#it isn't an identity something you are or you aren't it's about actions and words reinforcing harmful systems
theghostofashton · 2 months
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starryknight-tarot · 5 months
𝓐𝓭𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Howdy my beautiful souls✨ I'm officially back! It feels like it has been forever since I last worked on a pac for y'all! Thank you all for the messages wishing for my health, I am feeling much better. Today we will be looking into advice you need to hear! I might be a little blunt so keep that in mind. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Credit to @chachachannah for the divider!
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Pile 1 Cards: Ace of Pentacles rx, Page of Swords, The Devil, The Star, King of Wands, Seven of Cups, Two of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles Back of the Deck: Page of Wands
There is a lot to go over here Pile 1, you may have been going through it recently or things may feel pretty chaotic for you right now. For you guys, there are somethings you may be turning a blind eye to and opportunities you haven't been taking. Right now you need to take some time to plan and TAKE ACTION! Think about what you want and what you need to do to accomplish this task. And while this is time for action, be careful not to overwhelm yourself with responsibilities, or rush into anything without properly thinking it through. You may be putting yourself down, thinking whatever you want is impossible or out of reach, it isn't. In fact, I heard it's right in front of you or hidden in plain sight. There may be negative affirmations that you are either hearing from yourself or someone else and it is only pulling you further from your goals when you listen to these words, absorb them, and view them as fact when they aren't. You need to keep in mind the power of words and how they can not only effect you, but the people around you. I heard "when you go around with a loser mentality, you are only going to get a loser result" so even in situations where you feel like you are going to lose or that something won't be successful, you need to try to think positive anyway. I know that isn't the easiest request, however, actively reminding yourself of your positive affirmations and staying determined to keep trying when things get hard can take you further than you ever thought you could go. Use your creative brain and I heard be willing to use your heart in certain situation. With the Seven of Cups, there may be a situation or even a person around you that isn't what you think. Be aware of signs that things don't entirely add up or make sense. For some of yall, this is going to be about a travel destination or someone may be offering something that isn't real. With the Devil energy, you may have an unhealthy addiction to something, for some of you I am hearing your phone or social media (who isn't now a days). You may have been consuming too much media and it is really taking a toll on you. Whatever the addiction is, this can go two way for you, you can take the proper action to help yourself or keep hurting yourself by not getting the help you need. Pile 1, you have so much potential and abundance that can be coming your way if you would just believe in yourself!
Advice Cards:
Be bold. It's time to lead forward!
Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspect of your life
It's time to challenge old beliefs!
Release all attachments that do not serve you
Complete the project or task. Something is calling for closure
Create an internal structured frame of reference and stay focused
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2 Cards: Knight of Swords, Temperance, The Empress rx, Nine of Swords rx, Knight of Wands, The Emperor, Ace of Wands rx Back of the Deck: Ten of Wands
For my Pile 2, we need to talk about how you see yourself and your own self-confidence. I actually feel like this group is divided into two groups, some of you need to work on your confidence and how you interact with yourself. You may be putting yourself down and you need to stop it! You have wonderful energy Pile 2 and deserve love and compliments just as much as others! You just need to see what everyone else sees. You are refusing people because you may have been taught that complimenting yourself shows signs of selfishness and narcissism, something along those lines. It isn't true, you are talented and strong and deserve all the compliments and praise you receive! For the second group of you, I actually want to say to keep it up and don't give up! You may feel a little out of inspiration and creativity but you may just need time to process your thoughts and really figure out what you need to do! Stay confident and positive in your work! I heard this confidence and outgoing nature is your greatest ally. In the moments that you feel like you can't get anything right and things seem impossible, remember who you are! You are that bitch! The sky is the limit for you Pile 2. You can do it, you just need to trust in yourself, beware of last minute nerves that sneak up on you and make you doubt yourself. Also don't be afraid to take bold action and maybe even trying your hand at a leadership position, you have what it takes you just need to believe in yourself. I think that is a big message here for my Pile 2s, believing what you want is possible and just doing it. I know that sounds like a hard task but I really feel like for my Pile 2s, you guys don't even realize your potential and it almost physically hurts me. Some of yall also need to take a step away from worrying about your appearance, it is only hurting you in a really unhealthy way. My Pile 2s are so beautiful inside and out and shouldn't forget that. You may need to work more on your divine masculine energy, regardless of your gender. (There is a little similar energy to Pile 1 so if you felt called, please do read Pile 1)
Advice Cards:
It is time to take appropriate action
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
Weigh your situation carefully
Give yourself your own approval
Create a plan and take the first step
Give up resistance in your current situation
Channled Songs:
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Pile 3 Cards: King of Swords rx, Nine of Cups rx, Page of Wands rx, Nine of Wands, Two of Swords rx, King of Pentacles, Four of Wands, Eight of Wands rx Back of the Deck: Five of Wands
I think for my Pile 3's, you need to stop being so strict on yourself, I am also hearing that you need to surrender to something. There may an event or situation that you have been avoiding for a long time now and spirit is saying that it's time to face this and accept the result. This may be something that you feel pushes you farther from your goals or you are just afraid of the unknown of the situation, something along these lines. I am hearing that even if the situation seems like it is bound to end badly, the result isn't going to be as bad as you think, it may even end with a pretty good result! I am also getting that for some of you, you are going to or are currently facing a tough decision that is making you stressed and anxious, especially if this decision feels really important, I think spirit wants you to follow your heart with this decision. With the King of Swords, I feel like following what seems logical in this may have a more harmful result then you would have liked. But also remember that you have time, with this decision but also just in general. There is time, life feels like it moves very fast but it may help you to take some time to slow down. I am feeling a breeze and I'm seeing you in nature, feeling a nice breeze blow through your hair. You may want to connect with nature more, I am hearing for some of you, you may just need to take a little walk. I feel like for my pile 3's, you may want to be more generous with yourself. If there is something you have been thinking about buying, buy it. If you have something you've felt would be selfish of you, be a little selfish. I think you need to spoil yourself a little more. I am hearing especially going into this new year. Life is too short not to take some risks is what I am hearing. I'm also hearing some of you need to be a little more delusional lmao. Some of yall should listen to some subliminals, this might be a little helpful in some of your situations. I also want my Pile 3s to beware of conflicts with others, I am hearing some of you could be nicer to the people around you or that you may need to work on admitting when you are in the wrong.
Advice Cards:
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Align your body, mind, and spirit with your heart
Create a plan and take the first step
It's time to realize the blueprint of your soul
Be aware of your inner messages
Be adventurous. It's time to go for it!
