#i'll have to stop by work for an hour or so to do the tips distribution. and then i can go home and sleeeeeeep
orcelito · 1 year
well the good news is im gonna look the part of someone who hasnt been to class in several weeks
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gyuzgrl · 3 months
off the market ||csc||
summary- You have a crush on your favourite customer. He's big and kind and pretty and god the things you wanted to do to him were unholy. Little do you know, he feels the exact same way.
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That's all you said. All you could say. All it took for Seungcheol to fall hopelessly in love.
He was a regular at your pet daycare center. Him and his puppy Kkuma were there virtually every day, either to pick up a treat or to drop her off in your care for the day.
It was safe to say they were you favourite customers. Sure the dog was cute, but lord, Seungcheol had you acting like a schoolgirl whenever he came around. With his deep voice, his charming smile and god those arms- how could you resist?
You were almost certain however, that he wasn't interested. Sure, you'd caught him staring at you a couple times, sure it was a little odd how he'd tip you a small fortune every now and then, sure his hand lingered on yours for longer than necessary when paying, but there was no way, you were sure. No way a man like him was still on the market.
So you loved him from afar.
Well, as far as he'd let you go, at least.
"Kkuma!" you beamed, reaching out to take the eager fluff ball from Seuncheol's arms.
She snuggled into you, tongue lolling out as you scratched behind her ears.
"spoilt little princess, this one"
You look up to find Seungcheol's gaze fixed onto you.
"y-yeah, she's a little diva, aren't you baby?" you coo, "dropping her off again, Mr Choi?"
He hums, reaching closer to ruffle her fur, "work's gotten a bit much these days- timings are crazy y'know"
Your breath hitches at the sudden proximity. His hand was aimed at the dog, sure, but it was so close- ghosting over the plush skin of your upper chest.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you steady yourself.
"I can uh, I can imagine, sir. I'll keep her safe, don't you worry"
You say it out of duty, but something about that title has Seungcheol fighting demons in his head. Sir. Sir, you call him, like it's the simplest, sweetest thing in the world. Little do you know, behind the crescents of those pretty doe eyes, his thoughts are nothing but pure filth.
Hesitantly, he pulls away, clearing his throat.
"I'll be back in a couple hours, shouldn't be too long... thanks for keeping her"
"it's my job" you laugh, "you're paying me aren't you, sir?"
He coughs, eyes darting all over. Sir. There you go again.
"I'll um- I'll get going. Bye, y/n"
He turns around too quickly to see the crimson hue diffusing across your cheeks. God you loved the way he said your name. It rolled off his tongue so easily.
"bye-bye!" you call after him.
All your interractions had been similar to this. He'd stop by, make polite conversation and leave. But still, still your heart thudded in your chest at the thought of him. He was just so perfect.
A couple of hours later, you hear the door open. It's late at night, so your first instinct is to grab something sharp before you make your way to the cash register out front.
Meekly, you tiptoe outside, clutching a pair of kuromi scissors in your fist.
"y/n?" a familiar voice calls.
It's just Seungcheol. Good.
You breathe a sigh of relief, walking out right away as you greet him with that million dollar smile of yours.
"hope Kkuma wasn't too much of a mena-" he pauses, glancing down at your hand, "what's up with the scissors?"
"oh- uh, nothing nothing, just as a safety measure- I didn't know it was you so..."
He tenses, unsure of how to feel. On one hand, you insinuated that you felt safe around him, while on the other, you think you're unsafe in the store.
"can I walk you home?"
You're stunned. Your legs feel like jelly and you can barely process his words.
"can you what"
"walk you home. If you feel uncomfortable walking alone this late, that is. I live a minute away, and it really wouldn't be a hassle to step out for a seco-"
"I couldn't ask that of you sir," you interrupt, "it's not that big of a deal either way"
"you aren't asking. I'm offering. and it is a big deal, y/n. I want you to be safe, to feel safe."
Oh that one went straight to your cunt.
"I-" you hesitate.
"look, I'm here almost every day anyways- if that makes you feel any better. if you're gonna refuse, don't do it 'cause you think I'd be inconvenienced. I won't." he says, now gently prying the scissors out of your grasp, "but if you honestly just don't want me to walk you home, I'll back off"
"no it's not that-" you add, urgently.
"how 'bout we try it out today, and you tell me if you wanna continue, that okay?"
You nod, lowering your head in a lame attempt to hide the furious red glow of your cheeks. Seungcheol seems to have noticed already, though. He places the scissors onto the register beside you, and turns to look into your eyes.
When he finds you staring up at him already, he's pleasantly surprised. There's a long silence- a pause in time- and the air around you stills. It's just you and him, gazing into each other's eyes, gauging what the other feels.
He must not know how intimidating his stare is, considering how he refuses to look away. That is until, of course, he spies movement in his vision.
Your hands are shaking. You didn't know they were, until Seungcheol's gaze leaves your own, dropping to your trembling hands.
He steps closer.
"your hands are all jittery today" his voice is low and gentle, "why're you so nervous?"
The space between you lessens as he moves closer, his hand reaching over to hold your trembling one, interlacing his fingers with yours.
You suck in a sharp breath, letting it go in a staccato shudder.
"do I make you nervous?"
Your eyes, wide and round, dart across the room, opting to look anywhere but at him.
"do I?" he pushes, squeezing your hand.
"I-" you start, "I just um- it's a bi-"
Your words are cut off by a shrill bark.
Fuck. Kkuma. You forgot about Kkuma.
"Kku-Kkuma," you stutter, ripping your hand out of his grasp, "I gotta get her out"
He groans, his arm chasing after you as you whip your head around and scurry into the play room. He was so close- he almost got through to you.
His frustrations subside instantly, however, when you return, carrying a sleepy Kkuma in your arms. How the little puppy nuzzled into you, so safe and comfortable, made Seungcheol's heart ache. Kkuma's instincts were never wrong.
"c'mere princess," he coos, and you look up at him with wide eyes. Did he just-
His eyes are on you, knowingly. "missed me, didn't you Kkuma?"
Oh. Right. The dog.
Seungcheol's gaze remains fixed on you, a teasing smirk playing at his lips as you draw closer.
"you're all red" he grins, "here lemme take her" Before you manage to protest, his hands graze the skin of your forearm as he scoops Kkuma out of your embrace and into his.
It was brief, the contact, but you felt something akin to electricity when his fingertips touched your skin. The glow on your cheeks only brightened in response and he bit back a laugh.
"I'll- I should lock up"
"mm you go do that,"
Even with your back turned, you can feel his eyes burning into you, an attentive stare watching all your actions- how you locked up the register, switched off the lights, reached up to pull your shutters closed.
It was endearing to him. You worked so hard everyday, did so much all alone. All he wanted was to help, really.
So he does.
As you nod towards the door, signalling that you're ready to head out, Seungcheol follows.
You pull the main entrance closed, reaching up on tiptoes to yank the outer shutters down, struggling to hook your fingers into the handle. He notices. Of course he does.
Silently, he brushes up against you, his chest dangerously close to your back. His arm extends above your own and he pulls the handle down with ease.
Your brain short circuits.
"what are y-" you gasp, turning around to face him. The air he breathes out fans across your face and his eyes are set on you. This was dangerous. The proximity between your bodies, the warmth of his breath, the way his eyes darted down to your lips- it was too much.
There's a pause. Seungcheol's brows scrunch up as if he's trying to find the right words to say.
"you don't have to think so hard, Mr Choi," you offer, staring up him with wide eyes.
"Seungcheol." he states, "call me Seungcheol"
You're so taken aback you miss the desperate "please" he adds in at the end of his sentence.
"sounds so pretty when you say it"
There's a pull between your bodies. It's gradual and painfully slow, but you both feel it. He leans in, eyes darting to your lips, and your eyes flutter closed.
Hot breaths fan your face as you wait for him to kiss you, each exhale burning against your skin.
"is this okay?" he murmurs.
You try to say yes, to say something, but all that comes out is a shaky exhale. Lips parted, lashes fluttering, you looked so pretty. He couldn't resist the way you drew him in.
Slowly inching closer, Seungcheol presses his lips to yours in a soft kiss. It's tentative, hesitant, almost, like he doesn't want to scare you away. His plump lips cradle yours so gently, it's like he's barely even there.
You draw back, breathing hard. "we shouldn'-" you start, turning your head away, before he cups your jaw and pulls you in once again.
This time he works urgently against you, sucking at your lower lip so fervently, it leaves you breathless. Any semblance of doubt leaves your mind, and you pull him closer, fisting his shirt.
It takes everything in you to hold yourself together when his tongue licks at the seam of your mouth, demanding entrance. While he explores the hollow of your mouth, your hands roam the expanse of his broad shoulders, feeling each hard-earned muscle tense under your touch.
Your lungs burn for air, pleading for sustenance, even for a second, but his grip on you stays firm, holding you in place. Feeling woozy from the lack of oxygen, you have to push him away, almost, fisting his hair with one hand and tugging him back.
Finally, you breathe.
"woah, there-" he grins, when your knees buckle, causing you to faceplant into his chest.
You groan, muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
"c'mon, let's get you home, hm? we should probably sit down and uh, talk." he mutters, motioning between you and him, "about this, I mean"
"yeah let's- let's go home"
The walk is surprisingly pleasant. Any expected awkwardness, any uncomfortable tension, seems to have vanished.
You chat as you walk side by side, Seungcheol holding Kkuma's leash while you hold onto his free arm. It's painfully domestic, honestly. Your heart thuds violently in your chest with every step you take with him.
"...and then she told Hansol to call her his cutie sexy baby- you should've seen the look on all our faces, I wanted to quit my job then and there-" he shivers as he narrates an incident to you, and you giggle away like a schoolgirl. The way Seungcheol made you smile so effortlessly was commendable. No matter when he showed up, what he said, where he was going, he always made you smile.
"poor him," you offer, sympathetically, grinning from ear to ear as you neared your apartment. "this is me,"
"if you're tired from today, we can talk sometime else, oka-"
You interrupt him with a tiny peck on his lips, earning a look of disbelief in response.
"god help me"
Which is how you've found yourself here- stumbling out of the elevator with his lips pressed on yours, hands grabbing feverishly at the flesh of your hips.
"wai- Seungcheol hold on-" you giggle, fumbling to thumb in your house code.
He backs away, pouting and looks down at Kkuma apologetically.
"come in"
There's a hint of tension in the air now, with everything becoming far more tangible than before. This is happening. This is real.
You beckon him over to the couch, letting Kkuma settle on a rug somewhere in the kitchen, slowly drifting to sleep.
He sits beside you, leaving respectful distance.
"I uh, I don't want this to seem like I'm just fucking around- I don't usually do this,"
"do what?"
"this" he motions between your bodies. "I've been wanting this, wanting you, for so long you have no idea"
"oh-" You feel the breath knocked out of your lungs. Seungcheol felt the same way you did? He's wanted you for all this time, just like you've wanted him?
"I'd like to take you out on a date. Properly. I really like you, y/n-"
It's a miracle you don't melt into a puddle of mush then and there.
