#idk man! what do you do i dont want people who hit their limit on Problematic elements to just shut up and let others have fun or w/e
marklikely · 2 years
and i have zero answers about this but i feel like we as a collective need to figure some stuff out bc we cannot keep having these constant threads about how all lgbt media is sanitized and boring these days in between callout posts for how every new lgbt media that isn't sanitized and boring is irredeemable problematic media you can't blog about
#i dont know what to do about this either so i am offering no suggestions#cause like idk. jsut like with the adventured zone the quest to find unproblematic diverse characters is just giving us boring .#but at the same time i get it like some things are just impossible to get past and that line is different for everyone#idk man! what do you do i dont want people who hit their limit on Problematic elements to just shut up and let others have fun or w/e#but i also think its really not getting us anywhere to be like. every new thing thats coming out has some problematic aspect dont watch it.#and this is the state we're in after years of the like 'critically consuming' discussion so clearly THATS given us zero progress too.#us deciding 'well you can like some problematic things as long as you're aware of it' has like#not improved the conversation at all its just deferred it to like 'well whats too problematic to like critically then'#and thus the cycle continues we're still having the exact same issue as before :/#avpost#if anything the critical consumption movement has made the problem worse because now#people are just being completely hypocritical and deciding what is or isnt 'too problematic to like critically' comes down to personal tast#taste*. whatever you like is ok to enjoy critically and whatever you dislike is too problematic to enjoy at all.#and the conversation just gets perfectly stuck there cause as it turns out you can like#rationalize and intellectualize just about any opinion even if you only got there using your own emotions#so its very easy to believe you're being objective about it and have solved the issue but really haven't solved anything at all#and let the record show im not immune to anything ive described here ok goodnight. this is just thinking out loud.#feel free to weigh in just please dont treat this as like some coherent mission statement or declaration.#i am litcherally typing as im thinking and not really editing. this is just an open discussion of my unfiltered thoughts lmao#but if you also have thoughts id love to hear it.
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critterbitter · 3 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
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ok. LISTEN. dont let these cute pics fool you. she's fucked up. but i love her as a character
Clavier is pretty much a bastardization of my Glamrock DJMM concept where he just leaves the plex on account of the fact he's no longer limited to the fact he's like 2 stories tall. There's two timelines of how this plays out that lead to radically different DJMMs, Creek and Clavier. (btw i made them both bigender so i'll be switching up pronouns a lot. so watch out lmao)
Creek, instead of gradually assimilating into society like Clavier, befriended all the birds in a 10 mile radius and used her massive bird army to force the local government into letting her be a person. I adore Creek.
Clavier, on the other hand, had a very slow transition into society which also led to her trying to be as human as she can with modifications to her model, like her face being covered in silicone and having actual eyes instead of black voids of nothingness (this, storywise, comes off a lot like him transitioning, which personally hits home). They also have a lot of... like... dysphoria? Over not being human? Which, originally, mostly led to her "transition" but like, this also lead to... extreme measures. Which leads me to why i want to throw her down the stairs 😳
So, Clavier is aware that there is nothing for her after death since she's powered off and has faced the robot equivalent of death. So she's just scared shitless of that. But he believes that humans do have an afterlife (and, iirc, in fnaf lore, he's right?) that he is unable to access due to not having a soul, which is very convoluting for him as someone who is. very religious.
I forgot to mention but in both timelines, they have a gf who they love the absolute shit out of named Bea. They're so disgustingly in love and its really sweet and Clavier ruins it by being... Clavier. Because she learns about Afton's work and realizes that she could take a soul for herself and hopefully get an afterlife of some kind. (by the way, i feel like its worthy to note that she isn't scared of hell. she doesn't mind suffering for eternity as long as she is somewhere.)
And because he fears that he can't take any old soul, it might possess him and take him over - if he wanted to assimilate with a soul he wants it to be a good one, and he immediately and begrudgingly targets Bea, since he believes she has the greatest soul around.
So he writes down just about EVERYTHING about Bea. Cataloguing hypotheticals, her dreams, everything she loved, and for years he works and works to make them come true so that she wouldn't have regrets when she died. When he feels like it's been enough, he takes her out on one last date and kills her with a shot of pentobarbitol, so she'd die painlessly just as she hoped.
As she withers in his arms she admits that if he had waited just a little longer, she would've proposed to him that night and Clavier is left with the crushing realization of just what he had done and his empty victory of having her soul and heart, torn from her and stuffed inside himself.
get fucked clavier, L bozo
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Anyways other than creepy christian DJMM i have Comet as a Bigass House
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Usually for versions of Comet I keep him, like, organic? Idk what I was doing here? But i made him into a giant sentient spider house and its also a redesign from this, which changed almost nothing about him.
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In the giant list of music man aus he's known as the solarpunk one since in the loosely developed world that he's a part of, its a cool solarpunk future and everyone actually grows much of their own food. The world is back to a massive trading community, it's great
While not a music man, these guys are part of SOS - The hemonymphs, shapeshifting bloodsuckers who all have daddy issues.
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They were SUPPOSED to be mosquito people (they still are) but as i developed them they became these weird teethbirds. as weird as they look i actually really love these guys i think they're so silly
Weird bit of their lore, but they're kind of not a species??? They're all siblings since they all almost exclusively come from THIS creepy asshole: Dr. Hemlock, a mistake from the facility (the Oort Cloud) that created Comet - He's a psycho who goes around decapitating people and sucking the soul out of em, and began asexually reproducing to do the same thing to his kids or to use them as pawns. zoinks‼️
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1centillion · 1 year
Reading internet fights doesnt have to be an internet activity that rots you (ie doom scrolling, falling into the tiktok algorithm hole, etc). Reading internet fights can light up your brain in a similar way to reading a newspaper article or playing a computer game from when you were 8.
The key is to read the good ones where people are arguing really niche topics but both sides (no matter how well or mis informed) take the time to explain the proofs of their conclusions. Like they write out the math of what theyre arguing. Because when someones wrong, this style of argument lets someone else cut them down by pointing out faulty premises or pointing out non sequiturs. When you can read the thinking processes of each side it feels better taking a side because you just saw all the work theyre doing to get to there. Reading good internet arguments can be different from falling in a tik tok hole because the serotonin feels likes its sourced from developing my thinking skills (vs receiving it from being shown something new every 8.7 seconds).
Internet arguments are bad and make me feel like im j watching a car wreck (engages you but not for a good reason) when they give me undeserved credit. Such fights include but sre not limited to (from most to least readable) people debating a proper ranking of priorities or thingd, (and this is one full tier below Ranking Arguments, usually) logical fallacies, introducing tangentially related but ultimately off topic arguments, generalized blanket statements, making statements that are j truly objectively wrong observations about material reality
Cherry on top is when a the Cool Arguer hits all the thoughts you were thinking when reading an Uncool Persons comment AND adds something you didnt think of (learning!) The cherry on top of that cherry is seeing Uncool Arguer get ratioed.
Its important to remember that even tho internet fights dont always have to be soul sucking, even the best of them are only the equivalent to drinking orange juice from Ralphs (idk if this is the most equivalent comparison but im too lazy to think of the right one). Its not soda, it probably wont do too much harm if you have some for brekkie every so often. Definitely shouldnt be drinking it everyday when theres water and teas and seltzer water around. You wont be the microbiome or kind person you want to be on OJ and internet fights.
