#it should be noted i suck at promoting myself and so i FOR SURE would suck at a makeship campaign
shinkai-kaiju · 4 months
are makeship plushies even good? as in, quality. ive never heard anything bad about them (ill be honest i havent heard ANYTHING about them) but im always annoyed by the fact that they ONLY do campagins you cant just go "hi heres the money make me 100 plushies" and they seem to have a rerun thing but only for particularly sucessful plushies...
If they are, i wonder if theres a reputable maker out there like them that'll REALLY get the job done right off the bat no campaigning needed...
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banamine-bananime · 3 months
preface: i was writing a list of my headcanons for funsies and got completely derailed with angsty grimmons shit that needs to be scooped out of that post because it’s stupid long. so here
grif worked in honolulu a couple years after hs graduation until kai was old enough (17) he felt he could leave. did a year at university before realizing he’s smart enough to be admitted to cornell but not to get the scholarship he realistically needs to not be in crushing debt on graduation, and also there’s not nearly enough regimentation to college life to prevent him from rotting in bed paralyzed by “oh my god i don’t have Responsibilities That Need To Be Done Right Now for the first time in forever and idk what to do now” and executive dysfunction. went through basic and stationed on the doomed outpost. That Whole Thing (a polite way of saying “sneaking off for a nap on duty, sleeping through a massacre, and waking up to find literally everyone else dead”) was the nail in the coffin that pretty much shot his last shred of motivation and hope to shit, and based on his behaviour and psych eval afterwards (best summarized as “learned helplessness that everything is shit always and he’s useless and never gonna be able to help anyone so 👍 fuck everything fuck everyone just try to eke some hedonistic joy out of life before you die”) he was reassigned to the sim soldiers.
meanwhile simmons tried to do university several times and had to drop out for mental health reasons (a very polite way of putting “rapid spiral into absolute disaster every time”. it leaves room for giving him the benefit of the doubt that this was a proactive “ah i should take care of myself and this is not working for me :) #selfcare #therapy” decision. this is not benefit of the doubt that anyone who knows him would extend.).
I go back and forth on whether to roll with the “that one throwaway line with a suspiciously specific hypothetical of being in a unit that was stranded and had to eat their dog to survive” thing or just say he was assigned straight to sim troopers. on the one hand, i really love grif and simmons having a parallel immensely traumatic first assignment that made them both Worse in kinda similar kinda opposite ways in line with the ways they were each already fucked up
(grif “life is inherently a garbage fire. i am useless. all i can do is look out for myself and save my own hide by absolute never trusting any authority, refusing to get attached to the other fuckers around here (they’d hate me anyways so just let them hate me), and obsessively hoarding any access to food and shelter and comfort because Maslow said I can’t work on health or belonging or esteem until i do :/ yeah i know, sorry, i’ve got a doctor’s note from him right here.” vs simmons “my life is a garbage fire probably because everyone around me is an idiot fucking something up but also because i’m not trying hard enough. i’m sure if i keep Performing The Maladaptive Behaviours even harder they will work and i THEN will feel respected and powerful and loved. you see you just have to keep repressing every feeling so you can suck up to anyone you detect a whiff of Authority Figure on no matter how little you actually respect them, and follow EVERY RULE and work and work and work. and you had better abandon any compunctions about things like eating a dog you loved or backstabbing a friend for brownie points from the CO who hates him or Literally Murdering your CO for a promotion. and if you ever stop desperately trying, fighting dirty looking out just for yourself, and instead just sit still for a moment and enjoy sincere zero-ulterior-motives connections with people, you will probably definitely immediately die of starvation or exposure (it is a metaphor you see. of exposure to the elements while stranded without resources. for the agonizing exposure of allowing yourself to be known.)”)
on the other hand i’m like whoa now. this boy’s got enough problems we really don’t need to be giving him any more or we’re really never gonna pry him free of the woobiefication fics.
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essaysbyciara · 15 days
forgiveness does not mean the absence of consequence.
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tw: intimate partner violence, sexual violence
I sit here and wonder why I chose to forgive the men who hurt me. Why would I? I can count the number of men who’ve helped me on one hand. Those who harmed me? I don’t have enough appendages to note them all. I just know that I had to. Not for them but for me. 
Every day I punish myself for believing that they deserve it. 
I’m a woman that knows what it’s like to fester in what you’ve reaped. I stay reaping for things that I sowed by proxy of being present in those moments. I need to speak up about grace more often. The moment I believe that grace and forgiveness remain distant from me is when the cross loses its power. But I know that as I sit by watching their lives carry on as I labor on with the grief and shame of somehow letting their act of hatred stain me, I again wonder if forgiveness is truly the only method of solving this madness. 
A man spoke death over me. A man threw a glass bottle toward my head. A man wouldn’t stop when my hands pressed against his body in hopes that he would. A man spit on me as I went down to the ground hoping things ould end. A man saw me unable to make cognizant decisions and thought the prospect of sex was worth more than asking if I was okay. A man mocked my father’s fragility during an online spat. “Your Dad was inside the house dying a slow death while you were over here sucking my dick.”
I have yet to forgive myself for running to men as my life ran away from me. Dude who spoke of my father’s “slow death” was one of those escapes. I prayed for his children when I found out he himself left Earth and went to the eternal. Forgiveness comes in many forms. 
I’ve been taught through the words and actions of an eternal king that no one is without the opportunity for redemption. Powers drive a person to be their worst selves. Trauma informs. “I just want him to be okay.” That’s all I can ask for in those moments after I found myself on the wrong side of their history. They don’t ever mean to. Sounds like I’m making excuses. 
I really do want their hearts to be at peace. I also want them to come to that conclusion before God chooses to no longer give them a way out. 
“Their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not seek justice. They do not promote the case of the fatherless; they do not defend the just cause of the poor. Should I not punish them for this?” 
I’m asking the Creator to spare them the worst knowing that they won’t be fully spared at all. “I won’t destroy you completely.” There’s always rebuilding after destruction. 
I know I’m being spared. I know ducking and dodging the worst. Only after acknowledging my guilt. Sitting in shame, bathing in the disgust of my decisions. Punishing myself recklessly before God can finish the job. Sheepishly hoping as if you did enough self-work to keep God’s wrath at bay knowing there ain’t enough to stop the reign. 
Sometimes exile is the catalyst for healing. Being sent outside of the city walls until your leprous spots no longer boil and fester is the only way to keep you and others safe. Destroy and rebuild. Uproot and plant. Remove and re-establish. Again, I know. 
Yet I live in the shadows of all the hurt afflicted upon me. I don’t trust men. I don’t trust their intentions. I think most men will surely hurt me, it’s only a matter of time. I self-destruct under pure intentions. My ruins aren’t meant to be loved. I know perfect-for-me exists but I know a man won’t see me as perfect-for-them. I stay out of the way in hopes to not be into anyone’s way. 
So I hide to heal. That’s the lie I tell myself. 
I need to learn how to forgive myself. 
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 1 year
Thursday Snippet
I was last tagged by @disgruntledkittenface to share a snippet of my WIP. I’ve been meaning to post a snippet all week but then Louis wore shorts and tank tops and I lost my mind, and it’s now Thursday and I’m just getting around to sharing. 
I FINALLY got Harry and Louis to FOR REAL kiss last weekend which feels like such a relief. I’m not gonna give away the farm and share the kiss but I WILL share some of the build-up to it. I hope you enjoy!!
“Thanks for tonight,” Harry says. “I haven’t had that much fun dancing since…I don’t know when.” 
“I’m glad,” Louis smiles over at him. “Dancing should always be fun. If it’s not fun, why are you doing it?” 
“Easy for you to say, superstar.” 
“What do you mean?” Louis asks, no heat or defensiveness in his voice, only curiosity. 
“Sorry, that wasn’t meant to be a drag or anything,” Harry explains, carding his fingers through his hair, trying to organize his thoughts. “I know how hard you work, Louis, no one does the kind of skills you do without hard work and lots of practice. I know that, believe me. And I know you’ve faced your own challenges. I can’t imagine what it was like for you being catapulted into the stratosphere basically right out of our apprentice year. But from my perspective you’ve always like…not that you’ve had it easy, but you made it look easy. You have this…sparkle when you dance that can’t be taught. So of course you would think dancing should always be fun. Because it’s never not been fun for you. And look, you know you’ve always been everyone’s favorite. Even when we were little kids all the teachers doted on you.” 
Louis doesn’t say anything, he just looks back at him, his brow slightly furrowed and a thoughtful expression on his handsome face. Harry can’t help but panic a little, not wanting to end the evening on a sour note.
“Or maybe the teachers doted on you because you were having fun and you were easy to love, not to mention ridiculously talented, so it was clear you were destined for greatness, even back then,” Harry babbles. “And maybe I’m full of shit and have always been jealous of the way people just gravitate to you like you’re the fucking sun or something and I wish I could be more like that, I don’t know. I just know that I don’t know the last time I thought dancing was fun and not work and I hate that because you’re right, it should be fun, it’s dancing, for fuck’s sake. Sorry, it’s late and I’m word vomiting and I’m not making any sense, am I?” 
Harry takes a deep breath to settle himself and then looks over at Louis, relieved to find no judgment on his face, just understanding and a soft smile. 
“It’s funny because I thought you were the teacher’s pet,” Louis says. “You’ve always had such perfect technique, Harry. You were the one teachers would call attention to in class, remember? ‘Look at Harry’s extension,’ or ‘Watch Harry’s arms.’ They would talk about your height and your long legs and how they made you an ideal dancer which made me nuts cause like, those were things about myself I could never change. The teachers may have doted on me, sure, but you had their respect. You always did. And look at you now. You have the whole company’s respect, you know that, right? How many principal dancers are there? Twenty? And who has the first position at the barre and sets the tone for company class every day?” 
“I do,” Harry says with pride, standing a little taller. 
“You do,” Louis affirms, nudging him gently. “You’re like the glue that keeps everyone together. No, you’re more than just glue. You’re the foundation. You’re the one that pushes us all to be better. Don’t underestimate how important that is. How important you are.” 
Warmth fills Harry’s chest as they turn on to Thompson Street. 
“Peter should have promoted you sooner,” Louis continues, kicking an empty beer can towards the curb. “He should have promoted you when I went to San Francisco. He always seemed to value flashiness over consistency which really sucks, especially for someone like you who is nothing but consistent. I’m sorry those years in the background somehow convinced you that you were just a workhorse and not an extraordinary dancer who deserves the spotlight. You’ve always sparkled, Harry, most of all to me.” 
Tagging @indiaalphawhiskey @myfineline @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @absoloutenonsense @greenfeelings @nouies @allwaswell16 (even though I know you JUST posted a full fic) and @lululawrence to share anything they are working on, if they wish!
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mcbex · 2 years
**Decide What To Be -and-Go Be It**
"If you're loved by someone you're never rejected. Decide what to be and go be it." - The Avett Brothers
I can see why people in recovery turn to Christ. They just might be more blessed in someways than the rest of us. Where as those of us who don't recognize what drives them may not see how clearly we need Jesus. People in recovery are in a place where the last person to love them was also the first. Remaking themselves is a necessity and people around them support the change because it is wholesome and imperative. I can’t compare to the addiction of substance but indifference will lead you down a road that can get pretty darn scary.
My addictions were simple. I was jealous, I was angry all the time. I had hate in my heart. I just wanted to relax with a drink. I would dull my senses because I didn't want to feel. I was tried of working for a promotion, I would never see. I was empty. I felt ignored. I was overwhelmed, etc. This is my small incomplete list of troubles in normal life. I wanted to ignore my problems. I wanted to disregard the calling on my life. I wanted be left alone! I was sucked into the machine that spins the earthly world. Self-pity is a lonely road where you have the tools to help yourself, but you refuse to use them.
Amidst this era I would test myself by trying impugn God privately. Maybe whispering my disbelief would convince me to believe that God doesn't exist. I am ashamed of this, but I should note that I could never say it. Despite my attempt, the thought of those words are utterly wrong, and they never left my lips. Even demons can't help but concede that God is who he says he is. Other times I would look for ways to trick God into revealing himself a fraud. Again not my finest moments as a Christian. However I think at some level of all of it was healthy in my quest for the truth. No matter how much shame I feel about these actions, back then I was lost. I was more confused than I gave myself credit for. I certainly had all the excuses needed to never change a thing. All of this only proves that I've thought a lot about where I stand with Christ and have tried diligently to find my way. If this is you, I see you. I understand, you aren’t alone. I’m here for you.
During this time in my life I admit I lived in fear, instead of love. I was reactionary when I should have been praying. Or I was frozen when I clearly should have acted. Sometimes that's the deal, right? Picking up the shovel and doing the dirty work. Planting the tree or cultivating a seed.
Waking to God's love been a slow build these past few years. Like the unfurling of a flower in spring, although it has been more difficult than I expected, more emotional and definitely more intense. Knowing of God my whole life I honestly thought it would be easier when I finally decided to stop and pay attention. I certainly didn't think anyone would notice.
At first it felt sort of like a waking from dream. You know the one that is so good, when you wake you aren't sure if maybe it was real. The kind that leaves you pinching yourself. Surely this can't be the truth. Where these feeling of love and honesty have entered my heart and dissolved so much of those terrible parts of me, there is another side. The side that moves the soil as the tree grows. The roots. The displacement of the life you knew. Although my problems are still here, a new challenge arises. In this it takes a willingness to fail to change the direction of your life. It takes unrelenting courage to follow something while others are living for today.
I recognize as my journey takes me deeper into the folds of Gods love that I am not like the person I spoke of above any longer. It makes the life I've built harder in the strangest of ways as I long for this new life. Coming closer to God doesn't change a small part of you, it changes ALL the parts of you. Which isn't always accepted by the people around you. I didn’t anticipate that. I have to ask myself, how do I remain gentle, loving and kind while I stretch against my old ways. How do I fit into the life God has for me? So goes the slow build, to what or into whom, I can't say, but I'll get there.
Sometimes it seems as though my vices weren't bad enough to encourage those I love to follow or believe that what I'm doing is what best for me. I wonder where that will leave me as I go all in for the one thing I love the most. One thing is certain the choices in life I make today effect eternity. I see that now. I make mistakes all the time, but I must remain undeterred. The quest ahead is long, but the overwhelming darkness has never defeated the light.
1 Timothy‬ ‭4:15 “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.”‬
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:7 “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.””
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Your Favorite — Part 3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: As the summer comes to a close, Spencer and Y/N start feeling a shift in their relationship. Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Adults w/ age gap, thigh riding, exhibitionism, oral sex (male receiving), penetrative/unprotected sex, breeding kink, one line of daddy kink,  Word Count: 4.3k exactly, love how that turned out lol
NOTE: Thank you all for sticking with me through this long wait, I feel so bad for having to keep putting it off. But I’m very proud of where this ended up, and I’m so glad you’ve all been so excited about it! I had so much fun writing this story, so again, thank you very much for reading and indulging me in this weird fantasy lolol ❤ Love you guys! And, as always, thank you to the lovely Em ( @boldlyvoid ) for being my beta for this series! Your feedback and support has been a big help from the start, ILY
"I don't wanna hear a single word, understand?"
Not like I have a choice; As soon as the harsh whisper leaves Spencer's mouth, his hand is covering my own and my back is being pressed up against the wall of the storage closet.
But that's all he does. I wait for him to make a move, but instead he insists on being a tease.
"What? You've been trying to get my attention all night, and now that you have it, you're not gonna do anything with it?"
"I want you to do it for me," I mumble into his hand.
He shoves me harder into the wall and slots his knee in between my legs, spreading them apart and making me sigh.
"You wanted it so bad... So take it..."
Watching the amusement dance through his features as I grind down on his leg and whine into his mouth only excites me more, right next to the knowledge that downstairs the house is congested with people visiting to celebrate my mom's new promotion at work.
Needless to say, it doesn't take me very long to start feeling my stomach tense. My hips are wild as they roll over his leg, whines spewing from my mouth and into his hand. I look up into his eyes, doing my best to show him how much I could never grow tired of this, and he returns the favor by lifting his leg higher and giving me more friction.
In no time at all, I'm shuddering against him, feeling his hand press harder into my mouth to muffle the high-pitched whines that I can't help but expel.
"Nice and quick... Good girl..." Spencer muses, slowly peeling himself away from me. "You're really looking forward to being spoiled later, aren't you..."