Choi Seungcheol. Hot customer. Has feelings for you.
"and it's okay if you don't feel the same way- really- I just uh, didn't wanna kiss you and leave things unspecified"
"I-" you start, staring up at him as you searched for the right words to say, "I like you too"
His face softens, a soft smile taking over his lips. You feel an all too-familiar heat growing between your legs.
"I'm glad"
The distance between your bodies is bridged by his hand- a galiant soldier crossing borders into foreign territory. It slides over yours, interlacing your fingers in a firm knot.
A sharp breath puffs out your lips, and all you can do is say his name. You aren't sure why, you aren't sure what you're asking for, but you call him- your voice airy and desperate.
Words escape you. There's nothing you can find in yourself to say. You stare into his eyes, watching the way the brown of his irises hold your picture within them.
"oh, sweetheart..."
And his lips are on yours.
Seungcheol guides your hand to his shoulder, sliding his own to your waist as he draws you closer. The way your lips mold against each other is nothing short of perfect, like you were made for eachother.
He nips at your lower lip, dragging it as he pulls back ever so slightly, and you can't help but moan. He grins. Your face grows beet red and you pull away, panting, embarrassed.
"you're adorable, y'know that?"
"shut up"
"you've got a lotta attitude for someone who can't handle more than a little teasing"
"I- I can handle more" you argue, brows furrowing as you shuffle closer to him.
Your eyes widen.
"n-no I didn't mean it like tha-"
"like what?" he smirks. "how'd you mean it then?"
You lower your gaze, opting to stare instead at the fabric of his trousers. Seungcheol hooks a digit under your chin and tilts your head right back up, forcing you to look at him, cheeks burning.
"who're you hiding from, hm?"
"m'sorry," you breathe, looking at him through your lashes.
"I wanna make you feel good," he mumbles as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ears. "may I?"
It's a simple thing- asking for permission- but it has your heart fluttering. He asks you 'may I?' like he's at your mercy. Like you have him bewitched. He'd do anything and everything you ask of him, now more than ever.
You nod, leaning in to kiss him yet again, before he lifts you off the couch and into the bedroom. His strong arms hold you steady, and all your worries fade away. All the questions in your head dissipate, until all that's left is him.
Only him.
"this okay?" he murmurs, placing you on the bed.
"more than okay"
"I'm gonna take this off now, hm?" Deft hands slide up your torso, lifing your shirt off to reveal the lacy bra underneath. He has to pause for a moment to compose himself at the sight.
"so pretty,"
"Seungcheool" you whine, tugging his hands to your breasts, "touch me"
Any resolve he'd built up, to control himself for you, comes crumbling down.
Like a man starved, Seungcheol devours you, placing hungry, open-mouthed kisses along your stomach as he trails his lips to the cup of your bra.
He kisses the swell of your breasts, while his hand slides under your back, unclipping the garment with ungodly precision. You gasp when your nipples brush against the loosened fabric, sensitive and hard.
"fuck," he drawls when he tosses your bra aside to reveal your bare chest. Seungcheol kisses the tender skin, taking one of your nipples into his mouth while his hand caresses the other, pinching at the sensitive bud.
His actions elicit a whine on your part, back arching into him with every swivel of his tongue, every pinch of his fingers. There's a dark grin painted across his handsome face when he pulls away, looking down at you.
"look so pretty under me, sweetheart"
You turn away, bashfully, feeling small under the weight of his stare. It's hot, how Seungcheol's self-assurance radiates off of him. He's confident but not pushy, not arrogant like the other boys you've been with. The prolonged eye contact feels more intimate than anything you've ever experienced- just you and him, gazing at each other like the world outside is a problem for another day. Right now, nothing exists but the two of you.
A hand travels down the valley of your breasts to the hem of your pants, teasing the skin right under the waistband. He wants to savor this, to savor you. But god you're so desperate he can't bear the thought of dragging this out any longer.
"gonna make you feel good, yeah sweetheart? would you like that?"
"please" you whimper, rubbing your thighs together.
Anticipation swells in your belly as Seungcheol crawls down to face your cunt, keeping his eyes fixed on yours with each sultry motion. He grasps the button of your pants with his teeth, tugging it open before his hands slide them down your legs, fingers ghosting over the smooth flesh of your thighs.
"pretty, pretty girl"
Shamelessly, he spreads you open, rubbing along your slit through your soaked panties.
"fuck baby- you're dripping" he groans, pressing the fabric into your folds. Your body jerks at the touch, and you let out a pathetic whimper.
"all of this 'cause of me? such a good girl" he coos.
"all 'cause of you Cheol- fuck- only you"
That was it. Seungcheol considered himself a patient man, usually, but tonight? God, he wanted to rip those flimsy panties off of you and have you cum on his tongue again and again until you were crying.
In one swift motion, he leaves you bare, shoving your panties in his back pocket like some kind of trophy. His tongue finds your hole, dipping in just a little to collect your arousal before dragging it up to your clit.
You feel him grin against you, lapping at your clit slightly faster now. Your hands fly down to hold him in place, back arching as loud moans flood the room. You can't recall the last time a man has made you feel this good. Heck, you can't recall if they ever have.
"please- fuck don't stop don't stop," you whine, hips rolling up to match the rhythm of his tongue.
He groans when he realizes how you're using him for your pleasure, sending tingles across your skin.
"that's it, sweetheart- fuck that's my good girl" he mumbles against your cunt.
You feel your high approaching with the expert flick of Seungcheol's tongue, and you pull him closer in a desperate attempt to reach your orgasm. He senses you're close with the way your thighs begin to tense and quiver under his hold, so he slyly slips a finger into you, without warning, sending you straight over the edge in seconds.
Your voice breaks as you moan, head tipping back into the pillows as he pumps his finger in and out of your heat, working you through your orgasm.
"there we go, pretty- just like that, shit"
Seungcheol licks you clean, sending sparks shooting up your spine, before drawing back up to your lips to pull you into a messy, sticky kiss.
You taste yourself on his tongue, moaning as he licks into your mouth like he'd die if he didn't. The friction against your bare skin draws you back to reality, and you realize he's still clothed
"w-wait-" you pant, planting your hands on his chest.
He pulls away, eyes fluttering back open in confusion.
"what's wrong? d'you wanna sto-"
"no!" you interrupt, eyes widening. "not at all- I just..." you trail off, tugging at his shirt.
He chuckles.
"you just?"
"y'know" you reply, coy as ever, grasping his shirt once again.
"words, sweetheart, gotta tell me what you want" His voice is teasing, playful.
"your- your shirt..." you pout.
"mhm what about it?"
You glare up at him, brows setting into a deep frown. "don't be mean c'mon,"
"say it and I'll stop, promise"
"t-take your shirt off," you mutter, blushing wildly, "wanna see you"
He cocks a brow at you and you hastily add in a desperate "please", leaving him satisfied. Without wasting any more time, he settles back on his knees for a moment, yanking his shirt off to reveal his sculpted form.
Your mouth hangs open.
Sure, you figured he was fit- those arms were a dead giveaway- but this took the cake. Hard, chiseled muscles greeted you, sculpted by the gods themselves, and you felt your mouth water.
"oh wow" you breathe, reaching up to touch him and feel those muscles for yourself.
He grins, hovering back over you.
"have I told you how much I like you?"
There's a pause, before you break out into a fit of giggles, grinning at each other like two lovesick teenagers.
Seungcheol shimmies his pants off too, kicking them away, leaving only his boxers on.
"are you gonna-"
"eat you out again? yes. yes I am."
You smack his chest, rolling your eyes.
"you can do that tomorrow- I wanna... wanna feel you," you whisper, "wanna feel you in me"
He mutters a quick "fuck" under his breath, hastily shoving his boxers down as he balances his weight on one arm.
"are you sure, sweetheart?"
"anytime you wanna stop jus-"
"just tell you, yes sir" you quip, rolling your eyes yet again, only this time, you take notice of the way his gaze darkens at your words.
Oh this is going to be fun.
"sir," you whine, rolling you hips up into his, "please- please fuck me I've been good, haven't I?"
You're unsure of where this sudden boost of confidence has come from, but Seungcheol's blown pupils and parted lips spur you on.
"I'll be so good for you, sir- promise," you pout.
"do you even- fuck do you even know what you're doing to me right now?"
"brat-" he snarls, dragging his cock against your folds. You moan, losing whatever semblance of power you managed to build.
"that's better,"
You're about to bite back, say something mean, but he interrupts, pushing his dick inside you, slow but firm.
"you're- fuck you're so big" you whimper, eyes welding themselves shut at the stretch of your walls. "it won't f-fit"
"I'll make it fit, I promise baby I won't hurt you, hm?"
You nod, tears welling up in your eyes when he pushes further. He was huge. Your toys had nothing on him. Nothing.
"shh sweetheart you're doing so well for me," he coos, pressing in until he bottoms out.
Your eyes brim over and you sniffle, trying to accomodate his size. It takes a minute, with him kissing your tears away and mumbling into your hair, but you finally give him the green light.
Automatically, his hips draw back and snap into you, thrusting in and out at a steady pace. His size was overwhelming, almost. He hit your g-spot effortlessly with each inward motion, and your brain fuzzed over with pleasure.
All you could think, all you could say, was him.
seungcheol, seungcheol, seungcheol- you chanted his name like a prayer, any notions of god, of a higher being, leaving your mind with him taking their place.
He held your life in the palm of his hand, commanding metaphorical deaths with his body. You'd be happy to die in his arms every night, and rise like phoenixes with the sun- souls unified after the previous night's escapades.
The steady but firm edge to his thrusts have you sobbing, crying on his dick, begging for something even you aren't sure of. Your cries echo through the room, followed by the sound of skin on skin. Your neighbours won't like this one bit, you'll definitely be in trouble tomorrow, but you can't bring yourself to stop.
He just feels so good.
"s-seungcheol I- please m'so close please please ple-" you sob, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him even closer.
He leans into your lips, capturing them between his own. It isn't a kiss. Your mouths hang open, moaning and sighing into each other with breaths so hot you feel like you're on fire. Like you're alive.
Distracted by the heat generated by your enmeshed breaths, you fail to notice how his hand creeps down to your clit. You cry out when his fingers make contact with the sensitive flesh, rubbing tight circles into you as his thrusts increase in speed.
"m'gonna- sir m'gonna cu-" you moan, cutting yourself off when you feel your body slip into pleasure. Your throat has gone bone-dry, like the last time you touched water was when you were in the womb.
"shit-" he curses, using you to finish himself off, before quickly following suit and finishing on your thighs.
"you're so beautiful- you're so goddamn beautiful" he rambles, collapsing on top of you.
Your throat hurts, and all you can do is wheeze as you try to soothe your burning lungs.
He notices, and grins to himself, ripping his body off of yours- "wait here, I'll be back".
He's gone for a minute, before returning with a towel and some water. "here" he says, holding the glass to your lips as you shuffle to sit up, "drink."
