#i'd apologize but i'm not sorry the slightest
sky-squido · 1 year
PART TWO: The Part With Actual Celestial Navigation In It
*part one is here*
oh yeah, quick heads-up that I’m a LinkedUniverse fan, so I do make a casual reference or two to the comic and characters, but this analysis is about—and solely based on evidence present in—the games themselves. so, general LoZ fans who have no knowledge of or interest in LinkedUniverse whatsoever, this analysis is for you, too! go wild, friends!
Okay, SO! In part one, we came to one conclusion: Hyrule does in fact, slide around gratuitously between games. This is good! Because that lines up exquisitely with my celestial results. Ah jeez, now I have to figure out how to explain what I even did to get these results. Here goes!
Section Three: Explaining How, Mechanically, This Is All Going To Work
Let’s break it down into only the essential basics, the stuff I did in like the first half of the semester (this checks out, because the second half involved using the moon, stars, and planets, the motions of which are… interpreted creatively in the 3D Zeldas released thus far). Basically, it’s time to talk about the noon reduction.
(You can just skip to section four if you want the answers, but I have an excuse to ramble about my hyperfixation and I will take that, thank you very much.)
*long inhale* okay so if you drew a line from any celestial body to the center of the Earth, that line would pass through some point on the Earth’s surface. If you were to stand on that point, your object of choice would be directly over your head. The spot in which you’re standing is called the object’s geographic position. We only care about the latitude of this position (or how far north or south it is from the equator), also known as the object’s declination. On the equinoxes, the sun’s declination is zero—at noon, it passes overhead on the equator. If you were in the northern hemisphere, you could see the sun by looking in the southern sky. If you were in the southern hemisphere, you could see the sun by looking in the northern sky. Does this make sense? If it doesn’t, shout at me in the notes and I’ll draw diagrams. But yeah, this is important: If you’re north of the equator and the sun’s over the equator, you have to look south to see the sun. This is why, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, the northern sides of buildings never see sun—the sun’s always in your southern sky.
On the solstice in June (the summer solstice for all you northern-hemisphere-dwellers), the sun’s declination is 23.5°N. It’s because of the Earth’s tilt, whatever, don’t worry about it. If you’re at 23.5°N (also known as the Tropic of Cancer), the sun is directly over your head at noon, now. Equator-dwellers (and everyone else south of the tropic) have to look to their north to see the sun, everyone north of the tropic has to look south to see it. You’ll notice that when the sun is in the northern hemisphere, it makes it nice and toasty and that thing we call summer. The southern hemisphere is, at that moment, missing their sun rather fiercely and would like to not be so cold anymore. On the December solstice, (winter solstice for the northern hemisphere), the sun’s at a declination of 23.5°S, ditching the north, baking the south, equator-dwellers have to look south to see it, Tropic of Capricorn dwellers can see it directly overhead at noon, etc. etc.
So, as you’ll notice if you’re one of those clever observant types, the height of the sun at Local Apparent Noon (LAN) varies by your latitude and by the declination of the sun. What’s LAN? Great question. Basically, thanks to time zones and the sun’s inability to hold itself to a decent schedule, it doesn’t always hit its peak for the day at 12:00pm by your watch. LAN is what we call whatever time it is when the sun does hit its peak for the day. But we don’t care about times right now, just the sun’s altitude at LAN.
That’s another thing—altitude. Everything in celestial navigation is measured as an angle (even distances; ever wonder why latitude and longitude come in degrees?) which makes doing math and measurements really freaking convenient. Because of this, the height of the sun above the horizon, or its altitude, is measured as an angle: 0° means it’s on the horizon, 90° means its directly overhead, and 45° means its halfway between the two.
So, the sun’s declination varies over the course of the year between the range of 23.5°N and 23.5°S. If you know where in the world the sun is overhead (that’s declination) and you know how far the sun is from being over your head (that’s altitude), you can figure out how far you are from that place where the sun is overhead (that’s gonna give you your latitude). Clever, right? Don’t worry if you’re not retaining any of this—this is tumblr, not a textbook. I just think it’s neat.
So, if you’re following my train of logic (quite a feat, as I’m notoriously convoluted), this all means that if you know how high the sun is in the sky in a Zelda game, you can figure out at what latitude the game takes place! Kind of. We also need to know the time of year, which will tell us what the sun’s declination is. If the sun in a given game passes directly overhead at noon, we could fall anywhere in that 47° band between the tropics, depending on the time of year.
There are two problems here: firstly, how do we measure the altitude of the sun—Zelda items are very cool but none of them are sextants (sextants are basically just really fancy protractors for measuring angles in the sky) and secondly, how do we account for the fact that we don’t know what the declination of the sun is?
The first solution is honestly rather simple. We use shadows. Sun hits Link, sun hits ground, line from Link’s shadow’s head to Link’s head points to sun. You’ll see plenty of these diagrams later, so I won’t bother explaining all of it here.
The second solution is more finicky, took me weeks to figure out, and I’m still not entirely sure how it works, but I brute-forced it with my Nautical Almanac, Excel, and several hours of tedious number-wrangling. Because, while 3D Zelda games understandably make no attempt to accurately model the movement of the moon and stars (and don’t even include planets), the sun gives us another clue.
I don’t know how many people know this, but “the sun rises in the east and sets in the west” is actually an approximation. Contrary to what the 3D Zeldas would have you believe, the sun does not, in fact, rise at 090°T (directly due east) and set at 270°T (directly due west) every single day of the year. It varies, sometimes rising north of east, sometimes rising south of east. There’s an equation that takes your latitude and the declination of the sun and calculates how far away from east and west your sunrise and sunset are, but that’s not actually useful here, because, as I alluded to previously, Zelda games don’t account for this. Fortunately, there’s another clue! I wonder if any of you are mentally shouting it at me right now. Spoiler alert: It’s the length of day and night! Is day longer than night? The sun’s closer to you (northern declination, which means northern hemisphere summer). Is night longer than day? The sun’s farther away from you (southern declination, which means northern hemisphere winter).
The really really nice thing about using the sun’s altitude at LAN and the length of the day and night is that between the two of them, we have almost all the information we need to get a solid fix on when and where these games take place. And the second nice thing about this is that, unlike the sun always rising and setting exactly due east and west, the sun’s noon height and day length vary appreciably and reasonably between games! …mostly.
To compile all this nonsense into something practical, here’s the plan: we crack open a 3D Zelda game, wait for the sun to rise and then we start a timer. See if the sun, after rising in the east, scoots to the north or the south or heads straight overhead. Now we know what hemisphere we’re in (give or take). Wait until LAN (the sun is always either directly due north or due south during LAN, because it rises in the east and sets in the west and it’s all symmetric and stuff) and then we snap a picture of our boy and his shadow. Wait until sunset and then lap the timer. Spend the night cycle screaming over how screwed up the moon and constellations are, then bop the timer once the sun rises. Now we know how long the day/night cycle is and what fraction of that day is spent in the sunlight. We do math to figure out how many hours long the day and night would be if the day/night cycle were actually 24 hours long. Then we grab that picture we snapped at LAN, literally just measure the angle with a digital protractor because trying to take the distances and do trig is way too much work and honestly probably less accurate, and then BAM, we’ve got everything we need to massively narrow down our game to a specific latitude and one of two possible dates. I say two possible dates because the sun hits a given declination twice a year—once between the equinox and the solstice, and then again when it doubles back to head to the next equinox. If that doesn’t make sense, think about the fact that the day before the solstice and the day after the solstice are both the same length. Cool? Cool.
Alright, let’s see what happens when we actually try this!
 Part Four: Finally Getting to the Gosh Darn Freaking Point of All This
Sorry Leg, Four, and Rulie, but your games aren’t going to be very helpful here cuz we get to see neither the sky nor any pronounced shadows cast by stuff in the sky, so you’re off the hook.
Of the remaining Zelda games, Termina doesn’t actually take place in this dimension, but hey, maybe it’s somewhere neat! We might as well.
Okay, so we’ve got six canon 3D Zeldas. (Yeah, sorry both Hyrule Warriors’s (even though one of you is apparently canon), I couldn’t be bothered to actually boot you up and start measuring angles—doing these ones was enough work already and you don’t even have day/night cycles).
Of the six Zeldas I am using, all of them have day/night cycles except for one, Skyward Sword. As much as I’d like to slap it on the pole and say the entire game takes place near the solstice, celestial nights do in fact demonstrably exist, they’re just not looped into the gameplay, so we’ll have to figure something out.
Of the five remaining Zelda games, two of them feature in-universe clocks—which isn’t actually all that useful anyway, since longitude is way more arbitrary than latitude and I don’t know where Hyrule keeps its prime meridian—and those are Breath of the Wild and Majora’s Mask. The final three Zeldas—Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess—have day/night cycles that just loop evenly along time spent in the overworld, which is handy.
Okay, so let’s do this!
Ocarina of Time: Our day lasts 2 minutes and 40 seconds and our night lasts 1 minute and 20 seconds. The full day/night cycle takes 4 minutes. 2 minutes and 40 seconds is actually exactly two-thirds of 4 minutes, so we can just apply that to 24 hours and BAM, we get a 16-hour day and 8-hour night. Those of you living in Canada, Northern Europe, and Patagonia are familiar with this phenomenon. And, when Link is both a child and when he’s an adult, the sun’s altitude at LAN is 70°. 
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Now let’s plug these two data points into the chart I bruteforced! Isn’t she pretty? I love her
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Okay, so it’s kind of just outside the range of what’s possible—for a day that long to happen, you have to be pretty far from the equator. But, when you get that close to a pole, the sun doesn’t get all too high in the sky. We can give Nintendo a few degrees of wiggle room, though, and put Ocarina of Time on the summer solstice (June 21st) at 47°N. Wow! And those seven years he’s asleep for are exactly seven years because it’s still the solstice when he wakes up. 47°N is, for context, about the latitude of Seattle (Washington, USA), Munich (Germany), and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).
This is the most straightforward of all the Zelda games we’re going to cover. Majora’s Mask is exciting because Termina is a hellhole so we’ll skip to…
Wind Waker: Day: 5.5 minutes. Night: 4.5 minutes. Full cycle: 10 minutes. If 10 minutes became 24 hours, 5.5 minutes would become 13 hours and 12 minutes! The sun at LAN gets up to 54°
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 Now let’s plug that bad boy in—I’ll just use the version of the chart with all the games already on it to save space (sorry for the spoilers, I know you must be heartbroken).
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So, that puts Wind Waker at a comfy 44°N in either early April or September. Wondering where those dates came from? Every little dot on this chart is a data point, and every one of those is from the 21st of a month, either March (the spring equinox), April, May, or June (the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere)). Then you can just interpolate between them. So if Wind Waker lands between my solstice dot and the one next to it, it’s near the solstice, but on the summery side, so very early September or early-mid April. No Zelda games have nights longer than days, but if that were the case, you’d just read the X-axis’ “Length of Day” as length of night and the points to the far right would represent the winter solstice instead of the summer one. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense to you—this barely makes sense to me and I’m the one who made it.
But now we’ve gotten ourselves in a little pickle—is it April or September? You could use whatever in-game clues you’d like to try and figure this out, or research the prevailing winds and ideal sailing seasons at the relevant latitude, but I’ll be going off of celestial cues to the best of my ability, so here goes!
April. It’s April. Wind’s birthday is probably like April 9th or something and I like that a lot. Fits his vibes. How did I figure this? Well, let’s start by taking a look at the night sky:
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Yeah, okay, it’s fricked. I’m not gonna get into into why the moon is so bad in every Zelda game, but this article does a good job of explaining it. All the nonsense that happens in there applies to Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, too—Ocarina of Time doesn’t have any moon phases, which is probably a good thing. Skyward Sword has its own issues and you don’t need me to tell you that the moon in Majora’s Mask is a problem.
Orion, however, offers us a clue. This little lad pops up in Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and for some reason, Majora’s Mask. I couldn’t find him in Ocarina of Time’s sky, but I think I found Cassiopeia and the Summer Triangle. It’s not like any of this matters that much, cuz the stars are fricked in all the games and positioned in direct contradiction to the sun and also each other, but if we have two dates and we’re just trying to pick between them, we might as well give Orion his time in the spotlight.
Again, I’m not sure how many people know this, but the stars move over the course of a year and over the course of a night. They move a lot every night (about sixteen degrees an hour—just a little faster than the sun), and, since they’re speedy little fellas, they get just a little further along their path every night. This means—and I’m really sorry to all the fanfic authors who use this as a plot device in their fics—that you can’t just look up and know where and when you are. If you know when you are (exactly, like in time to the minute), you can guesstimate the where, and vice versa. My final project for this class was actually trying to see if I could figure out both when I knew neither, and the answer is yes, but it takes a lot of work and finagling and also you need to know what year it is and have a lot of celestial information about that year in particular. If any of you suddenly have a hankering for a fic in which the LinkedUniverse boys freak out over being celestially disoriented from both the time and location changes, stay tuned ;)
Okay, so my point is that if the stars are just up there, frozen in the sky, like they are in all the 3D Zeldas, it gets tricky to figure out what time of year it is. I mean, we could just… assume these are their midnight positions? Spoiler: it doesn’t actually matter because the stars are all fricked to heck anyway. We just need one little pointer to try and figure out which of the two possible dates we ended up with.
