#i wish i could draw him more accurately to the way i picture him in my head
thepinkrabbiit · 9 months
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Martin blackwood my one true love
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shatcey · 3 months
I have finished Revolution (children's routes aside)!
OMG! I can't believe I've spent more than a year on this game.
I started when the game was no longer supported by the developers, so I only have the main routes, and you know… It's so difficult. I've thought to drop it a few times, but I don't like NOT finishing something… It's annoying and itchy, and I'll keep thinking about it over and over again… So it's easier to finish and then forget about it once and for all.
So… Before I leave my final words about this game, I would like to say a few words about the twins. My last route was Dum/Dalim, so it would be fair to talk about them.
To be honest, I don't remember seeing Dean very often… He was, of course, in the "through the looking glass" routes, but aside from that… not certain. I just remembered… Zero or Edgar. I remember their duel, and Dean was there…
I didn't see twins together very often. But every time I saw them, they denied that they were related. And I thought it was the same as Luka, who always said he wasn't related to Jonah…
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They are literally a mirror image of the same picture, except for the hairstyle… Someone was too lazy to draw them a little differently and decided to cheat…
And it's hilarious to see how synch they are…
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And now... will be a spoiler...
But suddenly...
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So Dean doesn't remember anything, and Dalim is just playing along… From that moment on, I begin to doubt that Dalim is a villain at all…
And the more he pushed Alice away, the more obvious it became that something was wrong. Real villains do what they like, they could toy with people (push and pull), but they don't push them completely away from themselves.
So it wasn't a surprise to find out that he was just being manipulated.
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It reminds me of Seth…
Some of his words are reminds of a completely different character… from another Cybird game…
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I wish I could add another spoiler…
I know how strange it may look… but Dalim is pre-version of Gilbert. Starting with his way of manipulating people's actions (Dalim's army of fans), continue his constant interest in studying and finally self-devotion to the brink of destroying his own health for the sake of his goal. This is so weird… I still find it hard to believe, but they have too much in common to ignore it.
And I know I wanted to talk about the twins, but ended up talking about Dalim. So let's get back to Dean. He is very smart and makes pretty accurate assumptions based on very little information.
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Yes, you are totally right, my angel is a very stubborn idiot who decided that he should be a sacrificed goat.
And I love that he never turns off the teacher-mode… I would like to see him in a romantic relationship… Alas…
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And at the end of the romantic ending, Alice says that nothing changes between the brothers at all. At least something never changes…
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mathemagiks · 1 year
To what extent does their appearance in game match your vision of them creatively? Are there things you wish you could change about them in this regard? Or possibly do, if you knew of a way to do so...
I did my best to try and get close when making all of the beans as alts in-game, but honestly if I had my druthers, all of their in-game models would have so many little tweaks and adjustments to match how I see them (especially since I'm awful at getting mods to work and they give me more headaches than I find worth wrestling with them for).
I got a little wordy in this and scrounged my travel laptop for some old doodles and pictures, so this is going under a cut for length.
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For Ehn, I tend to picture him much lankier than the miqo'te in game; he's long limbed and gangly, and still gets mistaken for a teenager at a distance. He cuts no real imposing figure physically! I also tend to draw his ponytail a little scruffier, and the side-hair thingies longer in homage to his namesake. Kinda like this:
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Orrin is pretty much accurate, but did you know that in character creator there's no option for actual red red as a hair color option? I managed to get the idea across with how highlights play with is particular hairstyle, but it still bugs me in certain lights how it still looks... well, pink.
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Band... By now I've sort of resigned myself to her just having that horn style, but if I had my way, she'd have had the wing-like horns when I made her (I tried making the face they're linked to work, but it just didn't give that sharp, stern look that I felt was key to the Banadei Experience TM). If SE ever disconnects the horns from the faces, you bet I'm finding an in-character way to change them for her. But for now, pointy horns she keeps. Beyond that, she's a lot less.... curvy, I guess, from the raen models. Still feminine at a glance, but just more... average looking I guess? There's a word for this but it escapes me right now. I also like to think her scales have more of a coppery flash than the in-game gold one for Raen, and her limbal rings are more metallic than they are glow-y. She also has much bigger scale patches on her arms and legs than the dainty ones the in-game model has, as well as a large patch between her shoulders and down her sides (like the male models have. As to why the girls don't get them too I have no idea).
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Not many differences on Scrap, really, besides him being kinda scrawny for a lalafell. The most I tend to deviate when I doodle him is more in the clothes than the rest of his features, namely his collar and sleeves and drawing his hat a little smaller but tbh that's just me thinking it looks better that way in my particular art style. (He's on the right in this picture, natch)
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Uroko is, like, the one bean I made in CC first before building the character behind him so honestly, he's spot on as far as things go. Like Band, though, I picture him with more scales on his arms, legs, and torso than the in-game model gives him, but less "bigger patches" and more like the large patches being flanked by spots of smaller patches, like dappled sunlight.
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I have some ideas for a radioactive tokoyami.
Radium is known for it's unique green glow, so maybe he's eyes could grow green.
I've heard myths about how near the elephants foot if you take pictures you'll see things similar to ghosts even though no casualties happen near it. (That I know of)
So Gamma rays and X-rays are both electromagnetic radiation Gamma rays are created by nuclear decay while X-rays take a picture of a bone. Gamma rays are hazardous to life they can cause damage to bone marrow and internal organs and they easily pass through the body and thus pose a formidable radiation protection challenge. They are also produced by the hottest and most energetic objects in the universe, such as neutron stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and regions around black holes.
Do with this information as you wish :)
God I'm so in love with this! And the nuclear decay, damage to bone marrows and internal organs (as expected, also I've heard that radiation also causes teeth to fall out, tho I'm not too sure abt it), and the HOTTEST things in the UNIVERSE????? Holy hell
I don't know much abt nuclear and radiation stuff bc we haven't gotten to that part in our science stuff yet— so I'm very glad and grateful piece of information!! Many kudos to you!!
I've been so hyped abt this AU bc it started when I watched those Minecraft tnt mods on tiktok and thought: "Why not let Tokoyami have that power? It suits him."— and thus the birth of the "Nuclear Blood" AU. I basically wanted him to be Bakugo but, as it is, poses so much more threat and the consequences adding to those explosions. I've also pictured his feathers to have bright tips at the end, and as long as it may go, whilst floating like some sort of black dreadful gas, and the eyes! Of course they'd go green (or pink, I feel like, bc bright pink can be an intimidating color in the right light, and not so much in contrast with his red eyes). Also his "body" wouldn't really be called a Body, would it? All that radiation and nuclear energy and other deadly things wouldn't match with a biologically constructed one (let alone the potential great consequences of it, and it wouldn't do to have such a godly power if you do not have the right body for it— like putting metric tons of water into a cup); so his body could be just a really solid gas structure perhaps? It goes well with the ghost things you've mentioned.
Tokoyami in Nuclear Blood basically being a very very thick presence of gas (or otherwise, if you want Eldritch things, if this already isn't Eldritch in a way science can become), and a walking supernova. People feel like they're dying around him, or maybe nauseous if Tokoyami seals himself so tight he wouldn't be blamed. He'd probably wear anti-radiation suits, or clothing made of the same material, and has a reputation of avoiding touching things or being touched by people (especially the young).
There are so much stuff I wanna add, tho the unfortunate thing is that I don't know enough about nuclear science to actually, and accurately, make things easier. I would attempt to read/watch stuff about it tho! Bc I'm hyped and I'm not going to back to down! There's so many things (both good and bad) I want to give or have Tokoyami experience— as well as the changes in his personality and behavior (he'd probably be a bit insane, and hallucinate at certain times), so yeah!! Merry I go for this Au! There's lots I wanna do and draw and write!!!
Again, thanks for this information!! Now Tokoyami is less than a human and more of an ancient, horrible thing (which, is a good thing, if I may add, I'm a sucker for these) :))
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2n2n · 2 years
AMV, MMD & animation recs!
do you want all my bilibili bookmarks? Bilibili is a chinese site similar to youtube, where a lot of creatives post their AMV, MMD, edits, etc. You can fall into it for hours... I recommend clicking around. Here are my fav videos.
if you wanna search through the plethora of MMD on your own, there is a comprehensive tag. 
Disclaimerz: I wish this list could adequately represent my personal love for Nene x Amane x Tsukasa, or at least my love for HanaNene and AmaTsu equally, but unfortunately, content does not exist in equal measure to my passions. There are almost no AmaTsu MMD for some reason, despite there being plenty of AMV and original animations. HanaNene has many MMD, but honestly... many of them are rather plain/boring, and don’t celebrate the uniqueness of the dynamic, so I don’t bookmark much. So, you should browse bilibili yourself after clicking around my list to get a start, if you don’t already, because you might find tons of content that suits you ♥
Just be forewarned that not all video thumbnails are an accurate representation of the content within, and you’ll kind of get ‘tricked’ by thumbnails a lot, lol. I thought providing my list might help you get a start.
Absolute favorites:
Animation: Yellow Amane x Tsukasa. A beautiful animation! It respects everything about Tsukasa and Amane's history, their attachment.... a beautifully chosen song. Beautifully imagined, beautifully drawn. Amane closing Tsukasa's eyes as he says "It's safer to think that way.".... my favorite part..... It's so incredible to see something which remembers and considers so much of their past. The blood striking the radio.... Tsukasa's stabbed body below the horrified Amane, stars and night sky in his emptied chest.... holding hands at Tanabata, kissing sparklers together..... powerful juxtaposition! Reference to Tsukasa being kept hidden, tucked away, in the visuals and lyrics.... this is really my favorite video of all. The video itself is relatively gen, but this artist does draw them kissing in their other work, lalalalalla hahahaha ♥ lyrics in english
Animation: Mermaid A gorgeous Hanako x Nene video set to a very appropriate song!! I love that it centers on a very specific time in the narrative, when Nene first meets the living Amane himself..... lyrics in english here. It’s so rare, but it’s something that really pays respect to the pain Nene feels, loving the tragic boy she does.
VA IMITATION: "YOU ARE KING" Gen. a very talented vocal imitation of Hanako and Tsukasa's VA, singing a song together! You can read the lyrics here in english.  My favorite part is Tsukasa's "onegai" and "darling, darling" His part has a kind of sweet devotion and ache to its tone!
animation: 7150 days Amane x Tsukasa! Ah... this video is so ardent and sincere. It's using traced panels, which feels like such an effort....I'm glad this person wanted so badly to convey this message, and put it together. the song is carefully chosen. The shots are very sweet... it touches my heart. Lyrics in english here.
MMD: MONSTER Gen. Oh one of my favorites. More tiktok-flavored in its editing, very new-age, but I accept it, it's fun! I love this song for Hanako loool ♥♥♥ SHOULDN'T HAVE MESSED WITH HIM!!!! ARE YOU READY FOR THE MONSTER??????
AMV: Indoor Kei nara Trackmaker (BIGWAVE remix) Gen. this AMV has such amazing on-beat editing! The song is literally meaningless, but this video-- I watch it all the time-- because it does such a good job playing Tsukasa and Nene footage side-by-side, making everyone feel so similar! Such a delight! There aren't really AMVs for Nene x Amane x Tsukasa, so this is the closest I get haha.... ♥
MMD: "Otome Kaibou" A really nice Hanako x Nene MMD that respects the canon dynamic and events really well...! It also includes Picture Perfect boy, which is SO EXCITING. The person making this clearly put a ton of love and dedication into it. Maiden Dissection is a good song for Hanako to sing, really.... english lyrics here.
MMD: "Tokoyo" Gen. Though made by a shipper, and likely considers that element to Tsukasa. Ahhh this one I like a lot-- interesting editing, and a really good song choice. I’m glad at least one Tsukasa MMD exists which really considers his long existence, his patience. Very atmospheric. The lyrics in english here.
AMV: FREAKSHOW nice editing. I love anything that embellishes Amane's creepiness ♥ An appropriate song for him! It does a good job representing both Hanako x Nene, with some Tsukasa thrown in ominously, like he's a distant memory..... ♥ I love the part it plays Amane saying "Yashiro" many times.
animation: Otome Kaibou Amane and Tsukasa! Oh gorgeous perfect drawings of Tsukasa.... feminine, luxurious, elegant. The song itself is relevant for Tsukasa or Amane-- english lyrics here. The visual in the music video itself for this song, pertains to communication deteriorating between people over time (speaking with a tin can, a radio, etc).
Other favs to parooze: 
 AMV: "TASTE THE FLESH" ok so this one is just a horny AMV, Amane x Tsukasa. But here's the thing. It's not wrong. This edgy song suits the feeling. I mean. What can I say. Tsukasa would like you to give it to him harder and let loose. He would like your teeth to sink into his flesh.
 AMV: ?? uh. Amane and Tsukasa  hypnotizing short edit, layering his introduction on the roof with music..... very addicting to rewatch again and again.
MMD: "LAMB" Gen. I don't feel a special way about this song's lyrics. I just like that Hanako does jerk-off motions in this MMD. Thanks for doing jerk-off motions and then saying Aishiteru. I-- thanks. it's not all deep for me. The hammer/stabbing motions also do it for me. The lighting's also so nice!
MMD: "Bury a Friend" Gen. oh such a funny song, but good for Hanako, what can I say! I loooove the "careful♥" part... very Amane ♥
AMV: "MINDBRAND" Gen. This video feels like it's just for you to stare at and oggle Amane... let's stare at him together. 
AMV: Cradles Gen. I like this song. Short, simple, but, a nice Tsukasa-centric AMV.... not too many of those, given the anime’s limited footage.
AMV: MINDBRAND another Mindbrand AMV, BUT THIS TIME it's actually someone doing an impression of Hanako's VA! So, it sounds like him singing it. The editing is nice, as well! Hanako x Nene centric.
MMD: DOUBT Gen. Lol I love 21 Pilots.... simple, short MMD. Well, good for Amane's feelings..... it’s gen, buuuuut.... I like to think it pertains to Tsukasa.... ♥ I love the line "gnawing on the bishops. claw away at their system. repeat in simple phrases. someone holy insisted." mmm ♥ God blesses you Amane ♥
MMD: Monster(2) Gen. another Hanako MMD set to this song! There's a lot honestly, everyone understands it suits him, lol. This one has different motion data though!! Honestly I love when people put him on his throne. Nice and crazy. Now that's my boy!!
MMD: The Wolf Gen. Hanako be on his throne. It's simple but pleasant. Good to register this possessive dangerous beast.
MMD: I dont know this song ♥ Gen. I just like to see him run around. Don't you. Lookit him go. It scares me when his pupils suddenly disappear or go black. Kinda a good simulation of being on mr bones wild ride. He is... insane.... hi.
MMD: "AUTOPHAGY" Gen. A RARE TSUKASA MMD. There are so few, it breaks my heart. Trust me that this list would be more if there WERE more. I'm begging for scraps. I don't think the song really suits Tsukasa at all, but the animation is fun nonetheless, and I'm unwilling to not include the little Tsukasa content there is. Please know he’s not underrepresented for a lack of appreciation, but simply because... there’s not much. MMD are either solo Hanako, or, HanaNene. There’s not even more than 2 Amane x Tsukasa ones. ):
MMD:  .... I don't know what song this one is... ♥ Just a really cute Hanako x Nene MMD, with Nene in a cute outfit, matching him!
MMD: "Shake" Gen. well. it's just Hanako shaking his hips creepily. Why wouldn't you want to watch that.
MMD: SOLO Gen. ok this one is really funny. I watch it and pretend I am Tsukasa and Nene in the audience. Lookit him do his little moves. This is what MMD is all about. Watching a little dance. The single-finger waggle is very 'Hanako'. OOoohh teach me a lesson!
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pleasantanathema · 3 years
Levi Ackerman | Little Death
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Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Warnings: Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Light Dom/Sub Dynamics, Authority/Power Play, Hair Pulling, Established Relationship
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Part of my Nine Muses Event to celebrate 9k! Follow the link to read other fanfics I’m writing to celebrate. A huge thank you to @shadowworks​ for helping me as I learned how to characterize Levi, and for being one of the best encouragers in my life. Without her, I wouldn’t still have this passion for writing. 💙
          “Oi, you going deaf?” Levi tapped his hand against your cheek in successive raps, stern but soft, enough to pull you from your fucked out trance. Your head shook no even though you couldn’t remember what words were spoken, the haze of sex and the aftershocks of orgasm clouding over you like thick smoke.
           “Then tell me what I said,” he spoke through gritted teeth, inky tendrils of black hair curling with sweat against his forehead.
           He was well aware it would be hard for you to speak, his cock stuffed so deep inside of you it was nearly bubbling out of your throat. Both of his hands found your thighs, pressing you back farther, wider. Your sweet, abused pussy sucked in around him. He admired the cream that stained his cock, your slick gushing as he gave another brutal push into your depths.
           Levi aired on the side of mercy, for once, electing to remind you of his words instead of listening to whatever nonsense you’d try to babble out for him.
          “Give me another. Feels so good when you cum on my cock.”
          “C-Captain I can’t…”
          His body curled over yours, the weight of his hips pressing between your legs as he cupped your face, thumb slipping past open lips to give you something to suck and focus on.
          “Yes you can, you’re my girl.”
           The way your darling tongue lapped at his thumb made his stomach twist.
           He knew you had more to give, he wouldn’t push you if he thought otherwise. He wanted you to drown in the sin; it’s what you deserved. Always so good, listening to every order, pledging your heart without question. And, for some reason, you’d been willing to dedicate your heart to him, to serve your precious body up on a platter whenever he asked.
           Levi didn’t deserve you, but he’d be damned if your cunt wasn’t his favorite place to bury his stress.
           A coo left your lips, soft and full and muffled by his thumb. He started to roll his hips, bursts of pleasure stemming from where your pussy was spread around him, drifting down his warmed muscles. His thrusts were painfully accurate, the kind that he knew were hitting you in just the right way to have you so full of ecstasy you’d feel like crying.
           You were so pretty like this, spread open, skin flushed, clit swollen and your fists tugging at his sheets. It was maddening, the kind of sight to make a man choke on every inhibition.
           His spit-slick thumb popped out of your mouth, petting across your cheek until your eyes fluttered open, “yeah that’s right, look at me,” he looped an arm around your back, keeping you secure on his cock as he pulled you up into his lap, “atta girl.”
