#i pumped this out in 20 mins give me a break
c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
men just don’t get covered in fake blood like they used too.
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milesandcorysupermacy · 10 months
All jokes, mami
42!Miles Morales x Hothead!Black!Reader
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: First time writing but I think it's pretty good 🤷🏾‍♀️, use of n word, cursing, Miles crying, mentions of trust issues, that's it I think
Word Bank: Hija: daughter Bien: Good Muy Bien: Very Good. Ay Dios mio: oh my God Tia: Aunt
Summary: You're having a great time with Miles, Talking about drama and laughing your ass off! But, when you go in the bathroom you find some press on nails that DAMN sure aint yours, and are WAY too dramatic to be his mom's. What do you do?
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You're sitting in Miles' room. 'Neon Guts' by Lil Uzi Vert and Pharell playing in the background. You guys are doing what yall usually do, gossip about things that go on at Visions.
"Nah, that nigga was trippin', ma. In what world is it EVER ok to crease another man's forces? I'm not the issue."
Miles said in his own blissfully ignorant (hilarious) way. Talking about yet, another incident he's had within the past two weeks with the same guy, Bryson. He hates this man with everything in him. You try to get them to stick together since they're 2 of the handful of students that are minorities. But, as I said earlier, he's ignorant.
"Bae, I get that, I do. The forces were clean. Fresh out the box." You say, trailing off. Playing with your faux locs, thinking of what to say next. Trying to tread carefully because you know Bryson is a sensitive topic. He's your ex, and yall are still cool. But, Miles just NEEDS to be throwing blows with him all the time.
"But that doesn't mean you punch him in the face! A simple 'Ay watch where you goin' bro' would've worked perfectly, but now he look like a busted, lightskin, balloon." You say doing a horrible impression of Miles and his suave brooklyn accent.
Miles chuckles at your description of Bryson, deciding to add onto it.
"Nah, he don't look like no balloon. His ass look like a clown. Matter a fact, a whole ass circus, and he the star. That nigga a bitch anyway. He really think he look like Drake?Nah, bro. Yo ass look like French Montana, stop playin'. Like, Drake? Nah nigga more like Brake, because he needa pump the brakes and slow down before Plankton come and steal the secret formula for that big ass forehead! Cartoon looking ass." Miles said breaking you two out into a fit of laughter. Silent laughter. The worst kind of laughter.
The laughter where you two are just rocking back and forth on his bed, slapping each other's arms and legs, wheezing slightly, and barely gasping for air. You two calm down and you think of a joke. You gasp from realization.
"Nah, because why do he for real laugh like Mr. Krabbs?" You say laughing again. Miles starts laughing too. Snorting this time, which only adds to the excitement.
"I love how funny I made you, Mami. I'm rubbing off on you, bien. Muy Bien." Miles says in a slightly creepy way.
"Damn, I can't even get credit for being funny, Morales?" You say pretending to be offended.
"No, it's better like this." He says before giving you a peck on the cheek and putting his hand around your waist.
After like 5 mins of talking about more drama at Visions (with no laughing fits). You and Miles settle down and start cuddling. With 'Good Days' By Sza in the background. You wrap your arms around his back, with your legs on the outside of his. Miles, just laying on his back and wrapping his arms around your waist. (I hope this makes sense 😭) Cuddling in a bear hug kind of position. You guys stayed like this for about an hour, and just as you're about to doze off, unlike Miles who fell asleep 20 minutes ago. You have to pee.
You slip your hands from around his back, and try to subtly move his hands from your waist, but he woke up. Damn, getting to the bathroom is not gonna be easy with his clingy ass.
"Where ya goin', mamas?" Miles mumbles half asleep, with a raspy voice. Your heart flutters from the nickname.
'How tf does he have this affect on me, and he's half asleep?' You thought.
"Baby, I gotta pee. I'll be right back, ok?" You say trying to dumb it down since only half of his brain works at the moment.
"No, you're gonna take too long. Just stay with me, we'll get you a pamper or sum." He says gripping your waist even tighter. You usually would've given up because of how sweet he was being, but you deadass were gonna pee on yourself.
"Miles." You say sternly. He lets your waist go with a dramatic sigh, and you walk into the bathroom.
You do your business, flush the toilet, and walk over to the sink, starting to wash your hands. But- oh, what's this?
You pick up a pack of orange, rhinestone, one inch, press on nails. You don't wear press on nails. Shit, Miles would know because he pays for you to get your nails done. You feel the anger boiling inside of you. Maybe they're his mom's? No, she hates orange. It reminds her of Halloween. "The devil's holiday". You remember that's what she calls it and you start to smirk. No! You're supposed to be mad right now. You finish wiping your hands on a paper towel and throw it away. Grabbing the nails and marching into Miles' room.
You see miles on his phone, he must've been waiting for you to come back. Or texting his other ho-
"Hey, Ma-"
"Whose nails are these?" You say throwing the box at his face.
He groans and inspects the box, tilting his head in confusion. "I dunno, these seem a little too... crazy to be yours, why?" He says completely oblivious.
"Nigga" You chuckle from anger, pacing around the room. "Stop playing dumb. Miles you're not stupid, you've never been stupid. So I know you understand what pisses me off, and one of those things is lying. Imma ask you one more time, Miles Gonzalo Morales. Who's fucking nails are these?" You spat gritting your teeth during the last sentence. Miles shot up out of the bed, knowing what you were getting at. Trying to convince you with all his heart he'd never do that. This poor boy has lost enough, and he's not about to lose you to a pair of ugly ass nails.
"Mami, I promise I don't know who's nails those are, It's wild that you're even accusing me of this right now. You came over every day this week!" Miles expresses, desperately trying to give you enough evidence.
"Yea, and I always come over after school, maybe your hoes have a scheduled time for after I leave. Who is this bitch? Hm, Miles? Is it that Mexican girl on the 2nd floor, she seems like she's our age." You scream at him, sure that Rio had woken up from her post-work nap.
"Mami, I don't love anyone but you, I promise, ok? Even if I did, with all the money I spend on yo shit. You really think I have enough to buy another girl some nails?" He shouts back. Pointing to the Gucci Mini-Purse he got you for Christmas, he had saved up all year to buy it ever since he saw you eyeing it at the mall. But he could have it back now and give it to his other hoe.
"You know what? You can have this back since my only purpose is being a charity case, fuck nigga." You say taking out your keys, phone, headphones, Lip Gloss, and card out of the purse, shoving it in your pockets. Throwing the purse at him.
"Mami, you serious right now? Sit yo hot-headed ass down and listen to me, you actin' crazy!" Miles grimaced realizing what he just said already knowing your reaction.
"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE? Dios mio¡ It sounds like the real housewives in here. Hija, what did he do this time?" Rio asked.
"Mama Rio, who's nails are these?" You ask her. (She gave you permission to call her that after the 6th dinner together, don't worry)
"¡Ay! I was looking for those, they're Miles' Tia's. She came over yesterday, and was showing me them. She took them from Miles' cousin because that little mama is only 12 and does not need those." She said grabbing the nails and walking out the room to call his Tia. Leaving you and Miles in the most awkward silence. You slowly turn around to see Miles standing there. You thought he would have some sassy remark but no. His lip was starting to quiver and you knew what was next. He starts letting tears fall which surprised you.
"Papa, why are you crying?" You say walking over to hug him. Feeling the worst guilt ever.
"I....I thought you we're gonna leave me, Mami. I would *hiccup* never do something like that to you. Honestly if the roles were reversed I'd forgive you. I don't think I can even see my life without you. I'm so sorry." He says.
"Miles..." You whisper.
"It's not your fault I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. You've done nothing to prove that you're untrustworthy. I have trust issues and that's something I need to work on. Not you. I'm so sorry, baby" You say sitting down on the bed for one of the most needed cuddle sessions yall have ever had. And after a few minutes of comfortable silence, Miles breaks the ice.
"What if I just made my mom cover for me, and I am cheating on you?" He asks with a shit eating grin.
"Miles..." You warn
"All jokes, mami"
FIRST FIC! what'd yall think? I'll accept constructive criticism. If you have a request or a way for me to make my writing better, just send a ask!
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Quick question, how do you write so much? I fight the words for an hour and have maybe 2 paragraphs of garbage but you pump out really nice work almost every day??? I have so many ideas but I can’t write them for love nor money
I write almost every day, or I take a break and switch it out for drawing. I generally can write a chapter in one go, so usually stock up some backlog to cover days I’m busy. Having multiple stories now means I don’t have that backlog of some, so updates are a bit slower.
As for writing tips:
1. Remove distractions. Shut discord, exit out of tumblr, mute your phone. When you are stuck, don’t go scroll social media. When writing, the only thing I touch the internet for is if I need to check a story item, like a character name, item history, etc. I cannot overstate how important this is. If you are talking to your friends, you won’t have a writing flow.
2. Do not edit as you write. Writing and editing are two different tasks. You switch between creative and critical thinking and it breaks flow. This is a scientific process and you can read more about it here.
Research electroencephalogram (EEG) suggests both heightened electrical brain wave activity and elevated dopamine levels during flow. In other words, your brain experiences both electrical and chemical changes when you’re “in the zone.”
But once you switch to self-editing mode, you move to the critical thinking side of your brain. You halt all of freewriting’s creative electrical impulses and pleasure-sensing dopamine levels. Your mind flips off one switch and turns on another.
3. Set a time, then be done. Give yourself 20 minutes and write as much as you can. Doesn’t matter if it’s garbage. You can edit garbage into something useful or you can chuck it in a bin. Just try to write, then take a break. Staring at a blank document for two hours isn’t going to make words appear and it just stressed out your brain.
4. Have an outline. Sometimes a magical idea just flows when you sit down to write, but generally not. Have an outline of what you want to have happen in your story or chapter. It doesn’t need to be in depth; for most of my oneshots I literally have a sentence or two at the top of the page. The story needs to have a goal. For example: Wild tries to teach Hyrule cooking. It doesn’t go well. Bouncing ideas off friends can be a big help! It’s why you’ve probably seen me post about prompts and suggestions, and sometimes stories are gifted to people. Talking through plot ideas can help you get a better outline or idea of action.
Misc notes:
Hate to say, but some of it is just practice. I’ve been actively writing for a little over a year with some breaks on and off. Making it a habit is a big thing for making it easy. It’s harder to restart after a break.
When I first started writing I tried to pick one aspect to improve for each story. Filter words, pacing, varying sentence starters, story arcs, etc. Fixing multiple things at once was too much work, but one item at a time was doable.
Filter words make such a huge difference in writing; I encourage you to look them up. It’s a PAIN to remove them in post, but it also taught me to cut them out. Now it’s unconscious and while some still show up, I tend to write them out automatically.
You can learn to write quickly, but if you don’t also work on quality you’ll just…write a lot. That said, it’s fanfic. Sometimes it’s just for fun and quality doesn’t matter. I’ve got plenty of stories that will never be posted because they are just for fun.
Some of it could be writing speed, too? I use a bot a lot of times for timing and tracking and generally average 30-35 words/min. Harder story topics are slower to write, like angst and emotional scenes.
I’m actually writing less this year than last, but I don’t put as much time into it. It also keeps it sustainable as a hobby, although I definitely hit periods of frustration. It can get overwhelming.
If you search my blog for the tag #writing advice or #writing tips, you should fine some other things as well.
This was rather frank, but hopefully helpful! Feel free to drop further questions and I’ll do my best to answer 💜
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
Hi, I have huge gratitude and admiration for your posts and updates on OFMD, I always find them so comforting and informative! Especially as I'm only on Reddit and got a Tumblr account 4 days ago to keep track of OFMD (Twitter/X is just too overwhelming for me lol). What was your take on Rhys Darby's Cameo video in regards to making you feel more hopeful/less hopeful/neither but it was still lovely? With the deafening silence from David Jenkins and worrying that the morale is dropping, it's irresistible not to start feeling a bit of doom, you know? Any response appreciated, but regardless, thank you so much for the work you're doing ❤️
Hello my dear! Welcome to tumblr, we're so glad to have you! I really should get on reddit sometime (I get notifications when certain posts get busy but I just always forget to check them). I totally get that Twitter is overwhelming, it's a tornado of information--and thank you! I'm so glad you're getting something out of the updates!
My take on the Rhys Darby cameo, ay? Well I'll be honest, I thrive on even a little bit of feedback so I was 100% pumped after that yesterday. It sounds silly but I went and cried in the shower for 20 mins because I was feeling torn between the sadness for Rhys and what he lost and was feeling and then also the beautifully kind and positive advice he was giving us.
After that-- I basically felt like someone called Gondor for aid and I was a raging pile of need for action. I actually feel more hopeful now, but I think Rhys has that affect on people. Like that man could tell me the sky was blue and I'd grin like a toddler with a lollipop and nod and feel like I could take on the day.
I do totally get that doom and gloom feeling that comes with the silence. We need that feedback from the people we're fighting for to keep morale up. That being said though--- I've noticed a trend over the past few weeks since cancellation, and that is that when we start feeling down, someone in the cast/crew starts poking their nose out. Usually its Chaos Dad (David Jenkins) but all of a sudden when things are slowing down again this week, Rhys puts himself up on Cameo, two days before the UK launch of s2? I just don't believe in coincidences in most cases, especially when we're all watching things so closely. It may make me sound like a conspiracy theorist but I do truly believe that a huge chunk of the cast and crew is watching our actions and reactions to things very carefully (Hell, Alex Sherman is over on twitter liking a bunch of fan art and porn, so at least we have our little perverted guardian angel!). They just seem to keep popping up at the exact right moments to help rally the troops for them not to be.
The difficulty with negotiations in any industry is the whole Non Disclosure Agreement that comes along with people potentially taking on new clients/funding new projects. Legitimately, there could be a contract in the works right now with a network and we already have our s3, but we just can't know about it because that would damage / threaten negotiations. It could be the other way too, but with how supportive Chaos Dad and Rhys and the rest of the crew have been just popping in and out like little bubbles of positivity, I really feel like we have still have some hope here. It's just really hard to be patient when we're all pushing so hard-- which is why breaks are so important. Anywhoooo, I've had my coffee so I'm obviously rambling at this point-- thank you so much dear for writing into me! I hope that answers your question... I am feeling overwhelmingly positive after Rhys' videos and feeling very mama bear on wanting to protect that man by doubling down on efforts, lol. So glad you're will us on tumblr friend! Always feel free to reach out :D <3<3<3 Ty!
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icedmetaltea · 5 months
I've been feeling discouraged about my art recently. Could you possibly give me some tips?
Ok I wanna preface this by saying I am by no means a professional or even "good" artist, BUT I shall try!
These are all tips by a digital artist so I can't help much when it comes to other forms
This got long so under the cut, 20 ART TIPS TIME LETS GOOO
1.Try to draw most days, or at least once a week. The more often the better BUT I don't mean like hardcore, a complex drawing every single day (recipe for burnout right there). I mean like even just 30 seconds of SOMETHING. You can draw shapes, maybe fill a page with circles. There are programs u can find online that give you like a min to sketch something and challenge yourself in a really short time frame. Guess what?? When you draw often you're building those neural pathways (I think) and the more you do it the easier it'll get
2. Don't obsess over making stuff look perfect on the first draft... or at all. I recommend making a "draft" layer or 2... or 3 over the initial sketch. The more you go over it and change stuff, the better it'll be. Also, If you spend hours on it and still hate it?? Who cares! You put in the work and now you have an idea out on paper that you can go over some time in the future and improve if you chose to.
