#i love this overdramatic bitch your honor
zombiefox-x · 8 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 (2/?)
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asmosmainhoe · 4 years
Hi there um I don't know if u will accept my this but wondering if u could a very savage mc that if u inslut her she will give a spicy comeback how would the brother react to her
The brothers with a sassy s/o
Gender neutral MC (It says she/her in the ask, but I didn't really use any gendered pronounces in the headcanons sooooo)
Warnings: cursing
Finds it super entertaining when you diss someone else like his brothers, but the fun stops when you sass him or god forbid Lord Diavolo. Our prince takes it with humor though and laughs at your comebacks so you don't have to worry about being locked up in a dungeon for treason like a certain demon.
When you and the brothers sit at the dining table and you completely destroy them Lucifer can't help it. He simply can't hide his amused smile.
"And what are you smiling at huh? You always think you're topshit, but can't even say anything to Diavolo."
Lucifer chokes on his food. "What did you just say to me?"
He gives you a two hour lecture about how you should show him more respect, because he's the head of the house yadda yadda yadda. Do you listen to him? Not at all.
He quickly sees how nothing he seems to do or say affects your behavior so he simply stops trying and makes sure he doesn't end up in the crossfire when you drag someone.
Honestly? He thinks it's super cool and tries to be like you, but fails.
His eyes are shining whenever you sass someone who was mean to him. Of course he says that he can handle those situations just fine by himself, but we all know that isn't true. Mammon never admits it, but he loves seeing his human step up for him.
"Mammon, you're so stupid that it hurts."
You immediately step in between before the white haired demon can even react. "And you're so full of shit that I can smell it from over here."
Ngl Mammon is a bit scared for your safety. After all you're insulting demons here. They're not people you can just mess with like that, but he doesn't even think about stopping you. Your comebacks always crack him up. Especially when you sass Lucifer.
Mammon once said: "Lucifer will get mad at ya."
The water he was drinking came right through his nose when you responded with: "Well, that bitch ass chicken wing emo boy should stop whining like a baby and maybe he would be a bit more relaxed."
He loves the conversations he has with you, because just like Mammon he gets tears in his eyes from all the laughter.
Whenever you play video games and you sass an opponent he's dying.
"Stop hitting me with that big ass sword you slut!" Boom! Levi is on the floor screaming and desperately trying to get air.
100% tweets your comebacks. You're famous because of him.
Honestly he doesn't even mind leaving the house. Wherever you go he will follow. I mean who would want to miss out on your sass and creative insults? Not this man that's for sure. He has a small notebook with your greatest comments in it.
This man immediately falls for you the second he sees that you're an absolute savage. It gets even better when you insult Lucifer.
"That four winged fUCK-"
"You go, Babe!"
Satan purposefully provokes you to get you all riled up. It's beautiful how merciless you are when you're on a rampage.
We all know that Satan knows no limits too and everyone who engages a fight with him ends up as a complete idiot. Except of you of course.
He actually enjoys the "fights" he has with you. You two make a competition out of it and the first one who's at a loss for words loses. Levi keeps track on your points.
You can awlays see a proud smirk on his face when you destroy the others. He's like: "Yes, this is my partner. You better don't mess with them."
Just like Satan he's completely head over heels for you.
You can hear a loud overdramatic gasps coming from him followed by him yelling "oh snap!" when you drag someone. He loves it. It makes you even more attractive than you already are.
Demon angrily: "I think you should-"
You gasping: "Hold up you can THINK?!"
Asmo is sitting right next to you and clapping excitedly while giggling.
"MC, you're so funny! Oh please spill more tea!"
It doesn't take him two seconds to join in when you're being sassy. He either sasses them too or stands next to you and nods after every of your sentences.
It's safe to say that Asmo is your personal cheerleader in those situations. No, scratch that. He's your personal cheerleader 24/7.
You seem so sweet and so kind and then BOOM!
This boy is honestly so shook! He chokes on his food the first time he hears your comebacks.
It's like you don't fear anyone! Tbh he admires that endlessly. You're so honest and confident and don't hesitate to put the people who are rude to you in their places.
Finds it super sweet and honorable that you make an exception for him, but he's confused as to why you're giving him this special treatment.
"Oh, Beel, my baby boy why should I sass you? You're too kind and sweet!"
You and Belphie are the official Beel protection squad.
You shut everyone down the second they even think about talking bad about your big boy.
I just ugh- I think we can all agree that he needs to be showered with love and affection.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the sassiest of them all? Belphie has to admit that it's in fact you. Honestly you have him wrapped around the finger with your attitude. It makes you super interesting in his eyes and it's like he's glued to you after he saw the savage in you.
He never thought that someone other than Satan could reach his level of sass, but you prove him wrong every day.
His eyes start to shine when you drag the others.
Also loves provoking and challenging you to see who actually deserves the crown. You of course.
"You think you can sass me, MC?", he asks with a smug smirk.
Oh widen your eyes innocently. "Oh? Belphie, do you even know how sass is spelled?"
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marlborodean · 3 years
spn quotes: season two
i’m collecting a bunch of quotes from the show! my favorite lines, good points of characterization, etc. all organized by episode and character, and with timestamps!
w/ncest shippers get lost
season one.
I’ve done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I’ve given everything I’ve ever had. Now you’re just gonna sit there and you’re gonna watch me die? I mean, what the hell kind of father are you? (11:14)
So you’re okay with dying? [Tessa: No, of course not. I just think, whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen. It’s out of my control. It’s just...fate.] Hm. That’s crap. You always have a choice. You can either roll over and die, or you can keep fighting no matter what. (18:48)
There’s no such thing as an honorable death. My corpse is gonna rot in the ground, and my family is gonna die. (30:38)
[John: You know, when, uh...when you were a kid, I’d come home from a hunt, and after what I’d seen, I’d be...I’d be wrecked. And you...you’d come up to me, and you’d put your hand on my shoulder, and you’d look me in the eye, and you’d...you’d say, “It’s okay, Dad.” Dean, I’m sorry.] Why? [You shouldn’t have had to say that to me, I should’ve been saying that to you. You know, I put...I put too much on your shoulders. I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that. And you didn’t complain, not once.] (37:27)
How is revenge gonna help him? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself. It's the same selfish obsession! (13:17)
I don't know how to help you. But I'll keep trying, alright? As long as you keep fighting. I mean, come on, you can't...you can't leave me here alone with Dad, we'll kill each other, you know that. Dean, you gotta hold on. You can't go, man, not now. We were just starting to be brothers again. (28:36)
Tessa: You'll stay here for years—disembodied, scared. And over the decades, it'll probably drive you mad. Maybe you'll even get violent. [Dean: What are you saying?] Dean, how do you think angry spirits are born? They can't let go, and they can't move on. And you're about to become one: the same thing you hunt. (31:15)
Azazel: If only your boys knew how much their daddy loved them. (32:15)
[Ellen: I’m so sorry.] It’s okay. We’re alright. [Really. I know how close you and your dad—] Really, lady, I’m fine. (11:37)
[Sam: You ever notice Dad had a falling-out with just about everybody? Don’t get all maudlin on me, man.] What do you mean? [I mean this strong, silent thing of yours. It’s crap, I’m over it.] Oh my God. [This isn’t just anyone we’re talking about, this is Dad. I know how you felt about the man.] You know what? Back off, alright? Just because I’m not caring and sharing like you want me to— [No no no, that’s not what this is about, Dean. I don’t care how you deal with this, but you have to deal with it, man! Listen, I’m your brother, alright? I just wanna make sure you’re okay.] Dude, I’m okay! I’m okay, okay? I swear, the next person who asks me if I’m okay, I’m gonna start throwing punches. These are your issues. Quit dumping them on me. [What are you talking about?] I just think it’s really interesting, this sudden obedience you have to Dad. It’s like, “Oh, what would Dad want me to do?” Sam, you spent your entire life slugging it out with that man. I mean, hell, you—you picked a fight with him the last time you ever saw him, and now that he’s dead, now you want to make it right? Well, I’m sorry, Sam, but you can’t. It’s too little, too late. [Why are you saying this to me?] Because I want you to be honest with yourself about this! I’m dealing with Dad’s death! Are you? (29:48)
[Dean: This case was your idea. By the way, why is that? You were awfully quick to jump on this job.] So? [It's just not like you, that's all. I thought you were hell-bent for leather on the demon hunt.] I don't know, I just think taking this job, it's what Dad would have wanted us to do. (16:57)
[Mr. Cooper: You see, this place is a refuge for outcasts, always has been, for folks that don't fit in nowhere else. But you two...you should go to school, find a couple of girls, have 2.5 kids. Live regular.] Sir, we don't want to go school, and we don't want regular. We want this. (22:34)
[Dean: I thought that once the demon was dead and the fat lady sings that you were gonna take off, head back to wussy state.] I'm having second thoughts. [Really?] Yeah. I think Dad would have wanted me to stick with the job. [Since when do you give a damn what Dad wanted? You spent half your life doing what he didn't want, Sam.] Since he died, okay? You have a problem with that? (23:27)
I'm sorry that the last time I was with him, I tried to pick a fight. I'm sorry that I spent most of my life angry at him. I mean, for all I know, he died thinking that I hate him. So you're right. What I'm doing right now, it is too little. It's too late. I miss him, man. And I feel guilty as hell. And I'm not all right, not at all. But neither are you. That much I know. (39:04)
So I picked up this crossbow, and I hit that ugly sucker—silver-tipped arrow, right in his heart. Sammy’s waiting in the car, and me and my dad take the thing into the woods, burn it to a crisp. I’m sitting there, and I’m looking into the fire, I’m thinking to myself, “I’m 16 years old. Kids my age are worried about pimples, prom dates. I’m seeing things that they’ll never even know, never even dream of.” So right then, I just sort of.... [Gordon: Embraced the life?] Yeah. (16:16)
You’re always saying to yourself, “He’s indestructible. He’ll always be around. Nothing can kill my dad.” And just like that, he’s gone. I can’t talk about this to Sammy. No, I got to keep my game face on. But, uh...truth is, I’m not handling it very well. I feel like I have this— [Gordon: Hole inside you? And it just gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker? Good. You can use it. Keeps you hungry. Trust me, there’s plenty out there needs killing, and this will help you do it. Dean, it’s not a crime to need your job.] (18:32)
[Gordon: It’s all black-and-white. There’s no maybe. You find the bad thing, kill it. See, most people spend their lives in shades of gray. Is this right? Is that wrong? Not us.] Not sure Sammy would agree with you, but, uh. [Doesn’t seem like your brother’s much like us. I’m not saying he’s wrong, just different. You and me, we were born to do this. It’s in our blood.] (20:22)
[Sam: You know what? You slap on this big smile, but I can see right through it, ‘cause I know how you feel, Dean. Dad’s dead. And he left a hole, and it hurts so bad you can’t take it. But you can’t just fill up that hole with whoever you want to.] (27:47)
[Gordon: You’re not like your brother. You’re a killer, like me.] (37:08)
I wish we never took this job. It just jacked everything up. [Sam: What do you mean?] Think about all the hunts we went on, Sammy, our whole lives. [Okay.] What if we killed things that didn’t deserve killing. You know? I mean, the way Dad raised us. [Dean, after what happened to Mom...Dad did the best he could.] I know he did. But maybe he wasn’t perfect. And the way he raised us, to hate those things—and man, I hate them. I do. When I killed that vampire at the mill, I didn’t even think about it. Hell, I even enjoyed it. [You didn’t kill Lenore.] No, but every instinct told me to. I was gonna kill her. I was gonna kill them all. (40:20)
[Gordon: Well, lighten up a little, Sammy!] He's the only one that gets to call me that. (15:05)
Going to visit Mom’s grave? She doesn’t even have a grave. There was no body left after the fire. [Sam: She has a headstone.] Yeah, put up by our uncle, a man that we’ve never even met. So you wanna go pay resects to a slab of granite put up by a stranger? Come on. [Dean, that’s not the point.] Well, them enlighten me, Sam. [It’s not about a body or a casket. It’s about her memory, okay? And after Dad, it just—it just feels like the right thing to do.] It’s irrational, is what it is. [Look, man, no one asked you to come.] Why don’t we swing by the roadhouse instead? I mean, we haven’t heard anything on the demon lately. We should be hunting that son-of-a-bitch down. [That’s a good idea! You should! Just drop me off, I’ll hitch a ride, and I’ll meet you there tomorrow.] Right. Stuck with those people, making awkward small talk until you show up. No thanks. (02:48)
[Sam: Look, maybe you’re imagining a hunt where there isn’t one, so you don’t have to think about Mom, or Dad. You wanna take another swing? Go ahead, if it’ll make you feel better.] I don’t need this crap. [Dean, where are you going?] I’m gonna go get a drink. Alone. (09:59)
Look, I get it. Okay? There are people that I would give anything to see again, but what gives you the right? [Sam: Dean.] [Dr. Mason: What are you talking about?] What’s dead should stay dead! (20:51)
[Sam: Dean, I don’t scare easy, but, man, you’re scaring the crap out of me.] Don’t be overdramatic, Sam. [You’re lucky this turned out to be a real case, ‘cause if it wasn’t, you would’ve just found something else to kill. You’re on edge, you’re erratic, except for when you’re hunting, ‘cause then you’re downright scary. You’re tailspinning, man! And you refuse to talk about it, and you won’t let me help you.] I can take care of myself, thanks. [No, you can’t! And you know what? You’re the only one who thinks you should have to. You don’t have to handle this on your own, Dean. No one can.] (21:44)
I’m sorry. [Sam: For what?] The way I’ve been acting. And for Dad. Well, he was your dad, too. It’s my fault that he’s gone. [What are you talking about?] I know you’ve been thinking it. So have I. Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital, I had a full recovery. It was a miracle. And five minutes later, Dad’s dead and the Colt’s gone. [Dean....] You can’t tell me there’s not a connection there. I don’t know how the demon was involved, I don’t know how the whole thing went down exactly, but Dad’s dead because of me, and that much I do know. [We don’t know that, not for sure.] Sam, you and Dad, you’re the most important people in my life. And now...I never should’ve come back, Sam, it wasn’t natural, and now look what’s come of it. I was dead, and I should’ve stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling. So tell me, what could you possibly say to make that alright? (38:56)
[Dean: Going to visit Mom's grave? She doesn't even have a grave. There was no body left after the fire.] She has a headstone. [Yeah, put up by our uncle, a man that we've never even met. So you wanna go pay your respects to a slab of granite put up by a stranger? Come on.] Dean, that's not the point. [Well, then, enlighten me, Sam.] It's not about a body or a casket. It's about her memory, okay? And after Dad, it just—it just feels like the right thing to do. (02:48)
You're tailspinning, man. And you refuse to talk about it, and you won't let me help you. [Dean: I can take care of myself, thanks.] No, you can't! And you know what? You're the only one who thinks you should have to. You don't have to handle this on your own, Dean. No one can. [Sam, if you bring up Dad's death one more time, I swear—] Please, Dean, it's killing you. Please. We've already lost Dad. We lost Mom. I've lost Jessica. And now I'm gonna lose you, too? (21:44)
You know, one day I’d love to just sit down and eat something that I didn’t have to microwave at a minimart. (18:03)
[Sam: You know, I heard you before, Dean, when Andy made you tell the truth. You’re just as scared of this as I am.] That was mind control! It’s like—it’s like being roofied, man. That doesn’t count. [What?] No, I—I’m calling do-over. [What are you, 7?] Doesn’t matter. Look, we just gotta keep doing what we’re doing, find that evil son of a bitch and kill it. (36:06)
[Dean: There's gonna be hunters there. I don't know if—if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?] So I'm a freak now? [You've always been a freak.] (04:14)