And this is because 1) you do not want to be a person who has a habit of deriving entertainment from the conflict between others and 2) especially so when theyre arguing over a cause important to you. Example: if theyre arguing about transmisogyny, at the end of the day we want to get rid of transmisogny because 'transmisogyny is an issue you care about because you love trans women *not* because you want transmisogynists to be wrong' (thats j the fun perk). But internet fights abt transmisogmy can only exist if transmisogny exists! So letting those internet arguments become fodder for your attention or a source of receiving joy from the internet is not productive to the true end goal and cause you care for. *And* you dont want to revel in the by products of transmisogyny bc its just gross! Best relationship to good internet fights is 'phew! Comforting to know theres other people who reason things out in the same steps i do! no man is an island!'
not sure if this line of reasoning can be applied to good internet fights on topics i dont care about. I think if an argument is silly and in good nature then its all fun (and actually those types of arguments are good reading, more like water than the good internet arguments on issues i care for, because theres no stakes its just people having fun and connecting with each other thru the medium of the internet) and if people are having a good internet argument over something i dont know about (ie best cars engines from the 80s a la mona lisa from my cousin vinny) well then its also more like water than OJ bc its low stakes with less repercussions and reading it will teach me something. But all these are still a lil bit OJ bc ..babe cut down ur screentime
newaze, internet fights are fun when they exercise your brain!
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I'm the anon who asked advice about losing friends in your 20s a while back. I also feel like I get hurt and stuck on something that a lot of people would be able to get over and that's how I end up all alone,with my last friendship I tried to get over sth for 8 months,I tried with everything in me and then I had to accept defeat yet again,sometimes I feel guilty that I let people get close to me when it always ends in the same way,yk how you can tell if sth is triggering a specific trauma these
aren't instances where I can tell thats what happened but I still am holding out a little hope that when i can get therapy(even tho finding the right one is a whole pain in itself)I'll be able to treat whatever it is that Im not even aware of,I don't if you've tried it or plan to and I don't know if it'll actually help but what was quote,we deserve a soft epilogue...we deserve softness in general,specially people like us who went through so much to develop such intense issues,we deserve to have
lasting connections,I also think even when it does seem like I was unreasonably hurt or wtv even if I can't see it,it could be that I wasn't unreasonable at all,if having to give without any limit is what you learn(amongst other fucked up shit)then it's reasonable to think even if you think you know your limit you don't know it well enough and can't dig the info out yourself and need help from a professional,I'm not saying we are in the same boat,I barely know what boat I'm in but yeah I just wa
wanted to share and I'm sorry if it added more to your pain in some way,in any case I hope the patterns of pain stop repeating for you,idc if that's unrealistic,you deserve a miracle dont you think,I'm also not really sober rn so I'm sorry that what I said is all over the place
that's exactly it. it's not the words themselves it's the trauma they trigger. not to quote zefrank again but i will because that man describes what i'm going through better than i ever could
"you ever do that? project a movie from your past onto someone, vomiting emotions and feelings over some unsuspecting person? they say some little thing and suddenly you feel like you got hit by a wave and you withdraw or lunge and you feel like you did when you were small and you say, you! you made me angry, or you made me sad.
and it's hard enough to have a conversation with someone and now you're having it with ghosts too. ghosts that once made you feel shunned or angry or alone or maybe even made you feel like you might get annihilated altogether."
anyway i did go to therapy for a long time and you're right finding the right person is a challenge in itself. it took me years to find the right one and that's how i know where my problem is. the issue is that i stopped going to her for a couple of reasons and i haven't been able to get over the issue yet.
but my therapist did tell me once that if i feel like i'm shying away from someone for an unknown reason then i probably do have a reason, i just don't know it. the two specific examples she gave me made sense but now without her i can't judge if i do have a valid reason and i don't know it or if i'm just running away
i do hope they stop too but they've been repeating over and over again for so long that i'm just exhausted at this point and every time they repeat, it makes me want to fight back less. idk don't you sometimes feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with you and that's why you'll never get it right? that you weren't built for the daily struggles of life and that it would be so much easier if you just ceased to exist?
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rebelyelling · 8 months
It has been a while since i did one of these.
Stuff my patrons say (i work at a dive bar)
Patron: Everytime i come in here i get racially profiled. Ima stop coming in here. (Proceeds to become a regular)
P1: (pointing at me) thats my wife!
P2: nice. (To me) i met this guy on road crew
P1: (shutting outside door to block karaoke) some people should not pic up a mic
P2: (to p1) like you!
P: if i sing Single Ladies can i get a free drink?
Me: no
P: i’m singing it anyway
Context: two patrons who knocked a guy out months before happen to be there at the same time as the guy they hit
Me: you boys be on your best behavior now
P1: i have never caused an issue here. I’m an angel!
Me pointing to guy they hit
P1: i’ll behave
P2: *laughing the whole time*
P (a straight white man): i’m a lesbean!
Bartender 2 (an actual lesbean): high five
P (who i just sold a losing keno ticket to): you are, and pardon my French, fucking useless
Me: *cackling*
P: you either sell me a loser or one that too high to be redeemed here. I had to go to (state lottery hq) last time
Me: no inbetween
P: are we family
Me: idk are we?
P: we are now
P: what i wouldnt give to gobble you up
Me: *laughing* you’ve said that for years
P: and its still true!
P1: you don’t turn your back on family!
P2: *cheering*
Me: is…are you quoting the Fast and the Furious?
P1: yes
P2: gotta live your life a quarter mile at a time
P1: thats my wife (pointing at me)
P2: no shit? Like actually your wife
P1: no! Just my bar wife
Me to bar husband: this is our son now (baby faced freshly 21)
P1 (husband): damn we made one ugly kid
P2 (son): fuck off
P1: thats my mom (points at me) and this is my real mom (points at real mom)
Me: did…did you really want us to meet?
P1: (talking about some historical event)
P2: girl, i only got to Anne Frank
P: its colder than a goats teet in here
Someone comes into the parkinglot laying on the horn
Me: who the fuck is doing that
Regular comes in
P: did you hear me coming in? I had to improvise since i dont have a screaming goat
Me: yeah the bikers gave me a road name
P: thats cool, whatd you do to get it
Me: well when youre clumsy…
P1: hey i heard you crashes your motorcycle. Are you okay?
Me: yeah im good. I walked away with just a split lip
P1: thats good, whatd you hit?
P2: a dumpster!
P1: i heard you had fun in Sturgis
P2: i did, i fell off a golfcart
P1: oh like (me)
Me: copycat
P1: you know what, id like to talk to the manager
Me: let me find someone who cares *spins around* yes sir how can i help
P2: she got you there
P1: that was fucking good
Context: i got a puppy and he was only ten weeks at the time
P: im usually scared of dogs, but this guys my buddy
Context: regular walked out on his bill
Me: *cleaning kitchen and hears regular* *holding soapy knife* if you ever walk out again
P: babygirl please! Im sorry
Context: karaoke is aloud to go over but we have a hard limit of 2:00 am and this person wanted to sing a song at 2:01. She was also really off key
Karaoke DJ: you have to ask the bartender
Me: *looks up to see him violently shaking his head no* sorry no can do
P: i’ll pay you $50
Me: *struggling* im sorry i cant
Theres many more but this post is long
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Hey bb! <3
You’ve quickly became my favorite bakugo writer, how you write him just feels so real to me. every time I see you post something new I get so happy!
I’m seeing ya write a lot about blasty with crushes and or S/O’s but not really about how he gets into a relationship so I propose to you how do you think he would realize his feelings and act upon them? If he even would lol he’s so stubborn and awkward with feelings I swear.
Anywho I love you and I’m glad your blog is getting the attention it deserves!!
hmmm hmm hmm tysm @kits-mania for the ask, this is a good one!! also ahaha i wrote this with tiny baby UA bakugou in mind bc his comedic potential is seriously limitless 
-ok, to start, so basically, he’s a mess. an absolute mess. 
-yes, yes, ik, we’d all love for him to be like, cool and smooth and suave and spit crazy game but he’s just not that guy. he’s a snarling animal at the best of times and an outright asshole every other second of the day.
