#ill let my tattoo artist worry about it once I have the money to get it lol
zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 5 months
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Drew this up as a tattoo idea for me. Been thinking about this one for a while and just finally got around to drawing it lol, probably because I've been thinking more about legend of zelda lately
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kindnessisweakness2 · 3 years
Delusional - Part 9!
When Delaney woke up she didn't recognize anything around her. One thing she did know is she felt like she had been hit by a truck. Looking around her, the dimly lit room was empty apart from a shabby wooden table a few feet infront of her with a camera tripod placed in the centre. Looking down at the uncomfortable chair she was sat in she silently thanked god she was still in her shorts and Jax’s T-shirt she wore yesterday. As her head pounded painfully she tried to think back to yesterday and how the hell she ended up here. She couldnt remember anything after crying in the bathroom as Jax left. Jax. Oh God. He was probably hauled up with Tara making up for lost time. he probably didnt even know she was gone. Tears welled in her eyes as she realised no one was looking for her. No one knew she was gone. Before she could let herself panic too much the heavy steel door to the right of the room was slammed open. Out walked Kevin and Delaneys stomach dropped heavily. Yes Kevin was weird but he couldnt be the matermind behind this. NO. Delaney was 100% sure there was something else to this. She didnt have to wait long to get her answer either. A few minutes later Alex followed Kevin into the cold room with a video camera held tightly in his hands. Delaney Knew she was right. Her Jaw fell slack as she made eye contact with the man that ruined her life and nearly killed her. The man she was convinced for years she loved deeply. “Hey Babe, Did you miss me?” Alex smirked at the shock that was still clear on he face. “What? W-why? H-how?” Delaney could barley speak never mind stutter the small questions she do desperately wanted answers to. “Oh sweetie ill explain everything dont you worry. But first things first-” Alex raised his finger dramatically and turned to the video camera that now sat firmly on the tripod. Pressing the ON button and connecting a cable it beeped to life. “ I dont think your little Biker Bitch will want to miss out on this.” Before Delaney could say anything a chain was tightly hooked to the handcuffs around her wrists and yanked upwards. In seconds she was hung from the ceiling with her arms suspended above her head. Gasping in pain she clenched her eyes shut tightly. Her shoulders were on fire immediately and her toes barley brushed the damp floor. Glaring at Alex as he came to stand Beside her Delaney scoffed. “So whats the plan? Kill me? Send the video to the club? You know they’ll kill you right? You kill me and Jax will come for your head.” Alex burst out laughing and shook his head. “Oh Baby girl, you’ve grown some balls since you were mine.” Grabbing her face tightly he yanked her forward on the chain so she was closer to the camera. “This is being streamed to the Clubhouse as we speak. Kevin here managed to change the connection at the last beer delivery and you didnt even notice.” Tutting at her sarcastically Alex let go of her face and smiled at her. “Kevin here is a sucker for a pretty face. He fell for you pretty quickly. I find it quite rude you weren’t particularly nice about the gifts he left for you. The notes were me ofcourse. Poor Kevin here doesnt have the same artistic flare as me.” Alex’s smile was sinister as he turned from Delaney to take a Knife from Kevin. Delaney’s stomach turned as he made his way back towards her and grabbed her neck tightly so she couldnt flinch away. The grin on his face made Delaney feel sick as he cut the navy blue SAMCRO T-shirt from her body. She could only hope that whatever it was he had planned for her, he would kill her quick. 
The slamming of the clubhouse door hinted at Jax’s arrival. Half sack had called him to explain what showed up on the bar TV and within minutes every club member and Gemma was crowded around the large screen. Jax’s heart broke as his eyes locked on Delaney’s fearful ones. She was hung from the ceiling in nothing but a black lace bra and black cycle shorts. “So this is what you’ve been planning for the year we’ve been seperated? Finding me a stalker and planning your revenge?” Delaney spat angrily. Kevin stood in the corner just staring ad her as she was suspended half naked in the dirty room and it made her want to vomit. Jax turned up the volume on the TV just as Alex came into view. Looking at his mother Jax’s eyes were on fire with anger. “I thought you said he left her and moved back to England?” Gemma glared at her son. “ And i thought you were meant to be protecting her? You left her and the bastard swooped in and took her! I’m not the only one with some explaining to do am i?!” Jax shook his head and turned back to the screen. Now was not the time to argue with his impossible mother. He needed to focus on finding Delaney. He focused his attention back on the screen just in time to see Alex put the Knife to her neck. “You were mine. You really think i was going to let you go that easy? We would still be together if it wasnt for Jaxon Teller. You didnt care about me anymore once you met him.” Alex Gripped Delaney by the Hair and pulled her head back exposing her neck more. “You’re wrong! About everything.” Gasping in pain as strands of her hair were pulled out by the roots Delaney had to argue. She couldnt let him blame everything on Jax. “You’re just upset you lost your fucking punchbag! You beat me almost every day i was with you for nothing. The day i got that Job at Teller-Morrow was the day i got part of my life back. I wasnt just your housewife anymore. I had my own money and i was saving up to leave you.” Alex stepped away from Delaney his face crimson red with anger, But with tears streaming down her face she continued to tell him the truth. Her Truth. He needed to know just how much of a monster he was. “Then i came home late from a club party late, they’d asked me to work the bar, do you remember? How you accused me of sleeping with every member? How you told me the only thing i was good for was being passed around? That no one would ever want me?! Do you remember Alex? How you beat me so bad my eyes were swollen shut for days. How i was unconscious on our kitchen floor for 2 days. How you stomped on my chest the next morning and broke 4 of my ribs because i physically couldnt get up and make you breakfast! How you made me clean ourhouse on my hands and knees because i was in too weak, in too much pain to stand!” Alex scoffed as Delaney sobbed. “You fucking deserved it! You were sleeping with Teller behind my back! you just wanted to get rid of me so you could be with him. you never paid me any attention and hung around him like a desperate whore. You think i dont remember those times i came to pick you up from work to see you flirting with him right infront of my face. Laughing and Giggling like a teenage school girl! You were practically begging for him!” 
Grabbing hold of the chain Delaney was tied to he spun her around. Delaney knew what was coming next and couldnt help but squeeze her eyes shut in fear. “You didn't waste any time did you you bitch? you got his crow tattooed across your shoulders. Isn’t that how that sordid little club marks women as theirs?” Delaney stayed silent and hung her head as she felt Alex press the knife into the middle of her back where Jax’s initals sat underneath the black crow in flight that stretched across her upper back and shoulders. “Its not like that.” Delaney muttered as tears welled in her eyes. “Oh did he mark you as his then threw you away like the cheap little bitch you always have been? Poor Delaney, no one ever wanted you so you throw yourself at the first man that looks your way.” More tears fell from her eyes as she Shook her head, “You know NOTHING about him. He’s more of a man than you’ll EVER be. He’s a good person, Hes loyal and he would do anything for family. You? Youre a fucking coward.” Alex’s face was like thunder. Pulling the chain hard making her yelp in pain as she was quickly turned to face him he punched her in the face making her swing backwards. Feeling the blood run down her lips Delaney grinned as she met Alex’s brown eyes. “Point proven! You’ll put your hands on a woman but you’d never hit a man. As a Great friend of mine would say you’re a Slimy Wee Bastard.” Her heart clenched painfully as she thought of Chibs he was like a father to her and she wouldnt even get to say goodbye. 
Back at the Club house the other members of SAMCRO couldnt hide their shock at the revelation that Delaney had Jax’s Crow. “You marked her?” Clay nearly exploded. “You marked her as shes not even your old lady?!” Gemma didnt even jumped to her sons defence as Clay shoved Jax hard. “Its not like that. It just happened!” Jax didnt bother trying to explain. There was so much more they didnt know about his and Delaneys relationship. “But what if she wants to be with another guy? Maybe another member?” Jax lunged for the prospect at the thought of his girl being with someone else. “O-or E-even a-another guy. J-just a normal regular guy?” Juice smacked Half sack around the head for his stupidity as Opie pulled Jax back from ripping the prospect apart. “Can we please focus on trying to find her? Every minute she’s with that psycho is another minute we are closer to him Killing her.” Gemma refocused everyones attention back on the screen trying to find anything that looked familiar in the room. The needed to work out where this Idiot would take her. Jax mentally made one promise as he watched Delaneys terrified eyes. Once he had her safe in his arms. There was no way he was ever letting her go.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What internet browser do you use?  Chrome. It’s what I’m used to, but I also think it looks the cleanest among the other available browsers.
What brand water do you drink? (Smart Water, Dasani, etc) I never reach for imported water brands like Evian because what is the point?? The local bottled water brands we have like Summit and Absolute work fine and already do a great job of quenching my thirst.
Do you have a job? Yes and I go back tomorrow and I’m cringing thinking about it. I love my job, but I wish it wasn’t so mercilessly hectic for 9 straight hours, 5 days a week. I like to think that I was hired right at the start of all the simultaneous Christmas campaigns of our clients which is why everything seemed busy; so I’m hoping the workload will start to die down a little bit now that all the holidays are over.
Are you full-time or part-time? Full-time.
Are you watching TV right now?  Nope. I was watching on YouTube earlier, but I decided to focus on this.
Or are you listening to music? No. It’s silent here in the living room, just the way I want it to currently be.
Would you go to jail for 3 years for $1,000,000? I don’t think that’s enough money for a dare that big.
When's your birthday?  April 21st.
Thoughts on kids?  I’m a lot less idealistic about them now. I used to want kids with my only formula being “I’ll do the exact opposite of what my mom did with me.” but I realized it’s so much more complicated than that. Raising a kid/kids is a whole damn job in itself and I see that with how my cousins of the same age, but from different families, have been acting. My cousins from one family are really spoiled and entitled, and I can’t last in a room with them for more than a minute; but my cousins in another family are so ridiculously well-behaved I can’t even start to fathom how respectful and kind they are. That observation has scared me away from kids in the meantime, because I still have to figure out how to not fuck such a responsibility up.
Worst punishment you've ever received by your parents?  The worst thing they ever did was take away my laptop privileges for an indefinite period when I was 11, when they caught me being a dumbass on social media and cursing all over the place. It’s a reasonable punishment per se, but that was also a time when the internet was starting to become a resource and requirement for homework and school projects; so my parents didn’t know how many things I failed to submit because they didn’t allow me on the internet.
Are you the type who is completely against abortion? I am pro-choice and pro-pregnant people should be allowed to make decisions about their own bodies. I don’t like the idea of abortion, but I’ve always believed people should have access to resources to learn more about it, to a healthy culture that embraces it as an option, and to actual facilities that will enable them to receive one if the need be.
Have you ever read a book that actually changed your outlook on life? No, I don’t think so. Not yet at least.
Does your favorite flower hold any meaning to you? Peonies don’t mean anything in particular. I just think they look pretty.
What would you do if your favorite animal became endangered?  I can’t imagine dogs ever getting endangered, but hypothetically I’d be crushed. I’d do the same thing I would do with other endangered animals, which is to spread the word about their situation and what can be done to save them from getting even fewer in number.
Have you ever owned an expensive eyeshadow palette?  No. I never cared for makeup. I’m turning 23 and still don’t feel the need to invest in it...should I be worried?
Do you own a tripod for your camera? We used to, but I have not seen it in a long time.
Are your nails always painted?  They never are.
What's one thing you've had a toxic reaction to? A breakup. < This was true for me too, at least for a time. Another one would be the barbecue that my uncle bought for a family gathering once that was definitely contaminated with something...shit gave me food poisoning at 3 AM and made me think my half-naked self was going to die right then and there in the bathroom.
Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for?  We only ever decorate for Christmas, so I guess it wins by default.
Were you popular in school? By the second half of high school I was hanging out with the popular groups and getting invited to popular kid things, but I never wanted to claim to be popular myself. I still liked letting my friends take the spotlight.
Are there any foods that often give you heartburn or indigestion?  Is there something you intend to buy in the near future?  Is anyone in your family artistically talented? What about musically? What cute behaviors or characteristics does/do your pet(s) have?  What's the screensaver on your computer?  Crossing these out as I believe this survey is a shuffle of questions from many different surveys...? and I have already answered these five in a past survey I recently finished.
What’s the sexiest thing about a guy? I don’t really care for guys, I think... I still haven’t made up my mind about them yet, but all I know is I definitely have not felt seriously attracted to any irl man my whole life.
What’s the sexiest thing about a girl?  THIGHS
Who were you with at midnight on January 1, 2021?  Who was the last person to send you a message on social media?  ^ What qualities does this person have, that you appreciate? What was the last thing that caused you to scowl, or frown?  Have you smiled at any point during the last hour?  What was the last thing you consulted Google for? So, did anyone send you a "Happy New Year" message when midnight hit? When was the last time you were on a carousel?  What is the closest you have ever been to an elephant? Have you ever played Halo?  Have you ever read a National Geographic magazine?  When was the last time you had a pillow fight?  Name somebody who you think deserves more respect: In your own words, define what the word sexy means.  What is the most popular tourist attraction where you live?  Without looking - do you know what brand your underwear is? Are you any good at volleyball?  Have you ever had a water balloon fight?  Same situation as above. What an interesting order of questions, hehe. Still having fun with this though!
Do you think some babies are ugly?  Newborns are super wrinkly and make the strangest facial expressions from time to time. That won’t stop me from cooing at them, though.
Don’t you miss Chuck E. Cheese? I’ve never been there. Is it like a standard birthday party events place for kids?
Do you think Fall Out Boy is gonna be a classic band, like Queen or AC/DC? In time, maybe. 
Do you love stuff-crusted pizza?  Yessssss.
Do you apply lotion after you bathe? I don’t, but I should probably pick it up as a habit seeing how dry my skin can get.
What’s your favorite color? Pastel pink. < Same!
Who did you have your most amazing kiss with? Gabie.
Has a YouTube video of yours ever gotten over 10,000 views? I’ve never even posted a video on YouTube.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? Not my spot of choice, so maybe not.
Do you like Robert Frost poems?  I’m only familiar with one and I’m having a little trouble remembering it rn haha.
Do you go to church every Sunday?  We used to go to church, yeah; back when it was okay to. Our local church has allowed face-to-face masses again (but with very limited attendees) but my mom has preferred for us to stay home, so for the last few months we’ve been watching livestreams of Sunday mass every week.
Have you ever been in a relationship on-and-off for more than a year?  I would say Gab and I were on-and-off, but it went on a lot longer than a year. The total time would amount to six years.
If you had to get famous for one of the following, which would you choose: music, acting, writing, modeling? Writing. Or modeling, if I could only pull it off.
What do you think of girls with huge boobs that don’t wear bras in public? I seriously don’t care. I skip out on bras all the time because I honestly personally don’t need them, and everyone should be allowed to feel and act the same way.
What is the last thing you tried on in a store? I never do this. Even before Covid, I’ve felt iffy about trying clothes that many others have already put on and were probably not washed 100% well. I’d rather get something, try it on at home, decide if it’s a good fit or not, and then return it ASAP if it ends up being the latter.
Is sleeping naked more comfortable than in clothes?  My mom doesn’t knock so I’ve always been scared to try sleeping naked (and she also throws a fit if she catches me locking my door, which is like - then why did you even buy a doorknob with a lock??), but I definitely see the appeal.
Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone?  Yes for the more part lmao, but I don’t know if I’ve ever made out in a dream.
Do you feel as though you have a good memory, or are you forgetful at times? Do you feel that your short-term memory or long-term memory is better? Have you ever had a concussion or some other sort of brain injury before?  Do you have any sort of mental illnesses or disorders? What do they involve?  What’s the longest that your hair has ever been? How about the shortest? When is the last time that you got it cut? What are some ways that you style your hair? Do you use any sorts of products in it?  Who was the last person to truly get on your nerves? What do you think caused you to feel that way? 
