#i just wanted All the beatrice lore in one post
lumilasi · 5 months
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I wanted to draw something more worthwhile today, but due to utter lack of proper sleep for past 3 days + resulting severe mental health drop, I only managed to doodle some NCP lore relevant stuff. I've mentioned the Overshadowers Council in some posts, but there are other important governing bodies, such as the Arcane Council, they handle the matters of primary magic users.
(I.E beings who otherwise would just be humans, though non-human beings also ofc learn magic that might be outside of their "natural" type, in those cases deciding which of the five groups they fall under is just trickier sometimes, and often they are already governed by another body)
I picked 5 main categories even though I do know there are plenty more, I just wanted to keep the scope fairly limited for the time being as this is just world BG lore. How I defined each is somewhat loosely inspired by D&D, but has more of my own twist on things so its not exact. Also picked a character to represent each category lol
For the Sigils, I decided to only use one of them to show examples of how they work, I just didn't have the energy to do all 5
More info below:
It is VERY rare for a magic user to be able to claim two titles and requires some very specific circumstances. Currently, the only known person who is technically both a Sorcerer and a Warlock is Azul Samaros/Chester Knight
Technically, Soul Eaters could be considered the most ancient Warlocks there are, but given their power is so inherent to them by now beyond just channeling something, they are classified as their own thing by now.
Sorcerers/sorceress' are the most powerful magic users, whereas Mages are considered the weakest, given their abilities tend to be highly specific.
In case of a nonhuman being with natural magic learning something beyond that, their matters are mostly still handled by their own governing body, unless the situation specifically relates to this learned magic.
Characters shown in the post: 1.Beatrice (Forest/plant witch) 2. Janus (Summoner mage/has some wyvern heritage so he can use fire) 3. Reuben (Fire Elemental) 4. Angus (Blood sage Warlock) 5. Iris (Astral Sorceress)
The name of each sub-branch are as follows: Witch Covenant, Mage Ward, Elemental Hive, Warlock Guild, and Sorcerer Senate
While Franziska Belmont (A character in NCP) Is known as a "Cat witch" by humans (or sith-cat) she does not fall under the governance of the Arcane Council, given she doesn't have any magic powers that aren't natural-born skills for her.
The governing body is largely democratic, though when it comes to voting for the members of the individual branch, only those part of the said branch can do so. (witches can only vote in covenant elections, Warlocks in the Guild election, etc).
Every magic user listed as the Arcane member however, can vote for any candidate for the Arcane Council itself.
Witch symbol: inspired by lavender flower, which is associated with mystery, magic and spiritualism among many other things, also in the shape of a star, which is also a classic magic symbol
Mage symbol: a torch and a common portayal of a soul as a ball of flame, referencing the fact basic magic exists within everyone, even if they cannot use it. Blue because I needed the full rainbow lol
Elemental symbol: Life tree, as reference to how life is formed and shaped by the basic elements. Green because nature reference
Warlock symbol: Spooky spiky starlike shape with eyes and blades, because Warlocks often do stabby spooky stuff, and ofc red because blood. 3-spikes as to reference mind, body, and soul.
Sorcerer symbol: A Hourglass with the infinity symbol, because magic is "eternal" in the eyes of the people, and this is also often the most ancient type of magic people can utilize. Golden yellow to give off a "regal" feel. (They are often seen as sort of "nobility" among magic users and held in high regard/feared the most depending on the power's themes)
Witches: Yume, Clover (male witch)
Mages: Miriam, Adam (He is a chesire cat who has learned illusion magic on top of his basic abilities) Lionel (He's also a chesire, has learned exorcism magic)
Elementals: Currently none apart from Reuben
Warlocks: Marci, Azul
Sorcerers: Azul (his primary type), Thalia
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would lilith be much of a book reader? What kind of books would she read?
right so i think that Lilith has the adhd reader thing where YES she loves to read, NO she doesn’t read. actually she’s always reading twelve books at the same time; no she never finishes any of them.
like any really really intelligent person Lilith is hungry for knowledge, and like any child raised under the press of a thumb she’s willing to get that knowledge wherever she can. her brain is working against her a little but it’s also a beautiful creature because it wants knowledge, but all of it all the time all at once. 
i think she’s on wikipedia and in the NASA archives and on Project Gutenberg constantly. she will literally sit there on her phone for hours doing the fanfiction thing where she tricks her brain into thinking it’s not technically reading because there are no books involved.
she tab-hops like a madwoman but it’s a case of balancing her intense need for information with her brain’s unwillingness to tackle that information in a structured way. inside of ten minutes she’ll read a bit about the Riemann hypothesis, a couple paragraphs of a socratic dialogue, an archived forum page about siphoning gas with your mouth and what petroleum tastes like (keeps waking up with a weird sulfur taste in her mouth. keeps hoping to find some explanation other than ‘it tastes like devil in here’) but if you ask her what she reads she’ll scowl and say ‘nothing.’
but i mean this is the girl who used to sit with Beatrice for hours and just listen to her talk about Galileo and Langer's lines and how to debone a fish. who used to sit by the fire with her dad and listen to random bits of historical apocrypha and who requested Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time as her bedtime story when she was three years old.
she definitely sits on her phone watching 6 hour videos about Dark Souls lore and she reads all the books in Skyrim because they’re like 300 words long and somehow staring at the TV and reading off there is easier than reading a physical book made of paper or reading on the kindle (even when Cam downloads dyslexia-friendly reading aids).
her brain likes to bounce off the walls but it wants to know things. so badly. i think audiobooks are good for her but she plays them at 2x speed so her brain has to kind of do cartwheels to keep up and it gives her the same feeling as listening to heavy metal while she goes and picks up heavy objects and puts them back down again in the gym.
i wrote about this a little before but the sound and texture and the saying of words is very appealing to Lilith. she loves the music of language so i think the only way she can read actual novels for any length of time is to read them aloud (as opposed to subvocating) because choosing where to put emphasis and just feeling the words in her body is enough to keep her suitably entertained (plus lilith post-canon is not a huge fan of silence. she spent a lot of time wandering around in the weird high-pressure hellscape of The Other Side looking for Mary and then Ava. so she treats Bea’s noise-cancelling headphones like they’re going to eat her and she enjoys white noise playlists and having music just playing in the background).
Lilith adores the puzzles that language can make. she actually loved poetry as a kid because it felt to her like she could memorise the poem and work it over in the horrible ‘no talking’ hours that her mother imposed. at night when she couldn’t sleep after her dad died she’d repeat the poems over and over and over again and slowly wring more meaning out of them with each repetition.
she likes when stories are puzzles and, incidentally, one of her favourite things to do is listen to an audiobook on 2x speed while doing sudoku or crosswords.
and Lilith will read anything. she’s not super into fantasy or sci-fi because she has fucking wings and scales and it’s a bit like ‘i’m in this picture and i don’t like it’ but she enjoys classics. has a weird soft spot for Moby Dick and she really likes post-apocalyptic books like The Road by Cormac McCarthy and Parable of the Sower and i think she quite enjoys The Hunger Games and the Wool series. she definitely loves The Broken Earth Trilogy because it somehow gets a free pass with her ‘i’m in this picture and i don’t like it’ hang-up. it does make her cry though (the hand scene really gets to her because sometimes her mother would hold her hand like that, like she wanted to smash it and see if it came back together without the dysgraphia).
but she also rlly likes plays because performance and by god Lilith is a drama queen. she would totally have been a theatre kid if she’d been allowed & she loves performing little monologues and she likes how people sound when they’re angry but in the context of a play because the anger is always under the control of the narrative, and you can stop being angry whenever you want. 
she loves collecting information so when Cam introduces her to Stardew Valley she sits up in bed all night reading wiki after wiki and making little spreadsheets on her excel app for which gifts to give and when and how many of each crop to plant and which trees to grow and where and how many chickens and how much hay and all the different fish and how to organise the layout of the farm. so by the next day Cam wakes up and Lilith has basically a bachelor’s degree in Stardew Valley
and Cam is like ‘oh my god Lily i got you this game so you would relax!’ and Lilith frowning in genuine confusion like ‘i am relaxing??’
she does sometimes just teleport into Bea and Ava’s house & look quite forlorn until Beatrice sits down with her at the island in the kitchen and the pair of them peel oranges.
