#if you dont know what cinnamon pie is
what do you think the chains favorite breakfast foods are (if they eat breakfast)
Okay I'm good now.
ANYWAYS, I split you ask into two sections: first, their favorite food ever if they can get their hands on it, the second what they like to eat on the road. And then a final unhinged rant at the bottom about the one thing about teenage boys/young men and their food that I'll never understand: Bacon.
Legend--I have a feeling that he likes sweets. Specifically, waffles with whipped cream and berries. They're a little burnt, but Ravio made them for him, so he'll pretend he doesn't notice (and grows to like them better that way). On the road, he'll go for coffee/tea (he's not picky) if one of the others make it, or nothing at all.
Hyrule--does he have a favorite breakfast food? Food isn't very stable where he comes from--Legend and Wild would spoil him so much in regard of expanding his palate. But I imagine that something like a fried mixture of beef/sausage, vegetables, and a starch (perhaps an even poorer version of an already poor person food Shepherd's Pie, perhaps? it could be a breakfast food) would be a sort of filling, tasty, and easy to procure/make/preserve food that he'd like. On that note, I would say something simple, easy to get and preserve, and hardy would be his go to breakfast on the road--maybe meat jerky.
Wild--Also a sweets person. Fruit cake, cinnamon rolls, frosted cupcakes, basically all the little delicacies he could get at a dumb party 100 years ago, he ain't picky, it's for breakfast and it's fueling a day long sugar high. On the road he, unlike the other Links, can be pretty creative with his breakfasts, and he likes his spice as well. So, I think he'd like Meaty rice balls.
Four--direct this question to someone else please. He has four voices in his head fighting to answer right now, and none of them agree. I surely dont know if he doesn't.
Time--Pancakes and farm-fresh scrambled eggs and toast with jam. Malon makes it for him. What can I say. On the road he is a habitual coffee drinker, he wouldn't be functioning in the mornings without it. But he'll also take a poached egg if he has the time (heh).
Warrior--unlike Time who is a habitual coffee drinker, he is a coffee connoisseur. He likes the breakfasts they serve at the castle--a lot of meats and fruits, expensive, and on top of it all, well plated. Not to say that he can't eat simply--he was in a war, mind you--just that he prefers not to. On the road, he strikes me as the kind that would drink those tasteless quick oats (y'know you just add water, shake and go?) and also be very vocal about much time (heh) it's saving him (being none). I don't know what the Hyrule equivalent of those are.
Twilight--our favorite country boy. I think he likes a true southern breakfast. Ham and pan-fried potatoes and eggs over-easy, with a side of cheesy grits and sausage biscuits and gravy like Uli used to make for him (I HC this man has a black hole of a stomach, out of all the Links). On the road he'll inhale a boiled egg or two (salted and peppered if he's feeling fancy) that Wild made for him. I also head canon that Twilight likes tea with an intensity. And not only sweet tea, but like, ALL of the teas. He gets obsessive. I literally have in my detail/subplot tracking documents for BDOR the following entry underneath chapter 8--Tea: "Twilight’s cure to Wild’s voice is tea. His cure to life’s woes is tea."
Wind--whatever his grandma is making, probably with seafood involved. I've had a crab-spinach-egg casserole for breakfast before, it was good, so I'll give him that. On the road, I can see him packing a lot of bread and some meat (dried fish if he can get it).
Sky--This guy honestly has me stumped. Do those on Skyloft eat Loftwing eggs, or are they considered taboo? They have a lot of pumpkins around--do they incorporate them into their meals?@needfantasticstories you know a lot of Skyward Sword lore, bequeath me your wisdom. Anyways on the road he's a meat and bread person like Wind. Practical.
Now, for my rant about young men and their food quirks:
Bacon. Bacon, as I have witnessed, drives the most reasonable of men insane.
I just a few things to say about this. I have younger brothers, and I born witness to many male sleepover parties. I--as the resident nasty fe-male XD--have been (forced) to cook for them in the mornings. Set a pile of bacon in front of them (or really any meat, but I have found that bacon has the strongest affect) and they turn into WOLVES. They start to crowd around and stare as soon as they begin to smell it (which hey, give me space in the kitchen, please!), snatch it up before the grease even cools, and then retreat into their separate corners of the living room/kitchen and scarf it down, all while avoiding eye contact and projecting just how much they don't care about the bacon they're eating (perhaps so one of the others don't take notice and try to steal it). There's an odd little ritual/rules to the thing, too: for example, it's frowned upon to take more than three or four pieces at a time, there has to be enough for everyone, obviously; but if you finish a second and third serving before some poor sod stumbles in and gets himself a piece--why that is acceptable, even encouraged. But at all times, you could feel them watching each other, judging whether each person had taken acceptable amounts. 6 at once, I have determined, is veritably considered too much, as I have watched an entire group of mid-late teenage boys chase another through the house and outside for this crime of greed. Another thing was the presence of literally any other edible food. If there was anything else--eggs, fruit, even something like a few slices of unbuttered toast or coffee or juice sitting out, this reaction was largely tempered--even if none of the boys took the other foods, they would take a meager one or two pieces of bacon and be satisfied, perhaps reassured that other food was present and their hope of a filling breakfast was not in vain. Most, at that point they would restrain themselves from eating anything (other than their bacon tax) and wait so that everyone could eat together. But the mad scramble that occurs when there is bacon and only bacon in the kitchen (even if other things are cooking, nearly done, and visible to them) is otherworldly.
I never saw it with anything else, not eggs, not fruit, not even sausage or any other breakfast food. And it must be noted that I was exempt from their little ritual of judgement--perhaps as the only woman, or perhaps as the cook, I was allowed to take as much bacon as I liked from the pile, once the initial wave had attacked and retreated with their bounty (and the strips of bacon had cooled enough that mortal human hands such as my own could pick them up). And while they behaved like beasts, I was always very politely thanked for making breakfast once it was over and the frenzy had abated.
Anyways, your ask got me thinking about Malon making a pile of bacon for the boys, activating the beforehand undiscovered "PANIC! BACON!" mode in their brains, and just being utterly confused as they turn into animals. Just the boys descend, and then a few shouts of "Thanks, Malon!" drift in on the wind as they scatter like racoons with treasure, leaving an empty plate spinning behind them.
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st4rb3rr13s · 8 months
Autumn Eren 🍂
Eren headcanons during fall!!
This has been written probably so many times but let’s act like I’m original 😍😍 also I’ve been having bad writers block so I apologize.(let’s see how long it takes me to write again!!)
No warnings
Eren LOVES autumn. It just brings him so much good vibes😭😭 like yes Summer is amazing. The cookouts, the beach, him being shirtless(showing off), ice cream, yes, he’s a summer boy but AUTUMN?? 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Eren would definitely light up pumpkin spice candles in his living room, maple candles in the kitchen, vanilla pumpkin waffle in his bathroom, and cinnamon spiced vanilla in his room. HE LOVESSS THE SCENTS!! Ever since he was a kid, mama Carla always made sure to light candles.
Mama Carla would make autumn such a homely feeling for Eren. She would always bake him sweets after school, but during autumn it would be pumpkin bread, pumpkin fritters, apple pie cookies, pies. He’d try to recreate it but it just left a disgusting dessert and a mess.
Eren as a child LOVED jumping in leaves, but as he got older he stopped doing it. Now he just crushes the leaves and he loves doing that. The crunch gives him such a happy feeling.
Eren would hate trees, BUT THE DIFFERENT COLORS OMG!! He would go crazy, taking so many pictures of the different leaves. His favorite is the red ones, red is just a pretty color to him. Would even plant a tree in front of his house to see what color it turns.
Eren would have different decor for different seasons, so you know his decor for fall would be so cute. Pumpkin pillows, leaf plates, ghost cup holders, ugh!!
Eren would actually like how cold it gets because he can wear bring out all the fuzzy stuff he has. DONT START AT THE FUZZY SOCKS AND BLANKETS! I know a lot of ppl don’t like socks for presents…but Eren would love them just for fall. He can wear fuzzy socks while doing chores while having a blanket wrapped around his arms. He loves being warm.
Eren loves going to the pumpkin patch. (If you couldnt tell he loves pumpkins) He’d try to get the biggest and smallest pumpkin. Different colors too, like green and white. He’d definitely carve pumpkins with you, getting frustrated it’s not looking how he wants.
Eren loves eating candy corn. It’s sometimes concerning how much candy corn he eats in one sitting…but it’s ok bc he shares SOME with you (fat ass.) If you let him, he’ll eat a whole bag in a day. (You have to hide it from him or he won’t eat dinner and wake you up to eat dinner at 2 am.)
Eren and Mama Carla will be talking shit with a pumpkin spice latte in their hands. Eren would tell her all the gossip on campus (let’s be real, Eren WOULD be the NOISEST MF(But not noiser than Connie.)) Pumpkin Spice Latte is just their thing, and no one can take that away from him.
Eren’s least thing about fall is Halloween tbh. Yes it’s fun, but also not rlly. (His dog got sick accidentally eating chocolate and Eren hasn’t been the same since.) but he will give kids candy. If you beg hard enough he’ll even dress up!!
Eren goes to Halloween parties tho, just doesn’t dress up. (Unless you beg him). He’s fine with standing out too, he honestly just came to have fun with his friends then he’s out.
