#i rewatched this movie 8 times and i never noticed this until i now LORD
xxbeyondangelsxx · 9 months
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blysse-and-blunder · 2 years
in lieu of a commonplace book is an april fool
monday (surprise!), april 4, 8:30pm
it is april, and i am content to be a bit of a fool
reading i don't intentionally theme these posts but this one sort of did work out so that it has a strong regency era flavor. weeks ago now i finished the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue, by mackenzie lee. in general, enjoyed this one a bit more than rwrb, though both have a bit of the problem of characters-that-are-assemblages-of-traits-instead-of-fully-realized-- here, though, the balance of the protagonist's flaws and charms were more smoothly done? or something? i had the problem i have with fluffy historical romance a lot, which is that i spend half of it questioning the accuracy and depictions of things, but aside from the inexplicable thief lord-esque turn for the fantastic at the 11th hour, most of the rest of it (including that there would be folks interested in and obsessed with the fantastic) didn't bother me that much. (well. a bit. and for the same reasons.)
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listening so thanks to this fantasy music for inspiration video by blue turtle i've discovered a new...composer? project by a composer? whatever you call it when a composer releases albums under a particular moniker-- in this case, it's Johannes Bornlöf's Adriel Fair label/project, which makes like instrumental/symphonic soundscapes that all sound like they belong in fantasy movies or video games but-- and this is important-- aren't actually tied to any memories of particular media for me, and so were really good, mainly distraction-free background music for my most recent descent into writing hell. honorable mentions to 'never turn back' and 'the expedition', which delight me in equal but different directions.
watching so two of my housemates and i are grad students in the run up to the end of term, and the two of them have been incredibly stressed with teaching things-- so naturally we rewatched the 1995 pride and prejudice miniseries with colin firth and jennifer ehle. while it is not my comfort keira knightley period-piece, it's such a good time-- jennifer ehle is so good. the things i noticed for the first time, or noted differently this time, include: what a golden retriever puppy bingley is, how weird it is that he and caroline are apparently related (and the version of caroline here. fascinating); the tragedy of charlotte lucas, the special hell that is everything going on with lydia, and how not-titillating wet t-shirt contest darcy is. also dude, that pond was full of like leaves and shit and then you walked passed a way nicer lake on your way home? pick your tantrum bodies of water better.
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playing fallow week. skipped dnd to work on Final Project-mageddon.
making mended a tear in my penguin pajama bottoms while watching p&p, which made me feel like the most accomplished young lady until i tangled my thread multiple times. no pictures because it is a very quick and dirty mend; we'll say it's 'visible mending' of the intentional, ethical variety.
working on through a series of accidents, miscommunications, me briefly having dropped out of my program without anyone noticing, me getting re-enrolled in my program as soon as i could make this happen, and general pandemic buffoonery, i have now had the past semester as the actual final countdown for my manuscript project i proposed in 2020. this'll be fine, i thought, it's only about one manuscript! that'll be plenty of time! but the thing they don't tell you about empirical research like that (ish, i mean, i was working on my own observations) is that you repeat and repeat the same examinations of your images, and you can see different things each time so it's worth it, but also it can take a lot of time! so i put 30+ hours into just this one project this past week, which could have been avoided if i'd just begun drafting earlier in the term when i said i would....... i yeeted the final draft to my professor about an hour and a half past the latest possible interpretation of the deadline we'd set, in truly a hail mary / pretty rough shape, only to find out earlier today that she probably hasn't read it for plague reasons. what a comedy of errors.
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spacerainbows · 6 years
Pick 10 ships before reading/answering the questions
chronologically ordered
I found this posted on someone’s blog and even though I want tagged I decided to do it anyway
1. Destiel (Supernatural)
2. Sabriel (Supernatural)
3. Drarry (Harry Potter)
4. Spirk(Star Trek TOS/AOS)
5. Johnlock (Sherlock BBC)
6. Merthur (Merlin)
7. Cockles (Supernatural actors{Misha and Jensen )
8. Jim/Pam(The Office)
9. Stony(Marvel)
10. Spideypool (Marvel)
1 - Do you remember the episode/scene/ chapter that you first started shipping 6?
Merlin was recommended to me by a friend that already shipped Merthur, so I ended up walking into it expecting to ship it. I already shipped it by the end of the first season because they are so reliant on each other and “two sides of the same coin” I call soulmates
2 - Have you ever read a fic about 2?
Yes I have. I actually started shipping it because of fan fiction because there isn’t a ton of fule for it in the show. Way to go random destiel works for getting into a new ship*distant sounds of applause*
3 - Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/ profile pic / tumblr?
