#i was gonna say they dont have any useful powers but they. the. :^) darkness
dearlyarchived · 2 years
i think there’s a lot that could accidentally upset myrl after coming back to the realm of light. they lost their keyblade in the darkness, their heart not even strong enough to hold onto it, they know they’re suspicious from coming out of the realm of darkness, they can’t help out in any useful way, ventus doesnt remember them and they dont have their old friends, chirithy hasn’t come back, and underneath it all they’re still tainted by darkness. they cant win.
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brainrot-stitch · 3 months
AHAAA I FINISHED IT WOAHHH i usually don't finish art things omg...
Anyways current sabre design!!! (It will probably change bc I can NEVER make up my mind on any design ever sob)
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Anyways some headcanons below cuz I feel like yapping :3
-rainbow totally would have gotten him and sabre friendship necklaces (yk the matching kind with magnets that come together n all) and after knowing lucas for a bit he woulda made friendship bracelets !!
-like that one person I reblogged said, he's such a mad scientist he's so silly omgg
-i love the reincarnation au SO MUCH its literally fire but in normal headcanons I think he used to be part of the creed and an assasin and ermm
Basically I headcanon his whole assassins creed series was basically his backstory before starting to do research on these 'steve' entities
-when nervous/anxious his footsteps will be completely silent out of habit from the whole assassin thing, and he'd obviously do it when purposefully trying to sneak (he has probably scared rainbow or Lucas multiple times by doing this..)
-I'm not sure weather to headcanon that his wings were damaged by a steve really early on in the steve saga (like before rainbow could speak or maybe when dark was still pretending to be blue) or if it was smth that happened when he was still an assassin but it's one of those!!!
-hes an avian.. heh... if u couldn't tell from the ref sheet.. but NOT a chicken!! The chicken jokes are just bc of the hoodie and bc his feathers look a lil similar :3
-he has like 2 of the same chicken hoodie he'll wear most often but still has some normal outfits AND assassins outfits and weapons he keeps away (most are green or have some sort of green in them heh.. I might draw that later)
-ok ok ok I have so many eye headcanons it's so hrggrrrrh the main one tho is one I snatched from the reincarnation au and that's that he doesn't have eyes!! Bc of an injury or sum and he js says he has sensitive eyes and the bandana fabric is see through up close.. but he can still see bc he's a player and the way players work is weird. Other headcanon, green eyes. Other headcanon, brown eyes. Other headcanon, heterachromia green and brown eyes. Other headcanon pure white eyes. Other headcanon code eyes. Other headcanon (gets hit by a bus)
-if we r going with the reincarnation au for the eyes, I feel like only rainbow and Lucas would know, if we're going with the others, I'd say rainbow, Lucas, Alex, galaxy, and maybe the guardian (I forgot if that's what he was called or not) would know. If we're going with the code eyes, then only lucas would know
-not sabre specifically but I feel like steves in general wouldn't be very used to or know but about blood/gore stuff, bc they're more used to being destroyed/poofing, and later on being destroyed through a machine. Being actually killed by a sword or something of the sort they are not used to seeing, and are very touchy on the subject
-on that note I imagine if there's like a steve that's immune to most or all other steve powers and or machines that they're trying to get rid of and arguing on what to so abt I imagine sabre being like "oh 1 sec I got this" and boom that mf DEAD 😭
-and they'd b like 😰
"Guess we're gonna have to kill this guy sabre" "damn"
-ermmm silly billy activity...
-I feel like he'd know a lot more than the other steves on things like the nether and end (not end city tho that's a whole other mc headcanon I don't feel like yapping abt rn) bc those are the dimensions players have access too and steves usually dont.. so they'd b like "WTF SABRE WHAT R U DOING THAT IS A LITERAL HELLSCAPE WITH LAKES OF FIRE AND MONSTERS WEVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE FYM U CAN GET 'NETHERITE' THERE" and he'd b like "well don't go in the fire then and it anything attacks u kill it ig" (not actually sob.. I feel like only he and Lucas would go there bc most steves r hindered greatly by lava and the only ones we've seen that aren't are bad guys if my memory is correct)
Ermm I have more but I'm eepy and can't remember so those r for another day!!!
Don't post my art to other platforms without my permission pls x3
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binkszamsstuff · 1 year
Very dark Steve! Mob Steve! Non con! Reader and Steve have a child. Angst!! Lots of grammar and spelling mistakes I’ll edit in the morning or never who knows🤷🏻‍♀️❤️
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Red. the pain, the hurt, the passion, the love, everything was red. He was toxic, he was the obsessive. And you were his feen, his drug, his obsession , his love. But the days blurred, the lines no longer were standing, they had fallen. The fights, the late nights, the guessing and questions that went unanswered by him. It was a house on fire, it was red.
There was no time in the day to plan, with his anger, and yours. It was spontaneous, the fight had started because of steves affairs. The lying, the cheating, he ruined you, tore down all walls, made you just as obsessed with him as he was with you. Just to leave you in the dust, to cheat. To add gasoline to the fire that was you, or what was left of you anyhow.
Peggy was a glossy, classy woman with the perfect bubble of power and wittiness. She was everything you weren’t. You were messy, hazed with trouble, a woman gone mad by a man who drove her there. You were his frankenstein, you were old pieces of yourself glued back together again. The young, innocent, naive, funny, charming, and free girl was now chained to the scars he left.
You ran out of the house in the early morning, he came home late yet again. You had stayed up waiting for him, going to confront him in his act. Thats exactly what you did, but the end was not what you pictured. You hopped that he would hold you, say you were wrong, make love to you like in the beginning.
“Are you cheating on me?’ you asked quietly, you sat on the bed. You couldnt took at him.
“I dont want to have this conversation with you, it’ll only hurt you” steve spoke. That was all the answers you needed. You started to yell, scream, through insult after insult.
“I knew it! You’re scerwing peggy! Huh you’re fucking your secretary!” you yelled in his face crying. He rolled his eyes at you and shoved you to the side going to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
“Im tried of this steve” you sobbed walking to the closet grabbing any bag in sight packing up everything.
Once steve heard you say that so defeated he knew that you were serious about leaving him. You and him had lots a fights because of his actions but everytime he kissed it better. He drew back in promising his love and that it will never happen again. But it always does. Steve now had his suite jacket off, his selves rolled up, strands of his hair in hs face,
“You’re not leaving me” he stated
“Watch me” you said back in anger, masking the sadness.
“y/n i own you, you’re mine! You cant leave me baby” he said getting angry.
“You cheated steve! Again. I-i cant do this i cant sit here and wait for you to love me again. We are not the people we were when we first started dating. I cant and wont be the drunk housewife waiting for her husband whose never gonna come back because his mistress.” you were out of breath from crying and talking so fast while packing.
Steve stepped closer “baby come on its me! Its us! We always get through stuff like this!” he tried to manipulate you with his soft words but this time it wouldn’t work. the naive girl you used died, not even a ghost left of her
“We wouldnt have to “get through this stuff” if you didnt cheat and fuck other women.” you held up air qoutes while talking.
“I love you” steve pulled you in near, kissing the top of your head. You sobbed in his chest, hurt, angry, betrayed. The three year relationship was now smoke, the fire was all burnt out. The engagement ring heavy on your finger, it was a line of whispered lies and i love yous.
Steve drew you to the bed, kissing his way up your neck. His hands sliding down your frame gripping your hips. His false hope whispered in your ear and apologies that didnt have any meaning stuck to you, like a cigarette burn. He took off your clothes and gently laid you on the bed. ‘When was the last time he was gentle with me?’ you thought to yourself as he kissed and licked at you lower lips.
“Say something baby, tell me you wont leave me, that you love me” he begged like he was the victim. You stayed silent, numb.
“prettybaby i love you. Say it back! I need you! I cant live with out you!” both of you now naked on the bed. he pushed himself into your entrance, all you could do was cry.
Steve begged and whined for you back but little did he know the car was running outside waiting to escape him and this burning house.
Steve fell asleep hugging you, his head resting on your tummy his arm wrapped around you. You ran your fingers through his hair, soaking up what was left of the man you used to know, he was burned alive, gone. You slowly pushed him off of you and got dressed, grabbing the bags on clothes and bathroom care you walked out. You looked around the house as you left, the nicknacs and photos of you and steve. The nursery that sat empty. Steve promised children but then came peggy. You kissed your engagement ring and then placed it on the entry table by steves keys.
Getting in the car and speeding off in to what was left of the mess steve made of you.
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One year later-
A wail of a new born was calling out to you in the dead of the night. You never got frustrated being a single mother, reminding yourself when you caught yourself being negative that you could still be with steve. Penny was three months old and her blonde curly hair was sticking in every which way. It made you giggle.
“Hi! Mommys here its okay penny girl” you picked her up rocked her in your arms.
She might be steve daughter but you never let her know what pain she was created from, you would never let her end up like steve nor you.
“Mama loves you” you said as she closed her big eyes again just needing comfort from her mom to make her feel better. Steve didnt know that the night that the two of you had sex before you left was the cause of a beautiful little girl. He had tried to call, and text you put after smaing you phone and leaving to state of New York for Washington you knew he wouldnt find you.
You lived in a little white house with a garden in a small town tucked away from the crazy and hurt.
You sat in the rocking chair in pennys room rocking her, your tiredness was catching up to you. Just as your eyes started to close he spoke from the depths of the darkness that was the closet.
“Oh prettybaby you are such a good little mommy, just like i knew you would be” he walked closer.
You screamed. Getting up with penny in your arms backing away from him trying stumble to the door backwards,
“Get out. Steve get out! I-i cant-” you sobbed your hold on penny grew tighter.
“Baby its okay, i wont hurt you. y/n im so proud of you, look at the life you built for our little girl, now i am mad you didnt tell me you were pregnant. But baby she is gorgeous. Now i need you to decide either you come home or we can live out here. Ya know i kinda love it here. Good thinking babe this is great place to rise kids”
You sobbed harder.
“How did you find us” you asked crying, so scared.
“Oh baby dont be naive, i will always find you”
“You cant be in our life, your toxic and i wont rase my daughter in the life we used to have. She wont end up like us! You cant be here! You ruined me!’ you sobbed and hyperventilated. He slowly walked closer like approaching an injured animal
“Baby i know i know, i was wrong and mean and cruel to you. I was blind i thought you would always be there for me. I took you for granted. Shes gone y/n, i got rid of peggy, shes taking a long nap and i aint ever gonna hurt you like that again. I need you baby…..and i need to be in my daughters life. I cant live without you nor am i gonna be able to leave her all alone now too” he explained
“I wanna have a good life, nothing like the one we used to have. You scare me steve and you’ve hurt me” you said looking at little penny who had a frown on hef face, she could read the distress from her mother.
“y/n look at me!” steve grabbed your face in his hands and made you look at him. “I will make it up to you i promise. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you baby. I cant live without you” you shock your head no
“Its okay i get it y/n we need time, but im not going anywhere” steve spoke again.
“Come on lets put penny girl back in ger crib and go to bed” steve guided you to the crib and put penny down. She was right back to being cozy and sleepy. Steve pulled you in a hug while you sobbed into his chest, he was sliding his hand over your hair while shushing you.
“Come one lets go to sleep.” steve took your hand in his and leaded you back to your room. You laid down still crying, steve undressed himself down to his boxers and then joined you. He spooned you.
“I’ve missed you so much baby” was the last thing you heard before falling into slumber because you had cried yourself to sleep in his arms.
The house was burnt but in its ashes something new rose.
Authors note; i know some people will not understand why she didnt fight more, and the reason why was because she was in shock. It been and year and he shows up and shes like oh crap he found me and our now daughter. She is really scared of him and numb. Also steve is a mob boss by the way.
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honeybeedrabble · 10 months
Dangerous Desires (iv) - Sink or Swim
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Check Out: Pt. one, Pt. two Pt. three
Summary: The three of you make it to the hidden sand ahead of schedule. So after the private pool session, what happens now that you and the Captain have only one bed?
18+ MDNI !!!!!!!!!!
Warnings: POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!! AFABreader x Kakashi, Creep!Kakashi, Dark!Kakashi, pet names, angst, inprotected piv (dont be stupid), oral (f receiving), only one bed (a slay tbh), slight choking, over stimulation, marking, public groping, cum eating, power imbalances, fluffy (?) shower scene, lmk if i missed anything.