           He buried his face in your tits, grunting as he started to bounce you, your knees still trying to find purchase on the mattress. He kept strong arms around your back, holding you against him, pulling you up and down as he soaked in your breathy moans. Rocking you like this kept the build of pressure in your belly, had the flames smoldering as he prepared to light them high and hot again.
           Grey eyes narrowed as he kissed at your shoulder, suddenly all too aware of the dressing mirror staring at him on the wall. His balls tightened as he watched the beautiful planes of your back move underneath his scarred hands, saw his thick, milky cock disappear into the eden of your body. He stayed mesmerized for a moment, obsessed with observing how you keened, how it looked when he took you.
           “You’re gonna cum for me again, and you’re gonna see just how fucking pretty you look when you do.”
           Levi man-handled you, had you twisting around in his lap until he could push you down on your hands and knees, a hand in your hair lifting your face up to look at him in the mirror. He took a sick delight in trying to decipher the emotions that ran across your features—shock, fear, a twist of pleasure as his cock plunged deeper into your tight pussy from behind.
           The veins in his arms came to life as he kept leverage in your hair, holding your head up to watch him, to make eye contact with him as his balls slapped against the flesh of your ass. His lips were curling, like he was holding back a smile.
          Your thighs were shaking, still wobbly from the orgasms he’d pulled from you earlier. He always claimed he lost count of what he did to you, but he never did. Tonight it was three times already, and the fourth would bring his undoing as well.
           “Look at you,” he growled, a sound that made you shiver, “little whore, my little pet, so good for me.”
           Quick fingers swirled at your clit, your mouth falling open with curses, “fuckfuckfuck, Captain Levi-ii.”
           Your poor clit was so hot and wet under his fingers, belly quivering as he started to draw out your pleasure, ready to feel you unwind and snap and die a little death.
           He pulled you back harder by your hair, had your back arching to his chest so he could put your pussy on display in the reflection. A breath hitched in your throat, he could feel it, the hand in your hair now finding refuge on your neck. His teeth nipped at your ear, side-eyeing the mirror so he could watch his messy cock get lost inside of you over and over again.
           All kinds of praise rattled around in his head. Your tits were perfect, bouncing, sweat dripping down between them. Your cunt was fucking divine, so perfect when stuffed, puffy clit so wet under persistent fingertips. The sounds that left the throat under his hand were like balm, little babbles of the syllables of his name like a cacophony of weakness and power to his ears.
           But he didn’t know how to say any of that shit, didn’t know how to praise you beyond good. So he let his body show you, lips sucking at your neck, fingers working you like a toy he was winding.
           He tipped your head forward, thumb and index fingers pressing into your cheeks and making you focus on yourself in the mirror.
           “Do it,” he sucked the command into your neck, “fucking cum, let me feel it.”
           God, he wished he could paint the picture of your orgasmic bliss into his mind forever. Your eyes were glassy, lips swollen, a long, continuous moan sounding as your cunt clenched tighter than he’d ever felt before. He knew you’d get off on the sight as well, that you’d like to see how his cock pulsed inside of you at the sight of you cumming for him again. Always so responsive, like the devil playing his fiddle.
           Levi held you as you crumpled over from exhaustion, tangling you up in his arms and letting you rest against him in his bed. He kept his cock lodged inside your warmth, not quite ready to leave the home he sculpted. You were still squeezing around him, tightening with every deep breath as you tried to bring your mind back into the world.
           Fingers wandered on their own, his hands skimming over your thighs, up your back. Something comforting, silent tells that he was there, that he had you, that he would always take care of you.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Dying Starlight
A/n: i dont think an audience for this exists?? ik it’s not shadow and bone related, but ive been reading red queen and i wanted to try writing maven and ive been playing with this idea. umm...on the off-chance that there is an audience for this i do think of this as more of a series but i’ll probably end up deleting this lol 
(Series?) Summary: reader is a childhood friend of Mare’s who isn’t officially part of the Scarlet Guard but gets captured by Maven. As a prisoner, she feels like her mind is being messed with as she begins to see a more human side of Maven. The new King tells himself the only thing he sees in her is that she’s a way to get to Mare, but something about her genuiness is infectious. 
Irony twists things. Right now, the irony that my last thoughts might be about how I wish I had been trusted with a suicide pill twist my impending doom into something almost comical. I’d laugh, but I’d rather not startle the rats in my cell. This has been their home for presumably years, but I’ve only been down here a few hours. 
I scratch the back of my wrist, staring at tired stone walls like they’ve done something to me. I wish I knew what time it was. How long have I been down here? How long has it been since I was separated from Mare? An hour? Three?Each passing minute strikes me like a bullet, but I can’t count them. I’ve never had a talent for accurately feeling the passage of time.
My head aches, frustration and dread tangling themselves in the pit of my stomach. Mare told me the Queen can search through someone’s mind, seeing memories even they can’t remember. What will they do when they see I know virtually nothing? What will happen when they see how close Mare and I truly are? i can’t do anything and the unknown hurts more than my bruised rib. 
The sound of the heavy door that divides the luxury of the castle from the wasteland of the cells creaks. I only let my arms flinch, moving from my side to wrap defensively around my stomach. Dull footsteps echo down the pathway that lead to the cell I’m in. I don’t cringe, not even when the sound of walking stops. 
I was not born into a rich family, but I was born into a proud one. Fear was practically a criminal act in my household. I’ve been trained to suppress all signs of weakness. My eyes don’t leave the stone wall, I mentally trace the pattern of a long crack in a specific rock. It reminds me of the slope of the Big Dipper. 
Will I ever see stars again? The answer leaves a sharp pain in my chest. 
“Mare told me about you.” 
The words jar me, my stomach dropping in revulsion. Mare had trusted him, and here he stands--successful because he’s a traitor. I know what it’s like to be the most overlooked sibling and to crave to change that. I know what it’s like to want to succeed more than you want air in your lungs, but I don’t think I’d ever betray someone. I like to think that there’s a line even the monster in me won’t cross. 
I don’t look at him, partially out of an attempt to protest and partially because I’m afraid of what I’ll see. “She might have mentioned you in passing.” 
His scoff is ridiculous. “She didn’t lie about your sense of humor.” 
That almost makes me wince. His words are too close, too personal. It’s like he knows me. I turn my. head, ready to cut through the uneasy beginning to get to the miserable middle if it brings me to the end faster. 
“You’re here to torment me, not make small talk.” Turning had been a mistake. I regret it instantly. His expression is unforgiving--cold, sharp, and made up of only angles. But that’s not why I stare. I did not expect him to be objectively attractive. The fine slope of his nose, the sharpness of his cheekbones, and the ice blue of his eyes. I need to snap out of this mindset. I’m sure his beauty will not be so distracting when he’s burning me. “Though some might consider that the same thing.” 
He scoffs again, the sound dry. The sneer of his lips does not diminish his attractiveness. The fact makes me loathe him. “I wonder if you’ll still be so prone to humor after you’ve been broken--any information of worth extracted from your thoughts.” 
“Let me save everyone the trouble and just tell you everything that I know now.” My back straightens despite the pain in my ribs. I look pathetic, dirty and in a torn dress. He’s regal, dressed in fine, all black clothing. “I know that Mare wanted to kill you today, I know that she needed a distraction and that her distraction needed to be expendable, which is why I’m sitting in front of you.” I squeeze my hands together awkwardly, a bit of genuine irritation rolling in my stomach. “That’s literally all I know, I’m not even part of the Guard.” I scratch the back of my wrist. If I were him, I wouldn’t believe that, but I’m being honest. How pitiful can one person be that they’re worth more disconnected from the group they work for than as an actual member? “You don’t take that kind of risk for someone that’s only skill set is in thought.” 
I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but I don’t regret it. Maybe he’ll think that my story is so pathetic it has to be true. “You have to know more than that.” 
“The Scarlet Guard only reaches out to me on a need-to-know basis, and anything worthwhile to you is something I clearly didn’t need to know.” In a way, I’m glad I can’t give him anything. “So are you going to kill me with a bullet or do you prefer more flamboyant executions?” My death should be plain. I am human completely--I bleed red and I have no powers. “I do think anything more than a simple death is more trouble than I’m worth.” 
His lips press together oddly, something beneath his expression tightening. “You don’t think your dearest friend will return for you?”
The sarcasm in his voice sparks something in me I thought only my sister could. “I think she has a lot of responsibilities and I wouldn’t blame her for having priorities.” 
His eyebrows draw together. “I think you’re painfully unaware of how attached to you she is.” I press my lips into a thin line. “She’ll come for you.”
Something selfish in me hopes that he’s right. No one has ever wanted me enough to come back for me. My mother wanted perfect daughters that knew how to only think in terms of trapping men with stable careers. My sister did it, but I could never manage, and to my mother that made me useless. 
“If you believe it,” I mumble beneath my breath.
I don’t know if he hears me. I can’t bring myself to care if he did. “For your sake, you better not have lied to me.” 
My back relaxes against the raspy wall, fighting down a grimace as the motion irritates my rib injury. “Cross my heart, Your Highness.” 
I watch him carefully, his expression turning into something much more grim. “A King is referred to as His Majesty.” 
“My father was a prominent war general and my mother only wanted daughters she could use to social climb.” I fight down a grin. “I know what I said.” 
His expression darkens into something bone chilling. “I am the King and you’ll refer to me as such or deal with even less pleasant circumstances.” 
I fight against the urge to cower, picturing Mare’s strength in my veins. There’s weakness in everyone, and if I squint I can see the thin cracks in him. “You have everything--the crown, the power, the support of the people, and it’s still not enough. You won and you still feel like you’re competing.” 
“You don’t know anything,” he seethes, practically growling. 
I shouldn’t press him, but the more he reacts, the more weaknesses are revealed. “I know what it’s like to have a sibling that’s the sun, and no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you’re always trapped in a shadow.” 
The lighting makes his eyes look almost glazed over. “My mother will be here soon and the truth will be revealed.” 
He can run from me, but not the truth. Cal has nothing, he has everything--the father that never cared for him is dead, and yet he’s still trapped. Our similarities hurt me more than my physical injuries. 
Maven turns, his gaze moving off of me feels like the removal of heavy shackles. “It would do you well to not press me. You’re worth as much whole as you are broken.” 
There’s the strangest hint of something more to his voice. I wonder if he’s speaking to more than just me. “You haven’t won until that voice in your head telling you that you’re not enough is silenced.”
“You’re a powerless girl who isn’t even wanted by a dying cause and couldn’t find a husband to drag her above the poverty line. You know nothing about me, and if you keep pretending I’ll slaughter you in front of your dear friend.” 
He leaves without another word. I fall asleep with my back against the wall and my ribs aching. 
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ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴏ: ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ʙᴏʏꜱ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ!
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ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: 𝘋𝘪𝘭𝘶𝘤, 𝘒𝘢𝘦𝘺𝘢, 𝘈𝘭𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘰, 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘦, 𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪 ᴛᴀɢꜱ: 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 ᴄᴡ: 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴, 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦
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𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐂 always writes little notes for you when he leaves early for work. He can’t even imagine what it’s like to wake up to an empty and cold bed, him long gone for a day of managing a business and manor. So, he will leave little notes on the kitchen table, little post-its that say things like ‘I will be home early tonight, I can’t wait to see you’ or even a simple ‘I adore you’. Sometimes, if you’re extra lucky, he’ll even make you breakfast. Somehow, it always seems to be the perfect temperature for eating right when you notice it.
𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀 makes sure that when you’re assigned to a mission outside of Mondstat’s safe walls, it’s one with him. When confronted, he will deny having a say in your job, merely attesting the ‘coincidence’ to fate, or sometimes teasing you by accusing you of changing the assignments yourself. In truth, he worries about you. He knows how capable you are and has seen your strength firsthand, but fear still manages to cage his heart in an inescapable bind. What if you meet something stronger than you? No, he couldn’t handle loosing you. So, instead, Kaeya will follow you, ensuring your safety, but not without a few cunning remarks and teasing flirts. After all, he would truly follow you to the ends of the Earth, if only you asked.
𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐎 finds himself asking you to be a helper for his research more often than not. It started out with a simple request for you to become a sketching subject for him. As time went on, he found himself drawing you when he zoned out, picturing the way the reflecting sunlight cascaded across your skin when you stared out at the piles of snow. So, to quell this confusing need to be close to you, Albedo offers you a position as his assistant. When you are around, the male begins to wonder if he should study the meaning of beauty and why he finds you to be the most accurate description he has ever witnessed.
𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄 always stumbles to you after getting hurt on a job, no matter how far into headquarters you are. Sure, it’s quite difficult to dodge all of his subordinates when he’s dripping blood, but seeing your smiling face is more than worth it. When you usher him into your private quarters with an exclamation of shock and worry, he can’t keep the grin down. Your voice is soft when you chastise him, warning him of the stinging before beginning to clean his wounds. Childe finds that in these moments, where he is laying in a sunbathed room, watching the wind blow tree branches just beyond the window, and the only sound audible is that of your soft mutters and breaths as you dab antiseptic on his injuries, he feels most at home. 
𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈 wishes to listen to you speak more than speak himself. This is quite a change from his normal behavior, when he eagerly recounts stories of days long forgotten. Said change even shocked the archon himself. Zhongli finds that when he is with you, his interest in the past dwindles just the slightest. Instead, he is quick to lend an ear to your problems. The god finds you most beautiful when you speak of things that make you happy, eyes shining and gentle smile playing on your lips. He will quietly commit every single thing you say to memory, so even if the day comes that you two must part, your words will dance through his mind infinitely. Yours are ones he could never forget.
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ketamineharry · 3 years
I Love Me - Harry Lewis
Requested - Yes ~ can I request an ethan/Harry one where the reader is curvy (bigger boobs/bum/hips etc) compared to Talia + Freya and the other girlfriends and they are on holiday with everyone and the reader feels a bit insecure and scared of what everyone will think when they look at photos, have photo shoots and insta comments, love you and your writing!! 🤍
Trigger Warnings: Body image issues, self-confidence issues
Authors Note: This was originally requested as a holiday, but I changed it slightly as my most recent imagine was a holiday themed one. I hope you don’t mind!
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As you entered the restaurant, an uneasy feeling took over you. Usually, being seen out in public with your friends, and your boyfriend Harry wouldn’t phase you — but over lockdown, you had put on a few pounds. Expressing your emotions in a healthy way, had never been your forte so when the lockdown restrictions hit, instead of going to the local pub to drink your sorrows away, with a group of friends you had turned to eating. Comfort eating had become the norm whenever you felt sad, lonely, happy, or to put it more accurately whenever you felt anything.
While you had been piling on the pounds, Talia and Freya, had been keeping to a strict fitness regime. So naturally, they looked incredible. While you just felt deflated. To make matters worse, this was a Sidemen dinner, meaning that not only were there going to be pictures, but eyes were going to be firmly on your table.
Instinctively, as you walked you grabbed for Harry’s hand. Thankfully, he was slightly in front of you, so you could hide yourself behind his broad frame. As soon as your fingers entwined, you found a sense of serenity; despite how short lived that may have been.
As the others crowded around the table, trying to figure out seating arrangements, you focussed your energy in trying to remain calm. All you wanted was to have a seat on the outskirts, so that you wouldn’t have to participate in the group Instagram photos. The self-loathing from the way you looked in this moment was enough to fuel your insecurities for a good few months, you certainly didn’t need the constant reminder on Instagram too.
Luckily, you managed to secure the seat you wanted. Josh, being the father of the group dictated where everyone else was going to sit. Usually, there was a rule of thumb that you sat in couples; but you had ended up sitting in between JJ and Freya. Harry was on the opposite side of the table, his phone in one hand, completely engrossed in an app, knowing him it was most likely Twitter. However, in this seating arrangement you felt sick. Your one lifeline, although not ridiculously far from you, had been cut off. You were going to have to brave this one out.
The waiter approached the table and introduced themselves. He had a cheery disposition until they made eye contact with you, their fake customer service smile fading as he served you his best judgemental glare. It lasted a split second, but you knew what it meant. The feeling of being out of your depth was confirmed in that look, it wasn’t just you that felt it, it was felt by those looking in on this dynamic of people. Why would they want to associate themselves with you?
“And for the lady?” He asked, glancing over at you again. His demeanour changed once more. You remained silent for a moment, mulling over whether to ask for what you actually wanted or order something that you didn’t want to avoid more disapproving glares.
“May I suggest the chicken caesar salad.” He adds, knocking you out of your stream of consciousness.
“That would be lovely thank you.” You respond. The last thing that you wanted was to cause a scene. In fact, the thing you wanted most was to be ignored, unseen. It was blatantly obvious what everyone was thinking, where their stares ended up… all on you.
The plates of food started to arrive, being placed before everyone. You looked around, envious. Their food all looked insanely good, Talia had mac and cheese while Freya had a vegetarian lasagne. To say that you were covetous, as you chowed down on some lettuce, was an understatement. Just some flavour would have been nice.
The same waiter came back to see if anyone wanted any desserts, Harry ordered a chocolate cake with some whipped cream and Freya ordered a cheesecake, Ethan wanted a coffee, the others weren’t really bothered though. What was made apparent, was that you weren’t even asked by the waiter.
Freya turned to you, a sympathetic look on her face. “Are you ok?” She asked, as she placed a hand on your shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” You mumbled unconvincingly, certain that Freya could pick up on how you were feeling. She had been sitting next to you the entire time after all.
“Let’s go to the ladies yeah? I’ll just text Josh to let him know what’s going on.” She said, as she retrieved her phone from her bag. She quickly sent the text before she grabbed your hand and directed you to the bathroom.
Freya held the door open for you, as you both walked inside, she went over to the sinks and climbed up on top of them. Crossing her arms. Inspecting you slightly.
“So, spill… what’s wrong with ya?” She questioned, with a small reassuring smile.
You took a deep breath in and out, as you tried to steady yourself. As much as you loved Freya, talking about your feelings to anyone was a challenge that you faced daily. It was hard enough being open with Harry about your feelings, and he was the person that you trusted most. Never mind one of your closest friends.
“I hate the way I look.” You confessed, as you subconsciously started to tug at the dress you were wearing. It all of a sudden felt too tight, too claustrophobic, as if the material had shrunk from the time it took you to walk from your table into the bathroom.
“You and Talia, you are both gorgeous and slim. I’m not that way at all. You can wear whatever you want and look good. If I so much as looked at a belly top, people would be disgusted.”
Freya remained silent, letting you ramble on about how much you hated your body and what you looked like. How out of place you felt and what you wish you could change about yourself. When you were finally finished, she jumped down off of the counter and engulfed you in a hug.
