kouukie · 10 months
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dialogue under cut.
(hose water hits the car, splashing)
(heels clacking in the distance, growing louder)
Camilla: “Hello? This a bad time?”
Zev: (jumps, getting startled) “Oh, hey. No it isn’t a bad time. How can I help you?”
Camilla: (chuckles) “Sorry to scare you. I’m Camilla, your next door neighbor. I saw
you and your family moved in a couple weeks ago and wanted to introduce myself. I brought my famous shepherd's pie!”
Zev: (laughs) “No, no it’s alright. That’s really thoughtful of you, thank you. My wife, Peaches, will be thrilled to not have to deal with my horrible cooking tonight.”
Camilla: (laughs) “Oh, it’s really no trouble. It’s just a neighborly thing to do.”
Zev: I’m sure my wife would love to meet you and thank you, herself. She’s out with our baby, June right now, but I’ll let her know I’m sure she’ll stop by. 
Camilla: Oh, that is very sweet. I actually throw a party once a month and invite the block and would love for you, your wife and daughter to stop by! 
Zev: That sounds great! I am sure Peaches would love that! 
Camilla: It’s tomorrow at 5pm if you guys decide to come!
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