#if i were to actually swim in this everyone would get nipple flashed so fast it makes me angry. WHO DESIGNED THESE.
im-illegal · 7 months
sensory issues one million. im killing all swimsuit designers with a brick.
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Show Me | pjm (m)
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Summary - Jimin shows you how good he can make you feel.
Word Count - 2146
Pairing -  Jimin x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - penetrative sex, exhibitionism, voyerism, dirty talk, dom jimin
a/n -  another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
“This project will be worth 30% of your grade.“ 
A normal Wednesday morning in  your government class just got a little more interesting.
“I assigned you partners,“ the professor continued as a collective groan echoed through the classroom. 
“Jeon Jungkook  and Kim Taehyung.” 
Jungkook and Tae high fived.
“Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi.”  
“Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon.” 
Hoseok whooped quietly, grinning at Namjoon
“Y/N and Park Jimin.” She said and you froze, glancing over at the notorious bad boy who raised an eyebrow at you, as one corner of his mouth tilted up.
You couldn’t focus on the rest of the names that she read off because you were too busy panicking. How did you end up paired with Jimin? Was the teacher trying to kill you? You had nothing against the blonde haired risk-taker, quite the opposite. You had a huge crush on Jimin. From his long soft, pushed back locks, to his shimmering brown eyes, to his freakishly large thighs and strong frame. He was terrifyingly attractive, sex on legs, and you were nervous as hell to work with him.
“Please get together with your partners and discuss your strategies for this assignment.”  
Jimin smiled that devilish smile, beckoning you over with one finger. You gathered your books and stood, walking on wobbly legs towards the sinfully gorgeous boy.
“Hey,” you tried to sound normal.
“Don’t be scared, princess. I don’t bite - hard,” he grinned, sensing your uneasiness.
He leaned far into your personal space as he said it and you noticed the tangy scent of his cologne as you sucked in a breath. He even smelled like heaven.
“I’m- I’m not,” you said  quietly.
“You seem pretty nervous to me. Listen, just because I’ve got a reputation doesn’t mean I’m some lawless thug who-“ 
“No! I don’t think that!” you interjected, “I don’t have anything against you or your reputation.” 
“Then why are you acting like you could jump up and flee out the nearest exit if I move too fast?” he accused. 
“Social anxiety.”  
“Oh,” he said, The guilt apparent on his features.
“Yeah. So which amendment did you want to start with?” you asked,  getting focused and trying not to sniff him; he smelled so good.
 20 minutes later, you’d both picked out which amendments you’d be showcasing as having a lasting impact on the country, and which ones seemed out of date. The bell rang and you stood up to leave when Jimin placed a hand on your arm, his fingers on your bare skin burned in a delightful way.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I… I'm just so tired of being looked down on for where I come from,” he explained. 
“I could never look down on you, Jimin. You’re too tall,” you joked, earning a rare Jimin genuine smile, “ should we exchange numbers so we can work on the project?“  
“Oh don’t worry y/n, I’ll find you,” He grinned deviously. 
You flushed, watching him saunter down the hallway.
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You organized records in alphabetical order a few nights later at your afterschool job. You didn’t hear the doorbell chime, so you nearly peed your pants when a soft, sultry voice whispered in your ear.
“Told you I’d find you.”
You whirled around, coming face to face with Jimin. He was dangerously close to you, if you just used your tiptoes, you could kiss him. Your heart beat like a hummingbirds in your chest.
“Hi,” you breathed out in a whisper.
“Hi,” he whispered back, gaze flicking from your eyes to your lips.
His tongue danced across his own lips, and he started to lean in. The doorbell chimed, breaking the spell you’d both been under and he stepped back quickly.
“So um, maybe tomorrow after school, you could come over and work on the government project?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. 
“Yeah, sounds good. Can I ride with you though? I’m saving up for a car,”  you looked down. 
“Sure, meet me by the front door after your last lecturel.”
You watched him walk out the door, letting out the breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding.
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You anxiously bounced your leg up and down during the last class of the day. You have been on edge all day. You were going to Jimin’s place. Would his roommates be home? Did he have roommates? Would you two be alone? So many of your naughty dreams had taken place in this seemingly imaginary place and this place was about to be real. You knew nothing sexual was actually going to happen, but you were still so nervous. The bell rang and you jumped out of your skin. It was time. You gathered your things, and walked to the front door, where Jimin was waiting for you. Hoseok and Jin  were by his side, all of them laughing.
“Hey y/n,” Jimin smiled. 
“Hey Y/N,” Jin and Hoseok said at the same time, both of them shouting “jinx!”
You giggled and waved hello.  Jimin threw an arm around your shoulders and walked with you to his bike. All eyes were on you, questions swimming through the halls of your university. People whispered to their friends and stared and ashamed.
“Everyone’s looking at us,” you whispered . 
“Good,” he winked and helped you onto the bike. 
You pressed your body close to his, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He sped out of the parking lot, leaving the spectators in the dust. You buried your head into his back, trying not to watch the lines on the road flash by. When he pulled up to the apartment complex, you didn’t let go for a moment.
“You ok?”  
“Yeah, just give me a second. I’m a little woozy.” 
He got off the bike and looked at you for a moment, then picked you up and carried you inside.
“Put me down!” you shriek-laughed. 
“Didn’t want you to stumble since you were ‘woozy’,” he shrugged, plopping you into the couch. 
You hated to admit it, but being held in his lean, strong arms make you feel alive, like adrenaline have been shot straight into your heart. You already missed the warm, safe feeling. You sighed. 
“So… hungry? Thirsty?”  
“I’m okay, thanks,” you smiled and he sat next to you on the couch, far too close but not nearly close enough. 
 As you typed out which amendments were outdated, you were hyper aware of Jimins’ every movement. It was driving you crazy, being so close to him. You both chatted about random topics, as you worked. About halfway through, you stood up to stretch and take a break, as did Jimin. You took a step towards the kitchen for some water, tripping over your backpack, but Jimin’s strong arms darted out to catch you. Your hands on his chest, his arms around you, that’s where it really began. You were being electrocuted by his touch. You both stayed like that, lost in each other’s eyes. 
Jimin moved in slow motion, lips barely grazing yours in feather soft brushes. Gentle, sweet. You were floating on air. Then, the wild fire broke out, Jimin’s lips crashing down on yours with so much need and desire, you could barely keep up. He shoved you against a wall, hands roaming everywhere on your body, lighting you ablaze. You moaned into his mouth, able to stop it. His hands on your body sent you into another level of lust, another level of craving him. He bit down harshly on your neck creating a gasp from you. He blew cold air on it, licking the sore red spot. The stinging turned to tingling, sending shivers down your spine.
“Everyone’s going to see these tomorrow know that you’re mine,” he pulled your hips closer roughly.
“I’ve been watching you, princess. I’ve seen you in those pretty little skirts, completely unaware of all the boys watching you. Unaware of what you’re doing. Teasing. I’ve wanted this from the day I laid eyes on you. So many nights alone I would think of your pretty plump lips wrapped around my cock,” he groaned. 
His words had you soaking.
“Why did you wait?”    
“Didn’t think you’d want someone like me,” he shrugged. 
“Do you know how many nights I’ve touched myself to the thought of you, Jimin? How many times I’ve moaned your name, wishing your hands were the ones touching me? You’re so sexy, so brave. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long,” you whispered hotly 
“You got off thinking about me?”  
You bit your lip, nodding. 
“Show me,” he grinned mischievously. 
You bravely took his hand and had him guide you to his room. You crawled onto his bed as he stood, watching you. Your eyes locked on his, you began undressing. Slowly, you removed everything you were wearing, your hands going to your breasts. You kneaded them, rolling your nipple between your forefinger and thumb. 
“Mmm...” you closed your eyes, lolling your head back, “Fuck, Jimin.” 
Your hands slowly traveled down your body, until they landed by your aching heat. Your fingers danced along your slit, then you pushed one inside yourself, arching your back and groaning as you circled it around your clit. Jimin’s breath hitched as he watched you pleasure yourself for him. You added another finger, pumping it in and out slowly, squirming on Jimin’s bed. You’d done this a thousand times, but with Jimin’s face watching your every move, it was so much more thrilling, it was erotic. You began moving your fingers faster, his name falling from your lips as you got closer, your orgasm crashing over you. 
“Mmm… oh gosh, Jimin,” you moaned loudly, eyes connected with his, and you could hear his heavy breathing. 
You lay there, naked body on full display for Jimin. His eyes had darkened, his deep brown now resembling black. 
“Shit princess, that was so fucking sexy,“ he groaned, stepping towards the bed, “but I can make you feel even better.” 
“Show me,” you purred. 
Jimin sprang into action, flinging his shirt off and unbuckling his jeans faster than you’d ever seen anyone move. Down to his boxers, he crawled on top of you, kissing you rough and deep and so good. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. His boxer-covered erection ground against your dripping core and you groaned. 
“You like that baby? Like how my big fat cock feels against that tight little pussy?” He moaned in your ear. 
“Yes, fuck,” you whimpered, “Jimin, I need you.” 
Jimin grabbed a condom from inside his night stand and slipped it on quickly, aligning himself with your entrance. He slowly pushed in, and oh gosh it stung. He was so big. He lay still for a moment, watching your face for a sign you were ready to move. When you nodded, he slowly pulled out of you, then gently thrust back in. The stinging turned to this amazing, warm, delicious feeling and Jimin started moving faster, whispering dirty things in your ear, telling you how good you felt around him. 
“So beautiful, you take it so good baby,” he encouraged you, but you couldn’t answer. You were a moaning mess underneath him.
