#i wind up screaming so much on twitter though so it's just (YELLING WITH LEG IN AIR)
callmelyc · 15 days
I talked a lot before (and thought about it for years) about how I think the bayards could become anything but never super explored it so here y'all go I made lance loose a leg to do so: (copy and pasted from Twitter so we will ignore format and grammar)
Sometimes when Lance closes his eyes he can still hear the wind chimes his mama had on the back patio
He can feel the sun soaking into his skin and smell the salt from the waves in the distance
Now though with his eyes closed, all he hears is nothing, and all he smells is iron.
He'd gotten trapped here in this ship made of mazes. It was so strategic, so full of traps and portals that the entire team was separated with ease.
Now Lance lies here in a blank hallway. Now he lies bleeding on the cold floor.
With not even the crackle of the coms between him and the silence.
Lance fades in and out of consciousness. Black paints his vision when everything isn't a smear of colors. occasionally he even gets a glimpse of clarity to see the bodies of the guards surrounding him
But above all he fights the searing pain, the burn of the gnarled flesh on his thigh.
Lance can't feel his toes, Should he be able to feel his toes...?
Why is there only tingling in one leg? Why can't he get up
Get upgetupgetup
Everything is swirling, everything is spinning too fast
Things are fading again...
There's voices but he can't remember who they are
"Lance please!"
The world snaps back into focus and for the first time in what feels like forever....Lance can breathe
The twinkling of wind chimes sing so clearly in his ears and the breeze is oh so gentle
Where....where..is he? Where was he? Something doesn't feel right but he doesn't know what
Lance looks around to find he's sitting on a porch that overlooks the sea
"Lance! There you are-" when he turns the speaker of one of the voices from before is looking at him with a smile
"Mama..." Lances voice is breathless but if his mother notices she doesn't show it
"I've been calling for you mijo, normally you come running when dinner is done"
She pulls Lance to his feet and ignores when he stumbles. She ignores the face he must make when pain shoots through him the second his right foot touches the ground
She ignores it all and sits Lance down at the table where his siblings are arguing over something stupid. Where his father is laughing at something Luis says about his kids.
Between the conversation and every bite of food the world flashes back to the dim darkness of the galran ship. Sounds fade in and out with more voices yelling for him, begging for him to respond.
But it's just so warm here and the wind chimes sing oh so clear in his ears.
/Lance! This isn't funny-/
He laughs at a joke his sister says.
His mom places more food on his plate.
/We NEED to get in there-/
/It's too dangerous we don't know where he is!/
"Is everything alright?"
"huh?" Lance mumbles confused. Of course everything was alright, it's dinner time with the family. It's what he's dreamed about for the years he's been away....isn't it?
The years he's been away....
"Earth to Lance~"
Lance snaps his focus to Rachel, who looks at him as if he's done something ridiculous.
"You ok? You're weirdly quiet."
"I-" lance goes to explain himself but the words get caught in his throat with a scream. Pain shoots through him again making lance double over onto the table
His family doesn't seem to react to his scream nor do they care to point out the blood that pools on the floor beneath him
"Is everything alright? You're so quiet Lance."
The wind chimes singing turns into a piercing ring.
"You just need to get out is all-"
"Yeah Lance! it's been ages since you've gotten out. You just need to keep going."
Lance chances a glance down to his leg, where the right one would be....and theres nothing.
Oh God he's gonna throw up. There's so much blood, the flesh of his thigh is so torn....
"Just wake up, Lance."
Lance chances a dizzying glance upwards only to find his entire family looking at him. Their faces are blank, they look as if they're one entity.
"Wake up"
Lance gasps for breath when he wakes this time, the feeling of the cold metal a familiar feeling against his skin.
He can still hear people calling his name, demands for a response, yelling and begging for anything, anything at all.
As the world resettles around him, Lance realizes it's his team. They're calling for him.
Where once the coms were blocked it not crackles through unobstructed. Lance takes as deep a breath as he can manage, lifts his hand and turn on his mic
"M' here" his voice cracks and Lance knows he probably sounds as bad as he feels. But the resounding relief the team berates him with in response is enough.
"Oh thank Allran"
"God lance you-"
"we need to leave, things aren't looking good." Shiro cuts in "can you get out Lance?"
At that lance cringes, he remembers his leg, the blood, the fight "I dont-"
"One of the portals is open 50ft ahead of the exit. It's a one way passage or we'd come to you...."
"Are you injured?"
He almost wants to laugh. Injured is an understatement.
Lance doesn't have it in him to tell them he doesn't think he'll make it. He doesn't have the heart to tell them he thinks- no, he knows his leg is gone and how he's bleeding out.
So he looks up, fighting against the vertigo, to get a visual of the exit. It would be an easy exit if he could walk but now...now he doesn't think he'll make it out of here. Now, he doesn't think he'll actually get to sit down at the table and have dinner to the sound of wind chimes
/You just need to get out Lance/
The words ring in Rachel's voice, then his mother's, then Vera and marcos...
"Lance please-"
Keith...the most desperate sounding one was Keith
"I don't know how bad it is but I know you. Don't you dare give up here."
Lance can hear the worry in Keith's voice, the rage that he can't impulse his way through to help and Lance chuckles
"You worried about me samurai?"
He hears Keith bite out a retort but can't form a thought strong enough to understand the words. All that's in lances mind is getting out, he has to survive.
He will get out, he just has to move.
So he starts to crawl, dragging his body across the floor inch by inch.
Blood drags with him. His fingers clawing at the ground for purchase burn at the effort it takes to pull himself forward. Yet no matter how much it hurts, no matter how dizzy he is he can't stop
Move move
Just get out he just has to get out he can make it he can!
In lances desperation, in his pleas to the universe to not die here alone in a trap, his Bayard transforms into something none knew it could.
It becomes a new leg
The metal shapes into something truly alien, something altean and foreign. It latches onto lances stump making him hiss as it sealed in the bleed.
It takes a moment for him to gather himself after, to try to stand and stumble down the hall and to the portal.
He's thrown off balance by the weight of it, unable to walk with something so new. With every moment he slams into the wall for balance, with every pained step he takes with the temporary prosthetic, Lance is closer to freedom.
And the moment he steps through that portal Lance collapses into arms he knows belong to Keith, and everything after goes dark.
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Anybody - N. Horan Imagine
NOTE: I sincerely appreciate everybody’s patience with me getting to requests. Sometimes its just nice to take a lil break and write a niall amnesia fic, ya know? anyways, here’s another requested imagine (i combined two because they were vv similar), enjoy!
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“You’re telling us you’re still single?” The girl scoffs. “Yeah, right.”
It made your cheeks flame up incredibly and your stomach turn in guilt. Normally, this conversation would not have you so antsy or defensive if it had not been for Niall’s presence beside you. The idea to share lunch with the cast one day and have Niall tag along was entirely your idea, so there was nobody else to throw blame on. You were happy Niall agreed almost immediately to your proposal, despite knowing the repercussions if either of you somehow clued that you were together in front of your friends and especially in public.
Your lifestyles were definitely a commonality in your relationship. The constant interviews and public appearances were what led to the two of you introducing one another. You both had a disposition for complimenting people greatly, but had a difficult time taking them to heart. Your first meeting could be illustrated with the two of you gawking over each other’s work and red cheeks, with the subtle flirtatious remark thrown in. But it was the impetus for the exchanging of numbers, and a couple of dinners and intimate nights shared in the bedroom.
More importantly, it led you here at a restaurant surrounded by your costars for one of Niall’s favorite television shows and the man himself. He claimed it to be one of his favorites before he even met you, which you still doubt to be the truth, but you never pushed him for validity. The question from your costar, who could also be considered one of your closest friends, left both you and Niall stunned for a moment.
“Oh, come on. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“You’ve got guys crawling over you all the time.” Another chimes in. You could not argue his point; it happened every time you stumbled across a male fan of the show, over twitter direct messages or blatantly in response to something you posted online. Even during interviews some male hosts would flatter you in the objective to get in your pants, in spite of how clear you made your interests to be platonic.
“So, I can’t be independent and say ‘no’?” You raised your eyebrows, feeling inferior to your colleagues. Unlike them, having a public relationship was off of the table.
“You can. But admit it, you could literallu have anybody, Y/N.” Your friend looks around the table, earning many nods of agreement. You wish every day to wake up and just have the world know your secret. But it did not work like that.
Your publicist immediately refuted the idea of publicly dating when you mentioned your affair with the musician. She went ballistic, claiming you were insane to just post a picture of the two of you to your socials with the mindset of “whatever happens, happens”. It would lead to speculation, which will lead to a closer eye on the two of you and your every move, she argues. Her demands made you want to keep your mouth shut about your fear of being mobbed by cameras off of the red carpet before this conversation. She went on to say the longer you were “available” in the eye of the public, the more popular you would grow. Teenage boys would fawn over you, their girlfriends would google you to see what the hype about you was and hate-stalk you, which would result in a larger following.
Having that disappear all because you were off of the market would make your numbers plummet and lose grip of your male demographic. You were nearly tuning her voice out by this point, until she pointed out that Niall was probably in the same boat. Girl’s loved him; guys were fuming over him. Bigger album sales, followers for days, until the announcement that one of the world’s biggest heartthrobs is officially taken.
You informed Niall about the conversation later that day. And as much as he wanted to say it was bullshit, he could not. It was true. He had attempted many times to present the relationship reveal presentation to his manager and publicist, but both shut him down the moment he began to speak. As of now, both of you were bound by contract to keep your lips shut.
Niall’s aura screamed its independence, so there was no speculation circling him lately about a possible affair. You however, were fresh meat. The new, hottest thing one of few top, trending shows. Everybody wanted to know your whereabouts and who you we’re hanging around with everyday, all day. And it never really seemed to stop.
The night your followers on various media platforms doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled in a matter of hours was when you needed to turn off all receiving notifications. Messages, mentions and questions were flooded to your phone at such a rapid rate that your phone froze. If a photo was even published online of you hugging a man, you would be interrogated about it for the next five interviews following that day.
Recently, the man in question has been your co-star in the series, Ryan. It was clear in the show that your and his character had major chemistry, but outside of the set, Ryan acted like more of a brother figure than anything. He would scare you whenever you turned random corners in the studio, ruffle your hair and bicker with you at any opportunity.
Many gossip news sources were asking both you and your co-star if the relationship between your characters was the same on-screen and off-screen. But it seemed the countless amounts of “no’s” you both delivered immediately after the question was asked was not enough. The other day, a video of him handing you a water bottle with a smile gained thousands of views overnight, as well as theories that you two were hiding a relationship from the public. It could not be further from the truth, but you and Ryan knew it was useless to comment otherwise.
In fact, everybody around you was discouraging the idea to cancel the rumors. All except one person, who always seemed to be cheering you on in your worst moments. And by the eighth week and hundredth photo of you and Ryan allegedly “confirming” your relationship, you had enough.
You stormed into Niall’s apartment with hot feet. You passed by him and paced his kitchen, while he sat up from the couch. Turning down the volume on the golf match playing on the television, he ventures after you and into the kitchen, finding you scavenging his fridge.
“Hang on.” You held up a finger, before retrieving a cold bottle of booze from the fridge. Niall eyes you carefully in your haste to grab the bottle opener already accessible off of his kitchen island and pop the bottle cap off the drink and down half of it. While you guzzle down the drink, Niall gulps, licking his lips.
Chugging a beer, as weird as it sounded, was one of the hottest things Niall had witnessed you do to date.
“Okay,” you slammed the near empty bottle down, taking a deep breath of preparation. “Go ahead.”
“What happened?” He already knew the answer, but it could not hurt to ask. He figured if it bothered you too much to speak about it, you would deny answering. But, considering he was the only person who allowed you to rant to him, you were not going to throw away the opportunity to do so.
“More shit about me and—” That’s the farthest you could let Niall peek at your day before a familiar ringing noise sounds in the kitchen. Niall releases a sigh as you collect your phone from your back pocket, seeing who was calling.
“It’s Ry—”
“Take it. It’s okay.” Niall assures, without you even having to ask. You nod, promising to be quick, though he knew it would be at least twenty minutes before your attentions could turn back to him. That is, if another article was not sent to you about the situation.
“Hey…yeah I saw…” you eye Niall strolling out of the kitchen, his bare back and tense muscles prominent from your view. “Uh huh…” you murmur, before you and Ryan are venting about your day to one another. All of the interrogations at interviews, the photos people had snuck while touring the set, and the trailer for the newest episode that was just dropped. The trailer went viral within two hours because your editors and marketing team decided to include the kissing scene your two character’s shared in that episode along with the montage of other points. By the time you had ended the call, you found Niall showered and lying on his bed. The television in the living room was black, a sign that the golf match ended much earlier.
“Hey…sorry about that.” You mumble, crawling into his bed beside him.
“It’s okay…I assume you don’t want to talk about your day?” He inquires, looking down as you wind an arm over his stomach.
“W-what makes you…”
“I mean, I don’t want you to waste your breath or anything. Judging by the earful you gave Ryan it must’ve been juicy.” Niall remarks through his teeth. 
“I was just—”
“Because why waste your time talking to me about it, right?”
“Niall! Stop!” You yell, allowing a heavy silence to fall in between you two. You take your arm away from his middle and sit up, brows scrunching. “Why are you acting like this?” You ask, tone quieter.
“I…don’t know. I’m sorry, I’m just…I’ve been in my head a lot lately. Thinkin’ about lots of things.” He huffs, turning his gaze down to his legs.
“Like…us.” He answers, face solid.
“What about us?” You hesitate with a trembling voice.
“Well, more like how there isn’t an us.” Niall mumbles, voice gravelly. “To everyone else, anyway.” He breathes, trying a smile but with no avail. The sight delivers a brutal sting to your heart.
“I know we can’t tell anybody; I know.” He rushes out before you could remind him. “But shit, can we at least act like they do when you’re here?” Your lips part, but fail to generate the right words. “Because right now it kind of seems like I don’t exist when Ryan calls and—and when I ask about your day first but he interrupts, it seems like I can’t get a sound out of you after about it. And damnit, Y/N, I want to hear about it! All of it! And having to listen through the walls just to know you’re okay…”
“Yeah?” You whisper.
“I see what everybody else does. And I don’t like it. Not one bit.” You nod, biting your lip to hold back tears much like Niall was doing judging by his crackling voice. The only reason you really spilled your guts to Ryan was that he was in the same exact position you were in, so he would understand you the most. But that was not entirely true. Because right in front of you sat Niall, who was hiding just as much as you were for the same exact reasons.
“I’m…I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Yeah,” Niall sniffs, “who could blame ya? Ya never have time to ask.”
“And that’s not right.” You shake your head, bringing your body up to straddle his lap. After swinging a bent leg over both of his, and situating yourself over his thighs, you stare into his eyes with a shameful gaze. “It should never be like that. I should tell you about my day, and ask you about yours and…I’m sorry, Niall. I’m so sorry I haven’t.”
“It’s okay—” He tilts his head down, but your hand grabs a hold of his chin scraggly with hair and lifts it back up.
“No, it’s not.” You decree. “To be honest, the reason I never really talk about it is because…I thought it wouldn’t matter to you?” At your admission, Niall’s eyes bulge. The feeling of his warm hands flying to your hips calms both of you to an extent.
“Why would ya think that, love?”
“Wouldn’t you be annoyed hearing me rant about some guy people think I’m dating?” Niall nods his head, understanding your point.
