#independent Chrissy
The Cold Night Air We Breathe
Author: @little-scribblers-heart
Rating/Warning: Mature, referenced ED
Chapter Count: 5/?
Description: As Chrissy starts making her way back from Hawkins to Chicago for her new years eve shift, she finds a very familiar van, broken down on the side of the road.
Tags: Alternate Universe - No Upside Down, Alternate Universe - No Vecna, road trip au, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Mutual Pining, independent Chrissy, alternating POV, multiple chapters, Status: WIP
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theshippirate22 · 11 months
independence day au where dustin graduated from MIT and knows a lot about a lot but works as a cable repair man for a radio station and spends a lot of time with his mom. one day he shows up to work and everyone’s freaking out because the line is totally messed up, something is hogging all the radio space
cut to dustin’s ex-wife, El (henderhop agenda, yes) she’s President Robin Buckley’s right hand man woman and they’re trying to figure out what to do about this phenomenon (and try to convince Robin’s wife, Chrissy, to get on a plane and get out of LA). It’s quickly established that whatever is in those things surrounding earth are very much aliens.
Dustin calls El up and tells her something is very wrong, that the signal is actually a countdown. Claudia comes with him because he doesn’t want to let her out of his sight, and he and Robin get to work on finding a solution from Air Force One
meanwhile, there’s a pilot called Billy Hargrove- infamous alcoholic- who’s supposed to be in charge of his sister Max, and they take their RV out towards the base where the presidential troupe is (Area 51, actually) to offer his piloting skills.
now, in Indiana, one Steve Harrington, a marine on holiday leave who lives with his boyfriend and his son (Steve’s about ready to make him his son and make Eddie his husband) gets called up by his friend Nancy, who says they should meet at the base for whatever this is because they’ll probably be needed. Steve tells Eddie to meet him at the base because it’ll all be over soon and they can still do the fourth of july stuff they were planning
then independence day stuff follows, where dustin and el get back together, steve and eddie get married, nancy gets killed (whoops sorry), dustin and steve have to infiltrate the mothership, billy sacrifices himself (muahaha get got) and everything goes on.
(except the first lady doesn’t die because i hate that part and i cry every single time without fail because bill pullman is such a good actor)
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fakeplasticmusic · 9 months
The Pretenders - I'll Stand By You
I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders
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piratefishmama · 2 months
No upside down but they still found each other AU where once they get out of Hawkins and move into a little apartment together in the city, Stobin set up a 'date night' routine once a week.
Obviously not a typical date night cause Platonic with a capital P, but they alternate each week who gets to plan the date night activities meaning they both get to do something fun, interesting, exciting, and potentially ridiculous that they themselves wouldn't have thought of.
One such date night, on Robin's turn to plan, is a relatively cheap art exhibition at a local small time independent gallery, focusing on portraits of people the artist has seen around the city, quickly sketched, then painted afterwards.
Her most recent crush had suggested she attend it as her best friend was the artist and was absolutely shitting it over revealing his work to the public that'd inspired those works, certain that everyone would hate them.
They get dressed up, ready to play the part of Fancy Art Connoisseurs, Steve ready to meet and big up Robin to this cute girl Robin had gushed about endlessly as the best wingman ever
Only for them both to wind up stuck one one particular painting titled and described:
E. Munson Angel Incognito Oil on Canvas, The most beautiful man i've ever seen in my life. I was certain i'd seen an angel.
It's Steve.
Sitting in the park, feeding the birds, painted to look... ethereal. Moles dotted with gold, sunlight hitting his soft hair just so, catching the rim of his glasses.
And Robin is immediately on a mission to be the best wingwoman ever because this is NO LONGER about her crush on Chrissy dammit she MUST find this artist, present Steve to him, and "now KISS" smush them both together like barbie dolls.
Good thing Eddie is nearby.
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hellfire--cult · 4 months
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Omega!Eddie Munson x Alpha!Fem!Reader
wc: 9.1k
+18 mdni omegaverse, enemies to lovers, fated mates, knotting, mentions of heatand rut, submissive behaviour, explicit, oral (69), p in v (no protection), fluff, biting, late presentation, omegan virginity
Plot: Eddie was a regular at your music store, and his scent, even for a Beta, was delicious to you. Someone who never enjoyed the scent of other people, not even Omegas. The difference is that Eddie repulsed your scent... or so you thought.
a/n: welcome to roe's omega boys series. Billy is next. Enjoy.
If you liked it, reblog, it's literally just one button, thank u.
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Most days you didn’t care who was coming into the store and who didn’t. 
Recently, the introduction of portable CD players changed the record store into a ‘Music Store’ because now you sold those shiny holographic albums. The business boomed, and as the store owner you were always there, standing proudly at how much clientele your little shop in Starcourt Mall brought in.
You were the first shop to bring in these new devices and the albums and recordings for them to be played. It was a tight money investment, but it honestly brought you more income than ever, and people loved this new technology, and thanks to that, you were now gaining profit.
But it also brought in the worst customer you ever had.
“Robin, please help him. I’m not dealing with his shit today.” You said groggily to your best friend and coworker. 
“Honestly, I know there are other shops with the albums he always buys, I don’t know why he is adamant about coming here.” Robin only commented while walking over to that customer who made you crack your neck more than once during his visit. 
You looked at how Robin confidently talked to him because she had told you she had known him since high school. You came to Hawkins after you had presented as an Alpha two years ago. You just needed to be independent, and Atlanta was not doing it for you in any way. The smell and scents were disgusting there, and you never once missed it except for your mother. 
Now, in 1997, and at 25 years old you had a very successful store, and you had met amazing friends. Steve Harrington, an Omega who is mated with Alpha Billy Hargrove. Robin a Beta who is happily dating another Beta, Chrissy. Billy Hargrove had a rough exterior, but whenever Steve sat on his lap the Alpha would just snuggle him, scenting him with a big dopey smile on his face and you wondered how that felt.
Were you ever going to meet that person?
You believed you had a condition because it couldn’t be possible that you didn’t like any Omega scent that wasn’t mated yet. You were never attracted to the scent, so the only people you have been sleeping with have been Betas. Doctors said that you didn’t have any medical issues going on.
So maybe you were just… different. You have heard of Alphas being attracted to Alphas only, or Betas, but… it’s not like you weren’t attracted to Omegas, it was just their scent. It made your nose scrunch up continuously. 
You were ticking off the items on the merchandise list, doing inventory to see what albums need another order. Maybe fifteen CDs will suffice? You wrote that for Nirvana and you cannot believe that you were out of Backstreet Boys already. You ordered a new batch last week, but you could only smile at the teenagers screaming on the counter whenever they could purchase that disc. 
You were startled when a loud thump on the counter made you snap back up, looking at the cause of the noise. One disc, just the new Aerosmith album. You sighed already knowing who was purchasing this item and your gaze slowly went up to see that dopey stupid grin on his face while Robin said ‘Sorry’ from behind him.
“Do I get a discount for being a regular client?” 
Fuck him. Fuck Eddie Munson.
“Fuck no. If I could, I would raise the price for you only.” You gritted out of your lips, scanning the CDs in the register. You heard him hum in thought but you just kept punching the numbers in the machine to then look up at him. “18 bucks Munson.”
“Shit princess, your prices kill people, you know that?” He commented while shaking his head but he was still taking his wallet out. He put the bill on the counter and you rolled your eyes, putting the 20 bill into the register and handing him the change placing it on the counter for him to take.
“If you don’t like my prices, you can always go to the shops downtown.” You spat at him, anger filling your entire body, only to hear him chuckle.
“If I do that, I won’t be able to make your good day turn into a bad one.” You wanted to hiss at this fucker. You are an Alpha and he was a Beta. Who the fuck does he think he is disrespecting you like that? You never cared for designations but with Eddie? Oh, you fucking did.
“Don’t make me kick you the fuck out of my store.” He raised his hands in defeat, taking the album from the counter and taking a step away, the chains around his hips clinking.
“Don’t miss me too much.” He grinned at you and walked out of the doors and you shot a pissed-off look towards Robin. She finished helping a client and then walked over to you, letting a sigh out.
“He slipped from my fingers in a second. I don’t know how he did it, but he did.” You growled in a low tone at the situation, making Robin back away slightly from you and you sighed, shaking your head.
“Sorry Robs… It’s just, it fucking irks me.” You said as you scratched the patch over your scent gland. It was itchy but ever since he fucking said that to you, you couldn’t help but feel conscious about yourself.
“Cover that up, your scent is repulsing.” 
That’s what he had said when he first entered the store two months ago. You bared your teeth at him and he had taken a step backwards. A cocky little Beta. But a Beta that… 
“I know… Yeah, I don’t smell it, but maybe it’s because you’re an Alpha.” Robin replied to you, trying to sound confident about it, but you could only shake your head, a sigh escaping your lips.
“I have to be condemned or something. I never once liked a scent before in my life, and the first one I find delightful is from a goddamn cocky Beta that hates my scent.” 
And you remembered how your heart had stopped when he first approached you, his sweet scent filling your nostrils in a way that you couldn’t help but take a deep breath in of it. You were ecstatic, shaking with excitement, needing to know about him… Only for his nose to scrunch up and tell you that your scent was disgusting to him.
“Hey, I mean, maybe you can get him back by taking your patch off? Like, fuck him for saying that to you, it’s your store and he will have to deal with it.” You didn’t want to make him feel disgusted by you, because the first time was already hurtful to you, and you didn’t need to see it again.
But maybe Robin was right. You needed to do something in order for him to stop coming to the store so you wouldn’t have to see him anymore. So you wouldn’t be able to smell him anymore. 
So the next week, you decided to discard the scent patch on your gland. You have been doing trial and error for the first three days, seeing how the customers would react, only for them to not say anything at all. Even an Alpha complimented you for the strong wooden smell you emanated and even Robin wanted to take a whiff out of your neck but held back.
And the last test was already coming closer to the glass doors, his grin spread on his lips, and when he opened the door his smile faded completely. You squinted at him as you defied his entrance, almost baring your fangs at him, letting him know you didn’t want to be messed with any longer.
But you saw how his eyes teared up, his eyebrows folding in the center of his forehead, and you swore you saw him shake slightly, all over, and you could see how he took a step backwards from you, making your intense stare turn into a worried one. You suddenly felt a whiff of not only a sweet scent but also– something flowery?
Before you could pinpoint what it was, the smell was gone in a flash. You saw how Eddie rushed out of the store, desperately, almost falling over as he did so. Worry hit your chest and mind as you saw the action, catching other customers' attention. Robin looked at you worriedly and you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
What did you do to him? Was your scent so repulsing he had to leave? 
You felt rejected by a person who has been making your life a little harder every day, yet you never really hated. You always glanced at him whenever he laughed with Robin, wholeheartedly, and he was the most beautiful Beta you’ve ever seen. 
But it would never happen because you were disgusting to him
“I might have to leave Hawkins.”
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The decision was not easy, but your Alpha couldn’t handle the rejection any longer. It’s been a week and there was no sign of Eddie at all. You had put on the scent patch on your gland to cover it up again, in hopes that he gets the news from Robin or someone that you already put it on again.
But there was still no sign of your lovely Beta. Of that Beta that made you scent drunk for the very first time, and that made you feel that electricity you have been taught about, just a wave of shocks going all over your body. 
You would be leaving in two weeks, leaving the store to Robin to take care of while you tried to open a franchise somewhere else. Robin complained, of course, telling you that you should pay no mind to Eddie suddenly vanishing, that you two never liked each other even. 
But it didn’t hurt less.
You punched in the last few numbers in the register, looking up towards the clock on the wall. There were no more customers because you were about to close the shop, already 8 PM. 
You heard the glass doors open, a strong sweet scent filling the entire room. The strongest scent you’ve ever smelled in your entire life. Stronger than the Beta that always invaded the store. You turned your head and on the other side of the counter was a panting, flushed, Eddie Munson with sweat all over his forehead.
You felt as if you were suddenly punched in the face, in the gut, just everywhere by how intense his scent was, how you could see how his mating gland was bright red, pulsing and a shockwave ran all over your body, and– Shit, you could smell slick.
The sweet smell was slick.
“What– What the fuck did Robin mean when she said you were leaving!?”
A whine. There was a whine in the back of his throat and you found yourself in a situation you never experienced in your life. You felt your tip already leaking, wanting to come out from your cavity so it could spring up, and also the need to console him, seeing the tears that wanted to simply slip out of his waterline.
You were in front of a distressed Omega.
You rounded the corner as he looked at you, panting, whines coming out of his throat and chest and you swore you never heard a more delightful yet painful sound in your life. You needed to take care of him. You needed your Omega to be happy.
“Shh, shh… you’re okay Omega… You’re okay…” You slowly spoke in a low tone, and Eddie immediately calmed down, his breathing slowly becoming regular once more. He took a step towards you, desperation all over his face. 
“You’re not leaving, are you? Please tell me you’re not… I won’t– I don’t–” He was mumbling but even in your bliss you needed answers. You needed them before you touched him for the first time. 
“You’re… Why are you an Omega? You– You were a Beta–” And he shook his head really quickly, making his sweaty curls move from side to side. You could still smell the slick in between his legs. Fuck, your mind was hazing all over. Shit. 
“I presented… Your– Your scent triggered my presentation.” 
Your jaw dropped. You triggered it? He wasn’t a Beta? You assumed he was because of the small sweet scent he had because even Betas have a faint scent to them. But– how could you have triggered it?
“What? How? You said– You said you hated my scent!” A whine was heard from his chest and you felt your knees weaken at the sound of distress as he shook his head again, his eyes burning from how hard he was trying to hold back his tears.
“No! No! I– I never hated it! I– It was too strong and it immediately made me feel drunk when I first met you, and I got scared of how intense your smell was and how good it was making me feel–” He was rambling, the smell getting thicker and thicker and your nostrils started flaring up at each intake of it you took. 
“Wait– So–” You were trying to make sense of the situation despite how feral you were starting to feel. You are no knothead, you really aren’t… But fuck if you didn’t want to knot this beautiful Omega right in front of you. You never felt this need before, never in your life, but you felt like jumping on him, taking what you need.
Take. Take. Take.
“Please, don’t leave– Please, your scent drives me insane…” His eyes landed on your scent gland that was covered in the scent blocker and he whined in distress and you couldn’t deny him. You couldn’t bear to see him shake for you like this.
You ripped the patch off, and as soon as you did it, his eyes lit up in joy and he dove in. His nose hit your neck as his arms wrapped tightly around you, pulling you closer than ever and your heart started beating in a loud and deep pace. The blood flow was in your ears, and your mind was filled with his smell, with that sweet enchanting smell that emanated from him.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as your nose went deep into his scent gland, your eyes widened when your pants started straining you, and your cock needed to be free so it could get out of your cavity for relief. You winced in pain when he rubbed his hips against yours, but you weren’t going to break the moment. Not now. 
You were becoming primal. His nose rubbed all over the skin of your neck, his lips kissing over your mating gland, making an electric shock run all the way down from the top of your head to your toes. 
And that’s when you remembered a particular health class. 
You needed to be the rational one here. You needed the Omega in your arms to listen to you so he would be conscious of what was happening. Despite your growl of not wanting to pull away, you held onto his shoulders in order to pull him off you. He whined, trying to dive in again, but you stopped him with a stern look on your face, at least, the best one you could wear right now.
“Listen to me, Eddie.” You saw him take a deep breath in and nod at you, but you knew he was holding himself back by the shaking of his arms underneath your hands. You wanted to comfort him, but you were afraid that he was talking due to his presentation, from the last remnant of his heat. 
“I think we are Scent mates.” 
And his eyes locked with yours and everything made sense. You were fated mates. This was the reason you couldn’t stand the smell of other people, not even Omegas. Eddie had the same experience, but he believed that it was because he might be a Beta. 
