#i post wips as i go to try and keep myself accountable
prattery · 1 year
ao3 first lines
tagged by the brilliant @queerofthedagger—thank you!
rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
The door opens with a loud bang and Gaius jumps out of his skin, nearly dropping his brand new and very expensive vial. 
(Storm and Hellfire | wip | featuring: a kidnapped merlin, magic and scar reveal, and an awful lot of talking)
“They’ll go after you,” Arthur tells Merlin.
(The Heart of a Star | featuring: a losing battle, court sorcerer merlin, and arthur anchoring merlin to keep him from going full emrys™)
When Arthur was a boy, just on the cusp of adolescence, his nursemaid gifted him with a crystal vial.
(The Sword and His Shield | wip | au featuring: guardian!merlin, an accidental soul bond, and an arthur who knows of merlin’s magic from the very start)
Arthur is nine-and-twenty when he wakes by the lake alone. 
(A Line that Goes All the Way | featuring: a merlin who dies at camlann, a lifetime of love and grief, and a modern-day reunion)
When Merlin enters Arthur’s tent and says, breathlessly, “I found a way to end this”, Arthur can tell, just from Merlin’s expression alone, that he is about to say something stupid. 
(Baby We’ll Be Fine | featuring a self-sacrificing merlin and an arthur who is having none of it)
“Will you give yourself to the spirits to save your prince?” Merlin takes a good look around the ruins of the once-great hall, his gaze lingering on each one of his friends, strewn unconscious on the stone floor. 
(Flickering Embers | featuring a temporary death on merlin’s part, a camelot where magic is no longer banned, and arthur reminding emrys who he was)
They found Morgana’s remains in the woods. She’s not the only one they found.
(Stone Cold | featuring a magic reveal gone terribly wrong, merlin turned into a statue, and a grieving arthur)
Arthur spent what felt like centuries planning for this day, making sure that every single hour of his day would be occupied from the moment he steps away from that courtyard.
(Quiet Before the Dawn | wip | sequel to winning the battle and losing the war)
In a very typical fashion, they were on a hunt when they were ambushed.
(Live and Live Again | the one where arthur witnessed merlin dying and coming back to life)
Merlin is polishing Arthur’s armour in the corner of his chambers. It would be nothing unusual, except for the bit where Merlin is doing it in total silence instead of filling the room with his inane chatter.
(Quiet Light | what could happen post 407 if merlin stayed angry and arthur kept going after the traitor)
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
This is something that's been rolling around in my head for a while, and I'm wondering if you or any of your followers have experience with getting back into writing after illness.
I've been chronically ill for a long time. My symptoms vary a lot depending on external circumstances. From about 2019-2021 or so, I was updating an AU about once a month and having an absolute blast with it...then my health hit a stumbling block. Then it hit another, and another.
I'm now at a point where the stumbling blocks don't seem to be going away anytime soon. I'm starting to feel the mental health effects of not having the spoons to work writing into my day.
I spent the past couple years trying to let myself lie fallow and be kind with my brain when my body needs so much help. I'm at a point where even when I WANT to write, it feels like it's been so long I've almost forgotten how. I'm stalled on all my WIPs from that AU, but it doesn't feel like writer's block so much as it feels like writer's atrophy. I miss it terribly, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting back on my feet.
Thank you for everything you've given our community over the years! 💜💜
*hugs* that's a rough spot to be in, and I hope that we can offer you some ways to get out of it. I'll offer some suggestions from my own experience with a change in health status, but I'm really hopeful that the rest of the blog have some tips to share as well.
Don't hold yourself up to your previous standards. Your abilities have changed, and you should take that into account. If you used to be able to write for 2 hours and now you can only manage 10 minutes, don't see that as a failure. 10 minutes is now your success point. If you used to be able to manage 100K stories with intricate plots and now you find it a challenge to write a straightforward oneshot? Then finishing that oneshot is an accomplishment to be proud of.
If the way you used to do things doesn't work, don't keep trying to do them that way. If you used to type onto a laptop but now staring at the screen makes you feel exhausted? Try dictating into your phone and using speech to text to transcribe it. Then you can go through and edit what's already there. If you used to write at a desk but now sitting up for long periods wears you out? Try tapping it out on your phone in bed. You can't focus for long periods the way that you used to? Turn on the TV and write during commercial breaks.
Don't try to pick up right where you left off. You need to get yourself back in writing shape before you can take on a story that's already halfway written. Those WIPs will still be there, even if you start off with a ficlet or a missing moment or a post-episode coda etc. Start off small. Use ideas or plots that are easier for you to write. Get back into the swing of it before you try to tackle a big project again.
As you try to write something and you find yourself unable to, take a moment and try to identify what the hard part is. Are you having trouble finding words? Are you in an uncomfortable position? Is the device you're using annoying you or difficult to work with? For each problem you can identify, see if you can find an accommodation for it - and look to see if other people have had to accommodate the same issue before you. It's very likely that they have.
I'll stop here and let the spoonies share their thoughts in the notes. I look forward to picking up some advice for myself too ❤️
You can find this question and answer over on Dreamwidth as well, if you'd like to join the conversation over there.
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maybe tumblr will get me back into writing.