Jimin hit every good spot, and knew exactly what he was doing as he pounded into you, and you’d never felt such bliss in your life. The fire deep inside of you was one that you weren’t sure could be quenched. He filled you up so completely, bringing you absolute ecstasy. Jimin was made to fuck, and he was amazing at it. You writhed underneath him, unable to keep still from the insane amounts of pleasure coursing through you. You knew you were close, and so did Jimin, his hand reaching down to draw figure 8’s on your clit.  When your orgasm came, it was like the entire world was shaking. You screamed out his name, back aching into his body, feeling like your soul was leaving yours. You were flying. You felt high. Jimin filled the condom seconds later, panting as his body collapsed on top of yours. He rolled next to you and gathered you in his arms. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“Agreed,” you nodded, snuggling into his embrace. 
He smirked, and kissed your cheek. You blushed and hid your face in his neck, making him laugh. 
“How can you be shy after all that?” 
“Shut up,” you mumbled into his skin. 
“Y/N?” He asked quietly.
“I want you, all the time. I don’t want to have to let you go after this, will you be mine?” he asked, and when you were quiet ( simply because you were in shock) he added “I promise I’ll treat you right, like you deserve.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, smiling at him as you nodded, telling him you would be his. 
“Show me.” 
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clevernewdimension · 5 years
Right (M)
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Jongin usually runs away for the Purge. Flies out of the country and doesn’t look back while sipping some tropical drink on a beach in paradise. This year, however, he forgets. Too busy getting lost in passion to notice. Thankfully, he’s made some friends in good places and has someone who can protect him. What happens when he’s forced to act, forced to participate in a day he wishes would just disappear?
Genre: Action, gore, torture and smut.
Word count: 9K
A/N: Trigger warnings for gore, blood, death, and torture. I’m pretty sure you guys know how awful this series is by now.
Kim Jongin, co-CEO, owner and one of the founders of Park and Kim Electronics, has a secret. This secret is fairly well hidden and no one knows about it except Chanyeol, Yixing and Yixing’s sugar baby turned girlfriend. He smiled, in the VIP area of a club his friend Yixing owns. The Chinese man sitting there, his girl right by him, sipping on her drink. Yixing smiled, looking down at the pile of powder between them. It was a light purple color, Jongin knew well despite the neon lights and flashing dance floor beneath them.
The drug was what is known as ‘Succubus Nectar’. It gives a person energy to fuck over and over, no stopping all night long. It has some psychedelic effects, but those don’t last long, so most people who want that also take LSD or mushrooms with it, but Jongin didn’t care about those effects.
Jongin is sort of a sex addict. Has been for a long time. There is a connection, a sense of false care you get when you get intimate with someone that Jongin can’t help but need. He had no family. He was alone in the world, and he guesses he is looking for someone who cares in what many would call is all the wrong places. Since his first time he found himself wanting sex more and more. College was fun, the large orgies they would have was some of the best days in his life. Men, women, it didn’t matter so long as he got to stick his dick in something or have someone fuck him to make him feel that sense that someone was there for him.
Truth is, though, it was just a distraction so he didn’t have to actually feel those hard feelings. Easier to just push them away and sweep them under something like being a sex addict than to actually face the consequences to looking deeply at himself.
It didn’t take long for him to find some sort of bill, roll it up and use a credit card to make a line of dust. Sucking through his nose, the hit was instant. Some people would inject it after melting it into a liquid, but that took too long. The feel when inhaled was instant. It made him moan, his body shivering as all the colors seem to get brighter. The neon lights around them almost blinding as he just smiles. He could feel the lust growing as he looked around, trying to see someone or multiple people to lose himself in.
He was about to leave until he watches as a woman move next to them. She smirked, looking him up and down a moment. She leans in, snorting a line herself. A friend of Yixing, a tattoo indicating her being a member of his gang. She wore a tube black dress and a pair of black heels. Clearly she was here to have some fun and not work. Her hair was down, a deep wine like red, very obviously dyed. She had quite a few tattoos, and a septum piercing that was a dainty little loop of gold. He watched her inhale the drug, seeing the effects work on her. The second she took a breath, a shaky moan left her that made Jongin feel even more desperate. She glanced at Jongin, her brown eyes wide and searching desperately.
Yixing smiles, “Well, if you’re both going to fuck, give us a show.” He says, leaning back and sipping from his whiskey glass. The woman beside him, his wife, just smiles too, watching with interest. Jongin heard a rumor about how they liked to watch people. Looks like it was true after all, and Jongin did love letting people indulge in their kinks.
She moves, pulling Jongin in with a smirk, pressing her lips to his, tongue licking his lips before he follows, kissing her like his life depended on it. She pulled him, turning so he was sitting on the cushioned bench, before straddling him, pulling her dress up over her hips. She pulled at Jongin’s dress shirt, ripping it open and letting her fingers flow down his abs. This wasn’t his usual go to kind of woman. He usually prefers them to be cute and shy, not tatted, pierced and badass. He was stunned for a moment, the feeling of her grinding on him making him lose his mind momentarily. Jongin’s hands go to the top of her dress, pulling it down and quickly removing her strapless bra. For some reason her being so different to any other woman he’s been with was a huge turn on, be it drug fueled or not. Words couldn’t describe how utterly hard it made him to see more tattoos on her ribs or that her nipples were pierced. She was a wild one, and he knew she was give him one hell of a night. His lips went to her neck, biting harshly as she moaned in his ear.
He could vaguely hear cheers, people watching them. The drug making him not even care if other people were seeing this. Her hands worked the belt open, before trying to get his cock out from his pants. Jongin’s fingers slide between her legs, feeling a lack of underwear and how drenched she was. An effect of the drug, but he’d like to think he played a part in that too.
She didn’t even wait for a condom before sinking down on his cock, moaning and arching back. “Fuck,” she mutters, shivering as she clawed at his back. Jongin’s teeth bit into the side of her breast, making her yell in pain before he slaps her ass. “Move already,” He growls, desperate for more. He wanted that friction, that dizzying feeling.
She lifted herself up, slamming back down with a whine. Jongin could vaguely hear Yixing mutter something as he glances, seeing his friend watching intently. The music that was blasting changed, as the woman riding him decided go move along with the pace. Fast and unrelenting. Jongin was amazed, his hands gripping her ass, helping her move and doing what he can to help create their rhythm. The bright colors swimming, making the woman on him look like an angel from heaven even though she, to everyone else, probably looked more like a demon from hell.
Well, Hell is for sinners, and usually they know how to have a better time, after all. At least, that’s how he was rationalizing this to himself.
The drug made everything more sensitive, meaning orgasms were fast and frequent. People wanting to have kids will sometimes uses some SN to make sure they get pregnant. Jongin could feel him nearing his first orgasm of the night. His finger went to her clit, sending her over quickly as he feels himself cum within her. He was groaning, feeling like the pleasure was strangling him.
“More,” She moaned, her back arches as she clawed out to grab onto his body. The sound of her begging him added to the thrill. “Fuck me more,” She yells over the music, and Jongin smiles.
That’s all he wanted. To be wanted, to feel like he was alluring and seductive. He pushes her to the side, watching her get on her hands and knees before he smiles, thrusting back in and hearing her scream out. He found exactly what he wanted and boy, he’s going to enjoy the night. Teeth sinking into her neck, her screaming in his ear, it was everything he could have wanted.
He didn’t remember leaving the club with her. All he knew was that they were at her place, headboard hitting the wall and keeping all her neighbors up all through the night. SN fueled fun was the best kind of fun, Jongin vaguely thinks before his eyes started to close with the early morning light.
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My eyes flutter open, glancing to the window and seeing the light starting to fade and the sun going down, I groaned, frowning and looking at myself. I was nude, an arm wrapped around my waist as I look over, seeing a sleeping man. I close my eyes, trying to think back.
I took some SN, and… oh, right, or course. That’s what always happens when you take that. The throat a bit sore from a multitude of things as I stretch as much as I could.
I glance over, seeing a handsome face. At least I have good taste when I’m horny out of my mind. His hair was brown, looking soft as he started to groan. His eyes open, showing me his brown eyes before he just closes his eyes. Succubuses Nectar had a side effect of migraines sometimes. He turns, moving so he was lying on his back, showing of a toned pack of abs. He looks over, “Um… I’m Jongin.”
“I know,” I say, smiling, “I… uh… see you on the news a lot. I’m Y/N.”
“I probably should have asked your name first,” He says, his face becoming flushed.
“Well, I didn’t ask either,” I shrugged, moving towards the master bathroom. “My shower is really small, so if you want to take one, you’ll have to wait in line.”
“Oh,” He says, nodding. “Sure. Do you have a phone charger? I’m pretty sure mine is dead.”
I point at my bedside table, my cell on the wireless charger. I move into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Turning on the water to let it heat up, I think back to last night, and the hours of wild sex I just had. Not something I do often, and it was my first time actually trying SN. I look at myself over the mirror, seeing my neck covered in hickeys and bruises all over. The ‘Loyalty’ tattoo right above my right collar bone. On my left forearm was roses, red and looking as if they were made of metal. On my right wrist there are tally markers. One for everyone I have on my shit list that I’ve gotten revenge on. I had the gang related tattoo on my other arm, and flowers on both sides of my ribs. Tulips for my mother on one, sweet peas on the other for my sister. I frown, seeing what can only be dried semen on my arm as I just frown before turning and getting in the shower.
It didn’t take long until I was getting out and going to my room. I see Jongin there, looking up to me. I hold the tower closer, “Showers yours. Try not to use all my shampoo.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” He says, hopping out of bed. He gathers his clothes as I look at him. He passes and I see the scratches, bruises and cuts I left on him. I apparently give as good as I get. I hear the shower cut on as I start to remove my piercings in preparation for tonight. I set them on the little dish on my dresser, looking at myself now that I no longer had them in. It was weird. I look at my right eyebrow, seeing the scar where the piercing up there was ripped out two Purges ago. Absolutely don’t want that to me my nose or my nips. That would fucking suck.