Demon came to them when they were kids. Now they're killing people. [Dean: We don't know what Andrew Gallagher is, okay? Could be innocent.] My visions haven't been wrong yet! [What's your point?] My point is, I'm one of them. [No, you're not.] Dean, the demon said he had plans for me and children like me. [Yeah?] Yeah, maybe this is his plan. Maybe we're all a bunch of psychic freaks. Maybe we're all supposed to be— [Killers?] Yeah. [So the demon wants you out there, killing with your minds, is that it? Oh, give me a break. You're not a murderer, Sam! You don't have it in your bones!] No? Last I checked, I kill all kinds of things. [Those things were asking for it. There's a difference.] (10:47)
Looks like I was right. [Dean: About what?] Andy. He's a killer after all. [No, he's a hero. He saved his girlfriend's life. He saved my life.] Bottom line, last night he wasted somebody. [Yeah, but he's not a foaming-at-the-mouth psycho. He was just—he was pushed into that.] Webber was pushed, too, in his own way. Max Miller was pushed. Hell, I was pushed by Jessica's death. [What's your point, Sam?] Right circumstances, everyone is capable of murder. Everyone. (35:28)
[Jo: You know, I’ve had it up to here with your crap.] Excuse me? [Your chauvinist crap. You think women can’t do the job.] Sweetheart, this ain’t gender studies. Women can do the job fine. Amateurs can’t. You got no experience! What you do have is a bunch of half-baked romantic notions that some barfly has put in your head. [And now you sound like my mother.] Oh, and that’s a bad thing? (09:56)
Jo, you got options. No on in their right mind chooses this life. My dad started me in this when I was so young. I wish I could do something else. [Jo: You love the job.] Yeah, but I’m a little twisted. [You don’t think I’m a little twisted, too?] Jo, you got a mother that worries about you, who wants something more for you. Those are good things. You don’t throw things like that away. They might be hard to find later. (10:24)
[Jo: What do you remember about your dad? I mean, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? Come on, tell me.] I was 6 or 7, and uh...he took me shooting for the first time. Bottles on a fence—that kind of things. I bull’s-eyed every one of them. And he would smile, like...I don’t know. [He must have been proud.] (16:13)
Is this job as glamorous as you thought it would be? [Jo: Well, except for all the pee-your-pants terror, yeah. But that Theresa girl’s gonna live a life ‘cause of us. It’s worth it, isn’t it?] Yeah. Yeah, it is. (36:00)
Ellen: I am your mother! I don't have to be reasonable! (03:06)
My name is Dean Winchester. I’m an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women. (21:59)
[Sam: Nice lady.] Yeah, for a cop. (41:19)
[Diana: Then about a year ago, there was a fire in your apartment. One fatality—Jessica Moore, your girlfriend. After she died, you fell off the grid—left behind everything.] I needed some time off...to deal. So I’m taking a road trip with my brother. (03:49)
[Dean: What do you think, Scully?] I’m not Scully, you’re Scully. [No, I’m Mulder. You’re a red-headed woman.] (06:35)
[Sam: We got to find out if anyone else struck any bargains around here.] Great. So we got to clean up these people’s mess for them? I mean, they’re not exactly squeaky clean. Nobody put a gun to their head and forced them to play “Let’s Make a Deal.” [So what, we should just leave them to die?] Somebody goes over Niagara in a barrel, you gonna jump in to try to save them? [Dean.] Alright. Fine. (14:44)
[Demon: You’d sacrifice your life for someone else’s. Like father, like son. (29:01) 
[Demon: I’m not gonna put you out of your misery.] Yeah? Why not? [’Cause your misery is the whole point. It’s too much to watch. Knowing how your daddy died for you, how he sold his soul—I mean, that’s got to hurt. He’s all you ever think about. You wake up and your first thought is, “I can’t do this anymore.” You’re all lit up with pain. I mean, you loved him so much. And it’s all your fault. You blew it, Dean! I could’ve given you what you need.] What do I need? [Your father.] (30:36)
How could he do it? [Sam: He did it for you.] Exactly. How am I supposed to live with that? (38:14)
How many people do you think Dad saved total? [Dean: That's not the point, Sam.] Evan Hudson is safe because of what Dad taught us. That's his legacy, Dean. Now we're still here, man, so we got to keep going. For him. (38:48)
George: Listen, I get that you boys want to help, but sometimes a person makes their bed and they just got to lie down in it. (17:38)
Hey, look, man, I’m not happy about this, okay? But it's a tough job, and you know that. [Sam: It's supposed to be tough, Dean. We're supposed to struggle with this. That's the whole point.] What does that buy us? [A clear conscience, for one.] Well, it's too late for that. [What the hell has happened to you?] What? [You might kill an innocent man, and you don't even care. You don't act like yourself anymore, Dean. Hell, you know what, you're acting like one of those things out there.] (25:40)
[Sam: Go with them. This is your only chance.] Ah, you're not gonna get rid of me that easy. (31:17)
[Sam: Dean, I'm sick. It's over for me. It doesn't have to be for you.] No—[No, you can keep going.] Who says I want to? [What?] I'm tired, Sam. I'm tired of this job, this life, this weight on my shoulders, man, I'm tired of it. [So what, so you're just gonna give up? I mean, you're just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know this stuff with Dad had—] You're wrong. It's not about Dad. I mean, part of it is, sure— [Then what is it about?] (32:54)
I just think we should take a break from all this. Why do we got to get stuck with all the responsibility, you know? Why can't we live life a little bit? [Why are you saying all this? No no no no no, Dean. You're my brother, alright? So whatever weight you're carrying, let me help a little bit.] I can't. I promised. [Who?] Dad. (39:23)
[Dean: Hey, look, man, I'm not happy about this, okay? But it's a tough job, and you know that.] It's supposed to be tough, Dean. We're supposed to struggle with this. That's the whole point. [What does that buy us?] A clear conscience, for one. (25:40)
You're my brother, alright? So whatever weight you're carrying, let me help a little bit. (39:38)
He said that he...wanted me to watch out for you. Take care of you. [Sam: He told you that a million times.] Well, this time was different. He said that I had to...save you. [Save me from what?] He just said that I had to save you, and nothing else mattered and that if I couldn't, I'd.... [You'd what, Dean?] I'd have to kill you. He said that I might have to kill you, Sammy. (04:10)
[Sam: How could you not have told me this?] Because it was Dad and he begged me not to. [Who cares? Take some responsibility for yourself Dean! You had no right to keep this from me!] You think I wanted this? Huh? I wish to God he'd never opened his mouth. Then I wouldn't have to walk around with this screaming in my head all day! (05:05)
And you're pissed at me, and I get it. That's fine, I deserve it. But we lay low until we figure out our next move, okay? [Sam: Forget it.] Sam, please, man. Hey, please. Just give me some time. Give me some time to think, okay? I'm begging you here. Please, please. (06:12)
Come on, Ellen, please. Something bad could be going on here, and I swore I'd look after that kid. [Ellen: They say you can't protect your loved ones forever. Well, I say screw that. What else is family for?] (17:27)
Come on, man. I know Sam, okay? Better than anyone. He's got more of a conscience than I do. I mean, the guy feels guilty surfing the internet for porn. [Gordon: Maybe you're right, but one day, he's gonna be a monster.] How? Huh? How's a guy like Sam become a monster? [Beats me, but he will.] No, you don't know that! [I'm surprised at you, Dean. Getting all emotional. I'd heard you were more of a professional than this.] (29:15)
[Gordon: Look, I'm sympathetic. He's your brother, you love the guy. This has got to hurt like hell for you. But here's the thing. It would've wrecked him, but your dad, if it really came right down to it, he would have had the stones to do the right thing here. So you're telling me, you're not the man he is?] (30:24)
Screw the job. Screw it, man. I'm sick of the job anyway. I mean, we don't get paid, we don't get thanked. The only thing we get's bad luck. [Well, come on, dude, you're a hunter. I mean, it's what you're meant to do.] Oh, I wasn't meant to do anything. I don't believe in that destiny crap. (39:00)
[Sam: You can't run from this, and you can't protect me.] I can try. (39:27)
[Dean: He said that I might have to kill you, Sammy.] Kill me? What the hell is that supposed to mean? [I don't know.] I mean, he must've had some kind of reason for saying it, right? I mean, did he know the demon's plans for me? Am I supposed to go dark side or something? What else did he say, Dean? [That's it, I swear.] How could you not have told me this? [Because it was Dad and he begged me not to.] Who cares? Take some responsibility for yourself Dean! You had no right to keep this from me! (04:46)
[Ellen: I wish I could blame the hell out of you boys. It'd be easier. Truth is, it's not your fault. Sam, none of it is.] (10:27)
[Gordon: You wouldn't shoot me, would you, Sammy? 'Cause your brother, he thinks you're some kind of saint.] Yeah, well, I wouldn't be so sure. (33:46)
[Gordon: You're no better than the filthy things you hunt.] *They tussle, Sam points a gun at him.* [Do it. Do it! Show your brother the killer you really are, Sammy.] It's Sam. (34:22)
I'm not gonna just ditch the job. (39:00)
[Dean: Oh, I wasn't meant to do anything. I don't believe in that destiny crap.] You mean you don't believe in my destiny. [Whatever.] Look, Dean, I've tried running before. I mean, I ran all the way to California and look what happened. You can't run from this, and you can't protect me. [I can try.] Thanks for that. Look, Dean, I'm gonna keep hunting. I mean, whatever's coming, I'm taking it head on, so if you really want to watch my back, then I guess you're gonna have to stick around. (39:13)
[Sam: We gotta save as many people as we can.] Wow. That attitude is just way too healthy for me. I'm officially uncomfortable now, thank you. (05:16)
[Sam: I need you to watch out for me.] Yeah, I always do. [No no no no, you have to watch out for me, all right? And if I ever turn into something that I'm not...you have to kill me.] Sam.... [Dean, Dad told you to do it. You have to.] Yeah, well, Dad's an ass. He never should've said anything. I mean, you don't do that, you don't—you don't lay that kind of crap on your kids. [No, he was right to say it. Who knows what I might become? Even now, everyone around me dies.] Yeah, well, I'm not dying. Okay? And neither are you. Come on, sit down. [No. Please. Dean, you're the only one who can do it. Promise.] Don't ask that of me. (16:18)
[Sherwin: Well, would you be [happy], leaving the only home you ever knew?] I don't know. I never really knew one. (19:06)
I told Ellen we'd think about checking it out. [Dean: You did?] Yeah. You seem surprised. [Yeah, it's just, you know. Not the patented Sam Winchester way, is it?] What way is that? [Just figured after Ava, there'd be, uh, you know, more angst and droopy music and staring out the rainy windows. I'll shut up now.] (04:27)
So I'm not giving up on her, but I'm not gonna let other people die, either. We gotta save as many people as we can. (05:09)
That guy who hung himself...I couldn't save him. [Dean: What are you talking about? You didn't know. You couldn't have done anything.] That's an excuse, Dean. I should have found a way to save him. I should have saved Ava, too. [Yeah, well, you can't save everyone. Even you said that.] No, Dean, you don't understand, alright? The more people I save, the more I can change. [Change what?] My destiny, Dean. (15:46)
I need you to watch out for me. [Dean: Yeah, I always do.] No no no no, you have to watch out for me, alright? And if I ever turn into something that I'm not...you have to kill me. [Dean: Sam....] Dean, Dad told you to do it. You have to. [Yeah, well, Dad's an ass. He never should've said anything. I mean, you don't do that, you don't—you don't lay that kind of crap on your kids.] No, he was right to say it. Who knows what I might become? Even now, everyone around me dies. [Yeah, well, I'm not dying. Okay? And neither are you. Come on, sit down.] No. Please. Dean, you're the only one who can do it. Promise. [Don't ask that of me.] Dean, please. You have to promise me. [I promise.] Thanks. Thank you. (16:18)
Freaking cops. [Sam: They were just doing their job.] No, they’re doing our job, only they don’t know it, so they suck at it. (03:36)
[Henriksen: I know about your dad.] You don't know crap about my dad. [Ex-Marine, raised his kids on the road, cheap motels, backwood cabins. Real paramilitary survivalist type. I just can't get a handle on what type of wacko he was— white supremist, Timmy McVeigh, tomato, tomahto.] You got no right talking about my dad like that. He was a hero. [Yeah, right. Sure sounds like it.] (31:18)
[Dean: When you told that poor son of a bitch to—what did you say?—”remand” the tapes that he copied? “Classified evidence of an ongoing investigation”? That’s messed up.] What, are you pissed at me? [No, I just think it’s a little creepy how good of a Fed you are.] (08:51)
Better to stay in the dark and stay alive. (08:51)
Odd, yes. Supernatural, maybe. But angels? I don't think so. [Sam: Why not?] 'Cause there's no such thing, Sam. [Dean, there's ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted.] Hey, you know what, there's a ton of lore on unicorns, too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams and they shoot rainbows outta their ass. [Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?] That's cute. I'm just saying, man, there's some legends that you just file under “bullcrap.” [And you got angels on the ”bullcrap” list.] Yep. [Why?] 'Cause I've never seen one. [So what?] So I believe in what I can see. [Dean, you and I have seen things most people couldn't even dream about.] Exactly. With our own eyes—that's hard proof, okay? But in all this time, I have never seen anything that looks like an angel. And don't you think that if they existed that we would've crossed paths with them, or at least know someone that crossed paths with them? (06:17)
You know what? I get it. You've got faith. That's—hey, good for you. I'm sure it makes things easier. I'll tell you who else had faith like that. Mom. She used to tell me when she tucked me in that angels were watching over us. In fact, that was the last thing she ever said to me. [You never told me that.] What's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power. There's no God. I mean, there's just chaos and violence and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds. You want me to believe in this stuff? I'm gonna need to see some hard proof. You got any? (23:09)
[Dean: What's next? Are you gonna start praying everyday?] I do. [What?] I do pray every day. I have for a long time. (19:50)
I wanted to believe. So badly. It's so damn hard to do this, what we do, all alone, you know? There's so much evil out in the world, Dean, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny, when I think about how I could end up.... [Dean: Yeah, well, don't worry about that, alright? I'm watching out for you.] Yeah, I know you are. But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think that there was something else watching, too, you know? Some higher power, some greater good. And maybe.... [Maybe what?] Maybe I could be saved. But, you know, that just clouded my judgement. And you're right. I mean, we got to go with what we know, with what we can see, with what's right there in front of our own two eyes. (37:54)
[Meg!Sam: Then how the hell did I get here, Dean? What happened to me?] I don't know, all right? But you're...you're okay, and that's what matters. Everything else we can deal with. (02:51)
Sam, go wait in the car. [Meg!Sam: But, Dean—] Go wait in the car! (06:40)
What's going on with you, Sam, hm? 'Cause smoking, throwing bottles at people, I mean that sounds more like me than you. (07:51)
You know, I've tried so hard to keep you safe. [Meg!Sam: I know.] I can't. I'd rather die. [No. You'll live.] (15:53)
[Meg!Sam: What the hell's wrong with you, Dean? Are you that scared of being alone that you'd rather let Jo die?] (25:53)
This is my fight. I'm not getting your blood on my hands. That's just how it's gonna be. (31:28)
[Meg!Sam: Dean. Back from the dead. Getting to be a regular thing for you, isn't it? Like a cockroach. (34:13)
[Meg!Sam: All that I had to hold onto was that I would climb out one day and that I was gonna torture you, nice and slow, like pulling the wings off an insect. But whatever I do to you, it's nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it? I can see it in your eyes, Dean. You're worthless. You couldn't save your dad, and deep down, you know that you can't save your brother. They'd have been better off without you.] (37:21)
[Sam: No matter what I did, you wouldn't shoot.] It was the right move, Sam, it wasn't you. [Yeah, this time. What about next time?] Sam, when Dad told me that I might have to kill you, it was only if I couldn't save you. Now, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna save you. (41:01)
For the last few weeks, I've been having...I've been having these feelings. [Dean: What feelings?] Rage. Hate. And I can't stop it. It just gets worse. Day by day, it gets worse. [You never told me this.] I didn't want to scare you. (13:52)
[Dean: No one can control you but you.] Sure doesn't seem like that, Dean. It feels like no matter what I do, slowly but surely, I'm—I'm just becoming— [What?] Who I'm meant to be. I mean, you said it once yourself, Dean, I got to face up to who I am. (14:29)