Hey my maggoty loves sooooo well, as you might know (because of this chaotic mess of a thread on Neil's blog, oops) I've rooted up a WIP from last February. And I want to finish it. The time on that thread that I said I'd write, I actually wrote for three hours and wrote 3000 words and actually had so much fun? And I haven't written since then but it's made me realise if I keep myself accountable on tumblr then I'll actually do this thing that brings me so much joy.
Sometimes you need to be kicked in the ass even to do things that you like. In chemical kinetics it's called activation energy, if I remember correctly. Ass-kicking energy has more pizzazz.
Sooooo I'll make a tag and I'll just keep making stupid lil updatey posts, y'all feel free to ignore it (or maybe, if you need to write too, take them as a reminder and motivation, the way I took Neil's post as my ass-kicking energy. anything you like). Writing is a messy messy thing but hey we can do it together!
I'll use the tag Asmi's birds of paradise because the ship name I use for my two OCs, Rian and Avi, is Avian. And well, avian = birds. Flashy queer birds. See I'm putting so much thought into this :")
Alright I'm going to write a scene I've been wanting to, where Rian (who knows nothing about cricket) has to commentate on a game of it along with Avi (who's extremely good at it but is out of the game because injury). I wonder if Avi will realise that Rian's not even trying to commentate properly, he's just trying to make Avi laugh. Fucking fools I love them.
Let's fucking go! @howmanyholesinswisscheese writing with me, dad? beating those cishet allegations?
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artsyunderstudy · 1 year
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Hoppy Easter to all who celebrate!
Thanks for the tags @captain-aralias @cutestkilla @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @fatalfangirl @prettygoododds @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @martsonmars @stitchyqueer and @hushed-chorus I LOVE seeing all of your names pop up today, I love seeing all these wips and activity. Mwah. Can't wait to go see what you're working on.
I wasn't planning on doing anything today but ended up at a family gathering anyway, and I got to watch a bunch of grown adults rifling around in metal scrap piles searching for a golden egg filled with ... unknown contents. Mr. Understudy participated. I had a Dos Equis whilst cursing the sun.
It's getting fucking hot now. Time to start my summer hibernation #desertlife.
I want to ... start posting my fic soon. Even though I'm not as far along as I thought I'd be at this point, the last few weeks haven't been terribly conducive to writing but if I can get through the next chapter this week, I might post the first chapter of Someone Wicked neeeext weekend.
(I also feel like giving myself deadlines publicly make me feel more accountable to them, so we're trying that.)
Heeeere is ... more slow undressing. I lied about the smut, this is literally the entire fic. Please try to temper your excitement.
It’s an effort to keep my breathing steady in the process of being slowly undressed.  Being slowly undone.  My heart is going too fast, blood pumping almost deafeningly in my ears.  I let my head fall forward, pressing my nose into his head full of wild curls.  I breathe him in, and he smells like freshly baked bread.  Like yeast and sugar, like inhaling a warm blanket when you’re freezing.
“Hey, Baz,” he says, breaking the silence.  
“Hello, Snow.”
He slips my waistcoat down over my arms.  Slides my tie from my shoulders.  He cradles my hand in his while he unbuttons the cuffs of my sleeves.  I shiver when the pad of his thumb brushes my bare wrist.
When he’s unbuttoned my shirt halfway to my navel, I whisper into the crown of his head, “Kiss me.”
Tags and hellos below!
@johnwgrey @takitalks @bazzybelle @ileadacharmedlife @aristocratic-otter @urban-sith @basiltonbutliketheherb @letraspal @stardustasincocaine @palimpsessed @whatevertheweather @nightimedreamersworld @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @ionlydrinkhotwater @raenestee @erzbethluna @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @sailorblossoms @yeonjunenby @bookish-bogwitch @shrekgogurt @thewholelemon @whogaveyoupermission @forabeatofadrum @valeffelees @thehoneyedhufflepuff @creepyspice @onepintobean @ebbpettier @orange-peony @facewithoutheart @theearlgreymage @forabeatofadrum @ic3-que3n
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caxycreations · 9 months
I think I'm going to try something a little different.
It dawned on me I haven't touched my WIP since...well, since I last posted a preview of it.
And I think I know why. I think, by withholding it, I'm allowing myself the freedom of not working on it due to the fact nobody KNOWS that I'm not working on it.
So even though the desire to work on it is there, I wind up trapping myself. "Nobody cares, it's not like they're going to see it anyways." is a recurring thought.
So I'm going to try something new. I'm going to start fresh on my WIP, once again, and this time...
I'm going to upload every single chapter, as it is finished, to Tumblr. I think doing so will keep me accountable, keep me motivated, because then people will KNOW when I'm not working on it, they'll know when I am, and I'll get that ever-critical interaction and feedback, allowing me to keep myself motivated and persevering through the doubt.
So keep an eye out folks. Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, Chapter One, Draft Four, is coming very soon.
@moremysteriesthantragedies @sparrowcraft @thetruearchmagos @snakelovingnerd @that-one-enby-onyx @a-scaly-troublemaker @leisoree @amerylise @the-chaotic-writer
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sassy-cissa · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
I wasn’t tagged *sad face* but decided to do this anyway. Even if no one reads, I’ll have a record.