“I suppose…but I’d be angry with you. I’d be on your side.” Niall guarantees with a firm squeeze to your sides. It makes a giggle bubble up from your throat, and a smile crawl up to his lips at the sound of it resounding against his bedroom walls. After bringing his hands in yours and lacing your fingers together, you say, “I’m sure you would. You’d hold me…pleasure me…sing me to sleep.” You smirk, watching Niall grow flush beneath you at his noticeable methods of affection.
“Ryan can’t do any of that.” You bite your lip.
“Damn right he can’t! You’re mine.” Niall looks you up and down, pulling your chest closer to his.
“And I’ll start taking that into consideration more. Now, how about I pleasure you this time to start?” You raise your eyebrows.
“I like the sound of that.” His hand starts to reach up to comb through your hair, but the boisterous rings of your phone interfere once again. Niall heaves a breath and sits back, all while you roll your eyes and reach out for the phone.
“Hey, Ryan.” Niall looks up at you, expecting in less than a second to be off of his lap. But he is rather surprised at the feeling of your hand reaching up to tug the loose sweats down off his waist. “You mind if we talk tomorrow? My boyfriend and I are kind of in the middle of something.” You answer with a smirk, watching Niall’s eyes grow right before you. Ryan’s screams of puzzlement could be heard by Niall as you dragged the phone away from your ear and ended the call. And soon, your grip made its way back to Niall’s boxers with a devious smirk on your lips. 
“Now, where were we?”
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delaneytveit · 3 years
Satellites Part 16
Insomnia at its finest! wow, 3 chapters in one day, amazing! This has now turned into the How I Wish the Writers Handled Lance’s trauma. because lets be honest, we did not get that in the show, and I will mourn it until my dying breath! 
So what else will we learn about Project Leo and Lance’s time as a captive? Let’s find out! 
As always, here are my twitter handles if any of you want to follow me or yell at me or anything. 
Twitter - sfw -> @/spacemom_laney | nsfw -> @15_agentwash
and maybe buy me a coffee??
ko-fi - ko-fi.com/delaneym_15
oh, and before I forget! TW: blood, gore, death?, corpses
(part 15) (Masterpost) (part 17)
The mission had been approved an hour before they were to embark. As simple as it seemed on paper, there was nothing simple about it. They were to go to the exact facility that Lance had been held in.
Lance was to return to the place that had taken everything from him. The place that had broken him and made him into their own perfect image. It made him sick to even think about it. They thought they were helping him, making him stronger, better, faster. They thought that what they were doing was just and that their findings could be used by the very empire trying to colonize the entirety of the universe.
Lance had never believed anyone could be evil, not the pure kind in which they held absolutely no shred of humanity. He had never believed that anyone could be so deprived of morality. They had changed that.
His time in the lab, and in the prison before it, had changed that. He had been exposed to people who treated him as nothing more than an experiment, people who found enjoyment in his pain and torture. He had found people who would so easily deliver pain to anyone they deemed as below them, take power away from the already powerless.
He was going back.
But this time it was different.
This time it was on his own terms.
The argument over whether or not Lance should accompany the rest of the team on the mission was surprisingly brief. Allura had been very adamant about ensuring Lance’s dependability, regardless of his mental state. And frankly no one could really argue against her due to the fact that Lance was the only one who knew the layout of the facility.
He had been the only one able to escape after all.
The flight to the ship was brief. Allura had wormhole the castle to a neighboring gas planet that it was able to hide behind. Due to the Green Lion’s ability to remain undetected, the paladins each boarded it, and Pidge was the only one to pilot to the facility. In just under 20 dobashes, the Green Lion had made its way onto the ship.
Keith was the first out of the Green Lion, activating his bayard and plunging it into the steel outer wall of the ship. In a few ticks he had successfully cut a circular hole wide enough for the team to slip through individually.
Up until now, no one had really noticed the lack of security of the facility. No one except for Lance.
The last time he had been here, it had been hell to get out. Patrol ships were everywhere and the large ion cannon would have shot anything down within half a tick. It was weird how quiet the facility and the area around it was, and he most certainly didn’t like it.
“Keep your eyes open,” Lance called over the comms just as his feet touched the floor of a familiar hallway. “Something’s not right.”
“Lance is right.” Shiro announced, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this place.”
Once everyone had successfully boarded, Lance wasted no time in leading them down the ever winding hallways. He was honestly surprised he was able to remember the path. He had only walked it once, and it was more of a wild sprint than a walk, but the path came with ease.
He knew something wasn’t right from the very beginning. In no way should a team of five paladins be able to simply walk into a heavily guarded lab facility. They should have encountered at least a dozen sentries since they even stepped foot on the ship, and yet, nothing.
He didn’t like being back, the memories were much too overwhelming, but he needed to do this. He needed to put on a brave face for the team. He needed to get them to the people that needed them the most.
He could break down later. Until he turned down one specific hallway.
“Where are you taking me? Who are you?”
“Subject 7234, you are in distress. Please I need you to-”
“Stop calling me that! That’s not my name!”
“Subject 7234, I really must encourage you to calm down, you’ve already ripped your stitches.”
Lance looked down. He hadn’t even felt it. He should have felt it, the pain of it, filling his abdomen. It was only the thick dark blood that told him she was right.
“What are you doing to me?” he yelled, he couldn’t move his arms to wipe the tears from his eyes. He was tied to a bed again, at the mercy of Clipboard and her assistants. The squeak of the wheels was loud as they wheeled him down the hallway.
The vision evaporated almost immediately as Keith grasped Lance’s hand.
“Hey, you okay?” The red paladin scanned his face, searching for anything that could possibly give him an answer.
Lance took a second to breathe before he steeled himself. “I’m fine.” He turned and made his way to continue down the long hallway.
Not now.
It was much too quiet. It made him uneasy, and it was clear that the team was equally as confused and were likely thinking the same thing.
Where is everyone?
After a few more long hallways, a few more twists and turns, the armed paladins finally made it to the infamous lab itself.
Like the room he had been held in, the walls of the lab were made entirely out of glass, thick and at the time virtually unbreakable. And yet, shards were everywhere. The entire wall had been smashed and glass had spilt over the otherwise empty hallway.
Hunk cleared his throat, “What...happened?”
Lance had been thinking that exact same thing.
Shaking his head, Lance responded. “I-I don’t know.”
“...Mmmaybe we should head back?” Keith had placed his hand on Lance’s arm, apparently trying in some way to comfort the obviously affected paladin.
“No, we keep going.”
“We owe it to them, Keith! We have to search for survivors.”
“Lance, do you really think that there is anyone still alive on this ship?” Pidge questioned. She was beyond skeptical. The destruction she could see of the room before her only fueled it.
There was a long silence before Lance moved out of Keith’s grip. With long legs, Lance stepped over the broken sill and into the destroyed lab.
“We have to try.”
As much as Shiro wanted to just turn back, there seemed no way to convince the Blue paladin of such. He was too focused, too determined. The only way to get him to leave prematurely would be to drag him out kicking and screaming. For the sake of Lance, and whoever would have to carry him out of the ship, he decided against the notion and instead turned to the remainder of his team.
“Alright guys, split up but keep you comms on. If you run into any trouble just say the word.” He announced. The group nodded and followed the suit of Lance, into the lab.
As much as Keith wanted to follow Lance, he knew that doing so could only do more harm than good. This was something Lance had to do on his own. So he made his way through the room, to the opposite side of where Lance was walking.
More glass littered the floor as it seemed that everything in the room had been completely destroyed. Test tubes and glassware were shattered. Debris was everywhere. Someone had done this on purpose. Someone had wanted to erase whatever work had been done here.
He couldn’t say he was sorry for it. All that they had done to Lance, in his mind they deserved it. He hated them for what they did to Lance.
The small amount of satisfaction had quickly dissipated once he walked closer to one of the aisles of lab tables. At the far end, staring back at him, was a corpse.
The body slouched against the wall, its chest ripped apart and blood was splattered everywhere.
“Holy shit.”
Shiro wasn’t doing any better. He had found three more bodies scattered throughout one of the storage rooms. Each with their chests ripped open, their mouths open in a silent scream.
Pidge and Hunk had set up working on one of the only non destroyed computers hopeful that they could somehow get some information out of it.
Lance had taken his own path, towards the back of the room. The place he called home for 5 months. The room stood no longer. The glass having been given the same fate as everything else. The only evidence that it had even stood was the foundation. The metal that kept the glass connected to the floor.
Without the frosted vision, he was able to make out 6 more foundations. Six more rooms. Six more patients. Five bodies discarded among the debris, now nothing more than nameless faces.
Six experiments.
Four successful trials.
Only one survivor.
It wasn’t until then that Lance noticed the archway behind the holding cells. It must have been obscured before. Or maybe he had just never chanced a look behind him. But it was there now, standing in front of a lightless hallway.
Slowly he made his way towards it. Crossing the threshold, Lance took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust.
The hallway was completely new territory, one he hadn’t even known existed, though he explored it all the same. The fluorescent light at the end of it flickered from where it hung haphazardly from the ceiling, giving off the only bright light in the area.
Lance took a step, then another before he heard something.
“Did you say something guys?” he asked over the comms and various negative responses answered him.
“You good, man?” Lance heard Hunk say.
“Y-yeah, just thought I heard something.”
“We should leave soon, there’s nothing here that can help us.” Keith had never been the one to call a retreat, though Lance assumed it was for his sake. Him being back in the facility put them all on edge.
Keith was right though, the only place that could have held prisoners was completely trashed. There was no one here.
They were too late.
He debated turning back when he heard it again. A high pitch sound that could obviously just be a machine, though no machines were down this way.
“Give me a sec.” he called, before muting his comms and continuing down the hall.
He was surprised to see the metal walls turn to clear glass, shattered but mostly intact. A glass door separated the rooms from the hall, one on each side of him, though both were wide open.
The sound came again, this time a bit clearer. He turned to the right room and stepped inside.
He was greeted by rows upon rows of open topped containers. Many of them tipped over but all of them empty. They almost resembled those plastic tubs his mother used to buy for organization, though the walls of them were much higher.
The ones that were still upright sat on little rolling carts, placards adorning the carts with various numbers.
There were multiples of numbers. Some having been printed on six or seven placards.
The sound came again from the far side of the room. Lance quickly transformed his bayard from its sniper configuration to a simple handgun, and made his way towards the muffled sound. For some reason it almost sounded familiar, as if he had heard it before. Though he couldn’t place his finger on it.
Up until then, the containers had been empty. Clearly though, he was wrong. They were empty, all except for one. As he got closer he understood what the sound was. And he cursed himself for not recognizing it sooner. There was no mistaking what was making it.
He walked to the singular container, the placard reading clearly.
His breath caught in his throat as he approached the cart. What he had previously seen as just a lump was instead a blanket, thick and dark grey in the glowing purple of the emergency lights.
With a shaky hand, Lance reached out to the blanket and with one swift motion pulled it away revealing the one thing he never thought he’d find on this ship.
Large blue eyes stared up at him, as the owner of the cry ceased their noise almost instantly and suddenly everything became clear.
This was how they were going to make their soldiers.
With those bright, blue eyes.
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plutowatchesyou · 4 years
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a/n : heyy guys so it seemed like y’all wanted more of this and I did enjoy writing it and even though I’ve started school this week, I’m still in quarantine so i really have nothing better to do. 
genre : fluff, bad boy au, retro au, high school au
pairings : nct dream x reader
warnings : swearing, mentions of drugs, mentions of drug usage
words : 2,6k
summary : after a chemical high you come crashing down into the hell hole that is reality when the town’s so called bad boys move in next door.
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holy shit.
you were so happy. you were so calm. you floated around this colourful void that had unnaturally coloured palm trees and broken statues of naked people that you swore you knew but you also didn’t really care because “hehe look how small your dick is dude.”
you floated aimlessly not really knowing where you were headed. Now you were in a castle with your brother and Taeyong, they both had on crowns that were titled and clothes that clearly looked like costumes bought from the reject shop next to the bakery down the street.
you sat between them giggling, at what? you don’t know, and frankly you also didn’t care. You turned to Johnny who was laughing his ass off and asked “the fuck you laughing at?” 
he wipes away a single nonexistent tear in a dramatic fashion while gripping your arms tightly “we’re flying Jack, we’re flying!” All three of you burst out laughing as the wind blew your hair in your face, you looked down and saw that the couch you three were sitting on was now floating in the clouds.
usually you would be crying and screaming to get put down but the euphoria running through your system just made a wave of giggles past through you again as you watch your legs dangle over the edge. 
This was nice, you cuddle up to the boys in the hammock that was tied to between the two thick trees in the jungle as you shut your eyes. You were so happy.
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you woke up feeling like shit, so just a normal morning for you. You turned to your left and almost shit yourself at the sight of your brother. You didn’t remember Johnny getting back home, he must’ve been hella tired since he was still completely dressed. 
after 3 failed attempts of pulling yourself up you finally succeeded, you felt like a ton of rocks, you gripped your head and let out a yawn. You turned to the other side of the bed to find a knocked out Taeyong. You reached over his naked chest and grabbed your phone next to the remaining joint that you and Taeyong shared last night. You tugged at your phone a couple times before the charger detached. 
Opening your phone and scrolling through instagram and twitter for awhile before the intense urge to pee came upon you, you crawled over Taeyong not before taking a snap of Johnny’s drooling face and sending it as streaks.
you entered the small bathroom and closed the door, going straight to the toilet. after doing that shit you wash your dam hands because you ain’t no detty pig. You stared at the mirror. 
you dragged your hands over your face and let out a groan. You opened the mirror cabinet grabbing the antidepressants that your doctor prescribed you who knows how long ago.
you slammed the mirror shut and grabbed a tube of concealer that was on the verge of falling off the sink and squeezed some onto the back of your hand before dabbing your finger in it and aggressively rubbing it under your eyes.
you heard groaning as the door slams open, Taeyong stumbles in going to turn on the shower. 
“hey Tae where’s the eyedrops?”
“ughh shit, we need to get more of those, um i think i saw some under the bed.” Taeyong said as he rubbed his already messy bright red hair. You nodded and left the bathroom, not before popping one too many happy pills into your mouth.
you got on your knees and looked under the bed. “god since when last did we clean under here? oi Tae what did we say about having friends over?” you smirked as you turned to Taeyong who had just stopped taking off his pants at the sight of an old used condom dangling from your fingers. “oh shut it y/n, that was ages ago, plus it was the last time she ever saw this fine piece of ass again, she couldn’t even-” Taeyong’s rant was cut off by his own girly screech as the old condom came flying at him. 
you giggled as you grabbed the eyedrops behind a sock and unscrewed the cap before squirting it somewhat evenly between both of your eyes.
you walk into the kitchen and open the cupboard, grabbing a muesli bar. You sit on the counter and start eating it as Johnny stumbles into kitchen turning the kettle on.
“hello sleeping beauty.” you smile at him as he reaches over your head to grab a mug. “morning sunshine.” he replies back, pecking you on the cheek. “when did you get back? must’ve been late since you’re still fully dressed.” you take another bite of the bar.
“yeah, got into a fight with some people last night and decided to drive back home. By the time i got back here the joint you shared with Tae was already out.” he said taking off his shoes and tugging off his jeans before replacing them with one of the many sweatpants lying around. “you drove from the city Johnny, you must’ve been driving all night, I mean what about your classes?”
Johnny smiled and took off his shirt before pouring the hot water into the mug and plopping an instant coffee packet in it. “it’s fine I only missed one class this morning, and plus I would’ve been close to leaving around this time anyway.”
you rolled your eyes as Johnny sipped his coffee. There was a sudden loud knock at the door, you and Johnny looked at each other raising an eyebrow. The knocking soon progressed into banging as it continued. You stuffed the rapper of your muesli bar into Johnny’s pocket and drank some of his coffee.
