#if i just think about the fact that ill get yo do math maybe ill survive..
tears-of-boredom · 2 years
Feeling in that mood where ive completely given up on havin "a type" and honestly can you imagine saying hello to someone faily and it no being weirdl can you imagine someone enjoying you. Can you imagine someone being positive towards you because they want to and not because they feel obligated to. Most genuine phtsival affection that i appreciated was when i didnt even have tits yet and i was crying because of shit my granfa said and my older sister came and weapped a towel around me (we were on the beach) and she hugged me and said things that didnt try to deny my feelings and if i remember correctly she even blamed geanfa as well and she did that until i stopped crying and I think she asked me if i was okay and no i wasnt but you dont answer to a question like "are yiu okay?" With no. So that was that and granfa pretended like it didnt happen, like he just spilled my juice on accident, and didnt blow up at me for no reason. I was the one who had the right to be angey in that situation but i just cried because I don't know what to do when people are angry at me. Imagine if you could just ask your sister for a hug. Imagine you planned to ask your sister for a hug as a birthdaygift but then when the moment came it was "too awkward" to ask for it and you pussied out even when she wouldve definetly agreed. I think I was afraid of the hug not being good enough. She had some clothes on that made it look like a hug from her would feel the same as from my granma. Imagine not being affected by your classmate accidentally bumping into you because youre both sitting on a full bench and he's talking to someone pretty animatedly and he has a really soft amd thick hppdie on and you want him to keep bumping into you because its the most physical contact youve gotten in years that you actually like the feeling of. Imagine being ablr to talk to someone in class. Imagine looking forward to the breaks because "you get to sociliase". Imagine enjoying life huh. Imagine hearing "life is short do enjoy it" and going to school. Imagine wadting your apparently short life doing stuff thst dpesnt bring you any happiness . Imagine feeling like you belong in this world. Imagine not doubting your own thoughts and opinions. I could be gaslighting mtself i wiyldnt know. Imagine rhat the closest to "home" youve felt in years was yesterday when you came home from school and when you were walking across the parking lot you smelled the fumes clming from a n exhaust pipe of a pretty old car and they smelled so nice nad they were home but you kept walking because what the fuck else do you do and i guess irs a positive i haven't started smoking yet....I want to feel home and i feel like this isnt fair. I feel like this is the "gods tssting you" shit christians pull but msybe if I believed in a god thus wojld be easoer. I used to hate the feeling of finding the house empty so you go check outside, amd you stand for some time outside hesring the birds sing and you feel completely alone in the world but now I want that and that feeling is home. I want natural silence. Enforced silence is a crutch i oull on when im trying not to lash out to other people. Naturaö silence is a saving grace thst i dont get to expirience anymore since i van o ly hear it up north and I can only go up north I'd I'm visiting family and I cry like at least every second day whenevwr im bisiting my family up north idmts awful but i van just Imagine how quiet and alone it would be there. I want to find home, but im afraid ill mever find it. That's a big fear of mine. I don't really care about my sovial anxiety that much, i dont care that much about not bellnging in this world. I just want to find home and true comdort and home.
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ladyrijus · 4 years
gone days (han jisung x reader)
*inhales* okay
you know you’re not perfect
but for the love of god
if han jisung doesn’t quit eating
all over his stupid desk
you will not hesitate to throw hands
YOU’RE THIS CLOSE OKAY every single project you’ve had with him
he forced you to bring your stuff over to his desk
and what happens?
pasta sauce
kimchi juice
mashed potato gravy
french fry grease
and so it was time
you had to lay down the law
if you were to go to his desk he’d have to clean it
or at least NOT eat that period
“jisung --”
this close hbsdbfbdsbfsdhfhsヽ(#`Д´)ノ
“what’s up?”
“could you like, please clean your desk? i want this math poster to be clean of any stain and it’s due by the end of the period soooo”
that was nice enough right?
you only ran it through your head like
a billion times
okay why the fuck hasn’t he spoken up yet
“ji-- han?”
“pfft ok boomer”
excuse me?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
it’s okay it’s okay don’t fling the table
it gets worse
“if it bothers you that much, why don’t you clean it? hm?”
see that’s you kicking him
the absolute AUDACITY
that’s it
that is IT
you are TIRED you are DONE
there is no way you’re gonna stoop that low for a grade
it’s time to fuck shit up
after all you have an A+ in math
you can afford to skip out on an assignment
or han as he likes to be called
isn’t doing so well
“on second thoughts it won’t bother me at all han!” you started
and you laugh internally when he grins
oh poor boy think he won
“in fact this whole poster doesn’t bother me at all! we can chill all you’d like”
okay was it mean that you felt smug about the panic on his face
the lil ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ;;)
okay now you felt a lil bad
he actually thought you were gonna take one for the team to do this project
but nope
he had to learn that if you want nice things yOU HAVE TO BE NICE
“w-wait what do you mean chill? the poster is due by the end of class!”
“so? i can skip out on assignment, it doesn’t hurt me”
“but it will hurt me!”
“ok boomer”
OOOOOOOOOOOOH *cue that gif of all the guys losing their mind*
you got him there
he gets up and mutters
“fine i’ll get the stupid wipes and you can have your clean space”
YESSSSS  ( ̄ω ̄)
a well earned victory
uh uh uh hold it right there
life’s not easy like that
after that he made it his personal mission to make your life HELL
every time you went to your locker to put away something
*slam* “hey”
“what do you want jisung”
“i told you to call me han!”
like what does he want with you bro
why does he feel the need to do this
he completely disregards your question
and just
leaves?? the actual fuck
but don’t worry you’re not the only one dismisses
rumors have passed that he’s ok boomered the entire staff faculty
which you honestly find hard to believe
some teachers are actually nice
but you get what they mean when one teacher decided to lecture about college
like yeah college is important but
could we like
maybe forget that it exists ajsfjsdjfjdssjdj
and while he rambled on jisung just whispered
‘back in my day we were taught to shut up’
it wasn’t even that funny but
it got you
and then the both of you ended up in detention where ANOTHER teacher tried to teach you both the importance of respect
this time you tried your best to avoid jisung’s silly puffed out faces
“let it be known that respect shouldn’t have to be earned -- what’s so funny now”
you forced a frown and nodded
“i understand what you mean unlike someone else”
cue the shocked gasp
pfft what a drama queen
“you act like i’ve been on your side”
“were you not?”
“just cuz we’re both in detention doesn’t mean i’m gonna be your best friend jisung”
o(╥﹏╥)o can i get an f in chat for the boy
okay but he can be funny sometimes
and cute when he puffs out his cheeks
and when he does have the heart he can be really sweet
also when he sets his mind on something it will get done
the world could be ending and he’ll be like
so yeah
he was a really good friend!
... reader stop lying to yourself
what do i mean? WDYM WHAT DO I MEAN
aish okay fine stay in denial
but it’s happening
the months pass by and now you look forward to your locker being slammed
he’s not so insufferable as you thought he was
but one day you realize that you’ve really fallen when you realize you forgot your lunch at home
*sniffs* but you didn’t even have breakfast...
in your defense you woke up 30 minutes late so you did not have the time to really pack up or anything
and so your stomach was rumbling
really badly (*´ω`*)
but it’s fine
you could wait
another hour...
“hannie!! that scared me!”
“tell your stomach to shut up”
“excuse me?”
you look down at your desk to see a bento box filled with food
he didn’t --
“hannie... that’s yours”
“just take it”
you’re about to say something but he just
leaves again
like bitch
take your food back
feeling bad you open it
and god did it smell good
okay maybe you can have a lil bit
you say this knowing full well you’re going to devour it in two seconds but
we can pretend
later that day you return the box
“thanks for the food, but were you able to eat?”
“yeah don’t worry about me, your stomach was just annoying me”
“since when did you care about my stomach?”
“i don’t”
idk about you but
jisung sure loves his meals
you know
to the point he eats them every day in class instead of lunch
so to give it to you
it made you feel special
*aggressively channels inner twice*
you went home that day feeling confused
he just did a nice thing
so why did your heart do the thing
you know where it makes you think you’re having a heart attack but it’s lowkey
you can feel your cheeks grow hot and you’re softly touching like
am i getting a fever?
*insert jyp*  f e v e r
okay that’s enough references
but that’s when you start to realize that
you’re slowly developing a crush
this isn’t good
you weren’t supposed to fall in love with the foodie
but like
here you were
“no no no no no no --”
and so the next few weeks suddenly became harder to bear
with each slam of the locker
you wince and fumble for excuses
“han please stop”
“thanks but i can’t stick around for long”
“shoot i’m gonna miss my next class”
“i have to go meet up with a classmate”
it became weird for him
why did you always have somewhere to be?
in reality he liked seeing you everyday
and for you to suddenly just
avoid him
it hurt :((
you know this
you’ve seen his face
the way it falls
the way he mumbles “see you around i guess”
but he probably doesn’t return your feelings
so like
what’s the point of getting hurt yourself?
so this is good
distancing is good
because it’s come to a point where his friends notice it
and so they decided to run an experiment
since they were a group of eight minus jisung
each member would be assigned a day to slam your locker and see your reaction
if you successfully don’t react to any of them and react to jisung
then it’s confirmed
you like him
jisung didn’t like the idea
because it was always him who stopped by
not his friends
but he was curious and wanted to see if you did
he liked you too (*´ω`*)
if he loves something it’s his food
the experiment was a mess to say the least
day 1, monday: jeongin
because who doesn’t love the baby kpop stan slamming their door on accident
“no no you’re good jeongin, are you okay?”
“oh shit your photocards on the ground”
“wHAT --”
he began to pick them up 
feeling bad you helped him
in that time he stole quick glances at you
you could feel it but you decided not to question it
okay well you didn’t get flustered with him
but maybe it’s cuz he sucks at being intimidating
day 2, tuesday: minho
just ew
though he didn’t really slam your locker
he like leaned against it and got really close to your face
ew ew ew ew
get that stupid smirk of your face lee minho
it does not suit you 
“so, how’s your day been”
oh god his eyebrows are wiggling
*cringes* plz stop
“great until you came along”
“what do you mean, i’m great too!”
“sureeeeee mr troublemaker”
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु
nope definitely not him
day 3, wednesday: felix
for the love of god can people stop slamming your locker
“wanna play some games after school?”
“i would love to felix but i’ve got extracurriculars”
“awwwww come onnnnnn” (。•́︿•̀。)
you nearly gave in
because he really is sweet and you could use the break
but honestly if you stuck around at school any longer with jisung there you’d feel bad
so you had to make up an excuse
sorry felix baby maybe next time
day 4, thursday: changbin
he’s all decked out in paint
and just like his friends before him
slams your locker
leaving specks of red and blue and orange
*inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *exhale*
it’s okay this week is almost over
you can do it
just breathe
“changbin take a step back or prepare to catch hands”
(╬ Ò ‸ Ó) 
ヾ(´゚Д゚`;)ゝ okay okay
he took a step back
happy now?
he just wanted to ask what color combo seemed aesthetic to you so he can paint something
so you were like “hm use cold colors mainly and add one warm color”
he was in awe
day 5, friday: hyunjin
what was the sleepy boy doing here now?
“have you seen my neck pillow?”
“your what”
“my neck pillow”
your heart nearly broke when you saw his face
he did kind of look sleep deprived
sadly you couldn’t help
“maybe use your jacket?”
“but then i get coldddddd”
“well i can’t help you there”
“how is that mean --”
day 6, monday: seungmin
ahhh he came with your notes!
was he angry with you?
“look i tried to get as much notes as i can but jisung...”
and then you tuned out the rest of his voice because
or should you say han?
either way you haven’t heard his name in a while
you miss him(;へ:)
“-- so the teacher had spent the rest of the class just trying to prove that, yo are you even listening?”
“s-sorry! i lost my train of thought”
“i swear i’m the only one with the big brain here”
day 7 tuesday: chan
“yo yo yo could you please listen to this?”
the one and only chan
not gonna lie you had a massive crush on him when you were younger
but he got so into his music you were pretty sure he’s ignored any prospect of dating in the future
but you loved the fact that he always shared his music with you
he’s a freaking genius
maybe he could be a kpop star or something
although that might freak jeongin out
so chan closed your locker and leaned his computer
it was such a sweet song what the heck
it was called ‘sunshine’
hhhhhhhhhhhh now you’re reminded of --
“it was written by jisung”
“w-what? jisung? the foodie? no way”
“i’m not kidding, the kid’s got talent”
hhhhhhhhhhhh okay so jisung is ALSO a musical genius like chan
day 8 wednesday: woojin
the only one you could trust
student body president
who gently taps your shoulder
but not gonna lie you were looking for jisung
you figured that he finally got what you were trying to and decided to move on
but you were like :(((
back to woojin
“what’s up mr president?”
“ew where did you come up with a nickname like that?”
“it sounded funnier in my head”
“anyways if you were wondering about the other guys stopping by here they were just fooling around; i hope it wasn’t too much of a bother?”
of course
you figured
“besides minho being a little shit and changbin having paint all over him everyone else was fine”
woojin chuckled and held your locker door
“mind if i close your locker?”
you braced for the slam
but woojin never disappointed
and so he closed it quietly
“have a nice day (Y/N)”
lowkey ominous
but it’s woojin
so it’s fine
in conclusion you weren’t intimidated by any of them
and that if anything, you had been waiting for jisung all those days
“jisung you’ve got to make a move”
“they like you!”
jisung just can’t imagine you liking him
what did he have to offer?
“i mean you got food”
wow thanks felix
remind jisung to not invite felix to any party ever
of course he can’t see everything else he has to offer
he’s serving looks for sure
he’s flipping talented as hell
have you heard his songs?
i mean chan made you hear them so you can’t say no
so here was the final day
day 9 thursday: jisung
you nearly fainted when you saw him as he slammed your locker
“h-han! what are you --”
“no call me jisung”
“wait why the sudden name change?”
“i just, i just wanted to hear you say my actual name”
that did smth to your heart
it’s doing the thing again
someone call the ambulance
you fanned your face and you swear you could see the ends of his lips turn up
shut up don’t say anything please don’t even mention --
“why are you so red?”
so it is true
you do like him
he leaned in closer
that same shit eating grin
fuck you can’t move
this is not good this is not good this is not good --
he’s too close you’re gonna combust
“see you in class cutie”
and he
like always
so you decided to confront him
“jisung why didn’t you stop by for a week? why were all your friends there instead?”
“well you were avoiding me so i thought you were mad at me, and i sort of got mad and decided to do the same”
“then my friends wanted to see if it was because you liked me and from what i saw you do”
“but it’s okay, i like you too”
wait what
“i like you a lot”
wait stop
hold on
what the hell
did jisung
han jisung
just confess
to you?