Here are mine! (under the cut)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 111 works right now. (mostly fics and some poorly done art)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter!! Mostly Drarry and a couple Snape/Hermione
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
We Found Love Right Where We Are (mpreg)
The One Where Draco Loses his Mind and Gains a Boyfriend
There's No Espresso in Azkaban
Into My Heart
Regardless of desire, life hands you who you are
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I really try to, but especially when it's a fest fic I feel like I keep saying the same things over and over. Sometimes I try to go back – but truly I suck at responding.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There are two: First: All you left me (are the whispers in the wind)  and also Then the Tears Fall  Both are MCD…so yeah
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Except for those two I'm all about the happy ending. I guess the endings I like the best are Every Hour Has Led to This and The White Dragon
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only once. I took some real shit on a fic I wrote over 10 years ago.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Personally, I think I'm an abysmal smut writer. And it's only if a fic if I feel it works. Outside of a few things, I generally don't add smut for the sake of the rating.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
There's No Espresso in Azkaban into Korean - HERE and into German HERE
The Toad's Hollow School into
German: HERE and into Spanish: HERE
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes – a few times. I co-wrote with  @timothysboxers, and a little ficlet with @lettersbyelise and @maesterchilland. I've also done one with oldenuf2nb.  I'm always up for a collab.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Drarry – hands down. Once I found the pairing there was no turning back.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A couple. One I'm working on (sort of) and the other continues to lie dormant from 2012. If I do ever pick it up again, I'll have to really almost start over. I think my style has changed since then.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do okay at dialogue and plot. But honestly I'm a much better continuity beta (for everyone but myself)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Being overly detailed. I must keep telling myself every minute of every day does not have to be accounted for. It's my nit-picky nature that often tires me out and why things go unfinished.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't do it much. Lord knows I have enough trouble with English. On one hand it frustrates me, since I don't know what it says and if they add the translation – it distracts me. On the other hand, it's generally not enough for me to hit the back button.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. First and only!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Really…I can't pick one. The two I mentioned above for their endings come to mind. Is it cocky to say if I posted it – I actually liked it? But the one I'm most proud of was my Big Bang fic - Every Hour has Led to This.
No tags, but feel free to do it if you're of a mind.
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ach-sss-no · 4 months
I've been tagged by @pazithigallifreya ! There's no one I can think of offhand to tag so just do it if you want to
1 How many works do you have on AO3? Aaahhh, well, the official number appears to be 5. I have some scattered orphans out there somewhere.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 262,523. Officially. If you were to track down everything I've orphaned it might go up a bit.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
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Good sir, I only have written five fanfictions, so I'll just stick to the top one
Schrodinger's Hobbit
Ah yes, the one that was posted on a regular schedule and has characters people care about in the tags, giving readers a ghost of a chance to discover it and give it a 'well it's about gollum but I'm desperate for pippin' click
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
In theory, yes. In practice, if I don't reply to a comment as soon as I see it, I sometimes forget to go back and reply because I've tricked myself into thinking I already have. Because I usually reply right away, you see.
Fortunately I do eventually see the comment as unreplied to in my inbox and circle back to it.
However, sometimes if there's no question posed and a simple 'thank you' doesn't seem to apply I honestly can't think of an answer and will just appreciate the person in silence.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uh, well, there's... oh, there's this one that's orphaned somewhere on AO3! it ends with Gollum learning how to eat people
I think I also wrote something once where it ended on a guy going 'oh no I am going to go insane just like my mother' but I don't know if it still exists anywhere.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Maybe Schrodinger's Hobbit? It ends with Aragorn saying 'Gollum isn't going to jail and we're just going to keep him' which is a happy ending from one point of view (Gollum's)
I usually just stop writing stories at the point where they stop being interesting.
7. Do you write crossovers?
The answer is no except for the time I did a crossover webcomic between two games no one cares about.
The first really ambitious fanfiction project I did was some kind of three way crossover with tons of canon/oc shipping and it was so bad.
Also there's a thing on my account that's technically a crossover but it's between Disney properties, which are already just one big lump.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
There's a TVTropes page out there with people railing about how bad my ambitious fanfiction project with tons of canon/oc shipping was. I am not going to find it for you.
In terms of comments, no, except for the one time I wrote a shipfic in a particularly eccentric fandom. People got bad about that. Oddly enough the people who liked the ship were the ones that got mad. Failed step one.
I've never gotten hate on AO3. (Not yet! 👀) Only the wild west of fanfiction.net and TVtropes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do not.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I don't monitor for that, though.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had some people get permission from me to do translations, but they never told me if they posted anything.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Ahhhh I used to years and years ago. I think one co-written thing is still floating about somewhere on ff.net.
I wouldn't be opposed to trying it again one day if I met someone with a compatible writing style and the circumstances were right, but it's not something I'm seeking out.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I guess I'm not really that into shipping. Sometimes a ship will catch my interest enough to produce content but there are none I currently find interesting enough to claim as a favorite.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
If I haven't finished it by now, I don't want to ;)
15. What are your writing strengths?
I don't feel well-equipped to judge my own work, so I will go off of what other people have said about me, which is always a great method for determining your self-concept.
