#im usually ok in big crowds but something about stores and having to stop and give someone attention really freaks me out
lavender---sunshine · 2 years
My mother loves to follow me uncomfortably close in stores and ask why im buying the things in the cart and while it's ok most of the time, sometimes stores are very overwhelming for me and instead of being able to grab what I need and jet, having to spend any amount of time justifying my purchase and stepping around her cart that she parks in the middle of the isle is like 15 steps away from an anxiety attack
0 notes
waatermelon-sugaar · 3 years
Want to kiss?
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Pairing = Poe x reader
Words = 5.2k
Summary = You and Poe are friends. Acting married won’t lead to anything. Will it?
Warnings = SMUT (18+only); semi-public fingering, semi-public grinding, implication of a bj, also language 
A/N =  Prompt no.23 requested by @witchyavenger as part of my 300 follower celebration, thanks so much, hope you like it! Prompt was “Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?” w/ Poe  and bolded in text
Also i might have concentrated more on the smut, than the plot, so if there are a couple of plot holes, that’s why, im not sorry 
Posted to AO3
You weren’t looking forward to this. 
A small, masochistic part of you was, but the larger part of you, the more sensible part, wanted to scream at the prospect. 
Pretending to be a couple with Poe, to have the real thing so close in front of you, yet knowing that you couldn’t, made you want to cry. In fact, you already had. 
The two of you had been briefed together, and told you would be acting as married senators at a gala. The way Poe’s face had tightened at the word ‘married’, made your chest hurt. He hadn’t said anything, but he didn’t need to before you’d drawn your own conclusions. 
You’d tried not to think about it too much as the briefing had continued, swallowing the sudden lump in your throat, and having to blink a little faster. You’d managed to keep it together until you’d gone back to your room, where you’d immediately burst into tears. 
Poe couldn’t even stand the idea of being married to you?
You knew he wasn’t interested in you like that, but that hurt. Hurt more than you’d anticipated. Poe only had to pretend for a mission. And he didn’t want to do that? Now you’re sitting in front of the mirror, and you blow out a big breath. Not right now. Your make-up’s half on, and you don’t have the time to redo it if you start crying, now of all times. 
And the truth was, it shouldn’t hurt as much as it did. You knew Poe. He was your friend and Commander, nothing more. He’d never given you any indication that he’d ever wanted more, never acted as anything but a good friend to you.  
Now you were in the bathroom of a hotel on Coruscant, and Poe was next door and stars you had to share a bed tonight but you didn’t even want to think about that yet . All you had to do was finish your make-up, do your hair, put your fancy dress on, hope that Poe could bear to pretend to be married to you while the two of you looked for an opportunity to sneak upstairs, break into Senator Sewinn’s office, and gather any incriminating evidence stored there. Simple.
And that wasn’t counting getting out, and sharing a bed with Poe tonight, before your ship departed for the Resistance base tomorrow. 
To put it simply, you were fucked. 
But you’d pushed the emotions away, not wanting to address it. Not wanting to have that horrendous conversation. After all, it wasn’t a crime for someone not to fancy you. 
Now you took a moment for yourself, looking up at the corner where the wall met the ceiling, and exhaling deeply. 
Ok, think. What’s your first job? Make up. 
You took your routine step-by step, finishing your makeup and hair, and pulling your dress on. You took the time to admire yourself in the mirror before you stepped out to face Poe, knowing that he was no doubt going to look absolutely dashing, while not caring either way about your appearance. 
You knew that, except you did look good, even if you said so yourself. You let yourself breathe once more, hands fluttering out any invisible creases in the front of your dress. It had a nice cut for your chest, falling to the floor with a split down your right leg. 
Ok. “Poe?” You knocked on the door before you returned to your room, not wanting to catch him in the middle of changing.
“I’m ready!” Comes the response, and you can’t help yourself, exhaling heavily again before greeting Poe. 
You’d been prepared. Or so you thought.
You’d never seen Poe in a suit before, and it’s more than you could have ever imagined. He fills it out nicely, shoulders looking broader than ever. He’s brushed his hair neatly back, curls subdued for the night. They look darker than ever, strands curling over the back of his collar. Desire and heat are pooling low in your belly, your eyes slow in their movements as they graze over him
He’s freshly shaved after his shower, bronze skin glowing in the yellow light of the lamps scattered around the room. Your mouth is dry, and your breath shaky again. Poe’s looking at you funny, and you must be staring, so you clear your throat, shaking your head a little. 
His tie is slightly to one side, so you step towards him like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “Can I-?” Your voice is a murmur as your hands reach out, one going to the centre of Poe’s neck. You straighten his tie, ignoring the warmth of his body below your hands and step back. 
You hadn’t realised how intimate that would feel, how close you’d have to get, and now you feel overwhelmed, your body heating up, your heart beating faster. Poe’s looking at you with a strange look in his eyes, like he can’t quite figure out what your motives are, he can’t decide what you want. 
Only, it’s not unusual, is it? Poe’s always been a touchy-feely person, hugging, holding hands, touching whenever he could, it didn’t tend to matter who it was, or what the situation was. 
Except this feels different somehow, heavier. Like you crossed a line in your friendship that you weren’t aware existed. That the intimacy of fixing Poe’s tie, being this close to his body is teetering beyond friendship. Poe’s still looking at you with this heavy gaze, and maybe there’s something in his eyes, but you can’t bear to meet them, can’t bear to face the rejection you’ll find there.
So you swallow, fixing your gaze on the section of wall just to the left of his face, ignoring how your palms are singing from touching Poe, even through his shirt. They itch to do it again, hungry for more, and it takes all of your self control to stop yourself and to take a step back, widening the space between you. 
“Shall we go?” You’re the first to speak, and at your words, Poe seems to snap out of it, closing down, any softness in his eyes, in his face, disappearing. 
He nods, stiffer than he normally is around you, and you can only hope that he’ll loosen up when you get downstairs. “Here's your ring.” He reaches into his breast pocket and hands you a wedding band, gold and simple.
And you’ve been so distracted by the top half of him that you hadn’t seen his on his ring finger, hanging loosely at his side. You don’t say anything as you slip the cold jewellery on, your heart stuttering at the implication of something so plain. 
Stepping out of your room, you take Poe’s offered elbow, and the two of you start your descent to the lobby. It takes you a while to get used to the breeze on your right leg, where your skin is exposed. The building is an old one, corridors extending in every direction with bedrooms and storerooms scattered in a seemingly random order. The lift is quiet, muzak playing faintly out of a tiny speaker. 
“We’ve got this,” you murmur under your breath reassuring yourself. Poe looks at you, but doesn’t say anything, just patting your hand where it rests on his arm. 
The transformation in him when you step into the hall is amazing. His smile, which you recognise enough to tell it’s fake, spreads across his face, and as you enter, he turns his head to your ear, murmuring, “I didn’t tell you how beautiful you looked before.” 
There’s suddenly no air as you turn to look back at Poe, that familiar grin tugging on his lips. Your faces are close again, like a married couples, and you don’t try to hide the pleased look that’s clear across your face, feeling more flustered than you expected. 
His eyes are encouraging, and you’ve never noticed how warm they are, what a soft brown. They’re lighter than you thought, having never been so close to his face before, dark irises increasing in size as he looks at you, waiting for your response. 
You’re married, remember?
So you press your cheek to his smooth one, with a soft “thanks.” 
You turn back to the crowd, missing how Poe’s gaze catches on you for a second longer than normal, instead concentrating on how no one noticed you walk in. Good. The room is busy already, you and Poe one of the last stragglers arriving. Soft music, not dissimilar to the one in lift is playing, largely drowned out by voices chattering away.
The ballroom is light and airy, yellow lamps creating a warm atmosphere, with a marble floor that causes your steps to click. There’s a bar near the entrance, and a stage to your left. 
The beginning of the night is spent hanging off Poe’s arm, making conversation with Senators about brain-dead topics, Poe’s hand moving to squeeze yours in warning whenever you make a slightly too sarcastic comment, usually about the First Order really having an impact, and how it was about time someone made a monopoly of the galaxy anyway. 
You push down the urge to be more sarcastic, if only to feel Poe’s skin on yours again. 
No one seems to notice, especially not when you start to zone out, looking for opportunities to sneak away. The office had to be around this room somewhere; hours of poring over maps of the building had revealed a lot of empty space around the ballroom. And now Senator Sewinn was walking out of a concealed door in the back right of the room, which had to led to his office. 
Unfortunately, he and a number of other important, puffed up looking peacocks of politicians seem intent to stand right in front of it, drawing, if anything, more attention to the door. 
You huff, unknowingly scowling. What was the point of a secret door when you act like that? You may as well make a sign saying ‘Secret, Do Not Enter.’
“You alright, sweetheart?” Poe’s the one to drag you back to where you are, and you do one of those smug, self-centred couple smiles, one that you’d seen far too often, smoothing out your face. 
“Yes, sorry honey.” You step back from the group, suddenly needing a moment. “If you’ll excuse me.” You direct this to the rest of the group, mumbling something about getting a drink, stumbling away, sure they won’t miss you. Poe’s behind you, his presence both stifling and a comfort. 
When you reach the bar, his hand is on the small of your back, and he’s still so warm. How can his hand spread heat through your body like this? Through your dress? “Hey,” his mouth is by your ear again while you wait for the bartender. “What’s wrong?” 
You shake your head, unsure yourself. “I don’t know Poe. Nothing.” Maybe it’s him. You can’t look directly at him, fearing you’ll combust. 
It’s definitely him. 
But instead, you turn your mouth back to his ear, close enough your mouth just grazes his earlobe as you talk. “Senator Sewinn isn’t leaving the door behind him.”
Poe looks behind you in a casual sweep of the room as you order two drinks. 
When he turns back, his chest is pressing against you now, his arm around your waist, caging you into the bar, and you hope you don’t look as hot as you feel. You practically vibrate under his touch, the urge to push back into him stronger than ever. Poe’s blazer isn’t buttoned up, and it’s almost around you, you can feel the silk of his tie on your back.
Your breath sticks in your throat as he bends to whisper, again. This man is going to kill you. “Good spot sweetheart.” 
Don’t press your hips back into him, you remind yourself, he’s there, but don’t do it. 
You can smell the cologne Poe’s wearing too, the one he only uses on really special occasions and it’s making your head spin. Maybe you need some air. 
You accept the drinks from the bartender, passing over some credits and turning in Poe’s arms, the cold glasses in your palms helping you a little, distracting you from the heat which seems to have settled in your core, pulsing in between your legs. 
Except now you’re facing Poe, facing those warm brown eyes, and are they darker than they were before? Is this better or worse? Face to face, or chest against your back? 
He’s licking his lips as he’s taking the drink from you and you’ve never wanted to kiss someone so bad. Breathe, in and out. 
“Don’t worry, they’ll move,” it takes a second for you to tune back in, to realise what Poe is talking about. “Sewinn has to make a speech at the other end of the hall, we’re to move then, when everyone’s distracted, remember?” 
His voice is soft, quiet, and you do remember, that the movements he’s describing are all part of the plan, have been ever since the brief, but this man who’s crowding you into the bar, the sharp edge cutting a vertical line into your back, is distracting you from the mission. 
This mission, which is important for the Resistance. 
The mission, which you can’t fail at. 
And, more than that, you can’t let Poe down. 
He’s not interested, you have to remind yourself when a pang of disappointment shoots through you as he steps back. This is fake, you’re fake married. 
Somehow the reminder doesn’t help. 
You sip your drink, cold liquid shooting down your throat as you look anywhere but at him. 
The introductory section drags. You don’t return to the group you were talking to before, instead choosing to stay near the bar, exchanging the odd observation with Poe, the two of you consistently getting closer than you really need to talk. 
He’s acting more normal now, his smile more natural as he relaxes. His hand has found a home on you, it doesn’t seem to matter where, moving from your shoulder to your back to your waist. You don’t dare mention it, afraid he’ll stop, when that’s the last thing you want. 
Sometimes you feel like a black hole, desperately looking for love and touch, and sucking up whatever you can find, always needing more. You hate to think that maybe that’s what you cherish most about your friendship with Poe - that even as his friend, he touches you, and hugs you, and gives you a kiss. Although it does spark the idea of Poe being cuddly in bed, that if you ever went out with him, he would always try and have his hands on you. You allow yourself these soft dreams for a moment, before tuning back in before Poe can notice. 
You’ve nearly finished your drink when the quiet background music starts to fade, and to your delight Sewinn begins to move. The crowd easily parts for him, and you wonder briefly what it is about him that makes people so responsive. What would it be like to have that kind of power? 
You grasp Poe’s hand, feeling his calluses on your palm when he makes his move, pulling him to stay with you a second longer. “Wait for him to settle,” you say, knowing there’s no rush, yet. 
And so you do, the two of you standing shoulder to shoulder, pretending to listen to the senator’s drivel. And then he turns, looking for the trophy he’s using to make his announcement more convincing, and you pull Poe along the back wall, still holding his hand as you lean against the hidden door and allowing a grin as it clicks open. 
And you’re in. 
You blink in surprise when you realise it’s really been that easy. You’d expected at least a locked door to get in the way. But no, you’re standing in the Senator's office, looking at a large desk, footsteps suddenly muffled by the plush carpet and still holding Poe’s hand. 
You drop it like you've been burned, not daring to look at Poe as you go to the other side of the desk. There’s bookshelves around all the walls, creating a slightly dark and gloomy look, especially in contrast with the light ballroom next door. 
You start going through the drawers as Poe plugs in the holostick that he’d been given, downloading files for later reading. Most drawers contain useless information, files on drinks needed for the party, a bill for the band later, business cards and other junk. There’s one locked drawer you can’t open, even when you try and pick it. 
You give it a kick in frustration when it still doesn’t open, earning a snicker from Poe. “Did that help, sweetheart?”  
You scowl at him, not bothering to answer, and determined to not mention the fact that your foot really hurts now. “How long left?” you ask, deflecting instead.
“Two minutes,” is the answer and you nod, going to one of the bookshelves, hand idly tracing down a number of spines. None are in a language you recognise, and when you turn back to tell Poe so, you find him leaning against the desk and watching you. His legs seem longer at this angle, thighs … bigger. And you’ve seen this man with a harness wrapped around his legs like a second skin. 
You wonder what it would be like to … You shake your head before you can finish that thought, mouth dry even as you remind yourself that Poe’s your friend. Your friend. “I can’t read any of these,” you tell him instead, watching his head snap up to meet your eyes as you talk. 
And then a lot of things happen very quickly. 
Before Poe can respond, the holostick beeps, he unplugs it, just as the door to the ballroom clicks open. Before you can react, he’s closing the steps between you, holostick clasped in a fist, crowding you into the bookshelf behind you. When he speaks, it’s a low, quiet, “I’m sorry,” his forearm coming to rest next to your head, and you can smell him again, eyes falling closed like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
The scent is familiar and grounding, and even as your heart rate picks up, you feel calmer, Poe’s other hand holding your cheek. His head turns, your noses bumping and his lips are so close to you … he’s going to kiss you.
And then he stops, except he’s moving like he is kissing you, and you realise his hand is connecting your two faces and there’s someone else in the room, so you don’t think, you just react. You widen your legs so Poe can step between them, and you let out a breath, nearly but not quite grinding on his leg, moaning low in your throat as one of your hands flies to the nape of Poe’s neck.
“Excuse me!” The guard’s voice is sharp, and cross, which is fair enough, you later reason, when you think that you wouldn’t want to find two people snogging in your boss’s office. Awkward one to report, that. 
Poe is slow to separate from you, his eyes dark when he opens them, and you're breathing embarrassingly fast considering he didn’t actually kiss you. He turns, standing just in front of you, a protective stance, whether he realises it or not. 
“Sorry, sir,” his voice is more hoarse than normal, and you never realised what a good actor Poe is. You sheepishly smile at the guard who just huffs and ushers you outside, grumbling about how disrespectful the two of you are and warning you not to do it again. 
The two of you stand in the hall, Sewinn just wrapping up his speech. Your head is spinning and you can’t think. 
Poe seems entirely unaffected by the whole thing, winking at you as he grins, joining in with the clapping at the end of the speech. You copy him, but you feel like you’re moving at half the speed of everyone else, your whole body screaming to be surrounded by Poe again. 
“Are you alright?” Poe asks you, and is it that obvious that you aren’t? You can only nod, not trusting your voice to be steady. “I’m sorry … about, in there, I just-”
“Stars, Poe.” You interrupt, not wanting to hear it. “It’s fine, it was good, quick thinking on your part.” You force a smile, and if Poe notices, he drops it. “We did it, though,” You add after a second, the silence between you somehow worse. 
Poe grins, and you know you’ll be ok, the breathless, hot feeling gradually fading, your senses tuning back into the room around you, hearing the band setting up, everyone moving around you. “We did.” Is all he says, extending his hand in mock performance when the band start playing. “May I have this dance?”