The grin that spreads over my face is unwavering. "Definitely. Knowing Mom, she'll be passed out cold in like an hour."
I know I'm the one who brought her up, but it still stings a little when Spencer smiles fondly. "Yeah, she's a lightweight alright... You sure you can handle all this time without me until then?"
Despite the butterflies I get when he says it, mischievous and downright delectable, his hands reach out to grab my waist and pull me closer to him, I roll my eyes. "You underestimate me."
He studies my face for a moment, a pretty smile flashing before me in the dim light before he kisses my cheek. "Sure."
And when he leaves, I wait.
Minutes later, my skin still burns from his touch.
The moment my eyes open the next morning, it all comes back in flashes.
His lips are on my skin, travelling lower and lower...
His hands trail all over my body, featherlight in a way that leaves me with goosebumps.
His tongue starts slow, taking its time to taste me and savor every precious second.
His voice is like the sweetest prayer, whispering praises that leave my head dizzy and my heart pounding.
His lips languidly open and close around the most sensitive parts of my body, in tandem with that sweet, magnificent tongue as each action pulls sighs from the very depths of my soul.
His hands reach up and tangle with mine as he makes me come on his tongue, over and over again until I'm practically numb and the lull of sleep drags me under.
His hands now ghost over my bare skin, along my sides and down to my waist. I hum happily and push back against him when I feel it.
He's hard.
"How long before you think she wakes up?" he whispers in my ear.
"Not long... Maybe we... shouldn't risk i—"
The words fall off a cliff, never to be seen again when he slowly enters me, gripping my leg and forcing it over his own. "I'll be quick."
I can tell, though, that he doesn't want to be. It's present in the way he enters me, over and over with motions that feel rather stunted and definitely too rushed.
"Baby, no," I whine, reaching behind me to hold his hips still with one hand. "Fuck me slow... Don't rush..."
"But... Your mom..."
Spencer sighs, though not from exasperation. No, his breath is long and teeming with relief, hands gently roaming over the entirety of my body as his hips move slower. He's taking his time, relishing every second and feeling me gradually get more slick at his undoing.
His lips are on my neck, not providing marks to match the ones hidden on the inside of my thighs and my chest, but merely resting there. He kisses me in between gentle thrusts, letting out small whimpers of his own when I clench tightly around him.
This is different.
We've had slow morning sex before, but never like this. Somehow, I find myself drifting, like I'm being carried away by his current. There's nothing but me, Spencer, and our breathing... Our bodies, our air, our souls...
This is what I imagine making love feels like.
Which is why I barely notice when it slips from my mouth— Three words that should feel more daunting due to the weight they hold and the way they ultimately change everything. And yet, whispering “I love you,” in a nearly breathless string of syllables feels incredibly natural. It’s more sincere than anything I think I’ve ever told him, so much so that I don’t even think about what it will mean in the long-run. Instead I let it fall from my lips again and again without regret or consequence.
He doesn't stop, either. Spencer continues to fuck me softly, like it's all he knows how to do. In fact, my confession only seems to make him relax more.
And that's what finally pushes me over the edge.
His name escapes my mouth in a whisper that sounds more like a plea not to leave, and he holds me closer to him. Our bodies are flush together, my back resting perfectly against his chest as he takes a few final thrusts and empties himself inside of me.
If we stayed like that forever, I could die happy.
And actually, that wouldn't be far from the truth, given that if we did stay here forever, my mom would certainly find us and kill us.
The thought makes me sigh.
"You have to leave..."
"I know..."
Spencer pulls me closer, squeezing me tight and giving me a long, bold kiss on the jaw before he rips himself away and takes my heart with him.
Things are significantly different now.
After the morning I let slip that I love him, Spencer and I had been intimate once. We found ourselves alone while Mom was at the grocery store and instinctually came together.
It was quick, and it was fast and rough, and while it obviously felt good, something was off. But I knew it wasn't a physical problem. Like I said, it felt as good as any other time we'd been together, but it just wasn't right.
I hate it.
It hasn't even been a week since then, and I miss him. I miss our dynamic, and I miss the way I used to feel when he touched me.
So I stalk into the office and lean against the doorframe, watching Spencer as he goes through a large pile of paperwork. His hands and his eyes are moving at near light-speed, and the way he concentrates almost makes me feel bad for my intrusion—Honestly, I could have looked at him all damn day.
But there's a bigger plan in mind.
"What'cha up to?"
He looks up and greets me with a smile. "School starts in a few weeks. I'm just trying to get my coursework prepared."
"Oh... You... mind if I keep you company?"
"Not at all."
It's an innocent enough exchange, though I'm hoping I can change that. Mom doesn't get off work for another few hours, so it gives me ample time to do what I have planned.
I walk over and nudge his leg with my knee, and he lets me in. I climb on his lap, and after giving me a brief kiss on the cheek he returns to going through his paperwork.
My face turns and I nestle it into his neck. He hums softly when I kiss the skin under his jaw, once, and then twice, and then over and over in quick succession.
I can feel him smile. "What are you up to, princess?"
Hearing the nickname return in earnest makes me smile. I nip softly at his neck and run my tongue along it. "Mmm, trouble."
"Sounds like you," he mutters through a sultry sigh once I start going lower, kissing the top of his shoulder.
I slide my hands up the front of his chest and gently undo the top button, giving me access to more skin. "You love it when I make trouble..."
"Hmm, I'm not sure about that."
I slide off his lap then, crouching between his legs and looking up at him with a smile. "Really?"
All he does is look down at me, his pupils growing bigger by the second. So I continue my venture, sliding my hands up the insides of his legs until I reach the belt. "So you don't love when I do this?"
Spencer sighs, helping me by lifting his hips a little and letting me slide down layers of fabric until his dick is right in front of me.
I don't waste any time, taking him in my hand and bringing him to my mouth. He's still not entirely hard yet, but I don't mind at all. In fact, I let out a happy sigh just before I press kiss after kiss along the entire length of him. From base to tip, I take my time kissing and licking along the salty skin and giving him my full attention. I pull back and admire him, I smile, I kiss and I lick and I squeeze him with my hand... And when he's finally nice and hard, I take the head of his cock in my mouth and suck gently.
I hum around him, sinking further down until he hits the back of my throat, and then I come back up and repeat. It's slow. Maybe torturous even, but really I don't mean it to be.
Thankfully Spencer seems to be happy with my speed and technique; His eyes are on the verge of closing and his chest is heaving slowly, fingers gently caressing the sides of my face as I go down on him.
It's this same slow, steadying pace we'd taken before, and it's exactly what we needed.
I can feel his touch on my face, burning into my skin and marking me for all eternity. Likewise, the thick, throbbing weight of his cock sliding over my tongue and down my throat feels just like home— Like it's right where we're meant to be.
Once again, we fit together perfectly.
This epiphany sets a fire deep in the pits of my stomach, and just like that our spark is back again.
I look up and catch his eye, and he lets me keep it, forcing himself to keep his eyelids open to watch me. My pace remains consistent and slow, and and he brings both of his hands under my chin. The way he holds my face is so gentle, so loving and sensual that I nearly burst with tears at the sentiment alone, and it doesn't take long for him to start letting go.
He stutters my name when he comes, still using the pads of his nimble fingers to caress my throat. I take in and swallow each rope of cum until it's gone, and even then I keep him in my mouth, gently bobbing my head up and down just for the sake of feeling him inside me somehow.
But then he lifts me off of him and his dick falls limp in his lap. I sigh and lean down, kissing it a few times before just resting my head in his lap as he strokes my hair.
"You're right," Spencer says after a few moments.
"About what?"
"I do love when you make trouble."
We laugh, and I lift my head to look up at him.
"I know... It's your favorite."
"That it is, princess."
I wish more than anything that this orientation would just end. My left foot is anxiously tapping the cool white tile of the floor as I wait to be next in line to grab my paperwork and get on my way— To home for what I'm sure will be a long weekend trying to find free minutes to steal with Spencer.
In another life it might have gotten tedious and painful sneaking around for so long, but I found it excited me. Sure, my feelings for Spencer were growing at an exponential rate, but ever since I visited him in our home office, we seemed to be getting back our groove— With an added flair I might add...
Each time we were together was more intense than the last. His hands got more possessive, his kisses got deeper and more passionate, and the way he looked at me?
I could swear I felt him falling just as deep as I was.
The smile it all brought to my face in that moment fell a little short when they called me next in line, and I fell into a joyful step forward to collect my things.
When I get home, though, things aren't as joyful.
The first thing I notice is that Spencer's car isn't in the driveway or even on the street. He's usually here on weekends, so I wonder if he's out for something, or even out with my mom on a lunch date or something.
I try not to think about that thought too much and step inside, hoping to at least enjoy the silence for a little while, lest they really are out together.
I think I'm out of the woods when I hear the television, a laugh track of some kind, but then it turns into the Friends theme blaring through the speakers, and my heart nearly falls into the pit of my stomach.
There's only one reason Mom would be watching Friends. She swears up and down that she hates it, but it always ends up on TV when there's one specific thing she's going through, because "Hearing them complain about their stupid problems make me feel better about my own!"
Her own problem being a breakup.
For a moment I wonder if maybe Spencer had told her about us. Or maybe she found something somehow that would give us away. I make my way slowly through the space until I reach the living room, my brain making up every possible horrendous outcome— Not even to prepare for the blow, because I know that absolutely nothing could prepare me for the wrath of my mother in any situation... I simply can't help myself from feeling guilty and heartbroken as my stomach churns and my heart beats so loud I can barely hear the TV anymore.
When I come into her view, Mom freezes and lets out a large breath of shaky air. The small tub of ice cream in her hands shakes just as much, and I can tell she's trying her hardest not to burst into tears.
I've never seen her this upset before. Normally it's just anger and annoyance, but this time she looks utterly broken.
"M—Mom?" I stutter, even though she probably can't even hear what I'm saying over the TV. I still don't know if she knows about my involvement with Spencer, but I feel like she'd be more angry with me than sad, so I figure it's safe to come closer.
The moment I take a step forward, she sets the ice cream on the floor and opens her arms to me, a choked sob forcing its way out. It almost makes me cry, just seeing her this heartbroken, and in an instant I'm running to her and snuggling into her side as she hugs me.
"What happened?" I will myself to ask, even though I still have no idea what it means for me. Maybe that's selfish, but if he's taking himself out of Mom's life, surely that has to mean he's removing himself from mine as well, right? And if he's just leaving without saying anything... God, that would ruin me, too.
Still, I wait to hear what Mom will say.
"He broke up with me," is all she says, through a long and tired sigh. She mutes the TV and then holds me tighter. I can feel that there's pure sadness controlling her every movement, and it crushes me.
"I don't know, he just... He said he didn't love me, and he wasn't feeling it anymore."
"That's all?"
"Uh huh... It was so sudden, too, like... I thought we were really getting along, and I just... I don't understand how he couldn't feel it... I felt all of it, and he just... He felt nothing. How could he feel nothing?"
I really don't know what to say anymore... It seems to me like Spencer really told her the truth and ended their relationship because he didn't feel anything for her anymore, but... I always knew he had to have felt something... I guess I just didn't realize someone could fall out of it so quickly.
The guilt overwhelms me then, when it dawns on me that I made him fall out of it so fast. I was there, taking up small moments of his time until, eventually, I'd taken up so much of it that it wasn't just his time I was stealing, but also his love. His fire, and his passion... Month by month, day by day, I was draining the love he had for my mom and distilling it to meet my own desires.
And now, here I am, in my mothers arms as she weeps over a man she truly loved, all because he and I were selfish and treasonous.
If Spencer decides he still wants to be with me after this, I really don't know if I could do it. Even after all this time... After all this trouble and guilt and glorious treason...
He could never really be mine.
I knew this day would come from the moment I met you. Of course, I didn't know how far my feelings would take me, but in the end I knew I would one day have to leave you and your mother behind.
Day by day my feelings for you grew stronger, and it wasn't until you told me you loved me that August Thirteenth that I realized I loved you, too. What we had was always dangerous, but by then my heart was focused solely on you, and I could feel your mother slipping from my grasp.
I pretended for as long as I could, but now you've taken up so much space in my brain that when Eve pulled me near, I almost sighed out your name instead. I knew then that no longer could I "keep up appearances," as I often like to tell you.
Maybe one day you and I can find our way back to each other, but for now, I think it's for the very best that we go our separate ways.
In my wildest dreams I will think of you fondly, and I can only hope that you might do the same.
Always Yours, Spencer
There are so many things I'm thinking about when I come home tonight.
One: I'm a little tipsy and completely fucked out, which reminds me of that night I came home in the exact same state, only to find my mom's old boyfriend, Spencer, unable to sleep and to stop staring at my bare legs. The memory brings a smile to my face.
Two: My feet fucking hurt and I want to get these goddamned shoes off.
Three: The ghost of Spencer's smile when he saw me for the first time in seven years burns in the back of my mind, right next to the ghost of his hands caressing my skin like it had been the first time.
Four: How am I going to spend the rest of the summer back in town knowing what it feels like to have fucked him at all without an ounce of guilt attached to it?
Five: Am I going to tell my mom that I slept with her ex-boyfriend tonight?
Six: Fuck, I'm hungry...
My heels come off as soon as I step through the door.
The light is on, and I can hear Mom laughing in the kitchen with Adam from far away, which brings a fond smile to my face. I'm glad that she's finally happy, with someone who doesn't make me want to fall to my knees, thank you very much.
And truthfully, if I hadn't ran into Spencer at all tonight, I'm not sure I ever would have thought about that whole situation again— It was fucked up, he ended up leaving both of us, and Mom was so deeply devastated after their breakup that I didn't have the heart to tell her I missed him too. I just buried it deep down and tried to move on right alongside her, eventually erasing his memory from my mind, body, and soul.
Well, almost.
There were days, obviously, where his letter hummed inside my pillowcase where he left it, whether I brought it to college or kept it at home, or it sat soundly in my new apartment. His words were always there, spilling into my dreams and dancing with me through our memories; tangled tongues and limbs, wild nights and passionate mornings...
I'd wake up feeling hot to the touch and missing him completely.
Thankfully those days were few and far in between, and for a while I'd stopped thinking of him altogether.
But of course, it turns out that Spencer Reid is in fact, pretty damn inevitable.
That bar downtown was packed, so it was a wonder I'd even ran into him of all people in the first place. What he was doing there I didn't know. And neither do I now, because from the moment we laid eyes on each other, it was this constant state of shell-shock and fire, nothing else. He asked briefly about Mom, I told him she'd been married for four years, and then he joked about how he was surprised I hadn't tried to steal him from her.
Naturally, with that ever so playful look in his eye practically taunting me, I played to his joke and responded with a sultry smile, "The only one I ever wanted to steal was you, Doctor..."
The rest wasn't exactly a blur, but all I'm going to say is that we spent the rest of our time together at his apartment, "catching up on lost time"... And as much as I'd grown out of the submissive role sexually over the years, I found myself crawling back, submitting to him like I'd done it a million times over. And, really, I might as well have.
It's like we'd never stopped.
That being said, I declined his offer to stay the night and told him to give me a call some time before I left to go back to Seattle. Though, not without giving him a thousand goodbye kisses that were rather counterproductive.
Thinking about it makes my cheeks burn hot, though thankfully it's summer, and Mom won't have to question it. Though, if she does, I suppose I could keep it short and sweet and tell her the truth at the very least: that I met up with an old friend who showed me a good time.
"Hey'a, Sweetpea," she greets with a bright wave. She and Adam are obviously a little tipsy, more than me by the looks of it, but I pay it no mind. "How was you're night?"
"Great! Went to a few bars downtown, met up with some friends..."
"Oh, good, well we're glad you got back safe."
I snag a bottle of water and an apple from the fridge, then turn back around to see Mom and Adam snuggled in, sharing a smile that would make even the happiest person on the planet sick to their stomach.
Oddly enough, it reminds me of back then, when she was with Spencer, happier than ever and completely oblivious to what was going on in her daughter's life.
The thought makes my stomach flutter, taking me back to earlier in the night when he had his hands tangled in my hair and his mouth attached to my skin, spewing filthy words and praises that had me begging for more...
