#ik that what im doing isnt good but its not like i can stop
skeletonin666 · 7 months
today is kinda a break day in a way, today im not going to eat and just consume all of my calories in drinks ive been wanting that are low enough calorie to fit in my budget :) its gonna be nice, im even going to hopefully go on a walk if its not too cold and then i can have something nice and warm :)
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moenmomentsthemoe-en · 3 months
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
i literally have completionist brain but for real life and like. not a fun way for me to play games Definitely not a fun way for me to live irl
#bc in games like. skyrim or what have you i do nottt play them right ik there isnt a right way to play them#but i do every single quest and i pick the options thtall give me the best rewards etc and it just isnt very fun. and rhe point is that its#a role playing game so i should roleplay and if i want to see what happens if i pick the other options i just Make anew save instead of#reloading over and over again. and yet#and its not fun in the sims bc j literally judt force them to max their skills get highest level in their careers complete theiraspirations#and then im just like. ok. and it ends up making my sims games so samey and not fun bc ill Make sims thatr different from eachother but#well. 1. sims 4 sims do not act different from eachother Lmao you Can pick different traits but the most u get is moodlets and maybe 2-5#dialogue options. not that much... vs like skms 3 where each trait could change up a sim a lot#butttt whatever. anyways...#but yeah irl im like Noooo i cant just do this 1 good job bc there are all these other jobs i also need to do i cant pick one major i have#to do all of them i cant Not be able to romance this person !! but real life isnt a video game and that mindset fucking sucks for videogame#anyway... like i like completing a game but i wish i didnt let it ruin games 4 me#bc it rly does i never finish games anymore bc i stress myself out over 100% it...#and i make too many spreadsheets abt them. but i love spreadsheets :[[[[#i should go back to sdv again.. and return to an old save thats another thing#ill obsess iver a game to the point i burn out completely and stop playing and then ill get the urge to play again#but i start a new save and inevitably burn out again and its like ! the devil
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snekdood · 2 years
I think some of yall are just gonna have to accept that vegans have a different philosophy than you.
#YOU might think its respectful to eat animals or whatever the fuck#but like i dont and cant bring myself to. sorry#IM not about to let that get in the way of being friends w non vegans though .#like im never gonna be like 'killing animals is cool' bc to me it isnt and i dont think theres many reasons to unless you specifically have#to eat it for some reason. im not even a pure vegan. i still eat meat. i just dont see the pleasure in it.#ig i cant help but think about factory farming and the horrible ways animals die. i also dont really know if theres a Good way to kill an#animal just for sustenance.#i think itll be bad no matter what but ig theres *better* ways to do it if you have to#i think yall havw to understand that im literally just some person whos come to this conclusion#i dont have systemic power to change how things are so dont bitch that im taking your meat away when clearly its not going anywhere#yall essentially anti vegans are exhausting.#what i hate is how i say i care about animals lives and then in a defensive immediate retort people try to claim that i dont care about#oppressed humans. as if all vegans are actually just eco fascists who couldnt be assed to give a fuck about minorities lmao#im sorry youve interacted with shitty vegans but i promise theres vegans who just like dont want anyone to be killed if it can be helped#maybe i do actually just care about both of these things at once. ik its shocking#and i promise that me generally supporting ntv and other ppls ability to hunt for whatever environmental justification#isnt mutually exclusive from me thinking its generally not good to eat meat#like it IS possible to believe two things at once#also great news for you! i dont have control over you and your life. so whatever i say could fundementally not effect you#and no. thinking an action is bad doesnt mean i think anyone who hunts is a Bad Person. i also cant make them stop either#i just have personal feelings on the matter#sorta like how your friend has a preference for a tv show you find problematic and you've vented your frutrations w it#but they still love the show anyways and you wouldnt take that away from them bc a. you cant and b. it doesnt effect our friendship enough#for me to feel the need to try to encourage them to not watch it...?#the totally wacky and wild and unique unheard of thing abt me is that i dont need to control people who want to live a different life#even if i dont think its entirely cool whatever it is they do#obviously if theyre a racist or something i wont tolerate that but yeah#this is MY path in life. these are MY beliefs. i dont need you to follow in my footsteps.#im not ur guru lol#im not pushing for any policies. i dont have a plan to *make* everyone vegan. im just sharing my thoughts.
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yawn-emoji · 1 year
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#confiding in friends is good and helpful and healing until it becomes burdensome when u r in situations where nobody can give u advice#or comfort and all they can tell u are things u already know urself so u feel like a burden sharing things and stressing ppl out#by having them worry abt u w out being able to do anything abt it or offer u actual comfort in any way… :(#dont get me wrong im incredibly grateful for my friends but like if my dad is actively dying from cancer as we speak there is nothing u can#possibly say to help so all i do by sharing is make ppl feel pressured to comfort me even though there is no comfort to be given at all#ik u love me and ik i deserve a break from the difficult things life has been throwing at me for the last yr. ik those things already#and it almost hurts to hear them said again because like. ik those things are true and i wish they brought me comfort but they dont. nothing#brings me comfort. nothing at all#i feel like these feelings resurface every couple months and i start isolating myself from my friends whenever this happens because i feel#so like. burdensome but also unable to accept words of comfort or sympathize w anything that anyone else is going thru. i stop liking#conversing w my friends and i just feel too drained to talk to anyone because all that is on my mind is death#i had to delete a bunch of social media + messaging apps from my phone / mute conversations + turn dnd on constantly because i just. i just.#i literally just cant and i wish i could and i dont feel guilty for needing to take this space because i am familiar w this being one of my#needs and also ik i am going thru something insanely traumatic atm and like nobody can judge me or make me feel guilty for what my needs are#at the moment. i used to feel guilty abt this but tbh i dont even have the energy anymore. this is just how i am#like i dont even have the ability to explain to people what the situation is or how dire it is. my sister and i are sure that this is it#but even if this isnt it it will only be a matter of time. he hasnt responded well to a single treatment and we have exhausted everything#so now its just a waiting game. if it doesnt happen in a few months it will just happen a few months after that. there is no battle to even#fight anymore. this is just it#fuck. oh my god#there was more i wanted to say but i started thinking abt it and i feel like im going to have a panic attack so never mind. ummm#okay… anyways!#woozi eating lettuce dot gif#journal
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lavender--fairy · 2 years
How can I fully live in my inner world/4d? What do I have to think how do I have to act?
hey butterbean!! For you to fully live in the inner world you will have to leave the outer world alone just leave it as it is you dont have to worry about what is happening out there or what anyone is doing. Try to fully grasp this dont just read along what im about to tell you "The outer world is ONLY a reflection of the inner world" and ik you've heard this a million times but most of us refuse to fully believe it, read it again and again until it clicks. Don't be scared to fully let it go like COMPLETELY. Walk with confidence that whatever you imagine will come to pass its just how it works. Stop clinging to it just let it go for your own good and turn to your imagination, the true reality, the one that can and will give you ANYTHING you want INSTANTLY, isnt that what we all want?? well why do we refuse it when imagination gives it to us? You can literally be flying in the sky right now but you refuse the wonderful experience the imagination gives you and call it "only in my head", "just imagination","fake" well that is who men call God. "What do I have to think how do I have to act?" That is your choice, do you wanna eat a donut right now, dont refuse this little desire either, fulfill all your desires down to the little ones, act how you want to in your imagination.
