#it makes me smile. life goes on n the world changes but you're still here
noxtivagus · 2 years
no way october's in a few days
#oh god i just want to stop time#bruh i'm making myself even more emotional rn by listening to songs i still memorize so well#how. tragic it is to be full of love and sadness#to be so curious but also be afraid of what awaits#days pass by so quickly. nights feel like a dream#n it feels like sometimes. even my own existence is stuck somewhere in between reality and fiction#but then in these quite serene moments#fuck i feel like crying#there's. apollo. my twin. across the room#my parents outside. in the other room. even w the music in my ears n the aircon that's still on. i can hear movements#it makes me smile. life goes on n the world changes but you're still here#n i'll hold unto that forever.#i don't know what to think or do or feel. there's too much.#if i were to give in to a selfish desire—i hope this would stay. regardless of what it changes to in the future. i really hope it'd stay#i don't understand why there's sm things in life i can't accept even though i know better#i don't know how to put it all in words but deep down i know#but how do i write it down? how do i put it into words? use my voice?#i wish i could just. understand the universe. everyone and everything in it#n express myself properly#instead of crying tears no one else but me would know when everyone's asleep#all the words and poems and songs i whisper to myself. drifting away to the silence of the night#maybe the moon knows. but maybe she forgets. she has phases as well#the limitless possibilities in life and the unpredictability of reality is something that hurts and aches so much but i love as well#deeper than any other book. far more engaging that any other game#and yet. it's so simple yet so complex#and. if i were to give in to a selfish desire#no. it's just the stories twisting my head. fictional stories#n i've always been a writer n a dreamer. these are also part of my imagination.#don't analyze how my fiction reflects on me#i'm the kind of writer that'd absorb emotions of others. i'll write stories made of inspiration that's not mine. you'll find nothing abt me
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tenswrld · 6 months
true romance
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popstar!haechan x upcomingartist!reader, angst, fluff
summary: haechan's the world's boyfriend — and yours too, i guess.
word count: 4.1k
listen to: true romance - pinkpantheress
a/n: first, sorry that its been so long...im trying to be better about writing but inspiration comes and goes,,i hope you will indulge in whatever this is!!! everytime i hear this song my mind goes to haechan for some reason sooo yeah >_< i have lots of drafts its just a matter of when or if i finish them LOL love yall tho & enjoy
•°. *࿐
tell me, do you view me the same or do you call me a stranger?
"leave a bit after me so no one sees."
haechan is popular — without a doubt one of the most popular artists of your time. everyone either wants to be him or be with him, to which you completely understand. everything about him screams someone who was born to be on a stage, stealing hearts and whatnot. with such a bright personality, it was almost impossible to not like him.
you've had the privilege of getting to watch haechan grow from singing songs he wrote in his bedroom on youtube to him performing them in sold out shows. you're a fan, of course, but somewhere along the way — with crazy luck — you've wiggled your way into his life and into his heart. the two of you were music artists wishing on every star for some kind of breakthrough to the industry (take a guess on who got it). naturally, it brought you together. you were there when haechan reached 5,000 subscribers, and you were still there when he was selling out shows to 50,000 people. you've stuck by his side for so long that you're sure that its where you fit best.
in the moment, however, you're not so sure anymore.
"leave a bit after me so no one sees."
the small smile on your face slowly disappears at haechan's words and hurt quickly settles into your chest. "...why? what would be so bad about that?"
haechan seems unable to grasp how upset you are at his words. he shakes his head with a small laugh. "it's not like that, y/n. but a scandal at this time wouldn't be good."
"a scandal?" you scoff slightly. "since when have you ever cared about that?"
he sighs and runs a hand through his hair that's still slightly wet from his post-performance sweat. "i just don't want to take any risks right now. especially since my album is coming out soon. you understand, right?"
"i fly all the way out here to see you, and you don't want to be seen with me?" you say with a trembling lip and a weak voice. you're hurt and you're angry, but can't seem to keep your tears at bay.
"i didn't say that."
"you might as well have," you spit back at him.
"let's talk about this later, okay? trust me, it would be a lot worse for you than it would for me." haechan picks up his bag and swings it over his shoulder, making his way towards the backstage exit door.
frozen in place overwhelmed with emotion, you watch your boyfriend open the door. you think he's had a change of heart when he pauses at the door and turns back to you, but somehow he's managed to hurt you even more.
"maybe you should take these too," he says, placing the bouquet you made him back into your hold. the smell of roses and sunflowers taking over your senses as more tears well up in your eyes. you hope the flowers hide them from haechan's gaze. though, you're not so sure he'd notice anyway, as he'd already let the door close and left you behind.
•°. *࿐
'cause, baby, i don't care about the fame
people talk. as an upcoming music artist, you're aware that people talk. as the (hidden) girlfriend of a global superstar, you're more than aware that people love to talk about anything and everything that doesn't concern them.
you and haechan aren't on the same level of fame — not that it matters to you. it never mattered to you, really. even as haechan grew and grew and you remained with your significantly smaller (but still decent) following, fame was never your strongest desire.
yet, now, you're wondering that maybe if you were just a bit more famous, more popular, more well known, then you wouldn't feel as far away from haechan as you do right now. even as he sits beside you on the king bed of the luxury suite he booked for this stop of his tour, you feel further away from him then ever.
"i mean, what would people say about us, y/n? about you?"
"you keep saying that, hyuck, but you're not explaining it to me," you say, growing frustrated with him. "why is it just about me?"
he purses his lips before averting his gaze to the floor. "they'll say nasty stuff about you — that you're using me for fame, or money, or something like that."
you shake your head. "but you and i both know that's not true. we've been together for how many years now? their words shouldn't matter." you take hold of his hand and rub your thumb against his knuckles. "you could have nothing and i'd still be here."
"people don't know that," he scoffs. "they'll assume the worst about you."
maybe he's right — you're sure they will assume the worst about you regardless of your long, deep history with haechan. would he start to believe them? you think it, but you don’t ask — too afraid of the answer you might receive.
"what are you so afraid of?" you ask him softly, begging him with your mind for him to look at you.
but he doesn't, his eyes stayed trained on the ground and he can only weakly squeeze your hand that holds onto his own.
"i don't know."
•°. *࿐
tell me, why i don't play about you
every song is about you
haechan finally has a short break in between the legs of his tour and he chooses to spend every waking moment of it with you.
things between the two of you have felt rocky for a while. it makes haechan ashamed to say it, but he's been so focused on tour and his new album that he's pushed everything else to the side. he's a perfectionist and he feels like he's barely made it — he wants everything to work out perfectly and is committed to making sure that happens. he's not sure how long he's been brushing off anything non-career related, but he misses you — even if you're with him.
he flys the two of you out to a small, quaint place in kyoto where he finally gets to enjoy some peace and quiet in his life. he chooses to turn off his phone, not too keen with the idea of his manager berating him about all his responsibilities he'll have to tend to when he gets back. he's on vacation and he's here with you: the one person who's been with him through every up and down.
you're laying in his arms and haechan misses you to the point where it hurts — when was the last time he laid with you like this? the revelation urges him to pull you closer, placing a soft kiss to the crown of your head as you lay on his chest. he sighs into your hair, breathing all of you in. it's silent, for the most part, until you ask a question that rattles haechan's being.
"why do you not sing about me?" you ask it so softly that haechan almost misses it.
"what? what are you talking about?" he's genuinely confused as to what you mean. who do you think he sings about?
"i know a handful of your old old songs are about me, but you don't perform those anymore," you murmur into his chest. "ah, don't mind me, i'm just talking."
you sound embarrassed and defeated and haechan wants to cry. did you really not know? how long has he been pushing you away?
"y/n, every single song i write is about you," haechan professes. "i couldn't write about anyone else if i tried."
his words shock you, even if they shouldn't. you tilt your head up to look up at him and he looks down at you with the softest gaze.
"not that i ever would, anyway," he continues, a sad smile painting his face.
"you mean it?" you whisper to him, wanting so badly to believe him.
when haechan's resolve breaks and his eyes glaze over, you know he means it. his hold on you tightens with one hand and the other comes up to caress your cheek, swiping a tear you didn't even know had fallen.
"of course," he croaks. "you're my muse, y/n. you."
this time, you're wiping his tears away as he cries and cries into your palms. you shift the two of you so that he lies in between your legs, arms wrapped around your waist and face buried into your torso, your hands running through his hair. he's apologizing over and over and doesn't say why, but you know why. you regret ever doubting haechan's love for you — even if he was to blame.
but, just as you're certain you love him more than anything, you know that haechan loves you back all the same.
"it's always been you, y/n."
•°. *࿐
and everybody’s shouting out your name
“you look too handsome to be pouting like that, you know,” you tease lightly, approaching haechan to adjust his tie fondly.
he can’t help but smile at you as you do so, his hands easily finding their place around your waist, tugging you close. “if you tell me to stay, i will.”
you sigh and place your hands upon his chest, allowing you to push yourself up to place a soft kiss on his lips. his lips trail after yours once you pull away and he pouts at you again, eyes begging for another kiss but you push him back ever so slightly.
“you can’t miss this, hyuck, you know that. this could be really big for you!” you beam, swiping a bit of your lip gloss off of his lips. “some important people might be there.”
“but you won’t be there,” he whines. “what’s the point?”
you roll your eyes playfully. “you’ll be fine. now go, your manager has been waiting.” haechan sighs and leans down to place one more kiss on your lips.
you pull away before he can get carried away. “go! and put a good word in for me with taeyong, yeah?”
haechan rolls his eyes but smiles at you, pecking you on the cheek as he bids you farewell. “no promises.”
it’s barely been over an hour and haechan wants to leave.
normally he’s able to tolerate these sorts of things — the bright lights, loud music, snobby people all trying to one up each other. he can get by and chat with anyone as if he’s known them for years. typically, events like these breeze by for haechan. why was he hating every second of it?
it’s lee taeyong’s end of year celebration party. of course, as his junior, haechan was invited. he’s grateful that he’s made friends with lots of other artists under his company, otherwise haechan would have been long gone within the first 45 minutes of arriving. but, haechan stays, mostly because he admires taeyong and does, in fact, bring up you and your songs — which, to his surprise, taeyong says he knows you and enjoys your music.
haechan isn’t given the chance to talk more, unfortunately, due to an excited kim jungwoo who locks an arm around haechan’s shoulder and drags him away.
“ow — hyung! i was in the middle of a conversation!” haechan grits to jungwoo, lightly shoving his arm off of him.
“my bad, it looked like you needed saving,” jungwoo chuckles. “come on, everyone’s been looking for you.”
jungwoo leads haechan to a small circle of people to which haechan knows as his small circle of friends: mark, his company's beloved canadian rapper; johnny suh, one of seoul's most popular djs; and of course there's kim jungwoo, kim doyoung, and jeong jaehyun who make up dojaejung, korea's heartthrob boy group.
"yo, where have you been?" mark greets him excitedly, lightly slapping him on the shoulder playfully.
"what do you mean 'where have i been', i saw you yesterday, mark," haechan grumbles.
"woah, someone needs a drink," johnny chuckles. doyoung is quick to hand haechan a glass of champagne.
haechan takes a large gulp, hopefully to ease whatever tension he feels in his shoulders. he's trying to enjoy the party, he really is, but all he wants to do is come home to you.
"everything okay?" doyoung asks him, concerned with the way haechan seems to be downing his drink.
the younger boy sighs. "yeah, i'm fine, sorry. just stressed out."
"oh, your album is coming out soon, right?" jungwoo remembers, nudging haechan with his elbow. "congratulations!"
the rest of the boys congratulate him and haechan can only half-heartedly reply despite being very grateful.
"i'm sure it'll be great," johnny reassures him.
"saw a lot of love songs on that track list," jungwoo teases. "got a special someone?"
haechan stills at his words and he's caught in an argument with himself. does he mention you? does he say no? is this how he wants people to find out you’re together? before he can even reply, though, jaehyun cuts in.
"speaking of, i heard that kim minjeong has had her eye on you for a while, haechan," jaehyun says. he raises his eyebrows at the younger boy and haechan gulps, the rest of his friends nudging him playfully as they coo at him.
"that's the model, right? and singer?" doyoung asks. "you should talk to her!"
haechan feels like he's going to be sick. maybe he's being dramatic — its not like they're shoving him into minjeong's face and asking him to profess his love. still, he feels like he's betraying you in some way and he realizes he has to go home.
"i can talk you up, probably," mark says. "we're normally at the studio at the same time."
“i heard that shin ryujin has been talking about you, too,” johnny pipes in. “honestly, who hasn’t been talking about you? i’m surprised you’ve done nothing about it.”
doyoung hums. “she seems like your type, donghyuck! i know some people over at —“
"no! no, don't — " haechan places his champagne glass onto a nearby table abruptly and sighs shakily. "just...don't. sorry, i-i don't feel well. i should go."
confused and concerned eyes watch haechan as he rushes towards the nearest exit. he doesn't bother saying goodbye to taeyong, but makes a mental note to send him an apologetic note tomorrow. haechan sees kim minjeong catch sight of him, and he's sure she's about to make an attempt to stop him to chat with the way she looks at him with a flirty gaze. haechan is quick to turn in the opposite direction and flees out of the nearest door.
haechan's manager comes out soon behind him, frenzied after trying to catch up to a frantic haechan. he doesn't get the chance to ask the latter if he's okay, too occupied with calling their driver upon haechan's request.
"home," he chokes out. he's out of breath and he feels dizzy — whether its from the champagne or from guilt, he's unsure.
"i want to go home."
•°. *࿐
i'm in the crowd, can you see my hand?
haechan has reached the encore of his final show of his tour, yet he still feels a pressure that he cannot explain.
its not from all of his seniors and friends that attended in support of him, he knows that. it's not from the different producers and music artists that flew to seoul for him, either. its a pressure that weighs on his chest that has made him feel unsatisfied with each stage, despite putting 150% effort in everything.
the crowd is going crazy for him after he delivers his final ment, and he takes a moment to soak in it all, in hopes it would give him some peace of mind.
then, his eyes finally spot you.
you, in the back row of some random section, sitting with your manager, with a banner with his name on it and a headband with bear ears perched on top of your head. he doesn't know if you can tell that he's staring right at you, but you start waving around the banner with excitement. haechan can't help but adore you even more than he already does.
time stops for him as he realizes that you're here. through thick and thin you've always been there — what has haechan ever done for you? he hasn't given you even a sliver of what you deserve, yet you've never left him. you stayed when he was a nobody, and even now when he's been terribly selfish, you let him be.
there are thousands of other hands waving at him, but haechan can only see yours.
"actually," haechan starts, quickly silencing the crowd. "there's one more thing i wanted to say."
from your seat, you feel your heartbeat quicken. haechan is still standing and looking into your direction and you know he sees you.
"there's someone very special to me that's here tonight."
your heart stops as you realize what he's doing and you can't help but glance at your manager in a panic. fans around you are murmuring in confusion since haechan had already given a shoutout to his guests.
"they've been by my side since i was writing silly love songs in my childhood bedroom," haechan says, a fond smile taking over his features. "i wrote those love songs about them then, and i still write every love song about them now."
the gasps and shocked noises at his confession fall upon deaf ears — to you, you and haechan are the only two people in the world.
"some of you may know her — she's an amazing music artist as well. far better than me, in my opinion, but maybe i'm a bit biased." haechan sees you laugh and can't help but chuckle too.
"my girlfriend, y/n, is here tonight, and i couldn't be more grateful. wave, y/n!" haechan calls out to you. surprisingly, the camera cuts to you as you wave shyly, hiding behind your haechan banner. even more surprising, the crowd cheers loudly for you.
"isn't she cute?" haechan asks. he's delighted when he sees and hears the rest of the stadium agree.
haechan finally feels that weight lift from off of his chest and he feels like he can breathe. he's happy — ecstatic, even — now that the world finally knows he's yours.
"y/n, you once asked me what i was afraid of, and i said i didn't know," haechan recalls gently. "but i know now." he purses his lips to prevent himself from choking up.
"you've always been so supportive of everything i've done. you've done so much for me and i'm not sure how i could ever repay you." haechan sucks in a sharp breath. "i'm afraid that i'll never truly deserve you."
the crowd coos and some fans in front of you turn around to look at you. you're a mess: tears are streaming down your face, and your hands are shaking. you hide pathetically behind your banner again as your manager wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder.
"i'm sorry for making you wait." haechan puts a hand over his heart, and you do the same. "i love you."
the camera cuts to you again and haechan glances at the monitor to get a better look at you as you mouth something back. haechan doesn't even attempt to conceal his smile or to hold back his tears. there's no use.