"I missed you, princess," he whispers, holding himself deep inside me. His fingers brush the matted hair from my face, revealing more of my saccharine smile and eyes that swim with mischief.
"I missed you too," I whine, reaching out and grabbing handfuls of his ass, shoving him even farther inside me and wrapping my legs around him tighter. "...Daddy..."
Spencer loses all semblance of cool, pulling back and slamming into me with full force. I—
I blink away his memory, reminding myself of where I am and what I'm doing, finding Mom looking at me with a curious gleam in her eye.
"What are you thinking about?"
With a small smile, I nod in her direction. "Oh, uh... You'll never believe who I ran into tonight."
PERMANENT TAGLIST (tags not working are struck out):  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @mggskneescrews @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams @emilyprsntiss @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @gubswh0re @mrsobrien888 @loveeee2134 @umbreonwolfy @ayla-1605
If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment and I’ll get on it right away!
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enhypia · 3 years
NK ; gamers and their significant other
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gamers and their significant other answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: nishimura riki x gn!reader
genre: pure fluff and fun
words: roughly 1.2k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - ni-ki speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold- both reader and ni-ki speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking and swearing
this work has minimal mentions of drinking compared to other parts in this series
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello~ i'm ni-ki
and i'm (y/n)!
we're ....
he's a gamer and i'm their partner !!
[okay, you guys were invited here today as partners with one being a gamer, for a fun little drinking game, you guys are aware of that right?]
yes we were
i'm just here to expose ni-ki honestly
[who's the gamer?]
i am he is
[but do you also play?}
sometimes, but i mostly just watch ni-ki play
[how did you guys meet?]
through a game
they suck at it
but i pulled you even if i was bad at it so
*ni-ki rolls his eyes
*(y/n) :P
[how long have you guys been together?]
2 years
3 years next month
*(y/n) :O
you remembered?
ey~ that hurts
*both laugh
[were there any fights because of his gaming?]
YES *(y/n) laughs out loud while ni-ki hangs his head in shame
but they aren't big fights? mostly just sulking. i can just remember one major fight
they sulk when i don't pay them attention
and you sulk when i start to treat you how you treat me whenever you're playing too much
*ni-ki pouts
which is not giving me attention :P
[but did you have any problems with his gaming?]
nope, gaming makes ni-ki genuinely happy, and i love seeing him happy
*ni-ki does a heart towards (y/n)
we did have that one major fight i mentioned
i couldn't play for a week because of it, but that's what made me realize that no amount of gaming is worth enough to lose (y/n)
*(y/n) drinks making ni-ki laugh
give me a warning next time gosh.
[okay, how about we officially start the q&a between you guys?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, ni-ki wins
*ni-ki laughs after reading the question
[have you ever thought about deleting my games whenever you get mad at me?]
no! those cost too much
eh? i don't believe you! you once threatened to delete my games
yah! you knew i was joking at that time
*ni-ki laughs when you pout and he pats your head after
i know i know
i already know the answer to this
[have you ever avoided talking to me to play your games?]
*ni-ki drinks
when we first started dating and i was with him one time when he was playing, i messed around with his phone and i found out i was on mUTE ?!:'&?!
*ni-ki covers his face in guilt
[did you get mad when you found out?]
not really ?? i was just in disbelief
but i did show you that everyone else was muted
they were automated messages ni-ki, you left the gcs instead of muting them *(y/n) deadpanned
i'm sorry~~
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
[was it a turn off finding out i was into gaming or i was a gamer?]
*(y/n) drinks
*ni-ki is shocked
no, i'm just kidding, and i wanted to drink
if anything i was more impressed than turned off since i still do play, i just suck at it
so you admit that i'm good at gaming? *he raises his eyebrows back and forth
stop acting like i don't compliment you about it 24/7 riki
*riki laughs
ohh, you better answer this carefully nishimura riki
i'm scared
[would you rather not play video games forever, or lose me?]
... ..
forever ?
... like forever forever ??
ni-ki just drink
*both laugh
it's okay i understand baby, i know my place *(y/n) teases
*ni-ki grins and envelopes (y/n) in a big hug
which is #1 !!
*camera just pans around the pair's adorableness
[question for both: would you trade/sell your significant other for a game console?]
oh he would definitely sell me for a game console, i would be more surprised if he didn't.
*ni-ki is quiet
it depends on the console though
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
but what about you huh?
it depends on the console :P
[choose one: a gift that i really like or a rare expensive skin you want?]
this whole thing is targeted around the gamer i swear
i know right? i love it
*ni-ki playfully glares at (y/n)
you'd make me choose the skin anyways
yes i would, it's a rare skin, my gift can wait.
thanks, ily <33
ily too, now read the next question
[did you ever get jealous with the people i play with?]
*(y/n) drinks, ni-ki laughs
wait! let me defend myself
okay, defend your stand
i don't really mind whoever he plays with honestly, but there are really just times when he's not playing with his friends, and his teammates are just ???
just what???
riki, baby, they were flirting with you.
,,,, eh?
well that's good i guess. but yeah, technically i wasn't really jealous since ni-ki never responded to their advances. i was more of,, irritated ??
i really didn't notice.
it's when i would just suddenly but in, making sure i was heard
wait, that happens a lot,,,,
that's okay *(y/n) pats ni-ki, stay oblivious
eh, i don't really care anyways, i have you
*(y/n) blushes and lightly slaps ni-ki's arms
it's the last one
aww :((
[freestyle for both! ask each other any question you want]
ohhh, should i go first?
yes please
[uhm,, do you wish i put more effort in playing games than just stick to watching you play?]
*ni-ki thinks deeply
sometimes i do because it's always fun playing with you but then if you continue to play. no one would cuddle me while i play
*(y/n) laughs
what? that's like my recharge every time i lose! it's always nice to have someone there just hug you whenever you win or lose
okay okay, i get it, basically i'll try to play more but not too much?
yes <3
*(y/n) rolls their eyes fondly
just ask your question nishimura riki
i'm still thinking!
think faster!
*both laugh
[,,, can i buy the new fifa game?]
*(y/n) groans while ni-ki bursts out laughing
i will kick you riki
okay, okay, this is my real question.
[be my forever player two?]
*(y/n) error error currently malfunctioning
yah! *(y/n) is blushing very hard and ni-ki is just laughing
you think you're so smooth huh?
am i not?
i will unplug your console while you play tonight
*ni-ki continues to tease (y/n) while everyone in the studio is just melting
[that's the best way to end this in my opinion]
right? *ni-ki is smiling proudly and (y/n) shakes their head in disbelief
thanks for having us~ we had fun
thank you~
*both wave at the camera, and cut!
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: and cut!! we're done, this is the last installment in the speak or shot series <33 i can't believe it's finished omg?? i also wanted to end on a good note so i made this one just pure fluff and fun. thank you so much for sticking to this series!! i'm planning to start more in the future. please look forward to them~
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ah-ga-seven · 4 years
[02.32 AM]
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Pairing: Beomgyu x fem! reader.
Genre: Smut 
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: Degration, Intimidation, Unprotected sex, Breeding kink. Read at your own risk, I'm not your momma.
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[02.32 AM]
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” Beomgyu was seething, he basically had you cornered against the wall of the staff room, trying to intimidate your smaller self as he looked down on you.
“I told you to go fuck yourself,” you say, making sure to pronounce every word as clear as possible so he would understand fully.
The two of you had gotten into an argument about your work schedule.
You had worked together at a night club for almost two years now. Both of you started on the same day and almost two years later he is your superior and floor manager. You would be lying if you said it didn’t make you extra salty that he’s the one that got the promotion when you’ve been picking up the slack for his incompetence.
But there is nothing you can do about it now.
The sad part of it all is that you were really close in the first year. You even had unspoken feelings for him, but things changed quickly when you saw how he flirted with every customer and how his attitude seemed to change with the power he obtained with his promotion. He was a beautiful piece of ass and he knew it, which only made your ill feelings for him grow in the pit of your stomach.
You kept it all in pretty well, but when he asked you to work late to do inventory instead of him for the nth time this month, you snapped.
“Say that again and I swear to god,” he huffs raising his voice at you.
He had to admit, he was getting more riled up than he thought he would. He wouldn’t bat an eye if anyone told him to go fuck himself but for some reason, it hurt that those words came from your mouth in particular.
You scoff, pushing him off of you roughly which made him almost lose his balance.  
He looks at you bewildered and roughly grabs you by your face with one hand, pinching your cheeks together and pushing you against the wall with a loud thud before you could open the door.
“You entitled little bitch,” he says under his breath as he forces you to look at him.
Your eyes widened at his aggression. The hold he had on your face lowered to your throat and you gulped.
Why the fuck did this turn you on?  
You squirm in his hold, not making much effort to escape. He noticed the change in your demeanor paired with the lustful look in your eyes averting to his lips. He took note and licks his lips in amusement.  
“You want me to fuck some sense into you?” He asks smirking, tightening the hold on your neck.  
You gulp for air, not being able to breathe, and the action made him smirk to himself.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he whispers in your ear as he leans in, sucking on the spot in your neck just below. The action made you press your thighs together, a throaty moan escaping your lips as he releases his lips from your neck with a loud pop.  
He let go of you completely noticing your lack of being able to breathe, locking the door with a simple flick while you cough uncontrollably trying to catch your breath.
You glare at him with hooded eyes, unable to tear your eyes of off the exposed skin under his white button-up as you try to compose yourself again.
He always had the first 3 buttons unbuttoned, giving the ladies enough to imagine about, including you. There was just something about the fluorescent light hitting his honey-dew skin the right way that made him look like a literal god.
He licked his lips, taking a few steps closer to you, but with every step he took towards you, you took one back.
Finally, he had you backed into the desk in the left corner of the room. Your butt hitting the hard surface as you had nowhere to go anymore.
You look at him with anticipation, waiting for him to make the next move, and he does as he pulls you in for a rough yet passionate kiss. Your hands were on his chest to stabilize yourself as he completely ravished your mouth.  
After some time he pulls away, completely out of breath. His lips swollen and wet, and all you can do is just stare at his beauty.
“Liking what you see baby?” He asks you with a low voice as he unbuttons his shirt slowly, leaving you in awe of his physique as he basically gives you a strip tease.
“Shut up and fuck me already,” you say hoarsely, pulling him towards you by the nape of his now unbuttoned shirt.
He chuckles, grabbing a fist full of your hair. The stinging sensation made you yelp as he roughly rips your blouse open, exposing your breasts. He swiftly removes your bra, taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it as if it was his last meal.  
You palm him through his jeans and you could swear you felt him twitch in your hold.
The sensation made him grow impatient as he flipped you around smoothly bending you over the table.
He rode up your skirt, giving your ass a hard smack before he pulled your thong aside, earning a loud moan from you as his hand made contact with your ass. He skillfully started rubbing circles against your clit with one hand as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his member with the other.
You moaned and mewled at the friction, desperate for more of his touch.  
“Ahh, Beomgyu, please,” you beg as his fingers grace over your entrance, spreading your wetness between your folds.
“Say no more baby,” he whispers in your ear as he leans into you from the back, aligning himself with your entrance. He pushes himself into you, making the two of you moan in pleasure as he stretches your out.
You tightened around him as bottomed out into you, making you yelp at the sensation.
His hand covered your mouth, while the other fondled your breasts as he started thrusting inside of you mercilessly.
“You little slut, all this time you’ve been glaring at me, but you were just fantasizing about my dick inside of you, weren’t you?”  
You nod desperately wanting him to fasten his pace, and as if he could read your mind, he did. Thankfully your loud moans were muffled by his hand, cause otherwise your co-workers might have been able to hear what was going on behind closed doors.
“Tell me to go fuck myself one more time bitch,” he remarks, angrily thrusting into you some more at a steady rythmic pace.
Your legs were starting to shake as pleasure consumed you completely and before you knew it, you came. Hard and loudly.
You basically scream his name, the hand that was covering your mouth was now placed on either side of your hips as he thrusts into you rough and fast to reach his own high.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the indescribable sensation and when your walls start to tighten around him again, he busts.
His warm cum filled you up completely and both of you moan in pure relief.
He pulls out with one slick movement and watches his liquid drip out of you as he licks his lips, rubbing his cum between your folds with his long and slender fingers.
You moaned as she sweetly kissed your shoulder, letting him have his way with you a little more.
“Next time you wanna fuck, just say so baby…” he whispers in your ear making you smile at his bluntness.
“No need for all the drama,” he says helping you up off the table.  
“Got it.” you say with a playful smile on your lips.  
You turn around, quickly pecking his lips as you pull down your skirt, fixing your blouse after.
He watches you like a hawk, mesmerized with how beautiful you look with your freshly-fucked glow and how little time you needed to re-compose yourself.
“Where are you going?” he asks, amusement and curiosity evident in his voice.
“Back to work, as should you…sir.”
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smol-and-grumpy · 3 years
What I Want Most - Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean’s life has been all work and no play lately. When Gabe, his friend, coerced him into tagging along to a club, he couldn’t say no as Gabe has been pestering him for a while now. What Dean didn’t expect was that he’d meet his match in that club in the form of a stunning woman with underlying daddy issues.
Warnings: Daddy kink, a smidge of angst, teasing
Word Count: 2875
Beta’d by: @deanwanddamons​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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“Please take a seat,” 
Mrs. Mills shows Y/N where she should be sitting, and it’s right next to Dean.
She’s going to be the one competing with him?
This is ridiculous.
And in that moment, Dean just knows that he’s fucked.
He could easily handle another male competitor. Hell, he wouldn’t have any problems with female competitors either because they’re even easier to wrap around his fingers. But her? 
Dean wants to rub over his face so bad. Wants to pinch his eyes. Maybe they betray him? Maybe his mind only wants him to see what he really wishes to see.
This is a bad dream right? How is he supposed to be working with and against someone who he knows the taste of? Someone who he knows likes to be fucked hard and swallows his cum like it’s the best fucking thing? Someone who lets him come deep inside so she’d be dripping him for days? 
Dean has to bite down on his bottom lip so as not to make a sound. 
He just imagined her still dripping his cum. He shoved two loads deep inside that sweet cunt. The chances are high that she’s still leaking him.
His dick stirs uncomfortably at the image in his head. It also doesn’t help that he catches a whiff of her perfume when she walks past him. It intoxicates his brain. 
She’s standing there right next to him and it feels so familiar, yet so painful. 
“Mr. Winchester?” 
Her voice penetrates his thoughts, jerks him back to reality and Dean scrambles himself out of his seat to stand up because that’s the correct thing to do, right? Fucking etiquette. If it was up to him he’d had her over his knees and spank the shit out of her for not telling him where her new workplace is.
Y/N’s holding out a hand for him to shake and he takes it, feeling the electric current traveling up his arm as soon as he touches her. 
Call me daddy, he wants to say, but doesn’t. Instead, he forces out a smile, “Call me, Dean,” 
“Right,” She says with a nod, “Dean. I’m Y/N, nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure’s all mine,” 
That’s something he really means and there’s just a brief moment of eye contact before she looks away, pulling her hand out of his grip. Too soon for his liking but he reacts fast, pulls up the chair for her to sit on. 
“Thank you,” She smiles and Dean can read that. It’s one that says that she’s not entirely sure about Dean’s motives. Not sure if Dean is angry or not. 
He’s not really angry if he thinks about it. At least not at her. At fate maybe, but she hasn’t done anything wrong. 
They sit and listen to what the bosses have to say but Dean couldn’t concentrate. He watches her out of the corner of his eyes. Her business persona is very different from the playful baby girl that came on her daddy’s cock, came on Dean’s cock. But he likes the professionalism of her too. Like, she’s all tough and serious, is a fucking good girl indeed. She’s even taking fucking notes!
She’s really in for the win, and Dean wonders if he should tell them that he doesn’t even want the promotion that fucking much. But again, where’s the fun in that, right? Because yeah, it could be fun working with her, against her, over her, under her, buried deep inside of her, even though it would also be pure torture.
Finally, the bosses have stopped talking and disappear with the promise of sending them the schedule of their project support meetings for the weeks ahead.
However, Dean’s heart jumps when he sees her wanting to stand up and leave too, but then Mrs. Mills tells her to stay behind and get acquainted with Dean and he watches her sitting back down in her chair. Yeah, thank you very much for that, Mrs. Mills.