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sixosix · 5 months
HAIIIIIIIIII!!! how r u bookie bearrrr! i just finished rereading thawed andddd i have some reader(my reader) headcanons to give u<33
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1) reader w an eyepatch!! yknow, from ch 2 where she sneaked on a mission and got burnt,,, it could be a scar under there or maybe she cant see in that eye but idk yet
2) her rat tail-ish hair!! i hc that when she was young, she really idolized arlecchino and growed her hair so they could match... and so heres the juicy part. lyney notices that when they spar, reader's hair kind of gets in the way bc its only kept by one singular hair tie. but she still slays tho so it wasnt really a problem but lyney is a simp so he begged lynette to teach him how to braid (i hc lynette does his braids) so that he can braid reader's hair. and after like weeks of him offering her to braid her hair, she finally lets him. after that, lyney would always braid her hair when he sees it bothering her orrr she sometimes(like, maybe 3 times) approaches him first to do her hair (bro was over the moon trust me)
that why it is now her default hairstyle(maybe its for closure,,,)
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3)her vision is as close to her as possible bc its the only thing that gives her worth,,,
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4) columbina. thats it, thats the tweet.
5) i forgor to draw it but i also hc that she wears gloves when she goes out bc some of those scars dont look like it comes from plants,,,
her design isnt actually final bc im still unsatisfied, like, stuff is not blending in yk like ah basta ganon WHAHAHSGJAH the first pic might look ike shit bc my tablet is not resonating w me so apologies..
i will now proceed to, once again, reread thawed bc it has become my daily therapy<3
have a nice day!!
OH MY GOSH AKAGI I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW U IN MY INBOX LIK.E. omfg. AND U NEVER FAIL TO HAVE ME IN AWE. your concept of thawed!reader is SO so genius--you get her so well its like we exchanged waves while thawed was in the works.
THE EYEPATCH. i love that. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE THAT. i know u said u reread it but im actually so happy u take those scenes into mind
THE RAT TAIL HAIR. Hello. ure insane. ure a genius. youre fuckedup for that btw im hurt thats so sad and so cute. AND LYNEY LEARNING HOWTO BRAID FOR HER? bye. Im dead and gone.
the vision hc :( the worth line :( AHHHHHHHHHH How do u do it. its like u wrote thawed… AND COLUMBINA? absolutely yes. Thats canon. I, STILL NOT OVER THE RAT TAIL HAIRSTYL
tbh i keep tge readers appearance vague for the sake of staying true to its concept as a 'reader' fanfic but your hcs are so good that i feel the need to incorporate it in my series so bad. the need is so strong,,,, akagi what are u doing to me.... stop being so good.... YOUR READER IS CLAWING AT ME
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Hi hey hello halloween was 2 days ago so here are my southpark halloween headcanons cuz im a spooky gremlin all year (Possible part 1 cuz i write alot and idk if tumblr has a word limit)👍
His costume is either really extra or really basic because he forgot until last minute.
Its usually inflateable like a dinosaur, pizza or...other things.
Usually the one to pick the route they go on when trick or treating so he can get the most candy, but it backfires because of all the walking.
The type of mf to eat his candy while hes out trick or treating (me too, i get it)
He steals the entire take 1 bowl you cant change my mind. Also the type to grab aggressive fistfuls when someone says to just take one or two pieces of candy
Thinks haybales and haunted houses are gay
Will throw fake decorations at you as a joke, but the realistic ones that make you yell (severed hands, bugs, etc)
His house isnt that decorated since i KNOW Liane is the cool mom who gives out full sized candy bars but its the inside that counts
Takes pumpkin carving VERY seriously. But doesnt do that much, or he tries and gives up.
A dumbass when it comes to candy trading. Always falls for the tricks Kyles got
I love kyle, but you know hes dressing up as the most basic things every year...hes TRYING THO HES TRYING
Takes Ike with the boys when hes old enough
Tries to match costumes with Stan but stan always forgets
The BEST at carving pumpkins. Gut feeling Kyle is an art kid.
Thinks haybales are gay but is "ironically" scared of haunted houses
His mom is extra with decorations. You just know it
Secretly takes 3 pieces of candy from a take 1 bowl
Gives what he cant have to Stan since he cant eat pork n gelatin has pork in it 👍
Cartman tried nabbing his candy once and he whacked him with the candy filled pillow case he had
Expert candy tracker. That man knows which house has what and he is ON IT
Nightmare before christmas enjoyer, will i explain? No
Hes like Kyle with the basic costume thing, just worse. Way worse
He is a ghost...almost every single year cuz he forgets to go costume shopping and he just says "fuck it" and uses a white bedsheet
Takes what he can get; he knows Shelleys gonna steal his shit anyway
That doesnt stop him from trying to hide it
Likes haybales but TERRIFIED of haunted houses he will NOT get in one
Mediocre pumpkin carver at best
His house aint decorated nor does it have candy cuz of randys ass. Forgetful ahh
Cant really afford costumes so stan, kyle and cartman help him DIY costumes
Also the kind of mf to grab the entire take 1 bowl
Makes it his MISSION to get all the candy he can get
Kinda eh on Haybsles, LOVES haunted houses
His house is never decorated, his family cant afford that
Good at candy trading cuz he can do puppy eyes
Really good at pumpkin carving, he just cant be the one getting the pumpkins.
He dies a lot that day very sad for him
Rarely aloud to go out trick or treating, mans is ALWAYS grounded
When he CAN go out he cant ever stay out late which sucks so much
His costume is always something cute/creative, bro would probably go as like, an oc of his one year (projecting so hard i did this in the 4th or 5th grade)
Gets people to check his candy for him, hes scared of getting hurt or poisoned
Wants to go to the houses that have fruit or toothbrushes. It always goes like:
"Can we go to Ms Firkles house?" "The one that gives out apples?" "Yeah!" "Fuck is wrong with you?"
Loves Haybales, thinks theyre so fun
TERRIFIED of haunted houses, will not even STAND in a 100 ft radius of a haunted house
Flinches/Cries/Screams whenever a halloween decoration jumpscares him or is too loud
Horrified of horror moves
Not allowed to carve pumpkins, too dangerous. But he likes painting them!
