#i needed a good laugh after that short lmao
lemon-lime-limbo · 1 day
𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖆𝖙? | 𝖆 𝖇𝖓𝖍𝖆 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn! reader
warnings: COLLEGE AU, reader does have a female roommate, reader is a nursing major, idk probably ooc bakugou ngl, soft! bakugou, bakugou has hyperhidrosis, possible tw for medical scenarios (no needles, just mentions of stuff like that), jirou and denki are dating teehee
genre: fluff
word count: 2.4k
note: i typed this so fast that my fingers started locking up LMAO anyway bakugou with hyperhidrosis is my guilty pleasure i love it so much and also can u tell i took medical classes... i tried to make it accessible but also flex my knowledge. enjoy!
When your professor told you about your upcoming project a few classes ago, you sighed in annoyance. You loved being a nursing major, and medical labs came easily to you. But those labs were always done with classmates, and your professor supposed you needed to work with fresh patients, ones you hadn’t gotten accustomed to. A valid suggestion, although it then tasked you with finding six willing participants. And as one can imagine, those were few and far between, and tracking down a sixth person was proving to be much more difficult than you had hoped.
You had already done the lab on your two neighbors you shared a kitchen with, your roommate, Kyoka Jirou, and also her boyfriend, Denki, who was just happy to be there. However, you were still one short. Denki offered to ask his friends to help, and although you were grateful, you couldn’t imagine any of them would be willing to be a test subject for a stranger, and you can’t say you would feel much differently in their position, so you declined. Of course, you could always fake it and just make up random data, but your professor was monitoring how many people you brought into the lab via a sign-in sheet, so you had to use real people.
After class, you went back to your dorm to mope about your future bad grade on your assignment. “Hey,” Kyoka said from her bed, back against the wall with her boyfriend’s head in her lap. 
That was when you saw him. Slouched down in your twin-sized loft bed filled to the brim with stuffed animals was Denki’s hot blonde friend, Katsuki Bakugou. You had gotten only a few chances to speak to him at Denki’s dorm parties, but from what he told you, aside from his general lack of complaisance, Bakugou was a fun person to be around. Aggressive, but still good company, apparently. He was your party crush that would sometimes talk to you. You were too scared to ask for his number, and he always disappeared promptly after every party. But while he was there, his eyes never left you.
Today, he wore an oversized black hoodie, and his baggy black pants had multiple straps hanging from them. One leg dangled over the edge of your mattress, his clunky black boots on the floor by your desk, buried in the fur of your fluffy rug. He didn’t seem to notice you, his eyes glued to his phone screen with his other arm casually behind his head.
You were embarrassed, both by your messy side of the room, and by all the stuffed animals on your bed. He clearly didn’t care, however, squashing quite a few plushies under his body, their plastic eyes bulging out of fluffy sockets. 
Dodging wads of clothes and cords from musical equipment, you made your way to your desk to set your backpack down, dodging his leg as you ducked under the loft bed. “You, um… You didn’t tell me we would have company…” you said to Kyoka, wishing you had dressed up a bit more for your previous class. You always expected her boyfriend to be over, but this was definitely a surprise. She knew you found him attractive, but you’re not sure she grasped the real gravity of the situation.
She laughed sheepishly. “Sorry… But I do have good news.”
“Go on.” You kicked off your own shoes onto your rug before trying to gather up some of the papers on your desk to help with the mess.
“Well, it took a bit of convincing, and a bit of bribery, but Denki found you a final person!” You turned to see her doing jazz-hands from her bed. 
Your eyes widened. “You don’t mean-”
She nodded, a devious smile on her face. “You got it. Meet Denki’s friend from high school.” If you hadn’t been staring right at her in shock, you would have missed the wink she shot at you. 
“Nice to see you,” you said after taking a moment to regain your composure, looking over the edge of your bed at him. He gave you a nod in acknowledgement, eyes snapping to yours and trailing downwards. You looked away awkwardly, feeling like a museum exhibit.
“I know you told me not to ask my friends,” Denki said, sitting up with a yawn. “But I couldn’t help myself.”
You wished you could be mad at him for going against your wishes, but you were just glad to finally be able to finish your project and to not have to scrounge campus for a semi-willing participant. Even though his choice of victim seemed to be a challenge to see how professional you can keep yourself. “Well, thank you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.” You leaned against one of the wooden posts of your bed frame. “I definitely owe you one!”
His eyes darted from yours nervously. “Let’s wait until after you do your thing to decide that…” Denki just hoped you wouldn’t kill him when you got back to your dorm. In fact, he was already running through ideas and excuses to not be there when you did get back.
“What do you mean?” You tilted your head with a suspicious squint.
An aggravated sigh drew your attention to your bed above you. “Where are we going for your little experiment?” Bakugou said.
You frowned at the thought of it being an experiment. While technically your project was science, as all nursing is, this assignment wasn’t anything more than gathering data and practicing your application of the techniques you learned. An experiment would entail a hypothesis and more focus on the science aspects. You almost made the clarification, but you lost your nerve when you looked at him again. “The lab is right by building B,” you said. “It’s open now, if you want to-”
“Fine.” He jumped off your bed before you could react and yanked his boots on. “Let’s go,” he grumbled, pulling harshly on the side zippers as you took a few seconds to process what had just occurred.
You hurried to put your own shoes on before he walked out the door, almost leaving you in the dust as you rushed to catch up to him after grabbing your backpack. Once outside, you were grateful you wore your jacket, the brisk air whipping around and stinging your cheeks as the sun went down. You walked next to each other, and you were determined to make this as transactional as possible, no matter what the heart threatening to erupt out of your ribs was saying. And it had very much to say, you found out. You didn't want to be presumptuous, and he was only supposed to help you with your assignment and be on his way, but it became increasingly difficult to keep the heat out of your face. You hardly noticed Bakugou’s soft jangling, the chains and straps on his pants rattling together, or the way his eyes occasionally fixed themselves on you, yours stuck down at the sidewalk under your feet. 
Building B was the building closest to your dorm, to which you were extremely grateful. It only took a few minutes of awkward silence to get there. You fumbled to grab your keycard out of the pocket of your jeans, the beep of the machine echoing through the small alcove as you pressed your card against it.
The large glass doors slid open soundlessly and you walked in, the stuffy room between the next set of doors so insulated from any sounds all you could hear was your own breathing. Through the second set was the medical lab, the large panels of windows casting a sunset glow over the equipment that had been left out. Community lab coats hung on a hook by the door. Several small doors lined the circular room, each door leading to a separate room for practicing medical exams. The sign-up sheet for your class was posted on a clipboard on the countertop beside a sink. 
Boxes of latex-free rubber gloves were lined up on the central counter, next to piles of stethoscopes and blood-pressure cuffs. As you signed in on the clipboard, writing your name and Bakugou’s in one of the tiny boxes, he wandered the lab, picking up random things and putting them back down after turning them in his hands a few times. You were grateful for the spray bottles of alcohol scattered about the room and in every smaller office, which you sprayed on the equipment you chose.
“Okay. Let’s see…” you said before scanning the small rooms, peeking into each one to check for other students. All of them were deserted, so you chose a random one, Bakugou following you inside. A table and a small chair were the only things in the room, aside from the counter and sink. “All I have to do is take your blood pressure and we’ll be done!” You set your backpack down and pulled out your lab sheet.
He rolled his eyes with a scoff. “You brought me all the way here, just for this?”
You nodded. “Yes. Now, please sit down.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, dumbass,” he said, but he sat down anyway, the wooden chair creaking under his weight. 
Your back was to him as you put your stethoscope on, scanning your paper’s instructions. When you turned back around, your eyes immediately widened and your face went hot. “What, um… What are you doing?” you stammered. Bakugou was in the process of removing his sweatshirt, revealing a plain black tank top and a muscular frame you weren’t expecting, although you tried not to imagine what he looked like under his baggy clothes.
“What’s it look like? Can’t take my blood pressure with my sleeves in the way. I thought you, a nursing major, would’ve known that.” His snide tone and his condescending smirk made you embarrassed. Admittedly, you didn’t even think about it. It irritated you that he somehow did, and it irritated you even more that he was right. You tried not to stare, not at the way his blond hair stuck out in every direction, or the way his tank top stretched over his broad chest, or the way his hand lay relaxed in his lap, palm up and waiting for you to begin.
The velcro of the sphygmomanometer was loud in the small room as you peeled it open, nervously taking Bakugou’s arm to wrap it around the thick muscle. He was so attractive you couldn’t help but look away, busying yourself with finding the inflation bulb. From this distance, you could smell his cologne, strong and masculine, and it filled your lungs like dense smoke. You had to will yourself to stay focused, to prevent yourself from fainting where you stood. “Can you hold this for me?” 
“Fine,” he said, and you placed the pressure gauge into his other hand. When your hands brushed, you took notice of how sweaty his palms were. You also noticed how he flinched slightly when you touched him. His breathing was even, but he looked at you intensely, like he had to think about each breath to keep himself alive. It was nerve-wracking being so close to him. So many times you tried to gain the confidence to talk to him, but you always chickened out as soon as you made eye contact across the room. Sometimes, he would talk to you first, but one of his friends always ruined the moment by begging him to do a keg-stand.
Staring straight at the gauge in his hand, you filled up the cuff, rapidly squeezing until it was thirty millimeters above resting. You pressed the stethoscope into the crook of his elbow, not noticing the beads of sweat on his skin, careful to keep your fingers off the back of the stethoscope bell. 
When the heartbeat stopped, you slowly twisted the dial on the side to release a bit of air. The heartbeat resumed, and you mentally wrote down the number on the dial. It stopped again, so you released the rest of the air out of the cuff. Pulling your stethoscope out of your ears, you reached to remove the cuff, velcro ripping from itself. His eyes never left you, watching the way your hands moved to slide the cuff off.
“Can I ask you something?” you said, abruptly, fingers fiddling with the tubes of the sphygmomanometer as you took the gauge out of his hand. He shrugged. You turned to set your equipment on the counter and write your data on your paper. “Do I make you nervous?”
“What kinda stupid question is that?” he snickered.
You laughed nervously, eyes meeting his as you turned around. “Well, it’s just that… You’re really sweaty.”
His smug expression had never left so fast. His hands grabbed his hoodie, scrambling to pull it over his head with a muttered, “Shit…”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything!” You scrambled to fix your mistake, but the words had already left you.
Adjusting the hood of his hoodie, he avoided your gaze. He didn’t seem like the type to feel shame, but the expression on his face made you think otherwise. “Just forget it!” 
You shook your head, suddenly feeling like an idiot. “I shouldn’t have pointed it out. I’m sorry.”
“I just… I forgot to take my medication today. I’ve got, uh… this condition…” He trailed off as you began gathering your equipment, going back into the main lab to clean it again with alcohol.
He blinked a few times. “Yeah, how’d you-?”
“Nursing major,” you reminded him, placing your tools in their respective piles. 
He rolled his eyes. “Ugh, whatever. Anyway, just don’t… Just don’t tell anybody, okay?”
You placed a hand over your heart. “Your secret is safe with me,” you swore. You looked around the lab for anything else you needed to take care of. “So anyway, what did Denki have to do to get you to help me?”
He looked at you, a self-satisfied grin on his face. “He told me you’d go out with me if I did.”
You froze. “He- He did what?” Oh, you were so going to kill him. Knowing him, he’d make himself scarce, but he couldn’t be hard to track down.
“So, how about it? I never do anything for free.” Bakugou walked backwards into the door, pushing it open for you.
You laughed. “As long as you promise to help me kill Denki afterwards.”
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tategaminu · 11 months
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spinoff-antithesis · 1 year
[@distinguished-turtle-enjoyer ]
i actually have not stopped thinkin bout your bb!edit like,,,, its so good and scratches my brain right
how long have you been doin edits for? do have any tips for someone, who hypothetically, wants to start doin edits too? what programs do you use? how did you do the cool animated bits?
im so sorry for all the qustions 😭😭 i just think youre very talented and inspirational and i hope you have a good day ^_^
hi firstly oh my gosh you're literally so sweet i am gently shaking you i love you so much /p. secondly, i apologize for the long answer! (it's all under the cut. this got away from me. i'm so sorry apparently i have a lot to say.) (also you're so good about the questions i would constantly be asking one of my professors questions during class to the point where she said i didn't have to go "i have a question" every time i approached her)
i've been editing since 2016! around march/april, i think? loved it so much i went into film & video production in college as a major so i could do editing for a living. (i have done more motion graphics for my classmates than i have done edits outside of class assignments, BUT!)
the program i use is after effects - i started learning it when covid first hit the united states because i had nothing better to do with my time (other than music theory but i failed that bc my professor focused more on the history aspects than the actual theory soooo) and my ipad kept giving me the "no more storage" whenever i tried to use videostar lmao. (vs has, apparently, gotten a LOT of good updates, so if you're looking to start editing and have an ios system, i'd look into it! only downside is you have to pay for some of the cool stuff).
also the program i use for masking (i think i explain this later dwdw) is superimpose. i've been using it since 2014 and it's SO nice bc i can use my fingers to erase backgrounds & stuff instead of hoping i can get it to work correctly in ae or photoshop (photoshop my DETESTED i'll use it but i'll complain the entire time).
for people who want to start editing: tutorials on how your program works and how to do specific transitions are gonna be your best friend when you're first figuring things out! i forced a friend to literally walk me through how after effects worked when i was first figuring it out, and when i had swapped to videostar back in 2017/2018(?) i had watched a Lot of tutorials. that and played around a lot and figured things out on my own - which is also always a good way to start!! it's also totally valid to look at other people's edits for inspiration - most editors don't really care, as long as you don't flat-out remake their edit (some people don't like that!). i have a style insp folder on instagram where i save edits that i like so if i need transition ideas or i'm doing a different style, i can look there for inspiration. at the end of the day, as long as you're having fun with it that's all that matters!
also, starting simple is always okay!! my edits for a year were just me slapping gifs & video segments together on a timeline in cute cut pro bc imovie didn't load them lol & it'd crash every time i breathed. ++ it never hurts to ask people for feedback/constructive(!!!) criticism/etc! (also not to sound like everyone else but practice? good. it's so good. if i showed my 14/15y/o self some of the edits i can make now they would've passed out on the spot bc i was still trying to figure out transitions back then. programs can also sometimes make a difference in edits, but usually it's not super noticeable until you start getting to the Complicated Shit.)
a lot of popular programs i've seen are ones like video star (ios only), alight motion (android only), after effects (i recommend 🏴‍☠️ing it tbh, i only use it legally bc i had to use adobe programs for school), capcut, and i think some people still use sony vegas pro & maybe cute cut pro (i've heard it may have actually gotten better since i last used it in 2018)? i have no idea. programs also depend on whatever device you're using to edit on! since i've been using my laptop, i'm able to use after effects (it's computer-only), but when i used my phone/ipad to edit i used ccp & vs.
for the animation - it's a lot of cutting up the image and masking! more complex animations, like the one i had of leo walking down that red 'hallway' have several different layers that have been masked. (i removed the background & filled in the spot where leo originally was in two different apps - superimpose (taking leo out) & photoshop (filling in the bg)) in after effects, the way i've done this was mask out the specific thing i wanted to move (like an eye) and then put that mask on what i've called a "base" (not animated), and then stick a solid behind the base to match the color of the object. (some of my layers are not named appropriately; base 2 is the left arm & the four "SIX_[...]" layers are the mask/bandana tails)
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an example of this would be for any of the eye blink animations i did! this (above) is the same shot, with and without the eye - since it's masked out and i have the background solid behind it, it doesn't look too unnatural/have a black outline/mass where his eye should be.
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what it looks like without the solid layer behind it ^ (the red lines are from the null layers - ignore that)
this is what my timeline looks like if it's a more simplistic animation - the only five things being animated here are leo & raph's eyes. (there's only this many layers bc it's two characters in one shot & i was also animating their pupils - typically, an eye-blink animation is about 4-6 layers for me (solid, base, mask, & null to animate with, 6 if i'm animating both eyes & 4 if just one))
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in after effects, there's this really cool tool called the puppet pin that one of my friends (lovingly) yelled at me for not knowing about - which. yeah fair she wasn't wrong it's SUPER useful in animating, provided you chop up your image first. if you don't it's a mess.
(separated by layer vs i should've really put the mask tails & leo's head on separate layers and didn't bc that was the 2nd to last animation i had to do and i was losing my mind bc i wanted to be done with the edit lmao)
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the way people animate depends all on their style (there's two common ways to do blinking animation - having the anchor point at the bottom of the eye, or the middle of it) and the program they use. it's been a while, but i could probably tell you how to do some basic animations on videostar still even though i've been doing them in after effects for about 2-3years now. ALSO the best way to have an animation be noticeable is to over-exaggerate it/make them Big - which, yes, can mean 'breaking bones' and having the limbs be a little wonky at the start. (if you want it to be realistic though go Just to the point where it looks uncomfortable lmao)
uhm. again i am so sorry that this is so long i THINK this is everything? if not: my inbox/dms are always open if you ever want to ask more questions, wanna follow up on something, etc etc!! (also if you ever start editing please send me your edits!!! i'd love to see them <3)
#this got away from me im SO sorry (just put this in google docs out of curiosity. 1255 words. i am so sorry for the essay.)#uhm. ANYWAY YES like i said if you have any other questions feel free to reach out!!! i am always alway willing to help people out#with stuff like this!!! i can talk your ear off though if this wasn't enough proof of that /j#if nothing makes sense it's bc i'm responding to this at like. 5am my time. so. my bad if there's typos i'm so sorry#like i think i saw this ask at 4:40ish am and i'm still making sure i've got everything covered and its like 5:32am LMAO#me when i dont sleep bc i have no routine now#ask box pals#art creds in the screenshots to trubblegumm !! <- tagging to be safe#still in shock at the amount of positive feedback im getting from my bb!leo edit like oh my god you guys are incredible ilysm /p#sorry i discovered in the middle of typing out my tags that you can edit them now after you've hit enter where am i.#also this is offtopic so its down here but i am Not complaining about doing more motion graphics than actual editing.#a bitch has won two awards for their motion graphics at festivals and i've been doing them for a YEAR#(laughs in the first time i ever did a real one i won a student award. idk how. but i DID and i won the pro category this year <3)#it would be nice tho to do more editing for short films tho :( had a professor tell me i was good at it.#i should rly start using my camera and shoot my own stuff and edit it huh. maybe i will eventually i have a few ideas.#anyway. i need to stop rambling abt my experience as a film student and go to bed i apparently need to be up in the morning but idk WHEN
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theostrophywife · 7 months
chicken noodle soup.
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pairing: mattheo riddle x reader
song inspiration: is it really so strange? by the smiths
author's note: just a soft fluffy comfort fic cause i've been thinking about matty lately and i needed cheering up after the end of kwaf. let's all laugh at the fact that i set a 1k limit on this fic only to fail miserably lmao 😭
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Mattheo Riddle was not a fan of Mondays. 
Most of the time, Mattheo spent the first day of the week nursing a hangover and getting higher than a hippogriff at the Astronomy Tower with his friends to achieve equilibrium. The only thing he looked forward to every week was the prospect of riling you up in class. To be fair, it didn’t take much to get under your skin. Being himself seemed to do the trick. 
As he walked through the castle halls, Mattheo smiled to himself as he plotted out all the different ways he could provoke you on this dreadful day. For some sick and twisted reason, he reveled in the fact that only he could manage to rouse such a violent reaction out of you. There was something satisfying about the way your eyes blazed, your rosy cheeks tinged with heat as you told him off.
Maybe he'd flirt with you today. Tell you how good you looked in your short little skirt. Watch as you turned as red as the tie around your neck. His pretty little Gryffindor good girl. In Mattheo's mind, you were his to tease and taunt.
With his usual swagger, Mattheo sauntered into Advanced Transfiguration fully prepared to test out his new tactics on his nemesis, but you were nowhere to be found. 
At first, he figured that you were just running late. Throughout the duration of your rivalry, Mattheo had never once witnessed you skip class. He would’ve bet his entire cigarette supply that you’ve had perfect attendance since first year. When Professor McGonagall started the lesson and you were still missing in action, Mattheo was understandably concerned. 
The uneasy feeling in his stomach didn’t mean that he was worried about you though. This was purely about mutual benefit. Mattheo couldn’t very well have his Transfigurations partner skipping out on lessons. Even though he regularly did so himself. But still, that was different. Everyone knew he was a delinquent. You, on the other hand, were anything but. Until today, you’ve probably never missed a class in your life. 
Mattheo waited. Surprisingly, the two of you had the majority of your classes together. All of which dragged more than usual since you weren’t there to yell at him for dicking around. When you still hadn't turned up for Charms or Herbology, he became convinced that something was horribly wrong. Missing one lesson was alarming, but three in a row? That was entirely out of character for you. 
When Professor Sprout finally dismissed the class, Mattheo sauntered over to Granger’s desk. As always, she was surrounded by her two dimwit friends who immediately tensed the second he loomed near. Potter and Weasley shot him matching menacing glares, but Mattheo ignored them entirely. 
“Granger,” he drawled, leaning against the wooden desk. “Care to tell me where my partner’s been all day?” 
The Gryffindor girl appeared a bit perturbed by the question. “Why do you want to know where Y/N is?” 
Mattheo sighed in exasperation and produced the set of notes he’d taken during class. A first for him. He couldn’t remember the last time he actually listened to an entire lesson, let alone take notes, but he knew that you would have a million questions for him when you returned. The notes were his way of saving himself from your relentless interrogation. 
“Figured the little know-it-all would want my notes.” 