3. DON'T DELETE STUFF!!! Unless it's literally just mindless scribbles, save everything you draw. Like I said, you can go over it again and improve it someday. You can also look back at it in like a year and compare your art to see where you've improved! I deleted all my old art from beyond like a year ago and regret it so much. Don't berate yourself for the stuff you need to work on, be proud of what improvements you've still made
USE REFERENCES!!!!!!! Please just do it, I know it's annoying but I promise it helps so so much
4. Invest drawing tablet, preferably one with buttons that you can map to undo, sketch, fill and such. This will make drawing sooooo much easier (and faster). My quality of art has improved just from drawing the same thing and redoing it like 20 times at a time, and it takes way less time when I can just click a button to do that. It might seem daunting at first but it quickly becomes instinctual. This is the one I got and I'm quite happy with it! It's got good sensitivity, a pen you don't have to replace batteries for or even recharge, and it's mid-range so not wayy too expensive. However, if you're just starting out, I'd recommend this (I got the corded version but I assume it's about the same) since it's small, cheap and you can focus on just learning basics like improving lines n such.
5. Use a bigger canvas size. I started out with 1000x1000, and that's still fine for smaller stuff and doodles, for better quality I recommend bigger sizes. If it's too small it'll look all weird and pixel-y
6. THERE ARE LITERALLY SO MANY FORMS OF ART, maybe the one you're trying just isn't something you vibe with! There's mosaics, digital, traditional (and all the many sub-categories of that), sculpture, photography, etc. All are equally valid and you will improve in your craft if you choose something that 1. you enjoy, 2. are consistent with it!
7. SEGEMENT OUT THE LIMBS drawing DCA stuff for over a year has helped me improve on anatomy sooo much literally just because it forced me to think of each part of a limb in terms of segments, shapes- for instance, instead of an upper arm, I think of a tube which connects to a circle that allows it to rotate and another tube... followed by a weird shape for a hand that connects 5 smaller tubes, whiCH ARE THEN SEPERATED IN TO 3 TUBES EACH. Yes it sounds confusing but breaking it down like that instead of just trying to figure things out helped an absolute shitton
8. Have some kinda hobby that makes you draw frequently. For instance I have a discord sona I draw a new pfp for every month or so. It's a simple design and since the pfp won't show many flaws I can pump out lots of art for it in a small timeframe and I find it relaxing. I've actually improved a shitton just drawing pfps This is one of my first pfps from maybe 2 yrs ago compared with one of my most recent ones
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(yes I'm a bit of a furry deal with it) It's cute, there's nothing wrong at all with it! However, you can see how things have changed.
See how the lines are a lot more even, less jagged? The proportions of the shoulders are much wider, the ears aren't just popping out of the hair, the shading makes a bit more sense and isn't just thrown around at random. There's also a broader range of color, with a few bright highlights to catch the eye, colored shading I think as well. The former is just like 3 simple colors. These are all things I learned from drawing pfps consistently.
9. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!! And FUN, if you have fun drawing it'll be a lot easier to do frequently
10. Whether it's drawing pfps, blorbos or landscapes, find something that brings you joy and it'll be MUCH easier to stick to. Draw, draw a lot, do not worry about "good" art and "bad" art cause there's literally no such thing. Compare what you draw now with what you do in like a year or two from now and I promise, if you're consistent, use references and are patient, you WILL amaze yourself with how much you improve.
11. Challenge yourself! Join secret santas (assuming you know you can complete it within the allotted timeframe), draw your friends' sona/ocs (if they're cool with it), do palette challenges, do monthly stuff like drawtober or whatever it's called (BUT I don't recommend doing something every single day for a month cause again, gonna cause mega burnout)
12. Draw when the inspiration comes, it will move your hand. These days I make much better quality art that I'm proud of when I just let inspiration flow through me instead of begrudgingly making myself draw. You shouldn't be forcing yourself!! If you are, you probably are burned out by either drawing too much, feeling a lack of confidence or some other stuff going on irl. Inspiration comes naturally, and when it doesn't it's prolly your mind trying to communicate that something's up. If resting a week or two doesn't help, take a deeper look at your life and see if the artblock is a symptom of something else (for me it's most often depression).
13. At the same time, sometimes you just need to start. Kinda on the previous point of lacking confidence, often we scare ourselves out of even trying. It might feel insurmountable. Nah, try. If all you can do is a wobbly, vague sketch?? You got the idea out!! Start drawing fuckin eyeballs or something, just start. Sometimes the hardest part is just facing a blank canvas and putting a couple lines on it
14. Not all brushes are equal. Some just make drawing easier- at least for me. I dunno the science behind it but when I use my sketch brush (it's got a similar look to pencil) rather than my lineart brush it makes drawings just... look better. Also using thicker lines in general helps. Why?? NO CLUE, maybe thinner ones just show flaws easier or intersect better or something.
15. Music or some other distraction can help, idk why. Some days I like to have a movie/show/podcast going in the background for a mild distraction that keeps me slightly stimulated on other stuff even as I draw- maybe it increases brain activity or??? No idea. Sometimes just listening to music. Sometimes I need total silence. Do what works for you! Give lots of different stuff a try, you may love drawing while listening to a podcast in the background
16. Take breaks!! The pomodoro method works with art as well. Every 25 mins or so, take a 5 min break. Get up, stretch, get some water, maybe watch a yt vid. Call ur friend and tell them you love and cherish them. Then get back to it and you will feel oh so refreshed. After maybe 3 rounds take a 15 min or longer break and then repeat if you still feel like it
17. SLEEP IS INCREDIBLY FUCKING IMPORTANT you will see a deep decline in the quality of your art when you're tired, plus you just feel like shit and art is about feeling good and expressing yourself. Sleep is important, even tho yes I stay up too late drawing most nights, I do my absolute best to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, as should you!!
18. DO NOT BE SCARED OF STICK FIGURES AND MESSY SKETCHES, they're actually the best way to start bc 1. it's a quick way to get an idea out before you forget it 2. the finished piece will actually look a lot more fluid since you weren't spending all that time obsessing over making the first draft look perfect- which often just makes it look stiff. You can do a whole lot with stick figures. Focus on that good ol' line of action.
19. Random but when drawing the face, I like to first make a circle and then like a "mask" over it for the actual face. For me it just makes sense. Then two lines, one up/down and one left, right, it'll make it easier to align the eyes and ears. In general, the ears usually go where the "mask" begins and just below the left/right line
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20. Finally surround yourself with people who encourage you. I grew up in an environment where people would gawk at stuff my sibling drew and ignore me bc they were ~naturally talented~ and it made me not want to draw at all.
Well guess what?? Now that I spend time with people who encourage me and genuinely care about my interest in art I've improved a lot bc I have the motivation, the joy of showing ppl who care about me new pieces. If people in your life aren't encouraging you, or gods forbid insulting your art (excluding constructive criticism that you've explicitly asked for) then TOSS EM OVERBOARD THE BOAT OF LIFE and find people who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve
This isn't a tip, just a recommendation: Chicory, a colorful tale. It's a game where u play as a cute lil dog who gets a magical paintbrush that lets you color the world. The only issue? You have no ~talent~. My gods, this game struck a cord with me.
Feeling like you don't have any talents that come naturally to you. Being overlooked even when you try your best. Feeling like a complete joke when you try to pick up the brush (or in this case stylus) because there are so many "real" artists and you're not one of them.
Also the things people say and how they can affect you even when not intentional. Damn. It's just a beautiful game. It's made by the same people who made Wandersong, another absolute banger game with a character who is seen as a joke and I cannot recommend them enough.
bonus tip bc why the fuck not: OVERLAYS!!!!!!! In clip paint studio you have all these layer options, I can never memorize what they all do so I just make like an ombre color layer over my base colors and try all of them to see what looks cool
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 years
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I finally got to post this after trying for 10 mins lmao
I posted 1,599 times in 2022
That's 1,275 more posts than 2021!
1,020 posts created (64%)
579 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,528 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#answered✨ - 724 posts
#seventeen - 512 posts
#seventeen smut - 365 posts
#svt smut - 364 posts
#jeon wonwoo - 227 posts
#svt wonwoo - 225 posts
#wonwoo smut - 154 posts
#seventeen fluff - 137 posts
#svt fluff - 136 posts
#fic reblogs - 118 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#i'll never get over the fact that juyeon and wonwoo have so many similarities yet are so different at the same time
My Top Posts in 2022:
messy sex with wonwoo be like <;33
link to the video
Sweat is dripping down your bodies and cum is dripping down your pussy as Wonwoo drills his cock inside your soaked hole, his shaft covered in his own cum as well.
“Mmmh, fuck, there’s so much~”, you mewl as you spread your pussy apart, your legs bent flat on your chest, Wonwoo’s hands keeping them in place. “Yeah? You like it when I make a mess out of your pussy, sweetheart?”, he huffs above you as he steadily pumps his cock inside you.
“F-Feels so good, Won, feel so fuckin’ full”, you moan out loud and it only urges him to fuck you harder, your pussy clenching faster and faster around his cock. “Is that so? Do you want me to cum again, baby?”, Wonwoo bends down, whispering in your ear with an airy voice, exhaustion creeping over his body.
“Shit! Please, please cum inside again, fill me up!”, you throw your head back in pleasure and he thrusts a bit faster, pulling out to shoot his cum on your pussy. “You-”, you try to protest but Wonwoo chuckles as he taps the head of his cock on your clit and drags it from the bottom and pushes the cum that runs down back in your hole with a deep thrust.
“Look at that, fuck... Such a messy little girl”, he rubs his shaft on your pussy, his eyes bearing that unending lust they had before your clothes were even off your body.
“You don’t look like you’re done yet”, you breathe out with a smile and you trail your hand on Wonwoo’s abs and he grabs your wrist, pressing a kiss on your knuckles.
“Never done with you, sweetheart”.
813 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
seungcheol getting so worked up over kissing and grinding that he cums in his pants🤭
He would be needy and overall hyperactive with you after returning from touring bcs he has missed you dearly and he wants to have you in his arms (and be inside you) for as long as he can.
“C-Cheol, slow down a bit, I’m not going anywhere!”, you softly push him to catch your breath, giggling at his neediness. “Don’t wanna risk wasting time, baby, we were separated for far too long”, he deadpans and goes back into kissing you with even more fervor.
You can feel him everywhere, he has you caged between his body and the mattress, hands roaming each other’s bodies hungrily. You can feel Seungcheol’s thigh rubbing against your clothed crotch, but you don’t give a damn about it - he’s grinding himself on your thigh too.
There are no words spoken, only muffled moans and wet kissing noises, until Seungcheol starts moaning louder and pulls away for a moment, trying to catch his own breath, his cheeks flushed a bright red, sweat forming on his forehead.
“You okay, honey?”, “Yeah, I j-just need a second”, he breathes out, trying to regain his composure, but the feeling of embarrassment is too much to handle and he finally breaks.
“I can’t believe I came like a fifteen year-old”, he groans in defeat and you give him a Chesire cat grin, patting his thigh to turn on his back. As soon he lays down, you situate yourself between his thighs, smoothing your palms over his now stained shorts.
“Y/N? What are you doing?”, “I just wanna get you cleaned up, Cheollie”, you grin and slide his shorts and boxers down, revealing his cum covered cock, still hard and twitching. “Why aren’t you getting a towel then?”, he asks with a raised brow and you scoff.
“I never said I would use a towel, baby”.
857 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
Getting Closer
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Pairing: Joker!Jeon Wonwoo x Chief Inspector!fem!reader
Genres: Angst, smut, horror, very minor fluff
TW: Blood, mentions of weapons, minor injuries, cursing, hatefucking, marking, hair pulling, choking, face-slapping, major character death, slight yandere behavior, mentions of mental illness and insomnia
Summary: Four months. It has taken inspector Y/N L/N four months to get her hands on Jeon Wonwoo, the maniac, Joker-like criminal, who has thrown the city into total fear. The same criminal who has an obsession with the inspector, because she's the only one who can grant him his greatest wish. They need each other to fulfill their goals and there's only one way - by getting closer to each other, one last time.  
Part of the collab call: Death Is Upon Us by @junjungsunwoo​
Word count: 6.1k
Author’s note: This is my entry for the amazing collab, hosted by miss Yena, aka @junjungsunwoo​! The header was made by me and the inspiration was drawn by this video and the songs Getting Closer by Seventeen, Psycho by Baekhyun and O Sole Mio (The Red Wedding) by The Boyz.
Taglist: @aliceu @delicatewerewolfsoul @husbandhoshi @llsiriusminorisll @byeongsung​ @chxngyunie​ @yyxgin​ @heresyourramen​ ​
This is a piece of fiction. I do not condone with such behaviour and I do not see the idol in this way.
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911 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
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928 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[20:24] bf!Wonwoo x fem!reader, smut, fluff, established relationship, consensual somnophilia(?), dry humping, embarrassed Woo <333
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There is a faint rustling echoing in the bedroom, the warm sunlight slowly creeping in through the curtains, but not enough to stir you awake from your slumber.
Your boyfriend, though, has been fully awake for the past ten minutes. Not because of the morning sunlight - because of his morning wood.
"Damnit....", Wonwoo curses under his breath, not knowing how to deal with his (not so) little problem, all while not wanting to wake you up. He just doesn't have it in his heart to disturb you while you're enjoying your well-earned sleep, your lips formed in a small pout, your hair cutely messed up and your half-naked body stretched out under the-
Fuck. He shouldn't have looked there. Especially when you're only wearing your black lacy bra and that thong he bought you a month ago.
As if it wasn't hard enough to ignore his boner, you right next to him makes his cock twitch almost painfully.
Screw this, I need her NOW, Wonwoo thinks and he slowly pulls your arm off the pillow, pushes your hair back and starts kissing your neck, all while his hand caresses your back. The corner of his mouth twitches in a smile when you're finally stirred awake, a shaky exhale leaving your lips.
"W-Wonwoo?", you open your eyes, trying to accomodate to the sunlight, but you don't really need your eyesight to realize that half of your boyfriend's body is on top of your back and ass, his boner poking your thigh.
"'m so sorry babe, so sorry, but I couldn't help it", he groans in his usual deep voice and you feel a shiver cross your spine. "Can you please put up with it for a little? Please?", he whines and you giggle at his unusually needy behaviour, but you decide to cut him some slack this time.
"Go on baby, use me like you want", you rasp and Wonwoo immediately climbs on top of you, wasting zero time to hump his clothed bulge against your perky ass. "Fuck, you're wonderful, sweetheart, thank you", he lowers his head in the crook of your neck, hands gripping your waist to keep you in place.