Yes it actually is my phone screensaver currently. I’m rewatching TOS and it’s wonderful. My name is based around an inside joke with my brother regarding spirk and the enterprise so I guess that counts for something I found a shirt with the enterprise that had a rainbow trail behind it and my brother said “You know it’s because Kirk and Spock are getting it on” and I said “It’s just the spacerainbows having some fun”. Yeah that probably didn’t need to be said. Anyway…
4 - If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
I’d cry. Cockles is beautiful. The conventions would fall and it would be sad. They are wonderful together and they know it. I would never let this happen. Even if they aren’t actually together*for all that we know* so much could happen if it stopped. Also a good section of tumblr would probably be crying and rage posting.
5 - Why is 1 so important?
I don’t know if this question means important to me or the fandom so I’ll explain my thoughts on both. For me it seems so important because Dean has been alone for most of his life constantly worrying about protecting his little brother. He always needed to be strong enough to protect because there was no one really there to protect him. Then enters Castiel, a celestial being capable of killing thousands in seconds. He’s an angel of the lord who “gripped Dean right and raised him from perdition” He has the capability to protect Dean, but Dean needs to be able to let him. I feel like this took many seasons for him to finally admit and he still doesn’t but through all of it while Castiel looses and regains his mojo Dean is always there for as much as he can. They protect one another. Dean can finally have the comfort he needs. And then there’s Cas. He’s an angel. They appear as emotionless beings that could care less about the world but Castiel isn’t, and right at the beginning in season 4 you could tell that he knew this. He was scared to admit to himself that he could and did feel. The first person he confides in is Dean. Throughout the show he embraces these feelings and grows new ones and learns the meaning of love and family*cried over season 12 episode 12* They’re always there for each other,and even if the show never shows them as anything other than platonic, their still friendship means so much. As for the fandom as a whole, I feel as though it’s provided a focus point and feeling to build. I feel like all good shows have two characters that fit so perfectly, either as friends or lovers, together; just watching the relationship solidify and grow is just showing how amazing character development can be. Then there is the fandom uniting over it. I don’t really care if you ship destiel or not or you ship wincest or samstiel or nothing at all, you still know that it exists and is something that is talked about in the show. The fact that it has come up as a topic in the show itself shows how much it has affected the Supernatural fandom as a whole.
6 - Which one has the strongest bond?
I’d have to say Spirk. Throughout both aos and tos they would do anything for each other. They would stand by each other during death and fight to save each other. Not to mention the Vulcan bonding or honds. #t’hy’la
7 - Which ship has lasted the longest
Spirk. Probably. I mean it’s know as one of the first slash pairings in existence and one of the first to actually start the spread of a fandom gathering and forming around one thing. It’s sometimes called the flagship or the mothership. I’ve shipped it since I was a little kid because I grew up watching tos and the movies. My dad said would say that they were secretly gay for one another as a joke and my small young mind believed him so I got mad whenever they were ever with anyone else and they shipped caried over to when I took to watching it again on my own. And small me also noticed how similar their actions were to straight couples and I asked my dad if they were dating and that’s what led to the secretly gay thing that my dad started saying
8 - How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up I mean.
They never canonically got together and one of them is kinda dead now until further notice. If you want to count when and before Arthur dies because of the fight and his death than sure, but there were other times when they would get with other people and Arthur was kinda married to Gwen by the end of the show so…
9 - If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive? 2 or 8?
2. Sorry Jim and Pam but you’re being pinned against a hunter who deals with zombies on a daily basis-one of the actually less crazy things he’s seen- and an arch angel capable of snapping his fingers and changing things to fit his desires. I think they would be pretty good. Also angels can heal and not die unless killed by an angel blade or in Gabriel’s case an arch angel blade, so unless a zombie can find one and stab Gabe I think they’d make it out pretty unscathed. 10 - Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reasons? I mean, this could be canon, but for all I know it isn’t, soooo i don’t really know the answer but for all we know they could secretly be hiding it right now.
11 - Is 4 still together?
I mean, is you take into account the new information brought from aos you know they’ve known and been friends with each other until Jim’s death. So I can only imagine that if it truly were canon they would still be together because they’d be able to go against time as they’ve done it before for each other.
12 - Is 10 canon?
Na, the only canon thing on my list is Jim and Pam. They are adorable and great btw. I shipped them by the end of the very short first season and all their interactions are adorable and all the stuff they go through to finally be happy together and when the start a family, aaaaaaaaa, it’s just too great.
13 - If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
If I had to answer honestly I’d say it come down between 1 and 2 because of the healing capabilities, and then it would be a 4 way suicide. Sam and Dean would never be able to kill each other and I doubt Cas and Gabe would want to kill each other either, so it would either be a battle that would never end or a suicide. Also DON’T THROW MY CHILDREN INTO A PIT OF DEATH i cry
14 - Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?
Mary Watson… you know how she ended up. She’s actually great though.
15 - Do you spend hours a day going though 3’s tag
Not as much as I used to but if I get a sudden urge.
16 - If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?!
Stony. Sorry, but civil war kinda happened. If that fight doesn’t count as a break up as is for their not canon pairings I don’t really know what does.
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Rewatching “Revenge of the Sith”
Ohhhh yeahhh, I’m going there.
