#i mean yeah but I wouldn't say it out loud would I πŸ‘€
aka-thesheepgirl Β· 2 years
I can't post this on insta so I'm posting it here because I just wanted to draw him, I made a last panel joke but it contains gore in it, so if you're sensitive to this sort of stuff I'll recommend skipping it! (The joke is bad and absolutely self indulgent-)
DON'T smooch the butcher.
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Light gore (blood and missing flesh but drawn pretty badly) under the cut.
πŸ’œ(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)πŸ‘(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)✨(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)πŸ‘(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)πŸ’œ
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πŸ’œ(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)πŸ‘(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)✨(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)πŸ‘(δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’Νˆ)πŸ’œ
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factual-fantasy Β· 14 days
16 Asks! thank you!! :}} 🦦
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If we're going with the order I got them in the games.. then yes! I imagine that the team started out with Midori meeting Gloria and it built up from there :))
Though I wonder.. I feel like Gloria and Midori are both the shy and quiet type.. perhaps it could be that Bonnie, being a social butterfly, was the one that started and even grew the group? :00
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Thank you!! And yeah, poor Emmet <XDD
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Is that skibidi toilet???
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I will never be the same after having read and imagined this
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Oh hey! Well you know what they say, great minds think alike! XDD
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XDD Okay, I'll tell him-- wait are you good what you mean the horrors--
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They have not.. :((( If I knew more about that PokΓ©mon I would have drawn an interaction.. <XD
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I have not :(( though after googling it, it does look like something I'd like πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
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(I cannot remember what post this ask is referring to :(( Sorry! Maybe to was this one..?)
What I got from that is that Gengars ground pound to show affection XDD I love it!!
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:DDD Thank you so much! And I totally encourage it! I've been having a blast drawing mine, maybe you'll have fun with yours! :))
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Nah.. <:/ sorry!
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(Post in question)
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@neo-metalscottic (So many Joltiks post)
My day is going well, thank you! I hope you can say the same! :)) And thank you! I'm glad you've been enjoying my submas stuff! :}}
Hmm.. now that I think about it, Anastasias shiny status would probably cause a lot of problems for her. Since she isn't her natural colors, its probably harder for her to blend in like normal Kricketot do.
Being that bright shiny gold color would make her stand out like a sore thumb, so running and hiding from poachers/shiny hunters proobably wouldn't work.. I can see the group running into shiny hunters and having to stand their ground.
Thankfully the team are all pretty tough and are decently diverse in their typing. So that shouldn't be too hard for them..
As for pokeballs and humans.. that's a good question. I STILL haven't fully decided if my team has a trainer or not. I'm kiiiind'a going off of the theme that they're all wild..? But even so, I'd like to think the team doesn't have a bad view of humans and caught pokemon-
I can imagine the team, mostly Gloria- understands that not all humans are bad. They've seen the bonds that PokΓ©mon share with humans and understand that they just happen to encounter the uh.. unpleasant humans.
I'd also like to think that if a PokΓ©mon wants to be with a human, they probably aren't bothered by pokeballs too much. They probably see it as an odd tool that helps humans and their partners stay together.
Of course though, knowing all that they still get the bad end of the stick with both.. humans usually are loud and aggressive. Trying to catch the pretty Gardevoir or shiny kricketot.. its a mixed bag <XD
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mochinomnoms Β· 4 months
IM CRYING I GOT SICK SO I DONT FEEL WELL😭😭😭😭 Still I'll push through and get these Valentine's scenarios to you!!! You might get the other two a bit later tho so sorry!!!
Azul would definitely make sure to give you your gift first. He has done extensive research and came to Ramshackle with a bouquet of your favorite flowers! Though Valentines wasn't foreign to him, the way humans celebrated was a bit different! Then he'd take you to the town on the island, because somehow he got permission from Crowley!
It was with a bribe
At least you think so? But you got to go and have a great time on the rest of the island so who cares? He took you to multiple shops and then to the beach after. When you got back to campus you both went to his dorm. And it confused him to no end when you told him to wait while you ran off towards the dorms kitchen. He waited like an hour until you came out. He was a little annoyed but he couldn't go into the kitchen since the twins were keeping guard of the door as he heard sizzling. Hands down you enter the room with a, "Missed me?"
He'd question why you took so long but little did he know you ALSO did your research! Leading him to his own VIP room you'd explain nothing to him and watch as he blushed and tried to get answers from you. I mean why go to such a private room on such an intimate day? He's embarrassed even more as some other dorm members walk past him, a blushing mess, being tugged into his private office.
Not to mention your teasing the entire way there with hand holding and little pecks! He wouldn't say it out loud (7 forbid the tweels hear him) but he loves your affection just as much as it embarrasses him! And sevens, does it embarrass him!
When you get to the room the foods already set up! Courtesy of the twins. He knows the food was made by you, why else would you be gone for an hour!? and is kinda nervous for two reasons.
He's not too sure you can cook
2. Gifting food (for octo-mers) is usually part of their courting process
And I mean, yeah sure he's already dating you and everything but it feels really intimate! And it gets even more so when you lift the fork and bring it to his lips. (sorry to the people who CAN cook) But it seems Azul was right about questioning your culinary abilities.... Its kind of charred around the edges too, not a lot but to someone who's skilled at cooking its hard to not notice.
"Its burnt!" Azul laughs light heartily even though he still takes a bite.
"Yeah well its made with love, not skill," you reply sarcastically. As he eats his fill he makes comments about how he wants to avoid getting chubby, which you quickly dismiss saying you'd love him however he looked. To be completely honest he practically melts into your side on the couch. Its cute how shy he gets with this, and he seems to be leaning in more to your touch more.
Idk how to end this so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I hope you enjoyed and I'll finish the other ones soon!!
Happy Valentine's Day (late, sorry baby I got busy yesterday until night time)
This is so cute! I love it! Food is def my love language, so I would love cooking a meal for Azul!! It's such an intimate thing to hand feed your partner...Azulito let me feed you 😭
Thank you for the gift my love! I appreciate it! Maybe in the future I can write a series on food as a love language with the twst cast!
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dickarchivist Β· 5 months
Hello dear Archivist!Β 
I’m quickly falling in love with your boys, and I love everything you’ve written for Ghost & Banshee πŸ’œ But after reading your NSFW ALPHABET post for the squad, I can’t stop thinking about Specter… Β 
If you’re feeling up for it, I’d love to request a little fic for him (SFW or NSFW… which ever feels right πŸ₯°)
Since he seems a bit more guarded than his brothers, what would falling in love look like for him? You mentioned he loves photography & is known for taking pictures of everything, so would his artistic hobbies be influenced by the person he’s falling for? Would he know right away, or would the feelings sneak up on him?Β 
Thank you πŸ’œ (@wings-and-beskar)
Clone oc Specter x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1305
Prompt: How does Specter fall in love?
Rating: PG-14 for swearing, but minors DNI as always πŸ”ž
Contents and Warnings: swearing, Specter being broody and jealous, a break up (not with Specs), laughing, being silly together, passionate kiss, split lip (not graphic)
Summary: Specter's in love with you, every little bit. He'd do anything for you, say the word... but he wants to make sure you're not going to break his heart.
Author's Notes: Specter's POV!!!! He's so rude, I love him!!
Thanks to @wings-and-beskar for being so patient on this one!! You are a kindness unto my lifeβ™‘
This one is left open ended on purpose, I'm thinking about writing a sequel so we shall see πŸ‘€
This fic doesn't hit on everything asked I'm so sorry weh. But!! I do feel like it answers the question "How does Specter fall in love?" On purpose.
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Look at you. Hair's all messy, but I know you styled it that way. You make that stuffy GAR uniform look good, even sexy with how it hugs your curves. I'm glad you never wear that dumb little hat, I think it'd ruin your look... or maybe it'd just make you so tantalizing that I wouldn't be able to help myself. I click a few pictures of you, and I hope you don't mind or notice, but just...
Fuck you. Fuck you just standing there, chewing your stylus, looking down at your data pad with a scrunched brow and squinted eyes. Like it's the most important thing in the world, whatever's on there. We're supposed to be together right now, you called me. You asked me to tail it down here to keep you company and of course I did. I'd do anything you kriffin' ask. I want you lookin' at me so focused. Lookin' at me like I'm more important. What does it have that's keeping your attention so-- holy shit.
"OH FUCK OFF!!!!" You fling that stupid pad so hard and so far it shatters on impact when it hits your wall, and I can't stop myself from laughing. "SPECTER SHUT IT!!"
"What the kriff was on there that made you so mad? You were laser focus unti-- hey. Hey what's wrong? Why the tears?" I close my camera and come over so fast I can't blame you for jumping back. Didn't mean to come on so hard, I'd say sorry but your arms are around my waist so quick my words just leave my head.
"My boyfriend just dumped me, over a text..." my anger overthrows my joy.
"I was hoping so hard that you'd leave him, not for that skug to dump you and not even in person. I'll kill him. I could do it. It wouldn't even be that hard, I'm trained, he's a kriffing bar tender and not even a good one. Half his shit is just water and food color, I hate him so much, he was never any good to you... why are you crying harder? Shit shit shit, how do I make it better, shit-- no- oh... oh you're laughing! Why are you laughing?"
"Specs, you know you're talking out loud, right?"
My face in on FIRE. "Uh-- nope. Fuck... forget I said that, yeah?"