A bunch of different people have said independently of each other that I'm good at characterization and dialog, so it's probably at least partially true.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh I don't know how to write a plot.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There are so many different ways that could be done that this question feels too general to answer.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Lilo & Stitch. Almost 20 years ago now! The Internet has changed a LOT since then.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I'd like to try writing original fiction- wait, come back! Come back!
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, now, that's hardly fair. You expect me to READ these things?
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advashaviv · 4 months
Characters out of context tag
Rules: Include one character quote of your choosing ⁠from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like). Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
I'm really grateful for the tag, @star-studded-whales, as I've been mostly off social media lately and I think I am just ripe to return (all hail the Block Button! 🥳)
I will try to post daily as I did so long ago, to keep myself motivated and accountable on my writing. And what a great idea for (once again) Day 1!
Can I motivate you too with this tag, @stesierra? And, umm... haven't interacted much lately. How about you, @sithbelle, @theimperiumchronicles, @s-is-for-steph?
My quotes:
Chapter 1, Banjo: “I’ll just get her children to help. What’s the worst that can happen?”
Chapter 2, Emma: “The sheets!” That was it. “I’ll collect them, you guys make sure all the other windows are closed.”
Chapter 3, Tom: “Come to think of it, I’m not sure any teacher is even capable of being utterly quiet for more than a few seconds. Whenever I see a teacher, they are mostly talking.”
Chapter 4, George: “Did you know they can work together? Thousands of spiders, one epic web.”
Chapter 5, Alice: “But you know what’s weirdest?” Alice let go of her fan and sat cross-legged. “School literature lessons. You would think they’d make you love books, but in fact they make you hate them.”
The WIP:
ADventures Heading up and Down - a cozy fantasy inspired by ADHD.
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thiefoflight68 · 1 year
Just A Silly FanFic Writer! My Masterlist
Hello and welcome to my Tumblr account. I post all my writings in Fanfiction, A03 & Wattpad. Everything is under my user id Thiefoflight68.
I consider myself a girl but use She/They as I am pansexual. I generally write Fanfiction, play Dungeons & Dragons and walk on the beach all the time with my dog listening to music for my fics. I love music and try to put some good songs into my stories to help get the vibe of the scene. I do try to keep characters as canon as possible but I like to change up personalities so that it's not always the same for my readers (and myself). I mainly write MHA at the moment. I've also started doing Fem Reader Inserts and am enjoying those.
It's finally happened - I wrote a fanfic that is not MHA. A smutty Omegaverse one shot for a challenge of MCU
Current WIPs:
I am SO excited to be back to a Baku/Deku again. This time going Fantasy and Western AUs!
The Kingdom of the Six Pillars - Being pulled into another world through a magic portal only happens in stories, right? Not for Izuku Midoriya. Finding himself in a strange realm, he has been brought to the Kingdom of the Six Pillars as a Magical Transfer. This world only is able to survive by the magic created between a bonded pair of a Transfer and a Pillar. Except Transfers must have magic to be bonded and as Izuku steps into the dark water, it shows... nothing. Now stuck in this world for as long as it takes for a bonded pair to form, Izuku decides to explore and discover the world around him.
Second Chance Ranch - When life hasn’t gone the way you wanted, shouldn’t you get a second chance? Bakugou found himself trying to get a job to restart after being released from prison but fate had other ideas. A chance meeting brought him to the Midoriya Family Ranch, also known as Second Chance Ranch by the ex-convicts that had made a new life there. But is he the only one needing a second chance? Destiny seems to have brought him here to be the rescuer as much to be rescued.
My Current Works:
One Shots -
Waiting for The Ghost King - Fluffy one shit of Xie Lian on Mount Tiacang alone.
Broken Heat - MCU Bucky Barnes x Sam Wilson. Omegaverse plot bunny challenge.
A Cowboy in Chaps - A fun Sero x Reader off of my new Western AU Second Chance Ranch (not yet posted).
Taming Of The Crew - Sequel to @succibisblog story 4M/1F Bakusquad GB with fluff (gotta have my fluff) Bakugsqaud x Fem!Reader insert
The New Employee - Reader request for an edgy but soft 6M/1F Bakusquad gangbang with fluff Bakusquad x Fem!Reader
The Drop - Baku/Eijiro x Fem!Reader - A BDSM series Part One
The Scene - Part Two
WIP Third Part - Someday, I promise. It's written but I don't love it and I won't publish what I don't love! SIGH
Kirishima Drives Like A Maniac - Highjacked from I Will Always Love You. Funny one shot - Kirishima x Fem!Reader
What If You Couldn't Sweat Kacchan? - This is a K+ (language) silly one shot for a competition - Baku/Deku
Reaching For Gold - Shoji's Wish - This is a request from a reader for a one shot from Reaching For Gold - Baku/Deku/Shoji Smut
My long Fics -
If I Have a Quirk, Then Why Do I Need a Gun? - Baku/Todo After the loss of their friend and the government revoking their Pro Hero licenses. Several members of the 1A class have become detectives. During their investigation they began unraveling a mystery that may lead them to understanding what happened to their friend or to their own deaths.
