nickyneshwrites · 3 years
Cold Chapter 3
He was pacing around in front of his desk flicking his blade around in one hand, mumbling to himself, and fidgeting with his phone in the other hand. Shizuo still was nowhere to be found and Izaya was desperate. He had heard whispers of his possible location but had come up short everywhere he looked.
If this kept up he was going to raze every single gang in the city to find his lover, pathetic humans, and their opinions are damned!
He stopped flicking his knife looking at the glinting blade and in a moment of complete frustration threw it, it stayed stuck in his office wall. Then he felt and heard his phone ring and quickly pushed the knife from his mind. 
“Yes hello. . .What about him?. . .Where are you?! . . .Skip the pleasantries Shiki,                            Where.Are.You . . . I swear if I have to listen to you-! . . I’ll be there in fifteen minutes!”
The blonde monster needed to go, not that it wasn't fun having Orihara flustered but it wasn't nearly enough fun to keep the raging monster in his company.
Not only had he injured six of his men he’d torn up a whole room and had to be moved to a more… accommodating environment. This was just getting out of hand. 
Shiki sighed, then let his mind wander. A lot of this seemed strange, for one Orihara was showing an unusually open amount of interest in Heiwajima, normally he at least tried to feign disinterest, earlier the pure worry in his voice was clear as day.
Listening to the grunting and squeaking happening in the room over was now setting him on edge even more, as he lingered on the fact that the only thing keeping the blonde man firmly tied to the bed was a ridiculous amount of tranquilizer and thick chains. 
The doctor who he had asked to look after the blonde was certain in his methods of detaining the crazed man but it was in Shiki’s opinion that he was seriously underestimating the strength of one of Ikebukuro's most notorious men. 
He goes over to the door and the grunting stops. Upon opening the door he sees the blonde laying still, eyes still open he keeps a good distance away from the man in case he decides to lunge but it soon becomes obvious that he is in some sort of unconscious daze. 
He looks to see if he's still breathing and finds that he is and sighs, good he really couldn't deal with Orihara going rouge again. 
He was swimming in it, all the self-doubt, the fear of hurting others, the complete overwhelming. . . 
“Sh. . .n”
Despair! Admit it for you know it's the truth, all of the love you hold is fake and you only push your pathetic existence upon those around you!
He wanted to deny it but he couldn't, his strength was a tool of destruction that would eventually drag all of those he holds dear to their doom. 
Blackened tendrils crept up his subconscious submerging him deeper in their viscous fear dragging up all the truths he tried to keep hidden in himself. 
A figure stands before him with an obscured face and it speaks directly to him in a hushed voice.
“-Ch. . .an”
The love you share is false, admit it! You took advantage of the hate you shared and shaped it into a twisted form of love that you've disillusioned yourself into believing.
He tried to escape to deny all of what he was hearing but it was too late he could no longer breathe and the darkness had taken hold devouring all his light.
"S-h. . .uo!"
Yes accept it, then return to your lie no but know no matter how much you run or you brush me away. Know I will still be there.
The figure leaves in black wisps and silence reigns in his consciousness. 
Izaya enters a building at the back end of Shinjuku, normally he would care to know just what it is that goes on in a place like this but right now he doesn’t. 
All he wants is to find Shizuo to grab hold of his brute and bring him to his flat and keep him there so something like this doesn’t happen again. He’d always known the moment he lost control of his Shizu-chan bad things would happen. He just never assumed it would be to the stupid brute himself. 
He walks down a flight of stairs and is met with a tall door, he knocks three times then waits.
“ O-orihara-same, welcome uh, Shiki-dono is w-waiting in the lower level.” 
A small man stands behind the door in front of Izaya, and as the informant gives him the once over it's obvious the man is scared. Izaya's usual mask of aloofness has melted into one of neutrality and the man is right to question his safety with such a gaze aimed at him.
Once they get moving Izaya takes time to notice that the man is in a lab coat and that the area they’ve walked to looks quite similar to an underground clinic. 