“please say something you’re scaring me”
“i don’t know what to say”
and in reality you don’t
you just look down at the ground
and wonder where it all started
you hated jisung
although for a stupid reason
but you hated him
and for the longest time you thought he hated you too
and now it’s the complete opposite
“well this is awkward”
“i’ll say... kinda random but your song was nice”
“song? what song?”
“you know, sunshine?”
“chan shared it to me! i listen to that everyday,”
“oh god”
“jisung it’s a good song, it’s one of my favorites”
your knees feel weak at the smile that springs on his face
god you’re really whipped for him
“okay well chan, changbin, and i have been planning this new song that i think you’re really gonna like”
“ooh what is it?”
“gone days, it’s basically an ‘ok boomer’ song and it’s gonna be great”
“... jisung are you asking for trouble?”
“maybe but i promise you’re gonna love it!”
“as much as i love you?”
woah woah woah
goddammit now he’s stuttering
you broke him
good job
“m-maybe but i d-don’t know”
you laugh and press a kiss to his cheek
“i’m sure i will.”
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what do you know about mental illness? you very, very often compare religion to mental illness and although it seems you know a little about religion (although it seems only Christianity) you don’t seem to know anything about mental illness. It seems like you’re just throwing terms around to try to insult people and create the idea that you are above those with different beliefs to you.
What do you know about sunlight? Are you sunlight? You claim to be “cozy” - how am I to believe that? And how did you determine that you being sunlight are more cozy than any other sunlight, to merit that title? It seems like you’re just throwing claims around, trying to make yourself seem more “sunlight”-ey and “cozy” than you are. What are your qualifications for this?
(Really? This is what we’re talking about?)
Is it possible it could just be a blog name? (Aren’t you the people who bleat “it’s a metaphor!1!”?) Maybe there are valid reasons to categorise religion as being a mental illness. Maybe some of them are detailed in my blog - and it sounds like you’ve found some yourself. Maybe others have considered the same possibility…
The Role of Psychotic Disorders in Religious History Considered
Believers’ estimates of God’s beliefs are more egocentric than estimates of other people’s beliefs
How Do You Distinguish between Religious Fervor and Mental Illness?
Religion and Mental Health: the connection between faith and delusion
(Neurobiologist) Robert Sapolsky Explains the Biological Basis of Religiosity, and What It Shares in Common with OCD, Schizophrenia & Epilepsy
Now, let’s see your qualifications.
Or maybe the title is just clickbait. Maybe it isn’t. Regardless, maybe you should read, understand and consider the points, the substance within, instead of fixating on a title, lunging at shadows like a cat chasing the red dot.
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although it seems only Christianity
My greatest familiarity is with Xtianity, simply because it’s the most prevalent where I am. However, I legitimately cannot figure out what your point even is here. And why you think that’s in any way relevant.
How can you claim to be a Xtian when you’re not an expert in Yoruba? When you don’t know all 42 of the Principles of Ma’at? How can you believe your thing without knowing about all the other things?
Despite the fact I repeat myself to the point of boring myself, I’m going to spell it out here again super-clear:
Why you believe something is more important than what you believe.
If your commitment is to believing things because they’re well supported, justified, and have good substantiation, then the “what” will sort itself out. Because you will be more prepared to change your beliefs when new, better evidence is presented. And do so without the distress, offence and insult religionists conjure for their beliefs simply being questioned. Not coincidentally, this is also the approach used by science.
If you believe things for bad reasons - because of fear, because of historical tradition, because of ignorance and lack of curiosity, because of emotional dependence, in spite of evidence that refutes it - then you don’t even care if you’re wrong, you don’t even care if your beliefs are justified. And you’ll take offence, get upset and angry whenever someone contradicts your, by definition, irrational belief.
Have you ever heard the phrase “doing the right thing for the wrong reason”? Donating money as a tax write-off, being nice to people to get something out of them, being “good” so you can get into heaven rather than because it’s the right thing to do. This is one of the failings in Pascal’s Wage, BTW. That your “god” would give the eternal gain to someone who was just aiming to win the wager.
Even bible-god agrees
Isaiah 29:13
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.
Even if your particular version of the many versions of your particular religion just happened to be the “right” one, without having justified your belief in the first place, you can no more claim you were “right” than I can claim “see, I told you so” from winning the lottery; I had no more or better reason or justification to expect the outcome than anyone else. Remember how in maths class your teacher would tell you to “show your work” on a test? If you did it in your head and just wrote the answer, you’d get only partial marks or nothing at all. If you get the wrong answer by a simple error, like forgetting a remainder, but showed your work, you’d often get at least partial marks. Because if you know how to figure out your answer, you can spot the error, fix your work and carry on. If you can’t show how you figured out your answer, then how does anyone know it’s not just pure guesswork? Especially if the answer is unknown and you can’t even prove you’re right?
Now, how does any of that relate specifically and exclusively to Xtianity? How is me using Xtianity, as the primary source of my examples and demonstrations, despite me consistently repeating the same thing regarding every belief system, unreasonable? If it bothers you continuously being the example, maybe you should consider why it’s such a reliable source of examples.
https://religion-is-a-mental-illness.tumblr.com/post/180200447127 :
I’m not going to immediately answer this specifically, because I’m instead going to provide a multi-purpose, use-anywhere answer […]
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try to insult people
I don’t “try to insult” anyone. That’s just simply the avoidable, yet inevitable result of people wrapping their personal identity and emotional wellbeing up in their specific myths, instead of being committed to and willing to adopt beliefs that are the best substantiated, and most accurately model the world. So when those myths are challenged, they feel threatened. Feeling “insulted” or “offended” is the result.
As you’re pretty much demonstrating yourself. Your natural inclination is to attack. Since you don’t have justification on your side, your alternate target is attacking the person challenging the myths, rather than addressing the merits of those myths. Since, well, there are none.
It’s a rather remarkable notion to expect someone to refrain from presenting valid and salient evidence, points or arguments simply because someone else’s feefeez might get an ouchie. Do you think they do that in a court of law? Or in scientific inquiry? Is that how we figure things out? (The other thing, of course, is that it telegraphs that there’s a vulnerability to be found there.)
And telling me you feel insulted doesn’t actually make any kind of point.
create the idea that you are above those with different beliefs to you.
I’ve said the exact opposite of what you’re claiming, over and over again. I’ve gone on at length about the inherent value humanity has - that superstitious beliefs are what’s worthless and beneath us. Humanity’s compassion, sense of community, helping others which has nothing to do with ghosts in the sky and everything to do with empathy through the development of the species.
Religionists keep using their evolved, secular sense of morality to mentally edit the grotesque fables in their scripture (since the scriptural morality in no way supports that editing), and then turn around and give the credit to the imaginary creature whose actions they were editing in the first place. This is nuts. Why not admit you’re better, more moral, more worthwhile than these stupid myths? Especially considering their primitive, ignorant and unreliable origin.
And what I get back is anger. Anger that I value humanity over these baseless superstitions: why can’t I respect a delusion about a thing that has no evidence, why can’t I just let people think a lie that justifies harming others, how can I be so hateful and unkind?1!1!?!
It’s time you thought about that. It’s time you got your priorities in order. It’s time you started valuing everyone around you as humans, rather than through the lens of your slave-master in the sky. It’s time you started setting aside the magical afterlife you’re gunning for, but have no evidence of, and considering your mortal, transient nature in this one and only life you know about. Investing less mental time and energy justifying unnecessary monsters with flowery prose.
I think that answers your first question as well. I can spot a narcissist. I can spot fear-based dependence. I can spot irrational feelings-based reasoning. I can spot someone who is threatened and cannot justify a claim without resorting to the unreliable tool of their emotional state. I can spot a need to believe that outweighs the justification that supports that belief.
I can also spot someone with inconsistent, convenient special pleading beliefs. Otherwise, I guess you think we should respect Westboro, ISIS, Boko Haram and the Khmer Rouge then? You wouldn’t want to be disrespectful to “those with different beliefs to you.” Either all ideas are open to analysis, criticism and mockery, or no ideas are. I mean, if you don’t think all beliefs are equally deserving of respect, why do you expect me to? Or is it just yours? Or the ones you like?
What mechanism do you propose to determine which ideas are worthy of respect…. that isn’t about your personal feelings? How about their merits? How about that their substantiation is in proportion to how extraordinary the claims are? How about that they accurately describe and model the world? Isn’t this what we already do on a day-to-day basis? Is there anything actually unreasonable about this list, this process I’m suggesting…. other than that it sets a bar you cannot reach?
Just because you’re offended or insulted doesn’t mean you’re right. And if you offend easily and readily, simply because I called into question your magical elf-friend, then you’re really just kind of feeding the “mental illness” idea.
It’s ironic and hypocritical then, that you’re doing exactly what you’re accusing me of - looking down on me and my different beliefs. Despite the fact my problem has always been with the beliefs, not the people. Because apparently, while you’re entitled to express your beliefs, I’m not entitled to express mine. It’s notable that you feel completely justified coming here and telling me - in effect - to just shut up. On the other hand, I am not on your blog telling you the same thing. I’m doing my thing, living my life… just in a way you don’t like. Have you considered the possibility you’re projecting?
Maybe actually read my blog rather than knee-jerk reacting to your fragile feelings.
Also, I’ve suffered from and been treated for dysthymia. So, you can fuck right off.
This is the last Ask I’m going answer or dignify that contains nothing but whining about trivialities like the blog name or hurt egos. It’s boring as fuck and you’re just making me repeat and explain what I’ve already said. In future, I’m just going to take it as conceding you can’t rebut any of my points, understand it an admission you’ve run out of valid points of your own, accept your  concession, and then ignore you.
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etudaire · 6 years
A big bang of “how to” stuff
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There I was again tonight forcing laughter faking smiles so I made up this long ass post for y'all!
So you a potato. Me a potato. World conquered by we potatoes. But potato need survival tips. So your brotato (get it? Bro potato?) help you out. Yay potato. Go go potato.
Study related stuff :
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1. Get good grades
Catch concepts, not chapters. Your portion is most likely gonna be super vast, so it’s helpful to know a little something from every chapter rather than knowing just 50% of your syllabus.
Figure out which concepts are important and master them.
Keep all assignments completed at least 1 day before submission date. This isn’t always possible but trust me if you do this you’re guaranteeing marks for proper submission. Job done early? Proof check and add touches to enhance that essay!
Let the teachers know that you’re working hard. I actually passed math because my math teacher knew I was working super hard on my math skills. Participate in the class, gather a bunch of doubts and then dump them on your teacher when the chapter ends.
Try not to miss lectures because chances are you’ll remember that silly mnemonic your friend made up in class and get the answer correct.
Analysis of your exam type is super important. Want me to make a long ass post about it?
2. Be more productive
Having a stuydjo/bujo by your side helps hella lot.
Plan plan plan. Lists, organise lists and colour code them. Basically become Monica Geller Bing and you’re set for life.
Motivational quotes from pinterest almost make me guilty for not being productive and force me to do something.
Before starting your study session, dance around to upbeat music for like 5 minutes. You’ll see the difference I promise.
Seek out inspiration from your smart friends /tumblr friends /people you look up to by constantly reminding yourself about them. I always think of hermione granger because even randomly picturing her with books in my mind ignites that badass boss feeling complying me to study tf up.
3. Manage your time
Studyjo/bujo saves your life.
Wear a watch all the damn time, it will remind you of how much time you’re spending doing nothing. You’ll end up saving several extra minutes!
List out what you’re gonna do every hour of the day on a sticky note and refer to it when you feel lazy.
Get a super nice friend /parent /sibling who will constantly remind you to utilise your time.
Think of time as currency and pretend that it’s all a game where you need to save up as much money as you can to become a billionaire. Save up your time and become rich af.
4. Avoid procrastinating
Stduyjo/bujo again. You know the drill now.
A little bit of exercise before starting work generally works you up and sets the correct mood.
Knowing how ahead your friends are from you often makes you wanna catch up so try getting that motivation.
Set goals + rewards that actually matter to you. Maybe a face care spa day isn’t your thing but munching on a snickers bar is. Treat yo self.
Tell someone a detailed plan of what you are going to accomplish the next day. Now whenever you see that person you’ll want to prove to them that you’re doing what you promised. Or the guilt may drive you too.
Appearance related stuff :
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1. Look more put together
Try the lipstick trick. There are days when you do not have the time /want to put on makeup, so just put on a lipstick that matches your outfit and you’ll automatically create an illusion of being more put together, boss af and fabulous.
Try out cheap (potato can’t afford sorry) but elegant accessories. If it’s a necklace try tucking it under the collar of your shirt and see the magic. Stick to one staple accessory that’s gonna be your trademark.
Tame that mane potato. Your hair isn’t gonna detangle itself. You gotta do it. I mean, don’t you love your hair?
Minimalistic colours rock. Some outfits never go old like flannels or white shirts or black dresses.
2. Feel beautiful
The lipstick does the trick for me.
Putting my hair in a sky high ponytail makes me feel like I’m a queen or something.
Save little compliments for yourself as reminders and when you get them you’ll feel 10x more beautiful than before.
Mind related stuff :
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1. Deal with burnout/slump
Try to accomplish super tiny stuff. Break down every task into micromolecular basics.
Give yourself a ted talk. It works.
Sometimes the best way of dealing with burnout is by detoxing from the thing that caused burnout. Stay away form books and after some time you’ll actually want to study.
2. Study with slumps/mental illness
Step one is to finish homework /assignments. If you can concentrate on them, you’re good to go.
Do not take up a lot of load, just skimming through textbooks, reviewing notes, going over flashcards should do the trick.
If you desperately need to get shit done, just ignore the fact that you do not want to do it. It’s harsh on your mind but desperate times require desperate measures.
Avoid forcing yourself to study because you’ll not retain info like that.
Take it easy. But consistently. Maybe just one topic a day. But do not miss a day. A steady everyday practice goes long way in the future.
3. Strengthen self control
There are several apps that can help you with this, like forest. My top pick is the Tide app which has a gorgeous interface and super aesthetic timers with new pictures everyday. I shit you not every time I quit my pomodoro I feel the guilt of having killed 1000 puppies its worse and I avoid doing that at all costs.
If you study in your room, keep your phone in the kitchen for some time. Your lazy ass is less likely to get up and use the phone.
Switching the phone off before starting a study session works because I care for my phone like a baby and it feels horrible to switch it on and off and on and off.