-(honestly, if u asked me, the only confession you could ever get that would somehow be more disastrous than bakugou’s would be if u got one from tamaki. and even then, tamaki is a sweetheart so u would 100% be much more forgiving)
-but that’s not the point, what is the point is that bakugou would just be so weird around u and that’s how he recognizes his feelings
-lmao like he’ll be so ridiculous with his mood swings,,, very yelling at you for breathing one second, bc even that somehow flusters him, n then the next second he’s recommending an extensive list of personalized training exercises (that he devised) for you and telling you to shut up if you try to thank him for it
-and he’ll do those things almost without thinking about it. like, he’s already impulsive, we been knew, but for this?? pls he absolutely cannot control himself. he’ll just keep accidentally doing nice things, that he’d never do for somebody else, and he knows this. but then he also feels like he’s gotta act like a dick to cover the strangeness up
-and after being rude, to save face, bakugou’ll be in his head totally “man, i’m the best at this. i bet they don’t even know i fuckin’ like them!” n like, yeah, he’s right, you 100% don’t, but everyone else around him does.
-very obvious to his friends how quiet he is when you come up. like, he’ll say shit about everyone at any given time, but when you come up in conversation?? absolute crickets from him. (this is bc bakugou wants to keep his mouth shut, to avoid suspicion obvi, but in doing so he almost doesn’t seem like an asshole. n when bakugou isn’t acting like a dick that’s when you know somethings up)
-so, those two things combined,,, the mood fluctuation and uncharacteristic behavior make it pretty clear to himself that he’s got a crush. now, don’t get me wrong, he’s gonna be clueless on how to do anything about it, but bakugou’s not dumb. he’ll realize his feelings pretty quickly after they form
-now, for the acting upon his feelings part- whew boy.  talk about an embarrassing turnout
-basically, he’s not gonna do shit at first. he’ll recognize his feelings and he doesn’t want to be a wimp about them, but he also kinda just wants them to go away. so he’ll wait it out. bc it’s embarrassing.
-but if that doesn’t work, and he really does just have one hell of a crush,,, then all he’ll be able to do, at first, is work up the courage to finally not be an asshole,,, using little gestures that include but are not limited to:
1.) offering you a pencil when you lose yours. alright, alright, ik, very small, but this is bakugou alright?? mans doesn’t give up anything unless somebody tries to kill him for it and somehow manages to succeed
2.) let’s u copy off his school work/homework etc. obvi not all the time, but if ur in class, at the very end of a test, n he sees you looking over, bakugou will just sit there. he won’t put his arm over his work. not like he would if it was anyone else but you
3.) when you ask him things, he’ll answer. and there’s a pretty good chance he won’t tell u to fuck off at the end (what a miracle)
4.) will probably try his best to avoid exploding/hitting your face during training exercises. now ofc, if u get paired up with him for sparring, rip say ur prayers, bc he will by no means go easy. bakugou doesn’t even know the meaning of going easy. but he will keep his punches and burns away from ur face. probably also tries his best to only explode you thru the fabric of ur costume. so you don’t end up with burns (what a gentleman. not.)
5.) if you drop something on the ground in front of him, and he’s closer to it then you are, he’ll pick it up for u. u know, like a normal person for once.
-okay so as u can see, those things, which are very big for bakugou, are tiny. so tiny. and no other person is going to see those regular-human gestures as romantic interest bc why would they??? 
-see what i mean by embarrassing?? pls i love him but come on man
-but anyway, he’ll do that for a while. like probably up to a full month tbh
-and the entire time he’ll just be pissed bc ur not getting it. so he’ll keep doing those little things more often in the hopes that you’ll finally understand, but ofc u dont
(sidenote: bakugou having a crush is rlly funny to me bc if any of the bakusquad asked you what you thought about him all u’d have to say is “idk? normal? he’s whatever?? what is this question about?” bc his gestures are so small. so small that they just read like normal person behavior, and thus you have no significant opinion about him. and that’s just v comedic to me bc the absolute shock on their faces when u say that? pls they’re like “Y/N we cannot deal with either of you anymore. bakugou is not normal to people??? obviously he likes you!! why do you not get it?!!!”)
-but n e wayz, yeah he’ll continue with the little shit for a while and then just impulse confess
-pls bakugou is 0-100 or not at all,, so he’ll be completely content in his weird behavior until one day he’s just fed tf up with you.
-like ur walking around with a nice outfit and your hair done up,, just 100% living normally, but for whatever reason the sight of you that day accosts him. just pisses him off bc he likes you, a lot, and it’s embarrassing
-so he just impulse confesses right there in the heat of his anger. very “jesus fuck, you really went ahead and did it now, idiot. you really fuckin’ piss me off. i’ve been busting my ass for weeks now, bein’ fuckin’ nice as shit to you, and you’ve got nothing to say? just gonna walk around like that, on purpose, and keep fuckin’ quiet?”
- n you just “....?” 
-and he’ll roll his eyes and huff and probably clench his hands into fists and “i like you. dumbass. fuckin’ obviously.” 
- and suddenly you just “oh.” bc now it’s very clear to you how much of a relatively ?pleasant? person he is around you and how much that contrasts with the absolute asshole he is to everyone else
-pls ik everybody says he’s a pomeranian but like, no, seriously he is. he’ll pick one person to like and act normal around,, but to everyone else?? pls guard ur ankles he will bite tf out of them 
so, in conclusion, bakugou with a crush is an embarrassing but oddly endearing affair. very much a guy who fumbles all the way to the finish line, but he doesn’t give up. not ever, and especially not when u piss him off sm (read: fluster him sm) just by being yourself 
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
Okay sorry im sendi g an ask but the character limit worries me so im doin this here! Trigger and squicks list for bugsnax is as follows:
-alcohol-esque drinks are mentioned and consumed several times
-unnatural changes to bodyparts occur
-this is more a squick but theres a fair bit of romance, idk im aro and you have the flag so idk how much it bugs you but theres three relatively healthy relationships (two are queer if that means anything) and then one thats sorta uncomfortable and iffy
-bullying of other characters (just in case)
-paranoia, theres a character who is very paranoid and afraid and he discusses these things with the player, if you have problems with intrusive thoughts or fear that someone is watching you, this could trigger that
-theres some yelling, notably from a man in the game which may bug some people. Its not super serious and hes got a goofy accent but be warned
-a woman also yells at you in a gruff voice and hits stuff early in the game, though she doesnt appear again, just in case
-there is cannibalism in this game, though not depicted on screen it is mentioned snd the effects of it can be seen
-unsanitary warning, i think thia is minor but im trying to be comprehensive, the characters can sometimes be seen running to the bathroom in game and there is a sidequest where you collect someones poop, not explicit and its all in like a little bag and everything but still a bit icky, and your character is implied to have thrown up at one point, though not shown.
-theres lots of mention of death as a whole and lots of remonders of it. If death scares you, or existential questions and that sorta thing bug you, theres a character that can be found whos sidequest really ventures into that and it could be rough
-sort of melancholy ending no matter what
Overall the game is definitely aimed at kids, but there is darker stuff and its pretty prominent. Sorry for being thorough about this, but im thoroughly hyperfixated on this game and also want more people to enjoy it while being safe!! I hope you do get into it and enjoy it, and even if you dont drop 20 bucks on it, theres a couple people who have streamed playthroughs. Theres also a free dlc coming out in a bit so if that sweetens the deal then go wild.
Sorry to bug you! Have a nice day!!