I Will Always Love You - Baku/Deku Bakusquad on tour as a professional music band. Super hot Shinso/Ojiro side ship, they about steal the show.
Let's Give Them Something To Talk About - A Small Town Romance- Baku/Deku with side ship of Sero/Kiri
Reaching for Gold - Baku/Deku with side ship of Miro/Sero - Sports Romance
A Succulent Prize - The Anti - Cupid (Written in a COVID Fever - so just...) Baku/Deku strange little story - Romance + ? (I adore all my fics but this weird ass story is my low key favorite.)
Open For Business - Baku/Deku - My first and super sweet Romance - Hurt Comfort but a little rambling LOL
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bylightofdawn · 5 months
2023 Wrap Up.
It’s officially New Years in Texas. 2023 has been a weird year for me, one that both dragged and flew by way too quickly. There’s so much pain and awfulness going on the world right now that it’s hard to not dwell on or carry that into 2024 but I’m going to try and keep this relatively light-hearted and positive if only because I want to try and start the New Year on a positive note. For me personally? I didn’t really do anything big or notable but I had some smaller but meaningful victories.
I made a New Years resolution (something I’m pretty vehemently against because I always feel disappointed in myself when I don’t follow through) that I was going to start writing again and I would try and write every day. I didn’t manage every day but boy howdy did I still keep up that resolution. The major project of course being Seeds for the Future which I clocked in at 176,456 words minus I want to say around 10,000 words which I’d previously started like 3 years ago before abandoning it. So we’ll call it 165,000 to make it even-ish.
Holy. Shit. 165,000 in one year. I did not in a million years think I had that in me. And it’s been a wild ride. At points I felt like I was being ridden by a damned demon that was demanding I write this NOW. I was especially busy the first six months or so and then I burned myself out which….completely understandable when you consider your standard basic fiction book is around 70,000+ so I wrote two fucking novels in six months length-wise. But I also wrote a bunch of other stuff. I wrote A Fragile World Between Sharp Teeth which I’m still absurdly in love with. Wrote two whole-ass Witcher fics this month and one Star Trek fic as well as some other WIPs.
By my calculations I wrote -drum roll- 233,383 words in 2023.
And actually followed through on a New Years Resolution.
I also forced myself out of my comfort zone in little ways. I pushed myself to take action on my health to try and figure out the cause of my chronic pain and while the diagnosis was a bummer as was getting diagnosed with diabetes on top of everything else this year, I am proud that I forced myself to do it. I also did silly things like bleached my hair and dyed it all manner of crazy colors.
I think for 2024 I’m going to try and hold myself accountable for my health. I desperately need to go back to therapy and as much as I hate to admit it, I need to join a gym and strengthen my body. It will be the best thing I can do for my RA if I can help strengthen my muscles and I think it will help with my pain levels. It just...it sounds like so much effort though and it scares me so we’ll see how that journey goes. I’m going to keep plugging away slowly but surely.
I’m also going to keep trying to write in 2024. I have so many fic ideas I want to write. I’m definitely not going to do anymore crazy fucking 100K fics again. It definitely takes a toll on me creatively and not going to lie, after a while it feels like I’m just kinda screaming into the void because the sad truth of the matter is, long-fic will turn readers off and they won’t click or interact with it. And eventually my imposter syndrome reared its ugly head and the last half of this year and trying to finish Seeds has been a slog for the most part and not one I enjoyed.
Now, I’m going to go pour myself a glass of Moscato, eat some stupidly expensive caprese salad and I think edit the first chapter of my Gallahir sequel. I think I might be able to get it up and posted today if I can edit the first chapter tonight. Thank you to all my tumblr buddies, both new and old who have stuck it out with me through everything. I love and appreciate y’all and I am hoping you all have a happier, more kinder year than 2023.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
just so you guys know, people are still throwing rocks at me in my inbox.
I don't think I'm gonna post or respond to the messages, because I am just tired at this point. even though I have a lot to say and I feel the need to defend myself when someone sends me long ass paragraphs accusing me of not being 'accountable' and using my chronic illness as something to 'hide behind'?
like girl. I write fanfiction. I. write. fanfiction.
at the end of the day this is a hobby. it is a hobby that I am very passionate about - but I am beholden to no one. I could post 10 different fics that are 2 sentences long each and make no sense and I would have to explain myself to no one about it.
but I know that a lot of people wondered why I deleted @/pinkchubbiebunnie and for a lot of people it was very sudden - and it was because of harassment like this. and it was a lot of harassment that you guys didn't see. for every one message I posted then, there was 30, 40, 50 messages in my inbox - ones I deleted or debated responding to. and that was because I was pointing out fatphobia and lack of trans and amab inclusion in fics (a lack of representation for reader characters outside of cis women, which I think is unfair even though I am a cis woman).
and this time I am being harassed for - pointing out that genuine, healthy reader/writer interaction is down across the board for all authors and saying that due to lack of interaction and because of rude interaction, I had a very hard time finishing a long, multichapter fic. (which I did end up finishing). and I am being berated for not sticking with fandoms, not finishing fics in the past, and supposedly being a rude horrible person.