“Y/N is feeling a bit under the weather,” Hermione said cautiously. “I can take the notes to her if you’d like.” 
“No.” Mattheo declared rather suddenly. He cleared his throat and attempted to smooth over the sharp response. “No, McGonagall tasked me with it. I don’t want her docking points from my house when she finds out that you did my dirty work for me.”
Hermione raised a brow. “Sure.” The quirk of her mouth told Mattheo that she wasn’t convinced by his excuse. “Well, Y/N is resting up in the tower if you fancy a visit.” 
After a quick detour to the kitchens, Mattheo made his way over to Gryffindor tower. It was surprisingly easy to gain access to the lion’s den. He simply threatened a third year to let him in and got on with it. They truly needed to upgrade their security measures. One glare was all it took for Creevey to crumble and cave. 
With a satisfied smirk, Mattheo walked past the gaudy common room. For Salazar's sake, hadn't the Gryffindors ever heard of subtlety? The decor consisted solely of crimson and gold and the furnishings looked like something out of that muggle show his nan loved to watch—Antiques Roadshow. Antique was right. The worn out couch that he passed looked older than him.
Merlin, now he was starting to sound like Malfoy. Mattheo hurried along before he caught the urge to fold origami notes and chuck it at Potter's head. Fortunately for him, the place was devoid of the Chosen One or anyone for that matter.
By now, his fellow classmates were all in the Great Hall eating dinner, which he was thankful for. It was no secret that Mattheo’s presence wouldn’t be welcome here and he wasn’t really in the mood to fight his way through the Gryffindors just to deliver a note from the kindness of his black heart. Thank Salazar that there wasn’t a single soul in the tower to bicker with. Until he reached your dorm, of course. 
The relationship between the two of you was volatile to say the least. Despite Mattheo’s reputation, you weren’t shy about telling him off. When you were first assigned as partners, Mattheo had fully intended to let you do all the work while he skipped class to smoke, but he quickly realized that this would not be the case. You hunted him down at his hideout in the Astronomy Tower and discovered him blissfully sharing some premium grade mirthroot with Theo and Draco. When you found him, you were so angry that you dragged him by the ear all the way to the library, much to the amusement of his friends. Needless to say, Mattheo never missed a study session again. 
In a way, Mattheo admired you for it. Aside from his friends, everyone in the castle feared him. It was sort of refreshing to have someone call him out on his shit. Especially if that someone was a funny, feisty, ferocious Gryffindor who he enjoyed pestering every chance that he got. Mattheo always did have a penchant for girls with an attitude problem. 
Even as he knocked on your door, the Slytherin boy couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when he heard you grumbling from the other side. 
“Oh, for Godric’s fucking sake, what is it now?” 
The door swung open, revealing a very pissed off Y/N. Clad in striped pajamas and fuzzy bunny slippers, you placed a hand on your hip and frowned. Even in the throes of sickness, you still somehow managed to inject venom in your glare. Mattheo grinned like an idiot. 
“Nice slippers, princess.” 
You huffed, crossing your arms. “What do you want, Riddle?” 
“To make sure my partner doesn’t slack.” He waved his set of notes around. “Don’t think your sickness excuses you from studying.”
“This is payback for making you revise with me after you fell off your broom and broke your arm, isn’t it?” 
Mattheo cringed as he recalled the quidditch accident that sent him to the infirmary for a week. In true Y/N fashion, you were sitting by his bedside with a stack of books in your lap the second he woke up. Madam Pomfrey hadn't even put his arm in a sling yet before you were drilling him on proper spell enunciation and wand movements.
“You terrorized the infirmary with your mnemonics,” Mattheo said with a dramatic sigh. “It’s my turn now. This is sweet revenge, Y/N.” 
You squinted at his barely legible handwriting. “I’m just surprised you took your head out of your arse long enough to take notes.” 
“Glad to see that illness hasn’t lessened your bite. If anything, those teeth seem a little sharper than usual.” He leaned against the doorframe and smiled down at you. “Feeling a bit feral, princess?” 
“Why don’t you come a little closer and find out?” you quipped, baring your teeth at the aggravating boy. 
The gesture appeared intimidating for a full second until you sniffled and launched into a coughing fit, which made Mattheo frown. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Of course I am. I regularly cough my lungs out on nosy Slytherins whose sole purpose of existence is to make my life a living hell.”
He pressed the back of his hand against your forehead. The way his brow furrowed strangely resembled concern. Mattheo trained his chocolate brown eyes on you, examining the rosiness of your cheeks and the slight pinch of discomfort in your features.
"You're burning up." Mattheo's hand dropped from your forehead to the side of your neck. He pressed his fingers against your pulse point, feeling the erratic beating of your heart underneath his touch. It was strangely intimate. "You have an elevated heart rate."
You flushed and swatted his hand away. "Well, yes. That usually happens when one is ill."
"Come on, you should sit down."
"Don't tell me what to do, Riddle."
Mattheo rolled his eyes before dragging you by the elbow. Your protests fell on deaf ears as he barged his way into your dorm and walked you over to the bed. You watched as he pulled up a chair next to you before rifling through the contents of his backpack. Out of the sordid mess of his belongings, Mattheo produced a small container of soup. With a flick of his wand, he conjured a spoon. 
“Here, have some of this. It should help.”
As soon as he pried the lid open, the heavenly smell of chicken noodle soup filled your senses. Mattheo scooped up an equal amount of soup and noodle and blew on it to cool it down before tilting it towards you. The sight of him offering you food like you were some helpless toddler was only slightly insulting. You swore to Godric that if Mattheo started making airplane sounds, you’d strangle the bloody twat.
 “I can feed myself, you know.” 
“Just eat the damn soup, Y/N.” 
You rolled your eyes in return, but obliged nonetheless. Despite the source, you could never resist comfort food.
“Chicken noodle soup?” 
As soon as you tasted it, you knew that it wasn’t just soup. It was your favorite soup. The very same one that Winky made every third Wednesday of the month. You knew because you looked forward to it every time. It was even marked on your calendar. That’s how much you liked it. 
Mattheo nodded absentmindedly. “Yeah, I know it’s your favorite so I bribed Winky to make some.” 
You furrowed your brows in confusion. “How do you know it’s my favorite?” 
For once in his life, Mattheo looked utterly uncomfortable. He averted his gaze and busied himself by stirring through the carrots and celery. “You, uh, mentioned it in class once.” 
You couldn’t help but smile. Maybe it was the fever talking, but you thought that was sweet. “You remembered that?” 
Mattheo looked up, a stray curl kissing the tops of his cheekbones as he met your gaze. The shy smile on his face was alarmingly endearing. Sometimes when you looked at those angelic curls and stupid big, brown eyes, you forgot that you were supposed to loathe him. “Of course. It’s my favorite too.” 
You chuckled, sniffling a little. “It’s like a hug in a cup, right?” 
The curly headed boy nodded. “It totally is.” 
After you finished the soup, you expected Mattheo to take his leave. Instead, he inspected the vials of potions laying out on your night stand. He read through every label, frowning a little. 
“You should really have some pepperup potion in here.” Mattheo remarked as he arranged the vials one by one. “Are you sure this dose is potent enough? Maybe you should ask them to brew something stronger.” 
“Pomfrey prescribed them herself. No offense, but I think I’ll take her years of healing experience over your expert opinion.” Mattheo gasped rather dramatically, which made you chuckle. “As much as I appreciate the notes and the soup, I don't think it's wise for you to stick around. I’m feeling a bit better, but I might still be contagious.” 
Mattheo shrugged. “It’s alright, I’m not scared of a little cold. Besides, I still have to go over the Transfiguration assignment with you.” 
“Aren’t you worried that I’ll get you sick?” 
“Not really,” he said, waving off your concern. “I know you’re going to pester me about everything you missed in class, so I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone.” 
To your surprise, Mattheo’s notes were extremely detailed.  It was a bit hard to read given his boyish scrawl, but with a little help in translation, you were making great progress in becoming fluent in Riddle. The more Mattheo explained the concepts and ideas that were discussed in each class, the more baffled you were. You've always known that he was smarter than he let on, but this was borderline impressive.
“How do you know all of that?” 
“I asked.”
“You asked?” Mattheo stared blankly at your surprised expression. “You never ask questions in class.” 
“I never had to since you're always there interrogating the professor like the little know-it-all that you are. Thanks to your absence, I had to fill your role in class today.”
You grinned. It grew wider and wider, spreading until your cheeks hurt. Mattheo glared at your joyous expression. “What? What’s that shit eating little grin for?” 
“You missed me.”
Color flooded Mattheo’s cheeks. You were surprised to find how well crimson suited him. It was almost the exact shade of your house colors. “Don’t be ridiculous—”
“Riddle, you asked questions in class. You took notes for me. You brought me chicken noodle soup." Mattheo flushed as you pointed out the obvious. "You totally missed me.” 
“If you tell anyone, I’ll hex you.” 
“Admit it, Mattheo. Your day was utterly dull without me.” 
Mattheo rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat. “Fine, you’ve got me. I was bored out of my mind without you around. How else am I supposed to pass the time if you’re not there for me to argue with?” 
“There’s plenty of other people in the castle that you could bicker with.”
“Yeah, but they’re not you.” 
He seemed a little shocked by his own statement, but he didn't try to retract it. In fact, Mattheo almost seemed resigned to it.
“Careful, Riddle. It almost sounds like you have a crush on me.” 
“I’d have to be a bloody idiot to fall for a girl who absolutely despises me.” 
“That wasn’t a denial, you know.” 
He pinched the bridge of his nose like the very idea of it vexed him, but you caught the little smile he hid beneath his fingers. Mattheo snatched the notes from your hands. “Focus on the lesson, will you?” He grimaced as soon as the words left his mouth. “I can’t believe I’ve just said that. Look at what you’re doing to me, Y/N.” 
“You’ll live, Riddle.” You poked a section of his notes that you hadn’t quite deciphered. “Now what in the bloody hell is the Gobstopper Ruffian?” 
“The Goblin Rebellion. Merlin, my handwriting isn't that bad.” 
“Are you kidding? A kindergartner writes more legibly than this.” 
The hours passed while you bickered and bantered. You hated to admit it, but you missed arguing with him too. Laying in bed all day had you positively bored, but yet time passed within the blink of an eye as you went back and forth with Mattheo. Somewhere between discussing the possibility of Longbottom running an underground exotic plant ring and arguing over the best Smiths song, the sun had set over the horizon. Mattheo rubbed his eyes and yawned. 
“You look knackered, Riddle,” you teased, patting the spot beside you. “Do you want to lie down for a bit?”
Chocolate brown eyes widened at you. “Lie down? With you? On your bed?” 
“Yes, that’s typically how people do it.” You smirked as he shot you an apprehensive look. “Unless you’re too scared.”’
Never one to back down from a challenge, Mattheo lifted the covers and gestured for you to make room. “Scoot over, then.” 
The jest seemed to have backfired on you because now Mattheo was crawling into bed and making himself completely at home. All the apprehension from earlier melted as he pulled you against him, his chest pressed against your back as he nuzzled into the crook of your shoulder. You stifled a giggle as Mattheo released a satisfied little sigh. 
Mattheo wrapped his arms around you until you were covered in the scent of amber, cinnamon, and leather. You never expected to unearth the fact that Mattheo Riddle was a great cuddler, but yet here you were, reaping the benefits of this newfound revelation. He slipped his fingers through yours and nuzzled closer. 
"Who would've known that Mattheo Riddle was such a great cuddler?"
"If you tell anyone—"
"You'll hex me. Put a curse on my family. Set my possessions on fire. Yes, I know, Riddle. You keep threatening me, but you never follow through. I'm starting to think that you're losing your touch."
Mattheo squeezed your hip before twining your legs together. "I wouldn't test me, Y/N. You're in a very vulnerable position right now."
You chuckled as he scooted even closer. "Maybe, but you won't do anything."
"Why's that, princess?"
"You like me too much," you retorted, chuckling as Mattheo buried his face in your hair. "One day without me and you're already a needy mess."
"You infuriate me," Mattheo whispered against your ear. "But you're also the best part of my day. I couldn't imagine fighting with anyone else but you, my dear nemesis."
"I totally loathe you, Mattheo Riddle."
He chuckled as you snuggled into him. "I loathe you too, Y/N Y/L/N."
The irony of the statement contrasted with how tangled up you were wasn't lost on you. For two people who supposedly hated each other, cuddling with your enemy had never felt so right. The steady beat of Mattheo's heart lulled you towards sleep. You were slowly succumbing to its hypnotic lullaby until Mattheo's voice broke through the silence.
“Y/N?” He murmured against your hair.
You shifted, your eyes feeling heavy as his warmth enveloped you. “Hmm?” 
Mattheo’s voice was low and gravelly, flowing like honey in your ears. “This is nice.” 
You smiled against the pillow, staring at your intertwined fingers. “Better than chicken noodle soup?” 
You felt him grin against your skin before he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on your temple. “Way better than soup.” 
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@annaisabookworm @bubybubsters @criesinlies @niktwazny303 @therealallisonspear @athenalikethegoddess @clairesjointshurt @vixzwrites @elle4404
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fanficimagery · 2 months
The Nanny
When babysitting your neighbor's kid, trouble seems to find you.
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Author's Note: SOA AU - No Tara, Clay, or Gemma. Trigger warning for violence! This was supposed to be up for Valentine's Day, but as you can see... that wasn't the case lmao.
Charming, California is one of those picture perfect little towns where everyone tries to be prim and proper, and act like their shit doesn't stink. And in the short time that you've lived here, you quickly realized that the law-abiding citizens hated the fact that Charming was home to a MC, the Sons of Anarchy.
It doesn't bother you to see them riding down the streets as you're out and about, but you do find it hilarious that a majority of the locals either gasp in outrage upon seeing the bikers or avoid them at all costs. You find the bikers very easy-going, but then again the club president is your neighbor.
Jax Teller had taken it upon himself to introduce himself when you were moving in, carrying boxes for you and flashing a rather charming smile as he pumped you for information about yourself. You knew what he was doing, and it was rather laughable, but you had nothing to hide and were a rather boring person, so you gave the information freely. Between the two of you, he was more interesting as a MC president whereas you stayed home and lived off the money your brothers made. Jax seemed interested in what your brothers did for a living that they were able to provide you with the life you have, but you explained they made their money because of the family business that provided private security for celebrities and individuals with a high profile. You helped them with scheduling, but they still did a majority of the work.
Finding out Jax has a son (Abel) makes your heart warm towards the biker, and then warm up to the club when his brothers visit every now and then. Juice was really just a goofball when he wasn't doing business for the club, Chibs was a secret sweetheart, Tig was a little crazy, Happy was hard to read, but it was Opie who was the most normal of the bunch.
You settle into your home quite nicely, working from your little office when your brothers need help to prevent any scheduling conflicts. Then in your downtime, you either have a book in hand or waste time on your gaming system. Jax and his brothers have been over a couple of times, drinking a beer to wind down or eating whatever leftovers you happen to have after you've already eaten.
This morning, however, you've just finished making breakfast when there's a knock at your front door. With a strip of bacon in hand, you answer the door and are surprised to see Jax and his son Abel standing there.
"What's up, Teller?"
He immediately smiles and your eyes narrow. "I hate to do this on such short notice, but my nanny canceled. Do you think you could watch Abel for the day?"
You glance down at the blonde boy, shrugging. "Is he cool staying with me?"
Jax glances down and nudges his son, but Abel merely asks, "Do you have more bacon?"
You open the door wider as you chuckle. "Sure, kid. You want some eggs and hashbrowns too?"
Abel walks into your house without a care in the world and you meet Jax's amused gaze. "So are there any rules I should abide by? Are you one of those dad's that limits screen time or bans sugar?"
"Nope and nope. No allergies either."
"Thank you. I owe you."
As Jax starts to walk down your porch steps, you say, "I'm a slut for food, Teller. Bribe me with food and I'll say yes to anything."
"Anything?" He peers over his shoulder and arches an eyebrow. You scowl at him.
"Almost anything."
Jax laughs. "Don't cook tonight then. I'll bring some cheeseburgers and fries from this diner that makes pretty good food."
. .
. .
When Jax returns later that night, Chibs and Happy follow after learning he was picking up food from the diner. What surprised them, however, was that while Jax parked in his driveway, he started taking the food to his neighbors house. But Chibs, nor Happy, said a word and followed their president with their own food when he didn't protest.
Jax is poised to knock on the door when he hears, "Don't you- don't you dare do it, kid. If you do it, I will personally wait until you turn seventeen to kick your little ass." The words give Jax pause because what the actual fuck! But then Abel's giggling makes him grin.
"Did she just threaten to kick Abel's ass, Jackie?" Chibs wonders, smirking.
"I think so."
"No, no, no! You blue-shelled me?! You're like two. How do you even know how to play this?!" Jax snorts and finally knocks. The trash talking suddenly ceases before… "It's open! If you're friendly, welcome! If not, I got a little ankle biter in here and I'm not afraid to sic him on you!"
Jax laughs some more and enters the house, walking to where he hears all the commotion. Walking into the living room, he can't help but smile at the sight of YN and Abel sitting side by side on the couch, attention focused on the TV where they're apparently playing Mario Kart.
"You bring the goods, Teller?"
"Burgers and fries as promised."
"You are currently my favorite Teller." Still your attention is on the TV, your trash talking his kid being kept very polite all of a sudden. Jax, Chibs, and Happy have no idea what's going on, but suddenly one of the characters is spinning out because of a banana peel and then Abel's giving a long, suffering sigh as the other character passes the finish line. "Yes!" You jump up, pointing down at Abel. "Sucks to suck, kid. Now come on. Your pop's got the goods."
When you finally look up at Jax, you momentarily freeze when you see Chibs and Happy there as well. "Oh. Hey, guys. Kitchen's this way."
Everyone follows you into the kitchen and you immediately grab drinks from the fridge. When you turn around, Jax is divvying up some food for himself, Abel, and you. You pass out the beers to the men and you have cans of Sprite for yourself and Abel. Then as you take the last remaining available seat since Jax kept Abel on his lap, you thank Jax for the food before digging in.
"So did you have fun today?" Jax asks his son.
"Yeah. I got to color and watch TV and play games."
Jax glances at you and you shrug. "I made do. I would have gone to the store to pick up some stuff for him, but I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable with me taking him anywhere."
"I appreciate that."
"So what about you? Is your nanny good or will you need another favor?"
"Uh, she actually might be out for a few more days."
You nod. "I can do it. Is it cool if I take him to the store with me tomorrow morning? I forgot how much little kids snack throughout the day."
"Yeah. I have an extra car seat you can use and I'll leave you some cash."
"Nah. Don't even worry about it. I'll be snacking with him, so I can front the bill."
But still, cash ends up thrown onto the table from both Chibs and Jax. You have a feeling it'd be useless to argue, so you say nothing.
After dinner, Jax helps you clean up before they all take their leave. He tells Abel to tell you goodbye and your heart absolutely melts when you crouch down, and Abel hugs you.
You visibly melt as you hug the little boy back and then pull back to tweak his nose. "Okay, you're officially my favorite Teller again."
Abel smiles at you as Jax laughs and then you bid everyone goodbye at the door.
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Abel ends up preferring your company to that of his nanny, so Jax ends up splitting his son's time between the nanny at his house and you at your own house when you have nothing going on.
On this particular day, after a lunch of sandwich and chips, you and Abel are lounging in a kiddie pool right in the middle of your front yard. You even went as far to put up a canopy to have the pool half in the shade and half in the sun, and are soaking in a sports bra and a pair of black tights that look like shorts.
You're sitting in the shade, sipping on a juice box as Abel stands on the other side playing with water blasters. You hear the rumble of a motorcycle, unsurprised to have Jax checking in.
As the blonde walks up, you smile innocently as he laughs. "Where did the pool come from?"
"The store." You shrug. Abel takes the moment to load up his blaster with lukewarm water and shoots his dad with it. Jax doesn't bother dodging the stream. "We saw a commercial for the waterpark and since we can't go there, I brought the water to us."
Wiping water from his face and using it to slick his hair back, Jax crouches next to the pool and asks, "How much do I owe you?"
"Not a cent, Teller." You sip on your juice, grinning. "I haven't been in one of these since I was a kid. This is for me as much as it's for Abel. He just gave me the excuse of getting one and chilling in it without looking like an idiot."
"Well I don't know about that…"
He trails off and you gasp in mock outrage. As he laughs, you say, "You're lucky I respect the kutte and the fact that you have a phone in your pocket somewhere. If I didn't, I'd drag your butt in here with us."
"Next time." Jax splashes his son and then stands before Abel can shoot him point blank with water. "Am I grabbing dinner tonight?"
"Nah. Abel already made a request. He wants chicken tenders and fries."
"And what the little man wants, he gets?"
"Obviously." You roll your eyes playfully. "Plus, it's an easy meal and I enjoy it too."
"Alright." He chuckles as he starts making his way back towards his motorcycle. "Don't stay in the pool too long."
"Yes, sir." You mockingly salute him, lips twitching when you see him momentarily tense before relaxing once more. "See you later."
. .
. .
It's past Abel's bedtime by the time Jax makes it home, and already he's prepared for his kid to either be bouncing off the walls or very cranky. But as he nears YN's house, he notices that it's mostly dark. All the lights are off with the exception of the porch light and a couple of lamps he can see through the windows that peer into the living room. And the TV, of course.
Instead of knocking, he lets himself right in. It's almost too quiet, but he can hear the TV playing rather low in the living room. Heading there, he walks up to the sofa and can't help but smile at the sight that greets him. YN is laid out across the sofa with Abel on her chest, his back to her front. Both are knocked out cold.
