#Alternate Universe - No Upside Down
marvel-ous-m · 9 months
Something's In My Mind (and I'm Focused On You)
Steve's been the sole owner and operator of Steve's Sweets in Bloomington, Indiana for the last few years- ever since he graduated and left Hawkins in his rearview mirror. His experience at Steve's Sweets has been perfect. He's had Robin Buckley, bookshop owner and his newfound platonic soulmate as his neighbor-to-the-right, and Mrs. Crossley, an elderly woman with a yarn shop, as his neighbor-to-the-left. Mrs. Crossley is getting up in years, though, and her decision to sell her yarn shop leads to a change Steve was not anticipating, and one he certainly doesn't welcome. Corroded Coffin Tattoo and Piercing is Steve's neighbor-to-the-left now, and with the new shop comes its owner, Eddie Munson. Eddie is brash, loud, and possibly the worst person that Steve's ever met. Eddie just wants a new beginning. Steve just wants Eddie to stay out of the way. Neither of them expect to grow and change along the way, but sometimes the best opportunities come out of the things we least expect.
Click Here to read Chapter One on AO3
A/N: So incredibly grateful for my beta, @lamoabss, for their support in my writing of this fic. I've been working on this for over a year and I thought there was no better time than the one year anniversary of my first posted Stranger Things fic (September 6th, 2022) to post the first chapter of this fic that is so near and dear to my heart. I hope that you enjoy!
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Chrissy Wake Up
Chapter 1: Do You Ever Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind?
There were more nightmares plaguing Chrissy as she dozed off at the picnic table waiting for Eddie Munson. Several things were wrong with that sentence, she didn't go into the woods, to the rickety old picnic table, that was where the druggies would hang out. And Eddie Munson, the school freak, who had looked at the scrap of paper tossed at him with confusion before pocketing it and finding her eyes in the cafeteria and nodding.
She needed help, she needed sleep. And she had tried everything, the school counselor didn't help, her mother certainly didn't help, she couldn't tell her friends because they wouldn't understand. Hell Jason wouldn't understand either. He would only make it worse with his concerns.
Eddie was, someone nondescript. Well, not entirely, he was Eddie Munson, school freak, the metalhead that was part of the satanic club. The drug dealer, the repeat senior. But he had stuff that could help her sleep. And that was all she wanted, was sleep.
As she had waited for him at the picnic table she was on edge, she was in an unfamiliar place after all, doing unfamiliar things. But though she was on edge, she cupped her cheek against her hand, and her eyes felt heavy.
*** Eddie was precarious as he headed to his spot in the woods. He would come here when he needed a break from the quiet, from the boisterous noises of his classmates, from the jocks, hell from even his friends sometimes. Not that he didn't like his friends, hell he loved them, but there were times when they were overstimulating and he needed a place to calm himself down. Those were the times he would come into the woods, slide onto the seat of the picnic table, and just decompress. Sometimes he's read, sometimes he'd write, work on a new campaign, and sometimes he'd smoke, even more than a cigarette.
But at lunch today when a paper wad had landed in his lap instead of just tossing it he saw who had dropped it, Chrissy Cunningham, and he knew that there wasn't malice to it, so he had unfolded it. It was a request for some marijuana, a meetup in the woods. And it was written in a fucking pink glitter gel pen.
He would have thought it was a joke, almost laughed at it, but he glanced up catching Chrissy's eye, and she had looked... off. Her normally bright blue eyes looked haunted, dark circles under them, her hair wasn't as shiny, she looked like a wreck. He ran his tongue over his lower lip and nodded.
From what he remembered of Chrissy, when they had rehearsed for that talent show in middle school together, she was kind, she had helped him with stage makeup when he had broken his mirror, she had cheered when Corroded Coffin had finished. Even around school now she was never cruel to him, her friends were, her boyfriend was, but she wasn't.
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angelynmoon · 1 year
So, eldritch monster Steve...
Part 1
Steve who was born in the Upside down long before El and Hawkins lab discovered it, before it was called the Upside Down, who may even have come into being at the same time as the Upside Down formed.
Steve who escaped when Dr. Brenner first began his expeiments, Dr. Brenner who opened a crack that let him slip through long before El was old enough to understand just what had been released, who didn't recognize Steve as Other the way she would come to recognize the creatures that also escaped into the Right Side Up.
El who doesn't know that Steve isn't human, doesn't know he escaped the Down Below because he was lonely.
Steve who spent years lurking in the woods surrounding Hawkins, practicing and learning, (those first few years may have been spent digging through garbage cans, and maybe a small Eddie Munson, still carrying bruises, a buzz cut and a distrust of adults, may have left left overs by the trash for him, thinking him a stray cat or dog, hoping to lure him close enough to pet, but that's a different story, that's Eddie's story, Eddie who called his stray, the one that was too scared of people to show itself, Steve, and Steve who liked the way a tiny Eddie whispered it so preciously that he kept it) Steve who spent time learning to mimic the way humans looked and spoke until he felt confident enough to join them.
Steve who knew that Mrs. Harrington longed for a child so much that she didn't question the one that walked out of the woods one day to splash around in her pool and called her Mother.
And their family was fine, Mr. Harrington accepting that he had an Heir now and not questioning why he'd never seen the boy before, children should not be seen or heard unless they were called on. And it was fine, right up until the moment that Mr. Harrington raised his hand to the small boy that was neither his son nor human.
Mr. Harrington learned that day what fear was and he took his wife, let her give adultery as an escuse for her travelling with him, anything was better than saying a monster live in their home.
And they left the creature the house and focused on their business, everywhere but Hawkins, and Mr. Harrington walked with a limp from that moment on.
Carol and Tommy were part of his mask at first but Steve really did come to care for them, as much as he could being what he was, so even after Tommy threatened him, even after Carol turned her nose up at him, he let them live, they had been his for so long, and part of him would always think of them as his, they were marked as such, nothing from the Down Below would touch them, not the real monsters from the Down Below at least.
Billy though, well, Billy had been marked the moment that he put his hands on Lucas with intent to hurt him, when he threatened Max, and Dustin, and Mike, those kids were Steve's and even if he couldn't stop them from fucking around with the Down Below, he could at least make sure nothing ate them, they were his in a way that Tommy and Carol never were, in a way even Nancy wasn't, not really, she might have been, Steve might even have been able to learn to love her deeply and completely, but she had ruined that when she came to him smelling of Jonathan and guilt, when she had gotten drunk and called him bullshit, she still had his protection but it wasn't the same after they broke up.
