#ignore my awful editing skills
kouukie · 10 months
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dialogue under cut.
(hose water hits the car, splashing)
(heels clacking in the distance, growing louder)
Camilla: “Hello? This a bad time?”
Zev: (jumps, getting startled) “Oh, hey. No it isn’t a bad time. How can I help you?”
Camilla: (chuckles) “Sorry to scare you. I’m Camilla, your next door neighbor. I saw
you and your family moved in a couple weeks ago and wanted to introduce myself. I brought my famous shepherd's pie!”
Zev: (laughs) “No, no it’s alright. That’s really thoughtful of you, thank you. My wife, Peaches, will be thrilled to not have to deal with my horrible cooking tonight.”
Camilla: (laughs) “Oh, it’s really no trouble. It’s just a neighborly thing to do.”
Zev: I’m sure my wife would love to meet you and thank you, herself. She’s out with our baby, June right now, but I’ll let her know I’m sure she’ll stop by. 
Camilla: Oh, that is very sweet. I actually throw a party once a month and invite the block and would love for you, your wife and daughter to stop by! 
Zev: That sounds great! I am sure Peaches would love that! 
Camilla: It’s tomorrow at 5pm if you guys decide to come!
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discjude · 3 months
this is HORRIBLE quality because my editing software sucks and every single image quality enhancer hates me but.
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ch0lwrld · 8 months
10:04 PM (pt. 1)
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pairing: soobin x f!reader
genre: f2l, idol au, pure fluff
summary: soobin and you have been friends since predebut. his busy schedule often clashed with yours but you guys always made time for your monthly dates. though.. they have been feeling a little more.. different.
a/n: had this idea for a little bit and thought it was cute! at first when i was writing it i didnt hit save so i almost $&@“ but we’re okay now i tried to scavenge as much as i could of what i wrote but i still wish i had what i put before 😭😭 I'll probably continue to edit this after it's published but let me know what you think!
☆ read pt.2 here!
“hold it like this…. yeah exactly!” he says as he positions your hands to the angle he wants. he's always been peculiar about his photos but it made this moment all the more endearing.
“i know how to take photos, binnie” you say with a chuckle. soobin had stopped you both in the middle of your walk to the gelato shop you bugged him about before you both went to dinner. you had saw it scrolling through your feed and immediately begged him to come with you. of course, he couldn’t deny you. you guys had already been past due on your monthly hangouts. so you didn’t mind the little detour and if being behind the camera meant spending more time with him, then you’d take it.
“yeah but these ones need to be instagram worthy. how else will moa fully appreciate my charms?” he looks at you expectantly.
“just sit down.” you say playfully, “i’m sure moa will cherish any photo you post.” it was true, he had a strong fanbase and you always entertained yourself with the various emotions the comment section would go through.
soobin takes your advice and begins to strike a few poses on the cement bench while you crouch to take his best angles… which is all of them. seriously, how can a guy be so… hot and cute at the same time. you’d never tell him that though, his ego is already through the roof.
although you acknowledge he is quite attractive your friends say otherwise. no matter what you say, they have convinced themselves you're smitten, but you deny it. I mean, how could you like soobin? sure, maybe it’s cause you’ve been friends for so long, knowing soobin before his debut. you had always appreciated supporting him from the sidelines and don't want it any other way... he’d always tell you about his day like how work went from the lengthy practices he'd power through to meetings with producers and you’d always be there to listen. being the good friend that you are you can confidently say you're a fan of his group. you’ve even watched his performances and admired just how he could do all that.. how you had someone as amazing as him and to call him your friend. you wanted to support him in any way you could even if it meant just moments like these hearing about all of his accomplishments and what he’s working on next.
after what seems like forever he asks to see the photos you took, jogging up to your now standing position. you can feel the slight ache in your ankles, buckling at the knees a bit but you ignore it. turning his phone slightly to face him. he chooses, against your weak heart, to hover just above your shoulder. you can feel his breath fan aross the expanse of ur neck and it sends involuntary shivers down ur spine. the warmth mixed with the cold weather only adding to the feeling.
“what do you think?” you ask softly, still affected by the ever closing distance.
“that i need a new personal photographer” he says in a dull tone.
you take a step back to look at him, jaw slacked and in awe of his blatant response.
“hey! i never said i was good plus its free labor”
“yeah not the best service i have to give it a 4 out of 10” he says. he continues to berate your less than average photography skills. but yet, the photos you take of him always end up on his #monthlysoobin updates.
“if i wanna be nice… maybe ill boost you up to a 4.5 who knows”
“you're such an ass”, a pout growing on your lips as you face away from him. you don’t see it from your new position, but his grin only grows wider.
“come on,” he says. “let’s go get that gelato you wanted, i need my sugar fix” and he takes your hand in his, tugging you towards the direction of the gelato shop. you only stare at your now intertwined hands, cheeks flushing at the feeling.
oh, if only you knew.
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another thing i noticed about the parallel canon boss
spoilers (obviously)
follow up to this post since i cant insert videos in reblogs
please ignore my awful video editing skills
it seems like the center unit of the parallel canon has a different splat animation compared to the other entities. most of them just fall apart…
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while the leader specifically shows a squid ghost flying away, the traditional splatoon splat animation
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maybe this supports the idea that the center unit is a real squid (or real…spirit?) as opposed to a robot?
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corpsebasil · 5 months
Short Drabble of !Dragon Rider reader and Sir Nikolai
Allow me to indulge myself because I love dragons
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Sir Dominik, your elder brother, had been the only true authority in your life since birth.
Your brother, Sir Dominik, who taught you the ways of dragon riding. Of bonding with the beasts that legends were made of.
When you were sixteen and you rode your first dragon you screamed, terrified for your life, but soon instinct kicked in and you were screaming out of pure joy, hands high in the air as your dragon roared beneath you. Surprisingly, your dragon was the same age as you. A gorgeous creature that seemed as much of a teenager as you were, often playing fetch with tree branches or mocking you with hide and seek.
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^thats who your dragon thinks he is HAHAHA
“Come out, come out, wherever you are..” You cooed, pretending not to see the giant dragon hiding behind the skinniest tree in the entire forest. The beast was almost comically still, wings tucked in as if that would help. “Where arrrre you, sweetheart?”
The nickname sweetheart made the dragon grumble lowly. He was not a sweetheart he was a—
“GOTCHA!” You yelled and your dragon growled loudly in protest as it scrambled away.