Do you recycle? Is this through choice or do you live somewhere where it’s compulsory? Through choice. Waste management is sadly not much of a priority here, if at all.
Do you prefer plain, carbonated, or flavored water? Do you think you drink enough water throughout the day?  I have never tried the latter two. Water has always been tasteless and plain to me, and I never understood the point of customizing something that’s meant to be tasteless and uncarbonated. There are days where I’m able to have several glasses and other days where I unconsciously skip out on water until dinner.
Have you ever needed to call the police, ambulance, or fire department? Fortunately I’ve never had to call any of these.
When was the last time you visited the library? What was the purpose of your visit? I wasssssss maybe having something printed? If it wasn’t that, I was probably returning a book.
Do you see a lot of wild animals where you live? Are any of them dangerous? None of that here, especially since I live in the city. A sighting of a wild animal outside of a zoo or eco-park would definitely make national news, like that time an ostrich was seen running around a private village many months ago.
Aside from when you were born, have you ever had to stay the night in the hospital? Yep, from a dengue scare that turned out to be just a simple low platelet count.
Have you ever experienced a panic attack?  Yes, but they are extremely rare. The last time I had one was maybe two or three years ago. Unfortunately I think all my panic attacks were caused by and involved my mom.
Would you ever want to go into the medical profession? Was your answer different pre-COVID?  For a time, when I was hating journalism in college, I was daydreaming about the idea of shifting to biology and making the drastic swerve to med school. But I knew a love of memorizing and biology topics won’t be enough for me to be successful in the medical field, so I quickly shot the idea down.
Where you live, are people paying attention to whatever restrictions are in place to help control COVID? Many? People are definitely following and have been obedient with protocol in different places. Some cities are also still strict with maintaining their checkpoints and banning tourists from entering their area just yet. It’s the government that hasn’t really been making the effort to put measures to contain the virus.
Do you get a real or artificial Christmas tree?  Artificial. I don’t know if getting real trees for Christmas trees is a thing here.
What’s your favourite type/flavor of popcorn?  Cheddar cheese.
Do you drink oat milk? Nopes. I’d like to try it just to say that I have (and I might end up loving it too), but I have yet to look up what foods or drinks it works best with.
Do you love thrifting?  Sure, sometimes I get good finds from it.
Do you consider using only lowercase letters your aesthetic?  Sometimes I’ll use it in a Powerpoint or a tweet, but I wouldn’t say it’s an aesthetic that defines me as a person.
Do you say “mood?”  Too much.
Do you own fairy lights?  No. I wanted those before, but I’m not so sure if I still do now.
Do you own glass straws because the metal ones kind of gross you out because you can’t tell if they are clean or not? I don’t own glass straws. Most places have changed their cups into a design that you can sip directly from, anyway.
Have you made a TikTok? No, don’t care.
Do you own airpods?  No, but would like a pair.
Are you afraid of Mercury in retrograde? I really don’t care.
Do you make life choices based on astrology?  No, I don’t believe in it. It scares me how much some people rely on it and use it as an actual moral compass or judgment system. It doesn’t harm anyone so I never actively speak out against astrology, but it scares me nonetheless.
How many pairs of converse shoes do you own?  One pair. I used to own another one, but my mom threw it out several years ago.
Number of jeans in your closet:  I would say like 10-12.
What accent do you have?  Philippine English/Americanized Filipino, I guess.
Do you have a big butt? I’d say it’s decently-sized.
Do you count how long you and your gf/bf have been together? Yeah, before.
Have you graduated?  Both high school and college, yup.
Rihanna or Lady GaGa?  I like Rihanna’s music more, but I love Gaga’s outfits, concepts, and stage presence more. Do you use fake eyelashes?  No. I had to use them twice, but I’d never seek them out on my own.
Which was the last book that really captivated you? It’s been a while since I encountered a book like this.
What makeup brands do you use?  I don’t use makeup.
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yoon-kooks · 6 years
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Pairing: Stripper!Jimin x Reader
Genre: Stripper!AU, College!AU, Fluff
Summary: You infiltrate your local strip club to gather research and inspiration for your next painting and end up bringing home a stripper who also happens to be your cute neighbor.
Warnings: stripping, mentions of sex 
Word Count: 3.3k 
⤐ Story 1 in the Blossom!Universe; Read Blossom-pt.2 on my masterlist!
A/N: i know what yall are thinking!!! this is a stripper!au without smut??? but theres a good chance ill be writing more drabbles in this universe so look out for those!🌸
“Cute.” Your studio arts professor hands you back your print sample of a swimming platypus.
“…Is it not good?” You examine the print again to see where you went wrong. If anything, you thought this painting had turned out a lot better than the one of a goblin shark.
“Y/N, it’s amazing. It really is,” she tries to reassure you with a chuckle, but you know there’s something wrong with it. “It’s just… you’ve practically drawn the entire animal kingdom this semester.”
“Don’t you think you should try painting something else…? Like, I don’t know… a human?”
“But I’m more comfortable with animals.”
“That’s what I mean! You should try stepping out of your comfort zone? Plus, your portfolio will look better with more of a variety!”
“And how do you suppose I all of a sudden get inspiration for painting a human subject? I need something before the exhibition tomorrow.”
“I don’t know, try going to a strip club or something?” Your professor thinks she’s funny. “Just be creative!”
You lay on the floor of your dorm, desperately searching for inspiration. With animals and nature, it’s so easy for you to just sit down and paint whatever comes to mind. But with humans? You don’t even know where to start, and it certainly doesn’t help your concentration when a puppy is barking on the other side of the wall like it’s begging for you to draw it.
And in addition to the barking, you’re also being harassed by the constant replaying of your professor’s advice. Sure, you’d like to paint something that your professor and peers will approve of, but that becomes awfully difficult when what they want is not what you want. You just wish you could paint another animal and be done. But now even that’s impossible when all you can think about is trying to make everyone else satisfied.
“Shit.” You drag yourself off the floor, thrown on a fuzzy sweater, and walk out of your dorm with a sketchbook and pencil.
To your surprise, sneaking into a strip club undetected is a lot easier than one would think. And once you’re in, you squeeze your way through the crowd, inspecting the flashy lights, the booming stereos, and the big stage until you spot a table for one in a secluded corner. Perfect. No one will bother you there.
When the main show starts, the first thing you do is flip open your sketchbook with your pencil ready to draw. The second thing you do, however, is yawn. You aren’t sure what people enjoy about strangers prancing around naked on stage, but it could just be an acquired taste. Although the strippers are attractive and they have beautiful bodies, you’re just not interested nor inspired. Maybe it’s your artist block acting up, but it seems you’ve wasted your time.
Before you can get up to leave the club, you’re alarmed by a sudden eruption of screams. Giving it one last chance, you glance up and see the spotlight on an incredibly handsome boy in all white, running his fingers through his dark hair. Still fully clothed, he dances, moves, spins on stage, and somehow it’s so different from the previous acts. So much that you forget where you are until he flips his jacket off his shoulders and tosses it aside as he continues to dance.
The way he graces the stage is elegant and almost angelic. You flip your sketchbook back open and wait for the demon to show itself. He makes his way down the catwalk to engage more with the crowd, and money’s already being thrown before his body’s even exposed. Once he loses his tank, however, the cheering gets twice as loud and the stage is showered with crumpled bills. But you don’t have time to worry about that.
For the first time that night, your pencil starts gliding across the page in your sketchbook. You roughly sketch out his body, his motions, his movements, his smirks. You’re too busy drawing to notice when he catches a glimpse of you as he kicks his pants off to reveal a very healthy ass, or when he teases several customers with his rolls and thrusts.
With several pages filled with new sketches, you hear the collective aww from the crowd, assuming that means the handsome boy is done for the night. The only one in the crowd who isn’t sad is you, because you finally collected all the research material you need to be inspired. And before you leave, you decide to flesh out the details of what you witnessed, in case the vivid images and inspiration escape you before returning home.
“Would you like a drink or a dance, Baby?” A stripper with pastel mint hair eyes you up and down, leaning against the table with his head cocked to the side. You’re shocked he even bothered approaching you when you didn’t tip at all. Unless that’s what he’s after.
“Uhh, no thanks, I was actually just on my way out,” you throw your sketchbook and pencil into your bag and get up to leave.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Sweetheart. Did you not enjoy your stay? Maybe I could change that.” The stripper continues to pester you, and you wonder if the smallest tip will help you escape.
“This one’s with me, Sugar.” An unknown voice appears behind you as the stripper named Sugar shrugs and walks over to another customer waving their money around.
With a sigh of relief, you turn around, only to have your heart racing again in an instant. It’s the handsome boy you had sketched. Only instead of wearing an all-white costume, he’s now engulfed in an oversized black hoodie. You assume he’s off duty, so you aren’t sure why he’s approaching you like the other stripper had.
“Are you the freeloader everyone’s talking about?” he asks you.
“I suppose I am…” You look around and realize you’re probably the only broke college kid at the club, hence the only one who can’t afford to throw money around for lap dances.
“Can you at least show me your sketches?”
“I saw you drawing something in your sketchbook during my performance earlier,” he does a cute little drawing gesture with his hand. “If you aren’t going to tip anything, the least you can do is show me what you drew.”
You suppose he’s right. Besides, you really do appreciate it when people take interest in your art, so you hand him your sacred sketchbook and watch as his expression changes from curious to awe.
“Are you an art student?” he asks while flipping through the quick sketches of his body.
“Yeah, I was just gathering research for a painting I need to do for tomorrow’s exhibition.”
“Oh? And I’m your muse?” He hands you back your sketchbook and catches a glimpse of your name written in the corner of the cover. “Y/N?”
You nod, getting your pencil ready to jot something down.” And may I ask what my muse’s name is?”
“It’s Jimin, part-time stripper, full-time dance student.”
“Wait, you’re a student, too?” You know you shouldn’t be surprised because the boy does look around your age, but still. You didn’t realize strippers had time for school obligations on top of work. “Which school?”
“Seoul Institute of the Arts.” No. That can’t be. There’s no way this handsome stripper goes to the same school as you. “Why do you look so shocked…?”
“I go there, too…” You shrink your body as if that’ll help you hide. You’re suddenly feeling super shy. “But you don’t happen to live in the dorms, do you…?”
“I do… Do you…?”
You nod.
“So what you’re trying to say is, we’re neighbors?” Jimin says as he stands outside his dorm, room 324, and you stand outside of yours, 325.
“I guess-” You’re cut off by a cute bark. “That’s your puppy making all the noise then?”
“Uh, yeah… I got her a week ago after saving up enough from work,” he opens the door and a tiny white fluff ball stretches its body in the door way before trotting over to greet you. You squat down to say hi to the little puppy who gives you her paw. “But anyway, the whole stripper thing needs to stay between you and me, yeah?”
Of course you have no intentions of letting people know you infiltrated a strip club anyway, so that means you also can’t be telling them your neighbor is a secret stripper. But Jimin doesn’t know that, and you’re going to use that to your advantage. “Okay, yeah, I won’t tell anyone… as long as you agree to be my model for the rest of the night.” You open your door and gesture for him to come in.
Jimin scoops up the feisty puppy and tucks it comfortably under his arm. “I thought I already was your model?”
“All you have to do is pose for me for a few hours,” you say, leading the stripper into your dorm-turned studio.
“Shirtless is fine.” Anything more than that would be far too much for your eyes. You pretend not to peek as he promptly removes his hoodie and t-shirt to reveal a picture-perfect torso and something you didn’t catch as the club. You tilt your head to get a better look at the word inked to his ribs. Blossom. “Is that the name a stripper girl you’re in love with?”
“For your information, Blossom is the name of that little one over there,” he points over to where his puppy is trying to dig a hole into your pillow before brushing his fingers over his tattoo. “But, it’s also just a reminder to myself.”
You nod, “Ooh, fascinating…” Once all of your art supplies are set up on your cluttered desk, you glance up at the clock on the wall. Midnight already. “I’ll keep that in mind for my painting.”
The boy has a lot of good poses, some suggestive, others charming. One second he’ll be licking his lips with his hands at his belt, and the next he’s laying on your bed while running his fingers through his hair. Oh, and he also has this really cute smile when he’s watching you be so immersed in your art.
Once you decide on a pose to paint (the one on his back with the fingers running through his hair!), you hop off your chair and walk over to the half-naked boy on your bed. He blinks up at you with either innocent eyes or inviting eyes—you aren’t really good at telling the difference. You don’t know what he was expecting, but his face looks awfully surprised when you extend your phone for him to take.
“Can you take a pic of yourself in That™ position?” You do the fingers-running-through-hair thing.
“You don’t want to take the picture yourself?”
You shake your head.
“You don’t want to get on top of me and see with your own eyes?”
You shake your head again. He chuckles as he sits up, doing the fingers-running-through-hair thing a couple of times. Must be a habit. You didn’t notice the fifty other times he did the hair thing, but this time you’re made aware of his cherry blossom cologne, its alluring scent trying to pull you closer. But you know to keep a distance.
“You’re no fun to flirt with, you know that?” It almost looks like he pouts before finally taking your phone and tossing himself back against your mattress.
“I’m a lot flirtier when I don’t have a project due in less than ten hours.”
“No.” Your answer makes him frown, but he takes the selfies you asked for anyway.
You watch your bed sheets wrinkle with every sensual movement of the boy’s body as he finds the best angle for your research photos. Not only does he adjust the positioning of his head and arm, but also his squirmy lower half with his waist where his underwear is peeking out and his legs unable to keep still. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was frustrated, needy, and a tad bit horny.
As you wait for him to finish, you start mapping out your painting with a rough outline. You lightly sketch Jimin down to his waist and surround him with-
“Done~” the boy yawns, handing you back your phone. Eager, you swipe through the 37 photos taken by Park Jimin, all of which have an overwhelming amount of sex appeal. You don’t know how you’re going to narrow it down, though you suppose the one he set as your lockscreen is the best in his humble opinion. And it has a perfect view of his tattoo.
You feel Jimin’s eyes on you as you painting. The sensation of being observed is oddly comforting rather than pressuring, and maybe it’s because you know it’s not with judging eyes. From your bed, he follows your paintbrush’s every stroke against the canvas as you fill it in with a splash of color, bringing your subject into bloom.
“What made you choose me specifically to be your model?” the boy asks as you’re defining his abs.
You pause your painting for a moment to think about his question. “I don’t usually use people as subjects for my art, but my professor suggested that I step out of my comfort zone.”
“So you went to a strip club and surrounded yourself with naked people?”
“Exactly,” you nod and continue, “I took a chance, went to a strip club for the first and last time in my life, and met a boy. And out of all the humans in the world, he was the first to lend me inspiration.”
“I can’t believe you found inspiration in someone who sells their body for money,” Jimin chuckles but his words bother you.
“I know I’m literally painting your abs right now, but believe me when I say I took more inspiration from you than just from your body.”
“Well I’m glad,” he says, rubbing his toned belly. You’re still not convinced.
“Do you not like being a stripper?”
“I don’t hate it, and the performer in me really does enjoy being on stage. Plus, it pays for my puppy,” Jimin sighs because he knows you’re not going to let it go until you get a proper answer. “But there’s always this feeling of being trapped in a bud of expectation and insecurity. As long as I’m a stripper, my body will always outshine my dancing. And yet, I can’t bring myself to quit, in fear of not being a good enough dancer for anything else.”
You can only nod because you don’t know how to offer support. The boy sounds a lot less confident now than how you remember him dancing on stage. But you get it. Taking that first step out of your comfort zone is as scary as that painting you did of the goblin shark. But that’s the only way you’ll ever blossom.
