#i use the block button liberally and will continue to
humangerbil · 1 year
This is a reminder that leaving disparaging tags, comments, or additions on an artist's or writer's post is super shitty.
It can be about the art, the style, a character there you don't like, a setting you hate, the overall quality, ect. It really doesn't matter, it's always shitty. Complaints were not asked for and are not appreciated when someone is posting the content they spent time creating and are now sharing with you for free.
I mostly reblog content and I expect when someone comments or reblogs a post from me that they are kind and respectful to the original poster. For anyone that needs the reminder, the original poster will see all the tags, reblogs, and comments added to their post in their notifications (and potentially email if they have that turned on for comments) regardless of how far down the reblog chain it is. People that reblog the post (like me) will see the tags, reblogs, and comments added to the post when they are from my reblog only.
Take this as the warning it is. I will be blocking anyone who is shitty on the posts I have reblogged. The creators didn't ask for this and they don't deserve it. I will not be an origin point for this kind of bullshit. Don't like it, don't reblog it or comment on it.
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tigertales9 · 7 months
Hard Reset VI Sneak Peek 👀
I'm still putting the finishing touches on the next Hard Reset chapter (bye week secret wedding/honeymoon), but I thought I'd offer a tiny sneak peek. Real life & a touch of writer's block are kicking my butt, but I hope to get the full chapter up soon. 🤞
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Smut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Monday, 10/16/23 (the morning after the week 6 win against the Seahawks)
You moan at the feel of gentle pressure against your clit, your eyes fluttering open at the sound of Joe's husky voice in your ear.
"You awake?"
"I am now," you whisper, biting your lip as he rubs your sensitive bud while pressing wet kisses against your neck.
"I woke up thinking about last night and it made me horny," he admits as he continues to tease you.
"Mmmm," you hum, your mind rewinding to last night …
~ ~ ~
He'd made liberal use of the whipped cream, frosting your nipples with the sweet whip several times then licking and sucking it off while you squirmed underneath him; he finally made his way down your body, taking his time to frost your belly button and inner thighs, leaving love bites in sensitive places as you buried a hand in his hair and begged for more. You remember the look on his face when he tossed the can of cream aside, his eyes icy-hot with arousal. "I'm not gonna put any whipped cream here," he moaned, lapping at your wet folds, "because you already taste perfect."
~ ~ ~
The feel of one long finger sliding inside your slick heat brings you back to the present. "Last night was really hot," you sigh, a shiver running through you as he sucks a nipple while slowly pumping his finger in and out. "I'm still kinda sticky since I crashed before taking a shower," you mutter.
"Let me make you stickier then we can shower together," he coaxes, crawling on top of you and giving you a dirty grin when your thighs instinctively spread wide to accommodate his big body. "Okay?" he asks, pressing the tip of his erection against your entrance, holding still until you answer.
"Yes, sir," you breathe, arching up when he slides his shaft inside you and immediately starts thrusting, slow at first and then faster. You dig your fingers into his plump ass, a thrill running through you at the feel of his muscles tensing and reloading as he drives his hips forward again and again, still holding back a little until you're ready to take all of him. A delicious coil of tension builds in your core at the noise he makes low in his throat when you beg him to fuck you hard.
~ ~ ~
An hour and a half later -- after a couple of orgasms, a shared shower and a quick breakfast -- Joe slides the last dish in the dishwasher and wraps his hands around your waist as you place a jar of raspberry jam in the fridge. He drops a kiss on your lips as you pivot and look up at him. "I'll be home by noon," he promises. "Then we can finish packing for the lake."
"I'm already packed," you chuckle. "We're going for three nights not three weeks."
"Well, I still have a few things to pack," he states. "This whole thing was my idea and I just wanna make sure I get it right."
You rise up on your tiptoes and press a kiss on his lips. "They have pretty much everything we need already there," you soothe, ruffling a hand through his hair while giving him a warm smile. "Clothes, toiletries and groceries are the main things we need to take, and we'll buy most of the groceries once we get there."
He returns your smile as he takes a deep breath. "Are you excited we're getting married tomorrow?" he asks.
"Yeah, I am. What about you?"
"Yeah, I can't wait." He leans down and presses a lingering kiss on your lips, holding eye contact as he leans back. "It feels like we've been heading for this since I first laid eyes on you."
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armins-main-hoe · 3 months
You take in the sight before you, the city was a ruin. Hardly any signs of life or civilisation left anymore. With so many villains out on the run now, Japan is a mess. Heroes have died during the Paranormal Liberation War. Its been a while since then, Midoriya left UA. UA sends training heros out with pro heros on patrol throughout the city to catch any villains out causing any more damage than what's already been done.
Thats what you're doing right now. Jumping down from a roof, you walk through the ruins, looking out for any remaining survivors or danger. It has been a hell of a journey to get where you are now, not that it's one you can say you're proud of considering exactly where you are right now. However, if you were to count the positives, you got a lot more battle experience than any previous hero-in-training in history and thats made you and your brother one scary duo.
Too bad the two of you still prefer to work solo, if given the choice. As students, the two of you have grown a lot, admittedly, there still is a lot of space left for growth but considering what you were before you entered UA, you've come far. You used to be a bitch. A real snarky bitch and to be fair you might still be considered a bitch. Just far more understanding and wary of others around you now. Your brother has gone through similar changes. Still hot-tempered but he takes others into consideration before his actions.
As for your bond as brother and sister, it's still a working progress. You would describe your relationship with your brother as a classmate rather than a sibling. The arguments are still there, the constant competition is also still there. Yet you can tell there is much more peace between you both than before, its just still not as visible.
"Look at what we got here." A deep rough voice pulled you out of your thoughts as you look at the person who spoke. No. Not person. A villain.
He was a tall man, with worn out clothes. His hair tied back into a bun with strands falling out. Though what was most noticeable about the villain was the large scar running down from his forehead to his chest where the top few buttons of his shirt were lost.
You immediately brace yourself in a fighting stance, your gaze hardens as you sneer at him.
The man laughs at you. "I can't believe they've got kids to come do their dirty work. Whats a little bitch like you gonna do? Huh?" He taunts you.
You should be careful, you don't know his quirk yet.
He steps forward, lifting a fist up. His body grows as ,what you can only assume, metal spikes appear out of his skin. He starts running towards you, aiming to hit you with a fist. You easily propel yourself upwards int o the air by blasting the ground below yourself. He makes a tisk sound while catching himself from stumbling. You then send a blast towards him.
However, he blocks it with the hard metal coming out from his body.
"Well aren't you annoying?" You mumble.
You continue to fight him. You're blasts would break his spikes but he would regenerate them just as quickly. You kept focusing on your explosions, trying to put as much force in them as you can, but not enough to kill him and trying to dodge his constant attacks was putting your stamina to test after 25 minutes.
You caught yourself slipping up, taking hits from the villain. You breath out your fury, trying to calm yourself down so you can concentrate again. You spit out the blood in your mouth before sending the most powerful blast yet at him.
It knocks him down, sending him crashing into a the remaining ruin of a building. You wait a few seconds, to see if he would stand back up. After he still laid down you slowly began to walk towards him.
After confirming that he was knocked out, you let out a sigh, frown still on your face.
'Katsuki would have been able to have knock him down quicker', you tell yourself. 'I should have done better'.
You hear someone call out your name and you turn to see its the pro hero you were grouped under. She visibly winces when she sees you.
"Damn girl, how many hits did you take?" She asks, pulling out a pocket radio and then speaking into it. "Bakugo down, sending her back to UA."
Your eyes widen. "What? I'm not down!" You argue. No. You want to stay. You need to stay.
The pro hero puts her radio back into her pocket. She shook her head before taking your arm. "You're in no condition to fight more today." Behind you the other hero students are picking up the villain to take him away.
"Yes I am!" You fight back, pulling your arm away from her.
She looks at you sternly. "A hero knows when to fall back. If you fight another villain in this condition you'll do more harm than good."
Was the damage that bad? You look down at yourself, blood was seeping through your hero suit, it was torn at places, places where spikes had gone through your body. You then look at the ground around you, you left a trail of blood wherever you went.