As soon as the bosses have gone, Dean stands up and the pushing back of his chair makes the metal screech along the floor. She squints. 
“Jesus, Y/N!” He hisses as he walks the two steps to stand behind her, “Why didn’t you tell me where you’re going to be working?”
“Well,” She says but she doesn’t look up to him, instead she keeps her eyes trained on her notebook, “In my defense, I didn’t know, okay? I knew that it was a Dean but I didn’t know that it was going to be fucking you!” 
He leans down, braces one of his hands on the back of her chair. His other one is on the table while he practically cages her in. From here her scent is even more alluring. It does things to him that he can’t even explain. Partly, it makes him want to eat her up alive.
Dean noses at her hair, inhales deeply, doesn’t care if she thinks he’s a freak because let's be honest here, they’re both fucking nasty and he thinks that they’ve established that. 
“Why did you leave without a word?” He asks in a low voice. 
She goes still, doesn’t even breathe as far as he can tell.
Slowly, she tilts her head around and their noses almost touch. It would be easy, so easy for him to kiss her but he doesn’t. Instead, he stares her down but he wasn’t prepared that she’d stare back. 
God, she looks absolutely gorgeous. His dick twitches in his pants because his dick fucking remembers.
“I didn’t think it was more than a one night stand, Dean,”
“Well, it probably wouldn’t have been if you wouldn’t have left.”
He can’t believe his own words. But it’s the truth. The girls he takes home are never more than a one night stand and yet, he can’t explain why he thinks that she is more than that. Can’t explain why his cock, his body, his mind, his fucking heart wants her so much. He might also sound like he’s hurt and maybe he is. And it’s not even her fault. Dean should have made himself clearer after he tucked her into bed but he was just fucking exhausted and by the way she was too, he thought that she’d sleep longer than he would.
“What would you have done, Dean?” She asks, her voice a whisper because they’re still so close, “I don’t think any good would have come of it if I had I stayed.” 
“I don’t know,” He shakes his head. His mind raced at the question. Yeah, what would he have done?
He grins, “I would have maybe fucked you again, because goddamnit, I can not forget how your sweet cunt clenched around my fat cock,” 
Y/N’s tongue darts out, wets her lips and Dean replicates it. 
“I just knew that it wasn’t a one time thing for me, okay? I knew right before I fell asleep that I wanted to see you again. There was hope in my fucking heart that I would get to make you come again. I hoped that I would fucking see you again. I fucking hoped that you’d still be there when I woke up, that you would let me treat you right, that you’d fucking let me bring you home, take you out, the whole shebang,”
“It wasn’t just a one night stand for you?”
“No!” He’s still leaning close and smashed his fist on the table, making her flinch, “Jesus Christ! I thought I just said that?”
“You mean you want to carry on with the fling?”
“It’s not just a fl—” He lowers his head, rests his forehead on her shoulder, “God, you know what? Forget it… but yeah, I want to carry on. More than anything,” He mumbles. 
“Yeah,” He huffs out, “This is going to be hard,”
“We’re adults, we should be able to work together.” She whispers softly. Too soft, and he can hear it, can hear the longing she has because he feels fucking same.
“Should we?” He asks, just to make sure. Adulting seems to be fucking hard right now.
“Goddammit,” Dean curses under his breath, “Do you know how hard it is for me to pretend nothing happened? How hard it is to fucking pretend that I don’t want to bend you over the next surface and fuck you senseless? Do you have any idea how all I want right now is to feel your sweet pussy around my dick again and I had to fucking jerk myself off last night with the image of you on top of me and hearing you call me daddy over and over again?”
“You did?” There’s a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Yeah,” He frowns, but he chuckles afterward.
“How hard is it?” She asks, raises one eyebrow at him. She looks absolutely cocky.
“Jesus,” Dean growls, and it’s time, he can’t hold himself back anymore. He moves forward, catches her lips. The familiar feeling is there again, the way she presses closer, the way she fucking lets him kiss her. He breaks the kiss only to murmur “So fucking hard, baby girl,” against her lips.
She laughs, and Dean doesn’t really want to part from that sweet fucking mouth, but he knows that he has to. They’re at work for god’s sake. Reluctantly, he pulls himself off her but not before he pulls her bottom lip between his, gives them a little suck and a bite, just to hear her moan against his mouth.
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  Somehow, they have managed to agree that it’s work first and play later. It doesn’t help that while the bosses see how she’ll be holding up, they just put another desk into Dean’s office. So now, they are sharing offices too. 
It doesn’t help her sanity, to be honest, but apparently, she’s been holding up better than he does. Dean has been avoiding her since the meeting, doesn’t want to be too close, and she knows the reason why and it’s really amusing to her.
In the afternoon, Y/N’s working on a project while Dean was at a meeting and she needed binders from the shelf, so she took off her shoes and rolled her chair to the bookshelf to get to the top one. 
Pulling out one binder, she rifles through it to see if the numbers she needs are in there when Dean walks in.
He was so quick to be by her side, holding her chair for her while balancing his laptop in his other hand and he curses under his breath, “Jesus, Y/N, that’s not fucking safe. Next time take a chair without wheels, okay?”
It’s really cute how he cares, she can’t lie about that. But she wouldn’t be who she is if she didn’t find things to rile him up.
“Yes, daddy,” She whispers with that grin that’s more than mischievous and he groans audibly while he rolls his eyes to the back of his head.
He’s faking annoyance but he’s not letting go of that chair she’s standing on, holding it for her and she thinks he takes the opportunity to look at her ass too because, when she finishes, he turns away, taking wide strides to his desk and maybe she’s wrong but his legs were bowed more than they usually are.
 It’s only late afternoon now, and she’s working across from him. She’s distracted while she reads over the schedule they just sent her. 
Oh god. There it is. The warm feeling of something running out of her. 
It’s Dean’s cum.
And even though she cleaned herself thoroughly it still keeps leaking out. Just how much did he come? Seriously. 
“Did you get the schedule?” Dean asks from behind his monitor. 
“Yeah,” She almost squeals because of the warm feeling, and now his cum is pooled in her panties.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,”
Dean gets suspicious, stands up behind his desk to peak over, “You sure?”
“It’s nothing you want to know,” She mumbles, her hands going over the mouse to open up her schedule.
“Why do you think I don’t want to know?” He asks and now he’s walking around his desk to come stand next to her. He’s at least semi-hard because his pants are bulging. She can see it even better when he’s not wearing his suit jacket. Well, to be fair, that thing is hard not to notice. 
“Because,” She states, “It’s not going to help you,” 
“Well, there’s obviously something that makes you feel uncomfortable and if it’s me, I need to know,” 
“Dean, stop!” She groans, “Your cum just leaked out of me, okay? It’s nothing. Are you happy now that you know it?”
He rubs a hand over his face, the scruff sounds loud in the otherwise quiet office, “Jesus, this is torture! I can not fucking work like this!” He throws his hands in the air and shakes his head and turns 360° around for the dramatic effect.
Y/N cocks an eyebrow and shrugs, “You wanted to know,”
Dean leans down then, one hand cups her face, thumb brushing over her cheek, “I know, I’m sorry, baby,” He kisses her, teeth nibbling along her lip, just a little, not even long enough but it already leaves her wanting more, “You’re making this really hard for me,” 
Chuckling, she cocks an eyebrow at him, “How hard?” 
A groan leaves his lips, “You’re a bratty little thing, ain’t you?”
She shrugs.
“One day, I’m gonna spank you raw,” Dean says as he turns around to walk back to his desk.
“Don’t promise what you can’t keep... daddy,” She calls after him and there’s another groan when he lets his weight help him to flop down into his chair.
 Dean left earlier than her. Well, it wasn’t exactly early as it’s now 7.00 PM and she still has her presentation open which she is going to hold on Wednesday morning. It will be her first presentation before a bigger audience. Not really the big bosses but some who will attend are at least a level higher than her. She really wants to make it right, but also she knows that there’s no forcing it. Her head hurts from all the numbers she tries to put on the presentation and maybe Dean’s right, maybe she needs a distraction. Tomorrow will be another day. 
By 7.45 PM she reaches home. Well, the apartment looks pretty sad to be honest. She didn’t have the energy to do a lot of unpacking and there are still boxes standing around. And well, Dean said that he hated the way she left, but what he doesn’t know is that she hated it too. She just thought it was the best for both of them.
It was particularly hard to have left because it seemed like they have so much in common. It might be weird because they didn’t spend a lot of time getting to know each other and the majority of that time was spent fucking but sometimes, when it clicks, it just does and you know it. And with Dean, there was that level of familiarity when she first saw him. Something she hasn't encountered in a very long time.
Y/N takes her heels off by the door, shedding clothing on her way to the bathroom in desperate need of a shower. It’s to clean herself, but also to cool herself down. The day has been a roller coaster ride and even though Dean had a harder time to conceal his emotions, she can’t lie that it was easy for her either. She was constantly leaking throughout the day, sometimes more, sometimes less. And then there’s Dean who occasionally comes so close to her from behind and she has automatically gotten wetter from the feeling of his firm body pressed against hers. Taking off her panties in the bathroom, she takes a look at her crotch. They are truly ruined. It’s white and sticky and still damp. 
 After the shower, she walks out with her hair still wet and a towel around her body, and even though she knows that she should leave work behind, she can’t really help but to check her phone to see if there has been an email. Maybe there’s something that she’s forgotten to do today, maybe someone is still waiting for an answer to their question. People seldom stop working once they leave the office in the financial world. Yet, it’s a world she chose to be in and she has gotten used to it.
As soon as she lights up the screen of her phone to look at it, she has to grin. There are no emails but there are texts from a number she doesn’t recognize.
Thumbing over her screen, she opens them up.
Oh, no.
How did he get her number? 
Instead of being upset, though, she can’t help but grin.
D: Here’s the thing, baby girl
D: I want you to pack the things you need for work tomorrow and come by asap
D: Don’t wear pants. Wear a skirt, no underwear
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Chapter Three
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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misora-msby · 4 years
scarred love.
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rating : mature
word count : 4.3k
themes : angst, slight fluff, implied and mentions of sex
notes : based on vistlip’s CLASSIC OPERA // this is my first work on this blog, i hope you enjoy!
“I don’t think he loves me anymore.”
“No way… That’s not the case, I’m sure!”
“That’s what I want to think but…”
Suna could barely believe as he stood outside the bedroom door, hand barely making contact with the handle. Was that really what you thought? 
“I wonder if it’s normal for couples to fall out of love at this stage.”
“Mm… there’s certainly been couples I’ve known like that. They were in love for years but after they got married they decided it wasn’t the life for them and divorced.”
Suna heard your gasp follow the tinny voice from the phone. He had heard of similar stories before but never thought it would happen to him and you. 
Ever since you had gotten together, he was always subtle in his love. He was never the type to outright say “I love you” in public or to boldly proclaim his love for you on social media. Suna preferred linking pinkies while walking or to post photos of your study dates with simple captions like “another ‘10 minute break’” or “we are going to collapse”. 
Despite this, when you were in the privacy of your apartment, he almost never left your side. It was either his head on your lap, his legs laying over yours on the couch, or you sitting on his lap in some way albeit still being relatively quiet. 
So to think you were getting upset with the little attention he was showing recently had him confused. Wasn’t he always like this?
“But Y/N, I doubt Suna-san’s fallen out of love. Isn’t it just that his new job with EJP Raijin is keeping him busy?” 
“Y-Yeah but… he hasn’t said anything about it. He comes back late and leaves early and it just… It just sucks so much! I don’t know what to do!” you sob and Suna can hear the sound of you blowing your nose and coughing through your tears. 
Taking a step back from the bedroom door, the middle blocker moved to the couch and sat for a moment, head in his hands. He knew love couldn’t be perfect. A perfect relationship without fights or problems was just waiting to crumble from the slightest crack in it. But he wanted to at least prevent you from thinking this way. 
He wanted you to know he did love you. 
Later that night, he crawled into the bed, freshly showered and in his pyjamas - an old thin t-shirt and a pair of boxers. You laid beside him in your own pyjamas - one of his big t-shirts and a pair of shorts. 
“Y/N,” he turned onto his side and called your name, causing you to almost jump while attempting to fall asleep with your swirling thoughts.
“Yes, Rin?” 
“You have a free day tomorrow too, don’t you?”
“Well… yes. Why?”
The bed shifted under his movement to hold himself over you. 
“W-Wait a second! Rin! I’m not prepared or anything- mmf!” 
He pressed his lips to yours, his fox-like eyes shut delicately as he kissed you passionately. Before you knew it, his hands moved to your sides and began to lift the edge of the shirt up, but were quickly pushed down. 
“Rintarou,” you lightly pushed on his chest, “I uh… I’m not wearing any nice underwear… A-And I haven’t shaved. Can I go change and do that?” 
Honestly you were very surprised that he suddenly wanted to do this. Suna was always one to do things out of the blue; your relationship was built on impromptu dates and spontaneous gifts he claimed ‘reminded him of you’, but this really had came out of nowhere. 
You hadn’t been intimate in weeks and you wanted to at least look good for it, but Suna just shook his head. 
“You’re fine like this. I love you however you look.” He leaned back down and began to place kisses along your jaw and neck. 
His kisses were softer than usual, you noted. And his hands weren’t rushing to tear your clothes off like he usually did.
“Rin- ah! Rintarou, why are you doing this all of a sudden?”
“We’re both free tomorrow. Can’t I spend my free day with my girlfriend the way I want to?” he asked, looking up at you through his thin lashes. 
“Still! That gives me more time to go get ready.”
“No,” he shook his head and continued to kiss and bite along your neck and collarbones, leaving his marks of love on your skin, “I want to spend every second that I can with you now that I have the time.”
“Wait a second.”
Suna finally pulled his lips away from your skin, now littered with little marks, “What’s wrong?”
“Since when were you so romantic? It just… Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy it’s just a little funny…” 
His eyes widened at the sight of tears welling up in your eyes.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asked, cupping your face in his large rough hands gently. 
“I’m more than okay! No… I don’t know why I’m crying…” you sob softly, rubbing at your eyes. 
Suna chuckled lightly. “Is it because you’re filled with overwhelming love for me?”
“Rintarou!” you whined and hit his chest lightly. “You’re absolutely insufferable!”
“You say that but you were the one who asked me out on our graduation.” 
“...you little shit. I really do love you.” 
“Mm, I thought so. I love you too.” He continued to kiss and strip you.
Unlike your usual nights together which were spent fucking roughly, leaving bodies sore and lightly scarred, tonight was slow and loving albeit passionate as ever. Soft kisses and laughs were exchanged in the dark as Suna made love to you, thrusting slowly while mumbling words of love into your body. 
The next morning, you were woken up by the feeling of a kiss on your forehead. Your eyelids fluttered open and you squinted in the morning light to see Suna sitting on his side of the bed, clad only in boxers. There was also the scent of eggs and toast, and when you looked down, you saw it sitting on a plate between you two.
“I’m no Osamu here. But I think my cooking is still edible,” your boyfriend sighed before flopping down onto the bed beside you and closing his eyes. 
“You actually woke up to cook for me?” you asked, sitting up to look at the sunny-side-ups with broken yolks and the toast that was just a little too toasted for your liking. 
“Surprised myself too,” he yawned before squinting his eyes open, “More like… I wanted to surprise you. And wake you up with a kiss.”
“You’re so cheesy today, aren’t you!”
“I know, I think it’s weird too.”
On that day, you knew he still loved you. And you loved him more than ever before.
But that happiness couldn’t last forever. In the city of Tokyo where sadness and troubles rained down, something was bound to happen. Even the most heavily cemented cracks could once again break under a heavy enough pressure. 
Even if it took a couple of months.
“Rintarou! Welcome home!”
Your brow furrowed slightly as you noticed his short answer. After shutting your laptop where you were answering some work related emails while waiting for your boyfriend, you made your way over to Suna who was hanging his winter coat by the door.
“Rin, are you alright?”
“Just tired.”
You sighed softly, “You shouldn’t overwork yourself. You need breaks sometimes too, you know?” And reached up to begin massaging his shoulders as you usually did. But he only pushed your hands away quickly, saying, “Not tonight,” before walking further into the apartment.
You bit your lower lip to prevent it from trembling any further while your hands stayed still as if frozen mid air. You were hesitating to tell him what you wanted to say earlier.
