#i need to lie down for awhile i can't believe him why does he keep getting away with being so fine
sukunasun · 2 years
dilf geto
imagining an older geto—with a few greys in his hair and creases by the corner of his eyes—being that one hot single dad in your area. even the mere mention of his name brings a smile to people's face. they say he's the best cook working the grill at a barbecue, or that he's always so helpful and generous when he fixes a lightbulb, repairs a sink, maybe clean a pool. most of the time they go on about his perfect family with his smart, beautiful daughters and their three adopted dogs from the shelter.
everyone knows him and knows about him because this neighbourhood is small and gossip comes with that, people just love talking about him on a daily. it keeps the housewives occupied when they're meeting at the recreation center to watch him and gojo swim laps, and the other dads in town can't help but find him entertaining when they watch him go from making flower arrangements for his home to then chugging down a can of beer at the speed of light when japan tops their group for the world cup. he celebrates with his whole chest out, sculpted and broad, he's red in the face and so drunk yet looking incredible while at it. and it shows just how he's at his very peak, strong and still so hot-blooded even though he's nearing forty.
"don't you have a date tonight?" he asks when you're drying the dishes next to him and you catch his gaze lingering just a little longer over you when you reach up to grab a dishcloth. shirt riding up to reveal your bare torso, shorts hugged tight around the swell of your ass. turning away, he clears his throat before continuing in a strained voice, head hanging low, "a pretty young thing like you shouldn't be spending all her time with an old man like me," he quirks his lips up, chuckling to himself. and it stings because even when he notices you, a man like that wouldn't be impressed, wouldn't waste his time on you; he's too mature, too experienced. and he's smart enough to know that he should be spending time with someone his age, what would he have in common with a girl who was fresh out of college and had been tutoring his daughters every weekend just to get by.
sometimes when you catch him alone, you start to see him in a different light—he's having that little bit of time to himself, afternoons spent listening to his record collection, his back leaning against a window as he tunes out, writing in his journal because he heard it was a good way to decompress—so aware of him and his presence.
just like that time he invited you to the beach with them. nanako and mimiko are old enough to wander off on their own and he tells you the last time he brought them out here, they were still in floaties, drawing patterns on his face with sunscreen then proceeds to pull out a photo on his phone to show you. and here, among grains of sand, salt in the air, and a scorching sun, he is the only thing that makes your skin prickle. sweat beading over your neck at the sight of him lounging on a bamboo mat with one of his legs propped up, spread wide. a red shirt hangs loosely off his body, stark against his skin. there are gaudy leafy patterns all over it but he manages to pull it off.
and geto isn't the kind of man that would care because he's comfortable. secure. long gone are the days where he pierced his own ears and spontaneously got a tattoo of a dragon on his back because he thought it would impress women. but you think he never really needs to try, is the type of guy who's so oblivious to his charm. even now, as people walk by and stare at him, he's too focused on his book; likes to break them in, wear out the spine, so firm when he opens them up until they're folded over, pressing down on the binding with his large palms dwarfing the paperback, his long fingers flipping the pages swiftly. "you admiring the view?" geto pushes his sunglasses up on his forehead, shooting you a smirk and revealing the smile lines etched into his face. you know he's just teasing but you're flustered, can't help but think—yes, and what a view it is.
it starts feeling like pure torture and every night your hand trails over your panties, touching yourself. chasing the thrill, the thought of his body under you. oh those worn hands with veins bulging over his knuckles, his palms so big and so warm caressing over your thighs, gripping on the insides and pressing his fingers there, spreading you open the way he does with the books. with a little force but it would be so easy for him as he fucks up into you, getting all wet and slick. you picture his thick cock delving past your folds, fitting inside you and stretching you out, thrusting and thrusting as deep as he can, all the way to the hilt.
your heart starts pounding, thrumming in your chest and all you can hear is the muffled sound of it in your ears, your moans and cries you can't hide. so desperate to be his 'pretty young thing' to play with, you'd show him just how desirable he is, that none of the boys you ever dated could do to you what he does. no one makes you this hazy, this drunk and lustful and wanting. makes you cream all over your fingers and your vibrator every time you get to this part; what would he be like with a woman, what would he be like with you.
what if he could see you now, would he stand there and watch you as you moan his name, showing him just how good he makes you feel. a part of you might resist him, keeping your sweet tight pussy to yourself. maybe you'd taunt him, "can't keep up old man?", just to watch his resolve crumble, growls into your ear as he just pounds into you, finds a pillow and raises your hips up because he'd know that trick, he'd know so much. and even when time slips into early hours of the morning, he'd never tire, he'd keep going and you'd fall even harder. that he'd let go and allow himself to take what he wants—what you know he craves as much as you do.
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purgatoryandme · 2 years
I just seen you tags for the mdzs pic with "anyone can draw the sword" and you should write that, that sounds so hilarious!