And then you happened. The first time he came into the music store he was almost knocked down on his ass from the intense wooden, yet most delightful thing he ever smelled. He scanned the room with widened eyes and they finally landed on you as you chatted happily with Robin Buckley, an old friend from school.
Of course, you were an Alpha. He wouldn’t have a fucking chance, but at least he needed you to cover up the scent a little bit. You were going to live in Hawkins more likely, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to handle it.
So he said what he said when it was the complete opposite. 
But even when his goal was to see you as little as possible, his feet always went back into the store, and he realized the smell was way less intense thanks to your scent blockers, making him yearn for it again. He had to be careful, afraid of getting attached to an Alpha that wouldn’t be able to hold onto his Beta self if you ever met a more appealing Omega.
And now, the words coming out of your mouth made sense. He was always meant to be an Omega, but it seemed like his body was waiting to get triggered. It waited and waited, and last week you decided to take the patch off, and he knew something shifted inside of him the moment he crossed those doors.
The pain of his insides rearranging was the most excruciating feeling in the world, the lack of pleasure from touching himself in his new slit, not doing anything for him. The only thing he needed and wanted was you. You and your pleasure. You and your knot. Shit, he needed your knot because if he didn’t, he felt like he was going to die. 
“Fated…” It was the only thing he managed to get out with a smile on his lips, and your own matched his, and you did what you have been wanting to do ever since you saw him since you smelled him. You held onto his face with both of your hands, and the fire was too intense, you could feel it all over your body.
So this is what fated mates looked like, felt like.
And you were exhilarated that it happened to you since it was not known for it to be something that happened in everyday life. It is said that there is only a 5% chance per year of fated mates. Scent mates. The idea of it felt like a fantasy, but you would be with that person who would understand you the best for the rest of your life.
And now, you have that person. You pulled his face towards yours, the sweetness invading all your veins while the burnt wood filled Eddie’s. Your lips grazed his, softly, a soft moan escaping your lips as a whimper came out of his, and before you knew it your lips were devouring his in such a need that neither of you had felt before.
You treated him coldly since you met him, yes, but it was because of the rejection you felt in your body. It was so bad that you even decided to leave Hawkins before you went into rejection ruts which, from what you’ve heard, were the most painful ruts to ever go through, and sometimes, the pain of rejection never stopped.
He was moaning into your mouth as his hands pressed all over your back while your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling you closer to him, desperation and hunger coming off from the both of you. Your hands gripped onto his scalp tightly, heavy breaths escaping your nose as your belly started twisting and you knew your insides were screaming for release.
You felt his tongue lick onto your bottom lip and you groaned at the gesture, and you wanted to comply to your Omega, give him what he needed. You opened your mouth to invite him in and you could hear a happy chirp coming from his chest and you swore you’d never heard a more beautiful sound in your life.
He appreciated the access and both of your tongues were fighting in between lips, inside mouths, and his taste was so delectable, like ambrosia, like a life source. You felt his hips rubbing against yours, a low purring coming from deep within his chest and the smell of his slick became more potent and your self-control was failing. 
You had to get your head together, you needed to take him to a safe place, you two can’t mate here, it’s not safe for him. Someone could smell him and come in, try to snatch him away. You can’t let that happen.
Protect. Protect. Protect.
You pulled away from him and he tried to follow your lips again, but you pulled on his scalp as a growl vibrated in your throat, making him whimper in your hold.
“We need to go to a safe place baby, do you have a nest?” And he was teary-eyed, shaking his head.
“Not enough. You’re not there. No clothes. No scent. Not enough.” He was losing his ability to speak properly, his mind clouding in need of you, his slick making his inner thighs feel itchy and he knew his sweatpants needed to be burnt after this. Your eyes softened and you gave him a soft nod.
“You want to go to my home? Want to make a nest there?” He instantly nodded, desperately, clinging to you like a koala, his face flushed as his nose dipped into the crook of your neck.
“Thank you! Thank you, Alpha! Thank you!” You shivered at the word. At how he just called you. It was the first time he called you Alpha, and he was even thanking you for taking care of him. You felt happiness like you’ve never felt before, and you were going to make it last.
“Okay baby, let’s go to the car, and then we’ll go to my house. You can make a nest there and be safe.” You softly replied to him in order to try to calm him down and he only nodded against you, needing your scent to keep his head in a sort of conscious state. 
You closed the store as quickly as you could, and you let Eddie hold your hand, wrist to his nose as you took him to your car. He whined when you made him get into the passenger’s seat. You gave him a soft kiss on his forehead and then you rubbed your scent gland against his as you leaned down and another purr came out from him in appreciation. 
You rushed to the driver's seat and it was the most tortuous drive ever. He had your wrist in his mouth and he kept licking on it, making you extra sensitive. The pain in between your legs was unbearable, your cock already out and constricted inside the fabric. You needed to get home quickly. Quick. Quick. 
You for sure went by many red lights, but you couldn’t care less about that. You arrived at your lovely little one-story home in a wide suburban area where an old trailer park was years ago. It looked like a small cabin, and it was so cozy, perfect for your Omega. Yours. Yours. 
You parked as quickly as you could, reaching for Eddie over the console to devour his lips once more, your tongue going into his mouth for your saliva to coat him all over and he was so grateful for it. He was being doted on by you, and he wanted more. He was greedy, he knew that, but he was going to fall apart if he didn’t get your knot right this second.
You walked out of the car and rushed over to the passenger’s seat so that you could help Eddie out. He immediately clung to you from behind, his nose deep into your neck, your shoulder, everywhere he could take a deep inhale in. You walked like that towards your door, and you felt a sharp pain in between your legs and in your belly. You were going into a small rut. You needed to be inside him right this second, or at least let your cock free from your pants.
You opened the door and Eddie pulled away with widened eyes as he inhaled the smell from your home and it was you. Everywhere was you. You. He felt so safe like he just found a forever home, like a stray kitten that had just been picked up. You quickly grabbed his hand and rushed towards your room where your bed remained undone since this morning, your laundry had piled up, and some clothes were scattered on the floor.
And that was perfect for Eddie.
He immediately rushed into action and you felt yourself trembling as you saw him start to gather your laundry of dirty clothes and then dump them on your bed. You took this time to rush to the kitchen so that you could prepare some water bottles and some snacks. You didn’t know for how long Eddie had been going without eating something. Shit, fuck, your dick was hurting you, but you needed to be patient for your Omega.
Your belly turned in pain, the testicles inside of you complaining about how much you were holding yourself back. You held onto the counter as you took sharp breaths in. Growls started rumbling in your throat as the heat and lust became greater and worse with each second that passed.
You heard a whine coming from the room and that was enough to make you snap out and not care about your pain any longer. You grabbed the bottles and snacks as quickly as you could and rushed back, worry filling your body only to see Eddie already naked in the middle of your bed, sweat all over his body and… fuck you almost dropped everything on the floor. 
His slick was already coating your sheets as he sat kneeled with his legs open so it would drip down.
He had made a quick nest with your clothes and his, all around him, fabric tucked underneath another, your boxers and panties all over and you knew he was waiting for you. You dropped everything all over your vanity and you knew he wanted something else from you. You took your shirt off, handing it over to him and he tucked it away on the side. While he did that, you took your bra off as well and finally, finally, you felt relief when you pulled your pants down, followed by your large panties. 
You weren’t always wearing boxers because what are the chances you would get a hard-on in the middle of work? 
His eyes widened when he turned to finally see your cock, red tip, precum already leaking from it, and Eddie’s eyes sparkled with need. His mouth salivated and more slick fell from his legs and onto the mattress and you handed him your dirty pants and panties. He quickly put your underwear at the very top, where his head would be, and then tucked your pants underneath some shirts of yours.
He looked at you expectantly, a needy frown on his eyebrows as his eyes teared up with lust. You were so beautiful, and he needed to have you, to taste you, to have you inside of him. He whined when you weren’t getting into his nest, was it not to your taste? Did he do a bad job with it? Was it messy?
“No Omega, nothing like that.” He realized he talked out loud without him being conscious of it. “You need to invite me in…”
“Yes, yes, you can come in, please!” He whined and his hands were reaching out for you desperately and that was all that was left to do. You crawled over the nest in order to not mess anything up with the marvelous job he did with it. It smelled of you and him combined and it was the most wonderful mix you could ever feel. 
His arms wrapped around you and he moaned when you pressed your body against his belly, your cock in between the two of you. Your arms were wrapped around his waist as your nails scratched his back, digging into the skin. His mouth found yours desperately as his cocklette rubbed against you, making a blissful friction, just the right amount but not enough. 
You moved your hips in a small rutting motion and a moan of his escaped into your lips. Eddie was intoxicated, and all he wanted was more. He purred as your tongue entered his mouth, tasting him once more and he shivered at the strong taste of sandalwood. You were delicious, so fucking delicious.
And he wondered–
He pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily, and you immediately dove to kiss his jaw, moving down towards his neck, gently nipping at the skin, causing him to whimper as he held onto you. You were licking against his scent gland, making his body almost climax because of how good it felt. His words were getting stuck in his throat as you kept kissing all over his skin.
“I– I want to taste you, Alpha– Please, I need to know how you taste.” And you felt your body burn, instantly, at those words. You will let him taste you, of course, how can you deny him, but–
“I will let you Omega, only if you let me taste you as well. If you smell like that, I can’t even begin to imagine how good you taste down there.” Your words were slurred, almost as if drunk, and maybe you were. You were drunk, completely, but off him. Eddie’s eyes clouded with lust at your proposal, his face flushed with lust and redness, lips plump from all the kissing and his scent gland was a scarlet red and pulsing. 
“Yes- Yes!” He nodded and you smirked, giving him a soft peck on the lips, and you shifted you both so you could lay down on the bed, his eyes scanning your position, but his eyes focused on the standing erection that was in front of him, slick falling onto the mattress and you growled at him.
“Don’t waste that. Give me your pretty pussy over here Eddie.” You patted your chest, ordering him to move on top of you. You couldn’t go on top because if you did and he sucked your dick from below, you would start thrusting due to your semi-rut and you don’t want to hurt your lovely Omega.
“Y– You sure?” You smiled reassuringly at him and that was enough for Eddie to sprint into action, throwing one leg to your side, both knees pressing on your waist and your eyes widened as you inhaled deeply. 
There was something definitely more delicious than the scent from his gland. 
Oh, the smell of his slick. You can’t even begin to describe it. Nothing compares to it, nothing at all. You felt high as if you had inhaled three consecutive bongs, so high that you felt like passing out. But you were brought out of your trance when a drop of his slick fell onto your lip. You licked it, and– you became feral.
Your hands immediately grabbed onto the sides of his hips in order to pull him down, bending towards you so you two would be leveled appropriately in front of each other’s sexes. His inner thighs were soaked, probably getting onto your hair and face, but the more of him that sticks to you the better.
Eddie let out a surprised gasp as he came close to the tip of your dick. He inspected it as his mouth salivated, tongue almost dropping out as if he were panting. He leaned down so he could finally take his tongue out, and give the tip a kitten lick, taking a bead of your precum into his mouth, and he trembled at the taste. 
And he went in.
He couldn’t wait, needing to taste you more, so he licked a long stripe from the base to the tip and you groaned, throwing your head back in pleasure as you felt him moaning against your cock. Your insides screamed for more, and you could already feel the fire building at the base of your dick, letting you know that you were ready to knot him.
But you cannot hurt him, and this cavity was new to him. So as he opened his mouth to take the tip into his mouth, purring against it, making you growl in appreciation and pleasure thanks to the vibrations he was sending to you. You focused on the slit above you where his balls were a week ago. You leaned up slightly so you could reach him and you took your tongue out and finally, to Eddie’s relief, you licked a long stripe, from his cocklette, and through his folds.
He squirmed on top of you, moaning against your cock at the new sensation. He felt himself light on fire by your tongue. He needed to focus on giving you pleasure as well since you tasted so good, but you were making him lose his mind already as you kept licking him, savoring him, and cleaning his slick away only for more to gush out of him after two seconds.
“Fuck, you taste so good.” You cannot help but mention it to him, not only for pleasure but because he needs to know just how beautiful he is. How delectable he is to you. He needs to know how he is ruining you.
He hummed in approval, as his head bobs up and down on your cock, your precum still oozing out from the tip, and he swallowed greedily, needing more. His hips started moving against your tongue, wanting a little bit more friction of some sort. 
Your tongue wanted more of his nectar, so you pressed your lips against him, tongue entering him and he had to pull away from your cock in order to moan out loud, feeling his belly turn and burn up. He was already getting close to the edge, but he knew he would fall off from it many times tonight. 
He whimpered against your greedy tongue as his hand started jerking you off, going up and down with a mix of your precum and his saliva. You growled in pleasure making him shiver and smile excitedly, knowing he was pleasuring you accordingly as well. 
One of your hands left his hip and you pulled away from his cunt, earning a whine from him, his hips moving on top of you so you would get your tongue on him again. You chuckled at the eagerness and then you ran your fingers against his folds, gathering slick on them so you could prepare them to finally enter him so you could stretch him out.
He tried giving your cock some attention, but you didn’t care about your pleasure anymore. You wanted him to fall apart on top of you. You slowly entered your middle finger, and Eddie stilled, pulling away from your cock with a ‘pop’, his mouth in the shape of an ‘O’ as his throat was left with no sound. Silent moans were the only thing he could manage and it was just one pump. Just one.
And his belly tensed up, his legs started shaking and a tear fell from his right eye as the first climax hit him, out of nowhere. Your eyes widened and you raised your head desperately, giving him even more pleasure as your tongue now joined your finger. 
“Yes! A-A–” He wanted to call out to you as he shivered on top of you and your chest rumbled with ecstasy as his slick filled your mouth, sweeter than before even. His walls were clenching tightly against your finger and tongue, and once you felt him stop shaking you pulled your mouth away from him, slurping onto your lips, gulping it all down.
You didn’t let him relax, and you entered the second finger in, and he trembled as he tried moving away from you, but you held him in place with your other hand, growling at him. He moaned at the dominance, loving it more than anything even if he were still trying to come down from his high. 
“So good for me Eddie, you can give me one more, right?” And he whined at that, knowing he could definitely give you one more and his eyes widened, his upper body falling on top of your legs as his moans were louder than ever. You had curled your fingers downwards so you could rub onto his new G-Spot. You smirked when his hips started moving against your fingers. Your Omega was very compliant. “Take what you need baby.”
“Fuck!” He cried out as the pleasure became overwhelming, not being able to give you more pleasure with his mouth. He couldn’t even formulate coherent words. This was a pleasure he never thought was possible, and now he was sure he wouldn’t be able to live without it. Without you.
You felt him clenching again, and you nodded wildly, wanting to taste his climax again. You licked your lips in anticipation as you started gaining momentum and you started scissoring your fingers inside of him. He was a babbling mess and you could only guess his eyes were rolling to the back of his head, and you decided to prep him a little more.
You entered another finger inside of him, and Eddie screamed at the stretch, a little painful, but it was so delicious. His whole body was flushed, and the tattoos on his body looked more beautiful than ever. 
“C’mon Omega, give me another, and then I will give you what you need. Your Alpha will give you what you need.” And your words, calling yourself his Alpha was enough for him to clench down tightly against your fingers, his nails digging into your legs as he trembled all over, his climax washing all over him. 
His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he clenched his eyelids, his belly feeling too tight and you kept pumping your fingers in and out of him, the squelching being so obscene yet so great. 
You slowed your pace so he could relax again, and take a breather, and you were breathing heavily as you took your fingers out of him. He whimpered at the feeling of emptiness, and you raised your head to lap at all the slick he just gushed out, sucking onto his cocklette to also taste the small squirts of slick that also came out of there.