I am really, really trying hard to push past those rude messages and forget about them so that I can move on. and something I was thinking about last night was doing WIP Wednesdays (aka posting a tiny sample of my wips on Wednesday, which is usually only something people do if they are tagged to do it?) - but now I feel like if I reveal anything about a fic and then don't complete it, it's rude? idk. I am just trying to focus on what I'm working on now because I liked the idea when it was conceptualized in my mind.
but this is really, really demotivating me from posting anything ever
I don't want this to be the straw that breaks the camels back (when it comes to me quitting posting fics) and I don't want to post rude messages that people send me just to get sympathy (because I don't want sympathy, I guess I just want understanding?) - but just know I'm going through the ringer rn. and I want to keep sharing my fics, because I know that those fics make people happy.
before all this, I was even considering doing a series on AO3 called 'from the vault' where I posted all the old kpop fanfics that I have still stored in my google docs just so that people can read them and maybe enjoy them, even if I consider them cringeworthy because they are not up to my current skill level - but idk. all of this is just aggravating my existing mental illness so much and sucking away all the excitement I had for any of these things
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Author Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @starlit-hopes-and-dreams!
I'll gently tag @verkja, if you'd like, cause I am SO excited that I should finally have time soon to start reading your work, and I'd love to hear more about it if you're down! And of course, anyone is welcome to jump in; please tag me if you do!
I only have one fic on this side of the internet, so this will all be about my WIP Sin of Purity, Purity of Sin.
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
I personally don't vibe with the idea of writing "lessons." I guess the ideas that have been sticking out to me the most have probably been guilt and innocence, and the way the past can recontextualize the present and vice versa. But that's just me; I'm sure anyone could read this and see something completely different.
Or maybe we're all just here for the whump :)
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
Disclaimer: I have nothing at all against any religion that is not causing anyone harm; there are obviously a lot of wonderful religions and religious people in the world, and I 100% support that.
That being said, the key feature of the worldbuilding in this fic is the official religion of the kingdom, and that was very much inspired by my own wildly toxic religious upbringing. Before I started writing, I didn't really bother to plan out what most writers would consider the basic features of a fantasy world--I don't think I even got around to naming the kingdom the story takes place in until maybe a half-dozen chapters in. But I had worked out a lot about the fundamental theology and practices of the worship of Vato, the way the temple system is organized, the relationship between the temple and the culture and subcultures of the kingdom, the doctrines and practices that are basically arbitrary or just make no sense, etc. And all of it draws pretty heavily from my own experiences with the type of churches that I grew up in.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
Okay so the obvious answer is that Anden and Kiri are both trying to gain their freedom. But Anden would prefer to achieve that by his own strength--he doesn't like feeling weak, and to him being forced to rely on others can sometimes feel like weakness. And Kiri...I think Kiri would prefer the temple simply have a change of heart and let them go lol
If there's anything that I'm trying to achieve with them, I guess it's just the catharsis that I personally get from watching them suffer together the different ways that they're growing, both individually and together.
How many chapters is your story going to have?
No idea! The events of the story are all mapped out, but I'm letting myself just experiment and have fun with this fic, and I'm really trying to embrace serialization rather than try to match the pacing of a typical novel. I would say that the chapter I'm currently working on is right at the midpoint of the narrative arc--if that term even applies to my unstructured mess of a plot--but that may or may not mean I'm at the halfway point in terms of the chapter count. The back half of the second act could end up stretching out a good half dozen chapters, or for all I know it'll only take, like, two. And how long will the third act be? Who knows? Not me!
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Unusually for me, this is an original. I will probably just keep in here on tumblr; idk if I'd want it on my AO3 account with my fanfiction--it feels odd to me to mix the two.
When and why did you start writing?
I started this one I think about a month and a half ago--it has not been long! Tbh I'd had a pretty awful summer, and I'd been getting back into reading whump as a form of escapism. Had the idea for this one, and I realized it would do me a lot of good to have an outlet just making something I want to make, just cause I want to make it, and not worry about how good it is or what other people think about it. This is easily the most self-indulgent work I've ever written, and it makes me so happy to hear that anyone else is enjoying it too!
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
Idk, you do you!
Oh gosh I hate doing these because I am SO forgetful and I feel like I always leave off a favorite blog! But here's a sampling of writers whose works I've been really enjoying this past year: @i-can-even-burn-salad, @little-peril-stories, @clairelsonao3, @dont-touch-my-soup, @whumpcereal, and of course @starlit-hopes-and-dreams who I guess I'm tagging twice in one post!
Blank questions below:
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When and why did you start writing?
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
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andthatisnotfake · 1 year
Decided to get some writing done today one way or another, so currently I have all my WIPs open - all 12 14 of them - and the goal is to write 1-3 sentences in each of them (regardless of whether or not it's good, it makes sense, I'll delete later or not, etc.), then close one and write another 1-3 sentences in each, then keep on doing that. Sure, one of them will have only 1-3 sentences written, but I should write quite a good chunk in a few of them. Is this a good idea? Probably not. But it's new and different and I thought I'd give it a try, since nothing else seems to be working to get my writing motivation going.