It'd be p e r f e c t to finally activate all of JC's gremlin protective instincts by having an earlier golden core reveal that is framed like: "JC, I gave you my core because you need to return Lotus Pier from the ashes AND I need you to know this because we are about to stunt on the entire cultivation world." JC being allowed in on a conspiracy? JC being openly considered sect leader by WWX and being put into a position where only HE can help WWX because they are connected in a way no one else is? His gremlin possessive tsundere ass would be all over that. Especially if WWX told him right when they first met up again, getting JC at PEAK "I will be the hero for once!" energy. He wouldn't even get the chance to feel inferior or horrified or anything in particular because now he can SAVE EVERYONE and WWX can never ever leave him. Best comedic potential if Yanli doesn't know, but everybody thinks Yanli has some semblance of an idea of what's going on and keep following her cues about JC and WWX suddenly sharing (1) murderous brain cell. Yanli, stressed out of her mind, is just like - Yanli (eye twitching): They're bonding :) Concerned Cultivators: JC is dumping qi into WWX? He's turning him into a human bomb? He's laughing? Maniacally? How can his core even handle this much- Yanli (eye twitching even faster): Brotherly bonding :) Yanli: For brothers only :)) Yanli: No girls allowed :)))))))))))) People think they're cultivation partners now, unless they've had any contact with Yanli and have heard (forcefully) "B R O T H E R S". LWJ is absolutely seething with jealously. The family drama is honestly pretty distracting from the whole demonic cultivation thing. Yiling arc still happens, but now JC is convinced by WWX that it's all good and WWX will just come back later when things cool down - this is a lie. Yanli doesn't die because I say so, maybe because LWJ is trying to stunt on JC by being the BEST BODYGUARD EVER (Wei Ying plz love me), but WWX still beefs it since there's no way he wouldn't with everyone coming down on his head and JC takes it extremely hard because he's a gremlin. Cue JC's whole tortured tantrum for the next 13 years etc etc etc, tempered only slightly by Yanli since she hasn't got a single clue what the actual hell his problem is or why he's being so dramatic about making his golden core even bigger and better and is ??? maybe even talking to it a little bit like a big weirdo. People think JC is grieving and thinks demonic cultivation took WWX away from him so he's trying to save others from it. It paints him a weird romantic light and so he's v popular with the ladies. He blames this on having WWX's golden core in a hilarious twist that he has deffo mumbled about out loud and WILL be used as evidence against him later. WWX comes back and JC clocks his ass SO FAST (maybe because him as Huisang plotted this, ohohohoho). He's like I KNEW IT WAS YOU I COULD FEEL IT IN MY COOORRRREEE (he could not) and WWX, local idiot, believes this. Everyone is weirded out, takes it as some romantic "my soul longs for you" type thing, and that is the only weird theory spawned. For awhile. WWX summons corpses and gets caught? JC tells them to fuck off, stumping everyone - maybe these corpses have no commander? Maybe anyone can be their commander? Nobody knows and they're all too scared to try. WWX wanders around DRESSED LIKE and SPEAKING LIKE WWX? JC is always halfway up his ass yelling at him, so people either think he can't be WWX since JC is there (JC hates WWX camp) or that he can't be WWX since he keeps running away with LWJ (JC and WWX were in love camp). Suiban? They swap off the sword, saying it clearly isn't sealed. JC uses a paperman talisman WWX has possessed. Anything WWX does responds to JC. It's been going great for them so far! It's thrown people off the scent! Until people finally clock that it is ONLY JC this shit works for. Cue "Two Yiling Patriarchs" theory where they think WWX split his soul into JC, resulting in his violent 13 year meltdown, and that he did to reunite his soul with his lover in death...and also for evil. LWJ is big mad at this. Vocally. Chaos ensues.
Jiang disciples that survived the burning don't buy into this - neither does anyone who has spent 0.2 seconds with Yanli. JC has never had a moment of chill in his life and also doesn't laze about - therefore is clearly not WWX. Also they aint in love (Yanli banging pots and pans outside of Koi Tower: I aint get no sleep because of your weird romantic stories about my brothers, so you aint get no sleep because of me!). Therefore, WWX AND JC must be possessed by the fierce ghost of Madam Yu seeking revenge on the world. LWJ supports this theory just because he doesn't like the other one. Huisang does because it's extremely funny. Therefore, even further chaos ensues. People keep trying to exorcise JC whenever he's in Lotus Pier. He's too scared to sleep in his own room, so he takes a boat out into the middle of the lake. This only furthers theories that he's possessed. He hits himself with Zidian to prove a point, but now they all think JC was trying to get the spirit out and failed. Woe is him. JC encourages neither theory because he doesn’t even register that there ARE theories, just like he hasn’t for the past 13 years. He’s just trying to get WWX to stop dying, thanks.  WWX, who they think is back now that his old body was destroyed and his soul was freed from Madam Yu's influence, is on the receiving end of many weird winks, nudges, and offers of support from Jiang disciples. He is...very confused, but at least no one is stabbing him? He encourages this because he is not very bright. LWJ encourages it because it makes JC angry. Yanli encourages it because she wants to adopt WWX into the family for real, damn it all, and NOBODY WILL STOP HER. JGY just stares at everything going on and his total loss of control over it and like...decides that everyone is distracted enough that he can enact his evil plans without implicating WWX anyway. He's honestly too afraid to involve WWX in anything anymore at this rate. (Huisang just up and stabs him in the confusion. He has also given up on planning)
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Ch. 1
Something fun at an all girls school
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Chapter 1
Something fun in an
✨all girls school✨
"Alright, despite how much the staff have opposed the right for students to watch t.v. during school time....our principle believes that this is actually going to be informative. Now girls, students with all sorts of quirk and backgrounds can be accepted to U.A. I expect you all to respect the people on this t.v as your future colleagues. NO JOKES."
"Pst..wish she would just shut up so we can see the hot guys..." Maiyumi whispered to no one particular
"I know, I haven't seen a man since I got kidnapped last year."
"Most of us havent seen anyone since being kidnapped, or you know, FUCKING ARESTED!" Y/n whisper-yelled. She was still very pissed that even though, she was obviously kidnapped-and meant to be killed- the fucking police blamed her. Dad chalked it up to them being jealous, but y/n really wasn't having it. Imagine it's the third time you were kidnapped and tortured before the age of 16, and it was supposedly your fault. 
Technically, they could've arrested her for burning down the building two weeks later, obviously while empty, she admitted that was wrong. Still, they got what they deserved, and she got frozen yogurt from down the street. As she would say: now that's proper treatment after a kidnapping 😎
"L/n thats enough, we all know the story by now, and we do not need to hear it again"
"But you shoulda been there, the audacity of them to say I was working with those guys!?! Those villains were way below MY level. I mean c'mon, if I was a villain i'd be way cooler than those nobodies."
"Oh.my.god. y/n I love you, but shit up so we can watch hot U.A. boys fight each other!"
"Ms. Hitoka!Unacceptable, we are here to learn from our follow young heros, not sexualize them"
"I heard midnight is gonna be there," Katna whispered towards the group, front the back of the room. Mind you, she was in a position to pounce, considering, much like her classmates, she hadn't seen a boy in years. 
"MIDNIGHT IS SOOO HOT" y/n yelled, forgetting that their teacher was in the front cursing herself for not accepting that sugar-baby job, and never meeting these obnoxious and horny teens. 