While you do that, he crawls back between your legs and gently wipes away the mess he made on your thighs.
It's basic decency, you know it is, but you can't help the way your heart flutters at how caring Seungcheol is.
"thank you" you murmur, cringing at the sting in your throat.
He looks confused for a moment.
"f-for cleaning me up"
God you were so cute. He couldn't bear it any longer.
"I always will, you don't need to say anything, sweetheart"
You blush, for the nth time that night, grinning from ear to ear as you're hit with realisation.
Choi Seungcheol is officially off the market.
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cherrychilli · 6 months
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Eddie Munson x AFAB reader, friends to lovers, mentions of nudity, brief mention of masturbation (m). Basically, Eddie finds you sleeping naked in his bed.
A/N: Idk I've had this idea in my head for too long now and I need to exorcise it out of me with this little drabble or I'll never be able to get on with my life.
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Forest Hills trailer park wasn't your usual stop after clocking out of work but after the day you’ve had you don’t have it in you to wait for the next bus back to your apartment. Your place is 30 minutes away but the journey is sure to take even longer in the current downpour.
Staying over at the trailer wasn't anything new. A spare key was entrusted to you years ago and you made use of it on days like this to crash at Eddie’s for convenience sake. The key came with the promise that you were welcome to anything you needed even if both Eddie and Wayne were away – shower, food, an extra change of clothes, what have you, and you needed them all today.
With Wayne out of town for a few days and Eddie due back in two hours you sink into auto pilot, weary down to the bone from your shift. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t feel as weird as it probably should when you started to undress in their kitchenette, hanging your work clothes over the back of a nearby chair, rummaging through the fridge in your bra and panties for a quick bite to eat before heading for the shower.
There wasn’t much in it besides beer since Wayne hadn’t been around to stock it. Eddie always preferred ordering take out over getting groceries – something you were going to nag him for again when you had the strength to do so.
Cereal it would have to be.
You located a box inside one of the cupboards, tipping the wheaty, sugary contents straight into your mouth without bothering with a bowl and spoon. It’s not lost on you how similarly you’re acting to Eddie right down to the unruly state of half undress, wiping crumbs off your lips with the back of your hand. If you finished off with a belch it'd be like he never left the trailer this morning.
The messy mouthfuls of cereal prove enough to silence the toad’s croak of hunger that'd been gurgling noisily inside your belly, putting the box away.
Traipsing through, feet dragging, you threw your clothes into the washer next along with your underwear, completely nude now in the Munson trailer as you made your way to the shower – but not before reaching out for Eddie's Garfield mug that sat on a nearby shelf, turning it around so that the cartoon cat's lazy smirk no longer faced you. For your modesty.
You try to keep the shower brisk, not wanting to use up all the hot water but with the way it sprays down on your aching body, the steam and heat combo soothing your poor sore muscles, it’s so blissful that you have to keep yourself from nodding off right there.
You did make use of Eddie’s body wash, some spicy, woodsy smelling thing in a jet-black bottle but you didn't dare use the two in one shampoo that sat in their shower caddy. It might have worked fine for Eddie and his wild mane but you knew better than to apply the stuff to your own hair. Fortunately, experience had taught you to carry a travel sized bottle filled with your own shampoo whenever you stayed over, working over your locks in a lather scented with cranberries and vanilla.
Stamina depleting by the second, toweling off and brushing your teeth takes the last sliver of energy out of you. Eyelids slipping, movements sluggish, limbs feeling too heavy for your own body to hold up – you’re shutting down whether you like it or not.
Dropping the damp towel on his bedroom floor, you intended to change, you really did. You’d even picked out one of Eddie’s washed t-shirts and a pair of boxers out of the laundry and set them down at the foot of the bed to put on before you made yourself comfortable but that’s not what happened.
Still nude, you crawl into bed, seeking warmth and soft comfort, numbed down to a kind of tunnel vision with rest being your one and only goal.
It feels all the more natural because you’re used to sleeping naked in your own bed, much too tired to remember that you’re not in your bed, draping a blanket that doesn't belong to you over your spent body, surrendering to sleep seconds after your head hits the pillow.
It'd still been raining when Eddie returns later. Dragging himself through the trailer, nearly as worn down as you had been, shaking the excess water out of his hair like a dog trying to get dry.
The smell of your shampoo still lingering in the air tells him you're there, finding you curled up in his bed, all bundled up to your neck. The sight makes him smile.
It doesn't take too long for him to join you, following a similar routine – a quick bite with the addition of a beer and then a shower, only he doesn't skip out on clothing himself in his PJ's first.
If he’d shared the blanket with you he might have found out about your lack of dress sooner but as the gentleman that he can sometimes be, he pulls out a spare blanket from the closet so as to not wake you, prolonging the discovery. Being friends for so long meant that sharing a bed was never awkward even after you'd became adults.
That was until the next morning came.
It’s not the stream of morning light brightening from a cool blue to a warm amber peeking in between the curtains that wakes Eddie, or even the tinny smack of his neighbor’s broken screen door gusting open just a few feet away from his bedroom window. It’s the warmth of your ass pressed flush against his crotch and his nose nestled in your sweet-smelling hair that pulls him out of a dream he wont be able to recall later if he tried.
He shifts closer, eyes cracking open, remembering the tiny bottle of shampoo sitting on the bathroom counter. Remembering the new toothbrush placed in the cup next to his own. Remembering the powder blue towel that neither he nor Wayne ever used laying on his bedroom floor.
And then he remembers that he’s not alone.
And then he wishes that he was.
Panic snaps up like a beartrap around Eddie when he realizes he's hard – his thick, throbbing erection pressed right up against your body.
Growing clammy, cold sweat beads on the back of his neck but he’s in luck because you haven’t noticed yet, still sound asleep.
This close together, he knows the slightest movement could rouse you. But what was the alternative? Wait it out? Hope to hell his boner goes away? Fat fucking chance. Not when the soft swell of your ass and your body heat alone had him questioning how he could ever go back to his calloused fist after this.
Carefully, desperately, he tries to inch back without waking you but just as he feared, you begin to stir. Your back arches instinctively, seeking out his warm, solid frame even in your sleep.
Shit shit shit.
The covers slip as you shift, your bare shoulders coming into view, eyes starting to flutter open. With no other option, Eddie swiftly rolls on to his back, his hard on no longer pressed up against you but the problem persists.
“Oh, morning”, you greet him through a yawn, pulling an arm out to rub at your eyes, blanket slipping lower but the frantic boy hasn’t noticed yet, too busy whipping his pillow out from under him to place over his lap.
“Uh-hey. Shower’s free if you wanna go first”, he offers quickly, smiling hard, hoping to subtly usher you out because he's too afraid to get up and risk you getting a load of the tent in his pants if he were to go ahead of you.
“Thanks”, you yawn again, still occupied with rubbing at your sleepy eyes to notice your best friend's pale face turning beet fucking red in an instant as you clamber out of bed, blankets no longer concealing you.
Eddie doesn’t know where to look first. His eyes dart everywhere, every bare inch of you on display. So much soft, naked skin it’s making him short circuit.
His gaze eagerly travels over the slope of your breasts as they jiggle gently with your movements, taking in your soft nipples, moving down over your belly and hips, noticing a few new freckles and beauty marks there along the way to the soft curls between your legs.
His erection digs into the pillow, brain dangerously close to fizzing because he’d been pressed up against you like that all night and not even known it.
A shiver works its way through you, making you question why it feels so drafty in his room all of a sudden. You turn back to ask Eddie if there’s anything wrong with the heating, catching the shocked expression on his face.
Looking down, you're met with the sight of your nude body, breasts bare, no underwear. It's a good thing the occupants of the trailer park liked to mind their own business, even if sometimes you thought they did so to a fault because in any other neighborhood your piercing screech would have had everyone within earshot dialing up the cops.
The scream ricochets off the walls at an ear ringing volume, causing Eddie to jolt and lose his balance, falling out of bed while you leapt back in. Grabbing his spare pillow, you press one half against your chest and squeeze the rest between your thighs to shield yourself.
Now he slaps his hands over his eyes.
More than anything, you try so hard to push it aside. To pretend that it hadn't happened but it looms over you like a cloud on the brink of bursting with rain.
After three whole days of walking around eggshells around each other it's Eddie who breaks first.
"I can't stand this I don't know what else to do, Can we just talk about it please?"
“Eddie…", you sigh, a gentle warning.
"So what if I saw you naked? you saw my boner!...sort of. I mean, I guess that doesn't exactly make us even but it has to count for something, right? you're not alone in this"
You immediately set your wide eyes on the only other patrons in the diner to see if they’d overheard – two older women swapping pictures of their grandchildren over coffee and cheesecake. When neither of them take a pause in the middle of cooing about little Tommy's third Birthday or little Emily's first day of Kindergarten you redirect your attention back to Eddie.
“Eddie! Keep your voice down!”, you whisper shout at him from across the booth. "There are literal grandmother's here!"
He rolls his eyes. Not mean spirited, just unconcerned by the ladies and what they may or may not have overheard.
And then, even though no one’s paying either of you any attention, you lean closer over your half-finished key lime pie, one hand shielding the side of your face like you’re trying to avoid getting recognized by an ex who’s just walked in.
"I'm so embarrassed...please can we just drop it?", you plead, voice hushed.
He gives you this look of mild incredulity. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me", and the inflection in his tone almost gives him away, prompting him to double back immediately.
The last thing he wants is for you to feel more uncomfortable than you already do. So he doesn't need you to catch on that he's got every moment of your unintended strip tease memorized. Or that he likes to replay what he's since thought of as the best 10 seconds of his life over and over again when he's fucking his fist in the shower.
“I just mean that it's nothing to be embarrassed by. It could have happened to anyone. Who among us hasn’t napped in just their birthday suit before, am I right?” he finishes with a slight wince, knowing none of this is exactly helpful.
And you know he’s only trying to be nice in his own, sweet, bumbling way but you still feel terrible.
"I don't know if I can shake this feeling", you cast your eyes down, looking too close to despondent for his liking.
"Listen I- I don't know how to fix this but I want to. Please just tell me what I can do and I'll do it, okay?"
God, he's sweet and it makes you feel a little flustered being on the receiving end of that gentle stare, needing to shift the mood lest you drown in all that earnestness pooling in his eyes.
It's moments like this that call for a bad joke to cut the tension, right? some momentary and well meaning deflection before you're ready to address the matter at hand again.
Letting out a half hearted laugh, you make your best attempt to inject some humor into the situation.
"I don't know. Maybe it might help if you got naked too", you nervously scraped your fork against the buttery graham cracker crust of your pie, dislodging a few golden crumbs.
It was so very clearly a joke. At least you had thought so. Eddie? not so much.
His brown eyes go wide, looking scandalized, his voice coming out a little more quite than you're used to.
"I mean, I showed you mine after all", you tried again in a cadence that was wholly unserious but once again, he fails to catch on.
"You want me to get naked for you?"