"i love you, too."
•°. *࿐
say what you want, this is true romance
“did you really have to mention that, hyuck?”
your boyfriend settles next to you on the couch, arm draping over your shoulder, as you scroll through his recent interview with vogue korea.
you pout at him and he's unable to stop the smile that takes over his face. he pinches your cheek and you quickly swat his hand away.
"what? what did i say?" he rests his chin on your shoulder to read the article for himself.
"i mean, does the public really have to know about me crying on our first date?" you complained. you continued scrolling and laughed as you read. "in what context would you ever have to tell vogue about our matching crayon shin-chan pajama pants?"
haechan laughs and presses a kiss to your shoulder. "honestly, i don't remember half of what i said during this interview. or any of what they asked me." he tugs you a little closer to him so that you're leaning against him, laying the two of you down. "all i know is that i'm pretty sure i started talking about you so much that they just called it a day."
"you're that obsessed with me, huh?" you teased.
haechan scoffs, wrapping both of his arms around you tightly. "obviously."
he watches you open instagram and sees you check the likes on your new post. he gasps dramatically, loosening one arm around you to snatch his phone from his pocket. "you posted?! where was my post notification?" he whines cutely.
he's a little too quick to find your account and he then quadruple clicks the picture to give it a like. "babe, why are your comments off? i was about to get really out of pocket," haechan whines again.
"okay, first, don't do that, please. save some of your dignity," you scold him. "but its because people are mean," you admit softly.
haechan's eyebrows furrow together and his tone stiffens. "who? what did they say?"
you sigh. "no one specific, don't worry. some people are just not too keen about us. your predictions were right, i guess," you attempt to joke, but it only makes haechan upset.
"here, come here," haechan beckons you up with him as he sits up. you're still under one of his arms, which he locks around your neck as he tugs you into his side. you're caught off guard, but lean into him anyway, arms wrapped around his torso. haechan lifts his phone up and takes selfies of the two of you, cheeks pressed together as you both smile uncontrollably.
you're both giggling like two high schoolers fresh into a relationship and you've never felt more happy and in love in your life. haechan presses wet kisses against your cheek before you eventually push his face away. still, he steals one more kiss from you — this time on your lips — and you let him.
"okay, i'm posting all of these," haechan declares casually, leaning back against the couch.
your eyes widen and you reach for his phone in an attempt to stop him, but haechan has already dodged you and raised his hand up. "hyuck, don't."
"why not? i'm in love with you, people just have to deal with it," he shrugs. "anyone who has a problem with us can get blocked."
you fall onto haechan's chest and he gladly wraps you up in his arms again. "you're stupid, but i love you."
"good, because i just posted it."
you peer up at haechan's phone and you see that he was true to his word. all of the selfies you just took piled into one singular post to which haechan captioned 'my heart'. you watch as he scrolls through the comments and blocks anyone with anything bad to say.
"wow, you weren't kidding," you say, amused.
"'course not. these people need to learn true romance." he leans down to kiss you one more time, this time letting the kiss linger. he pulls away but rests his forehead against yours, staring at you with eyes full of love. "i love you, too, by the way."
haechan is popular — without a doubt, he's one of the most sought after guys in the industry. he's confident, charismatic, and he's bright. he's everyone's dream guy, it's no secret.
but, above all, he's yours, and you're his as well. he has devoted his heart and life to you and its not a secret to anyone anymore.
this time around, haechan wraps you up in his scarf to protect you from the cold before the two of you leave.
"i already have a scarf on, hyuck, just keep yours," you mumble from underneath the thick fabric.
haechan doesn't hear you (not just because he literally can't) because he's too focused on zipping up your jacket and tugging your beanie over your ears.
"okay," he says as he intertwines a hand in yours. he clutches the bouquet you made for him proudly in his other arm while he carries your bag and his own over his shoulder. "let's go home!"
its bittersweet as you realize how familiar yet different the situation is. you clutch haechan's hand tighter as he tugs you towards the backstage exit door, outside where the press and his fans are waiting.
he doesn't hide you anymore. no, instead haechan shows you off proudly and wholeheartedly as if it was what he was meant to do.
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
Hellooooo first time requesting on your blog!
So for a long time I've wondered what it would be like if NB Satan & OG Satan were to meet & converse with each other. How would they react to each other? What questions would they ask? How would they respond? Etc. I was wondering how you would imagine this interaction would work?
Also, is it okay if I claim 🦄 anon?
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A/N: Ooh that's such a neat idea. You know those “talk to your past/future self" tropes? I almost see OG Satan leading NB Satan through the present timeline version of House of Lamentation. It gives him a glimpse of what life will be like later, how things will change and what will still be the same. I kept this mostly wholesome because NB has enough angst potential without me adding to it. lol
SATAN x gn!Reader, 0.5k words, SFW.
Content: implied established relationship with gn!Reader.
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The house itself is obviously a bit different. It’s older but also newer in some ways—updates and renovations over time, that sort of thing. It’s endured years of the siblings living there and all that entails. Their home is obviously loved and well-cared for, despite the little dents in the wall from their squabbles and the occasional scorched marks from some accidental fires. Those lingering remnants of the past each tell a story, and OG Satan offers to share them all.
I think NB Satan is just confused by everything he sees. There are portraits of himself on the walls, and there's lots of family photos where OG Satan looks so happy. OG Satan talks about his brothers while they walk slowly through the halls together. His voice is laced with fondness, especially even when he talks about Lucifer. He reminisces about pranks he attempted with Belphie that Lucifer managed to thwart somehow, but there’s no real bite in his tone. He can look back fondly on those memories and cherish them all, the good and the bad.
By the time they get to his bedroom, NB Satan has no idea what to think. He explores the familiar space but notices all the subtle differences: there are a lot of human world literature and movies strewn about, and he notices a jar of cat treats near the door so it's easy to grab a handful before going out to feed the strays. This bedroom feels less like a prison of his own making because it's comfortable and uniquely him and surprisingly warm.
OG Satan just kind of watches his other self with something like amusement, and NB Satan gets fed up feeling like the punchline to someone's idea of a joke.
"I don't get it. We're the same, aren't we? So why aren't you—how are you not—?"
"How am I not what?"
"How are you not angry all the time? Why are you so happy? Especially talking about him."
"Oh, I'm angry," OG Satan says, picking up a framed photo from his bedside table. He runs his fingers over the glass as he looks at the picture in his hands. "You know what it feels like, how it festers deep inside us. We're always looking for reasons to let our rage loose on the world so everyone else hurts as much as we do. But we both had to learn that there's more to life than that, didn't we?"
OG Satan hands him the photo, and NB Satan takes the frame carefully. It's a a photo of him and his family at a beach somewhere, and right there in the middle with their arms wrapped around his waist is—
"Our attendant?" he asks, eyes lingering on a familiar smile before reluctantly handing the photo back.
OG Satan nods. "If anything, you're the lucky one," he says, returning the picture to its proper place beside his bed. "I had to wait a lot longer to meet them than you did. I was lost just as you were, but then they came here and—well, I have a feeling you know how the rest of that story goes," he says, clearing his throat as a pink blush dusts his cheeks.
For the first time since they met, it feels like they finally understand each other. "...Yeah, I think I do."
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Timezones | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Genre: a little angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship, Non-Idol!AU
Rating: T
Warnings: mentions of illness (not specified), mentions of ill parent, a very soft Jungkook and reader dealing with sudden long distance, special guest appearance by Bam, yes there is a noraebang and fried chicken because last week's lives honestly felt like something a fanfic writer wrote, sorry if this makes you sad but I needed to write it
Word Count: 1.4K
Disclaimers: Obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Only thing that keeps us apart / Is a different timezone
A/N: I'm never getting over Jungkook's lives from last week. The absolute boyfriend vibes, combined with me listening to "Timezones" by Måneskin today, led me to write this. Thank you @sugalaritae for lending me your talented eyes!
I didn't specify what country reader is meant to be from, just that their family at one point while they were a child lived several time zones from where they lives now, long enough for them to think of it as their childhood home.
There are some things going on in my life that have inspired some of the plot, so… I hope when the time comes that you have to deal with such things, you have someone like Jungkook here to support you. It makes all the difference in the world. 💕
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The notification comes in at a little past noon. You stare at it for a second before tapping the screen. A familiar pair of brown eyes come into frame, blinking slowly beneath a cloud of dark fluffy hair.
"Koo? Why are you awake?"
"Hi, baby," Jungkook grins, deflecting your question with the sweetness of his smile. His head rests on his tattooed forearm as he gazes at you. "Miss you."
The words make you sigh, releasing a tension you didn't even realize you were holding. Carrying your phone into your bedroom, you sink down onto the mattress of your childhood bed. "I miss you, too."
It's been over a week since you said goodbye at the airport. Eight days, six hours, and thirteen minutes, to be precise. Every tick of the clock sends that number higher and higher.
"I was just thinking about you. Wanted to check in. How're you feeling?"
You shrug, burrowing deeper into the pillows. "I'm okay. Woke up late. Just killing some time before the appointment this afternoon."
He hums, nodding. Your boyfriend opens his mouth and then closes it again. You know what he wants to say, but he doesn't need to. You know he'd be here with you if he could.
This trip came up unexpectedly. But that's how it always goes when a parent gets sick. Everything's fine until it's not. It was easy enough for you to drop everything and fly halfway around the world, but Jungkook's just starting his career now, after a long period of false starts and dead ends. He didn't have the time banked and you weren't about to ask him to give up his job to come home with you.
Home. There's that word again. It's disorienting, being back in the place where you grew up, and feeling like you're somewhere new. So little has changed here, yet it feels completely unfamiliar. Home is now several time zones away.
Home is where he is.
Jungkook's voice pulls you back to the tiny device in your hand. "What time is it there?"
"Just past noon." You don't ask him what time it is, fully aware that it's the middle of the night there. "Why are you still up?"
"Eh, got home a while ago from drinks with Jin-hyung and was hungry, so I got fried chicken. Now I'm too full to sleep."
You give him a look. "How many times do I have to tell you, you can put some of that in the fridge? You don't need to eat it all in one sitting!"
Jungkook scrunches his nose in delight at your reaction. "I know I don't need to. I want to."
You just roll your eyes in defeat. It's not a new topic of discussion. Your boyfriend has a big appetite.
There's a gentle clicking sound from offscreen, nails tapping on hardwood, and then a big brown nose pops into frame as Bam puts his head on his dad's arm, wanting to know what he's looking at. Bam's technically your dog, too, since the two of you adopted him when you'd moved in together three months ago, but you're not a fool. He's Jungkook's baby.
"Bammy!" you coo, and Jungkook tilts the phone so Bam can see your face. His tail whips Jungkook's side in his frenzy. "Hi Bammy, I miss you!"
"Bam's been such a good boy, keeping me company while you're gone, haven't you?"
Jungkook buries his nose in Bam's face while planting kisses on the dog's snout, and you laugh when he sniffs the dog. Someone else might find it weird, but you're used to his sensitive nose. He's always sliding up behind you in the kitchen or bathroom and pressing his face against the back of your neck to inhale deeply. You stopped wearing perfume at his request, when he told you how much he loves your natural scent.
Right now, you'd give anything to feel his arms around you and hear that little snff snff up close. Your sigh is a little louder than you intend, because it draws Jungkook's focus away from his dog.
"You okay, baby?"
"I am. Really. I should… I should probably eat something." Food always helps. It's one of the things your father taught you. "Keep me company while I make lunch?"
Jungkook grins again, twirling something in his hand. "How about I do you one better?" he asks, and you realize he's holding his karaoke mic, and likely has been this whole time, just waiting for the perfect moment to reveal it. "Any requests?"
As you warm up your leftover takeout, Jungkook serenades you with a selection of your favorite songs. He incorporates little bits of choreo in some of the performances, like the risqué moves he does while crooning "Unholy" that make you choke on your rice. As always, his sweet tenor makes your heart flutter while he effortlessly riffs his way through a private little noraebang, just for you.
When your lunch is done, you sit in your father's old armchair, tucking your legs up on the sagging cushion. Jungkook's eyes are closed as he sings, and you know he's lost in the music. It's one of the things you love most about him, the way he gives his all to whatever he's doing. No matter what it is, he's always committed. Devoted.
You're so lucky to have him.
"Koo," you finally say when he pauses to pour himself a beer. "Baby. It's so late there. As much as I'm loving this concert, you should get some sleep." As a graphic designer, he works from home, so he doesn't have to wake early for a commute, but he's still human. He still needs sleep.
He fiddles with his frosted mug, pushing it back and forth on the table by where his phone is propped. "I know. I just… I don't like sleeping in our bed without you. It doesn't feel right." He frowns, dark brows knitting together in a look of anguish. "It doesn't feel like home when you're not here."
The last bit of tightness in your muscles dissipates as you melt at the heartache in his voice. "Oh, babe, I wish I could be home with you right now. Take you to bed, wrap my arms around you, and cuddle you to sleep."
"I wish you were here, too." The stars in his eyes seem dimmed by the sadness that hangs there. "And I'm - I'm sorry that I couldn't be ther-"
"I know, babe. I know." He falls silent at your gentle interruption. You've never hated the miles between you more than this very moment, wishing you could hold him close. Knowing he feels the same. "But this, you calling me like this to check in on me, singing to me - this means so much."
"Be better if I could hold you."
"Mmm. True." You smile playfully, chest warming when he smiles back just a little. "But don't worry. Even though you're there and I'm here, I still - I still feel your love." Of the two of you, he's the crier. But you find yourself swallowing thickly around your words. "So thank you."
Jungkook nods, letting his chin fall to his forearm again. "I'm always here, baby, any time you need some love. Time zones can't keep us apart."
"I know." You mirror Jungkook's position, watching his eyelashes flutter as exhaustion finally seems to hit him. "I love you, Koo."
"Love you too. Let me know how the appointment goes."
He yawns, and in the corner of the screen you see Bam curling up next to him on the couch. As soon as you end the call, you know they're going to fall asleep right there together.
"I will. Go get some sleep, babe."
He murmurs something that sounds like a very sleepy goodnight, and then the call disconnects. The screen fades to black, but in your mind you still see his soft smile.
Stretching, you peel yourself out of your father's chair. The appointment you have today is the one you've been dreading, but you'll be okay. In just a few more days, you'll be back home.
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© 2023 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 1 month
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Imagine # 1,060
Picture NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (Roughly) - 12 minutes
This one was actually a request, which I don't typically do, but sometimes I simply can't resist!
Tag(s) - @rishdrago
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With a tired sigh (Y/n) sat the last of her groceries onto the counter in her kitchen. It was another long day at work, with another grueling case coming to a close. While she loves her job, sometimes it really takes a toll on her. But now at home all she needs to worry about is putting away her groceries, and making a quick dinner. Easy enough. If it wasn't for the sound of a floorboard creaking in the hallway that set her into fight or flight mode.
Spinning on her heel in an instant, she unholstered her pistol and aimed at the doorway to the hallway. "You really messed up you know, but if you know what's good for you, you'll come into the light nice and slow. Otherwise you're gonna leave my house in an ambulance, or a body bag." (Y/n) called out to the would be intruder, bracing herself for a potential firefight. But when the intruder rounded the corner, and came into sight, she nearly dropped her gun. "Frank?" She breathed out in a whisper, her arms falling to her sides. "Frank's dead." He muttered mournfully. "You look pretty fucking alive to me." She sassed as she holstered her pistol, knowing deep down that she could still trust Frank with her life.
The behemoth of a man simply shrugged his shoulders, taking a small first step into the room, as if he was testing the water. "What are you doing here?" She asked turning back to her groceries, while letting him come into the room at his own pace. "I killed Gianni Franco." He stated as he walked up to the other side of the counter, leaving the space between them to prove he meant her no harm. "Trust me Frank, I am well aware of that. You do realize I'm still a detective right? And I'm still friends with Jake you know, so I'm the one he goes to, to vent about you." She glanced his way, trying to get a read of his reaction to her words.
He seemed unbothered, which really didn't surprise her. "I'm sorry." Now that surprised her. Setting the box of noodles down, she turned her full attention to Frank. "Why are you apologizing to me? I'm not the one you should apologize to." She pointed out, but Frank didn't seem bothered, as he casually scratched at the scruff on his face. "Frank why are you here?" She asked now standing across from him at the counter, looking into his eyes which once swirled with so much life. "I don't know... I'm not exactly sure what to do now." He admitted.