As the teacher yelled all heads turned to face her and ignore their previous conversations. Y/n and Maiyumi had grown soft smiles, finally welcoming back the teacher they know and love. 
You see, LADY STATIC was an ex-pro hero, her quirk was projection. She could pick up any video signals from any device and project exactly what the device was seeing, or playing. She called all cameras her bitch....several times. So, as far as teaching went, she could only last a couple of minutes of seriousness in the beginning of class each day, before she erupted in a fit of lewd comments, brags, and most importantly curse words.
The black screen of the tv suddenly turned on revealing the large stadium that must be where the festival would take place. Y/n didnt really want to watch, it made her kind of sad knowing there were kids out there with the energy to try at something so dumb. A competition where you stay within grade, with supervision, and limits, and rules, and no real risk. It all sounded boring to her. She would either want to sit in bed eating and watching anime, or actually feel something. 
The idea of a battle where you aren't risking your life seemed pretty dull to her. See...y/n along with her best friend maiyumi, was an adrenaline junkie. Those two were the biggest non-villain troublemakers the world has yet to see. 
Finding it fun to jump off bridges, run across intersections, and fight each other with no rules or precautions. After living a life where most people you meet want you dead, and most of your life has just been trauma, everything gets more and more boring. Until you don't even mind risking your life just to feel something. 
However, what y/n did feel, very frequently, was horny. She wouldn't lie and say that she has indulged in some things, despite there being only girls in her private hero academy. However, she craved men, simply because they were something she hadn't had yet. So in the nature of being royalty, if she hadn't had it, she wanted it.
"How could say that, you meant to be representing our school"
"Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory."
Y/n finally focused back on the screen, she was seeing a very up close image of a blonde boy with red eyes, this being the first man she saw since the police 5 months ago. Her eyes lit up, and sub-consciously her body started to glow different colors. Shifting as quickly as the Led lights in her dorm. 
"Mind your quirk princess" Saina, the class grump-who lowkey crushes on y/n- sneers. 
"Aww, sorry, thanks for reminding me daddy" Y/n responded, feigning innocence but still not breaking eye contact with the screen. 
She mentally focused on subsiding her quirk, but it took awhile for her to completely stop glowing. 
Once she was y/n watched the first parts of the festival, noting exactly what that blonde boy was doing. Not without checking out some of the other students. Obviously, but something about those red eyes had her enticed. So she made sure to focus on him. 
As she watched she learned that his quirk was fire, and he used it very differently than she did. She scribbled down a random note about it to make it seem like she was studying and trying to improve herself. Then, focused back on every intricate curve of his face instead. How he scowled, he really looked angry, but being one of those U.A. kids, she couldn't help but doubt he really had anything to be angry about. 
Soon the girl found herself imagining him in some sort of serious situation, what could make somebody so angry? 
And before she knew it, his fighting figure disappeared from the tv as an image of midnight replayed him, announcing that he had one his fight. The last fight wasn't it? Meaning that the rage boy must've won the whole thing. y/n really wasn't impressed, obviously he was only fighting other U.A. students. How hard could that be? However, she was excited that he won for some reason.
While y/n watched him she couldn't help but wish she was the one fight. Oh to be punched by that man.  Every kick he would throw sent goosebumps down her body. Plus when he used that quirk, shit was it hot. Pun intended. Fire seemed like such a simple quirk, but simple works best. That  last fight against Todoroki, that excited her. 
See, y/n liked adventures away from the school ground, and since she could fly..well. She knew Todoroki.  He was always considerate enough not to be weirded out by her when she would sneak into his house, her parents knew his dad well, so she pretty much only knew that one place.  He was logical and so he understood that she isn't really perverted, she simply hasn't seen boys in a very long time.  Todoroki figured if he hadn't seen a female in three years he might become more fond of them as well. 
"Now lets award the metals" 
She looked up at the screen to see a podium holding the winners and runner ups. Atop it was the boy, he was announced as Katsuki Bakugou. He was chained to the post and attacking the air, and y/n found this insanely hot. She assumed that since Todoroki hadn't given his all, that boom boom might be upsetting. However, she never expected to see this beautiful sight on the tv screen of her classroom. The sight was stuck in her mind for days. 
She thought about it during dance class. 
She thought about it during quirk training. 
She thought about it during lunch.
During "sleepovers"
During missions with her boss - gang orca
During meeting with the principle
Even during visit time with her parents. It was then she decided she had to do something about it. Now, even though most girls at her school looked down upon U.A. the parents and staff didn't. For the girls it was about how truly jealous they were that those students, even with lesser power, would get to become heros. While us here, would become noblewomen, or princesses or be married off into other famous quirk families.
Y/n only was jealous because her mother spent more time with U.A. students than with her and her brothers. Seeing her mother was midnight, yes, the pro-hero. While that sounds cool, it isn't. Her mother and father dated for 1 month before getting married on a whim. Her father being a prince was something mom always described as FUCKINZg SEGGSYYY. Yes, you could blame midnight for y/ns horny behaviors. 
Unfortunately for midnight, royal quirks don't mix with other quirks. None of her children have her quirk. Her daughter has Elementus total control, her middle son has Elementus manipulate, and youngest son has Elementus transform. So she is left with a 7 year old that can turn himself into water if he doesn't want to get in trouble....yeah. So that at home life was strange...
"Mom, dad, I wanna be hero"
"Bullshit, no you don't bahaha"
"I do, mom"
"Dad, I wanna help people you know, like mom does. I wanna make the world better instead of just becoming a queen and sitting in a house all day." Y/n lied, she would love to sit around doing nothing while her rich, king husband did all the work. Then she could just eat and watch anime and be unbothered. However, in the moment, y/n forgot about her dream future. All she wanted in that moment was to see boom boom everyday. yuh, I said it..boom boom.
"Babe, she has a fair point...plus its not like chiyo can do anything with his quirk"
"What do you mean?! CHiyo's quirk is so cool dad, one time he took all the oxygen out of my bod and then I couldn't do anything, it was so cool!"
"Yea,yea i see"
"My love, can't you just recommend her to U.A. so you can keep an eye on her. We both knew she was destined to be a hero at some point."
"Uhm. Babe. She only wants to go so she can see boys."