Without second guessing himself, Jax pulls out his phone and snaps a quick photo. Chuckling to himself, he then walks around the sofa as he pockets his phone and crouches down. "Hey. YN," he gently calls out while shaking her shoulder.
It takes a few shakes before you wake, sleepily humming until Jax's voice coaxes you until you're fully awake. Your arms wrap around Abel on instinct and when you notice Jax's smirking presence, you relax. "What time is it?" You mumble.
"A little after ten."
"Really? Fuck. I guess the sun really did kick my ass if I'm this sleepy."
"Yeah." Jax chuckles and then carefully starts to gather Abel in his arms. "Sorry about showing up so late."
"Don't even worry about it." You sit up, rubbing your eyes and yawning. "You know I adore your kid." As you follow Jax to the door, you remind him about going away for a week and not being able to watch Abel, but that you'll have your phone on if Abel wants to talk.
Jax laughs. "I swear, my kid loves you more than me sometimes."
"It's only because I'm a better cook," you muse.
Jax opens his mouth to argue, but ends up shutting it and shrugging. "You're not wrong there."
As Jax then exits your home, you bid him goodnight and watch until he disappears into his home.
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When you explained to Jax that your brothers made their money because of the family business that provided private security for celebrities and individuals with a high profile, you weren't lying. Nor did you lie when you also explained you helped them with scheduling for said high profile individuals.
What you chose to leave out, however, was that your family had such a great record with security because no one wanted to fuck with a family who had connections to two different cartels through your dearly departed parents.
However, before you settled into the calm life of personal security, your brothers made a name for yourselves as ruthless hitmen amongst the cartels and you… you were a little unhinged when you were caught up in the moment as one of their torturers. You worked for the cartels when they needed you to, but when you and your brothers wanted to distance yourselves, it was the cartels who helped set up your security business.
The week spent with your brothers is just to visit and catch up with those who all three of you came to see as uncles. It was most definitely not supposed to end up with you being caught off guard by a fist to the face. Someone who didn't know all what you were capable of took advantage of the fact that you were a woman who was close to big names within the cartels. They thought you to be easily taken down and used as leverage, but what they didn't count on was you hiding daggers on your persons. The fight was dirty and bloody, and by the end of it you were spitting mad.
You have the urge to carve into someone that your brothers are trying to quell for once when your phone rings. You pull out your phone mid-pacing, and then freeze upon seeing Jax's name on the screen. But it's not a normal call- it's a video call.
"What?" Your elder brother asks. "Who is it?"
"It's my neighbor. Most likely his kid Abel since I babysit him most of the time." Your brothers glance at each other and you roll your eyes. "I've told you about them. Now toss me my hoodie. I can't let them see my face like this."
Before the call ends, you answer it but make sure to angle the camera away from the bruised side of your face. "Hey, Jax, give me one sec," you say. Your brother tosses you a hoodie and you quickly pull it on after setting your phone down. Then you take a seat at the kitchen table, turning off a few lights so it's a little darker and you can hide within your hood. Picking up your phone and keeping only half your face on camera, you smile. "Hey, guys, miss me?"
Jax's smile falters, but Abel immediately starts talking, telling you all about his day with his dad. He tells you he misses your food and play time, and you assure him you'll be home soon. You tell him about hanging out with your own family and even make your brothers wave at the camera when you switch it on them. Abel's little voice telling them hi makes you smile and then Jax is telling Abel to go watch some TV before bed.
Left alone with Jax on the phone, his smile vanishes. "What happened?"
"What do you mean?" You refuse to meet either of your brothers' gazes as you can feel them staring at you. "Everything's fine."
"Bullshit." Your brothers snort and you huff. Very reluctantly, you pull your hood down and maneuver the camera so it catches your full face. Jax's expression hardens. "Fuck."
"Don't worry. It looks worse than it is."
"What the fuck happened?"
You shrug and quickly glance at your brothers, but they're back to doing their own thing. "Went out drinking with the family and got caught in a brawl. It's been handled."
"So I don't have to gather the boys and kick some ass?"
His words make you huff a laugh. "Nah. I'm pretty sure I put the guy in a hospital."
"You took down a dude?! Now that's hot. I wish I could have seen that."
Uncaring that they're eavesdropping, your brothers burst out laughing and you sigh. You can't help but smile and you end up rolling your eyes when Jax laughs too. "Whatever. How's Abel really doing? Is he driving his official nanny insane yet?"
"Not really. He's just moping around."
"Aww." You coo. "Well I should be home soon. I'll take him to the park or something."
Jax's teasing smile turns genuine. "You know, I've never told you this, but I appreciate everything you do for Abel. You don't have to do anything, but you still treat him like family."
"What can I say? I like kids." You shrug. "And my idiot brothers will never give me any nieces or nephews."
"Hey!" Both your brothers protest.
You grin at them before looking back at Jax on your phone. "I should get going though. We have a meeting with the uncles here in a bit and I need to get ready."
"Alright. No more fights unless I'm there to avenge you. I can't have my favorite girl looking like she's in an abusive relationship."
Snorting, you say, "No promises. Tell Abel goodnight for me and to come up with a plan for what he wants to do when I get back home."
"Will do. See you soon."
As soon as you hang up, your brothers start making teasing kissing noises. "Oh shut the fuck up."
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Valentine's Day has never been a day that you really cared for. Sure it was sweet to see teenagers and kids swap gifts and/or cards, or to buy candy half off, but it didn't bother you to have a significant other on this day. But you do remember how good it felt to get a gift as a kid, so you want to make sure Abel has a good day.
With your time spent with Abel, you've come to know that he loves certain fruits and chocolate. So after heading to the store for a quick shopping trip, you return home with strawberries, bananas, and melting chocolate. Then after cleaning the strawberries and chopping up some bananas, you dip them all in the ooey-gooey chocolate before letting them harden while fixing up a white dessert box with edges that say Happy Valentine's Day.
You've just filled the box with chocolate covered fruit when your phone rings and you can't help but smile at the name. You're no stranger to how handsome Jax is, but you know better than to go there with him.
"Hey, Teller, to what do I owe the pleasure of your hot voice?" You immediately answer.
Jax's laughter meets your ear before, "While it's nice to hear you like my voice, I'm actually calling on behalf of Abel."
"Aw. What does my favorite Teller need?"
"You know I'm your favorite Teller, YN." You hum, not denying his words. "But Abel is requesting your appearance here at the shop because he has a very important question to ask you."
"A very important question?" You muse. "What does Abel have to…" You trail off, the amusement in Jax's voice suddenly making something make sense. "His question doesn't happen to coincide with what today is, does it?"
Jax chuckles. "I am not ruining the surprise."
"I swear to God, Jax, if I end up crying I'm going to kick your ass."
"I look forward to it. Now get pretty and get your ass over here. Do not break my kid's heart."
"Never. And I'm always pretty, Teller."
"...yeah. You are." Your eyes widen at his words, but you don't say anything. Jax then clears his throat. "I'll see you soon."
"Y-Yeah. I'll be there in ten."
You can feel yourself blushing as you hang up, but quickly put it out of your mind as you hurry to your room to get dressed. You pull on a black sundress that's covered in sunflowers, the flowy skirt hitting right above your knees. You step into some black wedge sandals and quickly tie your hair up in a messy ponytail. You apply the basic amount of makeup and spritz some perfume around your body.
Heading downstairs, you throw all your necessities into a purse and then grab Abel's box of chocolate covered fruit before heading out.
The drive to Teller Automotive isn't a very long one, and you're soon parking in the lot. You leave your purse in the car, but you keep your box of fruits in hand. You get several wolf whistles as you cross the parking lot, but you merely laugh off Tig and Chibs' teasing.
Before you can enter the auto garage, Jax walks out, a smirk in place. And then before you can ask him what he's smirking for, your gaze is drawn downward to Abel who walks out behind him… and oh. You fuckin' melt.
Abel's hair is slicked into a faux hawk, a red bow tie is clipped to the very crisp white button shirt that's tucked into a pair of tiny faded jeans. In his hands he's holding a teddy bear that's adorned with a miniature Sons of Anarchy kutte, and a red carnation. The adorableness of it all makes you melt and tear up at how cute he is.
"Oh my goodness. You look so handsome," you tell him.
As you crouch so you're more at his level, you make sure the skirt of your dress still covers everything. Abel blushes as he asks, "Will you be my Valentine?"
"Hell yes I will." Abel smiles as he hands over your gifts, and Jax and the others- who were apparently listening in- whoop in celebration. "And as my Valentine, it's only fair that I give a gift as well. Strawberries and bananas covered in chocolate. Your favorite," you tell him.
Abel is so ecstatic over his gift that he nearly knocks you over as he hugs you. When Chibs ask him what he's got, he's more than happy to run off and show his uncles what you've given him. Jax offers you a hand up and as soon as you're steady on your feet, you notice him looking at you in a certain way.
"What?" You huff a laugh, carefully wiping away your tears that never fully fell.
"You are amazing, you know that?"
"Hardly. Tiny Teller is just adorable as hell." You can feel yourself starting to blush so you glance down at the teddy in your hand. "Where did you find a tiny kutte anyway?"
"It's actually Abel's. The guys had it made for him when he was born and he wanted your teddy to have it."
"I'll take extra care of it then." When you glance back at Jax, you ask, "So does Abel have to stay or can I take my valentine out on a date?" You have no idea what Jax had been thinking, but it's like your words make him snap. From one second to next, he goes from staring at you in awe to gently grasping your face and pulling you into a kiss. You gasp but quickly return the sentiment. And when Jax pulls back, still cupping your face in his hands, you ask, "So me wanting to take your kid out on a date really did it for you, huh?"
Jax barks out a laugh and you smile as he leans in for another quick kiss. "Been wanting to do that for a while actually."
"And you waited until this moment to do it," you muse. "Jokes on you though. You gotta stick around and listen to your boys tease you about this while I take Abel out all on my lonesome." You kiss him for a third time and then step out of his reach to holler, "Little Teller, let's go! It's you and me, buddy. Whatever you wanna do."
As Abel approaches with a lot less fruit, he asks, "Can we eat pizza in the park?"
"We sure can. Now say goodbye to your dad so we can go stuff our faces."
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Dating Jax Teller is rather thrilling. You do not care to know what goes on in the club unless it pertains to any woman trying to sleep with him, or when Jax needs someone to vent to. Then, and only then, do you let your opinion be known about what goes on with the MC.
But while you have nothing against the MC, you still prefer to spend a majority of your time with Abel. Sure you'll show up to some parties so all the other women know Jax is off limits, but you're content to do activities with little Teller wherever he wants to be for the day.
You thought it was cute Jax tried to shield you from the violence the club was capable of, but never pressed him for information when you noticed he looked stressed about something. This time, however, you wish you had pressed him for information when he asked you to stay in with Abel.
It's nighttime, and you and Abel are relaxing in front of your TV as you watch some new Pixar film about dragons and their riders. The two of you are dozing off when your front door is kicked in, which then makes you jump into action. But you're not just defending yourself, you have a little boy to think about. So before you can find a proper weapon, you're left standing in front of Abel who is now clinging to your leg as he whimpers in fear.
"Jax Teller chose a pretty one this time."
"Fuck off."
The men all chuckle in front of you. "Take her."
. .
. .
The Sons of Anarchy roll up to a subdivision that's still in development, cautiously dismounting their motorcycles and arming themselves. A new MC had established themselves in a neighboring town, looking to make a name for themselves, and they thought knocking down the Sons a peg or ten was what they ought to do to establish their foothold in the MC world for good.
The encroaching MC took to ambushing the Sons whenever and wherever, and the people of Charming were starting to become afraid of strolling their pristine streets. Even the Sheriff was looking to the Sons to end the conflict, but they could only do so much. Unfortunately, one of the fights involved a chase on motorcycles as the Sons were making a run, and the son of the enemy President took a bullet to the right side of his chest and fell. His injuries then resulted in a coma which set off to this little meeting.
As they creep through the eerily quiet streets of the deserted subdivision, Opie flanks Jax. "I don't like this, brother. Something feels off."
"I agree," Chibs says. "We should have put the club on lockdown before ridin' out."
Jax sighs. "Too late now."
Juice, Happy, and Tig jog up to homes still under construction, trying the doors or looking for any signs that someone's been there. It isn't until they get to the end of the block that they notice one home has been vandalized and they know that's where they're supposed to go.
Every Son cautiously enters the house, nose wrinkling as the state of the house. But in the middle of the living room, there's an odd clearing around a small round table. And on that table sits a folded notecard.
The Sons seem to freeze, but then Jax is marching towards the note. Snatching it up, the words written make him tense as his world starts to tilt. "Fuck. They're going after Abel."
As the note flutters to the floor, the Sons all race after their President as he flees the house.
The note read, [A son for a son.]
On the way to YN's, Jax instructs half the Sons to break off and check on the club, while also making calls to get everyone on an official lockdown. Jax, Opie, Chibs, and Happy race to his neighbor's house.
When they pull up, a few neighbors are peering out their doors looking a bit distraught. Immediately, they know something terrible has happened, and that feeling is only intensified when they spot the broken down door.
Rushing to park in YN's front yard, guns are pulled from the back waistband of their jeans. Jax takes point as he enters the house and his heart drops to his stomach. The house is an absolute mess, furniture and glass broken.
The TV is still playing some cartoon movie and when he walks further in, he curses at the sight of a body laying in a pool of blood.
Happy peers over his shoulder. "Now we know she can hold her own."
"Find them. Now."
. .
. .
Sitting in the bathtub, Abel clings to you as his face hides against the side of your neck. Your face hurts from the numerous punches you took, your lip is split, your arms have multiple lacerations, and there's blood dripping into your eyes. But your worst wound is definitely the bullet wound to the left of your abdomen, and you're grateful that Abel's weight is putting pressure on the towel you had pressed against the wound.
It's been quiet for what seems like forever, but suddenly you hear movement. Shakily raising the gun you'd taken from one of the intruders, you take aim and dare the next motherfucker who enters to be someone intending harm on you or the boy in your lap.
The door gently swings open, but no one is there. Your arm hurts from holding the gun up and then you see someone try to peer around the door jamb. You can only partially see his face, but the voice- you recognize the voice even if you rarely hear it when you're at the club.
"Baby girl?"
The stoic man steps fully in the doorway, putting his gun away as you drop yours in the tub. Abel shifts as he whimpers and you wince. "Jax! Upstairs bathroom!"
Abel realizes his uncle's voice and dad's name, so he moves to turn. Happy is quick to lift him, his eyes widening at the blood soaking his clothes. "S'fine. My blood," you tiredly tell him. "I didn't… I didn't let them touch him."
"You did real good." Happy's assurance makes you smile, but you're just so tired. As your eyes slide shut, you hear, "Hey! Don't do that. Stay awake, YN."
"Tryin'…" Pounding footsteps race up the stairs and it isn't long until Jax, Chibs, and Opie are pushing their way into the bathroom as well. Jax takes Abel right away, eyes scanning the room before they land on you. Happy and Opie move to help you out of the tub, but Chibs is quick to point out your bleeding wound. The last words you say are, "Call my brothers," before darkness consumes you."
. .
. .
Jax is pacing the hospital waiting room, blood covering his shirt and hands from where he carried Abel. Chibs had taken Abel back to the club to clean him up and fill in the others about what was going on, but now he's back and filling in the Sheriff about what they had walked in on at YN's house. Thankfully Jax and YN's neighbors liked them, and were honest about hearing gunshots before the Sons had frantically rolled up.
Opie and Happy are the only two sitting patiently, but their attention is drawn to a large group of men entering the room. Two men in particular glance around before making a beeline for Jax, but the others hang back by the door. It's evident these men mean business as they stand guard, their suits standing out among the scrubs, kuttes, and regular clothing of the others sitting in the waiting room.
When Jax notices the newcomers, his shoulders sag at the sight of YN's brothers. But his interest is piqued with the suited thugs behind the brothers, tattoos visible along their hands and neck.
The brothers quickly introduce themselves as Noah and Theo, both of their expressions grim.
"What happened?" Noah asks. He's the elder of the two, his muscled torso covered in a button down with their sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
"They were after my kid," Jax immediately tells them, voice low. "She took a bullet for him and she's in surgery right now."
Both brothers' jaws clench.
"Do you know who they are?" Theo asks, tapping away on his phone.
"Yeah. It's another MC. They attacked us on a run and the son of the President took a fall off his bike. He's in a coma, so the President went after my kid in return."
"And your kid was in the care of our sister," Noah realizes.
Noah sighs, running a hand down his face. Then after a few more taps and texts, Theo grins. "Found them."
Jax frowns. "Found who?"
"The people responsible for putting our sister in the hospital."
Jax then tenses. "This is club business, man. We'll handle it."
Both Noah and Theo tense, but end up chuckling. Jax's jaw clenches, but he keeps his anger in check.
Noah says, "If you think it'll remain club business when YN wakes up, then that means my sister hasn't confessed the family secret."
Jax freezes. "What secret?"
"We had to get our start somewhere when our parents died," Theo tells him. "And it just so happened that each of our parents came from very powerful, very wealthy families. We worked our way to the top of the food chain and became rather notorious until we wanted out and settled into the business we currently have."
Noah starts to smirk. "Your club business just became cartel business, my friend. And our uncles are livid that their little girl was attacked."
Jax glances at his boys, but says nothing.
"We'll find them and keep them occupied," Theo says. "When YN is released, she'll be out for blood."
"And she'll get it," Noah muses. "After all, she is quite the little torturer."
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When you wake up, you're unsurprised to find Jax by your bedside. You are surprised, however, to learn that he knows about your past thanks to your brothers promising bloodshed. You groan, but then remember Abel. And after assurances that Abel is fine, you relax.
You're anxious to know where you stand with Jax as he explains why you ended up in the hospital. He feels guilty for not telling you what was really going on or putting you on lockdown, along with the club, but you don't blame him for what happened. Dating the President of an MC, you were bound to be pulled into the violence sooner or later, and with your past you knew you could handle it.
When he runs out of steam, it's your turn to start apologizing for not telling him about your life with the cartels. You make sure he knows that you would have never endangered Abel, and if your past had come calling, you would have made sure that they were protected at all costs. Jax assures you he's not mad, but he did wish you would have told him given you knew about the roles some of his brothers played in the club.
But what's done is done, and Jax is more interested in what you plan on doing since your brothers have gone quiet after calling him to inform him that they've got a majority of the MC tucked away in a building that no one can hear the impending mayhem.
"They broke into my home and put a bullet in me just to get to Abel and send a message to you," you say, expression turning thunderous. "The one who shot me doesn't get to walk away. Hell, the ones who fuckin' raised a gun in Abel's direction are lucky that they'll be limping away after I'm done."
"Limping away?"
You slowly smirk at him, lowering your voice. "I'm not gonna draw out my punishment, but my brothers and my uncles' men sure as shit ain't gonna sit back. They're gonna make sure they get the message that they fucked with the wrong people."
Jax huffs a laugh and then ends up staying for as long as the nurses would let him, only leaving when YN's brothers came or he had to go pick up Abel so he'd see that YN was fine for himself.
Then after two and a half days, you're released.
You're still sore, but you've got nothing but vengeance on your mind. When your brothers send you the address of where they're holding several individuals for you to interrogate, you get dressed and head for Teller Automotive.
Some of the guys are surprised to see you up and about, but you wave off their concern as you continue towards the club portion of the shop.
The usual sweetbutts are milling about, cleaning up and most likely getting ready for a party since it is a Friday. You spot Jax and Juice at the bar as Juice taps away on a laptop.
"Boys," you greet as you walk up behind them. "Whatcha workin' on?"
Jax turns in his seat, eyes subtly widening as he stands. "You're out! Why didn't you call me?" He's quick to carefully take you in his arms, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
"Because if I'd have called you, you'd have taken me home and coddled me."
"Well yeah. You were shot."
"I got shit to take care of, Teller, and I'm not wasting another day."
"Then what are you doing here?"
You shrug. "I just thought that you'd want to see the MC face their consequences."
"Now? You're going to do that now?" He asks, his gaze darting down to your covered abdomen.
"Yep. "My brothers procured a place just on the outskirts of Charming where we won't be interrupted. You in?"
"Well, yeah. Obviously."
"Good. Then gather whoever's in and follow me."
As you sit in your car, you watch Jax as speaks with several of brothers to see who he's going to leave in charge. And after everything is settled, only five follow Jax to their motorcycles- Opie, Happy, Juice, Tig, and Chibs.
You start your car and start to drive, pausing by the gate until Jax and the others start to roll out. You take off, keeping your speed down as you drive through the town. But the moment you get to the road leading out of Charming, you step on the gas and race towards the location your brothers sent to you.
You drive along an empty stretch of road until you turn down a dirt road which is surrounded by empty crop fields that have seen better days. The road leads up to a dilapidated farmhouse, a very rusted horse corral, and behind all that is a barn where several vehicles have parked.
You park and get out, waiting for Jax to find the perfect spot to park their motorcycles. Once they do, you wait until they gather around.
"I know this started off as club business, but now it's cartel business. I can't have you questioning me in there."
"This is your playground," Jax says. "We're just here for a show."
You nod and then turn towards the barn doors, pushing them open with the help of Chibs and Tig when they get stuck. Inside, several men are hanging about on turned over crates or bales of hay, some even sitting at a small wooden table playing cards. Music plays softly in the background, but it's cut off the moment your presence is noticed.
Immediately, every man and woman scramble to their feet as you approach.
In the middle of the barn, there's a line of eight men with burlap sacks over their heads sitting in chairs with their wrists tied down to the armrests and ankles tied to the legs. Walking down the line of men, you snatch the sacks from their heads.