Silly beast.
Dominik who, when battle struck Ravka, chose you as his second in command of the few riders that existed. Barely enough to count on one hand but still, the results were devastating.
Until you’d entered the final battle over the seas, your eyes meeting his for a fraction of a second before a bolt hit his dragon, then him, sending two of the most precious beings in your life tumbling dead into the ocean.
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And the scream you let out was so loud and anguished that your own dragon let out a roar in response, your face streaked with tears as you burned the rest of the enemy’s army to the ground.
They never found his body.
Sir Nikolai was the first to approach after the tragedy, his presence one of the only you’d allow after what had happened.
“My lady,” he greeted you, even if you weren’t titled. “Dominik was…is…the best friend I ever had. A brother to me. If there’s anything I can—”
“He was my brother.” You snapped, turning that gorgon gaze of yours to his. “Mine.”
“I understand.” He said after a brief pause, his expression tight. “But I’m still here for you.”
You ignored him, turning to stare out the window at the far distant sea, recalling the shouts and cries of battle, of your own reaction to your sibling’s death.
You’d ran that night. Ran for what felt like miles before you finally tripped, rolling several times along the ground before you crouched, fingers digging into the earth, and wailed your pain out into the open air until you thought your lungs would cave. The sound was so awful you couldn’t recreate it if you tried.
Years passed—three exactly—before you gave Nikolai the time of day. You slowly taught him how to ride a dragon, the beast frightened of the intimidating knight’s lethal armor until you convinced him to lose it, stating that the armor wouldn’t help him if he fell anyways.
Months after that he was as skilled as you not and accompanied you for morning and evening rides, the two of you just gliding and swapping stories until the sun went down. You grew to trust him, albeit only a bit, and ventured to spend more and more time with the knight.
Then came the evening of the summer solstice when dragon riders famously performed night shows, blasting fire into the skies and racing one another. Nikolai, for the first time in his life, found himself invited to the ceremony. He himself rode the brother to Dominik’s dragon, the beast having had seemed to bond almost instinctively to the knight.
Afterwards, once the two of you were sweaty and exhausted from performing for the crowd along with your fellow riders, you let the dragons into their (rather expensive) nesting areas and let yourselves dance.
And boy did you dance.
While he never kissed you—had never tried to—you found yourself wishing more and more for that touch as Sir Nikolai spun you from dance to dance, the night sky and the warm breeze wrapping around the both of you like a acción.
sorry Author’s Note it’s cocoon* but I’m too lazy to edit that much and my keyboard is not English LMAO
ANYWAYS so that night if anyone saw him kiss you outside the castle before you went to your gorgeous cottage in the village, no they didn’t.
If anyone saw you take him home, no they didn’t.
If anyone witnessed the two of you married a year later, yes they did.
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Saved Part 2
Part 2 – Sihtric x reader
Authors note: while rewatching the Season 2 of TLK and going wild with exploring my newly acquired skill of taking and editing screenshots I became obsessed with the idea of writing my own version of how Sihtric met Uhtred. The story seems somehow complete, but from the other side there is still something missing. I am thinking about an epilogue…
I hope you will like it.
Summary: reader is Uhtred’s sister and a skilled healer. She travels with her brother’s men and after the unsuccessful attempt on Uhtred’s life gets curious about the young prisoner, the sole Dane from the group of assailants that is left alive.
Word Count: 2,615
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
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Sihtric raised his head, his eyes filled with surprise as he looked at you.
"Okay, I know it was somewhat strange question," you chuckled, a sense of curiosity driving you forward, "but what would you be willing to do to earn mercy from my brother?"
Without a moment of hesitation, Sihtric's response was firm and resolute, devoid of any doubt. "Everything, lady," he replied, sincerity and commitment lacing his voice, "I would offer Lord Uhtred my life and my sword until death and beyond, if only he would accept. It would be an honour to serve him and to die for him."
You continued to question him, your eyes searching for the truth. "And what about your current lord, Kjartan? Will you break your oath to him?"
"Kjartan is not my lord. I am his bastard son, and my mother was a slave at Dunholm. I have never sworn an oath to Kjartan; he never deemed it necessary. I was merely his property, nothing more than a dog to be whipped into obedience," Sihtric's voice trembled with a mix of shame and vulnerability, as if he feared that revealing this truth would repel you. "I will understand if you now consider me unworthy to serve your brother." As he spoke, his handsome face underwent a transformation, his jaw tightened, and a look of disgust etched upon his features when he mentioned Kjartan being his father. Once again, he averted his gaze, lowering his eyes in submission.
Unable to ignore his distress, you instinctively reached out, gently gripping his chin, and raised his face to meet your gaze.
 "Gods, I am sorry... I couldn't know. But why would I judge you for that?" you were wondering and wanted to reassure him.
"I didn't want you to pity me either," Sihtric sighed, refusing to meet your gaze, and instead keeping his eyes lowered so that his line of sight unintentionally fell upon your breasts. As soon as he realized this, he quickly lifted his eyes in embarrassment, finally meeting yours. Though the dim lighting prevented you from seeing it clearly, you could sense a slight blush colouring his cheeks.
"That's not the case either," you smiled reassuringly. "And I do have a plan," you continued, maintaining your smile. "But first, we need to stitch your brow."
As you began stitching his brow, Sihtric didn't even flinch, proving that he wasn't exaggerating when he claimed not to fear pain. With eyes wide in surprise and awe he kept following your movements his anxiety and impatience openly visible to hear more about your idea. The whole time you worked on his pretty face, you had been kneeling just beside him, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck and feel the tension of his body. Nothing could have prevented him from grabbing you at your throat even with his hands tied up and demand to release him. But there was not even a single motion from him that could hint that he was even considering it. Your closeness and your touch on his skin made his breath accelerate and his heart to pound faster, betraying the effect your presence had on him and the air between the two of you seemed to be getting electrified with anticipation. He did not move as if afraid to distort the magic of the moment. Knowing that he could have used your kindness and forced his escape any moment, but never made a single move to do so made you even more sure you wanted to help him.
"Are you skilled with the sword?" you asked once finished tending to his wound. You retrieved some honey salve and gently applied it to his brow, knowing it would aid in healing and reduce the visibility of the scar.
"I am a warrior, lady," Sihtric replied with a hint of pride in his voice.