You allow yourself to relax, graciously accepting it. “Why, kind sir, of course!” The two of you are giggling as you start to dance, neither of you aware of what the steps are, just concentrating on having a good time. The music isn’t particularly great; the stuffy sort that politicians think make them look classy, when really it just makes them look like pretentious assholes. 
You both get bored of this pretty soon, Poe losing his jacket as the two of you get warmer and warmer, dancing ridiculously in a corner. 
When your feet begin to hurt you pull on Poe’s hand, taking him away from the dancefloor. The hall is hot, and you want fresh air. You feel flushed, the cold air nice on your warm cheeks. 
You’re walking along the corridor back to your room, talking about the best song you’d play to start a party. Poe’s jacket under hanging off his arms, hands stuffed in his pockets. You try not to look directly at him too much as the two of you discuss better songs. “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy is one that would definitely get everyone going.” Poe says it likes it’s the simplest thing in the world, his answer the definitive one, while you snort. 
“You only think that because you want an excuse to ask everyone that all the time. No - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme is the best. Hands down.” Maybe you’re just as bad as he is. “Rasputin is another good one,” you add, “there’s dance moves and everything.” 
“No!” Poe’s voice is low, exaggerating his horror by dragging out his vowels, being over-dramatic now, “the best one for dance moves is Rock the Boat.” 
You ruffle his hair in that way he hates. “You like that because you can sit down!” Your laughter is interrupted when Poe’s head snaps up, looking towards the end of the corridor.
You pause, looking for the cause of the change in Poe’s attention. Hearing the voices approaching you, he grabs your hand, pulling you into an alcove, pulling the curtain across. There’s hardly room for the two of you to breathe, bodies pressed together, wall cold on your back as you listen to the footsteps coming closer. 
“... and Sewinn is going to want his whores there.” A nasal voice, coming closer. 
You stop breathing, glancing at Poe, who shakes his head. “The usual ones?” The question is spat by a deeper voice, while the other person presumably nods. “Fuck! They think they have more influence, always looking down on us, when Sewinn listens to us.” 
Poe’s hand fumbles around yours, fingers intertwining and squeezing gently in comfort, sending electricity up your arm. The same deep voice continues down the corridor, passing you. “And he just can’t get enough of them, especially that boy with the awful fashion sense, I mean really...” 
The voice fades gradually, passing you in a blur in the corner of your eye. You determinedly concentrate on looking at the fluttering curtain, a shade of blood red, suddenly too shy to look at Poe. 
This mission has been a lot. Working with Poe, who you have a desperate crush on, pretending to be married, and now standing far too close for comfort while you listen to people talk complain about influence in the Senate. You can’t hold it in any longer, the two of you dissolving into giggles, bodies collapsing forwards, Poe’s jacket landing on the floor with a soft whump.
And maybe it’s the release of this tension but when you finally compose yourselves, leaning back as much as you can in the small space even though you could leave, or maybe it’s the fact that his thumb is now massaging your palm, but the words tumble out before you can think. 
“Poe I like you.” He hasn’t let go of your hand yet, which is a good sign, right? But he also hasn’t said anything, so you keep talking. “Like you, like you, I mean.” Why can’t you shut up? There’s something unreadable in Poe’s eyes. “Like I would quite like to go on a date with you sometime and maybe -” 
Eventually Poe stops you with his free hand, covering your mouth for a beat, enough to get you to shut up. Is he closer? You didn’t think it was possible. His face is unreadable, even as he looks into your eyes, considering something “Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?” 
Your mind goes blank, your mouth dropping open as Poe removes his hand, going to his tie, loosening the knot. “What?” you just manage to stammer out. 
Poe just tips his head, like he’s considering the best angle to kiss you. “I like you like you too, sweetheart.” He’s teasing, but it’s fond, you realise with a rush of affection. All night he’s been looking at you like this, with fondness. “Can I kiss you?” He’s almost begging. 
Words escape you. You nod, unable to breathe, unable to talk anymore. Poe leans towards you, tilting his head, eyes closed, long lashes fluttering on his cheeks. At the last second, you remember to close your eyes, kissing him back. 
His hand moves to your hip, pulling you towards him, where you can feel him, already half-hard under his trousers, pressing against you. Poe slides his hand under the split in your skirt, warm hand on your skin, pulling your leg up as his hand travels down your thigh, settling into the crook of your knee, opening your legs and pulling your core closer to him.  
You catch on, wrapping your leg happily around his waist, not caring how exposed you must be, gasping when you grind against him again, and Poe’s even harder now, the seam of his trousers catching on something pleasurable between your legs. You’re already more aroused than you really have any right to be, considering he’s hardly done anything to you yet, but you’ve been thrumming at a low level all evening. 
You’re still kissing, even as he grinds against you, pushing you more into the wall behind you, and you feel overwhelmed, already, in the best way possible. All you can hear are your combined breaths, breathy sighs that fill the small space. You feel hot, nearly overheating, the cool wall balmy on your flushed skin behind you. 
You forget where you are, what you’re supposed to be doing, Poe taking over all your senses. His tongue is in your mouth, teeth biting at your lip and all you can do is let him. Your free hand moves to his hair, tugging gently and feeling a pull of satisfaction in your core at his low groan. His hair is soft, and thick and you don’t want to let go, the sudden image of pulling on his hair when his head’s between your thighs jumping to your mind’s eye.
You finally let go of his hand so you can hold onto his shoulders, the crisp white shirt becoming crumpled in your grasp and helping you balance on one leg. Poe’s now-free hand pulls your skirt fully up around your waist, no doubt causing some creases and teases you, playing with the hem of your underwear, fingers tracing circles into your hip.
You groan into his mouth, you can feel yourself getting wetter, and your hips unconsciously buck into his hands, wanting more. When Poe pulls back, resting his forehead on yours, you’re both breathless. His eyes have blown wide, and you’re sure yours look the same. You’re panting a little, even as Poe keeps his movements regular, grinding his dick into you, moving his hips up and adjusting his position with every moan you let out. 
“So good to me, sweetheart.” He’s kissing down your neck now. “You feel so good, you … urgh … you don’t even know how much you turn me on…” He sounds breathless, even as he continues to talk. 
And then he surges up, hitting your clit and you can’t help it, crying out. Pleasure’s building in your body, all centred around Poe, and you want more of it, more of him. You can’t see Poe’s face, but you feel the smirk he presses to your skin as he does it again. And then his hand that’s playing with your underwear moves, pulling it away from your skin, dipping his hand down and stroking one long finger through your wet folds. 
The moan you let out is broken. “Poe…” That’s all it takes for him to push his finger inside you, motioning gently towards himself. You can hear how wet you are as a second finger joins the first, a steady squelch in time with his movements. His fingers are thicker than yours are, and you feel dizzy at the thought of being stretched on his dick. His palm is grazing against your clit with every movement, steady and repetitive. 
Poe’s fingers feel so good, moving inside you, gently building you higher and higher while he watches your face, kissing your jaw, your ear. Your moans come out in breathy whines, repetitions of his name, and soft oh’s of pleasure. You can only hold onto him, trusting he’ll catch you if your leg gives out, only half-aware that anyone could walk past and hear or see Poe utterly destroy you. 
You start to moan more and before you even realise what’s happening, Poe’s greedily kissing you as you fall apart from his fingers. He keeps kissing you as he works you through it, your pussy clenching around his fingers, his tongue in your mouth while your hips buck forwards still. 
You’d feel embarrassed if it didn’t feel so good. “Yes, by the way,” His voice is low as he moves to kiss the soft spot under your ear now. “In case that wasn’t clear.”
You can only frown as Poe removes his fingers from inside you, glistening wet and placing them on your lips, pushing gently until you open your mouth, swirling your tongue around his fingers, your own tart taste filling your mouth. “What?” You mumble, Poe’s digits muffling your voice. 
“I’d quite like to go on date with you sometime too.” 
You nod slowly, your post-orgasm haze lifting slower than normal. “Can we go to bed first?” Poe’s fingers are still half in your mouth, and you suck on the tips a little for emphasis, widening your eyes. And then you get an idea. “Or, actually,” you purr, removing your leg from Poe’s waist, and gently pushing his shoulders so he hits the wall behind him as you drop to your knees in front of him. “Maybe we should stay here for a minute.” 
Thanks for reading! Reblogs and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
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this is the suit I was imagining, but the hair was all wrong for Poe. also I know that there are technically no suits in Star Wars canon, but I wanted to write it this way so
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cowboymirio · 3 years
They Want To Get A Pet - Headcanons
Summary: Your S/O wants a pet and adorable antics ensue~ 
Characters: Hizashi Yamada, Taishiro Toyomitsu, Aizawa Shouta, Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Hanta Sero, Takami Keigo
Contains: Gender neutral reader, lotsa fluff, Reader has arachnophobia in Sero’s part! Crackheadery in Aizawa’s part
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Hizashi Yamada - Cockatoo
📣 You guys totally didn’t plan on getting a cockatoo, or any pet for that matter. Y’all just moved into your new place for christ’s sake! 
📣 But after a visit to a lil exotic pet store downtown, your plans changed. And now you’re stuck with a bird with the intelligence of a toddler
📣 According to Yama, the bird just ‘called to him’ and by that, he means the bird literally screamed at him
📣 They’ve got the most bougie cage ever like MTV cribs hit them up. 
📣But he doesn’t spend too much time in there as you guys let him roam around the house all day until it’s time for bed or if you leave for a while
📣 If they’re not attached to Yama’s shoulder, you often find them waddling around the house, picking things up off of the floor and throwing them, and squawking at you when they want attention
📣 Sounds like someone else you know huh…
📣 Yama and the bird dance together so much omg. They do the lil head bobs together, he’ll blast some music for them and they go to town he even chirps along to the lyrics omg-
📣 He doesn’t even have to teach them words, they just pick them up on their own… and then never stop saying them… ever 
📣 ‘YEAHHHHH’ then from the other side of your home you hear another ‘YEAAHHHHH’
📣 Make it stop
📣 You taught them cuss words for the shits and giggles though
📣 Yama finds it funny too though because he’s got that 8-year-old sense of humor… you all do to be honest 
📣 But when the bird chooses to sit on your shoulder you bet your ass Yamada’s gonna fawn over the two of you for the next hour :’) 
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Taishiro Toyomitsu - Pyrenean Mastiff
🍢 Really wants a pet 
🍢 But also really scared of crushing them so…
🍢 You guys settle for a big ‘ol Pyrenean mastiff!
🍢 And when I say they’re big they are big like… I mean knock you over if you’re not careful big
🍢 They’re literally perfect for each other
🍢 They’re both massive units, insanely adorable, and they for sure share the same appetite
🍢 Speaking of food, he makes sure he’s feeding them the best of the best foods even if that means y’all are making it yourselves
🍢 Not as afraid to roughhouse with them as he thought he’d be
🍢 Lots of fetching, frisbee throwing, ‘wrestling’ even?? They’re so rowdy and for what? My heart, that’s what <3 
🍢 The dog definitely sleeps on top of him I don’t make the rules
🍢 Mf just hops on up, curls up and they’re ready to go like--- Is that- is that not y’know,,, HEAVY?? 
🍢 I mean,,, you sleep on top of him too so I honestly don’t think Tai cares too much
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Aizawa Shota - Cat
💤 You guys already know…
💤 If he were to get any kind of pet it’d be a cat.
💤 They’re chill, independent, and sometimes want attention. Just how he likes it.
💤 Well… that’s how he thought that things should be but-
💤 BOY was he wrong
💤 After living together for quite a while, stalking animal shelter websites for the perfect cat, and finding the right one, you bring them home!
💤 When you met them at the shelter, they were a sweet lil baby with an aloof attitude that you both fell in love with
💤 But when you brought them home… They became an absolute crackhead.
💤 Forget having ANYTHING on the tables or countertops. It’s on the floor now thanks to them. Fuck your water glass, fuck those papers you were helping Aizawa grade, they’re gone! Shredded! Positively destroyed :)
💤 Forget having free hands, they’re literally attached to his side and won’t stop rubbing against his hands while he’s grading papers and such
💤 If you’re not watching his little dude/ette will try and eat food WHILE YOU’RE COOKING oh my fuckingf god
💤 Heaven forbid this dude tries to leave the room. They’ll ‘cry’ until he comes back.
💤 ‘Go to your other parent, they’ll give you attention.’ ‘mEEEOWWW’ ‘Oh my god fine come here.’
💤 Honestly though he really appreciates when they’re down to sleep. Their purrs and their cuddles are very appreciated
💤 And literally just imagine seeing them curled up on his chest while they sleep on the couch ;; im so somft
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Eijiro Kirishima - Bearded Dragon
🏮 This man wants to get THE manliest pet of all,,, a bearded dragon
🏮 He probably saw one on a movie or something and immediately came to you like
🏮 ‘Okay but we neeeeed one just look at their lil beards!! And their tongues!!!’
🏮 You tell him to put it off for a bit, do some research, and see if he still wants one later
🏮 Homeboy is DEDICATED so he puts in the time and ofc he still wants one after the fact
🏮 After a good amount of time, he comes back with a books worth of reasons as to why you guys should get one and you’re honestly shocked
🏮 You just can’t say no to those eyes </33 so you oblige and go out and get one from an owner who’s surrendering it (Because we don’t support chain pet stores in this household)
🏮 You guys can’t pick a name for them so for the longest time they’re just called ‘the lizard’ or ‘little fella’ or whatever else you guys come up with
🏮 Anyways- he’s infatuated with them it’s so funny. He spends all of his freetime watching them get used to their new habitat like,,,, all of it. It’s 1am and he’s just watching it hang out and you’re like ‘Kiri if you love it so much then why don’t you sleep with it’ (not in that way ya nasty)
🏮 Next thing you know he hops out of bed, brings them back and puts them between your pillows.
🏮 Lil homie’s just vibin there.
🏮 You’re done tbh but if Kiri’s happy then you’re happy <33
🏮 Absolutely lets it sit on his shoulders when he’s walking around the house
🏮 He has a leash for them and he takes them out during the warmer months
🏮 Dedicates a good portion of his day to clean out their habitat when need be
🏮 Their relationship is just so cute you can’t help but melt every time you see them together
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Tenya Iida - Tropical Fish
🌟 After a particularly rough finals season, you figure that Iida needs to have some sort of hobby that can help him chill out, but also has some sort of brainwork in there because that’s your boyfriend for ya
🌟 You suggest getting some fish!
🌟 He rly said ‘I’ll think about it’ then proceeded to do a shit ton of research on it because he literally does that every time you express interest in something. King behavior!!
🌟 You guys settle on getting a few tropical fish and a super nice fish tank for ‘em
🌟 He lets you name all of them and of course you have to name one ‘Iida junior’ like how could you not-
🌟 But seriously though he finds it so endearing and sweet ;;
🌟 You can’t tell me he doesn’t buy all of the nicest shit he can for their tank too.
🌟 Fresh aquatic plants, huge rocks for them to swim through, a nice ass heater, the WORKS
🌟 He’s gotta treat yall’s babies right like what did you expect
🌟 Constantly checking their water to see if it’s alright for them
🌟 He’s usually the one to feed them so whenever he comes up to the tank, they all crowd up by the top like doggies when their owner comes home omg
🌟 He finds the noises from the tank to be really good background noise when he’s reading or studying
🌟 Iida’s honestly glad that you suggested to get fish ‘cause taking care of them is such a relaxing hobby and lord knows he needs some of those
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Hanta Sero - Rose Haired Tarantula
🧵 So he wants a Rose Hair Tarantula...
🧵 ‘Absolutely not’ - You, 2021 (sorry if you actually like spiders lol, if a singular person wants hcs where y’all both like spiders please @ me)
🧵 Lots and lots of begging and promises
🧵 ‘You won’t even have to clean the cage, I’ll do it!!’ ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ ‘c’mooon pretty please???’
🧵 He had to bust out the puppy eyes for you to say yes
🧵 And with that, you’re now the proud parents of a demon rose hair tarantula!
🧵 ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ your ass. He lets it climb all over him while he’s walking around the house!!
🧵 Not you actively avoiding him when you see them coming down towards you
🧵 ‘But I wanna kiss!!’ ‘Kiss your tarantula smh’
🧵 After he realizes he’s not gonna get any with his lil buddy (yes, that’s what he calls them) he tries his best to help you familiarize with em
🧵 I’m sorry but he’s trying so hard not to laugh as you freak out when they crawl up your arm
🧵 He takes things more seriously after that though. He’ll give you lil words of encouragement, back pats and such
🧵 He’s so happy that you become… tolerable after a while of you guys just hangin’ out that you can’t help but feel proud too.
🧵 You still can’t stand spiders though.  