And Robin, when she helped him hold the door in a Russion Bunker to protect his kids he knew he'd never let anything from the Down Below touch her, she was his on a level that even the children would never touch, and he was hers in a way he never knew he could be. She was the one person he considered telling, but he was afraid, what if she was afraid of him after, he liked her, parts of him might even love her.
She was his other half, his humanity, his moral compass, if she liked boys Steve would have made her his everything, instead he settled for soulmate, Platonic with a capital P, as she told Dustin when he said they should date.
Robin was his, always and wholey.
And Steve was so angry when he found out Henry was targeting Max, that he had taken Chrissy in front of Eddie, Eddie who had fed him portions of his own dinner before Steve went to the Harringtons, Eddie, who Steve had never wanted involved in the Down Below.
And Steve supposed that it might just be time to remind the Down Below, the place that Steve was born in, that he had lived in and survived in, long before he was Steve, before he had been taken in by a rag tag group of nerds, time to show Henry just who was in charge here.
It was time to show Vecna just who the big boss of this game was, it certainly wasn't Vecna.
Steve wondered what kind of Dinosaurs and Dustpans name the kids would give him when he showed them what he really was.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Vibe Check - Oneshot
Eddie would never claim to enjoy his job. It’d be far too strange for Eddie Munson to admit to enjoying a government based job but there was something fundamentally exciting about getting to see all the little gizmos and random shit that people tried to take onto aeroplanes with them.
Of course there was the usual, bottles of liquid over a certain amount, tiny scissors or nail clippers from grooming sets that they absolutely had no idea weren’t allowed on a plane. There were the fun days with the drugs, the weird days with bagged ashes for scattering purposes that looked like it could conceal drugs and thus had to be tested. Nothing like telling a family you had to test grandma for concealed cocaine cause the computer said no.
There were the shared looks between co-workers when they spotted a dipshit in line, be nice to your fellow flyers folks, the TSA might grab you for a full cavity check for funsies if you don’t!
But then, then, you’d have those people. The people who everyone would automatically judge by their cover because the cover was all they had. Eddie didn’t usually do that, he’d often stick with the vibes and let his co-workers base their hunches on looks, it worked for Eddie nine times out of ten but today..
Today he was off his game a little. The vibe check on this one guy was coming back ?????
Call a lawyer the guy looked like every suburban mothers' wet dream, the kind of guy who wore polo’s and sweater vests, and the type to have a yacht and actually go to the clubs for it on the regular, probably had a membership to his father’s golf club that he actually used. Maybe had a fancy corner office job in Indy, he looked like the corner office type. But the vibe check came back saying NAY, believing it on this particular occasion seemed like a stupid thing to do.
Like sure he was stunning, literally, just a beautiful specimen of a human being, which Eddie would quietly mourn never seeing again, but he looked so straight laced that even holding hands might be a stretch for him.
So Eddie was reduced to book cover judgements because the vibes were wonk. No big deal.
The guy was in his line, he didn’t look nervous or uncomfortable, taking his watch off, putting it into a tray, a ring not on his wedding ring finger went in, his members only jacket, his belt, and shoes, into a second went his phone and a small tablet plus their chargers. And into another went the carry on bag, he was prepared. He flew often enough to know about separating things into their own trays.
Probably some high-level business exec. He looked the type.
“Through here sir” his co-worker directed waving him through, the tray containing the guys carry-on was last, so he was through the detector clean as a whistle before Eddie had seen what was in his case.
Probably a good thing because Eddie nearly choked on his own saliva when that case rolled through.
Holy shit.
“Uhm” he squeaked. He. A grown man. Squeaked. He’d deny that later, even if his currently heated complexion was giving him away.
That... that was an entire carry on full of sex toys. What. The fuck. Was that a whip held together by handcuffs?
Maybe the vibes hadn’t let him down after all. His co-worker walked over, Mr Sex Pest in disguise cast them a raised brow.
“Holy shit...I’ll uhm ill just—”
“No the fuck you won’t” Eddie was up, scrambling around him after flagging the bag for checks. “I got this.” He had this. He was already in front of Sweater Vest before his partner could stop him from making the potentially career ending move of approaching the sneakiest sex loony ever with interest in mind. Sweater Vest could easily complain! Eddie had no real reason to flag it, they were all contained, no bottles, no concerning substances, just toys.
“Problem, sir?” Oh boy the airport was hot. Sweater Vest had moles, cute little moles, moving on.
“Just a few checks regarding the contents of your carry on.” Gloves on, he half expected the guy to try and stop him to save face, but no, he stood there with a raised brow and an amused little curl of a smile on his lips.
“Go ahead.” Zips open and holy shit. It was like Eddie had stepped into the back room of a sex shop. Floggers, a whip, plugs, vibes, clamps, shibari ropes, dildos, both fluffy and actually decent handcuffs, why have two pairs one shit and one not? They were all so neatly organised too, the man was tidy. Was that a sounding rod?!
Could be a creep, could be a creep, coooould be a creep.
“So... sir?” Sweater vest seemed to be challenging him. Fine, he could play ball.
“Any liquids in here that I need to know about? Drinks? Lotion? Industrial sized bottle of lube?” At least Sweater Vest laughed. A surprised little giggle snort of laughter that sounded beautiful. Eddie couldn’t help but smile.
“Nope, that’d be in the checked case.” Oooh Sweater Vest had a sense of humour “sorry I know it looks a little whacky, I’m a panel runner at the BDSM convention in Illinois this weekend, i know i'm headed in early but panel runners have to get everything set up properly if they're there for the whole weekend.” Eddie’s eyes widened, holy shit the vibes WERE right, haha fuck you supervisor who called him arrogant when he claimed to just be able to tell with people. “These are for the demonstrations.”
“...Demonstrations, on...?” He had absolutely no right to ask these questions what so ever, his colleague was already probably planning on ratting him out, but while curiosity did indeed kill the cat, satisfaction brought it back!
“A friend, A willing member of the audience, a dummy, depends on the insurance the convention has, this one allows me to pick a very lucky member of the audience since my usual convention partner is in Hawaii on her honeymoon like a traitor.”
“So... you’re a uhm... a—” not okay not allowed big nope so very unprofessional he was so fired.