Word Count: 6.7 K
Waking up the next morning was brutal. Your neck was covered in purple bruises, your throat felt sore, your hands were raw from the brutal grip of the log and that’s all without mentioning the soreness between your legs. You rolled out of your sleeping bag, and looked into the early morning sky. The sun was just about to peek out from the horizon. The men were already gathering last night's supplies and tossing them away into their bags. You covered your neck with your sleeping bag quickly. 
“How come you didn’t wake me up?” you yawn. 
“We haven’t been up too long ourselves, plus it wouldn’t be right to disturb you,” the brunette smiled. 
“Don’t do that next time, if you’re up then I'm up.” You said, rolling up your sleeping bag and dusting yourself off. 
“How noble of you,” Gema smirks. You roll your eyes. 
“We opened some canned fruit earlier, go ahead and help yourself. we’re going to be moving soon so eat it on the way if you have to.” Kakashi was busy with his own supplies and sleeping bag as he said this, facing away from you and Gema. 
It amazes you how quickly he can dismiss you in front of others, sometimes you couldn’t believe all the things he’s done to you until he’s doing them all over again. Kissing, groping, and grinding into you with fervor one minute and then back to his nonchalant captain persona within seconds. 
Sure enough, after covering your neck in makeup, you three were back on the route of the hidden sand, sprinting and jumping from tree to tree. Kakashi was sure that if you three didn’t stop often and moved quickly you would be able to make it by nighttime. The two of you didn’t have much to say except for a few complaints, those were quickly shot down by Kakashi marking his dominance with a “just remember as your captain i’ll be writing the mission report, that includes orders not being followed.” That was enough to shut you two up and comply. 
Even though it was hell, eating while constantly moving and almost vomiting back up lunch while desperately needing a few breaks until collapse, Kakashi was right. It must’ve been 11 at night when you three had reached the village hotel.
“Oh, the hidden leaf shinobi. The scrolls we received said that you wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow.” A sand village kunoichi said. 
“We moved quickly, Lady Tsunade didn’t want us to waste any time helping out the medical team so we made haste.” Kakashi said. 
“That’s great! However there seems to be a problem. With you three arriving a day early we haven’t prepared all the rooms for the three of you to stay in. We wanted to have three rooms available in our building however one of the guests inside of the second room is still inside. I’m sorry but there are only two rooms available for the three of you.” The woman said sadly. oh god. 
“You hear what that means pretty thing? We’re gonna be sharing a room,” Genma says, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Absolutely not.” Kakashi says angrily, making Genma jump slightly. The two of you turned around to face him. “She will be sharing a room with me,” he said, his tone much calmer than before. 
“Um… Kakashi-“
“Captain,” he corrected. 
“Captain… Why can’t you share a room with Genma? Wouldn’t it be inappropriate with the two of us in the same room for the night?” You ask. 
“Yeah, and you’re going to be sleeping with each other!” Genma adds on in frustration. 
“The Hokage ordered me to keep a close eye on you, which I promised I would do. If I share the third room with Genma and you take the first, the middle room would be separating us. That means we’d have a problem, the only way to fix it would mean we share the room. And don’t be vulgar Genma, I still have my sleeping bag. Either one of us can take it, however being the captain I'll let her take the bed.” Kakashi explains. 
You want to interject with all of your being, however you can’t think of anything to say to reject it without outing the both of you. 
“Pft, whatever. Does this place have a pool?” Genma asks, turning to the woman in charge. 
“We do! I’ll give you three your keys, each of them can unlock the pool. It’s technically closed tonight but seeing as how you all are here under special circumstances, it’s all yours. We also have bathing suits for you three.” She says, tossing two pairs of keys. She turns around and sets bathing suits on the check in counter. two black swim trunks and a black bikini, it’s in your size. 
The three of you pick up your swimsuits and head to the stairs of the building. you guys are on the third floor, a good length down towards the end of the hallway. You and Kakashi slip into room 333 while Genma unlocks 331. Both you and Kakashi were too tired to argue with Genma about swimming in the private pool, after he wore you down with his protests you two obliged and told him you both would join him in his late night swim. 
You stepped into the room first with Kakashi behind you, quick to shut and lock the door. You threw your swimsuit on the bed and turned to face the silver haired man. 
“You go into the bathroom, I'm changing out here.” You instructed, pointing to the bathroom.
“Well then I'll go.”
“No.” He moves past you and sits on the end of the bed. “Close eye on you, remember? Those shinobi from last night could’ve hurt you. I need to see if you sustained any injuries.”
“They didn’t even touch us, you know that,” 
“You can never be too sure. Now are you going to change? The longer we take, the more suspicious Genma gets.” 
He had you beat. You take your vest off and toss it beside him on the bed. You can tell he’s smirking under his mask. You quickly remove your shirt and bra, replacing it with the swimsuit top. Kakashi locked in on your tits. You make the last part quick, not even looking at him regardless of how many times you saw him adjust himself. 
“Now my turn. You watch me,” He says, sliding his palms up and down his thighs slowly. You felt your core tingle. 
“No way, I’m waiting outside.” You say putting your sandals on. He tsk’s.
“For a medical shinobi you sure don’t take your job seriously. Fucking on the clock first and now shirking your responsibilities of checking for injuries. I wonder how that would translate on the mission report,” He says, squeezing his knee.
You can’t believe that he’s threatening you to watch him strip. You decide to put your feelings aside and give into his authority. You cross your arms and nod for him to start. He grips his waistband and pulls down, thrusting his hips up, gently sliding his pants down his thighs. You look at his toned legs as he continues to strip, forcing yourself to keep your eyes away from his groin. They soon betray you as he kicks his pants off and he moves to his boxers, gently tracing the outline of his hardening cock. You blink away and up to his face, his eye are piercing into yours, breathing heavily as his hands continue up to his chest and remove his green vest. 
You can see a dangerous look in his eye, something tells you to look away from his gaze, so you focus on his shirt. He grabs the bottom of the shirt and pulls up. You realize that his mask will come off with it and your eyes look to where his face will be when it comes off. As he continues pulling up his shirt, he lifts it over his head and you can see that there was a turtleneck-mask under the original one he wore. You huff and he laughs gently at you. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, obviously mocking you. 
“Nothing, just finish changing so we can get out of here.” 
He continues laughing and he rests his hands on his thighs. You can’t deny how beautiful he looks. His eyes (or eye since his bandana is still over his eye) crinkled shut with his small laughter, his muscles toned and firm, and his dick just seconds away from popping out of his boxers. He pulls his boxers off and out springs his cock, you watch it harden until it sits heavy against his stomach. Your stomach fills with butterflies and you fear that although your bottoms are dark he can see you already starting to soak. He stands up and gets right in front of you, you have to stop yourself from reaching out and touching him. 
“Like what you see?” He asks, his voice dropping an octave. You look just past his erection and at the pair of swim trunks in his hand. 
“Whatever, just hurry up.” To your surprise he does, putting one leg through the designed holes and pulling them up and over his crotch. He quickly adjusts himself and puts his sandals on too, then tosses his headband onto the nightstand. 
You walk over to the door and unlock it, then open it slightly before his large hand comes out from behind you and slams it shut. His other hand grazes gently up your thigh and onto your hip, before giving your ass a small squeeze. Your breath bitches and he rests his covered lips against the shell of your ear. 
“You look good in black,” he whispers. You shudder and gently reach your hand out to move his hand off the door and open it again. You step out and see Genma facing away from your door. He turns around when he hears it shut behind him and smiles, holding up his room and pool keys. 
“Took you long enough. It’s cool though, I made full use of the working toilet too.”  he laughs, assuming one or both of you had a bathroom problem. You groan, more embarrassed of this than what actually happened. 
When the three of you make it to the pool, Genma wasn’t lying about it being private for the rest of the night. He quickly dives into the deep end, abandoning his hat on a nearby outdoor lounge chair. As he’s under the water, Kakashi lightly smacks your ass, signaling you to move closer to the pool. You do and put a foot in the water, it’s cold. He doesn’t care and puts a hand to the small of your back, slowly pushing you in deeper. You suck air in through your teeth as the cold water hits your warm skin. After you’re half way in he abandons you and walks over to the side of the pool, sitting down on the edge and letting his feet soak in the cold water. He pulls out a small orange book, the one you recognize from the office the first day you two fucked met. 
You watch as Genma rises to the surface, and opens his eyes once his face reaches the air. He sees you and starts swimming over to the shallower end you’re standing in. Genma stops once he’s close enough to you and stares at your breasts, sitting perky in the hotel provided bikini. 
“I knew I was gonna want to see you in your swimsuit. Looking good, Doc. Can’t believe you made me wait until today to see you like this.” He flirts. Again you’re scared of what Kakashi will do, knowing full well he’s eavesdropping. You look over and see that he’s white knuckle-ing the book, not looking up from the text he’s stopped reading. 
“You’re disgusting,” you say, splashing him with a quick swat of the water. It hits him in the face and he laughs. 
“You know you like it. Hey, wanna see something?” He says. You shrug, he has your attention better than you let off. 
“Watch this,” he puts a hand on the surface of the water, small ripples forming under the touch of his fingertips and into the bigger ripples made by the two of you. He smirks and suddenly the pool around you slowly stops rippling, the water going perfectly still. Your eyes widen, looking at the flat water. Suddenly you see small water droplets rising into the air between you and Genma. The droplets shine and sparkle, looking like small starts lit up by the pool lights in the night. 
“Woah, it’s beautiful.” You're starstruck. 
“I thought you’d like it.” He says softly, his lips then curl into a devious grin. You look at him confused before the water droplets come crashing into your face, you yelp in shock, even though it didn’t hurt. He laughs at you. “I also thought you’d fall for that.” 
You roll your eyes, swatting water at him again. You watch Kakashi get up from the edge, placing his book at a nearby coffee table. He walks over to the shallow side you're on and steps down the small stairs over to you and Genma. You start to worry as to what might happen. 
“Such a show off, I shouldn’t be surprised.” Kakashi says, you can hear the cynicism in his tone that Genma doesn’t pick up on. 
“Don’t say it like that, Captain. You make me sound full of myself, I'm just playing around.” Genma laughs, playfully hitting Kakashi's shoulder with the back of his hand. 
“Do I? It was your idea to invite us for night swimming and you didn’t even bring us any towels.”
“Oh shit, my bad. I’m sorry you’re right, you two are gonna freeze when you get out. I’ll be right back, I’ll go grab you some from my room.” Genma says, climbing up the stairs behind you and Kakashi. He closes the pool's gate and after a few seconds you two can’t hear him anymore. 
Kakashi steps closer to you, however you step forward and away from him. That is until he grabs your shoulder, pulling your back into his chest. 
“I’m going to give him a talking to. I don’t like the way he talks to you. I hate the way he looks at you too.“ He gripped your shoulders tighter, eliciting a small noise out of you. 
“Please don’t, I don’t want to lose any potential friends.” You sounded scared, worried Kakashi's lecture would stray Genma or eventually others away. 
“Pft- yeah. Friend… sure.” He sarcastically huffed into your ear. “Well then if you’re so adamant about me keeping quiet to him, maybe that means I just have to show you your place.” He whispers, his hips trail their way to your ass. 
“W-what do you mean?” you ask, feeling the sharp pang in your abdomen strike again. 
“I think you need to be reminded that I'm the only one who’s allowed to flirt with you. You belong to me, I refuse to be disrespected like this.” He slams his hips into you, his erection fitting snug between your clothed ass. Your breath hitches and you look around to see if anyone is able to see you two. 
“I don’t mean any disrespect, I’m sure Genma doesn’t either,” you plead. You’re not sure as to why you remain respectful to this man, especially after he’s claimed you as his own without your permission. 
Maybe it’s because the feeling of his hand sliding down to your chest is too good to pass up in a fit of disobedience, or maybe it’s because the way he’s breathing down your neck has you creating your own little pool between your legs. You absentmindedly push your hips back, trying to feel more of his cock through the articles of clothing you both are wearing. 
“You’re so naughty, pushing my buttons just so i can fuck you good. You’ve asked for it now, pretty girl.” He adjusts his mask and bites softly into your right earlobe. With one hand on your tit, the other trails down into your bikini bottoms, stopping at the top of your mound. You whine as you arch your back, the familiar feeling of hot blood rushing to your face as he starts to trail his fingers down to your core, playing with your slick. 