Practice 30 minutes of digital detox everyday. You don’t have to study at that time, just stay away from everything that is technology. Read and book, eat a fruit, make a sandwich, paint, sing, dance, exercise. Study if you want. Just no gadgets.
4. Deal with stress
Yoga works. Potato body ain’t that flexible so just breathing exercises for a start is also enough.
Highly recommended : brain dump every night before sleeping can ensure that you’ll not stay up too late pondering over the meaning of your existence and world politics.
Having a hearty talk with someone you trust will also lift weight off your chest.
Pin point the cause of your stress and annihilate the problem. Slay it.
Life related stuff :
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1. Drink more water
Carry a cool ass bottle of water with you every frigging where.
Make it a rule to have a drink everytime you go to the loo or you take a bath /shower.
Replace one of your daily caffeines /sugars with water. You don’t have to get rid of coffee because that’s just non potato ish, but maybe that third cup could be replaced with water.
Try a game thingy. Maybe everytime the word ‘procrastination’ pops in your mind take a drink. Wow, I’m so creative *sighs for eternities*.
2. Be more healthy
5 minute stretches right after getting up works you up.
Try one of those YouTube videos of 15 minute workouts. You can have 3 such workouts through the day and call yourself a fit potato.
Replacing one packet of junk food with nuts/fruits also works.
Everytime you hear someone say something related to money, have a banana. Random much? Nope, bananas are known to increase hormones that make you happy in your body, meaning you’ll feel full and happy. Maybe offer the person a banana too.
3. Be more happy
Eat bananas!
Take pictures of things you love, not things your followers love.
Puppies are a source of eternal joy.
Reading goofy/cheesy/romance books make you giggle and feel good in general.
Watching cheesy films or good ass romcoms works just well.
Friends was created for a reason.
Writing down what you accomplished today gives a sense of pride and satisfaction. Take that shit.
Tumblr has shitposts made basically to make you happy.
4. Find your true calling /figuring tf out what you wanna do with your life
Lists lists lists. Subjects you love, you hate, you’re good at, you suck at.
Consulting your teachers, family etc and find out what they think you’re good at. Sometimes other people can see traits of yours better than you.
Career tests rock.
You’ll figure it out in the end somehow.
And that’s about it for now folks, hope this helps. See y'all laterz~
Etudaire ♥
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linkeai · 6 years
that’s kinda hot → wang linkai / xiao gui ( nine percent ) → summary: summer school is fun, and at first, neither is the obnoxious boy who gets seated next to you who takes a weird liking to you. → warning(s): swearing, mentions of illness, canadian school terms? idfk → genre: fluff, the teensiest bit of angst → word count: 3,751 → notes: hi i love this and it may or may not be inspired by the boy i temporarily fell in love when i went to summer school :)
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so... you suck at math
you knew you sucked at math pretty much your entire life, and you knew you were still going to suck this year when you started your grade 11 math class
but you didn’t think you sucked so bad that you would fail the class entirely
but, alas, thinking was not your strong suit
because your final mark in math 2201 was 32 :)
and you were NOT repeating a year, and you were not taking the god-awful supplementary exam, 
so summer school was pretty much the only option you had left
and your parents may as well have put a gun to your head with the way they said you had BETTER pass this time
bc summer school isn’t exactly cheap!!
so you went off with equal parts terror and determination in your heart
summer school was only a month long, and you’d already sort of done the course already
so you were feeling pretty good about your chances
until you arrived on the first day :)
the place was a janky looking middle school filled with people that divided into two groups;
group a) the ones like you who were already over it and just wanted to get your credits and get the hell out
and group b)… came in shouting at each other and being generally obnoxious and we’re treating it like they’d just arrived at the party
one boy in particular stood out to you.. not because he was probably the most obnoxious one in the bunch, but because he was kind cute even when he was screaming some nonsense
and as if it was your luck.. when you got sorted into your classes and took your seats, he plopped down right beside you
who in the name of god thought it was a good idea to have two seats pushed together in the rows in an actual summer school, you didn’t know
you just knew that when the teacher told you that these were your seats for the remainder of the month, he turned and gave you a grin that made you realize that there was, in fact, a fate better than summer school
and it was death
summer school is extremely fast paced so class started pretty much five minutes after you were seated
so you took out your notebook and your little pencil case and got ready to inject yourself with some mathematical knowledge
when this dude taps on your shoulder
you don’t even say anything you just like at him like don't you fucking dare ask for paper
and so he asks for some paper
and you’re like yeah man for sure! and tear out a few sheets and give it to him
he gives you the BIGGEST, the DUMBEST smile you have ever seen
and you would never in a hundred years admit that it made your heart do several things.
and the paper… the paper was your first mistake.
the teacher started explaining some of the topics of the first unit when he taps his pencil (thank god he at least had a pencil) on your desk
and you’re like yeah… what….
and he asks what your name is 
and you’re like???? it’s y/n
and he does the smile again and … oof
he tells you his name is linkai and you just awkwardly bob your head and turn toward the front again
and linkai has the GALL to tap on your desk again and maybe you’re being a liiittle hot-tempered but in your head, its like W H AT THE FUCK DO YO U WANT DUDE
and this boy has the audacity to look you in the eyes and say “you’re kinda cute.”
your brain short-circuits at the same time your heart goes into overdrive
and you can’t really do much else but stare at him for a long minute and just as you’re about to answer him, you hear a loud yell from the front of the classroom.
“you two! is this gonna be a problem? seriously?”
“no ma’am!” the two of you say in perfect unison
and class carries on
the classes last about four-ish hours every day
and for the ENTIRE first day
linkai is doing sometHING to test your sanity
when he’s not humming, he’s drumming a beat on the desk,
when he’s not trying to make conversation with you, he’s whispering little side comments about the lesson 
and you’re too afraid to tell him to stfu because he’s still really hot and you’re a little intimidated
and this goes on for the next three days of the first week until you snap
he turns to you and he’s like, “y/n, your hair looks really good today.”
and you slowly turn, look him dead in the face and say very slowly; “if you don’t shut the fuck up, i’m going to beat you to death with this calculator”
the next few seconds pass like several eternities, where you revel in the thinly veiled shock and terror in his eyes
until a cheeky grin slowly spreads across his face, and he says, shamelessly;
“that’s kinda hot.”
and at that moment, you turn back to the board and take a long, agonizing moment to grieve over both your two precious math credits as well as your life which your parents will inevitably soon take from you
things get so much weirder after that
you think he goes from talking to you to entertain himself to actually liking you after your feisty little outburst
and you quickly learn that when linkai likes someone he’s … extremely odd
but?? kind of adorable?
the weirdest thing he does is he starts bringing you ‘gifts’
and it's so creepy but so ridiculously endearing when he pulls a bouquet of crumpled dandelions out of his bag and hands them to you
theres a few ants crawling on them and they’re ruined from being in his backpack
he hasn't even put anything on them to hold them together
and you’re not really sure if you want to thank him or not but you do anyway because like.. c’mon man
and he’s looking at you with those puppy dog eyes
so you say “thanks, linkai. these are uh.. nice.”
theyre really not but when his eyes kinda light up a little and he turns away with red ears and hides his smile in his hoodie you’re like.. these are the most beautiful flowers i have ever seen in my entire life
and that, my friend, was your second mistake
he brings you a new gift every day
one time it was half of a cookie from the gas station mcdonalds down the road
once it was an actual fucking newt like a little lizard that he found somewhere and you literally begged him to keep it for himself
another time it was an eraser shaped like a cupcake that was very clearly used
but you kept every single present he gave you
except for the lizard because what the genuine fuck dude
he also comes up with new nicknames for you every day
and they’re even cringer than they were the day before every time without fail
he strolls into the room, plops down beside you and hands you your daily present with a “good morning, ___”
the blanks thus far include, honey, darling, sweetiepie, cupcake, pumpkin, gumdrop, cutie patootie, my cinnamon apple, munchkin
and you don't know why you look forward to seeing what he comes up with next
and even the very worst of the presents and the nicknames make your heart flutter
and you realize you are slowly becoming whipped for this weird kid
and that this is very bad because you’re literally desperate to pass this class and its hard when you spend all your time waiting for his next comment or thinking about him being next to you
but like a dummy, you don't ask to be moved and you don’t even ask him to shut up
well you do, you regularly tell him to shut up but this man takes insults like compliments and it seems to feed into this idea that you like him
which you do but that's none of his damn business
and about halfway through that short month of school, you realize you’re not going to be ready for the exam
you start losing sleep over it because this is really not good
and you also realize that this isn’t linkai’s fault, really, you can’t push the blame onto him because you didnt want to ask to be moved away from the cute boy
and that makes you feel even worse
so you come into school one day looking about as miserable as you feel
you actually get there after linkai for the first time because you were in the bathroom trying to make yourself look more alive
but it doesn't work because the second you walk in and linkai (who was previously looking a bit like a lost puppy) says “hi sugarpl- damn, you look rough.”
you give him a half-assed glare and slump into the seat beside him, not even having the energy to be sarcastic.
“wait, y/n, are you okay?”
the concern in his voice makes your stomach turn a little but you just kinda look at him and you’re like.
“i’m gonna fail. again.”
and he's surprised you actually answered him so he kinda stalls for a second
and then he's like “i can help you? if you want?”
and you almost want to laugh bc you have not seen the kid take a single note since you got here
but he's like “lets go sit at one of those tables outside after this and i’ll help you with what you don’t know.”
and you’re like yeah sure i guess bc i mean.. he's cute what are you gonna do? say no?
and then he gets his bag and pulls out a pack of colorful scrunchies and hands them to you
and you instinctively tear up bc they look super new so he definitely like.. went to a store.. saw these.. thought he should get them for you..took them off the shelf.. bought them with his own money.. and now they’re here
and by the will of god you don’t start weeping in front of him
and you feel weird walking with him outside as he greets all his loud friends and is like nah i cant go with you guys today i gotta do something
you two sit down outside and you whip out your book and he’s like so what is it? what are you having trouble with?
and, in shame, you admit that you really don’t know shit all
and he just kinda laughs and he’s like aight let's do this
and let me JUST SAY
he starts explaining the first concept to you and everything he says is making? perfect sense?
he explains things very clearly and intelligently and you immediately understand what you have to do 
he has his own way of solving problems that is faster and more efficient and literally whips through every equation.
when he finishes explaining, you just stop and stare at him in awe for a second and he's like “sorry, did that make sense?”
and in your head you’re like nothing has ever made sense more than what you just did right now
but outwardly you’re like yeah thanks so much
and he continues to explain things to you and by the time a few hours have passed and its getting late and kinda chilly, you already understand half the things you were lost on
you tell him you should get home now and he’s like, oh, yeah, sure, okay.
and you really have to ask him how he ended up in summer school? because he’s obviously extremely intelligent with how easily he understands all the concepts
and he gets a little shy
and he tells you that during the year, he had to work a lot during the school days because his mom is sick and off work so they’re not making a lot of money
and that she had a doctors appointment on the day of the final and there was no one else to take her and it was all really last minute so he missed it
and so he ended up failing math and had to go to summer school
he waits with you until your bus comes and sends you off
and you’re just like.. sitting there.. thinking
and you start to feel like the biggest piece of shit for multiple reasons
first, because you had made so many wrong assumptions about linkai
he wasn’t just some obnoxious imbecile. he was hard-working and obviously had a really big heart
he was loud, yeah but that was just his personality
and you had gone and assumed he was dumb when he was pretty much a genius
but worst of all, you realized that he actually genuinely liked you
all the little pet names, the gifts, the constant talking to you in class was because he just… liked you. it was his own little eccentric way of showing it
and you had treated him like he was some big joke. a nuisance, even.
you didn’t sleep very well that night, either.
the next day he brought you a donut and called you donut.
and you almost cried again 
he was also wearing a different red sweater he’d never worn before and his hair was kind of different and he looked so good
and so you smiled at him and said, “morning, handsome.”
and there was nothing sweeter than the way his face turned as red as his hoodie.
he helped you that day after class too,
and the next, and the next
and you exchanged numbers so you could ‘ask him questions while you were home’
but you two would start texting and having all kinds of conversations
from the most crackheadassery shit to some really deep stuff
you never knew that you could fall so hard for someones voice, the way he talks on the phone when he’s calm and tired, his voice husky and quiet
but shit, you were whipped like whip cream
there was this one time he texted you at 6 am
and it said something like “i just got home from work and i saw a cat in my mailbox blah blah”
and you were like.. pause. just got home from work?
and from there you realized that because summer school was mandatory he was going to work at night to make up for the day shifts he had to miss
and probably getting 2-3 hours of sleep if he was getting any and all
and that was kind of the deal breaker
and you realized that, in such a short span of time,
you had completely fallen in love with wang linkai
and you were determined to do something, anything you could to just.. make things better for him?
you just wanted to be his person
the two of you continued staying after school and studying for an hour or two and then texting throughout the rest of the day, right up until the final exam
the two of you had studied vigorously together, both in person and over facetime.
and the night before the exam comes and you get a text
and all it says is “y/n, something bad happened.”
your heart immediately sinks to the floor and you abandon the petty ‘wait two-three minutes before answering’ rule and just call him
he picks up and doesn’t even say hello and you’re so frightened to see such a bright creature so… burned out
he explains to you that his mom finally got an appointment with this really important specialist after months of waiting
and that it was supposed to be next week, but it got moved to tomorrow
and it’s on the other side of the city
and he’ll miss his exam
it really hurts to hear the shake in his voice, and how hopeless he sounds
and you ask him everything like are you sure theres no one else that can drive her but you? are you sure you cant have the appointment moved back?
and its all a pretty resounding no.
and so you think and think and you’re like; you know what? i have an idea.
and you run into your moms room and explain the situation to her and BEG her to do this for you and take linkai’s mom to her appointment for him
and she asks to speak to linkai for a second and you’re just twiddling your thumbs
and he kinda makes her smile and laugh a little and your heart could just BURST
and she agrees to drive her after getting his address and his moms name and the place of the appointment etc
and when she hands the phone back to you, you go back to your room and when you put the phone to your ear, you hear linkai sniffling on the other end
and you’re like “kai?? are you crying?”
and he’s like “no… fuck maybe a little bit.”
and you’re like ?? why, what else is wrong?
and he’s like “nothing.. nothing is wrong, it’s just.” and he takes a big breath. “thank you so much.”
and you kinda tear up a little bit too and you’re like.. “of course.. you don’t have to thank me.”
and he just takes a biig breath and calms down and then he starts talking in a really soft voice.