Eren loves the extra candy cause then he can eat all of it while watching a horror movie. (He would scream and hold your arm ORRR have a straight face the whole movie(he’s also get a stomach ache so…))
Eren has a love/hate relationship with horror. He’d love horror attractions, movies, games, shows, whatever. But every horror attraction he goes to, somehow he gets agitated. He screams his head off until his friend called him a wuss. So now he looks unfazed and ignores the workers who try to scare him. (He’s just a big baby who gets scared too easily.)
Eren would be so excited about the fnaf movie. He played all the games ever since he was younger so now he’s be so hyped for the movie and force you to go.
Tags: @s3lfinvolvedh3athen
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
can i request og soap and roach x ftm reader fic ? if you dont do poly, either one is good =] i just wanna take care of them so bad, cuddle up to them, be their civilian house husband!! wanna smooch them when they come home on deployment, and talk about retirement with them. all the cutesy domestic stuff <33
Sure, let's do two separate short fics in one post instead
Welcome Home, Dear!
Chapter 1: John "Soap" Mactavish x civvy FTM!Reader
Chapter 2: Gary "Roach" Sanderson x civvy FTM!Reader
Content: fluff, SFW, brief mentions of funerals and death in Roach's part, yeah literally that's it. Talking about your future with Roach and taking care of Soap! Former 141 member!reader for Soap
Chapter 1
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*chop* *chop* *chop*
You push the knife down one more time, cutting the fruits into bits before it's ready to cook. Music was playing in the background from a music station you randomly picked. You didn't focus on it at all, it was simply background music to you. A TV channel was on too, the war had ended a couple of weeks ago or at least that's when it was known to the public. You remembered in the newspaper, in the page where they showed the names who died in the war, his name was there but you didn't cry or anything, he always kept you up to speed, you were and forever will be part of 141 even if you've retired to be a househusband. He wasn't dead, almost died? Sure but not fully six feet under. He was wounded horribly and considering their last base was shot out by Makarov's men, it's best to stay hidden until they're sure every one of those bitches are rotting in hell.
And that brings you to today, it wasn't directly mentioned but "few corrections have been made" was stated on the new list, mostly ones who were MIA being found and John's name was discreetly taken out of the dead man's list.
You were cooking some apple pie, it was getting cold in the UK, not like it's always cold here. But baking was one of the ways you could warm up. Great thing about having a husband in war? You don't have to worry about someone else finishing your food. Mixing the chopped up apples into a pot with brown sugar and cinnamon to let them caramelize, you suddenly hear a knock on the door. You quickly unlocked it and yelled for the visitor to come inside, you can't take your eyes away from the cooking after all.
All of the sudden, two large yet familiar hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. John pressed his forehead to your head, resting and leaning against you. You could feel how tired he was. "Oi, you shouldn't just surprise me like that! I could've clocked you ya know?" You leaned back, your shoulders to his chest. "Aye, i would like to see you try" a soft yet tired laugh coming from John.
You sighed, filling the pie crust up and quickly putting it in the oven all while handling the weight of your husband leaning against you. "John...johnny...you can't sleep like this you know? Why don't you take a bath first? I already prepared it for myself but i can always take a bath later" humming something under your breath, you were strong enough to carry John via piggyback ride and carry him into the bathroom. "Ya know, you don't have to help me with everything..." He moved your hand away as soon as you reached for his gear to help him get out of it "nonsense! You're tired, i haven't seen you for...almost a year, just let me take care of it okay?" Knowing how stubborn you can be, he gave up with a soft sigh, letting you take his gear off and cleaning it up. Taking out all the random brass casings, pens, scraps, shrapnel and even stitching it up before throwing it into the washing machine with all of his other clothes.
Seeing him melt into the tub made your heart warm up, he looked so calm and in peace. You dipped your hand into the water and used it to wipe the grime off his face. "Oh fuck, your hair is all oily...and...Shit, that looks horrible, i'll bandage it up after you bathe...ugh that bruise too and what happened here? It's healed but...Jesus Christ what happened?" You were staring at his newly acquired scars and wounds that you didn't remember him having before.
Soap noticed how concerned you are and softly held your hand "i promise, i'm fine, just another flesh wound right? You survived a hail of bullets and you're fine, i'm not as resilient as you but i can take a couple of hits before dropping"
"Oh shut it, you're way more resilient" a playful punch to his shoulder and a kiss on the forehead from him was all that you need to lighten up the mood.
Squeezing some shampoo on your hand, you ran it through his mohawk "i still can't believe it, they let you get away with this haircut" rubbing the shampoo into his scalp, he leaned into your soft and gentle touches. The water ran black from all the dirt he managed to soak up from the battlefield. Finishing up, you hand him a towel and fetch your med kit from under the sink. Letting John dry off, you soaked some cotton with iodine, it soaked through the cotton pad and stained your fingers but that's fine for you, you were in a rush after all, don't want your husband to get all infected. Pressing the iodine soaked cotton onto his wounds and soon after you stitch him up. As expected, no reaction came from him, he looks relaxed rather than tense like you when Soap had to stitch you up after your chopper got shot down. You were cowering from the needle and here Johnny seems to enjoy this, it feels therapeutic to him.
After finishing up his stitches and Soap getting dressed, you held his hand and guided him into the dining room, serving him some food "i know you're baking a pie, ya can't hide it away from me ya know?" you hushed him and pouted "i'm making sure it lasts longer than 10 minutes, you never leave a slice for me" Soap laughed and pets your head "what can i say? Your cooking is the best, better than any MRE that I've tasted" you scoffed and rolled your eyes "oh please, anything is better than MREs, a can of paint tastes better than MREs"
He only chuckled and started to eat, you already ate before he went home so you only watched. You're still confused how he eats so damn fast, at this point he's just trying to get to the desert as fast as possible. "Fuckin...hoover, fine i'll bring the pie but you better not finish all of it!"
"Fine i'll finish half"
"That's still too much!"
He helped you get the pie out of the oven and you started to cut it into slices. You always wanted to have this life and now you have it, you didn't know what you did to get a life this perfect but you're not complaining. Just making sure to make the most out of the little amount of time you got before Soap gets sent into another mission
Chapter 2
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(Using his MW19 design because i don't wanna use the same pic over and over again...)
You were waiting patiently on the couch, the TV acting as a white noise generator. Your boyfriend should be home by six but it's been an hour and he still isn't home. Maybe he's dead, Ghost told you that the mission with Shepherd didn't really end well but you don't know what he means by that.
You heard a knock suddenly and the door quickly getting unlocked. You were laying down on the couch, staring blankly at the TV, not paying attention to the noise coming from the door. You were pissed. Pissed at your boyfriend. For all you know, he could be dead. And what if he died? You could just move on right? It's not like you've been with this man for three years straight.
That's when you suddenly saw Gary, leaning against the couch, softly looking at you. He was covered in bandages, some part of his body was burnt but you were just glad he was alive. You quickly shot up and sat up, your palm against his masked face. "Bug...you're alive..." He smiled and nodded. "I. Love. You" he signed. You nodded as well "yeah i...i love you too"
He hopped over the back of the couch and sat down next to you. Without a thought, you hugged him. "Did you think of me when you were deployed?"
"Every damn moment...i thought about coming home to you" he replied.
You kissed him on the lips, you didn't care that he was still masked and in full gear, you didn't care that you could taste blood and dirt on him, he was here and that was all you needed.
"I thought about you as well...i thought about our future..."
He tilted his head, curious.
"Retirement..." You continued. Gary laughed when he heard that. It was so sweet and a stark difference compared to the absolute hell that he just experienced. Pressing your face into his chest, he ran his fingers through his lover's hair. You could feel his breathing, he was relaxed, soft breaths as his heart rate slowed down knowing he was finally safe at his home with you in his arms.
"Go on, continue, tell me everything"
"I think...we should live somewhere quiet, you always hated the city. You are always overstimulated when you're surrounded by so many people...let's hide away...together...get away from war and fighting. Let's go somewhere only we know"
He leaned back sighing, thinking about the things you just said. It would be amazing, so so amazing. The thought of spending his final days with you and you alone is nothing but heaven to him. He would stop worrying about all of this SAS bullshit with Makarov and Shepherd, just you and him.
"Will we have kids?"
"Hmm...yeah...i could imagine us having a family...one girl one boy...the girl is named Nina and the boy named Jackson"
You two laughed at the thought. Imagining Roach as a father was so...odd but adorable. Your children would have Simon, Johnny, and Price as uncles and imagining THEM hanging around children was hilarious. The things they'll do. Oh to see Simon trying to be all soft and family friendly would be amazing.
"Our wedding, what will it look like?" You asked Gary, holding his hand softly as you looked at the engagement ring that he gave to you before he was deployed.
"At the beach would be good, i want to watch the sunset with you. Decor, flowers, everything else is up to you, just having you by my side forever is enough for me. We can even skip the ceremony. I don't mind" you looked up at him, watching him sign his ideas out. "What do you think i should wear?"
