#idk if these are my final designs for them but hey…… they should k-
mardyart · 1 year
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[rains voice] ooh you wanna fuck the new ghoul so bad it makes you look stupid
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yukkoislost · 2 months
my insanity accidentally uhm. enabled me to think of like a whole other 4 ocs so...
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meet SD-R !! more below cut
i had to actly sit down and consider what i was making w this kid because that adds a whole other layer of freakin lore that i gotta plan so,,
i don't really like his design atm... so this is most likely NOT the final design, more of a trial?
anyway the main idea i had for him was that he's a project along with his two other squadmates created by the last surviving humans on earth to combat the absolute solver/cyn
another example of people creating things that they can't control !!!! i love it !!! anyway in order to combat AS, who is basically a god (or the devil, however you wanna see it), they thought that they should make their own god
crazy genshin shit ik
SD-R is one of the first of the project, along with his squadmates SD-A and K
R is the leader of the squad, but he doesn't pilot (that's A's job) and K is kinda just there,, haven't had a proper purpose for them yet but might make them a priest disassembly drone playing on the whole cross usb thing idea i liked it
so basically humans facing extinction who didn't learn from past mistakes though HEY!!! what if we made a GOD DRONE or something like that because realistically speaking i don't think that's possible but seeing how far the AS got it may as well be tbh. anyway.
his voicebox doesn't work because of having a 'true voice' which affects humans so they disabled it,, the chains keep him down to earth in a sense
i think i'm trying to do too much making a god-ish drone thing 💀 please smack me
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you see this little icon !!! it's like their symbol (like how the AS has its own little triangle hexagon thing) :)
i think i might switch out the demon wings for like angel wings or something but erm haven't decided yet !!!! I'M THINKING TOO MUCH GRR
i js wanna make em look a lil more diff since they're meant to be differentiated and stuff but my creativity isn't working tdy and my brain is melted lol
his hairs tied up btw idk where that went but i wrote it on the ref sheet and uhm deleted it somehow?? i didn't realise sorry sobbing
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a silly little paper doodle for R,,
will delete this post eventually probably
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merinnan · 4 years
Time Raiders
Okay, pausing the DMBJ 2 watches to watch the Time Raiders movie instead! I've been told that the entire movie is basically one big crackfic & I want to see how true that is
- Apparently the only place I can find it is YouTube 
- And we open with someone laying down cards which...seem to be making a qilin pattern. Okay. 
- And now we're at the Himalayas, and it seems to be a bunch of white soldiers shooting people? 
- Oh, this leader white guy has a classic villain look. I love the pocket watch, too 
- Wait, he's supposed to be a scientist? 
 - He obviously hasn't read the Evil Overload Handbook 
- And now this is giving me flashbacks to Xiaoge's first appearance in DMBJ1
- Ah, yes, I think this is the Xiaoge for this movie. Excellent. 
- DUDES. You have GUNS. You were using them just before. Why are you now using knives only? 
- I mean, it wouldn't do much better, because Xiaoge, but still 
- This is A Look
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- Finally, one of them uses a gun, and it's as useless as I expected it would be 
- Ahahahah, omg, what he did to these two guys is hilarious 
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- That is a TERRIBLE hiding place 
- Don't....don't leave him alive. JFC
- This flashback montage is super weird 
- Look, I don't have a tattoo myself, but I'm pretty sure that that's not how you get tattoos 
- And now we move to Wushanju 
- Oh, I think it's Sanshu who's been playing with those cards
- ...you have got to be kidding me 
- Really? We're really doing this? 
- I guess this is Wu Xie, then 
- What even did he just randomly put that mask on for 
- That is NOT a newborn
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- Awww, kid Wu Xie 
- Yay, creepy old houses. And ofc kid Wu Xie is gonna try to get inside 
- But that is a fucking massive lock 
- Yes, of course, wrap the porch in giant fuckoff chains, but don't lock the front door. Why not? 
- ....k 
- Sure, that happened
- And bratty kid Wu Xie still pinched one of the medallions after all of that 
- Okay, yeah, if you were a kid who had to go to a funeral every month, no wonder you'd be so bored at them
- This movie is all over the place in terms of timeline 
- I think we're finally into the time period of the main story 
- And it seems this one also has Wu Xie as having been an architecture student of some kind
- Oh, yes, that's exactly what you want to find while crawling through a tunnel 
- WX: "Sanshu can never know about this. You didn't tell him, right?" 
WM: *oh shit I'm screwed face* 
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- Hi Sanshu, I wonder how you got here
- I love that no matter what version it is, Wu Xie is a little shit XD 
- ...Wu Xie. Moths. Light. No. 
- Wu Xie gonna Wu Xie 
- Wu Xie, what are you doing? 
- OMG 
- Sanshu, this is all your fault for never letting him in anything like this. He doesn't know not to touch
- Wow, that wasn't subtle at all 
- That's some steampunky looking villain lair right there 
- I love how the 'passerby video' getting screened fucking everywhere is just the movie footage of that scene XD That's some high quality passerby video with interesting angles
- That's an interesting drinking spot, Xiaoge 
- I love that so far Wu Xie's instincts for everything is either 'touch it', 'wear it', or 'dismantle it' 
- ....okay 
- Yeah, I....I think this is going to be my reaction to most of the movie, tbh
- Although at least this whole magic Snake Empress and weird ancient technology/magic thing is more interesting than the bland het palace drama randomly dropped into the middle of DMBJ1 
- Oh, finally, some product placement 
- I was wondering what was taking it so long
- I love how all their desks and papers and such are inside what look like coffins, and then fold out 
- Oh look, Xiaoge's sword is inside one of the coffins. 
- And there's Xiaoge 
- Hei Ye gave Sanshu the sword decades ago?
- lol, this is like some Sword in the Stone bullshit right here 
 - I love it 
- a) Was all that really necessary 
- b) wtf even is that sword? 
- It's a really bizarre design, and surely being able to be moved like a mechanical device would weaken it?
- ...okay, that was a cute meeting, I'll give it that 
- Love how the older guys are teasing Wu Xie in the truck here. 
- Oh, Wu Xie's actually a psych student in this one
- And like, Wu Xie, how do you know Xiaoge was looking at his reflection. It's a window, he might have just been spacing out at the scenery 
- You must have been paying a lot of attention to him to notice it was the reflection he was actually looking at, hmmm? 👀
- This is a cute Wu Xie, tho 
- Yes, Wu Xie, despite your lack of modesty there I totally caught that you just called Xiaoge handsome 
- Hahaha, Xiaoge had exactly the same reaction
- No, Wu Xie, it doesn't matter that you'd taken the ammo out, you should never stick the barrel of a gun in your face and look down it like that. 
- Even if you're certain it's unloaded, you just DON'T DO THAT
- Wu Xie, lacking impulse control and survival instincts without Xiaoge and Pangzi since....forever 
- (okay, lacking survival instincts was perhaps a bit too far, but still)
- I love Xiaoge's "omg what even are you" look at that 
- This is a very talkative and open to talking about himself Xiaoge 
- It's kind of weird
- lol @ Sanshu locking Wu Xie in the truck so he can't come with them 
 - I mean, really, does he actually expect this to work? 
- He knows his nephew both likes and is good at taking things apart, after all 
- lol, I knew it 
- Oh 
- Oh, that's not a good sign
- Even Coral's logo just screams 'villainous organisation' 
- These mercenaries look like video game characters from like COD or something 
- Oh hi, lady I presume is A-Ning 
- I like the haircut. Looks kinda like DMBJ 1 Xiaoge's haircut, just with the fringe over the opposite eye
- Oh, there's that gratuitous boob shot that @thosch3i​ told me about 
- I really don't see why it was necessary for A-Ning to crawl all over the truck like that when everyone else just walked past it
- There is some really nice scenery in this movie with all the mountains and cliffs and such 
- "What I'm doing isn't about right or wrong, it's about how much" I like this A-Ning. She is refreshingly direct and mercenary
- Damn, I though Xiaoge was going to notice the drone. I mean, it's so close to them! He should notice it! 
- Love Hendrix's surprised Pikachu face at recognising him, though 
- I'm honestly surprised that none of them have looked in the truck at all
- I do appreciate that this movie doesn't even attempt to pretend that they're not tomb raiders 
- And that they have no interest in preserving this place 
- Because BOOM! Let's just dynamite our way in and destroy half the wall
- Oops, no floor there 
- Hahaha, this tomb is a fucking platform game 
 - Lovely, a shootout in a tomb. Just what every good tomb raiding movie need 
 - lol, Sanshu 
- Don't you ever ever again wonder where your nephew's little shit tendencies come from
- I think Xiaoge and A-Ning are the only truly competent people on their respective teams 
- A-Ning, 'keep them alive' does not mean 'try to shoot one in the face at close range' 
- That little boot knife is kinda cute, though 
- Clever move, Pan Zi
- I love the Xiaoge/A-Ning fight. He really is the only one who could keep her distracted 
- I'm impressed at how well she held her own with him 
- IDK why he was holding back
- Also, Xiaoge participating in fight banter, no matter how minimal? Strange, but also kinda cool. 
- I'm going to be giggling about that "Not bad"/"I know" for awhile, I think 
- IDK how they had the time or the ability to stay still long enough to rig up that trap, I'm impressed
- lol, yeah, I didn't think that it would take Wu Xie long to get out of the truck 
- I take back my earlier comment about it being too harsh to say that Wu Xie lacks survival instincts without Xiaoge and Pangzi around
- Wu Xie, there is not enough light down here for you to get good shots without your flash being on 
- I know having your flash on is a BAD idea, but still 
- You cannot be getting good photos in this light
- Why is Xiaoge separated from everyone? He jumped down with them 
- I mean, it's good that he is, otherwise Wu Xie would be kinda screwed right now 
- Huh, bats, there must be an actual entrance to this tomb, not just the one that Sanshu's team made.
- A-Ning's tiny baby drones are so cute 
- The English dubbing in this is surprisingly good compared to the shows 
- Yes, good, the staring is starting 
- ...Wu Xie, you little shit 
 - He's so pleased with himself 
- Xiaoge is so confused until he explains it 
- OMG, a Xiaoge smile
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- Ah yes, multiple large tornadoes, a way to signify weird shit is going now 
- And weird spinny planets forming an...energy grid of some kind? 
- ...k 
- The mini drones apparently only pick up on people who are part of A-Ning's team, I guess
- I mean, I had a strong suspicion that was gonna happen, but it still made me jump 
- Xiaoge to the rescue! 
- Damn, that sword is strong 
- This tomb definitely has a spider colony, but given it also has a bat colony that doesn't surprise me
- Those are some creepy looking mannequins 
- This set up looks like a game of Mouse Trap 
- A game of Mouse Trap with fire 
- That's actually a really cool way to light all the candles and lamps 
- I'm impressed that none of the cobwebs have caught on fire
- Oh, so NOW you use your flash, Wu Xie. When the room is all well lit and you don't actually need it 
- Wu Xie and his compulsive need to touch things 
- Are all the puppets connected somehow, or are we gonna have spooky magical shit making them all come to life?
- Oh, the puppet band is like the bells, I guess 
- Huh, it seems Wu Xie's the only one who got thrown into memories in these illusions, everyone else's hallucination still has them inside the tomb 
- wtf, a lion is a weird thing to hallucinate
- Magic Zhang blood, go! 
- IDK why he needs to cut himself for each person, though, surely one cut should be enough to get all the drops of blood he needs 
- Good boy, Wu Xie, already so protective of his Xiaoge
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- This really is a fucking platform game 
- Guys, this is why you study up on the raid mechanics BEFORE you enter the instance 
- Ahahahah, the music playing as Wu Xie basically dances with the sword trap
- lol, the look on Xiaoge's face as he realises Wu Xie is just...fucking dancing and taking photos 
- And that it's WORKING 
- OMFG, this is basically just a bizarre dance sequence 
- I love it 
- It's so stupid
- The puppets having fucking crossbows 
- Because ofc they do 
- Repeating crossbows 
- ...k 
- So now we have a room full of skeletons stuffed into cages 
- Why not 
- Ah, we're about to have bugs show up 
- Excellent 
- This is what I've been waiting for
- Let the hilarity begin continue 
- Dude, you can quit right now as much as you like, but it doesn't mean you're going to be able to get out of here by yourself 
- I guess this guy's gonna die now 
- For the tropes are hungry and must be fed 
- Much like the bugs
- Yep, here we go 
- Hello, shibie, I've been expecting you 
- These ones don't look as cartoonishly ridiculous as the ones in DMBJ 1, I'm sad 
- OMFG, it's eating the shovel/pick/thing 
- Okay, this is a good effort at cartoonish ridiculousness
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- It's a lovely day in the tomb, and these are horrible shibie 
- Poor Wu Xie, so shocked at getting slapped
- And yeah. Yeah, that's about the only thing you can do there. 
- Only way to save the guy is to just give him a quick death so he doesn't suffer from being eaten alive
- They're lucky these shibie move so slowly. It gives them plenty of time to climb up onto those frames 
- lol, weird bendy sword again 
- Wow, good catch, Wu Xie 
- Y'know, Wu Xie, it might have been more useful to give the knife to Da Kui 
- And ofc Wu Xie falls down
- What is a DMBJ adaptation without Wu Xie getting himself into danger like this?
- That was so much wtf all at once 
- First, an unbroken flute just, like, laying there on the ground 
- Then, Wu Xie somehow thinking that playing it would save him from the bugs 
- Then that WORKED 
- He's like the fucking Pied Piper of the shibie 
- What even is this movie
- Haha, the little OK sign he flashes at Xiaoge 
- The wtf look on Xiaoge's face 
- Same, Xiaoge. Same 
- I love how everyone just. Accepts it & congratulates Wu Xie on being an awesome flute player 
- But then ig what else are you gonna do? 
- It's like, well, this may as well happen
- Sanshu's team really likes using grenades, huh? 
- Well, it does work pretty well! 
- See, Wu Xie, this is when you need to summon your bugs back
- On a completely different tangent, I cannot get over how weirdly the subs translate men you ping. I had to look up wtf shtum was. I've never come across it before. Is it something more commonly used in the US or something?
- Xiaoge, when you said you had a better way than digging under the door, I didn't think you meant just BATTERING THE FUCKING DOOR WITH THE SHOVEL 
- Oh, no, it's with your sword
- Because the best way to look after a sharp blade and keep it in good condition and keep a good edge is to...hack at rocks with it 
- Ofc 
- Why didn't I think of that? 
-  OK, ig fucking up your sword's edge did actually work, there's now a giant-ass hole in the door
- This is serious Day After Tomorrow vibes here
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- Ah, yes, giant lightning strikes that cause so much force to travel through the earth that they can semi-collapse a tunnel deep underneath a mountain 
- Just your usual tomb robbing dangers 
- Physicists and meteorologists would have a fucking field day here
- Ah, I see we're at this level of the platform game 
- With the collapsing floor you need to get across without falling
- Okay, that's really kinda sweet of Wu Xie here. He thinks he's likely to die, and the most important thing to him is giving Xiaoge the pictures he took of him so that he doesn't lose all his memories 
- And aww, Xiaoge's so worried about him
- Like, I'm totally understanding why the transmigrated Wu Xie in that fic looked at these two and went "wow, we're so gay in this timeline" 
- Even the music in this scene is shipping it 
- Romantic line, and dramatic fall through the floor. Yep.
- I'm amazed he survived that fall, but it's Wu Xie, and he can't die 
- ...yes, ancient Persian architecture totally had anachronistic technology. Sure. This is definitely like that 
- omfg, they're statis chambers 
- 2000 year old stasis chambers
- Guess they're not worried about catching Sanshu and his team to get the key anymore. They've been kinda sidetracked 
- Side quests will do that 
- ...plant golems 
- "Don't shoot the thing that's in the process of murdering your friend! You might damage my research project!"
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- Ew, that's not a nice death 
- Yes, good girl, A-Ning 
- That thing was just gonna kill your whole team otherwise 
- ...how did that laptop survive the blast enough for Wu Xie to be using it with no problem 
- That's one tough laptop 
- Where do I get one?
- And hey, I guess the one Chinese guy with A-Ning isn't actually one of her people, since she just, like, left him there 🤣 In the room with a plant golem 🤣 That she then threw a grenade into 🤣
 - ...omg, that's meant to be Pangzi?
- I was wondering why no Pangzi in the movie. I guess 3/4 of the way through isn't too late to properly intro him 
 - Ahahaha, Wu Xie actually thinks his bluff was super successful when there's a plant golem behind him 
- Xiaoge to the rescue again XD
- lol @ both Pangzi and Wu Xie using Xiaoge's sword as a restraint 
- ...surprise A-Ning! I wasn't expecting her to actually come back 
- And she's somehow lost all of her guys
- That's a lot of snakes, but I'm more interested in where all the water is coming from and why you can see the sun behind those shelves 
- Given how deep under a mountain they're supposed to be 
- I do love competent, pretty girls wielding huge fuckoff guns
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- This door mechanism is so intricate (like the key/timer). So ofc I'm sure they're going to destroy it all 
 - Because that's how tomb raiding movies go
- Introduce a tomb with intricate and complex mechanisms far in advance of anything else known to that time period and civilisation, and then destroy them in dramatic fight and escape scenes 
- OMG the floor is lava 
 - Of course there's lava as well
- Oh, and it seems it's now all open to the sky 
- Ig the lightning which could mysteriously exert high levels of force must have smashed through the mountain and very neatly cleared it all way so that this part of the tomb and only this part of the tomb is now open air
- Wang Zanghai wishes he could go this extra with tomb building 
- And now Xiaoge being super extra to get across the destroyed section of the bridge 
- So this dude is gonna wake up just before Xiaoge gets there, isn't he? 
- And we're going to get an epic swordfight between them
- At least, it better be an epic swordfight 
- Otherwise this buildup will be very disappointing 
- Ah, yes, good, there we go 
- And all the plant golems are also waking up 
- ...along with a shitton of snakes 
- OMG the snakes have arms 
- The snakes 
- have arms
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- OMG Xiaoge's sword is doing what now? 
- That's almost as ridiculous as the snakes with arms 
- It's like a sword designed by a 13 year old weeaboo boy
"it's gonna be ancient, and super strong, and nothing will ever make it blunt" 
"okay, seems like a typical magic sword so far, that's fair" 
"and you can bend it at right angles" 
"...you can what"
"and when it's bent at right angles, you can make it spin really fast and still use it like a proper sword" 
"...it what"
- ...the Snake Empress is reforming in her armour as thousands of little vines all coming together 
- k 
- Sure 
- This may as well happen 
- And her armour has boobplate, because ofc it does 
- Oh, she ain’t happy that Xiaoge just killed her plant golem boyfriend
- Her aesthetics are hilarious 
- It's part Queen of the Damned, part Little Shop of Horrors 
- Okay, snake lady, your worms might change the world but honestly I think that lightning would be more effective if you could control it
- Sanshu and co just randomly walk in through another entrance 
- Oh, and there's the rest of A-Ning's team
- I want the story behind this A-Ning and her team. The way they all call her captain, and follow her without a second word, and are so genuinely happy to see her. This isn't just a throw-together team, or a team that Hendrix put together and put her in charge of. This is her team, and there's an obvious history between them
- And snake lady is suddenly not looking as pretty as she was, for no discernible reason 
- One minute she's jumping around, the next she's all pale and falling apart. At least her face is 
- It's like she's decomposing throughout the fight
- And here come the snakes with arms 
- They move just as slowly as the shibie in here do 
- They jump pretty fast, though 
- RIP the next member of Sanshu's team 
- Yeah, machine guns aren't that effective against regular snakes, let alone magic snakes
- And the plant golems are here 
- RIP more of Sanshu's team 
- Ah, the little snakes with arms are all grown up and off to conquer the world
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- ...omfg Pangzi 
- And this time it's A-Ning to the rescue 
- I love how quickly Wu Xie and Pangzi fall into the dynamic of a pair of clowns, regardless of adaptation
- RIP Harry. You went out like a badass 
- Oh wow, both teams are having some fucking epic sacrificial deaths in this fight scene 
- I like 
- And more cute pingxie, this time in flashbacks 
- lol, clearing out plant golem conversion by pure force of will
- ...and channeling blood down the grooves in the sword blade apparently...makes it sharper? 
- At least, it couldn't cut through the vines before, and now it can 
- That's not how magnetic fields work
- Ahahaha, Wu Xie pulling out his flute 
- He's gonna pull that Pied Piper shit again, isn't he? 
- Here come the shibie, come to nom on plant-snake-lady flesh! 
- She's having just as much trouble with them as everyone else does
- Because it's a lovely day in the tomb, and they are horrible shibie 
- Wow, she hits hard, she knocked Xiaoge like halfway across the chasm 
- Good thing there was a random broken pillar there
- Are they getting obliterated? 
- Ah, no, they're getting sucked up by the wind 
- Shibie-nado! 
- You know, I kinda like how bad Wu Xie's English is compared to everyone else who's spoken English so far 
- It nicely demonstrates who speaks it a lot and who doesn't
- Aw, Wu Xie, you're always so optimistic when you're baby 
- And it actually worked. I'm impressed. 
- Oh wow, A-Ning, that's some character development right there, caring about right or wrong instead of money
- Nice Pangi & A-Ning dynamic in this movie, given how they usually hate each other 
- This is definitely the final level of a platform game 
- Hahah, the two teams now 
- Awwwwwwww 😭
 - I think this is the first time I've seen Wu Xie rescue Xiaoge rather than vice versa 
- "I regret not locking you in the truck myself" 
 - Sorry, Xiaoge, I don't think you'd actually have much more luck with that than Sanshu did 
- Xiaoge, you really should have been more careful there, you almost did low Wu Xie 
- Good thing A-Ning was close by!
- ....the sword...is being used...as a boomerang 
- wtaf 
- Hahahah, the snakes' death throes, omg 
- lol what even was that ending
Overall: This movie was just one long DMBJ PingXie AU crackfic, and the author didn't know how to end it so just...didn't write an actual ending. That's the only way I can explain it. 
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Teacher’s Pet
‘if I pass this quiz, will you give me your babies?’
little body, big heart masterlist
teacher!seokjin x student!reader - smut, fluff, angst, humour
Word count: 15.9k+
Summary - Peach sets her sights on her new Food and Nutrition teacher, and enlists the help of her friends to seduce him...
Warnings - bad language, mention of drugs and alcohol, teacher x student, age difference, oral sex (m and f receiving), cock-warming (but in her mouth lol), public sex (maybe, idk lol), fingering, degradation, underwear sniffing (lmaooo), gagging, pussy slapping, ‘sir’, I think that’s it, lmk if I’ve missed anything pls
a/n: the first instalment of the ‘little body, big heart’ series !! unedited as usual lmao but I hope y’all like this, and lmk if you wanna be added to the masterlist x
taglist: @jintendoswitch​ @atulipandarose​
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘Peach!’ I hear from behind me, turning to look down the corridor, spotting Daisy and Dream walking towards me. ‘Hey, girls,’ I say as they near me, hugging the two of them. ‘Hey, babe,’ Daisy says, pushing her glasses up to sit stop her head, handbag resting in the crook of her elbow. ‘You’re in Mr Kim’s lesson this morning too, right?’ Dream asks, and I nod, the girl grinning. ‘Good! Let’s go now,’ Dream says excitedly, Daisy rolling her eyes.
‘What for? The lesson doesn’t start for another ten minutes.’ ‘Don’t you wanna get seats together?’ Dream says, and Daisy lets out a gentle laugh. ‘Dream, we’ll get seats together even if we show up late. I’ll make sure of it,’ she replies, before turning on her heel. ‘Let’s go get a drink from the cafeteria,’ she calls over her shoulder, Dream hurrying after her, and I follow behind them both, taking my time.
My shiny black school shoes (with a slight heel on them) squeak against the checked linoleum floor, pastel pink and baby blue. Everything at this school is pastel pink and baby blue; the dormitories, the classrooms, the walls, the floor, the cafeteria, our uniforms. Though, I won’t complain about the uniforms; they are kinda cute.
The pleated check skirt is supposed to be loose and long, but my friends and I have tightened ours, rolling them up so they reach mid-thigh. The white blouse is supposed to be thick and long-sleeved, but my friends and I have thin short-sleeved ones, fitted to accentuate our assets. The pink and blue check blazer is supposed to be long and shapeless, but my friends and I have all cropped ours to our waists and bought a size too small. The white socks are supposed to be knee high and thick, but my friends and I wear ankle socks with a lace frill on them.
Whilst everyone else looks like conservative nuns, we look like we’ve just stepped out of Clueless, and as much as the teachers hate it, there’s nothing they can do; it’s not like we can go and get new clothes from the uniform shop in the city when we’re miles and miles away from it. And it’s not like we have time to travel there, what with lessons on Monday through Saturday, Sunday our only day off.
This school is like a prison. I guess that’s what it is though; a prison for naughty children. It’s a reform school, for anyone in the school years K-12, hence the ridiculously creative name (note my sarcasm there, please). We’re all in the final term of our final year, some of us having been here longer than others. I’ve been here since ninth year, Honey since ninth, Sunshine since tenth, Pearl since ninth, Daisy since eighth, Angel since tenth and Dream since eleventh.