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4 Cards: Page of Swords, Four of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Hanged Man rx, Knight of Swords, Justice rx, Nine of Swords rx, King of Swords Back of the Deck: Nine of Cups
There is a lot of swords energy for this pile! The swords has a lot to do with communication and possible conflicts in that. I think for a good amount of this pile, you guys need to work on how you communicate but mostly with how you communicate with yourself. I feel like you guys may be putting yourself down and saying things to yourself that aren't even true, and some of you even know that they aren't true. You guys need to realize that you are stopping yourself from achieving things, I don't care how many excuses you may have. Some of yall are manifesting and trying to say all the positive affirmations to bring the things you want to life, however you are forgetting that positive affirmations are only a part of manifestation. One of the most important parts is to actually put in the work to get the things you want. The things you want aren't just going to fall into your lap, you need to push yourself and try new things to get what you want, even if it seems scary at first. Like, I feel like you guys may be telling yourself things to delay taking action on your passions and it's not bringing you any closer to your goals. Which is sad because we have the Nine of Cups at the back of the deck, your dreams are a reality and can come true! For some of you I feel like it won't even be that far from you but you are delaying it! I can see the visual of you feeling like you have chains attached to your legs, these chains representing your past, family, doubts, all of it, they feel so heavy and scary. But what you don't realize is that these chains aren't holding you down at all, you have the power to push through and move forward. I am also getting for some of yall, you may have just went through a bad breakup or ended some sort of relationship, take it how it resonates. But I feel like a lot of you are holding onto this person and want some sort of closure from them, and spirit is saying that there just isn't going to be some closure, at least on their end. Sometimes we meet people, and they break our hearts and some people don't have the emotional maturity to deal with it in the rights ways and that person isn't you. It can feel empty and sad not to get closure on some relationships but what's stronger and harder is to know to walk away when things are getting bad. There will be people that come into your life that will treat you better, that person just wasn't that person. You guys need to remember that you are smart and wise and soooo powerful!
Advice Cards:
Hold your life from a sacred viewpoint. Witness the universal picture
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Put your tasks and goals in order
Something you've planted is coming to harvest. Results are forthcoming!
Boldly imagine what you can do and be
You are ready to receive your fortune. Be miracle minded!
Bring something new into your life!
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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Aita for not making any of my characters, that I have to crank out daily, pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual specifically and only making them bi?
🏳️‍🌈👶🏼 so i can recognize this later lmao also I'm not panphobic or anything, this isn't about the validity of the label, pan is fine.
So i (20snb bi) have a project I'm working on where I take all the characters from a specifc media I'm into and pair them up with each other to make every possible ship kid from every possible ship(excluding characters who are kids themselves or are related or something, that shit is gross). Basically taking every character and pairing them up with another and creating a kid I think they'd have. Its a big project with lots of characters and I'm easily over 400 at this point. I really enjoy this, even if I'm not even 25% complete.
However I set a schedule for myself that at least one ship kid needs to come out each day which, considering I draw them, color them and give them some development and some even have siblings, (The refs themselves easily take me an hour to an hour and a half) I have to make lots of them quickly to keep up with my daily grind. I've been doing this project for over a year and although it's stressful, I can get them out quickly with breaks for myself.
Their character sheets all have some pretty basic info like their name, gender, pronouns, personality and more but it also includes their sexuality/orientation. I have a pretty basic list of options for what their sexuality will be: straight, lesbian, gay, Enbian, bi, Aro, ace and aroace with a few random things like polyam, WLW and a good amount of the something-loving-something/juvelic terms. I did this because, well, there's not many entirely unique orientations outside of them and although I love mogai/xenogenders and complex identities, I dont want to potentially drag up discourse or bring problems to my budding art blog over it. Its just not worth it to me to turn something I really care about on its head, even if I like microlabels.
In this case, I'm using bi as an umbrella term as most of the other terms share the same definition with slight variations in wording or action but not much difference in practice. We all like everyone, it's basic stuff. However, apparently this is a problem.
I've gotten one or two anons asking me questions about my guides asking some kind stuff like is this lesbian ship kid a butch or femme or Is this picture of them now or just at the age you put on the ref and other harmless stuff. Then things got rude with some Nbphobia but thrice now I've gotten asks:
1. Asking snarkily if im a panphobe
2. insulting me for not specifically writing pan or Omni and just writing bi.
3. Saying that I "clearly dont care about pansexual representation." Then brought up how my primary oc is native american so i clearly care about representation but that oc used to be a sona and I'm native?? Its confusing. (And Lowkey racist shit to just assume any native character is a "diversity quota" character instead of just a person existing but I digress-)
Im not pan, im bi so ig these people assume I'm not cool with pan people which isnt true? I have nothing aginest them, they are just pretty similar and I dont feel like it matters if they are specfically bi or pan or poly or any other label. I don't go into details like that for any other sub-group, not even pronouns and I included combinations and some common Neopronouns. I understand the importance of representation but my project has less than 50 people looking at it every day, Im not netflix or something. I'm one guy on the most LGBT blogging site with a big project and very little audience, I'm not showing people who wouldn't already know what pan is that pansexuality exists.
This project isn't that deep considering the characters in question aren't human/dont have human characteristics.(no it's not hazbin/helluva) Also ive never spoken about lgbt discourse or stated anything remotely close to it beyond the guides just passively having characters who are an LGBT identity. I've not even mentioned all the potentional orientations they could have so I'm not sure where/why this came up in the first place. The most politcial things ive said are calling out a creator in my fandom who outed themselves as a transphobe and mentioning im pro-palestine. That's it.
I mean this is pretty low stakes, I can just block these people and be done with it and this some seriously online shit but I just wanna check.
Am I being an asshole for just writing bi instead of specifying their mspec label because I have to produce characters quickly and I don't see enough of a difference to warrant a change/specification that would ultimately slow and clog an already stressful and complex project?
I dont think I am but idk lol
What are these acronyms?
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iamthat-iam · 8 months
"In order for me to diminish a circumstance in the reality of my character, I must stop paying it attention and start paying attention to the things I feel like experiencing." what you reblogged from vesora. how to know the difference between ego ignoring/avoiding a circumstance and then daydreaming of a preferred circumstance with no change ocurring because ego can't change things, and then self not paying attention and instead paying attention to the circumstance that it wants to experience? also that means that i couldn't just say a circumstance isn't real for it to cease existing, i'd have to actively imagine something new by using mind of me/ego? "If I notice the character desires something, I do not try to fulfill her as that would be trying to fit a puzzle piece where it doesn’t belong. Instead, I start becoming aware of a person who has the things I wish to experience. Everything is at my disposal. I am at peace. I crave nothing, I fear nothing." i think vesora explains it here, but it sounds to me like LOA just in different words. if they talk about both on their blog, sorry, i haven't had time to check but that specific post was tagged with nd. also whenever things do change, i trace it back and it feels to me that ego's action (using thoughts, mental images, deciding something is) made the change, not something else. i then think that maybe i am using LOA, but if I were to think about ND, i made LOA up. it is a made up belief and practice. but also if i were to believe that i am consciousness and create everything, or in other words, have that assumption - i am practicing LOA. i know that in the end it doesn't actually matter - but thinking loops like that knock me out of things sometimes.
'how to know the difference between ego ignoring circumstances vs self not paying attention and being aware of something new'
The difference is expecting something out of focusing your awareness elsewhere. When you do it from ego, you're doing it with the intention to change what ego sees. So for example you do a visualization technique and then wait for something to happen after you're done. Doing it from Self is knowing you were never ego and the circumstances aren't yours. You're *being* this new person, focusing entirely on the present moment, not waiting for anything to happen because you are it, now.
'it sounds like LOA with different words'
In LOA you are fulfilling ego by reassuring it that it already has what it wants through techniques. In ND you're giving up the ego identity and merely choosing between different characters/experiences. That's why it's not the same.
If you want the circumstance to go away you can absolutely say it's not real. The situation will sort itself out on its own. You don't have to 'imagine' anything with the mind. I think what Sora meant you have the option of focusing on a specific scenario you felt like experiencing, rather than the circumstances. Its not required, taking your attention away from the problem and just not identifying with it is enough.