Gary hummed, thinking about it "how about a nice suit...or a dress, your choice...or maybe i can wear the dress?" You saw his idea and laughed "we should make your team into the bridesmaids, imagine Price in a dress" you added and Gary bursts out laughing. "Ghost in a white dress, still wearing his mask and sunglasses"
"OH GOD don't put that image into my head...you're so...precious you...little bug"
You two slowly calmed down. "But anyway...i already have my vows ready...and i think we should stop thinking about our future, let's focus on the present, what do you want for dinner? Or what do you wanna do in general?"
"Let me have you in my arms for another minute, i missed you, you know? I don't think i can handle being deployed again if it means i'll spend another minute without you being near me"
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
Carrot Pineapple Muffins
The recipe for the muffins seen here, well. Sort of anyway.
Recipe as written, on a page from maybe a website or book? I just have a photo copy I reprint as needed (read: as the paper falls victim to mishaps)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup salad oil
2 eggs
1 cup finely grated raw carrot
1/2 cup crushed pineapple with juice
1 tsp vanilla
Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together in large bowl. Add oil, eggs, carrot, pineapple and vanilla.
Blend on low speed until all is moist, then beat for 2 minutes at medium speed. Half fill greased muffin tins and bake at 350 F for 25 minutes.
Makes 24 muffins. -Mrs. W. Atkins Agincourt, Ontario
Well thank u Mrs. Agincourt, the impact uve had on my life is not insubstantial. If you would like these muffins id def reccomend just making them as is...
however... u dont have a recipe in your life this long and Not Fuck With It.
Number One alteration that ive never NOT done (well maybe once by accident?) blend those pineapples. well it very well might be to ppls preference to have little morsels of pineapple in there. but a blended pineapple slurry just makes it like. applesauce muffins. just a nice moist texture throughout idk
Number 1.5 is u can make this a cake if u like. i guess thats obivious. BUT. Its good. i had this for many a birthday. ice that shit, normal buttercream please what is with the cream cheese obsession i dont know. do what u like but dont limit urself to expectation okay. Bakes into a nice really brown cake. U gotta bake this recipe like 'well done' if u want it to have any kind of structural intregrity so its kinda? crusty? i like it tho.
Number 2. ratios. in an impluse that im sure started in some healthy eating for the kids blah blah. but its just how i make it now. I tend to increase the pineapple and decrease the oil and use one egg? how much?? ehhhhhh..... like like a cup of pineapple. and 1/3 oil? does that math out? probably not idk. dont do it like how i do it maybe probably but thats how i do it
ALSO. MORE CINNAMON. Live deliciously. could go up to a tbsp of cinnamon honestly. Maybe even apple pie or chai spices. Could do whatever.
Number 3. definitional quibbles. "makes 24 muffins" whos muffins.... i find this tends to make me about 15 large muffins. maybe 16-18 if u want to be safe from over flow? and more if u want to fill em with a jam thing.
"finely grated carrot" using a grater with wholes less that like... idk half a centremeter gives me a bad time. u want like. chedder cheese size not parmesan.
oh also "salad oil" i use canola or vegatable. is that what it means by that? [makes i dunno noise] you could sub with various melted fats. there would be differences but not a big deal. butter or marg or coconut. whatever.
Number 4. Process. Oh mostly just I mix all the liquids together and then add them to the dry ingredients. (u could pop them all into blender together if u want) im mixing this shit by hand so u know. usuaully i do carrots a dry ingredient but that might not even be a good choice again ignore what im doing.
and again bake time. Ur really gonna want to check on them to to make sure their done. like toothpick check colour check whatever. their moist so its not a big like. over cook problem i think. AND i think theyre really good after sitting in the fridge or freezer and getting reheated (fresh baked goods are soooo tasty but a microwave is also a wonderful invention)
post thought. the jam. i dont usually fill these muffins usually i save that for applesauce ones, but i did last time. i tend to just heat whatever frozen berries, little lemon or lime juice. uhhhh maybe 1/4 cup of sugar? in a small sauce pan. how much fruit. ??? enough. i fill each muffin with like. a tablespoon. so idk. math that one out. needs to be a thick sauce! (however if its TOO thick then u also lose out on messy pick apart muffin treat. ur call) and chilled. if u wanna avoid Big Mess Muffin. lmao. u could swril the jam in or whatever else to but. effort.
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piplupcola · 2 years
Advice for people who wanna attend the Undertale cafe event in Anaeheim, CA
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Go early if you wanna get in early - I reached at around 1230pm on Saturday (the cafe only opens at 1pm) and the line was already AROUND THE BLOCK so if u dont wanna wait be the first in line by going early.
Make sure to bring sunscreen and an umbrella - chances are you're gonna be waiting a while in the Sun outside. Like I said I arrived at 1230pm, didn't get to the front of the line until 430pm. So make sure to bring lots of water, food (trust me bring snacks) and something to hide from the shade cos you'll be waiting a while.
Dont expect yourself to be filled after eating - like I said in point 2, bring your own food to eat while waiting. The special event food is really small and you're only allowed to pick one food item from the options (you can get as many drinks as you want though). You also have to leave the cafe in under 20 mins cos of the queue. I would avoid sugary food cos the food and drinks in the cafe are super sweet so too much and you're gonna feel sick.
You're not gonna get what you want on the menu - unlike what they advertised for the event, you aren't gonna get to pick from a list of items on the menu. Most likely you only get to choose between 2 items, which they limited to only 1 person 1 item. When I was there it was the cinnamon butterscotch pie and the spider donuts. You can get as many drinks as you want though. So make sure you actually like the items on the menu if you're gonna commit to waiting 4 hours in line or you'll be disappointed.
Merch is sold out, unless you're willing to pay shipping fees - in person merch at the cafe store was completely sold out when I was there. Fortunately you can order it at the store for them to ship to your house so you can still get merch just not immediately. Unfortunately shipping fees can go up to over $15 so if you're buying stuff make sure not to end up breaking your bank.
Check the places to park - unless you're parking in a garage, most places around the block are limited to 2 hour parking, so if you're gonna be waiting 4 hours you should probably park in a garage or anywhere you can park for extended periods of time. There is a garage nearby where the max parking price is $12 (3 hours is already full price), so keep that in mind.
Sans and Papyrus are in the merch store - when you go into the cafe you'll see cut out figures of the characters. Toriel and Undyne were the easier to spot but if you're looking for the skelebros they are tucked away at the back of the merch store in a photo booth section. Not many people know they're there cos the photo booth is in kind of a inconspicuous spot but just fyi to people looking for them.
Go with a friend - standing in line by yourself in the sun for 4 hours for overpriced mini donuts/pie might sound like a dumb idea to anyone but going with someone makes it at least enjoyable. Bring a sketchbook, even some cards to play while you wait. Some people even brought chalk and you'll find remnants of Undertale, Deltarune and even Homestuck doodles all over the sidewalk. Was it worth the wait? I wouldn't say it was, but I definitely would have regretted it more if decided to not go. And if you are going alone, talk to the people there, everyone lining up there has something that you like too so make some friends while you're roasting in the sun together.
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Hope this helps anyone who is thinking of going to the Undertale cafe. Remember to be safe, hydrate, and have fun. The Undertale event is run by the Requiem Cafe from September 15th to October 10th 2022.
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kingsofhellfire · 2 years
Drunk Eddie and Robin part 2
I think I might use the dice rolling thing to get Steve to try and beg Eddie to put pajamas on and go the fuck to sleep and Eddie just keeps trying to seduce him even more in such an endearing way that Steve would like to die
Because drunk Eddie would just pull fistfuls of dice from nowhere and Steve would just be like HOW
Turn him upside down and shake him and dice falls out
kesbird :
“Why do you have those???” “In case we need to play a stripping game duh now take your shirt off”
drunk eddie who forgets they aren’t actually boyfriends yet because wtf? you’re so hot steve why aren’t we boyfriends???
lettersinthesand :
Buff Muggin:
I’m sorry but truly I cannot stop thinking about what was said earlier of Eddie just licking Steve’s neck, with the context of they aren’t even together
that's what makes it hot!!!!
Buff Muggin:
Like that’s so fucking delicious yum yum
lettersinthesand :
Alternatively drunk Eddie who forgets they are boyfriends and freaks out when Steve says he isn't single
Eddie - “aww my boyfriend’s so cute” Stev- “we’re not boyfriends” Eddie already crying “are you breaking up with me???”
mid hand job “wait who are you cheating on????“ lmfaoo
Why haven't I hit that yet Stevie
lettersinthesand :
THATS WHAT IM SAYING I lost it at that!
