#niall horan imagines
bad1dimagines · 2 years
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buck-nialled · 2 years
Bedhead - N. Horan Imagine
NOTE: more niall fluff! woot woot! also a swear word, maybe two? yeah, definitley two. 
SUMMARY: you spend the night and niall’s house for the first time. bedhead and thoughts of the future ensue...
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When Niall offered the invitation to spend the night at his flat yesterday, it wasn’t a surprising request. With your hectic schedules clashing the past couple of weeks, meeting for lunch on your work break or squeezing into his studio for a couple of minutes wasn’t cutting it. It was turning you feral to go a day without seeing him, especially because these are days you should be cherishing with him before his next tour begins.
And Niall?
Niall was itching just as much to get his daily dose of your laugh, and special hug you only give him, and delicious cooking that never fails to linger on his taste buds like each kiss you press to his lips. He finally sent you the fateful text offering you to come over later and not leave till morning in the midst of trying to write a stubborn chorus. Each time his mind traveled away from possible lyrics and instead imagined how your workday was treating you, his pencil would slide hopelessly off of the paper of his journal. Needless to say, working on the song came to be fruitless since he hasn’t felt the presence of his muse—you, always you—for some time.
As soon as his phone chimed with your response—can I bring my own blanket? I’m picky—Niall was bustling out of the building to straighten up his place before your visit. It was impossible to wipe the growing smile from his face, his mom would be proud to see him grinning like mad whilst hanging up clothes he’d been neglecting and vacuuming his rug. By the time he hand washed the final plate speckled with remnants of last night’s dinner, the doorbell rang.
It was quite a talent, how the man could walk out and sing to sold-out venues packed with thousands of strangers. But when his favorite human alerted their presence at his front door, he lost footing on his venture there and felt knots tightening in his stomach. As soon as the door swung ajar and he saw you standing there, already adorned in sweats and a throw blanket in hand, the knots faded. All the nerves from earlier weren’t as prominent and when you brought him in for his special hug, he didn’t hesitate to reciprocate the tight embrace for a second.
He sucks in a sharp breath, inhaling your shampoo that always gets him wobbly in the knees. “Gods, I’ve missed you.” He admits as you dig your nose into the crook of his neck.
“That’s a relief because I’ve also missed you,” your mumble is near incoherent with your lips pressed below his ear, but with your proximity, he makes out most of it. “Umm…” when you two finally separate, you raise your Sherpa throw to be in his view. “You never replied to my text, but I brought it anyway.”
“Of course, lover. That’s fine. Come on in, I was just about to start dinner.” You trailed behind him inside, already bundling yourself with the blanket.
“Oh, you’re cooking?” Niall eyes you suspiciously at the inquiry, not that you had much reason to be judgemental of his average culinary skill.
“Did you have something else in mind?” You wiggle your body in the midst of climbing up onto his kitchen island. Carefully, he approaches you, humming for an answer to his question.
“Would it be selfish of me to ask for a cheat day from you? We can order Nando’s and watch that new true-crime documentary—“ you gasp as Niall’s lips collide with yours instantaneously. You relish in the feeling of the smooth pair gliding with yours like a well-rehearsed dance.
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a fuck yes.” Niall corrects, before reattaching his lips with yours.
Halfway through your chicken bowl and the true-crime documentary you swore you would stay awake until the end for—-despite your extensive workday—Niall found you in a deep slumber against his chest and blanketed with your throw and his arm. As soon as he discovered you snoozing, he made it his mission to pause the documentary so you would not miss anything, and escort you to his bed. In his endeavor to be unnoticed when picking you up and laying you on his duvet, you still stirred awake to find him swearing under his breath and trying to exit.
“Where are you going?” You ask lowly, barely making out his figure in the dim light.
“Heading to the couch, you need a good night's sleep.”
“Not without you.” Niall turns his attention back to your half-lidded stare and desperate pout. “Come here.” You plead, lifting the covers and scooting over to make a spot for him beside you. With this née invitation, Niall wasted no time shedding his sweatpants and old band t-shirt before shuffling beside you. You turn to face one another, admiring what you could in the minimal light.
Out of curiosity, you whisper. “Who do you think is gonna have the worst bedhead tomorrow?”
“Definitley me.” He snorts, roping an arm around your waist to tug you closer to him.
“I don’t believe that for a second.”
“You’re underestimating me then, petal. My roots have a mind of their own.” He argues.
“Just wait till the morning, you’ll be regretting those words.” Your slur causes a smirk to climb onto Niall’s face and has him now imagining what he might wake up to. He simply leaves you with a murmur of, “g’night lover” and a gentle kiss to the crown of your head before allowing himself to fully sink into his mattress.
Out of all the images he dreamt of last night depicting what your “bedhead” might consist of, the last thing Niall expected to wake up to was cold sheets and a pillow tucked beneath his arm. The genius you were, disguised it with your throw blanket to radiate the scent of you and lull Niall back to sleep in case he stirred. After willing himself out of bed and emerging into the kitchen, he discovered you at his table built for two with last night’s leftovers and the daily newsprint in your hand.
Once spotting him still bare-chested with his unruly hair matted somewhat to his forehead, you spoke in between bites of your chicken. “Oh good, you’re up. What’s a five-letter word meaning…score of one over par on any hole?”
Niall could only muster a chuckle, as he admired the golden light peeking through the windows–allowing you to bask in it like a goddess. He languidly approaches the table to bend down and press a chaste kiss to your lips. “That’s a bogey, love.” Your eyes continuously flickered back up to his as you filled in the crossword with the proper term. Niall felt drowned in serotonin by the sight of you in his house, at his table, with no motivation to do anything but finish the daily crossword and keep him company. However, when his eyes traveled up to perceive your hair tied up and out of view, he felt…betrayed.
“Oi…what’s all that for?” His accent, still thick and raspy from sleep, interrogated you as he twirled a finger around his head.
“What? My bun?” Your pupils glanced up, though it did not aid you in seeing the messy up-do you attempted earlier in the morning. “It’s keeping my hair out of my face.”
“Uh-uh. Unacceptable.” Niall shook his head firmly while softly planting a fist on the table.
“Excuse me?” you inquired with a teasing smile.
“Last night, you promised me bedhead. Even said I’ll be regretting my words after I said I’d have the worst.” You recall last night clearly and nod your head through his explanation.
“That I did…”
“Well, I held up my end of the bargain.” He states, going as far as to “flip” some imaginary locks over his shoulders. “Now it’s your turn.”
With a sigh, you relinquish your hair from the elastic-band trap you planted earlier and allowed the locks to fall and frame your face wildly. Some pieces were knotted and awaiting service from a good brush, others were sticking wildly about in every direction. And despite the grease in your roots and sight of dead ends severely in need of a trim, you and Niall couldn’t help but grin at one another.
“Well?” Niall scoffs.
“Wow…you were right. The worst bedhead.” He confirms, admiring the silky strands.
“Told you.” You giggle, returning your gaze to the next crossword clue while Niall continues to admire your hair. And as he finally takes a seat across from you, stealing bites of your leftovers while you aren’t looking, and looking forward to the future where there will hopefully be more mornings with the daily crossword, and you correcting him with your beadhead, and more Nando’s sat between you–he also thinks about the spare key stowed away in his bedside drawer. He thinks of how good it would look next to your car keys, or next to his own set of keys on the table by his front door.
But he’s already asked to see your bedhead. And you both agreed to take things slow from the start. So, all he will have to do is wait a few more mornings.
“What are you staring at me for?” Shyly, you bringh the newspaper up to shield most of your face. With your eyes still peering over the paper, you observe Niall’s reddening cheeks. I guess now works too, he thinks to himself before drawinhg a deep breath. 
“Will you move in with me?” You ponder his question for a few moments, leaving space for a noticable tension to fill the room. Niall can feel his muscles tightening as you slowly fold the newspaper up and place it gently on the table, before sitting up from your seat. Niall gulps, fearing the worst until you are grappling his shoulders across the table to meet you in the middle for a searing kiss. 
“Is that a yes?” He beckons in between several more kisses. You shudder beneath his lips, ones you never wanted to spend another morning without. 
“It’s a fuck yes.”
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nihstyles · 10 months
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The New album — Niall Horan
Nosso primeiro imagine com o Niall só poderia ser em homenagem ao lançamento desse álbum maravilhoso! Ouçam The Show, dêem muito streaming pq o Nini merece.
Deixe seu ❤️
Me diz o que achou
Faça seu pedido.
S/N estava em seu quarto, ansiosa e emocionada. Ela tinha acabado de receber o novo álbum de Niall Horan, "The Show". Como uma grande fã do cantor, ela mal podia esperar para ouvir suas novas músicas. Afinal, havia ouvido rumores de que muitas delas eram dedicadas a ela.
Ela colocou o vinil na sua vitrola e sentou-se na cama, segurando as mãos trêmulas. Enquanto as primeiras notas da primeira música preenchiam o ambiente, uma sensação de calor e antecipação se espalhava pelo seu corpo.
À medida que Niall começou a cantar, a voz dele encheu o quarto. S/N fechou os olhos e deixou-se envolver pela melodia suave. Cada palavra parecia tocar seu coração de maneira especial. Era como se Niall estivesse cantando diretamente para ela.
Enquanto a música continuava, S/N se viu sorrindo, imaginando se as letras realmente eram sobre o amor deles. A cada verso, o amor que sentia por Niall só aumentava, e ela podia sentir a reciprocidade em cada palavra.
Depois de algumas músicas, a porta do quarto de S/N se abriu lentamente. Niall apareceu na entrada, sorrindo para ela.
– Posso entrar? – ele perguntou, segurando um buquê de flores em mãos.
S/N abriu um largo sorriso e assentiu. Niall se aproximou, colocando as flores em uma mesinha ao lado da cama.
– Estou ouvindo seu novo álbum, Niall. É incrível. – S/N disse, seus olhos brilhando de emoção.
Niall sentou-se ao lado dela, observando-a com ternura.
– Estou feliz que você gostou, amor. Eu dediquei muitas das músicas a você. Cada melodia, cada palavra, tudo é sobre o nosso amor e o quanto você significa para mim. – ele confessou, acariciando suavemente a bochecha dela.
S/N sentiu lágrimas de felicidade brotando em seus olhos enquanto olhava para ele.
– Eu te amo, Niall. E ouvir essas músicas apenas reforça o quanto sou sortuda por ter você na minha vida. – ela disse, sua voz cheia de emoção.
Niall sorriu e levou a mão de S/N aos lábios, depositando um beijo carinhoso em suas mãos.
– Eu também te amo, S/N. Mais do que as palavras podem expressar. Essas músicas são apenas uma pequena forma de mostrar o quanto você é especial para mim. – ele sussurrou, seus olhos fixos nos dela.
S/N e Niall permaneceram sentados na cama, envoltos na música e no amor que compartilhavam. As melodias românticas continuavam a tocar, criando uma trilha sonora para o seu relacionamento. Era um momento de conexão profunda, onde palavras não eram necessárias. O amor que sentiam um pelo outro transbordava em cada nota, em cada olhar trocado.
Enquanto o álbum chegava ao fim, S/N sentiu uma mistura de emoções transbordar em seu peito. Era uma sensação indescritível ouvir as músicas que Niall havia escrito especialmente para ela. Cada canção parecia contar sua história de amor, desde os momentos mais simples até os mais intensos.
Niall, percebendo a expressão reflexiva no rosto de S/N, envolveu seus braços ao redor dela, trazendo-a para mais perto.
– O que está pensando, amor? – ele perguntou suavemente.
S/N sorriu e olhou nos olhos azuis de Niall.
– Estou pensando em como cada música me lembra de um momento especial que vivemos juntos. É como se estivesse revivendo esses momentos enquanto escuto essas melodias. É mágico. – ela respondeu, com voz suave.
Niall sorriu de volta, apreciando a conexão profunda que eles compartilhavam.
– Essas músicas foram inspiradas nos momentos que vivemos e nas emoções que sentimos um pelo outro. Eu queria que você soubesse o quanto você é amada e o quanto nossa história é única. Cada canção é um reflexo do amor que compartilhamos. – ele sussurrou, acariciando os cabelos dela.
S/N sentiu-se abençoada por ter alguém tão dedicado e amoroso ao seu lado. Ela sabia que tinha encontrado seu verdadeiro amor em Niall e que essas músicas eram um lembrete constante desse sentimento.
Envolvidos nos braços um do outro, eles permaneceram em silêncio por um tempo, deixando que a música ecoasse suavemente no ambiente. Era um momento de plenitude, onde não eram necessárias palavras. O amor que compartilhavam era expressado através da melodia e do olhar cúmplice que trocavam.
Finalmente, Niall quebrou o silêncio, com um sorriso terno nos lábios.
– Sabe, amor, todas essas músicas foram feitas pensando em você, mas eu ainda tenho uma música especial para tocar. Uma música que representa nosso futuro juntos. – ele disse, sua voz repleta de promessas.
S/N olhou para ele, curiosa e animada. Ela sabia que cada momento ao lado de Niall seria uma aventura, cheia de amor e felicidade.