Obeys the "take 1/2/3" rule like a good boy
His house is decently decorated, nothing extravagant
Oh you know he is a "this is my costume" mf
Either that or something space related
Always the first in front in his group (Tweek, Tolkien, Clyde, Jimmy and Himself) cuz hes pretty unphased by everything
Loves carving pumpkins, him and tweek do the cute pumpkin carving stuff couples do
Cant eat most of the candy since he has braces, but he gives it to Tweek so its not a waste
Will hold Tweeks hand during horror movies, haunted houses and haybales.
A six flags fright fest enjoyer
This mf will look you dead in the eye and pour an entire bowl of candy into his bag if there arent any cameras or signs
The kind of mf to joke inside a ghost tour and purposefully try to piss off the ghost by flipping it off
The most undecorated house ever. Its like halloween doesnt exist to the Tuckers
He buys cool costumes but his makeup is so shaky and rushed since his ass cant sit still
Chugging pumpkin spice like a maniac
Terrified of any and all halloween activities. Jumpscare him and he will scream
Doesnt take candy from people or bowls, he stands awkwardly behind everyone and investigates his candy thoroughly before putting it in the bag
Either that or he'll have craig triple check it
His house is always decorated since Tweek Bros always has halloween specials and stuff
Does not sleep for the entire month of halloween, he survives on pumpkin spice and pure anxiety
Helps around the coffee shop by refilling candy bowls and doing halloween chalkboards (they look like scribbled messes but whatever)
The middle man in the group, he doesnt feel safe in the front or back
Carries Pepper spray with him when trick or treating, always very cautious to the point his friends grill him for it a little. Better safe than sorry
Clinging onto Craig half the night, the insomnias getting to him
Legally not aloud to carve pumpkins. He will accidentally knick his fingers
Loves halloween baking though, he does burn at least something and panics.
Oh you know hes the kind of mf to dress up like the glow in the dark stickman
Grabs aggressive handfuls of candy regardless of if its from a bowl or person
An absolute crybaby. Will cry when he sees the decorations
They cant decorate his house since hes a baby
Likes the pumpkin carving tho!
Always runs to thr house with full sized candy bars
He is def going as an inflateable t rex/banana
Tells more jokes to people in hopes of getting more candy
Carves a wee wee into his pumpkin. He thinks its funny
Pretends to be scared on haybales to make Clyde feel better
His house is the one with custom decorations its so great
Scary movie enthusiast, joking and calling the characters dumb the whole time
He. Fucking. Loves. Frightfest
Hc that when hes older hes a scare actor part time
Admires the decorations
Bro probably got like, a ren faire costume yk? Like a count or something
Tolkien just seems likke the guy to go to ren faire every year
Expert pumpkin carver
Takess his friends to halloween fairs every year
The most overdecorated house (rich kid core)
Always saying the thank yous and happy halloweens when noone else will
Bro printed out a map of their trick or treat route
He takes some of his friends to ren faire too. Craig thinks its gay as shit
Likes the haybales, and the shit rides at the halloween fairs
Creeped out by haunted houses tho
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jellyaibo · 3 months
got to ramble abt loser to someone last nite right and its always a nice lil refresh for me explaining what actually happens in the show AND MAN its so funny how people are so willing to call loser a jerk or think shes evil bc of the things she did and like ok whatever but did we forget abt all the shit this thang had to go thru like ?!?!?!?
getting eliminated with the most votes so far, isolation in the jawbreaker (which ik tghis isnt a serious deal in the show, DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE ANGST ABT THIS CUZ IM NORMAL) like ofc getting eliminated isnt enough get into the sensory deprivation chamber SADFJKSHDFKHSDF LIKE !
also imsorry this cunt has ptsd HEHAHHAA WE SEE HER GET A FLASHBACK IN EP 4 THATS JUST NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN (the paper mache incident)
and like. man it adds layers BC AS U CAN SEE LOSER NEVER ALWAYS HAD IT SO GOOD???? so like OF COURSE when him & winner get popular loser relishes in it. BC ITS DESERVED? LOL? WOULDNT U BE ECSTATIC IF U AND UR BUDDY GOT POPULAR AFTER YEARS OF NOTHANG? ITS HUGE!
and yeah ! her up n' leaving winner wasnt the best but you srsly gotta keep in mind this is losers dream . to her winner just didnt want to support him anymore AND U COULD SEE LOSER WAS CLEARLY UPSET ! hes ALSO losing a good friend too !!
butohmy god im getting off tangent just. you know . loser has gone thru some shit and its funny how many ppl i see just dont talk about it !! AND LIKE !! ON TOP OF THIS LOSER IS STILL NICE !! IDC !! loser has always been helping people n doing her best . and even tho her fans keep flip flopping (shoutouts to cake) she still keeps her chin up
PLUS having all these fans adds another thing: expectations, expectations, THE HIGHEST OF ALL! bc loser is soo popular, everyone sees him as perfect and strong WHEN LIKE WE SEE LOSER IS A HELPER AND A NICE GUY YES but at the end of the day ! shes a guy ! (thinks really hard abt cake n eggy arguing then it just cutting to loser craving nuggets . see maybe this is just me looking too deep into it but it shows the contrast of how the fans feel abt her vs how loser rlly is . just a kinda quiet?? guy that likes helping ppl)
this shows even more in post split when loser has a #normal moment over "a fan doubting her" YOU CAN SEE HOW IT AFFECTS HIM BC EVERYONE HAS SUCH HUGE EXPECTATIONS AND . as u could see ANY ONE MISTAKE WILL LEAVE LOSER ALL ALONE AGAIN ! OFC SHE WILL PANIC INTERNALLY SKFHDKSDFH
and idk where to put this but taco calls him "cuboid" and like see itsounded so derogatory when she says it GAJHAHAHAHA ITS LIKE??? not object slursIM NOT SAYING THAT ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME . IT SOUNDS LIKE A DEROGATORY TERM MAN ITS LIKE GETTING CALLED uhhhhhhhhhok other than the f slur i cant think of anything its like shes being called a faggot ok whatever I NEED TO STOP TYPING
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heyyyy🫶🫶 for something quick, do you have any hc of certain AUs for warner? also good luck with prom dress shopping!!💗💗
omg hi 🪷!! thank u for the luck i need it cus im sewing some of it and im still a beginner LOLL
for au’s i do have a few that have crossed my mind recently, im sure i can do more that this if i put my mind to it
so i had this idea i scrapped before i even wrote the ferrars! reader hcs and basically its a tangled inspired au (ik super ironic bc kenji is the one tangled obsessed)
reader was hidden away at a young age because of her powers and the restablishment uses them to control the word (like how they utilized emmaline basically) so you live in this secluded tower away from sector 45
so aaron is finds you accidentally when he’s on a mission and he gets separated from his soldiers for a bit and sees the tower
then he climbs up and scares you so you hit him with a pan (LOL) and then you explain that you lived there forever but leave out your gift
aaron reintroduces you to the world and secretly keeps you at the base to hide you from his father (once he learns about what you can do)
then for your birthday he takes you to a festival thing but then your both caught by aarons dad
the rest isnt that planned out but rough synopsis of my idea
and then i often think more abt aaron and reader in present times like
imagine reader and aaron going to the met gala (aaron is ur stylist no one tell me otherwise)
or just any red carpet event, you both tend to match
paparazzi pics of you both
being rumored to break up every week or “cheating” scandals
you both arent really into social media but both def have a pinterest / instagram / maybe twitter
your instagram feed is just pictures of aaron, places, and friends and occasionally yourself
aaron’s feed is literally only pictures of you. he posts like once or twice a month. but his stories are active because he likes to post his outfits or yours.