Omg him using the word boyfriend and Steve chalking it up to being a joke
Gorgeousgreymatter :
It's going in the fic you all can scream about it later I promise lol
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
It's like that one video where the guy is coming out of surgery and his wife is there and he's like"you better stop putting your hands on my chest I have a wife" and she's like "I am your wife"
the pet names would get sooooo ridiculous, eddie’s poorly trying to climb steve’s back like a koala and he’s just slurring “stevie, baby, darlin’, sweetheart. light of my life. my sweet lil cinnamon peach pie banana nut muffin—“
“okay dude are you proposing or just hungry? get off me!”
and then eddie’s like “yeah kinda” and fuckin bites him on the shoulder
"We're married?! Holy shit, i hit the jackpot!"
kesbird :
Eddie- “I wanna climb you like a tree stevward” steve-“You ALREADY ARE”
Jfjshhchd accidentally kinky biting you get me
ok but is it a steddie fic in this house without biting
Joke until it isnttttt
lettersinthesand :
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
He do be biting
All I’m saying is that drunk Eddie would have a little nibble
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] :
Just a taste
Gorgeousgreymatter :
He already had a lick so might as well
Buff Muggin:
Grey I am already screaming and I will continue to scream until the fic is done and I will still scream after
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Steve is like "even if I wanted to, I'm not taking advantage of you while you're drunk and I'm sober"
"You mean this entire time I just also needed to get you drunk ? OPEN THE CABINETS THEN I KNOW YOU HAVE THE GOOD SHIT"
Disc:I don't condone getting someone drunk just to sleep with them
But this is fanfiction
I also want Gareth to like deliver Eddie to Steve to take home with Robin from the party. "Sorry to dump him on you man but he will not shut up about you and I simply cannot hear these things"
"...okay...wait what do you mean things?????"
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
God that’s so fucking funny
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Gareth, long suffering Gareth
kesbird:Like GARETG is beat red and it’s not even about him!
Buff Muggin :
Gorgeousgreymatter :
Steve eventually says sth like "If I cuddle you will you go to sleep? If you remember this and still wanna have sex when you're sober, ask me again"
lettersinthesand :
Omggg and he thinks Eddie won't 😭
Consent king Steve
Oh i legit thought that was supposed to say consent kink and i was like oh relate
Gorgeousgreymatter :
I was tempted to write both tbh lmao
But the pun
Eddie waking up and slowly remembering everything but steve's not there. he feels like he's gonna die of embarrassment but then steve comes out of the shower
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Eddie:you don't understand man, the absolute unholy crimes I would comitt to just bite his ass-
lettersinthesand :
"Listen man. Gareth. My dude. Do you know how mad i was when I found out what a good guy he was? And hot? I mean he's so fucking hot Gareth look at him!!!"
"I absolutely will not be doing that"
Eddie: listen. LISTEN. He is. So sexy
Gareth: :yellsteve:
true ally Gareth :slurrrp: :EddieSIMP:
Buff Muggin:
Eddie- I want to… MOUNT him
Gareth- That’s the third time you’ve said that since I walked over to you. It’s been two minutes.
“but Gareth, his HANDSSS”
"Tell him, not me! I don't need to hear this!"
"Gareth. GARETH. His ass"
Buff Muggin:
(Gareth is talking in complete deadpan monotone btw)
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Eddie- gym class was never the same without him, and his sweaty thighs,and his-
Gareth - do I really need this band? I can just down myself in this cup of water it wouldn't be that hard
gareth praying for his tinnitus to kick in any time now
"Gareth. GARETH. You aren't listening."
Gareth who is just LEARNING about his friends kinks in a speed run absolutely warp speeding it to Steve so that he doesn’t have to deal with this
"I really wanna touch his hair. Do you think he'd let me if I ask? Can you ask??"
Gareth- looking around for someone to beg to murder him rn
wynnyfryd :
“his teeeeth. gareth his teeth are so lickable”
“that’s it you’re banned from the tequila for life”
Gareth sees Steve walk out of the party bathroom or whatever wherever they are beat fucking red because Eddie has been saying all that to Steve and losing it
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:17 PM
Eddie - I mean, Gareth. I just want to taste him. Look at his neck. Oh, the things I would do to bite it.
Gareth - Do you think it’s possible to drown in a red solo cup?
Eddie - I don’t know man, that’s not what we’re talking about right now
Gareth - I’m very willing to find out
Gareth slowly sipping his drink and turning away
He's gonna knock on the door because everyone saw Steve and Robin go into the bathroom and Gareth is going to just be like "he's all yours, babysitter extraordinare"
kesbird :
Because that's what Eddie keeps calling him and gareth has no fuxking idea what it means but fucking here u go
Babysit his ass
“babysit his ass, apparently he’s into that too” lmfao
kesbird :
Steve just- ???? But not having time to process because now he has two drunk octopuses
And Eddie is DELIGHTED to see him
He's got two hands thankfully
Everyone watching Steve harringon the former king of Hawkins high leave with two people in his arms is objectively hilarious
Buff Muggin :
I both love incredibly supportive Gareth who tries to meddle in Eddie’s love life (to help him get the boy!!) and incredibly frustrated Gareth who hates how much Eddie talks about Steve
So he just gets practically tackled by a solid puddle of eddie
gareth going through it
Robin getting a piggyback ride to the car (we were robbed of this in the Upside Down Steve would never even attempt to let Robin try to walk over those vines you cannot convince me otherwise) and just holding Eddie's hand
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Steve sends Gareth a fruit basket at the end of it all bc he doesn't know what else to do
Which Eddie keeps swinging their arms and giggling
kesbird :
That is the most rich boy thing I’ve ever heard I love it
30 bomb of beer and a post it that says thank you
Dude fruit basket
that’s what they call their first apartment
Fucking iconic
"If you puke in my hair I'm taking off your friendship bracelet and throwing it in the dirt, Robbie" -- she starts crying
Robin is a crying drunk change my mind
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:25 PM
robin and eddie creating a feedback loop of sad wet eyed drunk idiots lmao
I'd say she's a whiplash mood drunk lol
lettersinthesand :
Eddie is all - “I wanna tie you up Steve like a pretty little present 😌” meanwhile Robin is sobbing and Steve is having emotional whiplash
Oh no now i had an angst plot bunny
wynnyfryd :
the sadness makes her nervous laugh until it turns to actual giggles
to the diary with you!! lol
I feel like she's like me when drunk, which is super happy and intense until something happens and she's bawling her eyes out instead
Buff Muggin:
I definitely see Robin as the type to get really vocal to their friends about how much she loves them when she’s drunk. Like walking up to everyone she’s close to and being like “I need you to know that I am so happy we met and I love you so much you mean the world to me”
And the opposite is true too she’ll see someone she hates and BY GOD will they know by the end of that conversation
"If you were a girl Steve I would marry you"
Cue drunk possessive argument between Robin and Eddie
but then in the cold light of day steve tries to be like “that was really nice, what you said” and she’s all “gross, feelings 🤢”
OH MY GOD a drunken passionate argument about who would be a better wife to steve
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:28 PM
Steve: Can we have a MOMENT for ONCE, ROBBIE?
Robin: Not while I am sober!
“My heart shrivels and dies the moment there’s no alcohol fueling it steve”
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:29 PM
"I love you too, Rob"
"Tell anyone I said that and your ass is grass Harrington"
"Might wanna get the lawnmower because you literally told everyone that already last night"
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:30 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:31 PM
She tells everyone every single time she's drunk
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:31 PM
also quoting steve to steve while pretending not to be undying besties is just so good
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:31 PM
Like they all don't know
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:32 PM
nancy sarcastically over her drink like, “shocking news everyone, my girlfriend loves my ex more than me”
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:32 PM
You tried to “keep it under wraps” but those “wraps” were clear plastic cling film Robin. Everyone could see what was underneath it
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:33 PM
robin, starry eyed and missing all the sarcasm “i. love. him. so. MUCH”
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:33 PM
"But don't tell him!!!" In the loudest whisper whilst in Steve's lap
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] — Today at 4:33 PM
kesbird — Today at 4:34 PM
Even better if she stage whispers that directly to Steve lol
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:34 PM
eddie making the “lips are locked and the key is thrown away” gesture with the most sincere cow eyes
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:35 PM
That's going in the car scene
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:35 PM
argyle’s so high all the time that this actually is shocking news to him at every single party
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:35 PM
When her and Eddie argue over Steve
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:35 PM
He isn't even joking he is just as drunk and is 100% in on the seriousness
kesbird — Today at 4:36 PM
Covers Steve’s ears very badly for it too before Steve bats at him
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:36 PM
"But also ill fight you for him, Buckley. I'll fight you right now in this backseat!"
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:36 PM
Man Argyle as a background character in fic is so underrated
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:37 PM
kindergarten style slap fight commences
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:37 PM
Hdjshxxb this is gonna be so fun j have so many good dialogue ideas :loveteeth: :loveteeth:
kesbird — Today at 4:37 PM
:loveteeth: :loveteeth: :loveteeth:
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:37 PM
It will be a gift for all of you :EddieSIMP:
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:37 PM
kesbird — Today at 4:38 PM
Did I mention I would kill for you I’m just gonna leave that out there again because AHHHHHH
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:38 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:39 PM
...at Steve's house he has to go take care of Robin first so he takes Eddie to his bedroom and says STAY PUT all grumpy and Eddie says "I'll be a good boy for you stevie" and then Steve hurls himself into the sun
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:40 PM
Eddie is just. King of accidentally saying super hot shit
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:41 PM
AHHHHHHHHHH picturing him like, starfished on steve’s bed with his head hanging off the edge so he’s smiling upside down at steve
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:42 PM
Oh no he means it. 100% and that's what makes it part of Steve's agonies lol
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:42 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:48 PM
...Steve trying to get Eddie to change clothes and he wants the yellow sweater but Steve's like you can't have it, I just gave it to Robin.