“I’ve been too nice to you for too long, I don’t want you getting spoiled now. Maybe I just need to remind you what you are to me,” he whispers seductively, nipping your soft flesh, licking away the pain. 
“Oh fuck- what… what am I?” you ask, not sure you want to know the answer. 
“You’re mine, you belong to me.” He says this demandingly, almost no hint of warmth in his voice at all. His voice is as firm as his dick, which he’s now starting to thrust into your ass with impatience. You feel yourself getting wetter as he runs circles on your clit, it’s so good you can’t internalize his words. You moan, gripping his wrist tightly, grinding your hips down on his hand. 
“Is that what you want? To be my little possession? Do you want to belong to me, sweet girl?” He smirks as his eyes narrow, licking a stripe along your jawline. You whine in response, too scared to object but too high on his fingers to worry about what he’s saying too much. 
“I… I don’t… know.” You shamefully huff between moans. “Please… don’t bring Genma into this,” you blush, listening to footsteps approaching from farther away.
“Then stop fucking flirting with him. If he tries anything I’ll make it even. No one messes with you, not while I’m around.” He death grips your tit, the footsteps getting louder. “I’m being serious when I tell you that nobody is allowed to mess with you, anyone who tries won’t stay long in the village,” he whispers, his tone dark and stern. 
Kakashi quickly pulls his mask up and lets go of you, moving away from your flustered self in the pool. Moments later, Genma opens the gate and walks in with fresh towels in his hands. 
“I brought the towels, I’ll set them on the table.” Genma moves over and sets the warm towels next to Kakashi’s book. You look over to Kakashi and he shoots you a knowing look from underneath his mask. You can tell that staying around long is going to get you in trouble, so you walk up the stairs and over to Genma.
“Thanks, I'm thinking I'm going to call it a night.” You pick up a towel and wrap it around you. Genma frowns.
“Aw man, seriously? Well I guess it’s getting late anyways. I guess it’ll just be me and you tonight huh, captain?” Genma asks, turning to Kakashi who’s getting up the stairs. 
“Sorry Genma, but I'm with her on this one. It’s getting late and I want to get a good night's sleep, especially since I’m taking the floor.” Kakashi says, taking the second towel and wrapping it around his waist. Genma sighs.
“Well then I guess we’ll all call it a night. I wish I stayed longer with you guys, I missed team bonding.” Genma says, throwing his towel over his shoulder, smiling at the two of you. 
“We can all hang out tomorrow after we help out the medical unit here, don’t worry.” You smile back. 
“I agree, whatever you want Genma, however tonight i’m calling it early. Let’s go back to our rooms. We have a lot of work tomorrow.” Kakashi says, walking towards the gate. You and Genma follow until you all reach the third story hallway and down to the door of your rooms. 
“Good night you two,” Genma says, giving you both a small wave before walking through his door and shutting it behind him. 
You unlock the door with your key and walk through, immediately heading towards the bathroom and tossing your towel on the lid of the toilet. You shut the door and start the shower water. As you remove your top the door opens behind you and Kakashi steps through. You yelp and quickly cover yourself, embarrassed. 
“Is there room for another?” He says, dropping his towel. You don’t shake your head no and he opens the shower curtain looking inside. “Funny, cause that’s not what I'm seeing. Get in, we can save water.” He orders, clearly looking for an excuse to see you naked again. 
He drops his swim trunks and they land at his ankles, quickly stepping out of them and into the shower. Your body quickly makes its own decision before it reaches your brain and you join him, cursing yourself silently. He smiles under his mask, and brings a soapy wash towel to your neck, rubbing off the dirt and makeup you have covering his marks. As the marks become more visible so does his erection, and you have to fight yourself to keep your eyes off of it. 
“I missed seeing these,” he mumbled, moving down to your chest and gently cleaning your torso. He groans, seeing you soapy and wet and you nearly melt. 
You looked over his shoulder and saw another cloth with a bar of soap on it. You reached around him and grabbed both, lathering the small towel with the bar. You then decided to clean his neck, as far up his face covering as you could, and gently scrub his shoulders. He exhaled deeply, pulling you closer to him. 
He trailed his hands down and started washing your hips, kneading the flesh as he worked. You moved your cloth down to his abs, tracing the muscles with the soapy cloth and cleaning away the day's sweat and chlorine. Kakashi smiled under his mask, eyeballing you as he worked. 
“Take your time, don’t be shy. Come here,” He said, putting the cloth down and grabbing a bottle of shampoo.
 He squirted the shampoo into his hand, then rubbed it with the other before massaging the product into your scalp. You sighed, his nimble fingers working the bubbles through your hair and pulling you in closer so the water could wash it out. You grabbed the bottle yourself and poured some into your palm working it between both hands. You reached up to his hair and scrubbed his scalp deeply. He sank lower to you so you could get a better angle. His soft hair was soon completely lathered and yet you still kept running your hands through his hair. 
Kakashi put his hands on your shoulders and brought you into his chest, letting the water run down the both of you. His thumb rubbing up and down your shoulder tenderly. You looked up at him through your wet hair and he looked down at you, scarlet eye on display for you. You reached out, your thumb tracing the part of his scar under his eye. 
“How’d you get this?” you lightly rasped. His face dropped before his eyes pierced into you longingly. his hands cupped your face and brought his clothed lips to yours. 
“Turn around, I have to wash your back.” He said, turning you around. He lightly scrubbed you, massaging your back while he cleaned you. You hummed, closing your eyes as the suds ran down your body. 
After your shower you two stepped out and he wrapped a towel around the both of you. He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He brought you to the end of the bed, lying you down and quickly kissing you with his clothed lips. You try to pinch and pull down his mask before he grabs your wrist. 
“Why won’t you let me see you?” You ask, brows furrowed. 
“Because you won’t let me see you either,” he says with a raspy voice hiding his face from you. 
He stands up, the towel joining you together dropping to your sides. He stares at you lying naked for a second with a contemplative look on his face. He grabs his headband he left on his nightstand and leans over you. He puts the cloth around your eyes, the metal plate on the other side, then tilts your head forward to tie it in the back. 
You lay back down, naked and slightly cold before you feel his chest against yours and the feeling of the bed underneath you dip. You part your lips slightly, unable to see anything but you know he has to be close. He is, and he kisses you softly, you lightly moan at the feeling of his warm lips. You put your hand on his lower back, trailing it up his neck slowly as he attacks your lips with his own. You can’t help but to open your mouth to invite him in deeper, his tongue swirling with yours. 
You felt his hands grab at your legs lifting them onto the bed and you bent them at his sides. He slid up until his dick was lying on top of your mound. You moaned into his lips, the yearning of being filled by him taking over. He started to grind against you and you arched your back into him, rubbing your tits against his chest. Your nipples hardened at the feeling of his warm, stiff body on top of you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening your kiss. 
Kakashi moved lower, and kissed your neck as he grabbed his cock and rubbed his head up and down your folds. You bucked your hips up, your mouth falling open each time his head nuzzled your clit. He smirked as he spread your juices up and down your cunt and then started to kiss you lower and lower. He planted open mouth sloppy kisses over your stomach as he backed away. He got on his knees and the loss of his body on yours made you frown. That is until his left hand gripped your thigh, pulling you closer to the end of the bed. Your heart raced, unable to see Kakashi or anything else, completely oblivious to the world around you. 
“Fuck sweet girl, I’ve gotta taste how sweet you really are.”
A soft kiss was placed on your inner thigh, then a rougher one that was filled with tongue and teeth. You moaned, feeling your tender skin get sucked purple and let go to be caressed with Kakashi's hot tongue. You squirmed, unable to stop yourself from trying to escape Kakashi's overstimulation. That it’s until he stopped making out with your thighs and moved on somewhere a little higher. You mewled as your thighs spread further.
“Good girl, keep those legs open for me. just like that.”
A kiss was placed at your clit and Kakashi's tongue poked out between his lips, caressing your sensitive bud. You moaned, slapping a hand to your mouth so as to not wake your room neighbors. Kakashi desperately wanted to take his time with you, he wanted to have you on that bed for hours, savoring your flavor the whole time as he opened you up for cock. But you were just too good for him to slow down. He gripped your thigh harder as he swirled his tongue around your cunt, tasting your sweet juices, he wrapped his right hand around his dick and started to fuck his fist. The taste of you on his tongue with you choking on your own moans was a work of art to him. He brought his hand to your cunt, his thumb flicking up and down your swollen clit as he laps at your pussy. 
He removes his thumb and rubs two fingers along your dripping hole, before plunging inside as you moan against your palm. You clench around his fingers, whining for more. 
“Already begging me for more? I’ve just started sweet girl and you’re already this stupid?” He chuckles slightly. 
He sucks your clit, then lets it go to lick at it again in a torturous cycle of pleasure as he finger fucks you. You rut your hips down, grinding onto his tongue, fingers and nose as he plunges inside and out, caressing that spot of yours each time addictively. You try to force yourself to keep your legs spread as his mouth becomes too much too soon, and you're quivering as slick and spit is covering your thighs. You’re seeing stars under your mask, hearing his muffled moans and slurps as well as the sticky sound of his hand rubbing up and down his cock.
“Kakashi-“ you whine behind your hand, your legs shaking on their own accord. He looks up, jerking himself to you wearing his headband and leaking down his fingers. 
Your hands grip onto his soft, wet hair as your core clenched with bursts of pure ecstasy. He pumps his fingers inside of you as he devours your cunt like a starved man. you finally feel yourself come undone, whining shamelessly and bucking into his face, gripping his hair tighter. He groaned, feeling you gush all over his face and hand as he continued to jerk himself off. He could’ve come right there. 
He stopped fisting his dick and used both hands to grab each of your thighs, fingers gripping down unforgivingly as he eats you out like you were his last meal. He pushes his warm tongue in and out of you, drinking in your arousal as you shake underneath him. 
You try pushing him away as the pleasure becomes too much, but that just makes him try even harder to overstimulate you until you’re moaning his name like it’s the only word you know. 
He gets off his knees and moves his hands up to your waist, knowing fully well he isn’t too far behind himself. He leans down to kiss you and you open your mouth, readily accepting his tongue and tasting your arousal as he lines himself up to your entrance and slowly thrusts inside. He pushes further inside you until he bottoms out with a groan. He starts slowly, strategically thrusting into you to hit your g-spot each time. He knows he is when your legs spasm under him and you choke with his tongue in your mouth. You keep your hands on both sides of his face, trying to memorize the inside of his mouth with your tongue alone. 
Kakashi soon snaps his hips into you with vicious strength, as you writhe underneath him in bliss. He has to hold you down even harder to keep you from squirming around everywhere as he drills into you, your juices coating both of your guys’ legs and filling the room with obscene squelches. You can feel each vein of his shaft as he pummels you, his dick stretching you out so beautifully painful is as addictive as it was the first time. 
“Fuck- It’s too much… please,” you moan, your tears soaking through the navy blue material. 
“That’s it, pretty girl just like that. Are you gonna coat my cock like you did to my face?” He whispers into your ear, biting on your earlobe again. “So fucking wet, you’ve been needing this, huh?” he asks as his thrusts are getting rougher and sloppier. You nod, regretting your answer immediately. 
His tongue glided over your bottom lip, sweeping over your cheek and down to your neck where he kissed passionately at his purple crime scene. You were about to come again and choke his cock until you felt one hand leave your waist and land around your neck, squeezing the sides of it. You moaned, face going hot from overstimulation. 
“Fuck- Kashi- shit that’s so good,” you whined, fluttering around his cock. You felt pleasure prickle at your spine, arching your back and feeling him impossibly deeper inside. 
“Ugh- all for me, pretty thing. You’re all for me, this pussy, these tits, l- fuck- it’s for me and me alone,” He grunts low as his pace doesn’t let up. 
“Please- fuck! I’m going to cum,” you cry, you can’t help but to try and grab for your blind fold until he grips hard at your wrists. He brings your hand up to his face, nibbling on your wrist.
“Don’t touch that. You’re going to be good for me or else I won't let you come,” He spits, soothing his bites with his tongue. 
“I’ll do it for you, I’m just so close,” you blubber. Kakashi smirks. 
“Come on this fucking cock then, show me you how badly you need to be mine. Give me what i want,” he growls in your ear, then back to biting your wrists. 