We’ve all been sent here for very different reasons. I was caught shoplifting a designer handbag, and then they discovered my eBay account, selling hundreds of (stolen) designer items that I had stashed under my bed. Honey got into a fight with a girl at her old school and put her into a coma (she’s still in one, apparently). Sunshine was caught doing drugs with her ex-boyfriend. Pearl was caught selling drugs with her ex-boyfriend. Daisy was caught in bed with a boy years older than her (he still phones her sometimes). Angel flunked her ninth year because she ditched every other lesson to see her ex-boyfriend at the school down the road (the other school apparently thought she was one of their students because she was there that often). And Dream failed Chem (her parents are scientists and they took it a little… deep).
That’s our little friendship group, the pretty and popular girls that everyone hates. But we’re honestly not that bad. We can just come across as exclusive, but it’s only because we’re so close. We’re like sisters; we know everything about each other. Well, nearly everything.
We don’t know each other’s’ real names; the school gives all the girls a new name when we arrive, to help with reformation apparently. We’re all called sickly sweet things, like Princess, Buttercup, Honeybun, Sweetie. You name it, someone’s called it. They’re supposed to reflect the way we should behave; ladylike, elegant and graceful (what’s elegant about Peach, I don’t know, but whatever). The boys don’t have to have new names though. It’s just one of the very many double standards at this school. I think being out in the countryside means it’s light-years behind the rest of society. Our friendship group has changed that a little bit, though.
Some of the girls have boyfriends (which is totally against the rules), prompting some of the other girls in our year to do the same. Some of us have piercings and tattoos and false nails (don’t ask how Daisy managed to sneak in piercing and tattoo equipment). Honey smuggled hair-dye in with her, one colour for each of us (my hair’s peach, Honey’s is honey-blonde, Sunshine’s is bright blonde, Pearl’s is a silvery-grey, Daisy’s is a baby blue, Angel’s is platinum blonde and Dream’s is baby pink). Daisy brought loads of alcohol and Pearl brought loads of drugs, so we all get drunk or high every Saturday. If anything, the school’s made us worse.
As we enter the cafeteria, Sunshine and Angel call our names, waving at us from where they’re sat on our usual table in the corner with their boyfriends, Hoseok and Taehyung, and their boyfriends’ friends, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook. We head over to say hi, Daisy strutting over with her head held high, attempting to catch Jimin’s eye.
They’ve been on and off since Daisy arrived in eighth year (the boys have all been here since seventh year after they set their school on fire at the end of sixth year), but he’s come back after the holiday with a new girlfriend, much to Daisy’s dismay. It seems he still fancies her though, his eyes glued to her as we near the table.
‘Hey, guys,’ I say, everyone greeting us in return. ‘What do you guys have this morning?’ Angel asks, leaning against Taehyung. ‘Food and Nutrition with Mr Kim. What about you?’ Dream asks. ‘We’ve all got a free lesson. How amazing is that? I’m so having a lie-in every Monday morning,’ Sunshine says. ‘That’s so not fair,’ Daisy complains, voice a little softer in front of Jimin. ‘You shouldn’t have chosen such a terrible subject then,’ Namjoon says evenly, and I roll my eyes. ‘It’s not terrible; the old teacher was. Maybe Mr Kim will be better,’ I muse, the boys laughing.
‘What?’ Dream asks, and Hoseok raises an eyebrow. ‘Have you not seen him?’ he asks, all of us shaking our heads. ‘Let’s just say, you won’t be doing that much learning in his lesson. You’ll be too busy staring at his face,’ Hoseok says, and Daisy raises an eyebrow. ‘Is he good-looking?’ she asks, the boys nodding. ‘Someone needs to tell Mr Kim to watch out. Daisy’ll be trying to seduce him,’ Yoongi says, everyone laughing. ‘I do have a thing for older men,’ Daisy jokes, referring to her ‘reform’ story, as the school calls it (everyone is required to share their reform story with their first class on their first day), and we all burst out laughing, save for Jimin who looks less than amused.
‘I’m going to get a drink. Anyone want anything?’ Daisy asks, and I nod. ‘I’ll have my usual, please,’ I say, Dream asking for her usual too. Daisy sashays towards where the lunch ladies serve food, Jimin’s eyes watching her retreating figure. As soon as they spot her walking over, they plaster big smiles on their faces. No one wants to get on Daisy’s bad side; I feel sorry for Jimin’s girlfriend.
‘Where’re the other two of your little gang? Pearl and Honey?’ Namjoon asks. ‘Pearl doesn’t arrive ‘til tomorrow, and Honey had a 9am with Mrs Lee,’ Dream explains, the boys nodding. Dream’s fit into our group really well, becoming the innocent little baby that our group never head. I’m the mum friend, Honey’s the ‘will fight you if you’re rude to her friends’ friend, Sunshine’s the sunshine of the group (her name’s fitting), Pearl’s the clever friend, Daisy’s the promiscuous and glamorous troublemaker and Angel’s the romantic drama queen. We’re all so different, and that’s what brings us together.
‘I know I’ve said this before, but I love the hair, Peach. I’ve been thinking of going that colour soon,’ Taehyung says, and I smile. ‘Thanks, Tae. I’ve got some spare dye if you want it,’ I say, and Angel whines. ‘No, baby, I love your hair the way it is. The blue suits you,’ she says, and he rolls his eyes. ‘I’ve had it blue for months. It’s time for a change. I’ll have that dye if you don’t mind, Peach. When my roots start to show,’ Taehyung says, and I nod as Angel pouts, Daisy returning with our drinks.
I have a caramel frappe, Daisy has a mango and passionfruit smoothie and Dream has an iced vanilla latte. ‘Come on, let’s head to lesson. We’ll be late otherwise,’ I say, Daisy groaning, and I shake my head. ‘No, come on, no complaining. It’s our first day back, we can’t be late. Let’s go,’ I say firmly, ever the responsible friend, and we bid goodbye to our friends before heading to Mr Kim’s lesson.
We walk down the corridor, people parting for us to get through, as Daisy and Dream gossip about the latest scandal at the school (apparently Kai cheated on his girlfriend, Crystal, with the new girl, Dumpling), and I just listen, sipping on my drink. When we reach the lesson, there’s a minute left until 10.30 and the classroom is completely full. Daisy, eyes set on the desks at the back of the room, whispers, ‘watch this,’ to Dream and I.
Now, Daisy’s not a mean girl. But she’s manipulative. Where anyone else would go and tell those people to move from their seats, Daisy takes a different approach. ‘Oh, no. You were right, Dream, we should’ve come earlier. Now we can’t even sit together, let alone at the back like we wanted to,’ she whines loudly, lips pouted and eyes wide.
Instantly, the boy sat in the back middle seat gets up and prompts his friend in front of him and his friend to the left of him to do the same. ‘Here you go, ladies,’ he says, eyes on Daisy, who giggles, placing a hand on his chest as she passes him, taking his seat. I sit in the seat in front of Daisy, Dream sitting beside her, watching as the boys make the people in the row in front of us move so they can sit in those seats.
I’m placing my books and stationery onto the table when the door opens and the teacher walks in, the class falling completely silent as the door falls shut. I look up, intrigued at this man that the boys said is good-looking, and I have to actively stop my mouth from falling open. ‘Good morning, class. I’m Mr Kim, your new Food and Nutrition teacher. Sorry I’m late, I got a little lost. I’ll make sure I’m here before you all next week.’
He’s beautiful, his skin fair and clear, hair dark and swept back, revealing a slice of his forehead and dark eyebrows, lips plump and pink and glasses covering his chocolate brown eyes. He’s tall with wide shoulders, complemented by his black suit. ‘It’s lovely to meet you all. I thought we could begin today’s lesson with introductions rather than getting started with content straight away,’ he says as he sets himself up at the teacher’s desk at the front of the room, my eyes glued to him.
‘Peach,’ I hear Daisy hiss from behind me, and I turn to look at her, her face covered in shock when she spots the blush on my cheeks. ‘I was gonna ask if you think he’s hot, but you obviously do,’ she whispers with a smirk, and I feel my blush deepen, turning to face the front once more.
‘Let’s start with the introductions. I’d like to hear all of your names, and your… reform stories? That’s what the school calls them, right?’ he asks, all of us nodding. We go around the room, from front to back, Mr Kim listening with interest to all of the stories. When he reaches me, I will my voice not to crack, and I hear Daisy whisper, ‘confidence,’ from behind me.
‘Hi, Mr Kim. I’m Peach,’ I say, sounding like a different person to my own ears. It’s almost like Daisy’s possessed me or something. ‘Hi, Peach. I like the hair,’ he replies with a small smile, and I feel a rush of satisfaction at his words. ‘Thank you, Sir. I like yours too. Anyway,’ I say, not giving anyone enough time to dwell on my compliment to him before I move on, ‘I was sent here because I was caught shoplifting a Saint Laurent bag. And then my parents found all the other designer stuff hidden under my bed that I was reselling on eBay to make enough money to go to Glastonbury.’ Mr Kim looks like he’s trying not to laugh, nodding with a smile on his face. ‘Okay, well, it’s nice to meet you, Peach,’ he replies before moving onto the next student.
When he reaches Dream (complimenting her hair too – the compliment he gave me seems a little less genuine now), she says, ‘I failed Chem and my parents were angry because they both have Chemistry degrees,’ and he lets out a gentle laugh. ‘Oh, gosh. Well, the only thing you’re here for is to improve your Chemistry grade, right?’ he asks, and she nods. ‘I was great at Food and Nutrition, sir.’ ‘That’s perfect. Makes my life easier,’ he says, before moving on to Daisy.
‘Hi, Mr Kim. I’m Daisy,’ she flirts, and he smiles at her, already sussing out the kind of person she is. I try not to feel jealous, knowing Daisy’s a natural flirt, but the smile he gives her makes my heart twist with envy. Grow up, Peach. ‘Hi, Daisy,’ he replies amusedly, and she pouts. ‘Sir, you complimented Peach and Dream’s hair. Don’t you like mine?’ she asks teasingly, and he laughs. ‘I can’t be seen encouraging behaviour that is extremely against the rules. But, off the record, yes, Daisy, I do like your hair,’ he replies with a grin, and I know the girl is preening from the praise without even turning to look at her.
‘Thanks, sir. Anyway, I’m here because the teachers caught me having sex with a high school senior in the school changing rooms. When I was in seventh year,’ she says, the grin audible in her voice, and Mr Kim’s cheeks and ears blush slightly as she speaks. I know Daisy’s over the moon about having this effect on him, the smugness clear in her tone. For some reason, Daisy brags about her reform story, when it’s very clearly statutory rape. ‘Well, that’s an interesting one, Daisy,’ he replies, voice slightly strained, and Daisy grins. ‘I’m an interesting girl, sir,’ she replies, Mr Kim nodding before moving on to the last person in class.
The lesson continues, not eventful in the slightest, but I can’t help but chew on my pen as I listen to him speak, the plastic mangled by the time we’re halfway through the lesson. He’s just so captivating, the unique way in which he laughs, how he’s got such a broad and intimidating build but seems so… sweet and kind, how beautiful his face is.
As part of the curriculum for Food and Nutrition, we have to learn about drugs and alcohol, and how they can be detrimental to your health, and when Mr Kim starts talking about this part of the topic, Daisy decides it’s time to disrupt the lesson. ‘Marijuana’s terrible if you’re trying to lose weight, Sir,’ she says solemnly, the man turning to look at her amusedly. ‘And why’s that, Daisy?’ ‘Well, I don’t know about everyone, but it gives me the munchies. I eat everything in sight,’ she says lightly, everyone laughing at her open admission to smoking weed. To our brand-new teacher.
‘I’m not sure this is something you should be discussing with your teacher, Daisy,’ he says with thinly veiled amusement, failing to hold back the smile from his face. ‘It’s fine, Sir. You’re no snitch… right?’ she says softly, almost threateningly, and Mr Kim seems to pick up on that, shaking his head. ‘I was a kid once too, Daisy, not long ago,’ he replies.
‘How long ago, Sir?’ I ask, and he smiles at me. ‘Is that a polite way of asking how old I am?’ he asks, and I nod shyly, laughing. ‘I’m 22, so I would have been your age four years ago. Gosh, that makes me feel old,’ he says, and we all let out disagreements, various ways of telling him he’s not old. ‘Sir, you’re the youngest teacher here. And the hottest. Old people aren’t hot,’ Daisy says shamelessly, Mr Kim blushing slightly again.
‘Thank you, Daisy,’ he replies, slightly stiffly. ‘No problem, Sir. You should hang out with us sometime,’ Daisy says, and he shakes his head with a smile. ‘That would be ridiculously against the rules. But thank you for the offer. Maybe at your end of year prom?’ he suggests, all of us nodding. ‘Now, anyway. Let’s get back on track,’ he says, continuing with the boring content of the lesson.
As soon as he sets us the first written task, Daisy kicks the back of my chair, gentle conversation beginning around the room. ‘You’ve so got a crush on him,’ Daisy teases, and I roll my eyes. ‘Why were you flirting with him then?’ I hiss, and she laughs. ‘Babe, come on, you know I’m not interested in him. There’s only one guy on my mind,’ she replies, and I deadpan her. ‘Okay. So why?’ I ask again, and she shakes her head.
‘I was sussing him out, Peach. Trying to get a feel for him, and whether or not he’s your type,’ she replies, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘And is he?’ ‘Totally. And he’d so go for you, too. See how much he was blushing when I spoke about my reform story? It means he was thinking about me having sex. If he can think about a student having sex and blush from it, then he can have sex with a student,’ Daisy says, and my eyes widen.
‘I don’t wanna have sex with him!’ I hiss, and she raises an eyebrow at me. ‘Girl, you don’t have to lie to me. Back me up here, Dream.’ ‘Yeah, Peach, it’s totally okay if you do. People always have crushes on their teachers, especially if they’re so good-looking,’ she replies, and I roll my eyes. ‘Okay, but would you advise me to if the opportunity arose?’ I ask, and Dream hesitates.
‘I wouldn’t advise you against it, because we’re already at a naughty school. What’s the worst they can do?’ she says, Daisy nodding in agreement. ‘You should so go for it. Try to seduce him. Yes, he might be a teacher, but he’s a young one, basically a boy. He won’t be immune to a bit of feminine charm,’ Daisy says, and I shake my head at her disapprovingly.
‘Oh, come on, don’t act all high and mighty. We’re at the same reform school, for God’s sake, you’re no better than me,’ she says, and I supress a laugh. ‘We’re here for very different reasons, Daisy,’ I point out, and she waves a hand in the air. ‘Promiscuity, stealing, failing Chem, it’s basically all the same thing,’ she says, Dream and I exchanging an amused glance.
‘Whatever you say, Daisy. The point is that you may feel comfortable to seduce a teacher, but I am not,’ I say firmly, and she rolls her eyes. ‘What’s the worst that could happen? They tell your parents? Wow,’ she says scornfully, and I shake my head at her. ‘It’s not happening,’ I say, and she purses her lips. ‘Spoilsport,’ she says, just as the door opens.
I turn to face the front, watching as one of the deputy headteachers, Mr Song, walks in. ‘Mr Kim,’ he says by way of greeting, not giving Mr Kim a chance to speak before he continues, ‘I thought you might like to know that I’ve been watching this classroom on the CCTV and those three young ladies at the back of the room haven’t done a single bit of work since you turned your back. I’d advise you separate them, or move them to the front of the room where you can keep an eye on their work.’ Daisy sighs as I internally groan, Mr Kim turning to look at three of us with a disappointed look on his face.
‘Thank you, Sir,’ Mr Kim replies stiffly, and I can’t meet his gaze, feeling ridiculously guilty. Not only have we disrespected him as a teacher, we’ve made him look like he can’t control his own class. In his first lesson. Mr Song leaves, Daisy sticking her middle finger up at the door as it closes, and Mr Kim sighs.
‘Girls… move to the front row, please,’ he says, Daisy groaning. ‘But Mr Kim-’ ‘No. Don’t argue with me. Move,’ he says sternly, the three of us collecting up our things and swapping seats with the people in the front row. Daisy pushes me towards the middle seat, right in front of Mr Kim’s desk, and I try not to blush as she grins at me.
I pull my glasses out of my bag, putting them on and beginning to write, and after a couple minutes, I hear Dream sniffling to my left. ‘Dream? You okay?’ I whisper, the girl looking up at me with watery eyes. ‘Yeah, I just… I just don’t like getting in trouble,’ she whispers back, my heart melting. ‘Here,’ I say, getting a tissue out of my bag and handing it to her, and she gives me a smile. ‘Let’s go the cafeteria together after lesson. We’ll get milk and cookies. My treat,’ I say, and she gives me a wide smile. ‘Thanks, Peach.’ ‘No problem, babe. Don’t be sad,’ I reply before going back to my work.
Time flies as I write pages and pages, and when the bell rings, I’m surprised the lesson’s already finished. ‘No homework for today, students, just make sure you remember the content we went over this lesson. See you next week,’ Mr Kim says as we all start packing up. ‘Sorry about earlier, Mr Kim,’ I say as I leave, and he smiles at me. ‘No problem, Peach. Just make sure you work next week,’ he says, and I nod with a smile. ‘Bye, Mr Kim.’ ‘Bye, Peach.’
As soon as I leave the room, I sigh dreamily, Daisy and Dream laughing at me. ‘You’re so into him,’ Dream says, and I smile. ‘Maybe,’ I reply in a sing-song voice. ‘Oh, shit,’ Daisy says, stopping dead in the corridor. ‘What?’ Dream and I chorus, turning to look at her. ‘You left your book. On your table. You should go get it.’ ‘I have my book.’ ‘I took it out of your bag,’ she says with a smirk, and I sigh, my body going cold.
‘Daisy, you need to stop meddling! You go get it!’ I say, and she shakes her head. ‘We’ll be waiting in the cafeteria for you. Milk and cookies will be my treat,’ she says, linking an arm through Dream’s and dragging her down the corridor. I sigh, heading back to the classroom with shaking hands and my stomach turning. I knock on the door, hearing Mr Kim call out, ‘come in!’ I open the door slowly, popping my head through first, and he smiles at me.
‘Peach. Back again so soon? You loved learning about drugs and alcohol that much?’ he teases, and I laugh. ‘I knew enough about those anyway,’ I say as I step into the room, and he laughs. ‘Well, what gives me the pleasure of your presence?’ he asks, leaning back in his chair, and my breath hitches in my throat. ‘I, um, left my book on my desk,’ I say, his eyes landing on the textbook sat atop my desk. ‘Forgetful?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Embarrassingly so,’ I reply, walking to pick up my book and tucking it into my handbag.
‘Whilst you’re here, Peach,’ he begins, and I turn to look at him. ‘Yes, Sir?’ ‘Was today’s lesson okay? Should I carry on like this?’ he asks, and I debate whether or not to tell the truth. ‘Well, Sir, I won’t lie, it was good, but maybe you should make them a little more interactive. Maybe with, like, quizzes, or group discussions, or something like that. Just to engage us a bit more, or some of us will switch off,’ I say, and he nods. ‘Okay. Thank you, Peach,’ he says with a smile. ‘No problem, Sir,’ I reply, and he reaches into his briefcase.
‘Here. I saw you give Dream a tissue when she was upset. I felt terrible. Take these. One for you, one for Dream, and one for Daisy,’ he says, holding out three pink lollipops. ‘Daisy?’ I ask with a raised eyebrow, and he laughs. ‘I have no doubt I’ll hear all about it if I didn’t give her one. She’s outspoken, that one,’ he says, and I laugh. ‘You don’t say so. Imagine what’s been like for me, being best friends with her for nearly three years. It’s like having a daughter,’ I say, and he laughs.
‘I take it you’re the mum friend then,’ he says, and I nod with a sigh. ‘A mum to six other girls. Honey, Sunshine, Pearl, Daisy, Angel and Dream,’ I list off, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘I don’t think I can get used to hearing names like that,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Trust me, it’ll take a while. They’re honestly terrible. Everything here is terrible,’ I complain, and he raises his hands in a ‘surrender’ motion.
‘I’m not saying anything. I need this job. My wife will kill me if I lose it,’ he says, his words like a punch to my stomach. His face drops when he registers his words, and the room is silent for a moment. ‘Well, anyway. Here you are, Peach,’ he says with a smile, handing me the lollipops. ‘Thanks, Mr Kim,’ I reply, trying to ignore the spark I feel when my hand touches his, drawing my hand away and tucking the lollipops into my bag. ‘See you later, Sir,’ I say, heading towards the door. ‘Bye, Peach,’ I hear him call after me as I leave, the door falling shut between us.
The moment I enter the cafeteria, lollipop in mouth, Dream calls my name, beckoning me over to our corner. Dream and Daisy are both there, along with Pearl, Honey, Yoongi and Jungkook. ‘Is that lollipop from Mr Kim?’ Daisy asks as soon as I’m in earshot, and I nod with a smirk. ‘Ooh, really?’ Dream asks, taking a sip of her milk. ‘Yeah. He gave me one each for you guys too,’ I say, pulling the two other lollipops out of my bag and handing them one each. ‘Aw, he’s sweet,’ Daisy says with a knowing glance, and I roll my eyes amusedly before turning to Pearl and Honey.
‘Hey, girls,’ I say, both of them greeting me in return as we hug. ‘Sunshine and Angel?’ I ask. ‘12’o’clock with Mr Choi,’ Honey replies. ‘So what did you talk about with Mr Kim?’ Daisy asks, lollipop between her fingers. ‘The lesson. And then how terrible the school is. And then he mentioned that he has a wife,’ I say, Daisy and Dream’s mouths falling open. ‘Well. That puts a spanner in the works,’ Daisy says distractedly, lost in her scheming thoughts.
‘Wait, what? What’s going on?’ Honey asks confusedly, and I sigh. ‘Daisy’s trying to get me with our new Food and Nutrition teacher,’ I say tiredly, Honey, Jungkook and Yoongi bursting into laughter as Pearl looks at us in shock. ‘Daisy, are you insane? Not only would you be absolutely ruining his career, it would get Peach into loads of trouble!’ Pearl exclaims, and Daisy rolls her eyes.
‘Pearl, babe, you worry too much. It’s totally fine. No one will find out,’ Daisy says, and Pearl raises an eyebrow. ‘You can’t guarantee that, Daisy. I know you guys never listen to my advice, but I’m telling you, this is not a good idea,’ Pearl says seriously, and Daisy waves her off. ‘Come on, Pearl, let’s be real. It’s not gonna happen anyway. It’s just a joke,’ she says, a glint in her eye, and I know she’s up to something. ‘Wait, it’s a joke? I thought you were being serious,’ Dream says, and Daisy shrugs elegantly.
‘I was, before I realised Peach would never do that. She hasn’t got the guts,’ she says challengingly, and I roll my eyes, the rest of the group looking between us interestedly. ‘Come on, Daisy, you know your manipulation doesn’t ever work on me,’ I reply, and she raises an eyebrow. ‘I’m not trying to manipulate you. I’m telling the truth. I’m also telling the truth when I say that I don’t think you could do it,’ she says, and I raise an eyebrow in return. ‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean, if Mr Kim would get with a student, it wouldn’t be you,’ Daisy says, and I feel a pang of hurt. ‘Daisy, don’t be nasty,’ Pearl says, and Daisy rolls her eyes. ‘You know I don’t mean it like that. Peach is hot, we all know that. Right?’ Daisy asks Jungkook and Yoongi, who both nod instantly. ‘See? But she’s too… nice, too angelic. Teachers are never interested in the nice kids, and Peach could never play the role of the bad girl,’ she says, a daring sparkle in her dark eyes, and I narrow my eyes at her.
‘Daisy, I’m a drama student. Top of the class. I’m also a thief at a reform school,’ I reply, and Honey nods. ‘Exactly. Peach could act, but she doesn’t have to. She has the bad girl in her already. What she did is probably the worst out of all of us. No offence,’ Honey says. ‘None taken.’ ‘The point is that Peach is more than capable of playing the bad girl, but it doesn’t mean she should,’ Pearl says, and Daisy laughs. ‘How can I believe you without sufficient evidence?’ Daisy asks, and I roll my eyes.
‘Daisy, I love you, but you’re so childish sometimes. You think your manipulation will work on me? I’m not going to start acting up in his lesson to prove some point to you. I could get him without turning into a bad girl anyway,’ I grin, Pearl sighing. She knows her advice was useless; we won’t listen to it. ‘You think so?’ Daisy challenges, and I nod. ‘How, Peach?’ Dream asks, and I let out a little laugh. ‘Teacher’s pet.’
‘Teacher’s pet?’ Jungkook asks, and I nod. ‘I sit at the front of the lesson, attentive and hard-working. I show up early to lessons and stay late afterwards, asking if he needs help with anything. I ask him to do extra sessions with me. The more time I spend alone with him, the more likely he is to succumb,’ I say simply. ‘God, you’re good, Peach,’ Yoongi says, and I smile serenely, watching as Daisy thinks. ‘I don’t agree.’ ‘I don’t care. It’s not like I’m gonna do it anyway. I’m just telling you how I would if I did.’ ‘My method’s better.’ ‘No, Daisy, mine is, and you know it.’