"Jake would tell you to turn yourself in." (Y/n) mused with a small smile, her words making him chuckle softly under his breath, a sound she had missed more than she ever realized until now. "That's why I came to you." He admitted, now leaning against the counter. "I knew you wouldn't arrest me on the spot like Jake, and I could just talk to you." Frank admitted with a small smile, though it didn't reach his eyes.
"Well that's where me and Jake are different, I actually believe you're doing the world good by killing those guys. People like that have to much money and power for us to touch, and we could use a vigilante to even out the odds." She hummed as she grabbed a beer from the fridge, sliding it across the counter to Frank, who took it with a small mutter of thanks. "I knew you'd feel that way." He said before sipping his beer. "Then why didn't you come to me sooner?" She asked as she leaned again the counter.
"Because I don't want you trying to join me." He stated matter-of-factly, making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "That's fair I guess, but what's changed? Why come to me now?" She pried, hoping he would open up to her. "I had a dream about you last night." His words stuck a cord in (Y/n)'s heart, one she didn't realize was still there until now. "A dream?" She played off her nerves like a natural, making her glad she was trained to hide her true emotions, in order to effectively interrogate suspects.
"It started as a nightmare, I was reliving their deaths." She knew he was referring to his family, so she didn't pry for clarification, knowing it only hurt him to talk about them. "But before I could wake up, you appeared from the shadows. You didn't say anything, you just..." He trailed off as he stared at his beer. "You just pulled me into a hug, and held me while I cried for them." (Y/n)'s heart broke at his admittance, she knew he hated showing vulnerably before he lost his family, let alone now that he's The Punisher.
"It made me realize how much I've missed you, and I also realized I can't keep doing this alone, I can't keep being alone." He looked up to her, his eyes ever so glossy. "I know Julie would want me to move on, to come to terms with what happened. But I couldn't do that while the Franco's were still alive and free." He sipped his beer. "But now... Now I need help getting through this, and you're the only one that can help me (Y/n)." Frank wanted to hold her hand as he spoke, but he resisted the urge.
"I'll always be here for you Frank." She assured him, her words pulling a genuine smile from him. "How about I make us some dinner, and we can figure out where to go from there." She offered, smiling when he nodded in agreement. "You should stay here tonight, get a shower and have some normalcy for a change." She added. "Are you trying to say I smell bad?" He asked with a playful smirk.
"Frank dear I've been holding my breath this entire time." (Y/n) joked, making him roll his eyes, despite his smile. "Still a smartass I see." He huffed. "You wouldn't have it any other way." She sassed before pointing to the hallway. "You still remember where the guestroom is." She added, smiling when he nodded and walked off to take a shower while she cooked dinner.
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"Well what are you planning on doing now that you've dealt with the Franco family?" (Y/n) asked before she finished off the last bite of her dinner. "There are still people who are not punished by the justice system." Frank stated having finished his dinner long before she had. "Are you planning on doing to them what you did to the Franco's?" She asked. "Only to those who deserve it." Frank clarified, setting (Y/n)'s mind at ease.
"I'm glad you've come to me Frank, but I'm unbelievably exhausted, and I need to get some sleep." She rose from her seat, picking up her plate, and moving to grab his. Frank took her plate, and grabbed his own. "I'll deal with the dishes, go to bed, we can talk more in the morning." He insisted. "Okay thank you." She leaned over and pecked his temple like she used to as a quick thanks. "Oh and I forgot to ask, you didn't break any windows to get in did you?" She asked.
"No don't worry, I just picked the lock on the back door." He shrugged casually. "You still have that spare key I gave you don't you?" She arched a brow at him, and his faint smile gave him away. "Goodnight Frank." She called as she walked away into the hall. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He called back to her. When (Y/n) reached her bedroom, she began shedding off her clothes, in desperate need of a warm shower before going to bed.
As the water washed over her sore muscles, (Y/n)'s mind drifted to Frank. She'd been so torn up when he was declared dead, and mourned for him and his family for many months. They were a big part of her life, they were family to her. Even though deep down (Y/n) had loved Frank in a deeper more heart wrenching way. She knew it wasn't right, she knew that then, and even now she feels guilty for it.
She never acted on it, and never intended on trying to take him as her own. He was happy and he deserved the love he already had with Julie. Now things are different, but it still doesn't feel right, even if it's been over a year since she passed. He clearly still loved her, and (Y/n) wasn't going to make a fool of herself, and potentially push him away and loose him again. Still she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered at the sight of him again, so much more gruff and rugged.
And knowing that he trusted her enough to come to her made her head spin. By the time she finished her shower, her eyes grew heavy with sleep. Her mind was still stuck on Frank, even as she crawled between the sheets. She wondered idly if he would still be here in the morning, or if he'd ever come back when he did leave. As she began drifting to sleep, she heard the sound of the guestroom door opening and closing. Telling her he was still here, and most likely would still be come morning.
(Y/n)'s sleep was dreamless and peaceful, which was better than she'd had in weeks. While Frank's dreams were chaotic and filled with memories that still hurt him oh so deeply. He dreamt of his children, of his wife, of the look of betrayal and hurt on Jakes face. Then he dreamt of (Y/n), and her never ending acceptance of the choices he's made. He felt at ease while he dreamt of her, his tense muscles relaxing as he dreamt of walking with her beside a lake.
She always had a way of putting him at ease, just by simply being there and listening to him vent whenever he needed it. He knew she meant more to him than just a friend, but he much like her, had never intended on exploring those feelings. But now after everything, despite knowing he's putting her in danger by coming around, Frank knows he needs her. He needs her help more than ever, and he knows deep down that Julie would understand.
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When morning came Frank woke up to the smell of breakfast. Something he's missed more than he realized until now. In a bit of a groggy daze Frank wondered into the kitchen, dressed in the sleep clothes he found in the closet in the guestroom. "Mornin' bud." (Y/n) mused as she pushed a fresh cup of coffee his way. "Morning." He muttered as he slipped at the hot brew, slightly surprised she remembered how he likes his coffee.
"You want some breakfast?" She asked as she pulled two plates from the cupboard. "Please." He nodded his head in agreement. "Good because I made plenty." She mused with a smile, as she placed a plate in front of him. "I'm glad you're still here and you didn't slip away in the night." She added sincerely. "I half expected that last night would be the last time I'd ever see you." Her words cut him deeper than he would have expected, but he understood where she was coming from.
"Like I said, I need your help." Frank said earnestly. "Well then, what's the plan?" She asked as she sat beside him with her own plate. "I don't really have a plan, but for now I think we'll just take it one day at a time, and figure it all out." He shrugged. "Wow the Frank Castle doesn't have a plan, that's a first." (Y/n) joked, making him chuckle. "So are you planning on staying here?" She asked a few moments later. "No I don't want to put you at risk of being caught hiding a fugitive." He shook his head.
"I appreciate that." She hummed softly, having worried a bit about that last night. "I think it'll be best if I just come in the evenings when I need... Well a shoulder to lean on I guess." He said, picking at his food a little. "And when you need patched up I imagine." She added, trying to lighten the mood a bit, and Frank agreed with a small chuckle. "Yeah I'm sure I probably will come to you when I need patched up." He smiled at her before going back to eating his breakfast. "I'll be sure to stock up on some supplies." (Y/n) mused more to herself, than to Frank.
(Y/n)'s pager went off with a shrill beeping, signaling that it was time to get to work. Her partner letting her know they already had a new case to work on. "Well that's my queue, I've gotta get going. I'll see you later Frank, don't worry about the dishes, I'll deal with that when I get home." (Y/n) moved back into the kitchen, placing her half empty plate into the sink for now. "Hey (Y/n)." Frank called to her before she could rush off. "Yeah?" She asked, turning her attention to him. "Thank you, for everything." He stood from his seat, and crossed the room, pulling her into a hug. "You're welcome Frank." She hummed as she hugged him back, feeling as though she's already made a difference in his chaotic life.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
I honestly couldn't think of a better way of ending this one, but I hope it was satisfactory either way. I'm a little rusty, as I haven't consistently written in ages, so I apologize if it didn't turn out as good as you hoped. (゜-゜)
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jamiedc-they-them · 18 days
Good People Part V - Can't Be For Nothing (Platonic)
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Summary: War. Revelations of two-hundred years ago, and of a night that won't leave your mind. A new world is seemingly born; as is a new family.
Episodes 7/8
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Note: Thank you all for following this journey! I will probably do a post mortem on it; exploring my ideas going in, what changed and such. Hope you enjoy it when that comes! I'll link it here when I write it!
"We don't have oysters in my vault," Lucy says, making you and Maximus turn around, "we have canned tuna. But, if you like oysters, I'm pretty sure you'll like canned tuna," you both don't know what to say. You both look at each other, then back at Lucy, and just nod. Maybe. Maybe not.
She chuckles, nervously. Then --
"I was supposed to marry a stranger from another vault," she blurts out.
"I thought you were meant to marry your cousin?" you question.
"Wait, what--?!"
"Well," Lucy says, correcting you on the timeline, "I was. But, I didn't really want to. I didn't feel a - connection. I guess I...I did with this one...as he - as he, uh, as he stabbed me. But, look, my point is, I don't have the best luck when it comes to strangers. But...Titus...Y/N...you are the best strangers that I have ever met. You're good people. You deserve nice things. You deserve a home, and a roof over your head. And to not have to fight anymore. And, if you wanted to, you could both come and live with us in Vault 33."
There's a look in her eyes as she looks at Maximus - Titus, the knight who isn't a knight; he'd told you before the whole thing in the vault happened. Sure, you didn't like being lied to about his identity; but, a good person was a good person - and it's a look you've seen before. Romantic love. Attraction. Even out here, it blossoms.
You never wanted that in your life. Friendships were enough for you. So, as quietly as you can, you back away. You go through the doors, letting your friends have their moment together.
It gives you a moment to process. Maximus. Why'd he be honest with you at first? Why not lie. Maybe it was getting too hard for him. Maybe he thought, one slip would be ok. He bet right, it seemed. You didn't tell anyone. Maybe you were a good person. Maybe you did deserve a second chance at life. Another sis-
"Hey," Lucy says, as she leaves with Maximus. He nods to you, you nod back.
"Are you both all square?" you ask.
She looks to Maximus, nodding with a soft smile, "yeah, we're good," she looks back to you, "you ok with a roomie in the vault?"
You look at Maximus, "he ain't so bad company, for a non-red," he snorts at your wording, "I think we'll manage."
Lucy nods, a spring in her step as she walks, leading the way, "let's go get that head, and go home, huh?"
Maximus stands next to you, "ready to go home?" he asks, looking at you.
"Yeah," you say, arms folded. You bump your arm on his, "let's go home."
You, finally, find Thaddaeus, as he sits near a radio station. You see the booby traps, but all three of you pause. Perception working in tandem.
Gunshots are next. However, luck seems to intervene. They all miss. Still, the hands go up. You're not a threat to him. You just want the head.
If anything, though, he's a threat to himself. As he backs up, an arrow goes through his neck. However...he lives still.
His reaction:
"Aw, no! Awwww!"
Then you hear it. Your pulse picks up. Your hand goes into a fist. You feel the nails break skin.
Vertibird. The Brotherhood are here. Your breath picks up.
Maximus breaks one of the heads left behind. He says things to Lucy, then to you. He looks concerned, but doesn't have time to help. He gives you a light push. Lucy takes your hand. Everything sounds underwater. The only thing you can hear is that fucking Vertibird.
You follow Lucy. She keeps a grasp on your hand. You take her gun, just in case.
You make it far away. Or, what you hope to christ constitutes too far away.
You lean against a dead tree, going down to your knees.
Lucy puts the fresh - well, not really fresh, but new - head into a bag and ties it to her belt, before kneeling down next to you. She's seen you feel. But, never to this extent.
"Ok. Ok. Okey Dokey, Luce, you can do this. You can do this. Your friend needs you. Your friend needs you," she tells herself. The old self is still there.
"Y/N?" she asks, softly, "Y/N, I need you to look at me. Focus on my voice," she says. Chet would sometimes get overworked with things. So, she had some practice. But never with someone so trapped in themselves as you.
"Are - is touch ok?" that breaks through, and you nod.
"Ok. Ok, that's - that's, uh, that's good. That’s good, Y/N,” she may be out of her depth - but you need her, and so she’d do all she could, “that’s good. Can you try to take some breaths with me?”
She takes a deep one in. You follow. She sees you now. Whatever the Brotherhood had done before, it had destroyed you.
“Do you wanna tell me what happened?” she asks.
“Just…” you take some more breaths, “just bad memories of the Brotherhood,” you chuckle, but it’s anything but a laugh, “Jesus, Luce. Whatever is in that head, it’s gonna change the world, whoever get their hands on it. You know,” you say, smiling a bit, “we could just run. You and me, huh? Just not let anyone get that fucking head.”
Despite what Lucy would leave behind, she smiles, “it’s a nice idea,” she says, “but, I need to get my dad back. I need to know why Moldaver took him. I need to put this all behind me, one way or another. That,” she stands up, and offers you a hand, “and I made you a promise. A place in my vault. Safety. This place sucks, but it sucks a lot less with someone by my side. And, I’m not leaving you. I’ll wait as long as I need to.”
You’ve seen loyalty like that before. Or had seen it. It hadn’t been followed through on. But, here was someone who you had known for two weeks, who was following through on a thing someone who you had known your entire life didn’t do. 
So, you nod. You can tell her later your full trauma. Right now, she needs you. 
You take her hand, and continue along your way. You hope Maximus is ok. And, selfishly, you hope he can buy you the time you need to get this done. 
You make it to your destination. Finally, People with guns surround you, but neither of you flinch. The doors open, and in you go. 
You walk through a garden, seeing kids running around. A community. Home. Safety. Family. Life continues on, even throughout all of this shit.
Lucy and you get to the entrance to the observatory. Lucy is let in, but you aren’t.
“No,” she says, voice firm, “they come too. They’re family. Moldaver doesn’t get this head if Y/N doesn’t come with me.”
Begrudgingly, the man lets you pass. 
You reach the doors.
“You ready?” you ask your best friend. She takes a deep breath in, and nods.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Hey,” you say, nudging her, “I’m right here, ok? Like I said, offer still stands.”
She smiles, “I know.”
You enter the room. It’s a grand view, you’ll give it that. See almost the whole wasteland from here. 
You stay back, keeping an eye on things from afar.
“I’ve had a lot of time to think about this moment,” Lucy says to Moldaver, “you wouldn’t believe the things that went through my head. One night…I, I actually tried to stuff a grenade into the neck hole; but, I guess I thought that, really, I was gonna walk in here and…blow everybody up. But it's not really how I was raised. That, and I was stopped by that person over there,” she nudges her head to you. You give a wave, a sarcastic one as you then go back to keeping an eye on thing. So, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna keep things civil.”
Moldaver takes what she needs. It wasn’t his head after all. It was his neck. A blue, small, shining little thing that caused all this bloodshed?
She then makes Lucy an offer. One to fully learn who her father is. To fully understand how Moldaver knows him; and why she did what she did. 
Her father tries to make her not listen. He even looks to you, “you can stop this, you know. She’s your friend, protect her!” He demands.
You look at him, and a part of you wants to. You look at Lucy, she does a slight - almost unnoticeable, but not to you - shake of her head.
“It’s her choice,” you say. The man snarls at you.
Moldaver continues. She tells a story. A story about how her father had been around for a long time. 
“Part of an organisation that thought they had the answers to all the world’s problems…” she continues the story. Saying about the people he was a part of. Vault Tec.
“He never told you where he’s really from, when he’s from. He never told your mother, either…”
Lucy takes the bait. Your hand moves towards your gun. Her father may be in a cell, but he’s a dangerous man - who has been around for a long time.
Lucy is described as just like her mother: kind, loving, curious.
“Isn’t that why you came to the surface? Moldaver asks, “partly to rescue your father, but…to know why I took him.”
Lucy looks at you. She’s been read like a book.
Moldaver then looks to you, “have I seen you before?” 
You look at Moldaver, tilting your head before shaking it.
She studies you for a moment. Then, her eyes light up in realisation. They’re not cruel, though. Just realisation. That’s the only look in her eyes.
“Ah. Y/L/N, right?” she takes your frozen stance as a ‘yes’ before continuing, “I knew her.”
“...’Knew’?” you ask, throat tightening.
“Stop,” Lucy’s dad says. You don’t know why. There’s a slight ringing in your ears.