Slight tangent, but of all the constellations, why do they insist on putting Orion of all people in all their games. He’s a winter constellation! All the Zelda games take place in or near summer! I mean, yes, he’s a summer constellation for the southern hemisphere, but most games don’t take place down there! Does Nintendo have some sort of personal beef with Altair, Vega, and Deneb that I don’t know about? Are they a joke to you??
*cough* Anyway. Orion in Wind Waker is visible in the southwestern sky. Were it September, Orion would rise pretty late in the night, coming up in the east, and he’d scoot his way through the southern sky, but just after he crosses the meridian (due south) and is about to head into the southwestern sky, the sun rises and we can’t see him anymore. That’s no good! How about April? Well, yeah actually! The sun sets, and, blinking into view on the meridian is Orion, scooting through the southwestern sky before eventually setting at about midnight. So, Wind Waker probably takes place in early April at a latitude of 44°N!
But Squido! I hear you shouting, doesn’t the game take time for Wind to beat? And isn’t Hyrule big enough to span multiple lines of latitude? You were just talking about how big it was in part one of this post series! You can’t seriously be suggesting that the entire game takes place on a single day at a single latitude! And to that I say, you are, indeed, correct. This measurement can’t possibly apply to all of Wind Waker, just as my previous assessment can’t possibly apply to all of Ocarina of Time.
My solution? Hand-wave it. Seriously, Nintendo is not programming a fully accurate year-long celestial cycle that tracks the number of in-game days since you started and changes the positions of the stars and everything by your latitude. That would be badass, but hardware limitations are a thing and Nintendo has its priorities (somewhat) straight. We can say my calculation represents the starting point in time because I still like Wind having an early April birthday and this gives him the whole summer to adventure around while the daylight hours are long. We can say the latitude in question is, I dunno, towards the top of the map. There’s palm trees around, so I hesitate to put us any further north than the 44°N I calculated. That is about the latitude of Toronto (Canada), Milan (Italy), and Sapporo (Japan) after all. Maybe that’s the upper bound of the map. I honestly don’t think it’s that important.
Twilight Princess: We’re old hats at this by now! Day: 8 minutes. Night: also 8 minutes. We’ve got ourselves an equinox—12 hours of each! LAN altitude is 55°, so that puts us at a lovely 35°N in either late March or September. 
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Orion is in the southeastern sky so, as I said in the Wind Waker portion, that would make sense in September. So it’s September 21st! It find it fitting that a game about the balance between light and dark takes place at the time of year when light and dark are perfectly balanced. This latitude, for context, is about the same as Charlotte (North Carolina, USA), Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), Tehran (Iran), and Osaka (Japan). I always knew he was a southern boy.
Breath of the Wild: Yeah, I was going in chronological order by release date, but Skyward Sword doesn’t have a day/night cycle and that complicates things, so I’ll just do Breath of the Wild now while we’re in the groove and—hey, isn’t that spunky! The sun and moon pass through the northern sky, did you ever notice that? That means this game takes place in the southern hemisphere! And not just any ol’ southern hemisphere latitude, it freaking commits. I mean, you ever notice how long those sunrises and sunsets always seem to last? How the game seems to draw out dawn and dusk as much as possible to minimize how much time you spend trying to find your way around in the dark? Well, that’s because Breath of the Wild has a seventeen hour day! How exciting! The sun rises at 0400 (4am) and sets at 2100 (9pm). Its LAN altitude is a groovy little 43°, leaving us at a latitude of 63°S in early either February or November (this is the southern hemisphere, so these are summery months now).
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(oh yeah, my Switch is modded so I can play as Zelda instead of Link—it’s called Zelda’s Ballad and it’s pretty sick. My awesome little sister set it up for me :3)
And wow, if 63°S isn’t an exciting latitude. That’s level with *checks notes* Ross Island, Antarctica!! Wait, what? Yeah, Breath of the Wild takes place in Antarctica, apparently. I wonder if the Sheikah tech holding the moon in place is also responsible for the climate control.
But yeah, I looked real hard, and found something that I thought might be Orion, but I’m honestly not convinced. If it were him, he’d be in the western sky, which would check out for February but not November. The trees in Akkala have red leaves, which could mean fall (which, in the south, would make it February), but then again, I hesitate to take ecological cues from trees that are apparently growing in Antarctica. A spring month fits with the themes of the game—rebirth, life rising from desolation—and that would mean November. I dunno, this one’s up to the Zelda Lore Afficionados.
Majora’s Mask: Yeah, you know it’s all going to hjeck when I put Skyward Sword off because the alternate dimension in which the moon is crashing into the planet and you’re forced into a time loop is easier to do celestial navigation to than Skyward Sword is. Here’s the scoop:
Sun rises and sets at 0600 and 1800 (6 am and pm) so that’s another 12 hour day. But the sun is really overhead-y. Like, 80° overhead. That puts us in the tropics, so there’s actually a few latitudes and dates we could be at. We could be at 10°N on the equinoxes—in late March or September—or we could on the equator, 0°N, in mid April or August. This is pure conjecture, but I feel like the equator is oddly fitting for this game. A liminal space between hemispheres, where the normal rules don’t always apply…
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But, when I was looking for other clues, I found something very fun. Okay, so you know how I said the sky is fricked, right?
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Like, okay, we have some familiar friends, but you can see that they’re all screwy. The angle between the Big Dipper’s pointer stars towards Polaris and Orion are an acute angle in Majora’s Mask and an obtuse angle in real life. And why are they so close to each other?! It’s just… so weird. But anyway, here’s where it gets funky. The sun passed to our south at LAN, so we know we have to be north of it, though just barely. We’re either on the equator or north of it but then… Orion is to our north. Orion is directly over the celestial equator, which means he’s like the sun on the equinox—if you have to look north to see him, you’re in the southern hemisphere. So we must be in the southern hemisphere, even though I just said we were in either in the northern hemisphere or on the equator. As if that wasn’t bad enough, if you look at the Big Dipper’s orientation, the pointer stars that point towards Polaris are pointing over our head! Even if the star I circled isn’t actually Polaris, the real Polaris would have to be somewhere around there. Which means, since Polaris is the pole star and the whole point of it is that it’s directly over the north pole, to have Polaris directly over our head means we’re on the north pole. We are in the southern hemisphere and on the equator and on the North Pole. No wonder the moon got sick of us and wanted us gone.
Speaking of the Big Dipper and Polaris real quick, Wind Waker actually has a refreshingly accurate depiction of them. The Big Dipper is angled a little funny for this time of year, but eh, it all works out. You can see that the direction that the pointer stars are indicating that Polaris is in is actually to the north! That’s pretty neat! Polaris is also at about the right height, give or take, that it should be for the latitude we calculated. So hooray for Wind Waker!
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  Skyward Sword: So. Uh. This went downhill very quickly. I was like “hey, maybe the sun is just frozen in its LAN position cuz it doesn’t move, right?” WRONG. If it were LAN, the sun would be directly due north or due south. But NOPE, it’s to the southeast. That means its still morning. At least, when we’re in Skyloft. When we go to Faron, the sun’s due west. Eldin? Southwest! Lanayru? North of west. But wait, you may be thinking, this is handy! We get a few snapshots over the course of a day, and we can put them together to get a feel for what a day looks like here, right? WRONG!
I tried that. You know what I got?
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THAT’S NOT HOW THE SUN WORKS!!!! That looks nothing like either a sine wave or a parabola. But I was like, you know what, maybe it’s okay, maybe my puny mortal mind cannot comprehend this. Let’s let Excel work its magic and give me a parabola.
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Okay, that’s not too terrible, we’ve got an LAN height of like 55°, which is workable. Hey, now that I think about it, what if we extended this parabola to find out where the altitude is zero! We’d basically get the compass directions in which the sun rises and sets, and I mentioned earlier that I can use that to calculate latitude and declination! So let’s just extend this little parabola here…
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nOPE! Here, let me try to explain why this is so bad. You could make a chart where you graphed the sun’s altitude on the Y-axis and the sun’s azimuth, or the compass direction you’d have to face to stare straight at it, on the X-axis. You’d have a graph that intersects the X-axis twice, once at near 090°T and another at somewhere around 270°T. When it gets to the meridian, or 180°T, that’s where your peak, or LAN, would be. This graph does not do that. The sun is modestly in the sky to your north. The sun climbs, passing to your east, and then to your south. It hits its peak just after passing the meridian (that’s not how the sun works?? That’s not how any of this works?!??) and then begins to fall a little as it slopes to the west. It passes west, though, scooting through the northwestern sky before passing north again and continuing to circle towards the east, gradually making its way down to the horizon just before completing its second full rotation around the entire sky.
I joked briefly before about Skyward Sword being at the north pole in the summer so the sun never sets, but that actually seems to be the case?? At latitudes like that in the summer months, the sun can do a lap or two around the sky before touching the horizon. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, if for the fact that you can sleep until nightfall. Which could mean Link passes out for anywhere from a full day to a number of months. Does daytime come back around again? We’ve returned to another one of these strange infinite days, which means that Link has slept for approximately ONE ENTIRE YEAR. I know everyone calls him a sleepyhead, but that’s a bit much, don’t you think?
Furthering my hypothesis that Skyward Sword takes place uncomfortably close to the North Pole, there’s Polaris! Nice and high in the sky, so we must be close to the place where it is overhead—the North Pole. BUT WAIT! What direction is Polaris in? It couldn’t possibly be to the north, could it? No, the north star? In the north?? No, Skyward Sword got it right when it put Polaris IN the SOUTHEAST?!!??!!
Orion is just vibing up there at if we’re comfortably close to the equator, but no, that can’t be the case.
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ALSO! I’ve been ignoring the moons cuz they’re all wonky, but THE MOON IN SKYWARD SWORD IS DIRECTLY DUE NORTH!
WE ARE NEAR THE NORTH POLE AND THE MOON IS TO OUR NORTH. For those of you unaware, the moon tends to stick to the same path as the sun, just that what the sun does in a year, the moon does in a month. The sun is never, ever, ever overhead at the North Pole, SO NEITHER SHOULD THE MOON BE!
The only possible explanation?
You ever notice just how big the moon is in Skyward Sword? Yeah. Yeah, me too.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
To summarize: Ocarina of Time: 47°N, Summer Solstice (June 21st) Wind Waker: 44°N, early April Twilight Princess: 35°N, late September Breath of the Wild: 63°S, November or February Majora’s Mask: 0°N (maybe), mid April or August Skyward Sword: Who Freaking Knows
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hirazuki · 1 year
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So everything but his contact lenses has arrived, and I was too excited to wait until it's all properly modified to try it on ^^ excuse my face, I was too tired after work to take off work makeup and replace it with cosplay makeup
The dress base needs lots of alterations (I want to have the sleeves slit up to where the red band on the upper arm is, and the entire upper arm needs to be tightened a bit; I cut out the center panel on the bottom half and I need to finish hemming it), the pauldrons probably need an extra hole on the straps in order to sit on my shoulders properly, the gorget also needs to be tightened because it droops in the front, the ears need to be painted with my foundation, and the wig needs to actually be styled lol. And I'll obviously be doing something different with his eyebrows and eyes and contouring. BUT. I am very happy with how he's looking so far!
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involuntaryspy · 8 months
stumbles in
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ddejavvu · 2 years
don't mind me i'm just thinking about how Eddie Munson would SO pretend to be someone you know if you come up to him in a store or so and whisper to him how this guy has been creeping you out for ages 'n he would take to his role so well 😭 i need to shift dimensions I need to be with this guy
i'd commit unspeakable horrors to be his girlfriend
You almost feel bad practically tackling the man from behind. All he was doing was grabbing a can of soup off of the shelf, and you made him your impromptu best friend.
He lurches forward at the contact, and turns to look at you with fire in his eyes. You're absolutely certain he's going to scold you, but he sizes you up at his eyes soften slightly. He raises one eyebrow, a silent 'what the fuck do you want?' and you ramble breathlessly.
"Please pretend you're my friend," You whisper, the squeaky wheels of the cart you're dreading the owner of coming towards you down the aisle, "He's following me and I don't know what to do."
He doesn't even blink. His face doesn't shift in the slightest, and for a quick moment you're unsure whether he heard you at all. But his arm curls around your own, and he spins you to face the soups.
"-so I was thinking chicken and stars, but R2-D2 absolutely kills as a noodle," He drawls, ringed fingers gesturing vaguely at each can that he names, "'S whatever you want, babe."
You hear your supermarket stalker's wheels squeak to a stop at the end of the aisle, and you don't dare turn to see his face. You'd prefer never to see it again, a reminder of the lewd comment he'd made in the produce section about melons.
"Star Wars," You decide, plucking the can off of the shelf and handing it to him, "Uh, thank you."
"Now we need," He squints at his list, tongue poking out of his mouth and sticking to his upper lip, "Ritz crackers, and chicken for tomorrow night."
He mimes looking for the crackers, noticing the man standing at the end of the aisle, waiting.
"Oh, sorry," He lifts the back wheels of the cart with the handle, scooting it sideways so that the man can pass, though you both know he doesn't want to, "Were we in your way? Go ahead, we're gonna be here for a while."
The man stares at you, you can feel it. But your new best friend sets a hand gently, politely on the small of your back, leading you around him and sandwiching you between the aisle and him. He holds the list out in front of you, "Babe, can you tell what that says? Can't even read my own writing," He laughs good-naturedly, "I think it says 'blueberries'?"
"Or blub errands," You try deciphering his messy scrawl, weight lifting from your shoulders as the man finally decides to move, crossing your path and bumping the wheel of your new cart as he does.