I pull on a tank top, some black leggings and a jacket. I braided my hair in order to keep it out the way. I pause for a moment, looking over my phone. Apparently sometime last night we decided to shoot some pics and videos. I smile, looking as I see a video of him between my legs, looking like he was having the time of his life. I see some texts from my sister too, one with all caps asking why I would send that to her.
I laugh, quickly texting her that those were meant to tease Yixing.
‘Junmyeon was so confused when he saw that on my phone! He probably thinks I’m a perv and that we’re just really weird now!’
‘Chill. He knows I’m a godless degenerate slut AND he knows how Yixing and his bae are. He’ll understand. I know this relationship is really new for you, but trust me when I say I’m about a billion percent certain that he’s in it for the long haul with you, kiddo.’
‘How would he know you’re a godless degenerate… word?’
‘Well, I’m sure Sehun and his soon to be bride has told him the stories of the three of us together. That and I’m pretty sure I’ve fucked almost everyone in the gang AND all his friends. Congrats, sis, you got the one man who turned me down.’
‘But that doesn’t make you one of those. This isn’t the 1700s. You’re just having fun. Safely, I hope.’
‘Well, you know I don’t have to worry.’
‘STIs still exist, dummy!’
I laugh, seeing her call me dummy. God, she’s so innocent it’s amazing. I quickly text her that I have to get ready and that I’ll see her tomorrow. Setting the phone down before getting back to business. After all, tonight I was needed to do whatever Yixing wanted of us. I get my handgun from my sock drawer, loading the magazine in and attaching the holster to my leg that had a place for my knife as well. A pair of combat boots and I was ready.
Jongin comes out of the shower, in his clothes. I see his face flushed, his eyes kind of avoiding me. He checks his phone, “So about the… um… lack of a condom-”
“It’s fine,” I say, looking at him. “I’m infertile. Can’t get pregnant.”
“Oh,” He says, looking a little embarrassed. “I’m… sorry.”
“Well,” I say, “That’s what happens when a hospital likes to test on humans. Some sort of birth control gone wrong. It’s fine, though, because it means I can go out and find hot strangers and have wild, drug fueled fucking and not worry.” I smile, giving him a wink. “That sounds like way more fun than ever having children.”
He looks up at me, nodding, “Yeah… not sure if I ever want children, either.”
“Well, Jongin,” I say, smirking. “If you ever want an encore, just come find me,” I say, winking.
“What were you laughing about,” He asks, “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
“My sister,” I say, looking at my phone. “She’s such a good girl it’s amazing. If we didn’t look identical, people would never believe we are siblings.”
“Twins,” He asks.
I nod, “But I love her. Even if we’re the complete opposite.” I glance over, “What about you, any siblings?”
“None left,” He mutters, shrugging. “I had two sisters. Both died in a plane crash when I was ten.”
“Fuck,” I say, frowning, “That's awful. My condolences.”
He smiles sadly, opening his mouth to say something before the siren goes off. Instantly I see his face go completely pale. Jongin’s eyes wide as he suddenly looks sick. He looks at me, “It’s Purge night?!”
I nod, “Yes? Doesn’t everyone know that?”
“Can I borrow your phone,” He asks, looking at me, eyes wide.
I just nod, shrugging.
He moves, getting my phone and dialing a number. “Yixing,” He practically yells, making me wince. I roll my eyes, moving out to the kitchen. I grab and apple and moving to get a bottle of cold brew coffee from the fridge. I could hear Jongin freaking out as I just laugh quietly to myself, taking a bite of the apple. I was done with half of it before Jongin came over to me, holding the phone. I take it, smiling as I say, “Hello, Boss.”
“I’m going to need you to protect Jongin,” He says. “I know you hate babysitting duty, but he’s a friend. A very good friend. Normally he would be out of the country, but he’s an idiot.”
I frown, groaning, “Really?”
“I know,” He says, “But Jongin is willing to pay you. In anyway. You just have to get him to one of our unused safe houses.”
“The closest one is the other side of town,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “Our closest arsenal to me, you’re there for tonight? I’m going to go and get some more supplies, then.”
“See you soon,” Yixing says before I hang up on him. I toss the rest of the apple away. I quickly down the coffee, looking at him. “We’re walking a few blocks to a supply house. My motorcycle is there, and we’ll get you something to defend yourself with should the need arise.” I look at Jongin, seeing the marks I left all over his skin, smirking from the memories. “We’re setting some rules.”
He nods, looking at me intently.
“Listen to me. Don’t go off on your own. If someone kills me, run. You know where a lot of our safe houses are, go there if something happens to me,” I say, looking at him. “Get dressed, we gotta head out.”
He moves quickly as I move towards the door. He was there and dressed in a flash, as I hand him a large, black jacket. He takes it, pulling it on as I open the door. The second it opens, see an Ax coming down at us. I grab it, holding it steadily with one arm before grabbing my knife and stabbing it into the throat of the woman holding it. The sound of her choking on her own blood was something I was used to, before I look back and see Jongin looking pale. A small cut on his face from the very edge of the Ax blade hitting him.
“When this is done,” I say, “I want the best gaming computer setup your company can make.”
Jongin just glances at me, almost looking like he was going to vomit. “Deal.”
We get to the elevator easily, going down to the ground floor. I could hear crying and screaming even though the doors. The door opens and I see a huge fight happening in the lobby of the place. I get my gon, holding it and turning the safety off, before grabbing Jongin’s arm.
The group fighting looks at me as I hold the gun out. They all have simple weapons, the blood seeping into the carpet already. Three men on one side, two on the other. One with a deep cut on his chest already.
I hold Jongin and drag him out the entrance with me.
When we’re outside, I hear the scuffle begin again behind us. Jongin lets out a shaky breath, “Fuck me,” He mutters quietly.
“Maybe after all this,” I say with a smirk.
The road wasn't a madhouse here. We were close to the Death Carnival, people usually go there, but there are some crazy people around here. I pull the man along with me, keeping an eye out. Jongin seemed like a scared little rabbit at every little noise. It was amusing and quite cute, honestly. We walked past a store who’s window was busted open, people taking jewelry and shoving them in their pockets, the ringing alarm alerting every close by. I held my gun, my finger ready to pull the trigger at any moment. I turn down an alley, pulling Jongin close to me as I glance. Blood. A lot of it.
I could hear a man begging for help as I see him crawling out an alley that connected to ours. I pull Jongin to hide behind an electrical box, looking over and watching closely. I see a small child walk over, a spoon in hand as he looked back down the alley.
“Mommy, it’s still moving,” He whines.
I see a woman walk out, holding the man and turning him over. “It’s ok Darling, you did so good. You can have the eyes for being such a good boy.”
“Yay,” The boy says, smiling as I watch him dig the spoon into the eye socket as the mother holds the man’s skull still. The kid quickly brings it to his mouth, biting down on the eye as the man is screaming in agony.
“Come on,” I say, holding my gun up and pulling him behind me.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” Jongin says quietly, following my lead.
As we walk forward, I kept my gun aimed at the mother. She looked over, hearing out steps, the knife she let go of quickly in her hand again.
“Don’t start anything and we’ll leave you two to your meal,” I say, commanding them to stay still practically.
“We’re not sharing,” She says, nodding her head to the side. “Leave. Or your eyes are next.”
“I’d hate to have to shoot you in front of your kid, but I will,” I say, putting my finger on the trigger. “Crime stops for you tomorrow, but not for me. Hurt us and I will hunt you down. I have no problem making him watch you suffer and beg for your life.”
She holds her hands up, as if to signify her giving in. As we walk around her, I felt my front facing them as I walk down the alley. As soon as she starts dragging the body of the screaming man back where they came from, I turn, quickly continuing.
Jongin looks ready to puke everything in his stomach up when we stop to give him a minute to collect himself. He leans against the wall, breathing heavily as I look, seeing racing cars passing by the road we have to cross. I see him, taking a deep breath.
“Just across the road is the arsenal. When we get there, the drive to the safe house shouldn’t take long,” I say, checking my gun. “Perks of not having to follow road laws. The side of town we’re going to is the Death Carnaval. If we can just get there, it’s pretty much deserted.” I peek from the alley, seeing no one in the road but what looks like some drunken couple getting frisky with a few dead bodies around them. I look at him seeing him finally looking at me. “Can you shoot a gun?”
“No,” Jongin says, eyes wide. “Why would I ever need to?”
“Well, you better aim well if something happens to me,” I say. “You never know on tonight of all nights. Now come on. Don’t stay too far from me.”
I leave the alley, Jongin in tow as we silently creep by the two killers covering themselves in blood. It was simple, as they are distracted. Jongin follows me quickly as we get to the small warehouse. I knock on the door, seeing a small window open in it.
The door is thrown open as I smile, seeing Yixing. “I thought you would be home with your Fiancee,” I say, moving past him.
“Well I would be if some idiots didn’t lose a thirty million dollars worth of Succubuse’s Nectar,” Yixing says, glaring at a new no names.
“Good luck finding it,” I say, looking and seeing the room stocked with any weapon imaginable. I get a rifle, strapping it to my side before getting a small handgun and a knife for Jongin.
“Safety is on the side, turn it off before you mean to shoot. Once you do, aim well and try not to hit me or else I’ll fucking kill you,” I say, giving it.
He takes it, placing it in behind him so his belt will hold it up. The knife he put in his jeans pocket.
I look at Yixing, “Sweet Pea-”
“We have people close to the clinic,” Yixing says calmly. “Your sister is there. Helping Junmyeon. If it makes you feel better, Kyungsoo is there. Already did one job for the evening.”