if you post on any media platform aaron is ALWAYS the first to like & comment no matter what
people constantly asking aaron if he can fight (he always responds he can)
kenji’s the type to make u both participate in tiktoks or prank u with current trends
also you have a group chat with juliette, kenji, nazeera, and adam (he was added by accident but then stayed there)
aaron sends you random pictures of things that reminds him of you. anytime your not tigether he’s going to message you a bunch.
sugar daddy! aaron warner is literally the dream. this one is set in modern era
you are a college student struggling financially, and if you dont get money for tuition you can go to school/will be kicked out. your parents kicked you out for following your own dream, so you have no one to turn to
aaron is a ceo, happens to find you at your job as a barista. he immediately thinks tour the most beautiful person ever and wants to know you. so he shows up almost everyday to the place even though its out of his way to work.
you two get to know each other a bit and you let your financial situation slip out, so aaron offers you money, but you decline and such.
you think thats it, but then you later get an email to let you know your tuition is covered.
you feel bad and offer aaron anything to let ypu repay him in some way, so he bargains that you let him take you to places and basically date him.
so that starts your arrangement.
buys you quite literally anything — even if you dont say you want it. if you glance at it in a store, you’ll see it on your bed the next day.
you even get to move into his apartment because he hates the idea of you in those ugly small dorms, and i’ll be easier for you both to see each other. (he’s clingy)
you go with him at any event, he literally never went to any before he started seeing you now he wants to take you everywhere in pretty dresses
even when your officially dating he won’t stop buying you things, if anything it doubles.
this ones dark so TW but with the the hype of the scream movies going around it got me imagining ghostface! aaron warner working with ghost face! kenji (i imagine this set in the 90s type era bc 1st scream is so iconic)
in this au aaron’s abusive childhood enabled him to have psychopathic tendencies so he starts off with random killings then later gets into the ghostface thing after wanting to get revenge on juliette for cheating on him with adam.
aaron enlists kenji because kenji’s the one that figure out it was him, but he’s doesn’t want him to turn aaron in, he wants to help. but kenji is kind of easy to manipulate so aaron is the master mind.
aaron makes the calls and kenji does most of the killing.
aaron and you are already dating when the killings start happening
you were originally meant to be killed bc you’re bffs with juliette but then aaron fell in love with you so now he protects you (#couplegoals)
if anyone messes with you or a guy gets too close with you, they’re gone. if a person is involved with you then aaron is likely to kill, especially if he already doesn’t like them
adam is the first to go (LMAOO), then its brendan, ian, nazeera (queen was a fighter im sorry
your so oblivious to it all and very scared that ghostface going after you next. and aaron thinks that’s so cute. so much that he calls your house as ghostface just so you can call him all scared and run into his arms for protection.
and if you somehow figure it out he’s just going to kidnap you and lock you somewhere you can’t escape and leave him <3 (i’m insane for wanting that)
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livelaughlovekny · 10 months
Texting him for homework help
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a/n: going to try out a new format + wrote this fic when i was meant to be revising a test but got sidetracked. anyways, you can see how bad i am at science and math HAHA
Summary: You text Muichirou for homework help and he helps you a little
  You flip through the pages furiously, nearly ripping them. You should have revised earlier but the fanfiction you were reading was just too good. Your brain is officially a blank slate. Giving up, you opened up WhatsApp on your laptop. His name was at the top of your recently contacted. Tapping into your chats, you quickly sent him a SOS message.
You help, i cant do this anymore
mint ice creamok
You ☹️ science isnt sciencing
mint ice creamok
You how the frickity frack does a fuse work like does it just like stops current????
mint ice cream are you serious 💀 it lets current flow through but if theres too much then the wire inside the fuse will melt and like current can flow through cos its an open circuit do you get it
You ty bbg YES ok and so explain what earth wire does pls its so stupid ☹️
mint ice cream 🤡
You plsplspls i dont get anything 😢 the slides sucks
  Muichirou rolled his eyes but opened up a new tab in which he searched for the chapter’s slides. Screenshotting it, he sent it to you, knowing full well what your response would be. Waiting for you to reply, he formed his response to you in his head, figuring out how to explain it in simpler terms for you.
You [Image]
idiot wow so helpful 🥺
You it literally just like conducts electricity to the ground like if theres a leakage then it will prevent the user from getting a shock yk 
idiot still a little iffy about it but ok
You its a test, you cant be “iffy” about anything
idiot ☹️ tbf its just a revision
You ok 💀
  Rolling his eyes, Muichirou contemplated explaining the concept to you again or just letting you ask him other questions. He patiently waited for you to send your message when he noticed you typing.
You i think ill revise science tmr can you help me with math
mint ice cream the test is tmr wdym 💀
You ik but im too tired of it ☹️
mint ice creamalright, what is it
You soo whats like the four congruency tests
mint ice cream shit are you serious
You yeah 🙁
mint ice cream 💀ok wait
mint ice cream SSS = Side-Side-Side = All sides are the same SAS = Side-Angle-Side = 2 sides + 1 angle are the same AAS = Angle-Angle-Side= 2 angles + 1 side are the same RHS = Right angle-Hypotenuse-Side = Hypotenuse + 1 side is the same
mint ice creamdo you get it 🤓
You lol ass and idk 🙁
mint ice cream i dont deserve the torture of tutoring you
You 🖕 ok but fr i actually appreciate your help 🥺
  Twirling around in your spinning chair, you waited for his response. You glanced at the messy pile of worksheets and textbooks on your desk. No matter how hard you tried, his explanations were the only things that you could somewhat get.