You should correct him and you mean to but before you're able to do just that, something about the way he's staring at you makes you want to match his seriousness. The fact that he didn't say no right away strikes you as weirdly intriguing.
"You don't have to", you clarify, adding, "It's just that – well, you asked and I think it could maybe help? to really get us on even ground?���
The words that come out don't feel like you own – foreign to your ears even though they're said in your voice, with your own lips forming them and your own tongue curling around every syllable.
What the hell am I doing?
Eddie pauses. Seconds drag on like nails on a chalkboard as he taps a ringed finger thoughtfully on the edge of his empty plate smudged with faint traces of cream cheese and lime zest.
"Fine. On one condition", he leans back, arms crossing over his chest, smiling wide and megawatt bright.
Oh my god is this really happening?
"You're going to undress me"
Part two? who knows. Certainly not I.
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yawnderu · 5 months
hello!! big fan of bimbo!reader and simon, i love them so much. i imagine them having a gym they go to together and while simon is doing his workout, getting hella into it, he looks over and bimbo!reader is always just kind of playing on her phone while sitting at a machine legs swinging. or we just follow ghost around so we can stare at his big sweaty muscles for the whole hour. bimbo!reader def makes going to the gym an experience, has to wear a cute lil outfit with her matching water bottle, etc. i’m at the gym writing this 🥲🥲
HII lovely!! thank you so so much<333 answering this along with your other ask!! omg with my last ask, i feel like simon enjoys watching bimbo reader get hot on at the gym. when she turns down goes, she points over to her big buff bf 🥰🥰
The princess treatment applies everywhere. Simon racks and unracks the weights for you, sometimes even adding his own to complete sets after you.
It never fails to amuse him how you can casually do his PR on leg extensions, perfectly manicured nails holding your phone, the strawberry charm he bought you dangling from it.
He doesn't fail to notice how you keep staring at him when you think he's too focused on his workout, muscles bulging out from his tight, black compression shirt every time he lifts the heavy weights. He sometimes gives you a side eye, a small smirk pulling on the corners of his lips at the fact that you're staring so hard.
He's not bothered by it, it's actually quite the opposite— he feels proud of working so hard, keeping his body strong to protect you, and he knows you'll be praising his muscles once you're both back home. He's already aching to feel your long acrylics run down his skin gently, squeezing at the muscle.
Pretty little thing like you, wearing a lovely pink outfit matching with your water bottle. He can't stop himself from staring as you warm up, looking at the way your shorts hug your curves, sports bra exposing most of your back now that the pump cover has been discarded. He watches with amusement as a guy comes up to you, trying to strike conversation.
“Hey, beautiful.” Your face scrunches up before turning around, trying your best to give him a small smile and not look disgusted at the idea of anyone other than your Simon flirting with you.
“Taken.” You point towards Simon, your face lighting up as he makes eye contact with you before turning to stare at the guy, raising an eyebrow. He doesn't even have to make himself more brooding— his size itself is enough for the other guy to simply turn away without saying a word, going to another corner of the gym to finish his workout.
Simon's brown eyes are fully focused on you as you walk to him, standing on your tip toes to give his cheek a soft kiss.
“I'll spot for you, Si.” He doesn't need a spot, yet having you watching him has always made him reach a new PR each time. Anything to impress his angel.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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lynnielovestlou · 13 days
dildo warming with abby <3
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synopsis: abby leaves your favorite dildo in all day, just to come home and fuck you later.
cw: dom! abby , afab! reader , toy usage (duh) , pet names , abby refers to readers pussy as 'she' , cursing , extremely nsfw
inspired by this!!!
daily click
you were woken up in the most pleasant way possible. you, being a light sleeper, felt abby tugging down your panties in the morning. she usually woke up early to get ready for work, and she normally didn't have time to fuck you properly when she had to get ready for her job.
"abby, what are you–"
"shh... go back to sleep, baby." she says, leaving you naked from the waist down. it's dark in your shared bedroom, but you can see her squeeze a bottle of lube over your favorite dildo, coating it nicely. she bends down over your core and runs the tip through your folds.
you whine in response, "abby, wha-" youre cut off when you feel the silicon cock slide into your cunt, your body twitching, "jesus– abs!"
"shh... baby, it's alright. don't take it out." she croons as she helps you pull up your clothes again, the dildo still enveloped by your warm cunt, "i promise i'll fuck you properly when i get home, m'kay?"
you still stare at her, confused but into it nonetheless. she kisses you sweetly before walking out the door to go to work.
by the time abby did get home from work, your cunt was a beyond a mess. you were gaping and wet just for her, and so goddamn sensitive from the hours you spent resisting the urge to bounce on it or ride it. but you knew that abby would be able to tell, so you were a good girl and left it alone.
you were on top of her as soon as she walked through the door, nearly knocking her over from the sheer desperation you had. the extreme need for her to fuck you.
"whoa there, baby." she laughs when she catches you in her big, bulky arms, "so desperate already, hm? were you a good girl?"
you nod rapidly, the response so quick it was borderline pathetic, "y-yes, abby. need you fuck me. please."
she smiles, grabbing the waistband of your shorts and putting her hand down the front. she feels the absolute mess she left you in your panties and she groans at the feeling, "shit, baby. wont even need to use my fingers first, hm? she's already ready for me."
'she' as in your cunt.
it made your stomach do flips the way she was talking about you.
"c'mon then, baby." she says, picking you up swiftly and carrying you to your shared bedroom, all the while pressing kisses to your neck and face.
the way she tosses you on the bed is almost barbaric, even more so when she strips you naked. she looks down between your legs, which you already had ever so graciously opened wide for her. she whistles lowly, smirking up at you, "should've done this a looong time ago, huh?"
"abby, stop teasing. i've been waiting all day for you to–" you're cut off abruptly when she takes the dildo out of your cunt. you let out a loud whine at the empty feeling.
she laughs, "i can see her twitching." she chokes out before cupping you. the simple touch makes you moan, and you try to rock your hips to get the friction you want, but she grabs your hips to stop you, "nuh-uh. let me get the strap first, then i'll make you feel good."
she swiftly walks over to the closet, and it's not long before she has the harness attached to her hips, the already shiny dildo from earlier attached to it.
she climbs on the bed again, the springs creaking under her weight. she lines up the toy with your entrance, but hesitates, "are you ready?"
you nod helplessly. if you waited another minute you swore your head would explode.
she bottoms out in one go, slipping into you faster than she wanted. but she laughs all the same, "jesus, baby, you really did need this, huh?"
you nod, tears threatening to spill out of the corners of your eyes, "need more, abs. please."
she starts to move her hips, grinding and humping against your hips. she kisses your cheek sweetly over and over again, her hips snapping and slamming on you. the only sounds that filled the room were the combination of your wet juices and skin slapping on skin.
she pants recklessly, bringing her hand down to rub on your clit in hopes of relieving some of the pressure. it helps, and it doesn't. because it soothes the intense ache in your core, but it also makes you nearly scream at the top of your lungs.
you're coming within seconds, squirting a hot mess all over the surface of the bed, and abby. she chuckles, peppering soft little pecks all over your neck and face, "i love you." she croons softly.
"love you too." you mumble before dozing off completely.
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jojissalsa · 7 months
dunno who agrees, but leon would love cuddle fucking. (mdni, please)
was thinking abt this all night cause i always have a hard time sleeping without thinking of him. totally normal btw.
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re2!leon would be so tired after every shift, being a rookie is tough work. even if it's just stupid ass reports he has to file or sitting in a police car for hours just watching people, he's just glad he can come back home to you. you're usually asleep by the time he gets back home from work, and it's like you knew what he would wanna do after he gets ready for bed. your arm stretched out, a nice, big space in front of you to slip into. and he does, and he just melts when you bring him closer, your hand rubbing lovingly at his waist. you whisper sweet nothings about how hard he works, how he should be easier on himself. it's all true, you just can't help but remind him that he deserves some time to himself as well. something to clear his mind and ease his stress before he goes insane from mundane paperwork. so he doesn't mind when your hand starts to wander slightly down, nails grazing under his sweats as his breathing starts to pick up. he buries his nose in the crook of your neck as he whines when your hand slips down his boxers, pulling his hard cock out and positioning him inside your soaked panties. he loves doing this, loves feeling how wet you are as he holds you oh so tight, the sound of skin slapping ever so softly as he fucks your thighs. your hands tangle themselves in his hair, moaning and murmuring about how good he is, how sweet of a boy he is, and you can feel him getting close. his cock kicks and presses perfectly against your clit, and it doesn't take long for him to cum inside your panties. "thank you baby, fuck, so good to me. you know how much i love you, right? love you more than anything.." he gets so sentimental, so frazzled after his high because he just needs you to know. that he loves you so, so much.
he would get a lot more confident the older he gets, i mean we all know how much of a cocky bastard he is. it's in his nature to be a smug piece of shit, not that you mind obviously. you're obsessed with him regardless. so when he finds you sleeping on the couch after waiting all night for him, he can't help but tease you about it when he carries you to the bedroom. you tug at his shirt when he sets you down, and he reassures you that he just needs to get ready for bed. the relief you feel when he finally slips into bed is unmatched, his hand finding it's usual place under your shirt and on your tit, making you whine softly. you grind your ass against his lap to try and hint at him that you want more, but he stops you. "sorry baby, not tonight. i'll make it up to you in the morning, doll." it satisfies you for now, cause you know he always keeps his word. so when you wake up the next morning with his thumb and index finger tugging at your nipple, hard cock pressing against your ass, you just smile and let him do all the work. "good morning sunshine, told you i'd make it up to you." you clench around nothing as he groans in your ear, his heavy breathes making it hard to think. you feel him pull your panties down, lifting your leg up slightly to slide his dick against your slit, slick coating his length almost instantly. his tip nudges against your clit, you gasp when he pushes inside you, stretching you out in the best way possible, tip kissing your cervix. he coos at you, every deep, long stroke coaxing out moans that get louder and louder. "i know, so fucking deep, huh? shhhh, just take it, honey." so you do, letting every bit of him completely take over your mind, your eyes rolling into the back of your head every time he bottoms out inside you. "there you go, atta girl." you always squeal and moan when he says that, and it only makes him more smug. "aww, does my princess like when i talk to her like that? so dirty, love it when you're like this. my sweet girl, loves every little thing i say or do." he takes your jaw in his free hand, making you look him in the eye, or try to as he starts to speed up. "isn't that right, baby? that pretty little head just thinks of me and me only?" yep, still just as smug. you have to nod and say yes just to get him to finally speed up, pounding into you with an unrelenting force. "gonna empty my balls in your pretty fuckin' pussy. c'mon baby, milk my cock, cum for me." the knot in your stomach snaps the second he commands you, body quivering with a force as your orgasm washes over you. his cock kicks inside you as he bottoms out as deep as he possibly can, his cum painting your walls white before slowly pulling out. he peppers kisses along your neck, letting you relax and fall limp in his arms as he comforts you, the both of you basking in the love you share. how sweet.
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
This is something that's been rolling around in my head for a while, and I'm wondering if you or any of your followers have experience with getting back into writing after illness.