“Don’t you ever, ever feel like you aren’t good enough. You are the funniest person I have ever met. You make me belly laugh every single day. You spread so much positivity, and you make sure that everyone around you feels loved. I am slim, but do you know what… I’d kill for a rack like yours.” She whispered, as she comforted you.
“As for that asshole waiter who has been making you feel like shit all night, don’t think that no-one else has noticed it, because they have. They’re all too polite to embarrass him in public, but trust me, he’ll get his comeuppance. Now, wipe those tears and let’s go show him what a fucking bad ass bitch you are.” She laughed, as she grabbed your hand once again, as she led you back out to the table.
The bill was laid out on the table, the seven cards were placed on top of it as you rejoined the group.
“Here she is.” Harry beamed, as he reached out for you. You went and gave him a hug, before taking your seat again.
As the waiter collected the bill, Harry called him over. “I’d like to give you a cash tip, can you follow me outside so I can draw the cash out?” He asked. The waiter nodded, a gleam in his eye. Harry gave you a gesture, letting you know to follow him.
Once you were outside, how cold it was finally hit you. It made you recoil into yourself.
“Yeah, the tip I wanted to give you was to never, and I mean never try to ridicule my girlfriend about anything.” Harry said, swiftly connecting his right fist to the waiters cheek.
“Run.” He shouted, as he grabbed your hand, your feet pounding on the floor until you reached the car. You were both panting, leaning on each other for support.
“You do know you’re still a ten out of ten to me. No matter what.” Harry smiled, as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. “Now let’s go and get a McDonalds, because I know you’re still hungry and it’s your favourite.”
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megafurbz · 2 years
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🖌LOO LOO-LAY - 08/04/2022 🎨 Noo-loo Kay-tay Noh-bah / Kinetic smile
by Tianita Miramax
Loo Loo-Lay is a young artist who likes to work with black wee-tah wah-tah (*ink). Autodidact, they started doing portraits of furbz in the streets of their natal town Koo Way-loh, where they drew the attention of Dee-Mak, founder of the May-bee gallery. What has interested him was Loo’s natural ability to capture life, as fragmented instants of lucidity. The exhibition is entitled “Noo-Loo Kay-tay Noh-Bah” (*Kinetic Smile) and gather thirty wee-tah wah-tah (*inks) made between 2020 and 2022, Let’s go !
Tianita: Hello Loo ! Congratulation for your exhibition, which is visible at the May-bee gallery until June ! It must be exciting to show your work like this ?
Loo Loo-Lay: Yes ! that is a huge event for me ! I never had an exhibition before, i started doing art because it was the only thing i was good at… My family encouraged me, but it was not always easy to earn money… I think this is a big chance for me ! 
T: Can you describe your practice for our readers ? What inspires you ?
L: I like seeing the others, people that i know and that i don’t… I work mostly outside, i have my bag full of paper sheets that i lay on the ground, and i use my brush or a pen to create original pictures. I love doing furb faces, the eyes, the beak, they are very expressive !
T: I saw your portraits, and something very basic was questioning me : you look very colourful but you work in black and white ? Is there something to see here ?
L: Haha ! Yes i did self-portraits in black and white which is not really accurate ! I don’t really know why… I guess i really like black ink ! (laughs) I think it has this power of enlightening the dark in everyone… 
People often assume that i’m always happy because of the colours of my fur, but as many, i have struggles and anxiety to deal with. I’m not saying that i’m a sad artist working on pain and stuff but using black and white allows me to go deeper in the inside. For me, it’s like diving in an alternative universe of emotions, a more direct path to someone history. Wee-tah Wah-tah is commonly used to write words, when you draw with it, it has a meaning, you tell a story. You work with contrasts, simplicity. You strike directly under the fur.
T: yeah, i get it, no artifice. That’s true, your portraits leave a feeling of sincerity, purity.
L: I feel a little bad now that i have talked about darkness, because i don’t want people to think my work is depressing…! I like to quickly capture what my eyes can not see when i look at a furb. It’s a gesture, very instinctive, and the water helps me adding some nuances, some blur, to leave a kind of intimacy to the furbz who are portrayed. “Kinetic Smile” is an expression to go behind the act of smiling, when people are posing for example, this can be a mechanic reflex hiding something else, not always negative, but something else.
 T: Don’t worry ! I can testify that your exhibition has nothing sad or depressing ! What i understand is that you want to go beyond the appearances. The result is very dreamy, i could easily forget the world outside looking at your paintings. The furbz almost become landscapes…
L: Yes ! I like to imagine that each person has their own inner map, inner land… Sometimes, the models let me see those personal spaces and that is what i enjoy the most when i work ! They are precious gifts… I want to keep up the effort to translate them on the canvas !
T: Thank you very much Loo ! I wish you the best for the future and i highly recommend your exhibition which is full of surprises !! My tah-tah way-lah is telling me that we are not done hearing about you !
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“Noo-Loo Kay-tay Noh-Bah” by Loo Loo-Lay, at the May-bee gallery 7th april - 1st june 2022
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peachy-panic · 3 years
“Look at me.”
Hi there. I’m new here, but also very much not, which is to say you’ve probably seen me pop up a few dozen (hundred) times in your notifications with likes and comments and the occasional ask when I’m feeling brave, sliding under the radar from the safety of my obscure fandom-turned-main account.
POINT IS, I’m no stranger to the wonderful works of this community, and CERTAINLY no stranger to whump appreciation, even if I haven’t always had a word for it. And because I’ve been so inspired by all the talented writers here, I’ve decided to finally cut loose and throw my own work into the ring, and the whole @whumpmasinjuly thing seemed like an opportune time to pop up.
I’ve aggressively lurked on so many of your pages in the last year so I’m sure I’m leaving someone out, but I did want to tag a few of the writers who have really motivated me to start this page just by reading their writing:
@ashintheairlikesnow @orchidscript @deluxewhump @whump-tr0pes @evermetnotforgotten @card-games-and-pain
And if you’ve made it this far into the post, we’ve arrived at the actual content. This snippet is from a project I started writing before I knew about the existence of the BBU, but I’ve slowly started molding it into something that fits more-or-less within the bounds of that collective universe. Some things may take slightly different turns to the rules established there, but it’s the same general concept.
Without further ado.
PROMPT: “Look at me.”
WARNINGS: General BBU-esque warnings, human trafficking, slavery, non-con (fade-to-black ish but the lead up is… Not Great). Let me know if I missed anything!
He knows something is off right away when Mr. Torley calls to him from the end of the long hallway on the other side of the house. 
When the children are home, Jaime is confined to the main common areas: the living room that spills into the large open-concept kitchen, the guest bathroom, the laundry room (where he has already spent most of his time working), the boys’ toy room (where he has only gone to clean up after them), and of course, the small room he has been given to sleep in, which he is sure once served as some sort of storage area. 
At the mouth of the living room is a corridor that leads to Mr. Torley’s study, and across from that, his bedroom. So he is told. Jaime was given instructions never to go into that wing of the house unless explicitly invited. He has been in his new home assignment for three days now and has never once been asked to cross those bounds. 
Until now. 
Carefully, Jaime places the mug he had been diligently scrubbing in the basin of the sink and shuts off the tap. He looks around for the hand towel and, remembering he had thrown it in with the last load of laundry, dries his hands on his t-shirt instead.
There’s a shift in the air, something thick and weighty and terrible as he steps into the opening of the hallway, but he doesn’t allow himself a moment to hesitate. He pads near-silently forward, toward the only open door, all the way at the end. 
In the threshold between the hall and the master bedroom, Jaime’s toes brush against where pristine hardwood meets soft carpet. It feels good against his bare feet after days of standing on an unforgiving surface without the allowance of shoes or socks, but not nearly good enough to settle the uneasiness building in the pit of his stomach. Mr. Torley sits on the edge of the bed, a long, deep-colored robe covering most of his body, save for the deep strip of exposed skin down his chest where a few patches of thick, dark hair peek through. Jaime forces his eyes up to his.
“You called for me, Sir?” His voice low and steady, even as his eyes draw unwittingly to the lamp on the bedside table, which has been dimmed to an orange glow that makes the room feel small and suffocatingly warm. 
“Come here,” his Keeper beckons, and Jaime’s muscles operate by the hand of some unseen force, pushing him forward. He only makes it half a step in before Mr. Torley raises a hand, gesturing to where the light of the hallway spills in around his silhouette. “Close the door behind you.”
Jaime’s limbs feel very heavy all of a sudden, but he moves anyway, a phantom sting buzzing beneath his skin at even the briefest thought of hesitation. Never make your Keeper wait. Never let your Keeper ask twice. 
The hallway is plain and sterile, much like the rest of the Torley house, but Jaime stares longingly out at it as he pulls the door shut, wishing he were out there instead.
When the door clicks shut, he can feel a pair of eyes rake down his back like cold fingertips. It raises the hair on the back of his neck, his skin breaking out in an unpleasant chill, but he forces perfect neutrality into his expression before he turns around. He zeroes in on the sensation of soft carpet under his soles instead of the prickling dread under his skin as he makes his way toward the bed, coming to a stop a couple feet away.
Mr. Torley chuckles under his breath, a low, amused sound that Jaime is already getting used to hearing. He seems to reserve it for Jaime alone and it always serves to make him feel like there is some sort of private joke he’s not been let in on. Or, more accurately, that he is the joke, and he can’t quite stifle the lingering sense of shame that comes with that. 
“I said, come here.” It’s a direct order, but paired with a hint of amusement and something darker swimming behind his eyes. He rubs a hand invitingly, pointedly, over the comforter next to him and Jaime swallows back a lump in his throat that feels a lot like bile.
He isn’t stupid. Despite everything that’s been told to him, he’s not. But in that moment he wishes maybe he was, and then ignorance could be bliss for just a few more seconds. He knows where this is headed, and he knows that it’s wrong. It is against the policies, against the rules, he knows it is, but he isn’t surprised, either. It hadn’t taken long at the training facility to discover that the system on paper looks a whole lot different than the system in practice. 
“‘We uphold a zero-tolerance policy for the sexual exploitation and abuse of Domestic workers,’” a cruel, mocking voice recites in his head, alongside the memory of a leather-gloved thumb sliding between his lips, his wide, tearful eyes glued to the tiny, black remote in his handler’s fist. 
The skin beneath his collar burns at the memory, and he raises his fingers absently to touch there, half expecting to feel the heavy weight of the electric clip attached. He doesn’t, of course, and the only electricity he feels now is of a different nature, coming off his Keeper in waves as he waits, a bit more impatiently with every second, for Jaime to sit. 
So he does. 
Mr. Torley crowds his space immediately, and his instinctive response to pull away is smothered by a heavy arm draping over his shoulders and a droning voice inside his head. You must make yourself available at all times. You may not refuse any order or request that does not directly interfere with the wellbeing of another person. Jaime allows himself to wonder, for the briefest moment, if his wellbeing counts for anything. He knows it doesn’t. They had just spent the past three months teaching him, in every way imaginable, that he was not, in fact, a person at all.
All the offhand remarks from the trainers, the lewd sneers, the heavy-lidded glances and roaming hands… they had all painted him a picture of what to expect. He had just tricked himself into thinking that maybe, hopefully, if there ever really was a god in this universe that loved him like he was sure he once believed, that he was wrong. In the three days since he had stepped foot into his newest post, Jaime had managed to convince himself that maybe, possibly, he had gotten one of the good ones. 
Mr. Torley is all too happy to shatter the illusion as his finger and thumb find Jaime’s earlobe, rubbing it between them and then ghosting down the side of his neck. 
“Take off your shirt,” he whispers.
Jaime’s blood runs cold. 
You may not refuse any order or request. He can’t conceal the trembling in his fingers as they curl around the hem of his standard-issue grey t-shirt. You may not refuse any order or request. The warm ambience of the room feels startlingly cold against his naked torso as he pulls the fabric over his head, letting it fall in a soft whisper onto the carpet. You may not refuse any order or request. His arm is back around his shoulders instantly, hot and cold assaulting his skin all at once and he feels so exposed and he doesn’t want to be here he doesn’t want to do this. 
Mr. Torley places a heavy palm against his chest, running it slowly downward, and Jaime can picture what it looks like without even looking; calloused pads scraping over soft skin, all thick fingers and subtly unkempt nails, the beginnings of age spots and wrinkles and small dustings of black hair across the knuckles. He thinks his keeper must be able to feel the way his heart is pounding through his ribs, and he feels a surge of embarrassment that he was sure the training should have beaten out of him.
It’s because you weren’t trained for this, the panicked voice in the back of his head screams as the hand trails lower, grazing the thin patch of hair below his navel. This isn’t supposed to happen. This is against policy. You weren’t made for this. His skin feels static in every place Mr. Torley’s fingers brush, and he wishes he could dissolve under them.
“You’re shaking, baby.” Jaime winces at the unexpected term of endearment. So far, it has only been boy, curt and abrasive when thrown in his direction, usually followed by a direct order. “Have you never had a man touch you like this?”
His mind supplies a horror show of memories, flashes of images behind closed eyelids -  leather-gloved hands and concrete rooms of the training facility - and he realizes he doesn’t know how to answer that. He wants to cry. Can’t cry. Isn’t allowed to cry. Then there are fingers on his chin, on his jaw, softer than any of his touches have ever been; soft like the word baby on his lips, soft like the half-lidded eyes that he is forced to meet. 
“I asked you a question.”
“I haven’t. Sir.” His voice shakes, barely a whisper. 
It is mostly true, probably in the way Mr. Torley really meant it, and unfortunately seems to be exactly the answer he was looking for. Dread splits Jaime in two. One part, the part of him that’s hazy and pliant and good tells him he has done a good job, that he has pleased his Keeper, he has said the right thing. His keeper’s needs are his needs, if his Keeper is happy, he is happy. 
The other part just keeps screaming. And screaming. And screaming.
He doesn’t want this.
It doesn’t matter what he wants, he’s not supposed to have wants.
But this isn’t allowed.
His Keeper is happy.
Please, please stop touching me.
He can’t say no, no is forbidden to him.
Please don’t make me do this.
His keeper is smiling.
“You’re very lucky,” Mr. Torley says, dragging the thumb that was holding his jaw over he’s lower lip. “They could have given you to any one of your bidders, and trust me… there are some messed up people out there who invest in the services of Domestic Companions. But I can be good to you.”
Somehow, he doesn’t feel very lucky at all.
“Yes, sir,” he says, a bit breathless as fingers trace up and down his spine. His own fingers curl into the bedsheets on the opposite side of his thigh where Mr. Torley can’t see the outward signals of his distress, though from the naked delight in his eyes as he watches him, he doesn’t think he minds. 
There are lips on his before he can even process what is happening, and he feels his whole body go rigid in his Keeper’s hold. He’s never been kissed before and the cold wetness against his mouth is nothing like the movies make it out to be. It’s hard to wrap his head around the overwhelming sensation, but the one thing he knows for sure, immediately, is that he hates it. 
He hates his first kiss unlike anything he’s hated before. Terror and humiliation seize him in equal stride as he realizes he doesn’t really know what to do. He is frozen, for a moment, his own pulse beating wildly in his ears as slimy lips move against his own. When Mr. Torley cups a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to lean into the kiss, his mouth opens instinctively, submitting to the insistence of the movement, and this seems to be exactly what he was looking for. A low, throaty hum vibrates against his mouth and Jaime clamps his eyes shut tight. He feels like he might die. For a moment, he kind of wishes he would.
He doesn’t register the pressure of the hand against his chest until his back is already pressed into the duvet. Mr. Torley sits up then, breaking the kiss, then stands. Jaime doesn’t look at him - he can’t bring himself to - but he can feel his eyes on him anyway. Thick fingers hook into the elastic of the thin, gray pants he had been given three days prior, and his breathing goes flat. Please don’t please don’t please don’t, his brain lights up with panic, every nerve ending in his body on high alert. But he doesn’t move, other than to close his trembling fingers around the material on either side of him, curling the soft fibers of the duvet into his fists. He wants to close his eyes, but he can feel them burning, then swimming with moisture, and he knows if he clamps his eyelids shut, the tears will spill over and he doesn’t want to cry in front of Mr. Torley.
Instead, he stares up at the ceiling fan, focusing on the long, thin blades of wood instead of the feeling of cool air against his lower half as the material is pulled away from him. He hears the rustle of cloth as his pants join the discarded shirt on the carpet at his feet, and then another sound of the same, this time heavier, but he doesn’t dare look away from the grey clump of dust dangling from one of the fan blades above him.
Worse than the chill of the exposure is the heat that follows in the form of skin on skin, an immovable weight settling over his body. His throat jerks in another attempt at a sob, a plea that can’t let free. He swallows it down and tells himself that if he just keeps staring at that one spot of dust, he isn’t really here, that his keeper is not on top of him, that this isn’t about to happen to him. 
But he is. It is. There’s no stopping it now. There never was.
“Look at me.” 
For the first time, he allows his eyes to slip shut in a quiet moment of defeat - just a singular moment of hesitation before he follows the command. He feels the moisture slipping out at the corners but he can’t do anything to stop them even if his hands weren’t being slowly pressed above his head and into the mattress. When he opens his eyes, he looks up into the cold expression hovering over him, fully eclipsing the spot of his previous focus. It’s just him now. It’s all him, every one of his senses besieged by the one person whose life he is supposed to center himself around now. In that context, perhaps this should feel exactly right. 
Somehow, it doesn’t. Not at all.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Bubblegum Princess, Cherry Angel | Kai Parker
Hello my lovelies! 2020 is almost over, can you believe it? I sure as hell can’t! I have no idea what inspired this, I truly don’t, but it seemed only fitting to end this year off with a raunchy round of sex! Because why the fuck not! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful new years, and I can’t wait to see you all in 2021! Please enjoy loves!
Description: He smells her bubblegum lip gloss and then wonders how on earth he managed to convince an angel to let him fuck her into next week, let alone get in his truck. 
Pairing: Kai Parker x Female!Reader
Warnings: THIS IS AN 18+ FIC ONLY!! Smut (terribly written smut is more accurate), nothing more than the usual but, like, it is like 7000 words of pure sex so read at your own risk
Word count: 9.2k
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The four hours in which it took two people to find magic within each other, all thanks to one tube of drugstore, bubblegum lip gloss. 