"What?!My princess would never, you heard it, she wants to help people. Our sons would never say such things, we should proud, love"
"Honey, she is lying."
"No, I'm not a mom, I could care less about boys. All the girls at this school can do the same things, if not better. "
"Y/N! I love you so much my precious horny little fuck"Her mother sprang up from her seat and embarrassed her. 
"I can't believe this is my life.." dad sighed. 
"But yeah, that proves your point honey, if she is gay then she must mean it. Yayyy. N/N is coming to school with meeee!!"
"I- yeah mom."
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nickyneshwrites · 3 years
Cold Chapter 3
He was pacing around in front of his desk flicking his blade around in one hand, mumbling to himself, and fidgeting with his phone in the other hand. Shizuo still was nowhere to be found and Izaya was desperate. He had heard whispers of his possible location but had come up short everywhere he looked.
If this kept up he was going to raze every single gang in the city to find his lover, pathetic humans, and their opinions are damned!
He stopped flicking his knife looking at the glinting blade and in a moment of complete frustration threw it, it stayed stuck in his office wall. Then he felt and heard his phone ring and quickly pushed the knife from his mind. 
“Yes hello. . .What about him?. . .Where are you?! . . .Skip the pleasantries Shiki,                            Where.Are.You . . . I swear if I have to listen to you-! . . I’ll be there in fifteen minutes!”
The blonde monster needed to go, not that it wasn't fun having Orihara flustered but it wasn't nearly enough fun to keep the raging monster in his company.
Not only had he injured six of his men he’d torn up a whole room and had to be moved to a more… accommodating environment. This was just getting out of hand. 
Shiki sighed, then let his mind wander. A lot of this seemed strange, for one Orihara was showing an unusually open amount of interest in Heiwajima, normally he at least tried to feign disinterest, earlier the pure worry in his voice was clear as day.
Listening to the grunting and squeaking happening in the room over was now setting him on edge even more, as he lingered on the fact that the only thing keeping the blonde man firmly tied to the bed was a ridiculous amount of tranquilizer and thick chains. 
The doctor who he had asked to look after the blonde was certain in his methods of detaining the crazed man but it was in Shiki’s opinion that he was seriously underestimating the strength of one of Ikebukuro's most notorious men. 
He goes over to the door and the grunting stops. Upon opening the door he sees the blonde laying still, eyes still open he keeps a good distance away from the man in case he decides to lunge but it soon becomes obvious that he is in some sort of unconscious daze. 
He looks to see if he's still breathing and finds that he is and sighs, good he really couldn't deal with Orihara going rouge again. 
He was swimming in it, all the self-doubt, the fear of hurting others, the complete overwhelming. . . 
“Sh. . .n”
Despair! Admit it for you know it's the truth, all of the love you hold is fake and you only push your pathetic existence upon those around you!
He wanted to deny it but he couldn't, his strength was a tool of destruction that would eventually drag all of those he holds dear to their doom. 
Blackened tendrils crept up his subconscious submerging him deeper in their viscous fear dragging up all the truths he tried to keep hidden in himself. 
A figure stands before him with an obscured face and it speaks directly to him in a hushed voice.
“-Ch. . .an”
The love you share is false, admit it! You took advantage of the hate you shared and shaped it into a twisted form of love that you've disillusioned yourself into believing.
He tried to escape to deny all of what he was hearing but it was too late he could no longer breathe and the darkness had taken hold devouring all his light.
"S-h. . .uo!"
Yes accept it, then return to your lie no but know no matter how much you run or you brush me away. Know I will still be there.
The figure leaves in black wisps and silence reigns in his consciousness. 
Izaya enters a building at the back end of Shinjuku, normally he would care to know just what it is that goes on in a place like this but right now he doesn’t. 
All he wants is to find Shizuo to grab hold of his brute and bring him to his flat and keep him there so something like this doesn’t happen again. He’d always known the moment he lost control of his Shizu-chan bad things would happen. He just never assumed it would be to the stupid brute himself. 
He walks down a flight of stairs and is met with a tall door, he knocks three times then waits.
“ O-orihara-same, welcome uh, Shiki-dono is w-waiting in the lower level.” 
A small man stands behind the door in front of Izaya, and as the informant gives him the once over it's obvious the man is scared. Izaya's usual mask of aloofness has melted into one of neutrality and the man is right to question his safety with such a gaze aimed at him.
Once they get moving Izaya takes time to notice that the man is in a lab coat and that the area they’ve walked to looks quite similar to an underground clinic. 
The creaking of bed frames, the sound of heart monitors, and the distinct smell of bleach are the next things to assault his senses and he starts to get anxious. It seems Shiki has more going on under the city than he was privy to… 
This just means there's something for him to look into after this whole situation is solved.  
Once they pass through that area he is led to a door to the side and it takes all of a second for Izaya to understand what he's looking at, he doesn't like it and before the meek man can open the door to the room, a blade is pressed to his back. 
“Ne doctor-Kun, I've followed you here without complaint because you told me you were leading me to Shiki-dono so could you explain to me why I'm being brought to the interrogation room?” 
His tone was pleasant but the danger was clear and the knife pressed in the smaller man's back was sending a very clear message. He was frozen in place trying to find his voice while not fainting from all the stress, he was not prepared for this at all. 
“Sh-s-s-sh-iki-dono is in the t-this room, the patient is there too after he d-deemed them too danger-rous to leave out in the main building! Please don't hurt me I was ju-”
The black imposing door is opened and the doctor crashes to the floor, passes Shiki, and immediately scrambles away from the violent man he was forced to meet. 
“S-Shiki-dono your g-guest is here and with that, I think I should take my l-leave!”  
Izay has long since stopped listening to the blubbering idiot and passes only a glance at Shiki before he walks by him and cautions a look around the room behind the Awakusu-kai member, and he sees him laid up there, his Shizu-chan!
“Shiki-dono knows how to treat his guests so whatever this is should also have an explanation, right? A reasonable explanation that will explain why it was necessary to chain an injured Shizuo to a bed, right?!”
He wasn't pointing his knife at anyone despite the strong urges to attack though his breathing was giving away the obvious distress? Anger? Or maybe even fear he was feeling.