“y/n.. you know i like, really like you, right? i know you think im just bored or playing some game, but im not. i knew you were special, and im..” he kind of laughs at himself. “fuck, im really falling for you.”
and now you are crying too
and you tell him you’re so sorry and that you wish you would have just. been better from the beginning
and you tell him that you feel the same way and the both of you are just giggling and he tells you thank you a million times and that he cant wait to see you tomorrow
so the exam comes
the two of you take it and you’re kind of lost on what to do with yourselves other than studying lol
but you both feel really good about the outcome
and there's something really special about the two of you sitting outside waiting for both of your moms to come and get you
and when they do, you get in the car and your moms are like best fuckin friends already
and you’re all laughing as the four of you go to eat lunch together and linkai’s mom tells him that the specialist set up a plan for her and it looks like things are going to get better really soon.
and theres a happy kind of pain in your chest when you look over at him and see that he’s getting teary eyed
and you know exactly what he’s feeling - its that feeling like fuck, things are so good right now, everything is perfect, please don’t take it away
and so you’re a little scared but more excited when you reach over and hold his hand.
and he looks at you and you smile at him. you don’t have to say a word for him to know exactly what you’re thinking
‘i’m here. things will be okay. things will get better. let me carry this weight with you.’
and he squeezes your hand so tight it hurts
but you dont mind
a few days later, the two of you return to get your final examination results
and you’re both shaking and bickering bc you’re like “why are you nervous when you know you passed”
and the two of you take the envelopes and go stand outside by the same table you sat at everyday.
you open your cards at the same time and look at the results and you scream while linkai lets out a big huff of relief
yours reads ’84’ and his says says ’93’
your card flutters to the ground as you jump forward into his arms
and he’s laughing and holding you so so tight, swinging you around and he’s still kind of shaking but in a good way.
and you pull away from the hug and just look at him, and he’s got that look in his eyes again
the look that says he’s so happy and he’s afraid he’s going to lose it
and before you can think twice, you grab his face and kiss the thought right out of his head
and he smiles into the kiss, grabbing you the second you pull away and bringing you back for more
you two pull away and just look at each other like.. who knew?
and he kisses you again on the lips, then kisses all over your entire face
and the horn honks a few feet away from where your mother is waiting for you with a small smile on her face.
and you kiss him one last time before you walk back to the car with your hands tightly intertwined
and you are so fucking glad you suck at math
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10 Tips for High School Students
High school seems like a drag most of the time. Going to school, doing work that you don’t like, seeing people you don’t like, and maybe even eating food that you don’t like. However, it is something that we all have to do (unless you’re homeschooled, of course). The main goal in high school is really to pass your exams and graduate alive, but, we’re all dead inside so I should say, graduate mostly alive. Wouldn’t it be great if we were all gifted and smart? However, that’s not how life is; you have to work for everything. As a result, I have put together 10 tips that will help any high school student successfully pass their exams.
1.      Exam Calendar
Refusing to acknowledge the proximity of an exam won’t make it go away. In fact, it causes it to approach faster because without a calendar, the exam will be able to sneak up on you. Sneaky exams are exactly what we try to get away from, therefore, CREATE AN EXAM CALENDAR. Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout, but this is something I cannot stress enough, that’s why it’s number one. For CXC students, your timetables are available on the CXC website from maybe in September to the year prior to your exam (eg, if your exam is in 2018, the timetable is available in September 2017) therefore, you have no excuse as to why you didn’t already make a calendar. Ensure that you place your calendar in a spot where you will always see it especially when doing homework or studying. I recommend placing it on the wall above your desk or work space, this way, you always notice it. You don’t need to create any kind of huge, dramatic calendar (unless you want to of course). It can be plain and simple. Just ensure that you have the exam dates and times and what exams are happening on that day.
 2.      Study timetable
What is something that teachers constantly nag us about? That’s right, a study timetable. Hey! I know that you’re rolling your eyes! Honestly, I used to lowkey roll my eyes and sigh whenever my homeroom teacher even mentioned a study timetable too. However, I am a changed person. Take it from me, someone who hated study timetables. It is your key to passing exams because it ensures that you’re not wasting time procrastinating. What you need to do is look at your exam calendar and plan your timetable around it as to give yourself enough time to study and prepare for each exam. You can create two timetables; one for during the year away from exams, and one for during exams. Once again, put them in places where they will be noticeable to you like on the wall above your desk or work space.
 3.      Make Notes Ahead of Class
Well, well, well, this point is definitely something that we all know we should be doing, but is it being done? Of course not. Making notes ahead of class seems like torture, doesn’t it? We all want our teachers to open our heads and just shove the information right in. I mean, how cool and efficient would that be, right?  Unfortunately, that’s not how it’s done. Making notes ahead of class is actually pretty simple. First, you open the textbook and read a paragraph. Then, you summarize what you just read and write it in a notebook in point form. Difficult? *Inserts ‘nope,didn’t think so’ meme*. I recommend using a notebook that you will dedicate to this subject specifically as to prevent mixing up other subjects with this one. Also, you should use colored pens, pencils, or highlighters for the headings so when you’re looking for something, it’s easy to find. Let me give you some reasons as to why you should make notes AHEAD of class.
·         You’ll be prepared in case the teacher starts the class by asking questions about the topic, trust me when I say that it’s embarrassing not knowing anything.
·         You can ask any prior questions you had about the topic as the teacher teaches.
·         You can go to class with extra information (if you decided to do some research) and create a discussion in class. Teachers love discussions.
·         You can add examples and extra notes that the teacher gives.
·         Bonus: you can leave the heavy textbook at home and walk with your notebook instead since you already have the notes.
  4.      Use Technology
As the generation that lives within the age of technological advancement, there is so much resources to assist you online. For example,
YouTube. We’ve all heard of YouTube. I mean c’mon, if you haven’t, do you even live in 2018? Even though YouTube is mostly popular for music, beauty and DIYs, it is also useful for studying. Channels like Crash Course are great for revision or further understanding of topics. Another channel, Mr. Parr, uses the element of music to educate his watchers/listeners. He makes parodies of popular songs using science topics in order to teach.
BBC Bitesize offers a wide range of subjects and topics for a variety of educational levels. They have simple revision breakdowns of each topic, along with examples and revision questions. The website is very easy to use and navigate as it was created with youths in mind. Khan Academy is another great site. Whilst Bitesize focuses on typed explanations, Khan Academy offers video explanations, like YouTube.
If you write a lot of essays, then Grammarly is the site for you. It’s basically a grammar-checker. It checks for things like spelling, subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation and a lot more. Sometimes Microsoft Word doesn’t get every single error because whenever it says that the document is fine and I put it through Grammarly, I get like 20+ new errors that Microsoft Word did not pick up.
 5.      Create Relationships with Teachers
Woah, woah, woah. I’m not telling you to date your 45-year-old math teacher. Gross. I’m talking about getting to know your teachers and having them know you. Showing interest in a subject really drives a teacher to wanting to helping you. After class, stop and talk to them; ask them about their day, if they’re ill, ask how they feel. Simple things. Always remember that teachers are people too. If you have problems or don’t understand something, ask them. Never be afraid of a teacher even if they seem scary, their best interest is in helping you. One thing that I found that really helped me improve was submitting extra work as practice. After a while of giving up extra work, my teachers realized that I was interested in the subject and paid more attention to me.  This really helps you out in the long run when you need recommendations for university or jobs. These teachers will be more than willing to help you out.
 6.      Ask for Help
Never be afraid to ask for help. Whether it be from a teacher or peer, if you need help, ask for it. Asking for help will not only help you to understand better, but it will also strengthen your bonds with others. Also, your class should create a group chat on social media sites like WhatsApp or Facebook. This will serve as your main communication center. Work can be sent in the chat and questions can be asked and answered. In addition, study groups are great for getting in knowledge if you work better in small groups rather than by yourself. Just get a few of your peers, who you now will study and not mess around, and start studying. It can happen after school in the library or even an empty class.
 7.      Past Papers.
Okay, I don’t know if past papers are available for exams outside of CXC, therefore I can only give my experience for CXC here. Past papers are available on the CXC website or at any bookstore. However, the best way to obtain past papers, is to have it handed down to you from someone who already did the exam. This way, it’s free! You can also find PDFs online. Past papers are great because they give you an idea of questions that can possibly be part of the exam. Sometimes, the same exact questions in the past paper, is what will be repeated. Therefore, you’re even more prepared because you already did that question. However, let me warn you, don’t memorize answers just to pass. Study to learn the general concept of the topic. This way, you will be able to do any question. Another awesome thing that CXC does is subject reports. These are reports of the answers for the exams each year. Most times, the answers for the questions are presented here and it’s best to study with the past paper and subject report side by side.
 8.      E-books/PDFs
Let me tell you, especially literature students, eBooks/PDFs will save your wallets. These are mostly available for novels but there will be eBooks for other topics too. Since they are free, you save tons of money. On the other hand, be careful when downloading these books as some may come with viruses or missing information. That is definitely the problem with PDFs, errors. Sometimes they may have spelling or grammatical errors. However, if you have an understanding of what you’re reading, the errors should not be a problem.
Literature students usually have to do things like analyzing information and other pretty difficult things. An easy way to get a general understanding of books is by reading summaries and analyses online. There are sites that offer these services like:
·         SparkNotes
·         Shmoop
·         CliffNotes
·         Enotes
 9.      Interact with People
So, you’re learning a language, what do your teachers preach? Get a pen pal. Well, in this day and age, pen pals aren’t really popular anymore. However, you can still talk to native speakers who want to learn your language. The app Amino is great for this. It’s basically like a little community on your phone. You just have to sign up and choose which Amino community you want to use. You can join as much communities as you’d like. It allows you to join group chats or even private chat with people. You can ask or help, take quizzes, participate in polls, make blog posts and so much more. It’s also a great way to make new friends.
 10.  Take a Break.
This is definitely what we all love to hear, right? Yes, of course. Taking a break. It’s great to take a break in order to just relax. Overworking yourself won’t do anything besides stress you out. The best things to do when taking a break are:
·         Take a walk somewhere. Walk around your house and maybe chat with your family a bit. Don’t study to the point where you completely lock off your family. Go outside and get some fresh air, you may even see something that can inspire you if you have writer’s block.
·         Stretch. Sitting in one position for too long can cause your body to become tense and this isn’t good for the muscles. Therefore, maybe do a bit of yoga. Looking up stretches for studying on Pinterest will be beneficial to you.
·         Eat. When you’re studying, it’s very easy to forget to do daily activities like eating and even showering. Therefore, I suggest when you take a break, eat some food or fruit, definitely not junk food.
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
38. Part 4
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I already miss Rylee, staring out of the jet window seeing Joe close the car door. I feel really sad about this, but I also have a lot of shit to do. I need to sort everything out for Rylee, I need to make sure she has a team waiting for her, I am upset I can’t be there to witness this. To see her work and support her, she knows I will do anything for her. The SUV drove off and there was that, she better stay safe because I am only here for her. It’s crazy how at first my life meant nothing, now it has a meaning to it and I just want to keep her safe “we about to take off now” the flight attendant said smiling at me “thank you” I mumbled, I don’t even want to leave for Europe “you looking really sad right now” Blake said, I guess it is that noticeable “what can I say, your sister means a lot to me” I openly admitted “I see that now, I didn’t think any man would put up with her. She is a hard ass after everything she has been through, as a brother I had to protect her. Shit, I did time for her. When I heard Chris Brown was messing with my sister I was straight up not having it, famous niggas have a reputation in having loads of bitches. I didn’t want that for her, she is sensitive” nodding my head understanding “I honestly understand what you mean, I wouldn’t want my daughter being with someone famous. They fucked up and I respect for you looking after Rylee, we all good now though” getting to know Blake has been a blessing, he good people.
The new bodyguards seem a little quiet or maybe they nervous “Parker right?” I asked, he looked at me “yeah” they are very quiet “shit is about to be a ride for you both, are you both shy or some shit?” they both shook their head laughing “just Joe said you ain’t in the mood so we stayed quiet, we can have fun but our job is to protect” looking at Blake as he laughed “this is my future brother in law, he wants to do security. Look after him but I don’t want him in font line, just help him out” Parker looked at Blake “looks like a man that holds a gun” Blake busted out laughing “how did you know? I am joking, just trying to live a good life now. Ayo, Chris you got some good pussy on tour? I am trying to get me a girl” sitting back in my seat laughing “you know me, I got a few dancers. They good and very pretty but don’t be dicking them all, you need to pick one” Blake seems like me, I would dick them all but I have Rylee now.
Clearing my throat “I don’t want you to ever put yourself out there, with the fans. They just want to see me, the best way is to just tell them no. At times, I do have pictures with them but I can at most times handle them, it’s just the niggas that hate me. I still have those haters, you just gotta let one of the boys know if you see anything, don’t do anything. If you hurt someone they going to come down on me, not you. I employed someone that had no training, they will say I hired a gang member” Blake laughed “yo, they will for real think I am a gang member. I got you, and also Rylee will kill me. She gave me orders and told me not to have sex with no dancer but, why not. They cute” Rylee would do that, scolding people “you really want to hear Rylee’ headache? You got to be good, she doesn’t stop and that includes eating” I laughed saying.
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Touching my stomach smiling, Chris is just so damn cute about everything but I had to make a stop at Wendy’s I really needed some chicken. I can’t stop eating but now I shall make my way to my family’s home, they don’t even know I am coming home so this is a surprise “how long you thinking of staying?” Carlos asked me “erm, a few days. I mean you both can go home, I do not mind at all” Carlos looked at Joe shaking his head “we staying, you tasted Rylee’ mom cooking? That shit is beautiful” Joe said “who said you both staying at my family home huh?” Joe already making himself comfy “erm I told Chris, I want to stay there. Your home is good, your dad is dope as fuck. He be giving me all this knowledge about shit so yeah I am staying” look at these wanting to stay at the home “you lucky we have the space but of course you can stay” I cannot wait to surprise my family, the biggest surprise is the baby.
The bitch that lives next door stared at me as I knocked on my front door, she can stare all she wants because I don’t mind beating her ass again if she wants it “you want me to get your suitcase?” Carlos asked me, shaking my head “who is it!?” Kyrie shouted “it’s me Rylee, open the damn door” pushing the door open but it’s locked “wait, I need to get a chair” furrowing my eyebrows “get dad to unlock it” it must be bolted at the top, shaking my head turning around “everything good?” Joe asked “yeah, just the door locked so just waiting. You know, you don’t need to worry because I won’t do anything I shouldn’t” I know Joe didn’t want to look after me “it’s not you, it’s the people that come to you. I got you though” hearing the bolt being unlocked, turning around “one minute” Kyrie shouted, who locked this door “Rylee!!” Kyrie shouted dragging the door open “you look happy to see me” he jumped on me “I can’t be picking you up, you’re too big” placing my hand on his back “where is mom and dad?” seems really quiet here “I am home alone” not that shit again “seriously!?” I done told them off about that.
