to help Thomas that involves burning his kitchen and buying him a pet scorpion. Patton asks how these things should help, to which Remus replies that they keep him motivated and active. If he doesn’t do anything, his entire house will burn: it’s motivation with a side dish of free workout! And the pet scorpion is to keep him always vigilant: if he’s not, the scorpion will sting him and he will die. Great way to always be ready.
Patton’s expressions perfectly show how much he doesn’t like both ideas. However, he still tries to motivate Remus. Maybe they are a bit too much, but they prove Remus cares. So… good job? And please, search for safer ideas.
Remus says he will find even more ideas and disappears with a chaotic, happy smile. Roman gets up, promises he will work with Remus on them and follows him.
Virgil accuses Patton sarcastically: so you like Remus’ ideas now? Since you became best friends with Janus, now even Remus is okay for you? You, who were the first to send him away?
Patton admits this was the past. Now he’s trying to become a better Side and to acknowledge that Remus’ contributions, despite being scary and gross are… well, his way to help. He still has a long way ahead, sure, but he has good intentions. More or less.
Virgil scoffs. So that’s how he truly is. He thought Patton was much, much better. But instead, he’s just like Janus: a manipulative bastard, who just thinks about what’s best for him and his new bestie.
Silence falls between the remaining Sides. Then, Patton straightens his posture and turns to Virgil.
He knows Janus is a liar, he says, but he also knows Janus isn’t just his lies. And Virgil knows that too, so he should remember it, instead of accusing Patton of not being able to do his job. He is the Side responsible for morality and it’s up to him to recognize good and bad intentions. And Janus doesn’t have any bad intentions.
Virgil stands up. Not even one?, he exclaims. He lifts a hand towards Janus and it’s clear he’s struggling to reveal something. But in the end, he just says Patton doesn’t know him.
Patton replies he knows how to be Morality.
Virgil makes a frustrated groan and leaves. Patton slumps on his seat, then takes a long sigh. Janus turns to him and Patton cracks a weak smile: it wasn't the best discussion they had, but Virgil is angsty, so it’s okay, they will get through it.
Janus doesn’t smile back. He just asks Patton if he still wants to cooperate with him.
Patton confirms: he still wants to.
Are you sure?, Janus insists. Working with me means doing things you refused to do for years. It means accepting my boys.
I already accepted Virgil and I am doing my best to accept Remus, Patton replies, but Janus interrupts him: accepting his boys means ALL of his boys.
Patton shuts up. Janus tells him they both know where Thomas’ jealousy comes from.
Patton lowers his head, he thinks about it. When he lifts his gaze again, he says that Thomas is an adult: he cannot escape from himself anymore. And that means he is finally ready to know and accept all of his Sides.
First of all: no Side has one role only. Roman isn’t just Creativity, but also Passion and Ego. Virgil is Anxiety and fight-or-flight. Patton is Morality, but also “most of Thomas’ feelings”. Janus is Deceit, but also self-preservation and denial. Remus is Intrusive Thoughts and (probably) also death/sexual drive.
So, why should Orange be one thing only? If he’s the embodiment of rage, he probably takes care of the whole rage spectrum - so hate, frustration, resentment, envy and even jealousy. He cannot be a one-dimensional cardboard.
Speaking of the end card, Patton needed to show some character growth too. I know that most of his growth is focused in season 2, with the Nostalgia episodes and POF. But he needed to take another step further: to prove he’s an adult. To prove he learned his lesson and he’s trying to make amends for his past mistakes. To prove that he knows what he’s doing, no matter if Virgil doesn’t trust him.
And yes, Virgil is a pain in the ass, I know. But please do not forget that Virgil doesn’t like changes - especially ones that involve more dark Sides around / having more power in Thomas’ life. He still needs time to grow.
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saltyseagoat83 · 4 months
I do! Or at least I did until the showrunners decided to ruin it by booting Henry Cavill just because he wanted to keep the show true to the source material as much as possible. Watched season 3 but unlikely to watch further b/c Liam is what you get when you order your Hemsworth from Wish lol. AAAAAANYWAY.
The story is this... 😜
I got inspired for it by the interactions between Jaskier and Yennefer in season 2. The affection and warmth that lay beneath the bickering, the way they opened up to each other and so easily read the other, the way Jaskier ran to Yennefer after she came back through the portal to help her up and check her wounds and the glare he cast at Geralt right after making sure Yen was physically okay. The Yennefer/Jaskier interactions in season 3... the hug, and the continued softness and affection... fed further into it.