I don't want to hurt anyone else. I don't want to hurt you. [Dean: You won't. Whatever this is, you can fight it.] No. I can't. Not forever. (15:16)
My head feels like it's on fire, alright? (25:21)
Meg: Hell is like, uh...well, it's like hell. Even for demons. It's a prison made of bone and flesh and blood and fear. (36:42)
[Bobby: Come on, now, you're bickering like an old married couple.] No, see, married couples can get divorced. Me and him? We're like, uh, Siamese twins. [Sam: It's conjoined twins.] See what I mean? [Look, it...we've just been on the road for too long, tight quarters, all that.] (11:19) 
[Sam: Dude, you know something? I put up with a lot from you.] What are you talking about? I'm a joy to be around. [Yeah? Your dirty socks in the sink, your food in the fridge?] What's wrong with my food? [It's not food anymore, Dean! It's Darwinism!] I like it. [And you know what? All I ask from you, the one thing, is that you don't mess with my stuff!] You done? [You know, how would you feel if I screwed with the Impala?] It'd be the last thing you ever did. (21:15)
Dude, you know something? I put up with a lot from you. [What are you talking about? I'm a joy to be around.] Yeah? Your dirty socks in the sink, your food in the fridge? [What's wrong with my food?] It's not food anymore, Dean! It's Darwinism! [I like it.] And you know what? All I ask from you, the one thing, is that you don't mess with my stuff! (21:15)
You know, just once I'd like to round the corner and see a nice house. (16:14)
Me? I don't like [spirits]. And I sure as hell ain't making apologies for 'em. (20:08)
[Molly: Oh, thank God.] Call me Dean. (28:46)
Spirits like Greeley are, uh...like wounded animals. Lost, in so much pain, that they lash out. [Molly: Why? Why are they here?] Well, there's some part of them that...that's keeping them here, like their remains, or um...unfinished business. [Unfinished business....] Yeah, uh, could be revenge. Could be love. Or hate. Whatever it is, they just hold on too tight. Can't let go. So they're trapped, caught in the same loops. Replaying the same tragedies over and over. [You sound almost sorry for them.] Well, they weren't evil people, you know? A lot of them were good, just...something happened to them. Something they couldn't control. (18:52)
[Dean: You think she's really going to a better place?] I hope so. [I guess we'll never know. Not until we take the plunge ourselves, huh?] Doesn't really matter, Dean. Hope's kind of the whole point. (38:23)
[Sam: Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?] I'm sorry, man, but what about a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by moonlight don't you understand? I mean, werewolves are badass. We haven't seen one since we were kids. (04:39)
[Sam: You go. I'll stay.] Forget that. You go after the creepy ex. I'm gonna hang here with the hot chick. [Dude, why do you always get to hang out with the girls?] 'Cause I'm older. [No, screw that. We settle this the old-fashioned way.] *Dean throws scissors while Sam throws rock.* [Dean, always with the scissors!] Shut up, shut up. Two out of three. *Dean throws scissors while Sam throws rock.* God! [Bundle up out there, all right?] (11:11]
Sammy, I got this one. I'll do it. [Sam: She asked me to.] You don't have to. (38:56)
I'm not putting a bullet through some girl's chest who has no idea what's happening. [Dean: Sam, she's a monster and you're feeling sorry for her?] Maybe I understand her. (21:26)
[Sam: You know, I thought you hated being a PA.] I don’t know, it’s not so bad. I kind of feel like part of the team, you know? It’s good. (19:22)
Hey, we got to go check out Johnny Ramone’s grave when we’re gone here. [Sam: You want to go dig him up, too?] Bite your tongue, heathen! (23:25)
[Marty: He wrote a wackjob screenplay. There’s no pace, there’s no love interest. It’s all wackadoo exposition. I had to cut, like, 90 percent of it to make it readable, another 10 percent to make it good.] ...Should have kept Walter’s original script. It’s actually pretty good. (31:15)
[Dean: I just figured that, you know, after everything that happened with Madison, you could use a little R&R, that’s all.] Maybe I want to work, Dean. Maybe it keeps my mind off things. (05:38)
Innocent people are dead—four, so far. [Sam: Yeah, innocent.] What, are you from Texas all of a sudden? Just 'cause these people are in jail doesn't mean they deserve to die. And if we don't stop this thing, people are gonna continue to die. We do the job wherever it takes us. (11:30)
[Sam: You're doing this for Deacon?] Damn right. [We barely even know the guy.] We know he was in the Corps with Dad. We know he saved Dad's life. We know we owe him. [Yeah, all right, but don't you think he's asking a little much?] Doesn't matter. We may not be saints, but we're loyal and we pay our debts. Now, that means something to me, and it ought to to you. (11:47)
[Sam: Dean, does it bother you at all how easily you seem to fit in here?] No, not really. (28:07)
I hate this plan, Dean. [Dean: yeah, I got that the first ten times I heard it.] (05:12)
This is, without a doubt, the dumbest, craziest thing we’ve ever done, and that’s in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy. (10:58)
When I was a kid, what did you always tell me when you put me to bed? [Mary: Dean, I don't understand—] Just answer the question. [I told you angels were watching over you.] (07:05)
Who'd have thought, Baby? We're civilians. (11:42)
That lawn looks like it could use some mowing. [Mary: You want to mow the lawn?] You kidding me? I'd love to mow the lawn. [Knock yourself out. You'd think you've never mowed a lawn in your life.] (13:08)
[Sam: I mean this whole warm, fuzzy, ecstasy-trip thing.] I'm just happy for you, Sammy. [Yeah, right. That's another thing. Since when do you call me “Sammy?” Dean, come on. We don't talk outside of holidays.] We don't? Well, we should. I mean, you're my brother. [”You're my brother?”] Yeah! [You know, that's what you said when you snaked my ATM card, or when you bailed on my graduation, or when you hooked up with Rachel Nave.] Who? [My prom date, on prom night.] Yeah, that does kinda sound like me. Well, hey, man, I'm sorry about all that. [No, look, it's all right, man, I just...you know, I'm not asking you to change, I just.... I don't know, I guess we just don't really have anything in common. You know?] Wait, whoa whoa whoa, yes we do. Yes we do. [What?] Hunting. [Hunting? I've never been hunting in my life, Dean.] Yeah, well, then we should go sometime. I think you'd be great at it. (17:51)
I can fix things with Sam. I can make it up to him. To everyone. [Carmen: Okay. What's gotten into you lately?] This isn't gonna make a lick of sense to you...but I kind of feel like I've been given a second chance. And I don't want to waste it. (19:58)
And there's this woman that's haunting me, I don't know why. I don't know what the connection is—not yet, anyway. It's like my old life is coming after me or something, you know, like it doesn't want me to be happy. Of course, I know what you'd say. Well, not the you that played softball, but you'd say, "Go hunt the djinn. It put you here, it can put you back. Your happiness or all those people's lives, no contest." Right? But why? Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero? What about us, huh? What, Mom's not supposed to live her life? Sammy's not supposed to get married? Why do we have to sacrifice everything, Dad? (23:14)
I'm sorry that we don't get along. And I wish to hell I could stay and fix it. But I gotta do this. People's lives depend on it. (26:07)
[Djinn!Sam: Why'd you have to keep digging? Why couldn't you have left well-enough alone? You were happy.] [Djinn!Mary: Put the knife down, honey.] You're not real. None of it is. [It doesn't matter. It's still better than anything you had.] What? [It's everything you want. We're a family again. Let's go home.] I'll die. The djinn will drain the life out of me in a couple days. [But in here, with us, it'll feel like years, like a lifetime. I promise. No more pain, no more fear. Just love and comfort and safety. Dean, stay with us. Get some rest.] [Djinn!Jessica: You don't have to worry about Sam anymore. You get to watch him live a full life.] [Djinn!Carmen: We can have a future together, have our own family. I love you, Dean. Please.] [Djinn!Sam: Why is it our job to save everyone? Haven't we done enough? I'm begging you. Give me the knife.] I'm sorry. (34:47)
I gotta tell you, though, man, you know, you had Jess. Mom was gonna have grandkids. [Sam: Yeah, but Dean, it wasn't real.] I know. But I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay so bad. I mean, ever since Dad....all I can—all I can think about it how much this job has cost us. We've lost so much. And we've sacrificed so much. (40:43)
[Dean: Get out of the car.] I'm going with you. [You're just gonna slow me down.] Tough. [This is dangerous and you could get hurt.] Yeah, and so could you, Dean. [Sam—] Look, whatever stupid thing you're about to do, you're not doing it alone, and that's that. [I don't understand, why are you doing this?] Because you're still my brother. [Bitch.] What are you calling me a bitch for? [You're supposed to say jerk.] What? [Nevermind.] (27:07)
Well, I'm glad we do [get along]. And I'm glad you dug yourself out, Dean. Most people wouldn't have had the strength. They would've just stayed. (40:25)
[Dean: We've lost so much. And we've sacrificed so much.] But people are alive because of you, Dean. It's worth it, it is. It's not fair, and, you know, it hurts like hell, but it's worth it. (41:24)
I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take care of you. I got you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother. (39:32)
[Jake: By the way, I, uh, appreciate what you're doing here.] What am I doing? [Keeping calm, keeping them calm. Especially considering how freaked to hell you really are. I've been in some deep crap before myself. I know the look.] Want to know the truth? I got this brother, right? And he's always telling me how he's gonna watch out for me, how everything's gonna be okay, you know, kinda like I've been telling them. [Yeah.] I don't know if I believe it this time. (22:56)
[Bobby: Don't you think maybe it's time...we bury Sam?] No. [We could maybe....] What? Torch his corpse? Not yet. [I want you to come with me.] I'm not going anywhere. [Dean, please.] Would you cut me some slack? [I just don't think you should be alone, that's all. I gotta admit, I could use your help. Something big is going down—end-of-the-world big!] Well, then let it end! [You don't mean that.] You don't think so? Huh? You don't think I've given enough? You don't think I've paid enough? I'm done with it. All of it. (02:16)
You know, when we were little, when you couldn't have been more than five, you just started asking questions. How come we didn't have a mom, why do we always have to move around, where'd Dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? I remember I begged you, "Quit asking, Sammy. Man, you don't want to know." I just wanted you to be a kid, just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you, keep you safe. Dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I have one job—I had one job. And I screwed it up. I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I let Dad down. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too? How can I? How am I supposed to live with that? What am I supposed to do? Sammy. What am I supposed to do? (06:27)
That's the same deal you give everybody else. [Demon: You're not everybody else. Why would I want to give you anything? Keep your gutter soul. It's too tarnished, anyway.] (11:08)
You almost died in there. I mean, what would I have.... You just take care of yourself for a little bit, huh? Just for a little bit. (16:37)
Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. That's why I'm gonna kill him myself. I mean, I got nothing to lose now, right? (19:00)
[Bobby: What is it with you Winchesters, huh? You, your dad—you're both just itching to throw yourselves down the pit.] (19:18)
Dad brought me back, Bobby, I'm not even supposed to be here. At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? It's like my life can mean something. [Bobby: What? And it didn't before? Have you got that low an opinion of yourself? Are you that screwed in the head?] I couldn't let him die, Bobby. I couldn't. He's my brother. [How is your brother gonna feel when he knows you're going to Hell? How'd you feel when you knew your dad went for you?] You can't tell him. You take a shot at me, whatever you gotta do, but please don't tell him. (19:27)
[Azazel: You saw what your brother just did to Jake, right? That was pretty cold, wasn't it? How certain are you that what you brought back is 100% pure Sam? You of all people should know that's what dead should stay dead. Anyway, thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. Until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family.] (32:23)
[Sam: You shouldn't have done that. How could you do that?] Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job. (38:45)
I kind of can't believe it, Dean. I mean... our whole lives, everything... has been prepping for this, and now I...I kind of don't know what to say. (36:35)
[Dean: I had to look out for you. That's my job.] And what do you think my job is? [What?] You saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change. (38:57)
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theartoftiinyideas · 5 years
get in line, blasty boy
[bakugo katsuki x fem! reader]
a/n: this imagine was taken from my wattpad, but since i really loved writing it i figured i’d share it here as well :DD
word count: 2.1k + strong language it’s bakuhoe guys
summary: it takes very little time and skill to piss off bakugo katsuki. but to astonish him? now that’s a whole other can of worms. and you just did both in under 5 minutes.
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Giddy with excitement, you bound down the streets towards U.A. to meet up with your childhood best friend—Kaminari Denki—after what seemed like literal ages. You guys used to be attached to the hip in middle school and got up to all kinds of shenanigans since you were next-door-neighbors, but ever since Denki started focusing more and more on his hero training, you were able spend a lot less time together. Now that he was living on school grounds with all his classmates, it was practically impossible.
So when he texted you that he finally had a day off, you pounced on the opportunity like there was no tomorrow. If you were being honest with yourself, you missed all the crazy shit that went down whenever the two of you got together, but no way were you going to tell Denki that, his ego was too big as it is.
Already near your destination, you were completely unaware and frankly unprepared for the disastrous shit show of class 1-A that was about to greet you. It started kind of like this 10 minutes ago:
“Kaminari, bro, you can't be serious! What do you mean you already have plans? I even convinced Bakugo to join us!” whined Kirishima, dejected about the fact that one of his best bros won't be able to tag along to the barbecue he invited the whole class to.
“Shut up, shitty hair! Like hell you convinced me! If this is a stupid waste of my time, I'm fucking leaving,” growled Bakugo.
“Oi, Bakugo, we talked about this, stop being so rude.”
“Whoa, guys,” Mina interrupted, “can we go back to the part where Kaminari has plans? Don't tell me you actually have friends outside of school?”
Kaminari let out an overdramatic gasp, clutching his heart in mock hurt as Jiro cackled in the background. “So RUDE, Mina! Apparently, she's my only friend then, you traitors,” remarked Kaminari after sending a dirty look to a shrugging Mina.
“Wait a second, dude,” Sero butted in, quite surprised, “your friend is a she?”
“Kaminari! Why is this the first time you mention that you have a lady friend, you bastard!?”
“Because you're a pervert, Mineta! I am not letting you of all people hit on my childhood best friend!”
“Everyone, please calm down! We are students of the prestigious and respected school of U.A. and we should act according to that!” Iida tried to reason with wild hand motions, but was completely ignored by most of the buzzing class.
“Quick, Kaminari, is your friend hot?”
“Totally irrelevant, but Yao-momo, help a guy out and make some hair gel, please!”
“Don't bother, soy face, your hair is always fucking shitty.”
“I didn't ask you, Bakugo! Fuck you!”
You happened to arrive just as those magic words were screamed into oblivion by a furious-looking ash blonde hedgehog, random people losing their shit all around him while your poor, dear Denki stood in the midst of it all, trying—and failing—to create some sort of peace. ‘What the hell is this? Keeping up with the Kardashians?’ you thought, raising an eyebrow or two at the scene before you. No one had even noticed you'd showed up yet, which was the perfect opportunity for you to say something cool.
“Wow, you hero materials are really going to change the world, huh?”
Granted, that came out a little edgy, but it got everyone's attention so you were rolling with it.
“(Y/n)!” Denki exclaimed, breaking out of the group to run up to you. You grinned and did your super awesome handshake of friendship before bringing your dork of a friend into an affectionate side-hug.
“Denki, my man, how you holding up? Kicking everyone's ass?”
“Uhhh, you could say that.”
“HAH, like hell you are, dunce face! You're nowhere near the top!” mocked Bakugo, quick to assure how he was the best in class.
“Oi, now is not the time!” Kaminari tried to defend his honor—he wanted to look cool for his friend, after all.