"Not a chance," You're smiling... maker I adore that smile. I move my hands to your face and brush my thumbs over your cheeks, "Specter, do you really feel like that?"
I look away from you, my eyebrows raised, a tall frown on my lips as if to shrug them, "I mean... yeah? That smug son of a--" I catch my temper, and sigh, arms around your shoulders again, "He wasn't good for you. Been sayin' that from the get, but did you listen? Nooooooo," You're laughing more, so I keep it up. I mimic your voice, very poorly, "Oh Specs! He's soooo dreamy!"
"Oh knock it off, I don't sound like that!" You push me, making me stagger a little, your cheeks red from laughing. Maker that laugh, I love it so much.
"Specs, he's so beautiful! He says he's in a band! Oh I can't wait to have his babies!"
"SPECTER! MY SIDES, PLEASE!" You're laughing so hard those tears down your cheeks aren't sad anymore, and I'm over the moons about that.
I put my arm around your shoulders, giving you a little shake and a squeeze, my voice back to my own, "I mean it, though... say the word and he'll disappear. Or say another word, and he'll turn into a toad. You know, like he already is."
I love it when you laugh so hard you snort. I know you hate it, you always apologize and cover your face. But I love it. Even Phantom can't get you to laugh like that... "Specs what're you smiling at me like that for?"
It's my turn to laugh. I chuckle a little, give you another squeeze, "What? I can't enjoy you laughing without getting the 3rd degree?"
You roll your eyes, knocking into me harder and giving me a tight squeeze of a hug. I'm all too happy to return it. "Thanks Specs, I don't know what I'd do without a good man like you by my side."
"You'd be a lot more sad over losers who don't deserve your tears, that's for sure," you don't have any idea what I'd do for you, how much you mean to me... how much I love you...
"Specter, new orders from the council. We're headed out in 15, get your ass over here." Ghost doesn't sound to pleased from the way his voice barks from the commlink.
I groan, roll my eyes with my whole body just to get you to giggle again, and then lift the comm, "I'm in the lower levels, it'll take more than 15 minutes."
"Then you'd better hurry."
Ghost's been a hard ass lately, but I can't blame him, I've been blowing him off to spend time with you. Who needs extra training? Not an ARC trooper... probably. Might have to be better about that...
Since I know I'll be late anyway, I take my time finding my boots in your flat. I know where they are, you know I know, but we still take the time to "look". Before I'm out the door, I hold your cheek again, "He didn't deserve you, you know that, right?"
"Yeah... sorry for being so distracted today, make it up to you next time?" When you bite your lip like that, do you have any idea what it does to me?
I don't know if there's gonna be a next time. I think that's why I keep blowing off drills, because I want you, not a war. I want life, with you, always, infinitely more than running laps and fire practice... I lean forward and press my lips to your forehead, taking a deep breath, just to remember you by.
Just in case.
"Next time, I'm asking you out. Don't go falling for anymore shitty bar tenders, okay? If I'm getting one up'd, he'd gotta have quality, and-" Oh fuck me.
I hold you up as you jump onto me. My arms go under your legs and up your back as your lips crash into mine, our teeth knocking together. You split my lip, it stings, but getting to taste your chapstick is more than reward enough.
"Why'd-- mmm-- why'd you--" I can't get a word in, your kisses are feverish in their quickness, I don't want to stop, but-- but it's not right. It's not for me. It's to drown your sorrow and I can't be that for you, I don't want to be, "Stop."
I set you down gentle, you look so dejected, darlin' you're breaking my heart... "You mean the galaxy to me, you know that? But I can't... I won't be your rebound. I'm not going to be a one and done for you, got that? So when I get back, I'm askin' you on a date. I-- fuck this, I love you, I want you to love me too, so just... process, get over that idiot, and then wear red for me when I'm back so I know it's okay..."
Oh maker you're angry- no? That's- okay not crying, not confused I know your confused face... what the hell are you thinking right now? "I don't own anything red... I um... I'll get something, do you have a preference?"
My eyes soften, and yours do too, and I know... I know I won't have to wait, but I do anyway. I want to make sure you love me back... I can't be your rebound. I need to be your last.
"Vermillion is my favorite."
Taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga
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mah-t-wordblog Β· 23 days
It looks like Giyuu has experience if he got Muichiro to laugh the loudest, the other hashira must have been so surprised that someone quiet like giyuu could do that! And I love how you made Sanemi pat him on the shoulder too, the poor guy must have been thinking "shinazugawa is actually laughing with me here, wow I hope we can start being friends... I need to get him some ohagi" 🀣
But now I'm curious as to how Giyuu has this experince with tickling Mui, he was scared of him the most! πŸ‘€ I hope you can make a fic about that ☺️
I'm sorry for making another request so soon after my first one 🫣 but please take your time and of course feel free to decline 🫧 Take care! 🫧
I am back!!!!! I missed my plane but I managed to come back from the USA πŸ˜… I hope you like it
How Gyuu discovered
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Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Gyuu Tomioka
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
After the last Hashira meeting, everyone discovered how mean Gyuu could be when it comes to tickling.
And why was Muichiro so afraid of him? We will see
Gyuu has never been very affectionate, but with some people he likes to be more affectionate.
For example, Tanjiro, he adores Tanjiro and always wants the best for the boy.
But there are some people they don't have as much intimacy with.
He was alone in a room at the Butterfly Mansion with Muichiro Tokito.
The awkward silence was too great
β€œTomioka-san, why don’t you ever smile?”
This question from the boy was very random
β€œI smile, but only when I have a good reason to do so” Gyuu shrugged
β€œBut you’re not smiling right now.”
β€œOf course, I have no reason to smile now.”
Muichiro sighed
β€œYou’re not smiling either, child.”
β€œBut it’s because I don’t even remember what to do to smile”
Gyuu was confused β€œdon’t you remember?”
β€œThere are so many: spending time with people you love, receiving gifts, you can smile even if someone tickles you”
Muichiro turned a little red β€œyeah… I know that very well”
Gyuu looked at him, the man was already thinking of something cool
"You know?"
β€œI know, people love tickling me.”
β€œOh, is it true?” Gyuu wasn’t smiling but he was finding it funny β€œare you that ticklish?”
Muichiro stopped and thought, Gyuu had never tickled him, he turned red
β€œI-I can’t say”
β€œBut you csn show me” the adult approached
β€œGet out of mehehehehe” Muichiro tried to look serious but his anxiety made him laugh
"Why? It looks like it won’t be that bad for you.”
Gyuu finally attacked, squeezing Muichiro's sides
β€œNo… it’s not the worst point… let’s see” he moved his hands higher β€œwhat now?”
Muichiro shook his head, his laughs were loud but they didn't change much
β€œNot yet… what about here?”
The boy choked, Gyuu pressed him in the belly
β€œI guess I found a weakness~” Gyuu knew how to tease Muichiro, but what if he had never tickled him?
β€œYou still haven’t told me to stop.”
Muichiro's eyes widened but he couldn't say anything, he just started squealing like a pig in the middle of his laughter.
β€œDo you like this, Tokito?”
β€œAnswer me and I’ll stop”
The boy tried to slap the man
"No! Oh, Tokito, I think someone needs to be punished for this.”
Gyuu filled his lungs with air and blew a raspberry into Muichiro's belly.
The man stopped, he laughed a little
β€œSo you like it?”
Muichiro said yes with his head
β€œIt’s okay, whenever you need me I’m here to do this favor for you.”
The teenager smiled β€œthank you sir”
"Your welcome"
It wouldn't be easy for Gyuu to forget Muichiro's weaknesses, he would definitely use it against the boy sometimes.
Thanks for reading πŸ’›πŸ’›
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music-my-beloved Β· 2 months
A Hard Day's Night: A 16yo's (horrible) album review pt.3
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A Hard Day's Night: Catchy, she's so nice! She's like, a classic. Wasn't there that movie made with this same name or am I tripping? Dude making these reviews is like, giving me carpal tunnel I've never typed this much b4 !! Erm,,, but yea :/ this song is just a classic that's all I gotta say !!!
I Should Have Known Better: Harmonica goes insane honestly. Uh this song confused me 😭 like. i'm stupid??? I don't know girls this one through me for a loop. At first I was like, "Dang this girl's a runner she's out with other guys '-'" and then for a brief moment I was like no, "Okay maybe she's loyal she's just stupid and doesn't know what to say when the guy compliments her or something" I'm leaning towards the second option but the title still trips me up like, I should have known better what is that supposed to mean 😭😭??? Likeee,, "I should have known better that a girl like you would run off with different men" or "I should have known better that a ditzy girl like you wouldn't know what to say when I told you I love you" ?? I'm confuseddddd. Maybe I'm stupid. Help me 😭😭!!
If I Fell: THE DRUMS!?? Hellooo?? They're so cute !!!! They're so faint yet full it's so.. uh girl idk they're striking a chord with me. Was there a looping machine ??? Was that a thing in the 60s ?? If not that steady hand work was AMAZING. Good Job Ringo! πŸ‘ Anyway yeah I'm familiar with this song already, she's another sister to me I love her!
I'm Happy Just To Dance With You: This song has like, melancholic undertones 😭 it makes me depressed. Not like, super sad but it's like, "Once this dance is over, I'll still love you" or something like that. Idk she's just so sad :(((( but I actually really like this track ! She's so sad I love it!!!
