#i tried to keep her colors warm because a LOT of the others are mostly cool tones
yellah-bellied · 1 year
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applejack redesign :) explanations in the tags!
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Heya! I love your works! You always manage to turn tropes on their heads and make them anew! I was wondering, are you going to continue The Audit? I loved the dynamics of the Bats interacting with Danny, and Damian and Danny's relationship was downright delightful!
Damian rarely got nervous because of the tension in the room. It wasn't in his nature, having been born with Father's ability to keep a cool head.
But watching the stare-down between his Father and Uncle Daniel was very nerve-wracking. He was still determining who was winning at this point. Father had retreated fully into Batman, locking away all and any emotions behind his persona, which was bizarre to see on his maskless face.
Meanwhile, Uncle Daniel's emotions are displayed for the world to see in the heavy set of his jaw, the down pull of his lips, and the ice in his gaze.
Between the two men sat a pile of paper with various red markings. Damian hadn't gotten the chance to review the documents, but he knew there was a lot, and most of it had not been good. He likely failed the audit.
His uncle had stayed at Wayne Manor for three days, despite the many attempts by the Bats besides Damian to get him out. He had been silently observing everything that happened within the manor's walls. Uncle Daniel took his position as an observer in the literal sense.
He did not speak or interact with anyone besides Damian and often ended up scaring his adoptive siblings since they didn't notice him in the room. Damian personally thinks it was their own fault for being frightened. Obviously, they needed more training if they were unable to detect his uncle.
It's not like the man was hiding; he is good at entering rooms as silent as a ghost. Damian knew all other league-raised children could sense when Uncle Daniel was about, so really, people trained by Batman should have caught him miles away.
Todd and Cain were an honest disgrace for failing to notice Uncle Daniel until his pen clicked to write down what he observed. Damian attempted to improve things by presenting the best of Wayne Manor, but he knew the more he tried, the more Uncle Daniel used the red pen.
He only thought he did well on the audit by showing off his various animal friends. Uncle Daniel seemed very taken with Batcow the most, and after helping Damian milk her, he had finally switched the color on his multi-pen to green.
"I will not repeat myself again, Mr. Wayne," Uncle Daniel hissed, snapping Damian from his thoughts. Father's eyes narrowed.
"You deemed me unfit for my son."
"I deem you unfit for all your children."
Father's face remained impassive, but Damian knew him well enough to see the displeasure rolling off his body in waves. "I try my best for my children."
"Not nearly enough." Uncle Daniel reached for the papers, flipping through the handwritten notes to a page, taking on three lines. When Damian leaned over to read, Uncle Daniel's hand shot out and he pushed his head away.
"No, Little One. These are your sibling's personal files. You can not read them." It's mostly because he respects his uncle greatly that he did not throw a fit for being excluded from the conversation. And the fact that his uncle switched over to their native tongue.
It had been startling to realize how much he missed hearing his language. And how warm it made him feel to use it here in Gotham.
Father pulled the paperwork to him. His blue eyes rapidly moved over the words before he flipped to the next page, the next, and the next. Each time, his actions became more frantic until he reached the end.
Then he just stared at the audit his uncle had written with a strange blank look in his eyes. Damian felt very unnerved.
"Damian, go wait in your room," Father said softly, gaze still not lifting from the report.
"What? Father-"
"Now, Damian."
The boy turned to his uncle for help, but the other man merely smiled. "It's alright, Little One. Your father and I will settle this."
It was ludicrous to remove him from the room to discuss his future. Still, Damian knew he would not be able to convince the two most important men in his life of this, and while Uncle Daniel was a pacifist, it didn't mean he was weak in any way.
He would have Damian removed, and walking out with dignity was better. The young ninja huffed, strutting out of the room, down the hall, and up the main stairway to his bedroom. He ignored the various Wayne-adopted dolts that were trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.
None of them had learned that if Uncle Daniel did not want anyone hearing his conversations, then no one would hear a thing. This was one of the many mysteries surrounding Uncle Daniel.
No one in the current League of Assiaians knew much about the First Son, mainly because no one had lived as long as he and Grandfather, but they all knew he had extraordinary powers.
Drake is a fool who thinks he can record all of Uncle's abilities when he hasn't even scraped the suffering of everything Uncle Daniel could do.
And he never will. A nasty voice whispers in his mind. Damian opens his bedroom door, taking one final look around, trying to fight off the wave of sadness. He can not say his stay here had been easy, but he had grown attached to his life at Wayne Manor.
It's a foolish attachment. It didn't matter.
He had failed the audit, and Uncle Daniel would have him moved. Damian's eyes burned slightly, making him blink rapidly as he began packing his room.
He had been able to adjust to the sudden move from the league to Gotham; Damian could do it again. He was halfway done getting everything of value stored in his suitcases when his Father appeared at his door.
"Damian? What are you doing?" The man's voice sounds crushed, and Damian refuses to meet his gaze. He needs to leave through the Wayne Manor doors with his dignity.
"I am sure it's quite clear what I am doing, Father." He says, folding his shirts in the military style Pennyworth had shown him. It saved the most space, and the idea that he will never learn more little tricks from the age bullet makes the burn in his eyes stronger.
A few traitorous tears fall, landing on his blue-gry shirt and turning a few spots into a dark blue.
"I won't let him take you," Father promises, strutting towards Damian and hugging him. The child stiffens at once before more tears silently fall down his face.
"You can not stop Uncle. He can take all of us away."
"I know," Father admits. "That's why I have agreed to his terms."
"Mr. Wayne and I have agreed on a trial period. He will go to therapy to improve his behavior and communication skills with his children. I will be living here and monitoring the progress. It will be one year." Uncle Daniel says suddenly, right next to their hug, his cold arms warping around Damian and overlapping Father's.
Father's face was spammed at the contact, but Damian had never felt so warm or protected.
He sinks into the hug, watching Uncle Daniel's warm, soft gaze stare down at him. Then, his gaze hardens into disgust as Father leans on Damian's hair. Uncle Daniel quickly leans onto the other side of Damian's skull, trying to comfort him.
Relief crashes into Damian. The audit was not over; he still had a year to prove to Uncle that he should live here with Father. He will not be moved.
But it will take a miracle for his father to change that drastically. His uncle would remove him unless Damian could show him that there was something here worth staying for.
He needed a plan, a goal, an appeal to Uncle Daniel's more gentle, idealistic views. But what? He could try to become more brotherly with his adoptive siblings. That could buy him a few more months.
I need something more. Something more binding. Damian thinks, pressing his face into the two men's arms. He does not need comfort like a child, but being held like this is.... pleasant.
"Oh! Family Group Hug!" Richard screams from the hallway before the man is sprinting into the room. Father makes a face but Uncle Daniel opens the hug, leaving a gap for Richard.
The man barrels in with a shout of glee, squeezing the three almost desperately. Damian would make a face, but he understands just how great Uncle Daniel's hugs can be, and added to the fact Father is not one to show displays of affection, this is Richard's best chance to-.
That's it! Uncle's one weakness is being there for children who need him. Damian realizes, a plan forming in his mind, as Brown, Drake, and Cain run into the room. They pause at the sight before all three are invited into Uncle's hug. Brown leaps in for her hug, and Cain hesitantly approaches while Drake stays safely away, eyeing the group with distaste.
Uncle Daniel locks eyes with the teenager by the door, offering a sad smile, and Damian can see that he genuinely wants Drake in this hug but will not force him.
He respects Drake's boundaries because, to Uncle Daniel, adoption means family. He considers Drake to be Damian's brother, so he would treat him with the same care and love as he does for Damian.
Usually, that would bother him greatly, but Damian is too proud of himself for thinking of such a great plan.
There was no way Father would change enough in one year to satisfy Uncle into thinking he was a good fit for raising children. That's fine.
All Damian had to do in that year was convince Uncle to stay at Wayne Manor to do the child-raising himself. This way Damian could remain in Gotham, no matter the audit's results.
How does one trap a man in child-raising when none of the children are his biological? Simple. They get them married to someone with children, and Father just so happens to be without a paramour.
Damian has to get two men to fall in love in one year. It should be simple. With Uncle Daniel's protective core and Father's determination to save Gotham, there may be enough common ground between them to spark romance!
"I love you guys!" Richard crows, squeezing everyone he can reach.
"Hn," Father grunts, while Brown and Cain both inform Richard they care for him as well. Damian softly mutters, "I care for you too," which is much better than Father's.
Uncle's snaps.
"Your son said he loves you, but you don't even respond? You are a brute, Mr. Wayne."
"And you are a leech." Father hisses.
Damian winces. This will take a lot of work. Good thing he's never cowered from a challenge.
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Bad First Impression
dealer! reader x first time stoner! Choso SMUT, 18+ MDNI
Choso makes a really bad first impression on you after catching you selling to his younger brother. When he finally apologizes, he reveals he has never gotten high. You two change that. and then....ya know....
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8.9k words of pure filth. I wrote this because I was horny and high and reminiscing about my dealing days. support your local drug dealer. Enjoy. ao3
content warnings- SEX, drug use, subby choso, kind of in charge reader, choso has a tongue piercing because i made it up, riding, eating pussy, a lot of talk about spit, like a lot, also a lot of talking about smell, again its nasty (im kind of on my high horse about weed, sorry, )
You met Choso a few weeks back. The air was hot and thick inside of the long ranch house. Bodies packed together, music blaring, lights of all colors and strobe speeds dancing through the space. You had been invited by the party's hosts to help “supply” the partiers with anything and everything that could keep them going all night. You didn’t deal in anything that hard, mostly weed, mushrooms, you could get acid easily if it were requested of you, occasionally you helped distribute the stray gram or two of coke for nights like this. But you tried to cap your work in hard drugs there. That night you were only holding ten or so pre rolls, and a quarter of unground flower, ready to help any first timers learn the process of smoking all the way from the beginning. You had already sold the single gram of coke you had been asked to bring with you, mostly to the wilder of the pair, who was currently grinding so hard with his boyfriend, the other host, that you were beginning to worry they’d lose their clothes soon. A few other lines had gone out earlier in the night, their users sweating away on the dance floor in front of you. You didn’t partake yourself, but you enjoyed seeing the results of your labor in their smiling, energized faces.
You kept to the side for now, sipping a warm light beer out of a flimsy solo cup. A hand tapped your shoulder and you turned to face a fresh faced girl with a cute auburn bob.
“Hey you’re the …..dealer….?” She kept her voice low when she uttered the street name of your profession
You matched her hushed whisper, “yeah. But you don’t have to whisper. Everyone here is already pretty fucked up. Anyone undercover would certainly have incriminated themselves.”
You were intending to make her laugh and put her at ease but she looked a bit panicked, smiling wryly with big wild eyes.
“I’m joking, babe.” You smiled at her, “what do you need?”
She giggled a bit, exhaling her anxiety, “I was hoping you had some more pre rolls for my friends and I?”
She gestured behind her to a pink haired guy and a taller black haired guy standing off to the side. The two of them were watching her nervously, but trying to remain cool, turning away quickly when you looked, one of them even whistling to convey his faux nonchalance. These kids are freshmen for sure.
“Sure.”, you nodded at her friends and at her before opening your bag and pulling the jar of pre rolls you kept sealed, for maximum freshness.
You picked through them briefly, “how many do y’all want? Are you guys pretty heavy smokers or still getting the hang of it?”
“We’ll-uh— I guess just whatever you smoke? I’m sure that’s good.” She shrugged, clueless.
No chance they could take what you take.
You pulled two of your lowest level strains. These kids were for sure just figuring out what they liked and you didn’t want them greening out in the middle of the party. Both because you had your own memories of over serving yourself and spending the subsequent eighteen hours truly and utterly miserable and you didn’t want to potentially cheat yourself out of three eager new customers.
“Why don’t you start with this, I’ll give you the second one as a freebie for your first time. it’s Zelato, mid strength hybrid strain, you won’t be too up but you won’t be couch-locked either. I think you guys will like it. If you do, you come back and see me, okay?”, you offered her the two pretty pink pre rolls along with your contact info and she gave you a clean crisp bill in exchange before fluttering back to her friends.
You watched the trio excitedly hurry out to the backyard, like kids on Christmas wanting to play with a shiny new toy fresh out of the box. You liked the job, you enjoyed gathering more and more knowledge about strains and terpenes and sharing what you had learned with your customers. Patients felt like a better term, but it also felt a bit self congratulatory. But it felt true, you loved how natural weed was, it made you feel more like a botanist or a healer than a pharmacist. Still helping people manage anxiety, pain, depression, or just to have a fun night and relax, but without all the side effects and the regulation.
You hoped she and her friends would call on you again. They seemed nice and like they could use someone like you. Especially if they were already experimenting with drugs and partying, it helps to have a dealer you can trust. One that isn’t just wanting to make money, but wanting to educate as well.
You were considering heading outside to smoke a joint of your own, a treat after a job well done. You would probably bail soon, the party seemed to be declining from its apex, and soon your services would no longer be needed. Before you could turn to head to the back yard you felt a strong hand clap around your shoulder. This was so different from the timid shoulder tap of your earlier customer, it almost made you laugh. You didn’t laugh, however, at the grip that stayed on your shoulder, pale knuckles clasped tight around your bone.
You followed the hand up the arm and finally turned to face your assailant. Dark, angry eyes ringed with smudgy purple eyeshadow met yours. A large black bar was tattooed across the bridge of his nose, in the dim, colored party lights you thought it almost looked red. His dark hair was messily tied up in two knots on either side of his head, you thought you could see piercings up along the sides of his ears and he was irate, staring right into your eyes, his lips were moving but you were so stunned and the music was already so loud, you couldn’t hear what he said. You found yourself opting to watch his mouth move for a moment, admiring the fullness of his lips, and the wicked snarl they held.
He was hot. Like really hot. But who the fuck did he think he was grabbing you like this?
You came back to your senses and smacked at his wrist, “back off, dude.”
“Did you sell drugs to my little brother?” He repeated, and this time you heard him. His voice was rough and low, he didn’t release your arm, instead gripping tighter.
“I don’t know who your brother is, I don’t know who you are. Get your fucking hand off of me, asshole.” You gripped his wrist tight and tried to pull it from you. Your touch was like nothing to him, this guy was strong.
He didn’t let up, gesturing behind him with his other hand to the pink haired boy from earlier, red faced with embarrassment,“The fucking kid that you sold drugs to. He’s not even twenty and you’re trying to dope him up?”
“Dope him up? What are you, ninety? Get the fuck off of me” Finally you pulled his hand off of you and pushed him back, hard.
“He’s still a kid, he doesn’t need your shit. Stay away from him.”
He had stepped too far by insulting your craft.
“I never even spoke to your brother, his friend is the one who bought it. Take it up with them if you have a fucking problem.”
The boy, the brother you now knew, and his two friends rushed up, trying to deescalate the quickly rising situation. People around you were starting to take notice.
“Choso, come on relax, we were just experimenting a little. It’s not anything crazy! Everyone smokes weed in college!” Little Brother tried to laugh off the stakes of the situation but his trembling voice betrayed him.