You let out a string of vulgar noises and curses, your body shaking underneath his, and pussy gushing around his dick. You’re seeing white regardless of the headband around your eyes. You come to and soon enough you feel his throbbing cock slide out of you, the bed dipping to your left. You feel a hand against your right cheek turn your head to the left, then squeeze your face until your mouth opens. Kakashi removes your blindfold, when you look up at him he’s kneeling to your left, stroking himself off, his now dry mask back on his face. A few more pumps and he’s groaning, spilling his warm cum into your mouth, blissfully watching you swallow his spend. 
After a few minutes you both walk to the bathroom and brush your teeth, Kakashi offers to do it for you but after coming to your senses via post-nut-clarity, you reject him and get to bed quickly. He follows after, pulling up the sheets and laying next to you. You turn to your side, facing away from him. 
“You said you were going to sleep on your sleeping bag,” you start cautiously. You pause and his silence speaks volumes. “But I guess this is okay.”
“Oh really? I didn’t know I needed your permission,” he mocks, throwing an arm over you and sliding you into his chest. You’re too tired to try and get away from him, but even if you weren’t, you’re not sure if you’d want to anyways. 
You turn around, placing a hand on his abdomen until he lays down on his back. Then you scooch closer and lay your head in between his armpit and chest. Why not? You already fucked him. You feel him breathing deeper underneath you, yet his heartbeat is slightly faster. You stay like this for a moment before he speaks,
“I meant what I said before, in the pool. You’re mine, and if anyone tries anything with you I will do what I see fit.” He says. You feel your hands go clammy, and you attempt to back off but he holds a hand against your back. “Don’t be that way. I know you like to hear it, that nothing comes between you and I. Doesn’t it make you feel special?” He asked, a sense of desperation in his voice. 
You have to admit it, it does. In a weird way it’s sort of flattering. You stay silent for a moment. 
“But it also scares me,” you say. What you don’t realize is that you’re speaking for the both of you. While you might be in fear of what he might do to another person or even to you, so is he. More so for that matter. 
Kakashi has never had this kind of stuff leave his fantasies. He keeps his nose in his books to drown out the deafening silence in his life. His friends and family have left him, his students have left him, his mentor has left him and his comrades have left him too. It seems that whenever he gets close to someone, they either end up leaving in the long run or end up with the cold fate of death. Like hell if he’s letting that happen to you.
Kakashi has also never been clingy. When his students left him to study under another, he encouraged them (only two) to seek out what they needed in a different mentor. He knew it would hurt but he also knew couldn’t hold them back. You’re a different story. He knows that you’re beautiful, smart, hardworking and kind, and because of that he knows he’s in trouble. It only took a second for him to become attached to you, and in that second he knew he couldn’t lose you. He would see you go out and flirt with others, dying inside in fear he would lose you before he even got to you. Now that he has some part of you, he has to keep you all to himself. 
Obsessed with this tragic theory that the world is out to get him and take all who he holds dear, he can’t help but treat you like you’re the last girl on earth. You’re more precious to him than diamonds, and while you may strike a flame in his heart and his loins you also strike him in the pit of his stomach. He’s terrified of what he’s becoming, someone who’s letting their guard down, someone who’s quick to get attached, someone who’s getting soft. But when he’s alone with you, he can’t help but to love these feelings that remind him he’s still human, regardless of the voices in his head screaming at him to stop before it’s too late. But a part of him knows that it already is. He tilts his face to you. 
“Awww, is someone scared of their big, bad, captain?” He taunts, you slowly nod to appease him. However, there’s a hint of truth in your answer. He laughs lightly. 
“Well good, it means you know your place. Just remember, I can scare you like this if I wanted to,” he pulls you in closer, kissing your forehead. “Or I can treat you like this if I wanted to. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.” With his free arm he placed it on the back of your head bringing it closer to his chest. 
“So how did you get that scar?” You ask, desperately trying to change the subject. 
“Why did you leave your village?” He asks, trying to do the same. You take a deep breath in before shakily exhaling it. 
“I don’t come from a good place. All of our officials put out ordinances that only affected our local economy to sustain tourists and travelers. Our community wasn’t more than that. My parents were always too busy with work to ever come home and spend time with me. And growing up I didn’t have very many friends, the only ones I did usually got sick and couldn’t afford medicine or proper healthcare since it was so sparse. I hated seeing people I loved die of preventable illnesses, and what I hated even more was being alone.” You spoke sadly, Kakashi listening in to every word. 
“What did your parents do for a living?” 
“They own a restaurant,” you say with a small
smile, remembering your mother and fathers home cooked meals. He smiled back from under his mask. 
“Maybe we can go sometime?” He asks, there’s hope in his voice. You chuckle lightly, before your face settles in an uncertain expression.
“I don’t think I want to go back anytime soon.” You look away from him. 
“Why not?”
“It brings back bad memories. I hated being so lonely back then, I don’t want to ever feel that way again.” He frowns at your words.
“You won’t,” Kakashi says, running his hand up and down your hair. “Not while I'm around.” 
You felt his arms wrap around you and envelope you completely. You placed your head in between his neck, breathing in his natural scent mixed with the soap from earlier. You want to stay up, keep yourself awake to sneak a peek, but you feel bad and close your eyes instead. You quickly go slack in his muscles arms, and you're clouded completely with sleep.
Authors Note: I knew I REALLY wanted a "there's only one bed" chapter but I couldn't do that without writing just a little bit of fluff. I haven't written fluff in like... forever. so I apologize ahead of time if its lame. Also I don't wanna risk getting my stuff taken down so the next two chapters will probs be like this. ("Machi" and "Gale" your chapter will be next)
Thank you for reading! Check out prev chapters if you havent!
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11queensupreme11 · 5 months
In the last chapter we saw that Hera will be forced to recover Percy because she is the only one who will allow (force) Percy to follow his destiny This made me think of the following possibility:
What if by chance it was pjo Poseidon who got Percy back? Let's imagine that during the conversation a small animal like a fly or butterfly (a lesser God in disguise) heard the conversation and, aiming to get a better position on Olympus for itself, ran to tell Poseidon the news.
He is furious, but he stops for a moment and analyzes the information and decides to manipulate the situation in his favor, he pretends not to know and waits for the right moment to set a trap for Hera so he can recover his baby himself.
He rescues Percy (thus defying fate) and takes her to Atlantica with Sally, after all the pain of his baby's disappearance, everyone can say that the Poseidon that was softened by time is gone
Now in a younger form with a crueler temperament he is defending his daughter tooth and nail, no one can go near the sea anymore, no more human fishing and no more pollution, no more dangerous missions, no more cruel fates
Although he has not revealed himself to humans as of now, fueled by protective fury, he is using his powers to protect his oceans from everyone and everything, now that Percy lives with him at sea any attempt at fishing or pollution is shredded by earthquakes and tsunamis
Human environmentalists are trying to explain and correlate why these phenomena are happening, everything is in chaos because now that fishing is impossible, countries that depended almost exclusively on fishing for food are going hungry (if they haven't already been wiped out of the map by tsunamis)
He is also getting a little help from other gods to hide Percy, humans now think these environmental disasters are a result of global warming and other factors such as rampant pollution It has been centuries since the tides have been so clean and orderly and the animals have been so safe.
How would Poseidon react to all this?
"He is also getting a little help from other gods to hide" IMAGINE THAT THE OTHER GODS WERE HERMES, DIONYSUS, AND HADES???? JASHEFBVASJDFJASHB after all the angsty shit i wrote about them in chapter 14, i can totally see them aiding poseidon in hiding percy from everyone
and then i see a couple other olympians joining poseidon's side. apollo would find out first, being the god of truth, then he'd pull artemis along to help out. she'd definitely help out 10000% because of what happened in the titan's curse. aphrodite would probs help out too. they'd probably be hellbent on making sure zeus, hera, ares, demeter, and hephaestus DONT find out about percy (especially the first three), as well as the fates
poseidon's change in demeanor would greatly disappoint percy. she misses her chiller and kinder dad, especially since she already had a terrifying one back in ror verse. she'd try to plea for him to show mercy, but this poor dude's already snapped tbh 💀💀
(im gonna assume your question was asking about ror!poseidon) as for ror!poseidon, his opinion on his counterpart wouldn't change. if he learned about this, he'd probably roll his eyes and go "oh NOW you care about your belongings, hmm? oh well, I'm still going to take it all from you" 💀
i love dark poseidon tho.... he's just so much chiller and nicer in the books, so i enjoy reading fics that explore his much darker, more canon to the myths side... 😍
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originalaccountname · 17 days
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - DEAD APPLE (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
The Dead Apple movie hasn't received the French dub treatment, so this time I'm going with subtitles only. The differences should be less jarring, since they don't need to worry about lip flaps this time. Also it's longer for obvious reasons.
General notes:
Starting strong with calling the Dragon's Head Conflict "la lutte pour la tête" (the struggle for the head) and that it "decimated every [criminal] organization [in Yokohama]".
Chuuya calls Oda "le lampiste" (the lamplighter), which is also an expression to refer to someone as the lowest-ranking member of something.
Dazai called Corruption "la Corruption noire" (the black/dark Corruption).
"Was this someone that had captured your heart?" / "If she had been my beloved, I would have perished with her."
"Odasaku... you were right. Helping others is much more wonderful... but only as long as we're alive.
Shibusawa's tower's name was translated, it's called "la Forteresse des cadavres" (The Cadavers' Fortress).
Chuuya's nickname for Ango is "prof bigleux". "Bigleux" is a super informal way of referring to someone who can't see anything without their glasses. It also sounds super funny (ask google translate to say it for you)
Rashoumon is refered to with he/him pronouns
Shibusawa's fog is called "Le Soupir du dragon" (the Dragon's Breath/Sigh). 'Soupir' means 'sigh', but it's also a more poetic way of saying an exhale/a breath out.
Nya in Japanese, Meow in English, Miaou in French 🐱
Atsushi: "Boys need to get their claws out to survive!"
Chuuya's speech pattern is slightly different than others even in written form: we don't have a lot of written contractions in French, but something you can do to give the impression of a spoken/lazy vocabulary is the equivalent of "do not" vs "don't", and forgo the "ne" from "ne pas". Ex: Do not yell! -> Ne crie pas! VS Don't yell! -> Crie pas!
Chuuya called Ango "le lampiste" (the lamplighter) like he did for Oda while in the aircraft ("try to keep your shit" moment), so he's preemptively calling him a low-ranked guy with no power.
"I'm not gonna piss myself and run away either. You know when I'll be allowed to? Quite simply, not at any point." CHUUYA
Apparently the French subs decided Chuuya becomes gravitons during Corruption. Try to work this one out.
"You believed in me and use your Corruption? How touching." // "That was a rather violent way to wake up poor Snow White."
The way Agatha speaks, instead of warning them of having sent a special force to burn down Japan, she is telling them that in order to help them, she has sent special force their way. They'll be starting in 30 minutes, you're welcome :)
Dazai, Fyodor and Shibusawa all use the informal "you" with each other. Tsujimura uses the formal "you" with Chuuya. Ango uses the informal "you" with her.
Today's quotes:
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VF: En ce qui me concerne, les autres ne sont que des sacs de viande dont je connais les rouages. (As far as I'm concerned, other people are but meat sacks to which I know the inner workings.) Eng: To me, people are nothing but machines of flesh, behaving in identifiable ways.
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VF: Comment as-tu pu faire ça? Ce n'est pas du tout... agréable... (How could you? This isn't very... nice...) Eng: How could you? This feels great.
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VF: Ce débile de Dazai est sans doute à l'intérieur de cette chose. Je dois lui coller une bonne droite pour me soulager. (That dimwit Dazai is undoubtedly inside that thing. I need to punch him good to calm myself.) Eng: That dimwit Dazai is inside there. No doubt about it. I need to give him a smack, or I'll never get over it.