I nod, feeling calmer. That’s great news. Sehun and Miss. Badass sniper along with Kyungsoo? Probably the best security you can find. She’ll probably be happy to be able to help someone. Especially Junmyeon, as she knows how hard this time is for him. It sucks, seeing how sad and just… empty my likely future brother-in-law gets. The people he helps are good people. Innocent people.
Not people like me.
“Come on,” I say, moving to the front of the warehouse. “I don’t want to have to be outside all night with you following me like a little duckling.”
Another person who’s name I didn’t know opened the garage. The large doors open as I see my black motorcycle out there. I take the helmet, throwing him the spare. “Can you drive?”
“Yeah,” He says.
“Head towards the North side of town, close to the Death Carnival and I’ll instruct you where to go from there,” I say. “I’m a better gunnar, so I’ll shoot if someone dares come too close.”
He nods, starting up after putting a helmet on. I put mine on, quickly getting on after him.
We were off, Jongin driving the motorcycle like he has experience with them. I keep my eyes on the lookout, watching and seeing all the people we pass by. Jongin was a great diver, actually, easily avoiding everyone. The death and carnage around is a sight Jongin may not have been used to, but I see it all the time.
I could hear the cheers from the Death Carnival there. Some Purge nights if Yixing doesn’t have me doing anything I end up there, cheering and fucking my brains out. Never drinking or doing drugs, though. Not on Purge night. I could see the lights from there, as it was clear someone probably just won or are celebrating the win. Purple and pink lights changing with the electronic music means the fights are over.
What we couldn’t plan for was a near invisible spike strip. The tires popped as Jongin and I are both sent to the ground. I feel my skin being scraped, but it wasn’t too bad as he wasn’t going too fast as he was turning. I feel my ankle burn like it was on fire. I ignore it, quickly getting my helmet off and holding my gun up. Jongin looks better than I did, a few scrapes on his hand as he quickly took his helmet off as well. His jacket and jeans taking most of the brunt of the fall.
I feel a gun to the back of my head, “Drop it.”
I let out a small huff, setting it on the ground after taking the strap off from around me. Jongin looked at me, the gun I gave him hidden by his jacket on his side. I mouth the word wait to him, before I feel the person behind me pull me up. The second I put weight on my ankle I hiss in pain. “Oh dear,” The man says. I could hear the smile in his voice, “This will certainly make things interesting.” He turns me around, “No funny business. My wife is in the window with a scope right on your friend there,” He says, nodding his head towards Jongin. “Either of you make a move, you’re dead. Hands behind you.”
I glare, seeing him. His head completely shaved with a goatee that was getting peppered with grey. He was tall, a bit buff but not overly imposing. I put my hands behind me. He pulls on my jacket, yanking it off quickly. I glare at the person in the window, feeling as he cuffs my hands together. He looks at Jongin. “You can follow me,” He says, “Be quick, my wife hates people who dawdle behind.”
The man pulls me along, my ankle feeling on fire from pain as I just curse under my breath from it. We’re pulled into the building, and up an elevator until we’re in this industrial looking studio apartment. I see a woman, a rifle on the counter behind her and a gun pointed in our direction. Her hair in a high ponytail. It was long and bleached blonde. Her lips painted a dark red, eye makeup perfect as she was looking between Jongin and I. She had on a short skirt, large heels as she steps forward. She smiles, “Wonderful catch, darling. Prep her, will you?”
“What are you doing with her,” Jongin asked, starting to reach for his gun. The man pulling me with him as I hissed in pain from my foot.
The wife presses hers into his back, “Not so fast, lover boy. She’ll be fine as long as you can last. Your weapons. Take them and give them to me or I’ll shoot her dead right now.”
Jongin huffs, quickly handing over his gun and knife, not willing to gamble with my life.
“Come here,” The man says, “Lift her up.”
I look seeing him carry something and placing it below me. I couldn’t see what it was but I then see him walk behind us. Jongin looks up, and I look down at him. I try to convey that it’ll be ok, but even I’m not sure at this point. For all we know they could be lying about letting us go.
I feel something get placed around my neck, before some footsteps to the side.
“Let go of her,” The wife says.
Jongin steps away and I feel the, what I assume is rope tighten. My neck feeling like it was going to snap having to hold my entire body weight. I struggle, unable to breath as I get lowered. I point my toes, trying to find solid ground. They touch, barely, but it was slippery. My feet barely touching whatever I was standing on. The pressure on my throat was still there, like if I wasn’t on my tip toes I was going to be hanging again.
“What the fuck,” Jongin says, looking at me with wide eyes. He looked worried. Angry.
“You both can leave her alive if you follow our instructions perfectly,” The wife says. She smirks, “She’ll probably be missing a finger or something but that’s a fair price your letting you live.”
“What the fuck do you want,” I say, glaring at her.
“My dear husband and I… well, you see, we get off to this,” She says, smiling, “Torture. But we’re good people, so we wait until today like one should!” She shakes her head, “Shame we can’t do this every day, hm, my love?” She looks at Jongin, “Now, she will not die so long as you listen to us, is that clear.”
Jongin glares, nodding.
“Yes Mistress,” She says, glaring. “That’s the response I expect. Am I clear?”
“Yes Mistress,” He says, practically spitting the words out.
“Here’s how this works,” She says, “You do what we say to her. If you don’t want to, then you have to take a punishment for disobeying.”
My ankle was hurting so bad I had tears in my eyes. I tried to think of something, any way out of this, but so far, nothing.
“Oh dear, looks like she hurt her leg,” the woman says, “Best listen to us to get this over with quickly.” She looks at Jongin, “Wouldn’t want her to slip and hang herself. Take off your shirt.”
I see Jongin quickly take his shirt off, the kind guy I’ve come to know giving her a stink eye. I suppose even the nicest of people will get angry in the face of situations like this. I could see the scratches on his back from me last night and early this morning. She whistles, “Damn. Looks like you two fucked like rabbits.” She tosses him a knife, “Pick it up and cut her.”
“No,” Jongin says immediately, glaring at her.
“Do you want your girlfriend here to hang,” She asks, glaring at Jongin. “If you don’t do it, we will. And we’ll make it worse.”
“It’s ok,” I say, “Just do it.”
Jongin looks at me, eyes wide. He picks up the knife, walking forward, “I’m sorry,” He mutters to me quietly as he lifts my shirt.
I feel a small cut on my stomach, deeper than a paper cut but not enough to do real damage. I bite my lip, holding back the hiss of pain.
“That’s it,” She says, “Look at how beautiful it is. That shade of red. Cut the front of her shirt.” Her eyes looked at her husband, “Honey, cut the back so we can have a better canvas, hm?”
Jongin looked like he was getting angrier and angrier. I nod, before he quickly cuts the front of my shirt in half. I feel a knife at my back, doing the same before the two sides of the shirt were pulled down my arms and hanging from the chain of the handcuffs.
“Look at those tattoos,” The woman says, smiling as she walked up. My ankle on fire from trying to stand on my tiptoes. “If you do what we say, we’ll lower her a little bit so it’s easier for her to stand.”
Jongin just nods, not trusting his words right now.
She points the gun at Jongin, “Darling, will you prepare our star for what’s going to happen next.”
Our the corner of my eye, I see a man walk over to my left. I see him pick up a bucket. I felt something touch me as I see the woman with her finger with my blood on it. I watch her lick it as she pulls Jongin away. “Kiss me,” She says, “Make my husband jealous. Give him a reason to make me pay for it.”
Jongin looks disgusted, looking at me. The woman smirks at me, “Make her jealous. Kiss me like you’ve kissed her.” The man dumps the bucket over me, and I could feel the cut stinging as I gasped for air, almost slipping off the ice block. Salt water. “Make me as wet as she is. Do it or we’ll kill her.”  I was completely soaked. I know exactly what’s coming next. I’ve seen this done before many times.
Jongin looks at her, grabbing her face and smashes his lips to hers, mouth open and kissing her like they’re the ones about to fuck one another. It made me angry to see. Her making Jongin do something like that. He’d never kiss her under any other circumstance. When he pulls away, breathing deeply for air she smiles, biting her lip. I see the woman reach into the pocket of her jacket, pulling out a hand taser. She hands it to Jongin. “Shock her,” She says.
“Are you fucking crazy,” Jongin yells, taking a step away from her.
Before I could say anything, I feel myself being lifted. The tightness around my throat stopping me from breathing as I struggled, swinging in the air for a brief moment. It felt like ages there, not breathing, the rope tightening around my throat.
“I’ll do it,” I hear Jongin yell.
I was lowered, my feet finding the ice block again as I stand on the tips of my toes, gasping for air. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I feel the taser touch my stomach. I scream out, my body locking up from the pain. It was like my body was on fire. The saltwater making my body more conductive makes it hurt so much worse. Tears coming to my eyes as I yell in pain.
“That’s it,” I hear the man say, “Fuck that’s it.”
“Shock her when I say,” the woman says, smirking at her husband and calling him over with a finger. “Whatever I tell you to do to her, you do it.”
I see her get on her knees as the man walks over. He points his gun towards us, as I see her unbuckle his belt. “Cut her,” She says, watching as she licks the man’s cock, “On her thigh.”
I feel the blade cut me again, as I just wince. I felt like I was being cooked alive from the taser still.
“You think you can just kiss him and get away from it,” He man growls, pulling his wife's hair.
She shakes her head, “No, I’m sorry.
“Open your mouth, whore,” He says, “I’m going to fuck your mouth until you remember who you really belong to.” I hear the man groan, hand curling in his wife’s hair. “You picked good baby,” He mutters, looking over.
“Tase her,” She says, watching as she kept sucking her husband.