"Fine then gimme your letterman jacket"
'You can't wear that to bed eds it's not comfortable and I don't want you puking on it"
Steve is finally able to haggle and placate with the literal shirt he's wearing because it's the only one Eddie will agree to wear
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:48 PM
kesbird — Today at 4:49 PM
:loveteeth: :loveteeth: :loveteeth:
I’m gonna lose my mind dear god
At this point steve is taking a shower out of self preservation. Both to let off steam and also because Eddie was cuddling him he was no match
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:50 PM
...he's gonna jerk off in the shower and feel shit about it
kesbird — Today at 4:50 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:50 PM
But it's the only way he can cuddle Eddie how Eddie wants without dying lol
kesbird — Today at 4:51 PM
And then eddie comes in sober and sees everything through the glass and is like “whelp my time to shine lmao time to make good on some promises”
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] — Today at 4:57 PM
Steve having a crisis and Eddie just being inexplicably in love with him is my favorite steddie trope
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:59 PM
I'm seriously an excited puppy about writing this!!
Which means I'll get it done fast :ohreally:
hyperfixation powers activate
kesbird — Today at 5:08 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 5:09 PM
Also RIP everyone backreading this later
kesbird — Today at 5:13 PM
Oh i didn’t even think about that lol
I’m gonna try and start putting discussions on tumble again we’ll see how that goes
wynnyfryd — Today at 5:16 PM
re: this whole conversation akdkds
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] — Today at 5:19 PM
Tldr Drunk Bitey Eddie + DD Steve with a sprinkling of drunk lovey Robin and a dash of exasperated flustered Gareth
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
“Dear Diary”
Send “Dear Diary” to read a random entry of my muses diary/journal.
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"Round an' round, the die will go. Where will it land? Nobody knows!"
Rolls it.
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"Avalice. Alright, let's see."
Flips open the Avalice book. Reads aloud.
"dear diary "cory laughed at me over the phone. i was tellin her all about lyli and stuff and then she just started laughing "i kinda dont get why...? i was just talking about how cool and awesome and pretty she is. like shes my best friend how could i not think these things. "if cory had a super cool best friend like lilac she'd think the same things!!! she doesnt need to LAUGH!!!"
She puts a thumb on this page.
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" 'Fore I continue, lemme just read the literal next entry. I remember these two very vividly, y'see. Ahem."
Flipping to the next page, it was almost a completely blank page, save for eleven words.
"dear diary "oh my fucking stones im in love with lilac."
Flips back to the previous entry, pinching the bridge of her nose.
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"For as much sierra as I get for this stuff now, at least I realized it pretty early. It ain't take long for me to understand, after Cory bullied me and wouldn't explain why, the exact reason. "Should'a heard the kinda things I was talkin' about this girl. Always wantin' to be with her, talkin' 'bout how great she was, 'bout all the lil sierra she does. Like how when she cleans she cleans in alphabetical order. Or when she makes cup noodles she'll always add a dash of cinnamon if we have any. Or if she gives me a gift, it always has somethin' to do with her. It's usual subtle, but I remember one time she gave me a gift that had a literal lilac on it.
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"She's so fuckin' corny."
Right, the diary entry.
Clears her throat, then continues.
"today me and lilac kinda mostly did house maintenance. its not been a long time since me and lilac built it but some stuff wasnt working right. the tv's fucked and the water doesnt run right. so me and lilac were tryin to figure out why. we didnt get it today but lilac said that there's always tomorrow. like that one play! "i wanna go see it with her sometime. maybe we could do that trenchcoat thing like on tv!!! thatd be really funny!!! "though it wouldnt be stealthy... we're too tall to do it good now. maybe when we were back in the scarves, a couple years back. "i bet i could steal us some tickets at least. get out of this STUPID house and do something actually cool for once! im glad we have this house but im sick of it. the rooms back in the scarves were better. "i almost wish spade wasnt such a jerk none of this wouldve happened. well the entire place is full of jerks actually but still!!! spade's the biggest jerk!!!! 3: "im super glad i have lilac with me though!!! idk if i couldve done all this on my own! i love her so much!!!! "why did that make me feel weird to say? "carol"
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"I suppose lil me had some smarts in that peanut brain. I think about what would've happened if I never met the girl. Be some ''cool'' double agent ninja or somethin'?
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"As much as the idea sounds cool, Iiiiii'd rather not risk any limbs trying to steal for these undesirables. What would happen during Brevon if we never left? Who the hell would the Magister call on about Merga for? Their stupid royal guard?
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"Lissen, you ain't hear this from me, but all of those dudes are incompetent. Jade and Doug are the only good ones! Literally nobody else knows how to do their job! I can't speak for the other kingdoms--except for Shang Mu those guys suck too--but I doubt that they're good at their jobs too.
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"The kingdoms are better off with a one man band than the guards at all. Spread us out, station us in every kingdom then when something happens it'll be easy as pie to take care of.
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"I'm getting ahead of myself--point is, I'm glad I went with Lilac back then. I was a brat myself--can't imagine how Lilac felt about me. If she ain't regret her choices then she probably would pretty soon."
She sighed, resting a hand on her face.
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depresseddepot · 3 years
u know. i don't think i can be happy if i've altered my diet so much to the point where i can't make and eat baked goods.
#idk where along the way i developed this habit of thinking but like. im not a health nut. protein powder doesn't make me excited.#i keep having this reoccurring thought thats like 'oh one day when i fix my diet--' but like. no.#i WONT fix my diet. i eat veggies and i eat fruits but i like milk and bread and butter and cheese.#i might not like cooking that much and i might use canned vegetables but i love baking!!#you cant lose weight and keep it off if you have a strict diet and then stop dieting completely once you reach your goal weight#im sick of this shit. im sick of pretending like i don't expect to lose weight from working out#i don't diet and i don't want to. ill workout to stay healthy but i like making desserts!! and i like eating them!!#i dont have the metabolism the way other people do. like i cant just workout and eat well AND eat a dessert every now and then#but every day i get more fatalistic about the collapse of capitalism and worsening climate change so what the fuck do i have to lose#re: jesus all i fucking do is complain#tagged it even tho this is a relatively happy post bc its still Live Therapy TM i guess#u know one day ill be brave enough to get a personal trainer and once i do its OVER for you idiots#'diet' this 'bread/milk/cereal/juice makes you fat' that. yall are so boring.#have you never tasted a blueberry pie from the farmers market? homemade cinnamon rolls that take hours but are always worth it?#'i dont like sweets' oh what do you like then. soy sauce. vinegar. you eat onions on toast is that what makes you happy.#okay now im being mean lol but anyways fuck diet fads ill stay fat AND keep my blood pressure low thank you
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thewoodbine · 3 years
Do Spell Components Matter?
My personal take on the matter as an experienced witch.
I see a lot of things online (mostly Tumblr and Tiktok) saying that you can substitute any ingredients, words, components, or conditions around in a spell and it will still work because of intention. Don’t have candles? Use plastic. Don’t have Angelica? Just use whatever's in your cupboard. And it has a lot of baby witches running around with spells that were never going to work. If intention was the ONLY thing that mattered or effected things- why bother with spells at all? Why not just think really hard and call it a day? So this post is aimed at people who want to use spells and want to consider correspondences and meanings in those spells.
Now I’m not saying you CAN’T substitute. You absolutely can, and sometimes should. But you need to know why that aspect was added in the first place to know if that is up for substitution or not. 
In a sense, spells are like recipes. 
Let’s say you want to make chili and the main parts of a chili are beef, tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, and kidney beans. 
But you’re vegetarian: ok no beef, that’s cool. Still taste like chili.
You don’t have fresh chili peppers: That’s ok too, most people use powder or a seasoning packet anyway. But if you don’t have that you just use the closest spicy thing in your cupboard. In fact, onions can be treated the same way.
You don’t like tomato's: That’s alright but.....without that acidic element something is...different. 
And you dont have kidney beans so you use black eyed peas and now.....well it’s a soup but it’s....not necessarily recognizable as chili.
You didn’t make chili. You probably have a good soup but it’s not quite chili.
Now if your purpose of making chili was to make a yummy spicy bean soup, hey no worries! You did it! You make a yummy spicy bean soup! Tummy is filled. But if you wanted chili, or were asked specifically for chili, you’ve missed your mark. You also can’t show up with a pumpkin pie or a cup of coffee and call it the same- well you can, but it’s probably not going to have the same reception as the one you wanted from a chili. 
So let’s back up. You need to make chili, it has to taste like chili, but you don’t have anything you need. You find mushrooms to replace the savory umami of beef, chili powder to replace the spice of a real chili, garlic to replace the bite of an onion, cinnamon to add that special something where the tomato was, and pinto beans to replace kidney and hold on that’s a LOT like a chili. Because you understood why each ingredient was there and what it brought. 
Now let’s compare this to a spell. Your love spell ask you to burn a pink candle surrounded in a wreath of rose petals. If the spell is using the candle to send that wish up and out into the world then- well you really must burn a candle (or at least a slip of paper) but a white one will do! And maybe you don’t have roses, but you’ve always thought of oak trees representing love to you, well that’ll work but it may take on a more sturdy and earth tone but that’s probably fine!
So yes: 
Tl;dr: You can substitute. But think your substitutions through and make informed and intentional substitutions. 