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moliathh · 16 days
This had been irking me so i have to say it. I know Hellsing is a horror media with a LOT of flashy action scene, however, it is unjust to see it as solely gore and fights. I've seen complaints about how adding a "romance" in will reduce the quality of the story as an "action horror". (specifically speaking is between Alucard and Integra because of course in the end of the day this is just ship war, not a serious discussion whatsoever) I would argue that Hellsing is never ONLY about the actions. Yall might have already noticed how Alucard is too OP, and it was not even because he got any tricks up his sleeves. He is simply invincible, his mechanism is just that hes a "deus ex machina". He did NAWT need to start out with zero and levelling up like your common action anime protagonist. It's not a first time a central character is overpowered in an unreasonable way. A way you could interpret this trope is that it was not about battles, not the physcial one, but the development in their characteristic, their thoughts and emotions and ideology all that stuffs. A classic example is Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (TGK), where all of their (physical) battles are nonsense and did not mean anything in terms of combat, they dont even fight each other, even the climax (the decapitation of TGK) was dismissed into a looney tunes moment. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE BATTLE NOR PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, it was the internal struggle and maturing in character. THAT is what's happening in Hellsing IF yall look pass the very flashy facade of gore scenes Hirano put up. READ BETWEEN THE LINES, because he's not gonna hand it out to you on a plate. If you want to see how each character developed you have to look closely at their reactions and dialogues, not how they fight.
SO, imo, it's reducing the quality and message of Hellsing to interpret it solely as an action horror media, not the other way around. AND MIND YOU, romance subplot and action horror can coexist. For what does the character fight? A higher ideal? Power? Fun? Love? All that is noteworthy to think about when you engage in a media display many fight scenes. DONT YOU WANNA KNOW WHY THEY FIGHT THAT HARD ???? and in this case it is VERY obvious that Alucard is motivated by Integra. LIKE it cant be more obvious
And I'm so tired of seeing "Alucard only listen to Integra because of the seal and shes a Hellsing". Bestie, he literally ripped Richard's hand off, we dont even know the extent of the seal, like how far? or can it REALLY control Alucard? Besides, if you have read The Dawn you would see what a damn lazy ass Alucard was, Arthur sent him on a mission and he didn't even bother to walk on his own and just sleep safe and sound in his coffin until he felt like waking up??? Compare that to his enthusiasm to beg Integra on four just for her order and even purposefully tick her off by asking about her enthusiasm for war, oh and did we collectively forget this
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(This is the Dark Horse eng scan if i remember correctly? i might be mistaken idk)
Sure it could just be a mere parallel, "The woman he personally desired" might only means Mina Harker and not directly Integra herself, I see. But, why bother choosing this parallel, and RIGHT after this panel he went STRAIGHT to Integra to ask for her order.
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You know how enthusiastic he is with a fight and everything was already laid before him, worthy enemies and all. Yet he would not act without her words? I did not see him needing permission before ripping Richard's hand off... Also the seal did NAWT ask him to do all this
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There are more of his sickening and excessive display of obedience but i don't have time to pull the panels out yet, but we all know its there since Alucard's submissive attitude and Integra's bossy demeanour is one of their most appealing traits, I know, because it is literally one of the BIGGEST selling points and running joke of the fandom, funnyyyy how people always love to call Alucard a sub and use words such as "freaky" and "slutty" to call him as if he didn't reserved this treatment for ONLY Integra. Sure Integra is a demanding boss to even her enemies, and it works like wonder everytime, because she's Integra, she mastered Alucard, others are just piece of cake to her. But that's not the same case with Alucard. Major literally said "She is the only authority Alucard recognizes". And have Alucard extended the phrase "My master" and all the begging and insinuating jokes to anyone else? It's so convenient isnt it, to just take one specific trait of Alucard's personality and make it his entire character without considering to WHO he directed those innuendos to.
Oh and I haven't walk us to the final chapter yet, like the seal did NAWWWWWTTT asked him to call her "Countess" (or Count, depending on the translators) and literally he could accept his death becoming a paradox? Wasn't Alucard had been craving an end for a long while now? Why the need to return just because Integra asked him to??? Be serious for a moment here
Also a personal interpretation of mine that could be a stretch or just pure delulu is that, in the manga AND the anime adaptation, the last word Alucard said after goodbye is "Integra" (In both Japanese and English dub, the word order is exactly the same), not "Master" or "Integra HELLSING". The same goes when he addressed how he can kill without remorse but the decision is in her hand, he also said "I am a monster, now regarding you, Integra". To me that is an indicator for how he CARED for her not just because she's a Hellsing or his master but she's Integra, from the first of their meeting it was very clear, that Alucard wounded A HELLSING to protect Integra.
So... even non-romantically, you cannot deny that Alucard voluntarily worked for Integra. They DO care about each other a lot, even platonically, their bond is almost like soulmates with how well they trust and understand each other. I just don't like it when people keep side-stepping the depth of their relationship just because you don't like to ship them romantically. These are the canon informations you can't just seriously unironically say that there was nothing there.
And oh don't even get me started on the "But he is a vampire, the enemy of her family and he hates Hellsing because of Abraham something something stockholm syndrome something she's ace coded she's lesbian coded she swore to be a virgin until death she wouldnt throw it away for the enemy of her family etcera etcera" you're saying it as if ace people aren't allowed to date or have sex and you're saying it as if Alucard isn't canonically genderfluid. Why always view the ship as solely heteronormative while they were never conventional to begin with. And MIND YOU, i thought everyone love the enemies to lovers trope?? they were BARELY stockholm syndrome at all did we forget about the Bird of Hermes analogy as a metaphor for loyalty voluntarily given.
If you care so much about "monsters and humans are forbidden" and "they are not canon" maybe treat every ship with the same attitude since MOST of hellsing most popular ships fit into that exact two sentences above, maybe except Pip x Seras is canon, but they're also human x monster, so what now???? Just hate on a ship all you like, I hate ships too and I hate them because I don't like them, that's all, no need to do extra mental gymnastic to prove the ship is "wrong" or their shippers are "wrong".
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randomartist-1 · 4 months
hollowhead rant bc i've been obsessing over ava/avm and i cant stop thinking abt the hollowheads
victim is that character i want to beat the shit out of and then hug them until all their pain goes away. omfg victim was completely ripped from any chance at a normal life. he was deleted not even 2 minutes after they were created, and when they get to live, they say "fuck you alan" and create a whole ass company out of spite. and if hollowhead age is 0 years old at creation, that means he was not even 16 when he made rocket corp a thing. all because they couldnt let his deletion go, which honestly, completely fair
chosen. oh, chosen. the universe really said "hey wouldnt it be funny if we made that one guys life a living hell" and threw everything at him. he was thrown into a "survival of the fittest" situation the moment he was created, and alan just used him as an ad blocker like he was nothing but a tool. the first ever true friend he made was created to kill him, and the friendship failed bc neither knew how to fucking communicate. and then hes tortured on his GODDAMN BIRTHDAY. his BIRTHDAY. BY HIS OWN BROTHER. WTF VICTIM?? he dragged second along to help him bc he was desperate to escape the mercs but all he accomplished was getting them both captured. he must be feeling so much guilt rn omfg (to be fair it was a shit move to pull but also i completely understand his decision)
we dont know much abt dark, but it must be difficult being coded to kill your best friend. maybe the code was altered when she took chosens hand, but as far as i can tell all it did was give it powers. so assuming the code stayed, that means that dark had to fight with its own code for however long she and chosen were living together. i know for a fact its exhausting to fight with your own brain, and i cant imagine having to do it for however-many-years straight. i dont know if i want dark to make a comeback in later episodes, but i definitely wanna know more abt her.
second coming is such a fuckin sweetheart. theyve been through sm and they havent deserved any of it. they literally watched rest of the cg get ripped from them FOUR TIMES (alan ending rygb, dark murdering rygb, chosen kidnapping second, parkour episode) like they must have seperation anxiety or smth like that at this point. also claustrophobia like theyve been forced into too many tiny boxes. they literally just accepted the fact they were gonna be helping chosen when second was literally forced. they still went out of their way to try and save chosen. theyve attacked whoever hurt their friends when rygb all go down. if we continue to go with the "all hollowheads are 0 when created" logic, second is nine. NINE. turning ten this october but WTF. THAT IS A CHILD. NOT EVEN DOUBLE DIGITS
ALL THE HOLLOWHEADS ARE CHILDREN WITH THE "0 at creation" LOGIC (i mean, cho and vic are technically like 16, but still) can i PLEASE just shove them into a massive pillow fort with blankets and hug them?? is that SO MUCH TO ASK ALAN
anyways im gonna go make a playlist abt them cya
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wastedpotentialsblog · 3 months
Destiny enemies and enemy models that I really really liked and could've been used more:
Marauder Ultras:
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They're fun to fight! They're fast, can use stealth, can use shock blades, and don't have to Boss StompTM. I would've loved to see these guys decked in white, cream, blue, and black if they were on Europa. You don't have to give em Stasis but a different boss than just Large and slow Captain is a nice change of pace.
House Salvation elites (Enforcers, Disciples, and Assisstants)
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>Makes 3 custom enemy types that use Darkness powers for the first time, all with unique models and animations
>barely uses them
>they disappear for 2 years
They didn't come back til Seraph! SERAPH. Come on man. These fuckers should've been everywhere throughout BL. I also think their lack of appearance also contributed to the lack of urgency of the "our enemies have darkness now" threat. I mean, we fought like 8 or 9 named "Salvation Elites" but most were just standard Ultra Captains. If they were Elites, they could've just been these guys.
Side note: Out of the new factions of Lucent Hive, Shadow Legion, and House Salvation. Salvation didn't get an "invasion" season to go with their expansion. Robbed. Truly. They made a Military-Industrial Complex and barely set foot anywhere else besides Europa. I also think this was a factor that didnt create any kind of urgency during BL.
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Need I say more? Look at this swagged out motherfucker. If House Salvation really subsumed multiple houses under its banner, Kells Scourge included, should've thrown a couple of these bozos out there. Alter the shield mechanic to be more easily disabled by a solo player. Could even make their armor jet black. Given they have stealth itd be a nice visual contrast when they reveal themselves. I didn't play Scourge of the Past too much, but I did enjoy these guys when I did.
(Can you tell I'm biased at this point?)
Psion Flayers
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Easy miniboss material. They dont have to be Ultra sized, maybe just slightly bigger than standard Psions. Could even give them a supporting role on the battlefield. Empowering Cabal around them with their enhanced telekinetics, those enhancements varying by elemental type and tying back to our Light 3.0 abilities. (Sun Flayer/Solar=heal, Abyss Flayer/Void=overshields, Storm Flayer/Arc=movement speed). Of course, their armor would have to have more visual differences and distinct silouhettes as I imagine trying to pick out which one is which based on color alone could be difficult for some. Hell, truthfully, I'd be fine if they were just the fucking Psion Sisters from Season of Dawn copy and pasted everywhere. But a supportive role would add more variety to a fight.
Rocket Centurions
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Bet you forgot about these dudes, huh? They pop up in the EAZ but, you know, we've been fighting the Cabal for this long, you think more would've strapped rockets to their backs by now. While their missiles are just Colossus slow missiles (iirc), they could just be normal missiles that explode and don't slow just to keep them different. While these could be neat minibosses, if you want an Ultra one at the end of a story mission or something, they could take the Elykris (The Machinist) route of firing missiles where they go straight up in the air and red dots target the ground around you and you have to keep moving. They could've popped back in with the Shadow Legion. I think they could rock black, gold, and purple
Anyway this is mostly about House Salvation and Psion Flayers and I remembered Rocket Centurions in the middle of making this post. If I remember anything, I'll reblog it. I was gonna say something about the other races but Hive don't have a lot of variants that can be turned into minibosses and the Vex got Wyverns (seriosuly. No notes. A perfect enemy type). Obviously it's like way too late to add these to previous story missions, but if we are gonna reuse enemy types, can we reuse some of the cooler ones? Please?
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louscartridge · 2 years
dating rachel roth hdcns
rachel roth x gn reader
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a/n- ngl i kinda gave up on proof reading like half way through so my bad lol. also i say ‘or’ ‘you guys’ ‘whall’ (thats not a fucking word sky stop saying it stupid) ‘and’ and a shit ton of other words in this alot and im aware its annoying so once again. my bad.
cw- established relasionship, arguments, fluff, cuddling, using of ‘i love you’, rachel having a hard time expresing her emotions, reader has powers (breifly mentiond), jellousy, crying, jason and hank being asses, gar being your +1, fighting (titans), back scratches, idk is some 11 year old fr gonna come for me if i dont say evreything? fuck off.
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-on your first official date you guys watched old cartoons
-when it started getting late you switched to horror movies
- when you switched to horror, you watched them correctly. in the dark. no lights, other then what was coming from the tv.