‘Prove it,’ she says gently with a grin. ‘You try your method, and I try mine. We’ll see who’s more successful,’ she says, our eyes locked together as I think over her challenge in my head. It wouldn’t kill me… right? ‘You’re on,’ I reply, and Pearl groans as the others let out various noises of excitement and interest. ‘May the best girl win,’ Daisy grins, holding a hand out to me, and I shake it firmly. ‘Trust me,’ I say with a smile, ‘she will.’ 
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‘Oh! Peach. Goodness, you scared me,’ Mr Kim says from the door. ‘Sorry, Mr Kim. I just… with our old teacher, I used to get here early and help her set up. I used to write the date on the board and tidy up if she needed me to. I thought you might like it if I did the same for you,’ I say softly, and he smiles at me. ‘That’s really nice of you, Peach. I’d appreciate that a lot, thank you,’ he says, and I smile back. ‘No problem, Sir,’ I reply.
I’m perched on his desk, phone in hand, and I watch as his eyes spot it. He doesn’t tell me to put it away. Instead his eyes travel over the rest of me, and I know exactly what he’s looking at. I spent a while looking at it myself this morning. The top two buttons of my shirt are open, revealing an ample amount of my chest, and my skirt is even higher than normal, skimming the tops of my thighs. My hair is up in a ponytail and I’ve put on a little more makeup than usual, glossy lips, shiny cheekbones, dark eyes. When his eyes meet mine, I grin and he blushes slightly. God, he’s so cute.
‘Do you have any chalk, Sir? So I can write the date?’ I ask, and he nods, putting his briefcase down on the table beside where I’m sat, opening it and rummaging around for chalk. When he finds it, he hands it to me and I take it from him, making sure my nails gently scrape against his hand as I take it. ‘Thank you, Sir,’ I say before walking around to the other side of the desk.
I check my phone for the date and write it slowly, not hearing any motion from behind me, and I know he’s watching me, probably noting how my skirt barely covers my ass. I take my time writing it, and only when I’m writing the last number do I hear him moving around, smirking to myself.
‘Okay, I’m done with the date, Sir. What else can I do?’ I ask before I drop the chalk (on purpose) and then sneakily kick it behind me. ‘Oh, God. So clumsy,’ I mutter to myself before turning around and bending over to pick it up, giving him a full view of my lacy pink underwear. When I turn back around, his eyes are on the floor and his ears are bright red, the sight making me satisfied that I’ve achieved the desired effect.
‘Sir?’ I ask again, and he coughs, looking up at me again. ‘Sorry. Um, can you… put one of each of these handouts on each desk please?’ he says, giving me a pile of different worksheets. ‘Yes, Sir,’ I say, taking the pile from him and starting to hand them out. By the time I’m done, he’s sat at his desk, glasses on and eyes focused on his laptop. ‘Done with those, Sir,’ I say, putting the spares on the desk, and he looks up at me with a smile.
‘Thank you, Peach. No problem, Sir. Anything else?’ I ask, and he shakes his head. ‘That’s it for now. You can go to the cafeteria for a while if you’d like,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘Lesson starts in ten, I might as well just wait,’ I say, taking my seat at the front of the room and getting all of my things out and beginning to write the date into my book.
I’m practically lying across the desk, giving him a clear view down my shirt, and I know he’s enjoying it, his fingers no longer typing. Once I’ve done that, I go back on my phone, my classmates arriving one by one. Daisy and Dream walk in last, drinks in their hands. Daisy gives a smirk when she sees me, Dream’s eyes widening.
‘Peach, you look really good!’ Dream exclaims, and I smile. ‘Thanks, Dream. Nothing on you two though,’ I reply, and Daisy grins. ‘Looking like that, Peach, I want to be on you,’ Daisy says, and I let out a gentle laugh. ‘Bold of you to assume you’d top, babe,’ I reply, and she raises an eyebrow with an amused grin. ‘I love it when you talk dirty to me,’ she replies.
‘Ladies, I’m not sure this conversation is appropriate,’ Mr Kim says, voice strained and stiff, ears and cheeks red. ‘Are you being homophobic, Sir?’ Daisy asks mildly, and Mr Kim laughs. ‘Not at all. You girls can get up to whatever you want to in your free time, but I think it best you don’t discuss your activities in my lesson,’ he says amusedly, and Daisy nods, replying with, ‘fair enough.’
‘Take your seats, ladies, and we’ll begin,’ he says, and Daisy and Dream sit down on either side of me, Dream handing me a drink, my usual, as she passes by. ‘Are you allowed to have drinks in lessons?’ Mr Kim asks. ‘No, Sir,’ Daisy replies before taking a sip of her drink. ‘Noted,’ he replies amusedly before he begins the lesson.
Daisy doesn’t give him a chance to get through a single full sentence, constantly interrupting with witty one-liners, dirty jokes and double entendres. At first, Mr Kim is amused, but I can see his patience beginning to wear thin. Whereas, with me answering every question correctly, he doesn’t look at me once without smiling. Daisy’s losing this game, and we both know it, the girl scowling when he sternly tells her to stop interrupting the lesson. I shoot her a grin and she rolls her eyes, knowing full well who’s in the lead.
I also notice that he took my advice on board, starting a group discussion about the components of a realistic balanced diet, and doing a little quiz towards the end of the lesson. I get the highest score, both Daisy and Dream one mark below me, and Mr Kim gives me a lollipop as a prize. He seems to regret it a few moments later when I’m sat directly in front of him, leaning over my desk and writing with the lollipop in my mouth, trying desperately to focus his eyes elsewhere.
When we reach the end of the lesson, he sets us a 4 mark question, a very kind homework compared to all of my other subjects. When he dismisses everybody, I stay behind, waiting until the door’s fallen shut before I speak. ‘Today’s lesson was great, Sir. Better than last week,’ I say, and he smiles. ‘Thank you, Peach, that’s good to hear. I’ll continue the lessons like this then,’ he says, and I nod.  
‘Sounds good. How are you finding it here, Sir?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘It’s okay. My room’s decent and all of my classes are nice enough. It’s just…’ he trails off. ‘Homesick?’ I ask, and he laughs. ‘Not quite. It’s the food,’ he says, and I laugh. ‘The food’s not that bad,’ I say, and he shudders. ‘Peach, I’m a Food and Nutrition teacher. I’ve been on dozens of culinary courses. Believe me when I tell you that the food here is not that good,’ he says, and I’m surprised to hear how passionate he is about cooking.
‘Are you a really good cook then, Sir?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘You’ve gotta let us try some of your cooking sometime,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Definitely. I’ll bring some of my baking in at one point. But for now, you’ll have to make do with the food from the cafeteria.’ ‘Honestly, Sir, if you order the right things, the food’s kinda nice. They do this cake sometimes – god, it’s to die for. I’ll bring you some next time they’re doing it,’ I say, and he nods with a smile. ‘That’d be great, Peach.’
‘Well, I’m gonna head off, unless you need me to do anything?’ I ask, and he thinks for a moment before shaking his head. ‘Nope, you’re free to go,’ he smiles, and I smile back. ‘Okay, Sir. See you next week,’ I say. ‘Bye, Peach,’ he says as I head to the door, and I hear him let out a long drawn out sigh as I shut the door behind me.
Dream and Daisy are waiting for me a little further down the corridor and I grin as I walk towards them, a little pep in my walk. Dream smiles at me affectionately and I throw my arms around them both. ‘Isn’t it just a great day, guys?’ I say happily, Dream nodding with a grin, and Daisy grumbles under her breath. ‘Relax, you haven’t won yet,’ she says to me, and I laugh.
‘Yeah, and you haven’t either. And I’m pretty sure you won’t. But we can keep this going if that’s what you want,’ I say, and she raises an eyebrow. ‘Are you sure? I will be stepping it up next week,’ she says, and I laugh. ‘So will I, babe, don’t you worry,’ I say, and she grins at me. ‘I can’t wait to see what both of you do next week. Now, come on, it’s a nice day, let’s go sit outside for a little while,’ Dream suggests.
‘Good idea. Let’s stop at the cafeteria on the way and get Honey and Pearl. And the boys, if any of them are there,’ Daisy says. Five minutes later, us five girls are sunbathing on the grassy bank beside where the football pitch is, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook all playing football. We gossip idly, Honey playing music from her phone, and the atmosphere is so nice. The sun beats down onto us, a very gentle breeze cooling us down, and the sky is a bright blue, fluffy white clouds dotted around.
‘Daisy,’ Pearl says, interrupting the current discussion about Queen and whether or not she’s dating Daniel. ‘Yeah?’ Daisy replies without opening her eyes, lying on her back. ‘What’s that on your neck?’ Pearl asks slowly, and we all look at Daisy’s neck, spotting the purplish bruise disrupting her smooth and clear skin.
‘Oh. I forgot to tell you guys. Jimin stopped at my room last night,’ she says with a smirk, all of us gasping. ‘So he’s broken up with that little girlfriend of his?’ Honey asks, and Pearl gives her a disapproving look for referring to the girl like that. ‘Apparently so. I told you I’d get him back,’ she says smugly, and I shake my head. ‘You official with him?’ Honey asks, and Daisy scoffs. ‘We’ve never been official, and we never will be. You know that’s not how we work,’ Daisy replies, all of us rolling our eyes.
‘I wonder if he knows that you’re trying to get with Mr Kim,’ I say, and she sits up, rolling her eyes. ‘Of course he knows. All the boys know about our challenge. They placed bets and everything,’ she says, and my mouth falls open. ‘This is news to me,’ I say, and she grins. ‘Well, Jungkook and Yoongi were there when we first discussed our… competition, and it’s not like they’d keep their mouths shut about something so interesting. Of course they were gonna tell the other boys,’ Daisy says, and I sigh, annoyed that the boys know about something like this.
If it got out that Daisy and I were doing this, I can’t even imagine the trouble we’d get into. ‘Why’d you look so troubled, Peach? Got an issue with the boys knowing about it? Because we can call it off if you want,’ Daisy smirks at me, and I roll my eyes, wanting to knock the girl off her high horse. ‘No, I’m just worried about you. It won’t be good for your pride for the boys to see you lose to me,’ I say, Daisy rolling her eyes in return. ‘We’ll see.’ ‘We will.’
‘Ladies, how are we all on this fine day?’ Hoseok says as he throws himself down onto the grass beside us, the other boys following suit. ‘We’re good. Just discussing Peach and Daisy’s bet, dare, competition thing,’ Dream says, and I shoot her a look, the girl grinning mischievously in response, prompting me to stick my tongue out at her. ‘Oh, yeah, Yoongi mentioned it to me. Sounds interesting,’ Namjoon says, the boys all nodding in agreement.
‘I’m assuming this competition thing is the reason behind your new look, Peach,’ Jimin says, and I nod. ‘I just hope this look works because I don’t want to be hoeing it up every Monday for no reason,’ I say, everyone laughing. ‘Well, I certainly like this look of yours, Peach. Mr Kim must be either insane or a monk if it doesn’t work,’ Taehyung says with a flirty smirk and a sparkle in his eye.
We’re all more than used to Taehyung’s flirty nature (though Jimin can put him to shame if he’s in the mood), but I still can’t help but glance over to Angel to see her reaction. It used to really bother her when her boyfriend flirted with her friends, regardless of it being jokey, but she’s gotten used to it over time. She’s lying on her back, enjoying the sun with her eyes closed, obviously only half paying attention to the conversation.
‘Thanks, Tae. I just… don’t you feel like it’s too much? I feel like a cheap whore,’ I say, Pearl making a disapproving noise. ‘Stop feeding into misogynistic ideas about women, Peach,’ she says, but before I can reply, the boys all start talking. ‘No, Peach, you look good.’ ‘You don’t look like a whore at all.’ ‘You could definitely get away with another button open if you wanted to.’ ‘Don’t be silly, Peach, other girls do way more than you.’ ‘You look like this look is unintentional.’ ‘It’s sexy, Peach, not whorish at all.’
‘Thanks guys,’ I say, just as Pearls breaks into a coughing fit. ‘You okay?’ Honey asks, hitting her on the back. ‘I’m fine. Just allergic to all the misogyny that just came out of all of their mouths,’ she says drily, us girls laughing as the boys all shake their heads and roll their eyes.
‘Get used to it, Pearl. It’s never going to change,’ Namjoon says, and Pearl narrows her eyes at him. ‘Not if people like you exist,’ she says, and I can sense an argument brewing between the two of them. They’ve always had a tense relationship, having been competing with each other academically since Pearl started in ninth year and threatened Namjoon’s place at the top of the class in all of the subjects they have together.
‘Anyway. Should I carry on with this look then?’ I ask, and everyone nods. ‘I think you should have this look every day, Peach, not just Mondays. Let the rest of us appreciate it too,’ Jimin says with a small grin, eyes piercing and hooded, and I have to fight to not sound breathless when I reply, ‘I’ll consider it.’
Daisy looks between us amusedly; she’s never felt threatened by Jimin’s flirting because she knows that whilst she might not own his eyes (which wander all the time), her name is written across his heart. He’s hers and everybody knows it. God help the person that gets between them. ‘If you do, Peach, you’ll practically own any boy at this school. Maybe even some of the girls too,’ Yoongi jokes, all of laughing.
‘We all know that if Peach were to get with a girl, it would be me,’ Daisy says confidently, and I roll my eyes, though I’m not quite sure whether it’s a lie or not. We played truth or dare a couple years ago, and she was dared to kiss me. Let’s just say, I’ve seen her kiss Jimin the same way, just before they disappear to one of their dorms. And I didn’t exactly dislike it either.
‘Aren’t you gonna deny it, Peach?’ Taehyung asks after a few moments of my silence, licking his lips with a glint in his eye. ‘Why would I deny it? I’m not a liar,’ I say serenely, hunger practically emanating from the boys. Daisy winks at me from across the group and I grin back, the boys watching with desperate interest, the girls completely unbothered; they’re used to Daisy flirting with all of us.
‘Well, Peach, if you ever wanna join Daisy and I, you know where to find us. Or if Daisy’s busy, you know where to find me,’ Jimin says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Down, boy,’ I reply, everyone laughing as Jimin grins. ‘I don’t mind spectating,’ he says, and Daisy rolls her eyes. ‘Not for free, babe.’ ‘So I’m guessing,’ Yoongi begins with a playful grin, ‘you’re gonna say no to the rest of us watching too?’
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‘Morning, Peach,’ Mr Kim says when he enters the classroom. ‘Morning, Sir. How was your weekend?’ I ask, with a smile. I’m sat on his desk, just like every Monday, and I’m dressed provocatively, just like every Monday. Short skirt, unbuttoned shirt, pretty bra visible through my shirt and pants visible when I bend over, peach hair up in a ponytail and just a little bit of makeup.
‘It was good, thank you, Peach. I went home on Friday night and I just arrived back this morning,’ he says with a smile, putting his briefcase down onto the desk beside where I sit. Just like every Monday, he opens his briefcase and pulls out a lollipop, handing it to me, and I grin back at him. And just like every Monday, I reach into my bag and hand him a piece of cake wrapped up in foil, and he takes it with a smile. His hands linger on mine for a moment, eyes locked, before he pulls his hands away, putting the cake into his briefcase without looking at me.
‘That must have been nice, Sir. How’s Mrs Kim?’ I ask, noting the way he blinks a few times, just as he does whenever I say her name. ‘She’s… she’s okay,’ he replies, and I raise an eyebrow at him. ‘That doesn’t sound very convincing. Less and less convincing each week, Sir,’ I say, and he lets out a gentle laugh. ‘It’s difficult, Peach. Married life is difficult. You’ll understand one day,’ he says, and I pull a face.
‘Me? Getting married? You must be crazy, Sir,’ I say, kissing my teeth, and Mr Kim bursts out laughing. ‘Why not, Peach? Marriage is a beautiful thing.’ ‘Oh, yeah, sure seems beautiful, based on the way you sigh and frown whenever I bring up your wife,’ I say sarcastically, and the smile disappears from Mr Kim’s face, the man looking down at his briefcase unseeingly.
‘No, marriage isn’t for me. I’d rather travel the world with my friends and have a string of glamorous love affairs that I can one day tell my friends’ kids about,’ I say, and Mr Kim laughs. ‘Where will you get the money from for this, Peach?’ he asks, and I grin. ‘How I was planning to get my money for Glastonbury,’ I say with a wink at him. He laughs, shaking his head, ears reddening slightly.
‘Well, I hope these plans work out for you, Peach. If I ever meet a man whose heart was broken by a mysterious beautiful girl with peach hair, I’ll tell him he was lucky to have even met you in the first place,’ he says, my heart warming at his kind words, and my cheeks warming at hearing him call me beautiful. ‘Thanks, Sir,’ I say shyly, and he laughs. ‘Oh, don’t act all coy now,’ he chuckles, trying to act cool but his reddened ears betraying him, before moving around to the other side of his desk.
Just like every Monday, I take the chalk out of his briefcase and go around to the blackboard. I write up the date, my ass mere centimetres from the back of Mr Kim’s head. Still thinking about what he just said, I’m distracted, and so the chalk slips between my fingers. ‘Butterfingers,’ Mr Kim teases when he hears the chalk hit the floor, and I laugh as I bend down to grab it. My ass hits the back of his seat, and I fall forward from the impact.
Mr Kim spins around, a worried look on his face, and I burst out laughing at myself crumpled up on the floor, the man joining in too. ‘Come on,’ he says, getting up from his seat and tucking it in so he has space to pull me up from the floor. He holds out a hand to me and I take it, his other hand wrapping around my waist as he helps me up. ‘You’re so clumsy, Peach,’ he says, hands still around me, his eyes unwaveringly locked with mine.  
For a moment, just a moment, I think he’s going to kiss me, our heads moving closer together as my lips part, and my heart rate rockets. And then there’s a knock at the door. We instantly jump apart from one another, and I quickly grab a stack of worksheets on the desk. ‘Come in!’ Mr Kim calls, his voice slightly shaky, as I begin to walk around the classroom, putting one worksheet on each desk.
One of the deputies, Mrs Lee, walks in, bidding me good morning before talking to Mr Kim about some stupid briefing this Wednesday. What feels like a million years later, she finally leaves, and I turn to look at Mr Kim with a grin, the teacher smiling back at me.
The rest of my class starts arriving then, and I take my seat at the front, writing up the date in my book. When Daisy and Dream arrive, Dream hands me my drink and we idly chat about the upcoming prom, mere weeks away, until Mr Kim begins the lesson. It seems that Daisy’s given up on our competition, having gotten bored after four weeks. Now, two and a half months after I first met Mr Kim, it’s no longer about the competition for me.
I get on with him so well, and he’s so kind. I’m doing so well in this class, better than I’ve ever done it in before, and I find it so fun, because he’s the one teaching it to me. Whenever I get an answer right, or raise my hand to ask a question, or even just make eye contact with him, he gives me this smile, and my heart melts every time. Our conversations before and after class are the highlights of my week, and when we catch each other in the corridor, I replay the moment in my head over and over again. He’s just so… mature, and he really gets me.
I think I’m slowly falling in love with him.
The lesson flies by in a blur of shy glances, gentle smiles, subtle touches and locked eyes, and when everyone leaves, I stay behind, just like every Monday. ‘Sir,’ I say, and he smiles at me. ‘Yes, Peach?’ he asks, and I sigh. ‘Um, it might not be my place to say this, but I feel like you’re not really close with any of the other teachers, so I don’t think you’ve got anyone to talk to, and I thought you might want to get it off your chest, so I wanted to ask what’s going on with your wife?’ I say all in one breath, and the smile slowly disappears from Mr Kim’s face as I speak.
He sighs, taking off his glasses, and leaning back in his seat as he pinches the bridge of his nose. ‘Oh, Peach,’ he says tiredly, and my heart jumps. ‘Sir, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. It’s none of my business. I’ll just get go-’ ‘No, Peach, it’s okay,’ he says, getting up from behind his desk and coming to sit in Daisy’s seat beside me.
‘You’re right, Peach. I’m not close with any of the teachers, and I don’t have anyone to confide in. but that doesn’t mean I should confide in you,’ he says gently, and I sigh. ‘Sir, can we be honest here?’ I ask, and he nods, though he looks slightly nervous. ‘Our relationship is already pushing the boundaries. And you and I both know that this isn’t accidental. It’s intentional, on my part. And you haven’t rebuffed my advances once. You’ve encouraged them. And we’re both in the wrong, you and I both know that.’
He sighs, sitting back in his seat. ‘But it’s wrong, Peach. It’s so wrong,’ he says, and I laugh humourlessly. ‘It doesn’t feel wrong. But we’ve already slightly broken the rules. Why not just go all the way?’ I ask, and his eyes lock with mine, his tongue poking at his cheek. ‘What are you saying?’ ‘You know what I’m saying. But, wait. We’ll come back to that. Tell me about your wife first. You need to get it off your chest. I can tell it’s affecting you.’
He’s silent for a few seconds before he finally speaks. ‘We were so happy, so in love. And then I started teaching here. And I met you on my very first day. And my first night sleeping here, instead of thinking of her, I thought of you. The girl with the peach hair. I was thinking about my wife less and less, and you more and more. And then… the first time I went home to visit her, after a few weeks of working here, and we had sex, I…’ he trails off, and I know exactly what the rest of the sentence is. I was thinking of you.
My heart is nearly beating out of my chest at his confession, and I’m trying not to jump up and celebrate. ‘You’re just… you’re so grown up, Peach, and I see you as an equal rather than as my student. You just… you get me. And you’re beautiful, Peach, you’d have to be blind not to see that,’ he says, and I blush, unable to believe my ears. He likes me too. He really likes me too.
‘And my wife knows that there’s someone else. I don’t know how, but she knows,’ he says, stress written all over his face. ‘Women always know,’ I reply, and he nods. ‘Yeah. She knows. So she confronted me about it on the weekend. Because she said I’ve been distant, that I’ve been avoiding sex, that I’ve been coming home less than I promised I would, that I never text or call her. And she asked who the woman is. I didn’t have the heart to tell her it isn’t even an affair, and it’s just a crush that has me like this,’ he says.
‘So… so what are you gonna do now? What did you tell her?’ ‘I lied. I said there’s no one else. That I’m just busy and stressed, but she knows. Anyway, she said she wants to work on us, she wants to try and fall in love again, like the way we were before. We’re high school sweethearts, you see, and I proposed to her fresh out of uni. We got married a few months later, and only three months after that, I started here. Maybe we rushed into it, because now… I’ve fallen out of love with her.’
I’m in complete shock. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. But I know I can’t let this pass me by. He feels the same way. I have to seize the moment.
‘Sir, I… I really like you. And you really like me. I don’t… I’m not seeing an issue here,’ I say, and he laughs humourlessly. ‘Peach, you don’t even know how much I wish I could agree. But I’m married. I’m your teacher. If we were found out, I’d lose my job, and I’d never be able to teach again,’ he says, and I sigh.
‘Mr Kim, no one would ever know. I won’t breathe a word, and neither will you,’ I say, and he sighs. ‘I… what are you suggesting, Peach?’ he asks, and I feel a rush of excitement that he’s actually considering it. ‘I mean… I don’t think we’d get away with you coming to my room. But I could go to yours. We could say that you’re tutoring me,’ I suggest, and he thinks for a moment.
‘Give… give me some time to consider this, Peach. Because I need… I need to consider whether or not this is worth it,’ he says, and I frown. ‘You don’t think I’m worth it?’ I ask, and his face falls. ‘No, Peach, that’s not… that’s not what I’m saying. You know what I mean,’ he says, and I stand up. ‘No, Sir, I’m not sure that I do. Forget I said anything,’ I say, and he gets up too, panic on his face.
‘Let’s discuss this, Peach, don’t leave,’ he says as I begin gathering up my things. ‘I think it’s best that I do,’ I say, brushing past him and leaving the room. When the door falls shut, I grin to myself, knowing my plan will just fall into place now, and I join my friends who wait for me in the corridor. ‘Did it work?’ Dream asks and I smile. ‘We’ll see.’
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‘Peach! Peach!’ I hear Angel calling from behind me, and we turn to see her rushing towards us with Sunshine, the boys following leisurely behind them. ‘What? What’s happened?’ I ask when she reaches us, and she grins. ‘The whole school is talking about you. It worked,’ she says, and I grin. ‘I told you it would,’ Daisy says, and I roll my eyes.
‘I came up with the plan,’ I say, and she raises an eyebrow. ‘Half of the plan. And I lent you my man to enact this plan,’ she says, and I laugh. ‘Come, let’s go sit outside,’ Taehyung says when the boys reach our group, and we all head out to our usual spot outside, where we can talk freely with no one eavesdropping.
‘I’ve had loads of people asking me this morning if it’s true,’ Jimin says as I sit down beside Dream, the girl instantly resting her head on my thigh. ‘What did you say?’ ‘I didn’t say yes, and I didn’t say no. I was just laughing, or I said that ‘a gentleman never tells’ or some stupid shit like that,’ he says, and we all laugh.
‘It was genius, Peach. It happened exactly the way you said it would,’ Hoseok says, Sunshine’s head against his shoulder and his arm around her waist. ‘Let’s just hope it gets back to Mr Kim,’ Namjoon says, and Honey scoffs. ‘Of course it will. The whole school is talking about it. You don’t think he’ll hear people in his classes talking about how Peach slept with her best friend’s man?’ she says with a raised eyebrow.