Beatrice talks about whatever she’s reading about that week, and eventually Ava comes in and explains all the different strategies for winning at Super Smash Bros and her opinions on the objective best tracks in Mario Kart while Beatrice cooks burgers on the grill outside in her baseball cap like somebody’s hot lesbian dad.
& then Lilith checks her phone & pecks Beatrice on the cheek and teleports home in time for Cam to get back from the airport. she tries to make out like she spent the whole weekend very sad and very by herself but Cam is like ‘gimmie your hands’ and then ‘yeah, Lil. i can smell the orange peel.’ 
so i think Lilith is a big reader but it’s not for the sake of stories especially or narratives or for characters or anything it’s for stimulation and knowledge and the words themselves. she’s that meme about the boyfriend who sits eating a sausage with the wikipedia page titled ‘sausage’ open on her computer. she ricochets between subjects and has the most incredible visual recall you’ve ever seen.
probably has a photographic memory but will forget what you asked her to go look for halfway up the stairs. Ava sees her sitting on her phone for literal hours while they’re all at the beach and asks Cam what the hell Lilith is doing because she’s not on social media & Cam is like ‘oh yeah she’s addicted to stack exchange and wikipedia’ and Ava takes a moment, licks melted ice-cream off her knuckle and says ‘wow that’s kind of hot’ and Cam waggles her eyebrows and goes ‘yeah, i know.’ 
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violivs · 2 months
- Hi all! I’m going to be rewatching along with TCWs NMTDaily and making posts about each episode, or as many as I can (I might miss some, but I hope not!)
- I want to start by saying thank you again to The Candle Wasters for making my favorite thing. Just, the amount of joy and creative fulfillment and friendship and delight I’ve gotten from this show and this fandom is still unmatched. Thank you so much for making it and sharing it. The love and care and skill with which NMTD was made still shines through and I’m still so awed by it. I think I was probably somewhat overdramatic about my reactions to Lolilo in places where you, TCW, could see, on my main blog, and you didn’t deserve that. I really hope I didn’t send you any aggressive asks about it, or make you uncomfortable in any way. I’m a little afraid I did, but I don’t know for sure. If I did, I apologize. I’m older and more mature now, I promise. I hope you’re all doing so very well now!
- I didn’t realize until today that Project I: VOX POPS was posted first, before any other video in the series. I didn’t start watching NMTD until right around the time Benedick’s first Q&A video was posted, so I binged the first chunk of episodes around that time. It will be interesting to watch them at a slower pace this time!
- I am immediately overwhelmed with warm fuzzies at seeing these characters again. They’re such babies! I love them!
- I never made a post about this, but Ben’s first line being about how he shares a (differently spelled) name with a Pope is both a great first line for him on a character level since he starts as kind of a cocky overconfident asshole (a cover for his soft sensitive insides) AND it’s evidence for my theory that he’s probably Catholic, but lapsed/non-practicing/maybe agnostic or atheist solely because I WILL keep projecting parts of me onto this character, it’s just what I do at this point. Other evidence: he has a confirmation name. We don’t get his full name til Lolilo, but still. And he’s partly Scottish, which can account for the fact that English people usually are not Catholic.
- “you need to imitate an eagle, that’ll scare them away!” That’s Ben’s second line and first bird reference! Already! Wow.
- The favorite band question! Mumford and Sons! Fife and the Drums! Sheep Dog and Wolf! The LORE! The REFERENCES! We’re already off to the races.
- “I don’t need chat-up lines” Beatrice I love you , and you have no idea what’s coming.
- I forgot about Beatrice’s Favorite T-Shirts Ranking System lol
- Extremely funny that Ben says bananas are his favorite food and then he goes on to become synonymous with mangoes instead. Sorry, buddy, you will always be Mango Skin Boy to us. xD
- I forgot how delightful Dogberry and Verges are in this episode
- “that you would leave me” oh Meg. Oh honey. Oh no.
- I’ve seen nine seasons of Doctor Who and only five episodes of Game of Thrones since 2014. Sorry Bea, I side with Ben on this one. And I’ve seen one season of Community. I’m slowly hacking away at the list of media referenced in nmtd that I need to watch!
- love it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free! ❤️
- Balthazar plays every instrument, of course.
- Bea must not have an ear for music if she hated that question enough to force Ursula on-camera so she doesn’t have to answer it… Unless Ursula asked her something else she didn’t want to answer! Lol
- Ben makes me cringe so hard a couple times this episode. And yet I still love him. To be fair, that’s just every Benedick at the start of Much Ado, though. The cringy lines are completely in character.
- I decided to save the full story of how I discovered NMTD for whenever the NMTDaily email for Ben’s first Q&A episode goes out, because then it will actually be ten years almost to the day since I started watching. But I’m so impatient and excited to tell the story!
- It’s amazing how back then, these kids were my contemporaries and the Lizzie Bennet Diaries cast felt impossibly old compared to me. Now the NMTD kids are babies and I’m older than Lizzie Bennet! Trippy. It sure has been a nice ten years.
Until the next one! Happy NMTD Day, fellow flamangoes!
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blackcatfromthevoid · 7 months
Meet Some Of My OCs 👉👈
Fuck it some OC art dump. Finally posting some of my scrimblos. New designs and all.
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First up we got Beatrice (or Beatriz). The OG baby girl. Love her new look and a big fan of her eyebrows. She's not human btw, just the most human looking one out of the bunch.
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The OG husband (Yes I self insert ok?) my babygirl Koji. I gotta draw his brother too. In his new concept I wanted his face to look like he's wearing a mask, doesn't really look like that but still love how he came out. I still have some changes to make like his feet (he's not supposed to have human feet.) Btw he's an alien and a demon and demon alien.
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And here's Victor the newest baby girl. Originally I wanted him to be a human but that wasn't turning out how I wanted it to so orc. I might still make some changes but other wise his design is very satisfactory for me. This is before he gets more fucked up.
Anyways I got more but their designs are still pending. These are just the ones that came out the best imo.
Also don't ask me about backstories/stories none of my characters exist without crippling trauma and all of them are insane. Truthfully though idk if I want to fully lore dump cause their stories are dark and honestly self indulgent lol. Maybe I'll drop some crumbs here and there.
Also commissions are closed now because people don't know how to act :/ which sucks because the money was helpful but I can't deal with that stress rn.
