#in the meantime i will continue to lose my mind over this
junosmindpalace · 14 days
Acrually genuinely LOSING MY MIND over the hades technical test stream and not only the general lore but the gameplay. the game already looks SO FUCKING GOOD and the three years of work put into the game as it is already is SO evident. the SILVERPOOL??? IS SO COOL? And melinoë’s fighting style is even SICKER. the parallels to the first game mechanics to match the witchy vibe (cauldron instead of contractor, frinos instead of cerberus) is SO smart and all the additional features are so cool too i got SO EXCITED seeing the arcana cards. AND ALL THE ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS odysseus selene nemesis moros AND THE LORE…It is so heartbreaking to see how much time has passed since Hell was hijacked by Chronos, how Melinoë has grown up away from her home and her family in a camp. How she already knows many of the people in erebus and is seemingly very good friends with them. how she’s SO determined but has dialogue where she just sounds so defeated and desperate for her family, how she’s constantly having to ground herself because she gets caught up in her self doubt, sometimes even accidentally. how demeter calls her flower. how odysseus called her little goddess as a child. how she’s always checked up on hypnos growing up. how hecate cares for melinoë ugh ugh ugh this game makes me sick i cant WAIT to see more
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witchofhimring · 6 months
Rhaenyra losing her daughter in childbirth
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Warnings: death, childbirth, trauma
So I promised that my next writing of Rhaenyra would be happy. But I suddenly had this plot bunny so we have angst again.
-She still had nightmares of her own mothers death. She had not been there but that did not stop images of a knife cutting up her mother from haunting Rhaenyra. They were less frequent these days, she was done having children and the fear was abated. Her fate would not be in the birthing bed. When Rhaenyra's only daughter excitedly told her mother that she was with child it came roaring back with a vengeance. Now it was no longer herself under that knife but her daughter.
-At first Rhaenyra tried to console herself with the fact that Y/n had the best maesters on hand. Y/n was constantly examined and Rhaenyra was informed of any changes. As Y/n's belly grew those fears became more prominent. She could hardly walk without her mother hovering about. Rhaenyra will have pillows situated on every seat throughout the Red Keep.
-Rhaenyra finds it hard to fully get excited about the baby. Not that she did not want grandchildren. Especially since Y/n had always wanted to be a mother. She tries to be happy for her sake. Rhaenyra will listen to her daughter's excited rambling and feign happiness. But deep inside she is petrified with fear.
-During the nights Rhaenyra's nightmares will continue. Sometimes she wakes up in a sweat and frantically wake. She throws on a robe and walks to her daughters room. Y/n will be there sleeping peacefully, chest rising and falling. For a while Rhaenyra will watch as if expecting something bad to happen. Eventually Rhaenyra will quietly walk back to her room.
-By the seventh month Y/n's mobility is greatly decreased. She has to lean on her mother for support. Rhaenyra tries to remain calm and support her girl. When Y/n falls into anxiety Rhaenyra tries to cheer her daughter up. Because walking is difficult Rhaenyra props up pillows under the Weirwood tree. As Y/n lays there Rhaenyra reads her favourite stories. In the meantime Rhaenyra will summon merchants to bring items from all over Westeros and Essos with various goods. These items are not just for the baby but Y/n as well. Rhaenyra imports goods that helped her through the pregnancies she carried. Balms that sooth her aching muscles are applied to Y/n's skin on a daily basis. Teas that sooth her aching belly are administered by Rhaenyra. While Rhaenyra was never truly taken to sweing she began to make comfortable dresses that her daughter could wear.
-When Y/n goes into confinement Rhaenyra does with her. Of course as Queen Rhaenyra has other responsibilities to attend to so there are times she leaves. And there are some who complain that the Queen spends too much time away from her desk. But right then she did not care, Y/n was her priority. Although confinement is a custom, when Y/n asks for the windows to be opened Rhaenyra does so. She does not care what the ladies say. She dreads her daughter feeling miserable leading up to the labor. They try to keep their mind off what will take place in a few weeks time. Y/n speaks of wanting to see Dragonstone again when she recovers and Rhaenyra promises her so.
-Y/n's labor start of the day the maesters said it would. Rhaenyra is woken by her daughter shaking her. Y/n is quaking and hunched over. Blood and other bodily fluids are staining her nightgown. In a moment the room is busy with maesters, midwives and ladies. Word goes around that the princess in in labor and that night people go to the sept to pray. Rhaenyra holds her daughters hands as every pained breath escapes Y/n quivering mouth. They give her herbs for the pain but it does not stop the blood. A days passes, then two, and the horrid realization that her fears might come true horrifies Rhaenyra.
-She tells the maesters that if they cut Y/n open she will feed them to Syrax. Eventually, as Y/n fades in and out of consciousness, Rhaenyra gives them her consent to try something. Since the baby will not come out on its own they will have to turn it. The idea makes Rhaenyra physically ill and she has to puke pile into a bowl. She goes to her daughter and whispered "I love you" before her legs are forced apart and the maesters hands go in. She begs her daughter to just hold on a little longer. Y/n's hand seizes hers with abnormal strength and Rhaenyra prays. Let her daughter live.
-The baby arrives into the world wailing. Y/n falls onto the bedding and Rhaenyra lets out a cry of relief. The baby, much stronger than her brother Baelon had been, kicks its strong legs and flails its fists. She turns to her daughter and the smile dies. Y/n's skin has a sickly hue to it. Her eyes seem to fade and the grip slackens. "Y/n!" She screams out.
-They lead the screaming Queen out. Daemon is summoned to pick his wife up and he carries her to their shared room. She is screaming and crying, unaware that she is not even beside her daughter anymore. They force something warm and bitter down her throat and Rhaenyra unwillingly floats into unconsciousness.
-She wakes two days later. Beside her are the children, her son Jaecerys holding her hand. Lucerys is holding her newest grandchild with Jeoffrey peering down at her. The youngest two are in their fathers arms. Rhaena and Baela stand by the fireplace shielding themselves from the rest of the family in their distress. Daemon says nothing and simply takes his wive's hand. "I'm sorry." Is all he can say.
- She prepares your body alone. Rhaenyra can not bear the thought of unfamiliar Silent Sisters touching you, even dead. She quietly sings old songs her own mother once sang. Rhaenyra prays that you were up with Aemma. Oh if only the two of you could have met. She does not wrap you up, she always knew you hated enclosed spaces. You are dressed in red and black with a diadem placed on the h/c locks. Once she had made it for you to pass down. Now the thought of anyone having it but you was more than she could bear. Rhaenyra is riding behind your carriage, pale and weeping. This is her mothers death all over again. When they reach Rhaenys's Hill Rhaenyra can not bring herself to light the pyre. It is her eldest son who does the honor, Vermax's flames engulfing Y/n's body. Rhaenyra does not remember the rest of the day.
-One night, weeks later, Y/n visits her mother in dreams. She was with her grandmother in and endless sea of flowers. They were both laughing as the sun danced off their skin. Rhaenyra had never thought much about the afterlife. But as she looked upon her daughter and mother she prayed they were happy. A bright sun hailed the day. Rhaenyra lay in bed for a few moments as some deep emotion stirred within her. The feeling was like a new emotion awakening within her. It was not pain yet it stabbed within her like a knife. With an aching chest Rhaenyra threw a robe over her body. It was early enough that only the servants were awake. The babies room was silent except for small rustling noises. Peaking into the crib her grandchild stared up at her with wide eyes. Rhaenyra's heart nearly stopped as she realized this baby had Y/n's eyes. With steady hands Rhaenyra picked up the baby. It stirred and made cooing noises before Rhaenyra held the baby to her chest. Warmth spread throughout her body as this last piece of her daughter reached out for Rhaenyra. She walked over to a chair and picked up a book. It was Y/n's favourite, the one Rhaenyra read to her. Rhaenyra cradled her grandchild close and read.
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justporo · 5 months
Laid Out Traps
Astarion has many masterful ways with which he keeps seducing you - traps laid out masterfully for you to fall into. And you are eager to let yourself get dragged under. But this time you're pulling him down with you.
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Author's Note: Well actually I wanted to write something else today, but here we are. Thoughts about how Astarion would continuously work on seducing you, making sure he's always on your mind didn't leave my mind. So enjoy some... not quite smut, but something sensual? Anyways, here goes.
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: light smut, lots of tension, blood Wordcount: 3,1k ~~~
You were walking through some forestry bits during another day of crossing this godsdamned Mountain Pass. It had barely been half a day but you were already exhausted. The journey just didn't seem to ever get any easier. Hopefully there would a break soon and you'd find some peace to calm your body and sort out your mind a little. Your thoughts had been running rampant for a while now and you were thankful for a moment away from the others when you could just let go a little.
Astarion - and therefore the reason why your mind was so scrambled - walked behind you. And he was also part of the reason why you felt so exhausted. Not only because the two of you had made it a frequent habit now to steal away when the others had gone to rest. But also because no matter how often you had found your way into the vampire’s arms, your thoughts never seemed to stray far from the pale elf. The hunger and need for the other never really sated.
It very much wasn't the kind of thing where the anticipation and the buildup had held all the magic. It hadn’t been merely a fling where the urge was overcome and then matters were dealt with for good.
No, much rather the more often you sought his embrace the more tightly wrapped his hold on your mind was. And you were beginning to feel that it might not even stop with his claim over your body and mind. At some point you would have confess to yourself that the sassy vampire, whose eyes sometimes were universes away with sorrow, had firmly snuck his way into your heart.
And Astarion took every opportunity to seduce you, to lure you in. Wrapping his strings tighter around you.
You were well aware of it.
He'd laid himself out as bait from the very beginning. You had known. At least you had very quickly been sure that he wasn't just after a body to lose himself in. Therefore, his ways were way too elaborate.
And also there were those moments when you were with him when it seemed he wanted to be anywhere but. But his focus always snapped back. Especially when you were trying to address these moments of absence.
Then he'd usually double his efforts, desperately trying to make you forget whatever thoughts had just sprung to your mind.
And unfortunately, he was masterful at that.
A master at deceiving you, luring you in and then keeping you trapped, being an addiction. It would probably not end well for you. Most vices didn't.
But you just couldn't stay away - neither from the way he held you but also from just… him.
A break was announced at some ruins you'd come across. Everyone seemed relieved. You set down your backpack and stretched when you felt a light touch at your back.
You turned to see Astarion who was lightly touching your shoulder. He gave you a knowing smile while his hand was quickly wandering down your arm with his fingertips finding some bare skin as quickly as possible at your wrist. The vampire's red eyes with a barely noticeable lifted eyebrow were an open question - or a promise rather.
His fingers in the meantime had moved to ever so lightly loop around your wrist. Not holding your hand of course, but it felt pretty intimate nonetheless. His lips were slightly parted, the tip of his tongue running over them absent-mindedly.
Your eyes immediately darted to them, then back to his gaze. Astarion's eyes were sparkling now in the midday sunlight and his mouth grew into his signature smirk.
This was exactly how he did it, how he caught you time and again: he made a game out of it, an adventure. Touching you when the others weren’t paying attention, letting his hand linger just long enough for you to feel a little heated, saying something playful that completely caught you off guard, sharing a stolen glance which always was a promise for more, for later.
Once he’d left you a little note in his narrow elegant handwriting with a line of poetry the two of you had once talked about. You still had it neatly tucked away under your armour - close to your heart. Sometimes you took it out to just look at it. Asking yourself how it could be if he always left you notes like that. You were hopelessly lost.
He had a thousand little ways of keeping you on your toes - or on your knees, much more -  and you were so prone to comply.
You were enjoying it, the way he turned it into this back and forth as if you were forbidden lovers: trying to hide away your attraction while finding as many moments to get lost in each other. It made it all the more titillating and intense.
You were absolutely sure the others knew anyway even if it was merely talked about in innuendos. But this didn’t stop Astarion from playing his little games with you. And you really didn’t want him to stop.
And so you also followed your lover this time, coyly throwing a glance over your shoulder to check if one of the other’s might be noticing. Then you let yourself be led around the ruins until you were around a corner of a former building. There was nothing much there but some underbrush and smaller blocks of former buildings.
Astarion had let his hand wander further until it had covered yours completely. And immediately when you had rounded the corner the vampire lifted your hand while he turned to you and with a few rash steps made you walk back until he had you up against the remainder of the wall.
He pressed your joint hands up against the stones next to your head while a predatory but auspicious grin had crept onto Astarion’s face. The vampire lowered his head as his gaze darkened and he took you in - lips, eyes, the hammering pulse at your throat.
His hips were pressing into yours, immobilising you against the stone wall, and the fingers of your joint hands were now laced - his thumb softly caressing yours lovingly despite the pressure he applied to trap you there with him.
The moment he’d pushed you against the wall, your former storming thoughts had been silenced and almost disappeared completely. Now you could only focus on the sensation of his closeness. Your lips were parted in anticipation already, your heart racing, a pleasant kind of tension was forming in your lower stomach.
You too took him in for a long moment, trying to burn this into your mind: the way he looked at you with his unique red eyes - almost from under his eyebrows -, soft lips curled into a cocky smile, the tips of his fangs noticeable, some of his silky white curls falling in his face, the curve of his high cheekbones that became even more noticeable when he slightly turned his head.
Astarion lifted his other hand to your face. He cupped your cheek for a moment, then let the back of his hand lightly stroke down your face. The gesture almost seemed too innocent in contrast to him having you pinned against a wall. Your eyes just widened more at him.
Then finally, his long fingers settled under your chin, his thumb placed on your chin, forcing you softly to tilt your head back while he moved in closer still.
“Shouldn’t you be careful who you follow into the woods?”, he whispered teasingly in a low voice.
His thumb was on your bottom lip of your already open mouth now, stroking over it as you let out a gasp. He was so incredibly close now too. Your hot breath must have moved over his cool skin. There were no thoughts in your head, only the feeling of the vampire being so impossibly and deliciously near - if only he moved like an inch or two closer.
“I wouldn’t want you to get trapped”, Astarion whispered again, drawing out the last word. His thumb tugged your bottom lip down now with quite some pressure before he let it slip back. Another gasp - almost a moan - left your throat.
“Maybe I am already trapped”, you managed to whisper in response. You earned a low chuckle and saw how the vampire’s eyes lit up and his grin grew broader - pronounced canines now fully on display. Your throat was dry, all of your hairs felt like they were standing on end in anticipation and your heart felt like it might give out any second. He slowly closed in on you, pupils dilating even more the closer he came - a hunter closing in on his prey.
And then he finally bridged the remaining gap, pressing his open lips to yours.
You immediately rewarded him with a deep moan. Your free hand was desperately trying to find hold on his armour to pull him even closer while your other was still firmly held in place.
Astarion’s tongue almost immediately slipped into your mouth, searching for dominance you willingly gave him when you welcomed his eager open mouthed kiss.
It wasn’t tender this. It was a powerplay - but it was full of burning hot passion. Fires were set ablaze in your lower body and the earlier tension was now making your whole body hum, sing for being graced with his attention.
The vampire moved so one of his legs pressed firmly between yours, almost forcing you up onto your tiptoes. Being even more immobilised, you were held at his mercy: indeed stuck in his trap - and you liked the place you were in.
The kiss was all tongues and teeth. Heads moving around while your mouths never left each other. Breathy groans and gasps were exchanged while his hand at your chin moved to your throat, fingertips pressing lightly onto your thrumming pulse before they wandered up again to outline your jaw, slightly applying pressure. With that he made your head tilt back even further.
Astarion eagerly claimed your mouth as his while pressing his body against you and you against the stone wall that pleasantly twinged at your back. If he wanted you right here and now there wouldn’t be a moment of hesitation. The water wasn’t even up to your neck anymore, you had well gone under and were happy to let go completely.
But after long moments Astarion withdrew from you. Instantly, you almost slumped down against the wall. Partly because of Astarion not holding you up anymore but mostly because he’d devoured almost everything of you with just a kiss. Knees were wobbly as you tried to catch your breath. Your eyes fell on Astarion who had taken a few steps back and was looking at you. His crimson eyes were wide with arousal, his breath a little ragged too. But he was still very much in control - the chase was only paused, not ended.
“Tonight then?”, he simply asked with an eyebrow jumping up.
This godsdamned bastard - turning you almost into a puddle with some kissing and now this audacity. He’d returned to his familiar stance, not one fucking hair out of place, breath already returning to normal. As much as you enjoyed this all, this game, the teasing, the nightly rewards. The asymmetry was all of a sudden making you mad.
Astarion cocked his head and blinked at you several times, with a sassy expression on his face still awaiting your response. He knew exactly what he’d done to you - smug arsehole.
A thought formed in your mind. You immediately jumped to the execution before you could second guess yourself.
You cocked your head just as he was still doing. Then you started to saunter over to him. Your gaze was locked onto his as you tried to not let your intention show on your face.
For once, just once, did you want to be the one leaving him flustered and in desperate need for more.
Astarion’s smug facial expression shook slightly the closer you came. For a moment you thought you even saw a slither of fear and worry run over his face. But this surely must’ve been an illusion, right?
His eyes became wide and round. Probably unbeknownst to him, but yet another thing that made you fall for his trap harder. Whenever the vulnerable person beneath all the sultry jokes and the perfect mask showed you wanted nothing more but to keep him safe.
But this wasn’t your focus now.
You shortly stopped before him, staring into his open eyes. Then you stepped closer even until you were almost touching him and you could take in his smell again. He gasped silently, all while his gaze never left yours.
And then your hands shot up, grabbing his face, pulling him to you once more in a kiss. You made him do the same thing he’d done with you: with your body pushing him back step by step. Then when Astarion’s boot heel hit a low stone of the ruins, you gave him a little push, so he landed with his butt on the stone.
You immediately followed, pressing your legs to his shins and knees so he wouldn’t have a way to get up - trapping him.
Heat was coursing through your body as you looked down on him now.
Astarion was breathing heavily now through his open mouth. He held your gaze - his expression surprised but not scared. If anything it was dominated by hunger now, demanding to be fed.
And so you did: sitting down on his lap, straddling him with both your thighs firmly pressing around his hips, ripping a low groan from him. Immediately you ground against him, already feeling his hardening arousal.
You grabbed his face with both hands and without hesitation pressed your mouth to his once more. This time you were in charge, your tongue playing with his and exploring his mouth.
Meanwhile Astarion’s hands both moved to cup your behind, squeezing your butt with splayed fingers, earning him your moan.