-both yours and rachels favorite food, snacks and drinks were there
-rachel is really touch starved, so as soon as you guys started dating, she started being really touchy
-shes a very cuddly and physically affectionate person
-her favorite cuddling positions are; spooning, facing each other holding hands, and her laying on your lap whall you play with her hair
-she doesnt really know how to talk about how she feels about you, without her thinking it sounds ‘cheesy’ or something, so shell just stick to you and hope you get what shes saying without saying it (you do)
-despite that, she does say 'i love you' all the time
-speaking of which, she said 'i love you' first
-you guys were having an argument
-you were mad at jason cause he kept 'flirting' with rachel 
-she got mad because she felt like you didnt trust her
-"even if he was flirting with me, i wasent flirting with him! and you should trust me enough that i wouldnt and dont want him."
-she got worried that you were gonna leave
-"wait! no y/n dont go please i love you-"
-you were surprised she stated verbal affection
-you smiled and slowly walked towards her
-she was still crying
-you whispered "i love you too rachel" whall stroking her cheek bones with your thumbs and kissed her
-you spent the rest of the day cuddling eachother with a book, whispering 'i love you's and other reissuances 
-jason and hank would always nag you, gar, and rachel all the time 
-"wait whos dating who again?" - jason
-"i think theyre just all dating each other" - hank
-you guys didnt think it was the worrrst thing ever-
-both of you love to wear each others clothes
-when dick does the laundry, he sometimes doesnt know whos clothes are who
-"hey rach, is this yours or y/n's?" 
-"mhmm doesnt matter, itll end up being worn by both of us either way."
-you would match your hair color with each other sometimes
-sometimes with gar too
-adjusting rachels jewelry all the time
-when your holding hands sometimes youll realize that the clasp of her bracelet is in the front or something 
-"that tickles! what are you doing?"
-"im fixing your bracelet"
-youll do it with her necklaces too
-if shes cooking or just walking around the house or whenever you happen to notice it you walk up to her and turn her necklace so the clasp is in the back and/or the charm or whatever is in the middle.
-after a while she knows what your doing, so when you walk up to her, she just stops walking or whatever and looks at you with a slight smile on her face as you shift it
-on the subject of jewelry, she definitely gets you guys matching jewelry for your anniversary
-or your birthday 
-or if she sees them in the store or something and likes them shell suprise you with them.
-just walking around the mall whether its window shopping or you actually get stuff -your guys' second date was actually at the mall
-dick gave rachel money and told you guys to have a break and hang out -dick and the rest of the titans took care of any fights or anything that went down that day
-a few of your mall dates tho you guys had to be dragged away for a fight -gar 'third wheeling' alot
-although he says 'you guys are good with making me feel....less- more un-third wheely'
-back scratches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-whenever she has a rough day controlling her powers
-or you guys had a hard day with fighting as titans
-at the end of the day you would give each other back scratches
-music would be playing the entire time
-the two of you would alternate, taking turns sitting on the edge of the bed and getting back scratches
-you and rachel would end up falling asleep on each other
-you were at the edge of the bed and she was slumped against you, arms semi draped over your shoulders
-dick and kory are your guys' biggest shippers
-shipped you guys before you even got together
-forehead kisses. all.the.time.
-from both of you
-you love giving them
-she loves giving them
-whenever you guys are sitting on a couch or next to each other or something like that she likes to run her fingers up and down your spine
-in the beginning of your relationship you argued kinda often because she was scared she was gonna hurt you so she tried to push you away
-once she learned that you have powers too, she felt a little better
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ok im so sorry this is so much ill shut up now.
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vivisols · 27 days
digital circus 👀👀 any theories?
specifically about this shot... this shot has a lot to me!
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we get this shot of the spinning objects during the "day after day" part of the intro
theres a teapot, old record player/gramophone/whatEVER its called, flower pot (which we see start clipping through the stage), an eye, a pure white sphere and a pyramid!
maybe im reaching but i think these items represent each of the cast.. how so you may ask? WELL! (under the cut)
the eye is clearly caines since hes the ONLY guy in the show to have green eyes. also he has hundreds of all seeing eyes (as he himself said) so thats obvious. and yeah the other objects representing the other cast seems a little far fetched but it makes sense to MEE….
as for the teapot... we see those EXACT teapots during the trip both to and back from the funny dev room. now tech wise the teapot actually has a bit of history LMAO.. the teapot model is known as the utah teapot and is one of the first ever models created using bezier curves! it was made in 1975 and is typically considered a test model for rendering/testing how lighting reacts to complex curved models the only character we EVER see interact with the teapots/get tied to the teapots is pomni. so i think its safe to say the utah teapot is representing pomni! ALSO. CAINES EYE IS INTENTLY FOCUSED ON IT. could be because she's causing a whole bunch of glitches in the system…
the gramophone is interesting especially to me. i mean its REALLY detailed. like that would be polygons GALORE. unlike the utah teapot. all the promo for the vinyl record they sell has caine using a normal record player and NOT a gramophone so… its not caines! now whose would it be? im gonna go out on a limb and say its kingers. IT MAKES SENSE TO ME OK. kinger has been in the circus the longest and the other items in the circle are a LOT simpler. like a LOT a lot. it makes me think that as time goes on the computers strength/power is deteriorating which is evident by all the glitches/collision issues in both the pilot/episode 2.
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AND IT KIND OF HAS A CONNECTION WITH RETRO TECHNOLOGY??? man idk LMAO this is probably the most straw grasping ive ever done. like theyre probably not in the same episode if im being realistic….
the gramophone could also be gangles object bc gangle is like. comedy and tragedy mask. and something something theater music gramophone i DONT KNOW ☠️
the flower pot is probably ragathas. she has the most blue on her after all + shes pretty sweet. now thats a very surface level connection BUT WE HAVENT EXACTLY SEEN IT AGAIN YET so… nothing else i can add really…. im trying ok LOL
now the pyramid is obviously representing zooble. i mean. they have triangle head… and pyramid is triangle….. IN THEIR ROOM TEASER WITH THEIR PIN THEY LITERALLY HAVE ONE...
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now the white ball is ESPECIALLY INTERESTING TO ME. BECAUSE ITS SO NONDESCRIPT. it could be gangle OR jax or even kinger if i misattributed the gramophone…. personally i think its gangles because her masks are #fffff white like the ball is…
and yeah nothing here really represents jax that i can think of though maybe it will more obvious in later episodes... soooo YEAH shoutout to the "jax is an NPC" theorists.
honestly whats most likely is that everyone has an object except for pomni because she just got there LMAO 🤕 i mean caine doesnt acknowledge her arrival until AFTER she fucks up the intro….
not to mention that kaufmo had been abstracted presumably the WHOLE day and wasnt in the intro so maybe his object wasnt there because he wasnt there… yeah this whole shot probably means nothing and im just yapping about nothing xDDD
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thebearemoji · 9 months
My thoughts on the astarion romance (spoiler: they're not good)
Hoo boy going right from the wonderful bliss of karlach's romance to this.... dark mess of despair was a hell of a whiplash.
So I'm gonna assume if you clicked on that read more that you don't care about spoilers. If that's not true then dont read this. To be clear we're on the same page, astarion has two potential outcomes. You let him complete cazador's ritual and ascend to big boy vampire or you stop him from completing it.
The game made the choice to make a statement with the outcome of astarion's quest. If you don't break the cycle of abuse, then you're perpetuating it. Astarion after completing the ritual is much more cazador than himself. The romance takes this one step further, the only way to continue it if the ritual is completed is to willingly become astarion's spawn. The game implies in no uncertain terms that you will meet the same terrible fate he was so recently trapped in. Cazador's master tortured him. Cazador tortured astarion. One way or another Astarion will torture you.
He even has a line of dialogue after you reject him along the lines of "Of course I'm familiar with love. I would've tormented it out of you until you had nothing left if you'd let me." That's just the start. Just about every line to come out of a romanced evil astarion is stunningly toxic, he pretends to love you, threatens to leave you, all to get you to agree to become his spawn. You can even read his mind to find out he thinks you're degrading yourself by staying with him. It's stunningly dark, and part of me respects the writing for sticking so hard to their guns.
Speaking as a fan of roleplay focused games, this did take me off guard. I'm accustomed to games treating evil choices as options to explore your characters and develop a sense of gray morality. Because... it's a video game for fun and sometimes its fun to do silly pretend evil things and twirl my pretend evil mustache. But bg3 will occasionally treat evil choices as sins that the narrative will punish you for, sometimes immediately, sometimes later down the line. And astarion is undeniably one of these choices. A non romanced evil astarion is fine, i guess. but i know i'm not the only one out there who fell into the trap of thinking astarion could be the other half of my evil power couple.
I don't think this is necessarily inherently bad on its own. It severely reduces any desire I have to ever play an evil character again in this game, which sucks because I love minthara. HOWEVER
I got a bone to pick with the good boy astarion romance too.
So of course after the gut punch of evil astarion romance, I reloaded and made him the same good boy i did on my first play through. The subsequent romance scene is nice, and he gets the same beautiful heart-wrenching catharsis that made me sure he was the one I wanted to romance second in the first place.
But throughout all the later conversations, he keeps returning to this idea that he "seduced" my tav. ??? Where. From where I was standing, act 1 he propositions me for casual sex, my tav says yes. Afterwards he proposes continuing to have casual sex, my tav says yes.
And yet he keeps saying these words "I seduced you, manipulated you, used you." And the fact that he's admitting it is meant to show character growth.
But why is the game so determined to make my tav his victim??? Why are those my only two options? The dialogue choices didn't give me a way to say "you didn't manipulate me, I chose to be with you of my own free will, knowing what you are." There's nothing i can do to flip this narrative that my character was used and wronged, even though i dont believe she was. And that left the romance feeling very polarized, like there are only two lenses with which to view romancing astarion.
You are either his victim that he lies to for a grand majority of the game. he doesn't even like by his own admission, he claims he used you for protection. But he grows to appreciate all you did for him and even love you.
Or his helpless thrall, equal parts a victim but hell at least at that point you're embracing the kink of the whole thing.
Tbh, neither of those really do it for me.
In conclusion, astarion is an amazing character, I'm never romancing him again, and finally,
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that is all
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weirdsht · 2 years
Fickle - Cale/Reader
a/n: idk if anon wanted a gn reader but I made a fem reader solely for the fact that my brain rotted at the thought of enemies to lovers waltz with pretty dresses. oh and the dynamic was inspired from "i'm stanning the prince" but like frenemies ver ig.
if anyone's curious this was 3667 words and 8 pages. also i had sm fun writing this that i might do stories with this as it's base hehe.
Tags: female reader, Gyerre!reader, massive novel spoiler, slight canon divergence?, enemies to lovers, but subtle because of their massive prides, misunderstanding, innuendos if you squint hard, light angst? (debatable tbh i dont think i made it sad tho but to be sure), open ending, Alberu pyscho analyzing his friends, god of death is a warning on its own, but he had little screen time, sarcastic Cale is my will to live, not beta read we die like Cale's slacker life
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
If there's something missing in the warnings let me know so I can add it
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
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Everyone who knows Cale thought he would get along well with the beloved cousin of Antonio Gyerre, _____ Gyerre, the only princess of the Gyerre Duchy. Just from a few hours of observing one of them if you know the other you’ll immediately see their similarities; calm, craft, kind, helpful. Even the way they show off their power (in the rare instances they do) are similar.
It’s truly a waste, if only their political beliefs didn’t oppose each other they would’ve been great friends. Partners even.
But of course there are some things that the general public can’t possibly know that only those who are very close to the two know. Like for instance the crown prince of the Roan Kingdom, Alberu Crossman.
If you ask the quarter elf (and actually get an answer) he’ll probably laugh first then say that the two aren’t in conflict because of their political beliefs. In fact both of them are the crown prince’s supporters. With _____ even being his childhood friend that stemmed from their accidental meeting long ago that exposed him being part elf. But that’s a story for maybe never because it’s a dark part Alberu wants to forget.
“_____, there’s a meeting later after Cale announces his commander position. Are you gonna attend? I’m sure you’ll get something useful out of it.”
The prince innocently smiled, as if he doesn’t know that _____ always indulges him.
And so during midnight, after everyone had finished their initial preparation for the war, the three of them had a meeting for further planning. ‘Looting and scamming plans’ as the great and mighty Raon would put it.