Also yes my art name is Smelly. No I will not be linking to my other accounts. If you find them, you find them 🤷‍♂️
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
Earth, Sky, and Storms. More like a fanmade sequel but I consider it an AU since I feel like Audrey died at the end in canon- I'm gonna put it on AO3 so I don't want to reveal too much about it
Unnamed Wandersong Flower AU. Pretty similar to canon Wandersong but also drastically different, and I'm also putting this one on AO3 (when I think of a hecking title, that is-) sooo
Over The Garden Wall AU. I actually thought of this just last night while playing Stray, but I really like it already- Kiwi is Greg, Miriam is Wirt, Audrey is Beatrice (except she's a woodpecker and not a bluebird), the Dream King is the Beast, Eyala... idk yet but her being Adelaide would be funny and with Audrey being Beatrice it might make a little sense, and Mask is the tavernkeeper for literally no reason except I felt like it kind of fits
Hollow Knight AU. These are literally my two favorite games and Kiwi loves bugs so it's perfect- Although this has basically no development except Kiwi is a grasshopper, Miriam is a moth, and Audrey is a vessel
D&D AU. This is pretty much just an excuse for Kiwi to get a mind flayer tadpole shoved in their eye because I love mind flayers but it exists and has a little bit of development- Also Kiwi is a bard (obviously), Miriam is a sorcerer, and Audrey is a paladin
The Owl House AU. Literally all I have of this is Kiwi joins the BATTs and Miriam's palisman is a kiwi bird
Vampire Kiwi and werewolf Miriam AU. This was actually my first Wandersong AU but that doesn't mean it's very developed and tbh I just use it to play around with lore for this kind of thing in my various fictional universes- Although basically Kiwi gets bitten by a vampire at some point and panics and tries to keep it a secret from Miriam but she figures it out at some point and then is like "dude you are literally my best (and only) friend why would something like this ruin that"
Spider-themed Audrey-centric AU. I came up with this while vibing to Hello, My Treacherous Friends by OK Go in the car and I genuinely don't know if it's a joke or not but Audrey with eight eyes/limbs and mandibles is super cool and Eyala as a floofy anthropomorphic rainbow tarantula is just plain what more could you want
Ice And Fire (the Minecraft mod) AU. Basically I remembered some old fanfics of mine and impulsively decided to make them but the Sad Pixel Trio instead
Thaumcraft AU. Same deal here (yes I have hyperfixated on Minecraft mods twice. I hyperfixate on random things)
WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT- That AU I posted art of that one time. I think that was my actual first Wandersong AU-
...yeah i have a lot
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eternaloracle · 7 months
It has been thought over for many millennia that the gods above determined when someone was chosen to die, whether by external signs or by those who proclaim to be messengers of said deities, however, the path of heading to the afterlife after years of suffering may not be as clear as one may think…
Vincent, a college drop out is curious about what it means to die, and if the cruel world they’ve been so ‘gratefully’ placed in is worth living through as their old hospital therapist says it is. Deciding to search for answers themself, they head to their local graveyard to ponder their thoughts in solitude and silence, but bumps into a strange girl named Beatrice and swept into a terrifying battle against an enormous paranormal entity.
Now suddenly roped into confusing life pondering questions and dealing with spirits who wield strange fantastical powers, can Vincent and their new group of colleagues truly get the answer they’ve been seeking, or will their unique adventures down uncertain roads be enough to convince them that there is truly a purpose for living.
Welcome to the lore of Eternal Oracle, where things might not be what they seem and the tales of monsters lurking in your shadow may be more than just fables.
Hiya, nice to meet you all, my name is Penn and I’m the writer of Eternal Oracle!! If you’d like to follow me on any social media the links are here for your convenience!
~Twitter~ ~Instagram~
Note that this story does contain themes and mentions of suicide, depression, self harm, death, questions about the existence of the universe and other topics along those lines so if you are sensitive to these please tread through this blog with caution as a lot of these things will be at the forefront for themes and plot points.
A small Q&A for all the lovely people who want the know all of the story and universe!!
Where does the story take place?
Eternal Oracle mainly takes place in Connecticut in the town of New London but the story isn’t restricted to just the mortal world~
I want to know about [insert character here] where’s the link?
The link will be right here in this section! Each character both for the main cast and villians will have a post deticated to their character introduction, character references as well as some fun facts as I develop more of the story!
Ghost Gang
Can I make fanart/write fanfics/make ocs for your story?
YES ghekehehsncbdelch absolutely of course and I’d love to see all the nifty things you all come up with! If you do decide to share please use the hashtag #EternalOracleFanworks or @ me on my social media so I can see it!
Is there a physical copy I can buy?
Unfortunately no! This story (as of writing this post) is purely for fun and a side project I do while I work through a job and college, someday in the future when I have the story fully fleshed out and written I’d love to have it officially published but for now it’ll stay in my heart as a dream.
Any other common questions and answers will be added as I go, if you have a question or just would like to ask something about the lore feel free to put in an ask, I’ll get to it as soon as I can!!
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juliandev0rak · 3 years
Beatrice Viano 💌
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the curious magician with a soft heart
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Full name: Beatrice Diana Viano
Beatrice is named after Beatrice from Dante’s Inferno, she guides Dante through hell and represents hope, love, and grace even in the depths of despair (source)
The name Beatrice also means "she who makes happy"
Her middle name Diana is the Roman name for the goddess Artemis, it means “heavenly, divine”
(also inspired by the song Diana by One Direction)
Gender: female, she/ her
Birthday: December 28
Age (start of story): 26
Orientation: bi + demisexual
Magic: water, healing, light, charms
Occupation: teacher, magical researcher
Familiar: Bramble, a brown rabbit
Love interest: Julian Devorak
Shippable?: shippable!!
Theme song: Library Magic- The Head and the Heart
full playlist
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Zodiac signs: 
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Virgo
Element: water
Major Arcana: The Star
UPRIGHT: hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality
REVERSED: lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection
Minor Arcana: Page of Cups
UPRIGHT:  creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility
REVERSED: new ideas, doubting intuition, creative blocks, emotional immaturity
— Water: Beatrice has always been attuned to water, she can conjure water out of the atmosphere or draw it out of larger sources, be it a drop or a wave. She can also manipulate its temperature to make it boil or freeze. Her magic flows like water, she can use it defensively as a shield or even offensively as a weapon if need be
— Healing: She uses threads of her magic to heal wounds. Beatrice is better at healing others rather than herself, and she’s best at surface level wounds rather than healing illnesses or internal injuries. She can alleviate pain with temperature control, creating ice or heating injuries as needed
— Light: Beatrice can create a ball of light as large as she desires and can manipulate the color (she usually chooses purple). The light serves as a night light or a general light source. Though she generally finds fire a difficult element to work with, she can create small amounts of fire for light, most often used to light a candle without a match
— Charms: Beatrice has created her own spells for specific purposes. Her favorites are a warming charm which she often applies to her cloak and her charmed quill pen which never runs out of ink. She also keeps a diary which is charmed to only open for her 
Other abilities: she plays the piano, speaks multiple languages, is a proficient dancer, and is very good at chess and strategy games of all kinds, she is also adept at solving puzzles and codes
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At heart, Beatrice is kind and empathic. She cares deeply for the world around her and those she loves. She wants to make a difference and strives for ideals of equality and peace. Despite her lofty ambitions, Beatrice is quite reserved and does not like being the center of attention. She is quietly ambitious, preferring to focus on furthering her next project rather than celebrating her successes. 
Beatrice is an introvert and doesn’t like crowds, she tends to be shy upon first meeting. She maintains a very polite exterior and follows the rules of propriety and etiquette around strangers. Once she feels comfortable around someone she is much more outgoing and can even be witty or sarcastic. She prefers to have a few close friends rather than a large circle of acquaintances and it takes her quite a while to trust others. 
Beatrice is incredibly dedicated and hardworking. She’s persistent in finishing a task after she starts it and has a bit of a one track mind. Beatrice is happiest when she has a project to work on and a problem to solve. She’s curious, loves to learn, and enjoys teaching others what she knows.