The man in front of you hadn’t stopped glaring at you, he seemed to be calming down a bit, but you could practically hear his blood boiling.
“Yuji, I told you not to come here. You’re here to study, not to mess around and get high.” He barked at his younger brother, who seemed to crumple lightly.
You were seeing an opportunity for a somewhat graceful exit so you started to withdraw, “sounds like this is a family affair, so I’m gonna head. Fuck you, don’t grab random women you don’t know. Kid, your friend has my card if your cop brother decides to let up.”
With your last comment you glared back at the older brother, before turning and leaving the party, Choso seething in your wake, anger now directed at the trio instead of you.
You figured that would be the end of it. That asshole ruining your night and probably never getting another sale out of those three. It was a week later that you got a message from the girl, Nobara, who you had spoken to. She wanted to buy again and you set up a date with her to come by your place and pick up from you. She seemed apologetic in her texts, but you couldn’t blame the girl, you were just thankful she reached out again.
It wasn’t until you opened the door that you realized why she had sounded so sorry. Swinging open your front door you were met with the same asshole who had been bouncing around in your mind making you furious again and again, it was a set up.
“Fuck off.” You slammed the door in his face, locking it loudly.
He knocked before speaking through the thick wood of the door, “I’m here to apologize.”
Yeah, right.
“Don’t care. You can go.” You were already retreating from the door, pissed that not only did you have to see this clown again, but you wouldn’t be getting the money from the deal you had lined up.
“Please let me apologize. I was way out of line. Yuji asked me to come here. Yuji’s my brother, from the party, please I want to apologize.” His voice came muffled from the other side of the thick wooden front door.
He sounded…..desperate. Embarrassed, maybe even ashamed. It wasn’t okay that he grabbed you, yelling at you without even knowing what had happened, but you couldn’t help but think he sounded genuine.
Kicking yourself already, you unlocked the door and opened it. He looked pitiful; big, brown eyes that once were so angry, now turned down giving him the look of a hurt dog. You could see now, in the light, that he had dark bags under his eyes as well, he looked like he had barely slept. His hair was down instead of pulled up like the other night, it hung in loose waves, stopping right at his shoulders. The black tattoo across his face was somehow less threatening, it looked almost like a bandage. The makeup from the other night was present again but softer somehow. You should have been so mad, you should have yelled at him for putting his hands on you and demeaning your work. But seeing him like this, you couldn’t help feeling bad for him. You opened the door and he looked down at you. He was taller than you remembered, a head or so above you. You met his eyeline and leaned against your door frame, crossing your arms in an attempt to maintain your cold demeanor despite how quickly you were forgetting why you had been angry.
“I never went to college.” He blurted, your face must have betrayed your confusion because he elaborated, “I don’t really know how it’s supposed to work. I guess drugs and parties and whatever are part of it. I overreacted. I want to make sure Yuji has a future and a good one, he was the one who deserved to go to college and I didn’t want him to mess up his chance. But that’s not fair. He deserves to have the full experience and I can take that from him.” He huffed out the last part quickly.
You raised your eyebrows. His admission was wandering and full of half offerings that you could piece together to create a clear-ish picture of an older brother pushing his younger brother to try his best and remain undistracted. You could empathize with that, but it doesn’t give him a pass to put his hands on you.
“I told him not to go to that party, I know the guys who were throwing it and I don’t want them taking advantage of him. Yuji’s a really great kid and he’ll go out of his way for pretty much anyone, and I didn’t want to see him get involved with people who don’t care about him. So I went to the party to bring him home, but when I saw him and his friends smoking I figured they had already started working him over and I took it out of you instead of them. I should never have grabbed you like that, or spoken to you like that. I’m sorry.” The words spilled out of him like a boiling over pot, fast and bubbly, quickly falling back to a simmer once out.
Choso looked lighter, still hanging on anxiously at the prospect of forgiveness, but lighter after bearing part of his soul to you. His hands that had been clenched into fists at his sides now hung freely, shoulders dropping slightly with less tension pinning them back. You felt lighter too, clearly the other night had been a misstep, and he obviously felt terrible.
Now that you felt saited in your week old anger, you could finally allow yourself to acknowledge how hot he was. Your anger towards being harassed had distorted your memory of him, he was tall and toned. You would have guessed he was a swimmer or did some kind of daily work that kept him in such incredible shape. The T-shirt hanging loosely over him was cropped enough to end right at his hips, a small sliver of skin peeking out underneath. He wore a simple pair of dark jeans and boots, nearly identical to what he had been wearing at the party. In the daylight you could see he did have a few piercings in each ear, hoops through his earlobes, silver barbells riddling asymmetrically along each ear's cartilage. His nose was strong and structured, lips full and pouted. You had never seen a tattoo like his before, obstructive and obvious right across the bridge of his nose, pure blackout work.
God that had to hurt.
“Why didn’t you go to college?” You pried, resting the top of your head on the doorframe as you looked up at him.
He looked surprised but shrugged, tucking his hands into his pants pockets, “Families are….complicated, I guess. When our parents died, I wanted to be there to look out for Yuji. He was always special, if either of us deserved to have an education, he would have been the one to do something with it.”
You couldn’t help but feel moved. This guy had quite the sob story, dead parents, a younger brother he was the caretaker of, it was noble for him to have sacrificed his own aspirations to support those of his brother. You admired it. A silence settled in between the two of you, wind rustled the trees outside of your house, you could see the chill set over Choso, he had turned his gaze to the ground, jaw set, hands still in his pockets.
“You want to come inside?” You opened the door more, allowing him to see inside.
He cocked his head a bit at you. You couldn’t blame him, you had told him to fuck off the moment he got here, and now you were inviting him inside. Still confused he nodded finally and you moved aside to let him in. He stepped in tentatively, as he passed you you could smell something metallic and organic, like wood stain or metal grease. He stood awkwardly in front of your door as you closed it.
“The smell is kind of…intense in here.” He cleared his throat.
“Right, I’ve gone a little nose blind to it. I hope it doesn’t bother you too much. Would you like anything? Water, coffee, I don’t know if you like tea. I have some beer or something like that if you’re feeling like drinking at 2pm.” You offered, realizing you didn’t actually know why you had invited him inside. Sure, he had looked cold but really you didn’t want him to leave yet.
“Coffee, if you have it.” He perked up a bit.
“Always.” You walked over to your small kitchenette.
You lived in a one bedroom. It really should have been considered a studio, but technically your bedroom did have a door. The living area, entryway, and kitchen were basically all one large room. You had a brown couch along the wall next to the door facing the tv, an afghan blanket draped over the back, a low coffee table in the middle covered in various hobbies of yours: books, your bong, half done crafts. A two chair dining set sat mostly unused against the far window across from the front door, you never sat there unless you were working, you took nearly all your meals in front of the tv. A bad habit you knew you should avoid, but just couldn’t bring yourself to break.
Your bedroom was off to the left, with the bathroom attached behind the door. It was a pain to have guests over, knowing they would have to walk through your bedroom in order to use the restroom. But it was a good incentive to keep your room tidy! You were suddenly thankful your anger had fired you up to do some cleaning this week, grumbling to yourself while folding laundry, “another thing-s” and “if he fucking tries again-s” leaving you as your scrubbed the bathroom and made your bed.
Choso was still standing, watching you, hands in his pockets.
“You can sit down if you like,” you nodded towards the couch, pulling two mugs down from where they hung above your sink.
You heard the sounds of his clothes rustling, some jewelry jingling, and the creek of your old couch adjusting to new weight. You tried to stay focused on pouring the coffee, pulling some sugar packets from a small drawer beside your coffee maker.
“Black is fine for me.” He piped up from the couch, he was sitting so stiffly, hands folded in his lap, back straight, thighs rigid as if just his presence would break something.
You dressed your coffee how you liked and grabbed his black cup and brought them over to the coffee table, sitting next to him. You sipped your coffee, watching him take his time doing the same.
“So if you didn’t go to college…” you started carefully, “how do you know Geto and Gojo?”
“Geto and I used to work together. Before he went back to school. He’s not a bad guy, neither of them are.” Choso held his mug close to his lips, he was being so honest, you got the sense he struggled with hiding his feelings. Hence the temper.
“Earlier, when I said I didn’t want Yuji around them. It’s not about them. They’re fine guys. I just don’t want Yuji getting distracted.” His voice was even and firm, he really did sound like someone’s parent.
“I get that. Those two…they’re kind of their own breed. I know what you mean.” You leaned back a little on the couch, letting one leg cross over the other.
Gojo and Geto were intense, and they had a reputation for throwing wild parties and nearly getting kicked out every year. You let the camaraderie of shared secrets hang between the two of you before pressing further.
“So I take it you and Yuji had a talk about casual drug use?” You couldn’t help but smirk a little, taking a mental tally of the bong on the table, the joints rolled and packaged on your dining table, the bag of flower tucked beside your tv.
Choso let out a strangled laugh, clearly an unfamiliar sound for him, “yeah he uh…he kinda let me have it. I know I made an ass of myself, but I didn’t realize how much I had embarrassed him.”
You joined his laugh thinking of the smiley, awkward kid laying into his much more intense older brother.
Choso turned his body toward you, “look, it’s not you. It’s not even the drugs. I just don’t want him losing himself to anything before he has the chance to figure out who he is and what he wants. I don’t want him stuck with something when he’s just barely starting his life.”
You couldn’t stop the laugh that left you. Quickly it progressed to a fit of laughter. Choso was not laughing, he was watching you laugh at him. Something serious that he had shared with you, a real fear and concern of his that you were now cackling at. You could see the hurt in his face start to give way to anger again, and you came down from your fit.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I get what you’re saying, but don’t you think you’re kind of overreacting. It’s just weed, he’s not shooting up in alleyways. He’s not dedicating his life to anything, he’s just relaxing and having a little fun with his friends.”
“It’s my job to make sure he stays focused and I don’t see how smoking is going to help him.” He crossed his arms, starting to get agitated.
“Seriously? A little weed, a big cup of coffee, and you feel like you could knock out all the work you’ve been putting off for weeks. It can help you get rid of all that noise in your head that makes little tasks feel big and scary. You know what I mean?” You were a little on your soapbox now, but when he shook his head silently it dawned on you.
“You’ve never tried it?” You marveled at him. He had to be 26 or 27, and he hadn’t tried it once?
He shrugged again, “I don't really have a lot of free time, I guess?”
You gasped happily, suddenly all the anger was erased under a new beautiful light of discovery.
“Choso, you have to try it. If anyone needs it, it’s you. All that responsibility, you’ve got to be stressed out, give yourself an hour or two to get away from it. You’ll love it.” You had moved onto your knees now, energy shooting up your body.
“I don’t know…”He was smiling despite himself, hesitation in his voice but excitement leading the charge.
“ If you try it, and really try it, right now and afterwards tell me you hate it, we can forget all about this and we’ll be square and I won’t sell to Yuji and his friends anymore.” You offered already thinking about whether a joint or glass would be better for him, “but if I’m right and you like it, I get a new customer and you get completely forgiven for the other night.”
Choso looked into your winde, eager eyes and felt his reservations melt, how could he say no.
“Okay. Just a little.” He agreed, finally cracking a smile onto that stern, beautiful face.
An hour later, one coughing fit from him attempting to use a bong, and half of a joint later, you and Choso sat side by side on your couch beautifully high. Smoke hung thick in the room, his head was leaned back against the back of your couch, his ropey neck on full display, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed again and again trying to wet his dry mouth.
You rested your head on your wrist, watching him grapple with the high for the first time. You had turned some music on, something low and vibey, just to keep up the ambience and avoid any paranoia brought on by old house noises or -god forbid- silence itself.
“Did you want some more water?” You offered, gesturing to his mostly full cup that he had kept forgetting about.
He sat up slowly, “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Leaning forward, he grabbed the cup and drank it down furiously, wayward droplets spilling out of the sides of his mouth. You watched closely as the little stream of water slipped between his lips, down the side of his chin, across the cut of his jaw, and down the column of his throat, passing the chain he wore and trailing underneath the neckline of his t-shirt. Your mind raced before you could catch it, you imagined how it would feel to slide your tongue up its wake, the cool water contrasting against his hot, flushed skin.
Quickly blinking away the fantasy, you saw he was looking back at you. He had been watching you, his dark brown eyes moving all over your face in an unreadable expression.
Could he read your mind? Could he tell how you had been imagining him?
He finally blinked and looked away, drawing in a breath and leaning forward to place the glass back on the coffee table, “Sorry.”
Before you could brush away the apology he continued.
“So how long have you been…..doing this?” he settled back down against the couch, the weed soothing any lingering nerves.
“A couple years, it's a good way to keep myself in school and avoid any debt. Plus you get to make your own hours, it's flexible.” You shrugged, “and, I don't know, I guess I like that it helps people. To have fun and relax or like, helping them just get through the day. I like that I can help people feel better.”
He looked surprised at you, and you shrugged again, feeling your face burn slightly.
“I get it's a dumb thing to say, and I know I'm really patting myself on the back here, but that's why I like it.” you pulled slightly at a loose thread on the hemline of the couch cushion underneath you, avoiding his gaze, avoiding his judgment.
“I dont think it's dumb. I know what you mean.” the sincerity in his voice was so simple, as though thinking anything else hadn't even crossed his mind, “I already feel more relaxed than I have in years. I didn’t know it was like this, so you helped me. I like that you want to help people.”
You smiled, you couldn't believe this was the same guy you had met so poorly the other night. He smiled back at you, a crooked, unpracticed smile that seemed as shocking to him as it was to you. You let the smoke linger between the two of you, both inside and outside.
“So obviously you know my job, but what is it you do?” you scooted a little closer on the couch.
He slumped a little, “a couple things, I do tattoos, piercings, that sort of thing..I’ve been working at an auto shop for the last few months, on days where I don't have appointments.”
“Do you do your own?” you asked, you had only seen the one across his bridge, you weren't sure if he had anymore.
“A few. I didn't do this one,” he gestures to his nose, “Not the one on my back, but a few others, yeah”
“Do you like it?”
“I do. I always liked to draw,” he stretched to scratch the back of his neck, “a buddy of mine let me into his shop a few years ago. I only started the car stuff when Yuji went to school, it's a good skill to know, helps me feel useful.” he shrugged, “I like working with my hands, it keeps me out of my head.”
“Are you in your head right now?” you asked, hoping being with you was relaxing him as much as the weed had.
“No.” He smiles just to himself, closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths, enjoying how clear and simple his usually racing mind felt, “I kind of forgot it's supposed to feel like this.”
You laughed a bit, “It can be.”
He laughed too, a calming, easy chuckle.
“I’m glad you came by today, Choso.” You said softly
“Me too. I know I said Yuji asked me too, but I wanted to come and apologize. I was out of line, the over protective big brother act is so lame, I know. We’re just…all each other has.”