Hour One
Her bubblegum lip gloss attacks him from all the way across the café, cutting cleanly through the aroma of coffee and donuts and sending his heart racing at the obscenely sweet scent. He should hate it. No, scratch that, he shouldn’t think anything of it at all. It’s not in his nature to enjoy things- or to feel things at all, to be frank- but he can’t help it. The drugstore brand, wildly over-scented balm makes his head fuzzy like nothing else. 
Kai watches as she pours over the book in front of her, tilting his head when she scrunches her nose. She murmurs something inaudible, tapping a pen to her lip a couple times. One tap, two taps, three taps. Each time that pen touches her lip he grows more envious, his heart now very much in his throat. Does the pen know her lips taste like candy? Does it at least have the courtesy to enjoy it? He releases a breath when she finally writes something down, leaving her mouth alone. 
He forces his eyes away from her and back to his own coffee. Well, the term coffee should only be loosely used here; it’s more sugar and cream than actual coffee. The sweet syrup warms his chest as he takes a sip, lighting his taste buds on fire. Maybe this is what her lips taste like. He shakes his head to clear her face from his mind- a task much more impossible than one might think- before setting the mug down and turning to the device between his fingers. A cell phone. 
Kai presses the ‘on’ button, his eyes lighting up with the screen. Damon had handed it- the cell phone- to him a few days ago, muttering something about leaving the 80’s in the past where it belongs, and told him to get used to it. A little apple symbol appears and he scrunches his eyebrows. Is that supposed to be there? It disappears, replaced now by a picture of the forest he took a couple days ago. That’s better. He swipes past the lockscreen, coming to a page of little square pictures. Damon said those are called apps.
He clicks on one with a little bird- Twitter, he thinks it’s called- and opens it, scrolling a little sloppily through the page. He comes across a picture, one with a man holding a guitar, and stops to look at it for a minute. It looks like someone he used to know and he clicks on the picture to check. That looks like the same birthmark and he kind of remembers the guitar- 
All of a sudden the picture starts moving and music starts blaring from the phone, filling the quiet café with an obnoxious twang. It startles Kai, his heart jumping and his cheeks much too hot, and he drops the phone on the table, a sharp bang now joining the music. He grabs at his phone frantically, feeling all the stares that are now on him as he blindly searches for the ‘off’ button and sighing in relief when the screen goes black once more. Cell phones are awful, he decides in the moment. 
Kai hears soft giggles as his shoulders sag, the same bubblegum fragrance tickling his senses. The musical laughter and the sugary gloss are a lethal combination, one that taunts his senses and consumes him whole. The giggles echo in his ears, invading his head and bouncing around every nerve. He turns towards the sound- he doesn’t have a choice- and his eyes meet the girl, zeroing in on her glossy lips now wrapped around the end of her pen. He takes in her face, every curve and edge, before landing on her eyes and promptly losing his breath. Does she know she’s the prettiest woman he’s ever seen?
He smiles at her and rolls his eyes in what he can only hope is a playful way, holding up the phone and shrugging his shoulders. Her eyes draw over his face and down his arm, trailing fire over him with her very gaze before landing on the estranged device. She giggles again and Kai wishes he could grab the sound out of the air and pocket it. Is that normal? He bites his cheek as she looks back to her book, the pen still between her sweet lips. He doesn’t bother trying to answer the question; he doesn’t care. 
He clicks the phone once more, this time simply to check the time. A quarter to five. He glances back at the woman, his eyes widening as she slips her book into the leather bag hanging off her chair. Shit, she’s leaving. He stands quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket and slapping a five dollar bill on the table. When he looks up again she’s at the door, her bubble gum aroma fading as she clears the threshold. He shrugs his jacket on, racing out the door to catch up with her.
The cold air bites his skin as soon as steps onto main street, his eyes scanning for the pretty girl with the worn satchel and voice like a siren. He spots her halfway down the square and doesn’t think for a moment before jogging to meet her, his chest a mess of warmth and butterflies. Her head is down, lost in the sound of her heels against the pavement and quite oblivious to the love struck puppy chasing after her. It seems that only a bark will catch her attention now.
“Hey, wait up,” Kai calls, his heart screaming in his chest, “you forgot something.”
He’s a few feet away from her now and her bubblegum scent has morphed into the sweetest mixture of maraschino cherries and candy and every, little, perfect thing he’s ever experienced. It makes his mouth water and his cheeks flush, two things which are only intensified when she turns around and her eyes light up, a soft smile taking over her supple lips. 
She tilts her head at him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, “I did?”
He almost can’t answer, the cheesy line he had already lined up on his tongue melting away at the sound of her angelic voice. Two words. Two little words and she has him completely wrapped around her perfect finger. He doesn’t understand the feeling in his chest, the way her voice makes him feel like he’s breathing for the first time in his entire life, but he doesn’t care. That’s a recurring theme with this girl.
A grin spreads across his face, his stomach twisting as he finds his words once more, “you did,” he nods, taking half a step towards her. “You forgot to let me buy you dinner.”
Her face lights up even further as she throws a hand over her lips, her giggles once more flooding his body with tingles. She looks like an angel, the way her eyes close slightly when she laughs. She must know what she’s doing to him, how when she throws her head and her neck curves against the setting sun his entire body goes stiff. His fingers squeeze at his sides, wanting nothing more than to trace over her soft skin. What is going on?
“How silly of me,” she murmurs, her pretty eyes- yes that’s all he can think, that they are the most pretty eyes he’s ever seen- dancing over his face, “how could I possibly forget to let a man- whose name I don’t know- ask me to dinner?”
His cheeks flare with heat but he can’t wipe the adoring smile off his lips, “where are my manners? I’m Kai,” her takes her hand, pulling it to his lips and stealing a few more of those delicious giggles from her throat, “and I would really like to buy you dinner.”
She hums appreciatively, a wide smile on her lips. His heart flutters rapidly when she twists her fingers into his, running her thumb over his. Every part of her is soft- gentle- and he would give anything in that moment to be able to pull her into his arms. That isn’t normal, though, he knows that much. 
“Kai,” she tests his name on her tongue and his heart stops, his whole being screaming at him to beg her to say it again and again, “I like that. I’m y/n,” she supplies and the name clicks into his chest like a missing puzzle piece as she continues on her little ramble, “Kai.” She tilts her head, her eyes clouded over in thought, “something is missing, though. Is that your full name?”
His eyes widen, his chest flooding with dread at her soft inquiry, “no, actually. It’s Malachai,” he winces slightly as it rolls off his tongue- he always has hated that name- watching her closely for the moment she recoils in disgust, “I know, what were my parents thinking right? I sound like a villain-”
“I like it better,” she interrupts, her eyes catching his and her hand squeezing a tad harder, “it suits you. Malachai.” This time when she says his name he has to swallow the lump in his throat, his stomach tensing, “tell me, Malachai, do you like pizza?”
Hour Two
Her heart pounds hard in her chest as she sits in the booth across from him, his chocolate and honey scent still clinging desperately to her hand. She brushes an invisible strand of hair from her face, using the excuse to breathe him in again. He’s intoxicating, she muses to herself. Does he know he’s the most handsome man she’s ever seen? He smiles at her, his grin tugging at his red lips and sending her heart even further into overdrive. He must know.
“I hope this place has good pizza,” Kai laughs, the sound like heaven to her ears, “I haven’t actually tried it yet. If it’s awful I give you full permission to hate me.
She laughs as well- she can’t help it, she never giggles this much but he around him it’s impossible to not- pressing her hand to her mouth, “you’re lucky then; you chose my favourite restaurant. I always make sure to stop by the grill when I’m home. The pizza here is wonderful.”
That’s what she says. The pizza is wonderful. What she wants to say is that she doesn’t think she could ever hate him. That five minutes under his gaze, listening to his smooth voice and honeyed laugh, is enough to have her completely spellbound. That she’s almost certain by the time an hour passes she’ll forget every other boy she’s ever laid eyes on. What she wants to say is that she thinks he’s wonderful. But that’s not normal- not proper- so she just smiles at him.
He tilts his head, his eyes skimming over her face in a way that makes her cheeks warm, “when you’re home?”
She nods, trying to ignore the way he leans towards her slightly and how it makes her blood pump harder, “I go to school out of town. Not too far away but far enough that I have to live on campus. I actually have to head back tonight,” her heart stings for a moment, thinking about how she only just met him and now she has to leave, “I was only here for a day.”
“So I only have a few hours,” he hums, his smile like a bullet straight to her heart, “I think that’s enough time.”
His fingers slide slowly across the table, his pinky skimming her hand. It’s the simplest of touches- just a brush of his skin against hers- but it’s like she can feel all of him through it. She can feel his hands skimming her body, every inch of it, in intricate detail, as if she’s been in this very moment before and her muscles can recall each of his. It only increases when he grins, no doubt catching the way she sucks in a breath. The sinful twist of his lips strikes something in her. She has felt those lips on her, perhaps not in this life but definitely in another. She can feel it.
She’s breathless, the phantom feeling of his mouth on hers consuming her completely even as she speaks, “enough time for what?”
He slips his fingers between hers and she sighs, the feeling of their hands fitting so perfectly together overwhelming, “enough time to make you fall in love with me, obviously.”
Her mouth falls open and he laughs again, pulling her arm across the table and kissing her knuckles once more. Too late, she wants to scream, you don’t need an hour. She pulls her bottom lip between her lip, artificial bubblegum bursting across her tongue. His lips on her skin is too much; too much and not enough all at the same time. How is that even possible? 
She doesn’t need to ask herself the question again. No, this isn’t normal. Nothing about how she feels right now is normal. Not the way she wants to wrap her arms around Kai, not the way she feels like she knows him already, and especially not how she’s dreading leaving this town when normally she wants to run as far away from it as possible. The most not-normal thing about it all, though, is the way she wants to tell him each and every one of those things. She wants to grab his face, run her fingers through his gorgeous hair, and tell him everything she’s feeling right now.
But she can’t so instead she whispers, “what if I make you fall in love first, Malachai?”
Kai squeezes her hand tighter, his legs tangling with hers under the booth. His lips part, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips. Her heart hammers in her chest as she watches, ridiculously jealous at the notion of not getting to taste him in the same way. Her body floods with heat when his eyes twinkle, a response dancing on the very same, traitorous tongue, but before he can answer their waiter arrives, setting down a large pizza and turning to face her. He has blonde hair and an easy smile, one that would send most girls reeling. Matt Donovan. She remembers him from high school; he was a good kid but they never really ran in the same social circles. She doesn’t regret not knowing him, his group is part of the reason she left this town.
“Alright, one pizza. Is there anything else I can get for you,” he smiles at her and her heart doesn’t hammer anymore, it slows.
She tightens her fingers around Kai’s, her voice less melodic than moments ago, “no, this is great thank you.”
Matt nods, stalling a moment and smiling at her. She can feel Kai tense, his legs stilling against her own. Her eyes dart between the two and she catches the way his eyes narrow at the blonde, his head tilting as if calculating what he should do. His chocolate scent increases, if that’s even possible, wrapping around her like a blanket as he sits up straighter. Matt doesn’t even look at him, his eyes focussed on her and her alone.
“You sure I can’t get you anything else?”
She nods but before she can speak Kai answers, his voice clipped but a smile on his lips regardless, “actually,” his eyes lower to the nametag on Matt’s chest, “Matt, we’d love a box.”
Matt’s eyebrows scrunch and she giggles, a tad confused but deeply invested in the cruel twang to Kai’s voice. She meets his eyes, pulling her lip once more between her teeth and swallowing her heart that has crawled it’s way into her throat. Something about the way he’s holding himself- the way he taunts the boy she went to school with only a few years ago- makes her feel alive. Who would have thought that the bubblegum princess would get such a thrill from watching the devil go head to head with the boy next door? 
“A box?” she has to stifle another giggle, not wanting to appear rude despite how much joy she’s feeling.
Kai nods, “please, and the check. We really should get going now.”
Her heart thrums, wondering what on earth he’s up to. She doesn’t care. It’s starting to become a recurring theme with this boy; how little she cares about anything but being in his presence. Each second that passes she falls deeper into something she can’t explain. Her heart jumps when Kai’s eyes meet hers, his smile softening from the malicious grin that he had been aiming at Matt. She shakes her head lightly, nudging his foot under the table and rubbing her calf against his. 
“Alrighty,” Matt grumbles, “I’ll get that for you right now.”
She watches as he walks away, turning back to the man across from her with a grin on her glossy lips, “how am I supposed to fall in love with you when you don’t even feed me?” 
He laughs, tugging her hand to his mouth. She’s starting to think that her hand belongs there, pressed against his lips for eternity. Every time his lips swipe across her knuckles she swoons, sparks tingling up her arm. If his lips feel this good against her hand then they must feel even better- no, nevermind that. 
“You can eat in the car,” he suggests, his eyes searching hers as he draws another knuckle to his mouth and nipping lightly with his teeth. 
The feeling of his teeth scraping against her skin sends her reeling, a shiver racing up her spine as she registers his words. In the car. She presses her lips together. What does that mean?
“Let me drive you back to school.”
Hour Three
Kai watches her steal the last piece of pizza and laughs, tossing the box into the back of his truck and pulling her closer on the bench seat. She tangles her fingers through his free hand and his heart explodes in his chest. His eyes lock on the road again but his thoughts are stuck on the beautiful girl beside him whose hands are wrapped around his arm. She clings to him, her bubblegum and cherry and just plain irresistible scent invading his senses. She leans her head against his shoulder, rubbing her cheek against his jacket, and he forgets that she hasn’t been in his life more than three hours. 
They’ve been driving for an hour, laughing and talking as the sun set. She’s told him about her major, about the books she reads and her parents. She’s spouted all the lines of her favourite movies and listed her favourite cities in order even though she’s only been to a couple. He, in turn, has told her about his favourite song. He told her about the time he broke his leg and how he isn’t usually like this. How he’s never like this. She agreed with that, taking the opportunity to tell him how focussed she usually is. He didn’t mind when she spoke over him. Had it been anyone else he would have but he could listen to her talk for ages. She makes hours feel like minutes- like seconds- and every sign they pass he gets more and more desperate. He doesn’t want to leave her. He wants more of the minute-like hours.
“What’s your favourite color,” she mumbles, running her nose over his arm.
He’s never understood why people care about favourite colors. It’s just so trivial, the answer always changing, that it’s never made sense to him. Is it possible to have a favourite color? He doesn’t think so. For some reason though, when she asks him and her voice goes high at the end of the question- as if she’s truly dying to know his favourite color- his heart stammers, not wanting to mess up the answer. He glances at her, his eyes finding her bubblegum cherry lips. Maybe he has a favourite color after all.
“Red,” Kai responds, running his thumb over her wrist and smiling when she shivers against him, “my favourite color is red.”
She hums appreciatively, her voice bouncing around the cab of his truck, “I like red too. It’s not my favourite though.”
Her fingers untangle from his, her hand landing on his thigh, using him for balance as she tucks her legs underneath her. Kai sucks in a breath at her touch, a tingle shooting up his spine. Her innocent eyes peer into his, no doubt still thinking about colors without a care in the world. His mind, on the other hand, couldn’t be further away from the color wheel. 
“Why’s that,” he forces out, his voice gravelly, “what’s your favourite color?”
“Black,” she answers and for a moment he doesn’t think about her hand still curled around his thigh, “I think I like the color black.”
He scrunches his eyebrows. Black. He wouldn’t have pegged her for a dark colors kind of girl. Every part of her screams light. Goodness. She seems like the type of girl who likes laying in the sun and eating ice cream on hot days and filling the bath with more bubbles than water. No, she doesn’t seem like she is; he knows she is. He doesn’t have to ask her to know that she is the complete opposite of him. 
Kai can’t stop himself from asking, “why the color black?”
She moves her hand back to his arm, wrapping both of her arms around his, and he lets out a sigh of relief. Well, relief mixed with frustration. He didn’t want her hand gone, he wanted it higher. He’ll take her wrapped around him though, it’s just as good. It’s better. He can think of a hundred different ways he would like this woman wrapped around him. 
She presses her lips to his shoulder and he wishes the stupid jacket would just burn, “because it suits you. I didn’t think I liked it before today but now I think there’s something beautiful about it.”
Kai’s hand finds her thigh, his heart pounding fiercely, “the color?”
She gasps lightly when he squeezes, a sound that hits him straight in the gut. He does it again, this time harder, and she presses her forehead against his shoulder, her soft moan tumbling against him. His hand tightens on the steering wheel at the sound. He has no idea how he managed to get an angel into his truck. How he convinced her that he was good enough to sit this close to her; good enough to hold her in his hands and hear her pleasure. 
“The darkness,” she whispers, her voice hitching when his hand slides higher, “I didn’t think I would like the darkness this much.”
He digs his fingers into her jean-clad skin, reveling in her warmth and the way she squeezes her thighs around his hand. He bites his cheek, barely containing his own moans. She’s not even touching him and yet the sound of her voice alone has him so close. His eyes read the next sign, sucking in a harsh breath. Ten more minutes and she’ll be out of his truck. 
Kai looks over at her- perhaps for what will be one of the last times- forcing a sharp smile to his lips, “this darkness is nothing, princess.” His voice is hoarse, his words soft but pained, “it’s just a glimpse. I don’t think you would like the real thing as much.”
He watches as her eyes widen, her mouth falling open a touch. Exactly, he thinks to himself, now you’re starting to get it. He clenches his jaw, going to move his hand from her heavenly thigh when she stops him, her hands closing around his wrist. His shoulders- among other things- tense as she drags his fingers to settle directly between her legs, using her hand to guide his motions and arching into his touch. Holy fucking shit. 
“Princess what-” Kai tries to process his thoughts clearly but he can’t; the heat seeping from her and her fingers pushing his to rub against her are much too demanding for him to form a coherent sentence.
The sign for her university comes into focus as he rubs his fingers harder against her. A soundtrack of her moans fills the cab of his truck, her hands wrapping like a vice against his arm as she presses her face once more against his shoulder. He curses, breathing in her sugary aroma, his chest flooding with heat. All he can think about is how he has to park this damn car before he crashes and doesn’t get to experience more of the exquisite creature next to him. She rolls her head back onto the seat, spreading her legs further for him, her hands never leaving his arm.
“Just try me, Malachai.”
Hour Four
She moans as Kai’s hands find the button of her jeans, the tires of his truck screeching as he finally pulls into her dorm’s parking lot. As soon as he shifts the gears into park she’s on him, grabbing the collar of his jacket and pulling his lips to her own. God, she was right, he tastes chocolate and mint gum. He groans into her mouth, one of his hands finding her hip and pulling her onto his lap while the other goes to her neck, pushing her lips against his. She presses against him, rocking against the hard bulge in his jeans and gasping against his mouth.