One of your hands went to the back of Astarion’s head, gripping some of his curls so you could pull back his head some more and shift your weight on his lap. You were leading this, you had him pinned - and you were keen to draw out the moment.
Your other hand caressed his face, fingers spreading, then wandering over one of his pointy ears, softly tugging, caressing and teasing - rewarding you with what could only be called a pleading whimper.
You rolled your hips again while your lips were still eagerly moving on his, not letting up, not giving Astarion a moment where he might take charge again.
Again, you were ready to just go all the way. Strip down bare here and now and just give into the carnal need that threatened to consume you both - but where would be the fun in that? And also you had been taught by a master.
Your last coup was to drag your tongue slowly along Astarion’s teeth. Feeling the sting of the vampire’s sharp fang as you drew your tongue along it.
A coppery taste flooded you for a moment; you’d drawn blood. Good, just as you had intended.
Of course Astarion had also immediately tasted your blood. His grip on you immediately intensified. A low growl rumbled in his chest when your taste hit him.
Your eyes that had been closed for the passionate kiss, flew open when you heard the vampire’s sharp intake of breath. His eyes were open too now and you saw how the black of pupils almost drowned out the red of his irises.
You gasped as you were eye to eye with the predator. Shortly asking yourself if it had been a good idea to wander willingly into his arms - his trap, as he had said before - and offer yourself up so eagerly.
Because this was also when the tides turned again.
One of Astarion’s arms looped around you while his other hand went up to grab your face. He pulled you even closer as he shifted his weight. Your hands slipped from their grip in his curls and went to simply cup his face as the vampire leaned you back.
He held your face in his firm grip as he groaned and deepened the kiss even more, eagerly trying to taste you fully. His tongue ran over yours as he was claiming your mouth once more.
He was leaning forward so much now as he eagerly sucked up every last delicious drop of you that you were arching your back, leaning back into nothing but thin air on his lap. Held in place only by his arm firmly looped around your waist and his hand pressing your face to his.
But soon every last drop of you for that moment had been abundantly tasted and devoured. One carnal desire - if not filled - at least postponed to a later time. Leaving one other still.
The kiss had slowed a bit again. But you still felt Astarion’s and your own arousal pretty evidently. The one tasted pleasure had fueled the other. But you had always only planned to tease him. To give the vampire a taste of his own medicine.
You arched your back once more to press your body against his harder one last time. Meanwhile you dragged his bottom lip between your lips just for a short moment, making the vampire groan and squeeze you against him harder, one of his hands on your butt again.
But then - at the height of your eager teasing - you withdrew. Startling Astarion so much with how you just swiftly got up from his lap that he simply let you go.
His eyes were still wide and he was obviously still feeling the rush of tasting your blood and from the kiss. His chest was lifting time and again as he was obviously desperate to regain composure. Besides surprise, admiration snuck into his gaze and into the smile he offered you now while he leisurely leaned one of his arms on his knees. His white curls were now thoroughly dishevelled as you noticed with satisfaction.
You were very much pleased with yourself, especially since resisting the urge had been no easy feat and you could still feel the need to grab and feel Astarion right this instant. But for once you had turned the tables - having the hunter end up in the prey’s claws just this time.
“Tonight then”, you answered Astarion’s previous question with a smirk. And then you turned and left your catch struggle. To return to it at a later time - and finish the job.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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smokersbaby · 1 year
Op men when their s/o asks to choke them
Characters: Law, Crocodile, Smoker (can do more on request) CW: NSFW content, chocking, creampie (no breeding kink included), rough sex (Crocodile part), size kink, minor errors. Notes: got inspired by last night with my s/o, these are my favourite three characters in OP, I hope you enjoy this! I am Italian so I'm sorry if phrases don't sound so fluent, I'm trying my best to improve my writing 💕
Trafalgar Law
You were taking him so well, his pace going faster and faster and his hips bouncing on you. His hands were holding yours over your head and his eyes were set on you, as to tell how much he wanted to bury himself inside of you. His moans were becoming loud as if he was almost there, you could also tell it by the stiffness of his muscles tensing above you. Seeing him like that was making you lose your mind, you could feel your peak coming right like his, clenching your walls against his hard cock. But you wanted more, something inside you wanted him to grab you by the neck while fucking you so well, like you were all his. At the moment it was really difficult to put words together since you were lost in pleasure, the only thing escaping from your mouth were moans. "L-Law..." you tried to say, he was watching directly at you and supposed you wanted him to stop so he lowered his pace. "No, please continue" you immediately said, in the meantime you let his hands go from the grip over your head. You grabbed gently his wrist bringing his hand over your neck. He understood in less than a second what you wanted, so he tightened his grip on your neck a little bit, just to let you know you were all his. His pace returned to be fast and powerful, your eyes watering for this kind of pleasure that made you want more and more of his thrusts. Law was feeling in control and this sensation made him lose his mind. You were so close to your climax and he could feel it too, so he closed his hand on your neck more knowing how much you liked it like this. That thing sent you over the edge, you reached your peak and so he did in the same moment, feeling your insides milking his stiff cock inside of you. He loosened his grip and kissed you softly on the lips a moment after, changing his attitude from tough to sweet in a second. He laid up hugging you waiting for you to fall asleep in his arms, needless to say, he was smiling for having discovered this new kink of yours.
Sir Crocodile
The sound of your ass hitting against his skin was filling the room, you were bouncing on him with your hips, taking all of his large cock inside of you. It was kind of unusual for such a man to lay down and watch you fuck yourself with his cock, for once you were the one in charge. You could move with ease in this position, choosing to take him deep further inside or not, teasing him. This thing was making Crocodile upset, he didn't like this kind of game. You were smirking at him, taking just the tip of his dick to see him irritating. Maybe you were playing too much with him because all of a sudden he decided to turn the tables coming on top of you. You didn't expect him to react in such a way, but somehow you wanted to feel him make you his in any way possible. He was laying on top of your back, sticking his aching cock between your thighs in your wet cunt from behind. A loud groan came from his mouth the moment he entered you, finally able to decide the rhythm of the thrusts. You were between the mattress and his body and feeling his weight all over you made you want him to choke you at that moment. You tilted your head slightly to the side since it was pounded into the mattress. You could barely see his face from that position but you didn't need to see him for asking such a thing. "Choke me," you said firmly, Crocodile wasn't waiting for more, he put his large hand on your neck squeezing it and thrusting his cock deeper in you the moment he grabbed you. You were so full of him, at that moment you thought that if this was his reaction you were going to ask him to choke you every single time. You couldn't help but smile being fucked so roughly and deep by your man.
"F-fuck, you're so tight…" Smoker said breathing heavily above you. His large cock was stretching your insides as if it were your very first time, which it wasn't. He was so big compared to you, his muscles covered by a thin layer of sweat due to fucking you so passionately. You were under him, chest to chest and hugging him trying to grab his back with your hands but it was kinda difficult because of his size. Even though you had just begun, he was almost at his limit, maybe because of how your cunt was wrapping his cock or because he was madly in love with you. His thrusts were so deep and slow, his pace was killing you and you wanted more even though you were almost crying in pleasure. Smoker's mouth was kissing your neck making you moan, suddenly he bit it gently, and that thing made your thoughts come out of your mouth. "Please choke me…" you said whispering in his ear. He stopped for a moment, this kind of request sounded completely new to him, even though he was a really big man he was soft on the inside. Smoker looked at you in the eyes to understand if that was what you wanted, he seemed confused so you decided to help him bring his large hand over your neck. His cheeks blushed a bit seeing you smile under his soft grip. He understood you were comfortable in it so he tightened his grip a little bit making you moan and starting again to thrust his cock inside of you. "You like it like that baby?" he whispered, you didn't need to answer because your moans were speaking for you. His rhythm was getting faster and you could feel him at his limit, also the lack of air was taking you almost there. Smoker leaned down on your mouth to kiss you while still grabbing you by your neck, his tongue was craving yours and the hotness of that kiss brought you both to your climax. Your nails dug into his back while you were creaming on his cock as he did the same in you with his cum. A second after he lay on you almost squishing you into the mattress, but you loved how you could feel him so close like that. "I didn't expect you could like such a thing, but I think I may like it too," he said kissing you on your forehead.
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honeesucker · 1 year
Prelude -
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Pairing: ProHero!DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo x Puppygirl!Reader
Word count:  2,263
Series Content Warnings: Little bit of a slow start... Graphic Depictions of Past Abuse & Trauma Response | Profuse Usage of Pet Names / All-around Softness | Bakugo Experienced Work-Related Trauma (causing near deafness, being put on leave from the agency, PTSD) | Eventual smut™ (will be tagged in individual chapters - to include but not limited to KiriBaku, HybridxHybrid, Hybrid heat trope, sex toy usage).
*Not Proofread.
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Katsuki Bakugo wasn’t a fundamentally nervous person. Sure, even as a Pro Hero in the public spotlight under constant scrutiny and dissection by media outlets and fans alike he experienced a normal amount of anxious awareness, but he wasn’t nervous – not like he is now, with his right leg jumping up and down rapidly, rubber-bottom boot creating a soft squeak that filled up the sterile room of the Musutafu Hero Recuperation Facility. It had been just over a month since the incident that gave him nightmares and left him with such severe hearing damage that he was currently unable to perform even basic hero duties for his agency – which is why he is sat where he is now, waiting. Hoping the next steps are what could get him back out into the city on normal duty than having his medical leave extended. 
He was losing his mind being left to himself and his thoughts each day, being told by doctors he needed to be still, and take is easy, and he was only losing his patience each subsequent doctor’s appointment that left him no closer to returning to Pro Hero work. 
“Tch,” the blonde ground his teeth as the indignant noise stuck in his throat; he swallowed it down with a harsh gulp. His ears were ringing when the two doctors walked in, eyes unfocused as the room and people in front of him blurred in and out of clarity, everything around him sounded like it was underwater, and he hated it.  
“Mr. Bakugo,” the doctor continued, Katsuki refocusing his attention on the man’s words, annoyed and thinking that Mr. Bakugo is my old man, not me... “we have some support specialists working with the latest auditory data set we took from you and they are getting closer to having a solution to get your hearing back to where it was before, and keep it there – even possibly making it better if all goes to plan.” 
“In the meantime, it is recommended you follow the strict guidelines for allowing your body to heal itself naturally,” the other spoke. “You need to make sure you’re not exceeding the maximum limit for minimal exertion we’ve placed on your physical activity, so you have a better chance of getting back to your pre-incident status.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Katsuki sighed out, tired of hearing this same speech each visit. “Don’t overdo it, give my damn body time to heal – I got it.” The two doctors observed Katsuki with cautious eyes, but simply nodded their acceptance of his understanding. It was as good as it was going to get with him. 
“Another suggestion,” one of the two added. “We have provided you with an email detailing a program we’d like you to consider – your colleague Red Riot actually participates and could be a good resource for you if you have any questions about it.” 
“Please take a look when you have a moment and consider this a strong suggestion for helping you progress further in your treatment,” Katsuki eyed the two, irritated at the vagueness of the conversation, but swallowed down his disagreement and simply nodded. 
“Yeah sure,” his chair slid back with a jarring scrape as he stood, moving toward the door to leave, “I’ll read your damn email, but I want progress updates from the support nerds.” He didn’t wait to hear their reply as he pushed through the door and hurried down the hall. He hated hospitals, hated the itch of memory in the back of his mind at the sterilized smell that gave him goosebumps and had him picking up the pace to rush out the side exit before heading to the sidewalk to wait for his friend to come get him after he shot him a text that he was all wrapped up. Another annoying outcome from the accident and the resulting toll on his body – he couldn’t drive himself as it was deemed too unsafe for him.  
“Hey Bakubro!” Katsuki’s eyes snapped toward the boisterous voice, seeing his red-headed friend waving his arm out the passenger window of his car. Katsuki ripped the door open and sunk into the passenger seat, Kirishima avoided asking how this appointment went the second he saw Katsuki’s demeanor. The two men drove in silence on the way to Katsuki’s apartment when the silence was cut. 
“Doctors mentioned an email they sent me about this program,” Katsuki tested the water, being unsure what the program his doctors suggested he partake in he wasn’t sure if it was good to bring up with Kirishima at this moment. “They mentioned you’ve taken part in it before... Was curious what it’s all about,” Katsuki wouldn’t add the unspoken because I trust your opinion, but he knew Kirishima knew him and his nuances better than anyone since they’ve been side by side since UA. 
“Program...?” Kirishima wracked his brain for a few minutes until it clicked.  
The Hybrid Rehabilitation Foster Program.  
A program that matches people with hybrids who have been rescued from inhumane circumstances with a person who needs support in their healing journey, and who is believed will benefit from focusing more on rehabilitating another which has been shown to have equally beneficial results with the healing person themselves. Kirishima had first taken part in the program after he was put on medical leave due to a villain fight that nearly left him dead – his body and his mind took almost a full year to heal, and he nearly gave up entirely. On Pro Hero work, on himself... on life. His doctors had mentioned the program and Kirishima wasn’t sure at first – how would he be able to provide a good home to someone who needed stability and support when he could barely pull himself out of bed? He got matched with a wolf hybrid, TetsuTetsu, who had been rescued from an underground fighting ring, having to kill other hybrids just to be able to get locked in a cage alive for another day. TetsuTetsu was surprisingly positive and open for someone who had gone through what he did, but he still had issues – Kirishima slowly helped break him of his more undesirable reactivity and in return TetsuTetsu gave Kirishima a reason to get up every day, make food, go for walks... talk about things that weighed on him, and before he knew it, he was making strides rebuilding his strength with his new training partner. Kirishima still had TetsuTetsu living with him, and Katsuki had met him several times now, but Kirishima never divulged how their relationship came to be – just alluded to him adopting a hybrid in need. 
“Yeah! If it’s the one I’m thinking about it’s a pretty great program,” Kirishima finally spoke. “It’s a rehabilitation program for hybrids who were rescued from bad situations. They place them with a person who they feel would benefit from having something to care for while working on their own journey too.” 
“Tch,” Katsuki snorted out, “sounds like a pain in the ass waste of time.” 
“It’s how I adopted TetsuTetsu,” Kirishima stated out loud for the first time to his friend. Katsuki noted the stiff body language from his friend, knuckles white as they gripped the steering wheel. “When I was out on leave for that year after...” Kirishima couldn’t finish the thought, the memory still a sore spot. “I was out on leave, and it got bad dude. I really came close to just giving up.” Katsuki had seen his friend in a lot of lights, weak and strong – but Kirishima never revealed what happened after that incident that left him injured when he was on leave for that year. Never thought for a second his life came so close to not having that shitty red hair and sharky smile in it, never thought he’d ever have that brotherhood bond ripped from him. Katsuki swallowed hard, the lump in his throat the size of a boulder.  
“That bad, huh?” Kirishima just flashed a half-smile, watching his friend shift uncomfortably in the seat. 
“Yeah,” Kirishima sighed, “it got pretty bad. I was against the idea at first, not thinking I could take care of someone when I couldn’t do it myself but it’s amazing how your mind overrides itself to keep going for someone else... and having TetsuTetsu around really helped me get back on track to be back where I am now.” 
Katsuki had been chewing on the inside of his cheek, eyes narrowed into a concentrated death stare before he noticed that they were parked in front of his apartment building. “I do like that annoying rockhead,” Katsuki finally said. Kirishima just laughed and gave a gentle punch to his friend’s shoulder. 
“Just think about it dude,” Kirishima smiled, seeing the cogs turning in Bakugo’s head. “They provide a link to the rescue sight so you can see some of the hybrids they have in their facility right now – and look into next steps if you end up going that route...” Bakugo had stepped out of the car listening to his friends, and before shutting the door with a quick Later, dude Kirishima added - “it’s worth it Bakugo.” 
Kirishima just laughed, watching Bakugo enter his building before pulling away to head back home. Intending to text Bakugo later to see where his head is at and see if he wants to talk more in depth about the program. 
Bakugo made his way up to his apartment – opening the door and stepping into the genkan to slip out of his boots and into his bright crimson and black Red Riot house slippers – a joke gift from his friend but functional enough that Bakugo didn’t mind replacing his old ones with them.  He’d never outwardly admit it but he had a love for sentimentality even when it made him uncomfortable, and Kirishima always had such a shit eating grin on his face when he came over to Bakugo’s house and saw them still being used. 
Bakugo’s apartment was wide open, a minimalistic space with deep chocolate colored wood laminate flooring and a traditional shoji style wall, some actual shoji, and some just styled in a more traditional way with wallpaper and wood accents. The whole living room wall facing out toward Musutafu was made up of large windows that lead to a fairly decently sized balcony with a bonfire and patio set, and down a short hallway was the spare room that currently housed his office where he could complete some more of the menial work from home, and a pull-out couch for guests. His bedroom was an equally large, open space but housed a King-sized bed with plush comforters and pillows, a wall dedicated to All Might memorabilia he collected since he was a child and was connected to a luxury bathroom with a deep tub and natural rock wall shower that doubled as a steam room. 
Bakugo took his time getting showered, changed into loungewear and set to work through some of his most recent light work assignments, and finally his emails where one caught his eye immediately. 
Musutafu Hybrid Rehabilitation Foster Program, LLC <[email protected]
To: Bakugo, Katsuki <[email protected]
Tue, Nov 8 at 10:26 AM 
Hello Katsuki Bakugo, 
Congratulations! You have been extended a conditional offer of consideration for adoption as a part of the Hybrid Rehabilitation Program per a request from your medical team at the Musutafu Hero Recuperation Facility. Please note that this adoption offer is contingent upon the completion of the necessary online paperwork and tasks, as well as your attendance to the required hybrid informational seminars prior to the adoption process. Additionally, your offer may be contingent on screening results (e.g., background check, reference check), as applicable for the adoption. 
In advance of you coming to the facility, please follow the link below to complete required paperwork and tasks as stated above. You will also be redirected to our facilities availability calendar to choose a day to come in and tour the facility, speak with staff and begin the introduction process at your convenience. 
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the facility and ask to speak to the Managing Director.   