He suddenly was struggling to find the right words, he didn’t usually talk this much. The drugs had made him chatty, you had made him relaxed. Choso realized he hadn’t been alone with a woman in months, going on a full year. He spent nearly all of his time working, rarely went out with his few friends, and almost never went out on dates. He hadn’t even thought of being interested in a woman in weeks, choosing to rely on himself whenever the rare sexual urge did arise. He wasn’t a man without libido, but he was usually so focused—stressed out— sex just kind of lost priority. But here, sitting next to you, nerves hazy, voices soft, it was quickly climbing back up his priority ladder. He hadn’t noticed the first night how beautiful your eyes were, now they were slightly lidded and sensual as they looked over him, pupils wide and hungry. Your lips were full and shapely, a little dry from the smoke, but your wet tongue would dart out occasionally to moisten them again. His neck grew hot thinking about how soft your tongue looked. He bet you tasted so good, the lingering taste of coffee and smoke in your mouth, sliding your soft tongue against his, running your skilled hands over his body. He had watched you rolling the joint earlier, it was so routine, so ritual for you, but it was so intricate. You had clearly perfected it, nimble fingers filling, rolling, and sealing the flower inside of the pretty pink paper. Looking at them now, he wanted to put them in his mouth, to suck on them, to feel them tangle in his hair while you rode him right here on your couch.
He thought he would burst into flame when your fingertips touched the top off his hand, derailing his perverse train of thought from continuing.
“Choso?” Your voice was so soft when you said his name, it sounded right coming out of your mouth. You liked the way the letters tasted, he liked the way your tongue slipped around each sound, directly into his ear.
“Thank you, for giving me another chance.” He said finally.
Neither of you were sure when or how, but you had become very close. You could smell the sting of tea tree oil on his skin, now identifiable, and see every little crack in his glossy lips. You were staring into his bottom lip, as if summoned he drew it in, whetting it before releasing it again. He could see you watching him, he was watching you right back, he could feel your hot breath against his face, he could smell your shampoo, he could see the small coffee stain on the corner of your mouth, he wanted to be the napkin or shirt sleeve you’d use to wipe it away. Before he realized it, he was leaning closer to your lips. Your heart raced as he came closer, you weren’t sure how you had gotten here, just minutes ago the conversation was so benign and so casual, and now there was this…heat… between the two of you. You watching his mouth, him watching yours, you felt the electricity in your body ignite. The fingers that had been on the back of his hand trembled slightly as he leaned forward. He was moving so slow, being so careful to not push you. You gripped his hand tightly and pulled him closer, connecting your lips.
Your eyes were closed tightly, or else you would have seen the way his flew open before rolling back in his head. The same hand that had first grabbed you a week ago now moved up your arm and up to your jaw, pulling your lips harder against his. His kisses were hungry and desperate, yours were just as fevered as you felt his spit combine with yours.You moaned, lips parting enough for him to slip his tongue inside of your mouth. To your shock and delight you felt a small metal ball slide against your tongue, his tongue was pierced. You shivered, already thinking of how that cold metal would feel along your body, across your nipples, flicking against your clit. You thought you might faint as he pulled you over his lap.
He was faring no better, his hand pulling at you desperately, your jaw, your hair, your waist, your back, anywhere he could reach. He felt clumsy and a little pathetic, but he was too desperate to care. You were so hot, you smelled so good, your lips were so soft, he couldn't stop himself if he wanted to. When you finally did pull away, needing to catch your breath, he followed your lips eagerly, opting to kiss your chin or the underside of your jaw instead.
“Choso” you whimpered, pulling lightly at the hair at the back of his neck.
He continued kissing along your neck, moaning happily at the feeling of your nails against his nape. The sun had set outside, leaving the two of you in warm lamp light, the amber auras setting the deep brown of his eyes ablaze as he gazed up at you. Once your breath returned he moved one hand over the side of your face and pulled you in for another, softer but still passionate kiss. You relaxed into him, moving your hands over his chest, feeling the taught muscle and pleasure heated skin.
“I want you to tell me what you like.” He muttered against your lips in the form of a lover's secret, “I want to make it up to you. I want to please you.”
You felt yourself start to drip at his words, so devoid of the ego you were so familiar with in other men. A fast learner, too, his hands were carefully tracking your reactions, already finding erogenous zones that you usually had to demonstrate, tongue matching pace with yours. Kissing him deeply, tongues tangling, saliva and moans losing their origins points in the mess of shared wetness, you rocked your hips against his. He jerked up, unwillingly, a long, throaty moan leaving his lips as he threw his head back against the back of the couch, his hands on your hips gripping tighter.
“Baby….fuck”, he was getting hard so fast just from kissing you, it was embarrassing.
“You feel so big, Choso.” You rocked against him more, grinding into his erection over and over.
He blushed, the bar on his face doing nothing to hide the deep red settling across his cheeks. Feeling emboldened by the effect you had on him, you pulled your shirt off, leaving you bare chested on top of him. He was awestruck at the sight of your nearly naked body, his shock only growing when you grabbed his hands and brought them up to your breasts,squeezing them through his hands.
“Touch me here, like this.” You showed him how you liked to be squeezed and groped, all while keeping up your gyration on his lap.
He followed your lead immediately, mouth watering at how your breasts moved in his hands as you moved. He wanted to put them in his mouth, he wanted you completely naked, his own clothes felt so stiff and tight now. Choso removed his hands from your chest in a flash to quickly remove his own shirt before putting his hands on you once again, groping and squeezing the mounds freely. You moaned both at the sight of him bare and at how well he was following your directions.
“Fuck Choso… you look so good.” You marveled at him through your heavy lashes.
He was so toned, so well cultivated. His body was like that of a swimmer or a rock climber, lean and muscled, clearly focusing on mobility and functional strength above vanity. Tattoos littered his body, classic things, sigils and birds and quotes you couldn't quite read. All in due time.
In a move surprising you he sat up, abdominals rippling, keeping one strong forearm around your waist to hold you firm against him and he brought one of your nipples into his mouth. Even the fatty flesh couldn't muffle the haughty moan that escaped him, nor could it hide the way his eyes rolled back in his head. Your hands pulled at his hair, bringing him as close as possible, letting loose mewls of pleasure at his sucking. His tongue piercing circled around your areola, teeth quickly following to bite lightly at the rising peak. His dark eyes, now almost entirely black from blown out pleasure, looked up at you. The pornographic display in front of you was enough to have you whimpering already, the feeling of him so solid and throbbing underneath your hips wasn't helping, or was it, you supposed it depends on the goal; Longevity or absolute pleasure. Choso moved his mouth over to your other breast, repeating the same routine of circling and biting and suckling, he was completely blissed out, barely registering anything beyond the taste of your skin and the weight of your body on his. When you pulled at his hair to get him to face you again, you had to pull harder than you expected to get his attention. When you finally did, his head tipped back dramatically, a drunken smile across his wet, swollen lips.
“Take your pants off,” you whimpered breathily, “please.”
You stood up in front of him, feeling a slight ache in your hip hinges from your previous position and quickly rid yourself of your pants. He did the same, removing his belt, and kicking his shoes off before pulling his jeans off and tossing them aside. You stood in front of each other, in only your panties, him in black boxer briefs, length straining against the fabric. Breathing hard, you took each other in, it was so simple, but so sexy to be just standing before each other nearly completely naked. Not touching, not distracted by embracing hands or mouths, just taking a moment to appreciate the unguarded form of one another.
He was so taken by you, the swell of your hips, the curved lines of your silhouette, scars and lines and tattoos adorning your skin in a completely unique and deeply personal pattern. He liked the panties you were wearing, he wanted to keep them, maybe you would let him. They were a dark purple mesh fabric, his favorite color. There was no way you could have known, but it felt like fate. Your neck was starting to show little bruises from his kisses earlier, soon they would be purple too, he couldn't wait to see. Finally, he stepped toward you, his strong hands finding yours, bringing them to his body just as you had earlier. Your hands followed down the lines of his body, the muscles so hard under your touch. He moaned at your touch, chills rocking through his body, he was so reactive for you, every twitch of your fingers being amplified through his body like an electric current.
“You want to stay out here, or do I get to see your bedroom?”
“I’m a little partial to riding you right here, what do you think?” you flirted up at him, pushing on his stomach lightly, he was practically drooling.
You had chosen his exact fantasy from earlier and once again he found himself thinking that it was impossible you could have known, but it had to be fate. He kissed your lips again, the fever from earlier returning as you pushed him back down onto the couch, following him closely to keep your lips connected. Before you could move to straddle him, he gripped your hips.
“Please. Wanna taste you first, please baby, please.” He begged. He sounded so good when he begged.
You weren't one to argue with someone asking so nicely, so you did as he asked, sitting where he had been earlier, loving the feeling of the warmth he had left behind embedded in the cushion. Choso moved between your legs, his hands sliding up your thighs and pulling your panties away from your aching sex. He couldn't stop himself from bringing the panties to his face and taking in your scent, he didn't care if it made him a pervert, he loved the smell of a good, wet pussy, and yours may be the best he had ever had. Your jaw dropped at the unabashed display, catching his eye as he exhaled luxuriously.
“Fuuuuck, can I keep these?” It was like he was high all over again, one hit of you knocking him on his heels more than your highest testing strain ever could.
You nodded slowly, too shocked to speak. You didn't even care that you liked that pair, they were comfortable and sexy, nothing could compare to the thought of Choso keeping a pair of your used panties for himself.
He set them on top of his pants on the floor, before resuming his migration across the sensitive skin of your inner legs. You could feel yourself dripping onto the couch, you didn't care, you were too turned on to care about anything except him. Lying on his stomach on your couch, he was finally face to face with your bare pussy. He could feel himself starting to rut into the couch cushion, aching cock desperate for relief. Finally, with one last cautious look up at you, Choso slid his fore and middle fingers between your lower lips, separating them slightly to look right at your weeping folds. Even the light brush of his fingertips separating you had you ready to arch your back, you were so wet, his long tongue swiped up your slit, and a strangled gasp ripped itself from your throat.
One hand flew to his hair, struggling to decide if you wanted to push him away or pull him in deeper, opting to just pull. Choso was completely lost within you, your taste, your smell, the feeling of how wet you had gotten already, he wanted to drink up everything you had. He moaned into your dripping pussy as you pulled his hair harder, loud squelching and slurping sounds filled the room alongside your gasping, frantic moans of curses garbled with his name.
“You taste so good, baby,” he complimented, his round tongue piercing flicking so deliciously against your clit as he spoke, “I knew you would. Fuck, you’re too good to me.”
You could barely hear him. Too fixated on rocking your hips against his face, trying desperately to amplify the pleasure he was giving you. Choso kissed your pussy with long, flat tongued laps, his piercing circling your clit in a delicious rhythm that had you wailing. You had never been so thankful to live alone, one of your hands left his hair so you could bite hard on your knuckles, a foolish attempt to stifle your moans. Wisps of his bangs fell in his face, blocking you from his eyeline, he attempted to blow the strands out of his way, needing to see you struggle to quiet yourself. You were putting on such a beautiful show for him, panting and moaning above him, showing him exactly how good he was making you feel, he didn't want to miss a second of it. Breaking away only momentarily to brush his hair away from his face, only to have them fall back in their place, Choso huffed in frustration, his hot, irritated breath sending tingles across your slippery folds. You looked down at him, feeling him pull away briefly to pull a black hair tie from one wrist and hand it to you. Your instructions were clear as he dove back in, once again devouring you; you pulled his hair into a small bun, tying it quickly and returning your hand to cover your mouth. His own hands were clasped around your thighs, bringing them into his ears and diving in even further.
The lower half of his face, from top of nose to under his jaw, was shimmering, he was losing all sense of himself. He wanted to die between your legs, he wanted your thighs to crush him, he wanted to drown in your cum, he wanted the last sound he ever heard to be your squeaking whimpers of his name. His cock was pulsing against your couch, swollen nearly to the point of pain, with every lap it was getting harder. He didn’t think he would ever stop, your hands in his hair, nails against his neck and shoulders, your smell in his nose, your taste on his tongue, he could have stayed there forever. It wasn't until you started to pull him away by his roots that he finally came up for air again.
You shuddered as you peeled Choso away from your pussy. A thin, glistening string of spit and your arousal joined his wet lips to your sex, it was so erotic. He was panting as well, eyes wild with pleasure, damp face, swollen lips, looking to you for why you would have deprived him of his meal.
“Please, Choso, please let me fuck you,” you begged.
He protested weakly, “But I want you to--”
“Please, baby. I need you inside so badly.” You pointed out, moving your hand over the side of his face.
He pressed his cheek into your palm and nodded, sighing hard trying to catch his breath. You pulled him up to you, he followed, crawling on his hands up to your lips. Your kisses were now wet after his pleasuring you, you could taste yourself at the deepest part of his mouth you could reach. Choso ground his erection into you, sliding his length across your slick pussy and panting into your mouth. Gathering all your strength back you sat up, moving to assume the position from before. In the movements, he had finally freed his aching cock, gripping it hard at the base as you climbed over his lap. You slotted your lips against his over and over, tongues tangling, hands moving over hot, prickled skin. You rocked your hips up and down your slit, drenching him and building your anticipation. Choso pressed his forehead against yours, you could feel the sweat of his skin and the sweat of yours combining in between your skin. He angled his now dripping cock right at your entrance, you hissed as you made your way down his length. Moans escaped both of you as your tight walls sucked him in, head still pressed together, his hand bruising your waist. It had become so intimate, he filled you so entirely, pushing hard against the barrier of your cervix. You started to grind against him, moving your hips up and down, whimpering pathetically, arching your back. Your hands settled on his shoulders and stomach as you rode him faster and faster.
“Fuck, yes, you feel so good. Thank you.” Choso’s eyes were locked on your bouncing breasts. He leaned forward and caught one of your puffy nipples in his mouth again, sucking hard.
The feeling of him so deep inside of you, your increased sensitivity from him eating you out, and now his hot mouth teething and pulling at your chest had you so close already. You were almost embarrassed, but you couldn't keep yourself from bouncing more and more, grinding right up against his pelvis. Your hands moved up the back of his neck, keeping his head buried in your breasts, he switched to suck on your other nipple, moaning against your hot skin. One of his big hands squeezed at the fat of your ass, he couldn't get enough of you; he wanted to keep his hands and his mouth full of you, his cock buried inside of you forever. Your moans rose in pitch quickly, the hair at the base of his cock rubbing right against your clit. You pulled away, arching into his hand on your lower back, and humping against him even faster.
“Cho-Fuck baby, I…” You mewl out.
“Cum, please cum for me, baby. Make a mess on me please, cum on my cock, pleasepleaseplease.” he babbled, holding your hips in a bruising vice and helping you to raise and lower yourself.
He planted his feet on the ground, thrusting up to meet you halfway. You were so tight and hot, he could feel your wetness dripping down his balls, he could taste your sweat on the backs of his lips. Your cries started becoming intense and your body was shuddering against him, you could barely string together any thoughts beyond your desire to cum. FInally it all became too much, the hot pleasure that had been building all bursting out from you at once.
“Choso! I-- I--I’m cumming!” You cried against him, his thrusts under you were relentless, not stopping even as your orgasm peaked and valleyed before him.