“for fucks sake will one of you idiots get the damn door!” Tae yelled popping his head out of the bathroom as steam seeped out. You and Johnny laughed and replied in sync “yes mum!”, a slam of the bathroom door came seconds after.
you rolled your eyes at your brother before hopping off the kitchen counter and making your way towards the door, your skyscraper of a brother following you to do his duty of being the overprotective older sibling™.
You unlocked the door and opened it, catching the fist of your door’s assaulter. You released it with a groan as you came face to face with Jeno, behind him was Jaemin and Chenle. “what the fuck do you want?” you said crossing your arms and leaning against the doorframe.
The three boys stood shocked and silent in front of your door, just staring at you and your brother. Your brother. Oh fuck Johnny was shirtless and you were dressed in one of his shirts. 
See everyone in the town knew you were related to the walking lamp post since when he was school he made sure nobody messed with you, but everyone also hasn’t seen Johnny in almost a year now since he usually stayed inside whenever he came home from the city before driving back there. 
you stopped yourself from slapping the three boys when you saw a blush make it’s way onto Chenle’s face as Jaemin looked down ears red and Jeno’s lips trembled as he kept looking between you and Johnny.
“oh for fucks sake he’s my brother! god males nasty.” you put your hand up before Johnny could protest, “oi you can’t say anything.” Johnny let out a grunt.
“you three how do you know y/n?” you rolled your eyes as you could feel the overprotectiveness radiate from Johnny. The three stumble over their words, you scoffed, so much for a bunch of bad boys. 
“they don’t know me, they’re Jisung’s friends. Why they came banging on our door i have no idea, and frankly i could care less because i’m gonna be late.” you walked under johnny’s arm that was propped on the door frame and walked to the bathroom. 
You opened the door and grabbed the jeans you left in there and tugged them on. “off to work love?” Taeyong asked as he combed his fingers through his hair. “sadly. where you off to?” you asked as you grabbed a brush and started to tug at your own hair. “no where really, i can give you a lift there if i can get a free breakfast.” he gave you a smirk through the mirror. “a discount is all you’re getting.” he just chuckled and pecked your cheek before leaving the bathroom. 
you followed after him and caught the sneakers he threw your way, slipping them on and grabbing your bag and jacket, stuffing your phone and earphones into the pocket of it. You and Tae made your way to the door where a shirtless Johnny still stood. 
“see ya slut.” you giggled slapping him on the ass before squealing when he picked you up giving you a hug before putting you down after Taeyong gave him a smack upside his head. “bye you two, oi wait where you headed?”
You and Taeyong both replied still walking to the stairs and past the three silent boys that were just observing the moment. “bye you two.” Johnny said as he closed the door.
Tae grabbed you hand and started to ramble on about what he wanted for breakfast, you turned your head to look back at the three boys and frowned at them when you saw them all staring.
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you looked up from the magazine as the shops door bell rang. You let out an annoyed sigh as Mark, Haechan and Jisung walked in.
“thought you worked at the old diner y/n” Haechan called out to you as he started flipping through a stack of records. “haven’t seen a girl with two jobs before Haechan?” you smirked back as you used your feet that was propped against the counter to swivel your chair side to side.
You kept your eyes locked onto the magazine when you saw Jisung start to make his way over to you. He leaned on the counter and just looked at you. “aren’t you going to ask if i need any assistance.” you could practically hear the grin when he said that and you resisted the urge to return it. “you’ve been here before you can figure it out.” 
it was silent between you two for a bit before Jisung spoke up, “did i do something wrong.” this made you take your feet off the counter and stand up as Jisung got up from leaning on the counter. 
“i don’t know Jisung, what do you think?” you bit back as you walked out from behind the counter and picked up a stack of records and made your way to the shelves, Jisung following after you like a lost puppy. “okay so can you tell me what exactly did i do?” Jisung mumbled as he watched you sort the records.
“do you wanna tell me why three of your little friends were outside my house banging on my door this morning?” you turned to him and leaned on one leg giving him a ‘you’re gonna get it’ smile.
Jisung gave you a cute confused tilt of his head. “what? who?” you rolled your eyes at him, “who do you think idiot, Dolphin boy, muscle man and pretty boy were just standing at my doorstep this morning, and they even though I slept with my fucking brother.” you walked around the shelves and shuddered at the last part. 
“pretty boy?” he asked innocently with a hint of something else. “I mean I don’t even talk to your moron friends so why the hell were they at my house?” you questioned as you stopped walking and turned sharply around to face Jisung.
“p-pretty boy? who’s pretty boy?” you rolled your eyes and walked past the tall boy and towards Mark and Haechan. “oi since utility poll over there is malfunctioning, why don’t one of you tell me why your friends were banging on my door this morning.” Mark looked up and looked around before his eye landed on you, his mouth still slightly opened.
“what the fuck are you talking about?” Haechan asked, “Chenle, Jeno and Jaemin were knocking on my fucking door this morning and when i answered it they just stood there, opening and closing their mouths like fucking fish.” you leaned against one of the shelves as Jisung comes up behind you. “wait which one of them is ‘pretty boy’?” he pouted and you gave him a ‘seriously dude?’ look before turning your head back to the males in front of you.
“afternoon love, your shift is over for today.” Chris walked in from the back and gave you a bright smile, you returned it. 
“wait did you say Jeno, Chenle and Jaemin?” Mark suddenly asked. You gave him a nod and his eyes widened, “what? what about them Mark?” Haechan asked the older boy. “they were checking out the people who were living near us.” 
“excuse me, the fuck?” you asked. You turned to Jisung, “oh yeah i forgot to tell you that me and the guys decided to live together so we found this place to rent, Renjun knows the owner of the place so we were able to get a bit of a discount.” you cut Jisung off by walking away.
You made your way to the counter where Chris was and grabbed your bag. “Cheers Chris, will I be sharing the tomorrow’s shift with you?” “uh, um yeah we are.” you smiled and gave him a quick hug that he returned and jumped over the counter. 
“Jisung! you’re walking with me. Come on!” you said storming out the door, Jisung following close behind.
When you made it out onto the street it was pouring down with rain, you pulled your jacket tighter to yourself and jogged across the street to the undercover. Jisung came up beside you, “why you mad at me?”. You looked at him “because how the fuck did you forget to tell me you were moving in with those morons, and how fucking stupid are you to not realise that it was the same building I lived in?!” You started to make your way home through the rain, Jisung walking beside you. “well, you never let me in your house-” “no, you can’t use that excuse. You’ve walked me home multiple times and you’ve even come to my door too.”
the walk back to the apartment complex was just you questioning Jisung and him trying to deflect it. By the time you were climbing the stairs it was silent between the two of you. “look, i’m sorry y/n.” you stopped, turning to look at your friend over your shoulder. “i really am, this was part of the reason i didn’t want to tell you, i was scared of how you would react, i know that you don’t really like the boys, so i didn’t want you to know that i was not only moving in with them, but that i was only just down the hall from where you lived.”
you turned fully around and looped your arms around Jisung’s neck. “look Jisung, i understand why you moved in with the boys, honestly as much as i don’t like those idiots, i’m glad you’re living with them, you’re safer with them. I’m not mad at you, just a bit disappointed.” You hugged the boy and let out a sigh. 
Both of you walked up the stairs, “want to see it?” “huh?” you turned to Jisung raising an eyebrow. “want to see where i live now?”, you shrugged “sure.”
Jisung smiled and grabbed your hand, walking up another flight of stairs, passing your own apartment door and walking down the hall. You both stopped in front of one door and Jisung pulled out a key from his jacket pocket and unlocked the door. hands still linked the two of you walked through the door. 
“what the fuck? don’t tell me you two walked in that rain?!”
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like & reblog for part 2 :)
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queenofmoons · 4 years
PLEASE write a fic about flash finding out peter is spider-man that sounds INCREDIBLE
Anon, your wish is my command (seriously though, thanks for this push it made me super excited to write this)
Moral of the Story on AO3
Peter spent the summer after high school knowing it was one of the last times he’d be able to work with Tony for a while. Usually, that meant Tony regularly checking in to make sure that he’d made every adjustment to his suit that he’d needed to.
Unfortunately, he also spent a decent chunk of the summer working alongside Flash.
He’d been hired by Pepper, who apparently had no knowledge of his overall disposition and Peter didn’t feel comfortable saying “pull the trigger” when Tony had offered to rescind the opportunity. Plus, with Harley going back to Tennessee every other week they needed the help and Peter knew Flash was smart enough to work at Stark. So he’d just shrugged.
“I’ve been playing nice for four years,” he said. “What’s a few more months?”
And Flash was smart enough to keep up with Stark Industries. He’d always been better at math and engineering than Peter, and this was no exception. Save for his unnecessary competitiveness (and overall Flash-ness), he was a great person to work with. He worked smart and hard, he finished the work he was supposed to, and he had some great ideas.
He was just… Flash.
But, whatever.
Peter just had to start working on his suit after hours, or on weekends when Harley was in town.
It was one of Peter’s last weeks in New York when the alarm system rang in the middle of the day. Just outside the lab door, Tony and Harley paused and turned their gaze upward. Peter looked up at one of the monitors.
“Friday, what’s going on?”
“It appears the tower is under attack, Peter.”
“Attack?” Flash asked, and his eyes were wide. “What do you mean under attack?”  
“You got any more information for me, Friday?”
Peter caught Harley’s eye through the glass of the door. Harley shrugged. Behind him, Tony had his phone pressed to his ear, thumbnail in his mouth.
“As a matter of fact--” Instead of Friday finishing her sentence, the audio system let out a screech.
Peter threw his hands over his ears.
“The system’s down!” Harley poked his head into the lab and yelled to be heard over the grinding scream of the intercom.
“No shit!” Peter shot back. “What do we know?”
“They landed on the roof!”
Behind him, Flash was uncharicteristically silent.
“We’re gonna go check it out,” Harley said, which was code for, we’re going to try to go fight them.
Peter made a face. “Why don’t I come with you?”
Harley shook his head. “Stay with Flash,” he said, we’re gonna--”
He didn’t get a chance to finish. Around them, the whole building shook.
“Great,” Peter heard Tony remark. He made eye contact with Peter over Harley’s shoulder. “Peter, get him out of here!”
“On it!”  Peter grabbed Flash’s wrist. “C’mon,” he said. “Follow me.”
Harley pulled out of the doorframe.
“What’s going on?” Flash asked as Peter led him, rushing, out of the lab. “Where are we going?”
“Aliens,” Peter said. “Or robots, maybe. I don’t know, we’re getting you out of the building.” Then, to himself, “If they’ve gotten to Friday they’re in the system…  We can’t take the elevator.”
“What?” Flash asked. “We’re on the thirtieth floor!”
“Remember running bleachers in gym?” Peter asked. “It’s just that.” And he pulled them into the stairwell.
Normally, Peter would just drop down. Actually, normally, Peter would suit up and join Tony and Harley, but they had a good streak right now of interns not getting killed and Peter didn’t want to have to put a fat zero on the sign. Also, as much as Flash got on his nerves, Peter didn’t want him to die. He’d been the one to convince Tony that it would be fine having him intern here and he didn’t want that on his conscience. Also, saving people was what he did.
They were five flights of stairs down, and Flash was slowing down, when Peter heard the door to the stairwell slam open above them. He grabbed Flash’s arm and urged him to speed up.
The door on the landing below them opened. They were stuck.
“Shit,” Peter breathed. The footsteps above them were getting closer, and right below them were three different aliens, tall and mutated, and armed. Armed to the teeth (if they had any, that is).
Peter put his hands up, pulled Flash’s wrist up with him. “Hey, guys,” he said with a nervous laugh. “We don’t want any trouble.”
“Identify yourselves,” the leader of the group in front of them said. The group above them was getting closer, only a flight away. Peter stared at the space on the helmet where he assumed their eyes were. He opened his mouth to answer. Flash beat him to it.
“We’re just interns! We don’t know anything!”
“You work for Tony Stark?” The alien asked. His voice was robotic, like he was using a text-to-speech translator.
Again, Peter breathed in to respond. Again, Flash blurted out, “Yes?”
“Dude!” Peter scolded.
“They could be useful,” the alien decided. “Get them.”
The group behind them started running. The group in front of them aimed their guns.
“Fuck,” Peter groaned in resignation. He grit his teeth and made a decision. “Sorry, Flash!”
“What?” Flash managed to get out before Peter swiped a foot across his legs and pushed him back. Flash fell back with a cry. A beam of light occupied the space where Flash’s head had just been.
Peter shot a web at the top of the staircase above them, creating a thin wall of web between them and the upcoming horde of aliens.
“I really wish you guys hadn’t said that,” Peter said. “I don’t have time to--” he just barely jumped out of the way of a laser. He shot another web, yanked the gun out of an alien’s hand and caught it. “Wow, this is heavy. Are guns usually this heavy?”
A laser shot dangerously close to where Flash was pushing himself up onto his elbows.
“Stay down!” Peter warned.
Peter spared a glance behind him. The aliens were at the webbing now. The group in front of him were still firing. He launched himself up and stuck to the bottom of the staircase above him.
“Hey! Up here!” He hucked the gun like it was a boomerang. It hit two of the aliens below him in the head. There was one left upright, and the group behind him was close to breaking through the webbing he’d put up (he really needed a way to make it laser-proof).
At the same moment they dropped, Peter felt the familiar churn in his stomach, then heard the unmistakable sound of doors closing below them.
There were more coming up the stairwell.
Peter added another layer of webbing behind him and prayed that it would be enough to buy him thirty seconds.
They had to have been on the twentieth floor by now. Peter wasn’t going to be able to take on all of these guys at once, not by himself. He dropped down to the ground and grabbed Flash’s wrist.
“Come on!” he urged. “We need to take a shortcut.”
“You’re Spider-Man,” Flash said, distraught.
“We need to go.” Peter hauled him up. He could easily lift him if he’d needed to, but that would eat up more time than pulling Flash behind him. “We’re going to the garden!” he called behind him.
“That’s a dead-end!” Flash yelled. Peter shook his head. They burst through the door, onto the patio. There was a chest-height fence around the perimeter.
“You trust me?” Peter asked.
“What?” Flash was staring behind them, through the glass door. They were being rushed.
“I need you to trust me,” Peter corrected. “Now.”
He wrapped an arm around Flash’s chest and, in a single motion, threw them over the side of the balcony.
The sound of the wind in his ears did nothing to stifle Flash’s scream. Peter pushed the button on his web-shooters. His suit covered his body. Peter counted the windows. At the tenth floor, he aimed a web at a balcony. At the fifth floor, he’d slowed them to a near halt. At the first floor, Flash opened his eyes. Peter urged Flash away from the building.
“You need to go home,” Peter said.
“You’re Spider-Man,” Flash said. “What the fuck? You’re Spider-Man?” His eyes bulged. His hands were trembling.
“I don’t have time to talk about this right now, Flash,” Peter said, already regretting his decision. It sat like a pit in his stomach. “Go home.”
They didn’t get rid of the aliens until nearly seven. Peter’s forehead was drenched in sweat when he pulled his cowl away. Harley’s face was scratched, and he smelled like singed hair.
“Can you clean up?” Peter asked him. “I have to go take care of something.”
“Only if you buy me dinner before you leave for Massachusetts.”
“Pick somewhere cheap,” Peter said, “and you’ve got a deal. I’ll be back soon.”