‘What if he doesn’t buy it, though? He knows Peach well enough to know that that’s something she’d never do,’ Dream says, and Yoongi sighs. ‘Yeah, but we never thought Peach would try to seduce a teacher, and here we are,’ he says, and I frown at him. I don’t like it when they say I’m trying to seduce him. This isn’t just about sex. This is something more. I can’t tell them that, though. They wouldn’t understand.
‘And, anyway, I think that a group of people seeing Peach sneaking out of Jimin’s room at like two in the morning, wearing his clothes with her hair a mess and her mascara streaming down her face means that it’s more than likely people will believe it,’ Pearl says drily, and we all laugh, blood rushing to my face.
‘What did you guys actually do?’ Jungkook asks, and Jimin smirks. ‘Guess,’ he says with a grin in my direction, and I roll my eyes. ‘We chose suitable clothes of his for me to wear for when I left, messed up my hair and smudged my makeup across my face,’ I say, and Pearl narrows her eyes at me. ‘For like four hours?’ she asks, and Jimin grins at me. ‘And we played scrabble,’ I say, the others bursting out laughing.
‘Scrabble? Is that a euphemism for something?’ Taehyung asks, and Jimin shakes his head, still grinning. ‘We sat there, on my bed, and played scrabble for three hours,’ he says, and Daisy looks between us. ‘Who won?’ she asks. ‘Peach,’ he admits straight away, and I smile proudly. ‘Of course I did. He wanted to play strip scrabble,’ I say, Daisy swatting at him amusedly as the others laugh.
‘Yeah, so we compromised,’ he says mysteriously, our friends looking intrigued as I roll my eyes at Jimin. ‘We played dirty scrabble.’ ‘Dirty scrabble?’ Namjoon asks interestedly. ‘Scrabble with dirty words only. I’d have gotten bored otherwise. But I was surprised at how… vast Peach’s vocabulary is,’ Jimin says with another smirk at me, and I feel my face heating again.
‘You out-dirtied Jimin?’ Namjoon asks, the whole group looking surprised, and I nod with a small smile. ‘Our Peach is a dark horse,’ Daisy grins at me, and I grin back. ‘Okay, I hate to change the subject, but, like… what are you guys gonna do now?’ Yoongi asks, directing the question at Daisy and I. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I mean, you supposedly slept with her man. Shouldn’t Daisy act like she’s angry at you?’ Yoongi says, and I shrug.
‘It’s fine. Look how many rumours there have been; we haven’t let those affect our friendships, because we know they aren’t real,’ I say, and Yoongi shakes his head. ‘But you want people to believe this one, surely?’ ‘It’s fine. As long as Mr Kim has heard the rumour, that’s all that matters,’ I say, and Pearl raises an eyebrow. ‘So what happens now then? What is your plan after this?’ she asks, and I hesitate for a moment.
‘I don’t know yet,’ I lie, not wanting them all to know. I only need to tell two people; nobody else needs to know. And I think it’s best to keep this as quiet as possible. Because it’s where things start to get serious.
So, hours later, in the literal dead of night, I sneak out of my room, praying no one sees me. When I reach my destination, I knock carefully on the door, making sure it’s not loud enough for anyone else to hear. The door opens a few seconds later, and a cosy Jungkook stands on the other side of it, dressed in his pyjamas with his hair a fluffy mess. ‘Peach?’ he asks but I shush him, pushing past him into the front hallway.
‘I need your help,’ I say once he’s shut the door, and he looks confusedly at me. ‘My help? What with?’ he asks, just as Yoongi pops his head in from the bedroom. ‘Peach?’ ‘I need your help too.’ ‘Come sit in here,’ Yoongi says, turning back into the bedroom. Jungkook and I follow behind, and I take a moment to look around their room.
It’s neat and tidy, very minimalistic, with two beds a few feet apart from each other, a TV mounted on the wall, and several computer screens set up on a desk, a game paused on one of them. ‘What’s up, Peach? Is everything okay?’ Jungkook asks, concerned. ‘Everything’s fine. It’s not, like, serious. I just need your guys’ help. But… no one else can know,’ I say, both of them raising their eyes. ‘Um…’ Yoongi says, and I sigh.
‘Please? I swear, it’s not that bad. I just… I need you guys to not tell anyone,’ I say, and Jungkook sighs. ‘I won’t say anything,’ he says before both of us look to Yoongi. ‘Fine, I won’t either. Now, what is it?’ Yoongi asks, and I grin.
‘You know how there’s a camera in every classroom?’ I say, both of them nodding. ‘I need you guys to disable to one in Mr Kim’s classroom,’ I say, both of their eyes widening. ‘You’re kidding?’ Jungkook asks, and I shake my head. ‘I’m not. I just…’ I begin, but Yoongi waves me off. ‘You don’t need to explain; we’re not stupid, we know exactly why you want us to disable the cameras.’
‘But… won’t they realise straight away? If the camera isn’t working, they’ll just get someone to fix it,’ Jungkook says, and I sigh. ‘I only need it disabled up until Monday’s lesson.’ ‘I’ve got an idea. What if… instead of disabling the camera… we loop the footage from last week?’ Yoongi says, directing the question to Jungkook. ‘Good idea. But how?’ Jungkook asks, and Yoongi laughs. ‘Don’t act like we haven’t hacked into the school cameras before.’
‘Yeah, but we did that to delete footage. Not loop it,’ Jungkook says, and Yoongi raises an eyebrow. ‘It’s not like we won’t be able to do it, we’re practically experts after years of computer science. It might take a while, but it’s night time, so it’s not like anyone will notice that we’re messing around with the systems. We can take as long as we need. Let’s at least give it a go,’ Yoongi says, and Jungkook hesitates before sighing.
‘Fine, let’s do it. But I’m gonna need snacks,’ he says, and I grin, holding up the bag in my hand. ‘I came prepared,’ I say, both of them grinning. ‘Won’t your roommate notice you’re gone?’ Jungkook asks, and I shake my head. ‘If Angel can sleep through Taehyung’s sleep-talking, sleep-walking and cuddling, she can sleep through anything. That girl needs a foghorn to wake her up,’ I say, both of them laughing. ‘Right, then,’ Yoongi says, ‘let’s get to it.’
The boys spend the entire night at the desk, hacking into the school’s CCTV systems and looping the footage, whilst I watch You on Netflix, nap, and hand them snacks and drinks as and when they need them. The boys finish at sunrise, Jungkook instantly crawling into his bed and passing out as Yoongi shows me what they’ve done.
‘So, long story short, the footage from the past week is looped. It will keep playing again and again until someone realises and changes it, but I doubt anyone will notice it for a long time. So you’re free to do whatever you want in that classroom without it being caught on camera. I’ll keep checking up on it to make sure it hasn’t been discovered,’ he says. ‘Thank you, Yoongi, you’re the best. And tell Jungkook I said thanks to him too,’ I say, both of us looking at him fast asleep on his bed.
‘Yeah, of course. Just shout us whenever you need help with anything. And, don’t worry, we won’t mention anything to anyone. Now, you go, get some sleep. I think the others were saying they want to spend the day at the football pitch today so make sure you’re there, and not looking tired, or they’ll suspect something,’ he says, and my heart warms at his kindness.
‘Okay, Yoongi. See you later. And thanks, again, for your help,’ I say, and he grins. ‘It’s cool. Just make sure that you fill us in on whatever happens with Mr Kim tomorrow. If anything does happen, that is,’ he says mischievously, and I grin. ‘Oh, don’t worry,’ I grin back, ‘there’ll be plenty to tell.’ 
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‘Peach? Do you mind staying behind please?’ Mr Kim says as I begin to walk towards the door with Daisy and Dream, and I grin to myself before I turn back to him sullenly. He waits for everyone to leave the room before he speaks. ‘Take a seat,’ he says, and I scowl. ‘I’d rather stand.’ ‘Peach, don’t be like that. Please, just sit down,’ he says and, with as much attitude as possible, I sit down in my seat.
‘Why weren’t you here at the beginning of the lesson?’ he asks, looking concerned, and I laugh humourlessly. ‘I don’t want to be where I’m not wanted,’ I reply, and he looks so pained. I actually feel a little guilty. ‘Peach, come on. You know that that wasn’t what I meant last week. I’m just worried about the consequences. I could lose my job,’ he says, and I roll my eyes.
‘No one would ever find out,’ I say, and he sighs. ‘I know you wouldn’t say anything, Peach, but that’s not to say that nobody will find out. Someone could just walk in at any moment,’ he says, and I look at the door. ‘There’s a lock,’ I say, and he sighs again. ‘The camera?’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘What if I told you I’ve taken care of it?’ I say carefully, and his eyes widen. ‘Please tell me you’re joking,’ he says, grabbing on to his temples. ‘I’d be lying if I did. Sir, I’m serious about this,’ I say, and he’s silent for a few moments, head in his hands.
I take the silence as my opportunity. ‘What if I persuade you, Sir?’ I ask, and he looks up at me, only his eyes uncovered by his hands. ‘Pardon?’ he asks, voice muffled, and I get up from my seat, slowly walking to the door. ‘I said… what if I persuade you?’ I say, leaning against the door, Mr Kim’s eyes on my fingers as they turn the lock. ‘Peach,’ he says in a strained voice, and I know it’s working, my heart beating so fast.
‘Sir, stop stressing, for just a minute. You worry too much,’ I say, and he sighs. ‘It’s in my nature,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘It was in mine too. And then I realised life’s too short to worry about everything. I didn’t worry about stealing designer things to sell so I could go to Glastonbury, and I’m glad I didn’t worry about it,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow at me.
‘You’re glad?’ ‘Yes, I’m glad. Because of it, I’m away from my stupid parents, at a school with a group of people that I love. And I’ve met you,’ I say, and he just stares at me, face unreadable. ‘Life’s too short to worry,’ I repeat, and I can practically see the battle between his head and his heart. His heart seems to win.
‘Persuade me then,’ he whispers, the words nearly making me cry from happiness. ‘Pardon?’ I ask, wanting to hear him say the words again. ‘I said, persuade me then,’ he says, all the stress and worry suddenly disappearing, a small smirk now on his face. Taking my time, I walk over to him, joining him behind the desk, and I grab on to his tie. He grins at me as I pull him up from his seat, before looking over at the camera.
‘Are you sure you handled it?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Want proof?’ I ask, and he nods. I grab my phone out of my bra, his eyes lingering on the curves of my breasts as I dial Yoongi’s number, putting the phone on loudspeaker. ‘Hey, Peach,’ he says, his voice ringing out into the room. ‘Can you check the camera for me?’ I ask, and he lets out a gentle laugh before I hear some movement and then some typing.
‘According to the camera, Mr Kim is sat at his desk, marking. No one else is in the room,’ he says, and I grin at Mr Kim who looks shocked. ‘Okay. Thanks, Yoongi, you’re the best,’ I say, and he laughs again. ‘No problem. Have fun,’ he says amusedly before the phone cuts off. ‘Does he know?’ Mr Kim asks, and I shrug. ‘I haven’t said anything to him about why I wanted the camera hacked, but he’s probably worked it out. He won’t say anything,’ I say, Mr Kim nodding, obviously slightly nervous.
‘Stop worrying. It’s okay,’ I say gently before I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down towards me. I close my eyes and wait for him to kiss me. When I feel his soft lips brush against mine, I supress a celebratory shout, instantly pulling him closer to me.
Within moments, the kiss has gone from tame and innocent, to passionate and desperate. His hands furiously trail up and down my body, our mouths moving in sync. He pushes his tongue between my lips, and I sigh into his mouth at the feeling. He wraps his hands into my hair and accidently tugs it, but I let out a gentle moan against his lips.
‘Fuck. Fuck, you like that?’ he asks, mouth still pressed against mine, and I nod. He pulls my hair again, this time harder, and I moan again, the sound obviously driving him crazy. He pulls away from me and lifts me up to sit on his desk before his lips attach to mine again. I wrap my legs around him, sitting on the edge of the desk so that our bodies are completely pressed up against each other.
I can feel how hard he is, his bulge pressed against my upper thigh, and a surge of confidence makes me palm him through his trousers. ‘Fuck, Peach,’ he groans, the sounding making me let out a shaky breath. ‘Can I… can I do something?’ I ask against his mouth, pulling away a few moments later. ‘Do what?’ he asks, and I grin.
‘I want your lollipop,’ I joke, and he laughs. ‘I’ve got some in my briefcase,’ he jokes, and I raise an eyebrow, holding back a laugh. ‘I want the one in your trousers instead,’ I say, looking up at him through my lashes, and his eyes darken, a smile on his face. ‘Who am I to deprive my best student?’ he says lowly, and I grin.
I get up from the desk, grabbing his tie again and walking backwards around the desk. I sit down in his seat, and he grins down at me. ‘Authority suits you. You look good in that chair,’ he says, and I let out a gentle laugh. 'I’ll look even better when I’ve got your dick in my mouth,’ I say lightly, and he chokes, coaxing a laugh out of me. ‘Let’s test that then,’ he says, and I grin. ‘Gladly.’
I pull down the zip of his trousers, purposely scraping my nails against his bulge. I push his trousers down just to the tops of his trousers, and his underwear goes down with them. His length, hard and red, springs up and slaps against his clothed stomach, and I try not to actually salivate. He’s long and thick, smooth with a prominent vein running along the underside, and his head is swollen, already leaking with precum.
My tongue darts out to wet my lip before I spit on my hands, Mr Kim watching me with interest. Gently, I place my hands on his length and run them up and down the shaft, revelling in pride from hearing the hitch in his breath. I lean forward, tentatively licking the precum from his tip, looking up at him with big eyes, and he groans. ‘God, Peach, you’re so fucking sexy,’ he breathes out, just before I sink my mouth down around him until he hits the back of my throat.
His hips buck up, pushing down my throat, and I gag around him, as he moans. I take a moment to compose myself before I start bobbing my head up and down his cock. ‘Yes, Peach, God, that feels so good,’ he grunts, gathering my hair into his hands and holding it back from my mouth. I lick along his vein, hands cupping his balls, before I swirl my tongue around his head.
‘You suck dick like a pro,’ he breathes out, and I grin up at him. ‘Thank you,’ I say before sinking my mouth back down onto his length. Obviously he’s getting close, moans and curses falling frequently from between his plump lips, and it’s as though he can’t control himself, starting to thrust into my mouth. I grip onto his strong thighs as he rams into my mouth, forcing himself further and further down my throat with each thrust. And then there’s a knock on the door.
Mr Kim panics, but my brain engages instantly. I pull boxers and trousers back up, quickly zipping him up, before I push him towards the door and hide myself under his desk. Mr Kim takes a couple deep breaths before he unlocks and opens the door, and I hold a hand over myself to stop the loud breathing.
‘Mr Kim. Why was the door locked?’ a voice asks, and I recognise it straight away. Mrs Choi, the strictest deputy headteacher. ‘Somebody kept pushing it open and running away, and it was annoying me, Mrs Choi,’ Mr Kim replies instantly, and I’m impressed at how quickly he thought of that reply. ‘Oh. Well, I need to speak to you about something. Let’s sit,’ she says, and I hear her enter the room, taking a seat on the other side of the desk. Her feet are mere inches from where I’m sat on the floor, only a wooden panel separating us.
Mr Kim takes his seat opposite her, slotting his legs around either side of me, and my head is centimetres from his crotch. The idea forms in my mind straight away, and I grin to myself, adrenaline running through my body.
‘What would you like to speak about, Mrs Choi?’ Mr Kim asks, just as I rest my hands on his knees. His body tenses beneath my hands, before relaxing a few moments later. ‘I’d actually like to speak to you about your twelfth-year class,’ she says, and I move my hands further up his legs. ‘Are you finding any problems with them?’ she asks, as I unzip his trousers as slowly and quietly as possible.
‘Um, no. They’re a fantastic group. High ability and a pleasure to teach,’ he says, voice tense. I’m not surprised, considering I’m pulling his still rock-hard dick out of his underwear as I unbutton my blouse so that if he looks down, he’ll get an eyeful of my boobs, spilling out of my bra. ‘Is that so? No problems at all?’ she asks as I lean forward and put my mouth around his head, staying still once I’ve done so. ‘No, Mrs Choi, none,’ he replies, hands finding my shoulders. I wait for him to push me away, but he surprises me, pulling me closer to him so that my mouth sinks all the way down onto his cock.
‘Really? I’m surprised to hear that. Am I mistaken in thinking you have Daisy, Peach and Dream in your class?’ she asks, and I try not to react at hearing my name from her mouth. ‘No, you are not mistaken,’ he replies, hands on my neck, holding me still, and I realise what he’s doing. He’s turned the tables back on to me. Instead of me torturing him beneath the desk, he’s torturing me, forcing me to hold his cock in my mouth with no movement.
‘And they don’t cause you any problems?’ she asks. ‘No, they’re brilliant students. Engaged in the lesson, intelligent, hard-working, helpful. They’re a lovely group of girls,’ he says, and Mrs Choi is silent, obviously surprised. ‘I must say, I’m shocked to hear you think so, especially of Daisy. We’ve had issues with her since she arrived. Dream and Peach, not as much, but still. They’re all part of the worst friendship group in the school. Their friendship group is the root of nearly all problems within their year group.’ Lovely.
‘That’s surprising to hear. I’ve never had any issues with them. A little talkative at times, but nothing more. They’re on track to achieve the best grades in the class,’ he says, and my heart swells at hearing him speak about us like this when no teacher ever has before. ‘That’s pleasing to hear. They must really like you, Mr Kim,’ Mrs Choi says, and Mr Kim lets out a gentle laugh. ‘I’d like to think they do,’ he says, and it’s obvious he’s thinking about the fact that one of the students must definitely like him because she’s under the table with his dick in her mouth.
‘Well, as it’s reaching the end of their time at the school, we’re looking for… a valedictorian, of sorts. A student, or even multiple, to give a speech at their end-of-year prom. Do you have any recommendations?’ she asks, and I’m curious to hear what he has to say. ‘Any of the three girls. Dream, Daisy or Peach. Or all three of them,’ he says instantly, and my heart warms. ‘That’s not the first recommendation I’ve had for those girls and the rest of their friends. It’s obvious they’re popular with the staff, despite being troublemakers,’ she says, almost fondly, and I think back to all the times we’ve been shouted at in Mrs Choi’s office. Now that I think about it, we almost always have a lecture from her, almost like the lectures you get from your mother. She must have a soft spot for us. Bless her.
‘Well, thank you for your recommendations, Mr Kim. We’ll definitely take them into consideration. I will leave you to your marking now,’ she says, her chair scraping against the floor as she gets up. I hope she doesn’t point out my belongings sat on my desk. ‘Thank you, Mrs Choi. See you later,’ Mr Kim says, and she bids him goodbye before leaving.
As soon as the door shuts behind her, I’m taking him as far down my throat as possible, and he stifles a moan. ‘Let me lock the door, Peach,’ he breathes out, hands weakly trying to push me off, but I ignore him, wanting to make him cum as soon as possible. ‘Fuck, Peach, someone could come in,’ he says pleadingly, but his words are broken up by moans, and I know that the thought of someone entering is turning him on even more, because it’s not long before his cock is twitching in my mouth.
‘Fuck, Peach, I’m gonna cum,’ he groans, and I pull him out of my mouth. I tug at his length with one hand, playing with his balls with the other, and his orgasm hits him within seconds. He throws his head back, face scrunching up, as his hands tighten on my shoulders. He lets out a long, drawn out moan of my name as his hot cum spurts out of the tip, covering my chin, neck and breasts. It’s as though he hasn’t cum properly in a while, depositing an endless amount over my face.
He looks down at me once he’s done, cursing under his breath at the sight of me. I gather some of his release up from my chin and lick it off my finger, the man biting his lip at the sight. ‘Sorry. I don’t usually cum so quick,’ he says sheepishly, moving back and helping me get up from under the desk. ‘It’s okay. I have that effect,’ I joke, and his eyes darken. ‘Oh. So did you have the effect on Park Jimin?’ he asks, and I nearly scream aloud, so glad that he’s brought it up (I really thought I’d put in all that effort for nothing).
He makes me sit on the desk in front of him, and he spreads my legs, making me rest my feet on his armrests. ‘I asked you a question,’ he says, eyes on my soaked pants. ‘I, um… who told you about that?’ I say, and he scoffs. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I was going to hear about it. Everyone was talking about it. Peach sleeping with her best friend’s man,’ he says, looking up at me disdainfully.
‘Are you that desperate for cock? That desperate you’d sleep with Daisy’s man?’ he says, and I stay silent, biting on my bottom lip. ‘Go on, speak. I’m sure you had a lot to say with Jimin’s dick in your pussy, huh? Or did he shut you up with his cock in your mouth? Fucking whore,’ he says, landing a harsh slap on my clothed heat, and I whine at the feeling.
He hooks a finger around my pants and pulls, ripping the flimsy material off me and holding it up to his nose. ‘Fuck. You’re so wet,’ he says, looking at my dripping wet core as he puts the ripped material down on the desk beside him. ‘Only for you, Sir,’ I whimper, and he groans. ‘Fucking slut. I bet it’s for Jimin. I bet you’ve been thinking about having him inside you again, huh?’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘I’ve only been thinking about you. I thought about you while I was with him,’ I whisper, and he looks up at me with dark, dilated eyes.
‘Is that so? Well, what were you thinking about?’ he asks, and I bite my lip. ‘Your pretty lips on my pussy,’ I breathe out, and he groans again. ‘God, you’re so fucking sexy. Let me give you what you want then,’ he says, and I spread my legs even more, leaning back on my hands and shuffling forward so I teeter on the edge of his desk. I’m so close to his face that I can feel his breaths hit my core. ‘Please, Sir,’ I whimper, and he grins at me before he leans forward a licks a bold stripe across my pussy.
I let out a pathetic sigh, my head falling back as he licks at my core slowly, tongue lapping at my slit languorously, dipping his muscle between my folds every few seconds, sending mind-numbing shocks through me. ‘Fuck, you taste so good. So fucking sweet,’ he praises as I let out a small moan, legs curling around his shoulders to pull him closer.
Without warning, he attaches his lips to my clit, sucking and tugging on the bundle of nerves, and my back arches as I throw my head back, broken moans falling from my lips. ‘Stay still, whore,’ he warns harshly, the words against my heat making me shiver as one of his arms snakes around my waist, tightly holding me in place. His other hand scoops some of his cum from my breasts before joining his head between my legs, rubbing the cum onto my clit as more moans escape me.
‘Please, Sir, I want your fingers,’ I plead and he chuckles before slowly pushing one finger between my folds. ‘So tight, baby. Am I not turning you on?’ he asks, plunging another finger in, forcing another moan out of me. ‘How will I get my cock in? At this rate, I won’t even fit another finger into this tight little cunt,’ he says, still with his lips wrapped around my clit and his two fingers slowly pumping in and out of me.
Gradually, he increases his pace, adding another finger in, his mouth still working wonders at my clit. I can feel my orgasm building up, moans falling more frequently from my mouth. He only increases his pace more and more, until his fingers pump in and out furiously fast, his tongue licking up and down my folds before pulling on my clit with his lips.
My hands, threaded into his soft, dark locks, pull him closer and closer to my core, and I can feel myself fast approaching the edge. He curls his fingers into me, hitting the soft spongy spot inside me, and I let out a particularly loud whine. ‘Fuck, Mr Kim, right there, please,’ I whine, and he freezes. ‘Fuck, you’ll make me cum again if you call me Mr Kim. Here,’ he says, pulling his tie off and stuffing it into my mouth before going back to his ministrations.
I can feel myself tumbling towards the edge, pleasure coursing through my veins as I let out muffled moans. ‘Come on, I can feel you’re close, Peach. Fucking cum for me,’ he whispers and, when he curls his fingers and pulls on my clit at the same time, I finally reach my climax. I curse and moan, all of it muffled by the tie, as my orgasm washes over me, back arching.
Once I’ve come down from my high, he licks my release up as I pull his tie out of my mouth before holding his fingers out to me, and I lick them clean as he watches with a smug smirk, lips swollen and shining. ‘That was so fucking hot,’ he says as I hop down from his desk. I pick up my pants and tuck them into his chest pocket with a grin before smoothing down my skirt and rebuttoning my blouse, the man watching as I do so.
‘Wait, are we not going to…?’ he trails off, and I look over to see that he’s already hard again. Very hard. ‘I’ll come to your room,’ I say as I pull some tissues out of me bag, cleaning his cum off my face. ‘But I’m…’ he says, looking down at his length, and I hold back a laugh, putting some powder on my face and pulling on a hoodie.
‘You left me hanging a week. You can deal with a few hours,’ I say, slipping out of the room before he can even formulate a response. I walk down the corridor, unable to wipe the smile off my face, nearly skipping all the way out to the grass where I know my friends will be waiting for me. Honey, Pearl, Daisy, Dream, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook are all lazing around on the grass, instantly perking up when they spot me.
‘So?’ Honey asks excitedly when I reach them, and I grin. ‘Mission accomplished,’ I say, pulling a spare pair of pants out of my bag and pulling them on underneath my skirt. ‘Wow. He kept your underwear?’ Jimin asks, and I nod with a smirk. ‘Had he heard about you and Jimin?’ Dream asks, and I nod again. ‘He was so mad,’ I grin, all of them laughing as Jimin smirks.