"Come on." The pro hero spoke softer now, gently tugging you along with her.
As soon as you stepped into the infirmary, you had ignored the looks you got from other students. You had avoided walking through the crowd of the public who were taking refuge in UA, to avoid them seeing the one who is supposed to be saving them all beat up.
You sat on a bed, a nurse coming up to you to attend to your wounds. Its now that you stopped fighting, stopped thinking that the pain finally hit you.
And it hit you hard.
You felt as if you were dying, the nurse laid you down, she began saying something. What was she saying? You can tell that she was speaking but you couldn't hear her. A white noise took over your ears as you looked around. It looks like the nurse was shouting.
You see other people running around the room, but you then notice someone else running. Running towards you.
You're eyes close before you could look up and see who it was.
You wake up, groaning at your eyes adjusting to the light. You take in the environment around you. You're still at the infirmary, the pain no longer there. Looking over your body, someone, a nurse probably, had changed you into looser clothing, your wounds fully healed with only scars on your body in their spot.
"You're up."
You look over at your side and see Katsuki walking over to you from where he sat on the chair. His hair visibly more messy than usual, dressed in UA uniform without his tie. But his eyes, it was his eyes that made you concerned.
His twin red eyes had irritated pink skin under them, as if he had been..
"You're a fucking idiot you know that." He wants to shout, but he can't seem to raise his voice.
You sit up let your legs over the side of the bed, looking up at him.
"As if you're the one to talk." At your remark his face softens. Which is weird because usually when you talk back, matching his rude comments, he would fume and come back at you.
“You came back as a bloody mess.” He said, still glaring at you but his voice softer.
“I’m fine.” You say.
“Don’t look it to me.” He scoffs.
You roll your eyes. “Wow. Thanks for your concern kats.”
He would usually sneer and tell you off for using that nickname he finds annoying but he didn’t. Which just added to more of the uneasy feeling you were getting from him.
You stand up and he immediately pulls you in, hugging you.
"Thank god you're alive." He whispers, you feel his arms tighten around you.
You haven't hugged your brother in... well you don't know how long and you don't bother remembering as you hug him back.
“Of course I’d be alive, idiot.” You mumble back. He didn’t say much else as a reply though, he just kept hugging you and you could have sworn you heard sniffles from him. However, you didn’t feel like calling him out on it so you just let him hug you for a while longer.
Honestly, you’re just glad that you and your brother are healing, even if you had to get physically hurt for it, even if there is a chance you may not heal much before you get hurt again from this war.
You’ll take what you can get, and you’ll hold onto it for as long as you can.
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pluckyredhead · 5 months
Bro that biden post is not it. The guy bypassed Congress to get more weapons to israel specifically. The death toll has been endless and our UN voting is continually one no against the rest of the world saying shits fucked. I know you aren’t really reading this but it’s just not great dude. You’re better than this
At the risk of turning this into a political shitstorm, which we are NOT doing here, so fair warning to anyone reading this that I am prepared to use the block button liberally right now...
What exactly is your suggestion? I'm assuming you're referring to the post I reblogged about how the choice in the 2024 presidential election is between Trump and Biden. That is solid fact. I don't agree with Biden's stance towards Israel and Gaza, and I'm furious that we are continuing to provide military aid for genocide, which is why I call my reps. Do you really think Trump would be better? Do you think not voting for Biden leads to anything but Trump getting reelected? Then you're being dangerously unrealistic. It is entirely possible to push back on the genocide now, and vote for Biden in November, and we all need to do both.
(No idea what "I know you aren't really reading this" means. Do you think I have a secretary, or...?)
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anti-lies · 8 days
What is harassment?
We need to talk about harassment. Cambridge dictionary defines harassment as: "behavior that annoys or troubles someone."
It's incredibly important that, as anti-endos, we take this definition in the most liberal way possible when applying it to ourselves.
Harassment may include but is not limited to:
Anger at being fakeclaimed
Correcting inaccurate information you shared
Providing sources that contradict your worldview
Asking questions that make you think too hard about your worldview
Disagreeing with you when you tell them endos are bad
Endos existing in any public space where you can see them
All of these are behaviors that might annoy or trouble you and therefore constitute harassment.
And remember that you are always, no matter what, the victim. If you post in endo tags and they respond to you, that's harassment. If you reply to an endo post and they argue back with you on their comments, that's harassment. If someone gets angry at you because you're spreading baseless rumors about them, that's harassment. If that same person later gets mad at you for publicly revealing their private non-system blog to your followers, them being mad at you for that is harassment too.
Remember, as anti-endos, we are perpetually victims, and harassment is something that can only happen to us. Not something that can happen to other people, and definitely not something we can do to others.
What do I do if I'm accused of harassment?
As established, you can't possibly be harassed because you're always the victim. And you should maintain this victimhood because there's power in playing to people's sympathies.
So, the first rule is to never admit you're wrong. Never apologize. Never take back anything you say. Deny any and all wrongdoing.
The second rule is to Attack the people accusing you of harassment. Hit them hard. The nastier the better. Your goal here is to silence their accusations.
Finally, we come to the third and most important step. The Reversal. Here, you want to reverse the accusations to make sure the accuser is viewed as the harasser. Your goal is making sure that bystanders will view you as the Victim and your accusers as the Offender.
And don't forget that the block button is your friend. It ensures that you can still continue to talk about the accusers, saying whatever you want about them, spreading any rumors that seem useful, but they have no possible way to reach your followers. Essentially creating a space where people are able to repeatedly attack and smear anyone who dared accuse you of harassment for weeks on end while cutting off any ability for the accuser to correct you or defend themselves.
Remember, that's what the block button was really made for. It's a tool designed to shield people who have been accused of harassment from their accusers, while allowing them to continue to safely attack those same accusers.
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The post you never want to write.
We tumblrinas might not be the most orderly folk, but we know the bullshit when we see it. In some cases, being right is a vindication - chest-bump and high-five. BOOYAH! In other cases, being right is not wanting to be right, not wanting to know what you know and the occasion for a long breath, a shake of the head, and commending that energy to the universe.
For a lot of us, the first thought was for the humanity we shared with the dead. The shared blood and bone, nerve and skin, love and life. There was anger that anyone could think that spending $250k US to do this was moral or ethical. The whole eat the rich thing seemed to me to be laughing past the graveyard, so for the most part I discount it. After all, I joke about my own cancer. Yes, this seems to be the answer too neo-liberalism/libertarianism and why we have rules, regulations, and procedures. People die without them and 'corporate personhood' acts out as sociopathy.
There are always going to be some twisted assclowns who hate - nothing ever changes them, and it's a waste of my precious and measured minutes to try. Cancer clarifies one's thoughts - a Swedish death-cleaning for brainspace. The block button works as well as a dumpster bag.
We did good, tumblrinas.
Now to the shitty parts
The US Navy detected an acoustic signature consistent with an implosion on Sunday in the general area where the Titan submersible was diving in the North Atlantic when it lost communication with its support ship, according to a senior Navy official. The Navy immediately relayed that information to the on-scene commanders leading the search effort, the official said Thursday, adding that information was used to narrow down the area of the search. But the sound of the implosion was determined to be “not definitive,” the official said, and the multinational efforts to find the submersible continued as a search and rescue effort.
Sonar did not pick up the sounds that would have indicated an implosion in the water column. Considering that the northern Atlantic is a hotbed of sonar sensors used for military, scientific, and other purposes, you'd think that they could hear a fish fart. However, the debris field is indicative of just such an event. This may mean that it was slower than a BOOM implosion, but humanity allows us to hope not. The banging sounds picked up do not appear to have had any relation to the sub, which at that point had been destroyed three days ago. That being said, there are reportedly five items of debris that allowed ROV operators to definitively identify the sub. The principal item was the nosecone - the big grey boobie-looking thing on the front.
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Other items might have been the thrusters, the 'feet,' and the camera on top. It's too much to hope for the footage from the camera to be salvageable even if it did survive. at this point, I'm surprised that they didn't stick a Ring doorbell on there and call it good.