I feel that burning again, this time slipping from the ice. The burning combined with the panic from hanging making me terrified. I feel Jongin reach out, bringing me back to the ice again.
“Cut her face and lick it,” The man groans, before looking down at his wife, “Let me fuck your mouth. You’ve proven to be a slut I might as well fuck your throat. You’d like that, huh?”
“Fuck yes,” She mutters, “Fuck my throat until I can’t speak!”
Standing on the ice I was about as tall as Jongin was. He frowns, looking like he regrets having to do this as he cuts my cheek. When he leaned forward, I whisper as quietly as possible, “There is a knife in my boot. Your right.”
His tongue licks the wound. I couldn’t help but remember last night and this morning with him, how crazy we were with one another. When he pulls away, he winks at me, telling me he heard.
“Shock her,” the man groans, as I look at see him fucking his wifes throat now. The sound of it echoing in the room. Her make up running and her lipstick all over. She looked sloppy, but I suppose that’s what this sick fuck likes.
Jongin does, and I let out a yell of pain before slipping from the ice again. He gets down, grabbing my legs and puts them on the ice again. I feel the knife leave my boot as Jongin hid it quickly in the pocket of his jeans.
We hear a groan, seeing the couple separate. He looked in bliss and she was smiling. I see her stand, smiling at her husband. She walked over, spitting his cum at my face. I glare at her, feeling it land on my cheek and lips. In her hand the gun was gone as the husband turns around.
Before I could say anything I see Jongin puts one hand over her mouth, the other stabbing into her neck a few times. The blood spraying into the air from where he caught the artery. He was instantly covered in it, Jongin looking like a wild animal that has been backed into a corner. He grabs the gun, the husband turns, his eyes wide with rage as he fires at Jongin. I see the bullet grazed him as the husband barrels towards him in an unthinking rage. They both fall, the guns falling too as the man’s leg kicked the ice block.
I was swinging, trying to breath. Panic set in, unable to focus on Jongin as I could feel myself losing consciousness. The fear tormenting me knowing my neck could snap at any moment.
I feel someone’s arms around me, before lifting me up. I gasped, seeing the knife above me cutting the rope.
I look, seeing the man on the ground, throat cut and blood pooling around him. I fell against Jongin, who eased me to the ground. He moves, checking their pockets and finds the key to the handcuffs. Once off, I take the pieces of my shirt and wipe the cum from my face, disgusted.
“Do you want my shirt,” Jongin asks, looking at me, hands moving to hold my face.
“No,” I say, “We need to get to the safe house quickly. We’re almost there, the bike is probably gone.”
“How far is it,” Jongin asks, quickly pulling on his shirt.
“A few blocks,” I say, trying to catch my breath, “hidden in the basement of an abandoned building.”
“Hop on my back,” He says, leaning over and grabbing the run. “We’ll get there quicker. You can use the gun and kill anyone who gets too close.”
The run there seemed like it was quicker than when we rode. My adrenaline was pumping as Jongin ran, hands holding my gets as I used one arm to hold onto him, the other with the gun. A person ran at us, Jongin slowed and I managed to get him in the chest. He kept coming, looking like he was tweaked out on something as I shot again, this time in the leg as he finally fell. Jongin ran past then, as I instructed him to go down a set of stairs in an alleyway. No one was there as we see a keypad.
“Two, three, eight,six,nine, zero, four,” I say, as he pinned them in. The door unlocks, opening to a small room with yet another door. This one a hand print reader. I push my hand to it, watching it scan before it lit up green. Jongin opens the door, walking inside and shutting it behind us.
The room was small. A bed, a TV, a small desk with a mini-fridge beside it and a small bathroom. Jongin sets me down on the bed, before moving into the bathroom. “There’s no first aid,” He says, coming back out the bathroom. I could see his hands shaking.
I grab them, looking him in the eyes. “Jongin,” I say, “It’ll be ok. You barely cut me.”
He looks at me, nodding.
“Is that the first time you’ve ever had to kill someone,” I ask.
Jongin nods, “First time I’ve even hurt anyone.”
“It’s ok. If you didn’t, who knows what they would have done,” I say, pulling him to sit down next to me. “For all we know, they were lying.”
“I can’t,” Jongin mutters, “I can’t deal with this now.”
“What do you need,” I ask.
“Well, there’s a TV. You could wa-”
Jongin’s hands grab my face, pulling it to his. Lips meeting mine quickly, before I feel his tongue. I just let go, opening my mouth and moving to sit on his lap, I pulled away, letting out a small sound of pain from my ankle before he looks at my leg.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” He says, lips kissing my neck.
I wince, “Not the neck either.”
“Right,” He says, nodding. I pull my sports bra over my head, rolling my hips against his. This probably wasn’t the best way to deal with traumatic things, but who am I to tell him what to do. I’ve done the same in similar situations, after all. I pull his shirt over his head, before getting up carefully.
Jongin got what I wanted as he started to strip the rest of his clothes off. I was as careful as I could pulling my shoes and socks off. The pants and underwear went quickly too, before I turn. Jongin’s hands lift me, before setting me onto the twin size bed. I blinked and he was between my legs, trailing kisses down my stomach.
It felt like years, the two of us absorbed with one another. Seemed like there was nothing I could do to satisfy him completely. He’d cum one minute and be hard against the next. He was careful with my injuries, but my mind was mush, unable to form intelligent thoughts after a while.
Now, I was on my stomach, my hips raised with the pillows. Every thrust was hard, making me moan out as I was starting to lose my voice between the yelling and the hanging. I could hear the chime of my phone as I reach over, able to just get my pants before pulling them closer. I got it out the pocket. Caller I.D. reading ‘Boss’.
“Hey Boss,” I say, gripping at the blanket below me. I was trying not to scream into the phone as Jongin didn’t even pause or slow for me to answer the phone.
“Haven’t heard from you,” He says, “You were supposed to call me when you got Jongin to the safe house.”
“Been a bit bus-oh fuck! Busy,” I say, “He’s safe and happily trying to fuck me to death. Do’ya mind?”
I hear Yixing laugh, “You’re insatiable. Purge is over, by the way. I expect to see you tomorrow night.”
He hangs up and I drop the phone, feeling Jongin push into me with what seemed like renewed vigor.
“Do you want me to cum in you again,” He asks, “Fill you up completely?”
“Fuck yes,” I moan, toes curling.
I feel him go still, the feeling of more warm cum in me as he thrusts one last time. Before I can think he’s flipped me onto my back, the pillows tossed to the side. His eyes locked between my legs as I feel the cum oozing out. I reach down, feeling some on my fingers and bring them to my mouth. I lick, smiling before winking. “You filled me so good, Jongin,” I mutter.
“But you didn’t cum again,” He says smirking before leaning down. Fingers smearing his cum all over my sex, making me throw my head back in a moan as they brushed my clit. I look just in time to see his tongue sticking out and I feel it connect. It didn’t matter if it was his cum all over, he didn’t care as he pushed two fingers into me, curling them just the perfect amount. The tightness in my lower belly completely going crazy as I screamed out, having another orgasm that night. He pulls away, moving and licking his fingers. I could see his release on his tongue as I pulled him towards me, licking into his mouth. After, he moved, head resting on my stomach as he was breathing deeply.
I felt weird. Awkward. Usually I was falling asleep immediately, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Jongin. He moves, sitting up before looking for his clothes. “Purge is over, so I’ll just get a ride home,” He says, not looking at me. He pulls his pants and underwear on quickly, “Thanks, for keeping me alive.”
I sigh quietly, sitting up and quickly grabbing his shirt as I stand, biting back a sound of pain. He looks at me, confused expression as I bite my lip, feeling incredibly awkward. “So, I’m not the best at this, but I feel like I need to say somethi-”
“It’s fine. We don’t need to say anything. After today we’re just going our separate ways,” He says, moving to me and trying to grab his shirt. I pull it out of his reach.
“Have you ever done that before,” I ask, looking him in the eyes.
“Sex,” He asks, confused, “I’m pretty sure you know the answer.”
“Killed someone,” I say, looking at him in the eyes. He practically flinched when I said it. I nod, getting my answer, “The first time is hard and I know I’m a huge hypocrite saying this, but… in self defense or defense of people who can not defend themselves, you shouldn’t think of it like… cold blooded murder.”
“They said they were not going to-”
“People lie, Jongin,” I say, reaching up and turning his face to look me in the eyes back. “I could have died multiple times. My neck could have snapped. You took a chance and saved me from that. Who knows what those sick fucks would have wanted.”
“Have you killed people?”
“You’ve seen me d-”
“Before. Nights that are not Purge nights,” He asks.
I sign, nodding. “I work for a mafia. I’m a professional at getting secrets out of people. Shit that they’ve done to me I’ve done to others. I’ve done worse, but never to people who don’t deserve it.”
“Who are you to decide that,” Jongin asks, backing away from me. The look of horror on his face hurt more than I expected.
“Because the people I do that kind of shit to are people who’ve hurt innocent people. They use their money to get out of hurting the poor. They’ve murdered and gotten away with it on technicalities. They’ve stolen from the less fortunate to give to themselves. But the worse? People who hurt children,” I say, my voice cracking as I realize there are tears streaming down my face. “People like my father…”
Jongin looks at me, eyes wide with pity.
“My sister doesn’t even know that I… killed him,” I mutter, “She just thought it was one of his business associates, but it was me. The Triad was looking to squash him for years but didn’t have the chance, so when I did it, they just… offered me a job.” I look at Jongin, “I had to. To remove people like that, to keep my sister safe, but even then I failed. She was almost killed last year. All because I underestimated some sick fuck.”