"But you were captured, weren't you?" you pressed further, not going easy on him.
"I was fetching the horses. I wasn't even there when the fighting started, and by the time I arrived, it was already over. There was no point in fighting your brother's men alone. I didn't even draw my sword before that big Dane struck me down," Sihtric explained, likely referring to Clapa.
You hadn't encountered a man larger than him thus far. At first glance, Clapa appeared terrifying and intimidating, but you were well aware that while he excelled in a shield wall due to his imposing size and strength, he lacked the speed and finesse required for a skilled sword fight. And though Halig was skilled in swordcraft, you were fairly certain that after completing the task entrusted to them by Uhtred, they would not limit themselves to just one drink, which would inevitably affect their agility the following morning. This knowledge brought a smile to your face, and you proceeded to share your plan with Sihtric. However, his response caught you off guard.
"No, lady," he firmly responded, leaving you surprised.
"No?" you repeated, unsure if you had heard correctly.
"No, there is no way I would endanger your life. You may not believe me, but you are the first person who has shown me kindness in as long as I can remember. Perhaps apart from my mother, but she passed away so long ago that sometimes I fear I can't recall her anymore. So, no, I cannot do this," Sihtric shook his head, his eyes darkening, resolute in his refusal.
"Are you intending to harm me?" you inquired.
"No, I would never..." he exclaimed.
"Then what's the problem?" you interjected, a sense of frustration creeping into your voice. "The only danger to my life would be you, and if you have no intention of harming me..."
"You would truly entrust your life to me, lady?" Sihtric remained hesitant, disbelief and uncertainty apparent in his tone.
"Why?" he asked, almost whispering, his voice trembling with perplexity and disbelief. From his tone, it was evident that he expected a trap, a deception. "Lady, please, don't be so cruel as to play with me."
In truth, you weren't fully prepared for this question, as you yourself were unsure of why you were doing this. You were captivated by this stranger, by his soft voice, his composure despite his dire circumstances, and his despair. Moreover, you were captivated by his honesty and gratitude, which radiated from him. The way he looked at you with awe and indebtedness left you spellbound.
"Believe me, there is no deception in what I am proposing, and I am not toying with you. That would be unnecessarily cruel. However, I cannot explain why," you spoke honestly. "I simply have a strong feeling that you deserve a second chance. Fate is relentless, as my brother loves to say, and it seems that destiny brought us together tonight."
"And you are far too handsome and young to be killed by Uhtred for a mere task of fetching horses," you silently reflected.
"You desire my brother's undivided attention, and I can offer you that. But first, you will have to prove yourself against Clapa and Halig. Consider it a test of your sword skills. I won't deny that my life will be somewhat in your hands, but if you were to harm me, you know that your fate would be far worse. So, what is your decision? Actually, you don't have to answer now. I will learn it tomorrow when I come to see you," you smiled at him, taking again the bread from your bag, and placing it, along with the leather water flask, on his lap.
"Good night, warrior!" With that, you turned away and headed to your tent, leaving the young Dane looking after you, his face filled with confusion and indecision.
Your mind whirled with thoughts of the plan you had set in motion, and your heart raced with anticipation. Once inside your tent, a wave of nausea washed over you, causing your stomach to churn. "Why did I come up with this? Is he truly worth it?" you questioned yourself. "I still have the chance to change my mind until tomorrow," you attempted to calm your anxious mind, but deep down, you knew you wouldn't. Sihtric hadn't asked for your help, nor did he want it. It was your own idea, and there was no way you could betray him and leave him thinking you were toying with his unfortunate situation.
You had a restless night, unable to find sleep as your mind raced with thoughts of what you had proposed to Sihtric. You had to admit to yourself that your life would be in his hands and there were no guarantees that he wouldn't attempt to kill you and make his escape. However, you took solace in the fact that you were prepared for such a scenario, concealed behind your seemingly fragile appearance, but harboring a wealth of experience with a blade that Sihtric was unaware of. Over and over again, you contemplated your actions, unable to stop marveling at yourself why you felt responsible for the young Danes life, not wanting to admit to yourself that perhaps, beyond all else, you had simply fallen in love with that youthful and handsome warrior.
"Good morning, lads!" you greeted the groggy Clapa and Halig. Clapa had dozed off, leaning his back against the side of the wagon, while Halig was curled up on the ground, still clutching an ale cup in his hands. "I must inform Uhtred of your remarkable skills in guarding our prisoner while asleep," you couldn't resist teasing them a bit.
You cast a glance at Sihtric, who remained seated by the wagon wheel with his eyes closed. He showed no signs of acknowledging or hearing you, leading you to believe that he had likely stuck to his resolve of rejecting your unconventional proposal. Clapa and Halig stumbled to their feet, startled awake by your voice.
"We weren't sleeping, lady!" they protested, attempting to maintain their composure. However, their sudden awakening had left them visibly disoriented, unsure of their surroundings and their intended duties.
"The prisoner requires your attention," you informed them as you passed by the wagon. At that moment, Sihtric opened his eyes and his gaze met yours. His expression was one of bewilderment, as if he had glimpsed a ghost. He instinctively raised his hands to touch his stitched brow, shaking his head in disbelief. It seemed as though he struggled to accept the reality before him, unable to believe that you were truly standing there. Perhaps he thought that your conversation from the previous day had been nothing more than a dream.
"He says he needs to go to the woods!" you called out to Clapa and Halig, continuing your way. It was not unusual for you to venture out of the camp early in the morning to gather herbs and mushrooms. You quickened your pace and, once out of sight and concealed by the bushes, you stopped to observe what would happen next.
Clapa and Halig engaged in a brief argument, as expected. Their tendency to disagree with each other was a familiar trait, yet it never hindered their deep friendship. You heard them approaching, and when you peered through the foliage, you saw Sihtric being dragged behind them. Remaining hidden, you silently followed them through the underbrush, eager to see where their path would lead. They didn't go far before reaching a secluded clearing, hidden from direct view of the camp.
"Could you untie my hands?" you heard Sihtric ask. "There are two of you, and I am not armed anyway," he continued.
"No way," Halig cut him off. "You need to piss, so you'll have to manage it the way you are."
And then, you heard it—the clash of swords. Sihtric had somehow disarmed Halig and was desperately attempting to defend himself against Clapa, wielding the sword with his still-bound hands. Halig had fallen to the ground but was scrambling to get back on his feet. At that moment, you approached the scene, wearing a surprised expression as if you were completely oblivious to what was unfolding.