“Fuck baby, yes. More more, please, fuck please, im--,” Choso’s own orgasm ripped through his body with nearly no warning, finally slowing his thrust, opting to press as deep as he could and dropping his head back against the couch. He moaned your name scrambled with curses and his throaty raspy groans.
Coming down from your shared high, Choso thrust up into you a few more times, shuttering at the feeling of spilling long spurts of cum inside of your hot, wet walls. You stilled your motions completely, hips aching, sweat dripping down your body, you pressed your head against his again, trying to catch your breath as quickly as possible. Choso kissed your jaw, your neck, your lips, your cheek, your temple, anywhere his lips could reach, sturdy hands massaging your hips and ass as he did. You smiled down at him, his face was tinted pink, his eyes were wet and full, he looked so fucked out, and so beautiful. The bun you had styled for him was barely hanging on,his bangs now stuck to his damp forehead. You dipped your head down and kissed him, the kiss now lazy but just as wet. Slippery mouths joining again and again as he rubbed your back. Once you felt you could move again, you moved off of his lap, his softening cock sliding out of you and flopping against his stomach. He panted in recovery once you had taken your place on the couch next to him, he pulled your legs into his lap, wanting to keep as good a hold on you as he could while still inside this bubble of intimacy you had created. He moved the back of his knuckles up and down your shin, turning his face toward you and gazing at you.
“That was…” He started, trailing off as words failed him once again.
You nodded blissfully, reaching over to grab his hand. He kissed the back of your hand.
“You’re….” this time he found his finishing words, “wow.”
You chuckled, “You too. I’m really glad you came over.”
“Me too.” he laughed a bit as well, gesturing to the half joint on the table, “You’re a bad influence on me.”
“I think you liked it.” you sat up taking the joint between your fingers and taking a lighter from the table.
You held the pink joint in between your lips, lighting it and puffing once before passing it over to Choso. He accepted and took a hit, then another, exhaling happily.
“I did. I do.” he answered finally.
You took the joint back, sitting up to his eye level as you puffed.
“I hope you don't think I’ll be giving you a discount because of this, I’m not that kind of dealer.” you joked.
A flirtatious smirk pulled at his lips, “If you had let me finish making you cum in my mouth, I think I could change your mind.”
You rolled your eyes, already feeling your pussy dampen and your nipples harden at his candor. He slid one arm around you, pulling you close and kissing your smoke warmed lips.
“Could I, maybe, come over again?” he asked against your lips, “Without needing to apologize to you for making a total ass of myself?”
Your heart squeezed, you had not yet started to worry that this was a one and done, his expert work leaving you already craving more. Everything that had happened was so unexpected, you started the day still seething from the first impression, but he had melted your icy demeanor instantly. You did want to see Choso again, you wanted him to make you feel like that again, you wanted to spoil him the way he had spoiled you. You wanted a chance to show him how good he had made you feel, and now you had the chance. You knew his situation, you knew yours, it was incredibly likely that this would be temporary, but even one more chance to share a night with him was enough for now.
I hope you guys enjoyed! As always, i did! Remember to use drugs responsibly and not give in to peer pressure, unless you think itll make people like you, then succumb. (im joking). alright bye! -- <3 Doodle
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
hihi! :) (let’s hope the tumblr gods don’t eat this)
do you have any thoughts about modern sevika tastes? i.e how she dresses, the scents she likes to wear, the music she might like, what her phone case might be like. things like that! :)
- topdrop anon
i have a few, but i would LOVE to hear your guys thoughts in the comments too!!
men and minors dni
she dresses practically: pants with lots of pockets, shoes with steel toes, breathable and easy to wash fabrics. but i think she's got a little fashion sense in her, and she knows how good she looks, so she's always buying her clothes just one size too small so all her muscles are on full display, pulling and tugging at the tight fabric of her clothes.
lots of shades of gray and black. some earthy tones-- olive greens and tans and browns. a few pops of color here and there: her favorite red jacket, the purple beanie she wears in winter.
all her socks are black. but her boxers are the cutsy-est things you've ever seen. prints of little hearts, dogs, kitties, ducks, lolipops; writing over the ass like 'eat me' or 'kiss me'; she keeps most of her attire serious, but her undies are always goofy.
i think her left arm would either be a prosthetic or covered in tattoos. shoulder to fingertips.
she's totally the type of person to drive in silence. or listen to the news. she doesn't really listen to music, but she's got a few jazz vinyls she's always cycling through at home. i think it's mostly instrumental, but she does have a soft spot for some soulful singing (which means she cries when nina simone comes on every. single. time. and can you blame her?)
as much as i want to make her a punk-rocker, i just think she'd find it noisy and annoying hahaha.
her phone case is either clear, or it's super bulky and has a little latch on it so she can latch it to her belt lmaoooo.
she keeps the background photo as the default picture it comes with, until she meets you. (she changes it to a pic of the two of you kissing the SECOND you agree to be her girlfriend. she grins after you say yes, pulls her phone out, and quickly changes her background, whispering, "fuck yes, i've been waiting to get rid of this boring ass wallpaper.")
i don't know how to describe scents, but i picture her smelling fresh, like kinda minty, but in a irish spring way. sandalwood too. but on top of all her soaps and lotions, she wears a really warm scented cologne, like tobacco and brown sugar and whiskey and coconut. like amber-y smelling?
she tries to deny the fact that she's got a sweet tooth. she's always munching on chips or nuts or other salty snacks. but that's just because if she starts on a sugary treat, she won't be able to stop herself until it's all gone.
you find this out after you gift her a pan of brownies for her birthday in the morning, and find that they're gone by lunchtime.
now, you always keep little chocolates and hard candies on you to pass to her when she looks stressed. she always gives you the biggest, happiest eyes you've ever seen, like you've just handed her a check for a million dollars instead of a peanutbutter cup.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
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halfmoth-halfman · 10 months
do you have any headcannons about designer dress you can disclose? every now and then i create some of my own, but it's great finding out about the "official" ones, like why did you choose canary as mc's moniker? are we going to find out more about laswell and price? maybe gaz's mom? she seems important... what about farah's relationship with john? and some tidbits as well, like why blue? why valeria's "day job" is fashion designer? sorry the questionnaire, any piece would be great! i'm just in awe with the whole ambience you've created. much love! xx
oh i’ve got plenty of headcanons. some i won’t go into too much detail about because it would dipping into spoiler territory, but here ya go:
gaz was a big momma's boy as a kid, and when she died so soon after his father it left him with a lot of big, confusing feelings for an 8-9 year old
he was angry at price for a long time after his parents' deaths and it wasn't until well into his teenage years that he started warming up to price
farah was adopted after gaz, when her parents were killed during price's and the 141's first go around with makarov when they were both building their "empires" (we'll go more into that in the next few chapters)
gaz and farah took to each other easily, often finding comfort in their similar struggles and complicated feelings for price
price does everything he can to help gaz and farah remember their parents, mostly out of respect and love for them and their parents, but also due to that quiet guilt that he's the reason their parents are gone
gaz goes back on forth on calling price dad, but always refers to farah as his sister
farah does not call price dad, it’s always either old man or price
farah does think of gaz as a brother, but can’t bring herself to actually call him that because it makes her think of hadir
farah and gaz are best friends through and through tho
price cannot visit their parents' graves with them, he doesn't feel he has a right to, and if he goes with one of them he’ll wait in the car until they’re done to go to the grave himself
price has talked about canary to gaz’s dad’s grave
i hc price's favorite color as blue in general, hence all the blue he puts his women in
there is a difference between the blues when he gets canary a dress vs when valeria makes her one
valeria's come in various shades of blue while price's are always the same shade of blue as his eyes
he is absolutely doing it as a way to mark his territory
graves loves his women in gold and jewels and designer, it's a way to show off his wealth and status and how much he spoils them
it's all part of a carefully put together show to make himself look good
makarov does not give a fuck about any of that
his women are on display as a way to taunt and tempt his enemies because they know better than to touch what's his and he drapes them in blood-colored fabric as warning
price had a playboy phase after his (amicable) divorce from kate and it only got worse when gaz’s parents died
he never loved or really cared for any of his significant others, knowing most were just after his money, status, or bragging rights - they used him and he used them as a stress relief
when gaz moved in to the manor, he tried a few short-lived relationships that never lasted more than a few months
he stopped completely when farah moved in
price tried dating once or twice when gaz and farah were older and things were more stable but it was never anything serious until canary
price has never been in love until canary
price, nik, and gaz's dad were bffs with farah's dad joining later, and nik loves gaz and farah like his own
at one point, shepherd was included in that little group
alex and farah had a romcom-esque meet-cute at a 141 gala where alex was a guest of kate's
alex fell first, farah fell harder
price, and the rest of the 141, are good friends with kate's wife, but they don't see her often since she's not involved in their business
kate tries to keep her wife separate from that side of her life for her own safety
roach, könig, and horangi live in a three-bedroom apartment because the third bedroom was originally ghost's
outside of soap, ghost is probably closest to roach and sees him as a younger brother
no one except ghost knows how old roach is, he changes the answer every time someone asks him
roach was not born mute, it happened during a bar fight where he shielded ghost from someone with a broken bottle
ale/val/rudy have known each other since they were kids
rudy always had feelings for alejandro but never said anything, content to be friends
alejandro and valeria dated first, they broke up when valeria and alejandro disagreed with how to run the vaqueros
alejandro and rudy started dating in that time, but rudy broke up with him when valeria came back and rudy felt like alejandro wasn't over her
it was a lot of drama and feelings being shoved down that culminated in one night of drinking, arguing about emotions, and eventually a threesome
the three have been together ever since
alejandro and rudy do not necessarily approve of what valeria does with her own business - she takes a very jason todd approach to it all (aka "you can't stop crime, but you can control it") - but she does get positive results so the arguments are few and far between
rudy is a doctor first and foremost, but he's always enjoyed cooking (something something cutting into meat the same way he'd cut into a body something something) and it was his own suggestion for him to be the club chef
valeria never intended to do fashion design, but she enjoys the finer things and has specific tastes for how she wants to look
since every tailor/designer she had hired eventually ended up disappointing her, she took up the job herself
running a club was nik's idea, and it took him a few months and a lot of badgering to convince price to go along with it
price agreed only because 13-year-old gaz mumbled that "it'd be kinda cool" one night at dinner
the singer position at the club was made specifically for farah because she found comfort singing songs her mother used to sing to her and hadir when they were little
on special occasions, soap will take over at the bar and alex will get on stage and play guitar alongside farah as she sings
soap was gaz’s friend that he introduced to the club and he became fast friends with everyone
eventually price hired him after recognizing how smart and perceptive soap was
soap is in his position for a reason, the guests are more than happy to ogle the handsome server with too many buttons undone and not notice that he's watching them back with a far sharper eye
soap and ghost were supposed to be a one-time thing meant for stress relief but ghost caught feelings and kept coming back
it took ghost ages to admit he cared for soap and when the realization hit, it scared the hell out of him but roach convinced him to talk it out with soap
soap is the only person ghost would ever disobey price for, but he would never admit that
alex gushes to gaz about farah nonstop and talks about how he knew he was going to marry her the moment they met
gaz was happy for them, but he never really got it...until he met tabby
nik sometimes gets too drunk and reminisces about his wife back home
no one knows if he actually has a wife, or where “back home” is, his stories are all the same, but the little details change every time
könig and horangi were together before they joined the 141, and könig moved in with roach and ghost completely unaware that they worked for price
the 141 refers to kortac as "könig's people" because it's a far more complicated system of contacts and connections that would take a week to describe
ghost’s entire spine pops when he gets out of bed in the morning, and it freaks soap out
roach was a track star in highschool
price has the highest kill count in the 141, soap and valeria have a not-so-friendly competition going for second place
canary got her nickname from her father
graves did have romantic feelings for canary at one point, but that quickly got overshadowed by his want for adler to recognize and approve of him
adler only approved canary and graves’s marriage because canary asked him to - the contract was his one condition for that approval
russell adler died two days after canary and graves got married
graves only has two preferences when it comes to his women: rich & powerful
price cares about his people, but it borders on a possessiveness that he keeps very well hidden
price has built a very strict set of rules about who his people kill and how far they can and cannot go
he will end business relationships if someone steps out of line
valeria has come close on several occasions
makarov does not care - he will kill men, women, children, old, young, pregnant, etc. blood is blood, it doesn't matter who it comes from
that’s not say price wouldn’t do what needs to be done to protect his people
price cares about family above all else, and he will go scorched earth on anyone who would dare to threaten or hurt them
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roosterforme · 1 year
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THANK YOU to everyone who sent in a headcanon request for Bradley and Baby Girl! I had so much fun with this! Please comment or reblog and let me know how you feel about some of these. And if you can think of any other details you'd like to know more about, let me know!
1. Why does Rooster only fly solo?
Rooster prefers not to have a backseater, because then he only has to be responsible for himself. After what happened to Maverick and Goose, Bradley has had a hard time flying a two-seater with a WSO. He even once told Phoenix that she is so much braver than he is, and Nat completely agreed. 
2. Is Rooster scared BG isn't actually going to be there when he gets back from a deployment?
The thought has crossed Bradley's mind more than once that being in a relationship with him is holding her back. He knows it's harder on her than him, because even though he's away from her too, he's working at a fast pace under a unique set of parameters. He hates leaving her behind, and he has considered the possibility that she might want to call it quits with him. But, when Rooster came home to find that she had packed a bag and was prepared to leave after Josh attacked her, he knew he'd work twice as hard to keep her.
3. Cock warming when he gets back because he needs to feel close to her?
They both certainly enjoyed it when they were in the hotel in La Jolla. She occasionally warms his cock when she can tell he's feeling a little antsy, which is usually just before he leaves for a deployment or just after he gets home. 
4. Rooster finding BG "playing" with her favorite toy.
Rooster has seen all of her toys and enjoyed playing with most of them with her. But she's got a favorite, and now she calls it Rooster Junior... One day when he was supposed to be working late, you got that vibrator out and started a little solo action. When he arrived home and heard those familiar moans and ran to the bedroom, he found you naked, splayed out on the bed with the toy. He stood in the doorway until you noticed him, and then you yelped, kind of embarrassed. But he just gestured for you to keep going and then unzipped his uniform pants and started stroking himself. Bradley got himself more and more worked up until you came with the toy inside you. Then he joined you in bed, gently removing the toy and replacing it with his mouth and then his cock. He gave you a better orgasm than Rooster Junior, and you told him he was such a good boy.
5. Do they have a welcome mat?
They have a welcome mat on their front porch that she bought, and it matches the "Home Sweet San Diego" sign that she got him for Christmas, which hangs just inside their front door. 
6. Two sinks in the bathroom?
Yes, they have two sinks. Hers is surrounded by all of her makeup, facewash, electric toothbrush, contacts cases, and skin care products. He just has his toothbrush next to his sink, and his shaving gear is all tucked away in the cabinet. 
7. What color is their bedding?
They have light gray and white jacquard bedding that she picked out for their king sized bed. He told her to pick out whatever she wanted, and she tried to tease him by sending him a link to a US Army camo set and pretending she ordered it. 