She is very loyal and affectionate towards those she cares about, though she sometimes has trouble expressing this in words. Beatrice keeps her emotions bottled up and it takes someone who knows her well to understand what she’s feeling. When forced to face her feelings, she prefers to express her emotions privately in her diary and will only talk to someone else when prodded. She is intuitive and usually knows how others are feeling despite her difficulty deciphering her own emotions.
Mental health: Beatrice is hypervigilant, startles easily, and is often anxious or worried. She has occasional bouts of melancholy, sometimes accompanied by periods of dissociation or “spacing out”. She has abandonment issues and finds it very difficult to trust and rely on others
Likes: books, rainy days, dessert, learning new things
Dislikes: geese, arrogance, unanswered questions
Fears: the dark, abandonment 
Quirks: she loves sugar and needs every beverage to be sweet in order to drink it, she’s nearly always cold
Favorite food: citrus olive oil cake
Favorite drink: vanilla cinnamon tea (with lots of sugar)
Favorite flower: violets
Favorite color: plum, dark purple
Most likely to: fall asleep in the library
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Height: 5’4 / 164 cm
Eyes: hazel, more green than brown
Hair: brown with lighter golden tones, long, wavy, with wispy bangs
Other: she has freckles on her nose and dotted around her body, a magical burn scar on the palm of her left hand, and a small birthmark in the shape of a heart on her left shoulder
Color theme: plum, neutral earth tones, white, black
Fashion sense: Dark / light academia but make it medieval. White blouses tucked into trousers, sweaters with collared shirts underneath, knee length skirts, flowy white dresses. She usually wears neutral colors but occasionally goes for pastel tones or dark purple. Her clothing often features ruffles, puffy sleeves, and lace. Despite her love of impractical dresses she always wears practical shoes- usually brown lace up boots 
She wears her signature green cloak whenever she’s outside. It was her father’s and it’s a bit too large for her, but it’s like a security blanket for social interactions. It has a hood that she occasionally puts up and deep pockets that are always full of scraps of paper and random potions ingredients
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Antonella Viano - mother - deceased  | relationship: very strained
Matteo Viano - father - alive, location unknown  | relationship: non-existent
Freya Viano- older sister - alive  | relationship: strained, but improving
Cora Mirelli - maternal aunt - deceased  | relationship: close, maternal
Marcelline Viano - younger half sister - alive, location unknown  | relationship: non-existent 
Beatrice was born in the South End of Vesuvia to a merchant family. Though her family had little money, her mother Antonella had grand aspirations for raising the family to a higher status. Her father Matteo went on frequent trips to sell goods and made a decent living (though it was likely through unscrupulous means). Her mother worked as a tailor for the well-to-do families in the Heart District. Beatrice’s older sister Freya was her best friend and the two had a relatively happy childhood for the first few years. 
But when Beatrice was five her father left on a trip and never came back, choosing his crew and the open seas over his family. Her mother became far more strict as a result. She began to train her daughters to become “proper ladies” so that they could make advantageous marriages in the future. Marrying into wealth was the only solution their mother could see to bring their family out of poverty, and working among the members of high society had made her bitter and jealous of their wealthy lifestyles. 
Beatrice and Freya spent most of their time in lessons with their mother, learning everything from etiquette and dancing to languages and piano. There was little time for anything but lessons and chores, and their mother was cruel in her discipline of rule breaking. Beatrice was raised to believe that good girls should be seen and not heard. She went from an outgoing, excitable child to a withdrawn, shy teenager who longed for escape. 
She found her escape in books and learning. Her mother’s lessons were lax on the academic subjects so Beatrice taught herself science, history, mathematics, and anything else she could learn. She dreamt of running away to the far-off places she’d read about, and though she hardly remembered her father she held out hope that he would come back someday and take her with him.
Beatrice first showed signs of magical ability as a toddler. Her first spell was creating a ball of light to serve as a night light, it was an instinctive bit of magic born out of her fear of the dark. The light spell was her first and her favorite, and she developed it over the years to make sure it could last an entire night without needing her concentration to maintain it.
When her mother learned of her abilities, she forbid Beatrice to use magic as she thought it would make her a social outcast and undesirable for marriage. Beatrice continued to practice magic in secret, though she feared her mother’s reaction if she ever discovered the truth. Her sister Freya was unable to do magic and became jealous of her younger sister and resentful of their mother’s plan for them. 
Freya ran away from home when Beatrice was 12, leaving her to face their mother’s wrath alone. Her situation at home significantly declined until Beatrice was no longer allowed to leave the house without her mother’s supervision. Beatrice was her mother’s final hope at a better life and as she got older it seemed only a matter of time before her mother would try to find a suitable husband for her.
At age 14 Beatrice followed in her sister’s footsteps and left home, headed across town to their Aunt Cora’s magic shop. Cora was Antonella’s sister, though the two had a poor relationship which had ended in a falling out many years prior. Beatrice had only met her aunt a few times before and knew only a little about the “witchcraft” she made her living on. When Beatrice arrived she found Cora to be a warm and inviting person, someone she could trust. Best of all- she was someone who could teach Beatrice magic.
Living with Cora allowed Beatrice the freedom to hone her academic and magical skills. She helped in the magic shop during the day, learning magic alongside her aunt. Her evenings were usually spent with a book in hand  and Beatrice was the happiest she’d been since her sister left. 
When Beatrice was 18 her aunt passed away and the funeral brought more conflict. Freya came back to Vesuvia and she and Beatrice fought, leaving their relationship in tatters. Shortly afterwards, Beatrice met Asra and they became fast friends. As the years went on they became more than friends, but the relationship fell apart as the plague came to Vesuvia.
Beatrice decided to stay behind to help, and though her healing magic wasn’t very strong she volunteered at a nearby clinic to treat the sick. Her mother Antonella died a few months into the outbreak and Beatrice threw herself into her work as a distraction. Over the difficult months of the plague she became close to Julian Devorak, the doctor in charge of the clinic. Not long after, Beatrice shared her mother’s fate and succumbed to the plague, leaving a grieving Asra to bring her back from the dead.
After the events of Julian’s route Beatrice left her aunt’s magic shop to Asra to focus on a bigger project. With Nadia’s help, Beatrice opened the first public school in Vesuvia open to any children who wanted to attend. She spends her days teaching and her evenings researching magic and creating new spells. 
Five facts:
Beatrice is ambidextrous but favors her right hand because of her scar
she got the scar from breaking a curse on an ancient book she found in the library, it took her weeks to unlock it and the rebound from the curse caused the injury which never fully healed (read about it here)
Beatrice gains clarity from being near bodies of water and frequently seeks out water when she has a problem to solve
she was chased by geese once as a child and has a fear of them as a result, she avoids the particular park in the Temple District where this event occurred
she carries three pebbles in her pocket, bits of blue-green sea glass worn smooth by years of holding them, she got them from her father when she was little and has a nervous habit of fiddling with the round pieces of glass when her hands are in her cloak pockets
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notes: the bio she deserves 🥺 thank you to all of you who have loved Beatrice alongside me for the last few months, i love her a lot 💗 and thank you as always to @leila-of-ravens bc i stole your bio template Again 
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pinayelf · 3 years
okay but Gabe going from Gabe trevelyan to Gabe montilyet is 🥺
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thesims2comics · 2 years
Sims World Tag Game
I've been tagged by @thesims2psp , thanks!
Rules: List your top 5 favorite Sims worlds.
Boy, a reason to happily talk about the Sims 2? Don't mind if I do, here we go!
