#i will say tho. i am trying. so hard. to be patient and understanding and non-judgmental
daz4i · 6 months
truly i need to stop getting angry over the opinions of stupid people who keep themselves ignorant on purpose. AND YET!
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
hello! I was wondering if you could do some HCS (or a scenario idrc) of TFP Optimus x Fem reader (not human) who is a single mother?
Could it go something like where when Optimus first met the reader and her little one he would just help her out and understand the situation. But when he and the reader start interacting more he like slowly falls for her and her little one?
(Hope this makes sense, if not just delete or ignore this‼️) Ty!!<33
This is really fucking cute. I will try my best, also I know there's a human form in the Fandom, I can't remmber what it's called (it's 1am bare with me) so I'm gonna do that for some situations since a 30+ft robot playing house with a child....seems hard to do without breaking something XD. also you dident specified what age the kid so I'm throwing in a 4 year old boy. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!! <3
Request are still open
OptimusPrime X SingleMotherReader
When optimus met (Y/N) and her son was when they where cought in the middle of a fight between the decepticons and autobots.
Optimus picks up (Y/N)'s car while they are still in it and runs into the autobot base.
Optimus explains why they are here, the people that attacked them, what happens now, and the story.
(Y/N)'s little kid spoke before (Y/N) and ran up to optimus
(Y/N)'s son: wow! You are big! Really big! I bet you are a giant robot like in power rangers! Have you beaten a mosnter?!
Optimus actually shows emotion when this happens by smiling
(Y/N) takes his hand and put him behind her. She apologized for him
Tho, optimus if fine with it, he love little ones.
Optimus offers to be (Y/N)'s and her son's guardian.
Later, optimus talks to (y/n), asking if they have a place to live and where's there mate.
(this is up to you)
(Y/N) explains there "so called mate" has (insert here)
Optimus feels bad but offers then a ride home.
On the ride home, (Y/N)'s son is having the time of his life, since he loves trucks and he was riding in one.
(Y/N) son: mama! Look, look, we are in a big robot! Optimus! Can you transfowm into anything else?
Optimus: no little one but I am happy you are enjoying yourself.
On the way, optimus talks to (Y/N)'s son and enjoying their company.
When they got home, the kid was knocked out from all the excitement they got.
(Y/N) thanked optimus for tiring out her kid.
Over the next few weeks of then being there, optimus took (Y/N)'s son out for drives when she needed a break.
He offers to babysit when (Y/N) needs to go to work or a errand.
The other autobots noticed, even ratchet. Because of this, he actually became a softy toward you and your son.
I can see him over at you're house when you are at work, when you come home, he is in his human form, playing power rangers with you're son.
I belive after maybe...2 years of you knowing him, he could come you and confess his feelings to you.
Optimus: (Y/N). Will you give me the honer to be the father of you're child and let me be you're new mate?
You obviously say yes.
Optimus will teach you're son Patients, wisdom, and more.
Oh, don't worry, he definitely gotten 1000000000000000% more protective of you and you're child.
If yiu are wondering about the team, yes. They love you're child to.
Also, you might have gained a new child, well, a few new childrean. And their names are Bumblebee and smokescreen
Bumblebee has a mother now (Yay!!!)
You bet you're son is best friends with bee.
Wheeljack is the best uncle
Ratchet is the best grandpa
Arcee is the best aunt
Bulkhead is the best uncle
UltraMagnus is the best grumpy uncle
Smokescreen is the best brother
Bumblebee is the best brother
Hope you enjoyed it!!!! Here is something funny
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I finally got around to reading chapter two of Prince's Consort!
I really enjoy how you write Dabi's religious guilt in this one. At least for the other sins, indulging in them is something he needs to convince himself to do. At least those he actually knows from when he was a human. But lust is such a new concept to him, something so new and overpowering that it scares him. I really like how conflicted he is on everything.
Shigaraki is so patient with him (as patient as he can afford to be, as the prince of wrath). Is the situation good? No, not at all. But they really are making something out of it (i would say "making the best out of it" but that might be a lie).
"Little one" makes an appearance again! (It's kinda ridiculous how much attention I pay to if this is used since the alien fic).
I wonder where Shigaraki lets out his wrath? Because he makes an effort to not let it out on Dabi, despite being able to. Sure, he indulges, but not as badly as how he has shown to be able to. Hmmmm.
"He had never been held by anyone in his life." Dabi, everything I learn about your life as a human just makes me sad. And I think hating the church is a very understandable reaction, actually.
Okay, but Shigaraki calling Dabi's cold baths beyond sin is very funny actually.
Love love love the worldbuilding with Everlasting. I don't think Dabi actually believes he'd have a chance of staying there, even at this point, but it would be nice to be able to see his family again, wouldn't it. Oh well, guess he has to help Shigaraki overthrow the King and then see if there is a way. (This is a joke, I know the story isn't about that, lol)
"Shigaraki has, apparently, decided that he has also earned 'pretty'" Okay, but he thinks that of Dabi in every story. Dabi is just a very pretty guy.
I really like how much worldbuilding goes into this! Shigaraki has hurt more demons than mortals but he has caused a lot of harm in general and yet he's also so soft? I love the festival, and how you explain everything and ahhhh. Very nice.
So so much culture in this one!
Ooh, I think that Dabi and Shigaraki's shades appeared in the hall, didn't they? And Toga was kind of expecting it, that's why she immediately came running. I can't wait for Dabi to meet all of them for real.
"You look lovely like this." "Drunk?" "Smiling." My heart can't take this. How can they be so cute in a situation like this??
They're both drunk (though Dabi more so) and Shigaraki still waits for Dabi to tell him he wants him to fuck him and when he doesn't, he doesn't fuck him on his dick. It's just. I mean, it's the most basic form of respect but the fact that it's there is very nice.
Yay! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!!
Dabi is so conflicted in this one, constantly struggling with the fact he knows he needs to turn if he wants to get his revenge, but having his own very strong ties to the church and religion he's believed in his entire life. It makes it so hard for him to just give in and dealing with the lust only makes it even worse!
Shig really is trying to make this and easier transition for Dabi, which is extremely out of the norm for demons, though Dabi isn't aware of this yet (and why Shigaraki is doing that may be something we explore later 👀). But yeah, they're just sort of figuring it out as best they can
"Little one" is now on my list of favorite pet names and I cannot be stopped!
We are going to see where Shig let's loose in later chapters, so look forward to that!!
Dabi's life fucking sucked, most people's lives fucking suck if they dedicate themselves to the church. My inspiration was to create a very puritanical culture where the church literally has magic to stop people from enjoying things and oh boy was it working to plan
Toga was definitely expecting them to make am appearance and they did indeed as shades themselves in the great hall! I'm excited for Dabi to me the rest of them properly!
They are still cute because I can't help myself! Tho Shig wasn't drunk at all during that scene, some fun world building that Dabi won't become aware of until after his transition is that demons can only get intoxicated by indulging too heavily in their sin when they have their aspect, Shig drinks for the taste, which is why there's always a variety of alcohol for him at meals!
Thank you so much for commenting and I can't wait to share future chapters!
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
Hi! I love your Good place story’s and headcannons! Sorry that this is long, but can I request a Sadist Michael x Masochist GenNeu Reader (smut)? Maybe they met Michael when he was still working for The Bad Place?? Idk where you cross the line, but can it can include bondage, derogation, biting, foreplay, etc?