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cinebration · 3 years
Too Young (Forrest Bondurant x Reader) [Request]
I’m fine thank you can I describe my request because there is a no word for this at least i dont know I’m 21 so if you include this in imagine i will be really happy i love forrest bondurant he is shy caring strong and little bit mad giant bear a i want it fluffy and little bit angst I thought forrest wouldn’t want to love younger than him. I hope i can tell what i request because english not my native thank you so much again not much forrest imagine i really love this — Requested by @shooterere
This turned into something more than I expected. I had fun!
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: fandomfatale
Pa operated one of the smaller bootlegging businesses in the county, but the moonshine he made was worth a hundred of the bottles being churned out by other operations in the immediate vicinity. People paid good money for your pa’s moonshine, though you wouldn’t know it to look at you and your family.
You lived in a ramshackle house on the edge of a farm known for producing one good crop for every five. You had just as many siblings, all of them younger than you, racing around the house like demons and driving both you and your beleaguered mother to wits’ end. So when Pa asked you to make a delivery, on account that the oldest of your brothers was a scant fourteen, and the fact that no one would stop you, you leapt at the opportunity. You put on your Sunday best, though it wasn’t much, and drove the old beat-up Ford truck down the country road into town.
It was there you met Forrest Bondurant. He operated the gas station you pulled up to after you delivered the moonshine. The smell of pie wafting from inside the restaurant behind the station was too good to resist.
He sat alone, his hat resting on the table in front of him. Glancing up when you entered, his brow furrowed as you slowly walked through the restaurant and up to the counter. You ordered a slice of the pie and a small cup of coffee, no cream, no sugar.
“This ain’t the watered-downed stuff,” the waitress told you.
“I know.”
The apple pie was thick and rich with apples and cinnamon flavoring. As you sat eating it, you swept your gaze around the room. There weren’t many people inside, but as soon as you fixed on Forrest, all else fell away. He met your eyes levelly, a frown pulling on his mouth. Tucking an errant strand of hair behind your ear nervously, you returned to your meal.
He approached you a moment later, the scrape of his chair back against the wooden floor alerting you to his intentions. You swallowed thickly, working up your courage as your heart fluttered with hope.
“You Frost Farm’s oldest?” The way his voice purred made a shiver roll through you even as disappointment followed it. He wasn’t interested in you, only in who your pa was.
“Yeah,” you answered, looking down.
“What are you doin’ here?”
“Making a delivery.”
“Your pa sends you off to do that yourself?”
“My first time today, but he hurt himself, so I figure I’ll be doing it for some time.”
“How’d he hurt himself?”
“He fell,” you lied.
Forrest’s gaze burned through you. Standing firm, you ate the last of the pie and swigged it down with the dregs of the coffee, the bitter mingling with the sweet down your throat. Excusing yourself, you slipped off the stool and kept yourself from sprinting away to the beat of your thumping heart.
Forrest showed up the next day at the farm. You were out in the field, elbow-deep in the dirt, when the truck engine chugged up the dirt road. You recognized it vaguely as one you had seen parked outside the Bondurant gas station. You didn’t see who exited the vehicle.
Turning back to your work, you yanked out another weed and ignored the beating of the sun overhead.
When your stomach rumbled as the sun reached its zenith, you rubbed off the dirt on your apron and headed back inside for lunch. The truck was still parked outside the house.
As you neared the front door, it opened. You froze in your tracks. Forrest Bondurant stepped across the threshold, bidding your parents goodbye with some mumbled words. He paused when he saw you.
“Mr. Bondurant,” you said, nodding nervously.
He nodded back, putting the hat firmly on his head. His gaze swept over you. You became painfully aware of the dirt across your hands and knees and how it stained your apron and dress.
“I’m taking you for your other deliveries,” he mumbled suddenly. “’Til your pa gets better.”
You blinked in surprise, tried to find words. “Thank you.”
He nodded and stepped past you, leaving you stunned on the porch.
The first few deliveries, made in your truck, not Bondurant’s, passed in awkward silence. You didn’t quite mind it so much, if it weren’t for the fact that being nearly shoulder-to-shoulder with the man was sending your senses quite mad. Not even the Franklin boy from the farm next door had made you as deliciously nervous as Forrest did. Your head swam with it.
But the trips after that improved when you began talking to him. You didn’t say too much, because he seemed too quiet to listen to you ramble on. Rather than complain about your siblings or the lack of help for the farm, you focused instead on the moonshine business.
“I dunno know if Pa told you, but we got into trouble with the law,” you said after a delivery. “They wanted our earnings, but Pa told ’em that we don’t have enough to pay. They broke his leg for that.”
“Were you there?”
“Outside, looking between the slats. I waited ’til they were gone before I went in to help Pa.”
Forrest frowned. “Why were you there?”
“I work the stills.”
He fixed you with a stare.
“It’s nothing,” you assured him. “I like the work, honest. It’s very methodical, and I like that.”
Forrest remained silent for the rest of the drive ’til you neared town.
“Show me,” he said.
You hesitated. “But you’re the competition.”
“I won’t steal your secrets. I just want to see.”
You wanted to show him, to impress him, but the idea of the Bondurants taking over your stills or trying to use your methods nagged at you. The desire to please him won out. You turned the car toward the farm and drove well past it, deep into the woods extending beyond it. Then you hooked a right and stopped the truck.
From there, you walked Forrest all the way down into a small ravine that led to a cave in the hill swelling behind it. The cave smelled cool and a bit damp, but you had remedied that with some techniques to moderate the temperature. Forrest made a circuit of the room, eyeing your still critically as you walked him through parts of your process.
“Figure we could make gin this way eventually, too,” you said, “when they lift the Prohibition.”
He looked at you keenly.
“They’ll do it,” you assured him. “Otherwise we’ll have ourselves another war.”
He grunted noncommittally and took a swig from a nearby bottle, testing the quality of the moonshine. The soft light from the oil lamp you had lit bathed his face in warm golds. Caught up by the vision, you reached out and gently touched his cheek.
He froze, turned woodenly to you. The guarded look in his eyes discouraged you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled.
“You’re too young.”
“I’m twenty-one.”
He shook his head.
Frustration welled up within you. You glanced up at him, your hand clenching into a fist at your side. “Too young. Too female. Too fragile. You sound like every other man I’ve ever talked to.”
He blinked in surprise, taken aback by your sudden emotion.
“I can do more than you think I can, and I’m not that fragile. I’ve had to grow up fast, because Ma’s too weak and Pa’s not got enough boys yet to help him.” You grabbed his hand suddenly, pressed his palm flat against yours. “Feel that? I don’t have soft hands. Those are working hands. When I’m not in the fields, I’m in here, making the best goddamn moonshine in the county. I don’t have time, you see, to waste on being young.”
Forrest stared into your face as the wind died out of you. You turned away, suddenly embarrassed by the outburst. “Get out of my workshop.”
He didn’t even hesitate. He walked right of the cave. You waited fifteen minutes before realizing that it was rude to let him walk all the way back to town on foot. You raced to the truck and drove down the road until you found him lumbering across the dirt. You drew up beside him and wordlessly opened the door. He hesitated before climbing up into the cab.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
You felt his eyes on you the entire drive, as though he were trying to keep you rooted to the spot. At last, you arrived at the gas station.
“You don’t come with me on deliveries anymore,” you said.
He didn’t get out of the car. “Who else has said those things to you?”
“What things?”
“About you being too weak.”
You shrugged. “Everyone. Probably your own damned brothers, for all I know. ‘Waste of a pretty face, making that girl work the fields. She ought to be providing a family.’ But I like the work. I like working.”
The cab filled with silence as Forrest stared out the windshield at the dark restaurant. Exhaustion settled in your bones from the emotional outburst and the pain of rejection.
“If you worked here,” Forrest said suddenly,” your hands wouldn’t be so rough.”
You frowned. “But I don’t work here.”
“I could get someone to work for your pa on the farm,” he continued in a low rumble. “And you could work here and your workshop.”
“Are you offering me a job?”
He grunted.
He shifted uneasily on the seat. “To keep you around, if you won’t let me make deliveries with you.”
The pieces didn’t quite fit together. “Why would you want to keep me around? I’m too young, you said.”
“I did,” he agreed.
“Then why?”
He fixed his eyes on you with a look that said, Do I really have to say it?
You met his gaze for a long while before slowly nodding, feeling something like hope flutter in your chest again. He nodded back, grunted quietly, and wished you a good night as he climbed out of the car.
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lizzielikeborden · 3 years
𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼🎃
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I am requesting that you all send me Halloween prompts to write about because I am in the mood for some Fall/Halloween writing. So pretty please send them in. 
List 1:
ruffled hair
apple scent
full of colors
walks in the forest
falling leaves
pumpkin spice
black cat
first wine
flying kites
picking apples
sweater weather
pile of leaves
stormy days
List 2: 
Leaves crunching under your boots.
Morning air just a bit colder than expected.
The smell of warm cider in a mug.
Sticky fake blood
Baking cinnamon muffins
Pumpkin spice
The harvest moon
Corn mazes
Houses covered in Halloween decorations
Jumping into piles of leaves.
