#if i could afford it i would absolutely hire other people to do things for me lmao.. obviously i would still have to draw concept sketches
staenless · 2 months
Steddie lunchbox fic I joked about but then people liked it so now I'm. I'm write it now.
"Hey, Munson!"
Eddie ducked his head down before the blow could hit. Tommy Hagan was one of those men who never outgrew his highschool jock phase, and seemed intent on dragging the rest of the world into his football role playing; not so gentle head smacking included.
He blow never came, instead the heavy metal thunk of a lunchbox landed on his desk. He chanced an eye open, and took in the neat black tin box, no two boxed which stacked perfectly and were secured in place with a patterned cloth. He opened the other eye and instead looked to Tommy, waiting for some sort of explanation.
"the missus packed it up for me," the younger man explained, his eyes off to the side where some co-workers were gathering to make lunch plans, "real pain if I'm honest, how about you take it off my hands for me?" Then he grinned down at Eddie and clapped his should, too hard, like they were regular old office pals.
It wasn't like they were office enemies, per se, but Eddie had a distaste of Tommy and while the feeling certainly seemed mutual they were srupid enough to let petty distaste interfere with their pay checks. Eddie would certainly never do Tommy any sort of favour if it wasn't by obligation to his working contract, and Tommy had certainly phrased this as if it was a favor so... So Eddie instinct screamed to rebuff him.
Except it was lunch time, and Eddie was hungry, and he hadn't packed his own lunch because his fridge had probably three things in it max and he couldn't afford to go out to eat since most of his paycheck had already been dolled out to rent, his uncle, his savings, and he only had money for absolute necessities. Even as he sat in indecision he could feel his stomach writhing and slithering in on itself. Shit, had he forgotten breakfast to?
"Sure," he responded, and then quickly tacked on,"man." There was a moment of silence that made Eddie feel like he ought to crack a joke, but Tommy seemed to decide for them both that was a bit chummy, even for his sports team larping. Instead he landed a solid whack, right where the last one had landed, then spun around and jogged to catch up with the other Alphas on their way out to lunch.
The office had emptied out in the span of their conversation and now cubicles sat still with their roller chains sprawled haphazardly as if evacuated in some emergency instead of a quick shuffle in hopes of skipping the worst of the lunchtime queues. Eddie decided to forgo the company cafeteria and instead snatched a pack of cigs out his backpack and scooped up the packed lunch. He could eat on the roof, since the fire doors alarm hadn't worked since he was hired and nobody bothered going up there in the heat of the day.
It wasn't that Eddie was exceptionally antisocial at work, or loathed ALL his coworkers. He actually had a few friends, Jeff and Gareth in the IT department would tolerate him during lunch breaks, and they'd even met up a few times outside of work. They were cool, he liked spending time with them, might even call them friends in a month or two. But spending all morning on the top floors, in marketing and branding and surrounded by other Alphas, Eddie probably wasn't much fun to be around at the moment.
The corporate world and Alphas went together like honey and ants. The opportunities to compete and peacock were nigh endless, not to mention doing well wouldn't net you a hefty income for some extra peacocking on the side. Eddie wasn't like that, his Alpha didn't operate that way. So much so even he had been surprised when his second puberty hit and he dropped fang and knot. The kids at school had snickered and called him a half-bit Alpha, while others said he only presented that way because his sole guardian was a lone omega. It had hurt at the time, but looking back Eddie couldn't help but laugh. Maybe he was a half-bit, maybe he presented wrong because of some base instinct to protect his uncle. He certainly didn't prance around like the other alphas did, bickering and shoving like little kids fighting over a toy.
But maybe that was the joke Tommy was playing on him, Eddie thought as he popped the lunchbox and saw the note sat neatly to the side. Maybe Eddie was too much of a bitch-Alpha to get a mate, while Tommy with all his flouncing and team player make belive had someone waiting at home, making him lunches and writing sweet love notes signed with a kiss. Maybe the joke was to give Eddie a taste of something he could never have.
Goodluck with work today, please bring home some avacados for guac. Love you - Steve.
Eddie stared at the note in his trembling hand. He could smell the omega- Steve - from where his lips had pressed to the paper. Unmated. Surprising, but not unusual. Plenty of couples got married first, then sealed the bite later on. Some Yuppie thing that Eddie was far too romantic to entertain. If you loved someone, wouldn't you want that commitment forever? But the again, Tommy and his sneer around the word "missus" gave Eddie the impression he wasnt the "forever" sort. Further more, a male Omega? Most people were somewhat hesitant to be associated with one, if not outright hostile to their very existence. Far too rare to be ordinary, and far too Omega to be respected male Omegas were almost never on an up and coming Alphas radar of potential mates.
Eddie slipped the note into his pants pocket, and lit his cigarette before turning back to the lunch box. Black oval tins, two stacked and tied with a floral cloth. A bento, he realised, he'd seen it on the cover of house and home in the checkout line. The hot new craze in lunchboxes. Tha made him snicker a little. The floral cloth seemed odd, and stuck out against the black metal. The material was smooth and soft, like brand new. Huh. The tins themselves had some scuff marks, and one had a dent on its edge that spoke of a life of use. He set them down, side by side, on the laid out cloth. It looked fancy, but also surprisingly homey and inviting. It looked delicious.
The Omega- Steve had outdone himself. The top tin contained two halves of a prego roll stuffed to bursting with marinated shredded chicken. The meat was cradled between lettuce leaves to keep the bread from going soggy, and Eddie could catch sight of some glistening tomatoe slices in there. The second tone had an orange, peeled with each slice individual cleaned of any white hairy bits and laid on a bed of some gummy fruit candy. Apple sliced were laid in a separate tin, still shinning with lemon juice and not a spot of brown to be seen. Slid neatly into the side, half hidden, has the familiar pink white of coconut ice for desert.
Eddie could feel his mouth watering. Holy shit, did Tommy eat like this everyday? And if he did what was wrong with him that he'd give it up for some second rate slop at a restaurant? Breathing deeply he could smell the food, but beneath that something else, something tempting. Steve, his hands delicately pulling the chicken from the bone, slicing the tomatoe, cradling the bread as he buttered it, his nails catching and pulling off every white part from the orange slices. His hard work, his effort, laid before Eddie like some sort of worshipful offing. He felt high when he bit down on the orange slice, the caress of it's soft inner skin along his gums, like a kiss. The burst of flavour on his tongue, sweetness invading his sense so all he could see was orange orange orange leaving the bitter taste of citrus. He could taste, most importantly, beneath it all. God he could taste Steve. He could taste his love.
"Oh, thanks man," Tommy didn't look up from his computer as he said it, just kept tying away. "No problem man," Eddie mumbled back, eyes fixed on the lunchbox and he's straightened it on the other alphas desk. Every crumb had been kicked up, every smear of sauce sucked away. But placed gently, reverently, back in the top box was the love note. Eddie wanted to give Steve something in return, to thank him for sharing something so magical, so special with him. In the end he'd decided against it, could work up the courage to indirectly challenge Tommy like that. Instead, he'd pressed his lips tightly to where Steve's had once been, before returning it to its rightful owner.
The words Love You sat nestled in the tin as Eddie walked away.
Part 2 exists now
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AITA for debating hiring outside help for my husband and I's house because we can't keep up alone?
For context: My (26 Fae ftm) husband (28M) live very happy and healthily together. While I'm unable to medically transition due to a bunch of reasons we'll get to, he has been nothing but a solid rock in my life and the one person that has always been on my side. Through dragging me out of an abusive household to helping me with my chronic illness, he's been an absolute angel despite dressing like the devil himself (he's goth). So I don't want any hate on him.
He is ADHD and I'm Autistic. Yes, hello, we are that couple~♡ This does cause us some issues tho as he is unmedicated and I'm just struggling in general with sensory issues for certain chores. So far we keep each other some what afloat, having him do chores that my sensory issues can't handle and my doing ones he can't focus through.
However, as previously mentioned I'm chronically ill. I won't get into many details but it's basically I'm internally bleeding at random intervals. And before people think I'm talking about just my period, no it's so bad that I have once had to go to the ER for a blood transfusion due to this internal bleeding and had times when I was bleeding for over 4 months straight.
My husband and I because of this condition are pretty much struggling financially. I can work but it makes me extremely fatigued since I'm essentially working with constant Anemia. It gets bad enough some days that he can't wake me up without over an hour of effort, even after I've slept 10hrs. The fatigue is REALLY bad. He works just as much as I do, sometimes more because his work is so shortstaffed and he likes to pick up extra shifts to try and save up for the surgery that would hopefully fix everything.
This has culminated though in us both being extremely exhausted near 24/7 for the last year-ish but we have finally hit a break. I recently got a huge pay increase (nearly $200 a week increase) so we are hopeful for the first time in months. We're starting to pay down my extreme medical debt and being able to just go get dinner when he doesn't want to cook.
Here's where I may be kind of TA... Despite this hope, my condition recently did get worse. I've now gone another 3 months still bleeding and having to suffer my Anemia symptoms and medication. This has caused me to fall massively behind on what should be my chores, and while my husband doesn't begrudge me it, it has caused our home to start becoming very, very unhygienic. As someone who grew up with a clean freak mother, it kinda upsets me. He's focusing more and more on me and less on the house so even his chores are falling behind too.
None of that is his fault. He loves me so much he wants to help Me first but it has gotten to where we are both going "we really need to clean the house..." but neither of us have enough battery to do so. Me becuz of my condition and he becuz he's stuck caring for me.
We have enough that we might be able to afford to hire a cleaning service to help us out, but it would cost us some of the freedom and paying down medical bills. I think it'd only be a temporary thing, once I recover from my current episode, we can probably get better... but I don't know how long it will be.
