#insulin resistant
p-perkeys · 8 months
In addition to fake hormones because my body is ✨inadequate✨ I also start metformin today. The emetophobe in me is petrified and I already feel nauseous even though I have not even taken it yet. The only good news is maybe I will be ✨skinny✨ and not have a PCOS fupa anymore. The bad news is I will likely stay up late crying and having a panic attack thinking I will be sick. Maybe I’ll be writing and drawing stuff for distraction or maybe I’ll disappear for a month because I have poor coping skills.
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Got my haircut today!
As promised, updated photos.
I feel normal again! We cut off 4inches of hair.
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starlit-mermaid · 1 year
I am type 2 and I’ve been struggling, like a lot. My numbers are high of course and I need help. I’ve been diagnosed since last august, but the drs theorized I’ve been diabetic for years (I was also tested at 12 and I’m 29 now 🙃)
Anyway I need meal ideas, or a meal schedule and a general grocery list to stick to. My son and boyfriend aren’t picky thankfully and none of us have food allergies. Can someone send me some ideas? Anything? I’m desperate!
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catalyst54 · 2 years
I'm not diabetic, but [unfortunately], I'm an expert
All you didn't want to know about Diabetes Mellitus
All you didn’t want to know about Diabetes Mellitus diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine. It’s also a disease that can change your life if you let it. There are two types and they are very different. Type 1 is a…
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championlaura222 · 4 months
I'm sick of the moraliazation of illness/disability. I see it a lot when it comes to type 2 diabetes. I'm sick of the idea that it's just "fat person disease." Talk to pretty much any doctor and they'll tell you that the main factor in type 2 diabetes is genetics. My mom's side has a higher likelihood for type 2 diabetes, my dad's side does not. Despite my dad being extremely overweight for much of his life, not even a sign! My Nan had some weight gain in her 50s, not that much from how much she weighed, and she ended up with it. There's no "right" way to be ill, I'm tired of the stigma around the idea that a person "does it to themselves" and thus is okay to ridicule and not listen to. In fact, Weight in general has more to do with genetics than most other factors! Think about how many people live off redbull and fast food and don't gain weight from it! And even if someone did get sick because of their actions, you shouldn't go around ridiculing them over that!
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buttfrovski · 2 months
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lewis-winters · 7 months
i don't mean to keep griping in your inbox but can you imagine being in a full adult conversation, as a man in wwii, the three of you have been directly involved in a goddamn war, like a real one, and are carrying around trauma, and you're joking with your full adult pal about his fiancee and you demand scotch, a lot of it, because you're 26 in a war zone, and there's a slight pause until your boy best friend pipes up and goes "yeah, and a quart of ice cream" as if that's a serious thing any man would ever say
Dick Winters, central Pennsylvanian Dutch with a stomach of steel: Ice Cream please
Lewis Nixon, lactose intolerant, insulin resistant, fatty liver, high cholesterol, and a type 2 diabetic by 40: Unfortunately, this is the love of my life.
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mezmer · 2 months
You guys ever know that person who is "always tired" and "just don't feel good" but they're always drinking some sugary ass drinks and eating some sugary bullshit and likely exeriencing insulin resistance which causes sugar addiction/dependency. They cant seem to stop drinking those drinks right? Bcuz their bodies want them to consume fructose to generate the insulin that their bodies have grown resistant to. Unfortunately ..... Excess fructose also gets converted to fat in the liver </3 a million other things. Since insulin is a hormone, and sugars effect insulin, they effect other hormones as well!! That's the easiest way to put it. This worsens a great deal of problems especially in women..also, excess fructose happens to make it more difficult to process and absorb iron which will cause anemia which can lead to hypothyroidism etc etc
But that person is just always tired from working all day. Right? Have they tried changing their diet? Oh it didn't work? Did you stop consuming sugar for 3 months or 3 days jackass? Oh you didn't stop consuming sugars? Hm. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it
You tell people this literally trying to help and they act like you're a bitch or somehow being condescending
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dilfsisko · 1 month
Once again wondering if I have PCOS or it’s just my thyroid et al
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bpod-bpod · 5 months
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Obesity Flies
A new fruit fly model for investigating obesity-related disorders of mammals reveals molecular mechanisms underlying insulin resistance
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Zhasmine Mirzoyan, Alice Valenza & Sheri Zola, and colleagues
Department of Computational, Cellular and Integrative Biology (CIBIO), University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Disease Models & Mechanisms, November 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Working toward change means it takes time and hard work. The phases you not feeling stable are okay, and enjoy your life in the in-between.
Now how do I tell my body dysmorphia?
Its nonscale victory anyway. I'm getting brave with exposure of my body. It's my first 2 piece without a skirt, my thighs are my anxiety spot.
Now im going to the beach and gonna figure out how to get in and out of the water while not feeling like a manatee.
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eatclean-bewhole · 11 months
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no-see-um-incorrect · 6 months
So I wanted to share a little thing 
i’m going to put the warning here I talk about ⚠️chronic illness⚠️ in this post. but I really wanted to talk about it because it’s really important to me and no one IRL really cares (and I also wanted to bring light in case someone sees this post who is like me)
⚠️Small vent also⚠️ please feel free to scroll away 
I have two things PCOS and Hashimoto’s disease (if you don’t want to Google it feel free to ask questions)
And one of the treatable affects of these chronic illnesses is insulin resistance which causes dryness and darkening of the skin (also known as Acanthosis Nigricans) in certain places (under the chin, the neck, elbows, armpits, etc.) and for the longest time I was told that it was something that I was doing wrong.
You’re not drinking enough water
You’re eating too much sugar
You’re not eating good enough 
You’re not exercising enough 
Never stopping to consider that there’s something going on that’s out of my control. And it wasn’t until around August of last year that I started going to the doctor and actually getting diagnosed with and treated for these illnesses. 
My skin started darkening when I was 10 and my self-esteem went to hell because of it. People would stare at me in the grocery store. Kids would come up and ask why I had a dark ring around my neck, people would look at me like I was doing something wrong even though I was confused why it was happening myself 
Anyway Lil vent over 
I’ve got good news 
My doctor put me on medication 
And it’s starting to go away pretty quickly to the point where you can only see it in certain lights  and I am so relieved and ecstatic about it.  Because I didn’t think it was going to go away 
I thought I would just have to cover it up with makeup or hoodies and necklaces forever. I thought I was gonna have to feel that pain of looking in the mirror and seeing it forever. 
But now it’s gone almost completely. And I’m starting to heal from years of not getting it treated.
So if you are/were  in the same boat as me. Knowing something is wrong but people treating you like you’re the problem or people ignoring you about it 
It may not seem like you’ll ever get better. But you will. WE WILL
We may not recover fully mentally or physically, but we will recover.
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the-kestrels-feather · 2 months
I hope all of the people using Ozempic and Mounjaro to lose weight without a perscription and the celebrities having fucking "Ozempic and Mounjaro Parties" are enjoying it because I (a person who actually needs it for diabetes management and has a perscription) am about to miss my 3rd week of shots because I've called 3 pharmiacies and not a single one has it.
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trashbirdthoughts · 7 months
Christians be like intelligent design this and intelligent design that!
Idk man not being able to properly digest sugar seems like a pretty big design flaw to me.
I’m waiting for the patch update.
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