And I Love Her: erm, she's a bit too slow and sweet for me! I can imagine that under the right circumstances this song would be an absolute banger and just get me in my feels but right now a loud english class probs isn't the environment for this music idk.. but uhhhhh yeah. I WASN'T bored per se just mildly amused by her.
Tell Me Why: Girlllll we're getting drama???? Why this girl crying 😭 and lying ?! 😭😭 I'll tell you what these girls are! toxiccccc !!! Is it the same girl or multiple?? Because omg it's actually insane these girls are crazy or this one particular girl is just an absolute mad woman I can't tell 😭😭 uh but overall it's a pretty energetic song it's pretty good πŸ‘
Can't Buy Me Love: Okay I heard the first line or whatever and I was like, "sugar daddy :3" what. girl nevermind. He wants a girl who doesn't want material things from him that's so sweet!! Apparently Paul and John turned their backs on Money from their previous album but whatevs I get it. Sometimes people are in a mood πŸ‘€. Uh I liked the song but the girl could bark she was a little loud for me idk 😭
Any Time At All: This song sounds a bit more modern idk but oh em gee he's gonna be there for you! Not in like a romantic way (but it could totally be seen as such) but in like a friendly sweet way !! Super cute idea for a song. Unfortunately Bruno Mars has already capitalized on such an idea with that one song that I cannot remember for the life of me rn idk
I'll Cry Instead: Teehee this song is evil >:3 !!! Revenge is real and this girl is gonna be a victim!!! I love itttt it's so catchy and just makes you wanna bop your head along with it. 10/10 for her, she was exquisite.
Things We Said Today: A parting song 🀨 hmm interestinggggg. Girl they had A LOT to say in this apparently 'cause looking at the lyrics, it reads like a short story. I mean, I know that is technically what a song is but most of the time the songs read like poems this one goes crazy (and yes I know, some parts are repeated) but OMG she was a lot !!! Charming track but I didn't really groove with this one!!!
When I Get Home: okay when I read the title I thought this song was a threat I'm not gonna lie to you 😭😭.. it still seems like a threat to me. ALSO these songs need some gut to them !! These tracks have the potential to sound more angry but they won't do it and I'm trying to understand why. The Beatles have made some angry sounding songs before (but that's for a later albums) and they've all sounded fantastic. I get that the songs at the time (60s) were all lovey dovey and cute and not so aggressive but RAAHHHHH it's so frustrating to hear the same thing over and over again. But anyway yeah I feel like this song was just too repetitive for me :/ EDIT: okay listened to this song multiple times I completely misunderstood it but the rant is STAYING !!!!!
You Can't Do That: uh this girl's a runner !!! Quick someone get her, someone watch her 😭😭😭 this song is a pretty tame response to the knowledge that your girl is talking to other people. Also this dude is oddly obsessed with his reputation like, boy, reputation don't mean nothing if your girl doesn't even respect you that much ?? I don't know i've been mean with these reviews don't mind me I'm just crazyyyy this album review has been a mess 😭
I'll Be Back: this relationship is not healthy wut. He left her just to see if she would chase after him. You know what good on you girl 'cause that was a crazy thing to do on his part. Uhm overall (despite the weirdness in the relationship dynamic) I think it was the perfect track to close out an album with. It's not using all the tricks in the playbook but it's also not completely lacking either !! It's was also a very chillaxed song and not too overbearing. I liked it!! Probs won't listen again but idk I could totally be lying don't listen to me!
More Reviews on the way, next up: Beatles for Sale...
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stcpidcupid Β· 5 months
May I ask the same as before but this time with WANDERLUST ? πŸ‘€
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STUPID CUPID Λ³ β €β €β € once more, the noise around the group rises as they all think out loud for a second.
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cheska reads the members' names for the others before suddenly stopping at TOMMY's, " hold on... isn't that that kid? " she looks towards tomie, who can't help but laugh and nod. " yeah, he's the one they accidentally misspelled the name for. i think we were performing at the same time as them and at one point they wrote on a big screen: 'TOMIE from WANDERLUST'! " tomie giggles once more, " i was so confused because how can they put my name down for someone i never saw before, and then i realised his name was spelt with a 'y' after looking them up during the break. "
cheska quickly jumps in, " or maybe that's a lie, and you're secretly a WANDERLUST member, " she's quick to shrug off the shocked gasp tomie let out.
" just for that amazing memory, i'll put TOMMY in second place, while KEITO takes the first one! WAY is in third place, followed by LIANGRUI, then i guess SIWOO, MAKO, and ZEN! "
" but i wouldn't sleep with TOMMY, let's get that straight. i think of him as a cute kid only! "
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" fun fact! i once saw SIWOO when he used to do ballet, " viva admits, and the others released amused oh's.
" i went to one of his competitions because he was the one all people in my class seemed to talk about, despite our dance studio being very far away from his. i guess i would rank him first because he's just very cool to me! as for others, " she hums, pursing her lips before pouting. " ahh this is so hard! i think, uhh, the second one would be LINAGRUI – he's also one of the coolest too! i'll put KEITO and TOMMY both as third because i can't decide! " she sighs at her own hesitation, " fourth place goes to WAY– also, a fun fact about him, " she lifts a pointer like a nerd, " i went to one of his performances while UPBEAT was still promoting! i think it was right around the time when there were talks about the group disbanding, so i thought, why not go and enjoy my time before it all ends... "
" ok, back to the subject, " she randomly exclaims, making the others laugh at her randomness, " for fifth place, i put ZEN down, and sixth for MAKO, " she finishes, looking towards tomie, who was next.
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tomie's quick to say, " well, i definitely have to put TOMMY in my top three, i have to hype my best friend as much as i can! " she swats away the fingers from other members, who call out her favouritism, " not my fault he's my friend and not yours! "
" although, i think WAY is in first place, because, i mean... he's very cool! " tomie blushes once again, and it's obvious what her type of a guy is, " then it's TOMMY, and SIWOO right after him. i kind of wanna put ZEN as fourth, he's also very cool and i wanna properly meet him! KEITO is in fifth place, as well as MAKO and LIANGRUI because i can't pick just one! "
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a note app makes an appearance once again, " my list goes like this: ZEN first, MAKO second, SIWOO is third, then i placed LIANGRUI in fourth, TOMMY fifth, WAY sixth and finally KEITO seventh. "
" i like ZEN the most because he reminds me of a puppy with big, sparkly eyes– the same thing goes for MAKO and SIWOO. i like men with puppy looks, " jeanne explains, turning off her phone and putting it in her pocket.
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" now, it's finally aimee's turn, " the female idol playfully talks in third person, watching as others cringe at her 'baby' voice.
" i think WAY is in first place for me because he's the face of the group, and i mean... i kind of am too– " (" no, you're not, " the others protest) " –and hot people have to stick together! " she flips her hair back, sending a kissy face to the camera.
" LIANGRUI takes second, i love his voice when he sings! " aimee gushes, squeezing her fingers as if she's seen something cute in front of her. " SIWOO is in third place, for sure! then i think ZEN fourth, KEITO fifth, and in sixth place, i'd put both TOMMY and MAKO! "
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" they're all so cool, tho, " viva compliments the group, clicking on a youtube video from one of their behind-the-scenes content, " did you guys know they mostly do their own stunts? "
" eh!? " the other members clamour, not believing viva for a second.
the youngest is quick to show proof, " look here! do you see that? " the others gather around her and release amused gasps as they watch the video go on. " oh wow, " jeanne mutters, " i wanna do that too. " her confession is quickly shut down by the other members, who start protesting and refusing to let her do that in the future.
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sweetlilbird Β· 1 year
Would you guys like to read a sneak peek at a new fic I'm working on? πŸ‘€
You stood outside the classroom door, triple checking the small scrap of paper you tore from the larger leaflet on the commons board. Sure enough, the room was indeed room 6900 in the Everett building, an arts and humanities classroom building.
You stare down at your fitbit on your wrist - the cute Stardew Valley clock face shows that the time is, indeed, 4:55pm. About 5 minutes before this club is supposed to meet. A club that, despite your greatest efforts, you hadn't planned on attending. If it wasn't for Undyne giving you quite possibly the saddest puppy eyes (and also the fact that you owe her for helping you study for your calculus midterm), you would have been on your way back to the dorms, ready to tuck into a cup of ramen while you did homework. But no, Undyne's buddy was in desperate need of club members, lest their precious club get shut down. Er, what was the club anyways? You hadn't had the chance to ask Undyne. Well, time to find out.
You gently open the door.
Did, did you have the right classroom? You check the paper again - yep, this is the right room. And the right time. Well, maybe a couple minutes early, but usually people show up to their clubs early, right? Oh no, did the club get dissolved before you could help? You floundered around near the entrance, trying to figure out what to do when someone cleared their throat behind you.
"AHEM! EXCUSE ME, HUMAN! I MUST GET INTO THE CLASSROOM SO I CAN PREPARE FOR MY CLUB MEETING! UNLESS, GASP! ARE YOU HERE TO JOIN MY CLUB?!" Jesus, did this guy have any volume control? Also did he just say gasp out loud??
You turn around to face the offending...oh! It's a monster. Wait, that sounds bad. They are a monster, a skeleton monster to be exact. Huh, you feel like you've seen another one lazing around in the courtyards with a sucker in his mouth. This skeleton monster had quite possibly the bluest eyes you've ever seen, wearing a gray t-shirt, athletic sweats, and sporting a blue bandana around his neck.