On top of this I'm worried paying for this service will further put off my surgery as we struggle to save up for it again... We've already had to tap into that savings cuz my current episode lost me 2 days at work.
Is it unfair for me to ask to use our new extra money for essentially my not wanting to have to bother doing basic chores? I know I'm tired but I've lived with it so long I could and should probably just push through.
What are these acronyms?
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neko-loogi · 6 months
Alright, I'mma give my opinion again. This time with Hazbin Hotel..
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So I saw the trailer for Hazbin Hotel a few days ago and honestly, I am so disappointed. Like, you're telling me I waited years for them to release a trailer for the series, and this is all we get??
I'm not saying it wasn't enough, no, on the contrary, I think they revealed way too much. But what I mean is, I was expecting something else, because this ain't it, chief.
Alright so first off, we have the voices. I'mma be hella honest with y'all, this shit sounds unfinished, as in, it sounds like Viv got confused and published the behind the scenes instead of the finished product because omfg, the voices sound bad.
I genuinely don't understand the weird obsession Viv has with hiring celebrities or broadway actors into her shitty shows, it's not like she's rich enough to afford that- plus she does this often, doesn't that mean it affects the budget of the show? (I don't know much about that stuff so bear with me).
It's funny cuz, she hires these super famous celebrities to voice characters in her shows, but she doesn't need to, like, you can be a professional, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're a great VA. It almost feels like she does that because she wants to feel important, she wants to show off like "Oh look at me, I have celebrities voicing my characters! Aren't I cool?"
But anyway, going back to the voices, I have to say this, my least favorite are Alastor and Angel Dust. I just think it's absolutely ridiculous that Viv got rid of the pilot VAs just to replace them with broadway actors, only for them to make the characters sound flat and emotionless.
Like, it's funny because she makes these broadway actors imitate the voices from the pilot, however it doesn't come naturally for these actors and it shows. It almost feels like they have no idea what they're doing. It legit sounds like they're reading the script but not putting any effort into it. (Y'know how people shit on anime dubs because they don't sound good or whatever? That's exactly how I feel about this-).
The next thing I wanna talk about is the animation. Don't get me wrong from what I've seen, in some moments the animation looks alright, but other times it looks choppy as hell. I thought this show was supposed to be more 'professional' since they literally got A24 and Bento Box ent. for this. But yeah, all I can say is, the animation hasn't changed at all, the only thing that is slightly different is the art style but aside from that, the animation still sucks.
And finally, the last thing I wanted to discuss is the plot of the series. So as we all know, in the Pilot, it was established that Charlie (along with Vaggie) opened the Happy Hotel in hopes of redeeming sinners so that they can go to heaven because Hell was too overpopulated (plus the whole extermination thing). But the whole point of the plot was that she wasn't entirely sure she could actually do it or if it was even possible, and that's what made the plot more interesting back then. But here? It's absolute garbage. Not only did the trailer basically reveal way too much information already (before the series could even come out yet), but the plot was changed entirely!
Like I mentioned, Charlie's motives were to redeem sinners, but here she's more focused on having some kind of war with heaven/the angels. And that's the thing, now that we know that heaven is a thing in this series, plus the inclusion of Adam, it just makes the series feel so predictable, because now we know that the sinners can be redeemed, which beats the entire purpose of the show. It's like, "Hell bad, but heaven is worse" and "Good VS. Bad!!", cliche type of thing. You think a series 'made for adults' would have a more interesting plot than a kids show, but nah, we get these basic ass levels of writing. I swear a fucking five year old could come up with something better and far more creative than this nonsense-
So yeah, I'm honestly hella disappointed that this is what the series has turned into. I had high hopes for Hazbin Hotel (since Helluva ain't shit-), but nope, it turns out, Viv is capable of making herself look even more stupid by completely butchering her own series. Hell, I actually have Amazon Prime, but I am probably not even gonna watch this shit, I'll just wait till some dumbass on YouTube uploads the first episode or something stupid like that (so that I can watch it and critique it later). Because I know that someone definitely will.
Anyway, that's all for today, thank you for reading my dumb post- alright bye!
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Heeeyyy I really love your stories!! <3 can I request hobie being a runway model and reader being fashion designer for him. I been thinking about the fact he said he was briefly a runway model and I can’t get it out my head. I dunno what direction you’d want to take the story in if u wrote it but im pretty sure I’d b great! :) (sorry about the vagueness)
hi babes, thank you soo much you're so sweet:')) also so sorry this took so long!!
hobie brown x reader
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warning: mention of pins/needles
wc: ±1100
a/n: don't really like how this came out might rewrite it later on. not fully proofread.
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You didn't consider yourself any Westwood or McQueen just yet, but even the best had to start somewhere, right? It just so happened that your "somewhere" would be the old community hall in your neighborhood. This would be your very first fashion show, not something you took very lightly. This could make or break your almost nonexistent career, so it was important that everything was absolutely perfect.
Planning this had been an absolute pain; trying to find an affordable venue that wasn't on the verge of complete degradation, finding a way to decorate said venue accordingly, promoting and hunting for possible columnists and other industry players to invite, along with a million other things.
One of the most important aspects were models; the people who ultimately would be representing your brand. The only problem was that you didn't have money to hire any people, much less approach an agency, so you had to get creative. You had held "auditions" in your neighborhood; basically asking your friends and other people if they'd like to model for you.
You were upfront, admitting that you would not be able to pay them properly. People were reluctant at first; the idea of no compensation turning some away, but after a few days you managed to find and recruit a handful of people to help you, most of them being friends and people you knew from scool. Things were looking good, and your project was on the right tracks so far.
You were running around in your apartment-turned-studio, frantically searching for the tracing wheel you had lost once again, when you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to find a tall and lanky young man, hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Heard you're looking for models," was all he said in a low deep voice and you raised your brows. "Y'know I can't pay you right?" you said, and he nodded in reply. "Long as the clothes look good I don't care," he said.
After first glance, you already knew he'd be a showstopper. He just looked perfect for a runway; you could already imagine the way your pieces would fit him. That's how you had met Hobie, how you gained a model, a muse, aswell as a friend.
It still shocked you just how much you've managed to pull off in these few months leading up to the big event. The whole thing had been one big family-friend initiative; everyone stepping in to help where they can.
Your old roomate, who worked at a hair salon had asked her colleagues to help with doing every model's hair. She had a friend who worked as a beautician in a salon, who had asked her colleagues to help with everyone's make-up. The choreographer had been your aunt, courtesy of her "certified pageant mom" status. The lighting and sound provided by a friend who worked as a part-time DJ at some dingy club. He had smuggled some equipment to use for the night.
The small closet rooms that served as backstage facilities were packed with people doing make-up, running around in robes and adding all the final touches.
When the time came for everyone to get dressed, you were running around like a headless chicked, hemming a few pieces here and there and filing down slippery shoes, even having to calm one of the girls down due to an anxiety attack.
"How does that feel? Comfortable?" you asked pulling and adjusting at the top of Hobie's outfit, trying not to restrict his airflow. "Good," was all he said. "Are you nervous, superstar?" he asked, as you worked on a piece of stubborn material at the back of his pants. You scoffed quietly at the stupid nickname. "Yes," you answered truthfully, "there's a few important people out there. If they like what they see, they'll be writing articles. Articles mean exposure, and I really need that right now." You laughed nervously.
"But it's gonna be great," you added, moving away from his pants and taking a moment to admire your work, albeit from behind. "because I have my showstopper right here, and he looks incredible," you added with a smile. He turned around, giving you a coy smirk in return. "You outdid yourself love," he said, looking down at his attire, "on your way to becomin' the new Westwood, yeah?"
You scoffed at his comment. "C'mon you have to go line up," you said.
The show itself was absolutely perfect. You watched backstage with bated breath as each model disappeared through the dark curtains, then like clockwork returned, some to change into new pieces, then fall back in line.
Hobie had both opened and closed for your show, and by the end of the night when everyone stood in applause, he and your mother had urged you to go on stage to give your final bow. You thought it was corny, but you humored them, walking onto the runway until you were visible and giving everyone a wordless thank you, before making your way backstage once again.
You had thanked every single person who worked with you, giving everyone a warm embrace aswell as thanking them profusely for their hard work. When you finally got to thank Hobie, you wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a fat kiss right on the apple of his cheek. "You," you started, pulling him away from your embrace, but keeping his shoulders in your two hands, "stole the fucking show."
He laughed lightly, shrugging dismissively. "You're the one that made this possible," he said, and you flashed him a megawatt smile, the adrenaline from the night pumping through your body.
"Y'know, there were a few casting directors scouting here tonight," you said, "you might be getting a few calls soon, they'd definitely want to sign a catch like you." He only scrunched his face his dismissal. "Nah," he said, and you furrowed your brows. "I'm not committing myself to some agency, wouldn't want to leave you," he added.
He continued to work with you several more months; working closely with you when designing and creating your pieces, than modeling those same pieces. Your popularity grew, and with it the demand for him; numerous agencies looking to potentially sign him. When it all became too much, he decided to stop all together. You respected his decision, and still remained close with him. You still called him showstopper, and he still called you superstar.