"Definitely blub errands," The boy beside you snickers, glancing at the reflective panel of the aisle beside him to watch for when the man finally turns a corner, "Some nice improv, babe."
You're not sure why he's still using the nickname, the man is out of earshot. But you're too relieved to care, physically relaxing as your shoulders slump.
"Oh my god," You let out a much bigger breath than you intend to, almost dizzying yourself, "Thank you so much. I just- he was always there and I didn't know what to do! I'm sorry I almost knocked you over," You turn sheepish, eyeing his ankle that you're fairly certain he'd twisted in the meetup, "Are you okay?"
"You're fine," He waves off your apology, rolling the ankle in question with a cheeky grin, "I'm tough."
"You look it," You eye him up and down, a silver chain dangling from his belt that's almost covered by a leather jacket, "Do you have, like, a really big tattoo of a heart with a knife through it on your arm? Bonus points if it says mom."
He laughs incredulously, shrugging the shoulder of his jacket off to prove you wrong, "Uh, no, but thanks for the idea."
You let out a laugh, something that seems impossible considering how scared you just were, but one that comes naturally. The boy you'd found seems to be the type you'd go for both in and out of a life-threatening scenario, and you're starting to wonder if you'll get this lucky with any real relationships you're in.
"Well, listen," He stuffs the list in his pocket, a scrap of the paper sticking out, "I've only got a few more things. If you want, we can check out together," He motions towards the hand-held basket you're holding, "'Cause I don't think that guy's gone. I'd offer you a ride home," He reaches a hand up to scratch aimlessly at the nape of his neck, "But I drive a van, and I think me asking you to get into it would be creepier than anything that guy did."
"It's okay!" You assure him, a light laugh escaping you at his earnestness, "I'm sure I'll be fine driving home. But seriously, thank you," You smile at him, clutching the handles of your basket tighter in an effort not to hug him, "I really appreciate this."
"Anytime, babe." There's that nickname again, paired with the grin you'd seen before, "Now come walk with me, you're helping me find the blub errands."
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vanilladove · 2 months
Hello, I am writing to you anonymously out of shame but you can call me Emy I was reading your blog and I was totally delighted with how you wrote and I wanted to make a request: could you write for Chuuya, Jouno, Dazai and Poe (you can add more if you like) with a reader like Mikan from danganronpa If you don't know her, her personality is a little (very) shy and she is surprised by the slightest show of affection (she is even surprised if you say good morning), often despising herself, asking others to forgive her existence and when people Annoyed with her, she tends to ask if she can take off her clothes or imitate a pig so that they can forgive her for all this because she suffered harassment in the past. I'm sorry if the request is very big 😭 but I would be grateful if you accept it (nothing happens if you don't either) I'm sorry if there are spelling errors but English is not my first language and I am using Google Translator. ♡
⋆˚࿔ ˚⋆ bsd men with a v shy + fragile reader
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bow divider yeribbon
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: various bsd men x gn!reader (dazai, atsushi, chuuya, akutagawa, jouno, poe)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: comforting fluff!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none! also i'm not v familiar with daganronpa, so apologies for any inaccuracies! i'm just going off what wiki fandom says (。-∀-)
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ dazai osamu
doesn't mind your personality, although at first he teases you mercilessly until he realizes it isn't just an act.
as someone that has also gone through trauma, he would gradually soften up to your personality and reassure you of your worth.
dazai is a very impatient man though, so expect his method of choice to be exposure therapy...like extreme exposure therapy...like bro might slap some sense into you like atsushi & akutagawa ( ó × ò)
when you start over-apologizing, he'll put a finger to your lips and stroke your face and hair to calm you down (ღˇᴗˇ)。o
expect lots of subtle displays of affection like hand kisses, kissing away tears, and general affectionate flirting.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ atsushi nakajima
your demeanor confuses atsushi at first, to the point where he cries after the first time he meets you :,(
you're going to get a sentimental, heartfelt speech about how you deserve to live, and how you aren't a burden to anyone.
poor atsu cries over you--you guys probably have daily cry + cuddle sessions.
will do random things to cheer you up and give you many words of affirmation.
buys you a tiger plushie sprayed with his cologne to cuddle with when he isn't with you for comfort ♡
i'd like to think that through helping you, atsushi also helps address his own self-esteem issues ^w^
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ akutagawa ryunosuke
hates you at first and sees you as a cowardly weakling.
it isn't until one day he randomly compliments or helps you and catches your shy/flustered expression that he begins to feel some sympathy.
will gradually visit you more until you stop flinching whenever he approaches you. he can tell you're intimidated by him because of his personality and notorious reputation.
it's definitely hard for akutagawa to be soft with you, since he's a rough person, but he tries his best to be gentle with you.
shows his care through actions more than words (sharing food with you, doing constant check-ins, guiding your back when walking with you, etc.)
promises threatens to kill those who have harmed and harassed you in the past.
becomes overprotective over you, getting mad when anyone--even jokingly--teases you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ chuuya nakahara
tough love~!!!
expect a lot of "huh, what the hell are you talking about?" anytime you apologize for something small or suggest some self-sabotage
since you aren't used to affection and often try to reject gifts, thinking you aren't worth giving them to, chuuya will 'lovebomb' you with gifts until you get used to them as the norm and accept them willingly.
although he may seem short-tempered and easily irritated, he'll always make time to sit down with you and listen to your rants/past stories and engage in deep conversations.
holds your hands and reminds you of how strong and talented you are--will keep drilling it into your head until it sticks.
carries tissues in his suit for when you cry.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ edgar allen poe
this man may be your twin...honestly he's a bit of a mess himself, so he doesn't know how to help you.
i think poe would be relieved to find someone similar to him--also very shy and awkward/bad at socializing.
if you started apologizing when there was a pause in conversation, he would probably apologize back, and you two would go back and forth until karl bites him (꒪▿꒪)
since you both mainly only find confidence in your talents/skills, he would get to know your strengths as much as possible and encourage you to do your best!
will also share his book plots with you, taking you with him into the books and getting your feedback, never missing the chance to show you something beautiful he secretly wrote just for you
overall, poe would make you feel less alone and isolated, helping you gain confidence overtime!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ jouno saigiku
since you're already so fragile and frantic, jouno wouldn't find any pleasure in torturing or messing with you
ends up helping you under the pretense of "calming down your raging heartbeat and nerves that are too loud"; in reality, he notices how you're always on edge and just wants you to experience some peace and quiet.
jouno's sensitive to others' emotions, so i think if you were having a panic attack or extreme anxiety, he'd immediately hug + hold you until you calmed down again (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
like the rest, he'd offer you words of affirmation and hold your hand in public/around other people.
will stick around you to ward off anyone who tries to bully you or exploit your personality; blushes uncontrollably if you thank him for his simple acts ♡
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summerslushies · 4 months
motor city/monster posting simulator
🧠 deadguysincorporated Follow
don't even think about interacting with me if you're a construct of any kind. some of us had to be turned to be considered monsters, you guys had to be built into it smh
#being metal or flesh cobbled together doesn't make you special #it just means that whoever made you took extra steps to make a human😒 #rattle groans #constructs DNI
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🌕 fullmoonmayhem Follow
why are you mad about some people not going through an experience that can be severely traumatizing? that's weird, dude.
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🩷 cybercds Follow
yeah wouldn't it be easier for someone to be a monster at the start rather than going through something horrific?
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🧠 deadguysincorporated Follow
i don't want to hear anything from you. you're a corpse faker.
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🩷 cybercds Follow
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🩷 cybercds Follow
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🧠 deadguysincorporated Follow
you're not even fully undead! you have NO business commenting on this.
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🩷 cybercds Follow
i literally come back to life every time i die?? i'd say that counts as being pretty frickin undead LMAOOO
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👽 sleepspacenine Follow
i went and checked op's blog and their description says they were zombified three months ago.
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🌕 fullmoonmayhem Follow
of course.
#not even the slightest bit surprised by that tbh #i cant even imagine acting like that on TOMBLR of all places
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💀 bonezzz Follow
I swear it's always newer undead pulling this gatekeeping shit. It's so fucking embarrassing, you guys.
#i am so sorry on ops behalf #i doubt they'll apologize but i'm so sorry you guys had to deal with them #i thought we got out of what makes a monster discourse years ago this is ridiculous
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👻 ghostbriide Follow
anyone in this thread haunt warehouses
( 234 notes )
285 notes · View notes
Date With Your Lieutenant
Simon Ghost Riley X Afab Reader
Note: This is my first smut, so it's not as good as I'd like it to be. Apologies if it isn't good!
As always, if there's anything you'd like me to write, feel free to send a request!😊
Warnings: swearing, p in v sex, oral (m and f receiving), fingerings, cream pie----MDNI!!!
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To say that you were nervous was an immense understatement. You found yourself pacing around your bathroom, constantly checking back to your reflection in the mirror. You were wearing minimalist makeup, had loose curls cascading down your the middle of your back, and had a floral blouse with tight jeans on. Every time you looked back to your reflection, you ended up touching up your makeup or fixing a stray hair. Any minute now, your Lieutenant would arrive at your home to pick you up for a date.
You and Ghost had danced around each other's feelings for nearly the entirety of your years working together. Both of you had mutual feelings for each other, but neither one of you had the courage to act on it. Until one night, when he had a little liquid courage (and Soaps incessant pestering), Ghost decided to make his move and ask you out on a proper date.
A knock at your front door had pulled you from your thoughts. If you were nervous before, that paled in comparison to how you were feeling now. It's just Ghost, you thought to yourself. I have no reason to be nervous. However it was not Ghost who was standing at your door, it was Simon Riley, someone who hadn't shown himself to you fully, save for the small moments here and there throughout your working relationship.
You walked to your front door, and wiped your sweaty palms on your jeans. "Grow a pair, Y/N." You told yourself, as you opened the door.
The sight that welcomed you, had melted your insides. Simon was standing in front of you, in a nice sweater, jeans and combat boots. What had really got you, was the fact that he wasn't wearing a mask. You had yet to see him without his signature balaclava, but you were not disappointed in the slightest. His light brown hair had been styled neatly, his face cleanly shaven. He had freckles that littered his slightly crooked nose, and his eyes were even more stunning now that they were unobscured by the black paint he usually wore.
"You alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost." Simon's cheeky remark had pulled you from admiring his features.
"Heavens, Riley. If that's your opening line, I'm in for quite the night." You rolled your eyes playfully, your nervous giggle betraying the confidence you were trying to convey.
" 'm teasing love, you look beautiful by the way." He said bashfully, as he stretched his hand out to you. In your deep admiration of his features, you had failed to notice he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand the entire time.
"Oh! They're so pretty, Simon. Thank you!" You exclaimed, grabbing the bouquet from him. You had never been given flowers on a first date before, and needless to say, you were even more enamored with the man in front of you because of it. "Soap had lied to me, said you looked like E.T. under your mask."
Simon had let out a hearty laugh at your statement, as your eyes widened at what you just said.
"Oh my God! I didn't mean to say that. It was a joke on his part, but saying it out loud sounds so insensitive, I'm so sorry."
"I ought to ring Johnny's neck for that one, haven't I." Simon waved away your apologies, with a shit eating grin on his face.
"You and I both." You agreed. "Come in! I'll go put these beautiful flowers in a vase, and we can head out?"
"Sounds good." He hummed, as he walked into your flat. As you went into your kitchen, Simon took in his surroundings. Your flat wasn't small by any means, but it was undeniably cozy. You had updated furniture and appliances, pictures of family and friends lining the walls, and it appeared to him that you took very good care of your home.
"It's not much, but it's home. My friend always does a great job looking after it when I'm on duty." You said softly as you entered the living room, noticing him looking around.
"It's nice. It's exactly what I'd expect your home to look like." Simon replied, turning around to meet your eyes.
"I hope that's a compliment?" You giggled.
"Of course it is. Shall we head out?" He asked, offering you his arm.
You nodded meekly, taking his arm. A blush had come to heat your cheeks as you were reminded again, that you were about to go on a date with the man you've been in love with for years.
Simon had taken you to a small fancy Italian restaurant about 15 minutes from your flat. You were frankly shocked that he had chosen this place, as it was often incredibly busy, and nearly impossible to get a reservation unless you booked a month in advance.
He had proven himself to be the utmost gentleman, as he held open your car door, held the front door open for you, and had even pulled your chair out for you inside the restaurant.
After you had both ordered your drinks and food, you found yourself staring at Simon with a smile on your face. You were still in awe of how he looked without the mask, and you couldn't deny you were even more attracted to him than you had been before.
"Stare any longer, and your eyeballs may just fall out." Simon chided, earning a chuckle from you.
"Sorry, I can't help it. You're quite handsome." You replied, nervously tucking a hair behind your ear.
"That so? What would you have done if I looked like E.T., as Soap called it?" He joked, his playful tone drawing a smile to your face.
"Well, then I would've said it's a good thing I liked you for your personality first."
"I've been told my personality is.. lacking some desirable traits."
"Well they just haven't got to know the man beneath the mask. I'm sure anyone who sees what I do would be as pleasantly surprised as I was when I first started peeling back some of those layers. I'm excited to see what else I can learn about you." You admitted, taking a sip of your wine.
Simon smiled at your admission, as he reached across the table to stroke your hand with his thumb. “I’m just glad you’re giving me the chance to show you.”
“So what do you get up to, when you’re on leave?” You asked.