His hips are erratic and uncoordinated, he's unable to keep his moans in check and his lips being right next to your ear don't help with the pooling heat in your panties at all. But you don't give a single fuck about it - you only want to make your boyfriend feel good.
"God, Y/N, you're so good to me, baby", Wonwoo moans again in your ear and you moan in response, pushing your ass back on his clothed cock. His hands are tight on your skin, but also gentle enough to not leave marks.
"Wait, lemme turn around", you tap his side and he lifts himself on his hands, giving you enough space to lay on your back and bring him down on you with your legs around his waist. You moan in unison once his clothed bulge comes in contact with your lace-covered cunt, and he brings his hands on top of yours, lacing his fingers with yours.
You can almost feel the outline of his tip nudging your covered clit, the fabric of his boxers providing enough friction for the both of you to moan out loud and hump each other like your lives depend on it.
You're snapped out of whatever trance you were once Wonwoo lets out a nearly animalistic sound and he collapses on top of you, his breath fanning over your skin. You can feel a certain dampness between your legs and you initially assume that it's from your pussy - but you realize that Wonwoo came in his boxers.
"Good morning to you too, birthday boy".
"Wonwoo?", "Please don't say anything", he says with a whine, embarrassment settling in after the realization hits him. You laugh at his flushed face and press a kiss on his lips, hands looping around his neck and playing with the soft blue hairs on his nape.
Author's note: Happy birthday to the man who pulled me in the diamond life and makes every day of my life better💕
2,055 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
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yinyinggie · 2 years
hello ying !! you mentioned working out in your recent posts so i'm here to ask any advice or basic workouts you could give to a total newbie? feels kinda daunting, my only movement is walking around the house and playing w the dogs kshdsjjsbsj
hi lovely!!!! howre u doing hehehe
i think its great that you’re taking the first step!! yes it definitely is daunting, but yk — starting it is half the battle won ❤️ personally i found that doing workouts that i actually love are really good for me!! here’s some youtube videos i use, for example /
— a broadway workout tailored for HIIT / tabata (emkfit)
— a hamilton 20 min dance workout (kyra pro)
— a medley of songs for dancing (youtube!!)
— happy cardio 12 mins (pamela reif)
honestly youtube is FILLED with beginner stuffs and it def can be overwhelming so i recommend sticking to one video for a while (at least thats what helped me!!), i remember starting regular workouts and all i did was pamela reif’s happy cardio for 12 mins 😭 it was familiar enough that i wasn’t scared to try an entirely new routine, but still heart pumping enough to give a good sweat after :,)
another thing that i really recommend is setting your goals, bc the stronger your motivation is, the more likely you are to accomplish it (yes i know, you’ve heard this so many times. BUT ITS TRUE!!!) eg. a very vague goal would be “i want to lose weight” and thats just…….. how… huh. its not bad, but sometimes its just too vague to be properly motivating :( perhaps something more tailored for yourself would be “i want to lose weight so that i can feel more comfortable in my own skin, and i’d feel better about myself because i know i’m becoming a healthier version of me.” then we further pin it down by exploring ways you can reach point B. maybe it’s something like “i want to lose weight so that i can feel more comfortable in my own skin, and i’d feel better about myself because i know i’m becoming a healthier version of me. some steps i can take is making an exercise plan for myself, and i’ll make time to exercise twice a week, for XX minutes each session.” something like that!! it sounds SUPER overused and oversaid by a lot of people but i really promise, it works 😭😭 also an accountability buddy is rly useful (irl or online!!)
one last thing is that i honestly recommend to just stop whatever you’re doing (if you’re at home and not doing anything impt) if the motivation to exercise comes around. yes it will hit you like a truck. maybe it comes when you’re watching netflix. but please use the stupid timing of the motivation to work out bc trust me its worth it!!! but also take care of yourself, don’t exercise on an empty stomach and always take regular breaks to drink water and stretch ❤️
ok i think ive rambled enough & im by no means a professional so pls take everything i said w a grain of salt 😭😭😭 but all the best mari!!! we got this mwamwa heres to a healthier version of us in 2022 ❤️🥂
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dynananarmy · 3 years
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You were in the top. There was no person in the world who didn't know your name, either for your success or your reputation, believing that the only thing you should do is smile, be a good girl, don't force your opinions on people, and NOT for any reason deny the dating rumors. But then a gummy smile and a sweet accent came to change all your believe system, from a friends with benefits to falling in love, you encounter a new fear: would he love you despite your reputation
Pairings: Idol!Min Yoongi(SUGA) x singer!reader   
Warnings: distorted body image and unwarranted fear of gaining weight. Unhealthy habits like starvation, underage alcohol consuption. Mild smut and age gap (Yoongi is 25 and reader is 20) but everything is consensual). If i miss something please let me know.
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You should take it as a compliment That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk You should think about the consequence Of your magnetic field being a little too strong And I got a boyfriend, he's older than us He's in the club doing, I don't know what You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much
You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats Alone, unless you wanna come along, oh
Anxiety was a familiar feeling, a daily occurrence even before you knew how to call it. The constant fear of making the wrong move, not filling everybody's expectations. But it never gets easier, walking a red carpet was nerve wracking at 20 like it was when you were 13, but expectations were higher, every single album need it to be different, different  sound, different style, you need it to be more mature but not to sexy because then you were to provocative for kids who follow you, but not to demure because then you are a prim. And then, you were too fat, and then too skinny, or you would have the nice flat stomach that people expect but you didn't have the hourglass figure. So everything you stand in an outfit risky enough for you, you would shake like a leaf, praying that the apple and the water that you had eaten would not somehow make you look bloated. That you contour was blended, that the powder under your eyes would not flash in camera. 
You were about to promote your second single of your album, a song who was for a ex manager and ended up seeing as a call out for war for a singer whom you were friends but ended up splitting ways when she started dating an ex boyfriend, an ex boyfriend that you don't actually love but it was still awkward going out with the new girlfriend of your ex. Your team takes it as publicity, even if there was not an actual feud, good or bad, publicity is publicity, and so the music video only seems to spark even more fire. Still you invited all of your friends, friends that you met through other friends, in fashion shows or while performing in lingerie runways, the kind of friends that you partied with in your mansion in Coney Island or the one in Malibu. But that only sends a spark of worry, appearing in a music video with models with perfect bodies only makes you even more insecure about your own, and you were scared about what people would think about it.
A tug in your arm pulled you out of the dazed of the camera's flash and your thoughts, Calum King was a producer, a handsome embodiment of masculinity, a strong build body, a short beard, barely there but enough to let you know that he was a man. He was older than you by a lot, not enough to be scandalous but enough to raise a few eyebrows.
 He smile and you copied and hold his arm to the cameras, the lady assisting the red carpet gesture you to move and once you were out of the sight of the camera you let a shaky breath a pound in the head and the emptiness of your stomach make you feel dizzy and your publicist move quickly, holding a hard candy to you.
“Are you okay?” Calum asks, still holding you, you nod immediately and put the candy in your mouth.
“I´m good, the lights make me feel light headed but nothing that a little bit of sugar does´n fix” you say tasting the candy, feeling a little bit less tired, he nods but his sight was already far away from you. 
“Baby, i´m going to say hello to a few friends, I¨ll see you in our seats, okay?” He doesn't wait for an answer, his manager following behind, you let a sigh of relief, relieved that you don't have to keep pretending anymore, Calum and you met a few months ago while visiting a friend of your to the studio, a paparazzi saw you having coffee and after that you kept seeing each other, he would be your date in events and to the world, you were official, but you didn't even be intimate,barely hold hands while walking in the streets, or kiss each other more than a few pecks when winning a prize, but even that, it felt forced. Your publicist looks away from her phone to look at you and gives you an indifferent look.
“A new korean band is in here, apparently they are very famous and are contending against you for one of the awards, maybe you should go and see them so people see that you support new talents”
Curiosity sparks within you  “Korean band, is it BTS?” you asked, sipping your water you publicist arch an eyebrow
“Yes, did you know them?” she looks rarely interested, you nod reminiscing how  a few weeks ago you had stumbled on a fan edit of you and one of the members titled “1997 golden babies” seeing the dark haired boy dancing and performing with that much passion caught your attention, looking at his name and thus his group, fascinated enough that you had expend a few hour looking at the music videos and some of their performances, a bubble of excitement grew in your stomach making you feel energized again and you started to walk knowing your publicist was going to take you to them, skipping to some people you got to the corner where a group of at least 10 men stand, you immediately felt short and tiny and intimidated but you put your confident face and wait for your publicist to talk with one of the men, who yo assume was their manager, he look surprised and his gazed fall to you where you standing sandwiched between your bodyguards, he nod and went to say something to the remaining men 7 of them wipe their heads instantly to you and you smile, you make the remaining and they scatter in formation, pushing the taller men in front, he gives you a smile and flashed with a set of dimples.
“Hii, is so nice to meet you guys” You break the ice, you scanned every single one of them, from the tall broad shoulder one to Jungkook, the one of the edit and then your eyes fall to one of them, instantly draw for the way he looks at you, like he knew something your eyes goes back to the taller guy as he start to talk.
“It's so incredible to meet, we are big fans of your music” he says, you had heard that a lot but he sound genuine and the rest of the boy nodded, your eyes went back to the guy with the feline eyes and you see something that you had seen before but rarely from another artist, admiration, but also understanding, like he understanded something and he was fascinated by it. 
“Are you performing tonight?” you asked trying to shake the feeling that he was reading you like a book he understands the language. 
“Ummm, no, not tonight, hopefully someday”  he looked a little ashamed but that only made you feel more admiration for them, they are escalating little by little.
“Id watched some of your performance” a chorus of ¨whoas¨ breaks their silence and you smile wider “You would have made us look like kids beside you, you are truly amazing” you compliment, the words flooding with ease, all of them let a ¨thank you¨ and when you meet eyes with the feline eyed boy he gives you the most beautiful and shy gummy smile, something inside you felt warm and fuzzy and you enjoy it so much that you wish it never went away. Your publicist asked for a picture and you stand with them.
The flash was quick, you changed the pose and at the same time you felt a delicate brush of fingers in your back. Tingles run down your spine and your hair stands, how was it possible that a man could make you feel that way without talking, without knowing him? You didn't even know his name, or how he was, he could be an asshole. 
The camera stop flashing and the warm fingers leave your trembling body (you didn't know if it was of starvation or the adrenaline running through your veins) You look at him, the man with the gummy smile, cat-like eyes and the rose petal lips, he bow and you did the same as a reflex, that make him smile fully and the giddy, warm feeling bubble in your stomach all the way up your chest. You broke eye contact and with warm cheeks you went to hug the taller guy hugging all of them (not without almost melting in gummy smile boy, and breathing deeply his mainly citrus smell).
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Your entrance was cut out by your manager, who led you backstage and you hope you bump into them, to talk to him, to hear him and let his fingers pay with your skin, but you were immediately trap in the changing room pulling other set of clothes and when you get out your publicist was waiting with a mint and a glass of ice you chew while letting the makeup artist  retouch your makeup.
You had already stood up 5 times to receive an award and Top Social Artist was the last nomination before going to change for your performance. Sitting on the front row with Calum on your side being the perfect supporting boyfriend and with Zendaya on the other side beside her a bunch of other models friends, big names in the industry who appeared in the music video that had already premiered a few awards ago. And although you should've be worried if you would win the category you were already seeing black spots, nausea and heavy eyelids accompanying, and sitting beside with the most beautiful, tallest, slimmest, women of the moment didn't make you feel better, you could barely hear anything but the sound of blood pumping through your ears but after hearing your name and the loud cheers of your fans a smile appear in your clammy face, you wonder if you could even stand to get  the award if you win, a louder cheer broke in the arena and looking to the screen you saw the south korean band announced and when it disappears it took a few seconds for the screams to stop, the announcers opened the envelope, two seconds of silence in the speakers and then...“BTS!” You jump clapping finding strength out of nowhere and with a smile you saw the band walk in front of your eyes with wide eyes, open mouth and smiles, a single hand sticking out for you and knowing who it was you brush his hand with yours. 
Then you turn back and with a bodyguard in front and another in your heels, you walk into the main stage of the arena. 
Everything was blurry, you followed the guard into the hallway and crouched to get in the elevator, holding the mic and letting your head go over the choreography. And when the voice in your in ear says “one”you feel the lift move and stand.You felt like you were going to faint, but still make your moves as smooth as possibly, it felt like forever but when you give the final move and look at the camera you give the most convincing smile ever. Wait for the count to end and the light to ade out to let your body fall to the ground. But the light did not fade, and the camera was still on you. 
The host appeared to your side to announce that your music had already broken a record and that you had won another 2 awards. You accept the award and let the host hug you and unintentionally your body stumbles, your eyes give a turn and feel almost lost conscious.“It's okay” you said to the man and pulled out with a smile, looking to the worried crowd,”It's okay” you repeat in the mic ” I very excited, to be here and to win this awards, thank you to everybody that make this possible, my fans, my family, my team, everybody that listen my music and the art i make, thank you so much, i love you” You said, making well rehearsed words leave your mouth, you leave following the lady with the awards, numb. 
The act seemed innocent and so quickly and random that nobody should have noted, but it set something, pieces clicking in place, for you felt illicit, scandalous, it ignited something that you have never let your body cave in, lust. A sin so impure that only thinking about it makes you flustered, but it only took a couple of glances, some brushes of skin and a hug for you to continue the seduction game he started. And you wanted him to win, to ditch all the circus and let him take you to the hotel, seeing him all in black contrasting with his soft creamy skin, a fallen angel.  
Wanting to feel something, did you deserve the awards? Your music had moved so much from your original goal that  you barely felt it was good. So you didn't feel proud, and you did not feel happy, or sad, or angry. You felt hungry, and tired.
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 How dare he be so cool? With the glinting earrings and the necklaces and the deep voice and side smile, a dream, you never thought he was just your type. Was it possible for you to have him? A quick internet research let you know his name, his position on the group and his age, he was a little over five years older than you, younger than your “exes” but so much different, he felt real, a real man, but at the same time he was surreal, to perfect,  to gorgeous. And you wanted to know all about him.
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You sit alone in the buffet of your hotel, with other people who also went to the awards, munching on a chicken salad with some delicious sauce and bread sticks and a glass of orange juice. Your orange juice, of course, was spiked with alcohol by your manager, a way to make you last giggly and awake for the rest of the night. Feeling already full with your second plate and with already a certain amount of alcohol in your system, you felt better, enough to keep looking at the table in front of you. Where 7 boy sit holding a camera laughing at one of them knocking the glass with the camera gummy smile boy who had, just like you, been looking at you smile with you and you hold the big stack of tissues at him, he walk to you and brushing fingers he take it from your hands “thanks” he said with a deep voice, one that you had already heard in his music videos but never compared to the real thing.
It took you 30 minutes to shower, dry your hair, put light makeup and a flowy black dress, that fall above your knees, do a quick google research of what to expect at losing your virginity and chugging the mini bottle of wine of your mini fridge, cleaning all of the clothes on the bed and quickly fix it. And when you thought that he wouldn't come a knock was heard. You look for the last time in the mirror and open the door.