You you know what congruent means right
You impressive. so basically after you prove that theyre congruent youll write “[] is congruent to []” right
idiot yeah
You ok then at the back you write one of the congruent tests like which kind of congruency it is
idiot ok
You 🤡
idiot shut up im tired idw to do this anymore oml
  Muichirou’s fingers hovered above his keyboard as he thought about how to respond. He deleted his original message and sent another one.
mint ice cream L
Bonus: <Original message: itll be alright, im here for you>  He knew how hard these stuff were for you and was honestly extremely glad that his explanations could help you, even if it was just a little.
a/n: im so bad at this oml i feel like im horrible at explaining math and science :( tbf i do suck at them and i wrote this for fun (comforting myself) HAHA
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queenie-blackthorn · 8 months
in honor of world mental health day heres my story below the cut :)
kinda hard to talk abt this cause its somewhat triggering and ik theres gonna be ppl who think im just an emo 15 y/o, but i swear im not tryna be dramatic. im tryna make peace with my past, and also show others that despite everything, you can make it.
also, im tryna show that healing isnt all sunshine and daises. theres the good, the bad, and the ugly. you can and will survive it all
tw: sewerslide attempt, abusive parents, self harm, violence ig ?
ive died two times in my life so far.
the first time, it was my parents who killed me. december 31st, 2020, ~1.15am. i remember dragging across the hallway in my house, a throbbing sensation in my thigh, the mark already turning purple. i walked past my younger sisters' room, where my cousin was sleeping over with them, and i remember climbing into bed, hugging my pillow, crying against the pillow. that night, it was my innocence that died. my childhood happiness, per se. i remember swearing to myself in those final moments before darkness that id never forget that day. december 31st, 2020, ~1.15am.
the time between my two deaths was filled with barely anything other than self loathing. i remember trying to set goals for myself, reasons to live. i tried out new hobbies. i was never able to meet those goals, and all the hobbies bored me.
i met some of the best people ever during that time. i also met some of the worst. i might sound dramatic, cause im young and impressionable, but the people i met during that time genuinely shaped who i am. i dont wanna act like im an old soul or anything, cause im sure that in a few years imma look back and think, "shit, i was really immature." but i matured faster than others my age. i found myself faster, found things i liked, found love, found out i hated being in love.
and then i died again.
this was a recent death. june 22, 2023. my mental health had been deteriorating for months prior – i still have scars on my arms.
it was a slower death compared to the last one. i started dying at around 4.00pm. it went on for an hour before the pain became unbearable and i confessed to my parents. i didnt want to go to the hospital, i was scared of what theyd do. i threw up seven times before giving in at about 8.00pm. they took me to the hospital. i was told told me i was lucky to be alive, that my liver was still functional. i didnt feel lucky. i felt like death wouldve been less painful. my head was spinning
i died in that hospital bed, at ~9.40pm, with my eyes wide open, my mom sitting near me. my thoughts at the time were along the lines of this:
im quite literally a child in the eyes of the world. ive done nothing. i have a psychology exam tomorrow. i have a book im halfway done writing, and a new story thats been brewing in my head for months. but if i die now, ill never get to finish any of that. ill never succeed. ill never be able to spit in the faces of the girls who bullied me, of the teachers who doubted me. why would i do this to myself? why would i rob myself of that chance?
so i died. but not the same way as last time. this time, it was the poisonous me that died, the me that whispered in my ear that my life would amount to nothing, that everyone else had it better, that you either succeed or you dont.
and when i died the second time, something happened that didnt happen the first time.
i was reborn.
at the time of me writing this, its been less than four months since my rebirth. in those four months:
i decided to change the world somehow. not necessarily by finding the cure to cancer or anything, id be satisfied if it was just a cute lil video i made going viral. as long as theres someone out there who i changed
i finished about six chapters of my book
i began writing the story that had been brewing in my head
i started lifting weights to make myself feel better abt how i looked
i got closer to god. stopped missing prayer
i moved schools, leaving behind both bullies and friends
i started focusing on my studies
i tried to fix my relationships with my parents and my siblings
dont get me wrong. none of these are completed. im still an extreme case of nobody-ness. i havent finished writing either of my stories. i still skip out on working out a lot i still only do the bare minimum in terms of religion. im still struggling to catch up in school to make up for my three years of burnout. my relationship with my family is still kinda weird
and i still feel like im dying sometimes. its not like i changed overnight and all those suicidal thoughts and feelings of drowning just disappeared when the sunrays came up. theres still a lot of issues in my life.
but i have faith in myself. in my ability to change the things that can be changed. in creating happiness where theres room for it to be made.
and if finding happiness a losing battle?
well, ill fight like its the fucking boudican revolt.
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enkvyu · 8 months
Nothing makes sense anymore I think gege forgot how to write good chapters people say gege killed gojo to make the story move but that doesnt make any sense after sukuna turned back to his og body and on top of that now he can basicaly cut the world how can others beat him non of them are on gojos level I shouldve stop reading jjk after shibuya it's emotional torture at this point
(Thinking about this making me angry my English is dead at this point)
NO SRSLY ANON i dont want to sound like im above gege bc he has experience writing stories and he has been going at it for years but what . is he thinking 😭😭
if THE STRONGEST cannot get sukuna at his weakest form what are the hopes that anyone else ever could ??? the whole reason why no one jumped in during gojo v sukuna was bc they knew they would only get in the way and die (lol) . going at sukuna one at a time ??? it wasnt even hakari and kashimo teaming up like MAYBE they stood a chance but they decided to split up ?? and now sukunas in his god mode or wtv and the chances r lower than ever
which is why im partly hopeful that gojo will resurrect bc i sincerely can’t reason another character succeeding in killing sukuna .
honestly the radio silence from yuuji is the only thing giving me hope bc he IS the main char after all . him being casted aside in all this should not come without a well thought out plot related reason. i will actually call it quits if there isn’t a scheme behind all this . i mean its the final battle, the last arc!! (unless it isnt but do we srsly see a future where readers will care abt another arc w the last remaining chars) there has to be one more trick up gege’s sleeve (praying its gojo coming back LOL)
one last thing bc this is getting long (oops) but i’m disappointed in yuuji’s character arc. gege definitely sacrificed his arc for gojo’s involvement w the plot and if we get dumped w yuuji lore all of a sudden i actually would not be able to find it in me to care . im gonna say it thats cheap fucking writing 😭😭 i rlly do not want to seem like ik what im talking abt considering gege is a mangaka and im js a fanfic writer but LORD
ig im js curious to see how gege will turn this back on us bc . he better
btw ur eng is perfectly fine anon!! emotional torture is definitely how its been lately .. but i have Hope
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
How I feel before the fic - 6/10, 😐🙃🫠🙍🏻‍♀️
Right off the bat, can feel how frustrated darling is with the way dami asks things!!! Can practically see the fuckin eye roll as he asking where and with who!! (As if he probably doesn't have a tracker on half the shit darling owns)
Pls the way Damian is questioning darling like it's an interrogation! And then is almost like okay and? When darling answers him!!! Like sir!!