“Malachai,” she murmurs, her hands sliding through his silky hair, “I need you.”
He wraps his arms around her back, pressing his chest against hers and backing her into the steering wheel. Her heart thunders when his lips meet her jaw, nipping at her skin before sliding back to her lips and pulling her bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Fuck,” her body lights up at the throaty tone of his voice, “are you sure, princess?”
She nods, the words lodging in her throat as Kai’s lips trace to her neck, his tongue flattening against her pulse point. She’s sure alright. She’s never been more sure of anything. She wraps her hands around his back, clawing at his shoulders and mewling at his skilled lips. She tugs at his jacket, trying her best to convey her need for the material to disappear. The girl is rarely speechless but right now, when she needs her voice the most, it’s as if it’s nowhere to be seen.
“Off, please get it off,” she finally murmurs against his lips, her hands splayed hard against his jaw as he shrugs the jacket off, “I need to feel you.”
Kai’s fingers curl around the hem of her shirt, sliding underneath and around her back, his fingers digging into her spine deliciously. She rocks higher on his lap, her lips finding his throat and sucking his warm skin into her mouth. She runs her tongue against the hollow of his throat, smiling when he bucks his hips against her. Tingles shoot through her as he brushes against her and she lets loose another moan into his skin.
“More,” she fumbles, seeing stars behind her eyelids, “I need more. I need all of you, right now. Please.”
She doesn’t even know what she’s saying; she just knows if he doesn’t make love to her soon she’s going to literally combust. She slides her hands down Kai’s chest, her fingers slipping beneath his shirt and glimpsing at his hard muscles. Her fingers explore slightly and she reels when he tenses under her, a breathy moan of his own joining hers.
He crushes her against him, his head falling against the seat, “angel, I will do whatever the fuck you want me to but not in my truck.” His hand slides to her ass, squeezing so hard her core clenches, his name slipping from her lips, “I am not about to let just anyone watch me fuck you into next week. That’s mine and mine alone.”
She can hear exactly what he means; you’re mine and mine alone. It sends another wave of heat coursing over her, her core clenching again, harder, and she nods furiously against his neck, “my room. Now!”
He laughs, pulling his keys from the ignition and opening the door. She giggles with him, sliding out of the truck and all but dragging him with her. He kicks the door shut, his arms wrapped around her stomach and his face buried in the side of her neck. She squeals gleefully when he lifts her, her back pressed against his chest as he kisses the side of her neck and spins her around. The cold air nips at her stomach, exposed from where her shirt rides up. 
“Malachai,” she whines, her hand sliding behind her and into his hair, tugging a tad harshly, “please hurry, baby.”
“You’re no fun, angel,” he murmurs against her skin but sets her down nonetheless. 
She wraps her hands around his arm, tugging him to jog after her, her giggles spilling into the night, no doubt waking up some of the other students as she leads him through the campus. She doesn’t care, she hasn’t felt this free in ages. He laughs with her and the sound of his joy exhilarates her, lighting her whole being up with a dangerous kind of fire. It weighs down her limbs, pooling in her stomach and soaking her jeans. His hand links with hers, his fingers squeezing hers as her body tingles. She’s so close to her dorm she can taste it- taste him and everything he’s going to do to her- and she hurries quicker.
She tugs him around a corner and he stops abruptly. Her heart jumps in her throat, wondering for a moment if he’s changed his mind. When she turns to look at him, though, his dark eyes pour over her, his lip pulled between his teeth. He looks like he wants to take her right here on the stoop of a dorm that isn’t her own. She squeezes her thighs, trying to ignore the part of her that reels at the thought.
He pushes her against the brick of her dorm building, his mouth slamming against hers, his tongue slipping between her lips, “Malachai, princess. That’s my name. Say it.”
She moans at his soft and stern tone, grinding her hips against his the best she can, “Malachai, I need you.”
He nods against her lips, his hands wrapping around her hips and pulling her up his body. She wraps her legs around him, sighing when he pushes her harder into the wall with his hips, pressing his hard length against her covered core and moaning into her mouth. His scent consumes her, lingering in her chest when he pulls back, his eyes consumed by darkness. Her heart thunders when his nostrils flare, her thighs clenching around him at the sight of his flushed cheeks.
“What room number,” he pants, grinding his hips and sending another relentless wave of heat racing through her.
She presses her mouth against his, her tongue lapping at his minty lips, “I’m in 102.” She tugs his bottom lip, pulling a heated groan from his chest, “it’s just a few doors down. Please, Malachai.”
She kisses down the side of his throat as Kai searches for her room, running her nose along his warm skin and sinking as far into his arms as possible. She tugs the key out of her bag when he slows, leaning away from him to unlock the door before turning the knob and all but falling into her room. She giggles as they stumble, pushing the door shut quickly and throwing her keys to the floor. No need for those anymore.
He tosses her on her bed and she can’t help but giggle at the feeling of her plush blanket, knowing soon it will be brushing her bare back as he slides into her. He makes quick work of her heels, pulling them off and tossing them to the side. She winces when she hears them clunk somewhere in her room- that loud sound better not have been one of them breaking, Kai- but is soon distracted when he kicks his own boots off, kneeling on the bed and crawling towards her. The bed sinks at his knees and her body thrums in anticipation.
As soon as he’s within arms reach she grabs him, her fingers twisting in his t-shirt as she hauls his body over hers. Well, she tells herself that she’s the one who brings him closer. In reality it’s he who complies, letting her command him in whichever way she so pleases. He leans down, finding her mouth and kissing her hard, lowering some of his weight onto her. She moans, pressing back against him and wishing that his clothes would just vanish already, their mutual affinity for jeans starting to become a problem.
“Angel, fuck,” he murmurs as her hands slide once more under his shirt and he grabs her fingers, pulling her wrists above her head, “I need permission right now before we keep going. Yes; I fuck you. No; we cuddle. I am more than fine with both options.” One of his hands slides down her belly and wraps around her hips, fire flaring everywhere he touches, “what’ll it be, princess?”
He hovers over her, his gray eyes soft on hers. For the first time tonight she can see them clearly and her breath hitches, an unexpected wave of emotion flooding her chest at the way he’s looking at her. All that talk about darkness and he’s anything but. She yanks her arms from his hand, instead loosely hanging them around his neck. She arches her chest as close to him as she can, feeling each layer of clothes between them in agonizing detail.
“As wonderful as cuddles sound,” she tangles her legs around his hips, pulling his hardness back to her heat, “I really need you to fuck me.”
A wicked grin settles over Kai’s face, his lips drawing to her ear and pulling the lobe between his teeth, tugging hard, his words sending shivers through her body, “then I think it’s high time these clothes go, don’t you?”
She nods, her voice choosing once more to vanish at the most inopportune moment. He pulls her onto her knees, his lips brushing her jaw softly as his hands find the hem of her shirt for the last time, dragging it slowly up her stomach and over her chest before finally discarding it next to the bed. His fingertips draw over her skin lightly, his pinkies grazing the valley of her breasts and his thumbs smoothing over her collarbones. Even the slightest touch makes her clench, knowing he’ll soon be putting those fingers to good work.
She thanks the heavens for a moment that she thought to put on a nice bra, her body flushing with heat when Kai sucks in a breath at the blue lace barely concealing her peaked nipples. His hands circle her waist, his thumbs trailing fire over her soft skin. He darts his tongue out again against his bottom lip, watching her breasts rise and fall with her breaths like a starved man. If a look could ever make someone come on the spot it would be this one. She takes a sharp breath, her chest swelling, the cups of her bra stretching, and his eyes darken.
“Fucking hell, you really are an angel, aren’t you?” he slides his hands up her ribcage, over the flimsy material covering her and flicking her hard nipples, his mouth falling open in a half smile at her breathy sounds, “my angel.”
She gasps, her eyes as wide as saucers, and Kai smiles, fully, his eyes flitting to hers as he does it again, watching her face as his fingers lazily sweep back and forth over her buds. Each brush of his fingers sends a jolt of electricity straight to her core, her body tensing at each pinch. Her hands jut out, grabbing onto his shoulders as to not fall over from the sensation. She squeezes her thighs, rubbing her jean clad legs together in her best attempt to quell the raging fire but it’s useless. Only he can put it out and he knows it, chuckling- a sound like ice cream melting on a hot day; slow and sweet- at her sweet agony before finally slipping behind her back, his fingers finding the clasp of her bra.
“Perhaps I should leave this on, hmm?” Kai teases and she whines, arching her back into his hand. “Watch the way you bounce,” he leans down, his mouth capturing one of her nipples through the lace, his tongue hot and wet against her, “the way the lace pulls.” His teeth find the edge of the cup gently, careful not to ruin it as he drags it over her chest. She jolts when his lips graze her nipple directly, a small taste of his electricity, “what do you think angel?”
As soon as her breast is free from the lace she digs her fingers through his hair, desperately pushing his face back to her chest, “please take it off.”
He laughs, his hot breath fanning her bud as his fingers pull at the hooks behind her back, finally releasing her from the suddenly constricting material. She hears it hit the floor but she doesn’t watch where it lands, her eyes locked on Kai’s as he lowers his mouth back to her nipple, his other palm sliding up her ribs to tease her other breast. His hair tickles her skin as he flicks his tongue over her, his fingers imitating the same sensation, twisting and flicking her peaked bud in time to the laps of his mouth. Her stomach twists, her core dripping from the stimulation. 
“Malachai,” she pleads, her fingers tugging at his hair, trying to find his eyes desperately, “please more. I need more.”
Kai tugs her nipple between his teeth, biting harshly and pulling a small hum of pleasure from her lips as waves of heat attack her body, “patience, angel.” He runs his tongue over her burning bud, soothing her skin once more, “I want you to feel everything. I want you to remember it- me.” He kisses across her chest, pressing his lips gently against her sternum, “every kiss-” he bites at her breast, sucking her skin roughly into his mouth, sending another jolt through her core, “every bite.” His hands drag down her stomach, lazily drawing circles as he teases the waistband of her jeans, “I want you to think about me in every class, I want my name to be the only thing you can say when you go to answer a question. That will take patience-” he kisses her stomach, his tongue dipping against her bellybutton and his fingers grazing the lace under her jeans, “but I think maybe these can go.”
She moans her agreement, the sound tearing from her throat as she nods, most likely once a coherent thought but now just a mess of want- of need. Kai quickly pops the button of her jeans, his fingers digging into the waistband and yanking, tugging her pants down in a way that very much goes against his wish for slow. She lifts her hips from the bed, helping him as much as she can to get the damn pants off. He chuckles as she writhes, each gentle laugh zeroing in on her now barely covered core and sparking little fires across her clit. The sound of the material finally pooling on her floor is like music to her ears but her eyebrows furrow when she looks at him, still completely clothed.
She sits up on her elbows, biting her lip, “come here,” she coos, her voice breathy and her chest heaving, “please, Malachai. C’mere,” she sighs when he complies, her fingers twisting his shirt when he settles between her thighs, “this should have come off ages ago.”
She clenches her bare thighs around his own jean covered legs, mewling as the rough material scratches deliciously at her skin.
“Of course, angel,” his nose skims over her neck as she pulls the material from his body, his voice low and teasing, her fingers gliding over the hard dips of his abdomen, “where are my manners.”
She hums happily- a kitten purring from some much needed attention- as he pushes her back, his sculpted stomach now fully on display for her viewing pleasure as the soft blanket tickles her bare skin. His attention is now focused on the matching, blue lace that is not even trying to conceal her core. Kai slides off her bed, kneeling beside her, and her mind races, her heart thumping hard in her chest. What are you-
Her thoughts are interrupted when his hands dig into her hips, tugging her so that her legs dangle off the bed. He spreads her thighs, his eyes latched on hers as he leans down, kissing the inside of her thigh much too lightly. Her fingers dig into the comforter as he pulls her legs over his now bare shoulders, his hot skin soothing her aching muscles. He plants another gentle kiss on her other thigh and she almost screams- do something Kai, do anything, please- her breath ragged as she watches his lips crawl closer to the soaked lace. She digs her heels against his back, hoping to spur him closer to her.
He runs his nose along the lace, straight down her clit and she gasps, the sensation like lava flowing through her veins, “Kai!”
He flicks his head up, squeezing her hips harder, “what did I already say about that, angel,” he kisses under her belly button, purposefully avoiding her throbbing nub, “what’s my name?”
His gray eyes are wild, filled with a hunger that makes her clench around her emptiness.
She digs her heels harder against him as his teeth tug at the lace, his name a delicious moan on her tongue, “Malachai.”
“Very good,” he praises, “you’re so good for me, baby.”
She moans again as he strikes gold, no response to the name other than pure lust filling her body. His hands tug at her panties, finally pulling the last article of clothing- if a piece of sheer lace even counts as clothing- from her body, exposing her pulsing clit to the cool air of her room. He sucks in a breath, leaning down to blow warm air against her, spreading her legs even further. She throbs, watching as he finally lowers his mouth, his tongue licking a stripe directly to her core and planting stars behind her eyes.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans, more to himself than her, his muscled arms wrapping around her thighs and crushing her to him, “I was right you taste like fucking candy. So damn sweet.”
He dives back against her, his hot tongue flicking her bud back and forth. Waves of white fire pour through her, compressing together in the pit of her stomach. Her fingers dig into the sheets, tugging at the plush comforter because she knows if she runs her fingers through Kai’s hair she might just rip it out. Her back arches, her breasts greeting the air as Kai’s tongue swipes straight to her core again, dipping into her heat before going back to her clit sucking hard. 
He moves one of his hands between her legs, his fingertips lazily circling her entrance as he continues to devour her, “so wet for me, baby. From the moment I first touched you,” he muses, his eyes finding hers over the arch of her sternum and swell of her breasts, “it’s like you knew I was coming.”
“Maybe I did,” she pants, squeezing her thighs around the man buried between her legs, letting out a strangled gasp when he sinks one of his fingers into her, “maybe ever since I locked eyes on you-” another gasp, this time from him pushing a second finger in and curling them both- “I’ve wondered how I’m going to forget you.”
He curls his fingers faster at her words, sucking that much harder on her nub. His eyes stay latched on hers, dark and determined. The ball of fire grows dangerously as his fingers brush over a spot- the spot- and she groans, her hand finding his hair. She doesn’t care anymore, tugging harshly on his silky hair and pushing his face as close to her as she can, grinding against his lips as her whole body starts to tingle. It’s like someone replaced her veins with fluorescents and Kai’s tongue is the outlet. 
“Well maybe,” Kai curls his fingers and her body jolts, teetering on the sweet edge of nothingness, “baby,” his voice is just this side of taunting, his tongue finding a tortuous rhythm, “I don’t want you to forget me.” 
He curls his fingers one more time and she falls- quite possibly in more than one way- over the edge, an earth shattering orgasm tearing through her entire body, “fuck, Malachai!”
Her body trembles in his arms, his fingers still twisting inside her, his mouth still latched to her, sucking and licking until she comes down from her high. She sinks back into her comforter, entirely spent and limbs heavy, his name still a moan on her lips. Her heat throbs, clenching and unclenching as she watches him stand. Maybe she isn’t so tired after all. She pushes her heels into her bed, crawling back towards her pillows as his hands find his belt, making quick work of the leather. He doesn’t bother pulling it from the loops, he just hooks his fingers in his jeans, his taut muscles heaving as he shoves his clothes off in one steady push.
She moans as her eyes land on everything he’s been keeping from her, her mouth watering at the sight of his thick, hard shaft bouncing slightly against his abs. She sinks back against her pillows, her toes curling at the thought of him- what was it Kai said? Oh, right- fucking her into next week. She stretches her arm out, her eyes lidded in anticipation and her nipples peaking once more, and curls her fingers at him. Come here, she almost screams, come burn yourself into my very being. She’s doing her best to remain composed but her skin is flushed, the feeling of his lips still fresh on her body, and her core aches to be filled with something more than his fingers. 
He kneels on the bed once more, his lips tilted and his eyes dark, and he crawls back to her body. He grabs her thighs when he reaches her, pushing her knees to her chest and baring her core him, stretching her muscles deliciously. She grabs his shoulders, digging her fingers into his warm skin and tugging him to hover over her, her legs pressed between them. His shaft presses against her still sensitive clit and she hisses, giggling slightly from the stimulation.
“Angel,” Kai murmurs, his lips pressing against hers as he rocks his hips against her, his tip teasing her entrance, “fuck, just tell me you don’t want to forget me.” He pushes in a few inches and she gasps, cooing at the way he’s already stretching her walls, “tell me you’re mine-” he pushes further, his eyes locking on hers and making her core tighten, her fingers digging harder into his skin. “Tell me you’re mine even if you’re lying.”
He pushes all the way into her, his thighs pressed against hers and his hand shoved into the pillows beside her head, keeping him from falling against her. She feels the most full she’s ever felt, her heat pulsing as he gives her a moment to adjust. She can feel each breath he takes, each slight bump of his hips as he holds himself back, each twitch inside her like he’s a lit match and her body is a temple about to be burned to the ground. She shifts against him and a line of fire zings straight from her bellybutton, a tremor of pleasure shocking her heart. Burn me, please, she chants in her head.
“How could I forget about you?” She breathes, her mouth falling open when he slowly pulls back, only to snap his hips back into hers, driving himself deeper than the first time, “why would I- ah,” Kai presses his chest against her knees, pushing her further into the mattress and leaning on his forearms, circling his hips and stealing the air from her lungs, “I’m yours, Malachai.” She resigns, her train of thought long gone, “all yours.”
“Absolutely right, baby,” he growls, pulling out of her again and slamming back into her as soon as the words are out of her mouth, “mine.”
His hand grabs her knee, pulling her legs apart to wrap around him as he settles into a faster pace. She wraps her arms around his neck, her fingers anchoring in his hair and tugging his lips to hers. She squeezes her thighs around his hips, her toes curling from his bruising pace, whining when he almost pulls all the way out of her once again before thrusting back. She arches her spine, her chest bouncing against his as he circles her arm around her back, pulling her flush against him.