He felt his eyes burn with tears that were created due to extreme pleasure, but he needed more. He won’t be satisfied until he finally has what he has been yearning for since he presented a week ago. You were still licking him up and he finally lifted himself back up, his arms shaking as his hands pressed onto the mattress for support.
You growled when he pulled himself off you. You weren’t done tasting him, and he moved away from you, but the sight that followed after was enough for that small anger to go away. He positioned himself right next to you, his ass up while he slid his upper body back down, pressing it against the mattress. He turned his face so he could look at you as you sat up to take him in. 
He was presenting himself to you.
“Please– I need your knot Alpha. Waited so long–” He was crying almost, and you licked your lips, his taste still lingering and his slick was all over your face. You kneeled on the bed and scooted to position yourself behind him. You made him spread his legs even more so his bottom would lower a little bit more.
You were finally going to connect with an Omega. With your Omega. With your fated Omega. What will you feel once you go inside of him? What will happen to the two of you? You didn’t want to hurt him, what if you went feral? Primal? You were already in a semi-rut, triggered by the last stage of his heat.
He moved his hips towards you, enticing you to take him and your hand shot up to grab a handful of one of his ass cheeks, squeezing tightly to then spank it. He moaned against the mattress, loving the pain of it. You took a deep breath in as you got hold of your aching cock and gave it a few strokes, feeling extremely sensitive, like never before.
You rubbed the tip all over his folds, rubbing his slick on it, and whenever the tip touched his cocklette, a soft moan escaped him. You were trembling, trying to keep a rational head, trying not to let the lust take over you completely. This was Eddie’s first time as an Omega, so you had to be careful with him.
You have to take care of your Omega, make him feel safe and trust you.
“I need you to relax for me baby, and you have to tell me if it hurts, okay?” You only heard a whimper against the mattress and you squeezed his ass again as you groaned at him in warning. “I need you to say you will tell me if it hurts Omega.” 
“Okay! Okay! I will tell you, please– Just please sweetheart, do something–” And his eyes widened as his mouth fell into a wide ‘O’.
Your tip slowly went in, his folds engulfing you in an intense heat, in something so warm and it was only the tip. It was only the beginning of it all, and you were already feeling like you were going to pop a knot. 
You pushed in slowly, your hand reaching below him so you could rub onto his cocklette to give him more stimulation, and he was still trying to wrap his head around how good it felt. He was gone, already cockdrunk as he tried moving his hips towards you for more. You held him in place as you groaned in pleasure, not wanting him to hurt himself.
“Stay still Eddie–” You were almost choking on your words as you kept pushing yourself into him, more and more, feeling his tight pussy all around you, and fuck was he perfect. This was the most perfect moment in your life and you can’t wait to have many more like this one. You can’t wait.
“More… More…” He was sputtering those words as his drool fell on the mattress and his slick gushed and gushed, falling all over his legs, dripping down into the sheets. You groaned as you looked at the mating gland, a bright red, trying to entice you in. You shut your eyes tightly, and you couldn’t hold yourself any longer. You prepped him well.
And so you thrust in, bottoming out in one pump.
He cried in pleasure, a slight burning happening as he tried to adjust to the new feeling, to the new stretch inside of him. He already felt the pain in his belly start to calm down, but it was still there, lingering. He was already trembling underneath you and you were breathing heavily as you put both your hands on his hips again, and one of them gave his lower back soft circles, caressing him.
“You alright Eddie? Are you okay? Does it hurt?” You asked, your Omega’s comfort first and foremost than your pleasure. You saw him nod against the mattress, and his hips moved just one inch, making you groan. He was so warm inside, he felt so good.
“Yes– Please move, I’m fine, just go slow first Alpha…” And your Omega was so good, voicing out what he needed instead of telling you things that might hurt him in the end. You pulled your hips back, slowly, and he winced just barely as you let out a sigh of relief, pushing back in. 
You were fighting with so many deities right now, trying to hold back, trying to not let your Alpha take control all over your body and mind. It wanted to go deep, ruin the man below you, the Omega that you wanted to spend your entire life with, and you weren’t going to let it. Not now. You needed Eddie to adjust around your cock before you did any of that.
And then it happened, his moans suddenly appeared, turning louder as you thrusted in and out, and you knew he was feeling the pleasure, this time entirely. You took a deep breath in, your whole body sweating and you braced yourself as you started moving quicker, harder.
And then, it was a blur. Suddenly you were going slow, neutral, and the next thing you know, your hips were slapping against his ass as you buried yourself inside of him, taking him, destroying him for everyone else, marking him in a way that no one else did before and no one else would be able to.
You were going to make sure of that.
You were growling, the rumbles of pleasure vibrating inside your chest, as you moved in and out of him. He was whimpering, tears rolling down his face, his hands digging into the sheets. He didn’t know what he would feel from this, but it was never this. He knew it would feel good, most likely, but never this excellent, this perfect. 
He looked so beautiful as the squelching of his slick bounced all over your bedroom’s walls. You felt your fangs wanting to come out as your eyes gazed over the mating gland once more. You growled again, reaching around him once again to rub onto his cocklette, sending him in a spur of blabbering, of praising, of begging.
“So good Alpha-! Making me feel so good–!” He didn’t even know what he was saying, and he was probably, most likely, going to be embarrassed about it later on. Right now? He couldn’t care less. You weren’t going to remind him what he said either. You don’t want to fluster your Omega, not in a way that would make him feel bad. 
You felt his walls clenching around you, making you start to breathe heavily, feeling your insides turn in need. The base of your cock was burning, and you knew your knot wouldn’t take long to start swelling, but you had to keep going, stretch him even more, and gladly he was going to cum again. 
“You can do it Omega, cum on your Alpha’s cock.” 
And Eddie cursed loudly as he cried out your name, his walls clenching all around you, making a strangled moan get caught in your mouth at the overwhelming sensation. You kept your pace as he trembled with his climax, moaning with tears springing out of his eyes. He was gushing out, spraying you with his juices all over your pelvis and legs, his cocklette had covered your hand with its squirts, and you felt your belly start to scream out in pain.
You started to slow down your pace when you felt him relax again, and he was breathing heavily against the mattress as he rode out the last remnants of his orgasm. You groaned as he gave you one final clench and it gave you the strength to pull out and grab onto his ass to turn him over with such force you never thought was possible for you.
He was surprised at the new position, his legs opened wide for you to slot in just perfectly, his eyes widening when he looked at your naked body, your breasts moving up and down and your eyes… your pupils were completely dilated and he could see your fangs beginning to bare, and he smiled with happiness at it. 
“Mate me… Mate me, sweetheart… Knot me.” And you trembled and almost whimpered at his request. You grabbed onto the back of his knees, spreading his legs apart and for you to have leverage as you seethed yourself back in with one deep thrust. Eddie threw his head back as a surprised moan escaped him. He was sensitive, so overstimulated but there was one last thing his body craved for. That one thing he desired more than anything in the world.
“I’m going to knot you Eddie, you’re going to take my knot, aren’t you? My sweet Omega… Mine.” 
That last word came out with the most possessive growl you ever did in your life. Maybe the first ever. A chirp mixed with a whimper was heard inside Eddie’s throat and chest. A delectable sound for your ears as you continued to rail him, angling your cock so you could hit that spongy part of his repeatedly.
Eddie couldn’t even process any words right now. He just kept nodding at everything you said, and your eyes were fixated on the mating gland, the Alpha inside of you telling you to bite him. To lock him in. To make him yours forever.
And Eddie’s rationality came back for a second when a new pain started happening below. He felt a new stretch, a wider one, popping in and out. Your knot was starting to swell and you heard him whine in pain and you almost stopped but it was just a bit more. 
“A-Alpha–” He called out to you, his arms stretched out to try to hold you. You immediately dropped his legs as you bent forward, his arms wrapping around you and you were holding yourself up on your hands as you continued to thrust into him and you saw how his face contorted in pain and pleasure mixed together.
“A bit more. A bit more baby–” You were breathless, your mind turning into mush as the possessiveness was taking over your body. Eddie was looking up at you, a small smile on his lips as his walls started clenching again.
“Bite me… Make me yours– Please, mate me.” 
Your eyes widened at that. He wanted to be yours completely. Of course he would, you two are scent mates, fated to be together. He wants it, he is begging for it… So why not? Why not? Why the fuck not?
And in one thrust you sat inside of him, deep, and your knot completely swelled up in its full size, locking yourself into him. You came inside of him in thick white ropes, and you growled loudly when he also came around you, milking your knot dry as he cried out in pleasure and you looked down at his gland.
Why the fuck not?
And you bit down, making Eddie yell in pleasure and pain, knowing your teeth had pierced his skin and he felt you cumming again inside of him and finally, finally, his belly stopped hurting. His belly was thankful, filled with his Alpha’s cum. 
You two were breathing heavily, you were still on top of him, mouth still wrapped around his skin, sweaty bodies clinging together, and the smell of both your scents filled the air. It felt like home, warm, and cozy, even with all the mess that was underneath the two of you. 
Only when Eddie’s head became conscious again, he realized that you bit his shoulder… not his mating gland. You didn’t mate him. He became self-conscious about it, instantly, the distressed Omega in him becoming erratic and you could feel it, pulling yourself up to look at him.
“Was it not good? Why didn’t you mate me, sweetheart?” He was almost whining, wanting answers and you shook your head at him with a small smile on your face, leaning towards his face so you could kiss him on the cheek.
“It was perfect Eddie… I just didn’t want to mate you because we had to…” You explained to him and he was confused at that, raising an eyebrow up in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“I want to court you Eds.” And he felt his heart flutter at your words. You cared about him, not caring about the fate aspect of it all. You wanted to be with him by your own accord, getting to know him, and for the both of you to learn to love one another. He smiled at you, holding you even closer.
And his eyes filled with tears at your gesture. You wanted to do the whole courting ritual, something that was not needed nowadays or it wasn’t something people used to do anymore, and he assumed that if you were fated mates, so… what is the reason for it?
“Wait… so– Does this mean you won’t leave then?” You heard the small whimper behind his voice, the need for you to confirm that fact or not, hoping that it was a negative answer.
“I was only planning to leave because I felt rejected by you. Don’t worry my Omega, I am not going anywhere…” You smiled down at him and he returned it with a bright one, leaning up to give you a small peck on the lips, and then pulling away with a teasing grin on his lips.
“You really do care about me in the end, huh?” He chuckled and you growled slightly at that, giving him a soft kiss on the lips which he hummed with contentment. He wanted to mess with you a little more, a smirk appearing on his lips. “I mean, we both know how it’s going to end, might as well just bite me and get it over with, right?”
Your eye twitched, your heart becoming ablaze again as you once more raised yourself up with both your hands and you pressed your hips against him again, your knot still firmly wrapped inside of him, making him whimper slightly. 
“You know what I feel like doing Eds?” He could sense the threat in your voice, but he was excited for it, because he finally had you, and whatever you give him he is going to take. 
“What is that Princess?” He said the nickname he often used to make you mad at work whenever he came to visit, but instead of a frown, he gulped when you only smirked at him.
“I feel like getting you back for all the times you were a cocky little brat in my shop.”
And Eddie was scared of that but chirped with excitement either way.
Yes, you were fated alright.
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a/n: if you reached all the way here, remember to reblog your artists. It helps with engagement with their work.
Taglist: @the-unforgivenn @munson-blurbs @nailbatanddungeon @xxhellfirebunnyxx @littlesubbyflower
596 notes · View notes
itsdancingquen · 10 months
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Neighbors AU.
After graduating and breaking up with Jason, Chrissy finally escapes out of her mother’s grasp. But with nothing much to go for, the cheerleader finds herself ending in the last place she and anyone would ever imagine, the Forest Hills trailer park.
Trying to survive with this new independence and make enough money to get out of Hawkins, Chrissy finds herself surprised with how much she ends up enjoying this life, especially when the most unexpected person next door keeps making her heart pound.
1K notes · View notes
neonghostlights · 9 months
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★ A/N: We've got another flashback! This is nearly a year after The Prom Incident.
★ Series Summary: It’s the ‘90s in LA and you and your best friend Eddie have both made it big. The following is a series of Interviews, News Reports and One Shots showing you and Eddie’s story throughout the years.
★ Chapter Summary: Chrissy Cunningham deserves better.
★ Warnings: Jealousy, Smoking, Cussing, Injury (Eddie is hurt), Fighting/Assault, Blood, Guns (a shotgun is shot), Drugs. 18+ only, Minors DNI
★Wordcount: 2.8k
Series Masterlist
Chapter Eight: That Night Back In '86
March 21st, 1986
You were so ready to be off work. 
Your feet hurt, your back hurt, hell even your eyelashes hurt. 
Working at the gas station after you graduated highschool was  never the plan. It also wasn’t the plan for Eddie to fail senior year. 
You considered this your break year. Your grandma wasn’t pushing you into going to school right away, perfectly happy with keeping you in the trailer with her. You were so thankful that she wasn’t trying to get rid of you like some parents did as soon as their kid had a diploma in hand. 
The next shift employees came stumbling in, nearly half an hour late. You didn’t have it in you to argue with them about showing up to their shift on time. 
If you did that it meant you would have to waste energy to stay here even longer. 
Your car thankfully rumbled to life when you turned the key. It was a piece of junk, something that Eddie had helped you fix up when you bought it from a sketchy guy you met at the hideout. You needed something of your own so you didn’t have to rely on your grandma, Wayne or Eddie to drive you around anymore. 
It felt good to have some independence. If you wanted to just go out and get a late night snack alone you could. Not that that ever happened because it was like Eddie had sixth sense for the moment you started your car. As soon as you turned the key he would be running out his trailer door and diving into your passenger seat. 
You wondered if maybe he’d want to go get something tonight. You knew he had Hellfire but it should have already ended so he’d be home around the same time as you. 
The car bounced with a squeak as you hit the gravel drive of the trailer park. You looked at the trailer across from yours and the spot was empty. He wasn’t home yet but he would be soon. 
You parked beside your grandma's car, knowing that she was probably up watching some late night talk shows in the living room. 
You decided to wait for him. You leaned against your car, knowing for sure that some of the dust was rubbing onto the back of your black jeans. You didn’t have enough energy in you to care about the dirt or butt print being left on your car. That was what soap and water were for.  
You lit a cigarette and took a puff. Smoking was a habit you had picked up since working at the gas station. Eddie hated it. Apparently only one of you was allowed to destroy your lungs with something other than weed. 
The way he pouted everytime you lit one up was enough to quit smoking after three months. You were gonna surprise him, hand over your lighter tonight with a promise to your best friend to never touch a cigarette again in your life. 
You heard loud music before you saw him. You smiled to yourself softly. The neighbors hated the way Eddie drove and how loud his music was. They had complained time and time again to not only Wayne and Eddie but also you. Like you had some sort of control over what he did. 
You couldn’t blame them for being pissed. It was late and it felt like the gravel was vibrating beneath your feet from how loud that guitar solo squealing in the air was. 
The yellow headlights flashed as he turned into the drive, gravel flying and a cloud of smoke following the van. 
You pushed yourself up from the side of your car, patting your pockets to make sure you still had your money and lighter. 
The van jolted to a stop and you watched as Eddie’s door swung open and he hopped out with his arms swinging around dramatically. Typical. 
You started walking across to him, twirling the lighter in your hand. You opened your mouth, ready to ask if he wanted a late night Benny’s run or maybe to that 24 hour fast food place right outside of town. 
What you weren’t expecting was to see the passenger door open also and Chrissy Cunningham step out. She was in her cheer uniform, a bouncy ponytail in her strawberry blonde hair. She was gorgeous, even under the flickering, yellow lighting of the lamp that hung above her head.  