My apologies in advance because this post is so long...
*silently boogies out to 20th Century Fox jingle and ends up throwing popcorn everywhere*
*mouths along to opening theme*
“Evil is everywhere.”  Dude, this is Star Wars we’re talking about...
Just a heads up, I am so freaking glad that we have The Clone Wars because honestly, it has a lot more flowing character development when it comes from jumping from “Attack of the Clones” to this movie, especially Anakin.
Lens flare!
Holy snot how many Republic ships are there?!?  Did the Separatists come with every single ship imaginable?  Is that why?
Aaaaand that’s a dead body.
The hell are those things?
“Nothing too fancy.”  Says the man [Obi-Wan] who dramatically drops his robes whenever possible.
*imitates the buzz droids*
“IN THE NAME OF-”  Finish the sentence, Obi-Wan!
R2′s taser thingy looks like the Twelfth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver.
What if they didn’t notice the shield in time?
Boom!  End of saga.  Cue end credits music.
Ohhhh this asshole.
*imitates the droids saying “Roger roger”*
How come Anakin and Obi-Wan aren’t getting jostled around when the elevator car first stops?
*quotes the entire “No loose wire jokes” conversation in the elevator*
Is that the same freaking chair that’s gonna pop up in “Return of the Jedi?”
Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Dooku but every time their lightsabers clash, it’s Obi-Wan going “Hello there”
Did Dooku just backwards kick Anakin away?  Oh my God...
 *Anakin kills Count Dooku*  Well done, prequels.  You done didn’t use your Christopher Lee effectively enough.
Wilhelm Scream!
*imitates droid saying “Reversing stabilizers...”*
Holy crap, you can actually see Grievous’s face kind of twitching with anger when he commands the droids to level out the ship.  Dang.
Freaking Obi-Wan’s little yell of horror when he wakes up...
*ugly cackles*
*quotes the entire ray shields scene*
I cannot freaking believe that the TV show took the time to make freaking sure that Anakin never met Grievous until this movie.
Actually, yes I can.  They have a goddamn script continuity department.
How come one of them didn’t take one of the electrostaffs?
The Separatist flagship just tore in half when it entered the atmosphere and yet I remain completely unfazed.
“8 plus 16...”  Pfftt, what the heck does that mean?
Guys, I think I found the origin for the Dramatic Hair Flop of Angst in TCW
Pretty sure that’s the Millenium Falcon at the bottom hangar
“Oh, I’m not brave enough for politics.”  *cough cough*
Obi-Wan gets a whole freaking bus to himself.  Chaos will ensue.
How has no one noticed Padme just hanging out next to one of the pillars?
“There were whispers... that you [Anakin] had been killed...”  Really?
Anakin’s reaction to Padme telling him that she’s pregnant is actually really good.
Wasn’t there like a deleted interaction where Anakin first accused Padme of sleeping with someone else while he was gone but then they decided that was not that great of an idea?
The music that plays when Grievous exits the shuttle is pretty sweet
*imitates Grievous saying “Yes, Lord Sidious?”*
*claps with each word*  This is not how you write romance, [George] Lucas!
Oh I didn’t realize that you could actually hear Anakin’s robotic arm move when he puts his face in his hands
“How long is it gonna take before we start being honest with each other?”  You [Padme] should have asked that before you two got hitched in the first place.
Ladies and gentlemen, the absolute worst therapy lesson in the history of Star Wars:  Yoda telling Anakin to basically get over himself and accept the sudden, incoming death of the people he loves.
“What must I do, Master Yoda?”  MOTHEREFFING IGNORE HIM!
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”  NOOO, OH MY GOD...
There’s actually a whole video by Pop Culture Detective that went into detail how terrible the Jedi Council were when it came to giving Anakin emotional support.
“Be careful of your friend Palpatine.”  And your pal, Friend-patine.
I just noticed that there are less chairs in the Jedi Council room
“The Council doesn’t like it when he [Palpatine] interferes with Jedi affairs.”  Then why the heck don’t they confront Palpatine about it?
Holy crap, I just realized that this movie came out 13 years ago.
“Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo...” Was that really “holding” though?
Anakin’s delivery of “At last!” sounds like Darth Maul when he said “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi” in the first movie.
This entire opera scene should be a dead give away to Anakin learning about Palpatine being the Sith Lord.  The minute Palpatine even said the word “Sith” should have raised a few red flags...
This entire Darth Plaguesis explanation is so good and ominous.  Just the minute Palpatine finishes the story and tells Anakin that there are other ways to gain that sort of power, you can just gradually feel the dread setting in for the rest of the movie.  You just know something bad is gonna happen (besides Anakin becoming Darth Vader)...
Look at the way Obi-Wan’s sitting in his chair!
Oh my God... the Wookies just did a Tarzan yell...
Headcanon:  he’s [Anakin] checking for updates about the Siege of Mandalore
OK, everyone craps on the Utapau storyline with the fight scene between Obi-Wan and Grievous but I actually think this is one of the best parts in the movie.