Buckle up, this is a long post!
1. Strangetown. My fave, THE world that makes the Sims 2 as iconic as it is in my opinion. This world has continued on at least three handhelds; psp, gba and ds which kinda shows to me, personally, that the devs also thought it was the coolest one of the bunch or the most popular amongst fans. Every single Sim is just so filled with lore and passion and the houses they live in are by far the most iconic ones in the Sims 2.
2. Pleasantview. Drama city, everyone loves another Sim. There are so many love triangles that it's a whole circle. The devs REALLY went to town with the Romance aspiration on this neighbourhood and I love it. And Bella's disappearance was SUCH a good idea for some mystery amongst the drama and makes the Sims 2 really stand out. I hope whoever thought of that got a nice bonus or something.
3. Veronaville. Based on Romeo and Juliet, and actually kinda explains why there's a feud between the Capps and the Montys. Though I personally find it not as iconic as Strangetown and Pleasantview since there is less mystery and strangeness in it. The devs also made Benedick and Beatrice brother and sister, which is weird to me since they end up as lovers in their play Much Ado About Nothing. Nonetheless, I still like the amount of lore there is and TyCutio is after more than 400 years still the (non-canonical) best enemies-to-potential-lovers stories EVER. Unparalleled romantic tension.
4. Miniopolis, SimNation (Urbz: Sims in the City on DS). I have never played with ts1, ts3 or ts4 properly and I'm not familiar with Belladonna Cave nor Riverblossom Hill, so the last ones are from the handhelds! Miniopolis is the town where the game/story takes place, filled with weird and wonderful Sims who have frequently played a role in the other handheld games (love to do a list/universe thing to see if the games can all be connected someday). This map has been burnt on my retina; I've been stuck SO much on some districts which made me wander around aimlessly. But the music was really nice to listen to and I liked the NPCs a lot!
5. (???) Town in MySims DS. Bonus town in this case: I feel honestly indifferent to this town, I can't even remember if this town comes with a preset name or if you have to name it yourself (I think the latter is true). The NPCs are fine and the game doesn't have Need bars which is the best thing it has brought to the handheld table.
I hate to finish this list which such a bland entry but with SimCity, Sims2pets and SimAnimals (all for DS) these are about all the Sims games I've played and these last three don't really have a town or have to build it yourself.
I tag @quejicadelapulpa , @tvickiesims and whoever may want to ramble on about the Sims' worlds :D
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wonderloste · 2 years
snippets of lore i need to flesh out more in my own head before i meta abt them, but are extremely important to character backgrounds / stories / “routes” include
the original alice changed wonderland when she came there : the ruins of the steampunk city buried beneath the overgrowth and current flora are a result of wonderland being affected by liddell’s fantastical wonder when she came to the realm. the steampunk era was the jabberwocky’s version of wonderland, but alice “saved” wonderland from his dark & dreary rule, giving birth to wonderland as they know it now.
darcy was the one who led the original alice to wonderland knowing that she would save it : the og alice is the only alice to have ever been led there SOLELY by the white rabbit and NOT by the jabberwocky’s nightmares, meaning that she had been able to escape without harm coming to her.
the jabberwocky & the modern day alices (the outsiders) cannot exist in wonderland at the same time. if alice stays, his power withers along with his life & wonderland once again is affected. at the same time, outsiders are needed in wonderland to keep the current state of it alive for reasons that would take a whole post but basically wandering dreamers keep the wonderland alice liddell created alive bc disney cutesy shit KJNMEKRJNHM it’s smth smth to do with going against the red queen’s corrupted magic but that’s a long, long blurb
so the jabberwocky is faced with the choice of kill alice or kill himself, to which he chooses to continuously lure in & kill alice bc he’s immortal and. can’t die. so like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s alice’s fate to die for wonderland and he can’t change that srry perish
darcy is at the opposite end of that and dearly loves alice so at the point of this blog’s story he’s like “no fuck u i’m going to save alice and kill u instead” which leads to him interfering when aleister tries to lure in a new alice this time around. his goal is rlly deadass to either find a way to kill aleister, safely lead alice out of wonderland, or die in alice’s stead
the white rabbit rlly said “i’m gonna kill god to save the one i love and if i can’t do that, i’ll die so alice can stay instead 🤪”
there’s more to that bc the jabberwocky and darcy are the closest linked to alice’s actual psyche and why they fall into wonderland to begin with so theoretically darcy dying would balance it out if jabberwocky and alice both lived, that’s a whole lot more lore
n all of this is just the central conflict b/t why jabberwocky wants alice dead so badly, not even touching on the other like 14 characters i’m 🤡 i’m in too deep
this is obvsly super central to like. ALL of the characters interactions w outsiders tho bc darcy vs aleister is the heart of the entire conflict, very very closely followed by wonderland vs beatrice / the queen of hearts lol cuz u can’t stop the kingdom of hearts from killing wonderland if the mcfucking jabberwocky kills alice first
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cosmicpines · 3 years
OTGW Dream-Unknown Comic Lore
Hey! Thought I’d make a post about the “ongoing” (now finished) post-series OTGW comic and the implications it has to the lore of the show, since I’m not sure everyone has read them.
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Big Note: these comics are only dubiously canon! None were written by Pat McHale.
Other Big Note: I think assigning hard “mechanics” to how the Unknown works defeats the purpose. It is mean to be loose, fairytale like, shepherded by emotion. Putting a stamp on “this is how they get in and out” and “this is exactly what happened” doesn’t make sense -- part of the point is we, Greg, and Wirt don’t know exactly what the Unknown is.
That being said, i still think it’s fun to look at the facts presented in the comics and see if we can figure out a bit of what’s going on. This post is long because this is who I am as a person, apparently.
TLDR: Wirt and Greg can be brought to the Unknown during their dreams, potentially for multiple days in one night. They are there until they both realize they are dreaming and they solve the problem they were brought there for.
Right off the bat, in issue 1, we find out that Greg can go to the Unknown in his dreams -- in this case, because Jason told him that there was a “new case” for them to solve.
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He briefly wakes up and goes back to sleep (probably because they wanted to show Wirt in issue 1.)
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Greg doesn’t seem surprised to find himself in the Unknown; quite the opposite: Jason is telling him about a “new” case, implying that this has happened before, possibly multiple times. We have no idea how long after the series this takes place, only that it’s either fall or winter, judging from their pajamas.
Greg doesn’t offer us any other insight to what’s going on, but, eventually, Wirt shows up in issue 4.  He asks Greg what he’s, and later they, are doing here, implying he did not choose to come and they don’t always come here at the same time.
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Wirt is particularly interesting that he seems to think they may not be able to leave again, as he brings up on 2 occasions.
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However, this may just be because he doesn’t know he’s dreaming.
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(Yes, that’s Sara. More on her later.)
A detail that I think is important from the show here -- then, Wirt also couldn’t remember entering the Unknown, since he seemed to think he and Greg were lost and not, you know, drowning in a river. I think it’s very possible that when you enter the Unknown, you forget how you got there. Remembering that is key to being able to escape.
Sara tells Wirt he’s dreaming, and from that point on, he no longer waxes about being trapped: he instead tells Greg he wants to go home, as seen in issue 12.
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When Greg and Wirt split up to solve the last mysteries:
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This implies that they don’t have to go home together and, at this point, they are more or less capable of going home whenever.
Issue 16 brings them both home, Greg after revealing Hero Frog’s intentions and getting Jason elected mayor:
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And Wirt after he and Sara defeat the Shapeshifter.