“Lucy deserves to know the truth,” Moldaver spits at the man, eyes still firmly locked on yours, “so Y/N does too. You came all this way with her, to deliver something for someone you didn’t even know. That sounds like your sister to me,” it’s not said tauntingly. It’s not said with any negative connotation. It’s just simply said. 
“You knew her?” is all you can repeat.
Moldaver nods, “I did. She thought you died out there, that night the raiders came. The night the Brotherhood made their own mess of things. She survived. Barely, but, she did survive. We took her in. She helped us anyway she could. Some sort of thanks, but also I think a punishment to herself for seemingly losing you,” you look to Lucy, who looks in concern, but also a hunger to know - to know about herself and her mother, and how her father ties into all this; a hunger to know about you, about what made you this way. 
Curious, as Moldaver said.
“She was a fighter,” Moldaver continues, “just like you are. Sure, you can shoot and hit things. But, you, no. No, you are more in battle up here,” she says, tapping her head, “now, that is a battle I can fully respect. It isn’t easy fighting a battle like that. Wanting to hurt people, and yourself,” your eyes drift, meeting the eyes of Lucy’s father. He doesn’t say anything.
“No, don’t look at him,” Moldaver says, “he doesn’t care about hurting anyone. He’d hurt his own daughter before he got hurt himself.”
“How dare –!”
“How’d she die?” you ask. The words were easier to come out than you thought. Your eyes go back to Moldaver. Your fist clenches again. You feel it pierce skin.
“I think you know,” Moldaver says, a bit of empathy slipping through.
You blink, or try to blink, the tears away, “raiders.”
She nods.
You cave inwards. You hear your heartbeat. You hear echoes of your sister’s voice. You feel everything you did on that night. The fear. The pain as a wound opened up from a knife. The relief at the Brotherhood arriving. The dread at them just cutting everything and anything down. You played dead. You remember waking up hours later, on top of the rotting pile of one of your friends who had left you for raiders. You remember looking around, not finding your sister. The panic. Then the pain. Then the rage. Then the numbness. You lost…it couldn’t have been years, could it? It could’ve been for all you knew. You just wandered. And hurt. Sometimes even got pissed on. Sometimes did the pissing. You were sometimes the victim, and sometimes the aggressive. Sometimes innocent. Sometimes guilty.
You hear the alarm, then feel someone grab your arm. Your eyes open, it’s Moldaver. She nods to the door. Your fingers are removed from your flesh. You gasp. Moldaver gives you a pat on the arm, before leaving with her people. You run to the massive hole in the building, seeing the Brotherhood arrive. You pray with everything in you that Maximus isn’t in one of the suits. You look to Lucy, then nod. You go to the door. 
As if having sixth sense, Lucy turns around and sees you heading for the door, “where are you going?!” she asks, alarmed.
You pause at the door, hand hovering just over the handle. 
“Y/N? Where are you going?”
You don’t turn to look at your friend. Instead, you shut your eyes and answer:
“I’ll buy you some time.”
“What–? What, Y/N that’s - that’s suicide!” She moves forward, grabbing your arm, making you turn to look at her.
What she sees makes her pause.
It’s the same look she gave Norm when she hid him. A protective fire. One that could be used for limitless energy just like the Cold Fusion that everyone was fighting over.
It’s then. Right then and there, she lets herself say it to herself.
Sisterly. It is sisterly, how she feels towards you. You were like Norm, someone she just accepted and would do anything for. You’re family. 
You seem to have that same realisation. Given the look in your eyes.
It is the sibling telling the other: I will sort this out. Do not come out until then. I love you.
But, instead of a camera reel burning to project the living hell being brought down upon you all. The whole world seems to be burning that fiery red instead. Burning and crumbling down all around you.
Just like with Norm, that assurance doesn't work. She grips your arm tighter.
You put the hand that was hovering around the door on top of hers, squeezing it.
“I’m coming back,” you promise.
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.”
You shake your head, “I ain’t. ‘Cause them out there, they’re fighting for power. Some, dumb thing such as that in a world that lost control years ago.”
“Then - then why are you going out those doors?” 
You smile, “I already let one sister down. I ain’t doing that again.”
With that, you pull your arm free, and open the door. You give Lucy one more nod, before shutting it behind you.
She gulps. Then she hears ringing in her ears. As all that she has learned about her mother, father, upbringing, everything, comes crashing down upon her.
You remember one of your first kills. A man was trying to kill yourself and your sister. He had knocked her out. He had punched you a few times and the world was spinning. You had spat blood onto the floor as the man moved over to your sister. With whatever strength you had left. You got up, charged him, and had him on the floor this time. You punched him a few times, before sticking your teeth into his neck. His gurgled scream didn’t mean anything to you. You just had this anger. This protective fury to you. You ripped out the piece of his throat that you had taken, spitting it out. 
Your sister was standing next to you the next moment, you both watching the man bleed out. She only reached a hand out to you. You took it. You held it for a while after. A bloodsoaked hand. But a promise to never let go. To keep going together.
Fate had other ideas. The Brotherhood had their goals. But they mistook you for raiders it seemed. Or just couldn’t see shit in those helmets of theirs when they started firing. It was only you and your sister and at that point, you didn’t mourn them much. But, that fire of knowing - or, at least, knowing as you did at the time - that your sister had been seemingly killed as well…it made you punish yourself. It made you never fully heal after fights. It made you never fully accept help.
And yet, that damn Lucy Maclean had come into your life, and given you something you never thought you’d have again:
You remember that hope as you fir each round - you are a decent shot, especially for someone who has no actual training with them - and hit most of your targets. You take weapons from fallen people where you could. 
A bullet hits your piece of cover. You heard footsteps. Your latest weapon had clicked ages ago. So, you wait…and wait. And then –
You dive, tackling the person to the floor. They block a punch, before you get one in and –
A bullet slams into your shoulder, sending you to the ground.
“No!” you hear a familiar voice say. You blink, adjusting to the searing pain and the daylight. It’s Maximus, with a friend of his, “they’re my friend! They’re my friend!” he says.
“Oh shit!” his friend says, dropping to one knee, dragging you out of the way. The war itself is distraction enough.
“Where’s Lucy?” Maximus asks you.
You have a hand to your shoulder. One his friend removes as they put a Stimpack into your arm. You groan at it, before answering him:
“Upstairs…with her father.”
“Is she alive?” 
“The more you piss around here, not likely,” you say.
Maximus nods. He looks to his friend, “go,” they say. He nods, and pats you on the arm and leaves. 
His friend stays with you, “I’m sorry,” they say.
You nudge your head to the door, “go. Don’t get caught out here.”
They look like they wanna stay, then realise why you’re saying that. The Brotherhood are brutal. They only let Maximus live due to loyalty. They nod, leaving too, but a few extra rounds find their way onto the floor.
Good deeds and all that, Lucy would say.
The battle seems to be dying down. And you are just plain dying. Another shot had hit you. This one closer to your chest. You had stumbled your way into the building, seeing dead Brotherhood members around you. 
You collapse, growing weaker by the moment. You hate it, having your promise be broken. But, you tried. You fought them off as best you –
“Aw, hell,” you hear a gruff voice say. A hand grabs your arm, and you are hoisted up; your arm going around someone’s shoulders, “we gotta stop meeting like this, sunshine.”
You look, and see the Ghoul who had taken you hostage.
“Ah,” he says, “don’t talk. You’re the silent one. I like that about you. Only talk when necessary,” he begins to move you to the stairs, “now, don’t worry about these ones. They’re all taken care of. But, I do need a word with Mister Maclean. And, I do think that if little Miss Lucy finds out I left you to die, she might do more than rip off my finger, this time.” 
He gets you to the room. He opens the door and goes in, leaning you against a wall. You stumble in as best you can, looking worse and worse by the second. 
“Uh-uh,” The Ghoul says when Hank Maclean looks at you, “don’t look at them. You look at me, now,” Hank complies.
You make your way over to Maximus and Lucy. Getting to the floor with at least a bit of grace. Lucy looks at you, eyes going wide.
You reach out with your hand not on your wound, and cover Lucy’s. A bloodsoaked hand. But a promise to never let go. To keep going together.
“You look out at this wasteland,” the Ghoul says, “it looks like chaos. But there’s always somebody behind the wheel.”
He knows Lucy wants to know how he knows her father. But makes an offer. You can stay here, wait for Maximus to wake up, but you won’t be spared - hell, you were by a sheer stroke of luck - or, you go with him, and meet your makers. 
“You coming?” he asks you. 
Lucy squeezes your hand. Your vision goes hazy. Time is running out. A gunshot goes off. Lucy’s mother dies.
You feel hands on your arm as you are once again lifted up. Lucy is holding you. Even now, she’s gentle. 
You realise what you are then, to each other: an anchor.
Something pulling the other ashore. Making sure they don’t get lost in the madness of this world.
You feel a jab in your side. Another fucking stimpack. Christ you hope a dependance doesn’t follow with these.
You see the Ghoul again, “one for the road.”
You nod. To your surprise, so does he.
Lucy takes your hand.
“You ok?” she asks. You nod, feeling a bit stronger.
“Okey Dokey,” she says. This time, not as bright in tone. One that isn’t entirely flat either. More of relief, a tired relief. A want for rest. But also one that tells you she understands now. This world was dark and painful. There were few light spots in it for hope.
Her hand in yours, tells you she understood your own realisation. You are a bright spot in each other’s lives. A friend to always be there.
So, off you walk together. Her father was gone, in more ways than one. He had fled like a coward. She’d almost shot him. She wanted to.
Her family was now down to two members:
Norm - her little brother. The one she’d always protect.
And you - a sibling she found out here. One that would protect her just as much as she did you.
It wasn’t much. But it was something. 
It wasn’t all for nothing, coming up here. It wasn’t all for nothing, delivering that head.
A new world was coming through. It was fighting.
Now, it was the time for monsters. 
She was just glad you weren’t one of them.
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
No Angel
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Pairing:  Johnny Cage x Fem Reader 
Quick Authors Note: This fic is supposed to be a bit funny but spicy! Also, the reader is a bit of a daredevil airhead (LOL)
Summary: Living life on a farm, the reader is loaded with excitement as she goes to Hollywood with her best friend, Johnny Cage, for the first time, diving headfirst into a whole new experience that she only wants to share with him...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Swearing, skinny dipping, pool-sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), loss of virginity, foreplay, oral M receiving, pet names (buttercup, baby, angel)
Word Count: 1.7k 
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Considering I only knew life on a farm before Lord Lui Kang changed that, culture shock wasn't even fitting enough to describe my feelings.
First Outworld, then a whole other timeline? My brain was stuffed with loads of new information. Life still had its beautiful days after all I’d seen.
One of my new but best friends, Johnny, offered to let me play my role in his recent work, and when I saw Hollywood? I felt like a kid again, curious and wanting to see everything there.
Since we had the time and Johnny was a megastar, he showed me all there was to see. All the vast buildings, the Walk of Fame, the Hollywood sign. It was all so beautiful.
I was gasping and awing all day, making Johnny laugh yet again as he brought me to his home:
"Hell yeah, buttercup," Opening the door for me, I ran in and stopped to take in his gorgeous home, gasping as I saw the pool with a view of the city before me.
"You even have a pool?!" I squealed, and he continued to laugh at me:
"Wanna go for a swim?"
"Please?!" I jumped for joy, not paying attention to him:
"Let me go grab-"
"Thanks for the towel!" That's what I thought he would get, frozen and watching me toss off my clothes, jumping right in, in just my bra and panties, "Ahh, the waters not freezing!"
I was having so much fun, floating on my back and seeing Johnny, still frozen and staring at me.
"What? Have you never swum in panties before? Mine are clean! I swear!"
We both laughed at what I said, Johnny shaking his head at me as he unbuttoned his shirt:
"You are something else, Y/N."
"Just jump in! Hurry up, Johnny!" Bundled with energy, I laughed as he got down to his briefs, jumping in and splashing water all over me.
"Hey!" I smiled, splashing and laughing hard as he choked on the water, "I'm sorry!"
"It's okay. Sike!" Splashing right back, the water went up my nose, making me snort, but I was still smiling, turning to shake off the burn in my nose, getting lost in the view of the city.
"It's beautiful, ain't it?" Joining me at the edge and enjoying the view too, I nodded:
"I see why you love this place so much. Thank you for all you've done for me today. I'm so happy."
"Oh, I know," He chuckled, pinching my plump cheek, "Don't mention it. You saved my ass how many times since we've met? It's the least I can do."
Flowing with happiness and graciousness, I hugged Johnny with a squeeze, expressing:
"Everyone may think a certain way about you, but know, I think you're the best, Johnny."
"Bout time someone's seen that," He was always boastful but hugged me back and smiled, "Thanks, buttercup."
"Of course," Kissing his cheek, my bundled energy wanted me to keep moving, so I offered, "Wanna keep having fun?"
The hand behind my back was ready to splash him again, but I noticed the look in his eyes as he stared at my body:
"You know what skinny dipping is?"
"Swimming naked, right?" I wasn't that out of touch with the modern world; realizing that he was flirting with me, I played along, shrugging, "My bra and undies need to dry, anyhow."
He wasn't expecting me to dive right into the situation, tossing my bra and panties to the floor next to us and letting out a sigh of relief:
"That's better."
"Hell yeah," He murmured, eyeing every part of skin he saw, again taken aback as I came to him, toying with the band of his briefs:
"Need help?"
"He, good one," He chuckled, going to the edge for a moment, "Just a second."
Floating back on the water, I stared at the bright city, looking back at him as I heard music playing softly, noticing his briefs on the floor next to my wet garments.
"Setting the mood?" I giggled, swimming to him and saying, "It's a first for me, but I trust you, Johnny."
"I knew Buttercup was perfect for you," Pulling me to him by the waist, he had so much charm, getting lost in his eyes, "You're so sweet."
"You're sweet too," I smiled, playfully mocking the voice he'd used when saying, "Buttercup."
Laughing but starting to get handsy, the pace picked up as his lips inched closer to mine:
"Never a dull moment with you."
When our lips met, I never felt my blood rush as it did then, knowing what was happening to me but actually processing it for the first time, not wanting to embarrass myself because of my inexperience as I kissed back, not so hard on myself mentally as he dipped his hand down to squeeze my ass:
"Sure that this a first for you?"
"I wouldn't lie to you," Kissing more, he was mindful but wanting more as his tongue rolled:
"Just asking because damn, you're good."
That compliment made me feel even better, daring to go under the water to touch him, a little hesitant till he took my hand, doing so for me, softly wrapping my hand around his cock, his guidance pumping it up and down.
"I'm all yours, buttercup," Letting my hand go as I stroked his cock on my own, all nervousness left me as he cooed, "Go after what you want."
Nodding in my kisses, I didn't notice how fast I began to stroke him, the rush in me taking control, especially when his hands slid between my thighs from behind, a finger gliding through my folds.
I instantly whimpered at the feeling. I stopped what I was doing to adjust my legs, whispering in my blissful sigh, "That's really nice."
"Want something even better?" His whisper in my ear made me twitch with anticipation, moaning at his finger slipping into me, pumping softly.
Resting against his chest, I was smiling with moans, continuing to praise, "That's so, so nice."
"I promise, I'll keep making you feel good," Pumping a bit faster made me want more, palming his cock and making him stare at me from my rather bold offer:
"Just want to fuck already?"
"Again, you sure this is your first time?" Just wanting to be sure, I giggled but meant wholeheartedly:
"I just want you to be my first. I imagine that you won't disappoint me."
"Imagine?" Getting things back on track, we floated to the wall with the view, his charm coming back strong, "You've thought about it before?"
A bit flustered as he guessed correctly, I admitted, "Yeah, I mean, have you seen yourself?"
"Sexy, right?" He chuckled, taking my thighs and picking me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms wrapping around his neck:
"Mega sexy," I giggled, watching his hand under the water.
"Just tell me if you need to stop," Caring that this was my first time, he helped ease the little anxiousness with a kiss, unintentionally biting his lip when I felt a pop inside.
"Johnny-" Whimpering and biting a little harder, I began to stretch open on his girth, grunting as he pushed into me softly.
"You all right, buttercup?" Checking on me, my body made more room for him, begging for more, showing that I was more than alright as I pushed against him, intrusive thoughts taking over my mouth:
"Fuck me."
"My, my," Pushing further, he had no complaints, smiling against my neck, "My sweet, innocent buttercup isn't so innocent, huh?"