Write whoever, honestly! I haven’t seen any yet, but thank you if you do my request! <3
a match made in hell | Michael (The Good Place)
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Michael | AO3
synopsis: when Michael found someone who also was praying for making something different, he couldn't help himself. [2K]
warnings: cursing. very kinky. masochism and sadism, bondage, derogation and some evil schems to torture our loved Soul Squad.
ps: you simply wouldn't be able to understand how much I love that request!!!! Really, that story was perfecly formed on my mind! Sorry for making you wait, I am not so confident in my english and use some time editing. Also, this is my third time writing a smut more detailed, so... Thanks for requesting, I really do hope you like it!
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When did you start feeling like this? Maybe two centuries ago? Eventually, everything becomes a blur. All memomies meet and it's hard to say from what moment they are. But you know for sure that, a long time ago, you didn't feel that way. No. It was exciting. It was funny. It was challenging. You desire it. You felt smat, important, talented. And now...
Design the project, build the new neighborhood, deal with Bad Janet, welcome the shitty humans. Do it all over again. Forever and evermore. Maybe try a different coffee, add vanilla on it. Or change the color of your pants, try a new kinda of suit. What about, instead of designing on a white sheet, use a blue one? At the end of the day, nothing ever changes. Ever.
So, yes, boring.
It was supossed to be your dream. And it was, for a really great time. But now, it is just a obligation. Something you have to do because... well, someone has to. And you are great, awarded so many times, an inspiration. How can you be so important, Shaw's right hand, and still feel like that?
When the new architect start his presentation, you we're almost sleeping. Part of it because your work is to irritate anyone that need do to something important, made them deal with a little patient test, but also because what would change if you pay attention? Everything will still the same, so why bother?
What you couldn't imagine, what made you lean your elbows on the table and look at the presentation board carefully, is that you heard something new. Not only something new, but something not fucking stupid. At least not entirely.
"Psychological torture?" You licked your lips, holding the presentation clipboard and reading his name. You knew what his name was, but you pretend to forget so those new demons can be put it in their places. You talked before Shaw, what was normal. You scare the newbies, he watches and have fun. "Michael, thats riscky."
"As it should." His smile was something. You could smeel his nervousness, literally. He is surrounded by experienced demons, by people that torture for way more time than he is alive. Shaw is the most important person down there. A leader. And you are his favorite. You worked for that. And yet stinking of fear, he didn't stopped smiling. Michael was proud. "We should like that job. It should be marvellous. Yes, this is riscky, but if it works our entire way to deal with humans will change for better. Better for us, obviously."
Shaw silenced some laughs when he threw the clipboard on the table. "And who said we don't like it?"
Even tho you love how nervous Shaw can make anyone feel, that wasn't an ideia that you could just discard. Something on your chest said that to you. Something screamed that it was more than just an attempt.
"I don't."
All demons around the table looked at you. They didn't even say anything, to surprised to use their mouths. What would they say? They are just a group of yes-man without something special to say. The only cruel demon whos oppinion matter to you was Shaw.
"You don't like to hurt them?" Shaw didn't blink. You don't think he ever did that.
"I love to," you reaffirmed to him. "But don't you feel tedious? Like if you closed your eyes for more than three seconds you could just sleep? Yesterday I heard a men screaming because I shoved some spiders up to his asshole and all I could think about was if I had turned off the gas."
At this point you had already stood up, exposing your oppinion as you walked. You approached Michael, the creative novice, but ignored him. With your back to him, you read the million-step plan for the new neighborhood. "The Good Place". You could feel the eyes on your back, but you just stared at the troubled blonde on the sheet.
"Remember when we realized that humans hate when we use their nails to rip out their eyes?" Now you we're looking at Shaw. His faced we're emotionless, as always. "When we started using divorced couples to hurt one another? Or when we finally understood why their vocal cords we're so sensitive?"
"Nostalgia," Shaw said, hating the sound of his own voice. "Thats your argument?"
"Thats the only argument I need," you smiled. "I would do anything to feel that again. Wouldn't you?"
And besides being a cunt on every situation, you knew that he was dying to do something new. "Fine," Shaw said, almost like he didn't want it. Probably he didn't, at least not as politely. "You can mentor him. Have your fun. I bet it on last six months."
"It's a bet."
Exciting with the tought of working on something new, and a little bit worried about making something that Shaw would approve, you didn't realize the eyes observing you. Analysing those four assholes whos lifes you would help turn into hell, you simply didn't pay attention to the man behind you.
Michael wasn't able to use his words.
You defended him. You supported him. You agreed. You felt the same. More than anything, you convinced Shaw that it was a valid idea. Michael didn't expect that from you. Maybe another architect dreaming about something new would act that way, but you? Someone so important, talented, awarded? His inspiration?
Michael was not prepared for this. For you to look at him. To talk to him. To agree with what he said. Michael was not prepared to have you so closed to him, paying attention to his work, believing on him.
And Michael was definitely not prepared for you to mentor him.
Your experience was something that he could only dream to have. Michael lived millennia and was nothing compared to you. And while you mentor him, teaching him what your live had teached you, Michael was responsible for creating the soul of the neighborhood.
"So..." You swallowed. It wasn't what you expected. Walking along the colorful alleys, a strangeness shivered your back. This was so anormal. So different from anything you've ever done. "Frozen yogurt?"
"What do humans thinks that they love but they actually hate?" Michael asked, and even tho it seens obvious, that didn't look like the right asnwer for you. "They took something they love with their whole souls and made it worse so they would have it more. Frozen yogurt."
You agreed, not so sure about that. "It looks just friendly to me. Don't see how that would make their lives something unbeareble."
"It will," Michael smiled, jumping on his pretty suit. "You gonna see it."
The night lit you both. Among the empty alleys, but colored as if they were used every day, you both walked to make sure the neighborhood worked. After so much work, all that remained was to ensure that there was no problem caused by a Janet's mistake and to receive the four little shits. So far, there were no errors. She worked well. Really well.
"I could never have imagined that you were bored," Michael said, walking beside you. "I thought if anyone among us knew what they were doing, it would be you."
"I love this job, but we deserve better. They make mistakes, they hurt others, and it's our job to make sure they're punished the way they weren't while they were alive. But why should that be a penance for us? Those Good Place assholes like what they do. We deserve the same."
Michael couldn't agree more.
"Now that the neighborhood is ready, are you going to move away?" He asked, hoping the answer would be no. "Everyone who will act are ready for work, but you still haven't said what you want."
"I don't think acting is for me. I'll keep causing pain."
"I think you'd do well," Michael was sincere.
When you saw another Frozen Yogurt, you sat in one of the chairs exposed on the porch. Sitting facing each other, you shook your head. "I'm not subtle. It would spoil everything."
"I don't think it would. On the contrary." Michael's smile was... something
"Michael, Michael, Michael. I'm starting to think you don't want me away. Do you like my company or do you just prefer that I am the one addressing Shaw during meetings?"
"You discovered me," he teased. "Now I have to find someone else to do the hard part."
When the silence took a while to break, he spoke again. "Or maybe I enjoy your company."
You just stared at him for a moment, letting the fake moon shine on you. Something in you wished you could touch his hair. It looked so soft. The other wanted to rip that stupid tie.
""Still, I can't see how that would work. I'm sure that on the first problem I would lose my mind and jump on someone's neck. I bet the first one would be the Florida guy. It would ruin everything."
Michael's eyes gleamed. That was a sight that made his chest shudder. He might have shut up, but Michael was never a coward. "You just need to learn to be more patient. I can teach you that."
You leaned your elbows on the table, watching him more closely. The phrase could be understood in an innocent way, but you were too smart for that. A defiant smile appeared on your face. "You think you can teach me something?"
"I know I can try."
You could have stopped that conversation there. Said you was joking, that you needed to get back to work, that you both were co-workers. It was just saying that you didn't want to. No. You just thought: What bad could happen? And that was enough to make any doubts disappear.