"Wakey, wakey, motherfuckers." Each man is clearly exhausted, agitated, and pissed off.
You save the MC President for last, smirking as he sneers at you. "Stupid bitch." He seethes. "Let us go. Right now."
"Bitch," you muse. "If you're going to insult me, at least call me a cunt. Or whore. Those words have much more of an impact."
Your fist whips out, striking him across the face so hard that his head jerks to the side. He turns to glare back up at you, spitting blood that lands on your pant leg. "Now, now. If you're going to insult me again, at least be creative about it. Your lack of creativity is sorely disappointing." He roars at you, trying to free his wrists and feet, but you merely laugh and continue to pace in front of his men. "Now I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here and it's quite simple, really." You stop pacing, expression hardening. "You fucked with the wrong woman."
Then like a switch has been flipped, you go back to smiling and pacing, gesturing wildly as you talk. "Normally I wouldn't touch MC business with a ten foot pole, but you fuckers messed up. You broke into my home and went after a child under my care- a child that I hold very near and dear to my heart. So, now your piss poor attempt at taking over territory that doesn't belong to you has now come under cartel jurisdiction, and I will make sure that any stupid motherfuckers who dares to come after the Sons of Anarchy will pay a price."
"Fuck that. We didn't cross any cartel!"
"Oh honey," you mockingly coo as you come to a stop in front of the one who spoke. "I am part of the cartel." Turning around, you walk towards a long table and lift the cloth laying atop of it. Beneath the cloth, there's a variety of weapons. You tuck a glock into the back waistband of your jeans and then grasp a dagger in your dominant hand. Then turning to walk back towards the bound men, you smirk. "Now what I want are the assholes who attacked me and dared to point a gun at a child. You give me those men and the rest of you can walk out of here."
Dead fuckin' silence.
"Nothing?" You chuckle. "Come on, guys. Give 'em up. I swear it's not worth protecting them. I mean, I can probably figure it out. Eyes are windows to the soul and all that rot. You might have been wearing masks, but I still remember those cowardly glints very well."
"Fuck you! I ain't no coward."
"Bingo!" You shout, pointing the tip of your blade at the culprit. Walking up to the guy, you can't help but laugh as he realizes his mistake and clamps his mouth shut. "One down, one more to go."
"I ain't telling you shit."
"No?" Switching the dagger to your other hand, you pull the glock free from behind your back. You step close to the man, taking aim at his crotch. "Are you sure about that?"
He cruelly smirks. "You're all talk and no-"
The guy immediately starts screaming, his buddies struggling in their chairs, and you laugh. When you glance around the room, you see those you consider family chuckling and the Sons cringing in sympathy as they cover their crotches. You walk around so you're standing behind the screaming fool, swapping the dagger and gun in your hands so the dagger is back in your dominant hand. "Going once… going twice…" He continues to scream, and you sigh when no one else speaks up.
And then before anyone can comprehend what you've done, you've dragged the blade across the guy's neck.
As he gurgles on his blood and his friends shout obscenities at you, you walk around so you're standing before them once again.
"That's three of my men you've killed already," the President says. "I think fair's fair."
"I want the last one," you say. "One last guy and you're good to go."
No one says anything, but the President's expression hardens. There's a cold glint in his eye that you're very familiar with, and you know that should he walk out of these barn doors, he'll do anything and everything for revenge. "Samuel. I sent Samuel."
The Samuel in question squawks and you smile beautifully at him over the shoulder before staring at the President once more. "Harsh. Selling out your own guy like that." You saunter up to him, sighing. "But he's the thing; I hate snitches."
Then before the President can blink, you take aim and pull the trigger. The bullet hits him right between the eyebrows.
The struggling, bound men all seem to cease movement and you turn towards them. "Now that that's out of the way…" You walk back towards Samuel, scoffing at his whimpering. "You might get to live today, Sammy, but not without something to remember why messing with the Sons a big no-no."
"And w-what's that?"
You slowly smile. "Open your fist, Samuel. Lay your hand flat against the armrest."
His eyes widen as he whimpers, but he hesitantly does as you've said. Then when his hand is nice and flat, you drive your blade through the back of his hand, pinning it to the arm rest.
As he screams, you sneer at him and then start to make your way towards the Sons. On your way, you hand off your gun before coming to a stop in front of Jax and pasting on a smile as you glance at each Sons. "Who's hungry?"
"Marry me," Happy grumbles.
You laugh at him, winking, and then glance back at Jax. "You're a little psycho," he says.
"Only when the occasion calls for it. But seriously, can we go get food?"
Jax laughs as he sidles up to your side, sliding an arm along the back of your shoulders. "Do burgers sound good?"
"Burgers sound marvelous. I also want a vanilla milkshake."
"Good. We'll go grab some and surprise Abel. He's been itching to go to your house again."
"Ugh. Your kid is so adorable. But maybe let me settle in before you grab him. My abdomen is on fire and if we tell him I'm sick, maybe he won't be so hyperactive."
"Let me see."
Begrudgingly, you lift the hem of your shirt and glance down. Sure enough, you've bled through your bandages. "New plan; No Abel."
"What? But-"
"Nope." Jax squeezes you to his side as you sigh. "You're gonna go home, Chibs will follow to patch you up, and I'll go pick up some food. Abel can go one more day without seeing you."
The Sons chuckle.
"What about us?" Juice asks, gesturing between himself, Tig, and Happy.
"I don't care, Juice. Do whatever you want."
As they head towards their motorcycles, Jax walks you to your car.
"So, are you really okay with this?" You ask. "Okay with me and all that I'm capable of?"
"Yeah." Jax nods. "More than okay, actually. It's good to know that should shit find its way to your doorstep again, you'll handle it."
"Damn right I will." You swing around so you're standing in front of Jax, arms wrapping around his waist as his go around your shoulders. "I will protect Abel with my life again and again. Never doubt that."
"Just Abel?" His eyebrow arches.
"You're a close second," you muse. Leaning up on the tips of your toes, you peck his lips. "Now seriously. Food, Teller. I need food."
"Yeah, yeah." He kisses you again. "Go home and get settled. I'll be there soon."
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tubatwo · 3 months
txt reaction: random kisses
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summary: in which you miss your boyfriend so much you can’t help but kiss him!
pairing: reader x ot5
genre: fluff; 1.7k total
a/n: trying something new! I probably won’t do these too often because I have been overthinking each prompt for months! let me know if you prefer short or long stories for these! beomgyu’s is already longer lmao im having a bamtori moment ><
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yeonjun - when he’s busy
between group schedules and inkigayo appearances, it seemed like the universe didn’t want you and your boyfriend to have a moment together. of course you understood. he’s a busy idol after all, but it still didn’t make it hurt less. but one thing that yeonjun always told you is that the offer to visit him was always open, no matter how guilty you felt about it. and today just seemed like one of those days where you might actually take that offer.
after talking things through with the boys’ manager and getting a staff member to guide you, you arrive at the inkigayo filming area. it was strange to see how small the interview set was in real life, especially because everyone seemed to think it was an actual room!
you politely squeeze past a few people to get a better look at your boyfriend in action. you can’t help but smile at his cute mannerisms, charisma, and how everyone in the room seems to adore him. after a while, one of the staff members taps you on the shoulder and asks if you would like to move to his dressing room. you agree and wait patiently. 
the sound of the door opening interrupts your thoughts, and you look up to see your boyfriend with a shocked look on his face. “baby? you came?!” he exclaims excitedly. you smile warmly and run up to give him a sweet kiss that just so happens to be long overdue. yeonjun giggles as you deepen the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. “mmph– I hate to interrupt, but what made you decide to finally come?” he pulls away, slightly flustered at how eager you are (but in a good way). 
“i’m sorry!” you whine, burying your head in his chest. “I missed you so much, and I’m sorry if this is a bad time–” yeonjun cuts you off by lifting your chin and placing another kiss on your lips.
“never a bad time, baby.” he shakes his head. “I’ve missed you so much, and I know things have been hectic lately…” you smile sadly and nod in agreeance. “but! i’m going to make it up to you this weekend, ‘kay? they just told us we have some free time.”
your eyes light up, and you hug your boyfriend tightly.
“I love you, yeonjun, thank you.”
“anything for you, baby.” 
soobin - when he’s sleeping too cutely 
you watch as your boyfriend’s chest rises up and down, letting out small puffs of air. you smile softly at how peaceful he looks, knowing full well how busy promotions have been lately. sometimes your boyfriend looked the most beautiful when he was sleeping. the one time when his mind wasn’t full of worries, and his shoulders no longer held the burdens of others. 
you quietly giggle as you scan over his body laying in a position that you just can’t seem to wrap your brain around. why is his leg twisted that way? you try your absolute hardest to keep your laughs to yourself. he needs his rest, but he just looks adorable… aaand you kinda miss him an abnormal amount. maybe it would be best for him to move anyway. he wouldn’t mind, right?  whatever happens, please forgive me. this is your fault for being too damn cute.
unable to resist your cuteness aggression, you lean down closer to his face and place a tender kiss on his cheek. then another. and another. and finally he shuffles. “mmm… y/n?” he murmurs sleepily. you bring your hand to his cheek to rub it softly. “hi baby, i’m sorry for waking you..” you whisper.
soobin pulls you close, copying your previous actions by kissing your cheek too. “s’ okay, i’ve missed you too.” 
wait what?
“ you… miss me too?” you echo. your boyfriend nods his head, shutting his eyes again as if nothing happened. “how did you know I was thinking that?” he lets out a snort at this. “because I love you, and I also know you like the back of my hand.” before you could even respond or complain, soobin leans in to kiss you deeply, making you sigh and melt into his arms. as you pull away, you quietly chuckle and tap the side of his arm.
“let’s head to bed, my love.”
beomgyu - when he’s playing video games
you could hear the echoes of your boyfriend’s yells from the other room. the two of you had spent the afternoon together visiting a local record shop and decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing at home. after watching a movie, you inevitably went your separate ways to do your own things.
however, you eventually got bored. there were only so many tiktoks you could scroll through without feeling drained. so, feeling curiosity take over you, you sneak back into your shared room, peeking at the back of your boyfriend’s round head. you watch him silently, waiting for his team to capture the objective. you had watched him play enough times to know when it was coming to an end.
“ah shit! that was a good game.” he says into the mic as the winning sign takes over the screen, then he queues into another game. as you tip toe closer to him, the chatter of his friends start to louden as the sound leaks from his headphones. 
you wrap your arms around beomgyu’s neck, resting them on his chest as you place a kiss on his cheek.
“babe?” he flinches a little at your sudden movement. “hey, what’s up?” he cancels the queue, ignoring the commotion and confusion coming from his discord call. 
“nothing… I just missed you…” you smile against his neck, turning his head to kiss him properly. as you smack lips, beomgyu gets a little dizzy. he lets out a few groans and a few giggles, eventually pulling away to look up at you with his lips curling into his famous v-shape
“you want me to log off?” he asks shyly. 
a part of you wants to say yes, but you already spent so much time with him for the day. you knew that he’s been trying his best to rank up recently, and time was never really on his side. it was important that you allowed him to have fun with his hobbies as well. 
you shake your head, fingers playing with the hair that was soon growing to meet his shoulders. "no, it's okay. enjoy yourself! besides, I missed watching you play," you smile, eyes filled with affection. “that is… if it’s okay? can I?” 
beomgyu can’t help but smile. one of his many favorite things about you was that you didn’t mind him playing his favorite games, and you even liked to watch and cheer him on too. 
“c’mon my little lucky charm,” he chuckles, patting his lap enthusiastically while pulling you down by your waist. 
despite the sound of keyboard clicks and endless trash talking coming from both your boyfriend’s mouth and his headphones, you drift off to sleep, occasionally feeling his lips meet your forehead. 
taehyun - when he’s working out
it had been an hour or so since taehyun left a small kiss on your cheek, telling you that he was going to the home gym room. with schedules in the way, it was hard to him to do his proper workouts the way he wanted to. you knew this, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit clingy after the tiring day you had.
after tiptoeing over to the doorway, you’re met with the sight of your boyfriend facing the other way while lifting a set of weights. you sneakily tiptoe over to wrap your arms around his waist while nuzzling your head into his neck. 
"hey," he says, a mix of amusement and affection in his voice as his body vibrates with laughter. "i’m kinda in the middle of something here, darling.”
you giggle, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on his sweaty cheek. "I know but…” you begin, smile slowly fading away as you remember the way you were late for work. the way your boss looked at you in disappointment as you gave your presentation. “I missed you a lot, i’m sorry.” 
taehyun’s expression softens, and he sets aside his exercise equipment for a moment to hold you in his arms. "I missed you too," he replies, returning your affection with a passionate kiss, reminding each other that even in the busiest of times, your love was always a priority. “how about I finish up really quickly, and then we can go out somewhere together?”
you smile and nod. 
“now, I could use a liittle more motivation to finish this set."
huening kai - when he’s practicing the piano
you peek in through the door that kai often used to practice, the sight and sound of your boyfriend’s fingers dancing across the piano making you smile. he notices your presence and stops. “oh? hi princess!”
you ignore his words and walk over to the stool where he was seated. you cup his face in your hands and kiss him softly, making him sigh happily.
“mmph- sit.” he manages to let out through kisses. 
“sit on my lap.” he smiles at you.
you chuckle softly, a blush coloring your cheeks as you comply with his request. you gently sit on his lap, arms circling around his neck while you continue to shower him with affectionate kisses. a piano bench isn’t the most comfortable for two people on top of each other, but in this moment, with kai’s fingers lingering on your waist, it was the most comfortable place in the world. 
“I missed you, y’know…” you confess quietly, pulling back to rest your forehead against his. kai chuckles and tilts his head in confusion. “I haven’t gone anywhere, though?”
“I know, silly! but sometimes, even when you’re here, I miss you,” you sheepishly try to explain your feelings, starting to feel a bit embarrassed, “sorry if it doesn’t make sense…” 
kai’s expression softens, and he holds you a little tighter. “no no, I understand! I feel that way too sometimes,”  
“can we stay like this for a while?” you ask. 
“of course, princess.”
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captainfern · 11 months
me, patiently waiting for any marigold updates because i can’t get enough of dbf!price: :3c
(in all seriousness tho i love your work so much you have converted me into a price slut and i am eternally grateful)
(live laugh love barry sloane)
Marigold pt. 4
dbf!Captain John Price x fem!reader
[“Marigold” by Nirvana]
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• summary - price is deployed for over four months. photos and phone calls aren’t enough. when he gets home, you fuck lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 6.5k • warnings - fem!reader, dad’sbestfriend!price, established relationship?, age gap [whatever you want it to be as long as it's legal lmao], exchange of explicit photographs, phone sex, mutual masturbation through the phoneeeee, unprotected piv, oral [f!receiving], fingering, praise, light degradation, a sprinkle of dacryphilia, breeding kink [yk fern be serious when it's in bold], creampies, strong language, fluffy at the end, porn with a bit of plot i guess, um... i think that's it omfg i need to take a breath after typing this
the longer dbf!price fic i told you all i'd write
*rings little bell* dinner is served whores
Deployment was never easy for Price. Even when he didn't have anyone waiting at home for him, leaving the safety of what was familiar to him was stressful enough. He never showed it, though. He had a taskforce to captain. He couldn't afford to get homesick during missions of life and death.
But now...
Now, things were different.
He had you waiting for him. Sure, you weren't waiting for him in the sanctuary of his home— like he wanted you too— but you were still waiting for him.
So this deployment was especially hard for Price. The night before he left, he popped around to your house to say goodbye to your dad. They talked for a while as you listened in from the top of the stairs. When it was time for Price to leave, he stood at the bottom with his arm resting along the bannister, looking up at you.
"Say bye to Price, honey." Your dad said.
"Bye, Price. Stay safe." You said politely, your dad smiling gently at you.
Price's jaw ticked before he nodded in return. "Thanks."
He wanted nothing more for you to bound down the stairs and launch yourself into his arms. He wanted to hold you tight to him as you whispered in his ear. He wanted to litter your face in kisses and run his hands along your back and arse. He wanted to mutter into your ear, telling you he'll be back to you in no time. Back to you.
Instead, he turned on his heel, your dad offering him a hearty slap on the back as he walked Price onto the front porch. You watched them go, your heart in your throat. Your eyes stung with tears, chest beginning to heave. So, before the emotions could bubble to the surface, you retreated into your bedroom in search of sleep.
You didn't see Price look over his shoulder in search of you.
Price texted you when he could. Which, to your dismay, was not a lot.
A couple times every week, maybe, if service was good. Most of the time, it was a short burst of conversation. A couple of exchanged words before he was back into the thick of his mission. Even more common, he'd text you a huge paragraph before he went dark for several days, leaving you to reread the heart-warming message over and over again with tears in your vision.
A month passed like this.
During this time, the mission was critical for Price, so you understood why his attention was elsewhere. But, after about six days of anxiously waiting for a text, you got one.
————Hey, sweetheart. How've you been? alright. work sucks as usual. how are you?———— ————Not bad. I miss you. i miss you too. oh my god don't make me cry————
You managed to talk a bit more, before he was gone. With a simple goodbye, and a couple of x's, no more messages came through. You found yourself rereading the conversation over and over again, your stomach knotted with anxiety.
You lay back in bed, snuggling beneath your blankets. It was late, and you had work in the morning, but you doubt you'd be getting much sleep. Your stomach was a swirl of nerves, and sadness continued to simmer in the back of your mind.
You grabbed hold of the neckline of the tee you were wearing, bringing it up to your face and inhaling deeply. It smelt like Price. Your favourite cologne of his, too— all rich and masculine, with a hint of cigar smoke. You whined into the shirt.
You missed him so much.
Another entire month passed.
Price was on edge, too.
The 141 boys had noticed it. Price was a bit shorter and snappier with them. He smoked an extra cigar each day, too, and would smoke it right to it's last dying embers.
He was still doing his job really well— as soon as they were out on the field, Price let nothing distract him. But, in the solace of a safe house, or other place away from the fighting and shooting, Price's emotions were altered. He found himself checking his phone, despite having absolutely no reception where they were. He spent hours before missions checking, and re-checking the equipment, muttering meticulously to himself.
Gaz tried to ask what had Price so worked up. Price dismissed him, stating it was nothing. Gaz wasn't convinced, but didn't want to get in Price's way. Soap poked fun at his captain, but that didn't last long after a scolding from both Price and Ghost. Ghost would give Price a look when the captain would check his phone for the umpteenth time that morning.
"Something on your mind, captain?" Ghost asked.
Price shook his head. "Nothing, mate."
He was a goddamn liar.
He pulled out his phone again, opening your messages. It had been two weeks since your last conversation. You had been the one to sign off. The time differences were not helpful.
————ok, talk to you later :) stay safe! miss you x
He felt his throat go tight.
He missed you so much.
Two more months ticked past.
Four months since he'd left.
It was absolute torture for both you and Price.
Luckily, Price and the 141 found themselves hunkering down in an area with reception. Price was ecstatic when he saw those bars appear in the top left corner of his phone screen. Throughout the entire day, he felt as though his phone was burning a hole through his pocket. He was itching to text you. To talk to you.
It was like a shadow, looming over him— the temptation of stepping aside and pulling out his phone so that he could text you.
He wanted to tell you that he was alright, and that he'd be home soon. He and the boys were safe. More importantly, he wanted to know if you were safe— how were you? How was everything at home? At work? What had you been up too? Where have you been recently?
By the time the 141 reached the next safe house for rest, it was late at night. Pitch-black, the taskforce dragged themselves into the house and separated almost immediately, chasing sleep while fending off exhaustion long enough to find a bed or couch. Price found himself across the house, tucked away in one of the rooms as he pulled his phone from his pocket while he kicked off his shoes and prepared to get into bed.
Immediately, his phone screen lit up with numerous text messages from you. He smiled wide, his heart soaring. With a trembling hand, he opened the messages, his heart beating excitedly against his ribcage. The thought of you made his heart race.
————captainnnnn i miss you so much ––––four months is too long i'm going insane ––––i miss you more than anything
Price chewed on his bottom lip, clearing his throat as sadness swelled there. He turned off his phone and blinked into the darkness for a moment, before switching it back on. There was a break in the messages by about an hour, Price noticed.
————fuck price i need you ————open this alone [image] x3
His smile dropped at the most recent text messages, sent just seconds ago. He blinked at the three photos, his mouth dropping open in shock. The shock was quickly replaced by need as his cock hardened in his trousers and he let out a low groan.
You fucking tease.
The first photo was a selfie of you from the waist up— you were wearing his t-shirt, which pooled around you. You were propped up in bed, face shiny with moisturiser, skin dewey with the aftereffects of being fresh out the shower. It was tame, but your nipples showing clearly through the cotton of the shirt made Price's eyebrows quirk in intrigue. A smirk settled on his face, and he spent a good five minutes just looking at your pretty features.
When he swiped to the next photo, he muttered a "fucking hell" out loud. A mirror selfie, with that floor-length mirror you had in your room. You were twisted half away from the camera, with your arse to the mirror and your upper torso towards the side. You wore a tiny fucking thong, the curve of your arse on full display, making Price release a shaky breath. You still wore his shirt, too, but hoisted it up with your free hand, exposing your abdomen and a small sliver of skin from your tits.
Price hands shook as he reluctantly swiped to the next one, his cock painfully hard in his cargos. He quickly unbuckled his belt with his freehand as the last photograph illuminated the screen.
"Christ." Price hissed, dipping his hand into his boxers and pulling his cock out.