“Don't worry, Denki,” you laughed, “you're still my favorite hero in training.”
“Aawww, thanks, girl. Anyway, let's just ignore these guys and get going. You said you have something planned?”
Denki's eyes glinted with mischief as he watched for your reaction. If it was you that came up with something to do, it most definitely involved stupid ideas and near death experiences—what could you say? You both brought out the best in each other; not to mention you always had a smashing story to tell afterwards.
“Trust me, I do,” you smirked, already knowing you were going to blow Denki's mind with your suggestion. “And this time, not even my mom's going to stop me.”
Kaminari's mouth fell open in shock, realizing what you were hinting at. As far as he knew, there was only one thing your mom had ever banned you from doing. “(Y/n).. you don't actually mean you want to..?”
“Oh, but I do.”
Class 1-A observed your conversation like a ping pong match, whipping their heads back and forth depending on who was talking. What could you be referring to that left even one of their most reckless classmates flabbergasted?
“That's insane, (Y/n)! Not even Bakugo would have the guts to do that!” Kaminari shrieked, wanting to jab back at his classmate for his earlier comment.
Bakugo immediately picked his head up at that statement, glaring daggers at Kaminari. Just what the hell was he saying? Was he underestimating him? He had the guts to do anything—
“Bakugo?” You questioned with a shit-eating grin, interrupting said person's internal rampage. “Ah, is that the green-haired cutie you were talking about earlier?”
Your eyes slid to a now very flustered Midoriya, who was practically shaking, trying his best to explain through his intense stuttering that he was in fact not Bakugo. You knew this, of course. Denki talked a lot about his classmates when you texted, and one of the major topics was him complaining about a hot-headed asshole who loved screaming everyone's face off and believing he was the best of the best. You were also aware of the fact that this guy absolutely despised even being near someone named Midoriya Izuku, who Denki described as ‘the purest broccoli boy’—no joke, you could actually search that back in one of your conversations.
You were known for annoying people beyond oblivion, so how could you possibly pass up this golden opportunity? Whoever this Bakugo guy was, you weren't afraid of him, not with your handy Quirk.
Kirishima gulped as Bakugo beside him began to shake in rage, fists tightening beside him, smoke beginning to rise from his palms as his breathing got heavier and heavier. Everyone else was watching in tense silence, praying for your survival, because you definitely had no idea what you just got yourself into.
With a jerk of his head, Bakugo started marching towards you with intimidating steps, voicing his thoughts clear as day.
Bakugo was in your face now, eyes aflame while you stood there not moving an inch despite his threatening aura. You were beyond entertained at this point, quickly covering your mouth to stifle some of your escaping chuckles. That only aggravated Bakugo further, his eyebrows twitching as he grit his teeth together.
“What the hell are you laughing about, huh?!”
“Sorry,” you said in a tone that said you were anything but apologetic. “It's just that, you'll blow me to bits?”
You threw an amused glance at Kaminari, who bit down on his lip, not even trying to hide how much he was enjoying this. If even possible, Bakugo got more pissed off, finished with this secret inside conversation you were both having. He wouldn't hesitate to use his Explosion on you if it meant that it'd teach you a lesson not to mess with him.
“Damn right I will, shithead!” He screamed, tiny sparks going off in his palms, but before he could even raise his hands to take aim, you burst out laughing, Kaminari following in tow.
You were clutching your stomach, your laughter uncontrollable as Kaminari stumbled to the ground from his wheezing, beating his fist into the ground as tears were literally streaming down his face. Bakugo faltered, the entirety of class 1-A confused out of their minds. They knew that Kaminari somehow had absolutely no fear of their hot-headed classmate, but this may be taking it a bit too far. Did you have a death wish or something?!
“Oh my god, dude, you're hilarious,” you spoke eventually, effectively cutting off Bakugo before he had a chance to yell a response. “You're going to blow me to bits? Pff, get in line, blasty boy! You're behind a whole lot of people who want to do the same thing. If you value your time, I suggest you don't even try, cause I bet you won't be able to land a single scratch on me.”
Fuming with rage, Bakugo watched that annoying smirk you wore, your hands crossed together over your chest confidently. Just who did you think you were, looking down on him like that?! He'd had enough of you.
“Then take this, you damn bitch!”
“Wait, Bakugo, you're standing way too close—”
Kirishima's warning fell on deaf ears as Bakugo thrust his arms forward, letting an enormous blast out of his palms that shook the ground below him. The rest of the class gaped at the huge cloud of smoke you disappeared into, mortified and extremely concerned for your well-being. Kaminari was the only one who was grinning, knowing exactly how this whole ordeal was going to turn out in the end.
“How do you like that, you blabbering woman!? You're awfully silent after your big talk!” Bakugo taunted, his lips forming into a victorious sneer. Naturally, he'd won; he always wins. You were just another obstacle in his way he had to defeat.
“My, my, Bakugo. I'm quite disappointed,” your voice rang out unexpectedly from the lingering layer of smoke. “For being the top of the class, you sure can't aim for shit.”
The rest of the smoke dispersed at your last words, revealing your form that was.. completely unharmed. You stood in the exact same position before Bakugo's blast—only a few meters away from your original spot—but your body suffered no damage. No burn marks, no scratches, no bleeding injuries, no nothing. Hell, even your styled hair and clothes were fully intact!
Kaminari whistled. Several jaws dropped in astonishment. Bakugo was speechless. He couldn't have missed. No, that was impossible. Bakugo Katsuki didn't miss. But your appearance told a different story. And you still wore that damn annoying smirk.
“Well, that was fun,” you exclaimed after several moments of silence have passed, dismissing everyone's amazed expression—you still had a plan to complete with Denki, after all. “Oi, Pikachu, you ready to go?”
“Oh, you bet your ass! This is my friend, y'all, mine! Whoo, way to go, (Y/n)!”
Denki was practically on fire, vigorously jumping around and pointing at you as he continued to boast to his classmates; which wasn't really necessary, as everyone was sure they were never going to forget the events they just witnessed.
“Oh, and by the way,” you turned to Bakugo one last time with a teasing smile and whispered so only he could hear you. “Close your mouth, you'll catch flies.”
Your cheeky wink at the end set Bakugo off again and he launched at you with a battle cry, but Kirishima was quick to hold him back this time with a death grip. Bakugo glared daggers into your retreating back as you went on your way with Kaminari, still muttering empty threats after he pushed off Kirishima's hold on him. That stupid barbecue was the last thing on his mind right know. Ignoring Kirishima's protests, he changed directions to go back to his dorm instead of joining his classmates.
As he slammed his door shut, Bakugo decided then and there that when the two of you will meet again—because he'll make sure you do—he won't miss.
let me know what you thought uwu
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artificialqueens · 4 years
blow a kiss, fire a gun — chapter two (roza)
[ Summary ] : Nicky Doll's life as head of one of the biggest mafias in Western Europe becomes compromised the minute Jackie Cox, an NYPD detective, won't leave her mind. The decision between keeping her status and letting herself have feelings for her is more difficult than she'd ever thought.
[ Author's Note (s) ] :
hope you all enjoy, giving the gays everything they want!
Thanks to Frey for beta-ing ❤ 
Feedback is very much appreciated!
— *.✧
It’s a slow day at the station, which is honestly rather weird, considering that usually everything in New York City is busy. Jaida wants to believe it’s something good, but, unluckily, she isn’t as positive as Jackie.
Jackie is oddly cheerful for a detective. Like, Brooklyn Nine Nine kind of cheerful. Jaida doesn’t mind it, though, it’s good to have someone to balance out her usual negativity.
She’s been chewing on a pencil for the last five minutes, trying to resolve a crossword puzzle, while Jaida is doing their paperwork. Jaida doesn’t complain, because the last time they had a slow day, she texted Jan through almost all of it. It’s a fair game.
“Five letter word for ‘pessimist'.” Jackie reads out loud. “J-A-I-D-A. It fits,” she chirps with a laugh, Jaida cocks a brow in her direction, forgetting the papers for a moment.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not true, and that such word doesn’t exist,” she complains, tapping her fingers on the desk. Jackie snorts, showing her the page.
“No, but your name fits and I couldn’t resist it.” She shrugs and Jaida lets out a small laugh.
“If you’re so bored, then why don’t you help me with the paperwork?” She offers, but Jackie cocks a brow and points at Jaida’s phone laying across the desk.
“I didn’t complain when you were glued to your phone the last time and were all giddy, while I cracked my skull open doing paperwork,” Jackie points out and Jaida huffs, a small blush spreading across her face.
It’s really not a secret how much Jaida loves Jan; in fact, she’s pretty sure everyone at the station knows. She overheard her colleagues talking about needing a haircut or not finding a hairstylist of their liking for an event more than once, and Jaida would always step into the conversation and suggest they go to Jan.
After two years of dating, pretty much everyone at the station had gone at least once to Jan’s salon per Jaida’s recommendation, and even hung out with Jan at the holidays parties. There isn’t a single person at the station that doesn’t think they’re an adorable couple.
Which is why the announcement of Jaida’s engagement didn’t surprise anyone, in fact, many of her co-workers told her they were pretty shocked at the fact they waited for so long.
Jackie being one of them.
“One day you’re gonna be in love with someone as I am with Jan, and then I’ll make fun of you like you make fun of me,” Jaida threatens jokingly, Jackie can’t help but laugh.
She doesn’t bother bringing up the fact that she’s been painfully single since college, and never got past the third date - she just dismisses her with a snort.
“Don’t hold your breath, then,” Jackie comments, sticking her tongue out. Jaida rolls her eyes at the childish behaviour of her partner.
“Be careful with what you say, Miss Cox; before meeting Jan I said I would never marry, and look at her now.” Jaida nudges at her engagement ring and Jackie scoffs with a smirk. “Oh! Speaking of that, remember that the bridal party is this Sunday, don’t be late or I’ll ask Aiden to be my maid of honor.” She points at the apathetic secretary, who’s currently ignoring everyone and everything by being on her phone.
Jackie gasps, acting overdramatically offended, clasping a hand on her chest.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Jackie says, Jaida cocks a sly brow.
“Try me, bitch,” Jaida threatens, though both know she would rather call off the wedding than ask Aiden to be her maid of honor.
Jackie folds her arms and gives an over the top sigh.
“Is fashionably late good for you? That’s the best I can do,” she offers with a snicker. Jaida rolls her eyes with an amused smile.
“You better look like you could steal somebody’s woman, then. So long as it’s not mine.” They laugh shortly and Jackie nods.
“I can do that.”
Jaida goes back to the paperwork shortly after, and Jackie continues to make up words with five letters, just so she can playfully nag at Jaida.
“How do I nicely convey I am growing bored of this bridal party?”
Nicky is sitting in her perfectly tailored, off the shoulder Alexander McQueen dress, and begins to feel uneasy next to so many cops. American cops at that.
She doesn't know how to exactly act like the current situation is at all engaging. The coldness in her eyes must be apparent, seeing that Jan tries to ask for Nicky's opinion as much as possible.
Bridal showers are practically non-existent in France, and it's not that everyone clambering in English is helping the French woman, who only came to support her close friend. Pulling her puffed sleeves down, she looks at Crystal, who seems much more at ease with the mindless conversation than Nicky is.
“Where in France are you two from?” One of the close friends of Jaida asks with genuine curiosity. Crystal opens her mouth to reply, but Nicky interjects, admitting they are from Paris. The blonde quickly turning to her close friend and making up a story to seem as music as possible to avoid any questions.
Only half an hour has ticked off the clock, and Nicky already wants to drown herself in the expensive wine bottles she herself decided to bring for the happy couple.
Jaida is a sweet partner; this is only the second time the two were physically meeting, but the love she's showing Jan is plain enough for Nicky to gain a decent amount of faith that Jan is going to be very well taken care of.
Her great sense of fashion gains another two thumbs up from the mafia leader as she begins to pick at her nails.
“Je meurs d’ennui…” she whispers to Crystal - the redhead snickering with a smile painted across her lips, as she adjusts the sleeves of her floral printed dress.
Nicky jumps at the sound of a loud knock, feeling panic quickly rush through her veins, before Jan assures her, rubbing her shoulders gently and telling her it had to be Jaida's best friend and work partner.
“Finally the lady shows up! Late as expected,” Jaida yells with a smirk as Jan laughs, Nicky thinks that this must be an often occurrence if they have no remorse to joke about it in front of everybody. The blonde couldn't ever mind being fashionably late, it was something she herself did unapologetically.
“Not late, everyone else is just early!”
Jan claps, happy that her friend has finally arrived; Nicky pays no mind until Crystal nudges her in the shoulder—commenting on how the friend is nicely dressed. The woman's eyes look up before widening large.
Flowing and wavy black hair down to her stomach, dark brown eyes, a defiant smile across her face. The French woman's heart begins to race as she admires the stunning navy and orange floor length dress, clearly inspired by some Arabic culture.
Not only is she gorgeous, she's also one of the few people who she has seen here with an impeccable sense of style.
“Salamati to the engaged couple!” She yells with a laugh, immediately hugging Jaida before waving to the group of people gathered in the living room area.
Crystal looks to Nicky, immediately feeling a sense of regret course through her body. In all the years of working side by side she had yet to see her best friend look so genuinely caught up in someone. Especially at first glance.
This can't end too well.
Jan looks to her clearly entranced friend before grasping at Nicky's hand, suddenly gasping as Jackie is passing by, saying her greetings to everyone; as if she had a plan in mind or some unknown information about Jaida's alluring best friend.
“Jackie, this is my friend from France, Nicky!”
Oh, so she's playing the matchmaker with me and a cop?
The thought quickly seems to disappear as they shake hands: definitely holding on a bit too long, as Nicky tries to play up her usual strides of confidence, winking at Jackie and seeing her face turn a soft red as she introduces herself to the detective.
“Bonjour, j'adore ton sourire,” Jackie speaks firmly, and Nicky's ego takes a small peg, though her attraction seems to be doing the opposite and climbing at a steady rate. She teasingly turns in her black McQueen dress, laughing, her eyes fluttering in response to the comment.
“Very good French for an American,” she jokes as Crystal is staring intent, nervously biting her lip, seeing the instantaneous and completely rare attraction from Nicky, who was clearly outside of her comfort zone, considering her job was often to just talk down to various men for money and designer clothing before killing them where they stand.
“Well, I was born a Persian in Canada, so I would hope my French is okay!” She jokes as the two sit close together, beginning to ignore the others in favor of staring at each other.
Nicky knows how awful of an idea it is, to flirt with a cop senselessly to the point of no return, but she can't help but feel that this interaction is very different than most she has had before.
They both rather quickly decide to leave the couch, having difficulties trying to talk without yelling. Nicky is the first to get up as Jackie quietly follows her, gently pushing their way past the others, as they look for a quieter and less crowded area to speak.
An hour of chatting quietly near the kitchen and away from everyone else left Nicky with twice the impression, learning a good chunk about Jackie and her life. She was born in Canada to a passionate Persian family before moving to Brooklyn for her years in school up until university.
Leaning against the wall of the hallway, she mentions the fact she was originally intending to be a linguistics major, hence why she spoke so many languages fluently. They laugh discussing awful French phrases Jackie learned at school and in Paris.
Jackie shrugs, admitting that it was useful for her job and living in a city inhaibited with every possible culture.
“I heard through the grapevine that you guys actually still live back in France, how long are you staying for?” Her tone the tiniest bit suggestive as Nicky grins mischievously.
“Long enough for you to ask me to go back to your house for a drink.”
The Persian laughs, both turned on and sheepish at the connotation of the comment.
Only this morning at work she was telling Jaida how she was likely the last in line to even consider a serious attempt at romance. She feels only slightly suspicious at the suggestion, though the detective was finding it hard to not give into the temptation and get the chance to talk just a bit more with the Parisienne.