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thornybubbles · 11 months
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The Jo-Foes) Diego (with Outlaw Reader)
**Note: Been a while I know. I’m not sure I have a great grasp on Diego’s character here, but I tried. If this seems rushed and jumbled I’m sorry. This particular story was cobbled together from two different ideas and it might seem a little weird. Sorry this took so long to get out, too. I’ve been occupied with other things lately. I also didn’t do much in the way of proofreading this, so I apologize for any grammar or spelling mishaps. I’ll fix any that I find later. I just wanted to get this one out there as I was overdue for another fic. The next chapter of “Kinder Than Love” will be out soon for those of you that follow that story. **
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Diego wasn’t too proud to admit to himself that he adored you. He should be angry at allowing himself to catch feelings when he had more important things to worry about. He had hired you in secret to keep tabs on Valentine and make sure that the underhanded politician kept his side of their bargain and didn’t do anything shady behind his back. He didn’t trust that frilly fop any more than he was willing to let Johnny Joestar win the race. Naturally, he couldn’t take part in the race while also keeping an eye on Valentine. You were also meant to spy on Joestar and Gyro and let him know what they were up to. Having you around had already made his life much easier... and a lot more fun.
Diego hired you due to your strange ability to hide in plain sight. You had no Stand that he was aware of, but you had an uncanny, almost supernatural ability to blend  into your surroundings in such a way that you could be standing right beside someone and they would never notice that you were there. Diego thought that you would make a wonderful assassin. Unfortunately you had no interest in such things. It was a shame. There were quite a few people on Diego’s “to be eliminated” list. Ah well. It was far better to handle one’s enemies on one’s own terms anyway. 
Diego admired your survivalist spirit. You were practically one with nature and exemplified the notion of “kill or be killed”. But you were willing to take a life only if it was absolutely necessary. It was the one flaw Diego saw in your otherwise perfect design. There were other little things that you did that drew him to you but the main thing about you that he loved was… a little bit twisted. 
He loved the fact that he had you trapped. You didn’t know it yet, but he had you in a deceitful snare that you would never, ever be able to escape from. You would not know the nature of that snare until many months into the race, when an unforeseen change in the weather and damage to the area due to the resulting storms caused the race to be postponed for a few days. 
It was then that you met the strange, but sweet soul who you came to know as Mr. Le Mans. While you prided yourself on your ability to be unnoticeable even in a crowd, Le Mans noticed you when no one else did. Every time he stepped into the saloon where you were having your meals, his eyes would zero in on you. He would come over to your little corner where you hid to have your meals, and the two of you would talk. 
At first it made you very uncomfortable. Diego had made it expressly clear that he didn’t want you talking to anyone. You were supposed to remain as a living shadow, moving through the crowds, blending in, and never doing anything to call attention to yourself. Not only that, but due to certain unpleasantness from your past, you couldn’t afford to have anyone get too close to you. You tried to get away from him a few times but, you found yourself beginning to crave the attention he gave you. 
It had been ages since anyone had a real conversation with you (that didn’t involve something shady). You found that you rather enjoyed talking about mundane things like the weather, food, and local landmarks. After years of living on the outskirts of society, never allowing yourself to mingle with others, and becoming something like a living ghost while surrounded by people, it felt nice to have someone do something as simple as notice that you were there. 
You didn’t realize how lonely you were until Le Mans entered your life. You’d only known him for a few days and already you were beginning to feel attached to him somehow. Diego was less than pleased. He walked into the saloon one day, spotted you and Le Mans sitting and chatting together, and gave you such a scathing look that you felt as if you'd actually been slapped. That night, he found you at your usual camping spot outside of town, and verbally ripped into you. 
“What the hell are you thinking?!” he hissed. “You’re supposed to be laying low, not getting chummy with the locals! If anyone realizes that you’re working with me, it could put all of my plans in jeopardy! You stay the hell away from the dandy or you’ll find yourself out of a job!” 
That’s what led to you meeting Le Mans in secret. What Diego didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you. Unfortunately for you, Diego did know. He knew all about you and Le Mans and your secret rendezvous. He also knew about how Le Mans pressed an adoring kiss to your lips at the end of each of your meetings. The thought of someone else kissing you caused him to go absolutely feral. The image of Le Mans’ filthy mouth tainting your precious lips played over and over again in his mind until his vision blurred and he could feel his teeth lengthening inside of his mouth. Even as he lurched into the wilderness, hunched over like a beast on the hunt, he couldn’t erase the image of your flustered face from his mind. 
They found what was left of Le Mans a day later. A bear got to him, so they said. You were stunned. Just as soon as you found the slightest spark of joy, life came along and snuffed it out completely. It was karma, you supposed. You didn’t deserve any joy really. Not after the things you’d done. Though, Le Mans didn’t deserve to die in such a way; partially eaten by some wild animal…. What a horrible way to go. You spent the next few days sobbing in your dark corner of the saloon. No one came to comfort you. No one even looked your way. It was like nothing changed. People passed you by as if you weren’t even there. You’d gone back to being unnoticed and overlooked. It didn’t bring you the feeling of safety that it used to. Now, you just felt miserable and more lonely than you ever thought possible.
The damage from the storms had finally been cleared and the Steel Ball Run race was no longer being delayed. Diego would be leaving the little town along with the other racers, and you would be expected to follow after him. And so you did. Your half blind mule was nowhere near as fast and agile as some of the race horses, but he made up for it with his ability to sniff out shortcuts through rougher terrain and his sure-footedness. If anyone spotted you they would assume that you were just some wandering vagrant and nothing more. They wouldn’t suspect you to be a spy or have anything to do with the Steel Ball Run race. They wouldn’t even bother to approach you, much less think to question you. 
It had been at least three days since you’d been back on the trail. Your mule managed to find a nice spot that overlooked the Joestar group’s camp and was situated in a way that prevented them from seeing your own campfire. From your vantage point, you could use your binoculars to watch what they were doing. While you were too far away to hear them, you could read their lips. So far Joestar was being sarcastic and the Zeppelli fellow was making jokes about his steel balls. So nothing special. You sighed, lowered your binoculars, and leaned back against a rock. You looked up into the starry sky and thought about Le Mans for the hundredth time that day. You’d been thinking about him alot lately. You’d only known him briefly, but got so attached to him in that short amount of time. You sighed again, closed your eyes for a moment, and did your best to choke back the tears. You wouldn’t cry again. It took so much out of you when you did. You missed Le Mans. You missed him very badly. You glanced back down at the Joestar group only to see that they had gone to sleep for the night. You may as well do the same. 
The sound of your campfire being stirred startled you. You turned to look to your right only to get startled again to see that Diego was sitting next to you, poking your fire with a stick. 
“M-Mr. Brando!!” You cried and he chuckled at your shocked expression. 
“Some spy you are.” he teased. “You let me sneak right up on you. Not only that, but you were letting your fire go out. You must be awfully distracted tonight if you’re that unaware of your surroundings.” 
He snapped the stick he was using to poke the fire in half and tossed it into the flames. Then he turned to you with a smirk. 
“Tell me what it is that has you so preoccupied.” he said, leaning towards you. 
You scooted back from him, feeling very uncomfortable. You didn’t know what it was but Diego’s presence had you on edge. He often visited your camp to hear what you had to say about either Valentine or Johnny Joestar, so it wasn’t as if his arrival was unusual… but something about him felt different tonight. He always seemed to have an air of danger around him, but tonight that air of danger felt downright deadly. You looked away from him, not willing to spill your personal thoughts to him. 
“I don’t have any information for you, tonight.” you said, attempting to change the subject. “Joestar and Zeppelli haven’t done anything out of the ordinary lately…” 
Diego interrupted you. 
“I didn’t come here to talk business. Not tonight.” he said. 
He moved around you so that he was once again in your line of vision. He was smiling in a way that made your stomach knot up. 
“W-what did you c-come to talk about then?” you asked, dreading the answer. 
“About us,” he answered. “About you and me…” 
You looked up at him in confusion. 
“About us? What about us?” You asked. 
“First let’s talk about you. I bet I can guess as to what you were thinking about before I snuck up on you…” 
And he was back on that topic again. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. 
“I don’t really want to talk about that.” you said. 
He ignored you completely. 
“You were thinking about that dandy boy again, weren’t you. What was his name again? Leemen? Layman?” 
“Le Mans,” you corrected. “Please, I really don’t want to talk about…” 
He cut you off again. 
“I know it must be hard losing someone like that. Especially, when you seemed so fond of him…” 
Your irritation flared and you stomped your booted foot on the ground. 
“Mr. Brando! I said I didn’t want to talk about it!” you shouted. 
“Shhhhhh,” he shushed you and suddenly he was holding your hands in his gloved ones, gently rubbing his thumbs against your knuckles. 
The action startled you and your anger was forgotten. His eyes had taken on a soft look that caught you off guard and shocked you into silence. Never since you’d known him had Diego Brando appeared soft or comforting in any way. He was either cold and calculating or a beacon of hate and rage. This was a side of him you’d never guessed existed. You made a slight attempt at pulling your hands out of his, but he used the opportunity to pull you closer to him. You found himself staring into his eyes for a moment. Finding the situation far too intimate, you turned away from him, staring at the ground instead. 
“Listen to me,” he began. “I understand. I do.” 
You looked back up at him. 
“Understand?” you questioned. 
He offered you a gentle smile.
“Yes. I understand what it means to lose someone, believe me.” he said and his eyes grew distant for a moment. 
“It’s not easy is it?” he said. 
“Mr. Brando… what are you getting at?” you asked. 
“You’re lonely, that’s what I’m getting at.” he said. 
You pulled yourself out of his grasp feeling that the situation was becoming a bit too intimate for your tastes. 
“Come now, don’t be that way.” he said with a light chuckle. 
He moved closer to you and you shied a little further away from him. 
“Fine, be the shrinking violet if you want, but hear me out.” he said, growing slightly annoyed with your standoffishness. 