This person must be the club leader. You regain your composure and hold out your hand, "Yeah! Undyne told me about the club," You faintly remember Undyne telling you not to say the real reason you're here, "I, er, I'm really interested in it!" You give them your best (and fakest) smile you can, trying to sell the idea and hope that he doesn't question you further. Your plan works, because now this skeleton has stars (yes, literal stars) in his eye...holes.
"WOWIE!!! A HUMAN, WANTING TO JOIN MY CLUB! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER! AND WITH YOU JOINING, THIS MEANS WE'LL BE AN OFFICIAL CLUB!" He enthusiastically grabs your hand with both of his own gloved hands, shaking so rapidly and vigorously that your whole body practically shakes. All of a sudden, he gasps (this time just the action), "OH MY GOODNESS, WHERE ARE MY MANNERS! HUMAN, MY NAME IS THE MAGNIFICENT SANS! BUT YOU CAN JUST CALL ME SANS!" Sans poses dramatically, similar to a superhero. Okay, this was actually a bit endearing. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all? You supply your own name, though you don't have a fancy title to go with it. Sans simply smiles and heads into the room, placing the large bag onto the teaching podium. You opt to take a seat, sitting right next to the podium. Sans quickly produces a paper and pen for you.
"PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM SO I CAN SUBMIT IT TO THE COUNSELING OFFICE!" You nod, eyeing the blue snowman bobble pen with mild amusement. As you're filling out the paper, two more students arrive.
The first, Undyne, who gives you a toothy grin and a thumbs up before plopping into the seat next to yours. The next student, however, was also a familiar face. In all of his lanky, orange hoodie glory, pops in the only other skeleton you've seen on campus. Well, you guess it makes sense that the skeletons know each other. This skeleton starts to walk towards the closest seat to the door, before eyeing you very suspiciously.
As you hand the paper and pen back to Sans, the other skeleton speaks up, "huh, what's a human like you doing here?" You...didn't appreciate his tone. Humans and monsters may not have always gotten along, but they've been coexisting (again) for a decade now. You guess some monsters haven't forgiven humans, which is understandable. Still, you put on a small smile and try to make peace.
"Well -"
"PAPYRUS! DON'T INTIMIDATE OUR NEWEST MEMBER!" Oh, so the other skeletons name is Papyrus? Interesting name. Then again, monsters have very different naming conventions from humans. Papyrus puts his hands up in defeat before reach into his pocket to pull out a sucker.
"sorry bro, s'just a question." Man, now you kind of feel bad.
You quickly come to Papyrus' defense, "It's all good, Sans! It's not really all that common to see humans in monster clubs, I guess." Papyrus gives you a puzzled look before shrugging. Was he really confused as to why you backed him up? Sans huffed, tapping the thick stack of papers against the podium.
"PLEASE DO NOT ENABLE MY BROTHER, HUMAN, HE'LL NEVER LEARN HIS LESSON THAT WAY." Ah, that makes sense now - they're brothers! Before you could say anything else, Sans speaks again, "ANYWAYS, NOW THAT EVERYONE IS HERE, WE CAN BEGIN THE CLUB MEETING!" He claps his hands together loudly, "WELCOME, TO THE SOCIALLY AWKWARD CLUB!"
The WHAT?!
You whip your head to the side to look at Undyne, who gives you a sheepish smile. You can't believe this, a socially awkward club? What does that even mean?!
Great, you're really in it now. Might as well see where this goes.
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bittybeanie Β· 1 year
Finally an account that does mob psycho! I appreciate your service! Could you write a scenario about going to the mall with Serizawa? Just looking at the cute stores, buying Seri some new clothes, maybe reader is looking for a fancy dress, maybe they stop by a lingerie store idk πŸ‘€ anything would be lovely!
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happy to be of service!! this was such a cute idea i couldn't decide what angle i wanted to take, so here are two lil connected snippets! basically, you're both trying to find fancy clothes to wear to an event together- please enjoy!
also on ao3!
(update: this fic has art by the incredible @butterysalt! newly featured in the header, you can find just the art on their page here! go show them so much love!)
"Oh, you can handle it! This is barely anything. Besides, having your hands go numb from too many bags is an essential part of the mall shopping experience. I promise this is so authentic and neccessary." Against your words, you hold out a couple fingers to grab the handles of his bags. He lets go and sighs gratefully, rubbing his hands together to get feeling back into his fingers. You start to lean as you realize the bags were much heavier than you first thought, and you have to do some quick shuffling to avoid toppling over into him.
"I know you said it was easy to get distracted, but I guess I wasn't expecting…"
"Yeah, sorry. I just wanna make sure I don't forget anything we actually came here for."
"I get it. I really don't mind." He smiles that smile at you, the one that always makes your face light up and your heart sing and your worries and doubts and regrets sound like dull buzzing of the past underneath the loud simmer of your affection for him, and he points at a set of chairs in the nearby walkway. "This is my first time having to get so dressed up. I'm learning a lot."
"Well, it's not like I'm a pro at it either. You've seen what I wear to the office sometimes." He laughs and nods, and he tugs gently on your arm to steer you away from bumping into somebody. When your shoulder brushes against his arm, you take advantage of it to lean your head against him before leading him across the stream of people toward the chairs. You set your bags down and roll your wrists, looking around for a map. "I didn't think it would take quite this long to find something good, though."
"I promise, I don't mind." He taps the top of your head with one finger. You hum, so he leans down and presses a kiss in the spot he just tapped. As he stands back up, you lock your arms around his neck and pull him into a proper kiss, albeit one that's much too quick for your liking. You are in public, though, and having him spontaneously combust just wouldn't do, so you'll have to settle for his nervous laughter and wobbly smile for now. "Especially if I get more of those."
"So you're saying you wouldn't mind even if we stopped at every single store, right?"
"Ooh, and what about that one? Something for you, perhaps?" You nudge his side and point your elbow toward the lingerie store just behind you. He barely glances before snapping his head in the opposite direction. When his hand comes up to rub at the back of his neck, you're honestly not sure if his discomfort is emotional or physical.
"I… don't think I'm their target audience." You catch even yourself off guard by how loudly you laugh. You slap a hand over your mouth, clearing your throat in an attempt to disguise your remaining giggles.
"Well, I admit that would be pretty fun to see." You take a mental screenshot of the way his cheeks light up, filing that information away to use later. "But I meant for you. Like… as a present?"
"But you… Oh! I-I-I see! You don't need- I mean I don't need- it's not- we, um. That is-"
"Hey, baby." You tap a finger over his lips, and he stops talking just long enough to nod. "I'm just teasing." His smile is still lopsided and his cheeks are still warm, but his shoulders creep away from his ears when you kiss him, and you think you might just melt from how endearing it is. You pull away to slip the bags back over your arm, laughing when he jerks forward to snatch some away from you. "We should focus on what we came for, anyway. But, if you change your mind, let me know."
He shifts all his bags to one hand and reaches for you with the other, rolling his eyes as he pulls you toward the second floor.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't worn down by now. You'd started off hopeful and excited, but one store after another had been a disappointment, and if this one didn't meet your standards you were probably going to have to go home with nothing helpful to show for the hours you'd spent. Serizawa was doing his best to remain cheerful, but you could tell it was getting to him, too. You believed him - and agreed - when he said he was just happy to spend the time with you, but it was way more people than he was used to being around, and you could see the pinch at the ends of his smile and feel the way his hand twitched in yours when the volume swelled. You wanted to get him home.
"Let's make this the last one."
He didn't have the energy to fight you, just nodding and squeezing your hand.
You wander around, scanning the rows of clothing as you make your way down the main aisles.
"Should we just go home? I might just be tired, but I don't see anything good." He hums, low in the back of his throat, so you nod, turning to head for the door. Your arm jerks as you feel resistance, and you look back to find him staring off into the distance.
"Wait." He points to a mannequin in the back corner, then to another a couple racks over. "What about those?"
"Holy shit." They're clearly separate outfits given their distance apart, but everything about them looks like they were made to go together - from the color, to the fabric, to the pattern of how the stitching on the sides is tailored. "Katsuya."
"You're a fashion genius."
"I am?"
You don't have time to see his pleased expression before he's stumbling to follow behind you, practically running as you pull him along. You set your bags down to rummage through the racks, and he picks them up just in time to catch the clothes you haphazardly chuck at him.
"Sorry! Stay there!"
"R-right!" He straightens, standing awkwardly still as he waits for you to sprint over to the other rack and find the right size of everything for the other outfit. You sling everything over your shoulder and take the clothes back from him, looping your hand into the crook of his elbow to drag him to the fitting room.
You push the door open for him before slipping in behind him to lock it. He looks a little shell-shocked as he sets the bags down in the corner, and you drop the clothes onto the bench to reach for him. You slide your hands up both sides of his face and pull him down to press a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose.
"Sorry. I got very excited."
"I noticed." He tilts his head to kiss you fully, and your fingers slide back into his hair. "It was cute."
You click your tongue, ruffling his hair as you pull away to hide your flustered state. "Oh, stop flattering me and put these on." You pick his set of clothes out of the pile, wrinkled as all hell by now, and hold them out in one hand as your sift through your own clothes with the other.
"Okay." He gently takes the clothes, a huge smile plastered across his face, and you can't resist the urge to kiss him one more time.
Ordinarily, you would take every chance you had to tease him in a situation like this, but both of you are so tired that you strip without much pretense, throwing your clothes in a pile by the door like it's your hamper back at home. He laughs when you trip trying to take your shoe off and lets you scramble to catch his shoulder, but otherwise keeps his eyes politely in the other direction. It's not until both of you have stopped moving that you look over at each other, and you take a sharp breath in as you survey him.