“Is this an attempt to get free alcohol? I know Jaida has absolutely no taste in it, and I doubt Jan does either.” Nicky can't help but laugh, knowing she can afford any bottle of liquor in the market whenever she wants.
The French woman leans closer to Jackie's lips with a chuckle. “If I wanted to only drink with you, I would make you take me to a bar, not to your house.”
“And your friend?” The taller woman whispers as Nicky bites her tongue, having genuinely forgotten that Crystal was indeed with her, and still had to have some way of getting back into the suite.
“I'll give her my keycard and then we can go together.”
Some twinge of sense tells Nicky that this perhaps is not the best idea, considering her entire job is trying to avoid any kind of cop or detective, but she feels her heart starting to overtake every sense of logic previously established.
“Deal.” The two separate gently as Jackie goes to say goodbye to everyone.
Nicky gently stares around the home as she is left alone, adjusting the pins in her hair, feeling completely like a fool, like she is letting down all the years of integrity and obvious rules built up during her family's leadership because of some, albeit enticing, detective with a smile brighter than she's ever seen before.
One night, Nicky, it's only one night, and then you leave.
Nicky can barely believe herself, as she approaches Crystal, who clearly looks the least bit thrilled seeing her partner all hot and bothered. Nicky hands over the keys to their luxury suite as her flustered face says everything she needs to know. “I'm staying out late tonight, I will be back in the morning.”
“C’est des conneries!” Crystal whispers, angry that Nicky wants to pull this unsuspecting detective into her own bed for fun. Nicky whimpers like a puppy, insisting that this is different and not for any kind of vengeful purpose.
“That's even worse!” Nicky shushes her, admitting that probably it was indeed worse than the entire femme fatale act she was known for. Crystal shakes her head, knowing, in the back of her head, Nicky wouldn't stay for more than two nights before shutting the door on Jackie.
Walking out of the door, she takes a deep breath, knowing how much regret she will feel in the morning. Jackie holds out her hand for the blonde to take before Nicky finally opens her mouth to speak.
“Lead the way.”
The moment the door is shut, Crystal drags Jan towards the kitchen.
“I blame this on you,” Crystal half whispers, half shouts, while she presses her index finger to Jan’s chest.
Jan puts her palms up in a sign of peace. When she introduced Jackie and Nicky, she wasn’t really expecting this outcome. She didn’t know what she was expecting, honestly; she just noticed Nicky staring at Jackie and decided it’d be fun to see what happened.
“Why is it my fault? It’s Nicky that left with Jackie!” She defends herself with a huff. Crystal folds her arms, looking at her through narrowed eyes.
“You’re lucky Gigi couldn’t come, otherwise she would’ve kicked you for introducing them, and Nicky for flirting with a cop,” Crystal says matter-of-factly, and a cold sweat runs through Jan’s back when she imagines that scenario.
Yeah, Gigi won’t be happy when she finds out.
“Nicky is a responsible adult and a great leader, she knows better than to catch feelings for a cop.” Jan dismisses it with a wave of her hand, and Crystal cocks a brow.
“You and I know very well that between Nicky and ‘responsible’ is a big field for discussion,” she points out, and Jan has to admit she’s right. “God, Gigi will kick the fuck out of Nicky if she finds out,” she repeats, and Jan is about to object when she’s interrupted by her phone.
Almost as if they invoked her, Jan takes her phone out of her pocket and she gasps a little when she sees the name on the lockscreen.
“Gigi?” Jan says, Crystal’s eyebrows shooting up and a smile appearing in her face at the mention of the younger girl.
“Jan! Baby, I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to the bridal party, I had some problems,” Gigi explains in an apologetic tone. She’s wiping blood off her face as she speaks, trying to ignore how sweaty she is, while the bathtub fills. “Congratulations, regardless! I’ll do my best to not miss your wedding and bachelorette party.”
Jan softens up a little and smiles.
“Thank you, love. I can’t wait to see you again. Though I know of two gals that might be visiting you soon,” she replies suggestively, softly elbowing Crystal, who blushes furiously.
Gigi bites her lower lip, knowing exactly who she means, and though she tries to help it, her heart skips several beats at the thought of seeing Crystal again.
“Yeah? How interesting, do you happen to know when are those gals arriving?” She inquires, turning on the speaker so she can get undressed to take a well deserved bath.
“I don’t, but you can ask one of them right now.” Before Crystal can object, Jan gives her the phone and leaves, Crystal curses Jan under her breath, though she doesn’t really mean it.
She takes the phone and inhales sharply before speaking.
“Hi G,” she breathes out. She hears a giggle on the other side of the line and her heart stops for a moment.
“Hey Crys,” Gigi says softly, the soreness in her muscles is suddenly gone. Or maybe it’s just that she’s too eager to speak with Crystal, she doesn’t notice anything else. “So, you’re going to pay me a visit?” She inquires with a smile.
Crystal nods, but soon realizes that Gigi can’t see her, obviously.
“Yeah, we came to, uh, get everything settled for a journey, and we decided to stay for the bridal party,” she comments pacing back and forth around the kitchen with a toothy smile.
Gigi rolls her eyes at the thought of having to hang out with a bunch of cops. It’s her worst nightmare come true.
“Has Nicky tried to seduce someone already? She’s brave enough to scam a cop just for the thrill of it.” Though Gigi’s tone is lighthearted, Crystal sweats as she tries to form a coherent sentence.
“Not yet. She’s uh, she’s been talking about fashion with one of Jaida’s co-workers, because she’s the only other bitch around that has taste in fashion,” Crystal says, her free hand twitching as she tries to keep her tone casual.
It works, because apparently Gigi doesn’t suspect anything, letting a laugh escape from her lips as she enters the bathtub.
“Typical Nicky,” she remarks, feeling her muscles relax in the hot water. “Crys, you know I love talking with you, but I’ve just came back from disposing of some bodies and I’m beyond tired. I’ll text you later, yeah?” Gigi softly explains and Crystal sighs in relief.
“Yeah, sure, we’ll talk later. See you, honey.”
Something inside Gigi twitches when Crystal calls her honey, but she refuses to acknowledge it.
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Uh oh- I wrote another fanfic. This time it’s a Crygi fic <3 So please enjoy!!! The fanfic can be accessed through the AO3 link but also you can just read under the cut here! Please leave a comment or reblog if you feel so inclined!
If you’re ever feeling bored… I just moved in… I’m the girl next door.
Crystal had never considered herself someone who was easily flustered. Honestly, she was rather outgoing. She had never been prone to shy away or back down from anything- much less romantic interactions and she took pride in the fact she was everything but the stereotypical “useless lesbian”. But apparently, there was always a first time for everything. And for once in her life, Crystal found herself a jumbled mess at the hands of a pretty girl.
She had been in the middle of her once a month, high intensity cleaning spree- a bottle of disinfectant in one hand and a trash bag full of empty take out containers in the other- when she finally met her match. 
A girl named Gigi Goode.
Now, Crystal loved music. She loved it with all her heart. If music was a pretty girl, she’d be married to it by now. She’d have musical babies with it if she could. She just really liked music. And she especially liked to blast her music as loud as she possibly could, whenever she possibly could. Which meant she was usually entertaining the entire neighborhood with her kickass music tastes from the second she woke up to the second she hit her mattress again at night. And maybe this had earned her dozens of noise complaints in the past, but well, you only live once. Noise complaints are temporary, the beauty that is the song C’est La Vie by B*Witched is forever. Her neighbors tended to disagree on this fact, but well, her immediate next door neighbor (an older woman by the name of Bianca) had finally moved...
So really, nothing was stopping Crystal from playing her music as loudly or as frequently as she pleased anymore. Hence, the Trixie Mattel albums she had playing on loop as she swept and dusted her apartment at 9:30 in the morning.
Crystal’s love for Trixie Mattel’s music was one that had changed her life, an all consuming love like one has for a mother, or a beloved family pet. Except neither Crystal’s mom or beloved cat Tic Tac had really played a part in Crystal’s gay awakening- which was probably for the best. Yep, Crystal had been obsessed with Trixie Mattel and her music since the moment she had seen the blonde perform at a local bar years in the past. She still had the homemade CD she had bought at the bar, stashed away in one of her drawers, which had found a home amongst the high quality vinyls that she would buy from Trixie’s online shop once the woman had gained her big break. 
And again, for clarity, Trixie Mattel had been Crystal’s lesbian awakening. Which honestly surprised nearly no one, as everyone around her had known Crystal was a lesbian before the notion of lesbianism had ever crossed her own mind. But while Crystal had been so deep in the closet she had nearly found Narnia, Trixie Mattel served as the guiding light out of the dark, musty, moth infested closet and into the light of wow women are really pretty. In honor of this fact, her CD had been the first one Crystal ever purchased with money she had earned herself. With all this in mind, it was only natural Crystal blare her music at any chance she could. 
The last song faded out, before the playlist looped again, Trixie Mattel’s saccharine sweet voice making Crystal break out into a dopey grin, before she was singing along as best as she could (where she was surprisingly on key for once in her life). She had just begun to really groove along to the chorus of Girl Next Door before a demanding knock startled her from her reverie.
Had she invited someone over?
Crystal wracked her brain, last she checked she didn’t have any plans for the day. Maybe Nicky was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jaida. Or Jan was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jackie. Or Rock was coming by to discuss the latest girl she’d met that she’d decided she was definitely in love with- this time for total realsies. God, Crystal’s friend group was full of useless lesbians. Thank god she wasn’t as useless and easily smitten as the rest of them. Nope. Crystal gave herself a mental pat on the back for this fact, swinging open the door with far too much force- a scathing zinger on the tip of her tongue to mock one of her lovesick friends.
But it wasn’t Jan or Nicky or Rock.
It was someone Crystal had never seen in her life.
A woman with piercing eyes, violently scarlet hair, and an outfit that seemed to be ripped straight from a high end fashion magazine stood in the doorway- staring Crystal down as if they were lifelong enemies. And oops- this woman was terrifyingly hot.
“Uh… hello?” Crystal offered out, feeling her mind go blank, all thoughts of who the woman was or why she was there replaced with a looping mantra of pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl. 
“Hello.” The woman parroted with a disapproving hum, “I’m Gigi Goode. I just moved in next door.”
“Oh. Well hi! I’m Crystal. Lovely to meet you.” She flashed a bright smile, hoping the redhead would return the gesture… or at least give Crystal something other than a death glare.
Gigi didn’t seem to care about Crystal’s introduction, speaking in a way that reminded Crystal of the customer service voice she’d use back at her old job at Chuck E. Cheese when dealing with entitled parents, “Yes… lovely to meet you. Ms. Del Rio warned me about you- but I didn’t realize she was so serious about how often you listen to your music. You are aware it’s barely ten in the morning right?”
“And you are aware that most people like to spend their Sunday mornings in bed right?”
Crystal nodded, “Right.”
“Have you ever considered wearing headphones? Or turning down your music? Or literally anything other than blasting your music at the same decibel count as a private jet?”
Gigi rolled her eyes, an overdramatic gesture that despite its angry intention, simply made a hoard of lovesick butterflies erupt in Crystal’s stomach, “Thought not. Maybe try headphones next time, I didn’t need you blasting your shitty country music as a wake up call.”
Oh. OH? SHITTY? SHITTY COUNTRY MUSIC? Alright, maybe this woman wasn’t as perfect and cute as Crystal thought if she was calling Trixie Mattel’s music shitty.
“It’s not fucking shitty country music actually, it’s Trixie Mattel.” Crystal said as politely as she could, resisting the urge to flip off her new neighbor, disgustingly ethereally pretty or not- no one called Trixie Mattel’s music shitty in front of Crystal and got away with it.
“Whatever.” The woman said with a groan, rubbing at her temples with a yawn, “Just keep it down next time or I’m gonna be forced to file a noise complaint.”
Crystal opened her mouth to respond, wanting to snark back, but Gigi was already turning around and walking back the way she came. 
She seemed to be actually pretty tired, stumbling a bit as she turned the corner, which made Crystal feel a bit bad. She probably had woken the poor woman up.
Hmmm… maybe Gigi had a point. 
Crystal might as well invest in some earbuds.
+ +
The next week flew by without a peep from the redheaded neighbor, even as Crystal played her music like usual.
She had placed in an order for some brand new headphones, but for some reason her package got lost in transit, so she was stuck with her speaker for the time being.
But the beautiful woman never came back to bother Crystal about it.
Maybe Crystal played her music a bit louder that week hoping she would though.
And maybe she played some girl in red to give her a hint that she too was a friend of Ellen. As in she was a lesbian. Not an actual Ellen fan. God no.
Sunday rolled around again though without a peep from Gigi, with Crystal keeping her music at a surprisingly not eardrum shattering level when she heard a loud, persistent knocking on her door.
“Yo,” She said as she swung open the door, “What’s up?”
It was Gigi again, looking just as radiant as she had the first time they met, though this time she had on a shy smile instead of a sleep-deprived pout. And just like the first time they had met, all of Crystal’s conversational skills seemed to vanish in thin air, out on a sabbatical or something, leaving Crystal empty headed as she stared at the other women. 
“Uh… howdy!” She finally managed to squeak out once her brain booted up again, wincing at the way her voice jumped an octave within a two syllable word, “Gigi right?”
Gigi nodded, looking Crystal up and down, as if trying to memorize her and her outfit before she spoke again, “And you’re Crystal.” After a millisecond pause she continued, “I really like your outfit today. Pinks a nice color on you.”
Crystal felt her face heat up, “Uh thanks! I- I like yours too! And your makeup! You are just- wow- your outfit- everything about you is uh, very pretty.”
Wow. Crystal was so bad at this. She was usually so outgoing, so good at flirting, or at least not so miserably clumsy at it… what kind of witchcraft was this girl using to make Crystal so choked up?
“Thanks,” Gigi replied, seemingly oblivious to Crystal’s aggressive gay panicking, “I just wanted to stop by and apologize for how I acted last week. I was really, really stressed out with moving and all and running on very little sleep so I was a bit…” she paused, making an awkward clicking sound with her tongue, a hint of pink crawling up her neck before she admitted, “I was honestly a bit of a bitch. Like- a mega cunt. I’m really sorry, can we start over again perhaps?”
Crystal wanted to assure Gigi that she understood. They all had their bad days, and to be fair, Crystal had been listening to her music far too loudly. But instead she simply extended a hand, flashing an overenthusiastic Crystal brand smile to her neighbor before chirping out, “Nice to meet you, I’m Crystal- from what I gather you’re new to the neighborhood right?”
Gigi’s eyes went wide, confused for a split second before she understood what Crystal was doing, giving a soft snort of laughter which totally wasn’t the cutest thing Crystal had ever heard, no siree, before she took Crystal’s hand in hers to shake, “Yes, I just moved in last week actually. I’m Gigi Goode, lovely to meet you. I adore your hair.”
The fact this was already the second genuine compliment she had been given by Gigi in the past two minutes of them talking made Crystal’s heart backflip in her ribcage, and she once more found herself struggling to move the conversation along.
What was she supposed to say? 
Oh wow- if you like my hair then go look in the mirror because your hair is perfect? You’re perfect? Please go on a date with me? Yeah no- Crystal’s brain needed to be quiet. She needed to be chill. Gigi was probably just being polite, and she probably already had a boyfriend or something. Should Crystal ask about that? Would it be weird if Crystal asked Gigi if she was single so soon? Oh god- Crystal still hadn’t responded to Gigi. What the fuck was she gonna say?
Thankfully Gigi seemed to pick up on Crystal’s inability to form a coherent sentence, removing her hand before she pulled out her phone- unlocking it quickly to show a Spotify playlist full of Trixie Mattel’s music, “After we spoke the first time I decided to actually give this Trixie Mattel chick a listen, she’s really good, really… sapphic.” Her eyes twinkled, mischief in her voice as she said, “I mean, at least from my perspective it seemed that way. But maybe I’m misinterpreting her music. I figured since you seem to love her stuff you could verify my interpretations for me.” Gigi seemed closer to Crystal than she had been before, no longer a solid yard away, now close enough that Crystal could see the small patch of freckles on the other girl’s nose. How could one woman be so effortlessly beautiful?