‘Well, damn it, Peach, I didn’t think you would, but you did. You really had sex with a teacher. You won the competition. Good on you, girl,’ Daisy says, and I grin at her. ‘Well, I didn’t really have sex with him. I just… sucked him off. And then he ate me out,’ I say, and Daisy frowns, everyone else looking confused. ‘You should’ve fucked him,’ she says, and I shrug.
‘I’ll fuck him when I go to his room tonight,’ I say, the girls squealing as the boys (and Pearl) look at me incredulously. ‘Wait, you’re really leaving him this long before you fuck him? God, you’re evil, Peach,’ Namjoon says, and I smile smugly. ‘Peach, fucking in a classroom is one thing, but going to his room? You’re asking for trouble,’ Pearl says disapprovingly, and I shrug with a grin.
‘You know what, Pearl? Maybe I am.’
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auntmaydoesnotknow · 5 years
how long did we sleep?
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A/N: i know it’s not perfect but i tried and this is my first fic by the way🖖🏻
Summary: after trip to Europe,you and your friends team up to celebrate MJ’s birthday,but something between her and Peter isn’t the same
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: not so massive Far From Home spoilers i guess???
You weren’t the type of girl who desired to be popular in school. You liked staying after lessons to study in a computer class or practice in labs to check some of your designs . Despite that,you were a real badass. You liked sneaking out at nights to go to the parties or hang out with your friends. You enjoyed Central Park at night time more therefore you were stargazing there almost every night. You liked staying in the hidden place in the library until the very late hours to be able to read in silence and absence of others and then exiting through the broken window.And you also really appreciated your family and loved spending time with them.
You knew you were hard to understand but you didn’t need anyone to do it or tell you compliments.
You hear the bell ring and rush towards the hall to the bathroom.
She is never late so she must be in the class already and you have some time before you meet her.the teacher will probably be annoyed at you for being late again but you decide to finish what’s more important to you right now.
You put the cup of coffee and your bag on the bathroom sink.
“I am very very very sorry” - you write on the inner side of the book cover you bought for your best friend - “Sorry i became your friend only a year ago. You’re the bestest friend i ever had. It’s a fact. And imma be late for the physics class but i’m just hoping your smile would be worth it. MJ,thank you for being glowing,smart af,genuine,indescribable and rEaL friend for me. i love you”
You take a black ink pen to add some hearts and write a post scriptum
“P.s. i was searching for this book a lot for you and i hope you love it”
you close the book,lace it with a black ribbon and write on a coffee cup “happy birthday,hmmmmMJ”
You and MJ. Your friendship started as unexpectedly as you saw her reading your favorite book at the party.You approached to her and that was the moment you both felt something new - how do they call it?oh yes - soulmates thing.
You two are literally soulmates - MJ sees you through and understands you perfectly,you do the same. You’ve changed a lot since you became MJ’s friend and you’re pretty sure this change was an improvement.
You put the book in the bag,take the coffee and catch a glimpse of your reflection - girl in the mirror smiled and was looking excited about making her friend happy.
You leave the bathroom and examine the hall in search of the principle. Your eyes didn’t find anybody so you start quickly heading to the class at the same time checking on your watch.
Well,I’m late for just 3 minutes,I can praise mysel-
The moment after you look at the time once again,you bump into someone and close your eyes as you feel like the cap from the coffee cup has fallen down.
You silently swear and pray it’s not principle. You open your eyes and see Peter’s perplexed face and chuckle.
“God damn Peter watch yourself”You smile pretending to be mad at him and raise free arm to hug him.
You and Peter. You two got very close as you started hanging out with MJ. At first,you knew Peter as a boy MJ was at one Decathlon team at,than the boy she seemed to have feelings for and only then you got to know him personally when he and mj started dating.
He appeared to be very cute and kind-hearted and you couldn’t deny he was attractive to you. But you knew he was already into SoMeOnE and SoMeOnE was also kinda attracted. Generally, you got to know him in Europe trip and generally,the same time he and Michelle confessed their feelings to each other. They started dating bu you remained good friends and so did you,Ned and Peter. Ned and you were pretty sure there was something Parker and MJ were hiding about their relationship that might have happened between them but you didn’t demand to know about it.
Oh and you knew Peter was Spiderman. To be honest,you were not surprised as you and MJ have noticed his strange behavior a long ago but when he confessed it to you everything became explainable.
Parker hugs you back and sets the coffee cap back to the cup. When he holds you close,you can feel his chest moving fast and you can tell he was in a hurry. Again.
“Is everything okay?”You ask softly as you make sure the coffee hasn’t been spilt.
“Yeah,I just missed a bus”He smiles and fixes his hair. and you wish you could run your fingers through these curls as they were the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. But there was already someone else who had the right to do it. And being aware of that made you shiver inside every time.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been running your way to school” you playfully frown
Peter imitates he rolled his eyes and asks you if your gift was ready.
“It is and it’s all cool to talk but we seem to be late” You answer with a smile on your face
“Yeah yeah sure”
His hand suddenly touches yours while you walk towards the class next to each other. You can feel your heart skip a beat and wonder why you even feel this. Peter looks at you without turning his head but you pretend to stay calm and look straight . And that’s why you can’t notice slight blush on Peter’s face and a little sparkle in his eyes.
You open the class door,apologize to the teacher and quickly take your place next to MJ. You wink to Ned and look at the birthday girl. She is sitting still but you can tell by her smile she is glad to see you. You carefully pass her the coffee and watch her eyes shimmer and smile widen as she reads the words written on the cup.
“Happy birthday, cutie” You say and blow her a kiss
She chuckles and whispers quite thank you when Peter rushes into the class according to your plan which included not to show up to the class late together.
“I-I’m sorry,Mr.Clark,I was late for the bus so I -”
“Stop excuses,Mr.Parker,and take your place,We’re all used to your lateness. As much as we are used to Y/N’s one” The teacher looks at you and you silently pray he’s not going to say what he was going to say
“I think it’s time for you both to pay for your morning sleep and stay after the lessons”He sentences
“No!” You both blurt”Please not today,maybe tomorrow?it’s very important ,we can’t stay today,please!”Mr.Clark stops Peter’s begging with shaking his head and continues the lesson.
You press your palms to your face and sigh deeply,then you look at Peter who seems to be as disappointed as you and finally,MJ.
She looks a bit worried but whispers”Don’t worry,we can figure it out”
As the lessons ends,you stand up quickly and hug Michelle. “I’m really sorry” you say pitifully “But I think Peter and I can skip today’s detention,right?” You look at Peter and he nods at once after placing Mj a kiss on her cheek.
“No,no,guys,you don’t have to”Michelle says “I wanted to tell you that my “party”(she imitates quotes) is being put off”
“What?”Ned says loudly
“Yeah,my parents want to spend time with me. I’m not saying we’re not having fun today. I’m just suggesting you to meet 2 hours later. Will you be able to?”
Three of you nod and you sigh with relief.
“Okay,I’m going to French and you boys better buy your gift already”
MJ chuckles and Peter slightly kicks your shoulder when you walk by.
When the lessons are over,you meet MJ to make sure if everything okay and then head to detention room.
Peter is already sitting there and you sit next to him. He smiles when he sees you and you smile back and feel really warm inside.
You open the bag and show him the pack of sour patch. Parker grins and tries to quietly move his desk close to yours.
There is no one else but almost sleeping teacher in the room so you two start talking loudly about your favorite movies and end up finding out that your mutual favorite film was «Men in Black».
You chuckle “Yeah and I really didn’t want J to erase K’s memory”
«I know,that was unexpected. Um,Y/N?”
“Would you like to team up this weekend and kinda rewatch the trilogy?”
“Movie night at Parker’s?Sure,sounds cool”it does sounds cool and all but you hesitate about what mj was going to say
“Sure?” He asks a bit shyly
“Sure as hell!” You smile and pretend to look at your phone to hide your excitement
Then you frown and ask like it’s not something you do care about but deep in your heart you know you do “Should i tell MJ and Ned?”
Peter keeps silence for a second and then says while running his fingers through his hair nervously
“A-Actually I thought - I thought they don’t like this movie”
You look at him and smile,then nod and check on time while the heat is rising from your toes to your head and then fills your whole body with excitement and you smile again,even wider now.
“Hey,I guess we’re free” He tells you pointing at the teacher who is already asleep. You eat the last sour patch bear and stand up quietly.
You and Peter live not really far from each other,that’s why he decided to walk you to your house. You have never been at Peter’s and he has not visited your house yet but he often walked you to the doors and hugged you and this cuddles could lift you up for the rest of the day. Today was not an exception. You agreed to meet in half an hour to go to MJ’s place together.
When you come in,you hear the smell of melting cheese and go to kitchen to kiss your mom. You warn her that tonight’s MJ’s birthday and you’re going to be late.
She nods and gives you a sandwich that you bite as you go to your room. You choose to wear something casual so youtake off your Y/F/C(your favorite color) hoodie and put on Y/P/C(your preferred color)tie-die t-shirt and jeans(idk whatever u like to imagine)
The gift for MJ is still in your bag and you take it as you go to the bathroom.
When it’s time to meet up with Peter,Ned and Betty you all get a message from MJ that the picnic you have planned is still in you schedule so you guys start heading to her house.
Betty was your another close friend,though not as close as any of the guys. She was super nice and cute and that’s why Ned extremely liked her. You could tell Ned has changed a lot to the better and that was an obvious sign of the good impact of the relationships for you.
While you’re in the subway,you teach Ned how to do the hand sign(🖖🏻) from Star Trek and once you looked at Peter,he was always looking at you. You thought to yourself you were overthinking and try to forget this. Every time you wanted to think he really felt something for you,you couldn’t help but feeling guilty for doing this to Mj’s boyfriend. So you tried to wash these thoughts away.
When you get to the destination,you see MJ waving to you with the bag full of food. She looked very happy and it made you even happier. As you see her,you run to her and hug her and everyone else does the same as they approach.
When you settle down your picnic rug on the grass under the tree next to Michelle’s apartment and set all the beverages and snacks,Betty clears her throat and says enthusiastically “Time for presents”
MJ stands up and you beat your knees with your hands. “Should I start?” You ask everyone and when they nod,you go on
“Michelle,it’s my first your birthday and I’m glad I’m here with unbelievable you and you guys. Um, I’ve never had a friend like you,yeah,and speeches are definitely not my cup of tea,but i know for sure, that you are great,beautiful and kind person and you deserve everything you think you don’t and more”
You see her smiling and lean closer to hug her and whisper in her ear quite “I love you” and she nods with the happiness in your eyes and it’s the best thing you have ever seen.
Everyone else congratulated MJ with their gifts and hugged her and everyone was joyful. But there was one thing that bothered you - when Peter and Ned were embracing Michelle,you could notice that Parker hugged her differently. Not the way he hugged you. When you two were hugging,he was holding you tight and for a long time. His hug with MJ seemed way shorter but you decided not to overthink again. But it kept bothering you throughout the night.
During the party,you were eating fruits,listening to music and talking about some stupid things. You saw MJ happy and you felt admired by how happiness suits her face.
Somebody suggested taking polaroids so you all were changing poses while some tourist was making photos. He made about 20 different polaroids and you decided that MJ is going to take them home to choose and then give some of them to her friends.
When the sun set,you started packing things to go up at MJ’s apartment and have a movie night.
You discussed everyone’s wishes and decided to binge-watch first season of Stranger Things.
You settled blankets,pillows and snacks on the floor and Ned put on the show.
You were sitting between Betty and MJ,Peter was sitting on the left side to MJ.
You loved the atmosphere that was in the room and looked down to pick up another nacho and expected to witness MJ and Peter holding hands as they did as often as possible. But to your surprise they weren’t. Moreover,they were not even leaning closer to each other which made you wonder.
In 15 minutes,Ned saw Betty yawning and suggested changing positions for her to lay down comfortably. You appeared to sit next to Peter and MJ which made your nerves tingle. Michelle took the polaroids from her pocket and started checking which of them were good. Parker offered you the last nacho in the bag and when you perplexedly accepted it he got up and approached the trash can in the corner of the room to throw the empty packs.
Suddenly, you feel MJ grab your wrist and pulling you with her
“Don’t pause the episode,we’ll be right back” she said happily while taking you with her out of the room and closing the door.
“Um,is everything okay?” You ask looking puzzled
“Even better! Let me tell you something” Michelle took you to the kitchen and you sat on the counter still wondering what on earth made MJ leave her favorite show playing.
“So”she started excitedly “I was browsing through polaroids we took and found this”
She handed you the picture of five of you standing in front of MJ’s house while hugging each other. It was taken the moment you noticed Ned’s hat wasn’t his,but Mr.Harrington’s and he changed them by incident so all of you were laughing. It was really pure but you still didn’t get what MJ so head over heels
And then
You laid your eyes on Peter. He wasn’t standing next to you,but he was looking at you. When everyone was looking at camera,he was looking at you. The wind was playing with his curly wonderful hair,the warm smile lit his face and his eyes were directed at you. Was it affection inside them? Love? You didn’t know
But was eager to.
“MJ,this pic is awesome and I look less gross than always here but what is it supposed to mean?”
“Look,things weren’t good for me and Pete lately” she joined you on the counter and put her hand on your lap “We both don’t think we should continue pretending to be a couple when we’re not anymore.”
“What? Uh,does it mean...?”
“Yeah,it’s over” she said with no drop of disappointment on her face,but joy
“But...but why? What happened? Did he hurt you?”
“No,no calm down” MJ chuckled “I’m just not that into him anymore. And when i talked to him,he confessed the same. I mean”she continued seeing your perplexed face “we mean a lot to each other but it doesn’t work the same way it did. It’s fine,really,we both moved on.”
“Wait-You too?”
“Yeah,i got someone,but,nevermind,it’s not what we are talking about”
“And while you’re thinking it over” she leaned closer to you “ I don’t see a point in hiding your feelings for him anymore”
“No way we’re talking about this again” you raised your hands in your defense “You broke up and how can you know he’s not hurt and doesn’t want you back and- and how can you know he wants someone else? Someone else but you?” You asked more seriously
“Because the eyes,Y/N. They never lie” she winked at you and told to keep the polaroid to yourself
You wanted to stop her but she was already gone with a wide smile on her face.
You covered your face with your hands and smiled inside them like in a pillow. Then you jumped off the counter and headed to the room with Michelle’s words pulsing in your temples.
You opened the door and saw Betty and Ned snoring on each other’s shoulders. MJ was telling something to Peter as his eyes widened and a wide smile appeared on his face.
You took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes which you used to erase the blush from your cheeks.
You walked in and Peter stood up the moment you closed the door.
“I-I,ugh-I remember we planned spending the night in here and I’m sticking to the plan,I just need to go out for a second or two to buy coffee,I don’t feel so good(*) and I guess fresh air and coffee is the only thing I need right now,huh” You tried to look calm and even tried to chuckle but ended up having a flimsy grin on your face. “Do-do you mind?” You asked,more to MJ,not trying to look Peter straight in his eyes. “I can buy coffee for every one so we can survive the night?”
Pathetic. Your main rule was to never look pathetic and that was exactly how you looked. At least you thought so
“Yeah,sure,no problem. I’ll text you then which coffee guys would want to.” Michelle saw you through. She knew you just wanted to leave for a minute to calm your nerves and she understood you.
You smiled to her and forced yourself to smile to Parker,then left the apartment with nothing but your phone and hoodie Peter gave you as it was cold outside.
You were sitting in front of the coffee shop for 10 minutes now,trying to analyze everything. You didn’t know what made you so nervous but you felt like it was bursting inside of you and you couldn’t help it. You felt even more pathetic for leaving although your motto was to never run from the problems but face them. But tonight you felt like it was necessary for you to take a break from being powerful and independent.
You took a sip of the night air,looked up at the stars and realized how small and shitty your problems were and suddenly you calmed down.
If Peter likes you,then he will do something himself. You like him for forever but never noticed any signs of mutual attention. You craved him for so long and he always craved someone else. You told yourself that if you feel like it tonight,you will tell him. Tell him about it and then probably jump out of the window and disappear. Or lock yourself in the bathroom. Yes. The latter would work.
You chuckled and walked into the shop with joy on your face.
“Um,I’ll have two capuccinos,two lattes and one iced coffee with double ice,please”
“Double ice?” Barista grinned
“Yeah,I kinda like the cold”
“Twenty four fifty” the barista claimed
“I’ll pay” you hear the voice behind your back
“Pete?” You frown and smile to the awesome cute hot curly chocolate boy in front of you
“Hey” he rubs the back of his neck,while he’s in a black t-shirt that shows his muscles “Do you feel better?”
“I think so. I like to think this happened because i had too much fun today”
“Then this should happen to me every time I’m with you”
You blinked and felt the burning desire to hug him really hard.
Instead,you smiled and with hesitations ran your fingers through his hair.
He looked at you with admiration and gently grabbed your wrist.
“I- I really think we need to talk”
“Yeah-yeah, we do”you burst out laughing
You walked out of the coffeeshop and he stopped you by tapping your shoulder.
“I like you,Pete” you interrupted and was brave enough to look into his eyes “I’ve been acting so pathetic lately but it’s just because I couldn’t keep it from you any longer.You’re the sweetest boy I ever met. I like your crazy hair that you hate. I love our hugs because they make my days.Your smile is like actually the best smile ever” you laughed and continued “You’re a genius,you’re so smart,you’re kind-hearted,you help people and you’re just you. That’s why I like you. Yes, I like you. And it doesn’t mean you should tell me you like me back as i don’t want your words to be fake. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same way and I would gladly stay your friend for the rest of my life” you finished and took a sip of coffee to regain bravery.
Peter looked at you with sparks in his brown eyes and smile on his lips and started
“I like you too,Y/N, a lot. Thank you for telling me all of this but- You’re not pathetic,being yourself and having emotions and feelings isn’t pathetic,alright? ”
You nodded
“I extremely like you and I’m being 100% genuine to you. I’ve never met anyone like you”
and before you could understand it,he kissed you
Peter Parker kissed you and you never knew you needed it that much.
You came to MJ’s apartment holding hands and none of you ever wanted to let this moment slip away.
When MJ saw you two she smiled and made an impression of fainting. You laughed and hugged her whispering “thank you so much for making me do this step”
“Me? yes,it was me,will you make me your bridesmaid?”
You continued watching the episode laying on Peter’s shoulder and holding his hand. He seemed carried away by the joy of finally being with someone he truly loved.
He kissed your temple right when sleeping couple of Ned and Betty on the right stood up
“Wait,how much did we sleep?”
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wheretfisbambi · 3 years
A/N: Hi, yes I’m back. I’m sorry for being inactive for 60 smth days and probably going to be inactive for another 2 weeks because of exams but it’s fine. <3 I promise I binged lots of animes and I’m back with more headcanons. Also, I’m not sure if you guys would like me to do more than headcanons, but do tell if you want me to. I started this as a fun blog and hope to continue that even though I’m always inactive lol. Anyways, here you go, a jujutsu kaisen rant! Ps: these are my personal thoughts and feelings, if you don’t agree with them then fair enough! ^^
Genre: Crack/Comedy/?reviewing?
A/U(s): None.
Warnings: spoilers are put in brackets and are red! Watch out for them. :D
Trigger warnings: None.
Summary: Just me ranting. :)
UHHH REVIEW TIME! The main characters ;)
Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi is best sasuke trope boy. By far my favorite emo boy. Why? Well, it’s mostly because when animes introduce characters like Megumi they’re all emo and have to avenge their village and kill people and are ‘brocken’ or smth idk.
But jujutsu kaisen does the whole sasuke trope a big middle finger and makes Megumi a less tsundere, and broken character.
Honestly, I never expected Megumi to have this type of personality because most animes try to give his archetype the whole ‘their honest’ when in reality they are just rude and selfish. Megumi is literally honest. My guy had no problems telling Gojou that he wants Yuji to stay as his own opinion which if you asked any of the people under this archetype they would respond with ‘Ugh, just keep him alive okay?’.
Like he is honestly sweet and even when trying to force Yuji and Nobara to leave it WASNT for his own well-being it was for theirs. Literally is the opposite of Ray, Sasuke, and any type of character that is emo and rude. Also he is one of the few characters that deserves to be as powerful as he is because he didn’t get his powers because of ‘his burning rage for the person who killed his village as he tries to avenge them.’ And he also has a bad background but is quite an average character. I just appreciate him. :)
Nobara Kugisaki
Honestly though, she’s amazing. My favorite character since she literally is a girly girl yet is powerful (nothing wrong with that, it’s just wow.), which hear me out.
Most shounen anime girls fall under 3 categories of female characters.
The useless damsel in distress that is a tsundere.
‘Another Naruto reference? Seriously Mochi?’ I’m so sorry my lovely reader, but Naruto is one of the founding fathers of all Shounen anime stereotypes. So yes, another Naruto reference.
First of all, I don’t hate this characters, I actually don’t dislike them either. That being said I don’t like them. I get this neutral emotion whenever someone like idk Sakura I guess is on screen next to Aiura Mikoto (Who btw, is another underrated female character that deserves love even though the anime is crack-y.). I guess it’s because throughout all of the Arc’s and episodes, Sakura hasn’t changed or developed or even learned from past mistakes. It sucks seeing character that could’ve had potential, being boring and just bad. Also she’s ungrateful for her parents for no reason, and that just says a lot about her persona. To be honest, most Naruto female characters are like this, and I don’t want to hear crap about Hinata’s character because she barely got screen time and the only times we see her is when the creator pushes her to be next to Naruto more often or if the whole gang is together. (I watched a bit of Naruto so I could be wrong about this whole thing but this is again, my opinion.)
The dimwit and clumsy/tsundere/strong female fan service
Oh look, it’s everyone’s ‘favorite’ Erza Scarlet from Fairytail. But whoops, her whole character is just her having cleavage. Or everyone’s favorite crime Taboo Tattoo (I didn’t watch it but most fans have come together and agreed that it would’ve been a decent anime without all of the fan service.) Or maybe the stereotypical dimwit character that is clumsy?
Yeah, you know who I’m talking about right?
I feel like some animes, that are 23 minutes long, would be reduced to around 15 minutes without all the fan service (not counting the Opening or ending)
(Also all the dumb jokes, but that’s for another time.)
Looking at how many creators complain they can’t go too in-depth with their OC’s, because they don’t have much time, but they somehow can fit in a whole scene of people literally having their clothes ripped off because of how ‘delicious’ it is. Yes, I’m coming after you Food Wars. Even though I am a big fan, that doesn’t mean I can ignore the flaws. I am fair and will admit that, as far as characters go, Food Wars is shallow.
Personally, mha is also another crime with lots of fan service of 15-16 year old girls. 😀
I don’t want to get into the heated Hero Hei debate wether this doesn’t count because they’re ‘fictional’ or if it does. So moving on.
Can I mention how much Momo Yaoyorozu could’ve been an amazing character with amazing development and a cool quirk? I mean personally, I hate how Momo is now just fanservice. This queen has an amazing quirk, went in through recommendations, smart, helpful, is class Vice President, heroic, tall, thoughtful, rich but doesn’t brag about it and is humble, and just a cool character that could be delved deeper on?
Haha nope. Boobs.
W h a t
This literal queen could carry this series on her back yet they have the audacity to make her have zero personality and just a background character? Like excuse me, I don’t think you understand, but Principle Nezu has more screen time than her. Literally her and Koda (Creati and Anima) could be so cool but no one ever acknowledges them. :(
Anyways let’s move on.
And finally, the love interest.
Ochako Uraraka. That’s it.
Ochako really deserves more, honestly. I was hyped up in the sports fest. because she just showed off that she isn’t backing down, and now she’s just a mindless love interest.
Honestly, I don’t like talking about this topic the most because A, it’s controversial for some reason. And B, it sucks seeing these amazing characters being watered down to just a love interest.
She’s fine on her own, thank you very much.
I mean best scene was when she was fighting Sabrina the witch and didn’t seem to care much about scars and she just debunked all of those things and I just UGGGHHHH- <33333
Like animes try so hard to have a feminist role model by making her tomboyish and mean and a tsundere and calls anyone that looks at her a pervert.
But Nobara isn’t any of that. Nobara is fashionable and powerful. She loves shopping. She loves eating expensive. She loves Luxuries. She loves proving people she’s strong. She isn’t easily scared. She protects, and I just love her. She isn’t your stereotypical tomboy or at least she doesn’t fall into the smurfette effect or smth.
Tbh, I was worried when she joined them. I said either she’s a tomboy who’s a tsundere or a soft spoken damsel in distress, but now that I’ve seen her, I know that Nobara is Nobara. And that you all should appreciate her also.
Okay enough of that rant lol, moving on to Yuji!
Yuji Itadori
Are we going to use stereotypes again? Yes we are!
Usually shounen MCs have the worst personality either being too bland (mf MC from re-zero) or just too much of a coward/weakling/pervert/happy-go-lucky character.
I mean, if we are going to have a strong character he has to be a pervert for some reason.
A respectful character is a crybaby/weakling.
And a happy character has a dark secret side and ‘OmG lOoK hE’s SoO sc a Ry!1!1!’.
And tbh Yuji falls in the rare category.
The category that isn’t a crybaby, perverted, 11 year old that looks like he’s at least 20.
That category is what I’d like to call. The Saiki K. category.
I love MC’s like this because they aren’t too shallow, but not the whole story is about THEM and THEM ONLY.