"Feel free to try as much as you like. I doubt you'll get anything."
Michael stood up, which surprised you. Thought he wouldn't know what to do. Michael sat on the table, next to his body, and crossed his arms. "I like a challenge," he said.
He promissed.
When his fingers began to undo the knot that held the tie around his neck, a part of you lit up. It was as if he had read your mind. Slowly, he released the fabric and stretched it between his fingers, smoothing out what was previously wrinkled.
"Get up."
You remained seated, arms crossed.
Michael approached. His fingers latched onto the back of your neck, gripping your hair and forcing you to look him straight in the eye. He could even control your head, but not your eyes. You looked down, consciously choosing to make sure he didn't get what he wanted, little knowing it was a sight that made Michael never want to walk away from you again.
"Are you going to make your life difficult, sweetie?" Sweetie. It wasn't an endearing nickname, but rather a harsh word. He released your hair abruptly, causing your body to sway in the chair. "As you wish."
Michael took your hands. With the surprise, you ended up being lifted from the chair. He deftly placed your hands behind your body, bringing them together at the small of your back, and used his tie to secure them. You squirmed, getting in his way, but your intention wasn't to stop him. You just wanted to piss him off a little bit. He knotted it tightly, the fabric brushing against your skin hard enough to mark. You will survive. Better: you liked it
"You don't have to pretend you don't want this," Michael practically purred against your ear. His body was pressed against yours, your back against his torso. When one of his hands pulled your hair back, the other grabbed the knot that held you and played with the battered skin. "Don't act like a saint. That doesn't suit you, sweetie."
The words, the velvety way they came out of Michael's mouth, it made your insides turn. You wouldn't need much more to be ready for him.
"What will you do?" Your voice was husky, as if you hadn't used it in a long time. "I've seen that you can talk, but I don't think you have anything but a foul mouth."
Michael's laugh chills you.
Without warning, Michael forced your spine against the table. Lying on top of it, helpless against the cold metal and with your lower body exposed, there wasn't much to do but wait. Quickly, Michael got rid of your clothes. He just ripped them from your body, not worrying about the future.
The empty neighborhood didn't stop you from feeling like you were being seen by the whole world. Maybe you were. And that was delicious. To think that maybe there was someone lurking in the shadows enjoying the little experiment.
Michael's hands touched you body, grabbing everything he could. He touched you like it was the last time, like he would never feel your soft skin again. He was possessive, brutish, relentless: maybe it wouldn't be the last time.
"I want to hear you beg for me."
"In your dreams." He didn't see it, but he knew you were smiling. It made his cock throb.
He bent down, biting the thin, cool skin of your ass. It would leave marks. A little more force and maybe blood would come out. It wasn't an idea that disgusted you. To think of his mouth wet with whatever liquid your body could produce. Michael hungry for you.
"Is that all you know how to do?"
Michael licked the sensitive skin. His fingers crept up your thighs, tingling, until he reached your core. He pulled his fingers away, brought them to his tongue and moistened them, and without warning he penetrated you. Your body nearly convulsed with the brute act. That muffled sound was so perverted. It almost made you ashamed. Almost.
"Michael," you moaned, knowing full well it would cheer him up. "Oh, Michael."
You felt him spit into you, only to re-enter with force. A few thrusts later, you noticed something crawling on your skin. Something big and thick. Without warning, he started fucking you for real. And Michael had no pity for your trembling body.
"Tell me what you want." His voice was so raw it drew a groan from her. "I thought you liked talking. Come on, I want to hear it."
You wish you could touch him. Pull him close to you and devour his mouth. You hadn't kissed and it was so lewd. You wanted to touch his dick. You wanted to put it in his mouth and choke. You wanted to be seen. You wanted to be heard. You wanted to feel pain. You wanted a lot.
"I want," his hoarse groan stopped you from talking. Michael went harder, laughing at how pathetic you were.
"Speak up, my dirty little whore. I don't bite." Michael sighed, feeling the sweat trickle down his body. "Oh, that's a lie. But you like it."
The more he talked, the more he cursed you, the more you wanted him. Ah, if only you could control the situation. It would make him cry with exhaustion
A slap crackled against your skin. Your ass burned. And more slaps burned your skin. Each stronger. "I fucking want to hear you."
"I want to come." You could barely open your mouth to do anything but moan. "Michael, make me come on your dick."
Michael tapped your thigh again.
"As you wish."
And without mercy, he violated your body until you couldn't breathe. And he didn't stop. Even when it was uncomfortable. He kept going until he was good again and, without saying a single word, he came after your second peak.
"More patient?" Michael mocked.
"Not at all," you replied, barely breathing.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
THE GOOD PLACE TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
How would Blitzo react if s/o who has auditory processing disorder as they have a hard time understanding speech every time they hear someone talk it sounds like gibberish to them along with difficulty answering questions? They are very good at parkour along with firearms and other weapons as they want to be an assassin. How would Moxxie and Milly react to this as well as they are s/o's friends? Would they be a liability if s/o went on missions with them?
Oh Okay, I'll try my best with this, keep in mind I don't have this disorder so If I get some things wrong I am very sorry. But hope you enjoy.
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Blitzo with an S/O who has auditory processing disorder, but also wants to be an assassin and has the skills to boot.
Blitz while he is a little confused when you first explain it to him, he never get's frustrated with it, he learns pretty fast to slow down talking when your in the conversation, and to keep things short and to give you time to process what he says, when he's really excited he'll still mess up and ramble too quickly for you but he tries hard to manage that.
I'm personally am under the belief that Blitz is autistic (Just a headcanon but I'm putting it here) so he gets just not understanding stuff sometimes, even if it's a different way with you he get's the feeling.
He's very respectful about it, and if any bozo get's upset at you for taking too long to process what they said he'll come right to your defense, violently if he has too.
He's surprised when he sees your skills tho, not because he didn't suspect someone with your disorder to be skilled, just didn't expect you to be so skilled in general.
If you ask him if you can join his company, he'll probably try to refuse, not wanting you to get hurt, but pester him a little and he'll give way, partially cause he'd like to see you in action for real.
He'll still try to stick you with safer jobs if he can, and if you have to go on a dangerous one, he'll be with you, or send Moxxie or Millie with you to make sure your not alone.
Speaking of M&M, since there your friends, they both work to handle your disorder, but there both different with it. Millie is a lot like Blitz, very respectful, but her own excitement often gets the better of her and her speech get's too fast for you to understand, she feels really bad about it, and apoligizes profusely when she realizes though.
Moxxie is probably the best when it comes to working with your disorder, he rarely gets ahead of himself and is usually patient enough to wait for you to process stuff. Both Millie and Blitz pratically beg him to teach them how to do that always cause they both feel awful when crowding you with information when they ramble.
As for if you'd be liabilty, I don't think so, sure in the heat of the moment, waiting for you to process verbal stuff isn't really an option sometimes. But theres other ways to communicate that aren't auditory. If you understand sign language then they might learn a little to communicate quickly, or if not work in hand gestures they explain the meaning of beforehand, either way plenty of ways to work around a disorder like that even on the battle field I think.
Sure you may be a bit too long to understand normal sounds, but shenanigans like that would insue is pratically in I.M.P's job description so I think your good and overall it all turns out well enough.
Honestly at the end of the day, your just an Assassin, who's also dating their boss, and also happens to have Auditory Processing Disorder, doesn't make you lesser or any less impressive in any of their eyes.
Okay, I think that's the first time I've written S/O with a disorder, so I hope I did it justice, if I got stuff wrong, I am so sorry and will try to learn from it for next time. I hope you enjoyed it either way.