I've been chronically ill for a long time. My symptoms vary a lot depending on external circumstances. From about 2019-2021 or so, I was updating an AU about once a month and having an absolute blast with it...then my health hit a stumbling block. Then it hit another, and another.
I'm now at a point where the stumbling blocks don't seem to be going away anytime soon. I'm starting to feel the mental health effects of not having the spoons to work writing into my day.
I spent the past couple years trying to let myself lie fallow and be kind with my brain when my body needs so much help. I'm at a point where even when I WANT to write, it feels like it's been so long I've almost forgotten how. I'm stalled on all my WIPs from that AU, but it doesn't feel like writer's block so much as it feels like writer's atrophy. I miss it terribly, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting back on my feet.
Thank you for everything you've given our community over the years! 💜💜
*hugs* that's a rough spot to be in, and I hope that we can offer you some ways to get out of it. I'll offer some suggestions from my own experience with a change in health status, but I'm really hopeful that the rest of the blog have some tips to share as well.
Don't hold yourself up to your previous standards. Your abilities have changed, and you should take that into account. If you used to be able to write for 2 hours and now you can only manage 10 minutes, don't see that as a failure. 10 minutes is now your success point. If you used to be able to manage 100K stories with intricate plots and now you find it a challenge to write a straightforward oneshot? Then finishing that oneshot is an accomplishment to be proud of.
If the way you used to do things doesn't work, don't keep trying to do them that way. If you used to type onto a laptop but now staring at the screen makes you feel exhausted? Try dictating into your phone and using speech to text to transcribe it. Then you can go through and edit what's already there. If you used to write at a desk but now sitting up for long periods wears you out? Try tapping it out on your phone in bed. You can't focus for long periods the way that you used to? Turn on the TV and write during commercial breaks.
Don't try to pick up right where you left off. You need to get yourself back in writing shape before you can take on a story that's already halfway written. Those WIPs will still be there, even if you start off with a ficlet or a missing moment or a post-episode coda etc. Start off small. Use ideas or plots that are easier for you to write. Get back into the swing of it before you try to tackle a big project again.
As you try to write something and you find yourself unable to, take a moment and try to identify what the hard part is. Are you having trouble finding words? Are you in an uncomfortable position? Is the device you're using annoying you or difficult to work with? For each problem you can identify, see if you can find an accommodation for it - and look to see if other people have had to accommodate the same issue before you. It's very likely that they have.
I'll stop here and let the spoonies share their thoughts in the notes. I look forward to picking up some advice for myself too ❤️
You can find this question and answer over on Dreamwidth as well, if you'd like to join the conversation over there.
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luveline · 7 months
omg i loved the loopy wisdom teeth one w peter 😭😭 can i get that with hotch, and reader, who's usually more reserved starts flirting with him and stuff while she's loopy
ty!! and ty for ur request ♡ fem, 1.2k
"Most people have their wisdom teeth out in their teens," Aaron had said before you went in, a Spencer Reid tidbit if there ever were one. 
"I'm a special case," you'd said, accepting his kiss on the cheek but denying his half hug. "See you in a bit." 
People often lament that Aaron's ended up with a  woman so much like himself. You must make each other miserable, one ill-advised chancellor had said, to your amusement. 
We're desperately unhappy, you'd said back. 
The opposite is true. You and Aaron, or Aaron alone, at the very least, is as happy as he's ever been. Work is hard but manageable, Jack is well-tempered, growing smarter and kinder each day, and you're his sweetheart. You're reserved, a little solemn, but you understand him better than anyone ever has. It's a relief like no other to be known so well. 
And so he has zero qualms looking after you for the rest of your lives. He waits patiently for you to come out of surgery, arms behind his head in the empty waiting room. He's worried about you. This isn't a painless procedure. 
Footsteps echo down the hallway, but you announce yourself anyways in the doorway. "Handsome!" you say, a lisp to your happy sing-song, "I'm back." 
Aaron doesn't know what to say. He giggles like a kid at your sudden demeanour and sits up properly. "Honey." 
You wobble with the nurse at your back, prompting him onto his feet to take over. "You should remove the gauze in about half an hour when the bleeding has completely stopped. Clean daily with saline, there are instructions in the bag," the nurse says, offering Aaron a white prescription bag. "Okay?" 
"That's perfect. Thank you so much," he says, taking your hand. 
"You're perfect," you say, looking up at Aaron with stars in your eyes. 
The nurse laughs softly as she leaves. Aaron doesn't bother hiding his amusement, grinning at you as he puts his hand between your shoulders to guide you to the front of the building. 
It's busier here. Reception is hectic. Aaron puts his arm more firmly around you to stop people from bumping into you and you again look at him with your starry eyed gaze. "You're very tall," you say. 
"I am," he says. "Though you joke occasionally that I'm shrinking." 
"The only thing getting smaller is your waist," you say, poking at his abdomen, "my champion." 
You're referring to his recent third triathlon success. He's no record setter, but it keeps him active and happy in the summer months, and he can't pretend you don't appreciate the additional definition of his muscle during this time. You like him every month of the year, of course, but with his trim waist comes a certain amount of energy you also appreciate. 
"Completely inappropriate behaviour," he says lightly, waving a short goodbye to the receptionists as he holds open the door for you to pass by. "Next you'll be enacting PDA." 
"You'd like that, huh?" 
Hard to take any notice of you with gauze fluffing your words, and again, he laughs at you. "I'd love that." 
"Well, wait, I'll do it right here–" 
Aaron catches your hands mildly. "In the car first. Kiss after." Your downtrodden expression requires urgent care. "What, that's not okay? You're upset?" 
"No," you lie obviously, glaring down at your feet as you wobble forward. 
"Maybe we can wait until later, then." 
"What?" You gawp. "You just said in the car." 
"I'm teasing you," he says, taking your elbow. "We've been known to do that with one another on occasion. You know I'd happily kiss you anywhere you wanted to be kissed, honey, now watch your step on this curb. Watch your step. Good job." 
You're extremely pleased by his praise, leaning into his arm with your head tipped back. "You're so handsome. Can you kiss me now?" You soften your eyes. 
Alright, you have a little bit of bloody dribble on your bottom lip, and yes, there's this dazed look about you like you've had a mean shock, but you never look at him like this day to day. Perhaps in your more intimate moments, your arms around him when the lights are low, or early, early in the morning when you haven't yet remembered your more timid temperament. But it's so rare. It catches him off guard, how pretty and wanting you look. 
Aaron leans down for a careful kiss, the barest of pressure. 
"And a good kisser," you murmur, turning into his chest for a hug. "I love you, I want you to carry me to the car." 
"Sweetheart, I don't think I can," he says. He's mostly kidding in the depth of his apology, but there are real threads of remorse in his voice, hot as a flame. "Come on. We'll go home, okay?" 
"But you always do everything for me. Everything I ask for." You talk into his chest, likely leaving pink spit on the grey of his quarter zip. He couldn't care less, his arm around you, looking down with equal measures of fondness and surprise. "I had to stop saying I liked things because you kept buying me stuff. I love stuff." 
"Then why did you stop?" he asks quietly. 
"'Cos I know I don't deserve it. Don't deserve you, Aaron, you're the best man I've ever met. Can't believe it."
He savours your mumbling, and begins to walk forward slowly, encouraging you out of his chest as he formulates an answer for your confession with the same gravity. "You can't believe it?" 
"You're a tall glass of water." 
He actually sighs aloud. My girl, he thinks, rubbing your lax shoulder. "Alright. What if I thought the same of you? What then?" 
You giggle infectiously, a stickying sound like you know he's trying to trip you up. "Nice," you say. "We should always be like this." 
When he brings it up later, the extreme effects of your anaesthesia dissipated and your pain revamped, you can't think of anything worse. "I'm mortified," you whisper, your ice pack chilling the top of his arm where you've wedged it, your hand tucked between his thighs in an attempt to stay warm. 
"I quite liked it." 
"You would. You used to flirt with me so aggressively–" 
"Aggressively," he repeats, grinning. 
"–you're lucky I survived it." You sniffle, rubbing your nose into his sleeve. "Was I as intimidating as you are?" 
He presses his lips to the top of your head, not kissing, just there. "No," he says into your skin, "you weren't intimidating at all. Just lovely. It made my day." 
"I'll have to have my teeth taken out more often." 
He snorts. "If you'd rather have more teeth pulled than flirt with me unaided, things are worse than I thought." 
"Don't be like that..." Much quieter, "Will you rub my back again, please?"
Just like that, he's reminded of how much he likes your regular reserved attitude. "Sure, honey. Lean forward."
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angelltheninth · 10 days
Could I request Neuvillette getting a lip-biting, toe-curling blowjob from his s/o in his office?
Toe curling, tail curling all of it will happen.
Pairing: Neuvillette x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, blowjobs, office sex, under the desk, growling and whimpering, Neuvillette has a tail
Word count: 1k
A/N: First full fic on this blog!
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You strode into the Judge's office like you owned the place, with your head held high and a mischievous gleam in your eyes. A gleam that Neuvillette saw right away. "My love, I have work to do." He spoke up immediately. If he didn't he would give you an inch and you would take a mile.
"And I'm here to tell you that don't. You're done for the today, everyone's already gone home and you're still here, writing... whatever." You weren't gonna let him spend another night cooped up alone in his office. If you have to drag him out of here you will do so. "I know you're ancient and powerful and not a human but this isn't healthy Neuvillette."
Neuvillette glanced up at you and sighed heavily. You could tell he's been sitting for too long, his posture was tense, stiff. In the back of your mind you wondered what it was like for him when he didn't have anyone to drag him away from his job. Did he ever take a break?
"I'll be done in a few hours. I'm sorry but if I stop now it will be hard to get back into my work flow." Neuvillette explained.
"Aren't I here to help you with that? Come on, we take the rest of the day off and then come back rested and relaxed. What better way to handle stressful work?" You rounded the desk and tilted his chin towards you with the tips of your fingers. He was cool to the touch, "You know I'm right, your Honor."
He groaned at your attempt to entice him. Strong as he was he was weak against you. Very weak. "A few more papers then."
You straightened out with a huff. If you couldn't make him relax out side of the office then you'll do so in his office. A simple massage won't do, not when he's been working all day. Working... and pent up. Without saying a work you pushed your way past his legs and beneath his desk.
"Did you drop somethi-ah- hah!" Neuvillette breath stopped in his lungs as you pressed your lips against his clothed crotch, sucking and kissing until you felt his cock stirring. "Darling... is it... smart to do this here?" He was careful but not protesting or pushing you away. Neuvillette had a very tight lid on his lust, it took a little bit of work to get him comfortable enough to show it.
"Why not in here? You fucked me over this very desk just last week. There are claw marks still on it. Besides," You poked your head out from between his legs while you undid his pants, "what better way for you to unwind and get back to work uninterrupted then your pretty mate sucking all the stress out of you?"
Claws. Mate. Sucking. Those words made the normally calm man growl in approval and anticipation. "Harlot."