“Not a Dominant, no. I’m a Submissive, both professionally and personally” didn’t need to tell him the personally bit, didn’t need to tell him that at all but he did, it was there, Sweater vest seemed pretty happy about it being out there too “I co-own an adult shop in Indy, one of the best for this kind of stuff but I have plenty of recommendations if you're not interested in my shop, here,” Sweater Vest pulled a gods honest business card out of a small compartment in the case, which listed him as the managing director/owner of one of Eddie's favourite sex shops of all time, a shop he’d only ever ordered from online so he’d never seen the owners. They had an incredible BDSM range and also delivered discreetly, they were a privately owned small business run right out of Indianapolis, also on the card though, was an Only Fans account, holy shit. “That ok with you, sir?” Sweet Cheesus on toast, had his pants just shrunk?
Steve. Steve Harrington. God that was such a golf club guys name, Steve leaned forward onto his elbows at a slight bend, eyeing Eddie up like he wanted to eat him alive, any other situation, Eddie would have let him. He wanted to bend that little brat over his knee. He loved bratty subs.
“Illinois huh?” Eddie zipped the case right back up again, as if he’d actually checked anything. He hadn’t. “Was thinking of going to that one actually, more of a dominant myself though...” trying so hard to be nonchalant to the most beautiful and confident Submissive he’d ever seen in his life “this a beginners panel?”
Steve smiled, clearly not angered by this deeply unprofessional halt to his journey. “Beginner, intermediate, pro, it’s more new toy and prop range demonstrations and a Q&A mainly, a variety of folks usually attend so... no matter your experience level you should come, maybe I’ll even make you my lucky audience member.” Steve took that card back, just to make a show of slipping it into Eddies chest pocket, tapping it once for good luck. “Can I get to my gate now, sir? Or do I need to be detained? I’m sure a cavity search would be awfully entertaining for me...considering...”
He couldn’t not ask “Considering?” His throat felt so dry, where was a confiscated bottle of unopened soda when you needed it?
“There’s four plugs in there, I actually have five” he winked, he winked. “The fifth wouldn’t fit.”
“Fuck...” Eddie breathed, much to the man’s amusement. “You’re ah—you’re free to go” he couldn’t actually hold him there and his co-workers were already starting to glare at him.
Steve grinned broadly at him before moving to grab his things, calling out a cheery “see you this weekend!” before he was off, and Eddie was taking his break early to book the next flight out to Illinois.
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hellwrites · 8 months
Modern Steddie AU where retired (minor) Rockstar Eddie runs a weed dispensary and retired Olympic swimmer Steve needs something for the residual pain and sleeplessness associated with tearing his *insert muscle used for swimming here* during Olympic qualifiers
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foxgloveprincess · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader (Second Person Narrator)
Word Count: 1,347
Summary: Your days in high school were unforgettable thanks to Eddie Munson’s playful idea of teasing.
Warnings: Alternate Universe (No Upside Down), Time Skip (includes bits of High School before skipping to Adulthood), Crushes, Pining/Yearning, Teasing, Fluff, Hugs (with dubious consent, but it is welcome), Mild Angst, Flirting, Pet Names (li’l hellspawn). Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: After watching Stranger Things, I couldn’t stop thinking about how I imagine Eddie totally doing something like this. Older Eddie inspired by these picture edits which just slapped me right across the face (in the best way possible). This probably needs a second part—which may or may not ever happen. Hope you enjoy anyway!
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. However, I give no permission to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work on any third party website or app. Seeing my work posted anywhere beside my blog, my library blog, or my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess) means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
I don’t do tag lists, so follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics. 
This is not Beta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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You realize somewhere along the line you made a ‘mistake’—if you could really call it that. In fact, you knew the exact moment where you met the point of no return. It happened too fast and you were stupid and immature and self-conscious and overwhelmed and not thinking straight—all because Eddie went in for a hug.
You don’t know why your body did it, but you ducked out of his enclosing arms and backed up a step, feeling the heat fill your cheeks and your heart flutter. Babbling apologies rushed from your lips, but it was too late.
That small, supposed-to-be inconsequential moment cemented you on a path both maddening and marvelous. Because Eddie would not let it go. Oh no, not when you were his li’l hellspawn.
See, your brother was older than both of you—a senior when you were in 8th grade. Into the fantasy, the heavy metal, the alternative side of things. He met Eddie when your family moved to Hawkins in the middle of the school year. And then you met Eddie. 
The crush hit you almost the moment you set eyes on him. He was gorgeous, wild, expressive. His smile lit up the whole room. You could have listened to him laugh for hours. And he had no filter, cursing the moment he laid eyes on you walking into their club meeting before turning his irritation to your brother. Even his pout had been cute that night as you watched them play D&D from the sidelines. It was safe to say he wasn’t too pleased to meet you.
Still, the next year when you started at Hawkins High, you were swept under Eddie’s wing. Without your brother to protect you, he stepped in as a trusted upperclassman—at least, that was his explanation.
To say your crush grew exponentially would be an understatement. Then the hug incident happened and sealed your fate.
At first, it took you by surprise, Eddie’s game. Every time he saw you walking around, he grabbed you in a hug. From the front, back, or side, if he caught a glimpse of you, you found yourself in his arms. In the library, the cafeteria, the hall, the gym, the field, the auditorium, wherever—even off school grounds.
In favor of honesty, you could admit to yourself you loved it. Getting swept up by him, smelling his cologne, being held in his arms.
But you couldn’t admit it out loud. No, definitely not. That was against the unspoken rules. You learned them quickly and early on. Eddie hugged you when he noticed you. The hug would last as long as he wanted. No matter how he rocked or swung you around, you kept your footing. You didn’t say anything, except perhaps an exclamation of “Eddie!” ringing with phony indigence. You didn’t hug back or show any indication that you were inwardly swooning. Because if you did, you knew it would stop, the game would be over.
So, you played along, filling your role in his teasing game. Not serious for him, but everything for you.
What started as the most pathetic, transparent lie you ever perpetuated, morphed into stolen moments. Feeling giddy and guilty every time you raised your voice in the hallway hoping to catch his attention, or walking past him more than once for no other reason than to do the same. Hoping he might hear your voice or look up at the perfect time and give you what you wanted.
If he ever caught on to your crush or your schemes, he never said. Still presenting his arms wide when you crossed paths or notching his head on your shoulder when he snuck up from behind.
Your friends thought it was weird and you took no time correcting them. They didn’t need to share the special moments between Eddie and you. They wouldn’t understand. Their crushes on Tom Cruise or David Cassidy or the boys on the basketball team didn’t appeal to you.
You knew Eddie. He brightened your day. He tried to make you laugh. He cared.