I walk forward, my ankle screaming in pain, “You protected me. You killed someone, but if you didn’t they could have killed us. Who knows, they’ve probably killed before. Stop people from seeking revenge later on.” I point, hitting him in the chest, “Try to distract yourself all you want, but it happened, Jongin. It may not have felt like the right thing to do, but it was. I just hope one day you see that.” I throw his shirt at his face, moving to my clothes.
Jongin said nothing, just watching me as I get dressed. I quickly finish tying my shoes, before limping towards the door, my phone in hand. I didn’t look back, getting uber quickly thankfully. The streets are being cleaned of blood and gore as I get inside, seeing just as Jongin walked out. I gave him a nod before taking off.
I shake my head, getting my sister on the line and calling. “Hey, mind if I shower and nap at your place?”
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I stretch, groaning as I wake up from my nap. I see the newly wedded Mrs. Zhang sitting there, watching the television with a glass of wine. A long red dress on her as she takes a sip, looking over. “Good morning,” She smiles, “Long night?”
“Tell your husband that if she has me work two days no sleep again, I’m going to make him pay for it.”
“Well, he did let you pass out here, after all.”
“He didn’t have a choice,” I say, popping my neck. “Fuck, you both had this dinner part tonight, right? I’ll get out of here befo-”
“Stay,” She says.
I laugh, “I’m hardly dressed for the occasion.”
“That doesn’t matter. Just use one of the spare toothbrushes to brush your teeth because your morning breath isn’t pleasant.”
“You have spare toothbrushes,” I ask, looking at her.
“They just hand them out at the dentist,” She says, shrugging taking another sip.
Standing, I move towards the closest bathroom. I find a few of those small bags with toothbrushes and a small toothpaste. It was quick, thankfully I forced Yixing to let me take a shower before I passed out on one of their many couches. I leave, seeing some people walking in. Dresses and suits. I see Junmyeon and my sister, both dressed in their best. My sister looked at me, smiling before walking over.
“I didn’t know you would be here,” she says, pulling me into a hug.
“I passed out on Yixing couch,” I say, looking at Junmyeon, “Hey, Doc.”
He smiles, “You look nice.”
“Thanks for lying,” I say, hugging him too. “I’m just going to get some free food and then bounce. The night is young, after all. Spent the last two days working, I need a little fun in my life.”
“Don’t forget some ice cream,” My sister says, winking.
“I still have a freezer full of what you made for me.”
A few more minutes and I wave, moving to get to the kitchen to sneak some food with me. I bump into someone, frowning. “Why don’t you wa… oh.”
My eyes wide, looking at Jongin standing before me. The navy colored suit he wore was perfectly pressed, his hair back and out of his face as he just looked at me with shock.
My mind was frozen as I see him. I turn, moving towards the door. I feel him catch my arm, pulling me back.
“You were right,” He says. “That morning. You were right. I shouldn’t blame myself. Turns out, they killed a lot of people… but that didn’t matter either. I did what I did because they were hurting you.” He gulps, looking very shy right now. “I’m glad I ran into you. I’ve been meaning to get that off my chest for a while now.”
I smile at him, nodding. I look around, seeing every dressed in their best before smiling at Jongin. I nod my head towards the door, “Wanna get out of here? Get some real dinner and not some stupid fancy shit?”
“I could use a cheeseburger,” He nods.
“Well lucky for you, I know the best place in town to get one,” I say with a grin.
As we leave, I see Jongin stop by a man taller than him. His white colored dyed hair styled perfectly as he looked at Jongin, nodding. Jongin catches up, grabbing my hand with his before pulling me towards the door.
“By the way,” He says as we walk towards all the cars here, “I’m thinking of this as a date.”
“Is it considered too slutty that I put out before even the first date, then,” I ask as a joke.
“Who cares,” He says, “Life is short. Live it up the way you want.”
I couldn’t help but smile and agree to that.
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wickednerdery · 5 years
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Title: Hoarfrost Hel: Commandeered Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Jotun!OC, Elf!OCs (& Loki) Rating: Teen Summary: “What are you?!” Notes: This is going back to JUST after The Avengers, but again I’m only using canon things I want lol! This is the second part of what’s shaping up to be a legit trilogy - the first is FrostBitten. The story on whole is gonna be very dark, this piece itself - which starts Ulfr’s story - is actually pretty tame aside from the attempted striking of a kid and off-screen violence. (All translations, which come from Tolkien writings are at the end.) Still, for consistency and length it gets a “Read More”.
Ulfr lets go before they ever reach Asgardian territory; takes the risk of the abyss rather than the surety of enemy hands. There is a strangeness in the fall, he flies fast from Heimdall’s pull, then slows to a weightless swim. One that seems to last forever, reeking of gasoline and burning flesh, before he feels the familiar twist in his gut that signals what he needs. A portal. He does his best to float over, but it’s in kicking off a passing blue and gold M-ship that Ulfr makes any headway. Gets close enough that gravity takes over to suck him in, through.
Things speed up once more, the swirl of energy tossing him about until his head spins. He closes eyes, prays to the gods that this portal will not be like the last. That this one will be bring him peace, adventure, and above all, safety. Only when the pull of the vortex stops, when he feels himself falling due to pure gravity, does Ulfr open his eyes. The sky above is pure blue with silver clouds, trees hit him with sturdy wood and vibrant leaves, and the earth strikes hard, but ultimately gives way under him. He lays still, shifting in and out of his Jotun-self to test and heal his body. He only stops seeing his frost creeping across fresh lands.
Prince Draugluin feels the earth shake, a chill run through the air and then his bones. His horse threatens to throw him and he must put force behind the reins to steady the creature. They both sense something foreign in their lands, something to be wary of. “What was that?” He turns sharp to his page, who merely shrugs.
“I don’t know, mi’lord.”
“Then perhaps you should find out,” he glares. Idiot servants, they need to be told everything plain and even then they hesitate like this one. “Well? GO!!” He roars and the young boy dashes.
He wanders aimlessly, only picking the direction of ‘away’, until he feels sudden, bitter, freeze. Even the most brutal of Álfheimr winters were not so col and the boy began to huddle into himself for warm and security as he pressed on. By the time he finds the frosted crater Draugluin’s barking out to him. Has he found anything? Where is he? Answer! But he can’t find his voice as he stands before a blue giant with finger to its lips.
“I won’t hurt you,” Ulfr assures as he shifts into an appearance closer to the other. Humanoid form, white marble skin, with slightly pointed ears. He knows where he is now, there should be little risk here. “What’s your name, little elf?” Only a squeak comes from the lad and he chuckles. “I’m Ulfr.”
There’s another moments hesitation before he mutters. “Virtion.”
“Lazy, stupid, boy!” The Prince storms upon them, riding crop at the ready. “When I call for you, you answer me, understood?!”  He raises hand high and the boy flinches, but the strike never comes. A hand stops it: bone-breakingly strong as it burns with cold. “What sorcery…?!” The thing before him is a horror-show reflection with ruby eyes and skin lined in moonstone.  
“Most would think the Ljósálfar above it…” Ulfr smirks, yanks the prince from atop his horse to the ground. “It’s almost comforting to know it’s the same everywhere.”
“I am Prince Draugluin, son of Aranwë, ruler of this realm!”
“Always those above beating those beneath them further down, always the masters cruel to the meek.”
“What are you?!” Draugluin half commands, half begs, as he kicks out in attempt to regain footing.
“...An avenging angel?” Ulfr offers in jest. “Wait, do your people believe in those? Perhaps vengeful god’s better? Ah, doesn’t matter.” Fists turn to ice as the prince claws at them. 
“Unhand me, Helegan!” Draugluin orders him, then his page. “Anno dulu enni!”
“Shut...UP!!” The frost giant’s had enough of this. Of the prince’s fear after being only too keen to whip a little boy, of his demanding nature, of all those things that remind Ulfr of Loki. He’s lived under shitty princes and cruel kings, he’s had enough of them and the universe could certainly do with one fewer. And, with a flick of his wrist, there is.
Virtion jumps, muffles the yelp with his hands, before looking up into red eyes as his own tear.
Hard to imagine, but Ulfr forgot about the boy and immediately drops the body to crouch before him. “Shhh, shh shh shh...” he quickly works to sooth, silence, the child. “Hey, no no, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m not, just...”
“Prince Draugluin?! My lord...where’ve you gone?!”
Ulfr’s hand flies over the boy’s mouth as he gives a stressed smile. “He really was the prince?” The boy nods. Oops. “You’re a slave, yes?” The boy nods again. “I killed your master, yes?” Another nod. “Good, now you’re mine, understand?” Nod. “Close your eyes and do not open them again until I say so.”
The page does as told, closes and even covers eyes. He listens though. Without understanding why he hears the growls of a beast, the tearing of flesh and crunching of bone so terrifying he begins to shake, bite back sobs, praying to the gods that someone will come along and find him. Save him. Protect him. End whatever bizarre nightmare he’s in.
“Sire?” Maethril’s eyes scan the area, but only finds his horse, his page boy, and mass of gore between the two. She supposes she should at least be grateful the gore isn’t the boy...it wouldn’t be the first time Prince Draugluin ‘accidentally’ lost a servant while hunting. “Where is he?!” The page merely shakes his head with eyes still covered. He doesn’t know and can’t look to see. “Boy!” It’s a warning snap from the she-elf, but Virtion is held by the orders of his strange new master.
“Calm yourself...” The prince appears from within the woods, spattered with blood but otherwise his usual haughty self. He looks down at the youth, smirks. “Virtion, open your eyes, foolish boy.” The words are correct, but the tone far too kind.
The page opens them cautiously, they go wide at the sight of his former master before him. He jumps, trips and falls, at the mass of death before him. He looks up at the narrow-eyed she-elf, one of the royal family’s personal guards, then to Draugluin. He thinks he knows, but surely it can’t be...