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besidesitstoowarm · 1 month
"The Eleventh Hour" thoughts
this is such a fun, explosive opening to the season and the new era as a whole. moffat episodes always leave me w so many notes so i'll try to get through this normally
so we see amy's beautiful dilapidated garden, the broken bench and overgrown ivy, while mournful singing plays overtop. fairy tale imagery that will carry us through to eleven's very last episode (and even into twelve, altho twelve has a more straightforward aesop fable thing going on). baby amy is praying to santa about the crack in her wall and i think this is a good intro for the kind of kid she is, the one who asks a larger-than-life half-fantasy man for help. she doesn't ask god, she asks santa, so of course she imprints on the doctor, who at this point is far more like the latter than the former
"are you a policeman?" "did you call a policeman?" eleven is very good w baby amy! he doesn't brush her off, he wants to comfort her in a language she understands, so if she mentions the police, he'll meet her there. she feeds him, montage of him thinking it's all ickyucky. fish fingers and custard you nasty ass. "amelia pond, like a name in a fairy tale" there we go. she gives him an apple w a face carved in and he keeps it even tho he already said he hates apples now
"prisoner zero has escaped" this would have scared the fuck outta me at age 7 so she's honestly being really brave to me. he promises to be back in 5 minutes. she packs up a suitcase, puts on her coat, sits outside waiting. and waiting, and waiting. a door at the end of her hall opens wider and wider
we skip forward! coma patients all saying "doctor" on repeat. hi rory. adult amy! she doesn't say who she is and says amelia hasn't lived there in 6 months and eleven keeps insisting it couldn't have been 6 months. there's a room she can only see in the corner of her eye and she goes inside and there's a fucked up evil eel in it. it's fine. he realizes she was lying about the 6 months thing and says "why did you say 6 months?" and she snaps back "why did you say 5 minutes?"
"i'm the doctor, i'm worse than everybody's aunt" that tracks. he uses rory's phone to track prisoner zero and wants to meet up w amy's handsome friend jeff to steal his laptop. rory is not happy about this assessment. eleven busts into jeff's room and snags the computer and says "get a girlfriend, jeff" in response to whatever he was looking at. he joins a worldwide genius zoom call or something idk
they go to the hospital and olivia colman is there! she's credited as "mother" and she is in fact mothering. "the pandorica will open," she says, "silence will fall" i am so excited. eleven tricks her into revealing herself and she gets arrested and then he demands the atraxi come back bc how DARE they threaten earth. he steals doctors' clothes and we get the iconic bow tie and tweed coat. this entire end monologue fucks so severely, it's the kind of thing moffat is so good at it and matt smith excels at performing, this fast-talking quick-witted sharp-spined arrogance. lil montage of all the previous doctors. "basically, run" that's my baby right there!!
he comes back two years later to pick up amy and she deliberately does not mention it's the night before her damn wedding. he says he's been alone too long and wants company, very hard left turn from the time lord victorious but it makes sense. she agrees to come and i like the new tardis interior :) eleven's later classic-style interior is my fave but this one is nice too. eccentric ass. next ep is one of my faves!
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arkadavinia · 1 year
hi, you probably aren't even showing up here anymore but just wanted to say that I hope you don't give up on your fic We grow up apart, together and again! because I recently discovered it and it broke my heart to know that you haven't updated it in over 3 years. hope you come over there soon 😢❤
Oh anon, im always here, creepin'. Never fear. And 'given up' is a strong phrase for it, but whenever i sit down, reread or think about 'We grow-' i got 3/4ths of the way through the story, and then, as it does, life happened. Whenever i try to find that muse these days, its really faint, and i worry about writing more, and how much the voice will have changed.
But if you want, I can tell you more.
Cause, when they go to Ohio, Kevin was supposed to bring up telling their friends, like a doof, and Aaron was all like, "we haven't told anyone so far and basically everyone knows." Which may also just be because he did already tell Dan, and theres no knowing how many of their friends she told.
Ohio was to be a meeting and remembering and then an accepting of how being friends, who have become together, doesn't always change how you interact with others. (We Grow with Friendship) Its not a brand or a sign you have to display constantly, large and loud. Its a casual reworking of how a group of people sit in an area, where just because your a couple doesn't mean you have to be attached at the hip. Even if Nicky follows them around all week cooing when they even so much as pass a snack bowl.
After Ohio I was planning a bit of a time skip. (We Grow into New Shapes) Into Aaron's residency, because honestly, the with how busy Kevin is always, and how much busier Aaron would be while doing class and residency, I knew it was a place where I could see them doubting their relationship. And Kevin being Kevin I can imagine he would stew in it. He would want to talk about all the horrible things Aaron may see, and the hardest part of being a healthcare worker in any capacity would be losing a patient, but legally, you really can't talk about those moments. Which is hard, to comfort someone without really understanding why they need comfort.
The last chapter tho, was supposed to be for Kevin. Cause a large part of how or why they got together was around Thea. (We Grow Again) The plan was that Thea would finally hear that Kevin was with Aaron, cause her head was so far up her butt, she assumed he would just come back- which is mean, but the way i built her up in this story was also mean. So when she finds out he's actually moved on, is living with someone, and in a relationship with them and still seemingly thriving in his professional career, would probably make her want a confrontation.
(That was the other thing about this voice- muse- story, i am not a confrontational person and writing confrontational people like this, was hard for me. Finding this voice is hard, and now being so removed from it, i feel it would only let people down to continue it.)
But chapter 12 was to show Kevin standing up for himself, his relationship and trying to make someone he used to care about, a lot, understand that he's happy now. He's okay. They're okay. And that's okay. It doesn't have to be great- probably would never be great, but it was okay.
I started this story at a point when my life was going in a direction that I hadn't predicted, and i felt very powerless to control it, but i was able to find a way to make it okay- again, not great, barely even good, but okay.
A lot of it had to do with COVID, and being in college where things were turned up on their heads. I live in a state that was one of the first to shut down, and we got a lot of flack for it. I think it was the right call, but i was also in hospitals doing clinical work and seeing this new illness tear through the facility was scary. I had those moments later, after the bans and shelter orders were over though, where i stood outside hospital rooms and watches people die from an illness they didn't believe could affect them. I had to sit with my husband while he cried because his parents refused to listen to anything scientific, did not take precautions and ended up in very sever situations because of it. (his mother is an RN, i was livid, still am) (they are okay now, for the most part, three weeks in the hospital changed their tunes a bit tho) But my voice is better now, generally. i graduated from college, passed my registry exam, worked in that same facility for 4 month and then found a better position for me. My relationship is much better and while there have been other twists, I am a better me than i was.... in January of 2020. Man, that was three years ago, whhhhaaaat.
Sorry for the long post, but Ive been meaning to post something about this for a while. So thanks, Anon. But also sorry, if this isn't all you wanted, literally. But i don't think I have these voices in my any longer.
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rrxnjun · 3 months
I know you don't do sequels but what do you think would have happened with Renjun and the main character in "when nobody's watching", I obviously think they got together and had a relationship and Renjun lived happily ever after jsjsj, but I don't know if you have a more elaborate answer or maybe a key destiny in your mind.