"Damn." You reach up to straighten his tie, smoothing your hand down his chest as your gaze makes its way down his figure. "You clean up nice, Serizawa."
He's too busy staring at you to respond. You'll take that as a good sign.
"Here, let's see…" You put your hands on his hips to spin him toward the mirror, and he seems to blink himself back to awareness as you take your place beside him. He holds his arm out to let you wrap your elbow around it, and he smiles when you lean against him. "What do you think? Do we look good, or what?"
"Yeah." His voice is breathy, and it makes your own breathing catch in your throat. He pulls his arm out of your grasp and reaches around behind you, resting his hand on your hip to pull you against him again. He presses his nose into your neck, kissing you as soon as you lean toward him, before straightening to rest his chin on your head. You can feel him surveying you more than you can see it, and your temperature shoots up when his hand tightens on your hip.
"Can we go back to that...?"
You blink, looking up at his face in the mirror.
"You said to tell you if I changed my mind, so..."
You bury your face in his chest and let out a breathy chuckle. "Tell you what." You pull yourself away from his side to lay your original clothes out. "When we get home, we can do some online shopping instead." You don't miss the way his gaze hovers as you pull the fabric over your head - just high enough over your shoulder that he could say he wasn't looking if pressed, but close enough that you both know he's staring. "That way we can both be flustered in peace. Deal?" He slips a finger into the knot of his tie and jerks his hand out. It comes easily undone, one end fluttering across his wrist to drape down his arm as he swallows thickly.
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theflyingfeeling Β· 8 months
I am not saying I have s good gaydar but it is beeping loudly at especially Olli πŸ™ˆ
But a genuine question I know it’s all a joke and nothing serious but do you seriously think Olli and/or Aleksi might be lgbt and do you think they actually might have a crush on each other? I know it’s none of our business really but people (me) tend to be curious πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Love your blog btw ❀️
Yeah I can't proud on having anything even remotely resembling a gaydar but sometimes I wonder... πŸ‘€πŸ€¨πŸ€­
(putting the rest behing a read-more 🫣)
In all seriousness, as I've said many times before, I've always thought there's no way BC is 100% heterosexual. I just don't believe it 😌 as for who in the band is not straight, I'm hesitant to speculate or comment on anyone's sexual orientation (outside fanfics / delusional headcanons, that is), but I mean... obviously it's a possibility? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ however, as much as I'd love to see Olli and Aleksi together or even just crushing on each other for real, I must admit them being queer is more likely than them being queer AND having a crush on each other. Then again, they wouldn’t be the first people in the history of the universe to fall for a friend, neither would they be the first people ever to have a crush on Person A while being in a relationship with Person B...
So my (boring) answer to your question is it's possible πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ one might argue that e.g. Olli wearing that t-shirt with the rainbow on the backside that was made/sold in collaboration with his local LGBTQ+ organisation is relevant here, and maybe it is, but at the same time a completely heterosexual person might as well wear a shirt like that to show their support (to a friend or a family member or just in general, because why wouldn't he? he's a good bean and that's exactly the kinda thing I'd imagine him doing). Same goes for Aleksi's "everone is gay" Nirvana shirt. Sure, there are other "hints" the may have "dropped" (accidentally or not, like that moment in Aleksi’s twitch stream when he refused to read the comment out loud once he noticed it was basically calling him a straight person πŸ˜‚), but not quite enough for me to actually lean towards any explanation more than the other. I know both of them are currently in long-term heterosexual relationships, so it's rather safe to say neither of them are gay, unless they're been fooling their poor spouses this whole time, which I honestly don't believe is the case. But them being bi or pan for example is totally a possibility as far as I'm concerned, since I don't understand why 'heterosexual' should be the "default" and that everyone is assumably straight until something explicitly proves otherwise. I'm sorry but to me the fact they're in hetero relationship is NOT enough proof 😌
And if someone's tempted to make a comment along the lines of jfc what are you on, of course they're not crushing on each other, they're FRIENDS and you're delusional omg, I want you to ask yourself: is it REALLY that far-fetched that two friends who reportedly 1) really enjoy each other's company, 2) have common interests, 3) share the same kind of humour, 4) spend a lot of time together when given the chance, and 4) possibly find each other attractive (just speculation) would have a crush on one another? Just a teeny tiny (🀏) crush? I think not 😀 Especially in Olli/Allu's case, since they've only known each other since idk 2019 or something like that? Suddenly I can't remember when Timebomb came out or when they worked on it lol but anyway, it's a little different in comparison to Olli's other bandmates whom he has known since he was a teenager / literal child, so I'd imagine he views e.g. Joonas and Tommi as his brothers almost. With Aleksi he doesn't have that kind of history, although I'm sure they too have engaged in all sorts of brotherly activities... πŸ₯°
Even considering the case they're both in relationships, it wouldn't be a complete impossibility. Especially in long-term relationships I'd say it's rather common to have an odd crush on someone else from time to time. Whether or not they do anything about the crushes is another story entirely
Yeah, anyway, hope this helps! πŸ˜‡ have a great weekend, curious anon ❀️
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hard-core-super-star Β· 8 months
oh, now you're speaking for me, miss rubix? 🀨 you were right, we're on the same page and 🧞 shouldn't feel offended, they should feel honored, badass and cool, all these things. I'm not going to comment on you being called out. I'm laughing silently.
gwjaksjsk how was the class? with that statement should I expect more unexpected things then? YEAH andrew's version really is... I don't know who's luckier, him or gwen because- god. do it like this: transform yourself into him and then make a clone, that way you can be him AND with him, and if you don't want to keep it, you can give the clone to me. also, no, I lied. I'm not miles coded because I'm actually... I'm him and he's me, we're the same person.
bribe you? me??? nope, never. depends on your price. noooo, please tell me, no one is watching. I need to know.
I'm not considering it anymore, now what? I- I still am... πŸ˜” OKAY knowing that you don't want a part 2 of alpha!kate didn't make me happy or anything like that, after all, I didn't like this fic at all. and it's not like I already said that it became one of my fav fics. since you wouldn't want to hear my thoughts on this, I'm not going to say that the multiple fics in one thing is an really good idea. see Kate rescuing R and how little by little their relationship became such a strong bond- and what it was like for R to see that that not every alpha is an asshole, and that they can be loved and having their feelings and thoughts validated wouldn't be a nice thing to see. definitely out of question.
no, don't test me please, I would come off like an idiot hdhdikwak damn, so you already do this so often that it comes out naturally? 😭
I'm still amazed at so much of the language you chose to learn. I find this thing of listening out loud confusing and cool at the same time, there are so many words that are written and have the same pronunciation, but in reality they have a meaning that has nothing to do with the other. but don't be afraid, portuguese is not a big deal and won't pull your leg at night lmao, having it as a goal is already a step forward. well, whether you projecting or not, it really suits her sooooo. the way she attaches to clint is so genuine, you can see that she admires him as a superhero and the person who inspired her to follow this path, but it goes so much further than that. she's genuinely happy when he says they're working together 🫠 β€œshe doesn't really have anyone else” damn, I just got another free punch. they literally won't admit it, but since you brought this up, I wouldn't mind you talking about kate and yelena's relationship. touch starved kate is so real that's sad lmao.
– 🌟
dghjksddsgj shut up, i was right, wasn't i? that's clearly what matters here. excuse me, you definitely need to comment on this since you're part of it too, that anon clearly called you out as well.
honestly, it was kind of boring. i totally didn't spend the majority of it replying to your messages or anything. [and before you say anything, it's called multitasking] you should always expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to my writing. after all, much madness is divinest sense, right? exactly, they're both way too attractive and their chemistry is insane. lmao, that's not a horrible idea. does it count as narcissism, though? the multiverse is a crazy thing so yeah, i believe that.
idk, it sounds like you're two sentences away from actually bribing me soπŸ‘€ you already know my price, i accept stars and compliments it's funny that you're saying this after someone came into my inbox to call me out which clearly means there are people watching. nice try but nope. i'm sure you can figure it out on your own, it's clearly been obvious to all our outside observers.
you're such a bad liar. you didn't have to admit it for me to know that, btw. i'm so glad to hear you very clearly don't care about alpha!kate or the possibility of a part 2 because i'm obviously not seriously considering writing it. since you didn't give me your opinion on an idea i didn't already have, i won't tell you that's exactly what i thinking of doing, just a complete exploration of feelings and the softest version ever of kate. i agree that it's definitely out of the question and i'm not thinking about outlining it and sharing some more thoughts with you about it. not at all. i also won't ask if it should include smut since you clearly don't want a part 2.
you've been doing great without even trying so i don't think you have anything to worry about. yeah, kind of. i usually do it in my head since no one ever know what i'm talking about. you're kind of the exception to that, though which means i probably won't stop. [something something because i could not stop...for Death]
learning english when i was young definitely gave me an impulse to try to learn more languages because if english is weird af and i managed to learn it, what's to stop me from learning more? i also had a lot of free time during the pandemic so i sat down and forced myself to actually try to learn french. [i ironically went to paris without speaking french lmao] i'm always so much better at reading words and understanding them than hearing them spoken out loud. i think portuguese will be the next language i tackle after i get fully comfortable with italian. listen, it's all fun and games until i have to start pronouncing things lmao. i always just default to spanish pronunciations because that's how my brain works. [i also don't want to sound like a gringa, that's embarrassing af] i'm glad you think so. and yeah, i think her attachment to him runs so much deeper than just,"oh, i saw him fighting aliens when i was younger." she doesn't merely idolize him and i think the show tries to touch on it but they always revert back to making kate act like a goof, which again, does fit her personality but only sometimes. sdjgjjgh sorry, it hurts to admit it but kate hides a lot of pain under that cute little smile. i honestly love thinking about what their next meeting would be like. like, would yelena just randomly break into her apartment again and be like "where are the drinks you promised me last time???" i think she would, tbh and i get quite a kick from that idea, especially β€˜cause i think kate would turn into an absolute mess lmao.