 And he was there, his hair now completely straight  and soft looking and his face was bare, no necklace and simple cotton shirt and black cargo pants. Like he couldn't be more gorgeous.  Oh wait, he could, looking at you with the damn smile. “Hi” you said, already losing the game “Hi”, deep voice and cute accent, you can't help but giggle, boozing  alcohol in your veins.
“Please, please come in” You open the door all the way “ I´m y/n, by the way” you said and he looks at you, “I know, I´m Yoongi” he says laughing “I know” you respondHe lifted an eyebrow “you do?” he said with a smug smile, “of course i know, i'm not that  dump to hook up with a guy i don't even know the name of” you widen your eyes and blame the alcohol by your blunt remark, but feel relieved when he laughs. He let you lead the way to the living room and when he sits on the couch he notices the object on the coffee table, an unopened copy of BTS 'latest album you had.
They said goodbye and you broke contact, gulping the last of your orange juice and immediately got replaced, you looked back at your manager and publicist, talking to their manager, using the translator that look flustered, and you knew why, after yourself had talked with your manager about your request, voice confident but cheeks flushed, your manager didn't even had to approach BTS manager before he was already on his way, at that you felt a weird feeling, a territorial frown in your eyes, but you couldn't blame him. Every celebrity you have met has done this.  A simple deal, a way for celebrities to keep their affairs as private and publicly clean, both sides agreed to keep it quiet and not slip ups. When they finally look at you, turn again to him, his manager walking to him, and slipping a black plastic card. A key to the room to one of the suites. Your suite.
“I thought you could signed for me” you explained with a shy tone “I found it on the airport bookstore and since i kinda collect music album i thought it was a nice addition” 
He grabbed it “can i open it?”  he said with the cute accent, you nod excited and he carefully start to unwrap you sit by his side to get a better look, when he finished it, he looks at you
 “it has a photocard” he explains and you giggle again at the way he pronounce the last word, feeling the warm feeling in your stomach and he send your favorite smile at you.He opens the book and stop at the page with the card stuck to it “It's random so is a surprise, go, turn it around” he gesture to the book, you grab it and turn it around,
 “Oww” you let out a disappointed sound when you look at the man that clearly wasn't your Min Yoongi, he laughs and you pout “what can i do if i want one of you?” you ask with a distressed look. He dares to look flustered and he reach to his neck and the his hair, you wanted yours in its place, you licked your lips and look at lis face, “You could buy lots of album until mine come out” hmmm
“That's a good idea” his stare became intense and his eyes darken, his tongue brushed his bottom lip and someone must move forward because your lips replaced his tongue was now kissing his lips. 
Your fingers grab his shirt while his palms was cupping your cheeks, thumb brushing against it, the darkest desires in your mind, the need to be touch to be taken care of,taking his hand in yours you put it on your thigh, where your dress had lift and he complied to your silent request, pushing the fabric up and caressing your skin, but not where you need it him.
 You lean in the couch bringing him with you, but he pull from the kiss, leaving you gasping, “are you sure?” he ask, with his soft, dark eyes, lips swollen and flushed cheeks, you nod, but he shakes his head “are you sure?” he repeats, you think for a second looking at your giddy, boozy brain, “yes, i'm sure” you said with the most confident voice you could muster, he kiss you again and then its your turn to pull away from the kiss ”wait, wait, i,  i haven't, i never have i ever before, i mean, i never had done this before” you confess and he looks at you still panting, he nods, and ask again “are you sure?” and you are.
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He didn't let you lay in the couch.
He let you run your fingers through his torso and take his shirt off.
You let him pull down the strips of your dress.
He let you know how much he desires you.
You let him touch for the first time against the wall, making you see stars and blow away in a climax.
He takes to the bed, carrying like you were a leaf.
You let him stole sweet moans out of your mouth
He takes it slowly, touching skin like you were fine china.
You feel like a confident woman when you whisper “you are so gorgeous, I can say anything to your face.”
He lets a deep chuckle and gives a deep thrust making you scream of pleasure.
A mix of sloppy kisses, discreet love bites, nails against skin and pasional hip thrust between the sheets you let yourself think for a second that is not a one time thing, that euphoric feeling you were experimenting and that it was the most happy you had been in years was going to finish the moment he finish panting against your neck.
You tried to not look disappointed when he stood up and walked to the bathroom, closing your eyes, letting yourself feel the remnants of your climax.
He came back a few minutes later, cleaning between your legs and leaving a soft kiss in your thigh before slipping your underwear in its place, holding you in his arms.
You cried for the first time in front of a person. 
He tells you that he knew you were hungry, he had felt it before. Not by his own choice.
You tell him about the empty feeling in your stage while on stage.
He kisses your face while rubbing circles in your back.
  When the morning sun came up you watched his sleeping figure, his back up and belly down, face facing you and his arm around you.
You mindlessly start writing invisible letters, your name. Wishing he could be more than a stranger.
He lets you a note. His number. Breakfast. And a single pink flower and a book from the souvenir store “ The meaning of flowers”
 The azalea is the flower that ushers in springtime in the southern United States. That’s one reason it’s so closely associated with beauty and rebirth. 
These blooms are often given as a symbolic message to, “Take care of yourself,” which is an important sentiment to extend to the bereaved.
Little-Known fact:
 Azaleas are celebrated in festivals throughout the world, especially the U.S. and Asia. In Chinese culture, the azalea is known as the “thinking of home bush” and was immortalized in the poetry of a famous poet during the Tang dynasty.
It took years, but my mental health has been bad lately and also was hard to write the first meeting, if it look to rushed, dont worry its kinda the point, they are not in love but definetly know that they felt something. But they dont know each other,  i like to think of them as soulmates. 
We see how she was physically and mentaly hitting rock bottom and her team is not as innocent as it look.
If i was vague about everything, when the managers were talking, they were basically negociating the one night stand, that way the public wouldnt found out. A normal ocurrence in this AU.
Everything you feel courius about, please let me know.
Thank you so much for reading, i love you
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Show Me | pjm (m)
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Summary - Jimin shows you how good he can make you feel.
Word Count - 2146
Pairing -  Jimin x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - penetrative sex, exhibitionism, voyerism, dirty talk, dom jimin
a/n -  another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
“This project will be worth 30% of your grade.“ 
A normal Wednesday morning in  your government class just got a little more interesting.
“I assigned you partners,“ the professor continued as a collective groan echoed through the classroom. 
“Jeon Jungkook  and Kim Taehyung.” 
Jungkook and Tae high fived.
“Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi.”  
“Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon.” 
Hoseok whooped quietly, grinning at Namjoon
“Y/N and Park Jimin.” She said and you froze, glancing over at the notorious bad boy who raised an eyebrow at you, as one corner of his mouth tilted up.
You couldn’t focus on the rest of the names that she read off because you were too busy panicking. How did you end up paired with Jimin? Was the teacher trying to kill you? You had nothing against the blonde haired risk-taker, quite the opposite. You had a huge crush on Jimin. From his long soft, pushed back locks, to his shimmering brown eyes, to his freakishly large thighs and strong frame. He was terrifyingly attractive, sex on legs, and you were nervous as hell to work with him.
“Please get together with your partners and discuss your strategies for this assignment.”  
Jimin smiled that devilish smile, beckoning you over with one finger. You gathered your books and stood, walking on wobbly legs towards the sinfully gorgeous boy.
“Hey,” you tried to sound normal.
“Don’t be scared, princess. I don’t bite - hard,” he grinned, sensing your uneasiness.
He leaned far into your personal space as he said it and you noticed the tangy scent of his cologne as you sucked in a breath. He even smelled like heaven.
“I’m- I’m not,” you said  quietly.
“You seem pretty nervous to me. Listen, just because I’ve got a reputation doesn’t mean I’m some lawless thug who-“ 
“No! I don’t think that!” you interjected, “I don’t have anything against you or your reputation.” 
“Then why are you acting like you could jump up and flee out the nearest exit if I move too fast?” he accused. 
“Social anxiety.”  
“Oh,” he said, The guilt apparent on his features.
“Yeah. So which amendment did you want to start with?” you asked,  getting focused and trying not to sniff him; he smelled so good.
 20 minutes later, you’d both picked out which amendments you’d be showcasing as having a lasting impact on the country, and which ones seemed out of date. The bell rang and you stood up to leave when Jimin placed a hand on your arm, his fingers on your bare skin burned in a delightful way.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I… I'm just so tired of being looked down on for where I come from,” he explained. 
“I could never look down on you, Jimin. You’re too tall,” you joked, earning a rare Jimin genuine smile, “ should we exchange numbers so we can work on the project?“  
“Oh don’t worry y/n, I’ll find you,” He grinned deviously. 
You flushed, watching him saunter down the hallway.
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You organized records in alphabetical order a few nights later at your afterschool job. You didn’t hear the doorbell chime, so you nearly peed your pants when a soft, sultry voice whispered in your ear.
“Told you I’d find you.”
You whirled around, coming face to face with Jimin. He was dangerously close to you, if you just used your tiptoes, you could kiss him. Your heart beat like a hummingbirds in your chest.
“Hi,” you breathed out in a whisper.
“Hi,” he whispered back, gaze flicking from your eyes to your lips.
His tongue danced across his own lips, and he started to lean in. The doorbell chimed, breaking the spell you’d both been under and he stepped back quickly.
“So um, maybe tomorrow after school, you could come over and work on the government project?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. 
“Yeah, sounds good. Can I ride with you though? I’m saving up for a car,”  you looked down. 
“Sure, meet me by the front door after your last lecturel.”
You watched him walk out the door, letting out the breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding.
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You anxiously bounced your leg up and down during the last class of the day. You have been on edge all day. You were going to Jimin’s place. Would his roommates be home? Did he have roommates? Would you two be alone? So many of your naughty dreams had taken place in this seemingly imaginary place and this place was about to be real. You knew nothing sexual was actually going to happen, but you were still so nervous. The bell rang and you jumped out of your skin. It was time. You gathered your things, and walked to the front door, where Jimin was waiting for you. Hoseok and Jin  were by his side, all of them laughing.
“Hey y/n,” Jimin smiled. 
“Hey Y/N,” Jin and Hoseok said at the same time, both of them shouting “jinx!”
You giggled and waved hello.  Jimin threw an arm around your shoulders and walked with you to his bike. All eyes were on you, questions swimming through the halls of your university. People whispered to their friends and stared and ashamed.
“Everyone’s looking at us,” you whispered . 
“Good,” he winked and helped you onto the bike. 
You pressed your body close to his, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He sped out of the parking lot, leaving the spectators in the dust. You buried your head into his back, trying not to watch the lines on the road flash by. When he pulled up to the apartment complex, you didn’t let go for a moment.
“You ok?”  
“Yeah, just give me a second. I’m a little woozy.” 
He got off the bike and looked at you for a moment, then picked you up and carried you inside.
“Put me down!” you shriek-laughed. 
“Didn’t want you to stumble since you were ‘woozy’,” he shrugged, plopping you into the couch. 
You hated to admit it, but being held in his lean, strong arms make you feel alive, like adrenaline have been shot straight into your heart. You already missed the warm, safe feeling. You sighed. 
“So… hungry? Thirsty?”  
“I’m okay, thanks,” you smiled and he sat next to you on the couch, far too close but not nearly close enough. 
 As you typed out which amendments were outdated, you were hyper aware of Jimins’ every movement. It was driving you crazy, being so close to him. You both chatted about random topics, as you worked. About halfway through, you stood up to stretch and take a break, as did Jimin. You took a step towards the kitchen for some water, tripping over your backpack, but Jimin’s strong arms darted out to catch you. Your hands on his chest, his arms around you, that’s where it really began. You were being electrocuted by his touch. You both stayed like that, lost in each other’s eyes. 
Jimin moved in slow motion, lips barely grazing yours in feather soft brushes. Gentle, sweet. You were floating on air. Then, the wild fire broke out, Jimin’s lips crashing down on yours with so much need and desire, you could barely keep up. He shoved you against a wall, hands roaming everywhere on your body, lighting you ablaze. You moaned into his mouth, able to stop it. His hands on your body sent you into another level of lust, another level of craving him. He bit down harshly on your neck creating a gasp from you. He blew cold air on it, licking the sore red spot. The stinging turned to tingling, sending shivers down your spine.
“Everyone’s going to see these tomorrow know that you’re mine,” he pulled your hips closer roughly.
“I’ve been watching you, princess. I’ve seen you in those pretty little skirts, completely unaware of all the boys watching you. Unaware of what you’re doing. Teasing. I’ve wanted this from the day I laid eyes on you. So many nights alone I would think of your pretty plump lips wrapped around my cock,” he groaned. 
His words had you soaking.
“Why did you wait?”    
“Didn’t think you’d want someone like me,” he shrugged. 
“Do you know how many nights I’ve touched myself to the thought of you, Jimin? How many times I’ve moaned your name, wishing your hands were the ones touching me? You’re so sexy, so brave. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long,” you whispered hotly 
“You got off thinking about me?”  
You bit your lip, nodding. 
“Show me,” he grinned mischievously. 
You bravely took his hand and had him guide you to his room. You crawled onto his bed as he stood, watching you. Your eyes locked on his, you began undressing. Slowly, you removed everything you were wearing, your hands going to your breasts. You kneaded them, rolling your nipple between your forefinger and thumb. 
“Mmm...” you closed your eyes, lolling your head back, “Fuck, Jimin.” 
Your hands slowly traveled down your body, until they landed by your aching heat. Your fingers danced along your slit, then you pushed one inside yourself, arching your back and groaning as you circled it around your clit. Jimin’s breath hitched as he watched you pleasure yourself for him. You added another finger, pumping it in and out slowly, squirming on Jimin’s bed. You’d done this a thousand times, but with Jimin’s face watching your every move, it was so much more thrilling, it was erotic. You began moving your fingers faster, his name falling from your lips as you got closer, your orgasm crashing over you. 
“Mmm… oh gosh, Jimin,” you moaned loudly, eyes connected with his, and you could hear his heavy breathing. 
You lay there, naked body on full display for Jimin. His eyes had darkened, his deep brown now resembling black. 
“Shit princess, that was so fucking sexy,“ he groaned, stepping towards the bed, “but I can make you feel even better.” 
“Show me,” you purred. 
Jimin sprang into action, flinging his shirt off and unbuckling his jeans faster than you’d ever seen anyone move. Down to his boxers, he crawled on top of you, kissing you rough and deep and so good. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. His boxer-covered erection ground against your dripping core and you groaned. 
“You like that baby? Like how my big fat cock feels against that tight little pussy?” He moaned in your ear. 
“Yes, fuck,” you whimpered, “Jimin, I need you.” 
Jimin grabbed a condom from inside his night stand and slipped it on quickly, aligning himself with your entrance. He slowly pushed in, and oh gosh it stung. He was so big. He lay still for a moment, watching your face for a sign you were ready to move. When you nodded, he slowly pulled out of you, then gently thrust back in. The stinging turned to this amazing, warm, delicious feeling and Jimin started moving faster, whispering dirty things in your ear, telling you how good you felt around him. 