I love the design for the Pau’ans
Someone get me a plush animal of her on my desk pronto!
That pose though!
That spinning helicopter move Grievous does while stalking toward Obi-Wan was always really cool to me.  A little extra, but still cool.
Oh I don’t think so!
*imitates Obi-Wan using the Force to throw Grievous*
Wait, so how many times has Cody had to hold onto Obi-Wan’s lightsaber when Obi-Wan freaking drops it?
Death Star plans?
Big question:  so how old is Anakin here?  He’s 19/20 in “Attack of the Clones” and there’s at least a one or two year time jump in S3 of TCW.
Yo, that means he was like late 30s/early 40s when he died in “Return of the Jedi.”  Well shoot, man...
Yeah, Obi-Wan, let’s freaking kick the crazy homicidal cyborg.  Great idea.
Is Grievous just covered in gasoline or something because he just went up in flames *snaps* just like that.
Ohhhh this scene with Anakin and Padme looking at the windows of their respective places is really good...
Look at freaking Anakin here! 
George Lucas deserves any and all sins for the bad dialogue for Anakin because Hayden Christensen can really act when he’s not given any dialogue and he’s just told to react. 
So, with that, henceforth, there shall be no dissing Hayden Christensen on my blog.
Dramatic window break!
Palpatine’s lightsaber just freaking deactivated as soon as Windu kicked it out the window
Wowwww... the prosthetics on Palpatine look.. bad....
I just realized that Anakin kind of walks over to Palpatine on his knees before he pledges himself to Palpatine
Why Darth “Vader” though?  Is there any special reasoning for that?
AN:  Holy crap, there’s an hour left and Anakin has just turned to the Dark Side...
Man, I need to download more tracks from this soundtrack...
You can tell that that’s green screen behind Cody
*in best Palpatine impression*  Execute Order 66!
Nooooooooooooo, Boga!
Aaaaand everyone dies and it sucks now!
Ughh, Aayla Secura...
What planet is that?
Here’s my question:  in Rebels, how the heck did Thrawn get Gree’s helmet?  Was there an imperial campaign out on Kashyyyk and he found it somewhere?
That small matte painting shot of the Jedi Temple burning is actually really pretty now that I see it again
Yooooo can we talk about this padawan though?
Kashyyyk has twin moons...
So what happens to Chewie after this and before the Han Solo movie?
Heeeyyyyyyy I know that kind of ship!
“Have faith, my love [Padme]...”  Uhhhh... Padme should have picked up on how... off that line was
How has NO ONE in the Senate (besides Organa and probably Mon Mothma) picked up on Padme’s pregnancy?
*imitates Palpatine*  Mustafaaarrrrr....
“Could be a trap.”  It’s Star Wars.  There’s always a trap.
What’s that planet right next to Mustafar?
Random xylophone scales!
Yoda is taking no prisoners!
Where are the lightsaber/balster holes in the younglings?  Yoda said that they were probably killed by lightsaber so where are the marks on their bodies?
Yellow eyes...
“So this is how liberty dies:  with thunderous applause.”  Best.  line.  Ever.  Someone send flowers and chocolates to Natalie Portman.
“I've recalibrated the code, warning all surviving Jedi to stay away.”  Aaaagghh and we see it in Rebels and in the Last Padawan comic!
Don’t mind me casually dying
I just noticed that gradually throughout this movie, you can see Obi-Wan get grey hairs in his sideburns
*Obi-Wan sneaks onto Padme’s ship to Mustafar*  Where did he come from?!?
“You [Darth Vader] have restored peace and balance to the galaxy.”  *in best Anakin voice*  OK... now what?
“And together, you [Padme] and I [Anakin] can rule the galaxy! We can make things the way we want them to be!”  Wow, “The Last Jedi” is just smackin’ me in the face right now
Anakin... you’re breaking my heart!
That is just extremely bad timing on Obi-Wan’s part
Your new Empire?!?
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”  A what?
That’s a pretty nasty lisp you have there.  Might wanna do something about that.
You know how this Yoda vs. Palpatine fight could be more amazing?  Just add helium
Honestly, for the BIG DEAL fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan, it just goes on for a little bit too long.
Plus when it’s intercut with the Yoda vs. Palpatine, the latter is way more entertaining (hello, two most powerful peope going head to head with actual Force lightning being involved?)
Are they [Anakin and Obi-Wan] just kicking each other with the Force now?  Wow...
Seriously, they’re just banging their lightsabers together and calling that a fight.  C’mon... actually try to hit the opponent!
Duel of the Fates!
*Palpatine throws the Senate chairs at Yoda with the Force* So I threw the Senate at him!
Honestly, you could cut out this whole balance thing on the sinking balcony and mining buildings/walkways
Commander Fox?
Noooo... cut this out...
“Into exile, I [Yoda] must go.  Failed, I have.”  And yet people complain about Luke doing the exact same thing in the sequel trilogy
You’re not even trying to hit each other!