8. What side of the bed do they sleep on?
Standing at the foot of the bed and looking at the headboard... Bradley sleeps on the left and she sleeps on the right. But they can even share a twin bed successfully, because she mostly sleeps draped halfway on top of him. 
9. What are date nights like?
Date nights are usually nothing too fancy. They both work hard and appreciate that the other one gets tired. When Bradley can tell she doesn't want to expend her energy on making dinner, he will take her out, occasionally driving to where they had their first date. They do a lot of sunset picnics at the beach, go to see movies together, and listen to live music in the park with Tramp.
10. It's movie night, what movie do they pick?
Bradley likes musicals, and he's not afraid to admit it. He likes to sing along, and now that he has his own piano, he plays along too. His favorite is The Music Man. She has to pretty much limit him to one musical per week, so she can have a little bit of quiet in the house. She likes a variety of movie genres, but they both laugh over the fact that her favorites are a heartwarming romance (Roman Holiday (peep the main character named Joe BRADLEY)) and a psychological thriller (Get Out).
11. What’s their sleeping position?
Bradley on his back with his hands wrapped around her where she lays chest to chest on him with her head nestled on his shoulder. Their legs are usually tangled together as well. Sometimes they sleep where he is the big spoon, usually when she has her period and wants to curl up because of the cramps. Then he sleeps with his lips and mustache just close enough to kiss her neck.
12. Any bad habits that they have?
Bradley is a bit of a neat freak. He can't stand it when she tosses her shoes in the general direction of the closet instead of neatly placing them in there. So he has the bad habit of getting a little passive aggressive. On the other hand, she has a bad habit of overworking. In the past, she has been one to stay on base late or work weekends when she is very absorbed with a project. Bradley has helped her break that habit a bit, because she loves being at home with him after work. But when he's deployed, she tends to overdo it a bit so she has something to keep her occupied.
13. Their most embarrassing moment together?
Take your pick.... When Bradley told Mav they broke the bed? When they had sex in her office and Coyote, Phoenix and Hangman clearly knew it? When she had her hand down Bradley's pants in the rec room and poor Jake walked in? They can't keep it in their pants around each other, and Bradley can't keep his mouth shut when she wishes he would.
14. Favorite sexual positions?
She likes riding him. Whether he's sitting or laying down, she loves being on his lap. She loves setting the pace and watching him get ruined. She also loves cock warming him when he seems a little anxious, this is something he has come to love too. Bradley finds a lot of pleasure in protecting her and kind of marking his territory. He likes taking her from behind. Getting her on all fours makes him feral. He's also particularly fond of fucking her from behind while they are both standing. This gives him the opportunity to power himself into the spots that get her off, and he can also wrap his hands around to the front of her body.
15. Does BG or Rooster have a paralyzing fear of something so they need their loving partner to help them every time that fear comes up when they are together?
In an effort not to get too much into Bradley's crippling fear or rejection and losing the people he loves (things that she tries to reassure him about, constantly telling him she loves him and isn't going anywhere), he is terrified of dolls. Like the creepy ceramic dolls with eyes that follow your every move. He can't stand them, and hates antique shops as a result. She is afraid of spiders. Bradley pretends to kill them for her, but he actually just takes them outside.
16. What would happen if they were ever right in the middle of sex or foreplay and she just suddenly loses the mood because something from work or something popped in her head?
First of all, consent is key, and he knows and appreciates it. Also, he's not going to enjoy getting off if she's not enjoying herself too. Bradley would immediately freeze, because he would know something was wrong.... "What happened, Sweetheart?" he asked softly. "Nothing, I just had a bad day and I can't stop thinking about it.... and I'm not really in the mood now...." You turned your face away from him, and Bradley stopped what he was doing. "Oh, okay. No problem." He dropped down on the bed next to you, and you curled up and let him rub your back as you told him what was bothering you.
17. What songs play as their ringtones for each other? 
When Bradley calls her phone, What A Man by Linda Lyndell is the ringtone for him. When she calls Bradley's phone, Whatever You Like by T.I. is the ringtone for her. 
18. Would they ever get another dog or a cat?
Bradley couldn't say no to Tramp's puppy eyes, so there is no doubt that another stray animal would end up in their family. 
19. What is Bradley’s favorite part of BG’s body? And What is BG’s favorite part of Bradley’s body?
She really loves his neck. She loves his scars and finds comfort in kissing him there. She also goes a little crazy for his hands, and loves how big they feel when they wrap around her waist and grab her thighs. Bradley loves her smile. He really lost his mind the first time he saw her face, and she was smiling and laughing at the time. He also loves her legs and her butt. 
20. How did he end up calling her Baby Girl for her nickname? What else do they call each other?
"Baby Girl" just kind of slipped out for the first time when they were on opposite teams playing football at the beach! He scooped her up and she had her arms around him, and that's what he called her. And he's been calling her that ever since. He called her Sweetheart before that, when she smacked him in the chest with his own phone and sent the other girls packing at the Hard Deck! She mostly calls him Roo, and his heart absolutely melts when she says it. The first couple times she said it before they were dating, he was absolute putty in her hands. They also both use the pet name "My Love". BG approves of all of these, as she tries not to let him get too soppy with the pet names. 
21. We know how BG reacted when Bradley was in an accident. How would he react if something happened to her?
She tends to silently spiral. She gets in her own head and tries to blame herself when something goes wrong with him. Bradley on the other hand would be in absolute hysterics. He would try to rush in and help no matter where she was. 
22. How would Bradley deal with BG being deployed?
Bradley would be a lot more pathetic and mopey than she is. She tends to throw herself into work projects when she needs to take her mind off of something, but he doesn't do that. He would be quite lonely and lovesick. 
23. Bradley loves lingerie, and they love a bit of the risk of getting caught. But what are some other kinks of theirs that haven't made it into the story yet?
Bradley has a praise kink. You don't get to be a top tier aviator without collecting that along the way. He is also going to have a bit of a rank kink when he outranks Baby Girl. He likes role playing too, which we saw a bit of in Take Me To Neverland. But he's truly down to do almost anything that would make her happy in the bedroom. She also enjoys the fantasy aspect of role playing. Bradley's breeding kink would absolutely take over if he was actively trying to get her pregnant, and she would probably like that a lot more than she anticipated.  
24. What was her motivation for joining the Navy, and does she plan on retiring from it or getting out earlier? 
She's a lifer. Wants to be an admiral. Wants to run her own research lab on base in North Island. She is originally from Maryland, not too far from Annapolis, so she grew up knowing about the Naval Academy. When she qualified to go there for free, knowing she would also be training to be an officer, she decided to go for it. It ended up being a great decision, and she is even still friends with Cam from back in the first year students' dormitory. 
25. In an argument where they both think they are right, who apologizes first even though they still think they are right?
Bradley, for sure. He can't stand feeling cut off from her, so he will crack after a day or two just so they can get back to normal. That being said, if he's obviously in the right and she's obviously in the wrong, she will have no problem admitting it. 
26. The 3rd amendment states “no military person can stay in a house without the consent of the owner”. Do you think that BG has ever kicked Bradley out of the house (for fun or in a fight) with the 3rd amendment?
She would be too apprehensive to even try it, since technically he owns the house, and because she is also a military officer. But the thought has definitely occurred to her. And if her name ever gets added to the deed... watch out Rooster.
27. How would Bradley react if BG went up to the bar to get them drinks, and another guy was chatting with her and told Penny to put BG's drinks on his tab? How would Bradley react to another guy buying her and technically him drinks?
Bradley would be annoyed that the other guy was obviously flirting with her, so he would make his way up to the bar....
You tried not to laugh at Luke as he told Penny to put your beers on his tab. He was about to buy a drink for your boyfriend, so you just nodded at him and said, "Thanks."
He grinned at you and asked for your phone number, right as Bradley draped an arm around your shoulders and kissed your neck, clearly marking his territory in front of this stranger.
"Here you go, Bradley. Luke here was kind enough to put these on his tab for me." You watched your boyfriend's jaw clench as he stood to his maximum height, and then he smiled and nodded at the other guy.
"Thanks, man. That's so kind of you," Bradley said as he took a sip of the beer, arm still draped around you. "If you still want a phone number, I'd be more than happy to give you mine."
28. What is Rooster's aftercare routine for Baby Girl?
Rooster is an aftercare king. He loves taking care of her after they have sex, so much so that it's kind of part of the act itself. His lips and mustache are simply all over her skin for a few minutes while they both catch their breath. Then more often than not, he's getting a bubble bath ready for her in their enormous tub. Sometimes he joins her and sits behind her while one of their playlists is on, kissing her neck and soothing her skin. Sometimes he sits on the mat next to the tub and they have a quiet conversation. Sometimes he will do a chore while she relaxes.
29. What was the first impression they each had about the other?
I LIKED THIS ONE SO MUCH, I SAVED IT FOR LAST... and I might write a little prequel fic about it... This happened just before Is It Working For You?
It was Monday morning, and you stood at attention in a preflight classroom filled with Admirals, Captains and even your own boss. You were anchored between your friends Maria and Cam, and you couldn't help but think about how badly you wanted all of those Admiral pins on your khaki uniform someday so you could spend hours rambling on about nothing and force everyone to stand and listen to you. Once you were finally dismissed to be seated, it was ten o'clock. You'd been standing for a full hour pretending to pay attention. You just wanted to get to work, but when you sat down facing all of the aviators, you noticed one in particular. And he was already looking at you. Maybe you had something on your face? Or maybe he was in a daze after listening to Admiral Simpson for so long? Either way, he was really cute. Chocolatey brown eyes, wavy hair and a mustache that should have looked ridiculous, but did not. Not at all. You couldn't help but smile at him, and when you did, he immediately looked away. 
It was Monday morning at 8:56 am, and Bradley's steps came to a halt as soon as he walked into the classroom. You weren't even looking directly at him, but your smiling face was so stunning, he already felt like he might not be the same again after this moment. 
THANKS AGAIN! Hope you had as much fun as I did! Check my masterlist for all of the B&BG content!
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fractured-shield · 4 days
character introductions: Idhren
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Idhren Athealin
Please don’t ask me his exact age I need to redo the timeline. 800-ish which is middle aged for an elf, looks like 50’s-ish by human standards
Birthday is August 29. Yes I’ve celebrated it for years obviously
6’4”. According to Therien he used up all the height in the family
Description: brown hair worn to like mid-back length, usually worn loose, brown eyes. Always looks a little too pale, like he hasn’t slept well or eaten all day and it’s probably both. As a councillor, fine clothes are required, but his are as simple and unassuming as possible, in dark colors—and as an officer of Tarnuvin’s Watch, his armor is an old style from Linador’s vanguard, steel and black leather. He’s in a lot of mid-level positions of authority, because he’s the kind of person who overworks himself to avoid thinking about things and gets really good at a lot of things. He doesn’t actively seek out any type of responsibility though, he thinks someone else would be a better, more reliable fit. He wears clothes with high collars, and leather cuffs around his wrists to keep the sleeves in place, but sometimes you can see a faint, healed scar on one side of his neck, among others that he tries not to draw attention to. He injured his knee when he was younger, and while it’s not a major issue, it aches after sitting still for too long. When he’s particularly anxious, his hands shake.
He’s aware that plenty of young people look up to him, and he thinks they shouldn’t, but makes a point of being warm and reassuring. Still, he can seem a bit scary at first: mostly just because he’s quiet and seems so serious. His reputation precedes him, as the mediator of a war-council who kept the peace between kings and warlords. He’s not that scary he’s just introverted and has depression. He’s got a lot of survivor’s guilt from outliving his wife, his previous partner, and also two close friends that died in a shipwreck when he was young, but also is just kind of somber and quick to despair by temperament. He’s from Fairalme, a country that the eastern expanse hasn’t traded with in hundreds of years, so his accent is a bit uncommon there. He has a good singing voice (I have a voice claim if anyone’s curious), but he doesn’t like it very much, because he never got used to the subtle changes as he got older. His favored weapon is the spear, and he also has a single-bladed sword (I have a ref for that too).
Goals/arc: He wants to keep Therien safe, wants to be as good a father as he can be, once he’s on his feet enough after his wife’s death to take care of her again properly. He’s trying to find a balance between burdening Therien with too much of his past, and keeping secrets from her. He wants to let her find herself, whether that means following in his footsteps or not, but he’s worried about her safety. He’s also very bound by responsibility to his work, to Tarnuvin. It’s probably subconscious, but another of his goals is the penance he thinks he deserves: for outliving people he loved, for imagined failures. Some part of him is looking for answers, wondering if there was some purpose behind everything that happened.
more images below the cut lol
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im so so normal about this depressed middle aged man im never going to shut up about him ever. i wish he was my father
tag list: @robin-the-blind-sniper-rifle @just-emis-blog @leahnardo-da-veggie @honeybewrites
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AOT headcanons part 2
We’re doing more random Attack on Titan headcanons to go along with my first post. Most of them are still in a modern age btw
It’s been like 3 months I’m sorry y’all 💀
Includes: Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Marco, and Historia + Ymir
Reiner 100% give his friends noogies. He’s known as the big brother type too and it just kinda comes naturally to him. He doesn’t do it for any specific reason he just does it randomly. The only time he really does them is just to show that he’s happy for someone and it’s a urge he has to give into
Sticking with the big brother thing. Reiner definitely slaps the back of Connie’s head simply because he’s bald. In Reiner’s defense look at Connie and tell me you wouldn’t slap his head isn’t slappable. Like I just want to pop it and that’s how Reiner feels as well.
Reiner sings randomly. I feel like if he honestly got bored and had nothing to do he would start singing the most random as lyrics. Like it can be any song that’s on the top of his head. If he doesn’t have a song he’ll just start make up a song as he looks around
He drinks from the milk jug. I have no reason behind this only that Reiner seems like the type to and simply does it just because he can
He is a big horror fan. He probably loves the classics like Jason, Freddie Krueger, and Cujo. At the same time he doesn’t min the newer horror movies but he just feels like he’s gone back in time when watching the older ones.
I feel like he’s a big animal lover. After all, Bertholdt may be big but he’s a gentle giant. Dogs are probably one of his favorite animals especially Great Danes because they are gentle giants like he is
He works as a librarian. He seems like the type to work in a quiet and peaceful space because it’s not a taxing job and all he really does is organize books all day or I see him as a yoga teacher because of those poses he makes when he sleeps.
He did dance when he was younger. That’s my only reason on behind why he was so flexible when he sleeps. Ballet specifically. Like have you seen those ballerinas and how flexible they are. I’ve done ballet before and trust me the flexible is long lasting so after Bertholdt stopped he just remain flexible as a rubber band.
I feel like he cooks in his off time. Like he keeps him at piece and it’s easy. Bertholdt probably has anxiety over new things so it’s for him because all he has to do it follow a recipe with cooking. Because of him cooking all the time he is probably a amazing cook
He puts out food and water out for all the stray dogs and cats. Like Bertholdt’s house is probably a literal safe haven for all strays. Bertholdt tries his hardest to try and find them all good homes and so far he’s been successful but there’s still more animals to help
It’s known that Annie like sweets so I feel like her favorite drink to sip is hot chocolate. She drinks it a lot more during the colder months to have something that can warm her up
HEAR ME OUT BUT ANNIE AS A PROFESSIONAL BOXER. She would literally be so good and win tons of championships. Like as soon as her opponent gets word of them fighting her they usually drop out because they are terrified of Annie.