“Your highness that’s a great plan but it’s lacking”
“Right I was about to say that, how amazing that for once you’re saying something right young master Cale, you truly are living up to the image the citizens have of you.”
The meeting was conducted smoothly. Of course part of that was the two indirectly fighting each other using their glib tongues and sarcastic tones with Alberu just chuckling and watching the entire thing unfold.
Despite the low-key arguments they always have during these meetings, the redhead commander and the profound business-minded person of the Gyerre duchy synergizes quite well. The plans they think of are very similar so when combined, one is left with a great plan with almost no loopholes. Their thought processes are also very similar, when one of them points out a possible mistake in a plan the other one is quick to bring up a solution as they’ve both been thinking of the same thing most of the time.
“While this meeting has been proven fruitful, I am now going to go back to my quarters as it is late. I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with the young master of the Henituse household. But I do hope we won’t meet again, this lowly being cannot stand looking at the radiant face of our kingdom’s hero. One is happy enough to observe from a distance.”
Translation: don’t show your smug face with your overrated public perception to me ever again especially if we’re inside the same room.
“Oh no, please I should be the one saying that to you, your highness’ closest friend and confidant. How dare I even think of outdoing such an important person of our beloved kingdom.”
Translation: it should be you who should be avoiding me and simply stick to your business aiding the crown prince to the throne.
Tired from the load of bull she’s hearing, _____ turned around from the communication device and rolled her eyes that caused the crown prince to chuckle.
“Shall I call a maid to escort you to your room? Do remember that you have to attend the tea party the Orsena Duchy is holding in the afternoon.”
The tired lady simply puts her hand up to decline the offer before going on her merry way to her beloved bed, the very reason she likes staying at her childhood friend’s castle.
Alberu really can’t tell why the two have bad blood, acting like cats and dogs (but refined) whenever they meet. The two aren’t even competitive, both are probably too lazy to even think of competition knowing that they’re on the same side. Though they hiss at each other, they also know where to give credit when it’s due (of course sarcasm and backhanded compliments will follow suit).
So from whatever angle one looks at it, it seems as though they should at least be great acquaintances. Well no matter, the two know where to draw the line and it gives the blonde joy in life so he doesn’t dwell on it for too long.
Thus, with mainly the help of three cunning minds and glib tongues the war continued to be in their favor. Though suffering and losses are an inevitable part of war, the Henituse, now duchy, also gained a lot of merits out of it. Especially with most of the heroes being the famous Cale Henituse’s people.
Although there were losses, as the pillars of the kingdom the nobles must not let the citizens feel it. One of their jobs is to put the masses mind at ease as they secretly and thoroughly clean up everything in the background. Even though the war isn’t finished yet they have to show that everyone can still go on about their everyday lives in peace. Hence a celebration is in order. What better way to put everyone’s mind at ease than holding a ball.  
_____’s plan was to look around the hall for a minute then scurry to the nearest place she’ll be able to find and hide there for the rest of the night. Naturally nothing goes according to her vision as a certain prince seems to have a life mission to keep her party for as long as possible.
“May I have this dance my lady?”
Of course one of his tactics is focing Cale Henituse to ask the Gyerre princess for a dance. It’s a smart move really, with the commander’s large contribution to their feats, and everyone knowing that _____ also had a hand in strategizing everything makes everyone’s eyes to be on the powerful duo thus leaving no room to decline. 
“It is my honor young master Cale”
A dashing spectacle of soft purple and gold captures everyone’s eyes as the two of the most arguably influential people in the kingdom, continent even, occupy the dance floor. Everyone can’t help but watch at how graceful and effortless the two dance.
Cale spins his dance partner as if he's merely spinning a ribbon in the air and lead’s her and lead’s her exquisitely. While all of _____’s movements are one in such elegance that one thinks they can see the gold flowers embroidered in her light purple tulle gown to be alive and fluttering. Helping the two paint such a fairy tale of a performance.
“Say, young master. I suppose you’re not someone who’ll stoop so low to the point of copying someone else's attire for the night right? I’m sure the beloved young master’s outfit was also prepared by his equally beloved hyung.”
Translation: it’s so you to copy me but since I know Alberu had a hand in arranging your clothes tonight I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt
“Why yes princess. You know how the crown prince is, he doesn’t take no for an answer no matter how hard I try to refute. In fact, if I didn’t know the prince was like that I would’ve assumed that you’ve committed piracy. Then again I know that your highness is far above such petty, pointless crimes.”
Translation: how dare you think i’m trying to copy you? If it wasn’t for Alberu’s doing I wouldn’t even think of stooping down to your unattractive sense of style.
As if to strengthen his point, Cale brings their bodies closer with such vigor that got the other ladies whispering about how they wished their fiances and suitors were as romantic as he is. Of course the beloved granddaughter of Sonata Gyerre didn’t back out with her viscous eye contact that other people thought were enthusiastic.
Simultaneous with the crescendo of the music were their movements. As the piece gets more intense so does their movements. The two have forgotten about everything else. All they see are purple and gold flutters of the hem gown and the tailcoat of the long jacket. The intense eyes looking at each other filled with animosity that none of them know where it stemmed from. Intense feeling of adrenaline rushing through their veins in a competition to outdo the other, and the feeling of warm hands holding each other close to the point of it being painful.
While the two got lost in their own world, everyone else cannot help but stop in their tracks and watch in awe. It was even to the point that the two strategists are the only ones occupying the dance area.
‘They make such a good couple. Look at the way they compliment each other and how they dance with such passion, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just hiding their relationship.’
That’s probably what’s running on everyone’s minds as they misunderstand the battle going on between the two purple clad figures.
“Hmmm, *Aram Khachaturian Waltz… I must say, you have impeccable taste in music. You managed to choose a piece that suits us. But, young lord. If I didn’t know any better I’d think that the possessive grip you have on my waist is trying to leave marks on purpose so the maids tomorrow will get the wrong idea.”
“Of course, it is basic knowledge for a gentleman to be able to choose a fitting piece for his lady. Certainly not my lady, please, I apologize for my actions as I am just trying to not lose you to the intensity of the piece. Though I can say the same thing for you and your sharp nails. What would my butler think when he sees scratch marks on me the next day milady.”
Smile and spin ladies and gentlemen, smile and spin. You mustn't let the enemy know how much they’re getting under your skin. As the music mellows down so as the adrenaline and intensity of the dancing pair. Hence why they are back to making small talks.
“Your Highness you were the one that arranged their outfits tonight right? Is there any reason as to why they seem to be matching? Are you also perhaps rooting for the two of them too?”
_____ can hear one of the noble ladies speak to Alberu as they sway near the blonde’s position. Tapping Cale’s arm twice, they silently communicated to subtly stay near that area to eavesdrop.
“Oh hardly no, their private affairs are for them to deal with unless they confide in me about it. I simply just wanted to show off the close relationship we three have. See, even I have light purple and gold on my outfit and this matching beautiful brooch I had the finest of artisans make for the three of us.” 
The two tuning in on the conversation can’t help but lightly scoff at the response provided. Everyone can see that the purple are merely accents of the prince’s suit while it is the main color of the pair’s outfit. Still, knowing they cannot do anything yet as the piece is just about to finish, the two settled on waltzing away to the center when they heard the topic shift from the brooch to the crown prince’s love life.
“You have great dancing skills milord, I thoroughly enjoyed our time together.”
“Likewise milady, now if you allow me to escort you further so we can talk business while waiting for our dazzling prince”
Translation: I’m sure you heard the load of bull Alberu just said so I need you to talk to me to make a petty comeback because I know you and so I know you’re up for it
“The pleasure is mine, I’m sure it's going to be a pleasant conversation”
“Then if you allow me to lead the way…”
If Alberu felt the cold chill run down his spine as he was talking to vassals, then he did a very good job at hiding it. A decision he’ll regret making later on as two pairs of glowing eyes grins at him with malicious intent they like to call ‘payback’.
After that, their relationship got a bit better. There’s still bad blood but thanks to the common headache they share they got along a bit better.
They started getting to know each other outside of the initial image they have of each other and notice the similar traits and life goals they have. 
“Cale Henituse only second to the crown prince for being the most wanted bachelor? What? Is this for real? This man is surely doing witchcraft to make his press image look that good. This can’t be the same Cale Henituse I know who isn’t competent at taking care of himself.”
At her words, red eyes maliciously snapped their way to her figure to stare at amusement and resentment.
“Stare at me like that all you want, it doesn’t help my case that you’re bleeding from every orifice of your body right now. Makes me wonder how much trauma you gave everyone who personally saw you like this during the Henituse war. No wonder why they went ballistic. Of course the same thing can’t be applied to me as I will be more than glad to laugh at your demise with front row seats.” 
Poor young master Cale can’t even make a proper argument as he is too busy to strive to live another day. Contrary to the princess’ lips that spouts poison like a viper, her hands tell a different tale. Soft, gentle hands cradle the commander’s matted hair as she lightly wipes down the blood causing his usual well cared hair to be this atrocious. Beside him is a baby black dragon who fell asleep from the fatigue of his awakening.
“I hate you but I have to give you credit for being the cause of Alberu’s hilarious face when you dropped everything on him all at once then left to go self-destruct. Anyways I haven’t seen Alberu make a face like that since I told him from what house I’m from.”
The annoyed, but in pain man tried to wheeze out an answer but was quickly shushed with benign hands that just finished wiping his face and is now cleaning up the sleeping dragon.
“Don’t even try talking. Yes, yes I know that look, you’re wondering how did I even get here and if I just went here to mess with you. Well let’s just say that I have my ways and this is me repaying you for the amazing scene you made with Alberu.”
Cale decided on whether he should argue back, but upon the return of warm hands that delicately took care of him he decided to let it pass for once.
Thus, Lady Gyerre took care of the famous commander as his plate fixed itself. This made it easier for everyone else to do their respective tasks seeing that the young master is in good hands.
And if the first thing Cale saw as he woke up was a certain lady’s head sleeping on his side. They didn’t talk about it. And if the first thing _____  felt when she woke were big, warm hands caressing her hair softly. They also spoke no word of that.
Instead, the two continued on with their lives as normally as they could after that. 
It doesn’t help that they synergize well so they work with each other quite a lot. It also doesn’t help that since Raon is now relieved, the dragon doesn’t hesitate in asking _____ to stay over and indulge him further. It most certainly doesn’t help that the two of them are good at hiding their feelings, making it seem like they hate each other to the bone with their usual fights. 
And it really doesn’t help them that they seem closer than ever no matter how much they try to push each other away.
Late night talks, comfortable skinship, the way they magnetized to each other unconsciously, one constantly seeking out the other especially when it comes to planning.
Yeah, it really doesn't help them one bit.
There’s also the pesky voice that has been watching over _____ since she was a kid that turned out to be the God of Death.
“So you’re telling me that the other kid you’ve been playing with was that guy. Then you told me that if we could meet we would’ve been great playmates? Oh and you’re also the God of Death everyone kept complaining about… I can see where they’re coming from…”
That conversation resulted in the feather pen, a relic of the said god, hardening and smacking the poor princess across the face. Of course _____ Gyerre is petty so she threw the pen in a corner and refused to talk to the God until he explained everything and let Alberu help with the Sealed God’s test.
As the whole thing continues on and everyone gets tired of the two, Alberu Crossman can’t help and try to figure out where the animosity even came from in the first place. Just why are they hostile to each other at the beginning with no explanations. Just what was the thing they saw that made them like that.
If it wasn’t for the Sealed God’s test maybe Alberu wouldn’t have been able to piece everything together.
The two are so similar that they even share their hatred for people who sacrifice themselves  without realizing they do exactly just that.
[funny, so that’s how it is]
Alberu laughed to himself one night as he thought about it. Of course his laugh didn’t go past Cale, err Kim Rok Soo as he looks at the tiger as if he transformed into something worse than his current form.
But war is war and there’s little to no time for anything else when you’re focused on not letting this White Star wannabe take over the world. Hence why, despite all the clear signs brooding over them, both opted to continue playing hide and seek of feelings in the middle of war and everything is left up in the air.
Still, humans in general are fickle things that don’t realize what they have been caring for until the direst of moments.
Those words and the back of the one who said it was the last thing Cale registered before he fainted.