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Keigo Tamaki - Bunnies
🐤 Just like Aizawa, he wants something that’s quiet and can be independent since his schedule is a bit busy but he still wants to have a lil buddy to love on
🐤 You’re actually the one to bring up the idea to get a bunny, it’s part of a long list of ideas you had come up with, but for whatever reason, the bunny idea just stuck with him
🐤 You two hop (im a comedic genius hi <33) on over to the nearest rescue you can find, and browse through the enclosures looking for the perfect bunny for you guys 
🐤 Ok so like- here’s the thing,,,
🐤 You totally didn’t plan on getting two bunnies… But you guys found a pair that were literally inseparable and y’all had to have them
🐤 He’s already calling them ‘Our children’ straight off the bat like- y’all JUST got home and he’s already giving you baby fever UGH
🐤 He bunny-proofs the FUCK out of the house so they can roam freely ‘cause he didn’t just get these babies to stick them in a cage smh
🐤 Will lay on the floor and just watch them romp around cus he finds it relaxing and funny 
🐤 Also please get on the floor and watch them with him. Prime cuddling hours
🐤 They burrow under his wings… I repeat- THEY BURROW UNDER HIS WINGS
🐤 They WILL flop together don’t @ me 
🐤 They (and by they I mean all three of them)  flop on you when they want attention can I jst--- *cries*
🐤 Have fun trying to get up, this is your life now. 
🐤 But are you really complaining? You shouldn’t be smh 
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rekisboard · 3 years
✨Shadow x Oka oneshot for the soul✨
“Roses mean love, they show love, like my love or well like wait no, damnit! I can’t do this.” Shadow squatted down on the floor.
“Yes you can Shadow. Just look him straight in the eye and and tell him you wanna go out!”
“Yea and like you weren’t in my place when you asked Langa out red.” He lifted his head up.
Reki blushed and rubbed the back of his head muttering something “well whatever, but come on Shadow. Your so amazing im sure Oka will love you. He seems to never shut up about you after Langa’s winning party anyways.”
“Yea right. I’m just some scary unlovable guy to him.”
“Shadow im serious. Hell ask Langa he’ll tell you the same.”
Shadow sighed and stood up when he had an idea “hey wait I have a beef in a few days! Maybe he can watch me!”
“Ok but do you really want him to see you throwing bombs and stuff at someone. I mean he already has but like-“
“No I can do it! I’ll invite him myself! Show him I’m worthy!”
“I... you know what alright Shadow. I’ll be right behind you on this.” He smiled.
“Alright well my breaks over so you should get going. Don’t you have a date with Langa anyways?”
Reki’s eyes widened and he ran out the back door of the shop and ran in a hurry. Shadow chuckled and sighed walking out of the room and greeting his manager again. He was still a bit heartbroken when he found out she had a boyfriend but then he met someone better. Throughout the day he had a gentle smile, more so than usual, and a skip in his step. He was going to ask him today.
“Hiromi? You seem happier then usual today. Anything special going on?”
“You could say that. I’m going to ask someone on a date.” He said to his manager.
“Oh well I hope they say yes! You deserve the best in the world anyways.” She smiled softly.
He nodded and hugged her goodbye as he left the shop. As he rode in his car he looked at the purple sky as it shifted into night. He smiled and took notice of how beautiful everything looked at the moment. Of course he still had anxiety starting to build up as he got closer to the shop, but he was getting even more fired up as well.
Oka stretched his arms and leaned back in his seat. The shop had been slow today but that was okay, especially since the two love birds wanted to have a date today. He looked over to the pot on the front counter. He smiled softly, he never thought Shadow, that mean scary hunk of a guy, was in actuality, a sweetheart. The flowers he gave where still in good condition, thanks to Oka of course.
He was awakened from his gaze when the door opened. He looked over ready to welcome the customer, when he realized who it was.
“Hey Shadow! Sorry the boys aren’t here tonight-“
“Oh Umm I didn’t come to see them. I wanted to see you.” He smiled walking to the counter.
“Me? Oh well I’d assume it’s about a board then, so what kind of board-“
“Will you watch me at my next beef?” The room went silent.
Oka could feel the heat come to his cheeks “you want me to watch your next beef?”
“Yes. It would be an honor honestly.” Shadow was turning the same shade as Reki’s hair.
“I’d love too.” Oka smiled.
“Really? Cool cool cool. Yea cool. Umm anyways it’s in two days and umm I can pick you up if you want.”
“Yea I’d like that.”
“Ok then I will. I should get going now though.”
“Are you sure? I mean you just got here.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
Oka hesitated a bit before he spoke again “yes.. I mean I am closing up shop in a few minutes so it would be nice if I had some help.”
“Yea of course I’ll help you.”
The two cleaned up shop will talking about different things, but both had the same idea in their mind, and both where very happy and excited. When they had to part ways a heavy tension was in the air, nothing bad of course, more of a sad tension.
“Well I’ll see you again in two days.” Oka said stepping into his car.
“Yea, two days you’ll be cheering me on.”
“Of course.”
Two days where so little, yet so so so so so so, very slow.
The day of the race Shadow had been running around trying to make his makeup the best it’s ever been before. He was great full for Cherry though, since he offered to take the boys to the race instead so that it could just be him and Oka just for that small bit.
Shadow got to the store and smiled. Oka had Sketchy on his shoulder as he ran to the car smiling. When he got inside the two greeted each other and went off. It was quiet at first until Oka spoke up.
“So, what’s the beef about?”
“Some newbie really, he challenged me and whoever wins burns the others wheels on his board.”
“Don’t know really. This was all him. I was bored at the time so I said hey what the hell why not and here we are.”
“Do you think you’ll win.”
Shadow hesitated “maybe. I uhh I’m changing my ways a bit for tonight. You know he’s just a newbie anyways.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.”
The crowd was pretty big that night. It had been a while since Shadow had a beef so everyone was quite excited. The newbie was pretty impressive already too. So they all new this would be an interesting race.
Reki Langa and Miya had been fighting over why people can’t breath underwater if water had oxygen already when the too walked up.
“Hey guys.” Oka smiled.
“Oka knock sense into my boyfriends head please! He thinks we should be able to breath underwater!” Reki yelled.
“Well we should! If water has oxygen why can’t we just adapt to having gills and breath the oxygen out?!” Langa yelled back.
“Both of you have good points and that’s what I hate!” Miya groaned.
“Should we answer that question?” Shadow said.
“No I go through this daily anyways with those two.” Oka said.
“Boys stop, all three of you sound idiotic. Hellow Shadow. Hey Oka.” Cherry walked up with Joe trailing behind.
“Hey Cherry. Have you seen the newbie?”
“Yea he’s already at the start.” Joe responded “he says he going to wipe you out.”
Shadow scoffed “we’ll see about that.”
The group made their way over to the starting line and saw the newbie standing there waiting. The group wished Shadow a good luck and he went over when Oka quickly grabbed his arm.
“Be safe, alright?”
“Yea, of course.” He smiled.
Oka sighed and let him go watching him go up. They got ready and zoomed off. Oka grabbed his phone and started making his way to the finish line while watching. That’s when he realized it, what Shadow was doing differently.
“I thought they said you have tricks and gadgets uo your sleeve!” The newbie said sounding a bit angered.
Shadow groaned ignoring him and skated up infront of him. The match was boring for Shadow as it was. The newbie would try getting infront of him but it would be so predictable that Shadow would be quick to avoid him.
“He’s not using his bombs or anything.” Reki said looking at the screen.
“That’s unusual for him.” Cherry stated. “Then again, he seemed more stiff tonight. Why did he bring Oka anyways.”
Reki smiled “Too scared to ask Oka on a date so he brought him here.”
“Shadow likes Oka? That’s new.” Joe chuckled.
“I assume he didn’t bring anything because he didn’t want to look terrible infront of Oka.” Langa noted.
Oka got to the finished line and continued watching his phone. Shadow seemed pretty happy, he looked like he was having more fun without his stupid tricks he could say. Oka smiled when Shadow entered the building with the rookie trailing behind. Oka stood watching the stairs as Shadow came hurling down laughing. Oka laughed at his expression once he hit the ground.
Shadow hit the ground and looked up seeing Oka standing right infront of him smiling. His eyes widened and he grinned wider pushing his way past the line and straight over to Oka. The crowd cheered for Shadow but Shadow had something else on his mind at the moment.
“I did it! Did I do good?”
“You did amazing Shadow. I’m impressed, you didn’t use any of your fancy tricks today.”
Shadow smiled and rubbed the back of his head “yea about. I just.. I just ummm. I I know your not a fan of it so I really like Umm I don’t know-“
“You didn’t use them because I was here? You should have, don’t let me not hold you back-“
“That’s not what I’m saying, I didn’t want to use them because, I wanted to impress you. That I could win without anything.” Shadow was currently very great full for makeup.
Oka blushed “I think your cooler with them.”
Shadow smiled and fiddled with his jacket. He’d almost forgotten that the rookie was behind him waiting for him to burn his wheels. He looked pretty defeated. Shadow sighed and agreed that he wouldn’t do it, he had important matters right now. Let’s just say, the newbie was greatful for that.
The two walked away from the building in silence. But it wasn’t awkward, it was comforting.
“Hey Oka, wanna leave before the others come and get something to eat?”
“It’s a date.” He smiled.
Shadow smiled and grabbed his hand as the two ran to his car. Tonight has definitely gone better then expected.
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression - Ep 5, Quarantining of infected people in the Olympic village?
Note: *This episode was recorded in March 2020*
Hi, This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting another installment of The Freedom of Expression. I've revived this show on youtube, from when we did it on the radio station InterFM.
J, T: Thank you so much.
K: So, Joe san, Tasai san, we are here again, as a continuation from last time where we were talking about the corona virus....Well, how do we think things will go from now on?
J: Yes, well, if you ask reporters and such, despite the counter measures being a bit muddled, it isn't really taking hold in Japan, therefore, I really think the number of infections will start to drop. I think we'll definitely be coming to the end of this before long. No matter what, you see an exponential increase at some point, and when that happens, the absolute number of infections increases. But at the present moment, that is kind of leveling out, so there is the view that if we stick to this path until the end, the number of infections will eventuall drop. However, like you said Kaoru, even if this comes to an end, will the economy quickly revover? You know, if people get used to this new lifestyle, we'll have quite a conservative, sensitive situation. Whats it going to be like if people continue trying to avoid close contact with others? I think thats the scariest thing. And then, what about the Olympics, will it go ahead or won't it? Well, thats for Tokyo Sports right? After all your name is 'Tokyo Sports' newspaper.
T: No, no, no....but they'll do it won't they? What do you think?
K: What exactly is Tokyo Sports' view?
T: Well, we had a staff meeting recently, and we generally thought there is an atmosphere that it will go ahead.
J: Yeah, there is no option NOT to go ahead with it, but there is the option of postponing it?
T: Well, yes.
J: It could be an option.
T: I don't really think it will be postponed though.
J: One interesting thing I've heard after talking to journalists and such, is that as for the timing of the olympics, Japan can't really decide that at all. In other words, it fits with America's schedule. It fits during the time that America's sports are off seaon. It doesn't really matter to the hosting nation. So it can be postponed if America says thats ok. If thats not the case, honestly, its less a problem of Japan's corona situation, but from the American side, the issue of the huge investment in broadcasting rights. So I've a feeling this issue will be cleared up over there.
T: If it came to that, it (the olympics), will probably go ahead right?
J: I think so yes. No matter what Japan's government or the Olympic committee says, if the one with the strongest power (America) says they want to do it, then we'll have to do it, I feel.
K: But this virus mutates doesn't it?
J,.T: Yes, thats right.
K: If that happened, and things worsened, it would be terrible, wouldn't it?
J: Yes, well, at the moment a lot sporting areas, including the olympics, are thinking about spectator-less games etc.. Well, anyway, there is this problem about what to do about the virus, what to do about the olympics but I've heard that Tokyo Sports put out an article relating to the olympics and corona?
T:  Ah, yes thats right. Well, we wrote an article about how people infected with coronavirus, could be isolated in the the olympic village.
J: Thats ??? *1
T: But, isnt it the best place? No one is using it...
K: Did they already finish building it?
T: Yes, its finished.
J: Has there been any response from the government about that?
T: Nah, I don't think the government pays much attention to what Tokyo Sports says. *the others laugh loudly*
J: I wonder if any people in the government actually read Tokyo Sports?
T: Oh, a lot of them do, but they think because we are Tokyo Sports, they can ignore what we say. *the others laugh* But, there will be about 18,000 people at the olympics, so for now thats enough space, right?
J: Yes, its enough
T: So people can be properly isolated..
J: and its all set up already..
T: and then if you sterilize it properly, its still really reasonable to use. But I don't think the government will like the idea.
Kami: They sold the land for a really cheap price didn't they?
T: Yes, well...yes.
Kami: For about a tenth of the normal price?
T: Im not so sure about the details.
Kami: Shouldn't it be ok? If they sold it that cheaply? It should be ok, right? *T laughs*
J: Well, thats right. But I think this is a very reasonable suggestion from Tokyo Sports, its quite unlike you guys *K laughs*
T: Yeah, we speak sense occasionally...
J: Even though you usually only write absurd or unlikely stuff, this time its a very reasonable suggestion.
T: We get serious in times of crisis.
J: Oh, is that so? I see.
T: So, after the olympics, they plan to sell of the olympic village as regular apartments. In that case, the value will fall, right? If they have been previously used for corona patients?
J: Oh, is that it?
T: So thats an idea too.
J: I see.
Kami: Its about 30 mins from the station isn't it? So its great for isolating, right?
J: Well, yes, thats true.
Kami: Because its far away...Its perfect really.
J: It is perfect, yeh. It has all the requirements.
Kami: And there's a lot of remaining land around there, right?
T: Yeah, there is.
Kami: If you stop cars and have a bus instead or something, you could build loads of hospitals/sick bays.
T: I think thats a good idea.
J: Me too.
Kami: It would be really effective.
J: Well, testing is a problem at the moment, the number of tests..well, you can't get tested at the moment.
T: Thats right.
K: Some countries are doing drive-thru testing aren't they?
J: Yes. I can't help feeling Japan's approach is a bit muddled.
K: Hmm, but the number of people dying is under control right?
J: Right, yes.
T: Well, Japan's insurace system works really well, we are kind of blessed, medically speaking.  But in America, Tamiflu or such costs 25,000 yen.
J: Thats right.
T: So in America, theres people who want to go to hospital, but can't.
J: The cost of hospitals over there is really tough! So if you look at it from that perspective, it might be ok here....Still, the time for the Olympic judges to decide about a postponment is gradually nearing...I feel like its gonna be 'No more waiting!'.
Kami: But, no matter what happens, the olympics probably won't be postponed, right?
J: Yeh, I don't think it will be postponed.
Kami: If they push ahead with it, the athletes will come won't they?
J: Yep
Kami: Professional soccer players and other really rich athletes won't come though. So it will only be athletes who really place value on getting the gold medal, they'll risk catching corona for it, so i think it can be done. Spectators won't come though.
J: Well, there will be fewer spectators, yes. But if you do it in the Autumn, America's professional athletes won't be able to take part and America's medal count will decrease, that will be one problem. If America's medal count decreases, American TV ratings will fall, and if you think about that, it makes me think they will push to go ahead with it in the summer.
T: It looks like the golf player Dustin Johnson and other top players have given up on the olympics.
J: Oh right..
T: Its been talked about that (Tiger)Woods could come instead. Woods would be more popular maybe?
J: Is he ok with it?
T: I wonder if he is? *laughing*
K: We don't even know whether he's ok with it or not.
J: I want to know why he would come.
K: Well, yeh, there are gonna be athletes who don't want to come, right?
J: Oh yeh, there will be, though its strange to talk about. Lots of people cancelled thier trips to Japan with the radiation problem after 3/11 (Great Eastern Japan earthquake and tsunami), so when you think about that...the information coming to Japan, and the information coming to the English speaking world is probably a lot different. The media in Japan works in a very local way, but overseas, they have a lot more channels, and alternative media is really taking off. They have info from various sources, so i think there may be some athletes looking at this and deciding not to come.
K: Asian people are facing a bit of discrimination over there too, aren't they?
J: Yes, thats right.
T: Oh, yeah.
K: Even us, when we were in Europe recently, we were stared at a lot for wearing masks.
T: Really?
K: When we went into a bakery, the bread was all laid out like usual, but they were so annoyed at us.
J: Really? Wow! They treated you as if you were infected?
K: Yes, yes. We were only taking prevention measures. But they don't do that over there do they?
J: They don't.
T: Yeh, it seems like they don't.
K: Well, i don't know about now.
J: So, theres also this problem of discrimination developing now. Its possible that chaos might happen, doing the Olympis in this situation. Thats also another perspective. If someone coughs in the stadium or something, trouble might break out.
T: Thats it.
J: Its a little worrying.
Kami: I don't think there will be any spectators though.
J: Well, maybe thats right.
Kami: They havn't said 'no spectators', but there will be hardly anyone there.
K: Yeh, people won't come.
Kami: Not going ahead with the olympics would probably result in less deficit.
J: Perhaps. But its gonna be really hard for those businesses that rely on the crowds.
Kami: Yeh, bars and such.
T: Bars, and the general night life industry that has a lot of customers who are visiting from overseas.