You, wearing absolutely fucking nothing, standing in front of your mirror in such a way that Price groaned into the air, tossing his head back. You looked so good, so fucking good. Your bare legs, your hips and thighs, your tummy and waist, your tits. Fuck, you looked so pretty.
He gripped his cock firmly, hissing out a breath, eyes taking in every inch of your body. He quickly spat into his palm, before stroking himself, paying careful attention to the underside of his tip, just like you would.
He groaned lowly, careful not to disturb the rest of the task force across the house. Teeth biting into his bottom lip, he fucked his fist in the darkness, his phone screen illuminating his face in a soft white glow. Your photo on screen, he could imagine the hot suction of your mouth on his cock— the purposeful movements of your tongue along the one prominent vein running up the lefthand side; the cheeky skim of your teeth when you pressed your nose into his hair, tip of his cock at the back of your throat.
"Fuck, pretty girl—" He whispered, dark hooded eyes on his phone, his thumb flicking between each photo.
He could imagine more, too. The tight, wet grip of your cunt around his cock, taking more and more. He choked on a low moan at the thought. Your pretty cunt— always dripping for him, soaking your best underwear as you rode his thigh; the tight heat as you rode his cock, tip slamming into your cervix with soft wet sounds.
Price spat onto the head of his cock again, trying to imagine it was you doing it. The speed of his hand sent wet clicks through the room, paired with deep, hushed grunts and groans. Price had dropped his phone onto the bed next to him, propping it up on the pillow so he could still see your photos. But pleasure was quickly taking over his body, his free hand at his balls as he fucked his fist to the thought of you, you, you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He whispered, movements desperate.
Swiftly, he grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and lifted it up, biting it between his teeth to expose his abdomen. Groaning around the fabric, he came up his stomach, white splattering along the soft ridges of muscle. He whispered your name as he stroked himself through it; stroked himself until his hips twitched in overstimulation, and his cock softened in his hand, slick with his release.
He breathed hard, hand sticky.
Thinking in an exhausted post-nut haze, he grabbed his phone and snapped a couple pics of himself. Of his cum splattered up across his abdomen, through his happy trail; and of his cock in his hand, painted white.
He wanted to roll his eyes. He felt like a horny fucking teenager.
Price sent you the pair of photos before he made quick work of hurrying to the bathroom and cleaning himself up without waking anyone. When he returned to his room, his phone was illuminating again with more messages.
————holy fuck price oh my god ————fuck you're so hot i can't
Price couldn't help but smile as he settled into bed.
You started it, sweetheart.———— ————yeah. did you like them? I think the photos I just sent make it obvious.———— ————you wanked to my photos captain?
Price laughed. Of course he did. He had a whole collection on his phone, photos and videos, of you in varying states that he fucked his fist too each night he missed you.
Of course I did, pretty girl. Just look at you.———— ————price... You're so fucking beautiful.———— ————price don't make me horny. i have work 😭
Price smiled softly at your messages, his breathing calming. He felt an overwhelming sense of pride in the way you talked to him; how you texted him and called him; how you still called him Price after all this time. Your Captain Price.
Call me later if you can, sweetheart.———— ————i will. miss you so much I miss you too. Have a great day at work.———— ————i'll try. stay safe, old man x
A week went by. Just one more week until Price was home free. Four and a half months away was brutal.
His emotions were slowly becoming harder and harder to ignore. He found himself thinking of you constantly. He missed you so much it was making him worry— worry about you, about his boys, about the end of the mission. Fuck, his mind was going a hundred miles an hour, but his main thoughts were all about you.
The week didn't have as much contact with you as he would've liked. He found himself fucking his fist to the file of saved videos he had of you— wet cunt taking his fingers, his cock, your mouth whimpering his name, his rank.
Goddamn it, he felt like a teenager. Constantly horny for the pretty girl who sent him nudes. Wanking to said nudes almost every night. What had gotten into him?
He kept thinking about how there was one week until he was home. That kept him going. One week until he could hold you in his arms, hug you, kiss you, absorb your presence. One week until he could shove his cock, his tongue, his fingers into your tight cunt.
He screwed his eyes shut. What the fuck, Price.
It's like you knew he was thinking about you.
Price jolted when his phone vibrated on the table beside his bed. He leaned over and grabbed it, leaning against the headboard and smiling as he saw your name flash on screen. He answered, trying to keep his excitement to hear your voice at bay.
"Hey, pretty girl." He drawled, and he heard you whine softly through the phone, making his smile stretch tenfold.
"Hi, Price," you whispered, and the sound of your voice alone had Price's stomach erupting in butterflies. You sounded tired, as though you'd just woken up.
"Did you wake up to call me?" Price asked.
"Mm... maybe," you replied. "But it's okay. I wanted to call you."
Price chuckled. "Okay, sweetheart. How've you been?"
"Good... mostly..." You said, words stretching out.
"Mhm. I miss you."
"I miss you too." Price whispered his reply, throat growing tight. He cleared his throat to try and dislodge the tight, burning sensation.
"Mm... tell me about your day." You said.
Price did. He talked about the mission, and the things that had been happening these past few months. He explained how this week was closing everything up before he'd be home.
Then, silence followed. Price listened to your breathing, wondering what was going on inside that pretty head of yours. He was about to ask, too, when he heard you release a high-pitched whine. This was followed by the rustling of sheets, and a shaky inhale of breath from you.
"You alright?" Price asked, and your response was a low moan.
Price's cheeks flared red as he listened to the soft sounds filtering through the phone. Then, he pressed his tongue to his bottom lip, smiling as he listened to you.
"You touching yourself, pretty girl?"
"Fuck—" You whispered. "Y-yeah. Miss you so m-much and you sound so g-good."
Price chuckled lowly, at the right baritone that made you whimper. Price continued to smile to himself as he dipped his free hand into his boxers and pulled his hardening cock out, giving it a couple of strokes before he began speaking to you.
"Tell me what you're doing," he whispered as his cock hardened more, your noises music to his ears. "Be a good girl and tell me how you're touching yourself."
You moaned. "Ah... 'm using my fingers."
"Y-yeah... two."
Price spat into his hand and gripped his cock, spreading it along his length.
"Imagining they're yours," you breathed. "But... fuck— they're not big enough, Price— fuck— s'not you."
You were almost sobbing now, and Price could hear how wet you were. Loud, slick sounds. Hell, it felt like Price was there.
He listened to the way you fucked your fingers into your cunt, the way you sobbed out for him, breathing erratically.
"You sound so fucking wet, sweetheart," Price muttered, fucking his fist. "Such a perfect cunt. Come on, add another finger."
Price heard you sob out a moan as you added another finger into your aching core. Price imagined your body trembling against your bed, hips shunting forward to try and notch your fingers deeper. But they wouldn't go deeper. They weren't Price's.
"Captain—" You moaned sweetly, and that made Price's cock jerk violently in his hand. He cursed as you fought to spit out a sentence through a moan. "Feels so good."
"Yeah? I bet it does, sweetheart. Good girl, keep fucking that pretty wet cunt with your fingers. That’s a good girl." Price whispered deeply, listening to your sounds.
He was breathing hard, too. Grunting and groaning into the phone, making your cunt clench around your fingers. You released whimpers and whines in response as you tried desperately to chase your release using your fingers, imagining they were your captains.
Ultimately though, it was his words that were sending you closer to release.
"That's it, that's it, such a good girl," Price said. "Fuck that pretty cunt. When— ah, fuck— when I get home, I'm gonna stuff you full, sweetheart. Stuff that pretty cunt with my cock. You want that? You want me to fill you up? O'course you fucking do, my perfect girl."
You bit your lip, moaning. "Price, m'gonna—"
"Cum for me. Cum 'round your fingers like a good girl."
Price listened to your orgasm with his mouth agape, fastening the pace of his hand. He whined your name under his breath, breathing hard, no doubt loud where your phone was pressed to your ear.
"Coming, sweetheart," Price panted, lower stomach tightening. "M'coming—"
He came in hot spurts all over his cock, thighs, hand and upper arm. Residual splatters went up his bare abdomen, too.
He breathed hard into the phone. "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you when I get home."
He heard you laugh. "What a way to ruin the mood, captain."
When Price got home, he didn't even bother unpacking. He dumped all of his shit in the hallway, kicking off his boots while pulling up your contact on his phone. He sent you a text, telling you to come over, and your reply was instantaneous.
Come over.———— ————you're home??? Sure am. Don't keep me waiting.———— ————i'm on my way
Excitement built inside him as he smiled down at your message. Never had he ever felt this way about a person before.
He moved around the darkness of his home, turning on the lights and drawing the curtains. He sighed to himself, finally making the effort of taking his bags upstairs and putting them in one of the spare rooms. He'd sort them out tomorrow.
With excitement to see you still heavy in his body, he had a quick shower and scrubbed away the remnants of his deployment. Afterwards, he got dressed, pulling grey sweatpants [lol hehe] over his boxers just as he heard the engine of a car in his driveway. His heart fluttered and, not bothering to put on a shirt, he hurried downstairs.
When he threw open the door, you had a fist raised to knock. You squeaked in surprise when he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you inside, slamming the door shut and locking it, before pinning you against it. He slotted his mouth to yours, and you gasped into the kiss, before wrapping your arms around his bare shoulders.
Price pulled out of the kiss after a long moment, breathing deeply as he rested his forehead against yours.
"Hello to you too," you joked, smiling. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," Price replied. "So much."
You leaned in and kissed him this time, taking the lead. He groaned happily, putting both hands on your waist and pulling your lower half into his. You hummed into the kiss, tongues smoothing together, as he nudged your legs apart with his knee and settled it at your already aching core.
"Remember what I said to you on the phone last week?" Price asked, as you peppered his face in kisses. He fought off a smile.
"That you'd fuck the shit out of me when you get home?"
"Yeah, I remember," you smiled, nipping his earlobe. "You gonna do it, or no?"
"Cheeky..." He muttered, kissing you one last time before spinning you away from the door. He pushed you away from him with a smack to the arse.
He nodded to the stairs. "You know where I want you."
His words went straight to your core.
With a building ache between your legs, you shakily kicked off your shoes. Then, you bounded up the stairs, wiggling your arse as you went. You giggled when Price groaned, following just a few steps behind.
You practically skipped into his bedroom. You turned around just as he walked in, pulling you closer to him straight away. Hands on your hips, he kissed you hard, his tongue pushing against yours, exploring your mouth. The kiss was full of longing and desperation— all of Price's pent up emotion from four months apart.
Price guided you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed. He lay you down on your back, shifting you so you had your head on his pillows. He followed, crawling over top of you, continuing the kiss. You tugged at his hair with one hand, the other moving to the waistband of his sweatpants. You skimmed a fingernail over the elastic.
Price broke the kiss. He licked his lips, savouring the taste of you.
"Impatient, are we?" He queried as your fingers pulled the waistband of his sweatpants down, exposing his boxers and the imprint of his hard cock.
You cupped his bulge and he grunted.
"It's been four months, Price. Of course I'm fucking impatient." You quipped, squeezing lightly.
He cursed, eyes shutting, hips canting into your touch. After a second, he opened his eyes and battered your hand away from him. He slunk downwards until he rested between your legs. You propped yourself up on your elbows, cocking your head to the side as he took off your trousers and your underwear.
The scene was oddly tender. He placed kisses along the bare skin of your legs as he pulled your trousers and underwear away. He tossed them across the room, resuming the trail of kisses along your thighs and knees. He kissed right past your most sensitive part, and you blew out a breath, as his lips pecked over your hips, navel and tummy while he pushed your shirt up.
You helped him pull your shirt over your head.
"No bra?" Price remarked, hands automatically cupping your tits. "Naughty girl."
He tweaked your nipples, making you whine.
"Price, please..." You begged, voice trailing off as he pinched at your sensitive nipples.
"Hmm? What do you want?"
You felt your face heating up. "Want your mouth on me."
"Yeah? My pretty girl wants my mouth on her?" Price drawled slowly, edging back down your body until he was settled comfortably between your legs. He gripped the plush flesh of your thighs in two large hands, squeezing and groping.
You whined, feeling his breath fan across your dripping core. "Please, sir."
He hummed, content. "You always ask so nicely. Such a good girl for me, sweetheart."
You and Price both moaned when he sealed his mouth over your clit first. He circled the bud with his tongue, your hips bucking, hands fisting the sheets at your sides. The vibrations of his moans made your mouth drop open.
His facial hair tickled your inner thighs as he sucked on your clit. He skimmed his teeth along the top of the sensitive bud, and you cried out, shooting one hand down to grab his hair. He grunted when you tugged. He then dragged his tongue down your folds slowly— so slowly you thought you might have a fucking heart attack at the sensations— before circling your soaking hole.
"Such a needy fucking cunt," Price mused directly into your core. "Always so wet for me."
Price licked into you, making you bite back a scream. Four months without his mouth on you had driven you to the brink of insanity. You gripped his hair, urging him closer as the solid muscle of his tongue moved in and out of your core. The sounds were slurping wet, echoing loudly in your ears. They played amongst a chorus of Price's grunts and groans, and your whines and whimpers, producing an orchestra of sounds.
His beard scratched the sensitive skin. Not that you minded. It only added to the tight coil in your lower tummy that was twisting tighter and tighter, your body shining with sweat.
"Price, I'm so close." You sobbed as he continued to lick into you, his eyes watching your facial expressions change.
Price dragged his tongue in a zig-zag motion up your slit, sucking your clit into his mouth as he watched you squirm. "Ask nicely, sweetheart."
You keened, your climax building so aggressively that your legs trembled in his hold and you felt a thin layer of sweat building on your lower back, still pressed against the soft blankets.
"Please, sir, can I..."
His teeth skated across your clit again, and you moaned loudly.
"Fuck—! Please, sir, p-please, can I cum? Please, please—"
He seemed satisfied with that. He dipped his tongue back into your cunt and stuffed it inside, humming confirmation that you could let go. The hum seemed to punch you straight in the fucking uterus, and you came with a mewling moan. Price lapped it up, pressing your thighs tighter around his head.
He sucked you through your high. While you trembled, he massaged your thighs, tongue moving in and out of you lazily. Just when you were on the verge of overstimulation, Price pulled back. His facial hair glistened with your arousal, sparkling in the semi-darkness.
He tutted at you. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You hadn't realised tears were streaming down your face.
"Mmmfeltsogood—" You whimpered out in one jumbled word, a couple of tears running over your lips. "Missedyousomuch—"
"My poor girl," Price crawled over you. "My poor, needy girl."
He licked the tears off your lips, before kissing a few off your cheeks. He kissed you deeply once you caught your breath, and you tasted your arousal and the salt from your tears. The arousal on his face smeared onto yours, leaving sticky residue across your chin and cheeks.
"You alright now?" He asked gently, voice soft.
You nodded.
"Good. I'm going to fuck you now, okay?"
Fuck, well okay then.
You nodded again. He chuckled behind a close-lipped smile while he shoved his trousers and boxers down his legs, kicking them onto the floor. You whimpered at the sight of his cock— hard, curving towards his abdomen with a reddened tip leaking ivory beads of pre-cum. A prominent vein ran down the left side, from tip to base, dipping into his pubic hair. His dark happy trail crawled up towards his navel, skimming the base of his abs. You were fucking salivating.
He situated himself between your legs, which you wrapped around his hips as he sat back on his heels. He gripped his cock, hissing as he stared at you. So pretty. All for him.
"Condom?" You joked with a coy smile, watching the copious stream of pre dribbling down his length.
He huffed an amused laugh, leaning over you. Drips of pre landed beside your navel. "As if you don't enjoy me filling this tight cunt."
He wasn't wrong.
He kissed you as he notched his cock at your fluttering entrance, smearing your slick around while his tongue probed against yours.
"I missed you so much," he whispered against your mouth as his head pushed into you. "I missed you so fucking much, sweetheart."
The stretch was still difficult to get used too.
You exhaled a breath, his cock sliding in. "I missed you, too."
Eventually, his cock hit the base of your cervix and you whimpered. He shushed you with another kiss before he moved his face away, eyes darting across your features. He ground his hips into your pelvis, and you whimpered again.
"My girl's so sensitive." He uttered, pulling his cock all the way out. Then he thrust back in, and his brutal pace began— your moans of pleasure his starting gun.
His cock rammed against the plug of your womb repeatedly as your mouth dropped open in a silent scream. He had one hand on your hip, the other beside your head as he fucked you into his bed. Your hands ran up and down his back, feeling the smooth planes of muscle. Your hands moved to his chest, squeezing his pecs. You smiled, fingers scraping through the coarse hair. Your hands continued lower, running over his sternum and abs, rubbing over the top of his happy trail.
He grunted, using one hand to snatch both of your wrists. Before you knew it, your hands were pinned above you. Price used one hand to keep your arms in place before his thrusts grew heavier— fucking his fat cock into your soaking cunt. He was fucking the shit out of you, just like he promised.
"That's my girl, just take it," Price grunted. "Take my cock. That's a good girl, sweetheart. That's a good girl. Let this needy cunt take my cock."
You whimpered, chest heaving, sensitive nipples brushing against his chest. The bed creaked beneath you, headboard tapping the wall. His cock continued to bruise your cervix in a way that had your entire body shivering in pleasure.
"Harder." You moaned.
"Harder?" Price chuckled, but obliged— the weight of his thrusts increasing, slamming into the spot within you that had your back arching. "You want it like this? Want it rough? Fucking hell, sweetheart, such a naughty girl."
You bit your lip, hiding your whimpers.
"Yeah, such a naughty girl," Price muttered, eyes zeroed in on where his cock entered you. "Naughty, naughty girl. Letting your dad's best friend fuck you like this. Letting your dad's mate fuck this tight cunt."
That made you moan really loud. His eyes found your face, a vulpine smile developing over his mouth.
"Yeah, you like that? 'Course you do. Needy fucking slut, aren't you, sweetheart? Just love this cock, don't you?"
His words made your core clench. You mewled, a pathetic little sound. You were one more bit of dirty talk away from coming all over his cock—
"Can feel this cunt squeezing me, pretty girl," Price said. "You wanna cum? Go on, then. Cum 'round my cock. Show me how much of a needy slut you are for this cock, darling."
Fucking hell.
You came.
A lot.
You squirted all over his fucking abdomen, and you felt it. Felt the wet gush, felt the warmth. But, above all, you felt the pleasure— tummy tightening, cunt fluttering, legs trembling. Usually, you'd moan his last name. You always had done— Price is what you'd called him since you could remember. Hell, it's what your dad would call him, too.
But this time was different.
"John—!" You cried, and Price smiled as he continued to fuck you.
"Good girl, good fucking girl, there you go," Price moaned through his smile. "Such a perfect girl."
His brutal pace continued, and you were quick to realise that, holy fuck, your third orgasm was looming, pooling in the base of your tummy.
"John..." You whispered.
"John? Thought that made me sound old?" Price mused, pounding into you. "You like that I'm older, don't you, sweetheart? Guys your age can't fuck you like I can."
You mewled again, barely able to keep your eyes open. You were doing your best to watch him. Watch the way he hovered over you, pinning your arms above your head. The way his hips surged with each thrust, slamming himself inside you. You felt the subtle vibrations of his chest against yours as he grunted and groaned.
Your third orgasm reared its head within you, and you felt breathless as the weight of the pleasure pushed moan after moan from your lungs. Price watched you, and the way your mouth dropped open in a continuous harmony of sounds.
His thrusts were becoming sloppier. He was panting, too, as he watched your body grow tight, your cunt constricting his cock in such a way that he grit his teeth to suppress a whimper.
"Come on, beg for me," he whispered, rutting into you desperately. "I know you're close, sweetheart, I know, I know. Just beg for it."
You whimpered, tears welling in your eyes as the pleasure mounted, burning hot inside your tummy. You felt dizzy, too.
"Please, sir, please let me cum, please, I'm s-so close... n' feels so g-good."
He groaned, pleased. "That's my girl. Cum for me."
You did.
You came around him for the third time. You arched as best as you could in order to feel his chest against yours— feel his body, his warmth, his presence. Tears slipped from your eyes as you moaned, and you finally allowed your eyes to flutter closed as you did so.
Your brain was fuzzy and warm and you felt so good. He made you feel so good. The solid weight as he lay over you, the heat of his bare skin, the slight scratch of his light, coarse hair. He stuffed you full, his cock reaching a place far within you that ached each time he spoke. Maybe it was your heart he was reaching, maybe not with his cock— although it surely felt close— but with his hands. His voice, too, and his words, his personality, his mind. Captain John Price had a firm grasp on your heart, and that sent more hot tears spilling down your cheeks.
"I love you." You sobbed, and he released your hands at just the right moment. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you.
He groaned, deep and melodic, his arms either side of your face. He leaned down and captured your mouth in a soft kiss. It was slow and passionate, full to the brim with emotion.
Price pulled away slightly, speaking against your lips. "Say it again."
"I love you."
"I love you, John."
"Fucking hell," he kissed you again, rutting into your tight heat without any discerning rhythm. He was chasing his high. "I love you too."
He kissed the tears off his cheeks, before his head dropped into the crook of your neck. He nipped at the flesh, sucking a bruise.
"I love you, I love you," he repeated. "And m'gonna fill this pretty cunt with my kids. Breed you nice and full, sweetheart— ah, fuck— mhm, get you nice and full... all fat with my kids. Ah, ah— I love you."
He came inside you with a quiet moan, your name following like a mantra. You felt him, hot and thick, flood past your cervix. You whined, rubbing his shoulders.