You knew what Eddie had thought about her even though he had never said it explicitly. Plenty of late night talks turned into him mentioning the one time she was nice to him in middle school. You always wanted to shake him, tell him all the times that you had complimented him. But your compliments had never stuck as much as hers did. 
You were able to read between the lines when it came to Eddie. You had the sense to know what he was feeling about her even if he never said it. 
You froze, gravel rolling underneath your sneakers as you watched her get out and look around nervously. 
Eddie heard your feet slide against the gravel and he turned to look at you. His eyes grew wide as he saw the look on your face. 
You didn’t know how to describe the feelings you were feeling. It felt like someone had taken your heart out of your body and beat it with a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it. It felt like cold water had been poured down your spine and it made your body react, shivering as you wrapped your arms around yourself to hold yourself together. It felt like you were going to shatter, fall apart and get mixed in with the gravel. They would never find all of the pieces of you to be able to fully put you back together after this. 
You thought back to prom and the promise you had made to yourself. 
You swallowed, standing up straighter and giving a small wave to Eddie and Chrissy as she approached him. 
You heard Eddie say something to her softly as you turned on your heels, walking quickly back to your trailer. 
“Hey!” Eddie called as he jogged to catch up with you. “You okay?” 
He reached out and touched your arm. You could feel the searing of his touch through your light jacket and all the way to your heated skin. 
You didn’t know why you were reacting this way. You just wanted to get in the shower and wash it away, pretend that they weren’t over in the trailer across from you alone. Maybe you should get in your car and drive around town until the sun breaks the sky. How many hours would that be? Six? Seven? You could do that. 
You jerked your arm away, meaner than you intended. Eddie looked hurt, wide eyed as he stared at you. 
You were embarrassed by the way you were acting and it was even more reason to get away. You fumbled with the door handle. 
“She’s just buying from me,” Eddie explained. 
He didn’t need to explain because he had no reason to. You had no reason to react this way. It was you. You were the problem here, not Eddie. 
You looked up at him taking in the worried expression on his face, the furrow of his brows, the indent formed just above his nose, and the grim set of his mouth. You wanted to reach out and smooth his face, ease his pain even though it was you that was hurting. 
“Okay. That’s nice. I’m gonna go and get some food or something,” you said, proud of yourself with how unbothered you sounded. Eddie’s frown just deepened. 
“Why don’t you wait? It won't be long and we can drop her back off and go get something when I’m done,” he said, an arm sneaking up and wrapping around your shoulder. You melted a little then, pressing into him. You were close to each other, closer than usual. The last time your faces were this close together was when you were dancing at prom. You pushed down that memory. 
You weren’t sure what to do with his nearness so you started to try to unravel a piece of his hair that was stuck to one of the pins on his vest. 
Eddie smiled at that, relaxing a little at the mundaneness of the task. 
Eddie went to speak again when Chrissy called his name with a trembling voice from across the lot. 
He cursed under his breath and shot you an apologetic look. “I’m gonna go make some money and then I’m all yours for the rest of the night. Okay?” 
You nodded as he stepped back and with one last look crossed back over to where Chrissy waited for him. You watched as he held the door open to the trailer, saying a joke to make her giggle as she crossed into the threshold. 
You found your grandma scrambling away from the living room window when you made it inside. Scrambling might have been too generous of a word. She had been moving a little slower lately, blaming it on the arthritis in her knees. She had been refusing to go to the doctor, stubborn as ever. 
 She had a pair of binoculars in her hand, pretending to be inspecting a spot on the carpet. 
“Were you spying?” You sputtered. 
“Hm? Me? No.” She didn’t even try to come up with an excuse, knowing that she had been caught. 
You rolled your eyes with a little laugh. Your grandma always had to know the trailer park business and not even you and Eddie were immune to that. 
“I’m gonna be in my room. Eddie’s coming over in a second so we can go get food,” you called as you walked back into your room. You fell onto the bed, willing yourself not to fall asleep. 
Your bedroom window faced the front of Eddie’s trailer and you reasoned with yourself not to peek out the window like your grandma and wait for him to come out. You sighed and rolled over on your side instead, facing the wall. 
You felt your eyes start to grow heavy and shut. You weren’t sure how long you were out for when you heard the screaming. 
You jumped out of bed, stumbling and dizzy from suddenly waking up. You shoved the blinds to the side, bending one of the pieces to see Eddie being dragged out of his trailer by some guys in varsity jackets. 
You didn’t realize you were rushing out the door until you heard your grandma screaming behind you to stay inside. 
You weren’t quick enough to shield Eddie from the first blow. Or any of the hits after that. 
Chrissy cried and screamed at Jason to stop but he wasn’t listening. You knew it wasn’t a fair fight. There were too many of them against Eddie. Each time he tried to get up they would just push him back down. 
Jason was wild with a crazed look in his eye as he attacked Eddie brutally. Two of his friends held Eddie down by his arms while Jason hit and kicked with no care in the world. Other members of the basketball team circled and cheered while you watched your best friend, the one person in the world you would give your life for, bleed into the dirt. 
You dove into the mess of things, ignoring Chrissy’s pleas for you to stay out of it. One of them grabbed you, laughing as he dragged you back away from Eddie. You made eye contact with Eddie from where he laid on the ground and fire flew in his eyes when he realized one of them was touching you. 
The fighting felt like it had gone on for hours instead of only a couple of minutes. It was like time had slowed dramatically to a crawl, making everything more painful. 
His assailants mocked and laughed at him. Eddie ignored them, his eyes were focused only on the one basketball player holding you as threats flew out of Eddie’s mouth at him. 
He thrashed and bucked, doing his best to break free from his restraint. They held onto him tighter when the sound of a loud bang in the air had everyone freezing. 
Everyone turned to the sound and you were horrified to see your grandma in her nightgown and slippers at the foot of your trailer steps with her shotgun in her hands. 
“Get the hell out of here!” She yelled, positioning the shotgun again. 
You and Eddie were frozen while the rest of the group scrambled to the cars that were parked haphazardly around Eddie’s trailer. Jason grabbed Chrissy by the wrist, dragging her with him. You wanted to stop him, to pull her away from him but you knew it would start another fight that Eddie would be the victim of. You’d have to find a way to check in on her tomorrow. 
Engines revved as they flew out of the trailer park, bits of gravel flying. A rock kicked off one of the tires and hit the side of Eddie’s vans with a crack. 
You didn’t wait for their tail lights to disappear before you were crouched down beside him, checking to see how badly he was hurt. 
His nose and mouth were bloody and there was a split on his lip. His skin around his right eye was already turning purple. It would blossom into a nasty bruise tomorrow. 
He groaned as he sat up, clutching his side. 
“You okay?” Your grandma yelled, still standing where you last saw her with the gun tight in her grip. 
Eddie gave a single thumbs up as he pushed himself off the ground, wobbling slightly. 
You went to wrap an arm around him to support him but he shook his head as he limped across the drive to your trailer instead of his own. 
You followed him silently, making sure both locks on the front door were secure. Your grandma disappeared into her room, giving you both some privacy. 
You found him with his backside leaned up against the bathroom sink, waiting for you with his arm crossed against his chest. You grabbed the first aid kit from the shelf above the toilet and set it on the lid, rummaging through it to find what you needed. 
You stood in front of him, chest pressed against chest with how little room you had. Eddie winced as you started wiping at his skin with the cleaner.  
“Don’t you ever do that again,” he said through gritted teeth and you couldn’t tell if the bite in his voice was from the pain or his anger. 
“Do what?” you asked, avoiding eye contact as you wiped at his skin some more. 
His hand shot out, grabbing your wrist to stop your movements. You looked up at him finally as he stared down darkly at you. His knuckles were cracked and changing colors from the few hits he was able to get in.
“Don’t you ever jump into a fight like that ever again.” 
“But they were hurting you,” you explained. He should know. He should know that you wouldn’t be able to watch him get hurt without jumping in to try to save him. It was like that time those kids were being mean to him at the park when you were younger. 
You jumped in then and you would jump in now. 
“I don’t care if they’re fucking killing me. You don’t do that ever again. If something happened to you…” Eddie trailed off, eyes focusing on the wall behind you with a far out look. 
“Okay,” you whispered to make him happy. It was a lie. You’d dive into trouble for him a million times over if it meant keeping him safe. Even if it killed you in the process of saving him. 
He released your wrist with a nod, and you went back to tending his wounds. 
You were angry. Not only that this had happened to him but that there would be no justice. No cop in this town would listen to Eddie. And if either of you tried it would just bring unwanted attention to the way he made his money.
Wayne was going to be so pissed when he got home in the morning and heard what happened.
“I don’t think they’re that bad,” you said about his wounds when the silence grew too heavy and the ringing in your ears too loud. 
Eddie wasn’t listening though, the wheels were still turning in his head. You wondered what he was thinking about but you were too afraid to ask him. 
“I’m gonna fucking show them,” Eddie finally said, his voice dark and determined. 
“Show who what?” 
“Everyone. This whole damn town. I’m gonna get out of here and prove them all wrong,” he declared, finally looking at you with wide eyes. 
You wanted to tell him that he never had to prove anything to you. That you knew who he was and what he was capable of. That you were his biggest fan and you would cheer for him no matter what he did. 
You wanted to say that, but you couldn’t. So, you just nodded your head instead and finished cleaning him up.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I love your tiktok saga 🥺 I legit wake up each morning and run to the tag to see what giggles I'm in for. Just wondering, because my brain is made of soup--what health problems does Steve have? (based on his Canon injuries obvs, but what do you have him living with?) happy new year and thank you for bringing so much joy to the steddie tag!! ❤️
Thank You and Happy New Years to you too!!!
The Steve that lives in my head basically has the symptoms of the Steve in (something happens and I’m) head over heels by GibbousLunation on AO3, which I highly, highly recommend if you haven’t read it.
The Eddie Munson Tiktok Saga Steve has epilepsy and seizures, migraines, balance issues and forgetfulness, and like, disassociation. I’m not sure if that’s quite the word I’m looking for but basically, Steve’s mind sometimes will go offline but his body keeps going. I think every character in this show has a healthy dose of PTSD but I think Steve’s would come with a restlessness because his first reaction is to protect. He’s been in positions where if he froze up or hesitated than he or someone else could have die.
So when his mind blanks out, his body keeps the motion going just on instinct and sometimes, he’ll just leave the house because I think that’s terrifying. I think it’s scary to come back online in a different place than where you went to sleep and I think it’s equally scary to wake up and find your front door open and your husband missing. I think this just provides a good amount of angst for Steve but also for Eddie because a lot of his PTSD would probably center around people who were trapped inside their own minds. I also think seeing someone have a seizure would remind him of Chrissy.
I also think that Steve would struggle with bouts of anger or irritation (which hasn’t really been a part of the Saga because it’s more of a fun thing and realistically you’re probably not posting your arguments on the internet) because I think he’s a very independent person. I think he wants to be perceived in a certain way and once people realize that you have a condition or a disorder then they start to be careful around you. Sometimes they start treating you different or like you’re fragile, and I think that would bother Steve. He’s not fragile. He’s not broken. He saved the world and he’s coping with the consequences of that, but he still saved the world. None of it makes him weak and he doesn’t want to be treated like he is.
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conflictofthemind · 2 months
Can we Please Re-Open the Petergate?
Ever since learning about Petergate in its entirety, it has been breaking my brain. There’s obviously something incredibly important happening here, enough so that it has to be hidden until the final season of the season.
For those not in the know, Sam Owens has / had a son named Peter that was first name dropped in Season 4. For some reason, the military wants his old schoolwork as evidence in the investigation of the Chrissy murder in Hawkins.
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We also pretty much know that Peter is dead. The way Owens acts around Will in Season 2 as the only scientist who is actually determined to save his life, and the implications he makes that he understands the plight of Joyce both heavily imply he has lost a child. This also adds a layer to the whole ‘taking away your son’s precious school projects’ if that son is dead and those are some of the only memories you have left.
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Okay so: Sam Owens lost a child, which explains his character motivations in the show. But it’s not quite interesting just ending it there, is it? And why leave this to be seemingly be a reveal in the fifth season where we already have so much else to take care of? Would Sam Owens’ son dying really be that impactful towards the narrative? Would that warrant the copious amounts of references (at least seven just in season 4) to Peter that exist within the show and are still coming out even in recent ST5 BTS pictures?
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Something about Peter Owens has to be crucial information in the fight against Vecna.
Let us also remember that those military agents took Peter Owens’ schoolwork as some kind of evidence in relation to the Henry Creel murders, and it was important enough to highlight to the audience.
Let’s go over some facts:
1) Sam Owens has a house in Ruth, Nevada where he lives with his wife. Population irl of only a few hundred people.
2) Henry Creel lived in Rachel Nevada which uh didn’t exist in the 50s during his childhood where he encountered:
3) The Nevada Experiment. Henry happens upon related equipment and is briefly transported into Dimension X before coming back with powers and an altered personality.
4) In TFS, Henry is mentioned to have put a classmate from Nevada in a wheelchair following the events of his trip to Dimension X.
5) Henry was in the care of different doctors before he met Dr. Brenner and moved to Hawkins.
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We curiously get no more explanation on this matter; whatever happened in Nevada is probably some of the most crucial information and is thus saved for Season 5. We’ve already gotten most answers that are relevant to Henry’s backstory in Hawkins… but not for Nevada.
Some of the major questions for S5 include:
1) What is Dimension X?
2) What is the actual origin of the Mindflayer and is it an independent sentient being?
3) How did Henry develop powers while in Dimension X?
4) What was the Nevada Experiment and the original Project Rainbow?
Since the military took Peter Owens’ schoolwork as evidence… it means Peter is at least connected in some way to this mystery, if not directly to Henry and probably implies the two knew each-other and were even classmates who worked on projects together.
Here’s the basis of what I propose (to be expanded upon later of course):
Henry and Peter were classmates in their youth fairly likely at this point. Henry and Peter were working together on a project that had them investigating the Nevada cave system. Or perhaps something relating to Area 51 / secret US government stuff. The project has to be relevant evidence since the military took it. This is what led to Henry stumbling upon the dimensional equipment in the cave that transported him to Dimension X.
My question is - what if Peter was also involved in Henry’s disappearance? Maybe he disappeared with him, and this was covered up by the government. Or he was simply exposed to the event but didn’t get transported with Henry, just became severely ill because of this Dimension X virus, and died as a result.
Or maybe Peter was meant to disappear as part of Brenner’s Project Nevada experiment. They didn’t plan for Henry to be there as well, and sure didn’t plan for him to be taken. The whole “rogue staff member stealing the equipment and hiding it inside a cave where Henry just happens upon it I guess” has been weird for a while. Maybe Peter was actually older and involved with P. Nevada, and he was the rogue staff member who hid the equipment? But then how did Henry conveniently get there and why was the schoolwork taken.
I don’t want to make this post too long; but something about this gives me major Will and El parallels in a way I can’t really illustrate quite yet. Boy gets taken under suspicious circumstances that could imply HNL meddling, but this time the supernatural kid is able to save him and bring him back. Owens becomes interested by this and comes to study Will in S2.
Owens also mentions that he has risked his family’s lives for the sake of their research, which I feel is relevant here. He’s talking about the current day NINA Project… but it could of course be a reference to the fact that this happened before, and ended in tragedy.
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So wow, that got long! I didn’t even get to mention the Fringe parallels that people have brought up. This is just going to be Part 1 into my investigation of Petergate.