This situation was exactly what Shiki was trying to avoid, he has every intention to pass Heiwajima over to Orihara but he was sure to the tense man it didn't look that way. He takes a step back to sit in the chair in the corner and looks straight at the informant, he knows he has to play this right or things could blow out of proportion and he's not in the mood for the melodrama.
“He’s simply restrained for his safety and that of my men, this room was the best for such a situation, and seeing as we couldn't get him to calm down this was the best I could arrange, he’s under a strong tranquilizer and has been showing strong signs of mental distress”
At this point, Izaya has heard what he wants and is moving towards the bed, as he approaches he notices that Shizuo's eyes are wide open but is seemingly unresponsive. He touches the blonde's arm and can't help the intake of breath he makes when he feels how cold he is to the touch.
“Shizu-Chan comes on I know you’re stronger than whatever this is…” 
Izaya pockets the knife he's still holding and moves to grab onto the blonde's shoulder, he pulls on the chains there loosening them as much as he can.
“That isn't a good idea Orihara-san, he isn’t very stable and I don't think disturbing him in this state will not end well”
But again Izaya wasn’t listening, he just kept pulling and calling for the blonde getting lost in a haze of frustration as he rasped out his desperate call. 
“Shizu-chan please you're not allowed to fall to anyone but me, wake up. Come on Shizu-chan I can even buy you those ridiculously sweet milkshakes you like just … Wake up Shizuo!”
He sounded close to tears and Shiki sat in shock at the display in front of him, the whole situation was kind of surreal. He was sure he had a good guess as to what the nature of their relationship was behind closed doors but this type of emotional response was more than he expected coming from the normally supercilious informant. 
 Then from behind the trembling back of the smaller man he saw it, the moment heiwajima eyes came back into focus but still holding that crazed spark. 
There was a moment of silence as his eyes and Izayas met like they were trying to talk through them to push forward the pain they each had to endure.
And in one act of utter relief, Izaya kisses the blonde, hard and passionate and desperate with all the pent-up energy he'd built up being released in the only way he could think to communicate. 
He doesn't even hear as the chains are broken and fall to the ground with a heavy thump. But he does feel the blonde's hands pull at his fur coat and he sees the tears trickle down the fractured man's cheek.
A tired moan ripples through the kiss and Izaya retreats leaving a thin line of saliva connecting their mouths, his breathing is haggard and it takes him awhile 
to calm down. He looks over his tired lover, Shizuo's normal bartender uniform ruined, now a tattered and stained shirt and ripped pants with his sunglasses nowhere to be seen. 
“I’m sorry Izaya! I’m sorry I’m like this -this monst-i c-cant its just - i-i-I’m sorry! Im wrong were wrong I’m sorry so sorry sorry so much I-I-I-i”
Shiki leave the room he’s heard enough and decides he doesn’t need to know what else is going to be said, he’s given the informant what he wanted and as far as he’s concerned he’s done his job.
It’s up to Oriharta to fix the obviously damaged Heiwajima and to that he wishes him all the luck.
It’s been 2 days since Izaya brought Shizuo back to his flat, it's been quiet. Once Shizuo was showered and fed all Izaya wanted to do was hold onto his blond and never let go but he never came in fact he seemed to want to keep as much space as possible. Shifting from any type of contact Izaya initiated and spending hours at a time in the guest room instead of their shared bedroom.
The body that once housed his loud and lively lover was cold and distant. And when he wasn’t hiding, Izaya caught glimpses of a crazed fear in the blondes eyes, and he so wanted to help, to put this whole issue to rest and go back to how things were before his disappearance but it seemed impossible when the blond was so distant.
Shizuo's sitting on the sofa silently looking out at Izaya's unfinished game of chess, he doesn't really understand what about it had him quite so entranced but it was 
better than seeing the hurt in Izaya's eyes when he looked at him. He’s standing in the doorway even now just looking; probably weighing how much trouble it would be worth to keep someone as useless as himself just sitting around. 
He hears him let out a sigh from the door frame and steels himself as he comes and sits next to him.
“Shizu-Chan look at me, we need to talk ” 
Shizuo did as he was told. 
“You need time I get that but you need to at some point tell me what it is that you need me to do to help you. I care ok, when you disappeared I went looking everywhere, I found the bastards who attacked you that day and tried my damndest to make them pay. And as much as it hurts me to sit here spouting sentimental trash it hurts more to see you so… so broken, I love you so please just tell me what's wrong Shizuo”
And how could Shizuo ignore how sincere he sounded, those uttered words his name falling from the lips he’d spent years chasing? He shuffled over to the smaller man who was obviously giving him space and rested his head on Izaya's lap. Izaya didn’t really do anything at first but then he started running his fingers through the blonde locks soothingly. 
“Just don't leave me”
The words travelled the silent room and seemed to be made more real by the silence and while no reply was made, the gentle way in which fingers caressed the taller man's cheeks were enough to make him know they were acknowledged.
A promise made in tranquility only truly believed by one of them.
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Endgames: captain America ten years later.
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He wakes up to the tv blasting in the next room. He could hear the voices of the Sunday cartoons and the children giggling. He looked to his right and saw his beautiful wife, Peggy Rogers, asleeping beside him. He watches her for a moment, captured by her beauty. Her fair skin untarnished by imperfections. Her curly brown hair had grown longer almost to her waist like a goddess. Her lips red like cherries and plump. He smiled as he caressed her arm.
He felt like the luckiest man in the world. He knew that to leave the avengers, to leave his life in the 2000s was the best decision he ever made. He knew he would have never been happy there, he needed Peggy to complete him. Without her..life was just a blur...he was just going through the motions without any hope or purpose.
Back then, he had given up on the idea of ever being happy, ever getting the life he dreamed of. Yet, now his dream was a reality: he had his best girl, and two wonderful kids he adored.
Peggy’s eyes began to flutter as she woke. She looked up at her husband.
“Steve are you okay?” She asked.
“I’m fine.” Steve answered. “Your just so beautiful. I cant keep my eyes off of you.”
She rolled her eyes and chuckled.