Fic titles and fandoms under the Read More and I'll be updating this post with how many words I've written into each of them to hold myself accountable (though you can feel free to nag me about them as well, that helps).
EDIT: round 1 done! Now to decide which fic to close... Guess wherever I've written less it'll be.
Round 2 done and two fics added. ☠️
Round 3 finally done. This actually helped, but I think I might focus in one or two next so I can get something finished. Still, more than I had written in a while, so it was fun.
Never Enough* - Mother of The Year (Thomas x MC pwp): 301
We're looking for something dumb to do - DRUK2 (Vegas AU with Taywhora/Asttimini/Diamond Chaney): 44
That's what you get (when you let your heart win) - DRUK2 (Pitch Perfect AU Bimini-centric group fic): 460
Come jingle my bells - DRUK2 (Christmas fic I was meant to gift @comedychallenge in 2021 🫠 - I forgot to include it in the first round, so I wrote double in the second): 319
The One That Got Away - Gallavich (canon-divergent fic I pretty much abandoned years ago and have no idea how to continue, this will be fun): 150
Red Velvet part II* - Royai (sequel to my Roy's surprise bday party one-shot, where Roy and Riza celebrate in private): 291
Words written down (they are falling now) - Young Royals (Wilmon soulmates AU): 382
I think I dreamed you into life* - Young Royals (another Wilmon soulmates AU because @princesimonsblog asked for one for the gift exchange and I couldn't decide which one to write so I started two): 436
Place Your Bets* - Young Royals (Wilmon funny/smutty one-shot): 325
Hidden* - Young Royals (Wilmon fluffy one-shot): 325
If you're horny (let's do it)*- Young Royals (Wilmon pwp): 355
Untitled Wilmon Gamers AU - Young Royals (Which I swear I was already writing before @missmeganlee mentioned it!): 399
Untitled 10 Things I hate about you Wilmon AU - Young Royals: 614
Sugar, oh, honey honey* - Young Royals (Stedrika baking one-shot @frogprincesnowglobe somehow roped me into writing - I wrote double for it, since it wasn't in the first round): 253
*Fic still not posted anywhere, title subject to change.
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inklessletter · 1 year
Hi there! It's Vane (or Bane) speaking, thank you for coming by. I'm in my thirties, I'm from Spain (English is not my native language, so if you see something odd, you know the reason now), I've got the laziest dog in the world and I'm currently hyperfixating on Stranger Things, especifically on steddie, so most of my posts will be about that, even though the original intention was it to be more generic. Joke's on me. I should just cut the crap and just use an ST icon, I'm not fooling anyone, I'm in love now.
I've been drawing since I was a little girl, but I've had some sort of traumatic experiences showing my stuff online lately, and I'm trying to make peace with that, so I made this blog with the intention to actually be bolder and share the few things I do. I expected it to be more drawings than fics, but I guess I keep surprising myself, so, yeah, I'll embrace the change. I've realized that writing fics is healing my soul in ways I've not expecting, so, you know, I'm kind of my own target audience, but if you like what I do, feel free to comment or share my posts, or to engage in a converstion about common interests, my asks are always open. I'm always happy to meet new people and I'm glad to interact with anyone.
Above all, this blog is a hate free space. We are all here to have fun and respect each other, so, if by any chance there's someone who doesn't like what is posted here, I politely invite them to just leave. Keep the hate away, please and thank you.
Also, I must say that I'm not aiming to post +18 stuff, but I am also not aiming to stop reblogging things for adult if I feel like it, so, you must be warned about this. This means, that at some point I could post NSFW, always specifically writing down a warning, even in the masterlist. By the way, I must ask minors to not interact if in such posts or else you will be immediately blocked. This goes for blank accounts and accounts that might be suspiscious to me, too.
I feel the need to please ask people to NOT post my pictures as their own (reblogging the post is always welcome, but reposting is NOT), and if you want to use any of my drawings, please ask for permission first to know how to use it correctly. Respect the artist, please.
That being said, I'm going to proceed to make a MASTERLIST of my posts (I'm fascinated with all the talent in this site, I keep reblogging amazing things and then I'm having trouble finding my own stuff). Most of my works are on AO3 so, please, read the tags there if you want!
Faith, should I take a leap? [oneshot - steddie]
Back when I was living (for the hope of it all) [oneshot - steddie]
I think I've seen this film before (and I didn't like the ending) [oneshot - light ronance]
Is it chill that you're in my head ('cause I know that is delicate) [oneshot - steddie]
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself (hey, isn't this easy?) [oneshot - steddie]
It's a love story (baby, just say yes) [chapter 4/6 - steddie] ONGOING
You drew stars (around my scars) [oneshot - mike w. & steve h.] Bonus scene!
All I can say is it was enchanting (to meet you) [oneshot - steddie]
Steve Harrington B&W [digital art - FINAL]
Steve Harrington B&W [digital art - WIP]
Eddie Munson B&W [digital art - WIP]
Robin Buckley [digital art - WIP]
Steve Harrington Scoops Ahoy! [digital art - FINAL]
Steve Harrington Scoops Ahoy! [digital art - WIP + LINEART]
You're dangerous, Harrington [lineart color final]
It was very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying [digital art]
Are you real? [sneak peak lineart grayscale final]
I'm not sure if you're mine, or if I'm yours [sneak peak lineart grayscale final]
Harder, Munson [sneak peak lineart final]
Is this shit recording yet? [digital art - FINAL]
I will keep updating this list. Thank you very much, and I hope you have a great day!