“I know it’s been hard for you and I can’t imagine how it feels to have to skirt around on the outside of civilization unable to connect with anyone. You must feel like some kind of outcast. I can’t imagine how lonely it gets…” 
He took a single step closer to you and you froze. You understood now. You knew exactly what he was trying to say. In the time that you’d been working for him, Diego had become more and more “friendly” with you. Then came the complements, the gifts of supplies and equipment… it was Diego that bought you the binoculars that you’d been using. At the time you thought he was just giving you a means to better do your job, but when you thought back to some of his other behaviors, (how close he sat to you when he came to hear your reports, the pet names and out-of-nowhere complements, and the nasty looks he gave you when he saw you with Le Mans) you realized that there was far more to it than that. 
Diego was crushing on you. Very badly.
He suddenly had his arms around you and was pressing you into his chest. Panic rose into your chest and you tried to push away, but he tightened his hold on you. 
“If you stay by my side, you’ll never have to be lonely again.” he whispered into your ear. 
You managed to rip yourself out of his arms. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Brando,” you said, straightening yourself out and trying to quell the panic that was swelling up in your heart. “I just don’t have those kinds of feelings for you.” 
Diego's reaction was not what you expected. 
He stared at you with a blank expression for a moment before his lips stretched into a wicked grin. Then he laughed. He laughed and laughed until you started to become even more uncomfortable than you already were. After a few minutes of this, you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“What’s so funny?!” you demanded.  
Diego managed to reign in his laughter long enough to answer you.
“It’s funny…” he started, wiping tears from his eyes. “It’s funny because you think you actually have the right to refuse me.” 
You raised your eyebrows, stunned at the audacity of the statement. 
“Excuse me?” you said with disgust in your voice. Your panic was very quickly turning into anger. “Did you just say that I don’t have the right to refuse you?” 
Diego merely grinned at you. 
“I most certainly do have the right to refuse you! What makes you think YOU have the right to tell ME who I can and can’t refuse?” 
Diego’s grin seemed to stretch to the far reaches of his face for a split second and there was a flash of something utterly inhuman in his eyes. It shocked you right out of your tantrum. Your anger dissipated and slowly went back to panic. When Diego spoke again, your panic turned into pure horror. 
“No, you don’t have the right to refuse me, sweetheart.” he said in a mockingly soft tone. “You can’t refuse me, because if you do, a certain event from your past is going to make national news.” 
Event from your past? He couldn’t mean… Oh no. 
“Go on,” he said with a chuckle. “Ask me what I’m talking about.” 
No, no, he couldn’t be talking about that, you tried to reassure yourself. I’ll play dumb. I’m not going to let him know he’s affecting me…
“What ARE you talking about?” you asked, trying to keep your voice from shaking. 
“Oh nothing much.” he said. “Just a little bank robbery that happened a few years back… a bank robbery that you were involved in… a bank robbery that cost a little boy his life. Ring any bells?” 
He knew! 
He KNEW!!!
Eight years ago, before you got involved with Diego, you had been a part of a gang of criminals that terrorized the state. You left them after an incident that made you question everything that you’d done up to that point. It was just supposed to be a bank heist. You were supposed to go into the bank, wave some guns around, demand the money, and leave. You hadn’t expected the sheriff and a posse of deputized locals to show up and try to stop you. There had been a shootout in the streets. A child ran into the crossfire in a panic, trying to get to his mother. He was killed. Shot in the head… by you. You killed that child right in front of his mother. You panicked and fled, leaving your allies behind to fend for themselves. You didn’t escape unscathed, however. A bullet grazed the side of your face, mutilating your ear in a way that would instantly give you away if anyone saw the wound. It was the reason you always wore your hair down. It covered your mangled ear and prevented anyone from relating you to the robbery. 
At least you had hoped that it would. 
Stubbornly, you continued to play dumb. 
“I’m not sure what you could be referring to.” You said. “Though if I was involved in such a thing, you have no proof of it.” 
Diego cocked his head to the side in a playful manner. 
“Oh don’t I?” he said. 
Your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest and your body felt like someone had just doused you in ice water. 
“I remember reading about it in the paper. The sheriff said that only one of the robbers got away. But not before he shot them in the ear…”
Your blood ran cold. 
He reached out, pulling your hair away from your right ear. You were frozen to the spot. You could only look up at him with wide eyes as you began to tremble like a scared mouse. He examined what was left of your ear, making note of the scar across your head and your missing helix and antihelix. 
“Hmm.” he mused. “Not much left of it, is there? You poor thing. That had to hurt like hell…” 
His gloved fingers traced your scar. You shuddered and jerked away from him. You pulled your hair back over your injured ear and stared at him in horror. 
He snickered at your reaction.
“Pretty damning evidence, I’d say.” he said in a casual manner, while affixing you with a glare. 
“T-the kid got in the way!” you stammered. “It was an accident! I never meant to kill him!” 
“Do you think the law cares about that? In their eyes, you’re just a lowly child-killing criminal. You don’t deserve any sympathy. Just a trip to the gallows.” Diego said with a scoff. 
You were going to be sick. 
“I have a lot of connections, love. One word from me and you’ll be in a noose faster than you can blink. So, no, you don’t have the right to refuse me, dearest.” 
You shrank in on yourself, clutching the sides of your head and squatting down on the ground. Your eyes were wide and unfocused, staring at the ground, unable to see anything but the visions of encroaching doom floating around in your head. 
Diego grabbed you by your arms and pulled you to your feet. He wasn’t even going to allow you a moment to have a mental collapse. You found yourself, once again, forced to look at his smiling face. There was something different about him now though. His features seemed sharper, longer somehow and his eyes had taken on a strange yellowish color. You had to be seeing things. The shock of having your darkest secrets revealed must be messing with your head more than you thought. 
“Did you think that you could just run away from what you’d done and pretend that it didn’t happen? Did you think that the blood washed off of your hands over the years? No! Once a killer always a killer! You didn’t stop with the child, did you? You have quite a gallery of victims, don’t you?” 
Diego licked his lips and you felt like he was savoring your guilt and terror. 
“I had no choice!” You protested. “They got too close! They were going to find out who I was and what I did! I had to defend myself!!” 
Diego snickered sadistically. 
“Defend yourself against what? Your rightful punishment?” he mocked. 
Tears were streaming down your face now and you felt your knees go weak. The only thing keeping you upright was Diego’s hold on you. 
“How do you know these things?” you demanded. 
Diego shook his head. 
“I have my ways. Not that it matters…” he said with a sneer. 
“Why then? Why are you doing this to me?” 
“Because I own you.” Diego said with a hungry smirk. “I owned you from the moment you started doing my dirty work.” 
You looked up with him in horror. Just how long had he… felt this way about you? Was this his plan from the very beginning? Did he already know about your past in advance and mean to use it against you before you’d even met him?
You supposed that none of those answers really mattered. 
In the end this was probably what people called “karma”. 
You ran from your life of crime years ago hoping to put all of that nasty business behind you and start anew, but it wasn’t that easy. People came looking for you: lawmen, bounty hunters, people who were too nosey for their own good. Your life became one of paranoia and unrest. People were dead because of the decisions you made. A child was dead because of you. A mother was heartbroken because you took her child from her in an act of carelessness. If you had never decided to join up with that group of bandits all for the sake of relieving boredom and money woes, none of it would’ve happened. And you wouldn’t be here at the mercy of a one Diego Brando. 
You reap what you sow…
“Dry those tears,” he said. “It’s rather insulting that you act that way after I ask you to be mine. Really, you act as if being with me is a punishment or something.” 
He chuckled darkly and shoved you away from him. 
“I’ve got to head back to my own camp or Hot Pants will start wondering what I’m up to.” he said as he started to walk away. “We’ll talk about this another time. I wouldn’t try to run off if I were you. Sweet dreams, love.” 
He disappeared into the darkness, laughing lowly at your plight. 
You sat there on your knees wanting to scream in despair and frustration. You should never have gotten involved with a man like Diego. Even after you swore off involving yourself with crime or shady dealings, you still found yourself lured to men like him. Either they came to you or you stupidly sought them out for one reason or another. And now you were stuck being the unwilling romantic companion to a madman. 
You suddenly found yourself thinking of Le Mans again. 
You weren’t sure, but you had a sickening feeling that Diego was involved with his death somehow. You couldn’t forget the look he gave you when he saw you with Le Mans in the saloon. What you knew of Diego said that he was absolutely the type to kill a man out of jealousy. Still people said that Le Mans had died to an animal attack. No human could rip a man apart like that… could they?
Whatever the case, you couldn’t stay with Diego. You had only agreed to work for him until the Steel Ball Run race was over. You never agreed to being his lover. The idea made your skin crawl. Surely there was a way to escape him? If you ran now, it wouldn’t matter who he told about your crimes. You’d be long gone by the time anyone came for you. That was it! You would leave right now! 
You got up to begin packing up your things when your left arm started stinging horribly. You gasped in pain and looked at your arm to see that your sleeve was ripped and bloodstained. How on earth had that happened? You pushed the fabric of your sleeve aside to see that there was a bloody gash there. Did Diego do that when he grabbed you? Did he have a knife in his hand at the time? You vaguely remember feeling his fingernails jabbing into you, even through his gloves, as he grabbed you, but surely they weren’t as long and sharp enough to cause a cut like that! And how could he have cut you through his gloves? The wound didn’t seem too deep but it was bleeding a lot. You would have to treat it before you made a run for it. You wouldn’t be able to escape if you bled out beforehand. 
Pain abruptly shot through your arm. It seemed to spread from your wound to the rest of your body. You grasped your bloody arm, panting in agony for a moment. After a few minutes, the pain faded. If you didn’t know better, your thoughts of escape were somehow linked to the pain in your arm. But that’s ridiculous. You examined your wound again. It looked… strange. The skin around it was red and swollen, hinting an oncoming infection if not treated. But it also looked cracked and kind of scaly. Odd. Gangrene? No. You’d seen gangrene before. It was ugly, but it didn’t look like that. You really needed to patch that wound before it got worse. Then you could pack your things and…
Another jolt of pain surged through your arm and your mind went fuzzy. 