“I can’t believe you married me.” Steve told her. “I mean son e whimpy little kid from Brooklyn got you.”
Peggy smiled as she sat up then put a hand on his cheek.
“You are so much more than that. I’m glad we found each other.” Peggy began. “Honestly your the best thing to happen to me and i don’t think anyone could have been more perfect for me. Your my everything, Steve.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Do you know what today is?” Peggy asked him with a smirk.
“The best day of my life,” he answered grinning. “The day I married you.”
He leaned in close and kissed her. A passionate kiss that made every fiber of his being surge.
“Ten years, with my beautiful Peggy Rogers.” He continued.
She leaned into him and he ran his fingers through her hair.
“I have a special day planned for us, your gana love it.” Steve told her. “I got us reservations at that fancy Howard always surgests.”
“Your joking? That place costs a fortune for one meal.” She chuckled. “It probably cost more than this house for order of fries. We can’t go there we still need to buy the kids new clothes.”
“It’s not that bad.” He remarked back. “Howard told them that we were friends of his, so the restaurant gave us a huge discount. Free drinks, and 10% off the meal.”
“Wow that is impressive. Geez who knew knowing Howard stark would be useful for something.” She joked.
He chuckled.
“Plus I found a coupon for 30 percent in the paper!” Steve boasted with excitement.
Peggy grinned and she hugged him.
“I have taught you well.” She told him. “This is gana be great! You didn’t go out your way like this, I would have been fine with dinner at the diner.”
“These years have meant the world to me and I have been so happy being by your side. I had to do something to show you how much you mean to me.”
“Oh Steve, you sure know how to make a girl feel special.”
Steve leaned in for another kiss when suddenly they heard yelling from the other room. There was a crash and then more yelling.
Then the bedroom door swung open. Two children entered dressed in colorful PJs. One was a girl with long curly blonde hair and dark brown eyes. The other a boy with short light brown hair and blue eyes.
“Mom! Phillip broke the lamp in the living room!” The girl shouted. “He was throwing the baseball in the house! I told him to stop-“
“She’s lying! She is always lying!” The boy, Phillip yelled as he cried. “She broke the lamp doing cartwheels in the living room!”
Peggy got out of bed and hugged Phillip, she stroked his hair comfortingly.
“Amelia.” Steve called with stern voice. “Did you break the lamp and don’t lie to me, I can always tell when you lie.”
“Yes, Daddy, but i-“
“No buts your gana sit your room and think about what you did for 15 minutes and then no tv for a week.”
Amelia instantly began to cry and she clung onto Steve.
“But daddy I didn’t mean too! And I’m sorry!” Amelia cried out. “I’ll be good just don’t ground me, New twilight zone is on tonight!”
“Aww. Don’t cry princess.” Steve uttered as he hugged his daugther.
“Daddy, don’t you love me? Twilight zone is my favorite show and now I’m gana miss it!” She cried harder. “I hate you! I hate you!”
“Okay I take it back, your not grounded!” Steve replied quickly.
“Steve!” Peggy yelled. “We talked about this, you can’t cave in every time she throws a fit.”
“But she said she hated me. I don’t want her to hate me.” Steve replied sheeply.
“She’s 8 years old, she doesn’t mean it.” Peggy told him. “She just says it because she knows when she does you will give her what she wants. She’s manipulative, she is my daugther.”
Later that night, Amelia and Phillip drove the babysitter crazy as they ran around the house playing out the war stories their parents had told them. They knew every line, every detail from the stories and to them they were heros. They would annoy the babysitter by replaying the newsreels from the war over and over again. The kids literally idolized their parents. Phillips favorite toy was a plastic shield, Steve made for him and Amy loved playing with the toy gun.
Meanwhile, Peggy and Steve entered the fancy restaurant dressed in their best outfits. Peggy has her hair in an updo that that reminded her of aubrey Hepburn. She dressed in a beautiful long red dress with red laced sleeves and poofed out at the bottom. She wore her favorite red heels and a pearled necklace, that belonged to her mother. Steve wore a black suit jacket and black pants. He wore a collared shirt and fancy shoes. they still stuck out like sore tumbs amoung the rich but they didn’t care.
They sat down at a table in the center of the restaurant. There eyes darted around them looking in wonder at every beautiful picture, flower and musician playing.
“This is so nice.” Peggy told him. “we haven’t gotten to go out just us in so long.”
He chuckled.
“I know. I think the last time we went out was the week before Philip was born.”
Peggy smirked. “Sounds about right. I miss this. you know just getting time to talk with each other and hear about each other’s lives without being interrupted by the kids bickering or work calling. It always feels like there’s always something, always running around.”
“I still wouldnt change a thing.” Steve answered. “These past few years have been the best of my life.”
Peggy smirked.
“Oh come on! You told me stories about your adventures in the future.” Peggy began. “You were adored and seen as one of the worlds greatest hero’s. You lived in the age of technology were people could see each other on there phone and watch movies in their homes without a VHS player. You met people with incredible powers and abilities and saved the world from being destroyed multiple times. They had a whole bloody museum dedicated to you! You werent happy then?”
“I didn’t belong there and I felt it.”
“What do you mean? You were there for awhile I’m sure you got used to things.”
“That’s not what I mean, i felt like I was just going through the motions, doing what I thought I had to do or should do. I couldn’t be happy there, everyday was another battle another war and it was draining and depressing. No body was ever safe and no matter how many times we saved the day something bigger and badder came out of the shadows. I mean as soon as I woke up from the ice they had me join the avengers and fight Loki, a few months later shield infiltrated, then the fight with ultron, then the accords battle and then the whole thanos thing. I saw the world I knew literally fall apart around me over and over again. The wars never stopped! ...and I couldn’t be anything else but a solider. That’s what they needed and that’s what they got. I was proud to be apart of their team and I was proud of what we accomplished together. But I was captain America, to the world to the team...that’s it, Steve Rogers was gone. I had no hope of him ever coming back.”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me any of this before? You always boasted about the accomplishments of the Avengers and you told the stories as if they were fun, as if they were just another challenge.”
“I didn’t want to appear weak, I wanted to be strong for you. I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t handle it or that I was selfish or.... I wanted to be someone the kids could look up to, who you could be proud of. Not some fool who cracked under the pressure.”