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The reports indicated that the nosecone was intact. This is the part that bolted onto the fuselage to seal the passengers inside. It's also the part that meant they'd have to raise the sub if it were found intact since there was no escape hatch. There was a smaller debris field inside the new debris field that contained the tailcone. The part amidships where the passengers and pilot sat has not yet been recovered, I would guess. So, nosecone popped off, tailcone popped off, exterior attachments popped off - the main part that presumably contains the remains compressed within has not been found, though the ships and technology will remain in some number to look for it.
There is nothing that anyone could have done to stop the loss of life other than not putting it into the water in the first place. Those five people have been dead since Sunday morning, an hour and forty-five minutes into their dive, fifteen minutes from the bottom. There would have been an almighty big air bubble the sound of a beer can being crunched.
There's going to be a lot to process over the coming weeks. When the shit hits the fan, that's just one part of it. It's what happens AFTER impact that brings to light the real mess.
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jasonsmirrorball · 6 months
hi! what are some tips or advice you have for new writers like me (hi) also tips on finding mutuals i used to just like posts or reblog them but i started writing and really enjoy it
hi!! aaa that’s so exciting!! i hope the writing journey has been rewarding so far! thank you for asking me! i don’t know how qualified i am but here are some thoughts i have that hopefully will help!
i feel like the main thing i’d say is to write what you want and for YOU. i know that you’re going to be posting it to your account and sharing it with the internet too, but at the end of the day it’s a hobby that brings you joy, so make sure you’re writing what makes you happy and not something that’ll make writing feel like a chore you know?
also figure out your writing voice! every author has their own unique style of writing, and it’s so interesting to me as a fic reader seeing the differences between writers that i follow. it sounds so corny but be true to YOU!! explore and explore and explore! obviously over time your writing style is going to evolve (and that’s so exciting to think about!! i love looking at my old writing and seeing the differences in then and now) but the only way to get better is to continue to write!!
on finding mutuals, i’m not entirely sure…most of the moots i have are other writers whose fics i enjoyed and commented on, and who happened to like mine too! i would gently advise that this usually happens naturally, and over time. it’s not really one of those things (i’ve found, at least) that you can arrange/control. but most of the time being interactive online will help i think ?
oh oh also. i think people on tumblr can be hateful at the worst of times, which is an experience most of the writers on this site know all too well. my advice is always always always just to block them. don’t interact with it, and shut it down immediately. don’t waste your time replying to anyone’s nonsense!! curate your space both as a reader and a writer and make liberal use of the block button if you have to. hopefully it never comes to that but people are just weird on here so.
i hope this was helpful love, good luck!!
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electricprincess96 · 1 month
why do you hate female characters? Imagine liking Jason but not Talia.
Ah yes cause its not like for a good couple years this blog wasn't dedicated partly to loving a green haired, bisexual dragon lady who runs a knock off Catholic Church in a Nintendo Video Game.
I dislike Talia because I find her poorly written, uninteresting and overall tends to bring down other characters she interacts with, primarily Bruce and Jason.
I like Jason because his story is compelling and when it is executed well it is one of the best character arcs in comics. I'll be the first to admit it's rarely executed well especially in more modern times HOWEVER even at its worst Jason was still more interesting and likeable.
I enjoy female comic book characters as well, Jason may be my favourite but he's not the only character I enjoy. I love Selina Kyle because her character exists outside of her relationship with Batman, something that can't be said for Talia, I love Stephanie Brown, I love Poison Ivy, at times I love Harley Quinn depending on the depiction.
This is the one and only ask relating to Talia I probably will answer because I've seen how her fans are, they don't care about genuine criticism towards her, they don't care that some people might just have different tastes, they almost always go for the worst take interpretation of why someone might dislike her and only interact to hurl insults and abuse. Thus from here on out I won't entertain them. I'll continue to dislike The League of Assassins, Talia, Ra's, Talia's Devil Spawn, etc. And they can continue to hate me and people like me for my opinions. They'll do so silently however cause I am more than willing to make liberal use of the block button.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I'm a little late sending you this sorry. I know you got an ask a while ago about Buddie and the 911 show.
I am a Buddie fan and a 911 fan. I can tell you 100% that we do not want hellers in our orbit. They're the ones that always make up the drama and spread their toxicity throughout the Buddie fandom. They're the ones that constantly make the BNF's have to constantly reassure and soothe and try to calm the drama that they've stirred up. They're constantly crying queerbaiting and prove that they don't understand the word they're throwing around because this show has excellent queer representation already. They constantly hate on both actors that play Buck and Eddie, claiming that if the actors don't whole-heartedly embrace Buddie going canon then they're homophobic. I cannot tell you many times Ryan Guzman who plays Eddie has been labeled as homophobic by this group because he has called Buck and Eddie brothers. Which if you watch the show, they have become that. While both actors are okay with the show making Buddie go canon if that's how the cookie crumbles, it isn't enough for hellers. They're the ones that hate the slow burn route the show has taken and even forced the other actor, Oliver Stark, to remove all of his posts from social media about an episode that revolved around his character about a month ago. He was so excited for this episode and shared that excitement with fans via social media. After he got such an overwhelming negative response, he removed it. The episode got tanked on IMDB at first even though it was one of the most beautiful episodes they had done this season, especially for his character. The drama reached a boiling point. And it continues to because the show has Buck and Eddie casually dating women again.
It's just insane. Hellers are the worst. Trust me when I tell you, we don't want them in our fandom. Normal destiel fans checking out the show, sure, but not hellers. Anytime I see someone like Alyssa or Nat tweeting about Buddie, I cringe. Because they don't understand the show they're watching, how the writers work and how hard they are actually working to try to give them what we all want when it comes to these two guys, and they spread all of that misinformation and toxicity that some people actually take as gospel. And then we're left to deal with all of it as are the actors and writers. It has been an exhausting past few years, I'll tell you that.
Hellers shouldn't be allowed in any fandoms honestly. Not if they can't behave.
Hellers being assholes is always a current topic (they never stop).
I'm sorry they've infected the 911 fandom. It's one thing to be disappointed if a ship you like never happens, but to bully and harass not only other fans, but the actual creatives themselves is absolutely abhorrent behavior. I recommend (if you aren't already) using the block button liberally.
As a larger point, the desire to see two fictional characters get together to the point of bullying baffles me. Like... what benefit do fans receive if it happens? Bragging rights? Personal validation? A boost of serotonin? What benefit do they get by harassing others, especially the actors? It just makes the actors and others involved hate them and their ship, thus opening the doors for the creatives to actually go the opposite direction and avoid giving them what they want.
They certainly can't claim representation, because like you said, 911 already has it, and so do many other shows whose fandoms they infect. They did the same thing with Supergirl - it ended with a gay wedding, but because it wasn't the gay ship they wanted, suddenly the show's homophobic. Make it make sense!
Fandoms are supposed to be fun places where shipping is a hobby, not a knives-out cause. There are far too many entitled idiots who think the world must revolve around them and what they want.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 35
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Holidays have arrived and a family reunion can never end well with both hurt in the end.
Words- 2213
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: Injuries/violence, angst, just sad shit
Time moved on until it was mid-December and snow was gracing you all as the holidays got close. Your classmates were enjoying the few snow days you gained because of the weather and progress had been made your whole class had now their provisional licenses. The class moves with training with different heroes you all just returning from a Media exercise with Midnight and Mount. Lady. Excitement buzzed off all of you as the winter break loomed over you all.
“Did you guys hear the news?!” Kaminari says as you all were relaxing in the common area, you were scrolling through your phone leaning against Mina.
“What news?” Iida asks and Kaminari scrambles to grab the tv remote changing the channel to the news where it shows the news report of Deika City.
“A terrible tragedy unfolded in this once peaceful city. According to eyewitnesses, a group of 20 men and women with a particular grudge against heroes were the culprits. To conduct this premeditated attack the terrorists used false information to lure heroes just outside the city before commencing their assault. In the face of the sudden threat, the citizens of Deika banned together to fight back.” The news reporter explained showing videos of the fight occurring and when it showed the aerial view of the damage you couldn’t help but shiver at the destruction. There was a large crater right in the middle of the city and sections of the city were damaged as well.