Peter’s stomach was in knots as he waited for someone to answer the door. He played with the bandage on his arm, from where an alien bullet had grazed him. He’d forced himself to stop at home for a shower before making his way over, but the passage of time had just made his anxiety worse.
What if Flash had already told people? Peter should have checked Twitter before coming, or local news, or Instagram, maybe. Flash may have been live. After all, he’d just been saved by Spider-Man and wouldn’t it be a huge news story if he told all his followers who Spider-Man is and Peter was about to turn around and leave when the door opened and he was face-to-face with Flash.
“You’re okay,” Flash said, and he sounded relieved. “The news said there’d been casualties, and I wasn’t sure if--”
Peter nodded, jaw tight. “Yeah, I’m fine. Can we-- can we talk?”
“Uh-- right, yeah. Of course. You can…” He opened the door and stepped out of the way.
“Thanks.” Peter stepped into the ornate foyer. The tile was fancy. The staircase was rounded. There was a chandelier above his head. There was a long silence.
“Listen,” Peter started at the same time Flash said, “Look.”
They both fell quiet again.
Flash said quickly. “I just… have a lot of questions.”
“I figured. Is there anywhere we could…”
“No one’s home,” Flash assured. “My parents are out of town and it’s the housekeeper’s day off.” He led him into the living room, though.
Peter looked around again. There were no pictures on the walls, just art. It felt cold, all white and clean and sterile.  The home was huge-- too big to be in alone-- and he bit the inside of his cheek.
“So... the whole time...” Flash managed.
“Yep. The whole time.”
“Dude, I’m so, so--”
“If you’re about to apologize for being a dick just because you found out I’m famous I’m gonna have to deck you again,” Peter said, bolder than he’d expected of himself. Maybe it was the four years of assholery he’d been forced to endure. Maybe it was because he was going away to college in three weeks. But Peter wasn’t looking for an apology. Peter didn’t need an apology. He never really had. Ever since he’d been bitten he’d had bigger things on his plate than Flash mocking the number of digits in his bank statement. He’d been to space for god’s sake, forcing an apology out of Flash was like going out of his way to ruin someone’s day.
Flash recoiled. “Yeah,” he said. “You’re right.” Then, “At least that explains how you knocked me out,” he said. Peter winced at the memory.
“Sorry about that,” he said, recalling the incident on the bus. “That actually was an accident.”
Flash waved his hand, very all is forgiven.
“Flash,” Peter said carefully, “Only a few people know.”
For a moment, Flash looked offended. “I’m not going to tell anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Peter blinked. “Oh,” he said. “I just thought--”
“I always got that Spider-Man’s whole thing was to stay anonymous for, like, safety reasons or whatever. Even if I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t spread your name around.”
Peter stared at him, wide-eyed and surprised. “Okay,” he said. “Okay, yeah. Cool. Thanks.”
“How did you-- and when did you…” Flash started. “I mean, the powers?”
“Radioactive Spider bite. That trip we took Sophomore year, to the Museum of Natural History.” Peter shoved his hands in his pockets. The tension in his shoulders had mostly disappeared, but he was still standing in Flash’s cold house, re-hashing something he’d vowed to keep secret. “Something must have gotten loose.”
“The spider exhibit,” Flash recalled. “And you just got powers and became a hero?”
“It wasn’t quite that painless,” Peter said. He thought about Ben, dead, on their kitchen floor. “But yeah, basically.”
“And your Stark internship is just stopping bank robberies and aliens?”
“Sometimes. I mean, I do actually work on projects for Tony. I build some of my own suits, too. But mostly it’s the crime fighting, yeah.”
“So when you disappeared in Europe?” Flash said. “And on the DC trip.”
“Duty called.” Peter forced a smile. He tried not to think about the Europe trip more than he had to. He’d mostly recovered from that, though it had taken him months.
“Dude, that’s awesome,” Flash said. “You’re, like, an Avenger. Like, you’ve been cool this entire time.”
Peter tried really hard not to roll his eyes. “I’m not really an avenger,” he said. “I turned Tony down.”
“But you work with Avengers,” Flash said.
“I… Yeah? I guess. Sometimes. I mean-- I work with Tony all the time, but--”
“You’ve saved my life like three times,” Flash said, sitting down on the edge of the couch. “And I’ve just--”
“Don’t worry about it,” Peter said. “I don’t do it so that people won’t be assholes to me.”
Though, it would be an added bonus. Maybe if people knew who he was, they’d be nice. Then again, if people knew who he was, he’d probably be dead by now.
“Don’t you get lonely?” Flash asked. Peter tilted his head. “You do everything and no one even notices-- don’t you get lonely?”
Peter opened his mouth. He looked at the walls again, void of any personality or sense of belonging. He looked at Flash, in a t-shirt and khakis, looking out of place in his home. Alone, in a huge house with barren walls.
He understood. At least, he understood a little.
“At first,” he said, nodding. “I didn’t tell anyone until Tony found me. But now I have people I can reach out to, if I need. That makes it a lot less lonely.”
He thought about the weeks after Europe. Randomly asking Harley, or Tony, or May questions that only they’d know the answer to. Being relieved, every time, when Harley told him that the first time they’d met Peter had been wearing his stupid if you’re not a part of the solution you’re a part of the precipitate shirt, or Tony reminded him that Starlord was from Missouri, or May told him about the time he tried to learn to skateboard and ended up breaking his foot.
He levelled his gaze with Flash’s. “But I didn’t earn their respect by being an ass. I had to give them a reason to care. Half of this is just being kind to people.”
“Right,” Flash said, and he looked at the floor.
And the truth was: Peter didn’t think Flash was a bad guy. He was just someone who hadn’t been given enough love to know how to be nice.
Peter cleared his throat. “Hey, if we end up needing an intern again by the end of the summer, I’ll let you know, but I think we’re probably going to be trying to clean the place up for a while.”
“That makes sense,” Flash said. “Is everyone okay?”
Peter swallowed. “Harley’s a little scratched up, but he’ll be fine.”
“Wait, Peter,” Flash said. He reached out and grabbed Peter’s forearm. Peter half-turned to face him. “I really am sorry.”
Peter smiled without teeth. “I’ll see you around, Flash. Good luck at school.”
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eat your heart out, lover
geraskier | 2.5k | teen | modern witcher au, canon-typical violence
he reads, again, the string of messages from one of geralt’s followers, describing a beast that looks like a cephalopod of some kind that floats in the air, attacking with quick strikes and engulfing its poor victims in its tentacles, leaving them half-eaten if they’re lucky, and brain dead if they’re not.
jaskier shudders, and it’s not from the cool bite in the air. it sounds a bit unbelievable, a flying octopus-squid that eats people, but jaskier has been with geralt long enough to know all manner of creatures roam the earth.
( read on ao3 )
“So, what are we hunting again?”
“Not sure,” Geralt replies. He sweeps his flashlight across the edge of the beach, illuminating the waves gently rolling in. Their steps are muffled in the sand as they walk.
There’s no moon visible tonight, just a sky full of stars, and Jaskier thinks it might be considered romantic if not for the lingering smell of rotten flesh and overall atmosphere of death now permeating this once-tranquil place.
It makes Jaskier roll his eyes, reaching into his pocket for his phone. “Oh, joy,” he mutters, pulling up Twitter, “Just what I wanted to do for Valentine’s day: sneak around a beach in search of something we don’t even know. Excellent! We could be at home, eating dinner and making love, but no!”
Geralt just grunts, and Jaskier looks up long enough to imagine the smirk Geralt throws back at him, because it’s too dark for him to see it properly. “Like you don’t get all hot and bothered watching me get covered in gore.”
He’s not even wrong, that’s the thing. Jaskier sputters in offense anyway. “That’s—! Wholly beside the point,” he finishes lamely, and Geralt snorts. “Shut up.”
Geralt does, and Jaskier looks back at his phone, muttering under his breath. He reads, again, the string of messages from one of Geralt’s followers, describing a beast that looks like a cephalopod of some kind that floats in the air, attacking with quick strikes and engulfing its poor victims in its tentacles, leaving them half-eaten if they’re lucky, and brain dead if they’re not.
Jaskier shudders, and it’s not from the cool bite in the air. It sounds a bit unbelievable, a flying octopus-squid that eats people, but Jaskier has been with Geralt long enough to know all manner of creatures roam the earth, mostly keeping to themselves until humans start intruding on their spaces.
Either way, the description of this particular monster is absolutely hideous, and Jaskier makes a face. They drove all the way to the coast for this one, two restless days in the car with maybe nine hours of sleep between them. They’d crashed at a little bed and breakfast about three miles from where the sightings had been to wait for night, when the creature was most active, according to the owner.
And, well. It is now very dark and very spooky on this particular beach, and Jaskier wraps Geralt’s hoodie he’d stolen on the way out the door tighter around his body, moving closer to Geralt.
“Scared, Jas?”
Jaskier scoffs, bumping his shoulder into Geralt’s. “As if,” he says haughtily. “Disgusted, mostly. Nothing about this thing sounds even remotely interesting. A cephalopod that eats people? Talk about the tables turning. Do you think they call us sushi?”
It makes Geralt laugh, and Jaskier smiles to himself. They might be on a deserted beach in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere, searching in the dark for a creature that supposedly might eat them, but at least they’re together.
They walk a handful of steps further, and the temperature suddenly drops, a freezing sort of chill engulfing them, much more ominous and unsettling than before. Geralt is immediately on high alert, swinging the flashlight toward the rocky outcrop ten or so meters in front of them, where a faint, almost indiscernible glow pours into the night.
“Stay behind me,” Geralt says, and Jaskier huffs, but does as told. He’s not useless—he can put Geralt on his ass three times out of seven in their practice spars at the gym, and he’s been taking self-defense classes for almost four years now—but he supposes with unknown creatures, it’s better safe than sorry.
Satisfied that Jaskier is going to listen, Geralt pulls out his sword—Jaskier hears the shing! of it leaving the sheath—and they creep closer to the outcrop. Jaskier’s skin crawls, and the stench of death gets stronger, curdled milk and rotten eggs and sewage that’s almost suffocating. There’s soft, low growling, and something squelches in a way that makes his stomach turn and his insides squirm uncomfortably.
A sudden screech pierces the air, and Jaskier stumbles back as something rushes out of the rock, presumably emerging from its cave. It’s only by sheer reflex that he catches the flashlight as Geralt tosses it to him, and he immediately points it at the thing hovering—actually floating—several feet before them.
Tentacles—actual tentacles! Holy shit!—undulate beneath an almost humanoid upper body, graceful and hypnotizing in the most bizarre way. Its arms reach toward them, billowing what almost looks like sleeves behind them, and it screeches again. It leans back, and Jaskier has a bad feeling as he watches the tentacles twist and wind up, his heart beating fast against his ribs and blood rushing to his ears, and he wants to close his eyes so he won’t see whatever’s coming but he can’t—
—and Geralt is in front of him, sword braced against the lunging attack, the tentacles hitting the silver and flying apart as the creature is forced back with a simultaneous burst of Aard from Geralt’s palm.
“Get back!”
Jaskier doesn’t have to be told twice—he turns and runs, hopping lightly over the sand to put as much space between him and the creature as possible while Geralt stays on the offensive and attacks. He doesn’t go as far as he probably should, because as utterly terrifying as that thing is, he won’t leave Geralt alone, and heightened witcher senses or not, having an actual light source does help, thank you very much.
He keeps the flashlight trained on Geralt, adrenaline pumping through him and making him itch to move. The creature has retreated a bit, tentacles calm once again as it watches Geralt approach, feet placed precisely where he means, stance solid, sword raised.
It really is a hideous thing—the description was spot on about the octopus-squid parts, but Jaskier is mildly intrigued by the almost human upper-half, the way it almost looks like it’s wearing a high-collared coat typical of pirate period fashion.
He is, inexplicably, put in mind of Davy Jones, and this is truly shaping up to be one of their weirder hunts for sure.
He must laugh or make a noise of some kind, because the creature suddenly jerks its head in his direction, and Jaskier has only a beat to think before it’s coming at him, a horrible sound erupting from it as it lunges, and Jaskier scrambles back, nearly dropping the flashlight.
It opens its mouth, and Jaskier is frozen in place as a fine, chilled mist pours from it, immediately engulfing him. He lets out a yelp, fingers twitching and his skin stinging, eyes watering and doubling over. When he breathes it in, he chokes on the sickly sweetness of it, saccharine to the point of tasting sour and rancid.
He coughs, falling to his knees, trying to avoid the tentacles as he crawls away from it. The creature’s attention is drawn back to Geralt, and Jaskier claws at the sand to pull himself out of the mist.
“I’m fine!” he shouts back, though it’s very much belied by the hacking retch that follows. The sting in his skin is abating slowly, and his eyes don’t hurt quite so much, though there’s now a deep ache in his bones. “I think it’s just meant to stun! Not poisonous!”
“Oh, so now you’re an expert? You were the one complaining we don’t know what it is!”
Jaskier hears Geralt grunt as the thing launches itself at him again, screeching when it comes up against the silver sword and another burst of Aard. He huffs, spitting up the taste of rancid sour candy, and manages to roll his eyes. His witcher sometimes, honestly.
“I’m still alive!” he shoots back, gripping the flashlight he’d dropped when the creature came at him. “That’s got to mean something!”
“Yeah,” Geralt grunts, and Jaskier can hear the eye roll, “it means you’re fucking lucky, you idiot!”
When Jaskier gets the beam of light trained back on where he thinks Geralt is, he sees him taking swings at the creature, aiming to cut off the tentacles or even one of its arms when it makes to grab him. He lands a solid hit to its chest, knocking it back, and it roars in outrage, backing away and floating higher in the air.
Jaskier sees its next attack in slow motion—the beam of the flashlight catches its attention as he moves to follow the creature, to keep it in his sight. It looks directly at him, face contorted, and rears up again, tentacles twisting beneath the tails of its coat. Jaskier is rooted to the spot, watching it with wide eyes, unable to move, foreboding and fear gripping his limbs and keeping him still.
“Jaskier, move!”
But he can’t—and the creature dives, an ear-shattering screech piercing the air, and Geralt is quick but not quick enough, not this time, and Jaskier forces his legs to work, to move, to run—
—but it’s too late.
Cold, slick appendages wrap around him, dripping with mucus or slime or some combination of both, Jaskier isn’t sure, but it makes his skin crawl and his stomach heave as he’s pulled from the ground. He wants to yell, to scream, but his mouth is full of the slick-mucus-slime as the creature pulls him into itself, and tiny, razor-sharp needles latch onto him like teeth, piercing his skin and drawing blood, and he’s suddenly very dizzy, and it feels as if his brain is on fire, being pulled out of his ears and nose and mouth and eyes, suffocating and choking on his own spinal cord, and he hurts, he hurts so much, please stop just stop please please please just stop stop let go let go—
There is a roar, and a squelch, and a squeal, and Jaskier is suddenly falling, dropping back to the ground, the wind knocked from his lungs as his knees buckle beneath him. He gasps for air, coughing and spitting out the rotten taste of dead flesh, and he wipes away the sticky substance from his eyes to try to stop the burning. His face and neck sting, as well as his hands, and he can tell he’s bleeding.
Gods, he’s going to need so many bandages and Neosporin.
The dizziness has abated, thank the gods, and he can think clearly. He looks up, squinting in the dark, and the flashlight has fallen so that it illuminates the space in front of him where Geralt stands, steel sword now drawn, held protectively in front of Jaskier’s head while the silver sword is brandished in his other hand.
The creature drips a sickly colored substance—blood, maybe—and cries out, lunging at Geralt in one last, desperate attempt at an attack.