“I told you the wolf would not get us,” the man states firmly before a hint of smile and flash of crimson eyes show to the lad. “Your lord and master is much too clever to fall prey to such a dull creature.”
So...this is what Ulfr’s up too, haha! While this initial switch is relatively easy, I doubt all things will be so for him...This realm is one Ulfr’s read about, but not been to and the prince is a very different person from Ulfr so it’s certain he’ll have issues keeping his cover and such, haha! (Ulfr can speak Allspeak though, so he’ll understand what’s being said aside from, maybe, certain cultural phrases.) Ljósálfar are the Norse Light Elves, Álfheimr is their realm, and I’m obviously going to use the concept of Tolkien elves (at least in part) to represent them, lol!
Word Glossary (in order of usage):
Draugluin - Blue (Were)wolf (Sindarin) Virtion - Virt - Slave (Qenya); -ion - son (Sindarin) Aranwë - Kingly Person (Sindarin) Helegan - Heleg- Ice; Lavan - Beast (Sidarin) Anno dulu enni! - Help me! (Sindarin) Maethril - [Female] Warrior (Sindarin)
(Gifs found on Google, then combined by me)
Tagged: @succumb-to-your-king @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir @wintertink @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @drakonwild @starscreamloki @judas-nipples @hiddles-rose  @the-lady-witchitery @galaxies-inside-my-head @jackheart180 @lukeevansandjdmobession @endlessstairway @lanabanana-86 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lovekrystina @madoka73 @lokikingofasgardslover713 @partiallyinthecloset @ultrarebelheart  @gravitational-anomaly @manip-loki @my-world-of-imagines …Think that’s everyone from FrostBitten, if you want on or off, just lemme know! (Strike-throughs are those Tumblr refuses to tag properly)
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jksmoongf · 6 years
Kissing Fire [pt. 2]
Pairing: Jungkook x reader x girlfriend (oc) Genre: cheater!au, angst, smut (maybe a tiny bit of fluff) Wordcount: 3.7k Summary: It always feels like there is only one person in the world to love. And then you find somebody else.
a/n: I don’t condone cheating on your s.o., so please don’t read if you have a problem with this! (also I’m not saying this is something Jungkook would actually do!) Warning: smut, lies, heartbreak and more lies (it’s gonna be one angsty mess) Warning Chapter 2: smut ( does phone sex count? lmao)
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Jungkook’s body was frozen but his mind was running a million miles an hour, his thoughts fighting a battle inside his head. How would he be able to get out of this? She would scratch his eyes out right this instant if she found out that he had a couple's bracelet with another girl; and even worse that he had fallen in love. “I’ve never seen it before? What do the numbers mean?” Yina asked, her eyes drilling into his skull, as he kept his gaze on her hand around his wrist, evading the dreaded eye contact that might make him spill his guts.  “I-I-uh…it belongs to…Taehyung.” He muttered, hoping that it would be a good enough lie. “Why are you wearing it?” “I didn’t want you to know but I-I just wanted to see if it was good enough for you and me, you know?” He bit down on the inside of his cheek, trying to sound casual and praying that she’d believe this utterly stupid excuse. “Really?” She crooked an eyebrow, making sure she didn’t miss any movement of his eyes as she waited for him to answer. “Yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise but you caught me.” Jungkook let out a nervous chuckle. “You mean as an anniversary gift? You are the cutest and so thoughtful, ohmygod! I love it, it’s so cute.” She squealed, flinging her arms around him. Finally, Jungkook allowed himself to relax, taking deep breaths of relief, glad he managed to fool her once again with an obvious lie. He knew it wasn’t right but how could he hurt her after everything they had been through? She was so sweet and caring; it was almost impossible for him to muster up the courage to break up with her. So the only option he had left was to string her along, for now, already dreading the inevitable doomsday when he had to tear her heart into pieces. 
It was getting late, and Yina had fallen asleep watching the movie she had picked. He didn’t dare to move, waking her up meant he had to put up with her and he really didn’t feel like it. He just wanted her to go home, so he could possibly sneak off with y/n, indulging in a make-out session that he craved more than any alcoholic craved their liquid fix. Maybe it was idiotic and pathetic how much he was in love with her but it had hit him like an unexpected storm in the middle of summer. He could hear hushed voices down the hall and then a door closed; two pairs of footsteps approached the living room, Tae and y/n - he was walking her to the door and to Jungkook’s dismay, she didn’t even look at him nor did she say goodbye. 
It felt like an invisible hand was squeezing his heart a little too tight; she was mad at him for letting her run into them like this when she had told him she’d come back with Tae and Ha-na. He couldn’t help but feel like an asshole; knowing that he had ruined her night but she wasn’t the only one feeling hurt, - he missed her just as much as she missed him. Even if they were in the same room; secretly touching hands, longing glances or stolen kisses in hallways weren’t enough to fill the void he was feeling when he wasn’t with her. Shortly after, Tae had walked back to his bedroom and the door fell shut, he knew he had to do something. He couldn’t just let her go home feeling anything less than loved; carefully he moved Yina’s feet off his lap and jumped up, hurrying to catch her before she got on the elevator. 
“Y/n.” He called as he ran out of the apartment, feeling the cold marble tiles underneath his bare feet. She turned around; a blank expression on her face but her eyes gave away that she was upset. “I’m so sorry. She came over without telling me.” He took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together. “I didn’t want her to come, I swear.” And without warning, she pressed her lips on his, molding together in perfect sync and making his knees feel wobbly like they were about to give out. He let go of her hand, cupping her face with both of his instead. Thumbs gently caressing her cheeks, his tongue darting into her mouth - trying to taste as much of her as possible; her vanilla lip balm leaving sweet traces on his tongue. 
Her hands were desperately digging into his hoodie as if he was about to evaporate into thin air if she didn’t hold onto him ever so tightly. Foreheads resting against each other, Jungkook wrapped his arms tightly around her. Both panting, after the kiss, seemed to have sucked all the oxygen out of their lungs. “Can I please see you tomorrow?” She said quietly as her eyes were swimming in tears, bottom lip quivering. “Yes, of course, I’d love nothing more…” His lips gently brushed against hers for a second. “Text me when you get home, okay?” She nodded. “My taxi is waiting…” Jungkook watched as the elevator doors closed behind her; leaning against the wall wondering why it felt so right when it was so wrong… He was lying in bed, Yina sleeping peacefully next to him, little snores leaving her slightly parted lips every once in a while. It was 1:30 in the morning, and he just couldn’t fall asleep, not with her on his mind, preoccupying his every thought and every cell in his body. He could count the number of times he had actually slept in the same bed as her on one hand. It was aggravating that he couldn’t spend every night with the girl that made his heartbeat so uncontrollably fast. She had wrecked his whole world the day she moved to Seoul. One minute he was in love with his perfect and cute girlfriend and next thing he knew he was hopelessly in love with someone else. It was difficult to pinpoint what exactly made him fall for her, but when he locked eyes with her that day, after not seeing her for about four years, it felt like everything that didn’t make sense before, suddenly made sense. It was a comforting feeling to know that he had found the one person that made him feel at home; the one person that understood him and loved him with all his flaws; the one girl that made him leave his comfort zone, exploring new aspects of life and love, he had never dared to even think about. His phone vibrated on his chest, it took his eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness of the screen.  [y/n - 1:33am] Are you still up? Not once in his life, had he been so quick to text back - not even with Yina or his hyungs, almost dropping his phone on his face in the process. [jungkook - 1:33am] I am. Is everything okay, baby? Eagerly his eyes waited for the little three dots that indicated she was typing. [y/n - 1:35am] Yeah, I just keep thinking about stuff you know? [jungkook - 1:36am] mhmm me too. What are you thinking about? [y/n - 1:36am] mostly about what we did this afternoon He closed his eyes for a moment; pictures of her pressed against his chest, mouth open in an o-shape moaning his name flashed before his eyes. How needy she sounded when he bent her over his desk. She looked so pretty right after she came, almost ethereal with her flushed cheeks and shaky legs.
[jungkook - 1:38am] Ahhh noona don’t do that to me now [y/n - 1:39am] you don’t like thinking about how good it feels when you’re inside me? Slowly he slipped his hand underneath the duvet, palming himself over his sweatpants. Just thinking about her got him hard within seconds. Could he risk jerking off with Yina beside him? What if she woke up and caught him getting off to another girl? He let out a sigh, trying to resist the urge flaring up in his stomach. [jungkook - 1:40am] I do!  [y/n - 1:40am] 
Can you please call me? I wanna hear your voice… He quickly typed a reply and carefully climbed out of his bed, tiptoeing to the door. The apartment was dark and quiet; everyone seemed to be asleep at this time tonight. Not daring to turn on the light on his way to the bathroom, he slowly walked down the hallway. Quietly he locked the door behind him, making sure no one could barge in on him. His thumb tapped on her name and he lifted his phone up to his ear. “Hey, baby.” He could hear the smile in her voice, but it sounded a bit off. It was breathy and a little higher than usual. “Hey.” His teeth dug into his bottom lip. “What are you doing?” “Oh, I was just playing with my nipples until you called…” He closed his eyes, picturing her naked in her bed, pinching her nipples and rolling them between her fingers to get them hard. “Ooh…how did that go?” “Hm, it felt good, obviously not as good as when you suck on them, baby.” Jungkook’s eyes widened at her words and he gulped down nothing. “Do you want me to suck on them, Kookie?” 
He made a humming sound, listening closely to the lewd sucking noises and the muffled moans, his dick desperately twitching in his sweatpants. “How’s your dick?” “Hard…” He mumbled, looking down at the protruding bulge and the little precum stain darkening the gray fabric. On the verge of embarrassment paralyzing him, he leaned against the countertop for support.