You were vaguely aware of your mule, who was tied nearby, snorting and pawing nervously at the ground. 
The pain only lasted a few seconds this time. Your brain still felt like it was in a haze though. You were probably just tired. You couldn’t focus on much except your arm… and thoughts of Diego…
You wanted to fix your arm and… there was something else you wanted to do but you couldn’t remember. 
Was it… escape? 
Escape from what? 
Diego told you not to run off. So you wouldn’t. 
You looked down at your arm again. It really looked strange now. Far too scaly, but you weren’t too worried about it. Your tongue lolled out of your oddly lengthed mouth and you gave the cut a few licks. Once the blood was cleaned off you looked at the wound. It seemed to have stopped bleeding. You would put some antiseptic on it later. At the moment you needed sleep. You flopped over into the dirt, not even bothering to crawl into your sleeping bag. 
Your poor mule didn’t get much sleep that night. He spent the better part of the night keeping a wary eye on the beast that used to be his master, just in case it decided to wake up and devour him. 
You dreamed of Diego and nothing else. 
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kitkatyes · 6 months
Thinking about some headcanons of the differences between the Agency and Zoraxis
Sticking a linebreak in here because I have no impulse control and wrote like, 700 words
The Agency:
In my eyes, they are severely underfunded. Their facilities are practically ancient. You know how your school always has that one part that hasn't been refurbished in decades? Yeah, that's pretty much their entire base of operations, no matter which location you look at.
I'd like to imagine the sense of community is either really strong or really strained. If you're working in, say, HR, I feel like you'd have a really nice bond with your coworkers. However, on the other hand, there's the EOD. I feel that they, would have a tense atmosphere. I mean, if your coworkers were dying every other day, I wouldn't really want to get attached. Even still, there are always a few EOD agents that have grown close to each other and they never deal well with the loss of their coworkers.
The Agency, however, has a very good training programme for their prospective field agents. I envision it as something like past (surviving) field agents or handlers teaching the new recruits all their tips and tricks. (and how to disarm a bomb effectively)
Everyone has absolutely horrible pay. Sure, you might be in the EOD, risking your life on a daily basis, but you'd only just be able to afford a small apartment. The higher-ups consider it almost pointless: they'd just die anyway so why waste all that precious money?
I feel that all Handlers who are ex-field agents would be best friends. They'd all joke about their numerous near-death experiences on the daily. Sort of like the fond retellings we hear Phoenix's Handler talk about over the course of the games. I think they have a shared break room of sorts near their offices.
I'd think that they have top-notch facilities- state-of-the-art shit. (they are a very successful business, after all) I'm talking fancy architecture and everything. I feel like they'd be the kind of place where they have those Dyson hand dryers and very nice-smelling soap.
Unlike the Agency, I think the Zoraxis employees/operatives would be relatively nice to each other. Their relationships wouldn't be based on their departments cause I feel like being assigned to a life-threatening mission only happens once (they almost always due to lack of experience)
However, Zoraxis has terrible training programmes. They want to save money so they just stick their new recruits into a single building and hire the cheapest self-defence teachers they can put onto a salary.
Zoraxis employees have a pretty good paycheck, all things considered. They pay a decent amount over minimum wage so most people are able to live somewhat comfortably. I feel like one of the selling points of getting a job is their ability to provide accommodation if needed. They'd have enough money to buy a few apartment blocks for their new hires.
Okay, be so real, they'd both suck at doing background checks. The Agency because they can't really be picky for their field agents and Zoraxis because they don't give a shit. You could be a murderer and they'd just let you walk in with no trouble. Hell, you could probably fake your documents and no one would bat an eye.
The director and Zor rarely show their faces around the building. I feel like all the employees would spread the most out-there rumours about them.
They both have some employee of the month system. Zoraxis gives them out when they remember they have it. The lucky employee gets a little certificate and a small bonus on their next paycheck. At the Agency, Phoenix just has, like, so many. It's like, twenty picture frames in a row and yes, there is absolutely no variation in selected images, just the Agency-mandated ID photo everyone takes on their first day. They get nothing for it, just the gift of staring at their mug every time they are forced to wait for their Handler outside his office.
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mayakern · 2 years
Since you're doing regular drops now, will you possibly be doing small drops of the less popular designs? I haven't seen any polls for design drops which I thought would of come up by now so I feel like I may have missed a change in how some things work? I've done my best to keep up! If I'm blind and missed it you can just ignore this part of my question and I'll get to trying to search for the answer on my own. My next question is if you'd do a small drop of the Luna Moth skirts? Ive seen a few asks about them but they were always just kinda referred to the polls and if people wanted them. And also, if you ever intend to do the minis/skater style skirts again? Again I'm sure I've just missed some updates but I appreciate you taking the time to read. Incredible work as always, I wish you the absolute best with your business!
some of this has been addressed, some hasn’t!
i run the design surveys not on a schedule and not for every merch order, but as needed. the biggest need for them was for preorders, which we are no longer doing.
the other need was for stuff like choosing which color variants of patterns would return. that is a pretty infrequent occurrence so while i’ll probably do that again, it won’t be for a while. and by a while i would say that color variant polls will probably happen, at most, once per year.
over all, merch production happens much more slowly than y’all probably realize. from placing an order with a manufacturer to listing skirts in the store, it’s usually a 2-3 month process and that doesn’t include the design process beforehand.
that’s also only the timeline for when we have things squared away with our manufacturer. the last two orders we placed with our manu were very small by our standards (about a third of a normal order size, about a tenth of what we ordered for march preorders) because we were hoping to iron out quality control with our manufacturer so we could keep working with them.
unfortunately that’s just not going to happen because while the first of those two orders was good, the second one has 92% defective rate which is… ridiculous. we haven’t listed those skirts yet but will be doing so in the upcoming weeks. the good news is that they’re print defects, not the awful fabric defects, and so most can be sold for $5-10 off so we won’t be selling at a loss. the bad news is this is the nail in the coffin for that manu. i’ve never even heard of a defect rate that abysmal.
and while we do have some promising leads for new manus, getting samples and ironing out product chains takes time and money and it’s not something you can rush. it can take months or years to get production started, especially with a new manu, especially if it’s a new product. luckily i don’t think it will take years to start production on the skirts again as they’re a relatively simple item, but we do have to start as simply as possible so as to decrease the number of variables we have to account for.
what that’s looked like so far was us discontinuing (for now) the miniskirts. in part because our old factory fucked them up so bad for march preorders, in part because we are a really small team and it’s hard to keep up with the volume of orders. the midi skirts are the best sellers and my personal favorites so that’s our priority, but i’m hoping after we’ve got things squared away with our new manufacturer(s) and can hire more people on our end that we can bring minis back.
the bad news is that all these defects have been incredibly expensive on our end and it has slowed our trajectory for being able to hire new people, which really sucks. but it’s really important to us for us to expand slowly and sustainably and to never put ourselves or our employees at risk of instability. we don’t ever want to worry about not being able to afford payroll.
now about the moth skirt specifically: there is good and bad news here. the good news is one of our promising leads uses a 2 color printing technique that the moth skirt would be perfect for. the bad news is they have a really high minimum order per design (about the equivalent of what we would usually order for three designs combined, or maybe two really popular designs) and the moth design was incredibly unpopular and did not sell well.
i never expected it to sell as well as the bee skirt, which is was made to be a companion to, but it performed absolutely abysmally. and the thing is, it’s not that it lacked votes. iirc it made it top ten or top twelve, high enough that we included it in preorders, but when it came time for people to purchase barely anyone bought it. this same thing actually happened with my monstera design as well.
with us losing money on all the defects this year, we have to be extra careful and not make a huge order of a design that doesn’t sell well. it could literally bankrupt us.
anyway we’re doing our best to plug along but it’s been an incredibly stressful year
also i know this has been incredibly long but it’s my hope in explaining WHY we do things that people have a better understanding of our process and what we can and can’t do.
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xenon-demon · 10 months
🔀 for steddie 💕
Thank you so much for the ask Janai!!!!!! Just so we all know I'm shuffling my big "Liked Songs" playlist for this ask game, so any song I've saved on Spotify since 2017 could come up lmao. For this ask I got Love Might Be Found (Volcano) by Montaigne! Oooooh man okay this is such a good song, it's about being in the earlier stages of a relationship and then having to leave them for some reason, so you're wishing for a reason to stay and see if things would've worked out (like a natural disaster closing the airports or smth).
The obvious Steddie AU for this (at least imo) is therefore a modern AU where Corroded Coffin has the opportunity to make it big and achieve their dreams of becoming a famous metal band, but doing so requires moving away from Indiana. Moving away from Steve (who at this point is friends-with-benefits with Eddie and they're both hopelessly pining). Steve, who doesn't want to be the reason Eddie gives up on his dreams, just lets him go and pretends he's not madly in love with Eddie, since he thinks (correctly) that Eddie loves him back and would refuse to leave Steve behind if they were boyfriends. Eddie is heartbroken that Steve's not trying harder to keep him, because he really thought they had the start of something good together. Cue a prolonged period of extreme angst and long-distance pining from both of them, Eddie writes at least four heartbroken ballads about how much he misses Steve, Steve follows CC's progress in the music industry religiously but refuses to admit that to anyone. (Robin knows, though. She always does).