Best regards, 
The M.H.R.F.P. Team 
Bakugo stared at his computer screen for the longest time before deciding to click on the hyperlink that led him to the rescue facilities website. He was on autopilot as he filled out all of the personal information, required questions (both information-gathering and personal) and even wrote in his concerns in a concise manner in a provided box for additional comments before hitting submit and staring as the screen buffered with a loading wheel until it finally read ‘Thank you! A member of our staff will be contacting you shortly to confirm your appointment date!’ He didn’t know why he easily accepted this opportunity despite his growing hesitation, again unsure that he could or should be seeking to take care of something else when he could barely manage to care about himself beyond pushing himself into getting back to his normal Hero work... but a nagging feeling at the back of his mind told him this was something worth checking out. 
“Hell, if shitty Broomhead can do this program then so can I,” he finally said, shutting his laptop and heading toward his bedroom to sleep.  
Underneath the plush covers, in the darkness of his room, Bakugo drifted off into a dream of what awaited him upon meeting a hybrid. 
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watchingovergvff · 1 year
Kill You To Try- Jake Kiszka
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Summary: Will you and Jake ever be able to see eye to eye? Being pining idiots and hating each others guts don’t mix. Let’s find out the hard way then.
Genre: Childhood best friends- enemies- lovers. Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Jake is an asshole. Jealousy and Drinking.
A/N: This is my second favorite thing i’ve ever written. I apologize for my lack of Jake fics, considering I stay in Jake lane 24/7. I’ve been working on this for a couple of weeks and it’s not perfect by any means. I love to hear feedback so please let me know or if you want a part two to this also!! Thank you for all your patience and support<3333
Jake has never been jealous of Josh’s relationship with you, well that was until he saw the two of you dancing. Something about the way Josh’s hands caressed the small of your back, made his chest ache in resentment.
That’s where his dislike for you starts. Well, maybe not dislike but irritation at least.
Jake has known you since the 5th grade. You used to run around the playground, picking flowers for each and every one of your classmates. Jake had fallen and scratched up his knee, sniffles sounding out. Feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder, he turns around to find you smiling down at him.
“Are you okay?” you peer down at him.
“My knee hurts.”
Handing him the prettiest flower out of your bouquet, “Here this should make you feel better.” Jake admires your toothless grin from below, already feeling much better. It didn’t take much longer after that for him to decide to keep you around.
Jake and Josh were a package deal so being best friends with Josh was inevitable. Growing up, you always found that Josh matched your energy to-a-tee. He was your best friend, the one that always knew how to make you laugh. But, Jake was different. Jake felt like your home, your safe place.
That was until he started acting like an asshole out of nowhere. One day you were fine, the next day you weren’t.
It hurt like hell. There’s truly no way to describe losing your better half, other than heartbreak. Maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so bad, if you weren’t utterly in love with him.
As the years go by, Jake continues his relentless cycle of torture. The snide comments or blatant disrespect, never compared to the pain of him ignoring you. Josh was dumbfounded at Jake’s behavior toward you. He could have sworn Jake was in love with you, but it’s not the first time Jake has surprised him. Josh was tired of constantly calling Jake out on his shit. He understood if Jake just didn’t get along with you anymore, but the disrespect was uncalled for.
Over time, you got used to Jake’s nasty behavior and decided to not let it bother you. If he was going to act like a child then so be it, you would be the mature one.
The boy’s music career had shot up since high school, which meant less time spent together and more time touring the world. Saying your goodbyes was hard, but was inevitable. In the meantime, your life would live on in Michigan, while theirs roamed the world.
Life caught up with all of you, which meant less phone calls and no time for visits. Josh kept his promise when he said he would call once a week. He loved giving you every detail of tour since you couldn’t be there. You had been with them since before they even decided to be a band, so not having you around was weird for all of them, even Jake.
After being away for a year, the tour has finally come to an end. Sam being Sam decides to throw a coming home party, mourning the end of tour but celebrating their return.
Being Josh’s right-hand man comes with its perks, so when you get the invitation to their “exclusive” party, you can’t turn the opportunity down.
Would it be weird to say that you hit a second puberty over the past year? Probably, yes. But, you were being truthful. All those years begging and pleading your body to catch up with your maturing mind, payed off it seems. You finally felt good in your own shoes. So, when the hot guy from the local coffee shop asks for your number, who are you to say no.
Having had plans for a date the night of the party, you suggest that the two of you attend a good friend’s party. Surprisingly, he agrees to go with you, let’s just hope he’s used to crazy.
“Josh will you please shut the fuck up? I don’t want to hear her name again, please,” Jake groans out.
Whipping his head in Jake’s direction Josh says, “She’s my best friend. I’m allowed to be excited to see her Jake.”
Jake gives his best effort to not roll his eyes, but fails.
“It’s not like you have to talk to her. I’m sure she isn’t thrilled to see you either, after how shitty you’ve been,” Josh mumbles, leaving the room.
Huffing like a child, Jake does his best to calm his nerves. He is not prepared whatsoever to see you after all this time.
Jake already knew it would be hard to see you, but seeing you with some guy makes his façade shatter completely. Pre-gaming seems to have been a bust, because he has never felt soberer in his life.
“Sunshine!” Josh’s bright smile distracts you from scanning the crowd any longer, silently searching for his other half.
After Josh has gotten his fill of hugs and kisses from you, he makes quick work of introducing himself to your date.
Josh’s love for first impressions allows you to quickly excuse yourself, wanting to find a drink strong enough to get through the night.
Scanning the crowd, you see him. Sitting in a secluded corner of the room, slowly sipping on his drink.
Realizing his eyes had been on you since stepping in the doorway, you allow yourself one quick glance in his direction. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of actively looking for him, you walk the opposite direction, silently hoping he’ll follow you.
Is Jake an asshole to you? Yes.
Does he deserve even a second of your time? Hell no.
But, there’s still a part of you that longs for the Jake you once knew so well. It’s foolish to believe that after all this time he has changed, but you can’t help but wish for it.
Fixing a drink, you smile at people in passing or attempt to make small talk.
Feeling him before you see him, his presence looms over you like no other.
Jake sits onto the countertop next to you, plucking the cherry out of your drink. Grinning wickedly at you, he sucks the cherry into his mouth.
If you hadn’t been so focused on his cherry stained lips, you would have slapped the audacity right out of him.
“See something you like, sunshine?”
“Fuck off Jake,” you glare up at him.
“Don’t be like that, where’s my welcome home hug?” he pouts.
“Assholes don’t get welcome home hugs. They get a foot up their ass instead. Would you like me to demonstrate?”
He chuckles.
Jumping off the counter, he says, “It’s good to see you to, Sunshine.”
Watching him saunter off to his dark corner, you exhale, trying to regain your footing. Jake has always had a way of making your head feel all fuzzy, no matter what bullshit he was spewing.
Sam had made the executive decision to start a bonfire later into the night.
The party had dwindled down to very few people at this point.
Your date had decided to head home early because he had work the following morning. The both of you had agreed to see each other again soon. He seemed extremely nice, but you had a feeling it wouldn’t work out due to your complicated past resurfacing.
But, you were in desperate need of a distraction sadly.
Which left you snuggled under Josh’s arm, sharing childhood stories around the fire. Very clique, but it happened every time you all got together and had a few drinks.
Jake’s eyes haven’t left your figure since you walked in the door. The moment in the kitchen with you replaying in his mind over and over again. He could have sworn you looked at him, like he’s always looked at you.
Hanging on to every word that comes out of your mouth, Jake yearns for your affection.
Over the years, Jake has had love interests that weaved in and out of his life. He’d never been in love with any of them, but unconsciously found parts of you in them.
Deflecting his feelings for you by pretending to dislike you is better than being rejected by the one person he loves most, at least that’s what he tells himself.
He longs to hold you close like Josh.
Was his fear of rejection worth losing his best friend?
Weeks have passed since the night of the party. Danny had graciously taken you home that night, promising to have a lunch date soon.
Remember the guy you brought with you to said party, you know, the one you agreed to see again?
Well, the time has come to meet up again. The both of you agree to get drinks at a local bar in town. Your excited to go out actually. He’s a cute guy who seems to have a genuine interest in you. Plus, he could be the solution to your irritating Jake problem. It’s been a while since you’ve gotten all dolled up anyway, so this is a great excuse.
Finally feeling satisfied with how you look, you head out the door. Don’t get it twisted, you’re not dressing for him. Putting on a pretty outfit and delicate makeup is all for you, mostly because it’s fun.
High school is rough for everyone. Puberty, delayed growth spurts, acne, braces, and social standards never complimented each other. Having struggled with each and every aspect of an awkward stage during high school.
Feeling beautiful is hard when everyone around is trying to be anyone but themselves. So, you could say high school was rough for you.
You never thought of yourself as beautiful or magnificent. Mostly putting yourself into the dull category, because there was truly nothing special about you.
But, Jake always had a way of proving you wrong.
Jake watched you grow from a gentle and kind young lady, into a breath-taking woman.
Having always thought you were beautiful in every stage of life, Jake truly wouldn’t know where to start.
The bar was lit up with string lights, softly playing music.
Lucky for you, the bar was just a block over from your house, so you were able to walk over. Hoping that your date went well enough for you to hitch a ride home with him.
You arrived on time, perching yourself atop the nearest bar stool. He had messaged you saying he was running behind, but he shouldn’t be too long. So, you had decided to wait at the bar for him.
Hours have passed and your still sat atop a barstool, downing your sixth drink of the night. You came to the conclusion about two hours ago, that he was indeed not coming after all.
“Ma’am, do you have a ride home? We’re closing up shop here, so you’re going to have to leave soon,” the older bartender asks you.
“Yeah, yeah sorry. Let me call a friend of mine really quick,” you fumble around, looking for your phone.
Securing your phone in your hand, you go to call Josh. He wouldn’t mind coming to get you.
“Hey Josh, I know its late but I need a ride home. I’m at the bar down the street, but I’ve had too much to drink to walk home in the dark. Can you please come get me?” anxiously fidgeting in your seat.
“I’ll be there in five. Stay right there,” he hangs up abruptly.
He did not sound happy whatsoever. Making Josh mad was not on your to do list today.
It’s just kind of weird. Josh never minds picking you up, he actually insists its him you call. He’s probably having a rough day, don’t over think it.
It hadn’t even been five minutes when you heard your name being called behind you.
Except that voice was definitely not Josh’s.
Out of all people you could have accidentally called, it had to be him. Your night couldn’t get any worse.
Spinning around on your chair, you sigh, waiting for him to provoke you.
He looks at you worriedly, almost like you would shatter any second now.
You scoff, rolling your eyes.
“What? What did I do now?” Jake questions, conscious of your every move.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
You glare at him.
“Like I’m some fucking lost puppy.”
“Don’t give me a reason to,” he bites back.
Running your hands across your face, you realize just how tired you were. “Jake, I can’t do this with you right now. I’ve had a shitty day. Can you please just take me home?”
He reluctantly nods, heading out the door with you in tow.
The two of you climb into his car and begin your silent ride home.
Jake’s never seen you like this. He’s used to you being angry especially at him. Granite, he does love to get you riled up.
But, his favorite is when your happy. When you smile so big, that it throws him back to the day he met you, with your big toothless grin shining down on him.
His sunshine now turning into rain.
So, he respects the silence for once in his life, letting you have your moment. Watching the tears gather in your eyes, brings along a feeling he’s not familiar with.
Gripping the steering wheel, he feels steam run off of him, allowing his knuckles to turn white.
It’s one thing for him to tease and mock you, but another for some asshole to think he can and get away with it.
Jake wants now more than anything to be Josh for you. To make you smile and laugh. He can’t bare to see you like this any longer.
“Do you want to play some music? I’ll even let you choose,” he speaks softly, almost like he doesn’t want to run you off.
You peer up at him in confusion. Where the hell did Jake go?
Shifting anxiously under your gaze, Jake mumbles a quick never mind.
It’s been years since the two of you have had a civil conversation, so this feels unnatural.
“Do you remember when Sam had a crush on you?” doing his best to break the ice.
You snort.
His heart flutters seeing you laugh at something he said for once.
“Do I? The kid followed me around for weeks asking me all kinds of weird questions. It took you telling him that I had cooties because of you to back off,” you laugh out.
Sam was never a smooth talker, that’s for sure.
Jake laughs.
You watch in awe, begging for him to never stop laughing again.
Eventually, Jake pulls into your driveway. The two of you sit in silence for a moment, just wanting to bask in the normalcy for once.
You pull the door open, stepping out of the car. Turning around, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks Jake, for everything,” looking anywhere but at him.
“No need to thank me, I’d do it again. If you really wanted to thank me, you could tell me where that guy lives so I can kick his ass,” he smiles up at you, only slightly kidding.
Laughing you wave goodbye, praying that he doesn’t see how flustered you were.
Once you’ve made it inside, Jake sits in the driveway, contemplating everything that happened tonight.
On the way home, Jake realizes he regrets not apologizing for everything he’s said that he truly didn’t mean.
Days pass and Jake hasn’t heard a peep from or about you. Josh claims that your trying to heal from getting your heartbroken, but Jake has a feeling something else is wrong.
He is terrified that he may have done something to hurt or upset you once again. He is sick and tired of being the one that hurts you.
So, Jake makes the impulsive decision to go see you. Josh protests saying “Jake is the last person you would want to see right now”. In authentic Jake fashion, he doesn’t give a flying fuck.
The drive to your house was torture. Jake didn’t know what the right thing to say would be or what he should do.
Thinking back to simpler times, he remembers the time he saw you the summer of 9th grade.
That summer was a weird one for all of you.
Jake and Josh finally went through a growth spurt and started filling into their teenage bodies.
They hadn’t seen you all summer because your family sent you to summer camp.
Jake had come home one day, looking for Josh. He heard Josh’s voice float down the hallway from the garage. Making his way in that direction, he heard a second voice. Recognizing that sweet voice anywhere, Jake strides down the hall in search of you.
Once in the garage, he froze in his tracks. It was definitely you, but different. Jake remembers your straggly hair and your scraped knees. He remembers a little girl, his best friend.
You were no longer a little girl, you were a young woman.
You had bloomed into a stunning flower. Jake felt breathless.
But, after all you were still you. Jake was still Jake.
Best friends forever, but maybe it had always been more than that.
Jake and Josh hauled you everywhere. Every show they played you were there.
Believing in their success was never difficult for you. The moment you heard them play together, you knew everything would change.
When the boys played their first big show, you had tagged along not wanting to miss a second of it. Their set had finally come to an end that night. Trotting off the stage, Jake immediately went looking for you. He’d kept an eye on you throughout the show, always feeling better with you close by.
Feeling a hand grip his wrist, he spins around in search of the culprit.
Wrapping him into a bear hug, you squeeze him tight.
Pulling away from you he notices tears in your eyes.
“What’s wrong? Was the show that bad?”
You slap at his chest.
“No, you idiot. These are happy tears. I’m just so proud of you guys. Thank you for letting me be here,” you smile up at him.
“Thank you for wanting to be here. I couldn’t have done it without you,” he remarks.
Arriving at your house, he stumbles up to your porch and forces himself to knock on your door. After what seems to be the longest two minutes of his life, you answer the door.
You clearly just woke up from a nap, your hair a wild mess. Of course, Jake thinks its adorable.
Obviously, your taken aback as to why Jake would be standing on your front porch. You begin to question him, but he stops you.
“Can I come in? We need to talk,” he says, barely looking you in the eye.
“Yeah sure, sure,” you say, stepping aside.
Looking around, Jake realizes he’s never been inside your house before. Your windows are wide open, welcoming the sunlight in. Music playing softly from your record player. Books littered all over the room. It feels like home, yet so unfamiliar.
Clearing your throat, you see him jump, clearly on edge.
Once the two of you have gotten comfortable on your sofa, you realize she how quiet it is. Giving him a small smile, in hopes to provide some sort of comfort due to his jitteriness. He melts at the sight of your kind gesture.
“Are you feeling better” he asks.
Chuckling nervously, you reply, “Way better than the last time you saw me. Thank you for that by the way. I meant to text you afterwards, but I was just too tired.”
“You don’t have to thank me, I wanted to.”
You stare at him blankly.
“You wanted to save me from one of the most embarrassing nights of my life?”
“No no no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just like helping you or being the one you call.”
Giving him an exasperated sigh, you sink deeper into your chair.
“Jake, why are you here?”
He sighs, remembering the real reason he came after all. “I don’t even know where to start. I just wanted to apologize, for everything. You never deserved how I treated you. You’ve always been such an enigma to me. I couldn’t ever figure out why you were so kind to me, even after I pushed you away.”
“Then why did you push me away Jake? When all I’ve ever wanted was to be close to you.”
“I felt like I had to. You and Josh had gotten so close. I was selfish and got jealous. I’ve had to share everything with Josh my whole life. The one thing I never ever wanted to share was you. At the time, I felt like you had finally made your decision and it was Josh that you chose. It hurt too much to see the both of you together, so I made myself distance from you. A few years after I came to my senses and realized I was being selfish making you choose between the both of us, I wanted to make things right. I bought flowers and wrote out my whole apology speech, just to get to your front door and cower away. I felt like there would be no way you would forgive with such a lame ass excuse at that point. I had already dug deep enough. So, I made myself learn how to hate you, even though that’s the farthest thing from the truth. I--- I’m just so sorry Y/n. I never want to hurt you again. Being the one you called that night at the bar made me realize just how much I missed you. I miss talking to you, laughing with you, and sitting with you. I miss everything. I want to make it right, no matter what it takes. You deserve it, you always have.”
Hiding his face within his hands, in order to keep some composure, he hears a sniffle. Quickly looking up, Jake comes face to face with your tearful smile.
Tears poor down your face, while grinning ear to ear.
Reaching over, Jake gently wipes your tears away. You reach up and cup his shaky hands, holding them against your face.
“You’re such a dumbass.”
The both of you die out with chocked up laughter.
“You should have just told me Jake. I’ve always loved you both and I always will. But, my love for you is different, it always has been. You’re my best friend. Josh is my brother, the one that shields me. I had a sneaking suspicion that may have been what triggered your behavior, but I was too pissed to talk about it with you. Your right, I didn’t deserve the treatment you gave me, but I saw right through that bullshit. You forget that I watched you grow up. You’ve always been my sweetheart, the friend that would go above and beyond for you. I never truly believed you hated me, I just wanted to give you time to figure yourself out, no matter how long it took. I forgive you Jake. I think I forgave you a long time ago, but was always too prideful to admit it to myself.”
Grinning at each other, Jake pulls you into a tight hug. Being this close to one another after years of pining, felt like a dream.