She drags a hand down Kai’s back, her nails digging against his skin and drawing a sinful moan from him. His lips latch on to her jaw as he thrusts harder into her, his arm sliding behind her neck and holding her closer, “fuck, you’re so tight-”
He lifts to his knees, bringing her with him and shifting the angle of his thrusts, his shaft brushing the same spot from before. She lets go of his shoulders, falling back into her pillows to grip her fuzzy sheets for dear life. She can feel the fire from before start building again, only this time hotter, and she rocks back against him, doing her best to match his pace but it’s impossible. He has her legs around his waist still, her bottom half clean off the mattress as he pounds her top half into the pillows; there is nothing for her to do but let the pleasure wash over her. 
Kai pulls her leg further up his chest, hanging it from his shoulder as he smirks, tugging his lip between his teeth, “if only you could see how pretty you look princess, all stretched out for me.” She clenches at his words, the ball of fire pulsing dangerously, and he tightens his hand on her thigh, his eyes going dark, “do you like it when I praise you baby?” His voice is throaty and she can feel him twitch, just as close to coming undone as she is, and her walls clamp around him harder this time, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“More,” she begs, screwing her eyes shut and letting the sound of his voice push her closer to the cliff, “tell me more. Please!”
He sucks in a sharp breath, his hips slamming impossibly harder against hers, brushing that magical spot relentlessly. His fingers slide down her leg, dragging through her folds to find her throbbing nub, circling his fingers lightly and drawing a strangled scream from her lips.
“And what should I tell you, hmm?” He presses harder against her clit, his fingers picking up the pace to keep time with his increasingly sloppier thrusts, “should I tell you that you look exquisite wrapped around my cock?” She moans, his words making white flash behind her eyes, her core squeezing and sending the first taste of her second orgasm spiraling through her, “that I can’t wait to flip you over in a minute and make you cum again,” her legs jerk, the second wave so much more intense than the first, so much more earth shattering, “and again,” he pushes into her one last time, throwing them both over the edge, “and again, angel.”
Her whole body splinters when he empties himself into her, meeting her release with his with a shuddered breath. She can’t even scream his name- god, she certainly tries though- the white, hot pleasure coursing through her veins, stirring a new life into her bones, only allows her to whisper it. Mouth it over and over again as he collapses against her sticky chest. Fuck, Malachai. He pulls out of her and she hisses, swallowing the last wave of electricity as she stretches her bones, delighting in the careful pop of her joints. 
“Fuck,” Kai rolls onto his back, his eyes shut and his mouth wide open, “that was-” he props himself up on his elbow, his eyes now open and swimming over her face, “that was just wow, baby. Fucking wow.”
She giggles breathlessly, her legs jelly as she turns to him, reaching her arms out. Her body still craves him, her skin aching to press against his in a way she’s never experienced. He wastes no time scooping her up, wrapping an arm behind her knees and pooling her on his chest. His other hand glides up her spine, his fingers pressing hungrily into her flesh. Her thighs slip around his hips as she sinks against his chest, her face finding the crook of his neck. His hands work at the kinks in her shoulders and she shivers, her body starting to light up again.
“Fucking wow,” she agrees as she presses her lips against his throat, squeezing her thighs as his fingers draw lower again, swiping over the dip at the base of her spine as she murmurs a soft, “you don’t have to leave yet, do you?” 
Kai’s body tenses under hers and her heart stutters, her chest stinging- oh, maybe he does. 
“If you do though that’s okay,” she rushes out quickly, pushing her hands against his chest to put some distance between the two of them, “I don’t want to keep you if you, uh, have places to be, I guess-”
He tightens his arms around hers, sitting up quickly, keeping her in his arms as he does so, “I have nowhere to be but here.” He presses his lips against hers and she sighs, reveling in his slightly salty taste, “nowhere I want to be but here, princess”
She nods, brushing her nose against his, “okay.”
Her fingers tangle through his matted hair and he sighs, leaning down to brush her back. Okay. It’s not what she wants to say- something more along the lines of please never leave- but she can settle for it for now. She shifts to straddle his thighs better, pressing her chest against him and sighing at the growing electricity. Round three it is. When she kisses him back she can swear she tastes a hint of her bubblegum gloss on his lips.
“Okay,” he agrees.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - Okay okay okay I had this THOT last night and I couldn’t sleep and also I SWEAR I am not a shiggy Fricker 
Prompt - I’ve seen ppl head cannon that Shiggy’s darling has like an immunity quirk or something and I wanted to have a go sksks
Pairing - Shigaraki Tomura X Reader
Warnings - lol NSFW, tw noncon, trembling, excited virgin shiggy. (also sidenote the dude did research on doin’ the dirty)
Music - https://youtu.be/Fl5xvarZdGw
You meet him in the library.
He’s not paying attention, neither are you; you’re both reaching for the same book about Halo Reach and your hands clumsily knock into each other.
“Oh! Sorry, you can have it.” You smile at the young man, drawing your hand back. You aren’t really a competitive player - like to log on to just mess around and have fun. The young man probably could make better use of the book. Plus, you could just wait until he returns it - then you could check it out.
The man just stares at you (more specifically, your hand), mouth slightly gaped, as if you’d slapped him. Internally, you shrug before turning, intending to head to the science fiction section to see if you could find any books about space.
A hand clamps down on your shoulder, makes you jump before you look back. The young man isn’t looking at you, no, he’s looking at where his hand meets your body, eyes wide. 
Is there something wrong? The man refuses to move, instead simply gripping your shoulder, rubbing his thumb against the skin exposed by your tank top. After a moment, you awkwardly shrug him off, giving him a tense smile.
“Do you need something?” It’s not accusatory, maybe he needs help checking out? But the man just stares at his hand, closes his fist, rubs his fingers together. You can’t quite place why, but it honestly makes you a bit uncomfortable.
“Okay, uh..... bye then.” You gave a little wave, shyly smiling. At your words, the man finally looks at your face, his red eyes wide. You expect him to say something, maybe explain his odd behavior or mimic your goodbye.
But he doesn’t
He just stares.
You suppose that meeting is the reason you’re here, hands tied to the headboard of a bed, room dark and musty. There’s a TV tucked in the corner, an Xbox and PS4 on the ground, game DVD’s stacked on each respective console. There’s a dresser shoved against the wall - plain and nondescript. 
Save for the bed, TV, and dresser, the room is bare.
Too busy struggling to pick at the padded cuffs locking you to the headboard, you didn’t notice the door open and a man slip inside.
“You know who I am?”
The raspy voice made you jump, squeak in surprise. Breathless, you shook your head no, watched the blue-haired man from the library stand motionless at the door.
He laughed - more of a curt exhalation than a laugh, but you could tell he was amused, pleased. “Just call me Tomura then.”
Tomura was so excited. He couldn’t decide what he wanted to do first, looking at your helpless form. The glee that bubbled up inside him when he realized that you were all his, he could do whatever he wanted - it was euphoric. 
Where to start?
He sat on the bed, ignored how you tried to shuffle away from him. You wouldn’t be able to get away away from him. He lifted his hand, touched your shoulder gently and watched as you flinched. It amazed him, the way your skin stayed whole, still silky and smooth underneath his destructive touch. 
Tomura’s hand lifted, and then he hesitated. How was he decide what to do first? The man wanted everything.
As a test, he gently placed his hand, palm-down on your stomach. Your shirt disintegrated, fine dust getting blown away gently by the rhythmic whir of the ceiling fan. His fingers sank through the disintegrated shirt, touched your stomach. Your skin was unaffected. 
You must have an immunity quirk, he mused.
Almost shaking with excitement, Tomura crawled over your body, straddling your abdomen so he could look at your face, hands touching and squishing the flesh there. He almost couldn’t believe this. Every single finger was making contact.
You felt so good.
With a sudden, forceful movement, he swooped down, mashing his cracked lips to yours, holding your face in place by gripping your jaw. You struggled, but he was stronger - kept you pinned.
Tomura stayed there for a while, his lips pressed against your own. He breathed through his nose, savored the feeling of your skin touching his.
He’d never let himself experience intimacy with another person, never let himself touch unless it was the intent to destroy.
Oh, he was going to destroy you, but not like that.
Devour would be a more accurate term.
Separating from the clumsy kiss, Tomura opened his eyes, face still inches away from yours. He just looked at you, drank in your features, breathing unevenly.
He wanted more.
Shimmying down, the young man hesitated when his hands skimmed against your bra. It’s not like he hadn’t seen a woman naked before; porn existed.
But he never actually thought he’d get the chance to touch one.
With barely a thought, your bra was disintegrated, Tomura tuning out your cry of distress.
Distantly, the man knew he was subtly shaking, his breath ragged. He was the picture of excitement and desperation, and he was glad you were the only one in the room to see him acting this way.
He gripped your breasts, one in each hand, massaged the mounds roughly. Tomura was pulling and pinching and rubbing the flesh, reveling in the feel of the soft, pliant flesh.
Gingerly, he lowered his head, laid it sideways against your chest, listened to your rapid heartbeat. 
He could stay here forever.
But as all men, Tomura had needs. 
His cock had been half hard from the moment he stepped in the room, anticipating what was to come. One of your thighs was positioned in between his legs, and each attempt you made to squirm away from his touch or buck him off had your leg pressing against his crotch.
It felt delicious, and Tomura wanted more.
Raising his head, He squeezed your breasts once more, before an undeniable urge struck him. And who was he to deny his instincts?
His mouth descended upon your left nipple, teeth grazing against the skin as he sucked feverishly. You tasted like salt, sweaty and heated, but Tomura could care less.
You were thrashing in your binds now, eyes squeezed shut, whimpering as he abused your flesh, occasionally lifting off one nipple to switch. He still had both hands gripping your breasts, mouth working one like a suckling babe while his hand kneaded the other. The sound was flithy, even to his own ears; the wet smack and squeak of his lips against your nipples.
He knew you could probably feel it when he began rocking his hips against your leg, clumsily humping you like a dog. Tomura couldn’t help it, beyond excited now and giving in to his most basic desires.
Tomura suckled at you for a long time, until your cries petered out and your thrashing slowed. He figured you had resigned yourself to your fate, calmed down. Or perhaps you’d quieted because you thought this was as far as he’d go? The thought was amusing to him.
His cock was throbbing, aching from how hard he was. Tomura felt like if he waited any longer, he’d die. 
The man was reluctant to let go of your chest, but with a lewd pop, he let go. He sat up slightly, quickly shuffling out of his t-shirt, almost disintegrating his pants in his haste to be rid of them.
He watched you crack open your eyes, saw you whine as you caught sight of him undressing, realizing that the man was far from done. Tomura thought it was cute that you squeezed your eyes shut before he removed his boxers.
Tomura didn’t care that you didn’t want this. He wanted it, and that’s what mattered. The man had spent so much of his life depriving himself of what he wanted, he figured he deserved a little treat, especially one that was so compatible.
Fingers began working at your pants, peeling the fabric off your legs, undeterred by the way you kicked at the man. With those off and out of the way, he snatched at your panties, ripping them down to your thighs. But you squeezed your legs together, unwilling to part with the flimsy fabric, your last line of defense.
With a huff, Tomura let his pinky drop. He was too desperate to let your stubbornness get in the way of his goal.
Panties turned to dust, he pried open your legs, almost groaning when his hands dug into the plush flesh of your thighs. Getting to touch was heavenly, he didn’t know how he’d been able to go so long without feeling skin against his own.
He was panting now, not out of exertion, but eagerness. He lifted one of your thighs, hooked it over his elbow and lifted, giving him easier access to the soft, puffy pink gem nestled between your legs.
If he had more patience, more willpower, he’d bite and gnaw at your thighs, move up to lick and stroke your pussy until it was swollen and dripping. But right now, he just needed to be inside you.
Sticking two fingers inside his mouth, he coated them in saliva before gingerly prodding at your hole, pushing in both fingers. You cried out - not expecting the sudden stretch. Tomura grinned, the way your pussy clenched around his digits making him impossibly harder.
He wished, oh how he wished that he could just spear you on his cock right that second. But the man had seen enough porn, knew enough about the human body that doing so would be painful and unpleasant. He’d read that it was more pleasant when the woman was enjoying themself - plus, Tomura wanted to watch your pretty face twist in confusion as he pounded into you, try to convince yourself that he didn’t make you feel good.
Two fingers stretching you, Tomura quickly added a third, the gasp that you let out shooting straight down his spine and into his cock. He almost keeled over, burying his face into your hip and nipping at the flesh there as he groaned, fingers pumping out of your hole, pausing to scissor and stretch you, readying you for his cock.
Three fingers would have to be enough.
Tomura knew he wasn’t large, but he was decent for his size, cock proportionate to the rest of his body. The flushed head was leaking precum, and when Tomura withdrew his fingers from your cunt, he spread your juices over the rest of his shaft, mixing your wet with his precum.
He moaned at the feeling, hips unintentionally thrusting into his hand as he slicked himself up. He probably wasn’t going to last long the first time, but Tomura knew he was going to be able to go several, several rounds.
Thigh still hooked over his arm, he used his other hand to guide his cock to your pussy, hissing as he push the head up against your opening. You were sobbing now, begging him to stop, wait; for him to not do this, please.
If only you knew that your tears meant nothing. If anything, they only served to make him harder.
With a choked groan, Tomura eased his cock inside you. The rest of his body was shaking, vibrating with excitement and need. He was holding himself back, relishing the feeling of your walls fluttering around the stretch. 
The article he had read said that it was best to start slow, let your partner adjust to the stretch before you picked up the pace.
So when he slid home, balls nestled against your ass, he paused. 
He was panting, sweat beading upon his forehead. You were out of breath too, hands clutching at your bindings. Your lower half was resting on his lap, and for now he remained still, leaning forward to let his hand brush a few stray hairs out of your face.
You were so pretty.
Perhaps not the most beautiful woman in the world, but to him, you were perfect. He liked the imperfections, drank in the unconventional beauty of your features. One of these days, he wanted to film the two of you, just so he could go back and watch your face as you reacted to him, his mouth, his cock.
Tomura couldn’t wait anymore.
Without a word, he slowly slid out, then rocked back in. He made sure to keep his pace slow, even so as not to hurt you.
Well, he went slow for as long as he could.
On one thrust, he hit something inside of you that had you squeezing his cock in a vice grip, muscles tensing, mouth falling open. Tomura almost came right then and there, but by the grace of god (if such an entity existed) he held back.
With a manic grin on his face, Tomura increased his pace, keeping the angle so that his cock hammered into that spot. The hand not holding up your thigh came to rest on your pubic bone, thumb digging around the lips of your pussy until Tomura found what he was pretty sure was your clit.
Based on the way you writhed, he knew he had.
Rubbing rapidly, his cock squelching into your cunt, you gave a prolonged wail as you came, pussy clenching and milking Tomura so intensely that he had no choice but to follow seconds after. He hadn’t even thought about a condom, shooting his warm cum straight into your pussy, filling you to the brim.
He was speechless with pleasure.
Tomura was never, ever going to let you escape his grasp
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Love in the sky
I wrote this for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers LBSC Sprint challenge - Meet cute week event and, once again, I got carried away and broke all the rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Prompt: Sitting next to each other on the plane.
Summary: Marinette is going to NY on an international flight for the first time. What she doesn’t know is that the one seated next to her is the popular new band Kitty Section’s guitarist: Luka Couffaine.
Thank you @livrever for checking it for me 💙
Marinette rushed through the aisle of the plane. She couldn’t believe she almost missed it! her first international trip to the US! Stupid alarm! Of course she was tired. She was so nervous she couldn’t sleep all night… until 5AM… and the plane departed at 10AM… and obviously she had to oversleep. *sigh*
Running, tripping and spinning on her feet, she finally searched for her seat. 38B - aisle seat. Her pink polka dotted suitcase was heavy, but thanks to the cabin attendant she could finally put it inside the overhead bin, while her backpack rested under the seat in front of her. All set, she let her weight fall on the seat at last and let out a deep breath as she fastened her seatbelt.
The doors of the plane closed, and the PA message started: Welcome on board… Security instructions… Marinette wasn’t listening. Her legs were uncontrollably shaking, and her fingers were fidgeting with the laces of her hoodie.
Those nerves and stress couldn’t be healthy.
She examined her surroundings, and, next to her, someone was sleeping. Someone, who appeared to be a young man, with a sleeping eye mask and a face mask on, messy blue hair showing under a knit hat and a blanket covering his body. Overall, it didn't give much more information about her plane's seat neighbor. Not wanting to wake him up, she focused on the rest of the passengers instead. Why were all of them so quiet when she felt her heart could burst out of her chest anytime?
The plane started its runaway and Marinette closed her eyes tightly when it raised from the lane. Once in the air, she started breathing again, but her heart was still beating fast.
"First time on a plane?" a masculine voice beside her asked.
She turned to her side, and looked at the person seated next to her. His eye mask was over his head now, and she could see his blue eyes clearly, while his blue bangs partly covered his eyebrows.
“Y- yes!” she squeaked.
“You’re making me nervous too. Calm down, it’s going to be ok” he assured.
“I- I know!" She said, but her body wasn’t obeying. “I’m sorry...”
The young man sighed. “Look, I’ve been on a plane many times. It’s safe. Why don’t you try to sleep? It’s going to be a long flight.”
“I- I can’t! I’m too nervous! I’ve never traveled alone before, plus my career depends on this trip! I can’t stay calm!”
“Why don’t you try listening to some music, then? It always helps me relax” the young man offered her a sympathetic look.
“Music…?” she blinked. ‘It could work’.
She plugged the earphones and put them in her ears. Then, she scrolled through the music programs on the touch screen in front of her. Classical music? For some reason, it only made it worse. Country music? Not her style. XY? Hell, no. Her eyes stopped at the name of a fairly new band: “Kitty Section”. She played the video called: “Kitty Section's Paris Live Concert”.
“Good choice” the man next to her said when the title started showing on the screen.
Marinette had heard about the band called Kitty Section. They had featured in most of her favorite magazines after they won Eurovision several months ago, but she wasn't familiar with their music. In less than a minute, she was hooked and forgot completely about her surroundings or her nerves.
“Wow!” she mumbled, mesmerized, and the man next to her let out a snicker.
The music was amazing- the rock vibes, their stage presence, the vocalists’ cuteness and high ranged voice, the accurate and insane drums, the gorgeous purple haired bassist… all of them sounded incredible. But the guitarist… the blue haired guitarist was extraordinary- unbelievably good. Not only talented, but also powerful, charismatic and incredibly handsome.
“They’re good, huh?” The man beside her commented and she nodded. She could tell he was smiling under his face mask. She nodded in agreement.