“So beautiful, you take it so good baby,” he encouraged you, but you couldn’t answer. You were a moaning mess underneath him.
Jimin hit every good spot, and knew exactly what he was doing as he pounded into you, and you’d never felt such bliss in your life. The fire deep inside of you was one that you weren’t sure could be quenched. He filled you up so completely, bringing you absolute ecstasy. Jimin was made to fuck, and he was amazing at it. You writhed underneath him, unable to keep still from the insane amounts of pleasure coursing through you. You knew you were close, and so did Jimin, his hand reaching down to draw figure 8’s on your clit.  When your orgasm came, it was like the entire world was shaking. You screamed out his name, back aching into his body, feeling like your soul was leaving yours. You were flying. You felt high. Jimin filled the condom seconds later, panting as his body collapsed on top of yours. He rolled next to you and gathered you in his arms. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“Agreed,” you nodded, snuggling into his embrace. 
He smirked, and kissed your cheek. You blushed and hid your face in his neck, making him laugh. 
“How can you be shy after all that?” 
“Shut up,” you mumbled into his skin. 
“Y/N?” He asked quietly.
“I want you, all the time. I don’t want to have to let you go after this, will you be mine?” he asked, and when you were quiet ( simply because you were in shock) he added “I promise I’ll treat you right, like you deserve.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, smiling at him as you nodded, telling him you would be his. 
“Show me.” 
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Studio Sessions 2
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It's Min Yoongi's birthday and you're ready to give him whatever he wants. When he makes a sarcastic wish while blowing out the candles he didn't think you'd take it seriously. But he's glad you did.
When word spreads about these special "Studio Sessions" everyone wants to collaborate. A chaptered 0T7 smut. 
these can stand alone but trust me you want to read them all.
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The Jimin Collaboration
It was no surprise when Jimin walked into the studio, sometimes he was such a transparent little slut.
He made no secret to you that he was bisexual, however, none of the other members knew. One night in a deep soju imbibed conversation, he had confessed the crush he was harbouring on your boyfriend. In his own words, that made him "the obvious choice" for a three some.
 You were closer to Jimin than any of the other men. Your best friend, closest confidant, and keeper of your secrets, he knew everything about your relationship with Yoongi, probably more than he should. 
"I get a present?" He said, raising his eyebrows.
"Isn't that why you're here? I'll bet you ran into Taehyung in the hallway." Yoongi leaned in to kiss your exposed neck, teasing him.
"Baby, should I let Jimin play with you?" His hand ran down your chest and he rolled your nipple under the pad of his thumb. 
You curled into him tonguing his ear and whispered, "it's not me Jimin wants to play with."
Yoongi's eyes sought to make contact with Jimins but instead found his gaze fixed on the floor, "Is that true?"
Jimin's face was flushed, he usually didn't get flustered by his hyung. 
"Jimin's just curious Yoongi, and... you're safe and comforting," you spoke up for him. Yoongi furrowed his brow at you, "and of course you're sexy."
Standing up from Yoongi's lap you made your way to Jimin. Standing behind him you lifted his t-shirt over his head and wrapped your arms around his waist. Resting your chin on his shoulder you both starred, grinning at the man in the chair waiting for an answer.
His eyes looked hungry and his hand moved over his growing bulge. "I'm going to take that as a yes."
Getting down on your knees you undid Jimin's zipper and pulled his pants down his thighs. Giving a glance up to ask approval he ran his hand across your cheek and smiled.
Kissing his belly button, down his abs his perky dick stood waiting. It was perfectly Jimin, average in size but firm and so pretty. His hair was closely trimmed and his balls were tight and smooth, begging to be sucked.
Grasping him and stroking his length your mouth wrapped around his scrotum as you made your tongue dance around them. "Fuck Y/N, you feel better than I ever imagined," he sighed his praise. 
You turned to see your boyfriend, his eyes were wild as you crawled in his direction. 
Kneeling before him you placed your hands on his thighs and looked him in the eye, "Do you trust me Yoongi?"
He seemed apprehensive, not with trusting you, he just wasn't sure about what you were asking him to do. 
He nodded in agreement anyway, "I guess we can try it." You looked over at Jimin and smiled, reaching your hand out beckoning for him to come closer.
"Get up so I can take your pants off baby," you instructed your boyfriend. 
The three of you stood together, anxious deep breaths filling the air. Hooking your hand into the waist of Yoongi's jeans you popped the button and pulled down the zipper. Jimin stepped in to kiss you as Yoongi pushed his pants down to the floor. 
You let your hand wander to Yoongi's cock, he may have been unsure, but he certainly wasn't unexcited. Breaking the kiss with Jimin you got on your knees and took Yoongi's cock in your mouth.
The two men stood hesitant until Jimin moved first, placing his hands on Yoongi's face, he tenderly kissed his lips. Yoongi squinted his eyes shut and you were sure he was going to retreat, but he didn't, it was a go. 
You didn't want to give Yoongi any time to rethink, "Jimin, why don't you come down here and have a taste?" Pressing his plush lips onto the skin of Yoongi's neck, he let them hover down his chest to latch onto his excited nipple.
The sensual sigh that left your boyfriend was beautiful, you wanted to hear more. 
Jimin's tongue met yours as it flicked over the head of Yoongi's blushing pink cock. Taking turns you sucked and licked and pumped his shaft until his legs were shaking.
"Why don't you go lay on the couch baby," you encouraged him. Yoongi stretched  across the leather sofa, "come sit on my face Jagi."
While you ground yourself onto his tongue Jimin straddled his hips. Spitting on his hand he pressed his cock against Yoongi's and gripped them both tightly. He began frotting them together, masturbating them both simultaneously.
Your cunt felt neglected, Yoongi was lost in his own pleasure and you were an afterthought. Feeling pangs of jealousy it didn't take much effort to realize you were the third wheel here.
Getting off him you instead sat by his head fingers running through his hair, "does my baby feel good, is Jimin taking care of you?" Words always turned him on, his eyes shut extra tight like he was trying to hold back on his orgasm.
"You look so beautiful, can you cum on Jimin's Cock for me?" He moaned loudly and exploded all over himself, "Jimin why don't you trade me spots so I can clean him up." 
Watching their interaction, Yoongi immediately lapped at Jimin's ass. As you licked the cum off your boyfriend's stomach, you were a little surprised at how eagerly he took to it. "Knees up!"
Cupping his balls you lifted them to gain access to his hole. "Are you going to let Jimin fuck you?" A barely inaudible ummm came from him as he worked Jimin's balls. 
You licked him getting him wet and ready, sticking your tongue in his tight opening. "I can't believe I'm letting you have this Jimin, you're going to have to be gentle, he's never had his asshole stretched out before.
"Oh"…..Jimin stopped mid sentence.
The air went silent, Yoongi sat up solemnly to face you. "Babe," he moved closer, "there's something I didn't tell you."
You and Yoongi had always been very open and honest so it was a little concerning that this was coming up now. "When we were still trainee's.... Hoseok and I…."
You cut him off, "so you lied to me, and you knew?" They both nodded timidly, "Well that's a game changer."
Jimin looked at you, waiting for direction, he knew you were upset. Standing up, you moved away from Yoongi and closer to Jimin, "Don't worry baby, you can still have your fun. I want you to fuck him so hard he won't be able to sit in his stupid work chair for the rest of the day."
Walking away, you took up residence at Yoongi's desk. "Jagi... come back," he pleaded with you.
"No Yoongi, now it's my turn, I want to watch you get fucked. Don't be rude to Jimin he's waiting."
Getting back on his hands and knees he presented himself to Jimin.
Putting his face in close, Jimin gathered his salvia and forcefully spit it on Yoongi's waiting ass. Pumping his shaft he pushed it into him and both men moaned at the pleasure.
You sat and watched as Yoongi once again forgot your presence. He rubbed his cock furiously as Jimin pummeled him from behind. You could see red marks developing from where Jimin dug his nails into his snowy flesh. 
He gripped harder as he got closer to his climax, "I'm going to cum hyung...are you going to cum for me again?" And they both did, Yoongi's cum all over the couch, Jimin's cum dripping down Yoongi's thigh.
Gathering his things Jimin knew he should leave and let you two talk.  He kissed your cheek on the way out, "I'm sorry, I thought you knew."
"Are we going to talk about this?" 
You shook your head, "Nope"
"Sweetheart I'm sorry…"
"You've got work to do Yoongi, and so do I." He reached for your hand, and you let him.
"I really don't think it's fair that you got to fuck Jung Hoseok and I didnt."
He smiled, realizing happily that you were still playing his game, god he loved you. "So that's my punishment? 
You shrugged,"I think we need to even the playing field…"
"There's no way! You'll never get Hope to break my trust or Joon for that matter. In fact I'll make you a bet, If you can get them to fuck you, I'll let you have Jungkook."
Smiling from ear to ear you picked up your phone, "Hey Hobi, I'm working on a birthday surprise for Yoongi. Do you think you and Joon could meet me in the practice room in 20 mins? I need your help with a video so make sure the cameras are set up."
You hung up the phone and started to get dressed.
As you were leaving the genius lab you looked over your shoulder at Yoongi, "You'd better warn the Maknae he's on deck" 
J-Hope & Joon
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k0dzukwen · 3 years
ʚ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 ɞ
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- ”I would’ve never thought I would have to say goodbye to my paradise so soon...”
pairing: tendou x gn!reader
genre: angst, tragedy
word count: 1.7k
song inspo: mr. loverman by ricky montgomery mixed with as the world caves in by matt maltese
warnings: major character death, mentions of eating disorder, mild cussing, hospitals, 
pre a/n: if you wanna blame someone for this idea blame rex orange county, jjk newest ep, and my bestfriend ANKNKA ok but fr...i was thinking of who to do for this for about like..30 mins, it was between tendou, kita, and atsumu. i’ll try to do atsumu tonight because i have a AMAZING prompt for him ok? anyways enjoy this :))
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“I can show you everything”
You wanted to be shown everything once, you were so eager to go everywhere and memorize every detail. And there was one person who you wanted to travel everywhere with
Satori Tendou
You were captivated by him, thoughts of him fogged your mind daily and you could barely focus. You knew he was the one for you that day you first started as a manager and he offered you candy, along with asking if you read manga. His smile when you said yes and accepted his snack made you melt on the inside, you practically started floating when he sat next to you and started talking about character complexes and powers. You listened to him for hours that day, you secretly wished he had invited you over so he could talk to you more. You went to sleep that night reminiscing over every word, every sentence, every laugh you both shared. 
Were you really that head over heels after one day?
As the days went by you and Tendou grew closer, becoming best friends within weeks. Yet the sparkle in your eyes when he smiled and laughed never faded, the warm feeling from being with him remained with you only growing stronger. You always fell too easily which left you vulnerable to getting hurt, yet with him you wanted to open yourself up completely hoping he would do the same. Months turned into years and before you knew it, You guys were graduating. Everything went by so fast you would believe you blinked and suddenly became a third year, now you were laying in the grass behind the dorms stargazing with your bestfriend who you had unironically fallen in love with. Have you told him how you felt? Nope
“Do you know what paradise is?”, Tendou stared up at the sky the slight light from the lights nearby illuminating his face and causing his eyes to sparkle
“Something or someone you find comfort in, Something you’re so addicted to just doing it or being around it brings you unimaginable joy. You can’t and won’t imagine ever leaving it or stopping it voluntarily” You sighed and looked over at him, gazing into his red eyes, “Why do you ask?”
He laughed and closed his eyes, breathing deeply “This is my paradise...I don’t think I’m ready to leave..” He opened his eyes and smiled, “But you know, This is a part of growing up right?”
“Ugh..” You huff and sit up, “What the hell is growing up anyways?”
Tendou sat up and shifted closer, leaning in so his nose could almost touch yours, “You aren’t old enough to understand”
Your face flushed a deep pink, he was so close to your face if you accidentally moved closer your lips would meet. You smiled at him and burst out laughing, laughing so hard you had to lay back down and hold your stomach. He laughed too, laying next to you and continuing to point out constellations like nothing had happened. What did he even mean “You aren’t old enough to understand”, he was only one year older than you so what did he mean?
Did you really want to know?
You never really understood the term “growing up”, deep down you wanted to stay a a kid forever. You knew that growing up brought unwanted pain and stress and even trauma, if you weren’t stressed with college enough you also had to deal with paying for bills on your studio apartment and making money from the cafe you worked at. And to make it all worse your best friend, the guy you were lovesick for was moving across the country to pursue his dreams
In Paris
You always asked why Paris, didn’t he want to go pro in volleyball? Wasn’t that his paradise? You knew you wanted the best for him but deep down you didn’t want the love of your life to move across the country, you knew you would both lose communication with eachother, you knew he would forget about you and you didn’t want to bear that pain. Yet he didn’t want to listen, he left to paris and exactly what you predicted happened. You started off calling him every day along with texting him, sending him pictures of what you did in everyday life. You didn’t have many friends so you often found yourself waiting for his reply, you knew his job was time consuming but impatience still got the best of you. Hours without a reply turned into days, the realization that you had lost your love ate at your soul. You found yourself skipping meals, and slacking off in school. You knew it was unhealthy and that you needed to stay strong but you couldn’t, his laugh and smile lingered in your dreams. You missed him dearly, but still couldn’t get the confidence to dial his number. One day you couldn’t take it and booked a flight out to Paris, you thought at the moment it would be the best option.
You never even left the hotel
You paced around the room, the TV playing in the background. You knew the chocolate shop he worked at and had a way of transportation but couldn’t bring yourself to go, what if he didn’t remember you? What if he had someone else? You tried to talk yourself up, motivating yourself to press the button
“God damn Y/N just-” You were cut off by a breaking news report, Your gaze switched from your hands to the TV. You squinted at the screen as it showed a report of a young male involved in a car collision, you didn’t even know what the instinct was but you ran out your hotel room down to the lobby, you busted through the entrance and started to run to the hospital the news report specified, tears welled up in your eyes as you ran praying that it was just a mistake. You prayed that the male in critical condition wasn’t who you thought it was, you stumbled and bumped into people as you ran saying a quick “I’m sorry” and keeping your pace. You arrived at the hospital and bust through the doors, running up to the desk
“Please miss, Who was the man involved in the car collision? The one in critical condition?” Tears pricked at your eyes as you stared at the woman in front of you expectantly
“Oh, at first we labeled him a John Doe but after further inspection we have confirmed the mans name is...Satori Tendou, We really shouldn’t give out this info but you seem like a family member or-”
The nurse continued on but you couldn’t hear, everything went silent as if you had just became deaf, Your knees felt weak and threatened to give out. It couldn’t be him, You shook your head and covered your ears despite the fact you couldn’t hear anything, everything started to swirl together like a fever dream. Thats right, it was just a dream, This wasn’t happening. You were gonna wake up from this crazy situation and go see your bestfriend, You were gonna finally see your best friend and he was going to be alive and healthy. Everything was going to be just fine, This was just a sick nightmare thats it
“Excuse me, this is his room. I’m sorry but he has about 20 mins left to live, he can hear but can’t move or respond to anything...I’m sorry”
The doctor patted your back and left the room, gently closing the door to avoid startling you. You hadn’t spoken a word since the news was given to you and of course, you didn’t take it well. You broke down completely, the nurses had to escort you to a room and try to calm you down
But even now you felt nothing but numbness
You stared at Tendous body blankly, gazing at all the tubes coming out of him, the beeping of the heart monitor and pumping of the life support machine kept the room from being completely silent. You felt tears well up into your eyes again and this time you didn’t fight them, you slowly walked towards his bed and gently touched his face. You could feel his face flinch and heard a wimper escape from his body, you let out a quiet sob and placed your hand over your mouth. You remembered how the doctor said he could hear you and feel everything
Feel Everything
He could probably feel the tubes and they were probably painful, He probably didn’t think that life was worth so much pain. 