"Is that a bad thing?" Shivering with pleasure, I was only curious, back to smiles as his head shook:
"Far from it. Don't worry, angel. I'll hold your halo so you can have a little demon time."
The water started splashing against us as he pulled back and rolled his hips quicker, still soft but making me moan more, clinging and exploring a whole new universe, loving how my nerves jolted and the way he could go deep, learning new points in me that I didn't realize I had.
"You like that?" Watching me moan, I was tight and wet, taking him easier, "You feelin' good?"
"Yeah, yeah!" Feeling our hips inching closer, I wondered if I could take all of him, sharing a loud gasp with him as I pushed myself down onto all his cock, "Yeah, Johnny!"
"Oh fuck," He huffed, proud of me as he had to look to believe, only pulling back a bit of his length, bucking and creating more splashes, "You want it like that?"
"Please," Nodding quickly, I felt a tear in the corner of my eye, "It feels so good."
With our hips meeting, his pelvis brushed against my clit, and after so much, it swelled, pulsating, gasping out each time he hit it again:
"Gonna cum, baby?" Holding my head and finding my eyes, it was hard to stay still, twitching and whining:
"Yeahhh! Make me, Johnny!"
"I gotcha, baby," Hugging my torso and going a bit faster, he started groaning at how I clenched his cock, "Fuck that's tight. Oh, yeaa-."
My head fell back, and when I opened my eyes, all I saw were blurred city lights, then his blurred but bright smile as he picked me back up, hugging his head tight as it hit me, shaking with pleasure and gasping:
"Shit, that's amazing. You're amazing, Johnny."
"So are you," He hummed, slowing to a stop and whispering, "Your pussy's too damn good."
Knowing why he stopped, the water helped me stand upright, turning so that he was against the wall, looking down at how hard he was holding his cock:
"Want me to take care of that?"
"Wanna tell me how?" Cocking his eyebrow, knowing and keeping his hips above water, he shook and gasped at how quickly I sunk and took his tip into my mouth, "Shit, baby. Fuccck-"
He instantly came from my warm, wet mouth, gladly taking his load, picking my head up as I swallowed:
"Sorry, that's all we could do since we're in the pool."
"Don't you dare apologize," He heaved, smiling down at me, "You know how good that feels?"
I thought I couldn't stop smiling before? My smile was stuck on my face as I hugged him, floating as he picked me up, "I love that I make you feel good, too." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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plus-i-miss-you · 4 months
Hello! Hope you're having a nice day! Could i request headcanons for Kazui (t1 or t2, your call) with a male!prisoner!reader? I was thinking someone younger than Kazui, a guy who is openly gay since he was raised in more open minded times. How would Kazui deal with his attraction? Would seeing someone so comfortable with their own sexuality make him open up a bit or would he feel even more ashamed? (Feel free to make this as angsty or fluffy as you like)
▷ listening to:
"when will i be able to see the world in the way you do?" (male!reader)
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⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılı
♪ note: SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG ANON AAAAAAA... i hope you like these!
♪ summary: when a liar like kazui meets an honest man like you, of course he is going to have a lot of things to think about even though he'd rather not think about them at all. he doesn't know how to feel about you. it's like a strange mix of respect, attraction and jealousy and he's not sure if he can handle it.
♪ warnings: themes of internalized homophobia, the ending is ambiguous on purpose, it's mentioned that kazui is interested in the reader, but how the reader character feels about him is up to interpretation.
♪ kazui enjoys your company, that's for sure. your way of thinking is new to him and there's so much he doesn't understand about you yet, but it doesn't mean he finds it annoying. it's actually kind of fun in a way. there's just something about the way your eyes shine, about the way you talk about the things you like, you have this energy that makes people want to talk to you more, kazui wouldn't be surprised if it turned out you were quite a popular guy before you arrived here.
♪ but it's also kind of.. sad. you have such a positive outlook on life, you accept everyone and everything so easily, you're so full of love and you're so understanding, it's.. a bit strange, maybe? kazui also doesn't get how you can be so open about everything. what he finds oversharing, you see as a completely normal thing to say. when he laughs awkwardly and tries to think of a way to change the topic, you laugh with everyone else. and your laugh sounds sincere. you're not faking. you're not pretending. you're free.
♪ this is what kazui doesn't understand about you at all. you never lie. he tried to listen closer to your words, your tone, look into your eyes, watch your expression change, but no, no signs that you were lying. so that means you're either a really good liar, or you just.. don't lie at all. and living a life without any lies sounds like a dream to kazui. or, it sounds like another lie, a lie that no one would ever believe. so when it's time for another "love talk" with mahiru and the topic of what everyone finds attractive in opposite sex comes up, you casually saying "oh, i'm more into men actually" makes this old man almost have a heart attack. (meanwhile yuno just goes "cool" in the background)
♪ like.. how did you.. do that? kazui simply laughs and goes "wow, that is so bold of you" and you just shrug and say that it's not a big deal. kazui nods with a smile and goes "haha, i see", but on the inside? he's going "THAT IS A BIG DEAL Y/N."  so everyone continues the conversation while kazui is having a crisis and rethinking his life choices. oh no, it's his turn. quick, come up with something. say something like "oh, i like a woman that can make me smile", that should work. see, mahiru looks excited, it worked- "that is a lie, isn't it". oh come on, yuno kashiki, do you really have to ruin everything like this.
♪ "no, but it does sound kind of.. you know" y/n, don't tell him that you think he lied too. well, uh, that was a lie, but. but still. you tell him that his answer simply sounds a bit too.. generic, maybe? like there's nothing special about it. like mahiru clearly looked passionate about this topic and it was hard to make her stop talking. you could tell that it's just mahiru being mahiru, but some other prisoners' answers still said something about their personality and their preferences. they sounded unique. they sounded like something they would say. what kazui said just sounded like a lie made up on spot. and well. you are right.
♪ you tell him that he doesn't have to answer, you don't want to make him uncomfortable, of course. but when everyone walks away and there's only you two left, kazui still can't help but ask you just.. how can you be so honest? how can you be so brave? where did you get all this courage to be yourself and not apologize for it? he says that he's just curious. you feel like there has to be more to it, but you don't say anything. you say that you were simply raised this way. the world is changing. people still can be cruel and unaccepting, that's for sure and you know it well. but you would rather live as yourself than live as a liar.
♪ your conversation ends with a minute of silence. maybe two, maybe three. maybe more. in the end, kazui smiles and thanks you for your answer and leaves. you walk back to your cell, not thinking much of it. meanwhile kazui knows that he won't be able to sleep tonight. there's a man in this prison who is like him, but also not like him at all. kazui was taught to hide this part of him, but you've learned to be proud of that same part. he doesn't get it. maybe.. the world really is changing? the fact that other prisoners didn't say anything about it was weird to him too. were they just pretending to be nice about it? were they just being polite? were they just too shocked to say anything? 
♪ kazui doesn't know how to feel about it. he feels like he has to do something. this whole thing feels like the universe is giving him some sort of sign, except he's too tired to care and he has no idea if that sign is telling him to stop or to keep going. he hates that you talking about your sexuality so casually actually made him a feel a bit happier because. well. saying that he isn't interested in you at all would be another lie. but also saying that he isn't jealous of you at all would be a lie as well. it's hard. it's definitely a hard choice.
♪ kazui really spends the entire night thinking about it. his head is still just as empty and just as full of thoughts as it was. when the morning comes, nobody notices that something is wrong as everyone keeps talking about something or just doing their own thing. but you notice. you turn to him, look at him and laugh. that laugh doesn't sound like you're about to make fun of him. it sounds soft. "hey, you look like your sleep schedule is worse than mine". and kazui has no choice but to laugh back. 
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loveneversleepss · 10 months
Lee know as tsundere
-Pairing: Vampire!Lee know x Vampire!f.reader
-Chapter warnings: switch povs, cussing, slow burn ish? Ex gets in the way(Felix), mixed feelings, fighting/gore, marking/hickeys, sweet praises, slight stalking, manipulation, kidnapping, nicknames, unprotected sex, hair pulling.
A/N~ Im back y’all.. but only for a little while😭
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"I've always felt empty. Until there was you."
Life was boring, dull, cold and dark. Everyday felt the same. Until a particular girl saved me. She saw something in me..
Everyday was pretty normal for you. Nothing big or drama had been in your life. It was quiet. Until someone had messed up all that quiet. Your ex, Lee Felix. Sure it’s been a while since you two broke things off. But how it ended always messes with you. Never got reassurance. He broke it off saying ‘it’s the best if we don’t be together’ leaving just like that. You live in the same town. Occasionally bumping into each other thanks to how small the town is.
But honestly deep down. You still have feelings for him. He came exactly when you needed him. He saved you. Now you walk pass each other like strangers. Always seeing him on your way to work.. But there was another reason why you were so obsessed with him. In this world, vampires roam. Not the kind that can be harmed by sunlight, garlic or holy water. They hide in plain sight. The way they feed is the same, blood. But they can control themselves easily.
Usually vampires turn other people to feel less lonely, since they are immortal. But you never did, you won't. Unless you had to. Like if someone was dying. Vampires have super strength, super speed, regeneration and mind control. But you were different, you could move any form of liquid and form it into anything you want. You basically are the top of the food chain in the Vampire world.
‘God will this light ever let me cross?’ You think. You’re stuck at a sidewalk, waiting for the lights to change so you could cross. You go on your phone for a bit, just so the time can pass by faster. Sooner or later a crowd starts to fill the area. You hate crowds. People always seem to not notice you and bump into you. That's not what happens when you're in a room filled with fellow vampires.
Until someone really fucked up. You out your phone back in your pocket. Deciding that you were getting bored of it. You look around the crowd behind you. So many people.. until the guy standing next to you catches your eye. He looks around your age, maybe a little older. Brown hair and lightly tan skin. Eyes that could make you melt. The top lip is slightly more pouty than the bottom. Just then you watch a man bump into the guy next to you, hard. He ends up dropping his phone, onto the street.
You watch as he sighs loudly as he goes to grab it. You see out of the corner of your eye a car losing control and swerving crazily. The car is coming alarmingly fast towards the man. At the last second you use your speed, you jump and push him out the way. The car flies right by you two and back onto the road. Luckily it didn’t hit anyone.
You landed on the guy and are on top of him. You look down at him and see he looks confused. “Are you okay?!” You ask him. His eyes are lost as he nods his head yes. You get off him quickly and everyone starts to crowd around you two. You help him get up and grab his phone from off the floor. “Please next time, be aware of your surroundings.” You tell him as you hand him his phone.
He takes it and you feel a shock from your fingers grazing along each other. You look at him and see a leaf in his hair. You smile and laugh lightly to yourself. “Here, lemme help you.” You raise your hand and take the leaf out of his hair. You make eye contact for a couple seconds. ‘His eyes are so pretty.’ You think. They have a thousand stars in them. “Thank you.” That’s the first thing he’s said this whole time. You smile at him.
“No problem.. are you sure you’re okay?” You ask him once again. He nods his head and smiles. His smile is gorgeous. His eyes crinkle up and he looks so pure. You look down at the phone in his hand. It’s broken there’s no way he’ll be able to use it. “Uh, do you wanna use my phone? Yours looks broken so, you’re free to use mine.” He looks down at his phone and tilts his head. As if he only just noticed it now that it’s shattered.
“Right um.. could I use it real quick? Just to make a phone call.” You nod your head yes and hand him your phone. He takes it, another shock comes from your hands touching. He dials a number and raises the phone to his ear. You hear the voicemail voice talk and he hangs up. He sighs heavily, "Guess I won't get a ride home." He hands the phone back to you and you put it in your pocket.
"Wait, you're bleeding." He points at your arm and you quickly hide it. "I'm fine," he grabs your arm that was tucked away and reveals nothing. "See? I'm fine." He looks at you confused and takes a step back. "I swear I saw a cut. You were bleeding." You shoot him a weird look and begin to gaslight him, "Maybe you hit your head too hard." You turn to cross the street, "Get home safe, okay?" And with that, you leave.
I'm not crazy. I know that. I saw a cut on her arm, I know it. I look down on the street and see a puddle of blood. Then I notice on my broken phone, a smear of blood as well. I knew it. But how did the cut disappear in a matter of seconds? Who is she? I have to follow her. I have to know who she is, what she is.
It gets dark fast, she hasn't noticed me yet. I'm keeping a good distance from her. She walks to the rich side of the city, full of mansions and fields. I keep hiding behind bushes and trees right before she turns around. We arrive at a mansion where a party is going on, the music raging.
I watch her walk straight in, I can't go through the entrance without being caught. I'll have to go through the side. I make my way around the fence and to the side of the mansion. I crawl over to a window and see her inside. In a room where there are only 10 people, it's quiet, secluded from the rest of the party. The window is slightly open and I can hear the conversation.
"Enjoying the party, y/n?" A man with pale yellow hair with freckles asks her. Y/n? So, that's your name. "Not really," she huffs out as she keeps a distance from him. He pouts at her and attempts to put an arm around her, "Aww, you just need someone to drink." Did he say someone?
She pushes his arm off her and he laughs, "Still mad at me?"She rolls her eyes and his hand goes up as he motions for someone to come over. A frightened looking girl, around the age of 18, appears. "Don't you look tasty," the man strokes the side of her face. Her eyes begin to water, "please, don't hurt me." He laughs in her face and aggressively chokes her, "You're in no position to speak!" He twists her around and bites into her neck, my eyes widen. I fall back as I watch him suck the life out of her, her body stills and he shoves her to the ground.
I look at y/n and see the look of disgust on her face, "Really? This is your idea of partying, Felix?" That's his name, Felix. She kicks the side of the girl and gets no response. "You sucked her clean," she sits down onto the couch next to her. "Don't worry, we'll find you someone to drink." She leans against her hand and crosses her legs, "I'm waiting." I feel a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turn around. A man swings at me and I black out.
"Wakey, wakey," the blonde man appears in front of me. I startle awake and sit up. To find my hands tied together with rope. My head is pounding and I realize i'm sitting on the floor in front of 5 people, one of them is y/n and Felix. The man who knocked me out sits there as well, "you're a bold one. Following y/n all the way here," Felix sits in front of me with an amused smirk. "Did you really think she wouldn't notice? Your smell gave you away," he gets up and stands before me.
"Who are you people?" My voice is stern, thankfully. They all start laughing except y/n, "Isn't it obvious, we're vampires." I stared at them, I already knew that. "I'm Felix, that's Chan, Hyunjin, Changbin and y/n, who've you already met." The one who knocked me out is Changbin, he is clearly the strongest out of all of them.
"So, what's your name, pretty boy?" He stays silent, glaring at Felix. "Speak!" Felix screams and his voice echoes slightly throughout the room. He sighs heavily, "Lee know," you feel your dead heart flutter. So, that was his name all along? It suits him. Felix crouches down to his level, "So, lee know, what's going to happen now is," He pauses as he grabs his chin. "My friend, y/n, is going to suck you dry now." Your hearts sinks as you hear his words, but you keep your cool.
"Why don't we just erase his memories," you begin to reason. Felix turns and smirks at you, "Where's the fun in that." He gets up and stands in front of you, tilting his head, "I promised you someone to suck. Here you go." You flash him a fake smile and push him aside, you walk slowly to Lee Know. Chan and Changbin pick him up and hold him still. You don't want to, you really don't want to. But if you don't, Felix will.
"I'm sorry," you whisper into his ear as you place your hands around his neck. You command your fangs to release and plunge into his neck. He resists heavily but is held down by the two men. His painful screams fill the room's air. You repeat in your mind, 'i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. I don't wanna do this.' Although you are doing it.
The pain is excruciating. I feel all the blood in my veins being sucked out. I can feel my heart slow down. I scream and plead as loud as I could, begging for her to stop. My body begins to feel cold and suffocating. My eyes get heavy and I can't fight off the sleep. Blackness is all I see now.
His body lays limp now as you pull away. Two holes on the side of his neck, from where your fangs sank into him. You wipe your mouth clean of his blood, you don't feel too upset. 'I hope you survive' you think as he's carried out. After a couple minutes, they come back and state that they threw his body onto the street. Leaving him for a stranger to discover the body.
You leave to the bathroom, you stare at yourself in the mirror. You feel tears form in your eyes and you let one fall. 'Please, be alive.' You repeat in your head. Although, you didn't know him, he was innocent. He didn't do anything wrong, and yet you still did what you did. You hear the door swing open next to you and Felix is standing there. He scoffs as he shuts the door behind him.