Boy oh boy, Crystal once more was becoming aware of just how much she loved women. 
“I- I’d say her music is pretty sapphic.” Crystal finally said, trying to seem blase about it, “I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s particularly straight. It’s kind of a joke within her fanbase that it’s like 90% anxious lesbians and like 10% everyone else.”
Gigi raised an eyebrow, “Ah really? Well I guess I fit right in then.”
‘Oh that’s cool.’ Crystal almost said before it finally clicked. Oh? OH? Women? Women lover? 
That meant Crystal actually had a chance after all! Dammit she was back in the game! She just needed to be smooth- be the flirtatious Crystal everyone knew and loved- instead of the bumbling, awkward fool who couldn’t even get through a sentence without going scarlet.
“Oh, same! I’m like- always anxious and very woman- I mean- I love women. Lesbian. That’s me. I’m… I’m very big Trixie fan.” Okay… forget being smooth, Crystal just had to get through the rest of the conversation without embarrassing herself any further, surely she could manage that? Right?
Gigi bounced on the balls of her feet idly, a smile that verged on a wolfish smirk on her face as she watched Crystal make an absolute fool of herself, “Wow, we have a lot in common then. Two sapphics with good music taste. Actually…” Gigi placed a hand on her chin as if in thought, “I just so happened to have secured two tickets to Trixie’s latest concert… you know… the one she’s been advertising on her Instagram- with Katya?”
Oh. Oh dear lord. Somebody pinch Crystal because she must have been dreaming. This was all far too good to be true.
“Oh shit really!” Crystal nearly screeched, beginning to shake with excitement, “How? Those things sold out so fast!”
Gigi gave a nonchalant shrug, “I have friends in high places I guess you could say. And I figured I ought to apologize for being a bitch last time we talked, so I thought maybe I could take you to the concert as like, a sign of good will. We could be super cool lesbians together… in the front row…”
If the enticement of hanging out with such a pretty woman weren’t enough, the promise of front row tickets would have pulled Crystal in no problem, “Front row! Oh my god! Yes! Yes yes yes! Thank you so much! Oh god yeah! Dude that’s fucking awesome!”
Crystal was tempted to pinch herself because honestly- this couldn’t be real- but the way Gigi grinned at her, earnest and sweet, brought her back to reality.
Finally realizing that Gigi was still just standing in her doorway, Crystal beckoned for Gigi to come inside as she began pacing around her living room in feverish excitement, talking a mile a minute in her glee, “Thank you again- I- I’m actually gonna cry! Wow! A Trixie Mattel and Katya concert! With a pretty girl at my side! I’m actually gonna cry! Oh my god! This is the dream! My friends are gonna be so jealous! Thank you so so so much!”
Gigi didn’t say anything, though her cheeks went a bit pink at the mention of a pretty girl.
“Jesus Christ, sorry, I’m just so hype right now. Sit down! Sit down! You’re like- the coolest- and also a guest- ignore the mess, I need to clean the house again soon. But wow. I owe you one! Or maybe a thousand! You like coffee? I can take you out for coffee sometime as a thank you! Or like- take you on a shopping spree? Whatever you want really!”
Gigi let Crystal get all her rambling out of her system before she waved her hand, as if dismissing the idea, “You don’t need to take me out for coffee or anything. I’m just happy to know you’re happy, and that we can get along after all. Though…” She tapped her chin as if thinking again, “If you wanna repay me, we can just ya know, consider this concert trip as like… a date… if you’re comfortable with that of course. Wait- are you single?” Her eyes suddenly widened, “I don’t wanna like- hit on you if you’re dating someone!”
Crystal shook her head, surprisingly quick in her response of, “No- don’t worry- I’m single. And uh,” She flashed a smile herself, “I’d love to make it a date.”
“Oh good.” Gigi gave a sigh of relief, her entire face tinted a soft pink, “Then it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.”
Gigi nodded to herself, a silence filling the room before she quickly stammered, “I uh, I was so nervous you were gonna turn me down actually. I mean, I really didn’t show my best side last week so I would’ve understood if you said no.”
The change in Gigi’s demeanor was adorable to see, her more put together persona crumbling to reveal another lesbian who was just as useless as Crystal was. Thank god she wasn’t alone on that boat, “It’s fine, last week was just a fluke. No harm, no foul. And now I can get to know your best side properly- here and on our date at a super cool Trixie concert.” Wow. It felt nice to say all that. Specifically the ‘date at a super cool Trixie concert’ part. 
The relief on Gigi’s face was visible, though it was replaced in a flash by a more nonchalant grin, “I honestly can’t wait. I’ve been listening to her album Barbara on a loop all week, her music really is something else. Sorry I said it was shitty earlier, I assumed you were listening to some stadium country Life is a Highway shit.”
“Life Is a Highway?” Crystal put a hand to her forehead, leaning back overdramatically, “Did you really assume I was the type of person to listen to Life Is a Highway?” She absolutely was, in fact she had a whole playlist dedicated to shitty country songs, but she didn’t need to tell Gigi that, “I thought my gayness was more potent than that.”
“I was a bit too tired and out of it to actually process what you were listening to, to be fair. I just heard the basic thrum of it through my walls and assumed you were some asshole who listens to nothing but country all day everyday. I didn’t even consider you were gay.”
Didn’t consider it? Crystal felt shocked, appalled, and frankly- a bit offended. Was her gay energy lacking? Did she need to start wearing her pride flag earrings 24/7 again like she did in high school?
“Well at least you figured it out now. Though geez, I am a bit offended you assumed I was straight.”
Gigi gave a small laugh, moving to pat Crystal’s shoulder softly in apology, her hand lingering on Crystal’s arm far too long to be anything less than clear flirting, “I stopped assuming when I listened to Trixie’s music thankfully, and then fully knew you were gay when you answered the door today. Your sweater couldn’t be gayer unless it was actually the colors of the goddamn rainbow. It looks ridiculously cute on you actually.”
Alright, fuck Gigi and her ability to fluster Crystal so easily. She couldn’t deal with her and her sweet compliments.
“Thanks Geeg, you look really cute today too.” She paused, stopping to look at Gigi’s outfit before it hit her, “Wait, is your eye makeup the lesbian flag colors? Like in order?”
“Yeah,” Gigi said as if it was obvious, which Crystal supposed it was, “Did you only just notice?”
“I- Maybe- ya know what? Shush. Shut up. Don’t- don’t say anything-”
Gigi made a zipping motion over her mouth, though her amusement was clear as Crystal tried to change the subject hastily.
“Anyway, if you’ve been listening to Trixie Mattel, I gotta ask... What’s your favourite song?
“Girl Next Door.” Gigi said without hesitation, “Duh.”
“Oh good choice, good choice. I mean… If you’re ever feeling bored…”
Gigi rolled her eyes playfully, finishing the lyrics, “I just moved in, I’m the girl next door.”
Crystal winked, “And I’d love to have you on my hardwood floor.”
Gigi cackled, face going scarlet, “You can call me up with love, the girl next door.”
Crystal laughed as well before suddenly dashing to grab her phone, nearly shoving it into Gigi’s hands, “That reminds me though, if we’re gonna have a date and all, can I have your number?”
“Oh of course!” Gigi quickly put in her number, adding a heart next to her contact name before passing the phone back to Crystal, again allowing her touch to linger far too long to be casual, “So now you can hit me up whenever. Though I literally live next door so you can just knock if you want.”
Crystal nodded, “Same here, just knock if my music is too loud or something. I’ve been trying to keep it down prior to noon, so that way I don’t deserve your sleep schedule, fair maiden Gigi.”
Gigi laughed, “I don’t mind if your music is loud- I’m actually really starting to like your taste- and it gives me more reason to stop by and talk to you. Maybe next time we can have lunch together, or a movie night, if that’s alright with you.”
Crystal gave a small laugh, “Of course, I’d never turn down a chance to hang out with such a pretty girl, with such clearly perfect music taste as liking Trixie Mattel. Just stop by whenever.”
Gigi gave a nod in response, suddenly rushing to check her phone before she was rising from her seat, “Oh shit- I have to head out now, I have a call coming in from a friend in a few minutes, but we can chat more later. Maybe turn down your music for the next like hour or so for me if you can, then go back to destroying your ear drums all you want.”
Crystal nodded, throwing up finger guns along with a wink, “Can do. I’ll see you around Gigi.”
Gigi made her way to the door, blowing a kiss to Crystal before moving to leave, “Talk to you soon Crystal, we can discuss the plans for our date later! And remember- if you’re ever feeling bored, I just moved in- I’m the girl next door!”
Crystal felt light on her feet, responding with a cheery, “Couldn’t forget if I tried!” Then just like that, Gigi was gone, and Crystal was dashing to call up her friends to give them the 411 on the cute new girl and her upcoming date to see the Trixie Mattel live. 
And just like Gigi asked, she turned down her music- though after an hour she received a text from the redheaded girl reading:
Gigi <3: You can turn up your music again ;) 
And just like that… Crystal was blasting Trixie Mattel at full volume.
Girl Next Door
By: macon_ferret
If you’re ever feeling bored… I just moved in… I’m the girl next door.
Crystal had never considered herself someone who was easily flustered. Honestly, she was rather outgoing. She had never been prone to shy away or back down from anything- much less romantic interactions and she took pride in the fact she was everything but the stereotypical “useless lesbian”. But apparently, there was always a first time for everything. And for once in her life, Crystal found herself a jumbled mess at the hands of a pretty girl.
She had been in the middle of her once a month, high intensity cleaning spree- a bottle of disinfectant in one hand and a trash bag full of empty take out containers in the other- when she finally met her match. 
A girl named Gigi Goode.
Now, Crystal loved music. She loved it with all her heart. If music was a pretty girl, she’d be married to it by now. She’d have musical babies with it if she could. She just really liked music. And she especially liked to blast her music as loud as she possibly could, whenever she possibly could. Which meant she was usually entertaining the entire neighborhood with her kickass music tastes from the second she woke up to the second she hit her mattress again at night. And maybe this had earned her dozens of noise complaints in the past, but well, you only live once. Noise complaints are temporary, the beauty that is the song C’est La Vie by B*Witched is forever. Her neighbors tended to disagree on this fact, but well, her immediate next door neighbor (an older woman by the name of Bianca) had finally moved...
So really, nothing was stopping Crystal from playing her music as loudly or as frequently as she pleased anymore. Hence, the Trixie Mattel albums she had playing on loop as she swept and dusted her apartment at 9:30 in the morning.
Crystal’s love for Trixie Mattel’s music was one that had changed her life, an all consuming love like one has for a mother, or a beloved family pet. Except neither Crystal’s mom or beloved cat Tic Tac had really played a part in Crystal’s gay awakening- which was probably for the best. Yep, Crystal had been obsessed with Trixie Mattel and her music since the moment she had seen the blonde perform at a local bar years in the past. She still had the homemade CD she had bought at the bar, stashed away in one of her drawers, which had found a home amongst the high quality vinyls that she would buy from Trixie’s online shop once the woman had gained her big break. 
And again, for clarity, Trixie Mattel had been Crystal’s lesbian awakening. Which honestly surprised nearly no one, as everyone around her had known Crystal was a lesbian before the notion of lesbianism had ever crossed her own mind. But while Crystal had been so deep in the closet she had nearly found Narnia, Trixie Mattel served as the guiding light out of the dark, musty, moth infested closet and into the light of wow women are really pretty. In honor of this fact, her CD had been the first one Crystal ever purchased with money she had earned herself. With all this in mind, it was only natural Crystal blare her music at any chance she could. 
The last song faded out, before the playlist looped again, Trixie Mattel’s saccharine sweet voice making Crystal break out into a dopey grin, before she was singing along as best as she could (where she was surprisingly on key for once in her life). She had just begun to really groove along to the chorus of Girl Next Door before a demanding knock startled her from her reverie.
Had she invited someone over?
Crystal wracked her brain, last she checked she didn’t have any plans for the day. Maybe Nicky was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jaida. Or Jan was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jackie. Or Rock was coming by to discuss the latest girl she’d met that she’d decided she was definitely in love with- this time for total realsies. God, Crystal’s friend group was full of useless lesbians. Thank god she wasn’t as useless and easily smitten as the rest of them. Nope. Crystal gave herself a mental pat on the back for this fact, swinging open the door with far too much force- a scathing zinger on the tip of her tongue to mock one of her lovesick friends.
But it wasn’t Jan or Nicky or Rock.
It was someone Crystal had never seen in her life.
A woman with piercing eyes, violently scarlet hair, and an outfit that seemed to be ripped straight from a high end fashion magazine stood in the doorway- staring Crystal down as if they were lifelong enemies. And oops- this woman was terrifyingly hot.
“Uh… hello?” Crystal offered out, feeling her mind go blank, all thoughts of who the woman was or why she was there replaced with a looping mantra of pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl. 
“Hello.” The woman parroted with a disapproving hum, “I’m Gigi Goode. I just moved in next door.”
“Oh. Well hi! I’m Crystal. Lovely to meet you.” She flashed a bright smile, hoping the redhead would return the gesture… or at least give Crystal something other than a death glare.
Gigi didn’t seem to care about Crystal’s introduction, speaking in a way that reminded Crystal of the customer service voice she’d use back at her old job at Chuck E. Cheese when dealing with entitled parents, “Yes… lovely to meet you. Ms. Del Rio warned me about you- but I didn’t realize she was so serious about how often you listen to your music. You are aware it’s barely ten in the morning right?”
“And you are aware that most people like to spend their Sunday mornings in bed right?”
Crystal nodded, “Right.”
“Have you ever considered wearing headphones? Or turning down your music? Or literally anything other than blasting your music at the same decibel count as a private jet?”
Gigi rolled her eyes, an overdramatic gesture that despite its angry intention, simply made a hoard of lovesick butterflies erupt in Crystal’s stomach, “Thought not. Maybe try headphones next time, I didn’t need you blasting your shitty country music as a wake up call.”
Oh. OH? SHITTY? SHITTY COUNTRY MUSIC? Alright, maybe this woman wasn’t as perfect and cute as Crystal thought if she was calling Trixie Mattel’s music shitty.
“It’s not fucking shitty country music actually, it’s Trixie Mattel.” Crystal said as politely as she could, resisting the urge to flip off her new neighbor, disgustingly ethereally pretty or not- no one called Trixie Mattel’s music shitty in front of Crystal and got away with it.
“Whatever.” The woman said with a groan, rubbing at her temples with a yawn, “Just keep it down next time or I’m gonna be forced to file a noise complaint.”
Crystal opened her mouth to respond, wanting to snark back, but Gigi was already turning around and walking back the way she came. 
She seemed to be actually pretty tired, stumbling a bit as she turned the corner, which made Crystal feel a bit bad. She probably had woken the poor woman up.
Hmmm… maybe Gigi had a point. 
Crystal might as well invest in some earbuds.
+ +
The next week flew by without a peep from the redheaded neighbor, even as Crystal played her music like usual.
She had placed in an order for some brand new headphones, but for some reason her package got lost in transit, so she was stuck with her speaker for the time being.
But the beautiful woman never came back to bother Crystal about it.
Maybe Crystal played her music a bit louder that week hoping she would though.
And maybe she played some girl in red to give her a hint that she too was a friend of Ellen. As in she was a lesbian. Not an actual Ellen fan. God no.
Sunday rolled around again though without a peep from Gigi, with Crystal keeping her music at a surprisingly not eardrum shattering level when she heard a loud, persistent knocking on her door.
“Yo,” She said as she swung open the door, “What’s up?”