So basically my fic is going to start in Kaer Morhen right after season 2. Geralt still giving Yen the cold shoulder, making it clear he's only letting her stay for Ciri's sake, that sort of thing. Not outright mean or anything but definitely keeping distance and keeping things all business and practicality. Jaskier, being the perceptive shit he is, picks up on how much it hurts Yen even when she can hide it from everyone else. He takes it upon himself to stick close to her and do his best to cheer her up or at least distract her, because he knows she genuinely regrets what she did and that if she had known not just that Ciri was so important to Geralt but what Voleth Meir was really after she never would have made that stupid deal. Jaskier sees that she's changed and is continuing to change for the better. At first she thinks he's only spending so much time around her to keep tabs on her for Geralt and to a lesser extent the other witchers, but she comes to realize that's not the case at all and that Geralt not only had zero to do with it but actively tried to dissuade Jaskier from spending so much time with Yen. Over time and with a series of small events like Jaskier barging into her room to wake her from a nightmare that's making her scream out in her sleep, or her conjuring his favorite wine, and other things that indicate genuine caring, they both start catching feels.
They try to ignore it and refrain from acting on it out of respect for Geralt and neither wanting to put him in a position where he has to choose... or feels like he has to choose... between the two of them. Either someone (undecided who, but one of the other witchers or maybe Ciri) gives Geralt a talking-to though or he overhears them talking about their feelings and wanting each other but not wanting to hurt him/make him choose or feel like he has to choose, etc and he finally not only gives his blessing so to speak but outright encourages them to find happiness with each other for as long as they can. Though in typical Geralt fashion there will be threats of death and dismemberment if either ever even thinks about breaking the other's heart. I'm working on some potential ideas for expanding Jaskier's lifespan but don't have anything definitive yet for that.
(Potential future separate fic with Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier as a poly triad but no plot for it as of yet, just vibes.)
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the-haunted-star · 6 months
My humble thoughts on The Marvels
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The Marvels is a fun, brisk (perhaps too brisk), light-hearted buddy super-herione adventure. However, the things that Marvel has been struggling with lately are unfortunately still in the play with this sequel. The plot is pretty thin and the villain is another of Marvel's typical shallow, one dimensional type baddies. While we can certainly understand and even sympathize with Dar-Benn's motivations and why she's doing the things she's doing in this film there just isn't enough meat on the script bones for actress, Zawe Ashton to work with although she well with what she's given. The same goes for the plot. The acts that the villain is perpetrating on the planets and its people in this film definitely qualify as high stakes material but the film's pace is so rapid that it ignores any opportunity to show some emotional stakes for the victims of the villain's atrocities.
So while the film downplays these aspects it chooses to focus more on the relationships between the three heroines. In that respect it does a decent job of bonding these three young women along the course of the film into a sisterly dynamic. Each have issues with each other positive and negative and by the end they've been able to work through their issues and understand each other better. Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris and Iman Vellani have good chemistry together with Iman continuing to charm and delight as Kamala Kahn/Ms. Marvel. Sam Jackson is great as Fury as usual and has some of the funnier lines in the movie. And let's not forget Goose the cat/flerken who kinda stole the show in the first movie. She's back and is involved a lot more this time to equally humorous results.
I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by the fights in this film. I thought they were hard hitting, well choreographed and fun to watch. The fight between Monica and Kree soldiers in the Kahn's house was a stand out sequence which I thought made clever use of her powers. The end fight between the trio and Dar-Benn was also equally exciting . The visual effects were very good and consistent throughout which is another area where Marvel has been struggling lately. With this film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Loki Season 2, the VFX quality appears to be back on track.
Honestly my biggest gripe would be with the marketing department for this film. The amount of trailers, tv spots and clips released for this film was ridiculous. I only watched the first two trailers and maybe a couple of the tv spots and I felt like I had seen most of movie already. I watched the rest of the clips afterwards and was shocked at how much more of this movie was spoiled in the clips I hadn't watched beforehand. Even the surprise cameo and part of the fricking post credit scene was shown in a couple of the spots! If you're someone who did watch every bit of footage that was released I can honestly say you saw most of the movie beforehand and that's unfortunate. Given the film's short runtime you can rest assured there was a lot of material cut from the final film. I've already noticed a few things that were in the marketing footage and test screening leaks that were missing from the final cut.