“Tendou...” Your voice cracked and you sniffed, “I’m so sorry...I should have been there..for you” You sighed and sat down in a chair, leaning on the bed “Did I ever tell you about my paradise? Well unlike you...My paradise was a person, They were super funny and their smile could brighten anyones day” You smiled at the last part, unknowingly laying your head on the bed, “They had am amazing laugh too...It was so contagious I learned to memorize it, whenever I was around them...I felt like I was complete. I felt like I had a life worth living when they were around, I loved them..letting them go was the hardest thing, but at least they were safe and happy...” You started to choke up, tears streaming down your face, “You’re my paradise Tendou...I’m in love with you and I want to stay here forever if It means I’ll be with you”. You looked up at the monitor noticing how it was slowing down, You didn’t know much about medicine and medical things but you knew that wasn’t a good sign. You gently grabbed his cold hand and squeezed it, you blinked through tears and opened your mouth. You didn’t know what to say until the monitor started to rapidly beep, fear shot through your body causing your tears to flow faster and your body to shake. You broke your gaze from the monitor and looked at Tendou, his skin was pale and you could barely see his face through all the tubes
“I would have never thought...I would have to say goodbye to my paradise so soon. I love you Satori, I’m sorry I was too late” 
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post a/n: currently sitting here crying, i’m not even attached to Tendou like that and i’m HURT why do i do these things to myself i’m sorry to whovever reads this </3
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
My worries for Tasha's Subclasses
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(Artwork by Wizards of the Coast)
It seems pretty much confirmed that every Unearthed Arcana that’s still considered “relevant” (IE the ones that are a year old and haven’t been officially deconfirmed by WoTC) (IE IE the ones on D&D Beyond) is going to be coming to Tasha’s Cauldron. The only thing that has been confirmed otherwise is that the Psionic Talent Die is going to be changed, which is why I’m not going to comment on any of the psionics subclasses.
However I do have some worries about the subclasses that received a poorer reception. So I guess as a way to document my thoughts, or because I don’t want this account to just be D&D builds I want to give my thoughts and worries on all the current Unearthed Arcana subclasses.
The only Artificer we’ll be getting is the Armorer, but we’re also getting a full reprint of the Artificer to “de-Eberron” the class. We’re also confirmed to have new Infusions which makes me extremely hopeful. (I hope they’re not just the infusions from the Artificer UA.)
Regardless I may as well talk about the infusions as well as the Armorer subclass:
The only problem I really have with the subclass is, ironically enough, right on the tin of the subclass. Giving Artificer heavy armor proficiency makes an already extremely tanky class even tankier. I think being able to wear Heavy Armor while dumping Strength is a little much, especially since the weapons also use your Intelligence modifier. It just reeks of min-maxing, and while thankfully Intelligence isn’t as broken as Charisma for the sake of multiclassing shenanigans (no Paladins with a 1 level Hexblade dip) I still think Artificer is going to be extremely strong for Intelligence subclasses like Eldritch Knight, Rune Knight, and ironically enough Arcane Trickster.
Yeah that’s another big problem with the class: the Infiltrator armor. Rogues in Heavy Armor without stealth disadvantage? My favorite. It’s a cool visual but again I don’t want to deal with a 20 AC Rogue. Everything else with the subclass is honestly fine but my problems start and end with Heavy Armor that doesn’t require Strength.
Armor of Magical Strength - Similar problems that I have with Armorer subclass, but it’s conceptually fine since it’s limited by level and charges.
Armor of Tools - It sucks but it’s fine.
Helm of Awareness - I honestly think “Alert on a stick” is fine. Infusion slot and Attunement slot for a Feat is fair.
Mind Sharpener - Just… no. Should not be printed. You shouldn’t be able to fail concentration twice.
Spell-Refueling Ring - Just let us build a Spell Storing Ring (IE the magic item.) And not at level 6. Level 10 maybe; level 14 most likely.
Thank god for alphabetical order. I honestly think Path of the Beast is fine and I could see the subclass printed without any changes. It’s a little underwhelming but conceptually fine, and it fulfills a good fantasy. I even think the healing ability of the Bite is fine; Battlerager could get Temp HP every turn and that was fine. The ability to heal is balanced out by the weaknesses of the class when compared to the likes of Totem Barbarian.
Ooooh boy now here’s where my problems lie. This entire subclass is bonkers and should not be printed.
Oh cool a massive damage nuke plus temp HP for a tank class.
Oh cool unlimited teleportation for a melee class.
Arguably the worst one but still a massive damage nuke for free.
Oh cool more AC and damage reflection for a tank.
Okay the actual worst one and arguably the only “bad” one.
Oh cool making it harder to hit a tank.
Oh cool dual wielding with a Greataxe, and giving a melee character ranged options.
Oh cool an Iron Man laser at the start of a fight that bursts enemies and sets them up for you to attack them.
This ability should have more negative options. The entire point of Wild Magic is to have a chance to screw you over or a chance to majorly help. The class also doesn’t need three different damage nukes at the start of rage. (Equaling a 3/8 chance to just nuke the enemy.)
The single dumbest ability ever printed on a class in 5e. I honestly see no way to make this balanced, even if it was limited to once per long rest. Also how the hell is this balanced for 6th level? This should be the 10th level ability at least.
Free damage as a reaction. This ability is simultaneously super underwhelming and way too powerful.
Makes your stupidly OP level 3 ability even more “reliable.” And unlike WM Sorcerers you have a 2/8 chance to get something good; not a 2/50 chance.
I honestly have no problems with the College of Creation beyond the level 3 Bardic Inspiration feature, which is underwhelming.
I doubt College of Spirits is going to come out. It’s way too early for that subclass since it hasn’t been tested enough.
Honestly I remember thinking this subclass was really overpowered but looking it over again… It’s fine? Other than the fact that the level 17 ability is poopy it’s fine.
Also got no major problems with this subclass. A bit on the strong end but no worse than some of the existing Clerics.
They’re both great and I have no complaints.
Rune Knight is a very mixed bag for me. On one hand I love the growth ability and I think it makes Rune Knight a great universal damage class while also having a great mental fantasy to it.
On the other hand this class is almost entirely based on the runes? And what I find especially confusing is that the runes seem way more powerful than “doing an extra d6 of damage.” Yet Giant’s Might is limited to long rests and the runes come back on a short rest?
I’d personally like to see Giant’s Might have only one or at most 2 charges, but have the ability come back on a short rest. But to compensate I think the runes should be limited by long rests, since they’re so powerful as is. This would also make the ability to unlock more runes as you level up more useful, as it would give you more options throughout the day instead of being overloaded with actions that aren’t fighting as a fighter.
Oh and let’s talk about those runes, hm?
Hill - So Barbarian’s Rage is limited by long rests, but the rune that literally recreates Rage’s damage absorption is short rest reliant? Kk.
Fire - Cool worse Hold Person that they can save against every turn. Arguably the weakest rune, though probably the coolest mental image. I’d actually be okay with this one remaining short rest reliant.
Frost - I honestly don’t think getting +1 to Strength-based stuff is that OP. The dumb thing is that this gives you advantage on skill checks with two skills passively. Animal Handling and Intimidation aren’t amazing but they aren’t useless either.
Cloud - Again two skills you get Advantage on, but Slight of Hand and Deception are more situational. Redirecting an attack is also situational; can be strong but you need a target to redirect it to among other things. Also one of the more balanced runes.
Stone - By far the best passive boost combined with by far the worst active ability, but that isn’t to say that a 1 minute pseudo-banish is useless.
Storm - Alert on a stick? Advantage on a skill you’re probably going to be making a lot of skill checks for (as an Intelligence character)? TEN CHARGES OF THE LUCKY FEAT? Excluding the zillion and one other synergies with this rune (hey do you want your Rogue to sneak attack completely for free) being able to screw with hit percentages is a quick way to break encounters in 5e.
IMO the Fire, Frost, and Cloud runes are fine. The Stone rune is a bit too strong passively but I think it would be balanced if it gave advantage to something other than Insight. Hill and Storm are way too strong though: Hill should be limited to Long Rests and Storm should be outright reworked.
Other than that Defensive Runes is OP but it’s probably going to be limited to a number of times equal to your Intelligence mod (akin to Artificer.)
Woo boy here we go.
The big problem with this subclass is that it’s extremely weak early but insanely strong late. A melee range Healing Word (d4 + WIS) is insanely underwhelming but 20 charges of Cure Wounds that you can use while also attacking 3 times is ridiculous.
Oh and you know what’s especially ridiculous? Doing 4d10 damage to an enemy that’s incapacitated or poisoned! Hands of Harm is conceptually meh but with the triple damage to incapacitated enemies this suddenly lets a Monk pump out 16d10 damage for 5 Ki points (which they get back on a Short Rest!) To put this into perspective Psychic Scream does 14d6 damage - less die rolled and a smaller die size! Yeah yeah “but Psychic Scream is AoE and stuns!” doesn’t stop the fact that this subclass is doing a 9th level spell’s worth of damage.
Noxus Aura is conceptually stupid and makes a class that’s already hard to kill with ranged attacks near-impossible to kill with ranged attacks. Healing Technique lets you cast a second level spell along with your first level spell every turn but I suppose it’s situational. And Hand of Mercy? Oh okay 20 days of being unable to move and being damage immune.
This subclass is a complete mess and while I’m fine with a healer Monk it shouldn’t also double as one of the strongest DPS classes in the game. “It uses a lot of Ki points” yes but Ki points come back on a short rest. You shouldn’t have four 9th level spells per short rest.
Honestly I think this subclass is fine with the exception of how many attacks it gets, which completely screws with action economy, average hit percentages, and just general DPS. No class should be able to outright ignore one of its earlier features because a new feature it gets is just objectively better, and Astral Self gets to ignore Flurry of Blows because it has it 24/7. I get that they wanted to recreate the JoJo Stand Rush but Monks already attack 4 times, which is more than enough.
Oath of the Watchers is honestly fine if a little weak. My only problem with the subclass is that it has a very Ranger-esque problem of being way too good at what it’s meant to do. (IE fight Extraplaner Threats.)
“But you said Wild Soul doing damage with its reaction was OP!” The difference is that Oath of the Watchers has limited range and is limited to spells, so unlike Wild Soul you can’t do free damage to the giant who just tried to smash you with his club.
I’ve given my complaints about Fey Wanderer before. Basically I think the subclass is way too weak, but if they buff it up I think it would be fine. As for Swarmkeeper it’s conceptually weird but in terms of balance it’s fine.
I remember really disliking the Phantom Rogue but looking at it again… it’s fine? I still think the major problem with the subclass is its flavor, and while you can reflavor it decently well (I still really like the concept of a Transdimensional Trickster, playing as a foil to the Horizon Walker Ranger) I think the core concept is far too edgy for most people.
I’ve actually personally played a low level Phantom Rogue for a one shot and I think Wails from the Grave are fine if a little weak overall. I think Ghost Walk is a little OP (as you can give enemies essentially permanent disadvantage to hit you every fight, along with the ability to ignore terrain) but everything else is honestly fair.
I still don’t like Clockwork Soul. I think XP to Level 3 sums it up best (6:33):
Basically the early level abilities are fine but at late level you get:
An insanely high guarantee to hit your attacks (not everything at level 14 is going to have 20 AC, but if the enemy you’re fighting has 20 AC or lower you have a 100% guarantee to hit them) + a massive defensive boost (on top of your already massive defensive capabilities.)
“But it’s a high level ability!” Yeah high level abilities shouldn’t be completely ass-blast bonkers. The high levels exist to be played and you can’t defend broken high level abilities with “well you won’t get to high level anyways.”
My sweet darling baby Warlock. Probably doesn’t come as a surprise to people that I think both the Warlock subclasses are great, and it also probably doesn’t come as a surprise that I have personally played both of them!
Undead probably isn’t going to get in (good because I really don’t like that subclass) so let’s talk about the others:
Currently playing a mid tier (level 8) full Genie Warlock in a campaign. First of all I want to say that I love the versatility built into this class with the four different sub-subclasses you can pick.
Anyways this subclass ironically feels like the “Warlock+” class akin to Champion Fighter (Fighter+), Open Hand Monk (Monk+), and Eloquence Bard. (Bard+) At level 3 you get a safe place to short rest (Bottled Respite) and a mini Agonizing Blast (Genie’s Wrath.) Level 6 you get three charges of non-concentration flight which is huge for a class that doesn’t get a lot of spells. Level 10 you can now get a safe short rest for your whole party. And level 14 gives you another spell slot once ever 1d4 days.
I think the roleplay opportunity with this subclass is great given the versatility between sub-subclasses and the ability to essentially carry a house with you. My only major problem with the Genie Warlock is that I find it hard to create a character who isn’t just Aladdin. I found it a lot easier to play this subclass when I started thinking of the patron as just an elemental instead of a genie specifically, but I hope Tasha’s Cauldron will come with some lore inspiration for people who want to play the Genie Warlock, because I think the subclass is very fun and well designed!
Still a little salty that my Yuumi build is outdated because of the rework to Genie, but who knows I might make a Unity Domain Yuumi when Tasha’s Cauldron comes out.
I took a 6 level dip in this subclass for a Bardlock awhile ago. I will say I love this subclass but again ironically my only major complaint with the subclass is that it focuses too much on its theme. I would’ve much rather preferred a general “summoner” Warlock, but I acknowledge that Warlock subclasses don’t really work like that. So a Kraken Patron is honestly fine for this concept, and I can tolerate all the strange fish-related abilities while reflavoring the subclass.
I’m not a big fan of the Order of the Scribes, since I personally feel that it doesn’t really fulfill the “living spellbook” theme.
I have a few small complaints about the class’ features: I don’t like that the subclass is able to replace the damage type of a spell completely liberally. (Sorcerers have to use Sorcery Points and Metamagic to do that?) I also think the level 14 ability is rather underwhelming, but that can be fixed.
Other than that I think the subclass is conceptually fine? But I still feel like there’s more you can do with the theme.
I’m very worried about the following classes:
Mind Sharpener Artificer Infusion (You shouldn’t be able to lose concentration twice.)
Wild Soul Barbarian (Every single ability that this subclass gets is overpowered and I’m really worried about this Wild Magic Spellslot Battery Clown Fiesta subclass.)