He let you crash Hellfire meetings when you couldn’t stand listening to your parents fight for another minute. He let you sleep at his trailer when you needed a place to lay low. When he found you under the bleachers one day in the late autumn of your junior year, he hugged you from behind. But when he noticed you were crying? All teasing dropped. He stayed with you until your tears dried and you could tell him what happened, the gentle weight of his arm wrapped around you and holding you for hours.
You dreaded to think that he thought of you as a younger sister. But you were willing to take it if it meant he would wrap you up tight and hold you for those precious seconds.
After high school, your lives took different paths. You left Indiana. He stayed. You’d missed him and sent a letter every few months—at least for the first year. He never responded. So you tried to move on, only to find yourself right back where you started.
Even so many years later, Eddie still appears in your dreams doing what he always does. Gripping you in a giant hug and flashing a twinkling smile. It doesn’t happen often, but it leaves you lying awake, yearning. You can’t help but wonder what would have happened back then if things had clicked into place.
The thought haunts you as you walk around the town square, past the old movie theater and what used to be Melvald’s General Store, remembering the lay of the land. Feeling strange, almost uneasy. You didn’t imagine yourself ever moving back to Roane County, but somehow everything in your life started pointing right to Hawkins. How could you refuse? 
You pass by a new mechanic shop on the corner and turn down the side street to head back to your modest home when you feel them. You tense and stumble back as someone wraps their arms around your waist. A shriek of outrage passes your lips. Your hands clamp on their forearms, noticing the oil smudges and the tattoo by the elbow. The inked bats give you pause.
You swallow your nerves, but refuse to hope. “Eddie?” you squeak.
“Thought that was you, li’l hellspawn,” he sighs, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Can’t believe you came back.” His arms tighten around you and you have no choice but to lean into his embrace. He smells the same under the motor oil and sweat—wearing the same cologne.
You stand silent in his arms, remembering the rules of the game. You wait with that old familiar anticipation of the release. But he doesn’t move.
“You still hate hugs?” he asks, voice soft and tentative.
You sigh and shake your head. “Honestly,” you confess, “I never did.”
His arms loosen and he steps around you. The moment your eyes find him, all those silly, adolescent hormones rush through you and knock you back.
He’s aged well. His hair hits just under his chin, but he’s tied back with a bandana. The black ink of newer tattoos peek from under his shirt collar and sleeves. A short and scruffy beard defines his jawline. But he still wears a guitar pick around his neck. His smile still brightens his whole face. He still radiates safety and warmth.
“How long are you staying for?” he asks, wiping his fingers with a dirty rag.
You try not to stare, though you fail miserably. “The foreseeable future,” you reply, a little dazed.
His eyes drop to the ground as he tucks the cloth back in his pocket.  “Good, that’s good.” He nods, more to himself than you. His gaze lifts, raking up your form. The intensity stuns you. Your belly flip flops pleasantly. “We can pick up where we left off.”
That look in his eye, the mischievous quirk of his lips—you swallow hard. The end of the old game, it seems, starts the beginning of the new.
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idiotcurls · 9 months
I have uploaded the first chapter of the Rockstar Eddie + Student Steve AU to AO3. It's called "The Fleetwood Café"
Summary: Steve's favourite place to study, is a small Café in Chicago. He likes the staff, he likes the coffee, he likes the ambiente. The only thing he doesn't like, are bands playing at the venue. They are usually noisy and Steve needs quiet. On that particular friday, he is especially cross. Why you ask? Because of Eddie Munson. When the lead singer ventures into the café area, to steal some napkins, he accindentally tips over a glass of water with his guitar case. Of course, the spilt water lands on Steve Harrington's laptop and he about mc fucking had it. He hates the guy. A coincidence, or fate for all we know, brings them back together in a different setting. Steve learns, that his preconceived notions are sometimes wrong. Eddie learns, that ex-Jocks can be nice people too.
Or, the one where Steve is studying to become a teacher, Eddie and his band are trying to get on the big stages. They meet in the worst way possible. But Steve slowly falls in love with Eddie and his musical talent and he understands, that the yearning Eddie's music evoces in him, is something he has to deal with.
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thesadbetrayer · 2 years
He didn’t want to look like that. He never felt insecure about his body - it was always something he could control, when he couldn’t control anything else.
But now, standing in front of that shitty mirror in Munsons trailer, nothing of this control was left. There were scars, on his chest, his arms. Ugly, rough, a horrible reminder of what happened. Billy hated them, hated what he became, hated what little was left of that small happy boy from California.
Suddenly pale hands find their way to his body, softly touching the scar tissue in the center of his chest, followed by a mob of messy dark brown hair and rough pale lips on his right shoulder.
“I can hear you thinking darling”, a dark voice mumbles against freckled skin , “Let me make your forget.”
That’s all he wanted, forget, just for a little while. Losing himself in chocolate eyes and that dirty smirk. It was all that made sense in this turned world. And if they had to remain here forever. As least he had him.
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extraclwnporeal · 11 months
The bittersweetness of Eddie's ghost coming back, and being tied to Steve.
Except it was not immediately after his death. No, he would have to wait somewhere, in a place there's no walls or soil or ground, where he could hear Dustin's laughter and cries and Wayne's hurtful silence, and yet never reach them. Where time is a quotation mark, and he has no idea if he has been gone for weeks or centuries. Not until some otherworldly force has passed through his extracorporeal silhouette, almost faded, forcing him back.
And Steve can sorta feel him. Can sense something walking in his house and hear it's moans of pain. But both El and Will says they can't sense the bad guys anymore, and whatever it is, it's not Vecna. So, Steve has other problems to worry about. His hair is long and not taken care of, his eyebags grow bigger and bigger, he has begun to smoke again — that's how the months go by, ignoring that silhouette that wanders through his house.
Until Steve can see him. Eddie, all bloody and disheveled, in the same clothes he died in. The vision destroys him. His brain must have a deathwish.
Steve tries to ignore him, although he is sure Eddie looks him in the eyes sometimes. Yet, he never really tried to talk. He just watches Steve cooking, reading, writing poetry, lying in bed for days — always in silence, like he's satisfied enough to only watch, living through Steve.
And Steve is not quite sure if he's hallucinating, if he's finally going insane. He'd be annoyed at first: how could his brain stain such a beloved memory like Eddie? Couldn't he die and stay like that? But then, he kinda enjoyed the company. Enjoyed watching his shadow smile, how his hair would swirl almost like it did back then, the way his dimples were still there. He had to bite his tongue frequently, dying to say something to it.
