#i just like plush and enamel pin merch and would like to get to producing my own
shinkai-kaiju · 4 months
are makeship plushies even good? as in, quality. ive never heard anything bad about them (ill be honest i havent heard ANYTHING about them) but im always annoyed by the fact that they ONLY do campagins you cant just go "hi heres the money make me 100 plushies" and they seem to have a rerun thing but only for particularly sucessful plushies...
If they are, i wonder if theres a reputable maker out there like them that'll REALLY get the job done right off the bat no campaigning needed...
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davekat-sucks · 8 days
Oh my goodness! That anon talking about hazbin hotel merch made me realize that Hussie could have made bank if he just made a different Homestuck merch and make almost all the merch line ups limited edition pins. With my own personal experience I can say I’ve seen pins sell well, at times they can sell slow but people are willing to pay premium for them if they’re told “I only have 300 of these and I’m never making them again. When they are gone they are gone.”
Homestuck fans are still obsessed enough with Homestuck to want to buy plushies and pins. This is a self own but if you put some Jade merch in front of me that’s GOOD I’m going to snatch it up like a fish eatting a worm on a fishing line.
This honestly shows me Hussie is really incapable of looking at others successes and taking advice. Homestuck is a BRAND focused on CHARACTERS and it is niche but a content creator can take advantage of that.
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They used to have enamel pins and other unique items once upon a time on their old WhatPumpkin Store. However, they stopped producing it because the price for these pins as a set were overpriced and didn't sell enough. $15 fucking dollars for a pin set, even for the simpler smaller ones. Some were able to be reduced to $8 under ForFansByFans, but by then, Homestuck was near the end of its run and nobody cared enough to buy the merch. The Beta Kids one in the first pics were 8 dollars each and $30 if you buy all four. But even then, compared to ones like Helluva Boss or The Amazing Digital Circus, they are at least more reasonable with some having gimmicks (like the Lenticular or locket flip) or special shape designs that need better time to mold and painting. And Glitch Productions is even nice that some aren't that limited time only. But I have no idea if the sales would have been better if it was a limited time offer.
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Even for recent times, Hussie or James Roach could use something like this Makeship Campaign plush to sell either Homestuck or Hiveswap related characters, but they aren't doing that either. Not even for YouTooz and their quality for making stuff is cheap as shit. What doesn't help that in one of the ForFansByFans livestreams that used to be streamed on Twitch, they or WhatPumpkin, admitted they lost some of the data files for the merch. So things like outlines about how a plushie should look like or made, the 3D model shape and mold for the Homestuck figures, the images for the shirts/bags/calendars/etc, etc. Most of them had been fan-made, so it will be hard to try and contact the original artists for it. And ones for official like the Homestuck figures, they probably have moved on to greener pastures than to stick around with WhatPumpkin and/or lost file data too. Finally, there's also MOTIVATION that is needed to buy the merch. Homestuck at its state was in Gigapause or near end of its run by the time these merch stuff dropped even after the Kickstarter was funded. Maybe some got tired of waiting for the series to update. Maybe some are unhappy with how the story turned out by the end and didn't think they could support Homestuck because of that. Besides just being able to support small indie creators, does the series make people happy or special that it would give people the energy and effort to go out and buy the merch? Even if you love or hate something too, there should at least have some drive to get people to think about a series. For Homestuck, it's nothing but emptiness.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
January 15th-January 21st, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from January 15th, 2020 to January 21st, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What sort of merchandise are you most likely to buy for webcomics you read and why?
does a physical copy of the book count as merch? nothing compares to the feel of a real book in your hands and watching my collection grow is so satisfying. i like having a tangible way to show my support. after that is small prints. i rarely see acrylic charms of webcomic characters but those are nice too
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I know I'm particularly weak for enamel pins - which happen to be the first major merch I made for my first time tabling at a con. They're definitely the most common thing for me to consider purchasing from others. I also like small prints and stickers! And if a particularly cute character is somehow made into a plush... I'd be all over that, too.
For me, I love physical comics. So if a webcomic creator made a physical print version of their comic, that would be the best way to entice me to buy something. Comics almost always look better on paper in my opinion, and I'm a weirdo when it comes to book smell I sniff new books like an absolute degenerate. The other thing I would buy is art prints or art books. I have a huuuuge collection of art prints from creators I admire. So keep 'em comin'! I mean, I'll buy any merch that calls to me, but usually if I can't put it on a shelf, hang it on the wall, or wear it, I probably have no use for it.
Capitania do Azar
I'm a big fan of physical copies and charms of all kinds! I also appreciate stickers and small prints (big prints are nice, but take up a lot of space). Zines with side stories or related/concept art are also a good choice
Storage is a big issue for me, so I tend to not buy physical books unless like... it's a comic I would love to read but can't do so online easily (e.g. if the website doesn't function properly on my computer) I really like prints that have qualities/features that can't be replicated digitally -- e.g. foil, holo coating, VERY special paper texture, etc. (I've even seen one artist offer lenticular prints which I thought was awesome -- just wasn't into the characters that were on the art) Small to medium sized prints are fairly easy to store, so that's also a big plus for me! Also, clear plastic folders? I've never bought them admittedly, but those can look SO nice with the right type of art (some artworks look so special when printed on that clear material). I wish more people offered them so I could actually buy these, but I understand they can be costly to print.