OH also a couple minor sexual innuendos!
no no this is great, thank you so much!! i really appreciate it! and this is really helpful tbh. im very grateful you thought to mention the unsanitary stuff, because i have fairly severe emetophobia and info like that is really useful to me. i also appreciate you warning me about the romance; for the record, i Am romance-averse to an extent, but unless the romance is front and center itll probably be okay.
it sounds like it might be the paranoid character who might pose the biggest problem, tbh, cause fuckin same. my paranoia is wild and that's the biggest reason im worried about playing any games heavy in psych horror, though cartoony graphics and silly themes help cushion it (and ive been told bugsnax is heavy on the silly). im willing to try it, at the very least!
im still guilty about never finishing one shot but holy hell that game Fucks with me hard, with how meta it is and how anxiety inducing it is to quit out of the game. maybe ill watch a playthrough of that at some point,,
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thecelestial-art · 4 years
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ok but like, here me out,,,,, avatar high school au but its just me projecting my personality and trauma
my instagram
He's trying his gosh darn hardest
The group baby
Appa is a therapy dog so he spends the day with gyatso in his classroom :)
Hes a saint bernard 
The best man
Despite katara being the ‘mom friend’ he runs the god damn show
Momo is a shit head sphinx cat 
The gang dropped movie nights for “knitting nights” so they could all learn to knit him sweaters
Hes very fashionable
he hates it
sokkas best friend
Aang makes costumes so when halloween comes around momo is very scary as dorothy 
Track and field babey
Does not curse
He has a hard time keeping up with world events
Straight (i'm not wrong)
he and toph have an ongoing tradition of going in full dress to waffle house before school dances. 
it got to the point where now all the workers know them by name
they also accidentally crashed a white lotus meeting and just kept going
Band kid
Rich girl with 2 friends
Pre eng
i know most schools dont have this program, but mine did and holy shit. those were some overachievers 
The most annoying mf on the planet
Not a single teacher likes her
The know it all that will fight if you don't agree with the facts
She was the ww2 kid
Capitalist in the worst fucking way
Closeted lesbian, when she figures that shit out she gets a lil better
The one who can drive
She's really good at math?? Like shes the gay who can do math
But cannot drive, bitch failed her permit more times than she can count
She nearly went to an all girls boarding school at one point
She has beat the shit out of people she's walked in on making out in the bathroom
Genuine friends with the faculty??
She takes programming/coding as a filler class but she's pretty good and continues to pursue it.
Her tumblr looks sick as hell
has caused a teacher to cry
Ty lee
Lesbian earings actin mf
She is the nicest mother fucker and everyone loves her
Despite acting like an airhead she's really science orientated
When she takes biology she passes with flying colors
Very invested in social justice
She would never hurt a fly but she will fuck you up
The one with a healthy relationship with her father
has comforted a teacher she found crying in the parking lot
Now runs the jasmine dragon where zuko works after school w/ katara 
Knows every single kid who comes in and tries his hardest to make sure everyone feels appreciated
Former war criminal
In a book club
The white lotus? Yeah this is the white lotus
Idk if it would be the same as the show, or if its just an old person shit talking group
His dad got full custody of him and his sister when he divorced their mom
But at 13 he got kicked out for another bullshit reason and ever since Iroh has had custody of both of the siblings
But bitch boy ozai has visitation rights but only wants to see azula
Theatre kid!!
I mean he was gonna join jrotc to appease his dad but he figured his shit out before he really joined
A republican turned leftist
Hes queer he just doesnt know which label to use
Himbo rights
He and katara are best friends idgaf about ships but they are bros
orchestra kid! (yes this is me self projecting bc we have similar trauma) 
Teachers have no idea what to do with him bc on one hand he's very reclusive and on the other his sister has the worst opinions so they don't know
Still the mom friend but this time she goes to therapy
Bc she literally raised her brother after her mother died?? And then became a parental figure to her FRIENDS???
Biggest political activist, genuinely does her best at educating herself and others about civil injustices
Also really obsessed with cults and true crime
Choir kid
She takes AP history, english, and second language classes
Is trying her hardest in math and sciences
Huge stuffed animal collection
Student council vice president
she originally ran for president but jets gang voted him in as a joke
The teachers pet
Swim team bitches
Best friends with the school janitors
This is my au so fuck off she and zuko are chaotic friendgroup parents and annoying best friends i love them
and maybe something more???
 who fucking knows theres a betting pool in the white lotus and so far aang is winning 
Gym and History teachers LOVE him
On the swim team and the fishing team
Started crying when he took his drivers test
Goes to gsa w/ toph and loses his fucking mind
He's the reason suki’s car is disgusting
In all advanced/ap classes in math and science
Was the kid who carries a portable speaker around until suki put him in his place
Still has to use his hands to figure out left and right
Technically she doesn't go to school with them she goes to a nearby private school
She met the gang at a football game and has been invited to every group outing since
Very invested in world politics
When she joins the group at school events she ends up making friends with all the staff
Debate team kid!!!
She's not a rule breaker she just knows their limitations ;)
at one point missed school for like 2 months and everyone thought she died
turns out it was just fucking pneumonia and sokka is one dirty liar
oh? you mean yue’s best friend bc we dont respect pitting women against each other in this household?
Bisexual icon!!!
Oh god what sport would she do??
Probably basketball??
Or she would just do martial arts outside of school
And have a ‘female empowerment’ club or somethin
100% believes in self government in society and that the current gov exists purely on the theory that all humans are inherently evil
Bitch for bernie
She asks if she can hit peoples juul and then throws it in the trash
The gym coaches really like her but she fucking hates them
Is very close with her school counselor??
She never wants to run but she keeps getting elected to homecoming court
Former homeschool bitch
Joined the wrestling team and the fishing team??
She doesn't even like fishing she just thinks it's hilarious 
Very good a pottery and that's her arts credit
She and iroh have lunch together every thursday
If she catches wind of you putting gum on desks they will find your body in a ditch
She makes sokka and suki take her to prom 
She hates it she just likes to fuck with people at prom
Sometimes she just tells people she doesn't believe in something bc she cant see it
has been wearing the same sandles for the past 3 years bc “they’re reliable”
Cryptid hunter
Goes to gsa bc its better than any fucking reality tv show
Has nearly burnt the house down making ramen
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luimagines · 3 years
I am not a writer. Nor am I a person who posts stuff online,if at all rarely. But I am capable of typing and I am legally allowed to say that I have won a high school writing contest in my 3rd period English class in Sophomore year.I am still,what they call,VERY RUSTY.Take that as you may,but never in my life have I read an anonymous ask that has made me be burts into a desire to want to write down a bunch of story ideas of a dream that stranger had and then share it to another stranger online, to reply to publicly to about 100 more other strangers online. But none the less I STILL want to share to you sone of my--headcanons??--ideas??--bullshit dream story plotline??--(idk)-- I'll try to keep it limited because i don't want you to end up reading a rant novel-
I like to think that this //reader link? I'll just use y/n as a stand in i guess for this character or reader ??sorry if you dont like it,you can change it if you want?//before meeting The Chain Links *tm,she use to have a lot of problems being a #femaleheroinduringmediaveltimes but not in a way that most might see?I don't believe she would have really care for other people's opinions on the matter because she sees it as something very trivial and people will alway find a reason to look down on you and she also wasn't exactly let off easy for it during her training to be the hero of her kingdom.Even if she didn't want it,she was already destined and chosen for this path regardless of any possible sexist belief anyone had to offer.Her being the destined hero and needing to be strong enough to fight against Ganon was the utmost important thing on the to-do list,So bullshit like that was not accepted and they made sure it was in grain into her brain.
"Don't believe your enemies will ever go easy on you no matter what you are".
Most of the problems she would struggle as female I think ,would be on more on the biological side of things,for example like getting her period but being forced to have to truck though them anyways because she was a hero and it meant that you couldn't just take time off from your responsibilities and duty as Hyrule's saviour "just for some bad cramps" when you have lives to be saving and a world that needs to be protecting.So she would just not show any sign of complaint to the others about it or even let alone tell them about it and it just always seemed like from the outside that she would randomly just get super quiet and little withdrawn for no reason every month or so with a sort of tired/vacant look in their eyes?Anon also mentioned them having more of a military knight background and assuming she had been trained to or at least has lead troops into war/battle before,she could definitely be one of the teams best strategist along side with Warrior Link.I can definitely see them getting closer because of this as they're usually chipping in plans together and coming up with ideas/plans with what the best ways to use everyone on the team's special skills for certain position/roles during possible future battles.But a little bit after the whole "river" scenario i can definitely see legend sort of yell at her like
"wtf you is a girl and did not tell??? eXPLANaTiOn?????" "Because i didn't think it mattered??" "iT DoSe MaTtEr! ThAtS a bIG tHiNg!!"