Pumpkins on porches  
Hay rides
Bobbing for apples
Itchy wool on skin
Going to a haunted house
Black cats crossing your path
Heat of a fireplace on a cold night
Harvest festival feasts
Carving jack-o-lanterns
First frost of the year
Crumbling tombstones
Full moon over head
Jello in plastic brain molds
Twigs snapping on the forest floor
The call of an owl
Dried and wilted flowers
Toilet paper mummies
List 3: 
“No way. I am not going in there.”
“Let’s rake up some leaf piles!”
“What are you wearing?”
“Scary enough for you?”
“It’s starting to get chilly.”
“Do you want to borrow my jacket?”
“We can go pick some apples!”
“Apple cider sounds so good right about now.”
“Let me do your makeup.”
“We are definitely the coolest people here.”
“Did someone say ‘party?’”
“You look dead.”//“Thanks, I stayed up all night.”
“How much candy did you get?”
“You really outdid yourself, huh?”
“I don’t scare that easily. AH!”
“Be careful, they might pee themself.”
“Can’t go wrong with the originals.”
“Ghost stories? Don’t mind if I do.”
“Why do you have so many eggs and toilet paper—you know what? I dont want to know.”
“I’m you!”
“They’re not allowed to have knives.”
“You can paint your pumpkin instead.”
“Who the hell let you in here?”
“There’s definitely hay in my underwear.”
“Toothbrushes? Are you serious?”
“I’m just going to buy some candy.”
“You were already a witch before the costume.”
“Please tell me that’s fake blood.”
“Light some candles.”
“Pumpkin spice isn’t bad, you’re just a hater.”
“We should go for a hike!”
“I hope that’s just a scarecrow.”
“You’re not that scary.”
“I just want to cuddle by the fire for a while.”
“Let’s get couples costumes!”
“I can’t tell what’s scarier: you with the makeup or without.”
“Come on! You can’t just skip Halloween!”
“There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“I want to go to the Fall Festival!”
“Nothing better than getting cozy with you.”
“Wait, no! Don’t go in/out there!”
“Apple or pumpkin pie? Nevermind, I’ll get both.”
“It’s bad luck when a black cat crosses your path!”
“Why is there so much fog?”
“No, you can’t use the lab to recreate ‘Frankenstein’s Monster.’ Who raised you?”
“It’s getting late, I should go.”
“I want to look at the stars for a while.”
“‘Halloween?’ What is this ‘Halloween?’”
“What are your opinions on candy corn?”
“Flannel and sweatpants? I like your style.”
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Tumblr users wifi's Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
Sort of anyway. due to my cooking method the following probably bridges the distance between old timey recipes where the author tells you to take a good amount of almonds and your just supposed to know what that means. and a very online much too conversational approach to instructions. fantastic
Frankly just picking a recipe and doing some freestyling on it is my method. And so my ingredients list is a general idea and if you want the explainers they are after that. and if you for some reason want my directions, which I do not recommend if you need real guidance and not just tips, those are last.
The suggested amounts may make you too much filling for an average pie crust. I do not consider this a problem.
Ingredients Filling
Chicken (or your choice) 1 Pound Onion 1 large. Sliced or diced. (adjust for how much you like onion and how long you like to cook em. caramelized will shrink) Carrot. 1 cup. Freestyle cut. I mince but maybe you cut circles Mushroom. 1 or more cups, again were adjusting for cook time shrinkage. I just cut them last and go until the pile looks right in proportion to other ingredients Potato. I'd love to give u a list of fancy potatoes, but its yukon gold all day every day here. i use one to two depending on size. Garlic. 3 cloves… Heavy scare quotes. I don't want to tell you 6 so then you do 12 okay. just. whatever you want. Ginger, while we're at it, if you like. shout out to garlic ginger paste havers Flour. just to coat the meat and veg, or you could thicken the sauce with cornstarch or other thickener. oh. oil or butter. whatever. pan grease of choice
Spice zone: (no measurements? yeah i know. see digression)
Chicken stock. You have bullion powder or cubes or a jar probably. good. me too. just add to your level of preferred salt and chicken-y goodness. or beefy or porky or veggy. Salt and pepper. you know this one. paprika. dont even. whatever you have. smoked is delicious, ive never had the hungarian stuff okay. oregano cumin turmeric. or saffron if ur rich, or bootleged ur own crocuses. leave out if you hate yellow (ur risk of staining something is probably high) chili powder (reference which paprika you used) ground coriander seed cinnamon or all-spice literally whatever you want. you want a curry pie. make that. you want piripiri pie. go for it. five spice. shichimi togarashi. whatever.
Enough for top and bottom of your pie. you can find many recipes. in general it will be something like 1 cup solid fat (butter lard shortening or margarine) 2-3 cups flour (pastry, all purpose, whole wheat. whatever. if your doing gluten free look into that) sugar and salt if you want. dried herbs if you really want cold water. a few spoonfuls you can fuck around with leavening even but ehhh
Ingredients Digression: search your heart, and your fridge
Chicken: Thigh would be my preference of course but someone has to eat all the white meat and sometimes that person is you. or maybe you have a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. or maybe your gonna use beef or pork. thats fine. im not your boss. use meat substitute for all i care. The package we got on sale is some .950 kilos, and that clearly too much. so lets say .425 kg. Or just around 1 pound if you prefer.
Veg: Yeah I love mushrooms and I'm gonna put them in everything. Brown or white cap is common, portabello would be extra. Oyster mushroom would be delicious. Shiitake I don't like, and if you ever meet someone who would use enoki in this, have em call me I'd love to hear how that went. You dont like any of these, then don't add em. Leek, celery, peas, and corn all seem like fine choices to me. Any veg you like if it can handle the bake time. I don't ever recommend baking peppers but live ur bliss. As for measurements. I'm not actually using a cup. I just make piles on my cutting board and when i run out of room use regular eating bowls.
Spice zone: If you would like pot pie with just a bit more kick, stick to the paprika chili and cumin. If you wanna go full bananas, you could do a teaspoon of every spice you like. probably not the salt if your stock has salt tho. Keep in mind your own preferences. I don't measure. good luck. really think using spices as what they're for, which is coating and seasoning the food. it should colour the meal but if you can no longer see it you've probably gone to far. Taste and tweak as much as you like.
Pie crust and tin: use your favourite pie crust recipe. or not. or store bought is in fact fine. you just need enough for whatever tin your gonna use. A round tin is traditional and recommended. 18-25cm/7-10 in diameter range. A 4-7 cm/1-3 in deep. depending on size and shape of you hands, bigger than your hand splayed and no deeper than your finger... probably.
Directions: For the Desperate and Bored
Pie crust: Cut up solid fat. Work in flour (and other ingredients) till its all crumbley. looks like sand, breadcrumb etc. Should be a bit dry. Add cold water to bind it in a dough. Add this gradually, u do not want it sloppy style okay? You can do this with your hands, a food processor. Probably not a blender thought who knows. Maybe you put it in a couple layers of freezer bags and stomp on it. All good.
Make it to a ball, or lump shape, and put it in the fridge to firm up. Unless that would impede you ability to work the dough too much.
Rolling it out, or not? Here's the thing. You can just take the warm dough and pat it into you pie tin like graham cracker crust for cheese cakes. Just really compact it and get it up the sides of your tin. Don't say I never gave you anything.
The top crust would be more challenging to not roll out, but you could probably do the same with a greased or lined plate, leave both to chill in freezer. When time to fill, flop it on top of the filled pie, and let it warm up again to seal the pie edges.
If you roll it out. Flour your work surface. Pat the dough flat a bit, roll it out, turn the dough as you go to keep it even. Use you pie tin to check the size. Bottom crust needs to be bigger by how deep the pan is all around.
(See filling directions)
You could blind bake the bottom if you want. Stab the bottom crust with a fork a bunch to prevent bubbles. Either way. Filling goes into bottom crust. Pie lid on top of filling. Press or crimp the edges to seal it.
This is where the size of pan and amount of filling comes up. Make it as tall as you feel comfortable with/physics allow. Any left over filling can be eaten. If you did it right you, personally, will find it delicious. Also pies can take a long time and you might need the snack. Vent the lid (stab the crust. patterns welcome. left over dough can be used as decoration or as smaller pies for a fractal and recursive baking process)
Cooking Directions: Keep in mind the level of doneness you want for each veg, add to the pan in that order. Frozen peas and corn or whatever are going last if you want them in any way intact. If you want to reduce dishes use a real big pan or pot with a lot of bottom surface area My order: OIL UP THAT PAN. i want my veg saute'd not steamed okay? onions first. cook till a little less than you like. garlic and ginger (or any other seasoning paste if your using). you want aromatic not crispy. seriously if it looking ever a little too toasty take of the burner and add the next things and stir a bunch. burnt onions and garlic will ruin your whole meal carrots and mushrooms meat. if you dont want to transfer things out of the pan just push it to the side, watch out to not burn the bottom of that either, ur just moving the two different piles of stuff. you can season the meat before you cook it if you want but im not sure it matters. get to cooking the outside of the meat.. it will fully cook in the simmering sauce (If using Pre-Cooked meat add later) potato. again. cooking in the sauce sprinkle the flour on now and coat everything (i almost always forget this step so if you do thats fine. where just gonna thicken the sauce later) time to go to the spice zone. Add your liquids. Stock, or water with bouillon. some dairy product if you want. if you forgot the flour mix a little with the liquid and make a paste. and add more liquid and stir. add to pan I mean you could also do it by making a roux or bechemal. but its all really the same thing. You can simmer the sauce if you want more cooking time for your filling. (I would add pre-cooked meat and frozen peas or corn here, Stir!) Check for taste and tweak seasoning. It can be a little stronger than you like cause its going it mostly plain pastry.