At the end of the day all concepts are made up, created by Self, so you are right in saying that LOA is a made up practice.
If I didn't interpret your post correctly @vesora feel free to correct me and clarify things for this anon!
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gaykarstaagforever · 3 months
...Well, at least he didn't sigh and play a ukulele.
1) "...Assuming we believe any of this." Append that to everything I say here. I don't believe a word this guy says. He comes across as chronically narcissistic and making excuses for inexcusable behavior. Even when he admits that, it feels like he is ONLY doing that to worm out of the consequences of getting called out for it. He is still just doing damage control, so he can regain his channel and avoid getting a real job. Trust me, I'm a narcissistic asshole, too. We can smell each-other. Like bears. This whole thing is just disingenuous.
I don't even believe his personal stuff. I want receipts for his diagnoses and family turmoil. Is that fair? No. But how else can we trust him at this point? It is what it is, because of what he did.
2) As he says, personal problems and having dreams aren't excuses for lying, cheating, and grifting. Yet he did all those...and is still kind of trying to score sympathy for why he "felt the need" to do them.
Giving an explanation is one thing. But that isn't what this feels like. Maybe I'm being a biased dick here. But I smell more grift. It just feels like he's gunning for sympathy to wiggle out of his whole YouTube career collapsing.
3) No one gives a shit about your boiler-plate liberal guilt identity issue bullshit, Jimbo. You got in trouble for stealing. No one cares why, see #1. It absolutely doesn't matter. You don't get a pass for stealing because you're gay and white and sad about it. That is a shameful thing to drop here. Asshole.
4) The movie grift thing was STILL a grift, regardless of your intentions. Moral failures are an assessment of actions, not motives. It doesn't matter the circumstances: you got paid to do something you didn't do, and kept the money. That's a grift. And the grift is the problem.
5) Hbomberguy doesn't need your money or your apologies. Neither does the international gay community. Your sins were against specific people. You claim you are dealing with that directly. I hope so. But that is exactly all you need to deal with to atone for this. Stop acting like a wounded god trying to save the world from your stumble. We're good out here. This was your personal fuck-up, in relation to specific people. Cut the narcissistic crap and focus on that.
6) ...If you can. This guy might be helpless against his own inflated sense of self-importance. Narcissists have that problem. I don't know how you deal with that, if this whole mess wasn't enough to compel you. ...But that also isn't an excuse to get away with shit behavior, so fuck you either way, honestly.
7) He said he is going to make content free from his previous garbage, and give the money away. Yeah sure, dude. I'll believe it when you prove it. It means literally nothing otherwise.
8) Stop exposing your personal shit online. This has always been a problem with you. It just comes across as a plea for an excuse to be a dick. There is connecting to an empathetic audience, and then there is trying to cash in expensive sad gay chips you think you have. Knock it off. We don't like or trust you, so we do not care about YOU. If you want to regain trust with good content, shut up and do that. Otherwise, just shut up. We don't need you here, bellyaching for attention.
9) You didn't even MENTION Todd in the Shadows?! A shoutout at least, dude!
...I realize that is petty of me. But still.
10) I want to point out again that James Somerton was never King of the Gays. He seems to think he was, and he dropped his crown. That isn't a thing. And we aren't desperate for you to pick up the thing you never had to drop. There is that raging narcissism again. Very off-putting.
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aria0fgold · 3 days
No more memories left to look through
A person with bright hair stood blankly in front of the shelves, they held an open book, one that they wanted to read through for a bit before deciding to buy. But somehow, like a lightbulb going out, its mind was plunge into the depths of an eternal darkness. It felt as though their entire identity was slipping, memories they knew was just there moments ago were fading far too fast for them to grasp. What was it doing here again?
Someone tapped its shoulder, causing them to flinch, the eye on its back opened just as they turned around to face the person beside them. It was a lady with silver hair.
“You okay? You've been standing there for awhile.”
It stared at her for a few moments and then looked back at the book it was holding, then back to the lady, its mind feels so empty but it can somewhat remember that they went to this store to buy a book. Right, they traveled to Ka Bue for a visit, then they went to this store to buy a book.
“Ah… yes! Thank you for asking, m'lady!” It made a small bow as they smiled at her. That's what Lord Joséphandre would do, right? But why did it think like that?
Something is missing… And that needs to be filled.
“M-m'lady huh…?” The lady chuckled, a bit awkwardly with a mixture of amusement too, “There's no need to be THAT polite. You can call me Odette! And you?”
“I'm—” . . .
. . .
What is… their name?
. . .
I can't… remember my name…
Why can't I… remember… my name…?
. . .
It looked around, to the shelves lined with books, to the book they held on its hands, and yet no matter what they do, they can't remember its own name. With furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown on their lips, they looked back to Odette who now wore a confused and concerned expression on her face.
“Ah… Apologies Lady Odette but I can't seem to remember my name after all…”
“Is… is that so? Are you really okay?” She seemed to be taken aback by the title again.
They closed their eyes, although the eyes on its chest and back stayed open. It was an action to mimic thinking deeply, something they used to be able to do before adding another pair of eyes to its body.
When was that however?
They can't remember.
“Hmm…” They opened their eyes again, they don't need to as the eyes on their face are blind, perhaps they wanted to appear as friendly as possible, or as polite as can be, or perhaps… something is wrong… It doesn't know what, it feels as though their identity is being rewritten the more the seconds pass. “I might still be sleepy after all… Well, nothing to be too concerned about Lady Odette!”
“Ahaha… You sure are polite, aren't you?”
“Thank you! Ah! Right, are you here for something by these shelves too? My sincerest apologies if I were on your way.”
“Oh no, it's just, I noticed you pick up that book. It's one of the best philosophy books there is, in fact, a certain friend of mine and I are still on opposing debates about its topics.” Odette spoke with a slight glimmer to her eyes before she paused, “…And also, your hair… somehow reminded me of something… I can't seem to remember what it is now though.”
The person with bright hair looked back to the book again, they remember reading this moment's ago, a philosophy book in regards to Craft, written in Ka Bue's language. They studied a bit of its language before coming here yet it seemed that there are still many unfamiliar words written on the book. Right… they remembered seeing such words and wanted to study some more of the language with the help of this book as motivation.
“This book… Truth be told, Lady Odette… I can't actually understand it!” They chuckled, “I was hoping to study more until I could, although it appears that you know quite a lot about it, if it isn't too much of a bother, may I borrow some more of your time for a chat about the topics of this book accompanied with some snacks and tea on the side perhaps? My treat of course!”
“Well, I can't possibly turn down a free meal! Although…” Odette smiled and turned to the shelves beside them, “How about I pick up some more books for you too, I know some interesting books here! As payment for the meal.”
“Hahaha! So long as I pay for it! It wouldn't be a free meal then if something of monetary value is exchanged!”
“Hah! That's fair. Alright, I'll just choose then.”
The person with bright hair smiled, they'd worry about its blank mind later. It'll be alright, the ________ leads, we follow... What was it that leads though...? Where did I get that saying from again...? . . . Well! Whatever! It'll be fine!
Soleil snippet during that time The Country disappeared ft. Odette by @gilfodile !