There would definitely be a bit of an intervention with everyone to talk about the issue from "before". Maybe some what after everyone had gotten redressed and suddenly didn't feel like bathing anymore. After that everyone seem...awkward. No one knew exactly how to continue on with the revelation,so they all just stayed quite.At first she mistook this as a sign that everyone handled it well,she tried to continue business as always.While everyone was packing up to head out,she'd suddenly feel everyone's eyes.... Looking at her. When she turned she everyone just minding their own business.Maybe it was all just in herhead.The rest of the walk seem almost dead quiet.The once cheer mood of chatter was now replaced with an awkward tension filled with only small side glances,little quiet whispering from behind and an inability to look her in the face when she tried chatting with anyone.Is this what it was going to be like from now on?No of course not.They wouldn't let something as trivial as this get in the way of their relationship,right?they were still friends,right?
If you have the ability to but the stories in your head into recorded words then that makes you a writer.
No, I will not take any criticism on this matter.
This is beautifully thought out and it was a joy to read. I had to read it out loud out of fear that I would miss something entirely but I'm glad I did.
I would imagine it to be difficult to be on her period simply because when you're traveling there's no supplies to help out or lessen the situation! No cotton, no pain killers, not a lot of hot water to begin with... And yeah, she wouldn't say anything about it because a soldier wouldn't have the time to take care of it, let alone a hero.
She would also be the most used to blood on her clothes out of the group I think at this point. Just takes it upon her self to clean their clothes because they never seem to be able to get all of it and they don't know what they're doing even if she were to tell them how.
The boys think it's some magic technique but no.... it's just experience.
But the reader here that you mentioned would have had good teachers for burning it into her brain that it doesn't matter what body she has or what other people say because she the hero. She was born for this and there's no pleasing any one anyway. the best way out of this is to do the job and make sure you can get out alive.
What I want of the last paragraph is for her to get a little mad and question what the hell s wrong with everyone and then for someone to reply that it would have been disrespectful to look without direct permission because she would have deserved better than that. Like, they're fine with each other because they all have the same parts so like no big deal, but for them so openly show her themselves, verses her being seen openly.
I think it'll be a mixed bag of them being embarrassed that they were seen and that they saw her.
I think the ones least effected by it would be Wind, Warrior and Hyrule. Hyrule, because there's no like no people in his world so he doesn't have the same perception as the others, verses Wind who would probably be weird in the beginning but promptly not think too much on it because he has a sister at home and would help her bath when she was younger, verses Tetra who has had multiple shirts torn in the middle of battle- so who cares?
I was originally going to put Warrior as one of the most effected but I've played the game.... There are so many female warriors so if they got hit in the boob and needed attention then you take care of it. no questions asked and you move on with your day end of story.
The most effected would probably be Time, Twilight and Sky.
Time and Sky because- holy cow, I have a significant other, what am I going to say if they find out I saw another naked woman? Nothing. That's what. I'm a dead man if they ever find out.
Twilight because he was raised with his respect woman juice for breakfast and would have gladly turned away and oh my god- my mom is not going to like that I just didn't do anything this entire time and she's going to think that I just stared like some degenerate and what do I do now?
I think this is a fun concept and I don't mind exploring it more, but I'm beginning to suspect that I'm going to need a tag for the dream saga aren't I?
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swordmaid · 3 years
Brienne / Jaime / Samwise / Eowyn
favorite thing about them: difficult to answer because i talk about them everyday but i enjoy how the presence of choice is always present in her everything. it was her choice to follow renly, to serve catelyn, to keep her promise to catelyn, to find jaime’s honor. she is never forced to do anything; everything she has done is by her own choice which is such an interesting juxtaposition to characters like catelyn where they are very much tied down and limited by their society and how they expect women to be. brienne on the other hand, has the luxury of choice--which is a freedom on itself, but that is not to say she isn’t limited by their society. she still IS, but it’s interesting how she managed to achieve that semblance of freedom even though it isn’t since she’ll still being evaluated to their standards (and unlike cat, she’s being evaluated as both a knight and a woman and she’s seen as a failure of both). i also like how--despite the cruelties thrown her way--she never perpetuates it even though she could have!!! easily!! and it’d be understandable if she does but she chooses not to do it. she even feels sympathy for the people who played the bet on her when she heard what happened to them which is super crazy like those dudes didn’t give a shit about her but here she is giving a shit about them even if it’s just for a moment and it’s just like...........wow. you are choosing to be like that and i love you for it
least favorite thing about them: worst taste in men.
favorite line: her whole speech in the quiet isle is so heartbreaking and also one of my favorite passages in the whole story. her saying that selwyn deserved to have daughters who will sing and dance in his halls, and a son that would give him honor but all he is left with is the freakish one that’s not fit to be a son or daughter first of all heartbreaking ): second of all the underlying implication that if she’s the one who died but her other siblings--whether it be galladon, arianne or alysanne--that lived then maybe selwyn wouldn’t be so dishonored is so!!!!! the survivor’s guilt of it all even though it’s not her fault!!!! and it’s really the way that she DID try to be alysanne/arianne, and she DID try to be galladon for him but none of the roles fit because she’s meant for something greater ��😭😭😭
brOTP: pod and brienne ofc! next to pia and brienne, then sandor and brienne, and then sam and brienne.
OTP: jb
nOTP: tormund x brienne LOL we dont do that here
random headcanon: brienne likes to write poetry and she wrote a bunch dedicated to renly LOL. her old poems are stashed in the bottom of her trunk, collecting dust in her childhood room.
unpopular opinion: brienne’s self-righteous, judgemental and stubborn nature is not as explored nor brought up when talking about her character tbh and i feel like that facet of her character shouldn’t be ignored. when we explore her flaws, it’s usually about her naiveté which is fair since she IS naive--but that’s not her only flaw lol
song i associate with them: rabbit heart (raise it up) by florence + the machine
favorite picture of them: erika’s drawing of brienne in her tarth armour is one of my favourite pieces ever + this one with dunk’s shield!!!
favorite thing about them: his pov in asos is what made me like him tbh he is just SO well written, and his character is compelling and interesting. his relationship with knighthood is so interesting too like he is THE stereotypical knight in shining armor except he’s not that. he is just so disillusioned by knighthood but he still continues to follow it despite all, and it’s really the way that his identity has been formed and given to him to wear!! from being tywin’s son, then cersei’s mirror, then the kingsguard then the kingslayer and it’s like none of these identities were made by his own hands but he wears them because they’re a role to play and that’s what he knows what to do, but then he suddenly learns to step back and craft his own identity and be whoever what he wants to be it’s like..........what are u gonna be huh!!!!! it’s like there is a mirror but the person on the other side has never been HIM till now i am going insane. and i was talking about the presence of choice being present for brienne but for jaime.........it isn’t .....not really.............not till now.
least favorite thing about them: that scene where he touched cleos’ mushy head was disgusting
favorite line: how can such a night be beautiful? he asked himself. why would the stars want to look down on such as me? which is so WAAH THE DRAMA. but it’s also the loneliness and the yearning and it’s grasping for something that he can never hold, arms outstretched to hold on to something so far away and it’s also about the celestial imagery of the stars and it’s relationship with brienne (the evenstar) and arthur dayne (star of the morning) and how those two are honorable knights but jaime is not!!! and why would they look down on someone such as him!!!! fuck.
brOTP: his relationship with tyrion ): i also like ilyn and jaime, and pia and jaime. sandor and jaime would be interesting as well since that’s like ~the two beasts~ for their respective batb
OTP: jb :\
nOTP: jaime/sansa lmao
random headcanon: jaime has a fat ass. like i know he’s canonically skinny now because of his imprisonment but you’re gonna have to pry jaime with thick thighs and fat ass away from my cold dead manicured fingernails
unpopular opinion: he’s going to live by the end <3
song i associate with them: time in a tree by raleigh ritchie
favorite picture of them: fawn’s drawing of jaime being a dilf ):
mind you i haven’t read the books so im going by the film lol
favorite thing about them: their everything <3 )):
least favorite thing about them: i dont think im allowed to say shit about sam tbh i feel like im gonna be tasered if i do
favorite line: it’s your sam!!!!!!!! and also i can’t carry it for you but i can carry you waaah
brOTP: frodo/sam
OTP: frodo/sam
nOTP: um idk
random headcanon: they’re super hot but that’s not a headcanon
unpopular opinion: nothing i love them
song i associate with them: i think how was your day? by mellow fellow fits them
favorite picture of them: this one bc it’s so cute kekeke
favorite thing about them: they had very cute outfits honestly i think her wardrobe was my favorite out of everyone
least favorite thing about them: not enough screen time
favorite line: her iconic i am no man line ig
brOTP: eowyn and merry!