I feel like she goes to the gym 24/7. If she’s stressed she goes to the gym. Needs to think? Goes to the gym. Bored? She’s going to the gym. That’s the reason behind her being so muscular and just JDBSKJXJS in general. Yes I am Annie simp
If Annie were to ever have pets I feel like she would have tons of reptiles. She seems like the type to have tons of snakes and lizards mostly. She walks around in her house with them just hanging on her. It’s normal to see her walking around her house with a Bearded dragon on her shoulder and a python curled on the other and is sitting on her head.
She paints her nails every so often just to feel feminine. They are never any drastic colors like a neon pink or bright green. She prefers softer colors like maybe baby blue and light lavender. Sometimes she’ll be different and paint them in a pattern just to be different
Because of his freckles, I feel like Marco has mistaken one as something that was on his face only to figure out it was one of his freckles and felt stupid afterward 
I feel like Marco has small scars all over his body. Like he’s a clumsy person but most of them stemmed back from when he was a kid. Back then he was way more clumsy then he is now and it was normal for him to have bandaids in several places at a time.
I can’t imagine Marco holding his alcohol very well and he isn’t bad when drunk he’s just extremely cuddly. Like you have to watch him because he just wants to hug about everyone simply because he thinks everyone deserves a hug.
This mf is terrified of spiders. If you ever see one of those baby spiders crawling on him don’t say anything or Marco will actually flip. There have been several occurrences where Marco is in a chair or on top of a table because there’s a big ass spider on the floor
If he were to ever have a job I feel like he would be a florist that decorates peoples backyard and weddings. I don’t know how to explain it but he simply seems like he would be so great at it. Like you have a ugly ass backyard hire Marco and he will bring you to tears at the beauty of what he’s done
Historia +Ymir
(I can’t see them apart so they are together)
Historia likes forcing Ymir to go on cute dates she saw on the internet. Of course Ymir called them dumb and didn’t like going on them so after some negotiating they go on one once a week. Ymir says there still dumb but Historia can tell she’s enjoying them.
When they lay in bed together Historia will deny it but she hogs the covers and snores extremely loud like Ymir got really confused when she first realized it was Historia. Ymir isn’t any better because she talks in her sleep constantly
They have been caught making out numerous of time. Ymir can literally give to shits about what anyone says while Historia gets all panicked about them getting caught.
Your can’t tell me they wouldn’t go to a pride parade together. Of course it was pride month and it was Historia’s idea to go to the pride parade. You can bet Historia’s dressed herself in complete rainbows. Ymir was not as flashy but wore rainbow bracelets.
Honestly Historia probably has a strict skin routine and Ymir makes fun of her for it but once Historia did it for her and she’s been obsessed since. She loves how soft her face felt after Historia massaged essential oils into it. They now both do skin routines together
I might do a part 3 and then that’s probably gonna be it 👩🏽‍🦯
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baxterbella24 · 1 year
My Favorite Daemyra Fanfics
Here's an updated* and better curated list of my (very personal) favorite Daemyra fics, WIPs and finished, in no particular order. I offer a few words on each on them, mostly my own opinions and impressions, please click on them if you want a proper synopsis. Other than 100% finished stories, I tried to stick to fics that either stand on their own despite having room to continue, or are frequently or regularly updated, so there's less chances you get invested in something that might never get a proper ending.
I'll welcome and thank any recs too, ofc, I'm always eager to read new material and depictions of them, especially (almost exclusively, in fact) modern AUs. I'm open to different family dynamics as well, especially siblings, biological or otherwise (I include two great ones here, btw). Currently, I'm leaning toward more mature stories, with a Rhaenyra facing adult conflicts rather than just age gap PWP with feelings. I'm still a smut enjoyer though, don't get me wrong, lmao.
Well, nothing more to add for now, so... here we go!
Back, Baby by velvetwoman: Modern AU. Heart-wrenching, but beautiful one-shot. It's kinda finished, the ending is really bittersweet, but author promised a follow-up that hasn't come out, though I refuse to lose hope just yet (I just need to believe, please let me be). It features underage sex, so be warned.
entropy by firecollide: Modern AU. WIP. Musical references, especially Arctic Monkeys. Starts as a texting fic, and turns into a Daemon/Rhaenyra POV multichapter piece. They get together/fall in love quite fast, although it gets quite angsty at a point and remains like that. I only recommend if you're patient and want more than just fluff and smut, character growth specifically. Best Daemon depiction for me, complicated and heartbreaking, because I do relate to Rhaenyra a lot as well.
Ānogar Hūra by sweetestsorrows (katschako): Modern Mafia AU. Finished. Succession, violence, murder, betrayal, lots and lots and lots of smut. I particularly love how their relationship develops from them getting off on fighting and exasperating one another to them falling in love but keeping that feisty and explosive dynamic in bed. Daemon is a very strong dom in this, though deep down he's a very caring and considerate partner.
Our Violent Ends by grandlovescheme: Vampire AU. Finished. Also modern. Or kind of. The starting point is in canon timeline, but the story stretches across space and time because, of course, our two favs are not exactly mortal anymore. Enemies to lovers trope, and as we all know, those are the type of stories in which the smut is the hottest and most satisfying you could ever hope for. I also strongly recommend all of this author's works, she's very talented and will be appearing again in this list.
Passion driven by ginvael: Modern AU. Finished. This is a really fun fic that involves cheating, a "has his cake and eats it too" version of Daemon that's infuriating and sort of endearing at the same time. Mysaria is a really cool character in this, I personally missed an insight on how her character ended, but the lack of it doesn't really take anything away from the story as a whole, so no biggie.
High Hopes by grandlovescheme: Modern AU. Finished. I'm not quite sure, but I think this is the fic that started a sort of subgenre of Daemyra fics with the "Rhaenyra runs away from home for x reason and finds shelter in her estranged uncle's home" trope. Both characters have their issues and are both beautifully written from beginning to end. It's a very slow burn, but it sure pays off, so your patience will be rewarded.
a safe space / a warm hug by themilkteeth: Modern AU. Finished. Sugar daddy story, but with a different daddy (Daemyra endgame tho, don't get confused). I love how things are described in this, the colors, atmosphere, smells, tastes. Just a one-shot, but it honestly feels like more than that in the end.
If I Could, I'd Get You the Moon by grandlovescheme: Modern AU. Finished. Daemyra are siblings and I've never imagined I'd be into this the way I am, but here we are. The push and pull between these two is "deliriously" fabulous, the smut is hot af, and the way the characters act feels so frustratingly real it hurts me and gives me life at the same time. I'm in love with Rhaenyra in this one, she's not only the gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss we all know and love, she's also unapologetically kinky in such a pure and wholesome way, it's truly fascinating. She's everything, really. Also, Baelon and Alyssa couple goals.
Bad Vibes by sweetestsorrows (katschako): Modern AU. Finished. Twins at college. From the amazing author of Ānogar Hūra, filled with angst, guilt, passion, jealousy and all those equally beautiful and nasty feelings. Another one-shot that feels much more than that and could totally have a follow-up, in my humble opinion.
Violet-Eyed Jealousy by ginvael: Canon Divergence AU. Finished. A pretty interesting premise, with low honor Daemyra going for it despite knowingly hurting Daemon's OC son's feelings. Very twisted and with a bittersweet, partly tragic ending, but definitely worth the time.
Dream a Little Dream of Me by sweetestsorrows (katschako): Incubus AU. Finished. Similar to Vampire AU in that both fics start in canon timeline (this one follows book canon to a T). Daemon is doomed to live for all eternity, never able to find peace until he finds Rhaenyra again to try to make things up to her after all that went down in the war and their tragic canon endings. It's a fascinating story, haunting, emotional and beautiful.
*Jan 3rd, 2024.
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mguvmii · 2 years
(I did a little error in my request-)
Can you do headcanons of Mitsuba, Kou, Akane (male), and Sumire (Hopefully I’m not asking for too much characters-) have a S/O who is like Kanao from demon slayer.
(I hope you’re having a wonderful day ^-^)
Hello welcome to my page 🤩 hope you enjoy this piece. I love Kanao her character development is so nice ^^ have a wonderful day! Lots of love from Beth ♡!
Mitsuba , Kou , Akane(boy) & Sumire with an S/o like Kanao from Demon Slayer
Warnings ; none (?) , New character mention
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    𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  mitsuba Sousuke ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
• The first time yall met , he made fun of you 💀
• " Why dont you talk? Are you a mute or something? Its because you're standing in front of such a cute apparition huh?"
• he'll get used to this behavior eventually, but he always pokes and makes comments in hopes youll talk to him.
• oddly enough, hes adapted to your quiet and calm nature. He finds it comforting even if you dont talk back. Dont worry he'll talk for you !
• the first time he sees you flip a coin , hes curious and weirded out. Who flips a coin to decide something??
• he'll ask you about it a lot.
• eventually he falls in love with you and now he's extra curious about what you sound like. He's also more shy but clingy.
• He'll constantly ask you about the coin and hug you
• You DO reveal your voice eventually! When Mitsuba heard it the first time he was shocked. Your voice was so soft and gentle! He loved it though he'd never tell you.
• he tries to compliment you , but it always comes out as an insult. Thank god you understand him and can decipher what hes saying.
• what he didnt know was how strong of a fighter you were! The first time you met Hanako, you floored him 💀 it was just because you thought he was a threat to Mitsuba. You're like his protecter.
• Mitsuba was kind of afraid to anger you now 😪 but he was also impressed. He was proud but didnt say it you could just tell.
• if you have Kanao's eye color, he'll like looking at them. They're just so pretty and calming.
• sometimes he'll snatch your coin and hide it so you'd play scavenger hunt. It makes Mitsuba chuckle.
• basically , Mitsuba thinks youre precious and admires you a lot. He'll tey his best to look after you from Tsukasa you're his precious s/o.
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    𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  Kou Minamoto ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
- he finds you cute! Blushes a lot just because you look so sweet and gentle.
- your eyes (if you have Kanao's eye color) are his favorite thing to look at. He feels warm inside every time. Your gentleness radiates through you.
- he also doesn't mind your quietness and won't push you to talk. He'll be glad to hold the conversation for you. If other people talk to you , he'll be there to talk for you.
- he'll be extra protective over you... mostly from Hanako. The ghost is just too handsy and nobody is gonna touch Kou's s/o like that.
- when he sees you flip a coin to decide something , he'll find it unique. He'll also encourage you to think for yourself it's okay! Very gentle about it.
- Kou was as red as a tomato the first time he heard ypu speak. It was just too precious. He'll ask you to talk again just to hear you.
- affection and skinship? He'll do it, but he'll be shy about it. He loves to hold your hand or sleeve though. He'll also link pinkies with you. He'll give you hugs. If you give HIM a hug? He'll get flustered.
- the first time he saw you fight was when Teru tried to exorcise Hanako and injured Kou in the process. You didnt hesitate to go up against him. You moved so quick it was difficult to see clearly. It ended with Teru pinned to thr ground.
- Kou was in awe at your strength. He felt so proud, yet slightly guilty because his s/o beat up his brother.
- even though you can take care of yourself , Kou has already decided to be your protecter wherever you go. He's q good boyfriend.
- overall , he'll do anything to keep you safe , he loves you so much you're his beloved s/o. He's very loyal and caring.
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    𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  Aoi Akane ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
- you're precious to him period. He finds you so cute and gentle.
- he wouldn't mind you not talking , though he's sad that you're not saying anything.
- blushy boy. He's always blushing around you and being shy. You're just too cute.
- simp. He'll simp for you a lot! Need something? He'll go get it. Want someone to carry your bag? He's on it. This boy will go beyond for you.
- constantly asking you out. Like with Aoi, he'll ask you to date and marry him 😪
- you never respond and instead smile warmly. It makes him even more determined to get a verbal response from you.
- he'll leave small things on your desk in hopes of winning you over, like snacks! He notices how you love butterflies so expect butterfly accessories!
- the first time he saw you flip a coin was when he asked you out again. He was very curious as to why you do it.
- he asks about it. You don't respond but he's smart enough to figure out that's how you decide things. It makes him love you even more.
- whne you FINALLY say yes to his constant courting , he cries 😭 like happy tears. He'll also simp over your voice. It's so sweet and gentle and kind! Please talk to him some more he loves your voice!
- protective x10 . Ain't no way someone like Hanako is coming near you , or Teru. He has nothing against Teru , but he doesn't want you falling for the prince.
- he'll constantly be touching you. This includes holding pinkies , holding hands , grabbing you sleeve , wrist shoulder. He's just a touchy person.
- if someone dares bully you for your quietness and coin flipping? He'll fight them. Square up right now.
- better yet , there was one time that someone made fun of Akane and you pretty much demolished that person 💀 got in trouble for physical fighting but it was worth it.
- Akane fell even more in love if that was possible 😭
- overall , he'll be the number one boyfriend! Lots or cuddles , clingyness , sweet flirting and gift giving. He's also your protecter.
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- another person that's kind. She'll think you're the best thing that's happened to her. She'll constantly hug you she judt can't get enough.
- head pats. I head canon she has 'cute aggression' where sometimes your cuteness is too much for her that she's a little too smothering. Hugs you too tight 😭 kisses your face A LOT . Please she's precious.
- your gentle and kind aura is addicting to her. She'll always be with you because you just have that warm aura she loves. It makes her happy.
- the first time she sees you flip a coin, she understands. she may not know the backstory , but she understands not being able to decide.
- She'll paint it for you! Or she'll buy a beautiful coin to replace yours. Only the best for you.
- she desperately wishes to hear your voice :( it makes her sad when you don't.
- When you do she blushes and her heart melts. Cue the cute aggression again TT talk to her a lot she'll love it.
- when you show her you can fight , she'll be in awe. She'll fall more in love with you! She'll lrt you protect her from anything and everything.
- you have a strong mind and spirit , one that she admires. Number six? Nah she'll marry you 😪 that's guaranteed.
- you're the best thing that's happened to her. She'll gift you butterfly accessories. Sometimes she'll capture REAL butterflies for you! The prettiest ones!
- Calls you her butterfly
- overall, she's perfect for you and vice versa.
A/n; hi! I hope you enjoyed this! I wrote this on the plane ride to my trip lol it was pretty long for two hours. Then again we packed a lot so we're slower 😥 its okay though have a good day!!
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gtraccoon · 1 year
part 7
“It’ll be fine.” That was the first thing Stan woke up to that morning, the same, and one of the only voices he had since he randomly shrunk a few days ago. Now, after a while of having it easy, he had to go to school. Mostly because Kyle didn’t want to leave him alone, but also because he didn’t want to be alone, and Kyle had to go.
Stan reluctantly pulled his coat on, already feeling regret for even waking up.