Finally, you pull away realizing just how close the two of you were. Feeling Jake’s breath gently against your skin, you glance down at his lips. Jake’s breathing all together stops.
Quickly, your mind comes to its senses and the both of you awkwardly pull away.
Scratching the back of his neck, Jake says, “I guess I should head back to the studio now. Josh is going to kill me if I’m late again.”
“Oh yeah, of course. I know how cranky he can get,” you laugh off. Leading him out your front door, you turn to walk back inside.
“Y/n,” Jake calls out.
“Thank you.”
You smile so wide, your bottom lip shakes.
Waving him off, you head back inside. Laying against the door, your head feels fuzzy from just his smile.
Five minutes later, Jake finds himself pulling right back into your driveway. He marches right out of his car, straight up to your porch once again. In a tizzy, he begins banging on your door.
Rushing to see what the ruckus is about, you swing open your door.
“Miss me already?” you chuckle out.
“Marry me.”
The both of you stand there looking at each other, daring the other to speak up.
“I’m sorry that’s not what I meant to say, I was trying to tell you-
You tug him by his collar, kissing him softly.
Eventually, the two of you pull away trying to catch your breath. Resting his head against yours, you both smile.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” you whisper out.
Jake chuckles in disbelieve. “No way, I’ve been dreaming of that since 7th grade.”
He takes your hand in his, squeezing so tight in hopes to convey his love for you. Immediately understanding, you bring your hand up to gently stroke his hair.
“Well, we could keep standing out here looking at one another, or we can go inside and kiss some more,” you say.
Jake hastily responses, “Inside please.”
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!!!!
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animeyanderelover · 8 months
Anon: Could I request Yandere Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus and Ash Landers with a reader who's a young widow/widower who refuses to entertain any thoughts of having another romantic relationship with someone out of a desire to spend the rest of their life as their late spouse's wife/husband.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, delusional thoughts, paranoia, manipulation, blackmailing, gaslighting, threats, arranged marriage, abduction
My one and only partner
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ It's such a tragic event, isn't it? Losing the spouse you adored and loved so much. Yes, life can certainly be cruel. The young Earl gives you his condolences, although more out of an act of formal courtesy than genuine compassion and sympathy for your loss. Your spouse has been an unpleasant thorn in his eye for a while now and if it wouldn't have been for their sudden death, he would have ended up manipulating and sabotaging the relationship himself. With them out of the picture without his doing though, Ciel sees a chance. Your talk about never wanting another relationship again is initially not something he takes serious. You're hurt and shocked, you'll get eventually over it. In the meantime Ciel plays the role of the supporting and kind friend who helps you and overlooks how you're doing. If you're struggling in life due to the loss of your lover, he'll financially support you.
☕ The Earl of Phantomhive stays patient with you for a couple of months where he subtly brings up the idea of you marrying again in some discussions he has with you yet you never hesitate in your answer that you'll never take another spouse. Slowly you wear his patience down though as the seasons pass by and your way of thinking doesn't change. Ciel eventually has to acknowledge that you might just be more serious with your decision than he initially anticipated and your sheer dedication to your late spouse elicits a spark of annoyed envy out of him. It's disrespectful to think in such a condescending way of your dead spouse but Ciel just can't see why you'd love them so much and deny yourself the chance to marry a more suitable person. The more suitable person of course being him. Nothing is fully confirmed just yet though so Ciel continues for now with what he's been doing so far, feigning to be your concerned friend whilst subtly courting you.
☕ As another couple of months pass by and you still don't change your mind, Ciel has to resort to more manipulation and sabotage. A pity, he was hoping to win your heart the more gentlemanly way. He decides to break off the engagement with Lizzy sooner than initially planned and paints himself to be quite shaken by those events. He does it in a way that doesn't damage his relationship with the Midford family though as they're important allies to him. He hopes to gain your sympathy by acting like it hits him harder than anticipated. Additionally he forces you into situations where you have to rely on him more in attempts to earn your gratitude and trust. Those are ways to blackmail you without you really knowing as he still hopes that you'll stop your childish behavior by pushing you. If none of those work though, he sees himself forced to arrange an engagement between you two. It would truly be a pity though if you'd leave him no other choice but to reveal his cold and possessive persone though, wouldn't you agree?
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian puts his best act out to appear compassionate over your loss but his black heart couldn't care less in reality. Instead the early death of your spouse is merely a problem less for him as they dared to touch and take something that belongs to the demon and the demon alone only. He would have gotten rid of them himself but life was this time faster than him apparently. Despite his clear apathy, he still feigns concern and sympathy to gain your trust and even your reliance as Sebastian can't help but see the current situation you're in as a good opportunity to claim your heart which was meant to belong to him in the first place. Emotionally you're very vulnerable right now after all and even if he isn't thrilled by the fact that you waste so much thoughts and tears on this good-for-nothing spouse of yours, it's an ideal chance to grow closer to you and show you that you have a far better option right in front of you. Him.
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian prides himself in showing off his skills and abilities in front of you whilst taking care of you. He helps you in whatever ways he can, always pays you a visit and sees how you're doing. He does some of the chores for you when you're busy and even cooks and bakes for you when he has the time. He's aware of your antics of not wanting to marry ever again but he doesn't take you seriously. No, instead he almost finds your childish determination amusing as he does not believe you to stay true to your decision. Sebastian is far too confident in himself to feel intimidated or insecure. He's swayed many with his looks and his charm. If at all, he views this all as a little challenge. Amuse him a bit if you can, he has all the time in the world. You manage to stay loyal to your decision and the first couple of months, this actually excites the demon. You aren't as easily swayed and he enjoys that you're a harder challenge. That'll make it all the more rewarding when you give in after all.
🐈‍⬛ Apparently the demon has severely underestimated your loyalty and love for your dead spouse as you keep on denying him and his attempts to court you. What was once amusement and fun slowly turns into bitterness and annoyance, black feelings Sebastian has rarely experienced against someone, especially against a dead human. In all possible ways you could compare your deceased spouse to him, Sebastian is better in every way so why would you cling so desperately to someone who is already dead. As a demon, Sebastian will never be able to understand your strong devotion as you're his mate and shouldn't cling to the memories of a dead human. His comments become snarky and passive-aggressive whenever you talk about your dead spouse as he doesn't want to hear you speaking of them in such a wistful manner. You make him slowly lose his patience, an achievement near impossible. He might just come clear with his feelings at one point, giving you the last opportunity to accept him. "No" is not an option for you though.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois should learn to read the room as he gives his darling an emotional response only a heartless asshole would show. The aristocrat is gleeful with the news of the unexpected death of your spouse. He has despised them with every fibre of his being simply for being married to you and being your spouse by law, a spot that should belong to him. They were in his way and if they wouldn't have died so suddenly, Alois would have ordered their death himself. Their death is in his mind like a sign from above, a sign that should tell you that they weren't meant for you. He has such a hard time hiding his sadistic grin and at least acting like he feels sorry as he just feels giddiness rushing through his blood. Finally! Now he can have you all for himself without their disgusting arse anywhere near you. He might just visit their grave out of pure spite, mocking them and laughing at them. They got what they deserved for taking you.
👅 No sense for boundaries and personal space, Alois just acts like an immature and spoiled brat, which he really just is at the end of the day. He's clingy because now there is no spouse of yours around which disgusts him and tempts him to just strangle them for doing as much as touching you. No, instead he's celebrating your new freedom and that you two can now finally be together as he showers you with presents and invites you multiple times a week over to his mansion. He's giddy, joyful and touchy with you as he doesn't even consider the fact that you want to grieve, don't want to hang around him or even start a relationship with him right away. Instead he instantly assumes that you'll accept him and are even happy that your deceased spouse is now gone. That makes him immensely confused when you stop him and tell him firmly that you have no interest in him or anyone.
👅 He's not believing you or at least doesn't want to believe you. Why are you still hung up on that rat? They were only in the way! He should have been your lawful husband from the very start! The brat in him emerges and starts shouting and crying, blames you for being so stupid to choose the wrong person in the first place when you should have just waited for him to come along. Aloid doesn't want to understand and neither will he ever understand, too gone in his head with his pretty fantasy of you two being meant to be together. So he doesn't take your words seriously, refuses that you mean it. Such devotion should only be for him, you can't possibly really feel so strongly about them...right? He rejects that idea of your heart forever belonging to them violently but he grows undeniably more paranoid with the thought constantly present at the back of his mind. You're the one who has the wrong idea here! Alois genuinely believes that you just need some convincing to see that you were wrong, although that means in normal words an abduction and isolation.
Claude Faustus
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🕷️ His facial expression remains cold and apathetic, only the slight hint of a smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips when he hears about the news. What a stroke of luck that is, he doesn't have to bother with this little insect after all. Claude would have a 100% taken care of them himself but that isn't needed because their own stupidity was the death of them. Claude is rather content for the first time in a long while as his mood hasn't been the best ever since he found out that his mate had already been claimed by another human. He hides his smugness about their death in front of you though, sane enough to understand that he'd only earn your ire otherwise. Besides that though, he'll keep his emotionless face though because it is hard faking sympathy and sorrow for someone who has only been a hindrance in his eyes from the very first moment.
🕷️ Claude is merciless as he instantly starts erasing traces of their existence. He tidies your house up to get rid of their stench clinging to every material until his own smell is dominating the house and throws photos and everything else out. The last part he does without your knowledge since you cherish every reminder of your late spouse. It's pathetic and annoying to see you breaking down when you can't find pictures and, worst of all, your own wedding ring anymore. You sob and cry and he can only look at you with cold eyes, doing his best to hide an annoyed sneer. That dead human is barely worth anything besides a mediocre meal in his eyes so why are you so affected? You have him and that's all you'll ever need. Your talk of never wanting another romantic relationship only serves to fuel his annoyance but ultimately he brushes it off as you being dramatically emotional.
🕷️ Claude is rather full of himself after all, is confident that he can charm you and make you forget all about your spouse in no time. His patience is not as good as Sebastian's is though so he grows soon tired of your naive fantasy to live and die as your late spouse's partner. Even the mere mention of their name causes his chest to fill with barely hidden annoyance, his words cold and sharp when he speaks about them. He's just done with you and your stubbornness of clinging to someone who is already buried six feet underneath. He is the one you should choose, not some pathetic and undeserving human. You're his mate after all! His! That's the point where Claude starts using his powers to sabotage you, scare you, torture you mentally a bit to force you into co-dependency. If you still refuse to accept him, deny him what is rightfully his, he'll have no mercy whatsoever. He'll reveal himself to you and will take you for himself just like his instincts demand him to do. Don't worry, you'll forget soon all about your former lover.
Ash Landers
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▫️ Ash has been agonizing himself over that spouse of yours since the first day he found you. Marriage is sacred, a bond special yet for you to give your vow to such a vile human. No one is worthy of you in this city, not even in the entire world. It isn't your fault though as Ash believes that it was your spouse who forced you, abused your kindness and love. Oh, he would have loved to remove that stain himself but perhaps this was divine punishment from heaven. It is a heavy weight less on his shoulders for him now that that vermin is gone, although your safety is still plenty enough to give him multiple heart attacks. You're far from safe after all as you still live in a society with rotten individuals, you're the only pure and untainted flower left. So Ash just has to act and so something before they'll devour you, tear you apart.
▫️ In all his paranoia and panic he only notices after the abduction that you're busily grieving over the death of your husband. Personally, he wouldn't even spare them a single thought and they're especially unworthy of your thoughts and feelings. He's sensitive when it involves you so your tears and your sorrow crush his heart as he enters multiple frenzies, blames your deceased spouse. How could anyone dare to sadden you and be the source of your anguish and tears? Ash tries everything to help you with your pain, has multiple meltdowns whenever he catches the sight of your tears or senses the emotional agony you're in. Parts of him die again and again as he already seems to fail in his role as a guardian angel and it eventually reaches the level where he kneels in front of you with tears streaming down his face, begging you to tell him what he should do to ease your pain.
▫️ He finds out from you that you've decided to never have another romantic relationship so that you can spendthe rest of your life as you're spouse's lawful partner. Initially he has no real problems with that. Sure, he still thinks that such vermin is deserving of such sheer dedication and loyalty from you but that just shows why you're such a pure creature in the first place. No one is worthy of you anyways so the concept of you refusing to love anyone else, or let anyone abuse you again as Ash thinks of it, should be reassuring and it is a little bit for a while. At least until Ash discovers that what he thought were sincere intentions to protect you like any guardian angel should have turned into feelings of longing and desire. Emotions he shouldn't feel towards you as not even he sees himself as deserving of your heart. Yet now the knowledge that you won't even consider falling in love again to waste your precious love on your dead spouse pains him only more but he forbids himself to ever let you find out about his feelings, no matter how many times he has to punish himself. Only your love could save him now.
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As If Destiny (part twelve)🌹
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Part 11🌹
a/n: the gif says all you need to know.
warnings: death, murder, gruesome details, expected hunger games warnings
All interaction is appreciated!
The sudden thud of glove-clad hands was the catalyst for your awakening. Though you began questioning if you truly were awake or had been transferred into a nightmare as the mismatched gleaming eyes of Volumnia Gaul bore into your own.
"Go grab your idiotic friend. Now."
Your mind didn't need to be running at full capacity to understand whom she was talking about. You quickly sat up in your desk and stifled a yawn.
"What happened with Sejanus?"
The intimidating woman shifted from her position straight in front of you to the side so the large screen was visible. It was then that you realized the only person here besides you two was Coriolanus, who was also now wide awake. Your eyes focused on the dark screen as they became accustomed to the shadowy figure kneeling beside another.
Oh, Sejanus, what have you gotten yourself into?
"Bread crumbs. I believe sustenance for a fallen comrade on his final journey. A District 2 superstition."
You remember Sejanus describing the funeral traditions from his home district. It was the vivid memory of him begging you to provide him bread crumbs when he was to pass, a plea you were slightly reluctant to accept. Not because of the unfamiliar customs, but rather the uncomfortable realization that there was yet another person you could, were, going to lose.
Your focus was attached to the feed of the boy who you considered a brother, in the middle of a death cage with nothing to defend himself but bread crumbs. Dr. Gaul continued on, addressing both you and Coriolanus.
"I’ll work on finding the Peacekeeper he bribed to get him in, and cut out their tongue. In the meantime, I need someone to get him out right now."
Your attention was stolen by her demand as you connected her earlier statement. She didn't show you the feed to display Sejanus's recklessness, you both were well aware of it. You and Coryo were being debriefed on your newest task: somehow climb into the arena, drag Sejanus out without making a noise, and all while trying not to meet up with Marcus on his journey.
"You should send Peacekeepers in."
The daunting Gamemaker tutted at Coriolanus's suggestion as if it was a personal offense.
"Only to have him bolt and hide like a rabbit? Felix Ravinstill is fighting for his life in the hospital, Mr. Snow. I will not have these rebels make a further mockery of my Games,"
She emphasized her point to both of you as she leaned in.
"Anyone sees us lose control of this arena, it might as well be sounding a horn to the districts to revolt."
Both you and Coriolanus were silent at her implication. No gasps of horror at the thought. You looked over to Coryo and his calculating indifferent mask was back in place. You couldn't tell what he was thinking or his position. The arena bombing was a clear indication that the districts have at least a bit of firepower. But if it was to come to a head, there would be no way the Districts could win a war against the Capital, not this soon after the last one.
It didn't truly matter what either of your positions were because it was clear you were going into that arena, no matter what.
"You choose to be friends with this radical."
Most would think that a friendship with Sejanus is nothing but a burden, though you were adamant that it was nothing of the sort. In a city surrounded by Dr. Gaul mindsets or followers, Sejanus was a refreshing breath of air. If you needed to lose your lungs for that air, then so be it. Others need it more.
Coriolanus, however, seemed unconvinced.
"It’ll look a lot worse if the tributes kill the three of us."
"So don’t let them." Dr. Gaul stated it as if it was the most obvious thing because of course you would choose the other option. The other option being an absolutely brutal and bloody demise.
Especially if Coral got her hands on you.
You had to restrain yourself from banging your head on the desk. You just had to threaten her about her chances if you were in the arena. For both your life and pride, you hoped you wouldn't be eating your words.
"Who knows? You get him out unscathed, I’ll whisper your name in his father’s ear. You still want that Plinth Prize, don’t you?"
Ah, and there is the only reason the youth of the Capital saw any worth in Sejanus. You watched as Coryo shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he avoided your gaze in a calculated manner. You understood the desperation he and his family had for the prize; he didn't need to be ashamed of that. You just hoped that didn't motivate him in his friendship with Sejanus. That a small part of him wants to get your kind-eyed friend out of the grasp of death for something other than money. To save him not as the heir of the Plinth fortune, but rather sweet-hearted Sejanus.
"I’ll freeze the feed for an hour. I estimate that’s all we have until the people notice."
And with that, the ominous presence of Dr. Gaul turned on her heel and away to the shadowy outskirts of the hall. You turned towards Coryo, who seemed to be in varying levels of regret and contemplation. You checked the clock.
3:11 a.m.
Not a second to waste. You got up and stretched your stiff limbs. The motion caught the attention of Coriolanus, who was quick to start protesting.
"Absolutely not. Go hom-go and calm Sejanus's mother if she knows. You aren't going in there."
The blonde was adamant in his statements but then again, he was the one following you out the door to where a vehicle was waiting to pick you both up. He reached for your arm multiple times, but you were quick to dodge and ignored all his calls for you to stop. Just as you reached the car, Coriolanus sped up and stepped in front of you, effectively blocking your entrance.
"Y/N, don't even—"
"No, you 'don't even.' I am not leaving either of you. You spending your energy on trying to stop me will only deprive you of it when you are surrounded by killers. Besides, I think I am the only one who knows how to defend if the situation called for it."
Coryo deflated slightly at your endpoint and the implication, and that was all you needed to gently shove him out of the way and get into the awaiting car. He looked into the area and as you securely strapped yourself in, Coryo could do nothing short of forcefully pulling you out of the car to ensure you wouldn't come. So he swallowed his fears and climbed in next to you, intertwining your hands along the way.
You swore you could smell the death from outside of the arena. It felt tangible, as though if you put your hand out, death would pull you down into its realm along with the dozens of other children.