Another couple I'm curious about is Yangyang and her main character in "Im not angry anymore" from Jeno's fic I guess they did have something but I don't know if you have anything else to say about them.
pd: Go back to write something about Renjun or Yangyang or the 00 line, tumblr is a desert and I don't have fanfics of them :c ily
I really like making open endings so the readers can imagine how the story played out afterwards and what happened that i didnt decide to show in my story, but dear anon, if you really dont mind and want to hear my take on those universes, here is what i imagine happened 🌞
in when nobody's watching, renjun and the reader get closer and explore each others personalities, really discovering how it feels to have a friend that you can share everything about yourself with and not feel judged. I think after all renjun went through, he is trying to heal, which can sometimes cause him a lot of insecurity, but the reader is always patient and understanding with him. Obviously, i am a lovesick fool and i imagine those two ending up together, but that comes after a longer time of feeling comfortable in each other's presence and also the reader deidolizing the boy she's been pining over for years and realizing he isnt perfect and dreamy, but is a person just like anybody else - and still loving that version of him anyways.
when it comes to i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am), you can see that its a little more complicated. Yangyang is very obviously a safe place for the reader. after having her heart broken by jeno, it takes her a while to get over it, and although she always has yangyang by her side, its a little hard for the boy to come terms with the fact that he was never the first choice for her. However, the two can't deny their growing chemistry that comes with hanging out together and the more the reader forgets jeno, the more she feels at ease thinking that maybe, maybe she could have something with yangyang that is worth exploring. and as we saw in i'm not bitter anymore (i'm syrupy sweet), the two of them are discovering a playful, but very deep connection that definitely blooms into something more <3 they were always destined to get together, it was just wrong timing for them at first!
ahhh dear anon i would love to write more for the 00 line :c i am a busy university student, however, so i must admit that i no longer write as often as i would like to, since dorm life is busy and assignemnts are kicking my ass 💔💔 the time and energy i have left for writing is now reserved for my current kpop ult and that is sadly not nct anymore, but is tbz (follow me on @sohnric plug plug) 😭😭 i do however have a mark wip that i really wanna write soon and also i need to finish that jeno entry for my simplify romance series 🤧 whenever i get over my current kpop hyperfixation i do always come back to nct tho, so dont you worry, my journey is not over with them for sure and i will write something for them again one day <3
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swimmingwolf59 · 5 months
Writer's ask - 12, 22
12. What fic was the most difficult to writte? Did you finish it?
Probably Familiar Fluidity, my disco elysium fic, because I had to come up with and code a choose your own adventure, which I've never done before. I DID finish it tho lol!! And I'm super proud of how it turned out, I hope people are enjoying it 🥰
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene.
Ahhh, it's so hard to pick a favorite because I like a lot of my writing this year lol, but I went with this one because it's sweet, funny, and also ever since I watched Enterprise and they said that a Vulcan letting someone know their age is very intimate information, I have just laughed and laughed about the scene in journey to Babel where McCoy goes up to Sarek like SO AMBASSADOR ABOUT YOUR AGE-- this is from my Sarek&McCoy + spones fic First Impressions!
“Spock,” McCoy says, grinning from ear to ear as he slides his hands down to Spock’s hips, “how old are you?”
Spock turns back to him, his eyebrow sailing into his hairline. “As my doctor, you are well aware of my age, Leonard.”
“I’m trying to be intimate with you, my dear Mister Spock,” McCoy hums. “On Vulcan, I hear it’s quite the scandalous thing, asking someone their age.”
Spock stares at him, obviously trying to calculate where McCoy is going with this. He’s absolutely right to be suspicious.
“I believe your father likened it to a kink negotiation,” McCoy adds, and laughs as Spock sends him a nasty look.
“And why were you discussing such things with my father?” Spock asks frostily. He doesn’t step out of McCoy’s embrace this time, however, so he must not be as offended as before.
“Oh, I can’t share that information, I’m afraid,” McCoy says, pretending to be remorseful. “Doctor-patient confidentiality.”
Spock looks very displeased with this information, and his grip tightens slightly around McCoy. “Do you always discuss such things with your patients?”
“Oh, all the time,” McCoy says, waggling his eyebrows to let Spock know that he’s definitely not serious. “Only with the really attractive ones, though.”
“I fail to understand what you find so attractive about my father,” Spock huffs. Then, however, he cups McCoy’s face with his hands, rubbing his thumbs gently along a few of McCoy’s psi points. His voice is unbelievably soft when he says, “To answer your question, Leonard, I am 38.675, in Earth years.”
McCoy blinks at him, and then blinks again. He can’t do the math in his head to figure out if the .675 part is correct, but the 38 part absolutely is.
If he gives you an honest answer, then you will know the nature of your relationship.
A wide, happy, carefree grin stretches across McCoy’s face, and he bounces up on his toes to kiss Spock, all tongue. Spock hums, kissing him back with both his lips and his hands as his fingers trail down along McCoy’s neck and ears.
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caintooth · 1 year
you give off grad student vibes; are you?
yeah i’m a grad student, like, spiritually ;) no LMAO i’m kidding it would be fucked if someone actually claimed that
real answer tho, no i’m not currently! i’m taking some time off to work a job, have hobbies, and be a “student of life” or whatever, which is what i was trying to convey with that bad intro joke.
so, this is way more than you asked for, but… idk i’ve been meaning to say a lot of this for a while and writing it all out felt good, so unfortunately your ask is now the base for it lmao!
i think it’s important to talk about academic stress and how it can ruin not just your love of learning, but your sense of self.
for background info, i have a general Associate of Arts degree, and a Bachelor of Arts degree for which i completed a comparative literature major, with an ‘official’ focus in creative writing (though ‘personal’ focus in poetry, video games, film, and the fluidity between those mediums), and a minor in religious studies. i graduated in may of this year.
now, as a child, my mom was very harsh about school, to the point that my cousins would not want to come over during summer breaks because they knew we would be doing some sort of worksheets that my mother had designed. my “free” time was filled with non-stop educational camps, day classes, documentary watching, museum trips with worksheets, etc. until i was about age 14. and i do know that on one hand i am extraordinarily privileged to have had those experiences, and i am very thankful for them! but the reason those stopped is because i also grew up with several undiagnosed, thus untreated and increasingly severe mental illnesses. so i’m sure you can make the connections necessary to see how… damaging… my mother’s academic pressure became. i didn’t continue with further extracurricular programs because i ceased to be able to go even to regular school. my anxiety, both academic and social, became so severe that i was placed on a local program called “home hospital school”, which is normally reserved for terminally ill patients. i eventually transferred to an “early college” program because i could not go back to “regular” high school and at that point, wanted to be done with school as quickly as possible.
i took a gap year after graduating with both my high school and 2-year college degree on the same day. i was terrified and exhausted and having regular breakdowns about having to apply for more undergraduate classes. eventually i applied to 2 programs just to appease my mother that i would have at least one school and a “back-up,” and my first choice was the program at UNC-CH i just graduated from. i attended therapy just to push myself to do those applications.
and the first half of my time at UNC was… terrifying and confusing. i didn’t know what i actually “wanted” to do with my life let alone my day-to-day time, what i enjoyed, or why i was there. my dissociative disorder grew worse during that time than it had in my entire life. but eventually, being away from my mother gave me the chance to explore topics i never thought were even possible in an academic space! i took classes where we played video games for an hour straight, talked about the social origins of different urban legends, dissected how people fall for conspiracy theories, excitedly discussed queer and disabled life as a form of radical resistance… i even got so lucky that in my senior year, i was able to take only the classes i wanted and had chosen for personal enrichment.
what i’m trying to say is that i’d forgotten that learning could be fun. the reason my mom pushed me so hard in the first place, that little spark she saw in my eye: i fucking love learning, i love to discover, to fuel my curiosity, to ask dangerous questions. i love digging into the meat of life and finding out why and how. because it helps me understand more about myself, my friends, my passions. i spent so long doing what my mother wanted that i no longer knew what i wanted, or who i even was outside of her expectations.
which is exactly the reason i can’t go back to school right now. what i hope anyone still reading takes away from my words is this: if the subject doesn’t make you hungry for more, it’s not the subject for you. if you’ve spent so long being force-fed that you can’t remember what’s actually good to eat anymore? you must re-learn not only how to chew, but how to truly taste your food.