Niall pegou seu violão, posicionou-se de frente para S/N e começou a tocar uma melodia doce e envolvente. Então, sua voz suave entrou em harmonia com o som das cordas, preenchendo o quarto com uma música que parecia feita especialmente para eles.
Enquanto S/N ouvia cada palavra e melodia, ela soube que esse era o começo de um novo capítulo em sua história de amor. Eles estavam criando memórias juntos, escrevendo uma canção que seria entoada ao longo de suas vidas.
E naquela noite, ao som das músicas de "The Show", S/N e Niall se entregaram ao amor que os unia, compartilhando promessas de um futuro repleto de aventuras e melodias.
Em meio à música e ao amor que envolviam aquele momento, S/N e Niall trocaram juras de amor eterno. Prometeram caminhar lado a lado, superar desafios juntos e celebrar cada conquista.
Enquanto a melodia envolvente se desvanecia, S/N sentiu-se imensamente grata por ter alguém como Niall em sua vida. Ele era seu apoio, seu confidente e seu melhor amigo. O amor que compartilhavam era genuíno e profundo.
Niall envolveu S/N em um abraço apertado, deixando que o silêncio confortável os envolvesse. Eles sabiam que não precisavam de palavras para expressar o que sentiam. Seus corações estavam sintonizados, e cada olhar e toque falavam volumes.
Enquanto o álbum chegava ao fim, S/N percebeu que aquele momento era apenas o começo de uma jornada incrível ao lado de Niall. Eles teriam muitas mais músicas para compartilhar, memórias para criar e histórias para contar.
E, acima de tudo, eles tinham um amor inabalável, alimentado pela música e nutrido pelo cuidado e pela devoção que compartilhavam.
Naquela noite, S/N adormeceu com um sorriso nos lábios, embalada pelas melodias de "The Show" que tocavam em looping e pelo amor de Niall. Ela sabia que tinha encontrado sua música tema, sua trilha sonora perfeita, e que cada vez que ouvisse aquelas músicas, seria transportada de volta para aquele momento especial em seu quarto, onde o amor se tornou música.
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skullsuited · 9 months
okay, but… do i start writing for all of the 1d boys? would anyone be interested in a smutty zayn one-shot/imagine or a chaotic louis one-shot? so many people write for harry, but not many of the other lads get love and i feel like they should!
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1d1195 · 1 year
Okay so Normal People continues to be a struggle. So we'll have to put that on hold again until I have a little more time to focus. Take this small blurb about Niall instead.
It was the first day of classes of their junior year. Niall has said a lot of things in his life about how it was the best day ever to meet her, but nothing would have made him happier if he could have met her years before. He literally bumped into her, sending her tripping into a bench and she scraped her shin.
“Christ,” he muttered under his breath, and he fluttered his hands over her trying to be helpful but not sure what to do. “M’so sorry,” he said, and his cheeks felt flush as he steadied her from falling flat on her face with the weight of her book bag on her arm.
“Oh please,” she said with a gently smile. “At least I have a reason for tripping this time; normally I just fall over the thing air and that’s enough,” she giggled, and she dropped her bag on the bench and pulled out an entire box of bandages. “I’m no rookie, don’t worry,” she said with a wink to him.
Niall smirked and still felt bad. “M’Niall,” he said.
“Hi Niall,” she said stuffing the bandage wrapper into her short’s pockets. She hiked her bag back on her shoulder and held her hand out to him. As she introduced herself, he nearly missed her name because all he could think about is how nice it was to hold her hand in his. “I’m headed to an accounting class, where are you off to?” She wondered.
“Erm…accounting,” he said nervously. “I jus’ transferred s’I guess m’goin’ the wrong way, huh?” He scuffed his shoe on the sidewalk. She hooked her free arm through his.
“Come on,” she said and started off in her original direction. “This way I won’t run the risk of tripping over a cute boy either,” she said sweetly and pushed the sunglasses that were previously on top of her head down over her eyes.
Niall felt his cheeks warm again.
It was instantaneous how well they clicked. It was too good to be true. She introduced him to all her friends. They were all so lovely and clearly adored her (especially the boys). She got him an on-campus job at the library where she tutored. The people that walked in called her mom as she always had snacks, a stain stick, and a mini-sewing kit for emergencies. He watched her from afar as she tended to others academic and personal needs. She offered advice that was sagely given beyond her years, and it was incredible to be a part of her life. She invited him to the gym every day.
“I don’t really like going to the gym,” she informed him. “I just like being busy and having a routine.” If he was part of the routine, then he was down for whatever mental itinerary she had going. He noted the boys that ogled her there, he didn’t like it. But every time he thought of saying something to her, she would turn to look at him with a smile and he remembered that no matter how nice she was to everyone, she was there with him.
It was a combination of Niall drunk off her intoxicating smile and presence (she was an angel after all) and a bit of rum. He managed to tug her away from a conversation and pulled her and himself to the dance floor while they swayed to the music playing live from the band area. “You’re a bit unsteady here, Ni,” she noted and held him up as best she could with a giggle.
“I think m’in love with you,” he said in her ear and then managed to still her face long enough to kiss her squarely on the mouth.
Immediately after he threw up on the floor which sent her into mom-mode, so she didn’t have time to respond to the fact that he threw up immediately after kissing her, and that she was also very much in love with him too.
He woke up with a screaming headache, but the lovely girl had anticipated such. The blinds were drawn tight, there was no sound coming from anywhere in his apartment and there was a tall glass of water and two little white pills beside it. A sticky note was next to them: Take me and a little squiggly heart was written there.
He was never one to disobey the rules, so he did as he was instructed. He wondered where she was, but he knew she wouldn’t just leave him here. He headed for the bathroom. Another note was there on the mirror that he read as he slowly brushed his teeth so as not to upset his stomach. I’m studying in the bedroom, quietly and a cute little smiley face adorned the bottom of the note.
As he entered the bedroom, his head felt foggy. He remembered very little from last night. However, the way his body reacted to her presence he felt like he royally messed up. “It’s pretty impolite to tell a girl you love her, kiss her, and then immediately throw up and ruin her best wedges,” she said knowingly as she set her notebook aside.
Niall felt clammy all over as if he was going to throw up again. “It’s a good thing I’m in love with you too and you’re pretty cute,” she said softly gazing at the very tired boy in the doorframe.
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little-luna-143 · 1 year
Champagne Lovers PT 2
The next few months you guys would meet up at the same pub and would talk until last call. On most nights you guys would leave and go walking around Manchester. One-time you guys ended up finding a little park that was away from everything and swore to meet on the weekdays at least twice a week. So that promise you both kept, one time you arrived to Niall there before you (For once) with a blanket and picnic basket “What is this for?” you question giggling. “Well, it’s been a stressful week and I really wanted to see you” Niall starts but you just giggle some more “Niall, it’s only Monday!” seeing him blush “Anyways like I said a very stressful week and the only thing I could think of was seeing your very lovely face to make it better.” He tells you giving you a hug “Oh? What about the romantic looking picnic behind you” You ask him seeing him blush a shade darker in red “Niall, is this a date?” you ask not trying to tease him “Well… Yeah” I tell you scratching the back of his head. Niall starts to stumble over his words again when you peck him on the cheek “Why did it take you so long?” You tease using his song he sang that one day against him.
You both sit down, and Niall starts pulling things out of the basket, first thing was a bunch of white roses. Then he pulls out a board with some cheeses and fruit on it followed by sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries and last but not least two flutes and a bottle of Champagne. You fed some food to each other, goofed around a bit and lied on the blanket watching the clouds past as you point out what you believed they looked like. Weeks gone by and so have a dozen of romantic dates, when you receive a text from Niall telling you he would meet you at the pub because he was running late. You get to your usual table and ordered both your drink and Niall’s when the light went low and the spotlight turns on the stage and you see Niall sitting in the middle with a piano keyboard set up next to him.
“This song goes out to the one and only Y/N L/N, I hope you like it babe” is all he says before he starts playing a song you’ve never heard of before
“Maybe we are the champagne lovers Lay in the dark, we are stargazing now Well, I don't like it Rolling the dice just to feel the thunder Deep in the heart of a downward spiral Falling, we're falling We should twist the knife Put it all to bed, I Need to understand what it takes to love again So come on, love me when the lights burn low Meet me underneath the sheets Cause you got a hold of me baby, enough to pull me back in deep You used to love me when the lights burned low Now we're tearing at the seams We've both had enough of this, baby, so promise me that when you leave You won't say you'll come back to me Maybe we are the perfect strangers Only the stories left on paper now And I don't like it We should twist the knife Put it all to bed, I Need to understand what it takes to love again So come on love me when the lights burn low Meet me underneath the sheets Cause you got a hold of me baby, enough to pull me back in deep You used to love me when the lights burned low Now we're tearing at the seams We've both had enough of this, baby, so promise me that when you leave You won't say you'll come back to me Come back to me You won't say you'll come back to me”
He comes off stage heading in one direction, being to you, with a banquet of red roses. "That was amazing!" you tell him accepting the flowers. Niall was handed the microphone again and that made you completely confused. "Now with my heart on the line, I have just one more question to ask you and I promise its not 'Why did it take so long'" The whole pub laughed, Niall pulls something out of his pocket and gets down on one knee "Y/N M/N L/N, will you do the honor of letting me call you my wife?"
The End
So what would ya'lls answer be?
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makeupinthedrawer · 2 years
rereading my fics and
- i had nooo idea “all i want” had 400+ notes!!! tysm all!!!!!!
- i literally LOVE my writing lmaooo i need to get more up soon!!! 🤞 🤍
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nationalhoranleague · 2 years
Hey there
Favourite Niall Horan songs?
ugh this is a tough one because there literally isn’t a song i don’t like or like less than the others, so i’m gonna go top three for both albums
• on the loose
• paper houses
• the tide
• bend the rules
• cross your mind
• san francisco
and an honorable mention for finally free from the smallfoot movie ☺️
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ssprayberrythings · 2 months
famous siblings | CL16
charles leclerc x female horan!reader, niall horan x sister!reader 
you’re the little sister of 1D member niall horan and when he gets invited to an f1 grand prix, he decides to take his girlfriend amelia and you, his sister where you meet the wonderful and most charming ferrari driver who ends up capturing your heart. 
warnings: im pretty sure none worth mentioning
note: there will be a second part to this but still feel free to give feedback and express your thoughts!!!
masterlist | taglist
July 9th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: having a famous big bro has its perks 😎 @niallhoran @lewishamilton
*replies disabled* 
niallhoran posted on instagram   
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y/nhoran_, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, johnlegend, kellyclarkson & others liked 
Had a great time at Silverstone this past weekend. Thanks Mercedes for hosting us! 🖤 
tagged: mercedesamgf1 
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niallfan: omg not niall being at an f1 race 
f1fan: the 1d x f1 girlies are not doing well after this 
niallerforlife: give me a moment to freak out brb 
fan23: did anyone see y/n’s story? they met lewis 
fan12: i love that amelia and y/n both got to go with him 
mercedesamgf1: it was a pleasure having you and your loved ones in the paddock 🖤
╰ liked by niallhoran 
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram    
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niallhoran, ameliawoolleyx, mercedesamgf1, niallfan, charles_leclerc, gemmastyles & others liked 
Had a great weekend with great people 🫶 (except you Nialler🙄) 
tagged: niallhoran, ameliawoolleyx, mercedesamgf1 
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ameliawoolleyx: Love you sis 😘
╰ y/nhoran_: ❤️
fan1: the sisterly love between y/n and amelia i love 
niallhoran: I’m the only reason you got to come but okay..🙄
╰ y/nhoran_: Okay but who got a second invite..? Thats what I thought😎
╰ fan23: wait what 👀
horan_niall: the horan siblings back at it again with their iconic bickering 
f1fan: anyone else see charles in the likes ?? and he follows all 3 of them ?? but they got invited by mercedes ?? confused 
╰ fan22: ooooh ok charles we see you.. 
July 20th, 2023
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: another day, another plane selfie 😎
*replies disabled* 
July 24th, 2023
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram  
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ameliawoolleyx, gemmastyles, niallhoran, kellyclarkson, charles_leclerc & others liked 
A weekend in Paris. Proud of what you’re achieving big bro 🫂
tagged: niallhoran
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niallhoran: Happy you could be here sis! 