Price dragged his cock out of you, bringing a wave of fluids with it. Embarrassment zapped up your spine as your arousal and his cum seeped out of your hole. Price ignored your whimpers, gently gathering his cum that had leaked out. He pushed two digits into your cunt, stuffing his cum back inside you.
"Don't waste it..." He whispered, more to himself than to you.
You whimpered under your breath at the feeling of his fingers inside you. He wiggled them around a bit, ensuring his seed stayed right up inside you.
"My perfect girl. I love you." He whispered again.
This time, it wasn't to himself. It was directly to you.
An hour or so passed and, after a couple more rounds, Price cleaned you up. Ever the gentlemen, he turned on the shower and helped you into it. Behind you, he soaped your body, running his hands along every dip and curve. He exited the shower first, grabbing a warm towel and wrapping you in it.
Little words were exchanged between the two of you as he dried you, then dried himself. You basked in each others presence. He then dressed you in his boxers and his shirt, kissing up your legs as he pulled the boxers up, and littering your face in pecks as he pulled the shirt over your head. He put on his boxers too, before guiding you back into his bedroom and yanking back the covers.
Price hopped in first. He held the blankets open for you to clamber in, nestling yourself against his chest. He settled the blankets back over you, hugging you tight to his body. He breathed deeply, nose to your hair.
You listened to his breathing for a moment.
"I meant it, you know."
"Meant what, sweetheart?"
"That I love you."
He hugged you tighter. "I love you too."
You sighed into his chest. "This... I'm going to be in a lot of trouble with my dad."
"Yeah. Same."
You laughed at his nonchalance, leaning back to look at him.
"I'm serious," you muttered, fending off a smile, tapping his chest with your fingers. "I'm in love with his best friend."
He grumbled something.
You chuckled. "What?"
"If he has a problem, he can take it up with me."
"That is the problem, Price. He will take it up with you."
"True," Price said, and you laughed. He hummed, thinking. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, sweetheart, okay?"
"Okay..." You breathed, snuggling yourself back against him.
Comfortable silence followed. Then—
"Do you really want me to have your kids?"
He choked on his saliva after inhaling to quickly. Shocked, probably. He coughed lightly, and you waited for him to soothe himself.
"Yeah, well, uh— okay, look, I mean—"
You pat his chest, echoing his words. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, John."
let me know what you thought x
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jjunieworld · 4 months
── ೀ⋆。˚ LIP GLOSS .ᐟ
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, boyfriend!yeonjun, established relationship, red hair!jjunie cause it’s one of my faves
synopsis: while getting ready for your date, yeonjun notices how you kept licking your lips after applying your lip gloss. let’s just say you don’t make it to your date as planned…
warnings: soft dom!yeonjun, unprotected sex (use protection!!), use of petnames (baby, good girl), oral (f. rec), fingering, some praise, lots of kissing, slight teasing, multiple orgasms, creampie, kinda pussy drunk yeonjun, some aftercare
word count: 1.9k┊v-day event masterlist┊masterlist
a/n: part one of my v-day event! i just barely got this under my drabble word limit lmao. i really could’ve kept going if i wanted to, but i wanted to keep this one short and sweet. writing this made me need yeonjun sooo badly, especially since i wrote this after watching his bedroom live lmaoo. i hope you enjoy! ♡
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you were finishing up the finishing touches on your makeup, applying a layer of clear lip gloss over your red lips. smiling in satisfaction at yourself in your vanity mirror, you looked over your makeup, making sure everything was perfect. you had gotten yourself all dolled up for your one year anniversary date with yeonjun to the restaurant you had your first date at.
swiveling in your chair, you faced your boyfriend who was across the room looking into the full length mirror. yeonjun was adjusting his outfit, black slacks with a plain black shirt tucked into them. he then ran his hands through his red hair, pulling it off his forehead. you licked your lips absentmindedly as you watched him, tasting your flavored lip gloss.
he must’ve felt your staring because he suddenly turned towards you. the corner of his mouth lifted into a slight smirk. “like what you see?” he asked. you smirked back, “you know i do!” yeonjun laughed a little, turning back to the mirror to fix his hair again. his eyes met yours through the mirror.
“what do you keep licking your lips for? do i really look that good?” there was a smug look on his face that you laughed at. “my lip gloss is flavored… it tastes good.”
yeonjun turned towards you again, “oh really?” he came up to you, bending down so his face was level to yours. his lips collided with yours, yeonjun’s tongue sliding across your bottom lip. when he pulled away, his lips had smeared remnants of your red lipstick and lip gloss. yeonjun licked his lips, nodding in agreement, “it does taste good!”
you looked at him in slight shock while he hummed to himself. he kissed you again, his lips coming back redder. you giggled at his red, glossy lips. “wow, that tastes really good!”
still giggling, you handed him a makeup wipe from off your vanity, “thanks for taking it all off!” you reapplied your lip gloss as he took the makeup wipe from you and wiped his lips. they were still slightly stained pink, his lips plumper than before. yeonjun just looked you up and down, shamelessly checking you out. you were wearing a matching black cocktail dress that came just above your knees. the hemline had rode up from your crossed legs and yeonjun’s eyes trailed over them and your exposed cleavage.
“i have something else in mind that i want to take off,” he smirked, bending down to place kisses along your jaw. you smiled to yourself. “we have a date to go to…” you trailed moaning as he started kissing down your neck, warmth pooling in your stomach. “we have all day… let me make my baby feel good,” yeonjun whined. he always got you so wet so fast…
sighing, you let him pull you to your feet. his lips connected with yours briefly before he pushed you gently down on the bed. yeonjun got down to his knees and settled between your legs by the edge of the bed, looking up at you through hooded eyes as he pulled your panties down. he discarded them to the side and pushed your dress up your thighs, spreading your legs apart and putting them over his shoulders in the process.
“fuck, y/n,” he murmured as he brought his face closer to your glistening cunt. you threw your head back with a moan as his slippery tongue glided over your clit, circling it as he began sucking.
you gripped the comforter tightly from the pleasure as yeonjun started to pump two fingers inside of you, his tongue still dancing around your clit. whining slightly, you began to squirm as you felt yourself getting close. “yeonjun…” you managed to whimper out, looking down at him with knitted brows. yeonjun hummed a response against your sensitive clit and you moaned, your head falling back again from it all.
with a shaky breath, you tried to speak again but failed, opting to try and move your legs from him. yeonjun gripped your thighs tightly, burying his face deeper into your pussy. he looked up at you and you could feel the smile on his lips. your bedroom was filled with the sounds of your moans and heavy breathing. “g-gonna cum—“ your breath hitched as he pumped his hooked fingers in and out of you faster.
your legs shook as you pushed yeonjun’s face from between your legs, cum dripping out of you as you fell down fully onto the bed. yeonjun grinned at you and licked his lips, mouth shining with your liquid, as he spread your pussy to get a better look. “that’s my good girl,” yeonjun said, rubbing his thumb up and down your creamy folds.
you jerked when his thumb came in contact again with your clit, letting out a breathy moan. “please jjun, i need you,” you whined as you managed to push up onto one of your elbows. yeonjun chuckled, standing to his feet as he started to unbutton his pants slowly. “awe, baby… you want my cock?” yeonjun let his pants fall, his large bulge on full display. all you could manage to do was nod. “yeah?” he asked.
smiling, he pulled his boxers down just enough for his big cock to spring out. you got wetter at the sight, licking your lips and tasting the flavored lip gloss you forgot about. you backed up a little, giving him space on the bed.
yeonjun climbed over you, his tip grazing over your pussy in the process and making you squeeze your eyes shut briefly, whimpering. he pushed your legs to your chest with his thighs and leaned down to bring his lips to yours. yeonjun aligned his head with your entrance, slipping his thick cock in slowly, as he kissed you.
moaning against his lips, you started trailing kisses across his jaw and down his neck, leaving red glossy lipstick in its wake, as he glanced down to bottom out. the two of you let out a joined moan at the feeling of him inside you, filling you up completely. “fuck jjun…” you moaned.
yeonjun intertwined his fingers with yours, pressing your arms against the bed and bringing them above your head as he began thrusting into you. his red hair ticked your cheeks as he sloppily kissed you.
he squeezed your hands, moaning as his skin slapped against yours. “you feel so good, baby. you’re gonna make me cum with how well you’re taking my cock,” yeonjun said, a little breathless. with a gasp, your back arched off the bed as he thrusted deeper into you hitting your sweet spot. “righ—right there, please don’t stop!” you whimpered, wrapping your legs tighter around him. yeonjun placed open mouthed kisses on your neck and down to your exposed cleavage.
your hips rocked up onto his at the same time as he thrusted into you and the both of you gasped. you tightened around him and he whimpered, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and burying his face in your neck. “baby—“ he says breathlessly, and you feel him twitch inside you. he’s close.
“i’m gonna fill you up so much—“ yeonjun says, his breath hot against your neck. he sits up slightly, digging your hands into the bed in the process. his head falls back in pleasure, a breathy moan on his lips, as his hips roll into yours faster. “—so much that my cum will be dripping from your pussy for days.”
his husky, lust filled voice and the creamy sounds coming from his cock ramming into your pussy send you over the edge as you cum again around him. whiny moans and pants erupt from your mouth as you squeeze his hands while you squirm under him. your hips buck upwards in stuttered attempts.
yeonjun falls down onto you at his approaching high. “fuck baby, i’m so close. your pussy is so tight around me, y/n… i can't take it…” he whines in your ear, whimpering moans following it. he knows how much you love it when he’s vocal. yeonjun’s voice alone could send you over the edge. you clench around him more as he slams into you faster, his desperate lewd pants filling your ears and he all but pins your hands farther above your head. his body is pressed so close to yours that his hard cock barely even pulls out of you. “that’s it, baby. clench around my cock like the good girl that you are.”
your chest rises and falls heavily, whimpering at his cock sliding in and out of you, as you feel his warm cum spill into you. yeonjun breathed out a sigh, thrusts faltering and cock twitching from his release. “fuck—“ he murmured. yeonjun captured your lips in a soft kiss as he slid in and out of you slowly, rolling his hips lightly into your creamy pussy to chase his orgasm.
yeonjun smiled against your lips, pecking them once more as he leaned back to slide out of you. you gasped slightly at the sudden loss, looking up at him. there was red glossy lipstick smeared all over his lips, along his jaw, and down his neck. the sight made you laugh a little and he looked down at you, amusement in his eyes.
“what?” yeonjun asked, licking the gloss off his lips. “you’re covered in lipstick,” you giggled at him, causing him to grin widely. “you are too!” he replied. he sat back on his knees, spreading your legs apart more.
“the red lipstick is really working for you,” you said, a little breathy from the sudden coldness at your wet pussy. yeonjun raised an eyebrow at you and ran his thumb up and down your core, causing your hips to lurch. “stop teasing me!” he playfully whined, a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth as he slid his thumb into you.
you gasped, “o-okay! okay—yeonjun!” he pumped his thumb into you as you spoke, pulling it out and chuckling at how sensitive you were. “i’m done, i’m done! let me go get a towel to clean you up,” yeonjun said, leaning down quickly to press a kiss to your lips.
yeonjun slid off the bed and disappeared down the small hallway to your ensuite bathroom. you sat up onto your elbows, pulling your knees up so your feet were flat on the bed. your dress was pooled around your waist.
carrying a warm wet towel, yeonjun made his way towards you, picking your panties up off the ground. he climbed onto the bed in front of you, spreading your knees apart as he began cleaning the cum from your pussy. yeonjun worked in silence, biting his red lips to hide his grin from the way you jolted each time he cleaned between your folds and at your entrance.
once the cum was gone and he was satisfied with his work, yeonjun cleaned the cum off himself. “we’re gonna need to throw this comforter in the washer before we leave,” you spoke, noticing the splotches of cum on it. he looked over to it, “don’t worry, i got it. go pee.”
you laughed at his soft assertiveness, slipping your panties on as you got off the bed and made your way to the bathroom. when you came back, the comforter was off the bed and yeonjun had his pants back on. he was sitting on the edge of the bed when he looked up at your approaching figure, eyes focused on the way you were pulling your dress back down.
when you got to him, he pulled you down into his lap, pressing kisses all over your face. “happy one year anniversary, baby. i love you so much!” you giggled, pushing his face away to not get any more red kisses on you. “i love you more, jjunie!”
he scoffed playfully at you. “that’s impossible!” yeonjun said, trailing more red kisses on you anyways.
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
taglist: @jjunberry @gothgyuu @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @kittyhyuka @dani-is-tired @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @rapmonie2047 @riaawr
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papaya-twinks · 25 days
wingman - l.n
Warnings: funny funny haha I’m deunk
Pairing: Lando Norris x piastri!fem!reader
Summary: Oscar helps Y/N hook up with someone after she’s been single for ages
A/N - I see a lot of fics about like Oscar/Lando being, like, ‘I don’t want you to date him’ but this is kinda around my brother, he’d get protective but he’d, like, support me ig? Just an idea lmao
“Hi Oscar,” you said, jumping from one foot to the other as he raised an eyebrow. “Who’d you kill?” he said sarcastically as you scoffed. “No one! You’re always so mean,” you crossed your arms. “Sorry, force of habit, what’s up?” he asked, still scrolling through his phone. “Need to tell you something,” you muttered. “Ah, so you did kill someone?” he said, stifling a laugh. “Sorry, sorry, couldn’t help myself!” your brother snorted as he saw your face. “I, uh, I may like someone?” you said, cheeks flushed red as Oscar hummed. 
“Oh yeah? Do I know him?” he asked, putting his phone down. “You could say that, yeah,” you shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the massage board as he looked up from his be. “How long?” he asked, the usual questions he asked when you liked someone new. “Like, I dunno, a few weeks,” you replied, you didn’t measure how long your crush spanned. “Who is it?” he opened his phone, ready to check if he had them in his contacts. “I…uh, Lando,” you said quietly, voice high with unease as he dropped his phone. “Lando?!” he hissed, knowing that the other driver was in the room besides his. 
You nodded, confirming his hearing wasn’t malformed as his eyes widened. “Like, that Lando?” he gestured vaguely at the wall, as you gave the same confirmation. “Damn,” he acknowledged slowly, “this is gonna take a special type of brother wing-manning,”. You could always rely on your brother to help you out with anything, even if it was getting with his teammate. You and Lando had a pretty strong relationship - you had each other’s numbers, you spoke every time you saw each other, you hung out with each other in your free time, you had hour long calls almost every night. Now you just needed to build on it. 
“Hi Lando,” Oscar said pointedly, walking towards the Brit as he looked up grinning at Oscar. “Me and some of the drivers are planning on getting lunch at this little place near the pier,” your brother said coolly, “you interested?”. Lando nodded, more than happy to go, but little did he know, the driver’s had a plan for the pair of you. George had asked you the same question and you’d all arranged to go to a restaurant on ghetto 16th floor of skyscraper hotel. Oscar’d plan was simple. Time each of your entrances to the elevator perfectly and then do a little snippy snippy on the wire. Easy. 
“Hey Y/N,” a voice said behind you as you waited for the elevator, nervously adjusting your short, black dress. “Lando, hi,” you stepped into the open empty box as Lando followed. “You going for the dinner?” you asked, trying to prompt conversation. “Yes, I’m -fuck!” Lando gasped, the lights of the elevator immediately flickering as the box shook violently.
“Lando!” you shrieked, almost like a normal reaction, your body fall into his as the box tilted to one side suddenly. “Hey, you alright?” he asked, struggling to find his phone. “Y-yeah, it’s dark,” you gulped, your hands scrunching into his shirt as held your body close to his. “You good?” he said, eyes roving your face for any signs of fright. “Yeah, just shocked,” you said, “Lando, I don’t like the dark,”.
“My phones dead,” he groaned, you’d forgotten yours. “Lando,” you shook his hand lightly as he pulled you closer. “Cold?” he asked, feeling your shivering body against him. “Yeah,” you hummed, hands on his as you struggled for balance. You heard him shuffle, sliding down so he was sitting, before taking your body into his. “Sit,” he said, as you rested your head onto his shoulder.
A/N - idk how to end it.
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catcze · 8 months
dad! wriothesley x mom! reader. mr rizzley as a father to his adorable lil twin boys. one day while reader was at work he decides to giev them a tour in the fortress of meropide and then reader finds out and scolds wriothesley:)) basically just a fic full of domestic and fluff🫶
AWWWGASHJD 🥺 That's literally so adorable ?!?! Damn, now I've got the visiomn of Wrio cradling one of his twin boys in each of his arms while they cling to his shoulders stuck in my brain aaAAAAAAAA
「 CWS : 」 Reader is called 'Mommy', etc. but no pronouns or mentions of readers biology are explicitly mentioned !! Also i didn't have the chance to mention the kids' looks, but in my mind im imagining your kids to look like mini Wriothesleys lmao
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Wriothesley knows he's in for one of your long-winded lectures when you find out. He knows you're gonna chew his ear off, and that he'll sit through it and give you his whole attention like a good husband, but in the same way that he can't resist it when you ask him of something, he can't resist when his kids beg him for something either.
"Daddy, daddy!" Thomas yells right into his ear, making him wince. "What's that over there?" Thomas points one of his short arms at the entrance to the pankration ring's elevator, eyes glittering with curiosity. Sitting on his opposite arm, cradled to his chest just like his brother, Edward shares the same look.
"That? Oh—" He stutters for a second, wincing internally. He can just tell how much you're gonna tack on to your lecture later if you find out he brought your kids into the pankration ring. "That's... daddy's old workout place. Nothing cool to see there, bud. Haha. Hey, do you guys wanna see what Miss Sigewinne is up to—"
"Let's go there daddy!" Edward exclaims, trying to jump up where he sits, making Wriothesley quickly have to brace himself to not fall. "We wanna see where you practice beating up bad guys!"
"It's... Let's— Uh."
"Let's go daddy!" Thomas says, gripping his collar and tugging it as if to try to lead him there like a horse.
In unison, they chant: "Let's go let's go let's go!"
And Wriothesley can do nothing but sigh and let his kids tug him where they want him to go.
By the time he's getting back into the elevator to head back to the administrative area, he can say he's a little winded. Just a little, mind you. His kids, however, are bursting with life after they'd damn near forced him to show them every single nook and cranny of the fortress.
Oh he's in for such an earful later.
As Thomas and Edward continue to chatter to him about how cool the fortress is, how nice the people are and how awesome they think their daddy is (that last part makes him smile; makes him puff his chest out just a little bit more) Wriothesley nods along with each thing they say. Adds in a little bit where he needs to, corrects a couple details, but generally lets them prattle on about what they've seen.
"I wish mommy could've come with," Thomas says with a pout, and Edward nods. "I bet mommy has a lot of stories about this place, too."
"Haha—" Wriothesley laughs, but it's a little strained. "Y— ahem, yeah, mommy's been busy with work today, so how about we don't mention the tour today, hm? I'm pretty sure that mommy's gonna be super tired at home so we shouldn't—"
The elevator doors open then, and there you stand, eyes narrowed and arms crossed over your chest. Staring into his very soul.
"—make a lot of noise. Hi, sweetheart."
Your boys, however, all but jump for joy at your appearance, hopping out of their father's arms to run and cling to your legs. "Mommy! You're here!" They both cheer, grinning brightly. And for a moment, your cold rage at your husband is tempered as you crouch to their level, offering them a small smile.
"Hey, beetles," you coo, as they grab one hand each and clutch it tightly. "You two have fun running 'round the fortress with daddy the whole day? I bet you two saw lots of sights."
"We did!" they say excitedly, and in a blur of words and exclamations, they both try to tell you all about the things they've seen with their dad. You let them talk for a bit, smiling and nodding, before you gently interject.
"Sounds like you two had quite the day with daddy. Let's go back to his office— I have some snacks that Miss Sigewinne laid out for us."
They cheer once more like the little boys that they are, releasing your hands as they run back in the direction of Wriothesley's office, barely slowing their steps when you yell, 'Be careful!' behind them. Then you turn to the man himself the glare back on your face as he grins a little sheepishly at you.
"Before you start!" He says, holding a hand out placatingly, "I didn't plan to give them the whole tour. I was just gonna bring them to the cafeteria, then they got curious and... well... you know how they can get. "
You just sigh, the tension in your shoulders easing just a little. Because you do know how they get, and you know that Wriothesley can never say no if they ask nicely enough. It's one of his greatest weaknesses.
"Just— Please tell me you didn't bring them to any of the more dangerous places, please?"
And he has the audacity to snort. "Okay. I won't tell you then, sweetheart."
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madschiavelique · 7 months
was just thinking about miguel/reader/peter with them being possessive & jealous while RAILING you after someone else flirts with you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
okay so i know i could've just done a blurbo, but my mind said smth else LMAO (i gotta say besties i'm not super proud of this one but i think it's because i'm a bit rusty, hopefully it's still readable tho !!)
summary : miguel and peter railing you from possessiveness warnings : SMUT(18+), dom!miguel, meandom!peter (?), sub!reader, boob job (reader receiving), oral (reader receiving), possessiveness, afab!reader, no use of y/n, not proofread word count : 919 (short baby)
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They saw that man, that miserable guy approaching you and trying to start a conversation with you. They obviously know that you’re theirs, and that they’re yours but they can't help feeling that pressing, sharpened weight of jealousy in their chests.
They try to hold on at the beginning, as they often do. Who knows, maybe he was just coming to ask you a question, just asking for information or something. They weren't necessarily partners restricting you much, so they'd just watch you from afar. They knew you didn't need them around all the time.
Of course, their composure began to evaporate as soon as he started smiling at you insistently. They both felt themselves boiling as he took another step towards you.