“I don’t know.” He replied nonchalantly. He was trying to not show how worried he was, because he just didn’t want to deal with that now. He ran his fingers through his hair, it felt dry, but soft at the same time. He sank into the bed, digging his fingers into his coat sleeve. “I’m worried, dude.”
“I’ve told you this. Anyone tries to touch you, I’ll beat their ass.” Kyle tugged his hat on. Sometimes Stan wondered how he fit all that fiery red hair in that hat, it seemed like magic—or maybe just a lot of force. Kyle grabbed his backpack in one hand, offering the other to Stan, who quickly stood up and hopped on. He would never get used to standing on such an uneven surface, it was like walking on a soft mattress. He knelt down, only standing up again to get in Kyle’s shirt pocket. It was a sort of velvet texture on the inside, which managed to keep him warm for the most part.
He felt Kyle move around as he adjusted his backpack, the straps always came loose for some reason. Stan pressed himself against his chest, breathing softly. He could feel the boy’s heart beating, and it was almost comforting. The way he could feel every movement, because it was scaled so far up.
The bitter cold air hit Kyle like a brick. He felt a stab of regret every few seconds when he remembered exactly what he was doing—he would have to hide Stan. A lot of thoughts ran through his head. What if someone asked where Stan was? What if someone ran into him? What if someone tripped him?
He cupped his hand over his chest pocket, feeling his tiny friend move around. He felt so weary of him, he knew if he messed up Stan could be really hurt. He adjusted the strap of his backpack to tighten it, glancing around. He really couldn’t take any chances with anyone. Just stay quiet, direct attention away from himself.
As soon as he walked inside the school, he felt all eyes on him. Everyone was whispering to each other, some laughed, some glanced away when he glared back at them. He shoved his hands in his pockets, clenching his fists slightly. Ignore them. Ignore them. Ignore-
“Kyle?” He immediately stopped in his tracks, almost running into her. Heidi’s light eyes stared up at him with upmost confusion. “Are you okay?” She said, softly pressing her hand against his wrist. He pulled away.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just some stuff Cartman’s saying.” She explained. Suddenly his heart sank. That bitch. He walked around her, not responding to her calls. The sound of the people around him was completely drowned out by his own premonitions. This was absolutely going to end horribly. He ran it through in his head a few times.
“If anyone tries to touch you, I’ll beat their ass.”
He was going to stand by that. He had a short temper, he always has, but now even it seems worse. Like everything is pissing him off. He felt anger rising in his chest, lowering his eyes. He needed a reason. Turning to the right, he pressed himself up against a locker and pulled out a piece of paper, scribbling something down, before shoving it in his pocket, the same pocket that Stan was in. He kept the top ajar so that Stan could read with the slight amount of light filtering through the top.
Glancing down the hallway, Cartman came into view, his bright colored jacket immediately catching Kyle’s attention. And not in a good way.
“Hey, fatass! What the hell are you saying?” He yelled, closing the top to his pocket as he walked towards Cartman.
“Telling people the truth. This is why Jews are bad, guys. Always hiding something, right, Kyle?” Cartman laughed, a malicious grin showing on his face. Kyle felt his heart race.
“Not right. I’m not hiding shit.” He stood up straighter. He was a little bit taller than Cartman, which made it easy to intimidate him, since he was kind of sensitive. But he was just actually pissed. “Say one more thing, and I’ll smash your fucking head in.” He wasn’t bluffing, but Cartman’s expression didn’t waver. He felt a light pressure on his chest, looking down and seeing Cartman’s arm pressed up against his chest.
“I know where you’re hiding him.” Within a second, he grabbed onto Cartman’s jacket.
“Fuck off!” He screamed, letting go and shoving him. He fell on his ass, but Kyle was too pissed off to laugh. He wasn’t about to beat Cartman up. He couldn’t. Well, he could, physically and mentally, but he was just worried about Stan. Suddenly, and randomly, an idea came over him.
“I know where you’re hiding him.” Cartman’s words played over in his head like a broken record.
But what if you didn’t? In one swift movement, he slipped his backpack off,grabbed Stan out of his pocket and shoved him into the pocket, not even having time to explain. The paper flowed lightly to the ground, light as a feather, but the words on it were heavy. He turned back to the group of kids circling around and staring at him with those judgmental eyes.
Cartman’s gonna fucking die.
maybe i just wanna write a fight scene guys……. 😎 maybe…. part 8’s gonna get a BIT physical!! !!
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 6.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: As a thank you, Hank takes Kazuha out for dinner.
Warnings: Mentions of a shooting, blood.
Wordcount: 1.7k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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Hank Voight has given me quite the compliments and let’s be honest: I do look smashing. But it’s different when I hear it from him. No one’s compliments made my palms sweaty, my heart rate accelerate to a point where it probably isn’t healthy anymore and caused a smile on my face that is almost plastered on my lips for the entirety of the night.
It had been lovely and amazing, the time we spend together. Great food, lovely conversations and the initial awkwardness we tend to have between us, slowly fades and despite him not opening up a whole lot, I do feel like we’ve grown closer during the night.
There is part of me wishing this night would never stop, not even when we are taking a little walk after dinner. I’m barely outside during this time in this part of Chicago, but with my arm hooked through Hank’s, I want this moment to last forever. 
I place my cheek against his strong upper arm.
‘I love walking around at night,’ I say. ’I barely do it, but now that I have the Hank Voight walking next to me, I can see myself growing accustomed to it.’
He chuckles, before he places his calloused hand on mine. ‘Your hand is cold,’ he notes. ‘Are you?’
‘A little.’
He shrugs out of his leather jacket and places it over my shoulders, as he helps me in it.
‘Thank you,’ I say with a smile. Our eyes lock and I bite my bottom lip, thinking about all the possibilities. While I’m not really the type of girl who takes the first step—hence the reason I’ve been single for way too long—part of me wants to kiss him. I can’t be the only one who feels it.
Who feels this uncanny connection.
I rub my hands together, but Hank wouldn’t be a sergeant at the Chicago PD if he didn’t take notice of it. His protective hands hold mine and he smiles as he tries to warm me. 
My heart rate is out of this world and my entire skin starts to tingle. A simple touch shouldn’t have this effect on me, yet here I am: nearly passing out because he holds my hands.
When I’m close to getting lost in his eyes, we hear a deafening scream and it snaps us both out of the trance we were so enthralled by. 
I can see he’s torn between responding, but also minding the fact he is here with me. But thankfully my instinct kicks back in, like I always was on the ready back when I was in the navy. ‘Come on.’
Josie had a point when she once said I am better in heels than in flats. Running towards the screaming, not once do my ankles give up on me. We find a mother is crying as she’s crouched down next to her daughter. 
‘Ma’am,’ Hank says, ‘I’m sergeant Hank Voight of the police. I can help your daughter, alright?’
She nods, while I grab my phone and dial 911. I sit next to the woman and I watch Hank inspecting the wound. The little girl gasps for air and from underneath the leather jacket, I take off the lilac cardigan. I hand it to Hank. ‘Use this,’ I tell him, before there is finally a 911 operator on the other side of the line.
Her mother hiccups as she manages to choke out: ‘I don’t know what happened. Suddenly she was down, difficulty breathing.’
I lower my voice as I tell the 911 operator the girl is possibly hit by a stray bullet. She can’t be more than six years old, poor kid. 
‘What’s her name?’ Hank asks the mother, as he presses my lilac cardigan against the wound and I see its color turning more and more red.
‘Macie,’ she says.
 I hear the 911 operator tell me that help is on the way and almost on cue, I hear sirens somewhere in the distance. 
‘Macie,’ Hank says, ‘just keep breathing, okay?’
She nods a little.
It all happens so fast by the time the paramedics are here and I continue to hold up Macie’s mother, who has been crying uncontrollably and rightly so. While the girl is still conscious and the blood has mostly stopped, if the bullet even moves so much like a thousandth of an inch, it’s trouble.
‘Can you come?’ the woman asks me and before I can even answer that, Hank already answered for me.
As the mother gets in the ambo, Hank leans over to my ear. ‘I’ll call you later,’ he says. ‘I’m going to secure the scene.’
‘I’ll keep you updated,’ I say, as he helps me in the ambulance. 
And then the doors close. 
As Rita, Macie’s mother, and I are waiting, I decided we both needed some coffee, as it’s going to be a long night. Macie’s in surgery and I think it can take a while.
I hand her the cup with cheap coffee that is even lower than below average, compared to what we sell at the cafe, but for now it’ll do.
‘Macie and I were just taking a stroll,’ she finally says. I didn’t know whether or not Rita wanted to talk. ‘I don’t remember hearing a gun go off.’
‘It might’ve been a stray bullet,’ I say.
‘That’s truly a thing?’
I nod. ‘I was part of the navy,’ I say, ‘and I heard tons of those stories and even saw it in reality.’
She sighs. ‘Why her?’
I don’t really know how to answer that question, because there is only one answer I want to tell her (and that is that she doesn’t deserve it and that it’s unfair), but that’s not an answer you want to hear now. I decide not to answer it, because wrong place wrong time seems out of the question too.
Besides, she wasn’t at the wrong place, wrong time. She was exactly where she needed to be, but the person who fired that bullet, they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
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One day flowed into another and thankfully Macie’s out of surgery and by the time she woke up and came to the realization of what happened, it showed me clearly how easy this kid bounced back. She’s smiling and happy to be alive.
I think we all can learn something from little Macie.
‘Hello hello,’ I say as I walk in the room. 
Macie’s sitting up and smiles when she sees me. ‘Hi Zuha,’ she says.
‘I brought you some apple juice and your mom some coffee.’
‘Thank you,’ Rita says with a smile and I hand them both their respective drinks.
‘What were you doing?’ I ask Macie, as I sit on the chair next to her bed. 
‘I was making a drawing for the man who saved my life.’ She looks at me and smiles, revealing the fact she’s missing a front tooth. ‘Your friend, Hank.’
My heart swells. ‘Oh, you are so sweet,’ I say. ‘I bet he will like it.’
She looks up at me and asks: ‘Do they know who did it?’
For a six year old, I find her awfully bright, but maybe that’s just because the last six year old I encountered, when I was one myself. ‘Not yet, but I bet they will find out soon.’
Trudy buzzed me upstairs and because she knows I’m better than to nose around in everyone’s stuff, I wait in Hank’s office, as I look at the drawing Macie made for him. It’s definitely a drawing a kindergartner would make, but I can actually see that she chose some interesting characteristics to draw the people. In the back she drew herself and her mother, easily recognizable, while in the front she drew Hank, with me standing next to him, in a blue dress, matching Hank’s outfit.
She was working so diligently on it. I promised her to give it to Hank and that I will bring him with me the next time I visit.
I hear voices and I stand up from the couch in Hank’s office. I see some of the unit and I wave at Hailey, who smiles. Someone I don’t recognize walks in as well, but even from a distance I can already say with certainty I’m not too keen on him. I decide to give them some privacy and close the door a little. 
However I do continue on to watch and I want to wave at Hank when he enters, but he has a figurative thunder storm roaring above his head, so I decide to hold back the wave and smile. 
I don’t quite know what is happening, but after a nasty exchange of words, I yelp when Hank punches the other guy in the face, who clutches his nose and collapses on the floor. 
It’s like no one cares, because Hank storms into his own office, slamming the door behind him. I swallow the ‘Was that really necessary?’-question.
‘I’m not going to ask if you’re okay,’ I say, as I walk behind him. He plops on his chair. ‘But, I do have a little something for you that will make you feel better.’
‘I highly doubt it.’
I sit on his desk, handing him the drawing Marcie made for him. ‘Here you go.’
He takes the drawing from me and looks at it intently. He starts blinking his eyes, before he subconsciously places his hand on my leg that is dangling next to his seat. Hank clears his throat. ‘That’s sweet,’ he manages to say.
‘And she would really like it if you came to visit her. I’m not allowed to visit her unless I bring you with me.’
He nods. ‘I’ll go with you tomorrow.’
‘Do you want to talk about the case, Hank?’
Hank shakes his head. ‘Thank you for coming down here.’
I smile. ‘Of course,’ I say. ‘Just… If you ever need someone to vent to or just want someone around, you can always call me, okay?’
’I’ll keep it in mind.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
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Please please please follow up with the coffee / corset date.
(For you, anon, and for @theycallme-thejackal)
When Lenny hops out of the cab a few days later, he finds Midge already on the sidewalk, waiting for him. She looks beautiful, in a sturdy plum colored coat, but her expression is worried.
"I thought I was meeting you upstairs," Lenny comments as he steps up to her. He shivers a little. It's exceptionally cold today, and his trench coat is not quite helping to keep him as warm as he'd like. "Facing the gauntlet, and all of that."
"I wanted to head you off at the pass," Midge tells him, looking sheepish. "I was a lot drunker than I meant to be the other night, and I feel a little like a bullied you into this."
He grins at her gently. "I don't want an out, Midge. I asked you to dinner because I wanted to."
Her look turns hopeful. "I was just worried that maybe you did it to stop me from embarrassing you in front of more pretty waitresses."
"I was not embarrassed," he reminds her, leaning in. "She was, but not me. I laughed, or did you forget that?"
"Like I said: A lot drunker than I meant to be."
"Well, now that you've properly sobered up and nursed your hangover over the last couple of days, how about some of that wanton soup you've been dreaming about?" he offers.
She smiles and nods.
There's this Chinese place he loves that he doesn't go to often because he's not often in Chinatown. It always smells inviting, the ambiance is homey, and they have the best soup he's ever had.
They're led to a table, and Lenny helps Midge out of her coat. Her dress is a paler purple, and as the coat slips down her arms, he brushes his thumb against the skin inside her elbow.
She glances at him, but neither comment on it, deciding instead to sit down and look at their menus as tea is settled at their table.
"This place is nice," Midge comments. "And it smells incredible."
"It's tough to get over this way sometimes," Lenny tells hers. "But I thought today would be a great time to stop him."
She smiles and glances back down at her menu, reading it over, and so does he, even though he's ready it before and generally winds up getting the same thing. He's mostly trying to distract himself from his date.
He has no idea what it is about this woman that makes him want to fling himself at her feet and beg her to take pity on him in however she'd like to do that. It's just the way things are.
He tries to make conversation about the food on the menu, pointing out dishes he's had; his favorites. Things he's tried for the sake of making his friends a little ill. She laughs at that, admitting she used to do the same to Joel.
"I kind of enjoyed the squid in black bean sauce," she confesses.
"They have it here," he tells her. "If you wanted it."
"Not grossed out?" Midge asks, smirking at him.
"I'll try anything once," he grins back.
They order their soups and a couple of entrees, and as they wait, Midge smiles at him, her hands settling in her lap. "So? How are you?"
Lenny shrugs. "Not bad. Staying out of trouble, mostly."
"Taking a break for the holidays," he tells her. "I'm headed to California for New Years to spend it with my kid."
Midge beams at him. "That sounds like fun. She'll be thrilled."
"Yeah. I miss her."
"I can't imagine how hard it is to be away from her so much," she says.