Overall, despite a simplistic story and a forgettable villain this movie is still a lot of fun. While it is mostly standalone in nature, it is also very much a sequel to not only Captain Marvel but WandaVision and Ms. Marvel as well. (Surprisingly there's zero reference to Secret Invasion despite the Skrulls having a role to play in this film but that's probably for the best given how poor that series turned out to be.) The post-credit scene however is a game changer and hints at some exciting possibilities to come. ⭐⭐⭐
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mintedwitcher · 6 months
It's taken a hot minute but I think I can finally articulate why I dislike Martha Jones as a companion (NOT as a person or as a character independent of the Doctor, but STRICTLY as it pertains to her behaviour/actions around the Doctor himself). (Please keep in mind this is all just my opinion and analysis, I'm open to discussion about it but not discourse.)
Obligate disclaimer, this is not character bashing, I think Martha has a lot of potential that the show flat-out ignored or wrote over or just forgot about, I think she could've definitely been a BETTER character, but by no means is she a Bad one, she's just not my personal favourite when it comes to companions. (At some point I'll probably sit down and make an actual ranking of my favourite companions but not yet.)
Martha is smart, like incredibly smart. She's well educated, she's compassionate, she's brave, she's brilliant. But she's also stubborn to a fault, and she has a sort of entitlement we haven't seen from other companions (until Clara). Not a personal entitlement, where she believes she's owed everything just for existing, but specifically regarding the Doctor; she believes she deserves his life story, his secrets, his memories, because he chose her to travel with him.
A scene that comes immediately to mind is just before they were supposed to leave New Earth, and she planted herself and refused to budge until the Doctor divulged details about Gallifrey to her. Now, the interesting thing there, is that this entitlement actually does the Doctor some good. He's never had someone ask about Gallifrey before, and he hasn't needed to talk about it in any detail yet beyond "my planet's gone." No one's pushed him to talk about it yet. Martha doing that was a benefit, because from that point on, we see the Doctor talk more about Gallifrey and his people.
See, none of Martha's inherent traits are necessarily Bad. Martha also loved the Doctor, but that's never been my problem. My problem with it is the way that she pushes those feelings onto the Doctor and then becomes irate, petulant or just plain catty when the Doctor either doesn't reciprocate, ignores her, or mentions Rose.
An argument could potentially be made from Martha's point of view that the Doctor led her on, but I don't really get that, because he never showed interest. And really, a random kiss in a hospital while under siege by alien police from a man she just met is not interest. Especially when he was insistent beforehand that it was nothing, and that afterwards it was a genetic transfer. She was being used as a distraction. She read into it more than there was, and pinned her hopes on it, and that is what ultimately undermines her as a companion in my eyes.
It's one thing, I think, to be pining. But it's the pressure of expectation that makes me grind my teeth. Nearly every episode, there is some kind of Moment where Martha acts as if this will be the time the Doctor makes a move on her, or where she lets herself think there's more to their interactions than there really is. And that's tolerable, for an episode or two, but for an entire season? You really can't expect me to believe someone as smart as Martha really cannot see the writing on the wall here, which is that the Doctor is not looking for a girlfriend, he's looking for a friend. He isn't ready for another relationship, (as undefined as it was with Rose) he just wants company. And yes, he wants the adoration and validation and the awe that comes with taking a human out into the universe, but he certainly doesn't want to date. And he makes that clear in his actions, as much as he can without bluntly stating it, probably for fear that she'd choose to leave, and maybe that's where it falls apart. He won't communicate clearly, and so she won't pay attention to the obvious cues he's giving out. It's a game of cat and mouse to her, while for him it's a tightrope walk.
It's the expectation, though, that because he took her travelling, that means he has to have some sort of feelings for her. And he does care for her, as a friend, as a companion, but he's still mourning Rose and the relationship he had with her. For Martha to expect a new relationship to bloom under those conditions, it was naive. I've never much been a fan of the whole "date hopping" trope, where a character bounces immediately from one relationship to another without pause, so the expectation of it here irritated me.
(I'll have to make another post about the Doctor's side of this whole thing, because it really is a mess of miscommunication and expectations.)