EVENTUALLY they get their shit together when CC throw a launch party for their sophomore album, at which point they've blown up enough that they can afford to invite their friends from back home as well. It's actually Jeff who invites Steve, because you've got him fucked up if you think he's going to listen to Eddie moan about The One Who Got Away™ for another fucking second. Steve is very skeptical of the invite, because he hasn't heard from Eddie since a few months after they moved away, but eventually caves on the condition he can bring Robin. They spend almost the entire launch party staunchly not speaking to one another, which gets very awkward when some of Eddie's new friends from the music industry start asking questions about how they know each other (because they very obviously do). It only stops when Steve and Robin are having an emotional debrief in the men's bathroom (because Robin is not going to let a gendered bathroom sign keep her away from her platonic soulmate in his time of need - and also CC hired out a function room for a private event, so the only people even using the bathroom are from their event). Mid-breakdown, just as Steve's about to admit he still has feelings for Eddie all this time, they get interrupted by someone entering the bathroom. It's Eddie, because of course it is.
Eddie tries to play it off as needing a piss, but he's obviously come in here for a mental breakdown of his own. Robin takes one look at the absolutely stricken way he looks at Steve, like he's been stabbed right through the chest at the sight of him, and takes a risk. She says she's going to guard the bathroom door until they sort their shit out and leaves them alone in there together.
To her credit, she lasts almost half an hour at the bathroom door of death-glaring every drunk man who so much as looks her way. But then she hears a crashing noise, followed by the distinct sound of someone moaning coming from the bathroom behind her, and decides those bastards are on their own now.
Send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and I'll shuffle my playlist and give you an AU about that pairing based on the first song that comes up!
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mama-qwerty · 2 months
Hello. Same anon here. I appreciate your guidance. I'm shedding actual tears while typing this.
Yes, I am scared. 110%. I'm not expecting some sort of "attention", or making people feel sorry for me or that case.
My parents, more specifically my mother, have always compared me to others my age. Especially as I got older. I'm 22, turning 23 this year, my mom has always told me that I, as a woman, I had to do certain things because, guess what? I'm a woman.
My parents, again mostly my mother, has always forced to do things that I do not want to do, then blame it on me.
Anyway. My mom has always told me that you have to have everything lined up for you when you graduate college and/or high school. I do have a boyfriend, I've known him since we were in high school together. Due to how unreasonable housing is right now, as soon as it becomes affordable, I'm planning on moving in with him.
I feel like I blame myself all the time. To not have everything figured out, while my parents think that I should have everything figured out. Besides my boyfriend and my grandma.. I have no one else to tell my worries to. My family constantly emotionally draining me, so I'm always emotionally tired.
Your family is lucky to have someone like you. I, for one, would have loved to have a mother like you in my life. Anyway sorry for this being a bit long.
Thank you again,
A random follower
Ps. For those who wonder, the date is May 4th. Yep, the Star Wars day, "May the force be with you"
Oh hon, I'm so sorry. 💕💕
It sounds like your mother may be trying to get you to conform to possibly the same gender roles she herself was forced into. It was what was expected of her, so she maybe thinks that's just the way things are. Maybe she herself didn't like it either, but just grinned and beared it, so she thinks that's what you need to do, too. (Obviously I'm purely speculating, here.)
That's not to say it's right or fair of her for expecting that of you. She should not force you to do things you don't want to, simply because of your gender. Full stop.
I don't know how old your mother is, but the problem I see with the older generation (mostly Boomers but I've encountered a few Gen Xers like this, too) is that they don't seem to realize that the world is so much different than it was when they were younger. (I say 'they' but I am a Gen Xer myself. Shh, I'm still cool and hip, though. 😎😆 )
Anyway, I know the job market is so hard right now. Back in the day, you could simply walk into a business and practically get hired on the spot. Not so today--you're competing with dozens, if not hundreds of other applicants. Businesses don't want you to call or walk in now, instead funneling you through an online application process that could take the better part of an hour, and boils down to answering sometimes a hundred questions in a pre-made form that doesn't really do anything except waste time. And you get to do this for every job you want. It's frustrating and downright disheartening.
So having that job 'lined up' isn't as easy as it once was.
And this isn't even touching on how much more expensive everything is. The housing market, as you yourself know, is NUTS right now--rent is skyrocketing, and house prices have gone through the roof so much it's pushed out any first-time buyers. There is absolutely no way a kid fresh outta school could afford to move out without help.
I'm just gonna say it - your parents are being unreasonable. The world is so different now than when they were your age. It's more complicated, a hellovalot more expensive, and a lot less stable. To expect you to have everything all figured out and planned to perfection is delusional. Up to now, your biggest worry was keeping up with your studies. Now they expect you to just jump out into the real world, with everything all sorted?
It's very frustrating when parents pull the "When I was your age" stuff. "When I was your age, I was living on my own/working full time/married with a kid on the way." Yeah? Good for them. You're not a clone of them, and the world isn't the same as it was then.
When I was your age, I was still living at home, working as a cashier in a grocery store. That's it. I had no relationship, and no plans or ideas about what I wanted to do with my life. And to be perfectly honest, I can't think about the future. It's just a blurry speck on the horizon. I can't think in terms of "In 5 years I want to [blank]." Because it's just all so abstract to me. That's a long time in the future, and there is so much that can change between then and now. I can't plan to [blank] if I don't know what next week will hold.
It's something that drives my husband batty, because he's a big picture guy. Always asking me what I want to do with my life, what I want to accomplish. And when he does, I just get overwhelmed and feel tired. Because I'm not a big picture person. I'm a detail gal. I focus on the minutiae. The here and now. The things that matter in the immediate future, not the far off abstract future. (Probably why I'm a pantser, honestly.)
I totally get being emotionally drained by someone. It's exhausting and leaves you feeling so low, so down. You wonder if they're right, if there really is something wrong with you because you don't think like them, because you don't see the world the way they do. And especially if others around you seem to know who they are and what they want. What's wrong with you that you don't?
Here's the truth, hon. There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with being scared of the future, or not being able to really figure out where you're going. This is a big step in your life, and it's completely and totally normal to be scared shitless at it. Your parents should be encouraging you, helping you navigate it so you succeed, not brow-beating you because you don't automatically have all the answers.
I'm glad you have your boyfriend and grandmother to help you stay sane. Don't freak out that you don't have everything all lined up nice and neat the way your parents want. They seem to want to know what the layout of your new house is when you haven't even found land to start building on! One step at a time!
Don't worry about the length. Write as much as you need.
And I can be your internet mom if you like. Because I'm so proud of you for finishing school, and reaching out to talk about something that's a heavy burden on you.
Sending you more hugs. Take care of yourself. 💕💕💕💕💕
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theblogtini · 2 years
I think one of the biggest things is M doesn't really follow through. H does have the invictus games so he does have a large platform in terms of that. But M doesn't have anything mainly bc 40X40 went nowhere. That could have been a big platform for her but it wasn't. She just doesn't have follow-through.
I think part of that might be her personality. She is very much an “I’m running the show” person - but large initiatives require a team. Invictus games was never JUST Harry - there’s been dozens and dozens of people involved from the start. And eventually he stepped back from the day-to-day.
Meghan wants to be in complete control - which is fine - but I don’t think she’s willing to give up any control. Which eventually becomes a problem because no one can do ALL the things. It’s absolutely fine to be a person who comes up with an idea and then let’s other people run with it to see it through.
Also part of that might be bc they just don’t have the funds to have a huge team pulling stuff together. During Invictus’s first years it had the backing of The Royal Foundation & all of the KP staff & infrastructure before eventually it grew enough that it’s self-sufficient. Meghan & Harry don’t have the funds, staff, or infrastructure to lean on - they would need to hire in all the people & they just can’t afford it.
They could try launching an initiative that exists fully on donations but they’d have to secure the donations before they could start the work and I don’t think they’d be able to get anything off the ground like that because no one is going to donate THAT much money without having seen them accomplish anything, so it’s a bit of a catch-22.
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skinsort · 5 months
Hello, I've been thinking about code and selling code and sharing code in the rpc because someone posed the question to me of what I'd want to happen if someone was heavily editing a skin I sold, and to be honest, my first instinct was 'take my name off it'. That was met with some surprise, but let me explain why.
Code, to me, is a largely democratic landscape. If you want to learn, hundreds of thousands of people and websites have come together to teach you. Masses of people share open source work on codepen, stack overflow etc. Code as a skill is like assembling an especially abstract puzzle where you can only think about the pieces, not really see them. But most puzzles have similar strategies to solve- start with the corner pieces, then the edges, then the most recognizable patterns etc etc etc working your way down to the more and more difficult details. Most of code- most of my job writing code- involves minimizing the amount of time working on those shared strategies so we can have more time to work on the the interesting bits, the hard bits. the bits that make the site we're working on unique and useful. Frankly, jcink is the easy part of code, by and large. Your data is already structured and provided to you in a very particular way. It is inefficiently, but largely documented. Many other people have solved all the problems you are likely to have trying to build a skin. Skinning is html and css for the vast majority of items. It is the easy stuff. If I sell code, that code is now the property of the person I sold it to. It is not shareable or redistributable. You can't take my code and resell it as your own, but as far as I'm concerned you can do whatever you want with it. If I solved problems that might otherwise feel difficult (accessibility and responsiveness come to mind) cool. You can solve the easy ones, like styling and colors and fonts you like. You can add or subtract things that vibe with what you want that code to do. Once it is sold, it is yours to do with what you like when it comes to personal use. This is true of almost all coding contracts that exist in the entire world. If it weren't, no one would ever hire external contractors to do any work for their company, and I can tell you now, even companies which could fully afford to do all their tech in house absolutely do not in 99% of cases if their business isn't selling their own tech. The rule is generally- you may do anything you like with this, except resell it to someone else. So why take my name off it? I don't endorse how other people code. Even in my professional life, I've taken projects off my portfolio because the client took a project I worked on and broke it (imo), often with other professional developers doing the breaking. If a prospective employer were to go look at it, I'd be embarrassed by what it looks like today. Tell me why I (and my team) created a website that was fully responsive, and they went back to make it adaptive in the year of our lord 2022 because they preferred to have pixel perfect views at 3 specific breakpoints rather than a responsive site. I don't know, it's infuriating. I can't cite that project as an example of my work anymore, because it isn't. I would never leave a site in that state.