0 notes
ooh ooh! could i maybe ask for the allies's reactions to being told "you're lucky you're cute" by gn reader? πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘€
Telling Alfred F.Jones, Arthur Kirkland, Francis Bonnefoy, Yao Wang and Ivan Braginsky "You're Lucky You're Cute" By Their S/O
Hey there Anon! Thank you for your Request, this is actually another cute ask and I really love it because I can imagine all of the Allies reaction when their S/O teasing them like this. Anyway, I hope you like the final result!
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Alfred F. Jones
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Knowing Alfred F. Jones, I know this American boy is going to get very dramatic but not to the point it's annoying. It's just he's very flustered and he is trying to act like he's not blushing at your words.
He would look away when you told him that he is cute, and try to distract you by saying that he saw something behind you before he tries to hide his red face.
I mean Alfred is a huge simp to you and hearing you that you say that "You're lucky you're cute." You can see the tip of his ears getting red as his cheeks also get red.
I can see Alfred also tries to compliment you back but it turns out hilarious and you were laughing. Even though he acts like someone who is super confident, he is awful at receiving compliments since most countries always insult him.
Unlike Arthur who won't admit that he can be cute. He would smile after he was over with his embarrassment, and he would say "HAHAHAHA! OF COURSE, I CAN BE CUTE BUT MY SIDEKICK IS CUTER!"
Get ready after he says that because his arms going to be open wide before he tackles you to the ground, not knowing that he accidentally suffocates you with his tackle hug.
After giving you a tackle hug, Alfred is going to shower your face with kisses and your face is going to be full of his slobber. Overall, he's just going to be like a big puppy around you after he was done with his embarrassment.
When he sees you blush after all of those affections from him, he would laugh and pinch your cheeks back. You and him are just like a war of who can fluster each other more.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Sitting across from the dirty blonde haired male, your eyes keep glancing at the comic book that covered half of your face and Alfred who is busy stuffing his mouth with the cheeseburgers. It wasn't much of a surprise for you that you see a stack of burgers on top of his tray as many customers inside the Mcdonald's are looking at him as if he has another head.
On the other side of the tray, he has a large glass of Pepsi with a large version of french fries. This is a normal sight for you but you do wish that he wouldn't make a mess while he was eating. No, you don't mean anything insulting by that but sometimes the grease of the junk food would be hard to be removed when it soils your comic books.
Focusing on the book once again, there was a loud crunching sound and an oily sensation began invading the corner bottom of your book. Your eyes widened to see a stain as you carefully close your comic book. Taking a deep breath, you put the comic book away to see Alfred already giving two of his cheeseburger, looking at you with puppy eyes and puffy cheeks.
"I'm really sorry dude/dudette. I didn't mean to stain your book," he spoke.
"Fine, I forgive you. You're lucky you're cute," you roll your eyes.
The tip of his ears turns red as his eyes shift away after you call him cute, "Y-yeah. I-i promise I will buy you a new comic book," he smiles sheepishly as his hand scratches the back of his head, trying to ease his embarrassment.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Arthur Kirkland
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A huge tsundere, I hope good luck for you if you are his S/O because you need to handle these kinds of traits from him. I mean, I admit he is cute he would be so stubborn and keep rejecting you when you said "You're lucky you're cute" playfully.
I can see him scolding you when you told him that he is 'cute' and the same as Alfred, the tip of his ears goes angry red while his eyes are looking away from you.
Not only the tip of his ears but also his cheeks go red or slightly pinkish after you tease him that he looks cute while he was trying to reject the idea that 'He's cute'.
If try to hug him and keep teasing him, saying that he's lucky because he is cute. He's going to be super embarrassed but with a mix of agitation as he pushes you away but not too hard until you fall off. Just hard enough to give you and him a bit of distance and he curses you.
England also going to complain about you teasing him to his mythical friends, especially to choco mint bunny, his fairies, pixies and unicorns. They are going to be his free psychiatrist.
However, if you can throw his tsundere tendencies aside. Arthur also can be a huge tease but this is only if he is getting over his embarrassment.
He would call you some cute classical English pet names, such as 'darling', 'duckling' or 'dear' just to try to fluster you back after you called him cute.
Afterwards, he would hold one of your hands with a smirk stretched to the corner of his cheeks before he gently kisses the back of your hand and calls you cute.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Looking out of the window, a sigh escapes from your mouth with a book and papers laying on top of your lap. You don't have a gut to tell the male in front of you but you are bored. He hasn't given any attention to you at all as his eyes are focusing on the novel book in his hands. It was as if he doesn't care about you at all but you know that is not true.
Pouting and glaring at him, you began to place the book and the papers on your lap away. Even the sound of the book slammed into the table did not faze the British man across from you. You don't want to sound as if you are ungrateful for having Arthur as your boyfriend but sometimes he just pays attention more to his fantasy and old English novels.
"Arthur...darling I am bored," you pout.
"I know you are bored, but not now. At the most fun part of this story, I am reading," Arthur flips another page of his book.
"You're lucky you are cute, Arthur, "You tease the British man.
He was silent for a moment as if he did not hear your words but then his cheeks goes red and his eyes goes a little bit wider than before. Arthur definitely heard your words, especially when he hears you calling him cute. "C-cute?! O-Oi! I am not cute like what you said to me!" he stutters.
Seeing him all red and stuttering, you could not help but giggle a little bit seeing him all embarrassed and trying to deny that he's adorable. Just to fluster the poor gentleman, your head laid on top of his shoulder and pecked his cheeks gently as the light touch of your lips made contact against his soft ivory skin tone.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Francis Bonnefoy
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Francis is one of the most unpredictable characters, even though he is flirty. Not many people can really guess his exact reaction because there would be many reactions he would give.
One of the reactions that he would give to you when you told him 'You're lucky you're cute. He would laugh, flattered, and told you " I know I am adorable, mon amour," as he flip his hair playfully.
That is when you and he had a playful banter together with him as he would also throw another flirty joke to you, just trying to make you laugh and blush.
Another reaction would be a mixture of him trying to flirt with you back but he is trying to disagree with you that he is cute while he telling you that you are cuter than him.
That is when he genuinely wants to compliment you. He doesn't mean anything behind it, he just wants to flatter you and admit that you look better even though you look like a mess (like you just woke up after your slumber).
I know many people see him as a creep and maybe in some of the Hetalia episodes, he was shown that he's naked a lot. However, I cannot see him complimenting you as his s/o but in a creepy way. Instead, it would be romantic and genuine.
While doing that, his hands would gently caress the back of your head, touching the tip of your hair or caressing your cheeks with the pad of his thumb gently, trying to show his love for you.
As he does that, he would smile at you genuinely and you almost cannot see it but his cheeks would be tinted a little bit pink. he was a little bit embarrassed but he can cover it very quickly.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
The light of the sun shines through the glass as your eyes wander on the pedestrians. Many people wondering on the street of Paris as they are enjoying their day shopping together with their beloved one or sight seeing the Eiffel tower. Including you who are on a date together with your boyfriend Francis.
Together the two of you hold hands and sightseeing on the street where there are many tiny shops that catch your eyes. A small shop with a vintage design catches your eyes, Francis immediately notices you were looking at the antique shop, "Mon trΓ©sor (my treasure), you wanna see what's inside that shop?" the French man asks you.
"Ah, yes. Can we go inside and look around, I wanna look at the framed art inside of the shop," you told him.
"Of course, Mon ange (My angel). Let's go inside and see," he drags one of your hands.
β†  Time Skip β†ž
Across your eyes, a beautiful art displayed with a picture of a lady hand holding with her partner as the two of them staring at each other with a smile on their face as they are standing near a lake behind the oak tree. It reminds you of your relationship together with Francis.
" Mon ange (My angel), do you want that picture?" He asks.
"Yeah, I wanna buy-" You were cut off by Francis as you were going to take your purse out.
"No need, I already bought it for you," he put your hands away from your purse.
"WHAT- WHY? You know that framed art is expensive!" You complained.
" I know but I love you and I want to spoil you, Mon trΓ©sor." He holds both of your hands.
" You're lucky you're cute even though you are annoying," you sigh.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Yao Wang
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Yao Wang is also low key tsundere but not as hardcore as England where England would go turn red and curse out at you for calling him cute.
Yao Wang would just gonna deny to you that he looks adorable even though he does adore adorable things (such as hello kitty and other cute plushies.)
He would also whine and complain to you, telling you that he is not cute and he is already an old man since it's canon that he is 4.000 years old.
"Aiyaaah (Y/N)! I am far away from cute-aru. You are the lucky and the cute one!" he would def try to say that you are cuter than him, and would compare you the same as his panda.
After you said 'you're lucky you are cute to him," he would blush very madly and he would try to hide his blushing face by covering his face with his panda or his plushie.