"What's happening? Halig, why are you rolling on the ground?" you demanded, pausing amid the brawl. You stood just a step away from Sihtric, who let out a fierce growl as he kicked Clapa with all his strength in the stomach. He swiftly moved to your side, putting Halig's sword at your throat and positioning himself behind you.
"Don't come any closer!" Sihtric commanded with a firm voice, though it was unnecessary as Halig and Clapa remained frozen on the ground, their eyes wide with shock at the sight of Sihtric holding you hostage.
"Go, fetch Lord Uhtred!" he demanded, his voice commanding, unwavering, and filled with determination. There was no trace of the insecurity that had emanated from him the day before.
"Tell him that I mean no harm, I simply wish to speak with him," Sihtric continued, while Halig swiftly ran towards the camp to alert Uhtred.
"Lady, I swear upon my life, I will not harm you. I would rather die than hurt you," Sihtric reassuringly whispered in your ear and so far, everything was unfolding according to your plan.
You could see Uhtred rushing towards you, accompanied by several warriors, with Halig trailing behind.
"Harm her, and I will flay you alive," were Uhtred's first words as he reached the clearing.
"Lord Uhtred, I merely wish for you to listen to me," Sihtric asserted. "I offer you my life and my sword. Look, I disarmed them both," he nodded toward Clapa and Halig, "with my hands bound. I am a skilled warrior, and I can be of use to you. Please accept my oath, and I will be honoured to serve you. And lord…, I would never bring harm to your sister. I swear it on the Thor's hammer. She is the kindest person I have ever known in my entire life," Sihtric clenched his fingers around the Thor's amulet that hung on his chest and his voice carried sincerity and determination, with a slight quiver as he spoke the last words. He lowered the sword, driving it into the ground with all his strength, and knelt down with a bowed head.
"Sis!" Uhtred called to you with a worried tone, and you rushed into his arms.
"I am fine," you reassured him as you embraced him, feeling him draw his sword.
"I will kill that little bastard here and now," he snorted in anger, but you firmly took hold of his sword hand.
"Uhtred, no harm has been done. Can't you see how desperate he is? He's offering you his life and sword. Listen to what he has to say," you spoke softly yet assertively, causing Uhtred to pause.
"Sis, do you even understand what you're suggesting? I can never trust him. He's Kjartan's man and he just took you hostage," Uhtred replied, completely taken aback.
"Talk to him," you took your brother by the hand and approached Sihtric, who remained kneeling, awaiting his fate.
"Are you Kjartan's man?" you asked Sihtric, already knowing the answer.
"No, I am Kjartan's bastard son and there is nothing that ties me to him," Sihtric stated firmly, his voice carrying a hint of defiance. "I have no loyalty to him," he answered, raising his head to meet Uhtred's gaze.
Looking incredulously between you and Sihtric, Uhtred suddenly laughed.
"Kindest person, my sister?” he repeated Sihtrics words suspiciously. “Sis, you already knew! Don't pretend you didn't. I will want the whole story later," he shook his head at you.
"But those two deserve a beating for allowing the prisoner to disarm them," he gestured to Clapa and Halig.
“What’s your name, young warrior?” Uhtred asked.
“Sihtric, lord!”
"Place your hands on the sword, Sihtric," Uhtred instructed and Sihtric obeyed instantly. Uhtred then placed his palms over his, and Sihtric spoke his oath. As soon as he had finished you took the knife from the small scabbard at your waist and freed Sihtric's hands, sensing that you were now bound together, and only the future would reveal whether it was for good or ill.
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eriexplosion · 1 month
I never let myself really believe they'd bring Tech back (because Occam's razor, or whatever). And I'm so used to weird/bad writing choices from other works that I'm mostly able to shrug my shoulders and go "aw rats, disappointment again :\" about TBB's ending.
... But I still feel kinda hollowed-out, post-finale. I'm not autistic (I think), but my sibling is, so it meant something to my old withered heart that a Star Wars show about family would have a confirmedly-ND character among their cast (though, somewhat tangentially, I agree with your post about all of the Bad Batch being arguably ND-coded). I was delighted that he was well-written, and that he'd eclipsed the stock "smart guy" trope he'd started out as in TCW.
And, I dunno. I feel like a sucker, having hoped for a brief moment that the writers wouldn't throw all that away. And for what? People on reddit were saying for months on end that "his sacrifice is meaningful and shouldn't be wasted", but I can't agree. I think it would've been more meaningful had he lived.
I feel disappointed with the trajectory the back half of S3 took, and I don't think that's unreasonable. Even beyond the disappointment of "dang, they really did that?", S3 after the first handful of eps (imo) felt kind of... rushed? Underexplored? Like there should've been a season 4 (for pacing/development's sake) and various changes to the plot, but there weren't.
Told myself several years ago that I'd reserve judgment for the writing until the series was over and done with. And now that it's all just wrapped up, I suppose I'm stewing with my thoughts, a little. The character arcs all feel like they fell short of their potential payoff, to me -- and maybe I'll change my mind in a few months, but right now? Eh.
Crosshair's got PTSD/trauma that makes his hand shake? Cut off the hand. Omega's got potential force sensitivity/a decision to make concerning what to do going forward? Who cares about that. Tech's getting a decent (and suspicious, in hindsight) amount of character development? Better kill him off so the audience really feels the sting. Cid, Phee, CX-2, Echo, Scorch? Who cares about them; they can show up when their skills are needed and fuck off without halfway-decent closure when they aren't. The familial/sibling themes that were open to being explored? Eh; let's focus predominantly on this one father-child bond. Omega doesn't even need to say goodbye to Crosshair and Wrecker, lol. Foreshadowing and setup? What foreshadowing and setup.
... I'm realizing that I'm actually Quite disappointed lmao. In a lackluster "I don't know what I expected" kind of way. Time to read so many fix-its
There's just a lot that was set up that never came to fruition and it's frustrating when the show has been so good up until that point. And the thing is that Tech being CX-2 would have resolved at least some of it! The CX-2 plot obviously but also, Crosshair's guilt and trauma being helped by being able to fix at least one of his mistakes? Omega's guilt over putting her family in danger being relieved because she finally has them all back?