There’s so much promise in this potential storyline that I think really needs to get investigated, so I hope this interested people regardless of whether or not they’ve already come across Petergate. The fact that Henry’s time in Nevada is such a major gap in his backstory really fascinates me as to what they’re hiding from us.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Oh I have a variation of the other fluff request:
So eddie and alt girlie are kind of loud, weird (read: neurodivergent) outgoing confident people who get all blushy, sweet and shy around each other because each is so cute the other gets nervous
They date, become a couple and be adorable menaces ever after 🥰
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Eddie Munson, that was a name many people had opinions on. He was confident, opinionated, and loud. If he didn't like you, he'd tell you. If he admired you, he'd tell you. He had no problem standing up for himself and definitely didn't have a problem telling people where they could shove it. He doesn't get nervous when the jocks stared him down. He doesn't get nervous when the cops threaten him. And he doesn't get nervous when people get in his face. A gorgeous girl has his attention? He'll throw on that charming smile and doe eyes did their magic. He had no problem getting what or who he wanted
But God did he get tongue tied when Y/N was around
Y/F/N, that was also a name many people knew. She was even more confident than Eddie. She was gorgeous and she knew it. She was outgoing and had tons of friends. She was easily adored by many. But her confidence also attracted enemies. People who couldn't stand how high on her horse she was. But she refused to let anyone knock her off. If someone didn't like her, she'd settle it. Talk behind her back? They should've said it to her face. If she likes someone? She has no problem flirting her way into their hearts. She doesn't get nervous, period.
Well except when Eddie Munson was around
The two met because of Chrissy
Chrissy adored Y/N, she wasn't on the cheer team. She was edgy and alternative but that's what Chrissy liked. She liked that she was different.
Then Chrissy met Eddie, and it was like seeing Y/N in a male form. They were so alike it amazed her. That's when she knew, she needed to play matchmaker.
"Chrissy no offense but your taste is Jason. I do not trust you to set me up with anyone" Y/N laughed, dusting off her leather jacket as she stood up
"oh shut up! Please you would adore him" Chrissy pleaded. These two needed to meet
"why's that?" She asked curious
"long hair. Tattoos. In a band. I have to admit he's fucking hot. He's confident, loud, alternative, and lives for metal music. How can he not be your type?" Chrissy smirked
"fuck long hair and tattoos? " Y/n whined, she can't ignore that
"it's curly hair too. Oh plus he wears rings"
"I adore you Chris, I really do, but your friends are way too girly for me. I don't do the pink skirts and pitchy voices" Eddie gagged
"shut up! She's not like that, she's different" Chrissy argued. Once again, these two are way too similar
"how so?" He challenged
"she's hot Eddie. She has tattoos, piercings, loves guys who play guitar, and listens to metal music. Always dressed in leather. She's confident, she's loud, independent. How is that for different?" She argued, cocky smile on her lips
"piercings where?" Now he was curious
"nose, tongue and tits" Chrissy smirked, she knew she'd have him there
"Eddie, Y/N, Y/N, Eddie" Chrissy smiled as she introduced the two
Both staring silently at each other
Chrissy looked between them confused, when were these two ever quiet?
"um Hi...Eddie" Y/N said quietly, slowly moving her hand out for him to shake
Chrissy eyed her weirdly, was she nervous?
"yeah I'm Eddie. Yeah...Y/N" Eddie stuttered out, his warm hand shaking hers
"are you guys blushing?"
Ever since they met, Chrissy has seen her two most confident friends, break down into blushing messes over each other.
The stuttering, the shyness, the blushing. Just overall complete opposite of how she knew her two friends
"Okay so party is at 8, yes you can bring drugs, no you cannot bring underage children" Chrissy explained as she handed Eddie her party invitation
"a party? Chris I hate parties" Eddie whined, still grabbing the piece of paper from her hands
"Y/N's going" Chrissy said with a smirk
Watching as Eddie blushed and coughed
"that ...that doesn't mean anything. Why would I care? She's just a girl. At the party"
Chrissy found herself laughing at Eddie's horrible attempt to sound unbothered
"whatever you say Eddie. She already told me she hopes you are there" with that she sent a wink, skipping her way to class
Eddie knew he had to go to the party now. He couldn't lie, Chrissy was right. Y/N was his type but so different. He couldn't charm her socks off because he couldn't form complete sentences. Her eyes staring at him while he stuttered out random words killed him on the inside. He felt like an idiot.
"Eddie's going? As in the guy who hates parties?" Y/N questioned suspiciously
"well he didn't want to at first but I strongly believe he'll show up" Chrissy stated confidently
"you didn't tell him I asked you to invite him did you?" Y/N glared at her best friend. She had to admit, Chrissy was right. Eddie was fucking hot and definitely her type. She wanted to see him more but was also way too terrified to ask him herself. She's never been so nervous around a guy before. She felt like an idiot
Eddie walked into the loud party, hands in his pockets as his eyes searched for two certain girls. Breathing a sigh of relief when he spotted Chrissy.
"YOU CAME!" she screamed excitedly, throwing her arms around him
He nodded with a small pat on her back, lips in a tight line
Chrissy watched as his eyes searched around the party, looking back to her every few glances
"she's busy hosting!" Chrissy explained, holding up her drink
"um who?!" He asked, slightly loud to go over the music
"your girl" Chrissy winked, watching as Eddie began to open his mouth
"she is not my girl!" He defended fast
"but you knew exactly who I was talking about" she smirked as he stood defeated
"CHRISSY THERE ISN'T ONE SINGLE HOT GUY HERE!" Chrissy looked over Eddie's shoulder to see Y/N walking up, annoyed look on her face
Eddie looked behind him upon hearing her voice
Blushing instantly as he saw the very small and tight black dress she was wearing. Black ankle boots, her neck decorated with a choker and her hands filled with big rings. Eddie felt himself melting into the floor beneath her
"oh Eddie..hi!" She said with an awkward smile
Like she said, always an idiot
"I didn't know you were here! You know when I said...the hot guy part. Not saying you are hot! But also not saying you aren't hot! Because you are, Fuck I need a drink" she rambled, turning right back around and racing to the kitchen. When has she ever been this bad around a guy?
"she must really like you. I've seen her run circles around countless men before. Never once seen that" Chrissy giggled behind her drink
Eddie wasn't any better
Chrissy left them alone for a conversation, with a not subtle wink and thumbs up
Eddie has never once struggled to find words to get into a girl's pants but this girl had his brain in mush. All he could look at was her dress, her skin, her hair, he's been staring so long he thinks he could remember details she wouldn't even know.
"so rings! You obviously like them" he cringed at himself
"yes! I see that you do too! We seem to have similar tastes" she nodded, smiling as she held her hand near his to compare
Now is the time to touch her hand, a flirty touch or even hold the damn thing, his brain kept screaming at him. Did he do it? Nope
Why was she throwing her hand out between them in the middle of a dance floor? She really is an idiot
It took a very long two months before Eddie and Y/N made it past small talk.
Getting high together led them to be more of themselves, their confident selves. Eddie finally kissed her and she didn't hold back.
Chrissy accidentally walked in on the full blown make out in her backyard. Covering her eyes as she ran back inside
But she succeeded. Days later, the two were official
Eddie's friends loved nothing more than teasing the shit out of a pussy whipped Eddie Munson.
"is he blushing? Can I actually see that from here?" Dustin questioned, eyes watching as Y/N and Eddie stood in the hallway against her locker
"is he playing with his own hair?" Gareth laughed. Eddie's hand fiddling with his long curls as her mouth moved
"look at his feet! He even got his ankles crossed" Mike observed
Eddie was nothing like the loud mouth, powerful stance, and fist clenching teenager they are used to seeing.
Her friends weren't any better
"is...is she giggling?" Robin asked in disbelief
Watching as Eddie stood with his arm against her locker, smiling down at her
"she definitely is! I don't think I've ever heard her giggle" Chrissy smirked
"she's not even doing her usual moves. Where's the cocky smirk? The fuck me eyes? All I see is puppy love eyes" Robin ranted
"I don't know Rob. That Munson has something on her. She stutters when she talks to him. It took two months to get those two past their first names" Chrissy mocked. She loved her two friends, but they were idiots
But idiots for each other
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming
@eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255
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virtie333 · 3 months
Paint It Black
Yovanna is starting a new life in Australia, but she would be happier if the man who helped her get there could share that life with her.
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My first Triple Frontier fic, written in honor of the Netflix movie's 5th anniversary. It's just a simple love story, what I would have wished to see happen for Santiago and Yovanna.
Rated NC-17 for Explicit Sexual Content (18+ Only!): Includes protected P in V and mirror sex.
Cross-posted on AO3
5.6k words (sorry, not sorry!)
Inspired by this gifset!
It took almost two full seconds for Yovanna to respond to the teenage girl behind the counter; she was still not used to that name. Katia Hernàndez was who she was now, but despite living with that name for the last six months, she still had a hard time remembering to respond to it. She wondered if she would ever find it easy.
She turned toward the front of the delicatessen, where sixteen-year-old Maggie was looking at her expectantly, a plastic bag on the counter in front of her. The girl smiled when Yovanna looked her way, and Yovanna smiled back.
“Sorry, I was distracted.”
Maggie giggled. “Yeah, my mind likes to wander a lot, too.”
Yovanna walked over to the counter to take the bag with her purchases. “Gracias,” she told the girl.
“De nada,” Maggie responded. “Is that right?”
Yovanna smiled. “Si, that’s one way to say ‘thank you’.”
A woman came up behind Maggie, grinning. “You know, she had no interest in learning a foreign language until you started shopping here,” Lauren said. Blonde like her daughter, Lauren Oggelby owned and operated Oggelby Deli, one of the few delicatessens in Kiama, New South Wales. Seeing as it was just down the street from the apartment Yovanna shared with her little brother Emiliano – Ezra now, she reminded herself – it was the only deli she had been to in this town. The straightforward friendliness of Lauren and Maggie made it feel comfortable and safe.
Safe was not something Yovanna was used to.
“I want to learn it so well I can have a full conversation with you in Spanish,” Maggie said, responding to her mother’s comment.
Yovanna nodded. “Well, from what I understand, it’s a lot easier to learn Spanish than English, so be glad you already know the hard one.”
Maggie laughed while Lauren nodded. “You speak it fluently,” she observed.
“My mother was raised in the United States,” Yovanna said, making sure she didn’t say where in the U.S. “I grew up speaking both Spanish and English.”
“I want to visit Guatemala someday,” Maggie said dreamily. “It sounds beautiful.”
Yovanna smiled again. “It is.” She shrugged. “I better get going. I’ll see you both later!” She didn’t dare speak any more about the country she was from, especially since it wasn’t Guatemala. The two women waved at her and said their goodbyes as Yovanna left the store. She slipped on her sunglasses and headed down the sidewalk, away from the beach which was only a quarter of a mile away to the east. She would probably end up there later today; she usually did. She loved the ocean, though she had rarely seen it before coming to Australia six months ago. She would be content to live next to the sea for the rest of her life.
She arrived at the gate to the small complex she lived in. At the moment, it was only temporary, as she hoped to find a nice house in the near future, but odds were good Emiliano would stay here. He had started on-line classes just a few weeks ago, and Yovanna knew he wanted to become more independent; they had been in each other’s pockets since they had arrived, and they were both ready to start living their own lives now that things seemed to be settled.
Kiama was a beautiful, quiet place, and Yovanna was ready to call it home.
Yovanna climbed to the second floor of the complex, then walked to the third door down. She unlocked it, then nearly ran into her brother as he was heading out. “Where are you off to?” she asked in Spanish.
“I’m going to Ted’s,” he told her in English. He was determined to fit in to his new home by rarely speaking his native language. He wanted to rid himself of any accent other than Australian. “Then I have a date with Margo tonight, so I don’t know when I’ll be home.”
Yovanna felt a tug of anxiety and tried to ignore it. Emiliano had been doing well since they had arrived to this new country with new names and forged documents. His short jaunt in jail in Colombia, and the terror of having been in the discotech in Tarapacà when it was raided and almost destroyed by police, had set him back on a safer course. Money was not an issue for them anymore, and drugs had fortunately not become an addiction before his arrest. Their arrest, actually. Only she had gotten away.
With the help of one of those ‘cops.’
“Well, have fun,” she responded, also in English. “But not too much fun. Make sure you use protection.”
She couldn’t help but smile as her little brother, who stood taller than her and was very much a mature young man, blushed. “I will,” he mumbled before heading past her out of the apartment.
Sighing, Yovanna took the bag into the kitchen and began to put away the meats and cheeses and spreads she had purchased, her mind drifting, as it often did, to the ‘cop’ who had helped her and her brother get here. She wondered where he was. What he was doing. Had he made it out of Colombia safely? Had he and his friends gotten all that money over the mountains? Was he now lazing on some beach somewhere, some beautiful blonde in a bikini feeding him cholados?
She shook her head, chastising herself. She needed to stop thinking about him. He most likely had forgotten about her. Hell, she didn’t even know his name!
She finished putting away her purchases and leaned back against the counter, remembering the last day she had seen him, when she and Emiliano had started their journey to Australia with three million dollars. She remembered the question his friend, another former soldier, had asked her. “After you had sex…” She scoffed. She wished that had been the case. For the almost thirteen months she had known ‘Consejero,’ he had never once done anything improper or propositioned her in any way. She had often wondered why, as other ‘officials’ she had known, American or otherwise, had never been shy about requesting sex in exchange for protection and secrecy.
And Lord knows if he had requested that of her, she would not have refused.
But he never did. Though there were times… no. She was fooling herself, thinking she had often read more in his gaze than was most likely there. That he cared about her. That he worried about her.
That he loved her.
She groaned out loud and pushed herself away from the counter, moving toward the refrigerator, intent on getting something cold to drink. Though the AC in the apartment worked wonderfully, thinking about Consejero always made her heat up. She needed to follow her brother’s example and find someone here. Goodness knows she had already been asked out by enough people since her arrival. It didn’t matter that she was always comparing them to him. And always found them lacking.
There was a sharp, sudden knock on the door and it made her jump. She shook her head at her own nervousness and moved toward the door, wondering if it was her brother. Maybe he had forgotten something. She unlocked the door and pulled it open, then stood in silent shock as she saw who was on the other side.
As if she had conjured him with her thoughts, Consejero himself was here.
Yovanna stared at the man standing outside her doorway, her eyes quickly assessing him, noticing the changes from the last time she had seen him. His hair was longer, the grey a little less pronounced in the thicker curls. He had the familiar 5-o’clock-shadow, but his face seemed narrower, his cheekbones more pronounced, as if he had lost weight. His broad shoulders also seemed sharper under his dark grey button down, and as her gaze trailed down his body to his khaki cargo pants, she realized he was indeed skinny. Too skinny.
She brought her eyes back up to meet his. Chocolate brown and as intense as always, this was something that hadn’t changed. She opened her mouth to speak, but the shock of his appearance kept her silent.
“Hello, Yovanna,” he said softly, his heavy brows low as he watched her carefully.
“Katia,” she said automatically in reply.
He huffed slightly and the corner of his mouth curled up. “Katia.” He took a deep breath, then shook his head. “If you want me to leave and pretend I never saw you-“
“No!” she interrupted him. She stepped back. “Come in, please?”
He did as she asked, walking past her toward her living room. His cologne, subtle and alluring, caught her attention. That also hadn’t changed, she thought as she closed her eyes and breathed deep. Delicious. She opened her eyes and closed the door, locking it immediately as she had become accustomed to. She turned and followed him into the living room.
He turned to face her, his expression uncertain. “Where’s Duke?”
She rolled her eyes at her brother’s nickname. “Ezra is with friends.”
“He’s doing well?”
She nodded. “Yes.” She paused, and when he didn’t continue, she rushed ahead. “What are you doing here?” She didn’t bother asking how he had found her; he had been the one to have the fake passports and documents made. He knew more about her new persona than she did. The question that she needed answered was why he was here.
He bit his lip, and she tried not to think about what that action did to her physically, then he met her eyes with his own. There was a strange desolation in them, a sadness she didn’t remember seeing in his eyes before. She had witnessed him angry and concerned, and she had seen those eyes light up with laughter, but never had she seen him like this.