After several hours of endless painting and the occasional puppy whining in her sleep, you rise like a zombie from your desk to show your muse the final product of your blood, sweat, and tears. But of course he’s already fast asleep on your bed with his puppy at ass o’clock.
Not wanting to disturb the two cuties, you carefully pull the covers over them, make a nice bed for yourself on the carpet with three spare blankets, and turn out the lights.
When you wake up, however, you smell cherry blossoms and feel something warm pressed up against your back. Thankfully, what you find when you roll over on the bed is not a sleeping Jimin, but instead a puppy licking her butt. As soon as she realizes her privacy’s been violated, she wags her tail and does some morning stretches.
You flip the covers and bed sheets over in search of a half-naked boy, but he’s not there. Instead, you see him all bundled up in his black hoodie and the three blankets you’d been using on the floor. Somehow the two of you mysteriously swapped places. You can only assume he woke up in the middle of the night and tucked you into bed. Because coincidences like that don’t just happen.
Relieved from everything, you take time to play with the puppy on your bed for a bit before you have to get ready and leave for the exhibition. The little one explores the dark depths beneath your bed sheet, her cold wet nose sniffing everything including your exposed legs, until her fluffy head finally pops back out with a tiny bark.
You’re startled by half-asleep mumbles and rustling blankets. Jimin sits up as his hood falls down to reveal a wicked bedhead. He tousles his hair around and you can’t decide whether it looks messy or really fucking hot—like he just had a quickie. “Did you finish your painting?” He blinks at you.
“Oh right.” You stop yourself from any sort of fantasizing and hop off the bed to grab the colorful canvas from your desk. Once it’s in the hands of the boy at the center of the painting, you plop down next to him on the blankets and wait for his response.
Before saying a word, Jimin’s eyes examine every inch of the canvas. From the pastel palette, to the boy’s fingers-running-through-hair pose, to the pink bed of flowers beneath him and petals around him, to the bold tattoo on his ribs.
“Are you calling me a flower boy?” He’s unable to hold back a smile creeping up.
“You’re the one with the tattoo,” you say, softly poking the boy’s ribs through his hoodie. “So you tell me.”
He shakes his head, “I still have a long way to go before I, you know, blossom…” You find it adorable how he cringes and shrinks his body at his own word. “But until then, I’ve found another flower to inspire me.” He’s totally talking about you.
“You mean your puppy?” you tease him, picking up the curious white pupper and tapping her wet nose against the boy’s cheek. He plants a soft kiss on her little head before taking her into his lap where she quickly curls up in a ball.
“Yeah her,” Jimin continues to stroke his baby’s fur as her eyelids grow heavier. It isn’t long before the precious bean is fast asleep, and your heart melts a little.
“I was pleasantly surprised to wake up back in my bed with her all cozied up next to me,” you reach over to pet the puppy even though it’s right at the boy’s crotch. “You didn’t have to do that, you know… But I appreciate it, Jimin.”
“No problem, Little One,” he gives you a cute duck face. “I’d want to make sure I have your permission before we sleep together anyway.”
You suppose that’s his way of asking for sex, but you really can’t take a hint. So you ignore him. “Do you want to come to the exhibition with me?”
A little disappointed that you ignored his invitation, Jimin sulks and grabs his duffle bag as he walks towards the bathroom, “Fine, but let me change into clean clothes first.”
“You’re fine with stripping down at a crowded club, but not in front of me?” you ask, not because you want to see it again, but because it’s ironic.
After pausing mid-step, he spins around and stands right before you, his beautiful dark eyes meeting yours. And rather than running his fingers through his own hair for the fiftieth time, he runs them through yours for the first. “Maybe I’m not a stripper when I’m with you.”
“Then what are you? A vampire?” you look up at him with a teasing grin.
“You’re impossible, you know that?” The boy shakes his head and does a cute little eye roll to pretend like he’s annoyed as he walks off to the bathroom. And when he comes back in a very casual boyfriend look, the two of you head over to the exhibition on campus with the painting tucked under your arm.
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kmelanin · 5 years
Permanent Ink \ 2 // kth
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a/n: Im now on spring break!!! Well it technically starts on march 4th and ends the 10th, but anywayssss that means more updates. This is a little shorter than the first part, but id call this a filler! I hope you enjoy!
Main Masterlist~
( Permanent Ink ) masterlist~
WARNING- um sensual dancing
word count: 3k+
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Taehyung unlocks his front door and enters his apartment. It was the smallest thing he has ever lived in. But he didn't mind it at all, in fact, he loved it. It was easy to clean, and it was only him, so he didn't feel as alone. He went into the bathroom, wanting to take a shower and go to bed.
As he was towel drying his hair, he quickly pulled on some underwear and some sweats. He went to his fridge for some water and he sits down on his bed so he could roll up a joint before he went to bed.
As he finished licking the paper, there was a quick knock at the door. Taehyung sighed and set his rolling tray down next to him and get up. He looks down at himself noticing that he was shirtless. But at this point he could care less. He wents to the door and opens it up. When he sees who it was, his face dropped even more than it already was.
“Sinsi? Why are you here?” He asks, his voice was laced with irritation. She rolls her eyes at his attitude and pushes her way inside.
“You could at least try to sound excited to see me.” She says setting her purse down on the bed.
“How can I, when you literally annoy the hell out of me.” He says shutting his door and finds his spot on the bed again.
“Shut up.” She frowns and sits down next to him.
“Like I said, why are you here?” He grabs his lighter and sparks the joint up.
“Why do I always come here?” She says in a duh tone and looks around his home. “I mean come on, I wouldn't come to this shoe box for anything.” She stands up and starts to take her jacket off. Taehyung just laughs at her sass, more like scoff and smile at the same time.
“I like you better when I've fucked you speechless.” He mutters and hits the joint. “Speaking of fucking you, how’s the fiance?” He asks sarcastically. He always mentions him when she comes around. After all she left Taehyung for him. BoGum.
After her family found out that she was dating a ‘poor artist that lives on the street’, they made her choose. Taehyung or to continue to be supported. Which meant to continue to spend her parents money. She come to Taehyung one day, he thought she chose him. But instead she was there to say that, even though she loved him, she can't give it up.
But that was two years ago. It was a year ago when she was forced to marry Bogum. She came running to Taehyung, not wanting to marry him. Next thing they knew, it was morning and they were both naked. The next day she found out that if she and Bogum got married then she will be the co-owner of a high end fashion line. She then knew she couldn't leave Bogum. In fact she fell in love with him, but she was still stuck on Taehyung's dick.
“He thinks I'm at the shop right now. I have a hour.” She says. Taehyung nods taking another hit and then putting the joint out.
“Alright, lets go.” He says standing up. She comes right up to him trying to connect their lips. But he tenses up and doges it.
“You know I only kiss the girl I love.” He whispers, a frown settling on his face.
“I miss your kisses Tae.” Sinsi pouts and tries again, but Taehyung just shoves her down making her laugh as he crawls on top.
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Your launch was a success. You've never thought about what the outcome would really be like other than a total fail. You didn't think that two hours into the clothing drop everything would be sold out. Only so much was made, but you of course had more coming. It was only available online, but you soon hoped to have your own stores.
Rowan was currently working on planning a party for you. It was going to be tonight, and instead of thinking about what you will be wearing, you were focused on inviting Taehyung. You go to his instagram page and click on the number options. You knew that it was to make a appointment, but you were lowkey desperate. You couldn't get him out of your mind, and it was your mission to at least kiss him.
“Vante’s Tat Shop, How many I help you today?” A deep voice enters your ear. Your heart started beating really fast when you recognize who it was.
“Taehyung?” You ask, really hoping it was him.
“Um yea, do we have a appointment?” He says confused.
“Uh no actually. This is YN.” You say, “ I was wondering if you wanted to come to my party tonight. I just recently dropped a clothing line, and it did really good, so we are throwing a celebration.” You say quickly. You cross your fingers hoping he would say yes.
“Where is it?” He asks after a slight pause.
“The club two doors down from your shop. I rented it out for the night. I just posted something about it, so it should be like a normal night at the club.” You say over explaining, you were so nervous. You had mixed feelings about this whole situation. You hated the nervous feeling he gave you. You wanted to never talk to him again but yet marry the man.
“Are there free drinks?” He asks after you were done. Actually it wasn't, it was still the bars price.
“For you, sure.” You say. You quickly put the phone on speaker and text Rowan to put him on the list of VIP, which include free drinks. You then take him off and continue speaking.
“I just put you on the VIP list. Come if you want. I'm sure there will be weed as well.” You say. Your heart was beating in your ears. But you felt relief when he spoke.
“I guess it will be a surprise.” He says then he hangs up. To say you were worried was a understatement. But you take a deep breath and focus on getting ready, because you didn't want to focus on him the whole night, just for him not to show up.
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You look at the time and see that you have three hours until you had to arrive. You then wondered if he knew what time it started. But then again his shop was only a few doors down, i'm sure he will know.
You quickly got into the shower and you washed your body and brushed your teeth. You got out and put your lotion on. You put on a all black bra and underwear set. Then you braid in some weave to your hair, creating two long braids. You then did your makeup, and put on your outfit.
After you finished getting ready. You take some picture in your full body mirror and you make sure they were cute before posting it to instagram. After you did, you got a text from your driver that he was out front. You quickly put some sneakers on since you were going to a club and you grab your phone and wallet and then you left.
You met up with Rowan at the back entrance. You were immediately taken to the VIP section, it looked over the whole club, giving your perfect view of the DJ, and whoever was performing.
You walked over to the balcony, watching as everyone was dancing to the music, drunk out of their mind. The DJ, did his thing, and started talking.
“And, the amazing YN YLN. Let's give her a loud cheer, congratulating her on her success!” The DJ yells and points up to you causing the crowd to erupt in cheerings, and going even crazier when they seen you. You couldn't really see everyone, but you could tell some of them have some of your clothes on. You wave back down with a huge smile on your face.
You go back into the VIP area and people one by one came up to you, congratulating you and wanting to take pictures. Most likely to post later.
“YN.” Rowan runs over to you. You quickly hug her since this was the first time seeing her tonight.
“Hey, this party is awesome, I'm happy you could get it together in such a short time.” You say looking around. She smiles.
“Yes, I know right. When i mentioned your name to the club owner, they were excited because the knew you would bring customers. There's a huge line outside still.” She says pointing towards the normal club area.
“Are you serious? It's literally packed though.” You say shocked. She laughs.
“Exactly! But anyways, they need you out there.” She says grabbing you hand and pulling you along.
You were so confused until the security guard opened the door and you seen Taehyung standing there with a irritated look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” You look between the security guard that was letting people in and Taehyung.
“I understand that Mr. Kim is on the VIP list, but his other two friends are not.” The guard says. You look back and see Soobin from the shop and other girl behind Taehyung.
“Hi YN! I'm Sinsi, i'm Taes friend.” Her hand slipping into Taehyung's didn't go unnoticed. “I'm a really big fan of yours. When Tae said he was invited to your party, I just had to come.” Her voice was filled with excitement, but you couldn't help but to cringe.
“You just had to, huh?” You ask raising a eyebrow. She looked confused. But Taehyung quickly pulled you to the side.
“Hey, she's just wanting to have a good time. I didn't think it would be a problem.” He shrugs.
“What do you mean not a problem? Do you not see the line outside of the door? The club is packed Taehyung. The VIP are my close friends and the people I work with. A place where we can enjoy ourselves, and walk around without worrying about bumping into someone we don't know. I don't know this girl. That's the problem.” You say crossing your arms.
“You barely know me.” He explains. He was getting more and more annoyed, he should’ve known not to bring Sinsi, but then again he doesn't understand the problem of one person.
“That's different, and you know that. I literally trusted you to put a tattoo of your choice on my body.” You sighed. You weren’t going to get anywhere with him acting like this. “I can get her into the actual club and she can get free drinks.” You turn to walk away, not wanting to ruin any actual chance you had with him with your loud mouth. But he grabs your arm again and pulls you back. He itched his neck and sighed once again.
“Fine, Ill tell her she can't come.” He says and walks away back to his friends. You roll your eyes and watch as Sinsi pulls Taehyung away with Soobin behind.
“Hey Soobin!” Rowan yells out. He stops and looks back. She waves him over and he smiles slightly telling Taehyung something and running up to us.
“Yes?” “Tonight, you are mine!” She giggles and she pulls him inside.
You eventually had few drinks, not really drunk, but buzzed enough to want to dance. It seemed like everyone around you had someone else. Rowan had Soobin, they were now dancing together. Your other friends had their boyfriends or just found someone period.
But you, you sat in a booth, with a glass of brown liquid. You couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung. You wished he was ugly so you wouldn't think of him. But since Sinsi couldn't come in, he wouldn't either. You weren't used to not getting someone you wanted, so now you really wanted him. He clearly knew you wanted him, and he hasn’t completely rejected you, which gave you a little hope.
“Come on, why are you sitting here upset. Let’s dance.” A voice says, your head shoots up to see a good friend.
“Where’s your boyfriend Jinnie.” You smile at him. Kim Seokjin and his boyfriend Kim Namjoon where wonderful makeup artists. They both have worked with you a couple of times.
“He’s at the bar getting us drinks. He told me to come over to get you up and dancing until someone wants to take over. You look distracted, when you shouldn’t be. Come on!” He grabs your hand and pulls you over to where the crowd of dancing bodies were. Right now, the song that was playing was quite a hype one. You both went over and started dancing. You were laughing at how Jin was dancing, it didn't match the beat at all.  You could feel the alcohol race through your body making it easier to let loose with him.
You heard another song slowly turn on as the one before slowly turned off. Jin laughs it off and he leans into you.
“Stay calm, everything will be okay.” He whispers into your ear then he backs away. You were confused to what he was talking about, until hands came up and around your waist. Your heart started to beat so fast and your hands came up to the strangers. You tried to turn around to see who it was, but his hands turned you back around. You looked down at his hands and you noticed how big and beautiful they were. You know everyone who is in the VIP area, so it wouldn't be a complete stranger, so why not just dance along.
You noticed that the song was Thirsty by Taemin. So you smirked knowing that you were going to torture whoever was behind you. Your hips started moving, you leaned your body into theirs more. They moved their hips more into yours, letting the friction increase. His right hand started getting higher and higher on your body, not bothering to just trail, but to feel every inch until he was reached your neck. You raised your right hand up and wrapped it around his neck. He wrapped his hand around your neck as his other hand pushed your lower abdomen into him as his hip came up and moved against your. He had you caged in, moving your body along with his. His hand around your neck squeezed as he got closer and closer to the side of your head. His hand helped move your head to the side, letting his lips graze your neck. You felt goosebumps raise on the back of your neck.
His left hand wrapped around your whole waist, pulling you closer. As he did, your pushed your ass harder on his, making him tense up a little. He surprises you by biting down on you neck, closer to the meeting of your collar bone. You continue swaying your hips, and pushing your butt into him. His hand tightens even more around your neck, but not actually choking you. You couldn't help but let out a slight moan, near his ear.
Suddenly his hands move and he spins you around, you look up to see who it was. Your breath caught in your throat when you see Taehyung looking down at you. His eyes were low and darker, the horrible lighting in the club not helping much.
He pulls you back into his grasp, the song going hard as it reaches the peak. Your hands wrap around his neck. You bite your lip not sure of what to say or what to think. His eye twitches a little and he looks at if he wanted to say something. But instead he leans in, tucking his head into your neck, making you sway against him. His warmth was all around you, making your body hot. His hands grabbed and kneaded at you, you hoped it meant he never wanted to let go.
You looked down a little and noticed how easily and open his neck was. You didn't know if it was the alcohol running in your body or the heat that is making you extra hot and bothered. Maybe you should’ve thought about it beforehand, but you didn't, you couldn't let this opportunity go.