"I never asked to be like this, you forced it upon me." He walks over to you, looking at you through the mirror as he shushes you. "Feeling sorry for him?" He brushes your hair to one shoulder, you know where this is going. "He didn't deserve you anyway," his cold lips press against your neck, his hands on your waist. "He didn't get a chance," he hums against your skin which causes you to get annoyed. You push him off which causes him to get angry, "Don't pretend you don't like it." You raise your voice at him, "I don't! I wanted him, I wanted Lee Know." He growls, "You had him and you sucked him dry! If you were smart, you would've turned him!"
You shut up now, he's right. You should've turned him. "Forget about him, you have me." He attempts to pull you back in but you resist, "Get off!" You run out the bathroom and leave the mansion, heading home where you should've been all along.
I wake up, my eyes slowly open. My head is on the floor, my arms above me. A perfectly dead position. I'm so thirsty. My teeth hurt and my body radiates with something un-human. I heard a shuffle of footsteps approaching my side, "Are you okay? Do you need help?" My body moves on its own and in a flash, I have this man in a choke-hold against the wall. "I'm.. so.. thirsty." I feel something grow out of my teeth and is sharp, my body reacts fast as I bite his neck. I suck as the blood becomes addicting, I don't stop until the screams stop. His screams. I back away as I see his eyes lifeless and his body falls to the floor. Did I just suck his blood? I look at my hands, did I turn into a vampire?
You watch the mansion burn before your eyes. Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin and Felix are burning inside. It's the only way to kill them. You did it, finally. You're free. You walk off and begin to walk home, in the dark. You begin to laugh to yourself as you replay the night. You knocked them out successfully and set the whole place on fire. It was too easy. Revenge which you've been planning the last 7 months, ever since they made you kill Lee Know.
You're walking past an alleyway when you hear something, then you smell it. Blood. Someone's dying. You run inside and see a body on the floor. You reach them and touch their body, you hear their heart stop. "No, no." You mutter under your breath as you sit next to the body. You hear a cling then a cold, metal wraps around your wrist. You look at it confused and then another wraps around the other. You get launched back further into the alley and land on your back. You land with a thud and you quickly get on your feet, preparing to fight whoever pulled you.
You hear a swoosh behind you then next to you, then above you. You spot the body and the pool of blood around them, you concentrate as you warp it into a knife. You summon it to your hand and get ready. You hear someone land behind you, "Didn't know you could do that." You know that voice. Lee know. You turn quickly and there he is. You could faint. "You're alive.." You mumble softly, you slowly approach him. "You're alive," you smile in relief as your eyes fill with water.
You softly touch his cheek, his eyes mesmerized on you. "Thank god," now both your hands are placed on his cheeks. His expression changes, turning dark quickly, he grabs your neck, holding you against the wall while he holds your knife to your neck. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you," you're paralyzed. You scream out, "I killed them!" He lets you go after several seconds. You breathe heavily from being choked, "I killed all of them. Burned them alive."
"I believe you," he drops the knife on the floor and it returns to a puddle of blood. You listen and hear no heartbeat coming from him, "You're a vampire." You finally realize. He nods his head, "You turned me." You fall to your knees, your head falls in your hands. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want this for you." It's quiet, silent. He leans down and pulls your hands away, "I know, but it still happened." He wipes the tear from your cheek. "I mean, there are some perks." You look at him confused, not knowing what he means. He laughs, "Come on. Let's go to my place."
He lives in an apartment, it’s cozy. You walk in, the kitchen is on your left and ahead of you is the living room. You notice it’s a mess on the counter, garlic, water and wood. "What's all this?" You say picking up a piece of garlic. He laughs to himself, "I wanted to know what kind of weaknesses I have." You giggle softly as you lay it down, “our only weakness is poison and fire.” He nods his head in understanding. You walk into the living room and scan the surroundings, he’s a reader. You walk past a bookshelf filled with books. A big mirror next to the tv, what’s that for?
You touch the cold hard surface and look over to lee know, “what’s this for?” He walks over with two wine glasses and a bottle of white wine, unopened. “Uh well, I’m a dancer. I use it to monitor myself.” Oh. So, that’s what it is for. You had much more dirtier thoughts since the couch directly faces it. He sits down and places the glasses down. You sit next to him as he pours it for you, he hands you a glass and you gladly accept.
You take a sip and start to get curious, “so.. what did you mean being a vampire has its perks?” He pauses as he sets the glass he was holding down. “Well everything is enhanced, I’m faster, stronger..” he pauses as he notices how you’re staring at him. You smile as you break away and put the glass down. “Higher sex drive,” your eyes shoot to his thighs, you hadn’t noticed how firm they were. Definitely a dancer bod, you analyze his clothing. Slightly baggy but you can tell he’s fit. “You done?” Your eyes shoot to his, you cringe internally on how you were caught daydreaming about him.
“Sorry,” you whisper as you turn your head back to the mirror, getting lost in your lustful thoughts. Imagine him pounding into you as he watches you through the mirror, being a moaning pathetic mess for him. “No need to be sorry,” his hand moves your face by your chin. “What were you thinking about, hm?” You get shy as he is getting closer now, so dominant. His eyes flicker to the mirror then back on you. His mouth leans over to your ear, “were you thinking about me fucking you in front of the mirror?” You feel the heat pool inside your panties as you feel yourself getting wetter by the second. “Do you want me to?” He places a sweet kiss on your soft neck, causing a gasp that sounds more like a whimper to leave you.
“Sounds like you want me to,” he nibbles softly on the skin. Making your eyes roll back at the feeling, it’s been so long since you had sex. You missed it. He begins sucking and you know that he’s making beautiful markings all over your neck. “Mm, lee know,” you moan out which makes him chuckle against your skin. “You sound so pretty, Kitten.” This new pet name does something to you. Your nails dig into your palms as you resist ripping off both your clothes. You bite your lower lip to keep the noises down which makes him annoyed. He pushes you down on your back, your head laying on the couch armrest.
“I wanna hear you, don’t hold back.” His arms lift up his shirt, revealing a set of abs. Your mouth drops slightly open at the beautiful sight in front of you. All yours. You can’t help but run your hand down his body, admiring it. His hand tugs at the bottom of your shirt, “take that off for me, baby.” You quickly obeyed as you ripped it off. His hand grips on the waistband of your pants, his eyes ask for permission. You nod your head, giving consent. His hands swiftly rip off your pants, leaving you in your panties.
He attaches your lips back together, his hand smooths over the wet spot on your panties. You feel your face flush hot and redden. "So wet," he mumbles against your lips. "Do something about it," you respond back eagerly, causing him to smirk along your lips. "Happily," he moves you quickly around. Your hands now placed on the couch's armrest, your body exposed to him while you watch him in the mirror. His body creeps over yours, his hand snakes down the front of your body. It slips down into your panties and finds your sensitive bud with ease.
The sensation makes your thighs tense up and your mouth to fly open to let your moans escape you. The pleasure so great and makes you beg and beg. You clench around nothing repeatedly wishing he was in you right now. Your nails dig into the soft material as you look deeply into his eyes. His eyes dark and concentrated onto you. You begin to squirm as you chase your high, so desperately wanting it. "Fuck, I can't take it." His hand falls as he pulls down your panties.
You fall limp on the ledge as you were just denied an orgasm. You whine as you turn to see him quickly unbuckling his pants. You get ready as you hear his zipper and push yourself up on your hands. You feel him edge into you and let a whimper like moan out. You feel so full with him inside you and when he begins to thrust, you're in heaven. Your eyes roll back and you thank god for giving him a higher sex drive. Which causes him to last way longer. "Fuck, baby." He whimpers out which causes a harsh pulse in your cunt.
You like hearing these noises. His hand pulls your body straight up so he can kiss you. The sinful noises and skin slapping doesn't faze you two. You reach your hand back into his hair and tug softly on it. He bites softly at your bottom lip, tugging on it softly. You have to pull away when you feel a cramp in your belly, knot-like. You finally reach bliss and he doesn't snatch it away. To help he starts to rub circles on your clit causing you to squirm and scream. "You're doing so good, kitten." He coos at you. You begin to feel overstimulated and grab his wrist. But he doesn't stop until your fluids drip all over the fabric of his couch.
He finally removes his hand and you fall onto your stomach. "We're not done, kitten." He yanks on your hair to reveal your face. He bends down to your ear, "Look at you." He grabs the bottom of your chin to look at your face in the mirror. "So beautiful, and all mine." Your lipstick is ruined and makeup smeared from sweat and tears. You hadn't realized tears had begun to fall. He begins to pound into you once more, pain mixed with pleasure. You don't resist so he can chase his high. You fully look at him through the mirror. His hair is all messy, chest rising up and down from how heavily he was breathing, eyebrows furrowed. Eyes hooded, full of lust and bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
What a sight. He lets out a loud moan as he pulls out of you quickly. You feel the white hot liquid drip onto your thighs. You let your body fall and relax as you shut your eyes. Exhausted.
You open your eyes and touch the unfamiliar sheets around you. You turn your head to lee know gazing upon you lovingly. You're confused, you fell asleep? Vampires don't sleep. "Confused?" You sit up and cover yourself, it's chilly. You touch his arm and it's warm, odd. Vampires are supposed to be cold to the touch. "What's happening?" He kisses your cheek as he pulls you close. "We broke it." You raise your eyebrows at him, "Broke what?" He leans in slowly, placing a kiss on your lips, "the vampire curse.."
The end ;)
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definedbydaylight · 1 year
“It’ll Be The Last Time” - Matty Healy x F!Reader
Part 3
Masterlist: .°˖✧ Word Count: 2341 Warnings: angst, angst, and more angst, this whole series will have so much angst, also alcohol, smoking, drug use/mentions and a little smut as a treat xx also if you think any of my fics will include an accurate timeline of real life events then you're on crack
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Series Summary: “You’ve known Matty since you were 14 and the boy has never failed to get on your last nerve, but over the years you two end up having unexplainable moments where you can’t help but feel you two are connected in a way you’ll never feel with anyone else, until one night he tells you something that may change how you view the boy forever…”
January 13th 2011
It's almost midnight and you're about to give a small speech in honor of the album, you're off to the side of the DJ Booth with Kelsey and the boys, well all except for Matty who still hasn't said a word to you in the hour that he's been here, you're both thankful and a little disappointed. Ross rubs your shoulders as Kels gives you the traditional best friend motivation spiel, you can't help but smile as you take in all the love and support from your favorite people, just as she finishes the DJ fades the music out and introduces you to the crowd, it's your turn to take the stage, as you walk on and take the mic your group cheers loudly.
"Haha yes thank you. Um, hello! I'm y/n l/n and I'm sorry to the club goers who are about to be subjected to my sad music, I promise some of them have at least an upbeat tune, and it's good music, well I think so anyway, some may say otherwise-"
"IT'S FUCKIN BRILLIANT!" George yells from the side.
"Oh lord, that's my dear friend George so he's a little biased, but thank you love. Anyway this album means a lot to me really, it's a collection of very personal songs, some that I've been working on probably years now. A lot of teenage angst went into this album which I think you'll be able to tell, and uhh, god I'm actually so nervous." You try to take even breaths as the crowd cheers you on.
"Right, so as a surprise I'm actually going to be performing my personal favorite song on the album, which I actually began writing at 18 and have been tweaking over the years, George the lovely fellow actually did the drums on this song cause I knew I wanted a good percussion track. Give him a round of applause as well." You pause and clap along with everyone else looking at him, he gives a small wave as you introduce the song. "Anyway this is Decode off of With Your Permission."
George enters the stage and takes a seat at the drums as the guitar starts you in, you look up to the crowd and make direct eye contact with Matty who stands perfectly centered in the small crowd, arms still tightly wrapped around the girl he brought, you feel your stomach turn.
How can I decide what's right? When you're clouding up my mind I can't win your losing fight All the time-
The crowd actually goes wild at the beginning of the song, the song which you'd been so worried no one would like or understand, but they're actually loving it. The confidence builds up inside you as you continue singing, Matty has stopped looking at you as this point and is violently making out with the girl as you approach your best verse, the verse about him.
-The truth is hiding in your eyes And it's hanging on your tongue Just boiling in my blood-
You're staring at him as he looks up at the perfect time for the song to make an impact on him.
-But you think that I can't see What kind of man that you are If you're a man at all Well, I will figure this one out
On my own (I'm screaming, I love you so) On my own (But my thoughts you can't decode)-
Kelsey is going crazy screaming along because of course you showed your best friend the songs beforehand, you'd never put anything out without her approval, her opinion is the only one in the world that really matters, the drum line intensifies as you begin to finish out the song.
-There is something I see in you It might kill me, I want it to be true
You're done and the crowds is cheering non-stop, George jumps up from his spot and rushes over scooping you up in his arms, he gives your cheek a kiss as he spins you around, soon Kelsey, Ross and Adam have also joined you on stage in a giant group hug of praise.
You're laughing as you try to bring the mic back up to your mouth. "And these are my amazing best friends, as you can see I have a wonderful support system, thank you all for listening, here is the rest of With Your Permission!" The DJ starts the next track as you all exit the stage.
You're all making your way over to your seating area, fresh drinks waiting for you at the table, but so is someone.
"Good performance, interesting song choice." Matty speaks up from his seat, the girl he was with nowhere to be seen.
"Thanks." Is all you can manage to say, George's arm around your waist tightens ready to defend you if he said anything rude.
"I got you a dirty shirley." Matty uses the tips of his fingers to push it towards you as you take a seat. "Still your favorite right?"
You give him a small smile, his tone sounds almost sad, but kind. "Always will be."
The rest of your friends sit, you've ended up between Matty and Kelsey in the rounded booth, and the conversation starts up easily. It feels like no time has passed when you're all together, like no matter what happens between anyone, the group will survive. Adam says something about some guy who he noticed has been pacing the bar back and forth hitting on every girl he can, and everyone laughs, noticing all his failed attempts. Matty adjusts his sitting position and his thigh rubs against yours and you take a sharp breath in at the close contact, no one really notices, no one except Matty of course who's turned to look at you, you can't help but look back at him.
He smiles at you. "So Decode?"
"Oh lord, not this." You laugh a little and put your face in your hands.
"No, no, it's good, bloody brilliant really. I reckon it'll be stuck in my head for a few weeks." He sounds flirty, and with all the alcohol in your system you can't really help but enjoy it.
"Yea?" George speaks up from the other end of the booth. "You should really listen to Under The Table, haven't gotten it out of my head since I first heard it."
"Ross has had to deal with me constantly playing the Like Real People do track you sent me on repeat for the last month, absolutely my favorite!" Kelsey gushes to you.
"Personally I say How Do I Tell You? is the best but I might be biased cause I helped with the guitar on it." Adam pipes in as well.
You smile big at all your friends singing their praise for your music.
"You've all heard them before?" Matty asks, sounding a little hurt.
Summer 2006:
It's a cold night, you've got a thick black cardigan wrapped around you as you sit on your front steps, smoking a joint you'd swiped from George the last time you'd seen him, which had been a while ago now. A few weeks after the party you two had decided to call off your situationship, nothing bad it was mutual, you both decided the weird tension the whole party ordeal had caused was too much, he was still one of your best friends. Everyone had staged a makeshift "intervention" for you, George and Matty to get over the whole thing, and it had gone surprisingly well, well enough that you were actually sat waiting for Matty to pick you up for a party. Kelsey had taken Ross on a trip with her family to Ireland, Adam was visiting with his dad's side of the family, and George had gone to California with his, so you and Matty had been trying to fill the gaps in your social life together.
You finish the joint as you see Matty's van pull up outside, you toss the end of the joint down and stub it out with your boot as you stand up making your way around the car to the passenger side, you hop in and Matty is looking at you with a huge grin on his face.
You look at him weird and laugh. "What's with the serial killer smile?"
"I have a surprise for you, but you have to wait till the party." He says turning forward and pulling out of your driveway as you buckle yourself in.
"Honestly terrified of what you have up your sleeve." You try to reach forward to change the radio station but Matty smacks your hand.
"Hey! Anyway you shouldn't be scared, in fact you should be kissing my fucking ass." He smirks still watching the road.
"Oh yeah?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. "And why is that Matthew?"
"Well you see June Bug." You groan at the nickname. "I happen to get my hands on something you've been dying to try."
You whip your head towards him, eye wide. "No! No you did not! Don't lie to me right now, I will be so mad if you're messing with me."
"Glove compartment." He winks at you.
You don't waste a second, you quickly open the compartment and resting inside on top of random papers and a car manual is a small baggie with white powder inside, you squeal and try to reach for it as Matty smacks your hand again.