“I had never heard them properly before but damn- they are incredible” Marinette answered, and he laughed. Her fingers tapped rhythmically, following the beat of the song.  “But…" she continued, observing. "I think they could do better. There’s a margin of improvement,” she said with judging eyes.
“Oh, really? How?” The blue-eyed man asked, curious, resting his elbow on the arm rest to get a closer look.
“The costumes,” Marinette pointed out. Then, she reached her backpack under her feet and took out a sketchbook and a pen and started drawing. “The outfits could be improved if they added this, and this” she signaled. “And this-” She kept scribbling while the blue-haired man observed and listened to her suggestions. “And ta-da! Wouldn’t they look even better if they were like this?” She proudly showed him her designs, only to realize she was being embarrassing towards a stranger. “Ah, sorry- I got carried away…” She apologized. But the man took the sketchbook in his hands.
“Let me see,” he said, and she saw how his eyes examined every detail of her drawings. She gulped nervously. It felt like her skills were being tested. But the man took his face mask off and smiled. “Wow, that’s impressive. Fresh, charismatic, unique- and perfectly according to the band's style. I love them" he returned her the sketchbook. "You’re very talented. Are you famous? Do you take commissions?” He asked, and she looked at him speechless.
“I- I’m still a no-one… Is it really impressive?” She looked at him and blushed at the compliment.
“Yes, I think so. What would you do with this outfit?” He asked, showing him a photo of the same band on his smartphone. Her inspiration overflowed as she kept drawing and explaining her ideas. They kept discussing costumes and visual aspects of the band and chatted comfortably for a long time.
"I think Rose should go with something more… daring, bolder. She looks innocent but she's fierce inside. Of course, cuteness is her main trait, so I think she should combine both" she explained, coloring her design with colored pencils. "I think something like this would be perfect for her" she showed him her sketchbook and he was impressed. “As for Juleka-” She continued, turning to a blank page. “She’s so beautiful. I wish she didn’t cover her face so much, even if the mystery look is really attractive too…" She stopped drawing for a moment to admire the bassist on the screen. "Gosh- She's so gorgeous! I wish I was that beautiful” she commented.
“I think you’re even more beautiful than her, you know?” The blue-haired man casually said, and she shyly blushed with a 'no way' frantic arms movements. “What about the guitarist?” he asked, raising an eyebrow with a smug smile.
“Luka Couffaine? OH LORD SHOW MERCY- Have you seen him? And his eyeliner? It should be ILLEGAL to be this HOT” She said, convinced.
“Hmmm… So you like him, huh?” He teased, his smile widening.
“Who doesn’t, really?” She shrugged. “He’s literally the SEXIEST man alive. His eye contact with the camera could kill! Oh, and whenever he gets shirtless on stage or photoshoots? GOD- I almost get a nosebleed EVERY FREAKING TIME! He's TOO DAMN HOT" She fanned herself at the image. "Don’t you agree?" She asked and he blinked twice. "You like him too, right? You have so many photos of them in your phone! I bet he’s making you question your sexuality too, like he does with all my friends! How could anyone resist those blue eyes and his manly features, his soft looking blue hair and- his tattoos..." She looked away from her seat neighbor's blue piercing eyes, and focused at the smartphone screen again, to a close-up photo of Kitty Section’s guitarist. "How did you get these close-up casual photos...?” she asked, and then she noticed the tattoo on his neck. She looked back and forth at the man seated next to her and the one in the picture. ‘It couldn't be, right…?’ And at that moment, when he had a knowing smile on his face- one she knew too well-, she realized who he was seated next to on the plane. Her eyes opened as big as plates and she overheated. He was smirking amusingly at her reaction. “You- You- You are-? Lu-Lu-Luk- It can’t be…”
He nodded to confirm her suspicions and her jaw fell to the floor. “Hi. I think I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Luka. But I think you already know that. It’s nice to meet you.” He chuckled, straightening his hand for a handshake.
“Oh God, kill me now...” She mumbled, sinking on the table. Luka snickered.
“What’s your name?”
“Ma-Ma-Marinette… I mean- Marinette!” She felt his eyes on her and panicked. “Excuse me- I- I need a moment... This- This is too much- Oh My God...” She stood up and rushed to the end of the plane, not without tripping twice on her way there.
While Marinette was gone, the two ladies in front of Luka and Marinette’s seats turned to Luka. “Having fun?” They smirked, knowingly. He was chuckling, having real trouble to keep his laugh from escaping.
“Oh, God, Yes. This is so much fun." He wiped the tears that were forming on his eyes. "I think I’ve found our potential new costume designer” he continued laughing under his nose.
“Only that? I think there’s more...” Juleka smirked, and Rose giggled in agreement by her side. He couldn't deny it: his sister was totally right.
Behind Luka's seat, Kitty Section's drummer, Ivan and his girlfriend Mylene had been enjoying the show the blue-eyed pair had been giving. It was definitely more entertaining than any movie. It would have been perfect if they had popcorn to accompany their fortunate first row seats to the hilarious show. They also approved Marinette's designs.
Luka took the chance Marinette wasn't there to freely stand up, go talk to their managers and stretch his legs for a bit.
Back at the end of the plane, Marinette drank some juice and moved to the bathroom. She was panicking in front of the mirror, talking to herself.
“OH. MY. GOD. I’m seated next to Luka Couffaine! For at least… 5 hours more!? And I just called him hot! And- And- he said I’m beautiful and talented! And- Oh my God, he asked me for commissions, right? This can’t be real- I-" her feet wiggled uncontrollably and she let out a long squeak. "Ahh… Calm down, Marinette! He’s human- A sexy human, but still human! He’s famous but very friendly, kind and nice. And fun! It’s going to be alright. Just- Avoid his eyes. That’s it. It’s dangerous. Don’t fall in love. You’re not a teenager anymore, you’re over that stage, right? Only a few hours more. You can do it. I CAN DO IT!” She convinced herself with a confident nod and returned to her seat, only to find Luka was gone.
She looked for him from her seat, at her surroundings, but he was nowhere to be found. She sighed in both relief and sadness as she seated.
For some reason, she was missing him. Which was stupid, considering they had just met! But his company was certainly enjoyable... And, moreover, it was FUN. More than she ever remembered having. And not only because she was passionate about fashion or music. It had to do with his aura, his personality, his gentle manners- just... Luka.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be back in a moment” A voice said from in front of her. “My brother is stupid, but he’s a decent person. Treat him well” The purple haired lady winked, beside a petit blond lady.
“Jul-!” She covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from yelling her name. “And Rose-!?” 'Oh, no! They might have heard what I said too!' She panicked again and the ladies giggled amused.
“Ignore my sister and her girlfriend” Luka returned, and her face flustered when she noticed how tall and well built he was (not that she didn't know that, but it hit differently in first person). “Can I get back to my seat?” He politely asked, pointing at the window seat.
“Ah-! Yes! Of course!” She stood up so suddenly she tripped and fell on Luka’s chest. She immediately moved away in embarrassment, falling back instead, and Luka had to hold her again to avoid her imminent fall. “I’m sorry!”
“Are you ok?” He asked in concern, and she shyly nodded. Luka reluctantly let go of her and returned to his seat and Marinette settled back to hers.
Wait- Was that a blush on his face?
“Here” Luka offered her an envelope. “I don’t know what your plans in NY are but, here’s a VIP pass to our concert next Sunday. There’s also our contact card inside. I want you to consider the idea of working for us. Your costumes are impressive. We discussed it, and we want you in our team” Marinette had no words- totally speechless. Could she be this lucky? “What do you say?” Luka asked with a hopeful tender smile that made her weak.
“I- I’ll think about it. And- Oh God- I’ll totally be there for your concert” She blushed and Luka smiled kindly at her. Suddenly, she started searching inside her backpack, and took out a business card she offered him. “This is my contact. I- I have a fashion event next Monday. I would love you to come, if you can make it. Send me an email and I’ll get you some passes”
“Wow! That's impressive. I'll try to make it. Thank you, Marinette”
Marinette could hear her heart beating faster. No looking in his eyes, dammit. They kept talking for a while, enjoying their time together until they fell asleep out of exhaustion, Marinette’s head resting on Luka’s shoulder. He woke up earlier than her, but didn’t have the heart to wake her up until lunchtime. She looked like she really needed that rest.
When he left half of his lunch untouched, Marinette scolded him. “You have to eat! You’re too thin! Those abs and arms need consistency! Proteins!” She pointed at a photo of him shirtless and flustered again in embarrassment in realization. “Ah-”
Gosh- it really was fun, Luka thought, chucking. It was hard not to laugh out loud. Everything flowed so naturally it was unbelievable.
Damn. He didn’t want the plane to ever land.
“Marinette” he called, during their coffee time, and she looked back at him, redness still on her cheeks. “The plane will land soon but- Even if you don’t accept our offer… Is it possible for us to meet again? Out of business? Like this?”
Marinette flustered at his implications. “Do- Do you mean-?”
“A date. Would you go on a date with me, Marinette? Or just as friends, if you prefer. I like you, and I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun with anyone else” He took Marinette’s pen and one of his ‘Kitty Section’ contact cards and wrote something behind it. “These are my personal telephone number and email. We'll be in NY until Friday next week. It would make me very happy if you contact me, whenever you prefer, anytime” He said, securing the card in her hands.
Marinette blushed, looked at the card with glowing eyes, and then at his honest loving stare. Was it even possible that the man everyone was gushing about was asking her out? But this had nothing to do with his stage persona. Luka was someone she more than enjoyed spending time with. Naturally, quietly, assuring… She had no doubts about her answer.  
“I want to meet you again, too” she stated, and wrote her personal number under his wristband. “I’m free on Wednesday” she shyly smiled, and his smile widened.
“Wednesday is it, then. I'll manage to find the time. Just for you." He smiled happily and only then she realized how deep she had fallen.
Ah- she hadn't wanted to fall in love. What a way to fail her own determination… But she couldn't complain, not at all.
And he felt the same way.
Luka and Marinette's hands locked together, and they lost themselves in each other’s eyes, smiling at each other.
“Why don’t you kiss her already, dumbass?” Juleka called, and Marinette blushed. “He won’t kiss you if you don’t give him proper permission, you know? He’s very considerate despite his looks. Tell him already”
“Jules… Why don’t you mind your business and make out with Rose instead?” He shushed his sister and Rose giggled, embracing Juleka. Luka returned his attention to Marinette. “Sorry about that”
“It’s ok… I-” She started, looking at his thin lips. “Will you kiss me if I want to? Because I think I do...”
“You do?” he asked, and she shyly nodded and he smiled softly, making her heart flutter.
She closed her eyes and he leaned closer to give her a sweet kiss on her cheek. She pouted a little, in disappointment, but he told her that, if she really wanted to kiss him, that would be the perfect excuse to meet him again and make it more special, like a beautiful lady like her deserved. Marinette understood his reasoning and agreed with it, despite the slight disappointment she felt she would have to wait a few days to get the chance to kiss him. Nevertheless, both of them happily smiled while their fingers remained interlaced, chatting and enjoying their time together the rest of the flight, until the plane landed and they had to unavoidably say their farewells.
“Thank you for everything, Luka. I forgot how scared I was of planes thanks to you and- I’ll see you soon?”
“I really hope so. I still owe you something, right?" He winked and she blushed happily. Luka gave her a final discreet and quick kiss on her knuckles. "Gosh- I miss you already...” He added, and Marinette felt the urge to cry. She dropped her bag to hold him in a needed embrace. He gladly reciprocated her gesture. Despite neither wanting to separate, they forced themselves to. "I hope I see you soon, Marinette"
"Me too, Luka…" she wiped her tears and waved, as the band started walking away.
When the arrivals doors opened and all the camera flashes blinded her, she understood why Kitty Section members always wore sunglasses in airports. They were more popular than she could have expected. She understood why he had refused to kiss her outside of the plane, but he still saluted her before disappearing in the multitude of fans and paparazzis.
On the other side, Sabrina, Audrey Bourgeois’ assistant, waited for her. She had almost forgotten about her own business. But now, she found the motivation she had lacked. If she was willing to be with Luka, she had to become the best. She wanted to make a name of herself, more than ever. And her meeting with Luka certainly boosted her confidence.
Unexpectedly, her trip to NY had already become one of her most memorable experiences yet. And it had just started! She couldn't wait to spend the rest of the week in the city.
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cali-holland · 4 years
Risk It All- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Osterfield!Reader
Prompt: (Royalty!AU) As the princess, you have to hide your relationship with Tom, the stable hand. When your mother sets up a jousting tournament with the prize of your hand, Tom must risk it all to win your heart.
Word Count: 4100
A/N: This is for @geminiparkers ‘s writing challenge under the AU brother’s best friend and the scenario forbidden love and special thanks to @duskholland for proofreading this and correcting me when i literally made up a word
~ Also a melee is a tournament where two groups of knights reenact a battle, and i’m pretty sure we all can picture a joust… but i’m not historically accurate with any of this so oh well
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Moodboard is mine, pics used are not *
The castle was quiet that afternoon. Harrison was off attending to some royal duties with your mother, and you found yourself making your way down the familiar path to the stables on the far side of the castle. You smiled to yourself as you crossed the cobblestoned road. You pushed the heavy door open and stepped inside, your gown catching the stray pieces of hay that lay on the floor. Your smile grew wider as you saw a familiar figure, reorganizing the hay bales to make room for tomorrow’s import.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Tom said, not even sparing a glance in your direction as you came over to him.
“Are you really going to tell a princess what to do, stable boy?” You asked teasingly, a smile playing on your lips. “No one followed me. We’re safe.”
With a laugh, Tom turned around to face you, dusting the hay from his hands on his raggedy pants. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You leaned into his touch, your hands roaming underneath his old shirt, ghosting over his abs that rivaled those of any knight in the kingdom. He pulled away, regretfully admitting, “We shouldn’t- the other stable hands will be here soon.”
“Right.” You let out a small sigh, but neither of you made any effort to move out of each other’s arms. “I wish that we could be together, really together.”
“I wish that, too, but you know the law.”
It was a risky business, all of this sneaking around to be together. You were the princess, you weren’t allowed to marry anyone less than a knight, and Tom was a stable boy, whose family served yours for generations. Despite his status, you would trade your silk gowns and other luxuries for him in a heartbeat, but he wouldn’t let you. Tom feared you’d be unhappy if you left your family, your status, your life for him. The rendezvouses were your only chance at being happy with Tom, even for a few moments. If anyone found out and turned Tom in, he could face dire consequences, and it would be out of your power to protect him.
“I have a gift for you.” Tom said, his hand left your side to pull the gift from his pocket. You looked in awe of the delicate necklace. With one diamond hanging from the silver chain, it was simple, but beautiful. It was much smaller than any of your necklaces, ones that had been made from the best jewels in the world, but it was by far the best necklace you’d ever received. You felt a pit grow in your stomach as you realized that this necklace must’ve cost a fortune by Tom’s standards. “I know it’s not much, but I had the village jeweler make it special, just for you.”
“Tom, it’s beautiful.” You smiled at him, “How much did this cost you?”
“Don’t worry about it, princess. It’s a gift, I don’t expect or need repayment.” He insisted, holding up the necklace, “May I?”
You nodded, slowly turning around so that he could put it on you. The chain was long enough that you could conceal the diamond underneath your dress because, while you admired it, it would draw attention to the two of you. You turned back around in Tom’s arms and leaned in to kiss him again.
Hearing the handle to the stable door creak, you and Tom stepped away from each other’s embrace. He returned to his work, moving the bales of hay around, while you turned to your horse, acting as if you were simply in the stable to care for her. When Harrison stepped through the door, you knew you were being beckoned away from Tom.
“Mother would like to see us.” Harrison told you, and you nodded, stepping away from your horse. He turned to Tom, who had paused his actions, “I’ll be going on a hunt tomorrow with the knights. You should come.”
“I’ll have the horses ready.” He replied. Although Tom was not a knight, Harrison always treated him better than a regular stable boy. In fact, you’d dare to say that Tom was Harrison’s best friend with how the two often spent time together, whether it be on a hunt or training. Tom was a knight, all but in name.
You followed Harrison out of the stables, not bidding Tom more than a simple goodbye. As Harrison fell into step beside you on the way to the throne room, you spoke up, “Did mother say why she needed us?”
“No, but it sounded important.” Harrison replied, his shoulders shrugging a little. “What were you doing in the stables?” It wasn’t an accusatory question, but it certainly felt like one. “I was tending to my horse.”
“That’s what the stable hands are for.” He stated. A small smirk grew on his face. In a hushed tone, he teased, “Was there a certain stable hand you wanted to tend to?”
You bit back an unladylike scoff, “There most certainly was not.” You insisted, acting as if you weren’t currently wearing a pendant from said stable hand.
“I have a hard time believing that.” Harrison dropped his voice even quieter as you two came to a halt outside of the throne room.
You didn’t have time to question him before the grand doors opened, and you two were greeted with the guards lining the throne room and your mother sitting rather anxiously on her throne. Hesitantly, you and Harrison stepped forward until you were directly before her.
“Mother, you called for us.” You said graciously.
“Us? No, I asked Harrison to find you, so that I may speak with you alone.” She corrected you, and you looked over at your brother skeptically.
“I thought perhaps Y/N would feel more comfortable with my presence.” Harrison explained. When your mother just nodded, you spoke up again.
“Have I done something wrong?” You asked, your eyes trailing back to your mother in confusion.
“No, my dear. It has come to my attention, though, that you have caught the eye of suitors within and outside of our kingdom.”
“Suitors?” You didn’t want to believe that you heard her right. Surely, she couldn’t mean-
“Prospective husbands. Princes and dukes alike have taken notice that you are of age and without a suitor.” Your mother stood from her throne and stepped towards you, taking your hands in hers. “I have made the decision that there will be a tournament for your hand.”
“Do I not get a say in any of this?” You tried your best to keep your voice steady, but your racing mind, clammy hands, and aching heart made that difficult. All you could think about was Tom and the beautiful necklace secretly dangling around your neck.
“No, our family has done tournaments with the price of the princess’s hand for centuries. Your father had to win a tournament to earn my hand, remember? It will start in two days' time.” You wanted to say something, wanted to tell her that your heart already belonged to the best suitor, but your tongue was caught in your mouth. You wordlessly nodded, though it broke your heart to do so. Your mother smiled and let go of your hands to return to her seat, “It is settled then. The princes and dukes shall arrive tomorrow. We need more servants in the castle to tend to our guests.”