The creaking of bed frames, the sound of heart monitors, and the distinct smell of bleach are the next things to assault his senses and he starts to get anxious. It seems Shiki has more going on under the city than he was privy to… 
This just means there's something for him to look into after this whole situation is solved.  
Once they pass through that area he is led to a door to the side and it takes all of a second for Izaya to understand what he's looking at, he doesn't like it and before the meek man can open the door to the room, a blade is pressed to his back. 
“Ne doctor-Kun, I've followed you here without complaint because you told me you were leading me to Shiki-dono so could you explain to me why I'm being brought to the interrogation room?” 
His tone was pleasant but the danger was clear and the knife pressed in the smaller man's back was sending a very clear message. He was frozen in place trying to find his voice while not fainting from all the stress, he was not prepared for this at all. 
“Sh-s-s-sh-iki-dono is in the t-this room, the patient is there too after he d-deemed them too danger-rous to leave out in the main building! Please don't hurt me I was ju-”
The black imposing door is opened and the doctor crashes to the floor, passes Shiki, and immediately scrambles away from the violent man he was forced to meet. 
“S-Shiki-dono your g-guest is here and with that, I think I should take my l-leave!”  
Izay has long since stopped listening to the blubbering idiot and passes only a glance at Shiki before he walks by him and cautions a look around the room behind the Awakusu-kai member, and he sees him laid up there, his Shizu-chan!
“Shiki-dono knows how to treat his guests so whatever this is should also have an explanation, right? A reasonable explanation that will explain why it was necessary to chain an injured Shizuo to a bed, right?!”
He wasn't pointing his knife at anyone despite the strong urges to attack though his breathing was giving away the obvious distress? Anger? Or maybe even fear he was feeling.
This situation was exactly what Shiki was trying to avoid, he has every intention to pass Heiwajima over to Orihara but he was sure to the tense man it didn't look that way. He takes a step back to sit in the chair in the corner and looks straight at the informant, he knows he has to play this right or things could blow out of proportion and he's not in the mood for the melodrama.
“He’s simply restrained for his safety and that of my men, this room was the best for such a situation, and seeing as we couldn't get him to calm down this was the best I could arrange, he’s under a strong tranquilizer and has been showing strong signs of mental distress”
At this point, Izaya has heard what he wants and is moving towards the bed, as he approaches he notices that Shizuo's eyes are wide open but is seemingly unresponsive. He touches the blonde's arm and can't help the intake of breath he makes when he feels how cold he is to the touch.
“Shizu-Chan comes on I know you’re stronger than whatever this is…” 
Izaya pockets the knife he's still holding and moves to grab onto the blonde's shoulder, he pulls on the chains there loosening them as much as he can.
“That isn't a good idea Orihara-san, he isn’t very stable and I don't think disturbing him in this state will not end well”
But again Izaya wasn’t listening, he just kept pulling and calling for the blonde getting lost in a haze of frustration as he rasped out his desperate call. 
“Shizu-chan please you're not allowed to fall to anyone but me, wake up. Come on Shizu-chan I can even buy you those ridiculously sweet milkshakes you like just … Wake up Shizuo!”
He sounded close to tears and Shiki sat in shock at the display in front of him, the whole situation was kind of surreal. He was sure he had a good guess as to what the nature of their relationship was behind closed doors but this type of emotional response was more than he expected coming from the normally supercilious informant. 
 Then from behind the trembling back of the smaller man he saw it, the moment heiwajima eyes came back into focus but still holding that crazed spark. 
There was a moment of silence as his eyes and Izayas met like they were trying to talk through them to push forward the pain they each had to endure.
And in one act of utter relief, Izaya kisses the blonde, hard and passionate and desperate with all the pent-up energy he'd built up being released in the only way he could think to communicate. 
He doesn't even hear as the chains are broken and fall to the ground with a heavy thump. But he does feel the blonde's hands pull at his fur coat and he sees the tears trickle down the fractured man's cheek.