J: There are a lot of stores near the venues who are feeling like this right now, they've already installed big TVs in advance, or prepared English menus and stuff. They were expecting these customers. So its very painful for the people who have invested, to suddenly lose that. Well, anyway, the night life is really quiet at the moment. Was it last week? I went for drinks at Keisei Tateishi.
T: Oh, cheap bars right?
J: Keisei Tateishi is, yeh, cheap bars. Theres loads of popular places there like nabe, or sushi places, its full from mid-afternoon normally. But it was empty! I was shocked!
K: I went to see a friend's fashion exhibition near Shinbashi, but at night, it was packed!
J: Oh really?
K: They were saying, 'Don't take photos of me', they were trying to keep it a secret from thier company that they had been out drinking.
J: Really? *laughing* Well, a lot of companies are doing work from home now, its awkward if you get exposed going out drinking.
K,T: Yes, it is!
K: Well, we don't know when everything will be opened back up, but to everyone watching, please wash your hands, gargle, get good nutrition, boost your immunity..
T: *laughing* Its like a health show!
J: One thing I want to say is, the virus can't infect rock, and music.
K: Right
J: No mistake about that.
K: Ok, lets finish this installment here. See you again next time. Thank you very much.
*1 Couldn't catch this
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my-only-angelle · 5 years
Papa Pimentel
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“babe, should we get a manual pump or an electric?- you know what, we’ll just get both.” Joel says to himself in the middle of the aisle as you mindlessly looked at all the many baby products perfectly placed on the shelves in front of you.
“didn’t your Tia already give us one?”
“yeah, but look this one has Bluetooth look.” he rationalizes as he moves the demo closer to your face as if Bluetooth is a make or break deal for you.
“ok Joel, I cans see your point.” you laugh at your husband and his ridiculous rationalizations on what products are best.
Today had been one of your better, and more energized days since you had been showing major pregnancy symptoms and you decided today was a good day to get the few things that y’all had not already been given at your baby shower. today was also one of the rare days where Joel was finally free from any interviews or studio sessions with the guys and one of the few days where you didn’t have to entertain all five guys in your already crowded home. and you don’t want it to get misconstrued, you loved all the guys and they were a great help from the very beginning of the pregnancy... minus the few arguments and mini competitions of ‘who is going to be the best uncle’ and ‘who are you going to choose to be the godparents of your child’. But both you and Joel needed a break from all the ‘excitement’ going on in your lives, you both needed a day just to be normal expecting parents.
weeks ago you two had gotten into a heated argument over Joel buying a ridiculously expensive crib and a baby monitor that you deemed unnecessary and he felt that you were being unreasonable- it wasn’t long before the both of you broke down in your baby’s half-finished room- you in emotional overload and him in an overwhelming panic- he held you in his arms as you let every tear and worry out. you let him know that you were panicking that it was too expensive and why would he get something like that when your baby would most likely grow out of it in a few years. After you had calmed down enough to even your breath you could hear small sniffles coming from Joel's lips, you looked up to see him trying to hide his own emotions from you. This is when he told you all the fears and worries that he had about having this baby, and it wasn’t that he didn't want to have a child with you because he was beyond ecstatic when he found out you were expecting- He was worried that you would have to raise his child on your own while he had to go away for work and tour around the world; he was terrified that he would miss every important moment of your child’s life because of his job and that when he came back home his own child wouldn’t know who he was.
Joel had already gone through every up and down with a long distance relationship when the two of you were dating and that nearly tore him apart, how was he going to be able to do it again when he had this precious new life waiting for him back home? that was his biggest fear. That was when he told you that if he couldn’t be there all the time or during the first few months of your child's life, the least he could do was give the baby the best of everything and make sure that you would have everything you would need in his temporary absence. after that night, you had made a silent agreement to yourself that you wouldn’t deny Joel any chance to take care of his baby.
Now here you both were, not even an hour into your shopping trip and you were already two baskets full. Joel had gone way overboard about what he thought you two would need when the baby came and he had successfully managed to fill an entire cart just with baby clothes and accessories.
“BABE LOOK AT THIS! IS A BABY FUTBOL JERSEY! im getting three..” he told you as he came across a three-piece set that had a tiny futbol on the front- needless to say, he got 3 of them in different sizes because ‘s/he can grow into them and I can see it when I get home babe.’ you couldn’t help the small butterflies filling your stomach as you saw how excited he got over such a small thing, but his smile always had this effect on you.
joel had also picked up 2 different milk pumps and had told you-
“I read really good things about these two but I don’t know which one is better so we’re getting both. you can have one for home and one for when you go out.” he tried to reason.
And filling his cart he had multiple boxes of diapers, wipes, creams, and baby bottles- and unfortunately for you.. he had picked up every healthy item that he had read was supposed to help with pregnancy symptoms and things that were supposed to help the baby be strong and healthy. In your mind, you had thought it was enough that he had basically become your personal nutritionist during the last 6 months of your pregnancy, but Joel had other plans and was determined to keep all the unhealthy junk food away from you and your growing bean. You had managed to blackmail Christopher into sneaking you McDonalds every now and again without Joel knowing.... and all you had to promise him was that he could be the sole godfather to the baby. obviously, an easier choice to make when you were having insatiable cravings in the middle of the day and Joel refused to even let you have processed cheese. luckily you managed to sneak a pack of suckers into the bottom of the basket without Joel seeing- you’re only hail mary during the endless process of Joel going through every detail and ingredient of everything he picked out. (even luckier for you that he had pretended to look away as he saw you waddle over the candy aisle and try and not so quietly sneak a very loud pack of suckers underneath the bottles he had placed on top. he knew he could never deny you from one thing that he knew would make you smile.)
This was one of the few reasons that you had fallen in love with him in the first place, the way that he always had a soft spot for you even through all the salty rants on twitter defending your relationship to the small battles you two had to see who could be the sassiest one in the relationship. he won most of the time but always felt bad about it after because of how defeated or upset you would be after. Even after all these years together, he had always stayed the same and put you before him. there had been many nights where you had to lightly force him to let you take care of him for a change- usually those nights would result in a couples face mask and you taking both of your phones away so you wouldn’t be distracted by anything or anyone. those were the nights that you had cherished for all the endless months of him touring and the hard nights where your thoughts and hate had gotten the better of you. Yet here the two of you were, stronger than ever and starting your very own little family- it was easy to get lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice Joel had been talking to you for a few minutes as you mindlessly walked down the main aisle to the front of the store.
“y/n... are you listening to me?” Joel laughs as he comes up behind you and pulls you closer to his chest, resting his hands gently on your protruding belly. you had clearly become so distracted with your own thought that you hadn’t heard him say that he was getting hungry and thought that now was a good time to finish and go home to eat a nice meal.
“oh... no, sorry joelito. what did you say?”
“I said why don’t you go turn the car on and wait there while i finish everything here?”
“what? no no, it’s ok, I’m okay- I need to make sure that we stay on budget.” you lightly protested as you went to pull your card from your purse to get ready for the cashier- but you were stopped as he covered your hand and stopped you from getting your wallet from your purse.
“don’t worry about it carina, just go to the car and I’ll get it. I’ll be there in a sec and then we can go home.” he reasoned with you trying to move you away from the register so you wouldn’t see the big bucks he was about to drop in such a short amount of time.
“you’re really lucky that my ankles are swollen and I don't want to stand anymore Pimentel...” you chuckled as you slowly made your way to the car trying to contain your excitement for getting home and stashing your small treat away from Joel's overprotective eyes
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starrywinters · 6 years
missing — an ong seongwoo fic
requested by @sweetpoisonousmilkshake 
genre: slight horror??? idk, mystery? thrill? yo holY this is just a mess & a flop
based off of this post by @tokyo-coffee 
a/n: happy 300 to me :0 honestly, thanks guys!😫🎉💕 i don’t think i deserve these 300 followers but ((((’: and MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS!🎄
also, legit hope you guys enjoy???? because i don’t like this,,,, no matter how many times i’ve edited this to make it sound better, it just doesnt????
“where are you guys?”
“i’m so lost
what is happening”
saturday - december 23rd
“breaking news, following after the missing cases of 9 other boys, 22 year old kang daniel has been reported missing after a 24 hour waiting period of no response.”
-zip- closing the tv, seongwoo cannot believe it.
what is happening, the missing 10 people are all his friends
who is behind this and what is their purpose.
for the past two weeks, one of his friends would be reported missing every day of the week, weekends aren’t touched,
guess every criminal needs their breaks too.
day 1 - ha sungwoon
december 11th
a group of 11 boys met up at the center of a mall. the best of friends, enjoying themselves around the mall, until…
“hey, guys, i’m going to the restroom, i’ll meet up with you guys in a bit”
“meet up at the food court when you’re done, sungwoon hyung”
“don’t clog the toilet in there HAHAH”
the day goes by and the clock hits 6pm, sungwoon still a no-show
he doesn’t pick up his phone, the boys split up to look in every restroom in the mall
still no sign of sungwoon,
-ding- seongwoo looks at his phone, it’s a message from sungwoon
“1 down, 10 more to go.”
frantically, he dials sungwoon’s number, the person on the other end picks up
and the person hangs up.
day 2 - bae jinyoung
december 12th
“okay everyone, you guys need to stay safe. be on the lookout for anything suspicious,” mother yoon jisung orders
“especially you maknaes, don’t go anywhere without an adult. or walk in crowded places.”
bae jinyoung, a child of mischief, does not listen. he feels like he can protect himself as he’s taking boxing lessons from jihoon,
he leaves his house at the usual time of 4AM, an early head start to school, his only source of light are the street lamps
a white van driving at, probably, 5mph was following him closely from behind,
creeped out he starts walking faster, the van starts driving faster, at this point he’s sprinting to school,
the van zooms by and stops a yard in front of jinyoung. the door slides open and three people steps out, taking bae jinyoung with them.
-ding- “9 more”
day 3 - hwang minhyun
december 13th
“ultra fast delivery? hm” the thing that has caught hwang minhyun’s eyes is an iRobot Roomba 880. issa a vacuum cleaner
the option of it being delivered right away caught his attention as well, placing his order, he expects the vacuum to arrive in 30 mins max, but
a minute later his doorbell rings, “wow i didn’t expect ultra fast delivery to be this quick,”
opening the door, he comes face to face with a masked man, his eyes look somewhat familiar, or am i picturing things
minhyun didn’t even get a word out before the guy places a cloth over his mouth, gasping which is not a good idea minhyun pls, chloroform.
day 4 - yoon jisung
december 14th
walking home from work, enjoying the fresh air of the night, he doesn’t notice someone suspicious following him.
even though he was the one who told his friends to stay cautious
going on his phone to check up on the news of his missing friends, no luck
no one can find them, the criminals didn’t leave any clues, what smart people.
“i just want my friends back, i want life to be normal again.”
the suspicious person took this opportunity to strike and attacks jisung,
hitting him at the back of his neck i’m sorry jisung ;-; he drops to the ground, unconscious.
dragging jisung away, all that’s left is his phone with a message sent to seongwoo
“7 more”
day 5 - lai guanlin
december 15th
the stress of not being able to communicate well with others as he’s a foreigner has finally hit him.
he feels left out and wants to collect his cool before he bursts out at his friends, thinking going to the beach will satisfy him, he did just that
spending an hour max at the beach swimming and screaming to his heart’s content, has allowed him to calm down
he feels more motivated to learn korean better, to be able to have fun with his friends too.
swimming back to shore, he didn’t notice how far he swam out, stranded in the middle of the ocean he didn’t know where to go
an incoming big wave crashes into him and he drowns, but a boat passes by and saves him
he never makes it home.
day 6 - park woojin
december 18th
he went to the park where he heard there was a hurdle tournament going on,
saw some online ad and wanted to participate.
he didn’t bother considering it to be a scam since all that was in his head was winning the grand prize of $1000
the event takes place at the time of 6PM and ends at 8
woojin ends up going and upon his arrival, doesn’t see anything set up for a hurdle race
“scam? i was really looking forward to this too,” kicking some nearby rocks, he pouted.
he saw an ice cream truck parked by the park and thinks why not treat himself and make his day better with ice cream?
after getting his ice cream, he turns around, takes a few steps and bumps into someone, “ah sorry”
his ice cream fell in the process, “hey it’s ok why don’t i get you another ice cream?” dragging him to some place unknown, woojin is confused as he’s walking in the opposite direction of the ice cream truck
“i know a really good ice cream place, let’s go”
woojin never gets back home and worries his dorm mates
“5, halfway there.”
day 7 - kim jaehwan
december 19th
jaehwan started out busking as his hobby which soon became his way of living.
the many years of his field of work has never had anything serious happen, sure some delinquents would try to steal his money but he’d find a way to get it back
never in his life has he ever dealt with what’s about to happen to him
a person who self-claims as a manager from a big music entertainment walks up to jaehwan, hands him a card and tells him to go audition,
looking at the information presented on the card, “YMC huh, this sounds a bit sketchy sir,” when he looks up the man had already left
“guess i’ll give it a shot” and shrugs.
after busking, he makes it a mission to go home and rest early to go audition tomorrow, but as he walks home, some guy walks up to him and knocks him out
his guitar falls to the ground and he is taken away to someplace where his other friends are presumably taken to as well.
day 8 - lee daehwi
december 20th
worried about woojin’s disappearance he went to look for him at the same park that woojin went to,
he unknowingly meets the same guy who took woojin and asks if he’s seen a boy about “yay tall and sounds like a dolphin when he screams”
the guy doesn’t respond and keeps staring at him, wth this guy is so creepy????
“ah i’m guessing you haven’t i’ll take my leave now, thank you for your time.” turning around to leave, he feels a hand take hold of his wrist
“i know where he is,”
the guy smiles mysteriously, leads daehwi to where woojin is supposedly at and daehwi never ever came back either
day 9 - park jihoon
december 21st
tired after his boxing competition in london, he packs his bags and waits for his manager to finish whatever he’s doing.
knowing how long this manager usually takes, he finds a place to sit in the lobby of the hotel he resided in, and closes his eyes for a small little nap
a black figure slowly creeps up to him and is about two seats away, reaching out
“hey jihoon-ssi, hey, wake up.” waking up to someone tapping his shoulders, he sees his manager in front of him, “let’s go we’re almost late for our flight”
the black figure has hid behind a newspaper so he wouldn’t get caught,
heading out and arriving at the airport, the manager leaves to go check in for them first, letting jihoon take his time walking
lost in the crowd of people, the same black figure was following jihoon, feeling something was suspicious he walks faster and looks for a restroom to wash his face and clear his mind, thinking he was imagining the feeling
walking into the restroom he unexpectedly gets jumped and gets knocked out by a chloroform cloth, the same black figure getting up and cleaning the ‘dust’ off his hands and pants,
day 10 - kang daniel
december 24th
coming back from his b-boy practices, he feels a little hungry, going to the convenience store down the street from his house, he buys a few snacks and drinks
walking out of the store with his phone in hand dialing seongwoo’s number, to check in on him and to just chat, he almost crashes into a guy
taking the faster way home, he walks by an alleyway right as seongwoo picks up, and gets dragged inside,
struggling to be set free, he turns and sees the face of his kidnapper,
and finds out who it is as his eyes widens, dropping his phone and his bag of snacks,  
“You- mmph”
“hello? daniel? are you there?”
and he hears a muffled voice speak into the phone,
seongwoo feels frantic, all his friends have gone missing
what will he do now, what if something happens to them, is this all a dream?
is this a christmas prank? this is a cruel prank then
seongwoo, not knowing what to do, wants to cry. not being able to sleep two nights in a row in worry of his friends’ safety.
day 11 - ong seongwoo
december 25th, christmas day
getting up out of his bed, he heads to his living room,
his house looking like a caveman ransacked his place in search for food, he grieves over his friends’ disappearance,
he receives a letter from an unknown person; inside it, in cutout letters from magazines, was spelled out
“0, you are next.”
thanks for reading!♡ omg plus, winter break is almost here, bless. im ready to watch the downfall of my grades throughout this week, ugh finals week im ready to fail every test given to me ((’:
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puppybaby15 · 7 years
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Majutsu ref + bio
Note- This is a completely outside of the Sonic universe, in this universe none of the canon characters exist neither do the Chaos Emeralds. In this universe there are mobians but it's more on the mirror of human life with more magic intertwined.
Name: Majutsu (ma-JU-stuu) Jade Bernwebb
Species: Black wolf
State of origin: Bagloins (think of a Place deep in the midwest southern area in the USA) Age: 26 Occupation: Private readings and magic sessions at home, Antique store for the main income.
Info about sexuality/relationship status: With developed trust issues from her past, it's almost impossible to have a relationship (be it female or male) without her anxiety or any other emotional issues getting in the way. She has been in several relationships (male and female), but they were more focused on sex or to short to be considered a relationship (i.e 3-4 months).