“Little bit of this, a little bit of that.I usually do some housework for my neighbors, like to go to the local farmers market every once in a while. I suppose my life outside of work is pretty mundane.”
“Anything is mundane compared to what we do on the field. You’ll have to take me to the farmer’s market one day, I’ve always wanted to go to one.”
“Sure. The one by my place always has a great selection, depending on what you’re looking for.”
“I don’t know why, but it’s hard to view you walking around a farmer’s market.” The thought had made you giggle.
“Oh, let me tell you. The old ladies there love me.” He grinned.
“Now that I have to see. Simon Riley being doted on by little old ladies.” You covered your mouth to stifle your amusement.
“What about you?” He asked.
“Oh! Well, I consider myself pretty crafty. I’ll knit, I paint sometimes when I have an itching to do it. Usually I just try to surround myself with friends and family.” You said, as the waitress came over with your food.
“Ah, forgot about your crafty side. Never thanked you properly for fixing my mask a few weeks ago.” Simon said.
“I think this is thanks enough. This food looks great, I can’t believe you got a reservation here! It’s been here for years, and I’ve never had a chance to try it, it’s always too busy.” You replied, your mouth watering looking at the pasta in front of you.
“I have my ways.” He chuckled, meeting your inquisitive gaze.
“Oh now I have to hear this!” You laughed.
Dinner had gone on for what felt like hours, conversation flowing naturally for the two of you. The small tidbits that Simon had given you about his personal life had you falling harder for the man than you had anticipated you would, especially after your first official date. Once you both had had your fair share of food and drink, Simon had driven you home. During the ride, you had shown him a few different bands you were into, and he had made a mental note to try listening to them on his own.
As you walked up to your doorstep, you turned to Simon with a small smile. "I really had a nice time tonight Simon. I'm glad we did this, really."
"That makes two of us, love." He bowed his head, trying to hide the redness in his cheeks at your words. "I'll see you soon?"
"Absolutely, I'd love that. You still owe me a trip to that farmers market." Your smile grew bigger at his shyness.
He gave you another nod, and returned your smile, then turned back to walk to his truck.
He turned around at the mention of his name, meeting your sheepish stare. "Yeah?"
"I thought first dates usually end with a kiss." You said softly, so softly Simon was glad he was actually able to hear it.
Simon's smile had grown ten times at your comment, and he strode up to you, your faces inches apart. "That so?"
"I mean, only if you want. I don't want to for-" you were cut off by Simon's lips pressing against yours. His lips were rough, but the kiss was surprisingly gentle. Once you had regained your senses, you reciprocated the kiss and wrapped your arms around Simon's neck.
"I've been wanting to do that for awhile, just trying to be a gentleman." He said as he pulled away breathless.
"Well lucky for both of us, I'm no gentleman." You replied, shocking yourself at your sudden confidence.
Simon looked at you with the cheekiest grin you'd ever seen on him, and he pulled you back into a kiss. The kiss was deeper this time, as he grabbed onto your hips and pulled you closer. Your arms which were still around his neck had squeezed together, and your hands had moved to his hair, threading the strands softly.
As the kiss continued, Simon's hands started to move slowly down to your backside, and he lightly squeezed the flesh there. "Perhaps we should go inside, don't want to give my neighbors a show." You said breathlessly, pulling away for just a moment to look Simon in the eyes, hoping he'd pick up on your hint.
"As you wish m'lady." He said, grabbing the backs of your thighs and lifting you into his arms.
You squealed in delight, wrapping your legs around his toned midsection, as he walked into your flat closing the door behind him.
The two of you had resumed your heated makeout, pulling away only to instruct Simon where your bedroom was.
He gently tossed you on your bed, smirking slightly as he watched your form bounce a few times from the impact.
"Are you gonna stand there and stare at me, or are you going to come over here and kiss me again." You said, still shocked at the confidence that was emitting from you. You weren't sure it was the wine flowing through your system, or the fact that you were desperate for Simon to touch you.
"Someone's bossy, maybe I should make you wait." He chided, climbing over your form on the bed.
"Please, Simon." You looked up at him, your eyes not betraying the lust you were feeling.
"Since you asked so nicely." He cooed, leaning down to capture your lips in his. You wrapped your arms around his neck again pulling him down closer to you. Simon took the opportunity to run his tongue along your bottom lip, and you had opened your mouth to allow his tongue to slip in. As the kiss deepend, his hand slid from your head, down to your clothed breast and gave it a squeeze. You threw your head back and let out a soft moan at the contact.
"Y/N, love. I need you to look at me, and tell me that you want this." Simon said, the sternness in his voice grabbing your attention immediately.
"Simon, yes. I want this. I want you." You begged, looking deeply into his dark brown eyes.
Seeing that there was nothing but the truth in your eyes, Simon lifted your form slightly off the bed to remove your shirt, leaving you in your bra and pants. He leaned down and kissed the valley in between your breasts, using both hands to palm at each breast. You arched your back, whimpering slightly at his touch, and he slid his hands behind your back to unclasp your bra.
“Fucking hell, you’re perfect.” He mumbled as he threw the bra into a random corner of your room. He bent his head down, and latched his mouth onto your breast, while his hand massaged at the other. He gave your nipple a soft bite, and promptly moved onto your other breast, continuing the same movement he had on the other.
Your hands latched onto his head, as you struggled to keep your composure at his actions. He moved his head back up to nip lightly at your neck, and you were sure it would leave a mark by morning. Satisfied by the mark forming on your neck, Simon slowly moved his way down your body, kissing every inch of exposed skin he could. When he got to the waistband of your pants, he looked up at you, his eyes far darker than they were a bit ago.
“May I?” He asked, his fingers lightly tracing the skin above your pants. You simply nodded in response, giving him the okay to continue.
He smiled at this, and started to unbutton your jeans, moving them slowly down your legs, leaving you in the lace underwear you had put on only hours earlier. You weren’t expecting for this to happen tonight with Simon, but you were glad you threw these on as a just in case.
“Cute.” He chuckled, admiring the panties. He hooked his fingers on the band of them, and proceeded to pull them off of you, leaving you completely bare to him.
You suddenly grew shy, as you were completely naked, and he was still fully clothed. You subconsciously squeezed your thighs shut, and your heart rate increased tenfold.
“Nuh uh. None of that. You are beautiful Y/N. Let me show you that.” He spoke, as he came up to give you a soft kiss.
You unclenched your thighs, and took a deep breath, letting him look at you. “Fucking beautiful thing you are.” He said quietly, moving to lay in between your legs.”You’re so wet for me already.” He kissed the inside of your thighs, making you grow even wetter by the second. You looked down to see his eyes already on you, and the moment you made eye contact with him, he pressed a kiss to your core.
“S-Simon.” You gasped, throwing your head back onto your pillows.
Pleased with your response, Simon ran his tongue alongside your folds, painstakingly slow, savoring your taste. “Jesus, you taste amazing.” He groaned. He then picked up his pace, licking at your heat fast, not giving you a second to breathe. Your back arched from the sensation, prompting him to put an arm on your midsection to hold you still.
“Oh my god, feels so good.” You cried, throwing your hands into his hair and tugging. Simon groaned at this, and moved a finger down to your core, to stroke your folds as he caught his breath.
“Yeah? I won’t stop then.” He said with a cheeky grin, slipping his slender finger in you, as his mouth latched back onto your clit with a fervor he didn’t have before. Between the movement of his tongue on your clit, and his finger pumping into you, you were seeing stars. You had never felt this good just having someone go down on you, no, Simon knew what he was doing. He was unraveling you with just his mouth and finger.
The closer you felt yourself to release, the harder you fought against Simon’s hold. The pace he had set was brutal, it was like this was his first meal in years, and he couldn’t get enough. The noises that your pussy was making, mixed with the sounds of his mouth were obscene, and was pushing you closer to your first orgasm of the night. It amazed you that this was your first time with him, and yet he knew exactly where the right spots were for you. His tongue relentlessly flicking your clit, and his finger curling at just the right spot to make your brain go blank.
Just as you were focusing on trying to last a little longer to enjoy the sensation, Simon had added a second finger, and you were gone. You cried out as your orgasm had hit you hard, fully fighting against Simon’s grip and squeezing your thighs around his head. This did not deter him however, from finishing out your orgasm. He took everything you had to offer, licking up every ounce of arousal from your heat.
You were trying to catch your breath, your head thrown back to your pillows, when Simon finally pulled away, wiping his face of your remaining juices. He chuckled at your form, as you were still trying to come down from your orgasm. He leaned up to press a kiss to your lips, and you returned the kiss deeply.
Finally regaining your senses again, you rolled the two of you so that you were on top. You smiled down at him, and instructed him to take off his shirt. As he did, you caught yourself slack jawed at his torso. There were scars that had littered his chiseled abs, painting the picture that this man had been through hell and back. You ran your fingers along the raised skin, and leaned down to place a kiss on each scar you could find. You could feel Simon relax under your touch, and he leaned his head back with an arm tucked behind his head to watch you.
You met his eyes, as you started to fumble with his belt. In one swift motion you had his pants off leaving him in nothing but his boxer briefs. You could now see the imprint of his hardness through the material, and it made your mouth water. He was bigger than you had anticipated him being. You looked to him while toying with the band of the fabric, silently asking for permission. He nodded and his breath hitched as you pulled them down his legs. Your eyes widened, now able to see him entirely, and he grew flustered under your intense gaze.
Smiling to yourself, you muttered "pretty" before taking his length in your hand, and swiping your tongue at his tip, collecting the pre-cum there. Simon tensed at this, and let out a breathy moan. "F-fuck."
Taking this as your cue to continue, you sank your mouth down on his length as far as you could go, using your hand to get what you couldn't with your mouth.
Simon's hands flew to your hair lightly grabbing it, guiding your head. You could hear soft grunts emitting from his mouth, and you were loving it. You decided to pick up the pace moving your hand and mouth faster, swirling your tongue around his tip each time your mouth moved.
He pulled your head up suddenly and pulled you up to his lips. " 'nough of that. I gotta feel you." He breathed on your lips, flipping you both so you were underneath him.
"You're sure?" He asked, his tip prodding at your entrance. His forehead was touching yours, and you felt his warm breath on your face.
Instead of replying verbally, you nodded and pulled his face down to yours to kiss him again.
He reached down to guide himself into you, and the both of you let out moans at the feeling. He was barely in, and your walls were already burning from the stretch he was causing. He sank slowly into you, pulling away from the kiss to watch your expressions.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to take a deep breath. You had never been with someone his size, and you've never felt this full before. The stretch was heavenly, and as the pain started to fade, you felt yourself squirming underneath him, trying to get him to move.
Simon had taken the hint, and slowly started moving his hips. "Fucking hell, you feel so good sweetheart." He groaned in your ear.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, allowing him to go at a deeper angle. At this, Simon picked up the pace. His thrusts started to become faster, burying himself to the hilt with each snap of his hips.
"Simon, oh- oh my god." You cried out, tears forming in the corner of your eyes from the pleasure.
"That's it, taking me so well." He cooed, not relenting the brutal pace he had set. He looked down to see your heat swallowing his cock whole, and the sight nearly set him over the edge.
Your nails raked down his back, and you were sure you drew some blood with the force. You were so close, any moment now you knew you'd find your second orgasm.
"Simon please, so close." You whimpered.
"I'll get you there love. Cum with me yeah?" He asked reaching down in between your bodies, finding your clit and rubbing it harshly.
"Fuck!" You moaned out, digging your nails further into his back.
"Jesus, I'm almost there. Fuck." He grunted, picking up the pace even more, leaving you nearly unable to catch your breath.
"Simon!" You cried, the coil in your belly snapping, as you found your second release of the night.
Simon wasn't far behind, "Where sweetheart?"
"Inside me, please. I'm safe." You gasped out.
He growled at that, and with one final thrust you felt him spill out inside you with a long breathy moan. "Fuckkking hell."
As he caught his breath, you let out a chuckle and laid your hand on his cheek. Simon looked down at you with a tired smile, and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
He slowly pulled out of you, leaving you feeling empty. "Be right back love."
He went into the bathroom and returned with a damp cloth, carefully wiping around your heat taking extra care to not rub too harshly.
He tossed the rag aside and pulled you into his arms. "You okay?" He asked, pressing his lips to your shoulder.
"Never better." You said , turning your head to plant a kiss on his lips. "Will you stay the night?" You were hopeful he would, but didn't want to push him past what he was comfortable with.
"If you'll have me, I'd love to."
You smiled to yourself, and curled yourself into Simon's chest, the tiredness taking over quickly. “Always.”
You awoke the next morning, still locked in an embrace with Simon. You blinked the sleep away, and turned your gaze to him, to already find him looking at you.
“Good morning.” You murmured.
“Mornin’, sleep well?” He asked, brushing a stray hair from your face
“Best I have slept in months.” You admitted.
“Tis a good thing then, I was thinking maybe we could grab some breakfast, and I can take you to that farmers market?” He looked down at you, a hopeful look on his face.
“Yes! I can’t wait to see these little old ladies who supposedly love you so much!” You exclaimed, jumping out of bed to go get ready.
Simon chuckled at your excitement. As he watched you get ready, Simon Riley knew that he was madly in love with you and couldn't wait to see what was in store for the two of you.
Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it😊😊
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I've been thinking about yandere Malleus again and how well you wrote that scene out. ❤️ May I get another yan!Malleus but with corruption kink and size difference? (Over a foot's worth of size difference.) - Starlight
Why of course, Starlight~ I hope you enjoy this continuation of your previous request~
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Title: Crime and Punishment (Continuation of The King's New Toy)
Characters: Malleus x m!Reader
Contains: Dark themes (Yandere), corruption, size difference, rough sex, restraints, stepping, overstimulation, orgasm denial, hand job, pet names (love, dear, pet, darling) we're back in Diasomnia's dungeon, double dick Malleus
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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"I can't believe my toy would try to run away..." Malleus slowly circled you, eying you like a predator hunting its fresh prey as his heels clicked against the floor.
You sat on your knees, head hanging down and wrists tied behind you. Your attire was ragged, holes and slipping off your body. You thought you looked like a prisoner of war, but Malleus saw the fruits of his efforts, or what he only thought were the fruits of his efforts. He saw a scared, trembling little human, a meek little thing. How dare you try to run away after all the kindness he has given you.
You didn't dare meet his gaze as you spoke. "M-Malleus, please I-I'm s--"
His steps stopped suddenly in front of you, and your body went cold. "Did I give you permission to speak, love?"
You shut up immediately, not even risking the answer.
"Good boy~" His steps resumed, the clicking sound of his heels returning. "You know...the reason why I keep you in this dungeon is so I can keep you to myself. I'd hate for any of the others to try to make a move on something that is mine."
You had opened your mouth to speak, but you were quick to shut it, remembering your place.
"I mean, I trust you." He paused, speaking and moving. "Or rather...trusted you." The prince's voice was laced with disappointment as green eyes glared down at your meek form, glinting in the dim room as he resumed his actions. "And here I thought about bringing you to my room, giving you a soft bed to sleep on while I was away, even giving you this lovely little collar that would decorate your delicate little neck."
This was all a game, a sick and twisted game for Malleus. He had left the cell door open on purpose, waiting to see how you'd react. Catching you outside of the cell, well...the rage he felt nearly sent him into overblot. Nearly. Luckily Lilia was there to calm him down, and he even helped restrain you and got you into position in the cell, forcing you to wait for the prince.
So you cursed yourself for being the slightest bit curious, though...part of you was sort of...excited right now.
"Do you have anything to say, dear? You may speak."
Despite the permission, the idea of speaking to Malleus almost felt like a sin itself, but this could be your only chance to speak while it was given to you.
"I-I'm truly sorry, Malleus. P-Please, give me another chance." Your head rose from its hanging position, meeting Malleus's narrowed gaze. "I-I swear to behave! I-I won't run again!"
Malleus was silent save for a small hum, stepping behind you once more. His silence felt deafening, seemingly more terrifying than a verbal response. He pressed his heel to your back, pushing you forward.
Before you knew it, your torso was on the ground, his heel gently pressing into your spine as your form now lay flat on the chilly dungeon floor. A strange chill washed over your body as the light pressure pinned you in place.
"...Do you think you're worthy of another chance, pet?" Your heart strangely wrenched from the name change, knowing well that he was not happy with your response. "I expected more from my toy than some half-hearted apology." As he got to 'half-hearted', the pressure of his shoe increased lightly, causing you to let out a silent, startled gasp.
"I-It wasn't half-hearted, I swear! I promise, I'll be good! I'll--!"
The pressure in your back increased once more. There was no pain, but the pressure certainly heated your body, causing you to shudder.
"Did. I. Give. You. Permission?" Malleus enunciated each word slowly, pressing gently into your back at every word. You hated to admit it but...it felt nice. This force of Malleus felt...nice.
Snapping you out of your taboo thoughts, you heard Malleus sigh as he released you from underneath him. The lack of pressure almost felt like a disappointment. He stepped in front of you, and you weren't able to see much, but when he forced your head up by your hair, putting you back to your knees, you could see angered green eyes narrowed in a domineering stare.
"It seems that you are still unaware of your place, dear. Shall we change that?"
Malleus had shackled each wrist on either side of your head, putting you in a position that forced you to stand, lest you decide to hang by your wrists. He admired his work, eying you up and down. His gaze felt like a pair of hands running up and down your body, and it didn't help that he made you strip prior, enhancing the feeling.
"Shackles are a nice look on you, love. Perhaps I should keep you in them more often~"
The prince slowly stepped forward, once again appearing like a predator. Honestly, if you could, you would kneel before him and beg for his forgiveness, because before, you never realized just how tall he is. The top of your head met the top of his chest. Basically, if he wanted to, he could rest his chin on your head. You truly felt small against him, and you were more than willing to grovel before the prince's presence.
But chains kept you from doing so, and even if you could, you knew Malleus would punish you for such a feeble act.
Black nails gently skimmed down your exposed arms before they found a place at your neck, gently pressing into your flesh. It wasn't enough to hurt, but the pressure kept you on guard.
"Now...I trust you can behave, yes?" When you failed to respond, Malleus simply chuckled deeply. "You may speak, dear."
"Y-Yes," you breathed as if you had been holding your breath from his touch. "I-I'll behave. I swear."
Not wasting a moment, Malleus grabbed your hips and lifted you up. Your eyes widened when you felt a hard object line your backside and another pressing against your own hardening shaft. You wrapped your legs around him to keep yourself up, but really, that was unneeded with the prince's strength.
"Should you prove yourself, darling, I will accept your forgiveness and even bring you up to my room as I originally intended." One of his hands left your side as he gently caressed your face, fingers carefully tracing your jaw. You leaned into his touch, melting against him. A dark chuckle left him, knowing his actions were slowly changing you. "Perhaps I could shackle your neck like a dog..."
The idea made your cock twitch, a soft whine unintentionally leaving you. The response did not go unnoticed with Malleus.
"Hmph~ How lewd of you, love. You like the idea of that, yes?"
You nodded, assuming such a response should be okay within Malleus. You'd be correct, as Malleus leaned forward to line your neck with a slow, teasing lick of his tongue instead of berating you in some way.
A soft mewl left your lips as you felt Malleus's hips adjust. His tongue stopped by your ear as he whispered darkly. "Let's get your punishment over with so I can keep my pet at my bedside~"
The pain of your ass stretching was enough to make you nearly black out. It didn't matter that his cocks were slick, they still ached when they entered, but you were thankful that it wasn't the first time he entered, as this time your ass was quick to adjust around such shafts.
"My...used to me already?" the prince teased in a breath, feeling just how tight you were around him. "Has your body been corrupted~?"
You weren't sure if it was or not, as you couldn't think straight at the moment. Malleus gave you permission to speak, stating that from now on you are free to answer him whenever he asks a question.
"I-I...I-I'm not sure...~" Your voice was coated with lust, your legs holding onto his waist tightly. "A-All I know is...I-I want you, Malleus...P-Please~"
One of his hands rested on your neck, the thumb tilting up your head to meet your gaze like you were a doll. "You desire me, love? Well, worry not. You will get me, but it may not be what you actually want." Keeping his hand in place, his forefinger extended up, his nail gently scraping down your cheek. "You will scream, you will cry, you may even beg me to stop, but my actions will not cease. You will learn to understand your place."
"M-Malleus, my love, I-I understand! I-I understand my p--place~!!"
You spoke after a statement, not a question, meaning Malleus took things back into control. He thrusted his hips, both his cocks sliding in and out of you at a rapid speed. The pleasure wrecked into you like a sack of bricks, and you swore you were about to suffocate from it. His movements felt so good, enough to cause you to dig your head into the wall behind you as you screamed in bliss. You called for Malleus, your prince, your love. You were quick to submit, your mind broken from all he had put your through before this. Before you tried to work with him, but now? Now you were just gone, willing to allow yourself to be his pet, his toy. You loved it. You loved him.
"M-Malleus~! F-Fuck~!" You tugged against the chains, as if trying to get away from the overwhelming pleasure, but the fae had his hands on your hips, keeping you firmly in place. There was no escape from the prince's onslaught of pleasure. He would be right: you would scream, you would cry, and yes, you even begged him to stop. You didn't want him to stop because you hated it, no. You wanted him to stop because it was too good. You were in heaven as tears rolled down your face, drool slipping from your lips from your mouth hanging open from the unforgiving pounding. Your cock ached with the desire to release, but at some point, Malleus had gripped the base, preventing you from cumming at all.
You were unsure of how long this lasted, but all you knew is that you didn't want it to end. Malleus had, indeed, corrupted you. You wanted him, you wanted more if possible. You wanted to be his favroite.
At some point, you just couldn't take it anymore. Your voice was hoarse as you spoke. "M-Malleus~! P-Please let me cum~! P-Please~! I-I wanna cum...f-for my king~!"
Your words seemed to intrigue him, his actions faltering for just a moment. "Y-You want to finish? Th-Then...tell me. What are you...going to do?"
You didn't miss a beat. "I-I'm gonna...be a good toy! I-I'll listen! I-I won't ever run...away again! I-I'll be a good boy! I-I promise! I-I promise, my king!" You had to force your voice out, struggling to even form coherent thoughts.
Malleus trusted you, and with that trust, he took his hand and kept the pressure of the grip as he rapidly moved his hand along your cock, jerking you off with no way to cum. You shrieked in ecstacy, thrashing against him as you begged for release. Your mind turned to mush as you wished for nothing more than to cum. When his hand loosened up, it was practically instataneous with his own release. As you shot out multiple ropes of white between you, Malleus's two shafts pumped its own set of thick, white liquid deep inside of you, some of it dripping out of you.
Panting softly, Malleus took note of this, sighing lightly. "Oh my...you're dripping my release onto the floor...what a shame." Removing his hand, Malleus licked whatever of your seed that landed on his hand, humming at your bitter taste. "When I relocate you, I'll have to make sure to acquire a toy that keeps whatever I leave inside of you."
You honestly weren't listening at this point. You were practically unconscious, your eyes half lidded as they gazed at nothing, your chest slowly heaving with air. You heard him, you just couldn't respond properly save for a delayed nod. Taking note of this, Malleus chuckled.
"What a good boy~"
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bratphilia · 7 months
would it be a bother to ask for a fic w a tomboy reader and william afton? ive been on such a kick w william afton x reader fics here since i watched the movie and i love all of them but i am not feminine in the slightest so if you could write one id be so grateful!! and age gap and size difference too would also be sooo 👌👌👌. thank you so much!!!
note ✧.*‎ this was a lil hard for me to write considering im on the girly-er side so if anything looks weird in relation to the premise i apologize in advance!! also so sorry for getting this out a lil later than promised.
pairing ✧.*‎ steve raglan / william afton x reader
cw ✧.*‎ age difference (reader is 18-21, william is 45-50), degrading, spanking, approximately two slaps to the face, blow jobs, rubbing through jeans? idk what to call that, coming in pants (fem)
taglist ✧.*‎ @dilfity
synopsis ✧.*‎ while attending yet another meeting with your career counsellor, he has a few choice of words for you.
jeans (w. afton x reader)
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you sit in mr. raglan's office, trying to sit straight up, legs crossed, not bouncing. he slightly shifts in his chair as he reads your file, moving his spinning chair from side to side, as he mentally scrutinizes your report. it's nerve-wracking. anyone in your shoes would feel this way, but the way he's intently reading over every little detail makes you squirm.
the worst part is, this isn't even the first time you've been in this exact position. it wouldn't be so bad if mr. raglan wasn't such a hard ass on you. always practically demanding answers of why you keep getting let go from the jobs he gives you, criticizing the tiniest details. nothing gets passed this guy, and yet here you are.
(there's something that almost riles you up about the way he talks to you, though. he has a habit of talking with those big hands of his in a way that makes your insides twist.)
"so you sit here in front of me..." he pipes up suddenly, looking at you then lifting a brow, "wearing jeans to a meeting, for christ sake, asking for yet another job, so what? you can get 'let go' again?"
"well, yes," you say, a little dumbstruck at his comment on your attire.
mr. raglan laughs shortly. "i got news for you, kid. people with your kinda track record don't exactly find jobs as easy as you think they do."
you hold back from rolling your eyes. your fists clench at your side angrily. you speak through gritted teeth, "look, i just need a job. i'll take anything, i'm desperate."
"hate to break it to you, but things just don't work like that—"
you've had it. "will you just stop being such an asshole and give me my damn options already?! i didn't come here to be lectured."
you're seething, breathless from your outburst. your heart is pounding but nothing can beat the jaw-slacked look on his face. there's a deafening silence that has you on the edge of your seat. then, shortly, "you come here for advice, and i'm giving it to you."
you want to say something again, you open your mouth to do so, but he raises a hand to silence you promptly. "you said you're desperate, hm? want my real, useful advice?"
you stare at him, not liking the direction of this conversation or his weirdly tone of dripping malice. "get the fuck on your knees then."
it's hot, you'll admit it. and he's the whole package too, total dad-i'd-like-to-fuck and all. this isn't your type of deal, but if he's gonna offer it to you, fuck it, you'll take it. you'll take everything this man gives you. "mr. raglan—" you say, purposefully furrowing your brows, trying to act scandalized for godsake—
"get your ass over here," he scoffs with a roll of his eyes.
you shut up, perking up at that, and make way to the open space between his legs. "look at you, you degenerate thing. on your knees for such a cause."
your head swims and the buzzing between your thighs becomes far too apparent to be ignored. but you're willing to wait for that relief. you part your lips expectantly, hoping he'd get the message to undo his pants and he just laughs at you. "filthy fucking thing wants my cock in her mouth so bad."