And the night Steve was waltzing around his cabin in the woods — the Harrington house was not quite a home anymore —, missing Eddie dearly, the silhouette appeared again, smiling at him. His dimples.
"Why are you doing that?", Steve asked, not really looking at it's eyes. The silhouette's eyes were wide open, in shock. Steve took some steps back, suddenly embarrassed. He was an idiot, he shouldn't talk to a hallucination.
"Can you see me?"
"Don't do that." Steve hissed. "Stop talking like you're a fucking ghost, we're not in a-"
"Can you see me, Stevie?" Eddie asked again.
Eddie was in front of him, almost full of life. Exasperated, hopeful, ethereal big brown eyes staring at him. Steve's heart broke all over again. Steve was the only one to see Eddie — it was what Eddie said to him years ago, when they were together and things seemed easier. It has always been like that. "Of course I can see you."
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The Wrongside Up | Stranger Things Time Travel AU
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Part One | Part Two
Description | On the way back to Eddie’s trailer, our favorite Hawkins teenagers go through the wrong gate, and it leads them even further down the rabbit hole than they thought possible. Time Travel AU.
Characters | The Hawkins squad (Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, etc.)
Main Masterlist
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“Take a seat, the principal will be with you shortly” the older woman barked, stepping around the grimy foursome with her nose upturned and promptly shut the door behind her as she stepped back out into the front office.
They’d been apprehended without much fanfare after agreeing silently not to try and make a run for it when the security officers flashed their duty belts with every scary gadget possible hanging off the sides.
There was a bench pushed up against the back wall of the office across from the desk that each of the four teenagers dropped themselves down on defeatedly. “Okay what’s the plan here?” Nancy asked as soon as the door clicked shut.
“Out the window?” Robin suggested pointing her thumb in the direction of the windows behind the heavy wooden desk, causing Eddie to point too and nod at her, agreeing with the plan. “Those windows don’t open dipshits” Steve replied, plus there’s cameras all over this place, they know what we look like, we’ll be right back in a manhunt situation.” He added dejectedly.
“Then we need to come up with a cover story” Nancy insisted, turning from Robin back to Steve, “what was it those kids said in the hallway? ‘Another drunk driving assembly’?” She asked as Steve thought back on it and gave a slight nod. “Okay then we’ll go with that, we’re here to do the assembly and accidentally got our dates mixed up” she announced as if it was the simplest thing in the world, folding her hands in her lap.
She turned back to Robin and noticed that Eddie had gotten up from the bench and was now tinkering around the principal’s desk, perusing notes and tapping haphazardly on the keyboard to the ritzy computer. Nancy cleared her throat to get his attention, but Eddie was absorbed in thought, staring intently at one of the many framed photos that adorned the desk. He picked it up to inspect it closer, then flipped it around for any kind of identifying text.
“Guys…” he let out shakily, “did uh, did that lady happen to say what the principal's name is?” He asked softly, unable to tear his eyes away from the photograph. The trio on the bench all exchanged confused glances and shaking heads, muttering ‘no’ and ‘I don’t think so’.
At that exact moment they all heard footsteps approaching, and Eddie launched himself over the desk just as the door knob began to rattle, giving way for the door to swing open and a short man in slacks and a button down shirt with a bow tie entered in a flash and turned around to face the door.
The man side-stepped in and shut the door, engaging the lock into place, causing the group to look around at each other with worry. He let out a deep sigh and pressed his forehead to the frame, banging his fist against the panel. They heard a sniffle come from the man and a shaky breath as he started to speak, “when my hall monitor described you four I didn’t believe her…” he let out, slowly turning. “It wasn’t til I saw the security footage that I realized it really is you” the man choked out, lifting his glasses to wipe his face.
The four teens watched the man with wide eyes and mouths hanging open, as Eddie subtly shifted the framed photo to be in their line of vision. The four boys in the photo had on ghostbusters costumes and all smiled jovially at the camera, Nancy recognized it immediately as being taken at Halloween in 1984. They looked from the man to the photo and back, before Steve let out a howl of a laugh, and stood with his arms wide and a grin from ear to ear, “Henderson is that you, man?!”
“Holy fucking shit” Dustin exlaimed, releasing his bear hug grip on the four teenagers, “how is this possible? Where have you guys been?!” He questioned as the group expanded to form a small circle around him, all of them studying his face unable to believe that this was the same Dustin Henderson they’d just seen hours ago, but the man now standing before them has to be pushing 50 at least. His features remained, the curly mop of hair now slicked back, forming little ringlets at the base of his skull almost more gray than the blond it used to be; and his toothy grin, fully formed and looking normal as ever.
“An hour ago we were riding our bikes to meet you guys at Eddie’s, we saw another gate and figured we go through there to get out of the upside down sooner, but it spat us out here! It was insane we never thought something like thi-” Robin stammered on, eventually being cut off by Steve’s hand on her shoulder, “yeah sorry I could feel that I was rambling there” she admitted, dropping her head and shaking it slightly.
Dustin motioned for the teens to take their seats back on the bench as he pulled his desk chair out and plopped himself down in front of them, “this is truly unbelievable” he exhaled, “we always hoped you guys had made it out somehow, but when you didn’t meet us at the gate we just had to assume…” he trailed off as the four teens all nodded in understanding. Of course they’d assumed that the foursome had been lost to the upside down, maybe even killed by Vecna.
Eddie shuddered at the thought, “what happened man? To you guys, our families?” He asked, not so much for himself but for the rest of the group.
Dustin shrugged, breathing deeply and pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, “it was so long ago now, but I mean obviously it all worked out, El came to the rescue and some shit went down but Vecna’s long gone, we haven’t had any issues in years, and Hawkins built back better than ever.”
“Built back?” Nancy questioned, brows furrowing with concern.
“Yeah like I said, some shit went down, government swooped in, covered it up as earthquakes, fiery sinkholes, some crazy shit…” he shook his head, still in disbelief as to what some people would believe. He then sighed once again and gestured ‘oh well’ with his hands, “people bought it, and eventually everyone started coming back, rebuilding, the school is Hawkins ‘Memorial’ now”
“…and they let you be the principal?” Eddie asked incredulously with a smirk
Dustin couldn’t help but laugh, dropping his shoulders into a shrug, “I had to help all the lost little sheepies, man, just like you told me” he looked back up to Eddie, smiling warmly. The teen couldn’t help it, he had to bite his lip to keep his mouth from dropping open. Something dumb he’d said had shaped this man’s life? How could that be possible? He had to look away for fear of tears breaking free.