‘cause personally i feel like i need to stock my kitchen with so many more ingredients before i’ll be ready to cook the meal i truly want, y’know? and i know some of those ingredients i probably don’t even know the name of yet. to go back to school right now would be limiting for me. i’m pirating anthropology essays, experimenting with new photography methods, taking metalworking classes, writing a fake thesis about my favorite band, reading and reading and reading whatever the hell i want about any weird subject that strikes me. i’m expanding my goddamn palate.
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
thank you🫶🏻. i read this reply earlier and it made me cry bc you’re the only one who actually cares. thanks for letting me talk. also this is long and i’m v sorry but i just wanted to share w someone. part of it gets deep but i swear u don’t have to reply to that part, i fr just wanna make one point ab guys fighting
i hate violence so much. the jokes ab men punching walls don’t make me laugh and men beating the shit out of other guys to protect their girl isn’t attractive to me. i just hate all of it
it used to be funny and attractive until it wasn’t. my dad was so mad at me yesterday bc he was drunk and i wouldn’t give him more alc, that he punched a wall. i took a pic of the hole in my bedroom door and sent it my friends in our gc and we were laughing so hard at it bc white men and punching walls yk? It was so funny and we kept making jokes/memes ab it til i realised he punched the wall bc he couldn’t punch me (i closed my door and he couldn’t get in) and that’s a weird fucking realisation.
i just don’t like any of it and i’m having a v bad day. i told my mum and brother and nobody gets it. they both blame me. it’s ridiculous. and now i’m convincing myself that i DID do something wrong, when i know i didnt. it’s fucking crazy. he could beat the shit out of me (he wouldn’t) and they’d still find a way to make it my fault.
im gna send u my mums response (english is her 3rd language so ignore the mistakes) and she’s literally blaming me.
for context, my dad has a history of abuse (against my mum, yet she still defends him) and my mum is just as bad.
this is what she texted me:
“Ppl have limitations. If you push them they do things or say things and you turn and call names to those can’t bare any more. You should be a bit more patient and a bit more respectful to your parents
You shouldn’t keep shouting at him. We’re both doing our best even we are not the best I know, but as a return I thing we deserve to be respected , if you are better than us then you should understand what I am saying”
i just feel so alone. i stg it’s like no one understands.
anyways long story short i don’t like violence and i don’t find it attractive. i don’t shame anyone / any girls bc i’m a girls girl at heart, but i hate how people have romanticised violence bc it really does send the wrong message to guys and younger boys growing up and hearing “fights are so hot” and “it’s so sexy when guys beat the shit out of other guys” even if they deserved it. like even tho they wouldn’t do that to you, the reminder that they can makes me sick. i just don’t like it and i feel like i’m the only one :/ violence just makes me icky and anxious and scared even if it’s not directed to me/supposed to “protect me” (when it’s at another guy at a bar or whatever).
thanks for listening to my rant. ur legit my bestie. i have an anon emoji & we’re mutuals/we talk on here like all the time but i don’t wanna use it on this
i don’t think you’re wrong for having this opinion or have it belong in an unpopular opinion category. i think the issue is that violence (esp w. men) has been so desensitized that it’s “normal.”
i also don’t like violence and grew up with an angry man in my home. i will never be an angry man and i will never be with one for that reason. but when i read something fictional i feel like im taking control back (? if that makes sense.) because i can “control” the violence.
your dad was wrong, and it was wrong of your mom to try and protect him. you deserve to feel safe and i’m sorry you don’t. i’m here always <3
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stormyoceans · 5 months
mon, i’ve been wanting to text you since friday night, as soon as i finished ep9 but i’ve been so incredibly overcome with emotion, i just have not had the courage to process everything and put what i feel into words.
i have been bawling since the very start of the ep, mon. right from the night-&-day conflict-cause reveal, to the first time day realises he’s losing sight, to the intimate scene, to (of course) the final scene, i have literally been in tears, unable to process any of my feelings. hell, i couldn’t even watch the full ep from between my tears, but i’m too scared to go back and watch so soon. there are so many things i felt, so many thoughts i had that i wanted to share with you but i’m just so overwhelmed even as yet, and i just want you to know, that if ever my thoughts become a little bit more clear and my feelings a bit less overwhelming, you will definitely be the first to hear all i want to say (sorry to be a bother but you’re like one of the few people i can share the utter happiness that this show is for me and i really want to discuss ALL ABOUT IT with you, and get all your thoughts!! but i get so overwhelmed and am so random with being active on this app, ughh it’s so hard 😭😭😭😭😭)
i just wanted to share this one thought with you that i had while watching the ep though, because i know you’d appreciate it so damn much. this series feels like such a beautiful gift to all us fans from jimmysea and p’aof, mon. like the heart that has gone into this project and the sheer beauty that everyone involved has created feels like the best present one could ever ask for (🥹). truly, i have no words other than the fact that i have never, ever experienced anything like this ever before and i am truly so, so overcome with a myriad of emotions, half of which i can’t even name.
take all the time you need tho, i definitely understand feeling overwhelmed by this show and not being able to write down everything you want to say. and idk if im the only one experiencing this, but these past couple of months since last twilight started have been so surreal to me like. i haven’t even begun to process 13% of the things that happened in episode 9 or any past episode really and it’s already time for episode 10 tomorrow. we’ve waited for this show for a whole year and in two more weeks it’s already gonna be over and yet somehow im still stuck on the very first episode with so many things to say and so many emotions to deal with and so many thoughts i want to share with you all but it seems too late now except it’s not!!!!!! we’re still here talking about vice versa after almost two years, we’re gonna be here talking about last twilight long after it ends!!!!!!
and to me this does feel like a show that you need to let sink in and settle a little before you can fully appreciate it, not because it’s overly complicated or controversial, but because it strikes something so deep into your soul that you need to watch it multiple times to unravel all its beauty. the feelings you get when you experience something for the first time can’t ever be repeated, but there is new understanding to be found in all the times after it. like you said, even just by watching episode 9 you can tell that there’s so much love and so much care that went into this show, and then you watch the bts videos and you see how hard everyone worked to make this happen, how the entire crew climbed that quite literal mountain just to deliver something special to us
i think that’s why despite all of my fears and worries about the ending that i can’t quite shake off, im also trying really hard to have faith in everyone involved in the show, because it’s a product of love and i will always be so deeply grateful to them for gifting it to the world
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7ndipity · 5 months
hey !! i ♡ ur writing, its helping me get away from reality and the hard times it has brought last year 2023, so im hoping that both for u and me and whoever is reading this that 2024 is gonna be a good year, full of joy, blessings, and health, im also hoping for the boys, even tho they'll spend most of the year in the military, that this is gonna be a great year ...♡ idk if the shipping game is still going, but id like to join, if its possible haha....im kind of late but i was afraid at first (im very shy) then i remembered that i can use the anon option!
also u asked which member we'd ship u with, so i'd personally say yoongi! ik u write a lot of fics on him, so maybe its that, but also you seem like a very nice, calm and understanding person, also a very like "warm"? person and i think thats just the type of person yoongi would enjoy being with :) or with jimin too!
well abt me ..for the shipping game.