He moved closer to you, joking in a voice that made them want to strangle someone, preferably him, letting his hand rest on your shoulder as he laughed in your face. Too tactile, too insistent, too close.
It didn't take Miguel and Peter long to intervene.
"Hey, bunny," Peter called to get your attention as they came close to the two of you. "Sorry, they were out of the thing you wanted." He stood beside you as Miguel crossed his arms over his imposing torso, looking down on the fool who thought he was good enough to deign to approach you.
The man watched them, slightly confused.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" he asked, in a tone half irritated and half nervous.
"We're her partners," Miguel informed him impassively.
"Yo-" but he stopped himself in his tracks, his eyes shifting from Miguel's to yours. "your partners?" he pressed the S.
You nodded casually, a bit oblivious about the situation, as Peter gently stroked your hair.
"Why don't we go home, hmm?" he said softly, his eyes trying to keep the warmth of his tenderness, but his lips twitching slightly at the thought of that miserable guy trying to get close to you.
You agreed, both taking your hands to go outside. The way back was marked by a heavy silence. Miguel looked annoyed, and Peter, who rarely looked irritated, wore an expression akin to that of the taller man.
The true color of their feelings took on greater depth as, closing the door behind you, Miguel came to attack your lips, cupping your face to prevent you from breaking free of his grip as Peter came to press his lips to the nape of your neck behind you.
Your mind blurred and captured by the lips of your two partners, you managed to whisper against his lips between kisses, "What is it-" but your sentence was instantly muffled by Miguel's tongue pressing against yours.
"Watching you there," Peter breathed as his hands moved to the front of your waist to unbuckle your belt, his lips pressing warm kisses to the skin of your nape, "with him..."
A growl went up Miguel's throat at the mere mention of the idiot as he pulled away from your lips to remove your top. 
"It drove us mad," Peter concluded as Miguel came and lifted you with a jerk to take you to your room.
You barely had time to feel the cool sheets of your bed under your back before Miguel resumed his sinuous waltz with your tongue. He grabbed your waist, reversing your positions and positioning himself underneath you.
Behind you, Peter had just pulled down your underwear, grabbing the skin of your buttock with his full hand before slapping it, causing you to let out a surprised moan against Miguel's lips. The latter straightened you on top of him, letting his lips descend on your breasts as Peter's thumb came to press against your slits.
"Did you have fun?" he asked as he lowered the latter to your clit, engaging in slow, circular movements. "Tormenting us like that."
"No," you whined as the sensation of Miguel's tongue describing delicious circles on the separation between the skin of your breast and that of your nipple mixed with that of Peter's thumb pressing slightly more on the sensitive nub.
"Course you didn't," you could hear the smile in his voice as he brought his face closer to your cunt, "you know you're ours, angel." he said as his tongue made a long line from your clit to your entrance.
The heat in your lower abdomen kept intensifying as your two lovers rushed to devour your body. Every inch of your skin had to be covered with their hands, fingers, lips and tongues.
Each stroke of their tongues brought their names to life on your lips. Miguel's fingers dug into the skin of your sides as he sucked your tit between his lips, engulfing it completely with the warmth of his mouth, while his other hand lingered on the second, pinching it gently between his thumb and forefinger.
Peter's tongue made quick strokes against your clit, sucking it slightly and keeping your hips in place as his hands gripped your thighs firmly.
The knot in your stomach intensified by the second, feeling your lower abdomen grow tauter as the two never slowed their pace. 
Your back arched, your heart pounding as everything exploded. Your body seemed made of vibrations, waves of bright light that made you feel as if your body no longer knew the limit of the lines it possessed.
Breathless and with your legs still trembling, you let yourself fall onto Miguel's chest.
"Oh, sweetheart, this is only the beginning." Peter smiled behind you, kissing your swollen clit.
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vrachis · 8 months
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—synopsis : the countless times you’ve seen her in many other ways, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself from coming back to her over and over again.
characters : yae miko x gn reader.
warnings ; breeding, desk sex, almost getting caught, size kink.
a/n : (omfg. u guys prolly read that one post abt me posting this but yeah, i decided to post it for once! im posting this at night w bad service, SO LOLLLL! dunno if its short or what but hope u guys eat this shi up tho LMAO)
she could have never looked more pretty. you mean, she was always pretty. beautiful, stunning, and anything else positive used to describe her. she is simply, ethereal.
it’s no wonder that every time you lay your eyes upon her, all the air in your lungs seem to lessen. just because of the sight of a woman as such.
yae miko is someone who is incomparable to others, a woman out of another’s league. everything about her would lure you in, and maybe that was simply her intention.
from her looks to her personality, who wouldn’t fall prey to such charms?
-… you just so happened to have done so.
at that point, you never knew who to blame. why?
well, it was your fault for falling for her schemes, that you’ve simply let yourself fall into her hands. and whatever you do, no matter what, you just seemed to keep going back to her.
as vexatious as it seems, it’s all the worth as long as you get something in return.
and here you thought you would be the only one coming back for more, but miko needed as much as you did.
she ached, and craved, any time she wanted. so as long as she knows she has you, she could never be more satisfied.
elicited mewls comes from the woman below you, and sounds of wood creaking violently flows along with the symphony of wet skin colliding with one another. when miko croaks out a gasp, her head falls against the wooden desk, the sheer sweat on her head cascading down to soak the oak.
as you keep a firm grip against her waist, your hips hammer in and out of her at a breakneck pace, your skin slapping against the fat of her ass. you let out a groan as you empty inside her once more, your seed spurting angrily into deep into her womb. you lean down to press a sloppy kiss to her cheek and sigh.
you let yourself finish inside her, and settle with slow thrusts. and as you slightly pull out, the mixture of both your fluids flow from her cunt, the erotic sight of it alone seeming to spur you on. it’s a sight you alone get to see every time you get with her, and you surely couldn’t feel more prideful enough at the thought of it.
“mm, you certainly have no end to your stamina, do you?” miko huffs. and of course she means that sarcastically, this woman loves how rough you can be.
you smirk gleefully. “of course, especially since you’re the one i’m doing.”
your response makes her chuckle weakly. “of course it is, what did i expect. it is me, after all.”
you two exchange a good laugh, until your eyes suddenly flash towards the door, where you see a roaming silhouette of one of the shrine maidens. miko seems to notice it as well, and she shushes you.
“l-lady yae, are you alright in there? i heard loud banging noises coming from here—“ the maiden worries.
“don’t worry about it. i-i’m just angry.” she shakes. “now leave if you don’t want to see things get dirty.”
you could’ve swore you almost let out a laugh on the spot. such a silly excuse, you thought. although… was your fucking not too rough for the maidens to not possibly hear her cries from outside? that couldn’t be possible, you thought. you wanted, no, needed everyone to know what exactly was going on in her office.
so as soon as the shadow of the now terrified maiden was gone, you could only press your weight down on the kitsune, your frame towering over hers as you lean down to nibble on her sensitive ear.
you knew miko could sense something was up from that action you just did. so you feel her squirm under you, her body still slightly shaking but seeming to push you off.
“now what? still rowdy enough to go?” she tests.
you could only hum low in response while you kept orally assaulting her ears, the fluffy parts of her seeming to twitch beneath your lips.
“why aren’t you answering me?” she grumbles. you could tell she was impatient by the time you felt her grinding against your crotch once more, evidently urging you to continue your sessions.
although you want to give it to her, you thought, giving her a little taste of her own medicine wouldn’t hurt, right?
“make sure you better be louder this time. i want them to know what exactly happens in here.”
your response seems to have given her a new wave of excitement, given the fact you feel her grinding getting more sensual, as if it has a mind of it’s own and starts to demand.
“and how exactly do you plan on doing that, mm?” she taunts. you place a finger under your chin, pretend posing as if you were to ponder. what a foolish question to ask, you thought. you thought she would’ve known by now, but it seems she just wants to hear it actually come from you.
but no, you’ve had enough expressing yourself. you’ve said enough words and done enough actions, what more so than to have her voice her needs out instead?
so you smirk, looking down mischievously at the kitsune.
“why don’t we settle for what you want? after all, you’re the one who seems to be aching for something.”
she scoffs at you unbelievably. “do you seriously want me to tell you what exactly i need? look here. you know just what i want, so give it to me. don’t make me say it.”
you sigh exasperatedly. “where’s the fun it that? after all, weren’t you the one aching for me to fuck you earlier? just beg this once, and all of this will continue.”
you hear her grit her teeth from below you, then an annoyed exhale. “fine. but you better stick to your words and listen carefully because i’m never letting you hear this again for the rest of how long you’ll live.”
you chuckle triumphantly. “hah. bring it on.”
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pedriscroquettes · 9 months
Can you do a thot where the reader is gavis gf and her, Gavi and Fermin have a threesome? ❤️❤️
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warnings. heavy nsfw 18+ themes, ruining friendships, dom!gavi, & sub!fermín.
a/n. finally did one of these again and was very self indulgent writing it lmao.
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• gavi and fermín were as thick as thieves always together never apart. except when it came to you. there was always a sudden silence and tension whenever you talked to the two of them.
• it was obvious they both liked you from the beginning but gavi always acted first. he always got what he wanted and the moment he saw you he needed you. he couldn’t lose you. losing was never an option to him.
• so, it wasn’t a surprise when gavi brought up the idea first. after all it was obvious fermín was dying for an opportunity with you. you noticed it too especially when you locked eyes with him while gavi left love bites on your neck during parties.
• you weren’t too opposed to the idea as fermín was definitely good looking but it took you a while to get on board with the concept because you didn’t want to lead him on.
• “nada más una vez.” gavi assured you it wouldn’t happen again. (just one time.) “no se…” you were still hesitant. (i don’t know…) “sabes que lo quieres.” he whispered into your ear as the two of you watched fermín train. (you know you want it.)
• ultimately it’s fermín’s biceps and the view he gives you while training shirtless that convince you. you know it’s a bad idea but the hot feeling forming in your body is too much. you need to cool off.
• gavi watches intently as you straddle fermín’s lap and he almost laughs at the way his teammate’s eyes go wide. but then you kiss fermín so gently and slowly and his jaw slacks. you’re so damn seductive.
• you haven’t even touched fermín yet and he’s already hard under you. it’s almost hard to ignore as you place kisses on his neck. you turn around and face your boyfriend who’s already looking intently at you. you look down and see your boyfriend is just as hard causing you to chuckle a bit before proceeding to suck on fermín’s skin.
• the dirty blonde gains a sudden edge of control when he grabs your hair into a makeshift ponytail bringing you into a dominant kiss as if to threaten to gavi. but your boyfriend only smirks not intimidated by his friend in any way.
• when your hand finally reaches into fermín’s shorts he can’t help the sinful groan that slips past his lips. your spit and his precum mix as you rub up and down on his shaft.
• gavi can’t take it anymore he needs some sort of pleasure that isn’t coming from his hand. you quickly find yourself on all fours as gavi stands in front of your face admiring you. his thumb brushes alongside your cheek and you can’t help but open your mouth allowing you to suck on his fingers.
• it’s fermín’s turn to watch now as you spit onto your hand and rub gavi’s member. his shorts seem to get tighter the longer he looks at the scene in front of him. your gags turn him on even more than he can believe.
• the three of you are sweating the hotness of the room almost suffocating you as you take gavi into your mouth. you’ve never gotten used to his size and always find yourself clawing at his knees as he repeatedly hits the back of your throat.
• finally as he releases inside you he grabs you by the jaw meeting you in a passionate kiss. he can still taste himself on your tongue. his chain swinging against your chest sending you shivers down your spine at the coldness of the material.
• fermín’s chain soon replaced gavi’s as the barcelona b player climbs on top of you. his brown eyes boring into yours letting you know how much he wants this.
• “a ella no le gustan los amables.” gavi smirks. (she doesn’t like nice guys.)
• fermín listens. he has you tugging on his hair and moaning loudly as he moves his tongue against your folds. he takes his time to rile you up making sure you’re wet enough for him. he also asks you if everything’s okay because despite everything he still cares for you in a romantical way.
• he grabs your face to force you to look at him as he slides inside you. the moment being too intimate for gavi’s pleasure but he doesn’t say anything he wants to see it play out.
• his thrust are erratic but paced. you can tell he wants to enjoy the moment while also giving you the pleasure you deserve. he leans in giving you small quick kisses which get interrupted by your moans and his groans.
• his pelvis and abdomen is full of marks from your nails. the sound of skin slapping against skin and your slick mixing with his precum fills the room and the air. somehow you make a mental note to clean your room tomorrow morning.
• when both you and gavi give him the green light he releases inside you panting as he reaches his high. although, he knows this won’t happen again he admires you and your body taking you in. he falls on your chest as he recovers from his high and your natural instinct is to run your hands through his hair.
• gavi doesn’t say anything but you can tell he’s pissed regretting his decision. he knows his best friend and he knows that this will only make him want you more. he can’t lose you. he won’t let fermín win.
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starrbright · 6 months
Quality time
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Issei is in the top five of the perverted in all of haikyuu, and guess who's running for the first? He and Osamu having a one off, honestly.
A little present for my lovely, @iwaberry this was just suppose to be a drabble🤸🏼‍♀️ had this idea yesterday, and wrote it today in the campus while we were having a program, lmao
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Issei....is the nastiest....nastiest individual you've ever come across with, let alone to be in a relationship with.
You've known in the beginning that he was.....creative. Anyone who could read between any lines could easily tell that he was anyway. But what he's done today is something a little bit more...him. And one which you really like yet it shames you to admit.
Which is fucking you in his lavish car, just parked outside of your family house, that is—as he's finally to meet your parents for the first time after a few months of your relationship.
You could barely remember clearly how you got yourself in such a situation, but the goodness of it all outweighs any objections you have.
Just as Issei pulled up at the side of the street in front of your family house, just as you were about to grab your things--he leaned in, grasping your neck and held you for a kiss.
Surprised, yet you give it back to him as lovingly, his was just more wanting. It's slow, yet that only lasted seconds as he's already sucking the air out of you, his mouth drags wide with swallowing your own.
He's starving, you realized in the midst of being lost in the indulgence of his kiss.
And he is, Issei has been nothing but short of patience. In the beginning of the day and up til now. Even if it's only in the afternoon. It's enough for him for it to not be enough. But you'd rather die than do exactly what he wants.
His heated kiss lasted as he does so, until you pulled away from him. "Issei....no." You utter in a gentle warning, holding his hand on your neck to make him let go of you there—his fingers trailing away from you then, but not his ever watchful eyes.
"Come on, let me have you." He tries, even though he knows it won't work; just so to play with you.
You entertain him still. "We had sex last night." How you dressed for the day says it all.
Issei bit off the smirk he wanted to show. "That was last night."
You scoffed a laugh, only looking at him in playful disbelief yet as genuine.
He then began to have his hand on your thigh, fingers pushing up the ends of your dress higher. "I let you off this morning and just after this afternoon because you were busy but I really want you right now." Issei spoke simply, rubbing his hand on your thigh, holding his gaze to you. He had no doubt his play was working. The heating up of your skin tells him so.
"Issei." You try, firmly this time.
And he knows how to counter that.
"Need you, baby. Please." There's that little tip of plea in his voice that he rarely emits, that hits you everytime.
But there comes a time where it's only fabricated for the sake of blinding you.
And you manage to catch it.
Your eyebrows furrowing, the corners of your lips etching to turn up and threatened with a laugh. "Don't."
Issei grins, letting it finally show and he chuckles. "You got me."
How you love him. "I hate you." You mutter in frustration.
"Mhnmm." He hums lowly, his lips staying in that damn grin as he pulls you in for another kiss again.
That's how the situation happened.
Until you were both a threatening mess. The AC of his car on full max to tolerate the heat you were both have been emitting for the last ten minutes, The windows still fogged up however, sweat sheathed on your skins. Issei, however, of course, was barely unaffected—at least seemingly so.
You're sitting on top of him with your panties just pulled to the side as he's fully buried to the end of your cunt. Having want to relish it, he's been edging both of yourselves for said ten minutes, much to your demise and a lot for his pleasure.
Your left hand weakly holding on his nape as you're leaned back on his chest, while his hands holds the upper back of your thighs, moving you up and down ever so slowly again and again, carrying you without even an ounce of struggle, like he hasn't been seeing stars with each drag he made as your hot and wet walls tightly confines him, like his cock hasn't been leaking so little in you.
He's only been humming and groaning deeply, different to your moans and whimpers. "Issei." Your head continously lolling against the upper of his chest and neck.
Issei nuzzles his own on top of yours, before pressing a firm kiss on your forehead, licking the sweat his lips found on you, all while he continues to make you slowly ride his cock by pulling and pushing you up and down. "Hmm?"
You struggled to say the word but you managed. "Please." Barely a croak of it.
He only chuckled, his cruel sound breathing deliciously in your ear, like it has been since he began. "Tired?" He still asks even as he feels how your muscles has been tensing and twitching, like his cock and your cunt hasn't been begging for their release.
You could only pant sounds so breathlessly in agreement, nodding tiredly yet eagerly, holding tighter on his nape. Issei smiles, muttering the littlest of 'good girl' for a second. "As my princess wishes." He murmurs so softly as he laid a fleeting kiss on the side of your face—before he rails into you relentlessly.
It's not new, his pace being so fast and hard that always leaves your mouth hanging open with sounds freely escaping you, eyes lost and almost crossing with each hit he reaches the end of you--that's what he does in the passenger seat of his, making you ride him with him now thrusting his hips to you in that pace. Too tired and lost to give a damn, you were sure you already came with him still going.
"My good girl," He praises as he felt you broke, feeling you gush around him, seeing more of white drips on his cock as he keeps going. His hands now on your ass, digs so tight on the fat there, feeling himself edge close once again. "Perfect little fucking pussy." He groans so raspy, his mouth just hanging by your ear, few drops of his saliva trailing on your skin.
You force the strength to squeeze on him with each drag and pound, riding your high and to push him to his end. "Gonna make me fill up that cunt of yours, hmm?" He breathes, as he kiss and licks on your already wet ear. "My cunt." He pressed in a growl.
The tightening of his knot he continously edged earlier finally burns itself more and saw its end--Issei finished with hard thrust, stilled deep inside you as his cum pumps to your cunt. "Fucking hell, baby—shitttttt" Issei drags in a groan, your ass hurting from his grip that got even tighter and how he bit hard on your neck. Only a broken and muffled moan from you. "So good for me, princess." He mutters as he grinds his hips on you, milking his cock more inside you. His name weakly tumbles from your lips again and again as he remains deep in you to savor that godly sensations. "I know, sweet girl," He murmurs as he continues to rut his cock in your sopping cunt. His one hand let go of your ass to hold on your chin and make you look at him. "I know." He kisses you as you both stay in that long and fleeting ecstasy.
Sloppily he does and for a lasting while, your never ending sounds bouncing off in his car, so pleasantly to his ears. The coldness of the AC was nothing against the burning state you were both in, the air inside turned thick and foggy. Gods, Issei loves this.
Having pulled out from you then, he snaked his hand on your soaked and still leaking cunt, your limbs flinching as he cupped your mound inside your panties. "What—" You began but was cut off by him as his fingers adorned with his cherished rings dribbles of his cum and your own—dived them so slow with a rhythm, pushing back in those drips more into your cunt. You cursed hastily as his thick digits drove in your ever sensitive pussy, making sure she was taking all of his cum. "Take it for me, princess." He says so simply against the squelching sounds of him doing so.
And of course, you were left to just let him, and not that you wanted to complain despite the obscenity of it all; having such a kind of sex in his car, where it's parked in a quiet street, in front of the house of your family—nevertheless that the windows are tinted, it didn't change the arousing thrill of it.
And of course, he wasn't done, no. Not yet. He just had to suck and clean his fingers off that was just gone in and out of your cunt filled with both of your cum. He just had to make you turn around and face him while still sitting on top of him, to make you watch as he jerked himself off. He just had to make himself finish inside your panties, holding his cock down angled in, the band of your lace pulled as another load of his leaks, the thick and hot seed of his soaking your underwear even more. He just had to do that all before you introduced him to your family.
And you just had to act like your man didn't make you a mess as you all sit there on the table for lunch. His hot cum lingering in your cunt, sopping to your folds, seeped in the thin fabric of your panties, the wetness and thickness of it so good with each little move you do.
You just had to act like it wasn't one of the hottest thing you've felt.
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lunarw0rks · 10 months
Can I request a Philip Graves NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: On second thought, I don't dislike his character as much as I thought I did... No particular reason, or anything 🫣
Warning(s): explicit content (18+), smut
Word Count: 3k
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ GRAVES MASTERLIST // have a request? ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ ao3 ver.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Not the most delicate, but he tries, and that’s what matters.
Very cocky after sex, but that doesn’t diminish him from making sure his partner is alright (a glass of water, a caress of the reddened marks forming, etc.) Most common with him, some harmless jokes coming from his lips at your expense, all while he’s fixing the stray strands of hair he messed up in the process.
[ ❝ i’m not laughing at you, just couldn’t resist that look on your face, sweetheart ❞ ]
[ ❝ you’re not all shy now, are you? ❞ ]
In terms of actual aftercare, he would keep it short and sweet, handing you clothing items sent flying minutes before. Despite just doing the deed, Graves would turn his back and allow you to redress yourself, no matter how silly the gesture seemed in comparison to what he’d just done to you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself—not a body part, but his cheek scar. He thinks it makes him look super sexy, and definitely shows it off in photos. When he first met his S/O, he was practically crossing his fingers that they would ask about it, so he could heavily embellish its origin.
On a partner—an ass man through and through, no matter his partner's figure. His fingers roam constantly, resting on your hips and sliding downwards until he can cup it. It’s not always sexual, either, sometimes he just somewhere to rest his hands on you.