I don’t like Kyrie being home alone “who locked the door then? That was really bolted down” the front door closed “me, dad stood outside and told me to do it. They will be back Rylee, I was playing in my room” looking at my watch “school?” Kyrie stared at me wide eyed “look at this Rylee” Kyrie changed the subject grabbing my hand dragging me along “look!” he pointed, seeing the picture next to my graduation “they added Chris, aww. That is so sweet but that doesn’t change that you are not at school” glaring at him “I am not well” he faked a cough “do not lie to me, why? Seriously tell me why? I said for you to do good in school and you can come to LA, but you’re not” shaking my head, turning to Joe and Carlos “just make yourself at home” Kyrie hugged my waist again “I missed you Rylee” this boy annoys me on the phone and now he can’t stop holding me “I miss you too Kyrie, you better go school tomorrow” I am home now so he will have too.
Looking over at Kyrie, he is annoying Joe now. I wonder where they went that they don’t take Kyrie, I mean I know they don’t like taking Kyrie to the hospital appointments “Kyrie!? Why is there a random car outside and the door unlocked” Kyrie jumped off Joe “Rylee is here mom, look” getting up from the couch “really? What a surprise” my mom came from around the corner, she is looking more frail but I will overlook that “I thought you was touring with Chris” hugging my mom close “I was dad but I came home, I missed my family” I needed this hug, cannot beat a hug from my mother “oh Rylee, I am so glad you are home” my mom said, moving back from the hug “where is Chris?” my dad asked “you know where dad, he is touring” I said smiling at him hugging my dad close “oh yeah, how long can we keep you?” my dad said “a few days dad” I want to tell them now.
Remembering the fact they left Kyrie alone “so why was Kyrie alone and not in school?” they forget about this poor boy “he said he was not well and I had hospital” my eyes bulged out “when I said I was ill you dragged me to school! That is wrong dad and stop leaving him alone, tomorrow he goes school. Stop being soft and forgetting him, I understand there is a lot of stress with everything but he needs the love from you both” my dad’ one track mind forgets Kyrie when my mom is not well or in pain “well your mom needed me” I knew that “but still, mom you know it is wrong” my mom glared at my dad “I know Rylee, just a few days ago I have been in pain and I am sorry, I was thinking of me” now I feel bad, I feel bad about all this and that I am not helping.
I sent Chris a text an hour ago but he hasn’t replied, maybe he fell asleep so I text Blake just now to ask because I get worried and I shouldn’t. My phone pinged, quickly looking at my screen seeing that Chris has text me. He must have fell asleep and Blake woke him, I shouldn’t have done that now. Unlocking my phone to read the text.
From: Chris
To: Rylee
Yeah we can facetime and my bad I fell asleep
“Shit” I said aloud “what?” my mom said, looking up from my phone “nothing” I have the scan picture in my pocket, so let me do this. I am going to facetime Chris so we can do it kind of together, tapping on the facetime icon “Rylee can you help me with my homework?” Kyrie asked “I don’t get this” he held up his book “is it Math?” he nodded “I will help you, I just need to do this” the facetime connected “do not say anything stupid” I said before Chris did “I wasn’t going too, I ain’t stupid” Chris smiled at the camera “Chris, can I see him!!” Kyrie shouted running “is that my young G Kyrie?” Chris said “could be the grown Kyrie” I grinned “you’re not funny” Chris spat in annoyance, Kyrie moved my hand to himself “look at you, you gotta fresh trim ? Look who I got with me” Chris turned the camera “what’s good little bro” Kyrie’ eyes lit up “Blake!! What? Why am I not there?” Blake chuckled “I ain’t a young nigga anymore, I’ll turn up for you little bro” Kyrie ran off “Kyrie! Seriously” I shouted “why he crying?” shaking my head “I will deal with him later” Chris came back on the camera.
Getting up from the couch “I may get disconnected but I will call you back later, where about are you anyways?” Chris looked away “erm, somewhere over the ocean. I am about bored, besides Blake telling me who he finna bone” Chris laughed “don’t start that shit” standing in front of my parents “do I get to see him” my mom got her hand out, turning the phone to them. My mom put her glasses on “hey family, sorry I can’t be there just busy” my dad looked on in amazement “technology is amazing, you looking well Chris” my dad said “yes you do Chris, we miss you here” my mom waved, she is so simple “anyways!” holding the phone in my one hand facing my mom and dad “I have something to say” my parents are still looking at Chris “over here please” they both looked at me, biting my bottom lip smiling “I am so excited” I got butterflies right now “I owe mom an apology” I said in a whisper, my mom’ face softened and she knew instantly.
She placed her hand over her mouth “oh my god!” she yelped, pulling the scan out from my back pocket “you both about to be grandparents!” my mom is already crying, my dad looked at my mom “I am pregnant” holding the scan up, my dad jumped up from the couch and grabbed the scan “oh god, oh my god. It’s real, oh god Rose. We really are” my dad’ voice broke “we are about to be grandparents Rose” he said wiping his face “my baby is having a baby, is this real?” my dad said looking at me, nodding my head smiling. My dad held me “thank you, thank you god. I am so happy” my mom placed her arms around me “god answered our prayers for our daughter Harvey” they got me crying now.
My mom and dad can’t stop staring at the scan “I told you, I said you would be saying sorry Rylee. How many weeks?” looking up from my phone “eight weeks, I thought you of you when I found out. I am over the moon mom, I thought I couldn’t get pregnant and then this. I can’t wait for he or she to meet the family” it’s going to be one spoilt child “we need to make a room for the baby, you need to visit us. I feel we are so far from you” I got Chris being dramatic, I don’t need my dad too “you’re not far, I will always come and see you both and you are most welcome to stay” my dad looks in awe already “my grandchild, wait till I tell your grandma. She already wants to see you Rylee, let me tell them now. But Rose, I think we live too far away from Rylee. I want to move” he got up from the couch “Harvey stop it, we can’t move to LA” my dad is dramatic like Chris, this is why they get along “Rose listen to me, we will never see the baby” he walked out of the room “why is he like this?” I said to my mom “I learn to listen and do not digest” giggling at my mom “I do the same with Chris, I learnt from you” she is a clever woman my mom.
My phone buzzed, turning the phone around seeing Chris had posted on Instagram. He finally got signal then, unlocking my phone and tapping on the notification “come here Kyrie, let’s talk” patting the couch, I forgot to actually see him after crying like that. The post loaded finally, seeing the video he posted “oh god, I look terrible on that bed. I hate him” I said to myself, seeing the paragraph he wrote ‘God is giving me a second chance to be a dad and with a woman that will allow me to be just that, Rylee and I are expecting a baby breezy (It’s a boy, I predict it) I cannot put it into words how I feel right now but I am over the moon, I am so excited to know I am being a father again. Royalty about to be a big sister and I can’t wait for her to know this, I owe my happiness to Rylee she is my rock. The only thing that matters to me is Rylee, Royalty and Peanut so yeah, I am celebrating tomorrow night in Amsterdam! See you soon Royalty’ look at my baby, he is so cute. Leaving a comment under the picture ‘Cannot wait to meet our baby, it’s your year Chris and I am proud of you x’ pressing send “what is it Rylee” Kyrie said, I actually forgot to speak to him.
Let me post on my Instagram now “why did you cry earlier? Talk to me” I think I will put on the picture of Chris pulling that stupid face with the scan picture “because I want to be with you, I don’t like it here. I have nothing” Kyrie being dramatic “you do, don’t lie to me. You have friends here and football, I know you want to be where the grown folk are but you can’t be” he is just spoilt, let me caption this picture ‘I want our baby to be just as goofy as you and Royalty, I always said this and I mean it. I want he or she to have your ears, I couldn’t have asked for a better baby daddy’ smiling at the caption pressing send “I just got sad, I can be sad if I want to be” side eyeing Kyrie “ok, you can be but I wanted to tell you some good news. I am having a baby” Kyrie pulled a face “why?” he questioned “because I wanted a baby, that means you about to be an uncle so grow up” a smile played on his face “I can’t babysit Rylee, I am busy” letting out an oh “but you said you have no friends here, are you lying to me now” why are boys like this just because they don’t get their own way, this is why I pray I have a daughter as my first child.
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pparkchimin · 7 years
I ’m making a tutorial for @victuuri-moonandsun on how I downloaded the YOI episodes and how to make a basic gif. I decided just to make a tutorial for everyone else who wants to learn? I’m like hella basic at making gifs so ill be providing resources in hopes it will help! 
The tutorial includes:
How to download
Capturing Method: VLC vs KMPlayer
Importing + Making the gif (Timing, Cropping, Sharpening, Saving)
Ill teach u how to go from:
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to this:
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+ A shit ton of screencaps to make up for the fact i’m bad at explanation. ++ what is grammar n spelling? +++ cursing a lot of it
its like legit 3 am and this tutorial is so bad good luck
You will need:
Photoshop (I use CS6)
VLC Player or KMPlayer (I will later discuss the difference usage of these programs)
I. Downloading
Sup yo! Okay let’s start with downloading the actual episodes! I usually use torrents when i’m downloading the episodes. This is what Vuze is for. Like most things u wanna be careful when you download shit off the internet but idgaf i’ve been downloading shit off the interwebs for a while. 
So you wanna either google “yuri on ice 1080p torrent”, but im gonna use HorribleSubs for my example. You wanna make sure you download the 1080p version of the episodes so you can have the clearest/more HQ gifs.
If you’re using the horriblesubs site then you wanna click on “1080p” for whatever episode you want and right click the magnet link.
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Yay! Now we gonna wanna open Vuze. First you gonna want to click the “add” folder > Add Magnet > Paste URL > Then hit okay.
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Okay. So once you hit ok this should pop up:
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Then hit ok again! You can also change where you wanna save it at this stage too. Okay now your file is downloading and now we wait! The more seeds the faster the download. 
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Once the file is done downloading we can move on to actually capturing for gif making.  
II. Capturing:
OKay. SO I personally use the VLC capturing way because it’s easier for me. With VLC you;re basically recording the scene you want so you can import it into Photoshop. With the KMPlayer you’re taking a shit ton of sceencaps and you’re importing each image into Photoshop. I used both methods and they both get the job done. The only time i use KMPlayer is when VLC is acting wonky. Ill show the VLC method first then the KMPlayer (cringes).
Yay VLC. My fav bby right here. OKay So you’re gonna wanna open that shit up. Okay, so the first thing you wanna do when you open the program is go to view > advance controls. This gives you the option to record!
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Hell yeah bro now we in business. Okay you’re gonna wanna open the episode you wanna be gif-ing. Since I showed how to download episode 12 i’m just gonna use episode 12 for this too cause fuck it man. You’re gonna wanna decide what scene you’re gonna want to make a gif of. I think for the purpose of the tutorial i’m just gonna do the scene where yurio finishes his program and creys cause hella yeha bro.
okay so for myself, i tend to start recording couple seconds (like 5-10 *my computer is really wonky ) before the actual scene because I want to make sure I record the whole scene without cutting anything out.
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You also notice that the record button is red now. So you’re basically just gonna click it once and let it record until you want it to stop!
Where i began to record (actual a couple secs before becuz i forgot to screencap):
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Where I ended:
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***note: Notice how the record button changes while you’re recording vs not recording! (i’ve done the dumb thing where i forgot to stop recording and watched the rest of the episode .-. )
Now that short clip will be saved. my video was saved in my video file im sure you can change where you want it saved but idk how. This is where it is saved on my computer. Probably can search “vlc” on your computer if it is absolutely lost (sorry I can’t help much in finding the file).
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Basically after this step you’re done deezy. You can skip the KMPlayer and go directly to the gif making portion of this shit tutorial.
I need to explain this program a bit more. So unlike VLC you’re not recording or anything like that. This captures screencaps into jpg or png files. When you do the VLC method, photoshop will make the screencaps for u. This method you’re gonna have to load the each photo (This usually takes photoshop longer to load for me, but than again my computer is old as shit so it may not matter to you).
OKay u gonna wanna open that satan spawn and open the episode u wanna do. Again here im gonna do the same scene cause yeah. Basically just go to the scene you want. 
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Okay here the annoying shit happens. SO unlike VLC for me, I don’t have to a big gap of recording time. I can get closer to the actual scene and want and start capturing (ctrl+G).
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When you hit ctrl+G, this window pops up and this where all the settings happen. 1. You decided where you all the pictures will be saved! 2. You can pic the image quality. I go for JPG because my computer just cant handle doing png. If you’re computer can do the png go for it. 3.) Seconds refers to how long you want the program to capture for. I just put 5 seconds to make sure i get the whole scene. You also want the images to be in the original size. 4.) I WILL DISCUSS THE TIMING THING MORE INDEPTH LATER, but for the time being i’ll do every 1 frame. 
When you click start on the small window your video has to be playing to actually capture. I just hit start and hhit play cuz fuck it.
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When the program finish capturing this will pop up in the corner. *note: I ended up doing 10 seconds because my computer hates me. So there’s a lot more caps than i needed. this is what you end up with!
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A shit ton of fucking photos! YOU READy TO GO TO PHOTOSHOP.
*if you need help downloading photoshop send me an ask and ill try my best to help you. I downloaded ps cs6 a long time ago and the link i used to download it doesn't exist anymore. 
THis step is gonna be different depending on what method you used for the capturing. I’m going to begin with the VLC method. So you’re gonna wanna go to file > importing > video frame to layers.
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Find the clip file and hit open. a window will open and now you can select what part of the video you want to actually gif! the two point thingies on the bottom are adjustable. FOr example maybe you recorded too much in the beginning? drag the 1st arrow thing to where you want the gif to start. Same with if you recorded to much at the tale end of the video. You can adjust the right one.
Make sure to have frame animation box is check.
And now we’re at the frames part.This is where I feel conflicted and you will see why when I get to the timing part of the video. (I use to make a lot of gifs for real action tv shows and this is the first anime I ever edited and I just feel like i haven’t found the best timing yet?). For this screencape i left the limit box and just do every frame.