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cardentist · 1 year
something that frustrates me is when you see an exclusionist or a bad actor say "X group doesn't experience oppression like Y does" the common response will be "you're right but that doesn't mean that X group doesn't still suffer."
the problem with this is not that it's an issue in a vacuum, that's a perfectly compassionate argument and an important one. people don't need to suffer "enough" to "deserve" to have their experiences taken seriously. comparing the suffering to two groups and punishing one of them for not meeting the standards of the other is an evil thing to do no matter what.
the problem is that nearly across the board it is wrong.
what it comes down to is that people Recognize invisibility and under exposure for certain groups. they recognize that certain marginalized identities aren't going to show up in the news or on a show, that they won't hear certain labels out of the mouths of their bigoted uncles at thanksgiving.
and that is taken As The Issue. that it is ignorance and ignorance alone that plagues the lives of the marginalized among the marginalized. what people don't understand is that invisibility doesn't mean that the marginalized do not suffer, it means that suffering isn't reported.
it's easy to take for granted the idea that X group doesn't experience outright violence when it's something that you haven't seen. And That's An Aspect Of Their Oppression. because when people don't know your rights are being violated then they don't know to help in the fight For those rights. even well meaning people will exclude marginalized groups from certain conversations because they don't realize they need to be there.
when people say, for instance, "Yes trans mascs don't face outright Violence from terfs, but the infantilization they face when terfs treat them like poor confused women that don't know what they're doing is still a kind of oppression"
what they Don't realize (and aren't taking into account) is that Statistically trans mascs face corrective rape and assault on similar levels to other trans demographics (among other forms of violence for that matter [Link 1, Link 2]. they Don't realize that there are Many Many instances of terfs openly fantasizing about doing Exactly That, of forcing trans mascs to turn into lesbians by having sex with them.
what they don't realize is that infantilization is a part of the Dehumanization and desire to strip autonomy and control away from trans mascs that they use to Justify their violence. that the perception of trans mascs as incapable, as needing to be rescued from blindly mutilating their own bodies, is a call to action.
sometimes that call to action is used to justify stripping the human rights of all trans people away through legislation, which we've seen most starkly with the focus on trans mascs in the uk. sometimes that call to action is personal violence. sometimes that call to action is indoctrination with the intent of abusing a trans masc into detransitioning.
what people see as Hurtful in words alone the victims see for the threat that it is.
I could make dozens of examples exactly like this (for instance, historically when trans mascs have been murdered it's been reported as violence against women. because when you're buried as a woman you don't have the voice to argue otherwise), and for a dozen other identities within the queer and lgbt+ communities (asexuals have a Very Similar story with their corrective rape statistics).
but what I want to impart with this post is the idea that you question assumptions about what a group does or does not experience. there's an entire world happening where you don't see it, and when somebody tries to cut an entire group of people out of an experience they're not doing it because they've Seen every corner of said world. question more than just the conclusions that they draw when they make these assumptions.
another thing of note: the more that these marginalized groups Do increase their visibility, the more we champion for their voices, the more this violence Will become overt. the more you Will hear about them in the news and on tv and from your bigoted uncle. and that violence won't be new, it'll just finally be drawn to the forefront. we've seen it before, and we're seeing it now.
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blusical · 7 months
Ableism in Hockey
[PT: Ableism in Hockey. End PT] Trigger warning: Ableist comments and language, uncensored slur. We already talk about the homophobia, misogyny, racism, abuse and bullying that's almost engrained in hockey culture. However, I don't see many people talk about the ableism that's way too common within hockey. Firstly, what is ableism?
Ableism is a form of discrimination, particularly towards people with physical, mental, intellectual and other forms of disabilities. Ableism towards those with mental illness is called sanism. Some examples of ableism include inaccessiblity, using ableist slurs (such as the r-slur), believing that disabled people are broken and need to be "fixed" or "cured", believing that people with certain mental health conditions are "evil" (ex. the evil alter stereotype towards folks with Dissociative Identity Disorder or believing that everyone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is abusive). Ableism within hockey fandoms.
Some of you are already familiar with the "blind/deaf ref" joke. Almost everyone has made such jokes at some point (or at least laughed at one). Well, earlier today I was watching an Instagram reel featuring a league of blind hockey players. The comments, while most of them surprisingly supportive, also showed that such jokes aren't exactly harmless...
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Worst part, I only saw two people take issue with these comments. TWO. Ironically enough, one of them was a referee who just so happened to actually be blind! While it's easy to assume they didn't know better (and they probably didn't, considering this joke is unfortunately way too common), it kind of serves as a reminder about how we view disabled hockey fans, players, coaches and, yes, even refs (especially those that are blind or deaf). And it's not just blind or deaf individuals being made fun of. It's also very easy to go into hockey spaces and see disability or neurodivergent-based buzzwords thrown around, such as "delusional" (or, and this is the only time I'll say this willingly, "delulu"), without the people saying it even realizing the harmful affects it could have on those who do genuinely experience delusions or psychosis (such as those with schizophrenia).
Ableism within the sport itself.
Within hockey, some youth organizations still use the m-word (shown below so people know what I'm referring to), despite it being considered an offensive term (and even a slur to some) towards people with dwarfism. In 2020, Hockey Canada dropped the term, but some organizations still use it, including USA Hockey.
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Ableism by the players is also something we should address. In 2022, the Boston Bruins signed Mitchell Miller, a player who's infamous for bullying a black disabled teen (CW: Uncensored r-slur, brief detail of physical violence and unsanitary actions). He was eventually released two days later after backlash from fans (though the contract didn't end until February), however it was not a good look for Boston. (Man, ableism and racism. Talk about a double whammy). Earlier this year, a video surfaced of Carson Briere and a few other individuals pushing an unoccupied wheelchair down the stairs; the wheelchair was severely damaged and had to be replaced. Not long after the video surfaced, Mercyhurst Hockey cut him from the team. Both of the above mentioned have since signed with a team in Slovakia.
And this isn't even getting into the likelihood of ableist slurs being used on the ice. Lastly, many hockey arenas are still inaccessible, with many disabled fans unable to enter access in some, getting accessible seating is a hassle and many unable to buy tickets due to high prices (something that lots of disabled folks have issues with in many events.). Crowds and noise at venues can also be overwhelming to those on the autism spectrum (Like me!) and unfortunately not many hockey arenas have sensory rooms (However there IS some improvement being made on this end!) And unfortunately, watching from TV might not even be an option for some folks, as digital ads have also raised concerns about potentially causing seizures in photosensitive folks.
Disabled folks are considered an afterthought when it comes to fun events such as sports.
That may seem like an exaggeration, but unfortunately it's not. Disabled folks are always viewed as an afterthought in the world, and whenever basic accessible features are requested, they're told to "grow up snowflake" or that the "world doesn't revolve around you". And sports is no different. As the above show, disabled folks aren't taken seriously, especially when it's so easy to see blind and deaf folks become the butt of jokes when making fun of refs, mockery of addiction (alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, drug abuse, etc). And the worst part: Almost nobody is talking about it. Not until not anyway. We discuss the misogyny, the queerphobia and the racism. But we never talk about the ableism within hockey culture. Well, now's the time.