“Rintarou… Tomorrow you don’t have scheduled practice, right? I…” you took a deep breath as he turned to face you, eyes dark and heavy-looking. 
“I was wondering… Well, I don’t have work tomorrow either so I reserved a place at a nice restaurant for dinner! I think we both need a bit of a break, work’s been so busy and you’re also training so intensely and-”
“H- Huh?” you laughed nervously, “What do you mean by ‘no’?”
“It means what it means, I don’t want to go.”
“Rintarou, you can’t just- I can’t- I promise it’s a really nice place! A-And I wanted to spend some time with you…” there was a lump welling up in your throat as you tried not to suddenly pour out your recent feelings towards him. 
The recent frustrations of not being able to spend much time with your boyfriend anymore, the annoyance at the way he would always spend his free time doing self training, the anger towards his schedule which rarely ever allowed you to meet, the sadness of the fact that your shared apartment no longer had the sound of laughter when you two played games or watched silly YouTube videos together...
All that frustration felt like it was just being held up behind that lump in your throat, and to think he would simply dismiss it without a second thought.
“You should’ve asked before you started making plans. I’m going to the gym tomorrow again. We have a match against the Red Falcons in two weeks so I need to become at least a bit stronger,” Suna explained monotonously, as if you should have known that already.
“I- I know but… I thought… it’d be a nice surprise…”
The man sighed and turned to walk towards the bathroom, ready to just shower and go to sleep. He simply could not be bothered to argue with you, thinking this problem would solve itself like it always did. But you had had enough of this issue.
Suna hadn’t even realised it was coming until he felt a small bell keychain hit the back of his head. It fell to the hardwood floor with a loud clang which lasted for far too long, causing him to inhale sharply and turn around, anger and annoyance replacing the bored expression on his face for once. 
“What the hell is-” he was about to raise his voice until he saw the way your features trembled and your eyes had already become red and puffy. His own features softened and his body unstiffened. “Y/N…”
“You know, the least you could do is try to be nice to me!” you yelled, furiously wiping away the tears forming. “You could at least say “Mm, I’m really not free but we can do it some other time.” or some shit like that! But no! I- I’m busy too, you know! I’m trying to get promoted so I don’t have to rely on yer dumb ass all the time, but I still want to make time for you because I love you so much! But I don’t think ya get that!” 
Something in the back of your mind was telling you not to say these things, that maybe you could just talk this out calmly. Maybe you didn’t have to explode, but something else told you this was the only way to get a point across.
“I’m your girlfriend, but I feel more like a roommate or burden at this point! Ya know, even ‘Tsumu’s able to make time for his girlfriend! And- And Bokuto’s always doing his promotions and ads but still makes time for his boyfriend! Ojiro-senpai too! Miyu-chan tells me he’s the one planning the dates! But ya can’t even be bothered to pretend you’re happy I tried ta plan somethin’ for us!” 
Suna knew you really were angry when your dialect started coming out but he just didn’t know what to say. He could only stand there in silence with his head hanging like a child being scolded.
“Rintarou… I love you so much you know… I just wonder these days- no, I just wonder if you ever loved me back the same way.”
Oh, he knew. Ever since that night when he heard you crying on the phone, he knew he wasn’t doing enough. 
“I… I’m sorry.” Suna looked up when he suddenly heard those words from you amidst the sobs and chokes. 
“I already left your pyjamas on the bathroom counter… Please don’t… Just please don’t talk to me tonight.” you hurried to the tiny kitchen to wash your face as he silently made his way to the bathroom, thoughts swirling around in his head. 
Suna stared at your figure silently for a second before bending down to pick up the bell - a cheap gift he had given you for your third month together right after you two first started university. It was old, the string slightly frayed and loose, and the golden paint had chipped in places to reveal the stainless steel underneath it. There was even a dent on the bottom from when you accidentally dropped one of your heavier textbooks onto it. It was old, and Suna had told you countless times it was fine to throw away, but you always kept it. 
The man took it and carefully placed it back on the key rack before heading into the bathroom. He took his time in there, gathering his thoughts as he knew he wouldn’t be sharing a bed with you tonight.
It was understandable really, he hadn’t been a great boyfriend. Suna knew a relationship took work from both sides and he shouldn’t have been as blunt as he was earlier that night. 
One couldn’t count the number of times he had muttered profanities aimed towards himself while sitting in the bathtub thinking about his mistakes. He didn’t know if you would even want to see him tomorrow morning. Maybe it was for the best he just went to the gym…
The next morning, Suna woke up early. Even in winter, the sun rose far too early in Japan for his taste. Sitting up and grumbling, he rubbed his eyes and stumbled to the bathroom to begin his morning routine.
Looking at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth, he could only sigh at the sight of the dark circles under his eyes. 
Though you made him sleep on the stiff couch last night, you gave him the shared duvet and his pillow while you took the slightly thinner blanket from the closet. 
Despite the added comfort, Suna could barely fall asleep. He kept twisting and turning, thinking about you. Your pained face, your strained voice, your kindness even when angry at him. 
“I fucked up so bad,” he muttered once he washed his face and stared at his pathetically tired self in the mirror, water dripping from the ends of his hair. Would you want to break up with him after that? He’d understand if you wanted to, though he knew he would never be able to forgive himself for losing you because of some stupid mistake he could have prevented. 
Suna sighed for what felt like the thousandth time in the past 12 hours and dabbed his face dry with a towel. He knew that now would be the hardest bit - entering your bedroom to get his change of clothes.
Opening the door as slowly as possible in order to prevent the loud whiny creaking that he wished he had fixed months ago, Suna walked slowly towards the open closet. As quickly as possible, he grabbed a set of clothes and turned to face the door. Though it wasn’t without looking at your sleeping form on the large bed. 
Your face was puffy, dehydrated from sobbing last night, only emphasised by the wads of used tissues on the nightstand and floor. He noticed your breathing was a bit heavier than usual and your body was curled up as you hugged the thin blanket as close to yourself as you could.
The sight pained him intensely. 
With silent footsteps, Suna set his clothes on his side (the empty side) of the bed and tiptoed out to grab the duvet before returning and carefully laying it over your body. He tucked it right up to your chin as you always liked it and sat on the floor, eyes scanning every little feature on your face. From the smallest moles he loved to kiss to each individual eyelash.
“You’re not hearing this, I guess,” he muttered, looking down at the floor for a moment before looking back up at you, “I thought about it for a really long time. I really should’ve been better to you.”
The silence in the room was deafening. 
Suna gulped and bit the inside of his cheek as he thought about his next words, wondering if you could hear him in your sleep. 
“I always left you alone but you would always be nice to me. When you could, you’d make me bentos and clean the house while I did the laundry. Hm… putting stuff into a machine isn’t anywhere equal to cooking and cleaning surfaces, but I guess that’s another point to make.” 
Suna smiled to himself just a bit at the memory of you running into the bedroom to make him try your new pastries or dinner creations. He always thought you were so adorable in your old and stained apron that sometimes he would just stand in the kitchen to chat with you or watch you cook.
Then he was reminded of the dinner you had planned for the two of you and he suddenly frowned remembering how horrible he acted towards you the night before.
“You never expected me to be perfect since day one. I think I’m the furthest thing from a handsome prince on a white horse. But you’ve always been wonderful to me. And I was thinking…” You were asleep, right? Was it worth it to say such cheesy things?
“I kept wondering if you would leave and I thought I don’t want to lose you. I’m nowhere close to a prince but I thought I want to always be the one who wakes you up with a kiss. Or, I want you to wake me up with a kiss. Either is fine really. But… yeah. I’m sorry. Really, really sorry. ” He was certain you weren’t hearing these things yet there was a dark blush on his cheeks.
Until he saw you shift in the bed. 
Suna swears his heart stopped momentarily as he leaned closer, checking to see if you had woken up. 
Your eyelids slowly opened and you squinted tiredly at Suna, just barely able to see him with how blurry your vision had become. “Rin…?”
The man hurried to his feet, hoping his morning wouldn’t feel any heavier than it already did. 
“I’m gonna give you some space. I’ll be back after my jog.” 
Suna turned to exit the bedroom but was stopped by the sound of stumbling, followed by your warmth around his waist and resting on his back.
“Please… don’t go.”
He stared silently at the floor in front of him. 
“I don’t think you want to-”
“Stay here! …please?” 
Your soft voice broke but mended his heart at the same time. The scratchiness and fear in your voice contrasted with the words that he wanted to hear so badly.
“Did you…”
“Yeah, I heard everything.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Of course I’m still a little mad. But right now I’m just really happy you would say those things when you normally wouldn’t tell me how you feel. So… please, don’t go. Stay with me.”
The few moments of silence seemed to pass in eons as Suna took in a shaky breath before turning to hug you tightly, burying his face into your neck so you couldn’t see his tears of relief.
“Of course I will. I won’t go anywhere, babe.”
Four years have passed since that night. Suna yawns and scrunches up his face slightly at the way the sunlight enters your shared bedroom. Squinting his eyes, he looks around the room and wonders if maybe he should’ve put on a shirt like you did last night to deal with the first bites of winter. Then again, you did take his shirt.
He then looks to you, sleeping quietly by his side. You looked a little like a mess; hair messy, dwarfed in his big shirt, cheek smushed against the pillow, but he thought you looked adorable. 
It’s cold, but he feels warm by your side. 
And when he looks down at your left hand resting under his even in your sleep, the sight of the silver ring with its diamonds adorning your finger makes his heart even warmer.
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margarethx · 3 years
I have some slightly controversial take about Sam Wilson fandom here, so maybe don’t reblog this post... Comment if you want, but I really don’t want to start arguing with anyone. I just need to vent and will probably delete the whole rant later.
I know that Sam’s fans complain a lot about the treatment he gets in the fandom... I still do that from time to time and I probably will continue doing it in the future. But I’m starting to feel very, very tired with the people who act like their love for Sam can only be expressed through:
1) criticizing other people’s content,
2) hatered/dislike for Bucky or Sambucky,
3) complaining about other people in the fandom.
It’s so weird. We criticize the people who make Bucky-centric content with barely any mention of Sam and tag it with his name, because it’s annoying, but at the same time there is quite a big number of fans, whose posts in Sam Wilson tag are basically:
“omg he never gets recognition”, “MCU fandom hates Sam”, “Everything is about Bucky, where is Sam?!” “some of you only like sam when he’s with bucky :/”
And... sure. There’s a lot of truth to these statements. But saying that over and over again won’t fix the problem, especially if you yourself don’t do ANYTHING to remedy the situation. You’re flooding the tag too... Just in a different way. A few months ago I had this habit that I liked to follow people who wrote posts like these. Because I had this assumption that: if you complain about Sam being treated badly you probably love him a lot, so we should get along. I love him too!
But I realized that a lot of those people literally complain for the sake of complaining and than don’t even try to post Sam-centric content on their own. Why not??? You don’t have to be an amazing creator to make a good post. It’s not just about realistic fanart and 30k words fanfic with a complicated plot. You might write some weird HCs about Sam instead. Or a joke. Incorrect quotes. Ideas for fics you’ll never finish, but might inspire other people. Doodles that took 2 minutes of drawing. Edited photos. Favourite screenshots. Prompts. Learn to make poor-quality gifs of Sam’s cool fightigh style. Write a short scene analysis. Or ask other people how they analyse some scenes to start a discussion. Link some edits from YouTube.
And if you cannot think of a single thing to make on your own? Well. You can always promote art made by other people. Go through the tag and reblog things you loved. Find a good blog and search throught their archives to find older content. You can compile a post with fic recommendations so other people read what you enjoyed and see how good the content about Sam might be. Or recommend your favourite creators in general. Send encouraging asks to artists who you love so they feel motivated.
--- ----- ---
But these people do none of that. I can scroll throught their blog for 10 minutes and everything about Sam Wilson I see is complaining that people like Bucky more. Or that Sambucky is popular. (As if all the best Sambucky stories aren’t just fans expressing their love towards Sam through Bucky’s eyes...) I’m not trying to say that you have to be a creator to criticize the fandom, but it’s weird when you only yell at others for not posting enough about Sam when you didn’t post anything about him either unless it’s complaining. Kind of ironic...
Also! If you don’t promote other people’s content they get discoraged from posting. It’s a fact. I have probably over 80 different half-made and finished drawings with Sam Wilson on my tablet, but I have zero incentive to post any of them, because every attempt in the past ended with these posts getting 4 notes. Or 10 at best. So why bother? I can look at them alone. And I don’t remember these people who complained about the lack of Sam content supporting my Sam-centric art with nice comments.
You cannot expect the fandom to mass-produce content for you if you don’t encourage it. I got no feedback, so now I just sort of... write or draw for myself, because I enjoy it and have no incentive to publish any of that when no one’s interested. Instead I just make writing prompts or analysis of tfatws, because there’s a bigger chance I’ll have an interesting disussion with other fans in the comments or I’ll inspire other creators to make more art by posting that. I enjoy both of those things very much, but one evokes a reaction I want and the other just... doesn’t. (It’s not even about validation... even if it’s nice to get compliments. It’s just: “when other people are clearly not interested, why make the art public at all?”.)
--- ----- ---
Like I said. I’m not going to call out any specific person here. But there were a few people who harshly criticized me in asks or in private messages for “pretending to love Sam” just because I like Sambucky too. But if you scroll through my blog you’ll find that at least 95% of the posts are about Sam. And if you scroll through theirs it’s 3 posts - all of them about fandom not loving Sam enough. (I just checked.)
But I guess I’m a “disgrace to the fandom”, because I acknowledge that Sam might have a love interest while you said you hate Bucky, so... Apparently your love for Sam Wilson is more real if you despise more popular characters he interacts with. ...Be honest with yourselves. Some of you just like to whine and complain, but prefer to disguise it behind love for Sam, so it sounds justified.
And yes. There should be more content that is only about Sam. Or about Sam’s non-romantic relationships. Sure. But if my two choices are: “get a Sambucky fic about Bucky loving Sam very much” or “get a post where someone cries about Sam not being loved enough for the 10th time”... then pardon me for preferring the first option.
If any of you spent half the energy you waste on complaining on making a single post about your supposed love for Sam the tag would be much more full of good content. But it seems like making actual content requires more effort and talent, so you just stay there whining that other people don’t provide you with what you want and demand. And give zero encouragement and promotion to those who do the work.
So continue doing that if you wish. But I won’t waste all my energy on making my weekly “this fandom fucking sucks” post. I prefer promoting cool art other users made (now or years ago) and creating my own posts that might not be always 100% about only Sam... but are still focused on him. Because I like this fictional little guy. I’m not going to let this weird purity tests ruin my enjoyment. If the pretty drawing of Sam has Bucky on the other side of the canvas I still have a cool drawing of Sam to admire. So it’s a win for me.
--- ----- ---
[Reminder: please don’t reblog this. I really just need to vent. Comments are okay, I can discuss this. I just don’t want some peope to see that and go yell at me all over again. I was already harassed for allowing Bucky or Steve on my mostly Sam-Wilson-centric blog...]
[Also... if you think this is hypocritical of me to complain about complaining... Maybe. I don’t think it’s comparable here, but whatever.]
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aewhore · 4 years
Drunk in love ~ Orange Cassidy x reader (NSFW)
REQUEST BY : @bestfriendshypewoman​  (I hope you like it!!!)
Summary: You go out to the bar with Adam after Revolution 2020, You and Orange get tipsy and you both get very handsy and flirty. You both end up back in your hotel room and it gets juicy. ;)    
Word count: 3500
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Revolution had come and gone and it had been the best ppv for AEW so far. You had defended your AEW women's championship against one of your closest friends Kris Statlander. The saying in pro wrestling that “you hit harder when you're fighting your friends” never rang truer than when you and Kris stepped in the ring against one another. It was a hard hitting, fast paced match and it helped a lot that the crowd was electric the entire time. Signing with AEW was the best decision you had ever made in the last 15 years of your career, you were doing your best work and it was only getting better as your title reign continued.   
Hopping between different indie promotions means you made friends all over the world but sadly you didn't get to see them as often as you would like until now. That being said you also saw the people you didn't like a lot more often. Such people included the cooler than cool Orange Cassidy. It's not that you hated Cassidy, it's just he rubbed you the wrong way. It wasn't a one way street though, Cassidy wasn’t your biggest fan either. He would leave the room if you entered, he would ignore you if you both ever got stuck in a conversation together but now you were both in the same promotion so you did what any rational adults would do, and completely ignored each other like the plague.