"uh-huh," you say, mouth still open.
he does away with all the restraints and guides his cock into your mouth. eagerly, you take him and lick up the underside of his dick, eliciting a groan from him. he makes a fist around your hair and guides your mouth up and down his cock, not caring about what you can and can't take and you fucking love it.
the noises of him hitting your gag reflex is music to the mouth of your ears. the way you push him out only for him to slide back in is truly a marvel. and the grunts, groaning, and degradations that come from him makes you want to take him even faster, more than what your body can handle, and he just laughs it off, commenting on much of an "eager, filthy thing" you are.
when you feel his helping hands thrust your mouth more erratically is when he decides to pull you off. he uses your hair to stand you up and practically shove you against the desk, back facing towards him. you yelp in pain, only adding to the ache in your stomach. he stands to his full height and you gulp. fuck, he's so much bigger than you, of course he can just throw you around like that. when you ask him if you should remove your clothes, he pauses for a moment, thinking. then, mischievously, "no, i want to make good use of those jeans."
curiously, you look back at him, but his fingers are pressing against your clothed pussy. he presses hard, letting the fabric grind on you. "oh, fuck," you moan.
"yeah? you like that?" he asks gruffly, rubbing your clit through your pants from side to side. usually this stimulation wouldn't be enough, but fuck you were so hot for him that you didn't care. "fuckin' dressed like a boy," he scoffs.
tears burn in your eyes, partly from his words, the other part from the stimulation. then he slaps you across the face. "i asked you a fucking question."
"yes!" you cry, moving a hand to rub at your stinging cheek. he grabs your hand and then slaps the other side of your face, just for fun. a few tears slip down your face at his physicality, but doesn't change that fact that you, "love it so much!"
"think you deserve to come?" he asks. "after that shit you pulled. you think you deserve it?"
you sniffle, knowing damn well what his answer's going to be. "well, i don't."
he removes his hands then promptly wipes them on his pants. you sob out, grasping for his hands but he pushes off of you. "you better come back with a better attitude if you expect anything more than what i gave you."
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bunihyo · 11 months
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trying to fuel my Arlecchino brain rot atm, so while i work on requests take this. I need her biblically, I need to main her, she needs to be my first c6 5* with r5 weapon and the best set ever.
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Her Subordinate
arlecchino x gn!reader, your summoned into her office one afternoon, with a new proposal. sfw, slight nsfw underline at the end, but there’s no smut.
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"You requested me?"
Your heart hammered in your chest, head peaking into Arlecchino's office. The familiar fair headed woman was at her desk, legs crossed with a book in her lap. She looked up at the disturbance, the slight annoyance she conveyed was quickly washed away. "Yes," A nod is sent your way. "Come here."
Your body shivers, the way it always does when she addresses you. It's so different from the others that you can't help but buzz. You enter the office fully and close the door behind you. Arlecchino beckons you over with one blackened finger, sharp nail being highlighted by the little natural light she allowed to enter her office.
You obeyed, the pace you had quickening as you walked to the front of her desk. You tilted your head, as if asking to speak, and she nodded gently. "My lady..." You breathed, feeling her cold room bite at you despite the layers of clothes. "Did I do something?"
The sides of Arlecchino's lips quirked. "No." You shuffled on your feet, already wanting to question her further. She sighed. "Go ahead, Y/n. Speak freely."
The first name addressing started not long ago, it made you feel even more special. After all, she never took the time to learn the names of any of her other subordinates. "Why have you called me here?" Your voice shivers from the cold. "Am I in trouble?"
Finally, a chuckle leaves her. "You worry too much," She waved you closer and you visibly gulped, rounding around her desk. Her predatory gaze followed you, swiveling in her chair so you were right infront of her. "You're my best asset."
"I am?" You sputtered, quickly looking down at your feet. "I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to question-"
"It's quite alright Y/n." She waved it off, and you tentatively raised your head again so you can watch the movement. "It's no secret most of the stuff around here gets done because of you. You're my best subordinate by far, and I've come to ask you something."
You want to question what she could possibly want to ask you, but don't when your brain registers the slight praise. Your body shivers involuntarily again, and Arlecchino stands. She approaches you, heels clacking against the floor of her office. You look up, swallowing at the way she towers over you. Her black eyes find your own, their sharp red X's make you tense. "What do you want to ask?"
"Become my assistant," Arlecchino speaks, her hand comes up to hold your jaw. It's only the slightest bit rough, but not enough to leave a mark. Her nails tap against you. "Be forever by my side. Don't you like the sound of that?"
You did. "Are you sure you want me?"
"That's a stupid question." Arlecchino dismisses, a swift shake of her head results in a stray black strand of hair mixing in with its white counterparts. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want you."
"Right," You breathe. "How incompetent of me. Apologies, My Lady."
Arlecchino hums. "Apology accepted. Now, what do you say?"
Your heart races. Becoming her assistant would mean being able to move up in the ranks. You'd be able to receive certain perks, and be treated better. But, most of all, you'd be with Arlecchino twenty-four seven. Never leaving her side. A sharp jab into your face pulls you back into reality, Arlecchino's doing. "I'd be honored to be by your side, My Lady."
She smirks, your body shivers again. "What will my first task be?"
"It's awfully cold in here," Arlecchino murmurs, her eyes glint in a way that should be terrifying, but it only supplies a hard gulp from you. "Why don't you help your Mistress warm up?"
You nod, and her pleased glance is enough praise.
You're incredibly happy to be serving Arlecchino as her subordinate. Helping no matter the task. So, when she sits down again, you happily fall onto your knees awaiting her next order.
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gojocp · 7 months
things they've done/said
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cw: some of gojo's dialogue is from 'dangerously yours', pookie pie's so cute brah, can you tell i'm mostly writing for characters i have a preference for?? also how tf do you write good apologies that sound genuine? LMFAO featuring: gojo satoru, geto suguru, megumi fushiguro
a/n: hello!! school's kicking my ass guys, sorry for not posting for a while. i literally lost all motivation :(( anyways, lmk how this is, hope you enjoy!! credits to my annoying sister for the idea for megumi's scenario.
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GOJO SATORU: ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Once, I told you I'd kissed a thousand women.." Satoru starts.
You reminisce before you and Satoru started dating, how he tried his hardest to make you fall for him, only to fall in love himself.
"I've kissed sooo many women before. A thousand, probably more than that." Satoru boasts, a faint blush on his face. "One more kiss from you doesn't mean anything..!"
"I'm sure it doesn't.." You respond, leaning into him for another.
"Go on.." You say, urging him to continue.
"It was a lie.." He confesses, feeling his ears grow warm.
"I know.." You state, smiling fondly at him.
"You- wh- you knew??" He exclaims, stunned that you knew the whole time. And here he though he was being so secretive.
"Yeah, it was pretty obvious. I mean- you kissed a thousand women? Nobody believed that." you continue, gazing at him with love in your eyes.
"Yeah right! You only know now because I told you." The high schooler retorts, refusing to acknowledge the fact that he couldn't convince you.
"..okay.." You say, letting it go and resting your head on his shoulder.
You both gaze at the sunset, blissfully wrapped in each other's arms. Satoru pulls you closer and starts,
"How many guys have you kissed?"
"Very few. None of them meet the criteria," You answer.
"Oh? And I met it, right? I mean, you kiss me all the time," he responds smugly, facing you with a teasing grin plastered on his lips.
"Not really, no."
"I just wanted to kiss you, that's why.." You confess, feeling your cheeks grow the slightest bit warm.
"Ahh.. and I don't suppose you'd want to kiss me right now, would you? He teasingly asks, cupping your face with one hand and leaning in with a smile.
"I would, actually," You respond, playing along with his childish antics.
Pulling away, he stares at you lovingly.
"Now, tell me what I need to do to meet the criteria."
GETO SUGURU: ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Isn't she soo hot??" Satoru exclaims loudly, showing his phone to your boyfriend Suguru. "It's Waka Inoue. She's soo fine."
"Yeah, she is." He agrees, smiling at his friend.
'Is this guy fucking serious?' You think, sharing a look with Shoko, telling you she was thinking the same thing. 'Who calls another girl hot in front of their girlfriend?'
"She's hot?" You question, an eerie look in your eyes that causes Suguru to low-key freak out.
"Yeah, wanna see?" Satoru asks, showing his phone to you. it reveals a woman in a bikini posing (though it does very little to cover her skin).
"...This is what you're into?" You continue to press your boyfriend over the matter, upset that he would agree with his friend calling other women 'hot' and 'fine' in front of you.
"Uh-well-not- it's like.." He sputters, his ears reddening as his two friends laugh at his expense.
"Wow," You say flatly, turning on your heel and walking away upset.
"I fucked up.." Suguru says, resting his head in his hands. "Yeah, we know.." Responds Satoru, clearly not helping this situation, as he receives a pointed glare from his friend.
"What do I do? She probably hates me." Suguru asks, aiming his question at his brunette classmate rather than toward his idiot friend.
"Talk to her, man.. communication is key," she responds, patting her sulking friend's back.
"And!! Tell her she's soo pretty, and you love her sooooo much and buy her flowers and chocolate and a necklace-"
"OKAY!" Suguru interrupts, having enough of his white-haired friend's antics. "I'll just, talk to her... I think I really hurt her feelings. I mean- she hasn't come out of her room since then and she won't talk to me. It's been 4 hours."
"I don't think she likes you anymore," Satoru interjects, however, his words fall on deaf ears as Shoko starts to speak,
"She looked upset. I mean, if she was telling me she thought some guy was 'so fine' and 'so hot' you'd be upset too, right?" She questions, trying to get your boyfriend to understand your feelings.
"Yeah.." He agrees, thinking about his plan and how he's going to win you back (even though he hadn't really lost you in the first place).
knock knock knock
"Yeah?" You sigh, opening the door. To your surprise, you see your boyfriend holding flowers with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Wh- huh? What is this?" You manage to ask, after standing shocked for a minute.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it when I said she was hot. I wasn't thinking. I didn't take into consideration how it'd make you feel. And, god, I'm so sorry. If you don't want to talk to me ever again, I get it. But.. at least take this." He sighs, holding out the flowers for you.
You take the flowers from him and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly and holds you close to him. He lets out a sigh as he feels you relax against him, glad you aren't upset anymore.
"I'm sorry too, I overreacted. I know you probably didn't mean it, but I got upset, and..." you begin, not wanting to acknowledge your feelings, even though you know it's for the better, "insecure."
"And it's okay. If I were you, I would've done the same thing." He reassures, pulling away to cup your cheeks in his hands.
He leans in and places a kiss on your lips, tilting his head to get a better angle as you wrap your arms around his waist. As you pull apart to breathe, you hear a familiar agitating voice,
"EWW! Get a room, guys!! You're disgusting!"
MEGUMI FUSHIGURO: ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"ITADORI!! OUT OF THE WAY!!" Yelled Nobara, skating at high speeds directly towards Itadori.
"huh?- OH GOD!"
"Kugisaki, slow down."
"I CAN'T!"
Nobara rams into Itadori and they both slide across the floor, knocking down everything else in the way.
"That's about to be me." You say to Megumi, holding onto the wall so you don't fall.
"It's not that hard, they just suck... Here, I'll teach you." He replies softly, holding a hand out to you. You take one hand off the wall and hold onto his with all you might, clutching it with the other.
He slowly guides you around the rink, paying no mind to the strength you're using to hold onto his hand. As your classmates lay helplessly on top of each other, you say,
"Shouldn't we help them?"
"They'll be fine," Megumi responds, sparing them no more than a glance.
Amidst the screaming from your friends, you manage to go around the rink twice as Megumi guides you off and to the table where your bags reside. He pulls out a chair and slowly helps you sit, handing you a water bottle.
"Thank you." You say, taking a drink. Directing a soft smile your way, he goes to help his friends still lying on the floor.
As he sits them down, he turns to you and asks,
"Want to go again?"
"Yes!" You gleam, quickly standing up. You seemed to lean forward too much as the ground got closer and closer. However, your boyfriend was there to catch you just in time.
"Careful, don't fall before you get on the rink." He teases, a teasing grin lacing his lips.
"Y-yeah." You stutter, having rarely seen the teasing side of Megumi.
You clutch his hand tighter than last time as he guides you back on to the rink.
"If you keep holding my hand that tight, you won't learn." He starts, prying one of your hands off of his own. "Try with one first. It's not as bad as you think. Trust me."
"Okay.." Your hand shakes in his hold, still scared of falling. As he notices, he says, "I'm holding you. You're not gonna fall."
He takes you around in circles a few times before suggesting you try on your own.
"NO!.. No, I'm okay, let's keep going like this." He slowly pries your hand off his, smiling softly at you as he skates out of arm's reach.
"Just try once, and you can hold my hand again. I'll be right behind you."
You mimic his movements, glad your observation skills are coming in hand. After what feels like an eternity of skating, you make it back to the start of the rink, Megumi trailing behind you.
"Hello, students!! Sorry to cut the fun short, but we're going back now!!" Your teacher calls out, waiting by the door of the roller place.
"Was that your first time rollerblading?" Your boyfriend asks, holding your bag in one hand and your hand in the other, as you trail behind your classmates.
"Yeah.." You respond, slightly embarrassed.
"You did well." He continues, pulling you in for a quick kiss before pulling away and continuing on your walk back, not wanting your friends to tease him about it as they usually do.
"FUSHIGURO!! (Y/N)!! HURRY UP!" Itadori calls out, waiting at the crosswalk with Nobara and Gojo behind him. Gojo shoots you a knowing smile before Megumi responds,
"Yeah, we're coming."