Your lips latched onto his skin, the spot right between his collarbone and neck. Right where he bite you at. You sucked and nibbled at his skin, only slightly. You felt his hands tighten on your body and you could’ve sworn that you heard a little groan. But before you could confirm it, he yanked himself away.
“Congrats on your line.” He mutters and walks away, leaving you with swollen lips and confused.
Taehyung walked away from you, wanting to go to the bathroom. As soon as he was approaching the door he was pulled back and pushed against the wall.
“Yah!” Jin stood across from Taehyung with his arms crossed and a deep frown settling in his face. Taehyung rolled his eyes, already knowing what was happening.
The other day, after you left, he remembered that Seokjin, his older step brother has worked with you before. He texted him mentioning how you were interested in him. Of course he knew.
He was so used to girls throwing themselves at him, so even though you were quite subtle than most girls, he could still tell.
When you called him, inviting him to your party, Jin was standing right in front of him. Jin of course knew about it from Rowan, so when he found out that you invited Taehyung yourself, he knew that he was going to make Taehyung go. Jin wanted him to tell you congrats himself, to make you happy. He didn't expect you both to be so close.
“What? I said congratulations.” Taehyung sighs and leans against the wall.
“And when was that, when your hand was around her neck, or when you were giving each other hickies?” Jin was surprised that Taehyung even got that close to you, he's only ever had one girlfriend, to whom he was close to. But Jin stopped counted his bodies after it hit ten.
Seokjin was there for Taehyung when Sinsi family found out about how poor they both grew up. He was there when they forced them to break up, he was there when she chose money over him. He was there through everything. So when he was so close to you, someone who wasn't afraid to drop 100k a day, he was nervous. He doesn't want Taehyung to get hurt again. But then again, Jin knew you. He knew you wanted nothing but relationships and that you weren't really into hooking up unless you knew it was going to lead somewhere. He wasn't really sure how Taehyung's closed off personality will clash with your careless and free one. He isn't afraid to admit that he was afraid.
The crazy thing is that Taehyung was afraid. The whole time he was close to you, dancing with you, his heart was beating like crazy. When he hands first came around your waist and he molded himself into you, when he turned you around, when your lips touched his skin...his heart went faster, and faster. But it was when your lips touched and his skin turned into flames was when he was ticked off.
The last time lips made his skin feel the slightest bit hot was with Sinsi. So when he felt like he was standing next to a active hot volcano, just when your lips touched, it triggered him. It closed everything down. He wanted to get away. He didn't get far though, clearly.
“After.” Taehyung says, his smirk that was sitting on his face didn't help Jin much. In fact it worried him.
“Don't mess with her. You treat the girls you hook up with like trash.” Jin says seriously. Taehyung just rolled his eyes. When Seokjin spoke ‘seriously’ to him it always annoyed him. Because that's when he knows he can’t cross him, and that's just Taehyung being his respectful self, to his family.
“Why would I hook up with her, she's not my type.” Taehyung was already bored with this conversation. Only because he knew he messed up by saying that.
“OooOooOohHhhHhh.” Jins faces changed from serious to surprised and in disbelief. He was bent over laughing his ass off as Taehyung stood there, his cheeks burning a little. He put his head down as a couple of people passed by to go to the bathroom, Jin had no problem with laughing still as they passed for a more dramatic effect.
“I remember when we traveled to Europe-” Jin started to say as he calmed down, but Taehyung instantly cut him off by raising his hands up, making Jin start to laugh again. “You seen this women there. It was like you fell in love!” Jin continued.
“Shushh!” Taehyung was trying to cover his mouth up, but Jin was too fast.
“She turned you down and you tried to find her everyday until it was time to leave. You told me she was you dream girl!” Jin couldn't stop. He loved fucking with him.
“Yea?! What's your point?” Taehyung gives up and backs off.
“The point is, that women has the exact same skin tone as YN, the same body type as her. You are attracted to her, don't lie.”
“Okay? Sure i'm attracted to her, but she's a spoiled daddy's girl, and I can't deal with that.” Taehyung was getting irritated again. Now that he actually admitted it, it was weird. He felt weird, and he hated that you already made him feel like this.
“Sure her dad spoils her, but I know her dad. I had to go through him most of the time I've worked with her. He's only that way until someone comes by and takes over.” Seokjin was now leaning against the wall across from Tae.
“I still don't see what you are getting at, I can't spoil her.” Taehyung scoffs.
“Money wise maybe not. But you can spoil her in many other ways. She's not the person to show off her money, she just lives her life. I believe that her personality would be the exact same if she didn't have all of her money, her taste would just be cheaper.”
“So what are you trying to say? You want me to marry her or something?” Taehyung says standing up straight and sticking his hands in his pocket.
“No, I'm just saying that Yn isn't a bad girl. I can tell she likes you, so don't be so rough on her. Try to give her a chance? It will never hurt. You need a girl to make you soft again, I hate this hard ass Tae.” Jin jokes around chuckling making Taehyung roll his eyes once again.
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thearcaneescape · 6 years
Chapter 3
Waking up to the smell of bacon and the barking of dogs was both reassuring and haunting. He shot up from the bed, hair flopping all around, but a quick scan of his surroundings made him calm down.
“What time is it?” He groaned his way out of bed, dragging his feet to the boxes to pull on a pair of pajama trousers and a new shirt. A knock to the door made him jump slightly.
“Are you decent?” Jin’s voice was a little muffled by the door, but still melodious as all hell. A shrill bark accompanied the question, followed by a hushed reprimand from Jin. “Breakfast is ready.”
Hoseok groaned once more, stretching in such a way that his back cracked in one fell swoop before opening the door with a sleepy smile. “Mornin’.”
Jin’s smile was bright and wide awake, and a small grey ball of fluff was jumping up at Hoseok, tongue out and tail wagging. “Good morning. This is Odeng, and Eomuk is with Joon in the kitchen.” Hoseok followed Jin to the kitchen, blinking rapidly at the relatively bright sunshine, trying to get his eyes accustomed to the light. When he finally got his eyes to focus, he saw Joon sitting at the table. Joon was dressed in soft pastels, hair tied back in a simple braid, unlike yesterday’s French, pierced ears boasting bigger and thinner hoops and chains, more feminine than the ones yesterday. The open-front pink jumper was draped over a black shirt the Hoseok had seen employees use at FOPP with a nametag on the front saying My name is Joon, with a little washable marker addendum (she/her).
“Good morning! You out-slept all of us.” Joon said, a beaming smile on her face. Another pomeranian was sitting at her stockinged feet, white kneesocks matching the pale cream skirt she was wearing, and the pom was the same grey as Odeng.
“I was kinda tired.” Hoseok mumbled, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to clear them of sleep. “I’m a pretty deep sleeper, too, so I didn’t hear anything.”
“Good, because Joon snores really loudly.” Jin had walked to the stove during Hoseok and Joon’s interaction, a low chuckle escaping the man. “It’s one of the things we have a separate savings account for, surgery for Joon’s bridge.”
Hoseok winced, sitting down in front of Joon. The makeup she was wearing was minimal, lipgloss and a swipe of soft pink on her eyelids, very unlike Jin’s makeup in the club.
“It hasn’t gotten any worse, but it’s annoying.” She shrugged and checked her watch, sighing. “Speaking of annoying, I have to go to work.” With a final drink from the coffee cup in front of her, Joon stood up and walked to Jin, giving him a kiss on the cheek and waving goodbye to Hoseok, who waved back. “I’ll see you at the bar, Jinnie.”
“I’ll bring your uniform.”
The door clicked closed and Hoseok looked at Jin plating a generous but smaller portion of scrambled eggs on toast, bringing it to Hoseok alongside a cup of coffee.
“Do you want to come to the bar again tonight? Have a cute time with the brats? I’m pretty sure Jimin wants to do your face.” Jin chuckled, sitting down across from Hoseok.
“Oh, wow. You know, I’d let him. And, yeah, that’d be nice.” He took a sip from his coffee, licking his teeth. “I’m actually surprised that I’d never really heard about the club until yesterday.”
Jin let out a deep sigh, rubbing his chin slowly. “It’s not the biggest club in Soho, and to be honest it barely is a club, it’s more like a speakeasy. We’re in absolutely desperate need of exposure and staff. Kook is our only bartender.”
Hoseok choked on the mouthful of honestly absolutely delicious scrambled eggs. Only one bartender? Were they that desperate, and with such good ideas? “Wait, seriously?”
Jin nodded, fiddling around with the cup that Joon had left behind. It was heavily chipped and small cracks could be seen on the surface. “Yeah, we’ve lost some of the girls and even with Tae and Jimin still here, they bring in a good crowd, Sugar is barely scraping by with this club. The burlesque makes good money, but whenever we try to diversify with a more relaxed evening, it just doesn’t work that well.”
Hoseok swallowed his mouthful with difficulty, an unusual feeling of worry settling into his belly. Something about Jin’s solemn and melancholy expression was heartwrenching. From what he’d told Hoseok last night, Sugar’s bar was his home, and everyone there was family. Losing it would mean losing passion and some extra money to put into Joon’s surgery and money to be able to keep the dogs well-fed.
“I’ve been looking for an extra job. I was a waiter during Uni, Jungkook could teach me how to bartend.” Hoseok rasped out, nervous energy thrumming through his veins.
Jin’s eyes widened, and he let out a soft sound, of what, Hoseok wasn’t sure. “Oh, you don’t have to do that-”
“But I want to. I need more money anyway, and if I’m staying here indefinitely I should help with the rent, at least until I can get back on my feet, and the bar is such a welcoming environment.” Hoseok was hovering a couple of centimeters from his seat, hands pressed against the wooden tabletop. He fell back into the chair, some of the energy leaving him after the outburst. Jin let out a soft laugh, and he ran a hand through his hair.
“Oh, alright. Sugar is gonna be at the bar, he always is. He gets ready with us.” Jin swirled around his coffee in the cup, a soft smile on his pink lips. “Who knows, maybe he’d even rope you in to performing with us.”
Walking into the bar before it even opened was a new experience. House lights were on, and now Hoseok could see how run-down the place actually looked. There were cracks in the ceiling and the bar was irreparably stained.
Jin looked at him and sighed, pulling the duffel bag with his and Joon’s clothes for tonight higher up on his shoulder. “Oh, yeah. It’s a bit worse for wear, but, it’s home.”
“Ain’t that true!”
Hoseok whirled around to give Jimin a wide smile, making the younger smile even wider than he already was, eyes turning into slits.
“Did Jin tell you I want to do your face?”
Hoseok nodded, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. “Ah, yeah, he did.” He tried to avoid looking into the big, wide puppy-dog eyes that Jimin was giving him, but the power they held was palpable and he caved almost immediately. “Alright, sure. Do the whole shebang.”
Jimin squealed and grabbed Hoseok’s hand, dragging him and a duffel bag bigger than himself to the dressing rooms, where Taehyung was already half-painted.
“Judging by how my boyfriend is quite literally vibrating in excitement, you agreed to letting him paint your face?” Taehyung turned to look at them, hair pushed back with a hairband and lines of unblended and half-blended, black and white contour and highlight on his face, eyes already made up with glittering silver eyeshadow and a modest cat eye. The dress on the mannequin behind him was even more extravagant than yesterday’s, silver satin cinched tight around the mannequin, the dropped waist turning into a short train at the back. The mannequin head sported a pinned silver-grey wig that matched Taehyung’s natural hair.
“He said “the whole shebang”, which is awesome, because I already have the perfect outfit for him!” Jimin pushed Hoseok to sit down before rummaging around in the gigantic duffel and pulling out his own outfit for the night. It was a cream-colored strapless bustier bra with a matching corset with various fake flowers on the edge of it to make a tutu of various colours. The bra and the corset had gold ribbing criss-crossing them, adding to the fantasy. The outfit that was pulled out next was a more direct homage to Victor/Victoria, with a sprinkling of Dita Von Teese. The mannequin next to Taehyung’s was immediately dressed up, white sleeveless button-up under a black bolero-cut swallow-tail tux jacket, and a high-waisted swing skirt that would fall to the knees.
“The lingerie comes after!”
Hoseok had his hands pressed on his cheeks, excitement running through his body. He’d actually let an artist friend of his do him up for Halloween, and even then the clothes had been very ill-fitting. Jimin stood next to him, makeup bag placed on the table in front of Hoseok, and a big shining smile on his face.
“Are you ready?”
Hoseok nodded, and settled into the seat, helping Jimin put a headband on his hairline to keep his overgrown bangs out of his face. Immediately after that, the door crashed open and a very tall someone made their way into the room.
“Oh, hi, Sugar!” Taehyung crowed, not even looking over at who Hoseok now knew was Sugar. Hoseok, on the other hand, turned his head to look at the man. He was tall, taller than even Joon, with a sharp jaw and nose, high cheekbones and black hair cut into an undercut not unlike Joon’s. He was imposing and intimidating, having shrugged off his jacket to reveal a low-cut black tank top and multiple colourful tattoos that went all the way to his fingertips, multiple scrapes and bruises on his face and knuckles. There was even some blood dripping from his palms
“Who’s the new guy?” Sugar’s voice was rough and sleepy, like he’d smoked ten packs of cigarettes before he’d walked into the bar.
“This is Hoseok! He’s letting me make him up for tonight.” Jimin aimed one of his signature smiles at the sleepy-and-disgruntled-looking Sugar, making the taller man smile.
“Is that the outfit you’re putting him in? What colors are you going for with the face?” Sugar sat down languidly on the chair next to Hoseok, his own makeup bag being thrown on the table.
“I was thinking of a red eye and lip with black liner? Keep it simple.” Jimin had tugged his own hair back into a half-pony. Sugar nodded, reaching out slowly with an impeccably manicured hand, fake acrylic nails sharp black with silver studs.
“May I?”
When Hoseok nodded, Sugar cradled his face gently, turning it side to side curiously before humming softly. “You have great bone structure there, mate. Jimin’ll have a blast doing your face.” He said, a soft smile on his face before he turned to look at his own mirror.
There was a moment of silence while Jimin prepped Hoseok’s face, gently massaging his skin with moisturiser. The door opened once more and Jin walked in, a tired and splotchy-faced Joon behind him.
“Heya, Sugar.” Jin’s voice was barely a whisper, and that made the taller Sugar stand up. He outstretched his arms towards Joon, who was very visibly shaken, and she fell into his arms with a shudder.
“Come on. Let’s go to my office.”
The silence that followed was more tense than ever, with Jimin chewing his lower lip nervously and Taehyung standing up to hug his boyfriend.
“What was that?”
Jimin sighed heavily, shaking his head. “We get some people who harrass Joonie. Before, Joonie wouldn’t tell us it was happening, but Sugar saw it happening once and that was one of the worst days we’ve ever had here.”
“Yeah, he walked in completely bloodied up and we had to close the bar for the evening.” Taehyung said, a frown on his face as he recounted that evening. “Joon was fine, but Sugar was out of commision for almost 5 months, and with how the bar’s been doing, he and his partner had to pay out of pocket for the surgery and the recovery.”
Hoseok swallowed with difficulty, pain settling behind his sternum. It was ludicrous, what he was hearing. This was Soho, for crying out loud. Wouldn’t there be more solidarity for people like Joon? Apparently not. Jimin patted Taehyung’s shoulder, prompting him to go back to finishing up, clearing his throat as he picked up the bottle of foundation from his makeup bag.
“I think we’re going to need a new waiter. Joon is a bit out of it tonight, she needs an isolated space.” Sugar had walked back into the dressing room, running a hand through his hair. “We need new staff in general.” He muttered, looking up at the three pairs of wide eyes looking at him. His dark eyes landed on Hoseok’s face, and he raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any experience as a waiter?”
Hoseok nodded, and something in him knew that today wouldn’t be the only day he’d see blood in the dressing room.