So after your blockbuster match with Kris, you were bruised and beaten up as you prepared to leave the arena and return to your warm, soft bed back at the hotel. However just as you went to leave Hangman Adam Page came into your dressing room. “Hey Y/N, heck of a match tonight, congrats on successfully defending that title” He says as he gives you a congratulatory hug. You and Adam had been friends for many years, ever since ROH when Adam debuted and you were in a singles match on the main card. You had approached Adam after the show and you both immediately became great friends. “Speak for yourself! You just had an easy 5 star match and you're taking home the belt as well, I owe you many congratulations.” You laugh as you pat Adam on the back. “I don't know how you're still standing either, I'm absolutely exhausted and I can't wait to collapse back at the hotel” you confess to Adam as you go back to packing up your gear bag. “So you would be up for a champion’s celebratory beer at the bar?” You turn back to Adam to see him hiding a smirk like he already knew you answer. “Adam, I wanna go to bed.” you whine as Adam starts to give those puppy dog eyes of his. “Come on Y/N, were drinking buddies! You wouldn't want a cowboy to drink all by his lonesome after we’ve both had such a successful night” Adam did give some good points. The second you hesitated to think about it, Adam broke out into a smile.  “Great! I'll meet you in the hotel bar in 30 minutes” before you could argue Adam was already walking out giving you no option but to go drinking with your favourite southern boy.
You arrived back at the hotel to dump your luggage off back at your room first, while you were there you changed from your sweatshirt into a nice top so even if you didn't feel the best you might as well look the best. You left your room and headed towards the elevator. As you wait for the elevator, you reply to Adam’s text asking if you were on your way and if he should order you something to have it waiting for you when you get there. You got onto the first elevator that came, still on your phone you glanced up to push the button as you hit send on your demands for a free drink for Adam in exchange for your missing sleep.  You put your phone back into your pocket when you see you're not alone in the elevator, you were joined by all 3 of the best friends. You glance away to the mirror to fix your makeup. You hear Trent and Chuck talking amongst themselves about the pay per view that had just passed. It was no surprise not to hear a word from Cassidy other than the occasional grunt and mumbled “yeah”. You feel eyes on you as you glance in the mirror to see Cassidy staring at you in the mirror through his sunglasses. You raise your eyebrow slightly as you can feel your cheeks start to warm up under the heat of his stare.
The elevator dings when you all arrive at the lobby, you immediately turn to walk out of the elevator and towards the bar where you saw nearly every AEW wrestler celebrating another amazing ppv. You spot Adam sitting at the bar with two neat whiskeys in front of him and you immediately beeline for the much needed drink. Once you sit beside Adam the drinking begins, From beers to whiskeys as long as it was alcoholic you guys were drinking it. Since you were so small people assumed you couldn’t handle it, which couldn't be more wrong considering you put away a bottle of whiskey like it was nothing. As the hours ticked the crowd started to thin out in the bar but a lot of the remaining crowd all gathered around a few tables you had pushed together so you could all laugh and chat together. You were sandwiched between Adam and Chuckie T who were deep in conversation about the ups and downs of being southern men. You were drunkenly talking across the table at Kris who was telling you about her learning to wrestle on her home planet and how it compares to earthling wrestling. You were leaning your head against Adams shoulder as you normally did when the liquor was getting to your head. You glance around at your gang of coworker who were laughing and hollering as they told stories of their travels around the world before you eyes landed on Orange Cassidy, now without his signature sunglasses it was irrefutable that he was staring argyle at you, but as you focused on him you realized he wasn’t glaring at you rather he was giving a dead stare to Adam. This was thoroughly confusing as you weren’t aware if Adam and Cassidy had any beef. You make a mental note to ask Adam about it later when you were both sober.
You excused yourself to go to the bathroom and when you return you see that Chuckie has taken your seat and Trent has taken his seat, leaving the only empty seat beside Orange. You hesitate before sucking it up and sitting beside Cassidy, hoping he won't cause a fuss since he's busy chatting to Brandon Cutler and a few others. You pick back up your conversation with Kris which was easier since you were closer to her so it was far easier to hear her. Your conversations ends and you listen to Adam’s as he drunkenly rambles on about proper horse care to Trent and Chuckie who you are not sure if they’re listening intently or too drunk to even know Adams talking. You feel something on your back and turn to see Orange resting his arm around the back of your chair. You turn to face him and he’s already staring right at you with those strikingly blue eyes. “Can I help you?” You say, attitude dripping off every word. Cassidy sighs, he glances around at everyone at the table almost to ensure no one's watching before he leans in to you. “Listen i know we haven’t exactly seen eye to eye-” You interrupt him with a laugh at his massive understatement. “I mean it's hard to see eye to eye when we avoid each other Cassidy” he rolls his eyes. “Are you going to let me finish?” his voice had an air of dominance that you had never heard before causing you to stop talking immediately. Orange pulls your chair closer to him as the group around you gets loud again. He started to speak again this time in a low voice that demanded your attention. “I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I feel I have to explain myself. I feel there has been a misunderstanding between us..” due to how close you two had suddenly become you could smell jack and coke he was sipping on. “You see sweetheart I haven't been avoiding you because I don't like you, no no no quite the opposite, I’ve been avoiding you because I'm fascinated by you, the way you carry yourself. I find you incredibly attractive.” This was the most you had heard Cassidy speak in all your years of knowing him and to say you were gobsmacked would be an understatement. All this time you thought Cassidy disliked you and this is what was happening the whole time.  
As Cassidy spoke he rested his hand on the lower part of your thigh. You moved your hand to Cassidy’s side as you leaned in to whisper your response into his ear. “And here i was thinking you hated me but looking at where your hand is right now i can bet that you like me a lot more than you're letting on” the smirk on your face grows as you see a light blush grow on Cassidy’s face. You gently kiss Cassidy on the neck before you go to lean back in your chair but Cassidy doesn’t let you move too far away from him by wrapping the arm that was resting on your chair around your waist to pull you back into him. “Jesus, I always knew you’d be a tease” Cassidy growls into your ear “I just want to see how hot and bothered I get you” You run your hand up his thigh. Before Cassidy can reply in your back and forth he's interrupted by Adam. “Hey Y/N, I wanna head back to my room, help me up” You turn in your chair to see Adam doing grabby hands towards you. You burst out laughing at Adam showing how much of a baby he is. “Yeah ok Hangy lets get you back to your stables” you turn back to Cassidy to see him not looking at you but instead doing his usual too cool for school face, you grab a napkin off the table and a pen from your purse to scribble down your hotel room number. “When you finish up here come see me” You hand Cassidy the napkin and wink before you turn to help Adam out of the bar.
Adam was relying his entire weight on you as you approached his hotel room door, he was chatting your ear off about how fun the night was and how glad he was to have a friend like you.  You led him into the room before unceremoniously dumping him on his bed. He Immediately kicks off his boots before he starts to undress himself. “Jesus, Ok Adam at least  give me some sort of warning before you decide to get naked” You say over your shoulder as you turn to walk out of the room and to return to your own. “Ok night night Y/N” You couldn't help but laugh as you hear Adam wish you a good night, completely ignoring his half assed strip tease he just gave you. The second you shut Adams door behind you the anxiety in your stomach builds, what if Cassidy doesn't show but what happens if he does show up. The elevator ride from Adam’s floor to your own feels like an eternity. You get off the elevator and head towards your room. Once inside you put your bag down and take off your jacket. The pacing begins some time after that. You were a nervous wreck as you touched up your makeup and fixed your outfit waiting for Cassidy to show up.  
When you finally hear a knock at your door, you wait a few seconds to catch your breath before you look through the peephole to see Cassidy looking as nonchalant as ever. You open the door and before you can even greet him. Cassidy pushes past you into the room, slamming the door and pushing you up against it. You can feel his lips ghosting your own as you get lost in his gorgeous ocean coloured eyes. You lean up and Cassidy smashes your lips together in a wild and passionate kiss. Your hands went to wrap around Cassidy’s neck as his hand began roaming up and down your side, slipping under your shirt and massaging at the skin. His hands slide into your bra as he squeezes your tits causing you to gasp and that allows him to slip his tongue into your mouth. “Jump” he growls against your mouth as his hands lower to grab the backs  of your thighs as you follow his command and wrap your legs snuggly around his hips.
He walks you both towards your bed before he drops you onto the bed. You bounce as your ass collides with the soft surface. Your body lights up as Cassidy scans your body as he towers over you. You reach up and grab him by the collar to drag him down to smash your mouths back together. His hands return to roaming your body before he begins to tug your shirt up. You take the hint and strip off your shirt. Cassidy immediately attacks your chest with nips and open mouth kisses. You arch your back to get more from pressure and attention from Cassidy’s mouth while his mouth travels down your stomach. You giggled when he reached your happy trail, he eyed you as he began to unbutton your jeans. You raised your hips to make it easier to pull your jeans and your panties off completely and Cassidy throws them haphazardly behind himself.  Cassidy drapes your thighs over his shoulder as he begins to lay soft kisses and gentle bites along the insides of your thighs. He finally starts to lay kisses and kitten licks along your slit as your whines become full on moans at the pleasure you're receiving. His hands have a deadly grip on your hips keeping you bolted to the edge of the mattress meaning you can't do anything but lay there and take it as you start to be devoured. Cassidy’s kitten licks turn to long swipes of his tongue and his gentle kisses turn to toe curling pleasure as Cassidy sucks at your clit. Cassidy ate you out like a madman as you writhed and moaned below him. He eased a finger into you as you cried out his name, begging him for more. The coil in your abdomen tightened and tightened as Cassidy slid a second finger into you using his spit and your wetness as lubricant. He then begin scissoring and fucking you with his long, thin fingers. Knuckles nudging your G spot at the perfect pace as he thrust his fingers at an inhuman speed. “A-a-ahh C-Cassidy I’m g-onna c-cum” You cry out. Cassidy sucks on your clit to push you over the edge and you throw your head back.
You gripped his hair as you came down from your orgasm, you pull him up to kiss him and you groan as the taste of yourself fills your mouth. Your hands trail down his body as you tug at the hem of his shirt because him wearing any clothes is getting aggravating. He smirks at your need to see him naked as soon as possible. He grants your requests and you immediately attack his collarbone and chest with kisses and bites, he lets out a low moan when you suck on a sweet spot where his neck meets his shoulder causing him to suddenly grind into you. The feeling of his denim against your bare crotch caused a weird but euphoric rush to run through your body as he began fumbling with his jeans button. You place your hands over his in an effort to calm his nerves, you successfully get his jeans undone and he strips them off and throws them in the same direction that he threw yours. You had seen Cassidy without his shirt on before and you had seen him in wrestling trunks as well but seeing him towering above you in nothing but his boxers made you speechless at just how ungodly attractive he was. His slander build hid how much power and strength he had. You pulled Cassidy down to kiss him and you used this momentum to flip you both over so you were straddling Cassidy. Cassidy raises his hips to throw his boxers off, his hard dick stands up against his stomach and you grind against it for friction against your clit. He stills your hips by grabbing you and teasing your hole with his erection. You whined as Cassidy’s grip on your hips prevented you from sinking down on him.  
Cassidy smirked up at you as he lined himself up and slowly lowered you onto himself. The girth of it begins to override your senses as all you can think about is the stretching feeling as Cassidy pushed himself to the hilt. You sit flush against his hips when Cassidy starts to shallowly thrust up into you and your moans turn to cries when his tip perfectly nudges against your G spot. You place your hands against his chest for leverage and you can feel his rapid breathing beneath your palms. His thrusts become violent as his cock starts to throb inside of you. His hands trail up your body to squeeze and tease with your tits as you rode his cock like there was no tomorrow. You could tell Cassidy was close to cumming by the bright red flush of his face and chest and the groans that were just now becoming audible as he increased in volume the closer to finishing he got. Your hips started to stutter as your body tensed with how close you were. Cassidy lets his hand fall back down your body as he starts to rub tight circles on your clit causing you to be pushed over the edge as the coil in your stomach snaps and a rush of electricity zaps through your body. You clench on Cassidy and it feels as if you milk him of every drop of cum as his cum shoots, hot and thick into you. The aftershocks ripple through both your bodies as you fall forward onto Cassidy.  
After you both have caught your breath, you roll off of Cassidy to allow him to go to the bathroom. You can't help but stare at his bare ass as he walks away. You start to giggle before Cassidy turns back to you with a raised eyebrow. “I hate to see you leave, but i love to watch you go” He barks with laughter at what a horrible line that was. “You already got in my pants, you don't have to use bad pick up lines on me now.” You laugh at the savage rejection your brilliant line got. You stand on wobbly legs as you reach for a random shirt to wear to go to sleep in. Cassidy comes back from the bathroom with a washcloth and hands it to you and you wipe yourself off before throwing the cloth back towards the bathroom and curling up into bed. You notice Cassidy is still standing beside the bed not looking directly at you but darting his eyes around the room as if he's never been in a hotel before. You realize he’s debating whether to stay or go, so you make that decision for him by lifting up the blankets and patting the empty space. “Come on, cool guy, it's cuddle time.” He tries to hide it as he climbs in beside you but you see that small smile on his face as you pull him into your nest of comfort. “Hey Y/N?” you hear Cassidy ask after you turn the light off. “Yeah Orange?” your brows furrow slightly at what Cassidy could be gearing up to ask. “Are you wearing my shirt?” you breathe a sigh of relief at the simple question. “Um yeah” you say, gauging his reaction, silently hoping he's not mad. “Hm.. Cool” He pulls you closer as you start to fall asleep to the even beat of his heart.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
2. I’m fine, don’t I look fine?
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Genre: Yoongi x OC
Warnings: anxiety/panic attack 
Word Count: 2.6k
The world is closing in around me, my lungs straining as they try to work through the heavy gulps of air that I can’t quite seem to get enough of. Any thought of sleep has long checked out of my brain, my body taking over when my brain decidedly burned out. 
My phone sits where I tossed it on my bed, the light from the constant flow of notifications being the only source of illumination in the hotel room as I cling to the curtains hanging from the window. Jaw clenched, hair a mess from all the times I’ve pondered just yanking it out, nostrils flared as I devour any hint of oxygen.
Fumbling hands push against the window until I manage to find the latch, a near-silent whimper escaping me as the cool London air floods the stuffy room. It doesn’t take long until I’m down on the floor, arms and legs pulled into my core head buried along with the rest of my mental capacity. 
I can’t decide which is worse. Closing my eyes and falling into that black abyss, or rocketing back up to the window, drinking in the air even as my eyes take in the city before me, reminding me of just how small and helpless I am.  
Everything, everything I have become and worked for scooped up in the palm of some man I’ve never met. There I am, right there. Falling from his hands like sand and he doesn’t even realize all that he’s holding.
The only hope I have left is that Min Yoongi has decided to create a castle with the remnants of me in his hands, and isn’t planning to wreck my tiny fortress with a well-timed stomp of his foot like some child on a playground. He must know, right? That while this may seem like some sort of trivial recess drama, it could end me? He will survive, because he’s loved the world over.
The world doesn’t know me well enough yet to even ascertain whether or not it loves me, but depending on what this stranger says about me will surely make up the world’s mind.
Like coming out of a deep sleep I begin to hear the constant vibrations of my phone on my bed. Someone is trying to call me. I don’t want to answer.
Moreover, I’m not sure I can answer. 
Eventually the sounds fade out again. Laying there on the ground before the window, I stare up at the ceiling. Naturally my eyes drift to the smoke detector, its small blue light holding me hostage even as I cling to that unspoken beacon of reality. It’s something so starkly normal; so completely common that I find my airways begin to open up bit by bit.
 The world is still spinning. 
I am still breathing.
The sun will rise. 
And Min Yoongi will have hell to pay.
What started as a gentle tap against my door quickly turns into an attempted breakin from the sounds of it. I jump up, forgetting where I am for a moment before I finally settle back down with a groan. 
I would personally not recommend the Waldorf to anyone purely based on the quality of their floors on my back.  
“Who is it?” I manage to croak out. The state of my throat serves as a reminder of my panic attack the night before. I wince, flipping around onto my stomach so I can stretch. 