Another reaction of him when you call him cute, he would chuckle nervously while scratching the back of his head as his cheeks were tinted red a little bit, he's a bit embarrassed.
As he was like that, he would try to deny to you that he looks cute because he's an old man. An old man is not cute (although this reaction from him also adorable).
Or he would try to distract you by giving you his panda to cuddle and after you cuddle the panda. He would already escape, he already disappeared from your sight.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
You wanna ask yourself how did you get into this kind of a mess, surrounded by many pandas as panda cubs are surrounding you either they are clinging to your pants or chirping, calling for anyone to give them some kind of attention. Of course, you do not mind this kind of cuteness, it feels like heaven as you're surrounded by panda cubs.
As you pick the Panda that was clinging onto your pants, you began searching for your boyfriend who was beside you a few seconds ago. You had to admit, it was kind of your fault because you told him "You're cute, Yao," and his face turns red afterwards, like a tomato as his eyes widened and his lips trembled.
Suddenly Yao Wang shoves the panda from his basket into your hands. As you pick the tiny panda into your hands carefully, he was gone in a second as you lower the little creature on your hand. You were stunned by the sudden disappearance of your boyfriend, it cannot be helped, to be honest, He is a low key tsundere but not as bad as England.
Massaging the bridge of your nose, you began walking around the garden that he own behind his house where there was a koi pond in the middle and searching for your Chinese Boyfriend who was flustered to death by you. "Yao!! Where are you??? You don't need to hide!" You call him.
His immediate answer made you chuckle before you walk up to his hiding spot, finding him hiding behind a giant tree. Seeing you suddenly appear on his side made him yelp in surprise, falling on his bottom as he rub his butt to ease the aching pain, "Aiyaaah, don't do that. You almost made me fall and broke my tailbone," he whines.
"Hehe. Sorry, Yao. I was searching for you for a whole time but I didn't find you anywhere....You're lucky you are cute, or I would scold you for hiding from me," you shake your head and smile at him.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Ivan Braginsky
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Ivan Braginsky is a giant teddy so I can see him getting all flustered when you called him cute, especially if you are his S/O . His cheeks would be tinted red.
Even though he was blushing, he would not tell you but he was actually happy and felt loved when you said, "You're lucky you're cute' by you.
"Aww miliy/milaya (Darling), thank you for calling me cute but I feel like you are cuter than me." He would try to compliment you back if you call him cute.
As he says that, Ivan is going to place his scarf around your neck to give some warmth to your neck. Of course, he only does this since you are his s/o, he won't do it to other people.
Other than placing his scarf around your neck gently, he would gently pull you closer to his body before he puts you on top of his lap, placing his head on top of your head and cuddling you.
Ivan would also gently kiss the top of your head or your temple to show how much he loves you. All of these affections would fluster you to death, especially when he is in a cuddly mode.
However, all of these affections that he showers you are actually a trick by him and trying to distract you so you wouldn't fluster him to death.
He's just super embarrassed and feels very flattered but he is not going to tell it right in front of your face. By showing more affection, he knows you couldn't fluster him more since you are distracted.
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
Sounds of fire crackling from the fireplace soothing you and your boyfriend, Ivan Braginsky. Today is just the day where he is free from world meetings with other countries while your manager let you go home early because you have done all of your tasks a few days ago and for your hard work.
Glancing at Ivan, his eyes were focusing on the knitted scarf on his hands. It wasn't much of a surprise for you that you see him knitting, knitting is one of the most calming hobbies and he enjoys calming activities. He was smiling as he watch every string inserted to other stings and create a beautiful pattern.
"Hey miliy (darling), you're lucky you are cute," You smile, teasing him and trying to see his reaction.
In the mid of his activity, his hands immediately freeze as his eyes a little bit widened and his cheeks were getting red underneath his pink scarf but it was gone in a second as his eyes look at you. Ivan closes his eyes, smiling innocently at you, "SUnflower, could you come a bit closer?" He asks.
Raising your eyebrows, you stood up and trudged up to him but once you stand in front of him. His enormous hands suddenly wrapped around your waist, pulling you to his lap as he put his head on top of your head.
"Don't tease me like that, sunflower~" he teases back
β°†β•‘ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ ⡈ β΅ˆβ•‘β°†
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romeoandjulietyouwish Β· 2 years
ooh im intrigued by that modern perc’ahlia au πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ i know ur writing a whole other thing so no rush or anything but i’d love to see a followup where he gets that number!
second part to this fic
Vex honestly doesn't expect to see Percy again. That day she just happened to be taking the long way to class because of a sidewalk closure on her usual route. She couldn't help it if her mind kept wandering to the pale, skinny inventor. But she doesn't go out of her way to find him, she's not that kind of person.
So when she gets onto the bus after her evening class, and she sees a familiar shock of white hair towards the back, she can't help the smile that sneaks across her face. Taking a fast second to make sure she doesn't look like a wreck, Vex walks up the aisle. And sure enough, in the second to last row, Percy is sitting beside the window, gazing out at the dark streets.
"May I have this seat?" Vex asks with a slight smirk.
Percy looks up and she can see that he is intending to reject her, but then he recognizes her and his eyes widen, mouth falling open slightly. "O-Of course." He tucks one leg over his bag and pulls it out of her way as she sits down next to him.
"Where are you headed?" Vex asks as she takes off her backpack and tucks it under her legs.
Percy sighs, "My friend's apartment. I'm staying with her for the weekend while my building is fumigated."
"Oof," Vex exhales, "been there. At least you have someone to stay with."
Percy smile a little, "Yeah, Keyleth is the best."
Vex's eyes widen, "Keyleth? You wouldn't happen to be going to the apartment building on the corner of Green and St. Augustine?"
Percy gives her a curious look, "You know Keyleth?"
Vex laughs, "She's dating my twin brother."
Percy's eyes bulge in his eyes, "Vax? Well now that I say it out loud it makes sense." The two of them laugh quietly. "Where are you headed?"
Vex leans her head back on the head rest, "Home, just got out of class."
They fall silent for a moment until Percy asks, "Would it be alright if I gave you my phone number? Seeing as our lives already appear to be entwined."
Vex smirks, "How forward of you, Percy."
He pales a little, "I don't mean anything untoward, I assure you. I just-"
"And what if," she cuts him off, "I want you to be untoward." He blushes a little and reaches into his bag, pulling out a pad of yellow sticky notes. He quickly scribbles on it and then passes it over to her. Vex takes it with a smile, "For the record, if you hadn't asked me, I was going to ask you. Something about you is charming."
"Everything about you is charming," Percy tells her quietly. Vex's eyes dark over to him and she smiles a little, not even trying to hide the blush.
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treaddelicately Β· 2 years
Sam/Sharon #27? πŸ‘€
things you said on the phone at 4am
(post-CA:CW, not canon compliant)
"So why'd you kiss him?"
Sharon's answering laugh was startled, unsure. "What?"
"Steve," Sam replied. His boot had come untied and he cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder to rework the knots in the laces. "How'd that happen?"
Silence stretched between them, rolled out lazily like a threadbare rug, tenuous but comfortable. They'd waded through much more difficult memories together, companions on each end of an intercontinental call. Sam knew the cadence of Sharon's breath by heart.
She wasn't offended. She was thinking.
"I don't know," she finally sighed. "Haven't you ever kissed someone who turned out to be a huge mistake?"
Sam grinned to himself and the owl in the nearby tree.
"Stephanie Parcell, tenth grade."
"That bad?"
"She had braces and I had an overeager tongue. You can imagine how well that went."
Sharon laughed. A quiet sound, muffled by what he could only imagine was her pillow or her mouth pressed too close to the receiver, but it was there.
He kept a notebook tucked in his gear on the Quinjet, safe from Natasha's prying eyes and Steve's furrowed-brow scrutiny, for nights like this. Nights when they didn't have a safe house to bounce to, when being on the run meant living a little more rugged, when Sam drew the short stick to stand guard overnight.
Towards the back of the notebook was a page filled with tally marks, each one an indicator of a laugh he'd drawn out of Sharon Carter. Nonsense to anyone else, but to him it felt like victory.
"It was stupid anyway," she yawned. Sam imagined her laying in bed, one arm over her head, toes pointed as her long legs stretched the length of the mattress. "I mean, look how it all turned out."
"Says the woman who ain't on the run."
"Yeah, well, it's not exactly five star motels and luxury living over here, pal," she reminded him.
She didn't have to. Sam was well aware of the sacrifices she'd made to help them.
Sharon insisted she didn't want to come along on their little road trip. She was plenty capable, Sam knew, otherwise she probably would have ended up on the Raft with the rest of them. He worried about her safety, sure, but mostly he worried if she was okay.
She balked at his concern during every phone call. Swore up and down she was fine, making the best of whatever undisclosed location she'd ended up in, that she was being smart and avoiding the feds.
But Sam kept calling, and Sharon kept answering.
"You got a nice cozy bed, at least?"
"Mhm." Her voice sounded filed rough at the edges, thick with fatigue. "Cozier than yours, I bet."
Sam chuckled. His butt had gone numb from the cold, hard ground an hour earlier and the flicker of the campfire he'd built was slowly dimming. He was freezing, his stomach twisted angrily, and a tingle up his back promised a spasm in the morning.
"It ain't so bad," he told her. "Company's decent."
Sharon let out a rush of air that crackled through the speaker, and Sam's fingers itched for his notebook.