It didn't even need to be fleshed out, I wouldn't have cared. The only thing I wanted this whole show was the family to be together and complete. And not only did we not get Tech back but yeah Echo was basically just not counted as part of that and Phee was ignored in the end.
This season feels like it needed another editing pass to work as a whole, even though I'd liked everything up to the finale it didn't really end up coming together for me. I'd even have accepted Tech being gone if they had put actual mourning in the first half, instead of stringing it along with little mentions and the CX-2 stuff. I'd be frustrated and mad, but at least it would have felt like they respected him as a character.
Really the only good things I have to say is I think Nala Se blowing up the databanks was a fantastic end to her character that didn't really redeem everything she's done but did bring her to an interesting stopping point. And I am glad everyone else made it out alive. I'm glad that Crosshair especially did after everything he's been through, he's still my boy after all this time even if the Tech stuff has overshadowed a lot of his growth in my head.
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iloveyou-writers · 1 year
Milestone Celebration: Top 10
Top 10 Messages Writers Need to Hear More Often
It's okay to write terribly - you don't have to be perfect from the very first word that you write down
The "sucking" phase is actually a crucial one to becoming a great writer and if you don't allow yourself to go through it, you'll never become great because you won't get the practice in to become great
You need breaks - it's unrealistic to force yourself to write all of the time. Even professional writers need to have breaks sometimes, just like other professions get time off
You are being way too hard on yourself. These things that you think make your writing awful? Others either won't notice or will find endearing. Sure, there'll be the occasional person that'll notice and care, but if it really bothers you, you can always adjust the writing. You don't have to scrap the whole thing over a simple mistake
It's okay to quit. Don't quit just because you're getting frustrated but if you truly don't want to write anymore, go ahead and quit. There's no shame in it. Just keep your writing. You'll regret it later down the road if you delete everything on a whim.
It's okay to scrap your writing without feeling guilt. You're ultimately writing for yourself, and if you're not into a piece of writing, it's okay to scrap it or change it into something you do want to write.
Your writing should ultimately please you, so if you see tips or advice or have someone tell you a certain change will make it better, consider if the change will keep your story the way you want it. If it will, feel free to change/edit it. If not, then don't. Take all advice with a grain of salt.
This kind of goes with #7 but not all advice will work for you. Hell, my advice can be all over the place because I recognize there is no one size fits all advice for writing. The way a story should be told depends on the story itself and so therefore, take the advice you feel will enhance your story and ignore all others. It's not selfish, it's not self-involved. It's healthy.
It doesn't matter what your writing process is, if it works for you, it's valid and should be continued. If it doesn't, try something new until you figure out what does.
All writing is valid. Fanfiction, original, long, short, fictional, nonfiction, all writing matters. Don't sell yourself short just because your writing isn't like someone else's.
Bonus message:
Stop comparing your writing to others' and using it as a way to invalidate yours. Your writing has its own beauty that the other's doesn't and I guarantee there are people comparing to yours, feeling how you do about theirs, so just feel pride in your own writing and don't let seeing the beauty in others' writing discourage you. Instead, be proud of them and just work on honing your own skills. All writers have skills and setbacks. Work with your own skills and hone the ones you wish to sharpen.
<3 Thank you for 2k follows. I hope you're all doing amazing.
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sunnflowyyr · 1 year
Hey hey hey beautiful person! It's me again! ( Another request right after you posted the one I had requested??? Yes baby,i'm the speed) but it's because i see your sun's guide request and see jujutsu kaisen in there,i have an idea that mixes rottmnt and jujutsu that you might be interested in 😏
So. Hear. Me. Out.
Rise Leonardo (or the boys) with a reader (female or neutral,your choise) BUT the reader have the same "mistic power" of toge inumaki from jujutsu kaisen,wait for it.......
Yeah baby,and,if you don't remenber what it is,the power of the inumaki is called cursed speech,when he say something it's happen but with a cost like,if he says "die",he would overwhelmed himself end up hurt or worst, that's why he only says sushi ingredients like "tsuna,mayo" you got it? You got it? Please say yes i really think that's is a good one ;-;
But of course,if you don't wanna do it,feel completely free to just ignore my outbreak lol
EDIT: my inbox is OPEN for requests again!!! check my pinned post for guidelines and fandoms i write for before requesting please. have a good day and stay hydrated! 💛
i remember seeing your request and thinking "you are speed" after posting your first request. but i need to apologize ... you've been collecting a little dust in my inbox for a while now. i've decided to chalk that up to "adulting sucks." because it does.
i also want to emphasize how much i love this request. i just do. i could never ignore your outbreak. I LOVE THIS !! you have the best ideas.
i included all the turtles in this fic, but it mainly focuses on leo's connection with the reader. also, with toge's vocabulary being onigiri ingredients, i was a little stumped on figuring out how to use it in these headcanons; so i used this super useful reference on twitter! i try to give plenty of context in this piece, but if you want to have a better understanding feel free to check it out!
anyways, enough about that ... I HOPE YOU ENJOY !!! <3
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rise!leo with a reader who has the cursed speech technique.
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first, let me give some backstory:
you had been fighting your way out of the battle nexus and running from big mama's people in the hidden city
the turtles witness the fighting after it causes a commotion in town, and they were in awe
your fighting skills were amazing, but they was so intrigued by the obvious effect your words had on your opponents.
after the turtles helped you (because they couldn't just watch), they all turned around to talk to you
to which you simply greeted them with "kelp (hello)."
to say they were confused is an understatement
you felt a little helpless trying to communicate with them; they couldn't understand you if they didn't know about your ability
after a humiliating game of charades, you were able to get a pen and paper to write down an explanation for them
they understood, and offered to get you out of the hidden city and a place to hide from big mama for a while
donnie even offered to make a translation device so that you could communicate with them better
you were thankful for their kindness, and soon enough ... you all became friends
leo at first assumed you were a bit aloof because of how quiet you were, but he eventually noticed that you were actually a very social person
when you first met them, you only listened to their conversations intently.
but once they were able to understand you better, you even participated in them.
but your vocabulary is still pretty small and it makes it hard to communicate fully the way you want to
it's an insecurity, and you are terrified of somehow hurting the turtles with your ability
you have great control, but mistakes can happen ... it's a fear that looms over your head.
not to mention, you’ve had people befriend you to take advantage of your power, and you were scared of the heartbreak again.
those fears make you slowly pull yourself away from them, and leo worries when he notices you get distant
so he does confront you one day, worried that you’ll completely remove yourself from their lives
and he doesn’t want that, and he’s intent on trying to help you feel better when you (hesitantly) open up to him
it makes you feel better, and you almost cry a little when he says
“listen (name), while i’ll never stop admiring how cool your power is, i’d chose to brag about you over your power any day. people might see you as that, but i see you for who you are. you’re way cooler than that, so don’t let people define you by your power.”
he flinches a bit when you jump up to hug him, but smiles when you whisper “salmon (thank you).”
he hugs you back, knowing the hug was much needed before he pulls away
“though if you ever want to use it to get us an unlimited supply of pizza, i won’t complain— ow!”
you playfully slap him and disagree. “okaka (no way).”