It’s amazing to see how they still have the same personality but somehow have went through a bigger character development than all those other MC’s.
(Not disrespecting your faves, once again this is a personal opinion-)
And the way he isn’t OP and actually has trouble and the way (Slight spoilers!) that we can see that when he asks Sukuna to heal yoshino and the way Sukuna just laughs and I just like how they didn’t make Yuji just ‘become OP through the power of friendship’ and just they accepted he was dead or how his hand was cut off and he accepted it but how when he was dying he actually cried saying how he didn’t want to die showing us hey, it’s okay to cry but please don’t cry when you win a prize or competition or something. (End of spoilers!)
Ugh I just love Yuji being an MC. Again, he is one of those few rare MC’s with interesting character design, and personality without overwhelming it or just underwhelm it.
Satoru Gojo
Honestly most surprising character.
DHEUIWOWV should I make a separate post for the plot, story and Gojo? It’s getting late where I am sooo this gonna get a continuation! I’m Mochi and see you guys next time, Bye-Bye! (。- u -。)
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sailor-freak · 3 years
Ranking Girls in the Park (GWSN) ‘BAZOOKA!’ Stage Outfits
So I’m like a year late but I’m new to GWSN and I’m obsessed with everything about Bazooka era (the song, THE STAGE OUTFITS) so I had to 😂. So hey any GWSN fans out there enjoy this 😂. There’s also 50 odd separate ones so this might be LONG so have fun in there 😂. I’m also procrastinating doing (G)I-DLE HWAA stage outfit ranking cos I tried to do it but the post fucked up and it was long so now I can’t be bothered to do it again 😭.
57. Lena - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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This is blasphemous I’m sorry she looks like a homeless drama teacher 😂.
56. Miya - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I feel so bad cos Miya is my bias but A LOT of hers are going to be near the bottom... we just don’t have the same taste in clothes I’m sorry I appreciate people dressing androgynous but I wouldn’t wear it myself 😂. And even if I was more androgynous idk what’s going on with that top I’m sorry 😂.
55. Miya - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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Oh my poor Miya what have they done to you 😭. K baggy t-shirt I’ll accept but what’s with the bloody tufty jacket forced on the side nah ah not for me hun 😂.
54. Miya - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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She looks like a binman 😂. SHE BLENDS IN WITH THE WALL 😂. I stg they gave up trying to think of something that fits her style that actually looked good 😂.
53. Miya - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Yeah it still looks shit but black is a step up 😂.
52. Lena - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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A lot of Lena’s are also lower down, idk what it is but they just gave her clothes that didn’t fit 😂. This ones looks a little Shakespearean (why have I referenced Shakespeare twice today) but caught in a tornado 😂.
51. Lena - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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She looks like a Barbie doll but like when you put the dress on a different doll and it doesn’t look right 😂. Light pink is NOT a colour I like as well 😂.
50. Miya - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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NO PINK THANK YOU it looks like a big pink shirt on top of jim jams 😂. But she gets a bonus point for looking so damn adorable 😂.
49. Miya - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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LOL I’M SO SORRY I KEEP PUTTING YOU AT THE BOTTOM MIYA but this looks so chavvy I am not here for it 😂. Miya’s too sweet to be a chav if you keep dressing her like this she’s gonna get hoop earrings and a cockney accent 😂.
48. Lena - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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It just looks a bit like an unironed pillowcase with a belt on 😂.
47. Seoryoung - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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OMG FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE honestly Seoryoung has a lot of my favourite outfits but this is not one of them WHAT IS IT 😂.
46. Anne - 200503 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Another thing that is not my style at all is sportswear but when you’re not doing sports like what is the point 😂.
45. Lena - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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I think I like what this could be more than what it actually is 😂. It’s just so ill fitting it doesn’t look right 😂.
44. Anne - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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43. Seokyoung - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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At first looks it’s quite nice, but then you notice the crap that’s all over her top 😂. I get it would be boring without it but I’d rather it be dull than a mess 😂. Luckily it’s all white so it can be missed 😂.
42. Anne - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I guess the overall concept isn’t too bad? The trousers are nice but NOT the colour 😂. And the top I would forgive if it had matching sleeves, like why is one side sleeveless and one side has a slight sleeve like just pick one or go all the way with the mismatch 😂.
41. Lena - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Like Lena’s last one I like the idea of it more than what it actually is, a shirt and tie with a skirt IS a nice idea, but why is the shirt that big? 😂.
40. Seoryoung - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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It’s actually quite nice... but she has a little more than a chip on her shoulder 😂. Okay that was bad I’m sorry let’s leave that there and forget it ever happened 😂.
39. Seokyoung - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I can forgive the colour since it’s not as bright but a crop top jumper just doesn’t look right 😂. Oo that rhymed 😂.
38. Seoryoung - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I mean it’s not bad at all, just pink and white are a little too wholesome colours for me 😂. OMG THEY LOOK LIKE MARSHMALLOWS 😂.
37. Lena - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I like the two belts (I’m wearing two beltssss 😂) but idk I think it could be better idk how but it could 😂.
36. Miya - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Not completely my style but I don’t think there’s anything glaringly wrong with it 😂.
35. Miya - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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Idk why I prefer this to the other one cos the trousers are HORRIFIC but I think the white looks slightly better than the blue 😂.
34. Anne - 200428 (Showcase) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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This is kind of linked with number 46 but I like the top more here 😂.
33. Seokyoung - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I think this is really cute conceptually but the skirt’s a little too high and too big for me 😂.
32. Minju - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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OH HEY MINJU YOU FINALLY SHOWED UP Minju had some very good outfits this era, this one’s just kinda dull and a little too summery and bright for me 😂.
31. Anne - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Idk why I kinda like this one, the cropped jumper is just WHY but the rest kinda looks cool 😂.
30. Minju - 200509 (MBC Show! Music Core) / 200524 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Apart from the colour this is pretty nice! Like the jacket and the skirt 😂.
29. Lena - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I feel like I should love this cos I love jumpers and skirts combos but something holds it back for me 😂. Maybe it’s the giant shoelace 😂.
28. Lena - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Don’t ask me why I like this I just think it looks cool? 😂.
27. Minju - 200501 (KBS Music Bank) / 200506 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I do kinda like this, maybe material wise it could be better but it’s cute 😂.
26. Seokyoung - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Another one of those ones where I think it’s cute and idk why 😂.
25. Anne - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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It’s kinda bland and the shorts material is odd but I actually kinda like it 😂. It is simple, maybe if it had a little more it’d be better 😂.
24. Seoryoung - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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K the sleeves have NO business being that big, I really don’t like that, but I actually really like this? The skirt is amazing and if the sleeves were different the top would be really nice 😂.
23. Anne - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Simple but nice 😂. Maybe just a little too simple 😂.
22. Seoryoung - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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The skirt’s a little weird but I do really like this, maybe without the red sticking out the bottom of the skirt I’d like it more 😂.
21. Minju - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Some things I can’t explain it just looks cool 😂.
20. Seoryoung - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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It’s pretty much just a cooler version of the last one 😂. I also really like the white detail on the sleeve it’s like a tattoo 😂.
19. Seokyoung - 200428 (Showcase) / 200503 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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It kinda looks like a disco outfit I love it 😂.
18. Seokyoung - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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Idk why I love it it’s cute and dark why not 😂.
17. Anne - 200430 (Mnet M Countdown) / 200517 (SBS Inkigayo)
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Am I the only person still in love with graffiti print 😂. The top could be a better colour but I like the combo of neon and punkier graffiti print 😂.
16. Seokyoung - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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Idk why??? I just think it’s super cute 😂.
15. Minju - 200503 (SBS Inkigayo)
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I really like the skirt, but this is just kind of a variant of the next one 😂.
14. Minju - 200428 (Showcase) / 200513 (MBC Show Champion)
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The top just has a cooler design here 😂. But always love a skull print 😂.
13. Minju - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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It’s kinda simple but it has that edgy look I love 😂.
12. Seokyoung - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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I just really love the skirt, leather, zips and green plaid? 😍😂.
11. Anne - 200429 (MBC Show Champion)
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It’s a little bit dance teacher but I really love it 😂. I love the tall boots especially 😂.
10. Anne - 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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I just think it looks better with shorts 😂.
09 - Miya - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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Moment for how cute she looks 😂. But I actually really like this! I’ll forgive the t-shirt print cos I just love the black top with the shiny leathery trousers which aren’t Ross Geller style 😂. I think it might actually look cool with a couple of zips on the front of the trousers on the legs? But that’s just me 😂. I love how Miya shows up and I’m talking for ages 😂.
08. Seokyoung - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Something about the skirt and the jewelly top looks SO cool 😍.
07. Anne - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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I just love the trousers with the green plaid and the chain, the top is simple but it doesn’t need to be crazy 😂.
06. Minju - 200505 (SBS The Show) / 200523 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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It’s the skirt man it’s the skirt 😍. I do like the vest, I prefer it done up but this photo showed the whole thing more clearly 😂.
05. Minju - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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I feel like the jacket would put me off but I oddly love it? 😂.
04. Minju - 200508 (KBS Music Bank) / 200512 (SBS The Show) / 200521 (Mnet M Countdown)
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The shorts are just so cool 😍. I also love the shirt, but the shorts are what really stand to me here 😂.
03. Seoryoung - 200510 (SBS Inkigayo) / 200522 (KBS Music Bank)
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Ohh the top, the skirt, the little additions, I love it ALL 😍.
02. Seoryoung - 200502 (MBC Show! Music Core)
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I honestly love this so much, idk what it is about the colour and shape of the dress, and then the white top underneath it makes it look even cooler?? That almost never happens 😂. I feel like this could be number 1, if it wasn’t for...
01. Seoryoung - 200429 (MBC Show Champion) / 200515 (KBS Music Bank)
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DRACULA DRESS. Let me say it again. DRACULA. DRESS. It’s actually less my style shape wise, but... DRACULA DRESS. Cradle of Filth actually started playing as I was typing this and fitting I guess? 😂.
And that’s it 😂. May I repeat DRACULA DRESS iconic but if you made it all the way to the end hi thank you! 😂. Bazooka era had some absolute hits and absolute misses but I really love this era 😍. HOPEFULLY GWSN will have a comeback at some point before I die like come on 😭. Then again I got into them a few days ago and their last comeback was less than a year ago, I got into LABOUM last summer and their last comeback is still back in 2019 😭.
0 notes
anonplusultra-blog · 6 years
Faux Sèrum
<Hey Elsa, still wake :s|
|Yeah, what up Anna?>
<Just wanted to remind you that you can text me if you feeling| lonely or idk anythin                                                                   |
|Don't worry love, we'll talk at lunch. See ya tmrr babe>
<uh?. kay G'night babe?|
Well she did sounded happier than our emotional lunch a couple days ago. But 'babe', I didn't think Elsa was the type of girl that would call her friends babe, she is usually more reserved and formal, even when addressing me, her own sister.
My phone clock said it was fifteen past one, I really hope she gets some sleep, she already missed Literature yesterday because she over slept.
My eyes were almost giving up the fight, my breath became slower and I was finding the sweet spot laying on my side... until my eyes connected with pale green bright ones across my bed. "Aah! Oh, its just- I'm sorry Rory, but your eyes were like ghostly for a sec. Uh did my phone wake you up?"
"Not really, I was thinking about a story I read this afternoon online, it was about these two brothers that had a legal dispute over the rights to an App that got very popular lately. And then I was thinking about you and Elizabeth, as a complete opposite to their relationship" Is she...who's Elizabeth? "You and your sister seem to be really close. I'm an only child so I guess always wanted a sister. I mean Malena... my step mom is like an older sister to me, almost. She is turning thirty two this month and I'm nineteen, but to be honest she looks younger"
"Wait, you're older than me... how?, you look like thirteen. Are you sure you're not like a fairy or one of those kids from Peter Pan's stories?" I really thought she was some sort of genius thirteen year old that got here for her brains. And she is so cute! "You are adorable"
"Should I take that as a compliment" aw, is she blushing? Wait-wait a second. Am I, am I flirting with Rory? Sure, she is mysterious and a cutie but. Oh, I think I'm flirting with her. It wouldn't be the first time, and we're not in high school anymore, this won't be one of those hey let's be lez and make out for funsies, we are adults now, we could be girlf-partn-we might be serious about it. Take it slow, she might not be into girls, there are still straight girls... probably out there in the world. And even if they feel attracted to other girls it might not be serious.
"Hum, yeah. Totally babe" real smooth you dumb dumb "I mean its totally late" saved! "Yaaaaawn~, goodnight Rory".
I couldn't keep eye contact with her after that and pretended to be sleeping by facing to the wall and hugging my pillow tight. I wonder what was keeping Elsa up this late, and well I have to tell her about Rory and I'm sure she will support me, and maybe she will finally come out of the closet.
Elsa has never had a boyfriend... or a girlfriend either, but I know she is not asexual. I once saw her laptop's browser history, her searches where mostly about something called first time videos, no boys in those videos for what I watched.
She didn't have a date for prom, instead she asked me to be her date which was very sweet but it was when Hans and I were dating. That did not end well, Elsa went back into a depression which I could help her overcome, I had to, it was my fault after all. Hans wasn't even worth it, he just wanted to fulfill some sexual fantasy. Asshole. I regret dating him, Elsa was right about him all along.
Ugh, why is sleeping so hard now! Every time I try to stop thinking and sleep, I start thinking about Elsa or Rory, or both. I guess I can't wait 'till tomorrow, I'll send Elsa a text. No! I can't wake her up just for that!
Even if I get any sleep, tomorrow is going to be a hard day...
And indeed it was. I was so distracted by the sleep deprivation that during volley classes I broke my 'ball to the face' record. Although one of them was because I thought seeing Elsa, guess I got hit in the head a lot that day. The last time Elsa came to one of my games or practices was back in high school. Her excuse for not coming to see me was that our uniforms were too revealing and uncomfortable to wear and some weird feminist term I can't quite recall. I never told her that I helped designing the Arendelle's Amazons team uniform.
Today was a hard day. All thru the night I had to fight the urge to comply to mirror's Anna requests. Since two days ago, when I decided to own the wrong feelings towards my sister, and accepted her fictional kisses and roaming hands, Anna has gotten bolder and is firmly determined to go where no other has ever been.
She wants us to do something so despicable... yet I know she only wants it because, I, because I want her too. But we can't. I had complied and let her touch me lustfully from head to toe. I have felt her hands massage, squeeze and pinch into the soft flesh of my breasts, her lips and saliva seducing my neck, my fingers, my nipples, my nose and my lips. I let her feel all of me... except for my sex. There is where I've drawn a line. Its ridiculous and even I find it a nuisance, but once we cross that invisible line, we could no longer be who we are now. We would no longer be human, we would be no better than animals. How could I do that to her if I love her, strip her away from her humanity, making her but a lust beast.
The only way I have managed to stop her from advancing any further is exercise. I have done about a hundred squats or even more, maybe the sore muscles are enough punishment in her eyes or she ends up as tired as I am by the end of the day. Mirror Anna had the idea of visiting the real Anna's volley practice this morning, and she did, she even took some photos of Anna. I still don't get why an athlete has to wear those tiny shorts to play volley. Which is the same reason I'm doing squats five minutes before Anna comes to my dorm with pizza slices and probably looking... I need more squats.
Knock-Knock. The sound from the lower part of the door, Anna was kicking the wood, her hands must be occupied with the pizza. I'm sitting on the floor, sweating and sore, my muscles inflamed and my mind... pure. I force my self up, a grunt escaping my throat. "I'm coming, Anna, just a second" every step a needle of quick pain thru my legs. I take a deep breath and turn the knob opening the door and inviting Anna in.
"Pizza is here!" said my sister cheerful as ever.
She indeed had a nine inch plain white box, a can of coca~cola for us to share and a pair of straws. And then I had to look at her, her beautiful face holding an honest warm smile my face can't avoid replicating. I take the box from her and place it on the desk going around my bed, Anna tilts her head to right showing confusion. She kicks her shoes off and walks thru the bed setting down the coke on the desk and sitting down on my bed.
She looks at me joyfully and pats the spot to her left presenting it for me to sit by her side. I can't help but smiling and feeling a blush crawl under my cheeks. I took of my sneakers and took a step forwards when Anna extended her hand in front of her signaling me to stop. "Are those new pants?" her chocolate eyebrows knitted together.
"N-No, m-m-mom gave th-these yoga pan-nts t-t-to me last christ-t-tmas" I was stuttering so much, why?
"Are you sure, you look different. Twirl for me, babe." B-babe?! Where did that came from? Do I really look strange? But, as per usual, I did as Anna requested. "No no. Slower" And I did it again, slower this time.
"S-s-ssee, the same old p-p-pa-ants." her face was thoughtful and intense. And her next words were, acute to say the least.
"Your ass got bigger. But bigger good, you know, not fat or immense. Just fuller, um, how can I... your butt looks good in those pants" We were both blushing red and hot like a flame. And a awkward silence set in for a few seconds longer than I would like it to be.
"I-I-I squats...an-d-d-d thank y-y-you An-Anna" she bursted in a laughter and I followed. She fell on her back as she tried to recover from our cackling up.
I sat down next to her still chuckling a bit. Her skirt had risen a couple of inches up and her thighs were at full display, but what my eyes were seeking for was barely peeking into my sight, her green- No! stop it. Pizza night, and that's it. Behave like a sentient being Elsa, focus. I looked away from her and my eyes met the mirror across the dorm. And I saw myself kissing Anna, like I would kiss the other Anna. Shook my head to make sure it was nothing more than a mere mesmerism. It was.
Anna sit up and wipe some tears the laughing had brought to her eyes. "We are such dorks. Oh, that made me so hungry. Let's eat before the pizza gets cold and our can of soda gets warm" if only she knew how hard this visit has been to me.
We ate the pepperoni and cajun style spiced slices of pizza, and clean the fatty oily sensation drinking the can of soda with two straws, one for each, although, I worry I might have sipped from Anna's a few times both being identical white plastic same lengthened generic straws. This night was the best I had in a long time, but it was fated to die.
All the fun, our pleasant chat, all would end with Anna going back to her own dorm.
Anna got up and stretched until her back pop the air off her spine joints and mewl with satisfaction. She put on her shoes back and took a last look at the mirror to check her makeup. "My dorm doesn't have a mirror"
"Please stay! Jus-Just-t-t for the night, please, An-Anna."
She turned to me with a disappointing look, I knew what her answer was going to be "I can't stay Elsa, I'm sorry. but, I have Volley courses tomorrow early in the morning".
It hurt. Having her just for a moment every day, when I deserved to have her by my side. I felt anger, sadness, yearning all bottled up in my chest ready to burst. "I-I don't care ab-bout your stupid volley. Y-you only play it because of the slut uniforms they wear..." hot tears ran thru my face as I collapsed to my knees. Why was I pushing her away? Why couldn't I just... accept it, that there is no Anna and Elsa, not in the way my mind has made it to be lately.
But then warmth wrapped my body, Anna was holding me, on her knees, crying. I don't deserve her. "I know how much it hurts Elsa, and believe me, it hurts me too. And calling me a slut or whore or a cunt, will not work on me, you can't hurt me, because you love me more than anyone will ever love me, and we know that".
I don't deserve her.
My tears kept rolling down my cheeks, like healing rain, cleansing the pressure off my chest. My eyes seek hers, I swallow hard and cease breathing, my lips draughting a kiss that Anna with no hesitation participates in. Chaste, nothing but a peck for her, but to me... it was a promise. A promise to Anna, 'I will try'.
Anna still loves to break mom's rule. I know that, as chaste as our kisses are, siblings our age don't kiss each other on the lips, but we are not just siblings, not just sisters... we are special. And I think she missed this too. Not in the same way I do, but it still makes me feel a little better.
"There, better now sweetie?" I was, so I nodded "Uhm, so, my roommate Rory, well..." she was scratching the back of her neck and her eyes leaving mine "she told me about this social worker that can help... us, with, well you know like therapy. We could go tomorrow... if you want of course."
"M-m-maybe it would hel-p. Th-th-thanks, An-nn-na, for being here for me" she fought tears creeping in her eyes and helped me get up.
We said goodnight, and she left. I closed the door and there in front of me was Anna in the mirror sitting on the bed and pretending to be weary.
"Finally, she left. I really thought for a moment there that she would ruin our night. And... tonight will be the night, right babe?"
I did not responded. But instead, I undressed and hid myself under the red wig.
I did not want to fight myself no more.
Tonight was going to be the night.
Tonight, I would stop being a human...
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beevean · 7 years
So what are your overall thoughts on Forces storywise? Positives and negatives? Where do you think the story ranks in the series?
Maybe it’ll be easier to just list positives and negatives (warning: long post):
- Even by watching a low-quality stream of the Switch version, I can say the game looks gorgeous. It does suffer a bit from the Adventure 2 syndrome, where the art direction can bet too dull for you to appreciate the graphics, but some stages are breathtaking. Egg Gate in particular looks amazing.
- While the plot on its own doesn’t belong in this section, I appreciate the simple fact that they actually dared to break from the lighter and softer approach that’s been going on since 2010, and the fact that they remembered that the cast isn’t just made of Sonic, Tails, Eggman, Orbot and Cubot. The concept was awesome! The tone was perfect, serious but not depressing and too try-hard! There was some action! It’s a step in the right direction, and I hope people will criticize the plot for the right reasons and not because “lol sonic shouldn’t try to be edgy”.
- Shadow will be playable. Even if he’s at his core “Sonic with a OP Light Speed attack” this is very important.
- While at first I was annoyed at seeing old levels again, I’m actually happy with what they’ve done. They’re not just rehashes, they’re treated like actual dynamic environments. Green Hill is not just “hey remember this level”, it’s a place dear to Sonic that was ruined by Eggman. Chemical Plant is also ruined and repurposed as a space port, almost like a Sonic CD Bad Future. Only the Death Egg is pretty much the same, although I admit, the Classic level using the same gimmicks as the S3&K version was a nice touch that I forgave because it made sense in-universe.
- The dialogue! Aside from a couple of stupid lines, mostly by Sonic, there was no trace of childish, jarring humor, nobody was OOC or treated as simple comic reliefs, and the interactions between characters were genuine and believable. Some parts kinda reminded me of the Boom cartoon. “See, Infinite, now we het to know each other! So what’s your favorite color? Do you enjoy long, romantic walks on the beach? What’s the source of your powers? You can skip the first two questions if you like” “Maybe he’ll have more friends if he stopped talking about himself in the third person.” (maybe I just have a bad sense of humor idk :V)
- Eggman and Knuckles were perfect. We didn’t see them a lot, but their characterization was on point. Knuckles was just full of charisma and he radiated confidence, a far cry from the butt monkey he’s been since Sonic X. And Eggman was actually smart, with some clever ideas like having backup sources for the Phantom Ruby, rightfully chewing out Infinite for not killing Sonic, and… well, we didn’t see it, but I like the idea of him keeping Sonic alive in his cell just so he could see what happened to the world thanks to his absence (that’s perfect fanfic fuel). And Mike Pollock managed to sound badass in certain parts. “The sun will fall upon you. Boom! The end. Your pathetic lives… are over.”
- Speaking of Pollock, the voice acting was some of the best in the games this far. I can count on a single hand the times someone sounded fake or unconvincing (mostly Silver, sadly, and Sonic was a bit oscillating). I think I gushed about Liam O’ Brien enough, he clearly had so much fun with Infinite. I can’t wait to hear the Japanese version
- And finally I love Infinite way more than I should. His design, his voice (especially his voice
- I like that thing Infinite did in Capital City. You know, when he mind raped everyone in the city by conjuring those abominations of nature. That was a clever use of his powers.
- The last shot of the game, with the Resistance hideout shining under the sun’s light and a single flower at the center, with the instrumental version of the credits’ song in the background, is honestly moving. Even after the huge disappointment that was the ending, this part made me feel satisfied and like I accomplished something (and I didn’t even play myself). It reminds me of Wiosna from Katawa Shoujo, and if you played it you know how it feels to hear that music after finishing a route.
- The scrapping of lives. I’ve seen people complaining that it makes the game too easy, but
1) there’s still some punishment if you lose a life, just like in Unleashed the timer doesn’t reset and of course you lose all your Rings, so if you die you can kiss that S rank goodbye;
2) lives have been pointless since the introduction of save files. Let’s be honest, when was the last time you got a game over in a game that saved your progress? And what was the punishment for a game over? At worst you just have to restart the level you died in.
So while I’m not particularly happy, I’m not disappointed either and I welcome the change.
- The music. I put it here because it’s kind of a mixed bag, there are tracks that I hate with a passion and tracks that I can’t get enough of (and I’ve only heard a tiny fraction of the whole OST). So overall I would say it’s average-to-good. 
I really wonder why they’re insisting of forcing Ohtani to compose whole soundtracks - the guy is seriously talented and I admire his work, but why can’t he be helped by someone else? I know Kenichi Tokoi and Naofumi Hataya also worked on the soundtrack, but afaik their roles are minimal.
- The Avatar himself. I’d enjoy the idea a lot more if 1) they talked, and 2) the characters stopped shilling them just a tiny bit, especially since everyone else was relegated to the background. Still, the concept of a muggle wanting to help the heroes is cool, as it goes against that sort of “elitism” in the Sonic series. And I just grew too attached to Gadget the Wolf :)
- The level design, the thing people trashed for months on end… it’s okay. Is it good as Generations’? Absolutely not. Is it bad? I don’t think so, because when I think “bad level design”, I think of Knuckles’ Chaotix and Sonic CD. 