Nancy had been watching intently and jumped in to take the focus off of Eddie, “What about my brother? Our parents? Everyone else?” She asked, eyes wide.
They spent the next few hours talking about everything and everyone under the sun and all of the developments in the last 30 some odd years. Dustin told them with a giant grin about how Mike and El married right out of high school and lived in California with their four kids. He spoke animatedly about Lucas getting a basketball scholarship and starting his own business in Indianapolis. Will had been a New Yorker for almost twenty years and swore that he’d never live anywhere else again, while Jonathan had stayed near Joyce and El in Southern California and had a successful career as a photographer with a wife and kids of his own.
The group released tears of joy at the happy news, and leaned on each other as they struggled through the difficult realities. Max hadn’t survived Vecna’s evil grasp, and Dustin tearfully explained that they all gathered once a year to remember her and the sacrifice she made for her friends. Joyce was still kicking, spoiling her grandchildren every chance she could get, but Hopper had fought hard and ultimately succumbed to cancer fifteen years back.
They laughed and they cried, talking about the good times and the bad, and before Dustin even realized the time, the final bell of the day was sounding off and teachers and students alike were fleeing the building to enjoy their spring break.
“Shit guys, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten, we should probably hole up here until everyone is gone so we can sneak you out of the building…” he looked around and grasped at a device face down on the desktop, picking it up and tapping, illuminating the tiny screen. “I ought to text my kid, let her know I’m gonna be late”
“Kid?! Henderson you got a family, man?!”
“Yeah” he nodded, grinning from ear to ear, “Suzie and I got together, settled down, the whole bit” he paused and sighed contentedly, “We’ve got twin girls, Stella and Edith, Edie for short .” He paused and sniffed, wiping discreetly under his glasses, as he swiped again on the screen and held it out to the group. The handheld screen displayed a photo of the two girls as babies, dressed up as their respective namesakes then chuckled “closest girl names we could think of without outright naming ‘em Steve and Eddie.” His face crumpled momentarily, and he took in a deep breath, standing and reaching for a tissue on his desk to blot his eyes. “Losing you guys really wrecked me for a while there”
“Shit man, if we had known that gate was gonna drop is almost forty fucking years in the future we never would have done it” Steve sighed, resting his hand on Dustin’s shoulder, “we never meant to leave you alone, kid”
Dustin smiled, and let out a hearty laugh, “who are you calling a kid man? My kids are your age now!”
Robin shook her head in disbelief, “Dustin should you really be telling us all of this? I mean it breaks all kinds of space time continuum rules, when we go back we’ll know all of this future stuff that’s gonna happen, not to mention all of the technology and everything else! I mean we all saw Back to the future, I know it was kinda the reverse there but…” again she slowed as she noticed the confused looks on everyone’s faces, “sorry, rambling.” She added, then sat back down.
“She’s not wrong” Nancy added warily, “how can we go back to 1986 with what we’ve seen, what we know?” She said, shaking her head and shifting her eyes from the floor to meet Steve’s.
A few beats of silence passed as Dustin looked around uneasily, focusing on anything and everything to avoid the eyes of his friends.
Steve finally tore his eyes away from Nancy and set them on Dustin with a furrow in his brow, “Henderson, what aren’t you telling us?” he asked.
“I mean… I don’t know how we’re gonna be able to get you guys back there” he shook his head and shrugged in defeat, “I mean the gates have been closed for good, and El doesn’t use her powers like that anymore, I just…” he teetered back and leaned against the desk, folding his arms across his chest.
“Wait wait wait” Eddie groaned, waving his hands loosely as he stood, “Do we even want to go back? I’m wanted for murder,” he scoffed , gesturing at himself, then flinging his arm out to gesture towards the window, “that Vecna creep is killing at random… Everything seems pretty good here, why go back?” Outside the sky had darkened, school was way past over now, and yet they’d been so deep in their discussions that they’d missed the last bell.
The group sat in silence for a few more moments, taking in the reality of their situation and Eddie’s suggestion.
“We just need time, we’ll figure it out” Dustin said tiredly, moving to stand up and rounding the desk. No one responded as he rifled through his drawers and collected a briefcase and a set of keys. He pulled the rolling chair back to sit behind the desk and gestured towards the door. “We can’t do anything until we all get something to eat, get some sleep. you’ll come home with me and I’ll assemble the dream team.”
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angelynmoon · 1 year
More eldritch monster Steve...
Part 2
The first time Robin sees him she thinks it's a shadow, but there's too many eyes, so many teeth, shadows don't have teeth and Steve is gone and the vines that had been reaching for her are cowering from her, cowering from Nancy too.
And Robin calls for Steve, screams for him because where is he, he can't leave her and she can't lose him, only she can feel him, a voice that's more of a presence telling her to follow the plan and she sees Nancy firm her shoulders as they continue, the vines moving out of their way like they are afraid, like Robin and Nancy are something to be feared, and Steve is not with them.
The first time Dustin sees Steve, in his true form, he's falling and he's landing on something soft and for a moment he's surrounded by darkness before it flees out of the trailer, following the same path that Eddie took and Dustin runs after, he doesn't register the shadow as something to be feared, not yet, not even sure if he imagined it.
But he follows and he sees the darkness reach Eddie and he thinks that this is it for Eddie, that his bravery and friendship got Eddie killed as the darkness engulfs Eddie and the Demobats both and Dustin can only watch helplessly as his friend is eaten by the Upside Down.
The first Eddie notices Steve is by the darkness that takes him, the Demobats feasting on him disappearing as soon as the dark touches him. He should be afraid but he's not, something about this darkness is familiar, like an old friend he hasn't seen in a while.
He can almost feel it's amusement as it swirls around him, destroying and possibly eating the Demobats that had come after him, that he'd antagonized to protect Dustin.
And then the darkness is recceeding and Dustin is slamming into Eddie with a loud sob and saying how afraid he was and sorry because it was his fault Eddie was mixed in with all the Upside Down stuff.
Eddie tries to sooth Dustin but he can tell it's not working.
Then he sees Steve at his side and Eddie frowns, Steve should be with Nancy and Robin, Steve looks away from them and he blurs for a moment before he turns back to them, and there's something wrong with his form, something empty in his eyes, something Other about him, and Eddie wonders if maybe Vecna was messing with his mind.
When Steve speaks there's an odd echo, a trembling in the surroundings as though he was part of the landscape.