"I said to wait till we're at the party!" He says seriously.
"But whyyyyy?" You whine.
"Cause it'll be your first time and I need to make sure we're safe before you ingest a drug you've never tried before."
You roll your eyes at him. "Don't say that like it's not your first time too."
"Well, actually-" He starts.
"Matthew Timothy Healy! You promised we'd try it together!" You pull out the puppy dog eyes.
"Listen love, I needed to make sure it wasn't janky coke, I didn't want it to kill you or something, needed to know what we were getting into so I could be sure you'd be okay." You smile at that.
"Oh Matty." You say leaning your head on his shoulder. "Always my knight in shining armor, the man who cares about me the most."
"Oh fuck off." He laughs, shrugging you off his shoulder.
He parks the car down a side street and grabs the baggie before you two make your way into the party, not one of Josh's this time, but a friend of his that he'd invited you both to, who also happened to live in a GIANT house, bigger than Matty's even. You both opt to do shots before anything else, you mention needing to be intoxicated to deal with the awful choice of music, Matty smiles and agrees with you taking your hand and dragging you to the kitchen to find something.
After a few vodka shots he grabs a 6 pack of ciders and you both made your way to one of the, what you assume is, many bathrooms, you enter and lock the door setting up camp for the events that are about to take place. You crack open two ciders as Matty sets up two lines on the counter and rolls up a one pound note.
"Okay so basically-" He starts to explain.
"I know how to do it Matty, we've seen it in movies plenty of times." You interrupt.
"Right, sorry I forgot movies are the best form of education, miss know-it-all, but whatever there is one thing you need to know, the drip back is awful so prepare for a bad taste in the back of your throat." He then takes his line and tilts his head back.
He hands the rolled up note to you and presents the line to you like an absolute dork, you turn to the counter and take your turn, tilting your head back afterwards like he had. He was right, the taste was god awful, but the feeling overshadowed the taste, you turn to him eyes wide.
"Holy fuck." Is all you say and he starts laughing. "No I'm serious Matthew this is fucking awesome."
"Yea?" He asks, smiling at you.
"Yes, god I could kiss you right now." You laugh.
He just stares at you smiling, and you can't help but smile at him even larger, you're both just sitting on the bathroom floor now, staring and giggling at each other, smiles never leaving your faces. You both take another line and afterwards you reach for a second cider, you drink trying to wash the taste out and some of it drips down the side of your mouth, as you set the can down Matty's hand comes up to your face to wipe off the liquid, his thumb slightly touches the corner of your mouth and it's like the same switch had been flipped as it had at the dance.
In seconds you two are on each other like rabbits in heat, but it's not fast paced, in fact it's almost antagonizing how slow it is, but it's amazing nonetheless, like if what you felt with him the first time you kissed times ten. Your mouths moved in perfect sync, the taste of his tongue on yours was almost as addicting if not more than the high you both had. He quickly scoops you up and sets you up on counter and pulls you forward so your bodies are flush against one another, one hand now on you jaw as his other has made its way up your leg and under your skirt, his thumb rubbing at your inner thigh, you can feel the wetness pooling in your underwear as he pulls away to breath.
"Fuck- Matty." You whine.
"Yea baby? What do you want?" He asks, his lips making their way to the crook of your neck.
"You, want you." Your hand tugs on his curls and he moans.
His hand toys with the edge of your underwear as he speaks. "Then have me June Bug."
Part 4 (coming soon-ish)
a/n: whelp here it is, sorry for the smut tease i couldn't help it, i promise the next part will have actual smut, anyway past Matty and reader have reconciled! but future Matty and reader are still iffy but who knows?? huh? anyway a chapter to end the night xx
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gabigabigabby · 1 year
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vini jr's sister | r. goes
read the one where vini finds out here!
rodrygo x fem!reader
a/n: who else is lowkey obsessed with real madrid golden boy rodrygo? raise ur hand 🙋🏼‍♀️ this is a little short, my bad. enjoy this one, lads! ⭐️
synopsis: rodrygo tries to stop himself from falling in love with his best friend vini's sister
it's taking everything in rodrygo's entire being not to click on your contact, facetime you and tell you everything. but of course he couldn't. vini's words seem to cling on extra painfully today. that's my sister, man. lay off.
that led rodrygo to wonder, what if vini wasn't your brother? obviously things would've been different, but would he still be in the same struggle boat? what does vini have to be worried about? rodrygo is kind, he doesn't take himself too seriously, he cares about the people he loves. what is so bad about rodrygo to the point that vini wouldn't let him have one chance with you?
rodrygo's thoughts were interrupted by his phone's buzzing. looking at the caller id, it was yours. the love of his life wants to facetime. without hesitation, rodry clicks the green button, your face appearing on his phone screen.
"hey, rodry." you smile.
"hi, amor," he says, smiling because you did. "how's your day?"
"very well, dad," you chuckle. "wanna go to a mackie's drive-thru?"
"was hoping you'd ask," rodrygo beams at you. "i'll pick you up in fifteen."
"bet." you hang up, and as soon as you did, rodrygo jumps up off his bed, reached for his car keys and raced out the front door. he manages to get to your apartment in less than ten minutes; that's how excited he is to see you.
you leave your apartment, sliding your feet in your yeezys and taking your house key, phone and your vape with you. you scurry down the stairs (you'd always thought they were a miracle to the world) and out of the building, already seeing rodrygo waiting in his car.
"you're up bright and early." you joke, getting in the front passenger seat, dropping your keys in the cup holder.
"a man is hungry, now let's go." rodrygo shrugs, putting his vehicle in drive and driving off to the nearest mcdonald's drive-thru.
"hola," he greets the waiter through the speaker. "regular order?" he asks. you nod coolly.
rodrygo has never changed his mackie's order for as long as you've known him. it's always been a box of mcnuggets and a diet coke. for you, it's always been a big mac, fries and a large apple juice. rodrygo parks at the mackie's parking lot before stealing a couple of your fries.
and at this time, when you're about to dig in on your big mac, rodrygo thinks it's time he speaks his mind. about you.
"amor, can i talk to you about something real quick? before you bite into that awfully juicy big mac." rodrygo asks, dropping his mcnugget before shifting to face you.
you chuckle at his little shift. "yeah sure, if it's so important you stopped me from biting into this miracle in my hand."
rodrygo chuckles before taking a deep breath. "how do i begin? um... y/n de oliveira, i really like you. a lot. i see my future and it's with you. no one else. you're an awesome person. you have a big heart. you care so much about people, and... you make me a better person."
you were speechless to say the least. your best friend rodrygo doesn't want to be just best friends. he wants to be more than that. and you never told him or vini this, but you'd wished for the same too.
"rodrygo..." you begin but he cuts you off shortly.
"i know, vini said—"
"fuck what vini said. i feel the same way about you too, cara. you're a cool dude. and yeah, i like you a lot too," you smile, reaching over to touch his hand. "so what are we gonna tell vini?"
rodrygo drops his head shyly. "i dunno. the truth, i guess."
you stay silent for a few seconds, before finally saying fuck it. "okay. we'll tell vini tomorrow."
"really?" needless to say, rodry's in disbelief over how chill you're taking in all this.
"hell yeah. i'm proud you're my boyfriend, and i cannot wait to show you off." you smile, scrunching your nose a little.
"i've never loved you more, y/n."
"i know."
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kit-kat-katie · 10 months
A/N: I wanted to write something in the spirit of back-to-school season since I will be heading back next week. :( If you've already started or if you're starting soon, best of luck with your semester!
TW: Reader is gossiped about
Pairing: Dami x Reader (platonic to implied romantic)
Summary: Your life in college has been nothing but empty rumors and failed promises. The introduction of a new seat mate changes how you view the people around you, and how they view you in return.
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Sugarcoat, I cast off
Whatever you say about me
Being reserved made you mysterious, and mystery caused rumors to cloud around your everyday movement and activities. Your dating life tended to be the worst of them all as classmates and co-workers alike would often pin you to be a player or completely uninterested in everything. You simply wished to sit next to someone and not see them lean over to talk to someone else.
So, you kept in your shell and kept to yourself. People didn’t need to know anything more about you then you would tell-
“Can I sit here?” 
A warm, deep voice snaps you out of your thoughts. 
You gently observe the brown-haired woman who sits next to you. Intro to Philosophy, a social studies credit for your major, would prove to be more interesting than you thought. You notice that she pulls out a laptop that is well-endowed with stickers on the back.
“I like the stickers on your laptop.” You quietly say as your professor enters the classroom.
“Thanks. They’re just from different shows and musicians that I like.” She pauses for a moment as you continue to observe the different logos and characters on them. “Would you be interested in a tour?”
A light smile appears on your face - a rarity in class, especially by another person.
“I’d like that.”
Just move, as I want
Dancing for myself
“You take dance classes?” You ask you spot her daily schedule as the background on the computer. “Sorry, that was invasive and weird-“
“It’s just once a week with a close group of friends.” Dami explains before opening a browser to prepare materials for today’s class. “What about you? Any remarkable interests?”
“Nothing that you haven’t heard from others before, I’m sure-“
“I’d much rather make my observations in-person rather than by rumors.”
“I-“ You pause as a slight bout of embarrassment crosses your features. “I think that’s the first time someone’s spoken to me instead of about me.”
“It’s a shame, really,” Dami glances at you before the professor starts class, “they’re missing out on a great person.”
Another first happens within two weeks - someone manages to make your heartbeat quicken.
Don’t sugarcoat me, baby
Complex is over-rated
You like to simplify the world around you - it makes your life so much simpler. The grass is green, the sky is blue, and you most definitely have feelings for the mysterious yet kind girl who goes out of her way to always sit next to you or save you a seat whenever you have class.
You think that she’s caught on to your feelings as her hand lingers on yours when she’s looking at your computer or how her eyes catch yours when the professor goes off-topic every class period.
“You’re strange,” You comment as your professor talks about their dog again, “but I don’t mind.”
“Me?” Dami chuckles softly. “I think that’s the first time someone’s said that to my face.”
A light smile plays on your features as you notice your classmates aren’t paying you any mind - it’s so relaxing  to know that you’re not under the microscope of your peers.
“I like that you’re strange, you’re like me,” You pause to still your beating heart, “but I was wondering if you’d like to get lunch sometime?”
“With you?” A warm, inviting smile stays on her face. “Absolutely.”
The transparent moonlight
Pours out, more freely
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I just watched the new Hocus Pocus movie and I'm OBSESSED! keep remembering that one story about a cursed reader you made a while back and I thought of something like, a bunch of witches reviving the Reader every year to try and romance them but they fucking done with all of It. They think they finally got their eternal slumber only to be revived every year because of a bunch of dumbasses in love
"If you won't give me your heart, I'll make it impossible for anyone to steal it from me.."
How long have things been like this? How long.. have you been asleep?
It feels like decades have gone by since the moment you were cursed- and yet not a day goes by. While you sleep, everything is calm. Not a thing can hurt you; you can't even tell that you are sleeping. You neither dream; nor remain in darkness. The closest thing you'll ever achieve to eternal rest. This is of course, is only when you're allowed to stay asleep.
"Don't be too loud, you'll wake them before everything is ready."
Each year; as the days near Hallow's Eve, you received a guest. What once was a single party became many; that original face lost to the sands of time long ago. Scavengers, who came across a different prize by falling upon your grave. In the beginning years, their gaze held curiosity and mischief, but overtime it changed. Grew softer; affectionate. They too fell to the same affliction that original soul had sworn their life. The desire to claim your heart as theirs.
"Can we take a little peak? It's been ages since we last saw them."
If one were to ask you, you'd say you were fine with your current style of "life". Your best chance at a good ending, an escape from the hardships of living- a hiding place from the greedy hands trying to appoint you as theirs. If you had it your way, you'd stay like this for the rest of eternity, but from the day you were cursed you no longer had control of your own faith.
"You can wake them up now. Don't scare them like last year."
Unseen hands pry the lid off your coffin. You had been awake from the moment they temporarily broke your curse, but they seemed to believe you were still asleep. Last year's scare was when one of them tried to wake you up with a gentle kiss to the forehead, and you nearly bit them from surprise. The smell of spices and burnt wax hits you as light pours into your grave; smiling faces growing brighter from their small circle as you step into the waking world once more.
"Good evening, Y/n."
The witches take up different places on the lot. Some sitting on other graves; some at the foot of your coffin. Alongside the ingredients used to bring you back was a basket stuffed with food and small gifts. While resting you didn't need food, but when you were awake it felt like you hadn't eaten in years. One to be more accurate. You'd be thankful, if they weren't ones that caused the problem.
The group begins to crowd around you; already busy at chattering away. Going on and on about how much they missed you. Asked if you did the same. If you loved any of them yet. You were already exhausted.
"Please, everyone, calm down."You speak, hopeful - yet already knowing you were losing the battle. "Can we just skip our date this year."
They fall quiet at your words. The leader of the bunch tips through the rest, taking your hand and bringing it to their lips.
"Come now, don't be like that, Y/n. We're all just here to see our dearest and hopefully get rid of that nasty curse that you've been put under."
You hate how your frozen cells sap the warmth from their palms. You once believed them, and even humored the idea of breaking your curse. The idea of being free was intriguing, but things went south fast. There was only one cure according to them. True love's kiss. You weren't sure if you'd find love in this little group, or ever again considering what you've been through; and at this point you didn't want to find out.
"Oh please don't turn us away again, Y/n. Max made your favorite, and Emma made a mixtape of some songs from your time. We'll keep a distance!.. for most of the night."
The crowd begs for your attention despite the fact you literally couldn't get away if you wanted to. With that notion, and the one of your body slowly clashing without the supplies they've brought - you give in. From dusk to dawn, you entertain your idiots attempts at winning you over until their magic runs them and they're no longer able to keep you awake til the following year. If there was anything that put them in your court, it was how they'd put you back to rest each year. Holding your limp body as your consciousness slips with care and love, and a silent promise to return soon as they lower you back into the ground.
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sherifftillman · 2 years
hi my dear!! id like to request an Eddie x reader fluff, where Eddie is ashamed of his scars from the Upside Down, and the reader comforts him 🥰 thank you so much!
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Word count: 1230
A/N: Sorry for the radio silence, gang! Work have been on my case for me to help out since my recovery from covid, and I've been working super hard on that multi-chapter Steddie x reader. Trying to get back into the swing of things now!
It had certainly been a whirlwind year for Edward Munson. Going from grasping at straws to finally graduate, to being a wanted criminal, to fighting a supernatural serial killer, to finally having his name cleared when people realised that Eddie was not at the forefront of whatever powers that be had been affecting the town of Hawkins for years.
Now, he lives his life on his terms, and nobody else's. He took on Lipton House from Reefer Rick, whom he'd visited in prison and had who had told Eddie that he plans to lay low once he's out anyway, so it may as well go to someone he trusts with it.
Eddie runs his business from there, as well as his band's practice and a number of D&D sessions. That's how you'd met him, at first - you'd never been super into the idea, but your best friend had, so you would take them to sessions. You'd drop them off at the door, Eddie would invite you in, you'd politely decline but still the two of you would flirt back and forth until his party would yell after him. One day, you'd finally asked him why he hadn't asked you out yet, and he told you he doesn't go out, and that's why he was always trying to get you to stay. So you did, but not for D&D.
It's not that hanging out with Eddie wasn't fun, it always was. The two of you would take walks along the lake, skip stones across it, take the boat out that Eddie had acquired. Or you'd stay in, watch TV, get high together and listen to him recall his different parties' campaign progress and what he planned to do with them next.
But... All he ever wanted to do with you was kiss. You'd be cuddled up with him, you'd start kissing, and he was always so happy to do it. Smiles between pecks, holding you like you're the most precious thing in his world. But anything beyond that, and he'd freeze up. Trying to kiss anywhere else, trying to move your hands anywhere that wasn't his face or in his hair. He would wriggle away and go back to cuddling again.
Today, you decide to go and talk to him about it, though you're a little unsure about it. You just wish he would open up to you, but every time you try, he simply smiles and tells you nothing could possibly get him down while you're around.
You knock on his door, but there's no answer. You worry. He never leaves. You knock again, more panicked. You keep knocking until you hear a frustrated, "Alright, alright! I'm coming, would you ple- oh! Hello, sweetheart," his demeanour changes completely when he sees you. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting you, I- is everything okay? I'm a little busy -"
"Busy?" you ask, cocking your head. "With what?"