When _____ felt uneasy her mind immediately went to Cale and his self-sacrificial tendencies. Good thing that she still has the gift the God of Death gave her a long time ago.
“Listen, the kid I’ve talked about before is coming here soon. I’m sure you’ll get acquainted well. That’s why I’m gifting this to you, you can use this to locate wherever that punk is and go there. Fret not for you can also easily teleport anywhere as long as you have my permission.”
She never thought that she’ll actually use it to locate Cale, nor did she ever think that she’ll be panicking over the man and what he's doing.
Luckily, she arrived in time. Cale just finished using instant and is very weak, near him was someone trying to take advantage of the chaotic situation and finish the redhead off. More lucky that the Gyrre princess has quick reflexes and manages to block off attacks from the bear. 
“I’ve heard what the situation is, Raon I’ll hold them off! Just focus on teleporting us out of here!”
A swarm of the remaining bears and black mages left in the Endable Kingdom continue to attack the three. While _____ is a pretty high ranking swordsman, it cannot be denied that she went to the enemy's territory on a whim and with no proper armor. There’s also the fact that she isn’t simply fighting. Rather, she’s protecting the one guy she swore to leave to die. Thus, by the time the three teleported to Puzzle city the two humans have fainted; one with a broken plate and the other one suffering from a large wound inflicted by the enemy.
Humans and their emotions are fickle things. It’s funny how a few words and actions will make them spiral down again. But it works out because these humans know that they are like that, they understand one another. They know that that’s exactly what makes them human.
That’s why when Cale first woke up, after getting his plate fixed again, and the first one he looked for was _____ no one said anything.
When he wordlessly insists on taking care of the unconscious lady no one dared question how he balances all of his tasks in the middle of war.
And when his family sees him getting lost in his own records late at night they don’t disturb. They simply watch over their young master, making sure that he won’t hurt himself as he autopilots his way to juggling making plans and taking care of Lady Gyerre.
Indeed humans are such fickle creatures dense enough to not realize they’ve been tightly holding on to something unless it’s already too late.
But at the same time that very fickleness is what gives them the ability to do an entire 180 once they realize their mistake.
That’s why in his own way, Cale will surely make it up. Set things straight between the two of them, and not let his mistakes on Earth be the same sins he commits in his new life.
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*aram khachaturian waltz is the piece that got me brainrotting about the waltz I'm sorry but it gives massive enemies to lovers waltz scene jsdfjaksdgfsdg
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
Will work on my Izuocha ask. But here lets talk about Momo. She had a powerful OP quirk and so much potential but is shafted bc she has to be Mineta's target and also an "eye candy" for the fans. I say this as there many, many nsfw works of Momo where...well you get the gist.
1) Momo can create anything as long she can visualize in her mind. She could have been s great ally and friend to Izu as I think she would have to analyse her quirk (would be nice Izu having someone who does analyses too and isnt seen as "creepy")
2) Momo is rich. Extremely so, so why is she a hero? I know is an unfair question as we dont even get the answer for the mc(yes we got a generic "I want to help" but like come on this could have been more explored). But like if she is not doing for the money...then why? What is the endgoal? "I want to be a hero bc...bc!" Every kid, to me, seems to just want to be a hero bc yes (makes make me think: is the mkt in this world is that strong?)
3) Why she is wearing that uniform? While I get the intention of Izu having a costume that is "cosplay for poor" Why Momo used that? Did someone made her mind?(can see Midnight here but I admit I prefer her as a dark figure rather "she is the best woman on earth") like I know Hori did for fanservice but is a fanservice that hurts the character
4) is it canon she has meet Shoto before? Fanon seems to say in fics "Momo and Shoto are rich kids friends" which I mean, make sense as she is a heir (we dont even know what her family does) I ask this bc...IF this is true, did Momo had any positive thought about Endy?
5) Her quirk is super OP...and while I dont think she needs a quirk awaken I do think she, a minor in possession of such quirk needed more protection ...which makes me think if she was to have protection...would be bc of her op quirk or money?
1. I would love to see Yaoyorozu and Izuku interact more! I think they'd mesh well, especially since they're both intellectual people. Could have made for some fun scenes.
2. Yes, she needs a goal! Some have brought up that she could be the result of a successful quirk marriage that wasn't as abusive or dysfunctional as the Todorokis and tbh I think that's my headcanon now. They do imply that every kid wants to be a hero, but the kind of person she is I feel like it should go behind childhood dreams.
3. According to Horikoshi, this was Yaomomo's decision. Apparently, she wanted to show even more skin to make her quirk more accessible, but they restricted her (realistically, it's Hori being a perv). The theme of her suit is supposed to be "functionality" I'm guessing due to the kind of person she is. But the way her costume is, is more of a hindrance than a help. I said this to @anti-katsuki-lounge but she has no chest protection and the bookcase on her back could easily break her spine if she falls on it. I also always thought it would have made more sense for her to have an open back instead of an open chest since her back would be bigger space than her chest and she ends up ripping her shirt to make things out of her back anyway.
4. Yeah fanon is gonna have to take the L here. It's implied that Todoroki was completely isolated. Endeavor didn't even let him see his sibling let alone other kids. I'm almost sure he was homeschooled and even if he wasn't, Izuku was his first friend. And him and Yaomomo don't act like they knew each other beforehand, at most they knew of each other because of the recommendation exam.
5. Yes her quirk is super OP. Tbh, what would a quirk awakening for her even look like?
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
theory time!
so reasoning as to why i cant reblog the other one is just cause it doesnt allow videos when i reblog now which sucks but whatever so yeah! its a jrwi theory again, and whatever future info i have was 99% gathered from the wiki (the remaining one percent might not even show up in this theory so ye), and of course theres spoilers for the black rose one shot AND riptide pirates (dont have any exsct eps, all i can say is im at ep 101 now so anything before that is kinda fair game)
for the original theory post
k so we gonna put that one clip (scroll message, about a minute long) and talk about it, def mention all the connections gill would have with the black sea, shit like that
apologies for the buggy clip, just needed to add this and when i recorded i was in school aka just recorded like this for less risk, lets talk about the message though.
"a map that is a guide and a key passed around the hands of destiny, it leads to chaos infinity beneath the seas, the garden giant, the nameless prince, the unborn kings, all await to be inevitably free"
i think in my og theory post i talked on how gill was very connected to the black sea imo so how does all this tie in? lets do some quick lil notes first
ok so the scroll of legend lore has been held onto by gillion, the one closest to destiny's ties, and has not been used until now
chaos infinity while refering to the black sea could also be an undersea thing, what with the leviathins (nobody else remember how the pearl shard gillion has came from one? and how the pearl was never supposed to even see the light of day probs let alone be in some cat mans evil base? just me?)
while i wanna say aster mythborne aeiliana shes not real here so she cant be garden giant
BUT we do have a known leviathin(? could just be a dragon turtle) named duke who has plant shit and is controlled by a gollieth
nameless prince is everso chip coded but we looking all across our board here so yeah
it could apply that the "nameless prince" could refer to someone "unnamed" who holds power like that prince from edison kingdom or smth
it could also reference marshal jon, who's canon first name has been forgotten and canon last name is jon
unborn kings? honestly while i dont think chip's bit of mpreg is apart of this i think the lady inspiring it (aka aslana's mom) has some relations to this whole thing
we all read "kings" btw so theres probs multiple yall
would goobleck count? he is goobleck he must apply someway
non-literal one again? maybe their monsters or smth
wait to be free. huh. gee, i wonder, will the door nightmare with arlin come into play here. thatd be so fun. yeah. ahahaha im losing myself
okay okay maybe its not all clear and i honestly have had this as a draft for too long (as shown below)
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BUT ill reblog this later cause ill really just be using text and images and shit
whats the basic idea? this is def where the oath from the sword comes into play (murdering destiny), with the whole "the black sea twists you" thing we may get hints of killion or even dark gillion again, the thign about it being a "key" might imply like a 'this means that' type deal rather then being actually a key, the chaos isnt really referring to the black sea but the state of the undersea in general (lost champion becomign criminal, ally shit gone, oversea war, etc), unnamed prince is either someone we havent met yet or someone who we dont expect to have a return (ie: were deemed before as not really lore relevant), and the unborn kings are monsters, oh and the garden giant isnt arlin but something related to the duke! THIS HAS TO CONNECT TO THE LEVIATHINS FR
some details/info about gill/things related to gill so i write this better:
"You promise to slay all evil before thee, crack corruption that takes hold of this world, strike swiftly enough to split the seas, and even if the thread of fate poses an obstacle against us, we shall sever it"
A hero born of moonlight, storm and sea. / They shall rise or fall to bring unity. / They will be tested or bested by evil’s hand. / By their choice one will remain: sea or land.
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vileoperativeamaryllis · 11 months
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The drive back home to the headquarters was silent. Spinkick and Flytrap looked at eachother, noticing how quiet Amaryllis has been with disappointment probably stirring up inside of him.
The trio got out of the car. Amaryllis slams the car door shut, making the other two flinch slightly. They walk back into the headquarters, Amaryllis sat at his designated desk.
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“What…The Heck.”
The two looked at him,
“What the heck…was that?!” He scolds them. “It was the perfect time to screw her up! To finally destroy her, and yet you two idiots decided to let her go?!” He slams his fists down the table, startling the two again!
Even so, Spinkick decided to speak. “Amaryllis…We’re—“
“Not sorry.” Spinkick’s eyes widened as Flytrap interrupts him, glaring at Amaryllis. Amaryllis squints his eyes, “What? Not sorry that you ruined the thing we worked the hardest for?! You two could have gotten yourself harmed and back to prison!”
Spinkick hugged himself tightly, but nevertheless, he took a deep breath in. “Litz, you know what..?” He took a step closer, towering over his teammate. “Yeah. To be honest, we’re not sorry.”
Amaryllis frowned and furrowed his brows, he looked down at the floor, and then back at Spinkick. “I thought you guys would help me! You are my family! I—“
“Yes, we wanted to destroy Carmen as well, but deep down, all we ever wanted was to be a family! With you, Amaryllis!” Spinkick yelled with deep, sorrowful passion in his voice.
“W—We wanted…to be a part of a family. Not to destroy someone else’s. And it’s…clearly hurting the both of us.” Flytrap looked at him, clearly concerned and stressed.
Amaryllis, who ran out of words to say, looked at the both of them. Sadness fueled him, but not as fast as anger did. Not as fast as the rage that reached his throat.
“THEN LEAVE! If I’m really hurting you this much, why don’t you just go?!”
“GO AWAY!” He turned away, a lump forming in his throat. “I can’t let you guys stay with me if all you’ll do is put yourself in danger.. I honestly can’t focus with you two acting like total idiots.” He murmured, walking silently to his room.
Spinkick and Flytrap looked at eachother. Flytrap cupped Spinkick’s teary eyed, red face…She wipes a tear away with her thumb. “Let’s go somewhere, okay…?” She whispers.
“I wanna tell her…”
“Okay.” Flytrap answered.
On the other hand, Amaryllis was enraged…He hinted a clue to where the next heist would be.
The next heist, Carmen appeared to the meeting place...It was a dark, and lightless place…that was until a green electric spark lit the darkness…a crackle rod.
“You…” Amaryllis growled lowly, looking at Carmen with his angriest eyes. “You took them away from me…”
“Let me guess. You’re not here to steal? You’re getting real predictable nowadays…” Carmen smirked.
“Oh? Then if I’m so predictable you should already be prepared…BECAUSE IM GONNA KILL YOU!”
Amaryllis charged towards Carmen, but Carmen stood still.
“I AM prepared.”
Suddenly, Spinkick and Flytrap jumped right in front of Carmen, stopping Amaryllis in his tracks.
“You…You two…betrayed me…” Amaryllis whimpered, his hands shaking a little. He felt his heart sink, and the lump in his throat reform.
“W—Well then…that just means I have nothing left to lose..”
He stammered, powering up the crackle rod to it’s highest, directing it right in front of them..all he had to do was shoot…
The two were scared, Amaryllis could strike any moment now, and they wouldn’t know how to dodge.
No strike yet?…
Tears formed in Amaryllis’s eyes…his hands kept shaking, he couldn’t, he just couldn’t do it…Not to them. Why couldn’t he do it?…
The crackle rod slips out of his hands, as tears streamed down his face..
What should he do now?…he felt so much. Embarrassed, betrayed, afraid, sad, angry…he just feels…
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