"Eddie was involved in this long before he met you, Dustin." Steve says, it's deep, even though Steve surely intended it to come out soft, "But that is a story to tell later, Nancy and Robin are on their way back and El is with Max, guiding her home."
"We need to go!" Nancy shouted as she dragged Robin to them, the ground rumbling beneath them, a handful of Demogorgans chasing them.
"What are those?!" Eddie shouted.
"Bad news." Dustin said as he moved away, panic gripping him, "We should run."
Steve looked at them and Eddie had the distinct feeling that they weren't in any danger, that Steve was more dangerous than the Demogorgans that approached them.
"You don't run from prey." Steve said in that strange, otherworldly voice he had now.
"Umm, Steve..." Dustin started only to trail off as Steve stepped further away and, well, Eddie couldn't describe what Steve did, wasn't sure if he could comprehend what happened, not truely, but one moment they were surrounded by Demogorgans and then the next they were gone. Eddie was pretty sure Steve, or whatever looked like Steve had eaten them or whatever was similar for his species.
Steve looked at him as Nancy raised her gun at him.
Steve turned to her with a blank expression, "That won't hurt me, I was not born in the Upside, you cannot kill me with mortal weapons." Steve told her and didn't flinch when she fired at him, Dustin and Robin shouting at her to stop.
Steve turned back to Eddie, "You are not afraid of me."
"I...," Eddie stopped, how could he explain the familiarity, the safety that he felt, that he had always felt with Steve, even when he was King Steve.
Steve's hand pressed against his cheek, "I did not think that you would remember."
"Remember what?"
"You fed me, before I changed my shape, you were so afraid, but I would not have let anything harm you, you were mine, from the moment you left that first plate out for me." Steve told him gently.
Eddie blinked, remembering when he first came to live with Wayne.
"Steve." Eddie whispered.
"Yes, I did not have a name before, did not need one." Steve said.
"As interesting as this is," Robin said, voice nervous, "We should probably get out of here, right, Vecna could come after us."
"Don't be afraid, Robin, I am much scarier than Henry could every be and you are very much mine." Steve told them.
Nancy frowned at him, even as Steve led the way back to the trailer.
"What if we don't want to be yours?" She asked.
Steve looked at her as he lifted Dustin out first.
"I don't love you that way, I could have once but you chose Jonathan, but you have my protection, same as the rest of my kids do, same as Jonathan does, as Tommy and Carol still do, they are mine just as you are." Steve explained to her as he helped Robin up into the Upside.
Nancy blanched, "You knew?"
"Yes." Steve said simply, "If I was Human, it might have hurt, but I understood, you are too practical and grounded to accept what I am."
Nancy hummed but let Stve lift her out of the Down Below.
"Your turn." Steve said turning to Eddie.
"Yeah, okay, I'll see you up there." Eddie said with a grin.
"Yes, Eddie." Steve smiled, and Eddie tried not to think about too many teeth and too many eyes looking at him like they could see into his heart, maybe they could.
Eddie turned red as he flopped onto his mattress, all things considered though, Eddie thought as he watched Steve flip gracefully in to the Right Side Up, he could do worse than a monster that kept him safe.
Wayne would probably be happy about it, less chance of Eddie getting himself in trouble, or, well, at least he'd have someone to get him out of it.
At least his human illusion was conventionally attractive, and hopefully his real form, if Eddie was lucky enough to really see it, wouldn't kill him, Eddie could live with lightly maimed even, if it meant really seeing Steve, he hoped he'd get the chance.
Maybe he could even write a campaign about it.
"I don't want to be written into your Dustpans and Dinosaurs game." Steve said as he looked over at a nearly vibrating Eddie as they left the trailer.
Dustin squawked, "It's Dungeons and Dragons and we need to give you a name, you have to let us see what you really look like..."
Steve smiled softly as Dustin began to rant and Eddie had the distinct feeling that Steve knew exactly what he'd done and he knew that feeling was right when Steve turned to him with a little twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
Much better than the emptiness that had been there when they were in the Upside Down.
Eddie walked next to him and tried not to blush when Steve took his hand as they headed to the Harrington house to regroup with the others.
"So, are the Harringtons not your real parents?" Eddie asked making them all turn to him before laughing.
After all the things that might have gone wrong with this plan hearing his friends' laughter, even Steve's slightly unsettling one, made the fist in Eddie's stomach unclench.
Yeah, things would be just fine, for now, at least, and for now was enough.
A/n: you seemed to like my Eldritch Upside Down Monster Steve so have a little more.
In this Max is unharmed except for the, you know, trauma of being targeted, El saved her, and hopefully Vecna is really dead but if I end up writing more I don't want to write myself into a corner.
Also not a fan of Nancy being flirty with Steve/jealous of Robin when she's still dating Jonathan, besides the fact that Steve getting back with Nancy seems like a step backwards so, I noped out of that story line.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Something something fallen angel Steddie AU tho.
Angel Steve crash lands in the trailer park behind the Munson trailer, suffering a broken wing. He needs help, and who better to help than Eddie "the freak" Munson, Hellfire DM, and assumed head of a satanic cult?
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ectonurites · 1 year
I don't have fully formed thoughts on the matter but my brain has just been rotating these two images around next to each other for days. interpret that as you will
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(Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, published December 1985/cover date March 1986)
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(Stranger Things S4E9, takes place in March 1986)
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karnaca78 · 1 year
Although he truly wanted to lean towards rationality, he knew it was not an option anymore. The man whom he ought to hate had won this fight already, and certainly not in Johnny’s favor.
To hell with it, then.
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
Love love love this AU with teen Eddie moving to a little touristy town to live with Wayne and meeting rich boy Steve Harrington! It’s going to be a series with another part later on from Steve’s pov but this one is just SO Eddie such a great character study of an angsty 14 year old boy.
Peach Boy by WabiSabiPapi / @arimakes
Peach Boy by WabiSabiPapi
Rating: Teens and Up
10,621 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Pre-Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Past Abuse, past emotional abuse, mention of domestic abuse, Unreliable Narrator, First Meetings, Origin Story, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Fluff and Angst, Humor, Slice of Life, Fluff, Life with Wayne, Getting to Know Each Other, Small Towns, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Young Eddie Munson, Young Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Mystery, Low Stakes WhoDunIt
It's Eddie's first year living with Wayne. When summer hits and the rich tourists descend upon the small lake town, Eddie keeps finding peach pits lying around town in weird spots. Bored to death and in desperate need of a distraction, he sets off to figure out who is behind the careless discarding of food scraps.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is alternate universes.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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foxgloveprincess · 1 year
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Read Don’t Let Go and Let’s Be Honest
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader (Second Person Narrator)
Word Count: 1,159
Summary: With a reignited friendship with Eddie, you couldn’t ask for anything more—or maybe you could. 