Im a 00 liner, she/her, im from a slavic country, i have long hair with bangs, dark blonde, brown eyes and some freckles, petite (?) like very short.. omg it seems like a school presentation im sorry, also, im an atheist/agnostic but im very open to religions and spirituality and i personally love talking about such matters, i love having deep talks also, i love reading and rewatching the same few film or animes (like evangelion im obsessed). i talk abt this things over and over.
also, im an introvert and im very insecure both abt my looks and the way i act, but i always try to be sincere abt my feelings even tho its hard since im kind of a people pleased but i!am!working!on!it!! im an optimist, things have gotten better before and they will get better again. im a calm person but sometimes i have silly moments so its either that i talk it out and like talk talk talk talk or idk i just laugh at everything....also, i really like physical affection BUT i dont like pda...like cute but not in public yk.
omg i wanted to make this short for u...im sorry, if ur not doing the shipping game anymore dont worry i might be late for it ig😭help...
also one last thing, im a yoongi stan because i love the kind of person he is, caring, calm, very mature also emotionally intelligent and is not afraid to show vulnerable parts of himself. Also he is very passionate that admirable and he a cutie yk it already like...also! hobi is my wrecker cause he is the sweetest never fails to make us smile :) ok...i said enough now you know abt me😵😦 anyways.....sorry i hope u have a good day🤍 happy new year again, i really wander how u keep it up with writing and daily life seems like a lot to me u always bless us with new amazing stories and ur very sweet and patient when answering, take care🤍🤍
Ok, first off thank you so much for your sweet message! I'm so glad this blog's been a place of comfort for you, and I definitely second your wish that this year be kind to us all!
I’m about to make you so happy, cause I would ship you with Yoongi and Hobi, and also a little bit with Namjoon!
Yoongi and Joon love people that they can have genuine, deep conversations with, so I think they’d really appreciate your openness and sincerity, as well as your optimism. Plus, I think Joon would find you super cute(lowkey think he would be into height differences)
You mentioned a bit about your style in your second message, and I’ve said before that I think Hobi would really love a partner with similar fashion sense/ style to him, so i think he’d really be into your alt/skater style(and as a fellow Aquarius, you two would pair quite well together)! Plus, he and Yoongi have such warm, reassuring personalities, I feel like they would be so comforting for you!
Hope this was okay💜
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Okay okay, its been a while since I requested a matchup so sorry if i forget something! I dont mind both helluva and hazbin, i like both <3
Online I go by Dead or just D, I am not comfortable with my irl name and am still trying to figure it out
My pronouns are they/she, I'm still trying to find the right label for what I'm into though. I like everybody to sum it up tho!
I'm an INFP-t
I really like cats (I've got six), the colors blue and black, skeletons, cards/dice (i have some cool jewelry with card symbols n stuff) drawing, reading/writing and watching cartoons.
I've got diagnosed with ADD/ADHD though I'm more tired than hyper, but if you get me talking about something im interested in I could talk your ear off
I try really hard to be consious of how other people feel so I tend to back up if I can tell someone isn't enjoying the conversation/what we're doing. I also really try hard to include others in what I'm currently blabbing about by asking them questions 'cause I know what it's like to not have a say in a convo.
In terms of my appearence, I'm afab, and I'm sadly well endowed, it causes me some back issues. But on the bright side they make good pillows for friends!!
I've got short blonde hair that i dye black and i tend to wear loose clothes that are a few sizes too big. I usually tend to wear all black non gendered clothes (I'm goth) and if i feel like getting dolled up I'll wear a dress and accessories!
I need glasses cause my long distance sight is shit 💀💀💀
In terms of humor? I like making dirty jokes or dark jokes. Like, my fave dark joke is "my grandfather told me i was too reliant on technology. So i called him a hypocrite and unplugged his life support"
But yeah!! Thanks for taking the time to read this <3
I pair you with…
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~ Hi Dead! Omg so I had these done two days ago, then I looked up what a charcuterie board was out of curiosity… bro it was completely finished, I didn’t save it as a draft, and lost my progress because I. Wanted to look. At pictures of charcuterie boards. Anyway I like charcuterie boards 🤭
~ Okay! So Blitzo was first that came to mind when I read about you. Firstly, y’all give off the extrovert adopts introvert trope. Except, it’s more like vague kidnapping than adopting. One meeting and you’re friends for life, no exceptions.
~ Blitzo’s favourite quality in a partner is someone who enjoys his sense of humour. This is a little bit because of his past in the circus. He not only loved that you understand and laugh at his jokes, but when you add on to them!
~He’s awful at communicating. The way you listen and genuinely show an effort in gaging his mood and engagement really means a lot to him, he notices. Blitzo works really well with someone who is patient and good at communication, because he’s lacking in that department, and you help him learn.
I pair you with…
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~ This is another extrovert adopts introvert, but much less extreme. Asmodeus is interested in you, and he finds excuses and ways to see you again. If he notices the same interest is reciprocated, he’ll slowly integrate himself into your life and become a constant.
~ Loves listening to people talk. Will let you talk his ear off about your interests, and will never lose focus. Is completely invested from start to finish. Will literally sit there smiling with his heads in his hands kicking his feet.
~ Additionally, he digs that you’re so attentive in conversations. Asmodeus has a tendency to let himself become a listener when he’s in romantic relationships, mostly because he just genuinely enjoys listening to his partners speak and is such an invested listener. It’s a welcome change of pace that you’re constantly ensuring it’s a back and forth conversation, and how conscious you are of his feelings and attention. He reciprocates these efforts tenfold.
~ Super domestic. Will watch cartoons with you in a blanket pile on the couch for hours. Favourite thing is to make unique charcuterie boards and start a show together. This prompted me to go and look at pictures of fucking cheese last time.
~ Can be content with just admiring you while you draw.
~ Loves your sense of humour. Especially loves when he says something dirty to flirt, and you clap back with something super dark. It always catches him off guard, and it takes a lot to leave him speechless. He adores it.
I pair you with…
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~ Loves your aesthetic.
~ “Omg I have a goth partner” type beat.
~ Unsure the trope of you guys meeting, but I had ideas for your relationship dynamic. Cherri uses you to recharge her social battery. After a long day, all she wants to do is come home to you and just rest. She’ll definitely text often throughout the day, but when she comes home she always beelines to the couch to make a next of pillows and blankets so you can watch cartoons together.
~ The ultimate cat sitter. Immediately once she hears you have cats she’s at your place. Is she with you for you or the cats? No one knows. It’s you. Don’t be surprised if you come home one day, and she’s just… there, with your cats.
~ If she finds cool jewelry that reminds her of you she’ll send you a selfie holding it next to her head, with a “?” text following to see if you want it. Sometimes it’ll be from cool little shops, but sometimes you can see the wreckage of a turf war in the background and you know she’s just looting people.
~ You both have the same sense of humour, it’s like you guys mesh so well. I imagine conversations between you go so well, you’re super excitable and somehow always find something to talk about. Every day is exciting.
Alternate pairing…
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Hello! It's Winter! Whether or not it's true, this story was inspired by that tinyyyy bed on their trip.
The Tiny Bed
They exploded with laughter as they were led to the room they’d be sleeping in, only seeing it now for the first time. When the staffer left them alone, they couldn’t hold back any longer and more laughter followed. 
“This bed isn’t even large enough for one of our grandkids!” Emmanuel protested, not believing this is where they were expected to sleep comfortably. 
“It would look rude if we left and booked a hotel, right?” Brigitte questioned, not wanting to cause waves but knowing this wasn’t realistic. They were grown adults, not toddlers. 
Emmanuel pulled her close, “We’ll make the best of it. I can’t imagine what the press would say if we booked a hotel.” 
After a long day of events, they finally found themselves back in the room and ready for bed. 
“I’ll get in first,” Brigitte offered, hopping on the bed and moving toward the wall. 
“What if you need to use the bathroom during the night?” Emmanuel asked, trying to figure out the logistics of their sleeping arrangements. 