Height: 5'2 (i found matching weight, height, and built in normal mobian heights was very challenging) Weight: 169lbs Likes: Alone time, magic, reading, sweets, affection/being affectionate, horror movies, body modifications, video games, cute and sparkly things, gore (but only behind a screen or on paper), make-up, dark humor and colors. Dislikes: Needles (that's why she doesn't have tattoos, unlike piercings where the needle is in and gone in a second), confrontation, being in crowded areas, being in intimate relationships, having to talk to someone new, talking to or about family and childhood, being social. Facts: Majutsu's wolf instincts constantly make her want to be more social and sometimes enjoys social situations, but she still loves being alone. She does have some basic mental issues (that I have because of a simular past with emotional/mental abuse) like anxiety, social phobia, and depression. She can get easily annoyed and can't control her emotions like her mother. Personality: She can be lazy and is very introverted. She is very insecure and anxious when with a new person, always watching what she says no matter how much her head screams. Timid and paranoid in crowded areas, checking around to see if there was a family member. After she gets to know someone well she could be very outgoing and relaxed, cracking dark jokes even. (im not sure if i shouId add a weakness secion since they are kinda sprinkIed throughout this bio)
Backstory:     Born into a very conservative trailer park pack she was the youngest out of 10 siblings. In this trailer park lived Majutsu's extended family on her fathers side, "a pack sticks together" was their moto but it was far from true. Everyone there mind their own buisness in their trailer and not cared for anyone else. Her mother and father were already struggling with the first 2 kids they have, but with them being against contraceptives they had 8 more children. Stress stricken her parents and that effected how they parented and the fact that there were to many mouths to feed made it worse. Majutsu's parents had a way of thinking of "ok I fed, bathed, and clothed this child that's all I need to do to raise them" which simply wasn't true. (sorry I gave a bit of backstory to the backstory)   Every morning Majutsu and her siblings would wake up to their mom's blood curdling screech, as protocol the children did their best to stay out of her way as she went to go find her brush, take her shower, make her coffee, and smoke her cigarette. This trauma made all of the children very light sleepers. Please note that these are children with sensitive hearing, and the oldest being 12 at the time, so it would take a toll on them. Their parents thought nothing of it because they treated the children as if they were adults and could comprehend the situation well. Since there was rarely any discipline between sibling and sibling many fights broke out and many didn't stop until a child was bleeding, something was broken, or it kept their parents up at night. Since Majutsu was the youngest she was picked on the most out of the bunch, usually getting yelled at for the smallest things just for laughs. She wasn't the only one they did this to but to her young mind it effected her the worst, causing her to blaim herself for the smallest of things and making her paranoid of if she did or said something wrong. With all of the violence happening inside the trailer CPS was called to the home a couple of times from concerned teachers, but those were dismissed by my fathers excuse of "oh kids will be kids, they rough house a lot," and since the parents weren't physically abusing the children there technically wasn't anything wrong. It didn't stop them from getting the Bernwebb family a social worker, since they did live in a small trailer with a big family and her parents were working at minimum wage. When Majutsu was 11 there was a celebratory barbecue for her sister's graduation, her mother and her uncle sat beside eachother on a bench talking about things adults talk about, Majutsu walked to them and sat between them. Her father glanced at them causing him to do a double take, something seemed very wrong as they sat together. Majutsu had many of her uncles facial features and even his eye color. Her father tried to brush it off saying that this happened, some kids end up looking like their aunt/uncle or their grandparent more then their actual parents. This still racked at his mind and he started to confront her mother about it, causing arguments to emerge. As if it were normal, whenever the children did something, anything, wrong they would get humiliated in front of the rest of the family and get called horrid names from their mother. Or when the female child didn't dress exactly how their mother wanted she's call them ugly, criticize their weight, and accuse them of being homosexual. At this time that's when siblings started to betray one another, telling secrets and embarrassing their brother or sister to get props from their parents, most were on Majutsu and her older brother who's the second youngest. By the time Majustu was 12 she started to develop an eating disorder, when she was sad, which became often, she'd eat until her stomach hurt making her gain weight. Since puberty was starting for her, her hormones kept the weight on. This made her develop body dismorphia and wanted to wear clothing that made her look thin, like dark colors. With her life as a, for a lack of a better word, repeative hell she decided to go try and find something to distract her. One of her close friends from school gave her a book as a late birthday gift "it's a novel about a princess who uses magic to save the universe." Maj was sceptical but she found her holy grail, she grew an intence interest in magic and would try to find out as much as she could. It took her the courage at 15 to steal a book of basic magic from a thrift store, she read and she learned. Practicing the spells outside during the night to make sure no one saw, most attempts ended up in explosions and burnt fur.  With the explosions she could easily hide under her families trailer before anyone could see. Even with the failed attempts, it made her happy, she could finally do something her family couldn't do and it was special to her. Unfortunately for her, she got to cocky at the age of 17 and her uncle caught her practicing. With her parents closed minded beliefs they threw the book away and screamed at her, it didn't stung as badly as it did when she was 5-13, but it still hurt. She feel back into her depression and stayed in her room all day. By now she would be the only one sleeping in it, all her other siblings have graduated and left as fast as they could. She didn't blaim them one bit. She finally moved out  at 18 it was a huge weight lifted off her shoulders and she could breathe. The problem was, whenever she looked in the mirror all she saw was her mom, her dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, and she cried. She slid down the bathroom drawer and cried, all she knew was them and she hated it. It took a few days to adjust to the roomy loneliness, it was way better than being crammed into a small room with 6 other girls. She saved up her money and started to buy magic books again and went back to perfecting her skills, meeting some other magic addicted mobians on the way. For her 20th birthday her friends took her to an alternative store. She quickly found out what body modifications were and she fell in love at first sight, but she hated the feeling of the needles going inside her ear.  She picked out some fur dye and smiled at it "don't have to be a part of the pack anymore" she whispered to herself. After a few hours she finally got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, she finally saw herself as beautiful. She couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. She was happy.
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limpblotter · 7 years
Fly me to the Moon
[Previously…] A/N: IM text and second to last part! xD  Summary: It's Christmas Time and Johan discovers the joys of instant messenger and unexpected surprises (Ft. Johnson Fam) WordCount: 3313 Taggies: @hell-yes-puns-and-ships  Warning: Panic attack/ Depressing thoughts
“Bow have you seen my watch?” Dre grumbled, rubbing his empty wrist as he crossed the large, open kitchen. He gently placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder and kissed the side of her face. “I just had it…”
“You mean this one?” She motioned to a black Rolex watch sitting on the counter right next to her cup of coffee. “Or that one.” She pointed, across the kitchen to the living room where another expensive watch sat folded neatly on the coffee table. “Or--”
“No it's the gold one, the one I wear for my ‘Drop em like it's hot’ meetings.” Dre smiled cockly, Rainbow arched an eyebrow not sure what he was talking about. “For the meetings where I drop some big news, big news mean a big watch. I gotta assert my dominance in that room.”
“Because your CEO title means nothing if you’re not waving around big, shiny things on your wrist?” She shook her head, sometimes her husband made her wonder what she got herself into. “The point is you leave your watches around all over the house I’m surprised you haven’t lost any until now.”
“No see, that watch is my lunch watch, swap it out when I’m going on lunch outs with the crew. Can’t flash anything too nice but I can’t be watchless.” He scoffed as pointed to the other one across the room. “That's my, I’m reading don’t bother me watch.” Dre nodded, then motioned to his empty wrist. “I need my ‘Drop em like it’s hot’ watch.”
After a moment of silence Rainbow shook her head and pulled the only conclusion she could think of. “Did you leave it in the bathroom?”
A lightbulb went off in Dre’s head and he pointed at the hallway. “And this is why I married you, we are a team.” He kissed her cheek and bounced up the stairs to retrieve his watch. There were few things in his life which he thought were sacred. His kicks, his watches, and his personal space. Which was why when he bought and designed the house, he had in mind an oasis like master bedroom. Far away from most of the rooms, a little corner of his personal space. So imagine his outrage when he found his master on suite bathroom was crowded with his children and his not-so-welcomed brother in-law. “What are you doing in my bathroom?!”
Junior popped his head out of the many bodies crowding around the vanity and smiled. “Uncle Johan is signing up for facebook and we’re helping him get the best quality profile picture around.” He gave his father an ‘ok’ sign before diving back in. Andre stood there, somewhat bewildered before shaking his head.
“No, no why does it have to be my in bathroom!?” He yelled, another child coming out from the herd and placed her small hand on her hip. Andre casted his eyes down to the youngest daughter of his family.
“Zoey said that the best lightening comes from bathrooms and your bathroom has the best lightening.” Diane shrugged a bit. “Zoey is on a roll in here, you do.not. Want to get in. We’ll call when we’re done.” She smiled and went back to the hustle and bustle. “No, we need the light in your eyes--wait! And, fluff his hair a little. Ok now hold the phone like, yes!” Zoey’s voice was high and cheerful. “I think we did it…” She pulled away and noticed her father was standing there with his arms wide open in exasperation. “Oh hey daddy.” Zoey smirked, still beaming from her handy work.
“Does anyone mind telling me why the four of you are crowded around in my bathroom like there is a concert going on?” Dre got a glimpse of Johan who wordlessly, walked out of the bathroom and climbed on his bed with his sandals still on. “WOAH WOAH now, not the shoes, JOHAN.” He yelled at him and usually Johan would prattle about something but...he was quiet his eyes glued to his phone more than usual. “...O-K, what’s wrong with him, wait no he’s quiet I don’t want to know.” Dre motioned his children away and retrieved the watch in question from the bathroom. When he returned they were all huddled behind Johan, looking over his shoulder at his phone. “No Dre. Don’t ask. It's not worth it…”
“Why isn’t he accepting the friend request yet?” Junior frowned, “you think he’s not online yet?”
“No way, I checked his facebook he made a status this morning.” Zoey had thoroughly stalked the guy in question. Johan came back doe eyed and with a sudden interest in social media. Of course she needed the details. “...maybe he’s blinded by how amazing you look with the flower crown filter.”
“Or maybe he doesn’t like you.” Diana crossed her arms and felt a nudge from her twin brother.
“Excuse her, uncle Johan, someone didn’t have their cereal this morning.” He mumbled, “I told you’d be cranky if you didn’t eat first.”
Clearly all his children were invested so Dre was swayed, he was going to pry and pray it wasn’t something he’d regret. “Alright, what are you all talking about?”
“Dad, Johan is trying to slid into the DMs with the guy he met in New York” Andre Jr. wiggled his eyebrow gaining only facepalms and groans from his siblings. “What?”
“What he is trying to say in a less...cringey way, is Johan likes a guy and he doesn’t know how to go about social media flirting.” Zoey smiled, “so we helped him out.”
“Social Media….flirting? Uh huh.” Dre shook his head and his children felt a lecture coming. “You know back in my day, we didn’t ‘slide’ into anyone’s Ims.”
“Whatever” Dre held up his hand, ignoring the fact he was corrected in the slang. “If you liked someone you called them, wrote them letters, took them out on dates. And you did not date someone you didn’t visit. Long distance only worked when you’re dating someone who’s going out to war or if you’re starring in a B rated Hallmark romcom movie.”
His children exchanged looks, “that's not how romance works now dad. You can date anyone anywhere in the world with a click.”
“HA” Dre sarcastically laughed and clapped his hands together. “I’d hardly call that romantic.”
“Oh coming from the guy who got mom a blender for their anniversary?” Andre Junior shook his head disapprovingly.
Dre dramatically placed a hand to his chest and backed off a bit, “your mother had been dropping hints she was into juicing, my gift was thoughtful and expensive! I am plenty romantic.” There was a silence that came over his children and he felt nothing but judgment. “Don’t you have to be at school, BEAT IT” He shoo’d them out of his room until the only person who remained in his room wasn’t even someone he was legally required to take care of. Dre had some choice words for his annoying brother in-law but something about Johan’s face stopped him. He jumped a bit when Johan suddenly gasped.
“...he’s talking to me... “ Suddenly Johan’s entire world muted and the only thing that mattered was this Facebook messenger.
[[Usnavi De La Vega: You have a facebook? … You just got a facebook.
Johan Johnson: Yeah I figure I’d try out this government monitored boobytrap that everyone seems to be a part of.
Usnavi De La Vega: jaja! ]]
Johan arched his eyebrow, was that a typo? He didn’t look into it too long, he noticed there were dots blinking at the bottom of his screen indicating that Usnavi was still typing.
[[Usnavi De La Vega: well as long as you have nothing to hide I think the government doesn’t give two shits lol, btw nice picture. You have a snapchat too?
Johan Johnson: blame my niece, she decided if I was going to leap into social media I was going into the deep end. She signed me up for Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and this thing called Tinder.
Usnavi De La Vega: Tinder ?? Isn’t that the hook up app or something? Swipe left or right, I don’t know what the kids use these days.
Johan Johnson: AH. Lol I won’t be using that one then…
Usnavi De La Vega: What government controlled dating apps is where you draw the line? I’m sure the government is very curious who you’d swipe right for.]]
He didn’t respond, his eyes might have been reading too far between the black and white typings of their conversation...But he would like to believe Usnavi sounded a little jealous. He frowned when suddenly another message came up and it was the end of their brief conversation.
[[Usnavi De La Vega: Sorry I got to help Sonny pack. He’s leaving for Cali in the morning *eyeroll emoji* I have half the mind to not send his ass anywhere...anyway, I’ll hit you up later, ok?
Johan Johnson: Later :) ]]
Johan groaned a bit, laying back on the bed with the phone on his chest. He felt his heart bang against his ribs. Any harder and his phone would have been bouncing on top of his chest. The bed dipped a little as Dre took a seat at the edge of his own bed. “So, hispanic guy huh?”
“Dominican” Johan beamed with a trance like smile.
“You know they have a lot of Afo-Carribean heritage in the Dominican Republic.” He smiled but then mildly wondered if he was confusing them with Haiti. “How do you plan on making it work with him being across the country, hm?” Dre was still mildly proving his point that long distance wasn’t healthy or very stable. There were very few exceptions. Johan didn’t answer right away, “like do you even know him?”
Suddenly his brother in-law sat up right and nodded. “He’s a store owner, he has money but is really careful...he’s really careful about everything actually. And yet, I can tell there is something in his eyes excitement and ….”
“I mean family facts, history, possibly any transmitted diseases.”
“Are you implying he has an STD?” Johan rolled his eyes, “He’s been on his own for a while, his parents died in...huh, December actually.” His voice trailed off.
“Wow…” Dre also sounded a little softer. “Must be rough. At least he has other family right? Hispanics got em’ big families like we do.” Dre nudged him a little with a comforting smile, but the facts began to pile up on Johan. Usnavi didn’t have much other family from what he remembered from their conversations. Usnavi’s parents died around this time, then his beloved abuela Claudia, his cousin was traveling away for the first time, and all his friends had moved out of the neighborhood. He was… alone. “I love the eggnog Puerto Ricans make, you think he’d have the recipe for that?”
“...Dre...would it be crazy…” Johan couldn’t fathom what Usnavi had to be feeling right now. However there was a chance, a sliver of a chance Usnavi was alone and sad...Johan couldn’t bear that idea. “If I go to him?”
Hallmark movie and there was a good chance Johan would be absent for Christmas. No commenting on their economic spending or having his mother relentlessly flirt. Dre turned and placed his hand on Johan’s shoulder. “Brother, this might be only time I call you this by the way, you care about him? You go. Right now. Immediately, I’ll even book you a flight.”
Dre was walking around with his head high after that. He did a good damn thing this morning and his kids had the nerve to call him ‘unromantic’. HA. Later around the dinner table, Bow mentioned how Johan wasn’t joining them for dinner and hasn’t been around the whole day. So Dre dropped his bombshell.
“...what you’re meaning to tell me is you let my little brother, run off to New York by himself? During the holidays?! DRE” Bow stood up from the chair. “This was going to be our Christmas a family! I had a stocking picked out and everything.” She stormed for her phone while Dre’s kids gave him disapproving looks again.
“Way to ruin Christmas dad…” Diana sighed, picking at her food.
“Like, really” Zoey began, “Johan just got social media and how he’s flying across the country to see him? Talk about Creepy af, dad, you’ve practically ruined all of uncle Johan’s chances”
Had he?
Winter was a hard time. The cold in the city felt a lot heavier when the store was empty. It was too cold for too many people to walk on by. Most people ran into stores to hide from the merciless winds. The snow gathered along the sides of the sidewalks like small mountains, coating cars in their parking spaces. Usnavi was usually a little somber this time of year. His parents died this time of year so he had the reason. Usually though, he had Sonny who would light candles with him and binge watch Christmas movies. Benny and Nina use to pop in and drop off the Rosario’s famed Coquito. Abuela Claudia would conduct secret Santa at her place while Daniela somehow always got Carla or Vanessa as her Santa…
The barrio changed. Abuela was gone, her stoop filled with snow and her apartment now housing a new family. Daniela and Carla made it a tradition to spend Christmas with Vanessa who was downtown, living around all the Christmas decorations and the tree. Benny and Nina had a small family now, no doubt they were spending it together. Of course Usnavi got invitations to go...but...why would he? He was just a guest, in a house, a guest in a family. A sad face that probably wouldn’t get much joy out partaking in someone’s happy family.