She put her hand in his.
“Steve, I could never think that of you and you are as much a hero as any of them. War effects everyone in different ways and too much of it can drive a person insane. Your not weak for being unhappy back then your strong because you overcame it and kicked some ass.”
He gave a small smile.
“Thank you.” Answered him. “That means a lot.”
Suddenly the band starts to play a fimilar song. Steve looks at Peggy and they both have the same look of excitement on their face.
Wise men say on fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you
“There playing our song.” Steve told her.
“Well...is it? I hadn’t noticed.” She joked.
He stood up and put out her hand to her. Her grin turned wider and she took his hand and he pulled her close to him. He took one hand in his and put the other on her waist. The two swayed back and forth near the table.
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you
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sweethomelima · 5 years
Text || Samcedes
Mercy: Sam, hey its Mercedes
Mercy: Oh if this is the wrong number Sorry.
Sam: No, I told you I didn't change it
Mercy: No this isn't Sam, or no it is Sam because I didn't change it?
Sam: this is Sam
Sam: I didn't change my number
Sam: always been here.
Mercy: Well okay hi. Hope you had a good day today.
Mercy: First I wanted to thank you for not acting weird or anything last night. SJ had fun talking Marvel with you.
Sam: Yeah, you too!
Sam: I was kind of in my element there
Sam: I could've fielded DC too
Mercy: I am sure he would have given you a run for your money, he loves the Flash and Batman.
Mercy: So we are leaving tomorrow and I wanted to see if you had the papers, and if you wanted to see him again before we left.
Sam: I am an expert in Batman!
Sam: Already?
Mercy: Well he will be glad to hear that.
Mercy: Our lives are in L.A. Sam.
Sam: I have them
Sam: I didn't sign them yet
Sam: I'm still reading them
Mercy: Sam there is nothing there that would cause any issues. It's just a divorce.
Sam: My mom said never to sign something you haven't read
Mercy: Okay I understand that
Sam: Just gonna take me awhile.
Sam: idk how long
Mercy: Sam what do I have to do to get you to just sign them now?
Sam: I need to read them. I said that
Mercy: Sam I know if I leave here without them they will never get signed. Why are you holding on so tight to something that was over years ago? Its a divorce stating what's yours is yours and what's mines is mines, simple to the point.
Sam: I just said I wanna read them
Sam: that's it
Mercy: And you also said you don't know how long it will take you to read like 6 pages. I have to go, I can't be here for a long time.
Sam: we both know I'm not very smart
Mercy: That's a lie.
Mercy: You are smarter than you give yourself credit for.
Sam: Still can't read very well
Sam: so I can't tell you how long it'll be
Sam: I have to do other things too, like cleaning my apartment and go to the gym
Mercy: You can read just fine Sam and we both know that.
Mercy: Okay now I know you are playing games.
Sam: it does take me extra time. That's not a lie.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but cleaning your apartment? Really?
Sam: It's very dirty
Mercy: I bet it is
Mercy: I need you to work with me here(edited)
Sam: I am.
Sam: I'm going to read them! I already started!
Mercy: Fine.
Mercy: Soooo we didn't get to talk about you, how is your family?
Sam: Doing well, you know.
Sam: The kids are almost done with high school which makes me feel old but
Mercy: You are Sold
Sam: Don't remind meeeee
Mercy: How is your mom? I have been meaning to talk to her but I know she is might hate me.
Sam: For going to LA?
Sam: I don't think she does
Sam: she always said I should apologize for not going with you haha
Mercy: For leaving, for not telling her about SJ, even if you didn't believe it she would have.
Sam: Yeah, well. She doesn't know about him
Sam: Like I didn't
Mercy: You didn't tell her?
Sam: I've been a little busy trying to come to terms with it myself
Mercy: Maybe I should just go and let you mail it to me.
Sam: If that's your choice.
Mercy: Fine!
Sam: Great.
Sam: I'll send them
Sam: When do you need them?
Sam: I'll get them to you then.
Mercy: Monday
Sam: And when are you getting married?
Mercy: You don't get to know that.
Sam: Okay.
Sam: See, I'm trying to make sure I have them to you when you need them
Sam: I want to have time to think about it.
Mercy: What is there to think about Samuel?
Sam: A lot.
Sam: like maybe I should get to see SJ.
Sam: so maybe we need a custody thing.
Sam: I don't know
Mercy: That stuff I'm pulling? I wrote you and told you that I was pregnant, that you should just swallow your damn pride and come to me, and you sent back divorce papers, so don't get me started on that one.
Sam: You sent ME divorce papers!
Sam: and no letter
Sam: Jesus Christ, is this what you think is fun now?
Sam: Fucking with some townie loser you used be with?
Mercy: Are you serious right now?
Mercy: Like I can't tell if you are playing with me right now.
Sam: I'm very serious. It's not funny.
Mercy: Then stop playing around and be serious. I got your papers, which is why I find it funny that you never signed it. I get you were bitter but to abandon your pregnant wife?
Mercy: I always thought you were better than that.
Sam: I didn't do ANY of that
Sam: I mean, the last part happened inadvertently but I didn't send anything! Or get anything other than some divorce papers which, yes, I did not sign.
Mercy: My manager handed me the papers they were addressed to me, sent from you.
Sam: if I sent them, don't you think I'd have signed them first
Mercy: Sometimes you are scatterbrained.
Sam: I think you sent me divorce papers when you found out you were pregnant because you didn't think I was ready or something
Sam: I was
Mercy: Wow, for the record Sam, I thought you would be an amazing father. Ima gonna go.
Sam: Great
Mercy: It was nice seeing you Sam, if you could tell your parents before tomorrow about YOUR SON that would be great since I will let him meet them before I leave Lima for good.
Sam: How am I supposed to explain an eight year old I JUST found out about and how the fuck I missed that?
Mercy: Figure it out. I had too.
Sam: You keep acting like I knew.
Sam: Like you don't know me well enough to know I could never not step in.
Mercy: I told you Sam, I put that on everything, I don't know what happened, if you blocked it out, if you are trying to justify not being here by saying I didn't but I know my truth.