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aita-blorbos · 11 days
(going insane over this one post on normal aita so copypasting it here and editing it for my ocs LMAO)
AITA for telling my girlfriend that she's stupid for liking an objectively TERRIBLE film?
I (20M) and my girlfriend (20F) do a lot of “movie nights” together since I'm pretty big on film. We usually agree on what movie to watch, but we have pretty different tastes. I usually choose the movie, but as long as she doesn't choose something TOO unbearable I let her choose the movie (Her taste in cinema is below average.)
Earlier today, she reminded me that we haven't done a movie night in a while (probably because last time we argued for several days if skinimarink or texas chainsaw massacre was better like tcm isn't LITERAL torture porn). I agreed, and asked her if she wanted to watch anything in particular. (This is more of a pleasantry. He usually never suggests anything specific when I ask this.) Surprisingly, she said that she did have a movie in mind! Unfortunately, that movie was Avatar (2009). The one with the blue people.
After she said this to me, I laughed at her, because no one actually LIKES that movie. The best anyone can say is that it’s visually appealing! The plot is drawn out, bland, and not worth nearly three hours of my time. And that's just ignoring the colonialist themes and military propaganda (AN: both of my OCs here are in the military)! I asked her if he was serious about wanting to watch it, because I never took her for the type to enjoy something so dull. (She's a fan of big dumb action movies where you just turn your brain off, like Marvel or Star Wars.)
She said that she'd watched it a few times with her friends in high school and that she’d really liked it… and not just for the visual aspect? She said that she wanted to watch it with me too. She continued to justify it by bringing up the fact that I like other sci-fi movies and shows, and that he didn’t see how this was any different from those. Y'know, ones where there's actual ART and SKILL involved?
I told her that not only was Avatar unartistic, but how there was no reason for it to be so LONG. She starting whining and brought up when we'd watched Oppenheimer (she fell asleep because there just wasn't enough people fighting and quipping for her!) and the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions. Of course, those movies are actually GOOD, and when I pointed this out she just started arguing with me about what a "good" movie is and how I never let her pick any of the movies. I called her stupid for not recognizing how awful Avatar is and not recognizing taste when she sees it, and she got really mad at me.
I don’t think I’m wrong for telling her that Avatar sucks, considering it’s common knowledge, but calling her stupid might’ve crossed the line. Though I don't see how, considering how she calls herself stupid and all her friends call her stupid? Her being stupid is just a fact, she's a big dumb brute who everyone likes for some reason.
I don’t think I’m the asshole, but if I am, I’m definitely justified. Only reason I'm asking is because now all of her PSYCHO friends are threatening to beat me up. So, AITA for telling my girlfriend that she’s stupid for liking an objectively TERRIBLE film?
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tricoufamily · 3 months
u don't have to answer this bc i think u just deleted it but who tf is vaguing you... you're a fantastic artist making beautiful beautiful pieces of art and i am constantly in awe of the things you're creating. i barely play the sims anymore let alone participate in the community at all but i have you on notifs forever and ever bc of your storytelling and skill. i am genuinely shocked to see someone talking shit bc i don't even knwo what it wld be about. anyway i keep coming back to look at ur recent edit and it's so tender and evokes such a comforting quiet feeling. anyway. u can ignore me or delete this like i said i just want u to know u've got ppl out in the crowd rooting for u byeee
imagine me crying…..
thank you so much, genuinely. i don’t even know how to accept this properly to show my level of appreciation. this means so much to me.
just gotta remind myself i am a real artist and writer and no one can take it from me. i have talent!!! suck it!!!
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kiragecko · 9 months
What is the dumbest thing the (NTT) Titans would admit to be talked into?
Okay, it is a new week and I am awake! This is hard because I haven't got up to many shenanigans in my life, while these guys are all adrenalin junkies.
(Like usual, I will ignore your suggested Titan lineup and do as I please ;)
Dick - Multiple times a year he is convinced to compete in a weapons-free match against Donna. He almost always loses. This isn't the dumb thing - the fights are VERY fun. No, Dick agreed to have one of these matches ON LIVE TV, for charity. The amount of sexist thugs who suddenly decided they could take him, after! The obnoxious videos from Tim of him wiping the floor with Cassie, weaponless! The obnoxious video from Tim of Bruce taking down Diana, weaponless! (Which Dick can't prove is faked!) Tim's only doing it for fun, but the stupid two-bit criminals are serious, and if Dick has to defend Donna's skill one more time he's going to have a hissy fit.
Donna - Cassie talked her into helping plan a surprise party for Tim. It was awful! She spent most of her time trying to keep Dick distracted, only to find out near the end that Tim hates surprises, so it was a 'surprise' party. Every aspect had been carefully vetted with Tim. Dick knew what was going on, and Cassie only wanted Donna to keep him distracted because she was still being petty about Damian being on the Titans. Now Dick thinks Donna's taken sides in the Damian Problem!
Wally - Currently, Wally is trying to convince everyone that it was agreeing to a playdate between the twins and Damian. A bored speedster can be talked into almost anything, though. He will, if forced, admit to trying to vibrate through the entire Earth to get to the other side. Yes, it was unbelievably stupid. Please stop talking about it.
Roy - Getting Lian the model Batcave she so desperately wanted. Especially since he recognized that Dick would never let him get away with an inaccurate one, and asked for a floorplan. They don't need this many action figures. Lian does not need an action figure of every superhero who has ever existed. It isn't an insult for his 5 year old to not have your action figure. Uncle Hal NEEDS to stop bringing her more Green Lanterns. They do not need every Green Lantern. There are hundreds of Green Lanterns. Isn't there an identity risk in giving me a figure of your civilian doctor, Dick? Please. Please, stop.