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
i think where people get confused is that mcr did try very hard and very overtly to make their shows a safe space for queer people and women which is not a political act it just feels political because being queer and/or a woman means you exist in a space where your being is politicised by those around you whether you want to actively be involved in those politics or not. but, as you said, the art itself is personal and the message at shows is generally also about personal expression and learning to be yourself and take care of yourself. there's an element of respect each other/respect each others' differences but that's not political there's no call to action there's no fight for structural change and that's totally fine they don't have to be that
yeah no you said it, i totally agree. like i said, they're only political as far as all art is political - maybe slightly more because they made an active effort to engage with a socially outcast audience, tho in their minds that wasn't about specific marginalised groups like queer people, neurodivergent ppl etc - beyond their vocal support of women at shows/in the scene, they were directing their art just at people who didn't quite fit in in general. there's a big venn diagram there (and obviously some contextual cause-and-effect in terms of what kind of people tended to be unwelcome in hardcore scenes lol - even then, mcr never made any statements about race or whiteness) but it's not like gerard started a band to empower or liberate specific identities in a political sense - it was very consciously an effort to sing more about general unifying human experiences - i.e. ones lots of people can relate to. one of mcr's (especially gerard as lyricist) greatest strengths is being able to tap into those "universal" emotions like grief, loneliness, self-hatred etc. and make them a little easier to confront head-on or feel a little less isolating. that's literally why they're popular - if they had been overtly political they simply never would have made it that big! wait i'll let hanif abdurraqib say it because he said it best (brief snippet from his wonderful essay on the black parade in his collection they can't kill us until they kill us - 100% worth the cost of the ebook alone, and all of his essays are brilliant).
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that idea is kind of at the heart of mcr and something i really appreciate about it. there's actually very little specificity in mcr's lyrics by design - it's meant to be projected onto and interpreted. that makes it inherently difficult to politicise bc good politics requires clarity of message and intention. that in turn makes mcr pretty apolitical by nature - which isn't a bad thing! different bands (like all types of art) exist for different reasons, and mcr's reason is catharsis and connection far more than it is any kind of activism. we can be pretty assured based on the lyrics and what we know of the guys that their politics aren't terrible and that's enough for me.
the real issue comes in when people act like mcr are political and give them credit for something they're not (and something they've never really claimed to be!). i get that mcr is a gateway band for a lot of people into harder/heavier music - it was for me too! - but even bands one step removed from mcr in the same scene (e.g. thursday) are leagues more political than these guys are.
this goes beyond mcr/bandom now but....tbh i think a lot of it comes from that relatively recent attitude that's common in online circles that activism is heavily rooted in personal identity (which ties in with the harmful pattern of, for example, white queer people acting like they're somehow above other white people in terms of racism) and comes more from individual thought, words, and discussion (in which using the correct language sometimes has more weight than what you're trying to say) than it does from actual community action. this isn't an attack at anyone btw - a lot of the statements about mcr's politics around here are pretty flippant and light-hearted anyway, i doubt too many people are taking them super seriously, but it's probably worth considering. overall, i'm not listening to mcr for politics and i'm certainly not looking to any of them for political guidance, but it's nice to feel connected to them and to all of you guys and to know that they support my identity, but that’s kind of as far as it goes for me.
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leafryoworks · 2 months
Wine & Whisky
Piece by Piece by :@sm-baby .
I originally write this because I have a thought . Although there isn't many information about Mr Weiss , I wrote this based on my own interpretation on him last night . Mei-Lyn appearance is in here too .
Words : 1623
Happy reading !
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Another job well done if he has to say so himself .
Another life he has been brought to justice in court against the king and his little defendant .
Mei-Lyn .
A jester and an advisor , a two package deal . He almost didn’t recognize her with the way she pitched her voice when she was being the jester . 
He almost felt bad .
Almost .
If she hasn’t been silencing all the other women that had been injusticed in this lifetime because of the king’s actions .
But that doesn’t matter , he wouldn’t need to see that little pawn anymore when he’s walking into the old bar of town to down some whiskey on his throat .
Spoke too soon .
It could be any regular pawn he’s looking at sitting down on that very stool . It could also be a coincidence that a pawn would wear that very dress . But the way she sits and brings herself up…
Mei-Lyn ?
No , it can’t be . But when the pawn opens her pretty mouth to ask for some wine , her voice already confirms her identity .
…weeeeell ,this is awkward . It’s one thing to obliterate her on court with evidence but the court was his habitat . This bar isn’t .
He can sense that this place is her natural habitat . 
…nope , just don’t appear in her line of vision . Just blend in the shadows . His coat should help . Don’t make eye contact . Plus , she seems inebriated a bit so another plus .
The dark corner of the bar seems well suited enough for him to reside . It didn’t take long for a waiter to take his order . Plus , he can actually take an eye on her without being obvious .
…dang it , he can’t believe this . He’s stalking a lady ! What would his mother say ?! 
It’s one thing to follow her to the castle but to a bar that feels more personal ?!!
Wait , no . This is just a coincidence . A coincidence that he happens to be here . Besides , he doesn’t have anything else to look at that seems interesting in the bar so it isn’t that bad if he’s resting his eyes on her , right ?
The little pawn on the stool seems to slouch a bit more and the most interesting thing happens . He heard a giggle . It was a small one but he caught it .
And then there was another and another . It was so loud , how come the other patrons aren't hearing this ? This , this soft giggling pawn that’s drinking her sorrows away ?
This miniscule pawn that tried to defend the king and show the papers to the judge before clumsily losing them in her small hands ? This meek pawn that tried to have a say when he cut her words so easily with the truth ? This tiny pawn that he can so easily throw out the window by a simple yank ? Thi-
“Phe hehe hee !”
This small pawn that he’s hearing her softly giggle as she fiddled a cup with her small hands ? This pawn’s voice that’s so meek that you have to kneel on her level to hear ? This small pawn that’s waist he can easily envelop with his one hand…
What is he thinking ?!!
It must be the whisky , there is no way he’s thinking properly with the alcohol in his system right now . He can’t . It’s not logical to be thinking this way right now without something tampering his brain .
He would never feel such a thing , especially at a little pawn known as Mei-Lyn .
“Whatchu doing here all alone , little miss ?”
…oh , it appears in just a quick moment he has looked away , someone already approached her . That’s not good . The guy that asked her… his vibes are off .
Like bad news kind of off .
Like he would…
He just blinks and before he knows it , he’s sitting beside her and giving a sharp glance at the guy . He knows his appearance can be intimidating to many and the guy that looked at her funny earlier quickly backed off before apologizing . 
Psh , more like a baby’s mumble actually .
Mei-Lyn however , turns around to see what caused the guy to chicken out and he can help but sweat under her eyes .
Wait , this wasn’t on the plan ! He was supposed to be sitting on his side of the bar and not interact with her right now !
The only thing his brain told him to do now is to do the right thing .
Shyly look away and hide behind his glass of whiskey .
This is embarrassing .
In court earlier , she was the one looking away from his gaze and now he is the one lowering his head from her eyes .
“Oooh , I've never seen you here before ? Are you new here ?”
…ah , she’s drunk ! Thank god for the alcohol in her system .
“Ah , oh , yes . I am very new here !”
He’s floundering , why is he floundering ?!!
“Psh , you’re lucky then . This place serves the best alcohol in town .”
He knows that , he usually investigates places he’s new at to be more prepared . Too bad there aren't any book guides on this situation .
“Been drinking here since I was at legal age , actually so I’m practically a regular and your senior here .” She gave a small wink at the end that almost caught him off guard .
“Senior , in drinking ?”
Hilarious , he can see why she can be a jester in the first place .