“What happened?” she whispered, knowing it wasn’t good.
He gave a heavy sigh and moved to sit down on one of the stools that sat along the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. “Everything wrong,” he told her.
“You didn’t get the money out, did you?” she asked softly.
He shook his head. “Not much.”
“Did everyone make it?” she whispered, instinctively knowing that while losing all that money would be devastating, losing one of his friends would be worse.
His lips tightened and his eyes narrowed as he looked away from her, then he gave a sharp shake of his head. “Redfly didn’t,” he mumbled.
“Redfly?” she said. She hadn’t known the men he had brought to take down Lorea, but he had told her that she could trust them. That he trusted them with his life. And she had overheard them talking with each other. “He was the one that didn’t trust me, wasn’t he?”
He gave another sharp nod, then looked at her. “And I’m not going to deny how pleased I was to prove him wrong about you,” he said softly. “But he was off his game. We all were.”
“I’m sorry,” Yovanna said softly, and she meant it. While she might not have had a good experience with the man, he was still this man’s friend. And she cared about this man. Too much.
He shrugged. “What money we got out, we gave to his family,” he continued. “I’ve just been… wandering since. Can’t go back to Colombia. Can’t go back to the States.”
She nodded. “Diego and his men know your real name,” she said. And they had plenty of contacts in the States. She huffed a laugh. “So, you came to the one person you know who actually benefitted from your heist.”
He furrowed his brows for a moment, then his eyes widened as he realized what she was saying. “Oh, no! That’s not why I’m here,” he argued. “I may not be a millionaire, but I’ve still got plenty of my own money from investments keeping me afloat. I…”
She laughed at his defensiveness and moved to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Opening it, she pulled out a couple bottles of Schweppes lemonade and handed one to him. “It doesn’t matter,” she told him, trying to believe it herself. The idea that he had come for her and just her was too much to hope for. “It’s not like Emiliano… I mean Ezra and I are going to need all that money. It started out as yours, and you are welcome to a share.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s yours. I don’t care if you keep the majority in hiding or invest it or give it all away to charity, it’s yours.” His dark eyes were focused on her intently once more. “I came here because I missed you.”
Yovanna sat on the stool next to him, but couldn’t look at him. Instead, she focused on opening the bottle in her hand.
He continued. “I missed talking to you. I missed complaining about all those little things that annoy me to you, and getting your sympathy. You were the only person I really trusted in Tarapacà, dare I say my only friend there?” He paused, waiting for her to look at him. “I missed your smile. Your laugh. The way you glared at me when I teased you.”
She finally looked at him, searching his face, but she saw no duplicity there. Despite their official relationship, she believed he had never lied to her. And she had never lied to him, which is why he had been so angry with her after the discotech raid. “I wasn’t like any of your other informants, was I?” she asked, and she couldn’t help the bit of sarcasm in her voice.
Either he didn’t pick up on it or he chose to ignore it. “No, you weren’t. And you were my only one in the end. The only one I trusted.”
Yovanna took a sip of her drink, then shook her head again. “I always wondered why you treated me different,” she told him. “Carmen and Lucia had much different relations with you.” Carmen was one of the secretaries in the office she had worked at, the one where most of Lorea’s money was funneled through. And Lucia was her friend who worked as a housekeeper for several of Lorea’s men in Tarapacà. It was through them that this man had found her, a lowly accountant, who knew far more about the coming and going of all that dirty money than most of her coworkers.
He seemed to pull back at her words, knowing now what she was getting at. Carmen and Lucia had both commented more than once that he ‘paid them well,’ both in and out of bed.
He watched her silently for a long moment. “You’re wondering why I didn’t fuck you, aren’t you?”
She felt her face heat, which was crazy. Yovanna wasn’t an innocent, though it had been a very long time since she had been in a relationship with a man. Since before she met this one, in fact. She tried to shake her head to deny his question, but she couldn’t.
“There’s two very good reasons why I never asked you for that kind of arrangement,” he told her, his voice hardening. “One was that I knew you weren’t that kind of woman. Lucia and Carmen both used sex to control the men in their lives on a regular basis. It was an exchange as easy as money to them. I knew you were different.” He took a deep breath. “And two… I knew I could love you.”
Yovanna’s eyes shot up to his face. Had she heard him right? Had he actually used the word love? She was literally speechless at his comment, but as she searched his face, she once more found no evidence of deceit. If anything, he looked nervous, as if he wasn’t sure he should have admitted something so dangerous.
When her silence continued, he grimaced and nodded. Setting the unopened bottle of lemonade on the counter, he stood. “I just wanted to be sure you and your brother were doing okay. It looks like you found a perfect home, and I hope you are happy here. I don’t want to upset that peace. Goodbye, Yovanna.” He paused and smiled slightly. “I mean Katia.” He nodded and turned toward her door.
“I don’t even know your name,” she said, hating how desperate her voice sounded.
He stopped and turned back as he reached the door. “Santiago,” he told her. “Santiago Garcia.”
She slid off the stool and walked quickly toward him. “Don’t go, Santiago. Please, don’t leave.”
“Give me a reason to stay,” he responded, his voice rough.
She reached for his hand, taking it in both of hers and rubbing his calloused palm gently. She brought it up to her mouth and kissed his rough knuckles, then looked him in the eye. Slowly, deliberately, she turned and tugged on his hand, coaxing him to follow her to her bedroom.
He didn’t resist.
The name rolled around in her head like the lyrics to a favorite song. Santiago. It was perfect for him. It was strong and masculine, but caring and empathetic, like the stories of the saints she learned as a child. Santiago.
As soon as the door to her bedroom closed behind them, he had her pinned to the wall, her arms up with their fingers entwined, his mouth on hers. She reciprocated by writhing against him, meeting his tongue with her own in a sensuous dance. As his lips dropped to her neck, she pulled her hands free, reaching down to work on the buttons of his shirt. He responded by grabbing the hem of her t-shirt and pulling it up and over her head. She stepped away from him a bit so she could toe off her shoes and he moved to sit on the corner of her bed so he could remove his boots.
She followed him there, bending over to work on his shirt once more. He tried kissing her while they both worked, missing her mouth and connecting with her cheek or her ear over and over again until she was giggling. When she looked at him, the crow’s feet around his eyes grew as his smile widened. The darkness in his eyes had faded.
She straightened and reached behind her for the clasp of her bra, slowly letting it slide down her arms. His eyes became intense once more as he watched her, slowly taking off his now unbuttoned shirt. As he focused on her bare breasts, she ran her eyes over his chest. While he had indeed lost weight in the last few months, he was still beautiful. Muscled without looking like a body builder, his copper skin tantalizing. His chest was hairless, but the trail of hair that began under his navel and disappeared under his waistband was alluring.
“Wait!” he said suddenly, and she brought her eyes up to meet his. “I seriously wasn’t expecting this,” he told her with a slight shake of his head, his eyes huge. “I don’t have protection.”
Yovanna smiled slightly and walked over to the dresser next to the bed. She opened the top drawer and pulled out an unopened box of condoms, then brought them back to Santiago. “I bought them for my brother, but he assured me he had his own.” She tossed the box onto the bed next to him.
He looked at them, then looked at her, and the excitement she saw in his eyes sent a shot of electricity through her. He began to unbuckle his belt, and she started to work on the fly of her lightweight trousers, quickly sliding them off as he stood and removed his, boxers and all. He stepped into her before she could get a good look at his impressive erection, wrapping his arms tight around her and finding her mouth with his own once more. She let herself sink into his kiss, feeling her whole body shiver at the feel of his naked skin against hers.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her hands sweep along his shoulders and the back of his neck. Her fingers found the scar there, and she gently massaged the area. She knew he had gotten surgery on his neck only a few months before the heist had taken place; he had returned home to the States for it, and she had missed him while he had been gone. His mouth once more dropped down to her neck, but then she felt him still. She pulled back slightly to look at him, and realized he was looking behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see what had caught his attention away from her.
It was their own reflection in the floor length mirror on her closet door. She felt her heart start to race as she watched his hands smooth down her naked back, cupping her almost-bare bottom; she was still wearing a pair of teal-colored panties.
Suddenly, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around with a growl deep in his throat. As she faced their reflection, she caught sight of his cock, which looked even more massive than before now that he was fully aroused, and then she felt it pressed against the upper curve of her buttocks. His arms came around her once more, one hand cupping her breast and squeezing it lightly, the other dropping down between her legs, his fingers delving into her panties to burrow into her wet heat. She cried out, both the feel of him and the sight of them in the mirror shooting her arousal into orbit.
“So fucking wet,” he murmured roughly against her neck, his fingers playing with her sensitive folds. “So fucking wet for me.”
His words made her whimper, and she rocked her hips against his touch.
“Look at me!” His words were harsh and made her jump. She hadn’t realized she had closed her eyes. She opened them to look at him in the mirror, making eye contact through their reflection. “Tell me you want this!” he demanded. “Tell me now or I walk out of here.”
And he would, she knew. He would stop if she didn’t give him the okay. This man, a trained killer, would leave her alone if she asked, even as fully aroused as he was right now. Holding his powerful gaze, she nodded. “I want this.”
He brought his hand out from between her legs and plucked at her panties. “Off!” he told her as he backed toward the bed, grabbing the box she had put there and ripping it open. She slid her panties off as he removed a condom, preparing it and sliding it on. She had turned to watch him and didn’t hide that fact. ¡Dios mío! He was thick! She felt her pussy weep even more fluid at the thought of him inside of her. He finished and stepped toward her again. Briefly he made eye contact once more before grasping her shoulders and turning her away from him again. He pushed her forward gently, toward the mirror.
She realized what he was doing and she began to pant in excitement. When she was close, she leaned forward, her hands on the mirror. She looked up to see him move behind her and grasp her hip with one hand. She felt his cock come up between her legs, but he didn’t push in. Instead, he used his other hand to run it all over her dripping pussy, covering the condom with her juices. She moaned at the sensation, her hips moving counter to his actions. “¡Dios!” she cried, feeling an orgasm already threatening.
“Hermosa?” His throaty gasp caught her attention, and she looked up again, meeting his questioning gaze in the mirror.
She nodded quickly. “¡Ahora!”
Without any resistance, he slid into her. She cried out, smiling at the absolute pleasure his invasion brought her. “Yes!” she cried out in English.
“Fuck!” he responded. “You’re so tight! Please, tell me I’m not hurting you!” His voice was desperate.
“Santiago,” she said, her voice breathy as she continued to pant. “Santiago, please, fuck me!”
And he did, his hips immediately thrusting into her at a steady and solid pace. She dropped her head, unable to keep on watching their reflection in front of her, her sole focus on the feelings his body was creating in hers. She was so full, but she wanted more. She pushed back into him, encouraging him without words to move faster. He responded by quickening his pace, but he grumbled at her as he did so. “I’m trying to take this slow, Querida.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at his words. “I don’t want slow. We can go slow next time!”
“Fuck, yeah!” he said, his grip on her hips tightening. “Next time!” He began to pound into her harshly, and she laughed again in pure joy. Yes!!!!
“Oh, Dios!” she cried. She was almost there!
Suddenly, he dropped one of his hands down, reaching around in front of her to tease her clit. “Come on my fucking cock!” he hissed in her ear.
His touch combined with his words sent her over the edge and she squeezed her eyes shut, feeling her body convulse, her pussy squeezing him tight, her legs tremoring. She saw stars. Or maybe they were fireflies. She wasn’t sure and she really didn’t care. She was crying, tears of ecstasy rolling down her cheeks. Her legs began to give out and Santiago moved his arm up to wrap around her waist, holding her tight against him.
When she was able to focus again, she realized he wasn’t moving. His cock was still buried deep inside her, but he was simply holding her. She looked up at him in the mirror, afraid and embarrassed of her reaction. He was smiling softly at her, his eyes wide and almost black with passion and… dare she think it? Love?
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he whispered.
She gathered her strength and straightened her legs, standing on her own again. His grip loosened, then he let her go completely and backed away, sliding out of her.
“No!” she couldn’t help but gasp. He wasn’t done. Just because she had had the most amazing orgasm of her life didn’t mean they were done!
His smile got bigger as he took her hand and led her toward the bed.
He sat on it and pushed himself back, laying down with his head on her pillows. His smile had turned into a smirk. “Come on, Cariño. You know what I want you to do.”
Yovanna climbed onto the bed on her knees and shuffled over to him. She threw one leg over his hips and settled on his thighs, his still rock-hard cock in front of her, teasing her super sensitive clit. Taking a deep breath, she rose up on her knees and grabbed his cock, then carefully mounted him. She was still so wet, he slid in easily, and she closed her eyes as she absorbed the feeling of him filling her once again, this time touching places he hadn’t in their previous position.
“Oh, yeah,” he murmured. “Perfect.”
She opened her eyes to see him looking to where they were joined. She also looked down, rather amazed that she could take him all, then she looked back at him. He was watching her now, and as she made eye contact with him, he lifted his hands toward her, fingers outstretched, in invitation.
She accepted, meeting his hands with her own, palm to palm, fingers intertwined once more. She began to rock, back and forth, with her hips. She leaned down to kiss him, bringing their joined hands up to rest just above his head on the pillow. He moaned into her mouth, letting her take control this time around, and apparently loving it. Eventually, they let go of each other so they could take their time touching each other. Yovanna played with his hair, running her fingers through it as she had imagined doing so many times before. Santiago let his fingers toy with her breasts, thumbing her nipples, then massaging her curves. They never stopped kissing.
As her rocking became faster, his hands moved down her back to her buttocks, the tips of his finger straying down to where they were joined, then up to tease her asshole briefly, making her squeal in surprise. It hadn’t been uncomfortable, she realized, just nothing she had tried before. Interesting. She pushed herself up straight once more, using her strong thighs to push herself up and down on him now. He also sat up, diving in to lick and suck on first her breasts, then her neck. He found her pulse point and began to suck hard; she knew he was marking her and didn’t care. Her bouncing increased in speed and his grip on her ass tightened.
“Fuck, I can’t hold it anymore,” he groaned.
“Don’t!” she told him. “Let go! Come for me!”
She felt his hips raise up off the bed as he ejaculated, finally coming. Dios, his stamina was amazing! As he let himself fall back onto the bed, Yovanna felt her own body start to tremble once more. This orgasm wasn’t as strong as her first, but it was no less satisfying. Breathing hard, she let herself fall forward and a little to the side, letting him slide out of her. He winced, then sat up to take care of the condom, tossing it in the waste basket next to the dresser. Then he fell back onto the bed, looking at her, a soft smile on his face.
She scooted close to him, tentatively putting her head on his shoulder, not sure how he felt about post-coital cuddling, but his arm wrapped around her immediately and he began to kiss her hair. They lay like this for a long time, letting their breathing and their hearts come back to normal. Yovanna became sleepy, but her brain soon started working overtime, and she was wide awake once more.
“Where are you staying?” she asked him.
“A little bed and breakfast on the other side of town,” he told her.
“You’re welcome to stay here,” she said softly.
“For how long?”
She lifted her head to look at him. “For however long you want.”
“With you?”
She shrugged. “Well, for a while. I’m planning on buying a house of my own, soon, but Emi—I mean Ezra, will probably stay here. So,” she gave him a teasing smile. “You can be roommates with him, or you can come live with me.”
He snorted a laugh. “Yeah, I’m sure he’d love if I stayed with him,” he said sarcastically.
“Then stay with me,” she told him, her voice soft but firm. “As long as you want.”
He was silent for a moment. “I know where the money is.”
She frowned at him.
He licked his lips. “Ironhead gave me the coordinates where we dumped it. In the mountains.” He was looking at her expectantly.
“How dangerous would it be to go back for it?” she asked carefully.