"Just decent?"
"Yeah, she's alright."
A pause where he could almost feel her smile, and then, "If I could do it again, I wouldn't kiss Steve."
"Too much tongue, huh?"
"I don't know why I even talk to you."
"Cause I'm a bundle of fun," Sam reminded her. "For the record, I've tamed my tongue since tenth grade."
He heard another muted sound and imagined Sharon rolling over, blonde hair trailing over her pillow.
"Is that so?"
"I have it on good authority. Could always test it out, if you're curious."
Sharon laughed outright then, so loud and pure that Sam gave himself two whole tallies.
"I'm going to sleep now."
He grinned so hard his cheeks hurt. "Hey, that ain't a no."
"Goodnight, Sam." Sharon yawned again, the rest of her words a near afterthought. "Be safe."
"You too," he told her.
Sam tucked his phone away and checked his jacket pocket for a pen to scribble out his score.
He was still pretty damn cold, and he hadn't really gotten an answer to his question. There was no way of knowing how many miles there were between him and Sharon, or the next time he'd see her, or if she even wanted to see him.
But he knew the next time he called, she'd answer.
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blackestnight Β· 2 years
Regarding your Ask Me request reblog: How did Hanami's and Estinian's mutual trolling begin, and how did it evolve over the course of their adventures? You mentioned Hanami being incredibly reserved during the Heavensward and the Dragonsong War, but that she came out of her shell later πŸ‘€
two very important background pieces of information:
1) by "incredibly reserved," when it comes to hanami, i mean "a grade-a insufferable dick whose actual pleasant person center can't even be detected with sonar"
2) she and estinien are the exact same brand of asshole.
for most of HW/the dragonsong war they mostly stayed out of each others' way, for alphinaud's sake. hanami spent the vast majority of the aery roadtrip with ysayle because fuck ishgardians, amirite? church sucks. dragons are cool, as long as they're not threatening to raze a city full of civilians. not to mention that hanami, who was also at the time largely consumed by grief-stricken vengeance, was irritated as all fuck by estinien and not prepared to do the necessary self-reflection to figure out why.
(luckilyβ€”for a given value of luckβ€”for all involved, hanami's specter of grief-stricken vengeance manifested in the form of fray, rather than a dragon.)
in all honesty, she spent the period of time between azys lla and the final steps of faith thinking of estinien as a problem to be dealt with, rather than a person to be saved. she would save him if she could, because alphinaud asked her to, and because aymeric wanted her to even if he wouldn't ask, but if push came to shove she wasn't above getting her hands even bloodier.
and then he had to go and ask her to finish him off, causing himself physical injury and potentially damning his soul and whatever else in a bid to just save his friends, and she went "oh goddammit, FINE," and admitted to some grudging respect.
she was vaguely aware of his following them around gyr abania throughout stormblood, and grateful for his intervention at specula imperatoris, but honestly she had way too much going on in her own life right then to give much of a shit about him one way or the other. she spent most of stormblood and the 4.x patches hanging on to her questionable chill by her fingertips.
meanwhile, in the ruby sea: estinien takes a job hunting a giant manta ray. haruki hagane, ray of sunshine and all-around questionable influence, takes the same job. they both manage to escape the ensuing chaos relatively unscathed, and haruki realizes, to his delight, that this is that estinien, the one his big sister and her friends talked about! and estinien says "wait, sister?" and haruki says "yeah, hanami," and estinien goes oh shit but it's too late by then because he has already been dragged back to the hagane house for dinner and summarily adopted, which is what happens to everyone who gets within five malms of the hagane matriarchs.
when hanami found out about that, several weeks after the fact, she went "oh goddammit, FINE," and admitted that they could be friends or something, she GUESSED.
the trolling mostly came about as a result of her inability to manifest pleasant emotions in a crowd of more than three people, and estinien's own questionable-at-best manners. (see, again: they're the same brand of asshole.) alphinaud was equal parts overjoyed at estinien joining the scions and dismayed at his and hanami's constant fighting, until thancred patted him on the head and explained that that was them getting along.
aymeric, for the record, is endlessly amused. he knows both hanami and estinien well enough to know how much they respect each other, and that they will never admit to it out loud.
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rosykims Β· 2 years
πŸ’€πŸ©πŸ“πŸŒ™πŸŒΊπŸ™‰πŸ“£πŸŽπŸ“ŽπŸ–πŸš‡β˜οΈ for miss gracie please
πŸ’€ SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
it takes gracie about 10/15 minutes of fidgeting and tossing before she can fall asleep, but once she's out she's OUT for good lmao. like. "i once slept through a tornado" "people think im dead when i sleep" "u are not waking me up under any circumstances bestie <3" which is partially why nick has to do the "wake up button" thing every morning bc otherwise she'll sleep thru her damn alarms πŸ˜”
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
gracie goes absolutely ham for nick's homemade (shortbread!) cookies and has to physically restrain herself from eating them all in one sitting! she has a big sweet tooth in general - she's not super crazy about confectionary but she loves baked goods; cakes and muffins and brownies nd whatnot. i think if she HAD to pick just one treat her spanish side would come out in full swing and she'd have to answer with churros <3
πŸ“ STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
gracie was vegetarian/casually vegan for about a year after highschool and still mostly prefers plant based meals ! she loves fruits and vegetables and would be quite happy cutting most meats out of her diet altogether tbh. her favourite fruits are apricots and peaches, while her favourite vegetables are bell peppers and coriander :) yeah she's a cilantro fan sorry haters <3
πŸŒ™ MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
hm greatest wish currently is the very vague goal of "proving herself" and i guess also um. "making up" for her existence in general, by being the best in her respective field. so i think canonically that just means being Thee best MIV [ever, ideally] lmao, and hopefully making MIV supervisor if she's super lucky. there's not much she wouldn't do for it - she's already closed herself off to most relationships for the sake of her ambitions, and with peace and love to rosy? in a hypothetical scenario where he got in the way of her career i don't think she would choose him unfortunately :( thankfully he seems the last person who would try to do that so ! bullet dodge!
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?!
yes ! gracie is deathly allergic to shellfish πŸ‘€ she was hospitalized for it once as a kid after an unfortunate seafood paella incident and now she has to carry an epipen around with her everywhere </3
πŸ™‰ HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
"you're too loud/overwhelming/much"
πŸ“£ MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
in case the answer above isn't obvious, she's VERY quiet. kinda similar to kenzie in a way, tho she's a lot more eloquent/accommodating when she does talk. gracie had a significant speech delay as a child and didn't say her first words until she was around 5 years old, because living with ments made her so naturally comfortable with communicating telepathically that there was never any real incentive for her to try. obviously bullying throughout school didn't help either, and so gracie really tries to "make up" for her loud brain by being as quiet as she possibly can be verbally, as if to balance it out yknow? she's educated, well-read and upper class, so she has a fairly sophisticated/formal speech style, but she's not overly wordy - most of her vocabulary is old fashioned, not verbose. ie she'll use somewhat dated words like "ought" "shall" "needn't" etc but she'll avoid 2 dollar works like. idk. "antidisestablishmentarianism" JKDJKDJFK
as for her voiceclaims, the closest i can possibly get is actually inara serra from firefly hehe :) i was gonna mention it during out marathon but i didnt wanna be annoying KJFGKJFGKJ
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
gracie's love language is gift giving so she LOVES finding her loved ones the perfect present. she's probably the best person in chicago to get gifts from because she has an insane budget AND she has a literal notes app doc keeping tabs on who wants what for birthdays/christmas/etc. ironically though she's not a big fan of receiving presents - her zero makes it SUPER obvious if she finds a gift disappointing, so she prefers to save everybody the awkwardness lmao. unless its a handmade gift like sally's painting which she'll always cherish, the ideal strategy for gracie is usually just straight up asking her what she wants and then telling her exactly what she's getting, so she doesnt have time to expect anything KJFKJKF. alternatively the safest bet is to take her out and let her pick her own gift, since she's fussy and buying her clothes/perfume/jewelry is always a gamble KJKJGDFKGDFJ SHE'S SPOILT OK!!!! but on the other hand she doesnt expect or need material gifts and greatly prefers thoughtful acts of service or being taken out somewhere nice <3
πŸ“Ž PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
gracie has had three "official" boyfriends prior to ambrose. her first was a boy in her french class whom she was with for over a year when she was 15/16 before um. completely ghosting him after the hope incident πŸ˜” next was a huge fuckboy vocalist in an indie garage band who nobody could believe was her boyfriend JKDFKJFDKJ she was about 18 at that time, and he cheated on her after about 6 months of dating so she left him. her most recent ex was maybe 8 months before mb starts? he was an art conservationist she'd worked with at the chicago art institute. he was a good nice boy who liked her a lot but she was so emotionally unavailable for him that he ended up leaving her after about five months so πŸ€ͺ she's a lot like nick in that she mostly sucks at romance lmao !
πŸ–οΈ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
"don't date your teacher" JKFDGKJFGDKJFGDFGD
πŸš† TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
answered here !
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
gracie and ambrose both gain greater appreciations for the other's interests after they start dating πŸ₯Ί gracie has never considered herself a big reader and usually only gets through four of five books a year, so she def develops a greater admiration for literature through rosy and loves listening to him talk about books. and vice versa i doubt rosy knew or cared much for art before meeting gracie, but eventually sort of learns to look at art the way she does and loves seeing her analyze and work through a piece ❀❀❀
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