She gives a small hum of agreement before pouring herself a cup of wine and downing it at one go . He thought she was going to pour herself another when she actually surprised him by downing the whole bottle empty in barely a few seconds .
“...don’t you think you’ve been drinking too much ? Like too much wine ?”
He counted that there were at least more than three bottles of wine in front of her right now . How is she going to walk herself back home ?
She glances at him before giving a small pout as if she’s teasing him . 
“Aww , pretty stranger worrying over little old me ?”
He blinked before a blush started coming up to his face as he processed over what she said . Did she just ? It must be so funny as she clutched her stomach and laughed at him .
“Psheheh , oh god ! You should have seen your face ! Kidding , kidding , don’t be mad , I’m jesting ! You should have seen me during one of the King’s parties . People congratulate me as if I ran a marathon over the village .”
“Let me guess ?” He simply offered his glass out , before a waiter poured him another , feeling a bit amused by her drunken demeanor right now .“ You drank a king sized wine bottle and everyone applauded you .”
For a second , his heart felt like it stopped beating when she gave him a small smile . “ Woah , aren’t you right at the nose ? If you were a lawyer , you'd definitely win the big cases .”
He can’t help but tug on his collar a bit to breathe better right now . 
“Well , you can say that …”
Feeling a bit awkward on his stool , he took a sip out of his cup of whiskey to calm his nerves . He can’t believe he’s intermingling with her right now . He later heard a small yawn and a babble before it ended up a small thunk on the table .
Taking a look at her , he noticed that she had conked out on the table . So much for high tolerance . The lighting however highlighted her ruffled hair softly . There’s signs of it being pulled by small hands . Hands that he notices are hers . 
Hmm , must be a bad habit that she used as a coping mechanism . He gently pulled her hands out of her hair , having a bit of a feel of it despite wearing gloves .
…scoff , must be the expensive shampoo she used . That’s why it’s so soft and fluff despite being pulled down by her own actions .
“She always does that after having her 10th bottle .”
A gruff voice came out as someone he suspected as the bar owner . Old and having a little beard , the old man gives a warm smile through his eyes . 
Don’t worry , we have a little room for her when she does this .”
The old man chuckled when he looked confused at him.
“The old wife is quite fond of her so she always keeps her tucked in the guest room that we have at our side of an inn . Not too far , just beside this very oldie building . Your friend ?”
The old man pointed at her head when he realized that he’s still holding her hand earlier . How long has it been…
“We’re acquaintances at best .” He let go of her hand before dusting it off like it was nothing . 
He should go .
Downing his glass at one go and paid his bill, he already stood up when he recognized something akin to a shiver on Mei-Lyn . The night is going cold and that dress ain’t going to give much for her . Logically he doesn’t need to but a simple blink and he recognized his one hand putting his coat over her already .
…nevermind that . This night becomes one too many every time he blinks .
“Sir , please tell her to give back my coat the moment she wakes up from sleep tomorrow . Thank you .”
The old man is giving him a knowing look that’s making him feel uneasy in his boots and he wanted to run off but that would be rude right now . He simply gave a small tip of his hat before walking away . 
The night felt cold the moment he walked out the doors of the bar but for some reason…his face feels hot .
Like embarrassingly hot .
What could it be ?
Must be the whisky . 
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Everybody , please give your thoughts . I would really like to know how did I do .
Also , haha , I got a Carnival Ragatha Carnival oneshot that features a reader interacting with her that I might post if there's any people interested ?
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
More Sharc Lore
Sharc AU Spoilers ahead
God, I need to talk about some of the themes in the Sharc AU, because in RWBY itself there has been, especially in Vol 8+9, themes of Who and What someone is, and in the Sharc AU I'm pushing that even harder, making it stick around more consistently. And I'm only talking about them because it'll take a LONG time before we actually start covering this stuff.
Because certain characters aren't what they were in Canon (Jaune, Penny, and Yang all being Faunus) it kinda has to be to emphasize that these aren't the same Jaune, Penny, and Yang from Canon.
Jaune wears a Scarf to hide his teeth, while Penny and Yang can't hide their traits - Yang's tail is too big and Penny's wings take up a lot of surface area, meaning Jaune is more able and willing to hide, while Yang and Penny just have to deal with what is thrown at them, Yang having more negative experiences with it, While Penny gets to use it as an excuse for her oddities- After all, if someone is a bug, it wouldn't make sense for them to act completely human (Which is a really horrible and inaccurate worldview, but when has that stopped rascists?)
Not only that, but if someone could hide their traits, Why not go further? Why risk someone seeing your second ears, or your tail? Just Crop them! You'll look human, thay'll treat you the same- after all, it's all just superficial, right? Just hide the scar with clothing or something! It'll just be an old injury!
(It's not like losing your tail or ears with fucks with your balance! Not at all. You're just clumsy)
And -MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD- After Penny get Rebuilt in Volume 8, she loses her wings. They're considered excess, and simply make her more difficult to work on, and can be "offputting" to the majority of the population of the Kingdom Atlas (Who are Humans) and only does she get them back when Ambrosius gives her a body, because that's who she is.
But also, there's something about how people are changed in who they are, rather than what they are.
Weiss "isn't racist"- she isn't outwardly or intentionally racist, but she doesn't realize or recognize the prejudices she carries from her home, nor does she realize that she makes exceptions for people she knows and cares about, specifically when Blake gets found out, and Yang is hurt by how Weiss reacts.
It's only when Weiss understands how much she's hurt the people she cares about, and how it isn't about being aware of how you were raised, but actively unlearning the prejudices instilled by where you come from.
It also delves more into Faunus before they were pushed into Menagerie, the individual nations - like the Hopi and Chinook, Maori, Hawai'ians and the Aborginies - so many different nations and cultures all wrapped up under one label of "indigenous" to their respective lands.
There's gonna be talk of how Gender is different to most faunus, because there are higher Rates of intersex and Hermaphroditic people, because sometimes that's the trait you get. How a Peahen Faunus' feathers lose their mud-brown coloration with age, turning to the brilliant blues and greens of a Peacock, or how a Clownfish faunus may begin transitioning naturally overtime, and how that affects gender identity.
There's so much about faunus that could've been so cool to see through in Canon but fear, time, and resources restricted it to "Violence Bad!"
Even though there comes a point where some one needs to understand that Actions are stronger than Words so you'd better listen up and change your ways before I change your face. I don't want to, but if you keep threatening my family the way you are, you'll learn to at least keep your mouth shut about.
I also have to do a lot of research to make sure I go about this in a respectful way, because I am only human and white. I've still got a lot to learn.
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muninnhuginn · 9 months
Thought I'd speculate about the Lu Guang possession scenario before next episode discards this all entirely. Looked at the standard dive protocol and how that maps onto what we know of the current situation. See below cut:
Standard procedure for a dive:
First go around takes place. This then lays the groundwork that CXS has to follow.