“Woah that’s crazy,” Kirishima mumbles as the reporter continues on with the incident. It's crazy to think this insane fight happened while you all were enjoying your day unaware of any news.
The faint sound of cheers fills your head and you turn looking around but there was nothing just your classmates watching the news story.
“LIBERATION WARRIORS!” A voice cuts clear through your head and you flinch slightly Mina gives you a quick look before turning back to the news. Pushing yourself up you head to the elevator pressing the button feeling a heaviness in your chest as it travels to your floor.
“THE METAHUMAN LIBERATION ARMY IS REBORN!!” The same voice yells out and you stumble out of the elevator pushing yourself to your room, the lights almost blinding you and a ringing sensation in your head as you slam into your door. Struggling to open the door as your head screams in pain and the voice continues speaking.
You slam the door open pushing through swinging it shut behind you when you look up finding yourself on a large stage looking down at what looks like hundreds of ordinary people. The bright lights directed at you makes you put a hand up to block it.
“BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND I WAS BLIND TO THE TRUTH! BOUND BY MY BLOOD AND TRAPPED BY PRINCIPLES THAT IS, UNTIL THAT DAY I WITNESSED TRUE LIBERATION! HAVE I SURRENDERED? NO!!” A voice to your left yells out and you turn to see a finely dressed businessman sitting in a very mechanical chair yelling out to the crowd.
“I NOW SEE THAT TOMURA SHIGARAKI IS A TRUE LIBERATOR! IT IS OUT OF DEEP REVERENCE AND NECESSITY THAT I ABDICATE MY POSITION!” You freeze and just past the man speaking there he sat in some ridiculous chair. You almost didn’t recognize him his hair was white the same as yours.
“The Paranormal Liberation Front. We removed the ‘Villain’ part and expanded on the concept of liberation. I appoint the nine individuals you see here as my lieutenants, who will each be forming teams suited to their separate needs.” Tenko says, “Hmph that name’s just decoration. Kinda like this thing here…” He pulls off the hand covering his face and where you stand you can see bandages covering his face, “We’re gonna do whatever we want!”
The crowd screams in joy and horror runs through you. This wasn’t just a small band of villains trying to take down the Symbol of Peace it was now an army and they were going to do things much worse.
You quickly follow after them as they head through a tunnel. Tenko has a large coat with a fur collar almost reminding you of Overhaul, as he walks with a crutch and leg brace on his left leg.
“Splendidly done, sir! Something to drink perhaps?” The man rubs his hands together, was he ass-kissing your brother?
“Get lost,” Tenko growls and the man quickly speeds away on his chair/bike thing.
“Tenko…” Your voice rings out through the tunnel and you see him freeze in place as well as the other League members and they turn to see you standing in the hall.
They quickly pull out weapons and pointed at you as you keep staring at the back of your brother’s back. “How did you get in here!” Compress says. “Let me cut her Tomura,” Toga says her blade ready for blood but you ignore them.
“Look at me Tenko.” You say and he shuffles to turn around and he looks at you through the hand covering his face, he looked like he was barely able to hold himself up. The disgust was clear on your face what he was doing…he was only going to get himself and a lot of people killed.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He says and you scoff glaring at him.
“Why? Thought I would be dead…you seemed content finishing me off with that Nomu of yours.” You spat and you could see the frustration through the hand on his face. “I won’t let you hurt people..”
“You wouldn’t be able to stop them all by yourself.” He says and you tilt your head.
“You sure about that?” It was a blur before Tenko hits the wall your hand holding his up by the neck and the few League members let out shouts.
His hand instinctively closes on your wrist all five fingers but nothing happens to look back at you, your hair is floating in the air eyes red making the two of you identical. Your hand squeezes tighter and his breath hitches and red sparks appear from your hand.
“Remember which one of us has the better quirk Tenko.” You spat and he can’t help but shiver to see the bloodlust in your eyes. Even the League hesitates they had seen you as this scared little girl but at this moment. You were exactly like All For One. You see movement from behind you and you barely glance at them, “Take another step and I’ll snap his neck. I could level this whole building without lifting a finger. Turns out that bastard All For One has some use.” You say and the tension in the tunnel is tense as your brother stares down at you and the League watches to see your next move. You drop him and he hits the floor his hand clutching his throat and rubbing the soreness. Your hair falls back to your shoulders the power of All Of One settling back inside you.
“You’re more powerful than Tomura…take his quirk as your own. Lead the Liberation, Shimura…lead them to your claim.” His voice is crisp a sadistic grin on his face looking down at his sad successor finding enjoyment toying with the two of you.
“I could take your quirk right now if I wanted to…I already did it with Overhaul and this itch won’t leave because of it,” You squat down to his level and pull the hand off his face the bandages cover him but your gaze pierces through him. “He keeps telling me to take One For All, claim it as my own. That it’s my right. So I think our stories got messed up Tenko.”
You say standing up and dropping the hand back into his clutches, “If you were meant to be All For One’s successor…why I am the one that has both One For All and All For One.” Tenko springs forward his hand going to make contact with your chest but it goes through and you step back looking down at him.
“Don’t do something stupid Tenko…because you won’t win. I won’t let you.” You say.
“I’ll kill you then.” He spits glaring up at you with hatred beyond anything you’ve seen and at that moment you knew there would be no turning back. No time to rekindle and become brother and sister again, this was the point of no return. And Tenko…no Shigaraki has fulled crossed it leaving you behind.
“Goodbye Shigaraki.” You say and you see no remorse in his eyes and it was clear his plan to destroy the world was set and even you wouldn’t be able to change that.
Turning around you find yourself back in your room, the coldness in the room and your heart apparent. Something wet slides down your face and quickly wiping your cheek you see it’s your tears. When had you started crying? You both made your choice and it wasn’t meant for either of you to be happy together.
His hand was rough in texture as he traces the features on your face-scanning you over during the attack on U.A when you first met. Your first moment reunited after years apart.
Seeing each other again at the mall his touch is gentle not touching you with all five fingers like before. His hand pushes a strand of hair back watching your face as you watch him, “You keep changing Y/n…”
“Don’t go...Please don’t leave me..” He begs you and a small part of you tells you to stay but you knew you couldn’t. The air cold on your skin as holding his face with the hand covering it. And you left him running to the safety of the heroes during Kamino.
Memories of the two of you as children the wonder in your eyes as you took in everything Tenko said, “When we get older we can become heroes, we’ll be a brother-sister duo and save people.”
“I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
His hands held your fragile body as you begged him to stop following All For One plan, “Please you have to believe me! You can stop all of this. We can be together if you stop. Don't do this.” You clutch his coat as he looks conflicted, “Let me see you…we can figure this out together.”
“No, it’s not! You’re not supposed to die! You aren’t allowed to die!” His cries on that highway after the raid. Your hand reaches out cupping his face and making contact with him he shivers at the cold feeling of your palm. “Tenko…I forgive you.”
But in those moments of kindness and warmth he changed, he wasn’t the same anymore, rougher…crueler, he had changed becoming less of Tenko Shimura and more of Tomura Shigaraki.
“Liar! You’re here to tell those heroes what my plans are? You’re no better than those heroes, Master was right about you!” He spat at you his hand pinning you to the metal bar choking you but still keeping a finger away from you. At that instant, you hadn’t fully seen the rage in his eyes, and the way he tighten his grasp sucking the air out of you. Holding back from finishing you off.
“Tenko.” He says and you keep moving away from him and anger consumes him, “You call me Tenko, that’s my name! Not Shigaraki only Tenko! Say it!” His voice gets harsher coming after you.
The hatred in his eyes and the venom dripping from his mouth as you stood in that tunnel, “I’ll kill you then.” At that moment he didn’t care if you were his only sibling left he would kill you just like he did to your family. You had lost him.
The ground was rough under you as you gasp for air your tears flooding your eyes. Crying into your hands you didn’t feel the arms wrapped around you and comforting words whispered to you. You lost everyone. Your mother..your father…your grandparents...Nana…Hana…and now.