Warnings: Alternate Universe (No Upside Down), Crushes, Pining/Yearning, Teasing, Fluff, Nostalgia/Reminiscing, Kissing (Making Out with a little bit of Consensual Groping), Mild Angst, Flirting, Pet Names (li’l hellspawn). Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: Part 3! Will there be more? Most likely not. But who can say. Older Eddie still inspired by these picture edits which just slapped me right across the face (in the best way possible). 
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. However, I give no permission to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work on any third party website or app. Seeing my work posted anywhere beside my blog, my library blog, or my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess) means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
I don’t do tag lists, so follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics.
This is not Beta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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The spine labels start to blurring together—777.2 or 777.1 or 721.7, no that last one isn’t right. You step back and blink to clear your eyes and feel a tap on your shoulder. Turning in their direction, you find…no one.
“So,” they say from behind your other side. You sigh and turn to Eddie who’s leaning against the bookshelf, looking nonchalant and staring sideways at the books. “You like movies?”
You head cocks with a hum of curiosity rolling in your throat. He gestures toward the book in your hand and the shelf you stand before. He shuffles his feet, straightening and clearing his throat. He glances toward the floor and shakes his head.
“I mean,” he mutters, hands shoving in his pockets.
Your heart flutters. A smile plucks at your lips as your cheeks tingle and fill with heat. You turn back to the shelf and find the book’s proper place. Any excuse not to meet Eddie’s eyes and accidentally gush with enthusiasm.
“Yeah,” you reply.
“Yeah?” he repeats, voice lifting in question. You glance over and nod, witnessing delight break across his face like the dawn. “Cause I was thinking, you’re off work tomorrow and so am I. We could spend it watching movies on my new VCR.” He rocks forward on his toes and smiles his dazzling smile.
Which is how you find yourself standing in front of the door to his trailer, a couple of VHS tapes from the rental store clutched in hand. Your fingers trace the denim of your shorts and pull at the fabric before you can stop yourself. But you shake yourself out of that small, niggling insecurity and knock.
The door flies open, Eddie’s hand grasping the handle while he leans out, on the verge of falling.
“You’re here,” he breathes with a chuckle. His eyes rake down your figure, catching sight of your outfit and he loses his grip. With a fumble, he rights himself in the doorway and swipes his hand down his chest toward his belt. “What are you wearing?” His voice rises an octave higher, eyes wide.
You glance down at yourself. The burst of confidence filling you immediately at his reaction. “A t-shirt and cutoffs? Just to be comfortable.” You shrug. And you’ll admit, maybe the cutoffs are a smidge too short, but you don’t care—or maybe you do and just wanted to see if Eddie would squirm a little.
“Right.” He blinks, lost in thought and staring at your thighs. “Right,” he repeats, his head jerking up as he straightens.
You press your lips together to suppress your smile. “So, can I come in?”
He jumps and steps back, ushering you in with a quick, “yes, yes, of course.” He clears his throat and closes the door behind you.
It takes another ten minutes to pick the movie. You want to watch something sweet and funny. Eddie wants to watch a horror movie. You stand at an impasse by the VCR, staring each other down until he eventually caves to your pout and pleas. You cheer and slip in the tape. Labyrinth begins to play, the owl flying across the credits.
Eddie slumps into the couch, sighing. You glance over, seeing the small smile sitting on his lips. You situate yourself beside him. With such little space on the cushions, your leg presses against his. He swallows and shifts but doesn’t move away.
“Thanks for watching this with me,” you say, reaching over to lightly push at Eddie’s shoulder. “I haven’t seen it since we went the summer it came out. Before you got too cool for us high schoolers.”
“You just wanted to see that ballroom scene again and gush over Bowie,” Eddie snorts. He teasing smile sends a shiver up your spine, struck by memories. The way he slung his arm over your shoulder as you left the theater. The proclamation he would be the man of honor at your wedding to the Goblin King.
“What’s wrong with David Bowie?” you ask, ready to defend the star and tucking your leg beneath you as you turn. “Thought you wanted us to get married?”
His head shakes and he blows a heavy breath past his lips. “God, your taste,” he mutters to himself with a grin, “I can’t believe I love you.”
Eddie freezes, but you’re frozen too. Neither of you expected that sort of declaration. Wide eyes meet. Your lips part on some thought. But your mind reels with a billion thoughts flying too fast for comprehension—you can’t pick one to utter.
“I mean—” Eddie begins only to cut himself off. His head drops and hangs. He breathes deeply and releases a groan. His fingers card through this hair as he looks back up. “Alright, I’ll come clean.”
Your head tilts in curiosity. “What do you mean?” Your pulse pounds in your ears. Hope bubbles up like your seventh grade volcano project in your belly. “Eddie?”
He surges forward, clashing his lips with yours. You squeak and grip his shirt but don’t push him away.
You never believed in the romantic notion of fireworks sparking at the meeting of two people—or at least, you hadn’t for the past few years. But you feel it now. The head rush of fulfilled longing. The confirmation of his feeling for you. The soft voice in your head that rejoices at how right this feels. The way you wish to melt into him and never resurface.
But before you can indulge any more in his kiss, he withdraws. His eyebrows tilt in question though he says nothing. Awaiting your reaction.
“Oh,” you breathe. Your lips still tingle. You lift a hand to brush your fingertips across them.
“Yeah,” Eddie whispers, the word breezing across your cheek. He leans away, hands held up like you’ve got a gun pointed at him. “Was that okay? I mean, I understand if—”
With one of your hands still grasping at the soft fabric of his tee, you pull him back before he can get too far—which, honestly, isn’t that far away at all.
“Just shut up and kiss me again,” you beg, searching his eyes for any hint of reluctance.
“With pleasure, my li’l hellspawn,” he responds with a chuckle, hungrily slanting his lips over yours. His hands instantly reach up to cradle your face, deepening the kiss with a tilt of his head. He groans against your lips and you whimper in response, still gripping at his shirt.
You lean into him, shifting to your knees for better leverage. He takes the opportunity, dragging you over until you hover astride him. A hand slips down your body, tracing your curves and shoves into the back pocket of your shorts. With a firm tug, you’re seated firmly on his lap.
The jolt of movement prompts a giggle from your lips which continue to press again and again to the smile on his.
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