Tired Programmer
I would buy physical copies as well. About the storage issue... Well, when I understand, that there are too many of them for my humble bookcase, I just sell or give old ones away. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And also stickers. Stickers rock. (edited)
I agree! If I really like the comic I like to have a physical copy! It feels special since I think a lot of times they're limited printing. I also really like stickers since they can just get put on something I already have and thus not take up extra space. I generally don't get prints because wall space is at a premium and I feel silly not having them hung up, but that's just a personal preference. Other than that it would have to be something really cool or something with function, like a notebook or...I don't know, an apron, or maaaybe a t-shirt.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Printed comics are definitely my go to fav especially if it's a webcomic I've been really wanting to read but haven't had the time to do it online. Sitting down with a book is a lot easier for me that sitting with my phone or pulling my laptop out. I do also like stickers a lot. I've really gotten into covering the inside covers of my sketchbooks with them the last few years X)
I usually go for printed books, pins, or plushies. If there’s a Kickstarter happening I’ll usually splurge for a pin tier if it exists. I don’t use stickers that much but I know a lot of people love them? But it’s not my thing.(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Usually printed books and phone charms. I will always buy webcomics that go to print and I collect charms. Other things like stickers and pins are nice, but often too pricey. I will go for them when they're bundled into KS tiers with printed books, though.
Printed books for me! Sometimes stickers, and sometimes enamel pina
I dont tend to get prints because I wont really do anything with them
(But my prints tend to sell decently, so there is a market for them out there...)
I just like collecting prints! I don't even put them on my wall, I just stick them in a binder kind of like my own custom-curated artbook
I really like seeing the combination of certain artworks and certain paper textures!
omg Kei...why have I not thought of that ?? I will now do that for all the print i've collected gosh!! and I agree with Vare, books are top tier merch I go for (zines included) Prints are a second for me, with charms and pins being the thing i least go for bc of space (though I am seeing pin boards come into fashion and I'm def into doing that as well!)
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I do really love pins too, I'm just really bad at remembering to wear them. I probably should get myself one of those clear back packs con goers wear.
oh yes ita bags!
The problem with me wearing pins is that I normally bike everywhere, while wearing a backpack
So if I put them on a jacket, the straps of the bag will rub on most of the good pin locations
And if they fall off while I'm riding my bike they are lost forever
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I tried putting pins on my backpack for a while.... only to come home and realise they fell off at some point during the day.
Yeah :(
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Ita bag! Yes! Lol I'm always super scared that my pins will just break and I'll loose them X') so when I do remember to wear one I'm constantly checking to make sure it's still on me
I have one jacket that I've been putting most of my pins on, which I wear to conventions
And it did pretty well except my rice boy pin fell off somewhere in the Seattle airport and is now lost forever :(
i have def...super glued pins to my backpack before and the rubber backings are so bad for pins too bc they never hold
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh, patches are another thing, like pins, that I love but usually have to stop myself from getting. I need to find a good patch jacket, because I really love a patch. I've been wanting to make one for my own comic merch for a while too.
ohhh yes same-- i stll have patches that i havent done anything yet with bc i haven't found The Right Jacket
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Same TuT
I've got the Property of Hate tarot postcards up on my wall right now. Also partial to a good enamel pin. What I'd love to see in merch is a well designed, stylish shirt, but haven't really found that so far. I find webcomic shirts tend to be too detailed and illustration-y to look good as shirts, and would prefer something more graphic.
Q @CecilieQMT making WAYFINDERS
I'd love to design shirts! Just haven't figured out how to get them printed properly... ^^'
For me, it's digital copies. So PDFs and eBooks. Unlike many people here, I can't stand print copies for a myriad of reasons. XD But digital copies I can get behind cause it supports the artist, has some nice bonus stuff sometimes, and generally collects everything nicely so some website hiccups aren't a problem. While this has never come up because it's rare, I would also buy plushies. Cause one can never have enough plushies. But alas, I don't think the market is there for that XD
Plushies are just really hard to produce and store, same with T-shirts
Well, T-shirts aren’t that hard to produce, but they’re hard to store and keep a good amount of sizes
I tend to buy books/physical copies of webcomics I like! I really enjoy the physical reading experience! I also really like buying enamel or non-enamel pins. I enjoy collecting them, but going off what people have already said, I also have an innate fear of losing them :(
If it has a cute character, and the price is in my budget, plushies are awesome. Unfortunately that's a difficult one to do, because small batches of plush that are build by hand are going to be expensive, and a comic has to be very popular to warrant more economical large runs. And I'll also say physical books.
plushies ARE awesome
I got the coyote plushie from Tom, the guy who does Gunnerkrigg Court
I just really love it
and also I couldn't decide which of the MANY volumes of comics to buy
(i didn't and still don't have space to stock up on a lot of books so I must be prudent sometimes)
((but my bed always has space for plushies))
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