“It’s Sebastian you ungrateful little weirdo, now open up this door before I-”
 I yank the door open, coming face to face with a red in the face Sebastian Stan. If I wasn’t currently fearing for my life I would have chuckled at the picture before me: Sebastian raging while doing his best to not crush the muffin he extends to me. He isn’t completely successful; there are imprints of his fingers on the base of my muffin, but I don’t mention it. 
“Did you just call me an ‘ungrateful little weirdo’? T-that’s not very nice.” I curse myself for my stutter, but I can’t help it as the weight that dragged me down last night comes crashing into me all over again. 
Sebastian closes the door behind him, looking around my hotel room like a bloodhound on a hunt. He lets out a triumphant shout when he comes across what he was looking for.
“This is quite the contraption. It allows people to communicate with you. All you have to do is press accept and then they can talk to you at all hours of the day and night.” Snatching my phone up from where I left it abandoned on the bed he hoists it up in the air. “Did you seriously ignore my calls all night? And everyone else’s?” 
He takes a look at my lock screen, eyebrows furrowing when he sees that I haven’t even opened my phone since the night before. Slowly, he takes in the bed which is only a little wrinkled from where I laid on it. I hadn’t even had time to get beneath the covers before I shot out of my bed like a bolt of lightning. I can see the gears shifting in Sebastian’s head. It’s clear that I didn’t sleep in my bed last night. But if I didn’t sleep there then... 
“Did you go somewhere last night?” His voice is quiet now, although I find that I prefer the yelling than I do the quiet. 
“No? Then why is your bed still made?” He looks at me, but I make myself busy by shoving the muffin into my mouth. I know my face probably is red and blotchy from the stress tears I shed the night before. Setting the muffin down on the table, I make my way to the bathroom. Maybe if I can wash my face, he won’t notice. 
Sebastian follows me wordlessly. Quickly I reach for some facial scrub, turning the faucet on. 
Sebastian turns it off. I glare, but remain with my eyes downward. I turn it back on. 
He turns it off. 
“This is fun,” I growl out, going to turn the faucet back on but finding his hand planted firmly atop it. “But I don’t quite get the point of this game.” 
“Look at me.”
Sometimes, I really hate the fact that Sebastian has gotten to know me so well. I blame the crew of “Young Rising”, they were the ones who decided to cart us off to the middle of nowhere with no one to talk to except for each other and a few other actors or crew members that popped in and out.
 Sebastian’s tone has lost its edge when he speaks again, and I can tell that he’s starting to regret his temper tantrum from earlier. “Cara, look at me.”
Too exhausted to play this little game any further, I raise my head. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, eyes still red and puffy, dried tear-tracks sticking to my cheeks. I look like a complete mess. 
When I deem enough time has passed I reach for the faucet and throw it on, ripping open my facial bar. Sebastian stands there silent, connecting the dots. 
“Happy?” I bite out, eyes shut tight against the suds. My friend doesn’t say anything. When I finally finish up, he hands me a towel. 
Peaking my eyes open I find my friend leaning up against the counter with a faraway look in his eyes. When he notices my stare he comes back to life, silently opening his arms. I finish drying my face before tossing the towel aside and inching forward until Sebastian pulls me into his embrace. 
There’s a part of me that thinks that now would probably be a good time to cry again, but I can’t find the tears. Instead I just rest my head against his chest, feeling like a crumbling husk. 
“I didn’t realize, Car. That was uncalled for, my anger. I shouldn’t have called you, I- I should have just come over here-”
I shush him before he can get too far in his head. “Don’t worry about it,” I mumble against his chest.
“But, wait.” He moves so he can see my face. “Where did you sleep?”
I bite my lip, ignoring the way his eyes drift down to watch the action with more focus than required. “I’ll tell you one thing: these floors suck.”
Sebastian’s rolling laugh manages to bring a small smile to my face, although it serves as the final nail in my coffin when it suddenly stops, something dawning on his face.
“Oh yeah, Rhea wants to meet with us. Hurry and get ready.” I nod, already sure that our director will no doubt want to discuss the current situation. It doesn’t take long for me to throw some decent clothes on, Sebastian waiting outside my room. 
“Ready?” He asks, significantly more chipper than just a few minutes ago. 
“Yeah, ready.” Sebastian looks me over, smirking. “What?”
“You don’t have your phone, do you?” 
I groan, heading back inside as Sebastian chuckles. “Do I really need it?” I already know the answer, though. Wincing as I assess the damage, that being twenty-six missed calls from several different people and double the amount of texts, I head back out. 
“Ok, now let’s go.”
The small conference room on the second floor of the Waldorf is already filled to the brim with noise by the time I enter, Sebastian close behind me. All it takes is one look at me and the worried expression I masked a heartbeat too late for it to die down. 
“How are you doing, sweetie?” Rhea, the director and evil genius behind “Young Rising” comes up to me and gives me a warm smile. I nod, trying my best to return the smile but failing greatly in the “warmth” division.
Sebastian pulls out a seat, plopping down beside me once I’ve taken my seat. The room is still too quiet, a stark construct in comparison with previous meetings where the volume level was at a near constant high. 
“Alright everyone, let’s get started!” Rhea takes the lead, looking down at one of her many binders. “We’ve successfully finished shooting ‘Young Rising’, and now we are on to the next stage. Promotions.”
A groan goes around the table, the veterans in show business knowing full well what a nightmare that can be. I remain silent, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Everyone here clearly knows what’s going on, right?
“Sebastian and Cara did a great job on the ‘Graham Norton Show’ last night, let’s give them a hand.” A scattered round of applause echoes around the room, pink blooming on my cheeks. “Last we checked, which was about fifteen minutes ago, one of your clips from the show on Youtube has already reached four million views. People are curious to know who you guys are.”
I look up at Rhea to see her already smiling at me. We both know why people are curious. 
“Which clip was it?” Sebastian asks. I refrain from punching him. Rhea sighs, looking down at her notes. 
“It was the clip where Cara was informed of her new fan.” People chuckle in the room even as I sink further down into my seat. “That’s mainly what I wanted to talk about in this meeting today. Stephen is going to talk to us a bit more about how we should handle promotions moving forward with this newfound knowledge and the possible advantages and disadvantages we’ll be facing.” 
Stephen stands up, fixing his glasses. “Right, so just like Rhea said, I think that we really need to focus on the advantages we’ve just been given. So first, shoutout to Cara for being so likeable.” If I wasn’t trying to disappear before, I definitely am now. Sebastian notices and flicks my elbow. I glare at him, sitting up again. “Now more people that originally wouldn’t have given ‘Young Rising’ the time of day are becoming interested in the film. What their intentions are is uncertain, but we do know that we can use this attention to explain from a higher platform why we think this film is worth seeing.”
Stephen chatters on, going on and on about different techniques we can use to steer interview questions away from our love lives and tie our answers into the film. At some point he passes out an outline, which I’m grateful for. There’s no way I’m going to remember this when it’s finished.
 “Now, we should address possible pitfalls as well as instructions for how we should carry ourselves during these promotions. Obviously, this is especially applicable for Cara and Sebastian.” Reaching below the table, Stephen comes up with a handful of envelopes of different shapes and sizes. “Just over the course of the past night, the hotel has delivered over twenty letters to us. They are almost all addressed to Cara. We haven’t read them, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they have something to do with Min Yoongi.” I can’t help but agree when I see one decked out with BTS themed stickers. 
“So what are we going to do about all of this?” Sebastian asks. 
“Well, there’s not a whole lot we can do except handle it with grace. People are unsure of whether or not they’re Cara’s fans now. That’s difficult to hear, but it’s true. They’re waiting to see how she reacts. While that’s entirely up to your discretion, I would advise you to talk with either me or your personal PR rep before showing your face on social media or in public. You need to be prepared for whatever comes your way. However, from a promotional standpoint, I’d say we should run with this. Use the people’s curiosity to drive them to the movie theater.”
I find myself nodding numbly along with the other people, mind finally quiet. It makes sense, and if we’re being honest, this really is a great opportunity. Yet, I can’t help but feel like nobody else sees this as I do. 
Like I’m looking at a door that either opens to another world or that just clanged shut and I’m on the wrong side, forever trapped. 
“I’m assuming you’ve heard the latest news, Cara?” Stephen shakes me from my thoughts, and I nod. Of course I have. It’s been all I can think about since that first notification popped up on my phone last night. 
“Yeah, are we actually going to do that?” Sebastian asks, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
“I see no reason not to. I think it would be worse to turn down the invitation. And Cara speaks the language, which is an added bonus. We just wanted to clear it with you two first, but we’ve already spoken with a few people from Seoul. They’re more than happy to accomodate us, if we do decide to extend our promotional route. What do you two think?”
If I close my eyes the tweet from last night is still there, glaring up at me. 
“‘Young Rising’ cast invited to film festival in Seoul - and BTS’ Suga already RSVPd”
You could hear a pin drop, it’s so quiet. Without opening my eyes I can already tell everyone is looking at me; awaiting my decision. I want to scream at them, tell them that I don’t know. I just wanted to act, I just wanted to be successful. And now that desire has twisted into some sick reality as I face the possibility that I will have to act through every social interaction for the foreseeable future. 
Taking a shaky breath I gather my thoughts, reminding myself that if all else fails I can just give Min Yoongi a piece of my mind and then move to the mountains for the rest of my life, far enough that nobody can ever find me. 
“I think we should go.”
Previous - Next
taglist is open! Lemme know! Also, these first few chapters are meant to set up who Cara is and what this entire crazy situation is. (I know that seems obvious but just if you’re wondering where the heck Yoongs is, I promise he’s coming.)
taglist: @taylorroe3​ @eusticenatalie​ @agustneeds​
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Membrane x Fem! Reader x Clembrane (OOO BABY A TRIPLE)
TW: Toxic Relationships, Mental Illness, Roleplay, Degradation, BDSM
(Y/N)'s POV
It was weird, what we had. It wasn't the norm, but things couldn't be too normal when there is a failed clone of a man along with said man living in the same household.
The norm was very different in the Membrane home. Instead of a nuclear family system,  Membrane allowed Clem to be a second father to his children. Meaning I was unofficially married to both of them. When one was busy, the other was there to spend time with me. Not to mention it meant the kids had more chances to play with their dads.
In reality, the only con was the cooking situation. Both of them were cooking disasters. One made toast with a blowtorch and the other made semi-edible pudding appear out of nowhere. Needless to say, neither were allowed in the kitchen. Due to that, I did all the cooking. Which lead to a good thing about the situation. Every meal, we would eat as a family. And it was comforting to know that no matter what I made, it would be better than anyone else could do.
But I still had my doubts. I try to be a good wife for my husbands. I spend time with the kids with them, I cook for them, I occasionally clean... but it never feels good enough. No matter how much I kid myself, Clem isn't human, and Membrane cares about science more than he cares about me.
It wasn't the norm, that's for sure. But it was our norm. And the closest we could get to a real family. After all this talk, I should probably say where they are. Membrane was going to be coming home any minute now and Clem was currently outside with the kids. I didn't feel like joining them, so I was preparing dinner.
Lately, Membrane has been bringing home his work attitude—not the friendly goofball I fell in love with. He was distant, and more reserved. Outgoing, still, but he was different. He didn't treat me like a wife—more like that of a coworker he was having an affair with.
Distantly, the door slammed. He was home.
"How was work tod-" he cut me off before I could finish.
"Office. Now." His smooth baritone voice whispered. I set down the potato I was peeling and followed him to his office. He only ever ordered me around like that for sex.
My eyelids drooped. I wasn't feeling it right now, but maybe I would once we got into it. It may happen. Even if I had the strength to say no, he wouldn't take it as an answer. I slowly trudged my way to his office.
He was waiting for me. He cleared off his desk and shoved me on it. It hurt.
"You want that promotion?" He asked. So this was our roleplay this time. It took everything in me to shake my head yes. He yanked me off the desk and forced me onto my knees.
"Then you better get to work." I unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them as well. His cock's outline bulged through his underwear and top. It was stuck standing vertically via the waistband. I pulled his boxers down and it landed right next to my mouth.
I took a deep breath and sighed outwardly before running my tongue across his length. After a few licks, he grew impatient and forced me to suck on his dick.
He groaned as I began to hum against him. "Estás como una puta, ¿sabes?" He said. It hurt, but I didn't let it faze me. I just continued to suck and hollow out my cheeks. "Apuesto que te encanta el sabor de mi semen." He moaned out.
Each dirty comment both dampened my mood and my panties. While I hated it, it never failed to get me wet. I began to whine on his dick. The vibration sent him over the edge and caused him to cum in my mouth without warning. The saltiness caught me off guard; I almost gagged.
He wiped some semen off of my lips and kissed me, tasting himself. In this motion he lifted me and carried me up by my thighs and started to go to the bedroom. Despite my safety being secure, I held onto him for my life. We broke the kiss and panted, gasping for air. He continued to carry me to the bedroom as he laid kisses upon my neck.
He pushed the door open and threw me onto the bed. I went ahead and took off my clothes as he did the same. Once we were down to our underwear, he got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head.
He dragged his tongue across my neck, making me shudder in anticipation.  "Me dejas regresar el favor, mi amor." He whispered into my neck. "Quiero."
"Then go ahead." I breathed. He released my hands and shifted his head towards my sex. He spread my legs like butter. He stuck out his tongue and licked up and down my vagina before entering. I felt him from inside me. Tasting me. Teasing me. He shifted my hips and prodded even further. My hands clutched his hair as he pleasured me. The constant sensation of his tongue pulsing within me drove me crazy in the best of ways. I tried my best to stifle my moans and whimpers, but was only partially successful. It was enough for the kids not to hear at least.
It wasn't long before I lost myself to him. I felt my eyes cross as a knot in my stomach began to unravel. And just like that, I came on his face. He lapped up what he could hungrily. After he decided he was done, he lifted himself up and looked me in my eyes.
"Te cogeré muy fuerte, verás estrellas para meses." My face was already flushed, but it somehow got redder at the saucy Spanish.
He smirked, put a condom on, and began to position his cock to line up with me. I was still coming down from my high when, using his hand, he lifted me up by my ass and sheathed himself in me. He paused momentarily to let me adjust, but after that, he was ruthless. He began at a brisk pace, pumping inside me like there was no tomorrow. Maybe he wanted it to be over with. Maybe he was just doing this to get off. But it didn't matter. In the moment all that mattered was us. My nails clawed his back, leaving long red trails down his shoulder blades. He continued to thrust while I tried to keep quiet. If we were lucky, Clem was rebuilding the "spaceship" the kids found and no one would hear.
The act continued until he managed to hit my G-spot. I bit down sharply on my lip and tasted blood. He got the hint and re adjusted his position so that he would be focused on that point. Recklessly, he slammed into me. Over. And over. And over. The familiar knot reappeared and was dangerously close to coming undone.
"Babe- I'm close!" I choked out between moans. He grunted a small "mhmm" and kept thrusting. It quickly turned sloppy as he picked up the pace. A few moments later, I came once more. Seconds later, I felt the condom fill inside me. It was still weird how much cum he actually produces.
Carefully he pulled out and tossed the used condom in the trash. I was still splayed out on the bed as he began to pull his clothes back on.
"Where are you going?" I asked in a moment of clarity. He looked at my trembling form and continued to walk away.
My heart broke as I heard his heavy footsteps echo through the halls. I covered myself with the bedsheets and softly began to sob. I felt used. Abandoned. Neglected. Tears stained the sheets as I heard another set of footsteps near the door.
"Have you come back here to taunt me?" I barked. I pulled the sheets up to cover my breasts as the door began to open. It was Clem. I reached out for him and he came rushing to me.
"What's wROng, (Y/N)?" He asked. (I'm gonna get sick of writing his voice I'm already telling you.)
"He just left me here, Clem." I sputtered. "He fucked me and then he LEFT!"
Clem put a comforting hand on my back and began to rub circles. He let me cry openly into his broad chest as I mumbled about what had happened.
"I didn't even want to do it in the first place! I was just cooking dinner and he said-"
"Shhhhh. (Y/N). YoU nEEd to cAlm dOWn." He didn't looked me in the eye when I finally stopped crying. I tried to meet his gaze, but he kept avoiding me.
"Please don't ignore me, Clem." I mumbled, barely above a whisper.