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kingdomofbretonxrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, Steph! We are delighted to welcome Taney Hana to beautify (and sleep with) the citizens of the Kingdom of Breton. Please complete our after acceptance checklist. We are looking forward to seeing you develop her! Please send in her blog within 48 hours.
Out of Character
Alias: Steph (or Natty if you already have a Steph)
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 31
Timezone: EST (US)
Anything else? I’m a teacher so while I will likely be extremely active this month that will change Aug. - May. Though I anticipate I should still be able to meet activity requirements, if that changes I won’t ghost, I’ll communicate what’s going on.
Name: Taney Hana - She does not use her last name, but if she needs one: Derrien (you can change that if you’d like)
Birthdate and Age: 17 April + 31 years old
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Faceclaim: Rooney Mara
House Affiliation: Anjou
Profession: Owner of a exclusive private tattoo parlor, Asmodeus, Artist + Tattooist
Claim: Unclaimed
Children: None
Designation: Dominant
Sexuality: Identifies as “sexual” but we can call it pansexual if we need a deeper label
What is their symbol?: Has a sword with roses tattooed on the back of her right arm, but she has a lot of tattoos, so she’ll usually also wear earrings, necklaces, and rings with swords. If she’s wearing any shield symbol it would still have swords paired with it.
Kinks: Everything.
Anti-kinks: Taney’s never tried anything she didn’t enjoy and is open to trying anything 3 times before giving up on it. However, I’m not willing to write any play with bodily fluids other than blood; pretending to be adult/parent-child/step-child, incest, stepcest, etc.; pretending anything involving being a minor or assaulted. If the mun writing opposite wants to post a canon that their character came over and they pretended they were in some professor-student ‘give me an A if I xyz,” then they have my permission to godmod.
There comes a time in every person’s youth when they go from playing with toys and being carefree to learning about the real world and worrying about something or other. For Taney, that happened a bit earlier than it had for everyone else. Her father was less than discrete when it came to cheating on his claim. Those submissives weren’t all completely competent, either. When it came time to put him in line, the man was nowhere to be found. His claim was left home alone with Taney and her older sister, Whitney. The shame of it all seemed to be unrelenting, taking a major toll on the girls’ mother. As submissive after submissive from every city he ever took a ‘business trip’ to seemed to pop into their lives looking for Master Derrien - some of which had children, it was Whit who took on the responsibility of raising Taney. It was saying a lot. Taney had always been a handful and as she went into school it was of little surprise that she’d be in near-constant trouble those first few years. At first, she wouldn’t stand for anyone speaking ill of her father, then her mother, then her sister or herself. Eventually everyone got what she was putting down, but nevertheless, it forced her to grow up.
When she was fifteen, nine years later, her father turned up for an unannounced visit. With no words exchanged about her mother and the obvious arrival during that transition time between school and when she would get home from work, Taney would later look on that moment and think that she should have known things were going to go down hill. Taney had already changed a bit and become very independent as that was the only way to survive a friendless childhood where your family name was known all too well. She took to sketching, drawing on herself in class, rarely doing anything she was told. Bad behaviors only made worse when, in these secret visits, her father tried to convince her that she could go live with him in the City of Lights with a new mother that would love her very much. He went on about it and tried to explain arranged claims to her, it wasn’t the first time she’d thought about love and the dom/sub dynamic, but she had learned right from wrong. It also helped that Whitney didn’t seem to be buying into a word he said either. Pulling a knife and lighter, she kept on her person in case she ran away and needed it, Taney stabbed his hand and lit his sleeve on fire. The punishment for the attack was both literal and social. People either admired her or feared her and, with some unwilling therapy, she was lucky enough to face long term repercussions for the attack- mostly because it led to the delayed punishment of her father.
With money running low, Whit joined her mother and had taken up a job at Castlebrac while Taney bounced around from school to school. Simply put, it wasn’t enough to cover their father’s debts and mother’s habits. Once Taney was of age she made the decision, albeit one her mother and sister would deem to be ungrateful, and dropped out of school to complete a general education degree and get out of dodge. Taney had very little knowledge of the ‘real world’; she had practically no ambitions. Nevertheless, the desire to walk away from Breton and never look back seemed more appealing than anything else. So she waitressed, did an office admin gig, played guitar in a mediocre cover band for weddings, this and that, until she’d saved up a decent amount of money. Moving to California for a while she lived on the streets and sold her body for drugs and money. State by state and country to country, she said she’d try her luck in some place new and always did put in a decent effort- at least at first. Taney worked as a bartender, tattoo artist, mechanic, technician, and drug dealer as she made her way around the globe, a young woman consumed by wanderlust and living in hostels or cheap motels until the money ran out.
Taney arrived in New York at twenty-four and it would be the first place she managed to live a whole year. Something about putting down roots encouraged her to spend every bit of strength to stay sober and clean, smoking and drinking remaining her only vices. Noted as short tempered but sweet once you got to know her, Taney was the hostess at a bondage bar in the city called Paddles. Though her everyday look wasn’t as rough and tough as it used to be when she lived on the streets, she still had a very particular air about her- especially when she was at work, and sometimes when she’s not- particularly in the bedroom. Her ability to flirt (or taunt) people into curiosity led to two things, a career change back into sexwork and an unaddressed addiction to something more taboo. However, after an unsavory interaction with a famous client, the company offered an exorbitantly large settlement, giving her an opportunity she never thought she would have. The settlement meant more than an opportunity to travel or leave the job, it was her ticket home.
Feeling like the runaway gig was officially a bust, she tried to reach out to her family in Breton. Whit was the one that told her their mother was ‘gone’ and left it at that. The bitterness of being left behind never sat right with Whitney and the chasm between the sisters only grew when Taney offered her part of the settlement as a way for Whitney to find her own path. Whitney agreed to take what Taney was offering, claiming that it would help her settle some debts. Then, while Taney decided how she wanted to make her way back to Breton, she got a call from a member of House Anjou. Whitney was missing, debts certainly not paid and when she’d been told her mother was ‘gone’ it was a similar scenario. Taney settled into more traveling rather than going back. Maybe a part of her was looking for the family that abandoned her- or she’d abandoned. All the while she honed her craft as a tattooist, growing a clientele through social media and word of mouth. After half a decade of tying up the loose ends her family left behind, Taney bought a small shop with a two bedroom flare over it. Breton, despite all the bad memories she’d had there, was home.
Asmodeus didn’t open as soon as she’d bought the place. Taney had a lot of work to do fixing it up and used this as an excuse to ‘come back quietly’. For the most part she assumed people didn’t remember her, the little sister of the ruined family. Everyone except her had some sort of track record. That wait was spent coding her website, posting promos, and perfecting her watercolor technique and improving her skills in the other styles she had learned in her travels that clients may want. There were some circumstances in between that truly changed her life, a gaslighting non-committal relationship where she saw the person she thought she could open up to show their true colors, casting doubt on her trust in the concept of love and commitment once more. Taney truthfully knew she wasn’t the typical person to catch feelings for. She was promiscuous and happy about it, volatile and reckless, and eccentrically honest. There were just two people outside of her family that could claim to have ever known her beyond the surface and she’d wholly burnt those bridges upon her departure from their respective cities. In her stubbornness refusing to become shackled by societal norms and labels. Though she’s very obviously happier than she’s ever been, she still struggles with her health, including sex addiction, and trusting people- let alone letting anyone in. Many have tried, no one has succeeded or come out unscathed. Be careful what you wish for, if you’re curious to get to know her, she’s likely to pounce- as she’s equal parts sarcasm, quick wit, and horny as hell… a place which she’s inarguably the Queen.
0 notes
keziacole · 7 years
tagged by @bumbleblossoms​ - thank you! 
Tagged Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Coffeeeeeee
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2. Phone call: My partner, just as they left the dentist. :( 3. Text message: Motherbot 2.0 4. Song you listened to: Been Caught Stealing – Jane’s Addiction 5. Time you cried: Uh… some point in the last couple months, I guess? Not sure when, but it was at something related to dogs. Honestly, I did most of my crying last year, during The Year From Hell, and I’m still a bit dried out.
6-92 under the cut. :)
6. Dated someone twice: As in getting back together again? Nooooo. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: …yup. Often. Sometimes not until a long while later, though!   8. Been cheated on: Not to my knowledge. 9. Lost someone special: Yep. 10. Been depressed:  Eh, I’ve never been diagnosed with depression, so no, I don’t think so. Situationally really fucked off with things? Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Once. Story time, everyone! 
So, I generally have a really good alcohol tolerance and a cast iron stomach (not necessarily for good reasons, but hey), but I did once go to a party that ended very badly. I was about 17, had recently been diagnosed with CFS, and was on a heavy painkiller regimen. I drank when I shouldn’t really have done so, because bullshit and All the Emotional Drama, BUT… I did not know that my friend’s asshole brother had spiked my drink. (He was a peach. Gave his 14 year old brother acid once just to point and laugh at the result. Fuckin’ hated that guy.)
At some point in the evening – somewhere after the sham marriages, interpretative dance, and someone putting someone else through a table, because teen parties – I realised I was wayyy more wasted than I should have been, despite the painkillers, and I ended up spending all night hallucinating and throwing up, plus feeling horrific for about three days afterwards. 
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Moral of the story: if you spike people’s drinks, you are a gigantic bag of toe lint and should suffer mosquito bites on your asshole for a thousand years. The end.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Purple 13. Red 14. Blue
15. Made new friends: Not yet. Befriend me, tumblr, you’re my only hope.  16. Fallen out of love: No, though I have watched my relationship with at least one family member crumble into dust. Does that count?  17. Laughed until you cried: At least four times a week. Which is one big reason why I’m marrying that motherfucker.  18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes. See 16. 19. Met someone who changed you: Not yet.  20. Found out who your friends are: Yes, sadly. It sucks when you realise how effectively someone has manipulated the people around you.  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah, I don’t really do the FB thing. I should, I guess?
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: See above. I kind of have a profile, but I only use it to message people I’m related to who are freaking obsessed with Facebook and won’t communicate any other way. Ugh. So… most of them? I guess?   23. Do you have any pets: One dog – Hector, a grumpy and elderly terrier - down from two resident mutts and a boatload of fosters. Older dog died last year, and I’m not in a position to foster right now, which sucks, because I miss having a house full of beasties, not to mention making a difference. 24. Do you want to change your name: Already have done/am doing! I have no real interest in keeping up with more than 80% of the people I’m related to, and I never liked my birth name, plus this is easier to spell and dictate to people, and isn’t known by the abusive assholes in my life. So, yay! 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Ordered pizza and watched favourite movies with my partner. We did The Blues Brothers and shit-talked the progression of police militarisation in the US over the past 30 years, and it was incredibly fun, despite the fact we’re 3000 miles apart right now. Also, they remembered my birthday, which is more than can be said for over two-thirds of the people I’m related to.  26. What time did you wake up: 9am, but in my defence I was up until 3 last night. 
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27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking shit with my partner, knitting an afghan, and watching foster kitten cams and reviews of awful movies together, because these are good ways to help someone who has a dental appointment in the morning try to stay calm. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Getting my current backlog of work finished. Sooo clooose…. Promised myself a movie and gaming binge when I’m done. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Last week. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Either having enough money to fix all my problems (yes, in this case, money most certainly can do that), or just being on the same continent as my partner, so we didn’t have this immigration thing to worry about. Not having a debilitating illness that fucks everything up would be pretty awesome, too.  31. What are you listening right now: Freddie King 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yep, many Toms. All the Toms. Well, like, five plus. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Not knowing whether or not the electrician is going to show up tomorrow, which will mean I need to move the paintings and quilt top I currently have all over the sitting room floor. I’m not done piecing that thing yet. Grr. 34. Most visited website: Lots. Mostly Google, Politico, Reuters etc., but I’m living on eBay right now because I’m trying to sell off a bunch of DVDs, books, and vintage glassware. …Does anyone want to buy some vintage/antique glassware? 35. Mole/s: Yep. I had one removed from my back once. Turned out to be benign (phew!) but I got an interesting scar out of it. 36. Mark/s: I still have a faint surgery scar on my elbow, but it doesn’t look as Frankenstein-y now. Most of my scars have faded, but I still have some weird idiosyncrasies from things that have been broken or busted up. 37. Childhood dream: Writing was always my main thing, but also acting/directing. Illness took that away. Other than that, I always wanted to live somewhere rural with lots of animals, and be happy.  39. Long or short hair: Long. Lots. It’s huge. Send help. I like both on other people.  40. Do you have a crush on someone: Not right now. Give me ten minutes and a new Fet profile to stalk and I’ll get back to you... 41. What do you like about yourself: I’m a creative dynamo and I don’t stop until I fall down. I’m also proud of the fact that I’m a pretty compassionate and patient person, and I like the fact I’m slow to really anger. Someone told me recently I’m a very stabilising influence, and that was nice to hear. I feel like life can use more of that.  42. Piercings: Ears (two left, three right), nose (left). More on the way, maybe, when I can justify it.  43. Blood type: ???? I should check. I know the NHS won’t let me donate blood because of my medical condition, which blows.  44. Nickname: Zia. Some people call me Kez. One person is allowed to call me Admiral Fuckface McAsshole III.  45. Relationship status: Open relationship with my primary partner, technically speaking. Poly is good, but my planner is too cluttered for anarchy.  46. Zodiac: Aries w/ Aquarius moon, Virgo ascendant. I also have Mars and Venus in Taurus, so mooooo. And yes, I did used to do natal charts for beer money. I read palms, too. I’d still do it if asked nicely.  47. Pronouns: They/She. I don’t mind feminine pronouns, because I’m incredibly cis-passing and most people will assume “she”, plus I can live with being labelled female if it’s a binary choice, but I see myself more as a person than a gender, so I love that neutral pronouns are being used so much more now.
FWIW, I considered whether or not I was trans for a hot minute when I was a younger teen, because I used to love passing as a boy when I was a kid (until puberty at nine. Boo.), but for me it was the difference in how I was treated when I passed as male that mattered. It was the difference between “Oh, isn’t he confident and intelligent?” and “Hello, sweetie, don’t you look pretty today?” that affected me, not a real sense of dysphoria, so I decided the problem wasn’t really in how I presented, but in society itself. I have yet to really find a satisfying way of rectifying that, but I think we’re all making progress as a society. It’s very slow progress, sadly.   
48. Favorite TV Show: I don’t watch that many series, but Star Trek (especially TOS and DS9), X-Files (S1/S2), Game of Thrones, old mystery adaptations (all the Agatha Christie ever), Stranger Things, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad… can’t think of anything else right now, but there are some. 49. Tattoos: One black and grey dotwork spiral goddess on my arm, next one coming soon (watch this space, now I’ve found an artist!) 50. Right or left hand: Ambidextrous. Yes, I can write with both hands. Sometimes, I switch in the middle of the sentence. No, it doesn’t look the same. I can also operate light switches with my toes from a standing position.  51. Surgery: I fucked up my ulnar nerve a couple of years ago by blacking out and falling on some stairs. It was melodramatic, and I lost the use of my left hand. Had surgery to correct it. I was awake but a bit sedated, and spent most of the time talking to the cute anaesthetist about chastity cages. Because... sedated? Yes. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Sadly, he did not call, though I’m pretty sure he did a lot of googling when he got home that night.  52. Hair dyed in different color: Always, since I discovered Olaplex, which means I can actually bleach my hair without it completely frying. Most recently, I’ve had a mermaid fantasy in turquoise, green, and purple, but it’s faded a lot. Not sure what I’ll do next. Maybe orange, or neon yellow again. 53. Sport: I can’t do much without turning blue and blacking out, but I’ve always enjoyed tennis, badminton, swimming, and equestrian stuff. Is hiking a sport? Hiking’s fun.  54. Do you use sarcasm a lot: Um... 