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(poor wirt lmao)
I think these puzzle pieces can lead to a conclusion: They can only go home from the Dream Unknown once they are both aware that they are dreaming and they solve whatever problem they were brought here for. Once they do, they can go back whenever they want. 
After waking up, Greg immediately checks on his brother.
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Solidifying that they remember what happened, and, implying at least, that they don’t always get home at the same time. I can see scenarios where one sits in the other’s room, waiting for them to wake up...
We ultimately don’t know how often this happens, what triggers it, and how aware they are of the whole thing. Judging from their reactions to being there and going home, I feel like this sort of thing happens often enough, but not so often that it’s exhausting and/or terrifying... once a month, maybe?
If that rate increases, though... well, that’s just some fun fanfiction fuel.
Some other observations:
1. Greg and Wirt may not experience things exactly the same in the Dream Unknown.
When Wirt first shows up, he makes this comment:
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“A bunch of nightmare stuff” seems a little... extreme, for what Wirt was doing, as said ghost was a beaver in a sheet. 
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Issue 6 offers a potential explanation. The framing device for this issue is a tavern keeper asks them why they look so tired, and Greg and Wirt both tell the story of having to sit in a location all night to meet someone, but their stories vary wildly. For Greg, they were on a stage. For Wirt, they were in a graveyard.
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Both stories have seriously different levels of Wirt’s enthusiasm,
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and how creepy it is.
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I won’t pretend that this is canon that they’re experiencing it differently; it’s definitely possible that one or both of them are unreliable narrators. Certain details, like Wirt singing, point more to that, but others, like Wirt getting eaten by a demon horse, is... a lot more extreme, haha.
This is also partly refuted later in the comic, as Greg and Wirt get separated but visit the same places, which are largely the same.
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But still, it’s a fun idea.
2. Sara is here
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Yeah, so, this can either be adorable or terrifying.
All Sara really says about her being here is that she thinks this is a lucid dream where Wirt is a person in it, which Wirt never presses her but come on Wirt please press her cause what the fuuuuuuckkkkk????? Sara ultimately doesn’t seem to know what the Unknown really is, since she only refers to it as a lucid dream.
Three explanations I can think of:
1. Her line “I’m having a lucid dream and you’re a part of it” could be meant to imply that the opposite: Wirt is the one having the dream and has dreamed up a Sara to adventure with him.This Sara is just something Wirt has created to join him in the Unknown, and the real Sara isn’t involved or aware of this at all. This isn’t the first time the Unknown has created a Sara, if you consider Distillatoria canon (which... ehhhhh......  I have Opinions about that lol)
2. Sara has been to the Unknown before. If that is the case, it either happened recently, since Wirt is surprised to see her there, or Sara has been doing this for a while and they just haven’t run into each other. Her saying it’s just a dream isn’t incorrect, and if she doesn’t think Wirt is really Wirt (that the Unknown created him), there’s no reason for her to be like “hey, we’re in a dream recreation of purgatory that apparently has a grasp on my soul for all eternity.”
3. This is the first time Sara has been to the Unknown, and Wirt unintentionally brought her along. This one has the least evidence towards it, but I think it’s interesting. Greg is able to bring his stuffed raccoon with him to the Unknown, so why can’t Wirt bring the consciousness of his crush and/or girlfriend?
Another thing to think about when considering this: Wirt and Greg are in the Unknown in their Halloween costumes. I like the idea that whatever you wore to the Unknown when you go is what you always wear when you’re there. Sara is all dressed for an adventure, with a cute green cape, a huge backpack, and a bee mask (specifically to trick the shapeshifter).
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So I’m not sure what she might have been doing to be wearing this and then end up in the Unknown... Either she’s into LARP, she got into a hiking accident while wearing a sick cape, she changed clothes after arriving in the Dream Unknown, or her outfit is part of Wirt’s dream.
No idea which explanation is “correct;” I think they’re all interesting to play with!
3. Jason has relatives in the Unknown
Apparently the Hero Frog is Jason’s dad???
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Which is... fascinating, considering they found Jason before going into the Unknown.
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I think I read ages ago a theory that Jason is originally from the Unknown and got out somehow, as he is a lot more intelligent than a real frog should be. Who knows, though.
It’s probably also of note that Jason is the one who instigates them entering the Unknown, “telling” Greg there’s a mystery to solve.
4. Multiple days pass by in the dream
This is “fun...”
Day 1: Issue 1 (Greg’s arrival) - Issue 4 (Wirt’s arrival, diverging story)
Day 2: Issue 6 (morning after diverging tale) - Issue 7 (Greg sneaks around bird town, Wirt encounters a ghost)
Day 3: Issue 9 (Greg goes over a mountain. There’s a very fast day-night cycle here, but I think it’s for comedic effect. Wirt arrives in bird town and meets up with Sara.) - Issue 11 (Greg joins some “highwaymen”) /12 (Wirt and Sara help a sick goose)
Day 4: Issue 12 (Greg, Wirt, and Sara meet up in frog town) - Issue 14 (Greg spies on Hero Frog, Wirt and Sara get taken by an orphanage)
Day 5: Issue 15 (Greg/Wirt/Sara make their plan, Greg goes home before nightfall in 16) - Issue 16 (Wirt and Sara defeat the shapeshifter)
This is 5 full days they spend in the dream. Some of them are a lot fewer events than would happen in a day, and it’s very likely time is moving faster in the dream, but... jeez. That’s got to screw with your mind if this happens too often. Like, imagine the worst case scenario where they go to the Unknown every night and spend 5 days there every time! I doubt this is the case, but holy shit.
5. Beatrice, the Woodsman, Lorna, and the Beast are nowhere to be seen
This is more of an observation, but there is not even a passing mention of any of these three. Either they were all checked in on their first dream adventure, or they can’t remember that first adventure while in the dream too clearly...
There’s a ton of fun theories that you can make out of the Dream Unknown. Is the Dream Unknown the same as the Halloween Unknown? Are the boys souls claimed by the Unknown forever? Will it keep calling them back, night after night, until they go back permanently? How does this effect their healing from their trauma? Are these dreams going to increase or decrease in frequency? Do they always last exactly one night? Can Wirt fall asleep in class, spend a week in the Unknown, and wake up before the end of the period? Can Greg go to bed for the night and not wake up all day, but only have been in the Unknown for a few minutes? Does time pass in the Unknown without them there? In the Dream Unknown, will they always be the age that they originally were when they entered the Unknown? Does anyone else in the Unknown do this? (at some point, I want to do a theory post about who is from the Unknown and who is from the “real” world...)
Anyway... this post completely ran away with me. Hope you enjoyed! Send me your theories; I’m itching to hear them!