He took my head in his rounded hands and said in the softest voice he could, "(Y/N). I wOuld nEVer lEAve yOU."
I looked up to him with pleading eyes. "Never?
"NEVeR." He said. I smiled as one last tears rolled down my cheek.
I embraced him the best I could. "Thank you, Clem," I began. "Thank you so much."
He returned the hug and placed his head on top of mine. I heard him whisper several sweet nothings as I began to drift off to sleep.
He pulled away slightly, before I tugged him closer. "Stay with me. Please." I begged. I didn't want to be left again. I didn't think I could handle it.
I scooted over and made room for him on the bed. I gently patted next to me in hopes that he would lay down next to me.
He hesitated, but decided to do it. He laid down next to me and we started spooning. I heard a surprised gasp from Clem when he pulled my closer underneath the sheets.
"(Y/N)!" He whisper shouted.
"Yes, Clem?"
"YoU'Re nAked!!!" I couldn't help but laugh at his childish nature. I turned towards him and pressed myself closer.
"Yes, Clem. I am naked." I laughed. He was so precious and pure. If the the neighbor boy really did make him, he managed to get the best parts of Membrane in there.
"ShOUld I bE nAked??" He asked. Once again, a giggle bubbles up from my throat.
"Only if you want to, Clem. Only if you want to." I said, reaching out and writing something on a sticky note.
"I'm gOing to kEEp mY clOthes On, thAnk yOu vERy muCH." He said, turning up his nonexistent nose to the idea of dressing himself down.
I turned back at him. "Then you don't have to." I snuggled closer to him. He was practically a nonhuman heater.
Smiling, I placed a kiss on his chin as I got comfortable. I smiled. This is what our relationship should be, Miguel. This is what I need it to be.
And though I may not have it with you right now, I'm happy to have it in with Clem.
Outside POV
Miguel cleaned up the half prepared dinner and ordered Foodio to come out of retirement and make something once more, to which he eagerly accepted. For the remainder of time before the food was ready, he simply worked.
Gaz eyed her dad suspiciously as he ate. She was smart enough to know what happened. And she was smart enough to know he should have stayed.
Once Dib left to go back to terrorizing Zim, she confronted her father about it. The argument between the man and his child got heated. Gaz finally convinced him to check on (Y/N).
Trudging up the stairs, he opened the door to see (Y/N) and Clem cuddling and sleeping together. On the nightstand, there was a post-it note with (Y/N)'s handwriting on it.
"I miss the times like this, Miguel. We need to come back to this."
That night Membrane got into bed with them. It wasn't much, but it was the start of him trying to be there.
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dracoyoflam · 3 years
WML Chapter 1: One Day
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A/N: This is a brand new story that I just started called 'Where's My Love'. I will try to update with new chapters as often as I can. I am also writing new chapters for the HDTH sequel so stay tuned for new chapters for that. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
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Hermione was sitting at her desk working on a pile of paperwork that had been handed to her that day and of course, had to be finished by the end of the day. She loved her job most of the time but things like this stressed her out.
‘It’s going to be another late night.’ She thought to herself, annoyed.
She pulled out a purple memo pad and started writing. She needed to let Ron know that she would be working late tonight and to make dinner plans for himself.
She wrote a quick note and sealed it shut. The paper folded up into an airplane and took off out of her office. She had been sending him interdepartmental memos that said basically the same thing far too often lately.
She felt bad about all the extra workload, but she offered to help out the department when one of their best employees left for maternity leave. Her boss thought she was up to the task and she didn’t want to let him down.
Things would lighten up soon and until then she would just have to suck it up and deal with an angry husband. Honestly, she didn’t really care as much as she should but their marriage was anything but perfect.
On the outside, everything probably looked great and everyone thought they had an amazing relationship but on the inside, their marriage was falling apart.
Ron had been distant and started pulling away a few months ago and now that she was having so many late nights at work, she could feel him pulling even further away.
She knew that she should care a lot more, but they hadn’t been truly happy in their marriage since the first year. They married too young, and they were so naïve. They thought that because of everything they had been through that it proved something. Like it was fate for them to be together but apparently, it wasn’t.
Hermione got up and grabbed the finished half of work and walked out of her office with it. She went over to the delivery system but of course, it was still broken. She wasn’t surprised. That thing had been broken for about two weeks now and there was no sign of it getting fixed any time soon.
She sighed.
‘Well, at least I can get out of that stuffy office for a few minutes.’
She started walking and got in the elevator to take her to her boss’s office. It usually only took about three minutes to make it from her office to his… not that she timed it.
She grinned a little to herself. She secretly didn’t mind that the delivery system was broken because she didn’t mind that she had to see her boss. She would never admit it but it was becoming her favorite part of her work routine.
She would never act on any of the things she felt but she loved to look at him and talk to him. He was intelligent and could carry a conversation a million times better than Ron could dream of. He also had a way of making everything feel sexy, even in their dreary office setting.
She finally exited the elevator and walked a few steps forward before turning and entering his office. He was sitting in his chair and he was focused on writing whatever it was in front of him.
He ran his hand through his blonde hair and some loose hair fell back into his face. He was clearly stressed about something, and he obviously didn’t notice her enter the office.
Hermione gently cleared her throat to get his attention. He immediately looked up and smirked at her.
“Did you miss me, Granger? This is the third time this week.” He chuckled lightly at her.
She smiled back and walked forward to set the stack of files at the end of his desk.
“Of course, I did Malfoy..” She joked. “and also, the delivery thing is still broken.” She laughed lightly.
He raised his eyebrow at her.
“That thing is still broken?” He rolled his eyes.
Then, he squinted at her and looked her up and down.
“You didn’t curse it just so you would have a reason to come see me… did you?” He asked jokingly.
She laughed at him.
“Maybe.” She simply replied as she continued to laugh.
He sighed and sat back in his chair.
“That thing will never get fixed. I’m sorry you have to keep coming up here. I’m also sorry that you got stuck with extra work again.”
He motioned to the files she had set down on his desk.
She waved him off and smiled at him.
“It’s fine. It has to get done and I don’t mind helping out where I can.”
It was the truth and she felt less aggravated about it now that she was having the best part of her day. Draco Malfoy had been promoted to her boss a couple of years ago and they worked really hard to get on good terms with each other.
If she was honest, she was proud of him as a person now. He had come a long way from who he was in school. Even Harry and Ron came around eventually, not that they had much choice. They all worked together, and he was Hermione’s boss.
They even had evenings where they would all get together and do different things. Either to a bar or sometimes over to Malfoy’s house for drinks and games.
She went to turn around and leave when he stopped her.
“Wait, Granger. Would you mind helping me out with a special project? I know you have a lot on your plate right now but…”
“I’ll do it.” She said, cutting him off before he could finish.
“You don’t even know what it is.” He laughed.
‘He’s so pretty when he smiles.’ She thought to herself.
She had to shake the thought and hoped he didn’t see the slight blush that covered her cheeks.
“It’s fine. Whatever it is. I like to help out and I know you wouldn’t ask unless it was important.”
She smiled back and he seemed to sigh in relief to her saying yes.
“Great. Thank you. I will send you the details later when I get a chance.”
She nodded her head to him.
“Sounds good. I’ve got to get back to work if I plan on finishing the last of those reports.”
She slowly turned and started walking towards the door.
“Wait.” He stood up from his chair and walked over to her.
They were both standing, facing each other in the doorway.
“Are you sure that you’re okay to be staying late and doing all this extra work? I’m sure I could figure something else out. I mean, you do have a life and a husband to get back to.”
Hermione mentally groaned. ‘What life?’ She thought sarcastically.
“It’s completely fine. I really don’t mind and I honestly don’t have much of a life outside of work anyway. As for my husband, I doubt he even notices that I’m gone.”
It fell from her lips before she could stop herself.
Her body stiffened slightly at the surprise of her accidental honesty. She cleared her throat and avoided eye contact.
“I’ve got a lot of work to get back to. Goodnight, Malfoy.” She flashed him a quick smile as she walked out of the office and back to the elevator.
‘Oh no, did I really just say that?’ She stepped into the elevator, and she closed her eyes and let her head fall back. She was tired and now embarrassed.
She groaned. ‘I could kick myself. I can’t believe I told him that.’
They were friends in a way and they liked to flirt in a fun and obvious way that they never took seriously but to put her marriage problems out in the open like that was humiliating.
She looked down at her shoes and felt a tear escape and fall to the floor. She was thankful that she was alone. It was late enough that most people in their department had already left.
She wiped her eyes and sucked in a deep breath to calm her nerves. Then, when the elevator stopped, she stepped out and rushed into her office.
‘I’m so stupid.’ She thought angrily at herself. She was completely humiliated.
She plopped down into her chair and pulled out the next folder to work on.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About 4 hours later…
She had just finished the rest of the assignments. She rushed through the last quarter of the stack to save on time. She was really hoping that they would still be acceptable.
She usually tried to be a perfectionist about everything but she was exhausted from all the extra hours and stress at home so she figured that maybe one time, not being perfect, would be alright.
When she walked into Malfoy’s office, she was surprised to see him still sitting at his desk. She had fully expected him to be long gone and she almost screamed out when she saw him.
She almost dropped the big stack of papers in her arms and gasped out loud.
“Oh godric! You scared me. I thought everyone had gone by now.” She said as she tried to regain her footing.
He chuckled softly and shook his head. Clearly, he found it amusing.
“Sorry, just finishing up on a few things.” He got up from his chair and walked over to her.
He grabbed the large stack from her arms and walked over to his desk where he dropped them in a pile where she had placed the stack from earlier which was now gone. He sighed and dropped back into his chair.
“I hope the documents are acceptable. I wanted to get them all finished tonight so a couple of them may have been a bit rushed.” She said.
He smiled at her.
“I do not doubt that they are all perfect. Thank you again for all the extra time and work you’ve been putting in lately.”
She smiled back.
“I hope so and of course. As I said, I don’t mind helping out.”
She tried to suppress a small yawn, but he noticed and laughed softly at her.
“You are exhausted. Go home and get some rest.” He said simply.
She nodded to him. “Okay. Good night. I’m sure I will see you tomorrow.”
Then, she turned away and waved behind her as she walked out the door. She didn’t realize how tired she was until he mentioned bed. She quickly grabbed her things from her office and gradually made her way to the entrance of the Ministry where she was able to floo home.
She walked into her living room and set her things down on a corner table. She was so tired that she didn’t notice the woman’s blouse thrown on the back of the couch.
She slowly walked down the hall to their bedroom but she stopped when she thought she heard strange noises coming from inside. She quietly moved closer and leaned toward the door to hear better.
She heard a man and woman in bed, moaning and gasping with each other. She stood straight up and her mouth fell open in shock. She didn’t know what to think or what to do.
She felt her eyes burn as tears started to flow down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath as she opened the door and walked inside the room.
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enhypia · 3 years
JW ; bestfriends to lovers
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bestfriends to lovers answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: yang jungwon x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint
words: roughly 1.1k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - jungwon speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and jungwon speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hi i'm jungwon
and i'm (y/n)
and we're bestfriends besties
okay one more time
we're bestfriends to lovers!
*they high-five
[you guys were invited here today as bestfriends turned lovers for a fun little drinking game, you guys aware of that right?]
we were
i had to convince jungwon a little bit because he's a lightweight
i am not
you can just answer the questions instead of drinking anyway
i hope you get hard ones so you get drunk
*(y/n) :P
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. should we start?]
*both nod
[how did you guys become bestfriends?]
our parents forced us, we were threatened
*they laugh
no, our parents are friends and they had this little get-together and they brought their children with
yeah, that's why we were forced to interact
it was better than listening to our parents and not relating to anything
and they got so happy seeing us interacting that we were just always brought to their hangouts
[what was your first impression of each other?]
that jungwon wouldn't hesitate to kick my ass
you weren't wrong
i know. his eyes are very expressive, and i thought he hated me the first time we met
i did
sucks to suck then cause you're dating me now
*jungwon sighs deeply
*(y/n) :O
i thought they were shy
I AM ?!@#
uh huh keep telling yourself that honey
*(y/n) !!??!?
[how about we officially start the game now?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, jungwon wins
*jungwon ohhhs after seeing the question
[was there a point where you wanted to end our friendship?]
why are we starting heavy already? gosh
i'm answering. there wasn't?
becaUSE I HAD FEELINGS FOR YOU??? of course i didn't want just friendship, isn't that technically ending it? but from my understanding is end the friendship like completely cut ties off?
*interviewer nods
then no, there wasn't
*(y/n) quickly picks up the card and immediately laughs after reading the question
what? what is it
oh you better answer this cause even i don't know
[when did you start having feelings for me?]
*jungwon blushes and starts to pour a shot
i'm still answering! i just need this drink
*(y/n) laughs
i started liking you around prom....
*jungwon refuses to meet (y/n) widened eyes
that was almost 2 years ago?!@!
*jungwon ignores the claim
so you're telling me that we could've been together already two years ago ?!
*jungwon eyes widen and smirks
*(y/n) realizes their mistake
[so you already had a crush on me back then too?]
*(y/n) takes a shot sporting a blush and gives a pointed glare, then smiles innocently
i've liked you way before that darling, you just didn't notice
*jungwon.exe has stopped working
okay! next question
[have you ever been jealous of anyone who hit up on me?]
oh god, you wouldn't believe how much time i wasted constantly reminding myself that i have no right to be jealous
*jungwon laughs
what do they even see in you ugh
*he rolls his eyes
you're literally dating me
and what about it??
*jungwon :P
[have YOU ever been jealous of anyone who hit up on me?]
no why would i be?
damn thought for sure the reason you distanced yourself from me when-
*he clamps his hand on (y/n) mouth
we do not speak their name
*(y/n) laughs and pushes jungwon's hand off their face then picks up a card
[question for both: was it scary falling for your bestfriend]
*both share a look and takes a shot
it was terrifying. because you're risking this once in a lifetime friendship and bond you know? that's why i tried really hard to suppress what i was feeling because i couldn't stand the idea of loosing all those just because i liked the person.
*jungwon takes a shot making (y/n) laugh
it was super scary since we've been beside each other for years and i'd rather deal with the unrequited love?? because not having them by my side would be more painful than that
*(y/n) drinks
*both giggle because they're getting tipsy by drinking even though they still answer the question
[who confessed first? how did you guys get together?]
i confessed first. my parents were thinking of moving and i was panicking because i'd have to leave everything behind and in my head i didn't want to leave without jungwon knowing what i felt for him, so i just went 'fuck it, i wont see him again anytime soon anyway' and confessed.
and then they RAN straight home right after, i couldn't even reply??
yeah but they forgot that i literally have a key to their house, so i just went there and confessed as well.
and it turns out, we weren't moving, so tada, here we are
we got together after like a week since the confession
jungwon got jealous of-
*he puts a finger to (y/n) mouth to shush them
*(y/n) chuckles
what's important is that i love you, you're mine and i am yours, period.
*(y/n).exe is malfunctioning because of jungwon's boldness and drinks
sorry, he gets more straightforward when intoxicated
im intoxicated, not drunk, so my words are true
*(y/n) can't fight the heavy blush appearing on their face
i swear if you don't shut off i will fight you
no you can't, you love me
*(y/n) deadpans and suddenly stares at jungwon lovingly
*pokemon jungwon is paralyzed!
i do, i love you so much.
*he squeaks and tries to hide the blush on his face
*(y/n) bursts out laughing
[last question, how does it feel being in a relationship with your bestfriend?]
it's amazing and kind of scary actually, jungwon knows me so well, and too well, so i can't escape anything from him. whenever i don't feel the best he just knows already without me saying anything. i'm thankful honestly, because he's always there ever since, the bonus now is just i get unlimited kisses and affection
*jungwon rolls his eyes
it's,,, comfortable ?? it's like the safety and comfort home brings. i just feel so understood and loved, sometimes i wonder if i really deserve all these but like (y/n), i'm just grateful that i have them with me.
*everyone in the room aww'ed making them laugh
*jungwon and (y/n) takes one last shot and waved to the camera
and CUT!
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments
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a/n: im so hapi that the series masterlist is getting notes huhu tysm <33 i hope you like this one, ive always imagined jungwon as someone who flusters people but you can easily fluster him back, esp if you're his s/o, i'll try to create the rest of the members' as quickly as i can :>>
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