╰ liked by y/nhoran_
niallerfan: I love these two sm 
f1fan21: f1 fans; are we still seeing charles in the likes 
╰ f1fan2: yes we still see him..👀
niallfan: favourite siblings next to gemma and harry !!!
gemmastyles: missing you girly 💛
╰ y/nhoran_: not as much as im missing you 🥹
╰ horanfan: their friendship even after all these years 
dm between charles and y/n 
charles_leclerc: you know whats close to paris? 
charles_leclerc: monaco..😏
y/nhoran_: oh really? and why exactly would i go to monaco? 😏
charles_leclerc: i’m sure i could come up with a few reasons, one of them being me 
y/nhoran_: ferrari boy are you asking me on a date to monaco? 
charles_leclerc: if you’ll say yes, then yes i am. 
y/nhoran_: i’m sure i could see what i could do about getting to monaco..
y/nhoran_: wait aren’t you racing? 
charles_leclerc: we have one more race and then we great a break 😊
y/nhoran_: okay well how about you text me when you’re back in monaco and we’ll arrange this date 😊
y/nhoran_: heres my number: xxx-xxx-xx11 
╰ liked by charles_leclerc 
y/nhoran_: oh and good luck at the next race! 🙃
charles_leclerc: thanks 😊
╰ liked by y/nhoran_ 
July 30th, 2023 
charles_leclerc posted on instagram    
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pierregasly, scurderiaferrari, f1, oscarpiastri, y/nhoran_ & others liked 
What a great race, happy to be back on the podium! 🏆 
Now its time to recharge and see you in a few weeks. ❤️
tagged: scurderiaferrari 
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f1fan: good job charles !!!! 
charlesleclerclover_: SO PROUD 
f1fan23: GOOD JOB !!! 
scuderiaferrari: ❤️
╰ liked by charles_leclerc 
niallfan12: anyone notice y/n now in his likes ??? 
╰ f1fan21: hmmm..somethings cooking 
╰ niallfan15: f1 fans x 1D fandom…look out 
August 3rd, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: Travel fit! ✈️❤️
╰ charles_leclerc: Cant wait to see you😊
╰ niallhoran: safe travels ✌🏻
You boarded the plane to Monaco, being sure to text Niall your plane information and to text Charles letting you know you were on the plane. Shortly after the flight attendant instructed everyone to turn off their phones. 
Before you turned off yours, you caught Charles’ text back, 
Ferrari Boy🏎️ : See you soon☺️
You smiled at it before turning your phone off. You still couldn’t believe you and Charles were actually going on a date. Obviously when you first back at Silverstone, there was light flirting but you just had one of those personalities which you seemed to have in common with the driver.
He asked for your instagram and you happily gave it to him, following him back and then you parted ways. He once and awhile popped up in your likes but you didn’t think anything of it until you found out that he had also followed your brother and Amelia back when he followed you and then when he finally slid in your DMs, you knew this went beyond mindless flirting. 
You smiled at the thought of him and possibly something coming from this. With that you placed your headphones on your ears and decided to try and get some sleep before you landed and you’d be immersed into the busy life that was Monaco. 
August 4th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram 
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niallhoran, gemmastyles, madelyncline, charles_leclerc & others liked 
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gemmastyles: I expect details in my dm’s tomorrow morning, no later 
╰ y/nhoran_: Yes ma’am 🫡
╰ gemmastyles: 😘
niallfan22: Y/N YOU LOOK STUNNING (as always!) 
niallfan12: anyone wondering why she’s all dressed up??? could it be for a date??
╰ niallfan13: y’all are so delulu, i love it 
ameliawoolleyx: Gorgeous girl ❤️
╰ liked by y/nhoran_ 
August 5th, 2023
f1updates_ posted on instagram  
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f1fan, charlesleclercfan_, f1fan23, niallfan12 & others liked 
new blurry photo of charles spotted out in monaco last night with a new girl🧐
who could she be? possibly a new wag or is it too early for that status? 
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f1fan26: how do we know thats charles??
╰ f1updates_: the source that sent it in confirmed that was his car near them 
f1fan22: hmmmm…
f1fan21: i think i know who this is…😏
╰ niallfan12: miss y/n horan you were spotted…😏
f1fan16: the f1 fans are delulu, no way thats y/n horan 
f1fan4: i want it to be y/n horan cause she’s cool and charles’ type but it probably isn’t her 
niallfan18: if it is y/n we should definitely give them their privacy, she’s never had any dating rumours surrounding her before 
╰ niallfan17: agreed !!! 
╰ f1fan91: and for charles too..they both deserve their privacy 
╰ liked by niallfan18 
August 5th, 2023
y/nhoran_ posted a series of stories on instagram  
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caption: about last night..😜🥰 
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caption: out exploring 🌞  
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caption: im moving here and buying my own yacht 🛥️
*replies on all stories disabled* 
August 6th, 2023 
charles_leclerc posted on their story  
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caption: I think she likes my car more than me..
*replies disabled* 
August 7th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram  
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charles_leclerc, niallhoran, gemmastyles, f1fan22, niallfan15 & others liked 
I love the art in Monaco..🥹
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charles_leclerc: anything else you love in monaco? ;) 
╰ y/nhoran_ : I can name a few other things..
niallfan16: can anyone check in with niall and how he feels about all of this 
texts between niall and y/n
niall: so hows monaco? anything i should know? 
y/n: monaco’s great 
niall: you didn’t answer my other question 
y/n: how are you? how are the festivals? 
niall: stop avoiding the question
y/n: okay fine what do you want to know 
niall: whats going on with you and charles ? 
y/n: at the moment? we’re on his boat 
niall: i didnt mean right in this moment🙄
niall: i mean overall 
y/n: i dont know what we are
y/n: we’re just taking it easy 
y/n: he invited me to monza which is a big deal to him and the f1 community in general 
niall: you should go 
y/n: wait youre supporting that?
niall: yeah, if its a big deal for him and he invited you then you should go
y/n: wow, im just surprised youre being so chill 
niall: dont push it 
niall: you’re still my little sister but i trust you 
niall: tell him if he does anything though..i wont be so chill 
y/n: understood overprotective brother niall 🫡
y/n: okay im getting back to my date 
niall: have fun 
y/n: oh we will..
y/n: youre such a child for a grown man..😒
August 8th, 2023 
f1updates_ posted on instagram  
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f1fan12, f1fan23, niallfan12, niallfan16, f1wags & others liked 
new photos of charles and a girl that people are believing to be y/n horan, sister to one direction member, niall horan. it seems as if y/n has been in monaco for some time visiting and judging by their socials, they’ve been spending a lot of time with eachother. what does this mean for them? how long has this been going on? so many questions.. 
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f1fan12: OH MY 
f1fan7: THIS HAS TO BE Y/N 
niallfan18: i so badly just want a hard launch post 
╰ niallfan4: YOU AND ME BOTH 
August 8th, 2023
f1wags posted on instagram     
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f1fan23, f1fan12, f1fan11, niallfan12, niallfan15, niallfan44 & others liked 
Possible New WAG Update: 
Lately theres been photos taken of Charles Leclerc and Y/N Horan that shows the two are definitely more than just friends. Neither have yet to confirm or deny the dating rumours starting to surface but if they are dating, we thought we’d make a post for Y/N for the fans that don’t know who she is already incase she is our newest WAG. 
Y/N Horan, younger sister to One Direction member, Niall Horan. Y/N is 24 years old. She attended the University of Galway for a Bachelor of Arts Undergrad, specifically in Digital Arts and Technology. Since graduating, she sometimes models and will do ads for high end brands. Judging from her social media, she enjoys traveling, attending her brothers concerts and spending time with her close circle of friends which include other 1D member, Harry Styles’ sister, Gemma Styles. From what we gathered she primarily resides in London but does frequently go home to Ireland to visit family. 
In regards to her and Charles, we don’t have much, other than the few photos taken of them recently. We're guessing they met when Y/N joined Niall in attending the Silverstone Grand Prix back in July which means the two technically have known each other for about a month. We’re not sure how much of that time have been as friends or more than friends. For now thats all we got but if we find out anymore we’ll be sure to keep the account updated. 
*comments have been disabled* 
August 9th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: ❤️
*replies have been disabled* 
It was time for you to get back to London, you had a photoshoot with Ralph Lauren coming up and Charles was planning on spending time with family before he had to get back to racing. 
The last few days had been amazing. You got to see so much and really got to know Charles. You could feel yourself falling for him, he made it so easy but you didn’t want to rush anything so you decided not to bring it up, wanting to enjoy your time together before you left. 
Currently the two of you were cuddled up in his bed, he had insisted you stay with him instead of getting a hotel which you ended up really enjoying. He was playing with your hair while you had your head on his chest 
“I had a really great time here” you told him lifting your head up and looking at him, as he stopped playing with your hair with your movement 
“I’m really glad you came and let me show you around” he smiled, you could see it in his eyes, he was being genuine. 
“Next time you’re free you need to let me show you around Ireland to return the favour” you suggested. He had shown you his home, you wanted to show him yours. 
“I’d love that. I’ve never been to Ireland before” he told you, his smile never leaving his face
“We should probably go to sleep, so I actually wake up in the morning for my flight” you suggested even though you would’ve rather stayed up and talked with Charles 
“I know” he agreed, the sadness lingering in his words, just like you he would’ve preferred to stay up and chat all night. 
The two of you, got situated in bed, you enjoyed getting to spoon, you’d switch between who was the big spoon and who was the little, which at first surprised you because you would’ve thought Charles always liked being the bigger spoon but there were times when he just wanted to be held which of course just added to why he made falling for him an easy task. 
Tonight you were the little spoon which you both enjoyed. You laid on your side, your back against Charles’ chest while his arm held you against him and his other arm stayed free so he could play with your hair. 
You fell asleep before he did and he just laid there watching you sleep peacefully. He hadn’t felt this comfortable around someone in awhile and he didn’t ever want to be apart from you. 
He was falling for you and unknowingly to him you were falling just as hard. This brought forth one question and that was; who was going to take the first step and be the one to tell the other about their blossoming feelings? 
taglist: @namgification @itsyagirlmeee
im so happy with how this turned out! please feel free to leave comments and thoughts! if you want to be added to my taglist there's a link on my account!! anyways enjoy 😋
749 notes · View notes
mclqren · 17 days
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!ex girlfriend!reader ; niall horan x fem!reader
SUMMARY ✦ when your relationship with charles ends up falling through, you find comfort in a certain singer's arms [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing, some hate comments here and there but idk if that's actually a warning
NOTES ✦ to preface: i usually don't write for anyone other than f1 drivers & football players, but i liked the idea of this so i decided to go ahead with it! for the plot of this, charlotte & charles broke up september 2022, and the dating timeline for charles & y/n is nov 2022-dec 2023. the logistics honestly make not a lot of sense but BARE WITH ME PLEASE. the fc i've used is hailee steinfeld, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by yourbsf, charlottesiine, and 194,310 others
tagged yourbsf
yourusername bigger and better things are coming in 2024 🪩
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user4 oh she is glowinggg!!
user5 y/n is living her best life and we love to see it!
yourbsf nyc was sooo much fun w you 😘
yourusername had the best timeee 💗💗
charlottesiine you're sooo perfect! 🤍
yourusername all you cha!! 💗💗
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( caption one: the only cha i need 😘 | caption two: night out 🌃 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, charlottesiine, and 210,998 others
tagged charlottesiine
yourusername idk this weekend's been kinda fun!
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user14 charlotte x y/n WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!
user15 okay but the mysterious guy in the third pic??
user16 she's in another relationship??
user17 how has she already moved on that quickly tf... neither of them deserved charles.
user18 shut uppp!! you have no clue about y/n's personal life, for all we knew that literally COULD be charles, or it could be someone else! she should be able to do whatever she wants without some troll deciding they have a relevant opinion ❤️
charlottesiine the best weekend everrr!!
yourusername love you 💗
user20 the way charles liked this ☹️☹️
user21 missing them hours
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 1,081,007 others
charles_leclerc testing is all doneee - let's smash the race next week!
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user22 MY OH MYYYY
user23 he knows what he's doing w those pictures of himself
user24 no real im sweating over here.
user25 sooo...are you ever going to mention the breakup??
user26 or the new pics of y/n and her mystery man??
user27 to everyone asking charles to speak on his breakup: leave him alone! it's clear him and y/n are still on good terms as they're still liking each other's insta posts, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're together! they're people too, i think we all need to just leave them alone to process their breakup ❤️
user28 okay but y/n clearly is over him?? she's already processed the breakup, so why shouldn't he have?
user29 everyone needs to honestly just leave them be. this is sooo old rn and they're probably tired of it.
carlossainz55 all ready for the new season 🏎️🏎️
charles_leclerc 👊👊
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liked by charles_leclerc, niallhoran, and 190,201 others
yourusername sitting still, looking pretty! 😘💗
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user32 i needdd a grwm asap ur gorgeous girl!!
user33 okay but the second pic??
user34 we already knew she was over charles?
user33 yeahhh its just so strange to see her soft launching another guy
user35 idc what anyone says i LOVE that y/n has found another man she's happy with!!
user36 sooo real for this!! she deserves all the happiness in the world 💗
charlottesiine 😍😍
yourusername chaaa!! 💗
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( caption: heyy just came on here to say that me and charles are still broken up. i’ve seen a lot of rumours floating around the internet about the nature of our relationship, and while it is no one’s business except our own, i would like to just say that the break up, as previously stated, WAS mutual & we are still friends. mine and charlotte’s friendship also seems to be coming under a lot of fire recently, for whatever reason. she is an amazing woman and has been so supportive during this time of my life, so i kindly ask you stop bashing us on social media for simply being friends. thank you to all of the people sending me lovely messages - ur support isn’t going unnoticed 💗 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, niallhoran, and 303,331 others
tagged niallhoran
yourusername the best thing life could've thrown at me 💗
comments for this post have been limited
niallhoran and who's that handsome fella 😘
yourusername just some annoying irish guy i met, idk how to get rid of him
yourbsf Y/N!! 😍
yourusername MY REAL LOVER 😘
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourusername 💗💗
charlottesiine me when i have to third wheel now ☹️
yourusername no neverrr ur my baby angel he can third wheel us 😍
622 notes · View notes
daisyblog · 15 days
Zane Lowe
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is mentioned in Harry’s interview with Zane Lowe.