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55. Vacation: Last one was to see my partner; next one will be too. So, the woods of NEPA. Hiking out with some granola and my favourite human, and spending a few days playing with shelter pitbulls. <3 Otherwise, I’ve never really been on holiday. I went on a school trip to Germany once where I nearly got arrested and, when I was seven, I went to Malta and there was a hurricane. I remember wedging wet towels into the window frames and hoping we didn’t die, because we were on the twelfth floor and there was nowhere else to go. 
I did go to Norfolk with my mother for four days after her breast cancer diagnosis. Macmillan, a cancer charity that is very worthy of support, granted her a short break. There was a lot of playing dominos and trying to convince her she wasn’t actively dying at that precise moment.
56. Pair of trainers: Converse. All the ratty old Converse low tops in the world. 
57. Eating: I have the house to myself right now. It’s awesome. I’m celebrating with homemade shiitake tofu stir fry, wontons, vegetable udon… and doughnuts. Not in the same bowl, though. 58. Drinking: Rum. 
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59. I’m about to: Finish a short story, close out an editing project, format a print galley (again. Goddamnit, Adobe.), and try to finalise the running order of a poetry collection. Maybe send some emails, maybe eat the rest of those wontons.   61. Waiting for: The dizziness to go away, usually. 62. Want: The time, space, peace and quiet to focus on my work, and my health to cooperate long enough for that to happen. 63. Get married: As soon as possible, which basically means when we can afford it, because immigration, legal wrangling, and a ton of other bullshit. It’s a headache, but if there weren’t so many technical hurdles it would already be done.  64. Career: I write and make stuff. I’m doing it under a new name now, which is daunting, because it means starting over again, but I’ve spent the past few years doing a lot of genre fiction and being told my original work is “too original”… but I’m ready to say “fuck you” to that and see what I can carve out for myself. Come on, internet: don’t prove me wrong, ‘k? 65. Hugs or kisses: Ooh, tough. Yes? I guess hugs if I have to pick.   66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: I honestly don’t care, though I do very much enjoy short subs. Pocket rockets are adorable. 68. Older or younger: It really doesn’t matter. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms, I guess? Doesn’t really matter. It’s all pretty to look at, but who really cares? Arms are best for hugs. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. I don’t like too loud. 72. Hook up or relationship: Define the terms, yo. I’d say relationship, but the definition of “relationship” can be open to numerous things. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Um… possibly a bit of both, but more hesitant, probably.
74. Kissed a stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yup.
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76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I once dropped a contact lens down the back of a gas fire and spent three hours getting it out with Vaseline on a paperclip. My vision is awful and I wore very expensive gas permeable lenses at the time. 77. Turned someone down: Yup. 78. Sex on the first date: Nothing wrong with it (and nothing wrong with sex being the date), but it’s not for me. 79. Broken someone’s heart: So they said. 80. Had your heart broken: Yes, but not how you might assume. 81. Been arrested: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died: Yep. 83. Fallen for a friend: A couple of times, with varying degrees of success.
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84. Yourself: I try to, because few other people often do. (*the world’s tiniest violin plays*) 85. Miracles: Yes, sometimes in the form of coincidences, surprises, or the results of hard work. I believe in inverse miracles, too, when things go catastrophically wrong for no apparent reason. Or, as we call it at my house, Tuesday. 86. Love at first sight: Yes, in a way. Potential for love at first sight, I guess? I’ve usually found I know the moment I meet someone whether that’s a thing that’s going to happen or not. 87. Santa Claus: YES, DAMN IT. Okay, maybe not a literal dude in a red suit, but as a personification of the generous spirit of Non-Denominational-Winter-Solstice-and-Festival-of-Lights, he works. (I’m an eclectic neo-pagan/hedgewitch, but my most loved time of year is the whole October-February period, so I start celebrating Yule/Christmas around December 1st and don’t stop until Twelfth Night. I will take ALL of your symbolism, ALL your traditions, and – most importantly – ALL your festive foods and embrace them. In my belly. Thank you.)
88. Kiss on the first date: Probably. Unless it’s a baaaaad first date. 89. Angels: Again, not so much the literal sense, but it’d be nice to think there are positive presences looking out for us. I’d be very concerned about the serpent-like pillars of fire, though.  
90. Current best friends name: Aside from my dog, that’s my partner but they don’t like their details shared, so SHHHH IT’S A SECRET. 91. Eye color: grey-blue-thing 92. Favorite movie: You can’t just ask a person that at the end of the thing like it’s a simple question…! So. Many. Movies. Depends on the genre. The Blues Brothers, Priscilla: Queen of the Desert, Gattaca, Silence of the Lambs, Re-Animator, Die Hard, Stand By Me, Sleepaway Camp, Alien, Lady in a Cage, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, TRHPS, The Great Escape… those are movies I can watch a billion times (and have done). Honorable mentions, depending on my mood, go to things like Basket Case, Caramel, An American Werewolf in London, Exterminating Angel, Secretary, Gran Torino… I could have done 92 questions just on the most popularist movies I like!
tagging: I’ve been away for a few days and I don’t wanna tag people who’ve already done it, so if you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! <3
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atlantacprclasses · 4 years
Don’t Take Any/ Another CPR Training Class Before Reading This
Identifying that CPR training is a very important life-saving skill you should have is a great choice. However, that does not mean diving into the classes head on.
Before you step into the first class at all – or even register for one – here are a couple of things you have to know.
  Choosing the right class level
Depending on why you want to learn Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the first place, there are different class levels to consider. While there are some restriction to learning them all, it would be great to start with one that really pertains to what you need to make the best impact.
The various class levels to pick from are:
Adult CPR – This Red Cross course covers Adults of about twelve years old to full-blown adults. This is the ideal class for Personal Trainers, , hotel housekeeping, Gym employees, and those tasked with caring for the elderly. For those who have access to a defibrillator as well, you should make sure to let your instructor know so they can teach you about your specific AED Automated External Defibrillator. The entire class should take less than 2 hours and 5 minutes for the whole Blended Learning and Hands on Skills Session.
Pediatric and Adult First Aid CPR AED– This Red Cross course covers when you deal with infants 0 days old – 1 years old and children of ages 1year old up to 12 twelve years (girls with budding breasts, and boys with facial and body hair are considered adults), Adults are12 years old and up, this is the class you should go for. This course is perfect for:
Physical fitness trainers
School Teachers, Child Care Workers , Nannies
Security Guards
School personnel
Tattoo artists
Maintenance workers
Police and Firefighters
Camp Counselors
other individuals who want or need first-aid training
  The administration of CPR to adults is way different to the approach for infants and children so you should be properly trained to help when need be.
Basic Life Support – This class teaches medically trained personnel the basic life support for healthcare providers, so the classes are a little more in-depth than the ones above. An American Heart Association BLS Card is required for everyone working in, on, or around a medical team. The American Heart Association BLS (CPR) for Healthcare Provider is intended for:
Healthcare professionals, certified or noncertified, licensed or non-licensed, including:
Nurses, Nurse Practitioners
Physicians, Physicians Assistants
Nursing students, Medical students
Nursing Assistants, Medical Assistants
Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians
Respiratory, Physical, and Occupational Therapists
Residents or Fellows
Nurse Aides, and other Allied Health Personnel
  What does the BLS course teach?
High-quality CPR for infants, children, and Adults
The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components
Important early use of an AED
Effective ventilations using a barrier device and a bag valve mask when needed
Importance of teams in multirescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multirescuer CPR
Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants
  Advanced Cardiac Life Support – This AHA class teaches the Advanced Cardiac Life Support for healthcare providers, so the classes are much more involved than the BLS course. This is required for everyone working in an advanced medical capacity –
The American Heart Association's HeartCode ACLS Course is intended for healthcare providers who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of an adult patient, whether in or out of the hospital, including:  
Nurses, Nurse Practitioners
Physicians, Physician's assistants
Respiratory Therapists
Nursing students, Medical Students
Paramedics, EMT's
Staff in intensive care units and emergency or critical care departments 
The class will take into consideration all Medications, Advanced CPR techniques and other Advanced procedures.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support – PALS for healthcare providers is for those who respond to emergencies in infants and children and for personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care units
Nurses, Nurse Practitioners
Physicians, Physician's assistants
Respiratory Therapists
Nursing students, Medical Students
Paramedics, EMT's
What does this course teach?
The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured infants, and children, resulting in better outcomes. Upon successful completion of all the patient cases, students must pass the multiple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%. Topics include:
High-quality Child CPR AED and Infant CPR
Recognition of patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
Recognition of cardiopulmonary arrest early and application of CPR within 10 seconds
Apply team dynamics
Differentiation between respiratory distress and failure
Early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
Differentiation between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
Early interventions for the treatment of shock
Differentiation between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
Clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
Post–cardiac arrest management
These are so really high tech events. PALS is not for everyone, these are truly special people.
    Choosing the right instructor
Your certification is important, no doubt, but not as important as the skill itself. That is why we recommend not only chasing the certificate but the proper knowledge too. That will only be possible if you learn from truly professional, certified, seasoned AHA, ARC Instructors. Our Instructors have varied backgrounds  (Nurses, physicians, EMT’s, and Paramedics in multi faceted emergency care settings.
No matter which level of CPR certification you aim to attain, the instructors at Atlanta CPR are up to the task. Having been doing this in the same spot for about a decade, and receiving a honors from the American Heart Association American Red Cross too, we comply with the current CPR training standards to ensure you’re capable to teaching these life-saving techniques perfectly whenever called upon.
  Asking the right questions
Before putting your money and time into any CPR training program, you really want to know if it meets your expectations. Here, we expect you to ask questions on the lines of:
Are you AHA / ARC Certified? If so, how long?
           We have instructors that have been certified and teaching for well over 25
Passing The Test – Since there’s a certificate involved for BLS, ACLS, PALS, a test is mandatory for AHA Certification Classes. Likewise, you want to know what to do in case you don’t pass the first time. It’s a multiple choice test. You actually get multiple attempt to pass, until you pass. Just take your time.
Hands on Skill Session – The practical Hands on Skills Session has to be performed with a Certified AHA / ARC Certified instructor.
How good are your instructors– Afterall, no one can give what they don’t have. If the instructors are not certified, or not trained by the AHA, ARC, or ASHI themselves, that’s your cue to bail.
How often do you hold class? We hold classes Everyday at Atlanta CPR.
When do I get my Card? Immediately after you complete the Hands on Skills Session.
What if I don’t feel confident after class. Do not worry about that, “Our Confidence will give you Competence”
Equipment – All CPR, ACLS, and PALS require specific equipment. At Atlanta CPR we utilize the most up-to-date manikins, and patient monitoring equipment.
Brayden Pro - is our main Manikin
Little Anne – is also a QCPR Manikin. That men thatvyou can download the QCPR App from the Appstore / Playstore. Open you QCPR Learner app, and push your manikins chest. All of our manikins are interactive.
What about the infant manikins? – Once again, we are at the pinnacle of technology. We utilize Brayden Baby. If you thought Brayden Pro was great, wait until you try out Brayden Baby. You have to experience our new babies to know.
Patient Monitoring System- we utilize the most advanced tech! Dart Sim is by far the most advanced, easiest, sexiest patient monitoring system available.
  Can I come back for a refresher class, after my initial class. Yes, Atlanta CPR Everyday we encourage students to stop on by, if you’re in the neighborhood. And ironically, we have many, many students pop in and help with the classes, grab a snack, and to spruce up on a few skills.
  In closing… We know this was a lot to read. But, lifesavers study hard, so we can easily save a lives.
  Atlanta CPR and First Aid is headquartered at: 1874 Piedmont Road NE Building C Suite 355-C
Atlanta, Ga. 30324 Phone: 404-956-4003
We are both, an American Heart Association Training Site*, and
Proud Provider of American Red Cross First Aid, CPR and AED Training
All Atlanta CPR Instructors are fully credentialed American Heart Association BLS, ACLS, Heartsaver Instructors
Don’t Take Any/ Another CPR Training Class Before Reading This Read more on:
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darrencpritt · 7 years
What to ask when hiring a Face Painter
We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard someone call and say: “Can you do my Jimmy’s 5th birthday party tomorrow? The $20 an hour face painter we found on a Facebook’s second-hand selling page, with no website or business page, has surprisingly let us down last minute!”
We are forever seeing people getting ripped off by face painters or other various entertainers and we are sick and tired of it! We also see posts of children on Facebook where our friends’ children have had some of the most awful face painting designs we’ve ever seen. Our heart goes out to them! It’s very hard to know as a parent or an event organizer to know who to book if you don’t know what you’re looking for. So, this is a guide full of tips for hiring a painter for your event. We hope it gives you a few giggles and a LOT of insight into what you’re getting for your money.
Do you have liability insurance?
Good Answer: “Yes, I have coverage with such and such a company up to 2/5 million.”
Bad answer: “Erm, What’s that? Oh, no I don’t. I don’t worry about being sued, so it’s not a problem.”
An entertainer, like in every business, should have liability face painters insurance. This is for your piece of mind as well as for covering any accidents. It is not only to help cover their stuff if it gets damaged, but it is also a major red flag if they do not carry it! _____________________________________________
What products do you use?
Good Answer: “I use high quality, cosmetic grade, FDA approved face paints and fine cosmetic glitters.”
Bad answer: “Acrylic paint or dollar store paints and a couple of brushes.”
Some so-called face painters have been spotted at events using acrylic paints which contain all sorts of chemicals which have been shown to give children chemical burns. Protect yourself and your children! _____________________________________________
How many children can you paint/make balloons for in an hour?
  Good Answer: “I offer 10-14 children painted per hour”
Bad answer: “You have 100 kids in one hour? Yeah sure, that’s fine”
Depending design and age. If you have more in a short time I can bring in other artists I work with regularly”
This can vary greatly depending on what local face-painting artists offer and what designs they may have to do and the age of the children. A competent artist should be able to paint 10-15 full faces an hour minimum. If they are age 3-4 vs 9-10 it may take longer, as younger, more active children often take longer to choose a design.
Do the math on how many they offer to paint per hour. 30 kids in one hour comes out to 2 minutes per face. That is for the child to choose a design, pick a color, get in and out of the face painters chair, and any entertaining banter that may go back and forth. That doesn’t leave much time for the painter to do the design and clean the brushes unless of course they get out the paint roller! _____________________________________________
Is there anyone you can’t paint at the event?
Good Answer: “For safety reasons I can’t paint anyone with skin conditions such as eczema, anyone who has a contagious illness, and children under 3 due to them having sensitive skin. I won’t paint any child who doesn’t want it.”
Bad answer: “I’ll paint anyone. You want me to paint your newborn head to toe for a baby shoot? Yeah, great I’ll be there!”
A child should enjoy the experience from beginning to end. Because of this, we do not allow our face painters for parties to paint children that are dragged by their parents kicking and screaming into the chair. We also do not paint children under the age of 3. We also do not ever paint children that are asleep as it can be a very traumatic experience when the child wakes to see an unfamiliar face in the mirror. Along with all these, we refuse to paint any sick children as we do not wish to facilitate any spreading of disease or sickness.
Just because they have been painted before doesn’t mean it is a good idea. There are unprofessional painters out there that will agree to do anything for a few dollars, but that is not what we represent. We wish to always uphold a professional and safe entertainment practice. If a child is super squirmy, we do our best to paint what we can, but they may not be able to sit still for a long enough time to get a very intricate design. _____________________________________________
What hygiene methods do you use?
Good Answer: “We wash our brushes, change our water regularly and use 1 sponge per child. We use Q-tips to apply paint to the mouth and use one stencil per child for glitter tattoos with a skin safe glue. (We do not apply glitter tattoos on the face or neck.) All our equipment is cleaned thoroughly after every event.”