“Very,” he told her. “Not just because there are still people looking for it, but because the location it’s in is… treacherous.”
She bolstered herself for her next question. “And how much do you want it?”
He took a deep breath and pulled away from her. He slid off the bed and looked around until he found where his trousers had ended up, then he went over to them and pulled his wallet out from the back pocket. He opened it and took out a slip of paper. He dropped the pants and walked back over to where she was still lying on the bed, leaning on her elbow, her head propped on her hand as she watched him. He showed her the paper and she could see the coordinates on it. Then he reached for the long-stemmed lighter that sat on the dresser next to one of her scented candles. He lit it, then touched it to the paper, setting it on fire. He held onto it while most of it burned, then placed it on the candle, the remaining flame lighting the candle as it burned the last of the paper. He looked at her.
She gave him a half smile. “That’s a beautiful gesture,” she told him. “But do you really expect me to believe you don’t already have those numbers saved in your phone? Or even memorized in your head?”
He laughed. “Oh, come on! Let me have this dramatic moment!”
She laughed along with him, but soon he became serious once more.
“Give me a reason to not go back for that money,” he told her, the darkness from earlier appearing in his eyes once more.
She looked at him for a long moment. Then, in a trembling voice, she said, “I love you.”
His expression softened and his mouth opened as if he was stunned. He blinked rapidly, and Yovanna felt tears forming in her own eyes in response to his obvious emotion. He cleared his throat and bit his lower lip, but didn’t seem to know what to say. So, she sat up and continued.
“Stay here with me,” she told him. “Start a new life with me, away from pain and fear and anxiety.” She paused. “You’ve done more than enough, dealing with demons both real and in your mind. Let your body and your soul rest the way you deserve.” As his expression turned hopeful, she added, “Let me love you while we take care of each other.”
Slowly, he moved to lie next to her on the bed once more. “Forever?” he asked, his expression still full of such hope.
“Forever,” she told him.
“I love you, Yov—Katia,” he smiled softly as he corrected himself.
“And I love you, Santiago.”
“Yes, I’ll stay.”
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canonicallysoulmates · 8 months
J2 Main Panel DC Con 2023
We're gonna jump right into questions:
How long have they been friends?
Jared answers that we all have our beliefs on why we're here, and what here is- this isn't the first lifetime they've been friends. That's so lovely 🥹🥰
He says technically, objectively this time around it was January-February 2005. Jensen says that's when they first met, and that when they met there was certainly a pretty fast connection between them- Jared interrupts to say he was pretty and Jensen was fast...then Jensen says he's gotten faster with age. I'm not gonna make a comment.
Jensen continues by saying that the day they met was the day they were auditioning for the roles in front of the studio and the network, and usually, there are a few different actors for the same role but when he walked into the building it was just Jared in there, and when they were called in they were called in together so they only read with each other and they were doing the scene where Dean tries to convince Sam to go on the road with him, and Jensen says immediately he was like 'oh this guy knows how to play, I can play ball with this guy' that there was a sensibility Jared had with his delivery and he was reacting to everything he was saying and it felt really natural.
They're asked to walk out and give everyone in the room a few minutes to talk it over, so they waited until they were told to go back in that they were going to be given some notes, when they walked back in the room everyone stood up and clapped and told them congratulations. So they left knowing they were about to work together and exchanged phone numbers. A day or two later Jared was inviting Jensen over to his place to play ping pong, it was then and there their friendship was born.
Jared tells two more stories. He lived in the LA Valley area and there are a lot of adult videos filmed in the area, and he lived next to an ex-porn actor and so Jensen came over, and they're two 20yr old guys, they're both in relationships but during the night they're playing ping pong and they have a keg, and all these actresses are coming in and out and Jensen was like 'where do you live dude?'.
Then, he's never told this story publically and he wonders if Jensen remembers it, but one of his makeup artists on Gilmore Girls had been talking about eye patches because he gets a little squinty if he doesn't sleep or has allergies- his eyes are really reactive. So, when he and Jensen met for the first time during the auditions, he thinks it was after the 1st or 2nd read, he asked him how he got his eyes so big because he thought Jensen knew a trick to make them look bigger. And Jensen was so confused.
Jensen doesn't remember that but he remembers Jared was squinty when he was younger, he was so brooding.
He also says he was worried Jared was going to tell another story involving a Chrissy from Oregon who was a neighbor that came over and was very nice, and they had a very interesting conversation. x
Next, question comes from Philemon Chambers, for those who don't know he played Augustus in Walker Independence, he wants to know who won ping pong?
Jared answers that in ping pong they were pretty split, pretty 50/50. And that he's probably still sore from playing ping pong with Jensen 20yrs ago.
Jensen says it was a bad idea when they took the ping pong table over to set because whenever they had a break, like lighting breaks which a lighting set up can be 20 to 45mins, they'd go next stage to play ping pong but the longer the break the sweatier they'd get so they'd come back to set and it would cause a delay cause the makeup department would have to cool them down. Until one day the ping pong table just dissapeared.
He says that's how the producers and directors would govern them they'd just take shit away for example the Impala had like a police spotlight at one point but got taken away because they'd blind the camera operator, and they also lost a horn during a certain point of the show because every time one of the camera operators leaned across the hood they'd honk it.
Jared says they wouldn't ask them to stop doing something they'd just take it away. Someone mentions the radio, Jensen says that's right the radio used to work it doesn't. x
What advice do they have for someone embarking on their 20s?
Jensen says in your 20's you still have so far to go in the best way so don't get hung up on stuff that will seem trivial 10yrs from now. Don't waste your time, there's a book called Don't Sweat the Small Stuff he recommends find it, read it, use it. But also even if you just take that title of don't sweat the small stuff because we do inevitably as people it's what we do, we focus on things that bring us to places emotionally that have no purpose that kinda stuff is just gonna be gone. He would say 20s is the perfect time to explore, have fun, live your life, dream big, and don't sweat the small stuff.
Jared agrees and adds don't sign long-term contracts, don't operate heavy machinery, don't drive but seriously your 20s are not the latter part of your life they're the beginning of your life. And he will add as well explore your first 20 years, explore how you got to where you are, the earlier you look into what's made you you, and what works and doesn't the better it'll be he started late, he started when he was like 35 and he's been working back trying to figure out what happened when he was 0-20 that formed who he is these days. Be curious, be kind, be compassionate. x
Looking back what's their favorite funny story in the time that they've known each other?
Jared says there are so many but this one popped up in his head, and it's the story of how when the twins were going to be born Jensen left his passport in Austin by mistake. In case anyone doesn't know the story the quick version of it is that D was set to give birth to the twins, and Jensen is usually very responsible but something told Jared to ask him to go touch his passport just to make sure he had it (because they were in Van filming and needed to get back to the States for the birth) and Jensen thought Jared was playing a prank on him but he checked anyways and it was not in his bag. He asks Jared about it he doesn't know where it is he wasn't messing with him, turns out Jensen left it by mistake in a jacket pocket in Austin. They got in contact with a law enforcement friend they have who contacted TSA or something and explained the situation so they were able to fly out of Canada and Jensen was able to be there for the twins' birth.
Jensen says this is an 18yr friendship they've had going, for the majority of it they've spent more time with each other than any other human being on the planet, so there are a lot of stories it's hard to pick one. He'll say what he misses about them working together so often was the times in between set-ups and shots when they would go and just spend time in the trailer. In most shows, they yell cut and actors go to their respective spaces but they didn't do that he would go to Jared's trailer sit on his couch, watch tv, and just hang out, and it was weird that they'd do that cause they never get tired of each other which he thinks speaks volumes when you spend that much time together and he thinks it's why they're still here today. ���
When was a time that they had a hard decision to make? Something they weren't sure about but it ended up paying off.
Jared thinks he and Jensen have a similar story that could be an answer. Probably the most integral and scariest decision he ever made was to quit college and drive out to LA to try and be an actor. To go back to the 20yr question they had been asked earlier, he was 17 at the time when he did this, but the same rule goes and that's try on all the hats that you can, give it a shot, you're still learning who you are. He's 41, a husband, a father, a friend and he's still learning who he is and why he is who he is. In your 20s before you have a spouse, or kids, or a mortgage, or whatever it's a great time to go give it a shot, you rather try and learn that it's not for you than never try.
Jensen asks Jared if he had a backup plan. He did, it was to go back to college. He had some hours logged in already due to AP courses.
Jensen echoes what Jared said, one of the many things they have in common is that their origin story is very similar. He was set to go to college, courses were set, had a dorm room and roommate assigned, and then last minute just a few weeks before he had to report on campus, he said he was going to Hollywood and giving acting a shot. His dad gave him 6 months, they were incredibly supportive but his dad told him to give it a semester, and if he realized it wasn't for him to come back and start school in the second semester. He drove off and never came back, he started working right away and just kept working and kept working and it's like Jared said it's those little decisions that can have a big effect but don't put so much weight on every decision thinking it's gonna have a big effect, he's had a ton of decisions in his life that have had little or no effect at all.
There's another decision, he was on a soap opera for a number of years, he did 3 years and they wanted to extend his contract to do 3 more. As a 20yr old at the time he found it amazing, he did a good enough job they wanted to reward him with a bigger contract and the pay was going to triple- it was a dream come true type of thing and he had a bunch of congrats and people on set telling him it looked like he was gonna be there a couple more years but one amazing actress pulled him aside and told him no, that he wasn't he needed to go. And not in the way of wanting him gone but in the way of there are other things for him out there and he needed to go explore more and so against all odds he did, and that's a decision that has paid off. x
Do they have any shows or movies they re-watch or books they re-read that are really cherished? And why do they mean something to them?
Jared has some feel-good shows, he tries not to re-read books he just feels like there are so many he would love to read but he has re-read Into the Air by Jon Krakauer. And when he finds himself rewatching shows it's from his childhood like he'll put on Garfield or Simpsons. Someone in the crowd yells out Ninja Turtles and he says Ninja Turtles for sure. Jensen asks him which turtle he is and Jared replies he's probably Michelangelo but his favorite is Donatello. He thinks it's because he could always find a stick and hit people with it; his parents wouldn't let him have nunchucks, or the sai, or swords but he could always find a stick and pretend he was Donatello. And he had a purple outfit which was pretty cool; someone in the crowd mentions Leonardo and Jared says he was also pretty cool at which point Jensen says he thought Donatello's color was blue but Jared corrects him and tells him that no Leonardo is blue, Raphael is red, and Michaelangelo is orange. So when he does re-watch things it's from his childhood.
Jensen says this is unintentional, the show is just always on but his 10yr old daughter has found Friends, and he had forgotten how really entertaining that show is he literally doesn't know what station it is on but it's always on so anytime they're in the kitchen, she'll come in, put it on and sit down, and he'll be doing stuff while it's on and he'll just hear "pivot!" and start laughing. That's another thing, he had forgotten how many iconic sayings came from that show. It's a powerhouse of a show, but as far as a genre-type show he's kinda like Jared once he watches it going back and rewatching it he feels like he's missing out on the opportunity of seeing something new. He does have films that he keeps on his ipad whenever he's traveling or something that are downloaded, and there's one particular movie that he doesn't watch from beginning to end he usually just fast-forwards through to watch certain scenes of No Country For Old Men cause he thinks it's a masterclass in film making.
Jared comments he's like that with Inglorious Bastards, and Jensen replies yeah, that anything Tarantino like Hateful Eight he's been watching scenes of it, and it could be a stage play. But he gets the wanting to go back and kind of revisit those things cause it does give you those nostalgic emotions but also you know new experiences like he's sharing this with his daughter so that's kind of a fun new experience.
Jared says he's questioning his earlier statement about wanting to read new things cause if you watch the same show or movie or even the same book at different points in your life what you pick up will be different so maybe he'll start binging SPN. He will say without a word of a lie he could watch 15.20 reaction videos for an hour and cry every time, he thinks he's watched every single one. But he'd be interested to go and revisit the show. x
The next fan asks about a fuck it list. It's like a bucket list except that instead of waiting you're going to say fuck it and do it now, if you can, and their reactions are hilarious seriously y'all have to go watch this moment. But what would their current fuck it list item be?
Jared asks who or what? And then goes "okay, so just here and now" and moves towards Jensen with his tongue out 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Jensen moves away before Jared can get to him and goes "I told you I'm faster with old age". These men are unhinged. Unhinged I tell you!
Getting back on track, Jared is stumped on an answer, he doesn't know then he asks the fan if they have kids cause he thinks it changes once you have kids and says for him he would love to travel. The fan asks if with his kids and the silence speaks a thousand words, then after he pauses he says that no, they can travel as well somewhere they're welcome to do so but that just in case his wife sees this on youtube he says that he wants to travel with the kids and his wife cause he loves them so very much. Believe it.
Jensen says no, that he doesn't have either a fuck it list or a bucket list he has responsibilities. He can't just go play, he has a house to feed and lights to keep on. He's gonna be honest he has been asked bucket list before he had not been asked fuck it list but he honestly doesn't have either and he means that he's still at the age where he has responsibilities, he has things that he thinks he needs to do, he has things that he needs to get done, and things he wants to get done in order to facilitate certain things in his life. Some of those bring him joy and some of those are just responsibilities that he needs to take care of because he's an adult. x
Final question, any updates on the Impala's?
Both of their respective cars were sent to a body shop just out of Houston, between Houston and Austin, a very reputable place that Clif found for them, and they're getting all the work done that they wanted to get done but Jensen's took longer cause it needed to be used for The Winchester. And so he told them he had to pull Baby out of the shop and it went to NOLA, filmed for a while then finally got back in the shop a few months ago. Jensen thinks it's supposed to be ready this month. He'll go pick her up and then go cruise the back roads of America, and he tells Jared he'll go pick him up and Jared says he'll be there. Jensen says they haven't done it yet but they do joke about just driving around town at some point, they may have to like put some go pros or something on the side.
Jared says his only goal with the Impala is to somehow or another get Mark Sheppard into the trunk. He will say that there's this thing called live water it's supposed to be like ph balanced water. (It's unprocessed water. Or even simpler terms it's water from the river, or a spring, or a lake except river water isn't profitable but if you call it live water it is!) Anyways, he has a subscription for it, cause of course he does, and it's like 5 a month or 5 a week. The point is every third Friday they get a delivery. You leave the empty ones on your driveway and they take them and put the new ones, and the guy who delivered last time was seemingly a fan of SPN, and the garage door was open with the Impala in there and the pic of Sam on a horse from French Mistake is right next to it leaning up against a wall and Jared was walking the dogs, and the guy who delivers looked at Jared kind of confused, looked into the garage saw the Impala and the picture shook his head, said 'dude' and walked away. x
As the panel comes to an end Jensen mentions that he had gotten asked when he and Rob Benedict came up with the last question song, he doesn't know and Rob doesn't either but Richard Speight says that he does know why it started in the first place. It was so he and Rob would stop getting booed when they walked on stage to announce the end of the panel.
Before the boys walk off stage Jared says he feels inspired and motivated to say something: Be kind, be silly, be goofy, be yourself, and share snacks. 💛
J2 Main Panel DC Con
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
Chrissy doesn't get a job the summer before senior year like a lot of her friends.
She wants to, somewhere deep inside of her that itches for independence, but when she had mentioned picking up applications at the new mall, her mother had gotten that look on her face. The one where she asks without actually asking-- why would you do that, Christine?
So Chrissy doesn't get a job at the mall, but she also needs some way to fill her days, to break up the monotony, to have a good reason to get out of her own house and out from under her mother's knowing eyes.
She volunteers at the hospital.
A candy striper, with the little striped outfit and all, which she's pretty sure isn't a thing in the city anymore but Hawkins is all about traditionalism so Chrissy doesn't even get to wear pants here. It would be nice, to have an excuse, just like it's nice to have an excuse to leave the house, but you win some you lose some.