Mercy: I may not have told the world I have a child, because by the time I got on the scene and really started making a name for myself he was 2 and I didn't want that life for him, so I never said anything to maintain some privacy in my life. But you, I told you.
Sam: You didn't.
Sam: This isn't funny.
Mercy: No its not funny not at all.
Mercy: You really didn't know? Not in all these years? Because I swear to you I sent you that letter telling you about him.
Sam: I didn't get a letter.
Sam: Just divorce papers.
Mercy: This makes no sense
Sam: Hey, were on the same page for once
Mercy: Sam I promise you I sent you the letter, and then I got divorce papers in return
Sam: and I didn't send them.
Sam: if there was a letter, I'd have been there
Sam: could have called
Mercy: Call the man who refused to pick up his life and move with me for my dream?
Mercy: I couldn't call you, it hurt too much
Sam: You could have come back when you weren't recording.
Sam: I have a life here, Mercy.
Mercy: Come back to a man who didn't want me.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but I had a future there.
Sam: I did want you
Sam: I've always wanted you
Mercy: I guess it doesn't matter now does it?
Sam: Yeah
Sam: Your whole story is fucking me up
Sam: I don't get how this became my fault?
Mercy: I asked you to come with me Sam, I told you I wanted us to be together, I gave you the ticket to come. You didn't.
Sam: I said the same thing, but you didn't like my way
Mercy: I was scared, scared if I stayed in Lima, even part time, that I would lose myself.
Sam: Yeah
Mercy: I am trying to be honest with you. I thought you would just come when you were ready
Sam: I'm not ready
Sam: I know you and probably everyone else from glee "outgrew" Lima
Sam: I still haven't.
Mercy: I know. It's why I had to move on Sam, and you had to find someone who wanted the same things you do. You deserved that.
Sam: I never wanted anyone else
Mercy: Sam I just
Mercy: Sam I want you to be happy
Sam: Yeah
Sam: I said I'll send them
Mercy: Send what?
Mercy: Oh I wasn't even thinking about thing right now
Sam: I'm just saying. You want to leave again and I'm not stopping you
Mercy: I know you aren't. You moved on too.
Sam: I didn't.
Mercy: You did. You can say you didn't but the truth is if you didn't move on we would still be together.
Sam: because I didn't go to LA?
Sam: Why was I the only one who had to give something up
Mercy: You weren't! I had to give up you! SJ had to give up a father! You aren't the only one who lost something Sam, I lost you.
Sam: yeah, I lost you and him too.
Mercy: You can have a relationship with him if you want.
Sam: And so will your fiancé
Mercy: He's not a bad guy.
Sam: Hey, I never said he was
Mercy: Just thought you should know
Sam: I don't care about him
Sam: [ five minutes later ] No, we both know that's a lie. I hate him
Mercy: Why do you hate him?
Sam: You'll know exactly why if you stop and think for a second
Mercy: Because of SJ
Sam: Not Just
Mercy: What do you want from me Sam?
Sam: Do I need to say it!
Mercy: Well I certainly don't know
Sam: You.
Mercy:-[Deleted] Sam don't do this.
Mercy:-[Deleted] I just got over you...
[five minutes later]
Mercy: I can stay for a few more days so you can spend time with SJ.
Sam: Yeah, maybe we can figure out how to tell my mom lol
Mercy: I'm gonna let you do that one
Sam: No help?
Mercy: Fine
Sam: I doubt she'll buy the truth
Sam: Which you apparently don't buy either.
Mercy: Why wouldn't I tell you?
Sam: I don't know!
Mercy: I don't wanna go back around in a circle like this.
Sam: I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me
Mercy: And I keep telling you that I did. I wrote you I felt if I called you I would break down and a letter was safer...
Sam: I didn't get a letter!
Sam: I don't know why you don't believe me
Mercy: I don't know why you don't believe me.
Sam: Because I only got the papers you sent me.
Mercy: The papers I sent back to you
Sam: Right because I sent you unsigned papers
Sam: I thought you agreed I wasn't dumb lol
Mercy: I don't know what to tell you.
Sam: Okay
Mercy: So where does that leave us Sam?
Sam: Not where I want to be
Mercy: when are you free?
Sam: i'm free now
Mercy: I was going to take SJ to the Zoo, you can come with us.
Sam: I'm always up for being with you
Sam: And SJ. Really hoping he'll like me lol
Mercy: SJ loves you he's still talking about you. Just so you know going to a Zoo or park with me is often... crazy I wanna say.
Sam: Good.
Sam: is it bad I want him to like me more than your fiancé?
Sam: Probably not. I'm his father.
Sam: You think I don't remember how you get?
Mercy: it's not bad Sam, SJ is your son of course you want him to like you
Mercy: He will like you just fine.
Mercy: I mean it's been years
Sam: Hopefully.
Sam: And maybe I'll have to come to LA and see him.
Sam: I remember everything about you
[Mercy:Deleted] So you will go to L.A. for th-
Mercy: yeah maybe.
Mercy: I will have the car pick you up unless you just wanna meet us there
Sam: Whatever works for you.
Mercy: You gonna be okay being driven around in a town car?
Sam: Unless you're gonna let me pick up you two in my old truck?
Mercy: Soooo if I tell you something you gotta keep it secret
Sam: Now I'm curious
Mercy: My driver is my bodyguard, under my contract I can't go anywhere without him.
Sam: Are you saying I'm not able to protect you?
Mercy: Not at all its just in my contract
Sam: Sneak off
Mercy: Yeah I get fined for that
Mercy: He won't bother us, you won't even know he's there
Sam: I don't know if I believe that but!
Mercy: But?!...
Sam: But I'm good
Mercy: You gotta be clear babe you coming with?
Sam: Babe?
Sam: I'll meet you there
Mercy: What? Why did you call me Babe?
Mercy: Okay
Sam: You called me babe and I was questioning it
Mercy: I did?
Mercy: Oh I did, I'm sorry
Sam: It's fine
Mercy: We will see you there.
Mercy: SJ wants me to wear my "Spidermom" because he is wearing his, if you want to wear Spiderman you can
Sam: I got you
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