And then, finally, we come to my least favourite Martha moment of her entire season: her goodbye. Not only did she spend an entire season putting the pressure of reciprocity on the Doctor, putting her feelings on him, lashing out when it falls through again and again, but then when she decides to leave him for good, her initial farewell would've been enough. Should've been enough. But no. No, she went back inside, and she decided to just add guilt to the already unstable emotional state of her friend. She tried to guilt him for not reciprocating, by comparing their relationship to a toxic one that her friend had. It was underhanded, and completely unnecessary.
And in the context of that episode, given everything that happened, it was entirely out of place, and it undermined her decision to leave in the first place. I respected the hell out of her for choosing to stay on Earth with her family after the events on the Valiant, and then she turned around and made it about her unrequited feelings for the Doctor, and it just felt Weak.
The show does that annoyingly often, I've found, especially when it comes to the companions. They get a brief moment to shine and be powerful and be brilliant, and then it's undercut very quickly afterwards by either killing them off, sending them away, or doing something pointless. And this scene was no different in that way.
Compare this to the Martha we saw later in the show, after her time as a companion was over, and look at how she shines there. Brilliant and smart and brave, working for UNIT, happily engaged, healed. She was absolutely fantastic. That was a version of Martha I would've LOVED to watch as a companion. We got the dulled down version of that as a companion, only really coming out on rare occasions, but imagine if we'd had that ALL the time.
Martha after the Doctor is without a doubt one of my favourite characters. Martha with the Doctor makes me want to tear my hair out.
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ravenalla · 1 year
fascinating how fans can give din the benefit of the doubt when he does something thoughtless or harmful to grogu in s3 and merely attribute it to bad writing (like don't get me wrong, it is) but when other characters were also subjected to bad ooc writing, people treated that as that as the character actually being evil (luke) or incompetent (boba) and even used those mischaracterizations to elevate din as being superior as a mentor/guardian or bounty hunter. it was especially noticeable from the fandom when tbobf came out.
idk, like yeah some people are pointing out uncomfortable changes in how din acts around grogu in s3, though he was fine letting a baby work with electrical wires to help fix a ship in an earlier season?? but overall the fandom attitude still isn't as critical of him as much as they were with other characters.
also, favroni chose to fuck up the personalities of established characters who have been around for decades was already stupid enough, and now they're doing that to their own characters. they really don't care.
I mean I’ve seen tons of people legit angry that Disney made Luke so out of character and had Boba sidelined in his own show, not at the characters themselves. But your not wrong in that a lot of people just accepted that characterization because we got to see Mando again, who was framed as the “more interesting” mando, and while I hated the decision like everybody else to stuff his plotlines into Boba’s show I may have been a little biased in looking past it for season 3 since Din is my favorite character. So yeah I agree, Boba and Luke shouldn’t be demonized while Din is given a pass, personally I think all of it is just bad writing trying too hard to make the sequel trilogy make sense.
As for the wire thing I’m not saying Din’s a model parent, part of the humor of the show was he was a bounty hunter who had no damn idea how to take care of a baby, but the one thing they were consistent with was that he was always trying to keep the kid safe from outside danger, it was the one thing he could do. So it just doesn’t feel right to me he suddenly chooses to bring Grogu along, not even that Grogu insisted on coming himself. It’d be one thing if we were suppose to see Din as being a bad father like when Peli chewed him out in season 1 for leaving him on the ship, but it’s not it’s treated as completely normal and not an issue because it’s not suppose to say anything about Din’s character it’s just so Grogu can be there with the IG-12 idea. Luke at least I get because Disney wants to do the whole “oh this is why the Jedi fell apart again Luke’s repeating the same mistakes.” It’s stupid and doesn’t make sense at all for who Luke is but it’s the plan they laid out in those last 3 movies. Boba…nah Boba was just done the dirtiest.
For me all three of them are cases of “these characters would not do or say these things, it’s just the weird directions these writers wanted to go” more so than me giving Din the benefit of the doubt. Din’s not a saint, he kills people and literally was fine working for imperials and even went through with trafficking a baby before changing his mind. He’s not the greatest person, but one of his good qualities has always been him going above and beyond to keep the baby safe afterwards from outside threats, and after finally getting him back after losing him in a season where their entire relationship has been ignore most of the time I just think this is exactly what you said. Favreau and Filoni fucking up their characters for certain plotlines without caring what it implies. Again.
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nyanggk · 2 years
𝟏𝐊 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐛𝐲 𝐧𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐠𝐤 ♡
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♡ Hello to Everyone !