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chronicowboy · 1 year
Eddie knew this was going to be a trainwreck ever since the moment Buck asked Cap if he could bring Natalia to the Grant-Nash barbecue. Now, of course, he had assumed it'd be mainly an internal trainwreck on his part, aching at the sight of Buck's arm around her waist, gritting his teeth as he smiles at her and attempts to be overtly polite. He just didn't expect the trainwreck to breach containment quite so spectacularly.
Its just...
Natalia says something about Buck's death being awesome and the entire garden falls deathly silent. Bobby's face freezes like he's caught in some terrible memory, whether its smoke or rain he's smelling, Eddie couldn't tell you. Hen steadies herself on Karen's arm, and Eddie is only the slightest bit bitter that the person he'd steady himself on isn't his to be steadied by. Maddie's eyes fill with tears almost instantaneously, and Chimney wraps her up, his own face tight with grief. Athena doesn't react beyond a poorly concealed scowl. Even Christopher has stopped playing with Denny to stare.
Still, its not quite a trainwreck until Christopher meets Eddie's eyes. The devastation on his face is enough to have the words falling off Eddie's tongue before he can bite them back.
"Awesome?" Eddie chokes out, swinging his gaze over to the happy couple. His eyes land on Buck, however, a ghostly pale, tight and drawn Buck. "What about it was awesome exactly?"
"Well, I mean, its pretty spectacular you have to admit," Natalia says, a hint of apprehension lining her words.
"Oh, sure. Spectacular. That's exactly how I'd describe it." Eddie nods, lets a cold, rueful laugh bubble up from inside of him and it feels like its been building ever since he joked about lightning striking twice. "What exactly about it was spectacular? His heartbroken sister sobbing in a hospital hallway, wondering if she'd have to watch another brother die? Oh, or was it his captain praying desperately by his bedside because he couldn't bear the thought of losing another child? Was that spectacular? Or was spectacular his brother-in-law's guilt heavy with grief and anchoring him to the hospital room because he thought he was supposed to be the one on the ladder? No." Eddie shakes his head, eyes darting to Buck's blank shock. "Do you know what was really spectacular? The eleven-year-old boy in the hospital waiting room begging to see his Buck on the brink of death just to ask him to come back. Was that spectacular?"
"N-no, of course not," she stammers out, eyes wide. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just..."
Eddie ignores her, eyes locked onto Buck's faraway stare. He takes a step closer, tries not to preen when Buck's eyes immediately focus on him.
"You think she sees you?" Eddie asks, voice raw and way too honest for an entire family and a stranger to hear. "She can't see past the lightning bolt, Buck. But I've been here the whole time." Its here that his voice breaks, cracking into an ugly, pained whisper. "Seeing you, just waiting for you to see me too." He squeezes his eyes shut, shakes his head, takes a step back. "Chris, its time to go, come on."
Eddie grabs their jackets from where they're folded over the back of a garden chair and puts a hand on Christopher's back when he's close enough. Eddie doesn't look back as they disappear into the house, but he catches Maddie's mumbled thank you when they pass.
The ride home is silent, Christopher's eyes teary and Eddie's throat still clogged with the words he left unsaid. They'll talk when they get home. Eddie will ask Buck to talk later too, not an apology for the words, but for how they were said.
Its fine, they have time.
But the blare of truck horns feels a lot like a wake up call.
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itjazzbicch · 7 months
Ice To A Flame
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Pairing:  Bi Han x Fem Reader 
Summary: When the reader agrees to spar with Raiden & Kung Lao, the reader is easily angered by Kung Lao's arrogance, doubting their abilities because they're a woman, and when everyone only sees the reader's outburst, her other half, Bi Han comes and settles her anger...
Warnings:  Reader beats up Kung Lao (LOL) Softer version of Bi Han (The man deserves more fluff, so I tried lol.), established relationship
Word Count: .9k 
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Preparing Lui Kang's 'champions' was indeed a task. Raiden showed promise in his fighting abilities, but Kung Lao? He ground my gears.
Bi Han and his brothers went to handle some things with Lui Kang, and while they were gone, Raiden and Kung Lao convinced me to spar with them.
Raiden was good, making me put in some effort, but arrogance started to anger me when it was time to face Kung Lao.
"Come on, Y/N. I'm taking it easy on you!"
"Is that so?!"
We were exchanging quick blows. He should've been grateful that I wasn't using my true abilities against him, his following slick comment making the vein in my temple throb as he blocked one of my kicks:
"I'd give up if I were you, girly, ha-ha-OH!"
As he was laughing, I showed my true strength, roaring as I smacked his hands down, hitting him with a nasty uppercut, and as he began to fall, I kicked him square in the chest, sending him into a tree.
"Crap-" He was groaning, holding his chest in pain, and I didn't show the slightest amount of sympathy, yelling at him:
"If I were you, I'd be humble and be grateful that I'm showing you mercy! I may be a woman, but I could easily snap you like a twig if I wanted!"
I always tried not to let my anger best me, but his consistent remarks got under my skin, going to the tree and towering over him:
"Your arrogance will be the death of you if you plan to be a 'champion,' Kung Lao," There was fear in his eyes as he stared at me, needing a breath, and scoffing at him as I turned away, "That's if you can even make it that far."
"I'm sorry-" He sighed, managing to stand and offering his hand to me; that only made my anger boil for some reason, but I took his hand and warned:
"Don't be sorry. Be careful."
Looking before me, Bi Han had returned with his brothers and Lui Kang, staring at me puzzled as they all had seen what had just occurred.
Locking eyes with Bi Han, considering he was my other half, he knew I was trying to stay calm and composed, but some steam still needed to be settled. I walked past them and murmured as I heard Kung Lao's groans:
"Make sure that I didn't break any of his ribs. I need a moment to myself."
There were many gardens at the Wu Shi; I found one further away, sitting next to a shrub of flowers and meditating, slow deep breaths helping my blood pressure decrease.
"Y/N." I knew that one of them would come to check on me, Bi Han's voice making me turn to look at him and self-reflecting:
"I apologize for my outburst. I could've handled that situation differently."
"What did he do that made you do that?"
They must not have heard what Kung Lao was saying to me, sighing as I explained:
"He kept making remarks about how he was 'taking it easy on me' and assumed that he was stronger because he's a man."
Facing away and taking a deep breath, the thoughts made me a bit angry again, expressing my frustrations:
"It angers me. I have spent my whole life perfecting my combat skills just to be belittled by that boy-urgh."
"Well, think of it this way," Sitting next to me, his thought process made me chuckle, "He'll never do it again given your response to his remarks."
"I'd hope so," I breathed in, calmed again, and truly felt guilty, "I am sorry, though. I shouldn't let little things like that bother me like they do."
"I'm not worried about the matter. Sometimes, people need to be put in their place," He mumbled, eyes fixed on the view of the garden but locking into my eyes as I took his hand:
"Thank you for understanding," I smiled softly, thumb caressing the vein in his hand, and even though he still had his mask on, I could see his little smirk.
No one could thaw his ice as I could, squeezing his hand the more I smiled, but paying great attention to his words:
"You are Lin Kuei, and that's all I need to say regarding your little doubts. Never forget that."
"I never will," I nodded, pulling down his mask to kiss his cheek, "I cherish you, Bi Han."
Taking off his mask, he started looking around to make sure we were alone, which I pretended to be upset at:
"So, what if someone were to see?"
"Hmph," His nose flaring almost made me laugh, freezing in place when his lips found me. His kisses always blew me away; it nearly felt like the first time. My eyes still closed as he pulled away, "Content now?"
Slowly opening my eyes just to get lost in his big, brown eyes, I got goosebumps like I did almost every time, smiling again as he gave a soft one back at my reaction.
He rarely smiled, and my heart was whole at the thought that I was the one who could make that happen, nodding and squeezing his hand again as there was a slight breeze, leaves dancing around us:
"Always when I'm with you, Bi Han." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
for ypur 1k game can i get a "lady of the house" + ghoap💋
1k game here - no more please!
you said lady so im assuming you meant ghoap x reader <3
2.5k of a kinda historical au ft. flirty stablehand johnny x kinda shy reader x very horny simon (cw for oral sex in a public place, though there's no audience except a few horses)
Your husband's staff seems to have no concept of propriety.
No, no, that's not fair to most of the servants. Your husband's stablehand has no concept of propriety.
You'd complain to Simon, but he's hardly around to find most days. While the two of you share a bedchamber, that's nearly the only time you see him. You're lucky to even share a meal with the man, these days. The housekeeper tells you he's holed up in his office more often than not, and that feels like a clear sign that he would rather not be bothered. You two aren't particularly close, so you're more than content to find other ways of amusing yourself.
You've spent most of your time since moving into the manor with your mare, a gift from husband on your wedding night. She's a lovely beast and you've found great joys on long rides with her, despite the persistent ache in your thighs recently.
But that stablehand... Johnny's too handsome for his own good and he knows it, more than willing to flirt with you even though his own master has a claim, and too skilled for you to really ignore.
You hate that you've become so endeared to him, but it's impossible to ignore his flirtatious remarks. You've been a bit starved for affection since your marriage, and Johnny really isn't bad company by any means.
In fact, as much as you know you shouldn't, you can't help but feel a bit excited as you venture down to the stables to go on your daily ride.
You're halfway there when you're joined by someone new, a large figure suddenly walking shoulder to shoulder with you. He nearly makes you jump out of you skin, but you calm a bit at the sight of your elusive husband.
"Oh!" You gasp, pressing a hand over your chest. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
He inclines his head a bit, wrapping one hand around your elbow as you continue to walk. "My apologies. I thought I might join you on your ride today."
You're not sure how he knew where you'd be, but you take the new company in stride. "I'd enjoy that."
You're silent for the rest of the walk, not entirely comfortable in this veritable stranger's presence quite yet. Your spouse is an intimidating man, and you've hardly spent any time with him, so there's very little comfort to be found in his presence. What little time you have spent together has been in the bedroom and well... if you think of that for too long you'll go red in the face.
"Ah, the lady of the house!" Johnny calls as you enter the stables, stepping away from your mare. "You're late, my lady."
You giggle a bit at his tease. "My apologies, Johnny, I didn't realize you were on a schedule."
His smile grows and he leans against the gate to one of the stalls. "I simply have certain expectations of you, my lady - you're quite the creature of habit."
"You two have gotten close, then?" Your husband asks, and you're swiftly reminded of his presence. Your face flames at how easily you'd shown your friendship with Johnny off in front of a man you're meant to marry.
"I'm sorry," you demure, glancing up at Simon and feeling relief when you find him looking merely curious, not angry. "Johnny's- Mr. MacTavish has been helping me learn to take care of the mare you gifted me, and we've... developed a bit of a friendship in our afternoons spent together."
Simon hums, nodding to himself as his eyes flick between you and the stablehand. The only sign that Johnny is even the slightest bit fazed is the way he straightens up from where he was leaning, back straight and shoulders rolled back.
"No disrespect meant, sir," he apologizes. "Your wife is a lovely creature, I couldn't resist getting to know her a bit better."
"Yes, she is quite enchanting," Simon says quietly, guiding you a bit closer to Johnny. "You're unmarried, aren't you Johnny?"
He nods, and the two of you share a slightly confused look.
"And do you have any prospects?"
Johnny clears his throat, a tinge of red lighting up his cheeks. "No, sir."
Simon hums again, his thumb stroking over the crook of your elbow.
"Have you been taking care of my wife in my absence, Johnny?"
Now he really does blush, and you feel the same heat race through your own face.
"Only..." he clears his throat again, shifting his weight. "Only in ways entirely appropriate, sir, I promise."
"Oh, I don't doubt that. You're a good worker, a good boy, I can tell."
You're not entirely sure what's going on. The tone of voice Simon has adopted is near salacious, a tone you recognize from the few times the two of you have preformed your marital duties together. The tone sets your heart racing, a slightly uncomfortable awareness settling over you.
"Thank- thank you, sir."
"Do you know how to properly take care of a woman?"
"Simon, I'm not sure-" you try to interrupt, uncomfortable with the direction the conversation seemed to be heading.
"Hush, darling, I'm only asking the boy a question. Well, Johnny?"
Poor Johnny's face is as red as a tomato, and you'd tease him if you weren't sure you looked the same.
"Well, sir, I've... I've never had a woman of my own to take care of, but I try my best."
"Oh I'm sure you do."
Simon's contemplative look is a little concerning, so you tug on his hand just a bit. "I'd like to ride today, Simon, if you're ready?"
"In a moment," he dismisses, giving you a soft pat on the shoulder with his free hand. "Would you like to learn how to take care of a woman, Johnny?"
"Simon," you hiss, sure that he's not implying what you think he is.
He looks down at you with an innocent if slightly confused face. "What, darling? The boy needs to learn at some point."
"Not-" you clear your throat, glancing at a very confused looking Johnny from the corner of your eye. "Simon, not here."
"Oh, come off it," he scoffs, a soft smile tilting up his lips. "Is that truly your only complaint? The location? My dear, no one will see us this far out but the trees and the horses. Well," he glances over to the stablehand. "And our Johnny, of course."
"I'm sure he's familiar with how to... take care of a woman."
"I'm not," Johnny blurts, then clamps his lips shut tightly together. His blush spreads down to his neck, and you worry the poor thing might just explode.
"See? So, Johnny, would you like to learn how to care for a woman? I'm sure my lovely wife would be more than happy to introduce you to the pleasures."