Bad answer: “I use one sponge per color on all the kids snotty faces, including the one with chickenpox brewing in their system and spit on the water based paint in order to activate it.”
That bit with the spit activating the paint is a true story of what another one of our face painters witnessed happening at an event! I KNOW, IT’S GROSS! Hygiene is important and something only a professional tends to practice well. It’s to ensure your child has the best experience and doesn’t start growing warts where their tiger paint was. Bear in mind dirty water that has been used all day by a painter and paint-stained water are two different things. Water can look dirty the second the paint touches it, but may not necessarily be as dirty as it looks. _____________________________________________
What kind of setup do you have?
Good Answer: “I have a neat and tidy set up, including all the many colors I may need. It takes me about 10 minutes to set up on my face paint table with my chair. I have pictures on my website if you would like to see something specific.”
Bad answer: “I use an old sewing box to hold all my paint and I keep the dirty sponges from my last event to use again and again. It only takes me a second to setup because I just throw my stuff onto any table I can find.”
Set up says a lot about an artist. It’s a larger part of what you are paying for. A kit that has been built up and lovingly put together so your artist can be clean efficient and look good at your event can be impressive. And the organization in the kit often reflects on the organization of the artist in general and the effort they put into their business. Many times a proper kit can cost hundreds of dollars or more and goes a long way towards helping the artist be efficient, clean, and presentable to your guests. _____________________________________________
Do you have examples of your work or a website?
Good Answer:“Of Course! You can find examples of my work and reviews from past clients on the YTE Events website and Facebook business page. Are you at a computer? Can I send you to them now?”
Bad answer: “I don’t have a website or any of my own pictures but here’s some designs painted by another artist that I offer sometimes.”
Some people do post other peoples work to their web pages, so be aware and ask if you are unable to tell. Try and look for pictures of them working at what looks like an event in real time so you can get an idea of what on the job faces actually look like rather than what might be a 2 hour staged design. Some offer pictures at events of other artists work that they often can’t replicate. Also I am always dubious about a business without an official webpage or email. If they are not going to take the time to create a presentable website and pay the $20 per year to have a domain name, then do you really think they will take the time to make sure your guests are presentable at a party or event? _____________________________________________
Where did you learn to face paint?
Good Answer:“All of our artists spend a lot of time educating themselves through classes, DVD’s, books, magazines, and countless hours of practicing and meeting with other artists at events and conventions. This is to make sure we can constantly have new designs and stay up to date with new techniques.”
Bad answer:“I thought it would be fun so I did a couple of friends parties first. Now I do it all the time for money on the side.”
If your entertainer has not attended a convention or workshop for their craft, the chances are pretty high that they are guessing at a lot of things. If they use the wrong paint, brush cleaner, or hygiene techniques they can cause allergic reactions, stained skin, or worse! _____________________________________________
How do I book a face painter?
Good Answer:“Please fill out our event request form online and then we can send you a contract which you can sign digitally. You can even pay the deposit online as well. Once deposit is paid and the contract is signed, we are ready to go for your event.”
Bad answer:”Just give me your info and I’ll show up the day of your event. Pay me cash because I don’t accept checks, credit cards, or anything else. Make sure you have a tip ready for me too!”
If an artist has you send details and sign an agreement, please fill out the information completely and also READ ALL OF THE CONTRACT. It is there to protect you AND the artist, so you should know what it says. The booking fee is so that you do not cancel last minute as the artist makes their living performing and cannot hold a date without compensation. If they do not have any of this in place, it is a sure sign that they have not been in the business long and you may end up with a performer that is not experienced or that may not even show up at all! The tidbit about a tip was due to an experience I had with an entertainer. Though it is often customary for a client to tip an entertainer, having an entertainer practically demand it is not only rude, but unprofessional. If they are working an all cash business and hustling for tips, it’s possible they are not just trying to deceive the government. You may be deceived as well! _____________________________________________
You may think a good artist / entertainer is very expensive. However, you are not just paying for the hours they are at your event. You are paying for their ever expanding kit they bring, travel, years of experience, practice and training (often from artists all over the world), marketing, time spent on administration of their business, hours on phones answering questions, supplies, and much, much more. Entertainers are not a rich bunch, but often love what they do with passion. I know the highlight of my day is seeing that mirror moment when a child is transformed and hearing the “oohs” and “aahs” from the adults and children alike.
Though there are more questions and answers we can go over, this should get you started on the path to finding a great entertainer for your event. We hope this mini guide has been helpful, and slightly amusing, for you to read. Even more so, we hope it has helped you toward making a choice for the very best option for spending those very important pennies for your wedding, christening, 5th birthday party, or whatever other type of event you are planning. These are all important milestones for you so make them count and invest well in your entertainment. You will not regret it!
Authors Note:
Thank you for reading this. None of this post would have been written if it were not for the wonderful article posted by Miss Gemma Wright from Party Faces in the UK. You can see her information at any of the following locations: – www.facebook.com/partyfaceshelsby – www.partyfacehelsby.webs.com She can be reached via email at: [email protected]
If you would like to book a face painter in Florida or the US, please contact us via our web form at: http://www.YTEevents.com
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jeaniegenlow · 7 years
What to ask when hiring a Face Painter
We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard someone call and say: “Can you do my Jimmy’s 5th birthday party tomorrow? The $20 an hour face painter we found on a Facebook’s second-hand selling page, with no website or business page, has surprisingly let us down last minute!”
We are forever seeing people getting ripped off by face painters or other various entertainers and we are sick and tired of it! We also see posts of children on Facebook where our friends’ children have had some of the most awful face painting designs we’ve ever seen. Our heart goes out to them! It’s very hard to know as a parent or an event organizer to know who to book if you don’t know what you’re looking for. So, this is a guide full of tips for hiring a painter for your event. We hope it gives you a few giggles and a LOT of insight into what you’re getting for your money.
Do you have liability insurance?
Good Answer: “Yes, I have coverage with such and such a company up to 2/5 million.”
Bad answer: “Erm, What’s that? Oh, no I don’t. I don’t worry about being sued, so it’s not a problem.”
An entertainer, like in every business, should have liability face painters insurance. This is for your piece of mind as well as for covering any accidents. It is not only to help cover their stuff if it gets damaged, but it is also a major red flag if they do not carry it! _____________________________________________
What products do you use?
Good Answer: “I use high quality, cosmetic grade, FDA approved face paints and fine cosmetic glitters.”
Bad answer: “Acrylic paint or dollar store paints and a couple of brushes.”
Some so-called face painters have been spotted at events using acrylic paints which contain all sorts of chemicals which have been shown to give children chemical burns. Protect yourself and your children! _____________________________________________
How many children can you paint/make balloons for in an hour?
Good Answer: “I offer 10-14 children painted per hour”
Bad answer: “You have 100 kids in one hour? Yeah sure, that’s fine”
Depending design and age. If you have more in a short time I can bring in other artists I work with regularly”
This can vary greatly depending on what local face-painting artists offer and what designs they may have to do and the age of the children. A competent artist should be able to paint 10-15 full faces an hour minimum. If they are age 3-4 vs 9-10 it may take longer, as younger, more active children often take longer to choose a design.
Do the math on how many they offer to paint per hour. 30 kids in one hour comes out to 2 minutes per face. That is for the child to choose a design, pick a color, get in and out of the face painters chair, and any entertaining banter that may go back and forth. That doesn’t leave much time for the painter to do the design and clean the brushes unless of course they get out the paint roller! _____________________________________________
Is there anyone you can’t paint at the event?
Good Answer: “For safety reasons I can’t paint anyone with skin conditions such as eczema, anyone who has a contagious illness, and children under 3 due to them having sensitive skin. I won’t paint any child who doesn’t want it.”
Bad answer: “I’ll paint anyone. You want me to paint your newborn head to toe for a baby shoot? Yeah, great I’ll be there!”
A child should enjoy the experience from beginning to end. Because of this, we do not allow our face painters for parties to paint children that are dragged by their parents kicking and screaming into the chair. We also do not paint children under the age of 3. We also do not ever paint children that are asleep as it can be a very traumatic experience when the child wakes to see an unfamiliar face in the mirror. Along with all these, we refuse to paint any sick children as we do not wish to facilitate any spreading of disease or sickness.
Just because they have been painted before doesn’t mean it is a good idea. There are unprofessional painters out there that will agree to do anything for a few dollars, but that is not what we represent. We wish to always uphold a professional and safe entertainment practice. If a child is super squirmy, we do our best to paint what we can, but they may not be able to sit still for a long enough time to get a very intricate design. _____________________________________________
What hygiene methods do you use?
Good Answer: “We wash our brushes, change our water regularly and use 1 sponge per child. We use Q-tips to apply paint to the mouth and use one stencil per child for glitter tattoos with a skin safe glue. (We do not apply glitter tattoos on the face or neck.) All our equipment is cleaned thoroughly after every event.”
Bad answer: “I use one sponge per color on all the kids snotty faces, including the one with chickenpox brewing in their system and spit on the water based paint in order to activate it.”
That bit with the spit activating the paint is a true story of what another one of our face painters witnessed happening at an event! I KNOW, IT’S GROSS! Hygiene is important and something only a professional tends to practice well. It’s to ensure your child has the best experience and doesn’t start growing warts where their tiger paint was. Bear in mind dirty water that has been used all day by a painter and paint-stained water are two different things. Water can look dirty the second the paint touches it, but may not necessarily be as dirty as it looks. _____________________________________________
What kind of setup do you have?
Good Answer: “I have a neat and tidy set up, including all the many colors I may need. It takes me about 10 minutes to set up on my face paint table with my chair. I have pictures on my website if you would like to see something specific.”
Bad answer: “I use an old sewing box to hold all my paint and I keep the dirty sponges from my last event to use again and again. It only takes me a second to setup because I just throw my stuff onto any table I can find.”
Set up says a lot about an artist. It’s a larger part of what you are paying for. A kit that has been built up and lovingly put together so your artist can be clean efficient and look good at your event can be impressive. And the organization in the kit often reflects on the organization of the artist in general and the effort they put into their business. Many times a proper kit can cost hundreds of dollars or more and goes a long way towards helping the artist be efficient, clean, and presentable to your guests. _____________________________________________
Do you have examples of your work or a website?
Good Answer:“Of Course! You can find examples of my work and reviews from past clients on the YTE Events website and Facebook business page. Are you at a computer? Can I send you to them now?”
Bad answer: “I don’t have a website or any of my own pictures but here’s some designs painted by another artist that I offer sometimes.”
Some people do post other peoples work to their web pages, so be aware and ask if you are unable to tell. Try and look for pictures of them working at what looks like an event in real time so you can get an idea of what on the job faces actually look like rather than what might be a 2 hour staged design. Some offer pictures at events of other artists work that they often can’t replicate. Also I am always dubious about a business without an official webpage or email. If they are not going to take the time to create a presentable website and pay the $20 per year to have a domain name, then do you really think they will take the time to make sure your guests are presentable at a party or event? _____________________________________________
Where did you learn to face paint?
Good Answer:“All of our artists spend a lot of time educating themselves through classes, DVD’s, books, magazines, and countless hours of practicing and meeting with other artists at events and conventions. This is to make sure we can constantly have new designs and stay up to date with new techniques.”
Bad answer:“I thought it would be fun so I did a couple of friends parties first. Now I do it all the time for money on the side.”
If your entertainer has not attended a convention or workshop for their craft, the chances are pretty high that they are guessing at a lot of things. If they use the wrong paint, brush cleaner, or hygiene techniques they can cause allergic reactions, stained skin, or worse! _____________________________________________
How do I book a face painter?
Good Answer:“Please fill out our event request form online and then we can send you a contract which you can sign digitally. You can even pay the deposit online as well. Once deposit is paid and the contract is signed, we are ready to go for your event.”
Bad answer:”Just give me your info and I’ll show up the day of your event. Pay me cash because I don’t accept checks, credit cards, or anything else. Make sure you have a tip ready for me too!”
If an artist has you send details and sign an agreement, please fill out the information completely and also READ ALL OF THE CONTRACT. It is there to protect you AND the artist, so you should know what it says. The booking fee is so that you do not cancel last minute as the artist makes their living performing and cannot hold a date without compensation. If they do not have any of this in place, it is a sure sign that they have not been in the business long and you may end up with a performer that is not experienced or that may not even show up at all! The tidbit about a tip was due to an experience I had with an entertainer. Though it is often customary for a client to tip an entertainer, having an entertainer practically demand it is not only rude, but unprofessional. If they are working an all cash business and hustling for tips, it’s possible they are not just trying to deceive the government. You may be deceived as well! _____________________________________________
You may think a good artist / entertainer is very expensive. However, you are not just paying for the hours they are at your event. You are paying for their ever expanding kit they bring, travel, years of experience, practice and training (often from artists all over the world), marketing, time spent on administration of their business, hours on phones answering questions, supplies, and much, much more. Entertainers are not a rich bunch, but often love what they do with passion. I know the highlight of my day is seeing that mirror moment when a child is transformed and hearing the “oohs” and “aahs” from the adults and children alike.
Though there are more questions and answers we can go over, this should get you started on the path to finding a great entertainer for your event. We hope this mini guide has been helpful, and slightly amusing, for you to read. Even more so, we hope it has helped you toward making a choice for the very best option for spending those very important pennies for your wedding, christening, 5th birthday party, or whatever other type of event you are planning. These are all important milestones for you so make them count and invest well in your entertainment. You will not regret it!
Authors Note:
Thank you for reading this. None of this post would have been written if it were not for the wonderful article posted by Miss Gemma Wright from Party Faces in the UK. You can see her information at any of the following locations: – www.facebook.com/partyfaceshelsby – www.partyfacehelsby.webs.com She can be reached via email at: [email protected]
If you would like to book a face painter in Florida or the US, please contact us via our web form at: http://www.YTEevents.com
0 notes
yteeventsblog · 7 years
What to ask when hiring a Face Painter
We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard someone call and say: “Can you do my Jimmy’s 5th birthday party tomorrow? The $20 an hour face painter we found on a Facebook’s second-hand selling page, with no website or business page, has surprisingly let us down last minute!”
We are forever seeing people getting ripped off by face painters or other various entertainers and we are sick and tired of it! We also see posts of children on Facebook where our friends’ children have had some of the most awful face painting designs we’ve ever seen. Our heart goes out to them! It’s very hard to know as a parent or an event organizer to know who to book if you don’t know what you’re looking for. So, this is a guide full of tips for hiring a painter for your event. We hope it gives you a few giggles and a LOT of insight into what you’re getting for your money.
Do you have liability insurance?
Good Answer: “Yes, I have coverage with such and such a company up to 2/5 million.”
Bad answer: “Erm, What’s that? Oh, no I don’t. I don’t worry about being sued, so it’s not a problem.”
An entertainer, like in every business, should have liability face painters insurance. This is for your piece of mind as well as for covering any accidents. It is not only to help cover their stuff if it gets damaged, but it is also a major red flag if they do not carry it! _____________________________________________
What products do you use?
Good Answer: “I use high quality, cosmetic grade, FDA approved face paints and fine cosmetic glitters.”
Bad answer: “Acrylic paint or dollar store paints and a couple of brushes.”
Some so-called face painters have been spotted at events using acrylic paints which contain all sorts of chemicals which have been shown to give children chemical burns. Protect yourself and your children! _____________________________________________
How many children can you paint/make balloons for in an hour?
  Good Answer: “I offer 10-14 children painted per hour”
Bad answer: “You have 100 kids in one hour? Yeah sure, that’s fine”
Depending design and age. If you have more in a short time I can bring in other artists I work with regularly”
This can vary greatly depending on what local face-painting artists offer and what designs they may have to do and the age of the children. A competent artist should be able to paint 10-15 full faces an hour minimum. If they are age 3-4 vs 9-10 it may take longer, as younger, more active children often take longer to choose a design.