A tired moan ripples through the kiss and Izaya retreats leaving a thin line of saliva connecting their mouths, his breathing is haggard and it takes him awhile 
to calm down. He looks over his tired lover, Shizuo's normal bartender uniform ruined, now a tattered and stained shirt and ripped pants with his sunglasses nowhere to be seen. 
“I’m sorry Izaya! I’m sorry I’m like this -this monst-i c-cant its just - i-i-I’m sorry! Im wrong were wrong I’m sorry so sorry sorry so much I-I-I-i”
Shiki leave the room he’s heard enough and decides he doesn’t need to know what else is going to be said, he’s given the informant what he wanted and as far as he’s concerned he’s done his job.
It’s up to Oriharta to fix the obviously damaged Heiwajima and to that he wishes him all the luck.
It’s been 2 days since Izaya brought Shizuo back to his flat, it's been quiet. Once Shizuo was showered and fed all Izaya wanted to do was hold onto his blond and never let go but he never came in fact he seemed to want to keep as much space as possible. Shifting from any type of contact Izaya initiated and spending hours at a time in the guest room instead of their shared bedroom.
The body that once housed his loud and lively lover was cold and distant. And when he wasn’t hiding, Izaya caught glimpses of a crazed fear in the blondes eyes, and he so wanted to help, to put this whole issue to rest and go back to how things were before his disappearance but it seemed impossible when the blond was so distant.
Shizuo's sitting on the sofa silently looking out at Izaya's unfinished game of chess, he doesn't really understand what about it had him quite so entranced but it was 
better than seeing the hurt in Izaya's eyes when he looked at him. He’s standing in the doorway even now just looking; probably weighing how much trouble it would be worth to keep someone as useless as himself just sitting around. 
He hears him let out a sigh from the door frame and steels himself as he comes and sits next to him.
“Shizu-Chan look at me, we need to talk ” 
Shizuo did as he was told. 
“You need time I get that but you need to at some point tell me what it is that you need me to do to help you. I care ok, when you disappeared I went looking everywhere, I found the bastards who attacked you that day and tried my damndest to make them pay. And as much as it hurts me to sit here spouting sentimental trash it hurts more to see you so… so broken, I love you so please just tell me what's wrong Shizuo”
And how could Shizuo ignore how sincere he sounded, those uttered words his name falling from the lips he’d spent years chasing? He shuffled over to the smaller man who was obviously giving him space and rested his head on Izaya's lap. Izaya didn’t really do anything at first but then he started running his fingers through the blonde locks soothingly. 
“Just don't leave me”
The words travelled the silent room and seemed to be made more real by the silence and while no reply was made, the gentle way in which fingers caressed the taller man's cheeks were enough to make him know they were acknowledged.
A promise made in tranquility only truly believed by one of them.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Cold chapter 2
ITALICS=Thinking to themself
”So could you regale me with your amazing feat Nezumi-san, you say you fought with Shizu-chan”
”You mean how my boys and I completely beat that fuckers ass! Don't know why nobody else could do it especially you Orihara-san"
Izaya let out a dry laugh and plastered on the most believable smile he could muster in front of the would-be gang leader.
It was humans like these that made Izaya remember why he did-what he did,2 weeks...That's how long it had been since he last saw Shizuo, at first he thought the blond was just looking for some time alone- he was looking less angry and more down lately avoiding contact and sleeping in his old apartment instead of their shared flat, and Izaya didn't like that. He was worried and when he heard rumors of some small time gang having attacked and beaten the man (his Shizu-chan), and won a week ago, so he decided it was time to take action.
Days of searching, called in favors and the few broken fingers of a poor underling later Izaya had found and made contact with the leader of the...... It didn't even matter, they attacked his Shizuo.
”Nezumu-san as happy as I am for your victory, Shizuo isn't known to stay down for long” Izaya was fighting to hold his composure he was leaning against a grimy alley wall and fingering his switchblade in his coat's pocket.
The bastard had the gall to stand smugly in front of him.
”Ha from what I heard he goes down pretty easy for you.....”
’!!!!’ Izaya was not pleased...