It was Gigi again, looking just as radiant as she had the first time they met, though this time she had on a shy smile instead of a sleep-deprived pout. And just like the first time they had met, all of Crystal’s conversational skills seemed to vanish in thin air, out on a sabbatical or something, leaving Crystal empty headed as she stared at the other women. 
“Uh… howdy!” She finally managed to squeak out once her brain booted up again, wincing at the way her voice jumped an octave within a two syllable word, “Gigi right?”
Gigi nodded, looking Crystal up and down, as if trying to memorize her and her outfit before she spoke again, “And you’re Crystal.” After a millisecond pause she continued, “I really like your outfit today. Pinks a nice color on you.”
Crystal felt her face heat up, “Uh thanks! I- I like yours too! And your makeup! You are just- wow- your outfit- everything about you is uh, very pretty.”
Wow. Crystal was so bad at this. She was usually so outgoing, so good at flirting, or at least not so miserably clumsy at it… what kind of witchcraft was this girl using to make Crystal so choked up?
“Thanks,” Gigi replied, seemingly oblivious to Crystal’s aggressive gay panicking, “I just wanted to stop by and apologize for how I acted last week. I was really, really stressed out with moving and all and running on very little sleep so I was a bit…” she paused, making an awkward clicking sound with her tongue, a hint of pink crawling up her neck before she admitted, “I was honestly a bit of a bitch. Like- a mega cunt. I’m really sorry, can we start over again perhaps?”
Crystal wanted to assure Gigi that she understood. They all had their bad days, and to be fair, Crystal had been listening to her music far too loudly. But instead she simply extended a hand, flashing an overenthusiastic Crystal brand smile to her neighbor before chirping out, “Nice to meet you, I’m Crystal- from what I gather you’re new to the neighborhood right?”
Gigi’s eyes went wide, confused for a split second before she understood what Crystal was doing, giving a soft snort of laughter which totally wasn’t the cutest thing Crystal had ever heard, no siree, before she took Crystal’s hand in hers to shake, “Yes, I just moved in last week actually. I’m Gigi Goode, lovely to meet you. I adore your hair.”
The fact this was already the second genuine compliment she had been given by Gigi in the past two minutes of them talking made Crystal’s heart backflip in her ribcage, and she once more found herself struggling to move the conversation along.
What was she supposed to say? 
Oh wow- if you like my hair then go look in the mirror because your hair is perfect? You’re perfect? Please go on a date with me? Yeah no- Crystal’s brain needed to be quiet. She needed to be chill. Gigi was probably just being polite, and she probably already had a boyfriend or something. Should Crystal ask about that? Would it be weird if Crystal asked Gigi if she was single so soon? Oh god- Crystal still hadn’t responded to Gigi. What the fuck was she gonna say?
Thankfully Gigi seemed to pick up on Crystal’s inability to form a coherent sentence, removing her hand before she pulled out her phone- unlocking it quickly to show a Spotify playlist full of Trixie Mattel’s music, “After we spoke the first time I decided to actually give this Trixie Mattel chick a listen, she’s really good, really… sapphic.” Her eyes twinkled, mischief in her voice as she said, “I mean, at least from my perspective it seemed that way. But maybe I’m misinterpreting her music. I figured since you seem to love her stuff you could verify my interpretations for me.” Gigi seemed closer to Crystal than she had been before, no longer a solid yard away, now close enough that Crystal could see the small patch of freckles on the other girl’s nose. How could one woman be so effortlessly beautiful?
Boy oh boy, Crystal once more was becoming aware of just how much she loved women. 
“I- I’d say her music is pretty sapphic.” Crystal finally said, trying to seem blase about it, “I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s particularly straight. It’s kind of a joke within her fanbase that it’s like 90% anxious lesbians and like 10% everyone else.”
Gigi raised an eyebrow, “Ah really? Well I guess I fit right in then.”
‘Oh that’s cool.’ Crystal almost said before it finally clicked. Oh? OH? Women? Women lover? 
That meant Crystal actually had a chance after all! Dammit she was back in the game! She just needed to be smooth- be the flirtatious Crystal everyone knew and loved- instead of the bumbling, awkward fool who couldn’t even get through a sentence without going scarlet.
“Oh, same! I’m like- always anxious and very woman- I mean- I love women. Lesbian. That’s me. I’m… I’m very big Trixie fan.” Okay… forget being smooth, Crystal just had to get through the rest of the conversation without embarrassing herself any further, surely she could manage that? Right?
Gigi bounced on the balls of her feet idly, a smile that verged on a wolfish smirk on her face as she watched Crystal make an absolute fool of herself, “Wow, we have a lot in common then. Two sapphics with good music taste. Actually…” Gigi placed a hand on her chin as if in thought, “I just so happened to have secured two tickets to Trixie’s latest concert… you know… the one she’s been advertising on her Instagram- with Katya?”
Oh. Oh dear lord. Somebody pinch Crystal because she must have been dreaming. This was all far too good to be true.
“Oh shit really!” Crystal nearly screeched, beginning to shake with excitement, “How? Those things sold out so fast!”
Gigi gave a nonchalant shrug, “I have friends in high places I guess you could say. And I figured I ought to apologize for being a bitch last time we talked, so I thought maybe I could take you to the concert as like, a sign of good will. We could be super cool lesbians together… in the front row…”
If the enticement of hanging out with such a pretty woman weren’t enough, the promise of front row tickets would have pulled Crystal in no problem, “Front row! Oh my god! Yes! Yes yes yes! Thank you so much! Oh god yeah! Dude that’s fucking awesome!”
Crystal was tempted to pinch herself because honestly- this couldn’t be real- but the way Gigi grinned at her, earnest and sweet, brought her back to reality.
Finally realizing that Gigi was still just standing in her doorway, Crystal beckoned for Gigi to come inside as she began pacing around her living room in feverish excitement, talking a mile a minute in her glee, “Thank you again- I- I’m actually gonna cry! Wow! A Trixie Mattel and Katya concert! With a pretty girl at my side! I’m actually gonna cry! Oh my god! This is the dream! My friends are gonna be so jealous! Thank you so so so much!”
Gigi didn’t say anything, though her cheeks went a bit pink at the mention of a pretty girl.
“Jesus Christ, sorry, I’m just so hype right now. Sit down! Sit down! You’re like- the coolest- and also a guest- ignore the mess, I need to clean the house again soon. But wow. I owe you one! Or maybe a thousand! You like coffee? I can take you out for coffee sometime as a thank you! Or like- take you on a shopping spree? Whatever you want really!”
Gigi let Crystal get all her rambling out of her system before she waved her hand, as if dismissing the idea, “You don’t need to take me out for coffee or anything. I’m just happy to know you’re happy, and that we can get along after all. Though…” She tapped her chin as if thinking again, “If you wanna repay me, we can just ya know, consider this concert trip as like… a date… if you’re comfortable with that of course. Wait- are you single?” Her eyes suddenly widened, “I don’t wanna like- hit on you if you’re dating someone!”
Crystal shook her head, surprisingly quick in her response of, “No- don’t worry- I’m single. And uh,” She flashed a smile herself, “I’d love to make it a date.”
“Oh good.” Gigi gave a sigh of relief, her entire face tinted a soft pink, “Then it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.”
Gigi nodded to herself, a silence filling the room before she quickly stammered, “I uh, I was so nervous you were gonna turn me down actually. I mean, I really didn’t show my best side last week so I would’ve understood if you said no.”
The change in Gigi’s demeanor was adorable to see, her more put together persona crumbling to reveal another lesbian who was just as useless as Crystal was. Thank god she wasn’t alone on that boat, “It’s fine, last week was just a fluke. No harm, no foul. And now I can get to know your best side properly- here and on our date at a super cool Trixie concert.” Wow. It felt nice to say all that. Specifically the ‘date at a super cool Trixie concert’ part. 
The relief on Gigi’s face was visible, though it was replaced in a flash by a more nonchalant grin, “I honestly can’t wait. I’ve been listening to her album Barbara on a loop all week, her music really is something else. Sorry I said it was shitty earlier, I assumed you were listening to some stadium country Life is a Highway shit.”
“Life Is a Highway?” Crystal put a hand to her forehead, leaning back overdramatically, “Did you really assume I was the type of person to listen to Life Is a Highway?” She absolutely was, in fact she had a whole playlist dedicated to shitty country songs, but she didn’t need to tell Gigi that, “I thought my gayness was more potent than that.”
“I was a bit too tired and out of it to actually process what you were listening to, to be fair. I just heard the basic thrum of it through my walls and assumed you were some asshole who listens to nothing but country all day everyday. I didn’t even consider you were gay.”
Didn’t consider it? Crystal felt shocked, appalled, and frankly- a bit offended. Was her gay energy lacking? Did she need to start wearing her pride flag earrings 24/7 again like she did in high school?
“Well at least you figured it out now. Though geez, I am a bit offended you assumed I was straight.”
Gigi gave a small laugh, moving to pat Crystal’s shoulder softly in apology, her hand lingering on Crystal’s arm far too long to be anything less than clear flirting, “I stopped assuming when I listened to Trixie’s music thankfully, and then fully knew you were gay when you answered the door today. Your sweater couldn’t be gayer unless it was actually the colors of the goddamn rainbow. It looks ridiculously cute on you actually.”
Alright, fuck Gigi and her ability to fluster Crystal so easily. She couldn’t deal with her and her sweet compliments.
“Thanks Geeg, you look really cute today too.” She paused, stopping to look at Gigi’s outfit before it hit her, “Wait, is your eye makeup the lesbian flag colors? Like in order?”
“Yeah,” Gigi said as if it was obvious, which Crystal supposed it was, “Did you only just notice?”
“I- Maybe- ya know what? Shush. Shut up. Don’t- don’t say anything-”
Gigi made a zipping motion over her mouth, though her amusement was clear as Crystal tried to change the subject hastily.
“Anyway, if you’ve been listening to Trixie Mattel, I gotta ask... What’s your favourite song?
“Girl Next Door.” Gigi said without hesitation, “Duh.”
“Oh good choice, good choice. I mean… If you’re ever feeling bored…”
Gigi rolled her eyes playfully, finishing the lyrics, “I just moved in, I’m the girl next door.”
Crystal winked, “And I’d love to have you on my hardwood floor.”
Gigi cackled, face going scarlet, “You can call me up with love, the girl next door.”
Crystal laughed as well before suddenly dashing to grab her phone, nearly shoving it into Gigi’s hands, “That reminds me though, if we’re gonna have a date and all, can I have your number?”
“Oh of course!” Gigi quickly put in her number, adding a heart next to her contact name before passing the phone back to Crystal, again allowing her touch to linger far too long to be casual, “So now you can hit me up whenever. Though I literally live next door so you can just knock if you want.”
Crystal nodded, “Same here, just knock if my music is too loud or something. I’ve been trying to keep it down prior to noon, so that way I don’t deserve your sleep schedule, fair maiden Gigi.”
Gigi laughed, “I don’t mind if your music is loud- I’m actually really starting to like your taste- and it gives me more reason to stop by and talk to you. Maybe next time we can have lunch together, or a movie night, if that’s alright with you.”
Crystal gave a small laugh, “Of course, I’d never turn down a chance to hang out with such a pretty girl, with such clearly perfect music taste as liking Trixie Mattel. Just stop by whenever.”
Gigi gave a nod in response, suddenly rushing to check her phone before she was rising from her seat, “Oh shit- I have to head out now, I have a call coming in from a friend in a few minutes, but we can chat more later. Maybe turn down your music for the next like hour or so for me if you can, then go back to destroying your ear drums all you want.”
Crystal nodded, throwing up finger guns along with a wink, “Can do. I’ll see you around Gigi.”
Gigi made her way to the door, blowing a kiss to Crystal before moving to leave, “Talk to you soon Crystal, we can discuss the plans for our date later! And remember- if you’re ever feeling bored, I just moved in- I’m the girl next door!”
Crystal felt light on her feet, responding with a cheery, “Couldn’t forget if I tried!” Then just like that, Gigi was gone, and Crystal was dashing to call up her friends to give them the 411 on the cute new girl and her upcoming date to see the Trixie Mattel live. 
And just like Gigi asked, she turned down her music- though after an hour she received a text from the redheaded girl reading:
Gigi <3: You can turn up your music again ;) 
And just like that… Crystal was blasting Trixie Mattel at full volume.
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A [MUSIC] Review: My 10+1 Favorite Live Acts From the Last Six Months
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Originally posted on January 17, 2019.
Some people procrastinate by online shopping, cleaning, or watching the first season of a Netflix show that truly isn’t worth it (Judd Apatow’s Love stole my time and I want it back).
Others make an Instagram post about how they “just can’t focus :/”, masturbate to a point where it’s almost violent, or complete every single task except for the most pressing one at hand.
I am all of these people. Baked to perfection.
As appealing as all of these options are, my favorite way to procrastinate is watching live musical performances. If I said this was my number one choice because I really love to see what each and every artist can do on their feet, I would be LYING; it’s because I’m broke. Imagining I’m in the actual audience sounds like a cute and affordable outing to me.
I was originally going to write a late post about my ten favorite live musical acts of 2018, but then The Holy Trinity™ a.k.a The Goat Trio (Noname, Smino, and Saba) decided to perform on The Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon and fuck up my whole plan.
Fucked up my whole plan, but made my whole life.
Here are the 10+1 live acts that have rustled my big and bright feathers in the last 184 days, ordered by upload date:
1. Mac Miller: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
August 6, 2018
I was tabling at my school’s Student Activities Fair when one of my best friends approached me looking like tears were seconds from falling down her cheeks and flooding the fucking campus. Her “I have to tell you something” was followed by what most onlookers would probably describe as an unnecessarily loud processing of the Five Ws and One H of Malcolm McCormick’s death. It probably looked overdramatic, but it honestly didn’t feel that way.
Mac’s placement in my mind shifted in tandem with his style. In his “Knock, Knock” days, he was the weird white kid who Wiz Khalifa seemed to have taken under his wing. I started high school a week or two before “Smile Back” was released. And I was in attack mode after a girl had used up MY oxygen to talk about me not being a “real” Black girl. While 14-year-old-me did put a hex on her soon after, Mac’s anthem of the opposition not being worth my stress set my mind right. Did not reverse the hex, though. Sorry, sis.
His eventual Earl Sweatshirt, Ab-Soul, and Anderson .Paak collaborations reframed the way I thought of him as a creative. I realized how open he was, and how honored he was to share space and thought with a wide range of musical talents. You can hear it in the production of the songs. His NPR Tiny Desk was an elevation of this. His energy was right. Thundercat on bass was right. Watching this performance made me want to bop the shit out of my head but also call all my old niggas and let them know I was suing them for stealing energy I could have put toward studying a cool cat’s artistry. So much love to Mr. Malcolm.
Favorite Moment(s): When Mac laughs at Thundercat’s abrupt tone change during “What’s the Use?” @ 9:10.
2. Rex Orange County performing “Sunflower” live on KCRW
August 14, 2018
I know I’ll get heat for this. But Alex O’ Connor is worth the slack.
In this performance, Rex Orange County looks and sounds like the place where lo-fi, Big Mouth, and driven-over lilacs meet. Doesn’t seem like the most appealing thing that could come out of your speakers, but it’s honestly just one really sweet surprise. And romance may be a capitalist sham, but all I can say is ShamWow! After finding out that he wrote “Sunflower” for his girlfriend of 3+ years, the bridge started to make me feel like someone slipped me a “Would You Date Me?” note in detention. Uncomfortable, but definitely entertained.
Favorite Moment(s): The aforementioned bridge @ 3:02.
3. serpentwithfeet – mourning song (Live on KEXP)
September 11, 2018
Josiah Wise, better known as serpentwithfeet, is one of the greatest storytellers I have ever witnessed. His entire KEXP performance is worth watching to see an immersive experiment in chaos and control using lighting, backtracks, and his voice. Confidence is not something we often associate with grief. In this performance of “mourning song”, he lists all the ways he will allow himself to think and feel through the end of an intimate relationship. Every time I listen to this song, I feel like he actually rips the voices from my head that tell me I am a burden, or that I must hide any part of myself.