OTP: i would say with that guy she ended up with but i also dont know HOW they got together?? like 🧍
nOTP: n/a
random headcanon: idk enough about her to make hcs
unpopular opinion: i thought the aragorn one-sided romance was a bit ? lol like why are you hitting on him he already told you he got someone else
song i associate with them: king and lionheart by of monster and men ig but im not so sure and that’s so general
favorite picture of them: i haven’t seen much eowyn content to have a fave pic sorry!!
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scandeniall · 4 years
teaching you to drive
pairing; suna x reader, bokuto x reader
yall idk what this is other than I’m coming for my own head because im 21 with no license. These are me rambling and only my 2nd time doing hq headcanons so dont expect much
Suna Rintaro
Alright so you had to beg this mf
He can drive and actually isnt bad but literally did not want to teach you
“I dont know. Just use me. Or the train”
He already hated driving and even more so didn’t feel like teaching
Anyways, he the type to just hand you the keys like “here”
He reclines the seat back and isnt really sure what to do
“Just drive”
I don’t know maybe he’ll help you with hand placements but thats about it
“Just move your hands here” as he kinda guides them
Youre tense as fuck and hes just like would you relax”
Doesn’t even react when you make a jerky stop (hes ridden with Atsumu who has a license and still cant drive for shit)
Will only step in if it look like youre damn near about to kill you both
Makes you pull over because yeah boy isn’t tryna die now
At this point youre like nervously sweating 
He kinda just sits up and slips his hand under your shirt to kinda stroke your waist
“Ok you need to relax. Its not that hard” and yeah his words dont do shit and he sees that and sighs
“Ok, you really wnat to drive?”
And after that he is slightly more help
He’ll actually sit up and give actual tips. “Make sure you’re fully stopping”
Teaching you how to parallel park gives him a headache
Hes one of them sexy parkers-- like yk he puts his hand all on the backseat, and pulls out with 1 hand
Yeah he wants to to try it first go, and yeah you hit the curb
And this mf does laugh at you, clown.  
Once you are able to drive and get a license lmao you better enjoy it bc this mf is making you drive him everywhere
“reparations for me having to nearly die to teach you”
Bokuto Kōtarō
Now how tf did he even get a license
Driving with him feels like living on the edge
Like hes not one of those people who just doesn't care about the speed limit and says fuck it, but he speeds accidentally
The type to fiddle with the radio mid drive bc he wants a different song (sir can you look at the road please)
Parks crooked and just gets out the car like he isnt in two spots instead of 1
You weren't going to ask him you really weren't
But he overheard you on the phone about finally getting around to learning
“Babe, I can teach you” and yeah you mentally die
But hey, your man is so eager to please and insists on going right then and there and can you really say no to him
He walks you through literally every step as if you’ve never even set foot into a vehicle
“Ok so this is where you put the key” and “This is the seatbelt. Gotta stay safe”
You either gotta smile and nod or let the baby know, you got basics
Tries to take you on a busy road because “thats how it is driving”
Like damn can we go on a back road pls, I dont wanna crash--- anyways hes sweet
“Yeah, good job baby.” “You’re a natural at this already”
Hes touchy and touches your thigh bc hes so proud, its sweet
When hes actually serious, isn’t too bad of a verbal teacher
Like he can give really good direction, so why tf doesn’t this transfer into his own driving skills
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monstrouslyobsessed · 3 years
ask part 2 electric boogaloo—took ages to write this set because im still a lil upset at my device for eating my answer. oy!
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anonymous 1—Not a request or anything, I just want to say I love every single piece of writing you’ve posted! I can’t get over how you always seems to hit the mark on stuff I’d be into but wow. Top notch stuff, top notch stuff. I like how you aren’t limiting yourself to general kind of monster(? Entity, etc) nsfw writings. The ghost husband is really unique, I’ve never seen that kind of concept before. And Lady Hyena oooooh, don’t get me started. She’s unique and I think I’m in love haha. What I’m trying to say is,I love everything you post and you’re awesome!!
!!!!! THANK YOU OM goodness....;;; yeah, my main requirement for characters i write is that, they’re not...vanilla human, yanno?? so, zombified/possessed(?) humans, ghosts and any other humanoid creatures, i can for sure do~heck, i got an imposter (from among us) for a wip aha ❤️ oh really? i kinda thought ghost husband (or at least invisible man) wouldnt be that rare in monster pron (at least on tumblr, admittedly, i didnt dig too deep these days) but ig it is??
yeeee, im in love with that fantastic b!! shes so fun to write, ngl, and i’d love to write more of her, so glad that she’s so well received by you all beautiful people 💕 heres hoping her buddy, the lioness, will get the similar treatment~
thank you!! i’ll keep producing filthy contents, for you lovely folks 💕 💕
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anonymous 2—Maybe ive been watching too many horror movies but i like the concept of using an oujia board to summon a ghost who wont leave and also uses any opportunity to grope you even in public oop
i kindaaaaa already did that one??? check here!! but gosh, its an oldie and is in a desperate need of an overhaul tho lol but an oujia board is def a classic i wouldnt mind going back to!!!
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anonymous 3—I watched “Tau” on Netflix and it got me thinking- an AI built into darling’s house (whether they built it themselves or bought like, a smart house up to you) that grows more and more possessive and obsessive over their darling because they’re the first person to treat the AI like a person and not a robot, an “it”.
ooo that actually reminded me of a very old piece (like way before i made this blog!!...lol yah i have a long history with monsters and nonhuman entities hah) where i actually did this kinda concept!! the darling built themselves a house and had 3 AI who would later build themselves functioning bodies ( 👀 with actual working ‘parts’ too) and then boned their darling stupid...idk if they could be considered as yanderes in that piece tho, but...maybe i can rewrite it for yall...hmmmmmm
but still!! i completely forgot about that one!! your brainwave...
suppose they got away with murdering intruders and suitors...hmmm, ideas...
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anonymous 4—Hello! Can you do something with Allen wesker of resident evil? I really like how you write!
sure can! been a hot minute tho, so i dont exactly recall his complete background/personality, but i can imagine him being very into breeding for a perfect ‘humanity’. given his narcissistic traits, wouldn’t put it past him to actually hold a darling hostage and in secret, but idk if he’d be a doting type...gonna think on that, but whenever my rq is open, you can sent a prompt on him my way :) and thank you!!! 💕 
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@india-katsuki​—Your work is absolutely stunning. I hope you don’t mind me reblogging everything. Thank you for the work that you do and I’m so happy I came across your art. Much love!
t-thank you...;; yes, you absolutely can rb whatever your heart desire!! 💕 ❤️ 💗 i’m happy to make contents for you fantastic people 💕 
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seedleaflesssapling · 3 years
Ver 2.0? Turning Point?