“I can roll over you,” Brigitte winked. Any opportunity to get closer to her husband was worth it. 
After many failed attempts, they had come up with what they thought was the best possible plan. He laid on the bed first and opened his arms, patiently waiting for his wife to climb on top. 
Once they settled in the bed, Emmanuel huffed. “This can’t be comfortable for you, cherie. At least I am sleeping directly on a mattress, you’re stuck laying on top of my lumpy body.” 
She playfully swatted at him. “Don’t call your body lumpy. It’s extremely sexy. I’m probably the envy of every woman tonight - and every night. No, it’s not an ideal sleeping position, but I love being this close to you.” She kissed him on the lips, suddenly feeling something grow hard beneath her.
“It may not be comfortable for sleeping, but this is a great position to do something else,” he whispered into her neck. Getting a good peek at her cleavage in her dangerously low-cut nightgown, he knew he wouldn’t last long if they started.
Emmanuel moaned loudly when Brigitte’s hands found their way inside his boxers, gently stroking his shaft. However, she stopped immediately when she came to her senses. 
“Why did you stop?” He asked, horrified. “What’s wrong?” 
“Because we could break this tiny bed! How would we be able to explain that?” Brigitte replied, being the voice of reason. “Everyone will know what we were doing!” 
He sighed loudly, understanding her point but not seeing the harm in a husband making love to his beautiful wife, “You’re right …but you’ve left me with quite a problem, honey.” 
“I can fix that,” Brigitte licked her lips before pulling the blanket over her head and disappearing between his legs. 
Hellooo Winter! ❤️
Oh but you never fail Hahahaha my mind had similar thoughts 🤭😂
It was funny and sexy and the same time! 😏
Hahaha imagine them breaking the tiny bed tho, everyone’s reactions would be priceless 😅😂
But they still found a way, and that’s what smart and in love (and horny) people so 😜
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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hi hi i’d like to request a personality based matchup for jujutsu kaisen and attack on titan please. i’m an infp, i’m bi so i don’t have a gender preference for who i am matched with and i’m ok with poly ships if you do those for matchups. i go by she/they pronouns. i am 5’2. i have brown curly hair with tinted highlights and hazel eyes. im pretty soft spoken tho depending on who im around i can be louder than usual. im kind, creative, patient, loyal, smart, and easy going. i try to be nice to everyone and not judge them based on meeting them once. my friends say im a ray of sunshine and that im the mom friend of the group. i like photography, hanging out with friends, going on walks when it’s nice out, listen to music, reading, watching anime, shopping, and baking. i like wearing oversized sweaters and hoodies. i like boba and different kinds of sweets. i don’t like confrontation and i try to avoid it when i can. when it comes to relationships i look for someone that i vibe with someone that i can feel comfortable around. my love languages are quality time (giving) and physical affection (receiving). thank you so much!!
Hey hey! Absolutely. I will say for AOT I dragged my friend in to help me lol I haven't written/seen AOT in so long so I've forgotten a lot of their personalities. Also apologies for making you wait so long!
Anyways, for JJK I match you with... *drum roll*
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❥Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori!
I feel like these two, in their own rights, are perfect for you in JJK
Yuji and you both share some stuff in common, and he himself is a little ray of sunshine, so you have some common ground there
Megumi would also 100% provide you with oversized sweaters. I feel he likes it more than Yuji does sometimes
Both Yuji and Megumi would be down for some sweets though!! They both like sweets. They like them even more with you <3
They both are also loyal to you and each other, of course
Megumi would probably be a little more thrilled than Yuji to go on walks, but they'd both still go with you
Yuji is more of a manga reader, but Megumi is more of an anime watcher, so Megumi will watch with you while Yuji struggles not to make foreshadow-y jokes in the corner. It's really hard for him
I feel like you could get Megumi into photography, but I feel Yuji is more of a drawing/painting kinda guy. Regardless, he'll marvel at the photos you two take, and might even paint some of your photos as a surprise.
When you go to hang out with friends, Megumi has to stop Yuji from constantly texting you every hour. Megumi also misses you, but respects your space.
They both love to mess with your curly hair, and sometimes tease you on your height, but immediately stop if they see you're getting upset about it. Regardless, they never make more than a few jokes, and both encourage you to make jokes about them as well. Otherwise, they'd feel really shitty about it.
Megumi can understand being softer spoken around some people and louder around others, and doesn't exactly need any kind of explanation. Yuji however, will ask you directly, sometimes in front of other people, possibly embarrassing you. Megumi, of course, will come to your aid by smacking his fist on top of the bubblegum boys head and telling him to "cut it out."
Megumi shares your dislike for confrontation (source: Todo) but Yuji doesn't. If something happens that you need to confront directly, Yuji will offer to do it for you a million times over, seeing your discomfort in doing so. Whether or not you let him is up to you.
Yuji's main love language is definitely physical affection, so he's got you covered there. Megumi might take a little bit to get there, but his own main language is probably words of affirmation or acts of service. Doesn't mean he can't adapt tho!
Megumi and Yuji can both vibe with you, it's like a little party everywhere you go! They both like how nice and happy you are, and not a day goes by without them doing something with you.
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For AOT I match you with... *drum roll*
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❥Jean Kirstein!
God I'm so jealous
This love-awkward fool stumbles over his own two feet and words whenever you are around.
I feel like he would have already been into photography before he got with you, but now that you're together, all he wants to do is take pictures of you. His favorite (you with a sunset behind you) is kept in his wallet at all times, and framed in his home.
He has a couple of oversized sweaters and sweatpants, but he labels those as his pajamas. He has no problem parting ways with them if you want them, though. He thinks they look better on you anyways.
Jean is grateful to have someone as smart and loyal as you. Being with Eren for long periods of time wears this poor man down.
He'll also tease you about your height, but thats just because he's so tall. He's also one to encourage you to make jokes right back at him though, it's only fair. But he absolutely loves your hair, always notices when you get it cut or styled a new way, and always compliments your eyes. He is rarely seen without a smile plastered on his face when around you.
I personally believe that Jean's favorite time of the day is sunset, and he loves taking walks with you around that time. It's how he got that photo of you in the first place. He'd also love to share music with you, and wants to hear the music you like. Jean is also a big reader, and would love to trade books with you.
Sometimes, Jean will take you to bookstores and you two each buy a book you both think you'd like, read them separately, then trade them and read the others' book. It's so fucking cute wtf
Jean would've watched some anime before you, but never really got into it. Now with you around, he might watch some of it with you, some of it not. It just depends. He's like those husbands that swear up and down not to be interested in their wives' reality tv shows, but still sit with her and ask her questions like he is interested. Because he secretly is. He might take better to manga, though. He never really thought to try that.
Jean would love to help you bake, but I feel like if he tried alone, he'd be shit at it and accidentally burn whatever he was baking. Poor guy. But, he's just happy to do something with you.
Jean doesn't have too much of a sweet tooth that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean he'll turn down candy. He'll also never turn down your baking, even if its a flavor he doesn't like. The only way you'll know if he doesn't like a particular flavor is through either Connie or Sasha.
Jean is also another one who will offer to deal with the conflict himself, but if you decline, then he'll encourage you to get it over with, saying he'll be there as your support, and that everything is going to be okay. If you still decline, he'll give in and respect your wishes.
I feel like Jean's main language is quality time, in all honesty. Physical affection is a close second, though. So he'll be happy to give you all the physical attention you want.
Jean is all around very easy to get along with, unless you're Eren. He's very respectful and is crazy down bad for you, he'd do almost anything for you, and I mean that.
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Here is my JJK Masterlist and my AOT Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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