“You were my brother, Anakin.  I loved you.”  Uuuggghhhh....
I actually read somewhere that Ewan McGregor actually asked George Lucas to change the line to past tense instead of the original present tense.  Which is sad, so thanks Ewan.
Can’t you just put out the fire with the Force?
How did 3PO and R2 get an unconscious Padme on board?
Where is this?
*Palpatine’s shuttle lands in Coruscant*  It was a dark and stormy night...
Y’know, at this point, me comparing Anakin being repaired and transformed into Darth Vader and the creation of Frakenstein’s monster is almost inevitable at this point...
Stupid question, but what’s the significance of the names “Luke” and “Leia” concerning the themes present in the movies?  Or is that up to people like me who enjoy the meta to find that out?
He [Darth Vader] just killed that medical droid next to him...
Do not want....
“...[Qui Gon] learned the path to immortality...” In the TV show!
I like how the last line in this freaking movie is “Oh no!” and it’s from 3PO...
Triceratops rams!
The design for Padme’s funeral garb is actually Iain McCaig’s favorite concept art
How did they develop TIE fighters so quickly?
Oh my God, the dude they got to play Tarkin... oh God...
Definitely not Peter Cushing
*gasp*  Leia’s theme!
Random eopie noise!
Oh my God, “Binary Suns”...
Obi-Wan’s like “Great, now I gotta help a pair of random, separate Force-sensitive teenagers and their astromechs in the near future...”
Wait, they put Ewan McGregor in top billing?
“With Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu”  Thamuel El Jackthson!
Holy crap, I forgot Joel Edgerton plays young Uncle Owen
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alabasterfuchs · 7 years
I was tagged by @sunshine-starfruit​ and it’s actually a first time for me, so I’m really happy and excited. Thanks so much for the tag. <3
1. What movie genre is your favorite and why?
Dark Fantasy. Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Pan’s Labyrinth, etc. I live for this creepy fairytale/magic stuff because it takes something that I have loved since my childhood and makes it accessable for adult-me, I think. We all grow and I am so happy that I could take this part of mini-me with me into ‘adulthood’.
2. Have you ever stolen something?
Yes. Many times until I got caught. It’s still embarrassing to me so please excuse me if I don’t elaborate. :/
3. What’s the quickest way someone can lose your respect?
There are two situations in which somebody can lose my respect. First by being shitty to myself or those close to me. It might go hand in hand with me being very protective. But if I see somebody playing another person, and they are genuinely hurt or otherwise emotionally distressed I lose every regard for the abusers. I am too shy to actually call them out on it, but I will cut them loose from my life and always adivse the same to friends and family.
The second thing is by being unreasonable and not open-minded. I understand that not everybody wants to learn all the time, but if I see someone in a conversation and they completely shut down and have no actual interest in widening their horizon but instead just wanna push their own ideas, I feel like they are not worth my time.
4. In your opinion what is the number one issue in the world and how could it be changed?
Ugh such a hard question. I think it’s poor education and the treatment would be education, too. :P Education would raise awareness to racism, sexism, extreme political sides, anti-human rights, trans-, xeno-, and homophobia, diseases, and basically every problem you can imagine. Just teach children how to be a decent human being and how to spot radical world views and we might be one step closer to achieving our goals. Also think about all the children who can’t afford education right now. There are still more people who are illiterate than people who actually can read. I think education, proper school systems and curiosity would help everyone so much.
5. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead who would it be?
Avril Lavigne. Just kidding. I don’t think she died. :P But I think I’d like Freddy Mercury back. I’d so love to see interviews or even a concert. Not that I am a great fan, but he was the first celebrity I heard of who might be bisexual and that left a great impact on me.
6. What’s something you wanted and once you got it you realized it was a waste of money?
That 150€ medieval dress I bought when I was 16. It’s so pretty but I have never worn it once in my life. Also, and I know this will sound very macabre, my hamster Keks, on whom I spent so much of my hard saved money and who died three months later. :’D
7. Guinea pigs to you are?
Okay, knowing this comes from a guinea pig enthusiast I better choose my words carefully. :D I never had one, but my friend had like ten and they all died because of tumors, so that was the impression I got. But they certainly have cute little cow licks.
8. Something you wish you could redo to experience it all over again?
Alright I know this should be something big, but really I would love to rewatch Lord of the Rings and Mad Max: Fury Road. Great movies and visuals. I rewatched them so often and I still love them, but sitting in the cinema with my mouth wide open enjoying _everything_ about them. I wish I could do that again.
9. Biggest Pet Peeve?
People chewing gum with their mouths wide open. UGH
10. Least favorite thing about social media?
Being availabe so easily. It’s the reason why I never joined twitter or instagram and why I started to dislike facebook. I come online and I get texts from people who I don’t wanna talk to right now, and they will know that I don’t. So I always feel obligated to answer and that’s draining omg. Some know this and they message me here or via phone and that’s so much easier.