"Old man." You grinned at him as you pulled his cock out, feeling the slightly ribbed texture pulsing in your hand, hard and strong. Even this part of him felt slightly colder then a regular human cock. "Don't let me stop you from working."
How was he supposed to work or even look at the papers on his desk when the most beautiful sight was under it. Your lips wrapped tight around his tip, your cheeks hollowed out and your eyes swimming full of lust. Gradually you took in more, more until your nose touched the blue and silver pubes just above his cock. His gloved hand pressed against your cheek, confirming that he was not planning on working while you sucked his cock.
"Go on then. You wanted me didn't you? Now you have me." You did have him. And you had his cock pushing against the back of your throat. You licked the ridges on the underside, letting your tongue drag up slowly as you pulled your head up. Fuck, even his cum tasted cool against your tongue.
You let go of his cock with a wet pop and swiped your tongue against his tip. His groan was immediately followed by a sound of crinkling paper. He cursed under his breath when you bend your head all the way down again. As you swallowed around him length you felt something sneaking around your ankle and then your hips. His tail was strong but soft against your body, secure and safe, almost protective. But also keeping you from moving away from his cock.
This was his silent way of making sure you finish what you started.
You never planned on leaving him hard. That would defeat the propose. You bobbed your head up and down faster and faster, making sue the tip of his cock went in as deep as it could go. You didn't stop as he moaned, you didn't stop as the end of his tail caressed your hip.
"Sweetheart, I'm gonna come." He warned expecting you to pull away not go all the way down again and stay there. Neuvillette moaned your name, his gloves ruined when his claws popped out and his cock shot hot jets of cum into your talented mouth.
You welcomed the onslaught, swallowing with gusto. Your eyes teared up slightly but you refused to pull away to take a breath until he stopped coming.
"Feeling relaxed now, your Honor?" You asked with cum covered lips and a grin.
"I don't know what I feel." His brain was still struggling to catch up with his body. You helped him tuck himself back into his pants and got up from under the desk. Looking down at it you saw new claw marks on it. This was gonna be very fun to explain. "Please go clean yourself up. I can't focus with you looking like that."
With his cum dripping down your chin that is.
When you came back he was already working again. However instead of a distraction you pulled up a chair to the opposite side of the desk and started looking through papers that you could handle. Under the desk you felt Neuvillette's tail wrap around your ankle once more, as a thanks for helping him finish early.
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moumouton4 · 9 months
I've Never Done This Before || Shoto Todoroki x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 4 of the Smutember 2023
The list of promps is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : exhibitionism but no one is there, cockwarming, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 787
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You were peacefully cuddling with your boyfriend on one of the couches in the dorms. The day has been really long and you both missed each other a lot. So when you proposed him if he wanted to cuddle, he blushed furiously before looking away while nodding “Y-yeah if you want”
Fortunately only the both of you were the only ones in the public areas of the UA dormitory. The others decided to shower or rest because of the late hour it was. One of his arms was gently draped over you as you laid there in his warm embrace. His breathing was calm, you could feel his breath against the shell of your ear. Your bodies were close enough to touch, providing you with enough warmth and coolness to help alleviate the poor weather outside.
Did I say calm ? Well I meant calm until you felt him stiffen suddenly behind you. His arm subtly tightened its grip making you speak up “Are you okay Shoto ?”
You heard him shock behind you “koff koff D-don’t worry. It’s nothing” his voice wanted to sound firm but he sounded more unsure that he would have wanted.
At first you didn’t say anything, but then you started to feel a burning sensation in your back. You turned around, despite his strong grip. When you’re eyes locked with his you couldn’t help but chuckle at his expression of bewilderment. You patted the right side of his mismatched hair when you saw some sparkles “Easy there or you’re going to take fire” But he tensed even more making you worry “You sure you’re fine ?” you asked, this time bringing your body closer to his.
“Yes but d-don’t” but his attempt at preventing you from getting closer fell in deaf ears. Because you did feel something “A-are you h-”
“P-please don’t say it” he said, his face now as red as his hair.
“Hard” you giggled.
“Y/nnnn” he whined as his embarrassment increased. He didn’t even have time to do anything more that you hooked your fingers in the loop of his belt. Your hips aligned with his, allowing you to feel his hardness press even further against you. You didn’t know what had happened to get him into this state of arousal. After all you guys had been intimate for a long time and you don't recall any moment he just suddenly got hard out of the blue like this. Maybe it was the hectic day you had that took effect on his body or maybe the intimate closeness between you too in this public place that messed with his habits.
“Hey hey what are you doing ?”
“Shhh I’m just trying to help you” you mused.
“W-where ? Here ?” his expression betrayed a mix of fear and excitement when you nodded at him “But we’ve… I’ve never done this before… what if-” he sure wasn't the one for public display of affection. But this was a notch above. Still he couldn’t bring himself from asking you to stop trying to free his swollen member.
“Don’t worry no one will even know we did this” you said as you finally managed to bring the pinkish tip of his length at your entrance “Besides I’m just helping my boyfriend out. That seems fine, rigtht ?” you smiled mischievously “We shouldn’t mention that we’re doing this here though”
And with that you gently eased yourself on his pretty cock. He brought his face to your neck as he softly moaned your name. You felt so good and with the current atmosphere everything felt even more overwhelming. He started breathing heavily as his arms tightened around your shoulders “You’re so tight” he breathlessly whispered.
“It’s okay, I'll relax in a few minutes. We don’t have to move just yet” you kissed his forehead and nestled your face against his chest, feeling his strong heartbeats.
“I’d like that” he murmured in the silence of the living areas.
In the end, at the moment, with you both tired from your day, moving seemed a crazy idea when staying still like this, with his cock nestled deep inside you felt like a taste of heaven. Shoto, even if worried that anyone will walk on you, started to feel at ease. His breathing slowed as he relaxed beside you. He left a lingering kiss on your forehead almost forgetting where he was “It feels… nice” he finally admitted. In fact it didn’t matter what he had never done before, either this kind of display of love in public or this new thing he is about to learn is called cockwarming. A little word he is going to think and fantasies a lot about from now on.
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hannieehaee · 4 days
overstimulating sub!dokeyom pls its been on my mind all day 😵‍💫
18+ / mdi
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content: sub!seokmin, softdom!reader, afab reader, established relationship implied, smut, handjob, mentions of penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 806
a/n: thank u for requesting i love sub!dk</3
"that's- oh, fuck, that's so good, oh ..."
"yeah? want me to keep going?", you murmured against his ear, taking in the full-body shudder you felt seokmin go under.
"y-yes, please don't stop," he leaned further into you, larger body somehow melting into your own despite his larger size.
with your arms and legs wrapped around the boy, he leaned back into your chest, whimpering any time your hand would go a little extra hard on the hard cock it was currently holding.
it had been about an hour since the boy first sat against you as you toyed with his dick, hands occasionally going up to pull at his sensitive nipples all while your lips suckled at his neck and kissed at his ears. seokmin had become a mess only five minutes into your touches.
everything began with the pretty boy coming home entirely too exhausted from a long day at work (followed by the gym since he'd always been a gym rat at heart), falling straight into bed without much more than a quick hello and a kiss to you. not having any of it, you decided to help your boyfriend out by giving helping him with his skincare and offering a massage.
the idea of the massage had died off the moment you decided to help him out of his clothes, becoming entirely too enticed by how pretty he looked completely bare and far too pliant to your touch due to his exhaustion. getting him to sit up against you as you felt him up was far too easy. getting his cock hard had been even less of a difficulty, as the boy was simply too easy to rile up.
after a few suggestive touches, he began begging for you completely unprompted. not one to ever resist touching him, you played with him in the softest way you could, knowing that such soft touches would quickly drive him into delirium.
now he sat against you, soft breaths leaving his mouth accompanied by the occasional whimpers for more. he was more sensitive than usual, leading to a chorus of cries filling the room as you loved on him.
"want more ... fuck, n-not enough, please ...", he eventually came to whimper after a while of touches with no real gratification attached.
"more? what do you want, pretty? want my hand off your cock? hmm?"
"n-no! just- just ... more, oh- oh, fuck," he let his head fall back against your shoulder the moment your thumb began rubbing at his sensitive tip all while your other hand pinched roughly at his nipple.
"this? you want me to make you cum, minnie?", you murmured into his ear.
"y-your p-pussy. feels so good, b-but need your pussy, fuck, please," he pleaded, wiggling against you petulantly.
his body was clearly fighting against the pleasure from your fist around him and the sheer need to feel your cunt wrapped around him.
there was a mean part of your brain that decided to ignore his inner turmoil, however. making him cum pathetically into your fist as he begged for pussy just sounded too appealing for you to pass up. this thought made your hand speed up, meanly toying at him whilst your other hand grabbed at his balls to add to the stimulations.
the poor boy was unable to contain himself properly, moaning and groaning as his orgasm began to approach.
"b-baby, n-no, fuck. d-don't stop, oh, fuck, please ..."
"no? but i thought you wanted my cunt?," you taunted him, hands not stopping its movements.
mindlessly, he began shaking his head with a pout on his lips, "want it, i swear! want your pretty cunt, b-baby, just- just, please ... need to cum s-so bad," seokmin whimpered breathlessly.
"then cum for me, baby. cum and i'll give you whatever you want, pretty," you kissed at his neck as you reassured him, giving him the greenlight to finally let go.
"t-thank you. thank you, fuck. thank y-oh! fuck ..."
throughout his orgasm, you continued playing with his cock, drinking in the broken gasps he kept hiccuping out. you touched and felt him up up until he began begging you to stop. that mean part of your brain insisted on you to keep going until he cried for you, but you knew how exhausted he was, so you saved that thought for later.
once his orgasm finally subsided, he fell against you, murmuring nonsensical words gratitude and breathing out the in relaxation.
you gave him no time to settle into you before making your way out of the bed, gesturing at him to get up by tugging at his hand.
"c'mon, baby. let me draw you a bath so you can relax a little more."
"will i- can you-"
"yes, baby. i'll keep my promise. you can have my cunt if you're good," you chuckled at his stammering.
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daenysx · 4 months
ok so!!!! i saw this prompt “is there some space left in that bathtub?” and i was thinking fluff with best boy james potter...
reader comes home tired from work or just the day and takes a bath by themselves. jamie then comes home and decides to join reader
thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy this little drabble! requests are open. ♡
james potter x fem!reader
the water is too warm for your usual liking.
it still brings an odd sort of comfort though, your muscles start relaxing. you try to settle down deeper in the tub, until the water covers everywhere except your head. you move your hands a little to have more vanilla scented bubbles, a slow breath leaves your lips as you turn your neck and stretch.
you close your eyes, begging your mind to let go of every thought that keeps you awake. the work has been incredibly exhausting today, you remember how you counted down the hours just to come home. you texted james when you came home, letting him know you'll take a bath. he should be here soon, you think.
you lean your head to the side of the tub. sleep comes slowly, your eyes get heavier each second. you take a breath. slow tears start dropping on your cheeks out of relief after exhausted hours. you don't mind crying a little, you know you'll be fine eventually.
james steps into the small apartment, the air is filled with vanilla. he gets rid of his shoes and his bag, takes off his jacket before he moves for the bathroom. he has his usual smile on his face, the day wasn't easy but he keeps his smile for you and for himself.
you look like an angel covered in bubbles. james feels his mouth go dry, he leans to the wall and waits until you open your eyes.