Garth - facilitating an argument between Vic and Gar the first time he met them. Why are they like that?
Raven, after you made it really clear that 'dumb' did not mean 'horrific', no matter how innocently stupid the original bad idea was - going to a anime convention while her empathy was on the fritz. She made it 4 hours, and for 15 minutes, it was the calmest anime convention that has ever existed. (She got some really cool xxxHolic and Revolutionary Girl Utena merch, though.)
Kory - joined a trivia contest. This was actually dumbness all around, as everyone forgot that trivia contests set on Earth, EVEN IF THEY'RE SPACE THEMED, are pretty Earth-centric. Humans rarely know the indigenous name for stars systems.
Vic - replaced both arms with chainsaws. He has no excuse. He had to get Joey to attach the second chainsaw and he STILL didn't recognize the inevitable problem concerning 'not having chainsaw arms at some point'.
Gar - The PSAs he recorded for COVID. He stands behind the subject matter, but the scripts and editing ...
Joey - Agreeing to paint Dick nude. If he'd done something small, and easy to conceal, everything would have been fine. Kory and Dick could have stored it somewhere private. It was a good painting. But he hadn't done something small. And it had still been in the Tower when the Titans had to make a safety broadcast. Enough had been visible to make Nightwing's public life miserable for MONTHS, and Joey feels awful.
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nocturnalazure · 1 year
I don’t know how to make my story more visible. Despite being around for 10 years, I still feel ignored by 99% of the simmers. I never get any asks, I am barely tagged in anything, rarely mentioned in people’s favorites. My stats are flat. Even when someone starts reading, they seem to give up very quickly. I just have no idea what makes my content so utterly uninteresting and I don’t know how to improve. Is my story that bad? Too complicated? Boring? Too dramatic? Are my characters annoying? Stereotypical? Or are my language skills awful? Is my writing awkward to read? Cringy? Is my style ugly? Too much pudding? Not enough CC? Not enough Reshade? Should I learn how to edit? What is so wrong about my content that people never want to hit that ‘follow’ or that ‘like’ button?
I’m sorry for being whiny, it’s one of those days. I had a very stressful time at work yesterday and have a lot on my plate right now. I can’t help feeling insecure when I come to Tumblr and it feels like everyone’s getting so much love and I’m left on the sidewalk. It’s probably only an impression and I’m being unfair to all the nice people who take the time to leave me a comment or to like my stuff. But I can’t get rid of those envious feelings because not understanding what I’m doing wrong is kind of a recurring theme in my life: I have no idea what it is about me that is so terrible that people don’t want me in their lives.
I sometimes wonder if I wouldn’t better deal with loneliness rather than indifference. Just do my stuff for myself, not showing it to anyone, just like I used to do in the past. It hurts that it is so hard to find people who are just a little bit interested in what I have to offer.
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stardustprompts · 2 years
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lair of dreams  (  book 2 of the diviners series  )   -   libby bray  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying     tw :  death ,  alcohol mention 
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‘you should know that the dead don’t always want to talk to you.’
‘you’re the one who’s changed. you used to be fun before---’
‘you can keep throwing yourself at her, but she’s never going to choose you, (name). never.’
‘every time I run into him, I have to remind myself that murder is a crime.’ 
‘just don’t forget who your friends are.’
‘i’ve seen that look before. it ain’t love.’
‘I shall report you to the authorities for the crime of gin-napping!’ 
‘forget bad dreams. they’re just dreams.’
‘you know it scares me when you do this. what if you don’t come back?’
‘can I sleep in your bed with you?’
‘didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to be rude?’
‘we make our own luck.’
‘let’s not hide our love. not anymore.’
‘no one would know us there. we could be anyone. we could be free.’
‘you’re as free as you decide to be.’
‘why do all the things I love gotta leave me?’
‘don’t ever do that again.’
‘we are made by what we are asked to bear.’
‘we’ve got to play out this hand a bit.’
‘you say you don’t believe in ghosts but (name) is a ghost. and you let it haunt you.’
‘I need you alive. for awhile at least.’
‘I will murder you in your sleep.’
‘is your curiosity button on the fritz?’
‘I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on earth.’
‘if I were the last man on earth it’d be because you drove the other poor suckers to early graves.’
‘it must be nice to be so loved.’
‘you are quite possibly the rudest person I have ever met.’
‘that isn’t fair. you know I’m on your side. always.’
‘that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your lips. and you say a lot of stupid.’
‘remind me to kick you later.’
‘I like it when the stakes are high.’
‘people rarely want the truth. we say that we want it when, really, we like being lied to. we prefer the ether of hope.’
‘in an amoral, violent world, isn’t it unconscionable to keep offering hope? it’s like advertising for soap that never gets you clean.’
‘every choice has consequences. balance must be maintained.’
‘I have a firm policy that I never drink hot cocoa by myself. it’s against my religion.’
‘you may be a lot of things but weak isn’t one of them.’
‘nobody promised life would be fair.’
‘you really aren’t one for social niceties are you?’
‘I suppose you’re stuck with me, now. I apologize in advance.’
‘oh, you say the sweetest things. I think you’re awful, too.’
‘if you ever give me a complement, I might fall over dead.’
‘just because I believe in science doesn’t mean I ignore superstition.’
‘I had planned to hold that impressive skill over your head, but now I fear it’s not appropriate.’
‘from now on, no more secrets. for either of us.’
‘i’ve spent the last two hours worried that you were bleeding to death in a ditch. now that I know you’re okay, I just want you to be bleeding to death in a ditch.’
‘I don’t need any saving. what I needed was that drink.’
‘unfortunately, you care. I know you.’
‘nobody really knows anybody.’
‘I thought you’d be on my side here.’
‘I don’t know what to think when you’re not horrible. it’s very confusing.’
‘i’m always on time for my friends.’
‘I. am tired. of pretending.’
‘you promised to keep it a secret between you and me. I trusted you.’
‘thank you for saving my life.’
‘am I supposed to look up at you through fluttering eyelashes, all phoney innocence, and wait for you to feel moved?’
‘I burned that rule book awhile ago.’
‘please don’t kiss me if you don’t mean it.’
‘that’s always your answer isn’t it? don’t think about tomorrow.’
‘now is the only thing you can count on. it’s all we really get.’