So here’s my list. I tag @lunaetastra​, @drakatzen​, @amazingdragonisnotonfire​ and @bitterfragile, but if anyone wants to answers those questions please feel free to do so. Just make sure to link me or something so I can read your answers cause I am so curios. :3
1. What was your favourtie book during your childhood? 2. Do you have some kind of principal or philosophy that you (try to) live by? 3. Do have a catchphrase that you noticed yourself or that others have pointed out to you? 4. Which colour is most represented in your wardrobe? 5. What makes you happy right now? 6. If you could create anything in the world with your hands, what would you make? 7. What is your strength? 8. Who and/or what brought you to tumblr? 9. Have you ever had a supernatural/creepy encounter? 10. What do you like most about your favourite person?
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 6/27/17
Happy New Release Day! This weeks consists of robots in space, everyday life of a fledgling superhero, a trip across Europe, a power called Geass, a class made of assassins, and more.
In Books --The Adventures of a Superhero Girl by Faith Erin Hicks “What if you can leap tall buildings and defeat alien monsters with your bare hands, but you buy your capes at secondhand stores and have a weakness for kittens?” The everyday tales of a super girl as she saves people, as she updates her family on how she is doing, and as she tries to keep a part-time job but forgets to remove her mask before work. With an arch-nemesis who’s only superpower is letting our hero know she is doing the superhero thing wrong. This particular version of this graphic novel is a expanded edition. It was originally printed in 2013 but has been reprinted a few times since. This edition will include two new stories and new art. I have never read it before but I really wanna give it a try.
--Descender volume 4 by Jeff Lemire, artist Dustin Nguyen One day giant robots appear out of nowhere bringing death and destruction across the galaxy. As a consequence all robots are now outlawed and are hunted and destroyed by bounty hunters. Ten years after the attack an android named Tim-21 awakens to find his home destroyed and the human boy he was bought for gone. Tim sets out to find his human along with his robot dog and a mining droid. But Tim will be hunted down as his robot DNA might just reveal how to defeat the giant robots if they ever return. I love this series. This is probably my favorite release for this week. I started reading this series early this year. It is very good and the art is amazing. Dustin Nguyen did a wonderful job with the watercolor. There’s a great cast of characters but Tim is probably my favorite character. I would definitely check it out. I recommend it to everyone that I help in the graphic novel section at work. If you love robots, robots in space, and the exploration into what defines being human (there’s rogue robots who just want to live instead of being destroyed and will fight back) then read Descender.
--The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee I first wrote this down to research it because I was imagining the worst. I was thinking something along the lines of, ‘they are not publishing a book that says treating women in such a way is okay’. But then it became so much better. Henry Montague’s days of pleasure and vice; with both men and women, are rapidly coming to an end. His father is going to force Henry to start taking care of the family estate. As a final hurrah, Henry invites his best friend and secret crush; Percy, to travel across Europe with him. When one of Henry’s reckless decisions sends him and Percy into a manhunt it will have Henry questioning everything he knows. Including his thoughts about the boy he secretly adores.  The description of this book did not go at all the way I was expecting. I’m really excited to give this a try. I love everything about it already. As long as it doesn’t end up supporting treating people like crap, basically. 
--Land of the Lustrous volume 1 by Haruko Ichikawa The Lustrous are crystalline lifeforms; each gem has unique powers, who are hunted by a group called lunarians who would turn the Lustrous into decorations.  I mostly want to read this cause I immediately thought of Steven Universe when I read the description. 
--The Waking Land by Callie Bates Lady Elanna Valtai is fiercely devoted to her King who raised her like a daughter. But when he mysteriously dies, Elanna is accused of murdering him and must flee to her homeland full of magical legends. And to her birth father who was branded a traitor. Now she must confront the powers that have stirred within her and seem to grow as she connects to the natural world. Now Elanna must stop the threat that has chased her to her homeland and rebel against the kingdom she once called home. It reminds me of Uprooted by Naomi Novik and I really enjoyed that book.
In moives/tv shows --Assassination Classroom S2P2 The conclusion of Assassination Classroom is finally out today. The truth about Koro-Sensei will finally be revealed. But once Class E learns the truth, will they be able to assassinate the best teacher they’ve ever had? If you haven’t seen this series before or haven’t read the manga yet, you should. This series has had surprisingly good character development. When I first started reading the manga I thought it would just be this silly series but then it became so much more that just silly. It’s a really good blend of comedy, action, and can be very sweet. I haven’t seen the anime yet; although I own the first season, but from what I’ve seen and heard it follows the manga very well.
--Blue Exorcist Complete Box Set (blu-ray) For the first time the hit anime is out in a complete box set. Twin brothers; Rin and Yukio, were raised by an exorcists named Father Shiro Fujimoto. One day their home is attacked and Rin finds out his biological father is Satan. In order to avenge those that were lost during the battle Rin decides to train to become an exorcist in order to defeat Satan. Blue Exorcist is a really good series if you haven’t seen it yet. I’m not sure how well it follows the manga though. I think the end of the first season was different from the manga but I’m not 100% positive. I did flip through some of the volumes when season two started and it looked like the first part of S2 followed the manga pretty well. The set does cost $159.98 but the first season is available for streaming on Netflix and both are on Crunchyroll.