Forces is inoffensive in this regard. On one hand, it’s not as linear as it looked like, there are multiple paths and some nice platforming sections. On the other, the 3D parts are few, short and in general not that engaging, and yes, Classic Sonic’s stages are supported by too much automation because the physics engine can’t handle him apparently. In short, if you’re okay with shallow fun and you thought Colors was fine, then you’ll be okay with Forces. (and while we’re not supposed to judge the developers as people, considering the level designers were all newbies I’d say they did a good job)
- the fact that you can’t recollect your rings unless you’re playing as the hedgehog Avatar. That just flies against the very core of the Rings concept.
- The sheer lack of “show, don’t tell”. Most of this game is just told, in fact most part of the plot is told via walkie talkie convos. The majority of the cast is just there to comment and guide the characters during the levels, only Silver is shown actually doing something. The most offensive example is how Eggman conquering the world is “shown” by a simple text box (people are already speculating it’s another sign of troubled production). And we don’t even see that much of the conquered world, either, aside from City (no seriously that’s the name of the area).
- What happened to you, Tails? What happened to the boy who wanted to be more than Sonic’s sidekick? Why the mere sight of Chaos 0 sends you into a panic when you fought Chaos 4 before? Why thinking Sonic is dead makes you “lose it”, when the same thing happened twice already (or once, if you want to discard ‘06) and in both cases you were devastated but still managed to kick ass? Why are you just an exposition fairy? Who hates you that much in the writers’ team? :(
- THE. RUSHING. Oh my god I could rant for hours about how the game not only is too fast-paced, but outright misses chunkes. I already mentioned the text box part, but what about the part where Infinite sends Sonic and the Avatar into null space… and they get out of there in literally ten seconds? What about Fake!Chaos and Fake!Shadow being dispatched like that, without even the simples of boss fights? What about Silver, Shadow and Omega just appearing out of nowhere? What about the “fake sun” plan being thwarted simply by the Avatar after less than ten minutes? What about the relentless teasing of Infinite’s origins, all culminating in a big fat nothing (he didn’t even take off his mask for fuck sake)? What about Eggman just vanishing after the final boss? What about the fact that two thirds of the final boss are rehashes, and at this point I’m seriously insulted by seeing Egg Nega Wisp for the third time?
- Going hand-to-hand with the rushed plot, the wasted potential. Sonic gets tortured in isolation, so you’d expect some consequences to his characterization. Nope! Not even a reveal that he was just hiding his fear by acting tough. Why are Shadow, Chaos and Zavok on Eggman’s side? Lol, they were just illusions, the real Shadow is fine and the others just don’t appear. All the cool hints about a tragic past for Infinite in his own song? Nothing mentioned in-game. He’s an experiment, that’s it. The connection with Mania? Just an excuse to justify the presence of Classic Sonic, whose only purpose in the plot is to snap Tails out of his depression. This game is just begging, “Rewrite me, please!”, and if I could write decently I’d do it myself, I’m that disappointed.
- What’s the deal with Aqua Road? It’s the only gimmick level in the game and it looks like the unholy child of those horrible bingo tables in Bingo Highway and this part in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for PC.
- Very minor, but if Eggman could see the fake sun, that means he would’ve been incinerated too. Considering how smart he was otherwise, that seems like a huge hole in his plan.
That’s everything I can think of. So, in conclusion, the game is generally good but overall mixed, and I dread the coming of November 7th because I can’t even imagine the kind of reception this game will get (and since it’ll come right after Super Mario Odyssey I don’t think it will sell well :\). 
I would personally play it if I had the chance because the game doesn’t look broken, boring or frustrating, and if I can manage to have fun with ShTH Forces will definitely be entertaining :V but it’s clear something went seriously wrong during the production and it feels like there are bits of the game missing, bits that could’ve elevated the quality from “good” to “excellent” - which is also why I hope Sonic Team doesn’t throw everything away but keeps the good parts and expands on them to create an even better game next time.
So if you’re planning on getting Forces, ask yourself what do you want to see in a Sonic game, because that’s the thing that makes the difference between “it’s not perfect but I can have fun with this” and “this game is absolute trash and Sonic doesn’t deserve this”.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Apr 11 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Book Of Life
A night early because, randomly, Blurr decided to throw a party for Optimus’s corpse! The movie was oddly thematically appropriate. Starscream hired Blurr for random odd jobs that he doesn’t want tied back to him. For some reason he decided to do this with witnesses. Prowl yelled at him over comms a lot.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. Whirl: *tilts his head and looks, now, to Rumble* How've you been? Sadie: [[ "she is, isn't she?" la muerte pls ]] B l u r r: Most likely. / wiggles claws/ I like Xibalba. B l u r r: [[ im happy snifit finally gets to see this ;A; ]] Whirl: (ME2)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I LIKE HIM TOO. HE PLAYS DIRTY.\\ Whirl: He seems kind of like a chump. Starscream: Does he? Whirl: Yeah. *eyes Starscream sidelong* Scraping around someone in a position he wants. Begging and simpering to get his way. Whirl: Y'know. Chump stuff. B l u r r: Sounds like it ItsyBitsySpyers: //Eh... I been better.// He waves a hand half-aftedly. //Ain't important.// Starscream: *snorts* If he's in charge it doesn't matter how he got there. Whirl: *nods at Rumble; Whirl will leave it at that* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He might talk if Whirl asks in person some time, but not with Blurr and Starscream there.* Whirl: *if Whirl's made aware of that, he might take him up on that offer* B l u r r: / drapes over coffin. He likes his cartoon / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage snorts. Gods are so ridiculous.* Whirl: *gods that aren't Heqet, ofc* FakeProwl: *appears* FakeProwl: How much did I miss? Starscream: Gods playing with mortal lives in exchange for living arrangements. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. They picked representin' kids 'n whoever the girl human picks for conjunx wins.// B l u r r: Sounds boring. Whirl: That's... not a bad summary. *takes another swig of his canister* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tired ping hello.* FakeProwl: Who wins if the girl human doesn't want to conjugate with any of the represented kids? Starscream: Which is pretty short sighted. What if the girl doesn't pick either. Starscream: *see Prowl gets it* Starscream: They didn't cover that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The girl human.]] B l u r r: / rolls optic/ It's more about which boy is better suited for her. Starscream: ..well. If this one dies I suppose she'll get the other one. FakeProwl: Are there rules against murdering rival gods' representative children? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No. But one cheated.]] B l u r r: Technically that's cheating, and they can't cheat. FakeProwl: How? Whirl: He gave one of the kids something that made him invincible. Starscream: Hey, he's the one that benefits if he wins. Cheating is the obvious answer. Whirl: To be honest, if a god offered that to me, I'd take it. I wouldn't waste my time courting someone though, I'd go do awesome stuff. Whirl: ((omg tHIS COVER!!!)) Whirl: But... I mean, actually, if you spend all your time doing awesome death-defying stuff with your newfound powers, you're bound to attract some other badass's attention. FakeProwl: So, one of them is a warrior; the other one is a musician who's being pressured into... killing animals? Whirl: So, two birds, one stone. Starscream: Yes. B l u r r: Bull fighting. FakeProwl: The musician is going to win. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Why?]] FakeProwl: Because a person doing what he wants to do and what he was made to do is lest interesting than a character whose assigned duty contrasts with his desired duty. Starscream: ((are the swords inside his back because he's a wooden doll)) Starscream: ((Manolo turn around- darn Whirl: *tilts his head and glances briefly to Prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I WANNA GET AN IMMORTALITY MAGNET. AIN'T FAIR.\\ FakeProwl: More interesting characters are heroes. Heroes win the thing they desire at the end of the story. Starscream: ((i thought they were like IN him B l u r r: I'm sure there's something like that out there somewhere. B l u r r: [[ is it dropping a lot? ]] FakeProwl: ((it's good here)) Starscream: So he should become a musician instead of getting married, since I'm not sure if he even cares. Whirl: On the one hand... it'd be awesome. On the other, it kinda takes half the fun out of it, y'know? FakeProwl: And humans really like characters that fight duty to pursue their desires. Starscream: ((*continues to threeway ship)) FakeProwl: ((far better threeway)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((creator supports it)) Whirl: ((yep that's best)) B l u r r: [[ stream is about to drop ]] B l u r r: [[ or it's dropping a lot. ]] Whirl: (seems to be going fine for me)) FakeProwl: ((fine here still)) B l u r r: Now THAT looks like fun. Whirl: *perks up a bit at the sight of the bull* Whirl: It's adorable. B l u r r: / leans over coffin/ Isn't that right? K-Kyeheheeh. Like pissing off a Tyran Prime and seeing him come at you! Whirl: Well. *sly look to Blurr* I doubt he feels THAT way about the bull. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[That seems ill-advised.]] B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh. Maybe not. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Has decided to root for this human, predictable fate or not.* Whirl: Pfft. Whirl: That bull's gonna kill him. You watch. FakeProwl: ... Doesn't disabling the bull require more skill than killing it, anyway? Whirl: Hm, guess not. Whirl: And you'd think so, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We did not have bulls, but the beasts we did have to fight... yes.]] Whirl: Even more impressive? Taming it. Whirl: ((HAHA IM DYING)) Whirl: ((I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS  AJUKEBOX MUSICAL)) Starscream: ((8DDD FakeProwl: ((this one bothers me. it's just... slightly wrong.)) FakeProwl: ((maybe if they'd modified the lyrics a little bit)) Whirl: ((the line "i'm a creep, i'ma  weirdo" is a bit off, ye)) Whirl: You know. FakeProwl: ((and "your skin makes me cry" is... sort of creepy in general, and that's not his character)) Whirl: I think that might be fun. Something like bullfighting--only, obviously, without the bulls. Whirl: ((YEAH....)) B l u r r: It's fun with Empties. Whirl: Empties aren't a real CHALLENGE, though. Something like... big. And capable of devouring you, maybe. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\NEXT TIME WE FIND A RAZOR SNAKE WE'LL BRIDGE YA INTO A HOLE WITH IT.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //Dibs on his suite.// B l u r r: ... Grimlock. B l u r r: I punched a Grimlock in the face once. Whirl: *perks up* Do it! Absolutely. Whirl: You can even invite a crowd to admire my martial prowess as I kick its a ss. *preens unabashedly* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\GRIMLOCKS ARE FUN. THEY GET SO MAAAAAD.\\ B l u r r: Yes, they do. B l u r r: But, the one in the junkyard is a bit... BIGGER than I expected. Starscream: ...oh, yes. I'm surrounded by Wrekcers and Wrecker wannabes. B l u r r: /snort/ What? Whirl: There are no Wreckers in this room. B l u r r: / settles back over the coffin/ ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. He's only a Wrecker where we're from.// Whirl: Also, in the event it devours me, I can't promise you my suite, Rumble. But you and your bro gotta take care of Killer. Starscream: ((hang on this is a mun error. Whirl: Okay. All right. Here's my problem with this--they lived their whole lives without her. How'm I supposed to swallow any romance here? I'm not feelin it. B l u r r: / hums and props cheek in his claw/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Nostalgia.]] FakeProwl: I wouldn't call somebody who sings "I love you too much to live to live without you loving me back" a catch either. Whirl: ((ur fine dude o7 i sort of thought Starscream was making a dig at whirl's ex-wrecker status)) Starscream: ((oh he was! I meant Blurr and Whirl but now im looking at TFWiki seriously doubting if i have the right universe)) FakeProwl: ((blurr and whirl both were yeah)) B l u r r: [[ Blurr is not a Wrecker >>;;;; yet ]] FakeProwl: ((not THIS blurr. but idw blurr yes)) Whirl: *shakes his head* I can't imagine anyone would be THAT nostalgic. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks at Blurr and the coffin and leans over to 'whisper'.* \\I SEEN THIS MOVIE. YA GOTTA KISS HIM. THEN HE COUGHS UP APPLES.\\ B l u r r: ... Excuse me? /looks at Frenzy / Whirl: ((it seems like a mistake that'd be IC for someone who isn't familiar with blurr's world to make, tho!)) B l u r r: [[ this is true!! ]] Whirl: ((FRENZY, GOD)) B l u r r: [[ star doesn't know blurr well! ]] Starscream: ((okay good so NOT an error. I meant it how he said it FakeProwl: ((although idk if idw blurr was officially a wrecker or if he was just rolling with the wreckers for a while)) Starscream: ((No no, he's being insulting and not trying to be accurate, so he doesn't care if this Blurr isn't actually a Wrecker.) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M JUS' SAYIN'.\\ Starscream: ((That whole I know one guy like you who did this so I'll apply it to you anyway)) Whirl: ((aight o7 whirl;'s comment would not have changed)) Starscream: ((I mean the moment has passed but okay at least I know I did have my info correct)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He changed his mind. He wishes to root for the Maria human.]] Starscream: ..agreed. FakeProwl: Notice they started fighting without asking her which of them she's interested in. Whirl: *nods* Whirl: And she disarmed the guy very handily. FakeProwl: I'm rooting for her too. I'm rooting for her to remain single. Starscream: They can marry each other. Whirl: She should go find someone she can cour the RIGHT way. By fighting. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[........Why does he keep speaking his designation.]] Starscream: *looks at Whirl* I wonder. FakeProwl: So they remember it. B l u r r: You're just saying that I should kiss him awake? That's ridiculous... that isn't true. Starscream: Why WOULD someone be tempted to use their names as a warcry. FakeProwl: He wants a reputation. B l u r r: Honestly, have them fight. Whirl: I man, if your reputation precedes you, as his clearly DOES... why not? Whirl: Though USUALLY I prefer a blood-curdling unintelligible scream, myself. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Complete silence.]] Whirl: This guy's more in love with himself than he could ever be with anyone else. B l u r r: Seriously. Whirl: *OKAY GHE'S NOT GONNA sya it out loud be he always liked this song* Whirl: *not a bad idea, an acoustic cover* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble mumbles something under his breath and picks at his knee guards* Whirl: *tilts his head at, silently* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HOW DO YA KNOW IT AIN'T TRUE? YA TRIED?\\ Starscream: ((ruuuude B l u r r: .. No. Starscream: Are you about to kiss a dead body. B l u r r: Tch, no. B l u r r: /pats coffin/ Starscream: ...are you going to kiss it after we leave. FakeProwl: *ah. so it's a zombie movie.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Would he not have seen her after his natural death.]] B l u r r: No, I'm going to put him back. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Humans die quickly. He would not have long to wait.]] FakeProwl: People who say things like "I love you too much to live without you loving me back" tend to be impatient about their reunions. Starscream: He'd seen her for roughly a day and a half. Starscream: Their lives are short, he didn't hve to make it shorter. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Shakes his helm a little.* FakeProwl: Impatient, not sensible. Whirl: *shakes his head* They never sold me on the romance. Whirl: But I'm digging the art direction. B l u r r: Kyeheheh.../rests chin in claw / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[See. The creator is sensible.]] FakeProwl: ... I take it this one isn't La Muerte. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is not.]] FakeProwl: *nobody told him the gods' names* FakeProwl: Who is he? B l u r r: He's Xibalba. FakeProwl: *what kind of a name is xibalba* FakeProwl: *she-bulb-a* Starscream: *cackles* B l u r r: / Zi- prowl. Zi-bul-ba / Whirl: Pfft. Prowl's not nearly theatric enough. FakeProwl: *"zi" isn't a word. it's clearly "she."* Whirl: ((wait dorp that wasn't aloud, nvm)) B l u r r: [[ there i am ]] Starscream: ...you know, it's rather dickish to only want to protect your hometown if someone marries you. B l u r r: [[ all about the churros ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Agreed.]] Whirl: *nods* FakeProwl: ... At least the other suitor is decent enough to try to say—multiple times—that this isn't the time to discuss the issue. Starscream: But not decent enough to revoke the terms of his proposal. FakeProwl: He gets a participation ribbon at best. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\IF HE CAN FIND ROOM ON HIS CHEST!\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy snickers* FakeProwl: Pf. ItsyBitsySpyers: *.......Takes a note on what to add to his mindscape* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Erases the note* FakeProwl: Interesting trap. Totally unnecessary, but interesting. Whirl: All of these people are too damn twitterpated to think straight. THIS is why this sort of thing is so dumb. Whirl: ...*wait, he should try to be at least somewhat sensitive here. DAMMIT HE HECKED UP* Y'know. ...sometimes. Whirl: *well he Tried* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Mumble.* Whirl: *he has the good graces to look at least a little abashed, glancing away with his antenna pinned back* Starscream: ...*did Whirl just act ashamed* Whirl: *don't u DARE TELL ANYONE* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Looking like home, neheheh.}} Whirl: He's got chutzpah. FakeProwl: More chutzpah than brains. Whirl: *shrugs* B l u r r: Ahh, yes. Use fear... Starscream: And that's why he's dead. FakeProwl: He's just made a bet against a known and repeat cheater. Whirl: Well, wat would have suggested he do to get what he want? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Kill the god.]] FakeProwl: Find a way to cheat first. Whirl: So, your solution is KILL a god or OUTSMART him. Gotcha. Whirl: A GOD. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We nearly murdered our own. It can be done.]] Whirl: Anyway, if I had to choose--I'd have to say, I'd cose someone who was brave but not too bright over someone who was a smart coward. B l u r r: Oh, trust me. The bravest of mechs are the dumbest. Starscream: Well, fools flock together, so that's no surprise. Whirl: Explains how YOU got elected. FakeProwl: *snort* Whirl: ...also look how cute it is. Starscream: Too bad, looks like if you had an objection you should have actually been around to participate in the election and not gallavanting in space. Whirl: I'm not even FROM your dimension. Whirl: And, I'm not a citizen, either, so it doesn't even matter. Starscream: ... actually no, it doesn't. Why ARE you complaining about it? FakeProwl: You don't know Whirl very well, do you. B l u r r: You being in charge of anything is a frightening concept. Whirl: I'm not complaining. I'm just speaking the truth. Starscream: I try to forget everything about him as soon as I stop looking at him. Whirl: Oh, that's rich, coming from YOU, prowl. Whirl: None of you know anything about me. *snorts* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tilts his helm. Nothing at all?* Whirl: *YOU know a little* FakeProwl: *slow blink* B l u r r: / he knows a tiny bit / Whirl: *but it wasn't like he could help it at the time* Starscream: And yet, here I am. In charge, and the planet is still in the same number of pieces. Whirl: Yeah, you're in charge of a bunch of idiotic NAILs. Whirl: What a victory. FakeProwl: *he knows whirl better than starscream.* Whirl: *he does, but that is not saying VERY much* FakeProwl: *and he knows that whirl will never turn down an opportunity to diss people he disrespects.* Whirl: *this is true* FakeProwl: *that's enough to make a snide side comment to starscream about how much starscream doesn't know whirl if he's questioning his complaining* Starscream: *Starscream tries to forget everything about Whirl immediately. He really doesn't care* Whirl: *all that aside, Whirl will also never pass up an opportunity to remind people how little they actually know* FakeProwl: ... That's rubbish. FakeProwl: Manolo was bever afraid of "being himself." FakeProwl: He spent the whole movie struggling to be himself despite his father and grandmother's pushing him to be otherwise. Starscream: Probably why he was so confident about the wager. FakeProwl: His greatest fear was defying his family. FakeProwl: And, likely, disappointing them. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to push him into bull fighting for so long. Whirl: *snickers* Whirl: I can respect someone who sings opera while they slaughter folks. Whirl: Nice. B l u r r: Kyeheheh. Yes, it is rather nice. Starscream: His entire family is dead now, aren't they. B l u r r: Seems that way ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod.* Whirl: *also nods* FakeProwl: Unless he has some distant cousins we've never met. B l u r r: ... That's the best, isn't it? Fighting and dancing. /mumbling / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is.]] Whirl: Okay, now. If all THREE of them show up and kick his aft. Whirl: If all three of them take this guy out. Whirl: Obviously they should ALL get together. FakeProwl: Humans are weirdly obsessed with monogamy. Whirl: Maybe it's a biological thing. FakeProwl: Which is unfortunate, because both of the suitor characters are much more tolerable when they aren't battling over her. Whirl: The three of them could make a good team. Lots of killing to be had. *nods* Starscream: Or the narrative isn't telling us they're intolerable FakeProwl: I doubt it. If it were biological, there wouldn't be so many humans lamenting the difficulty of monogamy, cheating on their monogamous partners, et cetera. Starscream: ((mwah Whirl: ((GOD. FOR REAL)) FakeProwl: ((threeway makeouts. now.)) B l u r r: [[ his sequels are about the other two >>;; ]] B l u r r: [[ im excited. ]] Starscream: (( OuO Whirl: No, I mean, it's a biological thing to be obsessed with monogamy. FakeProwl: ... Hm. Whirl: But obviously, conjunx ritual aside, all three of them are a thing. *waves  aclaw* Starscream: This probably could have been avoided if she'd visited him once in a while. B l u r r: She was sent away. Starscream: No, I mean La Murete. B l u r r: They're in charge of two different realms. They probably can't visit. Starscream: At the start, the complaint was that the land of the forgotten sucked and he wanted to trade. B l u r r: The Land of the Forgotten reminds me of what Terminus is said to be like. Starscream: So, what, they can only interact on the Day of the Dead? FakeProwl: Can't they combine their realms and rule jointly? B l u r r: Yes, the Day of the Dead is when the realms are open to one another. Starscream: ..well that's a terrible arrangement. B l u r r: [[ hhhhh his wings ]] Sadie: [[ okay i must sleep ]] B l u r r: In any case... who wants something to eat? B l u r r: [[ ni ni!! ]] Whirl: Bad advice. *snorts* Sadie: [[ good night friends <333333 ilu all ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night fabu!)) Whirl: ((GNIGHT FABU)) ItsyBitsySpyers: #meeeee Whirl: It was all right, I guess. The visuals are what saved it. Whirl: (I LOVED IT THO)) Whirl: ((SOME of the music choices could have been a bit better but it was great)) B l u r r: [[ i love it , tho i agree with the music ]] Whirl: Depends, Teach--whatcha cookin up for us? B l u r r: Well, I made my Master a cake. /pats the coffin/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave waves off the food. None for him. Obviously.* B l u r r: And I've got some liquid snacks that are especially made for you. B l u r r: / for whirl / Starscream: ((I had forgotten that i didn't like how the narrative sort of backs Joaquin into a corner FakeProwl: *... blinks at the coffin* FakeProwl: *who's in there. why. why is blurr like this.* Starscream: I'm not in the mood for vaccum-packed Prime. B l u r r: He is not vaccum packed... FakeProwl: ((tbh i'm kind of glad it backed him into a corner--it saved him from having to be a Massive Major Douchebag to try to go through with a wedding right after his buddy died)) B l u r r: / scoffs/ I wasn't going to hang him on the wall like Thundertron. FakeProwl: ((it allowed him to be more sympathetic while still fulfilling the role of The Romantic Rival)) Starscream: ((I would have liked it better if they didn't need him to be in a corner OR a massive major douchebag and just let him be an equal protagonist Whirl: *tilts his head curiously; he's genuinely intrigued if Blurr tried to make something for him* Whirl: *he MIGHT even be able to taste it* FakeProwl: ((also, considering that the situation was kind of engineered by two gods fvckin around with mortal lives, it sorta makes sense to me that he'd be backed into a corner he didn't want to be in.)) B l u r r: / sends a comm link out. Some mechs are gonna push a cart with a huge cake and then one specifically for whirl's liquid snacks/ Whirl: ((yeah like... I would've liked for him to have been cas more sympathetically, but I think it still works--his selfless act at the end feels more like a revelation if he's been a bit selfish the rest Whirl: of the film)) FakeProwl: ((but ye, hopefully in the sequel he can just be an equal protagonist and they can be a vaguely poly trio)) Whirl: ((but 4 real they need to all 3 get together. I know it's too much to ask for but i Want It)) Starscream: ((This is true. and after all, it may very well be that you're not SUPPOSEd to like it as a narrative direction.)) Starscream: ((and yesssss Whirl: *like a wayward snake, Whirl is periscoping to see this liquid snack being brought to him. He's not even trying to be cool about it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak's gonna try to divebomb the cart in a second* FakeProwl: *immediately grimaces at the sight of food* FakeProwl: *which corpse are they celebrating this time. he doesn't want to know.* B l u r r: Let me know if you like them, Whirl. /hums and pats the top of the coffin / ItsyBitsySpyers: *It's probably best if Prowl doesn't ask.* FakeProwl: *he's not going to.* B l u r r: / drapes over it / The fleet has their own share already of snacks. Whirl: *scoops it up, pauses, and then lifts it in toast* To Blurr's old boss. I only kew him as a weird motherfragger, but y'know what? There are worse things to be. B l u r r: / smirks and taps claws on the coffin/ Hear that? Whirl salutes! / salutes claws at Whirl / We thank you. FakeProwl: *"blurr's old boss." that's already more than he wanted to know.* Whirl: *nods and takes a swig. How noxious is this stuff, on a scale of 1-10. And/or spicy or whatever* B l u r r: / it's sweet with some pop of spice / Whirl: *he can probably baaaaarely taste it then* Whirl: Not too shabby, Teach. B l u r r: Aw, thanks /wiggles claws/ We've been celebrating a lot lately. B l u r r: Still trying to come up with a name for the Fleet. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\TH' FLEET'S FUNNY ALL BY ITSELF.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\Y'KNOW. FLEET. FAST.