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So my video was too long at the end and decided to cut that unwanted shit out. (you can hit the play button just to make sure you’re happy with what you got. Hit ok when u done deezy
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THEN BOOM THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. THAT BOOTIFUL ASS YURIO’S FACE HELL yeAH. Okay. So on the right hand side you have all your layers. but we missing the timeline bro. SO you go to window> timeline
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DAMN LOOK AT YOU YOU’RE READY TO MAKE A GIF. You can skip ahead and learn about timing. Keep reading for the KMPLAYER way.
oKAY. You’re gonna wanna go to file> scripts > load files to stacks
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A window will pop up and basically you’re gonna select all the screencaps you want for the gif and hit okay.
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This shit takes my compouter f o r e v e r (compared to the VLC method.) to load and even longer afterwards when it’s being uploaded as layers. This method took my computer to load the files 3 minutes compared to the 5 seconds the VLC method took me. Like i’ve mentioned before it might just be my ancient ass computer’s fault. But this it what it looks like when it’s done loading
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Okay you;re gonna wanna do the same step as VLC to create the timeline (Window>timeline).
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But because this was loaded in differently the the stacks will not automatically have frames. You’re gonna want to click create timeline and you will notice you have one frame only.
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So on the top right corner of the timeline you will have the option to make the layers into frames.
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Now you maybe noticed that the frames are fucking backwards son like wtf man. a simple fix to that! in the list of options where you made the frames from layers, you can reverse the frames.
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OKay this gets really iffy for me. I’ll just basically show you the times I use and what it may look if you capture every frame of you choose to do every 2 times (anything else isn’t recommended). In this section it’s what I use and probably not the best, but you can play around with photoshop and you can do whatever the fuck you want yo!
Anyways as you can imagine if you decide to do every frame youre gonna get a shit ton of layers(i’m gonna be working with the vlc method from this point on. any kmplayer question can be sent my way!). But it may look smoother! *will make a note on this*. Downside, the file is prob gonna be WAY bigger.
For ex: Every frame. 103 FRAMES FUCK MAN.
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Every 2 frames: 53 frames
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So it’s basically about half cuz u know math
OKay. so when i do gifs I usually set the time to “0.06″ but I put “0.07  for every 2 frames. To change the timing make sure you have all the frames selected (click the first frame then go to the last frame and Shift+click it). Now that all the frames are highlighted you want to hit the down arrow and click other. This is where you set the time and hit okay.
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every frame @ 0.06  (No cropping/no coloring/no sharpening)
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every 2 frames @ 0.07
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So it’s really personal preference. I just have it so ingrained to do every frame at 0.06 since i started making gifs years ago, but i feel like the every 2 frames at 0.07 looks smoother for anime? Really guys experiment and see what you like better!
Yay lets get to cropping! These are the current dimensions for tumblr
one picture/gif: 540px width two pictures/gifs: 268px three pictures/gifs: 177px, 178px (middle), 177px spaces: 4px
I always crop my gifs. I just think they look nicer when they’re crop.To start cropping you either wanna hit “C” on your keyboard or clip the crop tool. Afterwards you can put a value of the dimensions (i tend to do 268x165 or 268x170 when I to he gifset with 8 different gifs). Now you can drag the box over the gif to position it where exactly you want the focus to be. You either double click the box or hit enter when you wanna crop.
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You might not want to have it dead center. so yeah this what it looks like if you just dragged it:
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Damn yurio is looking good dead in center, but you noticed the 2nd half yurio isn’t in the middle no more. When you’re cropping you wanna keep this in mind. (you can always make two separate gif to have it all centered but i can make a dif tutorial for that).
This what it looks like if i decided to keep the cropping in the center:
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Overall both scenes are more centered.
BUT WHAT IFF YOU JUST WANNA ZOOM IN ONTO YURIO’S FACE?? i got chu bro. I’m goning to delete the 2nd half of the gif for the purpose of this example. So what you’re gonan want to do is drag a side of the square until you’re happy with what you want.
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Here i just dragged the bottom. Since I have my measure inplace from before, no matter what side i drag it it’s always gonna be the same ratio of 268x170 so no need to worry !
Regular crop:
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Crop to zoom in on the face:
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OKay. Once you’re done cropping you’re gonna want to resize that!
I’m going back to the original gif with both scenes.
To resize an image you either can hol the CTRL+ALT+i or go to image>image size
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a window will pop up and youll type in what size you wanted. Because i had the dimensions typed in while i was cropping it will basically do the ratio for u
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the original size was 1702x1080. Once i typed 268, the program kept the ratio and changed the height. SORRY IM NOT EXPLAINING THIS WELL I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW. 
We went from this:
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to this:
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it’s not a HUGE change but there is a change!
VI. Coloring *bonus
I have no authority on color tbh It takes me to forever to color shit and i’m h o r r i b l e at it. so i aint gonna discuss this much but here what coloring can do for u!
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to this garbage:
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I don’t really like it but i just did it quickly for the sake of this tutorial. If you wanted an idea of what I did
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The best way I learned to color was from PSDs others made or just fucking around in PS. Here are some resources:
PSDs:  x x x Tutorials: x x
VII: Sharpening:
Oh man okay so i use an action for my gifs but the thing is i downloaded a long ass time ago. It may be this, but im not entirely sure. This hella easy yo!
so you wanna select all the layers:
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then you wanna convert the frame animation to a timeline (make sure you changed the time you want the frames to be before you convert!)
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You will notice the frames changed on the bottom. Now you wanna go to filter>convert to smart layer
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Now you only have one layer!
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With this one magic layer you can sharpen all your goddamn layers all at once.
If you don’t have the action you can do the basic sharpening. Okay now go back to the filter tab>Sharpen>smart sharpen. I have use this option in YEARS but i believe the kinda go too was this:
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and hit okay!
Before sharpening:
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After sharpening:
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the lines are more defined in the 2nd gif, If you were able to download the action this is how you use it. 
GO to Windows> actions.
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WHere the red circle you click, and find the option for load actions. Once you load it you wanna make sure you selected the smart layer and hit th eplay button and the action should sharpen it for u
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BOOM. your gif is sharpen. So lts compare all three now.
No sharpening:
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Smart sharpening only:
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Action (Smart sharpening + blur)
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I like the action th most because it’s not as intense as the smart sharpening only. WOW U FINISH A GIF CONGRATULATIONS NOW YOU WANNA SHOW THIS BABY TO THE WHOLE WORLD RIGHT? WELL IMMA SHOW U HOW,
So basically you either hold alt+ctrl+shift+S or file>save as for web 
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and a window aPPEARS. These are the settings i use to save:
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this gif is under 1mb so im safe yo! Some tips if gif is too large is to add a selective layer>black> then +5-10 
another tip is to use optimize tool if yOU HAVE TO: go to the top right corner
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now u done deezy
u save that shit
and cry 
send me an ask if you need shit cleared up.
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Okay, for Steve Rogers prompts: Steve is leaving the grocery store and hears some guy yelling at the little Girl Scouts selling cookies about how Feminism Is Ruining This Country and Girl Scouts Are Evil for Supporting Abortion and Lesbians. (Because this actually happens, it happened to me when I was a kid. And once you are like 13 you are allowed to sell without an adult, so me and my friend were alone).
Ahahaha yeah, good times, been there, donethat.  Right, so, I’m picturing this aslike a month or two after Avengers, while Steve is still Figuring Out the2000’s.  Also featuring: Steve swearinglike a Brooklyn kid who went into the Army, and my weird obsession withtime-displaced super soldiers who are angry about bananas.  WARNING: 100% WISH FULFILLMENT.  Some general assholery and Steve losing his temper a little under the cut because…this is longer than I meant it to be.
Steve was sure it would shock any number of people, but his biggestproblems with the 21st century weren’t the televisions, phones, orcoffee makers (thank you, Stark).  Therewas a learning curve, but it was reminiscent of the learning curve after he’dgotten the serum—hell, he’d gone from a colorblind, partly deaf asthmatic withmore chronic illnesses than you could fit on a chart to a walking talkingsuperhuman.  The whole world had beenbrighter, louder, and faster-paced than Steve had ever been remotely preparedto deal with, so he went onto stages and into battles until he adapted.  The 21st century was brighter,louder, and faster-paced than the forties could have dreamed, so Steve got onhis bike and went to tour the country without help.  By the time he got back, he was pretty surehe could manage technology well enough to Google shit like ‘what is Facebook.’
(Google was good.  Steve fuckingloved Google.  All the answers were onGoogle.  Including answers to questionshe never needed answered, but he had gotten better at choosing his searchterms.)
No, Steve’s biggest problems with the 21st century, otherthan the obvious fact that it wasn’t hiscentury, mostly revolved around money.
Example: who in their right goddamn mind paid seven dollars for a poundof apples?  Had anyone ever heard ofaffordable bread?  What the fuck washappening with the price of potatoes—potatoes,for the love of God.
“Inflation’s a bitch,” a passing college student said in dry amusement,obviously picking up on his bitter muttering. Steve’s scowl deepened and he put the apples in his cart.
For the first time in his life, Steve actually didn’t have to worryabout money—apparently seventy years of back pay totaled up to a significantamount of cash—but that didn’t mean that he didn’t wince as he did the math forhis food.  If this was usual for oneperson, what the hell were families paying? Bucky’s family had been Bucky, his ma, his dad, and all three of thegirls, plus sometimes Steve.  How was afamily of seven affording thisfood?  He added it to his mental list ofthings to Google, along with what iswrong with bananas.
Bananas.  Of all the things forthe future to fuck up, fucking bananas were weird bland not-bananas now.  Steve hadnever had strong opinions on bananas before, but live and goddamn learn,apparently.
Anyway.  The money thing was why,upon entering the grocery store,Steve hadn’t paused at the table set up just inside the door, save to read thesign hanging in front of it—it was good to see that the Girl Scouts hadsurvived.  Nonetheless, he could bakecookies his own self and probably get a better net value than six bucks for atiny box, thanks.  To be polite, he’dwaved a little to the girls at the table, both wearing green sashes and winningsmiles as they did a slow but respectably steady business, and then he’d goneon his damn way like a civilized human being.
But God forbid that otherpeople could do the same.  Steve checkedout with his apples and cereal and soup ingredients (and no bananas), put themin pair of reusable grocery bags, and started for the door just in time to hearraised voices.
Well.  A raised voice.  It soundedlike a man, older, with a neutrally middle American accent.  The table where the Girl Scouts had beenselling their cookies was ringed by a small crowd, steadily growing larger bythe moment, and Steve had to mutter a string of ‘scuse-me-sorry-ma’am-can-I-just-yeah-thanks under his breath as heshouldered through to see what was happening.
The voice belonged to a guy in his fifties, thickset but not out ofshape, with dark hair just going salt-and-pepper.  His face was flushed red, twisted into abitter snarl as he shouted at the two stiff-backed girls behind the table.  Steve noted that the girls, both wide-eyedand pale with a sort of primal panic, couldn’t be more than twelve or thirteenat the most.
“—nothing but needy bitches looking to take advantage of men!  This,” the man snarled, slamming a hand downon the table so hard that it shook, “is a cult, designed to convince our children that ‘feminism’ is good forthe country instead of being an excuse for women to work less and get paidmore.”
“Can you hold onto this for me?” Steve murmured, turning and offeringone of his bags to the young woman to his left, and she nodded absently, takingthe bag without letting her phone shake as she recorded the situation.
“Besides,” the man continued, clearly getting into his rant, “the GirlScouts support homosexual behavior—are you two girlfriends?  Are you dykes,or are you waiting to get older so that you can get knocked up by some guy andabort your baby?  Maybe you’re justplanning to have the kid,” he spat, “and get on welfare so that the rest of uscan pay for everything you need.”
“Hey,” Steve said to the guy on his right, “can you take this?”  The guy took his other bag, a nauseated lookon his face.
“What, are you going to cry?” the man sneered down at the two girls infront of him—one of them did look like she was about to cry, almost shaking ashe loomed over her.  “I thought youfemi-nazi cunts were supposed to be tougher than–”
“That is enough,” Steve said,stepping forward and catching the man’s arm. He had a not-insignificant height advantage—Steve was a clean and evensix feet, but the man was perhaps five inches shorter, enough that Steve couldloom just as effectively as the man had been doing over the two girls.  “You’re done.”
“Let me go, you fucking–”
The man spun, and made a critical mistake.  He threw a punch.
Steve caught him by the wrist, twisted, and the man dropped to one kneewith a yelp like a rabbit in a trap, his arm angled sharply up behind his back.  Steve pressed down a little, the barest fractionof his strength, and got a string of curses in reply.
“Now,” Steve said in his most reasonable voice, feeling the bubblinganger fill his chest and make his head light. “Why don’t you walk away before this gets any messier?”
“Who the fuck are you?” theman panted through clenched teeth.
“My name’s Steve,” Steve said.  Hisheart was beating with the bone-rattling speed he remembered from when he was akid, getting into fights on the streets of Brooklyn—now, he took care not tolet it make his hands shake.  If he lostfocus and closed his fist any harder, he might break the man’s wrist.  If he broke any bones, Steve intended to doso on purpose.  “I don’t like bullies.  So. How about you just get the hell out of here, now, before I have one ofthese nice folks call the police?”
“Oh, um, I did that,” a voice said, and a woman about two ranks back inthe crowd shakily held her phone up as proof. A little girl clung to one of her hands. “Sorry, I just–”
“No, that’s great, ma’am,” Steve interrupted with a smile.  “That was real smart of you.”
“You cocksucking freak,” the man snarled up over his shoulder, and Stevepressed down a bit harder on the arm locked across his back.  He could feel the man’s shoulder creakingdangerously, threatening to dislocate as the man made a shrill sound of pain.
“I don’t like that kind of language, either,” Steve said sternly.  He looked up at the two girls, who werewatching him with something very close to tearful awe.  “Are you two kids okay?” he asked, trying tosound as gentle as he could manage.  Oneof them nodded slowly, and jabbed her friend with an elbow until the other girlnodded too.
“Um,” the first girl said, “do you mind if I—are you Captain America?”
Steve winced a little, offered her a wry smile.  “Steve, please.  So, am I just real obvious?”
“Yes,” she said baldly, and Steve chuckled at that, earning a shaky grinfrom the girls.
“Bullshit,” the man on his knees hissed, and Steve felt the fine threadof his self-control snap.  The pop of thedislocating shoulder was quick and loud in the crowd, and Steve dropped the manin disgust.
“You listen to me,” Steve said, struggling to keep his voice even as hegave the man an ungentle prod with his knee, forcing him to look up at Stevestanding over him.  “I’ve known women inthe Army who could hand your ass to you on a plate, and girls in telephonecenters and diners who could outtalk, outthink, and outfight half the guys Iserved with.  Lesbians too.  And every last one of ‘em was being paid shitfor their work and ignored every second of the time they weren’t being hit onby scum-suckin’ trash like you.  You wantto crucify someone for being pro-abortion, you can pick on someone your owndamn size.  The Tower ain’t that hard tofind, I’m sure you can have a nice talk with the Widow about women’s health.”