--Code Geass: Akito the Exiled The OVA series of the hit anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. It’s five episodes but each episode should be around 50 minutes. Characters from the series will make an appearance. I’m really excited for this release but all it has made me want to do is to rewatch the original series. Characters will be returning for this but I’m not quite sure how or what part they will play. 
--Panda Go Panda (on blu-ray) A little girl who lives with a Panda and it’s baby. I didn’t know much about this title until it was mentioned in a panel at a con I went to this year. Afterwards, I found out that it was getting a blu-ray release. From what I remember our main character either thinks that PapaPanda is her father or PapaPanda offers to become her father while her family is away. Throughout the town tries to let her know that her Papa is a panda and the police and most the town try to catch them. It looks really cute. It’s only 80 minutes long. It’s two episodes.
--Sea Prince and the Fire Child (on blu-ray) One long ago fire spirits and wind spirits lived as one till one day the Lord of the Winds drove a rift between the Queen of Fire and her brother, the King of Water. Ever since then, the fire spirits and water spirits have been at war with one another. One day the Prince of Fire and the Princess of Water met and fell in love. Their only chance of living together means traveling to a distant star where fire and water spirits live in peace but they much reach the hill of Elysium by the next solar eclipse. 
--Sword Art Online Box Set (blu-ray) One of the top favorite ‘getting stuck inside a video game’ series around is now available in a box set. All 25 episodes with some special features. The blu-ray is $159.95 and the dvd set is $69.98 BUT the dvd won’t be out until 8/1. Personally, I am holding out a small, small hope that I might come across the limited editions of the parts. I have the first one but missed out on the rest. If I break and buy the set someday, I’ll probably get the dvd. Unless the blu-ray set happens to have a good sale someday. I’m in no hurry cause my heart still heavily belongs to .hack//sign. SAO has some great fight scenes but I have stronger feelings toward .hack//sign. 
--Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Side of Dimensions The original crew is back! Yugi and the gang are about to graduate from high school. Then trouble starts when a boy named Aigami arrives. He blames Bakura for the death of his mention; and former holder of the Millennium Ring, and it out for revenge. It’s up to Yugi to save Bakura and the rest of his friends. I managed to catch this movie when it came to theaters. It was great because I hadn’t seen Yu-Gi-Oh in a long time. Most of the original voice actors returned to dub it which I was very happy about. There was a minor change in a characters back story but it had been so long since I had seen the series that I didn’t notice it until someone pointed it out to me.
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scribewizard · 4 years
Anlyzing Dr. Strange’s Plan (Infinity War and Avengers Endgame)
I wrote this a while back when Endgame was being released into theaters.  Most people have analyzed Endgame enough to see Dr. Strange’s plan or what he saw in Infinity War.  I can see all the “Be like Dr. Strange and don’t spoil the movie.”
Enough time has passed for Spoilers, but if you haven’t seen the film yet.  Do not proceed.  This page is going to discuss Fan speculated events that happened within Dr. Strange’s use of the Time Stone.  
1: Starlord smacking some sense into Thanos
Let’s begin this at the most controversial part of the timeline.  Dr. Strange, Spiderman, Ironman, Mantis, Star Lord, Nebula,  and Drax are battling the Mad Titan.  They restricted his moments, pinning him down, trying to get the Infinity Gaunlet off him.  Starlord, however, wants to know what happened to Gamora.  Upon learning how Thanos acquired the Soul Stone (Thanos Killing Gamora), Starlord, fueled by rage, smacks Thanos and snaps him out of the trance and breaking the hold that was placed on him.  
This is the start of the timeline and I’ll explain more in step 3.  But, even without Starlord’s intervention, I doubt that the hold placed on Thanos would have held for a moment or Thanos would have reclaimed his Gaunlet.  
2 : Tony Stark Surviving the Battle on Titan  
In the battle on Titan, Thanos stabs Tony Stark with his own weapon.  Dr. Strange, offers the Time stone in order to save Tony’s life. Earlier, Dr. Strange claimed that he’d sacrifice Tony and Peter to ensure that Thanos would never obtain the Time Stone, yet in this instant he dooms the universe by giving it to him…or does he do this by saving the universe.  
In Dr. Strange’s many possibilities, the factor of Tony Stark dying was probably against the reality that won the fight.  Which does explain why Dr. Strange gave up the stone, because the reality in which they win, has Tony Stark surviving the battle.  
3: The Decimation (The Snap that shook the entire universe)
As much as the heroes tried to prevent the snap, Thanos revives Vision to take the Mind Stone. Thor tries to kill Thanos but the Mad Titan lives through Thor’s axe.  He snaps his fingers and half of all life in the universe is dusted away.