He let out a mirthless chuckle, ”Nezumu-san no matter how much you boast and flatter I find it hard to believe that you and your crew single-handedly took out Shizuo Heiwajima, so lets cut the pleasantries and get real, where is he now?”.
The sentence was punctuated by a blade being pointed dangerously at the unsuspecting street urchin.
He looked worried, said Nezumi was new to the city and wasn't acquainted with Izaya’s brand of business and it was painfully obvious he thought Izaya was here in this decrepit alleyway to thank or congratulate him...there would be no such thing.
”T-tch like I said man we taught the bastard a lesson after interferin’ in our business and left ’im lying in ’der” the smug look his face fell as he noticed the informant skip closer his red eyes glinting.
”I didn't check to see if he left and I'd be surprised if he could walk after all we di-!!!”
All too late he saw the glint of silver fly towards him, but he did feel warm blood trickle down his side and tastes copper in his mouth as he bit into his tongue, then he saw the very pissed informant charge towards him and armed with another knife only to be kicked to his back.
”I think I've heard quite enough of that from you. It seems you misinterpreted your invitation here this time evening, because of YOU!!!”
Izaya pressed his leg on the handle of the knife stuck probably in Nezumi’s ribs eliciting a pained gasp.
”I can't find my Shizu-chan, so let me correct whatever wrong assumption is drifting around in that empty skull of yours”
He leaned down grabbing then twisting the knife he lodged in the urchins side.
”I'm.Going.To. Make.You.Disappear”
He drove the knife deeper while twisting and adding pressure on every syllable.
The urchin dared to gasp in pain and try to pull away begging for mercy ”S-STOP, I-WE DIDN’T KILL HIM, SO WHY GO AFTER ME!!!” He yelled as another knife was plunged straight through his hand pinning it to the alley floor.
Izaya laughed in the dark grimey alley and without thinking twice then answered.
”Because you touched my property....”
Shadows...shadows everywhere, whisking up the walls, casting on the ground and climbing up his body moving to his head, trying to ensnare his mind, whispering the sweet nothings of doubt and self hate in his mind.
He remembers calling Tom telling him he didn't feel well-it was close enough to the truth.
He remembers the buzzing in his head, the numb limbs, the static in his ears.
He was wandering down the street everything was....grey his vision swam with this paste of grey the, people?. They were all more unfocused blobs, he had kept his head down too afraid to see looks of fear and distaste.
He was wet wasn't he....among a sea of shadows and umbrellas he saw his reflection in a shop window.......All he saw was grey.
Shizuo closed his eyes, where was he to look when all he saw was the demons of his mind crawling on the wall's.
Walls?...Where am I?...These aren't my walls...Not Izaya’s walls...Izaya!
What the hell is happening,why isn't he here!? I can't breath I can't think I need...
In his frazzled state, Shizuo failed to notice the syringe that was inserted in his arms and as the sedative worked in his system he fell limp on the bed.
The shaking hands of a young man in an lab coat dropped the syringe and quickly headed for the door, he opened the bolts and briskly made his way down to an office and wasted no time in entering.
”Did you do as I instructed” The voice sounded mildly irritated probably due to the fact that they wanted nothing to do with this mess.
”Y-yes S-shiki-dono he's put to sleep with enough sedative to put an elephant to sleep but with his uhm... Unique psysiology it'll only last about twenty four hours...”
Shiki sighed ”Thats good enough, it'll give me time to inform the informant of his whereabouts... Ever since the supposed defeat of Heweijima The fool has been harassing the city gangs more than normal I'm sure he was looking for the blonde”
He looked at the confused scientist.
”I thought that Heiwajima and Orihara hated each other,Heiwajima he was calling out for him... Are the two of them...like that?”
The scientist fidgeted under the intense gaze of the Awakusu-Kai member.
Shiki let out a loud huff then made a non-comital sound.