I’m not really a church-going girl anymore so I won’t say watching this took me there. But it definitely took me to the Pokémon Center. HP on 255, bitch.
Favorite Moment(s): When he plays around with distance from the mic @ 2:30.
4. 070 Shake – I Laugh When I’m Friends But Sad When I’m Alone
September 14, 2018
My dearest New Jersey babe. The shining star of the 070 Crew, Danielle Balbuena, used to be at the top of my “Anal Sounds Great!” list after the 2016 “Bass for my Thoughts” release. Trevante Rhodes has since stolen her spot.
Shake takes her time with COLORS to sing about her unadulterated thoughts about the negatives that come along with fame, as well as how the perceived positive of always being around people can be suffocating. No matter what life decisions we try to make, no matter what our intentions, we’ll always be criticized. 9/10 times the criticism will come from people who are too scared to live out their own dreams and have decided to try and put their hooks into the dreams of others. I love this performance because she manages to make the sentiment hit relying primarily on her flow, with the beat not coming in until more than halfway through the video.
Favorite Moment(s): The belting at the end. She sounds like Roy Woods and it makes me want a collab.
5. Noname Performs A Three-Song Medley From Her Album ‘Room 25’
October 18, 2018
I am a walking Noname stan account.
I saw her perform during my sophomore year of college, soon after Telefone‘s release. I had never felt so represented in my existential absurdity. She was as wishful as she was uncertain; the last time I had felt that seen was when I heard Paramore’s “For A Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic” for the first time. But you know angsty white people are always doing something, so it didn’t really click the same. I sobbed in the first row while Noname rapped about the effects poverty has on the Black imagination, battling with addiction, and finding the will to fight our own apathy.
In this performance, she gifts us with a three-song medley, featuring “Blaxploitation”, “Prayer Song”, and “Don’t Forget About Me”, three singles from Room 25. Together, the musical collage tells a story about trying to create in a culture that values what we make more than our livelihood.
Favorite Moment(s): The GIGGLE when the music ends before she does.
6. dvsn: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
November 28, 2018
Roy Woods and Majid Jordan were my favorite OVO acts for the longest time. I had heard of dvsn and didn’t really care for the duo at first. I didn’t even know they were a duo until like a week ago.
One night I was at a party that I didn’t want to be at, and I really wasn’t feeling the music. While I waited to sober up so I could walk home, I put on my headphones and started playing my own music. When the beat in “Mood” dropped and Daniel Daley’s vocals came in, I knew it was the beginning of a spiral into a rabbit hole full of fuck nigga energy… Energy to which I am apparently still very open. In this performance, Daley’s falsetto as he sings about not wanting to pull out of his partner is literally the most disarming sound I’ve ever heard. It’s what I imagine the Sirens in the Odyssey sounded like. I’m 100% certain that behind the sunglasses, his eyes are pitch black. Because Satan.
Favorite Moment(s): 6:13 – 6:35. Mother of God.
7. Rapsody, “Sassy” Night Owl | NPR Music
December 4, 2018
Like… I’ll sleep and all that. But I will be dissatisfied. Known for her home-hitting lyrical additions – Kendrick Lamar’s “Complexion (A Zulu Love) and Anderson .Paak’s “Without You” – Marlanna Evans deserves so much more for the brilliance that went into Laila’s Wisdom. When she was nominated for 2018 Best Rap Album of the Year, she was the fifth female-identifying nominee in the 23-year history of the category. This performance of one of Laila’s singles, “Sassy”, makes me want to bounce through the streets in some high tops. It demonstrates her ability to give us all profound lyrics and pop-off sounds.
Favorite Moment(s): Her dance break @ 2:45.
8. H.E.R.: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
December 13, 2018
H.E.R. had already appeared on NPR Tiny Desk before this performance, but five minutes of listening to her voice were simply not enough. Whenever I listen to one of her songs, I have to listen to two or three more. The cool thing is that she’s not using subliminal messaging! It’s literally just carefully-honed skill and talent! These niggas can’t even spell talent!
The transitions in this video are wild. Seeing how many times Gabi Wilson switches the instrument she’s playing is honestly just really fun. “Focus” is my favorite H.E.R. song, and this performance takes it up three whole notches. Considering the fact that she’s an actual child prodigy, I cannot help but smile seeing her get the shine she deserves; hearing people refer to her as “the girl who covered the Drake song” really made me as upset as the people who fight in the comments under Lebron highlight reels seem to be.
Favorite Moment(s): The back-and-forth between H.E.R. and the two amazing background vocalists @ 16:28.
December 14, 2018
I really cannot tell if Barrington Hendricks/JPEGMAFIA/Peggy is the kind of person who hates astrology and everyone who mentions it, or if he consults his Co-Star chart every morning. Regardless, as the sole member of the non-Scorpio Scorpio Fan Club, I love this Scorpio king.
One second into his COLORS episode, I thought my speakers were fucking broken. Twenty seconds in, I thought I was having a stroke. I eventually realized that I was not being Punk’d by the peculiar nigga on my screen, and decided to go back to the beginning and try this shit again.
I became so infatuated with JPEGMAFIA after watching this performance. This may mean that I need to call my therapist soon, but I would argue that my interest stems from the healing power I feel is available in his artistry. While different from serpentwiththefeet’s “vibe”, Peggy presents us with a similar sentiment: being unafraid to display your emotions, whether it be grief or anger, in ways that are not respectable or palatable can shake up a nigga’s psyche. Lord knows this shit had me shook all the way the fuck up.
Favorite Moment(s): He starts off stretching. Definitely didn’t realize how necessary it was going to be.
December 23, 2018
I first listened to Koffee when she performed with Chronixx on the Real Rock Riddim. This past November, the 18-year-old released the inspirational fucking BOP, “Toast”. In the song, she speaks to her performances with Chronixx and other key moments in her musical journey as well as the bright future she sees ahead. The song itself has been at the top of my morning playlist; you already KNOW I love to bust an early whine while I brush my teeth. But this performance… it’s magic. You can barely hear Koffee herself with the audience screaming all the words back at her, letting her know they’ve got her back. And with a big ass smile full of braces, you can tell she’s feeling all the love they’ve got to give. Everyone, myself included, is ready for Koffee to rise to the top.
Favorite Moment(s): Her disbelief at the room’s energy at the beginning, and when she brings on the girls to help her sing @ 1:30.
10+1. Noname ft. Smino and Saba: Ace
January 8, 2018
One day, I’ll share the story of how Noname was an instrumental part in my sexual “becoming”. It’s the same story that I shared with her after the aforementioned concert (still so sorry about that, yikes). Until then:
I screamed when I found out this performance was happening. I don’t even think I can put into words how Noname, Smino, and Saba’s performance of “Ace” changed my whole attitude. For the last eight days, my sense of clarity has been… well, CLEAR! I realized how much my hair had grown. I finished grant and job applications. I’ve received great personal news and old, important friendships are being rekindled. They have too much power. I’m tweaking.
All I have to say is that this video ran me a bath, put a glass of wine in my hand, and made me dinner. Enjoy.
Favorite Moment(s): I. Cannot. Choose. (But wow. The way they look at Saba @ 1:56. I’m emotional.)
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putris-et-mulier · 7 years
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This shit is why I prefer reading scanlations (as opposed to licensed manga in a graphic novel)
Note: I talk about fangirls and fanboys not referring to gender or sexuality, but in the social structure way of being in a geeky subculture split into two subcultures of its own: consumerist geeks (fanboys) and creative geeks (fangirls)
Honestly, and this is super overdramatic, but I kind of feel loved when I read scanlations. Whether it's funny things like this to cover up unavoidable things that the licensed version could easily get around or a word is misspelled it makes me appreciate the work people have put into it and how proud I am to be part of that tradition.
One page takes multiple people working together just to share something they already have with other fans and depending on the fandom also made it mandatory for work like this to be done by people of different races regions of the country. The Internet was a huge boon because before that it was strictly zines and people in your neighborhood but it also added an element of people from different countries also being required to interact.. It's a lot easier now but in the 90s fangirls, much like our foremothers, somehow worked as a hive mind. No matter who you were or what languages you spoke you could contribute. (Six And I would argue you still can.) I was so lucky to near different Asian communities as well as like a lot of pop culture from Asia. When we were able to go, and had money, we would go and pick up specific titles, if possible, of things the translators wanted or else just get anything that seems the most unfamiliar. It could become a prized jewel of an OTP.
I think it's harder to feel like a community now because the "regular" fans who can't produce art or fiction or translations or brilliant meta have a lot less of a role. They are who kept the community tight and in contact with each other while those of us who could would lose a couple days because we were scanning every single page of a stack of graphic novels or magazines. I knew that if I ever needed to know or find anything I could just shout it out into the fangirl void and I would get an immediate answer because the "regular" fans were librarians on speed. That's how I met one of my closest friends, cosmic, the one I do the podcast and everything with. One of us was very loud and had a platform while the other lurked everywhere and saved everything. When I found out years later that she had seen something I had made before we met and she liked it was amazing. I wasn't upset that other people had taken it and put it on other websites or that she had taken it (and probably immediately delete it, such a jerk) I was really honored. 
It always breaks my heart when someone writes in about the podcast or something else and says that they wish they could have friends with a relationship like ours, not just because we are close but because we like different things and have different opinions and not only still get along, we respect each other's opinion and genuinely listen to each other even if we both know we will never let the other person have the last word. I've never met cosmic in person but I've known her for almost half my life exactly but I love her, she's my sister, and we wouldn't have met if the two of us were in fandom now because of the strict class differences.
The "regular" people who surfed around saving pictures and reading over any public conversation knew everything and if they didn't know they knew someone who did. Don't get me wrong, those people who didn't talk to anyone, whether to be informative or just be friendly, were despised lurkers.
The "regular" jobs are easier now but the etiquette laws are a lot more strict. It was a lot simpler when it was all just illegal and "credit to whoever made this" was widely accepted. Mostly because someone would immediately tell everyone who the creator was and people were genuinely interested in the answer because seeing anything new meant that there was something going on somewhere that you aunt and there could be things you have seen yet. It was also a lot easier to excommunicate people from the community who did things like steal fanart/fic because everyone had one IP address.
Everyone's biggest concern was sharing source material with each other, I see fans now who make gifs who are adamant about people not using them or if they do use them to credit them even if they put a watermark on it and I… That perplexes me.
Gifs were my shit, I did them for years and I started back when you did it by taking a screen cap of every frame but you would have to rewind after taking one cap and go back to hope you can identify the next one. It's because videos were impossible for so many people to view but gifs were something everyone could load at least one of if they had a few hours. It was imperative to the fandoms that connected overseas or through a different language like anime and manga fandoms. I would put hours and hours and so many fucking hours into making these things because I was an American with a good Internet connection and parents who hadn't yet found out the dangers™ of the World Wide Web™. I would lovingly make gifs of my OTPs and then begrudgingly make gifs of my nOTPs of things I was even an anti-fan of (usually a competing boy band fandom) because I had the ability to do it and there were tasteless bitches out there who couldn't and might not be able to see it unless I did it and I did this for them and I did because they were my sisters.
Also it made a fandom look bad if the anti-fandom had them out before you.
So, just like sisters.
It's so much easier to make gifs now and the majority of people have the ability to watch the original videos so people making gifs are doing the ones that they love to share with other people that also love them. But that's it? You don't want people to save them and post them as many places as possible so everyone can see what you love? Is that love? It sounds like an abusive relationship, like, "your family is allowed to come over if I know about it in advance but you can't go out with your girl friends anymore" kind of thing.
I get that a majority of fandom still only follows things through gifs so the work is still important but it's so easy to do now and unless you are in a rare fandom someone else is probably already making it. That's why I stopped; but that's another holdover I have from old fandom culture because if I made a gif of something and then someone else did it was a huge insult, and insult I would not make. 
Fanart/fic is different so although my being old school makes me less sympathetic to people who don't watermark (and people who cut off watermarks were the scum of the earth) it's also less important than the issue that corporations that have been stealing fanart/fic. Fanart/fic being published, putting fan works under their licenses, it's the thing is a community should be at least concerned about. That goes for people whose fanart is shown on TV or fan fiction is read on TV or a podcast. Fangirls from my era have literally put together legal teams to fight this. I'm proud that a lot of us have used our grown-up skills to still participate in fandom and aren't ashamed of their age.
But gifs? The tiny moving picture you made purely for self-indulgence makes you mad? I get that we came up in different fan cultures but I saw a gif on this website that I had made a decade ago on servers that no longer exist and I cried.
I had made something that I loved and not only did other people love it enough to keep it this whole time but it was thing that people who weren't even born when I made it are enjoying. They are looking at the same little pixels as their foremothers did having the same experience as generations of fans from around the world.
I sound like a fucking hippie but I swear to God I was born in the 80s and I have an obscene amount of Terminator trivia to prove it.
One of our foremothers, who in respect will remain nameless, literally invented slash as the Western genre and she didn't want anyone to know who she was. That seems a little extreme to me but that was the generation before me and so I suppose my generation probably seems out of date.
Regardless of my communist attitude I would be pretty disgruntled doing that job in this current time because you are required to do a great and unique job or no one will even notice what you made. Even if you have a huge talent for it seeing anyone insult you or just not be thankful would be infuriating.
I can also sympathize with the "regular" fans now who feel like they don't have a place. I've had a lot of people tell me that they feel guilty or they are embarrassed that they can't make anything, they can only share it, and I've also had people tell me that they wanted to get into a fandom but because they couldn't make anything they didn't bother because no one cares about them. They didn't watch movies or read books or comic books or listen to music that they may have come to really love and would play an important role in their life. They stick to their wheelhouse and their wheelhouse is what society says people that look or live a certain way determines what the you are allowed to consume.
If that isn't obvious I'll put it simply: diversity becomes more and more scarce this way. People always start with what they are expected to enjoy. Everyone comes into their hobbies and interests starting with what they've been given, already we start out with segregated media/merchandise depending on any minority or "demographic" but people coming into fandom are now coming in already segregated, even amongst people geographically similar to them. The culture of fandom, at least girl fandom, depended on people of different kinds to work together. Diversity is the lifeblood of a subculture like this/these.
The "real" fandom, the part of fandom that has kept the culture going since even the 1700s going, are the ones wasting their time with this because they genuinely love it, if you found something you love that much the fandom becomes your family. Kind of like Drag… Which makes sense because it's art based off of pre-existing work. We form a relatively diverse (based on subcultures) patriarchal communities with people who become closer to us than family, and we half ironically use matriarchal terms and even feminine pronouns universally. Straight dudes in our community were flattered when people assumed they were girls. If a straight dude could pass as a girl on a message board he would get all of the straight girl ass.
I'm not saying that's great or isn't incredibly problematic, I'm just saying… What am I saying? I guess I'm saying that smart straight guys not  afraid of masculinity's fragility enough to be effeminate always have stacks of girlfriends. Guys that try that now and fail call it being "friendzoned."
Maybe that's why I love straight guys, I knew all the greatest ones because they were the guys that got into our communities. They were all annoying perverted assholes but they have been some of the best people I've ever known. And they were smart enough to know how to socialize with women naturally enough to understand their relaxed social cues and then they know what the flirting language is amongst general straight women and they use the girls own language to seduce them. That's a good strategy and also safer because you both will have the same expectations of how to broadcast what you are thinking or going to do. And you know how people think that people with foreign accents sound sexy? It's like that but instead of the tone of your voice you could just use a regionless DVD player and some anime.
Straight girls now just have… A bunch of grandmothers around them (you know, people that you don't really want to touch and won't stop telling you what to do) just going on and on about how disappointed they are in you but refusing to even attempt to speak your language so you understand just enough to know you want to get out of the room as quickly as possible and if they suddenly died it would clearly be God's will.
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