"hey." he says, with a gentle voice.
you blink your eyes open slowly. a soft smile settles on your lips. "hi, jamie."
james takes a few steps, he kneels next to the tub to reach your face. he gives you a kiss on your forehead. "hey, baby." another kiss on the side of your head, because he can't stop himself. "are you okay?"
you nod. "just tired, and water makes me sleepy."
"yeah?" he asks, his finger wipes the drops on your cheek. "do you think there is some more space in the tub for me?"
"you wanna get in?" you ask, a wave of happiness washes over.
james nods. you reach him with a wet hand to kiss his cheek. it doesn't take long for him to join you, you watch him taking his clothes and his glasses off with a stupid smile on your face.
he takes you to his lap, his arms are wrapped around your waist under the water. he kisses your hairline, one hand comes out to stroke your hair back. you relax into his body, tilt your head back to his shoulder and his lips touch your head.
"can you turn around for me?" he asks with a sweet voice.
you are too comfortable to move. "why?" you whine a little.
"i'll rub your back and your shoulders." james says. "or you can just sit up a little if that's better."
you turn your face with a great effort just to kiss him on his lovely face. he's charming as always, so kind and thoughtful. his day was probably as tiring as yours but he puts you first. you try to move in tub, sitting a little straight to give him access to your backside.
james kisses the back of your neck fondly. his hands wander on your back, the soapy bubbles help him slide his fingers. he presses his fingers softly on the spots where your shoulders meet your neck, he rubs the back of your neck until you relax entirely.
he keeps applying pressure on your shoulder blades. occasional kisses and slow movements makes you melt in his arms, at some point you have to lean back against him. he understands, his arms go back to their permanent places on your waist.
"thank you, jamie." you murmur, almost dozing off.
"anytime, angel." he whispers. "maybe we should go to bed."
you shake your head, the water is still warm enough to stay. "a little more please."
james smiles, rubs the tip of his nose on your skin. "until the water gets cold then."
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roxygen22 · 4 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" Series
Willy was absolutely smitten by his "little cocoa bean," Benjamin. You called him Ben for short, but Willy affectionately called him Bean. He stayed home from the factory for a bit to help you recover and bond with the baby. He made the most of his limited time off doting on you both. Unless Ben was feeding, he was in Willy's arms. He was truly a devoted, loving father and husband.
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Willy went back to work when Ben was about three weeks old. It was an adjustment to be alone with the baby all day, but it made Willy's returns in the evening all the more sweeter. After about six months, he came home with an idea.
"Now that he is a little older and more sturdy, why don't I take Bean with me to work one or two days a week so that you can have some time to yourself?" Willy not-so-secretly struggled going back to work, often lamenting how much he missed you both, but he knew he had to provide for his family.
"Oh my. I love the concept, but how are you going to handle business or have your hands free to make chocolate?" you asked as it took both of your hands to keep Ben from launching himself out of your lap to get to his papa.
"Easy!" Willy exclaimed as he scooped up the baby. "I saw Lottie today, and she had little Georgie tied to her chest with a wrap. Then it clicked - I could do that, too! Besides, babies are good for business! He's so cute, he'll draw a crowd," he mused as he squished his nose against Ben's chubby cheek, then turned to you with a pouty lip.
"I guess we could give it a try. Maybe start with a half day?" you said, excited about the potential but nervous about its execution. You loved your husband, but you were not sure he fully understood what he was in for. You did, however, always admire his determination to get what he wanted in life, even if he resorted to playing on your sympathies with a pout.
"Great! I already went by the store to get fabric to make a sling." You shook your head fondly and went about your evening routine.
Thanks to his mamma's teachings, Willy was handy with a needle and thread. A couple of nights later, his contraption was ready for testing at home. Ben was quite cozy snuggled up on his father's chest, gently babbling while Willy washed the dishes after dinner. Everything was going swimmingly. "Tomorrow would be a good day to try this out for real," he said. "I don't have any business meetings, so I'll just be splitting my time between the stores and the factory."
"Ok," you said tentatively. "I'll get his bag ready and write down his daytime schedule." The next morning, you loaded Willy down with everything he would need - extra clothes for both father and son, burp cloths, bottles, diapering supplies, etc. "So he'll need to eat again in a couple of hours. That will probably be when he needs another diaper change. And he'll need to go down for a na..."
Willy put a hand on your arm to interrupt you, rubbing up and down to calm your nerves. "I've got this. Okay? I want you to focus on enjoying your alone time." Admittedly, you were looking forward to a chance to curl up with a good book without intertuption for a few hours.
"Alright, Bean, ready for some adventure?" The baby cooed and raspberried spit all over Willy's hand. "I'll take that as a yes. Allons-y! Wave bye to mamma!"
"Bye bye, my boys. Have a good day!" You stood at the front door and waved them off.
Willy stopped first at his flagship store in the Galeries Gourmet to ensure things were in order. Mrs. Pennington, a regular customer always in the company of her granddaughter, spotted the chocolatier. "Well, hello there, Mrs. Pennington, Miss Hannah," he greeted and tipped his hat at the ladies. "Are you finding everything okay?"
"Indeed, Mr. Wonka. Thank you," the grandmother smiled. "And who is this handsome little one?" Ben babbled and cooed.
"This is my son, Bean. I mean, Benjamin," Willy replied with a proud smile.
"Oh, how lovely. Learning the family business early, eh?"
"As my mamma said, 'It's not the chocolate that matters. It's the people you share it with.'"
"I remember when my children were that little. Soak it up, Mr. Wonka. It doesn't last long." She patted the baby on the cheek and then continued her shopping. Willy turned around to wipe away a tear and kiss his son on the head.
Ben seemed to enjoy interacting with customers, smiling at their baby talk and staring around the store with wide eyes. But after a couple of hours, he started to fuss. The cashier was on break, so Willy was working the register, bouncing the baby in an attempt to silence his whimpers until he could break away to make a bottle. "Would you like your change spendable or edible?" He practically had to shout at the customers to be heard over Ben's fussing. Luckily the cashier came back before fussing became screaming.
"Okay, Bean, give me just a second and we'll silence those tummy grumbles," he said as he made his way to the stockroom. He deftly prepped a bottle and freed the baby from the sling. Very soon, Ben was reclining in Willy's arms and greedily sucking down a bottle. "See, I told your mamma I've got this."
Once Ben was fed and changed, Willy packed up the diaper bag and set out for the factory. Lulled by his father's swaying, Ben stayed asleep for a good while even after being transferred into the bassinet Willy had set up in his office. Inventing and chocolate making weren't exactly quiet endeavors, so Willy caught up on a bit of bookkeeping instead.
Ben eventually started stirring, alerting Willy with his soft coos. "Hi, sleepy head. Are you ready to go make some chocolate?" Willy set him back in the sling and made his way to the Idea Lab. Feeling refreshed from his nap, the little one was very alert, so Willy thought it would be fun to make this an interactive experience.
"Alright, Bean, I need to come up with something new, and you're going to help me," Willy announced while holding up two jars. "Which jar should I start with?" Of course, Ben's attention was grabbed by the brighest color of the two. "Ooh, essence of rainbow. Good call. What next?" he asked, continuing to hold up two jars at a time for the baby to choose from until he gathered enough.
Willy added the ingredients to his travel factory, which he still used for small batch experiments. Ben stared in wonder as the brightly colored liquids flowing down the spiral tube and giggled at the production noises. Willy was busy pressing buttons and pulling levers when the first chocolates came out of the machine and didn't pay close enough attention to Ben's stray hands. Willy looked down to see the baby's tiny hand grabbing and mashing melted chocolate into the fabric of the sling, his hair, and both of their shirts.
"Well, now I understand why your mother sent spare clothes for both of us." He wiped chocolate off his son's cheek with a finger and licked it. "Tastes good, though! I need to write that concoction down."
You were sitting on the couch with your book when Willy came home at lunchtime. Both boys and even their spare clothes were covered in chocolate. You had to stifle a giggle as you tried to figure out how to best grab the sticky baby without getting covered yourself.
Willy gave you a tired look but also huffed a quiet laugh. "I may have overestimated my ability to keep things under control. I don't know how you get anything done, my sweet. I always knew you were amazing, but you must have superhuman powers."
"Perhaps," you winked as you stripped Ben out of his clothes and started rinsing him off in the sink. "Are you sure you still want to make this a regular occurrence?"
"I would do it again in a heartbeat. But not before I have a bath."
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mncxbe · 4 months
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑Pretty when you cry
𝑻𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖, 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐, 𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝒄𝒘: degradation, dirty talk and rough sex Jouno's part, overstim. hurt×comfort, hair pulling, difficulty breathing, reader crying, not proofread
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"Oh sweet girl you're doing so well– fuck 'm gonna cum soon". Praises spilled from your partner's lips as he grabbed a handful of your hair, guiding your mouth lower onto his cock. His leaking tip hit the back of your throat with each thrust of his hips, triggering your gag reflex. "No, no baby cmon you can take it. Hollow out your cheeks f'me"
Of course, you complied, sucking him in your mouth even further. You rolled your tongue around his tip, trying to speed up his release. It's been an especially stressful day for Tachihara and you wanted to provide some release but it took him longer than usual to cum. Your throat was bruised, jaw slack and you could barely breathe– almost choking on the sticky mixture of saliva, snoot and precum that flooded the back of your throat. The tight grip he had on your hair didn't help either: your scalp was burning where he fiercely pulled at your roots. You felt tears pooling at your lashing but you tried to push the discomfort back as much as you could. After all, he was close and you didn't want to ruin his orgasm.
"Oh fuck shit baby s' good ya gonna take it all in that pretty little mouth right?" You nodded weakly resting your palms on his knees for support right before he bucked his hips into your mouth, painting it white with his cum. "Fuck darling you're just getting better and better–" he sighed, hooking a finger under your chin to tilt your head up. The moment your gazes met Tachihara's heart shattered in a million pieces– your eyes were bloodshot, glistening with tears and you were basically shaking.
"Baby..." he whispered in a strained voice, pulling you off the floor and onto his lap. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to-" "No, no Michi i'm ok it was just a bit... intense" you confessed but you still wouldn't meet his gaze. With a defeated sigh, Tachihara wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your arm, soothing you. "Look, baby. I'm sorry if I went too far. Please tell me next time if it's too much. The last thing I want is to hurt you"
"But you were enjoying yourself. I didn't want to ruin it for you" you said under your breath, your voice strained. "You could never ruin it for me. Just talk to me next time, ok? Promise? I couldn't possibly enjoy myself knowing that my girl is in pain"
Sighing, you finally raised your gaze to face him "Ok. I promise Michi. 'm sorry". "No need to apologize, darling" he smiled back, placing a loving kiss on the crown of your head before teasingly running his fingers along the wristband of your pajama pants. "Now, how about I make it up to you, hm? I'll run us a bath after".