Firmly believe that yes Dami is much better than when he first arrived at the manor, he still has those moments where the teachings fucking seep into his frontal lobe like something awakening. Hence the 'owning' darling part and the fact that he gets why it's not socially acceptable but.....neither is half of the other things he does so it's kinda catch 22 with that one for him at times.
Damian the manipulative king ngl
Man's probably thinks manipulation is much more extreme than what he's doing, probably considers what he does is just expressing himself :/
Damian really thinking he can talk darling down until being "threatened" with darling actually leaving!
him on his knees as a way to show you his devotion, willingly kneeling before only you and ever only you is something that means the highest level of love and devotion. And then the please, and the kissing? It's him trying to show you the fact that you're his deity and only wishes to keep you safe from the grime that is humanity! AND THEN ASKING TO CORRWCT HIS BEHAVIOR? ESSENTIALLY BEGGING TO ATONE FOR HIS SINS AT THE FEET OF HIS DIETY????
He just wants his soul to mingle with yours<3 your life lines intertwined in such a way that it'll extend past this life time<3 you'll be each other's in any and all times.
Damian is dastardly good at reminding darling why it's him. The way his body was born into this world to be with you and give you pleasure, as you were to him. You've belonged to each other since your first breaths and you will continue to be so until your last. At least, that's what he thinks.
The way you write Damian is so good, I really just adore it because it's so him but also just.....I can't see him falling in love normally. It always ends up like this, it's damn near hereditary. It's so good. Loved this fic and all the other Dami fics you post<3
Me after reading this - 9/10🫡🙂‍↕️🤤😲🥴🤭
Also no cookies yet, forgot I needed to soften the butter so been waiting on that while reading.
Much love Damian anon
Pls the way Damian is questioning darling like it's an interrogation! And then is almost like okay and? When darling answers him!!! Like sir!!
tell me why i got pissed off and i wrote it KJGHJSLDJFAHISD . while damian worships darling he also is. Damian. also at that point he just thought 'oh we're fighting right now. whatever. lovers fight (bruce x talia/selina) its always fine in the end,' not 'oh i'm about to lose your ass' KGHDSIOJHISDGI so he course-corrected real fast
Man's probably thinks manipulation is much more extreme than what he's doing, probably considers what he does is just expressing himself :/
EXACTLT YY EXACTLY YOU'RE IN MY BRAIN . YOURE IN MY BRAIN!!!! LIKE ITS JUST HILARIOUS THINKING ABOUT YAN DAMIAN B/C HE REALLY JUST THINKS HE'S EXPRESSING HIMSELF. he thinks "i'm just being forthcoming this can't be manipulation." HE'S SOOOO MISGUIDED AND EVIL BUT DOESNT EVEN KNOW IT. ITS SO SAD I LOVE IT . he thinks mistreating you would be like physical abuse or yelling at you.
IM GLAD YOU LIKE HOW I WRITE HIM... i'm still trying to nail all the parts of him <3 the beautiful, devoted parts <3 the bitter, spiteful parts <3 the dark, broken parts <3 he's such a conundrum what will i do with him
damian and his reverence for his darling is just peak idk what to say . 🚬 he doesnt just love you he genuinely worships you. also redemption is a huge part of his arc in canon (redeeming himself from being an assassin even though he literally was raised and groomed into it help), he finally believes he can change. you've changed him! he can change, just give him a chance.
THANKY OU FOR THE LONG REVIEW TEEHEE MADE MY DAY... i like can't look at my fics once theyre posted but i also just love to talk about them or really, just the characterization in them...
and rats! no cookies now.... BUT COOKIES SOON!!!
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sea-jello · 1 year
every single little detail they managed to fit into bmc
yeah there are SO MANY details in this show and its driving me crazy so im gonna amass everything into posts
ik many of these are well known or obvious or whatever but im doing it so anyone who didnt know about any of these could easily learn it all in one go without having to scour the internet or rewind and watch the background in every single scene yk (also i noticed so many of these myself and im kinda proud and its a way for me to get it all out)
i’m also going to be using @/thesquirrelqueer's be more chill archive which is amazing and frankly scary so go give em some love
edit i changed my mind halfway through this cause thats gonna take me forever so if you want to see all the visual details go check that out. its like thats the artists reference and this is the writers reference i think all the little quirks showcase their personality quite well
im gonna start all the way from the beginning so FIRST UP is 2river's "More Than Survive" (album+show, specifically the one 35 minute 👢)
im telling you its LONG so prepare yourself for that. maybe pull up the video to watch side by side so yk what im talking about (the video on yt is "this isnt be more chill" because its NOT be more chill) tiny warning for very mild nsfw mentions cause its bmc
from the first "c-c-c-cmon" up to "and now of course its time to hit the road" theres a sound that sounds like a mouse clicking to the beat in the background. i thought this was to reflect the show when jeremy stops clicking at his laptop at the line "and now of course its time to hit the road" to gets up and put his pants on, but during "but that really isnt such a change/if im not feeling weird or super strange" you can still hear the clicks. maybe its there just for repetitions sake cause it breaks off at "which means ill be uncomfortable all day" and resumes for those two lines, then you dont hear it again. you can hear this one very clearly if you watched the show, but its a little fainter in the album (i figured it out from the album lmao go me)
during the bus scene in the show when everyones going to their places, jeremy almost crashes into rich and you can hear his voice hitch
christine watches this interaction before "sitting down" on the bus to read
i think brooke is asleep during the bus ride, and gets woken up when the bus jerks forward
jake nearly drops his phone too (again this is all based on the 35 minute video on yt. im sure small things change every show, but this is all we got so im picking this one apart)
jeremy keeps smoothing his hair behind his right ear with his palm, probably a nervous gesture. he does it when they "get off the bus"
during the ensembles (i dont think thats the right word but it just makes it easier for me you know who im talking about) "c-c-c-cmon", michael loses his signal on his phone when they get to school, hence the "cmon"
chloe impatiently gestures to brooke to "cmon" and follow her (yk)
jenna waves to christine. christine puts her book down and waves back, then again just watches jenna and then people
rich messes with jenna and she goes to hit him
after the "c-c-c-cmon"s rich jumps out from backstage and hits jeremy in the nuts you can hear jeremys faint noise of pain
