#ik its bad to use your calories on drinks but it makes me so happy :)
skeletonin666 · 7 months
today is kinda a break day in a way, today im not going to eat and just consume all of my calories in drinks ive been wanting that are low enough calorie to fit in my budget :) its gonna be nice, im even going to hopefully go on a walk if its not too cold and then i can have something nice and warm :)
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notyobabygirl · 3 years
hey girl! this will be long i’m so sorry 🥺
i’ve gained weight since quarantine started which is also around the time i started dating my bf. we eat out a few days a week and i get 0 exercise now. my days consist of me waking up around 8am, babysitting until 5pm, going to my bf’s house until 1am, coming home & spending the rest of my night watching my shows and snacking until i go to bed around 2/3/4am. growing up my weight would fluctuate a lot: in elementary school i was chubby, in middle school i magically lost it all and was skinny, freshman/sophomore year of hs i was a literal twig and super unhealthily skinny, junior year i gained a little weight but was still skinny, and senior year (last year also when i first met my bf) was probably the best my body has been. it’s funny because last year i thought i was fat and was insecure but now looking back, i was literally perfect and i would kill to look like that again. i see how easy it was for me to gain weight over the years and i want to make a change in my habits so bad but with my schedule and with gyms being closed where i live it’s hard. i’m gonna try to not make excuses though lol but my issue is once i start, i want to see the results asap or i get really unmotivated. ik a girl from my school who has lost 70lbs since last year and she posted a tiktok about it and it made me feel better like i could do it. i have a weird relationship with food though. i would literally starve myself in 8,9,10th grade and now i love food and i actually have an appetite. my weight gain has also caused me to be insecure in my relationship. i’m constantly wondering if my bf is less attracted to me or if he notices it. he’s never mentioned it but i have to admit i was so much hotter when he first met me than i am now. and all his past girls that ik of are relatively skinny and i think about that too and compare myself :/ in the back of my mind i know i’m really insecure about gaining weight but i usually don’t let it get to me. but tonight i decided i wanted to ‘see what i look like from someone else’s view’ so i set up my phone using flash and the back camera and turned/posed so i could see how my body looked. i actually did a few of these videos (i was wearing a tight cropped tank top and baggy sweats). and i feel so disgusted by myself. i knew i gained weight but i looked like a whale from certain views. most of the weight i gained went to my tummy and arms sadly. from behind my arms/shoulders look so fat and my stomach is the biggest it’s ever been. most people wouldn’t consider me “fat” but i feel huge. i want to start good habits (eat better, exercise more, etc) but i don’t know where to start or how long i’ll last. i know it’ll be worth it in the end but i need motivation right now to even begin. i’m so sorry that was a literal book to read, but it would mean a lot if you had any tips on staying motivated, how i can eat healthier and exercise while having such a strict schedule? i don’t necessarily want to “diet” and the amount of information that is out there on eating habits and working out is so confusing. like everyone says different things and contradict each other that idk what i exactly should do to reach my goals. i want to lose general weight (especially in my tummy and arms) and overall be more confident and happy. thank you 🤍 sorry again for the length of this!
hi hi! well first of all I dont think your boyfriend got any less attracted to you at all! boys are also pretty oblivious. dont worry about what he thinks because its not important. he loves you for you and clearly if he has never even said anything then that proves my point even more! also wanna say I have taken self timer pictures of my body and I was mortified too lol. like I swear it made me look 10x worse than I did so dont look too much into the pictures. adding exercise into your diet will help so if you want to wake up before babysitting (I dont blame you if you dont lol) then that would be a great way to start the morning and get it over with. but If you dont then after babysitting take an hour to go to the gym or do workouts at home. to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficient. if you do little to no activity during the day and just eat shit all day then it will catch up with you (it did to me beginning of the year). dedicate ATLEAST 30 minutes into doing something. I have been so into walking for an hour and listening to podcasts, its like my fav things. eating healthy is the most important part though, tell your boyfriend you are eating healthy and you will go with him to get food but you won't always get something or you will find the healthiest option. growing up I always thought that eating healthy means eating gross foods but eating healthy can be soooo yummy. tik toks really helped me find recipes as well as going on Pinterest or even just going to the grocery store and experimenting. buy healthy snacks, veggies, skinny pop, halo top, hummus, rice cakes and pb, fruits, frozen fruit, smoothies. that helped me start losing weight and replacing unhealthy foods with good healthy ones. the grocery store is like the first step and getting into that mindset like ok im going to eat healthy is important. you know you can do it, anyone can do it. you just have to be ok with saying no to eating out and stuff. drink sooo much water, I have a 40oz hydro flask and I think I drink close to like 2 gallons not kidding. also tea!! I love tea so much. If you dont buy the junk food then you cant eat it! I know you can do this, you got this!!!!!!
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prettybuthungry · 5 years
When you’re hungry...🙊
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🐰Sleep it off.
☁️Journal and write down your thoughts. Some Ideas: trends you wanna wear in your new body, to-do lists, poems, songs, quotes, aesthetic collage, etc.
☁️Play games. This really helps me. I usually play minecraft and next thing ik i look at the clock and its been hours and I’ve already got a whole medieval kingdom built. PRO TIP: I also play Toca Kitchen and it helps soooo much. It calms me down because its like I’m cooking food and feeding it to the cute character and its all virtual.
🐰Look at thinspiration or make a thinspo board for yourself.
☁️Draw. It takes a long time, especially if you choose to use paint because you get really concentrated. For me to draw something + color it afterwards it usually takes me a whole afternoon and when the masterpiece is finished I’m really satisfied and happy.
🐰Drink tea. No, this is not self sabotage. Tea isn’t going to ruin your fast. My favorite is Chai. Stick to water, all kinds of tea, and coffee. 
☁️Take a walk. This is never a bad idea. Put on a jacket (you’re probably cold depending on how long you’ve been fasting) and go outside. Take your headphones and just people watch or nature watch. But do NOT bring money with you or you might be tempted to buy food.
🐰Clean. Personally, this always works for me because I’m a clean-freak by habit lol. But when you think about it, its all about keeping your hands busy and OFF the food. So dust, wipe down your windows, do laundry, etc.
☁️Stretch. Trust me. 15 mins. Just do it and tell me how you feel afterwards.
🐰Make a playlist with songs that you can relate to. It can be about your ed or anything else.
☁️If you play an instrument, this is a good chance to FINALLY practice. I play guitar and piano but I’ll admit I’m guilty of neglecting them. Still trying though!!!
🐰And lastly, exercise. Do I do this often? No, because personally I hate exercise with a passion 😬 So only sometimes. But ik there are people who truly enjoy it so I added it here.
🚫Watching TV. This always makes me crave shit. Idk if its because I’m sitting and doing nothing but it just triggers mindless eating.
🚫Being anywhere near the kitchen.
🚫Making plans w/ friends that INVOLVE EATING. If they don’t, then by all means go ahead.
🚫Scrolling through your phone for long periods of time. If you’re not eating, you might as well be using your time wisely to improve a skill or a hobby.
When you are fasting... please, please, once you’ve gotten to your third day, eat something that is between 200-300 calories. By the third day your body is in need of nutrients so at least put SOMETHING in your stomach. I usually have raisins or a cup of yogurt. 
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