Unfortunately, the snap needed to happen.  There was no prolonging the inevitable.  As part of Strange’s plan, he knew that the snap had to happen.  It was why Star lord smacking Thanos happened.  It was why Tony needed to survive.  It was necessary for the Snap to happen.   Otherwise, they would be in a reality where they would lose.
4: Antman stuck in the Quantum Realm
The events of Antman and the Wasp happened Post Civil War and into Infinity War.  Antman and his friends learn about the Quantum Realm and save The Wasp’s mother, Janet.  To help collect more Quantum Energy, the Pyms send Scot Lang (Antman) into the realm to collect it.  However, this happened just as Thanos makes his infamous snap.  Hope, Janet and Hank are dusted away leaving Antman trapped in the Quantum Realm.  
This part was Integral to Dr. Strange’s plan.  Not only does it bring Antman back into the fold for the Avengers to discover time travel, but it also saved Antman since the snap didn’t affect the Quantum Realm.
5: Stones are destroyed in the Present/5 Year Gap
Now then, we go from Infinity War to Endgame.  The Avengers are still trying to recover from their losses.  The group gathers together (Minus Iron Man) to confront the Mad Titan. Thanos reveals he destroyed the stones and the group feels hopeless.  Thor kills Thanos by going for the head.  (Again, I don’t think the Stones were entirely destroyed.  But, I’ll talk about that in another blog). So, a 5 Year gap happens in Endgame.
While some don’t think Dr. Strange predicted this, I tend to lean on the side that he did predict the five-year gap.  I’ll explain at the end why this gap and the events around it needed to happen.  
6 Traveling Through Time
Antman, who was stuck in the Quantum Realm, returns to Earth by the best Avenger ever, THE RAT! Anyways, Antman returns to the Avengers to discuss with them about the Quantum Realm and the possibilities of Time Travel.  This is a possible way to getting the stone back.  They were destroyed in the Present (Though highly doubtful) but not in the past.
Banning together, the Avengers build the time machine and travel back to obtain the stones. Through trial and error the retrieval the stones.  
While this was in Dr. Strange’s plans.  I don’t think all of it was in his plans, ‘Loki stealing the Space Stone and escaping, Cap and Tony picking up more Pym Particles and the Space Stone and one other hiccup, that I’ll mention next, along the way’, but gathering the stones in the past was part of the plan.  
7 Nebula Switching Places and 2014 Thanos
Remember when I mentioned the Time Heist having hiccups?  Well, while Nebula and War Machine go to intercept the Power Stone? Well, this catches the attention of 2014 Nebula and Thanos.  The Present Nebula gets captured and replaced by 2014 Nebula.  
While at first, it would think that this isn’t something that Dr. Strange accounted for, it will make sense when it all comes together.  
8 Battle at Avengers HQ
Nebula, using the time travel device, brings Thanos to the present.  The heroes are focused on bringing everyone back to notice the chaos. There is also a scene of Dr. Strange telling Iron Ma “If I tell you what is going to happen, then it won’t happen” This moment will come into play later.
While most people would be inclined to think that this battle isn’t a part of the plan, you’ll find out very soon that it is a part of the plan.  
9 Captain Marvel Stand Off
Now, during the battle at Avengers HQ, 2014 Thanos attempts to get the Gaunlet, only to be stopped by Captain Marvel.  Thanos tries to use brute strength, but realizes that Captain Marvel is stronger than the Hulk.  So, the Mad Titan relies on the Power Stone to knock Captain Marvel away.  
It is at this point that Dr. Strange motions to Tony that this is the one scenario that they win. Even though that’s not how alternate realities work and probably a hundred solutions would have beaten Thanos, let’s pretend that there was only one way to beat Thanos.  Iron Man realizes that this is their only chance in stopping the Mad Titan.  
This is what the events of Endgame has been building up to.  Why Iron Man needed to survive, why the snap needed to happen, why Thanos needed to come to the present.  The “Endgame” has been unfolding to this one moment.  
10. I am Iron Man
Thanos tries to snap his finger, but Iron man stops him. Thanos smacks him away not realizing that Iron man has the stones.  Before Iron Man snaps his fingers to victory, he says the one line that started this cinematic universe.  
“I am Iron Man”
Now, why exactly was Iron Man the one to snap his fingers?  At first, I kept thinking to myself why Iron Man?  Why did he need to snap his fingers?  
It wasn’t until I rewatch Avengers again that I realized that very reason.  
“You’re not the guy who will make the sacrifice play”
Why the five years needed to happen.  Why he decided to go with the time travel plan.  Why he had a child.  
Because he needed to be ready to make that sacrifice play.  The reason the other universes failed?  Was because Iron Man wasn’t ready to make that call.  
So what do you think about Dr. Strange’s Plan.  Do you think it made sense?  Did I miss any part of this plan?  Tell me your thoughts about it.    
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