Way of Mercy Monk (Comedically overpowered with the highest DPS of any Monk subclass along with massive healing output and a TWENTY DAY LONG PARALYSIS?!)
Clockwork Soul Sorcerer (Late game abilities are OP.)
I am mildly worried about the following classes:
Armorer Artificer (Having such liberal access to Heavy Armor is a bit too strong imo.)
Rune Knight Fighter (I think some of the runes need a major rework, and I’d like more of a focus to be put on the Giant’s Might ability.)
Way of the Astral Self Monk (Too many attacks.)
Oath of the Watchers Paladin (It’s a little too good at fighting extraplanar threats.)
I am disappointed with the following classes:
Fey Wanderer Ranger (I think the abilities are really weak compared to existing Rangers, and considering we’re talking about Ranger that’s saying a lot.)
Order of the Scribes Wizard (I think there’s more you can do with the concept.)
And everything else is fine.
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Thinking about birth stories--
I was induced twice. The first time bc I was 42 weeks even and that is just what happens. The second time I was 41 weeks even and begged to be induced bc I just couldn’t take being pregnant for one more minute, not one, get that baby out of me, I was done.
My first induction I was 0cm dilated, 0% effaced. I got a foley bulb and pitocin together starting at 5 am, and things ticked away cm by cm over the course of 20 hours. The bulb popped out as it should after 6 hours, and then I stalled at 5cm for a few hours. I chugged along without pain relief for 10 hours, then got very scared that I was stalled and would be in this endless cycle of contractions with no progress for days, so I got an epidural. Between relaxing with the epidural, upping the pit, and my water breaking, things started moving again. I got a fever and needed antibiotics; the baby’s heart had decels and they put me on oxygen. I got to 10cm at 11pm, we decided to labor down and push at midnight. 5 sets of pushes later, my daughter was born. 
My second induction I think I was in early labor. My appointment for induction was 10pm, they called as I was in the car asking if I could come later bc they were busy but I said I was having contractions so they let me come. They gave me another foley, but no pit, so that I could go sleep in a regular room and eat breakfast before getting pitocin around 7am. This foley insertion was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, I was sweating and had tears streaming down my face (they will give you meds for this, but again, I couldn’t get them bc I was going to sleep upstairs). This was a great idea, except that my natural contractions caused the foley to work too well, and it fell out after 3 hours, so I didn’t get to sleep or eat, and had to go back down to L&D at 4am. I was at 4 cm for a long, long time, and the pitocin was doing nothing. They’d up it, I’d get 5 contractions, then stall out. Finally at 1130, my midwife broke my water and said things “might go fast.” The contractions came on extremely fast, within minutes it was unbearable, and I opted for an epidural in case I had another 10 hours ahead of me like last time. The epidural only worked on one side, so they kept giving me more and more to see if it would work. Finally I said to check me, bc if I was close i’d just push with half an epidural. They rolled me over and the medication FLOODED my body and I went 100% numb. She checked me, I was fully dilated, and I pushed the baby out in a few quick pushes within 90 min of my water breaking. AFTER he was born, my blood pressure bottomed out (60/40), so they gave me epinephrine to bring it back up. I was holding the baby, chatting with adam, and started shaking so badly and could not talk, and genuinely thought I was having a stroke. Turns out the epinephrine sent my bp to 200/160, so then they had to pump me full of fluids to get it to come down. Everyone was so calm and my beautiful midwife literally fed me bites of food and piled warmed blankets on me until the shaking calmed down and my bp got under control. It was fine, but it was scary, and I learned the important lesson to get checked BEFORE pumping your body full of extra epidural drugs, bc I definitely could have pushed him out with half an epidural, or even no epidural. 
They are not lying when they say second babies come fast.
Anyway those are my two quick-ish birth stories, they were both extremely positive experiences despite being as medicalized as possible without being surgical, and having a few scary turns on both of them. 
That is all good bye. I loved giving birth.
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mightyfineblog · 5 years
Christmas Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy x Reader
‘Santa Baby’
This is a Christmas special one-shot imagine. 
Summary: Roger x Female Reader’s first Christmas as a couple. He’s been away for long, and you both missed each other much. A few delightful days spend together in the Christmas of 1974.
Mood: Earhta Kitt -  ‘Santa Baby’
Words: 3K 
SMUT, fluff, teasing, language, anticipation
In the windy December of 1974, London wasn’t the nicest place on earth. Snow and rain were howling on the streets, the sky was grey. Fireplace blasting, the cracking of the wood whispering Christmas. You were snuggling on the sofa with your warmest blanket, drifting to sleep.
 Queen had just released their third album and were touring since October. Three painful months without Roger. Sure, you talked often, accommodating each other over the phone. Still, the distance is agonising.
“How many more shows do you have left?” trying not to sound discouraging you tangle the cord between your fingers.
“We’re only halfway through the world.” Deep breath “Buuut..” he teases. “I might have some good news” he teases, waiting for your response.
“Oi, Rog, you done with the phone? We gotta make some calls too” you hear Brian anxiously shouting from the receiver. He chuckles.
“So? What is it?” you eagerly ask.
“I’ll be home this Christmas” his low and soft voice, healed your soul.
You cry enthusiastically “Jesus Christ! I can’t wait to put my hands on you, to feel your lips on mine, to touch your hair and to…”
“Whoa, whoa, baby, calm down” he laughs, “Let’s finish this later, when I get to the hotel, okay?”
You tremble “Can’t wait to have you back home”
“Me too, petal. Just the two of us… After two weeks, all of us are coming to London, to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve.”
“Can’t wait! Will be waiting for youu...” you pout girly.
“You sure will. I gotta go, but I’ll call you later. Bye darling, love ya.”
“Of course you are. Love ya too.”
 Two weeks have passed and you have only a few days until Christmas day to prepare everything. You hung mistletoe everywhere you saw fit.
Then carefully crafted some Christmas crackers. Since it was going to be just you two for Christmas dinner, you wanted it to be special.
 It is the morning of Christmas Eve, you energetically jump off the bed and start running some house work. You put a holiday record and dance your way around the house, counting the minutes until Roger arrives, as you put the food in the oven. The fireplace is cracking, the music is nice and cheerful, you had your jumper on. You mother was kind enough to knit matching Christmas jumpers for both of you. You spread his on the bed, running a hand across it, gently smiling by the thought of Roger’s body beneath it.
Then you hear it! Somebody’s on the door. You light up and run to open.
“There’s my baby” Roger’s inviting hands reach out.
“Roger!” you jump onto him, legs wrapped around his waist. You place kisses all over his face.
“So eager, I should be away more often then.” He lifts a brow.
“Shut up!” you give him a gentle punch on the shoulder. Then you nuzzle your head in his neck inhaling deeply.
“As much as I love snogging on the doorstep” He carries a step inside.
“Hold on. Look up” You smile. “Ahh, my thoughtful petal” He says looking at the mistletoe above you.
He then gives you a soft and warm kiss.
Stepping inside he lets you down to take off his coat and shoes.
“House looks lovely; you did a good job” he praises
“You like it?”
“Not more than I admire you. Now, turn around, close your eyes.” he commands you softly. You comply, but peek though one eyelid. “No cheating” he scoffs, you shake and patiently wait.
Then you feel something stone cold sliding around your neck and suddenly shiver, goosebumps all over your body. Then a finger tugging at the neckline at your jumper pulling it off to the side slightly, followed by a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
“May I see now?” you are eager.
“Just a sec, darling”. “Now keep your eyes closed and do as I say, can you do that?”
You nod impatiently. He holds your hands and carefully guides you across the flat, to a full size mirror in the bedroom. There he stands behind you, arms around your waist and chin resting on your bare shoulder. He whispers “You may open now.”
You flicker your eyelashes and awe at the sight of a sparkling gemstone necklace hanging around your neck. Eyes draw between it and Roger’s in the mirror.
“It is amazing!” you cannot believe. “Must’ve cost you a fortune, baby” you turn to him. He admires your sight “For the love of my life, I give everything. Even my life, if I have to”.
“But Roger, I don’t need materialistic proof of your love”.
He cups your face close to his “All I want is to make you happy, in every way known to man. Plus, I got a pretty good deal for it, from a merchant in the commonwealth.”
He turns you facing the mirror again “See, it used to belong to an imperatrice, who had to sell it to reunite with the love of her life”. “Thought of you, how it would sit perfectly on your decollete.”
You bury your hands in his neck and give him a sweet kiss. “Christ, you make me feel things”
“I’ll take it as a thank you”
 Friday 25, 1974. 11:55 am
You wake up by the phone ringing. Dragging yourself out of bed to pick up. After a few minutes you are screaming and running back to bed, jumping on top of Roger. “Babe. Babe. Babe wake up!”. “What the bloody hell” he murmurs. “Its Christmas day, we’re so late for my mums!”
“Can’t we stay in bed, and skip it…” he says through closed eyes, a hand holding your thigh tight.
“No, we’re going, get up, quickly” You peck his lips.
“Fine, I’m awake. You go, get ready, babe” he grunts.
After a brief 20 min. You are both dressed up and he is still murmuring about it.
“Babe, I’ll go get the car ready, while you finish, whatever you’re doing” you experimentally speak at him. He is frozen “Oh no baby no, no, don’t you worry ‘bout it, I got this”
You laughed and lift your hands in the air to him “I know better than to touch your precious car”.
After a while he is speeding up nervously on the road. “Roger, calm down, it’s okay, just a lunch with my parents, we’ll open some crackers and drink some punch, well I’m drinking, you are on juice. I’m dying to see you in a paper crown, I feel green is your colour” you wink at him.
“You father is intimidating, I don’t know if he hates me, or the fact I play in a band” He growls, you laugh.
During lunch he relaxes and seems to have gained some courage. He slips a hand under the table. Firstly, lays it on your knee, you don’t react. Then slowly craws up to the inside of your thigh, you question his eyes. He only smirks and continues his conversations. His hand is already at your knickers, stroking up and down painfully slowly, when you squeak in surprise to his courage.
You clench your knees together, giving him an evil side eye. “Everything alright, love?” he checks on you, “Enjoying this lunch a bit too much, don’t we?” You purr at him.
He goes further and tugs aside your knickers, you feel yourself panting at this point. Completely shamelessly he presses a finger on your entrance, feeling your wetness.
“How is you band doing?” your father raises to him “heard you were world touring”
Roger pulls away his hand and places it on the table “Very well sir! Yes, in fact, we weren’t due to a break, but we all felt homesick” he smiles to your side, while you blush uncomfortably.
“Alright, bunny?” your dad frowns at the look of you.
“Yes, it’s just the punch, got me a bit dizzy” you laugh it.
Suddenly Roger’s hand returns, and with no warning starts drawing lines against your entrance. Your head falls on his shoulder whispering into his ear “Roger! Watch it” He pretends he didn’t hear a word and carried on.
He then starts pumping slowly in your pulsating core. “Let’s go upstairs” you breath to him, begging eyes. He cocks his head to the side “What’s got you so hot and bothered baby? Was is the punch?” He then quickens the pace. You buckle your knees, a knob starting to form in your stomach.
“Please, Roger, let’s just go. NOW!” you beg him. He pulls away just before you are able to reach your climax. Places his hand on the table and starts to lick his fingers, “The turkey is delicious, Mrs. Y/M/N.” You stare at his mouth, raging.
From this moment on everything goes rather smoothly, but Roger notices you growing frustrated. After lunch, during your auntie’s piano session, you drag Roger to your old room.
Shutting the door, you slam him against it and start kissing him passionately. Your hands travel all over his torso.
“Youu!” you start at him “So shamelessly” you click you tongue in disapproval “to do this to me, in front of my whole family.” You angrily stare at him. A sly smile.
You lick and suck at his jaw, and find his sweet spot where you keep longer, feeling him responding so well to your touch, tongue leaving wet traces.
“Y/N” He pulls you away, “I’m still scared by your father, pretty damn sure that riffle by his side is loaded” he shrugs uncomfortable for a sec, all confidence suddenly gone.
“But when you had me, right across the table from him, your hands were singing another song” you cock to the side.
“Now, come on me pretty boy, because the only gun I’m thinking of is yours, and I wanna see it loaded” you order him.
These words turn the wild in him as he pushes you back and pins you to the wall. Lifting you up and carrying to the desk, not breaking a kiss. He starts to go down to your jaw and neck. Tongue peeking out time to time, leaving wet traces along the way, until he concentrates on your sweet spot, which makes you close your eyes and throw your head back a little. Then you are startled by a knock on the door, you push away Roger and quickly stand up on your shake feet. Clearing your throat “Yes?”
“Darling, the dessert” your mum’s voice. “Coming right up”. You both giggle at how close this one was.
“Fuck, once we get home, baby, I swe” you shut him with a kiss and drag him downstairs.
 Once back to your flat, you both lay lazily on the sofa until dinner time, when you realise you have to set the table and everything. You jump off to do so. On the table you lay a festive table cover, candles put a cracker for each of you and serve the food you had prepared. Then you dim the lights, put the Christmas record on to create a romantic atmosphere.
You two then sit beside the fireplace to dine. Roger brings a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon ’69. He pours you both. You then clap your hands “Cracker time”. You both pop each other’s crackers and start to unfold the paper crown. “Hmm, green” he smiles. “Told ya” you praise. After you both have your crowns on, and the stupid jokes go the fireplace, you enjoy your meal.
By desert time, you’re giggling from the wine.
He then stood up and told you to wait. You watch him carefully as he brings a few super fluffy blankets and a pillows and arranges them in front of the fire, cozying up the place.
You snuggle into him watching the fire crack for a while, until you remember how he teased you today, and decide it’s payback time. An evil grin on your face, you lean to kiss him. With your hand in his hair, you straddle him. Your tongue twirling a candy cane. ‘Santa Baby’ playing in the background, you sing along.
“Santa baby” innocent eyes. He chuckles.
“Been an awful good girl” eyes even sweeter, tongue licking the candy.
“Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight”
He steals a kiss from your lips, sucking their minty sweet taste.
You pull away and playfully slap his hand and continue:
“Think of all the fun I’ve missed” You lick the candy and lean for another kiss.
He decides to take the lead, taking a lick from your hand and sings:
“Been an angel all year
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight” You keep seductively licking the candy. You take the note:
“Santa honey one thing I really do need, the deed”
Roger: “Santa cutie,
Come and trim my Christmas tree” he smirks suggestively.
You throw the candy away and lock lips. A hand slides under his jumper. You suck on his neck as you slowly massage his chest, hovering your fingers around his nipple. He moans a little and it excites you even more. Then you take off his jumper to appreciate his body. Both hands running up and down, wet kisses all the way to his abdomen, tracing his perfect V-line. Your mouth closing around his other nipple, as your hands play with his belt, when he yelps, pulling you away, and reaches to take off his belt, trousers and socks.
You push him back to lay on a pile of cushions. As you tease even more.
He grunts “Y/N, please” You smile, and bring your head to his shoulder, low sultry voice “ Agh, not so good, when it’s you on the other side, is it?” you bite lightly. His hands removing your jumper, eyes widen at the sight of your breasts, no bra.