He nods, looking down at his menu. "It is hard. I'm hoping this coming year I'll be there for her more. Stop being such a fucking deadbeat."
"She knows you love her," Midge assures him. "Kids know."
Lenny grins at her gratefully as their soup is set down, and they start eating.
"Mmm," Midge slumps back a little after taking a taste.
"Hits the spot?" Lenny asks.
She nods. "And how."
"Good." He finds himself watching her lips as she eats.
"Something in my teeth?" she asks, grinning knowingly.
He takes a breath and grins. "Yes, you're terrible about food and teeth," he teases. "Every time."
She laughs, and keeps eating. "So how long are you going to be in California?"
"Three weeks of sun and sand and misery," he responds.
"Sounds just awful," Midge grins.
Lenny shrugs. "It'll be a nice time. Mostly. I mean again. It's California, and my mother will be there. So there are downsides."
"Well, if things get to be too much, you can always call me," she offers. "If you need someone to talk to."
"Yeah?" he asks, lifting an eyebrow. "I'm allowed to call you and bitch about my overbearing mother who keeps bothering me about putting my kind into beauty pageants?"
Midge shudders. "Ugh. Pageants. All that fake smiling. All that makeup on very small children. But yes, you can call me. For whatever."
He nods slowly, thinking that over. "Thanks."
She smiles.
Lenny finishes his soup and sets his spoon down, gazing at her. "I really like you, Midge."
She gazes at him, her spoon still in her hand.
"But I'm not terribly good at dating or relationships," he confesses. "I think perhaps I used to be. But currently I am absolutely awful at it. You weren't terribly far off the other night with what you said to that waitress...I am not really boyfriend material."
Midge thinks about that for a long moment, setting her spoon down, leaning in, gazing at him still. "Then it's a good thing I really like you too. And I wouldn't mind telling you when you're being an asshole boyfriend when you are. But I bet you're better at it than you think you are."
"Oh, yeah?"
"You showed up on time," she points out. "And you took me to a very nice place for dinner. You're paying, right?"
"That's the plan unless I get robbed blind by the guy staring daggers into the side of my head on my left," Lenny jokes.
Midge frowns and blinks, glancing over, and freezes.
"What?" he asks, frowning.
Midge can't help a soft laugh. "That uh...that's my ex."
Lenny blinks and looks over without even trying to be subtle about it. "Wait, really?"
"Yep. That's Joel."
"Wasn't he the drunk asshole who Susie argued with during your set at the Gaslight that one time?" Lenny asks.
Midge blinks. "What?"
"Yeah, he was a fucking mess," he tells her. "They argued, and he got thrown out."
"Well, he'd just found out I was airing all of our dirty laundry for laughs and a meager fee," Midge shrugs. "I guess it's hard to blame him."
Lenny chuckles. "You wanna go say hello?"
"Not even a little," Midge smirks. "As I was saying, you're better boyfriend material than you think you are. You're on a roll tonight, at least."
"Good to know," Lenny chuckles. "You sure you don't wanna put that guy out of his misery?"
"I'm on a date," Midge reminds him. "Aren't you?"
"Well, yes."
"Then I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to keep having a good time."
"And if he comes over here?"
"Then we can say hello, but considering how much he loves your comedy, I'm pretty sure he's not going to."
"Fair enough." He pauses. "Wait. He likes my comedy."
"A lot."
"How much?"
"He took me to see one of your strip club shows when I was in college."
Lenny laughs. "So he left you for his secretary and you fucked his comedy hero."
Midge blinks rapidly, thinking that over. "Shit."
Lenny can't stop laughing, doing his best to keep it from getting too loud, and Midge joins him, putting her face in her hands.
"Not on purpose!" she cries. "It just happened!"
"Three times, if I recall correctly," Lenny says, still chuckling.
Midge smiles, flushing a little when her hands lower from her face. "It was a nice night."
He nods, gazing at her. "One I hope to repeat at some point. If you're amenable."
She takes a breath and nods. "I had sort of...hoped that we would the night of Carnegie Hall. But I ruined that."
"You didn't ruin anything," he says gently. "You just needed a verbal shove to get your head out of your ass."
"Yes, I did," she agrees. "Thank you for that. Thanks to that lecture, and an extra shove from Susie, I have an audition after the new year for Gordon Ford's house comic."
Lenny smiles slowly. "You're gonna kill."
"I hope."
"You are. I believe in you."
She gazes at him, something like adoration in her eyes. "Thank you."
"And you should call me. Let me know how it goes," he says. "I'll leave you the California number."
"A dangerous move. I might get drunk again and call in the middle of the night and be far too honest again," Midge jokes.
"I should be so lucky," he says.
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regret-breathing · 6 months
she lives on a farm with her sheep, her chickens, her goats, and a number of other creatures. she keeps pet rodents and spiders in terrariums. in the two story house there are multiple rooms of just her taxidermy collection, almost all her own work. she wears her hair long, her wide, haughty features complimenting her playful eyes and beautiful skin perfectly. shes like a queen, or a witch. but shes a macrobiologist. she doesnt live anywhere near me. i want to wrap her in what little warmth i have and learn how she takes her eggs. i want to learn to live with her five dogs, or rather, learn how much benadryl i can take before i get too loopy to love her how she deserves. she’s always warm, even though she texts like she’s ten years older than she is. i’ve only heard her voice one time. i want to listen to it for at least six hours daily. i don’t know what it is about her that hit me like a truck but now i’m just happy to be roadkill.
i’m awkward over text, especially with people i can’t help but love. she’s hard to talk to because i get too in my head. i feel like she’s going to slip away before i get to tell her how much she means to me. we’ve known each other less than three months but i want to cook at least 400 meals for her. i wish it were acceptable to tell someone that. to tell someone you only met recently that you think you could spend forever learning new ways to make her smile. her house sounds like heaven. i don’t normally like dogs. but for her? five sounds doable.
she says when she dreams she has wings most of the time. when i asked what her wings were like she told me, black and bright blue almost like a blue jay, but with color placement like an owl’s. my knees buckled a bit and i could hardly breathe for a second. she loves dragons, draws them all the time. i save every picture of a doodle she sends me. but still her wings have feathers. she says she dreams so vividly that she can feel the breeze in every one of them as she catches the wind. i don’t know how to tell her that’s what it feels like when she tells me something new about her.
she painted a door in her house, blue mostly with strips of colors in every hue. when i told her it looked like the bark of my favorite tree and showed her some pictures, i couldn’t believe my luck. i cant help but picture seeing that door every day and thinking of that little bit of serendipity.
she says not to get too attached to the ram. i’ve never seen him in person but i don’t think i can keep to that. he’s so sweet, and soft, and named like my best friends brother. sometimes, she says, he tries to escape the pen, and she has to wrangle him and sit on him. she’s stronger than people think, she says. i can’t imagine underestimating her. i think if i was honest with her about myself, about everything inside me, she might not get scared off. she talks like there’s a lot she doesn’t tell everyone also. she talks like she would understand. but still im scared to tell her i feel so strongly for her so soon. if i miss my chance i might regret it forever. but i keep seeing posts with that quote, don’t die not knowing, and thats starting to scare me more than losing her.
i think i need to wait a little longer. to wait until her car is fixed and we can see each other for real. i want to make her something, but i don’t have any blue yarn. i want to make her gloves, because they’d go so nicely with her tattoos. i want to learn new stitches, so i can make her something really pretty. i haven’t taught myself any new ones since i was a kid, but what i can make now isn’t good enough. i know that’s not how it works, that a gift from a friend is perfect by nature of its existence, but she deserves the world, and even if i can’t give it to her, i can at least give her something in stockinette.
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tabsters · 10 months
to cope with the horrible pain amphibia S1 has brought me, i bring you lore
hdaskhdkalshdklashdka i'm not well oh my god anyway BIRD CONSTELLATION TIME!!
@mythicalmagical-monkeyman @hyperfixation-tangentopia
previous posts are here
BIRD CONSTELLATION WIVES: Corvus, Columba, Cygnus, Aquila, Lyra!!
These five are in a polyamorous relationship and they are all married to each other. Wives. Love them.
Tallest to shortest is Aquila, Columba, Corvus, Cygnus, and Lyra.
Lyra's the smallest but she's also the one that you don't want to piss off. She's filled with rage 24/7.
Aquila, Corvus, and Lyra are the advisors for Aquarius, Capricorn, and Libra, respectively. How Columba and Cygnus managed to snag three of the most important constellations, we still do not know.
They all share custody of a very fat cat named Domino.
These five were actually the first constellations I made after making the Zodiacs! (besides Ophiuchus and Cetus, but I designed Ophi and Cetus while I was designing the Zodiacs so they don't count)
Corvus was actually Capricorn's servant back when they were mortal. It seems that some things never change.
Columba was a child actress in her mortal life and suffered from a large amount of body issues as a result.
Lyra's got two older sisters, both constellations. Their parents got into a bit of gambling trouble, which is how the next part happened:
Lyra also has no forearms. She was mutilated in her mortal life, and as such, she has shiny prosthetics to replace them. (insert something poetic about how her touches can only be cold, never warm, yadda yadda) Why did she get mutilated? Answer: DO NOT FUCK WITH A KOREAN GANG LORD.
I still have yet to work on Aquila's and Cygnus' backstories. Oops.
Aquila dabbles a lot in witchcraft.
Their relationship started out with just Columba and Cygnus, then the two of them inviting Corvus, Aquila joining as Corvus' fuckbuddy, and then all of them just simultaneously fell in love with Lyra.
Ethnicities: Corvus: Vietnamese-Chinese Columba: Thai Cygnus: Filipino Aquila: Indian (Marathi) Lyra: Korean
Voice claims: Corvus: Underneath the Mask by Royal & The Serpent Columba: Are You Satisfied? by Marina Cygnus: Ordinary by Joriah Kwamé Aquila: Playground by Bea Miller Lyra: SOLO by Jennie
I tried to base their love languages off of actual birds!
Lyra: Building pillow mounds and cuddling with her wives. She is very persistent about getting cuddles, and will easily find a way to get at least one of them into her pillow fort with her.
Cygnus: Stealing her wives' clothes. She hoards oversized hoodies and T-shirts like nobody's business.
Corvus: Humming softly into her wives' ears with her arms around them. She'll do this mostly if they're working, she'll walk up to them, hug them and hum for a bit, and then leave.
Columba: Collecting shiny rocks or pebbles and leaving them on her wives' desks. She's memorized their favorite colors and types of rocks specifically for this.
Aquila: Playing with her wives' hair. Doesn't matter if it's braiding it, running her fingers through it, or slapping her wives in the face with it, she will do it.
Each of them have four rings, and their names are engraved on the rings (ex: Corvus' rings have 'Aquila', 'Columba', 'Cygnus', 'Lyra', etc. etc.)
They all agreed that to avoid losing their rings (because all of them are disasters at keeping track of things), they'd figure out ways to have them on at all times.
Aquila shrunk her rings and wears them as hoop earrings
Columba enlarged hers and wears them as bangles
Corvus merged her four rings into two rings, stuck a chain to them and wears them on her middle fingers, kinda like this:
Tumblr media
Cygnus enlarged hers and wears them as arm bracelets
Lyra shrunk her rings and threaded them onto a necklace
questions about my lore are greatly appreciated!!
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vanillavagrant · 11 months
Do you happen to have any good references or at least pretty good physical descriptions of Leon and at least Bram if not all his kids? At least the ones we've seen in the story, anyway! Just curious, since I know about their wings, but I can't recall what other physical attributes they had, like what style hair and such :)
I knew someone would ask about this sooner or later. I have kept it very vague on purpose. Mostly because that way the reader can project whatever they want onto the characters, and secondly because I didn’t feel like the physical descriptions were that interesting outside the wings. I also think it would have been kind of weird if I paused to describe all the fledglings in the middle of Bram freaking out about being kidnapped; and then I just kind of forgot about it... The only thing that I’ve really tried pushing is characters having brown eyes, because brown eyes are so underutilized in writing. It’s all green but also blue uwu
But I do have mental images that I work with. Let’s do them in descending ages. (And guys, don’t feel like you have to change your mental images to fit what I’m picturing. If you want Adrian to have blue hair, go for it.)
Leon: How I picture him, Mr Daddy Angel wears his hair in an office approved hairstyle, and his hair is brown. I haven’t decided the exact shade. My brain fills in anything from milk chocolate to dark brown, bordering on black. He has an olive skin tone and from the looks of him he’s from somewhere in the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean, the cradle of the Abrahamic religions), though he’s kind of pale from being at “the office” all day. Naturally, he has the best eye lashes.
Because Suit has picked the moms from different places on Earth, all the kids turn out mixed with one thing or another. Angels don’t really care about ethnicities though; they care more about the color of your wings.(Which have their own stereotypes.) and they'll make you assimilate to Heaven whether you like it or not :)
Jack: As Bram has mentioned several times, Jack is close to being a carbon copy of their Daddy. His hair is more unruly though.
Theresa: I envision her as a sporty Persian princess. Long, black, pin straight hair, olive skin, dark brown eyes. Bram would definitely describe her as “Disney Pocahontas, but middle eastern and stuck up”, but he keeps it to himself. (Not that Theresa knows about Disney outside of Mariel and Nathan mentioning it in passing.) She usually keeps it in a ponytail or loose, but if Hannah wants to braid it, she doesn’t refuse.
Adrian: Everything about Adrian is pale compared to the other kids. He has cool blond hair; the type no one believes is actually natural and they would accuse him of dyeing it. I haven’t decided his eye color. Maybe hazel so that Hannah isn’t alone with green eyes. I imagine he has freckles, although they’re faint.
Hannah: She has 3a 3b springy chestnut hair. It reaches to her chin, but if you stretch it out the longest strands could reach to her collar bone. Don’t ask me how she manages it in heaven, I don’t think they have gels for CGM, haha. If she’s standing in direct sunlight, it can shine red in some strands. Green eyes that are brought out even more by her wings. I imagine she’d dress in sun dresses with busy patterns whenever the weather allows it.
Mariel: If Theresa is the Persian princess, Mariel is the princess’ plainer younger sister. She has a warm skin tone and tans really easily. She has dark brown hair that reaches past her shoulders, but it’s nowhere near as long as Theresa’s. It’s like 2a, so there’s some shape to it. She would definitely buzz herself an undercut, get piercings and dress like a skater girl with lots of oversized flannel shirts if she was let loose in the twenty first century.
Nathan: Chibi Nathan is in my profile pic. He has longer brown hair (chin length) the same texture as Mariel, and brown eyes. He thinks cutting it short would make him look too grown up. I keep thinking of him with a pageboy haircut. His sisters would definitely try making him wear it in a manbun or half-up if they knew about the concept, but he doesn’t like hair ties.
Bram: The baby of the family has light brown hair and easily passes as white because of his mom. He does tan rather than burn in the summer. He has the same eye color as Leon. He was never rebellious enough to grow out his hair or get pierced. Besides, he knew his given name (Brahim) risked giving him trouble in applications and job interviews, so he tried staying as neat as possible.
Thank you for the ask Cal!
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