Based on this request.
“Nice nails” Zane compliments Harry who’s sitting in the seat opposite.
“Thanks” Harry politely replies as he glances down at his turquoise nails sitting on his lap. “Thanks for having me”.
After discussing Pleasing and he loved the idea of It, Zane asked “What made you want to do that?”.
“I think for me like…a big part of it is…like I really like making stuff and I really like..kind of coming up with ideas and collaborating with other…especially YN who again is very creative…I feel like I’m really lucky with people around me both personally and professionally that I get to work with are really fun to work with and…you know working’s like my favourite thing to do so..based on the fact that I think obviously it begins as a hobby so then like getting to make stuff for work I feel like is a real gift. I think if I didn’t think about it too much I would be making music and putting out music constantly…but I’m also aware that I’m a total control freak and I want everything to be perfect..so the idea of like oh I made these four songs I’m just going to put out an EP…It’s just not how I think of it”.
“You're faced with a time when you can’t do that…and the great leveller of like it doesn’t matter how much money you have, doesn’t matter where you live, doesn’t matter this doesn’t matter that…you can’t travel you can’t do this, you can’t go outside your house..It’s like suddenly you’re forced to not be this musician guy, you’re forced to be like a boyfriend, brother and a son…and all of those things..and actually I feel like I..you know kind of had a little bit of a chance to focus on that at least for a moment..umm and just stop and kind of take in a lot of stuff and…remember things, you’re kind of gifted this stolen time” Harry explained his view on the world pandemic.
“You mentioned being all these roles…you mentioned being a boyfriend, what was it like during these times?” Zane quizzed. “Because I imagine you got a taste of what it’s like being a “normal” couple”.
Twisting and playing with his rings on his fingers, Harry explains “Umm…YN has always been my comfort you know and I’d like to think I’m hers too…she’s been a big part of my life and…we’ve been through so much tougher…that it was kind of nice to just stop and take that in.” Zane nodded, an indication for Harry to continue “So when the pandemic hit..we isolated in LA for a while..I saw it as a time for us to be just us…but YN did find it hard because she has such a big family…and umm she just wanted to be closer to them…especially her grandparents and siblings”.
“Yeah I can imagine that being hard..being so far away” Zane sympathised “I don’t mean to pry into your personal life but what do you mean by time for just you two?”
“Like..we’ve never known anything other than travelling..or just being surrounded by other people and just having to plan everything in so much detail..to like not be seen you know…so we kind of got to see what a normal like would be like, whatever a normal life is..if that makes sense?”. 
“Yeah it makes total sense”. Zane agreed and could see that Harry craved a little normality in his personal life. 
“I suppose..I’m just like really lucky..because YN just gets it. She got put into the limelight the same as us..you know..so yeah she just gets it and I’m just so lucky” Harry continued with a slight giggle as he repeated how lucky he was. “I think what I’m trying to say is…I hit gold when it came to YN…she really is my best friend too and yeah…it was nice to be just a couple without the added pressures.”. 
“We have to acknowledge this because..you know we at one point we were going to this in the United Kingdom”. Harry nodded in agreement “But there’s something wonderful about being in this afterglow of Palm Springs..which is I'm sure is how you feel a little bit after these two amazing headline shows…you seem so chilled you know” Zane laughed but continue “There must have been a relief that you did it?”.
“I just..you know I knew I was going to put something out…whether it’s a show or an album or a song I want it to be perfect..and umm…I think like that’s why I take so much stress on I think around something like Coachella..cause I feel like I want it to be good..like if it’s not going to be good I’d rather not do it..so you know in that kind of setting, no matter what it is kind of…you know the dust or the wind or however many things, it's like so many things can go wrong in that situation..and it's not your show and it's my first festival so…you know I’m kind of going out to the crowd and I like knowing what I’m stepping out to” Harry rambled with a nervous chuckle at the end.
Harry continued “and that was really terrifying”.
“What was your instinct when they asked you to do it?” Zane interrupted.
“That’s too scary and I’m gonna say no” Harry laughed “But..uh YN was like you need to say yes and was just so encouraging and supportive..you know…plus she’s like my biggest fan so of course she wanted me to do it!”. 
“So..would you say YN helps with the nerves?” Zane asked curiously.
“I was so nervous..like so nervous..and I remember YN being on facetime to Louis before the show..and them both saying just to be myself and to enjoy…and when I was out there I just focused on being me and nothing else”. Harry spoke freely. “Their advice definitely helped…’cause I had the best time!”. 
“Late Night Talking?” Zane stated.
Harry let out a shy chuckle “Uhh…yeah” Harry leans his head on his hand to try and hide is cheeky smile “It’s about YN…well I don’t think it’s a shock to anyone”.
“So…would you say the whole album is about YN?” Zane asked confidently.
“Uhh..most of it..yeah pretty much” Harry smiled “She’s just been a constant in my life..since like we were what..sixteen or seventeen..you know..she’s my life..and I don’t have to pretend to be anyone other than myself around her you know…it’s just easy and I love that about our relationship.” Harry explained.
“Matilda really shows emotional intelligence and how you were thinking about someone at that time.”. Zane begins to talk about the middle song on Harry’s album. 
“Uh…yeah…I actually didn’t write Matilda”. Harry revealed, causing Zane to looked shocked. “YN had this conversation with someone…and she was getting to know them…and they opened up to her and she was like that’s not normal…so she was almost like writing down what she wanted to say to them…and I was like how many people could relate to this you know…and we agreed that it would make a beautiful song for those who needed to hear it”.
“Waw! It holds a real powerful message and I think even if people don’t feel those things…I think it definitely makes them feel something.”. Zane spoke with passion in his voice. 
“It definitely does….and it was just about saying I was listening….that was YN’s purpose to it”. 
“Boyfriends” Zane began “It is a great song..It’s from a male perspective, it’s a very knowing song..and It’s a very self-aware song..you have to have some self-awareness to write from that perspective surely”.
Harry answered immediately “Yeah for sure…Boyfriends was written right at the end of Fine Line” Harry explained “Boyfriends is about like…we’re all flawed you know..and I think pretending like we’re not, I just don’t get it..It’s acknowledging my own behaviour, it’s looking at the behaviour I’ve witnessed..I grew up with a sister so it’s like watching her date people and watching friends…but at the same time admitting I’ve not been a perfect boyfriend either”.
“Love of My Life..I’d always wanted to write a song about like home and loving England…and all of that kind of stuff..and it’s kind of hard to do that you know”
“So Love of Love My Life is about home and England?” Zane asked with a slight smirk on his face.
“As I started making them album…I realised it wasn’t about the kind of geographical location…it was more of an internal thing” Harry tried to hide his bashful smile by rubbing his finger under his nose.
“Do I see Harry Styles blushing?” Zane began to tease Harry.
Harry lets out a loud chuckle and tries to hide his face in his hands “You know..I’ll admit that I blush sometimes…especially when it comes to YN!”. 
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream @treehouse-mouse
294 notes · View notes
bad1dimagines · 2 years
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someone made this just bc they needed a safe space to say they didn’t like harry’s hat
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buck-nialled · 2 years
Matchmaker, Matchmaker - N. Horan + S. Mendes + Lewis C. Imagine
NOTE: this one features Lewis (in case you didn't catch it in the title) as reader's love interest in this imagine. If you're not into that, don't worry. Like my other platonic fics this can be read as a separate piece and with the others. warnings, this is not my best writing and niall is not the best wingman. lewis is also a cheeky shit. here we go!
TAGLIST: @sinceweremutual @theshyspy @sunriseholland @swiftmendeshoran @fedorable-killjoys @littlekidsteve @treadinglifeorslowlydrowning @mendesblurb
SUMMARY: in which your roommate discovers a secret relationship conspiring between you and your other roommate's BFF
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It was another slow afternoon in the apartment. Shawn languidly strolled through the front door following his gym session, bare-chested and clad in sweatpants with slip-on shoes he had grown accustomed to sliding against the welcome mat upon entry. After sending Niall a small greeting when he entered the living room, he paused.
“Hey, you haven’t seen my speaker anywhere have you? The small, red one?” Niall’s concentrated stare peels away from the flat screen mounted to the wall, and the strumming of his calloused fingertips on guitar strings halted.
“Didn’t you lend it to Y/N a few days ago?” Shawn’s eyes flicker around in thought before his pointer finger and thumb meet in a snap. He points at Niall victoriously.
“I did. Thanks, man.” His pace is now eager when he reaches your room. So eager for the portable speaker you kindly borrowed for a beach day earlier in the week, Shawn forgot to knock on your door. Little noise could be heard on the other side as he approached your bedroom door, other than an R&B mix playing on low volume.
“Hey, Y/N are you through with m–MY EYES, HOLY SHIT!” Shawn turns to face the bedroom door he just entered through as you attempt to shield the sight of your nude body, as well as your boyfriend. Thankfully, your boyfriend’s ass took up most of Shawn’s vision, leaving the image of your naked frame–mostly–up for interpretation.
“Shawn!” You squeal, before biting. “We talked about knocking.”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know you had company. At least warn me and Niall next time you have someone over. A text, a sock on the door, something!” The man pleads.
“Niall’s here?!” Shawn catches a hint of fright in your voice, overlapped by a deeper exclamation demanding the same question. One that sounded familiar to Shawn.
“Yeah…he came home early. Why is…” He turns around and is blanching all over again at the sight of Lewis’s face, reddened and dazed beside yours which is holding the same expression. Everything below your collarbones is decently covered by a white sheet.
“Lewis–wait a minute. You two?” Shawn’s finger raises accusingly and wags back and forth between you and Lewis. Embarrassed by being caught, you find yourself sinking further down below the top sheet. “How long has this been happening?”
You and Lewis share a look, before turning back to face Shawn. “You remember the night we went out for drinks and Niall invited Lewis so I could finally meet him?” Niall thought it only fair to introduce you to one of his best friends since you are responsible for showing him Lewis’s music. Shawn nods, but still has difficulty putting the pieces together.
“Yeah, but Lewis left separately and the rest of us took a cab home.” Shawn recounts unless he had too much to drink. But his memory from that night near a year ago remains pretty clear.
“Right, well later that night…”
Normally the amount of alcohol you consumed hours prior would be enough to put you to sleep, but you were restless in your bed. Counting sheep was useless, and you were in a drought of sleeping medication. Of course, you could go knocking on Shawn and Niall’s bedroom doors but something told you that the pattering rain outside sang them lullabies as soon as they crawled into their beds.
You resorted to a quest into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Luckily, there were still some packets of a lavender chamomile blend begging for some attention, and a new tea kettle you needed to test after your old one had become too retired. Amidst the kettle aiding to heat the water, you reached up into one of the cabinets for a comfortable-sized mug. Halfway through bringing it down from the shelf, it practically tumbles out of your grasp as three loud knocks are deposited onto your front door.
“Jesus,” you breathe out, resting a hand against your chest. You turn to eye the clock on the stove and spare a suspicious look back towards the door. “Who could be here at eleven at night?” You creep towards the front door and bravely stand on your toes to take a look out of the peephole. Standing outside of your door is the prime reason you haven’t been able to sleep, you just haven't realized it yet.
You pull the door back to reveal Lewis, dripping wet onto the carpeted flooring of your apartment building and clutching something in his fist.
“H-hey Lewis…whatcha doin’ here?” You eye him up and down, and truthfully–you don’t mind taking your time while you do it.
“I came to drop this off. Seems important…” He lifts a hand to offer you a closer peek at your purse. A gasp leaves you as you snatch it from him in a haste and dig through it. Your wallet, sunglasses, lip gloss…everything you carried with you is still in its rightful place. Before you can think about it, you are then grappling Lewis’s body to embrace yours with a grateful exclamation being muffled into his dripping wet t-shirt.
“You’re soaking…did you walk here?” Your eyebrows shoot up as he looks down shamefully at his damp, lace-up sneakers.
“Yeah, I don’t know how to hail a cab…but I did know Niall’s address so I figured he could drop the bag off to you when he got the chance. I didn’t realize you lived here as well. Niall never told me you two were…”
He trails off before your conversation is interrupted by a whistling tea kettle pouring out steam.
“Here, come in and let me grab you a towel.” On your way to fetch a towel for Lewis, you also turn off the tea kettle from the stovetop and call out to him, “feel free to help yourself to a cup. I added way too much water, anyways.”
When you return with the fluffiest towel you could find, Lewis is warming himself up with a cup of tea in a mug, while simultaneously filling the mug you brought down with a glass. When you offer him a towel, he slides your mug towards you, with a small “thanks” leaving both of you.