“I wasn’t–”
“And as long as we’re on the subject,” Steve continued, raising hisvoice to drown out the man on the ground. “How goddamn dare you throwaround words like ‘Nazi’ about people who just want to be treated like humanbeings.  These two girls are fucking teenagers,what the hell were you thinking?  Don’tanswer that,” he said mercilessly, crouching down to be on a level.  “Because listen real close, pal, but youweren’t in the right seventy years ago and you ain’t in the right now, and I’mstill real fucking tired of hearing your bullshit.”  
Steve stood up and turned to the young woman who had taken one of hisgrocery bags, realizing with a burst of rueful amusement that he was facing awall of phone cameras recording him.  
“So, uh, folks,” he said, already mentally drafting the apology letter hewould need to write to the PR team Pepper and SHIELD had assigned to theAvengers, “when you inevitably put that online, it would be real great if youcould forward it to Fox News so they stop calling me.  Can I have my groceries back, please?”
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
My gf and I have been playing the zero escape/999 games together and we’re on the third one. I like, narrated the entire first game myself (INCLUDING THE SUPER LONG SECTIONS DESCRIBING DEAD BODIES IN GRAPHIC, WORSHIPFUL DETAIL, I THINK THE AUTHOR HAS A THING. I DON’T KNOW WHAT BUT THERE IS DEFINITELY A THING). (the second and third games don’t have that though so maybe people complained or maybe that was supposed to be a specific personality trait for the first games narrator.) 
I just voiced the investigation parts of the second and third games, since the cutscene/novel sections are voiced in those. It’s really my greatest contribution to the gameplay experiences since my girlfriend ends up solving most to the puzzles (she can math and I can’t).
I’ve liked the first game best so far- I really didn’t like it much at the beginning, but then the twist ending was really well done and ACTUALLY THE TWIST I WAS HOPING FOR. How many times during the game did I say “I hope our girlfriend is zero, the mastermind” and “I hope our girlfriend is the one who murdered this guy” just because I wanted there to be more to Akane’s character than “our generically sweet love interest”. THEN she turns out to be a Machiavellian well-intentioned extremist mastermind and the real narrator of the game (Akane why do you like dead bodies so much) and i was like “YES”. 
The second game was all right. I like Phi a lot, but god Sigma was an annoying protagonist. Me and gf kept saying we wanted Junpei back.
Junpei was a fairly generic protag, but only annoyed me a few times (I did come to like him a lil bit when it was revealed Akane was the mastermind and he...did not mind at all. Like there was no “my sweet innocent helpless Akane was a lie oh no” he’s just like “ok whatever i still love her even if she stuck me in a deadly game and arranged the deaths of a bunch of assholes”. Like not only is that is an incredibly unhealthy way of thinking, which is interesting, it’s also just kind of nice he apparently likes Akane for who she actually is, Machiavellian scheming and all)
Meanwhile Sigma was just super creepy to all the girls and filled with machismo and ugh. The twist at the end also was nowhere near as effective for me, like how the fuck did Sigma never notice he was 67 years old  instead of 22  and that he had a really obvious cyborg eye thing YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO FEEL THAT. how did he never run into any reflective surfaces and see himself. he has to be the least aware person on the planet. This is further proven by the fact he talks to Akane for FIVE MINUTES at the end of the game before looking down and realizing he has skeletal metal arms now. I LAUGHED FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES AT THAT.
As for the rest of the second game, i totally called that Tenmyouji was future Junpei btw, which i was very proud of. i like that Akane continued being a Machiavellian asshole but still seems to have mostly good intentions- like she seems to care about Junpei in a way, but also just. does not give a fuck about his feelings or anyone else's if its to serve her plan for revenge/the greater good. it's rare to see female characters get to be really morally grey and puppet-master-y like that. 
 I also liked that future Junpei drew the line at Akane putting his ten year old adopted child in a murder game and also deliberately infecting him with a deadly disease that made him want to kill himself. He didn’t want anything to do with her after that . 
It actually makes me like Junpei a lot more to know he's sort of obsessively protective and dedicated to anyone he really forms an attachment to, not just Akane, so her endangering someone he considered family, especially a kid, actually pisses him off. 
Other than that aspect though, the characters in the second game didn’t really feel as strongas they were in the first game overall. I overall liked Lotus, Snake and Clover’s development in the first game, but in this game it’s like...Luna, Clover and Alice were okay? But just kinda eh. And everyone else was urgh.
Now we’re on the third game and i have no idea wtf is going on. Junpei is like emo/goth now and being mean to everyone, even Akane, and being like “LET’S JUST KILL PEOPLE YO”. Akane said something happened to him in the last year and he changed, so i guess at least it will be explained. JUNPEI’S IN A GOTH PHASE. Also the third guy in Akane and Junpei’s team looks just like Steve Rogers so I’ve named him Captain America (his real name is Carlos). Which just leads to me being very annoying when a lot of the dialogue ends up fitting that
Junpei to Carlos: So you’re like a hero of justice, aren’t you
Akane: (describes how Junpei used to be really nice and always like “I will rush 2 ur aid no matter what Akane”)
Carlos: He sounds like a hero from a comic book
Carlos: I don’t really date or hang out with people much...
I also tend to “enhance” Akane’s dialogue by having her mention constantly how she’s an asshole mastermind and I feel the game is better this way.
Akane: st-stop Carlos! I can’t possibly tell Junpei how I feel!
Akane: let’s solve this puzzle zero set
I don’t know how my gf puts up with me.
Anyway Junpei ended up getting like. decapitated in the fragment of the game we just played. also i guess we found his body parts all over the room before hand but Carlos kept insisting it was a model. WOULDN’T YOU BE ABLE TO TELL IT WAS REAL??? ESPECIALLY AKANE WHO HAS SEEN SEVERAL AND DESCRIBED THEM IN GRAPHIC DETAIL?
but nope. So upon this revelation Akane assumed Carlos killed Junpei. She was not at all impressed with his tragic “i have an ill little sister and America’s healthcare is fucked” backstory and WENT AFTER HIM WITH A CHAINSAW. I wanted to see if I could get an ending where she actually got him with the chainsaw but ended up making him improbably kill himself with an axe instead. WHOOPS.
And that’s where we are with this series. I’m glad I finally documented some of this because wow have these games been an overly convoluted wild ride. But kind of a cool one! We’ll see how things end.
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tumblunni · 7 years
How do I write an autistic villain without demonizing autism by accident? ;-;
I’m not really sure why you’re messaging this to me. I’m really sorry but I’m not an expert on like.. political stuff about autism stereotyping, just because I’m autistic. And it depends on which country you live in, I know that america has a far more visible sort of cultural presence for stereotypes, due to the whole Autism $peaks controversies. I dont live in america and I’m not super smart or anything, so yeah this is a disclaimer that this is just my opinion and you should probably research answers given by other people too. And maybe ask people about the specific circumstances of what you’re writing, like the context of the setting of the story and what the villain is like, etc. I’d be happy to chat to you about that if you need help! (but again, im no expert, lol)
My opinion on the subject is that having an autistic villain is perfectly fine, as long as you’re not villainizing autism. Like...* Don’t make the autism the reason theyre a villain.* Don’t make people scared of them because of the autism, rather than because they’re a villain.* Don’t treat their autistic traits as scary or inherantly villainous.* Don’t make anyone insult them for their autism and act like its justified because they’re evil.
And similarly its bad form to do any of that stuff in regard to any sort of minority really. An example that always bugged me is how Excellus from Fire Emblem Awakening is scary and evil because he’s a murderous monster, yet everyone in the game constantly insults him for the fact he acts ambiguously gay/transgender/effeminate. Like, there’s way too many jokes about people finding him ‘disgusting’ because of some random thing he can’t change, like a sexuality, race or mental illness which plenty of non-evil people have too! It also lessens his impact as a villain because the characters barely even address the actual villainous things he does, and he doesnt seem to have any motive at all. They just ride on the whole ‘the audience will find him gross’ thing as a crutch and forgot to bother writing a good villain.
Oh, and your concerns are indeed valid, yo! Sometimes it is important to think about the context you created a character in, even if you didnt intentionally create any negative messages within your writing.It’s just that the case where a character will be seen as villainizing [minority trait] for being a villain... that’s kind of only in a very specific circumstance? its just that this specific circumstance is very very common in mass media nowadays.It’s ‘The Smurfette Principle’.If you only have one character of a minority in your cast, its easy for an uninformed audience to pick up messages that you’re saying ALL members of that minority are the same as them.If you only have one autistic character and he’s the villain, then you might accidentally be villainizing him. In a world where autistic characters being villainized for their autism is already very common, people could just assume you made them autistic for the same reason all those other writers did- because they think it’s ‘scary’. It feeds the stereotype even if you didn’t conciously intend it that way.
So a very very easy way to fix this problem is just to add multiple characters of a minority into your story, filling various roles from villain to hero to helpful npc. or anything you can think of!
Another good quick fix is to have your villain be autistic, but portray their autistic traits as sympathetic/relateable/a humanizing aspect of them. Not just portraying it as something neutral that doesnt make them scary, but going out of your way to add some scenes showing how they’re just like anybody else. Or even making it one of their redeeming traits!It doesn’t have to outright be something like ‘yo being autistic makes me inherantly good and childlike’, which is a stereotype all to itself, lol. But you could show them experiencing predjudice from another character, in a way that makes the audience sympathise. Honestly having a character attack them for being autistic instead of being a villain would be a good way to do this, as long as that character is actually shown as being wrong for what they’re doing. Or simply showing the villain having common autistic traits, facing common problems, doing common everyday things... that can be enough to portray autism positively. Have them shown doing this stuff outside of the situation of them being villainous. It makes them feel more human and less of an abstract symbol of evil. And because these small glimpses of normality are lightening the mood, they become seen as a positive aspect!
KIND OF AN OFFTOPIC TANGEANT SORRYJust my personal experience as an autistic kid experiencing this story... I personally headcanoned Cyrus from pokemon as autistic. Not because he’s ‘scary and emotionless’, but because his backstory was relateable to me as an autistic person. It’s said that his parents were emotionally abusive, and that he had nobody to turn to because everyone thought he was ‘a creepy kid’. And he was able to find solace by obsessing over repairing machines in his bedroom, and apparantly has trouble understanding people because they can’t be fixed as easily. Stuff like maths and science are kind of a stereotypical Special Interest for autistic children to be given in fiction, I guess because it makes you seem more intelligent when you obsess about that instead of video games, norse mythology, or collecting tiny novelty spoons from around the world XD (Yeah i was a weird kid.)So yeah sorry I went a little offtopic there, but the point is that it might have been by accident instead of intention but that villain has a lot of traits that read as autistic. And when i first played Diamond and Pearl I actually disliked him a lot because of that, I felt like they were villainizing someone who seemed relateable and potentially redeemable. I mean, he seemed pretty depressed too! Give that man some therapy! But when I played Platinum and got to learn his backstory I started to feel like the writers actually did want us to feel sympathetic to him, because of how all those ‘scary’ traits were presented so sympathetically. Like.. the backstory isn’t that he became evil because he was an autistic kid who did creepy things like obsess about machinery and suck at social contact. No, he became a villain because he was abused by his parents, him being ‘weird’ is just intended to make it clear here that he didnt deserve it. It makes him pitiable, it makes him relateable, it makes you feel so much more frustrated that nobody listened to him and saved him from that hell, and nobody even seems to remember him fondly, just because he was ‘weird’. And hell, even his ‘emotion is evil’ philosophy seems very relateable to me as an autistic child. It seems like he learned to seclude himself to avoid angering his parents. That’s the impression I got from his final scene in Platinum, where he finally acts angry at you for beating him, then gets angry at himself for expressing emotion and forces himself to go back to how he usually talks. I get a bit pissed off whenever I see fans of the series claim he actually IS emotionless, lol! This scene made it clear to me that this is just a guy who WISHES he was emotionless, somehow seeing it as the only way to be free of pain. Someone who struggles to deal with his own emotions, or feels like he’s disgusting when he expresses them. And this is VERY relateable specifically to an autistic kid who suffered from an abusive parent! “Quiet Hands” is a kind of common concept that autistic kids might experience, that’s the name for a popular ‘parenting technique’ that really fucks people up. Focusing on making your kid never ‘act autistic’, rather than actually helping them understand things. ‘Quiet Hands’ is specifically about slapping or smacking your kid whenever they show stimming behaviour. (Hand flapping being a common way this symptom can manifest.) We’re taught never to be too loud, and to always always have to restrain ourselves to avoid embarassing our parents. We have to try and learn how to act like ‘normal people’ and become scared of harmless parts of our own brain just because theyre ‘embarassing’, leading to even worse emotional problems as an adult. i mean seriously how is it logical to tell a kid who has troubles with social interaction that they shouldnt even practise it?? Plus its a huge mess to teach these kids to do way more emotional labour than neurotypical kids are expected to do, and then treat them like they’re below average intelligence for not being able to do twice as much as everyone else...
ANYWAY! That’s a thinG! Sorry I went rambling off there about how a particular fictional character touched my heart, lol!I just kinda wish he could be canonically autistic, or if I had similar canonically autistic characters to relate to, instead. So i think having more autistic villains can’t be bad, we’re so badly in need of more autistic characters in general! And villains have a unique perspective of being able to hit our emotions the hardest. I think its easier to cry over someone who has a sad backstory of how they became evil, compared to anything else!So yeah what I was trying to say before I went offtopic is that if the backstory is ‘became evil because autism’, then people will complain. But if the backstory is ‘became evil because someone mistreated them because autism’ then that’s a good way to make people sympathise with autism. Aaaaand I’m bad at explaining this, because autism XD Well, i mean, my personal symptoms and lack of diagnosis til I was an adult means that I’m still working on learning how to communicate correctly, I don’t mean every autistic person writes terrible tl;dr advice posts that degrade into pokemon XDOh man i feel embarassed now, you asked me such a polite question and I didnt know how to answer it very well...I just hope maybe I inspired you to go out and do more research, rather than putting you off with my nonsense!
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wendyopaque · 7 years
this is also thehambeverage for anyone wondering why tf agsp is tagging them in something
yo i was tagged by a peep by the name of @cotton-candy-confusion and this is basically one of those facebook thingys where you go and tag someone and they have to answer questions. so im gonna do that.