Quick, graceful as a dancer, Geralt brings the steel sword up and forward, shoving it into the center of the creature’s chest.
It screeches, thrashes, arms swinging wildly, and makes another grab at Geralt—
—and Geralt shoves the silver sword through its head, deep into its brain. He breathes heavily, muscles tense, braced in the sand, and with a yell he brings the swords toward himself, cutting through the creature and yanking blood and organs and meat and flesh along with it, and the creature dies with an agonized sound, dissolving into the air in a mist of shimmering blue dust.
And it’s over.
The tension stringing through his own body snaps, and Jaskier sinks towards the ground, unable to hold himself up. A long, silent breath leaves him, heart pounding against his ribs, and he closes his eyes as the adrenaline fades.
Warm hands cup his cheeks, trailing gentle and feather-light over his skin, and Jaskier melts into Geralt’s touch, melts into Geralt.
“Are you okay?” Geralt asks, and his voice is tight and thin, worry and anger threaded into his normal rough tone. “Jaskier. Are you okay?”
“I’m alright,” Jaskier says, and enjoys the attention. He’s absolutely shot in the brain, is what, and he doesn’t want to think. “Looks worse than it is, I’m sure.”
Geralt growls, something dissatisfied and upset. “It looks like you were mauled, Jas. Gods, I’m so sorry.”
“Battle scars,” Jaskier says, waving it off. He reaches up to grip Geralt’s arms, hanging on tight—grounding himself. The slime from the creature squishes between his fingers and he makes a face. He’s disgusting right now. “I’ll heal.”
Despite being covered in strange muck and probably half an intestine, Geralt leans forward and presses his lips to Jaskier’s forehead, lingering and inhaling the smell of him. It can’t be pleasant, not covered in monster goop like he is, but the tension leaves Geralt’s shoulders and he relaxes too, wraps Jaskier in his arms and holds him close.
They stay like that for a long moment, feeling each other alive and breathing and well, if not covered in strange substances and blood. Eventually, Geralt pulls away, no doubt looking over Jaskier with his heightened witcher sight. He makes a sound in his throat, but at Jaskier’s exasperated look, he bites his tongue and doesn’t comment, which Jaskier appreciates.
They’re alive, and the monster is dead—Jaskier will take his victories where he can.
Geralt puts his arm around Jaskier and they hobble to their feet, ready to head back to the little bed and breakfast. They pause so Geralt can look at the remains, mostly just entrails and blood, and Jaskier holds the flashlight pointed at the mess on the sand, wrinkling his nose when Geralt steps over to inspect it.
“If you touch any of that, you’re sleeping on the floor tonight,” Jaskier warns him, shuddering in revulsion.
Geralt, standing back up from where he was poking around in the gore, gives him a cheeky grin and holds out his hand. In it, crusted in drying blood, and oozing something out the side, is what looks like a lump of grey matter, and Jaskier thanks his lucky stars he hasn’t eaten in almost twelve hours.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Geralt says teasingly, and Jaskier realizes it’s the thing’s heart that he’s holding out to Jaskier.
It’s disgusting and vile and Jaskier wants to set it on fire so the ooze doesn’t get on his shoes—
—and it’s probably the most romantic thing Geralt could have done for him on a night like tonight.
With a shake of his head, Jaskier reaches out and takes the gross thing in his hands. It feels as slimy as it looks, and Jaskier kind of wants to throw up at the smell.
“I hate you,” he says, with feeling, “and I love you, you insufferable witcher.”
Geralt just laughs, and Jaskier supposes it’s only in the spirit of the day that he shut him up with a kiss that tastes like creature ooze and stale breath mint.
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Harry Hook x Pan!Reader -Oneshot - enemies are made on neverland
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MAGIC_IS_TEA on wattpad
Can you please make a harry hook x reader one shot where he reader is Peter pans daughter and she lives in Auradon but she doesn't fit in
she meets harry and they already knew eachother from when they were kids in Neverland. They've always hated each other because they were supposed to be mortal enemies. And this takes place in decedent's 3? And also the reader is really badass
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you were born and raised on neverland, the daughter of peter pan and Moira, your mother the granddaughter of wendy darling.
You had two older siblings, who weren’t neverland born, Maggie and Jack, who had grown up.
You were only 4 when you met..him.
You wandered the beaches of neverland, fawns bell-like voice twittering behind you chatting about the new baby squirrels that were born yesterday. When you heard footsteps approaching, you panicked, they didn’t sound like any footsteps you new, these were heavy but quick at the same time, and fast.
You turned and flew up a tree, watching the ground, when a boy, no older than you ran onto the beach, he kept looking behind him, as if something was following him
“BOY GET BACK HERE” you gasped, fawn cupping her hands to her mouth. Hook, Hook was after this boy, the boy looked around wildly, fear clear on his face. You made a split decision.
You jumped down from the tree, fawn flying after you, “Hey!” you whisper yelled, the boy jumped, turning to look at you, surprised ocean blue eyes met your (e/c) ones, and you waved him to you, he glanced back to where hook was calling angerly for him and rushed over to your hiding spot, you grabbed his hand, leading him to a hollowed tree, and shoved him in, fawn following him in and you climbed in, bringing up the leaf cover, pressing your back to the trunk.
Heavy footsteps.
“BOY” the ocean eyed boy jumped, his hand coming up to grip your shoulder tightly, his eyes filling with tears “WHERE ARE YOU, COME OUT NOW” a few moments of tense silence, before hook grumbled, muttering how the boy would regret running off later.
The footsteps walked away, but none of you moved till fawn flew out, seeing no pirate and called for you to come out, the boy asking what the bell was, but you ignored him, leading him back out.
“umm” the boy started nervously, a thick Scottish accent on his tongue “th-thanks” he mumbled, looking at your though his lashes.
“your welcome” you smiled at him, his cheeks turned pink, fawn giggled, the boy's eyes widened, seeing his sister stomping up behind you.
“HARRISON HOOK” your heart froze…hook? “HOW DARE YOU!?! YOU KNOW HOW DAD IS, COME ON” a girl with curly black hair grabbed the boys collar, freezing when she saw you.
“what-what are you doing hanging out with a pan!? Is that why you ran off?!” the boy froze when he heard your last name. shaking his head with tears in his eyes
“n-no! I didn’t know who she was!” the girl huffed, glaring at you “stay away from him pan”
And dragged the boy off, he looked back at you, mouthing ‘pan?’ to himself. You watched as the girl dragged her brother away, one thought in your head.
The boy was the son of captain hook, harry, his name was. And you hated him, and he seemed to return the feeling, he played pranks on you constantly, also stealing whatever he could from you, treasure, knick nacks, anything he could get his hands on.
Then he went too far, stealing your book and ripping it to pieces, a sadistic smirk on his face.
Tears dripped down your face as you watched the pages fall to the ground, it had been the last thing your great grandmother Wendy had given you before she died.
Her last work, one dedicated to you.
“n-no..” you shook your head, your voice cracking, you looked into Harrys eyes, anguish simmering in yours.
“I …i- I HATE YOU!” you screamed, turning and running to the hideout.
Only a couple days later, Auradon forces came to neverland to detain the pirates, including harry and dragged them off to the new island of the lost, a place with no magic, a place to imprison the villains.
Even with your hate for harry, you knew he and his sisters didn’t deserve to go there, they had done nothing!
You had begged the fairy queen, Clarion, to try to save them, but she was unable to do anything, though she agreed with you, Harriet, harry and CJ were innocent children, they did not deserve to be imprisoned for their father's crimes.
And it had been 13 years since then, and harry hook had been invited to Auradon prep, and you kinda reacted….harshly.
You might have punched him when he tried to talk to you for the first time, and he stared up at you with surprised eyes, holding his bloody nose.
“that’s for ripping my book”
You avoided him for a month, before he cornered you, ironically on the anniversary of the day you met him.
“pan-please-let me- let me talk teh yeh!!!!” he yelled, grasping your shoulders pleadingly, as you kept trying to move around him to getaway.
You huffed, leaning against the wall, glaring at him. “you have one minute” harry sighed, digging into his bag and handing you something.
Your eyes widened with tears, shaking hands talking the object out of his hands.
It…its was your book, the pages carefully put back together with care. You looked back at Harry, who was staring down at his feet, shuffling them.
“i-im sorry lass…I was an idiot, and wanted to make meh father proud…and I-I didn’t realize how much the book meant teh yeh till I saw the personal writing teh yeh…god im so so sorry (y/n)”
You saw a drop of water hit the floor, falling from the curtain of black hair covering his eyes.
“you-“ you started, your voice cracking, you cleared your throat “you kept the book…and the torn pages”
Harry nodded, “aye, I knew I couldn’t just leave them like that, so as soon as yeh started to run away in tears, I started to collect the pages, and I kept them in a bag till I could put them all back together”
You watched as harry bit his lip, obviously nervous. “im truly sorry (y/n)”
You stared at him, shock making you unable to speak, you looked down at the book, tears dripping onto he covers, you opened it, and the first thing you saw was your granny Wendys writing
To my little fairy, may this book allow to you fly forever
-Wendy Darling
Some of the words were separated with a thin line, from the tear, but were somehow put back together so carefully, it didn’t seem like it had been torn at all.
You laughed softly, looking back up at harry.
“maybe your not so bad at all?”
Did you hate harry hook? You used to, but…now you saw the boy you saved from his father, the one with the ocean blue eyes.
Slowly but surely, the two of you had become friends
He laughed at the stupidest things, like a bird that was high up and the wind ruffling its feathers. You had facepalmed at that.
And he had a stupid easy time at making you laugh, only needing to look at you and make a weird face to do so.
People were weirded out, the daughter of Pan and the son of Hook being friends!?! It was anarchy, it doesn’t make sense! You two were supposed to hate each other!
They didn’t like the way you two constantly talked, they didn’t like the way you two leaned into each other, they didn’t like the way you two bantered with each other like old friends, they didn’t like the fact that you two were friends at all.
No not at all.
people started to separate you from each other, inviting you to things where harry wouldn’t be present when you would go to sit with harry for meals they would grab you and make you sit with them.
They made the teachers of your shared class separate the two of you, with the reasoning of ‘they distract each other, their grades are going to slip’
And honestly? You were REALLY missing harry, like really bad, you were having dreams about him, doodling him on every piece of paper you could get your hands on, daydreaming of him.
You sat on your bed, crossed legged and thumping your knee on the bed, pouting at the wall.
You were lucky you had your own room.
So no would disturb you if you talked to harry in here.
Unfortunately, you never got his phone number.
Sighing you flopped back on your bed, half of you laying on the bed, the other half hanging over the side, the clock on the wall now upsidedown.
Your phone went off, sitting up you saw an unknown number, raising your brow you open the messaging app, seeing a message from the unknown number
From 714-849-7165 (dudes don’t call this number, It's just random) at 11:37 pm
I got your number from evie, you wanna go sneak off to the enchanted lake? Im bored
You squinted at the message, trying to figure out who it was before another message came in
Its harry btw
Sighing in relief you typed back, your heart beating a little faster now that you knew that it was Harry texting you.
YES, I've been so bored, who knew that a pirate makes life more exciting?
I knew, you just didn’t listen to me
You rolled your eyes.
Whatever, so enchanted lake?
Yes, meet you there in 15 minutes
Gotcha, see ya hook
See ya pan
Squealing you clicked off your phone, leaping up from your bed to grab appropriate clothing for going to the lake.
Was it wrong to feel this excited to see a simple friend?
Maybe it wasn’t just simple friendliness you felt toward the pirate.
Eh, you would deal with that later, you had a hangout to get to.
---the end---
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loneveenas · 4 years
pairing: iwaoi words: 2298 rating: m for suggestive themes/language
summary: oikawa just wants to go skinny dipping with iwaizumi. just because.
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“don’t jump in naked, you’ll get a cold.”
“are you my mom, iwa-chan? ever since we became adults this is the one thing that i wanted to do with you the most.”
iwaizumi grits his teeth. “sure. that has to be a lie. who even taught you about skinny dipping.”
“it’s called skinny dipping?!”
iwaizumi slams his flat hand against his forehead. “are you really this stupid?”
oikawa laughs loudly. “you’re so easy, iwa-chan.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing.” oikawa stick his tongue out at iwaizumi.
iwaizumi shakes his head. “don’t fuck with me—why are you taking your jacket off?”
“because we are going skinny dipping tonight, iwa-chan. i wasn’t kidding when i said it at dinner tonight. ”
“i never agreed to this.”
“doesn’t matter. i’ll pull you in if it’s the last thing i’m able to do, so you better get undressed this instant.”
iwaizumi observes oikawa as he continues to undress himself. his shirt is gone first. the unbuttoning of his pants follow next. iwaizumi sees oikawa’s fingers fumble with the button and the zipper. as soon as oikawa’s done with that, he wiggles his butt out of his pants. iwaizumi swallows.
oikawa’s hands stop at the rim of his underwear and iwaizumi is confused for a second.
“are you going to keep on staring, iwa-chan, or are you going to start to undress as well?” oikawa looks at him from the corners of his eyes.
“i—” iwaizumi doesn’t know what to say. he doesn’t break his stare with oikawa.
“you can also just ask that you want to see me naked, iwa-chan.”
“definitely will not.” he looks away.
oikawa takes another minute before iwaizumi finally hears the splash that he was anticipating to hear. iwaizumi peeks through his eyelashes to see if oikawa was the one that entered the water and not something to fake his jump.
but no, it was oikawa.
oikawa who was just now resurfacing. with his mouth gasping for air because he stayed under for too long, with his head shaking around in the cold wind to subtly move his wet hair out of his face, with his skin glistening because of the water droplets that are rolling down his skin… and iwaizumi saw all of that happening in front of him. he swallowed.
“come on iwa-chan, the water feels great!” oikawa yells at him, his hands brought to his mouth. iwaizumi looks around and sees that oikawa left his clothes laying around very messily.
iwaizumi groans loudly. “do i really have to?”
“no. but it’s more fun if you do, so yes.”
looking at oikawa gives him, without a doubt, no other option. he’s absolutely too done for with this man.
he shakes his head as he starts undressing until the only thing he’s wearing is his underwear. this time, and iwaizumi doesn’t notice, there’s someone in the water watching him instead.
“iwa-chan!! hurry up!! i know i said the water feels great but it will feel better with you in here!”
“yeah, yeah. stop yelling, calm down. i’m coming.”
iwaizumi sighs as he folds his clothes. is he really going along with this? he glances at oikawa and yes, he thinks he’s really going along with this.
“you’re a bad influence to me,” iwaizumi announces loudly as he takes a short run over the dock and jumps into the water with a cannonball.
“ah, don’t splash me!” oikawa yells at him.
“you’re already in the water, don’t whine.”
“iwa-chan, meanie!”
iwaizumi splashes him instead. “shut up.” he sees the wave goes engulfs all of oikawa and he winces. maybe he went a little overboard with that one.
oikawa blinks as the water seeps off him.
“oh are we going to play it like this?” oikawa looks at him with a suggestive glance.
iwaizumi’s breath stops in his throat.
oikawa dives under and before he can capture what is going to happen, without getting a chance to take a deep breath, he is being pulled down by his leg, underwater.
he coughs as soon as he comes back to the surface and quickly looks around. oikawa is nowhere to be seen, which means he’s got to be underwater, but it’s too dark outside for iwaizumi to either see underwater or see anything from above the surface. the stars aren’t much of a help either.
but it doesn’t take long until he feels something creep up his legs, which puts him on immediate defense.
the thing quickly runs his hands up, stopping at his waist while the body moves up against his. it spit all the water that was running off the top of his head into iwaizumi’s face.