I can't really identify to which point in my life that i started to doubt myself but im pretty sure that it was because of UP. Damn, that school, my uni. It do really have the ability to make you feel small; i was in a disadvantaged side when i entered it, you know. I was acquainted, no we did not really talked one-on-one, but i heard when we did introductions - Pisay, UP High, science comprehensive schools, Xavier University, who wouldn't be intimidated by that when you came from Col. Ruperto Abellon National School (who would know where that is? I was lucky enough for a teacher recognized it and my classmates be like 'ahhhhhh,' .....really?! I dont even know where xavier is, it just sounds cool). Another thing is that, i wasn't a stem shs graduate - a leverage(?) or excuse (?) that i always use for them to know that i am at disadvantaged side here, not their competitor, probably a NOBODY. They, being stem graduates, have capstone projects you never thought that they have at that age, but i would hear them saying that it was publish in this journal (whatever, idk the journals lmao, i dont even understand their studies 2nd lmao, but that was some smart shit you know, a shit that makes me feel pathetic for being too proud of my what? Correlational study from inconsistent surveys?!!! Wtf, wtf, wtf). But it was a very good peer pressure you know, i kinda turned it that way. Being left behind, being on the rock bottom, i have no other place to go but up. It wasn't the goal, like making or taking the top spot, i just need to survive.
Inevitably, the exams came. I had hard time adjusting chem but math was kind to me. Who would have thought that i would get two 1.0 at my math subjects for the first semester, the sem that i thought i would barely pass. I was even a CS for that sem. Who would have thought? Our first chemical engineering subject that involves computations was on the list the next semester and the first exam, out of 100 i got something like 20ish. WTF. THAT WAS MY FIRST FAILED EXAM. but no, never did cry but tears were flooding inside. So apparently, i have to focus more on this subject and i did. Some were still failing, but i raised my average up. We also had physics, my first ever physics. I really love physics that time or that sir rommel is just a very good professor. I got the highest score on our second LE, everybody else did fail. Small victories. Not that they lose, but i just won. But i heard one time they were talking about me re: passing the physics exam and even getting a high score. They were uhm.. a guy i really look up to cause his good, the other was a girl that idk but i think she didn't like me back then. They were friends but eventually the girl transferred uni because who cares why. i heard the guy saying something like sin.o gid na si franklin nga taas iya score man, maybe even worse than that, i still look up to the guy even until now. But wtf. I really took it in that time, like i wanted to cry but did not. With all that, i got a fair grade at physics. I still got 1.0 at maths that sem and even maintained being on the CS list. S M I L E. BECAUSE WE HAVE A MIDYEAR CLASS. VERY EXHAUSTING FOR SOMEONE WHO DONT WANT ANYTHING BUT JUST ADJUST, SURVIVE, AND FIND MEANING OF BEING A UP STUDENT. It was just one subject and it was math, but i got 2.0?!!! I have no excuse to that, i am very grateful for the family who accommodated me. After midyear class, i did got sick, it sucks, really sucks. I wanted to file an LOA for the next academic year, it is the only thing i can think of for me to go back on track (i haven't said that my parents pushed me to graduate with latin honor and i wanted to also for my resume to look good because everything else in me is effed up). I really wanted to pause and be free for a while but i also wanted to graduate on time (mostly because i want to give the bitches who dared to have expectations be put on my shoulders not the satisfaction, but the audacity to tell them 'i aint did it for ya') so i asked mama. THANK GOD, SHE DID SAY NA KUNG ANO LANG KAYA MO, AMO LANG DA IH 😭😭🤧🤧 so i enrolled, but went to school late, haven't attended the school opening but all is good. I did kind of reset, just enough for me to face school again.
Second year, it was fucked. I did really love coding on octave and doing sheets at ms excel though. On that year, we have formed the che 103 bagsak group. Together with two of my classmates on 103 and math 55, we became buddies after failing che 103 on the first LE, another 30 over 100 exam hahahahaha. We made bawi just enough for us to pass the subject hahahahahuhu. I have thermodynamics sub, i barely pass. Thank G na wala ko nag removal. If ever i did, i am so sure that i wont make it. My GWA for that sem was not enough for me to be a CS. Who cares? I still did, actually but mama was never been too pushy since then, even since after midyear, after getting that 2.0 grade from the only subject i am good at. Btw, my math 55 for first sem, second year, was 1.25. Not a 1.0 but still, it's good. Second semester that year was when pandemic hit so there's nothing much to tell. I was, sorry but i was really, glad to be away from school for a while, not until for a while became forever. Virtual university set-up was very hard. With too much from taking in whatever i see and hear on my surroundings, even just at home, everything is difficult. It is very hard to find motivation and discipline in studying when i was surrounded with people who do nothing. Even to this point i am writing, everyday is like a battle, but is mostly an internal one. Self vs self, a war no one knows who will win. So the confidence, the tower of knowledge i did build, exponentially went down. I did really well when i was in grade 10, i did my best that time and it can be seen at the achievements i had that year. Being consistently on top 1 the whole year, placing second on division MMC (even getting the highest score on the written elimination round for the whole cluster), doing well sa physics under maam andico, placings on cluster journalism competitions - it was like a record best, best record (?) Whatever. But it wasn't enough you know, i eventually came fourth like wtf. I had read from somewhere Newton saying like the two years when he did write the three laws of motion and the calculus stuff were the two best years of his life, and it kept me thinking that what if mine already passed? That it was when i was in high school?
But, back when i was in school, every time that i was belittling myself or even at random times that i would feel nervous for nothing, my classmates and close friends would say na:
Uno mo man ang Math, uno mo na na (it was a one or two time thing, what if chamba lang to???)
Ikaw man highest sa first le sa thermo (it was really an absolutely one time thing, i barely passed that sub)
Alam ka man sa physics (i was just invested on physics and maybe nachambahan lang na ang ginpractice ko solve kay parallel sa exam ni sir)
Alam ka, d ka lang confident (OKAY???!)
I was ignoring those shit cause who cares if i did really good that time. Yeah, it felt good but it wasn't fulfilling. Satisfied but not happy. But with recent events, i think i would be changing. This post will be a written contract that i will push to be better, to start trusting myself, and build that confidence glow behind me; to believe that i am bright and i can hack it, whatever it may be.
For coherence, i would itemize na lang all of the events that brought me to epiphany lol
It was Friday, 17 Sep, when Dean, in our plant design subject, gave an activity for us - to come up with solutions that would address problems he presented. 1 off grid island community (either you address the water, electricity, and phone reception/signal problem under a 100k budget) and 2 vinegar packaging with a 500 mL volume and should cost less than the cost of vinegar. The due's on Monday, 20 Sep. The challenge is that you should come up with an idea that is not the same with those who already turned in their proposed solutions. I haven't turned in mine until Sunday afternoon. We are 23 in class, hence there should be 23 proposed solutions for each problem. However, only 20 or 21 turned in their solutions and as a student who decided to do it three days after the sheet was given, i was at the second to the last of the entries hahaha. I have limited choice since a lot have been proposed. And ngl, i did entered my idea for the first problem at Sunday evening and for the second problem it was on the afternoon of the next day. Those were basic solutions cause who am I? Am just your basic guy.
Tuesday, 21 Sep (#NeverForget #NeverAgain), class again for plant design (PD). Dean discussed stuffs which im ngl, i did not listen because im bored (not until he said 'we'll have a 5-min break and we'll have a quiz after that' like wtf, how will we do our quiz???!). After the short break, I did study cause i panicked as hell, he presented the prospects of the course, that we will be divided in groups and that the leaders were chosen based on the solutions they turned in the activity previously given. So there's no quiz, i was calm the whole time after that until my name was called. Like wtf??! Your basic guy will be a leader???! Hello!!! So i chat people, asked them if it was a good thing (course it was!!!? So dumb right?!). And then, i asked another leader and she agreed to my argument that we should only be divided into six instead of seven as what dean has decided. So i chatted dean (pic below). I just accepted the role half-heartedly.
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As leaders, we should be hiring people for our team and we should make pubs. I dont have a canva account to help me do pubs. I made mine at MS ppt HAHAHAHAHAHA but im good so its cute. We were assigned with projects and i get to have the 4-member team. The vacant roles were project maven and liaison officer for a 3-member team. In my pubs, i included scrummaster as position to be filled, cause who am i to lead?! So yeah, that's it. I did the pubs Wednesday and I submitted my resume Thursday (third to the last hahahaha but my resume's cute hahaha).