“Jinx,” you say. “I’d say you owe me a soda but I’m trying to cut down on my caffeine.” You murmur through a sip of chamomile. Lewis wraps the towel around himself and chuckles.
“A tea, then, whenever I see you next.” He proposes. You hold up your mug to clink it against his, sealing the promise.
“Yeah, where’s your next stop on tour?” You silently lead him to the couch where the two of you continue to jabber. About his life, about yours, and about the two men you clarify, later on, are just your roommates.
“It’s purely platonic with us. In fact, there is nobody on my radar right now.”
“Oh,” Lewis mutters.
“Oh, what? Is that good or bad?”
“Oh as in…I hope we see each other again soon.” You tilt your head at him. “If no one’s on your radar right now I at least have a fighting chance with that cup of tea I owe ya.” He admits while a harsh red fire overcomes the apples of his cheeks.
“I think this cup of tea may have just put you in first place for potential suitors, Mr. Capaldi.” His eyebrows shoot up, interested. Invested. Determined.
“Well damn…now you got me wishing New York was my last stop.” He shakes his head, while you giggle and hide back an excited squeal all at once.
“Awww….” Says Shawn, before his face morphs back into semi-disgust. “Wait, don’t tell me you two did it on the couch.”
“No!” You answer, slightly offended. “We decided we wouldn’t act on anything until he came back to New York. So, we didn’t see each other again until the interview he and Ni did a few months ago at Vanity Fair…”
“Boo.” A voice behind your ear startles you away from the poppy seed muffin you were devouring with glutton. The sandy hair and freckles, after washing over you like an old song almost caused you to choke.
“Lewis!” Crumbs creep out of your mouth and latch onto your cheeks as you fly into his chest for a long-awaited hug. Keeping things friendly until his return was a difficult request for both of you to follow through with. Especially after trading numbers and sending several texts back and forth weekly, then daily. And some of those texts did not hold the most innocent intentions…
“Easy, dear. You’re gonna make me drop your prize.” He offers a loose hug in return, to not tip over the piping cup of tea occupying one of his hands.
“The tea…you remembered.” Part of you was impressed, as the two of you were fairly tipsy the night the promise was made. The tea is transferred from his hand to yours.
“How could I not? I needed some way to keep my first place in line for your potential suitors.” One of his eyelids droops lazily into a wink. “Speaking of which…” His palm, still warm from the tea and callus from guitar strings gently cups your chin, and his thumb comes up to sweep crumbs from your face. “Where do I currently stand?”
Before you could answer, the two of you were rudely interrupted by a familiar Irishman skipping over and reaching between the two of you to grab a tablet off the table.
“So, Assistant Producer Y/L/N, what activities do you have lined up for us today?” Niall quirks an eyebrow smugly, attempting to unlock the tablet holding the agenda for the video. Still flustered from Lewis’s previous actions, it takes a few seconds for you to clear your throat and muster a response.
“Nothing you need to know about until the cameras start rolling. But keep using the title, I like the sound of it.” You grin, embracing your new promotion to Assistant Producer at the Vanity Fair Studio. It was a long-awaited step-up, but so well worth it.
“Congratulations,” Lewis says, attempting to appear friendly. Neither man knew, but the day you got promoted, Lewis was the first person you called to break the news to. Niall and Shawn followed shortly after since they were concerned about the amount of screaming coming from your room for ten minutes straight. Once assuring your roommates your hollers were all out of excitement and sharing your new position with them, the three of you screamed for ten minutes more.
“Thanks,” Niall and Lewis were called to be in front of the cameras shortly after, while you followed with the tablet in your hand. You looked around for Laura, who typically allows you to follow and observe how she produces. When she is nowhere in sight, you immediately felt lost.
“Um…” you turn to whisper to the director. “Where’s Laura? She’s always on time.”
“She didn’t tell you?” The director inquires, shock covering his face. “She’s out with food poisoning. You’ll be filling in as head producer.” If you had any poppy seed remnants left in your mouth, now you would be choking on them.
“Me? A-all by myself?”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine. You’ve seen her do it a million times.” This is true. Laura’s even let you take the lead on some occasions, like giving the interviewees a run-down of the video and its purpose. She’s allowed you to call out some questions to the guests too. But running an entire interview on your own without her correcting you every step of the way is pressuring.
“O-okay,” is all you can utter before approaching Niall and Lewis. The sound guy has finished taping the mics to the two of them. You follow sound check procedures as well as give them a rundown of what the video entails. It is easy for Niall to grasp the concept, as he has seen Zac Efron’s and Lily Collins' videos with similar activities to the ones they’d be performing today. Throughout the video, you become paranoid that Niall is somehow catching on to you and Lewis being flirtatious with one another. You are unsure what drove him to talk you up to his pal, but he was taking every opportunity.
“So, how did you two meet?” You ask Niall, while Lewis stands behind the camera in comfortable proximity to you. A devious smirk crawls onto Niall’s face as he answers.
“My roommate introduced me to his music…I DM’ed him…and the rest is history.”
There was more to Niall’s answer than that, but that was all your ears could catch from Lewis’s stare burning into the side of your face.
One of Lewis's hands shields his mic as he leans close to your ear. “I’m guessin’ he isn’t talkin’ about Shawn.”
And when it came to trading compliments, Niall credited you for being the main interior designer for your shared apartment when Lewis acknowledged how he liked the inside of “Niall’s flat”
Lewis was no better in hiding his flirtatious nature from you.
“I’m not talkin’ about the furniture.”
And when it came time for the two men to share a long embrace, Lewis gave up completely on hiding his cheeky side.
“Tell me how the hug is for you.” You request.
Lewis replies without hesitation. “Yours is better, I can tell you that.”
"You do give really good hugs." Shawn agrees with a thoughtful nod.
"Right?" Lewis pipes up from beside you.
“Anyways, after he left that second time, we decided a couple of weeks later that we didn’t want to stay just friends. Now that he’s back in town–”
“You could say we’ve been catching up,” Lewis interjects with a sly wiggle of his eyebrows. While you find it endearing, it makes Shawn hold back a gag.
“Yeah, I got that part.” He mutters distastefully. Right at this time is when heavy footsteps begin approaching your bedroom door, and send you and Lewis into a panic.
“Oh no.” You and Lewis mumble, clenching each other’s hands beneath the sheets.
“Oh no? Wait, you haven’t told Niall yet?” Shawn whispers, jutting his thumb back towards your cracked door.
“OF COURSE NOT!” You whisper back harshly. “I’m his roommate. He’s his best friend. If things don’t work out it’s gonna be awkward.”
“What’s going on here? Some secret meeting?” Niall’s voice becomes louder as he peeks his head through the doorway to see the back of Shawn’s head, and to the right of it, you and your boyfriend’s cowering figures beneath your bedsheets.
“Lewis…wait a minute–you two?” Niall points back and forth. You nod your head hesitantly, before Niall’s finger curls back into a fist that he pumps into the air victoriously. “YES! FINALLY!”
You and Lewis exchange a look of surprise. “You’re okay with this?” Lewis asks.
“Okay with it? I’m over the moon! I’ve been wanting this to happen since the two of you met at the bar. Why do you think I talked her up to ya so much over the phone before ya came?”
“Wait, you talked me up?” You look over to Lewis conspicuously, before turning back to face Niall. “What exactly did you say?”
“So it’s just you and Shawn?” Lewis’s voice crackles over the phone pressed against Niall’s ear.
“Yup! Oh, and Y/N. You’ll like her. She’s nice.” Niall chuckles as he finishes buttoning up his shirt.
“Alright, mate. See ya in a bit.” The two depart from the phone call, and Niall looks at himself in the mirror, satisfied.
“Yes, you will.”
remember to reply or message me to be added to the “purely platonic” taglist, and also send me any roomie concepts you’d like me to write about! :) <3
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ifancyharry · 8 months
Northern attitude (1)
in which YN moves to a small town in the Alps and Harry is her grumpy neighbor
word count: 8k
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When YN got called to her boss’s office, that Friday morning, she was absentmindedly registering the data she’d gathered the day prior from the soil of a closed wildlife zoo. She had gotten so nervous, she accidentally tapped an extra zero on the computer and she had to do it all over again at home once she’d gotten an email from her supervisor telling her the numbers didn’t match. To say she was embarrassed was an understatement, and she’d gotten right at it, eager to correct it, despite her coworker telling her she could easily do it the following work day. 
As she had paved the short walk from her desk to her boss’s office she tried to think of something she’d done in the past days that would require such an odd behavior on her boss’s part. 
Of course her boss couldn’t possibly have known about the extra number error, unless Dante — her boss, who was a rather nice one and wanted his employers to call him by his first name, because it was such a unique name he couldn’t possibly answer to such a simple and common thing as ‘boss’ —  was some kind of supernatural being able to foresee the future. She frowned as she tossed the thought from her head. She likes to think she would’ve noticed if her boss was not human, but despite his uncommon name, he was a pretty normal guy, somewhat laid back and kind of understanding with his employees, so nothing stuck out in that sense.
There was another thing that came to mind when she tried to find a reason for his unpredicted call, probably much more possible than her starring in an episode of Supernatural with Dante, and that was, maybe, that her break up had finally caught up to her. She’d tried to keep it as low as possible, not that she had a lot of friends at work, but one coworker of hers was particularly noisy and would ask once in a while how her boyfriend, Aaron, was doing. So when said coworker had asked, she’d just shrug it off with a ‘he’s all right,' without mentioning how she’d found him in bed with her best friend only a week before. 
She’d kept her crying to a minimum, excusing herself to the bathroom every once in a while when the image of her boyfriend on top of her best friend crept inside her mind when she wasn’t busying herself with work. 
So she really can’t understand how Dante figured it out. Her work had been impeccable, and despite her many bathroom breaks, she swore nothing had changed in her demeanor.
YN doesn’t know why when something unexpected happens, she always thinks about the worst possible scenario. Her mind fogged with images of Dante firing her, Dante being a supernatural something, biting her head off because he predicted she’d type the wrong number and probably make his company go bankrupt, ruining a life’s work — of course YN didn’t have such responsibility (she was supervised in everything she did) and her job was rather dull, just a lot of bureaucracies and not as much research as expected. 
She certainly hadn’t imagined Dante’d called her in his office because he wanted to offer her a promotion. She honestly couldn’t believe her ears and she’d almost asked him to repeat himself had it not be for his endless monologue about the importance of team work and how she had to take one for the team, besides, moving to a small town in the Alps was nothing, and it was only for two years, so why would she decline? 
Wait. Moving? To the Alps? (She honestly doesn’t even know where the Alps are, but is too embarrassed to ask him, and promises herself she’ll google it once she gets back to her desk.)
Turns out, the position was vacant because her coworker Anais had just found out she was expecting a baby, so she couldn’t move anymore (especially to the Alps!, he’d said), and Dante had immediately thought of YN, because well, as he said, she was young and didn’t have anything holding her back. YN remembers she frowned at that, because she really didn’t have anything keeping her there, if not the possibility of running into her ex at the supermarket hand in hand with her friend.
With that in mind, she kind of accepted before really taking the time to think about it, desperate to get out of a place that felt suffocating all of a sudden. 
Dante had been ecstatic to hear that, going on and on about how they recently found out traces of a wild grizzly bear that had been thought extinct for many years, and how she’d love working in the field as opposed to her office job.
He explained how her living situation was already sorted out (and paid for by the company), she figured probably because Anais had done the house hunting prior to finding out she was pregnant and couldn’t go. Dante had told her she’d be leaving in two weeks, and the plane was non refundable so she couldn’t just change dates. Plus, he said, they were expecting her, so she better pack fast! (YN had felt ravish at that, because she never truly felt indispensable for her actual coworkers.)
She’d managed to pack all her and her dog’s — a one year old dachshund named Baguette —  stuff in ten days, making sure she had enough warm clothes to last her at least all winter, because as it turns out, she had googled where the Alps are, and they’re really, really, cold. Temperatures dropping below the zero in March cold.
YN, who, she’d like to think, wasn’t someone scared of changes and adapted to situations rather well, was kind of excited as she had gotten on the plane, ready to leave her life behind, because, really, how bad could it be?
. . .
Turns out, it was pretty bad. And when YN says bad, it means bad, because she isn’t one to use words lightheartedly. When she says bad, she means her suitcases got stalled at the airport because of custom checks bad. Gets dark at four in the afternoon bad. Had to walk in the freezing March weather (along a steep climb!), because there wasn’t any kind of public transportation kind of bad. 
So, yes, it was pretty bad. Not to completely drain her of her enthusiasm, but definitely enough to dim it. 
When she reached the gate of the house, she took her phone from her pocket and unlocked it, opening the mail’s app and looking for the one her landlord had sent her with all the details (he technically hadn’t sent it to her, but to Anais; Dante had forwarded it to her and assured her the landlord — a certain Mr. Styles, knew about her arrival and would greet her in his house — more like his garden — with open arms). 