RULES: answer the questions and tag 25 people! LAST: [1] DRINK: i have a nice pokemon glass of brisk ice tea [2] PHONE CALL: m mudca :) [3] TEXT MESSAGE: it was actually to the group chat (kik group chat, if you want that information msg me and ill let u in; its atl related usually) about how my next project is going to be a self-driving barbie jeep [4] SONG YOU LISTENED TO: willingly: citizens of earth by neck deep. unwillingly, however, was the meow mix remix 10 hour version [5] TIME YOU CRIED: despite the fact i wanted to all day long, i actually didnt. so it was a few nights ago because i had a dream that everything that happened today happened and i was so frustrated i started crying HAVE YOU EVER… [6] DATED SOMEONE TWICE: i havent even dated someone once really [7] BEEN CHEATED ON: no [8] KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: the only person ive ever kissed (well, kissed by) was mark hoppus and i dont regret [9] LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: yes [10] BEEN DEPRESSED: yeah, in fact i just woke up from a 7 hour depression nap [11] GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: ive never been drunk but one time i made really good grilled cheese but then it wasnt so good because i gave myself food poisoning and threw up for three days LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] green [13] more green [14] did i mention green IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] MADE NEW FRIENDS: YES AND I LOVE THEM ALL [16] FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: no but this reminds me of the line in romeo and juliet where romeo is just like im out and either benvolio or mercutiois just like out- oF LOvE???? and romeo is like hell no wft [17] LAUGHED SO HARD YOU CRIED: lots of times [18] FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: i mean no but would i care really probably yes because i care about my reputation but also maybe not [19] MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: i think everyone changes me because i want to absorb everyones good qualities and become The Best [20] FOUND OUT WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS ARE: everyones my true friend i love people [21] KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: no [22] HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: all of them except hunter, but he just wants to be my friend on fb so i can send him 8 ball pool gifts [23] DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: my dogs birdie, jared, and sugar and my dads dog miss noodles 8^) [24] DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: my real name is actually p good (its marissa) because ican get away with you guys calling me meech because it starts with an m [25] WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: invited my pals to my humble abode and we tried to watch a horror movie but like a really crappy one but it was so bad no one was interested [26] WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: i woke up at 5:30 am to meet bright and early with my rov crew but i woke up from my depression sleepytime junction at 11 [27] WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT: trying to unlock the bathroom door with a pair of scissors [28] NAME SOMETHING YOU CANNOT WAIT FOR: starting the self driving barbie jeep!!!! [29] WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER: at like 5 when she picked me up from the competition [30] WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: im actually really happy where i am now ü (thats a creepy smiley face) [31] WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: i have an episode of malcolm in the middle playing in the background rn [32] HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: wtf [33] SOMETHING THAT GETS ON YOUR NERVES: when my step father parks his truck too close to the gate so i have to move the entire gate in order to take the dumb trash bins out [34] MOST VISITED SITE: more than likely cool math 4 kids [35] ELEMENTARY: ew i was really into ghost hunters and never brushed my hair and was just embarrassing in general [36] HIGH SCHOOL: so far, i really like it [37] COLLEGE: not even sure yet but hopefully my SATs turn up good later on down the road and some school wants me [38] HAIR COLOR: green but theres this blue strip in it and its weird [39] LONG OR SHORT HAIR: short [40] DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: 👀 [41] WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im really funny and i have nice legs [42] PIERCINGS: i have one ear pierced and contrary to popular belief it is not the detroit red wings logo [43] BLOOD TYPE: im not sure which is really bad [44] NICKNAME: mostly meech but irl ppl call me misha/misho and rissa [45] RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single [46] ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius [47] PRONOUNS: she/her [48] FAV TV SHOW: hmm probably bobs burgers [49] TATTOOS: none [50] RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right FIRST… [51] SURGERY: never had one! [52] PIERCING: m ears [53] BEST FRIEND: i think her name was hannah or some shit idk it was first grade [54] SPORT: im not a sports kid im a competitive robot kid [55] VACATION: rogers city 2002!! [56] PAIR OF TRAINERS: what are trainers RIGHT NOW… [57] EATING: nothing [58] DRINKING: only my favorite beverage, orange juice [59] IM ABOUT TO: go to costco and mooch off of their free samples [60] LISTENING TO: the blink-182 cover of dead mans curve [61] WAITING FOR: seamus to follow me back on twitter (hes being a little bitch rn) [62] WANT: seamus to follow me back on twitter (fuck u seamus) [63] GET MARRIED: sure [64] CAREER: whatever i can get tbh. ideally something in construction/engineering WHICH IS BETTER… [65] HUGS OR KISSES: smorch [66] LIPS OR EYES: lips [67] SHORTER OR TALLER: ??i want to be taller?? [68] OLDER OR YOUNGER: older ?? (are these supposed to be abt like someone romantically or??? idk??) [69] ROMANTIC OR SPONTANEOUS: spontaneous [70] NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: really i dont mind [71] SENSITIVE OR LOUD: i guess sensitive ? [72] HOOKUP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship !! i love commitment [73] TROUBLEMAKER OR SENTIENT: GIVE ME A SENTIENT SUPER POWER BOYF / GIRLF HAVE YOU EVER… [74] KISSES A STRANGER? hoppus <3 [75] DRABK HARD LIQOUR? nope [76] LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES? but always found them in the end [77] TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: nope [78] SEX ON FIRST DATE? with what dats [79] BROKEN SOMEONES HEART? hopefully not [80] HAD YOUR OWN HEART BROKEN? nope [81] BEEN ARRESTED? no but i thought the lady at speedway was going to call the cops on me because she seemed really mad i was getting a slurpee and it made me anxious [82] CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED? of course [83] FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: hyperventilates 👀👀👀 DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] YOURSELF? always have always will [85] MIRACLES? yes!! [86] LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? no [87] SANTA CLAUS? no [88] KISS ON FIRST DATE? smorch [89] ANGELS? yes OTHER… [90] CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME: i have like 8 million bffjills i cant name them all [91] EYE COLOR: green [92] FAVORITE MOVIE: THE SHINING ☝️☝️☝️
i dont know/have 25 mutuals so heres all the people who immediately come to mind:
@carbonatedbeveragecurtis @dinotyler @a-percious-fandom-cinnamon-roll @amerrickancandy @notanordinarybandgeek @gloogle @flannelbarakat @jack-bracket
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I used to day dream about her. I'm sitting there, in 2nd period math, in my chair, and the lecture currently underway is merely a background murmur. I'm not in the class, I'm laying on my back in a grassy field looking up at the clouds with her, and were smiling. "Uh HuM?!" No, I'm in fact in 2nd period math.I want to tell her how I feel. I go through these scenarios in my mind, endlessly. There she is, its time. "Hi Lani, I like you. Can we hang out?"...."no, I kind of have a boyfriend".I'm crushed. I had thought of this moment for weeks, months even. What was wrong with me? How could I be so stupid to not know she had a boyfriend? What makes him better than me? She doesn't want me.This theme continued for me. In high school I blossomed. I joined the football program as well as track and field and went on to be a first team all league two way starter I was champion middle distance runner as well. I was tall, and super fit, and handsome. I had one girlfriend my whole high school experience and it lasted 3 weeks, and I kissed her one time. I was terrified of being rejected.College was similar. I played football, was a team captain, biology major, smart, handsome, and was utterly ineffective with any woman. I was the worlds leading specialist in the "crash and burn" approach. It was soooo hard for me to talk to women. The fear of being rejected and confirming that I am somehow flawed to the point of utter unwantedness was always there. I fact, even at victory house parties for the football players, I was there feeling lonely and having to drink a lot of beer to build some semblance of courage. Mainly the drinking was to silence the inner monologue of doubt. From time to time the stars would align and I would go for it. "Hi, I'm Nate. How are you doing tonight?" Sounds like a normal question. To me, it was like an alien probe sent out to detect even the smallest indication of interest. I'm holding it together, and I'm hoping we can get to phase 2. Phase 2 would be actually talking, as that would mean she may possible be interested, and maybe down the line, she may want me. Well, what usually would happen is that my anxiety would gradually build up, and I would be trying to make jokes to keep the conversation going while also assessing her every gesture, glance, and movement as to ascertain what she maybe thinking and in particular, how she might be feeling about me. And BOOOM. It would happen. The balloon of hope I had inflated by having her stand there interacting with me would pop. "Hey, you seem really nice, but I'm going to go find my friends now. Have fun, nice meeting you". Yep, truly unwanted. Another rejection.You know, for those "ugly" people that imagine this easy world for the attractive folks, I can say from my perspective that I would never wish to actually be ugly, but on some level I thought it would be easier. For me, to know I'm good looking, tall, and have a lot going for me, and to still be unwanted, that rejection and failure was about the essence of ME. I as a person was broken. I wasn't short, I wasn't fat, but I was flawed as a human being in some unknown way that I could not overcome with all the effort in the world. All the jokes. All the beer. Do you feel sorry for me? No. Good, me neither.Well, I have come to wake up to something really big. I have come to understand the nature of rejection, and in a way that has provided me freedom from the experience of being rejected. It doesn't remove the risk in life, and it doesn't guarantee any results, but it has freed me from ever living in the impact of getting told no in my life. That I can put myself out there, get told no, and not in anyway invalidate that no. In fact, when I think about it this way, I find some delight in being told no because I get to experience the utter triumph over who I used to be in this regard. That being told no doesn't have to mean im not wanted. It doesn't mean im not good enough. It doesn't mean that I can't have what I want in my life. No just means No. It's someone saying no to whatever I proposed, and that is very much separate from any judgements I make about myself.Everyone can relate to the experience of rejection. Everyone. But the question I present to you now is can you relate to being free from the experience of rejection? Not many can, because many people don't see rejection as simply and experience as I have come to. You live as if rejection is something that is actually happening. Go back to my first experience. What did Lani say to me? She said she maybe has a boyfriend right? Well then, who said that means that I'm not good enough? Who said that I am not wanted? Who said I'm hurt? Who said that I was rejected? Did Lani say those things? Did she intend to hurt me? No and no. So what I experienced was real, but only real as an experience. Lani had a boyfriend! She couldn't say yes to me>Do you know that most people fear being asked out because they hate having to say no? They feel pressure because they are aware of this human phenomenon called "rejection". Yet for the person being "rejected" they almost feel victimized. In fact, many harbor anger towards people who they feel rejected them.When you really look at the world of rejection, you see that someone is putting their whole identity at stake in a loaded invitation. Their emotional status, sense of self, future, happiness, it is all riding on the response of someone you barely know and doesn't know you other than whatever sentences you create. In this world where rejection happens out there and is real, your sense of self now requires no freedom for anyone else. You depend on a yes, and so subconsciously are applying the pressure to the other person who you are now dependent on to feel okay. IF they say yes, you will be overcome with joy or excited, and if they say no you maybe devastated or disappointed. Do you think this has any impact on the other person? Do you think that they may experience a loss of freedom in this scenario, even if not full aware of why this feels a little awkward? How many people take that No and have it be positive? How many actually feel hurt, embarrassed, or disappointed and try to win and oscar by stuffing that feeling and looking like they are okay? Like, no, that didn't bother me. I'm fine. In fact I'm so fine and dandy, ill spend the next few weeks showing you I'm not at all affected by ignoring your existence and being "happy" whenever I see you.So in the world of rejection, there are billions of opportunities to feel rejected, and people start to slow down. They stop going for it. They don't want to feel that pain, and they start to reduce their goals. They lower their standards. They pretend to not want things so they can avoid having to put themselves out there to get them. And, they think that rejection is real. Its out there waiting for them.I will say this, and some may get it. Rejection is ONLY real as an experience. It is a valid experience, and its shared almost universally in its many possible forms. It is however not real in the world, that rejection does not come from others. It is merely and interpretation, one that we are all individually responsible without exception for creating for ourselves. In fact, most people are not saying no to your whole being. It just no i don't want to get coffee late. It's just no, we are not hiring. It's just no, I don't find you attractive as a preference. IF someone truly intends for you to feel the sting of rejection when you ask them out, would what that sick person thinks of you really matter? What kind of a sociopath would conjure ways to inflict people with all of those feelings? And why on earth would you even care what that really hurt person thinks? Wouldn't them being that way warp them enough to no qualify to have any opinion.Its funny how when a new relationship forms, we have this consensus that tells us there has to be some time that passes before anyone truly knows each other. So saying I love you is off limits maybe for months, as nobody can know someone in only a week or two even if they dated everyday. IF that is the case, then why would you feel entirely crushed when someone you have known for 3 minutes has said they don't want coffee with you? How can that person really reject you? How can their choice actually define you in anyway, or have any meaning about you? Does that NO alter your credit scores? Does it retroactively change your GPA? Does it force you to miss payments on you car? Does it mean you cant be trusted to pick kids up at soccer practice? Does it affect the quality of the scrambled eggs you can make? Does it change the trajectory of your career? You feel like you lost something in life, but did you? No, you just made an effort to create something new, and it didn't happen. You lost nothing. So the experience you have is in fact not at all grounded in what is happening. It is a valid experience, but it is nonetheless not real other than as and experience. Its a phenomenon that only exists as a projection onto life, and you have mistaken it as life itself as if rejection has been actually happening. Nope, it never happened actually. It only occurred to yo to happen. It seemed to happen to you. But you in a sense said all those things about you. Even if someone said them, or highlighted some reason to reject you, they didn't make the impact. You had to give agreement to that to create the experience of rejection.The question is, what does life look like when NO is no longer experienced as "rejection" but rather simply experienced as NO? What if you can take NO and experience disappointment, but not ever rejection? What if you could actually try this today? Go deliberately try to get a NO just to notice what YOU make No mean. What happens to someone when No simply means No? It's powerful. You give up resisting no, and many of them become a yes as you take the pressure on the other away. You take the attachments away. Your reaction to NO is refreshing and can be surprising even. When you can take no as just no, you will have more freedom to get back on track with what is important to you, and start to look at how many goals or things you said you loved or wanted in life you have pretended to move on from. How many things have you given up on in life just by fearing being told no? And this whole time you have lived like that rejection was out there, and in a sense, have been dominated by that concern to a point where you have stopped yourself.No means No. The rest is your interpretation. You can keep it. Its valid and real for you. But, you are the sole author of that interpretation. Nobody else. When you start to accept no, and you can give up the ideas around rejection actually happening to you, you will have freedom and you can start to try to get as many NOs as possible because it is also inevitable that you would get that YES that would make the difference. So go and try to get a no. It doesn't mean anything about you. Being able to be with no, that is power. via /r/dating_advice
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