“thanks,” iwaizumi comments.
but oikawa doesn’t look like he wanted to do that, and his hands are still on his waist.
“you can let go of—”
“iwa-chan!” oikawa interrupts him. his hands are not leaving his waist just yet. he looks a little grumpy.
“wh—don’t stop swimming you’re dragging us down! what?”
“iwa-chan, this is cheating!”
“what is?”
oikawa lets go of iwaizumi’s waist and swims away, not responding to iwaizumi. he climbs onto shore and shakes his hair dry. he sits down on the grass, legs crossed and his arms leaning behind himself.
“oikawa,” iwaizumi calls out, swimming after him and coming ashore. “what is unfair?”
oikawa stands up, his head whipping around looking at iwaizumi, his  like thunder.
“you’re not fully naked yet! why are you still wearing you underwear?” oikawa is signing his hands up and down iwaizumi’s body.
right. he was.
“because i don’t want to take off my underwear?”
“and that’s why it’s cheating!!!”
“i… don’t see how?”
“well— i am naked so you got to be naked, too. it’s called skinny dipping. i know you’re skinny and all but showing all of you in your birthday suit is what’s the most important point in this, and you’re definitely not naked right now!!!”
“no need to yell. i don’t want to take off my underwear.”
“this is so unfair, iwa-chan.”
“i, again, don’t see how. we’re not siamese twins.”
oikawa shakes his head and steps closer to iwaizumi.
“take it off.”
“iwa-chan, don’t regret your words later on.”
iwaizumi frowns. what is oikawa on?
repeating his previous actions, oikawa lifts his hands, touching iwaizumi’s sides. he wants to hiss at their skins touching. he holds himself back.
“oikawa, let go off me. i’m not going fully naked.”
“no.” now it’s oikawa who’s on the disagreeing side.
“why not?” iwaizumi moves his hands down towards oikawa’s, in an attempt to remove them, but oikawa shakes his head. “no?” he asks.
“no,” oikawa sternly copies iwaizumi’s tone. “take it off.”
“oikawa, i’m not taking off my underwear.”
“take. it. off.”
“dude, you’re really creeping the fuck out of me, right now.”
“aw, but iwa-chan, i thought you liked that.”
iwaizumi glares oikawa straight in his eyes. he backs away a little, but oikawa’s hands are still gripping tightly on his waist. oikawa leans forward and iwaizumi tries to move his head back as oikawa’s comes closer, until he can’t anymore.
oikawa’s face comes closer and closer and iwaizumi’s breath hiccups in his throat. he swallows loudly and oikawa smirks. but he doesn’t back away just yet, and moves his mouth to iwaizumi’s cheek, softly dragging his lips towards iwaizumi’s ear.
“should i take it off for you in your place?” he whispers softly, his voice almost hoarse.
iwaizumi freezes.
he feels oikawa’s fingers curl around the rim of his underwear, his face not leaving the side of his face. oikawa starts lowering his underwear a little more and iwaizumi clenches his teen together. he can feel oikawa’s finger nails scratch his skin softly.
“i’m taking it off.” oikawa announces throaty, and iwaizumi swallows, but his own hands aren’t moving at all. even though he really wants to remove oikawa’s hands from his waist. really. wants to.
oikawa lowers his hands more and more. iwaizumi can hear his own heart beat loudly over the soft sounds of the stream next to them, that’s flowing into the lake. has he stopped breathing? he doesn’t know for sure.
as soon as oikawa’s hands are lower than iwaizumi’s hips, with his underwear below his hips, oikawa retracts his hands. iwaizumi’s underwear falls to the ground.
“there!” oikawa sounds delighted. he twirls around on the balls of his feet. “now that that’s out of the way, let’s get back into the water!” he runs away from iwaizumi, who is staring at the disappearing back that just jumped into the water.
the splash was loud and a cry follows.
“i landed on my back!” oikawa screams loudly.
iwaizumi laughs. he was tense before, but this somehow made the situation lighter.
“ooh~ iwa-chan~.”
he hears the singsong. the hairs on his back are reacting too.
“what is it, oikawa,” iwaizumi responds.
“get in the water~.”
iwaizumi walks over to the start of the dock. “i really don’t want to get in the water.”
“you’ve already been once, so what’s stopping you?”
you, being in there, naked, is what iwaizumi wants to say. he bites his tongue instead. oikawa looks at him with big doe eyes.
“what are you looking at?”
iwaizumi follows oikawa’s line of view and…
“hey!” he quickly covers himself. “don’t stare.”
“i like what i see, okay.”
“sure you do,” iwaizumi remarks, turning around.
oikawa, gave a sound of approval. “the good views really aren’t stopping, are they?”
blood rushes to iwaiuzmi’s cheeks and is running hot through his body. “shut the fuck up,” iwaizumi snorts back. he sighs. he can feel oikawa’s eyes fixated on his body, running up and down. he is contemplating whether or not to bite back.
iwaizumi breathes in, deeply. he twists his body around and takes a big leap, finishing it off with a dive into the water.
when he resurfaces, oikawa is clapping loudly and cheering for him. “nice jump, iwa-chan! ten out of ten! i could see everything nicely, too.” oikawa sticks out his tongue at iwaizumi.
“shut up, trashykawa,” iwaizumi roared, gritting his teeth.
oikawa swims over to iwaizumi, but thinking of oikawa’s naked body close to his, in the water, makes iwaizumi swim back a little too.
“it looked good, iwa-chan.”
chills ran over iwaizumi’s spine in a cringe. he pulled a face at oikawa. “you’re acting really weird today.”
or not? hasn’t oikawa always been like this? iwaizumi doesn’t know anymore.
“don’t you want to know what looked good?”
does he?
he stares into oikawa’s eyes as oikawa swims towards him, and he swims away from oikawa. oikawa’s eyes change feeling. not their playful side, or the serious court-eyes oikawa has, or the ones he usually wears when he’s comfortable around iwaizumi. they’re… different. yeah. that’s what they are. and iwaizumi doesn’t know if he likes it or not.
oikawa, this time, is a little quicker in approaching iwaizumi, than the latter is in backing away. oikawa’s hands grab onto iwaizumi’s arms.
“woah, your biceps are really big, iwa-chan.” oikawa lightly squeezes them, continued with his hands running up towards his neck, coming together around it to intertwine them together.
iwaizumi, again, is terribly close to oikawa and, even though it’s night and very dark, iwaizumi is very much aware of their bodies being this close. it’s suddenly very hot.
Their legs are bumping against each other in the moment. but that’s the smallest thing that is currently on his mind.
“you’re very handsome tonight, iwa-chan. i didn’t know all of you was this handsome.”
if blood has rushed to his face before, his blood was now exploding from his face. he swallows loudly. he wants to ask oikawa to let go of his neck, that they’re bodies are a little too close for comfort, but he can’t seem to open his mouth.
oikawa loosens his own hands from their grip and lets them run down iwaizumi’s body.
“so firm here too,” oikawa whispers, his hands on iwaizumi’s abs. they slide to the side and go a little lower. before iwaizumi can process what is going to happen or what is actually happening, he feels oikawa brush past something, who then halts his movements.
it’s not an entirely new feeling, but then again, it is.
iwaizumi gasps.
“iwa-chan,” oikawa starts. “is that—”
iwaizumi slams his hands over oikawa’s mouth. “don’t. say. it,” he deadpans, as he glares into oikawa’s eyes. “don’t.”
“but iwa-chan…” oikawa sounds muffled, and iwaizumi releases his hands from oikawa’s face. “i think we should take this matter ashore, shouldn’t we?”
while the blood had been rushing to his face before, his blood now left his face. “what.. are you implying?”
“iwa-chan,” oikawa whispers, his face suddenly really close-by.
oikawa takes one of iwaizumi’s hands in his own and guides it underwater, towards his lower abdomen. that is definitely—
“don’t you feel that?” oikawa interrupts his train of thought. “me too,” he then says, as he moves their hands alongside oikawa’s ribcage, lower and lower.
iwaizumi’s breath is caught in his throat. He widens his eyes as he looks into oikawa’s eyes. they’re definitely different tonight.
oikawa leaves their hands hovering around the other’s waist. “i think we have some unfinished business, if we leave it at this,” he whispers, his throat hoarse.
with a little push, oikawa creates distance between himself and iwaizumi, turns around and starts swimming back to shore. iwaizumi sees that back of his leave again and he himself is left behind with confusion.
before he can call out oikawa’s name, oikawa is the one to turn around.
“aren’t you coming?”
despite the short distance oikawa created in a few seconds, iwaizumi can clearly see his eyes through his long lashes.
he licks his lips.
and hurries after oikawa.
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bapyess1r · 4 years
Sunny Daze
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WARNINGS: cursing
Pairings: Team Drake x OC
Chapter 10
Sunny’s POV
Two days later...
It was hot. Like ridiculously hot. I started to sweat the moment we left our hotel and hopped into the 4x4. But I felt happy. The scenery around us was absolutely stunning. There were blue skies with clouds so fluffy they looked like massive cotton balls; a clear sighting of a volcano before us. The African trees grew outward like natural shade keepers and exotic birds flew in flocks above us. The grass is tall and sporadic with patches of small purple flowers. The dirt was almost a close shade to red and I kicked up a bit of it as my eyes followed the tracks that had been created from what I could only assume had been Shoreline and their giant vehicles. I bent down to pick up a handful of the red dirt and watched it slip through my fingers in amusement before leaning against the side of the 4x4. I looked over at Nathan who was hanging over the steering wheel, tiredly watching Sam and Sully try to get the locator to work. “What are those satellites sayin’, Victor?” I heard Sam ask as he tossed a random rock around in his hands nervously. He’d been fidgety ever since we landed in Madagascar. I sighed and adjusted my black cat eye shaped sunglasses.
“Right now, not a goddamn thing. I lost the signal.” Sully mumbled as he raised the device and circled the area in front of the Jeep. Nathan groaned and rolled his eyes before hopping out of the car and reaching into his back pocket.
“You know what never loses signal?” He pulled out a map of the area and placed it on the hood like he’d just done a magic trick. “Paper…” He said with sarcasm. I scoffed with my hands on my hips as we all approached him.
“Smart ass.” I mumbled, punching his shoulder. Nathan pointed to where he had traced a few lines through the map.
“This should be the closer route to getting us to that volcano.” He said. “Might get a little bumpy though.” I rolled my eyes as I leaned on his wide back with both arms, peering over his shoulder.
“You didn’t bring me to an active volcano did you?” I poured at him, giving my best puppy dog eyes and he grinned with a twitter of laughter.
“We should be alright. It’s been extinct for years.” Sully told me and Nathan fake gasped.
“Wait- you mean to tell me you actually did some research?” He quipped.
“Trust me, that was the first thing I looked up. And I can’t let you three be the know-it-alls every time.” Sully replied with a chuckle. Sam nodded as he disposed of his rock and clapped his hands together.
“Alright. Let’s get this show on the road…” he said. Suddenly he stopped a moment to look at me and chuckled. “Is that a fanny pack?” He giggled.
“Yeah!” I grinned and he burst into laughter. “Don’t make fun of the fanny pack, bro.” I warned him as I headed for the car, leaving him behind to sniffle away his laughter as we all climbed into the 4x4. Nathan and Sully in the front, Sam and I occupying the backseat. With a wiggle of the stick shift and a turn of a key, we were on our way to explore the ruins of King’s Bay.
“So what are we supposed to be looking for?” Sully asked.
“Well the map shows all sorts of structures around the volcano. Some abandoned outposts, a handful of watchtowers…” Nathan answered.
“Watchtowers?” I questioned. Sam threw an arm around the back seat, stretching out enough that it went behind even me. He leaned into the corner of his seat to look at me as he dropped me some knowledge.
“Avery was one of the most wanted pirates in the world. If he was hiding something out here, then it makes sense that he’d need lookouts.” He said, simply. He almost sounded like a scholar the way he talked about Henry Avery. One moment he was this fratty “do somethin’ crazy” guy and other times he’d be more quiet and studious. The duality of this man was enough to give me whiplash.
“One of those towers is right on the volcano, too.” Nathan added. I scoffed, rubbing my fingers through my curls as the wind aired out my scalp.
“I know you said it wasn’t active but I’d still like to not be right on top of a volcano.” I commented as we ran over a giant rock. The car jumped a few inches from the ground and came down hard, startling me. “Shit…” I whispered to myself with a hand on my chest to calm my spiking heart rate. Sam just chuckled as he seemed to analyze me from head to toe.
“Live a little, Sunny. You’re only alive to see the world like this once.” He told me with a smirk.
“I guess…” I sighed. Nate wasn’t kidding around when we said things would get bumpy.
“So you think Avery’s treasure is there? At the watchtower on the volcano?” Sully asked.
“Fingers crossed.” Sam replied. I could sense his anxiety from where I sat. His fingers tapped on the back of my seat rhythmically to calm himself. I turned to face him a bit with a leg folded in the seat between us, resting against his thigh. I picked at my nails before tapping him on his knee. He looked at me as if he were snatched from his thoughts.
“We’ll find the treasure, Sam.” I told him with a bit of optimism making itself present in my voice. A soft smile played on his lips for a brief moment until Sully spoke.
“I see some ruins up ahead.” He said. Nathan stopped the vehicle, pulling on the hand brake before hopping out and running towards the ruin.
“I’ll be back in a sec.” he called.
“Bring me back something shiny, will ya?” Sully shouted back. A grin played on my lips a while as I listened to Sam and Sully talk, slipping into my own thoughts. I liked where I was. Being here on uncharted South African territory with these three amazing men; Learning so much as the days drew on. I was even exhilarated during fights. I had never felt so alive. Since Nathan quit the life, I’d missed it. I tuned back in to their conversation of how the business had moved on to the internet more these days. I had almost forgotten that Sam hadn’t been around for all of these changes in technology. “I prefer doing my business face-to-face. It’s hard to do in a chat group when your talkin’ to some guy with the name ‘AntiquityMaster37’.” Sully chuckled and my eyes grew.
“You’re kiddin’...” I wheezed.
“I wish I were, Sunny. I wish I were.” He said lighting a cigar.
“What a dweeb.” I commented as I watched Nathan return to the car.
“Well?” Sam asked his brother.
“Nothin’ yet. Let’s keep going.” Nathan replied and he gassed up.
We continued to drive around for a while through dried up valleys, Nathan driving us over every single bump available, sometimes hitting trees and rocks in the process.
“Ayo, there ain’t no auto club out here, little brother!” Sam shouted at him above the engine. He just couldn’t control himself this trip. Nothing but terrible dad jokes, puns, and a captain obvious complex; also the worst backseat driver a car could ever hope for. I seemed to be the only one laughing for a time. That was until Nathan let me drive. God Sam just would not shut up. He talked more shit about me than anyone else that drove that day. “You’re supposed to rev it up, then floor it sweetheart!” He told me, tapping me on the shoulder as I drove up a muddy hill. My patience was running thinner and thinner as he continued to spew off at the mouth. I looked at Sully and raised an eyebrow. All he could do was laugh at me as I stopped the 4x4 and turned around in my seat to face Sam.
“Do you wanna drive, Sam? Cuz you’re doing an awful lotta backseat drivin’ right now, homie-”
“Actually I would prefer to drive.” He said interrupting me smugly.
“Don’t fuckin’ test me, Drake, I swear to god I’ll throw you out the 4x4-” I snapped. This heat was clearly getting to me.