Your steps were heavy as they led to the caged entrance of the structure. Your breathing was even, and posture lucid, but inside, you were panicking. Every gruesome memory of the war flashed in front of your eyes. Long-dead bodies envisioned themselves on your path while there was nothing there. The tips of your fingers began curling and tingling, the familiar instincts coming back to you. Just survive. You've done it before. Fast, agile, sharp.
Wails and protests caught your ear as you began ascending the steps.
"No! Please, please no! Not her too!"
Ma Plinth was dressed in her nightgown, no doubt awoken from her sleep to this consuming nightmare. She was held back by her husband as she sobbed. You could tell she was trying to fight back against his hold when she caught your face in the dim lighting. Deep breaths were taken by you to steady yourself from cries of pain. The pain of fear of losing a son. You remember those cries.
You will strength throughout your veins. You refuse to hear those cries of a lost son again.
The woman who had taken you in as her own cried out your name and begged for you to stop. However, all her pleas were drowned out as the gates opened for you and Coriolanus to walk in. Not a second's hesitation was spared. You did not have the privilege of stalling.
The arena was humid, and the air so packed, it put weight upon your shoulders. Either that or the panic began silently packing in. Your steps were soft, barely audible, especially in comparison to Coriolanus. You could tell he was trying his best but there was only so much the tall boy could do. While you were focused on your objective of getting your naive friend out with all three of you in one piece, Coriolanus was too zoned in. So zoned in that he nearly gave away your presence with the mechanical voice that eerily wished one's enjoyment of the "show". Your arm was fierce in pulling him back, enough to get him stumbling into you.
His face was a display of confusion and unchecked offense at your action. In a near inaudible whisper, you reasoned.
"Over the entrance."
Looking back to the small gate, Coriolanus realized his near mistake. He was quick to slide over the metal and turned back to offer his hand to help you along. Once your feet were securely on the ground, you looked over Coryo's shoulder and saw Sejanus in the very same position. The devoted boy hadn't moved a singular inch in all the time it had taken you to rush here.
His knees securely being pinched and pointed by the endless sea of rubble, Sejanus was covered in the moonlight while his solemnness provided its own special kind of gloom. Coriolanus directly accented to Sejanus, in a hasty effort to get out as soon as possible.
Your path was led leftwards as you approached the large pile of rubble still dressed with weapons of murder. You hoped you and Coriolanus would be persuasive enough to get Sejanus out without an attack; however, survival wasn't reached by hope. Your fingers graced over several different types of knives and blades, narrowly missing the pile of still liquid blood. It was right when you chose a curved, small sharp blade that Sejanus spoke. His first words uttered into the silence as the hilt slipped into your hand. Fit so perfectly.
"I thought they’d send my ma."
You finally turned around and met up with Coriolanus's slightly distant position. You went past the anxious blonde as you addressed Sejanus, whiplashed.
"You were willing to waste her life like that?"
You were stunned. Sejanus's mother was the only thing he could consistently wake up for. Was his determination more powerful than his love for her?
"You need to go, the both of you."
"I’d like to. I really would."
You ignored Coryo's admission and focused on the wishful yet foolish stubbornness of Sejanus Plinth.
"Sejanus, we made a promise to get you out. Neither of us is leaving till you are with us."
Coryo met up with your stance, shoulder to shoulder, only a mere feet away from Sejanus and the rotting corpse of Marcus. Even with the close proximity, it was hard to hear the soft whisper.
In contrast to the weighted question, an airy and irritated sigh came from Coryo.
"Because you’re my friend."
The quiet after Coriolanus's apparently obvious reason bothered you to the bone. He was expecting you to answer?
"Are you being serious? You thought I wouldn't be here? That I would just sit by and not use any chance I have to help you? I already lost one brother, Sejanus, I'm not losing another."
The harsh tone of such sentimental words caught Sejanus off guard as he turned around to face the pair of you.
"I have to do this. I had to go where the cameras are." He stands up while Coryo steps forward, slightly irritated.
"You think anyone’s watching this? Gaul cut the feed."
Coriolanus steps closer to Sejanus to emphasize the point as reality began setting in on the latter.
"Tributes kill you in here, she’s just gonna say you died of the flu."
You had to swallow down your anger at the thought of his sacrifice being watered down to a "flu". You moved to step closer to the pair when metallic clanging could be heard. Footsteps that began getting closer. The grip on your blade tightened as you began looking around. You left the negotiation to Coryo while you got ready for a knife straight to the head.
"You need to decide right now. Do you wanna fight these tributes, or fight for them? Because if you wanna make real change, you need to stay alive to do it."
Your back was faced towards the boys as you began slowly distancing yourself from them and towards the dark and ominous tunnel near your group. You tried your best to convince Sejanus so all this preparation for a life and death battle will be for nothing and you will all be out in a blink of an eye.
"Sej, please. You are the only one who can make a difference. Don't throw it all away. One life can make a difference but not if you let it be manipulated to fit the Capital's picture."
You knew just from his frustrated sigh that he was starting to think his actions over and getting convinced.
"How can I make any change from out there?"
"You’re rich. Smart. You care."
You added onto his list to what you thought would be the most important point to Sejanus.
"And you aren't alone."
Coryo may not be for uprooting the entire social complex of Panem but that's why you didn't include him. Even if he isn't on board, Sejanus has you.
Coryo looked up from his focus on the brown-eyed boy and noticed the now decent distance between you and the boys. He noticed your body language, intense focus on the source of the now louder metal clanging and footsteps. His gaze was caught by your blade shining from a beam of moonlight and connected the pieces together.
"Y/N. Come back."
Sejanus followed his eyes and noticed the same picture playing out and felt his heart rate picking up. Coriolanus needed to get Sejanus out now so he can get you out.
"We’re dead if we don’t leave right now, Sejanus. Come with us. Spend your father’s money, do some real good."
His anxious blue eyes flickered back to your still turned body. "Or just be another dead body in Gaul’s war."
Sejanus took note of how your body began tensing and knees bending. Something was happening. Someone was coming.
Coryo began picking up pace with words while his brown-haired friend followed the pattern with his breathing. "Please. Trust me. Trust us."
Coriolanus placed his hands on Sejanus's shoulder to make him focus. To make him choose right. Just as the conflicted boy began stuttering out an answer, the other inhabitants of the arena forced action.
Out of the shadowed tunnel that you were focused on did Bobbin, Juno Phipps's tribute from District 8, come running out. He was shouting at the top of his lungs as he targeted the two boys standing in the middle. His shouts got the attention of Sejanus and Coriolanus running.
Bobbin must have been too focused on the clear position of the two mentors that he missed your much closer body. He was fast, much faster than Sejanus or Coryo, much to your horror. Bobbin ran straight past you and was making ground on the two closest people in your life.
Then you heard the tumble and screams of pain from Sejanus and the panicked ones to get the former up by Coryo. You felt helpless as you couldn't make it to the District boy before he reached them. That is until the blade in your hand felt tangible again.
You weren't a great aim but you didn't have much of a choice. Even if it didn't hit Bobbin, it might make him notice you and hopefully distract enough to give your friends enough time. A breath and a steady arm was all you got as you aimed at the upper part of his left leg.
Like stated prior, you didn't have wondrous aim but that doesn't mean you were hopeless. The target of his upper left leg was missed in favor of a slice on his upper right shoulder. It didn't impair the already disadvantaged boy, but it did make him stop and notice you. Good. Enough time for them to escape.
You stood in the open of the destroyed arena, now defenseless. Back during the war, you would be able to slip out of any confrontational instances and fight without any weapon if needed. But being trapped in the Hunger Games arena is not the way you wanted to test if your skills were still there after 10 years.
You turned your head back to see how close you were to the pile of weapons, which fortunately, wasn't very far. Unfortunately, that one second was enough for Bobbin to start running and get too close for your comfort within such a short period of time. You followed his lead and started running away from him and to the weapons. You didn't have timw to be picky or really notice what you chose, so you grabbed the closest thing to you, which happened to be a curved and frankly, beautiful sword.
Sword in hand, you climbed to the top of the rubble pile. It was unsteady, horrible for any opponent. It wouldn't be easy to fight for you either but you had steadier footing than Bobbin and experience. You survived off of the weaknesses of your opponents.
As expected, the boy from Eight struggled to get up to your level. You just needed to buy enough time for Coriolanus and Sejanus and you believed you did when you heard the gates open. Though the desperate swing of Bobbin's machaete reminded you that you also wanted to get out of here alive. You dodged the attack and attempted a strike at his chest, which he deflected.
You didn't plan on killing him, nothing of the sort, rather just hurting him enough so you could get out. Though, you didn't seem to think ahead about going hand to hand combat with an machete-wielding tribute from Eight.
You moved backward in a counter-clockwise motion while fighting against Bobbin's harsh attacks. With each blow, the more the past muscle memory started kicking back in. Your arms started moving on their own, even getting a few slices on his arm and left leg. Your eyes moved from the weapon only inches from your face to the boy's feet. He was getting tired.
His feet began dragging across the uneven rubble. While you were jumping from stone to stone and cognizant of the terrain, Bobbin looked one hit away from going down. So that's exactly what you planned.
As soon as you realized a break in his fighting position, you went for his upper thigh.
The shriek from Coriolanus caused the strike to be far weaker than intended and missed the target nearly entirely. You risked a look at the messy and panting teen who shouldn't be here. However, your attention on his sudden appearance was short as yet another swing was sent your way, mere centimeters from your still healing neck. While you might not have been trying to kill Bobbin, he certainly was trying to eliminate you.
Panic burned through your veins as you realized that all this noise and Coryo's shouting of your name likely alerted the other tributes. You needed to get out and get out now.
You began picking up your pace and running around the now shaking piled stone. Bobbin was already tired, you just needed him a bit more exhausted. He kept coming after you like a predator after prey.
His footsteps began slipping but were close to you when you stopped suddenly. You curled your upper body forward but had your arms straight behind you, sword sharp and ready. The screams of the other teen were more than enough to alert you that your plan worked.
You turned around to see Bobbin's right thigh stabbed straight through with your silver sword, now crimson. You watched as the tears welled in his eyes as he tried to remove the weapon, to no success.
"I'm so sorry, Bobbin."
You felt tears rush in your own eyes. You never wanted to hurt anyone again. You never wanted to be this person again. Was living as a killer better than dying?
You knew you had to live with what you have done and started running down the pile and toward Coriolanus, who seemed shocked at the suffering boy. Though relief overtook his features once you began sprinting towards him. The selfish part of your brain began defending your actions.
'You are a hero. If you didn't do that, Coryo would be dead." You shook the thought from your brain. You could deal with morals once you were out of harm's way.
Such an unfortunate thing that harm has such a large reach.
Once you became close enough to see the blue in Coryo's eyes and the relief swimming in them, the world fell.
Well, Coriolanus's world fell.
Silence was never a word one would use with Coral, but she would endure if she was determined enough. And determined she was as she tackled you to the ground.
You told her to thank her lucky stars you weren't in the arena, and she begged those stars to bring you to her. Oh, and did they provide.
Once your eyes cleared from the rubble and attack, you felt the weight of Coral hover over you as she smirked a bloodthirsty smile.
"Welcome to the Hunger Games, Princess."
Not a second did Coral spare as she grabbed your sore throat and slammed your head across the crumbled ground. Again. And again.
Coral's yellow teeth glimmered in the shining moonlight as she watched the ground crack along with your head. Mizzen, Tanner, and Treech were watching the District Four girl until Coriolanus grabbed a metal bar, seeing only red and Coral's smirking face.
Said face noticed the violent intent within Coriolanus's hardened eyes and barked out orders to her goons to stop him. The three male tributes got their weapons ready to fend off the fuming Capitol mentor.
"Get ready, gorgeous, I'm gonna hang her up for all to see. How pathetic you all are."
Coriolanus could smell the morbid glee radiating off of Coral as her slams got harsher. Your vision began swirling and flickering, weakly trying to claw your way out of her grasp. Your instinct was to panic and squirm, but your experience taught you better. You let your eyes close, with a constant voice reminding you not to let the darkness and exhaustion overtake you. Your limbs fell limp and breathing shallowed.
Coral noticed this after a few more hits with no resistance, reaction, or anything. The redhead was stunned for a few moments. Even a bit disappointed.
"She threatened me and she this weak? No wonder you like her, gorgeous, easy to use and a pretty face."
Coriolanus knew he was being baited but he didn't care. How could he stand still for a second longer? He wasn't going to break the promise. The nightmare isn't going to become reality.
Coriolanus started swinging his metal bar with no real strategy. He swung in both directions as Mizzen and Tanner tried to stop him while Treech retaliated with his axe, but taming a wild animal is hard. Taming a furious and spiraling Coriolanus Snow is impossible.
While the four were in the midst of the battle, Coral got off of you and started dragging you to the pile of rubble. She either forgot or thought he was already dead, but she dragged your body through the rubble right next to Bobbin. He wasn't moving much but you could hear his labored breathing and struggle to get up.
You heard her move away from your still unconscious appearance to the other side of the rubble pile. You took this chance to feel around for any sort of rock or weapon. You moved your right hand around in a swift motion and were fortunate in finding a piece of a broken metal beam which was broken in a way that it was sharp as a knife. Though, the weapon was found in a pile of warm and thick blood.
Your mind raced as you knew your plan of attack had to be sped up as no doubt Coral would notice the bloody hand. Your eyes were still shut closed so you had no layout of the area around you spare from the shaky memories of your fight with Bobbin. Your ears were ringing with the slamming of metal on metal. You heard the grunts and shouts of pain of the four fighting teenagers, but you couldn't tell who was the one in pain. The thought of it being Coriolanus nearly ruined your entire plan as you were more than ready to attack any of the fitter boys.
The sound of their squabble was drowned out by the footsteps of Coral and the blood pounding in your ears. You hid your makeshift dagger beneath your arm and palm, but ready to pull it out at any moment.
"What do you think, princess? How long is it going to be till they see their Capitol darling, the same level as us district scum, huh?"
Her grime-covered hands grabbed your wrist harshly and you had no time to waste. As her hand covered your right wrist, where your blade laid, you turned it over and stabbed her arm. The girl shrieked out of pain and you took that time to jump up from the rubble and kick her down, effectively reversing your position. Just like in the van.
"District four doesn't have possums, huh?"
You didn't know how much time you would have if you ran, but you knew the window was short. There was a considerable chance that Coral would catch up to you. Though if you stayed, you knew it wouldn't be like Bobbin. One of you was going to die.
You took off, blade yet again in hand, and ran to the tunnel that led to the gates. A tunnel blocked by the now side-tracked boys.
"Coryo, run!"
The amount of shock this poor boy's body went through in such a short amount of time. He heard the words, saw you run so close to him, but he couldn't get his body to move. Every time he tried to help in this arena, you only got hurt.
As you reached the group of boys, Mizzen swung at you, but you countered with a stab of your own at his shoulder. You quickly spun out of the way of Treech's strike and cut his cheek. Tanner was an easy kick to the ribcage and push backward.
When you turned back, you saw Coral running full force toward you, trident ready. You turned halfway to push Coryo into running.
You wanted to run with him, but you had one final step in your plan. Mizzen got ready to pounce on you when you mustered all your waning force and pushed him backward. Straight into Coral's trident.
The crimson blood splattered straight onto your similarly shaded uniform and face. The young boy from District Four started sputtering like the fish he likely caught back home.
Likewise, Coral was also covered in her District partner's blood, but the blood in her eyes was anger that only you seemed to conjure.
You knew you should have been focusing on the cold body you created, but you could only focus on the girl holding it.
Coral looked so young. So lost. She knew he had to die for her to win, but that knowledge didn't prepare her for reality. That her own weapon was the last thing he felt. Her stab in his back.
Treech went to help Coral up and retrieve her weapon. The weapon firmly set inside Mizzen's fresh corpse. On the other hand, Coral's screams were more than enough of an order for Tanner to follow. The scarred boy turned on you and Coriolanus, who couldn't seem to listen to your very clear orders.
The boy from Ten was filled with anger. Beyond fuming. The fundamental idea of the Hunger Games was death for the Capital by District hands. But even in the cruel morbid freedom, Capital hands couldn't shy away from the murder of anyone who threatened Capital peace and safety.
Tanner had spent the last few days hearing non-stop about Coral's dreams of torture for you, always spacing out as he never believed the chance possible. But here it stood, right in front of him.
Tanner raised his sickle and managed a hit on the wall behind your head as you ducked within a second of impact. When you raised your head again, it was quickly tucked back under due to the sound of bones being absolutely crushed.
Coriolanus was sick of you saving him and narrowly avoiding death. So he did the ever rational thing and bludgeoned the other teen's ribs until he plummeted to the ground.
Tanner out of the fight, Mizzen dead, and the other two frozen at the sight of yet another of their group beaten by Capital brats, you and Coriolanus finally had the chance for escape. The chance quickly taken by the blonde as he grabbed your hand and started sprinting forward.
He made it a good three feet before his vision plunged. Not because of any physical harm on his part besides the blood-curdling scream shredding your throat, cutting his ears. He turned around, still holding your hand, as your own crushed his in anguish.
Hovering over your now crumpled body against the wall, was Bobbin. Poor little Bobbin, whose breath was labored and wheezing. Face pale and bruised. The boy looked freshly risen from the grave just to drag you in his place.
He limped and leaned to one side due to the still bleeding wound on his thigh. Bobbin looked ready to give out at any motion, but he was satisfied. A look Coriolanus couldn't understand until he noticed the odd way your neck began hanging.
Coryo dropped to his knees, right in front of Bobbin's machete. All the district boy had to do was lift a few inches to end the heir of Snow's life. But like Coral, who now stood behind him, Bobbin wanted the youth of the Capital to suffer the same fate they did: a slow massacre of those dearest. Equality of death.
Coriolanus's pale hands grabbed the side of your neck and came away flooded with ruby liquid. You screamed with every ounce of pressure on your opened wounds. Bobbin's blade made no new cuts, just one large enough to reopen your healing cuts from the zoo attack.
Your eyes were in a competition with your veins to see which could produce more liquid. Tears or blood? Coriolanus tried to decipher which one as he took off your jacket and ripped the sleeve off to tie around your neck. He tied it tightly, but he could only do so much without choking you.
The boy kept muttering sweet nothings while you could only cry out. You didn't feel like yourself in that moment. You could see your body from a third-person point of view.
You choking on blood. Wails carrying through the entire arena.
This was it.
Your arms were weak along with the rest of your body, but you willed them to move. You snaked your hand to your upper chest, feeling around. New tears began to spring free, not out of physical pain but emotional.