She nodded to herself once she finished reading the instructions, opening the gate with the code Mr. Styles had written in the email. She repeated the combination of numbers a couple of times in her head, so she could remember it better in the future, and once she heard the gate had been unlocked, she pushed it open with one hand, looping her fingers around the embroidery on the metal.
“C’mon, Baguette!” She said, lowering to the ground and picking up her small dog. Baguette got extremely tired from walking and she certainly couldn’t blame her. She felt pretty tired too, almost enough to get already in bed at five in the afternoon and sleep though the night, and she let herself gleam in the cozy daydream while she paved the way to the small house she’d be staying in, annex to a much bigger one where she figured Mr. Styles (and probably his wife? His family? She didn’t know) lived in. She felt herself grimace once she realized she didn’t even have her pajamas, so before she could fulfill her little dream, she had to at least stop at a supermarket to get something to sleep in.
She prayed in her mind it was close, because really, she didn’t know how long she had before her feet would give up on her.
YN wasn’t one to pry on people’s personal spaces, never had been (not even when she passed her crush’s house in 8th grade and her mind begged her to take a quick peek inside to see if he was home) and she regarded houses as very personal, intimate, spaces, so she doesn’t know why, on her way to her own house, she stopped to get on her toes and look inside what seemed to be a kitchen window. The house seemed empty, the lights turned off expect for a small lamp in the corner, and she possibly couldn’t have known that Mr. Styles had just gotten out of his car and was walking towards her with a look that, had she seen it, probably would have scared her.
“What the hell are you doing?” He snapped, making her jump. She turned toward him right away, watching him shut the car door loudly, a stern look adorning his otherwise gentle features.
“Uhm… hello?” She questioned, furrowing her brows at him, “I’m YN, the — she cleared her voice and pointed with her thumb in the direction of the small house — the new tenant. Who are you?”
YN tried to rattle inside her brain if Dante had mentioned a flatmate she’d be sharing the house with, but nothing came to mind. So who was he? 
“YN?” He asked, the furrow in his brows only deepening. He had gotten incredibly close to her and YN felt unease at having her personal space involved like that, which is kind of ironic, must she say. 
She nodded, mumbling a small yes along with it.
“I thought Anais was supposed to come?” 
Did he know Anais? How did he know her? 
Could he be? 
He certainly couldn’t! 
He was much younger than she’d imagined!
She thought Mr. Styles would be an odd, off putting kind of elderly person, who maybe had a wife or an old dog Baguette could play with. She certainly couldn’t have imagined Mr. Styles was this handsome (yet scary), tall guy, with a mop of chocolate brown curly hair down to his shoulders, eyes as green as the deepest forest she dreamt about while reading fantasy books when she was younger, broad shoulders and… were those swallows she could see from the low collar of his white cotton shirt? And who wears only a shirt in this weather? He must be mad!   
“Oi!” He waved a hand in front of her face to catch her attention, “i’m talking to you.” 
She mumbled something incomprehensible and then she gulped before nodding her head, “sorry. Anais couldn’t come anymore, Dante told me you knew.”
She watched as Mr. Styles scoffed, muttering a ‘what a prick’ before shaking his head, a strand of curly hair falling in front of his eyes, which he pushed out of his face with a couple of gentle fingers. YN noticed the various rings adorning his hands, and she wondered for a brief moment wether they were a gift or if he’d buy them himself.
He looked over her briefly and YN shifted her weight from foot to foot, thinking he was probably wondering why she didn’t have any bags with her. She was getting ready to explain how the airport security had detained them, but the words haltered in her throat when she saw him raise a hand and letting the sleepy Baguette in her arms sniff it, before scratching his ear.
“What a cute doggy” he said, lowering himself to be face to face with the small dog, “what’s your name?” He asked directly to Baguette, and YN felt as if all of a sudden she was the dog and Baguette was her owner, and she blushed at that thought. 
“This is Baguette!” She chimed awkwardly.
“Ha” he snorted through his nose, “cute name. Baguette” he repeated, and the name rolled off his tongue so sweetly YN imagined what hers would sound like coming from his lips. Probably much more stern and less saccharine. 
 “Okay, I have to go.” He raised himself, making her jump a little in her place. He straightened his shirt and looked at her with a crossed look, “you know how to get in, right? Or do I have to explain that too?”
YN couldn’t possibly know what other things he had explained, but she wasn’t clueless and had realized Mr. Styles didn’t particularly like her, so she figured it was best to say she did and figure it out on her own. So, she nodded and he gave a short nod back, walking past her towards his own house. 
She watched him unlock the door with a set of keys and then disappear behind the front door, her gaze fixed on his broad shoulder covered only by the thin fabric of his shirt. She felt Baguette wiggle her tail from where she was holding her between her arms, and YN rolled her eyes at her dog, “of course you like him already! Traitor!”
. . . 
YN didn’t knock on Mr. Styles’s door with the intention of bothering him. 
She just wanted to ask him where she could buy something to sleep in and perhaps something to eat, an overpriced airport sandwich being the only thing she’d eaten all day. So, she thought, her intentions were pretty harmless, and it’s not like she was expecting an invite in for dinner or something like that! 
She truly didn’t mean to be a bother, but her stomach had started to grumble half an hour ago, and she dreamed of the hot shower she’d take after, which she couldn’t possibly take if she wasn’t certain she’d have something to sleep in comfortably. 
When a couple of minutes had passed and there was still no trace of Mr. Styles, she wondered whether he was even home. Her mind lingered just a second on the possibility that he was actually avoiding her, but YN was one of those people that always chose to see the good in others, so she got rid of the thought as quickly as it had come. 
She knocked on the door again, this time harder and firmer, and she waited patiently. She was almost about to give up, when the door opened before her with a swift movement that caught her off guard.
Mr. Styles looked displeased once he set his scrutinizing gaze on her figure, and YN could almost feel his eyes touch her. 
“What?” He asked, his brows furrowed on his forehead.
“I was just wondering if you knew a place where I could…like… it’s just that… I think you probably noticed, I don’t have my suitcases. And it’s honestly fine, the airport was packed so I don’t really blame them, and the hostess was so nice! She offered to refund me for the problem, but I didn’t want to go through all that… but now I really need my clothes so I don’t… ugh” she sighed frustratedly. YN tends to kind of talk really fast when she’s nervous. She’s always been like that, especially in front of boys, and her ex boyfriend always used to get mad at her for that — said it was embarrassing and made her look dumb; she’d tried many times to explain it wasn’t something she could control easily, but he’d suggested she’d fix it fast (especially if she wanted to meet his friends).
“Sorry” she exhaled, closing her blabbering mouth in a straight line. 
Harry waited for her to continue what she was saying, his face stoic and impossible to read, which didn’t help soothe her nerves. 
“Is there a place where I can get some clothes?”
“You moved across the country without clothes?” He asked, his brows closed in a furrow across his face that made YN even more nervous. She felt dumb. She wanted to explain what had happened without sounding silly.
“Ughhh, nooo. They kept my bag at check-in, so I don’t actually have any clothes, apart from these” she pointed towards her flimsy cotton sweatshirt that was definitely inappropriate for the cold weather. 
YN tried not to pay too much mind to the grimace of what seemed like disgust when Mr. Styles looked at her clothes, and she shifted uncomfortably on her feet while she waited for his response. 
“It’s almost six in the evening. Everything’s closed.” 
YN felt her heart fall into her stomach as her brain registered the words that came out of his mouth. 
Six. In the evening. 
Everything. Closed. 
Harry rolled his eyes at her surprise, “everything closes at five here. You didn’t know?”
YN felt hopeless because how could she have known! She’d literally been on a plane for ten hours! 
She looked at Mr. Styles with her big, widened eyes, and Harry didn’t have to wait for her to say it to know the answer.
YN felt like crying, right there in front of this man she didn’t even know the full name of. Her boyfriend had been right when he’d call her dumb. Because she was dumb. Who moves across the country this unorganized? 
“Look, I really need to go right now.” Mr. Styles broke the tense silence that had fallen upon them, and he watched as she nodded her head slowly, seeming lost in thought. 
“Okay.” She muttered, and it felt weird seeing her so quiet, but honestly, it wasn’t Harry’s problem. Her douchebag of a boss should’ve warn her, or at least she could’ve researched a bit on the place she was moving to!
He cleared his throat and YN woke up from her trance, she swiftly moved to the side to let him out. Harry closed the door behind him and locked it with his keys. 
He shivered as a gust of cold wind fell upon them, and he watched with the corner of his eye how YN tried to squeeze herself in the flimsy sweatshirt she was wearing. Ha. She didn’t even look up the weather first!
He kind of felt bad for her, in a remote part of himself, but he also judged her for her carelessness.
“Bye” she waved gently from beside him, and he nodded towards her in a form of greeting. 
He pretended to busy himself with his phone, not feeling like talking to her anymore, but when she started walking towards her own house, he looked up in her direction, his eyes on her back. 
Her shoulders were sagged and she displayed a very different demeanor than she did this morning. Harry shook the feeling of her sadness from his gut and walked towards his gate, ready to meet his friends.
. . .
YN was hungry. And she felt gross. And the combination wasn’t the best. 
She wanted to shower and lay down on her bed, that looked extremely comfortable and clean, but she was still wearing her airport clothes, and there was no way in hell she’d sleep in those.
She debated whether she could sleep naked, but it was way too cold for that, and she had work in the morning, so she didn’t want to call in sick her first day. 
She was hopeless.
For a minute, she was so hungry that she contemplated eating some of Baguette’s food, but then she felt so disgusted by the idea she felt like throwing up, so she decided it was probably better not to. She couldn’t afford to throw up the only meal she’d had all day. So, she waited. 
Her original plan was to stay up until 5 in the morning, go buy some pajamas and then nap for an hour until she had to wake up at 7.
But the combination of starvation and exhaustion didn’t really go well, because she was so tired she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She wondered for a moment if the ground was comfortable, and just as she was about to lay down and test it, she heard a knock on her door she almost believed she’d imagined at first.
She walked slowly to the door, her brows furrowed, and when she opened the door, she swears to god she was about to pass out. 
At her feet lay a tray with takeout boxes, she couldn’t see what was inside them, but she figured anything was better than eating Baguette’s food. Next to the tray was a grocery store bag, closed with the handles tied in a knot, and she picked it up curiously. 
She bent down to pick up the tray and she closed the door behind her with her foot. 
She opened the yellow grocery bag first, and she still remembers the sigh of relief she let out as she saw what was inside: a clean long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of blue plaid pajama pants. She could smell the sweet and clean smell of the fabric softener, and she inhaled the scent in deeply.
She put aside the clothes and opened the take out boxes, eager to eat something. She grabbed a fork from the pantry and opened the first box, which contained what seemed to be a homemade meal, some kind of pasta with tomato sauce and meat. She scooped up a big bite and she felt better already, her brain finally being fueled after a really tiring day. 
. . . 
When she lay in bed that night, fresh off the shower and her tummy full with the best pasta she’d ever eaten, she cuddled with Baguette next to her and her mind wandered off to Mr. Styles. Maybe, she hadn’t really bothered him that much after all.
. . . 
Harry hates people. And, therefore, he hates places full of people. Especially supermarkets. He hates supermarkets. 
All those people in line, carts crushing into each others because of the carelessness of their owners, the annoying, commercial music coming from the speakers insinuating itself into his ears, the loud echo of voices commuting in one big buzz. 
He hates supermarkets and most especially waiting in line. The self-check out was the best addiction to the small town’s supermarket, and ever since he’d found out how to scan his items by himself, he’d never, not once, gone back to the served check out. Apart from today, that is. Because the other registers appeared to be broken, and they couldn’t have picked a worse day to be, in his opinion. Rush hour, in a small town, is around 4 in the afternoon, and Harry knew that, and he had always tried to avoid the supermarket at that hour, but Niall had called, and he needed  some kind of special sausage they only had at that particular supermarket, and when Harry had groaned, he’d swat at his arm playfully and he’d said: “you should thank god I feed you!”, and that was true in all its entireness, so Harry couldn’t really find it in him to argue with that. So, that’s what he was doing, at 4 in the afternoon, rush hour, holding a pack of a dozen sausages because his friend needed it.  
He was lost in his thoughts when he heard her. That sweet voice that had taunted him the night before, so much he had asked Niall for some of the pasta he’d prepared “in case he got hungry later”, of course, that wasn’t entirely the reason. The reason being the cute and annoying girl standing in line a person before him, and the thought of her starving and with nothing but a cotton sweatshirt to shield her from the inevitable cold of the night. 
“I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long,” he heard her say, as she let out a nervous chuckle through her mouth, “I just can’t find my card”. 
“Only cash with this register, lady. There’s a sign right there” the cashier pointed towards the sign and YN felt herself get red with embarrassment. Eager to get it over with, she had run to the first opened register she could find, not paying much attention to her surrounding, which, she then realized, she probably should’ve.
“I just flew in last night, I still haven’t got time to…” she shook her head as she realized the cashier didn’t care. Of course she didn’t. Once again, she felt silly and alone. 
“Okay” she whispered to herself, “i’ll just leave it all here and come back later?” 
Harry, that was standing in line just a person from her, had listened to the exchanged quite attentively, and he’d rolled his eyes at her.