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
in your alternate next gen headcanons/fics, you've got Penn and the other P's (Piper's daughters), Dency (Phoebe's daughter), and Sheridan and Warren (Prue's son's). have you ever written anything about Paige's kids in any of the alternate universes?
okay so if i'm cataloguing every next gen warren witch that lives in my brain by charmed one, there's:
prue: warren & sheridan, patricia, penelope, & phillipa
piper: wyatt, chris & melinda, penn & (penn's siblings??), (jack the piper/kyle kid???)
phoebe: pj, parker & peyton, dency, (cj??)
paige: tamora, kat & henry jr, (bennie??)
in which um bennie has actually made a couple guest appearances on this blog and is the paige/richard kid and is like. a fat vibe def mentally ill but like. au where richard still binds or strips his powers whatever also he really seems like a tai chi guy and paige and richard are endgame i guess lmaoo so bennie their kid is raise not my you know bonkers batshit insane powers because i stand by my theory that richard was dose with blood of a greater being as a child and that's why magic makes his react the way he does so that does pass on just a little bit to his child. i also once very briefly constructed an au w a paige kyle kid but in a kyle still died world so paige still ends up w henry and has a daughter kyle at some point as a whitelighter finds out he has a daughter bc the elders were really keepin that Top Secret but kyle's quasi-adjacent in his kid's life but idk like. what those kids would be up to. isabel and beatrice maybe? i think they were bel and bea? lemme see if i can find the pöst. nope. well ur just gonna hafta trust me on that ig. yeah i can't say i've thot much about them. i think if i were really to spin a paige progeny solo story i mean well a) henry jr spin off bc like. i think that could be fun. but i think i would want to create a circumstance really separate from the next gen something that warrants a whole ass like Own Story (e.g. warren and sheridan being raises by jack, dency being the source's heir + having the twice blessed, which changes like magical society as a whole) because if it's still like you know there's wcm at the top of the lil next gen pyramid i feel like the worlds all stay too similar and it gets my brain fuzzy. i could do a paige-never-finds-the-power-of-three-au, where she still has her witch powers and figures shit out on her own, but i really don't know what the 411 with her kids would be. i could also have the other parent be some other type of magical being, cupid, warlock, darklighter, etc, bc that fusion would be interesting. i think out of all of paige's love interests, by far my favorite option for a father just from like an interesting character perspective is richard, because like. he has a whole magical bloodline and also a family that is implied practices black magic on occasion. that kid would pack a punch. there's kyle (mortal) and kyle (whitelighter), but like. i feel like if i were to do that again i'd have to spin up some au otherwise it's just the same gen 2 universe but instead of tam and kat it's paigekyle kids. you know what actually You Know What Actually Could Be Fun in a paige-never-finds-the-power-of-three-au-but-is-still-a-witch um fuckin hello?? paige glen. paige glen world travelers witch free spirit those kids would be. those kids would be so weird man just life experience globetrotters especially seeing as they have some magical legacy (the charmed destiny) that the belland family has just someone manage to outrun by like. quite literally like outrunning it. never being in the same place long enough for anything to really happen. i'm feeling two kids here. hmm but with two kids idk if they'd stick together a whole bunch i think they'd be a lot more free not like attached at the hip so either i run two separate plots or i only focus on one. but that could be. interesting to say the least.. esp if something happened where um. where like the charmed ones were wiped out. idk how. maybe prue did bite it in all hell breaks loose. maybe Phoebe dies. in ahbl. they're down to the power of two with piper and prue. piper taps out leo clips his wings and piper binds her powers and they leave the manor. piper then realizes she's pregnant witchlighter baby??? or she just has a normal witch baby. maybe a couple. actually just two i think i need to cap it at two bc no power of three access in this au. omg leo dies in s8 like how he was fated to die..................... prue holds down the homefront at the manor. finds love eventually has kids eventually i could go really out in left field and say fuck it prue x angel of death kids. but that requires
attention on its own part. but i could. i might. hmmm. because piper post leo death hell maybe leo just gets killed by a darklighter in spite of being mortal just because a darklighter recognizes him. piper like. changes her identity and raises her kid separate from the manor and magic. kids. maybe. prue is like. ballz to the wall fuckin intense. i could just make up a guy i could do whitelighter andy i could do. justin?? was his name? there's bane and jack but bane's in jail and jack would die in about five minutes so. i think i'd make up a guy. but i think prue has kids again maybe just two. i mean i could all give them one. but. . do i really want only children here lbr also prue and piper were both raised w siblings i could reasonably seeing prue having only one kid if it was like.. too dangerous to have another kid or something but i think she really wanted to be Mom. so anyways prue's witch kids are trained rigorously from warren lore, piper's kids are raised mortal, and paige's kids are raised with training from paige, who's self taught. anyway.s prue gets murdered and the manor is taken over by dark magic. when prue's kids are. mmm early twenties great age to take on an adventure that you're not like. remotely equipped to handle yet. they know they need to take back the seat of power lest something terrible happens. like it has to be a halliwell right the halliwells have to take back their house. so the halliwells get the bennets (piper's kids) (surprise! you're a witch!) and then somehow Also discover the bellands (surprise! you have a long extensive family tree that fights evil magic!) and then idk we really get the ball rolling we get some plot goin. wallah.
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trixterdark · 4 years
Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons x Over The Garden Wall
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Previous notes and drawings....
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Part 1: Hiccup
OTGW! Hiccup finds a tiny lizard when he wanders deep into the woods. Hoping to reclaim his "lost" friend, he seeks the help of Gothel. Instead of the lantern, he wields the torch, (based on the Dragon Eye from the TV series)
Part 2: Merida
Merida, or "Bearida" and her family are stuck under a curse after she pinched a potion from a witch's hut. Now she's trying to guide Hiccup to Mother Gothel, who is rumored to have a special item that can cure anything~
Part 3: Rapunzel
In this AU, just as Merida takes the role of Beatrice, Rapunzel replaces Lorna.
Rapunzel is held captive, her magical hair kept tied up in the rafters and eaves of her home to keep her from escaping. Unbeknownst to Hiccup and co, her magic hair is fueled by the dark form she takes at night, which sucks the life from living things. This is based on the dark! Rapunzel moments form the Tangled TV series, which expands on the lore of Rapunzel’s hair and further adventures.
With Rapunzel replacing Lorna, and Hiccup replacing Wirt, the song “Like ships” would be their duet instead, with Bearida wondering what exactly is going on there…
Rapunzel’s dress is different form Lorna’s because I wanted to evoke princess imagery, but keep her in a different time period from Merida, just as Lorna and Beatrice wear clothes from different eras.
Part 4 : Jack
This one is based on Jack from the Rise of the Guardians movie as well as Jack/nightlight from the books.
Jack entered the unknown with Hiccup but through a series of unfortunate events, gets separated from from Hiccup and falls into the beast’s (Pitch!) clutches. Instead of turning Jack into a edelwood tree, Pitch infuses Jack with a touch of darkness and sends him after Hiccup and co. to retrieve the torch.
A/N:There are other characters from across Dreamworks properties and Disney that I want to weave into this story, but I’m still figuring out where everything goes. I don’t know if I can commit to a full comic or fic.
 I appreciate all reblogs and likes. I’ll try to post more of this before Fall ends.
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violivs · 1 month
NMTDaily: A Wild Hero Appears
- It makes me a little sad that Bea tweets out this video with “meet the prettier version of me”. You’re beautiful in your own right, Beatrice, and I don’t think Hero would want you to compliment her by putting yourself down. This moment starts to show Beatrice’s insecurities, in a very teenage-girl way. It feels very accurate to that time of life for sure.
- What’s interesting, though, is that this tweet, where Bea thinks of herself as less pretty than Hero, is a direct parallel to and reversal of the moment in a future episode when Claudio tells Ben who he likes (Hero), and asks what Ben thinks of her, and Ben says he prefers her cousin, naming no names. These lines are adapted from the play. Now, I’m not going to say it’s good or ok for the guys to be comparing the girls to each other, even unintentionally, and of course Beatrice has to develop her own self-confidence outside of what anyone else thinks of her. But it is very sweet that at the time she makes that self-deprecating tweet, Beatrice already, unknown to her, has someone who looks at her before anyone else, who always thinks she’s the prettiest girl in the room. It’s just that even he doesn’t know it yet! Ben has thought Beatrice was gorgeous since long before he could admit it to himself, and that just makes me happy.