"I - ah, fuck, I can't... The water's gonna get - Alright, fine. Come in, I... I won't be long, I promise." He leads you into his sitting room, and heads off into the bathroom. Just before he goes in, he calls out, "If you hear me make any sound, just ignore it, 'kay?"
You agree to, waiting until you hear it for yourself. He screams and screeches like he's bathing in acid. You can't just stay back here. You run to the bathroom, burst the door open - and see your very shocked, very scared boyfriend looking extremely worse for wear.
You get it now. Why he never wants you to touch him, or do anything that would lead to him being exposed in this way. He's sat in the bathtub, with scars all over his naked body. Scratches, bite marks, you're not sure how to describe them, but they certainly look as though they hurt. Discarded bandages and dressings adorn the floor around the tub. It's been months since the incident that led to the earthquake occurred, but these wounds still look as though they're healing.
"I - I thought I told you to ignore me," Eddie mumbles, not looking at you.
"How could I do that?" you ask, moving over to kneel next to the tub and holding his face in your hand. "C'mere," you take a washcloth that's floating around in the water, and gently dab at the two long scars around his shoulder. He winces under your touch, giving you pause, but he allows you to continue.
"I didn't... Know... What you'd think of... I mean, I hate 'em, so I don't expect you to -"
You gently press a kiss just next to the scars. "How could I hate something that's a part of you?" you ask him softly. Every ounce of disdain you'd had for how he acted around you has disappeared, now you know why.
He leans back and smiles softly, "Smooth." You chuckle, continuing to gently wash each scar that you can reach. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," you shake your head. "I get it. I'll, uh, give you some privacy for..." you gesture behind you as you maintain eye contact with him, then kiss him sweetly as you stand.
"Won't be long, sweetheart. Promise," he smiles up at you.
"Just - Tell me when you're decent, and I'll come back in and help you wrap everything up again, okay?" you ask, and he nods.
"You got it. I'll meet you in the bedroom, okay?"
You wait outside of the bathroom door, hearing more pained sounds alongside the splashing of a man getting out of the bath. You hold your head in your hands, mentally kicking yourself for ever resenting him for not wanting more from you physically as you make your way up to the bedroom.
He brings you out of your self-deprecating trance by knocking on the bedroom door. You turn, and see him with a towel wrapped around his hips, holding a first aid kit. "I... I think it might actually be better having someone help me with these," he mutters.
"I think so, too," you smile back, taking a gauze and making quick work of wrapping the larger wounds with it. Eddie sits on the bed and tells you which dressings go on which kinds of wounds as you help him to apply them.
Once he's all wrapped up, you step back to admire your handiwork. You make eye contact with Eddie again, and move closer again to kiss him, holding his face in your hands. You kiss his lips once, twice, before moving across to his cheeks, down his neck - avoiding the wrapped areas, down his chest. You kneel on the floor in front of him, kissing every part of exposed skin on his torso you can reach. You look up at him earnestly from where you're sitting, "You may... Hate this body, or whatever, but I love everything about it." He strokes your hair, smiling softly down at you. "So if that means that now I've gotta show it twice as much love to make up for it, then so be it."
"You are... Just... I love you," he sighs happily.
"I love you, too," you grin back, leaning up to kiss him again. Pulling away, your expression becomes much more coy. "And if you want," you start, resting your hand just where the towel connects with itself, "I'd be more than happy to show you just how much."
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choccos-aaart · 24 days
Poo has a deep conversation (in script form)
Here's something I wrote which focuses on my portrayal of Poo's character. It's been some days since Poo joined the party, and he & Ness still haven't really hit it off.
(Mostly, it's just Poo being all uptight, under pressure, and having some kind of beef with Ness. Meanwhile, Ness's just chilling and teasing most of the time xd)
Now this is a conversation that change's Poo's perspective on his life forever :O
It's late at night. Poo hangs out on top of a Scarabian building. Lying down, he watches the stars and admires the way they glitter in the sky. He is tranquil.
A little further down the roof, Ness finishes climbing up. He grins at his achievement, but upon seeing Poo, he quiets down immediately. He awkwardly stands there for some time. Then from his pocket he takes out his yo-yo and slings it.
SFX: Sliiiiiing!
Poo jumps up and assumes a defensive stance.
POO: Oh, it's just you. (Pause) Wait, how long have you been there? Have you been watching me?!
NESS: Uh no, I just arrived. Seriously, why're you so uptight all the time?
POO: Well! ...It's because trouble is everywhere, that's why!
NESS: I mean... yeah. Trouble's a part of life, and you just have to roll with it, y'know?
POO: Hmph. Well, I refuse to get into any trouble at all.
Ness walks up next to Poo and sits down at the roof's edge.
NESS: You refuse to, huh? Why?
POO: It's... It's because I have to be the best! I trained my whole life so I can aid you in saving the world, and eventually... rule an entire country.
NESS: Dang... I... I dunno what to say about all that... That's a lot.
POO: But... Saving the world is also your responsibility... Hmm... You know, I always--
NESS: Okay, this conversation's getting too deep! Let's change the topic!
POO: Y-yes...! In fact, I would be more than happy to change the topic, as well!
NESS: Hah! We finally agreed on something! Alright, let's see... 
Ness pauses to think for a moment. Poo sits down at the edge of the roof.
NESS: Ah! Remember when I was messing with you earlier today?
POO: Be specific.
NESS: At the markets.
POO: (Sighs) Oh yes, now I know. Go on...
NESS: Firstly, remember that you were the one that started this whole one-on-one duel thing.
POO: Duel and one-on-one mean the exa--
NESS: SO, WE WERE MAKING a huge messout of the place--
Poo rolls his eyes and says nothing.
NESS: ...And then some old guy was chasing us. While all that was happening, you had like some kind of "evil laugh" or something! 
POO: I had what?
NESS: (Humorously) Man! I didn't even know you had that in you! I didn't even know you could laugh at all!
POO: You're able to notice things like that?
NESS: Wait a minute, just to make sure, you were laughing at the guy, right?
POO: I don't know! But, I suppose it could have been at the man... 
NESS: (Laughing) Okay, good!
POO: O...kay?
NESS: And then, when he was screaming at us you said the funniest things, like (immitating Poo) "That is NOT the way you treat the prince of the skies!" (normally) and other things like that!
POO: Surely, that was a serious expression. 
NESS: I dunno, you seemed pretty playful to me.
POO: I really said it like that?
NESS: Yeah, you were hilarious!
POO: Hilarious...
NESS: And finally, (sighs fondly) when we escaped the guy, I saw on your face that you had the most mischievous smile. You could barely hide it, even with the serious exterior you have all the time....
POO: ...To think I SMILED after all that...?! I cannot believe myself! I didn't realise my disrespect -- all my masters will be so ashamed of me!
NESS: WHOA, whoa -- chill out, your highness! That's a good thing! (Under his breath) ...Kinda.
POO: (Sarcastically) Oh, really now?
NESS: Yeah, I mean... Sure, rules are rules, and you're expected to follow 'em, but when you're a little disobedient, that's where the fun's at!
POO: (Genuinely) Really?
NESS: Yes, really! This is why I think you should loosen up a little. You're not at the palace right now, are you?
POO: Your point?
NESS: Let me see that troublemaker again! It's something I really like about you, so I'm bummed you gotta hide it all the time!
Poo pauses for a short while. Ness starts looking a little concerned about what he had just said.
NESS: Okay, forget I--
POO: You... Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before...
Ness raises his eyebrows in astonishment.
NESS: Wow... Uh, you're welcome. (Pause) Okay, I mean absolutely no offense when I say this, but man, I would hate to be a prince if it meant growing up like... uh... you.
POO: (Sigh) I understand. 
NESS: Anyway! Today was fun! Let's go one-on-one again sometime!
POO: Absolutely! 
NESS: And also, try to chill out more when we hang out. At least when you're with me, Jeff and Paula, quit being so under pressure.
POO: Hmph! Alright then! Easy!
NESS: Uhuh. Doubt it!
POO: I said it will be easy!
NESS: Y'know what, just lie back down and look at the sky or whatever you were doing. You were pretty calm then. Right?
Poo pauses for a moment.
POO: Huh... (Under his breath) Yes, I was...
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
Iron Man: Part Eight
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader (implicitly)
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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It doesn't take long for you and Tony to get dressed for the party. He's dressed in a very nice tuxedo that compliments his figure, and you're wearing a long red dress that goes down to your feet. It has a slit up the middle that reaches your mid-thigh that shows your legs when you walk. The top has a deep v-line that goes to the bottom of your rib cage that shows the middle of your chest but still covers your breasts. Everything is held up with two very thin spaghetti straps that cross over your back so that your back is completely bare. You top this look off with thin black heels
With Tony's driving, it takes less than twenty minutes to get there. As soon. As you step foot out of the car, every camera is pointed at you two. No one was expecting you two to show up so they make sure to get you on camera to prove you were.
"I gotta say it, red looks good on you."
"A compliment? I must be dreaming," you joke. The smile is wiped off your face when you spot Obadiah talking to a reporter. "There he is."
"What's the world coming to when a guy has to crash his own party?" Tony asks as he approaches Obadiah.
"Look at you two. Hey, what a surprise," he chuckles.
"I'll see you inside," Tony says.
You two walk past Obadiah to go inside but the older man stops Tony before he can.
"Listen, take it slow, alright? I think I got the board right where we want them."
"You got it. I'll just be a minute."
You and Tony walk inside where there are a ton of people dancing, drinking, and chatting. You two walk up to the bar to get a drink or two inside you before you continue with the rest of the party.
"Give me a scotch and something fruity. We're starving," Tony chuckles.
The bartender hands you the drinks once he's done making them, and you turn to the crowd and scan the room. Someone walks in that makes you pause, and you nudge Tony to look in that direction. Pepper is wearing a gorgeous backless blue dress that compliments her.
"I guess her favorite color is blue," you say. The look on Tony's face further validates your belief that he has a thing for Pepper. "You should say hi to her. Go." You push Tony in her direction and grin when he takes your advice. Someone walks next to you and the smile is lost. "Hi, Phil."
"Y/N. It's been a long time."
"More like fifteen years. You've changed."
"You haven't."
"What are you doing here?"
"I need to debrief you and Tony about your escape. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, and time can be a factor in these things. Let's put something on the books." You look at Tony and Pepper who don't seem to be doing too good. She keeps looking over at you while talking to Tony. "How about the 24th at seven at Stark Industries?"
"Fine. We can do that. Excuse me." You leave his side and join Tony and Peppers. "Do you mind if I cut in?"
"Please," Pepper says and makes her escape.
You grab Tony's hand and drag him to the dancefloor. He keeps looking in Pepper's direction so you move him so his back is faced to her.
"Tony, when are you gonna make your move on her?"
"I was trying when you so rudely cut in."
"That didn't look like it to me. What are you waiting for?"
"She doesn't need someone like me in her life," he sighs.
"What gave you that impression? She's been with the company for ten years. She's put up with you for ten years. If that's not dedication then I don't know what is. I've been alive long enough to know what love is, and that woman has it for you. Make a move." You look behind Tony to see Pepper looking at you two. "Think about it before she moves on to someone else. Excuse me."
You leave his side and join Pepper's at the bar. You motion for the bartender to make you another drink, and Pepper looks at you nervously.
"Look, I don't want to step on any toes here."
"What are you talking about?" you ask and grab your drink.
"You and Tony."
"Me and Tony are just friends."
"Doesn't look that way to me."
"Pepper, listen, Tony's hot but he's not my type. I like the quiet and mischievous ones. You know, the ones who'd rather stay in and be alone than be in the spotlight. The ones who will go on walks with me in the dead of the night because that's when there's no one around." Saying this reminds you of Bucky and you get sad at the thought of him not by your side. "You should go for it, Pepper. He's stubborn and cocky but he likes you... a lot."
"Thanks," she smiles.
There is no one outside on the balcony, so you take this opportunity to be alone. You set your drink on the edge of the balcony and open your small purse that can only hold a couple of things, one of which is pictures of Bucky. There are only two that you carry around with you because it feels like he's by your side.
How pathetic is that?
One of them is a black and white photo of Bucky that you took of him wearing his uniform proudly. The other is of you two that you had Steve take of you in Bucky's arms. Your back is turned to him but you're looking up at him while he's looking down at you. The love this picture holds is one-of-a-kind. No one will ever compare to Bucky, not even Carol.
There are a thousand years worth of memories locked inside your head but you'll never forget the time you had with Bucky. There have been a lot of flings and relationships in your past such as Carol, Ikaris, and... someone else. There is someone else locked inside your mind that you can't seem to remember. Why?
"Who is that?" Phil asks, startling you.
You wipe your eyes to prevent the tears from falling and put the pictures back inside your purse.
"Someone who I wish was here. What are you really doing here, Phil?"
"Fury needs you."
"Needs me for what?"
You grab your drink and down the rest of it before turning to face him.
"We have questions about yours and Tony's escape because we think you two can be useful. Fury's been nice. He hasn't called you once since you left in 1995."
"Left, huh? You think I just left and never came back?"
"Didn't you?"
"My ex-girlfriend left the planet to help others fight their wars while I took some time for myself. I have gone through more shit than anyone, done some things you can't possibly imagine, and I thought that deserves a break, at least. I met Tony and lived almost twenty years helping him, helping his company, only to get captured once again by men who think they're better than everyone. Do you want to know how we escaped? Because of Tony. What else is there to know?"
"We know about his little side project."
"Oh, so you're into spying now?"
"No. It's a necessary precaution Fury is taking."
"For what?"
"The Avengers Initiative."
"What the hell is that?"
"We're putting together a group of remarkable people to help fight battles that we can't. Remarkable can mean many things such as a man in an iron suit and a woman who can control the four elements."
"You know, that idea might sound good on paper but it might not be good in real life. There is a group of people on this Earth right now who did exactly that. Ten people with extraordinary powers to fight where humans can't. They were successful, I'm not gonna lie, but putting people with powers together might not end like Nick thinks. It's dangerous and risky. Nick's heart might be in the right place but his head isn't."
"Still, talk to him. Maybe he might be able to convince your mind."
"Why don't we talk more with Tony on the 24th?"
"Sure. Enjoy the party."
Yeah, unlikely. You head back to the party and see Tony at the bar without Pepper by his side.
"Strike out?" you ask him.
"We almost kissed."
"That's good, right?" The look on Tony's face makes you rethink that. "No?"
"We danced and then we almost kissed. She's not so keen on others thinking she's sleeping with the boss to get higher."
"Ah, I'm sure it'll go away once she realizes no one will care." You look to the side and see Christine making her way over here. "Heads up."
"Wow, Tony Stark and Y/N," Christine says with a smile.
"Fancy seeing you here," Tony chuckles dryly.
"You have a lot of nerve showing up here tonight. Can I at least get a reaction from you?"
"Panic. I would say panic is my reaction."
"Because I was referring to your company's involvement in this latest atrocity."
"Yeah. They just put my name on the invitation. I don't know what to tell you," Tony shrugs.
"I actually almost bought it, hook, line, and sinker."
"We were out of town for a couple of months, in case you didn't hear."
"Is this what you call accountability?" she asks in disgust.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" you interject. 
Christine takes out some photos and hands it to Tony.
"It's a town called Gulmira. Heard of it?" 
You and Tony look at each other in shock. Gulmira is the town in which Yinsen is from. Tony flips through the pictures that showcase the town in ruins, people who are hurt, and his weapons with the Stark Industries logo as clear as day on the side.
"When were these taken?" you ask.
"I didn't approve any shipment," Tony says, pissed.
"Well, your company did."
"We're not his company."
"What she said. Come on."
The only person who might know about this is Obadiah who is outside posing for pictures. Tony angrily walks over to him and pulls him off to the side.
"Have you seen these pictures?" You show him the photos. "What's going on in Gulmira?"
"You two can't afford to be this naive."
"You know what? I was naive before when they said, 'Here's the line. We don't cross it. This is how we do business.'. Are we double-dealing under the table?"
Obadiah looks between you and Tony in thought. He's measuring his next words carefully. He turns to the press with a smile and pulls you two close.
"Come on, let's take a picture!" Obadiah smiles for the camera but you and Tony have angry looks on your faces. "Who do you think locked you out? I was the one who filed the injunction against you two. It was the only way I could protect you."
Obadiah walks away and avoids any comments from the reporters.
"I'm gonna kick his ass," you growl.
"Not here."
It's not smart to attack Obadiah in public view so you have no choice but to leave the party early and head back to his lab.
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