Thursday. So i had this invite by a classmate to join the Shell event long time ago. He was reaching out for someone to ask Dean for his approval because Dean did not replied to the email he sent. So, i volunteered. I really want this competition cause this will be my first and maybe last competition as a UP student. So i DMed dean and blah blah blah he asked for selection process. I relayed the message and apologize to them for being me because i was thinking that it was me who made him come up with the decision of having the team be selected. Like, wtf i was just asking for his approval. Getting kicked out of the team was not my intention. Those whom i chatted that night were telling me that it wasn't my fault blah blah blah. So i half-heartedly agreed to them.
Friday came, yesterday, the interview. I am very anxious for someone who will be the one asking the applicants lmao. I already have been interviewed before for college applications and somehow remember the feeling, nerve wracking, whatever. To calm my nerves, i listed questions which i never got to ask properly btw, but at least i have concrete ideas on what to ask. The first interviewee was my very closed friend and so we just laugh and laugh and laugh HAHAHAHAHA. IDK if dean saw it but who cares. And the next and next and next. 3:30 passed by fast and guess what??? YOUR BASIC GUY HAS THE MOST NUMBER OF APPLICANTS TO THE POINT THAT DEAN CUT MY LIST. IT WAS EXHAUSTING BUT VERY FLATTERING. I FEEL SO HONORED. i really thought and very scared at the thought that no one will apply to me but wtf, just wtf. Ranking my applicants was damn hard. 1 i have a dream team but one was cut by dean; 2 this could make my friends mad; 3 this will be the group for the whole year; 4 i am really exhausted. But still, i submitted the list. I was hoping for the people i chose to choose me back. Only two out of three did, i am forever grateful.
Still on Friday, the classmate who invited me to the Shell thing and Dean had a zoom call and discussed about the competition. That classmate told dean what i told him the other day that i might be the reason for the decision of having the selection process done. He told me this through a voice memo, katamad daw magtype. A voice message that i played over and over again. Dean actually find me interesting (?), Invested (?) Idk exactly but the classmate told me na 'may nakikita daw talaga sya sayo. Na grabe ka ka-practical as a person like yung ideas mo daw sa plant design napakasimple lang pero napaka practical to the point daw na madami nag apply sayo kanina. And then, you need more confidence lang daw talaga' so ig, you basic guy is a practical guy now. It's just flattering.
Now, whatever happens, i must meet those expectations right? This could be a lousy motivation but what is if there's none? I dont know why im writing this. I just thought i should get my thoughts out. Ver 2.0? Turning point? Let's just do good 😌
PS I put this on my bio on FB, guess im getting more public, and if you happened to read this because you saw the link on my bio, send me a message about you thoughts.
PPS if your initials are JTZC, these have been my week and i miss you even though you're not interested in me anymore, you are hard to forget
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baddyzarc · 4 years
Do you have any ideas on why the barians faces are just so........unique. Also what do you think happened to that prince boy that Alito(past life) was super into. What was his life like? Did he become a spirit in barian world? I've always wondered and since I know you as that person with obscure zexal knowledge, I wanted to know what you thought.
Thanks you, although my knowledge of zexal (and ygo in general tbh) is rather limited compared to a lot of people in the fanbase. Like, it’s only barians for some reason.
For their faces, I don’t get what you mean by uniqueness exactly?
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Their head is based on their hair in human form, and they are distinctively humanoid in shape unlike Don Thousand or the fearsome which generally take on the “insect” approach. The only (arguably) humanoid is kurage’s, but even that takes inspiration from the jellyfish.
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With the Emperors and their markings/mask, there’s a couple of things to note. 
I don’t think its that significant, but something I noticed is that the Emperors appeared in a certain order. I marked it with Sargasso because it sounded nice, but you could think of it as the beginning, middle, and end.
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The first set of barians we get in full (as in their unhooded alien form) are Mizael, Alito, and Gilag in that order during the whatever arc. The next are Durbe then Vector revealed during the Sargasso Arc. Finally, we get Nasch and Merag during the Barian Onslaught Arc.
From here, you can catch a handful of similarities between each set. 
Like I said, it could be a coincidence that their designs debuted like this. But Mizael, Alito, and Gilag were revealed within 5 episodes of each other. After that, it takes another 8 eps to get to Durbe and Vector, then +25 to get to Nasch and Merag. This means we spend a large amount of time (if you were watching this live, or on a weekly basis instead of binging) with a specific idea of what the barians are exactly. 
Id’d argue that the first set is the most alien we get out of the Emperors. Humanoid, yes, but they’re mask make them feel distinctly less human. I think it’s because we get to know these character as humans first, so they’re barian appearance must be more different than the others or else it’ll create a dissonance. At this point of the narrative, the audience believes the barians are aliens. The past life stuff doesn’t appear until after the Sargasso Arc, so for the first 20-something episodes, Mizael, Alito, and Gilag (despite their behavior) must set up a more alien atmosphere than the others. 
So during Sargasso, we get Vector and Durbe. You can argue that Vector is more alien due to his wings and claws, but look at his face compared to the first set. With the pre-sargasso barians, their mask makes them look like >:l constantly. Just a big >:l the entire time. They’re always angry and intimidating, and the animators have to work hard to alter this expression.
The lack of a mask on Durbe and Vector allows them to be more versatile in their emotions, especially Vector who has the most expression out of them all. And as they get more versatile, they get “more human” per-say. 
It’s kinda a given that Durbe is one of the more bland designs in terms of the Emperors, but I think this works to his advantage. Durbe is the only barian we see as alien first, and then human. And as one of the last barian to be revealed, instead of something intimidating and threatening, we get this
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That is something I would beat up and shove inside a locker, not something  expect to be the leader and supposed most-powerful of the Emperors. He’s non-threatening, kinda cute, and this idea sets up the Mythyrian Arc where the audience finds out that the aliens aren’t truly aliens. In fact, they were human.
While pre-sargasso sets them up as foreign and off-putting aliens, sargasso shifts their appearance towards humanity. 
Of course this means that Nasch and Merag have the most human traits out of the designs, and id argue yes-ish. When I said Durbe is bland, it doesn’t mean he’s not alien. He and Vector have a fair share of alien features in them. They’re pointed ears, the wings and claws on Vector, Durbe’s soulless and pupiless eyes, ect. They’re definitely alien, but not quite there.
Nasch and Merag, on the other hand, appear during the narrative when the audience knows what the barians are precisely. We KNOW that Shark and Rio are Nasch and Merag. Since we know they were human and they have nothing left to hide, they adapt the most traits of their human form. They don’t have claws or body deformations, and their “hair” is similar in shape and color to their human form. 
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Like, I’m not saying it’s difficult to guess which barian is which human (people who haven’t watched zexal can easily align them) but in terms of similarities, Nasch and Meraq hit the most traits between human and barian. The only notable difference is they take on the dominant hair color for their antlers and have more exaggerated features + their crown. 
So in terms of why the Emperor’s are designed the way they are, my guess is that they were designed to be from order of appearance: more alien ---> less alien. 
This coincide with how the audience should treat them. In the beginning, they were framed as one-dimensional evil aliens who needed to be taken out. But the more the story progresses, this viewpoint becomes muddied. Do they really deserve to die if their goals are so human and their circumstance so unjust? Nasch and Merag look so much like their human counterparts because that’s how the audience known them for over a hundred episodes. Aside from the familiarity, if we truly believe the barians need to die, then our Rio and Ryouga must go with them. 
With their markings, some people said that Nasch’s markings look like tear tracts because hes a crybaby chicken man of his tragic past while Merag’s makes it looks like she has rosy cheeks (bc cold and ice y’kno). I dont’ have much of an explanation for Vector aside from appearing similar to Nasch, whom he envies for being the stronger Emperor. Durbe, idk. Looks like a cat
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As for the prince, it’s unlikely that the writers had any story for him outside of his role with Alito in the past life.
However, it could be implied that the prince’s spirit reside within Alito’s Mythyrian Number and his role was to protect/restore Alito to his true self in the future.
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That’s how I interpreted it, personally. 
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