Then you felt it. The rings.
As Coriolanus did all he could to keep you alive, you clung to all your will onto the three metal pieces. You felt the darkness getting stronger as you smiled.
At least you will see mom soon. And Otto. Oh, how you've missed Otto.
The only response heard was not from your frail form, but the deranged cackle of Bobbin, who was a corpse with a fringe of life clinging to him. Soon enough, Coral began joining in. She may not have gotten to make her tortuous dream into reality with you, but she still had pretty boy Coryo. Oh, how his little songbird would react to seeing her mentor bloody and gutted.
The two jeering tributes were too lost in their glee that they didn't realize Coriolanus still had the metal bar. The only one who noticed was Treech, who was down, tending to Tanner. Though the district seven boy was far too late to warn them effectively.
Within a blink, the laughter became screams. The metal repeatedly slamming into Bobbin's face was nauseating. The noises of bodily harm were different than how it was with Tanner.
Bobbin's organs and muscles were being bludgeoned too, not just bone. By the time Coriolanus got past the red caused by his rage, his eyes were covered by the red of his victim's blood.
His blows went straight through Bobbin's skull, splitting it. His eyes were dislocated, and any remnants of Bobbin's features were mush.
Coriolanus's heavy breathing filled the copper-secnted air of the arena entrance tunnel. The mentor looked up from the bloodied body in horror at his actions, reality not yet fully sinking in. When his eyes connected to Coral's, reality crashed hard.
One of the most feared tributes in the entire arena, who already had taken out multiple tributes, was petrified.
He blankly stared back before your whimpers were heard again. Unsure when Coral would snap out of her frozen horror, Coryo picked you up bridal style. Looking down, he noticed your face was much paler. Even paler than it was at the zoo.
You've lost so much blood that he didn't know where your pile ended and Bobbin's began. Coriolanus screamed with all his power for the Peacekeepers to open the gates.
Your body, as light as it was with the loss of blood, slowed the tall boy's stride enough for Coral and Treech to be at his heels.
"Open the gate! Open the gate!"
Coral had her trident in hand, still stained with Mizzen's blood. By just a fraction of a second, she missed her target, and the Capitol mentors safely made it to the outside world.
"Watch those screens, gorgeous. ‘Cause I may have missed you and the princess tonight, but your songbird’s next on my list."
Coriolanus watched as Coral and her pack walked back into the shattered arena. Back to Lucy Gray. She couldn't lose now. She can't. Not after everything you've all been through.
You began shivering in Coryo's grasp, which pushed all thought of the singer's victory or survival out of the boy's mind. Even as your strength wilted away, you clung onto the rings. More specifically, his ring.
Coriolanus laid you down as he screamed for the peacekeepers. He didn't know what, if anything, would help you, but he was desperate. On his knees beside you. The nightmare all over again.
The moon shone down brightly at the scene of your blood spurting, and Coriolanus grabbed any surface or material to stop it.
"Y/N?! NO, NO, Y/N!"
Sejanus jumped out of his mother's tight embrace to kneel beside you as you began sputtering out dark patches of blood. Sejanus never meant this. He never meant for you or Coryo to come in with him. He never meant to kneel beside yet another friend turned corpse.
The boy reached out to brush hair sticking to your face from the sweat and blood, some of which wasn't yours. Sejanus's hand was swatted away with such ferocity, he felt as if he was swiped at by a lion. The glare he was met with was so fierce it would challenge even the toughest of the former animals.
"Don't you touch her."
"I’m… I’m sorry. Coryo, I’m so sorry."
He looked back at your fading eyes. It wasn't supposed to be you. Never supposed to be you.
"I’m so sorry. For all of it."
Coriolanus saw the heartbreak behind those glassy brown eyes. Coryo knew he wasn't the only one losing you. Sejanus would be losing a sister. But it's not the same. No pain is ever the same as losing the love—
"Mr. Snow."
A stern-looking Peacekeeper appeared, a stretcher beside her. Over the shoulder, Coriolanus noticed the medical vehicle you would likely be transferred in. He moved out of the way immediately. The chance of saving your life was getting slimmer by the second.
Snow followed their accelerated speed to the vehicle. All pleas from Sejanus, the wails of Mrs. Plinth, and approval by Starbo Plinth were ignored as all he could focus on was you.
Your small puffs of air replacing your usual healthy steady breaths. Your beautiful skin cut and jagged with blood. The beauty of your eyes now wistful as you stare up into nothingness.
Coriolanus was so focused on your battered body that he didn't realize the vehicle wasn't sending you to the hospital. When injured to the brink of death, what better place than the torture laboratory of Volumnia Gaul?
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
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defectivevillain · 1 year
this broken design, ch 4
“Dr. Lecter?” You blink a few times, convinced that you’re dreaming. The man’s gleaming eyes and concerned expression seem a bit too realistic to be conjured by your sleeping mind, though. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen him look worried. You quickly decide that you don’t like it.
“Hannibal, please,” the doctor responds nonchalantly. You stare at him in utter confusion. Just what is happening right now? You thought you were dreaming, but this feels a bit too vivid. “What are you doing out here?”
read from the beginning here! [this won’t make much sense, otherwise]
[ao3 version]
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warnings: mentions of religion & religious trauma, suicidal ideation. there’s also mention of coming out and the difficulties with finding identity (in terms of both gender and sexuality).
The air is cold and frigid. You puff out a breath as you lock your car and walk up the path steps towards Hannibal’s office. Your appointment is in a few minutes. Honestly, looking back, you’re surprised that you’ve been seeing Hannibal for so long. Your past therapists never lasted long—you’d either scare them off or they’d say something that hinted at their true, rather dislikable character. You seem to be making genuine progress in your meetings with Hannibal. As much as you’d like to tease and mock him for his rather lavish tastes, he’s good at what he does.
Your conversation from the last session is still running through your mind. It had been rather difficult to keep your awareness hidden; after all, you’re pretty sure that Hannibal isn’t aware of your knowledge of the Ripper [namely, that you know he is the Chesapeake Ripper]. Since your last session, you’ve been to his home a few times. You must admit, it feels rather weird each time you visit his residence. Hannibal is just so… different from you—he’s much more sophisticated and upper-class. You’ve never really made friends with people like that before. Ironically, his affluence isn’t even the strangest quality about him. After all, he eats people. You have to be careful about what you eat when you’re at his home—you’re starting to run out of excuses for not consuming his cooking. One time, you said you had already eaten. Another time, you ate it but then had to go to the bathroom to spit it out. Digesting human meat is not one of your desires. Just the thought makes your stomach turn. You get the nagging feeling that Hannibal knows your excuses aren’t exactly genuine, but he hasn’t said anything yet. In the meantime, you’ll continue to feign ignorance.
You aren’t waiting in the lobby of Hannibal’s office for very long before Hannibal is ushering you in. “Please, have a seat,” he says, closing the door behind you and then gesturing at the open chairs. You squint at the chairs. They look closer together, for some reason. You sit down and blink at Hannibal, who stares back at you for a few moments. Before long, the tension is gone and you’re talking about your recent fieldwork. Unsurprisingly, your conversation soon falls to Garret Jacob Hobbs. His death has been weighing on you more than you’d like to admit.
“I can’t stop thinking about Hobbs,” you say. Hannibal raises an eyebrow. “I’ve been losing sleep because of it.” Your sleep has never been very good to begin with, but since the Hobbs incident, you spend even more time lying awake at night. You can never decide if you want to sleep and watch yourself murder the man again, or remain awake and sleep-deprived. It’s a lose-lose situation, really.
“In your dreams, what do you see?”
“I see myself killing him,” you respond. Hannibal doesn’t seem surprised by the admission. “Over and over and over again. I see Abigail slowly fading on that kitchen floor. I see the blood spattered on my hands. And… I feel a smile on my face.” You’ve had nightmares about killers before. Hobbs, though… You’re certain he’ll stay with you forever. Your first kill.
“And, when you wake up?” Hannibal asks. You fall silent and he continues to clarify. “Dreams are often a pathway into the parts of our minds that we hide away from others. Perhaps there is some truth in these dreams. Perhaps, what you’re most afraid of…”
“I don’t feel guilty,” you supply with a whisper, so quickly and quietly that you’re certain Hannibal won’t hear it. Somehow, he does notice your remark and he raises an eyebrow. The words slip from your lips before you can stop them. “Killing Hobbs felt good.” There’s a buzzing sound reverberating in your ears as you finally utter the words that have been weighing you down for so long. You clench your fists at your sides and dig your nails into your palms.
“You shot him nine times,” Hannibal points out. The statement is not intended to be malicious— it’s merely truthful. Hannibal looks entirely relaxed, as he clasps his hands and stares at you expectantly. You take a deep breath, feeling rather overwhelmed with his insistent gaze.
“I know,” you say. “I just- I couldn’t get rid of this bone-deep urge to make him hurt—the way he hurt all those girls. I wanted… vengeance. Is that so wrong?” That last question is rhetorical in nature, but the gleam in Hannibal’s eyes sharpens. The fire in the fireplace spits out embers.
“It is not,” Hannibal responds. Of course the Chesapeake Ripper would believe that, you think to yourself. You’re not sure how reassuring his statement is, though. “Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time, and are we not created in his image?” A shiver rolls down your spine at that. Is that how Hannibal justifies his own kills? As you dissect that statement, memories flicker before your eyes—church pews, gilded crosses, menacing stares.
“That’s a whole different can of worms,” you murmur after a few seconds, leaning back in your chair and crossing one leg over the other. You intend for the remark to be for yourself, but Hannibal seems to hear it anyway.
“Religion?” You nod, your throat burning. Hannibal stares at you and, while he doesn’t ask for you to continue, there is a somewhat expectant look on his face. You decide to indulge him, if only for the fact that his gaze is rather intense. Plus, hell, you’re already here. This is supposed to be therapy, after all.
“I grew up in a religious household,” you start, trying to collect your thoughts. Your heart is racing out of your chest—you’d never gotten this far with any of your other therapists. “Kind of delayed the whole… realization of my gender identity and sexuality.” Hannibal doesn’t seem the slightest bit surprised at the mention of either concept. You have to tell yourself not to think about that.
“How so?” The psychiatrist isn’t demanding in his questioning—he just seems… curious. You can’t help but feel grateful for the fact that Hannibal isn’t trying to pry this information out of you. Your past experiences made you think that you always had to disclose information, regardless of how painful it was to do so.
“Anything that falls outside of the binary is sinful. That’s what I was taught, at least. I wasn’t given any room for questioning and introspection, so I spent the better part of my young life pretending to be someone else.” You take a deep breath.
“Obviously, that wore me down. I figured it all out and I’m here now, but…  I didn’t expect myself to make it this long.” Memories flash before your eyes, as you remember all the melancholy birthday parties and the existential dread that plagued you for so long. You chance a glance at Hannibal, who looks extremely troubled by your last statement. You know it’s mostly professional concern, but the tightness to his frame almost makes you think his concern is of a different nature. You quickly rid yourself of the notion. His entire job revolves around keeping you happy and, well, alive. Surely that’s the only source of his concern. After all, it would reflect badly on him if you were to… Well.
“I am glad you’re here, if that is any consolation,” Hannibal remarks, after the silence begins to hurt. You long gave up on trying to return his eye contact—it’s too overwhelming. Despite the fact that you’re steadily avoiding his gaze, you can still feel his eyes fixated on you. It’s clear that Hannibal can read through the lines and ascertain the true meaning behind your admission.“I would be… saddened, to say the least, if you weren’t.” The clock on the opposite wall ticks and for a moment, you’re so mesmerized by its movement that you don’t fully comprehend Hannibal’s statement. When you manage to process it, you feel your eyes begin to burn.
“Thanks,” you choke out. Tears slip down your face and you wipe them away quickly. You always hated crying. You bury your head in your hands and take a moment to close your eyes, trying to avoid the acknowledgement that you’re crying in front of Hannibal. As you recollect your composure, you notice that there’s an element of restraint evident in Hannibal’s posture—as if he’s stopping himself from breaking the distance between you and placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. He’s a good friend, you think to yourself.
After you regain your composure, you talk a little more about your upbringing and the long, harrowing process that brought you to where you are now. Hannibal mostly listens, but he occasionally asks clarifying questions or offers comments. You find the practice to be relieving; you’ve never quite talked about this journey with anyone.
After an immeasurable amount of time, there’s a brief lull in the conversation and you allow your gaze to wander. Your eyes find the window and, to your surprise, you realize that it’s dark outside. A glance down at your watch tells you that your appointment should have been finished a few minutes ago.
“It’s been fifty minutes,” you remark, surprised that you’re the one to bring it up. Hannibal always keeps track of the time for you. In fact, you think that he has his watch for that specific purpose. It’s rather uncharacteristic of him to lose track of time.
“Forgive me,” Hannibal says, standing up and looking down at you. You feel weirdly intimidated by the gesture, as he practically looms over you from your sitting position. “I was enchanted by your story.” You place your hands on the arms of the chair, seeking physical support. You almost feel like a pinned butterfly—flayed apart and thrown on display for him to dissect with a clever eye.
“I’m not sure enchanted is the word you’re looking for, but alright.” You frown, pushing yourself off the chair and pacing around his office. You feel unusually restless; this particular session was freeing, but it also took a lot of energy to retell your story.
“Isn’t it?” You swivel on your heel, only for Hannibal to be right behind you. You lean back habitually, feeling rather winded all of a sudden. Your back falls against the ladder behind you. Hannibal is trapping you. You grasp the wooden ladder and inhale sharply. You feel like prey cornered by a predator—a deer faced with a prowling lion. In this very moment, you can see exactly why the Chesapeake Ripper is so dangerous. Hannibal’s brown eyes are the darkest you’ve ever seen them; looking into them feels like staring into a deep dark void.
Hannibal leans closer—to do something—when suddenly the door to the office falls open. You turn to look at the disturbance, only to find a man in the doorway. He looks from you to Hannibal—who is still standing quite close to you—and his eyebrows furrow. “Doctor Lecter,” the man says, tearing you from your thoughts. You look at him in confusion. The man must have let himself in. You can’t quite hide a grimace at that. From what you’ve learned about Hannibal so far, he absolutely abhors rudeness. Entering his office without invitation and interrupting a conversation is certainly impolite.
“Franklyn,” Hannibal remarks, his back to the door. His eyes are still fixated on you, and his breath nearly hits your neck as he speaks. “I wasn’t expecting you just yet.” Hannibal looks entirely irritated and frustrated, unsurprisingly. What is surprising, however, is the source of his anger. It’s as if he’s resentful of the fact that your conversation was cut short.
“It’s six o’clock,” the man frowns, his gaze wandering to the clock on the wall. “You must have gotten distracted!” He clearly means that lightly, but Hannibal’s expression is cold and blank. Thankfully, the man—Franklyn, apparently—can’t see it. Instead, he just vibrates incessantly from the doorway. You can’t be bothered to argue with this turn of events, so instead you nod at Hannibal and step around him.
Before you leave, however, you take a moment to assess the stranger that begs Hannibal’s attention. Franklyn appears to be a rather sweaty man, and he’s wearing weirdly formal attire for a therapy session. There’s something about him that sets you off, but you’re not sure what it is. Franklyn appears to be innocent enough, but there’s something dark lurking underneath his surface. You’re sure that you don’t want to know what it could be, so you settle for walking out of the office and closing the door behind you. The sickening sweetness of the man’s neuroticism clings to your skin and you feel the visceral need to take a shower.
“Who was that?” You hear the man ask Hannibal once you’re in the waiting room. You don’t intend to overhear their conversation, but Franklyn isn’t exactly quiet. Curious to hear Hannibal’s explanation, you freeze in place and wait to hear his response. His voice is just barely heard through the wooden door. You’re more than aware that eavesdropping isn’t exactly polite, but you don’t really care. Besides, you’re not listening in on the actual session—just the casual conversation they’re having. Selfishly speaking, you want to hear what Hannibal thinks of you.
“...A friend.” You feel a smile growing on your face. You don’t stay to hear Franklyn’s response to that—instead deigning to step out of the waiting room and walk back to your car. Despite having little context for the conversation, you’re happy with the thought of Hannibal considering you a friend. When you finally slip into bed that night, calculating brown eyes and a kind yet dangerous smile follow you in your dreams.
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next chapter
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foranpo · 2 years
ੈ˚☆ genshin characters as types of love.
fandom: genshin impact.
characters: childe, zhongli, xiao, kaeya.
reader: gn!
genre: headcanons.
content: fluff.
word count: ~230 each // 900 total
 ੈ♡˳────── enjoy the reading <3 ──────
˚ʚ childe. safe place.
all you needed was a hug; just a simple hug for the whole world to disappear. everything became insignificant when you were with childe, all the problems and the world itself becoming too light to be able to reach the mantle of love and tenderness that came from every time childe wrapped you in his arms.
nothing could separate you, nothing could prevent your love from continuing to bloom between the cracks of your hearts, destroyed so many times. bandages were finally being placed on the two of you, lovingly bridging all the slits of past loves and recent disappointments.
finally, hope. in childe's arms, between caresses and passions, between flowers and bandages, a new feeling was born. a hope for a new tomorrow. a belief that the next day would go better than the present, a trust that there would be time, there would be goodness, there would be happiness. there would be a tomorrow.
all because childe hugged you with his strong arms, protecting you over and over again from the cruel world we are a part of, guaranteeing, always and every time, that this tomorrow he promised you would come, no matter what the cost.
˚ʚ zhongli. soulmate.
“in the meantime, I give you my love. I know it's not much for who we are, I know this promise is insignificant in the face of all our memories that will be erased from us. but I give you my love. in this life and the next. I give you my heart and my soul. now and forever.”
but zhongli's promise was not insignificant. the words he whispered to you as you fell asleep in his arms weren't false. laden with passion, wrapped in a thick cloak of love, zhongli's words lingered for endless eternities.
you didn't know it, not least because no memory was clearly seen by the two of you, but the promise of zhongli was repeated in all your lives. when you lay down before the storm, when you snuggled into each other's arms, zhongli repeated the same words, not knowing they had been used so many times by him, not even suspecting that they were true.
because, in the entire universe, there were no souls more united than yours who, carrying with them the purest love existing, insisted on meeting each other in all lives. and all the stories you lived were marked in the infinite sky, each constellation lighting up the galaxy to be tinged with the promises of an eternal love, a love that would never be broken no matter what.