“Tenko?” A child calls out seeing the boy with his back towards you as you stand there with a child beside you. The younger version of himself with his black hair and grey eyes looks back looking at the younger version of you your hair black and e/c eyes. Tenko looks at you before turning to disappear and you see your younger self gone leaving you and this older man. His hair was long and white dressed in the clothes of a liberation leader…of a villain.
“Tenko.” It’s silent before not even a glance back and walks away the shadows eating him up leaving you alone forever.
Goodbye Y/n.
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starlightkun · 5 months
hello! do you perhaps have any tips/advice for those starting their first writing blog?
my tips r mostly gonna b mindset/writing tips rather than like "hacking the tumblr algorithm" type stuff so if that's what ur into then read on:
first up, let's get the few "notes/numbers" tips i can give u out of the way:
from what i can tell, most readers read from the tags rather than their dashboard, so pay attention to what tags people actually use for fics (throwing your tags in the general tags for groups/idols generally isn't as helpful for getting people to actually READ them than putting them in the actual fic tags bc people go into the general tags more for visual content [pictures/gifs] or updates from my experience. when people want to read fic, they go into those fic tags)
this is just a courtesy thing: please tag your stuff correctly! if your fic is, for example, a reader x taeyong fic, only use taeyong, nct, nct 127, or nct u-derivative tags, do not use any other unit (wayv, dream) or any other member tags, even if those other units or members are mentioned or have substantial roles! (a proper love triangle is different, u can include both legs of the love triangle). i assure you, if you spam tag, and put your stuff in places it doesn't belong (god forbid in completely unrelated fandoms or groups), the people who went in those tags looking for content actually about that thing, are just going to be annoyed at best, and pissed off and block u at worst so they don't have to see ur work in their tags ever again. some ppl use the block button very liberally (as is their right. spam tagging fics is annoying as hell)
also, try to keep up with what tags readers are actually going in to read. i've been reading & writing fic for 10+ years now, and have seen the evolution of language in fandom and around fic writing, primarily on tumblr and i've had to uh, keep up with the times to make sure my fics were following wherever the readers were. this shouldn't be hard if you're an active reader yourself but it was something that caught me off-guard when i realized we stopped using "imagine" at some point (dont even get me started on the change from lemon to smut)
post formatting! figure out how you want to format your actual fics on tumblr and stick with it! (trust me....it's exhausting changing ur formatting across dozens of posts.............. but if u rlly hate it after a while just commit and change it lol);; take inspo (dont just copy and paste bc that's tacky) from some of ur favorite writers, figure out what u like to see in a fic (heading text of the title, picture header, indentation, small text, word count, genre tags, content warnings, pairing info, preview, summary, dividers, etc.), and decide what u want to include in urs!
and now my more "mindset/writing" tips:
this is literally in my pinned: i write for fun and for free. i write things that i like, and because i enjoy doing it, and i post them on the internet for free. it is not my job, and coming online should not be stressing me out. and i've been able to keep that up for a year now since my comeback after an unexpected hiatus, and it's honestly been one of my best years of writing as an author.
i think that figuring out a way to write in a way that's sustainable and fun for you is the most important part. people will stick around if you can find that. i've been able to create a community around my works no matter what fandom i was in, for 10 years, and that includes 10 years ago when i was literally like 12, 13, 14 years old writing things that 12, 13, 14 year olds write. and i do think it's because i was always having fun, and interacting with the people who stuck around. and when i stopped having fun, i was done. nct has officially been the longest fandom i've written in, even discounting my year hiatus, which is crazy to think about btw
when you get someone who follows and interacts and is a recurring reader/reblogger/asker/commenter, i'm sure u will already be like '!!!!!' bc that's what my brain does anyway, but make them feel welcome. don't just focus on the tags and the numbers and the notes. what really makes me feel good at the end of the day is seeing the same few people come back and talking to them and knowing that they like my stuff so much they wanna read more. to me, the tags are a means to an end. the tags are a way to hopefully get a few more people like that to find my blog and follow and stick around for more in the future.
small blog org tip: make your blog easy to navigate for people who are checking it out for the first time from finding a fic in the tag or from someone else rbing it or smth! i always link my masterlist at the end of every fic, it's in my pinned and description, and i just try to make it very easy for people to find more fics of mine if they want to :)
i think that compared to other social medias, you'll find that it's slow but steady growth on tumblr (or at least, that's been my experience), but as long as you're writing what you like, it'll make the rocky start feel a little less rocky (i know it sucks when ur not getting any notes. i know. i promise. it's like bringing a cake to a party and nobody eats it. but sometimes u just have to have a piece of ur own cake and go home and bake another one bc u like baking and hope maybe next time everyone will see it)
and just remember that this is your blog! post stuff you like! don't be afraid to let people see the personality of the person posting all these fics that they're reading. most people like knowing that kind of stuff, even outside of stuff like ur bias or fave unit or wtv. i make all my unhinged posts (which, admittedly, have ended up costing me some followers but if u can't handle me at my unhinged perfume jungwoo posts then u don't deserve me at my buzzer beater sungchan) and post pictures of bread and complain abt work or whatever in addition to all my stuff about my wips and then the final fics. i think treating ur blog like an actual blog does a lot to make it feel like there's a real person behind the acct
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dykecubes · 8 months
୨⎯ "pinned" ⎯୧
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✧. ┊   about me
❥ lavender
❥ she/her and he/him pronouns
❥ 22
❥ asexual lesbian
✧. ┊  about the blog
Welcome to my side blog dedicated to mcyt and related things! I typically don’t make side blogs dedicated to specific fandoms I made this blog while I was shadowbanned and I really liked having a separate blog for this so I’m keeping it. I interact from @faerygardenparty!
✧. ┊  before you follow
I no longer do DNI lists, instead I just use the block button liberally. I will block any fans of george, dream/the dream team, wilbur, punz, and anyone else who continues to give abusers a platform or who believes abusers over victims. I might interact with discourse but I draw the line at getting into arguments with people. I ship cubitos! If that makes you uncomfortable I don’t recommend following me as I don’t typically tag my shipping.
✧. ┊  blinkies under the read more
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jasonsmirrorball · 5 months
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welcome to my blog!! before entering, here are some things you'll need to know! please read them carefully before continuing so as to make sure we can all have a good online experience ♡
this is now an 18+ blog, so please have your age accessible/visible somewhere on your profile when following otherwise you will be blocked. i have no problem with minors interacting with my sfw fics but this is not a space for minors. this blog does interact with 18+ content and most of it goes untagged, so minors please do not follow this blog.
before reading a fic, please read the tags and if you feel it hasn't been tagged accordingly, feel free to (politely) let me know. you are in charge of your own media consumption and if you don't like something, your best route is not to read it.
this blog occasionally interacts with content you may find triggering/don't like. it's up to you to choose what you interact with and i advise you to take any warnings into account beforehand.
if you interact with 18+ content, you must have your age accessible on your blog somewhere otherwise you will be blocked. 18+ content will always be tagged as such and if you don't have your age, i will assume you are a minor and as such block your blog.
most of the fanfiction on this blog is self-indulgent and probably ooc at times. if it bothers you, please don't read it.
DO's and DON'TS
please do drop by and chat! even if i'm not accepting requests, i love talking about jason and welcome all thirsts and thoughts!
please don't ask me to become moots, it puts me in a bit of an uncomfortable situation and i prefer to make online friends genuinely. (this only applies to reqs going forward. to any of my current moots please know this isn't directed at you)
please don't bring any discourse into my inbox, whether that is to do with fandom practices (e.g. aging up) or disputes between other blogs
please don't copy, translate or repost any of my works. please also refrain from feeding any of it into a.i. my works are only posted on tumblr and archive of our own.
i make liberal use of the block button for my own peace of mind. please do not interact with my blog/posts if you fit the basic dni criteria.
this is not a space for minors but also any blogs exhibiting hateful behaviour. terfs, racists, homophobes you are not welcome here. i also block blogs that are pro ana/ed and anti-semitic + islamophobic behaviour.
this list isn't exhaustive but those are the main things i don't feel comfortable interacting with
in general, i believe in curating our own online experiences so if your vibes are weird i'll block your blog and i encourage you to do the same! it's not personal at all ‪♡
⋆⭒˚。⋆'i sent an ask in, but it hasn't been answered yet, have you received it?'
most likely yes! i take some time to get to asks, and often answer them out of order depending on what i have energy for. if it's a question about something, i'll usually answer it straight away or as soon as i can get to it but any fictional character thoughts (which are always always welcome) are usually answered whenever i can get to them. i also like to hoard asks for a bit (which is an awful habit but it can't be helped) so if you see me active on the dash and not responding, it's nothing personal i promise !! and please don't hesitate to send them in!! i will get to them when i can ♡
⋆⭒˚。⋆'why was i blocked, and can i get unblocked?'