CXS possesses the person who took the photo (or in case of CCTV is inserted into the scenario as himself)
CXS then has to ensure that the timeline continues as in the original timeline. This isn't as straightforward as "everything has to be done identically" because minor changes can actually take place without breaking continuity. This is best demonstrated in the earthquake arc wherein CXS is able to deliver Chen Xiao's words to his friends/mother without it altering the node. This worked because the main node was the earthquake and so unless Chen Xiao had been able to entirely remove the others from the scenario there was little to be done that could save them. The way that timelines work in Link Click appears to show that timelines do have some give in them. Minor deviations are tolerated so long as the nodes aren't changed. The most important nodes we encounter in the series are death nodes (Emma being the obvious one, though it's unclear if her node always led to her death or if CXS's actions caused her death) though it seems as though they're not limited to that. Doudou's kidnapping, for instance, was also a node, which was why CXS had to let him be kidnapped and let the time pass until the present.
What makes an event a node is unclear, though I speculate that it's simpler than it seems in that it is "any event that would change the past such that the dive in the present would no longer be able to take place". In other words, if a node is changed, a paradox will occur as the initiating event is lost. This would explain the Doudou node and also fit with how Chen Xiao was able to get married and have a child in the new timeline (as implied by the ring he only has after the dive). So long as his mother died and the camera survived, CX would always be given the camera by his father once his father refound it and this was the triggering event for the dive.
(It's very broadstroke, of course, because if the task was to deliver the words and it was successful then Chen Xiao would no longer think he needed to deliver the words and so would no longer ask. You could argue it's a stable loop and CX just blocked out saying the words initially because of the trauma but in that case why the ring and child after the dive and not before? That implies something has changed, and we know it's not the node. So yeah. We're going broadstrokes with this and setting the rule as what makes sense within the series rather than following the implications of the writing through to the end conclusion.)
With all this in mind, if a node can't be changed because it would cause a paradox; if a dive is always CXS following the original path and he can diverge in minor ways but not stray entirely. Well, by that logic, the original path had to have been laid down by Lu Guang.
Others have already pointed out the kettle, but we know that in the first loop, the window was smashed by something else as the kettle is still visible in the room. In CXS's current dive however, he used the kettle to smash the window. And here's the part where I diverge from most people's speculation: I don't think using the kettle to smash the window necessarily alters the timeline. I think the timeline has enough leeway in it that CXS can still muddle his way through if he follows the rest of Lu Guang's path.
(Actually, tbh it's possible we're following CXS on his nth time around because so long as he doesn't have LG's guidance he never knows what was used to smash the window and so could pick a different item each time. We saw how he hesitated over picking an item so depending on the slight alterations of the previous loop he could easily pick a different one each time so long as it doesn't alter the node. The important thing is that LG did the initial loop and this is CXS in a following loop. I don't think the series itself will really care too much about saying this is xy number loop and will just keep it as "this is CXS's dive" because that's what it's done literally every other time).
If there is to be a divergence point, I believe it would be at the boat as at this point CXS wants to save LG and it seems odd with what we know of his characterisation that he would deliberately give Lu Guang up. I do think he will just because what Lu Guang said to Li Tianchen was censored from the viewers and so we'll almost certainly get to hear what he says this time around, but as for his motivation in handing Lu Guang over, I honestly don't know at this stage. It may simply be that he's constrained by not wanting to alter the nodes? Which would be character development for him tbh. CXS did well with altering Chen Bin's past without altering the node of his death, but as Lu Guang is much closer to him it really is a test of his character.
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lakesbian · 11 months
ok my brain Definitely isn't going to sop in any words if i try reading so i went back up to the start of 1.7 and i'll try later but here's my present scan of the blake thorburn psychological complex. he's, as we have previously covered on the pact time hour, a guy who is sooo distressed by not having clear bodily autonomy & physical + psychological identity--due both to previously discussed prior traumas, i.e homelessness, presumed prometheus event*, generally shitty childhood &c + previous & currently encroaching consumption/erasure of his identity by family legacy/by what he's 'supposed to be' under that legacy (rose?). and he responds to this matter by aggressively bolstering the identity he has constructed for himself--cf. 'would literally rather bleed than not shave and fail to maintain his physical identity.' i think when he says all this:
“There were worse days.  Days I’m probably never going to talk to you about.  Or tell anyone about, even if some people close to me maybe put some of the puzzle pieces together.  I’m not aiming for pity here, I don’t want it.  I don’t want to use this for leverage to win an argument.  What I was going to say was that I’ve been through stuff, before any of this, and I made it this far with my instincts.  I can’t and won’t abandon them.”
there is obviously the surface level train of thought he has going here that's "i'm only alive because of my own instincts and my own ability to take care of myself" -> "i can only rely on myself because i'm the only one i can trust to have my back" -> "i would be abandoning my only protection if i didn't rely solely upon myself unless i have literally no choice but to request help." but i think there's also a deeper facet to his control issues where he views giving up any inch of his autonomy over his own decision-making as abandoning an aspect of himself (the language 'abandon' is used!), as allowing his identity to be eroded by forces beyond his control. hence why he's like "Please please for the love of fucking god compromise with me" & then thinks "compromise" means "you compromise by agreeing to do exactly what I want and I compromise by undergoing the mortifying ordeal of having experienced slight resistance to my idea." this is not the first time he's steamrolled over rose because he perceives having to answer to another person wrt his decisions abt his own safety as a threat to his identity & it will not be the last ♥
from, like, the gender aspect of things, i imagine rose is used to being trampled over by men who are very deeply convinced they Know Better, and blake is very used to being a guy who thinks he knows what's best for him + cannot possibly trust anyone else to know. they're both in a situation where if the decisions they make as a team aren't right they're both kicking the bucket (or experiencing something Worse than kicking the bucket), but blake is very materially the one with more power & final decision-making capability, which sucks for him and sucks even more for rose. i'd say that i think tensions are going to keep rising over it, but i actually think it's more likely that it's just going to result in blake doing something which engenders Dire Consequences for him before the tension can reach a boiling point. rose's assessment that there's no room to fuck around and find out without Bad Things Happening is accurate--the horrors are not going to politely wait for him to sort his shit out.
anyway. tl;dr the fact that he is literally psychologically incapable of tolerating someone fairly calmly critiquing an action he took after the fact--not even stopping him from doing it, because she can't, but just critiquing it--means that he is going to continue having a bad time hanging out with her, a badder time making reasonable decisions (two heads are better than one and he is only using the one), and a baddest time experiencing the consequences of his actions
hmm. actually talked myself into having an alright understanding of the start of the chapter. fine i'll keep reading
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the-terrified-dove · 8 days
The first time someone calls you by your name, your name, and not the system's name or your legal name, it feels amazing. It's the best feeling in the world, finally being seen and recognized as your own person. It makes you feel real and alive and free, no longer just a piece of somebody else.
But after a while that becomes all anyone calls "you". The sense of individuality that comes with the word is washed away as the one thing that felt truly yours is used for everyone who isn't you. A sense of identity which you tried so hard to get is stripped away and you grow to hate the word. The very sound of it only reminds you of the people using it against you.
Your name isn't yours anymore. A name isn't something you thought could be taken from you, but you were wrong. All the actions of other people are put under your name. It starts to feel more like an insult than a way to address you.
It's not you they're talking about, but a made-up version of you created to blame you for something you never did. Your actions aren't reality anymore, the only thing they see as real is what they want to believe. They make you think you're crazy for not believing the lies they tell you.
Your name means nothing now. It's not yours anymore. Who knew a title could become a weapon?
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The "there's nothing wrong with Biden" camp really needs to quit asking me to source my disataste for the guy, because every time I do, I learn something else about him that I like even less.