“I’d like to see you try, sister!” He said, furrowing his brows at me, leaning in with a rather serious expression. I’d take that challenge and he knew damn well I would. I opened my mouth to rebuttal when Nathan suddenly interrupted our brief heated argument with a wave of his hands and a yell.
“Hey! Hey now! Stop arguing like a couple of children. We don’t have time for this. Sam, stop picking on Sunny- and Sunny, hop on back. I’m the only one driving from now on.” He said, mediating the situation. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes with a groan, slouching and throwing my head back. Sully laughed and patted my knee. I snarled a bit as I pushed the car door open and slammed it closed as Nathan just hopped over into the driver’s seat. I lit myself a cigarette as I walked to get in the backseat.
“Asshole.” I mumbled to Sam as I slid into my seat, my arms folded. When he smirked, I had realized that was his plan all along. To have me in the backseat with him again.
“For the record, you wouldn’t stand a chance against Sunny.” Sully commented, throwing a wink my way. I smirked, taking a drag of my cigarette and Sam just scoffed and turned his head. He was getting antsy. We’d been out driving for a while and found a bunch of abandoned towers just as Nathan had said. It was a bit disheartening but Sam was turning into a little shit the longer we went without finding something or at least without running into Shoreline. Suddenly we found ourselves at the end of an old bridge. It didn’t look stable in the slightest.
“That bridge there is what you would call ‘rickety’.” Sam commented. I placed a hand on Nate’s shoulder and squeezed it nervously.
“We’re not gonna…” I looked at him with a gulp and he shrugged.
“We might have to…” he winced. I groaned.
“Nothing is ever safe with you, is it?” I mumbled.
“If you’re lookin’ for safe, you might be in the wrong line of work, sweetheart.” Sam chimes in as we all braced ourselves to cross this bridge. “Look, just drive slow- keep it in the center…” he said, coaching Nathan unnecessarily as he drove. My heart rate was climbing as we reached the middle of the bridge.
“Sunny was right there’s a lot of backseat driving going o- OH SHIT!” He exclaimed as the bridge shifted down a hair. I screamed, grabbing on tightly to Sam’s arm and shutting my eyes. But the car kept moving and we made it across the bridge unharmed. Even afterward, I didn’t move and Sam just smiled to himself.
“Jesus, kid…” Sully mumbled as we continued uphill. Every now and then, Nathan would drive us off of a tall rock and we’d fall to the ground roughly but we lived.
“Victor, just curious but what were you arguing with the rental guy about?” Sam asked.
“Well, your brother insisted on getting a 4x4 with a winch.” Sully said.
“So you sprung for the winch, but you couldn’t spring for suspension- I got it.” He nodded. Sam was kinda right. Suspension would’ve made the trip less bumpy.
“You’ll never know! It could rain, it could get muddy. We could use the extra equipment.” Nathan retorted in favor of the winch. He was also right. Sully snorted.
“I bet we go this whole job without using that goddamn winch.” He said.
“I’m willing to bet on that.” Nathan replied confidently as he began to drive on a ridiculously narrow path made of massive rocks. Luckily, I was on the inside of the path closed to the wall so I couldn’t look down and see how high up we were. The view was beautiful though.
“Just take it slow, kid…” Sully said as Nathan slowed down considerably, carefully turning the corners. That’s when we came upon a tower on a muddy hill.
“Lookit!” I pointed excitedly. It seemed to be in better shape than the first tower we found. Not nearly as destroyed or eroded. Nathan stopped the 4x4 at the bottom of the hill and hopped out.
“I’ll come with.” Sam said, hopping out as well. Then he paused and turned to me. “Sunny, ya comin’ or not?” He asked as he began to climb the stairs. I was honestly surprised. I had planned on hanging back, thinking that maybe he wouldn’t want me to get in the way.
“Okay…” I said giving Sully a look.
“I’ll keep the car warm for ya.” Sully jokes.
“I’m sure it’s warm enough.” I chuckled as I hopped out of the car, stretching my limbs before climbing the stairs as well.
“Structure’s in pretty good shape for somethin’ several hundred years old.” Sam commented as he rounded the base of the tower. I followed the brothers into the tower where a sigil of a dragon was implanted into the middle of the floor. “That’s Christopher Condent’s sigil. Captain of the Fiery Dragon, operated outta Madagascar during Avery’s time.” He began vomiting information and I leaned against a wall with an intrigued smile as the brothers looked around. This was all truly amazing. These people were standing… right here. I kept my distance not wanting to accidentally touch something that shouldn’t be and watch the boys do their thing. “So Avery was recruiting captains...for what? To be his lookouts? Doesn’t make any sense...” Sam asked as I watched his brother scribble something down in his journal.
“I know… it doesn’t.” he replied.
“Maybe each captain was responsible for a tower and fronted the men for it.” I chimed in. I wanted to help. I wanted to learn. I’d listened to Sam enough to know a thing or two by now. Sam nodded as he raised an inquisitive brow.
“In that case, this definitely isn’t our last stop on the tour…” he said as we watched Nathan begin to climb the tower. I could feel his eyes on me as I looked up at my best friend do his thing. I wondered what he was thinking about. I turned my head just as he looked away out into the view. “So I never did thank you for this… Coming out with us, I mean.” He said, rubbing a bit of sweat off the back of his neck.
“Of course. Nathan needed my help so I gave it.” I replied simply, trying my best not to get flustered.
“I know… I just wanted to say thanks.” He smiled. And I looked back up to Nathan to avoid his gaze. There was a certain softness behind his eyes when he looked at me lately. Or a vulnerability… Like he couldn’t help being himself in every way around me. But I also sensed a bit of guilt. I couldn’t figure out what and for a moment it bothered me. Until I heard him groan a bit. He had grabbed the bridge of his nose and pinched it gently.
“Migraine?” I asked and he nodded.
“Forgot to take my breakfast aspirin.” He joked. I smirked, shaking my head as I reached into my fanny pack. I pulled out a small BC packet and an energy bar, holding it out to him. His brows shot up as he took them and I grinned smugly.
“Fanny Pack.” I said simply. He smirked as we watched Nathan climb down and his boots landed on the platform with a loud thud. “Anything?”
“Not this time. Let’s go find the next tower.” Nathan said.
Sully had lost his bet already for we used the winch for the first time. Nate wrapped it around a tree and it pulled the 4x4 up a muddy hill with ease. When we were safely at the top, Nathan gave him a smug grin as he detached it from the tree. “See, Sully? Winch.” He bragged.
“Okay, okay. It was a good idea.” Sully caved. We pulled off onto another path that led us to another spectacular view of the volcano. Sam and I both stood simultaneously to admire the view.
“Holy shit…” I murmured with a smile. I’d never seen anything like it.
“Just imagine… you come here, a well-to-Do pirate, far away from your oppressive government-” Sam started to paint a picture for me but Sully gave a hearty interrupted laugh.
“Oh poor oppressed pirates. All they wanted to do was murder and pillage in peace.” He chuckled. Sam got lightly defensive.
“No, no- they just wanted to live as free men.” Sam explained as we sat back down.
“Well if you’re gonna pick a place to run away from society, you could do a lot worse than here…” Nathan commented. I groaned in boredom. We’d been here in the heat for hours and hadn’t found a thing.
“All I know is, it’s takin’ forever and a month of Sundays to get to this volcano.” I grumble and Sully agrees vocally.
“Patience, guys, patience.” Sam said placing a hand on my knee, causing me to tense up a little as he continued to talk. “Do you guys even know how those pirates got here? They had to start in England, sail to Brazil, then cut back across the Atlantic to South Africa…”
“Sam-” Sully tried to interject but the man continued, so passionately speaking of the pirates’ journey. It was honestly adorable.
“AND they figured all that out with paper, charts, and by looking. At. The stars...” Sam finished.
“It’s amazing…” I had to agree.
“Kid, you’re explaining sailing to a former squid.” He replied.
“The point is: we’ve got it pretty easy.” Sam digressed.
“Yeah…. well it’s still taking a long time.” Sully mumbled grumpily. After a few more minutes of driving, an abandoned outpost came into view below us. Sam stood to admire the structure when a loud bang was heard in the distance. “Oh shit! Stop, stop!” Sully exclaimed, shaking Nathan. As we came to a halt, a cloud of smoke appeared from the bottom of the outpost. That woke me up for sure.
“I see em.” Nathan said, pulling out his binoculars to get a closer look. Sam and I leaned into the front seats.
“What do we got?” Sam asked in a low voice.
“Military types pokin’ around.” Nathan mumbled.
“Shoreline?” I asked.
“Yep.” He responded briefly, still scoping the area.
“Fuck…” I cursed under my breath.
“Looks like they found an old colony outpost.” Nathan informed us as he handed the binoculars to Sully, he proceeded to look through them himself.
“But it’s the wrong one, right?” He asked as Nathan slouched onto the steering wheel.
“That’s the good news…” he replied, tiredly.
“Which means there’s also bad news.” I groaned in sarcasm, leaning back in my seat and readying my deserter, prepping myself for a shootout and possibly a fight.
“Only route to the volcano is straight through them…” Nathan said.
“Oh bless…” I rolled my eyes.
“Well shit…. we do have the drop on em.” Sully commented. Nathan nodded his head, making a face. I watched his expression in the rear view mirror like the clockwork was going in his head.
“What’s the play here, Nathan?” Sam asked. His brother shrugged as if there were no other options than the one he’d come up with.
“Just follow my lead.” He said simply, hopping out of the 4x4 and the rest of us followed.
“This should be good…” I said as we crept our way to the massive boulders to hide in the tall grass.
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this-is-our-fandom · 5 years
Sebastian Stan: Beard Burn
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Rating: M (18+)
Warning: Smut.
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I giggle at Anthony's comment and lean closer into the table. Listening to the story at how Anthony had been caught dancing in his home. "I go into Twitter the next morning because I've been tagged in multiple posts," he tries not to laugh but he still smiles widely, "and see photos of me in the kitchen dancing to Wrecking Ball." He bursts out laughing and every else starts to laugh.
I wipe away the tear in my eye from laughing and a hand pulls me back, I see Evans behind me. He pulls out a blindfold, "can I put this on you?" He asks.
"Um, sounds kinky but yes." His eyes widen and laughs loudly, not realizing what he had said to be thought that way. What can I say? I have an open mind!
The blindfold gets put around my eyes gently and I am pulled up. The others follow to where he was taking me, I can't help but smile wondering what they had planned.
Everyone hushes everyone else as we stop, I hear so giggling and then 'All Of Me' starts playing. The blindfold is pulled off and all I can see is candles around the lounge room forming into a shape.
I turn as I hear the door click shut and see everyone left, "guys?!" I go over to the door but see its locked from the outside.
"Leaving so soon?" A voice say, I turn and smile when I realize who it was. Sebastian turns the corner and is dressed in a suit, a hand behind his back and the other put in his front pocket. "What a shame really, I thought we could have a dance, but if you want to leave..." I know he was being sarcastic, although his face looked completely serious.
Because he's an actor dummy, the best one you'll ever get! I think, I decide to play along. "Fine, I'll go." I point behind me to the door and slowly move to it.
He finally laughs lightly, "come here." He holds his arm out and I smile, almost skipping my way to him before wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him down into me. "Happy birthday beautiful." He mumbles, "I brought you a little something too." I move back and he gets his other arm from behind him, showing me a bunch of different coloured roses.
I gasp and look at him, he smiles down at me, "thank you, its beautiful babe." I kiss his cheek, lingering there to feel his week old stubble against his face. He closes his eyes and I take the flowers out of his hand.
"Oh!" He says suddenly like forgot something, "I brought a vase, wait here." He says, he exits the room and I smell the roses.
He comes back in with a vase full of water. I look at the vase and see its a picture of Seb and I at the beach one time with the date of when it happened. "Babe?" I say, it was honestly beautiful.
"You like it?" He says coming up behind me.
"Like it? I love it!" I place the roses in there and turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck one more. He stares down at me in awe and pulls my swiftly to the empty area where the rug was. He places his hands on my hips and sways us to the music.
"Let's go out here." He pulls me to the balcony, over looking the stars. We managed to get a place where you can over look the stars and it was beautiful and calming.
He opens the sliding door and gestures for me to go out first. I smile and thank him, walking out and patiently wait for him to come out too. He leaves the door open so we can still here the music.
Sebastian captures my hips again and we start to slow dance, my head leaning on his chest lightly, listening to his calm heartbeat and breathing. "Best birthday present I could ask for." I mumble.
"Oh, I have more planned, just you wait." Sebastian says and I tilt my head up to look at him.
"Like what?" I ask quietly, he smirks and brushes away the loose piece of hair in my face.
"You'll see." He taps my bottom lip and I roll my eyes playfully.
We start to sway to the music, although the song was almost finished. "I really love this." I whisper, I feel Sebastian's hand run up and down my back and I relax more into him, peacefully looking at the stars. "I wanna go to Mars." I say.
"Been there, done that." Seb laughs, looking at where I was looking to the slightly orange star that was Mars.
I roll my eyes at him, "oh yeah, sure. You went to Mars, it just takes around 300 days or so. You say you can't leave without me more than 1 week when you're away."
Sebastian makes a sound that goes straight to my core for some reason, "you went with me, you just don't remember." He defends himself.
"So what, you brainwashed me?" He hums a yes and I laugh. "Just like Bucky."
"Oh, you like my Bucky, don't you?" He moves me to the seat and sits me down, him kneeling down in between my legs. "It turns you on." He mumbles and kisses the top of my knee.
"What? No." I say rolling my eyes, he looks at me sternly and places his index finger on my clit. I jolt and a tiny moan escapes my mouth. He starts to rub hard and slow circles on my clit and I bite the back of my hand, throwing my head back.
"I'll give you what you want if you tell the truth, it turned you on, right? I mean, I saw you squirming in your seat when you watched the parts where I'm in there." He grabs the back of my thighs and puts them on his shoulders.
"Sebastian." I whine at him when his thumb comes in contact with my clothed core. "You being Bucky turned me on so fucking much I even imagined you fingering me with that metal arm." I admit, I blush at that and hide my face in my hands.
Sebastian laughs and kisses my inner thigh, undoing the small button on my denim skirt before pulling it off my legs. "Is that so?" He mumbles, I nod my head at him and he starts to take off my boots. "I like that it turns you on, gonna have to do some roleplay in the bedroom." Seb says running his hands from my ankles to my hips and then massages the flesh on the back of my thighs before resting them on his shoulders again. "I absolutely love feeling your thighs against my head." He says and presses a kiss to the clothed area.
My breath hitches, "Seb, please do something." I encourage, running a hand through his shorter hair.
"Just because its your birthday." He then pulls down my panties, I shiver from the cold wind, "I'll let you keep the jumper and socks on, because you know, its cold out here." I laugh at his comment and he dives straight into me, sucking straight at my clit.
I jolt and my laugh quickly turned to a cry, he smirks against me. "Holy shit, Seb." I twist his hair in my hand and his head moves to the side. He growls against me and I literally sobbed in pleasure.
"You'll make me cum in my pants if you tug on my hair like that again." He mumbles. I let a breathless laugh out and he smiles and goes back in lapping up my juice like a starved man.
I choke out and can't help but tug his hair so he was closer to me. "Seb, that feels amazing, keep doing that." I moan out, he whines against me and I peer down at him who was already looking at me. "Do you have... a... praise kink?" I manage to get out with a tiny smile.
"Shut up." He mumbles.
"You do too." I laugh, he inserts a finger in me making me shut up quickly. I roll my hips against him and moan out, throwing my head back. "Its okay... if you do. I have a... fuck... a daddy kink."