He cleared his throat and she snapped her head in his direction, and he didn’t miss the way her cheeks had turned pink once she’d recognized him. 
“I’ll pay for her things” he offered, and the person in front of him, a middle aged man, breathed out a sigh of relief and whispered a “thank god” that YN didn’t miss. She smiled apologetically at the man, who didn’t even as much as throw a glance at her, and she watched as he stepped to the side to let Harry pass before him.
YN started packing her bags and she refused to look at Mr. Styles as he paid for her groceries and his own, too embarrassed to acknowledge the encounter that had just happened. 
When he passed her, he grabbed one bag from the floor and started walking towards the exit of the supermarket, and YN watched as his bicep flexed under the weight of the bag. 
She hurried to pick up his pace, and once she found herself walking at his side, she opened her mouth to thank him: “thank you so much, Mr. Styles. I genuinely didn’t know, otherwise I never would’ve chosen that register! The sign was just so small and I never pay attention to my surroundings so it was an honest mistake, I swear!” 
Harry rolled his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time, “will yeh stop calling me Mr. Styles? ’s not like I’m bloody fifty years old!” 
“Sorry” YN blushed embarrassed, as she tried to walk quickly beside him. His legs were very much longer than hers, and he walked pretty fast despite the added weight of the groceries.
“What should I call you?” 
“Harry.” He groaned, rolling his eyes. 
“Ok. Harry.” She said, nodding her head, liking the way his name sounded rolling off her tongue. “I will send you the money right away, I’m so sorry you had to do that for me” 
“’s fine. Don’ worry ‘bout it.” 
YN cleared her throat and nodded, looking down at her shoes as she kept walking beside him. Every once in a while, she would lose her balance due to the weight on her hands, and her arm would brush against his, the contact not going unnoticed by her. She wondered if he noticed too and if he cared, she knew he probably didn’t, but it was nice.
“Oh!” She remembered as they walked their way back to his house, “thank you for the food, too. And of course the clothes!!! You didn’t have to, but thank you. I was so hungry you have no idea. And the food was so so so good! Did you make it?”
“No.” He answered briefly. 
“Well… it was really yummy. I’ll have to meet the chef!” She joked, and because she felt her arm get tired, she switched the bag to her other hand, trying to balance the weight, “are they from around here?”
YN nodded understandably, “You know, I was a little scared to come here because I’d be all alone. Well, not entirely alone because I have Baguette, but… I’m so happy you’re my neighbor! You’re so nice” 
Harry snorted through his nose at her words, “tha’s a first”, but YN, even if she heard him, didn’t say anything. 
When they finally reached the house, Harry walked her to the door and placed the bag on the ground, massaging his arm that had gone a little bit sore. 
“Thank you” she repeated, smiling warmly at him. 
Harry shrugged and was about to turn around, when he heard her say “wait! Do you want to see Baguette?” 
. . . 
Harry left her house about half an hour later, incredibly late and with his phone blowing up from Niall’s calls. 
He had looked around quickly once he’d walked inside, and he noticed some of her belongings scattered around the living room, some pillows that he didn’t recognize as his own lying on the couch. He wondered for a brief second what her room looked like, not regarding the furniture (that he had picked a long time ago with his mother), but what it looked like with her living in it. Did she change the sheets or did she keep the ones he chose? Was it tidy or messy? Did she sleep with Baguette? 
It was weird to him, thinking this way about her, because never would he have thought of her as more than an annoying girl. But, he could admit she was kind of cute. Annoying, but definitely cute. 
He had played with Baguette while YN put away the groceries, and they didn’t talk much because he didn’t feel like talking. He’d never given much confidence to people he didn’t know, and, despite YN calling him ‘nice’, he didn’t really know much about her.
He had excused himself after about twenty minutes of playing with Baguette, and after a quick rub on the dog’s belly, he left her house without muttering more than a ‘bye’.
He didn’t care if he came off as rude, he’d always been that way, and he certainly wasn’t about to change for this girl he met just the day before!
. . . 
YN loved her work. 
Since she was little, she’d always loved wild animals, and she’d dreamed one day of doing the job she’s supposed to do now: gather sources about this rare bear that had been sighted and write a report about it to send to Dante. If the report was good, she’d be published on Dante’s scientific magazine, which was a great opportunity for YN to get her name out there and be regarded in the scientific community. 
All this was, honestly, easier said than done, because since the moment she stepped foot inside her new office, she received nothing but glares from her coworkers. Apparently, everyone was gutted about Anais’ replacement, and she tried really hard to be kind and explain that “no, Anais isn’t coming! But it’s a beautiful thing because she’s pregnant!!!! Dante sent me, I’m no Anais but I can try”, but, despite her big efforts, she was met with the indifference of the others. 
She thought once on the field, the interviews would’ve gone a little better, because she was nice and she figured people loved nice, but as soon as she tried to talk to someone about this sighting, they recognized her immediately as a non-local (which apparently was a big deal) and refused to talk to her, feigning ignorance at her questions. 
She felt defeated. And she started questioning for a bit whether moving to this small town was even a good idea in the first place.
Of course, she’d escaped from her ex and from the possibility of ever meeting him again, but was it worth it? In that moment, she couldn’t say.
When she returned to her office that Thursday afternoon, she tried to gather the little information she had gotten, but it wasn’t even close enough to write the introduction!, so she closed her laptop with a heavy sigh, full of her disappointment, and she promised the day after she’d do better. 
The day after, YN decided to do what she did best back at her previous job, figuring maybe that the excessive responsibility had influenced her work. She decided she’d take a walk on the reserve and try and gather as many sources from the territory she could. 
The bear had been spotted inside a terrain one hour down a three hour long pathway, which, for a wildlife animal, was pretty dangerous. She couldn’t even imagine what would happen if someone stumbled across the bear, and she truly feared for the animal’s life, knowing all too well human’s cruel nature. 
The walk was tough, and the muscles in her legs were burning with fatigue. After about forty minutes of walking, she decided she’d stop at the first refuge she’d find, drink a little water and maybe even grab something hot to drink to warm up her freezing hands. 
She spotted a cabin after a couple of miles, and she felt her heart jump happily in her chest at the thought of finally resting for a bit. She tossed her backpack into the ground and put away the little journal and pen she’d kept in handy to scribble down things she observed along the pathway. 
Once inside the small cabin/cafe, she immediately felt her insides warming up. Everything was made out of wood, including the ceiling, and she observed how every chair had cute, fluffy blankets draped across the backrest. 
The place was just what she needed after a really long and tiring walk, and she regarded with contentment how she was the only customer. 
“Hello!” A shrilling voice called behind her, and she jumped in her place a little at the sound. She turned around immediately and she smiled at a blonde guy that was standing behind the counter. He was tying a blue apron behind his back and once he’d secured it, he cleaned his hands on its front, smiling warmly at her once their eyes met. 
“Hi” she said, shyly, “could I get some hot cocoa, please?” 
“Yes! Of course!!” He beamed, and YN wondered if she was maybe the first customer of the day or if he acted this way towards everyone that came in. 
“Here or to go?” 
“Here, thank you.” 
“Okay! Just take a seat and I’ll bring it to you in a moment”.
YN nodded her head at his words and took place at a small table near a big window that overlooked the entire valley. 
She’d been to the mountains just once with her family when she was very little, but she’d always dreamt of living in a slow-paced, small town, as opposed to the big city she left behind. 
She loved the green and the sun shining high in the sky warming her skin, and she loved drinking hot drinks in spring. She wasn’t really a fan of the snow, though, that had always seemed to scare her, and she was happy she had both spring and summer to get through before the winter, and she figured she’d probably be accustomed to the place once it’d start snowing, so she decided not to worry too much about that now.
She fished out of her backpack her journal and started reading through her notes to see if there was something remotely good to start with.
 unusual path for a bear 
 too many houses in proximity of the sighting
 not much food can be found on the trail 
She figured it was not much but a start nonetheless. 
She was so engrossed by her notes she didn’t even hear the nice blonde guy approaching her, so when he placed the cup in front of her she jumped a little in her place.
“Woah, easy there! Yeh’re a jumpy thing, aren’t ya?” He giggled, pushing the cup in front of her as soon as she cast aside the journal.
She blushed immediately at his words, “sorry” she muttered. 
“’S fine, didn’t mean to embarrass you”
She threw him a quick smile before glancing down at her hot chocolate, and she noticed happily that he had topped it with a big amount of whipped cream. 
“Wait!” He chimed before she could take a sip of her drink, “forgot something.”
He ran back towards the kitchen and came out as quick as he went, holding a small, ceramic, plate in his hands. 
He put it on the table in front of YN and smiled warmly at her, “Freshly made ginger biscuits!” 
YN felt like crying. 
This was the first time someone was so nice to her, and after the fiasco she went through with her interviews, she really could use someone that at least acknowledged her. 
Of course, Harry had been nice, too, but in the days that had come, she’d seen less and less of him, and she’d started to wonder whether he was actually avoiding her. 
“This is so good!!! Thank you” she beamed, finally feeling relaxed after what seemed like a long time but was actually just less than a week.
“Do you want to sit? If you’re not… busy?” She gestured to the empty seat in front of her and watched as he sat immediately in the chair, placing his elbows on the table.
“Usually there’s more people around but… you know, ’s rush hour, so…” 
YN threw a glance at the clock on the wall, that ticked 3.58 pm. “Rush hour?” She asked, curiously. 
“Oh! Yeah. I don’t where you’re from, but here, rush hour is at around 4 because everything closes at 5.30” he shrugged, stealing a cookie from the plate on the table between them.
YN nodded and took a sip from her drink, “shouldn’t there be more people if it’s rush hour?”
He furrowed his brows and cleaned his mouth from the cookie’s crumbles with the back of his hand, “no”.
YN nodded understandingly once again, even if she didn’t truly understand his thought process. She figured in small towns people lived differently. 
“Are yeh here on vacation?” He asked her and she tried not to feel too disappointed that he understood right away that she wasn’t a local. 
“No” she shook her head, “I moved here last Monday. I’m here for that bear sighting” 
“Oh” she noticed his eyes widened, “nasty stuff that was! I hope that bear ’s long gone by now!” 
She frowned at his words; she really would have liked seeing a real-life bear.
She chatted with him — she’d found out his name was Niall — for what felt like minutes but was actually an hour, and once she’d realized how late it had gotten, the sky had turned dark and gloomy, and she’d hurriedly collected her things and payed for her order, saying bye to Niall with the promise of coming more often. The clock ticked 5.13 pm and she figured it wouldn’t really be that dangerous to walk back home. It wasn’t late in the night, and despite the dark sky, it was still mid afternoon. So, after saying goodbye to Niall, she threw her backpack across her shoulder and started walking back. 
Five minutes in her walk and she was already feeling uneasy. She hadn’t noticed at first but on the pathway there weren’t any lights, so she couldn’t see more than her own two feet; any little shadow or sound seemed to scare her, and it took her a lot of convincing to not just go back and ask Niall to take her home. The option had seemed tempting, but what could he really do? Close the cafe just because she was scared of the dark? and, despite talking his ear off all afternoon, who even was he? YN had a reputation for being easy going and able to make friends with pretty much everyone, but time had taught her that not everyone wanted to actually be her friend. 
That thought made her think about Harry, and how she hadn’t seen him in almost five days. After he had played with Baguette in her home, she thought she had found if not a friend at least someone to hang out with, now that she was in a new place completely alone, but maybe, she’d figured, it was Harry that didn’t want to hang out with her. He had seemed pretty grumpy, but she’d seen through his facade pretty quickly, and she had thought he was actually nice. Now, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was just a one time thing.   
She clutched the strap of her backpack extra tight as soon as she heard the sound of a car behind her, the headlights of the car illuminating her and the path before her. She shivered as the sudden thought of being alone on a street with no way of escaping came to her mind, and she picked up her pace to walk quicker. Beside her fear, there was also the question on how could someone drive in this particular pathway that, as she knew, was actually closed to cars. 
She was wondering if the driver had some kind of permit, when the car — that actually seemed more like a pick up — stopped beside her. She unintentionally turned her head to look inside, and before she could say anything to the guy inside, he beat her to it: “what the hell are yeh doin’ here alone?” 
She looked at Harry with wide eyes, her face half hidden behind the darkness of the sky, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was him and not someone who wanted to hurt her. 
“I lost track of time” she said shyly, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. 
“Get in.” He ordered, and she saw him unlock the car doors with a button on the steering wheel. 
“No, it’s okay! I can just walk, it’s not that far…” 
“Get in!” He stressed, but, “please” he added, once he realized his tone may have come out a little too sternly. 
“Okay” she whispered, wrapping her fingers around the handle of the car door and opening it. She threw her backpack on the car mat at the end of the seat and placed a hand on the car door to balance herself. The pick up was a little tall, so she had to literally climb inside the truck with her legs. She hoped she didn’t make too much of a fool out of herself. 
He grabbed her arm to help her, and once she was settled in the seat, he let it go quickly, almost as if he was uncomfortable with touching her. 