I learned when it happened that Biden scapegoated southern migrants in his final State of the Union of his first term, despite previously and currently running against the guy who's entire campaign started with calling hispanic people criminals. Despite his entire electoral strategy being "I know I suck but I'm not this guy", his current plan of action is to be as much like that guy as he possibly can. That's bad enough. Calling mexican people (or, let's face it, every brown-skinned person in the US who doesn't look like any other racialized people, because they get the same shit even if they aren't mexican) "dangerous illegals" and promising to shut down the southern border if Congress lets him, after working on Trump's border wall for him is bad enough for the genocide guy. To know that there was a widow for a racially motivated attack, brought there to serve as a reminder for the increase in racialized violence against this community in the wake of the president who's entire major foci of racism was targeted to this community, present in the audience as he said this, is even worse. To then learn that he brushed it off when pressed with a "well he shouldn't have been here anyway" just pisses me off further.
I knew Biden didn't close thr migrant concentration camps. Bad enough. I was demanded a source. When I provided one from "russian- biased" Al Jazeera, and thus it couldn't be trusted by liberals, I found Reuters. Then I learned he sold them to private prisons, so that he could claim he was closing private prisons because he promised it on the campaign trail. Literally scrubbed the name, let the profiteers keep profiting, and labelled it closed. That is Trump filing off the serial numbers levels of bullshit and he did it.
As a trans-enby of color, I don't think it's acceptable to shelter a racist just because he gave a tepid shrug in regards to whether or not I should be consumed for protein. That isn't enough to justify the harm this man has explicitly sent the way of racialized peoples. Ues, for the sake of argument here, I am ignoring what his policing policies have done for black people and what his zionism has done for arab people. He's gonna flip on the LGBTQ community, I have zero doubt at this point. He did it to hispanic peoples, and he campaigned on standing up for them. Now he's campaigning on.. well he's camapigning on nothing really. But the queer community, and I suppose the asian community, is about all that's left for him to flip on now isn't it?
I am appalled that neoliberalism has shit the bed this badly and infuriated that then its adherents have the audacity to try and weaponize part of my identity to justify the bastard explicitly trying to kill another part of my identity as any way acceptable. And no, "other guy is gonna be worse" isn't an excuse anymore either. You chose this man. You didn't have to. But you were too cowardly to challenge the status quo and your perceived comfort, because you didn't realize how bad it truly was out here for the people whom neoliberalism has worked tirelessly to make invisible to you. You could've voted for someone else in the primaries. You could have given us someone else. You could have motivated your white friends to actually engage with the political process even a little bit and move them into voting for what they keep claiming to want (even if they don't vote that way). You chose not to. You chose instead, to bully people who have hard-line prinicples on human rights they won't cross just because some ancient white guy feels entitled to playing big boy power-broker. I said it when I voted for the bastard in 2020 that "it doesn't even feel like he wants thos position. It feels like he's campaiging because he expects to get it, like some office suckup wandering late onto a meeting because they figure the promotion is a lock for them." Political fatalism masquerading as "maturity".
Vote for this man or don't. I do not care at this point. If you do, I do not consider you an ally to be trusted. You're in a comfy enough position to feel that there's "no good reason" for marginalized peoples to reject this man, when other guy is "so much worse"? Go on babe enjoy your time, just know you're showing a true face you might not be aware of. Biden feels entitled to power even if he has to kill thousands of children and be a smug prick when called out on it to do so, and the liberals gave it to him, showing their ass the entire time. Revealing their actual contempt for progress and human-rights. Embarassing.
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Surviving OR Thriving
+ Matthew 26:28  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
+ John 10:29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
Many people say they do this to survive, or they do that to survive, but how do we survive without Christ? I can remember very dark days living without Christ, thinking I had things figured out and not realizing I had nothing figured out; when we are just living, and we are living without Christ, that's what we are doing; we are living without him, we are just surviving without him, and that can be hard to do when we aren't supposed to live like that every day our body and mind is connected with him. Honestly, it don’t feel like that; it might feel like we need a drink, a joint, or this elicit relationship.
  It might feel that way, but we need true comfort from our maker; getting comfort from him and through him is the best feeling in the world. Friends, I have had comfort from this world, and it feels amazing at first; I would be lying if I don’t say that it feels fantastic, but when that amazing feeling leaves and everything settles and late at night, when we just our thoughts we realize that all that was monetary it doesn't last, and what we have been surviving on isn't real it's fake.
 Now, the enemy will have us thinking our actions arent us living out the best life. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, all these platforms will make you think you're living the best life, and you're not; what you see is an act of what they want you to see, and the Lord says in his word that everything in this world will fade.
  1 John 2:17 And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.
 It says here that the world and all its lust will pass away. Many don’t understand that what's here on earth isn't forever. What you're using to survive isn't going to last. Still, when we use the Lord, when we gather ourselves up and focus on him, let go of everything, and allow his love to help us through, we will survive and thrive because right now, we might think, "I'm thriving," but we aren't.
  We thrive when we hold on to God; we thrive when we let go of bitterness; we thrive when we let go of hurt; we thrive when we let go of the person we see in the mirror and hold on to our true identity, Christ. Some of you are hurting right now only because you are holding on to a person you created, this fake person with all these beliefs, this person you created that you think is your true identity. We must let go of who we created to survive and hold on to the identity we have in Christ, and that's something way different. Can you do that? Can you let go and hold on to him ????
 John 10:29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
   The thing is, some of us have had things snatched right out of our hands. Some of us have had things pulled away because we could not hold on to them, but the thing is, when we are God's children, no one can whisper in his ear and say hey, look at Lui or Hey, look at Bob no he looks at us, and we are his, we can't be pulled away, nor can we be shunned ,we are his.
  We don’t have to survive anymore; we can thrive with him and in him because when we are a child of God, we don’t have to worry about anyone changing his opinion of us; he sees us all the same, and he loves us, no matter what the world says we ARE HIS, I'm not going to lie and say everything is going to be rainbows and butterflies, but I can tell you this much when we walk with the shepherd he will protect us from the wicked one he will protect us from the pain and show us the way it's up to us to see it.
 *** Today, the Holy Spirit wants us to know we can thrive when we walk in his light, we can thrive when we listen to his commands, we thrive when we hold on to his hand, we can thrive through situations and not just survive, a lot of time that what just want to do is survive, we just want to make it another day. Still, with God, we can live our day and feel like we aren't doing it alone.
 We are never alone, and we are never by ourselves; the Lord tells us in his word I will never leave you or forsake you, and sometimes in life, it feels like he's not there and that we are surviving by ourselves. We are doing all the heavy lifting ourselves, but God is right there for us if we allow him in. I don’t want to be hurt, and I don’t want to live on this earth without the Holy Spirit; every day, I try to live a life that I never not feel his presence. His presence is near if you seek him.   ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you for helping us thrive in you; we need you so much. Lord, help us to hold on to you,  and not this world; Lord, protect us from all danger and harm; please, Lord, send your peace and love to our lives; we need more wisdom and knowledge so that we can understand your word and apply it to our life. Lord, we can't survive in this world without you, each and every day, we desire to change and be molded, Lord help us to trust in you, in your power, in your strength; in Jesus Name Amen
 + Matthew 4:4 But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
+ Psalm 82:6 I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;
+ Psalm 48:14 That this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.
Proverbs 20
Malachi 3
Nehemiah 5
2 Samuel 2
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