- I bet Hero’s “you’re not so bad looking yourself, Bea” is her answer to the tweet. She’s too sweet even to directly address it.
- Hero reading TFIOS is so incredibly 2014. (I can also tell she’s an actress and isn’t actually reading it right now because she’s that far into the book and she isn’t SOBBING. I’ll never forget how hard I cried and I’m not afraid to admit it.)
- “Hero it’s Darcy on a horse” being the thing to get her attention is hilarious and adorable and how many Jane Austen Movie Nights do we think she and Bea have had? Definitely some!
- Hero is adorable and we love her enthusiasm and many many video ideas 😆
- there are so many amazing quotes in this episode. “room tour. room tour. ROOM TOUR”; “I am very proud of the witty capabilities of 3-in-the-morning me” amazing.
- Bea is starting what’s essentially senior year in April at a new school. That has to be stressful. Good that she seems cheery about it. I’m sure she’s not at all worried about who else is in her classes…
- Now I want lemonade! Lol. But US lemonade for me. Research is telling me that NZ/Aotearoa lemonade is just basically lemon soda, like it is in the UK, as opposed to the US lemon juice + water + sugar situation. I hope Bea gets to try US lemonade on her travel year. It’s so good when it’s good.
- the Hersula origins! “She’s so lovely I catch myself wanting her to insult me” 💕
- Shoutout to the NMTD Fandom Revival Discord for catching the fact that Bea’s line “what is this cake even for” is a reference to the TARDIS cake Ursula shared on her tumblr, showing that Ursula and Hero surprised Bea with the cake for no reason at all, they’re just that sweet and lovely!
- A brief aside: Ursula’s tumblr has been lovely. She’s posted lots of desserts including one that she said is her dad’s specialty, so now I headcanon that she likes to bake because it’s something she and her dad do together. Ursula lore!
- Poor Meg. It’s tough to be an early bloomer, and you can tell the girls know they shouldn’t be making fun of her for it. I’m glad Hero told Bea to stop, but she was still going along with it and was the one who said the “Queen of Scream” line. We know they’ll learn, though.
- I also notice the link to Ursula’s first video in the description of this episode is now broken and goes to a page that says the video doesn’t exist. Fortunately VOX POPS is alive, well, and next in the playlist. Interesting how links break over time.
- This episode is apparently from before the characters start answering YouTube comments, I checked the comment section. That’s something I’m interested to see whether the NMTDaily emails will highlight, because I remember the characters’ comments being very fun to read! Good for immersion too!
- I’m embarrassed to even admit this, and I blame growing up without cable tv or video games, but I’m just now realizing this title is a Pokémon reference. This show was always even nerdier and more full of pop culture references than I realized! Excited to see if I find anything else I didn’t get before!
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phoebelovingcare · 3 years
I think I went off about this enough last time, but I adore the morpho knight fight themes. That’s ALL fun with motifs. I’d like to remind everyone that the name of the Morpho VS Susie song is called “The Child That Saw the Machine of the Gods”, like holy shit. Actually the song titles are VERY fun, I love thoughtful song titles, there’s a song in RTDL called “Each to His Own World” and like... damn I’m crying that’s poetry baybie
💕 tell about your favorite characters and why you like them!
I’m gonna do these ones one at a time so I don’t exhaust all my options at once... why don’t I start with
Magolor! My lovely little space catboy. Magolor was originally my favorite (and might still be?? I would not be able to tell you who’s my favorite anymore) because he had the most obvious and accessible L O R E, and I’m all about the lore. Plus he’s interesting personality wise too! The second villain to ever apologize, a clever, sneaky little shit who talks like a dudebro, until he doesn’t. if i tried i could probably rationalize every single kirby character as being autistic but Magolor is my favorite for this headcanon for many many reasons
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia you’d like to share?
I imagine everyone knows more trivia than me since I haven’t been here for very long but I do love knowing trivia things so who knows
The name “Susie” was chosen for the character in question because Hal wanted her to have a regular human name, but this specific choice was based on the Japanese word for digit, “sunji”. Other names they considered were “Melissa” and “Beatrice”.
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
Oh hey. A chance to go off about the previously mentioned headcanon.
Magolor does the thing I do! You might notice it several times in this post alone, even. That is, writing and talking like I’m writing a novel and then occasionally just going “ASDFGHJHGFDSDFGHJKJHGFFGHJ WTFFF LMAO THATS HOW IT BE SOMETIMES BAYBIE” and well that’s autism baybie!! He also has a couple stimmy looking idle animations in Star Allies (why he spin he hands... unless it fun?? :D) and has a very blank face in general until he suddenly he becomes super duper animated to properly convey an emotion! I just.... stimmy space cat. Good.
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annoyed-galaxy · 4 years
I’m gonna post a family tree of all my TES Characters for myself just because I’m working on getting this huge story worked out. And you all, whoever sees this, is gonna get stuck and you’re gonna just deal with it >:D
Starting with The Elder Scrolls Online
Akatosh gifted an Altmer women, named Beatrice, twins.
The twins were named Esperance and Celestiia and were demi-gods, harnessing some of Akatosh’s divine power.
Esperance fell in love with Mannimarco and had a child named Khloenwe.
Khloenwe fell in love with a man named Cassidonis and had a child named Elyirwe.
Elyirwe fell in love with Martin Septim and had a child named Cerilis.
Cerilis was cursed by her great-grandaunt, Celestiia and became a vampire.
Cerilis is my Skyrim character and is Dragonborn since both of her parents were also Dragonborn, Elyirwe being a descendant of Akatosh and Martin Septim being Dragonborn as well.
Elyirwe is my Oblivion character and does not realize just how powerful her family really is. She does not realize that she is a descendant of Akatosh.
Khloenwe and Cassidonis are both my PC ESO characters. Khloe, her nickname, is my sorcerer and Cassi, his nickname, is my templar.
Esperance and Celestiia are both my PS4 ESO characters. Esperance had a best friend named Serena who sacrificed herself to free Esperance from Celestiia and Mannimarco, both who were trying to taking Esperance’s divine power. After Serena’s death, Esperance erased herself from the minds of everyone who had ever known her and went into hiding, leaving her child to be raised by an Argonian named Walks-in-Lilies.
Celestiia became a vampire and dedicated herself to Molag Bal and therefore lost her divine power in return for Daedric power. She craves more and hence why she was assisting Mannimarco to find her sister. However, at the most pivotal moment, Mannimarco could not finish the task and that is when Serena sacrificed herself, destroying the soul gem that Mannimarco kept, which held Esperance’s soul. Celestiia had her mind wiped of memories with Esperance, but slowly started to regain her memories.
Upon finding out that Esperance had a child, Celestiia sent a curse out. Not knowing when it would be effective, Celestiia worked hard to find a way to immortalize herself which she successfully did. Once her sister returned to Aetherius, Celestiia is now the only Akatosh twin still alive and she searches for Esperance’s cursed descendant who is Cerilis.
That is kinda just a basic idea of what I have for my characters right now and sure they may break lore, but I don’t give not one, two, nor three fucks. This story was created when ESO first came out starting with just Esperance and Celestiia and a friend of mine created Serena and he helped flesh out their story as we RPed together. Now the story continues almost three years later as I begin to make the descendants of Esperance because I loved her so much and her sister too. If you want to ask more about any of my tes characters, then feel free to. It’ll help flesh out their story more.
I don’t have any Arena, Daggerfall, or Morrowind OC’s because I have not played any of those games, so therefore my excuse as to why the family line doesn’t fit the timeline is that they have divine blood and live longer than most people. Because why not. I don’t give a daaaaamn
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