So, my first instinct with the idea of people using a skin i sell them as a base is 'take my name off it.' I don't want to be associated if responsive/accessible features are lost due to others working on a skin I wrote. But at the same time, where is the line between using something as a base, and editing a few small features? I certainly don't want to be an arbiter of that, or have to field questions or navigate feelings about it. In fact, personally I would not feel upset at all if someone used a paid for skin as a base, and inviting that kind of discussion is the only way I possibly could get upset since people have weird attitudes about a lot of this stuff. So I think the more practical standard is just to put credit, but make it explicit that the work has been heavily altered. Don't resell or redistribute, and you're golden, imo. Anyway, those are my feelings as someone who writes code for a living. I'm interested to hear counterpoints - constructively of course.
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schumigrace · 8 months
It's not hate and I know everyone has their own opinion but who would you replace? I know one of them is probably Perez but come on, today wasn't all his fault :( Hope you won't get mad, I really want to know
don't worry I'd never get mad about this!! opinions are opinions it's fine
I know today wasn't his fault, and I was probably a bit harsh insinuating that he shouldn't have a seat at all. He probably does deserve a seat, just not at red bull, he's shown pretty clearly this year that he can't handle the pressure of being in a top team with the worlds best driver lmao.
other than perez, I'd consider dropping logan and lance. Williams simply can't afford to have their car go through this much damage every weekend, they're already struggling financially. And I defended mick to high hell last year about the same thing, I get it, and I hate the thought of dropping a rookie in their first year, but we need to face the fact sometimes that this sport is literally all about money. Every single decision made is about money whether we like it or not, and if he was crashing out in a team that could afford it every weekend then maybe he wouldn't have so much pressure on him, but he isn't. He isn't even bringing in the American audience that he was hired for
Now I like lance, don't get me wrong. I don't think he deserves the hate he gets at all, and I think he absolutely did deserve to be in the sport. but he's currently consistently over a second behind his teammate and making mistakes he shouldn't be making after 6 years in the sport. Do I want him gone? Not really. Do I believe there are people who deserve that seat more? Absolutely
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
Tumblr media
Chapter 12
The past year has been such a world wind Jake as his new job working for the FBI. Harry is turning 1 in a couple of days. We have hired a bouncy castle, balloons and everything to make our little man's day special. We invited Jessy and Richy with their little one. She gets on so well with Charlie. They have just got engaged and are expecting a baby. She has really turned Phil's life around to see him so settled makes me smile. Jake has been working so hard this year saving up money so we can move out of his parents place. They have been absolutely amazing having us stay and looking after Harry.
When Jake had to leave I didn't think I would get him back but I did, I am so thankful everyday for him being in our life's. I'm making his favorite food for dinner tonight. Chinese good Helen has been teaching me how to cook and I've gotten pretty good at it. Helen and Harry are going out for the evening for their date night. I can't wait to surprise Jake with his favorite dinner with how hard he's been working for our little family. He deserves it.
Later that night MC put Harry to bed after his bottle, she went to get changed into something a little nicer. Once she had finished she made her way downstairs and got everything ready for dinner. Moments later she felt two arms wrap around her waist and a small kiss on her cheek. "You look beautiful MC, dinner smells so good" MC turns around as she's facing Jake. "I thought I would do something special for you baby, you have been working so hard" a warm feeling spread throughout Jake's body MCs words really meant a lot to him.
They both sat down to dinner having a wonderful time talking and laughing. After dinner MC got the desert ready. It was one of Jake's favorite strawberries and cream.
Jake's POV
This past year has been crazy to say the least but no matter what happens I've always had MC by my side. She is my everything some people say that there is one true love for you out there in the world and I have mine. Not only has she given me a beautiful little boy, she is my safe place. I have been saving up for our own place. I have more than enough saved up to get us a place. I have found a place not far from my mum and dad's. They insisted that we not move too far so they could come round and see Harry.
I have not told MC yet about the house. I wanted it to be a surprise, the house has a big garden at the back for the baby to play. There is a big garden out front and just off to the side is a garage. I have been putting extra money away so I can buy MC an engagement ring.
The next day Jake took MC to the house he knew from her reaction that she loved the house. They both looked around the house MC falling in love with each room she looked at. "Jake this house is amazing, but we can't possibly afford this it's too expensive" Jake took MC by the hand "things have been really good what with my new job I was able to save more that I thought so we can afford the house"
It was everything that MC had ever wanted from that first moment they started to date each other. With the help of Jake's parents and MCs Jake and MC had moved into their new home. Everything was coming together so well for them life was pretty good for them at this point. They had been in the house a few weeks and Jake was watching Harry while MC went shopping. Jake was setting up the romantic evening Jessy had gone with MC and was told by Jake to keep her out as long as possible.
Helen had come over to pick up Harry; he was going to be spending the night with his grandparents. "Is there anything you need Jake before I go?" Helen turned to her son who was busy cooking. "It's okay thanks mum I've got everything covered, thank you for watching Harry tonight for us" Helen walked over to Jake and kissed his cheek. "You just make sure you come over tomorrow. I want to see that ring on MCs finger" Jake smiled at his mind comment. "Sure mum we will be" Helen said goodbye and left with baby Harry leaving Jake to finish cooking.
When MC got home she couldn't believe what she was seeing, there were candles lit all around the room. Rose petals scattered everywhere soft romantic music playing the whole place looked absolutely beautiful. "Hi baby, what have you been up to?" MC walked over to Jake kissing him on the lips. "Well I thought we could have our first romantic date night, my mum is watching Harry for the night" a small smile spread across MCs face as she leaned in and kissed Jake on the lips.
They sat down to eat, enjoying each other's company "Jake are you okay? You look a little nervous" Jake put his hand on MCs and looked deep into her eyes. "MC there is something I would like to ask" Jake got down on one knee and opened up the ring box "MC will you marry me?" Tears fell from MCs eyes she was so happy "yes Jake I will" Jake took the ring out of the box and placed it on MCs finger.
Jake got up from the table and went to get the bottle of champagne, "I bought us this so we could celebrate" just as Jake went to pour MC come champagne she stopped him. "What's wrong MC? Did I not get a good bottle?" MC looked up at Jake and smiled "no silly it's just I can't have any alcohol for the next 9 months" MC put Jake's hand on her belly. "Y-your w-we" Jake put his arms around MC and kissed her. "Should I take that as you're happy I'm pregnant?" Jake smiled so lovingly at MC he was over the moon. "I am so happy MC Harry is going to have a little brother or sister I love you MC" "I love you to Jake"
The end
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ryqoshay · 8 months
Putting on Hairs: Post Production - Driven Detective
Primary Pairing: N/A Starring: Kamino Yohane Also Starring: Sekai Hanayo, Otosu Shizuku, Setsuna Words: 628 Rating: T AU: Theater, Detective, Monsters Prompt: Luxury
Author's Note: Bonus 2nd entry for the 18th
Summary: Detective Kamino needs to get back to the city immediately
“We need to get going. Now.” Kamino insisted as she and her assistant ran toward the latter’s car. “I’ll drive. Toss me the keys.”
“Absolutely not.” Sekai denied. “You don’t have a license and you’re way to reckless. You nearly crashed last time.”
“And you drive too slow.” The detective fired back. “Time is not a luxury we can afford right now. We need to have already been at the Water’s Fall like an hour ago.”
“Please, Sekai-san.” An apparition appeared beside Kamino. “If Moya-san completes her ritual, it’s all over.”
“And Nashi dies.” Kamino added, holding out her hand.
Granted, the others chosen as sacrifices would also perish, but Kamino would be lying if she denied caring about one over the others.
“And I will be unable to pass on.” Otosu added.
Sekai sighed and slowly held out her key. Kamino did not wait for her to drop it into her hand and snatched it as soon as she could.
“Alright, buckle up.” Kamino said as everyone got in. “Well, I suppose you don’t have to, Otosu.” She said to the ghost before slamming down the gas pedal.
Kamino hated being so gruff with Sekai. The other woman had been extremely helpful with the strange case she had hired the detective to solve. It wasn’t her fault they had both been manipulated by a criminal mastermind who sent them on a series of wild goose chases to keep them away from her true goals.
The mastermind, one Moya Samui, had bested Kamino’s predecessor Otosu Mizu a few years ago. It was Otosu’s old office Kamino had randomly ended up using, and the ghost had helping her since. Things had just come to a head and the plan had been revealed. And now, a ritual, probably demonic in nature, was being performed back in Moya’s nightclub and people were in danger. Nashi was in danger.
Sekai screamed as Kamino took a corner too wide and needed to swerve onto the opposite shoulder to avoid an oncoming car. Kamino ignored the following protest and gunned the engine again.
“And scene!” Kanata called. “Good work everyone. Go ahead and take five before we make a run through the final scenes.”
“Ah, I love this part.” Yoshiko said, getting out of the prop car. “If this was a movie, I would totally want to do my own stunts. Hehe, put my immortality to the test.” The fallen angel chuckled as she imagined the scene.
Hanayo seemed to shiver at the thought as she stepped out of the passenger side.
“Shizuku-san!” Setsuna suddenly called, running out from the wing. “Chika-san and Yuu-san and I were just talking about possible ideas for special effects. Can ghosts like you possess cars?”