”It doesn't matter does it all that matters is that we give Orihara what he wants and we get that raging monster out of here what's wrong with him anyways......asides from the wounds he got from the fight”
The young man straightened as he realised the attention was back on him
”Its not my area of expertise but I believe he is going through some sort of delirious episode though I can't tell why” He mumbled out his answer and tried to get the words out as quickly and accurately as he could.
Shiki sat there and took in this new piece of information, what in the world would make someone like Heiwajima Shizuo have an episode....Hmm it seemed everyone did have their own issues.
”What was that Shiki-dono?”
Shiki just pointed to the doors.
”Nothing. You can leave now...Also if you breath a word of this outside this room, lets just say you won't be breathing for much long after”
The eyes of the prominent Awakusu-kai member bore deep into the young man.
And then he left.
Shiki release a breath he didn't know he was holding then scratched his head.
”Ahh this is so much more trouble than it's worth That annoying informant owes me so much for this. But it might be worth a little if I can get him to stop rampaging around the city. Who would have guessed, it seems he cares more than he let on”
Interesting, very interesting.
Give me your opinion I hope you like it.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Burning Passion
What if Izaya laces his knives with aphrodisiac so that everytime he fights with Shizuo the blonde gets hypersensitive and Izaya gets to do whatever he wants with the blonde.
Meanwhile Shizuo thinks he's probably just a pervert for getting turned on by violence.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Falling for You (ONESHOT)
Shizuos had quite the day at school and isn’t feeling too good about himself Izaya decides to help his gloomy little blonde the only way he knows by being an enormous ass.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
It would be nice if a superhero with psychic powers went into the mind of a villain, found the root cause of his villainy, and talked with him using his psychic powers in a therapy session that makes the villain less evil.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
First Timers
Feel my breath on your neck, your pulse quickens
Feel my hands grasp you, your breath hitches
My mouth crashes into your lips, I swallow your gasp
‘Love, faster, more, love, deeper, there, love!’
Feel my frustration, your skin spills metallic red
Feel my OBSCENE LOVE take over, your eyes widen
My hands squeeze your neck, I hear you choke
Fear permeates the air, your hands grasp mine
A futile attempt to gain freedom
Freedom, something im giving freely, so accept it!
The love, faster, more, love, deeper, there, love!
“Do you love me?” silence...
Thrust there! Air filled with fear, I can feel your hair tangled with knots single strands showing paths, show the way the way to your freedom!
“But I’m still chained aren’t I?”
Feel the lack of breath, your pulse gone
Feel the cold skin, your breath is gone
My mouth covers yours, I swallow your soul
“Please” I say... “I want more”
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
What if?
Now Izaya as a character in a slasher movie scenario as the obsessed killer would be pretty interesting to see and since I loved that idea so much I decided that a poem of mine is gonna be dedicated to him.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Tumblr media
@mediamaxine also one of your favourite past times
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Is God Into Voyeurism?
Izaya tries out a new ‘toy’ on Shizuo, Shizuo contemplates murdering Izaya for being a perverted asshole.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Try Not To Break Me
Shizuo likes to cuddle, Izaya likes it too but he’s not about to let the blond know that. 
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Sink Your Teeth In…
Izaya discovers Shizuos masochistic side and decides hes not going to let the blond live in peace.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
ITALICS= Dreams/Thinking to Them-self
Bold= ???
I was smiling at him, smiling and laughing, being kind, we went on dates (if you could call us running around on buildings a date), and he would hug me tell him me I was cute…A MONSTER…No! I’m, I’m loved… HE’S LYING… I have friends who are like family and a lover…YOU’LL HURT THEM.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shizuo woke up breathing heavily in bed instinctively he moved over looking Izaya forgetting he was in his apartment, in his bed- his cold and empty bed.
It was the second night he woke up to remember how alone he was and that drea… No, nightmare, hadn’t made it better. Recently he found he was feeling slightly chilly maybe he was coming down with something. Hmm funny he never usually got sick, it would probably pass before he felt too affected, he’d shake it off.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Shizuo was on his way to meet tom, sick or not he was not gonna let down his Senpai. But he felt off but not in a sick way more like he wasn’t seeing well… everyone around him looked.
