#im cupioromantic so
tessahhhh · 2 months
Hold on let me just draw ACME ocs because I’m bored and have bad cramps :3
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Cynthia Goodwells
As you guessed it, Veronica and Naveah’s little sister.
You can say her new family paid off, as she works for ACME now.
The only kid with yellow eyes.
Dyed her hair white to remind herself of Veronica.
Has a sweet personality like Naveah. Also a bit shy, and has a quiet tone.
She has two cats, Coffee and Caramel.
She has a best friend (maybe lil crush, because idk why not, oc x oc is cool) named Xane. (So unique right guys)
Also is friends with Julia, they love history.
Whenever Cynthia is a bit stressed, focusing really hard, or just a bit nervous, she taps her foot on the ground. Or, she starts to play with her hair. She doesn’t like to do it, it gets her foot all tired.
Has her own office, as she needs a semi-quiet space to work. Cynthia gets agitated when there are multiple clicks of computer keys at once. It makes her distracted.
Her office was designed by Cynthia herself, she wanted it to fit her needs.
Has a picture of her as a baby with her adoptive parents. Also has another picture of her as a baby but with Naveah and Veronica instead.
Cynthia never understood why her siblings left her, or where they went. She misses them, sometimes it makes her upset just to think of them. She thinks it’s her fault.
Whenever she has one of those moments where she’s upset, she usually goes to Xane’s office to just…talk and relax. He really helps her a lot, and she’s glad he exists.
Dino hands sometimes, mostly when she’s comfortable :3
Also, was the second to agree that Carmen Sandiego wasn’t evil. She’s on the bandwagon just like Julia is.
Has seen Carmen Sandiego before, as in try to capture her with the rest of the ACME agents. But no luck, and decided in her head that it wasn’t the best approach at all.
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Xane Johnson (I cannot draw legs please help)
A close friend of Cynthia’s, who’s also really smitten with her. (He’s so in love)
He’s a bit of a shy one, but works well with people nonetheless.
His tone is more soft than anything, he thinks it makes him sound weak.
Is also on the bandwagon, agreeing with Cynthia and Julia that Carmen is far from evil. (Did they say that? Idk, been awhile since I rewatched)
Xane is smart enough to tell when Cynthia isn’t feeling her best. Usually tries to cheer her up when she’s down, which works eventually.
Xane lives in an apartment, Cynthia is his roommate. So whenever they need to finish on work, they do it together in the living room.
An only child, so he doesn’t know what it’s like to have siblings.
Been with Cynthia to try and capture the infamous Carmen Sandiego. But has paused after Cynthia figured another solution out.
Mostly spends his time with Cynthia.
(Idk what other hcs to list soooo I’m done :^)
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aroarachnid · 1 year
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various moodboards i made for aro day ^-^
lmk if u have any requests! <2
💖 💖 💖 🤍 🤍 🤍 💜 💜 💜
💛 💛 💛 🤍 🤍 🤍 💚 💚 💚
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daily-starlo · 4 months
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[Day 15]
happy aromantic awareness week!!!
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here's the flag i used as a reference! 👍
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risetherivermoon · 26 days
hhhmmmm cupioromantic normal on the brain...
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snowiwyvern · 6 days
pride month starts today!!! time to talk about my totally epic labels
i usually just call myself queer when i want to be vague, but im specifically aroace and nonbinary and i use they/them pronouns cuz i am awesome like that
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junebuggeryy · 1 year
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i wasnt going to post these but they're telling me im visible today
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thinking abt how not a lot of ppl talk abt (or maybe they do and it’s me!! im the issue here i haven’t met them so if ur seeing this hmu!!) how tiring and downright cruel being in love can be for a person. maybe cruel is a strong word but it can be so very disturbing having to think abt a person all the time and I am by no means trying to say that being in love with someone is a- full time commitment and a job and it requires you to put in the hours and shi- but js the feeling part of it.
I canNOT be the only one thinking it’s not all that perfect and that when we go high we go high but when we go low we go so fucking low that im abt two millimetres from touching the ground after falling from a 80feet roller coaster drop.
And by lows i don’t mean the ups and downs however subjective this may be from person to person- i mean LOW like there’s nothing the other persons doing to make you feel this way but it’s js the act of being left in ur own company and being so sickeningly preoccupied w thoughts of them that it’s physically making you sick.
Not disgustingly sick just- sick. Like this is affecting me both mentally and physically. I’m not irked out by them im not disgusted but im just on edge??
I feel nauseous and distracted and disturbed bcs I cant stop thinking abt them and it’s leaving me restless and incapacitated to carry on w my day?? and suddenly I don’t feel like eating anymore im subconsciously skipping meals and consistently depending on what they have to say which is robbing me off my will to js be by myself??
Again they’ve done NOTHING wrong to cause this. I have never not felt deeply abt a situation. love doesn’t sound overwhelming to me love sounds dangerous. it’s taking “butterflies in my stomach” to another level and idk how I feel abt that
Being sexually fluid and shifting from being cupioromantic to being in a relationship with someone can be so frightening bcs now im supposed to do everything I’ve never done before
I have genuinely (in the least self pity way possible) been so devoid of romantic intimacy that I’ve never found myself in the position to experience it. And it’s not the inexperience that’s driving me mad it’s the fact that I’ve subconsciously rejected affection and the idea of being the object of attraction so much that it’s physically uncomfortable to be unknowingly doing things that I’d never do before.
I love them and I still want to be with them. They’re not the problem here but the aftermath of being in love is just not spoken about enough and MAYBE IM GOJNG NOWHERE W THIS
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true-autistic-tales · 3 months
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tabsters · 10 months
"all this media is making this newest generation gay" jokes on you dad you got two queer kids now
my little sister just came out as on the aromantic spectrum and i am so fucking proud of her
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deer-radio-host · 4 months
Did you know theirs multiple types of Asexuality
Not sexually attracted to people / no type
Not interested in sex but interested in love
Being uninterested in both
interested in sex but not in relationships
Now you know the different ASexualities
Which one are you Alister
I- what?
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denzartriste · 3 months
How am i ever going to live down the fact i discovered i was cupioromantic because of a minecraft fanfic. How am i ever going to live down that it was my own fanfic.
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
u know what. if ur queer or an ally, reblog with ur labels (no matter how out there! we love and appreciate everyones personal identities here!) and your fave sonic character with why theyre your fave!!
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thedemisapphic · 2 months
FYI I might be changing my user everywhere from thedemisapphic to thecupiosapphic.
Thinking it over right now. I’ve been questioning if demiromantic works for me for a while now, which is why demi is in my user everywhere. But this feels so much better and I’m happy with it!!
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mx-werebat · 8 months
My identity is so confusing to myself, I just remembered I'm both cupioromantic and romance repulsed and no wonder why I'd cringe every five seconds watching the latest episodes of my favorite show. I should probably wait for the next episode where it isn't focused on something like that. Whoops.
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zeroends · 7 months
Being cupioromantic is all about being so desperate for love you convince yourself you love someone romantically every month only to be wrong. In your joy that you finally got your one wish to be alloromantic, you immediately confess only to find it was purely platonic. So then you decide to keep your relationship because the cute little romantic things you do make you feel a little less dead. Now you let this relationship go for awhile even as it eats away at you because there is nothing real about this relationship. It's just one big lie.
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boylikermenlover · 10 months
show me whatever you'd like sweetheart <3 I bet u still look amazing
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asexual & agender-boy & aromantic
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lgbt+ & gay man & trans & omni
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genderqueer & queer & polyam & achillean
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