in the little dance break jake and jenna are dancing on opposite sides of the stage, then wave at each other (im pretty sure). jeremy looks back and forth between them while they dance and mistakenly waves to jenna when they spin around (just watch it youll know what i mean)
when chloe, brooke and jenna are gossiping, up to jakes "its a good thing i rock at pool" the "rich set a fire" tune plays in the background (something something gossip rumors) chloe is holding a textbook with the earth on it, so science or something probably. there’s a magazine article page that says “what cheating does to [i can’t see what it says]”, which i’m assuming is a reference to jake?? she also have page cutouts of hair products, straighteners, etc, and i think a picture of either taylor swift or brooke i really can’t tell 💀💀when rich writes on jeremys backpack, he pulls him up by the collar to say "youre dead", then pushes him (jeremy pushes his hair back again) into mr reyes' path where hes walking to put up the play sign up sheet. (side note gerards voice cracked on 'dont touch me tall ass" so it sounds like hes having a tantrum and will connolly looks like a meerkat and i love them both)
when jake says "its a good thing i rock at pool" chloe and brooke hide behind a pillar and listen in, then chloe does a sort of "i told you so" gesture. during the whole "i navigate the dangerous hall" scene, brooke chases after chloe as she storms off upset. rich messes with jenna again and she chases him offstage, then mr reyes follows (im pretty sure he pinched her ass) i dunno if this is a coincidence but christine runs after them offstage too. christine and jenna friendship w
jeremy genuinely sounds so excited when he realized it was a sign up sheet and i wholeheartedly believe he wanted to join the play even before christine, she was just the final push
when the ensemble comes back out before the "christiiiiiiiiine" mr reyes comes out dragging rich by the ear while jenna smugly walks behind them (read back to him pinching her ass). rich flips him off after he lets go. jake walks past chloe without looking up from his phone and chloe does a 180 to chase after him. forgot to mention michael has his hood on and bops to his music in the background of all the ensemble scenes but yk its pretty well known
oh god class scene here we go. rich and jake make the 👌👈 sign at michael. rich very aggressively shoves his WHOLE HAND into the circle and opens his hand. jenna raises her hand and mr reyes brushes her off in favor of trying and failing to get jake to stop, so he moves on to rich. he puts a hand on richs arm and sorta makes the "wtf" gesture. rich makes the "sorry about that" motion with his hand still around his wrist which is kinda funny to me (just watch it i cant even describe it) jake turns to talk to brooke, who was previously talking to chloe. jenna waves to christine again. also christine seemed really shy every time jenna waves at her, and never waves first. idk if this is a coincidence but chloe flips her hair back and brooke mirrors it right after. there’s a poster for an anime club on the bulletin board with the sign up sheet
jeremys fucking bops to his intro i love him
really quick when michael goes "and were almost at the end of this song" and does his dance jeremy bops along with him. NOW if we stretch a bit and say this actually happened then that means jeremy knew what song he was listening to/where hes at based on him dancing to it earlier they know each other so well they are best friends and possibly boyfriends in this essay i will
jeremy flops his head to the side on the beat and with michaels "how was class" slap hes so dramatic
i think i might be tripping but right after "i hate this school" and during the tore it up and flushed it thing michael in the bathroom plays very very faintly in the bg. IM NOT TRIPPING in the album mitb plays during the humanity stopped evolving thing up to "better time in history to be a loser". and THEN from "so own it" up to the christine jingle THE PANTS SONG PLAYS. you can just barely hear it in the boot too
during the first "canigula" michael waves in front of jeremys face and he kicks at him
before jeremys sign up verse michael takes his lunch tray and jerks his head towards the sheet in a "go on" motion and then ofc pushes him towards it HES SUPPORTIVE OF HIM HELLO this furthers my belief of jeremy being a secret theatre kid. jeremy looks back at him on "who cares if people think im lame" like hes reassuring himself can you hear my heart
when rich shouts "GAAAY" mr reyes points and goes after him
when they all come out to dance, jeremy first mistakenly waves to chloe when she waves at jenna, then rich when he goes to dap jake up, then tries to wave at michael but he spins away while presumably listening to his music. christine just watches chloe and brooke talk again
when they all start slowly standing up at the "go"s jeremy looks so confused
also when he jumps off the chair that is PEAK meerkat moment. then he lands and just stands there for like a solid 3 seconds its so funny to me
LORD almighty we're done that took weeks okay uhh please tell me if i should do EVERYTHING everything like broadway off broadway australia cause lord knows im the ceo of bmc australia rn also i dont want to sound pretentious but please reblog cause i spent so much time and effort on this useless fucking post 😭😭 but whatever i had fun
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lostfracturess · 3 months
nici i’ll have u know i just took two shots of tequila in preparation for this chapter 🤣🤣 and it’s close to 1pm on a tuesday
“how can u stay so calm?” “drugs, sweetheart. it’s the drugs.”
i cackled so fkn hard 🤣
"Tell me," he whispered, his breath a warm caress against your ear. "Where would you want him to touch you?"
Geto stripped the rain from his hair, then twisted the dark strands into a fresh bun. His eyes flickered between you and Satoru, a single raised eyebrow his only question. You wouldn't meet his gaze, the floor suddenly fascinating. 
stoppppp okay first of all the writing is eating so hard idk how but w every chapter i just fall more n more in love w the way u write 😭 BUT ALSO DON’t GIMME THE IMAGE OF A RAIN SOAKED GETO or else something ELSE is gonna be soaked out here🧍🏻‍♀️
ok i have to stop quoting every other line lmaooo
"Just so we're clear," Satoru's voice suddenly cut through the quiet, "I don't share. Not you."
sighhh the conversation ab the 37 y/o pt passing n how he’s just a statistic now 😭 so heartbreaking yet realistically put
im loving the daddy dom energy satoru is exuding in this chapter i just love when usually flirty/amused men lock tf in when things get serious lol it’s so hot. also so sweet how all he’s concerned ab is her reputation & career ahead
“A familiar ache rose in your chest. You longed to reach out, to bridge the chasm he insisted on maintaining. But his posture, rigid as stone, and his clenched jaw, sent a silent warning. This was his battle, one he'd fight in isolation—as always.”
ughh i feel like this perfectly sums up their dynamic. also if s&c was a paperback book this wld 100% be a quote that readers wld highlight on the page n crop to post on pinterest lmaooo it’s so good
“He was falling apart. But all you could do was watch.”