You felt dizzy, head spinning. Your loving boyfriend has been eating you out for what felt like hours– his tongue skilfully flicking your sensitive nub with each lap. His slender fingers slid in and out of you. Slowky, gently working you open. "Hiro baby" you cooed, your back arching when the tips of his fingers brushed against your sweet spot "Y'doing so well". Tecchou moaned into your cunt in response, his grip on your thighs tightening as he pulled you closer to his face. He was so messy with it– his lips and chin coated in your slick, eyes half lidded and jaw slack from how much he ate you out; his hips desperately rutted into the mattress trying to get some sort of relief. Still, your pleasure was above all and he wouldn't stop until you came on his tongue.
Still, two orgasms later he wouldn't stop. Your doting boyfriend was so drunk on your scent and taste to care for your cries and pleas. You tried to peel him away from your weeping cunt, shaky fingers lacing in his hair but he just wouldn't have it– he simply mumbled against your pussy, his nose brushing against your puffy clit "C'mon angel one more. One more f'me I know you can do it."
You wanted to let him please you, to allow him to make you cum again and again until your legs were shaking and all you could utter was his name but the ache between your legs begged for a break. So you choked out a sob, yanking Tecchou's head away from your cunt making him face you.
"I– Ineed a break love" you huffed out, bottom lip pushed forward into the most adorable pout the man has ever seen. Tecchou hummed, leaning his head on your soft thigh– droopy eyed gazing up at you. You were so pretty like this with your flushed cheeks and puffy eyes and heaving breath, your chest raising and falling with each shallow breath you took "Why? You were so close angel. Don't you wanna cum?" "I do baby. Just... need a little break" you smiled sweetly, stroking his hair gently. Your boyfriend returned the smile, his lips tracing soft kisses along your inner thigh, getting closer and closer to your core. "Really? Need a break sweets you sure?" You could clearly make out the sultry edge in his voice despite it being masked by sweet innocence. And fuck... you would've lied if this didn't take a toll on you.
Your walls clenched around nothing when you saw the way he eyed your slick cunt– he was basically drooling, glossy eyes pleading for just another taste of you. And just like that the burning sensation in your core was replaced by neediness. Wiping the dried up tears from your face you nestled yourself between the pillows, pulling his head back against your soaked cunt. And, as always, your boyfriend was more than happy to comply.
"Shiit–yea take this dick, slut. God ye'r so tight for me still throught you'd loosen up a little" purred the man behind you. His thrusts were harsh, painfully deep- the tip of his cock bruising your sweet spot with each movement. "Ye like that, huh? What a dirty little slut you are...". With that he squeezed your hips tighter; his nails digging into your flesh leaving purplish crescent marks.
Normally his punishing words would make you see stars and melt into him but right now they had the exact opposite effect. You didn't have the best day– work was messy and you were tired and he was just making it all worse.
He pushed your head further into the pillows, drilling himself into your cunt as his free hand groped your tit squeezing it harshly. That did it for you– the sob you were holding in spilled from your lips as you started weeping into the pillows. Jouno, too lost in the feeling of your mushy walls clamping down on him, didn't notice the actual pain you were in. "Dumb whore ya love this dick so much you gonna cry for it? I love it when you get so stupid f'me–"
"Sai please stop" you whispered weakly. "What?" he cooed, hot breath dripping on your neck, his pace unwavering "Ya said something? Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of your sloppy cunt milking me—"
"I told you to stop" you cried out louder this time and by the strained sound of your voice Jouno knew– oh he knew he screwed up. He quickly pulled out of you, flipping you onto your back so you could face him. "Darling are you alright did I go too far?" he said softly, reaching a hand to cup your cheek but you quickly brushed him off telling him it's alright. Fuck, what had he done? The last thing Jouno wished for was to make you suffer, to hurt you. "My love, I know it's not alright" He cupped your face with his hands, pressing gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks "I'm sorry. I should've paid more attention to you sweetheart. I love you I never meant to hurt you"
Frankly, seeing you cry like this broke his heart. He pulled you into a tight hug, his hands slowly working the tension out of your body, soothing your sore muscles. "I'm sorry, so so sorry pretty girl". His sweet words and affections managed to calm you down eventually and you smiled softly. "Pretty girl?" you mumbled sleepily making the man chuckle "Yea, my pretty girl..." That night as you both fell asleep entagled with one another Jouno promised himself he wouldn't make you cry ever again– for any reason.
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churipu · 1 month
Regular life AU!
Salaryman!Nanami x Sleepyhead!Reader
Reader loves to take naps and Nanami loves to over work so Reader always forces Nami to take naps with her when she’s tired because she knows he’s tired too.
She invades his office covered in her blanket and stands in front of Nanami until he picks her up and they go sleep ;-;
Sometimes he tries to plead with her to wait longer but she doesn’t budge at all 🤣
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────── 𝕴 . featuring. nanami kento x fem! reader
────── 𝕴 . warnings. non-sorcerer au! nanami being the man he is, i miss him :(
note. i'm in a lecture right now, and i'm bored out of my mind — but hii nonnie, i absolutely love this idea, i love sleeping and this request is just so cute :( i hope you like this!
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"hi, sweetheart." nanami whispers, his hand busy gripping on the pen as he craned his neck from side to side, from paper to paper, "why aren't you napping?"
you furrowed your brows, "i was napping, until i turned over to hug my boyfriend and he's gone."
nanami's eyes promptly averted to yours, the corner of his lips tugging up into a small, exhausted smile, "you know i'm a little busy, right? i really have to get this done the day after tomorrow — i promise i'll be back in bed to nap with you."
his voice was soft, almost inaudible. the exhaustion forming under his eyes was apparent.
"not even just for a few hours?" you questioned, standing in front of his desk — bundled inside a white colored blanket, "you need to rest too, kento. look at you."
"i know, darling. i just need to get this done real quick, okay?" he laid his pen down, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"just for a few hours, please?" you tell him, knowing he wouldn't be able to lay himself to rest unless you forced him to.
nanami is a hard worker. i think that should be fairly obvious — he over works a lot, even after office hours. which was a pet peeve to you that he's discarding his own health away for work. and no matter how hard you tried, he just won't stop.
"i know, love. in a minute. okay?"
his question received no answer. that made his eyes rise up to meet yours and they weren't happy. nanami chuckles, he leaned back onto his chair, "you. me. nap. now."
slowly, he stands up and stretches his arms upwards, "i'm sorry for being so absent lately, come here," the man opens his arms for you to fall into.
and so you did, jumping into his arms.
he pats your hair, tightening the blanket around you — before prompting to carry you up, sauntering back to the bedroom, "feel better?"
nodding, you placed your face in between his neck and shoulder, "much better, and you stink."
his body vibrated as he stifled back a laugh, kissing the top of your head, "i haven't had the time to shower after coming back from work, i'm sorry," nanami explains.
shaking your head, you huffed, "i know, it's okay. i still love you though."
nanami whispers back, "i love you too."
he entered the bedroom, laying you down on the bed — gently pulling the covers off you, tucking you in like how a mother would to her child. can't say that you didn't enjoy the pampering.
"i'm going to take a quick shower, i'll be back," nanami leans down, kissing the tip of your nose, making you subconsciously scrunch it.
"don't take too long," you rolled your eyes.
"i won't, darling."
as he got up to leave, you grabbed the hem of his shirt, "i want something before you go shower."
nanami raised a brow, waiting for your statement. but you didn't, all he saw was you puckering your lips out slightly — nanami smiled, pulling you in by your neck, planting his lips onto yours.
"i love you, ken."
he kissed you again, "i love you too."
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© churipu 2024 , do not copy or repost anywhere
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
MC: *strangling a customer with one hand*
The customer: Nh...
MC: ...
Jade, Floyd, and Azul: ...
The other customers: *watching*
Octavinelle student A: What happened?
Octavinelle student B: That customer tried to touch them.
Octavinelle student A: Oh shit—
Octavinelle student B: Yes. He's doomed.
The customer: I'm... a... paying customer... Nh...
MC: No, you're not.
MC: I know a disgusting hobo when I see one.
The customer: Please spare me... I will never do it again...
Floyd: MC~ Why not let go of that one~?
Jade: Floyd is right. We'll deal with him for you.
MC: Huh. You're right. I've lost my temper for something like this.
Azul: *mumbles* Except you were never the type to have temper.
MC: Azul, make sure I receive a huge compensation for this.
MC: Since I have touched dirt for a couple of minutes.
Azul: Yes, yes.
MC: *throws the customer hard to the ground*
The customer: *groans*
MC: *sprays their hand with disinfectant*
Jade: *walks up to the customer and proceeds to drag him by the hair*
Jade: Floyd, prepare the body bag.
Floyd: Okay~.
Azul: ...
Azul: Everyone, since your meal has been disturbed by this unexpected event, I would like to announce a 15% off to your total meal.
MC: But that doesn't include my tip.
Azul: Yes.
The other customers: Oh no, it's fine. We'll pay our actual total.
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* Aren't you all adorable?
The other customers: *blush*
Azul: ...
Azul: Should I remind the customers to be respectful to you?
MC: Hm? Remind?
MC: Do you think I'm an animal at the zoo that needs a warning label?
Azul: Of course not.
Azul: Anyway, I knew that customer earlier tried to touch you, but did something else happen?
Azul: You would normally break someone's hand or throw them off the wall if that was the case.
MC: Ah. He said something that completely repulsed me.
Azul: And that was?
MC: "I'll be a good father to your 20 children."
MC: Who does he think he is?
Azul: ...
Azul: Understandable.
MC: *sigh* I need to splurge to unwind.
Azul: You can do so after your shift.
MC: *stares at him*
Azul: ...
Azul: Fine. Just be back in three hours.
MC: You're really the best, Azul. *walks out of his office*
Azul: *sigh*
Kalim: That must've been awful!
MC: You're right. *fake tears* I felt sullied.
Jamil: That was indeed unfortunate. But I'm sure you didn't let it slide.
MC: Of course. What do you take me for?
Jamil: Okay then. Stop using Kalim's card left and right!
MC: I have the permission of the owner.
Kalim: Yeah! I gave them my permission, Jamil! *beams*
Jamil: *sigh*
MC: Hm. I still have an hour left. How about we go to something fancy?
Jamil: Go back to your work.
MC: No.
Kalim: Haha!
Jamil: ...
MC: *someone tried to rob them on the way* *is now stepping on his hand with their pointed high heels*
Kalim and Jamil: ...
Kalim: Um, MC? His hand is bleeding. 🥺
MC: He's fine. He's breathing. See? *nudges his head with their foot*
Jamil: ...
Jamil: MC, your actions are too much for Kalim. Let's just call the authorities.
MC: *rolls eyes* Fine.
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