He shrugged it off and kept walking it was probably nothing, as he turned down an alley that would lead to the street Tom was on he heard voices in the lane he passed he looked in. Tch.
What Shizuo saw was six figures some holding iron bars and bats others weaponless standing around another dim figure on the ground, he couldn’t see them well they looked almost like shadows but that wasn’t important it didn’t take rocket science to figure out what was happening here, one of them turned to him then stepped up.
“Well what do we have here, don’t you see we’re busy fucktard get lost!” One of the other figures pulled him back.
“Careful don’t you know who that is he’s the Fortissimo of Ikebukuro ”
The first figure looked Shizuo over “Wait you mean he’s the freak who pulls up signs and chases that guy around town, hmm last I heard he was whoring himself out to the same dude”
Shizuo knew he heard right but he wasn’t processing it all the same, not only were people talking about him and Izaya they thought he was messing around with him like some cheap whore. At first he was worried ‘cause he was seeing shit but now he realized it was only the same shitty people he was trying to avoid every day the trash that made him feel like he was… A MONSTER, A FREAK… NOTHING.
Shizuo was quiet….
Everyone stood frozen, they were waiting for it the oncoming storm, the volcanic anger that was sure to tear the unknowing fool to bits.
Shizuo was waiting for it too the familiar uncontrollable rage that leads his blood to boil and all ration to leave his mind, but all he experienced was a cold numbness.
“I’m not in the mood for your shit just leave and we won’t have a problem” the faux blonde could hear them talking amongst themselves, he was really regretting getting involved and the thought was making him sick to his stomach.
The one who had originally step up seemed to be the leader, he shrugged after realizing Shizuo was not moving he grabbed a bat from someone else.
“I have a better idea let’s not let you leave, beat your faggot ass along with that piece of trash on the ground and prove your nothing but a weak little fuck boy!”
He charged at Shizuo bat raised he swung breaking the bat on the side of Shizuo’s face.
Blood slowly trickled…Shizuo remained unflinching.
“God damn you fucking monster. What are you idiots standing there for? Do something!”
No longer paying attention to the guy they were harassing earlier. The gang turned and attacked Shizuo, this gave their earlier victim time to scramble away.
Shizuo notices the absence of the cowering grey figure and realizes they must have scurried off, but as he comes to the realization-
He feels the iron bar in his side before he finishes the thought holding his side only for another to hit him in his stomach on the way down he heaves and crumbles to the ground.
“Sorry to say but it looks like your l-little *gasp* victim has escaped-*cough*!”
Shizuo laid there taking the kick he received after the comment, he could easily take these idiots but what was the point he would just end up causing a larger problem… So he laid there letting them beat and taunt him.
There words spiraled menacingly in his mind bouncing around assaulting him in a familiar tone with things he heard before.
Each assailant punctuated their sentence with a kick, bat or iron bar to Shizuo’s body and the last sentence ended with a bat to the face and a splatter of blood across the alley walls.
It was raining now, “Shit, let’s leave the fucker here it’s not like he’s even reacting, probably learned his place by now, come on guys”
They left Shizuo lying on the cold wet ground, and as he looked up he didn’t see what he expected, not low life thugs but grey figures walking away still insignificant as they always were.
He slowly got up and slouched against a wall. His rib is either bruised or broken either way he could feel the pain coursing through his veins though somewhere in his mind a voice whispered how much he DESERVED IT.
Shizuo made a broken sound clutching his side before lifting his head and letting out a sob of despair into the heavily pouring rain, his shout twisted and morphed into more of a wheezy chuckle, a dark broken laugh that rose in volume.
A broken man sat in an alley he was covered in bruises and cuts, blood washed away by the steadily pouring rain thinking to himself how worthless people were, when he himself had no value, when he himself was worthless…
It was hilarious…
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Please tell me your opinion hope you like it.
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nickyneshwrites · 5 years
Finally have a place to put my Ideas! imma gettin ready to post all kinds of incomprehensible short story plots and Durarara prompts.
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