\\ Whirl: PFFT. Whirl: That's damn clever, Frenzy! B l u r r: It is. K-Kyeheheheh. But, we want a specific name for them. B l u r r: And I'm not going to call them what that fool Thundertron called them. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I GOT MOMENTS. MY BRO DON'T GET 'EM ALL.\\ B l u r r: Kyeheheh. Whirl: Yeah, "Star Seekers?" Lame. B l u r r: Right? Lame. Whirl: *and speaking of the brother... Whirl nudges Rumble in what he things is a subtle way* @R: Hey. Uh, sorry. Y'know. B l u r r: Maybe Roadbuster can help me think of a name... ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: //Yeah, sure. It's whatever, mech. Know ya ain't me.// Starscream: Herald. B l u r r: Pardon? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances at Starscream, still on edge. That better not have two other words behind it.* Starscream: Your fleet. Heralds. It's thematic with the whole Emperor thing. Whirl: @R: Yeah, but still it's not--I don't mean, y'know, YOU. Just running on automatic. Kinda hard to put the brakes on the four-million-year-long bitterness train. Whirl: Herald sounds too stuffy. B l u r r: Hnnh... /drums claws on the coffin lid/ I suppose that makes the most sense, but I don't want people to think I'm fully a King now. That's not what I want. Whirl: I don't have any better suggestions, I'm just saying. Whirl: Except... maybe. *thinks* Starscream: Harbingers, then. That's usually paired up with stuff like 'doom'. Whirl: The Out of School Suspension Squad. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Heh.// B l u r r: ....Harbingers. Hnh. B l u r r: / snort at Whirl/ Now, that sounds likely. Kyeheheheh. Whirl: The Detention Decimators. Starscream: *pained look* That's /awful/. Whirl: *looks damn PROUD of himself at that declaration* Whirl: *it's hard to preen when you're half-buried/half sat upon by a giant scorpion and a minibot but Whirl manages it* B l u r r: / hums/ Good suggestions. ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Teacher's Pets.// Whirl: I just advse not going with something too grandiose. Makes it easier for folks to make fun of--PFFT. Whirl: *LAUGHS* B l u r r: K-KYAHAHAHAA!! Starscream: *MORE PAIN* B l u r r: That's a good one. Whirl: Something Academy. Whirl: Use Academy. B l u r r: ...Hmm. Whirl: That's as good as you're gonna get from me, I'm a fighter, not a naming-things-er. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fitting music.]] B l u r r: That's fine. B l u r r: I'll take some of the suggestions and talk them over. ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: Nah, I know. You do you. *Rumble considers saying that Whirl might not have to live on the bitterness train forever if even Frenzy can get a someone, but. He probably don't got that kinda right.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *So he just nods.* Starscream: Hm. Actually, Blurr, there is something I would like to discuss. ItsyBitsySpyers: *And Ravage suddenly pops Soundwave on the leg with claws. No falling asleep in public.* B l u r r: / tilts helm/ Hmmn? Whirl: *nods back, but very slightly, as he's trying not to be obvious* @R:  Careful. Dangerous advice, mech. *in an attempt to inject a bit of levity* But, seriously. Sorry. I *do* mean it. FakeProwl: *... quietly listens in on Starscream's conversation* Whirl: *he feels like there's more to say, but this isn't the right place, and Starscream's words have piqued his interest* ItsyBitsySpyers: @W: ...Thanks. Starscream: You rejected my offer of cooperation before. However, I'm still willing to seek a mutually beneficial relationship. Whirl: *another surreptitious nod* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave pops back online in time to hear... what is this? What offer of cooperation?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sets music internally to keep himself up and focuses* B l u r r: Friends with benefits? Hmmmnh... that requires us to be friends. Whirl: *snickers* Starscream: I'll settle for relaxed aquaintances. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Slow turn to Prowl.* @P: (txt): ...What missed? Starscream, Blurr: interface item? Whirl: ((the hatef uck of the century)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Not to my knowledge. I think he's ineptly asking for a /professional/ relationship.» B l u r r: Depends on what I'm getting out of it. B l u r r: It's gonna take a lot for me not to slam your face into the wall and drag it down. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Listens to them again, then a quick glance back to Prowl.* FakeProwl: @Starscream «You're trying to recruit BLURR'S services? Did you miss the fact that he's throwing a party for his last boss's corpse in the coffin next to him?» ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): 'Ineptly': insufficient. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Settles again. Must hear response.* B l u r r: [[ aw come on Prowl. u were invited ]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Would you like me to use a better synonym, or...?» Starscream: @P ::Have you missed the mechs built into the literal walls around us?:: ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt) Negative. Intention: deal commentary. Words difficult. Apology. Starscream: And that depends on what you want. There are things I cannot offer, and others that I won't. FakeProwl: @Starscream «I assumed you would care less about them than about what he apparently does to the people who hire him. What do you hope to get out of Blurr?» B l u r r: / hums and looks down at the coffin. Drums claws. Looks like he's thinking/ I want access to the entire city. B l u r r: Any time I want it. FakeProwl: @Starscream «No. He can't have unrestricted access to the city.» Starscream: @Prowl:: Enforcement via a method less directly connected to myself.:: FakeProwl: @Starscream «There are more reliable agents we can use.» Whirl: *watches this all with silent, but obviously amused, interest* Starscream: Entire city- and I'm assuming you're including Metroplex in that demand. B l u r r: Is it part of the city? Because then that's an affirmative. Whirl: Teach, you know I like you, but if you go ona  urderspree on my home planet, just remember: I might kick your ***. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble doesn't give a frag what's going on. He's busy sprawled and listening to the music.* B l u r r: I'm not thinking about a murderspree at the moment. Whirl: ((wow my typing is so good tonight)) Whirl: Just so you KNOW. B l u r r: I know. /hums/ Whirl: *this apparently satisfies him* Starscream: Escorted access to an agreed-upon majority of the city, except for Metroplex. That would have to be sorted as a seperate deal. B l u r r: Drop the escort and I'll settle for agreeing on a majority. FakeProwl: @Starscream «We can't afford to leave him escorted. And he has unique mods that would make him incredibly hard to catch if he decided to flee. He might be able to outrun OUR Blurr.» FakeProwl: **unescorted Starscream: *drums fingers on leg* Notice given before any trips into the city, then. And a limit to the number of mechs you can bring with you. Starscream: @Prowl::What mods?:: B l u r r: / hums and looks over at Whirl. Then looks at the coffin. Trying to think like he's supposed to here. Lifts index digit/ A warning before I enter the atmosphere. And only three mechs allowed with me. B l u r r: At a time. FakeProwl: @Starscream «I don't know the details of them. They permit him to move at absurd speeds.» FakeProwl: @Starscream «And I still don't see why you have to use him instead of somebody less likely to betray you and start murdering your citizens.» Starscream: @Prowl ::Because he has the manpower, will most likely refuse to be bought out by a higher offer, and has no interest in taking IAcon for himself.:: Starscream: Notice will be given on who those mechs are at the same time as the general warning. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, his theme song* B l u r r: Hmmm... the mechs are interchangable. FakeProwl: @Starscream «But he may be bought out by a bloodier offer. Or just, casually decide he doesn't feel like working with you anymore.» B l u r r: I can choose to switch out mechs at any time. FakeProwl: "Only three mechs allowed with you." Are you referring to YOUR mechs that you'll bring along, or OUR mechs that will escort you? B l u r r: my own B l u r r: I trust absolutely none of your mechs. FakeProwl: @Starscream «Mandate an escort. He cannot be allowed in Iacon with no restraints.» FakeProwl: @Starscream «... An escort he doesn't know about, if necessary.» Starscream: Agreed, as long as you do not exceed three mechs with you on the ground. The rest have to remain on your ship. Starscream: @Prowl ::Naturally.:: Starscream: Visitations are limited to a day. After that you either have to tell us that you are still in Iacon or leave. Whirl: *raises claw* Whirl: Obviously, I don't count against Teach's limit. B l u r r: They have no problem waiting on the ship as it is right now. /shifts and drums claws/ Depends on what you want me to do. Whirl: So, lemme know when you're in town, mech. B l u r r: Hmm /nods at Whirl / Naturally. B l u r r: Visitations are limited to exactly one day unless The Emperor is in need of repairs. FakeProwl: @Starscream «Permit that, and he'll use false claims of repairs to stay longer.» Starscream: Repairs will have at least one of our mechs assisting, to ensure proper communication on the status of said repairs. B l u r r: Mech can watch but no one touches my ship but me and my crew. FakeProwl: @Starscream «Make it at least two. If there's only one, it's all the easier for that mech to go in and never exit again.» B l u r r: My crew is also allowed to stand guard outside my ship. So that I am not approached by any MORE strangers. B l u r r: Considering how one decided to waltz into my ship last time I was on your planet. Starscream: That sounds like a security issue that should be taken up with your own crew. Any guards you set must remain within twenty meters of your ship. B l u r r: Oh, no worries... he isn't coming back /smirks/ I believe he knows I won't hesitate to shoot him next time. Whirl: *his helm is flicking back and forth like he's watching a tennis match; Whirl is hugely amused* Starscream: Keep your shots to those that get close to the ship, then. B l u r r: / smirks and leans back/ Hmmm... / eyes his claws/ And what are we negotiating for, hn? You and your cabinet want something from us? B l u r r: / glances up and around. Soundwave. Prowl. Starscream. Whirl. Company of Soundwave. / FakeProwl: *shakes his head. nope. he's no part of this.* Starscream: *if Whirl is on the cabinet Starscream wants to know who was drunk enough to approve it* Whirl: Please don't affiliate me with THIS chucklehead, Teach. *gestures to Starscream* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, he'll try to get something out of this, but... not from Blurr. Not this time.* Whirl: *minister of reigious affairs* FakeProwl: I'm his /prisoner./ I wouldn't call myself "cabinet." B l u r r: Oh, I'm not. I'm just assuming he's not the only one. This fool can't lead a city alone. FakeProwl: If I was, this offer would never have been made. B l u r r: Oh, but you have done something once. Whirl: Pribably not, but as I said before--it's a city of idiotic NAILs who thought voting for HIM *gestures to Starscream* was a GOOD idea. Whirl: So I wouldn't be surprised if he WAS running the show alone. B l u r r: /snicker snort. Pats the coffin/ B l u r r: There's always a right hand mech... Starscream: The short answer is that I require /competent/ help. My own options for Enforcers, while useful for general brute tactics, are otherwise lacking. B l u r r: You need an assassin... FakeProwl: @Starscream «Speaking of which, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. They're rubbish at anything resembling police work. Trampling over crime scenes, destroying valuable evidence, et cetera.» Starscream: A secret police isn't very effective if everyone is in on the secret. I require the use of someone that is otherwise seperate from myself. Someone with their own agency. Starscream: And possess more pride than a simple gun for hire. FakeProwl: @Starscream «Either you need to hire a police force independent from your enforcers, or they need training.» Starscream: @P ::I'd rather hire a new force that hasn't yet proven to be completely useless.:: Whirl: *SECRET police? That's interesting* FakeProwl: @Starscream «I'd recommend that as well.» B l u r r: We're not an agency. We're pirates. FakeProwl: ... And, for future reference, the next time you try to form a secret police, maybe don't do it in the presence of one of Rodimus's crewmates and a foreign spymaster.» FakeProwl: ((that was supposed to be @starscream)) Starscream: ...Agency. Capability for independant action. Starscream: @Prowl ::Who said I'm forming a secret police?:: B l u r r: So what you want is someone who will come into your city and kill people you can't kill yourself? FakeProwl: @Starscream «For starters, you did.» FakeProwl: @Starscream «Even if that's not the final term you want to apply to him, the point still stands.» FakeProwl: @Starscream «If you're hiring an independent agent to perform jobs that can't be tied to you, DON'T have witnesses at the job interview that will be able to tie him to you.» Starscream: *Waves a hand dismissively. Whatever, language* More or less. Future tasks may include staged mobs, tactical strikes on key locations, that sort of stuff. Starscream: We can negotiate future jobs as they come up. Starscream: @Prowl ::One witness doesn't live in this plane of existance, and the other is a non-native Soundwave.:: B l u r r: / drums claws on the coffin and looks contemplative / FakeProwl: @Starscream «Yes, Whirl lives here. He's not FROM here but he immigrated to this Lost Light. He's a local.» Whirl: *snickers and nods at Blurr* Already, the job offers are rolling in. Who knew killing one pirate could be so lucrative? B l u r r: Oh, like Starscream would get one over on Thundertron FakeProwl: @Starscream «Everything you and Blurr have said to each other can be reported straight to Rodimus. OUR ROdimus.» Whirl: What? No. I meant, killing Thundertron has been a huge boost to your resume. FakeProwl: @Starscream «If he doesn't, it will only be because he likes Blurr—and someday he might decide he likes Blurr less than he dislikes you.» B l u r r: Oh. K-Kyeheheh. I suppose so. B l u r r: Among other things. Starscream: @Prowl ::Then I leave it up to you to figure out how to prevent Whirl from deciding to tattle.:: Whirl: Boost to morale. Boost to... your wallet. FakeProwl: @Starscream «Figure it out yourself. I spent four million years cleaning up unnecessary messes made by my superior; I didn't throw in my lot with you to do more of the same.» FakeProwl: @Starscream «I would have thought you'd spent enough time cleaning up YOUR superior's messes to know what a waste they are of a second's time.» B l u r r: Hmm... I suppose so. Though, I don't need money Whirl: Pfft. Everyone needs money, Teach. Write that down as lesson number one if you're gonna live here. FakeProwl: @Starscream «So. Excellent work handing damning blackmail material to your chief political rival. "Staged mobs and tactical strikes" indeed.» B l u r r: I'm not gonna LIVE here Starscream: Think it over for a while. I would like your answer within, oh, a week. B l u r r: /sNORT / Whirl: "Here" as in, "the multiverse at large, and not just your corner of it." B l u r r: Restate the terms. Starscream: Restricted access to Iacon with no extra access to Metroplex. Unescorted by Iacon mechs, with a limit of three crew members as company. Crew members can be exchanged. Starscream: Visitations are to be annouced when you break atmosphere, and are not to exceed one day with exceptions if the Emperor needs repairs. At least one Iacon mech will oversee but not interfere with repair FakeProwl: @Starscream «Still should have made it two mechs to oversee.» Starscream: You are permitted to mount a guard around the ship while grounded, as long as the guards do not move more thant twenty meters away. Starscream: @P ::I said at LEAST.:: B l u r r: /shifts and leans over the coffin to look at Starscream/ Targets assigned to me are subject to murder of any degree and the frames belong to me unless needed to evidence. In which case, they will be B l u r r: sent to me. FakeProwl: @Starscream «He's going to fight for it to be one every time. But fine.» B l u r r: / holds up a second digit to add to the first/ Any deaths caused by mass mobs are not my fault, as I cannot control what a mob does with their own rage. B l u r r: / a third digit, and this may surprise you/ I have to know the reason as to why the specific job is given. The /real/ reason. Starscream: Unless the target requires being killed ina specific way, I leave the method up to your descretion. Starscream: *Smirks* Want to make sure you're going after those that deserve it? B l u r r: / hums/ No, I want to know how long the murder needs to be dragged out before they die. Starscream: Very well. Whirl: *tilts his head, but doesn't say anything* B l u r r: / adds a fourth digit. Leans forward more/ And if you ever set me up, rest assured that I will come for you and tear you from your throne and spread your innards along the walls of your city. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy squints. He's pretty sure Starscream doesn't have that many innards.* Starscream: *he didn't specify how many walls* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Maybe, but two walls isn't that impressive a threat. It's gotta be like... twenty. Starscream's not big enough for twenty.* Whirl: *not with that attitude* FakeProwl: ((cut him up in tiny chunks. just smear a little on each wall.)) B l u r r: [[ yes good ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((go big or go home is his style)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((but yes carry on)) B l u r r: And if you put me in a cage, know that I will get out of it. I /always/ get out of it. Whirl: *for one, you have a willing jailbreaker who can bridge u out* Starscream: *that is the risk when dealing with these types, isn't it* Starscream: Naturally. You won't be very useful in a cage, after all. B l u r r: So they say. FakeProwl: @Starscream «His threats are more boring than Lockdown's.» FakeProwl: *he's not even contributing at this point, he's just griping.* B l u r r: / leans back a little/ Regardless... if anything happens to me, my crew knows who to call and how to get them here. Whirl: *shifts in the hammock pile and manages to get one leg free to streeetch* Well, I'm tired. And my medicine is wearing off. *looks at his empty canister* Whirl: So, I'm out. Whirl: *bobs his head at Zori* Good to see you again, Professor. ItsyBitsySpyers: #goodbye! Starscream: *a wave of the hand* Is that an agreement or are you going to deliberate on it more? Whirl: *bobs his head at Rumble, too* ItsyBitsySpyers: #um #I will be back soon #before the dog dies Starscream: (sORI Starscream: ((*zORI Whirl: Do what you gotta, mech. No pressure. Whirl: ((ZORI....)) B l u r r: / waves at Whirl / Whirl: *salutes Blurr, and does another series of bobs for Soundwave and Frenzy. Just bobbin away* FakeProwl: ((............... what dog. i missed something.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Returns it.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Whirl said Zori hadn't been around in a dog's age. Zori asked how old the dog was. The dog is apparently very old now.)) FakeProwl: ((oh. pffff.)) Whirl: *and with a bit of creative wriggling, he is free, and off* B l u r r: One more thing, Starscream. I want discounts on supplies. Starscream: Our economy is barely there and you want discounts? B l u r r: /holds out claw. Wiggles digits. Come on, shake hands with the devil and all that / B l u r r: I'll give them enough money. B l u r r: Pit, I can even bring them more business. Starscream: Somehow I have my doubts. Starscream: *but fine. Handshake it is* B l u r r: / shake shake / B l u r r: / snickering. Rattles claws on the top of the coffin/ Starscream: *this was definitely a bad idea but it's also a good idea so YOLO* B l u r r: / Grins. A very sharp toothed grin / FakeProwl: @Starscream «If you're done with this mistake—I have a far more valuable potential recruit for you to interview.» FakeProwl: @Starscream «Although I suggest NOT doing so in public.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «While we have Starscream's attention—would you be ready for a job interview? Or do you need time to prepare?» *i.e., get some damn sleep* Starscream: @Prowl ::Suggestion noted. Especially if you're going to fuss this much.:: FakeProwl: @Starscream «YOU should be fussing. Honestly, you used to work with the Senate. Did you learn nothing about how to hide dirty laundry?» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Preparation requested. Last recharge date: six Earth days ago. Alertness, patience needed. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «How are you not dead.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Rhetorical question. Don't answer that.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Avoidance request obeyed. Will recharge tonight. Interview possible tomorrow night. Starscream: If we're all finished here, I believe it's time for me to leave. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A farewell ping with just as many formality tags as the greeting one.* FakeProwl: @Starscream «Do you have space in your schedule tomorrow? You can interview him then.» FakeProwl: *has failed to mention who he's offering.* Starscream: *casual wave to Soundwave and Prowl and- yeah nah, not waving a Blurr even if they're now business partners* Starscream: @Prowl:: I have a few free spaces in the evening.:: FakeProwl: @Starscream «Good. Send Soundwave your available times. I'm sure something will overlap.» Starscream: *...points at Soundwave. This one?* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((has prowl considered a career in bomb dropping)) FakeProwl: *affirmative ping* FakeProwl: @Starscream «And for goodness sake, don't point.» Starscream: *A snort. Well, not exactly who he was expecting.* FakeProwl: ((ask carpessa)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ouch)) Starscream: @Prowl ::I'm the king. I can point if i want.:: ItsyBitsySpyers: *Primus, he's pointing. This is going to be a lot of work.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's not just sleeping tonight, he's sleeping in.* FakeProwl: @Starscream «You can't point if you want to keep potential secret assets secret.» Starscream: @PRowl ::Why, was it a secret that you wanted me to ping him?:: Starscream: *will send Soundwave the information for his free slots, tho* FakeProwl: @Starscream «Did you perhaps not notice that we're communicating over comms.» Starscream: ..Why is that, actually. You no longer have snide commentary to keep private. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Skims them and sends one (as yet undetermined but probably around the usual stream start time) back* FakeProwl: @Starscream «Because we're still on somebody else's ship that might be covered in cameras, and /nobody is supposed to know I'm working for you./» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Even if the ship isn't covered in cameras, they're sitting in the room with one sorta, so.* FakeProwl: @Starscream «Please, PRETEND to have a brain, and if you notice I'm doing something unusual assume it's for a good reason and follow my lead.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *And since Starscream is randomly answering the air....* [[He has no snide commentary because there is nothing to be snide about.]] Starscream: Oh no, not anymore. Starscream: *An affirmative ping to Soundwave. That tme is fine* ItsyBitsySpyers: *At least Starscream had the sense to go along with that. Mostly.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Indeed. Please excuse him, Lord. We must return.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rises and summons his crowd. A ping to Prowl (and one to Blurr if he's still around) and they'll all get docked and on their way* Starscream: I was just heading out myself, unless Prowl requires my attention? FakeProwl: No, I'm sure you'd just make my headache worse. Starscream: Then we can agree on something. Goodnight. FakeProwl: *disappears*
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monoguk · 7 years
g e t  t o  k n o w  m e
tagged by @flakandforay (hey bub!)
name: belle
nickname: belle, or like you can call me anything ya’ll want to call me lmao
birthday: june 1999 baby :)
star sign: sometimes i’m a cancer girl, and some times i’m gemini
height: 152.5 cm. the 0.5 can make a big difference compared to JUST 152cm
hair color: naturally i have really black hair (it’s not even the pretty black color) but i had my hair dyed to a really dark brown 3 mos. ago
eye color: dark brown
hobbies: reading fan fics hehe; making up scenarios in my head but not really writing them down *sighs*; just scrolling through my social media accounts; i used to draw, if that counts; changing my mobile/pc tumblr themes; i dance to kpop songs sometimes just so i can exercise; exercise
any pets: yes! 3 adorable dogs!!! I LOVE THEM! I LOVE DOGS! LOVE LOVE LOVE
favorite animal: DOGS!!!
favorite food: i’ve recently been into japanese cuisine, but i will constantly LOVE any sweet desserts :) or spaghetti and cream pasta :3
favorite drink: beer, lmao joke i don’t drink alcohol that often, just during special occasions or when my dad buys a new beer brand and we want to judge which of the beers we’ve tasted is the best. water is still the best though!
favorite snack: oreos hehe though i don’t eat snack that much
3 shows i watch: wgm (i just really want to finish solar x eric nam’s virtual marriage), keeping up with the kardashians (just whichever episode is on air), game of thrones (i should really make some progress on this one)
p.s. i’ve finally finished “scarlet heart” after 3 semesters have passed
bias group in kpop: bts
bonus: exo & mamamoo hehez
bias group in my favorite group: J E O N  J U N G K O O K nuff said
bonus: jhs ; myg ; kth ; knj ; ksj ; pjm
favorite song: SO atm i am so addicted with camilla cabello’s havana!!! i haven’t been listening to the newest songs on spotify so the song is really not up to date
three things i can’t live without: phone & laptop; calculator; wifi
(since the question said THINGS i didn’t include the important people in my life since they are PEOPLE not things)
things i notice first when meeting someone new: idk i just kind of mingle with everyone and hang out with people i am comfortable with being friends with
what i want to be when i grow up: i just really want to be successful enough that i’ll be able to give a better future for me and my family
fears: S P I D E R S; i’m a scaredy cat so just anything scary like serious gore/thriller/horror movies; being alone; the future (like will taking this course take me to where i want to be? am i making/will i be able to make the right decisions? WILL I BE ABLE TO MEET BTS IN THE FUTURE? AM I GOING TO BE LONELY ONCE I REACH MY 20S?)
why i picked my url: it just sounded cute. i was probably into the color yellow at that time and then i thought about bees and then i mixed it up with jk’s name and it just clicked
any piercings: just one on either ear
any tattoos: none; probably won’t have ever; but like i have this weird fantasy that i want to have only one really tiny tattoo just above my waistline
favorite day of the week: fridays
love life: ha! just in an imaginary relationship with jjk; i’ve been in a relationship once, but it didn’t work with that jerk in the end; for now, i’m just not in the mood for one and would just like to focus on my studies until i finish and pass this semester
sexuality: absolutely straight for jjk (and jhs and knj and kth and ksj and myg and pjm, oops)
what i’m thinking right now: i should really rewrite my notes on differential equations and thermodynamics and mechanics and surveying and just finish the roof framing plan and cross-section plan for my building design course
describe myself in 6 words: procrastinate, positive, gukwifey (lmao not an actual word but it’s still a word, just a made-up one), SARCASTIC, (people say i’m) cute, quirky
@jeonwhipped @hunkyhoseok​ @mint-tape​ @hayjeon​ @kainks​ @taecup​ @lolawlolawlol​ @jeonjowaaan​ @anotherback​ @/whoever sees this post and want to do this :)
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