“Will they not bring their own?” Harrison asked, and she shook her head.
“We cannot expect our guests to bring their servants with them. After tomorrow’s hunt, I want all the stable hands to serve our guests.” She insisted. You spared a glance at Harrison, and you could’ve sworn you saw his nose twitch in disapproval. “That’ll be all.”
You and Harrison silently made your way out of the throne room. As Harrison tried to rush off to his bedroom, you grabbed him by the arm, effectively stalling his plans.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “You knew there was going to be a tournament for my hand, and you didn’t say anything. How long has mother been planning this?”
Harrison let out a sigh, “She’s been corresponding with the other princes and dukes for a month, but I promise I only found out today. I wanted to stay because I knew you’d be crushed by the news.”
“Crushed? Harrison, my life is being sold off to the champion of a vicious sport. I’d say I’m well passed crushed.” There was no hiding the bitterness in your voice. You let go of him and turned to leave to your own chambers.
Quietly, Harrison called out to you, “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”
Harrison didn’t even have to say the name because you both clearly knew it was Tom he spoke of. You looked back at your brother and with a sad nod, you answered, “Yes. He is not a prince or a duke, and I love him anyway.”
The corridor was quiet for a moment before Harrison spoke up again, “Your secret’s safe with me, but be careful. You both mean a lot to me.”
That night, you hardly slept. You couldn’t stop thinking about Tom and the fact that, in mere hours, you’d be meeting the men championing for your hand. When the sun rose, you stood from your bed and watched from your window as the night was replaced by morning. From your tower, you could see Harrison and his group of knights walking across the courtyard to the stables with the castle’s best hounds, where Tom was waiting for them. As the men all settled onto their horses, Tom looked up, his eyes catching sight of you from your window. Though he was far away, you could tell there was a smile on his face.
He didn’t know yet. You didn’t have time to sneak off to see him yesterday, and you weren’t sure how to deliver the news. You stayed at your window, watching as they all rode off through the castle gate and into the nearby woods, the hounds close at the horses’ sides. A knock on your door from your own servants told you it was time to get ready for the day.
“Bit slow this morning?” Tom asked Harrison as he rode beside him on the familiar trail. The knights were ahead of them, keeping up with the hounds as they searched for today’s kill.
“Not particularly looking forward to tonight.” Harrison muttered, an unimpressed look on his face.
“My mother said there were guests coming. Who are they?” It was a simple question, but it stirred a regretful feeling in Harrison. Tom’s mother was the queen’s closest servant— she knew exactly who was coming. Why she didn’t tell Tom, Harrison didn’t know, but he had a guess.
“Suitors.” He replied. “There will be a tournament, beginning tomorrow for Y/N’s hand.”
Tom immediately stopped his horse, coming to a standstill in the forest as the rest of the nights rode on. Harrison halted as well and turned his horse so he could face his friend. “Oh, I didn’t realize-“
“Tom, I know about you and Y/N.” When he registered the fear in his friend’s eyes, Harrison quickly spoke up, “I won’t tell. You’ve always been a good friend to me, and you don’t treat me differently as the crown prince. I have no reason to wish you or my sister that kind of misfortune.”
“Thank you.” Tom said, taken aback by the prince’s words. They continued their walk as Harrison continued his explanation of the dire events to come.
“My mother’s put together an entire tournament, and the suitors will come tonight. She also expects the stablehands to act as servants to the guests.”
“You mean I’d have to serve one of the suitors?”
“I’m afraid so.” Harrison let out a sigh, and Tom grimaced at the thought. Not only was he going to have to sit back while you married some noble prince or duke, but now he’d have to humiliatingly serve your future husband. Harrison paused in thought, “When we get back to the castle, remind me to look over the tournament scrolls.”
“What use are the tournament scrolls to you?” Tom asked.
With a small chuckle, Harrison responded, “I think I know a way you and Y/N can be together.”
Tom opened his mouth to question him, but the hounds barking ahead pulled them back to the reality of the hunt. The two hurried to catch up to the other knights, ready to partake in the hunting party.
That afternoon, when Harrison, Tom, and the rest of the hunting party returned, the word had spread around the castle of the coming guests. While Tom and the other stable hands took care of the horses, Harrison made his way to the castle library. He searched through the library until he came across the specific tournament scroll he had been searching for. With a smirk on his face, he took the scroll and hurried to find Tom before the welcoming ceremony.
Meanwhile, you adjusted the tiara on your head as you looked yourself over in the mirror again. As much as you dreaded this moment, you just wanted this ordeal to be over with; you’d never be truly happy if you weren’t with Tom. When your servants left you alone in your room, you slipped the small diamond necklace on, letting it fall underneath the material of your dress.
“Y/N? It’s time, my dear.” Your mother called to you from the other side of the door. You stepped out of your room, smiling at your mother through your discomfort.
“I’m ready.” You told her. You walked with your mother down the halls and stairs to the throne room. Your names were announced, and everyone parted ways for the two of you to walk down the aisle. Your mother took her seat at her throne, right in the middle, while you sat in your own throne beside her. Harrison was already seated at this throne on the other side of your mother, his own crown shining brightly under the candlelight. Beside your throne was a small desk, and the royal advisor was seated there with a quill and scroll, prepared to take down the names of the princes and dukes.
By just your third “it’s a pleasure to meet you”, you were bored with the welcoming event. None of the princes or dukes or even knights caught your eye as potential husband material. Still, you remained polite in your kind smiles and words of faux genuinity.
“Prince Arthur, your highness.” A young, blond prince said, bowing respectfully to you. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You had heard many stories about him; he was the best jouster in his kingdom. He was by far the most attractive of the suitors. Your eyes didn’t remain on the prince for long as he moved on, and you immediately recognized the next suitor.
“Tom, your highness.” A nervous, yet determined smile played on Tom’s lips while he looked at you. Before you could speak, there was a call from the crowd.
“He’s a stable boy, not a knight!” The bystander exclaimed. Tom’s eyes shifted anxiously over to Harrison, who calmly stood up.
“If he is a stable boy, he cannot-” Your mother started, but Harrison shook his head.
“By law, a tournament is open to any man of age, not exclusively knights or princes or dukes. Tom may proceed in the challenge.” He announced, definitively. 
As your mother went to speak again, you cut her off, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You bit back a smile as Tom proudly walked off.
The names went on, and, with each additional suitor, you wondered if Tom could succeed in this tournament. Tournaments were a demonstration of military and combat skills, both of which he had limited experience of in comparison to the others. It was a deadly tournament; you just hoped he knew what he’d gotten himself into.
While Tom was allowed to enter, he still had to act as a servant to the castle guests, which meant that, later that evening, while all of the other suitors were asleep, Tom had to work. He was used to cleaning equestrian tack as a stable hand, but he wasn’t used to cleaning them in the dead of night. He was already tired from the preparation for and cleanup after the hunt, and now he was stressed over this upcoming tournament. At this rate, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to clean his own armor and tack in time.
Meanwhile, you could hardly sleep again. From your window, you could see the candle light illuminating the stables, and you knew Tom was down there. Grabbing a couple blankets, you slipped out of your bedroom quietly. You snuck down to the stables, pushing the door open as quietly as possible. Perched on a hay bale as he worked on polishing a helmet, Tom jumped from the sudden noise.
“You scared me.” He said, quietly, bags already forming under his eyes.
“I thought you might need some company.” You replied, sitting beside him on the hay. As you draped a blanket over his shoulders, he smiled gratuitously.
“You should be sleeping.” Tom insisted. He began to polish the helmet some more, making sure it was spotless.
“So should you.” You cuddled into his side, seeking his warmth from the cold night air in the stables. “It’s going to be dangerous, you know that?”
“Yes, but Harrison and I have been training together, so I can work a sword.” He replied. “Plus, how hard can a melee be?”
“Tom, it’s a joust, not a melee. I don’t think I’d let you fight if it was a melee.” You laughed a little, and he paused his polishing.
“You don’t think I can win a melee?” Tom asked, looking down at you on his shoulder. You sat up to face him properly.
“I don’t know. These suitors all have military backgrounds. And I’d rather run away with you and abandon my title than have you die trying to win my hand.” You answered, quietly. “A joust isn’t nearly as dangerous, but please, be safe.”
“I will.” Tom gave you a quick kiss, “And I will win tomorrow.”
“My knight in shining armor.” You smiled as your hand ran through his hair, appreciating the messy curls.
“I’m no knight, and I don’t know about shining, but it’s armor.” He nodded over to the rusted armor in the corner. “I’m borrowing it from the widowed milkmaid.”
“Tom,” You laughed a little, knowing exactly how that milkmaid was widowed, as if the crack in the breastplate wasn’t a give away enough. “You can’t wear that.”
“What do I wear then? It’s a bit late for me to ask the blacksmith to custom make armor.” He joked with a small yawn, and you shook your head at him, cupping his cheek.
“I’ll handle it.” You assured him as you pulled him in for another kiss. Tom dropped the helmet and the polishing rag, the metal clanging on the cobblestone of the stable floor, and his hands found your waist. Though the next few days would determine your future, tonight was all about Tom.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of the stable door opening. It took you a moment to figure out why you were in the stables before you realized that you had fallen asleep there in Tom’s arms. Tom woke up startled, just the same. You both thought that this could be it, the end of it all, until you realized who was there.
“Y/N, get up before your servants come looking for you.” Harrison urged. You and Tom hurried to stand up and gather blankets. “I thought I told you both to be careful.”
“It was an accident.” You stated, but he just sighed.
“Come on, I need to sneak you into the castle. We can’t have the suitors seeing you like this.” He gestured to your nightgown, which covered you modestly, but he was right; it was rather unladylike to be out in a nightgown. As you and Harrison went to leave the stables, Tom started to finish his job from last night, cleaning Prince Arthur’s armor. “Oh, and Tom, ride my horse for jousting today. He’s never lost a joust.”
Tom looked at his friend incredulously before looking over at the stallion in the stall. “Thank you.”
“That reminds me,” You spoke up, “Harrison, where’s your old armor?”
In just a few hours, it was time for the joust. You sat in the front row of the arena with your mother seated beside you. The suitors began to emerge from their private tents along the sidelines as the announcer called out each name. Harrison came out of Tom’s tent, bearing your own house sigil, and made his way to his seat beside you. Your brother gave you a playful nudge as Tom’s name was called and he stepped out of the tent. It was odd to see him wearing the same armor Harrison had retired just last year, but you felt a sense of pride overcome you. The armor wasn’t bad, but the royal men got new armor every year; besides, Harrison hadn’t been to war, so it wasn’t used much.
The tournament’s first round began, and each suitor got ready for their respective joust. It was a simple jousting tournament; each suitor would take on one other suitor, and the winner would progress to the next round. The rounds would progress until there was one distinct winner left.
You did your best to conceal your nerves for Tom, though one of your hands played with the small chain around your neck. As Tom mounted his horse (technically Harrison’s horse), he got ready for his joust- the first one of the day. He picked up his wooden lance and adjusted the helmet to cover his face. You watched with bated breath while he and his opponent took off, riding towards each other at full speed. A breath of relief coursed through you as Tom’s opponent was struck, falling to the ground.
He had won, but it was the first of many jousts that he had to win. Removing his helmet, Tom sent you a cheeky wink, one that did not go unspotted by your mother beside you. He dismounted and led the horse away, leaving the arena for the next joust.
“So far, so good.” Harrison mumbled to you. He wanted Tom to pull this off, just as much as you did.
“Let’s hope your horse’s winning streak keeps up.” You whispered back to your brother.
The jousting tournament continued on, and every time it was Tom’s turn, the same hopeful nerves came back. Finally, it was down to the last two suitors- Tom and Prince Arthur. As the two got on their horses and into position at either end of the arena, Harrison’s hand slipped into yours, reassuringly squeezing it.
“Come on, Tom.” You muttered under your breath, eyes fixated on him. You held your breath anxiously as the horses went barreling towards each other. Your heart jumped when Tom’s lance made contact with the prince’s armor, and he went crashing to the ground. Tom took off his helmet, and his eyes immediately found you, smiling victoriously.
“He’s a stable boy.” Your mother breathed out incredulously.
“Mother, if he must be a knight to marry Y/N-” Harrison started, ready to wholeheartedly defend Tom, but she cut him off.
“Please, Harrison.” She shushed him, “Prepare the other knights. We’ll have a knighting ceremony this evening. Now,” She paused, smiling at you, “I do believe Y/N has a victor to go meet.”
You looked at your mother in surprise, a smile of disbelief on your face. Wordlessly, you stood up as Tom made his way over to the three of you. He bowed before you, making you let out a laugh. “You won. You did it. And mother will make you a knight, too.”
“A knight? We can really be together then?” He asked you, and you nodded. Without hesitating, Tom wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss, happy that now he could kiss you publicly. “I love you, my princess.”
“And I love you, my future prince.”
Tag List: @viagracex @theamazingtomholland @Hellomoveonby @heyitsshrez @harrisonosterfieldhazmyheart @joyleenl @t-o-m-hollands @lonikje @sleepybesson @sunkisseddreamer @hollandsamor @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @gorrillaglue23 @petersoftboyparker @musicalkeys @duskholland @biebsmylife95 @dummiesshort @perspectiveparker @miraclesoflove​
Tom Tag List: @quaksonhehe @tomkindholland
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transguyedgeworth · 3 years
HALLO i hope all has gone well with bugs and such ur probably dealing w that as i type this but i have more headcanons >:) so! i hope these are helping deal with evil evil bugs
-maya still has a bunch of mias clothes she gave some to lana and some to pearl but sometimes she’ll wear a sweater or something that was mias
-phoenix doesn’t really like hospitals
- reminds him too much of bttt and falling
- yes i think capcom should have realized that falling off a damn bridge should give a man a good bit of upset and trauma capcom i am outside your door
- miles bottles up his feelings A LOT because there wasn’t any place for feelings in the von karma house. he’s trying to get better though
- he mostly bottles up his anger because he sees mvk in himself whenever he gets angry because mvk would be angry a lot
- fran also does the same but with any happiness or personal pride she may feel
- they both try to work on it, maya and phoenix are good influences on them
- miles has visited mvk in jail once. he won’t again
- franziska will never visit him
-miles likes to knit
-maya is sooo superstitious not like ohh if i break a mirror i’m dead but like Bigfoot Is Real and I Saw Him At Gourd Lake
-edgeworth and phoenix go often to a little coffee shop and always get a pot of tea
-sometimes phoenix brings flowers
-LMAO edgeworth asks what they are sometimes and unless they’re the two types of flowers phoenix knows he has No Idea
- the bathroom at wright and co is haunted
- maya attracts ghosts like nobodies business
-fran is afraid of spiders and maya is Violent towards spiders
- fran will shriek from the other room and maya will run in flip flop in hand, take one look around the room, and chuck her shoe at the spider. she never misses.
-maya LOVES that bakery they investigated in that one case i cannot remember the name of the one with the like. french dude? and tigre?
-pearls and maya make a scrap book for wright and co
-phoenix still draws (he was an art student and i am projecting onto him) sometimes but always drags edgeworth to art museums and talks about the art
-building on game night with the wrights they also have video game nights. phoenix is so bad and maya is still competitive but fran and edgeworth when paired against each other are Scary
-fran also sometimes lets her little brother win and gets dramatic about losing but it makes her happy to see edgeworth excited
- edgeworth has a journal bc someone once suggested it and he writes in it so often
- he also carries a certain picture of him larry and phoenix when they were kids and his signal samurai keychain in his inner pocket and fiddles with the keychain
-maya loves decorating the office for holidays
-the only thing phoenix can make well is soup and hot chocolate and he makes them at least twice a month when it’s cold
-edgeworth won’t admit it but he’d rather eat phoenixs almost burnt soup and melted bar hot chocolate than the stuff from the fanciest restaurants
- when edgeworth and phoenix propose they both propose at the same time and it’s so awkward but so so funny they both say yes of course but phoenix will tell that story to anyone who listens
ok that’s all for now! idk if i have any more (that’s a lie i have so many thoughts about them but idk how many of them are coherent) anyway i wish you best of luck with all the hubbub!!!
everything is going well thank you for the concern!! housing sent someone out to fix up the hole in my wall that they were coming through and the pest control guy just left and is now treating the outside of the building. these are absolutely helping me deal with the stress so thank you for sending them in! 
starting strong with the clothing thing, i love love LOVE your interpretation of the fey clan so much. it is canon in my brain now. capcom wishes they could think of this shit. also giving some to lana? precious, sentimental, amazing. lanamia nation rise up. thank you for my life. the detail about maya believing in cryptids and the bathroom being haunted? accurate and hilarious. and yes big agree that she still likes tres bien (i’m pretty sure that’s the name), she worked there briefly so of course she’d have a soft spot for it. i literally adore the idea of maya being hella Into Stuff, like cryptids and holiday decorations and winning at game night, and the scrapbook idea slayed me on sight. i am in tears.
LITERALLY WHY DOES CAPCOM IGNORE THAT PHOENIX HAS BEEN THROUGH SOME SHIT??? like what the hell. man almost died and then like two days later he’s like “lol i’m Completely Fine :)”. unrealistic. capcom let him be Affected by experiences please. 
kinda building off of that, AGAIN WITH THE WRIGHTWORTH STUFF MAKING ME TENDER??? i love them goin on little dates and being domestic... art museums and coffee shops and phoenix being Dumb about flower breeds and miles loving his cooking.... i am Soft i am Yearning. AND THE PROPOSAL THING!!!!! I HAD THIS SAME FUCKING IDEA GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!!! IT’S JUST SUCH A THEM THING TO DO...
and oooh edgeworth. good for you king, journaling and knitting and stimming and learning healthy ways to cope with your emotions. also the anger thing i totally get. like not to Overshare or anything but i used to have a lot of issues expressing my anger because when i did it reminded me too much of my dad so i feel that. 
the vk sibling stuff also spot-on tbh. good that they didn’t visit manfred except for miles’ one time. fuck that guy. let him rot. they are Learning and Growing together.... fran letting miles win at a game also perfect. she cares about her little brother even if she has trouble showing it sometimes. also love that her one weakness is spiders. that seems very fitting to me and i LOVE the image of maya just. chuckin a shoe across the room to defend her Wife from the eight-legged terror.
also you are free to send me incoherent thoughts if you want that’s the form most of my thoughts take anyway fjnfjsf i’d still love to hear them if you’re willing to share!
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