‘would you like to make a contribution to the feeling sorry for myself fund? it’s a very worthy charity, I assure you.’
‘you can’t get rid of me that easily. we’re family.’
‘I don’t believe in tomorrow much anymore.’
‘if you came here just to get a rise out of me, mission accomplished.’
‘the party can’t go on forever.’
‘I will never leave you again.’
‘you know what the problem with water is? there’s no gin in it.’
‘can I tell you a secret? I don’t like ghosts very much. they are terrible people.’
‘I’ve seen you. the true you.’
‘I’ve seen you. the true you. you’re scared, (name). you pretend you’re not but you are.’
‘don’t cry. please don’t cry. i’ve got no defenses against tears.’
‘you can’t have my tears. I revoke them.’
‘I don’t even know what we’re arguing about anymore.’
‘you wanna be alone? be alone.’
‘why did you kiss me, then, if you prefer her?’
‘I don’t want to say I told you so. but I did, in point of fact, tell you so.’
‘save your breath. you’re gonna need it.’
‘I want to tell you not to be noble, but I’m terrified.’
‘remind me never to tell you a secret again.’
‘there’s a weight on you. I can see it.’
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catboysolomon · 2 years
omg autistic solomon so real!!! i was thinking abt this hc the other day it makes so much sense to me 😭
Right?? So many of his interactions with the brothers feel like they could take place where we’re all sitting across from each other in an ASD support group waiting for a therapist to redirect the conversation and I can’t put my finger on exactly why that is lol.
A few thoughts on autistic Solomon I’m going to put under a read more. Not because it’s particularly a lot but because there’s some spoilers for seasons 3, 4 and some of the devilgrams and text chats.
Special Interests:
-At least two of his devilgrams that I know of involve Solomon staying up all night for his research/hobbies while MC stays by his side and keeps him company. These are “Solomon the Researcher” and “Let’s Write a Novel!”
-He is very into TSL. He writes an entire fan novel for it in one night. He attends TSL conventions. He cosplays. He has excessively rare merchandise. We see Purgatory Hall text messages where he badgers Simeon into telling him what’s next for TSL to the point where Simeon has to tell him to knock it off. We see him go head to head in a TSL trivia match against Leviathan. Even Mammon, who is rarely shown interacting with Solomon, knows that it is his favorite fantasy novel series and would like a limited edition box set as a gift.
-Magic is another very obvious special interest. He dedicates a lot of time to it and is often seen researching, hunting down magical items and ingredients, attempting to forge pacts, etc. Despite being human, he’s exceptionally skilled to the point where when the demons have an issue that can’t be solved through traditional means, big or small, they go to Solomon for his expertise. Even though they are much older demons who one might assume have their own magical powers. Simeon tells us Solomon often gets carried away with researching late into the night and sleeps late into the morning. We see text messages of an instance where Luke leaves food outside Solomon’s door because he can’t be bothered to stop for dinner.
-DIAVOLO gives him explicit permission to ignore the teacher’s instructions during potion class and work on whatever he sees fit. If that isn’t an IEP, I don’t know what is!
Interactions with Others:
-His entire relationship with Thirteen. They’re just so…how do I put it…? “Autistic person unknowingly crossing boundaries until their friend is ready to strangle them.” Maybe I am projecting here, lol. He thinks they are exchanging playful banter while she is genuinely annoyed, and despite making no effort to hide this, it doesn’t seem to come across to him. I’ve seen this dynamic play out among autistic friends many times, and have embarrassingly been informed after the fact that I was involved in similar scenarios, too.
-He can’t seem to understand that people hate his cooking. In the first place, cooking for someone is a great way to show affection for someone because you don’t have to worry about your efforts backfiring and making them uncomfortable they way autistic people often do with physical affection, words of affirmation, and quality time. Who doesn’t love someone cooking for them? …Unless you cook like Solomon. We see clearly in everyone’s faces how terrified they are of his cooking. But take away the nonverbal communication. What do we hear? “I couldn’t ask you to go through such trouble.” “I had a big lunch.” “I want to leave enough for the angels.” How is he supposed to come to the conclusion that he’s a bad cook from this? It isn’t until Asmo lashes out and tells him in no uncertain terms that his food is awful that he finally gets it.
-“I don’t have anyone like that/you’re the only one who understands me.” Despite being surrounded by people who care about him, Solomon feels alone. He’s unable to connect with others the way they are with each other. He wishes he could have a connection with someone similar to what Beelzebub and Belphegor have: always looking out for each other and able to tell what the other is thinking. When MC asks if he doesn’t have someone like that he responds that maybe he did at one time, or maybe he only thought he did and it was all in his head. The fact is that there is an unbridgeable gap in understanding between Solomon and every living thing he encounters, and that saddens him. This is in no doubt at least partially due to his unique circumstances. He is living a life fundamentally different than angel, demon, reaper, or human. But I suspect there is even more to it. When he says that MC is the only one who understands him, I think the similarities run deeper than being the only humans in the Devildom.
Also, consider:
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In season 4 (thank you glowsticks) Solomon mentions how lonely he is without the MC around. One of the ways you can respond to him is, “So even you feel lonely, huh?”
This is a microaggression autistic people get all the time. The implication is that we are unable to feel and show a range of human emotions. We’re seen as capable of having intense feelings about data sets and special interests and changes in our routine, but never about other people.
And Solomon sees this. His response is that hearing that hurts, and ask if we see him as some kind of cyborg. He then says that he will try do do a better job of conveying his feelings for MC in the future.
Sorry, this turned out longer than I intended. Thank you so much for this ask! I would really love to hear your thoughts on autistic Solomon (or anything Solomon related tbh lol) if you feel comfortable sharing so please feel free to respond to this or dm me cuz I could talk/listen about this for hours!
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sorryitsvex · 2 years
< prev , masterlist , next>
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ynspop(Y/n): fresh into college, has known ning since middle school, soon meeting karina and jungwon in high school.
ningningyourgirl (Ningning): recently debuted as an artist. has known karina and jungwon since middle school, introduced them to Y/n starting high school
rinasbowl (Karina): recently debuted as an artist with ningning. met jungwon in elementary school before meeting ningning
washwonwindow (Jungwon): is a trainee on a survival show. only met karina in elementary school because she stole his candy
this is my first time doing this so please be nice. also ignore the times and the awful edit skills 💔
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