He didn’t say anything for a while, but YN noticed how he turned on the heat as soon as he saw her hugging herself against the cold. 
The pickup was big, but she could still smell his perfume — or cologne? She didn’t know — lingering in the air. 
YN stayed silent, not wanting to bother him, although it proved to be kind of difficult for her, because she wanted to ask him a lot of things. 
She remembers thinking he was mad at her. She still doesn’t know why, and why in the world could he possibly be mad at her, but, still. Aaron used to get angry over the most silliest things, so she figured every guy was the same. 
She almost caught herself asking him, but she remembered pretty quickly Aaron’s words: “not everyone wants to be your friend”.
She still had a little trouble understanding that. 
She heard Harry clear his throat, and she wondered if he was about to talk, so she patiently waited. He didn’t. He seemed antsy, and YN noticed how tightly he was gripping the wheel, so, she decided to ease the tension between them with the thing she did best: asking questions. 
“How are you allowed to drive here? Do you have some kind of permit? Because I researched the territory for my article and it strictly said ‘no cars allowed, must be on foot’, sooo… how can you? Are you some kind of… I don’t know — she shrugged, pouting her lips thoughtfully — are you some kind of boss, around here? That’s why people cook for you?”
Harry closed his brows in a furrow and brought his left hand up to massage his temple, “no” he simply said. 
“What does ‘no’ mean?” 
“It means no.” He said matter of factly. 
“Ugghh — she huffed — I know what ‘no’ means! I was asking figuratively. Are you always this grumpy?” 
“Thought yeh said I was nice” he grinned, a dimple denting his cheek. 
“Forget it” she mumbled, turning her head to look outside the window; there wasn’t much to see, with all the darkness, but anything was better than looking at him. 
“I’m not ‘some kind of boss’” he mocked her amused, glancing at her quickly before averting his gaze back on the road, “I own the terrain, so I can do whatever I want on it”.
YN turned her head to look back at him, wondering if he was making fun of her or if he was actually serious. He seemed serious. 
“You own it?” 
“Yeah” he nodded, amused by her reaction. 
“I can’t believe it”
“This was were the bear was spotted! I could have asked you all along instead of interviewing people who closed the door in my face!” She pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
“They really closed the door in your face?” He asked, furrowing his brows, the smirk disappearing from his face quickly and his lips closing in a tight line. 
“Yeah” she huffed, “but it’s okay. I mean… I get it if they don’t want to talk to me but… I really need to do my job! I really wouldn’t bother them if it wasn’t necessary”
“They closed the door in your face. It’s not okay.” He said sternly, back to his old grumpy self, “who did you talk to?”
“Oh… that woman that lives in the first house right after the cafe. Wait. Do you know the cafe?”
Harry snickered at her question, “yeah, I heard of it”.
“Just her?” He added. 
“No” she shook her head, “I talked to Mr. Donovan too. I remember his name because Matt Donovan is a character in one of my favorite series! So… pretty easy to remember. He was actually nice before I told him I was writing an article for a magazine. He closed the door without even saying bye” she shrugged.
“That’s not okay” he repeated. 
“Well, it’s no problem at all now!!!! Because I can just ask you” she beamed, clapping her hands excitedly. 
“No. I wasn’t here that weekend” 
“What?” She asked, looking at him with big eyes. 
Harry refrained himself from laughing. “Yeah.” He nodded, “i wasn’t here. Sorry” 
“Great.” She groaned, tossing her arms in the air, her enthusiasm quickly dissolving. 
She heard him laugh through his nose, “i’m taking the piss out of yeh. I was here”
“Oh thank god!” she sighed relieved, finally seeing some ray of sunshine coming her way, “you’re cruel! don’t ever do that again!” She pointed her finger at his face and then swatted his arm when she heard him chuckle. 
thank you for reading!!!! i love you all, let me know if you'd like part 2 and what you want to see happen 💖
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harryxmarvel · 2 months
Broken trust
Summary - Y/n overhears harry calling her annoying
Pairing - Harrystyles x reader!y/n
W.c - 1.5k
Warning - Angst
A/n - First try writing angst
Y/n always felt like she was too much. Even before dating harry.But he told her it was fine to be herself around him.
She was loud, carefree, blunt and sometimes clingy and she knew that.
She knew she was and she tried to keep it at bay. Besides harry had told her that he liked how she was. He liked her character and that's what made her as her.
So she was herself when she was with him and he loved her for it but maybe it does get too much sometimes?
So when y/n heard harry talk to a friend about how clingy and loud she could be. How he wished he could take a break from her sometimes. It broke her. She felt her heart rip into two when she heard him say those things to his friend without knowing she was hearing it all.
He had said everything she wished she wasn't but was and she thought Harry had accepted that this was her and loved her for it but maybe not.
With a crushed heart she went back downstairs, silently going back to placing the dishes she prepared for him. Now she had doubts about everything she was doing.
Was her preparing his favourite dish annoying too?
What else did he find annoying?
Did he hate it when she cuddled him?
Did he like the way she laughed?
Did he still love her?
She was staring off somewhere when harry walked down and hugged her from behind bringing her back to reality.
He placed a gentle kiss on her neck his strong arms wrapped tightly around her.
"what's for dinner, baby?" He asks still kissing her neck.
She didn't reply tho, not when she was trying to figure out if he was faking being sweet. Would he say all those things to her face?
Her ex-boyfriends have told her cruel things when they broke it off. It took her months to get over but when she met Harry everything changed and she accepted that this was her and the right person will love her for her. He made sure to help her realise that.
But now everything was coming back and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed because she knew what came after. He was going to break up with her. The thought alone sent a chill down her spine as she unglued herself from harry and went to the dinning table.
They sat in silence and harry immediately knew something was wrong. She was never quite ,always talking about anything that was on her mind.
"what's wrong baby?" He sweetly asks his green eyes filled with worry meeting hers but she quickly looks down at her untouched plate of food.
"nothing" she murmured afraid if she talked any louder he'd find it annoying.
Harry stood up from his seat and walked near her and lifted her chin with his fingers looking at her eyes to see them "What's going on?" He asks worry in his voice.
She didn't reply , pushed herself away from him and walked to their shared bedroom. The tears were gonna burst any minute and she didn't want him to see her but before she could close the door he was behind her.
She turns around ready to scream at him but the tears finally leave her eyes and fall down her cheeks. Harry was stunned and he immediately walks towards her to hug her only she fights it and tries to push him off and he realises maybe he had something to do with this. Did he make her cry? What had he done?
"Babe, can you please talk to me? Did I do something? Did I make you cry? Please love" he begs eyes filled with worry as he watches her move away from him.
She didn't answer him, her throat tight as she tried to catch her breath. Harry tried to comfort her from distance and it seemed to calm her down. She was sat on the floor leaning against the wall near their bed.
Harry sat on the opposing wall patiently waiting for her to say what was wrong without knowing it was all his fault. Y/n never cried, if something made her sad she voiced it but she never shed a tear in front of him not even when he was teary eyed watching some sad romcom with a sad ending so it shocked him to see her fall apart infront of him and he didn't even know why.
" I'm sorry" she says and harry immediately moved closer to her and wraps his arms around her pulling her to his chest.
Harry rubs her shoulders and after she had calmed down a bit she pushes herself away from harry and he looks
"I....heard.. y...your call?" Y/n says but it comes out as a question her eyes are filled with tears again as she remembers his words.
"what call...." Harry stops mid sentence as realisation hits him like a train and y/n could read every emotion on his face. Confused to realisation soon turned to one of sad and worried.
"Babe....I di" but before he could lie and take it back y/n cuts him off
"No! no, don't do this. You wouldn't have said that if you didn't mean it."
Harry's eyes start to gloss over at the realisation of how bad this could go. He had messed up big time and now as his brain tries to find something to not mess it up further y/n packs a bag and while he scrambles to his feet to beg her to stay.
"Y/n , baby... Please don't do this. I didn't mean it. I just have been in so much pressure with the tours, interviews and the next album. I'm so sorry. I really am I'm sorry. I love you...." Harry's was scared and y/n could see it but she knew how much her leaving right now was going to hurt him she had to do it because he had wrecked her heart with his words and she needed time away to recover from that.
"H. I just need some time... I'm sorry too. I know I could be too much sometimes but I never thought I would make you feel like you have to handle that side of me but that is me and if you hate that then I can't be with you." Y/n says tears steaming down her face and harry wasn't any better he was losing the love of his life because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He really was stressed but he still shouldn't have said it and now he is going to face the consequences. Will she come back?? His mind keeps asking him.
The truth was they both didn't know the answer to that.
It had been a week and harry had called and texted everyday leaving voicemails apologizing and even sending flowers to her apartment. Y/n was glad he stopped there and didn't show up at her door because she would cave but she still needed time to think and move forward about this. She hadn't replied to his texts or calls but she soon had to soon.
But y/n didn't need to as she bumbs into harry at the cafe they both regulars and he smiles at her and pulls her into a hug taking a deep inhale of her hair and mumbling "I miss you" as they break the hug a little too soon for his liking.
"join me please?" Harry asks eyes begging her as y/n nods her head silently in agreement . They both take a seat at one of the corner booths , the windows were tinted so they would be perfectly fine there. Harry orders y/n's usual coffee and they sit in silence. Harry trying to catch her eyes but she was looking down at the table avoiding him.
"Y/n .....I didn't mean what I said. I love you for who you are please don't forget that. I can give you reasons but that won't get us anywhere, I'm really sorry i shouldn't have said those words and especially not to someone. I really am sorry y/n. Forgive me please?' harry asks expectantly.
" I get it harry, I just .... You could have told me you know. Just let me know when I become overbearing - no let me talk." She cuts him off when he tries to interject. "The words doesn't hurt , it's hurts me to know you said it behind my back. I told you about my ex but now it feels like you did the same thing just not to my face which feels even worse " y/n says eyes getting glossy again as she blinks to get rid of the tears and harry gulps before nodding his head as he waits for her to tell the words. Tell him she didn't want him anymore.
"I'm sorry, i was feeling stressed out and I should have just told you. I really am sorry" he says and she wraps her hands in his gently.
"I do forgive you though but I need sometime to process this and to trust you again" y/n says in a low voice and harry nods his head again understandingly.
Harry agreed to have sometime apart and they moved on from there. They would go on dates and eventually Y/n started to trust harry again and he made sure she knew just how much he loved her.
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little-luna-143 · 1 year
Champagne Lovers PT 1
You have been going to this back-alley pub for months now and you have always done this little dance with some brunette beauty with your eyes. He would sing on the stage at least one a night, 4 on the weekends. One day you decided to test fate and buy him a nice tall pint of Guinness, you watch as they hand it to him and you planned on looking away at the last minute but before you could do that, He looks at you and raises the pint from across the room in a way that said thank you. After that night you two play a sort of tag, buying each other a drink, you would buy him a pint and he would buy you a Sex on the beach, which was your favorite drink (or change it to whatever you like, Pop if you aren’t of age yet).
One night you were having a very bad day when you walked into the pub, but for some reason you decided that today would be the day that you talk to the brunette beauty across the way, you order him another pint and yourself a drink and this time you took it over to his table. “Hi, I noticed you were out, so I thought I’d buy ya one. Mind if I sit here?” You ask him taking a seat when you see him nod his head yes “So I’ve noticed you here almost every weekend. You must really like the beer here” You joke as you see him take a sip from his pint “You could say that, or you could say the view here is great, Oh! And the music!” He tells you making you giggle. “You have a wonderful voice by the way” You tell him when you hear his name being called to the stage “Thank you” he quickly says before running off to the stage “This song is called So Long, hope you like it”
“Looking back through changes where we started from Don't know about you but I knew it wasn't wrong You know I kept a place for you in my mind And I know you did the same 'cause you're just the kind' So if we knew all along Then why did it take so long? We've known it since we were young So why did it take so long? You know you make me feel loved You make me feel like I'm home So if we knew all along Then why did it take so long? Moving on You and I started looking bright Now we've got to make up for all the wasted time You know I'd never let you just walk on by From the day that I met you I knew you'd be mine So if we knew all along Then why did it take so long? We've known it since we were young Why did it take so long? You know you make me feel loved Make me feel like I'm home So if we knew all along Why did it take so long? Just started, just started I'm having trouble believing it's true Just started, just started Now we've got nothing to prove So if we knew all along Then why did it take so long? We've known it since we were young So why did it take so long? You know you make me feel loved You make me feel like I'm home So if we knew all along Then why did it take so long? Why did it take so long Why did it take so long Then why did it take so long Why did it take so long?”
The whole pub started clapping when he finished his song and then there way you that not only clapped but also started hooting and hollering "Yeah!" you yell out before he came back to the table. "That kind sir, was amazing, Mr. ...?" you trail off realizing you never knew each other name's "Niall, Niall Horan" He tells you, offering his hand to shake "Y/N, Y/N L/N" you mimic him shaking his hand "Well it's nice to put a name to a lovely face" Niall says before stammering over his words "You have a lovely face too Niall" you tell him letting him off the hook from where he inserted his foot into his mouth.
To be continued...
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