“I’m sure some can.” Shizuku replied, materializing beside the prop. “Although, I have not tried to do so personally. May I ask why?”
“We were thinking that if you guys are really in a big hurry, that maybe Otosu-san could possess the car and boost its power or something.” Setsuna explained, her sentences speeding up with excitement. “And we could show the effect by having green flames shoot out of the tailpipe!” She made gestures mimicking said flames. “Or whatever color your ectoplasm burns. Maki-san, Rina-san, and I can figure out the pyrotechnics. It would be so~ cool!”
“That does sound fun.” Yoshiko added in her support for the idea.
“My only condition would be that we add some foreshadowing to Otosu’s abilities.” Shizuku said after a moment of thought. “I would like to avoid a deus ex machina situation if possible.”
“Spiritus ex machina.” Yoshiko suggested alternative terminology.
“Right, sorry.”
“I can help write that.” Setsuna offered.
“Alright.” Shizuku agreed.
Setsuna cheered and the actors exited the stage for a break.
Author's Note Continued: I was tempted to make this into a YohaRiko scene, but ran out of room. The character she plays in this production, Nashi, is still mentioned.
I'm not sure if Setsuna will get a role in Detective Kamino, after having played the main (?) villain in Detective Otosu. But speaking of Otosu, readers of other event entries, particularly Fantastic Departure from last year, may remember the Detective Noir style snippets there and Kasumi playing Moya there.
In any case, I really wanted to write something based on the idea of time not being a luxury the character(s) could afford. And I ended up with about a dozen ideas; far more than I could write in a day. So I went with one about Yohane needing to hurry somewhere but her crazy driving scaring someone like Hanayo. Adding in a dash of Setsuna being an excited dork was a fun bonus.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
Spin the Wheel & Get Some Crack Pairs!
I'm bored, so I did this. Again. Includes all playable characters plus Al Haitham, Kaveh, Dehya, Mika, and Paimon.
Using '&' because whatever it's up to the interpretation of the viewer. Some will be longer than others because eh.
Arataki Itto & Sangonomiya Kokomi
PFFT LMAO- He is absolutely not on her level and her social battery would be gone within thirty minutes. Unless they get along, then maybe it would go up.
This dynamic is as 50/50 as a coin toss and I'm here for it.
Nahida & Kuki Shinobu
This would be nice, actually. I can see Nahida being able to destress her a bit and Shinobu would also take care of her. Funny shenanigans in the beginning due to Nahida's looks and mannerisms would be fluffy and quite entertaining.
Solid dynamic.
Yun Jin & Yoimiya
Awww this would be nice to see. Y'all, if you didn't see Yun Jin during Lantern Rite looking at the fire works, you need to watch the video because she would totally do the same with Yoimiya's. They would talk and talk and Yoimiya would make her feel so welcome.
Actually one of her voicelines about Kazuha is like 'people who talk about poetic stuff have great stories and are trying to hide certain things' and Yun Jin absolutely does speak in that way sometimes so her letting down her walls and getting the truth would also be really good.
This would never happen, but it's nice to think about.
Nilou & Kujou Sara
. . . oooh. Oh this could be good. I haven't watched Nilou's story quest yet, but from what I hear, she's extremely intertwined with the community at large. She has a healthy level of dependency on people that is communal and is also quite interpersonally connected.
This contrasts with Sara's solitude and the distance she places on herself from others and any idea of a close relationship. She cares about them and treats them fairly, but she's not all that enthusiastic about the idea of knowing them personally.
In short, I'd pay to see what happens next.
Fischl & Kamisato Ayato
Oh, fuck me, I'm laughing out loud at this.
Instant crackery. Bonus if Ayato tries to cook Oz.
Lisa & Thoma
It's giving honest and loving caretaker and terminally ill charge getting close to death's door in a specific scenario that belongs to a specific niche of content.
Outside of this convoluted take of mine, it'd be very wholesome and very much two care-giving figures taking care of their respective responsibilities AKA the Kamisato siblings and Mondstadt in general.
It makes me feel comfortable and tended to.
Dehya & Yanfei
Dori can absolutely afford Yanfei's egregious prices in the case that Dehya unintentionally busts some heads she ought to have not had in an intense moment or two.
Or Yanfei hires her as a bodyguard while she goes through Sumeru as the Akademiya have a vested interest in her 'disappearing' as they know they cannot win against her as she's helping her client there sue for fraud and memory theft that was totally greenlit by some figureheads in the Akademiya.
In summary: Better Call Saul, but for Genshin Impact.
Rosaria & Yae Miko
. . . would Rosaria be able to not try to kill her over how absolutely suspicious she is? Would she run and hide instead? Could she even do that?
It would be funny up until Yae Miko got drunk in Angel's Share in Rosaria's presence. Would pay to find out if there were casualties.
Mika & Eula
No but seriously, Eula being canonically terrible with directions and Mika canonically being her cartographer is just peak crack as the potential for clownery is astronomical.
Bonus if some of that confidence rubs off on the kid and Eula can have a proud parent moment for herself. She deserves it.
Bennett & Collei
(cue a whole bunch of awws and coos)
Bennett gets lost and Collei finds him and they go through the forest together with all the hijinks you'd expect. Collei gets another friend and Bennett gets another friend. Everyone wins.
B-but his bad luck- SHUT UP THEY'RE FRIENDS NOW.
Kaedehara Kazuha & Tartaglia
Wow. I don't know what to think about this, to be honest. They wouldn't interact all the time, as Kazuha is hardly sedentary in any way, but every time they do happen to meet, maybe they spar before catching up.
I feel like Kazuha's demeanor would put Childe at ease and on edge at the same time, but Childe also wants to trust him and to be trusting. This is a good thing as Kazuha is very honest and upright despite his initially flowery words.
They part ways with lighter hearts than before, that's for sure.
Ganyu & Barbara
It would have to be through letters because what time do they have to leave their jobs and self-imposed obligations? They'd be very nice and polite to each other but other than that? Nothing much, really.
Beidou & Zhongli
I honestly choked when I saw the wheel do this shit to me and I feel like I've expounded on it more than enough on my harem blog, but I will say this:
Beidou will not make the mistake of going shopping with him twice.
Biased as hell, but I would love to see them interact in canon.
Dori & Sayu
Dori would be pretty surprised when Sayu dropped the mora for the price of a high-quality comforter to sleep in. She almost threw in a free pillow out of shock. Almost.
It would happen once, but not ever again.
Faruzan & Chongyun
These two are in completely different fields and lives. Their personalities are so obtuse that it's impossible to see them interact. No one has ever considered these two before. Not even me.
Which is precisely why they would bond over the unfair circumstances that life has thrown against them that were completely beyond their control.
Give us that 300K slow burn complete strangers to comrades fanfic. You know who you are.
And now, for the grand finale . . . spinning the wheel three times each for this one.
Hu Tao & Wanderer
. . .
I don't know what this dynamic would be, but sign me the fuck up.
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sandificatedman · 2 years
*sip tea* Silly HC that Despair has a small colony of deceased tortured artist types living in her realm, She's the Muse and they constantly bring her new poems and paintings made in her honor and she's just like 'thats very nice put it in the pile'
no because I love this so much. Death and Despair's work must coincide so often, so it'd be so easy to just. Snatch one up for her own devices!
(plus there's a precedent, since people who die while Dreaming are afforded the option of staying there so. It wouldn't be that far out there for Despair to welcome a few dead mortals into her realm)
Disease Mode Activated wmsdsmndm
The idea first came about after the death of Aeschylus. All that talent for inflicting misery, completely wasted by dying! There wasn't really any forethought, she just,, swooped him off into her realm before Death could SMNASMDA
Henceforth her and Death have just kinda had an unspoken agreement that,, every once and a while, Despair is gonna pluck some soul out of Death's hands and into her realm?
Because sure, Death could confront her about going behind her back, but she absolutely isn't.
Her little sister has taken up a new hobby, for the first time in who knows how long. Maybe even since her first death. That alone is worth turning a blind eye - besides, it wouldn't be the first time one of her Siblings had exempted souls from her duties.
I love the idea of it,, having a vibe similar to a patronage? Like when Rich People back-in-the-day would hire artists to live in their homes and do artist-y things? <3333
They're permitted to stay in her realm and not go to the Sunless Lands, etc. and in return they continue their craft!!
This is a win-win situation for everyone involved, so she's yet to have someone say no. she’s exceedingly proud of this, even if she doesn’t really show it smdnsmd
She, of course, gets the first viewing of the poems and novels written, before they get brought to her brother's Library for archiving. (... yes, sometimes she adds her own little flair to them. Hush, it's not like he'll realize!)
The most miserable Artist Brainstorming Sessions in existence (affectionate)
LIKE THEY ALL JUST,, lament and weep and lay on the furniture and occasionally scrawl out a desolate poem <3 it's perfect, she couldn't be happier.
OH <333 occasionally, some of them will join her as she watches humans!! What better inspiration than real life? Some of the painters set up around her, and just,, scribble out the scenes reflected in the mirrors! It’s kinda,, nice,, having other people around her for once. her work is very solitary!!
Last thing,
I have no doubt Desire will tease her for it. Not in a mean way, just in a 'this is the silliest thing I have ever seen, and I can't believe of the two of us you were the one who did  this' sibling-y, affectionate way!!
They are actually very happy that Despair has taken up,,,, well, whatever this can be called. A hobby? A distraction? A fanclub? In any case, she has a herd of poets at her beck and call who all adore her. There's much worse trouble for her to get into than this MSNDAMSNDM
UM. I didn’t expect to write so much but this idea is so cute. I'm going to be rotating it around in my head for the next 2-6 business days.
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