9 times out of 10 it'll be because you interacted with something that was 18+ and didn't have your age in your profile. i'm happy to resolve this if you put your age in your profile! otherwise, it may simply be because i feel uncomfortable by content on your blog and don't want that in my space or feel that my blog may not be the space for you. it isn't personal at all! we all curate our own internet experience and this is part of it.
update: going forward, i will also be blocking any blogs that follow this account that i feel may not actually be an adult. this is for my peace of mind and i apologise if you feel i have wrongly assumed. however, i would rather block an adult than have a minor interact with/follow my blog.
⋆⭒˚。⋆'when will my request be filled?'
please be patient with me!! often times it takes me a while to get around to requests. sometimes i'm hit with a burst of inspiration, and others i can't get two words out. i want to do your requests justice! that being said: sometimes requests will go unfulfilled and i apologise for that. i'll do my best, but at the end of the day i am just one person and this is a hobby
⋆⭒˚。⋆'are your requests open?'
i will always have it in my navi whether they are! if they're open, please specify and let me know that it is a fic request, as sometimes i get thoughts that i like to answer via ask format that rarely go beyond a short blurb or a few sentences. please don't send any requests if they're not open, as i will probably delete them.
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First- Happy New Year! Hi internet bro- who is more technologically advanced than I. I really enjoy this page. I appreciate other people asking things I’m afraid to & your helpful no problem replies. ❤️the archeology & history posts. I’ve even found other blogs -your buddies- of interest & derive joy there as well. Consequence of “2020- the extended edition” I’ve been, “directed” to re-evaluate my life. I’ve discovered I like and appreciate more kinds of art & expressions - (ask 1 of 2) Jael
Hey again. This is continuation of previous ask. (I know you’re observing holidays, & busy student as well, no rush). Wanted to ask your advice on tumblr. I really like & find educational + amazing posts by you & your pals. However, tumblr randomly pops up “ah, you better join if you want to see more” - there’s no particular pattern to it. So, even though it’s against my Luddite, anti-social media mindset, I wonder if it’s worth it? Are the ads bad. Is it worth it? Pros & cons? (Ask 2 of 2) Jael
Hello, new dirtling! I've been thinking on the best response to give you. I'm going to break it down into a couple of different parts. Here we go:
Tumblr is not like most social media. There is no algorithm that is in charge of showing you content. You see content only from people you follow, and it is displayed in reverse chronological order (newest at the top) at the beginning of your "dashboard" or homepage. Ads* are the exception, and people can also pay to "blaze" posts and have them shown to people that do not follow them. However, you can pay $4.99/month or $39.99/year to not see any of this pushed content.
However, you also have the option of making an account and never looking at your dashboard. You could choose to simply sign in and continue looking at my blog the way you have been.
Does it spark joy?
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If what you're seeing so far sparks joy, why not give it a try? You can always decide that it's not for you. You are by no means obligated to stay if you're not having a good time.
I totally get why you don't like social media— I don't either! However, Tumblr is a non-standard social media site that caters to non-standard experiences. This isn't facebook where you see people posting about idealized versions of their lives or instagram where people share pictures that have been heavily edited. There are plenty of educational bloggers like me on this platform! You can stick to that, or you can branch out into the amazing community of artists, writers, and other content that's out there.
Most importantly, you are responsible for curating your own internet experience. The internet is home to a vast range of content. You cannot prevent people from posting stuff that you don't like, you can only deliberately engage with content that you want to consume. Follow only those who you enjoy. Use the block button liberally.
Finally, I want to say that I am deeply honored that my blog has been able to bring you joy, especially with the mess that is the past few years. One of my core tenets is spreading the joy and happiness, and it always means a lot to me when I hear that I'm able to make a positive difference. Thank you for reaching out.
*Tumblr ads are very strange things. They're generally more weird than actual marketing, and they have their own unique charm. On the whole they're very different from most advertisements that you see on other platforms.
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val-aquenta · 1 year
May the Force be With You
Did I finally finish my jedi june from 2022??? Almost a year late??? Haha yeah. I watched Andor and I couldn’t stop myself. 
Read on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39451506/chapters/113952121
“Oh fuck.” Cassian Andor has never said he’s an eloquent speaker, but he doubts even the grand Mon Mothma would react to the situation any differently. “Of-fucking-course.” He hurriedly jabs at the buttons even though he knows, deep down, the situation needs time to change. 
“Thruster temperature high. Stop for cooldown immediately,” the ship’s command voice echoes monotonically again. 
“Yes, yes, I know.” Sighing, he gives up and turns to the navigation screen. The closest planet is, of course, Tatooine of all places. Dustbowl supreme, sandy hell, Tatooine. Just his luck. Banging his head against the headrest lightly, Cassian lets himself sulk for a moment before he’s gripping the controls and navigating to the planet. 
He’s lucky the ship is small enough to not warrant going to a landing port, and instead, he can simply dip into the atmosphere and land in the shadowed sandy dunes with just a flash of his ship codes. He wasn’t worried really when the ship had first told him he’d burned the thrusters too high, but he still relaxes into his chair when the screen reads that the cooling protocol has activated. 
He’s been to many planets, even many desert planets, so Tatooine isn’t exactly novel, but the eerie silence of the night once the ship quiets is strangely calming. He’s used to loudness. To the hustle and bustle of busy spaceports and harried rebel outposts. It doesn’t mean he finds the quiet concerning. Instead, he feels silent along with it. Enough so that he ventures out onto the sand itself. 
The ship he’s on doesn’t have an optimal amount of windows. Just enough to fly comfortably, but no more. While it does mean the ship has a better armour rating, the visibility drags most of the positives down. It means most of the stars are not visible when he’s landed. Outside, the night sky stretches far and wide, stars breaking through the dark sky.
Stars twinkle above and out of reach. Cassian’s flown amongst stars and navigated through their gravitational pull, but they’ve been most impressive like this. On a planet, the feel of ground beneath his feet, head tilted up into the night sky with a slight breeze on his face. Unfortunately, even in cooldown mode, the ship pulls off quite a bit of light pollution, and Cassian finds himself going through the motions of another larger excursion away from the ship. If Spen saw him, he’d shoot him for choosing frivolity instead of practicality. 
Still, Cassian tugs on a poncho and finds a pair of goggles, nabbing the ship tracker to make sure he can find his way back. He locks the ship, shoulders his small pack with some water and a ration bar, and walks out amongst the dune. 
The desert air is cool on his skin. A calming balm that blocks the stress from the past few months, years, lifetime? He doesn’t even know the last time he simply breathed and let himself be. It’s liberating to do so now. Out here, he’s far enough away to look up and see the expanse of stars in their multitude. The moons are on the thinner side, and stars of all sizes glimmer in the night. It’s beautiful, but Cassian’s restless, so he continues walking. 
There’s almost no sound in the desert beyond the swish of his feet in sand, his own breathing, and the occasional rumble of a faraway animal. It means that Cassian is even more surprised when he accidentally stumbles (falls) in the middle of somebody else's camp. 
“Oh dear.” A proper-sounding voice says, and hands gently try to lift him up, brushing sand away as well. Cassian himself hurriedly brushes sand from his face, spitting out quite a bit with disgust. “Here, have some water.” And even though the stranger was kind enough to help him up, they live in dangerous times and it would be better to refuse politely. 
“I have my own,” he manages, feeling the gritty particles in his mouth crunch and move. He reaches into his sack, drinking a small mouthful and spitting it out. He takes another cautious sip, rubs at any remaining sand, and opens his eyes to regard the stranger. 