Just how many times did he ogle it before you two even said a word to one another? An embarrassing amount… And after there’s an established relationship? He doesn’t even try to hide it unless he’s around his coworkers.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It’s no secret, he likes cumming inside the most when he’s allowed.
But even if he is, there’s one place he likes even more—the chest. Whether his partner is fem or masc., he likes when it drips from their cleavage/sternum all the way down to the in between your thighs. It’s like his own personal way of marking his S/O, an he pictures when he needs a quick fantasy.
And there’s definitely a lot of it. Like, a lot. Sometimes, he wonders how there’s any left for the second round.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
(W/ prior consent, duh) Perhaps it’s his southern upbringing, his religious guilt for having such an “impure” fantasy. But a mix of corruption kink + bimbofication is his dirty secret—a partner whos clueless when it comes to sex, but also when he’s flirting with them, batting their lashes and fussing over their appearance. One where he can be their first, one where he has to explain each thing he’s doing, to talk the brainless partner through it, etc… 
[ ❝ I bet you’ve never even touched yourself… ❞ ]
[ ❝ touch yourself, right there… keep going. ❞ ]
[ ❝ you never done this before, hm? Does that feel good? ❞ ]
Even if he does this “roleplay” with a partner that’s not sexually inexperienced, or has a personality completely opposite to the one in the fantasy… if they’re willing to play the role, to let him indulge in it, he’d melt.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He definitely wasn’t always good at it, the man-whore lifestyle grew on him (lmao)
Years in the service, most of his intimacy was hookups, until he advanced through the ranks enough to mature and reserve more time for his romantic life. Though those serious relationships often fell apart, he gained a lot of skills from them—sexually, not with his communication.
By no means, is he a sex God, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know exactly what to do. As clueless as he is when it comes to nuisance or social cues, when intimacy is involved, Graves is surprisingly adaptable.
You didn’t like that, but you loved this? We’ll never do that other thing again, then—that type of attitude.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary—I mean, look at him. But that doesn’t mean it's not a stimulating experience; not at all. His partner’s legs would be as spread and controlled as he wanted them to be. His absolute favorite variation would be one leg up on his shoulder, the other hooked around his waist, that way both parties get the best angle, and he can keep a firm hand on his S/O’s thigh.
Cowgirl (+ reverse)—Adores it, probably would choose it every time if he didn’t enjoy switching things up so much. He has a full view of his S/O, all his favorite parts on display, whether they are facing him or not—and his hands can roam. Fingers dig into thighs, light smacks on their backside, gripping the chin to force a kiss, probably all in a matter of seconds.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Tries so hard to be a hardass, but it doesn’t suit him.
Sure, if there’s some roleplay involved, he can play that serious, dominant part with ease. But, casual intimacy with a partner? There’s a grimace on his face, or he’s chuckling at your reactions to his movements, whispering little lighthearted comments.
Being serious all day long has its downsides, so why not have a little fun… while having the other kind of fun? ;)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Very well groomed, but not bald down there.
His hair doesn’t grow very thick, or very rapidly, so it’s relatively simple for him to keep it contained. The hair that is down there is super short, more like a short, blonde stubble.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Quite romantic, when the mood is right. A special day for you two, or a good day in general? He’s especially tender.
But I don’t get the feeling he would take too much time with his S/O… it’s not in his nature. There wouldn’t be candles or music, or rose petals, but his charming words and skilled hands would make up for any lack of showiness.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Probably has a strict routine, to do it every morning or every night, purely to relieve the stresses of his job, as opposed to pleasure. Sometimes, he’ll do it just to get to sleep that night, or when he’s deployed for months at a time and misses his S/O.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Crying kink: most arousing if his S/O wears eye makeup and it's ruined by the time he’s done, running down their cheeks from the tears brimming. Though he wouldn’t do it often, there might be some pain inflicted to induce the tears (w/ prior consent).
Dumbification kink: heavy on this one, because he knows he’s doing something right. Once his partner is unable to form sentences or let out sounds too loud to properly respond to him, it’s a rush to his ego. Though he likes verbal feedback, hell, even a conversation in the middle of sex, them being too deep in their own pleasure to speak is a turn-on for him.
Breath play (receiving): to put it bluntly, he’s too terrified to try this on a partner, for fear of hurting them. But to be choked by his S/O, or the air restricted in some other way, it’s definitely a lowkey turn-on for him. But, somehow he still remains in charge, all while gasping for air.
Breeding kink: quite vocal about this one, and he wants kids someday, so why not? (w/ prior consent) When not involving the whole pregnancy aspect, it’s just a pretty sight to look at for him—the aftermath of it oozing out and down his partner’s thighs.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s quite picky with his locations. Bed or car, those are his two most common places, anywhere else is pretty rare for him. Of course, there would be some sex in his office once in a blue moon, but that’s about as far as he would go. 
Bed—there’s way more opportunity for movement, less strain on each other’s bodies, and it’s somewhere you’re both familiar with. On the plus side, it’s much easier to strip and change the sheets, rather than sanitize an odd location after the deed.
Car—(Just look at him, he has a pickup truck. Don’t fight me on this) It’s purely his own fantasy, fucking his partner in his truck, especially when he’s on the move, or Graves simply couldn’t wait until you made it home. Definitely would keep a hand on your thigh during the drive, or if he was hinting at some car sex, it would slowly tease until you cave.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Visual teasing turns him on the most because he wants the smooth (or dirty 👀) talking to be left to him.
Most commonly, and most unbeknownst to you, when you’re busy with a task while wearing one of his shirts. (filling the dryer, placing a dish in the dishwasher, even just scrolling on your phone while bent over the counter). Even when fully clothed, it gets him, but most of all if you’re only wearing underwear underneath his shirt. Better yet, if you’re wearing nothing at all.
And he doesn’t always act on these motivations, sometimes he can’t because he’s halfway out the door. Other times, he just wants to savor the image as long as possible, to release the pent-up sexual frustration later, when it had all day to simmer.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There’s a lot he would do for his partner, but anything involving weapons, genuine pain, he won’t do it. If his partner wanted to roleplay, say some dub-con, he would do it just for them.
But full-on non-con, no preparation, no reciprocation, even if it’s just an act? He’s not into it. It’s not just vocal reassurances he needs, it’s physical—his partner touching him, wetness, begging, etc. He won’t be satisfied unless he can physically see them want it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving—an acquired taste for him, because he was once very inexperienced and awkward about it. It was never something that grossed him out or something he refused, but he was more worried about not doing it properly, despite how much his partner might be receptive to it. To make up for it, he always uses his hands at the same time, a sure way to make it pleasurable, just in case his tongue isn’t enough. Once he gets going though, once he learns every little sweet spot, he’s not coming up for air until he thinks the time is right.
Receiving—hear me out; I don’t think he enjoys getting head nearly as much as the average man. Of course, he would indulge himself if his partner was willing, perhaps wanting it every so often, but I feel it’s a rarity for him. When he does, he’s surprisingly gentle, only guiding his partner's head a small amount, and he prefers if the pace is slow and sloppy. He wouldn’t force you to your knees, bruise your throat, or yank your hair, not unless it was a fantasy of yours, of course.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Shockingly, he’s quite rough and fast, despite how unadorned his preferences are. In the act’s entirety, his pace is quick and rough, but not painful. He starts slow, but after being given any look of approval, he goes his usual unrelenting pace, all while his hands remain delicate. If his partner enjoys the fast pace, it’s perfect, and he would go until his body couldn’t.
If not: Once he’s gotten his climax, or he’s satisfied himself, he’s willing to go slower in favor of his partner’s pleasure, and only theirs. In fact, it’s almost immediately after he finishes—he doesn’t remove himself but slows himself to ensure his S/O will be just as satisfied. Slow, but deep thrusts no matter the position, just until they’ve finished.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He has a love/hate dynamic with quickies.
Little “joyrides” where he parks abruptly and has his way? Can’t get enough of it, and it’s merely a recurring fantasy. The same as, a quickie before he leaves for work? Finds it incredibly sexy if his partner stops him just before he’s out the door.
But, when his work is in the way of taking all the time he wants with you? That’s when he yearns for more time with his S/O, to get things done properly.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not often, unless you were really adamant about trying something new or risky. He’s pretty set in his ways, and he already knows what he likes.
[ ❝ you would like that, wouldn’t you? I’ll remember that… ❞ ]
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
A few rounds, give or take. 
He’s at his peak stamina when it’s been a while since you two had sex.
Besides, he’ll say he’s ❝ pacing himself ❞ when in actuality, he wants to make his partner need him, especially if they get desperate enough to outright ask for more. It’s a boost to his ego, it’s arousing, and you’ve affirmed his skills, all in one.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
During sex, he probably wouldn’t use them on his partner, unless they really, truly wanted him to. What better, than making them finish with only parts of his body? But if you want to add a toy to the mix, he’s not going to stop you, either.
Graves would be pretty clueless when it comes to toys, having never used one on himself or a partner. He’d be especially shocked if his S/O had their own already, but it’s not a threat—it’s a turn-on, for him to think about, how they satisfy themselves when it’s not him doing it. Deep down, he wants you to send him pictures using them, or suggestive messages when he’s away for months at a time.
To put it simply—he would rather visualize you using them solo, as opposed to him doing it to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Outside of sex, as an act of foreplay or verbal teasing? He could do it all day; snide remarks to get his S/O needy touches that only last seconds, a suggestive noise/phrase coming out of his mouth like it's nothing.
[ ❝ Fuck… ❞ ] he practically moans it, waiting for the moan to draw you in, then: [ ❝ …this dinner is amazing ❞ ]
But as soon as you’re undressed in front of him? He wouldn’t be able to stand his own teasing for long, because all he wants is to get down to business. He would rather hear his partner finish, than whine when deprived of it, if that makes sense.
To be frank, he’s probably needier than any of his partners, always wanting to be bottomed out and making them feel the same pleasure he is.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Doesn’t look like it, but he’s quite vocal. Often similar to the intro of this video (Not p^rn, just a tiktok edit, I promise).
It’s constant talking, sometimes praise, other times he’s having a conversation with you in between his grunts. When he’s close, they become more drawn out and low, though his pace is only quickening.
[ ❝ almost there, sweetheart. Then I’ll do it again, just for you. ❞ ]
[ ❝ so sexy… and just for me. ❞ ]
[ ❝ love hearing you enjoy yourself like this, honey. ❞ ]
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
This might be a strange one, but bear with me.
He secretly loves being on medical-leave, stuck at home and laid up, (not seriously injured), because he loves being fussed over deep down. Who doesn’t love soup brought to your bedside, extra cuddles at night… and a few favors ;) to ❝ ease his pain ❞
Plus, he doesn’t have to worry about getting up early and leaving you the next day, so your  favor  could go on for quite awhile…
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Body type: He’s lean and toned, but heavily defined. Relatively hairless on his chest, and back, even his happy trail isn’t very noticeable. Graves doesn’t look like someone with that much muscular definition, until he flexes or exerts himself.
In the pants: Above average in size, but not overly girthy, and it naturally curves upward very slightly. 2.5” IN girth, 4” IN when soft—6.8” IN when hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Quite high when he’s around his partner because they’re there to reciprocate it. But, surprisingly low when he’s away. He’s truly too stressed and exhausted to be thinking about sex, only does when he gets morning wood or has to relieve some of that tension by himself.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Doesn’t sleep much as it is, and he seems like the type to not sleep after sex.
The pillow talk continues, even if his partner’s eyes have drooped shut and they’re not listening to a word he’s saying. Head on his chest, or vice versa, talking about how good it was or probably telling some funny story about when he got stranded in the desert.
[ ❝ you’re better than I deserve, lettin’ me do that to you. ❞ ]
Sometimes, he’ll go back to his paperwork mere minutes after, a small apology escaping his lips when he does so. [ ❝ sorry, darlin’ ❞ ] or if the act was cut short, he’s not opposed to keeping one of his unoccupied hands on you (take that how you want).
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libraryofgage · 5 months
A Place Like Steve in a Boy Like This (2)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two (you're here!) Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) (I also have plans for this one actually they just need to simmer a little lmao)
Hi welcome back to my Mummy Crossover where Steve's parents are Rick and Evelyn O'Connell this took forever bcuz the words didn't want to word correctly lmao
Anyway, here we are! Some interactions, some more insight on all of Steve's talents, a teensy bit of chaos killed before it could flourish. What more could you want?
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
"Breathe in."
Steve slowly inhales, keeping his chest and arms steady.
"Now pull as you breathe out."
Steve steadily exhales, squeezing the trigger as he does, and feeling the gun kick in his hand. Several yards away, a tin can that's little more than a speck in the distance topples to the ground.
Before Steve can realize his aim was good, the gun is plucked from his hand and he's lifted into the air. Weightlessness overwhelms him, and he shrieks with delight as he falls back into his father's arms. "That's my boy!" his father says, tossing him into the air again.
"Oh, do be careful, Rick. He broke an arm the last time you threw him around like that," Steve's mother says, a proud smile tugging at her lips despite her words.
Steve finds himself safely held in his father's arms a second later, his heart racing and his breaths short from exhilaration. "Again! Again!" he shouts, looking up at his father hopefully.
"Sorry, kiddo, you heard your mother," his father says, messing up Steve's hair before lifting him onto his shoulders. Steve grips his father's hair tightly, grinning as his father jogs over to the tin can. "You'll be able to shoot running in no time."
"Am I gonna be as good as you?" Steve asks, leaning over his father's head. "How long will that take?"
"You'll be better than me, Steve. It'll take a few years, though. At least one hundred."
"One hundred?! I'm gonna be bones by then! Dust and bones!"
"Nah, you'll be fine," his father says, waving his hand dismissively.
"I'll be dead!"
"In my experience, the dead don't make a habit of staying that way."
Steve huffs and rolls his eyes, pinching his father's cheeks and tugging on them until he laughs, grabs Steve's hand, and playfully bites his fingers. Steve shrieks again, laughing as he tugs his hand away and yanks on a few strands of his father's hair for revenge.
Steve, Max, and Eddie get discharged within days of each other, and even though Steve was expecting his house to be invaded by his friends, he still finds himself wishing he'd had a few more days with his parents before everyone showed up and started interrogating him. In fact, he almost considers ignoring the doorbell when it rings the day after Max is discharged.
"Steve!" Rick shouts, his voice carrying all the way from his carefully maintained weapons room. "Can you get that?"
"Can't put it off any longer," Robin says, grinning at him from her spot on the couch. She stretches out her leg and nudges Steve's thigh, urging him to get up.
He sighs, pushing himself off the couch and grimacing at the slight tug on his sides. "Got it," he calls back, walking to the door and bracing himself before opening it.
The porch is packed with his friends, Dustin and Eddie at the very front. "Finally!" Dustin says, pushing past Steve to get into the house.
Everyone else streams in after him, and Steve ends up just holding the door. "Yeah, welcome in, make yourselves at home, thanks so much for calling before showing up," he mutters, closing the door after the final person, Will, has walked inside.
He follows after them, relieved they filter into the living room instead of heading to the kitchen. Uncle Jonathan has been in there all day, trying his hand at a new gin brewing technique that makes Steve's head spin just thinking about it.
Steve flops onto the couch next to Robin, dropping his head onto her shoulder. Dustin looks ready to speak, and Steve is ready to pretend he's listening, when his mother walks into the room. She looks around with a concerned frown, her fingers covering her mouth and tapping against her lips. "Steve," she says, her voice slightly distracted, "dónde está el machete de tu papá?"
"En el garaje," he replies, waving off her thanks.
"You speak Spanish?" Max asks, glancing at Evelyn as she walks past her to reach the garage.
"I speak several languages," Steve tells her. He feels the couch shift next to him and looks over to see Will scooting over to make room for Eddie. "Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Egyptian, French, Greek, a little Urdu, but that one is rusty."
"Holy shit," Mike says, staring at Steve like he's shapeshifted into an alien, "you're smart?!"
"Wait, is that how you guys cracked the Russian code so quickly?" Dustin asks. "Why did you make Robin learn Russian if you already knew it?"
"I didn't make Robin do anything. She started learning while I called a guy I know who can speak Russian. He only managed to get back to me the same day Robin got the whole thing translated."
"You know a guy who can speak Russian?" Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow at Steve when he glances over.
Steve shrugs. "I know a lot of guys who know a lot of things. I met all of them while traveling with my parents," he explains.
"Where have you been?" Will asks.
"Every continent except Antarctica. More places than I can count, actually."
"Why did you travel so much?" El asks, her gaze drifting toward the mantle where several of his mother's souvenirs are carefully arranged. "Did those come from your travels?"
"I followed my parents while they worked until high school. And yeah, those are souvenirs, you can pick them up, but be careful."
As though the lack of permission was the only thing holding her back, Max jumps up and hurries over to the mantle, pulling down a small jar and turning it over in her hands. Its lid is shaped like the head of Anubis, and Steve is just realizing what she's picked up when his father walks into the room.
Rick stops, stares at the jar in Max's hand, and then marches over to her, a man on a mission. He swipes the jar, ignoring Max's shout in protest, and looks it over carefully. His expression becomes disbelieving, fond, and annoyed all at once. "Evie!" he shouts, turning around and about to go looking for her when she appears in the doorway.
"No need to shout, dear, I was just in the other room," she says, smiling until she sees the jar he's holding.
Her expression says it all, but Rick still holds the jar up, smiles sweetly at her, and asks lightly, "Evie, darling, is this what I think it is?"
"Well," Evelyn says, rolling her shoulders back in a way that tells Steve they're about to argue. And then start kissing like nobody's around. "It very well might be."
"What is it?" Dustin asks, sliding closer to get a better look at the jar when Rick holds it higher.
"Really, Evie? Did you forget the part where these things are cursed? Did you completely forget what happened to the Americans who touched these?"
"Aren't you American?" Max asks.
"And aren't you touching it?" Erica adds.
"It's certainly not cursed anymore," Evelyn says, walking over and easily plucking the jar from Rick's hands. She looks it over, idly brushing off some of the dust. "Imhotep is thoroughly dead. You made sure of that, dear."
"I'm sorry, did she say cursed?" Mike asks.
"Yes," El says.
As Evelyn and Rick stare each other down, Steve sighs and drops his head on the back of the couch. "It's a jar used in ancient Egypt to store the organs of mummies. That one specifically belonged to Imhotep, a mummy with a curse. He ate people and tried to sacrifice my mom to bring his girlfriend back and killed a bunch of Americans in the process. But Mom and Dad defeated him, like, twice and he hasn't been a problem since, so Mom is pretty sure he's gone for good now."
"There is no way any of that is true," Max says, huffing as Rick takes the jar back before Evelyn can even think of letting Max look at it again. "I mean, seriously? Mummies?"
"Oh, inter-dimensional monsters are perfectly believable, but mummies are a step too far?" Steve asks.
"Inter-dimensional monsters?" Evelyn asks, whirling around on Steve and placing her hands on her hips.
"So that's where he gets it from," Eddie says, his voice soft and more than a little amused.
Before Steve can comment on that (or try to kick Eddie from where he's sitting on the couch), his father moves to stand next to his mother, arms crossed over his chest with a stern look and still holding the jar. "Wanna share with the class, kid?" he asks.
Steve grimaces, knowing that tone of voice and sinking a little lower on the couch. "Not really, no. Most of the class is already in the loop."
"Humor us," his mother says, her voice firm and leaving no room for argument.
"Gee," Erica says, shifting closer to the doorway, "I'm suddenly feeling pretty hungry. Anyone else wanna go loot the kitchen?"
"I'm in," Max says, hurrying across the room in long strides.
"So are we," Mike adds, grabbing Will's hand and dragging him along before he can get caught up in whatever shit storm might occur. Lucas quickly follows after, flashing an apologetic smile at Steve once he's behind Evelyn and Rick.
They've all disappeared before Steve can warn them about Jonathan's gin experiments, but he figures they deserve to have their nostrils burned from the smell for abandoning him.
Only Steve, Robin, Eddie, Dustin, and El are left with Steve's parents frowning and looking at them expectantly. Steve manages to hold out under their stare for a few seconds before he sighs, sits up straight, and waves for them to sit in the loveseat perpendicular to the couch.
Once they're settled, he glances at Dustin, gets a shrug in return, and rolls his eyes. Robin places a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention to flash a grin and say, "Good luck, dingus. Just know I'll be thoroughly entertained by the end of this."
"Gee. Thanks."
Eddie snorts, settles back into the couch, and helpfully offers, "I mean, it can't be worse than being the main course of a demobat feast, right?"
"Oh, I assure you," Evelyn says, her eyes narrowing, "it certainly can."
"Oh, damn," Eddie says, shaking his head, "What do you want on your tombstone, Stevie?"
Steve rolls his eyes as Robin laughs and high-fives Eddie. He ignores them for now, secretly grateful for the lighter feeling in his chest that their joking has given him, and looks at his parents. "I guess it started with Will's disappearance."
Tag List (there should be room still! So, if you'd like a tag, let me know!)
@trueghostqueen, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @mogami13, @blcksh33p1987, @beawritingbooks, @remus-is-trans, @your-confused-friend, @estrellami-1, @nburkhardt, @vacantwatchers, @yeahhhh-suga, @phantomcat94
@blackpanzy, @ape31, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @plantzzsandpencilzzs, @flustratedcas, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @just-a-tiny-void, @disrespectedgoatman, @fallingleavesinthewind, @nymime, @nectandra, @moomkin77, @nadenia, @resident-disappointment, @copper-arrows, @romanticdestruction, @rowanshadow26
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