Usnavi slugged on his jacket and hat. He gazed over his store one more time, keeping his mind busy from the clawing void that was just waiting to get to him while he was alone. Reluctantly he started to pull the grate down and locked up for the night. He rubbed his hands together and felt his phone go off. For a second, he thought it might have been Johan. He felt bad for leaving him hanging. Once he helped Sonny back and saw him off he messaged him back. The message remained sent, not even read so … “Heh…” He mused at the idea of Johan struggling with social media, even going so far to humoring his ego with the idea Johan got it for him. To his slight discouragement it was Sonny who texted him a picture of him and Pete at a dinner by the beach. 
The text read, 'He surprised me with dinner, the weather here is bomb cuz!! You need to fly out so we can all hang on this playa.’
Usnavi replied, having a snarky comment in mind...then he deleted it and responded with, ‘Enjoy it kid, you deserve it.’ 
Sonny was a good kid…why did he have to spend another sad holiday with Usnavi. He deserved to be where he wanted to be.
He tucked his phone away and made the quiet hike back to his apartment nearby. The city was a snowy ghost town. No doubt people were warm with family, getting ready for the holidays. He imagined families coming home from sightseeing or last minute shopping… He passed abuela Claudia’s stoop and the memories forced themselves into his mind. Unwillingly he recalled childhood memories, hazy from years gone by, of waiting up in Claudia’s house. His parents sneaking around for deals on Christmas presents. Usnavi only a kid helping set up the tree and candles. Celebrating Noche Buena by the time his parents got home, music playing, hugs and kisses…
It was almost painful for him to walk into his bleek and now empty apartment. Nothing waited for him here, not a soul or a cheer. He sloppily kicked off his shoes and coat. Making a beeline to the fridge he pulled out a green beer bottle and cracked it open. His phone buzzed again and once again his stomach did flips wondering if it was…
No. It was Benny, asking if Usnavi wanted come for the Rosario’s Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow. He didn’t want to but out of coursey he responded as vaguely as possible.
‘I’ll see how it goes with the store.’ Ben: ‘K man, you know the fam would luv 2 have u. Stop working so dam hard, it's xmas.’
Like that was an excuse. His parents worked through many holidays, Christmas too...but by nightfall they made it back just to light candles with Usnavi. Speaking of which...his eyes scanned the room for a tall red candle, the one with the Virgin Mary sticker on it. A candle so traditional that he was sure his parents and grandparents used the same one. He lit the candle and carefully walked it over to the closed window sill. “Otra Navidad…” He smiled placing it down watching the flickering flame dance on it's small wick. “...miss you guys…”his lower lip trembled. He bit his lip to try and keep it still but if it wasn’t one thing it was another, his eyes started to ache with bitter tears.
“Fuck.” He hissed, he should be over it by now. Every Christmas he felt this weight on his shoulders...his parents broke their asses every damn Christmas to get what they could to fill the tree. Every damn holiday day in and day out until the day they died. Working so hard just to put something under the tree for him, to give him something they didn’t have. Now he had the money, money he wished he had years ago when the people he loved still walked on the Earth. Now he could give his parents a vacation to Dominican Republic, a relief from the store… If only he hadn’t been too late.
If he worked harder. If he had made something of himself sooner. If he wasn’t such a failure of a son. His parents will never know, they died leaving Usnavi debts and worries, they died probably upset...Upset they were leaving their son behind with so much unfinished work. So much to carry, they weren’t here to see he was still managing. Abuela wasn’t here to see he was still going...He was too late.
Usnavi felt his lungs twist cutting off his breathing. His heart beating slow but hard against his chest, like it was trying to punch a hole out of his chest. His eyes widened when he realized he couldn’t breathe….he couldn’t! His body shook as he slowly fell to his knees, hard sobs breaking through his crumpling frame. He tried to calm his panic, calm the screams in his head that reminded him his parents and abuela died fully aware Usnavi was struggling. Died before Usnavi could do something for them, something they deserved.
Desperate to relieve himself he slumped forward and pressed his head against the cold, wood floor and forced himself to take shallow breathes.
Knock knock
His head snapped up so fast he felt the air trapped joints crack along his neck. He crawled across the floor, all the while forcing himself to take purposeful breaths.
Knock, Knock
Usnavi grabbed the doorknob and willed himself to his feet, leaning against the door. He ran his hand over his face covering the tear trails as best he could, then opened the door. “Who---” His eyes widened, he looked up at a slightly flushed and incredibly cold looking Johan. His jacket was barely warm enough for the winter they were experiencing at the East Coast. Johan’s eyes held Usnavi in a silent stare, he assisted him thoroughly and his face fell a bit.
“Usnavi, are you ok?”
Usnavi opened his mouth. “No” He wailed.
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everyonesastar · 7 years
The Unrequited
I wish I could know what to do, or how he even feels.
I just want to know, is it that hard to ask?
Maybe he doesn’t like me in that way, we’ve been best friends for so long….
Eddie sighed, contemplating on why he was even here, at the grand re-opening party Buster was hosting. “Hey Eddie! You made it!” Buster said, smiling widely. He looked so excited “Well why wouldn’t I be here? I mean…this is your party.” Eddie mumbled sheepishly.
“Well if you need any refreshments, they’re over there. Also, nice outfit!” Buster said before walking off, he was holding a microphone.
He was so stupid enough to think Buster could even have the possibility of liking him…
But even so, his heart skipped at the last few words he had said.
Eddie walked over to the refreshments table, grabbing himself a cup and pouring whatever they had into it. He took small sips and looked around him, there wasn’t much besides big groups of people chatting or dancing. Until he had noticed Buster on stage “Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Moon Theatre’s Grand Re-Opening!” He said loudly into the microphone, catching everyone’s attention.
He was standing on the moon, which sparkled as light reflected onto it. “Tonight you’ll be hearing from some of our talented performers from our last show! We all hope you enjoy the show!” He said before the lights had dimmed, the moon was raised upwards to wear you couldn’t see it and Buster was no longer on the stage, it was Johnny.
Eddie then faced his focus back on his drink he had in his hand, there was something off about how it tasted, wasn’t this punch?
He shrugged and continued drinking it until it was to a point were he had gotten dizzy, but he could hear someone laughing underneath the table. He lifted up the cloth to see Ash and Mike snickering, so they had something to do with this. “What do you two think you’re doing? Get out of there!” Eddie whispered “Come on, we just wanted to make things more interesting!” Ash said. “By putting stuff in the punch? No! You shouldn’t have do-Oh no…” He saw Buster was walking up towards them, “Hey you guys! What are you all talking about over here?” Buster asked.
“We were talking about how delicious this punch is! It’s a shame how you haven’t even drank a cup!” Mike said with a smirk. “Well, since its so good, I might as well!” Buster said while getting himself a cup, “Buster no, don’t do-“ Eddie said before Buster had already took a gulp of his drink. There was a long pause.
“There’s something off here….Rosita? Didn’t you make this punch?” He asked, practically yelling. “Oh, yes Mr. Moon! Why? Do you like it?” She asked while walking up towards them, now Mike and Ash were frozen. “I- Rosita, what did you make this with? It seems….a little off than what punch usually should taste like.” Buster whispered, making sure none of the other guests would hear him. “I bought some from the store I usually go to…the kids drink it all the time and say it’s great…” She paused before looking towards Mike and Ash.
She could already sense they did something wrong, “What did you two do to the punch?” She asked while pushing Buster and Eddie out of her way. Eddie had almost fallen over, thankfully he didn’t, he didn’t want to look like a fool. “Um…” Ash whispered while she stood still “Maybe something a little….Irish?” Mike said while shrugging his shoulders.
“Irish? What am I supposed to get from Iri- YOU BOTH PUT ACHLO-“ She was about to yell at them before stopping herself. “Don’t you two realize that there are children here?! If they drink this and their parents wonder why they’re passed out on the ground with a cup filled with this in the child’s hands then they’re going to start asking some questions….and if someone finds out, the reputation of me and everyone else here will be ruined.” She said almost as if she was hissing.
“O-Ok porky! We wont do it again! But I’m just saying, it was all spikes idea!” Mike said while pointing towards Ash. “No it wasn’t! It was yours!” Ash snapped back at him. “I don’t care who did it! You two will replace this punch immediately!” Rosita whispered before walking off, it was her time to perform.
“Ok guys, you heard her, go replace it now. Or else I wont let you both perform tonight!” Buster said, trying to act strict. “Yes Mr.Moon…” They both said before walking away and towards an exit. There was an awkward silence as Eddie and Buster stood there, “Eddie, stand here and make sure they come back with the new punch and that no one drinks the punch on the table…please?” Buster asked “Sure? I mean it’s not like I have anything else to do here…” “Thanks Eddie! I’ll see you later!” Buster said while walking off to greet more of the guests.
He sighed and stood against the table, he watched as Rosita and Gunter had performed together and as always, they were amazing. He clapped once the performance was over, he had noticed Gunter had gotten a little more show time than usual, which in all honesty was good, he deserves a little recognition.
Gunter and Rosita both bowed and walked off the stage, then Rosita ran to the table Eddie was at. “Have they came back yet?” She asked while catching her breath “No…but hopefully they’ll arrive soon…” Eddie mumbled. “Well thanks for standing by and watching the table….anyways aside from the subject, how are you? This is the first time we’ve talked since the last show.” Rosita said with a small grin.
“Oh…I’m just…” Eddie paused for awhile, he didn’t dare to go off and tell her how he honestly felt, on how he was afraid and doubtful more than ever about Buster, and how he was struggling a bit with his home life. “Things are…ok…how are you?” He asked while taking a drink of the punch, he had already forgot that it had something “special” in it.
“Well…Norman and I are becoming close and we’ve made time for eachother now and the kids. So it’s gotten better….you sure everything’s alright? You don’t look too…”ok”…” Rosita said, honestly she wasn’t really sure on if he was alright or not, they weren’t really close as she was with the others. “Y-Yeah….i’m….im going to be fine…” “Going to be? What’s going on? Are you…really ok Eddie?” Rosita asked, now something was wrong.
Eddie looked away, she was already asking too much out of him, he couldn’t trust anyone here yet besides Buster. “Look Eddie, I’m a mom of 25 kids…and I can always tell when somethings wrong or if someone’s lying…and I understand if you’re not ready to tell me yet but….you can tell me anything. I’m great at keeping secrets.” Rosita said softly. “I know Rosita…its just….I don’t know…because I just don’t want-I don’t need any more judgement on my shoulders…I already have enough…at home..” Eddie mumbled, that was the problem at home, his parents knew about how he had felt for his friend and judged him for it, they were going to send him out of the house, but some how they decided not to.
“Oh….i’m sorry…but Eddie whatever you’re going to say…I won’t judge you for it!” She whispered. “If you say so…” Eddie said while taking another drink, his mind was getting a bit blurry and fluffy. “I…” Eddie mumbled before Buster had interrupted “Hello Rosita! Great performance as always!” He walked up to her. “Aww, thank you Mr.Moon! Also, rumor has it, that you’re going to perform?” Rosita whispered “Where did you hear that?” Buster asked kind of confused. “Oh, it’s not true? Well that’s a shame, I bet you’re a great singer! Anyways, Ash nor Mike has arrived back yet….” Rosita mumbled.
“I might perform one day, who knows….anyways I’ll go call for them, if they don’t answer we’ll just put Meena on stage.” Buster said while pulling out his phone and started to walk off. “Good idea Mr.Moon!” Rosita said before sighing, “Anyways, you were saying?” “I….um…I just…” “Oh look! They’re back!” Rosita said interrupting.
Eddie grumbled and took another sip, he should’ve just put the drink down. “Yeah, it took awhile to find the right one but here…now lets switch the bowls and act like this never happened.” Ash said. “Alright I’ll help you, also Mike, I think it’s your turn to perform.” Rosita said. “Well then why is she already performing on stage if it’s my turn?” Mike asked while pointing at the stage, where Meena was singing beautifully.
“Ok, then I guess you perform after her, problem solved.” Ash said with a bored tone while Mike grumbled. “Hey! You two, backstage now! We aren’t going to let you cause anymore mischief around here!” Buster said while walking towards the two and led them backstage, though Mike sneaked off. So while Rosita was switching punch’s, Eddie stood silently and watched as people gave Meena a big applause, “T-Thank you everyone!” Meena said sheepishly before walking off stage, she was greeted with many compliments while getting off.
She walked through the crowd of people and sighed, she hated being in tight spaces. “You ok?” Eddie asked “Yeah, just too many people around me…” “Well they can’t help it…you were great” “Thanks Eddie….” There was a long pause between the two. “So, are you going to be a stagehand again anytime soon?” She asked while grinning. “Well it’s the only good thing I can do around here…” Eddie mumbled, Meena began to frown. “You ok?” She asked “Everyone keeps asking that question….” “Well because they care Eddie, and im your friend, and what you just said is….really concerning…” She mumbled.
“Well, to answer your question, no…..im not doing great or ok or even close to getting better…and you know why?” Eddie said, he felt himself getting more dizzy, why did he continue taking drinks when he knew there was something off? “Because I’m just so stupid and scared and I don’t even know why I can’t get over the fact that he-“ He froze, “Eddie?” Meena whispered and waited for Eddie to finish. “That he won’t feel the same as I do….he wont ever feel the same….not in a million years Meena….and I don’t know why I get so scared about it all the time because what if he finds out like my parents did? I don’t know anymore….” Eddie said, sulking over the table.
“Eddie….who’s..”he”…?” Meena asked, Buster was laughing loudly with a crowd of guests, why, no idea. They both looked over at him “Him…” Eddie mumbled before looking back down. There was a silent moment between them again, only filled by the laughter from the guests. “Eddie, let’s go outside…let’s go and get some air…” “But won’t Buster come looking for you?” Eddie whispered while he followed her. “If he does, well then he’ll fin me, anyways Eddie….how do you feel towards him? I won’t judge you but please…just tell me…” Meena said, practically begging.
The cold air made them both shiver slightly, “Jeez, lady how’s it not obvious?” Mike said crossing his arms, apparently, he didn’t go back stage like he was told to. “Look, I’m not too supportive over people like you sheep, but I mean why would you like someone as odd and optimistic as him?” Mike said, now walking towards him. “Who did you hear about it from?” Eddie said, shaking, what if it had gotten around the place?
“God dude are you having a seizure or is it that cold out here?” Mike said before rolling his eyes “Anyways, I don’t need to hear anything from anyone when it comes to romance, I’m a master at it. That’s why I have Diana. You just make things too obvious sometimes, especially these weirds feelings you got…” Mike said “Also aren’t you both like, best friends or something? I mean you both tell eachother everything, so why can’t you just get the bal-“ “Because mouse, I can’t he doesn’t feel the same! He won’t ever feel the same ok?” Eddie said while crossing his arms.
“God, now that’s stupid. It’s like everyone around here’s too blind to see it! Eddie just go up to him and tell the dude before he has to find out from me!” Mike said before running inside with a smirk. “Uh oh…” Meena mumbled before Eddie ran after Mike, though he wasn’t too hard to catch.
“Hey! You almost killed me with your big feet!” Mike said while Eddie picked him up off of the ground. “I don’t care right now Mike, the only thing I care about right now it you not telling him. Mike you might think you know what you’re talking about but you don’t! He doesn’t feel the same and won’t ever, ok? Now stop trying and go out and perform your song…” Mike growled at what he was saying, he knew what he was talking about.
“How dare you?! Don’t you want to spend your future with someone? Or do you just want to sit along and feel awful that your true love had gotten away because you wouldn’t listen?” Mike said with slight annoyance. “I am trying to listen Mike, but I know Buster longer than you or anyone else ever has around here and I know how he would feel if I told him.” Eddie sighed with the same aggravated look on his face. “But….how do you know for sure Eddie? Yeah you know him better than anyone else in this theatre but….how do you know how he will feel? It hasn’t even happened yet…and maybe Mike’s right…you could be losing your chance with your true love…” Meena said quietly.
“Of course I’m right Meena, I always am” Mike said while Eddie set him down on the ground. “You don’t always know until you actually do it Eddie…we’re not saying to go up to him now and tell him but-“ “Why not Meena? Why shouldn’t he just do it now and stop wasting his time? And my time especially..” Mike said while looking up towards them.
“Mike! Where were you? Why weren’t you backstage with Ash?” Buster said, he looked aggravated as well. “Well, I just wanted to have some small talk with some….people…I mean you were” Mike said “Well that’s because I have to and that I don’t even have to perform right now, but you do! The crowd is waiting for you and your taking up time!” Buster said while motioning Mike to go on stage. “Whatever you say Moon…” Mike grumbled while giving a look at Eddie, he then walked off and went backstage.
“Jeez, what am I going to do with him disappearing all the time, also why were you two outside? It’s freezing out there! I’ll go get some blankets for you two, wanna help Eddie?” Buster offered to his friend. “Ok….” Eddie mumbled while Meena whispered “good luck”.