  “Can you touch yourself for me?” Jungkook nodded, forgetting that she couldn’t see him and wiggled down his pants to set his throbbing member free. Wrapping his shaky hand around the base, giving it a light squeeze. Slowly he started pumping his hand up and down the shaft. 
“I need lotion or something.” Frantically he looked for something that he could use but he came up short. “Baby, just use spit…” Hesitantly he spat in his hand, before coating his dick in it. “That feels better…” He let out a sigh, letting his head fall back. “Hmm good, now tell me what you want to do to me…” The movement of his hand coming to a halt at her words. He had been okay with her being in control, telling him what to do but he felt embarrassed just thinking about saying the things in his head out loud. “Noona, I can’t…” It was easier to just do those things to her than telling her about them.
“Please baby…” She whined. “Just give it a try… for me…” Jungkook inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. “I wish I was there with you…” He earned a soft moan from her, encouraging him to go on. “I-I wanna kiss you everywhere…until I…” His cheeks were burning red, his throat dry like the desert - his mind blank. “Come on baby…do you want me to give you head? Do you want my hands to touch you down there; stroking your pretty cock?” “N-no…I want to bend you over my desk again…your ass just looked…wow” He trailed off, distracted by the quiet moan on the other side. Maybe he could do this if he just kept his eyes closed tight enough. With his elbow he turned the light off, hoping that he’d feel more comfortable and not as exposed in the dark. “I wanna get on my knees and kiss your thighs…” He started twisting his hand up and down again, occasionally rubbing his thumb over the tip. “Baby, I want to eat you out so badly…” He groaned. “Flick your clit with my tongue and tasting you…” The moan he earned from her made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. “So you’re all nice and wet for me…are you rubbing your clit, baby? What do you want me to do to you?” “Mhmm, I’m imagining it’s your tongue..” She whispered in between moans. “I want you so bad, Kookie. I want your tongue to circle my clit, and your fingers inside me. I want you to grab me and do whatever you want to me!” He hummed, a breath caught in his throat as he tried his hardest not to cum too soon, knowing it would take her longer to reach her high. “Hnnng, fuck I wanna be inside you right now, feel how tight you are around my hard dick...thrusting in and out of you faster and faster.” Listening to her quietly moan in pleasure made him feel light-headed. “Can you use both hands for me?” “Y-yes…” Her voice was shaky, drowned out by shuffling noises. “What do you want me to do with them?” “I want you to rub your clit with one hand and put two fingers deep inside…but before you do that I wanna hear how wet you are.” The wet noise was the most indecent and lewd sound mixed with high pitched moans to ever reach his ears. Jungkook was trying hard not to speed up his strokes and explode all over the bathroom floor. “Could you hear it?” She asked shyly. When he next spoke, he had to try to regain control of his breathing. “Mhmm you’re so wet, baby. Now be good and use both hands.” Her only response was a series of breathy moans reassuring him in his words. “Be louder, stop holding back baby.” His order seemingly flipped a switch; moans ringing in his ears, blending in with his. Yina woke up to Jungkook’s side of the bed empty, reaching for her phone. It was almost 2am, where could he possibly be? She crawled out of bed to go get something to drink. She could hear noises coming from the bathroom but nonetheless made her way to the kitchen. She gulped down a glass of water, expecting to meet Jungkook on her way back. Quietly she stood in the middle of the hall, listening intently. He was still in the bathroom; maybe he was sick and needed her help. Slowly she made her way over, her hand wrapped around the door-handle; eyes open wide as she heard him moan from the other side of the door. 
“Jungkook, fuck baby I’m so close…I’m so wet for you. I want you to fuck me hard. I want to feel your dick inside me and your hands wrapped around me, squeezing my tits…” She whined, making him buck into his hand harder, chasing his orgasm. “Me too baby, but I need you to cum first. I want you to enjoy yourself.” He was so familiar with the way she moaned; how the pitch got higher the closer she came to coming undone; profanities falling from her lips. Deep heavy breaths of pleasure leaving her mouth. “Kookie?” Yina’s voice snapped him out of his pleasure-driven high. “Are you okay?” “Yes!” He groaned, closing his fist around the tip to stop himself from cumming. “Do you need help?” “No! Just go away.” He paused, listening to her footsteps indicating that she left. 
“Who was that? Was that her?”, she asked a little irritated but still moaning.
“Baby, keep going…it doesn’t matter. I want you right now. Your body on mine, thrusting my dick inside you harder and harder.” He mouthed, turning his attention back to her and his throbbing hard dick in his hand. Relentlessly working the shaft, feeling his balls contracting. “Ugh fuck you sound so good. Imagine I’m fucking you and rubbing your clit…massaging your tits…squeezing your ass…my pulsating dick inside of you,…cum for me…baby…please” “Baby…I’m gonna…OH…MY…fuck” Not finishing her sentence, she muffled a scream into her pillow; followed by whiny calls of his name. Letting his head fall back, Jungkook finally allowed himself to let the waves come crashing down, breathing heavily; pleasure clouding his mind as cum shot onto his stomach, slowly drizzling down. He hoped he hadn’t too loud and that nobody heard him, but at this moment he was so lost in the intensity of his own orgasm that he couldn’t help himself but let himself fall into it.
“My legs are so shaky.” She giggled, still slightly panting. “Hmm, I love it when you cum that hard…” He turned the light back on, grabbing a washcloth to clean himself up. “Kookie…” “Hm?” “I wish you were here…I really want you to hold me right now.” The adrenaline of his high immediately vanished; a feeling of guilt creeping up on him out of nowhere. “I love you, I’m sorry I can’t be there.” He could tell she was suppressing a sob. “It’s okay baby, I understand. Go back to her, I know she’s waiting for you.” 
“I don’t want to…but there is no way around it. I wish it was you lying there in my bed!” He whispered into his phone. “I know…me too” she answered sadness swinging in her voice. 
With a heavy heart he walked back to his room; missing her already, still feeling guilty he couldn’t be there to hold her and let her fall asleep in his arms. Jungkook climbed back in bed, pulling his duvet up to his chin when he felt a hand sliding onto his chest. Yina’s lips connected to his neck, gently sucking on it. He groaned in annoyance trying to wiggle away from her. “I heard you moan…” She whispered, swiftly climbing on top of him, trapping him underneath her body. “Babe, if that was what you wanted you could’ve woken me up..” Greedily attacking his lips, Jungkook turned his head just in time making it so her lips collide with his cheek. Should he be feeling guilty that he chose someone else over his girlfriend; that he’d rather be with y/n than here with her? Subconsciously he knew that what he was doing was bad, but his heart wasn’t in the right place anymore; being chained to her. “Ugh, stop. I just wanna go to bed, Yina.” He grabbed her waist, gently pushing her off of him. “What the hell?” She huffed, slapping his chest. “I’m not in the mood.” He mumbled, turning around so he didn’t have to face her. Scared he would say something that might hurt her, although he didn’t even care that he had just acted like a jerk. Mind drifting off to the girl who was lying in her bed all alone, longing for him to just hold her close. 
“Fine, whatever.” She pulled most of the duvet away from him, scooting closer to the wall. Jungkook let out a sigh, crossing his arms in front of his chest and pulling his legs up. She was mad; he would have to make it up to her somehow but how was he going to do that when he didn’t feel like touching her anymore.  *
Taehyung and Ha-na were cuddled up in bed, watching a movie. One of his hands tangled in her hair, the other resting on his chest while she gently played with his fingers. “Tae?”  “Hm?” “I’ve been thinking, I wish we had a couple to go on double dates with, that would be so much fun. We could go to dinner and then to an arcade, or take a nice walk together by the river.” He rested his chin on her head. “I can ask Jungkookie if he and Yina would be up for that.” She rolled her eyes; still trying to prove to him that his two best friends were secretly hooking up. “To be honest, I’d prefer a couple more our age, you know?” Gently pressing her lips on the small bit of skin exposed by his pajama button up. “I can’t think of anyone…” Tae said, scrunching up his nose. “I mean, we could always ask Sungdeuk and his wife…” Ha-na shook her head, propping herself up. “No, I don’t think they would wanna hang out with us kids all the time. How about we set up y/n with one of your friends? I’m sure she’d love to go on a date. You said it’s been a while since she had a boyfriend?” “You think? Hmm, I don’t know if she would be up for that.” He shrugged, brushing his lips against her forehead. “You haven’t noticed how she looks at couples? Even you and me? I’m sure, she could use a little bit of love in her life.” She could see in his eyes that he was wrecking his brain, trying to come up with a suitable match for his best friend since kindergarten. “What about Hyungsik? He’s single right now.” “Oooh! Yes Tae, they’d be really cute together.” With a big smile on her face, she eagerly nodded, then reaching for his phone on the nightstand. “Text him, and ask him if he’s free tomorrow or sometime this week. I’m sure, he’d love to hang out with you as well. You haven’t seen each other in a while.” “Wow, you’re really not wasting any time babe.” He laughed while unlocking his phone. “So? I just really want those double dates and who are we to possibly stand in the way of true love?” She rested her head back on his chest, while his thumbs were tapping on the display, not hiding the smirk on her lips. Maybe some would consider this an evil plan but she had to help Taehyung see that Jungkook and y/n were more than just friends. “You’ll be happy to hear that Hyungsik hyung has time tomorrow.” “Oh really?” She sat up, clapping her hands excitedly. “Tell him and y/n to come over, and leave the rest to me.” “What do you have in mind?” His hands were gently grabbing her waist, pulling her back against in his chest, one arm lazily resting on her stomach. “Just a nice get together for the four of us, so they can get to know each other, you know..nothing too crazy.” 
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