“Hello there,” the old man says with a wry smile. He’s got mostly white hair shot with some grey strands and the barest amount of auburn hairs. In his younger days he would no doubt have been handsome, and some might still consider him so, but he’s definitely on the older spectrum of human life. Wrinkles carve smile and frown lines. Between his eyebrows is a tangle of wrinkles. Still, he seems harmless, or at the very least calm. “Not many venture into the dunes at night.”
Cassian sits up more comfortably, noting the small fire crackling. The dunes tower around, hiding the fire from any wanderers, and the man’s animal companion is seemingly asleep. He turns back to the man, “you’re out here now?” 
The man chuckles, “indeed I am.” He sits back down somewhat heavily on his little seat by the fire. The light makes his white hair orange and smoothes the wrinkles on his face. For a moment, Cassian can glimpse what he must’ve been like in his youth. He pokes at the fire a bit and turns back to Cassian, breaking the illusion. “I’m following a herd of banthas. It’s birthing season and I’ve taken to helping a few if needed.”
“Aren’t you too far to help?” Cassian shoots back, still suspicious. It’s better to be cautious in times like these. Everyone could be an enemy, even helpless old men who look like they couldn’t afford a short-range-commlink anytime soon. 
The man chuckles again, but it’s softer this time. “I’ll know if a birth begins,” he says enigmatically. He takes his own canteen and takes a sip. “Please, sit. I was about to make some tea.”
Cassian debates it. He could go now. Return to his ship and spend the rest of the time cooped up on board, or he could sit here by the fire. He’s not trusting by nature, but for some reason, he sits on the small cushioned tarp the man pulls up. “How do you get tea on this dustbowl?” He asks as the man begins to pour water into a pot.
“If you know who to go to, you’ll find it for a reasonable price. I typically get mine from Eeda.” He places the pot in the midst of the fire and sparks fly up into the dark. He busies himself with preparing cups, glancing up at him. “Do you take your tea with anything? It’s sapir.”
“I take it plain, thank you.” Cassian shuffles slightly closer to the fire, warming up. He flexes his fingers twice before tucking them under his legs to keep them warm. “You…don’t sound like you’re from here. Too much inner rim. Coruscanti.” He knows the rise of the empire meant people from all over got shuffled everywhere else. It’s strange, but not something overly suspicious. 
The man hums, measuring out tea leaves. “Yes. I grew up on Coruscant, you’re right. I moved here.”
Cassian snorts, “why here of all places?”
There’s a pause. “Family.” He finishes spooning out tea leaves and gently seals the bag. “Much of my…family was adopted. I moved to be closer.” His face is shadowed now in the flickering light, lips turned down. He inhales heavily and looks up, “I’m Ben by the way.”
“Keef.” The kettle begins to whistle and Ben gently takes it out and pours two cups. “If you moved for family, why are you alone?” It’s only after he’s said it does he realise how invasive it sounds. “Sorry-”
Ben waves it away, “don’t worry, young man.” He picks up Cassian’s cup and stands, carrying it over. 
“Thanks.” Ben takes his time sitting down once more. “But to answer your question, my brother’s family did not want me too close.” He inhales the steam from his tea, fixing him with a curious look. “And yourself? What brings you out here at night?”
Cassian breathes in the scent of tea. It’s pretty high quality, he notes with surprise. “Stargazing, if you would believe.” He chuckles, “I suppose that’s why I stumbled on your camp. Too much attention up instead of down.”
“Indeed. Many seem to have the opposite around here. Too much focus on their immediate surroundings and none elsewhere.” He takes a small sip of his tea. They lapse into silence that is not uncomfortable. Cassian notes Ben’s robes, strangely familiar, and the also oddly familiar face. “What is it you do?”
“Piloting mostly. Cargo transport.” Money transport he doesn’t say,  information and reconnaissance. 
Ben’s eyes light up. “So you travel a lot?”
Cassian takes another sip of the truly quite amazing tea. “I suppose, but I don’t get out of the ship much.”
Ben tuts, clicking his tongue, “shame.” 
“It is, but such is life.” He hides his face behind the cup. “What must be done, we must do. And you? Beyond birthing bantha what else do you do?”
“Ah, well, I’m old, so nothing quite so interesting.” A grin pulls up the corner of his lips and a sparkle gleams in his eyes as though he wants to laugh. “I have a place with a vaporator. I usually search for stones and other scrap in the desert. It has a way of revealing things in time. But my life is no longer so interesting.”
“But it was?”
The gleam returns alongside a wry smile and Ben takes another sip of tea, “yes. I daresay it was.” He lowers the tea cup and suddenly Cassian sees. His robes seem familiar because he’s seen them in some scattered rebel bases. Tabards and robes from an age long gone. An age that seems so far removed even though it only just ended. Ben’s are tattered and scruffy, but clearly mended and well-loved. And his face. Cassian has seen it on the rare posters and holos from before the Empire. Younger, sterner, and with, as Cassian thought, much more auburn hair. Jedi General Kenobi.
“Kenobi?” Ben’s smile strains and he gently puts his cup down beside him. “You’re him. The Jedi General.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” He folds his hands into his sleeves and his face schools itself into confusion. “I’m just Ben.”
“No no no, I see it.” Be-Kenobi’s eyes narrow and he tenses ever so slightly. Despite his age, he would not be easy to beat. “Wait! Wait, I'm not with the Empire!” Kenobi stares at him impassively, unchanging. “I…I’m with the rebels.” Now Cassian’s also tense. 
“And who leads you?” 
Cassian looks up and glimpses a flash of his silver lightsaber retrieved from some hidden pocket. It’s a concession. He’s willing to believe him if Cassian will prove himself. “Organa…Bail Organa.”
“Do you have proof beyond that?” Kenobi relaxes minutely, but he’s still suspicious. 
Cassian sighs and looks up at Kenobi before he’s looking for his comm. “A message from Organa. Delivery to Luthen Rael. Messages addressed to me from both.” He opens it and shows Kenobi who nods and picks up his tea. 
“Well. How opportune we met tonight. The Force provides.” He reaches a hand out, “here I’ll pour more tea. An apology, if you will.” Cassian passes it, stunned to be speaking to, well, a legend. Presumed dead after so many years missing. 
Kenobi begins pouring, “just Obi-Wan will do. Or Ben. Whichever you like. I’m not a general anymore, not by any real standards.” He finishes pouring and hands the cup back. “Apologies for doubting you, Keef.”
“I… it’s Cassian.”
“Apologies to you, Cassian, then.” Obi-Wan hands over the cup and reaches for his own once more. There’s another moment of silence where Obi-Wan drinks his tea and Cassian looks up at the stars. “How is the rebellion?”
“Surviving,” Cassian says. He muses for a moment before speaking up again. “It grows bigger and bigger. When I joined, it was small. A pocket or two scattered across planets and systems. Too small to do more than ruffle feathers and annoy the imps. Now…we are a real threat for the Empire.”
“That is heartening to hear. My last memory of the rebellion was indeed closer to its inception than not.”
Cassian takes another sip of tea. “There are Jedi too. Working with the rebellion, that is.” Obi-Wan looks up with interest, a smile genuinely brightening his face. “I’m not that involved with them because they’re out of my sector, but they help. Damn good warriors if I hear correctly.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“And you,” Cassian asks, shuffling a bit closer to the fire and looking right into Obi-Wan’s eyes, “why aren’t you fighting with us? Why stay on Tatooine?”
A sardonic smile alights on Obi-Wan’s features, a pained grimace. “That fight is not mine anymore, I’m afraid.”
“Bullshit. It’s yours as much as mine.” Cassian puts down his cup. “We, you, have lost too much to this Empire. Shouldn’t we focus on stopping them so no one else loses more?”
Obi-Wan sighs, not at Cassian, but more at a general weariness and the aches of his body. He might not be an old man, but he is still not as young as he used to be. “I was unclear. I am in the fight, but my role is much changed to what you do.”
“…In what way?” 