He brings you forward, so he can bury his head between them and suck on each nipple hungrily. You throw your head back letting a moan.
Your hand travels to pat gently on his bulge, you feel his cock already hard and ready, underwear damp by some pre-come.
You start trailing his length and he groans into you. You pull away and move between his legs, pulling down his boxers. “My, my! We’re so ready to shoot” You bite a lip staring at his twitching cock. “Been hard for a while. You always make me hard super-fast” his needy voice.
“Glad” you note.
As you lay down beside him “Now, come over and tell me, how you want me”
He moves on top of your body and breaths your smell. “Your lips.. so luscious, they turn red so quickly. Love biting ‘em”
“Your neck, perfect fit for mine.” He moves down. “Your breasts, baby, I canna get enough of them, so soft, and your nipples, so pink and perky, wanna play with them all day…” he goes to suck each at a time, you moan his name quietly, making your core tense.
“But, fuck baby, most of all I love how you taste, all for me” he pulls your skirt and knickers away.
You spread your legs and he starts to kiss your inner thigh, eventually landing on your entrance. “So wet and ready” he notes, then without warning he starts swirling his tongue around your clit, collecting your juices.
“Baby, please” you plead. He smiles against you.
“Need you” you continue.
He pushes a finger, making you throw your head back, earning a deep moan. He starts pumping, while his tongue is eating you out.
“Fuck, Roger” you whine, “need ‘nother finger, babe” you demand. He adds second and keeps a steady pace. Your nails pulling his hair ever so hard when he hits the right spot.
Then he pulls away abruptly, making you scream with annoyed, frustrated look.
“Tell me what do you want”
“Well, of course you do baby. What do you want me to do?”
You whine.
“Need to hear you say it”
“I want your dick, deep inside my fucking pussy, pounding H A R D, and fast” you aren’t even ashamed to beg for it.
“That’s what I wanted to hear” he confirms, you nod in a need, he hovers over you and slides his length deep your pulsating pussy.
You let a whimper. His lips shush yours. He stays, giving you some time to adjust. “Move” you whisper in need.
He starts slamming against you, nice and slow at first.
“Fuck, Y/N! So tight baby” he gulps. You whisper his name like a prayer. Then slams harder, and again, and you tremble under him. A tear drops from the corner of your eye as your orgasm starts to build. A familiar burning feeling, a knob forming in your stomach.
“R-oger” you are out of breath. “So close”.
“Let go baby, come for me” He thrusts a few more times.
You cry out his name, your walls start to close around him. Your nails scratch his back. Hot and cold waves rush through your entire body. You are a hot mess right now. His name is the only prayer on your lips. It takes you a moment to come down from your high. You look for his eyes. He nods.
“Come Roger, come in my pussy, fill me up” you encourage.
He grunts and screams your name, hot liquid fills your walls, a warm feeling completing you.
He collapses on top of you and you bite on his shoulder. Both panting heavily. He rolls beside you. “Fuck Y/N” he swallows. You cuddle under his arm and whisper to his ear “Merry Christmas, darling”. He catches his breath “Merry Christmas, love. The best of my life”
“We’re gonna have many more to come, Taylor” you kiss his temple.
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ingridpaquette-blog · 5 years
7 Simple Tips produce Muscle Fast
At initial glance it mixes incredibly effectively even if the taste is not only well amazing (fruit punch) but its this connected with a small serving even just a single particular smaller gulp and down. Only downside to this for me so far is that it will take lengthier than most pre-work out drinks to kick all over. For me it requires about 45 min a good hour which it really states on the box. However that is great for me, normally requires about 20 min to generate to the fitness center and then yet another twenty to obtain warmed on a light set. As i hit my 1st heavy set it commonly starts. Also just before I ramble on some additional Used to encounter small "tingles" inside Beta-Alanine in it, which actually feels fairly high and only will get me pumped tougher. Creatine is produced by our bodies naturally, however in supplements and bodybuilding, early aging to increase energy. Thus, bodybuilders go to strengthen their weightlifting performance as delivers energy towards their muscles. Though may have ruined your take a look at supplements, just about all are dangerous and great pre-workout supplements can bring you results with any risks. Tend to be some force factor supplements. These supplements aid you gain the muscles a person can have always wanted by helping to be able to achieve it through frequent exercise. It is actually a reason for get plenty of exercise. The supplements contain L-Arginine which helps stimulate nitric oxide supplement in entire body needs. Listening to music while walking or jogging assistance with beat. Music also takes your mind off the workout, the actual time look as if go by faster. Reading music while walking or jogging is fun and helps avoid getting bored. Listening on appropriate is easy with shirts made for mp3 fans. Shirts contain a pocket testosterone boost for Activator Pro Muscle Review your own player which means you can walk or run without needing to hold whatsoever. So lets just find to 3,000 cals typical. This would be just a starting thing. If you have not been eating a great deal of lately, sometimes it is hard initially. I would suggest breaking these meals up into around 5x a day! I saw where you said you just ate 3x day. For anyone who is wanting to build muscle this can be very diligently. You must keep your body fed so as to grow. Physique must live in a positive nitrogen balance in order to have a very good protein turnover rate.Remember as you become bigger you need to consume more calories! Whole fruits such as bananas and apples aid out a ton in your muscle building diet. Unprocessed foods like eggs, egg whites, and toast can be ideal for all your meals, http://activatorpromuscle.org making breakfast a fabulous meal create. Being an extreme workout guru means which have to comprehend your body and the way it operates. You break your muscles, Activator Pro Muscle your body repairs it, life takes place. It's the repairing part of these formula you need to concern yourself with, because that wherever your outcomes are coming within. Consuming a chemical compound that helps during now can provide a boost, making it easier to build firmer, stronger muscles. For example, IGF-1 gives your body a chemical that takes some for the natural stress off of your body by introducing an artificial chemical.
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pinkforyoongi · 6 years
Single dad | Yoongi
Yoongi x reader
word count: 2090
warnings: none(?)
A/N: i’m just really Yoongspired 🤷‍♀ to those who are still waiting for their requests to be fulfilled, sorry! i’m still working on them, i’m just posting some of my drafts in the meanwhile as i’m still quite busy. i haven’t forgotten! ♥
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he'd be such a hardworking dad tbh
he'd have two kids; a one year old and a three year old
both boys
and both got their daddy's looks
whenever he'd go outside with his babies he'd get so many girls and boys melting at the sight of him walking hand in hand with his older baby and the younger one cradled to his chest
grandmas love him honestly
the older boy would be so sweet and bubbly while the younger one would be shy and rarely let out a sound
however he would cry at night a lot
yoongi would often take his older son to their grandmas house so he could sleep better while he tended to the younger ones nightly cryings and needs
he'd love his kids with all he had
it was tough living with two kids as a single dad but he wasn't one to give up easily
then you'd come into picture
you'd move into an apartment right below his
a new city, new apartment, new start, new everything
you wouldn't know anyone
then randomly the day after you'd moved in you'd run into yoongi and his kiddo on the staircase
actually you'd literally run into him
you'd be looking down at your bag of dirty laundry and the next second you had walked into someone's chest 🤦
immediately you'd be like "omg omg i'm so sorry!!!"
especially when you noticed the kid holding on to his daddy's hand like his life depended on it
then you'd look up
and holy shit????
he's h o t
"no it was me, sorry"
for a sec you'd be just staring at him in a trance
until reality hit you when you saw the kid tug his dad's sleeve
yoongi would be about to walk past you and out the door but-
he'd turn around and stare at you expectantly
"do you happen to live here?"
"i was wondering where the laundry room was..... i'm new here"
yoongi would open his mouth to reply but his son would beat him to it
"daddy is on his way there too!! you could come with us :)"
yoongi would sigh and give his son a look of "seriously?"
but then he'd give in and nod his head
"follow us"
you'd thank him loads and scurry after the two extremely cute boys
"i'm (y/n) btw"
"min yoongi"
"and who might you be?" you'd ask the baby
his eyes would light up like "omg they asked me!!! for my name!!! i like them"
he'd giddily introduce himself and shake your hand
from the inside you'd screaming bc !!! how cute !!!
yoongi would lead you to the laundry room and he would be about to leave
but he'd think "well shit they're actually nice"
so he'd turn around and be like
"hey look... i live in the apartment right above yours so if you need anything.... you know...." as he'd scratch the back of his neck
his son would just be nodding his head vigorously, agreeng like "ye :)"
you'd blush and smile at the ground and thank him
then yoongi would leave and you'd want to rip your hair out of your head because those two were so frigging adorable
every now and then you'd run into yoongi on the staircase again
or even in the laundry room
you two would have casual neighbourly conversations and sometimes when he had his kiddo with him you'd suddenly remember like "oh!! would you look at this i forgot this piece of candy in my pocket by accident!" and give it to him
the kid would basically love you already
he'd excitedly tell you he had a little brother who was very quiet but loud by night
yoongi would then worriedly ask you if you'd heard his cries at night
and you'd say no, you had always slept like a baby
pun intended
then finally you'd actually meet the baby in question
you'd be on your way to the store and yoongi would be on his way back to his apartment with his baby in his arms
before yoongi would even notice you were in the same space with him
you'd make eyecontact with his baby
and his eyes would be mesmerizing
you'd just stare at each other for a while without moving
the babies fist would be in his mouth and he would have been chewing on it
but he'd stop the second his eyes met yours
then yoongi would look up and see you
"oh hey (y/n) how are yo-"
"can i touch your baby"
"wha- uhh sure"
you'd carefully offer your finger for the baby
and like magic
he would carefully grab it and hold it
yoongi would be like !! :O !! they're communicating
and you would be
you'd smile at the baby and he'd smile back at you like you two had a connection
"nice to meet you baby"
the baby would let out a soft baby sound
by now yoongi thought you were a magician bc??? is that??? his baby??? not being shy??? in front of a stranger??????
but he wouldn’t say anything he was too scared to break any telepathy sessions you two had going on
until he’d remember he had to go pick his other kiddo up from kindergarden
and you actually had stuff to do too
so you’d awkwardly say your goodbyes
and you’d wave at his baby who’d grin at you
a few days would go by again and you don’t see yoongi or his children
you’d both be focused on your own personal and busy lives
you trying to balance studying and work
and him working and taking care of his angels as he likes to call them
then one rainy evening
you’d be studying on your laptop as per usual
when all of a sudden the electricity would go out
and just your luck your laptop would also run out of battery the exact moment
like God or some higher force had just done it on purpose
you’d throw your hands in the air in frustration, hoping your dumb laptop would have at least saved your work
you’d look around your apartment and think of a way to fix the situation
“ahh well now that the power is gone i might as well do some vacuuming”
until you’d realize vacuuming also requires electricity..... 
(A/N: this has happened to me before. i’m dumb)
so you’d just sit on your couch staring at your clock with your arms crossed
after about 20 minutes of no electricity you’d give up and decide to go investigate the situation further
you’d slip your slippers on and pad your way to the staircases
when all of a sudden you’d bump into someone in the darkness
and you’d scold yourself mentally for not taking a flashlight with you
“shit, sorry” you’d mumble but before you could do anything else the stranger would grab your shoulders and you’d look up
your eyes would adjust to the darkness enough to realize it was indeed Min Yoongi
a deja vu would hit you as you’d whisper out his name and notice this time he was all by himself
you’d also notice he was slightly out of breath
“(Y/N), what happened to the power?” he’d ask in a raspy voice
your body would freeze at his tone and you’d try to open your mouth and tell him you didn’t know and was trying to figure it out but--
you’d just blink at him
by now your eyes would have adjusted to the darkness enough for you to see his features
his expression was soft, eyes unreadable
but he was looking at you
all of a sudden Yoongi would push your body backwards until you back would come in contact with the wall
he’s hands would be on each side of you head, blocking you between his body and the wall
your breath would be caught in your throat and adrenaline pumping into your veins
you wouldn’t know what was going on
he wouldn’t know what was going on
but something was controlling both of your bodies
the built up tension perhaps?
before you’d even know it his lips would be on yours so softly
you’d place your hand on his cheek and hold it carefully
and soon after you’d have your legs wrapped around his waist, hands behind his neck and he’d be carrying you up the stairs into his apartment, never breaking the kiss
you would be in his apartment for the first time but it was no time for a house tour, you were kinda busy doing something else wink wonk
he’d lay you down on something soft and you assumed it was his bed
which it was
he went to kiss your neck hungrily and you’d have time to think things through a bit
“yoongi” you’d whisper his name
“mm?” he’d mumble against your neck, not stopping what he was doing
“what about your kids? aren’t they home?”
it would pull at Yoongis heart strings that you were actually worried for his kids in a situation like this
“older one is at grandmas, younger one is asleep in the other room” he’d quickly explain and get back to your neck
“okay” you’d whisper back and go with the flow
after a while of rolling around in the sheets if you know what i mean
you’d both be laying on your backs on his bed
yoongi would be catching his breath and he’d be about to ask you something
but as he’d turn to face you he’d find your eyes closed and breathing steady
letting out a huff, he’d close his eyes and decide to drift to unconsciousness as well
but right in that instant his baby would start crying :(
he’d visibly cringe
as much as he loved his baby, he also loved to sleep during the night like normal people
and right now he was extremely tired
knowing his baby wouldn’t stop before he’d go and comfort, he’d force his body up before the baby would wake you up
the baby would be rolling around in his crib uncomfortably, crying his eyes out like he always did
Yoongi would know by now what would calm him down so instead of picking the baby up, he’d try to soothe his head softly
but just like usual, the baby wouldn’t quit crying
from the corner of his eye Yoongi would see your figure padding over to the crib
you’d crouch down in front of it and stick your finger near the baby from between the bars of the crib
as soon as he’d see your finger, he would stop crying and turn to look at it confusedly
once he’d make eye contact with you it was like you two were communicating again
Yoongi would watch in awe as you’d smile at his baby
“can I pick you up now?” you’d ask the baby and once you didn’t hear him protest you’d stand up
you’d look at Yoongi for permission and he would nod
it seemed like you knew what you were doing so he wasn’t going to stop you
you’d pick the baby up in your arms and start stroking his back soothingly
and little by little his sobs would die down
there you were and there he was
all Yoongi could do was just stare at you, cradling his baby child, wearing one of his t-shirts
??? he hadn’t even noticed you were wearing his t-shirt but??? you looked good
by now Yoongi would think you were an actual baby whisperer
but you were just you :)
“he’s never done this before”
“he’s never fallen asleep in someone else’s arms except for mine”
you’d then realize the baby was quiet because he had fallen asleep on you aww
a smile would spread on your face because once again you couldn’t believe how cute Min Yoongi and his kids were
after you two would be sure the baby was asleep, you’d carefully lay him back down on his crib
“sleep in my apartment tonight and i’ll make you breakfast in the morning. it’s the least i could do to thank you”
“oh no! you don’t have to, really”
“i insist :) he’s never fallen back asleep so quickly”
shyly, you’d agree and the two of you would quietly tip toe back to his bed
“sorry i took your shirt by the way”
“it’s fine. it looks better on you than it does on me anyway”
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