˚ʚ xiao. twin flame.
it was cruel the way the gods separated you, the way they ripped you from each other's arms and forced you to walk incomplete endless eternities. it was cruel the way the gods envied you, how they wanted a connection as deep and genuine as yours. it was cruel the way they did everything to keep you from meeting again, too angry to witness your love once more.
“I think I know you.” five words. five words and the your entire destiny was rewritten in a matter of seconds. five words spoken by xiao that dictated a whole new path in your lives; for now that you have finally found each other, after lives of grief and anguish over losing something you didn't even know you had, nothing would be able to tear you apart.
the comfort of his arms, the kindness of your words. the blossoming of a new love that had long seemed withered. finally you two had arrived home. finally the two of you had found the peace and happiness you had been looking for so long.
you were his better half, the good part he begged to still possess. you were the hope that was stolen from him, the certainty of a doubt that insisted on remaining in the back of his mind. you were part of xiao, you were a need he was looking for so much. but above all, you were part of xiao's soul that was torn from him. you were his passion. the eternal love he would never lose, not again.
˚ʚ kaeya. first love.
it just happened. and none of you even tried to stop that friendship that had haunted you for years from turning into something more frightening. love. how had you allowed something so big to rise between you? how did you and kaeya let your whole friendship be carried away by the warmest winds of spring and blossom into something so complex?
love. the first love. the first time you would feel the nervousness of being around someone. the first time you were going to learn how to love someone. the first time you were going to learn what it was to be loved by someone. the first love.
you knew nothing: love was a totally devastating and frightening world when mentioned by other people; you had no knowledge of how to love or be loved. you were lost. scared. too fearful to really explore the magnificent vastness of loving someone.
but it was the first time. the first love. and that is never planned, never deliberately exploited. and, without you noticing, the courage to love the other arose in you with so much affection and care that you didn't even see it. without you noticing, love poems were already declaimed by both of you, tender caresses to snuggle you in the scariest nights. without you noticing, you were already experiencing your first love. a love that would last a lifetime.
 ੈ♡˳───── feedback is appreciated <3 ─────
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youatemylollipop · 1 year
Hello! I’m the one who had requested about Rindo with his dream girl today☺️ Whichever you prefer, as long as it’s about what the Tenjiku members thought of her when they first met. Also, I just wanted to say that I completely understand if you're currently very busy and can't fulfill the request right away. There's no pressure and you can take as much time as you need. If possible, could you also write a scenario or a short one shot about Mikey x the "dreamer" type and how they met? Thank you so much for considering my request!
A/N: Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I have written a short one-shot for Mikey x the "dreamer" type, but I apologize as I wasn't able to come up with anything for Rindō just yet. I'm working on it though! Hope you enjoy this in the meantime!💘
Based on these headcanons: Dream Girl
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Synopsis: Mikey encounters a peculiar girl whom he can't help but feel intrigued by.
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Sano Manjirō X Female Reader
⚠️ WARNING: Reader gets harassed on her way home.
Word Count: 1.7K
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It was quite late in the evening as you were going back home after finishing your shift at a local café. Usually, you would have enough time to take the subway, but today your shift turned out to be a bit longer, due to a coworker suddenly falling ill. You didn’t mind though, as it meant extra cash for you.
As you walked down the unfamiliar streets, you could hear some distant noises. You didn't give them much thought, though, as they seemed far away from your current location—at least, that was your interpretation.
You were humming quietly to yourself, swaying your school bag back and forth in tandem with your slightly dancing footsteps. Against the night sky, dozens of bright stars illuminated the pathway back home, and the dazed part of your mind believed that some unnatural force was guiding you towards your soulmate.
Suddenly, you heard some whistles and realized that the sounds, which had seemed distant before, were now much closer. As you blinked in surprise, your gaze fell upon a group of boys who appeared to be a few years older than you. It was only then, as you broke eye contact with one of them, that you noticed he wasn't the only one whose gaze had been fixated on your lonely figure.
"What are you doing outside this late, sweetness?" One of the males slurred, making you visibly cringe at the action. A wave of nausea was beginning to rise within your body as the boys began to advance toward you.
They reminded you of a pack of hyenas, which was a parallel that you did not wish to draw since the species had always interested you. These boys, however, brought no other emotion than utter disgust, as you felt physically close to throwing up with each step that they took.
Instinctively, you took a step back and pursed your lips. A part of you wanted to scream, but you were afraid of the consequences that may follow. By appearing calm, you hoped to create an opportunity to escape. Perhaps, if they believed there was no danger, they would let their guard down at some point.
As they encircled you, you couldn’t help but continuously curse yourself out for using your phone so much during the day. Perhaps if you still had some battery, you could’ve easily made a run for it while trying to call for help.
Realizing that you had nothing to lose, you began to scream to the point that your lungs began hurting. However, this did not last long as one of the males lunged forward, pushing you painfully against the cold stone wall behind you.
While the group of boys carried you to a nearby alleyway, you continued to thrash around. The tallest one spoke in a low, menacing tone, his much larger hand still kept over your mouth. “Shut it, or else,” he warned. However, before he could pull his hand away, a loud scream pierced the empty streets as he felt a sharp pain from your harsh bite.
A second later, sudden pain resonated through your body as you landed harshly on the concrete. You groaned in response, attempting to sit up. Your left hand went up to rub your now sore cheek as a blooming pink hue slowly appeared on the surface.
You don't remember much of what happened during your momentary blackout. It's obvious that you didn't faint, but everything around you was too fuzzy to comprehend. Although you heard some noises, they seemed to be far away, and your vision was too blurry to make out what was going on.
You felt a much gentler tap on your shoulder, causing you to blink a few times as you tried to make out the silhouette of the person in front of you. "Am I dreaming?" You mumbled with a dazed expression, as the person's features became more prominent.
"Hmm, I don't know, are you?" The voice sounded smoky and seemed to belong to a young male. There was a slightly teasing lilt to it, but you found it soothing nonetheless.
You didn't answer straight away, finding yourself entranced by the pools of onyx that seemed to be staring right into your soul. They were black but bottomless, a stark contrast to the star-filled sky hanging above the two of you. And, the longer you held eye contact with the stranger, the more it felt as if they were sucking you into the void.
“This must be destiny,” you spoke, [e/c] hues watching him in amazement. He was just so beautiful.
The male tilted his head and interjected, "Oh?" An amused smile soon followed. You were still too dazed to realize how strange your words must have sounded, and the amusement in his gaze didn't deter you from asking, "Can I touch you?"
This elicited a chuckle from the boy, as he found your question utterly ridiculous. “Why?” He questioned, wondering what else your strange little mind would come up with this time.
"Because I need to make sure that you’re not just a fragment of my imagination," the blond looked at you with intrigue as he took in your words. An unidentifiable glint appeared in his eyes.
He took a step forward, inspecting you further in silence before voicing his thoughts. “Do you not trust your eyesight?”
“Not at all," came the breathless reply, causing the male’s onyx eyes to blink in confusion at your statement. Although everything you had said so far sounded strange, he couldn't help but wonder if you had just dropped your glasses while being harassed by those bastards.
As soon as the thought entered his mind, however, he quickly shook it off. He felt sure that if you really hadn't seen him, you would have acted slightly differently. “You must have a vivid imagination,” he mused, a small smile appearing on his face.
The boy leaned closer to you before stretching out his hand. He didn’t even need to say anything as your hand went up to connect with his, acknowledging the unspoken command that had been told through his eyes.
Hoisting you up, the boy asked curiously, “What’s your name?”
Crossing your arms in a form of fake haughtiness, you spoke in a condescending manner. "As my knight in shining armor, you ought to introduce yourself before asking for any personal information."
"The Invincible Mikey is what I go by," stated the boy with amusement as he bowed courteously to you. This caused a blush to spread across your cheeks, and you began to feel slightly flustered by his antics.
It wasn't the first time a boy had tried to play along with your shenanigans, but usually, they had a hard time keeping up with you. Quite often, you would quickly find them boring, perhaps because you realized that they didn't truly enjoy the play and were only trying to appease you.
You have always dreamed of meeting 'the one' - someone who would be happy to fulfill your desires and do anything to satisfy your needs. But you didn't want him to do so just because he found you pretty. Instead, you longed for a boy who would happily comply with your requests simply because he enjoys doing so and wants to see you happy.
However, not wanting to make things too easy for him, you continued to play around. "I believe that doesn't count as a formal introduction," you huffed, now facing the other side in mock annoyance.
“How am I ever to find you if you decide not to tell?” Now it was Mikey's turn to play pretend, puckering his lips into a childish pout as he tried to get your attention back. "Or do you believe that your parents are going to give a delinquent such as I, permission to taint their sweet little princess?"
After sparing the blond boy a small glance, you finally spoke, “Free me from the shackles that they have forced me to carry and we shall see who’ll be the one searching for me in the end.”
"Is the princess asking her knight to take her far away from this land to experience a life filled with adventures?" For the first time during this whole conversation, you felt utterly speechless. The young male, Mikey, took a step forward, his gaze completely fixated on your bewildered figure.
You've never been one to trust words alone. However, this boy spoke with such conviction that it was hard to deny the truthfulness behind them. Still, a part of you felt uncertain as to why he was so insistent on a stranger like yourself.
As you shot him a glare, he couldn't help but find your expression utterly adorable, a fact that you were completely oblivious to. Your tone became slightly harsher than before as you spoke, “If the knight is willing to sacrifice everything he has for their love, she’ll be happy to follow.”
Not feeling deterred in the slightest by the sudden change in your voice, Mikey took yet another step towards your figure as he spoke. “Unfortunately, fair lady, your knight does not possess a horse, but instead a black motor-driven machine, which he hopes will suffice for their journey together.” A grin stretched across his gorgeous—and cute—face.
You felt your blush deepen as you couldn't help but think his smile was very pretty. There was something about him that made you feel exposed, but in a good way. Never had you ever met someone who had managed to elicit such strong emotional responses from you, and the butterflies in your stomach were swarming chaotically, making you completely overwhelmed.
You loved the feeling, however, as it had made you feel much more alive than you had felt in your entire life. The smug grin that he was presenting did nothing to make the former annoyance return. Oh, who were you lying to? That annoyance had never been much more than self-fabrication.
“So this really is destiny,” you spoke up dazedly, taking a hold of his, once again, outstretched hand before following his figure out of the alleyway.
The boy led you quietly towards his bike, before turning around with a knowing glint in his coal-black eyes. "I'd like to believe it's fate," he said with a flirtatious wink, before turning back to face the road as the both of you disappeared into the darkness of the night.
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sassypossumm · 2 months
Shake A Leg, I'm Hungry
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Funny how you're always the last to know when you're in a relationship. At least it would have been nice to have been told that you and Jack were dating.
Just pure fluff, there simply isn't enough Jack Thompson love out here, let me help rectify that! Word Count: 902
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over how cold New York is.” You muttered to yourself shaking off your umbrella.
“Y/N, thank goodness you’re here.” Placing your umbrella in the holder next to the door, you turned to see none other than Agent Jack Thompson making a beeline straight for you. Just as you were opening your mouth to respond, Jack grabbed your arm and began tugging you towards his office.
“Really, Agent Thompson, atleast let me remove my hat!” Jack stopped short and with a huff you yanked your arm out of his grasp. He turned to you with an apologetic look and assisted you out of your coat.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, really I am.” Placing your coat on the stand in the corner he gave you another apologetic look over his shoulder.
“What is this all about, Agent Thompson?” You regarded him quizzically as you pulled the pin out of your hat. Jack looked over your shoulder towards the bull-pen and you followed his line of sight were several agents were staring back at you two in interest. “Why are they staring at us?” You whispered reaching out a hand for him to take your hat.
“I promise I’ll explain, in the meantime, please call me Jack.”
“Why on earth,”
“Hey, Thomspon, that the dame you’ve been going on about?” In an instant Jack was at your side cupping your elbow and doing his best to ignore you’re confused expression.
“Agent Weirsby, don’t you have some papers to file.” The agent in question muttered something that sounded like an apology and shuffled off to complete his tasks. Without further explanation Jack steered you through the throng of agents and into his office. As he closed the door you whirled around, folding your arms and pinned him in place with your glare.
“Jack Thompson, you have exactly one minute to explain what on earth is going on.” Running his hand through his hair, Jack looked down to your tapping foot before dragging his eyes up to meet yours. If you were in a more sympathetic mood, your heartstrings might have been pulled by his pitiful expression. When he didn’t say anything you rolled your eyes and made your way to sit in the chair behind his desk. “Alright, Thompson, let’s have it.” Resting your hands on the armrests, you looked up at Jack with narrowed eyes. With a sigh, Jack shoved his hands into his pockets and moved to lean against the desk.
“I’m in a spot, Y/N.”
“Go on.”
“The guys have been giving me, well you know what, over the fact that I’m the last bachelor in the division.” Jack paused to see how you’d react. When you merely stared placidly at him, he continued. “It’s been a nightmare really,” Here he shoved away from the desk and began pacing. “You can’t imagine how many dinners and ‘teas’ I’ve been invited to attend by ‘well meaning’ wives.” Stopping he turned to look at you.
“And by invite you mean, insist that you attend?” You fought to supress a smile, trying your hardest to be sympathetic. Jack groaned.
“If I have to attend one more function where some woman is foisted on me, I’ll lose my mind, Y/N.” Rushing back to the desk, he hopped onto the side next to you, resting his arms on his legs.
“And this involves me, how?” You looked up at him, entirely certain that you were not going to like where this was going.
“To get them off my back, I told them you were my girl.” Clearing his throat, he averted his gaze.
“Well that explains the picture of me on your desk.” You picked up the framed photo of you. It was probably one of the best you’d ever taken. “Where did you get this by the way?” Holding up the picture you looked at Jack curiously.
“Peggy.” You groaned, placing the photo down. “What do you want from me?” Jack’s eyes darted towards you and you fidgeted under his scrutiny.
“Could you play along for a few minutes?” Cocking your head to the side you gave him a mischevious smile.
“What’s in it for me, Thompson?” Folding his arms, he narrowed his eyes.
“What do you want, Y/N?” Leaning further back in the chair you paused to ponder the question.
“Lunch at the Waldorf.” Jack sputtered.
“The Waldorf?! Do I look like I’m made of money?”
“Next to the Brown Derby, it’s one place in this time I’ve always wanted to go. No skin off my nose though, I’ll just get Howard to take me.” With a shrug, you stood and stepped towards the door. Hanging his head, Jack stopped you with a gentle hand on your arm.
“Fine.” Slowly you turned to look at him.
“Fine?” You bent your head slightly to see if you could meet his eye. Jack glanced up at you through his lashes.
“Lunch at the Waldorf.”
“Today,” With a groan Jack released your arm. Rushing forward you rested at elbow on his shoulder. “Just think about the splash we’ll make, Jack. You the dutiful boyfriend taking your dame out for lunch.” He glanced up at you begrudgingly.
“You make a point.”
“Great.” You flashed him a winning smile and gave his shoulder a solid thump. Pulling away you headed towards the door. “Shake a leg, Jack Your girlfriend’s hungry.”
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thatdogmagic · 29 days
This is the last post I plan on making about the current situation.
I've been trying to recall what it is that might be getting repeated, and there's a couple instances I can think of that are pretty ripe for taking snips:
There are chat logs where I made unkind generalizations about autistic cis men, in the context of the majority of my experiences with them being largely negative, and being relieved that I had a space where my own neurodiversity had room to unfold.
She has chatlogs where I commented on not fully understanding trans men who still veered ultra-femmy, even though I don't have any trouble wrapping my head around butch trans women. That contradiction made me think about it quite a bit, and ultimately decided it wasn't a great opinion to have/was mostly just some lingering All Things Being Binary shit I still find myself unpacking.
I'm sure there's other thorny conversations that can be pruned for content, but I'm having trouble thinking of what it is beyond interpersonal clashes and, yeah. I've already seen the depths of missing context there.
There is no better example, in fact, than the comparison of shadowy werewolves with glowing eyes/teeth. It was taken from a concept that was tabled after approval was actively sought because there was a recognized stylistic overlap. Since 'shadow werewolf with glowing eyes/teeth' is a very common visual element in a lot of werewolf artwork, we also went on to discuss when those visual elements would best be avoided, and when they could be put to use.
This wasn't mentioned in the original comparison posts. Nor was it mentioned that it was never intended for public posting. It was a thumbnail idea for promotional material, drawn over a month ago - and nearly a full year after Lacey's skin tone changed - and it was quietly set aside in favor of other ideas.
Bottom line, I don't have any control over what she does with what she has. I don't have any control over what people think about it. But I do have control over what I do with me, and what I plan to do is stay off social media for the forseeable future, and keep working on the projects that matter to me, like I always have.
In the meantime, if you know me off social media:
I do not want to be contacted about any additional escalation
I do not need to know about any further instances of reposted chatlogs or artwork
It's kind of you to want to know my side of the story, but for my own reasons I'd rather not go into it beyond what I've already posted.
If we discussed commission work that you no longer want, please let me know ASAP so I can remove you from the list I have prepped for when I get back to taking those. Those of you who contacted me about it already have my email address.
All that being said, I understand if even with context, some comments lose people. I'm not gonna hold that against anyone. Where I'm at in my own development is probably not going to be enough for some, and that's fine. It doesn't have to be, and it won't stop me from continuing to try.
End of the day, keep in mind that this is still a personal altercation being made public, with everything that entails.
PS - If any other art is being posted: understand that it is being done without permission, after Ependa and I both actively tried to delete those pieces off the server, stated we'd done so intentionally, and then actively requested those files be deleted off the server/her machine when we were made aware of the fact that she was using third party plugins to retain access.
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hazelfoureyes · 1 month
Hazel Story Time (not Hazbin; just personal hazel lore lmao)
Hazel random story time again
In honor of my favorite band (deadman) releasing a new single.
So I fell in love with this band called deadman in 2006, the same year they broke up. I spent years and years day dreaming of seeing them live. Before and after I moved to Tokyo I would always keep my ears open for the singer (Mako’s) voice, maybe he was in a new band or busking. No such luck.