🥲 pls. stopp im so fragile rn.
i have sm anxiety over this ethics hearing my palms r actually sweaty. its like i’m THERE rn.
wait nici can u explain again sukuna’s want for revenge towards gojo n wanting to tear him/reader down 😭 was it like the jealousy that he wasn’t able to become a successful surgeon like gojo n had to settle on educational matters instead? :”) im dumb sry. ik he’s the root of gojo’s addiction but i think i might be missing something here lol. or do we not know yet
ok i still hate sukuna’s guts but there is partial truth to what hes saying🧍🏻‍♀️not saying reader isn’t brilliant n talented in her own right, but for sure, satoru’s attraction to her has given her opportunities that other qualified students were potentially robbed of (we live in a society lol). but idk how exactly she ranks among her peers, so maybe she rly was the best student for the job, but that’s all very subjective
"Because you would do the same," you finally managed, the words scraped raw from your throat. "You would stay. You wouldn't leave me."
ok “why do you even stay?” sent a chill down my spine but THISSS. im gaspeddd :””(( reader loves him sm and if her commitment to not letting him take all the blame isnt evident enough, her sticking w him thru his drug addiction is truly a type of devotion that comes from a purest point of love
“You—you make me feel things I've spent a lifetime avoiding, things I don't know how to handle. It scares the hell out of me."
ouchhhh 😭 ok but i feel him on this. that avoidant attachment be hittin againnn lmao me n him are so same
"You don't need to deserve me, Satoru. Love isn't about deserving. It's about choosing each other, again and again, no matter what. And I choose you.”
CRYINGG YES 😭😭😭💕💕💕 this healed a part of me ngl
"If you don't come down in the next few minutes, you're the one getting folded, first-year."
WHY IS HE ALL OF A SSUDEN MR FUNNY MAN NOW PLSSSKDJDJD their chemistry this chap is off the charts
FFFFFUCKKK MEEE JUNKYARD BOY CHOSO!!!!????? I BET HE SMELLS LIKE GREASE N SWEAT N SOMEONE I WANNA FUCK. omg he called me pretty company 🤭🤭 bye dr gojo im all about them blue collars im sorry 😔🤚🏼
"I love you, first-year. Damn it, I love you. I don't care how complicated this gets, I want you."
god pls 🧎🏻‍♀️ if i’ve done anything good in life, then just give me this man
"You give in too easily." A teasing smile played on his lips. "You don't really want me to fuck you on this hood, right?"
😐😐 this isn’t funny. im not laughing rn. i will not stand this sort of edging. gimme dick NOW
omg🧍🏻‍♀️ive no words to say about that smut. delicious, devious, dampening. he is my every fantasy and i desire him. i desire him so deeply
aaa he hurt her in his sleeeeppp 😭😭 for a man that cares so deeply like him that mustve really fucked w him. also this is so random and must be my daddy issues speaking lmao but satoru (minus his addiction) wld be such a good family man🧍🏻‍♀️the way he loves is sooo providing and stubborn to a fault but almost in a way that’s kind of grounding lol bc i feel like he’s almost always, at the end of the day, right about everything? haha i cld be proven so wrong ab this but i just had to share the thought
mannn im on the second court hearing n im just SO damn curious what is going thru satoru’s head rn 😭 it seems like something switched in there somehow, his demeanor is so different
him actinf so calm rn is scarinf the shit ourta me im ngl🧍🏻‍♀️like bb ur scaring me. PKS IN SO SCARED WHY IS HE SUDDNELY TELLINF US HE LOVES US
ah. and there it is. satoru’s impending fall from grace. i saw it coming from a mile away and that he wld do something like this, but fuck. the way it was written. i thought it would be something that came a place of more heightened emotions from him, something desperate to protect (kinda like in the first hearing). but THIS….so calm, collected, so sure of his love for reading that he’s willing to let go of almost everything that has given him purpose in life up until this point. it aches.
:( im heartbroken rn. amazing chapter 😭💕 thank u sm for writinf it, oh my gosh, jusf amazing
i need more tequila
Tumblr media
giiirl!!! not the tequila ahhhhh 😭😭 that brings back bad memories omg.
& yes the story is over 100k already and still no end in sight. i never thought i would write so much lol. but also i'm already so sad when the story will eventually someday end. like i never want to not write about my unhinged neurosurgeon gojo help.
stoppppp okay first of all the writing is eating so hard idk how but w every chapter i just fall more n more in love w the way u write
thank you so so much!! that's such a big compliment coming from a fellow author <3
BUT ALSO DON’t GIMME THE IMAGE OF A RAIN SOAKED GETO or else something ELSE is gonna be soaked out here🧍🏻‍♀️
i have sm anxiety over this ethics hearing my palms r actually sweaty. its like i’m THERE rn.
so glad the angst transpires well in this chapter!!!
wait nici can u explain again sukuna’s want for revenge towards gojo n wanting to tear him/reader down
so first: sukuna is an asshole.
second: sukuna is an asshole.
no seriously, how i portray him is like a very power driven man, that thrives on the misery of others. moreover satoru being his lifelong rival and sukuna finally getting a change to push him of his throne is just something he wouldn't let slip through his fingers. so it's really all about power and control on sukuna's side.
also satoru's states in that chapter that he did something stupid in his past that sukuna is still mad about. feel free to speculate, given satoru's past 😂
ok i still hate sukuna’s guts but there is partial truth to what hes saying
yes it is!! satoru really has just eyes for yn and is defensively letting other students down in the process. this just adds to the overall mess their relationship is.
ok “why do you even stay?” sent a chill down my spine but THISSS.
hmmmmmm ahhhhhhh SO HAPPY that these lines landed well <333 love them!! they are so messy and raw ahhhhh
WHY IS HE ALL OF A SSUDEN MR FUNNY MAN NOW PLSSSKDJDJD their chemistry this chap is off the charts
he had a little bit of drugs and was all happy again lol.
i was wondering, if i should just do a random character or one of the jjk cast and choso just came into mind at first. idk why but i think it fits ahaha.
omg🧍🏻‍♀️ive no words to say about that smut. delicious, devious, dampening. he is my every fantasy and i desire him. i desire him so deeply
here to serve!! so glad you liked the spicy scene. they are always a pain in the ass to write.
aaa he hurt her in his sleeeeppp 😭😭 for a man that cares so deeply like him that mustve really fucked w him.
YES!!! you're the first to comment on that!!! also thought that this is so so so SO BAD for him. like he would never (physically) hurt her and doing it unintentionally in his sleep??? EVEN WORSE. poor boy must have felt so miserable and angry at himself after.
the way he loves is sooo providing and stubborn to a fault but almost in a way that’s kind of grounding lol
honestly, love your observation about the potential family man side of satoru! his love IS fierce, demanding, and sometimes overbearing, but at its core, it's deeply protective, and i think you're spot on about that being grounding.
but THIS….so calm, collected, so sure of his love for reading that he’s willing to let go of almost everything that has given him purpose in life up until this point. it aches.
so happy satoru's fall from grace hit well!! wanted that choice of his to feel both shocking and inevitable. not a desperate outburst, but this chillingly calculated decision, born out of love. it just hurts so good!
thank you so so much for your lovely reactions to the chapter ellie, as always!! it means the world. also give me some of the tequila lol. sending you kisses and hugs ♡
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