He stops and I see my juices glistening along his chin, I moan softly. "Do you now?" He smiles and starts to pump his finger faster in me.
I laugh out with a moan and nod my head, "yes I do. I want you to put another finger in me... daddy." He growls against and pushes a second finger in me then another. My eyes roll to the back if my head. "S- Seb." He attacks my clit with slow, hard licks.
He let's me adjust to his fingers before he moves them, curling them up to hit my sweet spot. I moan out loudly, "just like that?" He asks.
"Yeah, just like that Seb!" I cry out. He smiles into me and starts sucking at my clit harshly. "Oh God, keep doing that, it feels so fucking good." Both of my hands were in his hair pulling him closer to me.
He moans against me sending vibrations through my body, my eyes roll to the head of my head and my head tips back. I was so close.
"God, your so hot up there." Seb mutters.
I move my head back up again and he was looking at me, his piecing eyes making me squirm, "I love the way your beard leaves burns against me." I stutter out. He shakes his head against me making me feel his stubble against me things even more. "Oh God! Fuck yes! Like that, argh! Don't stop Seb, please don't stop. I'm gonna cum." He hums as he continues his actions and I tip over the edge. "Ah, fuck. Sebastian!" I scream his name as I cum on his mouth, his fingers not stopping. When I come down though he doesn't stop, "Seb, Seb, oh God its too much, Seb. Sebastian!" I start screaming out again as my next high approaches quickly.
His other hand replaces his mouth and he rubs fast against my clit. I let out a shriek, trying to move away from him. "Come on baby, you can cum for me again. Come all over my fingers sweetheart." He presses his fingers against my g-spot harder and I shatter again.
"Argh, Seb!" I scream. I come over his fingers a second time and shake violently against him.
He makes a sound of amazement and I look at him, his jacket was covered in my juices. "Holy shit babe." I pant and cover my face with my hands in embarrassment. "Aw, baby, don't be shy. That was so fucking hot." He takes off his jacket, setting it on the chair.
I grab Seb's face in my hands and lift him up so our lips met in a sloppy kiss. "Do you think they would have heard us?" I ask against his lips.
"Us? You mean you, and yeah, probably." He smiles.
"Yay." I say sarcastically.
He laughs and helps me up getting my skirt and panties on, "come in, let's go back down stairs."
I take his hand and we walk down stairs. "We all heard that!" Scarlett yells pointing at us. I blush and hide my face in Sebastian's shirt.
"Happy birthday babe." Seb says smirking down at me.
"Shut up Seabass."
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Shattered (shalaska) - indie
A/N: So this was originally supposed to be a response to a prompt about Alaska winding up in the hospital with no ID and jealous Sharon (which I do still want to write eventually), but instead turned into something much more depressing that will likely wind up being a chaptered fic about learning how to pick up the pieces when the world knocks you on your ass. As always any and all feedback is appreciated. :)
“Hellooo, Lasky,” Katya says into the phone to the tune of ‘hello nurse,’ a grin spread across her face. “Did you miss me that much already?”
Her face scrunches in confusion when it isn’t Alaska who replies.
Katya’s heart sinks.
“Justin. His name is Justin. I don’t- I don’t have any family contact information but I can get some.”
She nods even though the person on the other end can’t see her.
“Okay. Thank you.”
She pushes the end button on her phone and drops it as tears begin to brim her lids. She stands there for a moment, anxious and terrified, until she picks up her phone again. The first person she calls is Trixie.
“Alaska’s in the hospital and I don’t know what to do,” Katya says all in one breath, so the words string together, like if she says them fast enough they’ll somehow be less true, less terrifying. Trixie talks for a moment on the other end of the line and Katya can feel her heartbeat slow within her chest as she takes a few deep breaths and together they form a plan.
Katya paces around her living room as she waits for David to answer. The phone rings four times before a voice on the other end picks up.
“David it’s Katya,” she starts and pauses for long enough that David asks if she’s still there. “Yeah, sorry I just - it’s about Alaska. She’s been in a car accident… She didn’t have her wallet. They think… they think she was drunk.”
She leaves the last part out when she talks to Pam and heads straight to the hospital. She paces as she waits for updates from the doctors and watches the minutes, hours tick by as Alaska is in surgery, smiles as politely as she can as Alaska’s family shows up, terrified. They sit in silence until a doctor walks through the door and tells them things are going slow but steady, but things were looking good.
A wave of slight relief floods the waiting room and Katya smiles for the first time since her phone rang. After a moment of conversation, Cory pipes up.
“Has anyone told Sharon what’s going on?”
“David said he would, but I haven’t heard from either of them.”
“I’ll text her.”
The radio static pierces the otherwise silent cab. The cab driver tries to make polite conversation, but stops after the third question Sharon doesn’t bother to answer. She doesn’t have the energy to speak. Not right now. The light from her phone illuminates the back seat every few minutes as she stares at the last text message she received.
Did David tell you about Alaska?
She hands the cab driver enough to cover her fare and then some and steps into the bright lights of the airport. She purchases a one-way ticket with a knot in her stomach and makes her way through security and to her gate. She’s surrounded by business people with suitcases and somewhere more important to be. The latter part is the only thing they have in common. Worry gnaws at her inside as she tries to distract herself with Instagram and Twitter, apologizing for having to cancel her show for the night and silently willing time to simultaneously speed up and slow down so she can get to Pittsburgh sooner while still having time. All she wants is time.
I’m only an airplane ride away, baby.
She doesn’t remember falling asleep on the plane, and by the time she slides into the uber to bring her to the hospital the lump in her throat she’s been trying to ignore aches to the point of pain and she brings her hands up to her mouth, choking out a small sob. She can’t remember the last time she was this afraid of anything.
I’m only a cab ride away, baby.
She inhales a deep breath and regains her composure quickly as the uber pulls up the hospital doors. The driver murmurs out something Sharon doesn’t quite make out before she steps out of the door and stares up at the large brick building. She stands outside for only a minute trying to mentally prepare for what she’s about to see, but it feels like an eternity before she actually manages to put one foot in front of the other to enter.
The woman at the front desk is too cheerful for 7 a.m., but she gives Sharon the directions that she needs without much trouble and Sharon presses the button and exhales a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding until the double doors closed.
I’m only an elevator ride away, baby.
Her foot taps rhythmically against the elevator floor to a piano mix of a song Sharon recognizes but can’t place the name of. She stops trying as the elevator dings and the double doors open again. Room 403. Her eyes scan the hallway carefully for the room number and she’s so absorbed with searching she doesn’t realize Pam is screaming until she walks into the room. Brooke is holding Alaska’s hand and repeating ‘no’ over and over again. Ryan is sat on the other side of the bed, his head cradled in his hands and his shoulders rising and falling with heavy sobs. Sharon locks eyes with Cory as he frowns and shakes his head, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Her eyes fall to Alaska lying there with a shaved head, tubes coming out of her nose, eyes closed, unmoving.
The world goes deafeningly silent as Sharon backs out of the room collapses against a wall trying and failing to remember how to breathe. She was supposed to be okay. She brings her knees up to her chest. She was in surgery. She brings her hands up to cover her face as tears leave her eyes against her will and her entire body shakes with sobs. She was supposed to be okay. She stays stays like that, sobbing and repeating her mantra of foolish, failed optimism until several pairs of arms pull her to her feet. Even blurred with tears she recognizes the faces of Willam and Courtney and their presence only makes her sob harder. Their arms wrap around her and envelop her in a hug. She’s grateful; her legs feel as if they’ll betray her and give out any moment. Provided her heart didn’t do that first.
I wasn’t good enough to you. I should have been around more. I should have been here. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’m sorry. You were supposed to be okay.
“Sharon… you’re here…” Katya’s voice broke through the sounds of cries around them and every ounce of sadness and guilt Sharon feels turns to rage as she opens her eyes to see Katya standing a foot away, puffy-eyed and on the verge of tears.
“Don’t talk to me, Katya,” Sharon snaps. “You were fucking here. Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Sharon, that’s not fair. I-I didn’t know until I got the call from the hospital. I don’t have your number!”
“Don’t do this right now,” Willam interjects.
“No this is fucking bullshit,” Sharon shouts, her voice echoing through the mostly vacant hospital hall. There’s so much pain and she doesn’t know what to do with it, but far heavier than the pain is the guilt. She doesn’t know how to cope. The only person she wants to see is in the other room no longer breathing, and somehow that doesn’t seem real. That fact can’t be real. “Why didn’t they call me!?”
“Sharon calm down,” Courtney begs and Sharon pulls away from all of them and shakes her head, her face covered in tears.
“The last thing we did was fight!” Sharon yells and the other three fall silent immediately. “I didn’t get to apologize! I didn’t get to say goodbye! I didn’t get- I didn’t-” Her voice trails off as she chokes out another sob and another pair of arms wrap around her. This time it’s Cory who’s voice she heads.
“This isn’t your fault, Aaron. This isn’t anyone’s fault.”
She knows it’s supposed to feel reassuring, but it doesn’t help ease the guilt. None of the words in the world can lift her spirits as she stands in the same room she and Alaska had shared every time they visited Pam for the better part of a decade and pulls the only things she remembered to grab out of her pockets - house keys, her wallet, and a ring.
You were supposed to be okay.
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BLITZ - The Piper's Price
DISCLAIMER: This content has been provided to INFINITE HOUSE OF BOOKS by Xpresso Book Tours. No compensation was received. This information required by the Federal Trade Commission.
The Piper’s Price Audrey Greathouse (The Neverland Wars #2) Published by: Clean Reads Publishing Publication date: February 21st 2017 Genres: Fairy Tales, Retelling, Young Adult
Peter is plotting his retaliation against the latest bombing. Neverland needs an army, and Peter Pan is certain children will join him once they know what is at stake. The lost boys and girls are planning an invasion in suburbia to recruit, but in order to deliver their message, they will need the help of an old and dangerous associate—the infamous Pied Piper.
Hunting him down will require a spy in in the real world, and Gwen soon finds herself in charge of locating the Piper and cutting an uncertain deal with him. She isn’t sure if Peter trusts her that much, or if he’s just trying to keep her away from him in Neverland. Are they friends, or just allies? But Peter might not even matter now that she’s nearly home and meeting with Jay again.
The Piper isn’t the only one hiding from the adults’ war on magic though, and when Gwen goes back to reality, she’ll have to confront one of Peter’s oldest friends… and one of his earliest enemies.
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They found the forest’s hiking trail moments before breaking the tree line. “Where are we going, Peter?” He was heading toward a mobile home community next to the state park.
He continued to walk with confidence. His usual cocky stride looked surprisingly like the swagger of an ordinary teenage boy. “My friend lives here. Don’t worry. Don’t look like such a stranger here.”
She didn’t want to appear conspicuous, but Gwen was too baffled to help it. The unkempt lawns were boxed in by chain-link fences covered in varying degrees of rust. They passed a lawn littered with bicycles; on the other side of the gravel street, two different cars were parked on the lawn, clearly non-functional. Satellite dishes were on every trailer home. Despite all being painted differently, the track housing still managed to present a uniformity of depressing color.
Multiple houses had motorcycles out front or a dog milling around their yard. When she and Peter passed a pack of Rottweilers, the dogs ran up to the fence and began snarling until all the other dogs in the neighborhood were barking too. “Ignore it,” Peter advised her.
She was scared. This was not the sort of place she ever expected to visit with Peter. She didn’t trust his ability to protect her here. This wasn’t his world, but it wasn’t hers either. They were both out of their element. Peter just didn’t have the sense to realize it.
Winding down the gravel road, Gwen matched Peter’s pace almost step for step. They approached a blue-and-grey house. Like the others, it had wooden latticework around the bottom to help obscure the fact it didn’t have a foundation in the ground. The square house reminded Gwen of how she would take shoeboxes and try to turn them into homes for her dolls by decorating them. It was hard to fathom that she was walking up the plastic steps of the porch to knock on the door.
She waited, feeling her heartbeat in her throat, her toes, and everywhere besides her chest. Even the predictable noise of the door opening startled her.
A woman with a long, black braid and beige cardigan stood in the doorway. Gwen looked up at her, and then watched as the sharp features of her dark face dissolved into unadulterated shock.
The startled woman ushered them in. She was just as uncomfortable with their presence in the trailer park as Gwen. Once inside, they stood in a living room full of old furniture, facing a kitchen with old electric appliances. There was no unity or romance to the orange recliner, chipped mixing bowl, off-white blender, dull toaster, and sunken couch. It was a bunch of old stuff that looked like it represented several decades of objects abandoned at Goodwill. The chingadera and bric-a-brac wasn’t any more cohesive: porcelain angles, an antique pot, a vase full of bird feathers, and a stopped clock made the place confusing and strange in the same way her grandmother’s house had been.
“What are you doing here?” she hissed, pulling her cardigan close and tossing her thick braid over her shoulder and out of her way. She had a shapeless housedress underneath the beige sweater, and a pair of black leggings insulating her legs as she stomped around, heavy-footed in her leather slippers. She looked comfortable, except for the unexpected guests who were putting her so ill at ease. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“I need your help,” Peter said.
“They’re still keeping tabs on me.”
“That’s why I came in disguise.”
“You’re being irresponsible. You’re jeopardizing us both, and Neverland to boot.”
“I took all the right precautions. This is important.” Hollyhock and Foxglove wrestled their way out of the pixie purse and came twinkling out now that they knew they were safely inside.
“You brought fairies here?” she exclaimed. She leaned down and grabbed a hold of his arm, forcing him to look her dead in her dark eyes. Gwen wanted to leave. This wasn’t a friend, not anymore. This was a grown-up, and unlike Antoine the aviator, she was not amused with Peter’s wartime antics.
“What happens if they figure it out and come to question me?”
Peter scoffed. “You won’t tell them.”
“What if they threaten to arrest me? They could put me away forever until I told them what they needed to know, and nobody here would stop them.” Peter broke free of her hold with ease; she wasn’t actually trying to restrain him. “Preposterous,” he declared. “If they did that, you would sit, stone-faced and silent in your cell until they all died.”
“What if they beat me?”
“You’d take the blows as though you were made of rock, and you would not speak.” Peter seemed to disregard the question.
“What if they tortured me and stuck blades under my nails?” she demanded.
“Then you would not even scream, but stay silent as a stone!” Peter insisted, hopping up onto a wooden kitchen chair at her dining table, looking down at the woman.
“What if they bring knives and cut off my fingers, one at a time, until I told them how to find you?”
Peter yelled right back, “Then you would steal their knives and scalp them all like the redskin princess you are!”
Her anger slunk off her face and out of her shoulders. She shook her head, frowning as a sad laugh escaped her. She clung to her sweater, blinking back tears, until, at last, she flung her arms around Peter. Still on the chair, he had to bend down to return the embrace.
“Oh, Peter,” she muttered, unaware of the tears slipping off her smiling face. “Oh, Peter.”
“It’s good to see you, Tiger Lily.”
  Author Bio:
Audrey Greathouse is a lost child in a perpetual and footloose quest for her own post-adolescent Neverland. Originally from Seattle, she earned her English B.A. from Southern New Hampshire University’s online program while backpacking around the west coast and pretending to be a student at Stanford. A pianist, circus artist, fire-eater, street mime, swing dancer, and novelist, Audrey wears many hats wherever she is. She has grand hopes for the future which include publishing more books and owning a crockpot. You can find her at audreygreathouse.com.
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BLITZ – The Piper’s Price was originally published on the Wordpress version of SHANNON MUIR'S INFINITE HOUSE OF BOOKS.
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