I did begin a casual fuck buddy relationship with a professional busker, let’s call him Naoki, because that’s his name. He played accordion and piano so his fingers were God tier nimble. He didn’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and had an impressive skincare routine just in case he made it big. He would do work with jrockers and other artists I knew and it was like fucking my own little celebrity in my too-far-away Tokyo boonies apartment. He was so strong and his skin like delicately cared for porcelain. He would randomly just pick me up and maneuver me during sex and it made me feel like a ✨ little lady ✨.
Well, in the meantime, deadman got back together! But no tours really because of covid. I keep that information in mind and continue living.
One day on Spotify this year I see they have a national tour coming up and are coming to MY CITY.
Just the vocalist, Mako, and the composer (Aie) have reunited but I don’t care, I can finally hear Mako sing live. I get tickets the hour they go on sale, even though there’s no threat of selling out.
Eighteen years of waiting. I literally scream.
While riding that high, I go on insta and see Naoki posted. I wonder what that cutie is up to today. Just a causal meet up with an old friend.
Looking at the photo, my heart stops beating long enough to print the life insurance paperwork. Aie, from deadman, sitting next to Naoki at a cafe.
my beautiful dreaming accordion playing fuck buddy of days past who I met in massive Tokyo 6 years ago
is friends with
composer and half of the reunited band I have waited nearly 2 fucking decades to hear live who is not a Tokyo native
I post a four part close-friends only video of me fucking losing my shit.
Naoki says they’re old friends and sometimes play together, and promises I’ll be on the guest list for the next time they have a show.
The deadman live I got tickets to is next month, and if I get a second to speak to Aie I’m telling him we have a friend in common.
my life is sometimes the stupidest little manga plot, but this one takes the cake. How can the world be so small and coincidences so big?
In a city of 14 million people, I met the one who speaks English and knows the band I’ve waited over half my life to hear play.
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m0rbidmacabre · 2 months
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If you have Ghosts
Chapter 2
Summary: Swiss continues to struggle with emotional issues and is ordered to take time off by Papa IV. Dew is upset by Swiss's outburst and the two have a tense relationship. After a day of rest, Swiss proposes a game of chase in the woods, which escalates into a sexual encounter between the two. The story explores themes of power dynamics, emotional struggles, and interpersonal relationships within the group.
Warnings: blowjob, swiss & dew, ghoul on ghoul, angst, hate, sadness, feral ghoul warning, tour life, ghoul on ghoul, MFM, rough sex, anal, masturbation, depression, angst, fuck DEW, you hottie.
Notes: please ask in comments if you would like to be tagged in future posts
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If You Have Ghosts
Chapter two
Previous chapter
Link to AO3
Returning to the ministry wasn’t as easy as Swiss as had initially thought, he was hoping that returning to normal life would help him, that his loss of control was somehow linked to being on tour but that wasn’t the case. He had spent his first week home sat in his room, hardly leaving his bed. He was trying so hard to rest and recover, but his body was refusing to let him. His pack had all gone back to normal ministry duties of guarding and taking care of papa, but out of concern, papa iv had asked Swiss to take some time off. Swiss found himself in Papa’s office the morning after they had all arrived home. Papa was quick to get Swiss into his office to see him. Knowing what papa wanted Swiss walked into the room shouting “Papa, I don’t want to take time off… you need me on duty.”
“We should be fine, eh; mountain and dew have agreed to do some double shifts... please don’t worry”. Papa explained, waving his arms around as he explained to the ghoul.
“But they need to rest too, I don’t want to be a burden, I need to work”. Swiss cried at papa, hoping that his displeasure would change his mind, but it didn’t.
“Please just take a week, take two. Just rest, relax... your health comes first. I will not have my ghouls struggling. we need you at full strength for when we find out what this issue is…”
“Papa, I’m fine…”
“No, Swiss… Listen to your Papa. it’s an order. In the meantime, I will do some research”.
Swiss sighed and turned around, walking straight for the door, his angst showing as he slammed the door behind him. Dew, who was on guard at Papa’s, shouted after Swiss as he stormed away.
“Hey, calm the fuck down…” he shouted.
Swiss turned around and flipped him off as he carried on walking. “Fuck you Dew, stay out of it” he shouted back at Dew who slumped against the wall with a large huff.
Swiss found himself back at the ghoul den before he knew it, walking straight for his room, storming past the other ghouls who were having a relaxing day off with pizza in front of the TV.
“Mountain, do you think I should go check on him?” Aether said as Swiss stormed into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
“Leave him Aeth, it sounds like he needs to cool off”.
Aether got to his feet, anyway, ignoring Mountain and walked to Swiss’s door. He pressed his ear to it, hoping to hear if Swiss was okay but what he heard from the room was something that would haunt him. Aether could hear Swiss pining, crying, aching. Swiss was sobbing uncontrollably. It didn’t take more than a second for Aether to open Swiss’s door and close it behind him.
“Swiss, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
“Papa is making me... take time off” he sobbed, losing his breath halfway through...
Aether Immediately walked up to Swiss and enveloped him in his strong arms.
“Hey, it’s all going to be okay….” Aether muttered repeatedly while running his hands over Swiss’s dreadlocks, using his quintessence to help calm the heartbroken ghoul while pattering him with tiny kisses.
Papa IV had been feeling off since Swiss visited his office that morning, something didn’t feel right… maybe it was because his multi-ghoul wasn’t feeling his best, or maybe it’s because he was forced to make him take some time away from duties, knowing full well it would leave Swiss even more upset. The last thing Papa wanted was for the ghoul to feel like he wasn’t wanted or needed... Papa decided to take the rest of the afternoon off from working on ministry paperwork to go to the library and do some research into why Swiss might be acting so different to how he normally was.
Dew followed behind Papa as he walked to the library, they both walked in silence as they contemplated the morning. Dew had also been upset by Swiss’s outburst that morning, only Dew had more reason to be upset. Swiss had told him to stay out of it, but Dew only wanted to help the multi-ghoul feel better... To remind him that this wasn’t the place for him to take out his anger. He cared a lot for Swiss, they were close… or at least, he thought they were. it just didn’t go down how Dew thought it might. The fire ghoul had been thinking about it since it had happened, his upset only adding to his silence as he internally argued with himself.
“Here we are Dew, just wait outside please…” Papa iv asked Dew as they reached the restricted section of the old library. As you would expect the room was filled wall to wall with old books that were covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, nobody but ministry heads were allowed into the restricted section, the books that lived here were often deemed too dangerous for normal eyes. Anything you would need could be found here, want to summon a ghoul? How about Lucifer himself? It’s all here.
Papa pulled out an interesting looking book titled ‘Ghouls: A Historical Perspective’, it was leather bound, the pages older then both Dew and Papa. He skimmed the pages, flicking to illnesses...
Papa sat for hours, unable to find the answer. Day light was fading fast and so was the lighting in the room, the candles doing their best to keep the room aglow were starting to die. He was starting to give up hope. “Maybe this was just a depressive state, like humans go through, maybe it will pass. Si… si, maybe…” He thought to himself with a big sigh as he scratched his head in confusion, slamming the book closed... he had found nothing that could help his ghoul and he felt bad about it. Dew stood outside the library waiting as Papa opened the door with a concerned smile.
Dew just smiled back as they began to walk towards Papa's papal chambers, both still stricken with worry for the multi-ghoul. Dew left Papa at his chambers and started to head back towards the ghoul den, it had been a long day, and he was tired. All he wanted was to curl up in his bed and sleep, forget about what had happened, forget that the search for answers wasn’t a fruitful one.
He walked through the door, and mountain was still sat on the sofa watching movies in his boxers.
“Hey Dew. How was work?” he asked the fire ghoul as he walked through the door to the ghoul den.
“Fine I guess….” He sighed.
“Hey, you know Swiss came home all upset this morning…... Do you know what happened?”
Dew shook his head in response, knowing full well what happened.
“Aeth has been in there all day. I think he’s been crying… maybe you should see if Aeth wants you to take over?”
“Nah I’m sure they are good”.
Mountain pulled a face, shocked at dews response.
“Oh. Okay...” mountain shrugged, knowing it was most likely an argument between the two after Dews reaction and went back to watching the tv as Dew walked past the sofa to the kitchen, where he grabbed a sandwich and then walked to his room, shutting the door behind him. All he wanted was sleep, to simply let go of today and start a new one.
Swiss woke up feeling a little better, Aether had sat with him most of the day. He knew that the quintessence ghoul was a good friend and having his support right now was what he needed. He appreciated Aether, like he did the rest of his pack. He knew that every one of them had his back when he needed them, and he loved them all dearly. What he didn’t think about was the incident he had had with Dew, completely overlooking the fact that maybe one of his pack was hurting from his actions the day before.
He got himself dressed in some sweats and trainers and decided that he may as well go for a run to make use of his time away from work. Walking into the kitchen he spotted Dew, who he shot a big smile. “Well, someone’s in a good mood this morning. I’m glad one of us is feeling better” Dew said to Swiss in response to his toothy grin.
“I’m going for a run, Wanna play a game of chase?” Swiss said to Dew as he walked towards the door.
“What, now?”
“Yeah, I fancy letting my ghoul flag fly.” He said with a smile.
Dew just nodded. Clearly still feeling off with the ghoul he loved more then anything, but he was happy to see him in a better mood, even if his own feelings were still hurt from the exchange they had. It seemed that Swiss hadn’t even noticed he had hurt someone who loved him.
“I tell you what, I'll meet you out there... let's make it more fun... let’s make this a hunt... Whoever finds the other first? Deal?”. Dew said with a smug look on his face, knowing full well that he was an expert when it came to tracking. Sure, Swiss had muscle, but Dew had brains, he wasn’t the fastest, but he could outsmart almost anyone before they had even noticed. he was clearly planning something.
“Sounds like fun… lets do it. I’ll see you out in the woods.” Swiss gave dew a tilted smirk and closed the ghoul den door behind him, before picking up a running pace towards the woods. He knew it wouldn’t be long until dew was onto him, he wanted to get as far out as he could. Dew was nimble, and while Swiss was quick on his feet, his talents lay in his strength. He bobbed and weaved between the trees, and it wasn’t long until he could hear the whistle of footsteps whipping around him in a haze. He picked up his pace, trying to avoid being caught, he wanted to be the one doing the catching, he wanted to be the one winning, but he knew dew would give him a run for his money. It’s one of the reasons Swiss appreciated Dew so much. He always cut out the bullshit and got right to the point.
“You're going to have to be quicker than that….” Swiss heard Dew laughing behind him.
Swiss dodged and whipped between some trees, keeping his pace effortlessly fast. It wasn’t until Swiss thought he had a chance to stop and take a break, he couldn't hear dew, he couldn't smell him… maybe he had lost him. He leaned against a tree catching his breath when all of a sudden, he was rugby tackled to the floor and punched hard across the face splitting his lip. The hand that had just launched into his face now pushing his head into the ground. Swiss growled baring his teeth. Dew was laying on top of him pushing his face into the mud.
“Swiss, you fucking pushed me too far”
“What do you mean you lunatic?!”
“Urgh, Dew... Fucking get over it”
A hard blow struck Swiss to the side of the head. Leaving Swiss to take a swipe at Dew, the both of them rolling around in the mud.
“You will fucking take this Swiss... you will” Dew shouted at Swiss as he turned him on to his stomach, laying all his body weight into his back.
“You’re being such a brat…” Dew hissed in his ear. As he unbuttoned his own belt, his already hard cock springing free.
“I’m going to fuck you now, and you're going to take it... You're going to enjoy it, and you are going to feel what it felt like to be pushed around”. Dew bit at Swiss as he pulled down Swiss’s sweatpants.
Dew began to bite into his neck, grinding himself harder against swiss’s butt cheeks as Swiss let out a moan.
“Fuck Dew... Fuck...” Swiss moaned.
“You want me don’t you Swiss, you want me to show you that you can’t push me around…”
“Fuck, Dew... Yes.” Swiss whimpered back to Dew as his face rubbed into the ground.
“You're so needy... here, suck…” dew slid his fingers into Swisses mouth, Swiss putting all the saliva around them as his slid his tongue around his fingers.
“Good boy, good…” Dew said removing his fingers and spitting in his hand to add extra lube.
Dew slowly slid his hand down his back as he continued to nip and bite at his neck. Reaching swisses butt, he slowly entered him with his two fingers. Swiss bit his lip, stifling an unearthly moan of desire. “How does it feel Swiss? How does it feel to let yourself go? To let me take you?”
“fucking good, fucking hot dew.. I need you” he whimpered as Dew moved his fingers slowly inside him.
Dew removed his fingers causing swiss to moan from the loss, he quickly spat on his hands and pumped himself hard causing his spit and pre-cum to leave his cock dripping. He positioned himself on top of Swiss “Good boy, swiss.. Good boy.” Dew moaned as he pushed himself inside him. Both of them quivering in response to the other. Dew continued to bite into Swiss, leaving little love bites all over his neck. “Everyone is going to know swiss, everyone is going to see that I own you” he breathed heavily to Swiss’s ear as he upped the pace. He began drilling into him, quicker, faster. Swiss lay on the ground, moaning and grinding himself again the ground below him so that his dripping cock also got relief.
“Please, can I?” swiss moaned...
“Can you what?… use your words” Dew breathed into his ear.
“Please, please can I touch myself” he moaned as Dew fucked into him.
“Urgh... Umm... Yes.” Dew moaned as he helped Swiss to his knees. Swiss immediately wrapped his hands around his own dripping dick, pumping himself harder and harder to match the pace of Dew who continued to fuck into him.
Dew moaned, feeling the fires in his stomach growing. He hunched himself over Swiss, taking another hard bite to his neck.
“Dew... Dew… can I?”
Dews breaths becoming hard, and heavy as the orgasm rushes to rift through him.
“Yes, baby. Yes... You can...” dew moaned out and he bucked into Swiss one last time. His body tipped into climax, filling Swiss. Moments later Swiss moaned as his reached his own orgasm, dews still semi hard inside him. He cried as he pumped himself to cum, letting it drip through his fingers onto the ground below them both, pooling.
Swiss stayed on all fours for a moment, while dew lay on his back trying to catch his breath. Both of them taking a moment to come down from the intensity of it.
“Fuck...” Swiss moaned...
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ultragift · 4 months
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FROM: @vidra-comprehends
TO: @gayrhys
Two robots stare at the old paper. It has legible words on it and is more or less intact compared to the other pages lying around, which the two have already checked. Despite the halcyon weather, V1 keeps it pinned under its foot while V2 reads it out loud.
To my dearest friend!
My fingers are swiftly losing their mobility as I am writing you this letter. Forgive me if it is not very pretty.
While you are scorched by the Sun, I am to suffer its eternal absence. Those around me still moving are banding together, trying to find warmth in the others’ presence, but our bodies only radiate more coldness.
From time to time, the Lake’s ice carries to us the echoes of a great scream. It is terrible, but not at all terrifying. Still, should I venture too close to the middle, I would surely witness something unfit for a human soul. The only other sounds are the heavy steps of souls and the singing ice.
Even as the Greatest Cold overtakes me, I stand by my decision; letting you continue would have been an even greater sin. I hope you will find it in yourself to acknowledge why it was necessary as I will likely never again have the ability to think like a capable man, and so, I could not change my mind even if I wanted to.
With no remorse nor disdain left to warm me-
V2 looks up to see V1 already walking towards the edge of the frozen lake. "You read quickly." V1's rusty speech box spits out a few words. "REMAINING TEXT: IRRELEVANT.”
A strange sensation not unlike overheating registers to the red machine. How dares it? V2 wants to shake it by the shoulder and scream. His fury overpowers his common sense as he takes a few quick steps towards the blue machine, who - in the meantime - has started stomping on the thin ice by the shore.
"Irrelevant? What is wrong with you?! What is wrong with you in general?!"
A quick shot of its revolver makes him freeze in place. He is not at all sure that V1 missed on purpose. His steps are very careful as he catches up to it, but his voice is still full of anger. And condescendence. "You don't get to say that. They matter so much. Do you hear me? They matter! This letter meant something to someone. Hey, are you listening?"
V1 seems to be more invested in the chunks of ice it managed to free.
"Seriously, even after everything we've witnessed on our way down here...? Don't you see? There is so much harm...or there used to be so much harm in the world. No. There still is. These souls are suffering. And the best we could do was k-" An inexplicable error in the speech software. V2 doesn't start again, but he is unable to take the pain out of his voice. "We were built to protect them, you know."
V1 finally looks up, but it simply points a cold finger at V2. Of course. He was built to protect.
"Why did you repair me?" It was built to kill.
The V models are incapable of shrugging, but V1 does something similar enough. "DAMAGED." "Hm? What do you mean?"
V1 is clearly not comfortable speaking, but V2 has to know. He has to know the truth if they are going to end here. Or at least one of them will. This layer welcomed those who were willing to go to any lengths for a little personal victory. "REPAIR PROTOCOL. FAILED TO...SEPARATE."
V2 thinks for a few seconds. "Did you believe you were repairing yourself?" This wins him a thumbs up.
It was like tying a tie on someone else for the first time. The blue machine knew how to work on itself, but when the protocol kicked in under the pyramid in Greed, it found that the body is seen from an irregular angle. In the end, V1 resorted to holding the other machine to its chest to be able to work properly.
"But you know now that I'm not you, right?" Another thumbs up. V2 doesn't force the conversation further. He focuses on the ice instead. The written pages scattered all over the area don’t stop at the shore, partly or fully frozen like semi-aquatic plants during a harsh winter. The hole V1 made is rapidly freezing up, but something is still clearly visible at the bottom.
“Did you have a chance to see what that is?” Instead of an answer, V1 gives the fresh ice a good kick, splashing water all over the place.
“Hey, watch out! This can damage both of us! Especially your absorbent plating. It would be smarter to- What is that? Is that a fishing rod?! Where the Hell did you get that?” Its hands occupied, V1 nods. “What?!”
The thing they saw at the bottom is soon reeled to the surface. It is a book. Unfortunately, it immediately freezes as it is removed from the water; there’s no chance of opening it without destroying the paper. V1 doesn’t seem satisfied until it brings up half a dozen books, all acting the same way. It doesn’t give V2 much time to consider any implications or greater meaning the scene might have, heading deeper towards the middle.
“We should prepare for that fight thoroughly,” V2 warns. His predecessor doesn’t react. Its steps are light and it gently swings the fishing rod from side to side as it walks. Not for the first time today, V2 feels very lost. “If you’re not going to fight... What are you even looking for?”
Speech has never been so easy for V1 as it is in this moment. “FISH.”
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