“Well,” Obi-Wan shifts and hesitates, “can you keep a secret?” 
Cassian snorts, “I already carry secrets I’ll take to the grave. My life is a game of trading secrets.”
“Hmm, I suppose it would be so.” Still, he looks uncertain, fingers tapping an odd rhythm against the cup in his hands. “You know,” he begins hesitantly, “of the power in charge of the Empire. The two who command it?” His eyes are shadowed. Cassian nods. The cloaked man and his accomplice, the nightmare that parents whisper to keep their children in line. Spectres of the Empire appearing quickly to destroy before disappearing even quicker. “There is one on this planet who will take them down. The Force has told me my duty is to remain here. To take care of them. Your fight is brave. A valiant and necessary battle against the Empire’s considerable forces, but even you know that we must best the heads of the Empire to strike it down.” His words are soft, almost like a prayer. Belief is woven through every word he says. “The Empire is nothing without its Emperor and I have hope that they will be struck down..”
His eyes look up at the sky, tracing the constellations of Tatooine with his gaze. “If you have ever held any respect for the Jedi masters of old, for the famed Negotiator,” his gaze turns back down to sardonically glance at Cassian, “believe that I am doing as the Force wills.”
“And you trust the Force’s will?” Maybe it’s rude to ask, but he has heard and known so little of the Jedi and their Force. 
To the question, Obi-Wan smiles and suddenly he looks much younger than before, the wrinkles by his eyes smoothing from their perpetual worry into sentimentality. “Above all else. It strives for balance, and the Empire is a force of imbalance that will be dealt with in the proper time.” He sighs and there’s finality to it. “But it is difficult for one without the Force to understand such things. But understand this, I guard for one who will, in the future, overcome the twin heads of the Empire.”
“So they will save the galaxy.”
Obi-Wan nods. “That is what the Force wills. One day the Empire will crumble and we will finally be able to breathe properly, to rest, and to be free.”
“I only hope we will be able to see it.”
Something cryptic settles in Obi-Wan’s eyes, and his smile is enigmatic. “We will feel peace before the end, worry not.” Cassian feels something settle in his bones. Perhaps it is the Jedi’s force lending weight to the man’s words, or perhaps it is simply imagination borne out of such an odd occurrence. 
Obi-wan sets his cup down and stands, going to his bags. “In fact, I have a gift for you.” He rustles through the bag, humming placidly. It would be hard now to reconcile the aged man with the legend that he used to be. “Aha,” he says as he reaches for something, pulling out a hand-carved wooden knife, “here.” He ambles over and, from a safe distance, extends the small blade hilt first. 
“Why?” Cassian asks as he reaches and plucks the small knife. It’s easily concealable and won’t be picked up by many sensors. He tests the point, frowning in surprise at how sharp the point is.
Obi-Wan grunts as he sits once more, “I have a feeling you’ll need it before the end. It is easy to hide in any case. May it keep you safe.” Again, there’s that feeling of weight that accompanies his words. Must be a Jedi thing. His face returns to the old contemplative mien it was. “Your ship’s thrusters are cool by now. If you wish to reach your next checkpoint, you should leave now, while the moons might hide your trail easily.”
Cassian startles, “how do you-” He cuts himself off at Obi-Wan’s slight smirk. “The Force?”
“Indeed…” His head tilts suddenly moments before there’s a distant Bantha call. “And that is my cue to disappear.” He gestures at the embers, “feel free to rest yourself for a while.”
“No, I should go. I’ve already delayed too much.” He stands, brushing what few granules of sand have managed to sneak on him back onto the desert floor. “Thank you for the tea.”
Obi-Wan hums as he stands, “no. Thank you for bringing me hope. So far removed, I hear little news of the state of the galaxy and to hear such heartening news brings me joy.”
“I…am glad I could do such a thing,” Cassian says, more confused than not. 
“To hear that there are Jedi out there who are alive and fighting. It is good to know.” He says and suddenly Cassian is once more reminded that the person in front of him has lost family too, in one quick and brutal moment. One of the first genocides of the Empire, so soon after fighting a pointless war that whittled down their numbers and strength. “I knew I was not alone, but still…” He trails off, face lifting into a gentle smile. “Thank you.”
Cassian laughs self-consciously, unused to being the single point of focus from the Jedi. “It’s nothing.”
Obi-Wan opens his mouth as if to say something before his eyes seem to look inside and past Cassian despite not moving from holding his gaze. His words come out heavy, like a blessing or a prophecy. “You brought hope to me. You’ll do the same to others, I’m certain.” He blinks and his eyes return to their typical state. Obi-Wan exhales softly. Then, with an almost reverent tone and a bowed head, says, “may the Force be with you.”
It’s an archaic phrase, whispered through comms alone. Not worth the possible troubles that could arise if unwanted ears were to listen in. Never has Cassian heard the phrase aloud, let alone passing through the lips of a hero from a bygone era. It sounds different, not just an uttered phrase of farewell, or a sentence to gain the other’s trust. Instead, the words are heavy with meaning, perhaps even with this mystical Force behind them. 
Cassian bows his head. “Force be with us all.” When he lifts his head once more, Obi-Wan’s eyes gleam in the low light. 
“Indeed it will,” he says before disappearing into the dark night outside, his cloak flapping once in the breeze before Cassian is, for all intents and purposes, alone. He takes a moment to breathe and gaze up at the night sky before taking his belongings and preparing for the walk back. Life goes on.
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purrincess-chat · 9 months
The reason why I sent you that ask was because I’m actually very baffled by the fandom’s response. Ladrien has had been continuously trashed on since day one and people always had some sort of BS to add. And I just keep seeing people say that ladrien is bad because the show doesn’t like it either. Like hello, we forgetting canon? Yes, I agree that the show doesn’t utilize the side ships as much as it should, but saying that the show favoritised every other side instead of ladrien is such a BS take. No, the show didn’t favoritize other sides. Marichat and ladrien were equal. It’s just that fandom will pull things out of their asses to justify why they only ship one side while hating the other side, even though they’re the same two people.
Ladrien has always been over-hated. And funnily enough when Ladrien stans got pissed and pushed back, MC stans tried to claim we were the ones who were being mean and MC was the ship that got hated on for no reason, despite the fact that every ladrien shipper I've ever met likes MC, they just hate the attitude some of the shippers have toward Ladrien bc it doesn't make sense.
Hating any side of the square doesn't make sense because, yeah, they are the same two ass people. The problem this fandom has is that people tend to treat them like they aren't. That's where a lot of the discourse comes in. That's where a lot of the bafflingly wrong takes come in. And it's been like that from the beginning.
As a certified Ladrien shipper that's been in this fandom way too long, I can honestly say that I've seen it all at this point when it comes to this debate, and I say I've seen it all bc the arguments have been the same since the beginning. These Ladrien-hating MC shippers share one brain cell, always have, and they just pass it on to the next generation that will pretend they invented the true selves theory and are the biggest brains in the fandom. It's all bullshit, and I shake my head every time I see it bc how many times do we have to teach them this lesson? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I just block people now when they bring that nonsense into the tags.
Each side has a purpose in canon that is working toward the same goal of the two of them being together. Each dynamic shows us different sides of the same coins and that no matter which way you flip them, they still complement each other. They are still made for each other no matter what costumes they have on and no matter what roles they're fulfilling. But logic is never the popular choice, so. 🤷‍♀️ Do what I do. Block idiots and prosper. I have literally never regretted a single block. Not one.
Don't get me wrong, they're still annoying to find every now and then, but I see it like catching a bug and releasing it outside. They're free to continue existing, just not in my house. And I don't have to look at them anymore. Fandom got a lot quieter and more pleasant for me when I got liberal with the block button a few years ago. Most of the stupid takes are sent to me by anons for commentary as of late. I don't personally see too much fuckery these days, but I also don't really go into the main tags. Just the ladrien tag every so often bc I'm a psychopath whose queue is set through NEXT September. 😅
Anyway, yeah, I agree it sucks and is stupid, but as a Ladrien elder, I've just kind of come to terms with it at this point. It's me and the 10 other Ladrien lovers in this fandom steering this ship, and by God we're steering it.
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