They both searched in the backstage closet, dressing rooms, and finally they looked in Buster’s office. “So, Eddie, I just wanted to say…” He paused. “I’m sorry for not talking or visiting you much, its just things are getting tight around here a little.” “Don’t worry about it Buster, its alright….I’ve been busy too….” Eddie mumbled while he searched some of Buster’s desk drawers “Oh? So what have you been busy with?” “Just…family….” “Oh, speaking of family, how’s Nana?” Buster said smiling.
He paused, him and his Nana did get along well until she heard the news…
“She’s good….we just don’t visit much…”  “Oh? How come?” “B-Because…I…um” “Is she…..gone?” “N-No! It’s just um….” There was an awkward silence.
“Eddie, you look like you’re going to pass out…Do you need to lay down?” Buster asked, he was right about one thing, he felt overwhelmed, scared, terrified even, plus drinking the “special punch” didn’t help either. He felt himself turn red, “Eddie?” Buster said now walking towards him. Eddie’s vision became darker and darker and it seemed as if he couldn’t really hear what Buster was saying.
“Eddie? Eddie?! What’s wrong?” Buster said as he saw his friend stumbling slightly and watched him fall forward before he ran over to him, he wouldn’t dare let his friend fall on the ground. Buster kept shaking Eddie to see if he would wake up “Come on, you’re not going to die tonight!” Buster said before thinking of what he could do, he thought of the steps the CPR, maybe that would help.
He pushed on Eddie’s chest as fast as he could, then once he was done, he tilted Eddie’s head back a bit and pinched his nose. He felt hesitant at first, maybe he should just get him to a hospital….he shook his head. He had to do something, because even if he did call the ambulance, it’d take forever. He sighed “I may or may not regret this later”
He was about to cover his mouth with his until Eddie had jolted up and was wide awake, he rubbed his nose a little since Buster was pinching it.
They were both confused, what was going on?
They both sat on the floor, red face, very embarrassed from what was going on. They stayed quiet for a while, not knowing if they should’ve started laughing or just stayed quiet.
They both decided to get up instead, they were still silent, the only sound you could hear was coming from below where the party was.
“So…I see you’re ok…and alive…” Buster mumbled “Yeah….” Eddie mumbled back before it became more silent and awkward.
“God this is embarrassing…” Buster whispered while covering his face
“Well im going to make it even more embarrassing for myself..” Eddie said before pausing
“Buster…there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you..”
To be continued?????????????
Im sorry, this isn’t my best story ever but I hope you all like it!
I may do a part 2 if this gets enough notes ^^
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grubhivemind · 7 years
--supersonicFoxtrot [SF] began pestering primadonnaTartuffe [PT]-- 
SF: >Yo!!!< 
SF: >sup online party gurl<
PT: oh haaaay. 
PT: not much im just winding down for family festivities.
SF: >o right its human egg day or sumthing< 
SF: >rite?<
PT: right you are. 
PT: the eggman has risen on this day. 
PT: my boyfriends dad always makes a big deal out of holidays so i crashed that affair.
SF: >lmaooo< 
SF: >noice< 
SF: >i got to say egg rising man day is so confusing sounding culturally<
SF: >sounds like ur celebrating massive birthdays< 
SF: >or troll babies<
PT: no you see this is the time of year we celebrate dr robotik aka eggman well known nemesis of sonic the hedgehog.
SF: >who now wut face?<
PT: dont be so fucking insensitive towards my culture.
SF: >ur human customs are WEIRD ryanne<
PT: is it WEIRD to paint eggs with your sonic ocs???
SF: >um yah< 
SF: >why do u want to paint EGGS<
SF: >when u can eat them<
PT: why not both?
SF: >do u do both?<
PT: YEAH. painting them doesnt make them inedible.
SF: >o well shit<
SF: >pfft well I hope u ate a lot of eggs<
PT: im just FULL of eggs.
SF: >pfftt<
SF: >so full of eggs u might as well be< 
SF: >a mother grub<
PT: thats me. one big elegant mama.
SF: >snrk< 
SF: >beautiful<
SF: >I guess tho cus of ur human holiday< 
SF: >u aren't around to hang out<
PT: eh well me and my folks came home. 
PT: i could sneak away for the rest of the evening.
SF: >OvO<
SF: >lets sneak out and party<
PT: yeah buddy.
PT: where you wanna meet?
SF: >I'm fine meeting wherever< 
SF: >but how bout the park near the skaianet buildin<
PT: ah yes i know it well. 
PT: ill be right there.
SF: >sweeet< 
SF: >catch u there<
NELLIE: -Whenever Ryan shows up there in the future, Nellie is already in the dimly lit park.- 
NELLIE: -He's trying hand stands on his hoverboard like a dorkus.-
RYAN: -wanders over, hands in the pockets of her hoodie. when she sees this goofy boy, she snorts.- ohhh wow im so impressed.
NELLIE: -He doesnt hear her and she goes unnoticed until his hover board pivots around so hes facing her and then he startles a little. Enough to fall off his board and flop to the ground right on his ass.- OOF! 
NELLIE: Oh. Hai, Ryanne.
NELLIE: -Snrks and hoists himself back up onto his feet to dust himself off.-
RYAN: -grins- hey. 
RYAN: didnt know you were a boarder. 
RYAN: can i see it?
NELLIE: Pfft. Yah I've picked it up over the last few years. -Snatches the board out of the air and then offers it to her.- 
NELLIE: Yuh know how to stand on one?
RYAN: yeah sure. i used to steal my brothers all the time. -takes it and lies it down in front of her before she starts to climb up on it.- 
RYAN: -wobbles- ohhh shit. its been a while tho haha.
NELLIE: -Watches her wobble and snickers.- Here want a hand? 
NELLIE: -offers his hand out and goes to stand next to the board.- Just dont go tuh high or yuh will either fall off or drag me up hehe.
RYAN: -places her hand in his just to balance herself- lol i would consider the latter but im not strong enough to lift you. so wed have double trouble there. 
RYAN: -lifts off the ground and takes her hand with her so she can zip around a little. she definitely seems competent with this thing. suddenly she's having flashbacks to dirk teaching her how to use a hover board...-
NELLIE: -Good! That she doesnt fall anyways.- There yuh go! 
NELLIE: Yuh got this gurl. -Makes sure to stay as her balance point.- Yuh have got the hang of this.
RYAN: hell YEAH i do!! PCHOOOO. 
RYAN: -but she gets bored right away, slowing to a stop. she stays hovering there for a moment though.- 
RYAN: so what were you thinking about partying?
NELLIE: Well we culd do a lot of things. 
NELLIE: We culd go out. There are clubs and bars and stuff still open. Or we culd hang out here sum more. Or go anywhere.
NELLIE: -Grins at her.- Partying is sub ject uv.
RYAN: -thousand yard stare. teetering back and forth on this board.- i wanna go to a club... -kind of trails off like there's an implied BUT-
NELLIE: -Raises a brow at her implied but.- 
NELLIE: Well oh kay then lets go tuh one ell oh ell!
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: yeah alright. -she tells herself she won't drink, she'll just dance.- 
RYAN: -hops off the hover board.-
NELLIE: -Well there are other things to do at clubs besides drink.-  
NELLIE: -Anyways the moment Ryan hops off is when Nellie hops up and mounts his board before once more offering her a hand.- Here cum on up. Dunt worry I can balance us both, and its faster tuh get tuh this place I know.
RYAN: well up i go again. -takes his hand and hikes back up onto the board.- where we headed? i probably know it.
NELLIE: I like this place called The Aquarium. Its gut all those surfaces that are really fish tanks. Its batt shit awe sum! 
NELLIE: Oh kay suh hold ontuh me so yuh dont go flying off. Oh and once we start moving I wont be able tuh keep reading yur lips cus I'll be focusing ahead. if yuh need sumthing just tap me, oh kay? -Once she is up and steady, Nellie kicks them off and they start zooming through the air at high speeds. Its only because he has a passenger that Nellie wont show off and do flips.-
RYAN: -read her lips? HE WAS DEAF THIS WHOLE TIME AND DIDN'T TELL HER? wow. incredible. except she doesn't even care. she holds onto him with one arm and waves an ok hand :ok_hand: in his face before they take off.-
NELLIE: -He forgets to tell people Ryan. Nellie used to advertise it more but over the years he has gotten so used to reading lips and speaking without sign language that it just slips his mind most of the time. Also he doesnt see why it would matter either.- 
NELLIE: -Thanks to his speedy flight skills, they arrive outside the club before too long. Nellie slowly lowers the board closer to the ground so they can hop off.- Ladies first.
RYAN: oh thank you. :yum: -plops onto her feet and steps away fro mthe board to give him room, also to approach the building. she's definitely familiar with it. if she recalls correctly, it was fairly new before she left skaia. but maybe she's thinking of something else. her memory of that time is pretty hazy at this point.
NELLIE: -Once Ryan is safely at a distance Nellie dismounts his board and before he hits the ground he stores it back into his sylladex. How cool is he? Not at all...- 
NELLIE: Oh kay suh we heading straight in? -Offers Ryan his arm.-
RYAN: -was he being cool? she didn't even see because she zoned out, but her attention snaps back to him when he speaks. it takes a moment to register the question and the arm being offered to her, but she loops hers in his and nods.- 
RYAN: lets do this shit.
NELLIE: -Aww thats okay, she will get other chances to see him try and be cool later.- 
NELLIE: -Maybe.- 
NELLIE: Hell yah. -He is going to walk her up to the doorman, they dont even have to wait in line too long and as long as they both flash their IDs (Nellie will cover the entrance fee for Ryan) they get in without any hassle.- 
NELLIE: -Inside the club music is pounding, people are crowded on the dance floor which is see through into a large tank filled with all sorts of strange and wondrous sea life, and there are drink servers dressed in dazzling mermaid themes. There are cocktail menus based on shipwrecks and tropical fish, and the several bars placed around the club and each one features tanks of different species of small critter, from colorful nudibranchs to hue flashing cuttlefish. Its an all over kind of ridiculous venue.-
RYAN: -yeeees. she is all about this aesthetic and that bass is already infecting her, getting her pumped up and bringing her right back to the frequent evenings she spent in clubs just like this one.- 
RYAN: -bobs and shimmies into the crowd, dragging nellie with her. she'll make her way to the bar eventually, but first she has to dance her way through all these people. and sing along to the music playing, of course. she turns towards nellie to dance at him. GET IN ON THIS BRO.-
NELLIE: -Now it is his turn to be led. Nellie laughs as Ryan pulls him into the crowds after her, and when she starts to dance he is only a little hesitant to join her. Usually he is not a big dancing person given that he has a hard time noticing rhythm, but clubs like these always blast the music hard enough that he can physically feel the beat and thats why he likes this place.- 
NELLIE: -He is going to gently hip check Ryan, watching her sing but hardly being able to make sense of it anyways.- Heheh!
RYAN: -she's a firm believer that you don't need to have rhythm to dance... you just need it to be GOOD. and being good ain't what dancing is about.- oohp! -laughs and bumps him back with her big butt. then falls into a butt bumping rhythm.-
NELLIE: -Good thing its not about being good because hes really not. But he can butt bump! And he will keep it going so long as she does.- 
NELLIE: Oh kay suh yuh can ride a hover board and dance?? Daaayyyuuummm!!
RYAN: im skilled in all sorts of things. -snickers and starts wiggling her way in the direction of the bar. mimes throwing a lasso at him and pulling him in to follow.-
NELLIE: Um I bettah get tuh see the rest of these things then. -Yes please guide him around. Truth be told its great to just follow around a strong personality person sometimes, and Ryan fits this criteria for him.- 
NELLIE: -Hes going to slide up to the bar next to her tough and start looking over drinks.- 
NELLIE: Wuts yur poison?
RYAN: -it's ALL poison.- mmm... -it's a little overwhelming since she hasn't really been to a club where she can order GOOD drinks in a while. she's mostly been dipping into the hard lemonades when she's feeling weak.- 
RYAN: ill take a blushing margarita first off.
NELLIE: Blushing marga rida? -He hasn't heard of that one before, but hey learn something knew each time you go to the bar. Hes going to flag down the bar tender for the both of them and order her one, and a screwdriver for himself.- 
 NELLIE: -They are quickly prepared and placed in front of the two of them on little anchor themed coasters. Nellie sips his the moment is ready and turns to chin hand at Ryan.- What do yuh think of this place so far?
RYAN: -SCHLOOORP.- i think its the bees fucking knees my dude.
RYAN: i was right tho... ive been here before. its just been a while.
NELLIE: Yah? How cum? Yuh got another place yuh like tuh go tuh now?
NELLIE: This is my personal fave I think.
NELLIE: I really like watching all the fish ell oh ell. -He snickers and sips more of his drink.-
RYAN: mmm. well... 
RYAN: last time i was here it was before i moved. 
RYAN: see i moved from skaia to lopan for a while. 
RYAN: but i ended up comin back a few months ago. and uh... i havent done much social drinking since then. -says this guiltily... but nothing she can't drown down.-
NELLIE: -Dont worry Ryan he isnt going to pry. Nellie is a strong believer in leaving the past in the past.- 
NELLIE: Aww well thanks for cuming out with me tuhnight if its not usually yur thing.
NELLIE: Also well come back tuh skaia!
NELLIE: Consider this yur late homecoming.
RYAN: thanks man. -yeah... she's definitely not gonna elaborate if he doesn't ask. sips this drink.- 
RYAN: maybe ill join ya from now on if you frequent this place.
NELLIE: Um Im all abut that? 
NELLIE: Im always looking for new pals tuh hangout with. -Gives her a fangy grin.- 
NELLIE: I dunt always go here though. I also dunt mind partying in the cumforts of hive yuh know?
RYAN: yeah dude thats got its merits too. 
RYAN: if you wanna low key kinda party. which isnt always my thing necessarily... im a go big or go home kinda gal. 
RYAN: ... -sips- a bad analogy. but you get what i mean.
NELLIE: -Raises a brow at her.- Yah? 
NELLIE: Sounds like yuh know how tuh have a gud time. Got tuh say its been a while since I've intentionally gone hard at anything.
NELLIE: I kinda am used tuh coasting over a long period of time.
RYAN: hahah thats probably smarter anyways. 
RYAN: but what the fuck is moderation i ask.
NELLIE: A suggestion probubly?
NELLIE: At least thats how I take it. 
NELLIE: Treat yurself yuh know.
RYAN: -laughs a little about that. hoo boy... that's some shitty piece of advice right there, but she really is not equipped to argue with it. not when deep down it's something she agrees with anyways.- 
RYAN: darn fucking tootin. -downs this drink and flags the bar tender over for another. it begins.-
NELLIE: -Oh shit, she finished that quick. Nellie doesn't want to seem like a light weight to his new club buddy, so of course as Ryan flags down the bar tender he swings back the last of his vodka and orange juice in one go so he can get another and they can be even.- (Shiiiit.) 
NELLIE: Oh kay Ryanne we should like. 
NELLIE: Yuh should tell me more about yuh. Or wait like. We culd play a game like tuh lies one truth. 
NELLIE: Or whutever its called hahah.
NELLIE: I want tuh know more about yuh.
RYAN: oooo i love games like that. 
RYAN: let me think. :thinking: -grabs her new drink and sips thoughtfully.- 
RYAN: ok i got it.
RYAN: my mom is a famous musician. :microphone:
RYAN: this isnt my natural eye color. :eye:
RYAN: ive never ridden a horse before. :horse:
NELLIE: OOooooohh oh kay, oh kay um. 
NELLIE: -Squints at her as he thinks.- Yuh said yuh sing. And yuh can dance... suh the mom thing might be true... 
NELLIE: Im pretty sure thats yur eye color...
NELLIE: Nuh, I'm going tuh say yuh have never ridden a horse befur.
RYAN: ding dong you are wrong. 
RYAN: my mom IS famous. you ever heard of robyn saint?
NELLIE: -Dramatic gasp.- 
NELLIE: The Rob bin saint????? 
NELLIE: ....pfft nuh, I'm not really a big music guy.
RYAN: wow i cant imagine WHY. 
RYAN: shes kind of niche anyway so im not surprised when people havent heard of her. plus she hasnt been super active for a while... kind of a moldy oldie lmao. 
RYAN: anyways ive DEF ridden a horse before. 
RYAN: my big brother used to take a bunch of us kids in the family to horse ranches because hes like unhealthily obsessed with horses.
NELLIE: Hahah wow.
NELLIE: I saw a horse like. Once.
NELLIE: -Finishes his second drink and places the glass down on the bar with a pleasant sigh.-
NELLIE: Oh kay suh my turn then? Hmm.
NELLIE: I graduated wuth a degree in arow-dinamics. 
NELLIE: Ive never been ahrested. 
NELLIE: I'm lactose intollerint.
RYAN: ooooo tough... :thinking:
RYAN: im gonna say you got an aerodynamics degree. 