I've recently had the privilege of reaching 1,000 followers here on tumblr and I just want to start off by making a small little speech to show my gratitude and thanks to those who have supported me; my lovely lovely moots as well as the sweet anons who've seen me grow from afar.
With that being said, my journey towards 1k wasn't smooth. There were a lot of ups and down, trials and such, but I managed to pick myself back up because of all of you! So, as thanks and as promised, I will be conducting a 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 as well as a (not so) 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐅𝐢𝐜 (𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬) that will be coming out earlier than expected because of this recent milestone.
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(18+) 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 : 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 (coming soon!)
. . . approximate word count: 8k
warnings : contains explicit sexual content, demons, MSDNI
n. the reason why ive decided to only upload an 18+ fic as celebration is 1.) bcs it was alrdy in the making and 2.) it fit the holloween season. extra ! : i might make an 16+ fic depending if anyone wants it, but it's still tentative.
Throughout endless eons, man has been plagued with the sin of temptation and lust. From a young age, man has been taught that lust is evil and those who turn their fantasies into a reality are forsaken by God. Those who practice the act of premarital sex are shunned by society, especially if they are to bear a child in ones womb. Those who think of such thoughts however, are ordered to be cleansed with the use of whips and holy water.
Children are raised to be perfect by those who are imperfect. They're taught that God is above all and when the day of the final judgement comes, you are to be sent either to Heaven, the land of Paradise or be banished to Hell, the land of Sinners. To prevent the latter from happening, parents try their hardest to raise a untainted child, however, the God who's said to be the most merciful and good, sends ruthless challenges their way in order to test their faith and conviction and one of them being you.
. . . read here !
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send an ask or fill up this form to be notified when it's posted!
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. . .welcome to mirai's matchmaking service hut 🛖 !
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♡ please be aware that this is purely for fun and make sure not to get mad when you don't get your bias >:((
♡ this will be a tedious task, so I will only take 15 submissions for this event and be patient. I will slowly work my way through them after first caress is done.
♡ read the requirements before sending an ask as those who do not follow the rules will be automatically ignored. afterwards, you may continue scrolling towards the bottom where an example submission will be given.
♡ make sure to attach the codes in your ask.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
♡ all ages are welcome! but those who request for 18+ themes need to be adults and can NOT be sent through anon as I need to check your profile for your legitimate age. and please, don't lie about it. thoze who are requesting minor friendly content are fine to use anon tho! code1 : berries
♡ when sending in a submission, please fill in the following information as well as answer the given questions asked;
for all ages; name, group you want me to choose a member to pair you up with, likes & dislikes, ideal date, ideal man, optional but tell me something random about you!
for those who want 18+; name, group you want me to choose a member to pair you up with, likes & dislikes, ideal date, ideal man, kinks, turn offs, optional but tell me something random about you!
optional info; hobbies, an animal you think that represents you, fave food, etc
♡ available groups to choose from; enhypen (recommended), txt, stray kids, (g)-idle (this is including soojin fuck all u bitches)
n. "recommended" means this is a group I can give a more in depth detail in.
♡ moots dont need to do this (mainly bcs ik theyll put in a msg either eay lol)but after filling up the needed information, make sure to write atleast a small note of congratulations.
reason for this is because I do not want needy anons to just send me the info, chuck it in my inbox, have me write thousands of words, come up with scenarios, and then in the end, they're not going to give feedback bcs they are who can't reblog or comment. code2 : microwave. it's a spot a follower that actually cared to give a message deserves.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
"hello! congratulations on reaching 1k followers! thank u sm for doing this event,,, I hope u have a lovely day ~!
my name is mirai and please pair me with with enhypen member!
I like listening to music and my favorite genres are rock and r&b. from time to time, I casually play league. I like reading and my favorite genres are romance. i don't like horror that much bcs I have a hard time picturing it in my mind.
code3 : tenten
my ideal date is a fun carnival date and my ideal date is someone who's very considerate and fun to be around— someone who's spontaneous like me!
(for those who are sending in 18+ submission; I'm into degradation and I like being called a whore during sex blah blah its kinda making me flustered sorry lol u guys get the hizz)
I'm looking forward to what you come up with!
*insert codes*"
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WITH THAT BEING SAID, I'd like to thank everyone once again and i hope yall have a fun time participating !
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