Do the math on how many they offer to paint per hour. 30 kids in one hour comes out to 2 minutes per face. That is for the child to choose a design, pick a color, get in and out of the face painters chair, and any entertaining banter that may go back and forth. That doesn’t leave much time for the painter to do the design and clean the brushes unless of course they get out the paint roller! _____________________________________________
Is there anyone you can’t paint at the event?
Good Answer: “For safety reasons I can’t paint anyone with skin conditions such as eczema, anyone who has a contagious illness, and children under 3 due to them having sensitive skin. I won’t paint any child who doesn’t want it.”
Bad answer: “I’ll paint anyone. You want me to paint your newborn head to toe for a baby shoot? Yeah, great I’ll be there!”
A child should enjoy the experience from beginning to end. Because of this, we do not allow our face painters for parties to paint children that are dragged by their parents kicking and screaming into the chair. We also do not paint children under the age of 3. We also do not ever paint children that are asleep as it can be a very traumatic experience when the child wakes to see an unfamiliar face in the mirror. Along with all these, we refuse to paint any sick children as we do not wish to facilitate any spreading of disease or sickness.
Just because they have been painted before doesn’t mean it is a good idea. There are unprofessional painters out there that will agree to do anything for a few dollars, but that is not what we represent. We wish to always uphold a professional and safe entertainment practice. If a child is super squirmy, we do our best to paint what we can, but they may not be able to sit still for a long enough time to get a very intricate design. _____________________________________________
What hygiene methods do you use?
Good Answer: “We wash our brushes, change our water regularly and use 1 sponge per child. We use Q-tips to apply paint to the mouth and use one stencil per child for glitter tattoos with a skin safe glue. (We do not apply glitter tattoos on the face or neck.) All our equipment is cleaned thoroughly after every event.”
Bad answer: “I use one sponge per color on all the kids snotty faces, including the one with chickenpox brewing in their system and spit on the water based paint in order to activate it.”
That bit with the spit activating the paint is a true story of what another one of our face painters witnessed happening at an event! I KNOW, IT’S GROSS! Hygiene is important and something only a professional tends to practice well. It’s to ensure your child has the best experience and doesn’t start growing warts where their tiger paint was. Bear in mind dirty water that has been used all day by a painter and paint-stained water are two different things. Water can look dirty the second the paint touches it, but may not necessarily be as dirty as it looks. _____________________________________________
What kind of setup do you have?
Good Answer: “I have a neat and tidy set up, including all the many colors I may need. It takes me about 10 minutes to set up on my face paint table with my chair. I have pictures on my website if you would like to see something specific.”
Bad answer: “I use an old sewing box to hold all my paint and I keep the dirty sponges from my last event to use again and again. It only takes me a second to setup because I just throw my stuff onto any table I can find.”
Set up says a lot about an artist. It’s a larger part of what you are paying for. A kit that has been built up and lovingly put together so your artist can be clean efficient and look good at your event can be impressive. And the organization in the kit often reflects on the organization of the artist in general and the effort they put into their business. Many times a proper kit can cost hundreds of dollars or more and goes a long way towards helping the artist be efficient, clean, and presentable to your guests. _____________________________________________
Do you have examples of your work or a website?
Good Answer:“Of Course! You can find examples of my work and reviews from past clients on the YTE Events website and Facebook business page. Are you at a computer? Can I send you to them now?”
Bad answer: “I don’t have a website or any of my own pictures but here’s some designs painted by another artist that I offer sometimes.”
Some people do post other peoples work to their web pages, so be aware and ask if you are unable to tell. Try and look for pictures of them working at what looks like an event in real time so you can get an idea of what on the job faces actually look like rather than what might be a 2 hour staged design. Some offer pictures at events of other artists work that they often can’t replicate. Also I am always dubious about a business without an official webpage or email. If they are not going to take the time to create a presentable website and pay the $20 per year to have a domain name, then do you really think they will take the time to make sure your guests are presentable at a party or event? _____________________________________________
Where did you learn to face paint?
Good Answer:“All of our artists spend a lot of time educating themselves through classes, DVD’s, books, magazines, and countless hours of practicing and meeting with other artists at events and conventions. This is to make sure we can constantly have new designs and stay up to date with new techniques.”
Bad answer:“I thought it would be fun so I did a couple of friends parties first. Now I do it all the time for money on the side.”
If your entertainer has not attended a convention or workshop for their craft, the chances are pretty high that they are guessing at a lot of things. If they use the wrong paint, brush cleaner, or hygiene techniques they can cause allergic reactions, stained skin, or worse! _____________________________________________
How do I book a face painter?
Good Answer:“Please fill out our event request form online and then we can send you a contract which you can sign digitally. You can even pay the deposit online as well. Once deposit is paid and the contract is signed, we are ready to go for your event.”
Bad answer:”Just give me your info and I’ll show up the day of your event. Pay me cash because I don’t accept checks, credit cards, or anything else. Make sure you have a tip ready for me too!”
If an artist has you send details and sign an agreement, please fill out the information completely and also READ ALL OF THE CONTRACT. It is there to protect you AND the artist, so you should know what it says. The booking fee is so that you do not cancel last minute as the artist makes their living performing and cannot hold a date without compensation. If they do not have any of this in place, it is a sure sign that they have not been in the business long and you may end up with a performer that is not experienced or that may not even show up at all! The tidbit about a tip was due to an experience I had with an entertainer. Though it is often customary for a client to tip an entertainer, having an entertainer practically demand it is not only rude, but unprofessional. If they are working an all cash business and hustling for tips, it’s possible they are not just trying to deceive the government. You may be deceived as well! _____________________________________________
You may think a good artist / entertainer is very expensive. However, you are not just paying for the hours they are at your event. You are paying for their ever expanding kit they bring, travel, years of experience, practice and training (often from artists all over the world), marketing, time spent on administration of their business, hours on phones answering questions, supplies, and much, much more. Entertainers are not a rich bunch, but often love what they do with passion. I know the highlight of my day is seeing that mirror moment when a child is transformed and hearing the “oohs” and “aahs” from the adults and children alike.
Though there are more questions and answers we can go over, this should get you started on the path to finding a great entertainer for your event. We hope this mini guide has been helpful, and slightly amusing, for you to read. Even more so, we hope it has helped you toward making a choice for the very best option for spending those very important pennies for your wedding, christening, 5th birthday party, or whatever other type of event you are planning. These are all important milestones for you so make them count and invest well in your entertainment. You will not regret it!
Authors Note:
Thank you for reading this. None of this post would have been written if it were not for the wonderful article posted by Miss Gemma Wright from Party Faces in the UK. You can see her information at any of the following locations: – www.facebook.com/partyfaceshelsby – www.partyfacehelsby.webs.com She can be reached via email at: [email protected]
If you would like to book a face painter in Florida or the US, please contact us via our web form at: http://www.YTEevents.com
0 notes
seanskeithley · 7 years
What to ask when hiring a Face Painter
We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard someone call and say: “Can you do my Jimmy’s 5th birthday party tomorrow? The $20 an hour face painter we found on a Facebook’s second-hand selling page, with no website or business page, has surprisingly let us down last minute!”
We are forever seeing people getting ripped off by face painters or other various entertainers and we are sick and tired of it! We also see posts of children on Facebook where our friends’ children have had some of the most awful face painting designs we’ve ever seen. Our heart goes out to them! It’s very hard to know as a parent or an event organizer to know who to book if you don’t know what you’re looking for. So, this is a guide full of tips for hiring a painter for your event. We hope it gives you a few giggles and a LOT of insight into what you’re getting for your money.
Do you have liability insurance?
Good Answer: “Yes, I have coverage with such and such a company up to 2/5 million.”
Bad answer: “Erm, What’s that? Oh, no I don’t. I don’t worry about being sued, so it’s not a problem.”
An entertainer, like in every business, should have liability face painters insurance. This is for your piece of mind as well as for covering any accidents. It is not only to help cover their stuff if it gets damaged, but it is also a major red flag if they do not carry it! _____________________________________________
What products do you use?
Good Answer: “I use high quality, cosmetic grade, FDA approved face paints and fine cosmetic glitters.”
Bad answer: “Acrylic paint or dollar store paints and a couple of brushes.”
Some so-called face painters have been spotted at events using acrylic paints which contain all sorts of chemicals which have been shown to give children chemical burns. Protect yourself and your children! _____________________________________________
How many children can you paint/make balloons for in an hour?
 Good Answer: “I offer 10-14 children painted per hour”
Bad answer: “You have 100 kids in one hour? Yeah sure, that’s fine”
Depending design and age. If you have more in a short time I can bring in other artists I work with regularly”
This can vary greatly depending on what local face-painting artists offer and what designs they may have to do and the age of the children. A competent artist should be able to paint 10-15 full faces an hour minimum. If they are age 3-4 vs 9-10 it may take longer, as younger, more active children often take longer to choose a design.
Do the math on how many they offer to paint per hour. 30 kids in one hour comes out to 2 minutes per face. That is for the child to choose a design, pick a color, get in and out of the face painters chair, and any entertaining banter that may go back and forth. That doesn’t leave much time for the painter to do the design and clean the brushes unless of course they get out the paint roller! _____________________________________________
Is there anyone you can’t paint at the event?
Good Answer: ���For safety reasons I can’t paint anyone with skin conditions such as eczema, anyone who has a contagious illness, and children under 3 due to them having sensitive skin. I won’t paint any child who doesn’t want it.”
Bad answer: “I’ll paint anyone. You want me to paint your newborn head to toe for a baby shoot? Yeah, great I’ll be there!”
A child should enjoy the experience from beginning to end. Because of this, we do not allow our face painters for parties to paint children that are dragged by their parents kicking and screaming into the chair. We also do not paint children under the age of 3. We also do not ever paint children that are asleep as it can be a very traumatic experience when the child wakes to see an unfamiliar face in the mirror. Along with all these, we refuse to paint any sick children as we do not wish to facilitate any spreading of disease or sickness.
Just because they have been painted before doesn’t mean it is a good idea. There are unprofessional painters out there that will agree to do anything for a few dollars, but that is not what we represent. We wish to always uphold a professional and safe entertainment practice. If a child is super squirmy, we do our best to paint what we can, but they may not be able to sit still for a long enough time to get a very intricate design. _____________________________________________
What hygiene methods do you use?
Good Answer: “We wash our brushes, change our water regularly and use 1 sponge per child. We use Q-tips to apply paint to the mouth and use one stencil per child for glitter tattoos with a skin safe glue. (We do not apply glitter tattoos on the face or neck.) All our equipment is cleaned thoroughly after every event.”
Bad answer: “I use one sponge per color on all the kids snotty faces, including the one with chickenpox brewing in their system and spit on the water based paint in order to activate it.”
That bit with the spit activating the paint is a true story of what another one of our face painters witnessed happening at an event! I KNOW, IT’S GROSS! Hygiene is important and something only a professional tends to practice well. It’s to ensure your child has the best experience and doesn’t start growing warts where their tiger paint was. Bear in mind dirty water that has been used all day by a painter and paint-stained water are two different things. Water can look dirty the second the paint touches it, but may not necessarily be as dirty as it looks. _____________________________________________
What kind of setup do you have?
Good Answer: “I have a neat and tidy set up, including all the many colors I may need. It takes me about 10 minutes to set up on my face paint table with my chair. I have pictures on my website if you would like to see something specific.”
Bad answer: “I use an old sewing box to hold all my paint and I keep the dirty sponges from my last event to use again and again. It only takes me a second to setup because I just throw my stuff onto any table I can find.”
Set up says a lot about an artist. It’s a larger part of what you are paying for. A kit that has been built up and lovingly put together so your artist can be clean efficient and look good at your event can be impressive. And the organization in the kit often reflects on the organization of the artist in general and the effort they put into their business. Many times a proper kit can cost hundreds of dollars or more and goes a long way towards helping the artist be efficient, clean, and presentable to your guests. _____________________________________________
Do you have examples of your work or a website?
Good Answer:“Of Course! You can find examples of my work and reviews from past clients on the YTE Events website and Facebook business page. Are you at a computer? Can I send you to them now?”
Bad answer: “I don’t have a website or any of my own pictures but here’s some designs painted by another artist that I offer sometimes.”
Some people do post other peoples work to their web pages, so be aware and ask if you are unable to tell. Try and look for pictures of them working at what looks like an event in real time so you can get an idea of what on the job faces actually look like rather than what might be a 2 hour staged design. Some offer pictures at events of other artists work that they often can’t replicate. Also I am always dubious about a business without an official webpage or email. If they are not going to take the time to create a presentable website and pay the $20 per year to have a domain name, then do you really think they will take the time to make sure your guests are presentable at a party or event? _____________________________________________
Where did you learn to face paint?
Good Answer:“All of our artists spend a lot of time educating themselves through classes, DVD’s, books, magazines, and countless hours of practicing and meeting with other artists at events and conventions. This is to make sure we can constantly have new designs and stay up to date with new techniques.”
Bad answer:“I thought it would be fun so I did a couple of friends parties first. Now I do it all the time for money on the side.”
If your entertainer has not attended a convention or workshop for their craft, the chances are pretty high that they are guessing at a lot of things. If they use the wrong paint, brush cleaner, or hygiene techniques they can cause allergic reactions, stained skin, or worse! _____________________________________________
How do I book a face painter?
Good Answer:“Please fill out our event request form online and then we can send you a contract which you can sign digitally. You can even pay the deposit online as well. Once deposit is paid and the contract is signed, we are ready to go for your event.”
Bad answer:”Just give me your info and I’ll show up the day of your event. Pay me cash because I don’t accept checks, credit cards, or anything else. Make sure you have a tip ready for me too!”
If an artist has you send details and sign an agreement, please fill out the information completely and also READ ALL OF THE CONTRACT. It is there to protect you AND the artist, so you should know what it says. The booking fee is so that you do not cancel last minute as the artist makes their living performing and cannot hold a date without compensation. If they do not have any of this in place, it is a sure sign that they have not been in the business long and you may end up with a performer that is not experienced or that may not even show up at all! The tidbit about a tip was due to an experience I had with an entertainer. Though it is often customary for a client to tip an entertainer, having an entertainer practically demand it is not only rude, but unprofessional. If they are working an all cash business and hustling for tips, it’s possible they are not just trying to deceive the government. You may be deceived as well! _____________________________________________
You may think a good artist / entertainer is very expensive. However, you are not just paying for the hours they are at your event. You are paying for their ever expanding kit they bring, travel, years of experience, practice and training (often from artists all over the world), marketing, time spent on administration of their business, hours on phones answering questions, supplies, and much, much more. Entertainers are not a rich bunch, but often love what they do with passion. I know the highlight of my day is seeing that mirror moment when a child is transformed and hearing the “oohs” and “aahs” from the adults and children alike.
Though there are more questions and answers we can go over, this should get you started on the path to finding a great entertainer for your event. We hope this mini guide has been helpful, and slightly amusing, for you to read. Even more so, we hope it has helped you toward making a choice for the very best option for spending those very important pennies for your wedding, christening, 5th birthday party, or whatever other type of event you are planning. These are all important milestones for you so make them count and invest well in your entertainment. You will not regret it!
Authors Note:
Thank you for reading this. None of this post would have been written if it were not for the wonderful article posted by Miss Gemma Wright from Party Faces in the UK. You can see her information at any of the following locations: – www.facebook.com/partyfaceshelsby – www.partyfacehelsby.webs.com She can be reached via email at: [email protected]
If you would like to book a face painter in Florida or the US, please contact us via our web form at: http://www.YTEevents.com
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