Your blush doesn't calm, but looking at Johnny... the idea isn't entirely off-putting.
Johnny's about as handsome as a man can be, and if Simon has no compunctions to sharing a bit of your pleasure... well, you've always been a bit of a glutton.
Johnny seems about as unbothered by the idea as you are.
"Really, sir? You'd let me... you'd let her teach me?"
Simon laughs a little, stepping closer to Johnny and turning you so you're shoulder to shoulder with him. "Oh, I'll be doing the teaching, boy. She's just out practice doll, yes?"
That makes your breath hitch, the idea of being just a thing between the two handsome men a bit more pleasing than it should be.
"Now," Simon says, gripping you suddenly by the waist and lifting without warning. He sets you onto a wooden table, then spreads your legs. "Women's clothing can be quite annoying to work around, but the end result is more than worth it. Hold your skirts for us, love, thattagirl."
You're silent as you take the layers of clothing from your husband, afraid that if you speak you'll simply burst into flames. Exposing yourself to a man like this is difficult enough in the dark of your bedchamber, it feels near impossible in front of Johnny and in broad daylight.
But you can feel the way your center grows slick, so you obey your husband.
"Now, Johnny, kneel here, in front of me."
Johnny nearly scrambles to where Simon gestures, almost throwing himself to his knees in front of you. He's left between your thighs and Simon's legs, your husband almost stradling his back.
Simon laughs a bit. "Eager, are we?"
"Yes- yes, sir." Johnny pants a bit, staring up at you from the floor. He can't seem to decide whether he'd like to look at your undergarments or your face, eyes flicking between the two.
"Good lad," Simon brushes a hand over the back of Johnny's head, palming it. "Now, you'll have to take off her undergarments before anything else."
You shift a little in your spot as Johnny reaches up tentatively, eyebrows slightly furrowed. His hands brush over your bottom half for several long seconds, and you start to shift a little more, near whining.
"Hurry now, Johnny, you'll drive the poor thing mad."
He adopts an almost determined expression, and a moment later you hear a rip and feel a breeze against your most sensitive parts.
"Johnny!" You scold, leaning far enough forward to glare down at the man.
He flinches a little, sinking away. "I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't know how else to get them off!"
"You never destroy a woman's clothing like that! You're not off to a very good start so far."
You regret the words a bit when Johnny's face drops, his lip poking out in a slight pout.
Simon laughs, shifting to rub a hand over your bared knee. "Let up on him, darling, he's inexperienced. Besides, it's rather easy to make up for a few ripped seams."
You glare lightly at Simon, just to make sure he knows you're unamused, then lean back to relax against the wall. "Well, then you'd better get started."
Johnny looks up at Simon, neck craning back. "How...?"
Another rough chuckle from your husband, and he shoves Johnny forward by the back of the head until his face is buried between your thighs.
"Oh!" You yelp.
"With your mouth, Johnny. Trust me, it's far easier to learn to use your tongue like this than it is to learn how a lady likes her apologies."
You shoot an unimpressed look up to Simon, but it quickly melts off your face when you feel Johnny's lips and nose press to your center. He doesn't really do anything, just sort of stays there.
You shift again, try to press forward.
"Lick her, Johnny," Simon explains, putting a bit more pressure on the back of the stablehand's head. A moment later, there's a tentative brush across your folds.
You jolt a bit at the first tough, then relax into the second. Johnny's clumsy but confident, and you spread your legs a bit wider so he can fully explore you.
"Lift your skirts a bit further, love, I can't see," Simon instructs, leaning over so he's hovering directly above Johnny. You obey, and your husband hums as the view.
"Do you see the little bud at the top there, Johnny? Focus in on that, it's what gives women pleasure."
Johnny's evidently a quick study, as he focuses his attentions onto your clitoris as soon as the instructions are out of Simon's mouth. "Oh!" You gasp, back shooting up from the wall.
It takes him several long minutes to figure out what keeps you moaning in pleasure rather than whining in frustration, but once he does he keeps his tongue stroking in just the right way to make you go boneless.
"Attaboy, there you go," Ghost praises, stroking over the stripe of hair on Johnny's head. "Hear her moanin'? That means you're making' her feel good, so keep going."
He's a good listener, Johnny, and you're nearly brought to a peak with just his tongue alone.
"Add a finger now," Simon says.
Johnny pulls back just far enough for you to see his confusion. "A finger, sir?"
Simon huffs out a laugh, reaching down to grab Johnny's right wrist and pull it to your bared core. "Yes, Johnny, a finger. You put one or two into her hole to stretch her out enough to take you. Now, you won't be fucking my wife today, but the stretch will still feel good for her."
The way he talks about you like you're not even there combined with the sudden slow stretch of Johnny's fingers has you moaning. If you were even slightly more aware of anything but the two men in front of you, you'd worry about being heard. As it is, the attention returning to your clit keeps you suitably distracted.
Simon scoffs in front of you, tugging Johnny's hair a bit in reprimand. "You have to move the finger, boy, you can't just set it in there and do nothing. C'mon, push it in and out a bit."
"Yes, sir," Johnny pants, glancing up at you past all the skirts. "Sorry, my lady."
"That's- that's alright," you excuse, trying to keep your voice steady. Judging by the smirk on your husband's face, you're not particularly successful.
You let yourself float off in the pleasure for a bit, smiling gently at the cautious movements of Johnny's finger - he almost seems scared to hurt you, and you can't help but be endeared to the stablehand all over again.
"Look at that," Simon sighs, his hand moving further up on your thigh. "Hear how wet she is? Means she's ready for another finger. Go on, Johnny. Stretch her out some more."
The two fingers are enough to get you off - all that attention focused right on your clit and just enough of a stretch for you to feel. You come with quiet moans, shifting your hips forward into Johnny's lips as much as you can.
He doesn't slow or change his motions at all, and you ride the orgasm to completion happily. After, though, you can't help but whine at the overstiumlation.
"Alright, pull off now, Johnny. You hear those noises? Those mean she doesn't feel good anymore."
Johnny almost jerks away from you, glancing up at you with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, my lady," he quickly apologizes, rising up on his knees to get closer as you drop your skirts. "I didn't meant to hurt you."
You smile softly at him, reaching down to cup his cheek. "You didn't, Johnny, it's alright. Just a bit too much."
He nods as he leans into your hold, and the three of you rest in silence for a few moments.
Eventually Simon tugs you off of the table, pulling both you and Johnny into his arms for a half-hug. It's nice - your husband isn't too much of a fan of physical contact, so you relish in it when you can.
Johnny coughs a bit with a blush when you all three finally seperate. "So... when's my next lesson?"
You smirk as you loop arms with Simon, both of you sharing an amused glance.
"Come to our chambers anytime, Johnny," you offer, patting him on the chest before stepping away. "I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind giving a longer demonstration on how to fully pleasure a woman."
You leave a red-faced Johnny in the stables with tented pants, both you and Simon chuckling to yourselves as you head back to the manor.
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bedoballoons · 11 months
HiI saw you had requests open sooo 👀
I didn't see anyone writing about this so if you are uncomfortable it's alright 😀
Sorry for bothering you
But could you write headcanons for (Alhaitham, Diluc, thoma, ayato, kaveh) what would they do or say when they see scars on there lover body for the first time??It could be any scar, like battle scars or something??
They always see scar on their hands/legs or face but they didn't expect to see so much more on their body.
I hope you understand what I wrote 🌚
Have a great day ☺️
Thank you for your request and I hope you have a good day too!! You're not bothering me in the slightest!!
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~Seeing your scars~
CW: Descriptions of scars and mentions of slight nudity!
(Includes: Diluc, Thoma, Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Ayato!)
You felt self conscious in your own skin, crossing you arms to shield some of yourself as Diluc sat in front of you, his eyes trailing down your body so slowly, taking in every single detail...every scar you had...and there was so many. Would he...no longer find you beautiful after this? Would he talk to you ever again? You knew he had seen some of your scars before, their placements basically on display...but he never seemed to think of you any less.
Finally, after what felt like a eternity he spoke, his words carefully selected and his actions gentle, loving because he knew how difficult it must have been to show him your true self. "Every scar...is a part of you, a story of something that's happened to you and I find each one of them beautiful. If you're comfortable...I'd like to know what they are from, I want to learn all I can about you..." His hand gently grasped your pulling you closer to him, embracing you so softly as if he thought he would break you. His fingers gently tracing the marks on your skin...as you explained each one.
"Okay...open your eyes...", You said quietly, feeling nervous as Thomas eyes opened, instantly landing on your naked body and looking over ever single part of you carefully. It felt so strange, showing someone something so personal...you felt slightly scared...every scar was now up for his opinion, every single blemish could be commented on...this was your idea...but suddenly you wondered if maybe you never should have suggested it at all...
He scratched the back of his neck shyly, his face blushed a bright red as he stepped closer to you, placing a gentle, sweet kiss on your lips before speaking his true thoughts, "You...are so goregous...I can barely say my thoughts...I'm just...I'm so lucky..." Your eyes widened slightly, your cheeks turning a light pink, had...he really just said that...?, "My scars..."
"I love them...I love you."
Alhaithams hand softly touched your skin, his fingers slowly going over every scar...each one he seemed to pause on just for a second to...analyze as if he could figure out the cause if he looked at them long enough. Your heart was racing, he was touching you so gently and yet you couldn't help but wonder...if he would still want to after this initial reaction. "Alhaitham..."
"My apologies, I suppose the only word I can find to explain my thoughts is...enamoured. I am... enamoured with you. You're like a book, each scar a sentence of your life...and I would like to read each one." He gently pulled your hand into his, kissing the top of it before staring at you, his eyes filled with love for you.
Kavehs hands held yours gently, his thumb rubbing gentle circles into your palm, each movement careful as could be so he'd never make you feel uncomfortable. He felt...so honoured to see you like this, to see the things you had originally thought were going to make him run away...but instead only made him feel closer to you.
"When I said I loved you, I didn't just mean I love the thought of you...some picture perfect person...no, I love the all of you...the scars of your past battles and every other thing about you..." His words were caring, each one he meant with all his heart as he rested his forehead against yours and you both stayed like that, enjoying the moment.
"Oh my" Ayato said softly, walking towards you slowly, as if he might scare you away if he's to forceful with his actions. His hand gently went to the bottom of your chin, lifting it so he could look into your eyes...it was like he could read your thoughts and feelings. In truth...you felt shy...being in front of him with no clothing to hide the scars of your past...scared that each one might make you look like a monster.
"You don't have to be worried...I don't think any less of you for having scars...they are something to be proud of. A victory mark meaning that you made it through a battle." He was so quiet as he spoke, his lips touching yours afterwords in a soft kiss before he continued, "Thank you...for trusting me enough to show me the real you...I find you even more beautiful than I already did."
✿Have a great day!✿
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
Hear me out all the welcome home characters (if possible poly if not das cool u could just do wally) with a s/o who intentionally and unintentionally does the frog blink when looking at people.
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I just think it would be funny
| bestie I can do poly no matter what its just gonna be so much to write...ITS WORTH IT THO<33 |
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- wally finds it..normal funny enough. if you do in unintentionally he won't mind a bit even if you're staring at him during a conversation. hell he may even laugh and jokingly say “ that's a..interesting blink , dearest. ” “ what do you mean? ” “ oh nothing.. ” now if its INTENTIONALLY done he again , doesn't react in the slightest. he's probably seen much weirder so your silly little frog blink isn't much to him.
- julie can't help but giggle at it even if you're staring at something else or talking with someone else. she finds it silly yet adorable! if you blink at her that way she can't help but gently hold your face and say “ you look like an adorable froggy! ” and give you a kiss on the forehead. even if you do it intentionally it don't seem weird to her , she's going to find it cute in her own special way no matter what.
- frank is more of the ones who gets disturbed ever so slightly by the fact you frog blink at people or objects. sometimes he'll flinch if you blink at him but always quickly apologizes about his reaction and even if he's been dating you for some time he'll still jump. “ oh jeez I'm sorry butterfly , I'm just..I'd rather not say creeped out by it. it's just interesting! ” he tries to say that in a positive way and will make up for it by kisses and hugs...your his strange partner and he loves it in some form.
- sally giggles at it like julie but is a little secretive about how she thinks about it. by the way she acts she finds it unique yet adorable. she can actually keep eye contact with you but does laugh if you look at objects you're interested in and do it. “ you remind me of how moths stare at flames or go to them , starshine! it's adorable. ”
- poppy , being the motherly time , ignores it. it's a gentle way of ignoring it and even can't help but kiss your forehead if you're staring at an object or thing while doing the frog blink. she even lightly asks about it and never pushes it but does let a giggle out or two.
- eddie finds it well..funny yet unique! he says that in a gentle way but seriously he can't help but stare in such a loving way but will..lightly joke. calls you his ‘ froggy ’ and if he ever delivers letters to you expect a frog drawn on it with a lot of hearts on it! he even accidentally makes everyone else call you froggy....
- barnaby can and will joke about it only because that's in his nature . yet it will be jokes that show he loves you , if he doesn't joke around with you he might as well not be your boyfriend- he calls you “ frogster ” and somehow can hold eye contact with you and jokingly mimics you.
- howdy can't help but find it unique and adorable , always making eye contact even if you do it but if its for no reason he may be a little creeped out but just stares back usually. you're always gonna be loveable in his eyes but you're just a frog...a very lovable one.
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