BAKE IT. We're looking for good crust quality here. also additional cook time if any ingredients need more time to finish. depending on oven and pie size could be 20 mins to like. hour plus. i dunno
let rest before serving or whatever.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
I'm not sure if you still wanted to know what your followers/fans dynamic is but I wanted to send mine in anyway. I think I'd be a sigma or omega, and I think I'd smell like cinnamon, sandalwood, and pine. I think if I was happy I'd smell sweeter, like apple pie or pumpkin spice, with berries and pine. If I was mad I'd smell smokier, like burning wood. If I was sad I think the smell of petrichor would come into my scent as well. I dont know who I'd match up well with, but I'd go out on a limb and say Aizawa. I'm usually laid back but I tend to be scatterbrained and easily excitable, so I think he'd be a really good grounding force. Anyways, I hope you're having a really nice day, remember to drink water!
Ohhh a sigma! I’m actually working on a new fic that may or may not be sigma based though I’m still researching to understand it better so forgive me if I’m a little off. From what I understand sigmas are like a cross between alphas and omegas. Super aggressive and won’t back down much like alphas (maybe worse than alphas), but also deals with the heats and sensitivity from being an omega. They don’t want to be seen as weak like omegas are but definitely share some traits and want to be loved. Please correct me if I’m wrong cause I’d love to learn more.
Based off of that thought process:
I’d say those scents definitly lean you more towards sigma than a sweet doe eyed omega. And while I agree with you that alpha Aizawa would definitely make a good match, may I interest you in a helping of villainy? Perhaps Dabi would do good to have someone stand up to him and whoop his ass into shape, someone who could bring a little spice into his life. Granted, he is an alpha so I wouldn’t be shocked if every once in a while you tell him to shove it and go on the prowl for a better suited partner that wouldn’t make you want to pull your hair out. But I have a feeling you always would end up back together because at the end of the day you love him. Maybe you’ll make him beg and work for it first tho.
And thank you for the water reminder 🥰
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MY Marriage Mending Pumpkin Pie
Im baking a Pumpkin Pie, but pumpkin isnt the only ingredient..
Im baking a “Relationship Rescue Pie.” I saw someones recipe/spell online, but I decided I wanted to craft my own. I used similar ingredients that will allow me to create a similar outcome that I manifest, and with the help if the spirits.
✨Your magick comes from within, everything else is a tool. You just have to know which ones to use, and who to ask for help.✨
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Marriage Mending Pie
Wet ingredients:
1/2 32oz can of pumpkin purée
1/2-1 cup brown sugar(sweeten to taste)
1 cup almond milk
2 tablespoons vegan butter, melted
Splash of vanilla
Flax seed egg
Dry ingredients
1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 tsp Cloves
1 tsp Cinnamon
Crust (I used a store bought walnut crust)
Magickal Properties
Cinnamon: High levels of spirituality, psychic ability, and works in matters of lust and love.
Cloves: Drive away negativity, cleansing, and bringing prosperity.
Nutmeg: Inspires passion, attraction and irresistible allure, helps with making convincing arguments with someone who doesn’t see things your way.
Almond milk: Encourages lasting and loving union.
Pumpkin: Helps with getting your desired outcome, love.
Vanilla: Calming and strengthening properties, love, friendship, healing, happiness, passion.
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 375°F
Step 2: In one bowl, add all of your wet ingredients, and mix until combined.
Step 3: In a smaller bowl, mix your dry ingredients together, and slowly add them to the wet ingredients. Or be chaotic like me and add the dry ingredients one by one.
Remember to be setting your intentions throughout this process!!
Step 4: While mixing the ingredients in a spiral pattern I repeated 3x:
“With every bite, He craves my touch.
With every taste, He remembers the
good memories”.
(You dont have to use the words I said, you can use your own!!)
Step 5: Pour the filling into the pie crust while repeating the above words 3x. Place the pie on a baking sheet. Slightly tap the baking sheet againt your countertop to release any air bubbles in the pie.
Step 6: Close your eyes and use your hands or whatever tool(s) you see fit to harness your energies and your intentions, slowly imagine all of your magick going into the pie. If it helps, imagine the pie slowly starting to glow brighter and brigher. Do this while repeating the words 3x.
Step 7: Cover the pie with foil, make sure the foil doesnt stick to the filling. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, check your pie, remove foil, and repeat the words 3x while imagining all your magick being baked into the pie. Put pie back in the oven and bake for another 20-30 minutes. The middle of the pie may still be slightly jiggly, dont worry it will firm up! Allow to cool for 20-30 minutes, then draw a heart in the middle with a knife or toothpick while repeating the words 3x. Enjoy and blessed be!! (If possible, get their slice for them and repeat the words 3x while putting all your positive intentions and all of your magick into their slice.)
My thoughths/results:
December 7, 2020: After we had our slices of the pie, he said he thought it tasted delicious!! About an hour later, he said he wanted to come over again tomorrow for another slice! I feel like its working so far😌
Me and my husband are going through a serious rough patch at the moment, so I thought I would use my magick and the help of the spirits to strengthen the love and longing. We are also going to marriage counseling for help as well🖤
December 8th: He made his decision that he wants to stay and work on our marriage! We both agree it will take time, but we both love eachother and are eachothers best friend, and we dont want to give up or lose what we have.🥰
He is still staying with his friend for now, but I say the spell is working!! All in due time😌
December 10th: I brought him lunch and we ate together!! He just kept kissing my cheek and my forehead and me! And he said he loved me! (Which is a big deal right now, marriages are a lot of work. You have to want to choose love even when its hard) When he had to go back on duty(24 hr shift) he sad he wanted to see me again later! So I brought him dinner and we ate again! I sat in his lap and held me and my hand. When I had to leave, he didnt want me too and he kept kissing me goodbye🥺❤️🥰 I say the spell is working wonderfully!!
I will keep my results updated on this post!! My intentions were to help mend our relationship and allow love back into our hearts, but also to help us to decide where to go from here.
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youwerelikeanangel · 3 years
pls share the recipes for the pumpkin brownies and the pumpkin cinnamon rolls!! i love baking and i just don't have enough pumpkin recipes
HI yes of course!! sorry it took me some time, our wifi was gone for a day jdbjdbsj
so for the brownies (20cm x 20cm)
For the brownie part:
130g flour
45 g cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or how much you want)
185g sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
70g pumpkin pureé
125ml cup sunflower seed oil
125ml cup soy or oat milk (or whatever u wanna use i guess)
for an optional pumpkin swirl:
150 g pumpkin purée
3 tbsp plain (soy) yogurt
3 tbsp melted butter
2 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (you can also just do pumpkin puree and spices and syrup/ sugar, i also dont always use 150g puree but maybe only 50g)
combine dry ingredients, stir, add the rest of the wet ingredients. pour into your pan, then combine the things for the swirl in a different bowl. put spoonfuls of this on top of the brownie, and then for the fun part!! run a knife or a fork through it to create this marbl-y, swirly pattern!!
bake at 180c, top and bottom heat (?)
and now for the cinnamon rolls!!
7g active dry yeast
80 g sugar (or more if you like)
125ml milk of choice
125g pumpkin puree
500g flour
1tsp vanilla exctract
1 egg (i use egg substitues, so if you want to do that use 2-3tbsp apple sauce or any other egg subsitute!!)
a pinch of salt
kardamom, cinnamon etc
80g butter.
mix yeast and flour, add everything else, milk should be warm but not hot (max 39 degrees) and then kneed until a soft dough, not too sticky. let it rest for about an hour
if you want, you can either now just roll it out, spread more pumpkin puree on top, mixed with spices, sugar etc OR which is what i like to do more!! chop up apples, sauté them with lemon juice, cinnamon and sugar until soft, mix in more pumpkin puree. spread this on your rolled out dough, and make your cinnamon rolls as big as you like (you can also do one giant one, very fun!! i cant explain it tho, so maybe google that dbvbhsdfhj) once rolled up, let them rest for 15-30mins again. bake at 180 degrees for 20-35min, adjust this to the size of your rolls. one big takes about 30-35, smaller ones sometimes only 15min in my oven!!
happy baking and please let me know if you tried them!!!! xxxx
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mistmarauder · 3 years
Have you ever had a pumpkin spice latte?what are your opinions about it?
I was thinking about trying it for the first time ever! (I dont even know what pumpkin spice is, is it made out of pumpkins?)
So, you know I love coffee.
I adore coffee. I live and breathe coffee. I'm addicted to caffeine, and I don't even care.
I'm drinking coffee RIGHT NOW as I type this message even tho it's like 6 PM.
I understand that people love Pumpkin Spice Lattes and all of the other pumpkin spice creations. No judgement from me! It's not bad! Pumpkin spice is used when you make pumpkin pie -- which I also like! Pumpkin pie is good! It's a mix of like cinnamon and nutmeg and a few other things.
But both pumpkin pie and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are entirely overrated. You didn't hear it from me.
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