Chrissy likes most of the patients, and most of the patients like her. She's always been good with adults, good with the charming and the sweet and the pretty little thing just let me look at you, so it's a decent gig, really.
The women in the maternity ward like to smile big at Chrissy and say this will be you someday, sweetheart like it's something to be excited about rather than something that sends a shock of dread down her spine, sure, but Chrissy likes the babies she doesn't have to touch and she likes the cardiac ward.
The older patients have the best stories, and they're always so eager to have someone willing to just sit and listen and nod and laugh at the right moments, which is good for Chrissy because she likes doing those things.
She's a good listener, a good observer who picks up the choreography at cheer practice faster than the rest and who remembers every backhanded, jealous compliment she's ever gotten. She holds these stories close too, knows that some of these people don't have families around to carry their stories onwards for them.
Chrissy can be that. She can offer that comfort that so long as she's around their lives won't be forgotten.
Sometimes as she's walking the halls at night, putting off going home for just a little while longer with the pink and white stripes swishing around her knees and her ponytail swaying behind her, she thinks maybe she could be a good nurse one day.
She could take care of people. She would work long hours and would sometimes be able to say sorry I won't be home for dinner, Jason, I have a shift. Both of these are pros.
Sometimes, when she's walking the halls at night, putting off going home, she spaces out into that almost-happy reality and loses track of where she's going.
Ends up on a floor she didn't mean to be on.
Stops in her tracks just before the crossing of two halls and looks up confused at the lights-- half gone dark, and then two-thirds, and then flashing.
Strobing really, with a ferocity that has her instinctively taking a stumbling step back the way she'd come, because this floor doesn't have many patients on it, she doesn't think, but someone should fix that. Someone should-- Well, it's just kind of unsettling, so someone should--
Chrissy's train of thought is cut off by noise. Noise. Noise is the only way her brain knows how to categorize it, this screeching thing, this crashing and loud moving closer as she really starts moving backwards now because-- She doesn't know what she's supposed to do if-- If someone is trying to hurt the patients? But she should try to help, right, she should try--
The first thing Chrissy notices when a body comes careening around the corner in a frantic flail of limbs and a pretty purple dress is just that-- it's a very pretty dress on a very pretty girl, but she's disheveled in ways pretty girls ought not be. Sweaty and panting and hair frizzed out in every direction, it's the first thing Chrissy notices.
The second thing is the horror in her eyes. The third is the noise, drowned out only by the sharp demand to--
--before Chrissy's hand is being gripped by another and she's being dragged down the hall just as something-- something-- rounds the corner into this strobing funhouse of a corridor.
"What-- What is that?!"
Chrissy has questions, Chrissy has a lot of them, but in this moment, this series of moments, all she can do is trust in the hand dragging hers around, trust in this girl who seems to have the answers even if she's not sharing them through the running and fighting and witnessing as a monster made of flesh melts under doorways and through vents.
Chrissy has questions, but by the time they make it out and she's surrounded by new people, her candy striper dress blood-stained and torn, she mostly has to catch her breath.
Because Nancy Wheeler is holding her by the shoulders and telling her you're safe, I'm sorry, we're gonna figure this out, despite the fact that Chrissy doesn't need to be comforted right now.
She really doesn't feel like she needs to be comforted. She's maybe a little crazy, a little manic, a little caught up in being a disheveled pretty girl right alongside Nancy Wheeler, but she doesn't need comfort for those things.
Not when she looks into those imploring eyes, rimmed black in melting eyeliner, and feels the most alive she ever has.
Chrissy Cunningham laughs so hard outside the hospital on the other side of almost-death that she has to sink to her knees on the asphalt.
Monsters are real and Chrissy got to hold a pretty, messy girl's hand.
Her fantasy of being a halfway-happy nurse when she grows up fades into some sort of oblivion.
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tartarusknight · 1 year
Let's say for fun that Eddie Munson isn't just gay or just straight. If he's not one of them, I believe he'd be pansexual. Yes, bi exists, but I feel like it isn't Eddie. I can just imagine young Eddie not knowing that people don't just fall in love with everyone who's kind to them. He tells his dad how much he wants to marry the neighbor's son, and that's when he has a wake-up call.
He learns that everyone, in fact, does not, not care about what is in someone's pants. And when he moves in with Wayne, he tries to ignore that part of himself that likes boys.
But throughout school, Eddie learns he has a type. Pretty jocks who have hearts of gold. Chrissy Cunningham, who was head cheerleader and played volleyball. But she was soft and sweet. She was kind to Eddie, and Eddie fell for her.
The man he fell for, though, he was a harder read. At first, he couldn't stand him. The boy was always looking a million miles away, like he was better than everyone else. But then... then Eddie had seen him at the store, talking with Joyce Byers. He had been kind to her, and when he noticed the young Will Byers, he hadn't been prickly. No, Steve Harrington had oohed and ahhed over one of his drawings.
And well, Eddie knew that in school, Steve and his friends didn't deal with Jonathan. Jonathan was a year younger, and Steve hadn't given him a second glance. But he had been kind to these two like it was God-given right.
When Joyce had asked Steve about his parents, well, Steve hadn't gotten bitch, just awkward. He explained they had a big trip so Steve just took the bus. 15 years old and already being independent. After that, the distant looks, bored stares... well they didn't look so bored, so high and mighty. They just looked lonely.
Eddie had been instantly hooked on watching him. And when you watched, you saw the heart of gold leak through. So throughout school, Eddie nursed his two crushes, and when Chrissy asked him for drugs, he couldn't say no. Not even when he didn't want to see her mess up her life. He brought her back to the trailer and experienced one of the worst nights of his life. Just when he thought that maybe there was a chance he'd at least become friends with her.
He didn't think that watching her die would bring him Steve, though. And with his shitty week, he couldn't even tell himself to hold back. He flirted, got in his face, and called him pet names. Whatever he could think of, he did. He didn't think of any backlash when it felt like he'd be thrown in jail or killed by freaky supernatural shit.
Eddie fell even further, getting to watch Steve rip a bat apart. It was so fucking Ozzy. And then, as Eddie had laid in Dustin's arms, never expecting to get up again, Steve was there. Like a goddamm angel. He told the man as much.
Sure, he wouldn't remember when he woke up. But that was later Eddie's problem. Not that it was a problem. No, because when Eddie wakes up, Steve will be there, and he'll tell Eddie that it's okay to pick the hard choice. To love the option that would make it so much harder when the person you love is right next to you.
Yes, Eddie Munson might not have been gay or straight. He might have loved Chrissy or not. But he did fall for Steve and well... Steve, I imagine that Steve will find himself learning to love someone new in Eddie. That Nancy didn't have to be he only option. That he could be happy with Eddie.
That when Eddie was better and Vecna was dead, they could start a life together. One where the kids were still a big part of it, and Robin was their roommate. One where love wasn't easy, but it was worth it.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
eddie munson x reader
.summary: eddie holding his newborn child for the first time.
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Eddie cooed, smiling down at his newborn daughter. He couldn’t help but not contain his happiness. She looked so small so fragile in his arms. Her tiny fingers wrapped around his bigger ones. He couldn’t stop kissing her on the forehead, showering his newborn with love.
“I could just eat you up.” He cooed, chuckling softly gently tickling her stomach. Standing up on his feet. He quietly and gently danced around the hospital room. Cradling his daughter in his arms as if she were meatloaf.
“You have no idea how long we’ve waited to see you.” He cooed, bopping his baby on the nose. He smiled looking down at her, “You’re going to be a strong and independent woman one day.” He says, rocking her in his arms.
“All the boys are going to be fighting over you.” He says, jokingly.
“And I’m going to protect you from them.” He looks down at her, and she stares at him curiously.
“You might start your own band, build a house, write a book, whatever you want to do it’s up to you.” He whispers, kissing her on the forehead.
“And we’ll be there to support you.” He says, as tears brim his eyes. He still couldn’t believe’s a father now. With a daughter of his own and a spouse.
“You’re going to do great things,” He says, as he sits down in the chair beside (Y/n). Who’s fast asleep. Exhausted. Eddie looks down at his daughter who’s beginning to doze off.
“Goodnight, Christine.” He whispers, kissing her on the forehead.
Christine = Chrissy
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luxxsolaris · 8 months
The issues (and non-issues) of bimbocore
This little discussion is coming off the back of a thought (rant) I shared on another blog a few weeks ago, largely where reinvented bimbo started compared to where it is now and why is everyone blaming Chrissy Chlapecka?
the resurgence of the 'bimbo' aesthetic in the early 2020s embarked as a movement of reclamation, a way to assert that there was actually nothing demeaning about a barbie-esque appearance and to remove the power from stereotypes used against us, essentially centring the Bimbo in a queer, left-wing ideology.
If you were to ask a modern Bimbo why hot pink? Why bedazzled? Why perform this exaggerated caricature of femininity? You might end up in a seemingly unrelated discussion about the modern Western political landscape. Bimbo culture has essentially emerged upon the heels of the controversies surrounding feminine experiences and bodily autonomy across the United States- women feeling that they are being confined to a specific performance of femininity, that the government is regulating their femininity, may tell you that the idea of bimbo culture is a satirical backlash to the ideas of what a modern Western woman should be and what she is expected to be. She is nothing more than a doll to the culture that surrounds her and her response is to take what is expected of her and make it a performance a juxtaposition of what she is expected to be and what she is and make them hate her for the femininity she is presenting. And thats exactly what Lauren Pantin said in her short update newsletter - ' If you’re going to punish me for being a woman anyway, I’m going to be the silliest, brattiest, potty-mouthed no-no of a woman you’ve ever seen. I’ll be the dumbest bitch on earth! Where’s my crown!"
Ask another bimbo and she'll tell you that her bimboism stems from the movement to satirise consumerist culture and misogyny, aiming to remove the stigmas around hyper-femininity. Essentially, allowing women to empower themselves through their femininity (rather than the popular idea of in spite of their femininity cough cough inlog cough) and giving women ownership over their sexuality and their body in ways that actively combat the misogynistic standards held against them- oftentimes gearing it towards queer people. It's a new-wave feminist movement designed to avert the male gaze through women appearing as these caricatures of traditional femininity whilst emphasising their own dominance and independence as support for women's right movements.
So it's a kind of sartorial rebellion against oppressive politics and culture? Well, it was at first. And to many it still is, however, as with all trends rooted in a sartorial culture the meaning tends to get lost in the shares and reposts as it expands across social media. Those who just happen across the culture or see nothing but images of it scattered across the internet arent likely to understand that this aesthetic is also a political performance, it will become a bimbo resurgence!... but not effectively hold the same weight and meaning that the movement was intended to hold.
One way to look at this is the trend of " girl [activity]" . Trends like girl maths, girl dinner, explaining things to the girlies. Now let me get it straight theres nothing wrong in finding a little fun in these trends- girl dinner was cute, as someone who loves cooking I loved seeing what everyone was making for their dinner until it got overrun by the 'I only had iced coffee today' brigade. Sometimes I'll see a girl maths video about how if I pay in cash its basically free since the number on my bank account didn't change and I laugh because thats logic I have applied to purchases before. There's little funny things and behaviours that people will have in common, and they're being labelled as 'girl [blank]' because it is predominantly groups of women discussing them and finding a little fun in it. But again, as trends reach a wider audience their initial intention becomes lost along the way and generalisations start to set in. TV shows and radio hosts have entire segments explaining girl maths, it has become cute and quirky to explain political landscapes in terms of shopping and makeup, and bimbo culture has become less of a satirical performance and instead commonly assumed as a Karen Smith- esque personality reminiscent of the 'dumb blondes' of the early 2000s.
Removing this sartorial protest from its context can be seem as damaging, especially in the way that social media currently presents aesthetics surrounding sexuality to young people. As bimbo culture reaches a wider audience it's likely to fall into the hands of young people who are, let's face it, not going to care about the deeper meaning. Young people are likely to see celebrities, tiktok personalities, attractive people in general donning their hot pink promiscuous outfits and feel inclined to join in on what is presented to them as nothing more than the newest fashion trend.
One of the key movements of bimboisim is to embrace feminine sexuality and overcome the stigmas about women expressing their sex and sexuality and sartorially this is represented by the micro mini skirt and the skimpy shirt. Society has had no difficulty pushing teenage girls to grow up rather quickly by presenting them with teen magazines in the y2k era talking about how to get a bigger bust or butt, social media promoting the attractive body type the attractive face the attractive makeup the attractive style of clothing that will settle their pubescent insecurities and validate them in the eyes of a society run by men. Young women are ridiculed for their bodies not being developed enough at 15, for not being sexually active at 16, must have lived the life experiences of drugs and alcohol and sex and heartbreak at 17 and are then turned into high school girl fucks random guy porn at 18. Removed-bimboism has become part of the problem in which young girls not only feel the need to dress promiscuously and express a sexuality that they still haven't fully explored in order to feel validated as an active part of society but also have to present themselves as stupid in order to seem funny cute and quirky. The idea that women are only able to understand complex theories if they are presented in terms of fashion and shopping and makeup is a stereotype enforced by tv and movie comedy that women have worked endlessly to overcome, and the reclamation of bimbo culture should not actively counteract the progress of feminist activity. You don't have to be smart to be a modern bimbo by any means, in terms of intelligence the movement is centred around a more relaxed approach to success that counters the ideology of the girl boss movement- you don't HAVE to be a huge success or overwork yourself to hell and back to validate who you are as a woman.
Modern bimboism set out with the comfort of knowing there is no pressure to understand everything, you might need something explained in your own terms, you might just be a little fucking stupid sometimes but there is no active harm in not always understanding. That, however, has been twisted through these trends discussed prior to make it seem like all bimbos (and by misogynistic extension, all women) are just not as smart as men. Which, as we know, is likely to be emulated by young people as it reaches a wider audience.
So it's understandable why there is concern over bimboism. But at what point does critique of bimboism begin to drift into the right wing? Blaming women who dress provocatively simply for being women who dress provocatively is not the answer, in my opinion, to the issues with the bimbo culture. There is (to the chagrin of many) nothing wrong with an adult women expressing the ownership of the sexuality that she was granted the right to express through the liberation of women, sex and queerness.
Tensions have been rising within more radical groups, or groups who are of the tendency to reject feminine presentation in regard to what they perceive as an active threat to the reputation of women. There has been a desire expressed across social media sites by these women that 'all women' should refrain from direct expressions of femininity and reject all social norms expected of women under the assertion that it 'makes us all look bad'. There is a lot to be said about the ways in which misogyny utilises stereotypes and generalisations of what is considered 'feminine behaviour' to degrade women, however, it is highly pretentious and internally misogynistic a notion that the very idea of feminine expression is to be at fault. The ideology begins to attack individual women, expressing that their online content is to blame for the ways in which men treat women, or that children have become so oversexualised.
In a way this reflects the puritan standards of online censorship frequently weaponised by the right wing in order to oppress further marginalised groups. 'Think of the Children' has been used time and time again as a way to bastardise protests of queerness, of sexual liberation of racial equity and it is being weaponised now again just as it was across the 70s against women who dare to be 'immodest' . It goes without saying that people who create content online are not responsible for the actions of teenagers who in the midst of discovering their sexuality, may seek out more mature content- not just for sexual gratification, but a newfound interest into how adults express their sexuality as a way to help them navigate expression themselves. To place limits on how women are allowed to dress or express sexuality is to revert to the ideas of puritanism that existed prior to the (well, partial) liberation of the marginalised people.
Is bimbo culture perfect? No, it's been washed out as a mimicry of early 2000s internalised misogyny. Is it worth hating on random women? No, there issue is more centred to how misgyny is so deeply rooted in our society that we are happier to blame women for the stereotypes forced upon them than to actually comment on how society cultivates these ideas.
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