RYAN: becaaause i choose to believe theres a fun story behind you getting arrested and also that you dont suffer from an affliction as terrible as lactose intolerance.
NELLIE: I cant touch cheez without suffuring. And also I never finished school feeding ell em ay oh. -He snickers.-
RYAN: damn!! thats the saddest thing that ever got said. 
RYAN: the cheese thing... ive never gotten proper schooling either haha.
RYAN: :eyes: but you have been arrested?
NELLIE: Yahhh it sucks majer bulge.... Still doesnt stahp me from eating it though. 
NELLIE: -Orders himself a third screw driver.- And eyup. 
NELLIE: I went tuh jail for like a month tuh. It wus a real long time ago.
NELLIE: Yuh are technically looking at a reformed felon.
RYAN: :scream:
RYAN: can i ask what you did?
NELLIE: Heh well... 
NELLIE: -Sips more drank.- 
NELLIE: Mostly shop lifting.
RYAN: oooo mostly. i cant believe im fraternizing with a deliquent. -snickers- 
RYAN: ol sticky fingers nellie.
NELLIE: Hahaha yuh thats me. 
NELLIE: I wus a thief. -Among other things...-
NELLIE: Now I just fly ships and get high on thuh weekends.
RYAN: takes breaks from flying high to fly high. sounds like a good life to me. 
RYAN: im still... between careers lol. i think i mentioned that. i cant remember.
NELLIE: Yuh might of but I didnt remember either though haha. 
NELLIE: Thats oh kay though.
NELLIE: -Taps his fingers on the bar.- Hmm.
NELLIE: Also like. 
NELLIE: If its a gud life yuh want to try. Its still kind of the week end?
RYAN: ... -I shouldn't, I really really shouldn't. she keeps telling herself that.- 
RYAN: i mean i aint about to deny the invitation.
NELLIE: -He is grinning more now and straightens himself up.- Well shit. 
NELLIE: Then like. I've gut stuff at my place? Yuh know anything about Wish?
RYAN: -finishes up THIS drink quickly too.- sure ive heard of it. 
RYAN: never tried it before tho.
NELLIE: -:eyes:- 
NELLIE: Duh yuh want tuh?
NELLIE: I'm a little new tuh it tuh but. 
NELLIE: I like it. A friend shared it with me suh its only right i give the same chance tuh another.
RYAN: sharing is caring after all... 
RYAN: lets do it.
NELLIE: It shure as hell is. -He winks back and then slides the bar tender money for the drinks they've had so far.- 
NELLIE: We culd head there now, or keep hanging out here for a while more but. 
NELLIE: If we duh stay here I'm cutting mahself off suh I can still fly us back safe.
NELLIE: Its up tuh yuh, Ryanne.
RYAN: hmmmm. 
RYAN: eh we can split. im feeling a little crowded anyways.
NELLIE: Well in that cayse. -He stands up from the barstool and offers Ryan his arm.- 
NELLIE: Can I escort yuh out, buddy?
RYAN: -slides off and loops arms with him once again.- such a gentleman.
NELLIE: I try. Cunsider it making up for being an ex con. 
NELLIE: -He is going to lead her through the crowds and out the nearest exit then. When they get back outside into the fresh night air Nellie decaptchalogs his board again and once more will help Ryan up onto it with him. He's not too wobbly despite having three drinks in him.- I'm fifteen minnuts from here, suh same rules as last time tap if yuh need somethin!
RYAN: -she's feeling a little woozy after getting onto her feet, which is strange to her. her tolerance used to be much higher but then again she's been sober for like 9 months now. she nods in understanding, clambering up onto the board with him.- 
RYAN: right right i got you.
NELLIE: Oh kay then hold on tight! -Once he says that Nellie is zooming up into the night sky. He goes pretty fast, but stays in control the whole time. Zipping through the air on a hoverboard is like second nature to him after all these years.- 
NELLIE: -They arrive at his apartment building in the time that was promised. More specifically they arrive on the roof and Nellie leads Ryan down a set of fire escapes after tucking away his hoverboard again. After that he just slides open the window to the livingroom and presto!- Heh, hivestem sweet hivestem. 
 NELLIE: -He slides on in and then will give Ryan a hand if she needs help getting in.- Pretty sure mah roommate is out until wednesday but if yuh feel like sumthing is watching yuh thats probubly her ell oh ell. 
NELLIE: -The place isnt too fancy. But its got a decent kitchen, and furniture. There is one full bathroom and two bedrooms that branch off from the living room.-
RYAN: -thanks for the help friendo. she slips inside, pointedly ignoring the gut feeling she has that this whole situation is wrong and she should know better. she doesn't even know nellie that well, and yet she's throwing caution to the wind and accepting drugs from an acquaintance someplace she's unfamiliar with. just like the good old days...- 
RYAN: its cool im always down to be watched. 
RYAN: -distracts herself from her inner turmoil by wandering around the place, inspecting anything and everything there is to look at.-
NELLIE: -Its a nice place! Its well lit and there are video games and movies on the shelf by the tv. The couch is covered with strewn blankets (Whoops he didnt know he'd have company) but overall its pretty homey.- Oh kay yuh chill out for two seconds I'm going tuh get the stuff. Bee are bee. 
NELLIE: -He waves her towards the sitting area and she can sit on the couch or the arm chair near the coffee table. Nellie slips towards one of the back rooms, and when he comes bag he has an old fiduspawn card tin in his hands.-
RYAN: -flops onto the couch and makes herself cozy, looking around until he returns.- oh shit is it time to duel?
NELLIE: -The blankets are very cozy, soft and clean smelling if she wants to get super comfy.- Heh, yah always??
NELLIE: -Sits himself on the floor and puts the tin on the coffee table before opening it. Inside is a collection of weed, cigarettes, a nasal spray bottle, and then a bunch of these strange body patches.- 
 NELLIE: -He takes out the bottle and a patch.- Oh kay suh yuh have got options here. I never used this spray but its a more direct and faster high? Suh yuh can use it if yuh want. Im a fan of these though. -Holds up the patch.- 
NELLIE: It melts intuh yur skin over time suh its a longer lasting high.
RYAN: hmm... -considers her options carefully.- 
RYAN: okay like. 
RYAN: its not gonna kill me if i take a shot of this and then slap on a patch is it? 
RYAN: im talking immediate health risks. im well beyond the long term kind.
NELLIE: Proububly not? I mean I did tuh patches at once this one time.
NELLIE: But yuh are going tuh feel that shit pfft.
NELLIE: Its kind of a high like weed. But more in the front of yur pan if yuh get that?
NELLIE: Makes shit heavy and light at the same time. Warms yuh up.
RYAN: oh okay that doesnt sound so bad. 
RYAN: -grabs that nasal spray.- gonna get me a WHIFF. -examines this bottle to assess how it's used before she does the honors. WHOOF. she seems a little surprised, blinking and shaking her head after it tickles up her nose.- 
RYAN: alright alright. now slap me with one of those thingers. i dunno where the ideal place to stick it is.
NELLIE: -Watches her figure out the spray and snickers a little as he hands her a patch.- Peel off the back first. And I like tuh put them on the small of mah back. 
NELLIE: Or shoulder. -He takes a patch for himself, peels off the back and lifts his shirt and sticks it on the skin of his shoulder. Nellie then rubs the patch just to warm it up faster so his body can absorb it sooner.-
RYAN: -peels off the back of the patch and lifts up her shirt around her middle, slapping it onto her back. depending on where he's sitting, he might catch a glimpse of the tattoo covering almost all of her back when she leans over.- 
RYAN: cool. now the party can truly begin.
NELLIE: Hehe hell yah. Let me know if yuh want snacks or sumthing tuh? Ive got stuff tuh munch on. 
NELLIE: -He just catches the sight of her tat out of the corner of his eye and he leans a little to try and see more of it.- Oooh. 
 NELLIE: Thats sick looking? Yur tattoo.
RYAN: oh yeah. let me give you the full experience. -lifts her the back of her shirt up higher since it goes all the way up to her shoulder blades. a beautiful blue and pink peacock tattoo stretches over the expanse of her skin.- 
RYAN: okay its not the full experience because otherwise id be flashing my ass at you.
NELLIE: Pfft. Well thanks. -But still :eyes: all over the designs.- Wow. 
 NELLIE: Nuh seriously thats sum amazing werk.April 20, 2017
RYAN: right? theyve got some killer tattoo artists on lopan. 
RYAN: you ever go there much? i bet youd be into that scene.
NELLIE: -Shakes his head.- Nahh. But now it's on my list ell oh ell. 
NELLIE: Whut kind of place is it?
RYAN: shit dude its like the night life planet. 
RYAN: great for partying. great for artsy folk. but thats in the cities. 
RYAN: in the desert its junker city like its star wars or some shit.
NELLIE: Wait junkers? Whut can yuh buy parts out there? -Hes all about old ship junk.-
NELLIE: If suh then yah this seems like a place I need tuh guh tuh ay ess ay pee.
RYAN: -smirks and nods- yeah exactly like that. 
RYAN: makes sense. most of you space truckers are into that it seems like. -tilts her head, resting it on her hand and equilibrium seems thrown off so suddenly she almost falls over to the side. whoa there. guess this shit is kicking in and she's got lead in her head, but it must be the airiness keeping her upright..- 
RYAN: im feeling it mister krabs.
NELLIE: -Ryan please do not fall over, he would feel real bad if you did.- Oh em gee. 
NELLIE: Well take it easy oh kay? -His is a slower building high, but Nellie can really start to feel his body warm up as the drugs are absorbed into his system.- Ahh its the shit though rite?
RYAN: its real nice dude... im starting to chill way the fuck out now. hahaha. -passes a hand through her hair.- 
RYAN: you said something about snacks?
NELLIE: I probubly did. 
NELLIE: Yuh like popcorn. Chips?
RYAN: why not both?
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
I felt the love finally at the Women’s March, but what do we do tomorrow?
Fear for the world my unborn daughter would inherit spurred me to join the march but on the day I wanted to see more rage, more action, more chanting
The night before the Womens March in DC, my best friend McKetta and I lay on the floor with her hand tucked under the waist of my maternity jeans, waiting for the baby to kick.
Five months earlier, Id gotten pregnant on purpose, and the nausea of my first trimester had coincided with the election. My husband and I found out it was a girl just in time to watch Hillary lose at which point the usual pregnancy neuroses (Will she survive gestation?) spun out into broader, abstract fears about the new world order (If she does survive, then what?).
Like any desperate, lazy person, I turned to the internet for answers, eventually Googling something along the lines of, What the hell do I do now? Various listicles popped up, a mix of sarcastic and sage advice on how to best expend ones energy in the wake of Trumps triumph, and one said to sign up for the Womens March. So I called McKetta, who was skeptical but said shed meet me, and now, here we were.
I dont feel anything, she said.
I shook my head. Me neither.
The next day at the Womens March rally, I waited to feel something. And when Ashley Judd gave her speech a mangled, rambling, beat poetry thing, where she amped up her southern accent and likened modern-day microagressions to black slavery and the Holocaust I felt a little like Id taken acid (bad acid).
McKetta and I wondered what was wrong with us. Had all those conservative takes about the march being a hysterical white woman thing soured us against the catharsis wed promised ourselves? There were so many things to feel glad about: we were here, other people were here, the place was packed, it was glorious. People estimated that at least 500,000 had shown up. Yet we felt frozen. It was as if our emotions had petrified at some point after the election.
Earlier that morning, our hosts (who work in government and wished to remain anonymous), reminded McKetta and me to write our blood types and medication allergies on our arms in Sharpie. People were saying the march could turn ugly, and if we arrived at the hospital unconscious, the doctors would need to know certain things. I reached for the pen and wrote PREGNANT on my wrist, along with everything else. Now I felt stupid about it. Nothing really crazy had occurred. The most dangerous thing Id encountered so far was the slippery bathroom floor at Fudruckers, where a woman had fallen into my arms, and I had held her like a baby.
En route to the march, we had passed a clothing store display window, in which mannequins had been dressed and positioned as protesters, holding placards to advertise mens wrinkle-free dress shirts. (FIGHT THE POWERS THAT CREASE!)
And I felt a little like that now: an automaton, holding a nonsense sign, trying to sell something. I wanted to see more rage, more action, more chanting. Perhaps I was hoping that with more anger on display, whatever Id been holding inside since the election whatever emotions had petrified would finally thaw.
Personally, I feel dead inside, McKetta commiserated. Like, I wish I could open my cold dead heart to this, but maybe part of the reason Im so closed off is because this feels really good, and Im not allowed to feel good because nothing is fine. She looked up at me. You know what this is like? Its like those uplifting photos of veterans coming home to brand new golden retrievers, and you feel so moved, because theyve got this friend but then you catch yourself, like, wait. Thats not the war.
While we waited to march (there was some down time between the rallying and the actual marching) we killed time on Pennsylvania Avenue, where men shook Womens March T-shirts in our faces, hassling us to buy feminist souvenirs. One guy tugged my coat sleeve. Buy one shirt, get one hug, he leered.
I feel like this is a really complicated instance of sexual harassment, mumbled McKetta.
Women were all shaking their signs, and cheering with and for one another women of all ages and colors and shapes, women who drove forward side by side in electric wheelchairs, or strollers, or on rollerskates and we marched with our sisters straight past a begging homeless woman, who was hungry, and whom everyone ignored.
Kathleen Hale and McKetta at the Womens March in Washington. Photograph: Jason Hornick for the Guardian
Almost everyone around us, including me, was wearing a pink handknit hat with little ears, or pussyhats. Someone had gifted me one for the march, enclosing a little pamphlet that explained pussyhats would be a way to reappropriate the language Trump had used to shame us, while also aesthetically uniting the rally. I wondered whether the pussyhats, as a visual unifier, were in some ways compensating for a lack of coherent ideological agenda. So far, the prevailing criticism of the march had been that it touted no clear message, no clear demands.
Sure weve got different signs, different agendas, one woman reassured me, when I asked her about this. But that doesnt point to an overall fractured agenda. Its because Trump has hurt us in so many different ways, so were reacting in different ways.
The Republicans have done a better job of consolidating issues, she continued. What works against [the Democrats] is our inclusivity weve got a huge diversity of thought that could be misinterpreted by some as discrepancies. She jutted out her chin, nodding at an ugly Trump effigy that someone was holding. But Id rather be inclusive and too nice than hateful and bigoted, like him.
I guess thats what is so great about women: we were peaceful. We would not play into negative presumptions about us by sidetracking our cause with violence.
Underneath the cheering, you could hear endless compliments of one anothers clothes or choice of signage, and thousands of muffled apologies issued between women as they pushed through the tide of the march en route to meet friends or find port-a-potties because thats what women do when they need to get in your way and have no reason to hate you: they apologize.
Its part of the problem, but its also what makes being around them feel so safe.
Next to me, a daughter climbed on her mothers back for a better view and laughed, squealing at the sight of so much pink.
Something in me shifted. I felt tears prick my eyes. A teenager turned to me, her eyes haloed in glitter, and said, I cried too, when I saw everybody here like this, together all of us, and looking so, so strong.
Are you OK? McKetta asked, taking my hand. A few people noticed the gesture and started to cheer, waving rainbow flags in ecstasy.
Just pregnant, I said.
But I felt something not just my daughters feet on my bladder (which was also happening) but a sense of re-engagement. Like maybe if I could stay close to other women, not necessarily 500,000 at a time, but close to a few at all times, my daughter would be OK, and learn to love and defend and champion other daughters, no matter who they were, and no matter who was president. I cared about these people. I didnt know them, but I cared. And I felt that, even if some of their current excitement about McKetta and me had to do with their thinking we were lesbians, they cared about us too, and that together, we were better, and that the world, or at least our communities, might become better, too, because of us.
Hours later, as the march petered out, moods were high. Police allowed our crowds to walk directly down the center of Pennsylvania Avenue, which is called Americas Main Street, even though it had not been permitted for our march. We stopped to boo outside the Trump International Hotel, taking breaks to commiserate about our lives and political beliefs and hopes for the future.
Suddenly, the only Trump supporter Id seen all day yelled down from a flight of stone steps, Welcome to Trump Land! He laughed at us, this big, performative, maniacal laugh, eyes shaded by the red hat. And in response, a man leapt from our crowd and attacked him. It was horrifying, these two fat men, punching and tearing at each other. And all of us, all the women, in unison, began screaming at them, chanting, Stop, stop, stop!
They heard us. The dudes stopped. We shamed them into stopping.
On this one corner our peacefulness had produced tangible results. Thousands of us had shown up, for ourselves and each other. It was amazing. We all agreed. I returned to our hosts apartment feeling full of hope. But later that night, at dinner, one of our hosts told us a story that made me pause about how when they were young, they used to sit with their friends around this big, spool table, high on acid.
And wed figure out the universe. Wed figure out the whole universe! But I was always the one who said, Wait, guys what do we do in the morning?
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from I felt the love finally at the Women’s March, but what do we do tomorrow?
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