(By the way, if you haven't guessed yet, yes, I'm a swiftie, too).
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quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
AO3 Anniversary!!
Hello hello!
On 15th of September, today, we have approached my official 1 year anniversary on ao3. That was the day when I first joined ao3. 21st of September was when I posted my first fic "A Day In The Life Of Tim Drake" which was just an excuse to not have an empty account. I wasn't completely sure whether or not I would be continuing on writing fics, but one day, I saw a fic that resonated within my heart. And so I decided "Hey, why not make my own?" And I set out to write "Sometimes You Have To Find Your Own Genes". So my first "official" fic was a 20-chapter novel-length fic.
But anyways, after finishing that, I thought to myself "That worked so nice, why not try it twice?" and wrote the fic which you might all be more familiar to: My School's Local Mafia Boss (AKA mmb which was an abbreviation @cygnusdoesthings coined standing for "mini mafia boss" fic) and its two series Let Them Be Brothers and Mafia Files.
From there, everything exploded and created a gateway which I stumbled through to a whole new world. And boy oh boy is it wonderful.
I've met... a lot of people through those fics. And so many of them are just absolute charms. It's crazy to think that around a 150 people get notified when I post. I've grown as an individual so much over the year. I've also realized a few things about myself too... a bunch of issues 😅 Hey, i can't be a full ao3 writer without having a fair share of the curse. To all those people who've stuck by me though... thank you. So much. I don't know how to describe.
I'm gonna continue writing fics. I like it. I love it. It helps me (and sometimes others) in more ways than one. So I'm going to keep writing. I have... soo many wips. And I'm co-writing with and beta-ing for a bunch of super cool totally awesome writers too! They're so cool.
But I want to celebrate. I wanted to do Something Special TM for this. So I asked people on ao3 on the Not All Good Things Come In Packages work to give me one (1) dialogue or line to put in a fic and i was pleased to see that a lot of people were interested!
And so, i have finally written the fic. Connected by the many contributions from various people, I present to you, the batkids learning about Bruce's days from ages 0-27 from Alfred: Greet Me With Open Arms.
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lixenn · 2 months
Since I’ve come out of my introverted gremlin cave and started to actually work regularly on my writing as well as posting my stuff on here, I’ve decided to structure my blog a bit. Mostly to prevent people from getting absolutely lost in this chaotic mess.  
I will try to keep this as updated as possible but there might be a bit of a delay between me posting new content and updating this, so please keep that in mind.
General info
My Ao3 account
Ask box
If you have questions about any of my projects or just want to randomly scream at me about any topic that comes to mind, my inbox is open. Bother me anytime!
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
The KHR discord server is now online! It's a general server for the fandom. If you want to join just drop me a DM and I'll send you the invite link.
KHR writing prompts
Prompts are open, just drop them in my inbox and I'll see what the nonsense generator can fabricate!
Prompt rules/intro
Dan and Celeste
Dan and Vlasta
The Housekeeping AU
This is me playing around in the Varia sandbox, come and join me in my weird delusions!
Witness how the Head of Varia Housekeeping (my OC) is slowly but surely driven insane by crazy Assassin bullshit, meddling assistants (aka Dave), mountains of paperwork and Mafia politics.
(Btw the concept of my Varia Housekeeping was inspired by Umei_no_Mai whose worldbuilding is absolutely Godtier. I kneel before their greatness.)
Character profiles
Chief aka Daniele
Ottavio under edit
Valerie Rebner
The Varia Housekeeping survival guide (WIP currently updating on Ao3)
When you are the overworked and underappreciated head of Varia Housekeeping who is sick and tired of cleaning up your employees’ corpses and decide to write up an instruction manual for dealing with Varia's insanity.
Unnamed Sequel (in planning stage)
Unlike the Varia survival guide, this work will hopefully have plot and a coherent story line. I’m still very much in the idea finding phase, so no clue when this is going to be published.
I now have a rough outline for the story, main plot plus romance side plot (I say side plot when the romance outline is much more detailed... *silently despairs*).
Current edited chapter count: 1/?
I will keep you updated on this project via completely unhinged ramblings, so… look forward to that (and yes, that is a threat!)
Fanfic recs
I've decided to indulge myself and finally make a list some of my favourite KHR fanfics, feel free to check it out!
Fic recs
How Uzushio was saved by drunken seal shenanigans (WIP kinda on hold)
The story of how Uzumaki Ren – explosion specialist, seal master and everyone’s favourite mad scientist – saves his village from destruction, revolutionizes the medical field, adopts a puppy, and gives his Kage an aneurism. Not necessarily in that order.
Note: I’ve updated this recently and I still have stuff for it prewritten (but nothing post-worthy just yet), but since KHR has overtaken all my brain space, I’ll probably won’t work on this for a while. I’m still super attached to my mad scientist baby Ren, so there will be more content! … Just in the very far future 😅
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